Barbara Cartland Starlight Over Tunis

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Starlight over Tunis

The Tunisian ancient amphitheater was softly lit by the stars. The Marquis came to Sabra

and forgotten everything, only thought of the passion that was born in your heart. He

took her in his arms and, without thinking, took possession of her virginal lips.

The kiss, before timid, became greedy and possessive, as if he wanted to get possession of

your soul and your heart. Sabra felt transported to heaven. It was perfect, divine, love

always searching! Suddenly, however, the Marquis turned away and went back to

reality, he realized the danger that threatened them ...



The Marquis de Quinbourne out on the balcony of his villa and contemplate the

Mediterranean. The sun began to break through the fog that covered the horizon, and

the show was a ravishing beauty.

The marquis, however, was deep in thought when the terrace door opened and there

was a very beautiful woman. He dressed in rigorous fashion, with a touch of chic and

exuberant that could only be French.

- I came to say au revoir, mon cher - she spoke with a delightful accent.

The Marquis rose slowly.

- The carriage is waiting, Jeanne, and when you get to Monte Carlo, send it right back.

- Okay, I'll do it.

She hesitated, then with a wink of his pancake makeup eyelashes and pouting, with very

soft voice said:

- C'est three sad, mon cher, you have to finish everything well.

- There is no reason for you to be sad, Jeanne, and thank you for the happiness you gave


- It was even happier?

- You gave me the greatest happiness, under the circumstances, and I regret not having

been what you expected.

Jeanne shrugged his shoulders in a gesture typically French.

- C'est la vie! But it's what I thought, when you invited me to stay, we would be happy

and divertiríamos the casino in Monte Carlo and in hot spots such as L'Hotel de Paris.

- I know, I know! - Replied the marquis, angry - But reproaches do not solve anything. -

He paused before continuing - I can only repeat that I am very sorry and I hope, Jeanne,

who did the check on behalf compensate somehow the fact that you have left Paris and

many amusements.

Then the dark eyes of Jeanne lit up as he opened the envelope that the marquis had

given him and examined the contents quickly.

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The amount itemized on the check caused him an exclamation of surprise, and she

wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her face close to yours.

- But what kind, gentle three! Merci, merci beaucoup! Maybe I should stay ...

- No, you're right, I have a lot to think about and know you will be bothered by this.

Jeanne laughed.

- It's true. Although you are a wonderful lover at night, during the day has been very


The Marquis laughed with some regret.

- I understand, Jeanne, and I ask you to forgive me if I bore you with my problems. I

promise that I will be different elsewhere.

- The next time we meet in Paris - said Jeanne decided. - In Paris you've always been all

that a woman can dream, but here in this town ...

He made an eloquent gesture with his hands, then embraced the Marquis again, kissing

him passionately on the mouth before saying:

- Au revoir, mon cher, but not goodbye, as we will see new and perhaps very soon.

- Meanwhile, treat yourself well - the Marquis smiled.

- You can leave and not have to worry about me. I know a charming gentleman in

Monte Carlo will be happy with my back and not miss those who take me for dinner


- I'm sure of it! - Marquis commented cynically.

Entwined her waist and led her across the room down the hall richly furnished. His

chariot pulled by two horses waiting outside, and handmaiden to Jeanne was

accommodated in one of the banks. In the trunk were several trunks tied.

The Marquis Jeanne helped to rise and settle into the comfortable upholstered seat, and

a lackey covered her legs with a blanket.

- Once again, au revoir, mon cher said Jeanne with her soft voice and provocative, it

was one of its many charms.

The Marquis kissed his hand, and the footman closed the carriage door, which was set in

motion as she waved. Then with a sigh of relief, the Marquis turned and returned to the

porch where he sat contemplating the sea.

Rarely made a mistake, but this time was wrong to invite Jeanne to join him in southern

France. I should have guessed that she would resent the fact that no opportunity to show

up and display their fabulous dresses in Monte Carlo, not to be admired on the

Promenade des Anglais in Nice.

Jeanne, however, soon discovered that the Marquis, she had met before inheriting the

title, I just enjoy the quiet of his newly acquired villa and delicious food prepared by the

excellent cook. Even if she wanted to distract not only at night but also during the day.

It was enough, however, a day of living with the French cocotte to realize that the

Marquis should have gone alone and that Jeanne would find it extremely boring. In fact

that's what she said before packing.

- As a lover, you are magnifique! But to talk is a failure!

The Marquis did not classify as rude that comment, I knew that the girl was right. The

fault was his alone. He had gone to the south of France only to reflect on what the

future held for him and to escape the festivities to commemorate the diamond jubilee of

Queen Victoria, which he regarded as the explosion of a national emotion called "new

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Until then, his life had been traveling the world, without using his title, just like Victor

Bourne, and had no desire to settle in their homeland.

He was seventeen when his older brother, who had always been a sickly child, died and

then his father began to instill into his mind the responsibilities that would inherit.

The old Marquis was a despot who ruled the family, property and all who approached

him with an iron fist.

In the opinion of Victor, was typical of the old imperialism does not like changes and

Queen Victoria considered representative of all that was good and runs to.

Victor could not help but reflect on that moment, his father, as all men the same age,

had reason to be proud of the queen. She reigned over the largest empire in history,

comprising about one quarter of the Earth, both in territory and in population.

He could not forget that the Queen had been Queen Empress for so long that some of

his simplest subjects in India, he met in his travels, saw it as divine and sacrificed animals

in front of his image.

I knew at that moment the people in the streets of London was waiting with excitement

the procession came out of Buckingham Palace.

He could even guess what the message of the Queen. Simple and straightforward: "At

heart, I thank my people, and God bless."

He was sure that would be something like that. But what concerned him more than the

diamond jubilee was what you would expect from him in the future. When he received

the news of his father's death, returned to London apprehensive. The old Marquis had

always seemed as immortal as the queen. Victor never had reflected about what would

be his position when he had to assume not only the title but also the various duties

assigned to the Marquis de Quinbourne.

When the queen summoned him to Windsor Castle, made it clear that he hoped to

regain their powers and duties where his father left them,

The Prime Minister, the Marquis of Salisbury, left even more clear:

- Once you put everything in order in his castle said with his flashy way, I have many

tasks to submit that you can barely get out of London. Unfortunately it will not longer

be able to travel to unknown lands as it has done in recent years.

The Marquis was amazed, not knowing that the prime minister was aware of his travels.

Occasionally it was useful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informing or attempting to

explain difficulties in distant parts of the empire, in which the minister did not intend to

set foot.

Victor came out horrified at what would happen if you take the place that rightfully

belonged to her. For starters, it would be a gentleman of the chamber at Buckingham

Palace, then Lord Lieutenant of the county, and several other positions of political and

civic importance. This meant that he would be virtually stuck with so many duties that

could say goodbye to the freedom they enjoyed in the past six years.

He was twenty-two years old when he traveled abroad for the first time to be sick of his

father's sermons, he thought everything he did to its inconvenient location or

inconsequential and frivolous. They criticized his friends, his interests and even their

ability to languages. He said that an Englishman, was a statesman or politician, did not

need to speak another language.

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- Those damned foreigners learn to understand me! - It barked.

It was the kind of attitude that deeply angered Victor Bourne, mainly because it is

repeated several times during a day. So he left England and went to the Malaysian islands

without telling his father where he was going. When he returned six months later, he was

received like a bad student who skips classes and is about to be expelled. Stayed for three

months listening to the sermons of his father until he got tired and left again, glad I did

not hear more than recriminations. Even the danger of living among savage tribes of

African cannibals and warriors, it was preferable to the formality and austerity of life in

the castle of Quin.

When he returned for the second time, he heard not only his father's sermons as well as

other family members. The Marquis de Quinbourne had many relatives, and to relate to

several other aristocratic families.

Victor was the black sheep and felt that his father had put on his heels a pack of ravenous

wolves. The men told him that was not being fair and honest with her father. Women,

however, were more delicate and gentle because he is handsome and attractive. They

told him that the only way to earn respect was marrying and settling in life.

Her grandmother, aunts and cousins showed him dozens of debutantes. Always dinners,

parties and balls put him as escort some awkward and shy young man. Then they told

her that the girl would make a great wife. Thus, it was inevitable for him to flee abroad

as soon as possible.

I once had an argument with her father so violent that it came to threaten him by saying

that if it were not to behave accordingly, it was better not come back.

Indeed, in the following years, he returned only a few days at Christmas and once during

the summer. Were repeated the same old arguments, criticisms and attempts to impose

his conduct, which once again distanced him away.

Finally returned home when his father died, and when least expected, became the new

Marquis of Quinbourne. He arrived shortly before the funeral and found the family

castle full of relatives. He could not help looking with cynicism to all those people who

now only flattered to have become the head of the family. No longer charged him or

reproached; instead petitioning things.

- My dear Victor, I know it will help me. His father was always so thoughtful ... I'm sure

you will continue to do what he did ...

- I want your opinion ...

- Could you give me some attention ...

- Wish you hear me ...

It seemed that thousands of voices echoed in his ears, banging his brains out with small

domestic and financial problems. Problems quite different from that faced in their travels.

Most of them could easily be resolved by the secretary who worked for his father for

over ten years and knew more than he does about the property and the family Bourne.

After the funeral, Victor left the castle of Quin and was staying at the mansion in Park

Lane Bourne.

He realized then that it was not only his relatives who considered him a sort of

cornucopia. The Queen, Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and inevitably many

of his friends looked at him the same way.

Everything was too much for him, overwhelming, and especially humiliating. The fact

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that people want to fall into their thanks just for being rich and socially prominent was

an unpleasant and terrible contrast with the life they had abroad, where a man was of

value for himself and his possessions were of secondary importance.

Finally, tired of reading so many letters from statesmen asking their attention, he fled

again. He'd done it so often they become accustomed. He left London saying only that

his secretary was his destiny.

He stopped in Paris to catch Jeanne Beauvais and went with her to her father's villa, near

Eze, where he intended to reflect on the future.

One thing was absolutely certain: never marry.

Her aunt, the Duchess of Weybridge, had written to him saying among other things "...

and especially would like you to dine with me on Wednesday. Want you to meet a

charming girl, the daughter of the Duke of Hull; think it combines a lot like you and give

a perfect chatelaine in Quin. He speaks fluent French and Italian, and I think that's one

trait in common between you. "

Victor laughed to finish reading the letter. He wondered what the Duchess would say if

he told you just marry a girl who speak Japanese, Russian and various African dialects.

After scolded himself mentally for being impolite.

It would be cruel to feed the hopes of the young, agreeing to go to dinner, as it would

look as a possible future husband.

I was so shaken by this feeling of being pressed, persecuted, almost forcibly pushed into

marriage searching Jeanne as if she could protect him. He was pleased to learn that at

that time no one was occupying the place in your life.

As I had enjoyed good times in the past, she readily accepted the invitation with

animation to go with the Cote d'Azur.

It had occurred to Victor that she would find it extremely boring not spend most of the

day at the casino. Or that he made a point of being seen by the fashion elite who always

traveled to Monte Carlo this time of year, one of the most fascinating and chic in


It turns out that the new Marquis forgot he was in mourning for her father and that

would be insensitive of him to accept invitations to dinners and other social events at

least two or three months. Many people would raise eyebrows in the Salle Privee if he

showed up with a striking and attractive French cocotte.

Soon he realized that Jeanne was terribly upset when they were not making love. In fact,

what had not noticed before was that Jeanne was not much to say other than spicy and

malicious comments about love and about his skills as a lover. He admitted to himself

that he made a mistake.

I told Jeanne that does not feel even a little offended if she went to Monte Carlo, where

he certainly would not be alone for more than twenty-four hours.

He was now alone, once again wondering what to do. He knew that to do right would

have to return to England.

Should assume the duties that were waiting for him and try to make them as interesting

as the discovery of an ancient temple lost in the jungle.

He had spent many years doing farm, was the first white man to navigate an uncharted

river, discovering an unknown tribe of other explorers. He had been so close to death in

so many situations that the idea of "settling in life" simply horrified him.

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He had the unpleasant feeling that no one ever speak to him again with ease. Where

would adopt that attitude respectful and solemn that his father had imposed, not only

because of its title, but also enjoy this treatment.

Looking at the sun shining on the sea, concluded that he did not want to act like his

father, after all had their individuality and so they wanted to be loved.

He had many women in his life, as several Jeanne, because you could pay them and

leave them without tears or recriminations. Further, several foreign nationals, who were

just the whim of the moment, and then to leave them, never had remembered them

again. Never, however, found a woman he wanted to make his companion forever and

not restricted in his travels, which were generally uncomfortable, exhausting and


He looked at the sea wondering what to do, as if the water could give you an answer or

the seagulls show him some solution.

Down the bay, the yacht was anchored father, little used but very well maintained,

always ready to sail at any time. Victor could not help mentally comparing the rich with

the life that had led until then, almost without money, because his father suspended his

allowance. So living in poor neighborhoods and boats traveling in poor conditions.

Once in the desert, had to stay in a tent next to an Arab evil-looking and drunk.

Now, however, owned more than six houses had horses, and before leaving England

had come to buy a car.

I can not complain of anything said to the Marquis himself.

He thought of Quin, the family castle, and all it represented, then thought of the prime

minister and the queen like huge spiders waiting to catch him in their webs. He looked at

the horizon where the sky met the sea, and knew I wanted to do. Could only know

what route to take.

At present, however, thought the best way to decide was to throw a coin into the air

and choose heads or tails. He asked the target should be moving toward the north or the


He was so used to do when lost in the woods or through a desert, knowing that if he

made the wrong decision could die before you find the exit.

He was with an air of laughter, looking for a coin in his pocket, when a voice behind

him respectfully said in French:

- Pardon, my lord, but there is someone here that wants to see you.

- Who is it? asked the marquis.

He thought that some of his friends in Monte Carlo had been aware of its presence in the

town and decided to visit him.

- Is monsieur Kirkpatrick - replied the servant. The Marquis raised his eyebrows. He could

not remember anyone by that name. But after a while, more out of curiosity, said:

- Make it go.

Hardly the servant went away, however, thought it made a mistake. If the man was

collecting donations for charity and he made a donation, probably several others appear

appealing to your generosity. He did not intend to linger there, nor engage in local


However, before he could finish the thought, the man came to the terrace.

The Marquis stood up, realizing that the man was accompanied by a girl.

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The newcomer held out his hand.

- It's very kind of you to receive me, my lord. I came because I have something

important to tell you, something you might find it interesting and even exciting.

The Marquis was surprised, then looked at the stranger capturing every detail of their

appearance. He was tall, thin, elegant, handsome, educated, and finally a perfect


At the same time, the Marquis realized he was an adventurer, perhaps for the slight

eccentricity in dress or look fearless. In his travels, Victor met many adventurers and

learned to recognize them.

- My name is Michael Kirkpatrick, and allow you to present my daughter Sabra.

The Marquis hardly noticed the presence of the girl on the terrace. She was small and

thin and wore a simple, wide brim, which partially concealed his face.

In addition, sunglasses and clothes out of style made her anonymous and insignificant.

He looked at her a glance and turned her attention to her father.

Without waiting for invitation, Michael sat comfortably on one of the chairs and stood

at ease.

- Accept a drink? asked the Marquis automatically fulfilling a duty.

- Thank you very much and I was expecting that. We came on foot from Lower

Corniche, and this time of day is very hot.

The way he spoke made the Marquis laugh and then say to the servant:

- Bring a bottle of champagne.

- It is extremely kind of you! - Michael said with a smile.

The directness and simplicity of it, which made him fascinating, the Marquis left even

more certain that it was an adventurer.

It was obvious that it was the walk to the town for not having the means to pay a

transport medium.

- I am very interested in what you have to tell me the marquis said.

- I heard about you in several places in the world ... Michael began. - The Marquis raised

his eyebrows, and he continued: - I see you doubt me, but we were in Singapore soon

after you have left, and last year I heard comments about you in the Shepheard's Hotel

in Cairo.

The Marquis laughed.

- I hope you have spoken well!

- Very well, actually.

The Marquis was going to ask something when the servant returned with the bottle of

champagne which he opened, filling the cups and distributing them among those present.

Before leaving, he replaced the bottle in ice bucket.

