Joyee Flynn Bedtime Stories 2 Grogoch

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Bedtime Stories 2


Some fairy tales don’t have actual fairies… And never one that looks part monkey,
complete with tail. But that’s what a Grogoch is, and their magic is nearly limitless.

Cuidighteach soaks up attention like a sponge. Securing the attention he craves, he
trades magic for sex, even though people see him only as what they desire. He might
appear as a busty woman or a brawny man, but only someone who loves him will see
his true form.

Finbar’s down on his luck. He thinks he finally has the chance at a real home after
inheriting a small farm from his wicked aunt, but his dreams shatter when he sees the
place. Then, a gorgeous man who happens to have a tail offers to help, and Finbar’s life
starts looking up.

But will Finbar be able to accept the way Cuidighteach lives his life, or will his heart get


Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fairy Tales/Myths, Shape-shifter


23,987 words

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Bedtime Stories 2

Joyee Flynn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-500-7

First E-book Publication: September 2012

Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.


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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Bedtime Stories 2


Copyright © 2012

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Chapter 1

“You agree to the terms then?” I asked, extending my hand to the

man in front of me. He was agreeable to look at though certainly not
the best I’d ever had.

“I bed you and you give my crops all they need for a month,” he

answered, nodding as if he hadn’t just changed the terms of the

“Half a month or I could go down to a week.” I gave him my

sweetest smile. If he wanted to play games I was always ready and
wanting to play. “Let’s do a week and if you’re good at pleasing me in
payment then I’ll give you an extra week for free.”

“Fine,” he grumbled and took my hand. Aww, poor guy. They always

bitched and moaned like I was asking them to give me a testicle but
they always enjoyed it. “You’re lucky you’re such a fine-looking lass.”

In reality I wasn’t though. People saw what they wanted when they

looked upon me. It was part of my particular fairy magic and helped
facilitate the deals. I was male, and didn’t look human, but only a
humble, kindhearted person would ever see my true form. But to this
man I was a heavyset woman with huge tits and long hair. My entire
existence was proof that people saw what they wanted in life and not
what was right in front of them.

He bent me over a bale of hay, undid his trousers, and entered me.

Grogochs, which was the type of fairy I was, were special in that our
bodies were always ready and accepting of sex. Even more so, we
were attention whores. We could have made any deal we wanted for
our services and magic but we were horny little creatures that wanted

Particularly for me, I loved a fat cock in my ass. This man had what

I wanted though he lacked the finesse I preferred and I don’t think he
knew the meaning of


. But he was big in the right places.

“Harder,” I begged, needing just a bit more to enjoy it.

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“Ah, that’s why I love bigger women. They can take all I have to

give,” he said as if it was some great insight. I swear sometimes men
ruined everything by opening their mouths. His hands gripped my hips
tighter and he started plowing into me. “Yes, you feel good, darlin’.”

I grunted and reached between my legs, stroking my dick in time

with his thrusts. It didn’t take me long after that until I was crying out
and shooting all over the hay under me.

Hung and dense

followed me

right over, filling me with proof of how much he enjoyed taking a man’s
ass. He might have seen a woman but it wasn’t like I had tits he could
hold on to during sex.

Good thing then he hadn’t even tried for foreplay or the illusion

would have been ruined for him.

“Did I get the extra week?” he asked as he pulled out of me and

grabbed a rag to clean himself up with. Then he tucked himself back
into his trousers and stared at me as if he was annoyed I didn’t answer
right away.

“Umm, no,” I snickered as I got to my feet and used my magic to

wave away any traces of the sex and re-dress myself.

“Why not? That was one of my best performances!”
“Try foreplay.” I walked right by him and out to the field he’d just

planted with seeds. I closed my eyes and focused on the earth. It took
several minutes but when I was done those tiny seeds had all sprouted
into a few inch-tall plants. “They will be protected for one week and
given all the nutrition they need. However, I cannot make it rain so you
must water them still.”

“You said you’d take care of them for a week,” he bitched as he

spun me to face him. “My having to water them isn’t


taking care of


“I just made them sprout and grow in a matter of minutes which just

saved you a month. I also fixed the soil so it had the nutrients to give
you full, hearty crops,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest and
getting pissed at his ingratitude. “You can water the damn things. They

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will not die or wither with my magic but if you want them to flourish then
tend to them with water.”

“Fine, thank you,” he agreed with a nod. Maybe he wasn’t as

dense as I had thought. He obviously realized that he was pushing too
far and my patience wasn’t to be tried. “You were wonderful, by the
way.” He reached out and cupped my cheek, pulling me closer. I
basked in the praise and affection. This is why grogochs made deals
and what we desired most.

To feel special.
“Was I?” Fine, I was fishing and preening a bit but he was finally

being nice.

“Yes you were,” he whispered in my ear as he leaned over me and

grabbed my ass. “You have just the right padding to be mounted and
I’ve never felt such tight, wet heat surround my cock. I look very
forward to next week.”

“I’ll throw in keeping your livestock free from illness for a month if

you take me again and actually take time with me this time,” I offered,
rubbing myself against his thigh.

He gasped and shoved me away. “You’re not a woman with what I

felt between your legs!”



you that you saw me as you wanted me to look like,” I

grumbled, knowing the fun was over. “That doesn’t mean what’s really
there just disappears.”

“I–I need to g–go bathe,” he stuttered and practically turned tail and

ran into the house. Fine, whatever. He wasn’t the only one I had lined
up for today. I walked back to the barn and grabbed my bag before
heading towards the next house on the outskirts of the kingdom.

This land had been the domain I tended to long before there was

even a king or castle around. Grogochs were very possessive of their
borders and they were not to be encroached on by others of our kind.
Humans though were welcomed as long as they did right by the land
and respected our power. The current king was a good man who

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valued the magical beings in his lands.

Granted, that didn’t mean I was invited to court to party with them

all. But when I did stop by I was given one of the best guest rooms and
lavished upon… And any of his knights who swung my way were
allowed to seek me out and keep me busy.

There was one rumor about grogochs that the king had been good

to dispel as well. We never forced anyone. We simply struck deals
with willing parties and never took advantage of anyone. Case in point,
my next stop before one of my regular deals.

“Hello, Cuidi,” the old woman, Margaret, called out when she saw

me. “Did you have fun with my neighbor?”

“I always warn them that I’m not as they see me but yet they always

act so affronted when they learn I am male,” I admitted with a sigh as I
climbed her porch and sat in the rocking chair next to her. “But enough
of me. How are you, my fair lass?”

“You are the only one who can get away with calling me that.” She

clucked her tongue and chuckled. I was a few thousand years old and
her sixty years were just a drop in the bucket compared to my life. “I
am fine besides this heat wave. It hurts my old bones and my skin
when I am out in it.”

“Well for some of your famous pie I could be convinced to help you

for the rest of the day,” I said casually. I knew she needed all the help
she could get which was why I made sure to make her one of my
regular stops. Margaret did not have many years left in this world, her
heart aging rapidly.

“I have one cooling just for you, my friend.” She smiled at me as

she patted my hand. “I do wish you would meet your true love before
my time is up here, Cuidighteach.”

“Most of my kind never find true love, lass. I am content with my

lot.” It warmed my heart that she cared so, especially since she’d long
been able to see my true form. She was one of the few who weren’t
repulsed by my true looks. I was short, only about four and a half feet

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tall and looked part beast, complete with long tail. I’d been told that I
looked half monkey but I’d never seen such a creature to make the

“You have a good heart and deserve to be happy, not simply


It was nice someone felt that way about me. She might be the only

one though. We went inside and I found myself to be starving and ate
her pie with gusto. Then I tended to her land, home, livestock, and
crops. When I was done she had more than enough in her cart to sell
at the market to give her whatever she might need.

At the end of the day she talked me into sleeping in her extra bed

and spending the night in comfort. I accepted, unable to ever deny
Margaret any kindness she extended to me. She was a good woman
and I knew the heavens would take care of her when she passed. Her
life had been full even though she’d never had children. She had found
love at an early age and until he died a few summers ago, she had
been happy.

Isn’t that what we all wanted to be able to say at the end of our life?

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Chapter 2

The next day I found myself in an interesting predicament that I’d

never been in before. And given how long I’d been alive, that was
saying a lot. I showed up at one of my normal appointments only to be
thrown against the side of the barn by a stranger and restrained.

“Care to explain what’s going on, Barry?” I asked the man I’d

known for over a decade when I saw him. “This isn’t your normal way
of greeting me.”

“Shut up, boy,” the stranger ordered me as he lifted my hands over

my head and put the ropes holding them on a hook.

“Barry?” I wasn’t scared. I could have easily gotten out of this after

he’d caught me off guard but I wanted to see what was going on.
Maybe they just wanted to be kinky and add to the fun? Yeah, I didn’t
buy that one either.

“My aunt asked me how my crops were always so bountiful no

matter what the weather we endure,” Barry explained quietly as his
gaze darted to the other man. He was scared. He was


scared that I

knew none of this was his fault and I wouldn’t hold it against him. “I told
the truth and suddenly my cousin showed up today saying he wanted to
speak with you.”

“When does the


begin?” I asked the tall brute. There was

something very off about this man, his thoughts and emotions jumbled
and flaring at the slightest thing.

“You are mine now, fairy,” he informed me with a wide grin. “You will

do as I say, when I say it, and if you’re a good boy I’ll take good care of

“You really think it’s just so easy to catch a fairy, especially a

grogoch, and control them?” I laughed when the man gave me a look
that said clearly he did. I used my magic and was instantly free and
across the room. “Now, if you want to talk with me like a civilized man
and discuss deals, I’m listening.”

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“How did you do that?” I let him approach me now that we were on

even terms. He drank in the sight of me with such lust I shivered.
That’s the


excuse I have for not noticing right away what he

pictured me to look like in his mind.

“What’s your name, big guy?” I purred, liking the size of him.
“Matthew,” he answered as he stepped between my legs where I

sat on the railing. “I want you, fairy. I apologize for my actions. I didn’t
think you would want me, most don’t so I took drastic measures.”

Well now


set off warning bells in my mind. “Do you normally tie

your conquests up?”

“Sometimes,” Matthew admitted. He reached up and cupped my

groin and I got the visual in my head as to what he was seeing.



no,” I growled as I disappeared and reappeared next to

Barry. “Did you know he was into



The image I had of how young Matthew saw me was so disturbing I

couldn’t even put it into words other than that. Barry’s cheeks heated
and I got a few images from his mind that made me gasp. Barry knew
exactly what Matthew liked because he had been one of his victims.

“Barry, I’m sorry,” I whispered as I touched his arm.
“Enough,” Matthew snarled as he charged me. A flick of my wrist

and flare of magic and I knocked the man out. He went down like a
sack of potatoes as I kept my focus on Barry.

“No one ever believed me,” Barry said quietly. “Please don’t tell my

wife. I don’t want her to ever know I was too weak to keep myself safe.

“If that’s what you wish, Barry, but you weren’t weak. You were a

child and this man is a sick predator. You know I have to take him to
the king.”

“You would do that for me?” Barry’s eyes shined with hope that

Matthew would no longer be an issue.

“You and every other boy he’s abused. I will need you to

accompany me on the journey though. You can tell your wife whatever

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story you like but you


tell the king the truth and I will forgive this


“Yes, of course, Cuidi!” He pulled me into his arms and kissed my

cheek. Barry was a good man who loved our arrangement because he
liked both men and women. He was loyal to his wife and she knew
about me. She never interfered and watched at times. Everyone had
their kinks after all.

“Go tell her we need to take him in for assaulting me and I’ll get him

loaded into your cart.” He nodded and immediately let me go. As he
raced off I found myself staring at Matthew, shaking with anger. It
would have been so easy to kill him or at least castrate him. But I
believed in the law and would let the king handle this monster.

Ten minutes later we were on the road to the castle, Barry whistling

a happy tune as he shared the muffins his wife had packed for him. I
had finally got him to stop apologizing and thanking me. In a way I was
glad this happened because I would never have known about Matthew
or his sick behavior otherwise.

We were still a few hours from the castle, having traveled half a

day already, when Barry’s hand found its way into my pants. “I’ve
missed you, Cuidi,” he whispered as he kissed along my neck. I
stopped the horse on the side of the road and spread myself out to
Barry like an offering.

“What have you missed about me?” I purred, needing the attention

and praise.

“The way you feel and respond to me,” Barry answered as he

undid my pants. “May I suck you?”

“Of course.” Barry was a very giving lover, always wanting to

please the person he was with. That was why he was one of my
favorites. He also was very close to my true form in the way he saw
me. He knew I had the tail and fur on my body but my face still looked
as his greatest desire instead of my true one.

The man swallowed me down with a moan and brought me very

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quickly. Then he praised my body and took his time with me. I felt
special and wanted which was all I ever desired. Barry was so good
with me and our time together that I would have given him my help for a
full month but I enjoyed our time too much to limit it that way.

After I was spent he asked permission for more, which I gave, and

he mounted me. He wasn’t huge in the cock department, on the
smaller size of average really. But what he didn’t have he made up for
with talent and passion. When it was over I lay limp against the seat of
the cart as Barry tenderly kissed my neck and shoulders.

“I will give you another week on our deal,” I panted, raising my head

to meet his gaze. “That was wonderful.”

