Sweet Dreams 3 Secret Moves

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Title Page and Copyright

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Will To Love Extract

Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

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Secret Moves

(Secret Dreams Book 3)

By Miranda P. Charles

Copyright © 2013 Miranda P. Charles

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded or distributed in any form without the express permission of the


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, locations, organisations and events described in this novel are either products of the

author's imagination, fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any event, locale or person, living or dead, is purely


Books by Miranda P. Charles

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love

Heart Robber

Ray of Love

Secret Dreams Series

Secret Words

Secret Designs

Secret Moves

Secret Tastes

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Oh, weddings, you bring out the best and worst of emotions. Kristen McCann smiled wryly as she
spotted a pensive-looking young woman stare surreptitiously at a couple kissing passionately in a
quiet corner of one of Sydney's luxurious five-star hotels. Judging by their clothing, the sad-faced girl
and the canoodling pair were guests of the bride and groom. She didn't recognise them, so she
guessed they were on Kane Summers' guest list, and not on her best friend Jasmine Allen-Summers'.

She sighed as she made her way back to the grand ballroom after a quick trip to the ladies'. This

wedding—and the lead-up to it—elicited something in her, too. Lately, to her discomfort, her libido
had been very much awake.

Ever since she and her cousin Samantha Lane arrived from Melbourne a few days ago to fulfil

their bridesmaid duties, she'd been constantly in the presence of two loved-up couples. Since she and
Sam were staying at Kane and Jasmine's place while in Sydney, she'd been witness to the newlyweds'
desire for each other, even though the pair tried their best to keep their passion private. Then there
were Ari Mitchell, their other best friend, and her boyfriend Dylan Summers, Kane's brother. Those
two seemed to be in competition with Kane and Jasmine for the title Sizzling Couple of the Year.
Add to that mix the fact that she'd had a long sex drought of eleven and a half months. It was no
wonder she'd been craving a warm, masculine body to alleviate some tension.

She glanced at the amorous couple again, and her eyes widened in disbelief. The PG-rated kiss of

a few seconds ago had now become an R. She let out an incredulous laugh, surprised at the audacity
of the guy to visibly fondle his girlfriend's breast in full view of anyone who passed by. Fortunately,
most of the wedding guests were inside enjoying some dancing. Honestly, they should get a room!

She placed her palm on the heavy door of the ballroom and pushed, only to misstep and stumble

when she saw who was on the other side of it.

"Oops. I'm sorry," a deep masculine voice said as he grabbed her arms to stop her from falling flat

on her face.

She grinned. "It's not your fault. I was just surprised it's you."
The hunk with incredible grey eyes and dark brown hair lifted his eyebrows at her questioningly.
"Don't mind me," she said with a shake of her head. "I just happened to be talking about you with

Ari a few minutes ago. Your name's Trey, right? I'm Kris McCann."

"Hi, Kris. Yes, I'm Trey—Trey Andrews." The gorgeous one gave her a curious look as he shook

the hand she offered him. "But of course, I already know your name. Hard to miss when you're one of
the stunning bridesmaids."

She smiled at the compliment.
"So, why were you and Ari talking about me?" Trey asked.
"Oh, it was nothing important," she said with a laugh. "Besides, I really shouldn't tell you."
"Now, Kris. You can't just leave it like that. You can't incite my interest then leave me hanging,"

Trey said lightly.

She pursed her lips. "Considering I agreed with Ari's suggestion, there's really not much point

discussing it with you."

"Now I'm even more intrigued," Trey said with a wide, engaging smile.
She sighed—well, it was really more like a swoon. Trey really was gorgeous. Should she tell him

that she had asked Ari to introduce them to each other for the possibility of some casual sex? Ari was
clearly against the idea, warning her of Trey's reputation as a playboy. Since it had been Dylan who'd

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told Ari that, and Dylan was Trey's best friend, she had no reason to doubt the accuracy of that

Not that she cared about Trey being a playboy. Crude as it might sound, all she wanted was to get

laid and Trey happened to catch her eye. But Ari had been concerned about possible complications.
To put her friend at ease, Kris had agreed that it would be better if she considered someone else who
was a complete stranger to all of them.

"I can see the wheels turning in that beautiful head of yours," Trey teased flirtatiously. "Come on,

tell me."

She bit her lip to hide her smile as she stared at him, contemplating her next words. "My cousin

Samantha and I are here in Sydney for three weeks to house-sit for Jasmine and Kane while they're on
their honeymoon. I said to Ari that I wanted to make the most of it. One thing I wanted to do was to
meet someone for some casual sex while I'm here. Not that it's something I do a lot of, but it's been a
while, and I'm…you know," she said with a shrug.

Trey's eyes opened wide in surprise. She must have shocked him with her candidness. The truth

was, sometimes her brain-to-mouth filter failed to work. The fact that she already had a bit of alcohol
in her made it worse.

"Sooo," Trey said with a suppressed smile. "How did I end up being in the conversation?"
She lifted her shoulders. "Since it's a moot point, let's not talk about it."
"Why is it a moot point?"
"Because it won't be with you!" she laughed.
Trey's eyes sparkled with interest. "So you considered me?"
"Considered you and scratched you out," she confirmed flippantly.
"Why? What's wrong with me?" he asked with mock indignation.
"Nothing much that I can see," she admitted, casting an admiring glance at his form. She bet there

was a great body hiding underneath that expensive suit.

Trey's smile widened, making her want to swoon again. Damn it, Ari. Why did I listen to you?
"So why did you scratch me out?" he asked.
"Ari didn't think it was a good idea. Too complicated."
Trey laughed out loud. "That, coming from someone who propositioned her friend's brother-in-

law for a one-night stand."

She joined him in laughter. "I know. But I think that's why she's worried. She thinks I might fall for

you like she did with Dylan."

"Oh. Are you looking for a boyfriend? If so, she's right to warn you off me. I'm allergic to

relationships," Trey said with a teasing smile, but his eyes betrayed his seriousness.

"No, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I'm looking to get laid. But to avoid any unexpected

consequences, I've agreed to look elsewhere."

"Are you always this frank?" Trey asked, astounded.
She sighed. "Unfortunately. Mind you, I am a little bit worse tonight because of the alcohol."
"But you're not completely drunk?"
"Do I look completely drunk?"
"Not completely. Just a tiny little bit. Which means the alcohol wasn't affecting your judgment

when you thought of me as a potential playmate," Trey said, giving her a suggestive wink.

She chuckled. "I'm sure you already know you're one hot guy, Trey. But you know what? I agree

with Ari. Better not go where we might not like the consequences. What if I fell for you without
meaning to? We wouldn't want that now, would we?" she asked jokingly.

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Trey let out a nervous laugh. "No, we certainly wouldn't want that! I'm sure Ari and Jasmine

would line up to have my head if I hurt you."

She smiled, concealing a sigh. What a shame. If Trey was a total stranger, she was almost sure

they could end up in bed that very night. But, hey, it wasn't to be.

She glanced at the throng of people dancing the night away and couldn't help the smile that formed

on her face. She loved dancing.

"Would you like to dance, Trey?" she asked. "Dancing together wouldn't hurt, would it?"
Trey looked embarrassed. "Uh, sorry. I don't dance."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I can't dance."
"Oh, come now. Anyone can dance. You're not turning me down because I said I won't be sleeping

with you, are you?"

"What?" Trey asked, chuckling. "Of course not."
"Good. Shall we?" She held out her arm for him to take.


Trey mentally shook his head as he ambled to the dance floor with Kris. She was one intriguing
woman, and he'd surprised himself by agreeing to dance with her.

He liked her outspokenness. He wondered if she was simply a little bit drunk or if she really was

as straightforward as she seemed to be.

She was a breath of fresh air, very much unlike most of the women he'd met in the past, who'd told

him what they thought he wanted to hear so they could get in his pants—and most of all, his pockets.

Kris nudged him with her hip, encouraging him to move. He started to shuffle his feet—or tried to.

Heaven knew he couldn't dance and avoided it at all costs. But his lips curved up as he watched Kris,
even though he felt like a klutz next to her.

God, she moved well. Really, really well. He'd noticed it earlier when the bridal party danced the

bridal waltz with bits of salsa, tango, and freestyle thrown in. She was easily the best in the group,
and it was obvious she loved every minute of it.

He wondered if she had sex just like she danced—with abandon.
He took a sharp breath at the erotic picture that formed, and snaked an arm around her waist to

pull her close. "You're a great dancer," he said in her ear so she could hear him over the blaring
music and people singing merrily along at the top of their lungs.

Kris grinned, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling. To his surprise she swayed seductively around

him, letting her hand slide across his chest, his shoulder, his neck, then back to his chest as she
completed the circuit of his awkwardly jiggling form.

Hell, she made him hot. And he couldn't have her. Damn.
The fast music ended and a slow tune started playing. He took advantage of it and pressed her

against him with a firm arm around her waist.

Kris curved her arms around his neck, her body soft and yielding against his.
Fuck. She felt good. He felt his loins stir as he danced intimately with her.
"Do you like dancing, Trey?" Kris asked, her breath tickling his ear.
His chest heaved. Did she want a literal or a metaphorical answer?
"Depends on what you mean by 'dancing'," he answered huskily, brushing away a strand of blond

hair that strayed to her face.

She let out a low, sexy laugh. "I mean dancing as in actual dancing—not sex."

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"Oh. No, I don't. Except for right now."
"Oh? What makes 'right now' different?" she asked, her arms tightening around his neck, her body

pressing closer to his.

Was she giving him a hint? A come-on? Was he under consideration again? He wouldn't mind that

at all!

He licked his lips and smiled. "You're an excellent dance partner, and it's incredibly arousing

dancing with you," he said. Not that he had to draw her attention to his excited member. It was quite
obviously hard against her.

Kris leaned back and scrunched her face cutely. "You're still out of the game, even if I'm flirting

with you while your you-know-what is poking my belly."

He laughed out loud, even as disappointment pricked him. "But why? I think we'd have a great

time together."

"That's the problem. We might have too great a time. I think you're dangerous, Trey Andrews," she

said openly.

He gaped at her, trying to determine her meaning. Was she saying she could easily fall for him if

they slept together? He sighed. He wasn't being egotistical, but there were enough girls in his past
who'd said they were only after sex and ended up chasing him for a relationship.

He couldn't have that. A few years ago, he'd been too trusting of a particular woman and found

himself taken for a ride. He'd learned his lesson. Now, his chosen lifestyle—the bachelor lifestyle—
suited him to a tee. He had no plans of giving it up.

He still let himself be seduced by beautiful women, though. He was a full-blooded male, after all.

But he was careful enough—and, he'd like to think, considerate enough—to let them know he wasn't
interested in anything beyond casual.

So Kris was right. He wouldn't want her falling for him at all. Better not go there.
"Okay," he said. "It's loud and clear. You and I won't be having sex. Right?"
"Right," Kris agreed.
"Great," he said, ignoring the deflation he suddenly felt. "Let's go back to the topic of dancing—

real dancing. Dylan mentioned you guys took some lessons for the bridal waltz. Where did you go?"

Kris chuckled. "I taught everyone."
His eyebrows arched. "You taught everyone?"
"Yes. I'm a part-time dance teacher at a Melbourne dance studio."
"That explains a lot," he said with admiration. "You do dance like a pro."
"Thanks," she said with a smile. "But the guys were excellent students. We only had a handful of

sessions and they got the steps pretty quickly."

"If I were in that bridal party, you would have had a harder time. I don't think you could teach me

how to dance like that in one hundred lessons," he said self-deprecatingly.

"Oh, but you underestimate my teaching skills!" she teased. "Let's have a bet on this."
"What do you mean?"
"I bet I can teach you how to dance well in a few lessons. By the time I have to go back home to

Melbourne, you'll be a good enough dancer that you could be the centre of attention on any dance

He snorted in disbelief. "Me become a good dancer in three weeks? Yeah, right."
"Prove me wrong then," she challenged.
He smiled. This could be fun. "Okay. I bet I'll be the first guy who fails your class."
"I bet you'll pass with flying colours," Kris answered.

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"What does the winner of this bet get?" he asked.
Kris grinned. "If I win, you take me to a nice dinner. If you win, meaning you're still a crap dancer

in three weeks, I'll take you dancing—where you will have the wonderful opportunity to dance solo in
front of an audience."

"Hang on a minute. That doesn't sound right," he said in confusion. "If you lose and I still have two

left feet by the time you go home, my prize for winning the bet is to dance solo in front of people?"

"That's right. That would ensure you work hard and not pretend you're not learning even though

you are."

"Why would I want to win, then?"
"Exactly. That's why I should win."
"I don't know about this. I make a fool of myself every time I dance, so I just don't," he admitted.
"You're dancing right now," Kris pointed out.
He laughed to cover his embarrassment. "Yeah. It's your fault."
He was rewarded by a sweet smile.
"You're not doing too badly," she consoled him.
He snorted. "You don't need to spare my feelings."
"Look around you," she encouraged. "See how much fun everyone else is having? You don't have

to be a good dancer to enjoy dancing. You just need to be less self-conscious."

"There is still no way in the world I'm going to dance solo with everyone staring at me."
"That's why you have to help me win this bet, you see? Come on, it'll be fun!"
"You sure know how to motivate your students, don't you?" he grumbled.
"So we have a deal?" she asked in an almost-squeal.
Oh, hell. How could he say no to that excited face? Plus, the idea of spending more time with Kris

appealed to him—even if they weren't going to sleep together. "Okay, we have a deal," he said a tad

"I do have one big condition, if I'm going to participate in this very scary bet," he said.
"What's that?"
"Don't tell anyone you're teaching me how to dance. My friends would undoubtedly want to watch

me trip over my own feet, and that would be mortifying."

"Okay. But how are we going to keep this from them?"
They were both silent as they thought of a good enough excuse. Suddenly, Kris said, "I know. We

can tell them you're taking me to all these different clubs so I can find a decent man to have a short
fling with. My cousin Sam wouldn't want to tag along if that's the reason we give her."

He laughed. "Okay, for some reason, I can actually see them believing that. Little would they know

you're trying to convert one of my left feet to a right one."

"Now that I think about it, it would be great if you could take me to places where I could have my

choice of hunks to play with. Maybe after our lessons we could go out and do that?"

What? He stared at her in disbelief.
"I'm not kidding, Trey. I still intend to fulfil this little fantasy of mine. Take me to your favourite

pick-up places. Pretty please?"

"Sure," he replied, feeling bothered. He found himself hoping that Kris was simply way too tipsy

to mean what she'd just said.

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"I wonder who that could be?" Kris mused as the doorbell rang loud enough to be heard from the
expansive outdoor deck of Kane and Jasmine's house.

"Maybe it's a late wedding present delivery for the newlyweds," her cousin Samantha guessed

from her relaxed floating position in the swimming pool.

Kris wrapped a towel around her bikini-clad body and went to answer the door. It was Ari.
"Hey, darl," Kris cried as she gave Ari a hug and a kiss. "We weren't expecting to see you today."
"Dylan has some urgent work to finish for tomorrow, so I thought I'd spend the day with you guys,"

Ari replied. "I tried to call but you weren't answering your phones. I figured you must still be in bed,
while Sam must have her hands full whipping something up in the kitchen."

"Oh, sorry. We've been sunbathing and having a dip in the pool. We didn't take our phones

outside. Did you bring your swimsuit?"

"Already wearing it underneath my clothes," Ari grinned.
"Great! It's a pity Jasmine's not with us," Kris replied as they headed out the back to join Sam.

"She's probably not even thinking about us. She could even be in the throes of passion right now as
her hunk of a husband makes love to her."

"Kris!" Ari gasped, laughter bubbling out of her.
Kris covered her face in embarrassment. "Oh, my God, Ari. What the hell is wrong with me?" she


"Like you said, hon, you just need to get laid," Ari replied, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"Hey, Ari," Sam cried. "It's great that you're here. Is Dylan joining us later?"
"Not until dinnertime. He fell behind with his work because of his groomsman duties for his

brother. But are you girls free to have dinner with us tonight? We want to take you to our favourite
restaurant near his place."

"Sure. Sounds good," Sam replied.
"Just us three and Dylan?" Kris asked.
"That's the plan," Ari answered. "Were you wanting other people to join us?"
Kris could see the curiosity in Ari's face and could imagine what her friend was thinking. "It

would be good if Trey could be there, too," she said with an enigmatic smile. She was looking
forward to seeing Trey again. She still couldn't believe he'd agreed to that bet she'd suggested while
under the influence. He must have been just as inebriated as she had been to even consider it.

Ari's eyes widened. "So you're going ahead with it with him?"
"Going ahead with what with whom?" Sam asked suspiciously.
Kris laughed at the girls' expressions. "I'm going ahead with it, but not with Trey, Ari. He's just

going to take me to decent places where I could meet decent men so my cousin here won't get so
worried about me."

"As long as you're after casual sex with a stranger, I will continue worrying about you," Sam said

to Kris with a pointed look. "How do you know that the guys you meet are … healthy?"

"Condom, Sam. Condom. Plus, I'll ask Trey to help me suss them out. He might even introduce me

to friends of his that none of us have met before."

"Why don't you just do it with Trey?" Sam asked. "You two looked liked you got along like a

house on fire at the reception last night. With him being Dylan and Kane's friend, he's likely to be, you
know, safe."

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"Ari thinks it's not a good idea."
"Why not? You think he might not be healthy, after all?" Sam asked Ari in wonder.
Ari laughed. "Oh, Sam. That's not it. I'm sure Trey's safe—physically, I mean. But he's a playboy."
"Oh," Sam said in understanding. "You're right, Ari. Bad idea."
"Come on, girls. You think I'm going to let myself fall in love with another playboy?" Kris asked

with a laugh. Sam and Ari were well aware of her past relationships. Twice in her life, she'd fallen in
love. Twice, it was with a gorgeous, hunky man who was a self-confessed playboy. Twice, she'd
been rather elated that she had managed to get a smooth operator to commit to a relationship with her.
Twice, she realised true playboys didn't change their spots.

She shook her head, not wanting to relive painful memories.
"By now I'm pretty sure I've learned my lesson," she said lightly.
Sam reached out and squeezed her hand. "I hope so, Kris. I'd hate for you to get hurt again."
She smiled and squeezed her cousin's hand back. Samantha Lane was as close to her as a sister

could be. Both of them were twenty-seven, with Sam only two months older than her. But even so,
sometimes Sam acted like a mother hen.

They had been close since they were kids. When Kris' mother had died in a car accident two and a

half years ago, Sam had been the person who most helped her cope with that devastating loss.

They understood each other and embraced the fact that they had different personalities.
Even with men, their attitudes and behaviours were in stark contrast. Kris was an extrovert who

took risks, while Sam was the ultra-cautious introvert.

She shook her head, unable to understand how Sam could handle not being with a man for more

than a year and not be crazy with need like she was.

"What?" Sam asked, noticing her head-shake.
"I was just wondering why you're not missing having sex with a man," she responded.
"Who told you I'm not missing it?"
"Oooh!" both Kris and Ari exclaimed.
"But unlike you, I will continue to wait until I find myself a new boyfriend," Sam declared.

"Casual sex just doesn't interest me."

"You mean you're too scared of it," Kris said teasingly.
Sam shrugged. "Yeah, that's probably true. But to be completely honest, I don't see what the fuss is

about. None of my past boyfriends set me on fire, so it's not like I feel I'm missing out on much."

"Oh, Sammy, really? You never told me that," Kris said. "But now that you've mentioned it, I'm not

surprised. Your exes looked like they were all virgins before they met you—even your last one who
was thirty-five. You need someone who knows his way around a woman's body."

Sam blushed even as she giggled. "Fine. I'll be more selective the next time around."
"Great! So do you want to go hunting with me?" Kris asked.
"No! I still don't want casual. I'll find a real boyfriend when we get back home," Sam said.
"Okay. Suit yourself," Kris responded. "I'm looking forward to going hunting—with Trey."
"How did you get Trey to agree to that?" Ari asked.
"You know me—direct as ever. I told Trey I had considered approaching him for a fling but

changed my mind after I spoke with you."

"Oh. What did he say about that?"
"He said you were right to warn me off him, so we agreed it wasn't a good idea to sleep together.

But he's a fun guy who knows his way around Sydney's nightspots so he'd know the better places I
could hang out in—and get picked up from."

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"It was considerate of him to admit you shouldn't consider him," Sam observed. "He sounds like a

nice playboy."

"Trey is a nice guy, once you get to know him," Ari confirmed. "He's very loyal to his friends—

incredibly so. Maybe that's why he doesn't have any loyalty left to give to a woman so he chooses not
to be with one."

"Maybe he's someone who just hasn't met the one girl who would make him renounce his bachelor

ways," Kris said. "Look at what happened to Dylan when he met you, Ari."

Ari smiled serenely. "Sure. Maybe Trey's still waiting for the right girl to come along."
"Whoever it is would be one lucky gal," Kris couldn't help commenting.
"Oh, no," Sam said.
"What? It was just a comment," Kris said innocently.
"Kris," Ari said with a sober face. "When Dylan and I got serious, Trey was genuinely happy for

us. But Trey also vowed—that was Trey's word, not mine—that he would not go down that same path.
He said he's happy to stay single for a long, long time—maybe even for the rest of his life."

"Really?" Kris said, surprised at the heaviness of the disappointment that coursed through her. "He

must have had some painful experience with a woman to have that conviction."

"I know he's had a bad experience but I don't know what happened exactly. I'm sure Dylan knows,

but I don't want to ask as it's really none of my business, and Dylan's quite loyal to his friends, too,"
Ari said.

"You're lucky, Ari. Dylan's a great guy," Sam said.
Ari sighed contentedly.
As Sam and Ari continued talking about Dylan and men in general, Kris only half-listened to their

conversation. Her mind preferred to dwell on Trey.

Oh, God. Not another playboy.


"Hey, girls. Good to see you again," Dylan said, kissing Kris and Sam on the cheek as they walked
into his living room. "And you," he said to Ari as he pulled his girlfriend close for a lingering kiss on
the lips. "I missed you."

Kris suppressed an envious sigh just as an image of Trey flashed in her mind. She shook her head

imperceptibly. The sooner she found herself a handsome guy to have sex with, the better. When that
happened, she wouldn't have to perceive Trey as the epitome of her perfect fling partner.

"By the way, girls, Adam and Trey are joining us tonight. Hope you don't mind," Dylan said.
Yay! I mean…so what? Kris thought.
"No, that's fine," was what she said out loud.
"No, we don't mind," Sam seconded, glancing slyly at her.
"I'll give you girls a tour of the place before we head off to the restaurant," Ari said. "You don't

mind if I show them around, do you, honey?" she asked Dylan.

"Of course not," Dylan answered. "And you don't have to ask me. You live here now, too."
"I haven't officially moved in yet," Ari replied with a goofy grin on her face.
"That's just semantics," Dylan replied, squeezing Ari against him playfully. "Besides, you're

moving in next week."

"Next week?"
"Yes. I've already booked a removalist for this coming Saturday. You don't mind, do you? You

said it will only take you a couple of days to pack. I thought the sooner we do it, the better."

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"When I said a couple of days, I didn't mean two days, Dyl," Ari replied with worry in her voice.

"I meant a few days, and I'm not exactly sure how many. I may not be ready by Saturday."

"Oh. I'll help you pack then, or we'll get the removalist to pack for you," Dylan said, unconcerned.
Ari arched her eyebrows at him. "You're busy this week and I don't want strangers packing my


"We'll help!" Kris volunteered.
"Yes, we're more than happy to," Sam quipped.
"Would you, girls? That would be great! Thank you," Dylan said with a big grin, then turned to

Ari. "Any other problems, baby?"

Ari rolled her eyes. "No, as long as the girls don't mind. They're here for a relaxing break, you


Sam laughed. "Don't be silly, Ari. It would be fun to help you pack your stuff."
"Okay, then. Thanks, girls. Now let me give you that tour."


Kris started to feel inordinately nervous when it was time to go to dinner.
"Let me call Trey to let him know we're on our way. Adam's with him," Dylan said.
"Is Adam's girlfriend coming too?" Ari asked.
"No. They're having a bit of an issue."
"Oh. That's a shame."
"I don't think so," Dylan said.
"Dyl!" Ari rebuked.
"Well, I happen to think Adam will be better off without her. But don't mention anything to him.

He's a bit sensitive about the subject," Dylan replied as he put his phone against his ear. "Hey, Trey.
We're leaving my place now…Okay, see you there."

"Are the guys at the restaurant already?" Kris asked as Dylan hung up.
"No. They're just leaving Trey's place. He only lives a couple of blocks from here, but we'll get to

the restaurant before they do. We're literally just a few doors away."

Kris wasn't surprised that Trey and Dylan lived close together. The two of them, together with

their other best friend Adam Craig, owned a software development firm. Ari had previously
mentioned they were commissioned by big companies to create mobile apps for their businesses.
They also developed games apps for mobile devices.

She wondered what Trey's apartment was like. Dylan had a view of Sydney Harbour and its

famous bridge from his balcony. It was one of her favourite vistas in the whole world.

Maybe Trey would invite her to his place one day…or night. She'd like that, just so she could

check out what view he had from his place. And no, she wasn't thinking of what his bed looked like.
Okay, maybe she was a bit curious, but seriously, how different could one bed be from another, right?


Kris felt a zing of excitement rip through her as she spotted Trey and Adam being led by a wait staff
to their table.

Gosh. Trey looked positively yummy in a button-down navy sport shirt and dark blue jeans—she

just wanted to eat him.

She flushed at the unintended visual from her words, grateful for the restaurant's muted lighting. I

bet it was a Freudian slip, Kristen.

She took a deep breath to cool down and put on a bright smile as the two guys approached.

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Trey greeted her first.
"Hey, gorgeous," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, his fingers gently squeezing her arm.
"Hi," she managed to croak, as her heart thudded hard in her chest. Good Lord, Kris. Take a hold

of yourself.

She smiled at Adam as he kissed her hello, finding the space to breathe. Funny that. There was not

one iota of reaction to Adam who was just as good-looking as his friends.

The last two empty chairs were on either end of the rectangular table and Trey sat himself

adjacent to her. His knee bumped hers a couple of times as he made himself comfortable. She gazed at
him, convinced that he did that on purpose, but he only smiled innocently.


Kris found herself immensely enjoying the company of the guys as dinner progressed. Even after

the feast at Kane and Jasmine's wedding reception the night before, they'd ordered enough of the
delectable Asian dishes to feed an army.

"Goodness, I'll need to spend hours in the gym to burn off all these calories," Ari moaned as she

helped herself to more food.

"Don't worry, babe. Eat all you want. I'll help you burn them," Dylan said with a cheeky smile.
Ari elbowed him.
"I think I'll need to hit the dance floor tonight after all this," Kris said. "Anyone want to join me?"
"I'm in!" Sam said.
Ari gave Dylan a hopeful, pleading look.
"Okay, count us in," Dylan said with a chuckle.
"Should be fun. I'll go with you guys," Adam quipped.
"Yeah, I'll join you, too," Trey said nonchalantly.
"On the dance floor?" Adam asked with a snicker.
"I'm not about to go home while you guys continue to have fun," Trey answered.
"You'll join us on the dance floor?" Adam repeated. "For the second night in a row?"
"No. I'm going to enjoy the atmosphere and the company. But I'll just sit and watch you guys dance,

thank you."

"You don't like dancing, Trey?" Sam asked.
Dylan chortled. "The last time I've seen Trey dance—apart from last night, that is—was when we

were seventeen. That would be fifteen years ago, now."

"Really?" Sam asked, looking at Trey. "I'm assuming Kris dragged you to the dance floor last

night, then? She's got a reputation for managing to coax even the most reluctant person to shake their

"Does she now?" Trey asked wryly, glancing at Kris. "I'm not surprised."
"Hey, Kris can teach you a step or two. She was great at teaching us that bridal dance," Dylan


Trey took a deep breath. "No. Not tonight."
"We'll make sure you have fun anyway, Trey," Kris said to him with a sweet smile.
Trey narrowed his eyes at her, but she could tell he was trying to stifle a smile. He bumped his

knee against hers again, lingering for a few seconds. Her insides clenched deliciously.

Damn her overactive libido. She resolved to find herself that fling partner pronto, otherwise she'd

be in big trouble. Her reaction to Trey was getting out of hand.

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With beer in hand, Trey made himself comfortable on the black lounge which was perfectly
positioned to have a clear view of the dance floor. He didn't mind sitting by himself. He'd done it
many times before. Women on the prowl usually took the opportunity to chat him up, and he'd met a
few hot ones with this very strategy.

But tonight he felt…weird. He couldn't put a finger on it, except that he really hoped no one would

try to engage him in conversation. He wasn't there to pick up or to get picked up.

It could be because they had the three girls with them tonight, he reasoned to himself. It would be

rude to leave their little group for some stranger when he'd agreed to enjoy the company of his

He smiled as he watched Kris dance some steps while Ari, Sam, and even Dylan copied her

almost effortlessly. He laughed out loud as Adam tried to follow, missing a beat here and there. But
after about a minute, Adam was in perfect rhythm with the others.

Ever since he had been laughed at by his cheerleader crush when he was seventeen, he'd refused

to dance in front of anyone. When he was younger, it had been a big ego thing. He didn't want to look
uncool. Sure, there was still a little bit of that now, but frankly, he attracted more girls sitting down
than being up on his feet, moving about ungracefully. He'd never found any motivation strong enough
to make him want to dance.

He inhaled sharply, feeling curiously jealous that his friends were having such a great time with

Kris. He realised he wanted to take his dance lessons with her seriously, if only to enjoy the warmth
of her exuberant personality up close.

He turned his head to see a pretty redhead whose long, shapely legs were showcased by her short,

tight dress and sparkling stilettos. He hid a sigh. Why was it that when you so wanted something not
to happen, it seemed like it almost always did?

"Amber. Hi," he said in greeting, as he stood up to kiss the woman with whom he'd had three

nights of casual sex the previous month. He aimed for her cheek, but Amber cupped his face and
smooched him on the lips. When he was free to move his head, he found himself checking the dance
floor and exhaling a sigh of relief that his friends were enjoying themselves too much to have
witnessed what just happened.

"So, how've you been, Trey?" Amber purred as she sat on the lounge. She tugged at his hand so he

would sit down beside her.

"I've been well, thanks," he answered. "And you?"
"Not bad. Although I've been quite disappointed—I haven't seen you here in weeks. What have

you been up to?"

"Oh, you know, the usual," he replied vaguely. He'd learned long ago not to encourage personal

conversations with women who might read something into nothing.

Amber smiled, but a frown appeared with it. "What's the usual? I hope you still consider this your

favourite club. I'd sure miss you if you stopped coming."

"I have several favourites, as you know. But I've just been busy with work. That's why I haven't

turned up here lately," he responded politely. How could he make her leave without appearing rude?

"That's good to know. You know how much I absolutely love it when you come," Amber said in a

seductive tone.

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"Yeah, it's good to be here again. This place always has a good atmosphere," he replied, ignoring

her sexual innuendo.

A bartender stopped in front of them and handed Amber a cocktail drink, then handed him another

bottle of beer. Damn. Amber had bought him a drink.

"Thank you, Bert," they both said to the familiar man who went out of his way to serve regulars

like them.

"Thanks for this," he said to Amber. "You didn't have to. I haven't finished my other drink yet." He

gestured to his still half-full bottle.

"Well, stop drinking that one and drink my one instead," she said flirtatiously.
"Trey?" another female voice said from the other side of him. He stared at the face that looked

familiar, but the woman's name escaped him. He remembered, though, that she was someone Dylan
had a one-night stand with before he met Ari. If his memory served him right, she was the desperate
one who rang Dylan every night for days after their one-night stand.

"Hi," he said with a warm smile, welcoming the intrusion in spite of who the girl was.
"I thought it was you," the lady said.
Amber put a possessive hand on his thigh and greeted the other woman with a saccharine-sweet


He exhaled audibly and tried to gently remove Amber's hand from his leg, but Amber took that

opportunity to grab his hand tightly and place it on her exposed thigh.