Michael raised his glass.

- To your health, my lord!.

- Thank you.

The Marquis noted that Sabra took only a sip of the drink and dropped the cup.

Moreover, he found her name a little strange and unusual. Then the girl looked at the

horizon and was completely oblivious to the conversation.

What intrigued him, especially because it has not shown the slightest interest in him as a


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- What did I come to ask you - Michael began, after drinking a few sips - it is not

interested in finding a treasure that would be a glory to the Lord and a delight for


- I can not answer until you tell me where the treasure is and where you think you can

find it.

He had reason to think that Michael was an adventurer, but on the other hand, could

not help liking the man.

He was undoubtedly well-educated, which was not the case with most adventurous, and

he had the charm and magnetism that makes adventurers are accepted by people of

other means.

They are like players, who bet every penny in a sealed letter. Only the adventurers do

not play with money but with people, using them in strange ways and strange purposes,

such as Victor discovered. Do not ask for payment money for themselves, but funding for

any project or plan.

The Marquis felt that Kirkpatrick was different this type of parasite who was involved in

the past.

- Come to my attention Kirkpatrick said that the country now called Tunisia, robbed of a

Roman general extremely rich not only their money but also his wife's jewels.

The Marquis smiled skeptically. He thought the story sounded fake and was pretty sure

that Michael invented.

- What I learned - continued Michael - who was robbed of General all he had plundered

from the conquered people and hid the treasure buried him near the amphitheater at El

Djem, a temple that is now in ruins.

He paused to see if the marquis was listening, took a few more sips of champagne and


- Two thieves were caught, but even under torture revealed where they had hidden the


Again he paused before continuing:

- Shortly after they were killed, and before they investigate something else, Roman rule

in North Africa began to decline, and the lost treasure was forgotten.

- How did all this? asked the marquis.

- A man told me that the older inhabitants of this part of Tunisia speak openly about the

subject and the story passed from generation to generation.

- And do you really believe that after all this time we can find this treasure? - The

Marquis asked sarcastically.

Michael was silent for a moment, then said:

- I know exactly what you are feeling. I feel the same if you heard a story arc-tac-toe,

told by someone like me!

The Marquis laughed. No doubt the man disarmed, but I liked his way of saying

unexpected things.

I also doubt the story told Michael if he had not had the opportunity to buy it.

As he spoke he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin, which gave the


The marquis, who was an expert on the subject, immediately recognized it was a coin

minted by the Romans when they were in Tunisia.

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He was in excellent condition and no doubt the British Museum and the authorities in

Rome would be interested in buying it.

- The man who sold me this coin - Michael explained - was pursued on the outskirts of

Tunisia for about one month for stealing and desecrating properties that must be


- You are telling me that ... that ... he found the treasure?

- He dug in the place thought to be hidden, but only had time to dig out some coins like


He hesitated, and, after realizing that the marquis was listening carefully, he continued:

- Unfortunately he committed the folly of stealing a citizen, was arrested, taken to

Tunisia, convicted of theft and was jailed for two years before being deported, it is


- That means he can never go back!

- If he comes back to Tunisia, will be life in prison or be executed! They detest such


Michael laughed before adding:

- He loses and we win. For a reasonable amount, is willing to reveal the place of the

treasure and to draw a map. - He paused and lowered his voice. - Unfortunately I am

not in financial position that allows me to explore on my own, or have influence with

the authorities. I need a partner, my lord, and as I said, his fame as an explorer is very


- I think he's trying to flatter me! - Said the marquis, dry.

On the other hand, became interested and somewhat excited with what Michael said. It

was possible! Perfectly possible! Although it was more likely that the man had managed

somehow and some Roman coins were invented that story to have a greater advantage.

Looking at the coin, which he knew to be genuine, thought he was extraordinary in such

good condition. It was not worn and deformed as if it had passed from hand to hand for

so many centuries.

The marquis was silent a moment, then asked:

- Do you really think you can trust this man?

Michael made an eloquent gesture with his hands.

- You can trust me. The man seemed sincere and I would have brought him to meet him,

but he knew that his interest undoubtedly increase the price.

The Marquis looked back at the coin in his hand. When examining something old and

precious it seemed strange to feel vibrations that could not explain. His intuition,

however, told him that this only happened when the object touched was absolutely

genuine. I was feeling it then, but almost came to doubt your instincts.

- And what did your daughter think? asked, to gain more time than for being interested

in the opinion of the girl who paid no attention to them both.

Sabra continued in the same attitude, then slowly looked at the Marquis.

It was impossible to know what she was thinking or feeling behind those, sunglasses and

shade hat.

Then, unexpectedly, she spoke with calm voice, soft and musical:

- Do not get involved with this, if wise, my lord!

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The Marquis was not surprised when he was inviting his new friends for lunch. They

ended up staying for dinner too and finally settled in two guest rooms for the night.

The funny thing was that he thought that Michael was very comfortable, not at all

embarrassed to be eating and drinking at his expense.

- Your wine and your food is delicious at dinner he said. My only regret terms to leave

early because we still need to find place to spend the night.

The Marquis realized he wanted to be invited, and, as I thought about this possibility

before, just said, bluntly:

- I hope they are well accommodated in rooms that used to change before dinner.

Michael leaned back against the backrest of the chair and laughed.

- If you saw where we stayed last night would know that paradise is offering us!

The way he spoke made the marquis laughing, indeed, later, now in his room, found

that out a night of much laughter. I knew that Michael was determined to be enjoyable

and fun, yet his conversation was really interesting and informative.

There was no doubt that he led a wandering life and strange and had accumulated much

experience and knowledge about it.

The Marquis could talk to him about places that most people did not know or did not

even know the existence, on Eastern religions, many of which were erotic and sensual or

very cruel.

Michael found that he had as much knowledge as on such matters, or sometimes even


It was only when I was lying down, recalling the conversation, he noticed they had

completely ignored Sabra. She felt she had been listening to everything, but was not sure

of that. To be honest, the only time they noticed her presence outside the room and

return to find it by examining boxes of tobacco from the collection of his father. Then, it

happened for a moment that she could be stealing one of the boxes. Looking better,

realized that it was just contemplating the beauty and admiring the work of

craftsmanship. He started to talk to her at that moment, but then Michael said some

other funny thing that made him laugh and again was forgotten Sabra. The Marquis

could not help thinking that this was a strange way of life for a girl. With a father as

extravagant and theatrical, attitudes and appearance, how it could be so quiet and


Maybe it was those sunglasses, she had not taken even at night, which made it somewhat


The Marquis noted, when the guests went down to dinner, Michael's clothes, although

they were worn and frayed, were made by tailors in the West End, while the simple robe

of Sabra was evidently made at home. It was a cheap cloth, amarrotava not much, but it

revealed the soft curves of the body up with a certain delicate charm.

After dinner were talking before the fire, as the evening cooled down enough with the

winds coming from the Alps filled with snow.

Soon after, Sabra rose, saying:

- I go to bed, Dad.

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- Okay, honey. I know you will sleep better tonight, no dogs barking or whooping


Sabra did not answer, but the Marquis was able to guess her thoughts. I was thinking that

the father exaggerating their poverty to appeal to the charity of the marquis. And he was

sure that was it that Michael wanted.

Sabra walked to the door, and Victor rushed to open it. When approaching the

chandelier, he noticed that her hair was a strange color. Of the same color of Simonetta

Vespucci, the model for Botticelli in several of his pictures unforgettable. A color that no

one could artificially reproduce in tincture, despite the attempt of several famous


The Sabra was natural, and the Marquis wondered that length would be.

With a quick good night, she slipped through the door of the room across the hall and

up the stairs, implying that he had no desire to talk to him.

The Marquis was not a man convinced, but was aware that everywhere women looked

at him with admiration and no hurry to get away from your company. He closed the

door of the room and returned to the fireside, where he was talking to Michael until

nearly two o'clock in the morning.

Then, when they were parting to go to bed, Michael said casually:

- You have not said if you want to accompany me to Tunisia or not. I'll be very

disappointed if I have to find someone else.

- Are you really determined to go?

- How can I resist such a challenge? And do not believe you do not feel excited.

The Marquis felt hypnotized by this man. He had no desire to return to England, so the

stop in front of Michael's bedroom, he said:

- I think about it and give you my answer tomorrow morning, at breakfast.

- I'll be doing figa replied Michael and make obeisance to the seven new moon. They

told me that it is infallible.

They both laughed and then said goodbye. The Marquis went to bed, repeating to

himself did not believe for one second that the treasure existed, was sure Michael

invented the whole story just to pique their interest. The real goal was to ensure food

and shelter for the adventurous and daughter for at least the next two months. He was

willing to bet that Michael had only a few cents. He had noticed the way the father and

daughter during dinner, eating slowly, savoring every mouthful. The Marquis knew from

experience that after starving for a time was very difficult to eat.

Michael ate all that was shown to be served and great wine connoisseur, guessing with

surprising accuracy the course of each season. This caused the Marquis to assume that he

was already rich.

If there was something that really fascinated the Marquis was the mystery, a puzzle to be

solved or a secret to be discovered. That's what always looked on his travels and he liked

to find in people. One of the reasons he feels depressed about the future when he

thought of Quin and London, was that all the people who knew these places were

absolutely predictable in everything he said or did; real books open in front of his insight

and sensitivity ascertained.

It was exactly what he felt when he found himself alone with Jeanne in the house. Had

never been so much time alone with her in these circumstances. Before, when they were

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not making love, were in some public place of entertainment at parties or persons of the

same type of Jeanne. Or in restaurants where there was music orchestras and several

others conversations, small talk and witty when the French were masters.

But alone in the stillness of the town, he discovered that he knew beforehand all that

Jeanne would say. The mood and the mood were also absolutely previsíveis.Enfim if she

found it boring, it also abhor with their presence.

That night, in the company of visitors, however, was stimulating and fun. Aroused his

curiosity to know more about Michael Kirkpatrick.

That man was a gentleman, he realized when he saw him, but he was also an

adventurer, had charm and a sense of humor that the Marquis had never met before.

He was also a bit curious about Sabra. It seemed unusual that she was so quiet and

reserved. In fact, he thought cynically if Michael had a beautiful daughter probably

would use to attract wealthy men whose money needed to finance their fantasies.

Before falling asleep, the Marquis had made a decision: treasure or no treasure was going

to Tunisia. At least it would be better than returning to England, where wild wolves

waiting to do it in pieces.

The Marquis rose early, as he did for years, and out on the terrace, where he took his

coffee, surprised to find Sabra contemplating the sea.

She had no hat, and the reflection of the sun in her hair caused the Marquis to look more

closely. He wore sunglasses even the horrendous, which seemed too big for his face, but

he noticed then that her nose was small, straight, aristocratic, and the lips were delicate

and well-made.

He had the same dress yesterday, simple and tasteful, which made the Marquis thought it

looked like the artists of the south of France, who did not wear expensive clothes or

according to fashion.

Sabra did not turn with the arrival of the Marquis, but he had the impression that she

tensed a bit as if they resented the invasion of his thoughts.

- Good morning! he said, casually.

Instead of approaching her on the railing, walked to the coffee table and sat down,

knowing that the servants would serve him right away.

Sabra did not move and after a moment, feeling annoyed because she did not give him

attention, he said:

- Do not want to keep me company, or have you had breakfast?

With some reluctance, she turned, leaving the contemplation of the landscape, and

walked slowly to the table.

He moved with extreme grace, despite the simplicity of the clothes. He sat at the other

end of the table farthest from the Marquis.

- I hope you slept well he said, trying to force her to talk.

- Okay, thank you. Your villa is very comfortable.

- I figured even if it was found that, after what his father told him about the place where

we stayed yesterday.

The marquis was not successful in his attempt to make her speak.

The waiter brought coffee and hot croissants in a basket covered with linen napkin, to

the Marquis was served a plate of bacon and eggs.

The marquis looked at Sabra, later commented:

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- I see you prefer a light breakfast, the French fashion, but I'm sure your father will prefer,

as I begin the day with a substantial meal, the English fashion.

Sabra did not reply, and after a while, he said:

- I am not sure?

- Dad spent so much energy in one way or another, you need to eat well.

He spoke in a tone of irony, showing annoyance at having to talk. He felt uneasy with

her attitude, simply do not find explanation for this.

- Tell me something - he said after a moment - why do you think an error expedition

that matter so much to his father?

- Well, I ...

He was determined to make it respond, so when she hesitated, grew impatient.

- I want you to tell me the truth and not what you think I want to hear.

- I told you the truth. I think it will waste your time.

- You are worried about me or yourself?

- Just answered your question.

The way answered the marquis realized that the question disliked it, but, as was

determined to make her speak, he continued:

- I would like to explain the subject better. I suppose you're thinking that there is such a

treasure. He paused, but she did not speak. In this case, we would make a trip for

nothing. But it can be very pleasant to meet Tunisia ... or you've been there?

Again there was no answer, and after a moment, the Marquis said:

- I asked you a question and I think its very rude not to answer!

Speaking harshly, noted that the first time managed to disturb it. She blushed before


- I beg your pardon ... I did not mean to be rude ... just thought that my opinion did not

matter and it was therefore useless to say what I think ...

- If I was not interested in what you think, would not have asked!

For a moment he thought she was still silent, but she spoke in a different tone

- Why are we paying attention? You do not know us ... and lives in a world completely

different from ours.

The tone of his voice, he realized that the Marquis, and resentful of what was happening,

she was troubled by his involvement.

- To answer your question, I tell you I've traveled a lot and, actually, when you and your

father came here, I was just considering to travel alone.

He stopped to look at it.

- I do not know if I was going south or returning to England, where unpleasant

responsibilities waiting for me.

- And now you decided?

- I told your father that I would give my answer today over coffee, but it seems he is not

in a hurry to hear it.

Sabra looked at the door of the terrace, as if his father could appear suddenly, then said


- Santa is very tired. It has been too preoccupied lately, so I guess it is enjoying a good

comfortable bed and think no need to rush.

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You could tell by the way you talk about how he liked his father, and that was the first

hint of humanity that the Marquis saw her.

- However - he said after a moment - knowing that her father would like to travel with

me and you two would be much better than alone, trying to prevent me to help him do

what he wants.

- No one can avoid Dad do something you really want! I'm just against this trip now

who are in need of you in England ...

The marquis looked at her with surprise. I thought annoying not being able to see the

look in her eyes because of those glasses.

- As well, they need me in England? What do you know about me?

She turned away, staring at the sunny garden. The bougainvillea, hibiscus and geraniums

were a beautiful and exuberant color combination. The silence was broken only by the

hum of bees and flapping of the birds that were landing on the railing of the terrace.

Suddenly the Marquis was furious.

- For God's sake, girl, stop playing the mysterious and answer my questions! What you

knew about me before I came here last night?

- Ah ... now I did get angry ... Dad would not like it ... I'm sorry for what I said. It was a

mistake ...

- There was no mistake. I asked your opinion and I am very interested to know what

you heard about me and why you think they need me in England.

Sabra smiled for the first time and, although thought the marquis glasses that made her

very attractive smile.

- Dad is English - she said, softly, - and after all, he misses his country.

He paused before continuing:

- When possible, buy English newspapers, or read in libraries ... The waste of luxury

hotels ...

- Are you telling me that you scour garbage cans?

Sabra gestured apologetically.

- When you need ...

- Then you read about me in the newspapers! he insisted.

- We read that had just arrived in this town, his father died recently and who was at

Windsor Castle to speak with the queen ...

- I am honored with so much attention! said the marquis, with sarcasm. This of course

was what made his father realize that I could be useful.

He realized he had spoken with great rudeness to see Sabra lowering her head and

respond with faint voice:

- Sorry ... really ... should not have said anything that annoyed.

- You did not bother me. You, or rather his father, made me decide not to return to

England now and travel to Tunisia or anywhere else in the world that I find interesting.

Sabra opened his mouth to speak, but gave up.

- Why not say what you think? - Said the marquis. - What is my duty to do what is

expected of me, for my Queen and my country?

- I did not say that!

- But he thought.

- You can not read my mind!

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- Why not? Unless you have something to hide.

- My only thought is mine, is private and secret.

- For me, not always.