His face fell and he released my nipple from his lips as he sat up.

“It wasn’t about our deal, Cuidi. Why do you always make it about that?

“I did not mean to offend you, Barry. But that’s the only reason

anyone would want me.”

“That’s not true,” he growled, showing a forcefulness I’d never

seen from him before. The next thing I knew he was slamming back
into my body and fucking me again. “


always make it about that.

Yes, I know there are those who only use you for what you can do for
them and take you because it’s the deal. But I bet there are just as
many if not more who would love nothing more than to be in your bed if
you opened yourself up to them.”

“Maybe,” I moaned, too into the sex to talk seriously. I threw my

arms around his neck and turned us so I was riding him. “Tell me I’m
the best ass you’ve ever had.”

“You are,” he whispered against my lips. “I love my wife but you do

things to me she cannot and she understands that.” He grunted as he
grabbed my hips and slammed up into me. “You are amazing, Cuidi.
Give yourself a chance to show people that.”

“But if I found true love than we’d no longer be able to do this,” I

countered, curious as to how he would respond to that.

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“It would be a small price to pay to see you happy and loved as you

deserve.” My heart warmed at the sentiment and his feelings for me.
“Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t dream of your sweet ass still and want you.
Your body is a work of art.”

“This body?” I drawled as I leaned back and ran my hands down

my chest and stomach. I smiled as his eyes followed, drinking me in as
he nodded. He reached down and stroked my cock until I came all
over him. Barry followed me right over the edge of bliss. When we
were done we sat there for a bit, wrapped around each other and
gasping for air.

“That was for me because I wanted you,” he said gently as his

hands ran over my back and ass. “Just promise to think about what I

“I will.” We kissed for a bit longer before cleaning up and re-


The rest of the trip was quiet, both of us lost in our thoughts. When

we reached the gates of the castle I was tired and ready for rest.

“Your kind is not welcome here, fairy,” the guard sneered at me,

cracking my normally deep patience.

“Your king says otherwise. Now call the captain of the guard

because I have a prisoner for him,” I snapped at him. He shook his
head and I growled at him. “If I pop into the king’s chambers and tell
him of your transgression what do you think will happen to you?”

“You cannot get past the gate unless I raise it,” he challenged.

Idiot. I sighed and wiped my hands over my tired face. With the
slightest magic I was on the other side of the gate staring daggers at
the guard.

“Cuidighteach is turning in a dangerous criminal and you are

treating him as one,” Barry chastised the man. The guard nodded and
raised the gate before running off to find the head of the guard.

“Still think people would accept me if I didn’t make deals with my

magic?” I asked quietly as I walked over to the cart. I stared at my

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suddenly interesting feet, shocked at how open I was being with him. I
never revealed too much of myself with the people I made deals with.
I’d found that was a good way for them to use it against me and take
advantage of my magic.

“One bastard does not speak for everyone.” I nodded but didn’t

look at him. We had to wait several minutes and when the captain of
the guard returned I was greeted a lot better this time.

“Cuidi,” he whispered as he surrounded me from behind. “We

weren’t expecting you for another couple of weeks. This is a pleasant
surprise and well needed after the crappy day I’ve been having.”

“It hasn’t been the greatest for me either besides a rest stop I had

on the road with Barry.” I winked at the man to let him know that I would
remember our time fondly. “But I’m glad you’ve missed me.”

“I have,” he purred as he licked along my neck. “Tell me I can have

you the moment we’ve dealt with whatever has brought you here. I
need your special attention.”

“Yes, you may have me first, Kelvin.” I smiled, loving my time when

I came to the castle. There was always a line of hotties that wanted
me, willing to share me at once. It was the only time I had sex without
the people involved receiving something in the deal. Well, directly
receiving at least. They took care of me in so many sinful ways and I
took care of the crops, livestock, and plants at the castle.

He hurried us along, asking me to fill him in. When I did his

expression changed from that of lust and picturing me naked to that of
rage. “How dare he treat you like that!”

“That’s not the half of it,” I admitted with a sigh. I filled him in on the

rest just as we reached the entrance to the castle. There was a main
wall surrounding the town but it was a little bit of a hike to get to the
actual castle. I called the whole thing the castle though because it
really was. I mean, how many towns had a twenty-foot stone wall
around it?

“So this man Matthew has been abusing boys for years?” Kelvin

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asked me, looking a little green around the gills. I nodded and he spat
on the ground. “Disgusting. He shall be handled immediately.”

“This is his cousin Barry and my witness to today’s events and

Matthew’s past transgressions,” I explained. Kelvin opened his mouth
to say it wasn’t necessary for me to have a witness but shut it when I
shot him a glance. Barry needed to admit what happened to someone
who would believe him and would have justice done.

“Of course, Cuidi,” Kelvin agreed. Then he turned to one of his

men and started giving a list of orders. “Are you hungry?”

“Famished actually,” I answered with a smile. “I don’t know if I could

have my normal stamina if you don’t feed me first.”

Kelvin’s eyes glazed over with lust now that we were back to play.

“We can’t have that.” We walked through the main hall and a man
came running up. “Barry, this is our court recorder. He will take your
statement and the list of charges while you dine. I hate to steal your
traveling companion away from you but the king will want to see him
and then I have need of him.”

“I’m sure you do,” Barry teased good-naturedly. He turned to me

and lifted my hand to his lips. “I’ll find my way home tomorrow when I’m
done, Cuidi. I know you treasure your time when you’re here and I
wouldn’t want to interrupt that.”

“You could join us,” I offered. Barry was very talented after all.
“My agreement with my wife is only for you,” he answered, biting

his lip with indecision. “No, just you, Cuidi. She is a wonderful woman
who agreed to let me fill my needs with you and have our dealings. I
wouldn’t betray her with more than that or hide something from her. I
thank you for the invitation though.”

“Then I will see you next week, Barry.” I pulled him down for a quick

kiss that left him breathless. “And thank you for your counsel on the
trip here. You will always have a special place in my heart, my friend.”

“As will you in mine.” He pecked my lips again before following the

court recorder in the opposite direction.

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“What counsel did he give you, if I may ask?” Kelvin asked quietly

when we were alone. He led me towards the throne room with his hand
on my back, somewhat possessively.

“That I am more than my magic and deals,” I admitted, trusting

Kelvin fully. “But then again, he’s the one closest to seeing my true
form. You are second. You both have great hearts, most do not. Most
are not even close nor care what I really look like.”

“I am sorry that you have that burden to carry. I would care for you

no matter what you looked like.” He smiled at me and leaned in to
playfully whisper to me as if a conspiracy. “Besides, I think the tail is

I threw back my head and burst out laughing as we walked into the

throne room. That was not what I’d been expecting him to say. It was
nice to be surprised at times. It kept a long life very interesting.

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Chapter 3

Two days later I was leaving the castle and heading back to my

duties. Kelvin had asked me to stay longer, trying to use his cock and
a few of his men to persuade me. Instead I promised to not stay away
as long next time and he agreed. Part of me never wanted to leave
and stay in the luxury and wealth of gorgeous men forever.

But then again, I’d form too many attachments then. Also, I was like

a treat for them. A few days off from reality and immersing themselves
in total debauchery. If I was there all the time then it wouldn’t be like
that. And I really liked how it was.

I was a fairy of the land too. I need fresh air and countryside to

flourish. The people of the land needed me. This part of the world was
not easy to live in much less have prosperous crops. It was why I had
chosen to live here so many years ago. The people I had come
across were starving and struggling to survive. It tore at my
heartstrings and I never left, claiming the land as mine to all other
grogoch fairies.

Several hours away from the castle I heard soft crying from

nearby. I had never been on that land before, the owner being a mean
woman who hated anything magical. But she had died two summers
ago and I found myself curious as to who was there now.

I walked along the path to the house and then behind to a stream.

There was a stunning young man sitting there wiping his eyes and
looking so defeated my heart broke for him. Without even meaning to I
found myself moving closer and staring at him. He was big, at least
over six feet with broad shoulders and a muscular frame to go along
with his physique. It was the dark hair that shined in the sun that made
my fingers itch to hold him and touch it though.

“What is wrong, young one?” I asked as I sat down next to him on

the bank of the stream.

“I am not young,” he mumbled as he quickly mopped up his face,

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not yet looking at me. “I am twenty-one and a man.”

“I apologize,” I said gently, patting his arm. “I am a few thousand

years old so sometimes it is hard for me to gauge the age of humans.”

His head turned in my direction so fast that it made me smile. I

loved the curious ones. But then he simply stared at me for several
minutes that I started to feel uncomfortable.

“I would never hurt you.” I was nervous now because I knew he

saw I looked part beast.

“I’m sorry, it’s rude to stare. I have just never seen anyone like

you,” he said as his cheeks heated up. “May I ask what you are?”

“I am a grogoch fairy.” I froze as he reached out to touch my face.
“Your fur is so soft,” he whispered in awe. “Can I ask why you are

here, fairy?”

“My name is Cuidighteach, but you may call me Cuidi. I heard

someone upset and thought I should see if I could help.”

“Why would you help me? No one’s ever wanted to help me.”
“Why don’t you tell me the problem and I’ll see if I can?” He

removed his hand and eyed me over suspiciously. “Grogoch fairies
help and make deals to help the people who live on the land in their
areas. I promise there is nothing untoward or any malicious intent in
my question.”

“My aunt passed a bit ago and I was the only relative she had. She

hated me and yet here I am with her home,” he explained as he
gestured around. “The place is falling apart and I have not a gold piece
to my name. I lived on the streets after my parents kicked me out and
having anywhere to go sounded nice.”

“Until you got here and saw the state it was in,” I finished for him.

He nodded and hung his head in shame. “Would you like my help?”

“Yes, I would do anything to feel safe and have a roof over my

head,” he whispered as he eyed me over. “What would I have to do? I
have no money.”

“It’s not money that interests a grogoch,” I purred as I eyed him

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over. “We make deals to help with our magic for attention and sex.” He
shivered at the idea and I knew it wasn’t out of disgust or fear. “What
is your name?”

“Finbar,” he answered, his voice going deep before he cleared his

throat. “My name is Finbar.”

“Have you bedded a man, Finbar?” I asked as I leaned back on my

elbows, letting him get a good look at my body.

“No, but I always wanted to,” he admitted as his cheeks heated up

again. “I admitted that to my parents when I was younger and that’s
why they threw me out. They said I was sick so I never admitted that
again until now.”

“Then we shall start slowly,” I said seductively as I rolled to my

knees. I moved myself so I was straddling his lap. “Are you in
agreement with my touching you? I will not take what isn’t freely
offered, Finbar.”

“Yes, you are beautiful,” he whispered. I was shocked when his

fingers found my tail and he wrapped his hand around it, petting me in
a way. He didn’t fully see me but I’d never had anyone be as close as
he saw me at first meeting. “I don’t know what to do though, Cuidi.”

“Have you ever bedded a woman?”
“Yes, but I did not find it pleasurable.” He tried to duck his head but

I reached out and cupped his face in my hands. “I wanted other things.

“Do you want me?” Finbar licked his lips and nodded. “What do

you want from me, Finbar?” He didn’t say anything and I decided
another route might be best. “Would you like to kiss a man and see if
it’s what you’ve wanted?”

“Yes,” he hissed as he moved his hands to my hips. I lowered my

head to his and moaned at how soft his plush lips were. He gasped in
shock and opened for me. I took advantage and thrust my tongue into
his mouth. He was gorgeous and so responsive that while I had
intended to keep things gentle I wanted more instantly.

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I squirmed in his lap as we made out, smiling when I realized he

was close. “What are you willing to give me, Finbar?”

“Anything,” he moaned as I kissed along his neck. I did want to

take things slowly and not scare him.

“What do you need help with most?” I asked instead.
“The house. It’s a mess and falling apart.”
“I will give you a day’s help and labor if you keep kissing me as you

have throughout the day and let me touch myself while you watch. I
want to come on your naked stomach and see what’s under your shirt.
Is that fair?”

He shivered again and yanked off his shirt so fast I almost fell out

of his lap. I smiled at his enthusiasm. Then he helped me out of my
clothes so I was sitting on him naked while he still had his pants on.
Then he kissed me with such passion I melted against him.

“You may come if you want,” I whispered in his ear. I could feel the

impressive erection under me and wanted him to find bliss. I rotated
my hips as I pressed against him. I leaned back and took my cock in
my hand, shocked when he ran his fingers over the tip of it. “You don’t
have to do any more than we’ve agreed upon, Finbar.”

“But I can if I want, right?” His lips were red and full from being

kissed and his hair was tousled already. He was stunning and I found
myself nodding, wanting anything he did. He smiled and removed my
hand from my dick and used his own.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped as I thrust into his hand. I made sure my ass

rubbed his dick, hoping he came as he pleased me. “Faster, baby. I
need it faster and harder.”

He nodded as his gaze never left my cock. I moaned as he did

exactly as I instructed, amazed he was so willing to follow direction.
But he was curious too and his other hand moved down lower, fondling
my balls before touching my entrance.

“Why is your hole wet?” he asked quietly as his fingertip pushed in

me slightly. “Is that a grogoch thing?”

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“Yes, we are always ready and stretched for sex because we need

attention and desire like air,” I blurted out. I wanted his digit inside of
me but that was more than we agreed on and I refused to push him.