Oh, great, he thought sarcastically.
"I didn't mean to intrude, guys," the other woman said, giving Amber an understanding smile. "I

just thought I'd stop by to say hi and to see if Dylan's here with you."

"Oh, right." Trey scanned the dance floor for Dylan. He spotted him dancing intimately with Ari in

a darkened corner of the room. "There he is, with his girlfriend," he said, pointing to the sweet

"That's his girlfriend?" The disappointment on the face of Dylan's admirer was obvious.
"Yes, that's his girlfriend."
"Are they, um, serious?"
"Yes, they're pretty serious. In fact, they're moving in together," he said, hammering the point.
"Oh." The poor woman's face fell and she hastily said her goodbyes.
"Bye," he called out after her.
"Wow, Dylan has a girlfriend?" Amber asked.
"Yes," he answered, finally extracting his hand from Amber's grip.
"They're serious?"
"I thought Dylan wasn't into relationships?"
He shrugged. "He's a changed man."
Amber leaned closer to him, her breast brushing his arm. "What about you, Trey?"
He laughed out loud. "I'm a dyed-in-the-wool bachelor."
"That's a real shame, Trey," she whispered in his ear as she ran a finger along his jaw.
He shifted to put some space between them. Amber was giving him no choice but to deploy his

ultimate weapon to discourage her unwanted attention: Tell her bluntly that he was no longer
interested in anything with her. There had been more than a few incidents in the past where he'd been
too polite and gentlemanly, only for women to end up sobbing their eyes out because he didn't put a
stop to their fantasies—or misapprehension—early enough.

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"Amber, I want to be clear. We had a great time together but I have no interest whatsoever in

sleeping with you again."

Amber's jaw dropped in surprise. "Why not?" she asked with a hint of incredulity.
"I just told you. I'm not into anything but casual."
"But I'm still happy to continue seeing you on that basis." Amber's hand moved back to his thigh,

higher this time. "And right now, I feel like dancing," she said seductively.

"Hi, Amber," someone said.
Trey looked up to see that Adam was back with Sam and Kris. He froze, feeling like a kid who'd

just been caught doing something wrong.

"Hi, Adam," Amber said cheerfully, leaning against Trey possessively.
Trey snapped out of his shock—or trance—or whatever that strange reaction was—and stood up

to escape Amber's covetous paws.

"We could find another couch to sit on if you want some privacy," Adam teased, oblivious to his

tension. No doubt Adam thought he was doing him a favour.

"Don't be ridiculous, Adam. I'm glad you guys are back. I was starting to feel lonely here," he said

with a knowing look to his friend. "But Amber wants to dance."

"Oh. Right," Adam responded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Well then, Kris and Sam can

entertain you while I dance with Amber." Adam pulled Amber up from her sitting position, not giving
her a chance to decline his invitation.

As Amber reluctantly followed Adam to the dance floor, Trey grinned gratefully at his best pal,

who gave him a wink. He let himself relax as he sat back on the couch next to Kris, who was having a
whispered conversation with Sam.

"Trey," Kris said, turning to him. "Can I ask a very personal question?"
"Do you always carry a condom with you?"
He gazed at her for a beat, aware of how his heart had started to gallop in his chest. "As a matter

of fact, I do. Why do you ask?"

"And it's for, err, unexpected situations, right?"
"Yes," he confirmed slowly. Where was she going with this?
"See?" Kris said to Sam, as if she'd made her point.
Sam sighed and rolled her eyes at her cousin.
"Trey, what do you think of that blond guy in a black shirt getting some drinks at the bar?" Sam


He followed Sam's line of vision and spotted the man amidst the throng of people waiting to be


"He looks all right," he said cautiously, not exactly knowing why Sam wanted his opinion. He

could only assume Sam was interested.

"Do you think he's decent?" Sam pressed. "I mean, can you tell just by looking at him?"
"Hard to tell. A guy can be well dressed and still be an asshole. You won't know until you talk to


Kris nodded her head in agreement.
"Well, the most important question is, does he come prepared for unexpected situations?" Sam


He grinned. "If he didn't, I could give him my condom."
"Then what are you going to use?" Kris asked—rather sourly, he thought. "Oh, I forgot. You just

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live around here. You must have a box stashed at home," she added.

"I still think it's a bad idea, Kris," Sam said with a disapproving look.
"Relax, Sam," Kris said, patting Sam's hand. "I'm just going to accept a drink from the guy then

we'll have a conversation. Right here in front of you. You can help me suss him out since you're so

Trey's eyebrows lifted. What?! It dawned on him that Kris was the one interested. For a fling, he


"Fine," Sam said resignedly and turned to him. "Can you help check that guy out, Trey? Kris told

me you've agreed to help her find a decent man she could have a fling with."

He gaped at Sam. He couldn't answer her as he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Strange feeling,


"Honestly, Sammy, you're so conservative. Chill! It's just sex," Kris admonished her cousin.
"I'd just hate for you to end up sleeping with a wacko. People you meet at clubs and pubs—well,

you just don't know what they're like," Sam retorted.

"Do you think Trey's a wacko?"
"Of course not!"
"Well, he goes to clubs like this to find some fun. Do you think he's an undesirable character?"

Kris asked, waving her hand in front of Trey's face.

"No," Sam admitted.
"There you go," Kris replied, as if a deal had already been sealed.
Trey inhaled deeply to get precious oxygen in his lungs. Suddenly, breathing had become hard.
He felt disturbed. Very disturbed. It was hypocritical, but he was on Sam's side. The thought of

Kris going home with someone else tonight just didn't agree with him.

It was perplexing, but he put it down to his competitive nature. He wanted Kris. No doubt part of

that strong attraction was the fact that they'd agreed not to sleep together. He loved the thrill of the
chase. Wasn't that partly the reason why he enjoyed being single? There was always someone new,
providing him with an injection of excitement when he wanted it.

The blond man Kris and Sam were talking about arrived at their table, carrying two glasses of

wine and a bottle of beer.

The man gave him a curious look. In return, he gave him a hard stare.
"Thanks, Paul," Kris said with a cute smile as she accepted her wine from the newcomer.
"My pleasure," Paul responded with a sickly-sweet grin at Kris. He glanced at the only seat

available—a single armchair adjacent to Trey.

Trey watched as Paul gave Kris a hopeful look, then glanced meaningfully at Sam and at him.

Well, Paul could give all the non-verbal messages he wanted, but he wasn't about to offer to move to
the armchair so Paul could sit next to Kris. Fortunately, Sam didn't look like she was about to
volunteer either.

Kris sighed and stood up.
"Trey, would you mind moving to the middle, please?" she asked.
"Sure, babe," he said casually. He shifted closer to Sam and gave her a surreptitious wink.
Kris sat at the spot he'd just vacated and Paul happily took the single seat, leaning a bit so his knee

touched Kris' as they chatted. Trey tried to quash an irrational irritation.

With loud music blaring, Sam looked like she was straining to hear the conversation between Paul

and Kris. Trey put an arm around her shoulder and spoke close to her ear. "Don't worry. Your cousin
will be going home with you tonight."

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"How do you know?" Sam asked.
"Trust me."
"So, are you guys together?" Paul asked loudly, indicating Trey and Sam.
"Me and Sam?" Trey asked.
At Paul's hopeful nod, Trey placed his other arm around Kris' shoulders and said, "No."
"Oh. So, you're friends with these two girls?" Paul pressed.
"You could say that," he answered cryptically, taking his arm off Sam but keeping his hold on


Kris looked at him quizzically. He gave her a bright smile.
"Yes, he's a friend of ours," Kris said to Paul. "He's the best friend of our best friend's boyfriend."
"The best friend of your best friend's boyfriend," Paul repeated slowly as he tried to grasp the


"Yeah. Our other friends are still enjoying themselves somewhere on the dance floor. You'll

probably meet them later," Kris continued.

"That'll be great," Paul said eagerly.
Trey's arm tightened involuntarily around Kris' shoulders. Meeting friends? That's not how one-

night stands work. You only want to know their first names, if that.

Kris turned to him with a questioning frown.
"Oh. I was hoping you'd dance with me tonight. I guess that's out of the question now," Trey said

with a disappointed pout.

Kris' expression was sceptical, then turned to surprise, before a full-blown smile split her face.


He shrugged. "Well, you're busy with Paul right now, so I guess it doesn't matter."
She squinted at him. "Are you serious?"
Again, he shrugged.
"You should have said something earlier," Kris chided him before facing Paul. "Sorry, Paul, but I

have to take this man to the dance floor. He's trying to conquer his fear of it, you see. So, please,
excuse us."

Kris got to her feet and dragged Trey with her.
Trey sighed with relief and trepidation. He'd known that ruse would work but, man, what a

sacrifice to get the result!

As they found themselves a spot amongst the crowd of energetic, enthusiastic bodies, he was

pleased to see Kris grinning from ear to ear.

"Consider this our first lesson," she shouted as she held him at arms' length. "Watch my steps and

copy me," she urged as she started to do something with her feet.

The hell with that. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms tightly around her, then swayed

them like a tree to the beat of the music.

"Hey, you have to move your feet," she protested.
"I don't know how to do that yet. And I refuse to have lessons in public."
"But you said you wanted to dance!"
"Uh-huh. And that's exactly what we're doing," he said, glad to feel her starting to relax in his

arms. "Do you know what this step is called?"

"Well, we're not doing any steps. We're just swaying," she answered with a chuckle as she curved

her arms around his neck.

"Ah. Then there's something you don't know, Miss Dance Teacher. This is called The Tree Sway."

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"Oh. The Trey Sway. I see."
They laughed together and he held her closer as they continued to sway to the disco music. He

resolved there and then that if Kris was really keen to find a fling partner, it might as well be him. He
was too weak to resist the physical attraction he felt for her. In about two seconds, she would feel a
nudging on her belly again.

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Kris was surprised how quickly her mood had changed over the last half hour. She had been buoyant
when they first entered the club, but her mood plummeted when she saw Trey with that redhead.

She'd sneaked glances at him while she was on the dance floor, and from what she'd witnessed,

she was certain he'd been intimate before with that woman. Miss Redhead had even caressed his

Paul introducing himself to her in the middle of a dance was a bit of an ego-boost, as well as a

reality check. She and Trey had made it clear they were not going to sleep together, so she had no
business being jealous when he flirted with someone else. She was better off sticking with her
original plan of capturing a stranger's attention.

Then, damn Trey Andrews! Here he was getting her all giddy and smiley as an eighteen-year-old,

again. They'd been doing The Trey Sway for a couple of minutes now, and she was content to simply
be in his arms.

She shushed the warning bells that rang in her head. This was all about physical need, pure and

simple. No need to make it anything more complicated—or scarier—than that.

Trey's arms tightened around her waist, and she willingly melted in them, burying her face in his


Then she felt it. His erection against her belly stoked the desire that had been simmering beneath

the surface.

"Do you make it a habit of poking the people you dance with?" she asked with mirth.
He chuckled. "I seem to make a habit of poking you. Does it bother you?"
She lifted her head to look at him. "Do I look bothered to you?"
"No—which is a damn shame. I certainly want you to look bothered. Hot and bothered," he said

seductively, making her flush.

"Dancing burns up a lot of energy, as you know, so I do feel hot," she responded with an impish


"Well, you are undoubtedly hot. Sizzling, in fact. And irresistible."
"Are you trying to get me to your bed, Trey Andrews?" she teased.
"Oh. Was I that obvious?" He grinned.
"What happened to our agreement?"
"What does that have to do with it? I'm still going to try my hardest to help you win our little bet,

because there is still no way in the world I'm going to dance solo in the middle of a dance floor with
everyone else watching my every embarrassing move."

"I'm not talking about our bet. I'm talking about the agreement not to have sex together."
Trey took a deep breath and turned serious. "Kris, you seem determined to live out your fantasy of

having a short fling while you're here. Why not live out that fantasy with me? As long as we're clear
neither of us are after a relationship, what's the problem? What's more, Sam wouldn't worry too much
if it's with me, would she? I think she trusts I'm not a—what's her word?—wacko?"

Kris stared. Trey's smouldering eyes had darkened considerably. Unthinkingly, she pushed away a

sudden memory of Ari's warning.

Her body's intense need, and a fun idea that just popped, helped her make her decision. "Tell you

what," she said as her fingers caressed the back of his neck. "If you show me total commitment to your
dance lessons, I might just consider it."

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Trey sucked in a breath. "Okay, you have a deal."


Kris checked herself in the mirror for the umpteenth time, feeling like a teenager on her first date. It
was ridiculous—completely and utterly ridiculous—that she would feel like this about a dance

She was grateful that Sam was out having dinner with an old school friend of hers who now lived

in Sydney. It meant she and Trey had at least a couple of hours together.

It was strange that Trey didn't want to meet at his place. It would have been better there since they

wouldn't have to worry about Sam coming home early. But he said he preferred to come to her.

She went downstairs to the informal living area and turned on the sound system. She put on a

haunting love song and danced to it, letting herself get swept away by the lyrics and the music.

When the next tune started, she sat on the floor, her heart beating fast. Dance and song always

connected her to her deepest emotions. Right then, she knew she was at a fork on the road.

On one path, she saw her exciting plans for her Sydney trip: playing tourist with Sam, spending

time with her friends, enjoying that fling with a handsome stranger. When her holiday was up, it
would be back to Melbourne, back to her demanding executive assistant job, and back to her fulfilling
three-times-a-week role as a dance teacher. That path wasn't bad at all. In fact, she was quite happy
with it.

The other path led her to Trey. Just thinking about it made her heart thud faster. It had an

irresistible pull—alluring in spite of the danger she could sense. Somehow, she knew she wouldn't be
strong enough to resist. It was something she really wanted even though she was very much aware she
could so easily get her heart ripped out from her chest when it was all over.

She sighed. She had always listened to her heart—and her body, for that matter—more than her

head. Life was too short to hold oneself back.

The doorbell startled her out of her musing. She got off the floor and ran to answer it. Geez. How

excited could one get?

Her breath hitched when she opened the door and found Trey wearing a grey t-shirt that clung to

his chest. She bet he would look even yummier when that shirt was soaked in sweat.

"Good evening, Miss McCann. I'm here for my dance lessons," he said with grave formality.
"Good evening, Mr. Andrews. Come on in. I'm glad you're on time," she replied, matching his


Trey checked his watch as he stepped inside. "Actually, I'm six minutes early. I wanted to make

sure I wouldn't be late."

She raised her eyebrows. "I'm pleased to see how eager you are, Mr. Andrews."
He grinned. "Just my way of showing how committed I am to my dance lessons, Miss McCann."
She chuckled, remembering their other deal. "Well, it's a good start. We'll see how you go for the

rest of the night."

"Sure. I can even show you some more Trey moves."
"Really? There are more Trey moves in addition to the Trey Sway?"
"Yeah," he answered, biting his lip to keep himself from laughing. "If you let me dance with you

horizontally, I'll show them to you."

She laughed and playfully punched his arm.
"You'll get your chance for a horizontal dance," she said in a sultry voice, batting her lashes at

him, "if I'm happy with your progress with vertical dancing."

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Trey snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "We can start with the Trey Sway," he

whispered in her ear.

She wiggled away, chuckling and wagging a finger at him in mock rebuke. "You're already an

expert in the Trey Sway. Tonight you'll learn another move."

He sighed. "Okay. I'm ready."


For the next hour and a half, Kris kept her dance teacher hat on. While she joked with Trey and

kept the lesson fun for him, she made sure he was taking it seriously. One of her pet peeves was when
a student of hers didn't show enough respect for the art of dance. She'd rather they didn't turn up for
their lesson.

But Trey was true to his word. He paid attention and seemed really keen to learn. She worked on

getting him to relax first, and to be comfortable with moving his feet without worrying if he looked
awkward or uncoordinated.

After a while, she could tell he had started to really enjoy dancing to the music.
"See, I told you that you can dance," she said triumphantly.
"Thank you—but I know it's because I have a good teacher."
She grinned. "Are you enjoying it?"
"Absolutely, especially the last ten minutes."
She inhaled deeply. In the last ten minutes, the dancing had turned too sensual. She didn't plan it,

but she just couldn't help herself. Trey's flirtations were impossible to resist.

"So, did I pass my first lesson?"
"With flying colours."
"Ooh. I know what that means," he said, moving closer to her.
She was rooted to the spot, mesmerised by the heated look that took over his eyes.
Trey caressed a strand of hair from her face. His fingers slid lightly down her shoulder and her

arm. She tingled all over, her body responding to his. Involuntarily, she licked her lips.

"Kris," he breathed, before slowly bringing his lips closer to hers. She tilted her head up and met

him halfway.

Electricity zinged through her at the first touch of their lips. His kiss was soft…gentle…sweet.
Her arms curved around his neck just as he pulled her closer to him, and their kiss turned

passionate in an instant. She moaned as his tongue explored her mouth and his hands roamed her back.
She pressed herself harder against him, desire shooting to her core as his erection dug into her belly.

Trey took a few steps forward, taking her with him, until her back hit the wall. His hand burrowed

underneath her top, making her gasp in heated delight. As he caressed the side of her breast, her leg
lifted to curl around his thigh.

Trey groaned, cupping her bottom with his other hand and flexing his hips against hers.
She was panting now. Little moaning sounds escaped her throat, while wetness pooled between

her legs.

Trey's mouth left hers for her neck as his kisses got more urgent, more insistent. She reached for

the hem of his shirt, eager to divest him of it. Trey stopped kissing her only long enough to pull his
shirt over his head, then went back for her mouth, as he eagerly reached for the clasp of her bra.

Her hand roamed his body, eager to touch. Lord, he was seriously hot. She explored further down

and rubbed the bulge at the front of his jeans. Fresh moisture rushed to her core as she felt his size and
hardness. Oh, God, he was magnificent.

"Oh, yes, baby," Trey panted as his hand busily caressed a breast.

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She was mindless with desire as Trey took off her shirt and her bra, exposing her needy breasts to

his gaze.

"You're beautiful," he whispered.
When his finger flicked a hardened nipple, she gave a lusty moan.
Then her phone rang loudly.
A curse popped into her head and she ignored the intrusion. Since Trey now had both his hands on

her boobs, playing with her nipples while he kissed her, she had no intention of stopping him for a
phone call.

But the ringing continued, and she remembered that Sam said she'd call when she was on her way

home. Sam's on her way home already?

"I have to get that," she said reluctantly, pushing him away gently.
"Do you have to?" Trey asked, re-capturing her mouth and unwilling to let her go.
"Yes," she replied breathlessly. "That could be Sam saying she's on her way home."
"Okay. Maybe ask her to go buy some groceries or something—keep her away for a while," Trey

said, releasing her reluctantly.

She giggled and ran for the phone.
"Hi, Sam," she answered.
"Hey, just letting you know I'll be home in a couple of minutes. I have Jill with me," Sam replied.
"So soon?" she asked, unable to mask the disappointment in her voice.
Sam chuckled. "Are we interrupting your workout? Jill wants to talk to you about something. Trust

me, you'll want to be interrupted by what she has to share."

I very much doubt it, she thought with an eye roll. She felt Trey's hand stroke her bare back and

panic bubbled within her. They were half-naked in the living room, and Sam and her friend Jill were
only minutes away.

"Okay, see you soon. I'll probably be in the shower when you get here," she said to Sam, and

hastily hung up.

"Sorry, Trey. Sam and a friend of hers will be here in two minutes." She put her bra back on and

donned her shirt quickly.

"That's a shame," Trey responded in disappointment, but his expression was amused as he

watched her hurried movements.

She picked up his shirt from the floor and handed it to him. "I need to run upstairs and have a

quick shower after I see you off. Unless you want to stay and say hello to Sam and her friend?"

"No, I better go." He took his shirt from her, but not before giving her a hungry kiss that left her

yearning for more.

"I have work and other stuff tomorrow. Can I see you again on Wednesday night?" he asked.
She could only nod in agreement, frustrated and giddy at the same time.
"I'll pick you up at around six? We can have an early dinner, then have our lessons, then…"
"Then what?" she asked impishly.
"Then we'll continue with what we started tonight," he said huskily, giving her another kiss as his

hand strayed to her crotch.

"Trey!" she gasped, her body heating up again. She knew he could feel how soaked her panties

and tights were.

"It's not fair you got to touch me and I didn't get to touch you," he whispered as his fingers rubbed


"We don't have time," she said weakly, but not really wanting him to stop.

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Trey took a deep frustrated breath and stepped back. He gave her a wry smile as he put on his

shirt. "The next couple of days will be far too long."

"I know," she said, wondering how she'd cope with the wait.


"Hi, Sammy," Kris said as she found her cousin and her friend in the big, open-plan room that housed
the kitchen and informal living and dining areas. "Sorry to make you girls wait."

"That's okay. We just got here," Sam replied, then introduced her to Jill.
"Guess what Jill's brother-in-law does for a living, Kris?" Sam said, her eyes sparkling with

barely contained enthusiasm.

"What?" she asked, Sam's excitement rubbing off on her.
"He runs a dance studio not far from Dylan's place."
Her eyes opened wide. "Oh, really?"
"Yes. Now, tell her what we talked about, Jill," Sam urged her friend.
"Well," Jill started, "Blake was selected as a choreographer for a new dance musical. He's been

looking for a substitute head teacher to take his place for three to four months while he works on the
project. There are two people on his short-list, and I believe he's seeing them this week for the final
round of interviews before making his final decision. Now, Sam told me a little bit about you. I could
mention you to Blake, if you're interested, and see if he wants to meet with you before he hires

"There's more to this," Sam interrupted excitedly.
Jill chuckled. "Blake was in the process of opening up a studio in Melbourne when the musical gig

came along. Because of that, he's had to put it on the back burner. But in a few months, it will be all
systems go. I know he's already talked to a few candidates from Melbourne to take the lead when the
studio opens. Who knows? He might consider you for a full-time position there if he thinks you'd fit."

"When can I see him? Tomorrow? Will he be available?" Kris asked, wanting to jump out of her

skin in excitement. She'd been waiting for just this type of opportunity for a long, long time. While she
was grateful for her office job, what she wanted to do was earn her living from dancing.

"I'll give him a call right now and see if he can slot you in."
While Jill gave her brother-in-law a call, Kris turned to Sam. "Thank you for mentioning me to


"Of course, honey. I told her you didn't join us for dinner because you'd rather dance, even if

you're by yourself," Sam grinned.

Kris smiled enigmatically. If only her cousin knew what she'd been up to before she arrived home.
"I hope her brother-in-law has time to see me," Kris murmured as she glanced at Jill, who was

deep in a conversation with Blake. Jill gave her the thumbs up, and she sighed with relief.

"He can see you at ten on Wednesday morning at the studio," Jill advised as she hung up.
"Yay! Thank you so much, Jill," Kris cried, giving Jill a massive hug. "I owe you dinner for this


Jill laughed. "Don't mention it."
"Hey, you can take me and Jill to lunch at that restaurant we went to the other night with the guys,"

Sam said. "I believe Blake's studio is a couple of blocks away from there."

"Oh, that's a great idea, Sam," Kris answered, thinking about the tantalising fact that Trey's place

was probably not far from the studio, either.

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Trey was in deep discussion with Dylan and Adam about their new games app project when his
phone rang. It was his mother. He scowled and rejected the call, letting it go to his voicemail. Surely,
she didn't have anything to say that he'd be interested in knowing.

He brought his attention back to the big computer screen on the desk in his home office, as Dylan

continued to present his suggestions on how to position their latest project to the firms who were
about to enter a bidding war for it. From what they could gather, this app might be bought for at least
a million dollars more than the last one they created.

Their respective families still found it unbelievable that the three of them were running a multi-

million dollar software development company from their homes. But he, Dylan, and Adam loved their
set-up. When they needed to meet with clients, they hired a hotel conference room or a serviced
office. But if it was only the three of them, they took turns convening in one of their home offices.

Even their team of employees worked from home. They met with them through video conferencing,

and once every two months they'd take them all out to a nice lunch or a cruise in the harbour for some
social interaction and group bonding.

The structure wasn't without challenges, but their company had grown exponentially year after

year, and so had their bottom line. Their strong friendship, rather than being the hindrance to a
successful business some people had warned them it could be, was the very thing that made
everything tick. It made them more accountable and willing to work harder for each other.

His phone rang again and he let out a loud sigh.
"Do you want to get that, Trey?" Adam asked.
"Not really," he said but excused himself to answer it.
He walked to the window and gazed out unseeingly at the Sydney Harbour Bridge. "Hello, Mum."
"Hello, Trey. How are you?" his mother asked.
"I'm in the middle of a meeting. What's up?" he said rather coldly.
"I'm checking to see if you could join me and your sister for lunch? I believe Rebecca already sent

you a text, but you haven't responded to her yet."

He suppressed a sigh. He already knew why his mother wanted to meet with them. His

grandmother had called him the night before and had pleaded with him to be "nice".

He didn't want to have lunch with his mother, but he supposed he might as well get it over and

done with.

"Okay, I'll be there," he said resignedly.
"Thank you, Trey. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. I haven't seen you for a long time," his

mum said softly.

"I have to go," he said, cutting the conversation short. A one-hour lunch would be more than

enough for his mother's chit-chat.

"Everything okay?" Dylan asked as he trundled back to his seat.
He made a face. "I have to meet my mother for lunch. No prizes for guessing what her news would

be about."

"Again?!" both Dylan and Adam exclaimed in surprise.
"Yup," he said with a mirthless laugh. "So what's new, hey? The last fiancé must have run out of


"Have you met this new guy?"

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"Are you kidding me? After she divorced husband number three and broke up with her last fiancé,

I'm not interested in her love life anymore."

Dylan patted Trey on the shoulder. "At least she still makes an effort to communicate with you and


Trey snorted. "As far as I'm concerned, it's better if she doesn't. I only see her because of


He couldn't keep the bitterness out of his voice. When he was eight and his sister was four, their

mother had walked out on them to be with a wealthy Frenchman who promised to take her travelling
around the world. They were left in the care of their maternal grandparents who had, for all intents
and purposes, been the ones who raised him and Rebecca.

He had never known his own father, and their mother broke up with Rebecca's dad when Rebecca

was only two years old.

Oh, his mum had moments when she was a doting mother, when she was between relationships

and was with them at his grandparents' house. However, it was never long before she found yet
another man who would take her travelling everywhere, and disappear again.

When his grandfather became gravely ill, his granddad asked him and Rebecca to do only two

things after he passed. The first was to look after their grandmother, and the second was to never,
ever close their doors on their own mother. He'd said that regardless of what their mum had done,
they should still show some respect to the woman who gave birth to them.

Trey had loathed promising the latter, but out of love and appreciation for the man who had

lovingly and painstakingly raised him and his sister, he'd agreed. That promise was the reason he
could remain civil with his mother.

A few years ago he was prepared to think that not all women could be like his mum—a woman

who declared her love for a man only to leave him for a new, better, richer one. After all, his own
grandmother was proof of that. But then he was jilted at the altar by his then-fiancé, who'd said
"sorry, but thank you for your generosity to me and my family" in a letter that was left with an altar
boy at the church.

He let out a snicker. No wonder he was so distrustful of women spouting love for him.
"Sorry, bro," Adam said quietly.
Trey shrugged. "Whatever. Anyway, sorry for the interruption. Let's get back to work. We're

running behind as it is."

"Okay, good," Dylan said, positioning himself near the screen to continue where they'd left off.

"We have to finish this meeting on time today, if you don't mind, guys. I have an appointment with the

Trey looked at Dylan in shock while Adam let out a loud whistle.
"You're getting a chain tied around your neck?" Trey asked his friend in disbelief.
"If by chain you mean Ari's arms, then yes," Dylan responded with a grin.
"Damn, Dyl. Are you sure about this?" Trey queried.
"Yeah. I've never been more sure of anything in my life."
"This is not your dick talking?"
Dylan laughed out loud. "No. This is my heart talking."
Trey groaned. "Oh, man. What's happened to you?"
"He fell," Adam said dryly.
"Come on, guys. I was hoping you'd be happy for me," Dylan said quietly.
"I am, Dyl," Adam said, giving Dylan a man-hug. "Seriously."

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"Hey, I am too, bro." Trey also pulled Dylan in a manly embrace.
"Thanks, guys. But let's not get carried away. She might say no, you know."
Trey snorted. "I can't see that happening, seeing how into each other you two are."
Trey was truly glad that Dylan was so very happy with Ari. He felt a pang of envy, knowing that

that kind of bliss was something he'd never get to experience—or more to the point, that he'd chosen
not to experience. For him, all the pain and difficulties a relationship brought simply weren't worth
whatever satisfaction it gave. He got enough pleasure from his casual liaisons to desire anything
more. He was content with his life.

Content—except that he hadn't had Kris yet. For all his aversion to relationships, he was someone

willing to pursue a woman he physically desired. In a way, he felt sorry for Dylan. His friend would
never again experience the rush of having sex for the first time with someone new and hot. He enjoyed
that feeling—one of the reasons why he loved being a bachelor.

And, oh, yeah, he couldn't wait to feel that rush with Kris.

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"Hi, Kris. I'm Blake Garcia."

"Great to meet you, Blake." Kris grasped the proffered hand in front of her, gazing with wide eyes

at the good-looking, dark-haired man who greeted her. "Thank you for agreeing to see me at such
short notice."

"No problem," Blake said as he ushered her into his office. "Jill wouldn't have recommended that

I see you if she didn't think it was worth my while. Has she seen you dance before?"

She blushed. "No. Jill's a friend of my cousin Samantha. Sam must have talked her ears off at how

great she believed I am that Jill felt she had no choice but to call you just to shut my cousin up."

Blake laughed. "Well, since you're here, I might as well see for myself, shouldn't I?"
"I'm really hoping you will."
"I'm looking for someone who's not only technically good at various styles, but is also strong in

choreography. How would you rate yourself in those two aspects, Kris?"

She smiled. "I've been dancing since I was three. Even at that age, I knew it was what I wanted to

do. My parents were supportive and enrolled me in various dance classes. I've worked as a back-up
dancer for a few international acts for many years, and as a part-time dance teacher/choreographer
when I wasn't touring."

She stopped, hesitating for a beat, before continuing. "When my mother died two and a half years

ago, my dad encouraged me to set up my own studio. I did do that with a then-boyfriend who was also
a back-up dancer. But things didn't work out between us and we sold the business last year when we
parted ways. Currently, I have a full-time job in an office, but I work part-time at a dance studio in
Melbourne three to four times a week. I'm itching to get back into this industry full-time."

Blake's eyebrows rose. "If you got a job as a dancer again, would you be interested? Only reason I

ask is they are still looking to fill all roles for the musical I'm choreographing."

"To be honest, while I love to dance, I love being a teacher and choreographer more than being a


Blake nodded and proceeded to ask her a few more questions that she answered candidly. She

was thrilled to learn that Blake regularly gave dance lessons to celebrities and other VIPs, and was
often asked to choreograph entertainment for high-end private parties. Lately, he'd been getting offers
to work on international musicals and movies. How exciting would it be to meet and work with
famous people?

Finally, Blake said, "Okay. Are you ready to dance for me now? I have an empty room ready."
"Yes," she replied excitedly.


Kris did what she had always done when she danced—lost herself in it. The majority of the time was
a test of her technical skills, as Blake abruptly played different tunes and asked her to switch to
different styles in the middle of steps. For the last music—one of her favourite love songs—she heart-
connected with the lyrics and her body expressed fluidly the message of the words.

There were a few seconds of silence after the music stopped, then Blake's slow but loud clapping

brought her back to the room. She smiled her thanks, breathing deeply as she waited for her heartbeat
to return to normal.

"Wow," Blake said with awe. "You're amazing."

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"Thank you."
Blake handed her a bottle of water as she patted herself with her towel. He'd just given her a good

workout. She must have been dancing for almost half an hour.

"Are you up for one last dance?" he asked.
"Sure," she said, surprised that the 'test' wasn't over yet.
Blake put on tango music and took her in his arms. He was an excellent dancer, and so was she. If

anyone was watching them at that moment, they'd be surprised to know they hadn't rehearsed together

When the music stopped, they were both laughing from the sheer exhilaration of an almost

seamless performance.