- You mean you can read the thoughts of others?

- I mean that through the years I had to learn to know what a man is thinking before

acting. No doubt this saved my life on several occasions.

- This case is excusable, but I think it is not absolutely necessary is an invasion using your

perception in this way.

- Then you know that the more you use it the perception becomes more accurate.

Sabra did not answer, and after a moment he said:

- I think you also do that, or am I mistaken?

- Now you're trying to guess, or is reading my mind again?

- Anyway, the result is the same. When you have a keen perception is impossible not to

notice things that people do not want to say or even try to hide.

There was a brief silence until Sabra said defiantly:

- Never met anyone who read my mind ... and not like that!

He rose from the table in a rush, turned away and descended the steps leading to the


For some minutes the marquis could still envision her hair rippling through the trees until

Sabra disappeared completely in the shade of the forest.

He leaned back against the chair and wondered what had been an extraordinary

conversation, mainly because it happened to a young man who evidently did not like

him and that, great as it was his perception, did not fit into any category of woman he

ever met .

That was when her father came to the terrace.

He was coatless and with a red scarf in place of the tie, which gave him a bohemian


Shortly after, the Marquis was laughing again and was impossible to talk seriously about


However, the journey they intended to undertake together a serious plan to require

everything to the best way, as intended by the Marquis.

Later, Michael was with the Marquis in his carriage to the wharf where he moored his

yacht, the Mermaid.

The boat had been refurbished and improved two years before the old Marquis died and

was kept in order but had never been used. Now would serve to bring them to Tunisia.

The captain was enthusiastic about the prospect of sailing and to show their skills to the

new boss.

Michael had several suggestions as to what they would need, including clothes. So, after

making purchases in stores in Nice, spending a fabulous sum, they returned to the villa.

The Marquis was not surprised when, before leaving, Michael said his daughter did not

care to follow them and preferred to stay quiet in the garden. It seemed to have scared

her at breakfast and found it even quieter during lunch. It was closed in itself, as if to

prevent it from invading your thoughts.

He could not explain how she did it, but knew it was the same attitude he had seen in

fakirs in India. They were in a trance so completely ignored what was happening around

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them, and if they were pricked with pins felt no pain. It was impossible to wake them up

from the trance unless they so wished. He was sure that was exactly what Sabra was

doing but did not understand why she wanted to keep him away.

I was so used to seeing women attracted to him that that attitude puzzled him. Then he

repeated to himself that he was being ridiculous imagining things, and decided not to

worry about it.

Only later, when he was alone with Michael, commented:

- I think your daughter does well to rest while you can. No doubt it takes a very strange

life for a girl her age.

- My dear friend, I have no other alternative - Michael replied. - Her mother, whom I

loved, died, and I have no desire to live in England. - Did a little break and went on: -

Anyway, I love this life and could not live otherwise. And there's nobody I can leave


- Life is not suitable for a girl, come on.

- It's exciting, and there is always something new - Michael defended himself.

That the Marquis could not disagree, because it was the same as looking for. He knew he

was fleeing from the predictable and everything was right and safe for an adventure that

was sure to be destined to end in failure.

Then he remembered that someone once told him: "What counts is not what you

accomplish, but the effort is in trying."

Michael was visibly excited about the fact that Victor has agreed to do the exploration

together in search of lost treasure.

- Am I crazy to get to Tunisia - he said - despite being told that the Roman ruins there are

not as beautiful as those of Algeria. But people are more friendly and the food is

delicious, because of French domination.

- Even though there is something positive said the marquis, dry.

I was thinking about the inedible food served to him in various parts of the world.

Sometimes it was better to be hungry than trying to swallow the stomach would refuse.

As a precaution, the captain ordered the yacht to do an inventory of the finest delicacies.

Since there was no reason to expect, the Marquis decided to leave the next afternoon. So

there would be time for the captain to provide whatever was needed, and he could

write letters to England explaining that he would be away for longer than previously


He was sure that the administrator Quin and his secretary in London to take care that

everything continued running in the same manner as had been happening for years.

Have not visited their other properties in Newmarket, Leicestershire and north, where he

owned a moor and a river for salmon fishing. This could all wait and if something was

wrong he would correct in the back.

The hardest part was to write to the Prime Minister, the Marquis of Salisbury, explaining

that at the time was unable to assume his duties at court, asked to convey the

explanation to the queen.

Damn! muttered to himself, dropping the pen. Why the hell did I get involved with these

things? Never before had to give satisfaction about my life, what I do, where to go.

He wondered if anyone ever had resigned his position in the title, delivering the next

heir to the property, or simply vanished without explanation. Then he remembered that

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his heir was an elderly uncle, a father of five daughters, and after him, a cousin of

middle-aged bachelor.

This situation had been reminded many times as a reason to get married as soon as he

knew to be impossible for him to abdicate their responsibilities.

Although he hated to admit, he was proud of the castle of Quin. He loved its beauty, its

dignity and its millennial history. What made him feel suffocated were relatives.

He knew, however, that Bourne had always served with courage and bravery to the

country and the sovereign. But he remembered the young awkward and embarrassed

that you had as potential wives and shuddered. I could not bear to spend the rest of his

life with any of them, knowing beforehand what they would do or say.

I wanted to forget all this, ignore the obligations and duties, and just do whatever he


This meant that from crazy trip and certainly fun.

The Marquis noted that Sabra appeared to have dinner with the same dress she had

worn the day before.

As she entered the room where they talked animatedly with Michael, Victor realized that

had not been consulted about what would need to take the trip.

- I believe that his father told him to leave for Tunisia tomorrow afternoon.

He smiled at her and continued:

- I'm sure many things will need to buy ...

He paused, but as Sabra said nothing, he resumed:

- I suggest you go to Nice tomorrow morning to buy what you need. Of course I'll pay


He smiled again, knowing that any woman would be thrilled with the prospect of

spending money.

To his astonishment, however, Sabra straightened up and said:

- Thank you, my lord, but I have everything I need.

- This is ridiculous! - Interfered with the father before the marquis could answer. - Of

course you need new clothes. You said yourself that everything is worn and frayed, and I

can not stand seeing her in that dress!

- So do not look at me, no need! I said I do not need anything. And then, I doubt that

this expedition there is someone important to notice me go.

- This is where you're wrong - said Michael. - We are traveling with an important


He stopped talking to look at it carefully before proceeding:

- Governors, mayors and many important people will want to meet him, and we can not

embarrass him.

- I'm sure nobody will be interested to know me, and I can wait at home or in the street.

- Oh, for God's sake, stop being so silly! - Michael became exasperated.

The Marquis was amused to see that Sabra was willing to defy his father. Impassive, she

looked at the fire in the fireplace.

After a moment, Michael spoke again:

- You will do exactly what our gracious host suggested, and go to Nice tomorrow

morning shopping. Got it?

- I told you, Dad, I do not need anything.

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- And I tell you that you are a horror!

- So I'd better buy an oriental dress and cover her face with a veil, so neither you nor

anyone else will see how I am.

She spoke in a tone of teasing, and father stood up and walked across the room to


Not wanting to engage in a family feud, the Marquis turned to Sabra saying

- Let's talk about more interesting things. You will need to book the trip? - He paused

and smiled. - There are shelves of books on the yacht.

Sabra's eyes lit up when answering, and the Marquis did not fail to notice.

- I find it very important to what to read, especially if we get a storm in the

Mediterranean as it always does.

- I suggest, then you choose the books said the marquis, and that makes the kindness to

go to Nice tomorrow morning. There is an excellent bookshop where you can find, no

doubt, the later novels.

- It's what you think I'd like to read, or is your preference? - Sabra asked.

She was challenging, and the Marquis liked this change of attitude.

- I would like some books on Tunisia and adventure stories, which are my weakness.

Sabra laughed and he found it pleasant sound of laughter.

- I thought you already had plenty of adventure in your life to also want to read about!

- You never know ... you can learn how to react in a difficult situation!

- You are predicting that we will find difficulties in Tunisia?

- Who knows? His father, who knows this region better than I, assured that everything is

very quiet, no riots, and that the French have everything under control.

Sabra made a grimace, as if he thought his father was exaggerating just to make things

more attractive, but said only:

- Try to find something you like to read, my lord, and thank you for caring about the

welfare of their guests.

- I do my best, but my ideas are not always appreciated ...

She got the hint and looked at him through the dark glasses, before you speak slowly,


- I thank you very much, but ... what you have suggested is something that my mother

would disapprove.

The Marquis was surprised. It was the first time mentioned the Sabra mother, and he

never even imagined I could feel her absence.

Then, before he could understand why Sabra so vehemently refused to give her clothes,

the servant announced that dinner was served.

Michael walked away from the window, where he had been contemplating the garden

in an attempt to control his anger, and joined them.


The sea was calm and deep blue when the yacht left the bar slowly toward the horizon.

The Marquis had the feeling to be leaving something very different from anything he had

done. Perhaps because it is the first time, traveling as comfortably as hitherto had a boat.

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There was no doubt that their guests were worshiping.

Michael had left the deck to sit in a comfortable armchair in the lounge and had been

served a glass of champagne.

When the Marquis arrived, he held out his glass, saying:

- I'm drinking to the success of our adventure! Maybe we will find the golden fleece or

even the Holy Grail! laughed sound. I can not believe that fate be so cruel as to let us go

back empty-handed.

- It's always good to be optimistic said the marquis. He sat down and refused a glass of

champagne that was offered, then opened the maps he had bought before leaving.

It seemed extraordinary that much of the Tunisian map was blank, but I knew that this

was due to the fact that Tunisia is not a country of great importance at this time.

Despite being virtually unknown to tourists, its history goes back thousands of years. A

thousand years before Christ Phoenician colonies were founded there, of which Carthage

was the most important. Later, North Africa became the "granary of Rome."

Michael smiled seeing him hunched over the map and said:

- I also have studied my homework. In addition to providing wheat, Tunisia supplied to

Rome olive oil, fruit, wine and wood. In return, Rome built cities, roads, aqueducts and

irrigation systems.

- And today it all turned to dust said the marquis. May end up going the same with the

British Empire.

He came to his mind suddenly the diamond jubilee of Queen, and he was glad not to be

participating. At the moment, all he wanted was to dive into the past and forget the

present. It occurred to him that nothing would be more appropriate than dreaming

about the time when Tunisia was coveted because of its strategic position.

The day before had thought that Michael was just a funny guy but superficial, did not

like to delve into things and not interested in aesthetics. So was surprised when, by

continuing to talk about Tunisia, found that Michael knew his story and more still of the

Roman Empire.

As they talked, the Marquis wondered whether Sabra would be so interested in the trip

as his father. I could not help feeling that she felt and enjoyed everything from a

completely different way than any other woman he had invited to this expedition.

He saw a certain eagerness in her attitude to the board the Mermaid and was sure that

this time she was in the bow of the yacht again contemplating the horizon. Maybe he

was imagining his return to the past and was going to Carthage the glory days.

Then the Marquis thought it was a freak to think such a thing a girl. She probably would

not even know where Carthage was or who had represented in the past.

When later Victor was on deck and went to the bridge, he could see, as suspected, that

Sabra is alienation from the bow and was contemplating the sea. So absorbed in his

thoughts that seemed to have nothing to do with this.

Just in time for dinner, replying to a comment from his father, she is revealed to have

been thinking of Carthage as the Marquis supposed.

- And you care why? - Asked the Marquis, determined to make it respond.

- I hate to think that has been destroyed ... - Sabra replied.

- After being defeated and hand over their weapons, the Carthaginians were told they

could build another town ten miles from the coast - said the marquis, to test her

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- And their pride was hurt - Sabra continued. - The people revolted, killed those who had

counseled surrender, and, after closing the city gates, he was continuously twenty-four

hours a day making new weapons to replace those that had delivered him.

The Marquis smiled pleased to have got to make her talk.

- Their effort was useless he said.

- The siege dragged on for three years said Sabra. Women cut their hair to make ropes,

children were sacrificed to Tanit. Despite the pestilence and famine still citizens working


He spoke as if it hurt to know the suffering of the people.

- When the city finally fell the marquis said, burned down and prayed for seven days is a

curse on anyone who tried to uphold our.

- The Romans reergueram, and the curse ended up doing ... the empire collapsed.

- Ah, then you believe in curses and plagues!

As he passed the historic level for staff, Sabra fell silent as if they resented the invasion of

their privacy.

After a moment, he said:

- I asked you a question, Sabra. Do you believe in curses?

Without realizing it, called her by first name, and she did not seem to notice.

- Sometimes ... - she said reluctantly.

The father laughed.

- In the place we go is much easier to get rid of a rival or enemy using snakes and

scorpions instead of words!

- So let's try not to make enemies - said the marquis -. Although, if you find your

treasure, Michael, we will awaken the envy of many.

- It is important that nobody knows anything.

- It is very difficult in the east - said the marquis. - Until the desert sands seem to have


Michael laughed.

- I see you know the east, but I guarantee that we will be very careful and avoid

venturing our lives unnecessarily.

- Returning to the curses - said the Marquis, - sometimes I wonder if they surtem the

effect that those who prayed wants us to believe that they do.

- As I said Sabra, sometimes yes. But I think it would be a mistake to worry about curses


He paused before continuing:

- We think that we will receive the gratitude of the Roman historians to this treasure is

what we expect.

At the end of next afternoon, the yacht arrived in La Gouleíte, a deepwater port in the

Bay of Tunis.

The city was about ten miles from the sea, built on the edge of a huge lake called Small

Deep Sea

La Goulette was connected to the city by a channel dredged through the lagoon.

As they approached, the landscape was becoming more beautiful, with fine towers and

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domes of mosques, and palm trees rising above the flat roofs of houses. In the

background, could see up a hill covered with woods.

The Marquis decided it would be more convenient to stay at the best hotel instead of

being asleep on the yacht, so it had already sent a cable of Nice making reservations.

When they reached the most expensive and luxurious hotel in town, he. had the

impression that Sabra was impressed by the huge hall with columns, the large number of

servants and the accommodating comfort of the rooms. They had a private room just for

them to be three.

He felt, too, that Sabra was anxious to get out and mingle in the streets to the people,

instead of being isolated only with his father and him.

But she said nothing, and retired again in his silence.

The Marquis was sure to know what she was thinking and was amazed to be worrying

about it. It was like finding a new and interesting game that amused him.

The dinner was excellent and, as usual, Sabra retired early, leaving the father and the

Marquis talking late into the night.

It took him several books on Tunisia, and the Marquis was sure he would read them in

bed to find out more about the history of the country.

It was Michael himself who decided that they should not stay in Tunis more than

absolutely necessary, in order not to arouse suspicion or attract attention. Soon would

arrange the camels, mules and horses for the journey to El Djem and would try to put

yourself on the way soon.

The hotel manager showed them the best guides and made sure to personally inspect the

animals that would transport. He knew very well that the problem was one of those

animals get sick, or traveling overloaded, as it used to happen in such expeditions.

Still needed to buy several things besides tents and food.

The Marquis noted that Sabra was much more interested in animals than in the food that

his father painstakingly examined. Ia camel camel, speaking to them lovingly and stroking

them with the hair as if they were pets.

In his travels, the Marquis learned to admire camels, resistant animals that could carry an

extraordinary weight and endure more hardships than any other creature. Thinking

about it, he told Sabra:

- These animals are young, and I'm sure that we are not disappointed.

She stared at the marquis, and he thought her eyes shone behind the sunglasses to


- When a camel do not detract from what is to revive!

The Marquis laughed and said:

- But we're not hurting them. I'm sure you're not cruel.

She turned away, avoiding retort, and the Marquis wondered if her eyelashes were long

or not. After it was concluded that a girl with that tedious and tiresome habit of staying

silent. Wish it were more talkative and fun. Seeing her away, arrived to wish not need to

take it on the trip.

Michael, as we knew it bothered him that his daughter, approached the marquis and

started talking about the food they bought, merging it with jokes so funny that Victor

was once again laughing and Sabra was once again forgotten.

Finally left the small and agile riding horses of the desert. The three went in front, while

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the caravan and their companions followed behind. The men wore native clothes, robes

with hoods made of camel's hair, women who had gone to see the match wore their

sifsari, a kind of cloth robe only covered their entire body, including head and a part of

the face, the tip being caught by the teeth.

