Sweet Dreams 4 Secret Tastes

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Title and Copyright

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two


Will To Love Extract

Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

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Secret Tastes

(Secret Dreams Book 4)

By Miranda P. Charles

Copyright © 2014 Miranda P. Charles

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded or distributed in any form

without the express permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, locations, organisations and events described in

this novel are either products of the author's imagination, fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to any event, locale or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love
Heart Robber

Ray of Love

Secret Dreams Series

Secret Words

Secret Designs

Secret Moves

Secret Tastes

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Samantha Lane was wet. Very wet. Even the ends of her long, deep brown hair were sodden. Her
umbrella was nowhere near big enough to protect her from the incessant rain.

The good news was she was now first in line for a taxi. The bad news was she'd been

standing there for over twenty minutes, and the last cab that picked up the passenger before her had
left ten minutes ago. Where were all the blasted taxis?

If she wasn't still on a high from a wonderful night, she'd be downright cranky by now.

Fortunately she was still feeling the buzz, which negated the dampening effects of the bad weather and
the long wait to get home.

The cooking master class presented by the Michelin starred celebrity chef, who flew in to

Sydney just for the special event, had been fantastic. But it was the last two hours of mingling with the
attendees that held enormous value for her.

Those who had paid top dollar for the closed door 'after-class drinks' had been given the

opportunity to meet and greet food industry experts who were normally out of reach to the general
public. Professionals from fresh food suppliers to well-known Australian chefs were on hand.

And paid top dollar, she had. She wouldn't have missed it for the world. While part of her

reason for coming to Sydney was to visit her cousin Kris McCann and their best friends, Jasmine
Allen-Summers and Ari Mitchell, she made sure her trip coincided with this rare occasion.

All in all, she had an excellent time. Except for one thing. She was sure she had just made an

enemy tonight—with an ultra-glamorous, sensational-looking woman whose first name she didn't get
to know.

Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook—as she'd nicknamed her—rubbed her off the wrong way

with her haughty, unfriendly attitude and her ridiculous questions that anyone with the most limited
understanding of food preparation would know. For heaven's sake, people shelled out good money to
learn advanced cooking techniques, not waste their time hearing answers to basic questions like 'how
do you know if the oil's hot enough?' Seriously!

She wasn't usually the rock-the-boat type of person, but geez, Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook

really got up her nose. It had been her bad luck that she had to sit next to the woman all through the
class. When she quietly—and very politely—volunteered to teach Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook
the basics of cooking after the master class had finished, she got an evil glare and a bitchy flick of
lustrous hair with perfectly manicured fingers. She probably shouldn't have offered, but the woman
was hogging the Q&A with her elementary level questions.

Samantha exhaled loudly. Thinking about Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook while standing in

the middle of a driving rain diminished her remaining enthusiasm. Thank God she wasn't likely to
bump into that woman again.

She craned her neck, hoping that the vehicle drawing near was an empty cab. Unfortunately, it

wasn't even a taxi. Maybe she should text Kris back and tell her she needed to be picked up after all.
She should have waited until she was inside a cab before sending her cousin a message that she
would catch one home instead.

The approaching car slowed down to a stop directly in front of her and the driver wound

down the passenger side window.

"Sam?" a man called from within.
Surprised, she bent down to look inside the vehicle. Her heart started beating wildly as a

handsome face with chestnut hair and hazel eyes grinned at her. Goodness, it was Adam Craig.

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"Adam! What are you doing here?"
"I've come to pick up a friend. I didn't know you'd be here. Hop on in."
She eyed the interior of his expensive luxury car. "I'm drenched. I might ruin your leather

seat," she responded.

"Don't worry about it," Adam said with a laugh, reaching over to open the front passenger


With a grateful smile, she closed her umbrella and got in. She felt guilty about the amount of

water dripping off her but she let herself relax. She was comfortable with Adam. As he was one of
the best friends and business partners of Trey Andrews, Kris's fiancé, she'd known Adam long enough
to know he was a wonderful, easy-going guy.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, thanks. I'm glad you saw me standing there. I was debating whether I'd go back inside

and ask Kris to pick me up. I didn't anticipate the lack of taxis but I suppose it's understandable in this
weather on a Saturday night."

"I should have known you'd be here. How come you didn't mention it yesterday?" Adam


"Oh, I told the girls about it but you guys must have been so busy chatting that you didn't hear."
"We should have another karaoke session like that," Adam said with a grin. "That was fun."
"It certainly was," she agreed, remembering with fondness their little party organised by Kris

and Trey at their place in celebration of her short visit from Melbourne.

Adam was a bit like her when it came to karaoke—not bad at all, but not good enough to win

any competition. As usual, Jasmine had been the best singer. Her husband Kane Summers had stared
at her like he'd wanted to ravish her as she sang a sexy song. Ari could carry a tune, too. When her
fiancé Dylan Summers—Kane's brother and Adam's other best friend and business partner—joined
her for a duet, it had been touching. Cheesy, but touching. But she thought the best part of yesterday
was when Trey proposed to Kris after showing off his new dance skills while Jasmine sang.

"So how was the cooking class?" Adam asked as he drove toward the covered area just

outside the entrance of the function centre.

"It was great! Well worth it."
"Good," he answered distractedly as he scanned people's faces. "There's Sandy," he

murmured as he honked his horn briefly to attract his friend's attention.

Sam's eyes widened in dismay as a strawberry blonde looked up from her phone and smiled at

Adam's approaching car.

Oh, hell. She couldn't believe it. Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook was Sandy—Adam's on-

again, off-again girlfriend.

She thought Adam and Sandy had broken up for good. Were they back together again? Why

was Adam picking her up?

Appearance-wise, it didn't surprise her that the two were attracted to each other. Adam was a

gorgeous hunk and Sandy was a stunning girl. But how could someone as nice as Adam have someone
so bitchy and juvenile as that woman for a girlfriend?


Adam shook his head surreptitiously as he watched Sandy trot to his car. He was certain Sandy would
assume his acquiescence to picking her up as a sign that he still cared. She'd be wrong. But as much
as he had been tempted to ignore Sandy's call for help, the chivalrous part of him couldn't stand the

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thought of leaving a woman—any woman—stranded in this type of weather. The fact that Sandy was
an ex who was still pushing for a reconciliation didn't stop him from doing her this favour.

Sometimes, especially when it came to obstinate girls, his considerate nature was a curse.
Sandy was about to get in the front passenger side when she froze. She'd caught sight of Sam

already sitting there. Obviously, this was totally unexpected.

He pressed a button to wind down the window. "Sandy, get in the back," he called out.
It took long seconds before Sandy snapped out of her shock and did as she was told.
"Hi," Sam said as Sandy settled herself in the car.
Sandy didn't respond.
Adam sighed. Sandy was the competitive type and typically couldn't stand being

overshadowed by another female.

"Sandy, this is Sam," he said, glancing at his rear-view mirror and catching Sandy's big

scowl. "Sam, this is Sandy," he said to Sam who was staring at the road ahead.

"Hi, Sandy. Good to meet you," Sam said pleasantly. Turning to Adam, she said, "Sandy and I

were sitting next to each other during the class but we didn't get to properly introduce ourselves."

"Oh, right. I hope you both had a great time," he said conversationally.
"Hello, Sam," Sandy finally acknowledged from the back. "How come you've never

mentioned Sam to me before, Adam? We were together for months and this is the first I've heard of

He suppressed the desire to roll his eyes. Sandy's tone was amiable but the barb was there. "I

had my reasons," he answered mysteriously.

There was a time when he'd considered Sandy's bitchy attitude as plain straightforwardness.

He had been quite infatuated with her. As a big plus, she was a bombshell. But when he finally came
to his senses, he simply got more and more annoyed by her behaviour. Sandy could be ultra-charming,
but she also loved spending his money.

He used to see Sandy as a sweet, albeit somewhat immature, twenty-five-year-old who simply

wanted a good life—a lifestyle he was easily able to give her. Well, not anymore. Now, he just found
her irritatingly shallow. Funny how his perspective had changed when the lust had worn off.

"So, darling, you're dropping Sam off first, right?" Sandy asked sweetly. "I thought we could

have coffee at my place before you head back home."

He stopped a snort that wanted to come out. Sandy's persistence in wanting to get back with

him was commendable and flattering. But frankly, he was tired of it.

A brilliant plan crystallised in his head. "No. I'm dropping you off first. I'm stopping by at

Sam's," he answered, glancing at Sam who looked surprised.

"Are you? Why?" Sandy asked suspiciously.
"Why? I want to," he answered, hoping Sam wouldn't clarify to Sandy that she was only on a

short visit from Melbourne and was staying with Kris and Trey.

Sandy was like a dog with a bone when it came to him. Telling her they were over—over and

over again—didn't seem to work. Until Sandy saw with her own eyes that he'd moved on, he doubted
she would let go.

Fortuitously, just yesterday, he had agreed to be Sam's pretend boyfriend for the sake of her

parents. She wanted to resign from her father's accounting practice—which she was supposed to head
when her dad retired in a few years—to follow her dream of going into the food industry. But Sam
was afraid she'd break her parents' hearts if she did that.

Apparently, though, both her mum and dad had been keen for her to find a life partner. When

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Kris had jokingly suggested that she should give the excuse that she'd met a man in Sydney, and that
was why she wanted to quit the practice and leave Melbourne, Sam grabbed at the idea.

As a helpful guy happy to assist a friend in need, he was more than happy to play Sam's

boyfriend if her parents insisted on meeting one. But he could also take advantage of this charade,
couldn't he?

He reached over and grabbed Sam's hand, giving it a warning squeeze. "You're not too tired,

are you, sweetheart? I thought we could continue talking about the plan we started discussing
yesterday—the one involving me meeting your folks."

Sandy's gasp from the back was audible while he noticed Sam swallow a smile.
"Of course not, honey," Sam answered, playing along with him. "It'll be great to finalise that


He grinned at her and caught the twinkling in her beautiful brown eyes.
"So when did you two start going out?" Sandy asked coldly.
"A month ago," Adam responded, making it up on the spot. "Although we'd known each other

for much longer than that. Sam is Kris's cousin."

He hoped Sandy wouldn't ask any more questions. The last time Sam had been in Sydney was

three months ago.

"But you and I went out on a date just two weeks ago," Sandy said pointedly.
"That wasn't a date," he contended. "You asked me to have lunch with you and, as a friend, I

turned up. Sam knows about it. I told her."

"Yes," Sam said, backing him up. "Adam explained everything to me. He promised not to do it


Adam almost laughed out loud at Sam's comment. It was great.

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"It looks like Kris and Trey are already asleep," Sam commented as she and Adam walked into the
couple's apartment.

"Maybe. Just to be safe, let's stay as far away from their bedroom as possible," Adam joked.

"Why don't you change to dry clothes and I'll make us coffee."

Sam was about to show Adam where the coffee machine was when she realised that he must

be more familiar with Trey's apartment than she was. She went to have a quick shower, and ten
minutes later she re-joined him.

"I'll think I'll have nightmares from those evil glares your ex was throwing at me," she said

dryly as she sat on a bar stool next to him, a steaming mug in front of her.

Adam laughed. "Don't worry. Sandy doesn't have any voodoo doll—at least, not that I know


Sam chuckled. "She's really keen on you, Adam. I've never seen sharper claws in a woman

before. But then, I must admit, the men I've dated in the past didn't have admirers as intense as

"Intense is exactly the word to describe her," Adam said with an eye-roll. "She just refuses to

accept the fact that we're over. Thanks again for playing along. I'm hoping that if Sandy thinks I have a
new girlfriend, she'll finally move on."

"No problem. You'll be doing the same for me anyway. Besides, even though I'm ashamed to

admit it, there's a childish part of me that wants to see her put in her place. For some reason, your ex
just rubs me off the wrong way." She relayed to Adam Sandy's antics during the cooking class that
annoyed the hell out of her, and Sandy's reaction to her offer for help on cooking basics.

Adam was laughing heartily when Kris and Trey appeared, both in robes, looking surprised.
"Hey guys," Adam said. "Did we wake you up?"
"Sam didn't," Trey quipped.
"Sorry. Was I too loud?"
"We weren't asleep yet," Kris said. "We thought we heard a man's voice and we wondered if

Sam took a date home with her."

"It's just me," Adam replied. "Sandy pleaded with me to pick her up from that big cooking

event and I saw Sam waiting for a taxi, drenched to the bone."

"Sammy!" Kris gasped. "You should have called me! It never occurred to me you'd have a

hard time catching a cab, but I should have known."

"Don't worry about it," Sam said dismissively. "I didn't want to bother you guys. Anyway, I

was lucky Adam saw me standing there. I wouldn't have noticed him in the car if he just drove past."

"I can't believe you're still doing things for Sandy, bro," Trey said disapprovingly.
"Don't worry," Adam said. "Sam's helped me make everything crystal clear to Sandy."
"How?" Kris asked curiously.
"We pretended we're dating."
"Oh, how interesting," Kris said with a pleased smile.
Sam narrowed her eyes at her cousin. There was something about Kris's reaction that told her

she was thrilled at this turn of events. She wouldn't be surprised if Kris thought it would be a good
idea for her and Adam to get together.

Kris had been encouraging her to be more adventurous with her choice of men. Admittedly,

her past boyfriends had been… well… boring.

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She had always been the cautious, conservative type. Sometimes it frustrated her that she held

back too much on life. She had the habit of analysing everything to death before she took action. That
trait had served her in certain circumstances, but at other times it had been a massive hindrance.

If she looked at Kris and her best friends Jasmine and Ari, their lives were richer and more

fulfilling. The three had taken big, scary steps to go after what they loved. Whereas she was the one
still stuck in a job that sucked the life out of her—something she couldn't find the heart to admit to her
parents. What was more, as Kris had pointed out to her before, she was also the one who had not had
a boyfriend who knew his way around a woman's body.

She was starting to think her cousin had a point. What was wrong with finding a man who

could truly satisfy her in bed? She'd love to know what the fuss was about. She was too embarrassed
to say it out loud, but she was jealous that her cousin and friends had captured the hearts of seriously
hot men who, by all accounts, were experts at pleasuring women.

"So when do you plan to tell Uncle and Auntie about your plans, Sam?" Kris asked, snapping

her out of her musing.

"We only just came up with this scheme yesterday. I haven't had a chance to think it through


"Just don't overthink it," Kris warned.
She smiled and nodded. Here she was again, wanting to over-evaluate things. "I'll say

something to Mum and Dad when I get back home."

"You heard her, guys," Kris said to Adam and Trey. "She promised."
The men nodded. "We'll hold you to that, Sam," Trey said.
"Adam," Kris continued, "since you're Sam's FBF, would you be available to travel to

Melbourne if need be?"

"What's FBF?" Adam asked.
"Fake Boyfriend," Kris said with a sly grin. "But in front of her parents, it would mean

Fantastic Boyfriend. Or Fabulous Boyfriend. Or…"

"Fantabulous Boyfriend," Sam supplied.
Adam chortled. "With that kind of label, how could I not want to show off?"
"Is it really okay with you, Adam?" Sam asked. "Pretending in front of my parents whom I

don't want to hurt isn't the same as pretending in front of your ex you want to get rid of."

"Of course it's okay," Adam replied. "I can understand why you want to soften the blow for

your folks, Sam. When I said to my parents I was setting up a software development business with
Trey and Dylan, they tried their hardest to discourage me. They needed me to have a regular job and
help with the bills, you see. We weren't well-off back then."

"I remember that," Trey said. "A few times, Adam almost pulled out because we were only

making enough to feed ourselves with bread and cans of tuna. Most of what we made we had to
plough back into the business."

"Yeah," Adam confirmed. "My mum, especially, didn't handle the financial stress well and

suffered a few panic attacks. Those were the hardest times. It made me feel so guilty about continuing
on with the guys. What kept me going was the strength of our vision and our belief that we would
eventually come out on top. Fortunately, after two years of hard slog, our company made a decent
enough profit the year after."

"Wow," Sam murmured. "How does your mum feel about your business now?"

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Adam chuckled. "She's fine now. She still tells me every so often she's glad I stuck to my

guns. But those first two years watching my parents' distress and feeling guilty that I was being selfish
were hard. So, if you want to lie to your parents to make the transition easier for them, I can't blame

Sam's eyes watered. She had been feeling guilty at the thought of lying to her mum and dad

just so she could do what she loved instead of what she was expected to. Without a shadow of doubt,
they would be utterly disappointed—her dad, especially. He had started the accounting practice three
months before she was born. He had worked very hard to build it to where it was now. His dream
was to keep it in the family and see her take over in a few years.

But the more she thought about it, the more she knew she had to resign. She wouldn't be doing

the company a favour by being its head when her heart was not in it.

"Thank you, Adam," she said quietly, walking over to him and giving him a hug of gratitude

for his little pep talk.

"No worries," he responded, enveloping her in his strong arms.
Hmm. He smelled good. She let go of him before she burrowed her face in that muscular chest

of his.


Sam had been gauging her parents' mood all through dinner. Her dad seemed preoccupied with
something—probably with the current goings-on at work. It wasn't unusual. Her dad found it hard to
switch off.

"Um, Mum, Dad, there's something I've been wanting to discuss with you," she started


"Oh, really? We do, too, honey. Why don't you start?" her mother Helen said.
Sam looked at her mum quizzically, then decided to just say what she had to say before she

changed her mind. "I'm thinking of moving to Sydney," she said.

Both her parents looked at her in shock, their jaws slackening.
"You want to open up a branch there?" her dad Ted asked tentatively.
Uncomfortable silence followed her declaration.
"You want to join Kris, don't you?" Helen said, her eyes starting to mist.
"That's not the main reason, Mum," she mumbled. Damn it. She had hoped her mother wouldn't

cry. She might chicken out of the whole thing if she did.

"Samantha, do you want to leave the practice?" her dad asked quietly, concern etched on his


Sam felt a pinch in her heart. Oh, Dad. I love you. But I have to live my life.
But just like before, she couldn't find the voice to say it out loud. She wouldn't be able to

stand seeing the disappointment on her parents' faces if she did.

"I met a man," she blurted out. Ah, hell. She had hoped she wouldn't have to lie, but she felt

she had no choice. She wanted her parents to at least be okay with her decision, not be hurt by it.

"You did?" Helen exclaimed in wonder, her expression turning to delight. "That's great, Sam!

Who is he?"

Sam took a deep breath. "His name's Adam Craig. He's Kris's fiancé's best friend and

business partner."

"This sounds serious, Samantha," Ted said, his brows creasing. "You want to move to Sydney

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for this man? Can he take care of you? Why do you have to make the sacrifice? Why can't he be the
one to move here?"

"Adam and his friends run a multi-million dollar business. Their company is many times

larger than our firm. It makes more sense for me to move to Sydney," she reasoned. "Besides, I want
to start a food business there—catering," she said bravely, finally able to tell her parents what she
really wanted to do. And she must leave Melbourne to make that possible. She needed to be away
from her parents' emotional pull.

"You want to make your hobby your career?"
"Yes, Dad. You know I love cooking."
"That's such hard work, Samantha. Why would you want to change careers now, when you're

doing so well in the accounting industry? You know you'll be head of our firm in a few years," Ted

"I really want to give it a try, Dad," she said in a strong voice.
Silence reigned for interminable seconds.
"If that's what you really want to do, of course we won't stand in your way," Ted said finally,

his eyes moistening.

Ah, shit. This was what she was afraid of. She'd hate it if her mum cried. But if her dad—a

strong man who hardly showed weakness—shed tears, that would be more than she could handle.

"What does your boyfriend think about all this?" her dad asked.
"Adam thinks it's a great idea for me to look into the catering business."
"No. I mean about you moving to Sydney."
"Oh. He thinks that's a great idea, too."
"So this is really serious?" Helen asked. "It sounds very sudden. You haven't even mentioned

this Adam to us before."

"I met him months ago when Kris and I visited Jasmine when she first moved to Sydney."
"But you haven't spent much time with each other."
"You know how it is, Mum," she said knowingly.
Helen smiled. "Yes I do, don't I? I did leave my parents in Cairns to be with your dad within a

month of us meeting."

Ted nodded, a smile playing on his face. "Well, if love is your reason for leaving us and the

practice, then I'm happy."

Yup. Much as she felt like scum lying to her parents, she knew the topic of a potential life

partner for her would ease their pain and worry about her news.

"My relationship with Adam is still new, so don't expect a wedding any time soon. Marriage

is still off the radar for us," she warned.

"Of course, darling," Helen said. "You have to make sure he's the one before you fully commit

to spending the rest of your lives together."

"And I'm not exactly leaving you guys. Sydney is only an hour and thirty-five minute flight

away. I'll visit often, and of course, I expect you to visit me."

"Oh, we will, Samantha," Ted said, taking her hand. "But don't take too long in making the

decision to marry, okay? I want to walk you—my only child—down the aisle before I leave this
earth. Grandkids before I pass will be good, too."

"Oh, Dad," Sam scoffed. "You're only sixty-two and I'm only twenty-seven. There's plenty of

time for that."

"You never know, honey," Ted said softly. "My doctor told me yesterday I should get tested."

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Sam stilled. "For what?" she whispered, cold fear clutching her heart at her father's tone.
"Prostate cancer. But don't worry, it's only for precaution."
"Dad…" She choked in shock.
"Don't worry, Sammy. I'm sure it's nothing. The doctor said it's just to rule out that


"Look, I don't have to move to Sydney," she babbled hastily. "I don't have to leave. I'm happy

to stay here. Yes, I'm not going anywhere." Oh, if only her dad had told her his news before she broke

"Don't be silly," Ted chided. "I know you wouldn't even have broached the subject if this

wasn't important to you. Besides, hearing you've finally found someone you love enough to not only
give up your career but to also move interstate really warms my heart. At least I know you have
somebody you could potentially spend your life with. So don't change your plans, Samantha. Your
mum and I have been waiting for you to fall in love, haven't we, dear?"

"Yes," Helen said. "Your dad and I have been discussing your future lately. We know you're

financially set. It's having a loving and supportive partner that we most want for you. It will ease our

"But what about the practice? If Dad needs rest, or surgery, or something…"
"No buts, Samantha," Ted interrupted. "I don't want to hear you changing your mind because of

me. As for the practice, we'll advertise for a replacement for you straight away. Now that I know you
don't want to stay, I don't want you there. I want you to be happy. Life is gruelling enough, and it's too
short. Going through it with the person you love is very important. That's why your mother and I are
happy to hear you've found someone special."

Sam's eyes watered. This was totally unexpected. She suspected the possibility of a terminal

disease had influenced her parents' perspective.

"But we need to meet your boyfriend," Ted declared. "I want to make sure his intentions are in

the right place when it comes to you."

"I'm already excited," Helen said.
"Me, too," Ted agreed with a bright smile on his face.
Sam gulped, too overwhelmed to speak. There was no backing out from the plan now. If her

dad did have cancer…

She shook her head, not wanting to think about that possibility.
"Please don't worry," Ted said softly. "When do you plan to move?"
She shrugged. "There's nothing concrete at this point."
"You know, Ted, it's been a while since you've taken a break from work," Helen said. "Maybe

we should go on a holiday to Sydney. We could visit the girls and meet Sam's boyfriend at the same

"Great idea," Ted said. "How about you organise it, Samantha? Just make it sooner rather than

later. I need a relaxing holiday."

Sam suppressed a sigh. She crossed her fingers under the table and prayed that she and Adam

would be able to keep up their pretense around her parents. They'd need to be a very convincing
couple in front of them.

It was a damn shame that it was all a sham, though. Heck, she hadn't admitted it to anyone, but

she'd had a crush on Adam ever since that day they first met at Kane and Jasmine's and they all had a
dip in the pool. She couldn't help but admire Adam's physique. As she got to know him better, her
admiration for him went beyond looks.

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But Adam was with Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook then so she buried her feelings. She

wondered if he was on the lookout for a new girlfriend now that he and Sandy were no longer

She had never been very good at showing men that she was interested in them. She preferred it

if they did the instigating. Could she be brave enough to let Adam know she had a crush on him?

Just the thought made her sweaty and nervy, so she pushed it aside.

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"Adam, just to let you know, I've invited Sandy and her mother to join us for dinner tonight."

Adam stared at his mother Marie in shock. "Mum, why?"
"Why not? I've become good friends with Carmen. Since it's my birthday, I can invite

whomever I want, can't I? And it would be strange if I didn't invite Sandy if I invited her mum," Marie

"But you know that Sandy and I have broken up."
"Yes. For the—what?—third or fourth time?"
Adam slitted his eyes. For whatever reason, his mother had taken a strong liking to Sandy.

Probably because Sandy had always acted nice and accommodating around his parents. She'd been
warm and considerate. She'd even dressed up differently the few times he'd agreed to take her to
dinner with his mum and dad. Instead of her usual too-revealing, sexy dresses, she'd chosen clothes
that covered up the skin she loved to show off most of the time. She'd played her cards right.

Sandy had also been the first girlfriend he'd introduced to his parents—accidentally. His folks

had turned up unannounced at his place and Sandy just happened to be there.

"Sandy and I are not getting back together, Mum," he said.
"But you're still friends, yes? Carmen told me you picked Sandy up from a cooking event last

week when it was raining hard."

He sighed. How his mother and Sandy's mother became good friends, he didn't know. He

could only guess that Marie's desire to see him settled down was a big part of that. After his younger
brother Alvin got married eight months ago, his mum's focus had turned to Adam in full force. For
some reason, Marie believed thirty-two was too old to still be single. What was it with parents and
their desire to see their kids in a married, domesticated state?

"I didn't know you wanted a party, Mum. You specifically said you only wanted us to take you

to your favourite restaurant. Just family—no one else."

"Well, I've also invited Melanie's parents. They're joining us, too."
Adam's eyes bulged out. "You're putting Sandy's mum in the same league as Melanie's

parents? Melanie's your daughter-in-law so her parents are practically family!"

"I'm just saying it's not all immediate family. If it were, it would only be me and your dad,

you, your brother and Melanie."

"Come on, Mum, admit it. You want me and Sandy to get back together."
"Is that such a crime? She's a nice girl."
"You don't really know Sandy."
"What do you mean?"
He shook his head exasperatedly, not in the habit of badmouthing ex-girlfriends to his mother.

"She's not the one for me. I know that."

Marie sighed loudly. "Okay. I'm sorry, darling. I only thought I was helping. You seemed to

really love Sandy before."

He snorted. "I used to like her. It wasn't love. Now, I just really want to move on."
"All right. But I'm afraid I can't un-invite them now. It's too late for that."
"That's fine," he said resignedly. "As long as you know not to push me onto Sandy and vice



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Adam tensed as he saw Sandy from the corner of his eye making her way toward him and the buffet
station for desserts. Sandy had been quiet so far during dinner—too quiet. That pricked his curiosity.
What was she up to? After his brother Alvin had openly declared to everyone at their table that
Adam's company was in the news because of the multi-million-dollar deal they'd secured for their
latest games app, he would bet his right arm that Sandy would be even harder to get rid of. More
dollar signs were floating all around him and that would be attracting her like a moth to a flame.

"Hi," Sandy said with a small smile as she joined him, picking up a dessert plate and eyeing

what was on offer.

"Hi," he responded, intending to keep it polite but distant.
"I'm surprised your girlfriend didn't join us tonight."
"Um, she's in Melbourne."
"Oh, right," Sandy said, her face showing a hint of a pout. "Why is she there?"
He hid a sigh. It was none of Sandy's business where Sam was, but he was keen to maintain

their amiable interaction. And might as well keep things as close to the truth as possible. It should
make the charade easier to manage.

"She lives in Melbourne," he answered.
Sandy looked at him in surprise. "She lives in Melbourne?"
"Yes." He placed a small slice of cake on his plate, hoping Sandy wouldn't push the topic


"So," Sandy said casually as she scooped up the same dessert for herself. "How do you

maintain a long distance relationship with Sam? I can't imagine you being able to hold off sex for long
periods, Adam."

"We make it work," was all he said, not really knowing how to answer that satisfactorily.
True, he loved sex and Sandy knew just how much. That was partly the reason why he had

gotten back with her a few times before—she had thrown herself at him and seduced him. Since he
wasn't that keen on one-night stands with strangers, he had succumbed to the needs of his flesh and
reconciled with Sandy.

But for all the fun he'd had in bed with her, he was ready for something more. Seeing Dylan

and Trey find the loves of their lives awakened a desire in him to find the same thing for himself.

"So, how do you make it work?" Sandy asked, her voice turning sultry as she bit into a


He snickered. Ah, here was the real Sandy. No doubt she was trying to figure out a way to

seduce him again. It was flattering—and yes, tempting. Sandy was great in bed. But she wasn't the
. If he kept on falling for Sandy's sexual temptations, he was sure he wouldn't have the freedom or
the space to find his soulmate.

Soulmate. He almost laughed out loud that he used such a word. How girly was that? But if he

was honest with himself, that was exactly what he was looking for. If his best friends—playboys,
which he never had been or could be—had found theirs, surely he could find his, too?

"So, are you going to tell me?" Sandy asked again, looking at him with a come-hither look as

she toyed with a strawberry with her tongue.

"Ahem," came a sound from behind Adam. He turned and saw an elderly woman carrying an

empty plate, frowning at them.

"Oh, sorry," he said, moving away from the buffet table to walk back to where their party was.

Sandy followed him.

"I don't kiss and tell, Sandy," he said lightly, knowing Sandy wouldn't let the matter rest. Now

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that Sandy knew Sam didn't live in Sydney, he could imagine what was going through that scheming
head of hers.

"Oh, come on," Sandy said teasingly. "You're no fun!"
He ignored her comment and sat back down on his chair.
"Your phone's been ringing, Adam," Marie said. "I pulled it out from your jacket pocket to put

it on silent. Someone named Sam called."

"Oh, thanks." He retrieved his phone. It was indeed from Sam. He wondered why she rang.
"You don't know who Sam is, Marie?" Sandy asked with an innocent tone.
Adam groaned mentally. Now why would Sandy bring that up? He didn't want to have to lie in

front of his family.

"No, I don't know who Sam is," Marie responded. "Who's he?"
"She's a she, not a he," Sandy replied with a sad look. "She's Adam's new girlfriend."
"Oh, really? How come you haven't told us, Adam?" Marie asked, surprised.
Adam shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "We just started going out. I haven't had the chance to

introduce her to you guys. You'll meet her one of these days."

"Oh. So it's not serious yet?" Alvin asked.
Adam shot his brother an irritated glance. He wanted Sandy to assume he and Sam were

serious, but he didn't want his family to think he had a new girlfriend. How was he going to answer

"I met Sam at that cooking event I went to last week," Sandy said with a forlorn, wistful smile

that Adam knew was a put-on. "She's pretty," she added with quick, deep sigh that sounded like a sob.

"Well, let's not talk about this Sam girl," Marie said hastily, glancing with sympathy at Sandy.

"If she's just a very new girlfriend then…" Marie waved her hand in the air in a rather dismissive

Adam pressed his lips in a thin line, rankled. Sandy was playing the aggrieved ex to the hilt

and his mother was buying it.

"Excuse me. I have to call Sam back." He stood up and walked away from their table. If

Sandy wanted to make this an acting competition, so it would be.


"Hey Sam. How's my new girlfriend?" Adam teased as Sam answered the phone.

Sam chuckled. "Hi Adam. Glad to hear you're still my FBF."
"Of course! I don't remember us having a fake breakup."
"Good, 'cause I need your help," Sam said gravely.
"What's wrong?" he asked, sensing the worry in Sam's voice.
"I'm heading back to Sydney next Saturday with my parents. We're there for a week."
"Wow. They're really keen to meet your boyfriend, huh? So you've told them you want to quit

your job?"

"Yes. But it's more than that. On Thursday, my dad is having a prostate biopsy. We want to

keep him distracted—as well as my mum and me—while we wait for the results. That's why we
planned for a short Sydney break for next week."

"Geez, I hope everything turns out well, Sam," he responded, not knowing what else to say.
"Thank you. I hope so, too," Sam said quietly. "We need to be convincing, Adam. I hate that

I'm lying to them about this, but they got so excited and insistent that I couldn't take back what I said."

"Don't worry, we will be," he assured her.

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"Why am I such a coward?" Sam wailed. "I could have just told them the truth and I think they

would still have been fine with it. Instead, I'll have to live a lie until… I don't know when."

"If you'd told them you want to quit the practice and move to Sydney to start a business,

without making up the fake boyfriend story, how do you think they would have reacted?"

Sam was quiet for a moment. "They would still have given me their blessing but with heavy

hearts, I'm sure. They'd be worried that I'm setting up a difficult business from scratch without their
physical support. The anxiety wouldn't be good for them, especially with that question mark over
Dad's health. But because they think you're there for me, they're actually very relieved and happy."

"See?" he soothed. "You're not a coward. You just love your parents and don't want to hurt

them. That's understandable."