"It looks like we make good dance together, Kris McCann," Blake said, his arms lingering on her


"Sure looks like it," she responded lightly, flushing a little at the huskiness of Blake's tone.
Blake released her and went for his water bottle. "Well," he drawled after he took several gulps.

"I don't know if you've made my decision harder or easier. I was all ready to offer this job to
someone else but…I think you've just forced me to have a re-think."

Her face split into a wide smile. Was she now somewhere at the top of his list?
Blake pursed his lips and sighed deeply. "I'd like to take my time on this, if you don't mind, Kris?

I'll let you know in a few days what I've decided."

"Sure. No problem," she answered. "Thank you for even seeing me."
"I'm glad I did," Blake said softly. "Feel free to use the shower at the end of the hall before you

go. I have to leave you as I have a phone call to make."

"Okay, thanks." She gathered her things and hastened to the door which Blake was holding open

for her.

"I'll see you again soon," he said in a low voice as she passed him, his hand resting on her lower

back—to escort her out, she presumed.


"How did you do?"

Kris grinned at Sam who was already waiting for her at the restaurant. Jill hadn't arrived yet.
"I think it went well. Blake will let me know his decision in a few days," she responded.
"Does it look promising?" Sam pressed.
"Well, he said he was ready to offer the job to someone else but I just made his decision difficult

after this morning, so I guess it does look promising."

Sam patted her hand. "I hope you get it, Kris. It'll open more doors for you. Although I'll miss you

while you're here."

"Oh, I know, darl. But if I do get it, it'll only be three months or so that I'm away from home. Think

about it, you'll have our apartment all to yourself while I'm gone. You can check out all these different
men and see if they know their way around your body. You won't have to worry about me hearing
what's coming out of your bedroom."

Sam rolled her eyes. "You and your hormones! Speaking of men, I take it you haven't found a fling

partner yet?"

Kris' lips tugged up. "I have plenty of time. It's only been a few days."
"Oh, here's Jill and…her husband, I think," Sam said, looking toward the restaurant entrance.
Kris twisted to have a look. "That's not her husband. That's Blake!"

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"Oh, your future boss," Sam whispered.
"Hopefully," she whispered back.
"Hi, girls," Jill greeted. "I hope you don't mind me bringing Blake along. He rang me after he saw

you, Kris, and invited himself to join us when he learned I was having lunch with you."

"No, of course we don't mind," Kris replied. "Gives me a chance to suck up to him," she joked

with her usual brashness then bit her tongue. That was terribly unprofessional, Kris.

To her relief, Blake laughed out loud. "I can't wait to see how you're going to do that," he replied.
Jill was introducing Blake to Sam when Kris spotted new patrons going into the restaurant. Her

heart thudded in her chest. It was Trey with two women. One was older, but no less striking.

Her brows furrowed at Trey's stony, unsmiling expression. She hadn't seen him like that before.

He'd always been friendly and relaxed. She wondered who his two beautiful companions were.

"So have you girls decided on what to order?" Blake asked as he consulted the menu.
"We were here the other night with some friends, and I really loved the spicy fish we had," Sam


"Good choice. That's one of my favourites here, too," Blake said. "Kris?"
"Oh, I like the chicken dish that's in the House Specials list," she answered, forced to take her

attention away from Trey's party who were being ushered to their table by a server.

They were discussing various other dishes they were going to share when Blake's phone rang.
He groaned. "I'm so sorry, ladies. I have to get this," he apologised and started to get up.
"You don't have to leave the table," Jill said. "Unless, of course, you want to have some privacy."
Blake grinned. "No, it's not private. Thanks." He sat back down to answer the phone and spoke

softly to the caller.

While Sam was giving their orders to the server, Kris felt her phone vibrate inside her handbag

which was leaning against her leg on the floor. She pulled it out and her eyes flickered in surprise to
where Trey was sitting. He sat facing her direction, but he was in deep conversation with the young
woman sitting next to him.

A sensation, which she recognised as jealousy, prickled her. She shushed it away and glanced

back at the message on her phone.

*Great view from where I'm sitting.*
Hiding a smile, she tapped back a response to him.
*Same here. Pity it's not close-up.*
She'd just sent her message to Trey when Blake ended his phone call and Sam finished ordering

their dishes. She tucked the phone back in her bag, disappointed that she now had to be polite and pay
attention to the people at her table. Flirt-texting with Trey would have been fun.

"So, Kris," Blake said. "I didn't ask you this earlier, but if I do hire you, would that mean you'll

resign from your current job? What will you do after this contract is up?"

"Well," she said with a slow exhale, "I heard through the grapevine that you're planning to open a

Melbourne studio. I'm hoping that if you give me the three-month contract, I could prove myself
enough in that time for you to offer me a permanent role in Melbourne."

"I see," Blake responded, casting a glance at his sister-in-law.
"Hey, you've asked a few of us to keep an eye out for suitable people for your studios. I had it on

good authority that Kris might fit the bill," Jill said.

"Of course, I only want to get the job if the decision is based purely on my own merits and not

because of personal connections," Kris declared.

Blake nodded, an enigmatic smile playing on his face. "Where does the sucking up to me come

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into play then?"

Kris laughed. "Oh, that! This lunch is on me."
"What?" Blake asked in feigned horror. "That would be such a slight to my chivalry."
"Hey, that was already agreed to beforehand as my thanks to these two girls for connecting me

with you. Since you've invited yourself to join us, it would be rude of me not to include you in my
generous gesture," she said in a teasing tone.

"Well, I have to thank these two girls as well, for finding me a talent such as you. I think lunch

should be on me. In fact, I insist," Blake said with a wide grin directed at her.

She squinted her eyes, excitement bubbling within her. "If you think I'm such a talent, does that

mean you're going to offer me the job?"

"Patience, Kris. Patience," Blake responded with a chuckle before taking on a serious

countenance. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be such a tease about it but I do need some time before I can let
you know my final decision."

"No problem," she replied. "Please take your time. This is your business and it's an important

thing. I'm just mucking around as well. I'll fully respect whatever you decide."

Their drinks arrived and Jill proposed a toast for an enjoyable lunch—and that was what they had.
Except that it bothered Kris that Trey didn't seem to be enjoying his, judging by his aloof

expression every time she glanced his way. A part of her wished she could go over to him and put a
smile on that handsome face.

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"You'll be there, won't you, Trey?"

"I'll try, Mum. I'm terribly busy with work," Trey answered his mother evasively. Seriously, the

last thing he wanted was to go to her engagement party. What was the need for it when there was
going to be a wedding not long after anyway?

"If you can't go, then maybe we can organise a dinner so you can meet Simon before the wedding.

You and Rebecca can spend more quality time with him," his mum suggested.

He felt Rebecca kick his foot. His sister was just as underwhelmed as he was with all this "good

news" from their mother.

"If I work hard this next couple of weeks, I'm sure I'll make it to the engagement party," he said

with resignation. Being amongst a crowd would be much better than being in an intimate conversation
with his soon-to-be stepfather.

He sighed, grateful that lunch was almost at an end. If Rebecca would only eat faster, they'd finish

sooner. But his sister always ate like a turtle.

His annoyance was inflamed by the fact that Kris seemed to have forgotten about him. He'd sent

her another text, but she'd ignored it.

Grow up, Andrews. What are you? Fifteen? he berated himself.
He took another peek at Kris, and again she was in an animated conversation with the man sitting

in front of her. What was more telling was the fact that Sam—who hadn't noticed he was around—
and the other woman with them seemed to be mere spectators to the yakking happening between Kris
and the guy.

It irked him no end—an unusual reaction which he put down to his competitive nature being


He wanted Kris. He, and no one else, was going to be her fling partner.


"I'll be with you in a second. I just have to say hello to friends at another table," Trey said to his
mother and sister who were making their way out of the establishment.

As he approached Kris' table, she looked up and a grin appeared on her face.
"Hey, Trey," Kris said. "You're off?"
"Yeah. Just thought I'd say hello and goodbye."
"Hi, Trey," Sam said. "You've had lunch have you? I didn't even notice you were here."
"Yup. I was sitting right there," he replied, indicating to the table they'd vacated.
"Oh, right. This is my friend, Jill, Trey. And that's Blake, Jill's brother-in-law," Sam said. "Trey's

a friend of ours," she explained to Jill and Blake.

Trey shook Blake's hand and smiled at Jill who was sitting further from him. "It looks like you

guys ordered the best dishes they have here," he said conversationally. "Good choices."

"I know," Sam said with a sigh. "But I ate too much again."
"Me, too," Jill lamented.
"Well, I needed that after my heavy workout this morning," Kris said casually.
"You call that heavy?" Blake chimed in, grinning at Kris. "Wait till you see what else is in store

for you."

Kris arched her eyebrows at Blake. "If you make the right decision," she said to the man.

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Blake laughed in response.
Trey swallowed involuntarily as he felt heat spread to his face. Hell, he didn't like that exchange

at all. What did that mean?

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it," he blurted out uncomfortably, not knowing what else to say that

would be appropriate for the setting. "See you," he said, touching Kris' arm for a second before
walking away.

"See you, Trey," everyone responded.


He joined his mother and sister who were waiting patiently for him near the door.
"Who were they?" Rebecca asked.
"Two of the girls are friends with Dylan's girlfriend and Kane's wife."
"So what happened?" Rebecca queried as they walked out.
"What do you mean?" he asked with a frown.
"Well, you look…I don't know…mad." Rebecca leaned closer to him. "As mad as you were that

we had to have lunch with Mum," she whispered in his ear. Fortunately, their mother was on the
phone and wasn't listening to them.

He snickered. "It was nothing. You're giving Mum a lift home, right?" He was keen to change the


"Yes," Rebecca answered without enthusiasm.
He patted his sister's shoulder in compassion, knowing their mother would put Rebecca's love life

—or lack of it—under the spotlight once they were alone in the car.

"Do you want to spend the rest of the afternoon with me?" Rebecca asked imploringly. "We

haven't hung around together in weeks."

"Nice try, Bec," he said at his sister's attempt to avoid being alone with their mother. "But even if

I wanted to, I can't. Work's really busy. I even asked Dylan and Adam not to contact me this afternoon
unless it's urgent."

That was the truth, although he knew he would struggle to concentrate. All he could think about

was the night he would soon be spending with Kris.


"Hi." Trey greeted Kris with a soft peck on the lips as she opened the door for him.

"Hey! I told Sam you're accompanying me to places where I can pick up a man. Kissing me on the

lips would make her think I found my fling partner."

"Well, you have, haven't you?" he asked, giving her his best sexy smile.
Kris' lips tugged into her version of sexy. "Are you up for the job? I can be very demanding."
"Since we're fling partners, if you can demand, so can I," he informed her.
"Oh? What would you be demanding of me? That I be at your beck and call?" she teased.
"That's got a nice ring to it."
Kris laughed. "Well, I'm giving you fair warning that since you look like you're going to make me

work hard, I expect double the effort from you when it comes to your dance lessons. Speaking of
which...We should head off so we can start as soon as possible."

He groaned, although curiously, the idea of dancing didn't hold the same level of distaste as it used

to. Maybe it was all psychological, after all. "Okay, let's go."

"Let me say goodbye to Sam first," Kris said.
"What's she doing tonight?"

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"She's helping Ari pack for the move to Dylan's on Saturday," Kris responded as she walked to the

bottom of the stairs. "Sam? Trey and I are going!"

Sam came walking down the stairs. "Hi, Trey. Where are you taking my cousin tonight?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Sam. It has to be a secret in case you get panicky and turn up there

to look for her. You'd cramp her style," he teased.

"I'm going to trust you, Trey Andrews," Sam said, wagging a finger at him. "Make sure whomever

she ends up with tonight is—"

"Healthy. We know, we know," Kris said, her eyes twinkling. "You make me feel like a teenager,

Sammy. Why are you so worried? You're not usually this bad."

"Because when you had your two one-night stands in the past, they were with guys you'd carefully

picked from a bunch of decent acquaintances. You've never done it before with a total stranger!"

"Don't worry, please. Trey will look after me. Have fun with Ari tonight. Tell her I'll make it up to

her by helping her tomorrow."

"Yeah, don't worry about her, Sam. I'll make sure she ends up with the right man for the job," Trey

said teasingly, curiously feeling privileged—or was it elated?—at the thought that Kris picked him
when she seemed quite selective with sexual partners.


"Wow, nice place you have here."

"Thanks. Feel free to look around," Trey said as he watched Kris inspect his apartment. He was

still feeling unsettled at the fact that he took her there. He had strict rules about whom he invited to his
home. So strict, in fact, that apart from his sister, his grandmother, and his mother, no other female
had stepped foot in his place since he bought it two years ago.

When his mother had ooh'd and ahh'd over it when he first took her there, he'd made Rule Number

One—his home was off-limits for his sexcapades.

"Oh, Trey, this is just simply marvellous," his mum had said during her first visit. "I'll bet you'll

have a hard time getting women to leave once you bring them here—what with your pretty face
and that breathtaking view."

The last thing he wanted was another gold-digger crashing through his door. The shock and

embarrassment of being jilted at the altar by an angel-faced opportunist was enough to make him
swear never to invest his emotions in another girl ever again. That was why his apartment was
closed-off to women, apart from family, although he was now prepared to make exceptions for a
handful of select friends, like his best friends' girlfriends.

He rubbed his jaw with his hand. He guessed he considered Kris one of his select female friends,

then. What else could have prompted him to invite her to his sanctuary? He usually had sex with girls
in their homes or, at times, in hotels.

But it didn't feel right to do that to Kris. Kane and Jasmine's place wasn't her house and a hotel

just seemed too…seedy, even if it was five-star. Kris wasn't someone he'd just picked up at a club.

"You know," Kris said as she stood gazing out the floor-to-ceiling glass window of his living

room, "this is my favourite view in all Australia. There's something so soothing, yet vibrant about
Sydney Harbour. I have a panoramic print of it hanging on my wall at home. When I'm stressed, I'll
stare at it and pretend I'm on a Sydney holiday away from my problems."

"Really? Well, right now you have the real thing," he said, his lips curling into a smile.
She turned around to face him, her face incandescent with…happiness? Contentment? Peace?
Whatever it was, it took his breath away.

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"Well, shall we start with your lessons, Mr. Andrews?" she asked, switching gears.
"We just had dinner," he said in laughing protest. "Shouldn't we sit around for a few minutes


"You're not trying to get out of it, are you?" she asked sternly, hands on hips, although he could see

she was trying to cover up a smile.

"No! I'm still very much your keen and committed student."
"Good. 'Cause if you're not, you know what will happen."
"I know, I know. I, Trey Andrews, will have to dance solo with a hundred strangers watching and

laughing at me."

Kris shook her head in censure and stepped closer to him. "Seriously, Trey. You. Are. Not. That.

Bad," she said, poking a finger at his chest. "It's just your ego, you know. You're probably just scared
you won't look cool and that the women would get turned off by your dancing."

"How did you know that? Did Dylan tell you?"
Her eyes widened. "Really? I hit the nail on the head? Well, from experience, most people hate

dancing because they don't want to look like fools. In reality, as long as you're having fun, no one
really cares."

"The truth is, I get more girls sitting on my ass than shaking it," he said.
Kris narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh, I see." After a brief pause, she walked toward the lounge

facing the view outside and sat there. "You're right, let's sit for a while. Give our tummies some time
to digest our food, first."

"Okay. I'll pour us some wine," he said, frowning.
Kris' expression made him think he'd said something wrong.

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Kris slumped on the sofa as Trey headed to his kitchen. She inhaled deeply before slowly letting it
out, as she tried to make sense of her emotions.

Why did it hurt when Trey so casually mentioned not wanting to dance because he got more girls

just sitting around? She could see how that happened, too. The last time they were at a club, the
redhead and another girl had approached him in a span of no more than thirty minutes since they'd
arrived there.

She tapped her foot, a habit she had when she wanted to distract herself from unwanted thoughts.
Damn it. She was jealous.
Damn it, damn it, damn it.
Come fucking on, Kristen McCann. What were you expecting?
She chewed her bottom lip and forced herself to pay attention to the vista—the one that always

calmed her. Like Trey said, right now she was staring at the real thing and not some big picture on her
bedroom wall.

But her eyes couldn't focus. She stared unseeingly outside as her mind's eye pictured Trey getting

chatted up by girls at the club just a few minutes' walk away from this apartment. Geez, how many
women had he brought up here? Countless, she guessed.

The thought was like ice water poured on her libido.
She shook her head. She'd been so looking forward to tonight, but now she didn't know if she

could go ahead with it. Sure, she could still take him through his dance lessons. She was a
professional, after all. But sex? When she knew she'd just be one of the others?

Oh, for heaven's sake, Kris. Why should that matter?
Of course, she'd just be one of the girls. And Trey would just be one of the guys. Why limit herself

to one fling partner? There was nothing stopping her from having more than one.

Hah! If she was going to let her hair down, she might as well go all out. Trey would have other

women. That was as sure as the sky was blue. No big deal, she would have other men after she
finished with him. Things were really that simple. Right?

"Hey, why the frown on that pretty face? I thought you said this view relaxes you." Trey sat next to

her and handed her a glass of wine.

She sighed and smiled at him. "You wouldn't want to know."
"I asked, didn't I? Ergo, I would want to know," he said playfully, shifting in his seat to face her

fully and brushing a strand of hair off her forehead. He'd done that a few times now, and she liked it.

She sipped her wine and regarded him intently. "I was just thinking of how many flings I could

have while I'm here."

Trey stared at her in complete bafflement. "Why?"
She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Wow," he said as he straightened in his seat and looked outside. He looked annoyed, maybe even


"Hey, that came out totally wrong," she said apologetically. "The truth was I was just put out at the

thought of you taking other women to your bed."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she zipped it. Once again, her filter failed her. Heck,

she didn't want Trey to know about her feelings. She was positive it would make him run for the hills.

"Why were you put out?" he asked cautiously, as if he was afraid of the answer.

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Think, Kris. Think!
"Well, I suppose it's similar to your fear of dancing in front of people," she answered after a

pause. "I don't want to be embarrassed if I'm not as good as most of the girls you've slept with. Since I
haven't been with a man for almost a year, I could be rusty and…not satisfy you. That would be a
blow to my ego."

Trey shook his head in disbelief, his mouth curving into that cute lopsided smile. "I want to make

another bet," he said in a low, sexy voice.

"I bet that you'd satisfy me just fine."
Her breathing shallowed as that fire in her belly flared up again. Could he really set her alight that


"What's the prize for the winner?" she asked.
"The winner gets to choose the prize."
"What would you want as a prize?" she asked curiously.
"If I win, I want to be your sex slave—at your beck and call for three weeks—as long as you

promise to call on my services at least every other day—if not every day," he said with a salacious

She laughed, her misgivings easing at the idea that filled her head. If she played this right, she

could crowd out the other girls. She could be Trey's one and only—for three weeks.

Ooh, bad idea, Kris. Knowing you, you're likely to fall head over heels. What if Trey didn't?

You could end up with pieces of your heart scattered all over Sydney soil.

She pushed away the unwelcome killjoy voice in her head. Three weeks was a long time. Who

knew what might happen? She was prepared to plunge head-first, just like she always did with things
she really wanted.

Gosh, she was such an optimistic, romantic fool. But that was who she was, and she couldn't

change now. If this turned out to be the wrong decision later on, she'd worry then. For the time

She turned to Trey and held out her hand. "Deal."
Trey let out a surprised laugh, as if he didn't really think she would take his teasing proposition

seriously. "Deal," he said, gripping her hand tightly.

She sat closer to him and slowly ran her fingers along his jaw and down to the first button of his

shirt. "Since I really want to lose this bet, I better get started. I might need all night."

"Do whatever you want," Trey said huskily.
"Hmm. I think I can kill two birds with one stone," she said sultrily as she stood up in front of him.

"Since I still need to give you dance lessons, I might as well show you some moves."

She took a sip from her wine glass and put it down on the coffee table.
"I need some music," she said, flicking her hair flirtatiously and walking to his entertainment

centre. "Can I play us a song?"

"Sure," Trey replied.
She chose a slow, sexy tune and turned up the sound system. She swivelled to face him, and her

breath caught in her throat. He was watching her, his eyes dark and heated.

She took a deep breath and started moving seductively to the music, all the while twirling closer

to where he was sitting. When she was in front of him, she slowly unbuttoned her top, her hips
swaying provocatively.

Trey's smoking eyes were glued to her, his mouth slightly agape as his chest heaved visibly.

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She flung her shirt to the sofa and let her hands roam on her thighs, belly, up the valley of her

breasts, over her neck and her hair, all the while writhing sensuously to the beat.

She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor.
Trey shifted in his seat, the tip of his tongue poking out his mouth. She looked down at the

pronounced bulge in his pants and bit her lip to keep from moaning. God, he looked just as aroused as
she was.

She stepped closer and proceeded to give him what she hoped was the best lap dance he'd ever


"Ahhh, Kris," he hissed as she deliberately brushed his hardness with her bottom as she gyrated.
After a couple of minutes of the most seductive dance she'd ever done for anyone, Trey's arms

went around her tightly, keeping her trapped and seated on his lap. He nipped her shoulder hungrily as
one of his burning hands roamed her belly and the other stroked her bare thigh.

"You're so hot," he whispered as he unclasped her bra and dropped it to the floor. He flicked a

nipple and his other hand strayed close to her soaked centre—caressing, teasing, driving her crazy
with anticipation.

"Trey," she gasped, her arm snaking around his neck as he kissed her face. She ground her ass

against him, making him groan. In retaliation, his fingers snuck under her panties.

"Oh, fuck. You're so wet," he breathed before capturing her mouth and kissing her senselessly.
She gasped as he stroked her swollen nub while his other hand played with her nipple. "Ohhh!"
She surrendered herself to his ministrations, her head angled to one side as his hot mouth kissed

and lightly sucked her neck. Her breath came out in loud pants and she writhed on his lap, making him
groan as she hit his hardness. When he inserted a finger in her wetness, she couldn't help the mewling
sound that came out of her.

Oh, she was so close. She was supposed to be the one doing the satisfying instead of the one being


She tried to get out of his lap, but it only made it easier for Trey to push her down the sofa. He

kissed her, his lips and tongue seeming to want to be everywhere at once.

When his mouth closed on a nipple, she let out another lusty moan.
She reached for his belt as his mouth hungrily sucked on her hardened peaks. He helped her with

his zipper. Seconds later he was naked from the waist down.

The sight of his erection—hard, big, and jerking—made her moan out loud once again. It had been

so long for her, and Trey made her burn like no other. She wanted him inside her. Now.

"Trey, I need you," she cried softly as he slid her panties down her legs.
"I know, baby. Same here," he whispered. He took off his shirt before reaching for his pants and

pulling out a foil packet. She sat up and took it from him, wanting to do the honours.

Oh, he looked so hot and she couldn't help herself. She reached down and licked the tip of his

erection, tasting his pre-come, before closing her mouth on the head.

"Oh, fuck. Kris!" Trey hissed through gritted teeth.
Hmm. She liked his reaction, so she took more of him in her mouth, licking, sucking, and tugging

him with her hand.

"Oh, baby, enough. I want inside you now," he said in breathless gasps, pulling away from her.
She gave him a cute pout before unrolling the condom on his impressive length. When he was

sheathed, she found herself flat on her back, with him poised above her.

Their eyes locked as she felt his cock on her waiting entrance. She slung a leg around his waist.

With a groan, Trey flexed his hips.

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He moved slowly, driving into her inch by inch, his face a picture of barely held restraint.
Her eager body adjusted to his size in no time, and greedily wanted more.
"Trey, please," she moaned, need evident in her voice as she grabbed his ass to urge him to go

deeper, faster.

"Ahh…Kris," he said breathlessly, his thrusting increasing in speed.
Mindlessly, their bodies moved with the same rhythm, their lips constantly seeking each other's as

they rocked together.

She was almost delirious with pleasure, his movements bringing her closer and closer to the edge.
"Oh, God, Trey," she keened, her body writhing underneath him. With a loud cry, she convulsed,

her inner walls clamping his cock like a vise, over and over.

In the midst of her stunning orgasm, she was distantly aware of Trey's harsh panting.
"Oh, fuck…Kris…argh…arghh!"
She held him close with her arms and legs as he emptied himself inside her.


After a long moment of quiet, Trey eased his body off her.
"I'll be back," he whispered, before giving her a quick kiss and getting up.
She followed him with her eyes as he disappeared to the bathroom, smiling contentedly.
She sat up, looking around for a throw rug or a blanket. She didn't spot one, and settled for putting

on her underwear and top.

"You know, I do have a perfectly comfortable bed somewhere in this apartment," he said, as he

returned. He looked ultra comfortable walking around naked. Lord, she could feast her eyes on that
muscular body all night long. Well, maybe not just her eyes…

"Yes, I did see it earlier. It looked very inviting too," she said with a sexy smile.
"Well, you get to decide whether we go there next time."
She grinned, biting her bottom lip sensuously. "So, you're at my beck and call for three weeks

starting right now, huh?"

"Yes. I'm well and truly satisfied." His smile confirmed his words as he sat down next to her.
"You know what I don't understand?" she asked as she snuggled against him.
He placed his arm around her shoulders. "What?"
"How you can be so totally at ease with being naked yet be so self-conscious on the dance floor?"
He chuckled. "I don't see a hundred pairs of eyes staring at me right now, do I?"
"Also," she continued, "you move so well in bed—err, on the couch. I find it strange that you don't

think you can dance."

"Haven't I proven to you I can't?" he asked with a snicker.
"No. All you've proven to me is that you, Trey Andrews, have a shy, self-conscious side. It's okay.

I'm not done with you yet."

"I should hope not," he murmured as he captured her lips for a searing kiss.
When Trey's fingers trailed along her inner thigh, all thoughts of anything else left Kris, except that

they should go to his bedroom right then. She was ready to dance for him again.


Kris surveyed Trey's bathroom more closely as she dried herself with a towel. In particular, she tried
to spot girlie things—something a previous girlfriend might have left, or something he kept for women
he took home.

She looked in the mirror and gave herself a stern look.

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No, Kris. You are not going to look inside his cabinets.
She got dressed in the clothes she had on earlier, unable to dispel her disappointment that she

wasn't staying the night. Not that she'd expected to, but they had such a wonderful time together, and
she was really tired. They'd made love for hours and it felt natural to fall asleep in his bed with him.
But just as she was about to doze off, Trey had asked if she'd like to use the shower first before he
drove her back home. That was obviously his way of saying he didn't want her to stay the night. Had
he ever let a woman sleep over?

She shook her head briskly.
Trey's not your boyfriend, Kris. That's none of your business. If he takes another woman home

tomorrow, that would also be none of your business.

Her face contorted at the thought.
Kris, you have less than three weeks and two choices. Keep this casual, or go all out and win

his heart.

Oh, she liked option two. She was well aware it was crazy and naive, considering Trey's

reputation. But she was headstrong, impulsive, and insanely optimistic. And did she mention already
halfway in love?

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Trey sat on the sofa and looked out the window while he waited for Kris to get ready.

He wasn't happy with himself. He couldn't explain it, but he felt…ungentlemanly. Ehh, that was

too tame a word, but he just couldn't find the right one.

He'd never had to shoo a girl from his place before because he'd never brought one here, so he

guessed he could justify his funny feeling.

Just because he'd broken Rule Number One didn't mean he was ready break Rule Number Two:

No staying the night with a woman.

He took a deep sigh, feeling the need to make it up to Kris somehow. She was already falling

asleep when he hinted she should go. After she'd given him one of the best nights he'd had, that was
the thanks he gave her?

As soon as she left his arms to go to the bathroom, he'd regretted his words. His bed suddenly felt

so cold and empty that he had to bolt out of it and distract himself from his disturbing perception. So
he took a shower in the guest bathroom while she was using his.

Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to bring her to his place. It was too uncomfortable. Well, except

when Kris was in his arms. Then, it felt more like heaven.

God, she was absolutely freaking hot. He wished he'd structured their last bet so she could be at

his beck and call. Even right now, what he really craved was to keep her in his bed.

But he had practically told Kris it was time for her to go home. If they had another round, she

would most certainly end up staying the night in his apartment. That wasn't what he wanted, was it?

He groaned softly, confusion chasing away the euphoric sensations he'd had from several orgasms.
Ahh, the orgasms. His and hers. Thinking about it was enough to get him horny again.
Maybe next time he would let her stay the night.


"Do you think Sam's home already?" Trey asked Kris as he walked her to her front door.

"Yes, she texted me earlier to say she was."
"She must be wondering where you were."
"Yup. She asked me that point-blank. I told her I was with a man with a box full of condoms."
He laughed out loud. "Are you sure she's not behind this door with a shotgun?"
Kris chuckled. "I know. She's like a mother hen sometimes. But she's probably in bed already."
He tilted her chin with his finger. "So, when can I expect your call?" he asked, swiping a thumb on

her lips.

She put on a haughty look. "Well, I do need to consider the fact that you're a very busy man, so I

won't bother you during business hours. However, nighttimes and weekends are fair game. Agreed?"

"For two weeks and a bit, your wish is my command, madam," he replied with mock formality.
Kris cupped his face tenderly and tiptoed to place a soft kiss on his lips. "That's good to know,"

she whispered before releasing him and unlocking the door. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay," he responded, feeling inexplicably happy. He waited until she'd closed the door behind

her before walking back to his car.


As Trey drove back home, he felt strange. He didn't want to go home yet. He'd just end up staring at

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his ceiling or tossing and turning in bed.

He could visit his favourite club down the road from his place and have a drink or two, but he

grimaced at the thought. Somehow that didn't seem fitting after the night he'd had.

He activated voice command on his phone and called Adam. It was a little past midnight, but he

knew Adam would still be up, and most likely alone.

"Hey, bro," Adam said through the car speakers. "What's up?"
"Hey. Are you home alone?" he asked.
"Good. Can I drop by for a few minutes?"
"Sure. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Just feel the need for a bit of company."
"Okay," Adam answered slowly, his tone expressing concern.
"Everything's cool, dude," he assured Adam. "Just not sleepy yet, that's all. I'll be there in five."
"Five? Are you on your way already?"
"Okay." The worry in Adam's voice was still there.
"Hey, I'm fine," he said with a laugh.
"Cool. When you get here you better tell me why you want to see me past midnight on a


"Sure. It's no biggie. See you soon."


"So what's up?"

Trey chuckled as he walked inside Adam's apartment.
"Why do you find it so strange that I'd want your company at this time of the night?"
Adam looked at him with bemusement. "It's the early hours of Thursday morning, Trey, not Friday

or Saturday. We have a meeting tomorrow—I mean later today—at ten. Obviously, whatever you
want to tell me is so important that it can't wait until then."

Trey went to the sofa and sat down. "I'm just still wide awake, that's all. I figured you'd still be up

road-testing our new games app, so I thought I'd join you."

"Want a beer or coffee?"
"Beer, thanks."
Trey stretched his arms and put his hands on the top of his head as he waited for Adam. Why the

hell did he feel so bothered? He stared blankly at the wall as he tried to sort through his emotions.

"If you don't tell me what's wrong, I'm going to deck you," Adam said, as he walked back with

their drinks.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just…unsettled," he said, clinking his bottle with Adam's before taking a


"Yeah. You know…can't sleep."
Trey shrugged. "I just need to relax. So I thought I'd come here."
"Oh. I would have thought your first choice for relaxation would be to go pick up at the club or

call one of your willing fuck buddies."

He frowned. The suggestion didn't hold appeal. In fact, it was unpalatable.

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Adam snorted. "Now what was that look about?"
He shook his head to clear his mind and inhaled deeply. "I slept with Kris tonight. I guess it just

kind of threw me off a bit."

"Kris? As in Jasmine and Ari's friend Kris?"
"Well, that's not a surprise. You two seemed to hit it off since you met at the wedding," Adam

commented before his eyes widened. "Let me guess. She's looking for a boyfriend and now you're
scared she's after you?"