The Marquis found it fascinating to observe the dexterity with which the women turned

their heads to talk to each other and then resumed in the teeth the tip of the cloth,

without dropping it.

As it was a good observer, noted that Sabra looked with interest the group of men,

women and children, some with bags, others in rags and starving to look pathetic.

At the sound of shouts of Marhabal ("God be with you!"), They left the city and soon

found themselves in a field, yet was not the desert, but a sandy, dry area with little


There were some trees and early the sun was very hot.

Sabra was wearing his wide-brimmed hat, and Marquis noted that the heat would not let

her not a little soft on the contrary, she seemed to vibrate with energy and feel the same

excitement he.

Travelers crossing with them on the way back to the city greeted us politely and wished

them Marhaba.

The marquis had calculated where they would spend the first night, a place about thirty

miles from Tunis, where he said there was a reasonable hotel, and so would not need to

pitch their tents. However, upon reaching the Arab town, discovered that the hotel was

much lower than they had imagined. So Victor decided that the next time would be

better to camp outdoors than subjecting themselves to the discomfort of poor


Could hardly sleep that night, not only because of dogs barking, but mainly by the

strange Oriental music, which was disagreeable to European ears, although the marquis

was already accustomed to those sounds.

On the other hand, the discomfort did not bother him much, and the mystery of the east

exercised a fascination that was bigger than anything. I liked that air smelling of jasmine

and sandalwood, and there he felt at ease. It was very different than I felt the greatness

of Quin or the luxury of his mansion in Park Lane.

Once Sabra went to bed, Michael said:

- Actually you are interested in exotic entertainment?

The marquis shook his head. He knew very well that Michel was talking about and when

I had no desire to watch the shows programmed for Foreigners in Tunisia.

Have watched the real Ouled naid dances, which have a religious significance. Except

that in many places it had degenerated into tasteless shows that prostitutes often took

the place of native artists. This kind of thing he would not see.

He looked with distaste for the fourth set with rustic bed and the sheets they had

brought, and thought she might have made a mistake embarking on this expedition. If

you wanted to travel, now could well afford the luxury of sailing the Nile on his own

yacht, or the Suez Canal and Red Sea. Now more than ever, believed that Michael's story

about the treasure of El Djem was totally meaningless. I knew that it was common to

meet Roman coins throughout Tunisia. But, after all, was enjoying the company of

Michael and curious about the strange and mysterious attitude of his daughter.

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How did not intend to linger longer than is absolutely necessary in the town, left early

morning for the long day's journey, which ended in a secluded place, away from any


When they stopped for lunch in a kind of oasis, one of the guides who led the camels

approached humbly and informed them that he was lucky guess and read.

The man spoke Arabic, and translated into Sabra's father what he said.

- Tell him that we are not interested in Michael said. I know very well what is my fate.

- But he says he has a special message for us.

Sabra spoke with visible persistence, and the Marquis realized she wanted to hear what

the man had to say.

- It costs nothing to hear he said good-naturedly. We can believe only what interests us

and ignore the rest.

- It is undoubtedly a philosophical way of looking at things Michael said, laughing.

Sabra took this as an affirmative answer and said to the man who wanted to hear it.

It was a strange looking creature with a brown face and thin, delicate nose, eyebrows

well made, white teeth and eyes of a strange beauty. The head was covered with a white

cloth, bound with two turns of a thick rope that hung from the sides of the face and

served as a scarf to cover long neck and chest.

The Marquis knew that this kind of turban was only worn by people inside, and that

man was a typical mystic desert.

He squatted down and opening a basket he was carrying, pulled out a handful of sand

that Sabra asked to hold her hands. After that the girl did it, he spread the sand on the

ground before him, made a few passes over it, then carefully smoothed its surface.

His movements were annoyingly slow.

The Marquis was about to say should resume the journey, when he began to draw in the

sand with his forefinger dark, strange geometric designs. Finally looked at Sabra and said:

- You have the eye of Allah and look inside the hearts of those who know. Allah is great.

He is the Light of the World, and that light shines through you.

He spoke with a different voice, spiritual, and both Michael and the Marquis fell silent to


- You will find happiness where she least expects it - he went on, always speaking to

Sabra - but you are looking for is not yours, is from Allah, and He keeps what is His.

He paused, and the Marquis thought he had finished, but the man continued:

- Beware! When the moon is waning Danger! And then only Allah can save it.

He erased the marks in the sand, got up and without saying anything else made a move

away from.

The Marquis took three coins in his pocket and threw them on the ground.

The man hesitated, as if not wanting to touch the money until brown hand reached out

and picked up the coins with disdain, as if the remuneration was anything less.

As he walked away, Michael grimaced in disgust.

- This man gives me chills! - He said. - Do not believe a word this whole mess!

- What do you think, Sabra? - Asked the marquis. - He was true or was just trying to

extort money from tourists?

She rose slowly from where she was sitting with her legs crossed in Oriental fashion.

- I think he spoke the truth ... - said in a low voice, as if the words come out with

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- So you really believe that has the eye of Allah? - The Marquis asked mockingly.

- We all have if we want to use it, but some people prefer to be deliberately blind.

The words sounded like Sabra charge and without waiting for an answer, she walked to

where his horse.

The Marquis could not help thinking again that she was really unpredictable.

The indifference of the girl almost offended, so he decided that, somehow, before the

end of the trip, would awaken her interest. More than that, I would have liked him.

Continued journey, but before reaching the miles that the Marquis had planned, they

stopped for the night.

Easily erected tents beside some isolated trees. The floor was covered with rugs and

sleeping bags were deployed.

Since there was no wind and it was very hot, dinner was served outside on a table set

up. The food was delicious, and the Tunisians were the best wines produced by the Arab


Michael told the Marquis that a monastery was producing more than three million

bottles of wine per year.

It was undoubtedly the drink appropriate to the location where they were, and the

Marquis enjoyed strong drink distilled from figs.

There were also plenty of fresh fruit, which in Tunisia were not only delicious and


The Marquis was careful to choose the best cook in Tunisia to accompany them.

After eating and drinking galore, Michael became drowsy.

The marquis, however, followed Sabra when she departed from the tents lit.

The animals were resting a little further, and men of the caravan were gathered around a


The night was very dark, because the stars shone like diamonds in the sky and there was

a full moon with a brighter glow than anywhere else in the world.

Away from the fire, Sabra seemed ethereal and non-human again. Walking beside her,

the Marquis said:

- You have not told me you're enjoying the trip, although I have the impression that yes!

- No doubt it is much more comfortable traveling with you than when Dad and I are


- You're running away from my question. I want to know if you're happy.

- Let's say I'm happy for now.

He liked to have seen the expression on her face as she spoke with that soft voice, soft

and musical, unlike many had ever heard.

- Why does not speak clearly? - He asked. - Why not say: "I am very happy and very

grateful to my host?"

- And who says this is true?

- What more do you want?

- Things that do not even understand what I explain.

- You know that kind of response makes me furious. Explain to me, you'll see what I can

understand many things.

- Long ago I discovered that it is impossible to have what you want, so it is a mistake to

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think about it and worse still talk about it.

- This is a defeatist attitude. Tell me what you want, maybe I can materialize his wish as

the genie of Aladdin's lamp!

Sabra giggled.

- Impossible!

- The man who said he read his fate you find happiness.

She shrugged.

- What he calls "happiness" can be very different idea of what I do ... or what you do.

- So tell me what you want.

- I just tell you that it would be a mistake. At the moment, I am pleased with the beauty

of the night and the fact that Dad did not have to worry about in getting food and


- And when the journey ends, as will be?

- You heard what the man said as he read the fortune. I just need to pray to Allah and

hope he takes care of me.

There was a brief silence before the Marquis asked abruptly:

- Are you really so poor?

- We are very poor, penniless.

- But why?

- Do you even care why?

- Of course I care.

- We are only transiently passing through his life, as you well know. It would be a

mistake to engage more deeply with our private lives.

- The decision is mine.

- I'm sure you agree with me, so it's pointless talking about it ...

- I am asking you to tell me about you.

- I would find uninteresting and, moreover, is a heavy load of other problems.

The Marquis laughed.

- You are the most annoying woman I ever met! I ask you a direct question and always

comes with evasive answers.

He paused before continuing:

- Of course I want to hear from you. Who is it, where it comes from, why are you taking

that life.

- And when you know everything about me, and indeed there is nothing interesting,

have solved the puzzle, put the last piece of the puzzle, and then begin searching for

another mystery.

- Never heard anything more ridiculous!

- Really? If you think you can read my thoughts, I can read your. Are you interested just

because it supports not know the truth, but once you know it, be disappointed and lose


- You speak from experience?

- I think so ...

She spoke in a somber tone that he did not understand. Then they heard Michael call:

- Sabra, where are you? Should already be in bed!

- You better get back - said the marquis - but the more you try to avoid, I'll end up

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finding answers to my questions sooner or later.

Sabra turned to move away and giggled.

- I hope curiosity does not get the sleep! Bonne nuit, Monsieur le Marquis!

With that she pulled away, running with silent footsteps on the soft sand.


The Marquis would never forget the first impression we had of Kairouan.

They were crossing a stony plain, dry, one of the world's arid landscapes.

Already beginning to think that was a mistake to choose that path, when suddenly the

horizon shone like a mirage. The city seemed to emerge from the desert rocks.

He said nothing, but heard Sabra, who rode at his side, exclaiming softly:

- Looks like a vision ... out of the Arabian Nights!

They kept coming until they can see more clearly the domes and towers, according to

the Marquis had read, had been built as witnesses and defenders of Mohammedan faith.

Before reaching the city, passed by a camel market.

The marquis had seen several and found grace in the enthusiasm with which Sabra and

ran down the mounts to see firsthand the herds of camels.

Entered in Kairouan by one of the main gates, the Bab-el Koukha, Gate of Peaches.

Moving slowly and with difficulty through the streets espreitas and crowded, they passed

the mosque Sabres, founded by a holy man in the nineteenth century, decorated with six

strange melon-shaped domes.

This information, of course, who gave Michael was, and although he had said in his own

way, adding some witticism, the marquis was sure her daughter who had been informed.

More difficult than getting to the less busy part of town was find a place to check. The

only hotel built after the French occupation was packed and looked so horrible and

nasty that the marquis would not even consider the possibility of staying there.

Eventually found, finally, outside the city walls, a small guest house that seemed more or

less clean and quiet.

Without much enthusiasm, and had no other alternative, the Marquis agreed that they

should spend the night there.

It was then learned that the owner of the house that the city was full because it was a

special time for pilgrims to visit Kairouan.

They were on the eve of a holy day, and an estimated two hundred thousand pilgrims

would gather in front of the mosque.

The marquis, however, was concerned about providing rest and food for your caravan

including camels and horses.

As always, in Tunisia, it was easy to buy fresh fruits or vegetables in the market, and he

instructed one of the men to do this. While Victor was taking these steps, Michael settled

comfortably in an armchair with a bottle of white wine beside.

The Marquis was not surprised to see that Sabra had disappeared. Noticed how much

had been fascinated with the city full of colors and golden towers and domes silhouetted

against the blue sky and deep. Because it seems so self-sufficient, not worried about the

fact she left alone by those crowded streets to bother with any other English girl.

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Also, if anyone should be worrying about her father, he thought.

Only after they finished the meal, when it was almost dark, he was said to Michael:

- What happened to your daughter? Michael shrugged.

- Will appear when you get hungry. Do not worry that she knows to be careful.

The Marquis thought it would be inappropriate to show its concern, but it disturbed the

idea of an English woman alone on the streets of an Arab city.

Kairouan was like Mecca and Jerusalem, one of the holiest places for the faithful of Islam,

but he knew that the inhabitants did not inspire confidence, as elsewhere in the country.

Finally, seeing that Michael was still drinking quietly got up and went to the terrace.

From there one could see terrain and, without even thinking about where I was going,

stepped down and left.

It was getting dark quickly, within minutes it would be night and the stars emerge. Some

houses were beginning to turn on the lights. From the street came din of voices and

noises typical of Arab life.

The marquis continued walking through the sandy soil, full of dry bushes.

Then suddenly he heard a young voice and melodious singing a song he recognized. It

was following the direction of the voice, cutting his way through the jasmine bushes until

he was in another wing of the hostel.

In the light of a lantern, he saw several children sitting on the floor, listening intently to

the song.

The Arab children were beautiful, with skin the color of coffee with milk, oval face, large

dark eyes with long lashes shading them look so fascinating. They were small, cute and

innocent, still thinking that the world was wonderful and would be always happy.

The marquis was moved by the picture, but soon after was admonished for being

sentimental, and he gazed upon the children, some barely worn and tattered, Sabra saw

sitting under the lamp. It was she who was singing with a baby in her arms.

The Marquis still took a while to recognize that the tune was one he had known since

childhood. Sabra was singing in Arabic a perfect fit:

"All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful

And Allah has made them all. "

She paused, and when the children asked for more, made to sing along.

Suddenly, the Marquis realized in astonishment that Sabra was not wearing his glasses

and his eyes were revealed for the first time big and beautiful as those of Arab children.

Only they were not dark, they were not blue ... He could not see them very well, but

was pretty sure they were green.

The song ended, and this time, although children continue to ask for more, Sabra rose


He handed the baby to carrying a girl and walked to the door of the inn followed by

children who were clinging to her skirt.

The marquis was heard to say with his smooth voice and music I would go back and sing

it for them, and was justified:

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- But I am a traveler, and you know that travelers can not stay long in one place.

He stroked the head of some of the children, then said the word that every Arab uses to

say goodbye to a friend:

- Marhaba, may Allah be with you.

At the door, heard voices in chorus before leaving:

- Marhaba! Marhaba!

It was a strange scene, totally unexpected, and the Marquis could not help but find it


On the way to the hostel, the Marquis was thinking that he now understood why Sabra

wearing sunglasses. Without them, it would be impossible for any man to ignore. She

probably discovered it and used them as a defense.

He mounted the steps of the terrace and walked into the room that served as a room for


Sabra was already seated at the table, and the servants brought him food. He was

wearing the glasses again and had resumed her attitude reserved and distant.

The Marquis wondered whether or not to tell her what had just seen, but soon found

that would embarrassed. So he sat in an armchair in front of Michael, who started talking

about the way they would the next day

- We've come more than one hundred and forty kilometers since we left Tunis he said,

and lack much less than that to get to El Djem.

- I just hope the ride is good - said the marquis.

In fact, as he spoke was watching Sabra. He noticed a smile on her lips that was not there

before and knew she was happy being with children.

He could not help think it was a truly extraordinary woman. Just could not understand

why he did not accept to talk without being mysterious.

Unable to avoid the curiosity, he rose, picked up another bottle of wine and sat down at

the table where he ate Sabra.

- What you said he prefers to stay here tomorrow, or next to El Djem?

- I think anyone who decides this is the Lord - Sabra said. - The expedition is yours, not


- But you must have an opinion on!

- My opinion does not count ...

- It's me who decides. I just want to answer my question.

- Well, then I think, would be a mistake to prolong our trip too, you better move on.

The Marquis raised his eyebrows.

- And why should not our expedition linger?

- You know very well the answer.

- Are you by chance trying to remember my duties?

Instead of answering, she began to peel a pomegranate.

- I asked you a question he said, noting that since he had known he kept repeating it.

She smiled, and he imagined that his eyes were following the expressive smile.

- It is typical of English always emphasize the obvious. If you read my mind, I read yours,

and I do not need to talk to you know what I mean.

- If you continue talking to me like that, I decide to stay here for a week ... maybe two!

Sabra laughed, and the sound that issued was pleasant and attractive.

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- That would not be punishment for me.

He was certain that Sabra was thinking in children. Then, before he could continue the

conversation as he intended, she rose and said:

- I'm tired, Dad, and I'll lie.

- Okay, honey, I'll also do the same!

The marquis stood watching Sabra depart.

She turned to him and said, in a tone mocking way:

- Good evening, my lord. Maktoub.

The Marquis knew that it meant "it is written," as the prophets said, but that was also

used to describe a lot of inefficiency and laziness, which was far from the intentions of

the prophets. Usually meant more a lack of human will and effort than a resigned

submission to the Supreme Will.