“So I could enter you right now and not hurt you?” He hadn’t meant

to tease, an innocent question, but it set me off. I cried out his name
as my cock erupted, shooting ropes of pearly cum all over him. Finbar
pushed his finger inside of me as he kept stroking me. I kept rubbing
against him just right and as I finished my climax he grunted and came
in his pants.

I shivered from the force of it, wanting to feel him orgasm that hard

while inside of me. Finbar was a very big boy from what I could already
tell and I wanted so much more.

When we were both done he wrapped his arms around me and fell

back to the ground, gasping for air. I lay against him, my head on his
shoulder as I collected myself. He felt wonderful and I wanted so much

“I’ve never come like that before,” he admitted, joy in his voice. I

smiled and kissed under his chin before moving my lips to his nipple. I
ran my tongue over it as he watched me in fascination and lust.

“If you let me I can show you so much more and give you even

better orgasms.” I bit down his nipple, getting hard when he gasped
and arched his back. “Do you want more from me, Finbar?”

“Yes, yes I want,” he begged. Now came the fun part for me. I sat

up and reached for my pants. “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere but I need clothes if I’m to help you with the house,” I

answered innocently.

Always leave them wanting more

was my

number-one rule.

“Oh, um, right,” Finbar mumbled as he stared down at his hands.

Then he reached for his shirt, going back to looking dejected. “So can
you only be intimate if you make a deal?”

“No, I can anytime I want to.” I wasn’t sure where he was going with

the question until he practically curled into himself at my answer.

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“So I did something wrong.” He nodded as he got to his feet. I used

my magic to clean us both up and re-dress.

“Come here,” I purred as I held my arms open for him. He

hesitated only slightly before coming closer. I hadn’t realized how
unsure of himself he was before teasing him. I jumped into his arms,
smiling when he caught me and wrapping myself around him. “You did
nothing wrong. I enjoyed myself very much.”

“Then why did you stop?” He started massaging my ass and for a

moment I forgot we were having a conversation.

“Because it’s your first time and I don’t want you to freak out. We’ll

take things slow and you can get as many deals out of me as
possible.” He was still frowning and I didn’t know what to do.

“I don’t want to use you like that. I enjoyed what we did and want

more.” He tried to lower me to my feet but I clutched onto him.

“No one’s ever said that to me before,” I whispered, staring at him

funny. “I mean, some have said I’m more than my deals and they liked
me even without them. But no one’s ever said they didn’t want to use

And that left me with one big question… What the hell did I do now?

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Chapter 4

“Well I did say I expected you to keep kissing me,” I said in my best

seductive voice. I gave him a wink and planted a big one on him. Then
I lowered myself to my feet and took his hand. “Now let’s see how bad
this house is before I have to move on to my next appointment.”

“Next appointment?” he parroted.
“That’s what I do,” I explained as we got to the back door. It was

falling off the hinges so I used my magic to fix it. “I help people all over
the area where I live.”

“And you have sex with all of them?”
“Are you judging me?” I asked in a cold tone.
“No, just wondering how many people I have to share you with.”

Finbar opened the door for me, not meeting my gaze.

“You’ll get used to it but if you become my favorite I’ll come around

more often than I do with others.” I smiled at him, trying to shut down
this line of conversation. There was no way I was going to change
thousands of years of how I lived my life for one man after a make-out

“Okay,” he agreed. Good that he understood my subtle hint. I

stepped over the threshold and winced. Yeah, the place was a dump
and would need a lot of work and probably more magic than I could
give him in one day. “See why I didn’t know where to start? It’s just all
so overwhelming.”

“I know, sweetie, but I’m here now.” I patted his arm before

stepping away. I raised my arms and called the power within. First I
cleaned the place up. I got rid of all the cobwebs, broken furniture, and
rodents. Then I went about fixing the walls of their holes, the
countertops, cabinets, and the pump sink.

“My heavens,” Finbar whispered behind me. I opened my eyes and

smiled at him as I quickly leaned against the cabinet I just fixed. I was
tired already. “Are you okay?”

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“Yeah,” I answered with a smile. “My magic stems from the earth

and when I help with crops, plants, or livestock it’s much easier on me.
Living things have their own magic even if it’s too minute to ever tap
into. But objects that aren’t alive are much harder for me.”

“Then you’re done for the day,” he said gently as he scooped me

up into his arms. “Let’s get you outside while I start cleaning out the
barn.” I smiled up at him, his caring nature touching me deeply.

“If you show me where you want to grow crops and have some

seeds I can help you with that after I recharge my batteries a bit.”

“Maybe later.” He set me down against the doorway of the barn

and took off his shirt. I was impressed with his muscles, especially
since he’d said he’d been living on the streets for years. But then
again, I had a feeling he’d probably taken any job he could get and that
normally meant manual labor. “Do you want some water first?”

“No, I’m good,” I fibbed, knowing I’d go get a bucket of water for us

later. He nodded and headed into the barn. I watched as he started to
pull out everything that was inside that hadn’t been nailed down. Every
so often when he set something down and I saw it was broken I quickly
fixed it.

“Maybe you should quit fixing everything and rest,” he suggested

with a raised eyebrow an hour later.

“I’m fine, really,” I giggled, waving off his concern. “It’s no big deal

when it’s a little at a time. I simply overdid it when I was trying to
impress you with the kitchen.”

“You wanted to impress me?” He beamed at the idea and the next

thing I knew he was leaning down to kiss me. I accepted the gesture
and returned the intimacy. Then he gave me a wink and got back to

The one thing about humans that always amazed me was their

tenacity. A little hope and it was like recharging their batteries until they
felt as if they could conquer the world. All I did was give him some help
and a head start and now he was moving like a well-oiled machine.

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After another half an hour I took the bucket I found to the stream

and washed it out before filling it with cool water. Then I brought it back
and handed him a ladle full of it. He smiled and accepted it.

“What food do you have here?” I asked when I heard his stomach


“Um, none,” he mumbled, looking away from me. “I’m sorry I’m not

a better host but I used the last of my money to get here.”

“That’s no problem.” I shrugged and gave him a smile. “The next

farm over is waiting for me to make an appearance.” He frowned and I
quickly kept going with my train of thought. “I can protect their crops for
the next week or so for some basics instead of sex like normal.”

“You’d do that for me?” he asked quietly, searching my face. “I

thought you needed to have sex?”

“Yes, I love hot sex but it’s more the affection, Finbar.” I batted my

eyelashes at him as I got to my feet. “Will you show me lots of
affection tonight when the work for the day is done if I give up my sex
for the day and feed us?”

“I would even if you simply sat there all day and looked pretty,” he

said in a husky voice. “Showing you affection is not a hardship, Cuidi.
I’ve just never done it before so I’m not sure what to do or what you

“I like lots of touching and compliments.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He gave me a heated leer and I made a

snap decision to pop over to the next farm instead of taking away time
from him and walking. With one last wave I disappeared and
reappeared in Travis’s barn.

“Shit, Cuidi!” he exclaimed, clutching his chest. “Are you trying to

stop my heart?”

“No, I like it beating where it is,” I teased as I eyed him over. “And

the rest of you as well but I’d like to make a deal not like our normal

“But I like our normal ones,” Travis said in a husky tone. He pulled

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me into his strong arms and kissed me. “I need what only you could
give me.”

“I made a promise to trade for something other than sex this time.”
“Then add the sex on just for fun.” He reached down the back of

my pants and I almost caved but I didn’t. I pulled away and Travis
sighed. “He must be someone you really like if you’re willing to stop
having sex with others for him.”

“No, not completely but I need provisions and promised him I was

his today. I keep my promises, you know that.” He nodded though still
looked miffed.

“There’s always next week,” I reminded him as I ran my hands

down my chest. Travis was always


off on how he saw me. Not a

woman, like others, but he pictured me a strong, tall, muscular male
like he was. Yeah, not so much.

“Fine but I bet my cock is bigger than his,” he grumbled. I couldn’t

officially comment either way, but from what I felt, Finbar was bigger.

“Either way, I don’t kiss and tell,” I replied instead. “Can you help

me or not?” I didn’t like him pointing out what I was giving up for Finbar
and wanted to move the conversation along.

“Of course.” He smiled at me, instantly changing his attitude when

he saw I was getting upset. “What do you need?”

“Umm, everything?” I hadn’t really thought ahead on this and there

wasn’t much Finbar had. “The nephew of the next farm over came to
claim his inheritance and the place is in shambles. Food for one, but
some seeds and basic supplies to start.”

“I can do that.” Travis and I worked out a deal that gave him two

months’ protection and growth on his crops. And I got a cart full of
food, provisions, a two-year-old horse, a calf, and two pigs. I didn’t
normally make deals of this type but I thought I did well.

He hitched up the cart to another horse, explaining the young

horse would need to be broken in. I had no clue how to do something
like that and hoped Finbar did. Otherwise, I might not have made as

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sweet of a deal as I had thought.

“Why are you helping this guy?” Travis asked me as we walked

along the path to the farm next door. He led his horse pulling the cart
and I led the young horse.

“I’m not sure,” I answered honestly. Well, there was one thing but it

was more than that. “He’s different. I’ve never had anyone come so
close to seeing my real form upon first meeting. And he needs
someone. He’s so sweet and has been so abused that I just want to
give him hope and help him.”

He nodded, seeming lost in thought. We walked for a while longer

before he spoke again. “I’m not close to picturing your true form, am I?

“No, sorry.” I patted his arm as if trying to comfort him when it was

really a slight against me. If he had cared enough about me or was
able to put me before his own needs ever then he would see the real
me. Funny, how we tend to comfort people when we should be the one

We turned onto the path to the house and barn, startling Finbar in

the process. I gathered he’d finished cleaning out the barn because he
had been sitting on the ground panting from exhaustion and exertion.
The barn was for crap but it was big and that meant it had a lot of stuff
in it. He quickly jumped to his feet, blushing that he’d been busted.

“Oh hey,” Finbar said with a little wave as he tried to be nonchalant

and lean against the barn doorway. The man couldn’t pull it off to save
his ass. His eyes were darting between us and the cart as if scared to
find out what deal had been made.

“You shouldn’t be so tired from cleaning out just this barn,” Travis

announced, puffing out his chest. Men. I swear they all needed a good
smack upside the head for their pride and arrogance sometimes.

“It only took me three hours though,” Finbar snapped right back. “I

admit I’m out of shape but I also haven’t eaten in four days.” He closed
his mouth so quickly after that I worried he bit his tongue in the

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“Be nice or I’ll kick your ass,” I hissed at Travis when I saw the

shame he’d caused the other man.

“I apologize, neighbor,” Travis said to Finbar, clearing his throat. “I

was miffed at the fact I could not have my normal intimacy with Cuidi
because he promised himself to you today. This isn’t how I normally
greet new neighbors.” He walked over to Finbar and extended his
hand. “I’m Travis from the next farm over. If you ever need anything,
please let me know.”

“Thanks, Travis.” Finbar let go of his hand and turned to me. I

yelped as he lifted me into his arms. “Thank you, Cuidi. No one’s ever
kept their word to me, never thought I was worthy of keeping it for.”

“Well, I have plans for you and I always keep my word,” I replied

nervously. I’d never had someone thank me before for being
honorable. Hell, I had lots that said I had no honor for wanting sex like I
did and making deals. I had a few even call me a demon. Right,
because I was making deals for people’s souls. And no one


anyone to make a deal with me. I offered services for a price of my

How is that any different than selling goods in town at the market?
“What plans are those?”
“Well, Travis asked me why I promised myself to you today,” I

drawled as he set me on my feet. I walked over to the cart and pulled a
muffin Travis’s wife had made that day out of one of the sacks. I
handed it to Finbar who practically swallowed the thing whole. “And I
think he needs to see that you’re willing to do things for me he never

“I’d do anything for you, Cuidi,” Finbar swore with such sincerity

that it warmed me down to my bones.

“One more muffin and then I’m going to feed you something else.”

His eyes lit up with curiosity.

“What would that be?” he asked before swallowing the second

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“Get on your knees and find out.”

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Chapter 5

I gave Finbar a warm, rewarding smile as he did as I wanted. He

still looked at me with confusion and a little apprehension now that he
was in a subservient position. I saw understanding light up his features
when I started to undo my trousers. He licked his lips and stared at me
with such desire.

“Show Travis why I was willing to give up sex with him for you,

Finbar.” He nodded as I pulled out my cock, leaning forward to give it a
tentative lick. “Do for me what most won’t, baby, and I’ll reward you.”

He froze then and sat back on his heels. “Reward me in kind or by

another deal?”

“Why does it matter?” I asked, shocked this was such an issue for


“Never mind,” he answered shyly, ducking his head and moving

back to his task.

“No, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“You’re going to get mad,” Finbar rambled as he met my gaze. “I’m

not trying to insult you and maybe it’s my lack of experience that has
me feeling this way but…” He trailed off, unsure of himself.

“I won’t get mad if you’re simply being honest with me.”
“I don’t want my first time pleasing you orally to be about a deal,”

he whispered. “I


to do it because I like you. I don’t want payment

or you to feel it’s payment for your help.” I looked into his mind and
saw he saw me even closer to my true form now. Amazing. He was so
damn close and it hadn’t even been a day. I nodded, speechless at his

The smile I got from him was worth my confusion and slight

discomfort. I’d never had someone care for me so quickly and deeply.
Then he went to his task. I moaned, his mouth feeling wonderful
wrapped around my dick… Even if he had no clue as to what he was
doing. He was suckling on it, like a calf might on a cow’s tit. Oh, he was

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doing it enthusiastically, but I needed more.

