Stevie Woods Other Worlds 2 Lightning Strikes

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…”We’re in love with each other, agreed?” I said.
Matthew nodded, then promptly grabbed his head and moaned. I

ignored him and plowed on.

“We’ve been friends for years, so we don’t have to do this getting

to know each other thing.” I’d thought about this all night just sitting
watching him. Obvious, I thought. “I’ve been fighting to keep my
hands off you for years, so…”

I never got any further, though, ’cause he yelled, “What!” He

obviously regretted the noise, but gritted his teeth and went on. “If you
think we’re gonna just… just gonna jump into bed, you can think

“Ah. Too sudden? What do you want then?” I hadn’t meant to be

sarcastic, but I think I was.

“Don’t know. Okay?” He smiled then, the rare one that lit up his

whole face, and I felt its effect like a caress on the groin. “We’ve been
friends for a long time, but this is something else, Josh. I’ve always
had to keep the feeling hidden, but now I don’t have to and I want to…
I want to go on a date. I want…” He paused and grinned, the bastard!
“I want wooing.”

Can you believe it? We’ve been friends for almost three years and

he wants wooing!

I think my mouth dropped open then and I guess I snapped it shut.

I remember saying something like, “You gotta be kidding!”

Not a good thing to say because Matthew shot up, knocking back

the chair before turning with great dignity and walking out. He spoilt
it, though, by looking back over his shoulder and snarling, “Bastard!”

I wasn’t about to ruin the best thing that ever happened to me, so I

swallowed my pride and followed him…

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Best Policy

A Favor For A Friend

Other Worlds

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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2011 by Stevie Woods

ISBN 978-1-61124-100-6

Cover Art © 2011 Trace Edward Zaber


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It took us long enough, too damned long, to realize we both had

the same desires and the same fears. We had gelled almost at once,
and I’ve considered him my best friend for a couple of years. Just
like everyone else, we had our ups and downs, but we got our
friendship back on track, eventually. And I’ve been in love with
the man almost as long as I’ve known him. True, he was also the
most trying, stubborn, egotistical, argumentative, wonderful man
I’ve ever met. And, in true frustrating fashion, I found out he’d
been harboring similar thoughts about me, and on one drunken
night, we both let down our walls and admitted the truth to each
other. Why that particular drunken night and not any of the
previous ones, I’ll never know, nor do I care. Matthew’s slurred
admission that he loved me sobered me up like nothing else ever

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has, and when I told him I felt exactly the same way, his mouth
dropped open and his beautiful eyes widened before he promptly
passed out.

I put him to bed and spent the rest of the night wondering if

he’d remember the confession, his or mine or both, the next
morning. I put him into the guest bedroom as usual, but instead of
retreating to the safety of my own bed as was my regular habit, I
sat in the chair and just watched him, while I panicked. I was
terrified he would remember and just as terrified he wouldn’t. I am
such a fool!

Finally, as dawn lightened the drapes, he stirred with a decided

moan. I helped him to the bathroom, where he instantly threw up. I
cleaned him up and got him back to bed.

“Josh?” he muttered.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep.”
He cracked open an eye and gave me a ghost of his wonderful

smile and any fears of his not remembering flew away, leaving
only the hope he would. I smiled at him while I brushed the hair
back from his forehead as his eyes slid shut.

In the morning, he eventually came downstairs, drawn by the

smell of coffee I was making in the kitchen. He wandered in, eyes
down, looking a little worse for wear, and dropped onto one of the
kitchen chairs. I poured him a drink and sat opposite. He warmed
his hands around his mug as he first took a sip, then gulped it
down. He sighed as he set the cup back on the table. He raised his
eyes to me then, and I smiled. He began to smile back at me and
then his expression froze. He remembered—something—but he
seemed scared. I had to do something or he would hide. I knew
him too well.

“You remember?”

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“I… I… Did I really say that?” he whispered.
“If you’re asking me if you told me you love me, yes, you did,”

I replied softly.

He closed his eyes.
Damn, he doesn’t remember what I said. He thinks he messed

up. “And I told you I love you, too.”

His eyelids flew open and his jaw dropped.
“Forgot that bit, eh?”
“You love … me?”
“Is that it? Oh?”
“Well, it’s a shock. I never meant to tell you… didn’t think

you’d want to know. Never, ever expected you to… to…”

“Feel the same way?”
“No… Yes!”
“Well, I do. Now what?”
“Josh! I’m hung-over and I’ve just had the shock of my life.

Don’t expect me to be able to think clearly.”

“Right. Okay. I’ll do the thinking.”
“Oh, God!”
“We’re in love with each other, agreed?”
Matthew nodded, then promptly grabbed his head and moaned.

I ignored him and plowed on.

“We’ve been friends for years, so we don’t have to do this

getting to know each other thing.” I’d thought about this all night
just sitting watching him. Obvious, I thought. “I’ve been fighting
to keep my hands off you for years, so…”

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I never got any further, though, ’cause he yelled, “What!” He

obviously regretted the noise, but gritted his teeth and went on. “If
you think we’re gonna just… just gonna jump into bed, you can
think again.”

“Ah. Too sudden? What do you want then?” I hadn’t meant to

be sarcastic, but I think I was.

“Don’t know. Okay?” He smiled then, the rare one that lit up

his whole face, and I felt its effect like a caress on the groin.
“We’ve been friends for a long time, but this is something else,
Josh. I’ve always had to keep the feeling hidden, but now I don’t
have to and I want to… I want to go on a date. I want…” He
paused and grinned, the bastard! “I want wooing.”

Can you believe it? We’ve been friends for almost three years

and he wants wooing!

I think my mouth dropped open then and I guess I snapped it

shut. I remember saying something like, “You gotta be kidding!”

Not a good thing to say because Matthew shot up, knocking

back the chair before turning with great dignity and walking out.
He spoilt it, though, by looking back over his shoulder and
snarling, “Bastard!”

I wasn’t about to ruin the best thing that ever happened to me,

so I swallowed my pride and followed him. He was sitting in the
living room, pretending to read a book. I say pretending because
I’ve spent three years watching him read and I just knew.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, trying to sound contrite, which I was

because I knew he was right. You can’t just decide you love your
best friend and jump his bones, not that I could phrase it quite like
that to Matthew. “I’ve been dreaming about making love to you for
so long I just got carried away. However you want to play this, we

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In case you’re wondering, it wasn’t some concoction just to

win him over. I’ve been having fantasies about him for ages and
I’ve “‘had’” him every way possible and probably a few that
aren’t… possible, I mean.

To my relief, he smiled again. “Don’t you think I’ve dreamed

about you, too? I want you as much as you want me, Josh—”

“Great!” I couldn’t help the interruption.
“But I want it to be perfect and I don’t think rushing it would

be right.” He grinned at my impatience.

“Right, and we’re due to ship out this afternoon,” I said,

checking my watch. “Damn, we’ll have to be leaving soon. How
about we go out for dinner when we get back?”

“A date?” he grinned.
“A date.” I sighed.

* * *

I’m gonna be late signing in. I’ve been fingers and thumbs all

morning, ever since I finally realized it hadn’t been a dream—Josh
and I really were on the same page.

Josh was doing his best to behave, and I’m afraid I was a bit of

bastard, playing him up, but I really couldn’t let him think I was
going to jump into bed just like that. Trouble was I wanted to,
damn it. I suppose I just wanted to see what Josh would say. I
should have just trusted him, and I don’t even know why I didn’t. I
trust him with everything else, up to and including my life, so why
should I doubt he would look after my heart?

We have a date, an actual dinner date. Can you believe it? I’m

looking forward to it almost as much as I’m anticipating going
back to my place or Josh’s place. Don’t care where… I’m just as at

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home at his place. No way I’m gonna play hard to get this time.

God, Matthew, get a move on. It’s not Josh waiting in the

briefing room. It’s the major and he hates it when I’m late. I
wonder if batting my eyelashes at him would work. Hah!

Damn, this trip has come at an awkward time. Last thing I want

to do right now is go flying off and do tests on a new planet.
Grabbing my backpack, I hurried out of the locker room.

“Ah, Lieutenant Ronson decided to join us at last,” said Josh at

his snarky best.

“Yes, Major, sorry to be so late. I had something on my mind,

kinda distracting.”

Josh looked at me then. “Distracting, eh?”
“Kinda,” I said softly, knowing I was treading on dangerous

ground here on duty.

He looked at me, nothing special to any onlooker, just the

major having another word with his errant geologist. That wasn’t
what I saw, though—oh, no. He stared directly into my eyes and
he… smoldered, no other word for it, and it sent a shiver right
down my spine. I had this insane urge to touch his cheek and I had
to turn away.

“Matthew, how did the final survey images look?” I hadn’t

noticed Dennis standing in the corner.

“Perfect,” I told him. “A mild temperate zone with high

readings in the area we’re going to investigate.”

“Just a nice pleasant jaunt,” Josh chimed in. “Two days to get

there, camp overnight, which gives Matthew two days digging in
the dirt for his samples, two-day flight back. Home in time for
dinner on Saturday.”

“Dinner?” Dennis queried. “Is that an invitation, sir?” he added

with a grin. He’d better not…

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“Ah, not this time Captain Waterston. We already have plans.”
General Banks arrived then and we sat down to have one last

run-through of our mission. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I had
hopes it would provide some interesting geochemical data.

* * *

The planet was beautiful. Meadows of green grasses waved on

the edge of a dark forest, and in the distance sloping hills tinged
purple with some heather-type plant rose up into mountains topped
with snow. Overhead, a deep blue sky covered everything with
hardly a cloud in view. The deep yellow sun shone down, making
it comfortably warm.

It must have been a peaceful scene ’til it was disturbed by the

landing of our survey ship. As far as we knew, the place was
deserted. Certainly, there had been no trace of life in the surveys
done from orbit.

Josh had everything under control. Dennis was checking out

the area just to be sure, while I checked our packs, and Josh sent a
confirmation of our safe landing back to the base on Alkya before
he secured the ship.

“Ready, Matt?” Josh asked.
“Yes, sir,” I said.
“Waterston!” Josh called, and Dennis sauntered down the slight


“Nothing to report, sir,” Dennis said as he took up the rear


“Right, me hearties, follow the yellow brick road,” Josh


“Hell, Josh, if you have to act like a big kid, at least don’t mix

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up the metaphors.”

Dennis snickered behind me, but said nothing.
“Now, don’t snipe, Matt. It’s too early in the day.” Josh was

grinning, and I had the feeling it was going to be a long day. Josh
was enjoying himself too much.

We had been walking for about two hours, stopping every

fifteen minutes or so for me to take samples of the soil and rocks,
of which there were plenty. Dennis and Josh had spread out a bit to
keep an eye on me while checking out the surroundings. My task
was fairly straightforward: find evidence of rare and valuable
minerals, which would make it worth setting up a mining project.

