Sweet Dreams 2 Secret Designs

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Title and Copyright

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two
Secret Moves Extract

Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

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Secret Designs

(Secret Dreams Book 2)

By Miranda P. Charles

Copyright © 2013 Miranda P. Charles

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded or distributed in any form

without the express permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, locations, organisations and events described in

this novel are either products of the author's imagination, fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to any event, locale or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love
Heart Robber

Ray of Love

Secret Dreams Series

Secret Words

Secret Designs

Secret Moves

Secret Tastes

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Arielle Mitchell shook her head, unable to believe the passionate woman who had been unleashed
last night. Was that really her? She'd never been that responsive, energetic, or—okay—damned horny
with anyone else before. If she hadn't known Dylan Summers beforehand, she might even suspect he
had put an aphrodisiac in her drink or something.

Well, come to think of it, she really didn't know Dylan. She'd only met him once before, when

her friend Jasmine Allen pleaded with her to accompany her to his birthday party six weeks ago. They
only stayed for fifteen minutes, so she hadn't even talked to him that much.

Yes, Dylan could very well be someone who would put an aphrodisiac in a woman's drink.

What else could have made her so lustful last night?

She snorted at her ridiculous thoughts. Don't blame someone else for your wild and wanton

ways, Ari!

Okay, then. The truth was Dylan turned her on—really turned her on; turned her on enough that

she found herself doing things she'd never done before.

"Hi, Ari!"
Ari jumped at the sound of Jasmine's voice on the other end of the line.
Oh, right. She'd almost forgotten the phone against her ear—almost forgotten that she'd called

Jasmine. To confess. Geez.

"Hi, Jaz," she responded. "Am I calling too early? Am I disturbing you guys?" She grimaced at

the thought that Jasmine's boyfriend Kane might be listening in on their conversation.

"No, it's fine," Jasmine answered. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, everything's okay," she replied, trying to sound casual. "I just want to tell you

something before you hear it from someone else."

Ari inhaled deeply, then spilled it out. "Last night when I went out with my workmates for

Friday night drinks, I bumped into Dylan, Kane's brother. And, uh...well...I slept with him."

"What?" Jasmine asked in surprise.
"It was just a one-night stand," she explained hastily. "We're both very clear on that and we're

both okay with it. I wanted to tell you because I'm not very good at keeping these things to myself.
And it was already starting to bother me that you might hear it first from Dylan or one of his friends
instead of me."

"Okay," Jasmine responded, still shocked from the news.
"You're fine with it, right, Jaz? And Kane would be okay with it, too?" she asked worriedly.
"Of course. As long as you and Dylan are okay with it."
"Yes, definitely. Like I said, we're both very clear it was just a one-night stand and we're both

totally fine with that," she replied, feeling the need to repeat herself.

"Then there's no problem," Jasmine stated.
"Good. Well, I'll let you go. Please let Kane know what I just told you. I'll see you in a few


"Okay. Bye."

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Ari placed the phone down on her coffee table with a relieved sigh, glad that was out of the

way. She stood up from the sofa and stretched. As she walked to the kitchen, the stiffness of her
muscles and the delicious soreness between her legs made her blush. Unbidden, her recent physical
exertions played back again in her head. Where the hell was the stop button for her memory banks?

Enough already, she berated herself as desire continued to unfurl within her.
"It was just a one-night stand, Ari," she said out loud as she poured granola, then milk, in a

bowl. "Forget about him. It won't happen again. It can't happen again."

She plonked in a chair with a heavy exhale and knew it wouldn't be easy to push away the last

ten hours from her memory. The image of a gorgeous, dark-haired, blue-eyed guy with a seriously hot,
muscular body loomed large in her thoughts. Dylan Summers was way too hot to be forgotten quickly
—especially when he'd just given her the best night of sex in her life.

She propped an elbow on her dining table and rested her chin on her hand, breakfast forgotten.

She'd only had three hours sleep. She was tired, but if Dylan were still around she would be keen for
more sex. Goodness, wasn't she the one who instigated the last round after they woke up? Well, she'd
had to. She wouldn't have another chance. Dylan had only agreed to a one-night stand.

Last night was meant to be about celebrating the end of a busy week with her workmates in

one of Sydney's popular nightspots. She didn't go with the intention of hooking up with someone. But
how was she to know her ex-boyfriend would be there, too? With the woman she had once
considered a good friend? The same woman she'd caught in bed with him while they were still

That had called for a third glass of wine. Two was her usual limit. Anything more than that

and her good judgment went out like a light.

Dylan saw her first. He and his two friends had approached their group. Somehow the two of

them had ended up in a corner talking and flirting with each other for close to an hour. She couldn't
even remember ordering a fourth drink, but she must have had one, because her good judgment went
comatose on her while she was still wide awake.

She blushed as memories of her forwardness came flooding back.
"How about you come home with me, Dylan?" she'd asked.
His handsome face had expressed a blend of desire and concern. "Are you sure, Ari?"
She'd placed a flirtatious hand on his arm. "Why not?"
"I'm only looking for some fun, Ari,"
he'd replied warily.
Dylan's cautious reaction made her more determined to get him to go home with her. No doubt

the alcohol was mainly responsible for such brazen behaviour, but more than that, she didn't want to
feel like a reject all over again.

"Great. So am I," she'd responded.
Dylan's eyes had flared with heat that had made her heart pound hard in her chest. "I'd love to

go home with you tonight, Ari. But are you sure you don't have a problem with just a one-night
stand? You're Jasmine's friend and I'm Kane's brother. It could be real awkward if we can't handle

"No, I don't have a problem with it. Do you?" she asked breezily.
"Absolutely not."
After hasty goodbyes to their group, they got into a taxi. Dylan's hands were incredibly

naughty during their trip to her apartment, creeping way up her thigh and burrowing under her top—at
one point, successfully unhooking her bra. She lost count of the times she laughingly swatted a
wandering hand away, conscious of the driver watching them from the rear-view mirror. She

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wondered if taxi drivers were used to having couples make out in the backseat of their cabs.

Their night together had been...amazing. Dylan was incredible and insatiable. So was she—

insatiable, that was. Their morning sex had proven that.

Then he was gone.
Was it normal for someone to feel empty and at the same time have unstoppable fluttering

butterflies in the stomach after a one-night stand? She hadn't done it before, so she didn't have
anything to compare this reaction with.

Oh, well. She wasn't doing herself any favours by dwelling on the feelings swirling within

her. Better to get on with her day than re-live her hot night with a hunky guy. There was no point
stoking a desire that couldn't possibly be satisfied by the same man again.


"Hello, darling. We've been waiting for you. We've already started dinner, like you told us to."

"Hi, Mum," Dylan said as he enfolded his mother Linda in a warm embrace. "Sorry I'm late. I

was at a friend's birthday party and she wouldn't let me leave. I had to wait until she was drunk
enough to not notice that I was gone."

"Dylan! Honestly, I don't know why you surround yourself with immature friends. You're

already thirty-two, in case you've forgotten. Don't you think it's time to tone down your social
activities a little bit? Maybe find someone to settle down with?"

He playfully rolled his eyes at his mother's censuring tone, used to this mini-lecture for being

the second-oldest of five siblings and having never taken a girl home to introduce to his parents.

He couldn't help it that he wasn't as romantically inclined as his three brothers and only sister.

Wasn't there usually one in every family who went the opposite way from everyone else? It didn't
bother him in the least that, in his family's case, he was the odd one out—the one who didn't want to
settle down in a permanent relationship.

"Mum, you know I'm your black sheep," he said, putting an arm around Linda as they walked

to the dining room. "But you have to admit that my social life is the only thing you could complain
about. In every other way, I'm the perfect son," he joked, giving his mother a kiss on her forehead.

"I complain about some of your friends and I complain that you don't want a steady girlfriend.

So that's two things I'm not happy with, not just one," Linda retorted.

"Aww, but you love me anyway."
This time his mother rolled her eyes at him. But she had a resigned smile on her face.
"Hello all!" he said to everyone squeezed around his parents' big dining table. He went

around to give the women a kiss on the cheek and the men a pat on the shoulder. Everyone was there:
his parents, his sister Faye and her fiancé Ray, his twin brothers Riley and Bradley and their
girlfriends, and his older brother Kane and his girlfriend Jasmine.

Seeing Jasmine brought back memories of the night he'd had with a beautiful, chestnut-haired

woman with expressive brown eyes. Phew, last night was easily one of the most incredible nights
he'd ever had. Just thinking about it made him hot and bothered. If Ari Mitchell wasn't Jasmine's
friend, he wouldn't think twice about propositioning her for another tumble or two.

But experience had taught him he couldn't remain friends with girls he'd had sex with for more

than one night. For whatever reason, his track record was quite consistent: he didn't have problems
developing friendships with women he'd had one-night stands with, but once it went beyond the one
time, maintaining the friendship became difficult. So a repeat of last night with Ari was not in the
cards, not if they would have to continue being friendly with each other because of Kane and Jasmine.

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"Woo-hoo! Dylan! Are you listening?"
Kane's voice snapped him out of his musing. He sat on the empty chair and grinned at his

brother. "Sorry, were you saying something?"

"I said, I'm sorry we dragged you out of your friend's party. But thanks for being here."
"Oh, sure. No worries. I might head back there after we finish here. What made you call a

family dinner tonight, anyway?" he asked Kane.

"Well, now that everyone's here, I can announce my good news," Kane replied, a blissful grin

settling on his face. There was a dramatic pause before Kane finally announced, "Jasmine and I are
getting married."

Cheers erupted around the table as everybody congratulated the couple.
"I had a feeling that was why you wanted to have dinner with all of us tonight, Kane," Faye

said. "I'm so happy for you guys. Do you have a ring yet?"

"Yes, it's here in my pocket," Kane responded as he pulled out a small box. "We wanted to

surprise everyone so Jaz took it off so no one would guess our news." He took the ring out and placed
it on Jasmine's finger before giving her a kiss.

"This is wonderful news," Linda said, touching the corner of her eye to dab a happy tear

away. "Have you set a date yet?"

"Not yet," Jasmine answered. "But it would be a good few months after Faye and Ray's


"What do you mean a good few months?" Kane asked with a frown. "Why couldn't we get

married a month after them?"

Jasmine chuckled. "They're getting married in less than two months, honey. We need time to

prepare for ours."

"Isn't three months enough?" Kane persisted.
"I don't know," Jasmine answered.
"It's possible," Faye said. "As long as the venue and service providers you want aren't already

booked. Jessa and I can help you prepare."

"See," Kane said to Jasmine. "Your sister and my sister have already done all the research for

their own weddings. They can help organise the kind of wedding you want within three months. Right,

"Sure. As long as Jaz wants to get married that soon, of course. Maybe she'd prefer to wait a

little longer."

Kane looked at Jasmine with a hint of concern.
Jasmine laughed and placed a hand on Kane's cheek. "Okay. A month after Faye and Ray's


Kane smiled brightly and gave his fiancée another quick kiss.
Dylan watched the obvious affection between his brother and Jasmine. He glanced around the

table and saw the happiness in each of the person sitting there—happiness they shared with their
significant other. He was the only one who sat alone and did not have someone to share a knowing
look with, or a squeeze of the hand, or a peck on the lips. He scratched the back of his ear, strangely
unsettled. Why did he feel left out, all of a sudden?


"Did you have a good time last night, Dyl?"

Dylan looked at Kane in surprise. His brother was lining up his shot at the pool table but

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arched an eyebrow at him when he didn't respond straight away.

"Last night was good," he answered.
"Yeah? What did you do?" Kane asked as he hit the cue ball. He sank a solid.
"I was out with Trey and Adam."
"Where did you go?"
"The Establishment. Then Ivy."
"Okay. Anything exciting happened?"
Kane's questioning was too casual, Dylan thought. He positioned himself to take a shot after

Kane missed.

"I saw Jasmine's friend Ari at Ivy," he said after sinking a striped ball.
"Oh, right. How was she?"
How was she? Dylan couldn't help the smile that tugged his lips. "She was great."
He concentrated on his next shot but missed. When he looked up, Kane was staring at him in a

funny kind of way. He narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" Kane asked innocently.
"Like you know something."
"Is there something to know?"
Ah. Kane did know something. Had Ari told Jasmine about last night, already?
"Ari and I hooked up," he admitted to Kane.
"You like her?"
"It was just a one-night stand, Kane."
Kane nodded, as if he knew it already.
"Is Jaz cool with it? Are you?" he asked with concern.
"Sure. As long as you two are okay with being in the same room after what happened. With

Jaz and I getting married, I'm sure you'll see more of Ari."

"I know that. You know me, Kane. I can be friends with women I've slept with."
"That's not exactly a secret," Kane said dryly. "I don't know how or why you do it."
"Hey, I'm just a friendly kind of guy. I naturally get along well with girls I sleep with,

otherwise, they wouldn't have attracted me in the first place. See, the trick is to limit the sex to one
night only. Once it gets past a one-night stand, it's damn difficult to manage a friendship. Somehow,
women's expectations change when you sleep with them too often. Remember that," he told his

Kane chortled. "Why on earth would I need to remember that? I'm getting married in case you

haven't heard the news."

He grinned. "Well, with you out of the market, that means more opportunities for me."
"Oh, Dylan," Kane said resignedly. "I don't know why you won't just find yourself a steady

girlfriend instead of drifting from one girl to the next."

He simply shrugged. "I'm still happy with my lifestyle."
"Well, it's your life. As long as you don't make Jaz unhappy by playing games with Ari. But it

looks like Ari's fine with it, too, anyway."

"Ari told Jaz?"
"Yes, she rang this morning."
"Okay, good. No one has to make a big deal of it, then."
Dylan watched Kane concentrate on his next shot but his mind had already left the game. All

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this talk about Ari was disconcerting him.

It was a strange feeling. For the first time in a long, long time, he was missing a woman. He

was missing Ari.

Damn, she was hot.

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"Ari, I was wondering if you would like to make my wedding dress?"

Ari gaped at Jasmine, her eyes round as saucers. "Oh my God, Jaz. Yes, of course! I'd love to

do it."

"Yay!" Jasmine cried, hugging her tight. "I was worried that you might not have the time."
"I promise you I would make time even if I have to take annual leave from my job to work on

it," she responded, her brain already picturing Jasmine in several styles. "Do you have a design in
mind? If I start straight away I'm sure I can finish it well before your wedding."

"Nothing concrete. I don't want something big and puffy. I want something that hugs my figure

but with a bit of a train. I'm really relying on you for the final look, Ari."

Tears formed in Ari's eyes. She was glad that Jasmine had moved from Melbourne to Sydney

to live with Kane. Theirs was a timely friendship. She needed it badly as she had drifted away from
some old pals. After her ex-chum stole her ex-boyfriend, she had shied away from the company of
people who reminded her of the painful betrayal. Now, Jasmine was giving her the chance to do what
she loved most of all.

"Oh, Jaz. Thank you so much. I won't let you down."
"I know you won't. And you know what? Last week, I wore one of your casual outfits to

dinner at Kane's parents' place, and it got praised by all the girls there. Faye's really keen to meet you
so she can have a look at your designs."

The doorbell rang and Jasmine jumped from her seat. "That'll be Sam and Kris," she said


Ari smiled as she leaned back in the sofa and closed her eyes. For as long as she could

remember, she had loved designing pretty dresses. When she was a little kid, she drew paper outfits
for her paper dolls and her mother cut them out for her. By the time she was eighteen, she had already
landed a junior position working for one of Australia's biggest fashion designers.

Ten years later, her skills and confidence as a couturier were well honed after working for

three different high-end fashion houses. Eight months ago, she'd spread her wings and joined Eros,
makers of designer lingerie. She had always wanted to add the crafting of intimate apparel to her skill
set; her job at Eros gave her that opportunity.

She could only hope that the rumour of a take-over circulating in their office wasn't true.

Whether it was Eros taking over some other company or the other way around, no one could tell. One
thing she knew for sure—she couldn't afford to lose her job. She had next to no savings to fall back on
if she did.

She sighed. If only she could start her own couture business. That had been her ultimate dream

for so many years. But without capital, that remained a fantasy. In the last year and a half, money—or
rather, the lack of it—had been her biggest problem.

She shrugged. She wouldn't allow her concerns to dampen her good mood. At least she was

still able to design for her friends, feeding her need to create.

She roused herself from her brainwork and stood up to eagerly hug Samantha Lane and

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Kristen McCann. They were cousins, and Jasmine's best friends from Melbourne, now also Ari's
good friends.

"So glad you're here, girls. Did you have a good flight?" Ari asked.
"Yes, thanks," Kris said. "We're glad we're here, too. We can start a weekend-long

celebration of Jazzie's engagement."

"Yes," Sam concurred. "But first, I'd like a tour of this place. Jaz, this house looks amazing."
Jasmine chuckled. "Yes. Kane has designed a beautiful home. I'm glad you finally have the

chance to see it. It's so exciting that all you girls are staying with us this weekend."

"Is Mr. Hotshot Architect home yet?" Kris asked.
"Not yet. He'd be home in an hour. Just enough time for us to whip up some dinner," Jasmine


"I'm on it!" Sam declared. "Lead me to the dream kitchen."


All four of them were busy preparing dinner, happily taking instructions from Samantha, who had
appointed herself head chef for the night, when Jasmine's phone buzzed with a text message.

"That was from Kane. We're going to have an extra guest tonight," Jasmine announced.
"Oh, cool. Who?" Kris asked.
"Dylan. Kane's brother. Apparently, one of Dylan's friends is looking for an architect to

renovate an old house he bought recently. Dylan wants to know if Kane would be interested in helping
his friend out, so Kane invited Dylan over for dinner to find out more about it."

"Great! We get to meet one of Kane's brothers. I know you said all his siblings are good-

looking, Jaz, but is Dylan as hot as Kane?" Kris asked jokingly.

Jasmine glanced at Ari before answering. "My answer would be biased, of course, as I'll say

my man is a lot hotter. But why don't you ask Ari? She'd met Dylan."

Ari fidgeted as Kris and Sam looked at her expectantly. "Oh...um," she stuttered,

embarrassingly flustered.

Heck, she couldn't help it. Dylan was having dinner with them tonight. She had dreamt about

him all week—hot, sweaty dreams—and soon she would be seeing him again. In the flesh.

"I know Jaz thinks Kane is the hottest man on the planet," she said blithely, forcing herself to

maintain composure. "But I think Dylan is not far off the mark. In fact, at the risk of having a debate
with our friend here, I'll go one step further and say Dylan's hotter."

"Oh, really?" Kris asked, her eyes wide. "Do I detect an interest from you, Ari?"
Ari laughed. "A passing interest that had been assuaged. You might as well know, I had a

one-night stand with him."

"What?" Kris and Sam cried out together.
"It was totally unexpected," Ari replied, colour rising to her neck and face. "We bumped into

each other at a club last week and we probably had too much to drink and ended up in my apartment.
But we did discuss it, and agreed that we were both only interested in a one-night stand."

We were both only interested in a one-night stand.
Ari had been repeating that mantra to herself all week. She was sick of hearing it in her head.

She must have said it at least a hundred times. But for the life of her, she felt she had to keep
reminding herself of that simple fact.

"Wow," Sam said in wonder. "So you're not interested in anything more than that?"
"I don't think Dylan's interested in a relationship," she answered. "Nor am I," she added

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"Would you be okay with Dylan joining us tonight, Ari?" Jasmine asked, her tone light but her

eyes betraying her concern.

"Of course!" She went over to her friend and gave her hug. "The question is do you think

Dylan would be okay with me being here tonight?"

"Yes," Jasmine replied without hesitation. "Kane told me Dylan can maintain friendships with

women he's had one-night stands with. I'm not concerned about Dylan. I'm worried about you! You've
told me before you're not into one-night stands, so I was very surprised you had one. With Dylan, at

"I know I've said that in the past, but after my experience with my cheating ex a new

relationship is the farthest thing from my mind. For the record, the one-night stand was my idea, not
Dylan's," she said with a carefree face.

"Really? Well, okay. As long as you're fine, I'll stop worrying about it." Jasmine matched her

lighthearted tone.

"Good! I'm absolutely fine, so stop being such a worrywart," she said emphatically, grateful

acting was one of her hidden talents.

So Dylan remains friends with other women he's slept with?
The thought disturbed her more than she cared to admit.


Ari jumped when she heard the doorbell. She was thankful she had already placed the plates she'd
been carrying on the dining table. Nothing would be more embarrassing than if she had dropped and
broken them.

She hid a sigh. No doubt that was Dylan at the door. The butterflies in her stomach were going


How on earth would she be able to enjoy the sumptuous meal Sam had masterminded when

her tummy was feeling funny and her heart was pounding like crazy?

She heard Jasmine talking. "Come to the kitchen and meet my best friends from Melbourne.

Ari's here, too."

"Ari's here, too?" an achingly familiar voice asked.
Jasmine appeared in her line of sight with the man she had developed an enormous crush on.
"Hi, Dylan," she said lightly, keen to play Super-Cool-and-Unaffected-Ari to the hilt.
"Hey, Ari! Good to see you here, gorgeous," Dylan responded, walking up to her and giving

her a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Her breath hitched at the feel of his lips on her skin, but she forced the words, "You, too," past

her throat.

Did that come out too high-pitched?
Fortunately, Dylan turned to the other girls, giving her the chance to busy herself with setting

the table as Jasmine introduced Samantha and Kristen to her future brother-in-law.

"Is Kane not home yet?" Dylan asked.
"He'll be here any minute," Jasmine answered.
"I suppose I get to enjoy the company of four beautiful girls by myself for a short time," Dylan

said in a cheeky tone, as he accepted the glass of wine Jasmine offered.

"Lucky you," Kris replied. "You picked the right night to turn up here for dinner. Samantha

Lane, chef extraordinaire, is in town."

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"Oh, please, Kris," Sam said with a blush. "She's exaggerating, Dylan."
"No, I'm not," Kris retorted.
"No, she's not," Jasmine confirmed. "Sam's just way too humble to admit her excellent

culinary skills."

"Well, then, I'm glad I only had light lunch today and nothing else since. I'm starving," Dylan

said, as he walked over to the stove and peered at Sam's simmering casserole dish. "It smells
mouthwatering. Can I have a taste?"

"Sure," Sam said, picking up a clean spoon and scooping a portion for Dylan to try. Dylan

gripped Sam's hand as he guided the spoon she was holding to his mouth.

Something needled Ari's chest—an unpleasant feeling that made her scowl. Her frown

deepened as she identified it.

Oh darn! Now she had to work to hide that too.
"Hello, guys!"
All heads turned to Kane who had arrived home.
"Honey!" Jasmine practically flew to her fiancé's arms.
They kissed sweetly before Kane turned his attention to everyone else. "Great to have you

here, girls. You, too, bro. Oh, and whatever that is you're cooking, Sam? It smells divine. Is it ready?
I can eat a horse."

"Well, it's not a horse, but yes, it's ready. We can eat," Sam answered.
Ari put on a delighted face as everyone settled around the dining table.


Ari was able to relax while they feasted on the delicious food. She had to admit, though, that she was
less tense because Dylan was too busy chatting with Kane to continue flirting with the other girls.

She couldn't really blame her friends for responding in kind. Dylan was fun, friendly, and oh-

so-attractive. Besides, he flirted with all of them, including Jasmine—seeming to enjoy pushing
Kane's buttons in a brotherly sort of way. He was just a big flirt, and it was hard not to get caught up
in his light-hearted, teasing mood.

Hmm. Maybe that was how he stayed friends with women he'd slept with—no hang-ups, no

issues, just keeping it fun and light.

Okay, she could do that, too, couldn't she? In fact, the flirting and the teasing would help cover

her strong attraction to him, should she unconsciously show it. She could pass it off as playfulness—a
mirroring of his actions.

Loud laughter from Kris and Sam pulled her from her thoughts. What are they laughing


"...but we were planning on staying up all night watching Blu-ray movies on that massive TV

screen while we sit next to the crackling fire and sip wine," Kris was saying in a teasing tone to

"You could stay up for as long as you want," Jasmine said. "Then tomorrow we could go

anywhere you girls want to go to or we could stay here and have a dip in the pool. It's supposed to be
sunny this weekend, and the pool's heated, so the water's really nice even during winter."

"But you won't be staying up with us tonight?"
"No-o," Jasmine said, embarrassed.
"You heard her, girls," Kane said in a smug tone. "She'll be hanging out with you until around

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midnight. Then she'll go to bed, and you won't see her again until after ten tomorrow morning."

"I thought this was our girls' weekend?" Sam asked, her eyes shining with mirth.
"Yes, but you really won't need me while you watch movies," Jasmine answered, blushing.
"That's right," Kane said. "I, on the other hand, will need her tonight."
Jasmine's face reddened further.
"If I were Jazzie's man, I'd need her every night, too," Dylan quipped.
Kane threw his brother a deadly glare. "Don't even think about it."
Dylan laughed heartily. "You're so easy to stir up, Kane."
Kane shook his head exasperatedly, a reluctant smile forming on his lips.
Ari sighed, enjoying the banter while feeling envious. Why couldn't Dylan feel that way about

her—like Kane did for Jasmine?

Whoa! Where did that come from?
She gave herself an imperceptible shake. Dangerous thoughts, Arielle. Don't go there.
She sat up straighter and joined in the conversation to distract herself from her unwanted

feelings. "Well, girls," she said to Sam and Kris, "we'll just have to enjoy the movies without Jaz

"Hey, maybe I'll join you," Dylan said.
Ari's head whipped toward Dylan and found him looking straight at her. Her heartbeat spiked

up instantly. Oh no.

"It's a girls' night in, Dylan," she teased. "Last time I checked, you're not a girl."
A knowing smile tugged Dylan's lips, his eyes pinning her with their heat. "That may be so.

But I won't mind if you check again."

She swallowed visibly. She hadn't meant to bring his attention to that hot, steamy night they

had together. Dylan's intense gaze was unraveling her as desire flowed in her veins.

Geez, Ari. He's just flirting! Get a grip!
"No need," she said with a nervous chuckle. "Besides, we plan to watch chick flicks. You'll

be seriously bored, I think."

"Not if I watch you, instead," Dylan countered, his tone husky.
Ari felt the heat rise up to her face. She must be as red as Jasmine was a couple of minutes


"Stop it, Dylan," Kane rebuked mildly.
"So that's a no to me joining you, girls?" Dylan's tone was back to light teasing as he switched

his attention to Sam and Kris.

Ari looked at the cousins, her eyes silently pleading with them to say no.
"Nah," Sam said.
"Yeah, that's a no, Dylan," Kris confirmed. "You'll never pass the sisterhood test."
Ari let go of the breath she was holding and glanced at Dylan. He winked at her, his

expression playful.

See, Ari? He's just playing. Watch your step now. You might fall and hurt yourself.

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Dylan carried his laptop to his balcony with the objective of knuckling down and doing some work.
The sun was shining and he was tempted to simply sit there and enjoy the mesmerising view of
Sydney city and its sparkling harbour from the high vantage point of his Potts Point apartment. He
placed the computer on the patio table and closed his eyes to feel the welcome warmth of the mid-
morning end-of-winter sun, only to open them quickly. The alluring, chestnut-haired, brown-eyed
woman was there again, a haunting behind his closed eyelids. Fuck! If he didn't stop wanting Ari, he
wouldn't get any work done.

He didn't expect to see her at Kane and Jasmine's place last night. He'd been surprised by how

much he had wanted to attach himself to her side, but he was keen to steer their friendship to the right
direction. He made sure he paid equal attention to all four women so that Ari wouldn't think he meant
anything special when he flirted with her.

Okay, sure, she was special in a way. She was the only girl there he lusted after. But he didn't

want her to misread his intentions.

Well, what were his intentions, really?
He raked his fingers through his hair. The fact of the matter was that he was dying to have her

again. That was the pure and simple truth. He couldn't get their passionate night—and morning—out
of his mind, and it was driving him to distraction.

Would she be open to another night with him? She had been friendly and flirty last night—a

sign that their one-night stand didn't adversely affect the easy-going friendship they wanted to develop
for each other. Would sleeping with her again jeopardise that?

Ah, Dylan. Stop it.
He gave himself gentle slaps on the face. He had work to do. His company had been

commissioned by one of Australia's leading retail chains to write their latest smartphone app project.
He had been slacking during the last week, though, and now he was behind schedule. His best friends
Trey and Adam—also his business partners—were already getting cranky with him. The longer it
took him to finish his part of the project, the less time they had to spend on their preferred and more
lucrative enterprise: another game app for mobile devices.

The company that had paid close to half a million dollars each for their last three game apps

was already making loud noises about buying this next one, too—but it would have to fight for it.
They had already captured the attention of two other firms interested in their work in progress.
Whichever of those three companies wanted their new app would need to pay a hell of a lot more for
it, considering their track record of producing lucrative and highly popular games.

His phone rang, and he made a face when he saw the caller ID. "Hi Sandy, what's up?"
Sandy irritated him. She seemed to think that just because she was Adam's new girlfriend she

was automatically one of Dylan's best friends, too.

"Hi, Dylan. How are you?" Sandy said in a too-exuberant voice.
"Fine, thanks. Busy. You?"
"Oh, I'm good. Listen, Dylan, do you want to join me and Adam to dinner at his place


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"I'm afraid I'm busy, Sandy. I have to get some work done. Thanks, but maybe some other

time," he responded.

"But Adam's already looking forward to it! He really wants you to come."
Dylan narrowed his eyes. Did Sandy know about the argument he'd had with Adam last week?

He had already apologised, but he knew his buddy was still hurting a little bit from what he'd said.

He supposed he should go. He wouldn't want Adam to think he wasn't keen on patching things

up with him. If he went he could also let him know Kane was happy to personally work on his house
renovation. Adam would be ecstatic. Kane's firm wouldn't normally have taken a relatively small job,
but Kane was doing it as a favour to Dylan.

"Okay, I'll be there," he said resignedly.
"Great! No need to bring anything," Sandy said with obvious glee.
"Thanks. Who else is going, by the way?"
"Oh, uh, Trey, of course. Plus I've invited a couple of my friends to even things up."
Suspicion stirred his gut. He knew her game.
"See you later, Dylan!" Sandy said hurriedly, and hung up.
He sighed. No doubt Noeleen, one of Sandy's girlfriends, would be there, too. Noeleen was

very pretty, but he wasn't interested in gold diggers. They spelt trouble.

During his birthday party a few weeks ago, he had overheard Noeleen tell Sandy that she was

desperate to be his girlfriend, so that she could watch Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks from his
balcony where they would have the perfect view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House.

He scowled as he remembered Sandy's response: "Yes, I'd love for you to have a rich

boyfriend, too. They're quite handy when it's time to pay off the credit cards."

"And it doesn't hurt when they're such hunks," Noeleen had replied, and the two women had

giggled like teenagers.

Last week, after much soul-searching, he'd finally said something to Adam. But Adam was too

infatuated with Sandy to listen to his warning that Sandy's feelings for him might not be real. Adam
had demanded that he and Sandy be left alone.

It took three days before Adam talked to him again. He had to tread carefully, so as not to

antagonise his friend further.

He shook his head in displeasure. A guy in love could be so easily fooled by a woman, if he

weren't careful. For his part, he was grateful he'd learned his lesson.


"Dylan! It's great to see you again, handsome!"

Dylan hid his bemusement as Noeleen reached up to kiss him square on the lips. He bet she'd

be rubbing herself against him like a cat soon. She was in one of the too-tight, too-short dresses she
loved to wear. She was great to look at, but she left him cold.

Oh, what the hell, Dylan. Why don't you play your own game?
The idea perked him up. He certainly wouldn't enjoy the night if he let himself get irritated.

Why not turn the tables and annoy the shit out of Noeleen? With any luck, she'd finally give up on him.

He gave Noeleen his brightest smile. "Hey, beautiful! It's wonderful to see your pretty face


Noeleen's face lit up and her lips formed a sultry smile. "I haven't seen you in weeks, Dylan.

I'm glad you're here." She clung to his arm as they made their way to the kitchen.

He gave his two best friends, Adam and Trey, a man-hug and gave Sandy a peck on cheek.