Trey snorted. "No. She was looking for a fling partner and I volunteered."
"Oh, right. So what's the problem?"
"I took her to my place."
There was a few seconds of silence before Adam started laughing out loud. "Are you kidding me?

You broke your number one rule?"

Trey glared at his friend. "She doesn't exactly have her own place, you know."
"Hotel room?" Adam prompted.
He sneered. "We're talking about our best friend's girlfriend's best friend here, not some random


"Right. So does that mean we're not allowed to put her through the ISAG?"
"Don't you even think about it," he growled. There was no way he'd let Adam or Dylan put Kris

through the ISAG—the 'Is She A Gold-Digger?' scheme he'd come up with to ensure he didn't make
the same mistake twice: the mistake of believing a woman loved him for himself, not for his money.
He wouldn't want to insult Kris.

To his bemusement, Adam laughed even harder.
"What?" he asked impatiently.
"I wish Dylan was here to hear this conversation," Adam said, his eyes alive with amusement.
"Hey, unlike you and Dylan, I don't have any ambitions whatsoever to stick with one woman for a

lifetime. I'm too cynical of relationships to make it work with anyone, and there's no point using the
ISAG for any of my casual affairs. Even though I originally invented it for my sake, nowadays, it's not
me who needs it. It's you."

"Who said I intend to stick with one woman?" Adam muttered.
Trey regarded his friend closely. "Have you and Sandy broken up for good?"
Adam sighed. "Not officially. But it looks like that's where we're headed."
"Sorry, bro."
Adam smirked. "Thanks. I'm okay with it. Her attitude is starting to really bug me. Anyway, we're

not talking about Sandy and me—that's just the same old story. Let's go back to Kris and your night
together. How was it?"

Trey tried to hide his smile, to no avail. "It was incredible. She put on this seductive music and

gave me this super-sexy lap dance while she slowly stripped—" He stopped when he saw Adam's
eyes grow wide with interest.

"And?" Adam prodded.
Trey bristled internally. He didn't want Adam picturing Kris in all her sexiness. "And then we had


Adam nodded. "I can see how it led to that. So what next? Was it just a one-night stand or what?"
He ran his hand on his cheek. "No. We agreed to have a fling until she goes back to Melbourne."
"I see," Adam commented, pursing his lips. "That'll be one of your longest flings in years, if not

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the longest."

"She's fun," was all he could say.
"So how come you're unsettled?"
He took a deep breath. "Don't know exactly. I feel funny that I asked her to leave."
"You asked her to leave?" Adam asked incredulously.
"I didn't use those words," he said defensively. "I just asked if she wanted to have a shower

before I took her home."

"Right. The subtle hint. Did she get upset?"
"No. She was fine."
"But you're not," Adam observed. "Dare I say she's gotten under your skin?"
"No," he scoffed. "You know me. I can get intense when I want a woman. After a few days, I'm

over it. It's the thrill of the chase then the rush of the first few romps—nothing more."

Adam sighed. "You're right. So what's got you unsettled?"
"I think it was the fact that I've brought a woman to my apartment. I said I'd never do that."
"Well, you can't undo it now," Adam said. "Besides, it's Kris. Like you said, she's not exactly

some random chick."

He nodded, feeling better and validated, especially since he had a feeling he'd be breaking not

only Rule Number One but also Rule Number Two for Kris very soon.


"So I heard you helped Kris pick up last night," Dylan said to Trey as they settled for their meeting at
Dylan's home office.

Adam snorted. "He certainly did."
Trey sighed and looked around for Ari. "Is Ari here?" he asked Dylan. He didn't want Ari to

overhear him talking about Kris.

"No. She's at her place packing. Kris and Sam are helping her today."
"So have you popped the question yet?" he asked Dylan.
"No. If I had I would have told you guys already. I'm still planning something special."
Trey snickered. "You've got it bad."
"Happily so," Dylan agreed. "Anyway, so how did it go last night?"
"Good," Trey answered cryptically.
"Did she go home with a guy?"
"She sure did."
"Someone we know?"
"Really? Who?"
"Why are you so surprised, Dyl?" Adam asked. "You said yourself the two of them were like

magnets to each other."

"I thought they'd agreed not to sleep together. That's what Ari said," Dylan explained to Adam.
"Well, he's not quite finished telling you everything," Adam said, wagging his eyebrows.
Trey kept an impassive expression.
"What? Tell me," Dylan said.
"I took her to my apartment," Trey answered.

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Dylan stared at him in disbelief. "You broke Rule Number One?"
He sighed audibly. "Yes. And we had great fun. And we're having a fling till she goes home. And

that's all there is to it."

Dylan raked his fingers through his hair, as if agitated by Trey's news.
"And what's the matter with you?" Trey queried.
"Does Kris know it ends in, what—two and a half weeks?"
"Of course. The fling was her idea. She wanted one and I simply put my hand up for the part."
"Okay. As long as you're clear, Trey." Dylan warned.
"I am. Why do you look worried?"
"Ari and Sam seemed concerned Kris might fall for you. They think she's too attracted for just a

fling. They don't want to see her get hurt. You're her first sex partner after she'd broken up with her
boyfriend last year."

"Ari told you this?"
"Yes, because she wants me to dissuade you if you ever thought of sleeping with Kris. Now it's

too late," Dylan said gravely.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. Kris doesn't seem to have a problem with casual sex," Trey


"Well, apparently Kris is just starting to get back on track emotionally. She was still grieving for

her mother, who died two and a half years ago in a car accident, when her ex-boyfriend broke up with
her last year to marry one of the dance teachers who worked for them. Kris and her ex ran a dance
studio together, you see. She used the pay-out from her mother's life insurance policy to set up that

"Then Kris found out her ex had used the business as security for another venture he'd set up, and

when that venture went bust, her investment in the business went down the drain with it. She was
devastated by that, as you can imagine. She felt she'd let her mother down and squandered the legacy
she left her. She had to get an office job, which she was lucky to get because of her dad's connections,
and could only manage teaching dance part-time. That depressed her too.

"That's why Sam still worries about her. Kris might look tough and carefree on the outside—that's

her personality—but Sam, as well as Ari and Jasmine, kind of feel protective of her because of her
recent heartbreaks."

"I didn't know," Trey said softly.
Dylan inhaled deeply. "Well, so now you've slept with her. Like you said, Kris might just be after

a good, fun fling while she's here, and the girls might just be worrying over nothing. All I'm saying is,
now you know, tread carefully. There will always be complications for you—for us—because of the
friendship connection with Ari and Jasmine."

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me know," Trey said, emotions warring within him. A voice inside his

head clearly said to back off and stay away. But a weird sensation somewhere within the region of his
chest was rebelling against that thought.

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"Come on, Kris, spill," Sam urged as they started boxing the contents of Ari's bookshelf. "I'm dying of
curiosity here."

"Me, too," Ari said.
Kris laughed. She'd been refusing to tell Sam about last night until they got to Ari's so she wouldn't

have to repeat herself. Plus, she really wanted to enjoy her memories of Trey before getting the
inevitable caution and concern the girls would soon be spouting.

"Well, last night, I gave the best strip and lap dance of my life and I got the best sex in return," she

finally said.

"Oh, my God. Really?" Ari said in amused wonder. "I hope you weren't lap dancing in the club."
"Of course not. It was at the guy's place. He got a private performance."
"Wow. He must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven," Sam said. "So what's he like?"
"A sex god with the yummiest body," Kris said with a yearning sigh.
"Apart from that!"
"Oh, he's nice…funny…considerate…"
"Are you going to see him again?" Ari asked.
Kris couldn't help the telling smile that spread on her face. "Oh, yeah. He's my fling partner for the

next couple of weeks. In fact, he's at my beck and call for that period of time."

Sam frowned at her. "Is this just a fling, or are you hoping for something more with this guy?"
Kris stared at her cousin for long seconds before answering. "I'm hoping for something more with

this guy."

"Really? What happened to just wanting to get laid?"
She lifted her shoulders. "That's what I thought. But…"
"Wow. This guy must be really something. You better make sure we meet him next time. I'm dead

curious now. You've only just met him and now your head is full of…" Sam waived her hands,
looking for the right word.

"Fluff," Kris finished for her.
They laughed out loud.
"Okay, what do you want to know?" Kris asked, readying herself for their reaction.
"Name," Sam prompted.
"Andrews?" Ari squeaked.
"No. Sex God," she joked. "Yes. Andrews."
"Oh, Kris," Ari said in dismay.
"I know what you said about him, Ari. At this point, I just want to enjoy what's left of my holiday

with him. If he's not interested in an ongoing relationship after that, I promise I'll move on and not be
one of those stupid girls who keep on hanging around where they're not wanted."

"But I thought you said you're done with playboys!" Sam said, almost whining.
"Well, Trey's…"
"What? Different? Just like your last two boyfriends were different from all the other players?"

Sam queried.

"Hey, I don't think Trey's like any of those guys," Kris said, her tone laced with defensiveness.
"How is he different from them?" Ari asked curiously.

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Kris scanned her brain for an accurate-enough description. "I know this sounds strange, but I think

being a playboy is not Trey's true nature."

"How can you tell?"
She shook her head vigorously. "I don't know. It's just a feeling. Call it intuition. Or sheer

stupidity," she added, realising how daft she must have sounded.

"I don't know what to say," Ari murmured.
"Me neither," Sam said with resignation.
"You guys don't need to say anything. Just be there for me in fun and tears," Kris said flippantly.


The three of them worked solidly for hours, and by almost six in the evening, they'd packed most of
Ari's stuff, apart from some things she would still need for the next couple of days.

"I cannot thank you enough, girls. Thank you, thank you, thank you," Ari gushed as they gazed at the

room full of sealed boxes.

"Don't mention it," Sam said. "Now we won't have Dylan texting us in the middle of the night to

remind us to help you pack."

"Tell me he didn't really do that!" Ari said in horror.
Sam laughed. "He did. Once. But he was very nice about it and we didn't mind. I'm sure he'll be

very pleased to hear you're all set for Saturday. How do you feel about it all?"

Ari sighed, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "I'm really excited. I've been having a hard

time concentrating on work this week because all I wanted to do was get ready for the move. I'm
nervous, too. I've never lived with a guy before so I'm sure there'll be some adjustments and
compromises that both Dylan and I will have to make."

"Think about it," Kris said. "Sometime in the future, you and Jazzie could be sisters-in-law."
Ari giggled. "Would I sound really keen if I tell you I'm already designing my own wedding dress

in my head?"

"I'd say just as keen as Dylan when he booked that removalist the day after you agreed to move in

with him," Kris quipped just as Ari's phone rang.

"It's Dylan," Ari announced with a soft smile before answering the phone.
Kris watched Ari as she spoke with her boyfriend. The love and tenderness in Ari's expression

was clear. She sighed as a longing for Trey hit her.

Trey! She was supposed to call him but the day had been so busy she'd forgotten all about it.
She fetched her phone from her handbag and her heartbeat instantly accelerated when she saw the

text waiting there for her.

*Are we still on for tonight?*
She grinned. Trey had sent it almost an hour ago. She was thrilled that he was thinking of her—and

that he missed her. That message meant he missed her, right? She dialled his number.

"Hi, Kris," Trey answered.
"Hello Trey," she said with feigned seriousness. "I'm calling to say that no, you're not having the

night off."

"Oh, damn. I was so looking forward to a boring night watching senseless TV. Now I have to have

amazing sex with a hot, sexy woman all night."

"Well, far be it from me to deny you your well-laid plans. So, okay, if you'd prefer to spend the

night watching TV—"

"And be accused of not keeping my word?" Trey interjected. "No. I said I'll be at your beck and

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call, and since you called and said I'm not having the night off, then I'm not. What time do you want
me to pick you up?"

"Good. See you soon."
"See ya."
She was grinning from ear to ear when she noticed Ari and Sam staring at her.
"What's your plan?" Sam asked.
Kris arched her eyebrows. "Plan for tonight?"
"No. Overall plan regarding Trey."
She shrugged. "I don't have any, except to be myself and hope that's enough."

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Trey exhaled his relief, raking his hand through his hair. Kris still meant to see him. For a while there,
he thought she'd lost interest.

Earlier in the day, he had been worried for a very different reason. After Dylan's disclosure about

Kris' past, he'd wondered if it was a good idea to keep on seeing her. He didn't want to lead her on.
Knowing what she had gone through, he didn't want her to think there was any future for the two of

He was even ready to tell her he couldn't see her tonight, fearing it would give her the wrong

impression. He had waited apprehensively for the phone to ring since lunchtime so he could turn her
down. That kept him on the edge for hours.

But she didn't call.
It dawned on him that perhaps Kris wasn't as emotionally interested in him as Sam and Ari feared

she might be. Kris was a straightforward woman. If she said she only wanted a fling, she must have
been telling the truth, right?

He sent her a text to see how she would respond. She didn't reply straight away, which cemented

his belief she wasn't love-struck or anything like that. Most women who were the chasing, desperate
type were all over him the second they got a text or a phone call from him.

The fact that Kris wasn't needy or too keen brightened up his day. He didn't have to avoid her,

after all.

He was extremely glad about that. He didn't think he could stay away—for no other reason than the

fact that she was incredibly hot in bed, he assured himself.


"It's funny how, with all the other good restaurants around, you want to keep coming back here," Trey
commented as he and Kris went inside the establishment they'd been to a couple of times already in
one week.

"Their food here is really good. When I find something I like, I stick with it," she said. "Would

you prefer to go somewhere else?"

"No. Here's good. This is one of my favourite places too. Dylan, Adam, and I come here a lot."
They decided to try a couple of new dishes neither of them had had before. As Trey casually

surveyed the room, he remembered the other day, when he had seen Kris and Sam dining there with
two other people.

That nagging feeling bothered him again. He didn't know why, but there was something about the

guy they were with that time that irked him.

"You know the other day when you were here with Sam and a couple of others?" he said

nonchalantly. "Who were the other two?"

"Oh. Jill is Sam's friend. She's her former schoolmate. She moved here to Sydney years ago and

got married here. The guy, Blake, is Jill's brother-in-law. He owns that dance studio a couple of
streets from your place."

"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. I'm actually hoping he'll give me a contract job. It's short-term for three months. He needs a

dance teacher/choreographer while he's working on a musical."

His eyebrows shot up. This was news. Kris could be around for three more months? The thought

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made him smile.

"That's great! Have you applied yet?"
"Yes. I auditioned for him the morning you saw us here for lunch. He said he'd let me know his

decision in a few days. Hopefully, he doesn't make me wait for too long," Kris said with a cute
scrunch of the face.

He frowned, remembering the conversation that went on between Kris and Blake. She'd mentioned

something about her having a heavy workout, and a teasing banter ensued between them. He shifted in
his seat, feeling nettled. What kind of dance did she do for him?

None of your business, Andrews, he reminded himself.
"Who were those two ladies with you that day?" Kris asked.
"Oh, my sister and my mother," he said, taking a sip of the cold water as he tried to push away an

unfamiliar sensation. It felt so much like…jealousy. He shook his head at the ridiculous idea that he
could be jealous. Surely, it was just some sort of male possessive, territorial, whatever feeling. Kris
was his fling partner and, casual though it might be, he didn't like sharing.

He glanced at Kris who was staring at him thoughtfully.
"You don't need to talk about your family if you don't want to," she said softly.
He gave her a small smile, grateful for her misapprehension.
"My mother and I have a strained relationship," he found himself blurting out. "She was telling us

her good news that she was about to re-marry. For the fourth time." He couldn't keep the sarcasm from
his voice.

"I'm sorry that you're not happy about that," Kris said gently.
"I just don't see why she has to marry all those guys," he continued, warming to his topic. "By

now, it's obvious she can't stay in a relationship. Why keep getting married? Why not just live with
them then move on when she's done? Oh, that's right. She's a bit of a gold-digger."

Kris reached out to touch his hand that was tightly gripping a glass of water.
Her touch snapped him out of his angry bubble. "I'm sorry, babe," he said, putting the glass out of

the way to hold her hand properly. "Let's not talk about my mother. She's not my favourite topic."

"You look close to your sister," she mused.
He smiled. "Yes. Rebecca and I are close. She's still a bit annoyed with me for leaving her alone

with Mum for the rest of that afternoon."

The first of their orders arrived, making him realise he'd been unconsciously caressing Kris' hand

with his thumb. Reluctantly, he let go of her so the server could place their dishes on the table.

"Well, at least you still have your mother," Kris said wistfully after the server left.
His mouth dropped open. He felt all shades of foolish. How inconsiderate of him to talk badly

about his mum when here was a woman who was missing hers.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, grasping her hand again.
She smiled at him. "Hey, no need to be. I lost my mum two and a half years ago, and I just still

miss her. We were very close. One thing she taught me was that sometimes, other people would never
know or understand why we make the decisions we make." She gazed in his eyes before continuing.
"Whatever your mum's reasons for not wanting to stay in her relationships, at least she's still there for

He inhaled deeply and looked down at his plate. He didn't know how to respond to that.
"I'm sorry," Kris said, shaking her head in self-censure. "It wasn't my place to say things like that."
"Hey, it's okay," he assured her. "But let's move on to another topic, shall we? Tell me what you

think of the food."

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For the rest of the dinner, they tried to keep their conversation light, but for some reason, they kept

straying to the deep and meaningful.

Trey couldn't remember the last time he'd divulged so much about himself to a woman.


Trey opened his apartment door and was not surprised when Kris made a beeline for his floor-to-
ceiling glass window.

"You know that you can see this view from the bedroom window, too," he murmured in her ear,

snaking his arms around her waist.

She leaned back against him and he nuzzled her neck. "But it's from a different angle. I like this

angle better," she said.

He chuckled. "You want to stay out here again? I guess the sofa is comfortable enough."
Kris twisted so she was facing him. "Where would you want to have your lap dance?" she asked

huskily, her arms curving around his neck.

He ran his hands down her back until they rested on her butt. He gave those firm cheeks a gentle

squeeze and pulled her flush against him. "How about right here?"

"While you're standing?"
"Well, I could sit in there," he said, pointing to the tub chair close to him.
Kris looked out the window. "I know the next building is far away, but do you think somebody

could be spying on other people through a telescope?" she asked worriedly.

He laughed out loud. "If there was somebody doing that, we would already have given them a

great show last night."

"I remember this TV program I watched one time, and this man and woman who lived in

neighbouring buildings were communicating to each other through gestures while they peeked through
the telescope," she said with a rather nervous laugh.

"If I switched off the lights in here, we would still be able to see from the lights outside and I

doubt anyone would be able to make out what we're doing," he suggested, willing her to relax, and at
the same time wanting her to have her favourite vista while they made love.

"Good idea. Why don't you sit down?" Kris gently pushed him onto the tub chair, then went to put

on some music. She smiled at him and started swaying to the beat—doing that slow, seductive dance
that made every single cell of his body focus on her alone.

She made her way to the light switch, flicking it off. The room went dark, but not dark enough that

they couldn't see. As his eyes adjusted, Kris was slowly making her way back to him, her fingers
working on the buttons and zipper of her dress. In the next second, she was just in sheer, lacy bra and
sexy G-string.

He was already getting painfully hard just watching her. He reached for his shirt buttons, his

fingers fumbling.

"I want to undress you," she whispered, moving his fingers away so she could take over.
His hands went to her waist, her hips, her thighs.
"You know, touching is not allowed during lap dancing," she said teasingly.
In response, he ran his hands up her torso and kneaded her breasts through the thin fabric of her

bra. Then he flicked her nipples with his thumb.

"Ahh…but I think I'd make an exception in your case," she said breathlessly.
"Good decision," he said huskily, wanting to take one of her peaks in his mouth. He refrained. He

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wanted to take this slow, and they had all night.

Kris bit her bottom lip as she continued to undress him, her nails lightly running against his skin as

she moved sexily to the beat.

His breathing quickened even more. Hell, he would love a lap dance, but he was overcome with

the need to give Kris pleasure. A lot of it.

Abruptly, he stood up and placed her on the chair instead.
Kris' eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, I was in the middle of my performance," she complained.
"Later, baby. Right now, I want to perform for you," he said as he quickly got out of his clothes.
"You're going to dance naked for me?" she teased.
"I'm going to give you an X-rated show," he breathed as he undressed her fully. Then he parted her

legs and knelt in between. "Just sit still and watch."

He started to kiss her neck.
"I can't watch you since you're too close," she said.
"Yes, you can. You can look down on what my fingers are doing," he said huskily as his thumb

traced a hardened nipple.

Kris gasped, her fingers raking through his hair. Slowly, his lips made their way to her shoulder,

kissing and nipping gently. When he got further down, he glanced up at her. She was breathing through
her mouth and her eyes were hooded.

So beautiful.
"Watch what I do to your tits," he breathed as he flicked his tongue on one pebbled peak as his

fingers tweaked the other.

"Trey," Kris cried out softly.
He lavished attention on her gorgeous breasts, alternating his mouth and fingers so both got equal

treatment. Kris' panting was getting louder, and so was his. She turned him on so badly.

He left her boobs and went lower, leaving butterfly kisses on her belly and down her thigh. Her

scent was intoxicating and he couldn't wait to taste her.

He moved her ass closer to the edge of the chair and opened her legs wider. He kissed the inside

of her thighs, moving closer to the apex. When he got there, he let out a shaky breath at her dampness.
Unable to wait any further, he licked her wet core with a hungry tongue.

Kris moaned loudly, her fingers grasping at his hair. When he ran his tongue on her clit, her hips

bucked, seeking more friction with his mouth. He gave her what she wanted and was rewarded by
impassioned pleasure sounds that he loved hearing. Eager to please her further, he inserted two
fingers in her as his tongue continued its tireless ministrations on her sensitised nub.

"Oh, Trey…Trey…" Kris panted.
He closed his mouth on her clit and sucked lightly. Kris cried out his name louder and shuddered

hard, his fingers inside of her feeling the evidence of her climax. He didn't stop until he felt her relax.

He grinned at her and she smiled back—a contented, tender, warm smile that did odd things to his

heart. He'd pleasure her over and over if she would keep on looking at him like that.

He straightened and kissed her lips.
"I loved that show," she murmured against his mouth.
"Did you now? Good, 'cause there's more to come."
"Hmm," she replied, her hand moving down his body and closing around his erection.
He groaned and kissed her harder as she tugged and pumped with one hand and caressed his balls

with the other. When she sucked his lower lip while swiping his pre-come around the head of his
cock, he knew he wouldn't last long.

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"Oh, God," he muttered under his breath. Unable to wait any longer, he hastily put on a condom. In

the next breath, he was inside her.

"Ahh, baby, you feel so fucking good," he gasped as he moved in and out of her.
He looked at Kris' face and saw her eyes trained on what was happening in their groin area. She

was watching.

"Oh, Kris," he croaked, the sight of her enjoying their coupling sending a surge of pleasure through

him. He shifted so she—so they—could both have a good view.

He thrust inside her over and over, loving her feel, loving her expression, loving her response,

until he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer. He brought his thumb to her clit and
rubbed as he drove faster and harder into her. In a few seconds, Kris' orgasm washed over him,
making him cry out loud in sheer ecstasy as he erupted inside her.

He collapsed on her, his head buried in her neck as he caught his breath.
Even in their awkward position, he revelled in the afterglow.
Even after his climax, he continued to feel good—a different kind of good—a deeper, more

satisfied good that he'd never felt with anyone before.

He didn't want to leave her arms while her hands were gently stroking his back.
A pang of regret intruded his blissful state. No doubt in a few days, they would be moving on. He

sighed deeply and gave Kris a longing kiss on her neck, then got up to discard the condom.

As he walked into the bathroom, something nagged him. He was afraid. Afraid of what, though?
He stared at his reflection in the mirror. There were two things that scared him about being in a

relationship: One, that he might be just like his mother—unable to commit to a "forever" with the
same woman, and two, that he might get hurt again if he allowed himself to fall in love.

He swallowed hard. After tonight, he might as well be honest with himself. When it came to Kris,

it was the latter that scared the crap out of him.

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Kris' pleasant dreaming was interrupted by a ringing phone.

"Hey, Dyl," a drowsy male voice next to her said. She grinned, wakefulness slowly seeping

through. She was in Trey's bed. She'd stayed the night.

"Why?" Trey was saying. "Oh, okay…No, give me an hour…Yes…No. An hour…See you."
She snuggled up against him as he placed his phone back on the bedside table. "Are you having a

meeting with Dylan?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's coming here in an hour to discuss a bid we just received for one of our apps," he

answered, putting his arms around her and giving her a kiss on the lips. "Morning."

"Morning," she replied.
Trey stared at her, his expression one of wonder and tenderness.
"What?" she asked, placing a hand on his cheek.
He shook his head and kissed her palm before gathering her close and kissing her softly on the


She pressed her body against his, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Before long, they were

devouring each other's mouths.

They didn't exchange any more words. Instead, they traded kisses and touches and moans, and

brought each other to climax yet again.


"We better get up. Dylan will be here soon," Trey murmured in her ear.

"Okay," she said, kissing him soundly before languidly getting out of bed and heading for the


As she took a shower, her mind replayed the night they had together. The sex, just like their first

night, was fantastic. Some people said you could tell if a man was good in bed by the way he danced.
That myth had been busted. There was no way anyone could equate Trey's sexual performance with
his dancing abilities. They were on the opposite sides of the spectrum.

She sighed contentedly as her mind circled around something that seemed different last night. She

could swear there was a deeper, unspoken connection between her and Trey that wasn't there before.
Perhaps it was from knowing a little bit more of each other from their conversation in the restaurant
during dinner.

Her mind went back to Trey's relationship with his mum. It was clear he wasn't happy with his

mother getting married again. He even considered her a gold-digger.

Her heart thudded hard in her chest. Was that where his hang-ups with women came from? Did he

think girls would only be interested in his wealth? She knew Ari encountered similar problems with
Dylan about that very issue when they had just started going out. Perhaps Trey had the same worry?

She must remember to fish more information out of Ari when she got the chance. The more she

knew, the more she would understand him and discover why he chose to steer clear of relationships.
She wanted to know what it would take for him to change his mind.

She smiled wryly at herself. Here she was again, wanting to turn a playboy into a committed man.

She pushed that thought aside as she briskly dried herself with Trey's soft, fluffy towel. She didn't
want to ruin her good mood with thoughts of her past or anxiety about the future.

As she got dressed, she mentally reminded herself to bring an overnight bag the next time she saw

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Trey. That would be okay, wouldn't it? She hoped he wouldn't think she was being presumptuous if
she did, but she disliked wearing clothes she'd already worn the day before.

When she was ready, she went out to look for Trey and found him in the kitchen, freshly showered

and making coffee.

"Next time, you should just join me in your shower rather than use the guest bathroom," she said to

him as she sat on a bar stool by the breakfast nook.

Trey grinned and kissed her forehead as he placed a steaming mug in front of her. "I thought about

it, but decided it wasn't a good idea. We could easily spend another hour there together and Dylan
could walk in on us."

"Walk in?" she asked, sipping from her cup. Hmm. He made her coffee just the way she liked it,

and it gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling.

"Yes. We have keys to each other's places, and we usually just walk in for scheduled meetings.

But it's different now when we meet at Dylan's place. He instructed us to always buzz after he started
going out with Ari."

She giggled. "Well, I'm sure they wouldn't want you catching them while in the throes of passion."
"No," Trey agreed, looking thoughtful.
Right that moment, they heard a click and in walked Dylan.
"Morning, Tr—" Dylan stopped in his tracks when he saw Kris sitting in Trey's kitchen. "Hi,

Kris," he said in obvious surprise.

"Hi, Dyl. How are you going?" she asked, getting off the stool to give Dylan a hello hug and a kiss.
"Uh, good," Dylan responded. "You're here…early," he added, evidently still getting over his


"Um, actually, I'm just about ready to go," she answered, a blush creeping up her cheeks.
"Go?" Trey asked. "Am I not driving you back? You can hang around here and have a proper

breakfast while Dylan and I do a video call with Adam. Or if you like, you can go for a walk, have
breakfast outside or something, and come back in an hour. We shouldn't take longer than that."

"Oh, don't worry about taking me home. You have work to do. I'll catch public transport. It'll be

nice to move around like a local."

Trey stared at her uncertainly.
"Seriously, I'll be fine," she assured him. "I'm going now so you guys can start your meeting. Plus,

Sam and I plan to go to Ari's today to make sure she's all set for the move tomorrow," she added with
a bright smile at Dylan.

Dylan grinned back at her. "Thanks, Kris. I really appreciate you guys helping Ari out. I'll be there

later this afternoon to start moving some of her stuff that she didn't want to load in the truck."

"No problem," she said, grabbing her purse that she left lying on the coffee table and slinging the

strap on her shoulder.

She walked up to Trey, took his face between her hands and kissed him swiftly on the lips. "Bye."
"Bye," he responded, pulling her back for a more lingering kiss as his hands tenderly stroked her

back. "I'll call you later."


Kris was making her leisurely way to the bus station when she heard her name being called. She
swivelled her head and saw Blake approaching her with a wide grin.

"Hey, Blake. Fancy seeing you here."
He chuckled. "What are you doing here? Shopping?"

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"I'm actually on my way to the bus station. I spent the night at a friend's." She felt funny saying that,

but she didn't think she could claim Trey as her boyfriend—yet.

"You going home?"
"Yes. Then I'm going to another friend's place to help her finish packing. She's moving in with her

boyfriend tomorrow. He lives a few streets from here."

"Oh. So does that mean you'll be around here a lot, then?"
"Yes, I'd say so. Until I go home, anyway," she said with a laugh, thinking about how she'd love to

spend most of that time with Trey.

"Do you have time for coffee?" Blake asked.
She checked her watch. Ari wasn't expecting her and Sam until around midday. She had time and

was actually feeling slightly peckish.

"Sure. Coffee—and maybe a bagel or croissant—would be good."
"I know just the place," Blake said.
They walked to a coffee shop around the corner, with Blake telling her about the musical he was


While they were waiting for their orders, Kris decided to ask Blake what she'd been dying to

know the answer to. "Ah, Blake. I was just wondering if you're any close to making a decision about
the contract job?"

Blake sighed loudly. "If the complications I can't tell you about didn't exist, I would have

announced my decision by now. I'm still working on a few things. But…I can tell you I'm very
impressed with you. That's all I can say right now."

She grinned. "So if those complications didn't exist, or when you're able to resolve them, would it

be fair to say I have a very good chance of being offered the job?"

Blake chuckled. "Do I have to answer that?"
"If you want to."
"Do you want me to?"
"Then, yes."
She gasped. "So if you get everything sorted out, I get the job?"
Blake stared at her for a long moment, his eyes dancing and a small smile playing on his face.

"Yes. But…"

"I know. It's not one hundred percent certain that you'll be able to get rid of those pesky

complications," she answered with a genuine smile. "I'm just glad I'm on the top of your list."

"How can you not be? You're wonderful," Blake said softly.
"Thank you," she said shyly.


"I'll walk you to the station," Blake offered as they left the café.
They strolled in companionable silence until Blake asked her nonchalantly, "So, Kris. Is there a

boyfriend back home who'll get disappointed if you stayed here in Sydney?"

She glanced at Blake's profile, surprised by the question.
"No," she answered truthfully.
"Great! I mean, I won't have to worry about you not being able to concentrate on the job because

you're missing someone in Melbourne. If you get the job, that is."

She chuckled. "Honestly, Blake. You are the biggest tease when it comes to offering a job."

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Blake chortled. "I'm sorry," he said, before touching her arm to stop her from walking. "I promise

I'm working hard to sort this stuff out. If I can't, then no one can substitute for me while I'm away for
the musical."

She looked at him uncertainly. "Geez, Blake. I hope you get everything sorted for your sake.

Please don't worry about what I think. I know you'll have to make the decision that's best for your

He smiled. "I want to give the job to you. That way I'll have the opportunity to see if you'll be

suitable for the Melbourne role. Just give me some time. I'll find a way. Don't worry your pretty little
head about it."