“Major Marsden!” That was Dennis, but what was he yelling

about? He was up on the next rise and was pointing west.

Oh my! Where did that come from?
“I thought the weather report was clear with no indication of

change?” Josh’s tone was none too happy.

“Yes, Major, that was the indication,” I confirmed. Josh liked

to keep his command light, but it was his command and I owed
him the respect.

“Care to explain that rather impressive storm front then?”
“Sorry, sir, I can’t. It shouldn’t be happening.”
“I don’t know why anybody thinks they can pin down the

weather so accurately,” Josh grumbled. “We do have the most up-
to-date programming with the most up to date equipment, ain’t that
so, Matthew?”

He really could be a sarcastic bastard!

* * *

“Josh, it’s coming this way, fast.”

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Even as Matthew spoke, thunder rolled and spectacular

lightning created fantastic patterns in the sky before explosive
strikes hit the ground not too far away. Then the rain fell as if
someone had flicked a switch.

“This is a most peculiar storm,” Dennis said. “We better find

shelter and soon, sir.”

“There’s no way we can put up the tents in this,” I said as the

wind picked up, blowing sheets of rain in our direction.

“And it’s got to be three or four miles back to the ship,”

Matthew added.

I looked around the foothills we had only just entered, but I

couldn’t see anything other than rolling hills. Damn, this is not a
good area to find shelter.

“I believe I see a dark area over there,” Dennis said, pointing

behind me.

I turned, but couldn’t see anything through the torrential


“Dark area?” Matthew asked.
“I think it might be a cave.”
“Can’t see a damned thing,” I said, “but lead the way.” Lord, I

hoped Dennis was right. The sound of the thunder was rising and
the lightning was coming our way.

* * *

“This really is odd,” the captain commented. “I can’t ever

remember seeing a storm rise so fast and as if from nowhere. This
was supposed to be a simple mission.”

He was right, of course. We’d had some difficult times over the

last few months and the general had said he was giving us a simple

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“Dennis, where the hell was this cave you said you saw?” Josh

queried. “Can’t see my hand in front of my face, damn it!”

“This way, Major.”
It was then I realized the ground underfoot was becoming

boggy, seeming to sink under me as I walked, and that wasn’t
right. I opened my mouth to shout a warning, but I was too late as
a loud crack followed by a peculiar squelching noise occurred to
my left. I glanced over quickly, but only in time to see the ground
crack apart and drop, just where Josh was standing.

“No,” I yelled, even as I was thrown to my knees. When I

could focus again, I saw Dennis sprawled uncomfortably a few feet
below me, among the broken remains of what had been the

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God, where the hell was Josh? That was when I saw a large

hole just to the left of Dennis.

“Josh!” Even I could hear the distress in my voice.
“Matthew? No!” Dennis’ sharp retort was the only thing that

stopped me moving any nearer the precarious edge of the fissure.

“But Josh is down there; he’s gotta be,” I murmured.
“Then you wouldn’t wish to risk sending any more debris down

on him,” Dennis commented.

“Dennis, you’re right,” I said, pleased this strong, reliable man

was here with us.

I watched as he edged as near as he could to the crevice. Lying

on my stomach and squirming slowly forward, I managed to get
closer to him. He put a hand on my arm, telling me without words

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to stay there as he inched to the edge and peered over.

I was desperate to look myself, but I reminded myself Dennis

was trained for this sort of thing and I could make a mistake.

“I can see the major,” Dennis said. “He appears unconscious

and is lying on a large rock ledge.”

“Let me see, please,” I begged. “I’ll be very careful.” Dennis

nodded and he watched intently as I edged carefully forward until I
was lying beside him.

“Let me get what I need from my pack,” Dennis said. “Don’t

move,” he added, his voice firm. He sat back on his heels and
removed his pack.

My heart was in my mouth as I looked over the edge. “Oh God,

he’s right on the edge of a bottomless chasm.”

“It’s not bottomless, Matt,” Dennis said patiently.
“Don’t do that, Dennis,” I said irritably. “It’s more than deep

enough that a fall from that height would be just as fatal as if the
chasm is bottomless.”

Dennis sighed. “The ledge looks pretty secure. We’ll get him


I met his gaze squarely. I saw he meant exactly what he said,

and I nodded. Dennis was not only as strong as he looked, but he
was the most determined man I had ever met. He had never failed
to keep a promise. He was uncoiling a rope.

“How?” I asked. “Josh is unconscious, so how can we get the

rope around him?”

“Not we, you.”
“What? I don’t understand.”
“You have a coil of rope in your backpack.” Dennis spoke to

me almost as if I was a child, he knew how shaken I was and
needed to ground me. “I lower you with my rope, you take your

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rope and fasten it around him. I pull you back up and then together
we can pull him up.”

He made it sound so easy, but I’d have done anything to help

get Josh up. Dennis tied a length of rope around me and then he
moved away from the edge, braced his solid legs and took firm
hold of the rope. With him anchoring me, I climbed down to the
ledge. I checked Josh over, but he was well and truly out. After
taking the rope from my pack, I tied it carefully around his chest
under his arms and tied the other end to my belt. I half climbed and
was half pulled up by Dennis. Then together we hoisted Josh back
to the surface. It wasn’t easy because he was like a dead weight. I
shivered at the thought. As soon as we got him out, we hurried
away from the unstable area.

I didn’t bother to voice my worry at the state of the ground on

which we trudged. My first concern was to get Josh to safe ground.
I was well aware the pounding rain and the too-near lightning
strikes might cause further damage.

When we finally reached solid ground with Josh, we were all

soaking wet, cold through to the bone and exhausted. I tried again
to rouse Josh without success, and Dennis, who was the nearest
thing we had to a medic, was apprehensive about the seriousness of
his injuries.

“I really need to give him a detailed examination,” he said.
“How far is the cave, Dennis? God, I hope it really is a cave,” I


“It is,” Dennis said, as between us we picked up Josh again.

Once he was settled comfortably between us, we set off for the
narrow gully behind which Dennis believed there was a cave.

* * *

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Thank God for Dennis and his excellent eyesight, or was it his

experience that told him what to look for? Whatever it was, thank
God, because it may just have saved Josh’s life. I could be
exaggerating matters, but he just fell through the earth and only
landing on a solid chunk of rock saved him from falling into

It wasn’t much of a cave, more like a giant slice sideways into

the hillside, though it did widen out farther inside and back there
Dennis could just about stand upright. I was trying, yet again, to
get through on the comm-unit to Alkya base. I’d tried twice before,
one time even trying to piggy-back via the survey ship to boost the
signal, but so far no luck. It had to be interference from this damn

As for Josh, Dennis was still checking him out. So far he said

Josh “maybe” had a broken ankle… maybe because it could just be
a bad sprain, but he couldn’t be sure as it was so swollen. Josh
probably had a concussion; he had been unconscious now for at
least ninety minutes, not a good sign.

“It’s possible the major also has internal injuries,” Dennis

added. “There are definite signs of bruising on his right side at the
base of his ribs.” He qualified his statement by adding, “It could
just be simple bruising. I don’t think he’s broken any ribs, though.”

“We can’t just wait here with him. There’s no way of knowing

how long this storm is going to last. He needs help,” I said.

I can’t tell him how afraid I really am. I can’t say I wonder if

this was fate playing a cruel trick on me, not allowing me to keep
any chance at happiness. How selfish did that make me? Assuming
Josh was hurt because of me? I wonder what Josh would think of
me if he knew; I think he’d be angry with me.

“We need to get him back to proper medical help. Or at least

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get advice from the infirmary back on Alkya.”

“There’s no way we can move him through the storm,” I


“I know. I’ll need to get back to the ship and use the comm-unit

on board. It should have more than enough power to reach the
base,” Dennis stated. “I can at least get some advice and then, as
soon as the storm lessens sufficiently, I can fly the ship nearer this

I heard that with relief. The comm-unit on the shuttle would get

through because it’s much more powerful. And if anyone could
make it back, it would be Dennis. As the thought occurred, I
looked outside again. What little light had been left was virtually
gone and it was like night. The rain was falling in torrents; the
thunder still rolled overhead and the lightning crackled to the earth
a short distance away. It was certainly an odd storm, unnatural, and
had seemed to arrive from nowhere and settle overhead.

“Damn, Dennis, I hadn’t realized how much worse it’s


Dennis looked at me, and I saw he understood I was conflicted.

I wanted help for Josh, but it was hard to ask Dennis to risk

He gripped my shoulder. “The major has been unconscious

now for almost two hours and he requires medical assistance,
which we can’t give him here. Someone must go for help and it has
to be me.”

“I know, but I…”
“No,” a voice croaked from behind us, and I whirled in hope

and shock.

“Josh! Oh, thank God!”
“Not… worth… the risk,” he croaked again.

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“Josh, what are you saying?” I asked, but I knew damned well

what he was saying. That was so Josh, always putting his team
first, never putting them at risk for him, even though he would
cheerfully walk into hell for us. Why did he never understand we
felt the same for him?

“Yes, sir, you are,” Dennis declared, and I could have kissed

him “You’re disabled, which leaves me in command, and I made
the decision to go for help.” He glanced at me. “Look after him.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Captain Waterston,” Josh called, but his voice never reached

the cave entrance, and anyway, Dennis had already left.

“Give it up, Josh. He’s gone.”
“Shouldn’t have … let him go, Matt.”
“You need help, Josh.” I knelt down next to him. “And it’s his

right to go.”

“I’ve had worse… many times. He shouldn’t risk his life for


“Dennis said you have a concussion and a probable broken

ankle. You might have internal injuries, too.”

“I heard. It’s too… dangerous out there.”
“Trust him, Josh. He knows what he’s doing.”
He smiled then and reached out to touch my cheek. I felt the

heat of him and, for a moment, I just leaned into the caress, then I
realized there was too much heat. I felt his forehead and the back
of his neck. His temperature was rising.

“Is this your way of getting out of our first date?” I asked with

a smile.

“Oh, no. I’ll convince… the doc my ankle is just… sprained.

I’ll use a cane if I have to.”

“What about the concussion?”

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“You stand behind… hold up the right number of fingers.”
I laughed and leaned in to kiss him. It was meant to be a peck

on his cheek, but he turned his head and, instead, I brushed against
his lips. I was taken back at the jolt that shot through me.

Looking at his expression, I guess he was, too, and then he

grinned at me. “Nice, Matthew, though I expect better next time.”

I blushed. I didn’t want to, but I could feel the heat flushing my

cheeks and then the bastard laughed. It turned into a cough,
though, so I dug out the water bottle.

“Seriously, Josh, are you in much pain? Do you need


“Maybe, but save the pills in case it gets worse. Don’t know

how long it’ll take Dennis.”

“It’s only about four miles, not that far—”
“Except in this storm,” Josh interrupted. “It’ll take a lot longer

than it did for us to get here.”

“He’ll get through; he won’t let us down.” I’m not sure who I

was trying to convince there. The storm sounded as if it was
getting worse.