"Thanks, Adam. I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this."
"Hey, your timing couldn't be more perfect. Because of Sandy's big mouth, my whole family

thinks I have a new girlfriend. They'll want to meet you soon." He told Sam what had gone on a few
minutes ago.

"Seriously, Adam. I don't know why, but your ex really rubs me off the wrong way," Sam said

in an annoyed tone.

He laughed. "You said that before already—using the exact same words, if I remember


She chuckled. "I know. You can tell how charged I am by her. Anyway, I'm sorry I have to ask

you this, but my parents will be expecting you to pick us up from the airport. Would you mind? I'll try
not to take too much of your time while we're there."

"Listen, Sam. We'll do what we have to do to be convincing, okay? No point going through the

whole thing only to stumble because of less than stellar acting."

"Okay, thanks," Sam agreed with a laugh. "So I'll see you on Saturday? Our plane arrives at

eleven fifteen."

"No worries, babe. See you soon. Miss you already," he joked.
"Me, too," Sam said with a swooning sigh.
He chuckled, finding himself looking forward to this game.

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"There he is," Sam said excitedly to her parents as she spotted Adam waving to them, carrying a
bunch of flowers.

She couldn't believe how far he was taking this charade. He'd already surprised her by having

three dozen long-stemmed red roses and a big box of chocolates delivered to her office yesterday—
Valentine's Day.

It had been her luck that she'd been single every time Valentine's Day came around, so she'd

never received anything from a man on that day. Yesterday changed that. Even her mum was
impressed. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to enjoy the flowers for too long. She had to let two of their
staff take them home since she was going on this week-long leave.

She'd heard the term 'floating on air' before and had only imagined what it meant. But

yesterday, knowing the flowers and the chocolates came from Adam, she'd floated. On air. Sure, it
might have been all part of his playacting, but it was still nice. Very nice.

Gosh. If she wasn't careful, her crush on him might quickly develop into something more.
"Hi," he said with a swoon-worthy smile, giving her a peck that landed on the corner of her


"Hi," she said shyly, flushing and heart hammering from that simple kiss.
She made the introductions and Adam shook his dad's hand and kissed her mum on the cheek.
"These are for you, Mrs. Lane," he said, handing Helen the flowers he was holding, except for

a single red rose.

"Oh, thank you, Adam. And please call us by our first names. It makes us feel old being called

mister and missis."

"Okay, then," Adam said with a laugh before turning back to Sam. "This is for you, baby," he

said, handing her the lone rose.

"More for me?" Sam asked teasingly. Deep inside, she was thrilled.
"Of course," Adam said, winking and giving her a big grin.
She beamed at him. It wouldn't be too hard to act in this charade. Not hard at all.


"Are you sure you guys don't want me to show you around town today?" Sam asked her parents as
they waited for their lunch to arrive. "It's been—what?—seven years since you've last been here. I'm
quite familiar with Sydney now. I can be your tour guide."

"No," Ted answered with a laugh. "Your mum and I will play tourists by ourselves this


"Oh, I see. You don't want me around," Sam answered with a mock pout. She was actually

glad her parents were going to have some quality time together. It had been at least three years since
they'd been on a proper holiday. The accounting practice was always busy and her dad was a

"Didn't you say you'll be tagging along with us during the week, anyway?" Helen asked.

"While it's the weekend, you should spend time with Adam."

Sam felt herself go pink. So her parents were thinking about her and Adam. She glanced at him

and he grinned at her. Her lips tugged up into an answering smile.

"Don't forget that we're having dinner tomorrow night at Trey and Kris's," she reminded her


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"You kids really shouldn't go out of your way for us," Ted said.
"It's not going out of our way, Dad. Kris wants to spend time with you guys, too. Then next

week, we're all having a get-together at Kane and Jasmine's before we go home."

Helen sighed. "Yes, we miss those girls. They're like sisters to you. I'm glad they'll be around

when you move here. And Adam too, of course."

"So, Adam, tell me about yourself," Ted said.
Ah, the interrogation had begun. Sam settled herself on her seat and listened to Adam's

answers. She wasn't surprised that her dad seemed to be getting more and more impressed with
Adam. He really was a genuinely nice, caring, responsible guy. And the way he'd been acting like her
real boyfriend—giving her tender smiles, holding her hand when they walked, calling her 'baby' and
'sweetheart'… Ahhh. If only this were real.


"Trey and I really meant it when we said you could stay with us here, Aunt Helen," Kris said as she
set the table while Sam plated up her dishes. "You'll miss out on your daughter's cooking for a week."

"We know, darling. But we're fine at the hotel," Helen answered. "If we're here we'll limit

your movements—and Sam's."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked as she placed the dishes she'd cooked on the dining table.
Helen gave Sam a knowing look. "I know you said Kris and Trey invited you to stay here and

you've accepted. But don't think we don't know where you're really sleeping this week."

Sam's jaw dropped while Kris laughed out loud.
"Oh, Aunt Helen, Sam can't hide anything from you, can she?" Kris teased.
Helen smiled. "I don't know why she even wants to hide the fact that she's staying with Adam.

We don't mind. We understand they'd want to be spending as much time together as they can. In fact, I
would be worried if they didn't want to be together this week. If they weren't missing each other a lot,
then what's the point of Sam moving to Sydney?"

"You do talk quite loudly sometimes, dear," Ted said, walking into the dining room with

Adam and Trey.

Sam was sure she went beet red as she realised the men had heard the conversation. She

worried Adam might feel too pressured about this whole charade—until she saw he was trying to
stifle a grin.

"Ah, we're busted, sweet," he said to her with another one of those cheeky winks that never

failed to put a smile on her face.

She didn't know what to say, so she just sighed loudly.
"How far is your place from here, Adam?" Ted asked as they settled on their seats.
"About ten to fifteen minutes, depending on the traffic."
"You work from home, too?"
"Yes. Trey, Dylan and I—and all our staff—work from home. We meet with clients at hotel

conference rooms or serviced offices when we need to see them in person. And we take our
employees out to an afternoon of group bonding over lunch and drinks every couple of months.
Fortunately, this setup works well for what we do."

"Amazing. I don't know how you guys do it. If I worked from home, I don't think I'd get

anything done. Although I can see how it could work. Trey's home office setup here is really good."

"We should have dinner at my place sometime this week," Adam offered.
Sam whipped her head at him in surprise. That wasn't necessary. It would just entrench them

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deeper into the fake story they'd created.

"What do you think, baby?" Adam asked her, putting his hand on her thigh.
"Um, aren't you busy this week?" she asked, flustered. Her head said 'no' but everything else

about her was saying 'yes', especially when the tips of his fingers were caressing her bare skin, right
below where her skirt had ridden up.

"Adam cleared his schedule for you," Trey said, his eyes twinkling. "In fact, he worked all

hours last week just so he could have some free time this week."

"Yeah," Kris said, her expression deadpan. "He even got annoyed when we tried to get him to

slow down."

"Oh, isn't that sweet?" Helen said, smiling fondly at Adam.
Great. Now even Trey and Kris were getting in on the act. Oh, but she had to admit, she was

having fun with this role play. The problem was, it was becoming too fun. Much too fun.

"Which evening do you have in mind?" she asked Adam.
"Oh, any time, except for Wednesday night. I might be late finishing off my meeting with


"For the new house?" Trey asked.
"Yes," Adam answered. "Kane's designing a house for me," he explained to Sam's parents.
"A house?"
"Yes. I bought this property a few months back. The house was old and, fortunately, wasn't

heritage listed. We're doing a complete knockdown-and-rebuild."

"You'll be living in it when it's done?"
"My original intention was to renovate then sell for profit, but I've changed my mind since. I

really love Kane's house. You'll know what I mean when you see it next weekend. I said to myself
that if Kane would be available to do the architectural work for me, then I'd have him design a house
that I'd love to keep. Fortunately, he's doing me a favour and took on this job even though they're fully

"Oh, great!" Helen said. "Jasmine did tell us how much she loves her home. I can't wait to see


"You'd love their kitchen, Mum," Sam said. "It's the best kitchen I've ever cooked in."
"Actually, Sam, can you be there with me on Wednesday for the meeting?" Adam asked. "I

asked Kane to make the kitchen similar to his but he said there would have to be some amendments
because of some issues. I'd like to know what you think."

"Sure," she said readily, touched and flattered that Adam would want her input on something

that was special to him.

"I want a kitchen that's better than his," Adam declared. "I'm counting on you, Miss Chef


"Okay," she said with a laugh. "It'll be hard to top. But having cooked at their place a few

times, I can think of a couple of things that would make yours dreamier than his."

"Good," he said with a wide grin.
Sam noticed her parents watching them with contented smiles. Oh no. She crossed her fingers

that this whole charade wouldn't hurt anyone when it was time to end it.

"So, Sam, since we're all here, why don't we discuss your move?" Ted said.
"We can discuss that when we get your test results, Dad."
"Humour me. Pretend the results are good—which I'm pretty sure they'll be."
Sam took a deep breath and acquiesced. "Well, as soon as we find a new manager to replace

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me, and once that person had settled in the job, then I'd be ready to move. I do hope it can happen
within a month and a half, though. I know of a catering company here who's looking for someone to
fill in for one of the employees who's going on maternity leave. I think it'll be great if I could work
with them. That'll give me an idea of what it's really like to run a busy catering business—and if I
have what it takes to start one up."

"Have you been in touch with the lady who owns it?" Kris asked.
"Not yet. I want to be sure I'll definitely be available before I even apply for the position."
"You really want to go into the food business, Samantha?" Ted asked quietly.
"Yes, Dad," she answered with conviction.
"Where do you plan to live when you move here?"
For whatever reason she couldn't comprehend, her gaze flew to Adam.
"Okay, so you guys will be living together," Ted assumed. "Do you promise to look after my

daughter, Adam?"

"Of course, Ted," Adam replied, seemingly startled by the question.
"Don't worry, Uncle Ted," Kris said. "If, knock on wood, it didn't work out for Adam and

Sam, I'll still be here for her."

Sam smiled gratefully at her cousin.
Ted looked at Helen. "Well, dear. Are you ready for your daughter to leave us?"
Helen's eyes watered although she smiled serenely. "As long as she's happy, Ted. That's all I

care about."

"If Dad's results aren't good, I'm not moving," Sam declared, wrestling with her emotions.
"No, honey," Ted said softly. "If you do that, you'll make me feel bad. That will just stress me

out even more and if I'm not well, then stress isn't good for me. Whatever the results of the tests are,
we don't want you to hold back on what you want to do with your life. You think too much of us,
Samantha. It's about time you think of yourself. That will make us happy."

Sam inhaled deeply, trying desperately to stop herself from crying.
"And I must say, I'm really happy we've met you, Adam. I think you'll be good for our

Sammy," Ted added.

"Thanks, Ted," Adam murmured.
A tear fell down Sam's face. Gosh, she didn't like all this lying to her parents. "Excuse me,"

she said, as she stood up to leave the table.

She walked to the living room and stared unseeingly out the window, taking in deep breaths to

compose herself. A myriad of emotions were swirling within her: sadness, relief, fear, excitement,
guilt, hope, and a couple of others she couldn't put a finger on.

"Hey," a concerned voice from behind her said. "Are you okay?"
She turned to face Adam. "Yeah, thanks. I was just… overwhelmed."
Adam nodded, smiling his understanding.
"I'm sorry this is turning out to be more than you bargained for," she said, sniffling.
"Don't be sorry. I think you've put your parents at ease about your move. As long as they don't

learn this is all an act, it won't hurt them," he said softly.

Sam covered her face with her hands to hide her emotions from Adam. With everything she

was feeling, one came roaring to the surface unexpectedly—sheer disappointment that their
relationship was a sham.

"Hey, it's okay," he whispered, putting his arms around her.
She sighed shakily and let herself sink into the comfort of his embrace.

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"Sam?" her mother called, appearing at the threshold. "Are you okay, honey?"
Reluctantly, she pulled away from Adam's hold. "I'm okay, Mum. Just worried, that's all."
"We all are. But that's why we're on a holiday this week, right? To not worry ourselves while

we wait for the results?"

Sam nodded and composed herself. "You're right. Let's have dinner."
Adam stroked her back soothingly as they returned to the dining room. It calmed her, but it

stirred her, too. Oh, she'd been so good at hiding her feelings for him in the past—even to herself. But
now she knew it would be damned difficult from here on in. Was he ready for a new girlfriend so
soon after breaking up with Sandy?

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Adam was just about ready to leave for his meeting with Kane when his phone rang. His brows
creased when he saw who the caller was—Sandy's brother.

"Hi Eric."
"Hey, Adam! How's it going?" Eric boomed cheerily.
"Good, thanks. You?"
"Not bad, bro, not bad. Listen, I was wondering when we can start discussing your

landscaping needs for your new property? I just want to make sure I have your job all scheduled so
there are no delays later on."

Adam's frown deepened. Three months ago, he'd agreed to consider Eric's new company to

do some landscaping for him after the new house was built. He didn't remember actually giving him
the job.

"Um, Eric. I said you were one of my choices for a landscape designer. Unfortunately, I've

gone for another company. Sorry about that."

"Hey, come on, Adam. I thought I was getting the job!"
"I don't remember promising you anything, Eric," he answered patiently.
"But you implied! And Sandy had said the job was mine. Are you turning your back on me

because you've split up with her? I don't have anything to do with you and my sister breaking up. Why
penalise me for that?"

Adam rolled his eyes. Of course Sandy had said 'yes' to her brother on Adam's behalf.
"Don't do this to me," Eric continued agitatedly. "I've already turned down a couple of

lucrative jobs because I thought you'd already hired me."

Adam shook his head in annoyance. Eric was going for the guilt trip. He very much doubted

that Eric had received other 'lucrative' job offers. He'd only just started his landscaping business and
he hadn't done much in the way of promotion. Eric wanted him to be his prized client to use for his
future marketing.

"Look, Eric. I'm really sorry. But we haven't signed any contract and I've never said you got

the job."

"Geez, Adam. You've put me in a bad position here. I really need that contract. You know that.

Can you reconsider?" Eric pleaded.

"I'm sorry."
"Damn. I'm gonna have a talk with Sandy. I know she can be childish and all. She should treat

you much better."

"Sandy and I are done, Eric."
"Don't close your doors on me yet, Adam, please. Think about it. While you do, I'll put

together a formal proposal for you. I'll be super competitive, you'll see. I've got to go now, but I'll talk
to you in a few days."

Eric hung up and Adam let out a huge, frustrated sigh. Would Eric be like another dog with a

bone, just like his sister?

No matter how much pleading Eric did, there was no way he was going to hire him. Having

Eric work on his new property would just put more crazy ideas in Sandy's head that they weren't truly

Before they broke up, Sandy was already acting like his new house was going to be hers too.

One of her favourite topics was how she would decorate the place when it was finished. He slowly

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but surely got bored with her constant yapping about paint colours and furnishings and indoor plants
and this and that.

That kind of talk was what finally made him realise that Sandy wasn't the one for him. He

simply couldn't picture her living in his new home. She didn't seem to fit in there. It all became clear
that they didn't belong together.


"Hey," Adam greeted Sam with a kiss on the cheek as she arrived at the foyer of Kane's office
building. "Did you play tourist with your parents today?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "We just came back from Manly Beach. We took the ferry from Circular

Quay. They loved it."

As they waited for the lifts to take them up to Kane's floor, Adam stared at Sam. Her cheeks

were rosy from the sun. She looked beautiful.

He figured she would have stripped to her bikinis when she went to the beach today. Even

though Sam wasn't the type of girl who dressed to attract attention—her attires were never too
revealing—he knew there was a great body underneath those clothes—curvy and really sexy. He'd
seen it before, when she was in a swimsuit that first day they met at Kane and Jasmine's. Of course,
back then, he could only look. He was still with Sandy.

"What?" Sam asked, noticing him observing her.
He shook his head, embarrassed at having been caught gaping. "I was just noticing you've

caught some sun."

Sam smiled shyly. "Hey, are you still okay for us to have dinner at your place on Friday?"
"Sure," he answered as they stepped in the elevator.
"My mum wants to help me cook. We'll probably have to be at your place at five thirty at the

latest. Are you sure it won't bother you? You might still be hard at work and we'd be banging pots and
pans in the kitchen."

"No, it's okay. Don't worry about me."
"The other thing is, they'd probably have a look around your place and expect to see my stuff

there," Sam said hesitantly. "I might need to bring my luggage there for the day and put my toiletries in
your bathroom."

"Oh. Of course. No problem. I'll pick them up from Trey's for you on Friday morning."
"No need. I'll drive over to your place before I go grocery shopping. I'll use Kris's car. You

just need to give me your address."

He chuckled. "Now, we wouldn't want your parents to find out you haven't even stepped foot

in my apartment, would we? Why don't we pass by there tonight before I take you back to Trey's?
That way you can also start familiarising yourself with the roads for when you drive there on Friday."

"That would be good, Adam. Thanks," Sam said with a grateful grin. "I really appreciate all


"You're welcome. I'm sure I'll be asking you to return the favour again sometime in the future."
"Any time," she answered as they got off the lifts.
For some reason, he was very much looking forward to that.


Adam listened with amusement as Sam described to Kane her perfect dream kitchen. She was so
animated that he could easily picture her cooking up a storm with economical and efficient

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movements. She knew exactly where everything should be to make working in a kitchen faster and

"Wow," Kane said when Sam finished talking. "I should hire you as a kitchen design


Sam chuckled, embarrassed. "Other people who cook differently from the way I do would

probably prefer their things positioned somewhere else."

"What do you think, Adam?" Kane asked.
Adam grinned. "You guys are the pros. I'm happy with everything I've heard."
"But you have to tailor it to what you want, Adam," Sam said. "I've explained how my dream

kitchen would look. It may not be what you have in mind."

"I think what you've suggested is perfect for my house," he said. "Besides, I'm not much of a

cook. Frankly, the reason why I want a big kitchen is more for show than anything else."

"Okay, so you're happy for me to incorporate the details Sam mentioned?" Kane asked.


Finished with the kitchen business, the three of them were busy chatting about their planned

get-together with Sam's parents at Kane and Jasmine's when Adam's phone rang. Excusing himself, he
answered it.

"Hi, Mum."
"Hello, Adam. Are you busy tonight, darling?"
"Can you come over for dinner? Carmen and Sandy will be here."
Adam went out of the meeting room for some privacy. "No, Mum, I can't. I'm with Sam

tonight." That was great timing. He certainly had no intention of socialising with Sandy and Carmen
even if his own mother requested it.

"Oh. I really need you to be here tonight, Adam. Would you mind rearranging your plans?


He heard the anxiety in Marie's voice. "What's up, Mum?"
"Well, Carmen actually asked if they could come over. She wanted to talk to me about Eric

working for you."

He groaned. "Carmen does not have any business dragging you into this," he said rather


"I did tell her I don't know anything about your plans for your new property. But she begged to

see me. It sounded like Eric's desperate for the job, so I agreed for her and Sandy to come over.
Eric's busy so he won't be joining us."

Adam exhaled forcefully. "I'm sure you can deal with them, Mum. Just keep saying you doubt

you'll be able to change my mind about hiring Eric."

"Adam, Carmen wouldn't have been so emotional if this wasn't a big thing. Could you at least

listen to what she has to say? Please? And why drop Eric? I know he's only just started his own
business but he's very experienced. He's worked as a landscape designer for years. I'm not saying you
should hire him, but at least continue to consider him."

Adam rubbed his face. "Kane knows landscape designers who are much better than Eric."
"Please, Adam. Join us tonight," Marie said quietly.
An idea popped in his head. "Only if I can bring Sam with me," he said to his mother.
Marie gasped. "But Sandy will be here. That would be insensitive."

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"It's about time Sandy realises we're over for good, Mum," he said, thinking his mother

needed proof of that just as much as Sandy. "If I can't bring Sam then I can't go," he insisted.

"Okay," Marie conceded with a sigh. "We'll see the two of you then. I better warn Sandy


"If you must. We'll be there soon."
Adam ended the call, shaking his head in frustration. He loved his mother. She had one of the

biggest hearts he knew. But it annoyed him that she was also one of the biggest suckers for sob

Now, he had to ask Sam for that return favour. He went back to the meeting room, curiously

getting excited about the night ahead. Surprisingly, the thought of Sam playing his girlfriend was
enough to erase his earlier displeasure.


"Ready?" Adam asked Sam as they walked to his parents' front door.

Sam gave him a nervous smile. "I guess."
He grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "We just need to be like we were in

front of your parents, that's all."

"Are you sure I'm dressed okay?" she asked with worry.
Sam was still wearing the blue summer dress and flat sandals she'd worn to the beach earlier

that day. They didn't have time to get changed for dinner.

"You look great, Sam," he said, truly meaning it.
The front door opened. His mum must have seen them approach.
Adam gave his mother a peck on the cheek, then introduced the two women to each other.
"We brought dessert, Mrs. Craig," Sam said politely, holding up the box of cake they picked

up on the way.

"Thank you," Marie said, taking the box. "Come on in."
Adam frowned at his mother's rather cool tone. Marie was usually warm and welcoming to

her guests. He hoped that wasn't a portent for what was in store for the rest of the night.

As he was introducing Sam to his dad, who was watching TV in the living room, a cheerful

female voice greeted them.

"Hi, guys!"
Adam raised an eyebrow as Sandy gave Sam a friendly kiss and a hug.
"Good to see you again, Sam. Glad you could join us for dinner," Sandy said.
"Thanks," Sam said, surprised.
Sandy turned to him and kissed him chastely on the cheek.
"My mum's in the kitchen," Sandy said. "We're helping Marie prepare dinner. Would you like

something to drink, Sam?"

"Uh, sure. Just some soft drink or juice would be nice, thank you," Sam responded, giving

Adam a quick glance.

"Adam?" Sandy asked him.
"I'll get it, thanks," he responded.
Adam put his hand on Sam's back as he led her to the kitchen, hoping to put her at ease. He'd

quickly read the situation. Since Sandy knew she couldn't stake a claim on him, she was keen to show
Sam how at home she felt at his parents' place. No doubt Sandy wanted Sam to get jealous and
insecure of her relationship with his mother.

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It irked him that his mum was playing right into Sandy's hand. He wouldn't be surprised if

Sandy was the one who encouraged Carmen to enlist Marie's help on Eric's behalf. He wouldn't put it
past her to come up with such an elaborate scheme just to entangle his family with hers. Sandy
seemed that desperate to get back together with him and his money—and, oh yeah, he was sure she
wasn't prepared to let go of his house that she'd already considered hers from the moment she learned
it was being built.

He tightened his arm around Sam's waist. Whether it was rude or not, insensitive or not, he

intended for Sandy to see he was truly over her. Hell, getting a scheming gold-digger out of one's hair
was difficult without setting aside his good manners.

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Sam felt Adam's tension from his arm around her waist. Unthinkingly, she curved her own arm around
him, hoping to give him some comfort. That was what she was there for, right?

Sandy introduced them to her mother, who simply smiled politely at her. Hmm. Carmen and

Marie seemed to be quite aloof.

Well, she could understand why Carmen would be. Sandy was her daughter. In Carmen's eyes,

Sam was the woman who replaced Sandy in Adam's life.

Sam was more conscious of Marie's coolness. Perhaps that was just her personality? Or

maybe Marie was concerned about Adam bringing a new girlfriend to her home when his ex and his
ex's mother were also her guests?

The thought made her remove her arm from around Adam. She didn't want to make anyone feel

uncomfortable by acting all sweet around him. Surely, the fact everyone thought she was Adam's new
girlfriend was enough for Sandy?

She surreptitiously glanced at Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook, surprised that she was helping

in the kitchen. She wondered what her tasks were.

"We'll be ready to eat in about fifteen minutes," Marie said. "Adam, why don't you and

Carmen have your talk in the study? Sam, please feel free to watch TV with my husband in the living

"Can I help you guys with something?" Sam asked.
"No, thanks. Sandy and I are fine," Marie said without looking at her.
"I'll take you back to the living room," Adam said to Sam. "I'll be back in a sec, Carmen," he

called out to Sandy's mother.

As they made their way out of the kitchen, Sam heard Sandy say, "Thanks for showing me how

to cook this, Marie. I hope you're not sick of my never-ending questions."

"My pleasure, dear. Keep asking if you're not sure about something. It's lovely that you're

interested in our family recipes," Marie replied.

Sam's head turned back to the two women who were standing together by the stove. Sandy and

Marie were obviously close. Suddenly, she understood why she didn't feel welcome.

"I'll only be a couple of minutes," Adam whispered in her ear. "I'll just tell Carmen I'll talk to

Eric to sort this out. No need for anyone else to get involved."

"Okay," she said.
"Dad's the quiet type. He'll be happy if you just sit with him in companionable silence."
"Are you sure?" Adam asked worriedly. "I'm sorry this all so… awkward."
"I'm all right. Don't worry," she assured him. She'd try not to let Marie's closeness with Sandy

bother her too much, even though she was already smarting from it.


Sam and Adam cleaned up in the kitchen. She'd offered, and Adam had insisted the two of them would
do it together, shooing everyone else out.

"All done," she said after wiping the bench tops spotless.
"Great," Adam replied. "Thanks for helping out."
"No problem."
"Do you mind if we stay for another ten minutes?" Adam asked. "We'll just have coffee, then

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we'll go."

"Sure. Can I use the bathroom?"
"Of course. You know where it is, right? I'll see you in the living room."
As Sam made her way down the corridor, she heard female voices inside an open doorway. It

was the study room, if she remembered correctly.

"Well, they don't look that sweet together, do they, Marie?" she heard Sandy say, making her

stop in her tracks. "I mean," Sandy continued, "Adam and I couldn't keep our hands off each other
when we were a couple—even when there were people around. Do you think it means they're not

"I don't know, Sandy," Marie said. "I don't have an answer for you."
"Maybe I'm just being jealous, but I think Sam's a bit of a cold fish. I think Adam's just on the

rebound, that's why he's with her," Sandy muttered.

Carmen tut-tutted. "Now, now, Sandy. Be nice."
"But it's true, Mum. Adam's a passionate guy and Sam seems a little too passive and

undemonstrative for someone like him. I wonder if it's because they're just not that into each other?
Maybe Adam still has some feelings for me? What do you think, Marie?"

"I'm afraid what I think doesn't matter, Sandy," Marie said. "It's Adam's decision. Anyway,

here's what I wanted to show you, girls. Is this close to what you're looking for, Carmen? I can order
it on wholesale price if you're interested."

While mother and daughter were um-ing and ah-ing over whatever it was that Marie was

showing them, Sam forced herself to move. The last thing she wanted was to be caught
eavesdropping. She walked silently to the bathroom, feeling absolutely miffed.

How dare Sandy call her a cold fish? She wasn't a cold fish! So Sandy needed to see more

passion and sweetness before she'd accept it was all over between her and Adam, did she? Fine.
Sandy asked for it, she'd get it!

Adam did ask her for a return favour. She had to be convincing in front of Sandy, just like

Adam had been in front of her parents. Goodness, he'd even sent her expensive roses on Valentine's
Day! The least she could do was to get Sandy to leave him in peace.

But more than that, there was no way in hell she'd want to see Sandy win Adam back. Miss

Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook didn't look like she was giving up any time soon, so Sam better start
showing how 'into Adam' she really was. It wouldn't be hard because that was the truth.

She might not have demonstrated that in the past, but damn it, it was only because she'd been

respectful of Adam's relationship with Sandy! Since she was so incredibly annoyed with Sandy right
now, and Adam was free and single…

She locked herself in the bathroom. Sandy did irritate her, but if she were honest with herself,

she'd have to admit that what she'd heard hurt because there was a grain of truth in it. She did have a
tendency not to be too expressive of her feelings, but not because she was indifferent. She was just
ultra-cautious and assessed things before she acted. Unfortunately, by the time she'd run something
through her head, the moment for action and spontaneity, more often than not, passed her by.

Tonight, she was well aware of the perfect situation she was in. She was playing the role of

Adam's girlfriend. Could she play a decent enough job of it while she summoned the confidence to
show him she truly liked him? Could she let go a little bit and then, perhaps, this charade may actually
lead to something real down the track?


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Sam slinked back into the living room to join Adam and his dad Harry, relieved that the other three
women were still busy in the study room.

Adam smiled at her as she sat down beside him on the couch.
"Did you enjoy dinner, Sam?" Harry asked.
"Yes, Mr. Craig. Thank you."
"Please call me Harry. So Adam tells me you're Trey's fiancée's cousin. That's nice. It amazes

me that both Trey and Dylan are actually getting married. Among the three best friends, I thought my
son would be the one who'd settle down first. The other two loved chasing skirts more than Adam, I

Adam snickered.
"I guess they just needed to meet the right girl," Sam said with a smile.
Harry leaned over to her and said in a low voice, "Well, between you and me, Sam, I'm glad

you're here tonight." He winked.

She grinned, appreciating that he was on her side even though his wife wasn't. "Thanks,


They heard female voices approach the living room. Sam placed her hand on Adam's thigh

and looked up at him with a shy but impish smile.

Adam must have picked up her signal. He placed his arm around her shoulder casually and

grasped her hand that was resting on his leg.

The three women appeared and Sam saw the flash of jealousy on Sandy's face before it was

replaced by a too-bright smile.

"I guess everyone's ready for some tea and coffee?" Sandy asked.
Sam bristled at the fact that Sandy acted like she lived in this house, like she was the hostess.
"I'll make them, Sandy. Sit down and join the others. I'll only be a minute," Marie said.
"I guess I better get off my lazy butt and do something, hey?" Harry said, standing up and

following his wife to the kitchen.

Sandy and Carmen sat down and uncomfortable silence descended as they all pretended to

watch TV. Adam didn't seem bothered, though. He was now playing with the fingers of her hand that
was on his thigh, stroking each one, one after the other.

She shifted a tad so she could lay her head on his shoulder, and his arm tightened around her.

Gosh, even though invisible daggers were being thrown at her by Sandy, being cuddled by Adam was

Marie and Harry came back too soon, carrying trays with pots and cups. Reluctantly, Sam sat

up straight and left the warmth of Adam's embrace.

"When do you go back to Melbourne, Sam?" Sandy asked casually as they sipped their hot


"On Sunday."
"When will you come back?"
"Next month."
"Oh. So you're not going with Adam to his cousin's wedding in a couple of weeks? That's a

shame. It's promising to be the wedding event of the year," Sandy said with a giggle.

"I'm afraid not," Sam responded, not even aware of the wedding.
"Last time I heard, we're still sitting at the same table, Adam," Sandy said casually.
"Oh, are we?" Adam asked dryly.
"Yes. You know Bella already finalised the seating arrangement ages ago. I'm looking

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forward to it. Should be fun."

It occurred to Sam that the two were probably invited to the wedding as a couple. But why

was Sandy still going when she and Adam had broken up? Was she friends with Adam's cousin?

It appeared that Sandy had a deeper connection with Adam's family than she'd initially

assumed. To say she didn't like it was an understatement. Now she was the one getting jealous.

"So, let me try to understand this," Carmen said. "You live in Melbourne, Sam, so the two of

you only see each other—what?—once a month?"

Sam had this prickly sensation that the three women were ganging up on her. Or at least they

wanted to make her feel inadequate for Adam.

"Sam's preparing for her move here," Adam said, coming to her rescue.
"Oh, really?" Harry piped in. "That's great. You're moving to Sydney for good?"
Sam sent Harry a grateful smile. "Yes. That's the plan."
"That's good news then, hey, Adam?" Harry said.
"Sure is, Dad," Adam said, running his hand up and down Sam's arm in a caressing-

comforting gesture. "Well, we better get a move on," he added, to Sam's relief.

"Oh, Adam," Sandy said. "Do you mind if I check your glove box for my sunglasses? I can't

find them anywhere. They might still be in your car."

"I'm pretty sure they're not, Sandy."
"Have you looked there recently?" Sandy persisted.
"So can I have a quick look, please?"
Adam sighed resignedly. "Okay."


Sandy was in the passenger seat, inspecting Adam's glove box while Sam and Adam stood

next to the car, waiting for her to finish.

Sam suppressed an irritated sigh as Sandy also started checking elsewhere in the car. She

could see why Adam's patience with Sandy was at an end. It sure seemed like Sandy would do
everything—and would stop at nothing—to stay in Adam's life.

Sam was fuming at the thought when, without any consideration, she stepped closer to Adam

and whispered, "Kiss me."

Adam stared at her in surprise before his mouth tugged in a wicked smile. He curved an arm

around her waist and pulled her close before fitting his lips with hers. He kissed her, his lips soft yet
insistent, his tongue sweeping against hers.

Oh Lord, she didn't know what kind of kiss to expect, but this was way more than she had

hoped for. Unbidden, her arms snaked around his neck and her body pressed against him as she
ardently kissed him back.

She was lost in the passion when an irate voice intruded into that surreal moment.
"Well, they're not here," Sandy announced, clearly irked.
Adam broke their kiss but kept Sam in his tight embrace. "I didn't think they would be," he

said to Sandy.