“Use your mouth as you would your hand, Finbar,” I coached him

gently. “Long strokes, taking me deep into you.” He moaned and
complied willingly. Now we were getting somewhere. I ran my finger
through his soft hair, his deep blue eyes never leaving mine.

It didn’t take me long to finish and when I was spent, Finbar pulled

me onto his lap and ran his hands over my body lovingly. I gasped for
air, coming harder than I ever had from oral sex before.

“Did I do it right?” he whispered in my ear, aware we had someone

watching us.

“That was amazing, baby,” I cooed as his lips moved along my

neck. “Are you truly sure that was your first time?”

“I swear it.” He moved me on his lap and I could tell how much he

had gotten into sucking my cock. Finbar was so hard it was a wonder
he hadn’t exploded. “I want more, Cuidi. I know you don’t want to rush
me and take things slow, but I need you.” I wasn’t sure if he was even
aware of it but he was moving me so my ass rubbed against his groin.
“Please? You are so damn sexy. I want to show you I can be as good
as the others. I’ll do whatever you want to keep you in my arms.”

Travis cleared his throat, gaining both of our attention. “I can see

why you’d promise yourself to him today. I’ll take my leave.” I raised an
eyebrow at him, not sure what he was trying to tell us. “No man should
have his first time watched or another lover of his partner around
during it. Return the horse and cart at your leisure since I won’t be
needing it today.”

“Thank you, Travis.” I beamed up at the man, his kind nature

reminding me why I always liked visiting him. He leaned down and gave
me a quick kiss.

“Just be happy, Cuidi. You deserve it more than most who find it.”

He straightened up and turned away before I could even have a
chance to think of a reply. Maybe people saw what was inside of me
more than I had realized. Granted, most still didn’t see my outer shell

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but I couldn’t think I was so alone in the world anymore after some of
the conversations I’d had the past few days.

I’d been so lost in my thoughts that when I focused on Finbar again

we were both naked. How had I missed him undressing me?

“Did you change your mind after he kissed you?” he asked me

gently, his hands petting me softly.

“What makes you think that?”
“You’ve not said a word and you’re still soft,” he whispered as his

hand moved between my legs. He wasn’t saying it to be a jerk. Finbar
thought he hadn’t been enough to keep my attention.

“I’m sorry, baby.” I threw one leg over his thigh so I was straddling

his lap, pushing my groin into his hand. “The past few days I’ve had
some conversations that are starting to make me rethink how I see
myself. Or rather, how people have really seen me. Travis is the
second one to say he wants me to be happy and find love even if it
means I never come back to his bed.”

“Is it wrong that I don’t want the same for you?” He sounded sad

and stopped playing with me. I moved my head so I was gazing into his

“What do you want for me then if not to be happy?”
“Oh, I want you to be happy but happy with me,” he blurted out

quickly. “I want you to be happy here with me and love me. I want to be
the one you fall in love with.”

“Why would you want me to fall in love with you?” Maybe it was bad

form to ask but I’d never had anyone put it out there like that. I’d had
people want me to desire them most, tell them they were the best I
had. But love? No. No one had ever wanted me to fall in love with them
before. Lust maybe.

“Because you make me want to be a better man for you,” he

admitted after a few moments of thought. “You make me feel like a real
man instead of a scared boy. You amaze me with your kindness and
patience with me.”

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“I don’t know about that,” I whispered, blushing profusely. No one

had ever described me that way before and I found myself unsure of
how to reply. When I saw he was about to argue with my comment I
decided there had been enough talk on the subject. “Tell me how much
you want me.”

“I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, Cuidi.” I gave him a

quick kiss.

“Then let me show you how wonderful it can be between two men.”

He nodded and I instructed him to sit on his feet as I held his dick and
lowered myself onto him. I felt my ego inflate when his eyes practically
rolled back into his head and he let out a guttural moan I felt vibrate
through his chest.

“I never imagined it would be like this,” he panted. I moved his

hands to my hips, helping him keep me steady. “What do I do?”

“Go with your instincts. Thrust up when I push down if you can

keep balance.” He smiled as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders
and around his head. Then I started moving, using my feet to lower my
body up and down his cock. I had been right about Finbar… He was a
big, big boy in the dick department. Probably the biggest I had ever
been with when I thought about it.

“Good?” he asked with a cry as he thrust into me hard.
“Yeah, baby. So fucking good,” I cooed, praising his moves. It was

impressive for his first time.

“I never want this to end,” he declared a few minutes later. Then he

roared my name and filled me. I rode him like a champ, drawing out his
pleasure. When he was spent I was wrapped around him and stroked
his back lovingly when I realized he was shaking. “We should clean up.

“Oh, okay,” I mumbled, slightly confused. I hadn’t finished and

Finbar was upset. Instead of telling me I could practically feel him
withdrawing into himself and shutting down on me.

He lifted me from his lap, making sure to duck his face so I couldn’t

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see him. I picked up my clothes, worried there was something really
wrong when he leapt to his feet and jogged over to the stream. What
the fuck had happened to make him act like this?

When I got there to clean up he was finished and dressed, but still

pretending to fasten his pants so he didn’t have to look at me.

“Tell me what’s wrong, Finbar,” I said gently but firmly.
“Nothing. You were wonderful and I thank you,” he mumbled. Thank

you? I stood there in shock, mouth hanging open as he briskly walked
back to the barn. I took a deep breath and washed up. Obviously
something upset him and he wasn’t ready to talk about it. Either I could
push, risk making it worse, or give him some time to collect his
thoughts. A


amount of time because I wasn’t liking the fact that he

was upset.

Once dressed, I went over to the barn and quickly used my magic

to clean the inside while he unloaded the cart. I made the vermin leave
their hiding spots, driving them out to find another home. I evened out
the dirt floor and packed it down so it was almost as good as having
wood planks to walk on.

Then I carried in all the food Travis had traded into the kitchen and

put it away. Just as I was finishing up, I heard the banging of a
hammer. Checking out the noise, I found Finbar building a stall for the
horse and heard him sniffling slightly. It had been almost an hour since
we’d had sex and my patience was wearing thin. I couldn’t stand to see
him hurting and not know how to help.

I stomped into the house, pissed at myself for my indecision on

what to do. I wasn’t used to this type of interaction. Normally, I made
the deal, had the sex, and left. I’d never stayed before or even had a
virgin that I knew of. What could be wrong with him?

I cleaned up the bedroom as I had done the kitchen, fixing broken

furniture and whatnot. When I was done, I was exhausted and
strangely wanting comfort from Finbar. Maybe I had done something
wrong? Had I pushed him to do too much too soon? And just like that it

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clicked why he was upset. I raced out to the barn, seeing his shoulders
tense when he heard me.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” I whispered as I ran my hands over his back.
“Why are you sorry?” he asked, his tone full of shock. “I’m the one

who can’t please you! I came like a boy who just learns what his dick
can do and shoots everywhere the first time he touches it.”


what this is about?” I growled and pushed him so he fell on

his ass. He stared up at me in shock as I straddled his lap. “I


what we did and considering how much I’ve teased you today I’m
surprised you didn’t come sooner. You are no boy who can’t hold his
load, Finbar.”

“I didn’t even get you off,” he whimpered, trying to turn his head

away from me. I wasn’t having any of that. I took his face in my hands
and held him still. “You’ll never stay with me or come visit me more than
the others if I can’t please you. I’d suck your cock all the time if I
thought it would help. I loved the taste of you but you’ll want to come
during sex too.”

“Oh, baby,” I whispered against his lips. “Why didn’t you just tell

me? I could have showed you what to do! I thought you were upset I
pushed you too far or I’d done something wrong.”

“No! That was the most amazing experience of my life.” He

wrapped his thick, strong arms around me. “I felt so bad that I failed
you and I didn’t know what to do.”

“You didn’t fail me and if you want to make it up to me that I didn’t

come I can think of dozens of ways how.” I purred as I pulled off my
shirt and then his. “Fuck me, Finbar. The more you do it the more you’ll
learn how to control your orgasm and draw it out. Take me however
you want, baby. I enjoyed it so much the first time I was hoping you’d
take me again right after.”

“I was still hard after we finished.”
“Oh, that’s hot,” I moaned as I humped his hips like a slut. His eyes

glazed with lust and I knew what I was doing was pushing his buttons.

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The next thing I knew I was naked and on my back in the barn.

Finbar drove into me with all his strength and took me like a man
needing to prove something. Maybe he did but not to me. I knew he
was good and longevity would come with time and experience. It wasn’t
like he had been some thirty-second loser. Most didn’t last longer than
several minutes when it came to hot sex, whether it was their first time
or not.

I stroked my cock as I watched him try to hold on to his control.

The moment I cried out and came all over us he followed me over the
edge into bliss.

“That was even more amazing,” he whispered in awe as he kissed

along my neck when we were done. “You are the most beautiful
creature in the world, Cuidi.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I giggled, high off the afterglow of

great sex. “You can fuck me anytime you want, Finbar. You’re a
wonderful, passionate, and caring lover.” The smile I was rewarded
with from him let me know I’d said just the right thing. But it had been
the truth. I had never been with someone like him and I worried I could
easily find myself getting addicted to his brand of loving and attention.

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Chapter 6

Three days later I was sneaking out in the morning while Finbar

was asleep. I know, a total shithead move, and one that tore me up
inside, but I was panicking. I mean, having trouble breathing, black
spots in my vision, kind of panicking. Last night when we were finished
having sex Finbar confessed he loved me.

And I pulled another asshole move and pretended I was asleep. I’m

sorry! I just didn’t know what to do! I’d lived thousands of years and
never heard those words spoken in reference to me. I was so
confused that I went to the only person I knew who would give me
counsel and not let my help interfere with their advice.

The moment I was out of the house, I popped over to her place. I

waited until I knew she was awake and moving inside before I knocked
on the door. It took her a while in her older age, for a human that is, to
get to the door. She gasped when she saw me.

“What is wrong, Cuidighteach?” she asked gently as she waved

for me to come in.

“I screwed up and someone says they love me,” I blurted out. I felt

horribly rude and way younger than my years to come running to her
like a motherly figure but I didn’t know who else to turn to.

“Did you not say you love him back?” I followed her into the kitchen

and let her pour me some coffee.

“No, I pretended to be asleep and then I snuck out this morning,” I

admitted, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. “How can he
say he loves me after knowing me only three days? That’s not

“I beg to differ,” she chuckled as she sat down next to me.

Margaret smiled as she patted my hand. “I knew I loved my Tom after
the first time he came calling to court me. He was so sweet and
nervous that I saw right into his heart. We sat on my parents’ porch

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and talked for hours. Then he gave me a kiss good-night that almost
knocked me on my butt and I knew he was it for me.”

“Just like that?” I whispered in awe. “You just knew he was the one

for you?” She nodded and I felt my eyes burn with tears. “Then there’s
something wrong with me because I have no idea how I feel.”

“Oh, Cuidi,” she said gently and scooted closer to hug me. I cried

on her shoulder as she whispered that everything would be okay. “I’ve
never known you to stay with someone for days at a time. I think that
says a lot. Don’t you?”

“Yes.” I had already come to that conclusion but the rest was a

mystery to me.

“I want you to try a little experiment that I think will help you realize

how you feel about your young man.”

“Okay.” I nodded eagerly, wanting any guidance I could get.
“Go about your normal routine and business for a day or two.”
“I don’t understand,” I admitted after a few minutes mulling it over.
“You will, dear. Trust me on this one.”
I agreed and finished up my breakfast, thanking her for her

kindness. Before I left I made sure to help her crops and livestock as I
thought through her suggestion. I still didn’t understand. How would
acting like Finbar didn’t exist help me realize how I felt about him?
Things were different now and I knew I was missing something.

I popped over to Barry’s, needing to tend to his crops and help him

out. I’d been delaying all my normal stops because I’d been having so
much fun with Finbar, but it really was time. Barry was such a hard
worker that he was already up and tending to his horse though it was
barely dawn.

“Cuidi!” he exclaimed and rushed over to me. I smiled and then

laughed as he lifted me into his arms and spun me around. “How are

“Okay,” I answered, not wanting to burden anyone else with my

problems. He kissed me and I let go of what was on my mind for a

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while. But then the strangest thing happened. He pulled off my shirt in
between the kisses before starting on my pants… And I didn’t get hard.
I didn’t want to do this.

It took Barry a few moments longer to figure out that I wasn’t into

what was going on. He stopped and took a step back so he could see
my limp dick in his hand. I stared at it in awe, wondering what was
going on. This had never happened to me before.

“Want to tell me what’s up?” he asked gently as he tucked me back

into my pants.

“When did you know you loved your wife?” I replied instead.
He raised an eyebrow and then smiled as if the light bulb went off

over his head. “Are you in love, Cuidi?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted, blushing again. “My dick appears to be.