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When he turned to Lenore, Trey's 'date' for the night, he placed his hands on her arms and gushed,
"Lenore, you're looking good!" He then enveloped her in a tight hug, caressing her back for a couple
of seconds before kissing her soundly on the cheek.

Lenore blushed and simpered.
"Dylan, here's your beer," Noeleen said sourly, casting a cold glare at Lenore and grabbing

his arm.

"Uh, thanks, but is there any wine?" He preferred the beer but he was warming to his game.
"Oh, sure, sure. White?" Noeleen asked, eager to please.
"No. Red, please."
He glanced at his two buddies and caught them suppressing their grins. They knew what he

was trying to do. Yes, it was caddish and juvenile to play two girls against each other. He hadn't
acted like that since his early twenties. But knowing what Sandy's friends were truly like, he had no
problems pushing the guilt aside.

He was glad to see that Adam didn't seem to mind. There was hope for his friend yet.
He turned his attention back to Lenore. "So, how've you been, gorgeous?"
The flattered woman was now staring at him with hope in her eyes. "Oh, I've been good, thank

you, Dylan," she purred. "And you? You certainly look well." She openly checked him out. Her eyes
lingered on his crotch then returned to his face with an inviting smile.

He stopped the snort before it escaped him. Here was a woman ready to 'steal' him right in

front of her friend, Noeleen. Where was the value of friendship?

"Thank you. I've been good," he said, and turned his attention back to Noeleen, who had a

ferocious look on her face.

"Thanks, Noeleen. You're a real sweetie." He winked at her as he took the glass of red wine

from her hand, making sure he brushed his fingers with hers.

Noeleen blinked and her face lost the frown. "Anytime, stud," she said, running a finger on his


"Well, we can start to eat. Everyone, carry something to the living room," Adam said.
They each dutifully carried a platter of food to where the big TV was. This was Adam's

version of dinner with friends. Finger foods—lots of them—while they all watched something,
usually sports.

Dylan sat on the sofa, fully aware that one of the girls would want to sit beside him. There

was some jostling between Noeleen and Lenore, but Noeleen won and sidled up to him.

Trey was trying hard to stifle his laugh. He was enjoying the whole thing. Why wasn't Lenore

cozying up to Trey, anyway? Wasn't Trey supposed to be her 'date' tonight?

Lenore had nowhere else to sit but next to Trey, but she looked at pains to keep her distance.

He squinted at Trey. What happened?

Lenore picked up a spring roll and commented on how tasty it was. Ah, this was his opening.
"That's Trey's favourite too, Lenore," he said teasingly.
Lenore just ignored the comment and kept on eating.
He arched an eyebrow at Trey's smug face.
"I wonder what Ari's favourite food is?" Trey mused.
Dylan felt the air being swiftly squeezed out of his lungs at the mention of Ari's name. "What

did you say?"

"You know that girl we bumped into at Ivy last week? Your brother's fiancée's friend? She's

incredibly attractive. I was just telling these guys that before you arrived," Trey responded.

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Dylan frowned. It had only just occurred to him that the boys weren't aware that he'd slept

with Ari. Trey had left Ivy early that night to meet up with some workmates, and Adam was so angry
at Dylan because of his comment about Sandy that he'd disappeared when Trey left.

"I was meaning to ask you to set me up with her, Dylan," Trey continued.
Dylan's heart pounded hard. Was that a joke? A part of Trey's game to put off Lenore? Or was

his interest in Ari for real?

No, no. Trey shouldn't be interested in Ari.
"What do you say, Dyl?" Trey prodded.
"She's taken," he answered nonchalantly.
"Oh, really? But she wasn't with a man that night, was she?"
"So? Adam was there without Sandy," he contended.
"So this Ari already has a boyfriend?" Lenore asked, looking animated again.
"What a shame," Trey said with a sigh. "Do you know who the guy is?"
"Yes," Dylan answered. "Me." He took a sharp intake of breath. Shit. What possessed me to

say that?

His discomfort turned to bemusement when Adam and Trey laughed their asses off.
"What the hell is so funny?" he demanded.
"Oh, Dylan. You'll never pull that shit on us," Adam said.
"Come on, man," Trey said in a pleading tone. "I'm serious. Set me up with Ari."
Dylan's jaw dropped in shock. He relaxed a little when Trey winked at him. This better be

part of the game.

"I'm being serious, too," he said with conviction. "You can't have her. I saw her first."
Trey stood up and gestured for a handshake. "I'll fight you for her, then. May the best man


"You're on. I'll win her anyway I can," he declared, getting up and shaking Trey's proffered


Noeleen got up from the couch and stomped toward the kitchen. "I'm getting another drink,"

she muttered, clearly displeased.

"Me, too," Lenore said, following Noeleen to the kitchen.
Sandy wordlessly went after her friends.
Dylan exchanged hi-fives with Trey and Adam before the three of them settled back on the

couch, silently chuckling.

But for the rest of the night, he kept getting distracted by a niggling worry.
Trey had better be joking.

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Ari padded down the stairs quietly but hastily, her face hot from embarrassment and...yes, arousal.
Damn it! Why was her timing so bad? She already heard them yesterday morning. Did she have to
hear them again today?

She hadn't mean to pause outside Kane and Jasmine's bedroom door but Kane's soft moans and

panting groans stopped her in her tracks. Her cheeks reddened anew at the images those pleasure
sounds brought to her consciousness. Of course it wasn't Kane that filled her mind. It was Dylan.
Kane's orgasmic noises were so similar to Dylan's that she was bombarded by erotic memories from
their one and only one-night stand.

She shook her head vigorously to clear her mind of lustful thoughts and followed a soft

humming coming from the kitchen.

She found Sam there, preparing food by herself. She wasn't surprised that Kris wasn't up yet,

even though it was already after ten. The four girls had been out dancing until two that morning, and
Kris had practically boogied non-stop. If Kris hadn't been exhausted by all that, she would have been

"Morning, Sam," she greeted her friend with a grin. "What are you making?"
"Morning, Ari," Sam responded brightly. "Just making a couple of quiches and some salad for

brunch. It's the last meal I get to prepare in this dream kitchen before Kris and I head back to
Melbourne tonight." She inspected the ingredients she had laid out. "Do you think this would be
enough for seven people? Maybe I should make something else as well."

"Seven?" Ari asked.
"Yes. Remember that Dylan's friend is coming over, so he could discuss his renovation

project with Kane?"

Ari counted the number of people in her head. "That's just six of us then, isn't it?"
"Plus Dylan."
"Dylan will be here again?"
"I think so," Sam responded, looking at her closely. "You okay?"
"Oh, sure, yeah." She put on a serene face, but the butterflies in her stomach were excited as

hell. "Can I help you with anything?" she offered Sam.

"Thanks. Maybe you can make us some coffee?" Sam suggested.
She nodded, relieved to be doing something. She was having a wonderful weekend with her

friends, and she was thoroughly enjoying herself. But seeing Dylan last Friday night, then accidentally
hearing Kane and Jasmine make love two mornings in a row, had stirred a ridiculously strong craving
in her that she was having a difficult time smothering. The way she was feeling, she wouldn't be
surprised if she threw herself at Dylan if he so much as winked at her.


They enjoyed their lunch on the expansive outdoor deck by the magnificent swimming pool. It was a
cool day, but out in the sun it was lovely.

Ari made sure she wasn't sitting next to, or opposite, Dylan. She didn't trust herself to keep

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from staring at him if she did. Gosh, he looked particularly gorgeous today.

Luckily, Adam sat between the two of them.
"That water looks so tempting I wouldn't mind jumping in it even with my clothes on. It's

heated, right?" Adam said, gazing at the sparkling pool water.

"Yes. So, do you want to put a swimming pool in your place as well?" Kane asked.
"I would love to, but I'm not sure if I have enough space for a decent-sized one," Adam


"Leave it with Kane. He'll figure it out," Dylan said. "I wouldn't mind having a dip, too. What

say you, everyone?"

"Well, it would be good to have one last dip before we go," Sam said.
"Then let's all get changed after we finish our lunch," Kane said.


Ari donned her sexiest bikini. If she was to entice Dylan for another night of passion, this

should help.

"You are one crazy woman, Arielle Mitchell," she said at her reflection in her bedroom


But the idea quickly took hold of her. Why would it be a problem, anyway? If Dylan was

going to have sex with some other woman, why not with her? After all, he seemed to have enjoyed
their one-night stand just as much as she had.

Besides, wasn't this the perfect time for her to have some fun? She knew full well she was

nowhere near ready for a new relationship. The feelings of betrayal caused by her ex-boyfriend and
ex-close friend still left a very bitter taste in her mouth. But why should she be celibate just because
she was single?

The opportunity was here to loosen up and give herself a break. Dylan was a safe bet. They

both knew where they stood with each other, so there would be none of that "I thought we were a
couple" crap. As long as she kept her heart out of it, she was sure it would be fine.

Could you keep your heart out of it, Ari?
She bit her lip, forcefully pushing that question to the side.


Ari shyly walked back out on to the deck, conscious of the men's eyes on her—well, Dylan's

and Adam's. Kane only gave her a cursory glance and continued to cavort in the pool with Jasmine.

She hid an envious sigh. If she were to blame others for keeping her libido in almost constant

wakefulness, that couple had a lot to answer for. You could practically see steam surround them when
they were around each other.

But if she were to blame someone for putting her libido into overdrive in the first place, it

was the man staring at her with frank admiration.

"Are you sure that bikini is legal?" Dylan asked. "I'm lucky I'm the only guy here allowed to

openly gawk at you."

Despite her intentions to the contrary, she blushed.
"I can also gawk at her," Adam said. "You look hot, Ari."
"Thank you," she murmured.
Dylan scowled at Adam. "Hey, you have a girlfriend named Sandy, remember?"
"Well, she's not here, is she?" Adam countered. "And here's two more lovely girls," he added,

smiling at Sam and Kris, who were coming out of the house.

Sam was also in a sexy two-piece while Kris was in a gorgeous one-piece suit.

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"Good, feast your eyes on those two lovely ladies. I'll take this one," Dylan said, suddenly

running to Ari and pushing her into the pool.

Ari let out a scream before her head went underwater. Next thing she knew, an arm was

around her waist, hoisting her up above the waterline. When she had wiped her eyes and opened
them, Dylan's grinning face was inches from hers.

She flushed, heart pounding hard, both from surprise and from his disturbing proximity. He

was holding her tight against his muscular body and she instantly responded. She got more wet, and it
wasn't because she was in the pool.

Conscious of their audience, she playfully pushed him with a hand on his face and wiggled

away. Dylan splashed her, but let her go. Thank God for that! She needed a minute away from him to
slow her racing heartbeat. That man could really make her system go haywire in a matter of seconds!

She swam to the corner where Sam and Kris sat on a raised step, sipping soft drinks.
"What exactly is going on between you and Dylan?" Kris whispered in her ear.
"Lust," she whispered back, uncharacteristically emboldened.
They giggled as Kris raised the glass she held in her hand.
Ari watched as Dylan joined Kane and Adam, who seemed to be inspecting the pool structure.

She tried to appear indifferent, but her eyes glued themselves to the object of her desire.

Jasmine approached with a knowing look directed at her. "Interesting," her friend commented.
"What is?" Ari asked.
Jasmine arched an eyebrow at her. "Don't play coy, Miss Mitchell."
"We were just being playful, that's all," she responded with a mysterious smile.
Jasmine sighed, concern replacing her teasing expression.
"What's that sigh for, Miss Allen?"
Jasmine shook her head and smiled. "Nothing."
This time, Ari arched an eyebrow at Jasmine.
Jasmine chuckled and relented. "Dylan is a great guy, Ari, but I believe he's not keen on

relationships, if you know what I mean."

"And he's honest about it, too," Ari replied. She motioned for the girls to move closer to her.

"I know first-hand how incredibly hot he is. God help me but I wouldn't mind sleeping with him
again. Purely for physical reasons, mind you."

Jasmine and Sam gasped while Kris cheered.
"Really?" Jasmine asked.
"Yes," Ari said as she ignored the warning bells furiously ringing in her head.
"Wow," Jasmine said with wonder. "In that case...go for it, girl!"
Laughter rang from their side of the pool.


A couple of hours later, they went back inside the house to freshen up for some afternoon tea.

Those restless butterflies stirred in Ari's tummy when she found Dylan staring at her again as

she entered the big, open-plan room that housed the entertainer's kitchen and informal living areas.
She glanced around and realised they were the only two people there.

"Where are the others?" she asked to cover her discomfort.
"Still getting ready, I suppose," Dylan answered, still looking at her with delicious intensity,

his eyes filled with undisguised desire that caused her heart to gallop in her chest.

"Dylan..." she said breathlessly.

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"Yes, Ari?"
"Stop looking at me like that," she whispered, her eyes wide and unable to break from his

burning gaze.

He gave her a sinfully sexy grin. "I can't help it. You look so damned desirable."
She tried to suppress the full-blown smile that threatened to take over her face. "What do you

plan to do about it?" she asked him in a sultry tone, shocked by her own words, but pleased that she
was able to deliver them with panache.

His eyebrow shot up, his grin widening. "If you're not careful I might think you're thinking

what I'm thinking."

She narrowed her eyes at him, tilting her head to one side. "What do you think I'm thinking?"

she dared ask.

He closed the distance between them and stood inches from her, making it an effort to breathe.

Her lips parted so she could take in more oxygen but it only served to make her breathing shallower
as she took in Dylan's reaction. His gaze went to her lips and his eyes grew much darker—more

"Invite me over to your place tonight, Ari," he commanded in a soft tone.
Excitement and desire made her heady. "For what?"
"For our second one-night stand," he answered huskily.
"Okay," she said unthinkingly, her body answering for her instead of her brain .
Dylan's lips tugged upwards. He tilted her chin with a finger and slowly brought his face

closer to hers. Just as their lips were about to meet, the laughing voices of Kane and Jasmine floated
to the big room.

She jumped away from him and hastily walked to the kitchen.
"Hey, guys," she said brightly, as the engaged couple appeared. "Do you want me to make

some coffee or tea?"

"That would be great, thanks, Ari," Jasmine said, glancing at Dylan before looking back at

her. "I'll serve the custard tart Sam made for us."

Ari busied herself with preparing the cups and the coffee machine as she silently ordered

herself to cool down.

"What just happened?" Jasmine whispered surreptitiously.
She gave her friend a guilty look. "What do you mean?" she whispered back.
Jasmine rolled her eyes. "You were blushing when we got here, and Dylan was staring at you

with that look on his face."

"What look?"
Jasmine smiled widely. "The same look Kane has when he wants sex. Sometimes it's eerie

how similar those two are in some things."

Ari's face reddened and she looked away from her friend.
"Ari? Tell me!" Jasmine whispered.
"Um, yeah. They are...uh...very similar in some ways," she stuttered in embarrassment.
"Why are you blushing again?" Jasmine asked suspiciously.
"Uh...no reason."
"Please, tell me," Jasmine pleaded. "I'm so intrigued."
"Oh, God. This will be so mortifying," Ari muttered.
"It'll only be between you and me," Jasmine promised, looking around to make sure no one

was listening in on their conversation.

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"Okay. Brace yourself. This involves you and Kane," she warned her pal.
Jasmine nodded in encouragement.
"Well, I was on my way down this morning when I heard you and Kane making love in your


Jasmine's eyes widened.
"I didn't mean to stop when I heard your noises but I couldn't help it. Kane sounded so much

like Dylan when he's...when he's...you know." Her cheeks were in flames as she gauged Jasmine's
response to her confession.

Jasmine laughed. "Oh my God. Really?"
She nodded, her discomfiture easing at Jasmine's reaction.
"They're really brothers, aren't they?" Jasmine said dryly. "Now I know why you want more

bedroom action with Dylan. If he's anything like Kane …"

They burst out in giggles.
"What's so funny, girls?" Kane asked as he and Dylan approached.
Ari pinked again and looked at Jasmine. She'd let her handle this one.
"Oh, we were just talking about a time when Ari heard something she didn't mean to hear. It

was just a funny story," Jasmine replied with a nonchalant shrug. "What do you guys want with your
custard tart? Something hot? Something cold?"

"Coffee, please, babe," Kane said.
"I'll have sizzling hot Ari, please," Dylan said cheekily.
Ari gasped in horror. "Dylan!"
Dylan chuckled. "I mean, coffee, please."
Kane shook his head. "Ari, I do hope you understand what you're getting into when you allow

Dylan to mess around with you," he said in a big-brother tone.

"Hey, no need to warn her off me," Dylan complained.
"Don't worry, Kane. I'm a big girl," Ari said.
She gave Dylan a peeved look but was unable to hide her smile when he winked at her. Oh,

God, she did so want to jump him.

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Dylan awoke as Ari tried to carefully extricate herself from his embrace, easing away from his arm
draped around her waist and his leg slung on top of hers. He held her tighter, his lips puckering to
kiss her neck where his head had burrowed itself while he slept. Hmm. He could get used to this.

"Dylan?" she whispered cautiously, as if testing if he was awake or not.
"I have to get up."
"Why?" he asked drowsily, not moving an inch.
"I have to go to work," she responded with a chuckle.
"Already?" Disappointment stabbed him.
"I have to get up or I'll be late," Ari said. "Don't you have to get up?"
"No. I work from home and I don't have meetings today."
"Well, I have a boss who won't appreciate it if I'm late."
He sighed, still unwilling to let her out of his arms. Why did she have to feel so incredibly


"One last round?" he asked hopefully, placing soft kisses on her throat as his hand wandered

to her breast. He felt her pounding pulse against his lips and smiled, pleased with her reaction to him.
"What do you think?" he asked huskily.

"I'll be late for work," she said weakly but had abandoned her efforts to try to get up. Her

hand had started caressing the arm that held her in place.

He flicked a nipple with his thumb, thrilled that it had already pebbled. She angled her head to

capture his mouth, and they kissed as his hand continued to play with her breast. He explored her
mouth and let his tongue mate with hers. Intermittently, he let just his lips caress every inch of her soft

He'd never been a huge fan of kissing. Sure he enjoyed them, but not so much that he could go

on and on. But, hell, he couldn't get enough of Ari's mouth. Simply kissing her aroused him swiftly.

Ari moaned, and that was all the encouragement he needed to go further. He shifted so that his

mouth could take over from his fingers that had been enjoying her nipple. He let out a soft groan as he
put the hardened bud between his lips and laved it with his tongue.

"Dylan," Ari whispered, arching her back.
He let his hand wander slowly down to her belly then her thigh, stroking as he went, while his

mouth went to her other breast to give it equal attention. Ari parted her legs, showing him where she
wanted his hand to go. That was an invitation he simply couldn't resist.

He trailed his fingers on the inside of her thigh and ever so lightly touched her feminine centre

before bringing his hand up to her belly.

He raised his head to look into her eyes. They were darker—hooded. Oh, yes.
"So we're not getting up yet?" he teased.
"No. Let's have a quickie," she suggested, reaching down to stroke his hard manhood.
"Fuck," he grunted, loving her hand on his engorged length.
"That's the idea," she said naughtily.

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He gave a throaty laugh. "How long do we have?"
"Well, there really is no time for this, so technically speaking, we shouldn't even have


"In that case, we better get on with it, huh?" he said huskily, bringing his hand back between

her legs. A groan escaped him when he discovered how soaked she already was. He inserted a finger
inside her and rubbed the heel of his hand against her swollen clit as he moved his finger in and out.
Ari gasped and moved her hips in perfect rhythm against his busy hand.

She was just incredible—so responsive—and he couldn't get enough of her.
He felt Ari's hand close around his excited shaft and tug harder.
Fuuuck. How did she do it? Until he met Ari, getting a woman to reach climax before he

allowed himself release wasn't a problem. But with her, he'd had to call on all his self-control so he
wouldn't come before her. Fortunately, Ari had gotten there quickly. Her passionate responses to him
made his orgasms longer and harder than he could remember having.

Lord, just thinking about it brought him to the edge. Ari's thumb was swiping the tip of his

cock and spreading its moisture on its length. Ahhh…

He pulled out his finger from her wetness and gave her swollen nub a couple of tender strokes

before he got up and reached for the box on her bedside table. He tore open a condom packet, glad
that he remembered to get them on the way to her place last night, and hurriedly unrolled it on him.

"Well, it looks like we will be quick," he said with a sensual grin.
Ari's tender smile made his heart skip a beat, and he eagerly covered her with his body to kiss

her thoroughly. Ari spread her legs and he arranged himself so the tip of his eager cock was at the
entrance of her waiting core. In one accord, they bucked their hips and he was inside her. He groaned,
loving the feel of her wrapped around him. He moved slowly, keen to make this last for as long as he

But Ari seemed to have other ideas. He didn't know if it was because she was conscious of

the time or if she really was just as aroused as she seemed to be, but she wrapped her legs around him
and twisted her pelvis, encouraging him to move faster. His self-control deserted him every time she
did that, so now he found himself thrusting into her harder and more desperately.

"Ari...fuck...you feel so damn good, baby," he gasped as he drove into her with single-minded


The sound of flesh meeting flesh blended with their sounds of pleasure as they strived to reach

the crest together.

"Oh, God, Dylan...don't stop, please," Ari said breathlessly, gripping his buttocks hard, urging

him on.

He gave out a grunt. Was she kidding? There was absolutely no chance of stopping. In fact, he

couldn't help but move a little bit faster.

Oh, hell. He was real close. Ari's lustful moans heightened the pleasure he got from thrusting

inside her. He wet his thumb inside his mouth and reached between their bodies. He found her
sensitive clit and rubbed as he continued to pound her.

He felt her tense, her moans becoming more high-pitched as his own grunts came out

uncontrollably. She just feels so fucking good.

"Come for me, baby," he panted, increasing the pressure on her sensitive nub.
"Oh, God, Dylan!" Ari screamed in ecstasy, as her inner walls pulsed around him over and


That toppled him over the edge. With a loud groan, he exploded inside her.

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"I'd call that a quickie, wouldn't you?" Dylan said as he lay on his back, catching his breath.
Ari giggled beside him. "I suppose. Although we had a round last night that was a bit quicker

than that."

He chuckled. Their first one from last night was quicker. Ari had barely closed the door of her

apartment when he pinned her against the wall and kissed her senseless. Before they knew it, they
were naked and he was taking her on her couch.

So, now, where should they go from here? This was supposed to be just another one-night

stand—one they really shouldn't have had. But for the life of him, he didn't think he was ready to stop
having her yet.

"I really need to get ready," Ari said, kissing him on the lips before bolting out of bed.
His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her run for the bathroom. That kiss was such an

intimate gesture. It made him kind of nervous, but he had to admit, he liked it.

He discarded the condom in the waste basket near her bedside table and lay back in bed.
If he continued a casual relationship with Ari, would they be able to keep their friendship

when they were done? Would she be different from the others? It was a big risk.

But if they stopped sleeping together and made this their last time...
He shook his head, not willing to accept they just had sex for the very last time. He was far

from having enough of her.

He rubbed his face with his hand. The two of them would have to talk and get to some sort of



"Hey, sleepy head."

Dylan woke up with a start. He hadn't even realised he had dozed off.
"I have to go. You can sleep some more, if you want. You can let yourself out when you're

ready," Ari said, bending over him.

He smiled, comfortable in her bed. "Okay, thanks."
Ari straightened, frowning slightly. "Don't you have to go to work at all today?"
"I can start whenever I want," he answered, knowing he'd be working well into the night.
"Really? Lucky you."
They stared at each other for a long second—he feeling content and she looking perplexed.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Um, I guess I'll see you around," she answered. "Maybe we'll bump into each other at Kane

and Jazzie's again."

He sat up swiftly. "Ari...maybe we should talk about...this."
"If you're worried about me, please don't be. I understand perfectly well this was just another

one-night stand," she said with what looked like a forced smile.

He gazed at her, momentarily lost for words. For some reason, he felt a pinching in his chest.
"Well, I do have to go, Dylan. See you later." She turned to head off.
"Ari," he called to her as she reached the door. "What do you think of a few more one-night


She twisted to face him, her expression one of surprise. "A few more? How many more?"
He cocked his head to the side at the tone of her voice. She sounded...hopeful. "Two? Five?

Ten?" he replied with a shrug.

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"How can you call ten nights of sex a one-night stand?"
"What would you call them then?"
"I think friends with benefits would be a more accurate term for what you have in mind."
He grinned. "So can we be friends with benefits then?"
"What if we start feeling funny about it?"
"Then we'll stop sleeping together," he assured her. "And we'll just be plain friends."

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Ari slinked into the large, modern office she shared with another designer, grateful yet puzzled that
the room was empty.

She settled into her chair and turned to power on her computer when she noticed the post-it-

note stuck on her keyboard.

Meeting with Penny in Boardroom 2. Join us when you get here.
Her heart started pounding. The warm, fuzzy feeling that enveloped her on the way to work

had totally evaporated. Of all the days for an unscheduled meeting to be called, why did it have to be
the day she couldn't get to work on time?

She checked her watch as she hurried to the other end of the floor. Late by fifteen minutes.

Damn it!

Her cheeks were pink and her hands were cold when she pushed the heavy door of

Boardroom 2 open. Penny Radcliffe, their CEO, was talking but stopped when she noticed her

"I'm so sorry I'm late," was all she could mumble.
"Take a seat, Ari. Glad you could make it," Penny said.
Ari smiled at her CEO, hoping she wasn't being sarcastic with her remark. But all the big boss

had was a rather anxious smile on her face. Now that made her real nervous.

She strode to the lone empty chair, surprised that the whole design team was there, including

their admin assistant. None of them was smiling. Not one. In fact, they all looked like stunned mullets.
Oh no.

Penny cleared her throat. "Ari, I was just updating everyone on something that occurred last

week," she said in a quiet voice. "Eros was sold to CB International, based in California. CB's long-
term plan is to only have the finance and customer service divisions here in Australia. In the short-
term, they will keep the current marketing team intact, though it will be absorbed by their head office
eventually. Unfortunately, this design team is the first to be affected. I'm sad to say that you are all
only here for another two weeks. That time is to be used preparing the design department for a smooth
handover to CB."

Ari stared at Penny as she digested her words. She couldn't quite believe what she was

hearing. She and everyone else in the room would be made redundant and they'd be out of a job in
two weeks. Two weeks.

"Before the end of the day, you will all receive a letter detailing the redundancy packages that

you will receive," Penny continued. "You are also offered the services of a career counsellor, should
you want one."

Their CEO sighed and swept her gaze around the room, making eye contact with each one of

them. "I'm sorry about all this. The next few weeks will be incredibly busy for me, so please let me
take this opportunity to wish you all successful careers after Eros."


Ari stared in dismay at the letter she had in her hand.

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Four weeks worth of salary. That was all she would be getting.
As she hadn't been with Eros for one whole year, she was not entitled to any redundancy

money. All she had was the two weeks leave she'd accumulated and the monetary equivalent of
another two weeks, which admittedly was generous, as she didn't think she was eligible for that at all.

Her eyes moistened. By her calculations, her cash would only last a couple of months tops,

with her current regular expenses and financial obligations.

She buried her face in her hands, the feeling of helplessness threatening to engulf her. Earlier

that day, she'd taken an extended lunch break and spent two hours calling people non-stop. She rang
her previous employers, industry contacts, and even cold-called other fashion houses to see if they
had any job openings for designers. No luck, not even a promise of "We'll check." She also got in
touch with a handful of recruitment agents, who advised that they didn't have a single job listed for a
senior designer position. There were some roles at a more junior level, but she was told she wouldn't
be considered for those, as she was much too qualified.

Just the week before, the story of one big couture house folding and another one on the brink

of collapse had hit the news. Finding another job for someone at her level in this economic climate
would be extremely difficult. While she had an enviable reputation in the industry, current conditions
had companies consolidating, rather than expanding. Senior design jobs were few and far between.

She looked around her living room. Maybe she should move to a one-bedroom place, even a

studio, to lower the cost of her rent. If she had to take a role that paid below what she was used to
getting, she would need to make some sacrifices here and there. One thing that wasn't an option was to
pull back on her financial support to her older sister Sylvie and her nephew Kenny.

The musical ringtone of her phone startled her.
"Hi, Jaz," she said, injecting some life in her voice.
"Hi, Ari. Are you busy tonight?"
"Um, not really. Why?"
"Do you want to have dinner with me somewhere near your place? Kane has a dinner meeting

with a client tonight and I thought I'd drive there. We could start discussing my wedding dress or just
hang out together."

"Okay, sure," she answered, not really feeling like socialising, but thinking it would do her

good to talk to her friend.

"Great! See you soon!"
"See you, Jaz."
Ari hang up the phone dejectedly. Darn, she would need to ask Jasmine for some money up-

front so she could buy the materials for her wedding dress. She didn't like the thought of that. She
hated asking friends for money.

She took a shower while she waited for Jasmine, ruminating on her sudden change in fortune.

At this point, she could only hope and pray she'd have a new job—any job—to move to as soon as
she finished up with Eros. God knew she, Sylvie, and Kenny needed it.


"Ah, Jaz..." Ari started nervously as she took Jasmine's measurements.

Jasmine looked at her worriedly. "I haven't put on a lot of weight, have I?"
She laughed. "Your measurements haven't changed, Jasmine. No, um, I wanted to ask you


"Sure," Jasmine answered with relief.

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"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind putting in a deposit for your dress?" she asked in a

small voice. "It's just that I have to order your materials straight away and —"

"Of course, Ari," Jasmine cried. "Please, please, please stop feeling guilty about asking

people to pay you! Why do you feel like that?"

"Because you're my friend, that's why."
"So? Just because I am doesn't mean I can't be your customer."
"But I don't have a business yet."
"Are you going to be less of a professional in making my dress just because you're not in

business yet?"

Ari gasped in horror. "Of course not, Jaz. I'll make damn sure you have a stunning wedding

dress fit for someone as gorgeous as you!"

"Well, then, you have to charge me as if you were already in business."
Ari sighed with relief. The money would sure come in handy.
"So how much would you charge me for this dress?" Jasmine asked.
She told her.
Jasmine stared at her as if she'd lost her mind.
"If you think that's too much, we can negotiate," she said hurriedly.
"Oh, God, Ari. You're crazy! You'll never make it in business if you keep on thinking like that!

I've had a look around to get ideas of designs I would like and the price you want for this is, like, a
quarter or what other couturiers charge. I don't mind you treating me like a VIP, but Ari, I bet that's
only what the materials cost."

"But, Jaz, you're my friend!"
"If you didn't know who I was and I was in your shop right now, how much would you quote


She inhaled deeply and reluctantly quoted Jasmine a figure that a creation such as her wedding

dress was worth.

Jasmine nodded delightedly. "I knew I was getting a dress that was special. I'm happy to pay

that price. Actually, my parents insist on paying for it."

"Okay," she relented. "But I'm giving you a twenty percent discount because you're my friend

and I love you."

Jasmine hugged her tight. "Thank you. I appreciate that. Now, how much deposit do you need?

If you give me your bank account details, I'll ask my mum to transfer the money straight away."

Ari felt much lighter as they discussed the payment plan.


Ari shook her head with fondness as Jasmine made phone calls to her sister Jessa and her mother.
After hearing about her redundancy, Jasmine had jubilantly asked her to also design her bridesmaid
dresses. Apparently, Jasmine had always wanted her to make them, but had been worried that she
might be too busy to take them on. Since Ari was almost certain she wouldn't have a job lined up after
Eros, she would have all the time in the world to work on Jasmine's orders.

"Now I have to convince Sam and Kris to come back here for a fitting. Or maybe we could go

to Melbourne," Jasmine mused.

"Maybe we could Skype with them and they could take each other's measurements while I

watch," Ari suggested, not liking the idea of flying to Melbourne. That would be shelling out money
she might need for something else.

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"Oh, that's not a bad idea! I'll ask the girls what they think about that," Jasmine responded.

"My mum said she would also appreciate a new dress for her to wear on my wedding and she's
considering getting you to make one. Maybe Kane's mum would want one too."