As they proceeded toward their destination, a nagging feeling bothered Kris. Was Blake interested

in her? She hoped he wasn't keen to hire her just because he fancied her.

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"Okay. So we're all on the same page with everything?" Trey asked Dylan and Adam as they wrapped
up their meeting.

"Yup," the two guys answered.
"Great. Anything else we need to talk about?"
"Yes," Dylan said. "I've been trying to hold my tongue about this for the last hour as I want to get

this meeting out of the way first. Now that we're done, let me get Adam up to speed with what
shocked me this morning."

"What?" Adam asked, his eager expression evident from the computer screen.
Trey took a deep breath. He knew this was coming. He was surprised Dylan hadn't grilled him

straight after Kris left.

"Well," Dylan drawled, "When I rang up Trey earlier this morning to arrange this meeting, I said

to him I'd be arriving in twenty minutes. Lo and behold, he told me to give him an hour. One hour.
Adam, how much time did you need to drag yourself out of bed and have a shower so we could talk
about a multi-million dollar deal?"

"I would have been ready in two minutes," Adam quipped. "Why would I even need to take a

shower when only the two of you were going to see me?"

Dylan snickered. "Well, since I was coming here, I thought Trey might want to at least brush his

teeth, so I thought twenty minutes was plenty of time."

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Dyl. Get to the point," Trey said in resignation.
"Yeah, what is this all about?" Adam queried.
"You want to tell Adam about it?" Dylan asked Trey, arching an eyebrow.
"You started it, you finish it," Trey responded.
"Okay," Dylan said, facing the webcam so Adam could see his full facial expression. "I walked in

here and discovered that not only had Trey broken his own Rule Number One again, but he also broke
Rule Number Two."

Adam gasped in surprise. "He brought a woman to his apartment again? She stayed the night? Holy

hell. What's happened to you, bro?" he asked Trey.

"What do you mean what's happened to me?" Trey responded with a frown. "I thought I've made it

clear to the both of you that Kris and I are having a three-week fling."

"Yes, I get that. But after our discussion the other day about her, I was surprised you took it even

further," Dylan said animatedly. "Trey, I sincerely hope you're not leading her on. Kris is not just
anyone. She's my future wife's and my sister-in-law's best friend."

"You've proposed to Ari already?"
"Not yet. But you know what I mean," Dylan said. "And don't change the topic."
Trey raked his hands through his hair. How was he going to explain himself when he didn't fully

understand what was going on either?

"Dyl, I don't think Kris is interested in me for the long-term. You know what she's like. She's very

frank and open. She said she was only after a fling and I believe her."

Dylan sighed. "Okay, granted that's the case, but what's with you breaking your rules?"
"What's wrong with me breaking my rules? They're my rules to break. But since you guys are so

interested, I'll have you know I did it for convenience. And don't forget, Kris will be leaving in just a
little over two weeks. She's not some Sydney chick who could knock on my door at any time," he said

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in heated defence.

He felt a twisting in his gut at his words. Kris would be gone soon. Why did that upset him?
"I just don't know what to make of this," Dylan said, shaking his head.
Neither do I, Dyl. Neither do I, Trey thought to himself as he took a sip of water to hide his


"So, what now?" Adam asked. "I suppose that when all of us are together with the girls, including

Kris, we just don't say anything? Act like it's no big deal?"

Trey shrugged. "Yeah. Why should it be any different?"
Dylan smirked and stared at him with watchful eyes. "It's different because I didn't know where to

look when you kissed each other goodbye this morning. You say you're not together, but you acted like
you were."

"Wait, wait," Adam piped in. "They kissed each other goodbye? How?"
"Lovey-dovey, mushy, tender kiss goodbye," Dylan replied.
Trey gasped. "Hey, it wasn't like that," he protested.
"Wasn't it?" Dylan asked, his eyes narrowed in challenge. "That was what it looked like to me."
Adam laughed out loud. "The great Trey Andrews falling for a chick. I've been waiting for the day

you eat each and every single word you've said about how you've become immune to love."

Trey sagged in his chair and groaned. "You guys are just annoying the shit out of me."
Dylan chuckled. "We're obviously pushing a big button here, dude. Come on, it's us. Out with it!"
Trey sighed, rubbing his hands on his face. "Look, I'm seriously attracted to Kris. I'm not denying

that. But how do I know this is not just a passing fancy? There had been women in the past that I've
been really attracted to, and you both know that after a couple of weeks or so my interest went
downhill fast. I just don't want to take this any further than a casual fling if I'm just going to disappoint
her afterwards." Or if she's just going to disappoint me.

"So what do you plan to do?" Dylan asked.
"Just enjoy her company. If it leads to something more serious down the track, then so be it. But I

don't want to purposely get us to a serious stage. Besides, at this point in time, it's just my dick
dictating my actions. It wants Kris bad."

"So all that lovey-dovey kiss goodbye didn't mean anything?" Dylan pressed.
"I blame the afterglow of a great night of sex."
"What if in the next few days you realise that—shock, horror—you want something more than

casual? What would you do then?"

Trey fell silent as he thought about Dylan's question. Was he ready to become vulnerable again

with a woman? Was he now open to a relationship, or at least the possibility of it?

He allowed himself to look back at the short time he'd had with Kris and the reality surprised him.

There was a great deal of passion between them, but there was also just as much tenderness. Could he
fall in love without being aware that he was in the process of it?

Whoa. That was a scary thought. But it dawned on him that he might not have any choice but to go

with the flow. He'd gone this far with Kris without even noticing it.

"How do you fight it if you don't want to fall for someone?" he asked out loud.
"In my experience, I don't think you can," Dylan answered quietly.
"Well, then, that's the answer. If I can't fight it then I won't. Mind you, it remains to be seen where

exactly Kris and I are heading," he said with an unconcerned lift of his shoulders, wanting to make
light of the situation. "Anyway, let's put the spotlight back on you, Dyl. Since today is your last day of
living alone in bliss, how about we go out tonight and do a pub crawl?"

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Dylan laughed. "You better save that for my buck's night, bro. I'm going to Ari's to help her move

some important stuff that she wanted to transport herself; so, unfortunately, I'll be busy tonight."

"Oh, you guys need any help?"
"I'm not sure. The girls said it's all under control."
"I'll go help, anyway," Trey offered.
"Me too," Adam said.
"Hey, that would be great, guys. Thanks," Dylan said with a grateful grin.
Trey smiled at Dylan's expression. His best friend of over fifteen years seemed really excited

about living with Ari. Just a few months ago, Dylan was the type of guy who'd run the other way if he
saw a relationship coming. Funny how things could change just like that.

If Dylan had experienced a transformation, could it happen to him too? Would he want it to



Trey was about to press the buzzer to Ari's apartment when he spotted a woman busily stuffing items
into the apartment block's recycling bins. Even though the person had her back turned, he could tell it
was Kris. He'd know her anywhere.

Quietly, he approached, not wanting to alert her to his presence. When he was close enough he

poked her lower back with his forefingers.

She yelped in surprise, dropping some loose papers she was holding and turning around with eyes

wide as saucers. "Trey! What are you doing here? You scared me half to death!"

"I've come to help out," he said with a wide grin, happy to see her.
"Oh, really? Good! There's actually not much to pack anymore. We were just about to start

cleaning up inside so there wouldn't be much to do after the place gets emptied tomorrow, but Dylan
insisted on getting cleaners in instead. But it's good you're here. We're having pizza delivered to
celebrate Ari's last night in this place. She's invited some of her neighbours."

"Sounds good," he replied, helping her finish her task.
As they walked back into the building, he casually draped his arm around Kris' shoulders. Just that

morning he'd seen her and made love to her, yet he still had missed her—a lot. He felt a tightening in
his groin and was sorry they wouldn't be alone tonight. She just turned him on all the freaking time.

He stopped her in the middle of the stairs and placed a lingering kiss on her lips. He just couldn't

help himself.

"I missed you," he breathed after he was done kissing her. He didn't mean to say it out loud, but

what the heck, it was already out of his mouth.

"I missed you, too," she responded with that happy smile he loved seeing on her face.
They resumed walking up the stairs and he slinked his arm around Kris' waist, squeezing her tight

against him. He sighed contentedly as she copied his gesture.

He was aware that something was shifting in his world. He didn't know what, why, or how, but the

truth was, he didn't want to look deeper. He had a feeling it would scare the hell out of him if he did.


"Happy birthday, Linda," Trey said, cordially greeting Dylan's mother with a kiss as he handed her a

"Wow, thank you, Trey. It's so nice of you to come and join us. It's been a long time since I've last

seen you," Linda replied, hugging him hard and sounding pleasantly surprised to see him at the door.

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It was Dylan who had invited him and Adam to come and help celebrate his mother's sixtieth

birthday. He now wondered if he was even on Linda's guest list.

A grinning Dylan appeared. "Hey, Trey. Glad you could make it."
"Of course," he replied as Linda motioned for them to follow her to the vast backyard.
He pulled Dylan aside. "Did your mum actually ask you to invite me and Adam?" he whispered.

"It didn't look like she was expecting me."

Dylan chuckled. "Part of our surprise for Mum is to invite more people. We couldn't give her a

surprise birthday party because she was already fully expecting she would have one. But she thought
it was only going to be family and her close friends only."

"That's nice. Is Kris here already?"
"No. I don't think she's coming," Dylan said.
"Really?" Trey asked in complete shock. "She told me last night she was. She said she and Ari

were going to help Sam and your sister with the food for the party. Apparently, Sam had been grinning
from ear to ear in excitement about it."

Dylan chortled. "Well, well. For two people only having a fling, you sure know a lot about what

the other is doing on a daily basis."

Trey flushed. Yes, he went red, and the fact that he did made him even redder. Argh!
He and Kris had indeed been sharing a lot with each other. It wasn't a conscious decision on his

part to suddenly open up to her with things he only normally shared with his best friends, but it just
happened. With Kris, it just seemed right and natural.

"Well," Dylan drawled. "Kris told me your mother's having an engagement party on Monday night.

Strange time to hold a party."

"I know. Don't ask me why. I don't even bother asking."
"Right. Kris also said you're taking her. For two people only having a casual affair…"
"I didn't want to be stuck having to chat with someone I didn't want to talk to, so I thought it would

be a good idea to bring a date with me," he justified.

"So, you two are dating now, huh?" Dylan said with a Cheshire cat grin.
"Uh, we haven't discussed anything of the sort. We're just going with the flow."
Dylan patted his shoulder. "Well, you have just over a week to figure out where you want to take

this, bro. You'll need to talk about it before she goes home."

He sighed. "Yes, I know. But hopefully, she gets that three-month teaching contract. That'll be


"Ooh, now you don't want her to go yet."
"It's not that," he tried to deny. "She just really, really wants it. When her idiot of an ex

mismanaged their studio, a number of their supporters and clients got angry at them for broken
promises and delays in returning pre-paid fees. Working in Blake's studio will go a long way toward
re-establishing her reputation in the industry. It's really important to her."

Dylan looked at him pointedly. "If you're having this kind of conversation with her, and you care

about what happens to her career, and you still think the two of you are just having a fling, you need to
have your head examined."

He chuckled to hide his discomfort. "I just don't know what to think, Dyl."
"What's there to think about?"
He shrugged. "I don't know if I want a long-term relationship."
Dylan nodded. "I used to feel the same way, remember? I guess the question you'd have to ask

yourself eventually is if you'd rather go back to your old ways, or lose Kris. Only you can answer

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"I don't know how she feels about me," he said, feeling like an uncertain teenager. "I mean, we talk

and all that, and the sex is amazing. But I think that's just her personality. She's a very frank and open
person. What if she doesn't want a long-term relationship?"

"That's why you have to talk about it," Dylan said with a bit of impatience. "Like I said, you have

just over a week to do it, if she doesn't get that job at the studio."

Dylan started walking toward the back of the house and Trey followed.
"I wonder what made her change her mind about coming today," Trey mused.
Dylan laughed. "She's here. I was just pulling your leg."
He snickered with relief. He was looking forward to seeing Kris again, even if it hadn't been

twenty-four hours since he was last with her.

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Kris sat on a comfortable fold-up chair in Linda and Fred's backyard, enjoying a well-earned drink
with Sam, Ari and Dylan's sister Faye.

They'd worked hard all day and the result was at the big buffet table for everyone to see. While

Sam and Faye masterminded the whole menu and did most of the cooking, she and Ari were their able

"Hey, girls," a deep voice said and her heart started beating wildly.
"Hey," she answered, giving Trey a wide smile.
Trey walked over to her and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, then proceeded to do the same

to the other girls. Her lips tugged upwards, thrilled that Trey went out of his way to greet her first
even though he was already standing next to Faye and Sam.

"Did you girls do all that?" Trey asked in disbelief, his eyes wide as he stared at the food-laden


"Yes, we've been slaving since this morning," Faye said with a grin.
"Wow," he said. "It looks better than if you hired professional caterers."
"Well, it's our special gift to my mum," Faye said. "I actually planned to order at least half the

food but these girls had been wonderful. I didn't think it would turn out this way. Jasmine was right.
Sam should consider this as a career."

"Thank you. I had fun today," Sam sighed with contentment.


As Dylan, Faye, and their twin brothers got ready to bring out Linda's birthday cake, Linda's husband
gently tapped the side of his wine glass with a fork to grab everyone's attention.

"Darling, can I ask you to stand here with me, please?" Fred said to his wife. "I know you didn't

want Kane and Jasmine to cut short their honeymoon just to be able to make your party, but they
wouldn't dream of not being able to greet you."

Fred grabbed the iPad that was sitting on a small table and handed it to Linda. Kane and Jasmine

were on a video call from Paris.

Linda was busy chatting with her oldest son and new daughter-in-law when they were interrupted

by the guests singing "Happy Birthday", with Dylan carrying a big cake with countless blazing
candles, followed by Faye and the twins.

After Linda blew out her candles, Kane was heard asking, "What did you wish for, Mum?"
"I'm not telling you. It might not come true! But I can tell you my other wish."
"I'd love to have grandkids one day."
Kane laughed. "With five kids, I'm sure one of us will give you at least one, Mum."
"Well, you and Faye are the married ones, but I'm going to shut up now before I get in trouble. I'm

sorry you guys are missing out on the wonderful food we're having tonight. Let me show you the buffet
table, so you can see," she told Kane and Jasmine.

"Before you do that, Mum," Dylan interjected, clasping Ari's hand. "We have another surprise for


"Oh, what's that?"
"Well, Ari and I woke up early this morning to watch the sunrise," Dylan started.

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Snorts and guffaws were heard from Kane and the twins, as well as Trey and Adam.
"You woke up early enough to watch the sunrise?" Kane asked in disbelief.
"Yes," Dylan said with a grin. "Because Ari said she'd love to watch a sunrise with me."
"Awww," all the women said as one.
"Anyway, I know Mum would love this news so I'm sure she wouldn't mind me hijacking her

birthday party to announce it." Dylan smiled at Ari before continuing. "As the sun was rising, I
proposed to Ari and she said yes."

Squeals of delight were heard from everywhere in the backyard, the loudest one coming from


While Kris watched everyone take turns congratulating the newly engaged couple, her gaze

strayed to Trey and found him watching her. She smiled at him as he ambled toward her.

"I really hope you get that job at Blake's studio," he said quietly, snaking an arm around her waist.
She beamed at him. "Me, too," she replied, resting her head on his shoulder.
She felt him kiss her hair and her heart expanded. Maybe, just maybe, she and Trey had a future



Kris twisted her hands nervously as she waited for Blake to enter his office. She'd been waiting for
him for almost fifteen minutes now and wondered what was keeping him.

She couldn't wait to hear what he was going to say. She'd been waiting for his call for days, and

when it came that morning, she'd hardly been able to concentrate on anything else. It had helped that
she had gone shopping with Sam all day. But she'd been so distracted she hadn't even bought one item,
whereas Sam had added five new pieces of clothing to her wardrobe.

She wanted this job so much she could taste it. Funnily enough, it wasn't the leg-up she'd get for

the Melbourne position that made her desperate for the role. It was the fact that it would enable her to
stay in Sydney for a longer period of time so she could be with Trey.

The last ten days with him had been wonderful beyond her expectations. As far as she was

concerned, what she and Trey had was no longer a fling. It was much too sweet, much too caring, and
much too passionate to be considered casual.

They hadn't talked about it yet, so she didn't know what Trey thought of their relationship status.

But judging from how he'd been treating her and how he'd been wanting to spend all his free time with
her, she was hopeful he was starting to consider them a real couple.

She knew being in a serious relationship would be a major step for Trey, and she didn't want him

to feel pressured. That was why getting this job meant a lot to her. It would give Trey time to get used
to the idea of being in a committed relationship with her.

She was startled out of her thoughts when Blake finally walked in.
"Hey, Kris," he said brightly.
"Hi, Blake," she replied, scanning his face for clues of his news.
"Sorry I kept you waiting. How are you?" Blake asked as he sat on his chair.
"Good, thank you. You?" she replied calmly.
"I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad you're able to make it here this evening. You probably planned to have

dinner with some friends. But my days are pretty full and I didn't want to just tell you my news over
the phone, so I appreciate you coming here after business hours."

"No problem."
"Those complications that I mentioned to you the other day," Blake said, "I've managed to work

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around them. So, the job here in Sydney is yours, if you want it."

Her face broke into a wide, grateful smile. "Of course, I want it. Thank you so much, Blake."
"There's another opportunity coming up that I haven't mentioned to you before. This came about

just in the last couple of days. One of my dance teachers will be moving to Melbourne for family
reasons. That means I'll have a critical full-time position available here in the future. I just want to
mention that so you're aware. When the time comes you can apply for that position, as well as the
Melbourne one, if you like."

Kris inhaled sharply, surprised by his news.
"The thing is, Kris, I want a really strong candidate for the role here—even more than for the

Melbourne studio. This branch is more established, and as you know, our clientele here demand the
very best. I need someone who's able to maintain the excellent reputation of this place while I'm off
working on some other project. While I'm not promising you anything at this point, I hope you would
consider applying for the Sydney role when it becomes available. I've spoken to a few people you've
worked with in the past, and they only have great things to say about you."

Kris gulped visibly, words failing her for the moment.
"Anyway," Blake said, "I know a permanent move to Sydney is not an easy decision. I thought I'd

let you know early so you can take your time considering the possibility. For now, we're both clear
you're accepting the three-month contract, right?"

She smiled at him. "Yes. Again, thank you, Blake."
"I think I'm the one who's thankful. You're a find, Kris. I know you'll be a big asset for me. When

can you start?"

"Can you give me a couple of weeks? This holiday ends for me on Sunday when my cousin and I

fly back home. I'll need time to sort a few things out. I'll resign from my current job, among other

"Sure. That's not a problem. Well, since I dragged you here at this time of the evening, how about I

take you out to dinner?"

"Oh, that's not necessary. You already gave me a job," she answered with a laugh.
"Do you have other plans tonight?"
"Well, I did have plans but I had to cancel them—"
"Great! Consider dinner as a celebration of you getting the job and of me finding the perfect

person. I insist."

She stared at Blake, unsure of what to do. She was supposed to accompany Trey to his mother's

engagement party tonight. But when she got Blake's phone call, she'd told Trey she couldn't go with
him. She didn't tell him the reason why, only that something came up and she'd tell him about it later.
She just had this overwhelming desire to surprise him if Blake's news was positive.

Trey had been quick to let her know it was okay, and that he'd try to have fun at his mum's party

without her.

Now that she had the Sydney job, she couldn't wait to see Trey's reaction when she told him. But

since he was at a party tonight, it would have to wait until tomorrow.

Well, it should only be a quick dinner with Blake, and since she had to eat anyway she couldn't

see any harm in joining him. Blake's news did call for a celebration, and besides, she wanted to be on
his good side so she could remain as his favoured candidate for the full-time positions.

"Okay, if you insist," she finally said to Blake with a gracious smile.


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Kris glanced around the Italian restaurant Blake took her to. Trey had mentioned this place to her the
other day, saying he'd love to take her there. It had a warm and cosy, yet elegant, atmosphere. If the
food was as good as Trey said it was, little wonder it was very popular.

"So," Blake said after they'd ordered. "Is there anything you'd need help with for your move here

in two weeks? Do you already have accommodation?"

"I'll probably ask my friend Jasmine and her husband Kane if I could stay with them for the next

three months. They're the ones I'm currently house-sitting for."

"What about your friends here in Potts Point? Won't they have room for you?"
She smiled, thinking how wonderful it would be if she could stay with Trey. But she was afraid of

scaring him off if she suggested it.

"They have guest rooms, but I don't think it would work if I'm around for three months," she

answered Blake. "Jasmine and Kane's place is the best choice. Their house is massive, and they have
plenty of spare rooms, so I won't feel like I'm intruding on their privacy. I might still decide to find a
one-bedder or a studio apartment nearby, though, depending on how much the rent would be. Inner
city rents are very expensive, especially around here."

"Yes, they are, although with the convenience of not having to commute, it might be a good idea to

find a place nearby. I'll ask around for you, if you want. I have some contacts in the real estate

"That'll be good. Thanks, Blake. I really appreciate all this, you know."
"Please don't mention it. I'd love to help you any way I can. If there's anything at all you need,

promise you'll ask me?" he asked softly.

Blake's gaze was a tad too serious and a little too intense that Kris was glad when their dishes


She kept the discussion centred on dancing and choreography as they ate their meal. While he

seemed to be at pains to hide it, she was pretty sure Blake was interested in her. She didn't want to
encourage him, but at the same time she wanted to develop a friendly, easy-going professional
relationship with him. After all, he was giving her the best career opportunity she'd had since she sold
her own business.

"By the way," Blake said as he signalled for the bill. "After this I have a surprise for you."
Kris eyed him suspiciously. "A surprise?"
"Yes. More accurately, I'm taking you somewhere else."
"Um, I really have to go home after this, Blake," she said uncomfortably.
"I know this is all totally unexpected, but you really have to go with me to this place," Blake


She shook her head. "Sorry, Blake. I can't."
He sighed. "Well, I guess I have to tell you what it's about now. I plan to take you to a special

private party for a couple of people. They'll be among the first clients you'll work with."

She frowned. "Why is it such a surprise? Wouldn't I be meeting them in two weeks anyway?"
"Oh, but they're not just your ordinary clients," he said, before mentioning the names of two of

Australia's biggest international movie stars.

"Get out of here!" she said with disbelief, her jaw dropping to the floor.
He chuckled. "Well, once I've paid for dinner, we will get out of here and meet your mega-star

students. They'll be filming a movie that involves some dancing, and that's where we come in. I had to
really beg and pull some strings before I got the green light to take you with me to tonight's affair.
Obviously, with their profiles, this party is strictly by invitation only. I had to convince them that you

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being there tonight was important since you're my sidekick for this project. They need to get to know
you just as much as they already know me."

"Oh, my gosh," she whispered, her earlier annoyance evaporating to be replaced by star-struck


"The only thing is," Blake continued, producing a folded document from his coat pocket, "I'd need

you to sign this before we go there. It's a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Basically, you can't say
anything to anyone about tonight. Everything about this project is still under wraps."

"Oh, okay," she said, taking the one-paged agreement from him and reading it quickly. She didn't

find anything amiss or untoward so she held out her hand for the pen Blake had readied for her and
signed the paper.

"Also," Blake said as he took the document back from her, "don't be surprised if you're asked to

dance impromptu. Knowing the director, he'd take this opportunity to suss you out. But if you're asked,
I already know you'll blow them away, judging by your performance for me during our interview."

"Who's the director?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual.
Blake told her.
"You're kidding me, right?" she asked, still trying to grasp the idea that she, Kristen McCann,

would be working with two of the most recognisable stars on the planet and an Oscar-winning

"Nope," Blake said with a big grin, obviously delighted by her reaction.
She was still staring at Blake in excited disbelief when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She

looked up and her heart skipped a beat. "Trey! Hi."

"Hi," Trey said with a small smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes. He turned to Blake.

"Hi. It's Blake, right?" he asked.

"Yes, it is," Blake confirmed. "If I remember correctly, you're Kris' friend whom we met at

another restaurant?"

"Yes, that's right," Trey answered hesitantly, seeming to want to say something else but changed

his mind. "Kris, why don't you join me at my mother's party when you're done here?" he asked, staring
at her with an inscrutable expression. "We're in the restaurant's private function room."

"I'm afraid Kris and I have a party to go to right now, Trey," Blake answered for them with a

pleasant smile.

Trey narrowed his eyes and looked at her quizzically. "A party?"
"Yeah. Blake offered me the job and this was, uh, unexpected. Sorry, Trey," she said weakly, her

system in too much of a shock to come up with something better than that. Plus, she was conscious of
the NDA she'd just signed.

"I get it," Trey said coldly after a long second. "Enjoy yourselves." Then he turned and walked


"I'll call you later," she called after him. But either he didn't hear, or he chose to ignore her. She

wanted to repeat what she'd just said, but it would mean raising her voice and disrupting the other
patrons. Besides, it would take a bit of time to explain to him why she was with Blake and not with
him at his mother's party. Shit, shit, shit!

She glared at Blake. "You should have warned me about your plans for tonight," she said


Blake gave her an apologetic smile. "Hey, please don't be mad. I was only able to pull it off right

before I saw you earlier. That was why I was late. I was on the phone to them wrangling for you to be
added to the guest list. I'm sorry. I would have told you sooner if I could."

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Blake's phone vibrated. "It's our limo," he said.
"The people who organised this party don't do things in half measures. Let's go."
She shook her head in exasperation as she stood up, her excitement of a few minutes ago totally

evaporating, replaced by worry over what Trey might be thinking.

Damn it! So much for wanting to surprise him with her good news.

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"You okay?" Rebecca asked Trey gently.

"Sure," he answered, trying for a smile but failing miserably.
Why should he be bothered by the fact that Kris was out with another man? Even if she was on a

date with the moron, why should it matter? It wasn't like he didn't know how casual relationships

And casual was all that was going on between him and Kris. It might have felt something more to

him in the last few days, but clearly, for Kris it was still a fling and nothing more.

His fingers tightened around the bottle of beer in his hand. The urge to smash it was so great he

had to consciously force his fingers to relax.

"What's wrong, Trey?" Rebecca asked softly.
"Nothing," he lied.
"Why are you seething?" his sister pressed.
"I just saw Kris outside having dinner with another man."
"Kris? The girl who was supposed to be with you tonight?"
"Oh. Maybe it's a friend?"
"Well, apparently he's her new boss now. And he's taking her to a party," he said sarcastically.
"Huh?" Rebecca said in confusion. "She didn't come here with you to go to another party?"
"Maybe there's a good explanation for it," Rebecca offered.
He shrugged, trying for an I-don't-care attitude. "Kris can be with whomever she wants. There's

nothing going on between us."

Rebecca regarded him for a long moment. "I think that's bullshit. Look at you. You're all rattled."
"I am not rattled," he said insistently.
"Cut the crap, Trey. What's the point in lying? To me?"
He sighed exasperatedly. "Fine. So I'm rattled. So what?"
"So what? You obviously have feelings for that woman!"
He scowled at Rebecca. "Yeah. So what? I get the picture, time to move on, no hard feelings."
"What do you mean time to move on? Don't be silly, Trey. What if this is all a misunderstanding?

Don't jump to conclusions."

His hand that wasn't holding the beer clenched to his side. God, he was burning with anger right

now. How could he allow himself to be fooled again?

His gaze landed on his mother flittering from one guest to another, hanging on the arm of her new,

wealthy fiancée. He had to hand it to her. Even at fifty-one, his mother hadn't lost her ability to attract
men. Many of them were still willing to worship at her feet. Well, money did help her take care of her
looks and she did make an excellent, respectable-looking partner for busy entrepreneurs who wanted
a wife who could hold successful events that aided their causes.

He'd learnt tonight that his future stepfather owned one of the most successful tour companies in

the US. No wonder his mother decided to dump her last boyfriend to be with this one.

His mother's ex was just as rich, but apparently he had become sick of touring one country after

another. He had wanted to stay in his country estate to enjoy the quiet life. Trey's mum, of course,
couldn't bear the thought. She loved travelling. She had been bitten by the travel bug many, many

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years ago, and still suffered from it.

A clear concept formed in his head as he watched his mother. Of course, Kris would prefer Blake

now that he'd given her a job. Why wouldn't she? Dancing was her first love and her lifetime
ambition, and Blake was giving her a fantastic career opportunity.

A deep sorrow blended with his anger. For all the money he had, he couldn't give Kris what Blake

could. Hell, he couldn't even dance. If he were to be rational about it, he couldn't really blame Kris
for her choice. Why shouldn't she prefer Blake? They were much better suited to each other.

"Trey?" Rebecca said softly, rubbing his arm comfortingly.
"Listen, Bec. It's cool. Really, it is. You know I'm not the relationship kind of guy anyway. It's

better that things between me and Kris didn't go any further. Just let her be happy with her new job
and … new life." He wanted to be magnanimous enough to mention Blake's name but he simply

"That's it? You're giving up?" Rebecca cried in dismay. "What if Kris had a good explanation for

tonight? At least find out if she's willing to explain."

"I think she made her choice when she cancelled on me tonight to be with another man," he said.
His heart constricted so hard it surprised him his voice didn't crack.


Trey walked into his apartment and left the lights off. Without thought, he strolled to the window and
stared at the view that Kris loved so much. Merciless hands squeezed his heart as he thought of her.

Fuck. How the hell did it happen so fast? It was absolutely crazy. If it wasn't him who was

experiencing it, he would have contended it was impossible to feel something so deeply for someone
so quickly.

But as Rebecca had said, why lie?
He raked his hands through his hair. Okay, so he had fallen in love. Big deal, right? He'd get over

it, and he'd do anything to make sure it was sooner rather than later.

He'd forgotten for a short while why he preferred the bachelor lifestyle, but he remembered it


He already had everything he needed in life. Sure, he might not have the one woman, but he had

his pick of many. He didn't need a relationship. He had been genuinely fine without it before, so he'd
be fine without Kris.

He bit his tongue to distract himself from the lancing pain in his chest. What could he do to hasten

his recovery?

His ringing phone startled him. Kris? He fished it out of his pocket and scowled in


"Hey, Adam," he said flatly.
"Hey, dude. You home?"
"Good. I'll be there in two minutes," Adam said and abruptly hung up.
He sighed, preferring to be alone but Adam didn't give him the chance to decline his company.
He sat on the tub chair near the window and smiled wistfully as he remembered the few times he

and Kris made love there.

He gasped at his thoughts. Good God. He'd lost his marbles. He must stop thinking at once! Well,

actually, that wasn't right. He must stop feeling at once!

He heard a click and a light streamed in from the doorway, silhouetting Adam.

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"I'm here."
"Why are the lights turned off?"
"Oh. Well, you can turn them on if you like," he answered.
He squinted as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness of the room.
"Are you okay?" Adam asked concernedly as he walked toward him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"
Adam sat on the chair next to him. "Rebecca rang me. She said you might want some company."
He snorted. He should have known.
"Hey," Adam said softly. "She told me what happened. I think you're overreacting."
He arched his eyebrows. "Overreacting?"
"Yeah. So you saw Kris have dinner with her new boss. Who knows, maybe it's to celebrate her

appointment. You can't go around thinking she's dating him all of a sudden."

"Why not?" he countered. "We're not together. We were just having a fling. She's free to date other

men without letting me know about it."

"But why jump to conclusions, Trey? There's something between you and Kris even if you won't

admit to it."

"Why are you guys so keen about this? So what if Kris and I don't end up together?" he asked,

more than a little peeved.

"Because we've never seen you this way before, bro," Adam said quietly.
"I appreciate your support," he said sincerely. "But why don't you give Kris the space and don't

push me onto her. Let her make her decision without undue pressure from her friends."

"What will you do? Just sit there and do nothing?"
He rubbed his face in frustration and pain. "Adam, Blake said he was taking Kris to a party. Who

takes a mere employee you've just hired to a party? First they have dinner then they go to a party? It
reeks of a date to me. And you know what? Kris looked absolutely excited about it. If I was more
important to her, she would not have gone with him especially since I asked her to join me at my
mother's party. My expression would have told her I wasn't happy with the whole thing. And she still

He let out a harsh exhale. "To be honest, Adam. Looking at her two choices—him or me—I can

understand why she'll go for him. It sucks, but he could give her what I can't."