* * *

I’d been trying to keep Josh awake for quite a while now, but it

got more difficult as he’d been drifting in and out, more out than in
for the last half-hour. It was not easy to keep his spirits up when
my own were so low. Besides being worried sick about Josh, the
lack of contact with Dennis hadn’t helped. I tried to tell myself
there was no need to worry. I trusted Dennis to do everything he
could to get help for Josh, but the comm-unit was stubbornly silent
and it was damned frustrating. I didn’t even know if he had made it

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safely back to the ship yet. I wouldn’t think about the possibility he
hadn’t made it all.

Right, Matthew, use that vaunted brain of yours. Just stop

worrying and work this out.

Okay—bad storm, rain you can hardly see through, thunder,

damned annoying but not a problem, lightning, which could be
dangerous if too close. Maybe Dennis had to hole up somewhere. I
know he would only do so in a dire emergency, but still it was a

Of course, it was possible Dennis had reached the ship and

tried to contact me but couldn’t. I imagined the conversation he
would have had with both General Banks and Doctor Walden.
He’d probably have argued with the general over the safety of
trying to fly the ship closer to our position, and he’d have tried to
reassure Doc that Josh was in good hands, while gathering all the
information from the doc he could. There was still a two-day
journey to get Josh back to base for proper medical help. Fuck, but
I wished I could raise Dennis on the comm.

What else? Dennis could’ve got to the ship fine, but the comm-

unit there could be affected just the same way by the storm. Oh
God, the lightning!
I’d never seen lightning so forceful before in
my life. I’d only been thinking of it affecting the comm-units, but
the ship! Fuck, it could be interfering with the ship’s operation.

“Damn, damn, damn!” Swearing didn’t help, except it made me

feel better, releasing my anger. Stupid really; as a scientist I should
be ashamed of not thinking of something that obvious before this,
but sometimes you can’t beat the lowest common denominator!

Wait, what was that?

* * *

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Crap, my head felt as if it was full of cotton wool… cotton

wool with one of Matthew’s rocks inside. Matthew? Is he hurt,
too? What the hell happened? Can’t think, can’t remember. God,
what was that noise? Sounds like the sea pounding against cliffs.
Don’t remember the sea. Water… rain… the storm! What… Oh, I
Damn, and now I’d remembered that my side was hurting like
hell. Fuck!

“Josh, can you hear me?”
Matthew. I tried to speak, but I couldn’t seem to get the words

from my brain to my mouth.

“Damn it, Josh, open those gorgeous eyes of yours!”
“Matthew.” Well, that sure didn’t sound like me.
“Thank God! I’m here, Josh.”
“Pain,” I muttered. Didn’t seem to be able to get any power

into my voice.

“Where? Your head?” His voice was higher than usual. He was

stressed and I knew it was for me. I longed to reach out and touch
his cheek, to bring his face down to mine so I could kiss him, but I
could hardly lift my eyes, let alone my hand. He must have known,
though. I felt him grab my hand and bring it up to his lips. Oh, the
feel of his lips on my skin gave me such comfort.

In a voice shaking, though not from pain, I said, “A little, my

side… hurts.”

“Worse than your head?” he asked, worry clear in his voice as

he fumbled in his pack for the pain pills.

“It’s all right, Matt.” I had to stop to catch my breath and I

wondered if perhaps I had broken a rib after all. “It hurts, but I’ve
had worse. I’ll be fine when you get me back to the ship.” I smiled,
though I wasn’t sure how I looked because Matthew’s return smile
was more of a grimace. He gave me two pills and water to wash

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them down. I got more relief from the feel of his hand on my neck
supporting me and the scent of his aftershave as he leaned close to

“Matthew…” I wanted to say more, but suddenly I couldn’t put

it into words.

He must have understood then because he smiled, a real smile

this time, and said, “I love you, too, Josh.”


* * *

Damn, what now? The discoloration along Josh’s side was

darker, and I was pretty sure it was swollen, not much, but I didn’t
think it was like that earlier when Dennis had examined him.
Perhaps Matt was hurt more than Dennis thought, which could
explain the pain he was now feeling.

It was obvious there was something wrong or Dennis would

have been back by now, but where did that leave us? Josh was
clearly deteriorating, slipping into and out of consciousness with
increasing frequency, and the swelling on his side had me worried,
let alone the concussion, which was probably causing the lapses of
consciousness. I wasn’t versed enough in medical matters to be of
any real help. Josh needed proper medical help…

I was desperate with the need to do something and, as there

was little I could do here, perhaps I should go for help. The storm
was still raging outside and I wasn’t stupid enough not to realize if
Dennis couldn’t make it I had little chance, however I would never
forgive myself if I sat idly by and Josh died. I knew it was also
possible Dennis had made it to the ship, but couldn’t get help if the
storm was affecting its operation. It could just be the comm wasn’t

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working properly and he was forced to wait for the storm to reduce
enough to be able to get help. However, I couldn’t stop the voice
saying: Or the ship could have sustained a precise lightning strike
and be damaged beyond repair.

I needed to know.
But then, how would it be if I left Josh alone for a fruitless

journey and returned to find he had died alone and abandoned?
That would tear me apart. I was stuck between a rock and a hard

Please, Dennis, I begged my friend, don’t let us down.

* * *

There he goes again, checking out the storm. He’s worried

about me, and I’m in no fit state to reassure him; I can hardly
move. The pain in my side has spread and if I move, my head
spins. He’d already given me all the pills he could for a few hours
and he was so worried about me I knew he wasn’t thinking clearly.

“No, Matthew!” I said, making my voice as strong as I could. If

I couldn’t stop him, he might just go out into the fucking storm and
risk his safety—his life—to try to find help.

“What?” he asked, looking innocent. I never knew anyone who

could look as innocent as my Matthew. I smiled at the thought; he
was mine now, at last, wasn’t he? Thank God. And now I’ve got
him, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna lose him. I’d rather die myself!
God, that’s the truth. I couldn’t live without him now. It was bad
enough before, before I knew he loved me, too. I could never go
back to being without him.

“You’re not going out in that storm,” I said holding his gaze,

hoping he’d understand.

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He came back to me and knelt at my side, putting a hand on my

forehead. He nodded and said something about my temperature.

“Stop avoiding the subject,” I said, but still leaned into his


“I’m not,” he said. “I was really worried earlier—your

temperature was rising and you were drifting way too much. I… I
was afraid,” he admitted.

I felt a tingling in my stomach, but this time it wasn’t nausea.

“Oh, Matthew, I’m afraid for you to go out into the storm, don’t
you understand? We’ve only just… I can’t lose you now. I won’t!”

He leaned over and brushed a swift kiss against my lips, pulling

back before I could respond.

“Stay with me,” I said quickly, “and wait for help.”
He nodded and I sighed with relief.

* * *

He’s drifting again. I’d like to let him sleep, although I’m

afraid it’s not simple exhaustion but a concussion and that’s so not
good. I reached out a hand to shake his shoulder when the whole
cave juddered. What the hell was that? With a quick glance at
Josh, who was muttering and still seemed out of it, I ran to the cave
entrance. I was surprised to find the rain, though still falling, had
lessened, as had the wind. For a second I was relieved; at least
until the lightning struck lower on the hillside. No wonder the cave
had been affected, the power of the strikes was awesome and they
were coming closer. Even as I ran back, another one hit and I was
thrown to the floor, a floor that was shaking underneath me.

I knew, of course, the whole area was unstable, but I had hoped

this cave would be secure enough. Now I wondered just how safe

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it was going to be if many more lightning strikes hit the area.

I crawled over toward Josh, who I now saw was covered with

bits of rock and dust still showering down on him from the ceiling
of the cave. I looked up and saw a distinct crack almost directly
overhead. I needed to move him from there. I judged the best place
to be nearer the entrance; taking him farther inside would be a
mistake. Even as I was planning, yet another lightning strike hit,
very close, and the whole cave shook, the floor lifting underneath
us, and debris began to fall from the ceiling again.

We had run out of time, and I did the only thing I could—I

threw myself across Josh to protect him as best as I could.

* * *

God, now what’s happening? It felt as if the whole world were

coming apart around me.

Matthew! Where the hell is Matthew? Something was falling

on me, striking but doing no real damage. I opened my eyes, but
they felt gritty and I had to close them again. In that second,
though, I’d got a quick glimpse of Matthew crawling toward me. I
could hear the sounds of the storm raging even nearer, the
lightning striking more frequently, sounding like mini explosions. I
suddenly understood the danger; it was possible the cave could

Forcing my irritated and teary eyes open, I was relieved to see

Matthew almost at my side. He glanced up at the roof above me,
and I knew… damn him, I knew. Before I could call to him not to
risk himself for me, he moved faster than I thought possible and
threw himself across my body.

“Matthew,” I murmured, automatically wrapping my arm

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around him.

He heard me and raised his head a little to look at me, surprised

I was aware, I think. It was then that it happened, and I saw it as if
time slowed. I saw the crack in the roof open a fraction more, the
slab slip as if freed from its prison and begin its slow descent
toward us, gathering momentum as it fell. I opened my mouth to
shout a warning, but time slowed for me, too, and before I could
form the words, before I could warn the man who meant more to
me than my own life, the slab of stone had struck him a glancing
blow on the head before continuing on its way and finally hitting
my shoulder.

In a rush, time came crashing back as the pain shot through me

and now I could scream. Now, when it was too late, the sound of
my voice reverberated around the cave; now Matthew could no
longer hear me.

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God, I wished Matthew would wake up. I knew it hadn’t been

very long since the roof caved in on us and I knew I should thank
whatever deity existed it had only been one chunk that had fallen
from the cracked roof, but did it have to fall on Matthew? I was
desperate to know how severe Matt’s injuries were. If the pain in
my shoulder from that damn rock was any indication, he’d be
badly hurt. There was quite a lot of blood loss, but then head
injuries always bleed profusely, so it didn’t bother me too much.

I’d been trying to wake him, shaking him with the one arm I

could actually move, calling his name and yelling in frustration
when that didn’t work. He’d been out for far too long.

I can tell you one thing, when he woke up, the first thing he

was going to hear was a lecture—it’d be a change for him to be on

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the receiving end—from me about the fact that I’m supposed to
look out for him. He was not supposed to put his own life at risk
for me. My first thought was that I should never have told him I
loved him in case that had made him take such a risk, but for the
life of me I could never regret that, any more than I regretted
hearing him say those same words to me. That was one of the most
treasured moments of my life.

Anyway, it didn’t take me a moment to realize he would have

behaved exactly the same way if it had been Dennis at risk from
the falling rock. Matthew was a natural-born hero, who, for my
peace of mind, was far too fond of putting his life on the line for
the sake of others.

However, as I looked at his head lying on my chest, I knew my

first words to him wouldn’t be to admonish him—they would be to
tell him I loved him.