"Jaz!" she said laughingly. "Maybe you should be my marketing manager."
"I already am, honey," Jasmine said with a smug smile. "At least these orders should tide you

over until you find yourself another job."

Ari couldn't help it. She just couldn't. They were in a busy restaurant and she just started

sobbing. She was grateful for Jasmine's support, and at the same time overwhelmed by worry about
the future—not hers, but her nephew's.

"Oh, geez, Ari. I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll find a new job very soon. How could you not?"

Jasmine said worriedly, giving her a serviette and patting her gently on the back.

"I might not get another one for weeks, even months, unless I get a job stacking shelves at the

supermarket," she joked tearfully.

"Don't be ridiculous. You've been in the fashion industry for years. Lots of people know you.

I'm sure they'll be tripping all over themselves to hire you."

"I already made plenty of calls, Jaz. Nothing."
"Oh, Ari," Jasmine said with compassion. "Well, maybe this is an opportunity for you to start

your own business."

She sniffed. "I'm afraid I don't have the capital for that, or a savings cushion if it doesn't take

off. Plus, at this point in time, I need something secure. I haven't told you this but I'm financially
supporting my sister and my nephew. They need me."

"I didn't know that. Tell me about them," Jasmine encouraged.
She sighed deeply. "A year and a half ago, my nephew Kenny was riding his bike downhill on

a steep street. He lost control and hit a pile of bricks that were stacked in someone's driveway. The
bricks toppled on him, fortunately not on his body but on his left leg. But unfortunately...they had to
amputate that leg. He was only five years old then."

Jasmine gasped in horror.
"Sylvie is a single mother," she continued. "Her husband died three years ago from a heart

attack and she was left with some debts. She was a stay-at-home mum when her husband died and
was lucky enough to get a receptionist job even though she lacked experience. She was coping okay
until Kenny's accident.

"Fortunately, I had enough savings then to help pay Kenny's large medical and rehabilitation

bills. But they have ongoing needs that Sylvie simply can't afford with just her salary, so I help them

"Oh, Ari, I'm so sorry to hear that. How can I help?" Jasmine asked.
"You already are, Jaz," she said with a sincere smile. "You giving me business is helping


"And to think you didn't want to charge the right price for it," Jasmine admonished.
"Kenny isn't your responsibility, Jaz. And for the umpteenth time, you're my friend."
Jasmine rolled her eyes. "But we're got that sorted now, haven't we? You are going to accept

the fair amount for all the dresses we order from you?"

"Yes, thank you," she responded humbly.
Ari felt so much lighter after opening up to her friend. She needed emotional support just as

much as she needed a new job.

Her phone rang and she fished it out of her bag. Her heart pounded madly as she gazed at the

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screen. "Do you mind if I get this?"

"Go ahead," Jasmine replied.
"Hi," she said a tad shyly to the caller.
"Hey, gorgeous. Are you at home?"
Just hearing Dylan on the other end of the line was enough to give her weak knees. Heavens

above. What on earth was the matter with her?

"No. I'm out having dinner," she answered him.
"Oh right. I think I left my wallet at your place."
"Yeah. I didn't have a need for it all day so it's only now that I noticed I don't have it. I'm

pretty sure it's still at your place."

"Do you remember where you might have left it?"
"Well, I remember tossing everything I was holding in my hand somewhere in your living

room when we got busy undressing each other. I retrieved my keys but I didn't check if I had my
wallet with me before I left your apartment this morning."

"It must still be somewhere there then. Are you coming to get it? We're still waiting for our

food so I won't be home for a while," she said, blushing a little.

"Not tonight. I'm meeting someone for dinner. I'll have to beg her for a free meal," he

chuckled. "I was wondering if I could pass by your office tomorrow and I'll pick it up then?"

"Great. Could you text me your office address? I'll see you tomorrow around twelve."
"Sure. Bye."
"Another bad news?" Jasmine asked, her face a picture of concern.
Ari looked at Jasmine in surprise. "No. Not at all."
"Phew. I'm glad. It was just that you were pouting and frowning."
"Oh." Ari felt her face burn. The fact that Dylan was having dinner with a woman felt like bad

news. But she kept her mouth shut about that. She didn't want to give Jasmine additional reason to feel
sorry for her.

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"Hi, Dylan!"

Dylan turned with a smile and kissed Ari on the cheek. "Hey. Thanks for coming down."
"No problem. Here it is." Ari handed him his wallet.
"Where was it?" he asked.
"On the floor near the coffee table."
"Ah, right." He stared at her. Well, it was more like he couldn't help but stare at her. She

really was incredibly attractive. He frowned as he noticed the dark bags under her eyes.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" he asked. What better way to develop their friendship

than buy her lunch?

"Sure. Let me get my purse."
"You don't have to. My treat. I have my wallet back," he grinned.
"Okay, thanks. Just something light would be good."
"The Japanese at the corner okay?"
"Yes. Perfect," Ari said with a smile that was a little too forced for his liking. She didn't seem

happy today. He took her hand as he led her across the road.

"Busy day at work?" he asked.
"Not really," she answered.
"Then why aren't you your usual cheery self?" he pressed, peering at her.
"It's just one of those days," she said with a heavy sigh.
He was about to prod deeper, keen to know what was bothering her, when he heard his name

being called. They both turned and saw Trey waving at them.

"Fancy seeing you guys here," Trey said although his full attention was on Ari. "Ari, it's great

to see you again." Trey hugged and kissed her as if she was a long-lost friend.

"Uh, hi …" Ari said tentatively.
Dylan hid a smile. She probably couldn't remember Trey's name, and he wasn't about to

volunteer the information.

"Remember me?" Trey asked.
"Um, I remember your face but not your name. Sorry," Ari replied sheepishly.
"It's Trey Andrews. Where are you guys off to?"
"I'm taking Ari to lunch," Dylan answered in a tone that he hoped conveyed to Trey he didn't

want him hanging around with them. He wanted to be alone with Ari.

"Where?" Trey asked.
"We're just going to that Japanese over there," he answered, pointing to the place.
"Surely Ari deserves something better than that, Dylan," Trey chided.
"Oh, but that place is perfect," Ari said, giving Dylan a quick glance and blushing. "We only

want something light and quick."

"I know a more perfect place. Somewhere you'd really enjoy, Ari. You wouldn't mind if I join

you guys, would you?" Trey asked with a glint in his eye.

Dylan frowned at this friend. What the hell is he up to?

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"Would you mind, Ari?" Trey asked again with a charming smile.
"No, but it's up to Dylan," Ari said cautiously.
"Oh, that's very kind of you to leave the decision to him," Trey commented curiously.
"Well, my purse is back in the office and he offered to pay so I think it's just fair he decides

where to go," Ari responded.

"Don't worry, Dylan won't mind," Trey said smoothly, putting a hand on Ari's back and

leading her past the place they originally planned to go to. "You don't mind, do you, Dyl? I'm sure Ari
would prefer the place I have in mind," Trey said, winking at him.

"And which place is that, Trey?" he asked, keeping his tone neutral although he felt like

throttling his pal.

"I thought we'd go to Eiko's," Trey replied with a hint of challenge in his voice.
"Eiko's?" Ari asked in surprise. "We're only after a light lunch. That place is mega-


"They have plenty of light things on the menu," Trey said with an engaging smile.
Dylan frowned. Either Trey was trying to impress Ari or he was playing the ISAG—the 'Is

She A Gold Digger?' scheme Dylan, Trey and Adam had concocted a few years ago. Judging from
Trey's expression, it must be the latter.

He mentally shook his head in displeasure. Trey didn't have any business putting Ari through it

without asking him first. In fact, the ISAG was originally only created for Trey. Wasn't Trey the one
who wanted his potential girlfriends tested for signs of being a gold digger after Trey was jilted at the
altar by a then-fiancée to whom he had been ultra-generous when she asked for a new car, and even
money for her family's holidays?

Okay, granted that the ISAG became a must-be-applied-at-all-cost scheme for all three of

them because of his actions. But Trey must know by now he preferred the freedom and simplicity of
casual liaisons after his unpleasant experience. When he jeopardised hundreds of thousands of dollars
of his, Trey's and Adam's money because of his feelings for a woman, he had readily agreed with
Trey and Adam to check out any woman the three of them got serious with, whether they liked it or

So he couldn't believe that his buddy was even thinking of putting Ari through the ISAG. It

wasn't warranted. First, this was just a friendly, innocent lunch between friends. Second, Ari wasn't
even that kind of person. He may not have known her long but he could tell. Trey shouldn't be too
quick to judge.

Ari glanced back at him in concern as he lagged behind.
"Coming, Dyl?" Trey asked, turning to give him a sly grin.
Dylan took that opportunity to slide in between Trey and Ari, giving his friend a little warning

nudge on the side. He wished he could inform him in no uncertain terms that there was no need for the
ISAG with Ari.


"Ari, what would you like?" Dylan asked.

Ari was still staring at the menu, looking dismayed. "You know, just one of their sushi rolls

would be fine."

Dylan had a feeling she was scanning for the cheapest item on the list. But even the least

expensive dish at Eiko's was quite pricey compared to what they could have ordered at the restaurant
he had suggested earlier.

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He wished she would relax and not worry about the cost. He could bloody well afford it.
He reached for her hand under the table. It was cold. "We could order different dishes and

share. How about that?" he asked softly.

"Okay," she replied warily.
Trey rattled off a couple of items he'd like to order. They were among the most expensive on

the list, guaranteed to impress any woman—well, someone easily awed by money, anyway. But it had
the opposite effect on Ari. She looked worried.

"You're joking, aren't you, Trey?" she asked.
Trey raised his eyebrows. "No."
"Well..." Ari started, then closed her mouth.
"Well, what?" Dylan asked.
Ari puffed out a sigh. "Well, Trey seems to think I would prefer it here. It's sweet of him to

think so, but it's not really fair to you," she explained to Dylan.

"Oh, is that what you're worried about, Ari?" Trey asked and leaned closer to her. "Don't

worry. I meant to foot the full bill from the start. I did suggest we go here, after all."

"Don't be ridiculous, Trey. I'm happy to get this," Dylan said, bristling. The last thing he

wanted was for Ari to think of him as cheap. Or worse, that he didn't consider her worthy of a place
like this. He could really wring Trey's neck right now.

"No, no, Dylan. I insist," Trey said.
"No. I insist," he answered.
"Maybe we should just leave. We haven't ordered yet," Ari suggested dryly.
"Sorry, Ari. We'll shut up now. I suggested this place, and I'm paying, so let's order and enjoy

ourselves," Trey said decisively.

"Trey. . ."Dylan said with exasperation.
Trey gave him a knowing look. "Dylan, please let me, okay?"
Dylan took a deep breath, lips pressed in a tight line. Trey meant to play the ISAG to its

fullest. He really must have a private word with him.


Ari excused herself to go to the bathroom and Dylan took the opportunity to straighten things

out with his meddling pal.

"Trey, there's no need for the ISAG with Ari," he said with a scolding look.
"And why's that?" Trey asked.
"While I do want us to be good friends, I have no intention whatsoever of having a serious

relationship with her."

"So why were you holding her hand earlier?"
"She looked like she was having a bad day. That's also why I thought I'd take her out to lunch,"

he justified.

"How did you know she was having a bad day? Did you talk on the phone or something," Trey


He sighed. "No. I had to pick up my wallet from her. I left it at her place last night."
"Ah! You've had sex with her. And here you are taking her out to lunch. Which proves my

point that she needs to be put through the ISAG," Trey said triumphantly.

"What do you mean?" he scowled.
"Dyl, you usually wait at least two weeks before having any further communication with girls

you've had one-night stands with. If they're too keen to communicate, you usually stay the hell away

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from them. If they're cool with your silence, they become your chums. Wasn't it you who said that that
time frame helps them understand you have no other motive apart from friendship? But we're talking
one day here with Ari. In fact, not even one day. Half a day," Trey said emphatically.

"I told you I had to get my wallet back from her. Back off, Trey. I mean it. You're making her

feel uncomfortable," he said earnestly.

Trey sat back in his chair and stared at him with concern.
"What?" he asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance.
"You're sounding like Adam," Trey said quietly.
He gasped. "I am not!"
Trey shook his head, astonished. "You are. That's why I have to continue with the ISAG

whether you like it or not. That's the promise we made to each other."

"She's not like that!" he said in a half-shout, making a few heads from nearby tables turn their

way. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Damn it, Trey was annoying the hell out of him.

Trey snorted. "I seem to remember Adam having this exact same reaction when you tried to

tell him what you thought of Sandy."

"Ari and Jasmine are best buddies. I just want to be good friends with her since we'll

probably see a lot of each other in the future," he muttered.

"Then why have you changed your MO with her? If you want to be good friends, shouldn't you

be staying away for a while until the afterglow of your one-night stand has well and truly faded?"

He fidgeted in his seat, unable to meet his friend's questioning gaze.
Trey's eyes widened. "You've already had sex with her more than once."
He laughed. That was the funniest comment. Even during his first night with Ari, he'd had sex

with her more than once. Several times, in fact.

"Dylan? Is this serious?" Trey asked with a shocked expression.
"Don't be ridiculous," he scoffed. "We're just...friends with benefits."
"And how are you going to make that work exactly?"
"Ari's different. She knows where I stand."
Trey shook his head in resignation. "You've lost the plot."
"Don't be so dramatic."
"Now you can't expect Adam to listen to you when you're just as bad as him."
"Ari is different from Sandy," he said in a miffed tone.
"Yeah, she probably is. It wouldn't hurt to prove that though, would it?" Trey challenged.
"She doesn't deserve that kind of treatment."
"Exactly what Adam says about Sandy. And you know damn well that woman is more

interested in Adam's money than anything else, even though Adam's too blind to see it. This is for your
own good, Dyl."

He exhaled loudly. "Ari is different."
"Why are you afraid of testing her, then? Scared she won't pass?"
"No. I'm sure she'll pass. There's just no reason to do it. I'm not interested in a relationship."
"But you plan to continue seeing her casually?" Trey asked pointedly.
"Maybe," he lied, knowing full well he did plan to see Ari again.
Trey smirked. "Adam told me you only had eyes for Ari last weekend when you guys had

lunch with Jasmine's friends. He thinks there's something between the two of you."

"There isn't. Apart from some lust," he insisted.
"So what's the problem with testing her then?"

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"I told you already. There's no need. I'm not interested in Ari besides the sex," he said


"Okay. The problem is I don't believe that," Trey stated.
He rolled his eyes in frustration. How the hell would he get Trey off Ari's back?

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Ari groaned as her too-bright bathroom caused her head to pound harder. She mentally added 'buy
dark curtains for bathroom window' in her to-do list. She grabbed the sink for support as she trundled
to the toilet.

What a time to have a migraine. Today was her last day at Eros and she wouldn't be there for

the design team's big farewell lunch. Fortunately, her manager had been sympathetic when she called
in sick.

She was going to miss her workmates, and what was more, she was going to miss having a job

to go to. By the end of the day, she would officially join the ranks of the unemployed.

After two weeks of desperate searching even for lower paid positions, she hadn't had any

luck. She hadn't even been offered a single interview. Her impeccable reputation in the industry was
now her biggest drawback. She was overqualified for the vacant positions that were available.

She finished peeing and tried to fight off her nausea as she washed her hands.
As she crawled back to her bed, she forced herself to relax. She only had occasional

migraines, but when she got them, it was almost debilitating. They were usually from extreme stress,
and lately she was having a hell of a time of it—what with worrying about Kenny and how she would
afford her bills and...not hearing from Dylan.

She left a message in his voicemail three days ago to see if he wanted to get together at her

place. Heck, asking guys out wasn't something that came naturally to her, but she reasoned Dylan
could be waiting for her to make the next move. He hadn't contacted her since they'd had lunch at
Eiko's with Trey.

Well, obviously, he just didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. He hadn't called


She didn't know what had gone wrong. Wasn't he the one who'd suggested the "friends with

benefits" arrangement? Had he met a new "friend" who gave better benefits?

She let out a small whine and pressed her hand against her temple as the throbbing in her head

increased. She only had herself to blame. She should have known she was someone who could only
sleep with a guy if she really liked him—yet she went and had casual sex with Dylan not just on one
night, but two. Now she hurt at the thought that he was done with her.

No job. No Dylan. Little wonder her once-in-a-blue-moon migraine had flared up.
She moaned in agony as her phone rang. Keeping her eyes shut, she groped for it on her

bedside table. She opened an eye to peep at the screen. It was Jasmine.

"Hey, Jaz," she answered miserably.
"Gosh, Ari, are you okay?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. You're at home, I take it?"
"You sound terrible," Jasmine said sympathetically. "Why don't I go over there and give you a

hand with whatever you need?"

"No, I'll be fine, thanks. I just need to stay in bed until it passes. What's up?"

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"I was calling to see if you're available for dinner tomorrow night? But if you're not feeling

well, we could do it some other time."

"Oh, I'll be fine by tomorrow night. This darn migraine should be gone by this afternoon."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, positive," she assured Jasmine.
"Well, Kane's mum invited us over to her place because she wants to talk to you about making

her an outfit for both Faye's and my weddings. Apparently she's had a look around, but hasn't found
anything special enough for her liking."

Ari felt the zing of excitement in spite of her pounding head. "Wow. She hasn't even met me


Jasmine chuckled. "She's seen me in a couple of your designs. Plus of course, I've talked you


"Thanks, Jaz. If I didn't have this blasted migraine, I'd sound more enthusiastic."
"Oh, Ari. Do you want me to come over? I have some time."
"No, thank you. I'll get better quicker if I lock myself in my room in peace and darkness."
"In that case, I'll let you go. I'll text you Kane's parents' address. Can you get there by six-


"Yes. I'll be there, bright and chirpy."
As she ended the call with Jasmine, Ari remembered an important fact. Kane's mother was

also Dylan's mother. Ah, damn.


"Hello, Mrs. Summers, it's lovely to meet you," Ari said to the smiling woman who greeted her at the
door. She could see why Dylan and all his siblings had turned out so good-looking. Their mother was

"Please, call me Linda, Ari. It's wonderful to meet you. Please, come in. The others are on

their way."

Ari followed Linda meekly, a little uncomfortable that she was the first one to arrive.
"I've seen some of your designs that Jasmine's worn and I'm really impressed," Linda said

conversationally, as they went to sit on the couch. "I've looked around for something to wear for the
two weddings coming up, but I just can't find anything I like. The person making Faye's dress only
does wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses. Faye said she wishes she'd known about you when she
was doing research for her dress. Anyway, it would be great if you could design a couple of outfits
for me that would blend in well with the themes of the two weddings without me looking like a

"I'd be glad to, Linda. I've brought a few sketches along, and we could talk about what you

want exactly."

"Good. Let's do that after dinner, shall we?"
Their conversation was interrupted by the doorbell chime. Linda answered it, and Ari was

surprised to see a stunning looking woman with long, raven hair at the door.

"Rosalie! Are you hand-delivering my spices again?" Linda asked with delight.
"Yes. I know how stressed out you get when your pantry is not stocked up. I also brought you

some new items you haven't tried before," Rosalie said, opening a carry-bag and showing Linda the

"Ooh, thank you. I am running low on these. Come on in, darling. Do you want a drink?"

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"Thank you. Whatever's on offer would be great," Rosalie responded.
Ari watched the interaction with interest. Rosalie looked to be in her mid-twenties. She was

wearing a sexy black dress with high heels to match. She looked like a model, not a delivery girl. She
idly wondered who she really was, and was pleased when Linda started the introductions.

"This is Ari, Rosalie. She's Jasmine's friend and she'll be designing her wedding dress."
Rosalie extended a hand to her. "Hi, Ari. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Ari replied with a smile.
"Rosalie is the daughter of a friend of mine, Ari. They own a spice shop and provide me with

the best herbs and spices I could hope for," Linda said.

"I can smell something really wonderful in your kitchen, Linda," Rosalie commented.
"That's just my chicken pasta bake. Say, would you like to stay for dinner, Rosalie? There's

plenty of food."

"Linda, you always cook plenty of food. Are all of your boys coming tonight?" Rosalie asked


"Only Kane. Although I think I will call Dylan and ask him to come, too," Linda said with a

wink to Rosalie. "Why don't you two come with me to the kitchen? We can continue talking there
while I check on my bake."

Ari followed the two women, frowning at the unsettling suspicion that Linda was inviting

Dylan for Rosalie's benefit. The way that Rosalie's eyes sparkled at Linda's suggestive wink, she was
clearly thrilled to bits about it.


Ari was coming out of the bathroom when she heard Linda call out.

"Dylan! Why are you so late, darling? We've finished eating."
Her heart started galloping. She pressed her hand to her chest, coaxing herself to relax.
"You called me at the last minute, Mum," she heard Dylan answer. "I had to finish something

for work. But I haven't eaten yet, so are there leftovers for me?"

"Plenty. Anyway, it's good you're here. Rosalie needs some company while the rest of us girls

discuss wedding and bridesmaid dresses," Linda said.

Ari stood still, hidden from view, as curiosity burned within her. How would Dylan react to


"Rosie, this is a surprise. I didn't know you'd be here," Dylan said pleasantly.
"I just dropped by to give your mum some spices and she invited me to stay. You must be

hungry, darling. Come and I'll fix you up a plate. Your mother's busy with wedding stuff."

"Why, thank you. That's so nice of you," Dylan responded in a tone too flirty for her liking.
"Oh, Dylan. I've missed you. I haven't seen you for over a month," Rosalie whined.
Ari didn't catch Dylan's reply as the couple went into the kitchen. The two were evidently

well acquainted.

Quietly, she went back inside the bathroom and gazed at herself in the mirror. She tapped that

part of her chest where a pinching sensation bothered her and gave herself a little pep talk.

Arielle Mitchell, you'll be fine. Tonight, you are working. Those clients are also your

friends and they expect you to be enthusiastic and professional. You will wow them and they will

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be more than happy to pay good prices for your creations.

You need this. Kenny needs this.
You don't need Dylan. Plus he obviously doesn't need you since he's got Pretty Miss Rosie.
She scowled at herself for letting that last sentence slip into her consciousness. With a shake

of her head and a deep inhale, she walked out of the restroom and proceeded to the living room,
where Jasmine and Linda were waiting for her.


"Mum, Rosie and I are — Oh, hi, Ari. What are you doing here?"

Ari involuntarily swallowed as she turned to face a clearly surprised Dylan with a smug-

looking, Pretty Miss Rosie hanging off his arm.

"Hi. I'm taking your mum's measurements," she answered in a neutral tone. In truth, she wanted

to wail.

"I can see that. But why?"
"She's making my outfits for your sister's and your brother's weddings," Linda answered.

"She's also designing Jaz's wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses."

"Oh," Dylan responded, looking lost.
"How exciting for you girls," Rosalie gushed. "Well, Dylan and I are going now to meet up

with a couple of his friends, so I'll see you all again sometime soon. Linda, thanks again for inviting
me to dinner."

"Oh, it's my pleasure," Linda answered, looking absolutely delighted. "I'll walk you two to the


Ari felt sick...heartsick. She pretended to make notes in her notebook, desperate for something

else to do than watch Dylan walk out the door with another woman.

"Uh...bye, girls," she heard Dylan say.
She raised her hand for a brief wave and dared a glance at his direction. He was looking at

her with an unreadable expression. Hastily, she went back to her task of doodling on her page.

Don't worry, Dylan. I get the picture.
"Ari," Jasmine said quietly. "Do you want a drink or something?"
She gave Jasmine a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "No, thanks, I'll be fine."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" she asked in surprise.
"For that," Jasmine replied with a tilt of her chin toward the front door.
She pressed her lips to hide her distress.
"It's quite obvious something else went on between the two of you than just a one-night stand,"

Jasmine said sympathetically. "Didn't work out, huh?"

Her lips tugged in a semblance of a smile as she shook her head ruefully. "That's the way the

cookie crumbles," she said resignedly.

"If it's any consolation," Jasmine continued, "I don't think there's anything serious between him

and Rosalie. Kane would have told me about it if there were."

"It's really none of my business. It was only two nights of casual sex for us," she said bravely.
No need for Jasmine to know about the "friends with benefits" discussion she had with Dylan

that wasn't going to happen anymore. Broadcasting that would just make her feel like a reject all over

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"We'll really miss you, Ari," Selina cried.

"I'll miss all of you, too," Ari responded as she hugged her now ex-officemate. "Thank you so

much for organising this, Selina. It's so good of you guys to give up your Sunday afternoon to have
lunch with me."

"Hey, we were really sad that we didn't get to say goodbye to you last Friday. You picked a

bad time to have a migraine. We had a blast from midday and nobody returned to work in the
afternoon. Considering the circumstances, the managers turned a blind eye."

"I'm sorry I missed it. But at least my good friends are here."
"So what's the next chapter for you, Ari?" a male voice said from her other side.
Ari turned her attention to Henry, the good-looking guy from marketing. "Continue banging on

doors for a job," she said with a chuckle. "I'm lucky a friend of mine's getting married. She's
commissioned me to make her bridal party dresses. That'll keep me busy for a while, until I find
another company who'll hire me."

"If you need any help, I'm here for you, Ari," Henry said with a look that conveyed sincerity.
She smiled. "Thank you, Henry. I appreciate that."
"Actually, I was wondering if you could do me a favour," Henry asked hesitantly.
"My brother is getting married, too. He wanted to impress his fiancée so he took it upon

himself to volunteer for some tasks involving the wedding. One of them is to hire his and the
groomsmen's attires. But he's also smart. As his best man, he's passed the job on to me. I have
absolutely no idea what to do."

"What exactly do you need help with? Research a place where you can hire tuxedos or suits?"
"I don't even know what we should be wearing," Henry replied, looking totally bewildered.
Ari laughed. "So you need help with everything, in other words."
"Yes, please," he responded pleadingly.
"Okay, no problem."
"Thank you! You're a lifesaver," Henry said, kissing her on the cheek.
Ari felt Selina poke her on the ribs.
"He likes you, you know," Selina whispered in her ear.
Ari smiled, welcoming the ego boost that covered up her gloom.
Dylan might prefer to be with Pretty Miss Rosie, but he wasn't the only man in the world.

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Dylan groaned as he tried to get out of bed. The dull throbbing in his head reminded him of the
miserable night he'd had. What exactly possessed him to get himself drunk?

Ari's face floated in his head.
Ah, yes. Guilt. Shame. Remorse. Or whatever else the discomfort in his chest was called.
He slumped back in his bed and pulled the covers over his head.
Last night hadn't been all bad. He'd been entertained by Trey putting Rosalie through the

ISAG. Trey was really good at it, and Rosalie had no idea she was being tested. She'd passed, but it
was a moot point because he wasn't interested in her.

Well, at least it wasn't Ari in Rosalie's shoes last night. That had been his whole intention for

the last two weeks. He was hell-bent on proving to Trey and Adam—and, yes, to himself—that Ari
wasn't anyone special.

Except that he couldn't get rid of this...this...heavy feeling that sat on his chest.
Why the hell didn't anyone warn him that Ari was going to be at his parents' last night? He

was already feeling bad for not returning her call. Ari must have thought he was done with her when
she saw how Rosalie stuck to him like glue.

But he wasn't done with her. He just didn't want Trey to annoy her.
Okay, in all honesty, he just wasn't ready for the emotions she stirred up in him. Damn it, they

scared the shit out of him. The first and last time he'd let a girl in, he'd gotten so soft he'd almost lost
his and his friends' money. Thank God no one else knew about his stupidity besides Trey and Adam.
It was something he would never live down.

I sure as hell am not going to be that insane again.
The pounding in his head grew harder. In the fuzziness, an idea flashed brightly.
He should let Ari go through the ISAG. He was only fooling himself by pretending she didn't

affect him. If she passed, he could re-assess the situation and decide what next step he wanted to take.

Good. That was a way forward. He hated getting stuck.
In the meantime, he had to talk to her. The feeling of wanting to explain about Rosalie was

swamping him.

He reached for his phone and rang her. Disappointment welled as he got her voicemail.
"Hi, Ari, it's Dylan. Could you give me a call when you get this message, please? Thanks."
Would she call him back? He certainly hoped so.


"What do you want, Adam?" Dylan growled at his phone.

"Someone's in a bad mood," Adam commented dryly.
"Sorry. I have a massive headache. So what do you want?" he repeated.
"I'm five minutes away from your place. Can I drop by?"
Dylan cursed to himself. He wanted to be alone today.
"Is it important? I'm not feeling too well."
"You and me both," Adam replied despondently.

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He picked up something in Adam's voice. "You okay?"
"Hell, no."
He sighed. "Fine. Drop by."


"Coffee?" Dylan asked as Adam plopped himself on the couch like a defeated man.
"Yes, please."
Dylan busied himself with making coffee as he waited for Adam to open up.
"It looks like you were right about Sandy," Adam said after a period of silence.
Dylan sucked in some air and released it slowly. He joined Adam at the sofa and handed him

his steaming mug.

"She'd been buying all these things with her credit card," Adam continued. "Then she made

noises about having unexpected expenses and how she hated not being able to pay off her credit card
in full because then she would have to pay interest. She was quite subtle—not asking me for anything;
just complaining. Fool that I was, I offered to lend her money to pay off her card so she wouldn't
accumulate interest.

"That was more than a month ago. She hadn't mentioned paying me back even once. Then this

morning after we had breakfast, she dragged me to the shops so she could buy a present for her niece
who's having a birthday today. She bought her niece a bracelet which I thought was too expensive for
a five-year-old, but hey, that's none of my business. Then she spotted some diamond earrings she
wanted. She dropped hints about how she didn't have enough credit on her card to afford them. I
ignored her and she stomped off, muttering something about me not being sensitive to her needs,"
Adam finished with a heavy sigh.

"Did you have a fight?" Dylan asked.
"Kind of. We didn't talk in the car and she jumped out when we got to her place. I just drove

away and came here."

"What do you plan to do?"
"I don't know. I have feelings for her, but her behaviour has me questioning her intentions.

This isn't an isolated incident, but you already know that. You've been warning me all along."

"Well, you always seem to attract them more than Trey or I do," Dylan commented dryly.
"I know! Why is that?"
"They must sniff you out, man. They smell you're an easy target."
"I'm such a loser," Adam lamented.
Dylan repressed a sigh. "Hey, come on. At least you've found out what Sandy's really like

before you trusted her enough to give her the password to your riches."

"Hey, I'm never going to be as blind as you."
Dylan smirked self-deprecatingly. "I prefer to think that that woman—whose name shall

never again be mentioned—was just a really good con artist. Makes me feel better about myself."

Adam looked at him with sympathy. "Dylan, it wasn't your fault. That woman really was a

good con artist. Even Trey and I thought she was crazy for you."

"Yeah. You're lucky Sandy's a crap con."
"Yeah. Or I'd be in deep shit," Adam replied.
"Hey, I'd like you and Trey to put Ari through the ISAG," he said quietly.
"Holy smokes. I knew it. You like her!"
"It's just a precautionary measure."
"She seems like a nice girl," Adam commented. "But then again, that's what we all thought

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about that woman, didn't we?"

"Exactly. And that's what you originally thought about Sandy."
Adam shook his head. "Why do we have messed up love lives?"
"Don't know. Maybe because we are messed up."


Dylan stared hard at his phone, willing for it to ring.

Why hadn't Ari called? It had been two days since he left a message.
"You're one to complain, you idiot," he muttered to himself.
He put the phone back in his pocket as he shook his head in disgust. He was acting like a

lovesick teenager. Couldn't eat, couldn't rest, couldn't think—except think of Ari.

Fuck. At the rate he was going he might have to ask for a deadline extension for their project.

Trey and Adam wouldn't be happy. He had to resolve this distraction quickly.

He got up, picked up his keys, and walked out the door.


"Sorry, Ari doesn't work here anymore," the young receptionist said as she batted her eyelashes at

"Oh, since when?" he asked in surprise.
"She finished up last Friday. Their whole department finished up last Friday."
"You mean the company closed their department?"
"Yes," the girl said. "Didn't you hear? Eros got sold off to a US company and they've made

some positions redundant."