He understood exactly what Sabra wanted to tell you about it, and amused the audacity

of it. Sabra felt that his duty was to return as soon as possible to England. But he did not

intend to be pressured to do something that did not.

However, just by ordering them to leave the next day of Kairouan and rumassem soon

to El Djem.

Only it was not as easy as it looked.

The road was hard and bumpy, and after spending three nights camping in their tents, El

Djem expected to reach before nightfall of the fourth day.

They had not gone far, however, when the Marquis saw in the distance something that's

supposed to be a sandstorm.

It was a huge gray cloud, forming an arch, which extended as far as the eye could reach,

advancing toward them. The Marquis was going to ask the head of the caravan that he

thought they should do, when Sabra shouted:

- Locusts!

He looked at her in astonishment, but when he saw her jump off the horse and turn him

back into the cloud, and realized that the men did the same with the camels, understood

that there was no time to lose.

He dismounted quickly and also turned his horse back, noting that Michael did the same.

Then lay down all the ground, protecting the head, and, moments later, the locusts were

on them.

Fortunately, however, the insects were passing and continued their flight causing a

strange noise. As quickly as it began, disappeared in the distance, leaving only some

remnants on their backs and horses and camels.

- When locusts appear in this region - said the head of the caravan, carefree tone. - It is

the will of Allah, and we can not do anything.

- It is nothing at all - the Marquis agreed.

Michael saw amazing insects back the daughter, who was more concerned with his horse.

Continued journey and as the marquis waited, they saw El Djem afternoon. The city

appeared on the horizon of the plain like a giant ship in a sea desert.

The Marquis thought it was so exciting and amazing as seeing the pyramids of Egypt for

the first time.

At the sight of the huge amphitheater, its walls blackened by time, Sabra muttered, as if

speaking to herself:

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- How great is ...

Actually the amphitheater, more or less following the style of the Colosseum in Rome,

was an impressive size. Even more than in the distance seemed to be completely isolated.

As they approached, they found it even more grand and imposing.

The marquis had read in one of the books that the amphitheater was forty feet high and

housed seven thousand spectators.

A little behind the discovered some Arab houses rustic building, made with stones of their

own amphitheater.

The Marquis was told that until the seventeenth century, the amphitheater remained


Then, an Arab tribe had settled under the arches and then a bunch of thugs taken refuge

there, making barricades, so that their pursuers had to take down a portion of the wall

to catch them.

After that, the locals began to use the stones to build their houses torn down, so now

there were flaws in the walls, and most galleries had disappeared.

- It's wonderful! - Sabra said, excited. - It is exactly as I imagined ... but more exciting!

- I suggest - Michael said in a tone practical - that before elogiarmos and admire, let us

find the best place to pitch our tents before night fall.

The Marquis knew that it meant that Michael was looking forward to a drink, but was

not without reason. Gave the order, and immediately the men began to unload the

camels and pitch their tents in a clearing protected by some trees.

While doing that, Michael looked for a comfortable place to sit and a bottle of wine to

ease the fatigue of the journey.

The marquis realized that Sabra was looking forward to the amphitheater.

- How about going to look at it before it gets dark? - Suggested and was rewarded with

one of his rare and brilliant smiles.

He realized how much she was delighted to come into and imagined that few women I

knew would be so excited in front of a ruin.

They entered the amphitheater and began walking along the galleries in which sat the

Roman colonists to watch the terrible struggle between men and wild animals. At that

moment, Sabra seemed to return to the past.

Without her saying anything, the Marquis realized. I knew I was imagining all the places

occupied by euphoric spectators, who shouted. When they stopped in the center and

looked at the arena, noted that Sabra was shaking. She realized that she was seeing men

and women there, trying to defend himself and escape from lions and tigers and bears

that would destroy, as the crowd, frantic, was excited with the blood shed.

Sabra was bareheaded, and the last rays of afternoon sunlight made her hair glow as if

light itself.

It occurred to the marquis, in a sudden, she could almost be the reincarnation of the

famous Queen Kahena, who had led a victorious army. Thanks to his diplomacy, several

Berber tribes had forgotten rivalries to follow her. She had brought them to Carthage

and won a battle. El Djem became his headquarters and was transformed into a fort.

The Queen Kahena had been famous for their beauty and become more powerful

through several campaigns that were successful, always returning in triumph to El Djem.

The luck of it, after all, just changing, and in 703 AD, had suffered a series of defeats, but

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still retain El Djem. When the forces could no longer resist, they begged him to hide, but

she agreed with that. Finally, when all was lost, preferred to kill himself with his own

sword to surrender.

The general, not content with that, cut off his head, which sent a basket full of jewels to

the caliph of Baghdad as proof of loyalty.

The Marquis remembered in history because of Sabra and thought she was the queen in

the same situation, also courageously fight and never surrender.

I was looking at her, when suddenly Sabra took off his glasses, and he could see that her

face was flooded with tears. Instinctively, without thinking, put his arm around his

shoulders, and she turned away, hiding her face against his chest.

- It's horrible! Inhuman! - She whispered, softly, in a tone of horror. - These poor people

... how is it possible to fight the beasts?

It was all trembling as if she herself was being torn apart in the arena. The marquis

understood their suffering and said softly:

- Has passed, and it happened long ago. You know, here I was thinking you could be a

reincarnation of Queen Kahena.

Sabra has less trembled as he replied, in a faltering voice:

- She stood firm and did not surrender ...

- It is the Marquis replied in a soft voice was very brave.

- I think of it, then, and not the victims that were broken and eaten ...

- Think of yourself as the queen Kahena. She was very pretty, and I'm sure that looks like


It was so amazing the way he said that Sabra pulled back a little and lifted her face to

look at it.

The Marquis thought nobody could be more beautiful.

The last rays of sun lit up her long lashes wet with tears, and his eyes were the color that

he had imagined: green flecked with gold.

Then, seeing her lips parted and trembling, the marquis forgot everything except that she

was a woman and was in his arms. Without thinking, took possession of those lips.

So he kissed her, but felt as if it were determined from the beginning of time.

Sabra felt the same thing, and that kiss awakened her strange sensations he had never

known, but which, in turn, were always present in his dreams and had always imagined


The Marquis narrowed the arms, and her lips, soft start, became greedy and possessive,

as if to take possession of your soul and your heart.

Sabra felt enlightened, and a strange heat invaded her body. It was perfect, divine, which

always searching!

The Marquis's face away to contemplate it, and marveled at the brightness of her eyes

showing him the same feeling I felt at that moment sublime.

Then he kissed her again with unrestrained passion.

Sabra was not afraid, gave up and let yourself be carried away by the ecstasy that caused

his kisses. Felt in the sky among the stars.

Night fell, and they even kissed. Then, realizing that it was dangerous to stay there in the

dark, the Marquis took the hand of Sabra and led her gently out of the amphitheater.

Sabra only then realized what had happened and realized that their relationship had

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The Marquis, having returned to reality, did not know if what happened was wise or

not. He noticed he was holding the glasses of Sabra. She thought that she could have

them taken to be symbolic and afraid to admit to yourself what that meant.


Laying in the dark in his tent, the Marquis thought Sabra was kissing an exciting and

extraordinarily exciting, but it might have been a mistake.

I did not think wise to get involved with a woman during an expedition of this kind.

By the time they found themselves in the amphitheater, it occurred to him that Sabra was

extremely attractive. I felt her in his arms out a different emotion and unexpected,

leaving him surprised. Outside impossible to ignore the softness and warmth of her body

against her or that she be crying on his shoulder. He had been moved by the intense

emotion she felt at seeing that historic place, full of terrible memories. Understood the

desperation she tried to imagine the struggles, screams and blood. Maybe it was sighted,

and that the environment had transported back to the past, the fact is that had managed

to convey to you the same sensations.

The marquis tried to convince himself that everything was the result of fatigue of the

journey and the influence of the amphitheater. Do not know why she kissed Sabra.

He knew only that she had kissed her and corresponded with body and soul, with all my

heart. His cynical mind, however, told him that what happened was something purely

physical, it would be best forgotten as soon as possible.

His father, who will infuse the cynicism from small, have found that Sabra had provoked

him, like all women, wanting to hook a man of rank. The marquis, however, admitting

honestly, I knew that Sabra had avoided to the maximum throughout the trip.

At that moment cried on his shoulder, was not thinking of him as a man, not wanting to

involve him. Turned to it only for protection.

But when he lifted his face, seemed to him so irresistibly attractive and pathetic, with

eyes full of tears, he acted like any other man in the same situation.

However was a big mistake and did not know how to rectify it now.

However, returning to camp, it was not necessary to do anything because Sabra had

moved him and crept to her tent. The father dozed, sitting next to a bottle of wine by


Thus, the Marquis could go to his tent and only when dinner was ready he sent a servant

to call Michael and Sabra.

As I had imagined, it did not appear.

- I think it's sick father said, complacently.

The Marquis, despite knowing that it was not true, agreed.

He decided to lie down early to think about what happened and find out why.

Nothing was planned or studied, with intentions of involvement, he was sure. Sabra

reacted with sincerity and he too, though not like to admit it. Not that he was denying

the facts, just wanted to find a logical explanation.

One thing was certain: never forget that episode.

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It would be very hard to forget the sweetness, innocence and purity from the lips of


Then the Marquis gave up. He could not, or rather did not want to decipher what he

was feeling at that moment by Sabra.

He turned from side to side in bed unable to sleep. In fact, only slept when he was


Sabra got up early to watch the sunrise over the plains.

He had noticed, during the trip, the plains were even more beautiful and exciting than

the mountains where they had passed soon after leaving Tunis.

The scenery was beautiful. There was an enormous amount and variety of wild flowers

that grew between the green covering certain stretches, spreading orange tones, pink

interspersed with white.

The entire length before his eyes seemed to him a giant Oriental rug.

Sabra thought it was very likely the Persians and Syrians have been inspired by the

magnificence of this nature to create their famous carpets.

Just as they interspersed passages of the Koran on the grounds that wove, Sabra had the

impression that this natural carpet contained the words of ancient prophets.

It was all of a beauty so unprecedented in the golden light of the rising sun she felt

transported to a world that did not know, but that there had always suspected. Just do

not know where to find it.

His whole body vibrated with a strange emotion that she could be linked to the

sensations that the Marquis had awakened him the night before.

Sabra had never been kissed.

Always treated with disdain and elude the men who tried to approach her since ceased

to be a girl. It was feared by the looks of them decided to adopt the use of sunglasses.

His father was furious with this attitude, because, although not overtly say, found useful

the fact that her daughter be beautiful and to attract men. With that, let them blind to

everything else, and when they perceived the intentions of the father, it was too late to

avoid the trap.

Michael had been angry with Sabra, telling him that if not met he would put in an

orphanage and leave forever.

Sabra, however, only laughed and continued firm in his purpose. Always had strong will

and unshakable obstinacy.

After all the recriminations, Michael had just given up and accepted that her daughter did

what he thought best.

I once had even hit her, and Sabra told him:

- If you do that again, Dad, I will go away and leave you alone. I promised Mom I

would take care of you and what I'm trying to do. Had paused before continuing: But I

will not serve as a bait or lure to men of whom you want to extract money and

personally never accept anything from them!

- This case will be naked and starve - Michael replied.

Sabra accepted food because there was no other way, but took great care never to be

alone with any man. Determined, she wore only the clothes they bought with money his

father gave him. Do not accept gifts of any kind of men with whom he was involved.

- His silly! - Esbravejara he once she refused a valuable bracelet.

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They could have sold it then knew he needed money.

- And how I would repay such a gift? - Sabra asked, biting, and the father did not answer.

Life for Sabra, since he lost his mother, had become difficult and unhappy. Yet there were

moments, like that of dawn, when everything seemed worth it and that she would not

trade even for all security and comfort that both aspired at other times.

The beauty of the plain would be engraved in your soul forever. When the expedition

had ended, and again his father was looking for a rich man who paid their expenses, she

still remember those wildflowers extending like a living carpet under the bright sun.

So the core of his being, a voice asked, "Is it just that you remember?"

Sabra also spent a sleepless night, thinking, in the dark in his tent.

It was impossible to ignore the emotion that the Marquis had awakened her, forget the

ecstasy of feeling those lips on his. He felt his whole body vibrating with a new

consciousness. This was part of the beauty he had seen lately, since the flowers of the

garden of the villa of the marquis to the blue Mediterranean and the first impression of


All the landscapes he had seen and still see no one could ever steal, would be his for


Only when the sun began to warm up is that he realized he should go back.

As he turned, he saw again the amphitheater still proudly proclaiming the power of

Rome, although almost two thousand years had passed.

Then he remembered how Marquis commented that she could have been the queen

Kahena in another life. He wondered if the same circumstances, would have the same

courage and would be able to fight for what he believed.

He realized then that he had been struggling in their own way, an uphill battle, since he

lost his mother.

Fought to save themselves from being exploited by his father and save him from

becoming more crafty than he was.

Most women would have found this task impossible, and even Sabra spent many nights

crying on his pillow, thinking they would not get that disappoint her mother.

But the morning she felt new strength to continue to pursue the fight and never


He looked at the amphitheater, stately, and is full of courage.

When he returned to camp, walked with head held high.

The men had finished his coffee and sat under the trees, talking animatedly.

He wondered who should be deciding where to begin the search for the treasure that his

father believed he was waiting for them.

Actually, I was convinced that there was only one of his fantasies. Do not be surprised if,

after much digging, found a few coins, or perhaps the bones of one of the unfortunate

creatures torn in the amphitheater.

He knew, however, it would be wrong to express their doubts and fears before the

father or the marquis.

He sat at the breakfast table and soon asked the guy who served it was to ask the

Marquis to give her back her glasses.

Just noticed the lack of them in the morning, having dressed. Then he remembered that

the Marquis had been with them when they leave the amphitheater.

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The boy went out, and she began to make some coffee and eat a piece of bread that had

been aged. He perceived that the marquis looked at from afar before giving an answer

to the boy.

The message he received left her puzzled. The marquis sent to say he had lost his glasses

and, after all, did not think she needed to use them.

He wanted to fight and claim them, but knew that the Marquis was right.

Always wore glasses as a disguise and weapon against the men she did not want to


How could continue dodging Victor to feel his kiss on her lips had been all night?

He knew he would never forget that kiss.

He did not wish there was more barriers between them, nor that he would find her


The marquis was so different from men who knew even then that Sabra could hardly

believe what I was feeling,

Ate fresh fruit, took over some coffee and walked away again from the camp to see the

amphitheater from a different angle. Just went back to the men when he heard his father

call her.

A bit reluctant, yet fearing to leave their world of fantasy and back to reality, but

eventually he was walking slowly among the flowers, to where they were sitting in the


The Marquis, seeing her approach thus could not help but compare it to a goddess of

Olympus on the Champs Elysees.

Despite his resolution to act as if nothing had happened between them, could not help

looking at it another way.

Sabra was distracted with his hat in his hands and the sun shining on her hair, and the

Marquis found it a matchless beauty. He had never seen hair that color in any other


Seeing her, the father said, severely:

- For God's sake, girl, put that hat! I do not want to have a heat stroke!

Sabra obeyed him, and the Marquis felt called back to reality.

- Good morning, Sabra! - Said in his usual tone and somewhat dry. - His father and I

were deciding how we should approach this treasure that matters so much. He paused

before continuing: We think it would be a mistake to dig during the day when we could

be seen.

Sabra looked away before answering.

- They are right. If you discover something, surely locals will think you are entitled to a


- That's exactly what Michael thought. So what we should do is start digging so get dark

before it gets dark at all, when most people are home.

He stopped talking and looked at her daughter.

- The Marquis and I'll do the lay of the land alone. Not far from here.

- Where is it? - Sabra asked.

- As I said, my informant said he was near the ruins of a temple - answered impatiently -

and, as we could ascertain, there is only one other besides ruin of the amphitheater. This

is what remains of some Roman columns. The ground here is soft and will not be difficult

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for men healthy and strong.

- You do not want to tell men of the caravan who are thinking of doing, is not it?

- We have discussed this issue - Michael replied - and we think it would be a mistake,

though, later, if we find something, we intend to tell Bachir.