I’ve never not gotten hard before. I think it’s loyal to Finbar now.” I
glanced at Barry, the tears back in my eyes. “He says he loves me
and I freaked out. Margaret said I should go about my day like normal
and it would tell me how I felt about him. I didn’t get it until now. She
knew I wouldn’t be able to make my normal deals, didn’t she?”

“I think so.” Barry knew Margaret, having met a few times at the

market. “She’s a wise lady.” He tapped his finger against his chin as I
pulled back on my shirt. Most men would have been embarrassed that
they couldn’t get hard when they were being intimate but for me it was
just too weird for me to understand how I felt yet. “Tell me, do you miss

“I just left him not a half hour ago.” I scoffed, thinking that was a

little pathetic for someone to miss another person already.

“Sure, sure, but look inside your heart and just ask yourself if you

miss him.”

I thought about it. “I’m sad that I left without talking to him first. I

don’t like knowing he’s going to wake up and be hurt that I’m gone.”
Then I realized something else. “I want to be there to have breakfast
with him before he starts his day. I like how cute he is when he’s

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sleepy and shuffling around the room. He bumps into things and
curses them like they aren’t stationary and are trying to hurt him.”

“Cuidi, you’re in love,” he chuckled, smiling brightly at me. “Your

body isn’t responding to someone else freely offering sex and you’re
wishing you were with your man. You got scared because you’ve never
been in love and ran. To me that’s a true sign that you know in your
heart what you feel.”

“I don’t understand.” I walked out of the barn and stood in the sun,

wanting the comfort of it to help my fried nerves.

“When the castle guards beg you to stay longer, pledging

themselves to you. What do you feel then?”

“Horny, but not bad that they desire me so when it’s time to leave.”

He spread his hands out as if to say,

there’s your answer

. “So if I

didn’t love Finbar I wouldn’t have gotten so freaked out? That doesn’t
make sense!”

“You’re thousands of years old and never been in love. You live the

life you want, no one else to ever really think about if you didn’t want to,
and now you’re in the position to tie yourself down to one person. Of


you got scared!”

“Wow, I love him,” I whispered in awe as the news sank in. I

plopped down on my butt, staring at Barry’s flourishing crops. “What do
I do now? I can’t leave everyone hanging that I’ve been helping for

“You can make other deals than for sex and attention, Cuidi,” he

said gently as he knelt down and patted my shoulder.

“I’m not sure I can give up my life for someone I’ve known three

days, Barry,” I admitted, feeling horrible that the idea even crossed my
mind. “What if I’m just built to need more than what one man can
provide for me? I like my life of traveling about and helping people.”

“If that was true then wouldn’t you have missed it the three days

you were with him?” I thought about his question and slowly nodded.
“But you didn’t miss it, did you?”

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“No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I felt guilty that I had people to

go help but I wasn’t desiring anyone else or the attention.”

“Then you have your answer, my dear Cuidi.” Barry stroked my

face tenderly. I saw the sadness in his eyes that our time together had
ended but there was more happiness for me than anything. Barry had
a good heart like that.

“I’ll take care of your crops for this week until I talk to Finbar and

figure out a way to start making new deals,” I said a few minutes later.
Now I was excited to go back to Finbar and admit to him what I’d

“There is one thing that I think you need to take a look at. I’ve been

hearing rumors from others at the market that it’s been happening to
them too, but I wanted you to see this,” Barry hedged, vaguely. I
nodded and got to my feet, intrigued at what was going on. He led me
to the far side of his farm and I groaned in frustration. “So you know
what did this?”

“Yeah, I know,” I sighed and rubbed my hands over my hair. Barry’s

apple tree was glowing bright rainbow colors. “It’s still safe to eat from.
Actually, it will be the best fruit you’ve ever tasted.”

“Okay then,” he drawled, letting me know he wanted to be filled in.

“So what dug up the roots of other trees and made this one glow?”

“A cir sith,” I grumbled, realizing there was going to be a very large,

furry hiccup in my day.

“And you say that like I should know what it is.” Barry gave me a

funny look as if I was all around amusing him today. I acted nowhere
near my age and stuck my tongue out at him.

“It’s a fairy dog,” I explained, rolling my eyes when he bit his lip to

keep the laugh in. “Yes, yes, I know, hysterical. Fine, it’s a magical dog
that shits pixie dust that makes the plants around it glow.”

Barry’s eyes went wide before he burst out laughing so hard that

he grabbed his side and had to bend over. Right. Of course it was
funny when someone hadn’t heard of them before and annoyance

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entered my definition… But they really did shit pixie dust. They were
also twice the size of most normal dogs and dumb as a box of rocks.
They craved nothing more than a master to tell them what to do and
like all fairies, loved attention.

Cir sith also liked to start a lot of trouble to attract an owner. It took

me several times of saying this all to Barry before he finally calmed

“Why have I never heard of them before?” he asked me when he

had himself composed again.

“Because the last one to come into this area was right before your

grandfather was born,” I answered with a shrug. “They’re rare and
take a master for life. So either this one’s master died or he’s a pup
which makes it that much worse. I have to go handle this.”

“Well, go talk to your man at least so he doesn’t worry about you,”

Barry suggested gently. I nodded. He was right. I gave him a quick hug
and popped back to Finbar’s.

And ended up finding the cir sith as well.
“You’re up,” I said lamely when both man and animal turned to look

at me.

“Yes,” he replied shortly as he scratched the massive dog’s ears.

Imagine a four-foot-tall Labrador and that’s basically what a cir sith
looks like. “Did you have a nice time doing whatever you snuck out on
me to do?” He muttered the next part under his breath but I still heard
him. “Or whom?”

“Can we talk about this after I kick the fairy dog out of my area?” I

asked, miffed he was being so judgmental. I never said I would change
my ways for him, especially after three fucking days.

“Why are you kicking him out?” Finbar asked as he stepped in

front of the dog. “I told him he could stay here.”

“What?” I gasped as I stared at him with wide eyes.
“I’m keeping him,” Finbar answered, a little less sure of himself

now. “I could use the companionship.”

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“I see.” Wow. I was being replaced with a dog. “I wasn’t even gone

half the morning and this is what happens.” My chest hurt and it made
me angry that Finbar could hurt me so I lashed out. “Well don’t come
crying to me when you have random stuff growing all over the place
because the damn thing shits pixie dust!” I spun on my heel when the
tears formed so he couldn’t see them.

“When will you be back?” Finbar asked sadly and so quietly I

barely heard him. “I missed you.”

“Yeah, you missed me so much you already found another


. You replaced me with one who can’t speak and you won’t

be intimate with. Thanks. Makes me feel so special.”

“What are you talking about?” he shouted and I heard him racing

after me. I flipped him the bird and kept walking. Finbar caught up to
me and grabbed me around the waist. I popped out of his hold and
about thirty feet away in the direction I had been heading. “And why do
you look different to me?”

That question made me freeze my steps. I turned to him slowly,

studying his face and mind before I gasped. “You see me.”

“Of course I see you. Why are you being like this today?” he

whispered, tears filling his eyes. “Is this because I said I love you? I’m
sorry, okay? I won’t say it again. Just don’t go, Cuidi.”

“You really see me.” I fell to my knees in shock, so confused as to

what was going on my head was spinning. I think Finbar realized
something was wrong because he raced over to me and knelt in front
of me.

“Don’t leave me. I’m sorry I got jealous. It’s just I thought I started

to mean so much more to you than the others and I woke and you
were gone and it hurt and—”

“I wasn’t with anyone else,” I said firmly, interrupting his ramble.

Finbar snapped his mouth shut and looked at me with such hope that I
realized maybe I misunderstood what was going on here. “I went to talk
to Margaret because I was confused about how you could love me

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after three days. She said to go about my normal day. I didn’t get why
until I saw Barry and he thought we were going to have sex and I
couldn’t get hard.”

“Y–You could–couldn’t get an erection?” I shook my head. Finbar

gave me a feral smile and shoved his hand down the front of my pants.
Instantly I got hard the moment he started fondling me. “You’re getting
one now.”

“Only for you it seems,” I moaned as my head fell back on my

shoulders. “I came home to tell you that I love you only to find I’ve been
replaced with a fucking dog.”

“Replaced? No one could ever replace you, my love.” He lowered

me to the ground and ripped my clothes off of me. “I wanted the dog
for companionship because I thought you were going back to the way
things were and leaving me. I thought I wasn’t pleasing you and you
left. Having a dog is better than being completely alone again.”

“Not leaving,” I moaned as he fingered my hole. “Belong to you

now. You see me.”

“I’ve always seen how wonderful you are.”
“No, Finbar, you


me,” I explained, holding my hand on his wrist

to stop him for a moment. “What you see today is my true form. It
means you truly love me and want me just as I am. No one else can
see me exactly unless they don’t care how I look.”

“So what happens now?” he asked quietly, unsure of what that


Hell if I knew either.

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Chapter 7

“Stop, just stop, please,” I whispered when he resumed his

touching and kissing of my body. When I hadn’t answered him, Finbar
had taken it as a sign to continue. I just couldn’t. I couldn’t think when
he did that, and I couldn’t enjoy it with this much on my mind. The
moment he pulled away I rolled to my knees and quickly got re-dressed
before sitting down and pulling my knees to my chest.

I was so lost inside myself that I didn’t even register Finbar’s words

I heard in the background. I knew he was near me, but it was like my
heart and mind shut down all at once. It was the very large dog tongue
slobbering my face that snapped me out of it.

“First I’m handling the dog because I can’t seem to focus on

anything else,” I practically growled as I got to my feet. I stared at
Finbar and explained to him what having a cir sith would entail. He
nodded slowly, digesting it all. Wow, I’d even missed that he’d put back
on his clothes too. What was wrong with me?

“Really? Pixie dust poop?”
“Why does everyone always fixate on that part?” I asked

incredulously. Some fairies had wings of pixie dust that shed like when
people comb their hair and have some left in the brush. But that was
more logical? Okay then.

“It just sounds like something you’d make up to throw someone for

a loop,” he answered with that lopsided grin I adored so much. “I
understand everything you said and still want to keep him.”

“Technically he has to have a fairy as a master,” I whispered,

staring down at my feet. This is where things got complicated again.

“Well then it’s a good thing I’m in love with a fairy.” I felt more than

saw him step closer to me. Then I heard him swallow loudly. “I can
keep him here with me while you go make your deals when you need
to. Is he a good guard dog? Would that make things easier for you if
you know I was protected?”

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“I don’t want to leave you ever again,” I admitted so quietly that I

wasn’t sure if he could even hear me. “I love you too, Finbar.”

“Then why are you so sad? Why did you sit there staring out

across the land as if in a shocked trance only the loss of a loved one
could cause?”

I thought about that for a moment, glancing between the man I

loved and the cute dog who was starting to grow on me. He was well
behaved for a cir sith pup, I had to give him that. Instead of answering
right away, I took his hand and led him over to the stream, sitting right
where we first met.

“I don’t think I’m able to articulate what I’m feeling,” I explained as I

stared out at the water. “And there’s so much swirling in me all at once
that I feel overloaded. I’ve never been good at opening up to people. I
get close to them and it always ends badly.”

“As in you’re immortal and they’re not,” he said gently, reaching for

my hand but still giving me space. “Then how about just facts for now?
Would we have to go through that?”

“No,” I answered quickly. I didn’t want him thinking that I would go

on after him. “Every fairy has something a little tragic about them. It’s
nature’s way of offsetting the disruption of the normal balance for the
power we have. For me, it’s the way I look and that most people can’t
see the real me. I’m neither human nor beast though a little of both.”

“That’s never mattered to me.”
“But you’ve known me a whole


days,” I replied firmly, still hung

up on that part.

“And in those three days I’ve showed you more of myself than I

ever have anyone in my life,” Finbar defended. “I’ve become closer to
you than I ever thought possible. I know you, Cuidi. I see past the
façade and brave face you put on for the rest of the world.”

“What do you mean?”
“You don’t just want attention and compliments from people. You’ve

been looking your whole life to get them from the


person who

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could love you completely. I adore everything about you, down to your

“But I won’t be like this anymore if we take that next step and

commit to each other,” I whispered as I glanced at him to see his

He swallowed nervously but nodded. “What will you become?”
“I don’t know.” It was the truth. I’d heard legends that love made a

grogoch be able to walk in the human world and become a true part of
it. What that meant though I had no idea. “I’ve never met a grogoch
that had mated.”

“What does mating entail?”
“I become yours forever and I’d give up my immortality. You’d gain

a longer lifespan, probably several hundred years, but when it was
time, we’d die together and our combined souls would go together to
what comes next.”

“So you don’t want to give up your immortality for someone you’ve

only known a few days. I can understand that.” That didn’t mean I
couldn’t hear the hurt in his tone.

“No, it’s not that,” I explained as I scooted closer. “I would give that

up for you in a heartbeat, Finbar. I would still have my powers, but I
would go through a transformation and that’s scary. How do I know in a
month you wouldn’t tire of me and then I’d be a broken fairy. If we mate
then we’re no longer two separate people but one joined soul.
Breaking that apart would kill something inside of me.”

“You’re scared you wouldn’t be enough for me?” he asked

incredulously. I nodded sadly. “Oh, Cuidi. I would do anything for you. I
don’t want


but you and if it takes years for me to prove that to

you, then so be it.”

“You’d be okay with us not mating right away?” Now it was my turn

to be shocked.