"No, I wasn't aware of that," he said.
"She was here about an hour ago, though. She went out to lunch with Henry."
"Yes. Let me check if he's back."
The friendly receptionist pushed a button and spoke through the microphone attached to her


"Hi Selina. Is Henry back?...Okay, thanks." She returned her attention to Dylan. "No, Henry's

not back. I'm not sure if Ari's going to drop by here afterwards, though. If she does, would you like to
leave a message for her?"

"No, thank you, it's fine. Thanks for your help."
He walked outside and crossed the road to get some lunch. He might as well pop by her

apartment later instead. Somehow, he suspected that Ari would simply ignore any message he left for

He sat at a coffee shop opposite her building. With any luck, he might spy her walking back

toward her old office.

He glanced outside and his heart skipped a beat. There was Ari and she was...laughing with

some guy. They exchanged a few more words before they hugged, presumably a see-you-later hug.
But the man—he must be Henry—was clearly reluctant to leave. His hand lingered on Ari's arm
before he walked into the building, looking back a couple of times to wave to her.

Something sharp stabbed at his chest. Was that her new boyfriend?
Before he knew what he was doing, he was out of his chair and waving to attract her attention.

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Ari turned and her mouth dropped open.
He waited for a break in traffic and crossed the road.
"Hi," he said a little breathlessly.
"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"I came to visit you in your office. I didn't know you'd left."
"I was made redundant," she said dazedly. "You came to visit me?"
He shrugged. "We didn't really get to talk last Saturday at my parents'. I didn't know you were

going to be there."

Ari stared at him, seemingly unsure of what to say next.
"Who was that?" he asked with a nod toward Eros' office building.
Ari turned to the direction of his gaze. "Who?" she asked with a confused look.
"The guy you were with earlier."
"Oh. That was Henry."
He lifted an eyebrow, wanting more information. "A friend?" he pressed.
Ari frowned. "Yes."
"Just curious," he replied softly.
"Well, I need to go, Dylan," she said with a small smile. "Good to see you again."
"Where are you going now?"
"Home. I have to work on Jasmine's dress," she answered as she started walking.
"Do you want to have dinner with me sometime this week?" he blurted out.
Ari stopped in her tracks and gaped at him. "No, thank you," she said after a pause then

continued walking.

Dylan blinked at her straight-to-the-point response. "No?" he asked, hurrying after her.
"No, Dylan. But thanks anyway," she said in a tight voice.
"So..." He raked his brains for the right words to say. Hell, he didn't even know exactly what

he wanted to say.

"We're simply plain friends now, Dylan, if that's okay," she said, not looking at him.
Right. No longer friends with benefits. He felt himself go red.
"I didn't ask you to dinner for the benefits part, Ari. I really just want to have dinner with


She glanced at him warily then shook her head. "Not this week."
"This weekend?" he pushed.
Ari huffed. "Why are you so persistent all of a sudden when you didn't even return my call

from last week?"

He held her arm to stop her from walking. "I'm sorry about that. I meant to call you. I was

just...busy dealing with a few things."

Ari sighed and started walking again.
He ran his fingers through his hair. This wasn't going the way he wanted it to. "So what are

you doing this weekend?" he prodded.

"Sam and Kris are coming again so I can properly measure them for their bridesmaid dresses.

Anyway, why don't you ask Rosalie out, instead?" she asked rather crossly.

"Because I don't want to be with her," he answered candidly.
Ari gazed at him with a quizzical look on her beautiful face. He could tell she was

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deliberating something in her head.

"Sorry, I'm not available, Dylan," she finally said.
He let out a heavy sigh. He had totally mucked it up.

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"Yes! Our star designer has entered the building!"

Ari chuckled as she went to hug Kris and Sam, then Jasmine's sister Jessa.
"Great. All the bridesmaids are here. I can't wait to get my hands on all of you, girls," Ari

said, rubbing her hands with glee.

"You know, I've never had anyone take my measurements, ever," Sam said, "Aside from

taking my own."

"Yes. There hadn't been any reason. So I'm really excited. No one's done a made-to-measure

anything for me before."

"Oh, Sammy, I'm excited for you, too," Jasmine cried.
"Let me show you some sample materials," Ari said, opening up her bag. "You'll have to let

me know which colour's right."

They were busy comparing fabrics when Kane entered the big room.
"Hey, girls, since you're having a bridal party meeting today, I have a great idea," Kane said.
"What's that, honey?" Jasmine asked.
"I'll invite my groomsmen over so you can tell us exactly what we need to do for the


Jasmine grinned. "Great thinking."
"See? I help out with this wedding, too. I'll call them now," Kane said, looking very pleased

with himself.

They all hid their smiles as Kane left the room.
"At least he thought of something," Kris quipped, and they laughed out loud.
"I never asked you before, Jaz. Who are Kane's groomsmen," Ari asked.
"His three brothers," Jasmine answered with a watchful expression. "Dylan's his best man."


"So that's all you guys need to do," Jasmine said to the men after they've all gone through the wedding
to-do list. "Hire the limos and get fitted for your suits. You need to do it as soon as possible in case
they get booked out."

"I already know who to call for the car hire," Bradley, one of Kane's twin brothers said.

"Leave that with me. You can look after our suits, Dyl."

"There's one more thing Dyl has to organise," Riley, the other twin said.
"What?" Dylan asked.
"I can't believe this has escaped your attention," Riley said. "The buck's night, bro. You have

to organise Kane's buck's night."

"That's easy," Dylan responded.
"Dylan," Jasmine crooned. "I know you'll be good to your brother. But you won't be too good,


Dylan grinned. "Right, Jazzie. Just something a little bit tame for Kane. Maybe a couple of

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private lap dances or something."

Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Dylan.
"Okay, I'm not discussing this anymore," Dylan laughed, raising his arms in front of him and

cringing as if scared of Jasmine.

"Don't worry, Jaz, we'll make sure you have a great time," Jessa said.
Kane chuckled. "I am so glad you are Jaz's matron-of-honour, Jess."
"Well, I can't see Rob letting you go to something too wild, much less organise it, even if it's

for your sister."

Jessa raised an eyebrow at Kane. "Is that a challenge, Kane Summers?" she asked.
Kris piped in. "Kane, I think you're forgetting that your fiancée has three very single

girlfriends right here in this room. And you have no idea what we can get up to," she said

Kane raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Dylan, just some drinks and a few games of

pool for us, please. I would expect the girls to have something equally...wholesome."

"Sure, bro. Anything you want," Dylan said with an exaggerated wink.
"Great! So us boys are all set with the wedding stuff," Kane declared.
"Wait," Dylan cried. "What about the suits? What do I do?"
Ari took a deep breath. This was for Kane and Jasmine.
"I know a place that's really good," she volunteered. "I was talking to them just the other day.

They're very professional and have excellent customer service. They tailor-made and also hire out
suits, so if they say there's not enough time to have new ones made, you could take the option of hiring
them instead. They have a great range of styles to choose from."

"Styles?" Dylan asked, concerned. "What do I know about picking suit styles for weddings?"
"Well, I'm going there later today. I can check out some styles that would go with the bridal

party dresses I'm making for the girls and then let you guys know."

"You're going there?" Dylan asked.
"Um, I'm helping out a friend of mine who's also a best man at a wedding. Suit hiring was his

task. He has no clue what to choose."

"That's me, too!" Dylan exclaimed. "Can I go with you?"
"How about I check out what's available first?" she suggested. Heck, she didn't want Dylan to

be there with her and Henry this afternoon. Just being around him was spacing her out.

"Wouldn't it save time if I go with you today?" Dylan asked. "That way I could schedule fitting

times with the boys straight away if you see something suitable."

She swallowed. That did make sense. It didn't look like she had much of a choice.
"Okay, then."


Henry looked up from the catalogue he was reading, his face lighting up as she approached. "Hi Ari!"

"Hi Henry. You're early. I thought I'd be the first one here." She was hoping to browse in the

shop before the men arrived so she wouldn't have to spend too much time hanging around with Dylan.

"I just got here," Henry replied. "I was considering having a coffee, but I didn't want you to

wait in case you did get here early."

Ari smiled. Henry was such a sweet guy. She should pay him more attention.

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"So, what do you say about coffee first?" Henry asked.
"Maybe later? I hope you don't mind but another friend is joining us this afternoon. I told you

about Jasmine's wedding, right? Well, the groom's best man is in the same boat as you, so I'm helping
him check out some styles, too."

"Oh, right. Sure. What time is he arriving?"
Ari checked her watch. "In about fifteen minutes. Maybe we can have a head start with yours

before he gets here?"

"Great idea."
They went in to chat to a shop assistant, then Ari started checking out what was on offer. She

spotted an outfit close to what she had in mind for Kane and his brothers. She cast a critical eye over
it, a picture of Dylan modelling it filling her mind's eye. Hmm. Close, but not quite perfect. She pulled
out an ivory vest and held it up against the jacket. She inhaled sharply. Dylan would look absolutely
hot in it.

"So, do you want me to just sit here while you look around, Ari?" Henry asked uncertainly.
Her face pinked. How could she have forgotten about Henry already?
"You can have a look as well, if you like. You might find something that catches your fancy,"

she said with a big smile to hide her guilt.

"I believe I already have," Henry murmured, looking intently at her.
Her colour deepened. How could she respond to the flirting of a super-nice guy when

someone else had just been on her mind? A shy smile was all that came out of her.

An awareness, or some kind of electricity—well, something, made her whip her head toward

the entrance. Her heart jumped when she saw Dylan striding toward them with a confident gait, his
handsome face marred with a frown. Not that he looked less hot frowning—he didn't. He still looked
beautiful. And, oh, he'd look so fine in that suit she'd selected.

She bit her lip in an effort to stop her wayward thoughts. Shut up, Ari. Just shut up.
"Hi," Dylan said, his intense blue eyes seeming to search for something in hers.
"Hi," she said with a gulp. Damn! She hated it that he had the ability to totally spin her out.

She dragged her gaze away and found Henry staring at them in consternation.

"Uh, Henry, this is Dylan," she said with faked casualness. "Dylan, this is Henry."
The two men shook hands, both seeming to evaluate each other. The tension in the air made

her palms sweat.

"Great!" she exclaimed with forced enthusiasm. "Now that we're all here we can start our


"How do we do this?" Dylan asked.
"Well, I was thinking that you guys can try on some suits I've selected, then take pictures and

text them to the bride and groom. If you can get an answer from them today, you can talk to the
assistant and schedule a fitting for everyone in your party."

"You're so organised," Henry said with admiration. "You know I'll take whatever you pick for

me, Ari."

"Wouldn't your brother want to make that decision?"
"No. He doesn't know what to get either. He's leaving it up to me. That's why you're here,"

Henry said with a charming grin.

"Okay, well how about you try those on?" She nodded to the assistant who smiled at Henry

and led him to a change room.

"Now as for you, Summers, I was thinking this one. It will be perfect for you guys." She

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glanced at Dylan and her heart stuttered. Damn him, he shouldn't be looking at her like that in public.

"Dylan …"
"Ari …"
"Don't," she whispered weakly. But, just like before, she was powerless to look away.
"Don't what?" he asked huskily.
"Don't...look at me like that," she said without conviction.
"I can't help it," he said with a lopsided smile.
Her lips tugged upwards reluctantly. Her attraction for him hadn't waned one iota. But her

foolish heart was giving her problems. It wanted to be part of the action. She couldn't allow that... It
was still too battered and bruised to survive the game Dylan wanted to play.

"That's not going to work this time, Dylan," she said softly.
"Ari?" the shop assistant called. "Your friend asked if you could go in the change room to

check him out in his suit."

"Sure," she replied readily. "Could you help Dylan with his, please? He'll be trying that one

out with this and this," she said to the assistant, pointing to the items in question. "Maybe you could
take a picture of him with his phone, so he could show himself to the bride and groom."

"My pleasure," the assistant purred.


Ari glanced at Dylan as they exited the shop, hyper-aware of his cheerless disposition. Henry on the
other hand was being an annoying chatterbox, engaging her in topics that Dylan didn't know anything
about, so that she was forced to exclude him from the conversation. That must have added to Dylan's
gloom—a gloom she felt acutely.

"How about that coffee now, Ari?" Henry was asking her.
"Oh, um. . ." She pretended to check her watch to give herself a few precious seconds to


"Well, I'll see you guys around," Dylan said to her sheer disappointment.
"Thanks for your help today, Ari. I really appreciate it," he continued in a quiet, dejected tone.
"No problem," she replied with a smile, hoping he'd return it and lose his downcast

expression. But he didn't; he merely raised his hand as a gesture of goodbye and walked off.

She had an urge to run after him, hating that she cared too much, but Henry was already

steering her to the nearest coffee shop with a hand on her back. She walked a few steps with him
before she stopped and peered at him contritely.

"Henry, do you mind if I take a rain check? I still want to finalise a couple of details for

Jasmine's wedding dress, and I need to order some materials online ASAP."

"Oh, okay, no problem," Henry answered with barely contained chagrin. "Some other time



Ari pulled out a folder from the backseat of her car and stuffed the catalogues she picked up from the
men's suit shop.

"Decided not to have that coffee?" a voice called out.
Her heartbeat went from normal to racing in no time flat, as Dylan shut the door of his car and

sauntered toward her. Goodness, of all the parking spots in the multi-level car parks in Sydney, why
did he have to get a space virtually opposite hers?

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"I...I have to order something for the bridesmaid dresses online," she said breathlessly. "I

want to do it straight away, in case there are delays with the delivery."

Why, oh why, did she have to be so affected by his presence?
"Ari, I don't know what you're thinking right now but it's obvious you're moving away from

me. I'm sorry for not calling you back when you rang. I'm sorry you saw me with Rosalie the other
night. I'm sorry I stuffed up with you."

Her eyebrows lifted at his last sentence.
"But," he continued with a sigh, "for what it's worth, I want you to know I did want to call you

back; Rosalie doesn't mean anything to me; and I still want to be with you again."

She stared at him, his words creating more questions than answers.
"So why didn't you call me back?"
He rubbed his face with his hand. "You want the truth?"
She snickered. "Why would I not want the truth, Dylan?"
"Okay. I didn't call you back because I didn't want you to think there was something special

going on between us beyond the sex."

She gasped as his candidness hit her solar plexus like a punch.
"Thanks for letting me know," she squeaked as she hurried to open her car door.
"Wait!" Dylan stepped closer, not allowing her space to move. "Like I said, Ari, I stuffed up."
"What do you mean, Dylan?"
He looked at her imploringly. "I feel something, Ari. It's too new, too complex to put a name

to. All I know is that I want to see where it could lead."

She gazed at him. If he had said something sweet and flirty, she would have pushed him away

and drove off. But the raw sincerity in his disclosure, his uncertainty, his vulnerability, struck an
answering chord in her.

"What exactly are you saying?" she asked softly.
"I want to be with you, Ari. I miss you."
"I discovered I'm not built for casual relationships, Dylan."
"If it's monogamous, would you still call it casual?"
She frowned, trying to get what he meant.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not ready for a full-on, serious relationship but I

definitely want more than a casual, friends-with-benefits thing with you. Way more. Does that make
sense?" he asked, looking slightly frustrated.

She couldn't help the smile that bloomed in her face. "You mean you want us to start dating?"
He smiled sheepishly. "Yeah. I guess that's what I mean."
Laughter bubbled out of her. She didn't know why, but she just found him too funny. "You


"Hey," Dylan said with an affronted look. "I haven't 'dated' this way for years. I just forgot

what it's called."

She sobered. "So you've just been having one-night stands and casual sex for years? For how


He threaded his fingers through his hair. "Uh, yeah, for about five years. But I've always worn

a condom and have regular tests. The last one was three weeks ago. They always come back clean.
And it's not as if I trawled at bars every week," he said a tad defensively.

"You're funny, Dylan," she said with a genuine smile.
He cocked his head to the side. "So, does that help me in this case?"

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"I guess."
His smile was brilliant as he tilted her chin up and fitted his lips with hers.
Within seconds, their kiss turned hotter. She slid her arms around his neck and pressed closer

to him. God, she missed him. She didn't know what she'd just gotten herself into, or where they would
end up, but as long as they could cultivate respect in their fledgling relationship, she was in.

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Dylan groaned as Ari's soft body pressed against his hardness. Fuck. The way he was feeling, he
didn't think he'd make it home.

"Do you want to go to my place? It's closer," he whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.
She leaned back to look at him. "I thought we'd be dating."
"We are, starting from now," he confirmed.
"Well, I think we should go on dates first, before we end up in bed again," she said warily.
Great. I even forgot how to date a girl, he thought guiltily. She was right, of course. If this

were to work out, he had to learn when to keep his hands off her. Besides, she deserved to be treated

"You're right. Sorry. So, do you want to go out with me tonight?" he asked, lightly running his

hand on her arm.

"Sure," she replied with a smile.
"I'll pick you up at seven?"
"Sounds good."
He gave her a swift kiss and let her go. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."


Dylan drove back to his place with a silly grin on his face. After feeling shattered that Ari

might have chosen Henry over him, this turn of events was better than he'd anticipated.

He had to book a restaurant for dinner. Geez, he hadn't taken a girl out on a proper date for so

long that he didn't have any idea where he could take her. Sure, he knew all the bars and clubs in
Sydney—the good ones, at least—but that wasn't what he had in mind for Ari tonight.

Who could he ask for recommendations? Definitely not Trey or Adam. No doubt they'd turn up

uninvited and put Ari through the ISAG. Yes, he still wanted them to do it, but not tonight, and not
without a plan that would ensure Ari didn't find out what they were doing and why.

He pressed a button on his steering wheel and activated the voice command on his phone.

"Call Kane Summers," he instructed it.

The sound of a ringing phone filled the car.
"Hey, bro," Kane said over the car speakers.
"Hey. So are you happy with your wedding gear?" he asked.
"Yeah, looks good. Jaz is super excited. She said she can't wait to see me in it. Thanks again

for doing that."

"No worries. Anyway, the reason for my call is to ask you if you could recommend a nice

restaurant I could take Ari to tonight."

"You're taking Ari out tonight?" Kane asked, surprise evident in his voice.
"Yeah. Don't you think she deserves it?"
"Oh, right. Sure. Well, what sort of price range do you have in mind?"
He snorted. "Come on, Kane, do you think I want to look cheap?"
Kane chuckled. "Okay, what cuisine?"
"Uh, it doesn't matter."

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"In the city, or somewhere else?"
"Doesn't matter."
"What sort of ambiance are you after?"
Dylan rolled his eyes. All these questions! "Kane, if you were taking Jazzie out tonight, where

would you take her?"

"So tonight is a date?" Kane asked with astonishment.
"Yes," he answered with an impatient sigh.
"Oh. A serious one or just a nothing kind of date?"
"What's a nothing kind of date?"
"The ones you usually go to," Kane replied.
"Those weren't dates," he retorted. "They were one-night stands."
"Ah, so Ari's not a one-night stand anymore, is she?"
"Are you going to answer my original question or are you just going to grill me?"
"Hmm. Touchy. Just answer my last question and I'll give you my recommendations."
He exhaled loudly. "Ari isn't a one-night stand."
There was silence for a few seconds before Kane responded. "Okay, bro. Good luck with it

all," Kane said, his tone low and serious.

"Thank you. Now which restaurant?"
"I have three in mind. I'll text them to you."
"Okay, thanks."


"Hi, gorgeous."

Dylan gazed at Ari appreciatively. She looked stunning in her little black dress. Hell, he'd

have a hard time keeping his hands to himself.

"Hi," she said shyly before stepping closer and giving him a peck on the lips.
He tried to hold back, but he couldn't help himself. With a low moan, he snaked an arm around

her waist and pulled her to him, as he captured her lips for a thorough, more satisfying kiss.

Ari clung to him and kissed him back enthusiastically. Unbidden, his hand crept down her

sexy bottom and caressed it through her tight, black frock. Ari moaned and pressed closer to him,
shooting his temperature up a few degrees higher. If they didn't stop now...

With a mighty effort, he pulled away from her. "We better go," he said shakily.
Ari sighed. "Okay, let me grab my purse."
He grinned as he watched her sashay to the coffee table to grab her clutch. Her disappointment

at ending their kiss was evident. He was glad and relieved he wasn't the only one.

They left her apartment and walked to his car in silence.
"This is your car?" Ari asked in surprise.
"Yes. Didn't you notice it at the car park earlier?"
"No, I didn't."
He simply smiled, used to the reaction his Mercedes Benz sports car got from women. He

opened the door for her and smiled in appreciation when her dress hiked up as she sat on the low
seat, showing more of her gorgeous legs. He shut her door and sauntered to the driver side, whistling
to himself.


Dinner was perfect. Kane's suggestion was spot on, and Dylan simply enjoyed chatting with

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Ari about their families, their favourite food, movies, and all the usual stuff.

He was quite cautious when it came to the topic of work. It wasn't that he didn't trust her—he

still maintained she wasn't some kind of gold digger—it was just that he'd like to get to know her
better before divulging exactly what kind of software he had developed with Trey and Adam. Not
many people knew that their company had created some of the more popular business and games apps
in the market. Mentioning which ones they were was tantamount to disclosing they'd earned millions
from their enterprise.

There were just some things he hardly shared with other people unless they really needed to


Even so, Ari was the first woman he was prepared to trust in a long, long while, albeit

somewhat cautiously.

But speaking of work, there was something he was keen to know.
"Ari, are you planning on starting your own couture business, now that you have the time and

opportunity? I see you already have customers raving about you."

She gave him a rueful smile. "Not yet. One of these days, hopefully. Don't tell anyone, but

those raving fans? They're actually good friends of mine."

He laughed. "Well, even my mum is impressed. I can tell you that she and my sister are very

particular about their clothes, so don't sell yourself short."

"Thanks. Jasmine's been a great advocate for me."
"So, if you're not going into it full time, what do you plan to do?"
"Keep looking for a job. It's a bit tough in the fashion market at the moment, but I'm hoping

something will come up sooner rather than later." Ari looked like she was about to say something
more but instead she switched the topic back to Kane and Jasmine's wedding.

He wanted to know how she was coping without a job, but he guessed she probably had some

money saved. Someone like her would have been on a good salary when she was working. Plus she
must have received some redundancy money. Besides, he'd heard the prices that Ari was charging for
her dresses from his mother. They weren't exorbitant, but by his calculations it should be enough to
tide her over for a few weeks more, if she wasn't too extravagant with her spending.

At least she'd be fine for a while, and that made him feel slightly more at ease about her

financial situation. He couldn't help but worry about her, though.


"Thanks for a wonderful dinner."

"You're welcome," he said, running a knuckle on her cheek.
"Would you like to come in for coffee?"
He grinned. "Yes, please. I though you wouldn't ask."
Ari opened her front door and he followed her inside, eager, yet not wanting to show her just

how much. If this was their first date, he wasn't sure if she'd want to sleep with him tonight. In any
case, he'd simply follow her lead.

Ari went to the kitchen to put the kettle on while he sat on her couch. Hmm. They'd had sex

here not too long ago.

The memory heated him up and his pants got tight. That was one hot night.
What did Ari have in mind for tonight? Was he included in her plans?
She came out of the kitchen and sat beside him.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked.

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His lips curled mischievously. "I was just admiring your couch."
"Uh-huh," she acknowledged, as she lifted her face to his for a kiss.
He cupped her cheek and kissed her slowly, wanting to savour the taste of her mouth and the

feel of her lips against his. Ari clutched his hair, deepening their kiss. He couldn't tell if she dragged
him down or if he pushed her down, but before he knew it, she was on her back and he was on top of
her on the sofa.

"Do you want to do this?" he asked as he nibbled along her neck.
A soft moan.
"Is that a yes?" he queried as his hand caressed her bare thigh.
"Dylan, yes," she said, arching her back to press closer to him.
With a groan, he re-captured her lips and devoured her mouth, their tongues duelling. He

pulled her up to a sitting position and reached for her zipper just below the back of her neck. Slowly,
he tugged down, raining kisses on her face as he did so.

Ari stood up. With her eyes on his, she lifted the hem of her dress and took it off. His chest

heaved. She was so beautiful and, Lord, he missed her.

Remembering that the condoms were in her room he got up and pulled her in his arms.

"Bedroom, baby," he said, running her hands all over her body as he kissed her throat.

"Okay," she said breathlessly, her fingers working on his shirt buttons.
They inched their way to her bedroom, too consumed with undressing and kissing each other

to walk in a straight line. By the time they got there, they were both naked.

He gently pushed her on the bed and crawled on top of her. "How lucky am I to get sex on the

first date?" he teased.

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Ari gave Dylan a mock frown. "I could still change my mind about sleeping with you tonight."

"Please don't," he chuckled as he proceeded to kiss her neck and her shoulders. Then, slowly

but surely, his hot mouth made its way toward her bust.

Oh, yes.
She was touched that he had waited for her signal before starting to make love to her. That

was such a sweet thing to do. But she was just as hungry for him. How could he even think she'd let
him go home tonight?

Her thoughts dissolved when she felt his tongue lick the area around her nipple, while his

hand gently kneaded the other breast. She clutched his shoulders and caressed his back, revelling in
the attention he was giving her body.

When his tongue flicked her already excited nipple, she gasped, as desire raced with pleasure

in her veins. His mouth closed in, sucking gently as his tongue continued to tease her erect bud and his
fingers played with its twin. She mewled, feeling the sensation all the way to her now soaked centre.

He left her breasts and moved down her body, his lips leaving butterfly kisses along the way.

He pushed her legs wider apart and settled himself in between, as he paid attention to her inner
thighs. She panted in anticipation and tried to keep still. It was sweet torture—enjoying his slow
lovemaking but eager for him to reach her wetness.

Unexpectedly, a finger started rubbing her swollen clit.
"Dylan," she gasped. Then his mouth was on her. Oh, God, he's so good at this.
His tongue tasted her before moving up to lick her sensitised nub. She moaned lustily as his

tongue flicked and his mouth lightly sucked. When he inserted a finger inside her, her hips bucked off
the bed.

"Mmm," he murmured in approval as he continued his delicious ministrations.
She surrendered herself to the sensations, gasping, panting, and moaning. She peered down

and discovered him watching her as his mouth worked its magic. His hot lips closed on her clit once
more and she flew over the edge.

"Ohhh! Dylan!"
She panted to catch her breath as he kissed her way back up her body. When he reached her

face, he gazed down at her, his eyes warm and tender.

She touched his face with one hand while the other travelled down his body. She found what

she was looking for. Not that it was hard to find. It was big and hard and standing up to attention.

She stroked him, delighting in the way his lips parted and his eyes hooded. Oh, he felt good in

her hand. Velvety smooth and hard as steel. She brought her hips closer to his and slung her leg
around his. Perfect. The tip of his cock hovered on the entrance of her wet pussy.

"Oh, God, Ari," he groaned, throwing his head back and tightening his arm around her. "Let

me get a condom, baby," he grunted.

"You don't have to. I'm on birth control," she whispered.
Dylan's face registered surprise for one second before it transformed to heated delight. He

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grabbed her hips and drove himself inside her.

Their moans mingled as Dylan moved slowly, deliciously.
"You're so wet, baby...so hot...so good," he gasped, exciting her further.
He shifted them so he was on top, able to move with more ease. She pulled her knees up and

wide to give him better access and he pushed all the way in, groaning loudly.

Their pleasure sounds filled the room as Dylan moved harder, faster. Oh, he was doing it to

her again—taking her upwards...upwards...until she reached the stars and clenched all around him,
calling his name.

Dylan followed within seconds. "Ari! Arghh!!!"
He exploded inside her as she floated in the clouds from her own stunning climax.


Ari smiled contentedly as she listened to Dylan's even breathing. It was crazy. First, she thought there
was no way they'd end up together, given that he was only interested in something casual. Now, here
she was, dating him, and being spooned by him while he slept.

She closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep. She was physically tired—and very much sated

—but her mind refused to rest. While she was joyful about being with Dylan, she was worried about
the dresses for Jasmine and the girls. There was less than two months to go before Jasmine's
wedding, and experience had taught her things always took longer to finish than expected. Her designs
were quite elaborate and delicate, involving many hours of stitching and beading by hand. She would
need to knuckle down and work fast.

Not delivering on what she promised to Jasmine was not an option. Having those orders were

a lifesaver for her. Not only was she able to let her creativity soar, but she was also getting paid good
money for her handiwork. But on the flip side, she hadn't been able to set aside much time to look for
another job.

If it was just herself she was supporting, she'd be fine for a while. But there was also Kenny.

She just hoped Kenny's rehab bills wouldn't come in until much later. She and Sylvie would be hard
pressed to find the money if the rehab centre demanded immediate payment. She sighed heavily at the

Dylan stirred beside her, shifting to his other side before settling back into a deep sleep.
Carefully, she stretched and lay straight on her back. It was ironic that money problems were

keeping her awake while her boyfriend—she guessed she could now call him her boyfriend—drove a
luxury sports car and lived in an expensive apartment.

Quite frankly, that aspect made her uncomfortable. Her ex-boyfriend was also wealthy,

perhaps even more than Dylan. He'd given her loads of presents and taken her on expensive holidays.
But he'd also acted like he owned her. When she caught him in bed with that bitch she used to call a
friend, the arrogant bastard had the hide to tell her she should be grateful he'd even considered going
out with her. He rattled off the cost of the gifts he'd bought her as if they were reason enough to
overlook his cheating ways. In the end, she'd returned every single item he'd given her. Even now she
felt like she owed him something—and she hated that.

Well, she wouldn't let that happen to her and Dylan. For starters, she wouldn't accept too

much from him. She'd rather they eat in than dine out too often, for example. And while she would be
grateful to get the occasional gift, she wouldn't take anything a boyfriend of average means wouldn't
be able to afford.

Except for the sex. She'd be more than happy to keep getting more of his way-above-average

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With that gratifying thought, she fell asleep.


Ari looked up from her dress patterns as Dylan came out of the bedroom looking bright and fresh from
the shower.

"Are you working all day today? It's Sunday," he said.
"I have to. Jazzie's dress is very labour intensive. Plus, I still have to finish your mum's outfit

for Faye's wedding."

"My siblings' nuptials are keeping you busy."
She smiled. "I don't mind. I love it."
"Well, I guess I better leave you to it. Can I see you sometime this week?"
"Are you asking me out again, Mr. Summers?" she asked in a flirty tone.
"I sure am, Miss Mitchell. I'll call you later, after I check my work schedule."
"If I call you, would you call me back?" she asked with mock seriousness.
"Am I still not forgiven for that?" he asked worriedly.
"If you call me tonight I'll forgive you," she said with a grin.
Dylan let out a relieved sigh. "Then I'll call you tonight," he said, bending down to give her a

kiss. "By the way, you wouldn't mind if I invite Trey and Adam along to join us for dinner sometime,
would you?"

"No. That would be good. They seem like nice guys, although Trey is a little funny. But don't

tell him I said that," she warned.

Dylan laughed. "Both of them can be a bit funny, sometimes. I seem to recall you mentioning

you find me funny, too."

She made a face. "You know what I mean. Anyway, they're your best friends, so I gather

you're very close to them."

"Yes. We've been friends for more than fifteen years. We went to school together, then

became business partners. Anyway, I'll tee up a date with them and let you know."

"I'm looking forward to it," she said with a sincere smile.
She walked him to the door, and he kissed her so sweetly it made her knees weak. She

exhaled a great sigh as she closed the door behind him. She missed him already.

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"All I'm asking is that you be gentle with her," Dylan said to Trey and Adam.

"What do you mean, specifically? It's not that we bash girls or anything like that," Trey said.
"You know what I mean," he said with exasperation. "Don't bombard her with some of the

ridiculous questions we've asked some of the other girls."

"Like what?" Adam asked.
He sighed. "Maybe I should write a script."
"A script!" both of his friends exclaimed.
"Are you all right, Dyl?" Trey asked, reaching over to touch his forehead with the back of his

hand. "Well, your temperature seems fine."

"There's nothing wrong with me. What's wrong is this ISAG. This scheme is years old. It

needs revising. We were immature beings back then."