Sandy glared at Sam before walking away. "I'll see you at the wedding, Adam."
When Sandy was out of earshot, Adam smiled at Sam. "Thanks."
"No problem," she responded, still in a daze from that incredible kiss.
"Are we going?" Adam asked.

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"Okay. I think we can let go now. She's not looking anymore," Adam said, pulling away.
Sam blushed furiously as she realised she still had her arms around Adam's neck. Goodness.

One kiss and her brain had turned to mush. She quickly got in the car, hoping her colour would return
to normal soon. What on earth had come over her?

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Adam pondered that kiss as he drove to his place. Damn, it was hot—easily the hottest first kiss he'd
had with any woman. He was still reeling from the force of it.

He didn't exactly know how it got so passionate so quickly. He knew Sam offered a kiss for

Sandy to see. He'd intended to be gentlemanly about it—just lips touching softly and nothing more.
But when their lips met, it was like being zapped. Now he knew what people meant when they talked
about feeling electricity or energy or whatever when they pashed someone.

He certainly didn't mean to include his tongue in the kiss, but it seemed to have a life of its

own. It had been eager to taste Sam's mouth. She'd appeared very surprised—shocked, even—that he
took it that far. He hoped she didn't think he'd taken advantage of her kind offer. He knew Sam wasn't
the type of girl who went around kissing men just for the fun of it.

He glanced at her profile. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah," she answered, smiling.
"You still want to pass by my place before I take you home?"
"Yes," she said definitively.
Good. He hadn't scared her away.
"Do you think Sandy would leave you alone now?" she asked.
He snorted. "I hope so, but with her parting comment about seeing me at the wedding, I don't

think so."

"Is she just thick or what?" Sam asked, sounding peeved. "Seriously, if it were me, and I saw

the guy I'm interested in kissing his girlfriend, I'd back off and stay away. I would take that as a he-
doesn't-want-me sign."

"I think Sandy's too lazy to go find herself another well-off guy," he said dryly.
"But I don't see why she'd have a problem," Sam contended. "She's very pretty and very

glamorous. She'd look great on the arm of any rich man looking for a girlfriend…" Sam's voice trailed
and she lapsed into quiet.

"Well, then, maybe Sandy's just really head over heels in love with me and couldn't let me

go," he joked, knowing for a fact that even if Sandy's feelings for him were strong, her longing for his
wealth was vastly greater. That gave him a bitter taste in his mouth.

"So what road is this?" Sam asked, switching to another topic. He couldn't blame her. He was

sick of talking about Sandy, too.

He proceeded to show her landmarks so it would be easier for her to drive to his place on

Friday, even though she'd be using a GPS.


Adam did a quick glance-over of his apartment, relieved that the cleaners had been in that day. He
was generally tidy. His place only got quite messy when Sandy was around.

But he knew Sam was a neat freak. Even his mum had lifted her eyebrows at the state of her

kitchen after he and Sam had finished clearing up there earlier.

"This is nice," Sam commented.
"I'll show you around. Since you're 'staying here', you have to be familiar with the place." He

grabbed her hand and led her first to the kitchen. "It's obviously nowhere near as big as the kitchen
that would be going into the new house."

"Do you cook much? I know Sandy isn't a very good cook," Sam said hesitantly.

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"She's a terrible cook. I think she really hates being in the kitchen but just pretends to enjoy it

when she's with my mum," he said with a laugh. "As for me, I can whip up simple meals. Nothing

"I'll have to get familiar with where you keep your stuff before my mum and dad arrive here. It

would look strange if I didn't know where the utensils are kept."

"Well, feel free to open up every cupboard."
Sam did just that, looking like a professional kitchen inspector of some sort. It amused him

and he was content to simply stand there and watch her.

When she finished with the last cabinet, she glanced up and her face reddened.
"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "I was trying to memorise where everything is for Friday night."

Her chest heaved. "I didn't mean to snoop around your place just to keep up with our fake story,

She looked so guilty that he moved closer to her and cupped her face. "Hey, it's okay. I don't

mind. Honestly. And remember this whole thing is a fair exchange for the both of us."

Sam smiled. It was forced, and he didn't like it. He wanted a happy smile on her face, not a

pretend one.

He placed his thumbs on each corner of her mouth and pulled upwards, so she was fake-

smiling wider.

She laughed—for real, this time.
"That's more like it," he murmured, his gaze drawn to those luscious lips. He couldn't help

himself. He leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss, conscious that she might not want this.

To his delight Sam didn't pull away. In fact, she tentatively put her hands on his shoulders. He

pulled her closer, his lips revelling in the softness of hers.

He tried—really tried—to keep the kiss light, not wanting to overwhelm her—or anger her.

But he failed miserably. In the next second, he was devouring her mouth, his tongue exploring its

Sam moaned and placed her arms around his neck, her soft body plastered against him, heating

him up—and making him hard—fast.

"Jesus, Sam. What are you doing to me?" he mumbled against her lips.
As if snapped out of a trance, Sam pulled away abruptly.
"I'm sorry," she said, her faced flushed.
He gaped at her. "Why are you sorry?"
"Um, I don't usually do that."
"Do what?"
"Just kiss men like that out of the blue."
His lips twitched. She could be so shy, and he found it so endearing. "I feel very privileged

then," he teased.

"So you should be," she said with a bashful laugh.
"Can I have another one?"
"Another kiss?" Sam whispered.
He nodded.
She gulped. "Okay."
"You're nervous," he said softly.
"I know. It's ridiculous. We've already kissed. Twice. Good kisses."
"No. Not good kisses," he said, holding her face with his hands.

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"No?" she asked, looking disheartened.
He grinned. "They weren't just good, they were hot. And I really, really want another one."
Sam's lips curved up. "What are you waiting for then? I already said okay."
Slowly, he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. In no time flat, they were back to the level of

passion they had been at earlier. His hands explored her back, eager to touch her. When Sam moaned
again and pressed herself harder against him, he felt his control hang by a thread.

He wanted to touch her breasts. He wanted to unhook her bra and play with her nipples and

find out how she liked it. Hell, he wanted to flick his tongue on them.

"Sam," he croaked against her neck. "I'm getting very close to carrying you to my bedroom.

Stop me now if you don't want this to go further."

To his extreme disappointment, Sam gently pushed away.
"You really want me?" she asked softly.
He smiled. "Badly."
She chewed her lip. "How did we get this… hot for each other so suddenly?"
"I don't know. I was with someone else before, so I didn't know until tonight that kissing you

would make me burn," he joked, but he was just as surprised that this thing with Sam had combusted
so unexpectedly.

He watched her, deep in thought and looking worried. He hid a sigh. It looked like he'd need a

cold shower before he went to bed. He suspected he'd still be so horny he'd have a hard time

"Okay, but…" she said suddenly.
His heartbeat accelerated. "Okay, but…?" he repeated, itching to know what was holding her


"We're friends, Adam."
"I know, Sam."
"This won't ruin our friendship?"
He could understand her worry. This could adversely affect their friendship—and their mutual

friends. "I can see how it could be a problem if our expectations about what happens afterwards don't
match," he answered truthfully.

"If we do this—sleep together, I mean—what do you expect to happen afterwards?"
"I can't say I've thought about that. Like you, I'm just as surprised at how fast we got to this


"I know," she agreed, staring at him with uncertainty mixed with longing. "Maybe we should

think about it first?"

He let out an exhale. "I was afraid you'd say that," he said, smiling broadly to let her know it

was okay.

"For what it's worth, I'm very tempted," she said shyly, peering at him through her lashes.
He groaned. "Sammy, I'm still hard, so if you really want to think about it first, change the

subject quickly."

"Oh," she said, her wide eyes travelling to his crotch.
"And don't look down there," he commanded. "You'll make it harder."
Sam's gaze flew back to his face. "Oops, sorry," she said apologetically in that cute way that

made him smile.

He sighed. "Come, I'll show you the rest of the apartment."


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"And I've saved the best for last—my bedroom," Adam said with a wicked grin.
Sam rolled her eyes. "And here I was thinking what a gentleman you are," she teased.
He put on an innocent look. "Hey, my bedroom is all part of the tour."
"Okay then. Go right ahead."
He led her to his room and went straight for the bed. He sat down on it and tugged her hand so

she'd sit with him.

"This here is my bed," he said with a deadpan expression, taking on the tone of a professional

person demonstrating something. "It's very comfortable. As you can see, these sheets are clean and
fresh. They're made from the finest quality Egyptian cotton for supreme comfort. When you lie on
them, you'll feel like you're on a cloud."

Sam bit her lip, struggling to hide her smile.
"Feel it," he urged. "See for yourself how soft they are." He ran his hand in a circular motion

on the sheet.

Sam complied and copied his actions. "You're right. They're very soft."
"Yes, that they are," he said, continuing in his professional voice. "But to truly experience

their incredible luxury, it is my recommendation that you get naked and feel these nice sheets around

Sam laughed out loud. "You're incorrigible."
"No. Just still horny," he said jokingly, although it was the truth.
She slapped him playfully on the thigh. "I thought we're going to think about it first," she


He plopped down on his back and closed his eyes. "Okay, how long do you need? Twenty

seconds? Here goes. One… two… three… four… five… six… seven…"

His eyes flew open when he felt Sam straddle him. When she leaned down—her face inches

from his—he forgot to breathe.

"Adam, just kiss me. Don't make me think," she whispered.
The way he was feeling, how could he say no? With an agile motion, he rolled them and he

was on top of her.

He pressed his lips against Sam's, but he could sense some internal conflict going on within

her. He held back, forcing himself to keep the kiss soft and gentle. Even though his body was in dire
need, this was something they shouldn't take lightly. They were friends, and he knew Sam wasn't the
casual-sex type of girl.

After a few seconds of sweet kisses, he pulled away and looked into her eyes. "Sam, I do

want you think about this. If we sleep together, I don't want you avoiding me afterwards because
you've regretted it."

She smiled. "I'm just nervous. I've never had sex with someone who wasn't my boyfriend. I'm

not into one-night stands."

"Well," he drawled. "Does being a fake boyfriend count?"
"Is this going to be a one-night stand?"
He stared at her. "Would you think less of me if I say I haven't thought farther than tonight?"
Sam put her hand on his cheek. "Lucky for you I already know what kind of person you are. If

not, I'd be running for the hills right now."

"So what does that mean?" he asked softly, caressing a strand of hair off her face.
She let out a self-deprecating laugh. "All this analysing is probably killing the mood."
"Well, I actually can't think right now," he said wryly, sitting up straight. "How about I take

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you home before we do something we're not ready for?" That wasn't what he wanted, but Sam clearly
wasn't ready for this. If she was, they wouldn't still be talking. He had to give her space.

He got out of bed and held out his hand to her, helping her get up. He drew her close when she

was on her feet.

"When you're ready, you tell me. Okay?" he said softly.
She nodded.
"And to answer your earlier question about whether it's going to be a one-night stand, I hope

not. I'm not big on one-night stands either. I'd rather see where it could lead."

Sam gulped and nodded again.
"Of course, there's always the risk of ruining our friendship, but can we agree on something

right now?"

"What's that?" she whispered.
"I know we'll try not to hurt each other deliberately, but at this point there's no way to tell

where we'll end up. Can we promise to remain friends no matter what happens in the future?"

"That's sensible. We also have our mutual friends to consider."
She smiled. "I agree."
He grinned. "Good."

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"Well, what do you expect, Samantha? You were the one who got cold feet last time," Sam muttered
to herself as she arranged her toiletries in Adam's en suite bathroom in preparation for her parents'

She was still getting over her disappointment that Adam had seemed a bit distant. Well, okay,

he was his usual friendly self, but she would have preferred it if he'd kissed her on the lips instead of
just on the cheek when he'd greeted her.

She shook her head in exasperation. The truth was she missed him, and the last couple of days

had been full of daydreams about him—of what could have been if she had listened to her body and
not her head.

She'd been in an almost constant state of arousal when she thought of Adam—and she'd been

thinking of him way too much since they last saw each other. It was a revelation in a way—she'd
never lusted after someone like this before. How come it was all bubbling up now? Was it because
she knew Adam was now available while he hadn't been in the past?

She had always been good at putting a lid on her emotions, but somehow the lid that had

recently been lifted was being stubborn. It didn't want to close anymore.

Gosh, what a dramatic change after she'd allowed herself to lose a little bit of control. A few

hot kisses and all she could think about was jumping him. Maybe there was a wild, wanton woman
hiding within her, after all. And right now, she was itching to walk up to Adam and kiss him

So what was stopping her? She'd already resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn't know

what the future held if they hooked up until—well, until whatever was going to happen happened.
Like any relationship that was just beginning, there was no telling where it would end, or when.

And why the hell was she still thinking and rationalising? Hadn't she already decided she

wanted to be with Adam despite the complications? Jasmine took the risk with Kane even though he
was the brother of her sister's best friend. Ari jumped in with Dylan even though he was Jasmine's
then-future brother-in-law. And Kris—well, her dear cousin Kris went for what she wanted even
though she'd been warned that going for Trey wasn't a good idea.

They'd all had their challenges and difficulties but look at where they were. Happy, in love,


She might as well admit it to herself. It was that scary experience when she was just eighteen

that still affected her outlook on men and sex.

Her first time was very unpleasant. Not only had she given her virginity to an inconsiderate

lover ten years older than she was, but she found out belatedly that he was already married.

When her period didn't come on time, she'd been so terrified. She'd walked around for two

weeks, scared to death of what the future held, what her family would say, how she'd take care of a
baby she wasn't ready for—at eighteen.

Fortunately, it had been a false alarm. She'd never been more relieved in her life when her

period made an appearance.

Lesson learned, she'd promised herself she wouldn't be as easy again when it came to men and

sex. Nine years later, she was still hanging on to that view.

She smirked. She knew damn well that wasn't the full picture. Frustratingly, she got far more

satisfaction from pleasuring herself than from sleeping with any of her three exes. She'd even spoken
to a psychologist friend about it who'd suggested it could be her unpleasant sexual ordeal and fear of

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getting pregnant that was stopping her from fully opening up and enjoying sex with a man.

She suspected her friend was right. It was a stupid fear, really. She was on birth control—

even if she hardly ever had sex—and she'd still want to use a condom. As for the mediocrity of her
past experiences, wasn't that why she should look for a man who knew his way around a woman's
body? She was willing to bet Adam was an expert in bed if his kisses were anything to go by.

So what in the hell was stopping her? Force of habit? How ridiculous.
Humph. She was tired of thinking about this. Now where was Adam?
Purposefully, she went to look for him. She couldn't find him in the living areas so he must be

in his home office. The door was closed and she guessed he was hard at work. Of course. It was
Friday—a work day. She really shouldn't be bothering him.

She narrowed her eyes, annoyed at herself. She pressed her ear against his office door and

listened. All she could hear was some tapping on the keyboard. He wasn't on a phone call or anything.

"Adam?" she asked, swallowing her trepidation.
"Hey, Sam. Come on in," he called out.
She opened the door and stepped in. "Hi. I'm done planting the evidence of our hot affair."
Adam grinned and stood up from his chair. "Good. Are you off to go grocery shopping now?"
"Yes. But there's one more thing." Before her courage deserted her, she lunged at him and

kissed him hard.

Adam was clearly surprised, but when his arms went around her and he started kissing her

back, she relaxed, letting herself melt into his embrace. Ah, this was what she'd been craving for two

Adam's hand found its way underneath her top, and all her misgivings were pushed aside.

She'd go with the flow with him. She wanted him bad enough.

"Stay with me tonight," Adam murmured against her mouth.
"Okay," she said, clinging harder against him. She felt his erection, glad she wasn't the only

one aroused.

"We'll have to wait until later," Adam said, breaking their kiss.
"Why?" she asked, hearing the need in her voice.
He smiled. "Because I'm having a conference call with the team in…" he checked his watch,

"two minutes."

"Oh, okay." She didn't even try to hide her disappointment. "I better go then. I'll be back with

my parents this afternoon."

"Don't you dare change your mind on me," Adam warned.
She grinned. "I'm a woman. Aren't we famous for changing our minds?"
"Well, what I know is that when Samantha Lane says she'll have sex with me, then she'll have

sex with me."

"I never said anything about having sex with you," she said with a mock frown. "All I said

was I'll stay with you tonight. I can't wait, actually. All I could think of these last two days was your
nice, inviting bed with its ultra-soft Egyptian cotton sheets."

"Ah, then that must mean you'll be naked underneath them with me," Adam said with a

salacious grin.

"I guess," she said huskily, bringing her mouth back to his.
They were interrupted by a melodic sound coming from Adam's computer.
"Bad timing," he muttered.

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She chuckled. "I'll let myself out."


"Adam seems like a really nice guy, Sammy," Helen commented as they prepared dinner.

"He is, Mum," Sam agreed.
"Well, I'm glad we've met him. I feel very comfortable about the fact that you have him to take

care of you when you move here. Not that I think you need someone to look after you. You're such an
intelligent, extremely capable woman. But sometimes, we girls just want a man who makes us feel
special, don't we?"

Sam smiled at her mother. "Yes, we do, Mum."
Oh, she'd love to be that special someone in Adam's life. Tonight would be a start. It wasn't

the way relationships usually began for her. She'd followed the traditional route—date a few times
before jumping into bed. But she'd seen relationships that had started off with casual sex evolve into a
happily ever after. Kris's and Ari's relationships with Adam's best friends were prime examples of


"So have the two of you talked about the move?" Ted asked as they ate dinner. "When is it

gonna happen? And have you contacted that caterer you wanted to work for, Samantha?"

"Not yet," Sam said.
Ted frowned. "Well, what's your plan after we go back home?"
"I meant it when I said I want to wait for your test results before I start planning, Dad."
Ted shook his head. "What do you think of this, Adam?"
"It's Sam's decision, Ted. If I were in her shoes, I'll probably wait, too."
"I don't want you kids holding your lives back for me. Like I said, I'm sure the results will be

negative for cancer. I feel fine," Ted said with conviction.

"We hope so, Dad," Sam murmured.
"Do you have plans on visiting Sam in Melbourne, Adam?" Helen asked. "Even if Ted gets the

all-clear, it'll probably take her at least a month before she has everything organised."

"Sure," Adam answered, glancing at Sam. "We're playing everything by ear at this point."
"Well, there's not long to go before we get the results. They should be in on Monday. But

whatever they are, you should start packing up when we get back home, Sammy," Ted said.

"I can't believe you can't wait to get rid of me," Sam said with an incredulous laugh.
"No. I just don't see the point in dithering when you know what you want to do. What about

your apartment in Melbourne? What do you plan to do with it? Rent it out?"

"I was thinking of selling it so I could buy my own place here," she answered.
"For investment?" Helen asked.
Sam caught her slip. She'd almost forgotten she was supposed to be living with Adam. "Yes,

for investment," she answered.

"But why sell it just to buy another investment property? Why not keep that one?"
"You're right." She'd have to come up with a better reason for wanting to sell her Melbourne

apartment. She did want her own place in Sydney, but that could wait until much later.

"By the way, Sammy, we've found a replacement for you," Ted said.
Sam frowned at her dad.
"Have you been calling the office, Ted?" Helen demanded. "You're supposed to be relaxing,

not working."

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"I only checked in for five minutes," Ted said defensively. "Anyway, we managed to lure

someone from a competitor. She'll be starting with us in three weeks. There'll be no need for you to
show her the ropes, Sam. She's very experienced and we can manage."

"Oh my God," Sam said, looking at her dad in shock. "You really can't wait to see me go."
"What I really can't wait for are grandkids," Ted muttered.
"Dad!" Sam cried, mortified. If this was just a simple charade, she wouldn't have minded her

dad's comment. But now that she wanted to start a relationship with Adam, she didn't want him scared

"Do you like children, Adam?" Ted continued, ignoring her. "Samantha loves kids."
"Uh, yes, I like children," Adam answered.
"Do you plan to have your own?"
Sam looked up to the heavens. She couldn't understand why her father felt the need to ask all

these intrusive questions.

"I'd like to have my own sometime in the future, yes," Adam replied.
"Have the two of you talked about how many you want?"
Sam stared pointedly at Ted. "Why all these questions, Dad?"
Ted's eyebrows shot up with an innocent expression. "What's wrong with asking them? You're

giving up everything you have in Melbourne—career, apartment, us—to be with Adam. I'm assuming
the two of you are serious with each other. Aren't you?"

"Yeah. But geez, you're getting a bit personal."
"Sorry, Sammy. Just excited for you. It's great to see you in love, that's all."
Sam blushed beet red. Was she? Already?


Sam breathed a sigh of relief when her parents finally left Adam's place. She'd offered to drive them
back to their hotel but they'd declined, saying she and Adam should spend the time together since
they'd soon be apart for a few weeks. Hopeless romantics, they were.

"Sorry about my dad being so nosy tonight."
Adam smiled. "I was more worried about you. You looked totally uncomfortable."
"You handled yourself well."
"Told you I aced my acting class in school."
She sighed, pushing away the sting that came with his comment.
"What do you want to do?" he asked, pulling her to him. "Watch TV… listen to music… go to


Her lips curved up. "I think I know what you want to do."
"You know me so well already," he said with a grin. "How do you know I'm looking forward

to sitting on the couch, closing my eyes and listening to some Mozart while I sip wine?"

"You're letting me have your bed all to myself?" she asked with feigned surprise. "Yippee!

Well, I'm having a shower now so I can go to bed and feel your sheets against my naked skin."

She ran for his bedroom, but Adam caught her. "Now you got me jealous," he murmured in her

ear. "I can't let you have the bed all to yourself."

She giggled. She'd never felt as comfortable with a man as she was with Adam. Perhaps it

was because they were friends first.

"Okay, come on." Adam took her hand and led her to his bathroom.
"Where are you going?" she asked with genuine surprise.

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"To the shower."
"With me?" Suddenly, she was self-conscious. She'd never showered with a man before.
"Since you're my very special guest, you deserve the VIP treatment."
"You're going in there with me?"
"Yes. Actually, I'll be showering you."
"What?" she asked in shock. Admittedly, that came with a good dose of excitement.
"Will that be okay?" he asked softly.
She gulped. "Only if I can return the favour," she said bravely.
"If you insist," he responded, his gaze suddenly heated.
"Okay," she said, hiding her nervousness with a smile. She assumed Adam must have had

women who were very good in bed. She could only hope she didn't disappoint him with her lack of
sexual expertise.

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Adam sensed Sam's jitters. He suspected it came from inexperience. It warmed his heart, knowing
there hadn't been many men in her life.

He ran a knuckle on her cheek. "Ready?" he asked softly.
Shyly, Sam nodded. The guileless look she gave him, mixed with lust and trust, made his heart

expand and took his breath away.

He held her head between his hands and lowered his mouth to hers. He kissed her tenderly—

just soft lips feeling soft lips.

Sam's arms went around him and they held each other, revelling in a tender kiss that was just

as powerful as the steamy ones they'd previously shared. He sighed from the blissfulness of it all.

But even with only light kisses, his body's temperature rose higher and higher—and he got

harder and harder. He tightened his arms around her, letting her feel what she was doing to him.

"Adam…" she whispered against his lips.
"Yes, baby?"
"You feel good."
He groaned and crushed her to him, deepening their kiss and letting his hands roam her body.

"Let's get in the shower," he said huskily.

"And have a cold one?"
He pulled away and stared at her. Was she having second thoughts again?
Smiling and turning around, Sam gathered her beautiful long hair with her hands and lifted it

off her back. "Unzip me," she said softly.

With lips breaking into a relieved smile, he complied. Slowly, he pulled down the zipper,

then pushed her dress off of her shoulders. It dropped to her feet.

God, she had a sexy back. Without being asked, he unhooked her bra. It, too, landed on the

floor, joining her clothes.

He curved an arm around her waist and started kissing her neck. He noticed her breathing had

gotten heavy. As heavy as his.

"I thought we're having a shower," she said, the breathlessness in her voice betraying her


"But you haven't undressed me yet," he said in her ear. "And you're not completely naked." He

ran his fingers along the band of her undies.

Sam turned to face him, her expression shy yet playful. His eyes were drawn to her heavy

breasts. "You're beautiful, Sam."

Her cheeks pinked but she gave him a big smile. She caught the hem of his shirt and took it off

him. "Well, you don't look too bad yourself," she said, running her fingers on his chest. It was times
like these that he was grateful he put in all that time and effort in the gym. Sam was inspecting his
torso as if she'd unwrapped a gift she really, really liked. He wondered how she would look when
she explored the lower part of his body. His lungs filled to capacity at the thought.

"Jeans, Sam," he croaked, his heart galloping in anticipation.
Dutifully, Sam unbuttoned his pants and unzipped him. She pulled them down to his knees and

he hastily took them off. He caught her licking her lips as her gaze strayed to the bulge in his boxer
briefs. Oh, fuck. Her tongue was so damn sexy.

Biting her lip, Sam slowly pulled down his underwear. He kicked it out of the way when it

fell around his ankles. She seemed to have lost her shyness as she kept her eyes glued to his hard-on.

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Holy hell, just all this undressing was making him so hot. He prayed he'd be able to maintain his

"Wow," Sam breathed as she grabbed his cock with her hand and gently stroked.
"Oh, fuck, Sam," he said through gritted teeth.
"I want to know how you like it," she said, her other hand cupping his balls while she

continued to tug him.

"Baby, I like it just like that," he panted. Ahh, he wanted more of her now. "I need you fully

naked, too," he said, almost pleading.

Sam let go of him to take off her panties. Oh, Lord. Maybe he'd need to adjust the water

temperature to cool him down a bit. He couldn't wait to have her. But he'd promised her a shower

He turned on the tap, waiting a few seconds until the water was just right. He held out his

hand to Sam who was putting her hair in a bun. When she was done, she joined him in the shower
stall, looking eager, which excited him further.

The way he was feeling, he'd need to cut their showering time in half. Tempting as it was, he

didn't want their first time to be anywhere but in his bed.

He took his shower scrunchie and squeezed some body wash on it.
"That smells nice," Sam said. "It smells like you."
"You like it?"
"Uh-huh. Except that I'll smell manly."
"I don't care what you smell like."
She giggled. "If I stunk, I'm sure you'd care."
"Well, you don't stink," he chuckled as he ran the puff on her.
"This sure is some VIP treatment," she teased breathlessly.
He smiled. When she was lathered up, he discarded the scrunchie and used his hands instead.

He gently kneaded her breasts, noticing that her nipples were already hard. It took a hell of a lot of
self-control not to bend down and put one of them in his mouth. They wouldn't make it to bed if he

To his delight, Sam put some body wash on her hand and started soaping his body. His

breathing shallowed. God, he needed more.

He ran his thumbs on her nipples and Sam gasped.
"I like that."
"Good," he said huskily. "What about this?" He placed his hand on her mound and found her

sensitive nub.

"Oh, you like that, too, I see," he said as he rubbed her clit.
She didn't answer. Instead, her hand went to his rock-hard member and stroked him—just the

way he liked it.

Panting hard, he moved them so they were under the streaming water.
"I need to get you to bed now, baby," he rasped in her ear, running his hands all over her to

rinse off the soapy suds.

Sam was just as keen. In no time they were out the shower and dried off.
With a swift motion, he carried her in his arms and took her to the bedroom.

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"What are you doing?" Sam asked in surprise.
"Taking you to my bed."
Gently, he laid her on top of the covers.
"I want to be under the luxurious sheets," she said.
He grinned and pulled the covers back while she scooted in position right in the middle of his

bed. She was so different from the sultry vixens he'd dated in the past. There was something so
alluring about her… so endearing.

He lay on top of her and rained kisses on her lips, face, neck, throat. Then he did what he'd

been dying to do. He laved one of her rosy peaks and tugged it with his lips.

"Adam," Sam moaned.
His mouth left her irresistible breast to explore further down. His fingers continued flicking

and tweaking her nipples as he left butterfly kisses on his way to his intended destination.

Sam was making gasping noises and it was making him hotter. Hell, he was getting close. Why

was this woman so damn arousing?

He ran his hands down her body and on to her legs, pushing them apart. He settled himself in

between and kissed her inner thigh before stopping for a second to admire the apex between her legs,
soaked and ready for him. With a groan he tasted her, and her hips bucked off the bed.

He held her down with his arms and licked her swollen nub.
"Oh, God, Adam!" Sam cried.
He continued his sensual laps, Sam's mewling sounds heightening his pleasure. He brought his

finger to her wet entrance and pushed in. Fuck, she was tight. Gently, he moved his finger in and out,
his busy tongue never leaving her clit. He inserted another finger, readying her for him.

Sam's panting cries were getting louder and he knew she was approaching the edge. And, oh

God, he needed her now.

He sat up and crawled to his bedside table.
"Adam… come back," Sam said a little desperately.
"Two seconds, baby," he answered with a pleased grin. He'd never put on a condom faster

than he did just then. After a moment, he was back, poised between her legs.

Gripping his cock, he touched her wetness then rubbed her clit with the head.
"Oh, God." Sam's head tilted back, her face a picture of unbridled passion.
"Ahh, Sam." Unable to hold back any longer, he slowly drove in to her, inch by inch. She was

tight and he didn't want to hurt her. "Is this okay, baby?" he croaked.

Sam nodded. "Slow's good. You're so big."
He let out a chuckle as he tried to restrain himself. He brought his thumb to her clit and gently


"More, Adam, please," Sam cried, her hips straining up to meet his.
He was more than happy to give her what she wanted. With a low growl, he pushed deeper…

and deeper… until he was all in.

His eyes locked with Sam's, and he saw the depths of her passion and pleasure.

Uncontrollably, he moved faster, thrusting into her over and over, again and again.

"Sam… so good, baby," he panted.
"Yes, oh God, yes," Sam cried. Then she came. And came. Hard.
Her body's repeated clenching around his cock, and her cries of gratification, took him

higher… and higher… and higher… until he, too, groaned out loud as he erupted inside her in sheer

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"Wow." Adam braced himself on his elbows and gaped at Sam, still catching his breath. He

hadn't come like that for a long, long time.

"Wow," she echoed.
He was lost for more words so he simply kissed her softly before raising himself up and

discarding the condom, chucking it in a rubbish bin a few steps away. He went back to bed and rested
his head on a propped arm.

"You were right," Sam said. "These sheets make me feel like I'm on a cloud."
He chuckled, grabbing her hand and kissing her fingers. "Since you like it so much, how about

you stay with me again tomorrow night?"

She smiled. "I'd like that."
"Good." He leaned down for another kiss. He didn't know what it was about her lips but they

had the capacity to set him on fire at a touch. Within seconds, his whole body was craving her again.

His mouth travelled to her neck when Sam pushed gently.
"Can we not tell the others yet that we're sleeping together?"
He looked at her in surprise. "Where do Kris and Trey think you're staying tonight?"
"I told them I'm staying in your guest bedroom. I'm just not ready to deal with questions and

concerns about us when I don't know what Monday would be like when we hear about Dad's results.
Plus, I'd rather we give ourselves time to see where we're headed first before we tell them anything."

"Sure," he said, running his fingers along her arm. "Is it okay to kiss you in front of our friends

tomorrow? Your parents would be around so they'll understand we just want to look convincing."

"What kind of kiss?"
"Like this." He captured her lips and kissed her passionately, complete with breast-kneading

and tweaking of her nipple.

Sam's laughter bubbled against his mouth as she tried to move her head to escape his lips.

"No, you most definitely cannot kiss me like that in front of anyone. Besides, that's not kissing, that's
making out."

"Okay, how about like this then?" He moved his hand to a chaste position and lessened the

intensity of his kiss a tad.

"Hmm. Still too much," she said.
"What's wrong with it?"
"Too obvious. All you're allowed is like this." Sam gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I thought we want to be convincing in front of your parents. There's no heat in that kiss," he


"My parents don't need to be convinced anymore, Adam. Heavens, they're even already

thinking of grandchildren. If we don't watch ourselves, Kris would want to know everything. I want
to enjoy this time with you privately first."

"Okay." He was all for that. There was no sense in letting their friends make a big deal out of

their unexpected affair when it could be all over in a couple of days. Sam was going home, and for all
the talk of her moving to Sydney, there was no guarantee of that. Best to take this hour by hour.

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"How did it go last night?" Kris asked as she sat next to Sam on a step in Kane and Jasmine's
swimming pool.

"Good," Sam answered with a smile, scooting down so the water was up to her neck.
"Are Auntie and Uncle completely buying your story?"
"Yes," she answered with an eye-roll. "You wouldn't believe this, but they even asked Adam

how many kids we planned to have."

Kris laughed out loud. "Well, there you go. You don't have to worry about them getting

heartbroken about you leaving Melbourne and the practice."

Sam eyed her parents, who were on the deck, poring over the architectural plans for Adam's

new house with Adam, Kane, Dylan and Trey.