“Sure.” He shrugged as he wrapped his arm around me. “People

can wait years to get married. It’s understandable to want more time.” I

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leaned into his large, firm body as I sighed in relief. “What else is
bothering you?”

“What if I’m not able to only be with one man? I’ve spent thousands

of years going from person to person. Maybe I’m not capable of
committing myself?”

“I can understand your concern after living that way for so long,” he

hedged slowly. “But I don’t believe you couldn’t only be with one man.
Have you wanted to be with others while with me?”

“No, not at all.”
“Then I think you have your answer. Three days or three years, if

you needed someone else to complete you then you would have
thought about seeing someone else while with me.” I wasn’t sure about
the theory but part of me wanted to believe it when Finbar so obviously
did. “Besides, I think there is another way around that.”

“Like what?” I glanced up at him, curious as to where he was going

with this.

“I woke up hard and horny because I had a dream that we were at

the castle with all the guards like the stories you told me. I don’t want
you sneaking off to go make deals and have sex with others but I like
the idea of joining in and bringing others into our bed. Once in a while.
I’m not saying always but there’s no reason we can’t take a trip here
and there to the castle.”

“You’d be willing to do that for me?” I asked in awe.
“I think it would be for me too,” he admitted, his cheeks heating up.

“The idea of taking you while someone is inside of me is thrilling. Or
taking you while you suck someone else off. It doesn’t matter as long
as I’m part of the equation.”

It took me a few moments to let that sink in, alleviating some of my

worries. “What if I get restless and can’t stay in one place all the time?
I’m used to traveling the countryside constantly.”

“Then I’ll come with you on your travels to make deals. We’ll keep

this place as our home but you could make deals with other farms in

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the area to take care of ours while we’re gone in return for helping

“That’s really smart,” I agreed, feeling as if some of the knots in my

stomach were loosening. “Can I have the afternoon to think about all
of this?” I felt him go tense and started rambling. “I do have farms and
people waiting for me but I won’t have sex with anyone. It doesn’t seem
I even can now that I realized I’m in love with you. I just need time to
mull this over when you’re not around to melt my insides.”

“That’s fair to ask and I don’t want to stand in the way of others

getting help from you,” he said quietly after a moment. “Can I keep the

“You need to think long and hard about wanting him,” I hedged, not

wanting to sound harsh. “Once he finds a master that agrees to keep
him, it’s forever, Finbar. We can’t send him away or find someone else
for him if we say we’ll keep him.”

Kind of like mating me

, I added


“And technically he’d be yours so I’d be signing


up to take care

of him for the rest of your life.” He waited until I nodded in agreement.
“You’d be willing to do that for me?”

“If would make you happy, yes.” He gave me a bright smile that

made the situation seem just a little less scary. Finbar was a good man
with a big heart. I simply needed time and to give him time to
understand the severity and consequences of what he wanted.

We got to our feet and I walked over to the dog and didn’t even

have to kneel down to almost see eye to eye with him. He was a smart
one because I think he understood it was serious time because he
plopped down on his butt. And while his tail was still wagging happily, he
seemed focused.

“Today is a trial run. I’ve not given my word that we’re going to keep

you, okay?” He obviously didn’t answer me or nod but when his tongue
dropped out of his mouth, I took it as he got me. “You protect Finbar
and stay out of trouble and we’ll talk about giving you a place to live

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with us.” That got an excited bark. “He’s the boss while I’m gone and if
you hurt him or screw up his work I’ll zap you when I get back.”

I swear the dog understood me because his face fell. I’d heard of

cir siths linking with their masters so they were only dumb with
everyone else. But I hadn’t agreed to be his master yet. Maybe it was
like falling in love where there really wasn’t much of a choice on who
someone clicked with?

“Promise you’ll come back?” Finbar asked me shyly after I was

done with the dog.

“I’ll be back for dinner and to fall asleep in your arms, my love,” I

swore as I pulled his head down for a heated kiss. I was the one
having issues. Finbar shouldn’t doubt himself or be upset because I
had thousands of years of bullshit to wade through.

I popped over to old man Wayland’s farm. He was an ornery

bastard who actually liked me. Most told stories about his attitude and
rudeness, but the man had never been anything but kind and pleasant
to me.

And no, I didn’t have sex with the old guy… I had it with his son

normally, Wayland Jr. I waved to them, walking over to the barn as I
glanced around. They definitely needed some help. I didn’t think
Wayland Jr. could handle this much land.

“Are you here for our normal deal?” he asked shyly as he stared

down at his hands. Wayland was a good guy, but he wasn’t even close
to seeing what I really looked like. He always pictured I was the gal at
the next farm over he was deeply in love with.

“No, I want to make a new deal actually,” I answered as I gave a

nod to the elder Wayland. “I was hoping we could do a trade of straight
services. I’m not sure what wares you normally sell but I need to
exclude sex from my deals from here on out.”

“Why?” the elder Wayland asked with a raised eyebrow and a

smile. I had been intimate with him decades ago when he was a young
man so I had a feeling he knew the answer.

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“I’ve fallen in love,” I admitted with a blush. “I’ve promised to be

faithful and change my ways for a while before deciding if I can commit
to him.”

“Good for you, Cuidi,” he congratulated as he slapped me on the

back hard enough I almost went tumbling to the ground. For an old guy
he still had a lot of strength to him. “My son is a master crafter. Come
look at his workshop and I’m sure there’s something you can find.”

“Good deal,” I agreed readily. I followed them, Wayland Jr. shyly

ducking his head at the praise.

I gasped as I stepped into the small workroom. Wayland Jr. was

very talented to say the least! I walked around, running my hands over
the finely crafted furniture.

“How did I never know you could do this?” I asked in awe, focused

on a beautiful kitchen table and chair set. “I want this but a month of
help from me is not worth its value. What else are you in need of? I
can trade with others in the area to make up the difference.”

Now I was excited. I saw a whole new way to help people. I could

set up trading deals and help people meet others who could use their

“We need hay badly,” Wayland Sr. hedged as he glanced at his

son. “And shoes for the horses.”

“I have someone who does that.” I smiled brightly at both of them.

“What else?”

We agreed upon a month of crop help and enough hay for that

month, shoes for the horses, and Wayland Jr. would let me have the
table and chairs. He would even deliver them right away.

Maybe changing how I’d lived all these years wasn’t going to be as

hard as I had thought? It gave me hope that I could lead a happy,
normal life with Finbar.

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Chapter 8

I returned home for dinner, exhausted but excited all at once.

Finbar was full of questions after Wayland Jr. had showed up with the
table and chairs. I brought in the meat pies I had traded for and we sat
down on our new furniture to eat.

“This is gorgeous, Cuidi,” he said with a smile, his fondness for the

table apparent in his tone. “Tell me everything.”

“Well, I traded them for this and went to the farrier to trade my

services for horseshoes for the Waylands. Then I got them hay for a
month from a farmer who also agreed to hay for us and to butcher one
of his cows. The meat will be delivered tomorrow along with a
gorgeous blanket for our bed and some baked goods.”

“You seem happy with the deals you made today,” he said


“I am. I introduced people who can now trade with each other as

well as having gotten stuff we needed.” I bit my lip and decided to be
completely honest with Finbar. “It’s a huge relief that things went well
today. I always thought I was only good for my magic and sex but today
helped me see I could be more than that.”

“I never doubted you were more than hot sex and magic, Cuidi,” he

whispered as he leaned in for a kiss. I gladly gave it to him and one for
the trip back to his seat.

“I wouldn’t have had a chance to figure that out without you. Today

was more than that for me though.”

“How so?” He reached over and started cutting into the meat pie,

making sure I had a large helping before serving himself. What a

“I’ve never had this,” I answered, gesturing between the two of us.

“I found the table and couldn’t wait to tell you about it. Then I made the
deal and I was about to turn around and fill you in. I was so excited to
share every aspect of my day and life with you. It’s new to me and I’m

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not alone anymore. I feel like I have a real home.”

“Me too and that’s because of you.” I tilted my head, indicating for

him to go on since I wasn’t sure how to take what he said. “This was
just a house to me, Cuidi. My aunt’s house that I had to fix up to have a
roof over my head. But with you? Us here? It’s home and I want it to
be ours in every way.”

“Sounds nice.” We ate a bit as I thought over this new

development. “I never realized I was tired of living out of a bag,
traveling around until I had somewhere and someone to come back to.
I want to share my life with you, Finbar.” His reaction was almost
comical. His hand froze, holding his fork on the way to his mouth.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” he asked hopefully,

giving me the courage to say what came next.

“Finbar, will you do me the honor of becoming my mate for the rest

of our lives?”

“Yes, my love,” he whispered, his eyes shining with joy. “I’d like

nothing better than for us to be together always.” He set down his fork
and scooted his chair closer. “Are you sure? This morning you wanted
to wait.”

“I’m sure if you are.” It felt so right. Knowing him four days or four

years… It didn’t matter because I loved him.

“How do we do this?” he asked excitedly.
“After dinner I will give you my heart and swear my soul to you

while we make love,” I answered with a wink. The man nodded and
practically shoveled his food into his mouth. I did the same, wanting to
bind us together before either of us changed our minds.

Ten minutes later we were both nervously standing in our bedroom.

Finbar had been adamant that it was


and I should stop calling it


“Why am I so nervous?” he whispered as he plopped down on the


“It’s a big step and maybe you’re not ready,” I said hesitantly. I

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yelped as he pulled me onto his lap.

“Never think that.” He kissed my neck before pulling off my shirt. “I

love you and want you forever.”

“I feel the same,” I admitted as my cheeks heated up. We glanced

at each other and then it became a flurry of clothes flying in the air.
When we were in bed and naked, Finbar between my legs as I lay on
my back, the nerves were gone. “Take me and love me always, Finbar.

“Gladly,” he growled as he lifted my leg and entered me. I wrapped

my legs over his hips, my arms finding their way around his neck. “You
are so perfect, Cuidi.” I nodded and moaned as he thrust into me
tenderly but with great zeal.

“I, Cuidighteach of the Grogoch Clan of the fairies, swear myself

to you, Finbar, for the rest of my days,” I said solemnly. No one had
ever taught me the words but it was like I knew them in my very depths
as the pledge to bind us. “You own my heart and my soul is yours as is
my very life.”

“I promise the same to you.” He kissed me deeply and I felt a

surge of magic strong enough that we both cried out and came. When
it was over and we were more than spent, Finbar collapsed on top of
me. I grunted at his weight and we rolled to our sides. I knew I was
smiling like a loon. Everything was as it should be.

“Heavens above!” Finbar exclaimed as he slowly reached to touch

my cheek. I didn’t know why he looked almost scared until I moved my
hand to his chest and saw that the fur on my hand was gone. I gasped
and quickly sat up. I studied my body. My tail was gone too!

“I’m human,” I whispered and leapt out of bed. I stopped in front of

the floor-length mirror and stared at the stranger standing before me.
“Holy shit!” I whimpered, not sure I wanted to see Finbar’s reaction to
the change. Gone was my brownish fur to reveal smooth, creamy skin.
I still had hair on my head but it was like a normal human’s hair.

The only thing besides my height that didn’t change was my green

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“Are you okay?” Finbar asked gently as he moved behind me so I

could see him in the mirror.

“I don’t know,” I whispered as tears filled my eyes. “Do you still

want me?”

“Oh, my love,” he gasped as he pulled me back against his chest.

“I think you are just as breathtaking as you were before. Yes, you look
different, but you’re still just as sexy to me.”

“Really?” I wasn’t fishing for compliments, I swear I wasn’t. It was

just my whole world had been turned upside down in the matter of a
few moments and I wanted comfort, reassurance.

“Yes,” he purred, rubbing his hands over my ass. “I liked the fur,

don’t get me wrong. But your soft, creamy skin is driving me crazy,
Cuidi.” Just to accentuate his point, he thrust his erection against my
lower back. “I still see the man I love before me and I want you just as
much as I did when you accepted me.”

“I look human,” I said quietly, unbelieving what my eyes were

seeing. “I can’t get over this.”

“Are you sorry you transformed?” Finbar stopped teasing me and

letting his hands roam over my body.

“No, I wanted us to be bound,” I answered with a nod. “It’s just

going to take some getting used to. Thousands of years looking as I
did makes this quite a shock.”

“Maybe if you got some loving in this form you’d see you’re still the

same person,” he suggested, his voice going deep with desire.

“We could try it for experimental sake,” I teased. Then I let out a

yelp as he lifted me into his arms, turned me around, and pushed me
against the wall. “I take it you like how I look.”

“You were a sexy little thing before, and I might miss the tail,” he

admitted with a shrug. His eyes glazed over with lust as he drank in my
body. “But heavens above, Cuidi. You are so fucking perfect now that I
might not ever let you out of my bed. You are the single most desirable

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man I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“Show me,” I begged and whimpered. Finbar smiled and slammed

his huge cock into my ready ass. I cried out, arching my back against
the wall as he plundered my body. He thrust hard and fast, desperate
for me. I saw enough of his mind to know his words were true. He’d
loved me before and the way I’d looked. But now, I was like a twelve to
him on a scale of ten.

“Love you,” he grunted as he fucked me faster. “Love you inside

and out, Cuidi. You are perfect.”