"You don't know for sure that she's chosen him."
"Well, right now she's with him and not with me. What does that tell you?"
Adam took a slow, loud sigh. "Okay. I see what you mean. Wanna hit the clubs?"
He contemplated for a moment. He almost walked into one on his way home, but he didn't feel up

to being approached by single women looking for some fun, which almost always happened.

"Oh, what the hell," he said out loud. "Yes, let's go."

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Kris walked out of the building where the client's function was still going strong, relieved that she
was finally able to leave. It was already the early hours of the next morning, and she was dog tired.

She hadn't thought they'd finish this late. Blake hadn't either. He would have been happy for her to

leave much earlier, but just as she was about to go the Hollywood director had asked her and Blake
to give an impromptu performance for the guests' entertainment, just as Blake had predicted.

After that, she had lost count of the people who'd wanted to have a chat with her, with some even

asking for a quick, short lesson right there and then. Blake had pulled her aside and asked if she didn't
mind staying a bit longer to humour the guests. She couldn't blame him for asking. Some of them were
just as famous as their hosts.

Despite the fact that she had her professional hat on, conscious that she was there to represent

Blake's studio, there was much joviality at the party, and she was made to feel like she was one of the
guests. She did try to enjoy herself, but she couldn't fully let her hair down. Trey was in her mind all

She stepped into the taxi that the valet attendant had called for her, grateful that she could now

switch off. After she'd given the address to the driver, she pulled out her phone and stared at it. Was it
too late to call Trey?

She was really itching to talk to him, just to make sure everything was well between them. But he

was probably in bed already so she decided to send him a text instead.

*Hi, Trey. I wanted to call, but you're probably in bed by now. Can I see you tomorrow? Please

call me when you wake up.*


Awareness that the sun was well and truly up came to Kris when she opened her eyes. It must be
close to mid-day.

She stretched on her bed, feeling refreshed. It was good to catch up on some sleep. Since she'd

been staying with Trey most nights lately, she hadn't had much of it. Then there was last night's surreal
party to top it off.

She sat up in bed and snatched her phone from the bedside table, only to sniff in disappointment.

Trey hadn't responded to her text.

Without hesitation, she dialled his number, but he didn't answer. She left a message on his

voicemail for him to call, fervently hoping that he would soon. The worry she had when she left the
restaurant last night had returned in full force.

Maybe he's just busy this morning.
She rang Ari.
"Hi, Kris," Ari greeted.
"Hi, Ari. How are you doing?"
"Good, thanks, but panicking a little bit. There's been another delay in the delivery of materials for

one of my customers' wedding dress, but the supplier did promise my orders will be here tomorrow."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," she soothed. "Um, do you know if the three boys are busy with work


"They're always busy. Dylan's been holed up in his study since eight this morning. Why?"
Kris sighed. "Do you have time for lunch today? I'm heading there to pop in at Trey's."

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"Sure. Ask Sam if she wants to come too. I'll see you soon."


"But it wasn't a date!" Kris protested as Ari relayed the conversation Dylan had with Trey that
morning, after she and Ari had talked.

"I'm sure you'll have your chance to set things straight," Ari consoled.
"I should have explained last night at the restaurant. I knew he wasn't happy but I thought we'd be

talking today," Kris said worriedly. "What else did he say?"

"Well, when we were encouraging him not to give up on you, he asked who would we prefer for

you? The two choices were a guy with whom you have a lot in common and who could support your
career in dance, and a guy who didn't know anything about the industry so he couldn't help in your
career. Basically, Blake or him."

"What did you say?" Sam asked curiously.
"We said the choice was Kris'. Then Trey said we should back off and let Kris make her


"Wait," Kris said. "You said you were encouraging him not to give up on me? What does that


Ari was quiet for a long time, seeming to think about how she could answer the question.
"Ari, please just tell me everything," Kris pleaded quietly.
Ari sighed heavily. "Well, he sort of said you guys are not together so you could go out with

whomever you want. Then Dylan said to cut the crap because he could tell Trey has feelings for you.
Trey admitted that he did—"

"He did?" Kris interrupted excitedly.
A flicker of emotion crossed Ari's face and Kris' elation deflated like a burst balloon.
"Everything, Ari, please," she urged her friend.
Ari nodded. "What he said was, 'Yeah, so what?' Then he said it was time to move on, and he had

no hard feelings. So Dylan and I told him not to give up on you. I even said to him that you liked him.
That was when he said we shouldn't butt in if you wanted to date Blake."

"I don't understand," Kris said, close to tears. "He admitted he has feelings for me but he didn't

care if I went out with someone else?"

"Well, it was more like he thinks Blake is better for you," Ari said.
Kris bit her lower lip and looked down at her plate, trying to fight tears. So Trey's feelings were

not strong enough to want to fight for her? Not that he even had a fight in his hands. There wasn't even
a contest. But…he had been prepared to simply give her away to someone else.

"Kris…" Sam said, running a soothing hand up and down her back.
She looked up and smiled bravely although her eyes were swimming in tears. "He doesn't want me

enough, does he?" she whispered.

"Oh, Kris," Ari cried. "I don't think it's that. But I think it's important that the two of you talk."
"Well, he doesn't want to talk to me. Maybe he's moving on. That was what he told you."
"Look, I can ask Dylan to arrange something so the two of you can have a private conversation.

Would you like me to do that?"

Kris nodded gratefully at Ari, not trusting herself to speak.


"Do you want to walk with me to Trey's building?" Kris asked Sam after their lunch with Ari.

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"You think he'd be there?"
"Well, he works from home, so unless he has a meeting somewhere else, he should be there."
"You really want to do this? You don't want to wait until Dylan's set something up?" Sam asked.
"No. We're here already. I might as well try again. I just need to know exactly what he's thinking,

Sam. You know me. Not knowing will drive me nuts."

"Okay, I'll walk with you."
When they reached their destination, Kris pressed the buzzer to Trey's apartment. Her heart was

racing, and she took deep breaths to calm her nerves down.

"Hello?" Trey said through the intercom.
"Trey? It's me. I'm here with Sam. I was wondering if you have a few minutes."
"Uh…I'm in a middle of a conference call. I'll be at least another hour."
Her heart sank. "Oh, I'm sorry. Um, would you like to join us for coffee when you're done? Sam

and I could meet you at that coffee place around the corner from here."

"Okay. I'll see you there," Trey said softly.
Kris knew her face shone with relief as she turned to Sam. "He's going to join us for coffee."
"Yes, I heard that," Sam responded with an understanding smile.


Kris glanced at her watch again as she and Sam entered another shop.

"Time will not go faster no matter how many times you check it, you know," Sam said dryly.
Kris sighed. "Sorry. I just don't want to be late."
"It's only been half an hour, Kris. He's still on his conference call. If you head to the coffee shop

now, you'll just fidget around on your ass."

"Don't you want some coffee yourself?"
"But you want me to leave you and Trey alone," Sam said with a laugh.
"We can go there now and order something while we wait for Trey. Then when he gets there, you

can go and I'll meet you at Dylan's after. If I have my way, though, you'll be going home alone and I'll
be with Trey tonight."

"Oh, Kris," Sam said sympathetically. "I really hope it works out for the two of you."
"Me, too, Sammy," she said quietly.


They just finished ordering their coffees and cakes when someone called out Kris' name.
Oh, fucking hell. No.
It was Blake, who was sitting alone at another table. He stood up and walked over to them.
"We seem to have this habit of bumping into each other," Blake said to Kris with a wide grin.
"Well, I suppose you do work around here," she responded with a wan smile.
"Did you get home all right last night?" Blake asked.
"Yes, I did. Thanks."
"You kept the taxi receipt, didn't you? Don't forget to have that reimbursed when you turn up for

work in a couple of weeks."

"I won't, thanks," she responded, wondering how she could get rid of him.
"Did Kris tell you about last night, Sam?" Blake asked, casually sitting on the empty chair next to

Kris. "Did she tell you how utterly professional and charming she was? They loved her."

"I'm glad. I was already deep into dreamland when she got home but she did tell me all about it

this morning," Sam said politely.

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Blake turned to Kris. "I'm really grateful for last night, Kris," he said, leaning closer and looking

at her with soft, sincere eyes. "You didn't have to stay there so late but you did. You don't know how
much PR that created for our studio."

"Oh, don't mention it," she said, as she sipped her coffee that was placed in front of her. It was too

hot and a drop escaped the side of her mouth.

"Oops, sorry," she said, as she wiped it with the back of her hand.
"You missed a spot," Blake said, reaching over and cleaning off the speck.
She froze. "Blake, I think that's a little too inappropriate," she chided.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Blake said in surprise. "It was a reflex action. Anyway, I'll have to make sure I

pay you overtime for last night," he continued with a charming smile, as if he just didn't make her

"Thank you," she murmured, glancing at Sam and hoping her cousin had something up her sleeve

that would make Blake disappear.

Sam gave her an almost imperceptible shrug.
Blake straightened up. "Unfortunately, I have to go, ladies. I have a meeting coming up in a few


Kris hid a sigh of relief.
"I'll see you at work in two weeks, Kris. That is if I don't bump into you again before that," Blake

teased as he stood up to go.

"See you, Blake," she responded, glad he was finally leaving.
"Thank God, he's gone," she said to Sam when her new boss was out of earshot.
"I'd say he's certainly interested in you, Kris. It was obvious."
"I'll have to say something more forceful the next time he does something improper," she said,

looking out the window.

She did a double take and squinted, trying to spot the man that had just disappeared amongst the


She thought it was Trey but it couldn't be. He should still be in his meeting. Besides, the man was

hurriedly walking away from the coffee shop, not toward it.

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Trey continued walking. Fast. He didn't have any destination in mind. His brain was too muddled to
focus on such a detail. What was clear in his head was a picture of Blake wiping the corner of Kris'

"I just can't handle this," he muttered to himself, feeling ridiculously juvenile. He was thirty-two

years old, for God's sake. Couldn't he be more composed about this? Why didn't he just go in and
speak to her?

Well, he knew why. Kris didn't call him for a reconciliation.
God, he was such a fool for hoping. How could he even think she was still interested in him?

After her text at one-thirty in the morning, he should have known it was definitely all over.

One-thirty. In the morning. Kris and Blake. Arrghh!
He slowed down and headed back to his place. He couldn't bear to see Kris. Not yet. If she

wanted to tell him they were over, she didn't have to. It was clear as day.

He pulled out his phone and sent her a text.
*Sorry, I can't make it.*


"Glad you're here," Adam whispered to Trey as Adam let him in.

"Glad I'm here, too," Trey responded dryly, staring at Adam who looked both relieved and


"Sandy's here," Adam said in a low voice. "And she doesn't want to leave. She's in the kitchen

right now making us coffee. You've got to help me get rid of her."

Trey snorted in surprise. "What? You can't get rid of her yourself?"
"I've tried! But she keeps on saying we haven't finished talking. Help me!" Adam said a little


Trey shook his head in amusement. Not too long ago, Adam had fought to defend Sandy against

his and Dylan's concerns that Sandy was a little bit of a gold-digger. Adam hadn't wanted to hear
anything bad against Sandy then, but he'd certainly changed his perspective now.

"But you're in love with her," he teased Adam. "Why would you want her out of your life? She's

sexy, pretty…sexy, pretty…ahh, what else?…sexy, pretty…"

Adam gave him an elbow on the rib. "Be serious. I'm sick and tired of her chasing after me. I've

already told her so many times we're over, but she's like a dog with a bone!"

"Of course, she is," he replied seriously. "You're dripping with money. I'm sure she aims to be the

mistress of that big house Kane's designing for you."

"So what do I do, short of being outright rude and throwing her out?"
"You're much too soft on her, Adam. If everything else has failed, then be rude and just throw her

out," he answered.

Adam groaned and stomped toward the kitchen.
Trey smirked at the raised voices coming from the other room. He had no sympathy for Sandy. She

was lucky she'd lasted as long as she did with Adam, and gotten more than a few expensive gifts
along the way. Adam was just too nice and too trusting. He was easily hooked by girls like Sandy—
unlike Trey and Dylan.

Well, of course, Dylan was now undeniably hooked. But Ari was a great girl who loved Dylan

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beyond doubt. Dylan was a very lucky man.

Ah, Christ. Now he was calling someone who wanted to get hitched a lucky man? There was

something seriously wrong with him.

"I'll call you later tonight, okay?" Sandy was saying tearfully to Adam as she was herded to the


"I'll be busy. Don't bother," Adam answered brusquely.
"Yes, Adam and I are going out tonight, Sandy," he called out, deciding to give his friend a helping


"Hi, Trey," Sandy said with a hopeful smile. "How are you?"
Standing behind Sandy, Adam rolled his eyes. "Sandy's just leaving, Trey."
"Okay. Bye, Sandy!" he said with a goodbye wave.
With an exaggerated sigh, Sandy walked out, huffing and sniffing.
"Thank God for that," Adam said as he closed the door.
Trey chuckled mirthlessly.
"Okay, Andrews. What's going on?" Adam asked as he sat on the chair adjacent to him.
"What do you mean?" he dodged.
Adam raised his eyebrows at him. "You cut our conference call short so you could have coffee

with Kris. And yet, you're here and not with her."

Trey inhaled sharply. "I don't think there was anything we needed to talk about so I texted her to

let her know I couldn't make it."

"Why don't you want to talk to her?"
"She'll only say we're done, Adam. What's the point of having coffee together just to be on the

receiving end of a dumping?" He wasn't about to admit he didn't trust himself to keep his composure if
Kris told him straight to his face she didn't want him anymore—in a public place like a coffee shop.

"Trey, why don't you just talk to her? You're making too many assumptions. Jesus, your reaction to

this is worse than a teenager's."

Trey stared at Adam. "You really think so?" he asked, allowing some hope to seep through. Maybe

he had overreacted. Kris did crazy things to his system—his heart. Maybe he'd been too irrational?

"Yes, I think so," Adam replied. "Why did you change your mind about meeting up with her?"
"I went to the coffee shop earlier than expected and I saw Blake there with her. And he was doing

this." He leaned over to Adam to rub an imaginary spot on the corner of his lips.

"Oh," Adam said, his expression turning to dismay. "Blake was doing that to Kris?"
Adam was silent for a few seconds before continuing. "That was kind of intimate, wasn't it?" he

opined, scratching his head. "Do you know what kind of party they went to last night?"

"No," Trey gulped, the feeling of despair returning in full force. "I only know she didn't go home

until one-thirty in the morning."

"One-thirty?" Adam asked incredulously. "Who stays out for that long with a boss?"
"Kris did," Trey said in an almost-whisper. His hand involuntarily went to his chest where a

heavy sensation was becoming more bothersome. He knew it. He didn't overreact.

Adam slouched back in his seat and stared at the ceiling. "Well…as you said before, you two

were not really together..."

"No, we weren't. And it was fucking stupid of me to think otherwise," he growled, suddenly angry

at himself. "Consider this a short aberration from the norm. From right now, I'm back to the usual."

"What usual?"

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He gave Adam a you-should-know look. "Casual sex, one-night stands—the things that don't make

you go crazy."

Trey didn't like the sympathetic look Adam gave him. He didn't want sympathy. He wanted his

easy, old life back.


Trey settled himself in a comfortable chair as he watched Adam chat up a woman at another table.
His buddy was wasting no time enjoying his single-again status.

He surveyed the club, looking for someone to catch his eye. His gaze landed on a blonde girl in a

red dress who was staring at him openly. She smiled and he smiled back. With a flirty bat of her
eyelids and a flick of her hair, she turned back to her friends.

She's an option, he thought to himself as he continued his visual evaluation of other pretty faces.

Well, there were always heaps of beautiful women around and he could really take his pick. Maybe
he should just settle for the woman in red.

But he felt too lazy to get up and walk over to her. He was quite comfortable where he was.

Besides, the night was still young and there was plenty of time.

And yes, he was just making up excuses.
Truth was he was feeling guilty. Being in a club with the intention of picking up felt like…

cheating. On Kris.

"Don't be fucking ridiculous, Trey Andrews," he muttered under his breath.
He stood up and walked purposefully toward Blondie in Red, anger at himself and Kris propelling

him to do the very thing he didn't feel like doing.

"Hi," he said to the woman.
"Hi," she answered back, her eyes opening wide and her lips curving into a come-hither smile.

She was most definitely interested.

"I happen to notice you're almost finished with your drink. I'd love to buy you another one," he

said smoothly.

"Sure," Blondie in Red said readily.
"What would you like?"
"Climax," she answered in a seductive tone.
He smiled at her double entendre. "Coming right up," he said, then headed to the bar to get the

cocktail drink.

When he walked back to his date-for-the-night, she was all alone. Her friends had disappeared.

Oh yeah, this one knows what she wants.

"I'm Trey, by the way," he said as he handed her his drink.
"I'm Connie," she answered.
"Well, here's to a great night, Connie." He clinked his glass with hers.
"Cheers," she responded with a knowing smile.
They chatted for a little bit about nothing in particular and Trey started to get bored. He was

considering making an excuse to leave when Connie touched his hand and leaned close to him, her
breast pressing against his arm.

"Trey, how about we continue our conversation at my place," she purred.
Trey stared at Connie for a moment. Did he really want this?
An image of Kris flashed in his head, along with the unprompted, unwanted, highly aggravating

thought that she could very well be with Blake tonight. Fuck.

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"Let's go then," he answered Connie.

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Kris pushed the food around her plate, not having any appetite whatsoever.

"I know I'm not as good a cook as Sam, Kris, but it's not really that bad, is it?" Ari asked with a


Kris flushed. "It's good, Ari! Really! I'm sorry but I'm just not very hungry. It's not your cooking.


"I'm sorry, I was just kidding," Ari said in reply to her flustered response.
"I'll find out what happened, Kris," Dylan said softly.
Kris nodded at Dylan who'd been suspiciously quiet and non-forthcoming since she and Sam

turned up at his place after Trey cancelled on her.

"You think Trey's just busy, Dyl?" she asked. "I know he was on a conference call before he was

supposed to meet me."

"Something may have come up," Dylan replied.
She nodded again. She wanted to ask Dylan to give Trey a call to find out why he'd changed his

mind about meeting her. But she didn't want to come across as some desperate chick, although that
was exactly how she felt. She just couldn't shake off the dreadful sensation that something went
horribly wrong.


"Are you sure you don't want me to give you girls a lift home?" Dylan asked. "It's quite late already. It
really is no trouble."

"No, thanks, Dyl. We'll be fine," Kris answered. "It'll be good for me to see what nighttime public

transport's like from here to Kane and Jazzie's, if I'm to stay with them during my three-month stint."

"You know, you're welcome to stay here with me and Ari, too," Dylan said. "You can easily walk

to work from here."

"Thank you," she said sincerely. "But I don't want to intrude on your privacy."
Dylan chuckled. "I know this apartment is not as massive as Kane and Jazzie's house, but it'll be

more convenient for you, so think about it. Ari and I seriously don't mind, as long as you can put up
with the constant noise coming from our bedroom. We can get pretty loud."

Ari lightly slapped Dylan's arm, giving him a mock frown.
Kris laughed. "I'm used to bedroom noises. Jaz and Kane aren't exactly quiet, either. But thank you

for the offer, Dyl. I'll think about it."


"Let's walk this way so we can burn off more calories," Kris said to Sam as they left Dylan's


Sam looked at her suspiciously. "You just want to pass by Trey's place again."
Kris answered her with a shrug.
"You do remember that you and Trey haven't spoken about officially being a couple, right?" Sam

asked gently.

"Yes. Why?"
"I hate to say this, but what if Trey really only wanted a fling? So when he saw you with Blake

last night, he decided it was time to end it because it wasn't really serious?"

Kris was silent for a second. "Trey told me I was the first girl he'd ever invited to his place. I was

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also the first he'd slept with overnight since his last serious relationship almost six years ago. He said
he broke his rules for me."

"Really?" Sam asked in wonder.
"Yes. So you see, even though we didn't exactly talk about it, it seemed to me like we were

headed somewhere as a couple."

"You think it wasn't just a line?" Sam asked.
Kris glared at her cousin. "Are you calling Trey a liar?"
"I'm just saying it's possible," Sam said defensively. "Ari told you he was the biggest playboy she

knew, didn't she? Don't playboys have lines they use on women?"

"I can't believe you think that. But just to satisfy your curiosity, let's go back to Dylan's and ask

him. He's Trey's best friend, so he would know."

"Oh, come now, Kris," Sam said exasperatedly.
But Kris was already heading back to Dylan's apartment. She didn't want to admit it to Sam, but

she also wanted to know if what Trey told her was the truth.

She pressed Dylan's buzzer when they got there. "Hi, Dyl. We're back," she said through the

intercom. "I just need to ask you a couple of questions."


"We don't need to go in," Kris said as Dylan opened the door wide open for them. "Just two quick

questions then I'll leave you alone."

"Just the honest truth, please, Dyl?"
"Apart from me, has Trey ever invited a girl—apart from friends and family—to his place?"
Dylan took a deep breath. "No," he answered definitively.
"Has he ever stayed overnight with a woman?"
"Apart from you, not in the last six years."
Her face broke into a wide, happy smile. "Okay. That's all. Thank you."
"Wait, Kris," Dylan said. He regarded her for a long moment before continuing. "Trey has deep-

seated reasons why he doesn't want to get involved in serious relationships. I'm not sure if he has
changed his attitude on that, even though he's broken a couple of his rules for you."

"What reasons? Does it have something to do with how he sees his mother?"
"You know about that?" Dylan asked in surprise.
"Yes. He seems to think of her as a gold-digger."
Dylan stared at her, seeming to decide what to divulge. "I'm sure his mother's antics have a lot to

do with his view of relationships," he finally said. "He never knew his dad and he was only eight
when his mother first left him and Rebecca in the care of his grandparents to run away with a rich
Frenchman. She'd done that more than once—going back to them, only to leave them again and again."

Kris' eyes watered. She felt for Trey and wished she could heal his hurts.
"He likes you, Kris," Dylan continued. "But I don't know why he's avoiding you. I'd say he's afraid

of how he feels. For all his self-confidence in other areas, he has a hard time dealing with emotional
pain so he shuts himself out from the sources of it. You're pushing him out of his comfort zone."

She gave Dylan a grateful smile. "Thank you for telling me."


"What do you plan to do?" Sam asked Kris as they took the longer route to the bus station.

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"I don't know. I just want him to talk to me so we can sort things out. You do think he has feelings

for me, don't you?"

"Well, it does look like it. But, Kris, the question is how much does he care? I'm glad he feels

something for you, but what if his feelings are not as deep as you want them to be? I know that's not
what you want to hear, but that's a very real possibility."

"You sure know how to lift up my spirits," she said dryly.
"Oh, Kris, you know I just don't want you to get your hopes up too high only to be disappointed.

You'll be more crushed then."

Kris nodded, knowing Sam meant well. Sam had always been her voice of reason, the one who

showed her all sides to the story when her impulsive nature only focused on what she wanted to see.
But still, she could really use some supportive words right now. Trey meant so much to her—

They just turned a corner, and Kris froze. Her heart stopped for a beat before racing painfully in

her chest. Even her lungs seemed to fail for she found it extremely hard to breathe.

There was Trey, hailing a taxi. A blonde in a tight-fitting red dress had both her arms around his

neck while his was around her waist. She seemed to be whispering something in his ear. Either that,
or she was plain kissing him.

He opened the passenger door, his hand lingering on the woman's lower back as she scooted

inside the cab. Then he got in beside her and the taxi drove them away.

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Trey looked out the window. The longer he sat at the back seat of the cab, with Connie rubbing
herself against him like a cat, the more his gut wrenched.

It just didn't feel right.
He'd been fighting that sensation since he'd agreed to go home with Connie, and the closer they got

to her place, the stronger it got.

Connie's hand started rubbing his thigh. "Is everything okay? You've been very quiet."
He gave her a smile. "Sure. Just thinking about something."
"Yeah," he said with a sigh.
"Well, in my experience, the best way to solve a problem is to stop thinking about it for a while.

Then you can revisit it from a different perspective. The best way to distract yourself from it is with
some good, hot sex," she said seductively, placing soft kisses along his jaw.

He chuckled. He actually agreed with her. But again, the thought of having sex with Connie made

his stomach twist in protest. Or was that his heart?

"We're here," Connie announced.
"I'll get this," he said, pulling his wallet from his back pocket.
"Okay, thank you," Connie said as she climbed out of the cab.
Trey pulled out some cash and gave it to the driver. "Can you wait here for me?" he asked. "I'll

only be a couple of minutes."

"Sure," the cabbie said in surprise.
He joined Connie at the front porch of her apartment building. When she inserted the key in the

lock, he stilled her hand.

"Connie, I'm sorry. But I'm afraid I can't go through with this."
Connie stared at him in surprise before smiling her understanding. "That's okay. It's a girl, right?"

she asked.

He smiled at her. "Yeah."
She nodded. "Well, Trey, it's a shame. But I understand. Hope you sort it out."
"Thanks, Connie. Sorry for ruining your night."
She laughed. "Hey, you just actually made my day. I can still live in hope that a man like you is

waiting for someone like me. You can't be the only one of your kind in existence."

"What kind is that?" he asked curiously.
"The ones who can only get their dicks hard for the woman they love."
He stared at her, more than a little shocked with her words. "I…um…"
Connie chuckled at his discomfiture. "Hey, whatever. Thanks for the drink, anyway. At least I had

one Climax."

He grinned. "Thanks, Connie. Take care."


Trey listlessly checked his phone as the taxi drove him back home. He had a missed call and a text
from Dylan.

*Call me please. Important.*
He frowned with concern as he dialled Dylan's number.

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"Hey, bro. Where are you?" Dylan asked when he answered the phone.
"In a taxi. What's wrong?"
"I was going to ask you the same thing," Dylan said.
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you cancel on Kris earlier today?"
Ah, damn. He didn't want to talk about Kris right now. He wanted her out of his head and this

wouldn't help.

"I didn't want Kris to think I was still interested in her so I decided it was best not to see her. You

know how it works, Dyl."

There was silence on the other end of the line.
"I thought you liked Kris," Dylan said quietly after a long pause.
"Sure. But the latest events had me reconsidering. It made me realise how much I prefer the

bachelor lifestyle—less hassle, less aggravation." Less heartache.

"Dyl," he interrupted. "I'm not interested in being with Kris anymore."
"Don't you even want to hear what we talked about tonight? Ari and I had dinner with her and


He considered for a couple of seconds before answering. "No. There's no point carrying on about

this. If you don't mind, I'd like to drop this topic."

At that moment, the taxi driver hit the brakes hard to avoid a car that ran the red light. Trey lurched

forward, swearing in surprise.

"Sorry," the driver said. "Did you see that idiot? I almost hit him!"
"What was that?" Dylan asked.
"An asshole ran the red. We almost hit him."
"Where are you going, by the way?"
"I'm going home."
"Oh. Where did you go?"
"I just left the place of this chick I met tonight," he answered, glad of where this conversation was


"You went home with someone tonight?" Dylan asked, disbelief evident in his voice.
"Right," Dylan said with resignation. "I guess there is no point talking about you and Kris."
"No. There isn't," he confirmed.


Trey frowned as his intercom sounded. He was expecting Adam and Dylan for a meeting but he
wasn't expecting them to buzz.

"I'm here."
"Dyl? Why didn't you just come up? Did you lose your key?"
"Have you forgotten? You told me not to use it anymore," Dylan responded.
"It was only because…well, you can use it again. Come on up."
Trey shook his head, annoyed at the emotions that swamped him. Yes, he had recently asked his

friends to not just walk in. But that was only because there were days when Kris had hung around his
place until the guys arrived, and they could have been in the middle of...

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He forcefully pushed that thought aside and prepared himself instead for some intensive grilling

from Dylan and Adam. He hadn't completed some tasks that the guys were expecting him to deliver in
today's meeting. He'd really tried to get them done, but he just found it impossible to concentrate.

The guys would wonder what the hell he'd been up to in the last three days. Well, he might not

have done what he was supposed to do, but he had been road-testing their latest games app. Sure, that
wasn't his job, but it was something that took his mind off the woman who haunted not only his dreams
but his every waking hour.

The door clicked and Dylan strolled in. "Fuck, you look terrible," Dylan said.
"Gee, thanks." True, he hadn't shaved in a couple of days and his eyes must have shown his severe

lack of sleep. But he was hoping no one would notice.

His buzzer rang again. He groaned. That must be Adam. What was the matter with these two?

Couldn't they tell Kris wasn't in his life anymore?

Dylan was closer to the intercom and let Adam in.
Trey turned on the coffee machine, aware that Dylan was staring at him. He refused to

acknowledge the attention, knowing where the conversation would lead. He didn't want to go there.

Adam arrived and Dylan pulled him aside to whisper in his ear.
Trey frowned at them suspiciously.
"All right, Trey. Let's hear it," Adam said as he and Dylan went to get their cups of coffee.
"Okay," Trey said, "I'm afraid I'm not quite done with some of my tasks. But I'll be working

intensely to get them finished." He mentally crossed his fingers that he'd be able to do just that.

"How far away are you from finishing?" Dylan asked.
"Um. I don't know. Two days? Three?"
Dylan shook his head. "We agreed we can't be late with this, Trey."
"I know. But we're not due to present till the end of next week."
"But we still have to check and double-check everything," Adam said. "That's cutting it fine."
"Sorry," was all he could say. "I'll get it done."
"Fine," Adam said. "Okay, like I said earlier, let's hear it."
"Hear what?" he asked.
"Stop bullshitting. Look at you."
He sighed his acquiescence. "What do you want to know?"
"Tell us how you feel," Adam said softly.
He snorted. "What? Are you guys going to psychoanalyse me?"
"You don't want to talk about it? If you don't, we'll leave it," Dylan said to Trey's surprise.
"Thank you. No, I don't want to talk about it," he responded. "There's really nothing to talk about."
"Okay, fine," Dylan said, as he sat on the couch. "Since you're not done with your stuff, it might be

better if we cancel this meeting and let you work. We'll just reschedule for Monday."

"Good idea," Trey said with relief.
"You will finish in two days, right?" Adam asked.
"Yes. I'll work all weekend."
Adam turned to Dylan and said in a low voice. "He's not going with us tomorrow, is he?"
"No," Dylan answered.
"Where are you guys going tomorrow?" Trey asked.
"We're having a get-together at Kane and Jazzie's place for Sam and Kris' last day in Sydney,"

Dylan said with an impassive expression.

Trey involuntarily swallowed. "Cool," he croaked. "Say goodbye to the girls for me."

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"Sure. I'll tell Sam."
"Do you want to go with us?" Adam asked.
But Dylan shook his head. "Sorry. He can't."
"Yeah. We've just established I have work to do," Trey said wryly.
"It's not that."
"Then what?"
Dylan sighed loudly. "Kris wouldn't want you there."
Trey smiled mirthlessly at Dylan's comment, his eyes hardening. "Well, I suppose that's good. I

don't want to go anyway."

"Yeah, we know. You don't have to worry about bumping into her on the streets either," Dylan


"Isn't Kris coming back in a few days to start working at Blake's studio?" Adam asked.
"No," Dylan said simply.
"No?" Trey asked before he could stop himself.
"Well, when is she starting?"
"She's not."
Trey stared at Dylan, trying to digest his answer. "What do you mean she's not?"
"She's not working for Blake. So she's not coming back."
"Blake changed his mind about hiring her?" Trey asked in astonishment.
"No. Kris quit."
"She what?"
"She quit."
"Why? She hasn't even started yet." Trey didn't know why he kept on asking questions, but they

burst out of him without his permission.

Dylan looked at him straight in the eye, his gaze intense and watchful.
"Since Blake's studio is so close to your home and to the clubs where you pick-up, Kris didn't

want to work around here anymore. She didn't think she could bear seeing you get in a cab again with
another woman you're going to have sex with."