He was the leader of the caravan, a man of middle age Sabra who thought they could


She, however, preferred to Achmet, a young man who assumed the task of serving his

father and the Marquis and unfolded to serve her well in all that was needed.

The boy was a Berber with fine features and eloquent dark eyes.

When stopped in some town, he brought her flowers or fruits present.

Sometimes they passed through, he harvested a beautiful exotic flower or another, which

nobody seemed to know the name.

Thought to suggest that trust in Achmet, then decided it would not be proper to


He understood that the father and the Marquis feared that there would be dozens of

men digging up someone being aware of the treasure. Maybe even steal what was buried

before they had opportunity to see what was there.

- So this is our plan went on Michael, and I suggest that we like camels: descansemos

during the day to book our forces.

- I agree with you said the marquis. He realized, however, that Sabra had retreated

before they had finished talking and I knew she was going to the amphitheater.

He was thinking of going after her, but concluded that it should not.

The night before had been carried away by strong emotions that awakened the

environment, and now he found inexplicable and reprehensible to such an attitude. So

decided to go to his tent.

Achmet asked to put a chair in the shade and taking a few books, settled down to read

about the fascinating history of El Djem.

Although the book was well written and had plenty of illustrations, could not hold their


At any moment the marquis saw was the Sabra and thinking about what she was feeling

while visiting the galleries, pointing out not only what happened in the past, but also

that there had been between them the night before.

Sabra, in turn, was not walking as the Marquis had imagined.

Sat in a gallery that had seemed less damaged and more secure.

He tried to remember everything you read about the history of El Djem again without

getting emotionally involved and be impressed with the suffering of those who had died


What happened the night before seemed to him a dream, although the presence of the

marquis was real and alive.

Despite his determination to behave normally, I felt like running towards him, because

his whole body cried out for her affections.

He acknowledged that with such intensity never wanted to be with someone. I wanted

to talk with him, feel him close and kissed again be that way.

Concluded that only love could be what he was feeling, and that was something I never

expected to feel for some of the men her father had.

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She despised them, hated them and always shrank fearing that abused her.

Now, however, the last man to imagine love, just what more she tried to avoid getting

involved with his father captured his heart.

I love him ... he muttered to himself.

But he decided that he would never know their feelings, it probably would not want

anything to know.

Sabra was smart enough to realize that a man like the Marquis, with an important

position in England, a title of nobility and no doubt much experience with women,

would never want to get involved with the daughter of a man like Michael.

She had not failed to notice the subtle twist of the mouth of the Marquis before the

exaggerated father's efforts to attract interest.

Sabra also despised him for having surrendered so easily and have offered them not only

a succulent meal, which were the first after a long time, but also in your villa


Had wanted to tell the Marquis that he was a fool for not realizing that his father was

giving a blow as I had several other men.

But when they finish dinner, she felt certain that the marquis was not leaving deceive.

Accepted that ridiculous story because it wanted and was willing to offer them not only

hospitality but also various other things.

When the two returned from shopping in Nice, Sabra discovered that his father bought

white pants, jacket with gold buttons and a cap to use the yacht.

Rebuked him with scorn, disapproving his attitude.

- How can you tell the Marquis that the costume is needed for our trip to Tunisia? We

do not spend more than a couple of days at sea!

- How do you know? his father had replied. We may need to go back there, or perhaps

even able to convince our noble host to make a visit to Constantinople.

- And what will you invent that he can find there? A gem of a forgotten Sultan lost in a

tower? - Sabra asked, pointedly.

The father laughed.

- So it's a good idea.

Sabra did not answer, he simply left the room slamming the door.

Did you know that the father made fun of it, which I thought would never understand

how degrading behavior.

He felt bad about every penny spent some fool with them, just because his father

managed to handle it wisely.

- They have to offer and we want to receive - said her father often, as if that explained

everything satisfactorily.

I knew it was useless to argue with him, argue whatever it was, or even suggest that any

other kind of life would be preferable to that.

And now, suddenly, when least I could imagine would happen to fall out with one of

those fools who had listened to his father.

Sometimes used to be dreamy and imagine that one day would have the fortune to meet

someone she loved and reciprocate that love.

A man whom she would marry and with whom would live in a modest home in the

quiet of the countryside. He would give her a home, and that was all he wanted most.

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Sabra sat there in the amphitheater until hunger made it back to camp.

Lunch was a surprisingly tasty meal.

The cook had bought three mornings a quail hunter. There was fresh bread, though the

oriental type, quite different from English bread that Sabra was eating and thought in

their dreams.

There was also delicious fresh vegetables.

Good wine, as always, did not fail. This was something that almost never forgot to


Sabra said little, but did not fail to note that the Marquis was extremely beautiful, could

not fail to be troubled with his presence.

He thought he seemed more relaxed and less cynical and sarcastic than while crossing the


Concluded that, from his point of view, even if they did not find anything, the trip

would have been worth it, because I was having fun.

Then he realized that he was avoiding her gaze, and suddenly it was as if the golden sun

had disappeared by magic, leaving her in a world of ice.

It was after half past three in the afternoon when his father recalled that it was time for

decamping to your goal.

The camels were lying since they arrived, only the heads up, moving as if they observe

everything going on around him, which was not at the moment.

The horses were grazing nearby, and the men in charge of them were sitting in the shade

of trees or talking quietly dozing.

The curiosity that aroused their arrival in the village seemed to have cooled. Now even

little boys showed up curious.

But it was more than likely to return in time for dinner expecting some leftover food and


Quite naturally, as if there is reason to hurry, and Michael Marquess moved away from

the camp.

Behind them followed at a distance Sabra.

The ruins of the temple they had discovered were on the other side of the amphitheater.

Unless someone was spying, would not be seen by residents, nor by their own servants.

Arrived at the temple, of which only two Ionic columns still standing.

Sabra suddenly realized that the father and the Marquis had brought swords carried to

his chest, covered by a jacket, so no one would notice they were with such weapons.

Both dropped their swords on the ground and took off their jackets, then Sabra could

see how the marquis was strong and muscular in his shirt sleeves.

He looked away quickly, embarrassed by his own thoughts, and sat on the grass, a bit

away from where they were working.

He contemplated the vast desert plain and began to imagine that the Roman women

who accompanied their husbands to there, should have felt lonely and homesickness that

had been away.

For men there was always the excitement and exhilaration of conquering and exploring a

new land and perhaps make it prosperous.

For women, there was only the difficulty of establishing a home, educate their children

and try to maintain the principles and civilization of Rome in a primitive environment.

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Absorbed in his thoughts, he forgot his father and the Marquis and went with the feelings

of those exiles who might never have been able to review relatives and friends who

loved him.

He was wandering thus for nearly an hour, and when he found himself, he realized he

was beginning to darken. In half an hour or less would be night.

He knew that his father would stop and the Marquis, then working until the next day or

expect that the moon appeared.

Arouse curiosity and suspicion if they worked in the light of lanterns or torches.

It was better to go rush them, thought Sabra, but had no desire to leave where I was.

He realized that the grass was covered with tiny little flowers and was delighted

watching them.

He saw through the sand a little green lizard. He lay face down for a closer look at the

little animal of bright colors and fast movements and allowed to remain there some

time, distracted.

Suddenly the lizard disappeared among the plants Sabra and when he looked up he saw

some men on horseback approaching.

Soon realized there were six Bedouin and wondered where they could have come from

and where were going.

Remained there, motionless, watching as they galloped straight to where his father and

the Marquis were digging, already sunk to the waist.

The Bedouin chief was tall, robust, and Sabra imagined it should be beautiful, brown face

and burning eyes. He wore on his coat with a turban, a cloak with hood up covering his


I knew from reading a lot about the Bedouins, he must be Moroccan riding boots made

of leather, red or yellow.

He could not, however, contemplate it long before that, to his horror, saw him bend

over the saddle and pull his father into the hole he was digging.

He heard the cry of the father, and soon after two other Bedouins without disassembling

the Marquis also tore the hole.

He tried to resist, but being caught by surprise and outnumbered, inevitably ended up

being dominated.

A Bedouin pulled the sword from his hand and threw it down disdainfully.

So before Sabra could realize what was actually happening, they covered their heads

with black hoods of two and tied them with ropes.

Within seconds were played on the saddles of two horses, and the Bedouin returned to

the side where they had been leading them.

When Sabra sat, they had disappeared into the darkness.


The Marquis groaned as the ropes that bound strongly were untied.

They removed the hood from his head, but he kept not seeing anything due to darkness.

He realized he was in a tent. They took off his jacket and the money that was in his

pockets, then left him alone.

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Tried not to react to be played there, knowing it would be useless, because I was

surrounded by men who could easily silence him with one shot.

Instead, he preferred to lie on the floor pretending to be unconscious after that terrible

ride up there.

Only after making sure that it was alone, was that he sat down, rubbing her arms and

legs to revive the movement.

I knew being in a situation extremely dangerous.

Imagined to have been imprisoned by Bedouins who would ask a high ransom to release


Had been impossible to hide from people who lived in the vicinity of the amphitheater

being a rich man bearing the cost of that huge caravan.

The thieves targeted the Bedouins always tourists.

The Bedouins were all nomads and mostly honest and trustworthy. But as in every

society, there were always exceptions.

The marquis sat up and took a deep breath. Dizziness for having been so long bound was

slowly giving way. He tried to remember everything he knew about these nomadic


One of the first things I learned was that they were extremely superstitious.

Men, women and children wore amulets around the neck in the shape of a porcupine

paws to ward off the evil eye.

Moreover, all they did was for Allah and hardly answered any questions or performed

any task without exclaim, "Allah be praised!"

Recalling what he had read the books he had bought about Tunisia, the Marquis assumed

that the Bedouins who had captured were suassi, who lived north of El Djem.

It was a small tribe and visibly aggressive.

He thought the morning when it was taken to the mayor knew more about them. He

was sure they would ask a high ransom for him and would want to receive money.

Therefore, the caravan would have to return to Tunis for the money.

The Marquis has calculated that it would take ten days or two weeks to go and return.

It was a terrible thought, but there was no alternative unless the leader of the caravan

had a large sum of money.

But as it was highly unlikely, it remained just stand there, thinking frantically in order to


At this point, the men who had taken his coat and his money returned. When he heard

approaching the tent lay down again and closed his eyes.

He realized then that was on a carpet and what would be his bed while he stayed here.

He knew that the nomads traveled with minimal things possible. Only what is necessary

and none of the comforts and convenience of European standards.

Two men entered the tent, so low that they had to bow their heads, and approached the


He remained motionless, without looking at them and realized they were tying their

feet. Once planted a stake in the ground and tied his hands, holding them there.

Heartbroken, he understood that property would be hours in that position, what would

become unbearable with the heat of the day. But he knew to be useless protest.

Just hoping to come to terms with the chief of the tribe to improve your situation there.

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The two Bedouins were a lamp, but the Marquis declined to open his eyes.

No doubt they were young and strong men, and it would be impossible to master them.

During the time it took to tie the Marquis, were silent and left as quietly as they had

entered, carrying the lantern.

By the time he had taken the ride up there, estimated that the Marquis should not be

more than two miles from El Djem. He imagined that as soon as the caravan went out to

fetch the ransom money, he would be taken further.

Maybe it was taken to the mountains, which were closer to Tunis. This was not

comforting. Urgently needed to get a quick means of escape.

He remembered having said to the captain of his yacht which was down the coast to

wait for them in Mahdia, and it was very likely that this time he was already there.

Mahdia was a fishing port which was about thirty-five miles of El Djem.

Assumed that, after arriving at the amphitheater and have perhaps found the treasure

that Michael claimed to be there, would be busy running through the same path back to

Tunis. Organized since the beginning of this journey.

Had been informed that there would be no possibility of obtaining a good caravan with

camels and first-class Arabian horses, outside Tunis.

The marquis was also intended to achieve the best tents, which certainly would be

impossible in any other towns in Tunisia.

He began to calculate whether the captain would be able to deliver the ransom money.

Everything depended on how much was asked, as the Bedouins thought he was worth.

He remained motionless for about an hour.

Then his arms began to hurt from being tied to the stake, and he began to feel the ropes

tightened her ankles hindered the circulation of blood.

He was not hungry, but wanted something to drink and I knew that probably will not

give anything.

The Bedouins were very clever to judge that they were hungry and thirsty in the morning

he would be more willing to agree with the amount of the ransom, however high it was.

Too late the Marquis swore and cursed himself and Michael for not having a guard who

led them to guarantee security during the excavation.

But he knew that it would have revealed that it was a buried treasure and would also be

impossible to keep secret anything that might meet. But on the other hand, if he had

done it would not now be in that situation.

Although I knew Sabra should have seen them being taken, did not think this has

improved things greatly.

No doubt she would alert the caravan about what happened, but he knew that only care

about their animals, men would not wish to arouse the enmity of the Bedouins, or take

part in any dispute that resulted from the kidnapping.

Like a fool out! rebuked the Marquis bitterly.

He remembered the revolver he had brought on the trip and that was in one of his bags.

In fact, did not think would need to use it.

From outside came the sound of voices.

The Bedouins were to be sitting around the campfire, remembering what happened and

delighting to have captured a rich man.

Probably would have done the usual meal of dumplings made of mutton, eggs and

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sheep's milk cheese.

Had the unpleasant impression that this would be your sole and inadequate diet in the

next two weeks.

He would miss the excellent food that his cook was on board the yacht or it was served

at the villa.

How could I be so stupid to agree with that damn trip?! wondered, quietly, through

clenched teeth.

But he knew the answer.

He had left convinced by Michael and accepting an absurd and unlikely story of hidden

treasure just as an excuse to evade their responsibilities, or their duty, as Sabra said.

Finally the voices were silent out there and it soon became very quiet.

The Marquis knew it would be late and the sky should be, as always, full of stars.

The Bedouins had already retired to their tents and they should be sleeping.

If you wanted to run away, this would be the only propitious moment.

Tugged on the ropes that bound his wrists and realized that, try as I might, it would be

impossible to untie himself.

It was terribly exasperating and, furious, wanted to scream for help, but knew no one

would help him.

So, tried to straighten up as best he could and closed his eyes.

I was really tired, having slept little the night before, thinking of Sabra.

Now, however, did not want to remember that it existed.

He decided that if he could escape, return immediately to France and would try to make

sure Michael would never review or daughter.

So, despite all efforts to prevent, began to remember the softness of the lips of Sabra and

the strange sensations she awakened.

Although he hated to admit, I never felt something similar for any other woman.

He tried to instill cynicism of his father, who despised women, finding them inferior and

self-serving, but in vain.

In his imagination, with all the crisp, still glowing green eyes Sabra, wet with tears,

looking at him with all purity. He saw her lips parted and trembling before the kiss.

The marquis had perhaps thinking of dozing Sabra as agreed with a faint noise and had

the unmistakable feeling that she was very close.

He was listening, realizing that someone behind him cut the cloth of the tent.

Stood still, wondering who could be, though, with its sensitivity, who was sensed.

Then the tent was open and there was a faint light.

Soon after someone came crawling and he saw that it was Sabra. He started to speak, but

she quickly put her hand in his mouth, stopping him. He felt a shiver go through her

body almost as if he had kissed the Sabra. Then he felt her hands on her arms and feet

and groped to understand that how he was tied.

She pulled away, and he thought for a moment that would let him.

He realized then that she had to signal to someone out there, because shortly thereafter a

man came crawling and approached him.

Although he could not see his face, knew it was Achmet.

It was a strong boy, and with the same knife to cut the bulk of the tent fabric, cut the

rope that bound his arms and feet of the marquis.

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He sat, Sabra and put his hand on his shoulder, then, approaching his face and he

murmured, his lips almost brushing against his ear:

- You better go crawl up where we left the horses hidden ...

Went away from him, but the Marquis held her by the shoulder and asked him also in a


- And your father?

- Dad died ... - she replied with a sad voice. - He was bound like you, but I think I was

bitten by a snake ...

The Marquis was surprised.

- Are you sure?

- Absolute ... his body was already cold, and neither I nor Achmet feel the pulse of his


There was a slight pause before she added:

- You can be sure if you want, but it is dangerous to linger ...