"Oh, we've grown up now, have we?" Trey asked with an innocent look.
"Come on, guys. I'm serious. I don't mind you asking Ari some questions just so you could set

your minds at ease that she's not like the kind of girls Adam's attracted to."

"Why, thanks a lot," Adam replied with sarcasm. "Don't forget, I may have the quantity, but

you, my friend, had the quality."

Dylan inhaled deeply. "I know, I know. No need to remind me."
"So how do you want us to go about this?" Trey asked.
"Just take it nice and slow, like you're talking to the sister of someone you really like. Nothing

offensive, please. She doesn't deserve that."

"How do you know? She hasn't gone through the ISAG yet."
"I just know, okay?"
"Oh. My. Fuck," Trey said. "You're in love."
"Don't be ridiculous," he retorted. "I like her, but love is nowhere near the equation yet."
"Yet. Never. I don't know. All I know is I like her a lot."
"Well, for your sake, I hope she passes, Dyl. But be warned. We will be gentle, but we won't

take any short cuts."

Dylan shook his head, hugely irritated. He was dumb to arrange this dinner with Ari and his

friends tonight. He hadn't seen her for a week and now there was a possibility that their night could be
ruined by his too-well-intentioned pals.


"Hi," Dylan said as he watched Ari get out of her car.

"Hi," she replied with a gorgeous smile. "Didn't you think I'd find the spot?"
"It wasn't that," he chuckled. "I wanted to come down so I can properly say hello to you."
"In the car park of your building?" she teased.
"Better than having Trey and Adam watch us kiss," he said as he pulled her to him and

captured her lips.

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They were still kissing sweetly when a voice intruded. "Hey, we were wondering what was

keeping you two."

Dylan sighed and released Ari. "What do you mean, Adam? I came down here less than five

minutes ago."

"Actually, I wanted to borrow the picnic blanket you have in the back of your car," Adam

said. "Since you were down here already …"

"I don't have my car key with me," Dylan said.
"Oh. Later then," Adam said then turned to Ari. "Hi, beautiful. Great to see you again."
"Hi, Adam. Great to see you, too."
"Isn't it handy being able to park in Dylan's extra car spot?" Adam asked conversationally as

they walked to the elevators. "It's ridiculously hard to find parking around here on Saturday nights—at
any time, in fact."

"Yes. I was just thinking that," Ari responded. "The last time I was here was when Jasmine

took me to Dylan's birthday. We had to park at that public car park a few blocks away because we
couldn't find any street parking nearby."

"That would have been a fair walk for you," Dylan said with a frown.
"It was," Ari said with a short laugh. "It was tough on the feet when you're wearing party high


He put an arm around her shoulders. "Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore. My

friends do bay for my extra spot whenever they drive to this part of town. But all you need to do is
tell me when you'll be around and no one else can take it."

She smiled at him, then turned to Adam.
"Where did you park, Adam?" she asked.
"At the public car park you were talking about," Adam responded.
"Oh. Do you usually park in here when you visit Dylan?"
"So I took your usual spot?" Ari's face was pink.
"Yes. I wrestled with Dylan for it earlier, and I lost. So you get the spot."
"Sorry," she said in a small voice. "Maybe next time it should be first come, first served."
Adam laughed. "Don't worry about it. I don't wear high heels."
"What about Trey? Where does he park?"
"He only lives a couple of blocks away."
Dylan hid a smile as he listened to Ari and Adam's conversation. He knew Adam came down

to begin the ISAG and that extra parking spot was a good place to start. Women he'd allowed to park
there always ended up acting princessy and got all miffed when he turned them down subsequently.
Like he said, Ari was different. Adam seemed to accept that. He wasn't probing anymore.

But Adam had always been a softie. Trey was another story.


"So Ari, do you like living in Burwood?" Trey asked as they ate Dylan's passable attempt at
homemade pizzas.

"Yes. Where I am is convenient. It's a couple of minutes walk away from the shopping mall."
"Dylan and I love living around here. What do you think of Potts Point?"
"I love this area. It's convenient, vibrant, a short walk to the CBD."
"Which would you prefer, Burwood or Potts Point?" Trey prodded.

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Ari gave him a "you're kidding, right?" look. "If I could afford to live here, I would prefer it

here. But having said that, I don't mind living in Burwood at all."

"You plan to stay there for a while, Ari?" Adam asked.
Ari took a deep breath. "Well, I hope I can stay where I am. I really like it there."
"You hope?" Dylan asked.
"Well, I'm thinking of moving," Ari said cautiously.
"I don't really need two bedrooms so I thought I'd find a one-bedroom place."
"But your other bedroom is your work room. It has your sewing machine in it," Dylan said,


Ari shrugged. "The machine's not big. It can fit anywhere."
"Is it because you haven't found another job yet?" Dylan asked with concern. Was she having

financial problems?

"There's not a lot of opening for what I do, so times are a little tough for me," she said with a

nervous laugh.

Dylan caught how Trey glanced at Adam before his buddy gave him a warning look. He could

almost hear what Trey wanted to say out loud. "Don't bite. Don't offer her anything at this point.
You don't know her well enough."

"We can talk about it later," he said to Ari.
Trey narrowed his eyes at him.
"Hey, I've been considering renting out my spare room. It could be cheaper than you paying

for your two-bedder in Burwood," Trey said to Ari.

"What?" Dylan exclaimed in shock. "Where did that come from?"
"I'm just saying," Trey replied. "I do have an extra room."
"So do I," Dylan said. He couldn't see where Trey was heading with this.
"Sure, but that's not the same. If Ari were to share with you, it would be akin to the two of you

moving in together, and I think you two are still far from that. If she were to share with me, it would
just be like a flatmate arrangement."

"Why are you considering getting a flatmate all of a sudden? You don't need the extra money

and you love your privacy," Dylan said, trying to sound neutral although he was miffed with Trey.
What if Ari took Trey up on his offer? If she were to share with another guy, it would be with him. He
didn't care that Trey was one of his oldest and most trusted friends. He wouldn't be happy if his
girlfriend lived with another man.

"You know me, Dyl. Always looking for income-earning opportunities," Trey said with a

ghost of a smile. "What do you think, Ari?"

"I don't think so, Trey. But thanks for the offer."
"I guess you'd prefer living with Dylan than with me, huh? I'm sure he won't charge you any

rent, unlike me," Trey said innocently.

Ari blushed and her brows furrowed. "Like you said, Trey, Dylan and I are still far from that.

We just started dating, you know. That kind of discussion shouldn't even be brought up," she chided.

Dylan breathed a discreet sigh of relief.
"Well, I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Ari," Adam said.
Ari shrugged and smiled. "Thanks. I'll be fine."
"This moving thing: is this something you're just thinking about or is it something that has to

happen?" Adam queried. "The reason I ask is I'm good friends with a couple of real estate agents. I

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could ask them if they have one-bedders on their lists."

Ari's eyes lit up. "That would be great, Adam. Thank you."
"So which area are you looking at? Burwood and surrounding suburbs?"
"Preferably. I don't mind going further away from the city as long as it's a decent suburb and a

well-maintained apartment block."

"How far away are you considering?" Dylan asked. Surely, she wasn't so cash-strapped that

she needed to move to the outskirts of Sydney just to lower her rent?

"I don't know. It would really depend on when I find another job," she said, looking a little


Hell, he couldn't let her suffer. She was his girlfriend now.
"You need your other room, Ari," he said. "You couldn't possibly work well in a cramped

space. Stay where you are in Burwood. We'll figure something out."

Ari smiled at him but shook her head. "I'm not just talking about a couple of hundred here and

there, Dylan. I do need to lower my expenses."

"For what?"
Ari pressed her lips together, as if considering something. "My sister and my nephew. I help

them out financially."

Trey's eyebrows arched and Dylan could almost see cynicism coming out of his buddy's ears.

He couldn't say he was surprised by that reaction. Trey had heard it all before.

But something warred within him, too: concern and suspicion. He had been sold a fake heart-

wrenching story in the past, and he'd stupidly bought it. But surely Ari was not like that woman?

"I'd love to meet your sister and your nephew, babe. Can we go visit them?" he asked. At least

he'd be able to determine if what she said was true.

"That would be good," Ari replied readily. "Maybe in a few weeks when I go there for a


"A few weeks? How about tomorrow?"
"Didn't I tell you? They live in Port Macquarie. That's almost a five-hour drive from here."
"We could fly."
"No, it's okay. I already told Sylvie I won't be able to see them for a while, as I need to make

sure I finish Jasmine's orders on time."

How convenient.


Dylan sat back on the couch as he stared at Ari standing outside on his balcony. She was talking to
Jasmine on the phone.

"I think it was a good idea to suggest you visit her family, Dyl," Trey said in a low voice. "At

least you'll know if she's telling the truth about them needing her support."

"I still don't believe Ari's a gold digger," Adam said. "I know we don't know her well enough,

but from what I've seen so far, she seems genuine."

"So you believe her story?" Trey asked. "It's the classic I-need-to-support-my-family line.

That was exactly the line Dylan was fed by that woman, in case you've forgotten."

"Well, that's easily proven, isn't it?" Adam replied. "She didn't seem scared when Dylan

suggested they visit her sister and nephew."

"Yeah, but then she said they couldn't go for another few weeks. How long is a few weeks?"

Trey pressed.

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"Enough, guys. I don't want to talk about this," Dylan said quietly.
"I understand what you're going through, Dylan," Adam said sympathetically. "You guys get

me in this space often enough."

Dylan grimaced. "Sorry, dude. Now I get it."
"What do you plan to do now?" Trey asked.
Dylan was silent for a moment, considering his answer. "Well, so what if she's interested in

my money? It's not like I don't have any."

Trey's eyes bulged out. "Are you kidding me?"
"As long as she also wants me. The way I see it, my wealth and success are part of who I am.

Shouldn't she embrace that, too?"

"What if she only wants you for your money? If you don't have it, or if you refuse to use some

on her, would she leave you for another guy?"

"Well, we'd never find out, would we? Because I can't change the fact that I've earned

shitloads in the last few years, and I kind of like the idea of looking after her. Who knows? I could get
sick of her before she gets sick of me."

"I'm with you on this, Dylan," Adam said. "I'm still with Sandy because she's an absolute

stunner, she's great in bed, and I really like her. I know a huge part of what attracted her to me was my
income and the lifestyle that gives her. But, you know what? She treats me well because she doesn't
want me to dump her. And we do enjoy each other's company. We have great fun together. She loves
to shop, but I can damn well afford to pay for her expensive tastes. As long as she doesn't cheat on me
with another guy, as long as she's not scamming to steal from me, then I don't have a problem. And
let's be honest here. Who doesn't want to be rich?"

"I don't believe this," Trey said, shaking his head. "You guys have rocks for brains. Have you

forgotten why we want to put girls through the ISAG in the first place? Dylan, you almost lost our
money because you were crazy for this chick who wanted to steal from you. Adam, you've had two
girlfriends who couldn't stop flirting with the next rich guy and we had to mother you while you were
crying your eyes out from being dumped. At least I've learned my lesson. When I got jilted at the altar
by that gold-digging bitch, I knew what I wanted when it comes to women. Have sex with them? Yes.
But take care of them only to be cast aside in the end? No."

"Ari likes me, money or no money," Dylan said.
"How do you know that?" Trey challenged.
"What's not to like?" he grinned.
"Sure. Rich, good-looking guy that you are," Trey said sarcastically. "My sister said to me the

other day that I'll never find someone who'd want a serious relationship with me because I can't be
trusted to keep my dick in my pants around beautiful women. Does Ari know about your playboy

"Hey, I wasn't a playboy. I just didn't want a relationship," Dylan said heatedly.
Trey smirked. "Think about this: if you didn't have this apartment or your car or your money,

would Ari be so quick to be with you, knowing you're someone who was only interested in one-night
stands for the last five years?"

Dylan glared at Trey. Now he was more confused than ever.

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"Did your friends leave early because I'm here?" Ari asked Dylan after he saw Trey and Adam off.

"Nah, don't worry about them," Dylan responded, giving her a small smile. "Do you want to

watch a movie? I have a few Blu-rays here," he asked, walking over to his entertainment unit.

Her brows furrowed. Something was off with Dylan. "Is everything okay?" she asked as she

put an arm around his waist.

"Sure," he said, kissing her forehead.
She watched as he continued to rummage through his vast collection of Blu-ray movies.
"You want to choose?" he asked, seemingly distracted.
"You can choose," she said, not really interested in a movie, but looking forward to cuddling

on the couch with him. Maybe they could have sex on the sofa. It looked comfortable.

"This one?" He pulled out a title of an action movie.
"Sure. I haven't seen that one yet. Do you want me to pour us some drinks or make coffee?"

she asked.

"I wouldn't mind finishing that bottle of wine that we opened for dinner."
She went to the kitchen to get the bottle and two wine glasses. When she came back, Dylan

was sitting on the couch and staring at the TV screen, although he didn't seem to be paying attention to
what was showing. Something was definitely wrong.

She sat down next to him and poured the wine.
"What's wrong, Dyl?" she asked as she handed him his glass. He took a sip from it before

placing it down on the side table next to him.

He looked at her and shook his head, smiling. "I just had a disagreement with Trey. It


"Oh. And it's not sorted yet?" she asked, rubbing his thigh in a comforting gesture.
"Not yet. But it'll be fine eventually," he said reassuringly.
"You're very close to them, aren't you?" she observed.
"Yeah. They're like brothers to me," he said a little sadly.
"I hope you settle your differences soon." She curled up her legs underneath her and put her

head on his shoulder.

Dylan took her glass from her hand and put it down beside his. He caressed her face and

kissed her—tenderly at first, then insistently, as if he was trying to coax some answer from her mouth.

Aware of his need for her, she wrapped her arms around him gave him her body as solace for

his unsettled mind.


"I'll be very busy this week, baby. I'm way behind with my project so I can't see you until next
weekend at the earliest."

"That's okay." Ari smiled at Dylan as she snaked her arms around his neck. "I have to work

hard on the dresses, too. I should be finished with your mum's outfit for Faye's wedding this week so I

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could hand it to her next weekend."

"I'm sure Mum would have another dinner party in celebration of the completion of her dress,"

Dylan grinned.

"Well, I hope she doesn't invite Rosie again," she said with a mock pout.
Dylan rolled his eyes. "Knowing Mum...I'll ask her not to." He gave her a quick kiss then

released her to open her car door. "I'll see you next week at my parents', okay?"

"Okay," she said and got in her vehicle.
As she drove away, she wondered how Dylan intended to tell his mother not to ask Rosalie to

dinner. He didn't say anything about telling his parents about them. Or wasn't he ready for that?

Come to think of it, she hadn't told Jasmine about them either. It was still too new, and it was

nice to be able to just 'keep him to herself' for a while. Except that his best friends knew already. She
didn't mind, but she still felt that Trey had acted a little weird. He gave off vibes that made her feel he
didn't like her.


"Hello, Ari," Linda greeted her. "How are you, darling?"

"I'm well, thank you, Linda. And you?"
"Very well, thank you," Linda responded, her eyes shining as she took the garment Ari had in

her hands. "I can't wait to try this on. Do you mind if I do that now, before we start dinner?"

"Sure," Ari grinned, just as excited as Linda was.
"Jasmine and Kane are already in the games room waiting for you," Linda said as she made

her way up the stairs.

The doorbell rang.
"That's probably Dylan. Would you mind getting that please, Ari?" Linda asked as she stopped

in the middle of the steps.

Ari turned around to open the door, her heartbeat already accelerating. She hadn't even spoken

to Dylan all week. They'd both been very busy. She had been tempted to call him a couple of times,
but decided to let him concentrate on his work.

She turned the knob and tried to look unaffected, conscious of Linda waiting to see who was

at the door.

"Hey, gorgeous," Dylan said with a surprised smile. "I wasn't expecting you to open the door."
"Hi," she said shyly.
"Hello, darling," Linda called from the stairs. "I'm glad you're on time tonight. No parties?"
Dylan smiled resignedly at his mother as he closed the door behind him. "Hi, Mum. I haven't

partied for a while. Been too busy."

"Good. I'll be back down in a few minutes to parade my new outfit." Linda continued her

ascent up the stairs and left them alone by the threshold.

When Linda disappeared from view, Dylan leaned down to give her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"How've you been?" he asked softly.

"Good, thanks. You?" she asked breathlessly. Lord, she missed him.
"Not bad." Dylan put an arm around her waist and led her to the games room which seemed to

be the hub of the Summers household.

"Dyl," she said in a low voice, "how should we act toward each other tonight?"
Dylan smiled at her. "I've been thinking about that, too. Do you mind if we keep this quiet for

a while? Is that okay with you?"

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"Hey, Dyl," Bradley said as they all gathered in the living room after they'd finished dinner. "I
bumped into Trey at The Establishment last Friday night. He said I just missed you. You left with a
girl named Cindy or something."

Ari's head whipped toward Dylan in surprise.
"Who's Cindy? A new one-day girlfriend?" Riley asked in a teasing tone.
"No." Dylan scowled at both of his twin brothers. "She just happened to leave at the same

time as I did."

"She wasn't very pretty, I take it?" Bradley teased.
"I'm just not interested in her, so shut up, Brad," Dylan replied through gritted teeth.
"Hey, relax! What's with you tonight? This never bothered you before."
"Maybe he really likes this Cindy chick, and that's why he's being weird," Riley egged.
Dylan shot dagger looks at Riley.
"Stop it, you two. Leave him alone," Kane warned the twins.
"Ooh. Something is up with you, Dyl," Bradley said. "How come Kane's in on the secret and

we're not?"

Ari felt her face heat up. Fortunately, all eyes were on Dylan—except for Kane's and

Jasmine's. They were glancing at her surreptitiously.

"Is this Cindy person the reason why you asked me not to encourage Rosalie to come here

tonight, Dylan?" Linda asked.

"Oh, Mum, come on. Not you, too," Dylan groaned.
"Your older brother and your younger sister are getting married, Dylan. You're the guy in

between them. You should at least consider finding yourself a girlfriend."

"Mum, we've been through this countless times," Dylan complained.
"I can live in hope," Linda sighed.
Ari was more than disappointed that Dylan didn't even glance her way during the conversation

about this Cindy woman. She was under the impression that he'd holed himself up at home to meet his
project deadline. She'd even avoided calling him to give him the space.

But obviously he'd gone out with his friends. Not that she minded him hanging out with them. It

was just that as his girlfriend, she had expected that he would invite her along as well, or at least let
her know he was going clubbing on a Friday night without her. Was that too much to expect? And who
the hell was Cindy? And why on earth did he want to keep their relationship a secret from his family?

Jasmine sat next to her. "Are you okay?" her friend whispered.
"Yes." She gave Jasmine a smile that struggled to reach her eyes.
"Oh, Ari. You really like Dylan, don't you? But you know what he's like."
"What is he like, Jaz?"
"I told you once before, he's not into relationships. You said you knew that, too."
Ari chewed her lip. "You think he won't change?"
Jasmine shrugged and leaned closer to her ear. "Ari, I love Dylan like a blood brother, but if

all he's interested in is casual sex and that doesn't work for you, then I really think you should forget
about him."

Ari and Jasmine both looked up, startled, as Dylan sat on the other side of Ari.

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"Hey, Dyl. The twins are giving you a hard time, huh?" Jasmine asked teasingly.
"Yeah," he said to Jasmine then flicked his gaze to Ari. "Sorry," he mouthed.
Ari looked into his eyes, trying to guess exactly what he was sorry about.
"Sometimes my brothers don't know when to zip it," he continued. "I didn't intend to go out

last Friday, but Trey forced me to. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Ari heard Jasmine gasp beside her. She turned to her friend and smiled at her shocked

expression. She patted Jasmine's hand, resolving to tell her all about it when they were alone.

"I don't think he likes me," she said, looking back at Dylan.
"From what I'm witnessing right now, I think your statement is inaccurate," Jasmine said,

clearly dazed.

Ari and Dylan chuckled.
"I meant Trey, Jaz," Ari said.
"Don't take it personally, babe," Dylan said. "There's a good reason why he's acting like he is.

Don't worry about it."

Ari doubted she could just sweep it aside. Trey was like a brother to Dylan. If she couldn't get

along with him, it would put Dylan in a hard place.

"Come on, guys. You're killing me. What's going on between you two?" Jasmine whispered


Ari shrugged. "I don't know."
"Ari, don't be like that," Dylan said softly.
"What are you kids whispering about there?" Linda called out. "Come and have some tea."


"Shit!" Ari hit the brakes just in time to avoid the car in front, which had slowed down to match the

"For goodness' sake, Ari, watch the freaking road," she muttered to herself. The last thing she

needed was an accident two minutes from home.

She'd been in a spin all through dinner and was even more upset now that she was feeling


Dylan confounded her. He wanted her to ignore the twins' teasing about Cindy, yet he didn't

explain who the woman was. He wanted Jasmine to know about the two of them, but he went out of
his way to hide their relationship from the rest of his family. He whispered in her ear that he missed
her, yet he didn't want to spend the night with her. Sure, he had an early morning meeting tomorrow to
present the completed project to their client, but he'd found the time to hit the bars last Friday night,
hadn't he? Something just didn't feel right.

And, damn it! Why were her eyes misting?
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill, Arielle Mitchell.
She turned on the radio and cranked up the volume, singing loudly with the upbeat dance song

to muffle the doubting voices in her head.

She slowed down as she reached her apartment building and her heart almost flew out of her


There was Dylan, leaning on his Mercedes, waving to her.
She wound down her window as she stopped next to his car, gaping at him in surprise.
He walked over to the driver's side and poked his head in the open window. "Hi, baby."
"What are you doing here? I thought you said you were too busy to be with me tonight," she

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said with a touch of frost.

He frowned at her. "You make it sound so cold," he rebuked. "I was going to head home, but I

miss you too much. so I drove here instead. I can't stay for the night because if I do I might not be able
to get up early for my meeting tomorrow morning. But I was hoping to hang around for an hour or so?"

She stared at him dubiously.
"What do you say, baby?" he asked anxiously.
"Who's Cindy?"
"No one—just some girl who introduced herself to us while we were having drinks. She

followed me out when I left the bar but I told her I already have a girlfriend. And right now I'm really
hoping that my girlfriend will invite me over to her place, because I think I'm going to go crazy if I
don't get to touch her tonight," he said with a cute pout.

She sighed. How could she resist? Her body was already getting excited and readying itself

for him.

"What about if I sleep over at your place? That way you don't have to worry about being late

tomorrow," she said bashfully.

A wide, relieved grin split his face. "An even better idea."
"We should have planned this earlier. We could have driven straight to your apartment


"I know," he said with a heavy sigh, his face clouding for a second before he blinked it away.

"I'll wait for you to pack an overnight bag then we'll head off. I'll follow your car." He moved away
so she could park.


As Ari packed a small bag, her intuition kept jabbing her.
She felt Dylan had deliberately avoided her in the past week—and work wasn't the sole


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"Will you be here when I get back in a couple of hours?"

Ari smiled sleepily at Dylan. Oh, how good was it to see his handsome face first thing in the


"Most probably not," she answered him. "I have to pick up a few items from the shops, then

continue working on the dresses."

Dylan made a face. "If you snooze for a few more minutes, then have a long shower, then have

a leisurely breakfast, I'll be back before you're ready to leave."

She touched his cheek, unable to deny him. "Okay, then. But if you're not back in two hours I'd

really have to go."

"Deal," he replied happily.
Dylan leaned down to kiss her goodbye, then she closed her eyes and dozed off.


Ari was pouring herself some cereal in Dylan's kitchen when her phone rang.

Her heart pounded. Her sister hardly called outside of their usual Wednesday evening catch-

up calls.

"Hi, Vie," she said cautiously.
"Hi, Ari. How are you?"
Oh no. She could tell from Sylvie's voice something wasn't right.
"I'm okay. What's wrong, Vie?"
"Um, I just want to know if you have any updates on your job search. Have you found a job


"No. Not yet. Why?"
Sylvie let out a long exhale. "Kenny needs a new prosthesis. He's outgrowing the one he has,

and it's making him very cranky when he wears it. He screams at me and tells me he's not going to
school and he's not going to rehab unless he gets the new, "cool" leg we promised him. It drives me
up the wall sometimes, Ari."

Ari's heart ached for her sister. Life was not a walk in the park for Sylvie. "Oh, Vie. We were

expecting this weren't we? We knew he'd need a new one soon."

"It will cost several thousands again, Ari," Sylvie said softly, then started sobbing loudly.
"Vie! What else is wrong?" she asked in panic.
"It's just that...oh, Ari, I'm so sorry," Sylvie cried. "I'm dragging you down with me. It's not

even your problem."

"Sylvie! How could you say that? Of course it's my problem, too. You and Kenny are my

family, for heaven's sake! Stop being so melodramatic."

She hated it when Sylvie got like this. Her sister always felt guilty that she wasn't earning

enough to provide for what her son needed. A stubborn, independent streak ran very strongly in their
veins—and in Kenny's, too. As a young seven-year-old, Kenny pushed himself to run every day, so

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that he could be just like his Paralympian hero. That was why they needed to give Kenny a really
good prosthetic leg.

"What are we going to do, Ari? Shall we look into cheaper alternatives?"
Ari shut her eyes tight. Without the prospect of permanent employment, and with Sylvie's

salary only enough to meet everyday expenses, she wasn't even sure how they could afford a new
prosthesis on top of Kenny's physical rehab, counselling sessions, and other medical expenses.

"That's a good idea, Vie. But don't order one yet until you absolutely have to. Who knows, I

might land a job next week."

"How's the dressmaking thing going?" Sylvie asked.
She rolled her eyes. She was a couturier, not just a mere dressmaker, but Sylvie just couldn't

get the difference.

"It's going well, actually," she answered. "The problem is I don't know where to find my next

customers after I finish this lot I'm doing for Jasmine's wedding." She didn't add that she needed
capital to get it off the ground.

"Maybe I have to go for full-time work or find a second job," Sylvie mused.
"But who's going to take Kenny to school and doctor's appointments and sports sessions?

Kenny needs your time, Vie."

"So what's the answer, Ari? I can't hold off changing Kenny's prosthesis. He needs a new one

sooner rather than later."

"Find out how much all the alternatives will cost and we'll talk again on Wednesday. I'll

check out my current finances and see how much we can afford. Everything will be fine," she said
with confidence she didn't feel.

"Oh, Ari. I'm so sorry. And thank you so much."
"What are you sorry for, you silly goose?" she demanded.
"If you didn't give me the money you saved for yourself, you wouldn't be struggling like you

are now that you don't have a job."

"Stop it, Vie. I don't want to hear about this again."
Sylvie sniffed. "Okay. So when are you coming to visit us?"
"Soon. I just need to be at a point where I'm confident of finishing Jasmine's wedding orders

on time. Then I'll clear a weekend to visit you guys."

"Okay. Kenny and I miss you."
"I miss you guys, too."


Ari stood outside Dylan's balcony, willing the beautiful vista to give her some inspiration. Or luck.

Poor little Kenny. He was so young, and he was still recovering from the physical, mental and

emotional scars from his horrifying accident. She admired how far he'd gone already—the kid was so
resilient—but he still had some way to go before he fully healed. She would so love for him to have
the best prosthesis and the best care money could buy—if only she and Sylvie could afford them.

Her phone buzzed with a message and she frowned when she read it.
*Babe, Trey will be passing by the apartment around 9:30 to pick up his four bottles of

wine from the Wine Club. I get them delivered to my place. He has spare keys but I told him to
buzz as you're there. Hope you're still around when I come back. :)*

She grimaced. She hoped Trey didn't get annoyed or offended that he had to ring the buzzer

just because she was there. She knew how a new girlfriend or boyfriend could affect the dynamics of

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a very close friendship, especially when the friends were used to spending a lot of time together.

Well, if Trey had misgivings about her, she'd like to change his mind. But first, she had to find

out what he really thought of her.


"I was surprised when Dylan said you're here today, Ari."

"It was a last-minute decision," Ari replied as she followed Trey to where Dylan kept his

wine collection.

"You don't need to work today?" Trey queried.
"I do. I'm leaving as soon as Dylan comes back from his meeting."
"Any luck with your job hunting?"
She sighed despondently. "No. If you know of any vacancy anywhere, even if it's stacking

shelves in the supermarket, just let me know," she half-joked, hoping to reach out to him.

Trey shot her a surprised look. "You're that desperate?"
She laughed mirthlessly. "Almost."
"Why? I don't mean to be nosy but from what I've heard from Dylan, you worked as a senior

designer for well-known companies in the past, I'm sure you would have been on a good salary that
would have allowed you to save a bit?"

She was surprised at Trey's candid question. He was the first one to ask her such a thing. She

wasn't offended. It made sense to wonder what she'd done with her past earnings.

"Like I mentioned last week, when we were all here for dinner, I have to help my sister


"You're a good sister. It sounds like you do a lot for her?" Trey asked, looking at her in a

manner that made her skin prickle.

"Thanks. We support each other," she replied but loyalty to Sylvie made her hold her tongue

on exactly what that support was for. Sylvie's lack of financial ability to look after her son's every
need was a very sensitive topic for her sister. She didn't like talking about it to people she hardly

"How much are you looking for?" Trey asked.
"What do you mean?"
Trey shrugged. "How much do you want?"
She frowned. "You mean salary-wise? At this point, I don't really care. I'd take anything,

although I can't start working until I finish Jasmine's orders. Her dress alone takes so much time to

"You'll really take a job stacking shelves?"
"Why not? Of course I'll continue looking for a better paying job, but if there's nothing else for

the time being, I'll take it."

"I happen to know a company who's looking for an admin assistant whose job is to organise

supplies in the warehouse. Stacking shelves so to speak," Trey said, looking at her intently.

"Really? Do you think it will still be available in a month's time?" she asked, her eyes wide

with interest.

"Unlikely. There are always plenty of applicants for that type of job. I can put in a good word

for you if you're interested, but you'd need to be available immediately."

"Hmm," she replied, pressing her lips together. "Thanks. But if they need someone straight

away I'll need to pass up. My hands are full with my current orders."

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"So why are you still here instead of getting busy with the dresses then?" Trey asked with

narrowed eyes.

She flushed. "Dylan wants me to be here when he gets back."
"Oh, I see. You do know he won't like it if you happen to land the job I was talking about? He

wouldn't want something like that for his girlfriend."

"If that's my only choice then he'll have to accept it as well."
Trey snickered and shook his head. "Come on, Ari."
"What? I'm serious, Trey."
He smirked. "You know Dylan well enough to know he won't take it lying down. Why don't

you just come right out and ask him for the amount you want?"

"Are you kidding me? Why would I want to do that?" she asked, horrified.
Trey tilted his head to the side. "So you could help support your sister?"
She frowned at the clear sarcasm in Trey's voice. Her jaw dropped and a chill went through

her as realisation dawned.

"You think I'm after Dylan's money?" she whispered in mortification. She could feel the blood

drain from her face as she fought the dizziness that hit her.

Trey didn't answer her. He simply looked at her mulishly.
"Tell me, Trey. Do you think I'm after Dylan's money?" she asked again, her voice strong and

clear; her gaze hard and direct.

Trey blinked from the intensity of her glare and had the grace to blush. "Look, there's nothing

fundamentally wrong with being interested in someone who's well-off. In some ways, it's like being
interested in someone who's good-looking. I'm not saying you're going to steal from him or anything.
I'm just saying that if you're looking to be supported by Dylan, just straight out ask him instead of
beating around the bush with it."

"I don't believe this," she said, her eyes wide and unblinking as she stared at him in shock.
Trey shifted from one foot to another, his bluster from a few minutes ago gone. "Listen, Ari.

Dylan, Adam, and I...we're just really close and we look after each other. This is one of the ways we
do it. We've all had bad experiences and we just wanted to make sure we don't repeat the same
mistakes. It's nothing personal."

Her eyes widened further as Dylan's words floated in her head. 'Don't take it personally,

babe. There's a good reason why he's acting like he is.'

Dylan was in on this? He'd asked Trey to test her out? He suspected her of being a gold

digger? Oh my God.