"They're probably thinking it'll be your house in the future too," Kris joked.
"I wouldn't be surprised," she said dryly. "I hope Adam's not feeling uncomfortable."
"He seems fine," Kris assured her. "So you're coming back to our place tonight, right?"
"No. We thought it would be more convenient if I stayed at Adam's again tonight," she

responded, trying hard to sound nonchalant. "He's taking us to the airport tomorrow so you won't have

"Why? I don't mind," Kris said.
"My parents would be expecting him to see us off. It would be strange if my boyfriend didn't,

especially since it's the weekend."

"I guess," Kris said. "But I still want to see you guys off. I won't see you again for some time.

You do promise to arrange your move for next month, right, Sammy?"

"Yes. Dad's already replaced me in the practice," she said with a chuckle. "I'd just hate to

leave them if Dad needs medical attention. But I think that regardless of his condition, my parents will
insist that I go ahead with the move."

Kris put a comforting arm around her. "Uncle will be fine. Look at him. I think all he needed

was a long-overdue break."

"Yeah. We'll know on Monday."
"You'll tell me as soon as you know, right?"
"Of course, honey."
"Hey, why the concerned looks, girls?" Jasmine asked as she and Ari joined them with drinks.
"We were just saying we hope Dad's okay," Sam answered.
Jasmine's eyes clouded. "We all hope that, Sam."
"I know. So let's not worry about that for now," Sam answered with a bright smile.
"Well, it looks like Dylan and Trey are getting envious of Adam's new house," Ari said.

"They're asking Kane lots of questions."

"Would you girls want a new house?" Jasmine asked Ari and Kris.
"I wouldn't mind either way," Ari answered. "I love the city apartment but it would be nice to

have a backyard for when the babies come."

Kris gasped. "Are you pregnant?"
Ari laughed. "No. For the future, I mean."
"I wonder who among us would have a baby first?" Jasmine asked.
Sam listened as her friends discussed babies. Even if getting pregnant was one of her biggest

fears for now, she'd love to have kids in the future. Of course, she'd need to have them with the right

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Her gaze flew to Adam, who was grinning at something her mother was saying. He got along

well with her parents, and they seemed to really like him. If she could take her pick of a potential
long-term partner, she'd choose Adam.

She already knew what a genuinely nice guy he was, but after last night, her estimation of him

jumped up exponentially. Not only was he gentle and considerate, but holy moly, he was hot! She'd
worried in the past that she wasn't a very sexual being, but with Adam, she'd been insatiable.

But while she and Adam had an incredible night together, she got the impression he was living

in the moment rather than considering a possible relationship with her. She could understand that.
This burning flame that surrounded them burst so suddenly they hadn't had time to think. In a way it
was good she was going home soon. Time and distance were bound to clear up some questions in her

She became aware that the conversation around her had stopped. She glanced back at her

friends and found the three of them staring at her.

"What?" she asked, trying for an innocent expression.
"What's with staring at Adam?" Kris asked, arching an eyebrow.
"I was just checking to see that Mum and Dad are fine."
"Is there something going on that you're not telling us?"
She sighed. "I don't want to ruin my friendship with Adam," she said, going for partial truth.

"I'm glad that my parents have been put at ease about my upcoming move because of him, but I'm
scared that this charade would hurt later on." She didn't add that she was worried about her getting
hurt, not her parents.

"Everything will be fine, Sammy. I think Auntie and Uncle just want to see you happy. You

probably didn't even have anything to worry about from the very beginning," Kris said.

Sam nodded.
"Have you thought about where you'd stay when you come back here, Sam?" Jasmine asked.

"You're welcome to stay with us until you've decided where you want to live, so you can take your
time finding your own place."

"You're welcome to stay with me and Dylan too, Sam. You know that," Ari said.
"But she'll have to stay with me and Trey," Kris cried. "She's my blood relative."
Sam laughed, warmed by their sentiments. "Thanks, guys. Maybe you can take turns hosting me

if I take longer than expected to find an apartment. But," she said with alarm as she remembered
something, "my parents think I'll be living with Adam, so that's the story we have to stick with in front
of them."

The other girls laughed. "Okay."
"You have to tell the guys," she said to them. "I'd hate for all this to unravel because of holes

in my story. My parents will worry if they think things aren't well between me and Adam."

"We'll let the guys know," Jasmine said. "Shall we start preparing dinner, Ari?"
"I'll help," Sam said.
"No. You and Kris stay here and entertain your parents. They haven't even had a dip in the

pool yet. Too busy checking out Adam's house."

"I'm sure they're imagining it full of Sam's kids," Kris quipped.
Sam winced. "I know."
As Jasmine and Ari went back into the house, Kris said to Sam, "It must be a really

impressive house. Those guys are so engrossed by just the plans."

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"It does sound impressive," Sam said. "Kane showed them to me when Adam and I went to his

office to talk about the kitchen."

"Well, I know someone who'd be so very disappointed she won't be living in it."
"Who?" Sam asked curiously.
"Sandy—Adam's ex."
"Oh? How do you know that?"
"One time, when we had dinner with the two of them, Trey asked Adam how the plans for his

new house were going. Well, Sandy took over the conversation. She sounded like she'd already
moved in and it's not even finished yet! She talked about what colours she wanted the walls to be,
even what kind of cushions she'd be dressing up the couch with. She was really into it."

"God, she really gets under my skin," Sam said with great annoyance. "Even during that first

time I met her at that cooking event, we already took an instant dislike to each other."

"I know. I don't get along well with her either. I think she's the type of girl who would never

have many female friends. She's super competitive with other women," Kris commented.

"How do you mean?"
"The last time we had dinner with them, Sandy and I went to the ladies' room together. We

noticed this male celebrity model pass by and she mentioned she'd seen a naked picture of him. She
also read an article that said women from all walks of life wanted to throw themselves at this guy
because he was super hot. I commented that I thought Trey was better looking than the model. Then
she went on about how hot Adam was in bed and how she cried like a banshee whenever he made her
come. It felt to me like she was saying her Adam was better than my Trey. I don't care how good
Adam is in bed. He doesn't interest me. No one else interests me except Trey. That was why I made
my comment. But Sandy sounded like she needed to win some point or something."

Sam felt her face burn. She shook her head vigorously to erase the unwanted picture of Sandy

and Adam in bed together. Arrgh! She couldn't stand the thought. Why did Kris have to tell her that

"Hey, you okay?" Kris asked, surprised by her reaction.
"Sure," she said. "I just can't believe how annoying she is."
Kris nodded her agreement. "I do wonder what Adam saw in her. And I wonder if their break-

up is for real this time."

I hope so, Kris. I certainly hope so.


"Are you okay, Sammy?"

"Yeah," Sam said, giving her mother a bright smile as they waited for her dad to finish

checking in their luggage at the airline's self-serve baggage drop counter with Adam's assistance. She
thought she was hiding her despondency well. She should have known her mum would notice.

"It'll only be a month then you'll be together again," Helen said.
"But then I'll be far away from you and Dad."
"Oh, darling, it's not as if you normally see us everyday anyway. Even when you're at work,

you don't necessarily talk to your dad everyday. As long as we visit each other every month or so,
then things shouldn't be that different. But with Adam, I know how hard it will be for the two of you to
be away from each other for weeks."

Oh, her mother was an incurable romantic, and Sam didn't know what to say. Yes, the thought

of not seeing Adam for a whole month, maybe longer, was already making her miss him. And she

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hadn't even left yet.

He'd been so wonderful this past week. If that was an indication of what Adam would be like

as a long-term boyfriend, then she definitely wanted him for something serious and committed.

She sighed, remembering last night. Without a doubt, Adam knew his way around a woman's

body. She never thought sex could feel like that—incredible… heavenly… addictive. How could she
go without Adam for a whole month when just looking at him right now made her crave for his touch?
And would they simply pick up where they left off when she returned?

"Hey, guys. We're here!"
"Kris! Trey!" Helen cried. "What are you doing here?"
"We wanted to see you guys off, Auntie," Kris replied, giving Helen a hug.
"You didn't have to."
"We wanted to. Sam said you'll be having breakfast before you board. We'll join you."


Kris and Trey were saying goodbye to Helen and Ted when Adam pulled Sam close.
"Let me know what the test results are as soon as you get them, okay?" he said softly.
"Yes. Thanks for this week, Adam. It's been great," she said sincerely. She was aware that the

others would soon notice them embracing but she didn't care.

He grinned. "I had an excellent time, too." He gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, then let her


Hmm. That was a bit disappointing. For a goodbye kiss, that was much too tame for her liking.

Maybe Adam was conscious of their audience?

Adam turned to her parents as Kris enveloped her in a hug.
"See you soon, sweetie," Kris said. "I'll call or message you everyday to make sure you're not

procrastinating on your move."

She chuckled. "Don't worry. I won't be."
"And I'll remind Adam again to send you flowers and chocolates—just to keep your parents

happy," Kris whispered.

Sam stared at Kris. "The roses and chocolates on Valentine's Day were your idea?"
"Yup. Didn't he tell you?"
Kris rolled her eyes. "I even told him where to order them from."
Sam smiled even though her disappointment deepened. Sure, she'd known that the Valentine's

Day gesture was mainly for the benefit of her parents. Still, she'd wanted to believe that Adam did
think a little bit of her, and that was why he had them sent. Turned out Kris should get the credit.

The final boarding call announcement was being made for their flight and Sam reluctantly

followed her parents toward the gate entrance. She looked back and waved at the three, still hoping
that Adam would at least give her another big hug. But he remained where he was beside Trey and
Kris, waving back.

Would he miss her at all?

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"You've got to be kidding me," Adam said, staring in disbelief at the confused-looking woman at the
reception desk of the Byron Bay resort where the wedding of his cousin John and his fiancée Bella
would be taking place that afternoon.

"I'm sorry, sir, but that's what's been booked according to our system," the receptionist said


"It should have been changed. Sandy Burns and I are not supposed to be sharing. Could you

move me to another room, please?"

"I'm afraid we're fully booked, sir."
Adam ran his hand through his hair. This was ridiculous. How could the bride and groom's

wedding planner get this wrong? He'd advised both John and Bella a month ago that he and Sandy had
split up. Bella had assured him that her planner, who was organising everything including flights and
accommodation for the wedding guests, would make the necessary adjustments. Obviously,
instructions didn't get to the right people.

"I'd need to book into another hotel then," Adam said to the desk clerk. "Could you assist me

with finding nearby accommodation, please? I'd do it myself but I need to get ready for the wedding."

"I'll ask our concierge to make some calls for you," the woman said sympathetically.
"Thank you. I'll check with him after the wedding. For now, I guess I'd need that room key."


Adam knocked on the door before opening it. If Sandy was in there, he didn't want to just

enter. There was no answer, so he let himself in.

He surveyed the room. It was what you would expect from a pricey five-star resort in the area

—opulent and elegant with a warm, country feel. The problem was it had only one king-sized bed. Oh
well, not that it mattered. He wouldn't be sleeping there anyway. He just needed to use the room to get
changed for the wedding, which would be starting in fifteen minutes at the resort's gardens.

Sandy's suitcase was there, so she must already be mingling with other guests. Why didn't

Sandy warn him there'd been a mistake and that they were in a same room? Did she even try to fix the

He exhaled harshly. Was the mistake deliberate? It wouldn't surprise him if Bella didn't

instruct her wedding planner about making the changes. Being one of Sandy's oldest friends and the
person who'd introduced Sandy to him, Bella was still keen for them to get back together.

Well, no point stewing about it. He'd check into his new hotel after the wedding.
He heard the door click and in walked Sandy. He hid his grimace. No doubt he'd be sitting

next to her at a couples' table during the reception dinner. He wasn't looking forward to that.

"Hi, Adam. I saw you arrive downstairs. Too bad the hotel's fully booked, huh?" she said,

greeting him with a kiss on the cheek.

"The booking should have been changed weeks ago," he responded. "I'll let John and Bella

know their wedding planner stuffed up. Anyway, I'm not staying here tonight."

"What do you mean? Where will you be staying?" Sandy asked, surprised.
"Don't know yet. I've asked reception to find another accommodation for me. I'll know later."
"I heard most of the good hotels around the area are fully booked for this weekend. Some of

the guests are sharing a room together because there was nowhere else to go."

He stared at Sandy, hoping she was wrong.
"Anyway, if they find a room elsewhere for you, great. Otherwise, I don't mind sleeping on the

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couch," Sandy said.

He frowned. "I'm sure they'll find something. But if not, I'm sleeping on the couch, you take the


"It would be too uncomfortable for you, Adam. The couch is not long enough, but it's perfect

for me. You take the bed."

He shook his head. "Let's not discuss this unless we absolutely have to. I'll just go get


"I'll wait for you. I thought we could go downstairs together."
He opened his mouth to protest, but decided there was no harm in that.


"Wasn't that a great party?" Sandy commented as they went back to their room. "I'm so tired, but I'm
still buzzing. It'll probably take me a while before I fall asleep."

Adam smiled his agreement, feeling amenable even though he'd received the bad news that

nearby hotels were also fully booked. Those with vacancies were a good distance away.

Since it was only for one night, and Sandy seemed to be behaving reasonably well, he didn't

feel as against sharing the room with her as he'd been when he first found out he had to. Besides, he
was also feeling upbeat courtesy of the wonderful food and great entertainment from the wedding

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom first?" Sandy asked.
"Of course not. Go ahead," he responded.
While Sandy was having a shower, he fixed the sofa with a pillow and spare blanket. He lay

down, trying it out.

Damn it, he was too tall. It would be a long, uncomfortable night. But he had no choice but to

put up with it. It would be very ungentlemanly of him if he let Sandy sleep on the couch.

He glanced at the bed, knowing it would be cozy. It reminded him of Sam and how he would

have loved it if she were his date tonight. He missed her and couldn't wait for her arrival back in
Sydney next weekend. He was pleased she was able to arrange her move so quickly.

He was glad and more than relieved that her dad's initial test results from the biopsy were

negative. That was excellent news, although Ted's doctor wanted him to have further tests sooner
rather than later.

He wondered what Sam was doing now. She was probably asleep already. Oh, what he'd give

to be sleeping with her tonight.


Adam came out of the bathroom and found Sandy lying on the sofa, playing with her phone.

"Hey, I told you I'm taking the couch," he protested.
"Adam, I'm fine here. I'm short enough to be comfy. Stop arguing and take the bed," Sandy


"Fine. But don't say I didn't offer."
Sandy laughed. "I know what a gentleman you are, Adam. Even though you can be a devil


He let the comment pass, knowing Sandy would only need the tiniest hint of encouragement to

continue with her teasing banters.

He got in the bed, pleased that he was right about how comfortable it was. He closed his eyes,

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thinking of Sam.


Adam stroked Sam's bare leg, then let his hand travel to her belly. Why was she still wearing

her nightie? Wasn't she supposed to be naked? He pulled her closer, her back against his front, and
kissed her shoulder. She ground her butt against his erection, making him groan in pleasure. He
groped for the hem of her lingerie, eager to cup her breast underneath her clothes.

"Mmm, yes, Adam," Sam moaned.
Except that she didn't sound like Sam.
The voice was Sandy's.
Adam snatched his hand away and sat up abruptly, sleep leaving him as reality became clear.
"What the hell are you doing in the bed?!" he asked incredulously. Jesus. He was dreaming of

Sam but was touching Sandy.

"The couch was too uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep. The bed was big enough so I thought

you wouldn't mind. You're the one who started caressing me."

He rubbed his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
"I don't mind," Sandy said in a sultry voice, reaching out for him.
He shook his head and got out of bed.
"Where are you going?" Sandy asked in alarm.
"I'm getting up."
"It's way too early. It's only six-thirty."
"Sandy, you and I are not gonna happen again," he said with conviction.
"Sure. But you're still hard, Adam," Sandy said, running her hands slowly over her breasts. "I

don't mind helping you with that. Just for this morning. We'll forget about it after we leave this

He gulped. His dream of Sam had given him a raging hard-on that hadn't gone away even with

his rude awakening. But he was pleased to get confirmation that he was no longer susceptible to
Sandy's temptations like he'd been in the past. He turned and went to the bathroom, locking the door.


A big smile split Adam's face as he answered his ringing phone.

"Hey, Sam," he greeted.
"Hi, Adam. How's everything going?"
"Good, thanks. Just got back from Byron Bay. I'm in a taxi on the way home now."
"Byron Bay?"
"Yeah. Didn't I tell you? That was where my cousin had his wedding."
"Oh, right. I knew the wedding was yesterday but I didn't know it was at Byron Bay. How

long were you there for?"

"Just one night."
"Where did you stay?"
He told her, suddenly not wanting to discuss the accommodation further, considering the mix-

up that had happened. He'd hate for Sam to know he'd spent the night with Sandy, even though nothing
had happened.

"Oh, I've heard so many great things about that place," Sam gushed. "What was it like?"
"It was good. The garden where the ceremony was held was beautiful, and they put on a

fantastic wedding reception. Anyway, how have you been?" he asked, keen to change the subject.

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"Good, thanks. The reason I called was to give you some warning that you might be getting

some of my mail at your home address. I've already done a redirect at the post office to my new
place, but some of my personal mail would still go to the practice's PO box. My mum sorts through
those so she'd be posting mine to your place. There shouldn't be many, if at all. Just thought I'd let you
know. And I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not. That's no problem. Is everything all set for your move?"
"Yes. I'm staying at my parents' now until I leave next week. My apartment's being emptied

and cleaned so I can have it rented out."

"I'll pick you up next week," he offered.
"Oh. Thanks. But Kris and Trey are already picking me up. I'm staying with them for a week

because my new Sydney place that my parents don't know about won't be ready yet."

"Whatever would your mum and dad say when they learn that your boyfriend didn't bother

picking you up at the airport?" he teased.

Sam laughed. "Well, unless one of us tells, they'll never know."
"Well, I'll just have to take you out to dinner then."
"Anytime you want."
"Okay. I can't wait. I have to go. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay. Bye, Sam."
Adam scrunched his face. What a shame that Sam wouldn't be moving to her place

immediately when she arrived. They wouldn't be able to spend the night together until she'd moved
out of Kris and Trey's. As far as he knew, she was still set on not letting anyone know they were
hooking up.

The way he was missing her was more than how he'd felt for any woman. It befuddled him and

he wondered if it was just lust or if it was something deeper. He wanted to identify his feelings first
before he spouted anything deep and meaningful. The repercussions were serious if it was just a
fleeting thing and he let her believe it was more. They were friends and he didn't want that ruined
from hasty declarations.

One thing he knew for sure, though. His body was hankering for Sam. Badly.

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Sam looked around her, soaking in the sights and smells of a commercial kitchen. In just a few
minutes, Rowena's Kitchen would be buzzing with activity. Even though this gig—her very first in the
food industry—was only part-time and temporary, and she was on a salary that wouldn't even support
the rent for the apartment she just had to have because of its big kitchen, she'd never been more
excited about starting a new job than at that moment.

She considered this her learning phase, so the low pay compared to what she was used to

wasn't a huge issue. She was happy to dip into her savings for a short while. She'd observe and
absorb all she could, then start her business as soon as possible.

Rowena, her new boss, knew of her dreams. But while Rowena's Kitchen specialised in

servicing large events, Sam planned to start small. Intimate parties of less than twelve people looking
for exquisite gourmet meals would be ideal.

"Sam," Rowena called, walking toward her with a good-looking, copper-haired man by her

side. "I'd like to introduce you to Brian Cox. He's our Client Manager. It's his job to make sure the
customers are happy with our service from the first phone call until the end of the event when we
pack up our gear and leave the venue tidy."

"Hello, Sam. It's great to meet you," Brian said with a warm smile, extending his right hand to


"Hi, Brian. Pleased to meet you," she responded, shaking hands with him.
"I have to warn you that Brian is also our resident slave-driver," Rowena teased. "I might be

the owner of Rowena's Kitchen, but he's the one who pulls out the whip when someone slacks

"Hey, I'm the person who gets my head bitten off when the orders don't get to the venues on

time," Brian said with a laugh. "I have to make sure everyone's chop-chopping as fast as they can."

"So for today, Sam, you'll be working at the mains station with me," Rowena said. "It'll be

very intense today as we are down one person. I just sent home one of my employees who's sick. She
shouldn't even have come in," Rowena added with a tsk.

"I better grab my megaphone so I can get everybody starting," Brian joked.
"I'm ready," Sam said with an excited smile.


"Hey, Sammy! How was your day?" Kris asked as Sam walked through the door.

"My feet are killing me. But other than that, I had an excellent time." Sam sat down next to

Kris on the sofa and recounted her first day at work like an excited kid coming home from her first
day at school.

Kris laughed. "Look at you! And to think that at one point, you were resigned to being an

accountant forever."

"I know! I'm so glad you came up with the idea of telling Mum and Dad I was leaving the

practice for a man."

"You know I was just kidding then, right? I'm glad you took it seriously," Kris said. "Anyway,

speaking of the man, you'd need to call on his acting abilities again."

"Dad called me earlier. He's in town tomorrow for a meeting in place of his boss who can't

attend. He's staying here tomorrow night so we can have more time together. Naturally, he wants to

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meet his niece's boyfriend."

"Oh, sure," Sam answered. "I'll let Adam know."
"Also, you won't want Dad to find out you're currently staying here, too. Your mum's already

told him you're living with Adam."

"Oh, drats. You're right. Maybe I can ask Ari and Dylan if I can stay at their place for the

night. They're only down the road."

"Or you can stay with Adam like you did the last time," Kris said, her eyes twinkling.
Sam felt her face burn. Did Kris know something?
"You're hiding something!" Kris exclaimed, her eyes wide. "What's happening between the

two of you?"

"Nothing's happening, Kris," she responded. That much was true. Something did happen, but

ever since she left for Melbourne three and a half weeks ago, nothing had been happening.
Technically, she hadn't lied.

"But you like Adam, don't you?" Kris asked with squinted eyes, gauging her reaction.
"Come on, Kris. Who wouldn't like Adam?" she contended. "But nothing's happening between

us," she repeated.

"Would you like something to happen?"
"Ask me that in about a month or so," she dodged, not wanting the conversation to go

anywhere. "Anyway, I'm going to have a quick shower before dinner. I smell like food."

"Okay. I'm cooking, by the way," Kris said. "And don't complain. I already have pre-made

lasagne heating up in the oven. I'll make some salad to go with it. You're getting the night off."

"Okay then," she agreed, walking toward her bedroom.
She was glad Kris had dropped the topic of her and Adam. She felt like she was in limbo

where he was concerned. She'd been waiting for him to give her a sign that he'd want to continue what
they'd started a few weeks ago. Frustratingly, he hadn't given her any indication.

They did have dinner together on her first night back, but it was with the rest of the gang. And

while he was his usual friendly self, there was no added sweetness in the way he'd treated her. It
disappointed her more than she cared to admit.

"Well, what are you gonna do about it, Samantha?" she muttered with disdain. "Here you are

complaining again that what you want to happen isn't happening. So what are you doing to make it
happen, huh?"

She stripped her clothes off brusquely, annoyed with herself. What was there to analyse?

Wasn't Adam worth the risk of rejection and embarrassment?

A voice inside her head answered loudly and clearly.


Sam caught Kris and Trey canoodling in the kitchen. "Hey, none of that while you're preparing food.
I'm starving," she joked.

Trey grinned at her. "Can't help it, Sam. I haven't seen your cousin all day."
Sam rolled her eyes at the couple, envious of their closeness and jealous that they were getting

some sex. Rephrase that—they were getting a lot of sex. Those two obviously felt comfortable
enough around her that they didn't care how loud they got at nights. Fortunately, her bedroom wasn't
next to theirs. But that just proved how much fun they were having that she could still hear them from
a couple of doors down.

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Geez. Not too long ago, she'd made a comment to Kris and Ari that she didn't know what the

fuss was about when it came to sex. Now here she was, wondering what she could do to get some
bedroom action. Problem was, she only wanted it with one particular man.

Trey's phone rang and he frowned as he checked the screen. "Now what the hell does she

want?" he muttered.

"Who is it?" Kris asked.
Sam's eyebrows shot up. Yes, what the hell did Sandy want?
"Hello?" Trey said. "Hi, Sandy. What's up?… Really?… Oh, right… I'll have to check and get

back to you… I will. Thanks."

"What was that about?" Kris asked as she tossed the salad.
"Remember John? Adam's cousin who just got married? We're invited to his surprise birthday

party in three weeks."

"Why are we invited? Are you good friends with him?" Kris asked.
"I've known John for a long time because of Adam."
"Why did Sandy do the inviting?" Sam couldn't help asking.
Trey shrugged. "She's one of Bella's closest friends. Maybe she's helping Bella organise it."
"Oh, I didn't know that," she responded. "Did Adam meet Sandy through Bella?"
"Yes. She introduced them to each other," Trey confirmed. "You know what, Sam? You

should go with Adam as his date."

Sam stared at Trey, finding herself silently agreeing with him.
"You think Sandy hasn't given up yet?" Kris asked.
Trey snorted. "Not by a long shot."
"Why do you think Adam kept taking her back before?" Sam asked, trying to sound casual.
Trey sighed. "Well, I think if you're a single guy, and a hot woman keeps on throwing herself

at you, you're bound to feel flattered and give in. Sandy is the most persistent girl I know when it
comes to chasing after a man. I guess there's something about her persistence that keeps Adam from
totally cutting ties. Unfortunately, she's also immature, materialistic and shallow."

Sam felt a tightening in her chest. Maybe Sandy had been right when she'd called her a cold

fish. Compared to Sandy, she was far too timid—always waiting for the guy to act first. She didn't
even initiate a call to Adam when she was in Melbourne, even though she'd pined for him badly. She
just wasn't used to being obvious about her feelings—and not at all experienced in chasing men.

It appeared Adam was used to being pursued. Was he waiting for her to make the move? Had

he thought she was no longer interested and therefore kept his distance? Or—hell—did he find her


"You can go back to work. We'll clean up here," Kris said to Trey after they finished dinner.

"Thanks, babe. I'll only be another hour and I'll be done," Trey said and gave Kris a quick kiss

on the lips before disappearing into his home office.

"Um, Kris," Sam said as she loaded the dishwasher. "Do you think Adam's still hung up on


Kris glanced at her. "I don't think so from what I've seen and heard from the boys. Why?"
"I was just wondering. I find it unbelievable that Sandy's still hanging on even after Adam has

told her many times they were over. It makes me think that Sandy knows Adam's weakness when it

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comes to her. Something's making her confident that she could always get him back."

Kris shrugged. "I don't know. I think Sandy's just too attached to the lifestyle Adam was able

to give her. I do believe Sandy has feelings for him, but gosh, Adam can do better. A lot better.
Sandy's an absolute stunner but that's about it."

"So what do you think he saw in her then, apart from her looks?"
Kris laughed. "Adam's a man, Sam. With a bombshell like Sandy chasing after him, I'm sure

his dick made his decision for him more than a few times."

Sam couldn't help the frustrated sigh that escaped her. Side by side, she was sure Sandy

would win a beauty contest between the two of them. Sandy was glamorous and Sam was… practical.
What was even more worrying was that someone as shameless as Sandy would no doubt be
completely uninhibited in bed. How could she compete with that?

Startled, she glanced at her cousin and her cheeks pinked. Kris was staring at her with arms

folded across her chest. She'd been so lost in her thoughts that she was just standing there, holding
used cutlery in her hand.

"I do believe there's something going on that you're not telling me," Kris said quietly. Too

quietly. Her cousin meant business.

Sam filled her lungs before exhaling with a whoosh. "I've got a crush on Adam," she blurted


Kris gasped. "Really?"
"Since when?"
"Since I saw how hot he was that first time we met him at Kane and Jazzie's."
"Oh my God, Sam. That was ages ago! And you've been keeping this to yourself?"
"It wasn't too bad in the past. It was only lately that it's gotten stronger."
"Wow." Kris' eyes were round as saucers. "Knowing you, you haven't even let him know,

have you?"

"Oh, he knows I'm attracted to him."
She blushed deep red. "I… um… We… um…"
Kris' eyes bulged out. "You've slept with him?" she whispered.
Her expression answered for her.
"Oh my God. When?"
"When I stayed over at his place when my parents were here."
"And what?"
"And what have you two decided? What have you discussed?"
"We just said we were happy to see where it could lead. We didn't want to tell any of you

guys until we were sure ourselves what we wanted. It just happened so unexpectedly."

"Wow. I've never known you to jump into bed without some certainty that the relationship was

a committed one, Sammy."

"I know."
"What's going on now?"
She breathed deeply. "Nothing."
"What do you mean nothing?" Kris demanded.

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"I mean, nothing. Adam hasn't asked me to stay with him again. He hasn't even asked me out

since I came back."

"It's only been five days since you came back. Give him time. Anyway, have you let him know

you're still interested?"

"Not exactly," she said in a small voice. "I'm not used to being forward, Kris."
"I know."
"So what do I do?"
"What do you want to do?"
Sam chewed her lip. "I want us to continue seeing each other."
"Then let him know that."
"I don't know if I could compete with Sandy," she murmured.
"Sam! You are much better than Sandy! If you really want Adam, you've got to fight for him.

Will you just let Sandy win again?"

"No," she answered with conviction. "Okay then. I guess I'll have to muster some courage and

show Adam I'm still keen."

"Good! It's about time you burst out of your shell," Kris said.
"But please don't tell Trey," Sam begged. "I'm not ready for everyone knowing yet. You know

me. I hate being the centre of attention. And I'd prefer for Adam and me to figure out what we have
together quietly."

"Can't we tell Jaz and Ari?"
"Yes," she said, feeling relieved that she could now talk freely to her cousin and best friends

about her feelings for Adam. "But I'd rather they don't tell Kane and Dylan yet, either."

"Sure. And Sam?"
"You'll be staying at Adam's tomorrow night, right?"
"Well, it would give me a break from the ruckus that goes on in your bedroom every night,"

she teased, desperately trying to stifle her nerves by making things light.

"When a man knows his way around your body, you won't be able to stop yourself from

screaming even if you wanted to," Kris said matter-of-factly.

Sam blushed furiously. She knew exactly what Kris was talking about.
"Oh. My. God. Adam's good, huh?" Kris said with a wide grin.
Sam sighed theatrically. "So good I thought I was going to pass out."
Kris shouted in glee and she laughed with her.
Would Adam want her to stay with him tomorrow night?

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"Hey, Sam," Adam said as he arrived at Kris and Trey's for their dinner with Kris's dad.

"Hi," Sam responded, planting a kiss on his mouth. "Great timing. Uncle Conrad will be here

any minute."

Adam's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Sam kissed him on the lips, and it wasn't for show. Her

uncle hadn't arrived yet.

"We're preparing dinner," Sam said, taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen.
Never one to let an opportunity pass, he tugged her back and snaked an arm around her waist.

"I need more warm up before your uncle gets here," he said huskily, lowering his head and kissing her
—a hot, open-mouthed, tongue-in-play kiss. Oh God, how he missed her mouth.

A clanking and a sharp yelp from the kitchen startled them and made them pull apart.
Sam sighed, a shy but happy smile playing on her lips. "I better make sure those guys haven't

done anything to my dishes." She gave him another kiss—a quick but sweet peck—before walking to
the kitchen.

He trailed after her, grinning like an idiot. Damn. A few seconds of kissing Sam and he was

back on a high.

It was a welcome change of moods. He'd been quite anxious and more than a little aggro in the

last few days since she got back. She had seemed cool toward him. Not angry-cool, but we-were-
just-friends-and-nothing-was-going-on kind of cool. He'd worried that she might have regretted that
they'd slept together.

He wanted Sam to show that she still wanted him. It had stung when she'd acted like nothing

special had happened between them. He'd thought long and hard about it, and he was sure he was
already teetering into love territory. He wanted to be certain she was at least interested enough to
keep on moving forward with him. Divulging his feelings only to get shattered would have serious
ramifications for their friendship.

Thank God she was still keen.
"Oh." Sam stopped just before they got to the kitchen. "I was going to ask you if I could stay at

your place tonight?" she whispered. "My uncle's sleeping here and he thinks I live with you."

"Of course," he grinned. Ooh, now he couldn't wait.
"Thanks, Adam," she breathed. "Do you mind if you take my suitcase and a couple of bags to

your car now before Uncle Conrad arrives?"

"Why are you whispering?" he asked, his voice as low as hers.
"Oh, um, I guess I don't want Kris and Trey to get naughty ideas in their heads."
Ah, she still wasn't ready to out them. No problem—as long as it was okay if he got naughty



"So, Adam," Conrad said as they dug into the lemon tart Sam made for dessert, "whatever did you
feed our Sammy here that she up and left Melbourne?"

Adam smiled as Sam rolled her eyes and shook her head in mock censure. It was evident from

their interaction that Sam was close to her Uncle Conrad. In fact, with Conrad's dark hair being
similar in shade to Sam's—apart from the sprinkling of grey—he resembled his niece more than his
own daughter. Kris must have taken after her late mother.