The Marquis knew it was true and knew that Sabra would not say that his father was

dead if there was the slightest chance of not being.

It was, however, something horrible, hard to believe.

While crawling through the exit behind Sabra, remembering that in Tunisia there were

very dangerous snakes that bite and some of them meant instant death.

So he left the tent to the starry night, he saw that the Bedouins had set his camp on the

edge of an orange grove.

There was only a sparse undergrowth, and he knew that Sabra was right to say it should

move with all due caution.

The only way to avoid being seen was crawling fashion India.

When lying prone, the Marquis noticed that a few meters from his tent was the one

where Michael had been imprisoned.

He saw the tear that Achmet had to go there.

He felt a shudder at the thought that the prisoner had not been killed by the Bedouins,

and yes, for what they consider an instrument of Allah: a snake.

He wondered what could be more snakes there, where they were crawling slowly and


The hands of the marquis were very scratched by thorny vegetation, which hurt to the


The thorns came to penetrate the fabric of his pants, but there was nothing he could do

but to follow Sabra.

Achmet went ahead and, if there was a snake in the road, he would be the first to find it.

Finally, after many scrapes and some cuts on the hands, the Marquis realized relieved

that they no longer glimpsed over the camp.

Just ahead, tied in some trees, had three horses.

With a sigh of relief, Sabra rose and, waving to the Marquis, without saying anything,

ran to the horses.

Achmet came before her and helped her climb into the saddle before the Marquis

reached. Once untied his horse and rode well, while the Marquis was the same. Then

came the three galloping on their horses, led by Sabra.

Judging by how fast she went, the Marquis realized he was as scared as he discovered

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that the Bedouin were in their flight and pursuit.

Fortunately the moon was not full.

He looked at the sky and seeing the waning moon, remembered the prophecy of the

man who had read lots to Sabra, saying they would be in danger with the waning moon.

I hate all these omens and bad omens! he said to himself, between his teeth. The sooner

you leave this country better!

Sabra went in front, and he realized he gave a huge turn to get to El Djem.

When finally the Bedouin camp was two miles back, and that there was no sign that they

were being followed, Sabra made his horse slowing down and when he reached the

Marquis, she said:

- I have a plan, if you agree. Achmet should return to camp and say nothing of what

happened tonight.

He paused briefly and continued:

- Would you walk, if Dad was with us, but now, with your permission, he can get back

on the horse he is riding.

He looked at the marquis with apprehension, as if expecting a negative, but instead he

just asked:

- And where are we going?

- I heard you say to the captain of his yacht which was to Mahdia, and I think the sooner

you get there, will be safer.

She took a deep breath before speaking.

- It is unlikely that the Bedouins follow us, but on the other hand, is good not


The Marquis smiled before answering.

- I'm in your hands.

Sabra pulled from his shirt pocket a small bag that held him.

- He brought me the money left hidden in his tent at El Djem. I've paid the head of the

caravan on its behalf, but I think that you yourself would like to thank Achmet.

He took a breath and continued:

- Only he knew where the Bedouins were camped. And I could not have cut the cords

that bound his wrists and feet without it.

The Marquis took the money, thinking that she had acted with great cleverness.

She opened her purse and pulled out many gold coins. So many, that when Achmet

received was speechless to say thank you.

So, Sabra reached for the boy Berber, saying:

- Thank you with all my heart! You were more than kind and thanks to Allah, was

around to help us.

Achmet answered with a faltering voice:

- Marhabaten.

And the Marquis knew that meant "May Allah be with you!"

Then with a smile, Sabra turned around, sending the horse safely, as if he knew the way

to the sea.

It was a long and tiring ride.

Before sighting the target, not only Sabra and Marquis were fading but mainly horses.

They stopped in a small and dirty city to give water to animals, but they found nothing

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they could buy for themselves.

They followed the path, picking oranges small, which were easier to eat and quenched

their thirst better than water, which could be polluted.

When it began to dawn, the Marquis could not help thinking that the first rays of the sun

gilding the hair Sabra were very beautiful.

In the light of day also saw that she was very pale. She knew she should be suffering

much from the shock of having found his father dead and the grief of having lost his


As Sabra show in a hurry to reach the destination, the Marquis thought it was not yet

time to talk to Michael.

Instead, he was wondering what to do to get rid of the danger. I only hoped that the

captain of the yacht had followed his instructions, it was already in Mahdia.

It would be a relief to climb back aboard the Mermaid.

Long before sighting the sea, began to feel the cool breeze smelling the salty air. Until

finally they saw from afar the bright blue Mediterranean, dotted with boats.

Ali had a lot of people and movement. Camels, donkeys and sheep, barefoot women

walking behind their husbands who followed comfortably in their mounts.

Some women were completely wrapped in robes and veils.

Children roamed the sidewalks and stretched imploring hands to Sabra and the Marquis.

Then, as if by magic, came up the harbor with boats entering and leaving the small


As they approached the promontory, the Marquis remembered that Mahdia has served

as a shelter by a notorious pirate named Dragut.

He was a privateer who made this place their base for several attacks on Malta, and one

of the occasions, had to seize almost the entire population of Gozo to sell it at the slave


The very idea of kidnapping made the Marquis feel chills, and thought I would never

have to thank Sabra for saving him.

Then, with an inexpressible joy, he saw, up there in the best place in the harbor, the


Sabra also seen at the same time, and said first by more than one hour.

- We did it! We have arrived! Now you are safe, my lord!

The Marquis would retort by saying "And you too," when she urged the tired horse

down the winding path that led to the dock.

When dismounted the horse in front of the yacht, two sailors, recognizing the Marquis

hastened to receive them.

The Marquis took some time giving orders and deciding what to do with horses.

Provided that the animals were kept until the leader of the caravan to get them resolved.

Meanwhile, Sabra disappeared inside the yacht.

The Marquis thought she was as anxious as he to take a shower and dust of the journey.

He went to his cabin and found the bath already prepared and clean clothes on the bed.

When he returned to the hall, lunch and Sabra were waiting for him.

She realized that she bathed, their hair was wet, but was in the same outfit that made the

trip up there.

- I'm sure it must be very hungry, as I said the marquis,

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- At the moment I can only think you're safe ...

The tone of concern in his voice was sincere and denoted how much it was important to


Was that before they made the meal and relaxed it would be unwise to speak of his

father's death or the future.

He poured a glass of champagne for her and one for himself.

Then when the meal was served they sat at the table, and the Marquis could not stop

thinking about the food of the Bedouins, who imagined having to eat for a long time,

while imprisoned.

How were both hungry, they ate in silence.

After taking coffee and liquor, the Marquis leaned back comfortably in his chair, crossed

his legs and said:

- I was wondering, Sabra, how could you show my gratitude for his intelligence and

courage in freeing me from that horrible prison. She said nothing, and he continued: You

know I'm sorry about your father!

There was a brief silence, until Sabra said:

- While we've been here, I was thinking that maybe it was best for him ...

- Dying?! marveled at the Marquis.

- Life was getting harder for him. When you took pity on us, we had only a few francs.

The Marquis looked at it briefly before saying.

- And yet you tried to dissuade him from approaching me and seemed not to approve

the idea of leaving in search of lost treasure.

Sabra did not answer, and he said:

- What did you have against me?

Again no answer, and he thought maybe it was not appropriate to bother you with

questions that painful moment.

Then leaned forward and stretched his arm across the table with the palm facing upward,


- Hear me, Sabra. I know it is now alone in the world, but I promise you to take care of

you and protect you. From now on, it is my responsibility.

His voice was deep and profound, and, almost as if it were impossible to ignore that

hand extended, Sabra put his fingers in his.

He pressed a delicate hand in his, saying:

- I want to be happy and to stop fighting with me and let me take care of you, I'm sure I

can make her happy.

She looked up to face him, and his face reflected the same light that night, after the kiss.

Still clutching her hand, saying:

- I do not want to tell you about his father, for now, not about you. So I suggest, since

we're both very tired, you go to your cabin.

He gave a brief laugh and continued:

- Actually, it was a long night, the most unpleasant and fatiguing I ever had. But thanks

to you, Sabra, we are here now, and you need not fear no more!

He felt the slight tremor of her hand, to hear this, and thought he had never seen a

woman so beautiful, with those big eyes, bright and luminous, that look so sweet ...

He wanted to kiss her lips, but they were in the hall, and the waiter could come at any

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moment to collect the dishes.

So it only took her hand to his lips.

- Go to bed, Sabra - said. - We set sail immediately, and after you're rested, we have

much to talk about and resolve.

She blushed with a kiss on the hand. Then he smiled, which made her even more

adorable, and Marquis noted that there were tears in his eyes.

Sabra left the room with a fast walking, an infinite grace.

Seeing her walk away, the Marquis thought about how much she would be beautiful

when he dressed in clothes that his charms realçassem instead of hiding them.

In any place where it was, Marborough House or Buckingham Palace, she would shine,

overshadowing all the beauties so acclaimed in newspapers and magazines.

He concluded that, without doubt, Sabra was very different from all women who had

ever met.

So in the back of his mind, lays out a concern. How could marry the daughter of Michael


The Marquis would be foolish or naive, which was not the case, not to acknowledge the

kind of man who was Michael.

Without deliberate charm and his ability to squeeze money out of rich men, he and

Sabra starve.

After all, although he had fled, the marquis was fully aware of the importance of his title

of nobility and social position.

For more than reluctant to accept their responsibilities, had now returned to England,

where the Marquis of Salisbury and all his relatives were waiting to take his place at


He also needed to take his place in the county, and that was something that could not


Does Sabra understand, though smart, what are the implications to be his wife and

mistress of his mansion?

Does she know how to get it was due, not only in the castle of Quin as well as the

mansion of Park Lane, which had always been frequented by statesmen, royalty and

political figures who enjoyed his hospitality?

He swore he would take care of her and would not let you miss anything, but I knew

that Sabra would accept nothing unless it was his wife.

He rose from his chair and went to the deck.

The yacht had left the port while they were eating lunch.

They were moving away from the coast and would soon be on the high seas, bound for

Nice at full speed.

When they got there, he thought the marquis, talk to Sabra and would understand.

But at heart, was not confident, knowing it would be sheer waste of time because Sabra

refuse to hear it.

He walked across the deck to the bow and looked at the horizon where the sky met the


He remembered when he was at his villa watching the horizon, trying to decide if going

south or north.

So Michael decided by him and headed south.

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There was some treasure, or at least he had found nothing. But there was Sabra.

After all they had spent together and the vibe that had settled between them, simply

could not let her out of her life so suddenly as it arrived.

After having kissed her, which he judged an act impulsive and thoughtless, Sabra had

saved the Bedouins ... and perhaps even death!

The Arabs are not usually kind to their prisoners and did not understand the hardships

that were part of their lives could be almost intolerable for a man raised in a very

different way of life.

Sabra really saved my life! muttered the marquis.

He could not fail to recognize that she was very smart to arrange for the caravan

returned to Tunis, where the money that the marquis had promised would be waiting

for them.

Moreover, had brought the bag of money he had hidden so well. Any other woman

would have never found.

I would ask her if she had used the intuition or reasoning is deduced by the local cache.

I wonder many things about her life before you know it.

Suddenly occurred to him that while Michael talked nonstop to amuse him and make

him laugh, never revealed something about himself and only rarely spoke of his wife.

It was all so mysterious!

Again he tried to picture in Sabra Quin, relating to their relatives and very pompous


They considered themselves superior to all in the social world and rarely accept to live

with strangers.

As Sabra, after leading a simple life with his father, could meet them on equal terms?

He needed to talk to her without fail, but still with the assurance that it would be useless.

She loved him, knew this, and what made him upset was that feeling that Sabra has

never loved another man.

But is love enough?

Do not dilute the love, as his father always said, turning into boredom, indifference,

contempt, or perhaps even infidelity?

She could leave him as his father abandoned his mother.

What should I do? Asked the Marquis to the waves pounding on the hull of the yacht.

Sabra wanted, he felt his whole body vibrating with her. At the same time was afraid,

very afraid.

If you broke your oath to never hold a woman, might come to regret bitterly.

Maybe your father was right when he taught that women are demons that must be

avoided at all costs.


Arriving at the cabin, Sabra finally surrendered to exhaustion.

Could no longer think or even feel joy in the fact that he managed to rescue the Marquis

from the hands of his captors.

All they wanted was sleep.

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He took off his clothes torn in several places, vaguely wondering how I would wear

them the next day. At present, however, the only thing that mattered was the comfort of

the bed that awaited her.

He had no shirt, so stuck up naked between the sheets, and no sooner put his head on

the pillow, fell asleep.

Shortly after the yacht reached the high seas and the waters were choppy. Sabra,

however, not realized.

- Miss. Kirkpatrick still sleeping? asked the valet to the Marquis.

- Sleeping deeply, my lord! And if you allow me, I think it is better for it.

- I agree with you said the marquis. After dinner, however, after a whole day without

news of Sabra, he found it prudent to check for yourself if she was okay.

Down then up to her cabin, opened the door quietly, and with the light that entered the

hall, could see it clearly. The head was leaning sideways on the pillow, and her golden

hair spread out on the white pillow.

Moved closer and could see that she was absolutely relaxed and slept soundly, like a


He looked very young and no doubt was the most beautiful woman I had seen the

Marquis sleeping.

He stood there, contemplating it, and it was like suddenly its vibrations reached. She

stirred and turned to the other side.

With this move, the Marquis glimpsed within a well-made, pink beak, and was sure that

this was the woman of his life. I wanted her to his side and could not lose it, just do not

know yet how to achieve this.

It was awhile there, contemplating it, feeling the pulse of desire and containing up to not

touch it.

Then came as silently as he went out and closed the door.

The next morning, and sedo, sighted the coast of France, and the yacht sailed into the

bay of Nice.

The waiter brought hot water for shaving, the Marchese and separated the clothes he

would wear.

- Miss. Kirkpatrick is awake, my lord said casually created.

- Agreed? And you gave him something to eat?

- Certainly, my lord! replied the steward, uneasy with the assumption that the Marquis

had failed in its duty. She took a coffee and strengthened, since it intends to leave us so


The marquis was silent for a moment, then asked:

- Why do you think that?

- She asked the train schedules to Calais and the cheaper the fare, my lord.

The Marquis remained silent, and the steward went on:

Is that the girl did not leave any clothes there in the villa? The skirt of the dress she was

wearing is in a sorry state!

Without saying anything, the Marquis went to the hatch, looked out and saw the sunlit

coast, anchoring would be calculated that within an hour.

He continued gazing for some time, as if he had never seen the French coast and then

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- Have you ever picked up the tray of coffee from Miss. Kirkpatrick?

- I would do this when I got out here, my lord.

- So go now and bring me her dress if you are in the cabin.

The waiter looked at him in surprise, before saying:

- It turns out, my lord, I washed the dress, and he is still drying.

- Bring him here to me! - Ordered the marquis.

Sabra finished his coffee and the waiter went to get the tray, she asked him:

- How long will it take to arrive?

- About twenty minutes, miss, and the Marquis going to land so they anchor.

Sabra said nothing. It was exactly what she wanted to know. Once the marquis left, she

could find a way to escape.

Everything was resolved. Awoke just before sunrise and had enough time to think.

I knew I needed to depart from the Marquis because he loved him too much to accept

what he had in mind.

He said he would take care of her and would not let you miss anything, using almost the

same words he had heard several times of men who took his father's money.

And because of them that decided to hide behind disguises. Wearing sunglasses, intended

to make them see that he wanted to avoid them.

So, in fact, received no further proposals to become the mistress of anyone else.

When they left for Tunis, never imagined that the Marquis will propose the same thing,

that would offer the same situation that so many men had offered in the past.

No, could not accept such a thing would be immoral and wrong. She loved him too.

Feeling an immense agony just thinking about it, covered her face with her hands. But do

not cry. Did you know cry later, after he had left the yacht forever, never to see the


He was sure that he does not consider for a moment the possibility of marrying the

daughter of Michael Kirkpatrick.

Why, with so many people in the world outside just fall in love with a man so


It was then decided not to return to the town under any circumstances. Would not

discuss with him a subject that would be embarrassing to both. Decided what action to

take, the only problem, however, was to get enough money to get to England.