Her eyes watered. Without another word, she turned on her heel, grabbed her bag, and walked

to the door.

"Ari, wait," Trey called, grabbing her arm. "Dylan really likes you."
"Sure," she said coldly, extricating herself from his grip. "He just doesn't trust me."

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Dylan unlocked his front door, a smile tugging his lips in anticipation of Ari's greeting. He stopped in
his tracks when he saw Trey slumped in his couch with his eyes closed.

"Before you kill me, I want you to know I'm sorry," Trey said, not moving a muscle but his


Dylan's heart started galloping. "Where's Ari?"
Trey took a deep breath. "She left."
"Why, Trey?" he asked in a low, deliberate voice.
"I guess she didn't appreciate my line of questioning," Trey responded, opening his eyes and

looking at him contritely.

"I told you to go easy on her, Trey."
"I know. I just really thought I had her in a corner. I wasn't expecting her reaction."
"What in the fuck did you tell her?" Dylan hissed, his hands fisted to his sides.
"I can't remember exactly. Something about just coming right out and asking you for what she

wants instead of being subtle about it."

"Trey!" Dylan looked up in the heavens and raked his fingers through his hair. "That is fucking

worse than asking her the usual ISAG twenty questions. That's practically accusing her of being..." He
glared at his friend. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Hey, I'm really sorry! If it's any consolation, I think she's all right. She wouldn't have gotten

so mad otherwise."

The joy that burst within him at Trey's declaration tempered his anger. Ari's feelings for him

were genuine. The barrier he'd built around his heart had finally crumbled. Completely.

"It might be best if you stay away from her for a while," he said to Trey without heat. "Let her

get over being mad at you first."

"Ah, sure," Trey said hesitantly. "Did I tell you she's mad at you, too?"
"Me? Why?"
"She thinks you don't trust her," Trey said with a grimace.
Fear clutched Dylan's heart. "No."


Ari's recorded greeting blared loudly through the car speakers.

Dylan groaned silently and gripped the steering wheel tighter as he waited for the beep.
"Hi, Ari, it's me. I'm on my way to your place. I spoke with Trey and he told me what

happened. I'm really sorry, baby. We'll talk more when I get there."

How was he going to explain himself to Ari? Tell her the whole story to justify his and Trey's

actions? Or would it make her even angrier that she was compared to gold digging opportunists they'd
dated in the past?

The more he thought about it, the more ashamed he felt at even doubting her. Ari wasn't some

girl he met at a bar. She wasn't some nameless woman who'd stalked him following a one-night stand.
He'd said all along she didn't deserve to be treated in a similar vein. So why had he let it happen?

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Now she thought he didn't trust her.

The simple truth was he was far too afraid of his feelings for her. He got overwhelmed by

their swift onset and intensity. For the first time in a long time, he feared he didn't have control of how
his life was unfolding.

But now an even greater fear was pumping through him. What if he'd totally and irrevocably

stuffed it up with her?

His phone pinged with a text message. He stopped at a red light and glanced at the screen.
*I'm not home. Don't bother going there.*
He rang her again but she still didn't pick up. Fuck. She was really mad at him.
Well, she might be at the shops right that minute, but she would have to go home sometime.

Even if he had to camp outside her apartment for the whole day, he would.


Dylan smiled at the middle-aged woman who stared at him with a suspicious look on her face.

"What are you doing there?" the lady asked.
"I'm waiting for Ari," he responded from his sitting position on the floor outside Ari's door,

looking up with what he hoped to be a friendly enough face.

"Are you the owner of that black Mercedes sports car parked outside?"
"How did you get in the building?"
"Someone was going out the front door so I went in. I'm Dylan, the boyfriend of the girl who

lives here." He stood up and offered his hand.

The woman took a couple of seconds before deciding to shake his hand, albeit very

reluctantly. "Doesn't she know you're coming? Didn't you call her first?"

"I know she's at the shops at the moment. And yes, I told her I was coming."
"I am going to call Ari now," the woman said with animosity, pulling her phone from her bag.

"If she says she doesn't want to talk to you or see you, you are leaving, mister. My husband is right
next door and all I have to do is call out to him if you give me a hard time."

Dylan was surprised at the woman's anger. Had Ari warned her neighbours about not wanting

to see him?

"Hello, Ari? How are you?...Well, I'm calling to see if you were expecting someone to come

by your place today...No?...Okay, not to worry …"

Dylan hid his exasperation. He had no doubts Mrs. Overzealous would make good on her

promise to throw him out. He stepped closer to the phone and spoke in a loud voice.

"Ari, it's Dylan. I'm outside your door waiting for you. Please let me stay."
Dagger glares were thrown at him while the neighbour listened to Ari's response. "Are you

sure?...Okay then. If you need me, just holler."

Mrs. Overzealous gave him a warning look as she placed her phone back in her bag. "She's

just parking her car. I don't even know why you're back here after everything you've put her through.
But if you give her a hard time today, you'll have a lot to answer for."

Dylan stared at Ari's neighbour in disbelief. Sure, Ari must have been really angry at him from

what happened that morning, but her friend's reaction was totally out of proportion.

"Could you tell me why you seem to hate me?" he asked Mrs. Overzealous.
"I know you," she responded with squinted eyes. "Ari told us about you. You were the one

who cheated on her with one of her friends then had the hide to throw in her face how much you've

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spent on her to cover up your guilt."

Dylan could only look at the woman with a dumbfounded expression.
"So why are you here?" Mrs. Overzealous continued, seething. "Lord only knows why she

wants to see you again, but Ari's always been soft. But you don't deserve her, you cheating bastard."

"I've never cheated on her. You've mistaken me for another man," Dylan said, reeling from the

vitriol directed at him in error.

The woman frowned. "You're her ex, aren't you?"
"I'm her current boyfriend, not her ex. Well, at least I hope I'm not an ex."
Mrs. Overzealous stared at him sceptically. "You're not the one she caught in bed with

someone else?"

"No!" Dylan responded, horrified.
There was a long pause before the woman's expression turned to consternation.
"Well, I guess I owe you an apology then," Mrs. Overzealous said, shamefaced. "I'm so sorry.

When you told me that car outside was yours, I just jumped to conclusions. Her ex also drove a black
Mercedes sports car, you see."

"Oh, right. Well, I can guarantee you I'm not the one you're talking about," he said, still

processing what Mrs. Overzealous inadvertently divulged.

Ari caught her ex in bed with another woman? Jesus, that must have devastated her.
They were interrupted by footsteps coming from the stairwell. A couple of seconds later, Ari

appeared, her hands filled with bags.

"Hi, Estelle," she said. "I see you've met Dylan."
"Yes," Estelle replied. "I'm afraid I made a boo-boo, Ari. I thought he was your ex and, uh,

I'm afraid I gave him a piece of my mind before I realised my mistake."

Ari's eyes widened. "You thought he was Richard?"
"Oh, was that the name of that cheating bastard? Sorry. I'd forgotten. Anyway, it was the

Mercedes downstairs that made me jump to conclusions." Estelle turned to Dylan. "I'm really sorry,"
she said with an apologetic smile.

"No problems, Estelle. I'm glad you care about Ari," he answered.
"She's a great girl," Estelle responded with a pointed look at him. She waved goodbye and

disappeared into her apartment.

Dylan turned to Ari, who was unlocking her door.
"Let me carry some of those for you," he offered, reaching to take the shopping bags from her.
"No thanks. I'm fine," she said coldly, pushing the door open and walking in.
He scratched his head and followed her, closing the door behind him.
"You seem really close with your neighbours," he commented, hoping she'd get friendlier.
"They treat me like their daughter," she said, her tone still distant.
He sucked in some air. "Baby, I'm really sorry about this morning. Can we sit down and talk

about it?" he pleaded.

"Please don't call me 'baby'. And I don't think there's anything I want to talk to you about," Ari

responded flatly as she deposited her stuff on the dining table.

Oh, hell. This is really bad.
"I know you're really mad right now," he said softly. "You have every right to be. I'm sorry.

But please let me explain." His heart constricted so hard at the thought that she was about to break up
with him that he found it hard to breathe.

Ari whirled to face him, her face full of hurt. "Explain what, Dylan? That you thought I was

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interested in you for your money? So much so that you had your best friends try to unmask me?"

"I knew from the start you weren't like that, sweetheart," he said, trying to placate her.
"Don't call me 'sweetheart' either, Dylan. And there's no point in you explaining when you're

just going to lie."

"What do you mean I'm just going to lie? I want to tell you the truth so we could put this

behind us."

Ari snickered. "You just said you knew from the start I wasn't like that. Yet you still got Trey

to dig and dig to try to prove I'm some scheming gold digger."

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "But it was only because I was damn scared of what I was feeling

for you. Maybe I tried to sabotage this relationship," he spouted. He was surprised at how much he
wanted to be honest with her with everything.

Ari frowned at him in pained confusion. "Well, then, it's straight out of your mouth. You don't

want to have a relationship with me, whatever the reason might be."

"But I do, Ari! You see, a woman broke my heart and my trust five years ago. While I've been

over her for years now, I haven't learned how to be over my guilt for being so stupid back then. I was
just afraid I'll be as foolish this time around, and end up getting hurt again."

"You know, Dylan, you're not the only one who's had a painful past," she said with censure.
He gulped, shamed. "I realise that. I'm sorry. Please give me another chance. At least hear me

out," he implored.

He held his breath as he waited for her response, hoping she wouldn't ask him to leave


"What did she do to you? Your ex?"
He leaned on the kitchen counter, relief making him weak. She was going to listen and he was

going to take this chance to tell her the whole story.

"She tried to steal from me. I'd been going out with her for three months when she sprang on

me that her dad needed a heart bypass surgery as soon as possible. I've never met her dad. In fact,
we've never met each others' families. But I didn't have a reason to disbelieve her at the time.

"Anyway, she was a smooth talker. She said that while Medicare covered much of the surgery

expenses, she said there were out-of-pocket and after-surgery-care costs that her parents just couldn't
afford. I found myself offering her some money to help cover her father's care. She sat beside me
while I did an electronic funds transfer from my account to hers. It never occurred to me that she
would memorise my bank customer number and password. My online personal account was linked
with our company bank account. Logging in to my account also gave access to the company's money.

"Around that time Trey, Adam, and I were waiting to get paid a large fee for a big project

we'd just delivered to a client. We were initially annoyed that the pay was delayed by a couple of
weeks, but it turned out to be a blessing. I was checking the bank account one day and noticed the area
where the bank tells you the date and time you last logged in. I knew it had been a good few days
since I was online and it wasn't me who logged in on the date the bank showed.

"There were no suspicious items on the accounts, but I was worried enough to call the bank.

That was when I found out someone had increased my daily online transfer limit to a substantially
larger amount. No wonder she borrowed my mobile phone at one point. She was waiting for the
security code texted by the bank to my phone to activate the increased transfer limit.

"The bank had a record of someone logging into my account daily after I transferred money to

her. She must have been waiting for our big pay day. If the payment for that big project had gone
through on time she could have easily taken a couple of hundred thousand dollars in the span of a

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week. I don't check my accounts often, and she knew that.

"I told Trey and Adam my suspicions. They were livid, of course. It was their money, too, that

I'd jeopardised. We set up a mini sting operation and caught her trying to access my account. She
confessed after that and pleaded for my forgiveness."

Dylan took a deep breath as he tried to gauge Ari's expression. She'd been quiet throughout his

whole story.

"What happened afterwards?" she asked finally.
He shrugged. "We broke up. I told her never ever to show her face to me again."
"Didn't you report her to the police?"
"No," he said with a deep sigh. "First, it was my fault for not securing my password and my

phone. Second, I don't believe she had done it before. Third, Trey, Adam and I put the fear of God in
her to make sure she doesn't attempt something like that again. All it took was to show her how easy it
was to trace people through IP addresses, and such. It dawned on her she couldn't possibly get away
with something like that."

He paused before continuing. "And fourth, even at this moment, I'm still fucking ashamed of

my stupidity. My family doesn't even know."

"She must have been desperate. Was her dad even sick?" Ari asked.
"Apparently not. She just thought I was an easy target."
She was silent for what seemed like ages.
"Ari? What are you thinking?" he asked. His arms ached to hold her but he refrained, waiting

for her to make the next move.

"You and your friends thought I was making it up when I said I was giving financial support to

my sister and my nephew," she accused.

"There was a question mark, especially in Trey's mind," he admitted. "But as for me, it's not

about the money, Ari. I don't care about the money. It was about whether your feelings for me were
real or not."

Ari's eyes flashed in anger. "Whether it's about the money or not, you still thought I was a

scheming whore who slept with you to get to your pockets."

He rubbed his face in anguish. "I never thought you were a whore, Ari. Please don't use that

term on yourself!" he said insistently. "The whole problem was me—my fears, my guilt, my shame
from something I should have buried years ago. I see that now. I'm ruining my present because I've
failed to move on from it. But I'm willing to close that chapter now, Ari. Please. I just want to be with

Ari walked to the window and looked out. His body broke out in sweat as he waited.
"I can't think right now, Dylan. I need some time alone," she said in a quiet voice that was

almost a whisper.

"Okay," he said cautiously. "I'll call you tomorrow?"
"No. Please don't contact me."
He inhaled sharply. "Well, when do we talk again?"
"I don't know. But don't wait around."
Oh, shit.
"Ari, please." All he wanted to do was plead and plead and plead until she forgave him.
"Dylan, please. Give me time to think."
"Okay," he choked, his heart distressed and frightened.

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Ari checked and double checked her budget spreadsheet, hoping to see an item or category she could
further cut or reduce from her expenses.

No matter how many times she looked at it, the answer remained the same. If she didn't find a

new job, or get more customers within the next three weeks, she would be in real strife.

She diverted her attention to the business plan she'd been working on just in case. There was

one possibility she could see that could dig her out of her financial black hole. But it meant spending
a large chunk of cash she had set aside for her rent.

Well, it was make or break time. She had no job and no prospects of finding one soon. She

might as well take the risk.

If it didn't work, she would just have to move in with her sister and Kenny to Port Macquarie

and find a job there waiting on tables or something. With that distance, she might as well forget about
Dylan for good.

Her eyes teared up at the thought of him. She missed him terribly.
But while her heart begged to be with him again, her mind rebelled at the thought of Dylan

discovering the extent of her financial woes. Knowing the reason why he'd become leery of women's
intentions, she knew she would always wonder if every word she shared about Kenny's needs would
be suspected as a subtle way of taking advantage of his wealth. What kind of relationship would that
be, where there was no openness and trust?

She simply couldn't see a way around that.


"Ari, it's been a long time. It's great to see you again."

"It has been. Thanks so much for seeing me, Gwen. I really appreciate it."
"No problem. When you called me to say you wanted to show me your own range of lingerie,

I was very excited. I didn't know you'd set out on your own."

"I thought it was about time," Ari replied with a genuine smile for Gwen Desanti, the lingerie

fashion buyer she had met a couple of times before, when she was still employed at Eros.

"Well, let's have a look, shall we?" Gwen said.
Ari opened her carry bag, grateful that her hands didn't shake. While she maintained a calm,

confident exterior, she was quaking inside. Would Gwen like her designs? More importantly, would
she order and stock them in their stores around Australia?

She pulled out an ivory lace and silk chemise and laid it on Gwen's table. Then she took out a

nude-coloured silk bustier with baby blue lace panelling, followed by a black wireless silk bra with
lace appliqué. Then she placed the matching briefs alongside each of them.

She was proud of these garments. The materials she'd chosen were luxurious, delicate, and of

high quality, not to mention expensive. It would have been ideal if she'd had samples ready for all of
her designs, but these were the only ones she'd been able to put together in the extremely limited time
she had.

"These are only the first of my samples, just to show you the quality and design you could

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expect from my creations," she explained, watching Gwen's reaction carefully.

"Ari, these are exquisite," Gwen said with awe in her voice.
She let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Thank you."
"These are certainly a few notches up from the items Eros manufactured," Gwen commented.
"I really want to go for the top end of the market. When I was thinking of buyers to show these

to, I thought of you straight away. When you declined the Eros designs, you said they were great
quality, but not high-end enough for your boutiques."

Gwen carefully inspected each garment while Ari waited patiently.
She was humbled to even have this opportunity to show a fashion buyer like Gwen her new

creations. The company Gwen worked for usually only dealt with established suppliers, not a one-
man-band like Ari, who didn't even have a business card to speak of. Well, she did use her name as
her clothing label. Arielle.

Gwen leaned back on her seat and looked at her. "You've only just started out, Ari. I was

wondering how you would cope with production if we do decide to order from you."

Ari's heart thumped hard in her chest but she reigned in her excitement. "I've already spoken to

a trusted seamstress I've worked with many times before. Her team is ready and available to work
with me at any time. There are also a couple more on my list who I can call on, if need be."

Gwen nodded her head, her lips pursed. "Can you leave these with me to show to my

colleagues?" she asked.

"Of course."
"Great. How about we meet again tomorrow? I can let you know what we have decided by


"That will be fantastic. Thanks so much for the opportunity, Gwen."
"Thank you, Ari, for calling me first. I must say, I'm really impressed."


Ari was buoyant after she left Gwen's office. This could really happen! Stores could be stocking her
lingerie line, if this pulled through. Not only that, she knew Gwen's company shipped items to
worldwide customers, so she could be selling her garments around the world.

With almost certain good news looming in the horizon, she allowed herself to think of her next

step. If she secured the orders—and from Gwen's reaction, it was almost certain—she would need
capital to buy materials and produce the first batch. That would not be cheap.

She'd already approached the banks for a business loan, but the answer from each of them was

the same. Apart from detailed business plans, projected costs, projected profit and loss, and a whole
lot of other things, she also needed a guarantor who would sign on the dotted line that he or she would
be liable for her debts should she fail to meet her financial obligations. Well, she could never ask that
of anyone, so she was left with one other, less onerous option—borrow money from one of her

She involuntarily shuddered, hating that alternative. But she needed to do it, so she would do

it. After she had delivered on Gwen's orders and gotten paid herself, she would be able to pay back
the money she borrowed anyway.

Question was, who could she approach?
She mentally went through her list of friends and there was only one person she knew who

could afford to lend the amount she required without sweating about it. Jasmine.

She groaned, going through the list again, hoping to come up with someone else.

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She couldn't very well expect Jasmine to hide it from Kane. That would be too much to ask.

Darn. She would just need to plead with both of them not to tell Dylan.


Ari sat, looking business-like on Jasmine's lounge, and explained the whole situation to her friend.

"Of course, Ari, that's not a problem," Jasmine said. "I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!"
"Thank you so much, Jaz," she replied, exhaling her relief. "You don't know what your help

means to me. You were my very first paying customer. Now you're also about to become my money

"Oh, don't worry about it," Jasmine said dismissively. "I'm glad to help. When do you need the


"As soon as possible, if you don't mind. Also, I drafted this letter." She fished an envelope

from her purse and handed it to Jasmine. "That's just a contract to confirm the amount I'm borrowing
from you, the date you can expect payment from me and the interest applicable."

"Interest?" Jasmine asked.
"Yes. I want to pay you interest equivalent to how much you would have earned had you kept

your money in your bank. It's just fair."

"You only want to borrow the money for a short time, Ari. I don't want you paying me interest.

I won't accept it."

"Then I'll have to find someone else to borrow from then."
"Ari, don't be silly!"
"Accept the interest or I won't take your money."
"Fine. I accept," Jasmine said in resignation.
Ari beamed, her excitement bubbling out of her now that the difficult part had been sorted out.

"Can we do a happy dance?" she asked Jasmine, abandoning her business-like demeanour.

Jasmine laughed. "Okay, you obstinate person."
They jumped up from their seats, jiggled around and hugged each other.

Ari sipped the low-fat smoothie Jasmine made for them as they lounged on the day bed by the

poolside. She gazed at the sparkling water. The memory of Dylan dunking her in that same pool, then
holding her close to him, came rushing back to her.

The now-familiar ache in her chest throbbed, and she closed her eyes, pretending to relax, to

hide her emotion from Jasmine.

"I can't wait to tell Kris and Sam about your good news," Jasmine said, forcing her to put a

fake happy smile on her face. "Does this mean you can stop looking for a job now? Are you going to
concentrate on your business now?"

"I won't know until after I get sales feedback from Gwen's team. For all I know, my designs

won't sell and they won't order again from me. I'm still keeping my eyes open for job opportunities,
but the pressure is off for the time being. Right now, I'll have my hands full in fulfilling all the orders,
including your dress, which should be ready for your first fitting in two weeks."

"Oh, I'm so excited, Ari! By the way, can I order lingerie direct from you? I want them for my


"Sure," she replied, her lips curling. She'd already planned to give Jasmine her sexiest, most

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expensive sets as wedding presents.

"How's your nephew?" Jasmine asked out of the blue.
She sighed. "He's good, thanks. My sister is taking him for the fitting of a new prosthetic leg.

We're hoping we could get him one that's perfect for a runner. He has dreams of becoming a
Paralympian, you see," she said with a wistful smile.

"Wow, that's great. Your sister must be thrilled with your good news, too."
"Yes, although it won't mean much until we see the cash come in. Nothing is guaranteed until I

keep selling stuff." She paused before continuing in a sincere, grateful voice. "Jaz, the money you're
loaning me not only helps buy the materials and pay my seamstress. It also helps me keep my head
above water and get Kenny that prosthesis until I get paid by Gwen's company."

"Oh Ari. Is it that bad?" Jasmine asked with concern.
She shook her head and waved her hand. "It will get better. I just need to keep the faith."
"If you need to borrow more..."
"It's fine, Jaz. Thank you," she replied, reaching out for Jasmine's hand and squeezing it in


"Anytime, Ari."
She cleared her throat. "Ah, Jaz, one other thing. I suppose you will tell Kane about this,


"Yes. Is that a problem? We share this kind of thing with each other. But if you prefer that I

don't …"

"No, it's fine. But could you not tell Dylan? And please ask Kane not to mention it to him?"

she asked in a small voice.

"Okay," Jasmine replied cautiously. "I'm glad you brought Dylan up, Ari. I've wanted to talk

you about him."

Ari chewed her bottom lip. She didn't want to meet Jasmine's eyes, so she played with the

straw in her smoothie glass instead.

"What happened between the two of you? Dylan's been down in the dumps lately. Even Kane

said he hadn't seen him like that before. But when we asked him, he didn't want to talk about it."

Ari swallowed, not trusting herself to speak. What could she say? That Dylan thought she was

just after his money? In all fairness, she couldn't divulge that fact without also mentioning why Dylan
was so suspicious. After his lengthy explanation, she could understand why he harboured doubts
about her motives for being with him.

"I know I'm in a funny position, because you're my friend and he's my future brother-in-law,"

Jasmine said softly. "But you could still talk to me. There may be something I can help with?"

Ari took a deep breath. "I miss him, Jaz," she admitted. "But there are some things that are just

not meant to be, I think."

"How can you tell if it's meant to be, or not?"
She shrugged. "We just don't fit, Jaz."
"You miss him, he misses you; what doesn't fit?"
"I just don't see myself being comfortable enough to share all my problems with him. If I

couldn't do that, what kind of relationship would we have?"

"What's in the way of you sharing your problems with him?"
She shook her head, not knowing how to put it in words.
"You think he won't be supportive of you?" Jasmine asked.
"No, it's not that. I think that if he tries to be supportive—if he tries to support me, I will

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always question what he thinks of me."

"What do you mean?" Jasmine asked with a frown.
"As long as I'm in this financial squeeze, I don't think I'll ever get it out of my head that he

might think I'm just after his money—even if he's nice about it."

"Ari! How could you think that?"
She gave Jasmine a sad smile. "Let's just say I have issues around it."

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Dylan watched as uncertainty played on Jasmine's face as she considered his request.

"Please, Jaz. I know you're her friend and you want to keep her confidence, but all I want to

know is what she's said to you that would give me an idea on how to mend things with her. I know I
stuffed up big time. I need your help, please."

"What exactly have you done to piss her off, Dyl?" Kane asked as he refilled their wine


Dylan filled his lungs to full capacity before exhaling loudly. "I inadvertently led her to

believe I suspected her of being a gold digger."

Jasmine gasped. "Dylan! How could you! Ari's not like that at all!"
"I know, Jaz. I told you I stuffed up."
"Why the hell did you even think it, bro?" Kane asked in disbelief.
"Because five years ago, I got my heart broken by a woman who tried to scam me by

transferring money from my bank account to hers. I know it's crazy to let some old experience mess up
my present, but I didn't realise how much I was letting my past get in the way until Ari dumped me."

"You never told me about that," Kane frowned.
"No. It was something I didn't want anyone to know. I was ashamed about the whole thing."
"You said this woman 'tried' to scam you. So she didn't succeed?"
"No. I caught her before she was able to do it," he answered impatiently. "Look, I'll tell you

all about it later, if you want, but can we talk about Ari and how I can get her back? You of all people
should know what it feels like, Kane. You've been here before, when Jazzie broke up with you that
one time."

"Yeah, it hurt like hell," Kane acknowledged, glancing at Jasmine, who gave him a reassuring

peck on the lips.

Dylan sighed. If only Ari would talk to him again, maybe they'd find their way like Kane and

Jasmine had.

God, he missed her so damn much that here he was at his brother's home, pleading for help

just so she would let him see her again. Anyone who knew what he was like with women would be
shocked by this action.

"You must be in love with her then, to compare what you're going through with what I went

through," Kane observed.

Dylan looked straight into his brother's eyes. "Yes, I think I am."
"Ari said she wouldn't be comfortable sharing her problems with you," Jasmine said quietly

after a brief silence.

"Problems? Does it have something to do with her sister and nephew? I know she gives them

some financial support."

"Yes. I guess she's scared that if she did, you'll just think she's fishing for sympathy and


Dylan buried his face in his hands. It was what he had suspected. "But I don't think that

anymore," he said in a strangled voice. "I don't even care if she is after my money. I want to give her

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everything she needs and wants. Anything. I just want her back."

"Ari goes out of her way to ensure she doesn't owe anyone, Dyl," Jasmine said. "She is so

proud and so stubborn about it that even I want to slap her sometimes. When she offered to pay me
interest for the money she borrowed from me, I had to accept or she would just ask someone else."

"She had to borrow money from you?" Dylan asked in shock.
Jasmine blushed. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that."
"If she needed help, why didn't she come to me?" he asked, irritation and anguish whirling

within him. He was her boyfriend, for heaven's sake.

"You know the answer to that, Dyl."
He raked his hair in frustration. "She was scared I'd think she was being a gold digger. How

can I undo all this?"

Kane and Jasmine shot him sympathetic looks.
"She did say she missed you," Jasmine volunteered.
"She did?" he asked, his eyes widening with hope.
"Yes. But unfortunately, that doesn't change the fact that she still doesn't want to open up to

you. Even if she did, I don't think she'd accept any financial assistance from you."

Dylan scowled as unexpected anger flared within him.
This was ridiculous. He loved Ari and he wanted to look after her. She needed help and he

was damn well going to give it to her, even if she didn't like the way he went about it. Her stubborn
pride could go to hell.

"Jaz, please tell me about her financial problems."


"She's going to kill me for this, Dyl. But I don't care. You're doing the right thing," Jasmine declared
as they got out of the taxi in front of an unassuming apartment block.

Dylan grinned. "Glad you approve, Jazzie. I'm sorry I won't be around to plead for your life.

Ari would kill me first before she hunts you down."

"Well, let's hope Sylvie doesn't turn us away."
"That's why you're here. Less chance of that happening," he responded lightly. "Thank you for

coming with me, Jaz," he added sincerely.

"No problem. I'm more than happy to do this with you."
They climbed the stairs to the second floor and knocked on the door of unit eight.
A woman whose resemblance to Ari was unmistakable opened the door and greeted them with

a friendly smile. "Hi. You must be Jasmine."

"Yes. How are you, Sylvie?" Jasmine asked, reaching out to hug Ari's sister.
"Fine, thank you," Sylvie replied, returning Jasmine's hug warmly. "I've heard so much about

you, Jasmine. Ari talks very fondly of you."

"Thank you," Jasmine replied.
Sylvie turned to Dylan. "And you are Kane? Jasmine's fiancée?" she asked.
"No. I'm Dylan," he replied with a smile. At Sylvie's blank look, he added, "I'm Kane's


"Oh, okay. Good to meet you, Dylan," Sylvie said without recognition. "Please, come on in."
Dylan lost his smile as they followed Sylvie inside her small but tidy apartment. So Ari had

spoken to Sylvie about Jasmine, and even Kane. But clearly, she had never brought him up—not even
once—for Sylvie to recognise his name.

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Apprehension rained on him. Was he that unimportant to Ari? Was that why she could handle

not seeing or talking to him, while he was going out of his mind from not being with her? Perhaps he
had exaggerated Ari's feelings for him from wishful thinking?

His heart grew heavy as sadness saddled it.
"I'm really curious about this surprise to Ari you mentioned over the phone, Jasmine," Sylvie

said as she motioned for them to take a seat. "Well, curious is probably too tame a word. I'm actually
dying to know."

"I think I'll let Dylan talk about it," Jasmine said with a glance at him.
He nodded and forced a smile to his lips.
"Okay, I can't wait," Sylvie replied, looking intrigued. "But first, can I offer you tea or



"We were wondering, would you and Kenny like to take a trip to Sydney as a surprise to Ari for her
birthday next week?" Dylan asked Sylvie.

Sylvie gave him an indulgent smile. "That's a nice thought, Dylan. But I'm afraid it's not

something I can afford. Things are pretty tough for us at the moment."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about the expenses. I'll take care of them for you. Where is

Kenny, by the way?"

"He's at little athletics. I'm picking him up in an hour," Sylvie replied, disbelief frozen in her

face. "Did you say you'll take care of our expenses if we travel to Sydney next week for Ari's

"Oh...why, may I ask?"
Dylan pressed his lips together as he considered his answer. His mind was whirling and his

heart was aching. He had assumed that Sylvie knew that he was Ari's ex-boyfriend. He had intended
to divulge to Sylvie that he was planning to get her sister back, and that the Sydney trip and the other
offer he hasn't mentioned yet was part of his plan to show Ari how much she meant to him.

But doubts assailed him when he realised Ari had not breathed a word about him to his sister.

What if Ari didn't care anymore? Was it fair to drag Sylvie and Kenny to his whole drama if Ari was
only going to reject him again? It would merely serve to make Sylvie and Kenny feel bad, to say the

He nodded to himself, reaching a decision.
"A friend of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous, wanted to give away part of his Lotto

winnings to some deserving person," he said, glancing at a startled Jasmine. He gave her a look that
conveyed 'follow my lead'.

"He asked me for suggestions on whom he could donate the money to," he continued. "I

remembered Jasmine mentioning Kenny and his dream of becoming a Paralympic athlete. I thought
Kenny would be a deserving recipient of my friend's generosity. Fortunately, my friend thought so,
too. He also agreed that you and Ari deserve some of that gift, for your love and dedication to
Kenny's future.

Sylvie gaped at him, her mouth forming a perfect O.
He took a deep breath, saying a little prayer that this last-minute fabrication sounded

believable enough.

"The main intention is for you to get Kenny the best prosthesis you can get him," he continued.

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"The trip to Sydney, plus some left-over cash for whatever else you and Ari may need right now, are
just little add-ons."

Sylvie remained motionless for long seconds before tears flowed down her face. "I don't think

I heard you right."

"I think you did," he chuckled.
"But why? It's so generous," Sylvie whispered, shock etched on her face.
"Hey, why do some people win Lotto?" he replied lightly.
"Are you sure about this, Dylan?"
"One hundred percent."
"What if your friend changes his mind? He doesn't even know us," Sylvie worried.
"He won't. He already gave me the money for safekeeping. It's all yours, Ari's, and Kenny's


"Oh my God," Sylvie cried, her shock transforming to excitement. "Does Ari know? She

would be so excited."

"She doesn't know yet. You're going to Sydney as a surprise, remember? You can tell her all

about it when you're there. But my friend has one stipulation, Sylvie."