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"To be honest, Conrad, I have no idea," Adam responded. "I'd like to think it was just my

charm, but surely, Sam has her fair share of more eligible admirers. So I guess you have to ask her."
He glanced at Sam, who was playing with her food, and noticed her blush.

"Aww, she's gone all shy," Conrad teased. "I guess it's just love, eh, Sammy?"
"You're just as bad as Mum and Dad, Uncle," Sam muttered.
"Your parents and I are just happy you've found someone. We were all worried you'd end up a


Sam gasped while Kris sputtered in laughter.
"Dad!" Kris chided. "Why did you even think that?"
"Yeah, Conrad," Adam said with a frown. "Sam's a very attractive girl."
"Oh, it wasn't the lack of admirers," Conrad said. "Even from their teenage years, there'd

always been boys following these two girls like love-sick puppies. But Sam has always been picky
and shy with boys. I think you're her first real boyfriend."

"That's not true," Sam protested. "Ask Kris."
"No, Adam's not her first boyfriend, Dad," Kris confirmed.
"Oh, well, what do I know?" Conrad responded. "What I mean is, this moving to Sydney for

you, Adam, is a big thing. Just like my daughter moving for Trey, and Jasmine moving for Kane."

Kris and Trey smiled at each other, their expressions tender and full of love.
Adam could see why Conrad—and Sam's parents—believed that he and Sam were in love.

The precedents were Sam's cousin and best friend—one engaged, and the other already married, to
the men they'd met in Sydney. He bet Conrad, Helen and Ted were expecting him to propose to Sam

He glanced at Sam, who was still playing with her food. He grabbed her hand and put it to his

lips. "Well, I, for one, am glad that Sam and I are together."

He meant every word of it.


"See you on Monday," Adam said to Trey as they said their goodbyes.

"You're not going to Sam's apartment on Saturday?" Trey asked softly so as not to be

overheard by Conrad, who was chatting with the girls.

"Oh, she's moving on Saturday?"
"Yes. Her stuff from Melbourne is arriving Saturday morning. We're helping her unpack and

all that."

"I'll see you Saturday then," Adam answered. He felt slightly miffed that Sam hadn't told her

about her move. Sure, they weren't officially together yet but she must know he'd want to help, didn't

"So, where's Sam sleeping tonight?" Trey whispered with a wicked grin.
"Where else but in my bedroom. Did you think I'll let her sleep anywhere else?" he asked.
"Good luck with that," Trey said with a laugh, obviously thinking Adam was joking. "At least

it makes me feel better knowing I won't be the only one not getting any tonight."

"What do you mean?"
Trey made a face. "Kris won't let me touch her while her dad's around. She doesn't want him

to hear us."

"Oh. Just keep the volume down then."
Trey snorted. "No. We've tried that before but we just can't."

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"Well, then, a night won't kill you."
"A night and a morning," Trey complained.
"Tough for you, bro. I won't be thinking of you when I get some tonight."
"As if," Trey said with a smirk.
Before Adam could respond, the others approached them.
"It was great to meet you, Adam," Conrad said.
"It was my pleasure, Conrad," he responded sincerely.
"I won't see these girls again for a while so you take care of this one, okay?" Conrad said,

putting his arm around Sam's shoulders. "Don't let her wiggle away. She's a great catch. And don't
wait too long before you make your decision about the future."

Adam grinned at Sam's mortified expression.
"Honestly, Uncle! Why the hurry?" she cried.
"We know you, Sammy," Conrad said. "You love thinking things through to the nth degree."

Turning to Adam, he said, "A tip, Adam. Sam likes taking her time before coming to a final
conclusion on most things. Just be patient with her. Her brain's so fastidious that it just refuses to stop

"We're going now," Sam said hastily, grabbing Adam's arm and leading him to the door.
Conrad chuckled. "Bye, Sammy. And don't worry about your parents. They're fine."
"Thank you, Uncle. Come visit us again. I do miss you even if you embarrass the hell out of

me sometimes."

Conrad laughed out loud.
Adam glanced back and gave Conrad a wave and a grin. He was grateful for his little tip.

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Sam felt Adam's hand on the small of her back as they waited for the elevator. Involuntarily, she
leaned against him. Adam's arm snaked around her waist and he kissed her hair.

The lift came and they boarded. To her surprise, Adam crowded her to a corner, pinning her

against the wall with his body.

"Did you miss me, Sammy?" he asked huskily, running a knuckle on her cheek.
Her heart pounded like mad, excitement and worry warring within her.
"Adam, someone might come in," she whispered frantically.
"So? Then they'll see a couple making out in the corner."
"Wait 'til we get home," she said, placing her palms on his chest to push him away. But she

ended up caressing that muscular chest of his that she'd been yearning for for weeks.

"Did you miss me?" he repeated, nuzzling her neck.
"Yes," she admitted.
"Good. 'Cause I missed you, too." Adam planted a kiss below her ear.
"Really?" she asked, her heart expanding. He missed her!
"Uh-huh," Adam replied, leaving butterfly kisses along her face. Her eyes closed as she

placed her arms around his neck and pressed closer to him.

Adam's lips found hers and she melted against him. What was it about his kisses that made her

feel like she was being drugged?

Adam grabbed her hips and devoured her mouth. She let out a moan as she felt his hard-on.

Good to know she wasn't the only one getting aroused.

"Are you two getting out?" a voice asked.
Sam's eyes flew open as she pushed Adam away in panic. An elderly couple and a middle-

aged woman were staring at them with saucer eyes.

"Sorry," she said in a small voice and scurried out, dragging Adam with her.
Adam was chuckling as he led them toward his car. "You should have seen your face, Sam."
She glared at him. "I'll have you know I'm not an exhibitionist."
"We were just kissing," he said in laughing protest.
"I was plastered all over you and you had your hands on my ass! I swear you were grinding

your hips against mine when the door opened."

A man who was loading something in his car glanced at them in surprise. Sam's face burned.

Great. Now she was even proclaiming to the world what they'd just done in a public place.

Adam shrugged at the stranger as they walked past him. "Can you blame me?" he asked the


"No," the man said with a laugh. "Not at all."
Sam gave Adam one of her most blistering scowls.
"I'm sorry," he said softly, looking regretful. "I really just missed you."
She sighed, her indignation dissipating. If he put it like that…
Besides, it was her fault too. She was just as much in a haze of passion as he had been. Well,

she couldn't help it. Adam was just too hot. She could understand why Sandy wouldn't let him go.

Hrmmph. Sandy. Shameless Sandy. She bet Sandy wouldn't have felt one iota of

embarrassment if someone caught her canoodling in the elevator.

A thought hit her. Was that one of the reasons why Adam found that woman attractive?

Because Sandy wasn't ashamed to show how much she enjoyed being with him? In contrast, here she

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was giving him a hard time for showing her how much he missed her?

They got to Adam's car. Before he opened the passenger door, he tilted her chin. "Forgive


She gave him an apologetic smile of her own. "There's nothing to forgive. Sometimes I'm just

too… modest."

Adam grinned.
This time, she deliberately put her arms around him and kissed him. Passionately.
"Mmm, Sam, there are people about," Adam murmured.
"We're just kissing," she responded.
Adam laughed sexily. "Let's go home."
Oh, yes, great idea.



Sam giggled as Adam pinned her against the passenger side of his car as soon as she got out.
"There's no one here but us," he whispered in her ear.
She looked around. The basement car park of Adam's apartment was indeed empty.
"Someone can turn up at any second," she said. But instead of retreating, she clutched his shirt

and pulled him to her for a torrid kiss. She even lifted a leg and wrapped it around him. She did cross
her fingers that no one would catch them in that position.

"Oh, you've changed your mind about being an exhibitionist, have you?" Adam murmured, his

voice heavy with desire.

The unmistakable sound of an approaching car made her freeze. "Uh, not quite yet."
Adam chuckled. "We'll continue this upstairs," he said, releasing her.
They retrieved her suitcase and a couple of heavy bags from the boot of his car. Since it was

already Thursday night, they'd decided it was more convenient if she stayed with Adam until Saturday
morning when she moved into her new apartment.

Kris had secretly winked at her, but funnily enough, Trey didn't seem to have any clue that

convenience wasn't the real reason for this arrangement.

She wondered why that was? Hadn't Trey even considered that his best friend might be

interested in her? Was that such an unthinkable thing? Was it because she was so different from

Darn. Now her doubts were threatening to ruin her night. Why, oh why, did thoughts of Sandy

keep on intruding?

She held the elevator door open for Adam, whose hands were full with her heavy bags. Just as

the lift was about to close, a guy came running inside.

"Hey, Adam."
"Hey, Paul. How's it going?"
"Not bad, thanks."
Paul turned his attention to Sam, eyeing the suitcase she was holding on to. "Hi, I'm Paul," he

said with a charming smile.

"Hi, I'm Sam."
"Short for Samantha?" Paul asked, his head tilting to one side.
"So, Samantha," Paul drawled, leaning against the elevator wall flirtatiously. "Did you just

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move into the building?"

"No. I'm staying with Adam for a couple of nights," she said with a friendly smile.
Paul straightened, his expression one of surprise and disappointment. "Oh. I see. Well, here

comes my stop," he said, looking at the indicator. When the lift finally halted at his floor, Paul waved
goodbye, only looking at Sam.

"Idiot," Adam muttered.
"Why?" Sam asked.
"He's tried to pick up a few women he's met in the building—unfortunately for him, the ones

he liked were all taken."

"Aww. Poor guy. I can't believe no one's given him a chance. He's very cute, and he seems

nice," she commented innocently.

"How would you know he's nice? You only spoke to him for less than a minute," Adam asked

with a frown.

She shrugged. "He seems to be."
Adam didn't answer.
She peered at him. He was actually pouting!
The lift door opened to Adam's floor and they exited. He had a sullen look as they walked into

his apartment, heading straight to his bedroom.

Once Adam had dropped her bags on the floor, she curved her arms around his neck. "What's


"That Paul's a big flirt," he said with a scowl. "If you were alone in the lift he would certainly

have made a big play for you. And you think he's very cute?"

Sam's lips tugged into a smile. "Are you jealous?"
"No," he denied, his pout becoming bigger.
"Then what's with this?" She trapped his grumpy lips with her fingers.
He mumbled something through his finger-pressed mouth.
"What?" she asked, letting go.
"Waiting for your kiss," he said.
"Oh, really?" she asked, her grin widening.
Reluctantly, Adam's pout turned into a smile. "So are you going to plant those sexy lips on


She raised on tiptoes and gave him a small peck.
His eyes narrowed. "Nowhere near enough," he growled.
She kissed him again, still softly but a couple of seconds longer.
"More," Adam demanded.
This time, she really kissed him—long and hard, tongue and all, and hands everywhere.
When they came up for air, Adam lifted her top and took it off her. "More," he whispered, his

mouth going for her neck and giving it ardent sucks and hot kisses.

"Yes, more," she breathed, unbuttoning his shirt with eager fingers.
They stripped each other's clothes with impatience she hadn't known she possessed—at least,

not when it came to sex. With her exes, she'd needed long, slow foreplay. But not with Adam. She
was already ready—panting hard and soaking wet—and he hadn't even touched her yet where it really

Adam gently pushed her onto a sitting position on the bed, kneeling before her. He rained

steamy kisses on her face, her neck, her shoulders, then his mouth travelled to her breasts.

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"I missed these," he murmured, squeezing them close together and flicking the peaks with his


She bit her lip to stop herself from moaning out loud.
Adam continued to play with her nipples, gazing at them ardently, like he enjoyed seeing them

aroused. The he licked one, running his tongue round and round before closing his lips and giving it a
gentle suck.

"Adam…" she whispered with a voice full of desire.
He paid attention to the other twin, laving it, before his mouth travelled southward. It wasn't

long before he pushed her legs further apart, his face inches from her pussy.

"And I missed this," he croaked, touching her wetness.
She let out a loud gasp as she watched him wet his finger with her juices before he let it travel

to her swollen clit. When he touched that bundle of sensitised nerves, she couldn't stop the moan that
came out of her.

Adam groaned and replaced his finger with his expert tongue.
All too soon, she was close to coming. "Adam," she cried softly, unable to control the

movement of her hips grinding against his mouth. When Adam inserted his fingers into her as he
continued to lick, she gave up trying to stifle the lusty sounds that came out of her.

Before long, much sooner than she wanted, she came hard with a loud cry. Adam didn't stop

until her shuddering did.

When she opened her eyes, she found him grinning at her with a self-satisfied expression.
"Did you miss that too, baby?" he asked impishly.
She nodded, smiling.
Adam stood up, and his impressive erection was right in front of her face.
Ooh, she definitely craved that. She grabbed his hips and urged him closer, then wrapped her

fingers around his cock, stroking it.

"Ahh, Sammy."
She looked up into his eyes. "Did you miss this?"
"Hell, yes," he panted.
"What about this?" She put him in her mouth and sucked and licked in the way that she learned

he liked. She tugged him at the base with one hand while she caressed his balls with the other.

"Oh, God, Sam," Adam groaned through gritted teeth, his hips flexing in time with her actions.
She hadn't quite had her fill when Adam moved away and went to his bedside table.
"Adam, I'm not done with you yet," she complained.
He grinned at her in that sexy way that promised more. "I'm too close, baby."
"And I want to make you come," she said bashfully.
He came back and placed a hot kiss on her lips, dropping a packet on the bed. "You will.

When I'm inside you."

"Why not with my mouth?" She hadn't done that to anyone before. To her surprise, she really

wanted to do it to Adam. He had awakened her sexual curiosity and appetite to heights she hadn't
known existed.

He chuckled. "You can later, sweetheart. I want to come inside you first. Now crawl up to the

middle of the bed."

She complied. As long as there was a 'later', she was happy.
Adam blanketed her with his body and resumed kissing her. She ran her hands on his back,

revelling in the heat and smoothness of his skin. His mouth and fingers stoked her desire again. By the

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time his lips were sucking her tit and his fingers were moving in and out of her while his thumb
rubbed her clit, she was, once again, panting and moaning unashamedly. That she was tugging and
stroking Adam's erection at the same time added to her pleasure.

A low growl came out of Adam and he sat up abruptly, reaching for the condom.
"Do you get tested, Adam?" she asked suddenly.
"Yes. And I'm always healthy," he answered with amusement.
"Me too," she murmured.
"I know that without you telling me, Sammy," he said with a laugh as he ripped the packet.
"I'm on birth control," she whispered.
Adam gaped at her. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I trust you."
"Oh, Sam," Adam groaned, chucking the condom in the air and gathering her to him. "Are you

sure?" Adam asked, already parting her legs and positioning himself in between—quite
enthusiastically, she thought.

Her giggles turned into a loud moan as Adam pushed in. Slowly he moved inside her as his

mouth sought her lips, her neck, and, oh, her nipples.

"Oh, baby, you feel so good… so hot… so wet… so fucking good…" Adam panted, his

thrusting getting faster.

"Oh, God, Adam!" she keened. How he did it, she had no idea. But he took her higher than she

thought possible. She writhed under him uncontrollably, her climax approaching with speed. When
Adam placed his thumb on her clit while he drove into her with abandon, her whole body clenched.
Stars appeared behind her eyelids as an intense orgasm washed over her.

"Oh fuck… Sam… Sammy… arghhh!!!"
Spent, Adam collapsed on top of her as her body continued its rhythmic clamping.


"Christ, that was incredible," Adam said after a long moment of catching their breaths.
"Really?" she asked shyly.
Adam braced himself on his elbows and stared in her eyes. "Yes. Really."
She smiled. Adam looked utterly sincere so she believed him. But she'd bet he'd had plenty of

similar incredible orgasms in the past. For her though, the pleasure Adam had been giving her was off
the charts. Her previous experiences paled in comparison.

Yes, she wanted more. No, not just physical pleasure but more than that. She wanted his heart.

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"Hey, Bella."

"Hi Adam. How are you?"
"Good thanks. How was your honeymoon?"
"Fantastic, but way too short. Two weeks simply wasn't enough. But as you know, John has to

go back to work," Bella said. "Anyway, I was calling to invite you to a surprise birthday party we're
having for John on the twelfth next month. That's a Saturday."

"I heard about that. I'll check my calendar and get back to you."
"I hope you can make it, Adam. Since we'd decided to have a wedding in Byron Bay and

couldn't invite many people, this party's going to be rather big. I'm inviting over a hundred people and
we're doing it at the function centre of John's rowing club."

"Really?" Adam asked in disbelief. "Is turning thirty-two now a big milestone?"
Bella laughed. "I wanted a fairy tale wedding in an exclusive, expensive resort. I got that. I

also wanted a big wedding reception. Since I didn't get that, this birthday party will be it."

Adam shook his head. How his quiet, unassuming cousin who mostly kept to himself could

keep up with his wife's love for parties, he didn't know. He guessed opposites did attract. And it was
obvious why Bella and Sandy got along so well together.

That reminded him of something. "Bella, I'm sure Sandy already told you that your wedding

planner either forgot or didn't know that Sandy and I weren't supposed to share the same room when
we were at Byron Bay for your wedding."

"Oh, yeah. Sandy told me about that. Wasn't that a hoot?" Bella asked unconcernedly.
"To be honest, I didn't appreciate it."
"Oh, come on, Adam. So it happened. Forget about it. The important thing was you two had


He repressed a sigh. Bella would always take Sandy's side. As for Sandy, it had been a great

opportunity to seduce him again. Hopefully, Sandy was clearer now that he was definitely no longer

"By the way, I've also invited your best friends and their partners to the party," Bella said. "I

know John would love to see them there, too. They haven't RSVP'd yet, so would you mind following
them up, please, and ask them to respond either to me or Sandy?"

"Great. Hope to see you all there. Bye!"
Adam rubbed his chin, surprised that it was Bella who'd called him when his buddies had

been invited by Sandy. Dylan had bombarded him with questions yesterday when they'd helped Sam
set up her new place. Apparently, Sandy had hinted to Dylan that something interesting had happened
between the two of them during their stay at Byron Bay.

He'd assured Dylan nothing had happened. He would have elaborated further, but he'd been

nervous that Sam might overhear. Not that he had anything to hide, but he didn't think it would go
down well if Sam found out that he and Sandy had slept in the same room that night.

He sighed, desperately missing Sam even though it had only been hours since he last saw her.

Last night, he'd snuck back into her apartment after all of their friends had left and spent another night
with her. It felt strange to be hiding something from the other guys, but like Sam, he preferred to
explore what they had together away from prying and curious eyes.

He must admit, though, that he'd found it hard to act as if Sam was just a friend. She already

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meant so much more to him than that. Funnily enough, the guys were taking their 'charade' in their
stride. They'd even suggested Sam should go with Adam as his date to John's party as further proof to
Sandy she was no longer in the picture.

He knew his friends hadn't been crazy about Sandy being his girlfriend, but he didn't realise

the extent of their dislike for her until after they'd broken up. He couldn't believe how blind he'd been.

But the boys wouldn't have a problem with Sam. They already loved her. He knew the only

thing stopping them from fully encouraging him to make a play for her was their fear of their girls'
wrath. He chuckled, knowing his buddies would bear the brunt of their partners' anger if he hurt a hair
on Sam's head. Well, he had absolutely no intention of doing that.

His phone rang and he grimaced. After a few seconds of deliberation, he answered it.
"Hi Sandy," he said casually.
"Hi Adam. Just wondering if you've heard from Bella about John's party?" Sandy asked.
"Yes. I just spoke to her a few minutes ago."
"Good. You were the next person on my list to call but I figured Bella would have got to you

first. So are you going?"

He pursed his lips. Seriously, he didn't want to, but only because of Sandy. This was for John.
"Yes, I'm going," he said.
"Great! Um, are you bringing a date with you?"
"Yes, Sam's going with me."
"Good to know. It would be nice for the rest of the gang to meet her," Sandy said. "Well, I

gotta go. I have more phone calls to make. See you later."

Adam placed his phone down, scowling at it. Sandy was planning for Sam to meet the rest of

her gang? He had a bad feeling about that. The last time he brought a date to a gathering—when he
and Sandy were on their first break—the girl grew distant afterwards. When he'd asked what was
wrong, all he got was a cold shoulder. He didn't try too hard to chase after the girl though. He was
still infatuated with Sandy then and was glad she'd wanted him back. He'd been sure something was
said that had made his date at the time avoid him afterwards, but he hadn't cared back then.

Hell, if Sandy and her friends tried anything untoward with Sam, he'd wring their necks. Why

he'd even been attracted to someone as juvenile as Sandy in the first place, he could only wonder
now. Sandy might have matched his sexual appetite, but looking back, their relationship had only ever
been skin-deep.

He drummed his fingers against his lips, lost in thought. In the height of his attraction to Sandy,

every time he'd thought of her, he'd wanted to fuck her. And with Sam? Well, sure, his dick always
yearned for Sam since the first time they kissed, but 'fucking her' didn't seem like an apt description
for what he felt. He wanted to pleasure her, cherish her, make her happy. Jesus, he wanted to love

He let out a soft chuckle. He guessed there really was a difference between the terms 'making

love' and simply 'fucking'.


"So, Adam, how's Sam going?" Harry asked.

"She's good, Dad," Adam said in between mouthfuls.
"How come you didn't bring her with you tonight?" Alvin asked. "Mel and I haven't met her


"Oh, Alvin, this is a family dinner," Marie chided.

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Adam's eyebrows shot up. "What do you mean, Mum? Wouldn't Sam be welcome to our

family dinners?"

"It's not that she's not welcome, darling. But you'd only want to invite someone you're serious

with to family stuff. Lots of wrong assumptions happen when new girlfriends are brought to important
family occasions."

"Like what?" Adam asked rather coldly.
"You know," Marie answered, waving her hand in the air as if looking for the right words.
"Tell me," Adam said.
"You don't want girls having the wrong impression if you're still trying to figure out how you

feel about them."

Adam held his tongue. This wasn't the time and place to argue with his mother. But it irritated

the hell out of him that she didn't like Sam—and still preferred Sandy.

"Are you taking her to John's birthday party?" Harry asked gently.
Adam smiled at his dad. His dad liked Sam. "Yup."
"Is that a good idea, Adam?" Marie asked, frowning.
"What's wrong with it?"
"Well, Sandy's the main organiser for that, since Bella was away on her honeymoon. Don't

you think it's a little insensitive?"

He shrugged. "Sandy and I have mutual friends, so we're bound to see each other in different

gatherings. I can't keep Sam hidden away from her forever."

Marie sighed. "I honestly don't see why you'd want to date another woman when you're not

over Sandy yet."

Adam stared at his mother. "Whatever gave you the idea that I'm not over Sandy yet?"
"Are you?" Marie asked, peering through her glasses.
"Whatever you say, Adam," she murmured.
"You don't believe me?" he asked incredulously.
"Not when the proof says otherwise."
"What proof?"
Marie shook her head. "Forget I said anything."
"No, Mum. What proof?" he insisted.
"You and Sandy stayed in the same room together at Byron Bay."
Adam looked up to the heavens, peeved. "Nothing happened. The wedding planner stuffed up

our accommodation."

"So why didn't you find someone else to share with?" Marie contended. "You could have

asked to share with me and your dad."

Adam let out a heavy exhale. Yes, he should have at least asked. But he just assumed that

other guests—even his parents—wouldn't want another person in their room.

"I didn't want to be a bother to anyone," he said. "And nothing happened."
"Okay," Marie said in a tone that said she wasn't buying it.
Adam gave up arguing. His mum would believe what she wanted to believe. He didn't care.
"Just for your info, bro," Alvin said quietly, "everyone thinks you and Sandy are back together

because of that room situation."

Adam gaped at his brother. "Who's everyone?"
"Everyone at the wedding, and whomever else they've told."

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Oh, hell. His extended family could be quite big gossips. No doubt he and Sandy would be the

centre of speculation during John's party. What would happen if he brought Sam with him? She'd
probably hear about that night he'd spent with Sandy.

"Ah, shit," he muttered under his breath. If he arrived at the party with Sam as his date, he was

sure the other guests who knew about the event in Byron Bay would start wagging their tongues. With
Sandy at the helm of the party milking the whole thing, he could already imagine Sam feeling totally
uncomfortable. It had been awkward enough when Sam first joined them for dinner with Sandy and
Carmen. A whole party-full of relatives—plus a scheming Sandy—whispering about her could be
painful. Maybe he shouldn't bring Sam at all.


"Hey, babe."

"Hi," Sam said with a despondent sigh on the other end of the line.
"What's wrong?" Adam asked in alarm.
"I have some bad news," she said sadly.
"What is it?" His heart hammered hard in his chest. Was it her dad?
"I might not be able to go with you to your cousin's birthday party."
"What?" he asked, wanting to make sure he'd heard her right.
"I'm really sorry, but apparently, Rowena has a big catering job that day. She's still down on

staff and she needs me."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Is that it?"
"It's okay." This was great timing. He'd been wondering how he could tell Sam he didn't want

her to go to John's party.

"There's a slim chance I could still make it, but it would depend on how we go on the day."
"Don't stress about it. I'm assuming you'd be very tired from all the cooking. I'm sure the last

thing you'd want is to go to a party after that."

"I know you're really looking forward to it," she said apologetically. "I don't know everything

about the event yet, but I'll mention to Rowena that I have a party to go to. Maybe she'll let me go
home early."

"No, no, please don't do that," he said hastily. "It's okay. Really."
"But I want to be there, too."
"But you'll be tired," he reasoned. "Don't worry about it, Sam. It's no big deal. You don't have

to go."

"Okay," she said hesitantly.
"I have to go, babe. I have another call coming. I'll see you soon, okay?"
Adam hated that Sam sounded cheerless, but consoled himself with the fact she wouldn't have

to deal with Sandy's sugar-coated bitchiness and unwelcome questions from nosy relatives—not to
mention his mother's disapproval.

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Sam frowned. She'd been worried that Adam would be disappointed that she couldn't go with him to
his cousin's party, but he actually sounded… relieved. Either that or he was just trying not to make her
feel guilty about pulling out.

She'd still do whatever she could to be able to attend. Sandy would be there and she didn't

trust her. The last time she saw Sandy, the last words she heard from her were 'I'll see you at the
wedding, Adam'. She was almost sure those words were meant as a warning that she hadn't given up
on him. And knowing how close Sandy was to Adam's mother and some members of his family, she
wasn't going to stand idly by and let Sandy try to steal Adam back.

"Hey, Sam!"
Sam turned and smiled at Brian. "Hello, Mr. Slave-Driver. Have you come to order me to

start work?"

Brian chuckled, sitting beside her on the wooden bench in the herb and vegetable garden

outside Rowena's Kitchen. "I've come to join you for a few minutes of peace before the mayhem

"Has Rowena arrived yet?"
"Not yet. She rang to say she's running fifteen minutes late."
"This party on the twelfth that you mentioned we secured, do you know anything more about


"It's a surprise birthday party for someone's husband," Brian responded. "This woman rang,

pleading and begging that we take their business. Apparently, there'd been some miscommunication
between her and the wife of the birthday boy. Each thought that the other was organising the catering.
Luckily, we have that date open."

"What's the name of the person you were talking to?" Sam asked, a funny feeling creeping up

on her.

"Sandy Burns."
"You're kidding, right?" she asked, staring at Brian in disbelief.
"No, why?"
"You wouldn't believe this, but I'm supposed to be in that party."
"Yeah. I was just talking to my boyfriend, telling him I can't go because I have to work. It's his

cousin's birthday." A thrill ran through Sam when she called Adam her boyfriend. It wasn't official
but she hoped it would be soon.

"You didn't tell me that." Brian pursed his lips. "Maybe we can get someone to take your


"I'm already taking someone else's place plus another staff member is going on holidays,


Brian groaned and covered his face. "You just reminded me why that date was still open. We

are low on kitchen staff that weekend."

Sam sighed. "That's why I have to come in to help."
"Thank you, Sam. You're a lifesaver. I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind."
"No, he doesn't," she answered, reminded that Adam didn't mind at all.


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"Guess what?" Sam asked Adam as she prepared them dinner.

"That job I have to go to on the day of John's birthday party? It is John's birthday party."
"You guys are catering for that?"
"Wow. What a coincidence."
"I know. It was Sandy who made the call. Apparently, she thought Bella was going to hire the

caterers and Bella thought Sandy was doing it. Anyway, it's all booked. You guys will definitely have
food on the night."

"Well, thank God for that," Adam said. "You're still not going, are you?"
"I'm thinking I can still go. I'll just be late," she replied, watching his reaction.
"You don't need to, Sam."
"Don't you want me to go? I thought you did," she asked nonchalantly, ignoring the pinch she

felt that Adam didn't want her at the party that Sandy was also attending.

"I thought we've established you'd be too tired," he reasoned.
"Fine," she said, unable to keep the hurt in her voice.
"Hey," Adam said softly, running his hand on her back as she whisked her casserole with

more energy than necessary. "I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable on the night. Some of the
people who'll be there know that Sandy's my ex. It just might feel awkward for everyone, that's all."

She took a deep breath. Yes, she could see where he was coming from. The night had the

potential to be totally embarrassing and unpleasant simply because of her and Sandy being in the same
place. The party was Bella's idea and Sandy was the main organiser. If anyone had to give in on the
night, it would have to be her.

"You're right," she told Adam. "It's better I don't go."
Adam sighed in relief. "Thank you," he said, kissing her hair.
Sam felt a little better that Adam was just thinking of her. That was the reason why he'd

changed his mind about bringing her as his date, right?


Sam arrived early at Rowena's Kitchen and headed for the garden. There were still twenty minutes
before they had to start preparing for tonight's event and she enjoyed sitting out there. It was an
inspiring place to work on the business plan she'd started.

Working with Rowena and her staff had been such a great blessing. She'd been learning a lot,

not only about preparing and scheduling for big events but also how she would love her own business
to be.

One thing for sure, she didn't want to start big. Her plans were turning out to be more of a

private chef enterprise than a catering business. The idea of creating an intimate fine dining
experience for clients in a venue of their choice appealed to her. She could imagine supplying white
table cloths, flower arrangements, candles—all the trimmings—and preparing three course meals for
a couple on a romantic night, or for a small group of friends celebrating something special. It would
suit her really well. She was still far from considering a restaurant of her own. She didn't even know
if she'd want one, knowing the long hours chefs worked. But with her planned business, she was free
to only take the jobs that worked for her preferred schedule and she wouldn't have to worry about
paying rent for her own establishment.


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"Hi Brian," she said with a smile. A pretty, blonde-haired girl was standing next to her


"I'm glad you're here early. Would you like to join me and Bella in our meeting?"
Sam's eyes widened in surprise as she realised who it was with Brian.
"Hi Sam," Bella said in a high-pitched, too-friendly voice. "You're Adam's friend, right? I

didn't know you work here. What a coincidence, hey?"

"I know," she said with a chuckle. "It's great to meet you, Bella."
"Likewise. This garden's nice," Bella said, looking around.
"It is, isn't it," Brian agreed. "We have our own herb garden and also grow some of our own

vegetables so the food's always fresh."

"Impressive. Maybe we can have our meeting out here?" Bella asked.
"Of course. You'll join us, won't you, Sam?"
"Sure," Sam answered, glad to meet another one of Adam's relatives—err, in-law.


"So let me get this straight," Bella said. "You guys will bring in all the food already cooked

and you'll set them up nicely in a buffet style at the venue. You'll supply all the food warmers too,

"Yes," Brian confirmed. "Our staff will make sure everything goes well on the night. You

won't need to worry about food running out either. As long as you give us an accurate number of
guests, there would be plenty. We'll also pack any leftovers in containers for you, if you want."

"Okay, sounds good," Sandy said. "Will you be there as part of the cooking staff, Sam?"
"Not at the venue. Since your food will be cooked here in our kitchen, only our service staff

will be in attendance," Sam answered.

"Oh, okay. But you're still not going to the party, are you? Adam said you can't make it."
Was that hope in Bella's tone? "No, I won't be going. Cooking all day would be tiring," she


"Great!" Bella exclaimed. "I mean I could imagine how tired you would be afterwards. Going

to a party would probably be the last thing you'd want to do after a hard day's work."

Sam forced a smile. Something about Bella's reaction made her uncomfortable.
"Shall we finalise the paperwork?" Brian asked.
"Yes, please," Bella replied, taking something from her purse. "Here's my credit card."
"Thanks. Let me run this through the machine and I'll be back with the receipt and a copy of

the contract," Brian said, walking off.

"Do you like this job, Sam?" Bella asked. "It must be tiring being on your feet all day in the

heat of the kitchen."

"I love cooking," Sam answered. "Yes, it's a bit tiring but I only work three days a week."
"What do you do in the other days?"
Sam shrugged. "I only just moved here. I'm still looking for other jobs to fill in the other

days." She didn't want to share her dreams with Bella so she didn't bother telling her she was busy
enough with research and planning for her new business.