He remembered the bag of money hidden in the marquis tent at El Djem. It would have

been easy for her to withdraw the amount I needed before giving it to him. But that

would have been robbery, even though the money would be used to save it.

Concluded that the best would be as soon as the marquis landed, the captain borrow the

amount he needed for the trip, saying it was for shopping.

I knew that when the Marquis being aware of what happened, reimburse the captain,

and she, in turn, give back every penny so I could. I did not want to owe anything to


Having made that decision, got out of bed, washed, and began to dress.

Did you find the underwear, realizing that had been carefully washed and ironed.

Then, before putting on the dress, sat in front of the mirror to comb his hair. After

everything that happened, almost no more clamps, but managed to hold the long braids

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around the head.

Meanwhile, thinking what her dress and hat were damaged. The cap has not so much

because she had left tied to the saddle horse, but the dress was nearly destroyed after he

swept through the camp in the woods.

He felt a shiver just remembering the fear that had been discovered before he could find

his father and the Marquis.

While crawling through the grass, bushes and cactuses among the wounded with their

thorns and tore her clothes, her heart beat erratically.

Then, upon arriving at the first tent, found his father dead. At first did not understand

and thought it strange that he was so still and silent. Touched it and felt that his hands

and face were cold.

Outside Achmet who realized that he had been bitten by a snake and that there was

nothing they could do.

So crept to another tent, where they found the marquis. She felt a desperate fear that he

too was dead. His heart almost stopped when he made mention of speaking. Afraid that

the Bedouins could hear him, tapara her lips with your fingers.

He remembered the touch of those lips then, and how he kissed her in the amphitheater,

and a shiver ran through her body.

Rushing, away from the mirror, resolving that he should not waste time; should, instead,

try to get ready to leave as soon as the Marquis landed.

He heard the engines stop and knew it was on the pier and the gangplank was lowered


He ran then into the closet where her dress should be hung.

When you get it the day before had left him on a chair, along with other pieces of


The cabinet, however, was empty. The waiter must have taken to wash the dress.

He returned to the bed and turned the bell, then sat waiting. As it was only with

underwear covered with a towel.

To his surprise, however, the servant did not answer the call. After a moment, she rose

and went to the door. Thought maybe everyone was too busy with the arrival at the

port and therefore could not answer it.

He could only call to see if anyone heard her. He turned the latch pulled the door shut.

Then I realized it was locked.

Sabra sat in bed, waiting for more than two hours until he finally heard the key turning

in the lock.

Beat lightly and without waiting for an answer, opened the door.

It was the steward, who came in with a huge box of dress in one hand and the other a

hat box.

He put the two on the bed next to Sabra and said:

- Sorry to have made her wait, Miss, but the Marquis led me to buy her a decent outfit.

Her dress was not hopeless.

- The Marquis was buying clothes for me! So that was it! How not occurred to him


- We could not let that landed like a scarecrow, Miss! The waiter smiled. And I think it'll

be a beauty with the dress she chose the marquis.

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He opened the cardboard box, removed the thin paper that covered his clothes and said:

- I'll wait outside, Miss, while dressing, then just call me ... I've been buttoning - made a

brief stop before continuing - One thing I will say is not the kind of dress you can wear


Without waiting for an answer, he smiled again and left the cabin and closed the door.

For a long time, Sabra sat, looking at the contents of the box open. I felt I had to refuse,

as he had all other orders of the marquis. But now it would be impossible.

It was not her old dress and could not go with just underwear and a towel covering her

naked shoulders.

Reluctantly he pulled the dress out of the box.

It was beautiful, no doubt extremely expensive and tasteful.

His mother would have liked and approved.

It was a model suitable for a young man, with that unmistakable touch chic only the

French can give clothes.

It was simple and extremely elegant, decorated with embroidery English.

Sabra opened another box and saw that the hat was the same material, adorned with

white flowers and satin ribbons.

She put the dress and was fascinated in the mirror, and called the steward, who buttoned

back closure with skill.

- Now I Miss presentable! And, if I may, very beautiful!

- Thank you.

Sabra looked in the mirror again.

- I think Mom would so like to see me ...

- No doubt, Miss - agreed the waiter with a smile. - And it's like the Marquis wants to see

it, too. He's waiting out there in the carriage.

For a brief moment thought of Sabra against him, refusing to go to meet him. But he

knew he had no alternative.

- Thank you for taking care of me and help me - she told the waiter. - I am very grateful

to him.

- It was a pleasure, Miss.

He smiled and opened the door for her.

Sabra walked slowly down the hall, up the stairs and went on deck.

The captain hoped it to the side of the gangway to shake his hand, and she noticed the

look in his eyes an expression of admiration.

Upon landing, he saw the Marquis on the pier, standing beside an open carriage.

She approached and could not speak, climbed into the carriage. The Marquis then rose,

and the horses stood on the way. He leaned his arm on the back seat and turned a little

to her, watching her.

The proximity of it made her greatly disturbed, even avoiding looking at it head on.

The horses increased their pace, and soon begin to climb.

With much effort, Sabra said:

- I guess I should thank him for giving me the dress and hat ...

- Have you thanked me, being as beautiful as I imagined the Marquis replied.

- I'd rather use my old dress.

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- If you saw the state he was, would agree that it could no longer use it.

- At least it was mine!

- And that you are using now is too. You must learn to accept gifts, Sabra, because I like

to give them.

Sabra took a deep breath, realizing the implication. But he said nothing. It was time to

start a discussion, since it was impossible to escape.

They have come a long way in silence, until they started to spot trees, whitewashed villas

and the beautiful landscape of the Mediterranean below them.

Unintentionally, Sabra let himself be touched by beauty. He remembered the flowers

that adorned the garden of the villa of the marquis and felt like he was coming home.

He was filled with determination, saying to himself that he was weakening. Victor had to

say once and for all that would leave him and that there was nothing they say or do that

could stop her.

The servants were at the entrance of the villa, and the two walked into the room

overlooking the terrace.

Sabra found everything even more beautiful than the first time. He loved the serenity of

the villa, the white carpets on the floor, soft chairs and tables that could be of famous


- I'll serve you a glass of champagne said Victor.

They were the first words he spoke after a long silence.

- No ... thank you.

- I think we should at least drink to our happiness, which is something I want to talk to


In an impulsive gesture, Sabra took off his hat and threw it over a chair.

The Marquis put a glass of champagne next to her and holding one for himself, said:

- Now you're like I was always wanted! Without those horrible glasses and very different

from when we were last here.

- I hope the return now, it does not want to go back to England alone and without them


- Then you go to England?

- I.

- Since I'm supposed to go there, as you said yourself many times, why not go together?

There was something in the tone of voice that made Victor's heart beat faster Sabra. I did

not dare look at him, fearing he read in his eyes the love she felt for him.

There could be nothing more wonderful than return to England together.

But I needed to be strong, be careful not to give in to the urge to run to him and offer

her lips.

- You want to leave myself, Sabra?

- I need ... I must ... you must understand!

- Why?

- Why can not I do what I ask. I have to act according to what I think right ... not for me

but for you too.

- So you're thinking of me!

- Of course! You occupy an important position not only in relation to his family, but also

in relation to England and the queen. It should not tarnish this position for me.

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- I have no intention of making this the marquis said, firmly.

- So you understand why I let him ...

- No, I do not understand, and for me would be the worst thing that could happen.

He spoke with such conviction that Sabra looked at him in surprise.

Then he said, with all smoothness:

- I think, my dear, for the first time since we know you're being very silly ... - He paused,

but as Sabra said nothing, continued: - So far you've always used his wit, but when you

need it most seems that failed.

- Do not know what you mean ...

Sabra's voice was almost a whisper.

- I mean, my love, who are getting married this afternoon.

He paused and added:

- If you allow me, we have a few days of honeymoon before returning to England and

face the obligations.

- Married ... - Sabra could hardly pronounce the word. - No, no ... as you can think of

marrying me after my father's plot to take money from you?

Was stopped because it was impossible to control the voice.

Then the arms of Victor involved.

She looked up with a desperate look, and he said:

- His father does not matter anymore. Nothing matters, my love, unless you and I do not

want to lose it.

Then his lips took possession of it.

Although I know I should resist, she felt her whole body was handed to him.

And the rest of the world ceased to exist.

When the Marquis finally pulled back a little face was to say, in a faltering voice:

- Oh ... how you make me feel ... Good God, how I love you!

Then he kissed her again. He kissed her repeatedly and with such intensity that if Sabra

died in that instant, die happy, knowing to have known the pinnacle of love. Nothing

could be more wonderful!

His will, however, was always to live long and the Marquis.

Just loving him so much that he should avoid committing an error. He pulled back his

face to look at it.

- I want you to tell me what you feel for me, he said. Have you avoided me too.

- I love him! I love you so much for me, you're the sky, the sea ... the whole world ... no

longer exists! But ... should not marry me.

- You are mine! - Said the marquis, with impetuosity. - And if you think you can live

without you, and do all the things you want me to do without you, you're wrong!

She gave a playful smile and added:

- If you do not marry me, go straight to El Djem look back that treasure. So, if I am

caught again by the Bedouins, you have to go save me!

- How can you say such a crazy thing?

- Then marry me and try to fulfill his duty to his wife, taking care of me. I know that will

take me to do a million things that I do not want, but it's better than going without you

and be useless.

Sabra laughed.

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- You are a crazy ...

He pulled her to himself, saying:

- Leave it all on my own, my love, will be simple.

Paused a moment, contemplating it before proceeding.

- When I saw you singing to these kids, I realized that I wanted for my wife. But I was

always too afraid to fool me with women.

- And how can you be sure you're not fooling now?

- As soon as I knew I was intending to leave me, I realized that my life would have no

value and I would be terribly unhappy without you.

- I ... I would also ...

Victor chuckled and said naughty:

- But it is unnecessary to explain in words what I feel ... I can read your mind, and you,

my. You know very well that we need each other and that we will be very unhappy if

they do not stick together.

- That's true - Sabra muttered, - but ...

- It has no "but" - replied the Marquis firmly. - You are mine, and when we got married,

my dear, I'll make love me as much as I love her.

He looked at her at length, with tenderness and desire, before saying:

- When I saw you sleeping, I needed a superhuman effort not to wake her with kisses

and say how perfect and wonderful.

- Ah, you say such beautiful things! There are time that I'm unhappy that I can hardly

believe what I'm feeling right now ... not that I can be your wife ... - She hesitated for a

moment, then asked how a child who seeks security -: really want to marry me?

- We're getting married at half past two. First is the civilian, and then arranged a religious

ceremony in the Anglican Church of Nice.

He kissed her again and said:

- Before I continue telling you my love, we must fill this form and send it by coach

waiting. We provide various information that are needed in France.

Linking Sabra waist, led her to the table in front of the sofa.

They sat side by side, and the Marquis has his arm around her, while the other took his

hand from his pocket a sheet form.

Sabra saw that his name was already written and learned that it was Mark Victor

William, the seventh Marquess of Quinbourne.

Below was a space for her name.

- Mary Sabra - she said, before the Marquis asked.

He wrote and then filled the space reserved for the father's name: Michael Kirkpatrick.

- Now his mother - he said.

There was a brief silence before he answered weakly Sabra and hesitant.

- Elizabeth ... Mary Bourne.

The marquis looked at her stunned.

- Bourne?! So you are my relative? - She looked away and blushed.

- That's why I did not want Dad to approach you ... and so we knew much about him ...

- Why did not you say so?

- I was ashamed ... and besides, my mother was banished from his family.

- How so?

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- She ran away with my father was very young ... and you can imagine how he was

persuasive and the fascination that would act on an inexperienced girl ...

The marquis understood very well.

- Who is your grandfather? - He asked.

- He is now the Lord Chancellor Viscount Bourne, a first cousin of the late Marquis.

- It's unbelievable! Then his mother was the Honorable Elizabeth Bourne!

- Grandpa was ... but only became Viscount after she fled with Dad. And even though

Dad wanting to wear the title, he never did.

He gave a little sigh.

- Her father was so furious that she married my father drove the family.

The marquis listened in silence, Sabra and continued:

- Mom had a little money ... received only two hundred pounds a year, but I could live

in a house where we were very happy until she died ...

Breath, like a painful memory and continued.

- Sometimes Dad was restless, but he was happy, too ... until it was completely out of


- You mean you stopped receiving money from his mother in her death?

- It was a legacy from her mother, who could only be inherited by a son, if my mother

had had one.

She said with bitter voice, as if he regretted being born a woman.

He pressed her against him, saying:

- For me, my love, I am very happy that his mother had a daughter! But it's amazing that

all this is telling me!

- It was so horrible after my mother died ... - Sabra muttered. - Dad had no way to make

money, only what she could do was be funny and witty ...

He shook his head full of memories, and continued:

- The men knew that, wandering the world, were willing to pay for him to amuse ...

- This was not the life for you! - Said the marquis, vehemently.

- It was getting worse as I grew ... and Dad wanted me to help ... But I knew what Mom

reproach, so I refused, and Dad was furious.

The Marquis narrowed his lips and said nothing.

- It was horrible, because my father's fame began to spread, and people could protect

each other before he approached.

She buried her face in his chest and continued:

- So when Dad decided to look for you, I tried to stop him ... he had nothing else ...

- Thank goodness he did not listen! I could not have known her, could never find it!

He pressed her against him tightly, then kissed her with passion, greed, to a certain

boldness. But she was not afraid.

All had suffered after the death of the mother could be forgotten. Was again a world of

happiness. And as he knelt before the pastor at the church, he was sure that as the wife

of Victor was safe forever and never need to fear anything.

They opened the curtains and were lying in bed, staring at the sky full of stars. So, Sabra


- Are the same stars who witnessed our first kiss, in the amphitheater there ... That day, I

could not imagine that you would make me get so close to them ...

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- They are stars of love, my dear, and from now on you will forget everything that has

suffered and scared.

More snuggled into his arms and asked:

- I made you happy, my darling love?

- I never knew such happiness could exist ... - she said, wholeheartedly, in a whisper.

- Not me - he said, with a velvety voice. - I think now that fate brought us together

because we already know and love each other lives.

- Yes, my dear.

The marquis smiled at him tenderly, before continuing:

- Whatever happens, nothing will separate us.

- I also believe it ... our lives are eternal, and there is nothing greater or more divine than


The Marquis took a deep breath.

- I was so afraid to marry a woman who was everything that my father always said! But

now I know that when there is true love is very different. I did not know what that was

... You're part of me, my dear.

He kissed her gently before proceeding:

- Without you I'm incomplete. Only together we will have happiness, a happiness that

we should never lose!

- I'll never let you lose it, my love. I think our show sensitivity to the obstacles and

difficulties so that we can overcome them before they become dangerous.

The Marquis laughed and said:

- I think the worst has already overcome. But, my dear little wife, you have much to

teach me, so I polish the spirit.

- I think you're wonderful ... everything about you is wonderful. I'm even afraid to

disappoint you ...

- You never let me down. It is much more likely that I miss about my new duties that

both scare me.

- There is nothing to fear, my love. - He paused. - I can tell you what they want most in

this world?

- Of course! Whatever, I'll give you, my dear, even if I have to pick the stars in the sky.

She smiled, happy, feeling loved as ever.

- What I want, and I think you need is a home. I miss a home since Mom died. Always

dreamed of a cozy little house where I lived with someone I loved as much as I love you


- Well ... I can not say that the castle Quin is a "cozy cottage", but what matters is that

we'll be together, right?

- Of course, my love, I will turn into a home for us, even if the size of the amphitheater

at El Djem. All that matters is that we are there together and, over time, our children ...

She said the last words through embarrassment. The Marquis turned to her, eyes bright

with passion and tenderness.

- I want to see my son in his arms and hear you sing to him as he sang for those Arab

children. Our life will be wonderful and beautiful.

- By your side everything will be wonderful ...

- I'll always be by your side. We presisamos each other, and this is the best basis for a

background image


- I love you! Oh, how I love you ... she repeated, pulling his face to ask your.

When the Marquis kissed her again, with passion and sensuality, Sabra felt that it brought

him once again the stars.

And the ecstasy seized was part of God and eternity, because for true love does not end



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