Oh God, Matthew, please wake up. I couldn’t bear it if you

came to any real harm saving my miserable life. If—God forbid—
you die, I swear I’ll follow you as soon as I’m able. I don’t want to
be in a world without you. That isn’t just talk either, so you’d
better wake up!

Damn, where the hell are you, Waterston? He should’ve been

back hours ago. Don’t let us down now; we need you. Please.

* * *

Was I imagining it, or could I really hear something? Please,

let it be real. I wanted to call out, but I was so dry I couldn’t make
any sound. Please be real. Matthew needs help.

I didn’t imagine it— it was Dennis I could hear calling. Thank

God! Dennis was here. My arm tightened on Matthew. You’ll be

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safe now, Matt. We both will.

“Lord, what’s happened here?” Dennis asked as he knelt beside


I made a tremendous effort to get the words past my lips. “…

saved me… roof collapsed… head injury… help him.”

Dennis examined Matthew quickly in his usual efficient

manner. Then he took a quick look at my injuries. “Here, have a
sip of water,” he offered, making sure I did only take a few sips.

“It took me longer than I hoped to get to the ship,” Dennis

explained as he worked, “but I did manage to get through to the
base. I spoke to both the general and Doctor Walden. We discussed
the options of me getting you back to base as soon as I could, as
opposed to waiting here for Doc to come to us.”

“Two days,” I mumbled.
“Yes, that’s right. It’s a two-day trip back to base, but Ira was

trying to decide what would be better for you, as the injured party.
He decided in the end to let me bring you back to base. Of course,
that was before I had any idea about Matthew being injured, too.”

“And now?”
“As soon as the storm passed, I flew the ship in this direction

and landed it as near as I could to this cave. Still a bit of a walk,
but I couldn’t risk the safety of the ground any closer. I’m going to
carry the lieutenant to the ship and then come back for you. I’ll talk
to Doctor Walden again, give him an update and see what his
advice is.”

“Be careful with him,” I said, watching as Dennis threw the

few remaining twigs on the dying fire. It flared up a little and made
the cave seem more inviting.

“Don’t worry, sir, I will.” Dennis met my gaze steadily, and I

knew I could trust him with Matthew. I’d served with Dennis even

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before we were transferred to Alkya base, even before I met
Matthew, and I knew if I could trust anyone with Matthew’s life—
indeed with my own life— it would be Dennis Waterston.

I was impatient as I waited for Dennis to return and confirm

Matthew was resting safely in his bunk on the ship. It took longer
than I expected, though I didn’t even know exactly how far away
Dennis had needed to land the ship. After what seemed an age,
Dennis walked back into the cave, looking very tired.

“The lieutenant is tucked up safe and warm. He didn’t stir at all

during the trip, which I admit was not an easy one. Quagmire is a
perfect description for what’s out there.”

Dennis sat down by what remained of the fire, warming his


“I’m sure I could manage to walk with your help, Captain,” I


Dennis looked at me and gave me a wry smile. “I’d like to say I

could carry you as I did the lieutenant, but you outweigh him by
thirty pounds and I think I’d need a night’s sleep before I made the

“Can’t risk leaving Matt alone overnight,” I declared.
“Don’t intend to,” Dennis replied. “Give me a few minutes and

then we’ll see what we can do.” I nodded, and Dennis went on, “I
took the opportunity of contacting the base again after I got
Matthew settled. I described as best as I could what’d happened
and that he hadn’t regained consciousness since the accident. Doc
decided he wanted to make a thorough assessment as soon as he
could and he arranged with the general to take a ship and come to
meet us. He was going to leave within the hour. If we get
underway shortly and all goes according to plan, we should dock

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about this time tomorrow.”

“Thank God! I was worried sick. By the time we’d get back to

Alkya, it would be three days since he was hurt.”

“And longer since you were.”
“But I’m conscious and I know what my injuries are. Matt…

well, we don’t know how serious his injuries are.”

“You think you know what your condition is, Josh. I’m not a

doctor and I can’t be sure you have no internal damage. Besides,
you were hurt again when the roof fell in.”

I shrugged. I was pretty sure I’d have been in more pain if I had

internal injuries, but the truth was I didn’t care. I just wanted to be
sure Matt was going to be all right.

* * *

Things went according to plan. I managed to walk, with help

from Dennis, and it was about an hour after our talk in the cave
when Dennis piloted the ship from the surface. He had tried to get
me to lie down in my bunk, but I was just too edgy. I sat in the co-
pilot’s seat during take off, but every so often for the next few
hours I staggered between the bridge and checking on Matt.

It took Dennis pulling the medic card and threatening to drug

me to make me take to my bunk for a few hours of sleep. I did take
some painkillers and a muscle relaxant and, rather to my surprise, I
did actually fall asleep. It wasn’t for as long as Dennis would’ve
liked, but enough that he didn’t make a fuss when I returned to the
bridge five hours later.

I had checked on Matt again on the way back to the bridge and

nothing had changed. He was still unconscious, lying unmoving. I
had needed to check his pulse to make sure he still breathed, and I

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was filled with relief to feel the warmth of his skin and his pulse
beating steadily.

“How much longer?” I asked.
“I spoke to Ira about thirty minutes ago and, according to

Archer, we should rendezvous in about two hours.”

“Jake Archer?”
“Yes, Major Archer volunteered to pilot the ship for Ira and his

medical team.”

“Good, good. No one better.”
I hobbled about the bridge for a minute or two, checking out

one system after another.

“Please sit down, sir,” Dennis said, and for once his frustration

was plain.

I plopped down in the co-pilot seat again. “Did you get any

rest, Dennis?” I would normally have spelled him with the piloting,
but my broken ankle made it difficult. Still, I should have made the

“Yes, sir, a few hours. About the same as you, I imagine. I set

the autopilot.”

“Of course. I know I must be driving you to distraction, but I

can’t help worry about Matt.”

“I do understand, sir. Really.” He gave me an unusual look, one

I had never seen before in all the years we had known each other.

“Really?” I queried. I had the oddest feeling he understood

exactly and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

Suddenly, Dennis smiled. “I might be as straight as they come,

but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand about gay guys. I’ve
watched you two dancing around each other for months. I knew
one day you’d get in step.”

“You never cease to amaze me, Dennis Waterston. We did get

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in step, as you put it, last weekend. And then this happens.”

“It’ll be fine, sir. Trust Doc.” As if in answer, the comm-unit

beeped and Ira Walden’s voice filled the bridge. They were here.

Once Doctor Walden was on board, he took command of

everyone. Ordered me to my bunk and wouldn’t take no for
answer. He promised to come and let me know about Matthew
only if I obeyed him implicitly. I knew he meant what he said, too.
His rank might be equal to mine, but when it came to medical
matters, he outranked everyone, including the general when on
base. He could be a mean bastard as well if you tried to cross him.
He said he would tie me to my bunk—and he’d do it, too—and
then knock me out until we reached Alkya. I obeyed him.

Good to his word, though, he came to see me as soon as he had

examined Matthew. However, he didn’t tell me much more than I
already knew. Matthew did have a concussion, and Ira didn’t hide
the fact he was worried Matthew was still unconscious. He also
said there was some brain swelling and he’d know a lot more when
Matthew woke up.

Then he gave me a thorough examination. It seemed Dennis

was right that my ankle wasn’t broken. I had sustained just a
particularly bad sprain. However, it turned out I needed some kind
of delicate surgery, something to do with some damage caused
when the rock had hit my shoulder, and I was supposed to rest until
they could get me back to base. Resting, like hell! Ira gave me a
couple of pills to help me relax.

I woke up almost fifteen hours later. Damn Ira!

* * *

It was a wonderful relief to find myself in the infirmary on

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Alkya base, as contradictory as it was to my usual attitude,
especially as I was still afraid for Matthew. However, this time it
meant Matthew was safely tucked up in the next bed. I couldn’t see
him too well because there were machines around him and the
curtains between our beds were partially closed, but I didn’t need
to see him to know he was in safe hands.

The fact I was injured, and Doc knew that Matthew got hurt

protecting me gave me more cause to hope he would be
forthcoming about Matthew’s condition. He would lecture me that
I shouldn’t feel guilty. It was not my fault and it was Matthew’s
choice to come to my aid, but he would also understand. Doc
Walden knew me and would reassure me. Not lie—he wouldn’t lie
to me—but if he had a hard truth to tell he always told in the
gentlest way he could. Why was I thinking like this? I was afraid
of bad news is why.

However, I had been lying in bed for a couple of hours and I

was as frustrated as hell. I wanted to know what on earth was
going on with Matthew, but no one was talking to me. I pressed
my buzzer again. The only thing I was really sure of was Matt had
never regained consciousness since that fucking rock had hit him
and he was still out. I kept waiting for the doc to come and tell me
Matthew was finally awake. I was still waiting.

They were taking me for surgery in a little while. I’d tried to

get Doc to wait until Matthew came to, but he said a very definite
no. The injuries to my shoulder needed fixing urgently, along with
some other minor stuff, but to be honest I wasn’t really listening. I
was terrified I’d go under the anesthetic, come ’round and find
Matthew had… gone—I couldn’t even bring myself to use the
other word—while I was out.

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* * *

I’m back in my bed, a little high on pain meds because my

shoulder hurts worse now than before my surgery and my side
constantly aches. Doctor Walden said I would be feeling much
better soon, but I know that will only happen when Matthew opens
those beautiful blue eyes of his and locks his gaze with mine.
When his lips move into his gentle smile and that spark lights his
eyes… then would I know he was mine again and he loved me as
much as I love him. I would begin to live again instead of just
marking time, waiting for him to wake and smile and simply be.

Dennis has visited, trying to keep my spirits up because I

couldn’t hide my fear from anyone who knows me well enough.
He didn’t say much, but I knew Dennis was worried about
Matthew, too, of course. Dennis sat at his bedside, speaking quietly
to him, even though he didn’t respond. I was kinda jealous because
I was stuck in bed—Doc has already read me the riot act for
getting out of bed to sit in Matthew’s bedside chair—so I can’t
touch him the way I so desperately need.

Suddenly there was a change in the sound from one of the

machines next to Matthew’s bed and a member of the nursing staff
came running. Dennis helped me as I struggled to sit up. I heard
the heavy tread of Doc’s heels as he came hurrying from his tiny
office to see what was happening. I was excited… and afraid.

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I felt very strange, as if I was pushing my way up from

somewhere, but I didn’t know where from or where I was trying to
reach. It was dark, but I knew I wasn’t alone. There were sounds
all around me, yet I couldn’t understand what I heard. Odd noises,
beeps and whirls, clacking sounds and, yes, voices. I concentrated
on the voices, trying to decipher words, but it was difficult. Some
words began to make sense: doctor, nurse, injection.

Hospital, I must be in a hospital. Have I been ill? I couldn’t

remember; perhaps I was injured.