"Does it pay well?" Bella prodded.
"I'm getting the industry standard."
Bella nodded and the two of them pretended to look around the garden.
"I was really hoping I could attend John's party," Sam said, filling in the awkward silence.

"I'm sure it will be a blast."

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"Yes. It will be," Bella responded, taking a deep breath and facing her. "Sam, this may be a

strange, even unwelcome question, but I just have to ask. How do you think you and Adam are going?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, surprised. The question was indeed strange.
"I mean, how do you think things are going with you and Adam?"
"Good. Why do you ask?"
"You know Sandy's a very good friend of mine, right?"
"And you know I've known Adam for a long time, too. I introduced them to each other, and I

know all about their dramas."

"What are you trying to say, Bella?" Sam asked quietly.
"There was a time when Sandy and Adam were on a break. He dated another woman then,

too. Then he and Sandy got back together."

Heat rose up Sam's face. "Are you saying you don't think Adam will stay with me? That he'll

go back to Sandy?"

"I'm not just saying this because Sandy's my friend, Sam. But it's only a matter of time," Bella

answered, her voice soft but firm, as if trying to appear calm in front of a child who might have a
tantrum at any minute.

"We'll have to agree to disagree," Sam said coldly.
"Oh, Sam. I don't mean to argue with you or hurt you," Bella said. "I've heard you moved here

because of Adam. You'll just get hurt eventually. He's not over Sandy."

"How do you know he's not over her?" she asked angrily. "I think it's time you and Sandy face

the truth. Adam doesn't want Sandy anymore."

"So why did they spend the night together at Byron Bay when they came for my wedding?"

Bella asked in a harder tone.

"What?" Sam asked, stunned.
"This is hard for me to say to your face, Sam. I'm going to admit that I do want Sandy and

Adam to get back together. But the way I see it, I'm doing you a favour by telling you what's going

Sam gaped at Bella, having a hard time processing what she was hearing.
"Even though Sandy's my friend, I do feel sorry for you," Bella continued. "You're trying to

establish a new life here for him and… well… he's obviously still stuck on Sandy."

"I don't see that as obvious. Adam and I are doing great," Sam argued, although her mind had

started going over things, trying to look for signs that what Bella was saying was true.

Was Adam starting to realise that his feelings for Sandy hadn't gone yet and that was why he

was insistent on her not going to John's party? Was it why he was okay with not mentioning to anyone
they were together? Were they really together? They hadn't even talked about it yet.

Bella fiddled with her phone and handed it to Sam. Frowning, Sam took it and gasped in

shock when she saw the picture on the screen. She stared at it, forcing her brain to focus on what she
was seeing, disbelief making her question whether her mind was playing tricks on her.

Sandy was in bed lying on her side, smiling sensually and obviously the one taking the photo.

Adam lay behind her, kissing her shoulder, his eyes closed in rapture. His hand was under her
lingerie, on her thigh—way up on her thigh.

The picture was date-stamped. Yes, it was taken during John and Bella's wedding, when she

was in Melbourne preparing for her move—after she and Adam had got together.

Tears sprung to her eyes as she handed the phone back to Bella. "Thank you," she whispered

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and hurried back inside.

"Sam," Bella said, running after her and grabbing her arm. "I know you'll have to talk to Adam

about this. I don't know how he's going to react but he won't like it that you found out about this from
someone other than himself. Please don't tell him I'm the one who told you. John's not going to be
happy with me for meddling and it will affect family relationships."

"You should have thought about that before you told me," Sam answered, uncharacteristically


"Would you rather continue a relationship with him only to find out you were building the

proverbial castle in the sand? I'm sure Adam doesn't intend to deliberately hurt you, but history
speaks for itself. For whatever reason, he's the one who always breaks up with Sandy. But he also
can't stay away from her and they eventually get back together again. Sandy can be immature but she's
trying to grow up for him. I believe that one of these days the two of them will figure out what's going
wrong and finally sort out their relationship."

Sam stared at Bella, hating that she could see the logic in what she was saying. Why couldn't

Adam stay away from Sandy?

"Don't take my word for it," Bella continued. "Ask his best friends, even his mum. They'll tell

you of their on-and-off relationship saga. After what happened at Byron Bay, everyone's expecting
them to get back together again."

The tears Sam was trying to hold off escaped. She wiped them away, too choked to speak.
"Sam, I'm really sorry. When I heard that Adam asked you not to come to the party, I had

hoped he has given you an indication that you two were just on a… short fling. That's why I asked you
what you thought. It will be harder for you in the long run if things go on between you and him."

Sam nodded, and turned on her heels.

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"Is there something you want to tell us?" Trey asked Adam as they sat in one of their favourite
restaurants, waiting for their lunches.

"Yes," Adam replied, turning on his iPad and calling up the financial charts he wanted to

show Trey and Dylan. This quarter's results had been their best so far by a country mile. He figured
their staff deserved to get an unexpected bonus for their hard work and enthusiasm.

"I'm not talking about business," Trey said.
"Your mum rang earlier today."
Adam raised an eyebrow. "My mum rang you? Why?"
Trey lifted his shoulders. "First, she wanted to know how Kris and I were going. Then she

asked if you've told us about what happened in Byron Bay."

Adam groaned.
"So something did happen in Byron Bay!" Dylan said, looking at Adam accusingly.
Adam rolled his eyes. "Lots of things happened in Byron Bay—there was a wedding, we ate

great food, we went to sleep… Of course, my mother would like to make a big deal out of those."

"You slept with Sandy," Trey declared.
"Oh, Christ," Dylan exclaimed, slumping back in his chair.
"I didn't!" Adam asserted.
"Your mum said you did," Trey said.
"What would she know? She wasn't in the room!" Adam loved his mother. But sometimes, she

did things that drove him absolutely nuts. Marie's strong liking for Sandy was one thing that now
seriously grated on him.

"Someone stuffed up," he explained. "Sandy and I were supposed to get separate rooms but

that instruction wasn't given to the resort."

"So did you sleep in the same bed or what?" Dylan asked, his tone laced with disbelief.
"I was going to sleep on the couch but it wasn't long enough for me. Sandy insisted she'd sleep

there instead and for me to take the bed. I argued with her about it but she wouldn't hear it. So I
relented. When I woke up the next morning, she was next to me on the bed. She said she couldn't sleep
on the couch."

"You didn't tell us about this," Trey commented.
Adam shrugged. "I know you'll give me a hard time."
"So you and Sandy are not getting back together?"
"No! I told you, nothing happened. Well, I did touch her a bit, but I was dreaming and I didn't

mean to," Adam admitted.

Dylan let out an incredulous laugh. "You fondled her? What exactly did you do?"
A flush crept up Adam's face. "I just stroked her leg and tried to grope her boobs. But I woke

up before things got any worse."

"What were you dreaming about? Or, should I say, who were you dreaming about?" Trey


Adam's lips tugged upwards in spite of his embarrassment. "Sam," he said with a sigh.
His best friends stared at him—simply stared at him. No words were uttered.
"What?" Adam asked. "What's wrong with dreaming about Sam?"
"You have a thing for Sam?" Trey asked.

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"Yeah. I do."
"Does she know?"
"Oh. What does she think about that?"
A full-blown smile split his face.
"Holy hell," Trey breathed. "Have you two slept together already? How come we didn't know

about this?"

"Sam doesn't want any fuss at this point, so please don't hassle her about it, okay? We're just

trying to see where this could lead."

"This is big," Dylan mused.
"It is," Trey agreed. "Hey, man. You're sleeping with my future cousin-in-law. You better not

mess with her," he warned.

"You're sleeping with my fiancée's best friend. You better not mess with her," Dylan quipped.
"Listen to you two," Adam said, narrowing his eyes. "As if your affairs didn't have similar

complications when they started."

"Affairs!" Dylan and Trey exclaimed.
"In case you've forgotten, we're both getting married," Trey said dryly.
"You know what I mean," Adam retorted.
"Why does your mum think you're getting back together with Sandy?" Dylan asked.
"You know my mum, for some reason she's in love with Sandy. She wants us to get back


"So that night when Sam pretended to be your girlfriend when you had dinner at your parents',

that didn't work?"

"Oh, I think Mum believed I was going out with Sam. But she still prefers Sandy," Adam

answered, scowling.

"When did you and Sam get together?" Trey asked.
"About five weeks ago, when her folks were here."
"That long ago?" Trey exclaimed. "I can't believe you haven't told us. We thought you were

still pretending to be a couple and all this time it was for real?"

"Well, we haven't discussed yet if we're officially a couple or not. We wanted to keep it quiet

for a while so we could let our relationship develop without all of you guys stickybeaking into our

"You're not being quiet now," Dylan teased.
"No," Adam conceded with a smile. "I really like Sam."
Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Just like?"
Adam sighed deeply. "More than like, I think."
"Oooh," the other two exclaimed as one.
"Does she know about the Byron Bay debacle?" Trey asked.
"No! Even if nothing happened, I don't think it's a good idea for her to know. I still slept in the

same room with Sandy, and I still touched her—even though I thought Sandy was Sam. I just think it
would be too hard to explain so it's better if she doesn't know. What do you guys think?"

"That is a hard thing to explain," Dylan agreed. "But if Sam finds out, you'd be in a worse


"I know," Adam replied. "But if the situation were reversed and I found out that she slept in

the same room with an ex, and that she tried to fondle him while she was dreaming, I'd probably flip

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out. I'm just scared that our relationship is too new to be able to survive something like that."

"Just hope and pray she doesn't learn about it from someone else then, or you could be in real

trouble," Trey commented.

The thought of destroying Sam's trust scared Adam. "Once I know Sam is secure in our

relationship, I'll tell her," he vowed. He just didn't want to do or say anything that could jeopardise
their fledgling relationship.


Adam was in the middle of a video conference with three of their programmers when his apartment's
intercom buzzer sounded. Excusing himself, he went to check who the caller was.

"It's me," the voice said.
"Hey, babe," he said, his heart hammering from excitement that Sam was there unexpectedly.

"Come on up."

He considered postponing his staff meeting for a later time but decided against it. Trey and

Dylan would rake him over the coals. They were on a tight deadline with all of their existing projects.

He held the door open, waiting for Sam to arrive. It wasn't a good time for him, but he didn't

mind being interrupted by her. Hopefully, she could wait around until he finished work for the day.

The elevator pinged and out walked Sam. His brows furrowed at her tired expression.
"Hey," he said softly as she got closer.
"Sorry to come unannounced. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."
"I don't mind," he said, his frown deepening at her cheerless countenance. He was about to

give her a kiss but she walked past him to enter his apartment.

Something was wrong, and he wanted to know what it was. But he had to finish his conference

call first. "I'm in the middle of a meeting. Do you mind waiting for about half an hour?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. Take your time."
Sam wandered to the kitchen, leaving him to go back to his office. He licked his lips, trying to

alleviate the need to kiss her. He took a step toward her, then turned around and hurried back to his
meeting. The sooner he finished it, the sooner he could give his full attention to Sam. Something was
bothering her and he didn't want any interruptions once they started talking.


Adam turned off his computer. The meeting went well, and now he could spend the rest of the day
with Sam.

He stepped out of his office and noticed she wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. She must

be in his bedroom.

His lips curved into a smile, already imagining how he would make her feel better after what

appeared to be a bad day for her.

"All done, baby. I'm all yours," he said as he stepped over the threshold. He found Sam

staring out the window, and her large overnight bag—the one she'd used to bring some of her stuff
over to his apartment—was sitting on his bed, full.

"What's this?" he asked, unzipping the bag and peering into the contents. His uneasiness turned

into full-blown fear when he saw what was in the case. They were her personal belongings that she'd
brought over for when she stayed with him overnight.

"Can we talk, Adam?" Sam asked softly.
"Sure," he answered, confused, bewildered and totally scared.
Sam walked out of his bedroom and he followed. She sat on a one-seater, worrying her

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bottom lip.

Fuck. Something was seriously wrong. She didn't even want him to sit next to her. With heart

pounding, he sat on the sofa, adjacent to her.

"What's this about, Sammy?" he asked quietly.
"We should stop seeing each other," Sam croaked.
A weird feeling of hot and cold blanketed his body. "Why?" he whispered, leaving his seat

and kneeling in front of her.

Sam looked at him and forced a smile. "I'm sure that one of these days, we could go back to

being good friends again. For now, I need time to be away from you."

Adam gaped at her, his heart being picked and scratched by something sharp. "Why? Tell me,

Sam," he pleaded.

Sam took a deep, shaky breath, looking like she wanted to cry.
"Baby, please tell me what's wrong," he said gently, trying desperately not to lose his


"We can't go on, Adam," she said, gulping.
"I don't understand," he whispered, cupping her face.
Sam removed his hands from her cheeks, placing them on the armrest of the chair and letting

them go. "I know about Byron Bay."

Oh, fuck. How did she hear about that? "Then you know it was just a mix up in room

bookings, right? Nothing happened," he said nervously. Damn it, he should have told her about it

"I know exactly what happened, Adam, so don't lie to me," Sam said coldly, her eyes blazing.
"But that's the truth!"
Sam shook her head. "I can't believe you're lying to me. How can you expect me to think

there's a future for us when you still want Sandy?" She rose from her chair and picked up her bag.

Adam stood up and grabbed her arm. "Sam, I don't want Sandy anymore. How can I prove to

you I'm over her?"

"If you're over her, why did you stay with her that night?" she asked, tears cascading down her


"I tried to find another accommodation but everywhere else was fully booked," he reasoned

desperately. "I'm sorry I didn't find somewhere else to sleep. I should have bunked with my parents or
something, but I didn't want to be a bother to anyone."

"Are you saying that night didn't mean anything to you?"
"No, that night didn't mean anything to me whatsoever," he confirmed emphatically.
"I don't get it. I just don't," Sam said walking toward the door.
"Sam, please. Tell me how I can prove to you it's you I want, not Sandy," he pleaded.
"Oh, Adam," Sam whispered, looking at him with teary eyes that held hope, hurt and


"Please, Sam. How?"
"I need you to stay away from me for a while," she answered softly after a long silence. "Don't

even contact me. Then after that I want you tell me honestly who you missed more—me or Sandy."

He frowned. "There must be another way for me to prove—"
"No, Adam," Sam interrupted. "It's the only way I can be certain. You've gone back to Sandy

before. More than once. We both need this time apart. We both need to be sure."

"For how long?" he whispered.

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"Three and a half weeks. The same length of time we were apart when I went back to

Melbourne with my parents."

His heart broke as he watched Sam walk out his door. He couldn't believe this was

happening, but he could understand her reaction. He slept in the same room with his ex-girlfriend
whom Sam disliked with a passion. Even though nothing happened, he could see why she was
doubting his feelings for her.

Three and a half weeks of staying away from Sam was a freaking long time. He didn't agree

with it, but if that was what he needed to do to convince her that she was the one for him—and that he
was absolutely over Sandy—then he'd do it.

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Sam rose from her couch when the doorbell rang. Either one of the girls had arrived, or that was the
pizza she'd ordered.

"Hey, sweetie."
"Hi, Jaz," she said, greeting her best friend with as much enthusiasm as she could manage in

her state of despondency.

"What are we having for dinner tonight?" Jasmine asked.
"Cool. What can I do to help?"
"Nothing. I ordered them."
Jasmine looked at her in surprise. "Oh. Did you work today?"
"No. I was home all day."
"Just didn't feel like cooking?"
"No," she answered flatly.
"Hmm. Something's wrong."
She gave Jasmine a small, confirming smile. "Let's wait for Kris and Ari to arrive and I'll tell

you all about it."

"Okay. Let me get us some drinks. What do you feel like?" Jasmine asked.
"I have white wine in the fridge. Three bottles. And I have some red. We can finish them all."
"Oh my God. Samantha Lane wanting to get drunk is not a good sign. Now where are those

two girls?"


"What was his reaction?" Kris asked.

"He said he didn't want to end it. But I insisted," Sam answered.
"What I don't understand is why you didn't tell him about the picture of him and Sandy," Ari

said gently.

"I didn't see the point. I'm sure he knew what I meant when I said I knew about Byron Bay."
"Byron Bay happened when you weren't sure yet how you felt about each other," Jasmine said.
"And I still don't know how he really feels. How do I know he's definitely over Sandy when

he went to fuck her while I was away?"

The other three girls glanced at each other.
"What?" she asked, irritated and knowing she was taking the anger she'd been suppressing out

on them.

"Nothing. You were cussing, that's all," Kris said.
"Well, I'm mad," she declared, close to tears.
"We know, honey," Jasmine said. "You have every right to be."
Sam went quiet. Did she really have the right to be angry? Nothing was promised between her

and Adam. No declarations of love and commitment had been made. She buried her face in her hands.

"So what do I do?" she blurted out.
"What do you want to do?" Kris asked.
She breathed in deeply and let it out slowly. "I want to see if he'd chase after me instead of

Sandy. I can't ignore the fact that they had a history of getting back together after breaking up."

"So you're not going to do anything? You'll let Sandy continue to wear him down?" Ari asked.

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"He slept with her after we got together. How do I know he's not seeing her now? And to be

honest, I feel like I'm someone wrecking a relationship here."

"Don't be silly," Kris admonished. "They'd already broken up when you came into the


"And am I in the way of them reconciling?"
Ari sighed loudly. "Why do you think the boys don't like Sandy much? They don't think she's

good for Adam."

"And yet he keeps going back to her," Sam pointed out. Her eyes widened as a thought hit her.

"He must really love her." Tears started running down her face. "That must be the reason why he
couldn't let go of Sandy even though she's some bitchy gold-digger. He must really love her, even if
he thinks he doesn't want to," she repeated, her voice breaking.

"Oh, dear," Kris murmured. Her cousin put an arm around her and hugged her tight. "Honestly,

Sam, I don't think that's true. Adam doesn't look like a man in love when he's around Sandy. But I can
see why you think that. I agree with you that Adam must prove he's over Sandy. He has to show that
what he feels for you is more than just lust. You're not built for casual relationships, honey."

"No," Sam agreed, taking the tissue Jasmine handed her. "So do you think he'll choose me

over Sandy?" she asked in a small voice.

"We don't know. Only time will tell."
"Please tell the guys not to get involved. I don't want anything or anyone influencing Adam's

decisions. If he does come back to me, I want to know for sure it's because he really wants to, not
because my best friends are his best friends' partners."

The girls nodded, agreeing with her.


"I'm really grateful you're here to help with these orders, Sam," Rowena said sincerely.

Sam smiled at her boss as they worked together on the desserts for John's birthday party. "No

problem. And don't worry. I'm not vindictive enough to put something undesirable in their food," she

Rowena laughed, then turned serious again. "Bella will be passing by sometime today."
Sam glanced at Rowena in surprise. "Why?"
"She just wants to make sure everything's going well. Some clients are like that. They want to

check that everything's on schedule and that we're cooking the exact food they ordered."

"I haven't heard of clients like that before."
"They're rare, but they do exist," Rowena replied. "Anyway, Brian would deal with her when

she arrives. He'll escort her in here for a couple of minutes, just to show her we're working our butts
off and that her food will be great. You can hide away in the office while she's here."

"Thanks, but I'll be fine," she said. She was a professional. She could handle it.
"Um, Sam," Rowena said tentatively.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You do know that Brian's interested in you, right?"
Sam sighed. "I've kind of been noticing that, yes." When Brian saw her in tears that day after

meeting with Bella in the garden, he'd been a shoulder to cry on. She'd disclosed to him that she'd
seen an intimate picture of her boyfriend and his ex—who happened to be Sandy, the person Brian

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had spoken to on the phone.

After that, Brian had been extra attentive and sweet. He'd even been a bit touchy-feely, putting

his hand on the small of her back once or twice, or touching her arm casually. The physical contacts
were brief and innocent enough for her not to make a big fuss, but his gazes and smiles had been

Kris had encouraged her to give Brian a chance so she would stop moping around for Adam.

Ari and Jasmine were less enthusiastic about it, but thought she should at least consider the
possibility of dating the guy. Even the girls weren't sure if Adam was really over Sandy.

"I want you to know that I don't have anything against my staff having a relationship with each

other," Rowena said. "Your personal lives are none of my business. If the two of you want to date,
you don't have to worry about me or your jobs. But if you do go out with each other, all I ask is that
you don't let it affect your work. As you know, it's Brian's job to be a task master when things are
going too slowly. You've seen him push us all when he feels we're taking things too easy. Others will
notice if he gives you favourable treatment. Not that I've seen you slacken off. I'm just saying."

"Thanks, Rowena. Brian's a nice guy, but at this point, I'm not looking for a new relationship."

She was still hanging on to hope that when the three and a half weeks of being apart were up, Adam
would come running back to her, saying how much he'd missed her and that Sandy was never in his
mind at all.

"Well, for what it's worth, I think Brian's a great catch," Rowena said.
"Speak of the devil," Rowena whispered. "Yes, Brian," she said in a loud voice.
"Do you have a moment?"
"She'll be back soon, Sam," Brian said.
"Take your time," she responded.
Only a couple of minutes had passed when Sam felt a hand on her arm.
"Come with me to the garden for a minute?" Brian said close to her ear.
"Why?" she asked in surprise.
"Just for a minute," Brian insisted.
"Where's Rowena?"
"She'll be back in a tick."
Sam grabbed a tea towel to wipe her hands and went with Brian. "Aren't you worried we'll

get behind schedule?" she teased as they stepped out into the sunshine.

"You guys will catch up. You work fast. You know, I don't know why Rowena makes you

work on the same station as her. Things will be a lot quicker if she puts you in charge of another
station. But I think it's because she wants to take things easy and you make that possible for her."

"Are you saying that the boss wants to be lazy?" she asked lightly, perching herself on the

edge of the outdoor table.

"Well, I guess the boss is entitled to be as lazy as she wants to be," Brian said with a chuckle,

sitting next to her. "She's worked hard enough that she can afford to simply watch over you guys
without lifting a finger. Frankly, I'm surprised Rowena's still working in the kitchen. But I guess she
just enjoys cooking."

"I'm glad I work alongside her. I learn a lot from her, especially about the catering business."
"She's a very generous woman," Brian mused.
"Yes, that she is," she agreed. "Anyway, why are we out here?"

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A strong breeze blew just then, letting a few tendrils escape her hair tie.
Brian smiled and reached out to tuck them behind her ear. "Bella's here. I thought you might

not want to be in the kitchen while Rowena shows them around."

The light rebuke she was about to give Brian for his intimate gesture died on her lips,

replaced by a different chiding. "I already told Rowena I'm okay to be there while Bella's doing her
inspection." She was tempted to take a peek inside the kitchen, but pride stopped her from doing so.
What if Bella caught her looking? She didn't want her to know that her presence affected her.

"I also wanted an excuse to spend a couple of minutes alone with you," Brian said, gazing at

her intently.

"Shh." Brian put a finger on her lips to stop her from talking. "I know you're not ready. You

just broke up with your boyfriend. I'm willing to wait, Sam."

She took a deep breath, not really knowing how to respond to that.
"Can I take my finger off now?" Brian teased.
She nodded.
"You won't lecture me about this?"
She chuckled, shaking her head.
Brian did remove his finger away from her lips—to brush a stray strand off her forehead.
"Sorry," he interrupted. "I know what you're going to say, Sam. I'll try not to do it again. I

know that right now, we're just friends. There's nothing to talk about at this point. Okay?"

She nodded. Brian really was a sweet guy. But she didn't feel anything for him apart from

liking him as a good friend and colleague.

"Well, I think they should be gone now," Brian said, glancing at the kitchen.
"Bella had her husband with her."
"She did? I thought he wasn't supposed to know about his party."
Brian shrugged. "Maybe he found out."
They walked back into the kitchen, just in time for Sam to catch the backs of their visitors. She

hadn't met John before, but she could swear the guy with Bella looked like Adam. There were enough
similarities that even with that one-second sighting, her heart had started galloping so fast that she
found it hard to breathe. Obviously the two cousins shared very similar genes. Gosh, when will she
stop reacting so strongly to anything that had anything to do with Adam?

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Adam marched back to his car, followed by Bella. On the exterior, he was calm. But inside, he was

It had been his idea to go with Bella to check out the catering for the party. There was still a

week and a half before Sam's stipulated timeframe for their temporary break ended, but he'd been
dying to see her.

Well, saw her, he did. Now he just wanted to punch something, and Brian's face would be

ideal. The only thing that stopped him from going out and confronting them was his sense of
professionalism. They were in a work environment where people were busy getting their jobs done.
He would have been disruptive.

So Sam had a new boyfriend. How cruel was it that in the one time he was at her place of

work, she was out in the garden with Brian tucking her hair behind her ear—even holding a finger
against her lips. They looked sweet together.

Sam must have known he was there. Brian must have told her. So did they go out to the garden

together on purpose? To show him that things were over between him and Sam?

Damn it. Since Sam dealt him a heart-wrenching blow two weeks ago, he'd been biding his

time and giving her what she'd asked for—time apart. At the end of it he was determined to prove to
her just how much he missed her, and tell her that he loved her. He had hoped that Sam's cautious
mind just needed to catch up with the magic that was happening between them.

Magic his ass. He'd been totally wrong.
The last two weeks proved two things he hadn't expected. Sam didn't want him. She wanted


He got in the car, banging the car door shut. Bella silently got in the passenger side, glancing

at him warily.

"I'll take you home now, Bella," he said flatly.
"Okay, good. I need to start getting ready for tonight. I'm really looking forward to the party.

What about you?" Bella asked with forced cheer.

He didn't respond. He wasn't in the mood for some fucking chit-chat when what he wanted to

do was yell. Or howl.


The buffet table was laden with sumptuous food, but Adam's eyes were glued to the desserts. He
knew they were mainly Sam's work. He wasn't hungry, so maybe he'd just have one of her little cakes
then leave.

"Hey, man," Trey said from behind him.
"Are you okay?"
"No. But you can go get your food," Adam replied, sweeping his hand toward the delectable


"Did you say you're not okay?" Trey asked, peering at him curiously.
"Yes. The roast looks good. You'll like that," he answered with a casual expression.
Trey frowned at him. "Where are you sitting?"
"Where else but at the special table consisting of Sandy and Bella's other friends," he said


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"You're not having a fun time, are you?"
He shrugged. "It's not my birthday."
Trey was about to say something else when Kris appeared at his side. "Hello, boys. Have you

decided what to try first? They all look yummy."

"Not yet, babe," Trey replied. "Why don't you go ahead? Adam and I need to discuss

something urgent."

"Now?" Kris asked in surprise.
"It's not urgent, Trey," Adam said.
"You keep saying that, Adam. It's become urgent now," Trey answered, giving him a knowing


Adam gave Kris a conciliatory smile. "You don't mind if your fiancé disappears from your

side for a while?"

"Of course not. I've been thinking of ways to get rid of him, but he's stuck to me like glue,"

Kris said with a mock pout.

Trey slitted his eyes at Kris. "You're going to pay for that, woman. When we get home."
Kris gave Trey a sultry smile and a wink. "Can't wait." Then off she went to get some food.
Trey followed Kris with his eyes, biting his bottom lip that had curved into an anticipatory


Adam sighed deeply, envious of the relationship between the two. Hell, being in a party with

all these loved-up couples around him was the last thing he wanted right now. Pleading some sort of
illness and going home was proving to be an attractive course of action.

"Now where's a quiet place to talk?" Trey mused.
"Let's go to my car," he suggested.
On their way out, Adam caught Trey giving Dylan a signal. Dylan whispered something to Ari

and followed them.


"What's up?" Dylan asked as they made their way to Adam's car.
"Something wants to spill out of Adam's guts," Trey answered.
"I just want to go home, that's all," Adam said sullenly.
"Sam's got a new boyfriend." He tried to sound as nonchalant as he could but failed miserably.
"What?" the other two said together.
"How do you know?" Trey quizzed.
"I went with Bella to Rowena's Kitchen today to check out the food for tonight—and to see

Sam, of course, even though I'm still supposed to stay away from her for another week and a half. I
just miss her badly." He exhaled harshly. "I saw her in the garden with her new boyfriend. They were
sweet together."

"Sweet as in how?"
"Touching her hair, silencing her with a finger on her lips…" Adam said, unable to keep the

bitterness out of his voice. Hell, his chest hurt.

"Kinda intimate, wasn't it?" Trey asked, squinting at him.
"Fuck, yeah," he replied, the urge to smash something coming back with a vengeance as the

memory of Sam being with another man flooded his mind.

"Did you ask her about it?"
"No. It wasn't the right place and time. Besides, what for? It was obvious enough."

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"Where they cuddling or something?" Dylan asked.
"No. But they were at work. In fact, they both should have been working."
"Remember when I thought Kris was with Blake when I saw him wipe something off her

lips?" Trey asked quietly.

"Yes," Dylan said, his eyes widening. "If Trey had spoken to Kris then, it would have saved

the both of them a lot of heartache."

"This is different," Adam said.
Adam paused. Wasn't what he witnessed earlier strong enough proof that Sam was over him?

His brain said 'yes'—but his heart was pleading with him not to listen to his anguished mind.

"Sam didn't seem to mind that Brian was being sweet to her," he argued.
"You know, this is all speculation," Trey said. "Speculations aren't necessarily the truth. Why

don't you just talk to Sam? If you're right with your assumptions, then it would hurt like hell, but so
what? You're hurting now anyway. But if you're wrong…"

Dylan nodded his agreement.
A sliver of hope prodded Adam. "Okay. I think I'll go now and see her."
His buddies patted him on the shoulder in encouragement.
"You know, she must have known I was there and that I'd see her and Brian together," Adam

said dejectedly as he opened his car door.

"You think Sam deliberately tried to hurt you?" Trey asked.
Adam frowned. "Looks like it."
Adam shrugged, not having a ready answer for that.
"Maybe because she's still feeling bruised from the Byron Bay thing and wants to hurt you

back," Dylan suggested.

"I thought this break was so I could prove to her that I miss her more than I miss Sandy. There

isn't even a comparison as I don't miss Sandy at all. While I can understand that she's hurt that I spent
one night in the same room with an ex, I didn't think that was reason enough for her to go find herself a
new boyfriend. It's not as if anything happened."

"And she's clear you didn't have sex with Sandy, right?" Trey asked.
Adam stopped and pondered. "I don't remember specifically saying the words 'I did not have

sex with Sandy'. I'm pretty sure I made it clear nothing happened though. Although she did accuse me
of lying to her…"

"Let me try something," Trey said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Make sure we have all

the facts."

"What are you doing?" Adam asked.
"Shh. I'm calling Kris."
Adam gazed at his buddy quizzically as Trey waited for an answer on the other end of the line.
"Hi, baby," Trey said in a grave voice. "I know you know about Adam and Sandy and Byron


Adam raised an eyebrow. He had to hand it to Trey. That was such a non-specific statement

that was open to any interpretation.

"And I want to know what Sam thinks about it," Trey continued. "…It's a matter of getting the

facts straight before two people throw away their chance at happiness because of misconceptions…"

Good one, Trey, Adam thought.

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"…What?!… Who said that?… No! Adam said nothing happened," Trey said emphatically.
"What?!" Adam exclaimed, guessing what Kris was saying.
"Here, he can tell you himself," Trey said, then held the phone out to Adam.
Adam snatched the phone from Trey, eager to set the record straight. "Kris?"
"Adam," Kris said in a low voice, obviously trying not to be overheard by the other guests.

"Don't you dare lie. You slept with Sandy when you were at Byron Bay, didn't you?"

"No! I swear to God I didn't. We stayed in the same room because our accommodation was

stuffed up and there was no availability anywhere else. But nothing happened. I told Sam that," he
said adamantly.

"How can that be?" Kris asked, sounding confused.
Adam raked his hair. This was as bad as trying to convince his mother about the same thing.
"Okay, I'm going back in there and we'll talk to Sandy and she'll confirm this," Adam said,

starting to walk back to the function room.

"Just be absolutely certain you want to do that here, Adam. Before you get egg on your face,"

Kris warned.

"Why would I get egg on my face? Just because we stayed in one room didn't mean we had

sex!" He was almost shouting but he couldn't help it. He was getting mighty frustrated. Did people
think he had an uncontrollable dick?

"What about the proof, Adam?"
"Proof? What proof?"
"I didn't see it, but Sam did."
He stopped in his tracks. "What did she see?"
"The photo."
"What photo?"
"Damn it, Adam. Where the fuck are you?" Kris asked, sounding as frustrated as he was.
"At the parking area."
"I'm coming out there. We're clearing this up."
Adam gave Trey back his phone. "She's coming out here. She was talking about a photo. I

don't know what the hell she was talking about."


Adam stared at Kris in shock. "Are you sure?"

"That's what Sam said she saw. Your hand was way up on Sandy's thigh under her nightwear

and you were kissing her shoulder. How can that be faked, Adam? Why are you even attempting to lie
about it? Sam was hurt so badly," Kris said angrily.