"What's that?"
"He is strongly against anyone knowing about his charitable act. It might create jealousy and

envy among his circle, you see. Some would question why he chose you, and not others. Since Ari
knows me, and she knows that friend, it's best that you don't mention to Ari that I'm involved with this
—just so you can protect the identity of my friend."

Sylvie frowned. "Okay, I get that. But Ari is discreet. She won't tell anyone. And I'm sure she

would love to thank you and your friend for this."

"I'm sure Ari could be trusted not to tell anyone. But this is what my friend wants. That is his

stipulation. In gratitude to him, that's all he asks of you. Keep this to yourself."

"Okay, I understand. But what do I tell Ari?"
He shrugged. "Can you tell her you won Lotto? Unfortunately, it's not first prize."
Sylvie laughed. "Yes. I guess I can tell her that. But how much exactly have I won? She'll

want to know."

Dylan gave her an amount that would be enough to cover Kenny's needs for the time being,

plus a little bit more to ease the cash flow for her and Ari. He didn't want to appear over the top, in
case Sylvie thought it too generous and refused it. He'd just have to watch over them and concoct a
new story when they required some top-up funds.

Sylvie slumped on the sofa, silently sobbing with...gratitude? Surprise? Relief? Disbelief? He

couldn't tell.

"That's good," Sylvie hiccupped. "I can give Ari back the money she'd saved to start up her


Dylan felt happy about that. It helped mask the ache in his chest.


"Why didn't you tell Sylvie the truth, Dyl?" Jasmine asked as they left Sylvie's apartment. "I thought
you wanted Ari to know how much you care about her, and to enlist Sylvie to show her how
ridiculous it is to hang on to her 'gold digger' issues?"

He smiled despondently. "I just realised I'm not important enough in her life, Jaz. She hadn't

mentioned me once to Sylvie."

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"But she has feelings for you," Jasmine insisted.
"Not enough to want me in her life."
Jasmine stared at him. "So, what now?"
He shrugged. "At least I know she and her family will be fine. Jaz, it's probably for the best

that she doesn't know what I'm doing. This way, she wouldn't have the opportunity to decline my

"I don't think she'd decline if it's for Kenny."
"No, but she'd refuse it for herself if she knows it's from me."
"So you're not going to chase after her anymore?" Jasmine asked with surprise and


He felt his eyes sting and glanced away from Jasmine. Ari didn't want him. It would be better

for her if he stayed away.

"No, Jaz. I'm not going to chase after her anymore."

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"Oh, this fits perfectly again, Ari. Thank you so much!"

"My pleasure, Linda," Ari said, running a critical eye over the dress she'd made for Dylan's

mother to wear to Jasmine's wedding.

"By the way, I have a couple of phone numbers for you," Linda said. "I had a few women

commenting on the dress I wore to Faye's wedding. I told them it was custom-made and two of my
friends want to talk to you. They have events coming up."

"Oh, thank you, Linda. I really appreciate that."
"Don't mention it. You're very talented. You make beautiful clothes. You should set up your

own shop one day."

Ari blushed as she graciously accepted Linda's praise.
"Well, I'll be off now," she said to Linda. "I'll see you at Kane and Jaz's wedding in three


"Please, stay for dinner, Ari. Jasmine and Kane are arriving soon."
"Um." She should decline. She didn't want to bump into Dylan, in case he was going to be

there tonight.

"Thank you. I'd love to stay," she answered.
Shit. The part of her that missed him like crazy had managed to speak first.
"Great. I have to start preparing dinner. Feel free to watch some TV or something while we

wait for the others."

"Can I help in the kitchen?"
"Sure, if you want to."
"Who else is coming tonight?" she asked casually.
"Just Kane, Jasmine and Dylan. It will feel strange not having all of my kids here tonight, but

the twins can't make it and, of course, Faye and Ray are on their honeymoon."


Ari was about to prepare some onions when the doorbell rang. Her heart started racing. Would that
be Kane and Jasmine, or Dylan?

"I'll get it!" they heard Fred call.
"Thank you, sweetheart!" Linda called back to her husband.
A couple of minutes later, a woman walked into the kitchen and Ari went cold all over. It was


Suddenly she wanted to go home.
"Hello, Rosalie," Linda greeted the young woman warmly. "This is a surprise."
"Hi, Linda. I thought I'd drop by tonight and say hello to everyone. I hope you don't mind,"

Rosalie replied.

"Of course not. You're welcome to drop by anytime. Do you remember Ari, Rosalie?"
"Yes. How are you, Ari?"

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"I'm well, thanks. And you?"
"Good, thanks."
Was it her imagination or was Rosalie's voice colder toward her?
"Rosalie, you're joining us for dinner, yes?" Linda asked.
"I was hoping you'd ask," Rosalie said with a chuckle. "I take it Dylan will be here, too?"
"Yes, he'll be here," Linda replied with a knowing smile.
Ari refrained from rolling her eyes. Was it too late to leave? She bet Pretty Miss Rosie was

going to try to get her paws on Dylan again tonight. She didn't think she'd be able to take it if Dylan
flirted back. She just might scratch them both.

Her eyes stung, not because of the onion she was chopping, but because her heart was being

squeezed tight. If Dylan did flirt with Rosalie tonight, it would serve her right. She was pushing him
away, and it was only a matter of time before he got sick of it.

Deep in her heart, she knew Dylan was suffering just as much as she was. She could hear it in

the phone messages he'd been leaving and the texts he'd been sending.

Could she really be so unforgiving? Could she really be so proud that she was closing the

door on the man she was in love with?

I love him.
Tears fell from her eyes and she hastily wiped them with the back of her hand.
"Ari!" Linda cried. "Don't use your hand. You'll just make your eyes burn more. Here." Linda

handed her a tissue.

"Thank you," she murmured.
"Hello, Mu —. Ari, what's wrong?"
Ari glanced up, her eyes locking with stunned blue ones that made her heart stutter.
"She was chopping some onions and then used her hands to wipe her eyes," Linda tut-tutted.
"Are you okay?" Dylan asked, his tone laced with concern.
She gave him a watery smile. "Yeah," she said, sniffing.
Oh Dylan. I've missed you.
"Dylan," Rosalie purred, placing her hand on Dylan's arm. "How come we haven't seen you at

the clubs for weeks now? What's been happening, darling?"

Darling! Grrr.
"Been busy," Dylan answered rather brusquely, then turned to Linda. "Mum, I'm afraid I can't

stay tonight."

"Oh? Why not?"
"Too much to do. I just came by to say hello."
Disappointment stabbed at Ari. Now that she'd seen him again, she didn't want Dylan to go. In

fact, she wanted to throw herself at him right there in his mother's kitchen, with his mother and
Rosalie looking on. But she was too shy to do that.

"But you must stay for dinner, Dyl! You can leave straight after, if you really need to," Linda


"Yes, Dylan," Rosalie interjected. "Sounds like you're working way too hard. Chill out with

us tonight."

"Yes, Dylan. Please stay," Ari heard herself echoing the other women.
"Okay," Dylan agreed, gazing at her with an unreadable expression.


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Ari sat uncomfortably next to Jasmine at the dining table. She was seated opposite Rosalie, who had
placed herself conveniently between Dylan and Linda.

After her fake greeting when she arrived, Rosalie had practically pretended she didn't exist.

Not that she cared. She couldn't bear to look at the woman either, when every time she did, Pretty
Miss Rosie was making cow eyes at her Dylan.

Yes. Her Dylan.
It took her a while to figure out that not being with him killed her more than her fear of being

judged. Besides, if Dylan said he didn't think of her as a gold digger, then she'd take that at face value.

She was ready to move on now—with him.
If only he'd look her way. She could tell he was at pains to avoid her. Why was that, when just

two days ago he'd sent her a very sweet text saying he was missing her and to please talk to him?

Come to think of it, she hadn't received anything from him after that. She used to get at least

two messages daily without fail, even though she never responded.

She swallowed down the panic that gripped her chest. Had he given up on her?
"How's your online shop going, Rosalie?" Linda asked.
"Oh, very poorly, Linda," Rosalie replied with a sad pout.
"You have an online shop?" Fred asked.
"Yes, it's for international orders of products we sell. It was my idea, so my parents said I

could run it however I want. The website's been up for three months now, and I'm hardly making
anything from it. My marketing efforts are not getting me any return on investment."

"Ask Dylan. He knows all about this online stuff," Linda suggested.
Ari took a sip of water to distract herself. It hurt that Dylan's mum was constantly pushing

another girl at him. Hadn't Linda ever thought of pairing Ari up with her son?

"What kind of marketing have you done so far?" Dylan asked Rosalie.
"I'm paying for Adwords and for someone to work on SEO for the website."
"How much have you shelled out?" Dylan prodded.
Rosalie detailed her current marketing expenses.
"What? That's crazy!" Dylan exclaimed. "For that kind of money you can do far better. By the

sounds of it you might be getting ripped off."

"What do I do?" Rosalie cried, genuinely upset.
"I'll have a look at it," Dylan offered.
"I can't afford you, Dylan."
"I'm not asking you to pay," he snorted.
"You're serious? You'll work with me on this?" Rosalie asked, her face split by a wide smile.
Dylan shrugged. "It shouldn't be too hard. I might even create a simple mobile ordering app

for you that should work worldwide."

"Really? When can we start?" Rosalie asked, almost jumping out of her chair in glee.
"I'll check my calendar."
"Okay. Thank you!" Rosalie leaned over to give Dylan a kiss on the cheek before exchanging a

pleased look with Linda.

Ari felt like weeping.
How easy was it for Rosalie to take up Dylan's offer? For free. If it had been her, she would

have um-ed and ah-ed about it, not wanting to impose or take advantage.

Hell. She really had to change her tune. Why did she find it so hard to accept something,

especially from Dylan?

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Easily answered, Ari. You're afraid it would be thrown back in your face and you'd end up

paying for it eventually.

But Dylan was not Richard.
And Rosalie was spooning food onto Dylan's plate and it didn't seem to bother him.
"Thank you," he said to Rosalie with a smile.
Ari went through the motions of pushing food down her throat. Was he trying to hurt her back?
"I was just telling Ari I have two new customers for her, Jaz," Linda announced.
"Oh, that's great, Mum," Jasmine replied, giving Ari a smile.
Ari plastered a false grin on her face and suppressed a sigh. Linda had bad timing. She didn't

want attention on her now, when she was having a damn difficult time hiding her emotions.

"How do you market you work, Ari?" Rosalie asked, seemingly friendlier.
"Well, right now, it's all word of mouth—mainly Jaz's and Linda's."
"I'm sure if you give your designs more exposure, you'll get more customers," Linda said


"I hope so," Ari replied. "It's tough out there. Not to mention I'm a marketing tragic."
She waited for Dylan to say something—like make her an offer similar to what he gave

Rosalie. Anything. Just to show he still cared.

He simply continued eating what Rosalie put on his plate.
Ow. Ow. Ow.


Ari tried not to stare at Dylan as he played pool with Kane. Part of her wanted to leave so she could
cry in peace. But another part of her—the desperate part—wanted to stay. She pretended to be
checking something on her phone so she didn't have to mingle with the others. It was too painful to
watch Dylan laugh at Rosalie's jokes when all he gave her were polite one-line answers when she
tried to engage him in conversation during dinner.

With each second that Dylan didn't pay her any attention, her heart slowly withered.
Jasmine joined her in her corner and handed her a glass of wine, which she gratefully

accepted. She was driving, but she'd only take a few sips. She needed it to give her courage to
approach Dylan. She didn't want this night to end without telling him she was sorry—that she wanted
him back.

She wasn't sure how he would react. In fact, from how things were at that moment, she was

afraid he'd just walk away after she'd confessed.

But this was her doing. She was the one who pushed him away. It was her turn to grovel and

tell him how she felt, regardless of what his response might be.

It was just a little hard to do that with an audience.
Dylan walked around the pool table to take a shot and ended up standing right next to her.
"Are you driving home tonight, Ari?" he asked quietly without looking at her.
"Yes." She trembled at the fact that he was talking to her. She gave herself a mental snort at

how pathetic she'd become.

"You shouldn't be drinking," he said, his voice barely a whisper.
"I'm only having a few sips," she replied, thrilled by his concern.
Dylan carried on with his game of pool, ignoring her after that. But their short conversation

gave her hope—and the courage she was looking for.

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Jasmine squeezed her hand. "What are you going to do, Ari? He's just waiting for you."
"You think?" she asked with a doubtful look.
Jasmine shook her head. "I'm not going to say anything more. You guys have to find your own

way, by talking and being open with each other. That's something no one else can do for you."

She nodded. "I know."

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"Who's there?"

"Dyl? It's me," Ari said shyly as she spoke at the security intercom of his building.
The front door unlocked and she walked in.
She psyched herself up as she rode the elevator to his floor, her heart seeming to go a

thousand beats per minute.

She'd left his parents' house five minutes after he did, and had driven straight to his place.

Yes, she was going to put her heart and soul on the line, hoping against hope that he still cared enough
to want to start again with her.

The lift doors opened and she walked out, palms sweaty, face flushed, and heart racing. Gosh,

she was as nervous as hell.

She had gotten to his door and had just lifted her hand to knock when it opened. Dylan stared

at her, his eyes questioning.

She opened her mouth, about to say hi, but her throat closed up. To her utter dismay, a sob

escaped her instead, and tears streamed down her face.

"Oh, baby," Dylan breathed, pulling her to him as he shut the door behind her.
She wept on his shoulder, her fingers clutching his shirt, as Dylan held her tightly against his

chest, kissing her hair and whispering, "I'm so sorry," over and over.

She didn't know how long they stayed like that. When her sobbing stopped, she lifted her head

to look at him. He was teary, too.

She cupped his face with her hands and gazed into his brilliant eyes.
"Tell me honestly, Dylan," she said softly. "Have you changed your mind about wanting to be

with me?"

"No," he whispered. "I love you, Ari."
Her lips curled into a relieved, tremulous smile.
"Dylan, I love you, too."
His smile was blinding as leaned down to kiss her. The moment their lips touched their

passion for each other blazed.

She ran her hands on his body restlessly as they devoured each other's mouths. Mindlessly,

she burrowed her hand underneath his shirt and stroked his bare back as her leg lifted up to wrap
itself around his thigh.

Dylan groaned, grabbing her bottom and pressing her harder against his growing erection. His

lips moved to her neck, licking and nipping, as she lifted her other leg so both were draped around
him. He carried her to his bedroom and undressed her with impatience.

In less than a minute she was naked and panting before him on his bed.
He bent to kiss her all over—face, neck, shoulders, arms, belly, thighs, feet. It was like he

was feasting on her, trying everything on offer.

"Dylan," she moaned, her body in flames from his zeal.

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"I missed you so much. I love you so much," he breathed on her burning skin.
She was in heaven as he proceeded to show her just how much.


Ari took out a bottle of cold sparkling water from Dylan's refrigerator, thirsty from their physical
exertions of a couple of hours ago. Funnily enough, they'd both fallen asleep straight away after just
one round. Well, she had been sleep deprived for days so she wasn't totally surprised by that. She
guessed Dylan must have been, too.

Strong arms snaked around her waist, making her yelp in surprise.
"Hmm," he moaned as he kissed her naked shoulder. "I like you walking around my apartment

with no clothes on."

She giggled, noticing that he, too, was naked—and very much awake. She placed the bottle

back in the fridge and turned around, curving her arms around his neck.

"There's a lot we need to talk about," she said, playing with his short hair.
"I know," he answered. "But since you're not going anywhere tonight, I thought we'd save the

discussion for tomorrow. Right now, I'm in the mood for something else."

"Hmm. What's that?" she asked, pressing her body against his.
"Dessert. I didn't have one at Mum's," he said huskily as he lifted her up and placed her on his

dining table, her legs dangling on the edge.

Her breathing became fast and hard. "Here?" she asked.
"Yes," he said with a wicked smile. "I want to taste you all over," he whispered in her ear.
She shivered with delight as he nibbled her neck, her throat, her shoulders. Just like he did in

the bedroom, he laved her with kisses all over, but this time he was more measured, in control,

His mouth moved downwards, kissing and nipping the valley of her full breasts, her abdomen,

her thighs. His lips left a trail of fire on her sensitised skin, rekindling her need for his possession.

But for all the attention he lavished on her body, he avoided her most sensitive parts. Her

nipples ached for his attention and her pussy, already slick with her wetness, was crying for his touch.

"Dylan..." she whispered earnestly as his mouth busied itself on the inside of her thigh.
"Yes, baby?" he murmured, moving his way back up her body with butterfly kisses.
"Kiss me, touch me," she breathed.
He chuckled against her belly. "Isn't that what I'm doing?"
"Not there."
He lifted his head to look at her, his gaze tender and carnal at the same time. "Where,

sweetheart?" he asked with an impish smile.

"You know where," she said, suddenly shy.
"Tell me," he commanded salaciously.
She licked her lips and moved her hand to a heavy breast. "Kiss me here," she said as she

swiped a thumb on a hardened nipple.

Dylan let out a soft moan as he flicked the bud with his tongue, then sucked on it.
"What else do you want, baby?" he asked hoarsely.
"My pussy, please," she cried softly, need overriding shyness.
"Yeah? What do you want me to do?"
"Touch me there."

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He straightened as he spread her legs wider apart. His hands stroked her thighs slowly before

he let his fingers get closer to her wet centre. He ran his thumbs around the lips then he wet them with
her juices.

She moaned, the anticipation burning her up further.
Dylan shifted her bottom closer to the edge of the table and arranged a couple of chairs on

either side of him. He grabbed her left leg and let it rest on a chair, doing the same for the right one.
Now she was splayed before him, and panting loudly.

He stared at her with lusty, hooded eyes, his hard, erect cock jerking in the air.
Her chest heaved at the sight of him, her mouth open to take in more air.
Dylan stroked his beautiful hardness with his hand before he stepped between her legs to

slowly tease her entrance with his engorged length, coating the tip with her wetness.

"Dylan," she cried, her hips bucking involuntarily, her body wanting to take him in.
But he resisted. Instead, he brought his shaft to touch her swollen nub and stroked it with his

manly heat.

"Oh, God," she groaned. Her pelvis was restless as he played with her clit with his erection.
"Oh baby, I can't wait to put this inside you. You're so fucking hot," he said breathlessly.
"Now," she whimpered.
"You want it now?" he asked huskily.
"Yes, please."
"Like this?" He inserted the head and pulled out, then in again, then out again...and

again...each time only thrusting a couple of inches in.

"Baby," she panted. "More please."
He drove in again, much deeper this time, then pulled right out and stroked her clit with his

cock...then in again, then out, then to her clit.

"Dylan," she moaned. "You're driving me crazy."
"Oh, God, sweetheart, so are you," he groaned before thrusting in her, sheathing himself to the

hilt and moving in and out, this time not leaving her.

Together they panted and moaned as Dylan drove into her over and over, again and again,


"Ahh, yes...please...Oh, God..." She was almost incoherent, pleasure swamping her whole

being, as Dylan's hardness stroked her inner walls.

His thumb moved to her clit, and he rubbed as his thrusting increased, his breathing harsh,

heavy and loud.

"Dylan!!" she cried, her head thrown back as she convulsed all around him, stars swimming in

her eyes.

He wasn't far behind.


"That was very naughty, doing it here," she said as Dylan helped her off the dining table.
He pulled her in his arms, chuckling. "Well, you seemed to enjoy it."
"Is your hunger satisfied?" she asked, scrunching her face at him playfully.
He grinned. "Oh yeah. For now. But you already know I never get enough of you," he said

softly, kissing her on the lips.

She sighed as she wrapped her arms around him, revelling in his tender embrace and in the

afterglow of their lovemaking.

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Ari sat contentedly on Dylan's lap while they soaked in the morning sun on his balcony.

"I have to go home soon, honey," Ari murmured, but she was too lazy to move. It was too

beautiful a day, and much too sweet being in his arms to want to be anywhere else.

"Do you have to?" Dylan asked, tightening his arms around her.
"Yes. I have to work. Aren't you busy, too?"
He sighed. "Yes. Can you stay here again tonight? I'll pick you up around dinner time?"
"Okay, but I'll drive. It will be easier for me to drive home the next morning."
"Maybe you can bring enough of your clothes here so you won't have to worry about an

overnight bag every time," he said against her neck.

"That's a good idea," she smiled, stroking his arm lightly.
"And maybe you can set up the other spare room here as your other work room."
She twisted around to look at him. "Why?"
"So you won't need to hurry home, like during weekends for example. You can do some work

while hanging around with me."

She stared at him. It made sense. Geez, it was a great idea. But …
Dylan raised his eyebrows at her in query.
"I guess I could do some sketching and designing here."
"Do you need your sewing machine?"
"No. I can do without it. I already send most of my sewing work to contractors. But wedding

dresses are a different story altogether. I do all the hand-stitching and beading on them. I wouldn't
trust anyone else with them. And I have another order to work on after I finish Jasmine's. One of my
former officemates is getting married, and she asked me to make her dress."

"So that means…?"
"That means I still need to go home to work on them."
"Can you bring them here?"
"All the materials? It would be impractical, Dyl. I'll end up lugging them in the car all the time

and they might get dirty."

"Okay, then," he conceded. "Maybe we can work something out later. But you'll be spending

all of next weekend with me right? From Friday night to Sunday night?"

She bit her lip. "Yes...but I'll need to spend a chunk of Saturday with other people."
He grinned widely. "I know, baby. And I'm making all the plans for your birthday, not you.

You just have to sit tight and relax."

"Really? What are you planning to do?" she asked excitedly.
Dylan wriggled in the chair. "You'll find out soon enough," he said, a frown appearing on his


"What's wrong?" she asked, sensing the shift in his mood.
The long look he gave made her anxious.
"There's something I want to ask you, sweetheart," he said.
"Okay," she said nervously, twisting on his lap so she was facing him.
"Would you let me help you? You know, when you need it? And not fight with me about it?"
Her face softened. "Yes, of course. I know you no longer think I'm after your money. So when

I need your help, I'll ask you."

Dylan's smile was filled with relief. "You won't have to ask," he said, giving her a soft kiss.

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"What do you mean?" she asked.
"I'll just give you what you need," he replied, continuing to kiss her.
She stilled.
"What?" he asked.
"I'll still want you to ask me, not just push it on me."
"Push it on you?"
"Yes. I don't want to feel like a kept woman, Dyl. I've always been independent and I don't

want to lose that. It would be like losing my sense of self."

He exhaled sharply and held her close, burying his face in her neck.
"I get it," he murmured.
"Are you okay?"
"If I give you a surprise for your birthday, it's okay, isn't it?" he asked.
She sighed. He looked truly worried. What had he planned?
Well, as it would be her birthday present, she would accept it gracefully and gratefully. He

was probably thinking of getting her a sewing machine for his spare room.

"I love birthday surprises, so don't ruin it now," she teased before kissing him thoroughly.

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"Where are we going?"

"That's about the fifth time you asked me that in the span of ten minutes, baby," Dylan chuckled

as he drove out of the garage. "I'm not telling you no matter how many times you ask. You'll know
soon enough."

"Okay," Ari sighed. "I guess I'll just have to wait and see."
He smiled and put some music on. In less than an hour, they would be picking up Sylvie and

Kenny from the airport.

He was confident Ari would love that part of her birthday surprise. But he didn't want to lie to

her anymore. They were back together and he didn't want to do anything that would trip him up later.

He took her hand and brought it to his lips as he navigated the traffic. God, he loved her so

much. He didn't want to lose her again.

So he would tell her the truth once they got back home from the airport and hope it wouldn't

put him in the doghouse. She did say that she loved birthday presents, didn't she?


"The airport? We're going to the airport?"

"Sure looks like it, doesn't it?" Dylan grinned, delighting at Ari's dumbstruck expression.
"But we didn't pack anything. And we're having dinner with friends tonight...here in Sydney,"

she said with confusion. "Are we having a joyride or something?"

He laughed out loud. "Now that's a thought for your next birthday."
He parked the car and looked at her. "We're going for a walk."
Ari sighed. "I'm just going to zip my mouth and see what happens next."
"That's a great idea. Let's go."
They walked hand-in-hand to the arrivals hall for regional flights when Dylan felt Ari squeeze

his hand tightly.

"Port Macquarie flights use this terminal," she said with suppressed hope.
"Really?" he asked nonchalantly while he consulted the arrivals board. "You're right. Look.

It's says here a Port Macquarie flight just landed fifteen minutes ago."

His timing was excellent. Their visitors should be walking out at any minute now.
"So what are we doing here?" Ari asked, her eyes shining with barely contained excitement.
He shrugged, unable to hide his grin.
"Dylan! Tell me or —"
"Aunt Ari!"
They turned to see a brown-haired boy running toward them, his mother following at a slower

pace, grinning widely.

"Kenny! Sylvie!"
Ari wrapped her arms around the boy, holding him tight against her. "What are you guys doing

here?" she asked in wonder.

"We won Lotto, Aunt Ari!"

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"What?" Ari cried just as Sylvie reached them and joined in the hug.
Dylan cringed. Why didn't he think of calling Sylvie first and straightening out the story with


"Yes, we won Lotto," Kenny continued animatedly. "Not millions of dollars but lots. I can get

my new leg and mum can enroll me in this special athletics training with a really great coach. You
have to pay this coach some money, you see. But he could help me get to the Paralympics when I'm
older," Kenny said before stopping to take a breath.

"That's great, Kenny," Ari said dazedly. "Sylvie, is this true?"
Sylvie simply nodded her head enthusiastically, her eyes darting to Dylan.
"Oh," Ari said, "guys, this is Dylan, my boyfriend. Dyl, this is my sister Sylvie and my

nephew Kenny. But you already know that, don't you? Or we won't be here," Ari said to Dylan with
narrowed eyes.

"Your boyfriend?" Sylvie asked, staring at Dylan in astonishment. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Dylan opened his mouth to say something when Ari piped in. "I told you about him, Vie."
His head twisted to Ari. When did she tell Sylvie about him?
"You told me you were going out with a hunk you met through friends, then you broke up with

him, then you're back together again. You never told me his name," Sylvie said.

"Well, now you know. So, how did this happen? Did you two contact each other?" Ari asked,

wagging her forefinger between Dylan and Sylvie.

"Ah, yes," Sylvie responded a tad hesitantly. "I called Jasmine to tell her we wanted to

surprise you for your birthday. She said she'd arrange the surprise with Dylan."

Ari chuckled. "You probably spoke to Jasmine when Dylan and I were on a break." She

frowned and turned to Dylan. "But you didn't tell Sylvie you're my boyfriend."

"Why don't we go home and we can talk about all this," Dylan suggested. "I knew you'd want

to be with Sylvie and Kenny while they're here this weekend, so I thought they could stay with us at
my place."

Ari grinned and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him soundly on the lips, before giving

her sister and nephew another hug.


"Nice car," Sylvie commented as they got into Dylan's Mercedes.

"Hey, doesn't this car look like the one your old boyfriend had, Aunt Ari? The one Mum calls

the arrogant prick?" Kenny asked innocently.

"Kenny!" Sylvie and Ari exclaimed in unified horror.
"Don't say those words again," Sylvie reprimanded.
"Which ones? Arrogant prick?"
Dylan swallowed his chuckle.
"What does prick mean?" Kenny continued. "I guess it's a forbidden word for kids like me,

huh? Like the F word."

"Yes! Now behave," Sylvie snapped.
"Sorry," Kenny mumbled. "I'm sure Dylan's not a pr —. I'm sure Dylan's a nice guy, not like

the other guy. Even though they're both rich."

"Yes, he's a nice guy, Kenny," Ari said with a resigned sigh, reaching to squeeze Dylan's

hand. He squeezed it back, assuring her he didn't mind Kenny's ramblings.

"Yes, I really am a nice guy, Kenny," he confirmed.

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"Good. 'Cause if you hurt my Aunt Ari, Dylan, I'm going to hunt you down," Kenny said

fervently. "I can run fast, you know. Faster than kids with two real legs. You can't run away from me."

"Yes, I heard you're a good runner, Kenny," Dylan said with a smile. "I promise I'll be good to

your auntie. I wouldn't want to be chased by you."

"Good. I'm the only man in this family, you know. That's why I look after my mum and auntie."
At the corner of his eye, Dylan saw Ari's amused smile.
"I understand, Kenny," Dylan said. "You're a good boy—looking after your mum and your


"Yes, thank you. But you can look after Aunt Ari, if you like. She lives too far away from us."
"It will be my pleasure. Thank you for your trust."
"You're welcome."
For the rest of the trip, Kenny entertained them with stories about school, his favourite

sportsmen, and his favourite food. Dylan was glad he could do something for Ari's wonderful
nephew. A child like him should be encouraged to follow his dreams, no matter what his
circumstances were.


"What's this?"

Dylan watched Ari's face as she opened the envelope her sister handed her.
"Sylvie," Ari whispered. "Why?"
"I'm just paying you back, silly," Sylvie replied. "I told you we won some money from Lotto."
"But this is too much."
"No, it isn't. I already told you how much we won. That includes your share of the winnings."
"No. No. You and Kenny need it more."
"We have enough, Ari. Please take it. You need it, too. If you don't, I'll never let you help us

ever again."

Ari and Sylvie embraced while Dylan's heart pounded like mad. The longer this charade went

on, the harder it would be extricate himself from the web of lies.

Now, how could he start?
Ari walked toward him with a watery smile on her face. "I have money for capital now,

baby," she said happily.

He smiled at her—well, he tried—but his face must have been more of a grimace because

Ari's expression turned to alarm.

"What's wrong?" she asked
"Um...nothing," he said weakly. Coward.
Ari stared at him for long minutes, her eyes searching his face.
There was nowhere to hide from that scrutiny. All he could do was silently shout his love for

her through his eyes.

Ari inhaled sharply and turned to Sylvie who was watching them with interest.
"Sylvie," Ari said casually. "How much was that Lotto ticket you bought?"
"How much? Uh...I can't remember. Five dollars?" Sylvie replied tentatively.
Dylan almost laughed out loud. Jesus. When the pressure was on, Sylvie couldn't act

convincingly even if her life depended on it.

"How did they send you the winnings?" Ari continued.
"Ah. I called them and gave them my bank account details."

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"You gave them your bank account details over the phone?"
"Oh no. No. I didn't. That would have been a bad idea. Bad idea."
"So, how did you get the money?" Ari said, squinting at her sister.
Sylvie's deer-in-headlights gaze darted to Dylan.
He sighed, knowing they were caught. He sauntered over to Ari and took her in his arms. She

was tense, but thankfully didn't push him away.

He brought his lips close to her ear. "I didn't tell you because at the time I spoke with Sylvie, I

was convinced you didn't want me anymore. So I thought it would be better if you guys didn't know
where the money came from. I was sure you wouldn't have accepted it, if you knew it was from me."

"What do you mean I didn't want you anymore?" she asked with a scowl.
He smiled, glad that was the part that caught her attention.
"Well, you didn't want to see me. You weren't even talking to me after all those phone

messages and texts I left you. And I thought you'd never mentioned me to your sister."

"But why did you still want to help us, if you thought that?"
"Because I love you, you silly woman. How can I just sit back when I knew what you were

going through?" he chastised her gently, kissing her face.

"How did you know what I was going through?" she asked, leaning back.
With that question, he was reminded of how she couldn't open up to him, how she didn't want

to share significant issues with him, how she didn't want him to be a part of the solution to her
problems. His heart compressed and he dropped his arms to his side. God, he thought he was fine
with all that. Evidently, her capacity to hurt him was greater than he thought.

"I asked Jasmine. At least she understood," he said flatly. He was aware that his face showed

pain, but he didn't care. It was about time she knew how much she hurt him.

Ari's jaw dropped in surprise at his sudden change in demeanour.
He turned and put some distance between them. "I told Sylvie that a friend of mine, who

insisted on remaining anonymous, won Lotto and was feeling charitable."

Ari turned to Sylvie with arched eyebrows. "You bought that story?"
Sylvie lifted her shoulders. "He was very convincing," she replied then turned to Dylan. "So

the money was really from you?"

He gave her a small smile. "Yes."
Sylvie gazed at him for long seconds before bringing her palms to her chest. "Thank you,"

Sylvie said, trotting to him and hugging him tight.

