Puja of the Three Super Faculties

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The Puja of the Three Super Faculties

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath

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First Electronic Edition, 2002.

This edition typeset by Adityanath using the L


TEX Documentation System.

Copyright c 1991–2002 International Nath Order. All rights reserved regarding

production, typeset and layout of this publication. No part of this document may be

copied without the written permission of the publisher.

Revision History:

Version 1.0 (26 May 2002) Document cre-

ated from 1991 INO print edition.

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The Puja of the Three Super


The five things required for puja represent the five elements of ether, air, fire, water,

and earth, and these are surrendered as the five senses; to wit: sound, touch, sight, taste,

and smell. In the puja, we symbolize the five senses with: a bell or gong, kum-kum or

red powder, a lamp or candle, a glass or bowl of water, and incense sticks or a brazier.

The Invocation

Prostrations and salutations to the Supreme Lord of the Universe, the Cosmic Manipu-

lator of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction who is denoted by the mystic syllable



, who is the Cosmos Itself, and yet beyond it as the Unmanifest. I bow to the Cos-

mic Enigma, the Spirit of Infinity and Time, the Everlasting Energy of Movement and


Salutations to our Divine Pantheon of Galaxia Gods.

The Power which now is, ever was, and ever will be.

Grant me to speak the word of weirdglow wonder.

Here is the scroll where wisdom curls in sleep.

The polychrome rainbow is spanning the welkin.

The bright Sothis star does measure the year.

All hermetically sealed within the Cosmos,

Only the churls and dull have real cause to fear.

Thou art the Gods of wisdom and the wise.

This paean of devotion, the latria of worship,

The trinity of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma,

The Lords of liberation, maya, and wisdom.


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Each like a mirror, reflecting formations,

Osiris and Isis and Thoth the Magician,

Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos the life span,

Chaos, Erebus, Kronos, Zeus, and Hermes,

Aphrodite, Venus, Athena, and Eros,

The supreme gurus who taught life and living.

A galaxy of stars and a galaxy of Gods,

A natural Cosmos with joys so delightful,

And natural laws in harmony blooming,

All this and more I crave to inherit.

Salutations to the faculty of Insight,

Apprehending the nature of all things.

Let us praise this faculty and mental vision,

The discernment of the supreme awakening,

Deep penetration and divine understanding,

The faculty of Insight, a real cosmic treasure.

Let us praise and work for the development

Of the wonder efficiency of this faculty.

Let us win the power to apprehend the nature

Of vibrations of people, things, and ideas.

Let us gain that awakened understanding

And penetrating vision of Insight to see

Reality, truth and not the delusions of maya.

We work to acquire and derive discernment,

And mental vision to penetrate the Cosmos,

And all of its aspects, form, energies, and patterns,

To obtain insight and to possess the divine pristine truth.

May the Cosmic Supreme be gracious to my wish.

Salutations to the faculty of Intuition,

Direct perception of truth and reality,

Independent of any reasoning process,

And with the third eye profound, see with intensity,

Immediate apprehension and accuracy,

The true knowledge without any delusions,

Having that awakened understanding of mind,

Seeing all the particles of the cosmic order,

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And how we can manipulate this cosmic power,

And adapt to our own life this divine treasure,

Of Natural law and the phantasmagoria of magick.

Salutations to the faculty of Imagination.

Let us praise and gain the faculty of Imagination,

And produce ideals, consistent and fantastic,

In harmony with magick and the cosmic harmony.

Let us develop this faculty, enjoy and share

Our creations that they will expand the Nath Order,

That Humanity will enter a new pattern of life,

And elevate its being onto a higher level.

This faculty has the potency to reconstruct all

The world of nature, and change mortals into gods,

And even formulate a new environment for

A life of Peace, Freedom, and Happiness.





: T








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