“Matthew, can you hear me?”
Now that was very clear and the voice was very close. Could

he have been talking to me? Oh my God, I don’t know. I can’t
think. I don’t… I don’t remember.

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“Matthew, everything is all right. Just open your eyes. I know

you’re aware now. Come on, Matthew. You can do it.”

I was scared, even though I wanted to open my eyes and see

where I was, who the voice belonged to, but I was afraid. Then I
heard other voices, a little farther away—a woman and deeper
voices, men’s voices. Then he was back, that gentle, kind voice.

“Josh wants you to know he’s fine, too. He thought you might

be worried about him. He’s in the next bed. Just open your eyes
and you’ll be able to see him.”

He spoke as if the name should mean something to me,

something special. I tried to dredge up something, anything, but it
was a blank. I was blank and I was afraid. I needed help, and these
people appeared to be friendly. What choice did I have?

Gingerly, I opened my eyes and immediately I had to blink

away the sudden bright light. I looked around and found a dull,
grey room fitted out like a hospital. Next to my bed stood a thin
man with a full head of iron-grey hair and a wide smile, wearing
the white coat of a doctor, and on the other side was a nurse.
Behind the doctor, I could see a giant of a man, with a shock of
deep red hair. He looked forbidding, yet somehow I was not afraid
of him.

“Matthew,” a hoarse voice said, and my gaze fell on the man in

the bed beside the large man. I looked into a pair of warm brown
eyes, full of concern, in a strong, handsome face. He smiled
reassuringly. I didn’t recognize this man, but had a sudden wish to.

“Matthew?” he asked again, puzzlement evident now in both

voice and expression.

“Is that my name?”

* * *

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It seemed the fates were conspiring against us, keeping

Matthew and me apart. Tomorrow should have been our first date
and if it wasn’t bad enough that we were both injured and stuck in
the infirmary, it was apparent that Matthew had lost his memory.

There I go again, being a selfish bastard, bemoaning my lost

relationship instead of showing concern for poor Matthew. Only,
of course, I am concerned. It’s my damned fault he’s laying next to
me with a headache and with no idea who he is or where he is. Not
that he would accept it was my fault if he was in a position to
argue with me. If there was one thing I would just love to do now it
was argue with him.

Damn, why did this have to happen? I just can’t help feeling

sorry for myself, but also for the opportunity it took us so long to
grab and which has now been ripped from us.

I kept telling myself it’s temporary. Doc also hopes the

concussion has caused temporary amnesia, though, unfortunately,
he can’t promise that. Apparently, it has something to do with the
brain swelling and until it that goes down he can’t be sure. Only
time will tell if Matthew will recover in full, but it was a hope I
clung to.

I lay there in the early hours of the morning in my bed next to

his, watching him sleep. I should have been asleep, too, but I
couldn’t; I needed to watch him. Stupid, I know. There’s nothing I
could do but worry and what good was that? Let’s me know I’m
alive, I guess.

I so wanted to talk to him, to hear his voice, to see him smile at

something stupid I say, or even frown when I say something he
doesn’t like… anything just to know he knows who I am, knows
who he is. God, I miss him so much already.

When he looked at me earlier, for a moment I thought I saw

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recognition flare in his eyes, only for it to cloud with puzzlement.
Then, when he asked if his name was Matthew, a chill ran down
my spine.

Ira talked to me again, just before he left for the night. He told

me not to worry and reiterated it was probably only temporary. I
knew why he said that—because he supposed I was feeling guilty.
I was, of course, but he didn’t know about my other worries, and
how could he? I let his words wash over me, soak in, hoping they
would prove true.

Matthew tossed in his sleep and turned over on his side, facing

me. He looked younger in his sleep, his hair tousled, one hand
tucked under his cheek. God, he’s so beautiful! I couldn’t bear the
thought that I might have lost him before he was truly mine.

I could hear the footsteps of the nurse heading my way on her

rounds. I closed my eyes, not wanting to answer any questions
about how I was feeling. My physical aches and pains had paled
hours ago. Now it was my heart that ached.

* * *

It’s been four days since I woke up in this strange place. They

told me I was not a prisoner here and that I belonged—I work
here—yet they wouldn’t tell me where “here” was or what job I
did. It would seem to be some kind of military base, but an odd one
with a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. It wasn’t long before they
allowed me to walk along the corridors. However, I am always
guarded, most often by the large man I first saw in the infirmary
and whose name I now know is Dennis. It seems we worked
together on a team of some sort, but we were more than just
teammates… we’re friends.

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On these walks, I saw many people, mostly in military

uniforms, but also a smattering of people in white lab coats or
ordinary clothing.

I heard snippets of conversations, too, and even though I had

no idea who I was, I did understand what they were talking about,
at least most of it. I knew the two guys who had just walked past
were talking about geology.

At the present time, my walk with my ever-present companion

was by way of an escape from the infirmary where the doctor said
I no longer needed to spend all my time. Other than my lack of
memory, I was physically fine now; well, okay, I did have a slight
headache I hadn’t told the doctor about, but I hardly think that
matters. I was desperate for answers to my questions.

There was another reason I needed to get out of the infirmary

for a time. Major Marsden, or Josh as he insisted I call him. I
didn’t feel comfortable with that, however I didn’t understand
why. I told myself it was because he was my team leader—which
was what he’d told me—and that we’d been hurt together on a
mission, though he wouldn’t explain any further. I was quite
comfortable calling Dennis by his given name, which apparently
was how I always addressed him, so why couldn’t I use the name
the major—Josh—told me I called him? Could it be I found him
intimidating? Even lying in the infirmary bed he cut quite a figure.
If I was honest—and I think that was what I was afraid of— if I let
myself slip into the relaxed attitude he wanted…

I really didn’t want to carry on with that train of thought. I

don’t even know my sexual orientation any more. These feelings
seem right, but what if they are anathema to the man I am?

The most annoying thing was that they wouldn’t tell me much

of anything else. The doctor said it would be much better if I got

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my memory back on my own without any more clues. It seemed
the major—Josh, damn it—had already told me too much by
explaining we belonged to a team with Dennis. As Josh had gone
so far, the doctor confirmed we had been hurt together on a
mission, but how or what we had been doing, I had to remember
for myself.

The walks around the base were part of the plan to help me

remember, but so far, all they did was confuse me. I saw people
who nodded at me or simply said things like “Hello, Matthew,” or
“Hi, Lieutenant.” So I was part of the military. I had wondered
about that. I didn’t feel very military. I was more intrigued by the
science context of this place.

The next greeting I received, from a woman in a white coat,

was the greatest shock of all. “Hi, Doc. Glad to see you up and
about.” I was too surprised to even acknowledge her.

“Doc? Why did she call me Doc?” I asked Dennis.
“Because that’s who you are.”
“A lieutenant and a doctor… of what?”
“I don’t think I ought to tell you that.”
“Please, I need help; I can’t get a grip on who I am. I just need

something… Please?”

Dennis gazed at me for a moment, before with a slight smile,

he said, “You’re a Doctor of Geology and Geochemistry.”

“Really!” I was suitably impressed, though somehow it didn’t

help my memory.

On a walk one day, Dennis took me down to see what was

apparently my lab. It wasn’t particularly big. Taking up most of the
space was a desk, on which sat a computer and a few books
scattered about, as if their owner had left in the middle of
something. The wall behind was lined with shelves stacked with

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more books and peppered between them were rocks of various
shapes and sizes, some of them acting almost like bookends. This
was my domain?

Then I saw the photographs placed upon the desk almost

directly opposite the chair. I picked them up; one was of my team.
There I was in the centre with Josh close behind me, Dennis to one
side. We were all relaxed and smiling, and I found my eyes drawn
to Josh, who was looking at me with an odd smile. Wistful, I
thought. I suddenly felt a tug in my chest and almost dropped the
photo at my unease. Then I turned to the other picture and this time
it was just of Josh and me. Not sure where we were, but we were
both laughing, and whoever took it caught us at a moment which
showed the joy in our eyes. I frowned in annoyance. Damn, why
couldn’t I remember?

That experience had been two days ago and that night in the

infirmary I’d woken from a very odd dream. Woke Josh up, too, I
think. He said he’d been awake, but I don’t think I believed him.
Anyhow, it was a weird dream. I was in a very hot place, a desert I
assume, and I felt comfortable, relaxed, and then without warning I
knew I was in danger. I didn’t understand from what, but I knew I
had to get out of there. Suddenly, it was dark and I couldn’t see a
thing. I was panicking, afraid of what I couldn’t see. Which is
when I woke up gasping and in a cold sweat.

I must’ve screamed aloud for the major was half-sitting up

watching me and he asked if I was okay.

“I’m fine,” I lied.
He gave me an odd grin and said, “Oh, Matt!” in such an

affectionate tone I couldn’t help but smile back at him. It was only
later I wondered about that somewhat emotional reaction or my
own feeling of warmth at it.

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I found it hard to equate the picture of the military officer with

the gently smiling man who called me Matt.

I think I was a little afraid of him, or was it myself I was afraid


I dreamed again last night, but this was different. I was chasing

someone just out of reach, and he was laughing and I was happy. I
tried to run faster because I wanted to see who it was, but always
he was just out of reach. I wanted him. Then someone tried to grab
me, and I pulled away, laughing, thinking he had backtracked on
me. I still couldn’t see him, but somehow I knew it wasn’t the man
I’d been chasing. I was afraid and I couldn’t move. I was stuck as
if in quicksand, desperately trying to escape, but going nowhere. I
wanted to call out, but I couldn’t speak. I was lost until suddenly
from out of the dark he came, like an avenging angel. I couldn’t
see and I didn’t understand what happened, but then I was free.
Then my savior turned, and I watched as Josh reached out and
pulled me to him—to safety.

I awoke shaking and in a cold sweat, but it wasn’t from fear

this time. I turned to see Josh sleeping next to me in his bed, his
face relaxed with a slight smile. I realized that whatever was
between us, teammate, friend or more, I could trust this man with
my life. I had no memory of doing so, but my dreams were telling
me the truth. If I’d ever needed help, Josh had been there for me.

Had I returned the service? Had I been there for him? I thought

perhaps I had, but when my memory did return, if I discovered I
hadn’t been there for him, then I swore to myself, in the dark of
that lonely night, I would be there if ever he needed me.

And I had also learned something else about myself. I had

wanted the man I had been chasing.

I went back to sleep, hoping I might slip away again and learn

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more of my life through my cryptic dreams.

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I’m so depressed. I’m stuck here in the infirmary. Doc said I’ll

be here for a few more days yet, and Matthew is out and about
with Dennis. I wanted to be the one to show him around, take him
places that mean something to us, to help to jog his memory. I
wanted to see a smile on his face again, or any damned emotion
other than confusion. Dennis has been back to report to me, of
course, but from what I gather, things have not improved. Dennis
took Matthew to see his lab and some of the other offices where
he’d spoken to a few people, but Matthew only seemed more lost.
Dennis believed that certain objects, certain people might have
jogged Matthew’s memory, but never enough to bring anything to
the fore.