And once didn’t seem to be enough to prove he still wanted me

every bit as much as before. The second time I was on my hands and
knees on our bed and he took me so firmly that I swear I thought we
were going to break the frame. And there was lots of spanking.

“Finbar!” I screamed as I came so hard lights flashed behind my


He followed me right over and when we were done we both

collapsed on the bed, incapable of moving. I gasped for air, not even
having the energy to smile when I heard Finbar doing the same. It took
me about five or so minutes to even be able to roll onto my back and
feel as if my heart wasn’t trying to jump from my chest.

“Not that I’m complaining but what was


all about?” I asked, my

head lolling to the side so I could see him.

“I couldn’t see my handprint when you were covered with fur,” he

mumbled. He didn’t look at me and I couldn’t tell if his cheeks were red
from blushing or exertion. I also didn’t understand the comment for a
minute until it suddenly hit me.

“You got that excited from


me?” I felt a wide, evil grin

spread across my face. Well, well, well, this was interesting to say the
least. “Is it the marking me with your hand or the fact that I beg for
more that gets you going like that?”

“Both. Your hole quivers when I slap you too and it’s fantastic.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I said with a chuckle, rolling over so I

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was sprawled against him. “Any regrets?”

“Only that I don’t have the energy for another round,” he teased

with a yawn. Then he moved us so we were lying in a better spot, his
head on the pillows and mine on his chest. “You’re all mine forever and
I’m yours, Cuidi. I don’t have a single regret in the world and I love you
even more than I did this morning.”

Wow! What did someone say to that? I decided nothing could top it

and simply kissed him instead. What a man!

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Chapter 9

The next week was the best of my life. Actually, any time spent with

him or since I had met Finbar was the best of my life. I didn’t know life
could be this good until I knew him. Everything was perfect… Even the
damn dog he’d talked me into keeping.

That didn’t stop me from naming him Twit though. Okay, so we

named him Thumper since the ground practically shook when the dog
thumped his tail. But I still called him Twit when Finbar wasn’t listening.
It was a nickname of love though because the big guy was growing on
me. If only he’d stop slobbering on me though.

The first day we had him we’d tried training him to poop on the

crops so they’d grow crazy big. Except he trampled them in the
process. Then we tried the fruit trees Finbar had on the back of the
property. No such luck since Thumper didn’t like having to go on an
angle. Fair enough, I guess. So we ended up throwing down an old
blanket next to the barn and that was his spot. He went number two
there and we collected it for our crops.

After a couple of days it got to be where Finbar and I agreed that if

we used any more of the pixie dust, our crops might overrun us. So
instead we started bagging the stuff up to take to the castle next time I
went. Gross, yes, but it’s not like it smelled and it was magic after all so
it seemed wrong to waste it. Pun intended. And with the amount of food
Thumper ate there was a lot of it. That dog could



I was returning home from Margaret’s where I dropped off a bunch

of fruit in the hopes she’d turn it into pies for us. I was disheartened
when I saw how bad her health had gotten in less than a week and
talked her into calling a doctor. Worst case, I knew I could talk to the
king about having her moved to the infirmary they had in the castle.
Normally it was reserved for those elderly of royal blood, but I knew
the king would make an exception for me.

When I popped back I made sure to go by the barn, figuring Finbar

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would be there. Sure enough, he was and I raced right into his arms.

“Cuidi, what’s wrong?” he asked me gently as he held me tight.
“Margaret,” I sniffled, clutching onto him as if the only solid thing I

had in this world. “I think she’s dying, Finbar. She’s been hiding it from
me but today I saw it’s bad. She let me call the doctor and he’s there
with her now but I’m scared it’s her time.”

“I’m so sorry, my love.” He kissed my hair and comforted me. I was

so wrapped up in my grief that I didn’t realize someone else was there
until I heard a throat clear. I turned around quickly, connecting my head
with Finbar’s. Ouch! “We have company.”

“Kelvin? What are you doing here?” The captain of the guard was

sitting on a bench in the barn, watching us as if he was seeing a ghost.

“H–He called y–you Cuidi,” he stuttered and I understood now. I’d

been having this problem all week with people freaked out that I didn’t
look like they saw me before. He stood up slowly as if scared to move
too fast.

“I am Cuidi, my old friend.” I walked over to him and away from

Finbar, making sure to move slowly so I didn’t add to his being freaked
out. “I fell in love and have a human body now. But you can see my
eyes and hear my voice, which have not changed.”

Kelvin nodded and studied me. “No tail, huh?” I shook my head,

smiling at him. “I’m going to miss the tail but you’re really fucking hot,

“I said the same thing,” Finbar admitted with a snicker. What a

couple of characters I had here, I swear.

I realized something then. I’d never seen Kelvin outside of the

castle and it worried me that he was here now. “Kelvin, why are you
here? Is the king okay?”

“It’s the queen,” he admitted sadly. “I’ve been riding all night to find

you. Luckily I saw Barry and he told me where you were now. The
queen is gravely ill, Cuidi, and the king begs you come at once.”

“Of course but I can’t prevent death, Kelvin,” I said gently. It wasn’t

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the first time someone asked it of me though. There just wasn’t a
damn thing I could do. If I could, I would still be at Margaret’s.

“The king can explain what’s happened better than I can.” Kelvin

shrugged. He was not one for medicine and most of the healing
practices confused him.

“Finbar, is it okay with you if I pop right over to the castle?” I asked

him as I turned to him and moved into his arms. “You and Kelvin can
follow with haste and bring Thumper and what we’ve saved for them.
Travis can watch the farm.”

“You don’t want to go by yourself to have fun at the castle?” he

replied after searching my eyes. I didn’t take offense. I knew he was
worried he wouldn’t be enough to please me but that couldn’t be further
from the truth.

“I’m yours now and I’m faithful,” I said gently, reaching up and

cupping his cheek. “That doesn’t mean I don’t want you with me at the
castle and we might have some fun together. But that’s not why I want
you to come. I want to introduce you to court and the noble king as my

“You’ve mated!” Kelvin gasped. “You’re his! Why not mine?” I

glanced over my shoulder at him, shocked that this was his reaction.

“You never even remotely insinuated that you wanted me

permanently, Kelvin,” I replied, not hiding the shock I was feeling.
“Besides, Finbar saw me completely after only a few days. He’s the
one for me.”

“Oh, okay,” he mumbled, staring down at his feet. I couldn’t get

over his reaction. I stepped away from Finbar, not wanting to see my
old friend upset. When he still wouldn’t look at me I placed my hands
on his chest.

“I never thought you would have this reaction, Kelvin. Talk to me,

please. I cannot stand to see you distraught. You never said you
wanted me as yours.”

“I don’t know if I did or not,” he admitted as he covered my hands

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with his large ones. “I would have wanted the chance to see if more
was there but you were always so closed off to the idea. But you knew
I wanted more, Cuidi. How often did I beg you to stay longer, to stay
with me?”

“I thought because you wanted more sex,” I answered, blushing

now. “I didn’t know you meant stay to see if there was real feeling
between us. You never said that.”

“Would you have said yes if I had?” he asked, staring into my


“I was about to ask the same thing,” Finbar said from behind me,

sounding crushed. “Was I the consolation prize or am I standing in
your way?”

Oh boy, this was quite a pickle. I decided to answer them both by

focusing on Kelvin’s question. “I don’t know what I would have said if
you had asked me for more. I honestly think that if we were meant for
more it would have already happened before I met Finbar. But I love
him, Kelvin. He’s the one for me and I think that says it all.”

“I understand,” he said with a weak smile, patting my hands. I

turned to Finbar who looked hesitant still.

“I wouldn’t have committed myself to you forever, giving up my

immortality, if you were a consolation prize, baby. I love you and we
belong together.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.” He pulled me into his arms and gave

me a smoldering kiss that practically made me forget my name. “Go to
the castle and we’ll meet you there as soon as we can.” I nodded and
stepped away, ready to pop over there. “Oh, and I love you too, Cuidi.”

I smiled at him before disappearing. He understood the depths of

my feelings now and we were in a good place. What Kelvin had said
was a shock but I think when he thought about it more he’d realize that
I was right. We’d never tried for more between us but if we had been
meant to be, it would have happened.

I popped into the throne room, not thinking I should waste time by

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going through the motions of the gates. The king was standing off to
the side of the room, staring out the window.

“Who are you?” he asked suspiciously, eyeing me over.
“Kelvin came to find me,” I answered with a smile. “You know me,

your highness.”

“Cuidi?” His eyes went wide as he eyed me over. “I know everyone

can see you differently, but normally your appearance to me is

“Actually this is my true form now,” I admitted with a smile. “That

hardship was broken when I fell in love and committed myself to one
wonderful man.”

“I’m happy for you. Finding your true love is the most wonderful

thing in the world.” He said it with such sadness that I knew his heart
was breaking. “But watching it fade before your eyes makes you
wonder if the joy you had was worth the pain you feel now.”

“Tell me,” I whispered as I took his hands in mine. “I know that

that’s the grief talking because you love the queen. What has
happened since the last time I’ve visited?”

“She’s dying, Cuidi,” he explained as he led me out of the throne

room. His long legs ate up the distance faster than I could walk and I
ran alongside him, thinking it would be bad manners to ask him to slow
down. “I need your help.”

“I can’t reverse illnesses or save someone from death, your

highness,” I reminded him. We’d had this conversation when his
parents had died. “I can’t bring anyone back from the dead, or anything
along those lines.”

“I know but the healer said you can help.” I was doubtful of that but

I was willing to humor him given his despair. I’d listen to any half-
cocked idea if that’s what he needed. He dragged me up the stairs and
to the royal suites. My chest hurt when I got a glimpse of the queen.
She looked and even smelled of death.

“I can’t fix this,” I said gently as the king let me go. “I am sorry, but

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this is beyond me.”

“But it’s not,” the royal healer replied with a smile. I didn’t know the

man’s name but I’d seen him before and knew the royal family trusted
him. I waited for him to explain. “Whoever poisoned the queen
destroyed the herbs I had that would cure the ailment. But I was able to
salvage a few seeds. We need your magic to instantly grow them so I
can give her the cure.”

“Oh, sure, I can do that!” Yeah! The queen wouldn’t die after all.

The man quickly handed me the seeds and pot of dirt. I hurriedly
planted them and focused on their growth, digging deep inside for the
strongest magic I had. There wasn’t a moment to waste. When the
sprouts appeared I looked to the healer. “I need to water them and
how big do you need them?”

“About four times that size at least,” he answered as he poured

water on the dirt. I nodded and went back to work. I went a little
overboard, thinking that there couldn’t be too much of the herb when
we needed it. The healer looked pleased and immediately started
brewing up some tea that would heal the queen. As we waited I sat on
the side of her bed.

“This will be over soon,” I said gently as I took her hand in mine.

She nodded and drank what the healer offered her from his hot tea. I
saw relief in both their faces the moment she was done as if knowing
the worst was now over. “You’ll be just fine tomorrow.”

“I knew you’d make it in time. Thank you for always being a loyal

friend, Cuidi.” She gave me a tired grin. The king and the healer were
talking in hushed tones. I wasn’t sure about that but I never was self-
important enough to think I should be privy to personal issues. “I hate
to ask for more from you but I must.”

“Anything I can give you I will, you know that,” I said fondly. I wasn’t

a lover of women but the queen had a special place in my heart like a
little sister.

“This was deliberate, Cuidi. I did not accidently ingest this poison.”

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“I know. I was told you were poisoned and the remedy—” And just

like that the hint she was giving me filled my head. The threat was still
out there and it probably wasn’t simply the queen whoever the criminal
wanted dead. “I will do everything in my power to figure this out.” My
tone changed to that of an oath and she nodded.

“Thank you. My husband was grieving so much for me that I was

scared they’d get the children while we were distracted.”

“Healer, come here,” I ordered in my best

I’m powerful and don’t

fuck with me

tone. He hesitated for a moment but then did as I asked,

the king eyeing me curiously. When he stopped in front of me I eyed
him over suspiciously. “Kneel in front of me and tell me how you came
to find all of the herbs that would kill the queen were destroyed.”

“Surely you don’t suspect me in this crime?” he asked, his eyes

wide. “If I was the culprit I simply could have brewed her up a different
tea and said it was the right one. She would never have been the

“True, but if I am to find this villain I must start from the beginning

and rule everyone out.”

He nodded and told me everything he knew. Within the first few

minutes of it I knew he was not the person I was looking for. He had a
good heart, loved to help people in their time of need, studied
constantly to save as many of the sick as he could, and was loyal to
the king and queen.

So who was trying to kill the queen?

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Chapter 10

I spent the rest of the day interviewing everyone close to the king

and queen. First I started with her guards, making sure they were
cleared of any wrongdoing before assigning them to not let any harm
come to the royal family. I made it perfectly clear that if they failed me
they would pay with their lives.

I was pretty sure I got through to them. They looked very afraid of

me when I was done.

By the time I sat down to dinner with the king and healer I was

exhausted, frustrated… And I wanted Finbar by my side so badly it
almost hurt.

“Bottom line, we are searching for someone who had access to

the herbs and motive to use them,” I explained. I knew my voice
sounded tired and normally I would have hid it better but I was friends
enough with the king to be myself. Besides, the man looked just as
wiped out as I felt. Then as if by magic what my heart desired most
appeared in the dining hall doorway with Kelvin.