All air left Trey's lungs in a whoosh. "What?" he asked dazedly.
"That night when you went home with a chick, Kris saw you getting in a cab with her," Dylan

explained. "Apparently, you had your arms around each other and Kris assumed—correctly, if I may
add—that you were going to the girl's place to sleep with her. That's why I'm not pushing this issue
with you, Trey. Kris was utterly devastated, and if you really don't want a relationship with her then
it's better she forgets about you."

"But…I didn't sleep with Connie," Trey mumbled, his mind in a jumble and his heart beating a

thousand times a minute.

"What do you mean? You went home with her. When you called me back from the taxi, you'd just

left her place." Dylan contented.

"I left as soon as we got there."
"Why?" Dylan asked suspiciously.
"I couldn't go through with it," he whispered.
"Why not?" Dylan pressed.
He shook his head, unwilling to say the words to answer Dylan's question.
"You're in love with Kris, aren't you?" Dylan said softly.

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Trey raked his fingers through his hair. "What about Blake?"
"What about him?" Dylan asked. "Blake might be interested in Kris, but she doesn't want him. It's

you she wants!"

"I saw them at a coffee shop one afternoon," he said in his defence.
"When you saw him wipe something off her face?"
He nodded.
"Kris told us about that. That was all Blake. She told him off for being inappropriate."
He gaped at Dylan. Come to think of it, he didn't see Kris' reaction to Blake's gesture. He was in

too much of a hurry to leave the vicinity.

"She chose to go to dinner and a party with Blake instead of going with me to Mum's engagement

party," he continued, although a feeling of dread started to settle in his stomach.

"Blake called her for a meeting. That was why she cancelled on you. She didn't tell you the real

reason because she wanted to surprise you if the news was good. As for the dinner and the party, if
you'd let her explain, you'll see it was all about work. It wasn't a date." Dylan sighed. "Trey, I can
understand why reacted like you did. I understand you want to avoid being hurt again. The irony is, by
shutting Kris out of your life, you're hurting anyway. Not only that, you hurt her, too. Badly."

Trey buried his face in his hands, tears close to the surface.
Kris saw him get into a cab with Connie…a woman who had her arms around him…a woman

Kris thought he'd slept with on the same day he refused to see her. Oh, God.

And then she gave up her dream job.
"How could she throw away the role Blake gave her?" he asked in anguish. "She was so excited

about that job. She really, really wanted it."

Even though it was like a knife in his heart, he truly wanted that stint for Kris. It would do

wonders for her career.

"Because of you, you dummy," Dylan said gently.
Trey squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't let Kris give up her future just like that. He wouldn't be

able to sleep at night knowing she was still slaving in her office job when she could be getting paid to
teach dance and interact with high-profile people.

He sat up straight and looked beseechingly at his best friends. "Guys, I'm afraid I won't be able to

do any work today. I have to find a way to get Kris her dream job back. But, please, let me deal with
this alone. Don't tell her anything until I've spoken to her."

He didn't want to disappoint her any further if he couldn't pull it off.

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Kris plastered a smile on her face as she helped Sam and Ari prepare food in the kitchen for their
mini-party while Dylan and Adam looked after barbecuing some meat and sausages outside. She
couldn't believe her Sydney break was almost over, and by tomorrow, she'd be back in Melbourne.

It was funny. Just a few days ago, she was desperate for a way to stay there a while longer. Now

she couldn't wait to leave. She should have listened to Sam and Ari when they said it was a bad idea
to get involved with Trey. God, she missed him so damned much. But at the same time, she didn't
want to see him ever again for hurting her so badly.

Not only did he not trust her, not only did he not give her a chance to explain, but he quickly went

back to his playboy ways as if they never happened.

She did try to understand him, knowing of his issues with his mother. But if his reaction to every

fight or misunderstanding was to shut her out and have sex with some random woman, then she simply
couldn't be with him.

That fact hurt like hell.
The doorbell rang and she frowned. As far as she knew, they weren't expecting anyone else.
She went to answer the door and froze as she stared at the man who rang the bell.
"What are you doing here?" she hissed.
"I want to talk to you," Trey said softly.
She gaped at him—she couldn't help herself—and noticed the dark bags under his eyes and the

sadness in their depths. Sadness mixed with…fear?

It tugged at her heartstrings, but she refused to succumb. He'd slept with another woman, damn it!
"What do you want to talk about?" she asked coldly.
"There is no 'us', Trey."
Trey swallowed visibly and rapidly blinked, as if he was trying to maintain composure.
"I didn't sleep with that woman," he whispered, his eyes pleading.
"Oh? So by that I presume you mean you didn't stay overnight? So what did you do then? Screwed

her for a couple of hours then left before midnight?"

He winced. "No! I did get in the taxi with her. I did go to her place, but her front porch was as far

as I went. I did plan to have sex with her. But I couldn't, Kris. I felt like I was cheating on you, and I
couldn't go through with it."

Her mind was in a whirl. "Why did you plan to sleep with her in the first place?"
"I was hurting and I wanted to forget. I thought you wanted Blake instead of me."
"How could you think that after the time we spent together? Did you think that was all a lie?" she


"Well, Blake owns a dance studio, he introduces you to celebrities—"
"You thought I'd cast you aside for that?"
"I thought you already had when—"
"Shut up. Just shut up," she said angrily. "You didn't even bother to talk to me, Trey. You don't

trust me. And you know what the worst part is?" Her eyes flooded and she bit her lip to stop it from
trembling. "The worst part is you were willing to just walk away without a fight."

She looked down as tears cascaded down her cheeks. Impatiently, she brushed them away.
"I'm sorry, baby. I just didn't know how to handle—"

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"Please, Trey. I don't want to talk about it. I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't see how we could

possibly salvage this relationship after everything that happened. If you don't mind, I'd like you to
leave. The guys were so good at organising this day for Sam and me. I don't want to ruin it for them."

"Kris," Trey whispered in a plea.
"Please, Trey. I can't deal with this now."
"Now? Okay. I'll come back later."
She smiled sadly. "I'll be gone, Trey."


Kris looked around as she and Sam entered their apartment. She waited for the feeling of homecoming
that embraced her every time she was back after a long period of being away. All that came was a
deep sense of emptiness and a huge chunk of regret.

Did she do the right thing by refusing to speak with Trey? Sure, this whole saga started because he

didn't want to talk to her, but did she have to perpetuate the cycle? He had looked utterly devastated.

"You okay, Kris?" Sam asked, looking at her with concern.
"Yeah," she said with a small smile and walked to her bedroom.
The big panoramic print of Sydney Harbour hanging on her wall greeted her. A silent gasp

escaped her, followed by soft sniffing, until she gave in and wept with deep, heart-wrenching sobs.

Sam was instantly beside her. "Hush, sweetie."
"Oh, Sam. I love him," she cried.
"I know, honey."
"I miss him."
"I know."
"What should I do?"
"I don't know," Sam said. "You're asking someone who couldn't even snare a man who knows his

way around a woman's body."

Kris chuckled despite her tears. "It's only because you've always been too conservative. You go

for the ones who look too safe and you end up getting bored with each other." She sniffed. "While I
always go for playboys and get burned every single time. Why do I do that?"

"Why don't we switch preferences next time? You go for the safe, boring ones, and I'll go for the

dangerous players," Sam joked. "Maybe we'll have more luck then."

Kris hugged her cousin. "Thank you for making me laugh."
"I think I'm going to have a bath then go to bed," she said.
"You don't want to have dinner?"
"No. I'm not hungry, just tired."
"Okay. I might order some Chinese. I'm kind of peckish but I don't feel like cooking. I might even

order enough for tomorrow," Sam said.


Kris knew she should get out of the bath soon. She'd been in there for too long and she was getting
thirsty—even hungry.

Gingerly, she stepped out of the tub, dried herself and donned a robe. She now felt like having

some of the Chinese food that had been delivered. She'd heard the security buzzer go off five minutes

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She walked out to the living area and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who was sitting

with Sam on the couch.

"Hi," he croaked, getting to his feet when he noticed her.
She forced her lungs to function as she grappled with the tidal wave of emotions that threatened to

engulf her.

"I'll leave you two alone," Sam said, standing up and walking toward her bedroom. Then she

stopped abruptly and looked at Kris. "You know, it might be better if you talk in your bedroom, Kris.
Then you won't get interrupted when the food arrives."

Kris didn't respond; she couldn't move.
Sam gave Trey a gentle nudge in her direction. "Go."
Trey moved slowly toward her while she remained frozen. She stared at him, unable to look

away, and noticed the strained look on his face and the moistness of his eyes. Her heart beat wildly,
and her lips parted to take in more oxygen.

"Which one's your bedroom?" Trey asked softly.
Silently, with arms folded across her chest, she turned and walked, and he followed.


"What are you doing here?" she asked as she stood by the window, looking out.
"To say I'm sorry," Trey said from behind her. "And to ask for another chance."
She took a deep breath. Yes, she missed him so damned much. Hell, yes, she loved him,

completely and utterly. But she was still hurting.

"I shouldn't have shut you out when you wanted to explain what happened," Trey continued softly

when she didn't respond. "And I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I'm so sorry, Kris."

Trey gently grasped her arms and turned her around. She looked up and fresh tears sprung to her

eyes at the sincerity and vulnerability in his expression.

"I haven't opened up to a woman the way I've opened up to you, Kris. Before I knew it, my whole

heart was already in your hands. When I saw you with Blake at the restaurant that night, and he
intimated you were on a date, I felt like you'd just mangled my heart and threw it right back at my
face. All my defence mechanisms rose. I tried to protect myself from further pain and made stupid
decisions in the process."

Trey tenderly swiped away the tears that streamed down her cheeks with his thumbs.
"I know you wanted to explain, but when I saw Blake brush something from the corner of your

mouth, and you allowed him, I—"

"What?" she asked in surprise. She knew it. That guy she saw hastening away from the coffee shop

was Trey.

"When I saw him touching you like that, after I thought you went out on a date with him the night

before—" Trey shook his head, remembered hurt displayed in his expression. "I honestly thought it
was all over. I pretended I didn't care—that it wasn't a big deal—so I could lessen the pain. I did
attempt to have a one-night stand with someone but I swear I didn't sleep with her. I simply couldn't,"
he said hoarsely.

"I'm so sorry I even got into a taxi with another woman. If the roles were reversed and I saw you

going home with another man…" Trey shut his eyes, his face a picture of agony.

She placed a palm on Trey's cheek. She couldn't bear his haunted, distressed look any longer.
Trey grasped her hand with his and pressed it against his lips. When he opened his eyes, they

were swimming in tears.

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A sob escaped her and she launched herself at him.
Trey inhaled shakily as he crushed her to him.
They stood there, holding each other tightly, unmoving but from the heaving of their chests, silent

but from their deep breathing. Their hearts healed as their tears turned to relief and gratitude.

"I love you, Kris," Trey whispered in her ear.
She leaned back against his arms and cupped his dear, dear face. "I love you, too, Trey."
His face expressed wondrous joy as he fitted his lips with hers.
They kissed for long minutes, softly and tenderly at first then passionately and hungrily.
Their mouths fused and their hands explored avidly, greedy for more of each other.
Trey backed her on to the wall and pressed his hard body against her soft one. "God, I missed

you," he breathed, untying the sash of her robe and feverishly running his hands on her bare skin.

She let out a small moan, her head tilting to the side to give him full access to her neck and throat.
Trey groaned and lifted her so her legs wrapped around him. He adjusted them so she fit perfectly

against him, his erection digging deliciously against her sensitised, excited nub.

Their hips gyrated in tandem, pleasuring and driving each other crazy with the friction happening

through their clothes.

"Oh, baby," Trey gasped against her mouth, his tongue plunging inside as he kissed her


"Trey, I want you inside me, please. Now," she panted. She was so close, but she didn't want to

come while he was still fully dressed.

Trey grunted and set her down, proceeding to divest her of her robe and panties in record time.

She helped by unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them down along with his boxers. When they were
both naked, Trey carried her to the bed and lay on top of her.

He stared in her eyes for a long moment, caressing her face with the tips of his fingers. "I love

you," he whispered again.

"I love you," she whispered back.
With a swift move, Trey rolled on his back and brought her on top of him. "Ride me," he said, his

voice hoarse with desire.

She positioned herself and angled her hips to take him in. A loud moan escaped her when her

dripping wet core took in all of his granite-hard cock.

She bounced on top of him, trying to slow down her movements to prolong their lovemaking, as

their passionate sounds mingled and filled the room.

"God, Kris, you feel so good," Trey gasped, his mouth hung open and his face contorted in rapture.
She mewled, seeing Trey undone heightened her pleasure and spiralled her upwards.

Uncontrollably, she rocked against him faster and harder. Faster and harder. Oh, he felt so damn

Her body tensed, and with a loud, gasping cry, she clenched around his thrusting hardness over

and over again.

"Oh, God…baby…huh!!" Trey groaned as he erupted inside her, the hot jets of his release

prolonging her orgasm.

Barely five seconds later, they heard timid knocking on the door.
"Uh, guys," Sam said tentatively. "I'm so sorry to interrupt but, uh, I just realised I don't have

enough cash on me and, uh, the food is here. Um, Kris, do you have fifteen dollars?"

They chuckled.
"You have excellent timing, Sammy," Kris called out.

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"I'm so sorry," Sam replied in a highly embarrassed tone.
Kris grinned at Trey. "I am quite hungry and I probably would need lots of energy for tonight," she

said seductively.

"Good thing Sam ordered some food then," he said, kissing her tenderly before releasing her.


Kris couldn't keep the smile off her face as she helped Sam set the table.

"You didn't bring an overnight bag with you, did you?" she asked Trey.
He grinned and he pointed to one sitting in a corner.
"Oh, good," she said. "How long are you staying?"
"I have to leave here at six tomorrow," he said with a sigh.
"So early?" she asked with clear disappointment.
"Unfortunately. We have a project we need to deliver to a client by the end of this week and we're

behind on it. My fault. Adam and Dylan have already taken some of the load off me so I can be here
tonight, but they need me to pull my finger out and finish some things."

"Okay," she said as they all sat to eat.
"Baby," Trey said as Kris loaded his plate with food. "I know you turned down Blake's job offer."
She shrugged. "There'll be other opportunities."
"Not like the one he offered you," Trey contended. "Where else would you get the chance to meet

high profile people and work on big projects like Hollywood movies?"

"It's too late now. I already quit," she said nonchalantly, although she did feel the sting of a missed


"I don't think so," Trey said, looking at her warily.
"You wouldn't mind me working for Blake?" she asked, her eyebrows arching in surprise.
"No. I trust you," he said quietly.
She smiled at him—a happy smile that conveyed how much those words meant to her. But the

issue with Blake wasn't simple.

"Thank you, honey. But…I can't go back. When I told Blake my decision, I was kind of rude to him

and gave him a piece of my mind. He was appalled at how uncomfortable he made me feel and he
apologised. He said he'd back off and that he still wanted us to work together. But I was so ill-
tempered and unreasonable at that time that I blamed him for starting our troubles and walked out."

Trey glanced at Sam who had been quietly watching them while she ate. Sam smiled at him


Kris' curiosity was piqued. What?
Trey cleared his throat. "I've spoken with Blake."
"You have?" she asked in surprise. "About my job?"
"Yes. Well, about your job and about us and about how he should keep his hands off you."
Her eyes widened. "You told him to keep his hands off me? But I'm not even around him anymore.

I'm also not taking the Melbourne role he offered me."

"Okay, hear me out," Trey said, shifting in his seat to face her fully. "I can't stand the thought of

you giving up your dream job and the incredible opportunity for big things in your career because of

"But I don't think I can work with Blake anymore, after what I said to him."
"When I went to see Blake," Trey said, "I told him everything about us and why you left. To cut a

long story short, he's still keen to have you work in his studio. He does respect and admire your

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talents and abilities. So the three-month stint is still yours if you want it. After that, the two of you can
figure out where you both want to head—in the professional sense, of course."

Kris gaped at him, shocked and not knowing what to say. "You're really okay with it?" she asked

when she found her voice again.

Trey nodded, sincerity etched in his face. "I can't have you throwing this away, Kris."
"When does Blake want me to start?" she asked, excitement bubbling within her again.

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Trey sat in Kane and Jasmine's living room, waiting for Kris to finish getting ready. He was glad she
was going with him to his mother's wedding and reception. He'd be so bored and listless otherwise.

"Here you go, Trey. Tell me what you think," Jasmine said, handing him a small plate with three

mini-sized pies Jasmine had learnt to make while on her honeymoon.

He dutifully placed one in his mouth and a burst of savoury flavour filled it. "Hmm," he hummed,

nodding his head in approval as he chewed. "Do you have more?"

Jasmine laughed, pleased by his reaction. "I thought you didn't want to get full. You're going to a

wedding reception."

"Yes, but these are really good, Jaz."
"Thanks. Kane's addicted to them now, too."
"Addicted to what?" Kane asked as he stepped into the room. "Hey, those are my mini-pies!"
"Tough, bro. Your wife just gave them to me."
"Isn't she great?" Kane asked as he placed an arm around Jasmine and kissed her soundly on the


"She sure is," Trey agreed with a smile. In the past, public displays of affection by his friends

made him want to roll his eyes. Now, he understood. He'd been finding it hard to hide his feelings for
Kris when there were people around. Not that he didn't want others to know he was in love with her,
but he was just someone who wasn't used to PDA's.

He'd been surprising himself lately, though. These days he wouldn't think twice about stopping in

the middle of the street just to give her a kiss.

"How's it working for you guys with Kris staying here?" he asked the newlyweds.
When Kris came back to Sydney, they'd agreed that Kris should stick with her original plan to stay

with Kane and Jasmine. Their relationship was new, and it felt too soon to be living under the same
roof. But now that Kris had been around for two weeks, he had started to question the reasons why
she couldn't live with him instead. She'd already been staying most nights at his place anyway.

"We love having her here," Jasmine said.
"Yeah, it's not a problem," Kane agreed.
"I've been thinking it might be better if she stayed with me, instead," he said casually.
Kane's lips twisted. "Why?"
"Why not? I'm her boyfriend."
"I couldn't believe it when Dylan told me you've fallen for a woman. When he said it was with

Kris, Jasmine fell off her chair," Kane said teasingly.

"It's true," Jasmine confirmed. "I was totally shocked. Admittedly, my first thoughts were if you

hurt one hair on her head, I'll have your head. She's my best friend, you know," she added in warning.

Trey chuckled. "I know, I know. I get this from Ari and Dylan, too. And Sam, of course."
"So you really want her to stay with you, instead?" Kane asked. "That's like living together. She's

here for another two and a half months, at least."

"Yeah. It's not too soon for that, is it?" he asked, unsure if there was an acceptable time frame for

those things.

Kane chortled. "You're asking me that?"
Trey laughed. Being aware of Kane and Jasmine's story, that question was ridiculous. It made his

decision clear for him, though. He wanted Kris with him every day and every night.

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Trey stood in a corner of the fancy restaurant that was completely closed off from the public for his
mother's wedding reception. Guests with drinks in their hands were mingling, waiting for the word
that they could head off to their tables.

"You okay?" Kris whispered.
"Yeah," he said with a small smile, curving an arm around her waist to hold her close. He still

didn't feel like being there, but Kris by his side made it more bearable than the previous weddings.

Kris rubbed his back soothingly, relaxing him further. He kissed her hair, content to simply stand

there for the rest of the night. He mentally kept his fingers crossed that no one would pay attention to
him. He couldn't be bothered chatting with his nosy relatives and his mother's superficial friends.

"Hey, guys," Trey's sister said as she joined them.
"Hey, Bec. Finished hobnobbing with the rich and boring?"
Rebecca rolled her eyes and turned to Kris. "How does he get away with just standing here

looking pretty—even prettier with you by his side, mind you—and not get bugged by the relatives?"

Kris shrugged. "I think it's because he gives the evil eye to whoever dares to come close."
They laughed.
"I'm surprised at how many more people are here than earlier today at the actual ceremony," Kris


"Well," Trey drawled. "The actual wedding isn't all that important to Mum, so most guests are

only invited for the 'real party'."

"I'm glad you're here tonight, Kris," Rebecca commented. "He's not as impossible as he usually


Before Trey could defend himself, the bride and groom approached them.
"Darlings! There you are. I've been looking for you," their mother said.
Trey tensed. "We're fine here, Mum. You should just look after your other guests."
"Oh," his mother replied with a flick of her hand. "I haven't had a chance to chat with your friend.

It's Kristina, right?"

"It's Kristen, actually," Kris replied politely.
"Kristen. It's really nice to meet you. How do you know Trey?"
"Do you have to interview her now, Mum?" Trey asked a little exasperatedly.
"When else would I get the chance to talk to her? I'm going on a six-month honeymoon in two


Kris laid a hand on his arm as she smiled at his mother. "I'm good friends with Dylan's fiancée and

Kane's wife."

"Who are Dylan and Kane?"
"Oh, they're Trey's friends," Kris answered in surprise.
Trey hid his smirk. Of course, his mother wouldn't remember his friends' names. She had never

been interested in knowing about them. He bet it would have been different if she knew how wealthy
they were.

"I see," his mother responded to Kris. "Well it's good of you to accompany my son tonight,

Kristen. I know he gets easily bored at big parties like this so he likes to bring a female friend to talk

"She's my girlfriend, Mum," Trey said coldly.
"Of course," his mother replied dismissively as if she didn't believe him. "You guys have fun,

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"Sorry, babe," he said in a low voice as they watched his mother and her enamoured new husband

float to the next huddle of guests.

"For what?"
"For my mother," he said with a mirthless laugh.
"Don't worry about it," she replied, squeezing his arm to reassure him.


Trey couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed one of his mother's parties but, surprisingly enough,
he didn't mind this one too much. The fact that Kris and Rebecca were on either side of him at the
table made a huge difference. He wasn't next to some inquisitive auntie who wanted to know the latest
about him.

But it was the fact that Kris seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself that made him relax. Seeing

her have fun made him want to stay—for her.

He spotted her walking back to their table after visiting the restroom. He frowned as she gave him

a forced smile.

"What's wrong?" he asked as she sat back down.
"Nothing, just getting tired," she replied.
"Do you want to leave now?"
"They'll be cutting the cake soon. After that?"
"Sure," he agreed.


The taxi was almost at Trey's place when Kris pulled out a couple of bills from her purse.
"What's that for?" he asked.
"For the taxi," she replied. "I have some cash."
"I'm putting it on my credit card."
"No need. I already have the exact amount here."
"Okay," he agreed reluctantly. He didn't like women paying for anything when they were with him.

He especially wanted to take care of everything when it concerned Kris. But she was insistent, and he
didn't want to argue. He could live with a one-off thing.


"Hi, honey!" Kris greeted as she walked in Trey's apartment carrying a reusable shopping bag full of

"Hey, sweetheart," he said, giving her a kiss before eyeing the bag curiously. "I thought you went

shopping with Ari and Jaz."

"I did."
"But those are groceries," he said in confusion.
"Yes, they are."
"So you went grocery shopping instead of clothes shopping?"
"Okay. Are we having a party?" he asked.
"No," Kris answered with a little laugh. "I thought I'd stock up your pantry. We've been using your

supplies and they're dwindling."

"But you know I order online and have them delivered. I was going to do it tomorrow."

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"Yeah, but it's not really fair that you keep buying stuff when I eat here too."
He stared at her, realisation dawning. "I don't want you replacing things because you've been

eating here with me."

"I don't mind. It's done now."
Kris started to unpack the bag and he smiled when he saw a bottle of shampoo and body wash for

women. He snaked his arms around her waist. Perhaps it was the best time to bring the topic of her
moving in with him. "I take it those toiletries mean you're going to be staying here more often."

"Not necessarily. It's just that I've been using yours, and I do prefer my own brands. Here are your


"You didn't have to buy my toiletries," he said, frowning. He turned her around to face him.

"You're not trying to replace everything you've used here, are you?" he asked ominously.

She shrugged. "I want to."
He scowled at her. "Why?"
"Why not?"
"It…it…doesn't feel right," he said, trying to grasp the right words but failing.
"Oh, doesn't it?" Kris asked, her eyes searching his face.
"No! I wasn't happy when you paid for the cab last night, either," he admitted.
"Oh. And if I offer to pay part of that electricity bill I saw on the dining table the other day?"
"I'm here almost every other night you know," she said. "I use up a lot of power, too, while I'm


"If you were actually living with me what would you do? Pay half the electricity bill?" he asked,


"Yeah," she said readily. "And pay you rent."
He stepped back, shocked. "But you're not my flatmate," he whispered. What in the hell is going


Fear started to grip his heart. Why was she doing this all of a sudden? This wasn't how it was

supposed to be, was it? She wasn't his friend. She was his girlfriend. Why was she creating these

"Are you going to break up with me?" he asked in a low voice, trying to stifle his fear.
"What? No! What are you talking about?" Kris asked in disbelief.
He breathed a sigh of relief. "Why are you doing this then? You're acting as if you're not entitled to

anything of mine."

"I'm just your girlfriend, Trey," she mumbled. "I'm not entitled to anything of yours."
Something in Kris expression alerted him that there was more to it than she was letting on. He

cupped her face. "What's going on, Kris?" he asked in soft demand.

Her beautiful expressive eyes flickered with doubt as she stared back at him.
He gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "Tell me, please."
"I don't want you to think I'm a gold-digger," she answered.
His brows creased. "Have I ever made you feel that I think that?"
"So where did that thought come from?"
Kris inhaled deeply. "Last night, when I was in the ladies' room, your aunt who was sitting next to

Rebecca, err, chatted with me."

Trey rolled his eyes. "She told you the story of how I was jilted at the altar six years ago? And

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how everyone got so shocked when the altar boy handed me a note from my ex saying she couldn't
marry me because she didn't really love me and didn't want to have my children? But that she was
thankful for this and thankful for that, blah, blah, blah?"

His mother's oldest sister loved telling that story to everyone she met. He suspected that was the

most exciting thing that had ever happened in his aunt's life.

"Yeah, something like that. I'm sorry that happened to you," Kris said softly, then she shook her

head vigorously. "Actually, I'm not sorry," she said in a strong voice. "You're better off without that
woman. And if you were married to her now, then we wouldn't be together."

He grinned a face-splitting, sunshiny-bright grin. With just those words, Kris had swiftly and

efficiently erased whatever residual pain he still carried from that day. He lifted her from the floor
and hugged her tight.

She giggled. "Baby, you're crushing me."
He set her back down and looked into her eyes. "If we ever bump into my ex in the future, remind

me to thank her for dumping me."

"Best thing that's ever happened to you, huh?" Kris teased.
"No," he whispered. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He kissed her, hoping his

mouth conveyed all the love and tenderness he felt for her at that moment.

Kris moaned and tried to deepen the kiss. He was more than glad to comply but there was

something else he wanted to discuss. He leaned back.

"Move in with me," he blurted out.
Kris gaped at him for a long second before giving him a radiant smile. "Okay."
"And no, you're not paying me rent," he said sourly.
She sighed. "Okay. But I'm buying the groceries whenever I feel like it and you won't complain if I

want to buy you dinner or take you shopping every now and then," she said sternly.

"Okay." He could live with that. But he'd make sure he topped whatever gifts and experiences she

gave him. He was a highly competitive man, and he loved looking after this particular woman. He
adored her.

Kris frowned, as if remembering something, and her face clouded.
"What is it?"
Her cute lips formed into a worried pout. "I just hope Blake is impressed enough with me at work

that he'll want to keep me here after the three months are up."

"Do you want to stay? To move here permanently?" he asked softly.
"Of course. You're here. And I do love my job at the studio. We have great clients there."
He smiled. "Then I'm sure Blake will give you your role permanently."
"I hope so."
"I know so," he said in a low voice.
"How do you know?" she asked.
He led Kris to the couch, hoping she wouldn't be upset that he'd butted into her professional life.

He sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

"Remember how Blake mentioned some complications that he had to get around before he offered

you the job?" he started.

"I asked a connection of mine to do some digging, and it appeared Blake was in some financial

difficulty. When I went to see Blake, I told him I was willing to help him out. In the process, I
discovered that Blake's actually a decent guy. He told me about his issues. It turned out that the main

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investor for his Melbourne studio has some gambling problems. Because he was keen to get started
straight away, Blake borrowed big, using the Sydney studio as security for the loan before he got the
money from that investor. Well, the investor failed to honour the contract, and Blake was caught not
having enough liquid capital to open Melbourne, and having to pay all the debts with Sydney
earnings. He was able to get a small, short-term loan from his family; that was why he was able to
give you that three-month contract.

"Anyway, I offered him a deal. I said I was willing to step in as an investor for his studios—with

specific terms, of course. First, that you are on the payroll. Second, that he treats you as a valued
employee and nothing more. He readily agreed. He said you're a shoo-in for any role you want
anyway, even without my terms. After your contract here is up, you have a choice of going back to
Melbourne to work in the studio there, or stay here in Sydney."

Kris stared at him in disbelief. "You now own shares in Blake's studios?"
Her face remained a picture of shock.
"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"Because I didn't want you to feel pressured into continuing to work with Blake after the three

months are up. I wanted your decision to be independent of my actions."

"If I decided not to work for him anymore, what would happen to your investment?"
"I pull out. Remember one of my terms is that you're on the payroll. I won't leave him in the lurch

though. I'll help him find a new investor if that's the case."

Kris blinked as if she couldn't believe what he just told her.
"Baby?" he said when she was silent for too long.
"You said I have a choice of working in Melbourne or Sydney," she said, finding her voice again.

"What if I choose Melbourne?"

"Then I'd move there so we could be together," he said simply.
"Yes. After all, I part-own a dance studio there now," he said with a grin.
"But what about your own company? Dylan and Adam are here in Sydney."
"Electronic communication. Plus it's only an hour and thirty-five minutes flight one-way between

the two cities. Easy enough to do a return trip on the same day when necessary."

"You'd really move there for me?" she whispered.
He stared straight into her eyes. "I'll do anything for you. I don't want to lose you again."

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"Sammy! I missed you!" Kris cried as Sam walked into Trey's apartment followed by Jasmine and
Kane who had picked her up from the airport.

"I missed you too, darl. Our apartment is so quiet without you," Sam said as they hugged.
"Is that good or bad?" she asked suspiciously.
Sam laughed. "Sometimes good, but mostly bad. Speaking to you on the phone isn't the same."
"I'm glad you're here," Kris said, giving Sam another squeeze. "Rest for a while, and when you're

ready, the kitchen is all set for you."

"I've done nothing but sit on my ass on the plane. I'm good. I'm ready to start," Sam replied,

making a beeline for the kitchen.

Kris was grateful her cousin was in town. She hadn't seen her for almost three months and she

missed her terribly.

"Where are the others?" Kane asked.
"Trey went to get some more beer, Dylan and Ari are on their way and Adam should be here any

minute, too."

"You know, this is only the second time I've been here," Kane commented. "Trey doesn't usually

hold parties here."

"Yes, he told me that," Kris responded with a smile.
It touched her that it was Trey who suggested they hold a get-together with their friends in time for

Sam's visit. He also said it was to celebrate her getting the permanent position at the studio.

She'd snorted at the latter. Considering Trey's influence in Blake's decision-making process, the

role had been hers for months.

If she had been someone who lacked conviction in how much value she added to the dance studio

with her talent, skills and professionalism, she might have felt bad that the role went to her only
because of Trey. But she knew damn well she was the best person for it. Even Blake had assured her
of that.

Since she'd started working at the studio, Blake had been able to confidently go after, and secure,

more high-value contracts involving people she'd never thought she'd meet, let alone work with.

It made her feel good that she was partly responsible for giving Trey a good return on his



Sam fiddled with the contents of her luggage as they all congregated in the living room after enjoying
their dinner. "Guys, guess what I brought with me," she said.