I made sure that Doc wasn’t in earshot before I put my idea to

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Dennis. He came to see me to update me on Matthew’s progress,
or lack thereof. If I had been uncertain before about whether I was
doing the right thing, what he told me convinced me.

“Dennis, he needs help to remember. You see that, too, don’t

you?” I suggested it to him as a question. I didn’t order Dennis. I
couldn’t and he knew it. I looked into his eyes. I’d known Dennis a
long time and, though his expression was invariably impassive, I
could read his true feelings in his eyes. “I don’t think Doc is right
in his insistence Matthew has to recall his own past. What harm
would a few nudges make? It’ll be just like giving him some road
signs is all.”

“I’ve being having similar thoughts,” he said quietly. “I’ve

been inclined, on more than one occasion, to reveal something of
his past. It’s been very difficult to keep silent when it’s clearly
causing him pain not to be able to remember. I thought for a
moment a couple of days ago when he picked up the photographs
in his office that he recalled something. There was a flicker in his
eyes, but then…” Dennis sighed. “I think perhaps the emotional
items have more effect on his psyche than the cold facts of his
profession, of his surroundings here.”

It hurt to hear that even Dennis could see Matthew was

suffering over his amnesia. Yet I clung to the fact the photographs
of us seem to have affected him most.

Dennis was still speaking, “I was thinking I should mention my

observations to Doctor Walden. Perhaps suggest Matthew should
be allowed to leave the base, to see his own private world outside
these walls.”

“Yes, that’s an excellent idea. And if you have a chance to give

him a nudge?” I pressed.

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* * *

Matthew has gone up to the surface to visit his apartment

today. Dennis did persuade Doc that allowing Matthew off the
underground base to see his apartment would be both helpful and
safe, particularly when he promised to accompany Matthew and to
spend the night in the apartment to offer any help he may need. It
was hoped that being in his personal space with the help of a friend
would aid in the restoration of his memory. I was grateful to
Dennis as I was going to be stuck in the infirmary until at least
tomorrow, and even that depended on Doc deciding I had
recovered enough from my recent surgery.

I was both delighted and surprised when Matthew stopped into

the infirmary to tell me he was allowed to go home. He had
seemed perpetually shy in my presence, and I had seen very little
of him in the last couple of days as he’d spent the time around the
base. He only returned to the infirmary to sleep. Other than the
regular reports from Dennis, I’d also had updates from Doc, for
which I was very grateful. Ira had always been perceptive and he
knew exactly how I was feeling about Matthew’s present
condition. The information let me see Matthew was beginning to
act more and more like himself, amnesia still or not. It gave me
hope that his memory would come back one day.

God, let the day be soon.
I dreamed of him again last night. The first few nights when he

was still in the infirmary I hadn’t dreamed; in fact, I hardly slept. I
kept a watch on him, not always intentionally, but either I drifted
and kept waking to make sure he was still safe in the bed beside
me, or he dreamed and woke me. Once I woke thinking he’d called
my name, but I found him awake watching me, and I was afraid

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what I might have said in my sleep. He said nothing, so I told
myself everything was fine. Only, of course, it wasn’t. He still
didn’t remember me.

I thought back to earlier in the day when he came to see me

before he left to go home. Dennis had stayed by the door, and
Matthew had approached my bed.

“Major—” he’d begun.
“Matthew, please,” I had said. I couldn’t bear to hear him call

me Major.

“Sorry… Josh.” He had smiled then and my gut had twisted.

“Josh, I know you’ve been told already I’m going home for a day
or so and I just wanted to say goodbye. I’m sorry I’ve been rather
distant. You probably think very poorly of me.” He’d shrugged
then and all I’d wanted to do was tell him the truth— I could never
think poorly of him, that I admired him and owed him more than I
could ever say.

Of course, I couldn’t say that and even if he had been in

possession of his full faculties, I probably wouldn’t have said it
then either. Instead, I’d simply smiled as he’d continued. “I don’t
remember, not yet anyway, though I do believe we were more than
just teammates. I think we were friends and I hope to see you out
of this place very soon.”

I’d blinked rapidly as I’d felt my emotions welling at the

simple fact he thought we were more than just teammates. I know
he went on to say we were friends, but for an instant I’d thought he
might say something different, something more. I’d swallowed

“We’ve been close friends ever since we became teammates,

Matthew.” I’d wanted to say more, but knew I couldn’t. I’d
unintentionally emphasized the word close as it was. I’d smiled,

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adding quickly, “I hope your visit home helps you get your
memory back. Then again, you spend as much time at my
apartment…” I’d stopped when I’d realized what I said.

“Really?” was all he’d said, but I’d seen the question in his


If I’d started him thinking about home and me, or him and my

place, then I couldn’t regret my slip.

* * *

I think maybe I’m approaching the last piece of the puzzle. I

say “think” because all of this is only deduced from my dreams
and the little inklings I’ve gleaned from conversations and
observations. I still haven’t really remembered any of this. I feel
like a viewer watching the images pass before my eyes, an
observer, not a participant. Yet it all feels so right. How can I say
that you might ask, and I can’t really answer you. It simply does.

What was I saying? Oh yes, the last piece maybe. I had been

shocked when I finally stood on the surface. I’d expected to
emerge on Earth, my home. Yet the world I walked on was not
Earth. It was a place so alien I could only stand and stare at the
ground beneath my feet, the rather utilitarian “town” surrounding
us, the sky above me so different from the sky above Earth, and
finally at my companion. Dennis raised his eyebrows, an unspoken
question in his eyes. He realized how puzzled I was.

“We’d hoped perhaps seeing all this would be enough to jog

your memory,” he said.

“Nope,” I said. “Only given me lots more questions.”
Dennis sighed and proceeded to give me a quick run-down on

the Alkya base, the Investigation Division—Other Worlds, and our

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missions in this sector of space. I was fascinated and somehow
things began to fall into place, not least of which was that I did not
find this strange truth surprising and that, in itself, I did find

I didn’t go to bed until fairly late after spending the evening

talking with Dennis. I knew it had to be very difficult for him
because he was walking a tightrope, editing what he could say to
me. My apartment had been quite a surprise. I’d thought the lab at
the base had been full of books and some rather unusual samples of
rock until I saw my home. It overflowed with more books on every
just about every branch of geology. The fact I recognized that gave
me a jolt. As did the fact I knew some of the rocks on my shelves
were simple, ordinary everyday samples and some most certainly
were not. I’m not saying I remembered exactly because I didn’t,
but the knowledge was all there in my mind. I also knew some of
those samples were wrong, but when I’d asked Dennis about
them… about how that could be… he’d tried to prevaricate. He
wasn’t very good at it, which I rather liked, especially once I asked
the question.

“Will you help me fill in the blanks, please?”
“I’ll do what I can,” Dennis had said, meeting my gaze

squarely. “The major believed I should help if possible.”

“Josh?” I’d felt warm to know he wanted to help me.
Once I’d started asking questions, it all came tumbling out and

all I’d felt was relieved to know the truth at last.

I had finally fallen into bed in the early hours, exhausted from

talking, listening and experiencing the gamut of emotions the
revelations had wrought. I knew my memories were returning and
only one major question still remained unanswered.


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Would I dream again?

* * *

At last, Doc was allowing me out of the infirmary. He gave me

his usual lecture and a list of instructions. God, you’d think I was a
child! I wanted out of there as soon as possible. I was on my way
home to rest, of course. I was going home all right, but I was going
to go by way of Matthew’s place. I was praying his time there had
jogged something loose, either that or his time with Waterston.
Surely it was past time his memory came back? Doc had told me
Matthew’s brain inflammation had gone down days ago and he
reported no more headaches. Trouble was I knew from experience
Matthew never liked to complain. Good thing Doc knew it, too.

Crap, but I was looking forward to seeing Matthew. I’d seen

him precisely once for about ten minutes in three days and I missed
him. Even if he still didn’t remember me, it would be good to
spend some time in his company.

I’d been thinking a lot about this. It was all I’d had time for

over the last few days and I had come to the decision if he didn’t
get his memory back, I’d just have to try to earn his friendship
again, and maybe one day his love. Love. God, I was getting

Dennis called Dr. Walden while I was talking to him, and Ira

came back from taking the call in his office to tell me Matthew
thought staying in his apartment was helping. I almost hugged Ira.
Only the look in his eye told me he’d read my intention and I’d
better think again. I grinned at him instead, and he told me to get
out of there.

The elevator seemed slower than usual and I yelled at it to get a

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fucking move on! I wanted to get Matt’s apartment.

At last, I arrived in front of the apartment block. I glanced up at

his apartment and my heart thudded in my chest when I saw him
standing on what he jokingly called his balcony looking out.

* * *

He was here. Don’t ask me how I knew, but I did. I was

standing on what passed for a balcony getting reacquainted with
the view and I was simply aware of him. Looking down, I saw him
leaving the transport cart and entering my building. I smiled.

A few minutes later, he knocked at my door, and Dennis let

him in.

“Hi, Matthew,” Josh said, and I realized he was nervous.
“I’m glad you’ve been released, though I would’ve expected

Doc to send you home to recuperate.”

“He did.” Josh grinned. “I’m on my way home now. I just

wanted to know if seeing your apartment had helped your memory

“It has some, but there are still many gaps in my memory.”
His faced dropped a little. “I see,” he said, disappointment clear

on his features.

“Have you come to repeat your offer?”
“My offer?” Josh frowned.
“Perhaps I overstepped the mark, but you did say I spent almost

as much time at your place as I do my own?”

“Ah, yes, of course. Yes, I did.”
“You did?”
“Er, come to… repeat my offer? Would you like to come to my

place for a couple of days? See if it helps?”

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“Yes… Josh.”
He smiled, and my heart did a little flip in my chest. Oh, this

man was special, though I’d guessed that from the dream I had last
night. Just didn’t know how special, yet.

“I’ll pack a bag,” I said, and he replied casually, “You don’t

need to. There’s lots of your stuff at my place.”

I raised an eyebrow, and he shrugged. “My guest room’s had

your name on it for about two years.”

“Dennis,” he said next, “would you report back to the… base


“I know we work for the Other Worlds Sector of the

Investigation Division, Josh,” I interrupted.

He looked at me and grinned. “Right. Dennis, would you tell

Doc that Matthew is coming home with me? And let the general
know things are looking good.”

Dennis nodded and glanced at me.
“Thanks, Dennis,” I said. “You’ve been a wonderful help to


“You’re welcome,” he said, giving us both a small nod before


Taking Josh at his word, I didn’t bother packing a bag, just

grabbed my coat before locking up, and we left together.

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My apartment is within walking distance, and we walked there

in silence. I still don’t know how much he remembers. I get the
feeling it’s like the proverbial iceberg with ninety percent under
water with just ten percent showing. I think that’s Matthew now
and, for some reason, he doesn’t want me to know about the ninety
percent. Now why would that be?