"Babe," Trey murmured, putting an arm around Kris's shoulders.
"Your best friend seems to want to pull the wool over my cousin's eyes," Kris said to Trey,

her eyes flashing.

"He's not. You haven't heard the whole story yet," Trey said soothingly.
Adam could see how mad Kris was—and Ari, too, who was squinting her eyes at him as she

stood silently, watching with arms folded across her chest.

"Why didn't Sam tell me about this supposed photo?" he asked. "We could have sorted this out


"I still don't understand how you could say that picture was fake, Adam," Kris said.
Adam shook his head in frustration. Nothing he could say would be good enough to make them

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believe him. He could understand that. If he were in their shoes, he'd react the same way, too. Hell, if
he saw a picture of Sam being fondled by an ex—or Brian…

He rubbed his face hard, trying to delete the image that flashed in his brain. God, if he was

only imagining it and it already drove him crazy, he could only imagine what Sam must have felt. His
heart constricted at the thought.

A stop must be put to this whole thing. This story must be straightened out. Now.
"Guys," he said quietly to Trey and Dylan, "could you do me a favour and get Sandy out here?

If you could drag Bella too, please do. Make sure they have their phones with them."

The two guys left, leaving their girls and him in an uneasy silence.
"I didn't cheat on Sam. I would never do that to her," he said softly.
"Then how—?" Kris started. "Never mind. We'll wait for when Sandy and Bella are here, and

then you can explain."

He nodded. "Is Sam seeing Brian?" he asked.
Kris and Ari glanced at each other guiltily.
Ah, shit. Sam was seeing Brian. He walked over to a nearby tree and leaned on it, suddenly

exhausted. His heart was damned heavy in his chest… and he wanted to cry.

"Adam—" Ari said.
"Here they come," Kris said as Trey and Dylan approached with Sandy and Bella.
"The party's back there guys," Sandy said cheerily. "What are we all doing here?"
"Bella," Adam said in a deceptively calm voice. "Could you show me that photo that you

showed Sam?"

Bella and Sandy gasped as one.
"What photo?" Bella asked nervously.
"You know what I'm talking about. That picture Sandy took of us in bed at Byron Bay."
Bella's mortified gaze flickered to Sandy, who looked equally horrified.
"Please." Adam said softly.
Reluctantly, Bella called up something on her phone and handed it to him.
He flinched when he saw it. It was as the girls described, but seeing it with his own eyes

made it doubly worse.

Tears sprung to his eyes. Sam saw this? Jesus Christ.
"How could you?" he asked Sandy, his voice low and deadly.
Sandy gulped, fear evident in her face. "I… I was… I thought at the time it was fun," she said


"And when you showed it to other people? You think it was still fun then? What exactly did

you tell them? That we had sex?"

"Didn't you?" Bella asked, frowning in confusion.
"Tell her, Sandy," Adam ordered quietly.
Sandy rolled her eyes, getting her composure back. "Oh, Adam. Come on. You know we had a

great time at Byron Bay."

"Tell. Her. The. Truth," he said more insistently.
Sandy took a deep breath. "Okay, fine. No, we didn't sleep together. He just touched me and

that was it."

Bella's eyes were wide as she stared at Sandy in disbelief.
"Tell the whole damn story," Adam commanded. "Why was I touching you?"
"You were only dreaming," Sandy muttered.

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"Go on," Adam said.
"You were touching me because you thought I was Samantha," Sandy answered sardonically.

"Do you know what a blow that was to me, Adam?"

"I told you so many times we were over, Sandy. I haven't done anything to make you think

otherwise since I broke up with you."

"But we'd always worked things out before!" Sandy was now whining.
"No, Sandy. It was convenient for the both of us to get back together before. Now, please, just

accept once and for all that things are definitely, irrevocably over between us."

Sandy gave him an evil glare and a bitchy flick of her lustrous hair with perfectly manicured

fingers—just as Sam had described Sandy had done to her at the cooking event they'd attended—then
walked off in a huff.

Bella was still staring at him with round eyes, her mouth hanging open.
"You didn't know Sandy made it all up?" he asked her.
"Goodness, no! Sandy's my friend, Adam. But I'm not a nasty witch who would spread a lie

like that." Bella took on a contrite look. "I had been nasty to Sam, though. I thought I was doing
everyone a favour, including Sam, because I thought you and Sandy wanted to get back together. I'm
so sorry."

Adam gave her a small smile. "Thanks for coming out here. Go back to your husband's party

before he starts wondering where you are."

Bella waved an awkward goodbye and scampered away.
"Phew," Trey said. "I'm sure this time Sandy has got the message."
Kris strode to Adam and gave him a warm embrace. "I'm sorry we didn't say anything about

the photo when we learned about it. Sam didn't want any of us interfering."

"I understand," Adam answered, hugging her back.
"And I'm sorry I went ballistic on you."
He chuckled. "You call that going ballistic? Trey is indeed a lucky man if that was the

maddest you could get."

"Oh, don't you worry," Kris said. "When it comes to Trey, everything is multiplied one

hundred times."

He laughed, squeezing her tighter.
"Okay, if you don't want to see what going ballistic is really like, let go of my fiancée," Trey


"Yes, I better let you go, Kris," Adam said, "I need to see your cousin."

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Sam put her e-reader down, unable to concentrate on Jasmine's latest bestseller. Her mind kept going
to John's party. Was Adam enjoying himself? Was he dancing with Sandy right this minute?

She shook her head to erase her unwanted thoughts. Maybe Kris was right. Maybe she should

go date someone else—move on and forget about Adam.

She couldn't believe it when Sandy contacted her a couple of days ago to confirm her non-

attendance at John's birthday party. That was really bitchy, especially when Sandy had hammered the
fact that it was Adam who'd advised her of it. From what Sandy had implied, the two of them had met
for coffee or something. Was it a date?

That really hurt. Adam hadn't even made an effort to see her since she'd asked him not to

contact her for three and a half weeks. Obviously, he could stand being apart from her, but couldn't
stay away from Sandy. And tonight he was partying with Miss Glam-Who-Couldn't-Cook.

"Arrgh! Stop thinking, Samantha!" she berated herself as her heart squeezed painfully again.
She dug out her pair of sneakers and put them on. What she needed was a good run around the

block. If she was tired enough, maybe she could have a decent night's sleep. She desperately needed

She pushed her apartment keys and a five-dollar bill in her pocket and walked out her door.

Tonight, she'd try not to think about Adam. And tomorrow, she might ask Brian if he wanted to meet
up for lunch somewhere.


Sam slowed down to a walk as she turned the corner to her street, her chest heaving from her physical
exertion. She took a swig out of the water bottle she'd bought from the convenience store and
continued on home.

A car parked on the street made her halt. She checked the number plates and her slowing heart

started pounding madly again. Adam. He was there.

She increased her pace, guessing Adam must be at her front door. She spotted him at the lights

a few metres ahead, waiting to cross the road to her building.

The lights changed and Adam stepped out onto the road, just as a motorbike rider came

roaring from around the corner, ignoring the green light for pedestrians. The biker tried to avoid
Adam but it was too late. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Sam watched Adam fall to
the ground.

Someone screamed his name. Sam realised it was her when she called him again, running to

him as fast as she could. The rider was now checking him… but Adam didn't seem to be moving.

"Adam!" She kneeled next to his sprawled body.
"He's not responding," the biker said, his voice laden with fear.
"Call an ambulance!" she screamed at him. The idiot had been riding irresponsibly, and now

all he could do was stare at the man he'd knocked down?

"Oh, yeah," the biker said, pulling his phone out and dialling.
"Adam," she said softly, her whole body shaking. There seemed to be only a little blood

coming from his head, and he was breathing. But he was unconscious. Gently, she touched his face.

He's going to be all right, she assured herself.
"Is everything okay?" a concerned voice asked.
Sam looked up and saw that people had gathered around them. "Is anyone here a doctor?" she

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asked desperately. Heads shook and no one came forward.

Somewhere in her consciousness, someone had started lecturing the bike rider, who was

nervously trying to defend himself. But she switched off from that. She didn't care about anything else
but Adam.

A moan came from his lips.
His eyes opened, but they were disoriented. He tried to get up but she placed her hands on his

shoulders to keep him lying on the ground.

"Don't move, honey. An ambulance is coming," she said gently.
Adam's confused gaze zoned in on her. "Sammy?"
"Yeah," she said with a smile.
"What are you doing out?" he asked weakly.
"I went for a run."
"Running away," he whispered, before lapsing into unconsciousness again.
"Adam," she cried. She wanted to shake him to wake him up but refrained herself. He might

be severely concussed.

She didn't know how long she sat there, stroking his handsome face, praying silently,

repeatedly calling his name. To her relief, she finally heard the wail of the ambulance siren.


Sam clutched the phone tightly as she waited for Kris to answer.

"Hey, Adam, where are you now?" Kris greeted.
"Kris, it's me," she whispered.
"Yes. Adam got hit by a motorbike. He's in emergency. He was unconscious," she gushed in

one breath.

"Slow down, Sam. Did you say Adam's in emergency?"
"Yes," she sobbed. "Please come."
"Which hospital?"
"Royal North Shore."
"We'll be there soon. Hang tight, Sam."
Sam stared at Adam's phone as she sat down on one of the chairs in the hospital waiting room.

She'd fished it out of his pocket while she rode in the ambulance with him, grateful that they'd
allowed her. She didn't have anything on her, just her keys and a couple of dollars.

She briskly ran her hands up and down her arms to warm herself. She was cold, but she

couldn't make herself get up and walk around. What if a doctor came out with some news? She didn't
want to be gone for that.

"He'll be okay," she murmured to herself. It was probably just a bad concussion. From what

she saw, the motorcycle just grazed him, that was why he fell. Thank God it didn't hit him bang on.
That would have been much, much worse. She shivered at the thought.

Adam had drifted in and out of consciousness in the ambulance. She'd tried to talk to him

during the trip. She'd asked him why he came to see her and why he wasn't at his cousin's party.

His answer for both questions was the same. Sandy. That was the only word he'd uttered

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during the dash to the hospital.

Fresh tears fell down her face. She didn't care if it was Sandy Adam wanted, as long as he

was okay. She didn't care if he never loved her back, as long as he was okay. She'd suffer seeing
Adam with Sandy… well, maybe not, because she knew she'd avoid Adam in the future—but right
now all she wanted was for him to be okay.

She sat there in silence and stared into space, weeping silently. To keep herself from going

crazy with worry and heartache, she closed her eyes and went through her new business plans in her
head. Even that wasn't making a difference with how she was feeling at a time like this.

She looked up and saw Jasmine and Kane hastening to her, their faces creased with worry.

Upon seeing her best friend, her emotions came flooding back and she flew into Jasmine's arms,

"Hey, everything's gonna be okay," Jasmine whispered.
"How did you know?" Sam asked.
"Kris called us. We were closer to you than they were. We drove here as fast as we could.

Are you okay?"

She nodded, wiping her face, before turning to Kane and giving him a hug.
"Gee, Sam, you're freezing," Kane said, taking his jacket off and draping it around her


"Thank you," she murmured.
"Let's sit down," Jasmine said, leading her to the waiting chairs. "Can you tell us what


She recounted the accident, her tears falling again as she remembered seeing Adam hit the


"It's probably just concussion," Kane soothed.
Sam nodded, grateful for her friends' support. "I'm glad you two weren't at the party."
"We weren't invited," Jasmine chuckled.
"I don't really know John," Kane confirmed.
The three of them sat there in silence, with Jasmine tightly clasping Sam's hand.
A woman in doctor's garb appeared. "Samantha?"
"Yes?" Sam said, rising to her feet.
"Adam has concussion and we want to keep him here overnight for observation. He also has

some bruising but other than that, he's fine."

Sam leaned against Kane in relief. "Can we see him now?"
"Yes. He's asking for you."


"Hey, guys," Adam said weakly as they entered his room.
"Hey," Sam said softly, walking to his side and touching his arm. "How are you feeling?"
"My head hurts," he said with a wince.
"You're concussed."
"Is that all? Are all my fingers and toes still intact?" he asked.
Sam laughed, feeling vastly relieved that he was well enough to joke around.
"Do you remember what happened, bro?" Kane asked.
"All I remember was trying to cross the road to get to Sam's and the next thing I know, Sam

was hovering over me, crying." Adam looked at Sam with concern. "Are you okay?"

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"I'm okay now," she responded with a smile. "I just got scared when I saw you lying on the

ground unconscious with blood coming out of your head."

Adam touched the bandage above his left ear. "The doctor said it was a minor wound. But

they want me to stay overnight."

"It's better if you do."
"How did you guys know?" Adam asked Kane and Jasmine.
"Sam called Kris and Kris called me," Jasmine said. "The others should be here soon."
"Kris, Trey, Dylan, Ari, your parents, your brother and your sister-in-law."
"Oh, geez. They all left the party? I hope John didn't mind."
Sam steeled herself for the arrival of Adam's family—especially his mother. No doubt Sandy

would be with them, too. Well, she'd just have to grin and bear it when Sandy climbed and slobbered
all over Adam.

She reached for his hand and squeezed it. It may be her only chance to do that before the rest

of his visitors showed up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Adam asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Hey, you're the patient here, not me," she said lightly.
He smiled at her and held her hand tighter. She sighed. If only—
"Adam!" a panicked voice said.
"Hi, Mum."
"Oh my God, Adam. What happened? We didn't even know you left the party."
Sam moved away to give the new arrivals a chance to check out Adam. Kris approached her.
"Sammy, how are you?"
"I'm okay, hon. Thank you for coming. And for telling the others."
"Of course. We were all worried. Trey drove like a maniac and that scared me, too. Since

everyone got here the same time as we did, they obviously also drove like maniacs."

Sam flushed. "I'm so sorry. I was too emotional over the phone. I didn't mean to overly worry

anyone. Adam's got concussion and bruising, but he seems fine."

"Hey, you didn't know at the time."
Ari joined them and squeezed Sam tight. "I'm glad you're both okay."
"Thanks, Ari. Wow, this room is bursting with people," Sam commented. She was surprised

that Sandy wasn't around.

"Kris, did you tell Sandy?" she asked. She was half-glad that Sandy wasn't there, but for

Adam's sake, she felt the woman should have been advised.

"No," Kris said rather blithely.
"Didn't Marie tell her?"
"We didn't want to disturb John's party so Trey and Dylan rounded up Marie, Harry, Alvin

and Melanie. But we only told them what happened when we got to the car park. Trey told John and
Bella we had to go but not why," Kris whispered.

"Oh." She stared at Adam, who was still busy convincing his mother that he was fine. He'd be

looking for Sandy soon.

Adam patted his mother's face and looked around, seeming to search for something. Sam's

heart sank, knowing that something was someone—Sandy.

"We forgot to tell Sandy!" Marie gasped loudly.
"Kill me now," Adam muttered.

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"Adam!" Marie chided, "Don't say things like that when you're lying in a hospital bed!"
The doctor from earlier entered the room and everyone hushed.
"My, my. What a popular person you are, Adam," the doctor commented.
"They all want to make sure I'm still breathing. I owe them all money," he said with a grin.
The doctor chuckled. "Well, I think you are fine, Adam."
"Can I go home now?"
"No. Tomorrow before lunch you can. We just want to make sure there are no delayed


"Do you think there'll be long-term effects, Doctor?" Marie asked.
"That's something we can't say for sure at this time. But Adam's head trauma wasn't severe. It

appeared his left arm and shoulder hit the ground first, saving his head from a harder knock. He might
still experience headaches and dizziness, but most likely he'll be back to normal in a few days, if not
hours." She turned to Adam. "If you do experience anything out of the ordinary, especially vomiting or
forgetfulness, don't ignore it."

"Yes, Doc," Adam said obediently.
"How are you feeling right now?"
"I still have a bad headache and I feel tired, but other than that…"
The doctor nodded. "Get some rest. I'll see you again tomorrow morning." She eyed everyone

in the room, as if silently ordering them to leave, before walking out.

"I think the good doctor wants us to let you sleep, son," Harry said.
"I think so, too, Dad."
"Well, we better go then. We'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Alvin said, patting his brother's


"We'll be back tomorrow to take you home," Harry said.
"You don't have to—"
Adam's protest was cut off by Marie. "Yes, we will be taking you home. Now rest. We'll see

you tomorrow," she said, kissing her son on both cheeks.

"We'll see you tomorrow, too, dude," Dylan said. "We'll call first to make sure you're up for

some company."

"And don't worry about work for all of next week," Trey added. "We'll take care of things."
"Glad you're okay," Kane said. "Some good news before we go. We're running at least a week

ahead of schedule with your house."

"Great!" Adam replied. "I'd like to visit the site sometime soon."
Jasmine kissed Adam on the cheek. "Goodnight, Adam."
Ari followed suit. "Sleep tight."
Kris was next. She whispered something in Adam's ear and he shook his head. "Haven't had

the chance," he said. Kris nodded and kissed him goodbye.

Sam took a deep breath. It was her turn. "Goodnight, Adam," she whispered.
Adam grabbed her hand. "Stay for a few minutes."
"What?" she asked in surprise. "Visiting time has ended. I don't think they'll allow me."
"Yes, they will. Only for a few minutes," he insisted.
"We'll wait for you outside, Sam," Kris said. "We'll drive you home."


Everyone had left, and Sam stared at Adam as she perched at the side of his bed. She said a

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little prayer of thanks, grateful that nothing worse had happened to him.

"That jacket's too big for you," Adam said with a frown.
Sam looked down with a gasp. "It's Kane's. I totally forgot I was wearing it."
"Oh, good. I thought it might have been someone else's."
"Whose?" she asked curiously.
"Brian's," he said quietly, his brows furrowing.
Her eyebrows lifted. "Brian's? He wasn't here tonight, Adam. You don't remember seeing him,

do you?" Her heart pounded. Did he hallucinate? Was this a side-effect of his concussion? How
would he even know what Brian looked like?

"No. I thought he might have popped in to see you." Adam's gaze was fixed on her, serious and


"Why would he do that?" she asked in confusion.
"'Cause you and he…"
Sam's mouth dropped open as realisation sunk. "Were you the one with Bella when she came

earlier today at the kitchen to check up on our cooking?"

He nodded once, his eyes taking on a sad look. "You're going out with him?"
"No," she whispered.
"You looked sweet together, out in the garden," he said bleakly.
"He likes me—"
Adam snorted, looking away. "That much is obvious."
Sam's heart hammered in her chest. He was jealous! And… hurt.
"But I don't like him back," she continued. "Not in that way."
Adam's gaze whipped back to her, hope appearing in his features.
"Are you and Sandy back together?" she asked bravely.
"No! I told you Sandy and I are done! The photo Bella showed you—that wasn't real."
"What do you mean? It was a fake?"
"Well, no, it wasn't a fake. But I thought Sandy was you," Adam explained, squeezing her


She stared at him with concern. Adam was making no sense. Maybe this was the delayed

reaction from his concussion. He should rest now.

"Okay," she said with a smile as if to a child. "Why don't we talk about this tomorrow?"
Adam sighed. "Where's my phone?"
"Oh, here." She got it out of her pocket and handed it to him.
"Who are you calling?" she asked, a little alarmed.
Adam just smiled at her. "Hey. Could the two of you come back in here?" Adam said to the

person on the other end.

"Was that Trey?"
Adam nodded, taking her hand again and stroking it gently.
Well, Kris and Trey should be able to help her settle Adam down to rest.
The couple entered the room. "Ready to go, Sam?" Trey asked.
"Not yet," Adam said. "Could you guys tell Sam what happened at the car park earlier today

with Sandy and Bella? She seems to think I'm delirious and making things up."

"What are you talking about, Adam?" Kris asked in a confused tone. "I don't recall being in a

car park with Sandy and Bella today."

Sam gasped, her worry going into overdrive. "I'm calling the doctor."

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Kris and Trey laughed. "Relax, Sam. I was only joking," Kris said. "You know that photo that

Bella showed you? Adam thought Sandy was you."



Sam had her mouth open the whole time Kris recounted what had happened at the car park.
"That's the truth, Sam," Adam whispered.
With a sharp inhale, she leaned gently toward him and kissed his lips.
Adam threaded his fingers through her hair, holding her in place, deepening the kiss. When

they came up for air, Sam noticed Kris and Trey had disappeared.

"I guess that's what happens when we keep some things to ourselves and work on

assumptions," Sam murmured.

"From now on, no more assumptions," Adam said. "I love you, Sam."
Her eyes watered again, this time with happiness. "I love you, too, Adam."

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Adam stopped and stared at Sam as she pulled out clean dishes and utensils from the dishwasher and
placed them back in the cupboards, humming to herself. He loved watching her move around. Well,
he loved watching her, period. Actually, he just plain loved her.

If there was one big benefit that stemmed out of his accident, it was that Sam had agreed—

even insisted—on staying with him so she could look after him. It did help that he'd complained of
being extraordinarily tired and that his headaches bothered him. After those two hellish weeks that
they were on a break, he wasn't beyond acting less than capable of looking after himself just to have
her by his side.

"Why are you staring at me?" Sam asked with a smile.
He gathered her in his arms. "Because I love you," he said softly.
Sam curved her arms around his neck, a radiant smile on her face. "I love you, too."
Their kiss started out tender, slow and sweet, but just like before, it became hot and heavy in

just a short time.

"Adam…" Sam warned, pushing at his chest gently.
"I'm fine, baby," he said, letting his mouth travel to her neck.
"But you felt dizzy just a while ago," she reminded him.
Sam hadn't let him touch her for five days since coming home from the hospital, and it had

been driving him crazy. She was being overprotective and over worried. But while he revelled in her
loving attention, this time he intended to prove to her he was fine. Making love to her wasn't going to
make his condition worse. In fact, he'd bet everything he owned it would make him feel better. A
whole lot better.

"It was only slight dizziness. And it's gone now," he assured her, his hand burrowing under

her shirt and travelling to her breast.

"The doctor said you should rest for a few days," she said a little breathlessly.
At least she didn't swat his hand away. Feeling bolder, he pushed her bra out of the way and

ran his thumb round and round a nipple.

Sam let out a little moan that she tried to suppress.
He backed her onto the kitchen bench and bunched her shirt up the top of her boobs.
"Adam!" she complained, but didn't make an effort to right her clothes.
He leaned down and captured a peak with his lips. Sam's moan mixed with his. He missed her

so. He was extremely hungry for her.

"Adam…not here," she panted.
"Where, baby?"
Ah, yes.
He grabbed her hand and led her to his room—their room.
"Lie down," Sam ordered when they got there.
He took his shirt off, flipped down the covers, and eagerly did as she asked.
Sam crawled on top of him. "You're not going to exert yourself too much, mister," she said as

she nibbled on his lips. "You're going to just lie there while I get busy."

"Really? What are you going to do?" he asked huskily.
"You're about to find out," Sam said seductively as she worked on unbuttoning his pants.

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"Hmm. Something wants to come out and play."

His hips flexed as her hands grazed the bulge in his pants. "Yes. It's been missing you so


"Really?" Sam asked, pulling down his pants along with his boxers.
"Yeah, really. It's been so lonely and… ahhh… baby…" He propped himself up on his elbows

to watch her lick his erection. When she put the head in her mouth, his head plopped back in pleasure.
Then… nothing. No mouth, no hand, nothing. He lifted his head back in surprise. Sam was looking at
him with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Hell, she couldn't stop now.
"You're moving your head too much. I told you to lie down."
He chuckled, his heart expanding. There was no greater feeling in the world than to know that

this woman loved and cared for him. "Yes, ma'am," he said, obeying.

He closed his eyes as he felt her mouth on him again. It didn't take long before Sam's sucking

mouth, licking tongue and tugging hand brought him close to the edge. But he wasn't ready. He wanted
to pleasure her first.

"Baby, stop," he said.
"I don't want to come yet. Stop," he pleaded.
"Don't wanna."
"If you don't I'm going to shake my head over and over until you do," he warned.
Sam stopped abruptly.
He grinned. This concussion thing really wasn't so bad.
"Come up here," he said softly.
Sam slowly stripped naked, locking gazes with him as she did so. Then she straddled him

with her beautiful body. She gave him a bashful smile, then started grinding herself against his cock,
gasping softly.

Oh, Lord, that was good. But that wasn't what he had in mind.
"Come further up, sweetheart," he croaked.
He patted his belly.
With a curious frown, Sam clambered up and gingerly sat on his stomach.
"Good, now move a little further up," he said, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to his


Sam's eyes widened as she realised what he had in mind. "Adam, no," she said, her face


"Why not, baby? You told me not to move my head too much. So you come up here and let me

do what I've been dying to do."

She bit her lip, looking undecided.
Adam chuckled. "You haven't gone shy on me, have you? I've licked you many times before."
"Not in that position," she said, embarrassed.
"It's just you and me here, sweetheart," he said softly. "Don't you want it? I want to. I really


"Well, if you're so insistent," she said.
He grinned wickedly. "I am."
Sam shifted so that her legs were on either side of his head and lowered herself to him.

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He groaned, her scent driving him wild. He tasted her and laved her swollen clit with his


Sam clutched his hair, moaning loudly. Her hips started moving, back and forth, taking her

pleasure from his mouth.

Ahh, nothing made him hotter than his Sammy losing control. "You taste so good, baby. You're

so hot," he gasped between licks and soft sucks.

"Oh God, Adam!" Sam mewled. Abruptly, she raised herself up and crawled down.
"Sammy," he complained.
"I need you inside me, honey," she said, kissing him on the lips before positioning herself and

inserting his hard-as-steel cock in her wet centre.

"Oh, baby, yes," he gasped as Sam rocked on top of him. God, she was heaven. She was the

only one who had ever stirred his whole being. She took him to heights he'd never reached before
while his heart sang and his soul rejoiced.

Together they lost themselves in the dance as old as time. Higher and higher they climbed, and

soon they reached the crest. Sam's body clamped around him again and again with her powerful
orgasm, toppling him over the edge. With a yell, he emptied himself in her, the extreme pleasure from
his climax almost making him faint.

"Adam?" Sam said, her tone tinged with concern.
He opened his eyes, his lips curling in a satisfied smile. "Hmm?"
"Are you okay?"
"More than okay," he said with a grin.
With a sigh—of relief, he thought—Sam climbed off and lay beside him.
"Baby?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Stay with me."
She peered at him. "I'm not going anywhere."
"I mean, let's live together. Instead of you going home this weekend, let's move your stuff here

—well, what can fit anyway. We can put the rest in storage if you want to keep them. Then when the
new house is finished you can furnish it however you like."

"But I still have four months to go on my lease at my place," she said.
"So? If the real estate agent doesn't find new tenants, we'll just keep paying the rent until the

contract expires. It doesn't matter if we leave the place empty."

Sam fell silent and he knew she was analysing things. He didn't mind. He wouldn't push her to

make a snap decision. Moving in together was a big thing—

"Okay," Sam said, smiling at him happily.
"Okay?" he asked, a face-splitting grin appearing on his face.
"Yes. I think I'll miss you too much if I'm not with you at nights," she admitted.
He squeezed her tight, kissing her face. "I'll ask Dylan for the number of that removalist he'd

hired when he organised Ari's move in a week."

"You can't be lifting boxes and furniture until you've had your check up and the doctor's happy

with your progress," she warned.

"Whatever you say, baby. You can be on top of me all week if you want."
Sam giggled, straddling him again.

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Sam checked the time. It was already ten to seven, just ten more minutes to go before the most
important clients in her short history as a private chef turned up for their special thirty-fifth wedding
anniversary dinner.

She was ready for them. There was a round table in their house in the corner of the lounge

room—a perfect size for two people—which she'd moved to the middle. With white table cloth, a
narrow vase that held a single rose, and matching tea lights, it was now the centre piece in a room that
had been tastefully adorned with strategically placed flower bouquets and glowing candles.

Once again, the florist she'd recently partnered with had done a great job in providing suitable

floral arrangements for the occasion. They were a great mood enhancer for her romantic dinner

She surveyed the kitchen, making sure she had everything all set up for the mouth-watering

three-course meal for two she was about to cook. The only hiccup would be if Harry and Marie
arrived much later than the anticipated seven o'clock start for their special dinner. She'd have to
adjust her own timing for the night, which she'd planned to the nth degree, if that were the case.

Adam's parents were only her fifth clients since starting out. She shook her head fondly,

remembering Harry's insistence on paying even though she'd told him this was her anniversary present
to them. But Adam's father wouldn't hear anything of her giving her services for free. He'd said it was
his surprise anniversary present for Marie, therefore, he must pay for it.

She couldn't believe how quickly she'd gone from ending her stint at Rowena's Kitchen to

being fully booked as a private chef for the next four weeks. It was mainly due to Rowena. When
she'd told her that she was resigning from her job at Rowena's Kitchen to start her own business, her
old boss had been severely disappointed. But after fully experiencing the romantic dinner package
she'd given to Rowena and her husband as a 'thank you' gift, they had raved about it to their friends
and acquaintances.

It amazed her how her life had changed since she'd made that decision to quit her dad's

accounting practice to follow her dream. She had no idea then how things would pan out, but here she
was, finally starting to make a good living from what she loved doing. She believed she'd just been
super lucky, but Adam had repeatedly told her that luck couldn't have played its part if she hadn't
taken the necessary steps to make sure she was ready for it when it came. She'd 'made room for luck',
were the exact words he'd used.

She smiled wistfully as she thought of Adam. The other day when they had drinks with all of

their friends, she'd heard the boys chatting about Dylan and Ari's and Trey and Kris' upcoming
weddings. Trey had asked Adam when he was going to pop the question, and Adam had said he hadn't
even thought about it yet.

It had been a month and a half since she'd moved in with him and life had been bliss. In about

three months, they'd be moving to Adam's new house, which he insisted was their house, not just his.
But obviously, living together was all he had in mind at this point. To say that she was disappointed
was an understatement. Well, she'd just have to wait… or better yet, propose to him herself.

She snorted. As if she'd have the guts to do something like that. No. She'd just give him hints.

Plenty of hints. Then maybe one day soon, he'd—

Her rumination was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. She jumped out from her seat and

adjusted her chef's uniform. That was Harry's signal that they'd arrived home.

She inhaled deeply, trying to calm the nerves that had surfaced. She'd be cooking soon for

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Adam's mother—the woman who was polite, but still distant toward her.

"Oh my goodness," she overheard a clearly surprised Marie say. "Harry, what's this?"
"There's more to today than just taking you out shopping, darling. We're having a romantic

dinner right here in the privacy of our own home," Harry answered.

"You ordered food?"
"Ordered? No, Marie. I hired our very own chef for tonight." Harry glanced toward the

kitchen entrance where Sam was standing. "Here she is," he said.

Marie swivelled and her eyes grew wide. "Sam!"
"Hi, Marie. Happy anniversary, guys," she said with a sincere smile.
"Thank you, Sam," Harry said. "This is a wonderful set up. I can't wait to start. We're


"In that case, please have a seat. Would you like to start off with some wine?"


The dinner was a great success. Adam's parents loved the food and were awed by the way

she'd presented it. While the couple were enjoying their dessert, she moved quickly to tidy up the
kitchen. She didn't want to still be at clients' homes when they finished dessert. With romantic
dinners, they should be alone by then.

Harry already knew she'd be letting herself out the back door. Once they'd finished with

dessert, all the couple needed to do was place the remaining dishes in the dishwasher and turn the
machine on.

She was just about to leave when Marie appeared in the kitchen.
"Hi, Marie. I was just about to go so you guys can enjoy the rest of your night in private."
"I just want to say thank you. This dinner was wonderful."
Sam smiled, thrilled that Marie had sought her out.
"You're very welcome, Marie. It was a pleasure cooking for the two of you tonight. I'll drop

by tomorrow to pick up the table cloth and vases."

"Sure. Maybe you and Adam can stay for afternoon tea then? Or even dinner?"
"That would be lovely," Sam responded. "I'll let Adam know."
"Great. We'll see you guys tomorrow," Marie said with a wide smile. "I'd love to hear more

about your new business. It sounds very exciting."


Sam couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she went home. That was probably the warmest Adam's
mum had been toward her. She wondered what made Marie have a change of heart? Was it the food?
The ambience? Harry's intervention? Whatever was responsible, she was grateful for it. It had been
grating on Adam's nerves that his mother didn't like her half as much as Marie had liked Sandy. She
knew Adam would be pleased with this turn of events.

Speaking of Adam, she couldn't wait to get home to him. One of the hardest parts about her

new venture was to arrange her schedule so that she wasn't working every night. So far, half of her
clientele were from the corporate sector. She was being hired to cook sumptuous lunches for
executives while they negotiated large-money contracts. She planned to make those daytime orders
eighty percent of her total work, with twenty percent being her romantic dinner nights. That way, she'd
only be working nighttime once or twice a week. Her business was important, but quality time with

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Adam was her priority.


Sam inserted the key in the lock and pushed the door open. Her jaw dropped at the sight that

greeted her. Rose petals were scattered on the floor, creating a path to their bedroom.