"What?" Jasmine asked.
Sam pulled out a black leather case and Kris and Jasmine shouted in glee. "Karaoke!"
"When Jaz still lived in Melbourne, the three of us had karaoke sessions almost every week," Sam

said to the others. "After she left, Kris and I didn't have as much fun as we don't sing as well as Jaz,
so this little microphone hasn't been used for a while."

"How come I've never heard you sing with a mic before?" Kane asked Jasmine.
"We don't have one of those," Jasmine replied shyly. "It's been awhile since I've sung. My voice

will be very rusty."

"I wanna hear you sing now," Kane said, running a knuckle on Jasmine's cheek.

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"Yeah, c'mon, Jazzie," Dylan cheered, clapping his hands in encouragement. The others joined

him, and soon there was a chorus of voices chanting "Jasmine".

"Okay, okay, fine," Jasmine relented. "But since this is a party, everyone should have a go."
"Oh, no," came the groans from the men.
"I'm happy to be the first one and then whoever just finished singing would choose the next

singer," Jasmine said.

"Okay," the girls said readily, while the guys glanced at each other, looking terrified.
"Don't worry, honey," Kris said to Trey. "I'm not a very good singer either. I'll hold your hand if

you like," she teased.

"You can take my place," Trey said with puppy-dog eyes.
"No," Jasmine cried out. "Everyone has to take a turn."
"Okay, then," Trey said in resignation. "I need more beer first."
"Good idea, bro," Dylan said, grabbing his bottle and taking a swig.


By the time Jasmine finished her beautiful singing and the guys had added a little bit more alcohol

in their systems, everyone was enthusiastic about taking their turn. Soon, each of them had sung twice
and decided to have a break for some more dessert.

"I miss this," Sam said wistfully. "I feel so alone in Melbourne now that my favourite cousin and

best friends are here."

"Oh, Sam," Jasmine cried softly. "We miss you, too."
"Why don't you move here too, Sammy?" Kris asked.
"What?" Sam asked with a snort.
"Why not? You've been wanting to resign from your job for a long time now."
"You don't like your job, Sam?" Trey asked.
Sam sighed. "I work for my dad's accounting practice. Since I'm an only child, I think he has

decided from the moment I was born that I was going to take over from him eventually."

"But you don't want to?" Trey pressed.
"When I was younger, I thought it wasn't a bad idea. It would be good to keep the practice in the

family. Dad's worked hard to build it to where it is now. But it doesn't exactly inspire me to get up in
the morning. These days, I'm starting to dread going to work. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just so over

"What inspires you to get up in the morning?" Adam asked.
Sam smirked. "Food. Today I got on a plane excited at the thought that we'd be having a party and

I'd be cooking for everyone. I'd love to do catering, similar to what I did for Kane and Dylan's mum's
sixtieth birthday."

"Your food was incredible," Dylan confirmed. "So why don't you do it? Maybe start small—cater

to small groups first? Then build it up to be able to accommodate larger orders."

"I'd love to do that, but there's a lot that's required to make it viable."
"Sam?" Kris said softly.
"Look at Jaz, Ari, and me. We're doing what we love full time, now. Isn't it time you start working

on your dream?"

"Yeah, but—"
"We know you're full of 'buts', Sam," Jasmine said. "None of us, for one moment, thought it would

be easy. But you've got to take the first step for it to become a reality."

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"We're all here to support you, Sam," Ari added. "You can still work as an accountant while you

set yourself up. But as Jaz said, you have to take the first step."

Sam sniffed, her eyes watering. "You're right. The first step is to tell my parents I'm quitting the

practice. What kind of excuse could I give them that wouldn't be so hard for them to take? It'll break
their hearts if I leave."

"You can tell them you've met a man here in Sydney. That's why you want to quit your job—to be

with him," Kris joked.

"That's a great idea," Sam said, her eyes wide.
"It is?" Kris asked in surprise.
"Yes! You know they're always on my back for not dating a lot. They were so excited for you

when you told them you were moving here, not because of your new job, but because of Trey. So I
think they'll actually be shooing me to leave home if I tell them I've met a man here. I think having
grandchildren to continue the family line is more important to them than keeping the practice in the

"Great!" Kris said excitedly. "Now all we need to do is find you a man you can fall in love with."
"That could take months, even years," Sam said. "I could just pretend, couldn't I? After a while I

could say I've broken up with the man. By then, they would have gotten used to me not working in the

"Yes, you could," Kris agreed slowly, warming to the idea. "Then all you'll need is a pretend

boyfriend, if Uncle and Auntie insist on meeting one."

Sam nodded, her face animated. "All right, guys. Do you have a single friend who's up for some

acting so my parents wouldn't feel like I'm abandoning them?"

The men's eyes turned to Adam.
Adam shrugged. "Sure, I'm happy to help. I got an 'A' in my acting class when I was in school."
Sam clasped her hands in gratitude. "Thank you, Adam."
Kris wanted to jump up and down with glee. Finally, her beloved cousin was willing to be

adventurous and take a chance on her dream.


Trey picked up the song list and handed it to Kris. "What's your favourite dance song, baby?"

Kris quickly scanned the booklet and selected a tune. "Do you know this song?" she asked him,

excited to hear Trey sing again. She was pleasantly surprised to discover he wasn't a bad singer.

Trey looked at Jasmine, who nodded her head eagerly. He handed the mic to Jaz and walked over

to Kris.

Kris looked at Trey quizzically as he pulled her to her feet.
"I was going to put on some dance music, but since Jaz is more than capable of belting a tune,

she'll sing for us," he said, spinning her around when the music started.

Kris laughed in genuine surprise and delight. Trey was going to dance with her! In front of their


Trey started rocking and the guys hooted in glee. Kris' eyes watered as she boogied with her man.

She was so proud of him. He'd kept his word and let her teach him not just how to dance, but how to
enjoy himself doing it. Once again, he moved her with his actions.

As the song finished, Trey twirled with a flourish and ended the dance with him kneeling in front

of Kris. Everyone clapped enthusiastically and Kris tugged at Trey's arm to help him get up to his
feet. He resisted. Instead, he held on to her left hand tightly while he groped for something in his

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Kris' heart thundered madly in her chest. The room and everyone else in it ceased to exist for her

as all her senses zoned in on Trey. When he found what he was looking for in his pocket, he stared at
her with love in his eyes—and a hint of trepidation.

"Kris," he said hoarsely. "I love you so much. You'll make me the happiest man in the world if you

say you'll marry me. So please say 'yes'?"

Her face broke into a smile as emotions overwhelmed her. "Yes, Trey, I'll marry you," she said

haltingly as tears flowed profusely down her cheeks.

Trey pressed her hand to his lips before sliding a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. Then he got

up and pulled her in his arms.

"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you," she whispered back.
When they pulled apart, her tears started afresh as she saw her friends wiping their eyes with

tissues. Sam handed her one and hugged her.

"Congrats, darling. I'm so happy for you," Sam said.
"Thank you, Sam," she responded. She prayed fervently that the cousin she loved like a sister

would find the same happiness she'd found—both in love and career.


Kris lay contentedly in Trey's arms, sated and utterly satisfied from their passionate lovemaking. She
gazed in awe at the ring on her finger, not for its sheer size and brilliance, but because Trey put it
there. Who would have known they'd come so far in such a short time?

"Do you like it?" he asked huskily, caressing her arm with the tips of his fingers.
"I love it, especially because it's from you," she said sincerely.
"No one else could slide a ring on that finger now, ever," he murmured. "Apart from me when we

get married, of course."

She smiled just as her phone buzzed with a text message.
"It's from Sam. She said she'll be home soon. She's leaving the function centre now to catch a


Kris was glad that Sam was enjoying herself and meeting new friends in Sydney who were also in

the food industry. The cooking class she went to that night, conducted by a high profile celebrity chef
and attended by many in the industry, must have finished two hours ago, but Sam had stayed to enjoy
drinks with whomever she met there. When it came to her passion, the extroverted Sam came out.

"I do hope Sam goes through with moving here so she can be with us—and that she has enough

courage to follow her dream. I know she's finding it hard to disappoint her parents," she said to Trey.

"She certainly looked keen with what you girls had planned."
"Could you imagine Adam and her pretending to be a couple?" she snickered.
"You never know. Dylan didn't expect to fall in love with Ari, and I certainly didn't expect to be in

a relationship, let alone want to get married. You girls seem to have this indefinable something that
makes us fall in love with you."

"You think something could happen between them? That would be good," she said, excited by the


Trey chuckled dryly. "We can only hope. Adam quite likes women who are aggressive. That's why

he ends up with the not-so-desirable ones, because they chase him and chase him until he gives in. I
think he's addicted to being chased."

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"Oh. What about Sandy? Are they well and truly over?"
"In Adam's mind, they are. But like Adam said, Sandy's like a dog with a bone when he's

involved. I think he's flattered by that."

"Anyway, let's not talk about them, I want your mouth for something else," Trey said seductively.
"Oh, yeah? What for?" she asked, pulling herself up and settling on top of him. She felt his

burgeoning erection and deliberately brushed it with her leg.

"Anything, as long as you put it to work on my body," he croaked.
Hmm. She ran hungry eyes on his delectable body. She couldn't believe this hunk of a man was

hers. All of him. He might still be a long way away from being an excellent dancer, but she was more
than happy—and ecstatic, and satisfied, and contented—with the way he moved in bed.

That thought reminded her of something. "You know," she said to him. "Since I won our original

bet, you didn't have to dance in front of anyone."

"I know that. But I wanted to show off my newly developed skills," he grinned. "I knew it would

make you happy," he added softly.

She smiled at him, her heart bursting with love.
Oh, yeah. She definitely wanted to put her mouth to work on his body. It would make both of them

very happy indeed.


Thank you for reading!
Secret Tastes (Secret Dreams Book 4), the love story of Samantha Lane and Adam Craig is

expected to be published in January 2014.

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The Love Story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews


Victor will be there with me, looking like his usual gorgeous self. He assured me he'd be very
attentive. Everyone will see how mad we are for each other. Well, hopefully, that's what they'll
see. Surely this will work. It should stop my dear sister from going ahead with her matchmaking
plans. If it doesn't, well, plan B is to die from embarrassment. It will work
, Clarise Carson thought
confidently before taking a deep sigh and returning her focus to her last piece of work before she
ended the working day.

After a final review, she was done with her latest article for Lifestyle by Design, the popular

monthly magazine read by those with loads of disposable income keen to know which restaurants and
bars were worth going to, which exotic destinations they could holiday in next and which new gadgets
they must own to make their busy lives easier.

She was still salivating at the memory of the glorious food she had at Stillwaters, the newest

restaurant in Sydney, owned by an upcoming Australian chef, and the latest establishment she had
researched and reviewed.

Yes, she nodded. They definitely deserve this glowing article. She knew the new restaurant

would soon have a very long waiting list of patrons wanting to dine there once next month's issue
became available.

Satisfied with her day's accomplishments, she shut off her laptop, grabbed her handbag and

walked into the office of Victor Michaels, the magazine's very good-looking head graphic designer.

"I'm done for today, darling. Are you ready to go? I'm starving," she said to Victor. "I'd also like

to talk to you again about Megan's engagement party this Saturday night. Seriously, if you can't go with
me, I don't know who else to ask," she said, voicing her worry.

"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go. And of course, I'm going with you to your

sister's party," Victor replied with a grin. "I'm really excited about it. I'm already looking forward to
meeting your family and showing them just how much I want you," he said in a low, sexy voice.

If it hadn't been Victor who made the comment, she would have blushed. Instead she laughed and

settled herself on a chair and waited for him to finish.

Renewed hope flowed through her. Having Victor for her date should stop Megan's plan to

introduce her to single men at her and Rick's engagement party. Who knew how many of them they had
invited? And it was supposed to be a small affair only! She shuddered at the thought of being
introduced to a line-up of bachelors, with everyone there knowing what was going on. That would be
way too embarrassing!

I wouldn't make a spectacle of myself, even though Megan thinks she's only doing me a favour.
She had wondered why Megan was so intent on playing matchmaker. She wouldn't be surprised if

their mum was in on it, too. Both of them must have felt sorry for her when she broke up with Daniel,
especially when she'd asked if she'd ever meet 'The One'. She winced. She could still remember her
conversation with her mother.

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"Don't worry, darling, maybe Daniel's not really meant for you."
"Do you really think I'll ever find 'the one', Mum? You know, like you have Dad and Megan has


"Of course, you will! You are gorgeous and you are beautiful on the inside, too. Somewhere out

there, there's a man just for you. And I'm not saying that because I'm your mother. But you won't
find this person if you don't go out enough! Most of your contacts are work-related and you have
such strict rules about not dating anyone connected to your work. You should socialise more,

Her mother hadn't hidden the fact that she was worried she would end up a spinster and would

have no one to share her life with. With her track record of hardly going out on dates and her past
relationships not lasting more than two and a half months—her time with Daniel being the longest—
she shared her mum's concerns.

Ruefully, she remembered the time when she and Daniel took her parents out to dinner. At twenty-

nine years of age, she had finally introduced a boyfriend to her parents. Her mother had been so
excited it was like she herself was going out on her first date.

Three weeks after that, she was single again. She felt she had failed at something significant and

swallowed the pain and guilt that attacked her at disappointing her parents—and herself.

"Are you okay, Clarise?" Victor's voice brought her back into the present.
"Yes, I was just thinking of Megan's plan to foist single men on me. I don't want to look desperate!

How mortifying would that be?"

She smiled at the man in front of her. She couldn't help but think that it was, indeed, very

unfortunate for the female population that Victor was gay. He was really hot-looking and a decent guy
to boot.

"I'm so looking forward to your sister's engagement party but I seriously hope there are no

handsome, muscular hunks there or I won't be able to keep up our pretence."

They laughed out loud.


Victor got out of the car, looking gorgeous in his light grey, long-sleeved, collared shirt and black

pants. He went to the passenger side to open Clarise's door. With her in a chic, blue silk dress that
hugged her figure in all the right places, the two of them were a picture of a beautiful couple.

"Thank you, darling," she murmured to Victor as she gracefully got out of the vehicle. Her eyes

danced with controlled laughter as she watched him act out their game. "What is your mantra again
tonight?" she teased him.

"I'm a sexy, handsome, straight man who's crazy about you," he whispered with a snicker. "Don't

make me laugh or we'll give the game away. Your parents are watching us."

Clarise waved to her parents. They, too, had just arrived and were patiently waiting for them,

trying not to stare at Victor.

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She knew Megan would have told their mum straight away about her 'new boyfriend' after she had

called a couple of days ago. She'd informed Megan she was bringing a date to her party after all.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" her sister had asked with open interest.
"I work with Victor, and we, umm, get along really well and we really like each other," she had

answered. "There's the complication of working together but we seem to be managing it quite well.
I'm really looking forward to introducing him to you guys."

She wasn't good at lying and had tried to sound mysterious. She wanted Megan to believe there

was something romantic between her and Victor without actually saying the words. She must have
succeeded because right now, as she and Victor walked hand in hand towards her parents, she could
tell her mum was trying to hide a huge, pleased grin.

She made the necessary introductions before they proceeded towards Rick's parents' house, where

the engagement party was being held. Before they walked in, her mum pulled her aside.

"Well, he's better looking than Daniel, Clarise. And he seems like such a gentleman."
She smiled with relief.


The Smithson's house was in full party mode. There was a large marquee in their manicured

backyard, which was decked out with gold, silver and light pink balloons with a small dance floor on
one side and a sumptuous buffet and round tables on the other.

Clarise marvelled at the number of expected guests. For what was supposed to be a small party

for family and close friends only, there were still around fifty place settings. But she knew Megan
worried about their other friends she couldn't invite, as she and Rick had to be ruthless with their
guest list.

She nervously thought of the single men Megan had invited. Not many, she hoped, feeling guilty.

She should have thought of the charade with Victor much earlier.

She caught sight of her sister, looking radiant and beautiful with Rick beside her. She felt a warm

glow in her heart with seeing her younger sister so happy. With only fifteen months separating them,
they shared a very close bond.

"Meg!" she called.
Her sister ran to her and hugged her tightly before turning to Victor.
"Hi, you must be Victor," Megan said, discreetly checking him out from head to toe.
"Yes, how are you Megan?"
"I'm wonderful, thank you. I'm glad to meet you."
"Likewise," Victor responded.
"I'll leave you in the capable hands of Clarise, Victor. My boss just arrived and he's by himself. I

better introduce him to some people."

"Don't worry about us," Clarise said. "Go attend to your guests."
Megan gave her another hug and whispered in her ear, "He's hot, sis."
"I know," she whispered back.
Megan winked at Victor before walking away.
This little charade seemed to be working and Clarise allowed herself to relax.


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"Lilly!" Clarise heard Megan call out as an adorable and cute as a button three-year-old girl

walked in with her parents, Mark—Rick's older brother—and his wife Bella. With them was Bella's
brother Evan.

She felt Victor tense by her side. "What's wrong, Victor?"
"That's Evan," Victor responded a little nervously. "I know him. And he certainly knows me!"
"What do you mean 'he certainly knows you'?"
"Well, I met him at this speed dating thing two weeks ago, and we've been out on a couple of

dates. He's really cute, isn't he?"

"Oh, no, Victor! You're supposed to be my boyfriend tonight!"
"Don't worry, darling. I'll tell him of our little secret and ask him to go along with it. I'll just go

talk to him and we'll pretend we're talking about work or something." With that, Victor sauntered to
Evan, his eyes shining.

She rolled her eyes upwards and prayed that Victor—and Evan, for that matter—could keep the

charade up for her, just for tonight. How highly embarrassing would it be if the others noticed that
Victor was gay when they'd already assumed he was her boyfriend?

Geez, I might as well have 'loser in love' stamped on my forehead. Please Victor, you're a

straight man tonight.

"I didn't know Victor knew Evan," Megan said from behind her, making her jump.
"Oh, they met at an industry function, you know, for work and I think Victor wanted to talk to Evan

about an article in the latest issue of Lifestyle," she babbled.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to bring a date tonight until you told me about him two days ago,"

Megan said with a grin. "It's a shame. There is a very eligible man here and Rick and I were excited
to introduce him to you."

"Megan," she said with a warning in her voice.
"Yes, I know, I know. No matchmaking for me tonight," Megan said with a laugh.
"Well, that's a relief!"
"You know, we did invite this guy for the purpose of introducing him to you," Megan commented.

"We'll just have to explain the situation to him."

"Are you saying there's only one of them here tonight? You certainly gave me the impression that

you were going to invite all the single men you and Rick know. I'm glad you didn't, though."

Megan chuckled, "Yes, that was my original plan. But Rick and I decided that wasn't a good idea.

One at a time would be better, we thought. More personal."

Megan's look became serious, her eyes narrowing. "Is there a possibility that Victor is 'The One'?"
"I couldn't be happier he's here with me tonight," she answered cryptically. It was the truth,

although it wasn't an accurate answer to the question.

Megan, however, seemed satisfied with her response. Her sister patted her arm and walked off

with a smile.

She said a silent 'thank you' to the heavens.


By the time dinner was served, Clarise had slipped into a carefree mode. She chatted cheerfully

with Bella and Mark about their business.

The couple owned two popular restaurants that served food and beverages that were made of

chocolate or had it as a main ingredient. The concept had been a huge success and they would soon be

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opening a third location.

Mark and Bella's story was an inspiring one and she recently had the pleasure of writing an article

about their journey for Lifestyle by Design.

That was what she loved most about her job. She got paid to write about some of the best

restaurants, hotels and professional services, which meant she got to sample their offerings and
interview some very interesting, influential and successful people.

"Hey Mark," Bella said to her husband. "Didn't you say Will wanted to talk to Clarise about an

article for his business?"

"Oh yeah, Clarise," Mark said. "My friend Will runs a boutique travel service that's very

specialised. He caters to the well-to-do and his company organises high-end type trips for those
whose tastes are very discerning. He'd seen the article you wrote for us and he was wondering if your
magazine would consider doing one for his business."

"High-end travel? Sure, it's something we can have a look at," she responded readily.
Because of the magazine's immense popularity, they had been receiving plenty of requests from

businesses and establishment owners for write-ups on their products and services. Those savvy
entrepreneurs knew that exposure through Lifestyle by Design ensured a deluge of new clients.

"Great!" Mark replied. "He'd be pleased to hear that. He's actually here so I'll introduce you to

him. I was meaning to do it before dinner started but he arrived a little late."

Bella pursed her lips and mused, "You know, I've been wondering why Rick invited Will to

tonight's party but didn't invite his other tennis buddies."

Mark chuckled. "Rick mentioned he invited Will because he's single and available. He didn't want

to elaborate when I prodded him but it looks like the engaged lovebirds are playing matchmaker for
Will and someone else. I wonder if it's with that girl sitting next to him. I'll have to quiz Will about
her when I get the chance."

Clarise and Bella followed Mark's line of sight and Bella pointed Will out to her.
Her breath hitched as she caught sight of the handsome in a rugged kind of way man with slightly

wavy, dark brown hair talking to Mary Jane, Megan's best friend. She didn't recognise the other
person sitting on the other side of him, but it was another male.

Well, Mary Jane is not single, she thought to herself. Her husband is currently in Brisbane for


With a heart-flutter, it hit her that this good-looking eye candy was the single man her sister had

meant to set her up with.

Geez, if I had only known about hunky Single Will tonight, I wouldn't have plotted that charade

with Victor.

She was surprised at the turn of her thoughts. She composed herself and tried to look cool, calm

and collected.

"So, Clarise, I'll introduce you to Will later, okay? He's really keen to see how he can be in your

magazine," Mark said innocently.

"Yeah, sure," she said a little too brightly, trying to hide her discomfiture.
They don't know, she assured herself.


Will became more relaxed as the dinner progressed. There were no unattached women at his table

and no one had been introduced to him so far. He knew that Rick invited him to this party to set him

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up with some single woman. Apparently it was all Megan's idea but Rick was happy to go along with

He had been single for nine months now and, seeing how devoted he was to his parents, he was a

favourite among his friends to be matched up with nice single girls they knew. They all thought he
was a decent guy—and very eligible.

But after Karen, he was not after a serious relationship. No strings attached, casual sex worked

just fine for him and that was all he was after right now. If Rick wanted to play matchmaker for one of
Megan's family or friends, he was not going to entertain it. It could destroy his friendship with both
Rick and his brother Mark.

He knew that Rick hadn't grasped how determined he was to keep his status as 'not in a

relationship'. He hadn't talked to anyone about the reason why. As far as he was concerned, it was no
one else's business but his.

No, he wasn't interested in meeting a potential love interest but he was keen to meet a particular

woman—Rick's future sister-in-law—for business reasons. He wanted to have an article on Lifestyle
by Design
. He would be opening another branch in Melbourne and the magazine would give him the
exposure he needed for his expansion goals. Clarise Carson's article for Mark and Bella's restaurants
had done wonders for their business and he would jump through hoops to have the same opportunity.

Dinner was mostly finished, apart from a handful of people going back to the buffet table to load

their plates again. The DJ announced that it was time to start dancing and played a slow, romantic

Will scanned the room, looking for Mark, who promised to introduce him to Clarise. He spotted

him on the dance floor with his wife Bella in his arms. He also saw the engaged couple, who were
busy looking at each other with lovestruck eyes while dancing intimately together.

I might as well look for her and introduce myself.
He hadn't meant to arrive late but he got held up with some urgent work. People were already

getting food when he arrived. Mark did point Clarise out to him and he registered the fact she was in
a blue dress, although he didn't get to see her face well from where they were standing. He only
noticed her long, silky, beautiful dark hair that fell straight down past her shoulders.

His eyes roamed and he spied Rick's Aunt Bonnie talking to a stunningly beautiful woman in a

blue dress. He couldn't help but stare. His heart beat faster and he knew it was Clarise. Something
warm flowed through him and he recognised it for what it was—attraction.

Easy, you're here for business, not pleasure. And Clarise is a no-go. She's your friends' family.
He took a deep breath. In any case, this was his chance to be introduced to the lovely lady. Rick's

Aunt Bonnie and her husband were his clients.

He strolled to where the two women were standing.
"William!" Bonnie Smithson cried as she saw him approach. "How wonderful to see you here!"
"Hello, Bonnie, how are you?"
"Oh, I'm great, thank you, but I can't wait until May when we go to that wonderful holiday in

Europe that the lovely Leila in your office is organising for us. She is doing a wonderful job, by the

"That's good to know. So everything is to your satisfaction?"
"Oh, yes, definitely. You certainly know how to give your clients a wonderful experience even

before they start their actual holiday," Bonnie said sincerely.

"Thank you. That's our goal," he answered with a slight bow of his head and a grateful smile.

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"Do you know Clarise, William?" Bonnie asked, putting her hand on Clarise's arm.
"We haven't been introduced but I've heard of her," he said to Bonnie, his gaze already settling on


Something caught Bonnie's attention in the far corner and she hastily introduced them to each other.

"Clarise, this is William Matthews, his office is organising our next European holiday. William, this
is Clarise Carson, Megan's sister. Now if you'd both excuse me, I see my chance to play with Lilly.
Oh, such an adorable, pretty, little girl." Bonnie hurriedly left them with a wave of her hand.

Will gestured for a handshake as he stared at the attractive woman standing in front of him. Her

gorgeous brown eyes were wide, as if she was surprised by something. Then she blinked and took his
proffered hand.

"Hi, William, it's good to meet you," she said, her lips curling into a shy but devastatingly

beautiful smile.

"Call me Will, please," he replied, in somewhat of a daze and desperately trying to regain

equilibrium. He only realised he was still holding her hand when she gently extricated it from his

"Uh, I've been looking forward to meeting you tonight, Clarise. I've been promised an introduction

but the man who was going to do it is too busy dancing, so I thought I'd seek you out myself."

Her face flushed and she looked uncomfortable. It occurred to him she might not want to talk about

work during a family party. He hastily tried to explain himself.

"Mark must have already mentioned to you that I'm interested in having your magazine do an

article for my business. I know this isn't work time for you and we don't have to discuss it right now. I
just want to introduce myself so we can talk about it some other time," he said apologetically.

"Oh, I see. I'm certainly happy to talk about your business tonight," she said. She seemed relieved.
"Thanks, but really, let's talk about it some other time. Maybe I can call you at work and discuss


"Yes. Sure. You can call reception and talk to Elena. She can organise a meeting time for us."
"Great," he responded. He was aware he was being rude by continuing to stare at Clarise, but he

couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Would you like to dance?" He found himself holding out his hand as an invitation for this

enchanting creature to go with him to the dance floor. Huh? Since when do you dance, Will
Matthews? You have two left feet!

"Sure," Clarise answered with a smile as she placed her hand on his.
Too late. Damn me.
Some sappy love song that he vaguely recognised was playing. Hell, he wasn't much of a dancer.
"Um, I think this is a good time to tell you I can't dance," he said to Clarise, his mouth quirking

upwards, both embarrassed by and amused at himself.

Clarise chuckled, "So what are we doing here then?"
"Shuffling our feet. Well, I am anyway. I don't know about you."
"You're not doing too badly with the feet shuffle. I can shuffle too, you know. You're not the only

one who's good at it," she teased.

They grinned at each other.
He held Clarise with an arm around her waist, his hand flat on her lower back, as they swayed

with the music. Her hair smelled like flowers and he caught a whiff of her delicate perfume. She
smelled lovely. She felt lovely.

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His arm around her tightened involuntarily and he held her closer, acutely aware of an electric

current in the air around them. He felt her sink into their embrace. He wondered if she had noticed
that magnetic force, too. He could feel it slowly enveloping them with a power he could neither
explain nor resist.

They danced, hardly moving to the music, their bodies pressed like they'd always belonged


His thoughts went to Rick and Megan's matchmaking plan and he wondered if there was a chance

it could be Clarise they wanted to set him up with. The idea greatly interested him, and he forgot for a
moment his determination not to get involved with anyone Rick might introduce to him tonight.

"Now, how about you twirl me?" Clarise said suddenly, pulling away, putting some distance

between them.

"Pardon?" he asked, feeling bereft that she was no longer in his arms.
"Twirl. You know, like this." She proceeded to hold up their hands that were clasped together and

twirled around.

"Oh, okay." He twirled her, his lips curving in an amused but perplexed smile.
The sappy love song ended and fast dance music started playing.
"Sorry, Twirly, my shuffling feet can only do slow, not this," he said with an abashed grin.
"Okay. Well, thanks for the dance, Shuffles."
They smiled at each other and stood there, looking into each other's eyes for a long moment while

other partygoers danced around them. Then Clarise turned and left the dance floor.

He followed, not caring where she was going, only knowing he wanted to talk to her some more.

"Darling, there you are!"
Will glanced sharply at the man who called out to Clarise. He bristled as the intruder possessively

put his left arm around her shoulders while openly regarding him with a questioning look.

"Hi, I'm Victor Michaels." The other man extended a hand and it took him a second to register the


"William Matthews," he responded, shaking Victor's hand as his eyes narrowed imperceptibly at

Clarise who had an unreadable expression on her face.

Mark approached them at that moment. "Oh, good, Will. You've obviously met Clarise. And

Victor, too. Just the two people you want to meet. Have you mentioned the article you want from

"Victor, too?"
Will was sure he would have preferred not to have met Victor. He was somewhat antagonistic

towards the man. Especially when he had his arm around Clarise like that. Especially when he looked
like the possessive boyfriend.

He tried to mentally shake his irrational feelings and looked at Mark quizzically.
"Yeah, he works for the magazine too."
"Yup, I'm the head graphic designer there," Victor confirmed. "Clarise is the one who writes the

articles, along with Jessa Allen, if an article is what you're interested in."

"Yes, Clarise and I discussed that briefly." Looking at Clarise, he said, "So I'll be meeting with

you sometime this week, then?"

"Yes, just talk to Elena. You'll find our phone number on our website."
He nodded, thinking he'd accomplished what he came here to do—to meet Clarise Carson for

business purposes—and now he could leave. He said his goodbyes and went to look for the engaged

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Will tapped Rick and Megan on their shoulders. "May I interrupt your marathon dancing session?"

he said with a grin. "I just want to say thank you for inviting me tonight. I've really enjoyed myself but
I'm afraid I have to go. There's still some urgent work I need to finish this weekend."

Megan pulled them towards a more quiet area before giving him a hug. "Will, thanks so much for

coming. We really appreciate it. I know Rick mentioned introducing you to someone tonight but it
turns out she's already going out with someone else," Megan said sheepishly.

"No worries about that, Meg," he said with a chuckle. "Quite frankly, I wasn't really looking

forward to your matchmaking so that's a relief. Apart from wanting to be here to help celebrate your
engagement, I really just wanted to meet your sister."

Megan and Rick exchanged a startled glance. "Why?" Megan asked.
"I wanted to talk to her about a possible article for my business in Lifestyle."
"Oh, okay. Good luck with that."
"Thanks, and thanks again for inviting me. Rick, I'll see you at tennis in a few days."
"Yep, see you then, Will."


Will got into his car and let out a long sigh. He was still reeling from the strong attraction he felt

for Clarise.

"Don't forget you're just looking for playmates, Will, not a girlfriend. She is one of your close

friend's sister-in-law," he chided himself loudly, his voice filling the car. "And besides, she's already
taken," he said in a sour tone, surprised at the jealousy that coursed through his body.

He frowned, not at all pleased with himself about what he was feeling.


Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1) is free with Miranda's compliments.

Click here to



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Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Available at Amazon

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)
The love story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews.
.com Link:

Will To Love

UK Link:

Will To Love

Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
The love story of Jessa Allen and Rob Granger.
.com Link:

Heart Robber

UK Link:

Heart Robber

Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 3)
The love story of Faye Summers and Ray Thackery.
.com Link:

Ray of Love

UK Link:

Ray of Love

Secret Dreams Series

Secret Words (Secret Dreams Book 1)
The love story of Jasmine Allen and Kane Summers.
.com Link:

Secret Words

UK Link:


Secret Designs (Secret Dreams Book 2)
The love story of Ari Mitchell and Dylan Summers.
.com Link:

Secret Designs

UK Link:

Secret Designs

Secret Tastes (Secret Dreams Book 4)
The love story of Samantha Lane and Adam Craig.

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