How come he’s the one with the memory problem and I’m the

one who feels I’m not in control? Maybe once we reach my place,
my territory so to speak, I’ll feel more in command.

I hope he’s remembered something about us, but if he has,

surely he’d say something? Unless he’s remembered and no longer
wants the relationship. No, I can’t believe that. I won’t. Or he’s
remembered, but only bits and pieces and he’s testing me?

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Oh, God, what do I do? Say something—no, I could scare him

off if he’s not remembered, but if I say nothing and all he needs is
a nudge… God, damned if I do and damned if I don’t.

As awful as it is, I’m gonna have to wait and see what he does,

what he says, see if I get any clues and then judge what to do.
Damn, I hate this!

I turn into the entrance to my building, a slightly different

design than the one he lives in, and notice he’s looking around. I’ll
just give him a minute.

“Anything look familiar?”
“Not sure, maybe. That’s the thing, you see… sometimes I

think I remember something, only to find I’ve seen something
similar or heard something and it’s not really my memory. Like at
the base, the day before I was discharged from the infirmary,
someone referred to Doctor Walden as Ira, and I recognized the
name. For a moment, I thought it was a memory how I knew his
name was Ira. But when I tried to recall any memories about him, I
couldn’t. I later understood. Early that morning, when I was still
half-asleep, a couple of the nurses were talking and that was how I
knew his name was Ira.”

“And my place?” I asked hopefully.
“It looks familiar, but then it’s not an unusual design, is it?

Maybe the inside will ring some bells.”

“Okay, let’s follow the yellow brick road.”
“What did you say?” Matt looked shocked.
“I’m sorry; it’s just something I throw out there occasionally.”

I shrugged, a little embarrassed. “Used to annoy the hell out of

“I know that. I mean I recognize it. I… dreamed it.” He

sounded puzzled.

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“I’ve been having dreams, strange dreams.”
“Let’s get inside.”

* * *

I walked into the hall and stood looking about me. I’d not been

quite honest with Josh outside. I did recognize the building, but I
felt if I told him right away, he’d pull back and I needed him to be
totally open with me. I’m not sure why I felt that way. I just did. I
had the impression Josh kept so much hidden away behind a mask,
and from what Dennis had told me last evening, his mask was
made of words, jokes and innuendos and let’s not forget his little

Yes, I knew about those. My memory had returned when he’d

said that one outside. And with that, had come others.

Yes, Josh did hide behind a mask, but with me, the mask was

lower than with just about anyone else. That much I knew, I

Used to annoy me, he said. That wasn’t how I remembered it.

To me, the catchphrases were Josh, the epitome of who he was. I’d
remembered a lot about Josh now, yet I knew there was more;
something was niggling at me. We were friends and it was no
longer just something I was told. I remembered. Memories of
laughter, tears and bickering, even the occasional bitter argument,
but always we remained friends.

“Matthew, are you okay?” he asked, pulling me back from my


“Just remembering,” I said quietly.
“Ah,” he said. “Oh, what? You remember! Way to go!”

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I laughed; another phrase I remembered. “Not everything, Josh,

but it’s coming back.”

“And here?”
“Oh yes, I remember this. I remember many nights here, with

you and Dennis and other friends. And sometimes just you and

He closed his eyes, and I could sense the tension flowing out of


“Do you remember everything?” he asked quietly, and I

couldn’t help but feel how important a question that was.

“No,” I said honestly, “I think I remember a lot, but not

everything. I don’t even know how I can say that. I mean how do
you know if you don’t remember something?”

“I don’t know.”
“I just feel something is missing.”
“Perhaps if you tell me what you do know and if I see any

gaps… Do you want me to tell you or should I… wait for you to
remember?” Josh asked, his voice hesitant, almost afraid. It
seemed wrong, Josh being afraid, especially around me.

Before I could answer Josh suddenly said, “Look, it’s almost

dinner time. I picked something up from the commissary so we can
eat now if you want.” He reached for his pack and drew out a
paper sack. “Then we can settle for the evening and talk to our
hearts’ content.”

“Yes, I’m a little hungry.”
“I’ll heat it up.” He smiled and made for the kitchen.
I stopped him with a comment. “Josh, I would like to talk and

I’ll leave it to you; if you see something it’s obvious I’ve forgotten
and if you think it’s something important enough I should know,
tell me about it.”

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* * *

My hand hovered over the kitchen door handle and I moved it

quickly before he noticed my hand was shaking.

It was pretty obvious to me now that whatever else he

remembered, he didn’t recall about us. How the hell could I tell
him, Oh, and by the way, we decided we were in love with each
other and planned to go out on our first date, after which I wanted
to bring you back here and fuck you through the mattress
? That’d
go down real well.

Damn, he remembered about team nights and party nights and

God knows what else, but us? Why couldn’t he remember about
us? Maybe he was remembering earlier times and it would come
back to him eventually. Was it better to wait and let him figure it
out in his own time?

I heated the food and got out plates and utensils. I went to the

fridge and hesitated between beer and juice, deciding on juice in
the end. We’d just settle down with food and drink and just talk.
See what developed.

See what developed, did I say? Well, three hours later, we’d

enjoyed dinner, relaxed and talked ’til we were hoarse. It was clear
to me now his memory was almost complete. I asked him, just
before he went up to bed in the guest room, what the last thing he
could remember was, and it turned out to be about three weeks
before our disastrous mission. It’d been the last time the three of us
had gone out for a meal to the one and only restaurant in our little
town. He commented on what a great night it’d been. He’d laughed
as he recalled Dennis had such a good time we had to take him
home and put him to bed, then Matt and I had gone back to my
place for a nightcap and he’d crashed in my guest room.

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I remembered that night clearly, too. I’d jerked off in my room

to fantasies of Matthew, wishing he were sleeping with me and not
across the hall. It was also the night I’d promised myself the next
opportunity that arose, I wouldn’t be a coward. I’d tell him how I
felt. In the end, it was he who had confessed to me, then I
gratefully told him the truth of my feelings.

Once again he was sleeping across the hall when I wanted him

in my bed.

* * *

What the hell? One minute I’m fast asleep and then I looked

toward the light streaming in through my open door and I saw
Matthew standing there, hands gripping either side of the
doorframe, as if without its support he might collapse.

My mouth went dry and my cock jumped at the sight of him.

He was wearing only sweat pants and a fine sheen of perspiration
was visible on his torso. He was breathing fast, almost panting. I
couldn’t help but notice his nipples were taut and proud, and my
fingers itched to touch him.

I dragged my attention from his chest and tracked up to his

face. His mouth was open a little as he gasped to draw in breath.
His eyes were wide and staring at me, and I couldn’t turn away,
not that I wanted to.

“Is it real or just a fantasy?” he gasped out.
“What?” I managed.
“You, me… we were…” His eyes darted across my room and

then back to me.

“Matthew, it’s okay. Whatever this is, everything is fine.”
“Fine? I had you pressed up against that wall and…” He

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stopped, blushing, and dropped his eyes.

Me? I was so hard it hurt.
“You were dreaming?” I asked when I could manage to speak.
“Yes,” he answered, voice low. “It seemed so real and yet…

I’ve been having dreams every night and I’ve realized it was
memories surfacing, but in the surreal world of dreams. It was…”
He stopped, and my heart was pounding. How much had he

He released his hold on the doorframe and slowly approached

the bed, looking at me appraisingly. Nervously, I licked my lips
and I saw his eyes track the movement. Oh my God!

“Josh?” he said, so much in that one simple word and even

more in his knowing smile.

I gulped. “Do you still want that date?”

* * *

As I stood there, still shaking inside as images from the erotic

dream danced before my eyes, everything fell into place.

I loved him. It was that simple and that complicated. I didn’t

care. I knew what I wanted and nothing was going to stop me from
getting just what I desired. I no longer needed the support of the
doorframe to hold me up on my rubbery legs. I felt strong and full
of vitality.

I walked toward him, holding his gaze, when suddenly he

licked his lips. Oh God, did I want to do that.

I said his name, just that, and it was enough.
He swallowed and asked me something about a date. That

halted me for a second ’til I realized what he meant.

“No.” I smiled. “I think I’ve just experienced the longest date

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in history. Seven days of learning about who I am and getting to
know you all over again. You know,” I said calmly, watching his
gorgeous brown eyes glitter in the light from the hall, “I knew I
loved you, but I never thought about why. I don’t suppose it
mattered much then because it just was. Now, though, I know—my
dreams reminded me of the kind of man you are.” I was at his
bedside now with my eyes raking over him, smiling a little at the
bulge even the bed covers couldn’t hide.

“Your dreams?” he murmured.
“Mmm,” I said, leaning over to capture his lips, even that

tentative contact sending shivers down my spine.

“Some of them were very… interesting.”
“Like tonight’s?” Josh murmured, eyes fastened on my lips as

he reached up to pull me to him, and I went willingly.

“Oh, yeah, definitely.” I kissed along his jaw-line, and he

arched his neck to give me better access, but after a second, he
moved and our lips met. This time he opened up and let me in,
dueling with my tongue, slipping past my lips and into my mouth.
His tongue explored the planes of my mouth until I pulled back
gasping and shaking. We stared at each other for a moment until I
leaned back against him, snuggling against his side.

“Do you want to know about my dream?” I asked, letting my

voice drop.

Josh nodded, his eyes wide, his breathing fast.
I began to describe the dream, starting when we were on

another planet, walking through a colorful meadow and we were
laughing about something. I had no idea what it was and it didn’t
matter because just being with him made me feel so good. Then
the scene switched to a locker room. I sat on a bench in the process
of getting changed. He was leaning against a locker talking, but I

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couldn’t hear the words. Suddenly, he was walking past me
wearing only a towel, and I felt my cock twitch and the blood
pounded in my ears.

Then the door opened and he was walking out, his back to me.

He was wearing the tightest pair of blue jeans I had ever seen and I
couldn’t tear my eyes away from his ass, the muscles clearly
delineated as he moved and the seam of the jeans so tight in his
cleft. I wanted it to be my tongue inside that crevice and my mouth
was so dry it would need a river to free it from the roof of my

“Next we were in your living room. You were still wearing

those tight jeans with a sexy black tee and we were arguing. The
words were mere noises, but it was clear we were both very angry
and motivated, in each other’s faces, when in desperation I grabbed
you and slammed you against the wall. Then, like a dissolve in a
film, all at once we were in your bedroom.” Here my voice cracked
a little. God, it was like I was experiencing it as I described it to
him here in the very room where it took place.

