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You’ll need a deck of cards before you proceed. A brand
new, unopened deck is best.
Cut out diagram one and fix it onto the front of a card
case with masking tape. Place an advertising card on
top of the deck and slip it into the case. Now use a cir-
cle cutter to remove the dark grey circular area. If you do
not have a circle cutter, use a craft knife and carefully cut
round the light grey, rounded rectangle. The advertising
card should have protected the deck from being dam-
aged by the blade and can now be discarded. Remove
and discard the template when this step is completed.
Cut out diagram two and fix it square to the back of one
of the Jokers from the deck. Carefully cut the grey area
out with a craft knife and ruler making sure all the edges
are straight and exact. The grey area is the part you
keep, this is your gimmick. When this step is complete,
detach the template.
To get an idea of how the gimmicks work together take
about forty cards from the deck and turn the top card
face up. Slide the partial deck into the case so that the
face up card shows through the hole. Now slide the gim-
micked card, face down into the case on top of the face
up card, the ‘arms’ of the gimmicked card are towards
the opening flap. Now, by tilting the flap end of the case
towards you, the gimmick will slide up to that end of the
case and cover the face up card, only back design will
show through the hole. By tilting the case downwards,
the gimmick will slide to the bottom of the case, reveal-
ing the face up card. Refer back to the main document
for details on handling.
© Copyright David Forrest 2005