Fat burning Diet

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Created by Wout Cambier aka Wout000

Fat burning diet

Warning: This diet should not be continued immediately after the first 7 days. You have to stop atleast 2
days with this diet, during these 2 days you need to eat lots of meat and potatoes. If you have reached
your goal weight, do not continue with this diet. This is a very effective and healthy diet, but i am in no
way responsible of any physical/mental harm you do to your body. If you combine this diet with any sport
activity you will burn even moer excess weight and gain more muscle.

This diet has been created to help you burn off excess weight. This diet will burn 10-15 lbs (5-7,5kg) per week. This
diet will have a positive influence on your behaviour and feelings. this diet needs to be followed very thoroughly
if you want to achieve good results.

The effectiveness of this diet lies in the fact that you burn more calories than you take in.

This diet can be used as long as you wish without fear of any complications. It is created to clean your system of
any impurities and to give you a saturated, happy feeling. You will have a surplus of energy.

During the first 7 days, you can’t drink alcohol and you need to drink atleast 5 glasses of water a day. (Soup
is also counted as water) but remember the more water you drink, the better.


• 6 large green onions
• 1 bunch celery
• 2 lbs carrots
• 2 green peppers
• 2 cans green beans
• 2 cans tomatoes
• 1 can beef broth (flavor adding.. you can substitute with chicken broth ..i believe there is diet and light too)
• 1 pkg. Vegetable soup mix

Make the soup :

Cut the vegetables in small (middle) pieces, add ½ water (so ½ vegetables and ½ water). Bouil fast for 10 minutes.
Put it down to a simmer and wait until the vegetables are soft. This soup can be eaten every moment of the day.
This soup does not add calories in fact the more soup you eat, the more excess weight you lose (if only soup is
eaten). If this soup is eaten for a long periode of time without anything else, malnutrition can occur. Fill a
thermos if you need to go away during the day.

Soup can be eaten every day you like !


• Always drink : water, unsweetened tea, cranberry juice (unsweetened) and coffee (unsweetened)
• Follow this diet very strict, never eat something more or something else than allowed.
• If you are hungry, eat the soup….

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Created by Wout Cambier aka Wout000

Definitive things to avoid !

• Breadd (white + brown)
• Alcohol (during diet)
• Soda (even diet and light ones)
• bakked, deep fryed


The soup can be eaten any time of the day/night as much as you like !

This diet can be used by anyone of any age regardless of any intake of medication. This diet will not conflict
with any prescribed medication.

Because everyone’s metabolism is different, will anyone who follows this diet have different results. Don’t
be jealous if someone has lots more weight then you. The second time you follow this diet your metabolism
will burn more excess fat.

If you can’t go without alcohol during this diet (PROHIBITED DURING THE DIET) please make sure you have
stopped dieting atleast 24 hours before your alcohol intake. Otherwise you have a big chance you will get
intoxicated very fast !

On the end of day 7, if you haven’t cheated you will have lost 10-15 lbs (5-7 kg). This 7 day diet can be used as long
as you like, it will clean your system of any inpurities and it will give you a saturated feeling. After the 7 day diet you
have to eat normal for 2 days.

This diet is fast and intensive, the idea is to burn more calories then you take in. During this diet it’s important to not
drink alcohol….because the raised chance of getting intoxicated. Although it’s adviced to (after the first week of
dieting no faster) to drink 2 glasses of white wine per diet (so 2 glasses after you completed a full diet). Wine can
be replaced by champagne. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet (meaning lots of calories without the feeling of
saturation) but after week 1 it will help you settle your bowls and stomach.

After day 3 you will have more energy than before. After a few days of dieting you will notice your bowlmovements
have changed. Eat lots of fibres to calm your bowls (optional).

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Created by Wout Cambier aka Wout000


Day 1 : All kinds of fruits exept bananes. The first day consists of any fruit you like. It’s adviced to eat lots of melon
(watermelon to be precise). If you only eat watermelon the first day, you will have more chance of burning more
excess weight. Only eat the soup and fruits. There is no limit on quantity.

Day 2 : All kinds of vegetables. It’s adviced to eat until you are stuffed with raw or boiled vegetables. Try to eat as
much leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce,…), stay away from beans, peas and corn. For your complexe carbs, you
also need to eat a big baked potato today. There is no limit on quantity (only 1 potato though).

Day 3 : A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. No bananas, also no potato today. There is no limit on

Day 4 : Bananas and semi-fat or skimmed milk. Today you have to eat 3 bananas and drink 3 glasses of milk. The
bananas contain lots of calories, as does the milk. But on this day you will need the carbs and protein.

Day 5 : Today feastday. You can eat meat and tomatoes. Eat 0,600-1,320 lbs (0,300-0,600 kg) lean meat. Combine
this with 6 tomatoes (full tomatoes). On this day you also have to increase your water intake with ¼ (6-8 glazen
water per dag). This is to clean your system of the urine acid you will produce. The meat can be replaced by broiled
fish if you like.

Day 6 : Meat and loafy vegetables. Today you eat without a limit...eat until you are stuffed !

Day 7 : Today your meal consists of brown rice and unsweetened fruit juices, also all the vegetables you want.



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Created by Wout Cambier aka Wout000

How and why it should work

Day 1 : You are preparing your body for the diet, only eating fruit. This creates a massive intake of vitamins your
body will need.

Day 2 : Lots of vegetables who are virtual nihil on calories and give enough essential feeding substances.

Day 3 : Destroys the potato, because you only get your carbs from fruit. Your system is now fully prepared to burn
excess weight. You will still have some cravings for sweetness on this day, but it will subsided on during the day and
be completely gone on day 4.

Day 4 : Bananas and milk are an odd combination, but on this particular day, your body will make a decision about
your metabolism. Today you will have no more cravings for sweetness. Bananas are for the potassium and soduim
that your body has lotst over during this diet.

Day 5 : Meat and tomatoes. The meat is for the iron and protein, the tomates for fiber and digestion. Lots of water
today will clean your system. Please eat ALL tomatoes, meat also has to be eaten this day but not all; the choice is

Day 6 : Equal to day five, iron and protein from the meat, vitamins and fibres from the vegetables. Now your system
is in total state of burning excess fat. There should be a clear difference in the mirror in comparison with day 1.

Day 7 : Diet completed. You no have full control of your body !


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