“Our positions were exactly the same. I’d slammed you up

against the wall, but this time you… were naked. I backed away
and you stood there… perfectly still, outlined by a sliver of
moonlight slipping around the edge of the drapes. You looked
wonderful. Your hair glowed, and I wanted you so much. You
were aroused, your cock full and heavy, one drop of semen on the
head. I wanted… to taste it, so I dropped to my knees and I licked
it. I swirled my tongue around the head…”

* * *

I couldn’t take anymore. I’d lain there quietly, loving the feel

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of his weight as he rested against my side, but the longer he went
on describing his dream, the more aroused I became. I thought I’d
been hard before, but this… This was exquisite pain… and when
he got to the part in my bedroom…

His voice was low, almost hypnotic, and until then I hadn’t

wanted to see his face. Suddenly, I just had to see his expression,
his eyes, so I slid down. Matt understood and squirmed around a
little to turn toward me. When he described going down on me, I
swear I could feel his tongue on my rock hard cock and my blood
was boiling in my veins.

“God, Matthew, stop!” I gasped out. “You’re gonna kill me.”
He laughed, the bastard, he laughed.
“Ah, but, Josh, what a way to go!” I grimaced at him and the

grin faded as he said in a soft voice, “Do you want to try it?”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “Ya kidding?” I threw back the

blankets and let him see what a state I was in.

Eyes widening as he saw me, Matt asked, “Do you always

sleep naked at home, or were you… hoping?”

“I was praying you’d remember, but to be honest, this was for

me. I got hard just having you next door.”

Matt smiled as his hand drifted down my body, hesitating as he

reached my nipples. He looked up at me and said, “Something else
I remembered—I love you.”

I would have replied, told him I loved him, too, but he chose

that moment to swoop in and lick the head of my cock. The only
sound I was capable of was a low moan as my hips bucked off the

The sensations he was causing… No way I could talk. God, I

couldn’t think. All I could do was feel…

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* * *

Oh, I had no idea. I’d had fantasies the last few nights and I

could now remember years of such delightful torture, but all of it
paled against the reality of finally touching Josh, tasting him. The
kiss had been electric, but when I licked his weeping cock, when at
last I got the taste of him… Josh’s skin was softer than I expected,
a little salty and there was something else, tangy, spicy. I licked
my lips, glancing up at him for a second to find his head thrown
back and his eyes tightly closed. The sight set butterflies dancing
in my stomach. I smiled as I let my tongue run along his length,
swirling around the tip again.

I had to place a hand on his stomach to stop him bucking. It

had been a long time since I had done this and I wanted it to be
good for him. I didn’t want to gag and spoil it, so I needed him to
calm a little. Keeping him in my mouth, but stilling my
movements, I let my hand draw small circles on his stomach and I
felt him relax. I began my gentle caresses again with my tongue
and I slipped my other hand under him to lift and roll his balls
between my fingers. He moaned and muttered my name, the sound
of it making my heart beat faster in my chest.

I stopped the stroking, the caressing with my tongue, and

instead I began to suck and gently draw my teeth along the length
of his cock. At the same time, I gave his balls one last caress
before moving my fingers along his perineum toward his hole.

I had a sudden memory of my fantasy view of his ass in those

tight jeans with the seam in his crack and I felt my own erection
tingle and swell. As I stroked along his cleft, I felt his muscles
tense, and he moaned again. I stroked around his hole and then
pressed at the same time as I sucked his cock deep into my mouth.

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He howled, “Matthew, oh fuck. God, oh God!”
Feeling his balls tighten, I pushed a finger against his hole one

more time, pressed my tongue against the tip of his cock and
sucked harder. He climaxed, roaring as he shot his semen into my

I made him feel like this? I soared!

* * *

Oh my God! That had to be the most explosive orgasm I’ve had

since… damn, I can’t remember. If I could’ve forced words past
my lips, I would’ve told him. In a few seconds… just give me a

I turned to look at him, and he looked like a cat that had eaten

the canary. Talk about smug! Gotta say he deserves it; that was
some blowjob.

“Well,” I said, “I think a few brain cells are working again.

Enough to notice you’ve still got an erection that could hammer

“Ah,” he said gingerly, “not exactly nails I wanna hammer.”
“I had it the other way around.”
“Well, I began to think you’d never remember and I might have

to tell you, but how the hell to word it. Had a few ideas, and they
all ended with wanting to bring you back here and nail you through
the mattress.”

“And how do you feel about me doing you?” he asked.
“I always liked it both ways. And if you’re as talented at…

fucking as you are at blowjobs…” I stopped as he grinned and I
couldn’t help but grin back as I said, “Then have at it!”

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“Have at it? God, Josh!”
I raised an eyebrow, grinned and leaned over to open my

bedside table drawer, taking out some lube.

“Sure, Josh?” he asked. When I nodded, he smiled and said,

“Way to go.”

“Hey!” I said.
“Just showing I remembered.” He grinned.
I loved to see him so relaxed, smirking at me. I was so happy; I

had everything I had ever wanted and I was overwhelmed. “I love
you,” I said, before I even realized it.

He stopped in the middle of opening the tube, eyes rising to

meet mine, and I saw such love in those beautiful eyes it took my
breath away.

“Turn over,” he said.
I rolled over, saying, “Just while you prepare me, I want to

watch you when—”

“We make love,” he finished.
His long fingers swept over my back, caressing my spine and

flanks before he began to massage my buttocks in long, languid
strokes, circling ever nearer to my crease. I couldn’t help but tense
my muscles as he brushed against me.

“Relax,” he said softly, leaning down towards me so I felt the

words as puffs of breath against my skin, “just relax, you’ll like

Suddenly, his fingers were gone and his tongue licked along

my ass. I gasped at the sensation, and he blew gentle gusts against
my hot skin. Then his tongue was back, circling my ring of muscle,
and I didn’t think I could keep still under his ministrations. I
almost jerked off the bed when I felt his tongue push against my
hole and enter me. He pulled back and pushed in again, a little

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farther this time, before backing out, swirling around my hole
again and then laving my skin. I was shuddering by now and
moaning his name.

Then I moaned louder as he moved away from me.
“Hush,” he said. “Just a moment.”
Then he was back, slick fingers caressing me this time,

massaging a moment before one finger pressed in where his tongue
had been before. His finger entered farther, and I squirmed against
the sweet, gentle invasion, moaning low in my throat as I pressed
my head into the mattress.

* * *

I couldn’t believe how wonderful this was. I thought I had my

dream when I went down on him and took his essence inside me,
but this… I was going to possess him, take him as he would take
me. Later, it would be the other way around; this was going to be a
true partnership, sharing each other inside and out. I had found my
own nirvana.

I prepared him fully and he was lying below me, murmuring

and totally relaxed now. I lubed my cock.

“Do you want to turn over now, Josh?” I whispered.
“Mmmm,” he said, and I helped him roll over.
He smiled at me as I pushed his legs apart and knelt between

them, lifting them over my thighs. I leaned forward to kiss him,
offering him all my passion in a bruising kiss that he responded to,
nibbling my lower lip.

“Ready?” I asked, and he nodded.
I lined up my cock and pressed gently against his opening.

There was slight resistance before the muscle gave and my cock

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head slipped inside. I waited a few moments until he was ready
and then I pushed slowly in until I was fully sheathed.

“Oh, Matthew,” he said, capturing my eyes with his, “it feels so

perfect. I feel whole, as if I’ve … lacked something. I… I…”

“I know just what you mean, but wait,” I said and I began to

move, pulling out slowly and then I thrust back in.

I repeated the movement, lifting my hips a little. He moaned,

and I watched his eyes slide shut. I lifted his legs a little higher to
get a better angle and pushed in again, harder this time, and when
he gasped, I knew I’d found it. I grinned and set up a steady
rhythm, out slowly and slamming back in, hitting his prostate
every time. He was continually moaning and muttering now, his
head twisting from side to side on the pillow.

There was no way I could last much longer. I could feel my

orgasm gathering. My blood was on fire and my head was
pounding and I could no longer make sense of Josh’s words, but I
knew I made him feel so much that he’d totally lost control and
that knowledge pushed me toward my own climax.

“I’m coming, Josh. Hear me? I’m coming. Me in you. Oh God,

I’m gonna come inside you!” At last, it was no longer a fantasy, no
longer an impossible dream. He was mine.

“Mine!” To prove it, I leaned over and bit him on the shoulder

even as my orgasm raced from me into my Josh. He lifted his head
as I bit him and our eyes met. I licked his shoulder where I had
bitten him and he took my face in his hands and kissed me. I pulled
away, gasping as I collapsed exhausted across his chest.

* * *

I’d never felt so much. My ass was on fire, my body flying as

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he plowed into me again and again, hitting my prostate to
perfection, until I hardly knew my own name.

He was saying something, but my head was full of cotton wool

and I couldn’t make out the words.

Then he yelled, “Mine!” and bit down hard on my shoulder and

my cock jumped in response. I jerked up and grabbed him to pull
him in for a kiss, even as I felt his come pouring into me.

He pulled back, gasping and moaning and collapsed across me.

I grabbed him to me, this man I loved more than anything in the
whole world, and I rolled us onto our sides holding his head
against my heart.

“Shush, love,” I said as I realized he was crying. “That was

amazing… fucking amazing!”

“Oh, yeah,” he murmured. “Like being struck by lightning.”

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Stevie is a Brit living in the Northwest of England and has recently
been able to leave her day job behind—though it’s a quandary that
there still doesn’t seem to be much more free time in her day!

A long-time avid reader of romance with a dash of adventure,
Stevie only stumbled over “slash” pairings a few years ago and
was an immediate convert. Having dabbled with writing on and off
for years, Stevie was tapping away on the keyboard not long
afterward, inventing stories around two hot guys, gaining her first
publication in the summer of 2007.

Stevie likes reading stories with a good strong plot and believable
characters and does her best to create them in her own work.

Stevie has a soft spot for Historical settings but also thoroughly
enjoys Sci-Fi and Fantasy, Paranormal and Contemporary, finding
the similarities as intriguing as the differences. Stevie already has a
variety of novels, novellas and short stories released by various

To learn more about Stevie, please visit her website at, or email her at

* * *

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Don’t miss A Favor For A Friend

by Stevie Woods,

available at!

On Alkya, a planet a long way from Earth, the Division of
Investigation—Other Worlds—has set up a base where hundreds of
personnel live and work. Among them are two men, Major Jake
Archer and Captain Bart Hilton, who are part of one of the survey

One evening, Jake asks Bart to do a work-related favor for him,
requiring the other man to remain in the underground base.
Needing information to complete the report he’s preparing, Bart
goes to Jake’s office just as a huge explosion rips through the

Jake is horrified and riddled with guilt when he learns that Bart is
missing and was last seen approaching Jake’s office before the
explosion. Unsure if Bart is still alive, Jake and his team are
forced to wait for the engineers to dig out the man Jake secretly

In pain, unable to move, Bart lies amidst the rubble, sliding in and
out of consciousness. During his lucid moments, he lets his mind
drift to better times, most of them spent with his friend Jake. And
he also fears the roof will finally come down and kill him before he
gets a chance to resolve his greatest regret—telling Jake how he
really feels about him…

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