Printing Airport Chart Format & Heading

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Approach Chart - Airport Chart Format & Heading

The airport chart appears on the back side of the first approach chart. It contains information
pertaining to the airport, air/ground communications, take-off minimums, alternate minimums, and
departure procedures. At major terminals, the airport chart may be expanded and indexed separately
to provide detailed information pertaining to taxiways, ramp or terminal parking areas, aircraft parking
spot coordinates, start-up procedures, and low visibility procedures.


Geographic name, airport name, latitude and longitude, elevation, magnetic variation, location
identifier, index number, revision date and communications are given at the top of the page as
illustrated below. All communications for departing the airport are listed in order of use. The
designated Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) is shown for U.S. public airports without
control tower or where the tower is part-time. UNICOM, when available, is charted when other local
communication capabilities are not available.

Click on a text item or symbol in the illustration below for more information.


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Przekroje Format A2
h 1 formatka 2012 budowa hv
Printing bbjorgos lekcja01 05 A
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