With a wide grin, she followed the trail. The bedroom was empty. Adam was nowhere in


There was no answer. She noticed that the bed covers were turned down and there were more

petals sprinkled on the bed. She walked closer and tears sprung to her eyes. There was a message for
her, written in perfumed rose petals—the one she'd been waiting for.

She felt Adam approach her from behind and she turned, tears already flowing down her

cheeks. She caught how his expression changed from nervousness to relief as he took in her
expression. Silently, he went down on one knee and took her hand.

"Sam, will you marry me?" he asked, echoing the message on the bed.
"Yes," she answered with a happy gasp.
Smiling broadly, Adam slipped a ring on her finger. She clapped her right hand to her mouth

to stop a sob. It was the ring, the one she'd silently admired when thumbing through one of Kris'
bridal magazines. How did he know she liked this one?

"I've watched you stare at the ad for that ring a few times," Adam said with a smile as he got

up. "So I went and ordered it."

She frowned. "But that was about a month ago."
"Yes, it was," Adam replied, curving his arms around her waist and pulling her close.
"But you said the other day you haven't even thought about popping the question. I overheard

you saying that to the boys," she said, her cheeks turning pink.

Adam sighed. "Trey had a big mouth. I didn't want you to know I was going to propose soon

or it wouldn't have been a surprise, so I said what I said in case you were within hearing distance—
which you were, Miss Eavesdropper."

She put on a mock pout. "Did you know how upset I got when I heard you hadn't even thought

about marrying me?"

"Were you, baby?" Adam asked softly, grazing her cheeks with his lips. "I better make up for

it then, huh?"

"You already have," she said with a big grin, pulling his head down to hers for a kiss. She felt

Adam walk them to the bed and halted him. "Wait! We can't ruin that message yet, I have to take a

In reply, Adam lifted her and dropped her on top of the rose petals.
"Oh," she said with disappointment.
Adam covered her with his body. "Don't worry, I already took plenty of photos. Now I want

to make love to you on these highest quality, ultra-luxurious sheets embellished with soft, fragrant
rose petals."

She giggled, wrapping her legs around his waist.
Adam stared at her, sincerity pouring out of his expression. "I love you, Sammy. I love you so


She cupped his cheeks, her eyes misting again. "I love you, too, Adam," she breathed.
Sam thought they could be in the most uncomfortable bed with the coarsest sheets in the whole

wide world and she wouldn't care. She had found true love, and no amount of discomfort, hardships

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or challenges could ever make her let go.

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Five Years Later…

Sam tried to lift a large insulated box full of food she'd prepared from the back of the car.

That was too heavy, so she tried to carry the food warmers instead.

"Hey, I'll carry those," Adam said authoritatively.
"They're not that heavy. You carry the food box. It's heavier."
"I'll come back for the food. Just carry the picnic blankets. They're light."
Sam rolled her eyes. "I'm not exactly a weakling, you know."
"You're so stubborn," Adam said, glaring at her as he nudged her out of the way so he could

get to the boxes. "Even more so when you're pregnant."

She grinned, finding his attempts to tell her off so cute. "I know what I can and can't carry,

honey," she reasoned.

"These. Are. Heavy. You. Are. Pregnant."
"Okay, fine," she said, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Adam sighed, angling his face so he could capture her mouth.
"Mummy, over there!" an excited voice said.
"Wait here, Adrian," Sam warned her almost three-year-old son, holding on to him so he

wouldn't run off.

"Hi!!" Adrian yelled, waving his arms madly at his friends Jason—Kane and Jasmine's son,

and Arden—Dylan and Ari's son. The two little cousins were having a joint third birthday celebration
today, their actual birth dates only a week apart.

Sam grabbed the picnic blankets, then walked with her son toward the group who'd

commandeered a perfect position in a shady, pretty part of the park near the fish pond. They crossed a
quiet lane, then she let go of Adrian's hand. Adrian promptly ran to meet his friends who were rushing
toward them. Before long, shrieks were heard from the three little boys as they raced on the grass,
chasing after each other.

"Hey, Auntie Sam!" Jasmine called out, holding the hand of her thirteen-month-old daughter,

who was learning how to walk.

"Hello, Katie," Sam said delightedly as she stooped and encouraged Jasmine's daughter to

walk toward her.

Katie let out an excited sound and tried to walk faster, holding her mother's hand tightly.
Sam lifted the toddler in her arms when she got to her and kissed her cheek soundly. Then she

turned to Jasmine and hugged her friend.

"I hope you didn't bring too much food, Sam," Jasmine commented, squinting at Adam who

was walking with their big box.

"Well, it's better to have more than less. We could always take the leftovers home," she

answered, putting down Katie who grasped Sam's finger as she toddled.

Jasmine chuckled. "I suspect there would be plenty to feed a whole town today. Everybody's

bringing something. I heard that Kane and Dylan's mum had been cooking since yesterday."

"Oh, no," Sam said with a laugh. "Knowing Linda, their car would be full to the brim with

food. I'm sure she couldn't resist cooking up a storm for the birthdays of her two grandsons."

They walked toward Kane and Dylan who were trying to fire up the barbecue.
"Hey, guys," Jasmine called out. "I don't think you need to cook anything. I think we have

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plenty of food."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "If we look like running out, then you can barbecue some meat. But I

think we have enough."

"Oh, good," Kane said with relief.
Jasmine made a face at her husband, knowing how very disinterested he was with cooking.
"Where's Ari, Dyl?" Sam asked.
"Bathroom. You know how heavily pregnant women need to go all the time," Dylan quipped.
"Trey and Kris are here now, too," Kane announced, looking up ahead.
They watched as the three little boys ran up to Trey and Kris' two-year-old daughter, all of

them crying "Misha" with delight. Misha wiggled her way out of her father's arms, promptly joining
the boys in running around once she was put down.

Katie started crying, pointing to the group of little ones enjoying themselves.
"Do you want to play, too, sweetheart?" Kane asked his daughter. "Come." He held out his

finger to Katie who promptly grabbed it as she toddled to where the other kids were.

"That looks heavy," Dylan said to Adam as Adam placed the big box on a table.
"You know Sam. She wants to compete with your mother," Adam teased.
"Why would I want to compete with Linda when she's my business partner?" Sam asked,

giving Adam a mock frown. When her private chef business became popular, there was a push from
her clients for catering services for bigger events. Rowena didn't want to grow her business anymore
—she didn't want to become too busy—so Sam asked around for anyone who was interested in
partnering with her. To her absolute delight, Linda had been more than interested. Even though she
was already in her sixties, Linda had no plans on putting her feet up. She loved cooking just as much
as Sam, and together they'd built a strong business, now with ten permanent staff, and a few more on a
casual basis during busy times.


The friends sat around the big picnic table, happy to watch their children play while doting

grandparents looked on.

"You know what amazes me?" Trey asked.
"What?" Adam said.
"A few years ago, I would have avoided all parties that had this many screaming kids. Now I

can't believe I'm actually having fun watching them all play together."

They all laughed. Aside from their own, there were six other kids present.
Emily and Amelia, the twin daughters of Kane and Dylan's sister Faye and her husband Ray

were happily dancing and singing, joined by Rachel and Jenny, the daughters of Jasmine's sister Jessa
and husband Rob. The kids of Faye and Jessa's best friends—Clarise and Will— were also there.
Their son Liam was running with the boys while their infant daughter Alyssa slept contentedly in her
mother's arms.

"In about a month, another one will be added to this noisy bunch when our new baby's born,"

Dylan said proudly, stroking Ari's belly.

"Have you chosen a name yet?" Jasmine asked.
"Daniel's our favourite at the moment," Ari responded.
"Well, in about seven months, there'll be another one again," Adam said, grinning.
"Really?" Kris gasped loudly, looking at Adam, then Sam.
Sam nodded her confirmation.
Congratulations went around the table for the happy couple.

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"I'll need to get a few of your maternity dresses and swimwear, Ari," Sam said.
"Make sure you come and see me," Ari said in a chiding tone. "I can't believe you went to the

store to get one of my dresses the last time. You know I give them to you at wholesale prices."

"I saw it hanging on the rack with the Arielle label on it. I couldn't resist trying it on, and when

I did, I just wanted to take it home with me."

"Well, next time, please call me," Ari insisted.
"I will."
"What about you guys?" Kane asked Kris and Trey. "Do you plan to have another child?"
Kris sighed, leaning against Trey. "Yes. But we have to wait until our current project at the

dance studio has finished filming."

"When is it finishing?" Sam asked.
"The actual filming of the movie won't finish for another eight or so months. But all the dance

sequences are scheduled to be filmed within the next three months, so my part in choreographing and
teaching would be done after that. I think we could try for another baby then. What do you think,
honey?" Kris asked Trey.

"Anytime, babe," Trey replied with a crooked grin.
"Oh my God, Jaz," Ari exclaimed, awkwardly sitting up straight. "I almost forgot.

Congratulations on hitting the bestseller lists again."

Jasmine looked at Ari in surprise. "Really? I haven't even checked. I've been so busy."
"Number Three on the big one, Jazzie," Ari said with a grin.
Jasmine glanced at Kane, her mouth wide open in shock as joyous congratulations were

offered by everyone.

"Congratulations, babe. I told you this book would make it higher than the last one," Kane

murmured, kissing Jasmine and squeezing her tight.

Sam sighed, sinking into Adam's embrace. She remembered all those years ago when each one

of them didn't have enough confidence or trust in themselves to follow their dreams. It took a lot of
courage and self-belief, and it certainly wasn't all a bed of roses. But the rewards were priceless.

Her gaze travelled to the children, playing happily with each other. She could only hope that

they'd learnt enough of life's lessons to pass on to those precious kids. Oh, and to her unborn one, too.

"I love you," Adam whispered in her ear.
"Guess what?" she whispered back. "I love you, too."
"You better," Adam said with a contented smile.


Thank you for reading!
As has been the case in the past, another one of my 'minor' characters has prodded me to write

about her. And of course, I let her talk me into telling the world about her love life!

In my next book, Rebecca Andrews—Trey's sister who appeared in Secret Moves (Secret

Dreams Book 3)—will get another chance at love. Can she keep it? Or will she let it slip through her
fingers again?

Watch out for the first book in my Time For Love series, coming out in March 2014.
To be one of the first to know of its release, make sure you're subscribed to my newsletter.

Click here to do so.

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The Love Story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews


Victor will be there with me, looking like his usual gorgeous self. He assured me he'd be very

attentive. Everyone will see how mad we are for each other. Well, hopefully, that's what they'll
see. Surely this will work. It should stop my dear sister from going ahead with her matchmaking
plans. If it doesn't, well, plan B is to die from embarrassment. It will work
, Clarise Carson thought
confidently before taking a deep sigh and returning her focus to her last piece of work before she
ended the working day.

After a final review, she was done with her latest article for Lifestyle by Design, the popular

monthly magazine read by those with loads of disposable income keen to know which restaurants and
bars were worth going to, which exotic destinations they could holiday in next and which new gadgets
they must own to make their busy lives easier.

She was still salivating at the memory of the glorious food she had at Stillwaters, the newest

restaurant in Sydney, owned by an upcoming Australian chef, and the latest establishment she had
researched and reviewed.

Yes, she nodded. They definitely deserve this glowing article. She knew the new restaurant

would soon have a very long waiting list of patrons wanting to dine there once next month's issue
became available.

Satisfied with her day's accomplishments, she shut off her laptop, grabbed her handbag and

walked into the office of Victor Michaels, the magazine's very good-looking head graphic designer.

"I'm done for today, darling. Are you ready to go? I'm starving," she said to Victor. "I'd also like

to talk to you again about Megan's engagement party this Saturday night. Seriously, if you can't go with
me, I don't know who else to ask," she said, voicing her worry.

"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go. And of course, I'm going with you to your

sister's party," Victor replied with a grin. "I'm really excited about it. I'm already looking forward to
meeting your family and showing them just how much I want you," he said in a low, sexy voice.

If it hadn't been Victor who made the comment, she would have blushed. Instead she laughed and

settled herself on a chair and waited for him to finish.

Renewed hope flowed through her. Having Victor for her date should stop Megan's plan to

introduce her to single men at her and Rick's engagement party. Who knew how many of them they had
invited? And it was supposed to be a small affair only! She shuddered at the thought of being
introduced to a line-up of bachelors, with everyone there knowing what was going on. That would be
way too embarrassing!

I wouldn't make a spectacle of myself, even though Megan thinks she's only doing me a favour.

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She had wondered why Megan was so intent on playing matchmaker. She wouldn't be surprised if

their mum was in on it, too. Both of them must have felt sorry for her when she broke up with Daniel,
especially when she'd asked if she'd ever meet 'The One'. She winced. She could still remember her
conversation with her mother.

"Don't worry, darling, maybe Daniel's not really meant for you."
"Do you really think I'll ever find 'the one', Mum? You know, like you have Dad and Megan

has Rick?"

"Of course, you will! You are gorgeous and you are beautiful on the inside, too. Somewhere out

there, there's a man just for you. And I'm not saying that because I'm your mother. But you won't
find this person if you don't go out enough! Most of your contacts are work-related and you have
such strict rules about not dating anyone connected to your work. You should socialise more,

Her mother hadn't hidden the fact that she was worried she would end up a spinster and would

have no one to share her life with. With her track record of hardly going out on dates and her past
relationships not lasting more than two and a half months—her time with Daniel being the longest—
she shared her mum's concerns.

Ruefully, she remembered the time when she and Daniel took her parents out to dinner. At twenty-

nine years of age, she had finally introduced a boyfriend to her parents. Her mother had been so
excited it was like she herself was going out on her first date.

Three weeks after that, she was single again. She felt she had failed at something significant and

swallowed the pain and guilt that attacked her at disappointing her parents—and herself.

"Are you okay, Clarise?" Victor's voice brought her back into the present.

"Yes, I was just thinking of Megan's plan to foist single men on me. I don't want to look desperate!

How mortifying would that be?"

She smiled at the man in front of her. She couldn't help but think that it was, indeed, very

unfortunate for the female population that Victor was gay. He was really hot-looking and a decent guy
to boot.

"I'm so looking forward to your sister's engagement party but I seriously hope there are no

handsome, muscular hunks there or I won't be able to keep up our pretence."

They laughed out loud.


Victor got out of the car, looking gorgeous in his light grey, long-sleeved, collared shirt and black
pants. He went to the passenger side to open Clarise's door. With her in a chic, blue silk dress that
hugged her figure in all the right places, the two of them were a picture of a beautiful couple.

"Thank you, darling," she murmured to Victor as she gracefully got out of the vehicle. Her eyes

danced with controlled laughter as she watched him act out their game. "What is your mantra again

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tonight?" she teased him.

"I'm a sexy, handsome, straight man who's crazy about you," he whispered with a snicker. "Don't

make me laugh or we'll give the game away. Your parents are watching us."

Clarise waved to her parents. They, too, had just arrived and were patiently waiting for them,

trying not to stare at Victor.

She knew Megan would have told their mum straight away about her 'new boyfriend' after she had

called a couple of days ago. She'd informed Megan she was bringing a date to her party after all.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" her sister had asked with open interest.
"I work with Victor, and we, umm, get along really well and we really like each other," she had

answered. "There's the complication of working together but we seem to be managing it quite well.
I'm really looking forward to introducing him to you guys."

She wasn't good at lying and had tried to sound mysterious. She wanted Megan to believe there was

something romantic between her and Victor without actually saying the words. She must have
succeeded because right now, as she and Victor walked hand in hand towards her parents, she could
tell her mum was trying to hide a huge, pleased grin.

She made the necessary introductions before they proceeded towards Rick's parents' house, where

the engagement party was being held. Before they walked in, her mum pulled her aside.

"Well, he's better looking than Daniel, Clarise. And he seems like such a gentleman."
She smiled with relief.


The Smithson's house was in full party mode. There was a large marquee in their manicured
backyard, which was decked out with gold, silver and light pink balloons with a small dance floor on
one side and a sumptuous buffet and round tables on the other.

Clarise marvelled at the number of expected guests. For what was supposed to be a small party for

family and close friends only, there were still around fifty place settings. But she knew Megan
worried about their other friends she couldn't invite, as she and Rick had to be ruthless with their
guest list.

She nervously thought of the single men Megan had invited. Not many, she hoped, feeling guilty.

She should have thought of the charade with Victor much earlier.

She caught sight of her sister, looking radiant and beautiful with Rick beside her. She felt a warm

glow in her heart with seeing her younger sister so happy. With only fifteen months separating them,
they shared a very close bond.

"Meg!" she called.
Her sister ran to her and hugged her tightly before turning to Victor.
"Hi, you must be Victor," Megan said, discreetly checking him out from head to toe.
"Yes, how are you Megan?"
"I'm wonderful, thank you. I'm glad to meet you."
"Likewise," Victor responded.
"I'll leave you in the capable hands of Clarise, Victor. My boss just arrived and he's by himself. I

better introduce him to some people."

"Don't worry about us," Clarise said. "Go attend to your guests."
Megan gave her another hug and whispered in her ear, "He's hot, sis."
"I know," she whispered back.

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Megan winked at Victor before walking away.
This little charade seemed to be working and Clarise allowed herself to relax.


"Lilly!" Clarise heard Megan call out as an adorable and cute as a button three-year-old girl walked
in with her parents, Mark—Rick's older brother—and his wife Bella. With them was Bella's brother

She felt Victor tense by her side. "What's wrong, Victor?"
"That's Evan," Victor responded a little nervously. "I know him. And he certainly knows me!"
"What do you mean 'he certainly knows you'?"
"Well, I met him at this speed dating thing two weeks ago, and we've been out on a couple of dates.

He's really cute, isn't he?"

"Oh, no, Victor! You're supposed to be my boyfriend tonight!"
"Don't worry, darling. I'll tell him of our little secret and ask him to go along with it. I'll just go talk

to him and we'll pretend we're talking about work or something." With that, Victor sauntered to Evan,
his eyes shining.

She rolled her eyes upwards and prayed that Victor—and Evan, for that matter—could keep the

charade up for her, just for tonight. How highly embarrassing would it be if the others noticed that
Victor was gay when they'd already assumed he was her boyfriend?

Geez, I might as well have 'loser in love' stamped on my forehead. Please Victor, you're a

straight man tonight.

"I didn't know Victor knew Evan," Megan said from behind her, making her jump.
"Oh, they met at an industry function, you know, for work and I think Victor wanted to talk to Evan

about an article in the latest issue of Lifestyle," she babbled.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to bring a date tonight until you told me about him two days ago,"

Megan said with a grin. "It's a shame. There is a very eligible man here and Rick and I were excited
to introduce him to you."

"Megan," she said with a warning in her voice.
"Yes, I know, I know. No matchmaking for me tonight," Megan said with a laugh.
"Well, that's a relief!"
"You know, we did invite this guy for the purpose of introducing him to you," Megan commented.

"We'll just have to explain the situation to him."

"Are you saying there's only one of them here tonight? You certainly gave me the impression that

you were going to invite all the single men you and Rick know. I'm glad you didn't, though."

Megan chuckled, "Yes, that was my original plan. But Rick and I decided that wasn't a good idea.

One at a time would be better, we thought. More personal."

Megan's look became serious, her eyes narrowing. "Is there a possibility that Victor is 'The One'?"
"I couldn't be happier he's here with me tonight," she answered cryptically. It was the truth,

although it wasn't an accurate answer to the question.

Megan, however, seemed satisfied with her response. Her sister patted her arm and walked off

with a smile.

She said a silent 'thank you' to the heavens.


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By the time dinner was served, Clarise had slipped into a carefree mode. She chatted cheerfully with
Bella and Mark about their business.

The couple owned two popular restaurants that served food and beverages that were made of

chocolate or had it as a main ingredient. The concept had been a huge success and they would soon be
opening a third location.

Mark and Bella's story was an inspiring one and she recently had the pleasure of writing an article

about their journey for Lifestyle by Design.

That was what she loved most about her job. She got paid to write about some of the best

restaurants, hotels and professional services, which meant she got to sample their offerings and
interview some very interesting, influential and successful people.

"Hey Mark," Bella said to her husband. "Didn't you say Will wanted to talk to Clarise about an

article for his business?"

"Oh yeah, Clarise," Mark said. "My friend Will runs a boutique travel service that's very

specialised. He caters to the well-to-do and his company organises high-end type trips for those
whose tastes are very discerning. He'd seen the article you wrote for us and he was wondering if your
magazine would consider doing one for his business."

"High-end travel? Sure, it's something we can have a look at," she responded readily.
Because of the magazine's immense popularity, they had been receiving plenty of requests from

businesses and establishment owners for write-ups on their products and services. Those savvy
entrepreneurs knew that exposure through Lifestyle by Design ensured a deluge of new clients.

"Great!" Mark replied. "He'd be pleased to hear that. He's actually here so I'll introduce you to him.

I was meaning to do it before dinner started but he arrived a little late."

Bella pursed her lips and mused, "You know, I've been wondering why Rick invited Will to

tonight's party but didn't invite his other tennis buddies."

Mark chuckled. "Rick mentioned he invited Will because he's single and available. He didn't want

to elaborate when I prodded him but it looks like the engaged lovebirds are playing matchmaker for
Will and someone else. I wonder if it's with that girl sitting next to him. I'll have to quiz Will about
her when I get the chance."

Clarise and Bella followed Mark's line of sight and Bella pointed Will out to her.
Her breath hitched as she caught sight of the handsome in a rugged kind of way man with slightly

wavy, dark brown hair talking to Mary Jane, Megan's best friend. She didn't recognise the other
person sitting on the other side of him, but it was another male.

Well, Mary Jane is not single, she thought to herself. Her husband is currently in Brisbane for


With a heart-flutter, it hit her that this good-looking eye candy was the single man her sister had

meant to set her up with.

Geez, if I had only known about hunky Single Will tonight, I wouldn't have plotted that charade

with Victor.

She was surprised at the turn of her thoughts. She composed herself and tried to look cool, calm

and collected.

"So, Clarise, I'll introduce you to Will later, okay? He's really keen to see how he can be in your

magazine," Mark said innocently.

"Yeah, sure," she said a little too brightly, trying to hide her discomfiture.
They don't know, she assured herself.

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Will became more relaxed as the dinner progressed. There were no unattached women at his table
and no one had been introduced to him so far. He knew that Rick invited him to this party to set him
up with some single woman. Apparently it was all Megan's idea but Rick was happy to go along with

He had been single for nine months now and, seeing how devoted he was to his parents, he was a

favourite among his friends to be matched up with nice single girls they knew. They all thought he
was a decent guy—and very eligible.

But after Karen, he was not after a serious relationship. No strings attached, casual sex worked just

fine for him and that was all he was after right now. If Rick wanted to play matchmaker for one of
Megan's family or friends, he was not going to entertain it. It could destroy his friendship with both
Rick and his brother Mark.

He knew that Rick hadn't grasped how determined he was to keep his status as 'not in a

relationship'. He hadn't talked to anyone about the reason why. As far as he was concerned, it was no
one else's business but his.

No, he wasn't interested in meeting a potential love interest but he was keen to meet a particular

woman—Rick's future sister-in-law—for business reasons. He wanted to have an article on Lifestyle
by Design
. He would be opening another branch in Melbourne and the magazine would give him the
exposure he needed for his expansion goals. Clarise Carson's article for Mark and Bella's restaurants
had done wonders for their business and he would jump through hoops to have the same opportunity.

Dinner was mostly finished, apart from a handful of people going back to the buffet table to load their
plates again. The DJ announced that it was time to start dancing and played a slow, romantic song.

Will scanned the room, looking for Mark, who promised to introduce him to Clarise. He spotted

him on the dance floor with his wife Bella in his arms. He also saw the engaged couple, who were
busy looking at each other with lovestruck eyes while dancing intimately together.

I might as well look for her and introduce myself.
He hadn't meant to arrive late but he got held up with some urgent work. People were already

getting food when he arrived. Mark did point Clarise out to him and he registered the fact she was in
a blue dress, although he didn't get to see her face well from where they were standing. He only
noticed her long, silky, beautiful dark hair that fell straight down past her shoulders.

His eyes roamed and he spied Rick's Aunt Bonnie talking to a stunningly beautiful woman in a blue

dress. He couldn't help but stare. His heart beat faster and he knew it was Clarise. Something warm
flowed through him and he recognised it for what it was—attraction.

Easy, you're here for business, not pleasure. And Clarise is a no-go. She's your friends' family.
He took a deep breath. In any case, this was his chance to be introduced to the lovely lady. Rick's

Aunt Bonnie and her husband were his clients.

He strolled to where the two women were standing.
"William!" Bonnie Smithson cried as she saw him approach. "How wonderful to see you here!"
"Hello, Bonnie, how are you?"
"Oh, I'm great, thank you, but I can't wait until May when we go to that wonderful holiday in Europe

that the lovely Leila in your office is organising for us. She is doing a wonderful job, by the way."

"That's good to know. So everything is to your satisfaction?"

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"Oh, yes, definitely. You certainly know how to give your clients a wonderful experience even

before they start their actual holiday," Bonnie said sincerely.

"Thank you. That's our goal," he answered with a slight bow of his head and a grateful smile.
"Do you know Clarise, William?" Bonnie asked, putting her hand on Clarise's arm.
"We haven't been introduced but I've heard of her," he said to Bonnie, his gaze already settling on


Something caught Bonnie's attention in the far corner and she hastily introduced them to each other.

"Clarise, this is William Matthews, his office is organising our next European holiday. William, this
is Clarise Carson, Megan's sister. Now if you'd both excuse me, I see my chance to play with Lilly.
Oh, such an adorable, pretty, little girl." Bonnie hurriedly left them with a wave of her hand.

Will gestured for a handshake as he stared at the attractive woman standing in front of him. Her

gorgeous brown eyes were wide, as if she was surprised by something. Then she blinked and took his
proffered hand.

"Hi, William, it's good to meet you," she said, her lips curling into a shy but devastatingly

beautiful smile.

"Call me Will, please," he replied, in somewhat of a daze and desperately trying to regain

equilibrium. He only realised he was still holding her hand when she gently extricated it from his

"Uh, I've been looking forward to meeting you tonight, Clarise. I've been promised an introduction

but the man who was going to do it is too busy dancing, so I thought I'd seek you out myself."

Her face flushed and she looked uncomfortable. It occurred to him she might not want to talk

about work during a family party. He hastily tried to explain himself.

"Mark must have already mentioned to you that I'm interested in having your magazine do an

article for my business. I know this isn't work time for you and we don't have to discuss it right now. I
just want to introduce myself so we can talk about it some other time," he said apologetically.

"Oh, I see. I'm certainly happy to talk about your business tonight," she said. She seemed relieved.
"Thanks, but really, let's talk about it some other time. Maybe I can call you at work and discuss


"Yes. Sure. You can call reception and talk to Elena. She can organise a meeting time for us."
"Great," he responded. He was aware he was being rude by continuing to stare at Clarise, but he

couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Would you like to dance?" He found himself holding out his hand as an invitation for this

enchanting creature to go with him to the dance floor. Huh? Since when do you dance, Will
Matthews? You have two left feet!

"Sure," Clarise answered with a smile as she placed her hand on his.
Too late. Damn me.
Some sappy love song that he vaguely recognised was playing. Hell, he wasn't much of a dancer.
"Um, I think this is a good time to tell you I can't dance," he said to Clarise, his mouth quirking

upwards, both embarrassed by and amused at himself.

Clarise chuckled, "So what are we doing here then?"
"Shuffling our feet. Well, I am anyway. I don't know about you."
"You're not doing too badly with the feet shuffle. I can shuffle too, you know. You're not the only

one who's good at it," she teased.

They grinned at each other.

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He held Clarise with an arm around her waist, his hand flat on her lower back, as they swayed

with the music. Her hair smelled like flowers and he caught a whiff of her delicate perfume. She
smelled lovely. She felt lovely.

His arm around her tightened involuntarily and he held her closer, acutely aware of an electric

current in the air around them. He felt her sink into their embrace. He wondered if she had noticed
that magnetic force, too. He could feel it slowly enveloping them with a power he could neither
explain nor resist.

They danced, hardly moving to the music, their bodies pressed like they'd always belonged


His thoughts went to Rick and Megan's matchmaking plan and he wondered if there was a chance

it could be Clarise they wanted to set him up with. The idea greatly interested him, and he forgot for a
moment his determination not to get involved with anyone Rick might introduce to him tonight.

"Now, how about you twirl me?" Clarise said suddenly, pulling away, putting some distance

between them.

"Pardon?" he asked, feeling bereft that she was no longer in his arms.
"Twirl. You know, like this." She proceeded to hold up their hands that were clasped together and

twirled around.

"Oh, okay." He twirled her, his lips curving in an amused but perplexed smile.
The sappy love song ended and fast dance music started playing.
"Sorry, Twirly, my shuffling feet can only do slow, not this," he said with an abashed grin.
"Okay. Well, thanks for the dance, Shuffles."
They smiled at each other and stood there, looking into each other's eyes for a long moment while

other partygoers danced around them. Then Clarise turned and left the dance floor.

He followed, not caring where she was going, only knowing he wanted to talk to her some more.

"Darling, there you are!"

Will glanced sharply at the man who called out to Clarise. He bristled as the intruder possessively

put his left arm around her shoulders while openly regarding him with a questioning look.

"Hi, I'm Victor Michaels." The other man extended a hand and it took him a second to register the


"William Matthews," he responded, shaking Victor's hand as his eyes narrowed imperceptibly at

Clarise who had an unreadable expression on her face.

Mark approached them at that moment. "Oh, good, Will. You've obviously met Clarise. And Victor,

too. Just the two people you want to meet. Have you mentioned the article you want from them?"

"Victor, too?"
Will was sure he would have preferred not to have met Victor. He was somewhat antagonistic

towards the man. Especially when he had his arm around Clarise like that. Especially when he looked
like the possessive boyfriend.

He tried to mentally shake his irrational feelings and looked at Mark quizzically.
"Yeah, he works for the magazine too."
"Yup, I'm the head graphic designer there," Victor confirmed. "Clarise is the one who writes the

articles, along with Jessa Allen, if an article is what you're interested in."

"Yes, Clarise and I discussed that briefly." Looking at Clarise, he said, "So I'll be meeting with you

sometime this week, then?"

"Yes, just talk to Elena. You'll find our phone number on our website."

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He nodded, thinking he'd accomplished what he came here to do—to meet Clarise Carson for

business purposes—and now he could leave. He said his goodbyes and went to look for the engaged


Will tapped Rick and Megan on their shoulders. "May I interrupt your marathon dancing session?" he
said with a grin. "I just want to say thank you for inviting me tonight. I've really enjoyed myself but
I'm afraid I have to go. There's still some urgent work I need to finish this weekend."

Megan pulled them towards a more quiet area before giving him a hug. "Will, thanks so much for

coming. We really appreciate it. I know Rick mentioned introducing you to someone tonight but it
turns out she's already going out with someone else," Megan said sheepishly.

"No worries about that, Meg," he said with a chuckle. "Quite frankly, I wasn't really looking

forward to your matchmaking so that's a relief. Apart from wanting to be here to help celebrate your
engagement, I really just wanted to meet your sister."

Megan and Rick exchanged a startled glance. "Why?" Megan asked.
"I wanted to talk to her about a possible article for my business in Lifestyle."
"Oh, okay. Good luck with that."
"Thanks, and thanks again for inviting me. Rick, I'll see you at tennis in a few days."
"Yep, see you then, Will."


Will got into his car and let out a long sigh. He was still reeling from the strong attraction he felt for

"Don't forget you're just looking for playmates, Will, not a girlfriend. She is one of your close

friend's sister-in-law," he chided himself loudly, his voice filling the car. "And besides, she's already
taken," he said in a sour tone, surprised at the jealousy that coursed through his body.

He frowned, not at all pleased with himself about what he was feeling.


Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1) is free with Miranda's compliments.

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Other Books by Miranda P. Charles

Available at Amazon

Lifestyle by Design Series

Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)
The love story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews.
.com Link:

Will To Love

UK Link:

Will To Love

Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
The love story of Jessa Allen and Rob Granger.
.com Link:

Heart Robber

UK Link:

Heart Robber

Ray of Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 3)
The love story of Faye Summers and Ray Thackery.
.com Link:

Ray of Love

UK Link:

Ray of Love

Secret Dreams Series

Secret Words (Secret Dreams Book 1)
The love story of Jasmine Allen and Kane Summers.
.com Link:

Secret Words

UK Link:


Secret Designs (Secret Dreams Book 2)
The love story of Ari Mitchell and Dylan Summers.
.com Link:

Secret Designs

UK Link:

Secret Designs

Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Book 3)
The love story of Kris McCann and Trey Andrews.
.com Link:

Secret Moves

UK Link:

Secret Moves

Secret Tastes (Secret Dreams Book 4)
The love story of Samantha Lane and Adam Craig.

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