"It's my pleasure, Sylvie," he replied, touched.
"You're a lifesaver," Sylvie continued.
He chuckled. "Now, that's a bit of an exaggeration."
"No. It's not. All you need to do is take a look at Kenny and see how excited he is about his

new leg and new athletics coach," Sylvie said. "Anyway, I think Kenny and I would go for a bit of
walk before we all have lunch."

Sylvie called to her son, who was busy staring at the vista outside the balcony. "Kenny! Come

with me, darling. We're going for a walk."

Sylvie turned to them before walking out the door. "If you guys don't let go of your baggage,

your hands will be too full to hold each other."

When the front door closed, Dylan returned his attention on Ari. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you,"

he said softly.

Ari sniffed and ran to him.

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He caught her and held her tight, placing butterfly kisses on her face.
"I'm so sorry, honey," Ari cried and held his head between her hands, ensuring he looked into

her eyes. "I trust you. I do want to confide in you. I promise I'll be better at sharing from here on in."

"So does that mean you're not going to give me a hard time about the money I gave you guys?"
She smiled, her eyes swimming in tears. "No. You're off the hook, this time."
"I'd want to take care of you all the time, Ari. Not just this one time. Would that be okay?"
"As long as you don't ask me to stop working so I can be a useless trophy girlfriend," she said


He laughed before taking on a serious countenance. "I think too highly of you to treat you like

that, Ari."

"Well, I have your money in my hot little hands which I'm going to use as capital for my new

design business," she said, waving the envelope Sylvie handed her earlier. "But I want to pay you

"Sweetheart," he said in a warning tone.
Ari pressed a finger to his lips to stop him from talking. "There are two options I could think

of off the top of my head. Option one is for me to pay you back every cent once I make a profit—with
interest, of course. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee when I would be able to pay you back in full."

"It doesn't really matter when you'll be able to pay me back," he replied. "What's option two?"
"Option two is for you to consider this money as a form of investment in my new business. As

my sole and very important investor, I'm happy to give you fifty percent of any profit the business
makes. But, like any other venture, there's a risk. I don't know when the business would become
profitable so I don't know when you'll get earnings from your investment. But I'm going to work so
hard so you could get a good return for your money. What do you think?"

He smiled. This was an opening for him to pump more cash into her business and help her

grow it. "If I take option two, then I also want to be actively involved in the business. In other words,
since I'm going to take both risk and reward just as much as you are, I want to be your business

Ari pursed her lips, but he could see the excitement in her eyes.
"Do you have the time to be involved in a new venture?" she asked.
"Yes. I'll make time. This is important. And if need be, we'll employ people to help with

things we don't have time for."

"The business can't afford to pay employees yet," Ari argued.
"We can discuss that during our board meeting," he grinned.
Ari was quiet for a few seconds before she responded. "Well, you're vastly more experienced

than me in growing a business so I'd be a fool to decline your offer. You just got yourself a new
business partner, Mr. Summers."

His lips curled up happily. "I'm absolutely delighted, Miss Mitchell." He caressed her face. "I

love you."

"I love you, too, Dylan. And thank you," she whispered, locking her arms behind his neck and

lifting her lips to his.

"Since your sister and nephew are out for a walk, how about a nooner with your new business

partner?" he asked after long minutes of hungry kissing.

"They could come back at any minute," Ari replied, tilting her head as his mouth made its way

to her neck.

"Call Sylvie and ask her to give us another half an hour before coming back. Since they'll be

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staying here for the weekend, we'll be stuck in the bedroom tonight, trying to be quiet. I want to make
a little noise right here, right now," he said huskily, snaking his hand underneath her shirt, unclasping
her bra and cupping a breast.

She gasped. "Then let me grab my phone and call her."

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"Ari, may I say that you look just as stunning as the bride and bridesmaids tonight."

Ari looked pointedly at the man sitting next to her, trying to stifle her grin. "You're full of

compliments today, Trey."

"Hey, I'm just saying," Trey said with a chuckle. "And I'm glad I'm sitting next to you tonight."
"Why is that?" she asked, her eyes full of mirth.
"Who wouldn't want to sit next to someone as beautiful as you, Ari?" Trey said flirtatiously.
Ari rolled her eyes. "Is this another test? Are you trying to see if I'd succumb to your charms?"

she asked teasingly.

Trey's expression turned mortified. "No! God, Ari, no! I was just trying to break the ice so I

could apologise to you. I am so, so sorry, Ari. Very sorry. I was wrong, and stupid, and —"

"Trey, it's okay. I was just kidding," she said with a hand on his arm and a sincere smile. "And

don't worry about that day. It's all forgotten."

Trey relaxed visibly. "Thank you, Ari. I really appreciate that. I thought you were still mad at

me, and that was why you didn't go with Dylan when we had dinner with him the other night."

"Oh, no, I was just really busy with final fittings and last minute touch-ups for Jasmine's

wedding and her bridesmaids' dresses. It wasn't because I didn't want to see you."

Trey swivelled his head toward the bridal party table. "Jasmine's dress is absolutely stunning,

Ari. Everyone seems to be talking about it, including the men."

"Thank you," she said, swinging her gaze in the same direction to steal another look at Jasmine

in the dress she created for her. But her eyes settled instead on Dylan who was having a conversation
with the groom.

Dylan must have sensed her, for he suddenly looked her way and found her gaping. His face

broke into a wide smile that made her heart thud hard in her chest.

She gave him a little wave and he waved back. Next to Dylan, his brother Bradley mockingly

gagged, which earned him an elbow on the rib from Dylan.

"I thought I'd never see the day," Trey murmured beside her.
She returned her attention to Trey. "What day?" she asked.
Trey smiled. "Dylan falling head over heels. I thought he enjoyed being a bachelor too much."
Her brows furrowed. "But you were there when he fell for that woman who tried to scam


Trey snorted. "That was nothing like this, Ari. I can assure you of that."
To say that Trey's response pleased her immensely was an understatement.


Ari had walked back into the ballroom after visiting the bathroom, when she saw Dylan talking to his
mother and two other women, one of whom was Rosalie. The older woman must be Rosalie's mother,
judging from their similar features.

She couldn't help the slight pout that appeared on her face. Dylan's parents were not yet aware

of her relationship with their son.

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It still hurt her a little that Dylan's mother wanted to push another woman into her son's arms

and was being so obvious about it. What would Linda say when she finally found out that Dylan was
no longer single? Would she approve of her?

"Hey, Ari!"
She turned and saw Kris approach.
"You okay?" Kris asked, darting a look at the group she'd just been staring at.
"Yes," she replied with a sigh. "It's just that Linda seems intent on making something happen

with Dylan and Pretty Miss Rosie."

"Pretty Miss Rosie," Kris said with a little laugh. "Don't worry, honey. You're much prettier

than she is. And it's you Dylan wants, not her."

She smiled at her friend. "I know. But wouldn't it be nice if his parents approved of me?"
"I'm sure they will, once they learn about the two of you. In fact," Kris continued

conspiratorially, "why don't you go over there and drape yourself around Dylan? I'm sure he won't

"Kris! I can't do that! I'll wait until we're dirty dancing to some sexy music. I'll pash him then."
The two of them giggled.
"Hey," Kris continued. "I was going to ask you about the hunky guy sitting next to you at your


"Trey?" she asked, her eyebrows arching.
"Trey, huh? He's kinda cute. Hell, he's more than cute. He's smokin' hot," Kris said, her eyes


Ari's jaw slackened as she processed Kris' clear interest in Trey.
"Is he Kane's friend?" Kris prodded.
"Yes, but he's more Dylan's friend. One of his best friends, actually."
"Oh, good! Maybe you can introduce me? I see he didn't come here with a date, so I'm

assuming he's single?"

Ari sighed. Trey was single all right. That was because he loved that lifestyle. "He's a real

playboy, Kris," she warned her friend.

"Perfect!" Kris cried.
Ari frowned at her friend in confusion.
"Oh, Ari, I just want to get laid," Kris said openly. "I haven't been with a man for almost a

year. Quite frankly, seeing you and Dylan, and Kane and Jasmine, get hot in front of us makes me want
to jump the first good-looking man I see."

"We don't get that hot in public," she protested, blushing.
Kris smirked. "Yes, you do. You guys get so oblivious you're not even aware that we can tell

when Dylan's hand is under your shirt."

She gasped at Kris in embarrassment.
Kris laughed out loud. "Oh, look at your face, Ari. And then there's Jaz and Kane. Seriously,

every time I pass by their room they're having sex. And they don't seem able to keep the volume

This time, it was Ari's turn to laugh out loud. "I know what you mean. I've heard them, too."

She paused, before reviving their earlier topic. "Are you really serious about getting laid?"

Kris shrugged. "Yeah. Since Sam and I are here for three weeks house-sitting for Jaz and

Kane while they're on their honeymoon, why not make the most of my Sydney holiday? Besides,
remember Jaz met Kane while she was house-sitting for Jessa and Rob? Who knows? I might get

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lucky like she did."

"You want to get laid with anyone?" Ari wanted to clarify.
"Not with anyone. Since I'm going to indulge myself, I want someone who's got a pretty face

and a hot body. Trey seems to fit the bill."

"If all you want is sex, yes. But …"
"That's all I want," Kris said.
"You sounded like you hoped to get lucky like Jaz. Jaz and Kane fell in love. Doesn't that

mean you're hoping to find someone special?"

"No. If I fall in love, great. If I don't, great. I just want some bedroom action, Ari," Kris said

with a hint of frustration, grasping her arms and giving her a little bit of a shake.

"O-kay," she said with a reluctant chuckle. "Just don't hope for much. Trey is the number one

playboy I know."

Kris grinned. "Don't worry. I've done casual sex a few times before. Unlike you, who didn't

know what you were getting into when you agreed to a one-nighter with Dylan."

She grinned. "He was irresistible."
Kris sighed theatrically. "Well, look at where you are now."
"You're not hoping for the same with Trey, are you?" Ari asked her friend suspiciously. She

really didn't want her to jump into certain heartbreak if she was carrying even a small seed of
romantic visions with Trey.

"Oh, Ari. I don't even know the man. But you know what? I see where you're coming from.

Maybe I should just go clubbing and pick up someone totally unknown to any of us. It would avoid
unexpected consequences."

Ari nodded her head in relief. She couldn't explain why, but she didn't feel at all comfortable

introducing Kris to Trey. As Dylan had disclosed to her a few days ago, Trey was so set on bachelor
living he wouldn't even invite a woman to his home. Not one date had ever set foot in Trey's bachelor
pad. Trey had even openly proclaimed he was done with relationships.

So just in case Kris fell in love unintentionally with someone she met while she was here, her

chances at happiness would be much higher if it wasn't Trey. Might as well put some heartbreak-
avoidance tactics in place, rather than regret it later.

"Hi, baby. Hi, Kris," a deep voice said.
A smile erupted on Ari's face even before she turned around to face Dylan.
"Are you going to dance with Ari now, Dyl?" Kris asked. "She'd been waiting all night for

you. She plans to do some dirty dancing, complete with hot lip locking and tongue play."

Ari spluttered in laughter. "Kris!"
Kris sighed as she shook her head. "Gosh. All I'm doing these days is live vicariously through

you and Jaz. It's pathetic." With that, Kris waved to them and headed for the bathroom.

"Dirty dancing, huh?" Dylan said, his eyes hot and teasing.
"I was just joking around with Kris," she said with a nervous chuckle. She knew Dylan had an

imp in him that couldn't resist shocking other people.

Dylan took her hand and headed to the dance floor. She tugged him back, unwilling to follow.
He raised an eyebrow at her, a smile playing on his lips.
"Just normal dancing, okay?" she said.
"What's normal dancing?" he asked.
"Not dirty. No hand on my ass, or my boobs for that matter. No gyrating hips, no suggestive

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movements, not even kissing," she answered.

"Oh, you mean boring dancing, then?"
"Dylan. Your parents are here …"
He chuckled and pulled her to him. "Okay. Normal dancing, it is. I just want to hold you


"Thank you."
"I want dirty dancing in bed later, though," Dylan whispered in her ear.
"Okay. You might even get a strip tease if you behave yourself tonight," she whispered back.
"Oh, really? In that case, I'll be on my best behaviour." Dylan leaned down and planted a soft

kiss on her lips before putting a hand on her back to lead her to the dance floor.

As they turned, they were greeted by a shocked Linda.
"Oh, hi, Mum," Dylan said casually, while Ari blushed a deep red.
"Hi," Linda said, trying to recover from her surprise.
"Did you want to talk to me?" Dylan asked.
"Uh, no. Actually, I was going to ask Ari to meet a couple of people who wanted to

compliment her on Jasmine's gown and the bridesmaids' dresses."

"Oh, right," Dylan said, glancing at Ari. He squeezed her tight against him as he smiled at his

mother. "Well, if you must, I suppose, Mum. But don't hog her attention for too long. I want to dance
with my girlfriend."

Ari's heart thudded in her chest. She crossed her fingers, hoping Linda would approve of her.
Linda stared at the two of them for what seemed like an eternity—although it was probably

only about three seconds—before her lips tugged into what seemed to be a delighted smile.

"Dylan, why didn't you tell me you and Ari were going out? I wouldn't have aided Rosalie's

attempts at getting closer to you, if I had known."

"Sorry, Mum. It just so happened Ari and I were in one kind of a rough patch or another

whenever she was over at your place. We didn't mean to hide us from you."

"Rough patch?" Linda said worriedly. "Is everything okay, now?"
Dylan chuckled. "Yes, Mum."
"Oh, that's good," Linda replied. "I'm so glad you finally met someone, darling." Turning to

Ari, she said. "And I'm doubly glad it's you, Ari."

Ari breathed a sigh of relief, her face splitting into a shy smile. "Thank you, Linda."
"Now, could you release her so I can introduce her to some people?" Linda asked her son.
"Okay. Just give her back to me quickly. I miss her already."
Linda patted Dylan's cheek, her face shining with happiness. "Wait till I tell your dad. He'll be

very pleased. In fact, why don't you go find him and tell him right now?"

Dylan rolled his eyes upwards. "Sorry, babe," he said to Ari. "You're gonna have to suffer

them for a while."

Ari chuckled and turned to Linda. "I hope you don't mind learning about us here tonight, Linda.

I don't want things to get awkward with you and, err, Rosalie and her parents."

"Oh, don't worry about that, darling," Linda answered, linking her arm with hers as she led her

away from Dylan. "I admit, I was hoping Dylan would ask Rosalie out because she likes him and I
wanted him to find someone special, but Dylan's clearly interested in you and not Rosalie. Rosalie
will be disappointed, but that can't be helped. Anyway, is everything really okay between you and

"Yes, it is," she answered with a smile.

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"Good, good. My son is not used to being in a relationship, Ari, so be patient with him, okay?

I would really like for things to work out between the two of you."

"Yes, thank you."
Linda shook her head and looked at her apologetically. "Oh, what am I saying. Forgive me,

Ari. I'm not going to intrude in your relationship. I'm not that bad," she said with a self-deprecating
laugh. "I'm just really happy that Dylan found someone special. I was starting to believe he really
didn't have any plans for finding himself a proper girlfriend. And I'm truly happier that it's you."

"Thank you, Linda," Ari replied, her eyes moistening a bit. "We love each other."
"Ooh!" Linda said delightedly. "That's great! I'm going to shut up now. If I go overboard, just

tell me, okay? I'll try not to mind."

"I will," she agreed with a laugh.


"Finally," Dylan said, as he wrapped Ari in his arms and swayed with her on the dance floor. He'd
waited patiently until his mother had finished parading Ari to her friends, introducing her as the
designer of her daughter-in-law's exquisite wedding gown and as Dylan's girlfriend.

"I don't think I remember a single one of the names of your mum's friends," Ari replied, laying

her head on his shoulder.

He kissed her forehead. "I'm not surprised. She practically introduced you to everyone in the


"She's really thrilled you have a new girlfriend."
"You mean she's really thrilled I have a girlfriend," he said dryly.
She giggled. "You must have worried her a lot when she thought you had no plans to find a

special someone."

"The most important thing in my mother's life is her family. She wants all of her kids to end up

like her and dad, with five loving children."

"That's so sweet," Ari murmured, before she gasped and leaned back in his arms.
"What?" he asked and followed her line of vision. What he saw was Trey dancing intimately

with Kris—a little too intimately for two people who'd only just met. He sighed. "Oh boy."

"I warned Kris about him," Ari said.
"I guess it didn't work. But she said she was only looking to get laid."
He stared at Ari and shrugged. "Well I suppose if that's all she wants, there shouldn't be a

problem. Trey wouldn't say no to a pretty girl like Kris."

"I'm worried," Ari said. "That's exactly what I said to Jasmine when I told her it was only a

one-night stand between us. And look what I did. I fell in love with you."

He smiled and brought her head back to his shoulder. "Well, I think we just need to trust that

they both know what they're doing."

He held her tighter and buried his face in her hair. He loved her so. If only he had a ring with

him right now…

But there would be a perfect time for that. For now, he'd ask her another question.
"Baby, what do you say about moving in together?"
Ari lifted her head to look at him, her eyes shining with love and excitement. "I'd say it's a

great idea. I love waking up next to you."

He grinned. "Good. We'll arrange for a removalist straight away."

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He tightened his arms around her as they swayed to the music, happy to show everyone in the

room he was in love. Truly and deeply in love.


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The love story of Kris McCann and Trey Andrews

Chapter One

Oh, weddings, you bring out the best and worst of emotions. Kristen McCann smiled wryly as she
spotted a pensive-looking young woman stare surreptitiously at a couple kissing passionately in a
quiet corner of one of Sydney's luxurious five-star hotels. Judging by their clothing, the sad-faced girl
and the canoodling pair were guests of the bride and groom. She didn't recognise them, so she
guessed they were on Kane Summers' guest list, and not on her best friend Jasmine Allen-Summers'.

She sighed as she made her way back to the grand ballroom after a quick trip to the ladies'.

This wedding—and the lead-up to it—elicited something in her, too. Lately, to her discomfort, her
libido had been very much awake.

Ever since she and her cousin Samantha Lane arrived from Melbourne a few days ago to fulfil

their bridesmaid duties, she'd been constantly in the presence of two loved-up couples. Since she and
Sam were staying at Kane and Jasmine's place while in Sydney, she'd been witness to the newlyweds'
desire for each other, even though the pair tried their best to keep their passion private. Then there
were Ari Mitchell, their other best friend, and her boyfriend Dylan Summers, Kane's brother. Those
two seemed to be in competition with Kane and Jasmine for the title Sizzling Couple of the Year.
Add to that mix the fact that she'd had a long sex drought of eleven and a half months. It was no
wonder she'd been craving a warm, masculine body to alleviate some tension.

She glanced at the amorous couple again, and her eyes widened in disbelief. The PG-rated

kiss of a few seconds ago had now become an R. She let out an incredulous laugh, surprised at the
audacity of the guy to visibly fondle his girlfriend's breast in full view of anyone who passed by.
Fortunately, most of the wedding guests were inside enjoying some dancing. Honestly, they should get
a room!

She placed her palm on the heavy door of the ballroom and pushed, only to misstep and

stumble when she saw who was on the other side of it.

"Oops. I'm sorry," a deep masculine voice said as he grabbed her arms to stop her from

falling flat on her face.

She grinned. "It's not your fault. I was just surprised it's you."
The hunk with incredible grey eyes and dark brown hair lifted his eyebrows at her


"Don't mind me," she said with a shake of her head. "I just happened to be talking about you

with Ari a few minutes ago. Your name's Trey, right? I'm Kris McCann."

"Hi, Kris. Yes, I'm Trey—Trey Andrews." The gorgeous one gave her a curious look as he

shook the hand she offered him. "But of course, I already know your name. Hard to miss when you're
one of the stunning bridesmaids."

She smiled at the compliment.
"So, why were you and Ari talking about me?" Trey asked.
"Oh, it was nothing important," she said with a laugh. "Besides, I really shouldn't tell you."
"Now, Kris. You can't just leave it like that. You can't incite my interest then leave me

hanging," Trey said lightly.

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She pursed her lips. "Considering I agreed with Ari's suggestion, there's really not much point

discussing it with you."

"Now I'm even more intrigued," Trey said with a wide, engaging smile.
She sighed—well, it was really more like a swoon. Trey really was gorgeous. Should she tell

him that she had asked Ari to introduce them to each other for the possibility of some casual sex? Ari
was clearly against the idea, warning her of Trey's reputation as a playboy. Since it had been Dylan
who'd told Ari that, and Dylan was Trey's best friend, she had no reason to doubt the accuracy of that

Not that she cared about Trey being a playboy. Crude as it might sound, all she wanted was to

get laid and Trey happened to catch her eye. But Ari had been concerned about possible
complications. To put her friend at ease, Kris had agreed that it would be better if she considered
someone else who was a complete stranger to all of them.

"I can see the wheels turning in that beautiful head of yours," Trey teased flirtatiously. "Come

on, tell me."

She bit her lip to hide her smile as she stared at him, contemplating her next words. "My

cousin Samantha and I are here in Sydney for three weeks to house-sit for Jasmine and Kane while
they're on their honeymoon. I said to Ari that I wanted to make the most of it. One thing I wanted to do
was to meet someone for some casual sex while I'm here. Not that it's something I do a lot of, but it's
been a while, and I'm…you know," she said with a shrug.

Trey's eyes opened wide in surprise. She must have shocked him with her candidness. The

truth was, sometimes her brain-to-mouth filter failed to work. The fact that she already had a bit of
alcohol in her made it worse.

"Sooo," Trey said with a suppressed smile. "How did I end up being in the conversation?"
She lifted her shoulders. "Since it's a moot point, let's not talk about it."
"Why is it a moot point?"
"Because it won't be with you!" she laughed.
Trey's eyes sparkled with interest. "So you considered me?"
"Considered you and scratched you out," she confirmed flippantly.
"Why? What's wrong with me?" he asked with mock indignation.
"Nothing much that I can see," she admitted, casting an admiring glance at his form. She bet

there was a great body hiding underneath that expensive suit.

Trey's smile widened, making her want to swoon again. Damn it, Ari. Why did I listen to


"So why did you scratch me out?" he asked.
"Ari didn't think it was a good idea. Too complicated."
Trey laughed out loud. "That, coming from someone who propositioned her friend's brother-

in-law for a one-night stand."

She joined him in laughter. "I know. But I think that's why she's worried. She thinks I might

fall for you like she did with Dylan."

"Oh. Are you looking for a boyfriend? If so, she's right to warn you off me. I'm allergic to

relationships," Trey said with a teasing smile, but his eyes betrayed his seriousness.

"No, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I'm looking to get laid. But to avoid any unexpected

consequences, I've agreed to look elsewhere."

"Are you always this frank?" Trey asked, astounded.
She sighed. "Unfortunately. Mind you, I am a little bit worse tonight because of the alcohol."

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"But you're not completely drunk?"
"Do I look completely drunk?"
"Not completely. Just a tiny little bit. Which means the alcohol wasn't affecting your judgment

when you thought of me as a potential playmate," Trey said, giving her a suggestive wink.

She chuckled. "I'm sure you already know you're one hot guy, Trey. But you know what? I

agree with Ari. Better not go where we might not like the consequences. What if I fell for you without
meaning to? We wouldn't want that now, would we?" she asked jokingly.

Trey let out a nervous laugh. "No, we certainly wouldn't want that! I'm sure Ari and Jasmine

would line up to have my head if I hurt you."

She smiled, concealing a sigh. What a shame. If Trey was a total stranger, she was almost sure

they could end up in bed that very night. But, hey, it wasn't to be.

She glanced at the throng of people dancing the night away and couldn't help the smile that

formed on her face. She loved dancing.

"Would you like to dance, Trey?" she asked. "Dancing together wouldn't hurt, would it?"
Trey looked embarrassed. "Uh, sorry. I don't dance."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I can't dance."
"Oh, come now. Anyone can dance. You're not turning me down because I said I won't be

sleeping with you, are you?"

"What?" Trey asked, chuckling. "Of course not."
"Good. Shall we?" She held out her arm for him to take.


Trey mentally shook his head as he ambled to the dance floor with Kris. She was one

intriguing woman, and he'd surprised himself by agreeing to dance with her.

He liked her outspokenness. He wondered if she was simply a little bit drunk or if she really

was as straightforward as she seemed to be.

She was a breath of fresh air, very much unlike most of the women he'd met in the past, who'd

told him what they thought he wanted to hear so they could get in his pants—and most of all, his

Kris nudged him with her hip, encouraging him to move. He started to shuffle his feet—or

tried to. Heaven knew he couldn't dance and avoided it at all costs. But his lips curved up as he
watched Kris, even though he felt like a klutz next to her.

God, she moved well. Really, really well. He'd noticed it earlier when the bridal party

danced the bridal waltz with bits of salsa, tango, and freestyle thrown in. She was easily the best in
the group, and it was obvious she loved every minute of it.

He wondered if she had sex just like she danced—with abandon.
He took a sharp breath at the erotic picture that formed, and snaked an arm around her waist to

pull her close. "You're a great dancer," he said in her ear so she could hear him over the blaring
music and people singing merrily along at the top of their lungs.

Kris grinned, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling. To his surprise she swayed seductively

around him, letting her hand slide across his chest, his shoulder, his neck, then back to his chest as she
completed the circuit of his awkwardly jiggling form.

Hell, she made him hot. And he couldn't have her. Damn.

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The fast music ended and a slow tune started playing. He took advantage of it and pressed her

against him with a firm arm around her waist.

Kris curved her arms around his neck, her body soft and yielding against his.
Fuck. She felt good. He felt his loins stir as he danced intimately with her.
"Do you like dancing, Trey?" Kris asked, her breath tickling his ear.
His chest heaved. Did she want a literal or a metaphorical answer?
"Depends on what you mean by 'dancing'," he answered huskily, brushing away a strand of

blond hair that strayed to her face.

She let out a low, sexy laugh. "I mean dancing as in actual dancing—not sex."
"Oh. No, I don't. Except for right now."
"Oh? What makes 'right now' different?" she asked, her arms tightening around his neck, her

body pressing closer to his.

Was she giving him a hint? A come-on? Was he under consideration again? He wouldn't mind

that at all!

He licked his lips and smiled. "You're an excellent dance partner, and it's incredibly arousing

dancing with you," he said. Not that he had to draw her attention to his excited member. It was quite
obviously hard against her.

Kris leaned back and scrunched her face cutely. "You're still out of the game, even if I'm

flirting with you while your you-know-what is poking my belly."

He laughed out loud, even as disappointment pricked him. "But why? I think we'd have a great

time together."

"That's the problem. We might have too great a time. I think you're dangerous, Trey Andrews,"

she said openly.

He gaped at her, trying to determine her meaning. Was she saying she could easily fall for him

if they slept together? He sighed. He wasn't being egotistical, but there were enough girls in his past
who'd said they were only after sex and ended up chasing him for a relationship.

He couldn't have that. A few years ago, he'd been too trusting of a particular woman and found

himself taken for a ride. He'd learned his lesson. Now, his chosen lifestyle—the bachelor lifestyle—
suited him to a tee. He had no plans of giving it up.

He still let himself be seduced by beautiful women, though. He was a full-blooded male, after

all. But he was careful enough—and, he'd like to think, considerate enough—to let them know he
wasn't interested in anything beyond casual.

So Kris was right. He wouldn't want her falling for him at all. Better not go there.
"Okay," he said. "It's loud and clear. You and I won't be having sex. Right?"
"Right," Kris agreed.
"Great," he said, ignoring the deflation he suddenly felt. "Let's go back to the topic of dancing

—real dancing. Dylan mentioned you guys took some lessons for the bridal waltz. Where did you

Kris chuckled. "I taught everyone."
His eyebrows arched. "You taught everyone?"
"Yes. I'm a part-time dance teacher at a Melbourne dance studio."
"That explains a lot," he said with admiration. "You do dance like a pro."
"Thanks," she said with a smile. "But the guys were excellent students. We only had a handful

of sessions and they got the steps pretty quickly."

"If I were in that bridal party, you would have had a harder time. I don't think you could teach

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me how to dance like that in one hundred lessons," he said self-deprecatingly.

"Oh, but you underestimate my teaching skills!" she teased. "Let's have a bet on this."
"What do you mean?"
"I bet I can teach you how to dance well in a few lessons. By the time I have to go back home

to Melbourne, you'll be a good enough dancer that you could be the centre of attention on any dance

He snorted in disbelief. "Me become a good dancer in three weeks? Yeah, right."
"Prove me wrong then," she challenged.
He smiled. This could be fun. "Okay. I bet I'll be the first guy who fails your class."
"I bet you'll pass with flying colours," Kris answered.
"What does the winner of this bet get?" he asked.
Kris grinned. "If I win, you take me to a nice dinner. If you win, meaning you're still a crap

dancer in three weeks, I'll take you dancing—where you will have the wonderful opportunity to dance
solo in front of an audience."

"Hang on a minute. That doesn't sound right," he said in confusion. "If you lose and I still have

two left feet by the time you go home, my prize for winning the bet is to dance solo in front of

"That's right. That would ensure you work hard and not pretend you're not learning even

though you are."

"Why would I want to win, then?"
"Exactly. That's why I should win."
"I don't know about this. I make a fool of myself every time I dance, so I just don't," he


"You're dancing right now," Kris pointed out.
He laughed to cover his embarrassment. "Yeah. It's your fault."
He was rewarded by a sweet smile.
"You're not doing too badly," she consoled him.
He snorted. "You don't need to spare my feelings."
"Look around you," she encouraged. "See how much fun everyone else is having? You don't

have to be a good dancer to enjoy dancing. You just need to be less self-conscious."

"There is still no way in the world I'm going to dance solo with everyone staring at me."
"That's why you have to help me win this bet, you see? Come on, it'll be fun!"
"You sure know how to motivate your students, don't you?" he grumbled.
"So we have a deal?" she asked in an almost-squeal.
Oh, hell. How could he say no to that excited face? Plus, the idea of spending more time with

Kris appealed to him—even if they weren't going to sleep together. "Okay, we have a deal," he said a
tad cautiously.

"I do have one big condition, if I'm going to participate in this very scary bet," he said.
"What's that?"
"Don't tell anyone you're teaching me how to dance. My friends would undoubtedly want to

watch me trip over my own feet, and that would be mortifying."

"Okay. But how are we going to keep this from them?"
They were both silent as they thought of a good enough excuse. Suddenly, Kris said, "I know.

We can tell them you're taking me to all these different clubs so I can find a decent man to have a

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short fling with. My cousin Sam wouldn't want to tag along if that's the reason we give her."

He laughed. "Okay, for some reason, I can actually see them believing that. Little would they

know you're trying to convert one of my left feet to a right one."

"Now that I think about it, it would be great if you could take me to places where I could have

my choice of hunks to play with. Maybe after our lessons we could go out and do that?"

What? He stared at her in disbelief.
"I'm not kidding, Trey. I still intend to fulfil this little fantasy of mine. Take me to your

favourite pick-up places. Pretty please?"

"Sure," he replied, feeling bothered. He found himself hoping that Kris was simply way too

tipsy to mean what she'd just said.


Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Book 4) now available from Amazon.

.com link:

Secret Moves

UK link:

Secret Moves

Thank you so much for reading!
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Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Available at Amazon

Secret Dreams Series

Secret Words (Secret Dreams Book 1)
The love story of Jasmine Allen and Kane Summers.
.com Link:

Secret Words

UK Link:


Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Book 3)
The love story of Kris McCann and Trey Andrews.
.com link:

Secret Moves

UK link:

Secret Moves

Secret Tastes (Secret Dreams Book 4)
The love story of Samantha Lane and Adam Craig.

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)
The love story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews.
.com Link:

Will To Love

UK Link:

Will To Love

Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
The love story of Jessa Allen and Rob Granger.
.com Link:

Heart Robber

UK Link:

Heart Robber

Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 3)
The love story of Faye Summers and Ray Thackery.
.com Link:

Ray of Love

UK Link:

Ray of Love

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