“Cuidi,” he said with a bright smile, Finbar’s gaze full of relief that I

was alright.

“My love.” I stood so fast I almost knocked over my chair. I

steadied it and moved around the table. Finbar came to meet me
halfway but froze when he met the king’s eyes.

“Your highness, forgive me,” he proclaimed and dropped down to

his knee, head hung. “I meant no disrespect. I did not see you there
because I was selfishly concerned only for Cuidi.”

The king nodded and went to open his mouth, but quickly shut it

when he saw how angry I was. “Get up, Finbar.”

“What? Why?” he asked, his eyes going wide as he did as I

wanted. “It is proper respect to kneel before your king.”

“You bow or kneel to


man other than your mate,” I answered

with a growl. “I am more powerful than the king. I am Cuidighteach of

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the Grogoch order of the fairies. No man or woman surpasses the
respect that deserves. I am the


person you show subservience


“Yes, my mate,” he whispered, lowering his head in shame but not

before I saw tears gathering in his eyes. My heart sank. I had
humiliated him and that was the last thing I had ever wanted.

“I’m sorry, my love.” I knelt in front of him and cupped his face,

forcing him to meet my gaze. “I left in such a rush that I didn’t explain
what was to be expected of you when you came to court. That is no
excuse, nor is the taxing day I’ve had. But it is the reason I lost it when
I saw you bow to another man.”

“I didn’t know,” Finbar swore and kissed my hand. “I would never

dishonor you or want to embarrass you.”

“I know.” I leaned in and brushed my lips over his. It wasn’t in

Finbar’s heart to ever hurt someone. “Are you tired from your trip, my

He nodded and searched my eyes carefully. “Just like that you’re

no longer upset with me?”

“You should be upset with me for embarrassing you and yelling at

you like you were a child. You didn’t know any better and that was my
error. It was wrong of me to chastise you when I am the one who
should be teaching you such things.”

“You apologized.” He shrugged as we got to our feet.

“Misunderstandings happen and I feel as if this has not been the
easiest of days on you. You were upset greatly by the news of
Margaret before Kelvin showed up and what he came to tell us wasn’t
good either.”

“You’re too good to me,” I cooed, tracing my fingers down his

toned chest. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Yes, you do,” he said along with the king and Kelvin. I glanced over

my shoulder at the king, who now had Kelvin standing next to him.

“You deserve to be taken care of and treated with such love as you

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give to others, Cuidi.” The king smiled. “Do I get to meet this man who
makes you so happy?”

“Yes, of course you do,” I answered immediately. I felt Finbar flinch

when the king


my permission. I glanced up at him with a smirk.

“You’re mated to one of the most powerful creatures of the land, baby.
It doesn’t come without perks.”

“I don’t care about perks,” he whispered as he caressed my

cheek, ignoring everyone else in the world. “I just wanted you, Cuidi.
Whether I have to kneel before the king or not now doesn’t make a lick
of difference to me as long as you’re mine.”

I knew what he meant but I did have to clarify one point. “You kneel

to no one, Finbar. You are my mate and my equal and I’m too powerful
to kneel unless the heavens themself send a messenger to me. I am
respectful to the king and his position, especially when around others,
but I have been here helping the people of this land before there was
even a king.”

“I love kneeling in front of you though,” he replied innocently. The

heat in his eyes made it crystal clear that it was anything but innocent
intentions though. I couldn’t help but shiver at his lust and desire for

“As soon as we are alone you will show me how much you do,” I

ordered, knowing full well it pushed my man’s buttons to be bossed
around sometimes. He bit his lip to keep in a groan. Good to know I
affected him as he did me. Then I turned back to the king and made
the introductions.

We quickly finished our meal then, Finbar fidgeting the whole time

and looking for any excuse to touch me. The moment I was done
eating, he stood and picked me up into his arms. I let out a yelp of
surprise, not thinking he would have such antics in front of strangers.

“We’re still honeymooning,” he explained as he raced to the door.

“We’ll see you in the morning.” I heard the laughter behind us but
ignored it. Finbar needed me badly and I would deny my mate nothing. I

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quickly instructed the way to the room I’d been given. Something more
was going on here than simple raw need.

Finbar seemed almost frantic to prove or show me something.
The moment we were alone in my room and the door shut, he was

unfastening my pants. I helped as best I could but winced when I heard
several tearing noises. I hadn’t thought to bring a change of clothes in
my haste.

“What are you doing?” I gasped as he lifted me up so my groin

was level with his face.

“Put your legs over my shoulders.” I did as he wanted, shocked at

how easily he could move my willing body as if I weighed nothing.
Finbar didn’t hesitate the moment I was in place. He swallowed me
down as he held my hips against the door. I leaned back to support my
weight, shocked when I almost hit my head on the ceiling.

In all my years I couldn’t say I’d ever done this before. It was

wonderful I could still be surprised. With all the excitement and
desperate emotions in the air, it didn’t take me long to finish. It was a
wonderful orgasm, one that I would remember for a very, very long

“Say yes,” he growled as he pulled me off his shoulders and

lowered me to the ground. I didn’t know what he meant, still dazed from
the postorgasmic bliss, until his thick cock was pushing against my
hole. “Give me what’s mine.”

“Yes, yes, I’m yours,” I moaned, shivering with the cavemanliness

in his tone. When had he ever demanded or been so forceful with me?
Finbar slammed into me, taking me hard and fast to start with. I braced
my hands against the door, worried that if I didn’t he’d open it up with
my head from the force of his thrusts.

When he was done, he fucked me again… Bent over the bed this

time. And then again on the floor where I was going to have rug burn
on my back and ass. After which he gave me another blow job as he
fingered my well-used hole. I lost count of how many orgasms I had.

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We’d had hot sex before but this was in another world like I’d never
experienced before.

“Want to tell me what that was all about?” I asked gently when we

were lying on the bed, recovering from the fun, both of us unable to
move. I had a feeling I knew but it would be better for Finbar to admit
what was on his mind.

“I saw the way they all look at you,” he whispered. My mate pulled

me back against his chest as if I was his favorite stuffed animal,
comfort blanket, and the most important thing to him in the world, all at
once. “They want you so badly, Cuidi. Kelvin couldn’t stop staring at
you in your new form, excited at the prospect of getting to learn your
body all over again.”

“Okay, and that led to the sex marathon, how?” I was missing


“You’re mine,” he growled as he moved over me and suddenly

surrounded me with his large frame. “I’m more than capable of
pleasing you and I thought you could use a reminder of that before you
had full access to the never-ending supply of willing men here.”

“Be very careful here, Finbar,” I said darkly as I narrowed my eyes

at him. “You having insecurities or needing to prove something to
yourself is understandable. Insinuating that I’ve done something to


your reminder is not.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” His face went pale and I knew he was

speaking the truth. “I do not doubt that you would be faithful, Cuidi. You
would never betray me after having sworn yourself to me.”

“Glad we agree on that.” I felt some of the tension easing from my

body. I didn’t like feeling as if I’d done something wrong when I hadn’t.
Hell, I hadn’t even given any man a second look since I’d been at the
castle until Finbar showed up.

“I saw you weren’t noticing the way they looked at you or checking

them out.” That made me smile. We were so on the same page most
times. “I just needed to show you that I could be enough. That I could

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please you as much and as often as many could.”

“And that you did,” I praised, realizing I’d not been a grateful lover

to Finbar if he still doubted himself this much. He needed to hear more
how wonderful he was and that started right now. “I’ve never been
ravaged like that, my love, even by three. In all my years I’ve never had
oral sex in that way and by someone who so thoroughly wanted
nothing than to please me. You are amazing and I want no other.”

He beamed at me, his body responding to my praise and growing

hard against my thigh. Then he bit his lip. “That doesn’t mean I don’t
want to try other things like we discussed before. I just don’t want a
roomful of men fighting for your attention.”

“Are you saying you only want someone that I trust like Kelvin to

take you while you take me?” I hedged, not sure I was hearing him

“One day but not until I feel more secure that I’m enough for you.”
“I’m sorry that day isn’t today,” I said and then rushed on when I

saw the worry in his eyes. “Not that I’m so in need to bring someone
into our bed, Finbar. I feel like I’ve failed you as your mate if you don’t
know how much I truly want and desire only you.”

“You can’t erase years of being put down and self-doubt because

of the way I’ve been treated in a few weeks, Cuidi.” I nodded my
understanding. We all had shit we had to deal with and overcome and
it couldn’t be fixed in a short time.

“As long as you know in your heart that you’re the only one I want,

the only one I’ve ever committed to in all my years, Finbar.”

“I do. You’re all mine.” His eyes shined with the truth of his words

as he moved my leg slightly and pushed inside of me. Finbar made
love to me as no man has, treasuring me as if I was the greatest gift in
the world. And then we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

It was perfect at a time I needed such tender care most.

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Chapter 11

“Are you sure about this?” I asked the queen the next day at

breakfast. She had made an amazing recovery and while still looked ill
and weak was able to join us in the dining hall.

“Of course, Cuidi,” she answered as she patted my hand. “I will

send guards to Margaret’s house and have them bring her here. They
can pack whatever she wants and whether she recovers or not, she is
welcome here for as long as she needs.”

“You are a good woman.” I lifted her hand to my lips, hoping she

truly felt my relief and gratitude. I gasped and jumped to my feet when I
felt snarling anger from someone who thought very differently about
the queen. Spinning on my heel, I focused on the maid who was
bringing in more refreshments. “What have you done, woman?”

“I know not what you mean, fairy,” she answered, pretending that I

wasn’t approaching her. She darted a glance at me and sighed,
seemingly put out. “I was just shocked that you could stomach kissing
the queen’s hand when you are known to like to be the woman in your

“Don’t speak to my mate that way!” Finbar exclaimed as he jumped

to his feet. “Cuidi is all man and should be respected for the help he
has given this kingdom.”

“For the price of attention no one would give him otherwise,” she

threw back. It might have hurt if I didn’t know it was a diversionary
tactic. The whole dining hall broke out into chaos and shouting until I
whistled loudly.

“You poisoned the queen,” I accused, seeing it very carefully in her

mind. I didn’t get real words or thoughts, more like feelings and images
on the front of someone’s mind… Normally in regards to me. But she
was thinking that she wished she could kill me to keep her secret so it
did involve me.

“I did no such thing and you can’t prove it!” She was shaking now

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with rage and anger.

“I don’t need to prove it or have you forgotten who I am?” I asked

darkly as I moved close enough that she backed up against the wall. I
caught a random thought and glanced at the king. “You courted this
woman once before you married the queen?”

“He was supposed to be mine,” she answered in an ugly voice.

Pure rage can transform someone into an unrecognizable monster.
“He liked me best but she”—the woman pointed to the queen—“tricked
him into getting her pregnant so he had to marry her.”

“Are you mad?” the queen asked, her eyes going wide. It kind of

seemed like a redundant question to me since the woman obviously
was, having tried to kill the queen. “We didn’t have a child until two
years into our marriage. I was pure at the time we wed.”

“Lies!” She dove for the queen, trying to shove by me but I wasn’t

a pushover. I might have been small but I was powerful. I had her
restrained and gagged before anyone could even blink.

“So you courted the crazy bitch and somehow she became your

servant and tried to kill the queen decades later?” I surmised out loud,
not sure how the pieces all fell into place.

I searched the woman’s memory and found that that she was the

daughter of a nobleman who had been on the brink of losing
everything. When the king didn’t pick her and save them from
destitution, she and her family went to the poor house. As much as it
killed her pride, the only job she could get when she was older was a
servant at the castle. Years of making sure she was never seen by the
royal family left her a bitter shell.

But then a few months ago she was promoted and had to interact

directly with the royal family. When the king and queen never
recognized her, even though it was decades later, she was insane with
jealousy and rage.

“Wow, that’s a lot of drama and crazy in one package,” Finbar

mumbled after I was done filling everyone in. He glanced up at me and

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smiled. “My self-doubt and issues don’t seem like such a big thing
anymore.” He came closer and pulled me into his arms. “Can we go
home now and take several breaks on the way to make love anyplace
we choose?”

“How about I just pop us home and you can have me any way you

want in our bed?” My mate raised an eyebrow at the change of plans.
“Hey, I’m an old man and you’ve been working me pretty hard. I like the
comfort of the bed.”

Everyone had a good laugh at that as Kelvin and another guard

took the crazy woman away. I exchanged a look with my old friend. He
blew me a kiss and I knew there were no hard feelings. He wanted me
to be happy and if Finbar did that, he supported our relationship.

“Anything you want, my mate,” Finbar purred as he lifted me into

his arms. I wrapped my body around him, winking to the king and

“We’ll visit soon,” I said with a bright smile.
“I look forward to hearing all about magical dust that is making

castle crops grow out of control,” the king replied. We hadn’t gotten
around to talking about the gift we had brought.

“It’s dog droppings.” I gave them a wave as Finbar laughed and

popped us out of there and to our home. Finbar lowered me to my feet,
still holding my hand as we walked into our house, together as we
would always be.


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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few

horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover
of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books; vampire,
werewolf, shape-shifter, military... It’s all good! She loves to get lost in
fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is
reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or mystical.
Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire
from Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Joyee Flynn Beyond the Marius Brothers 2 Darcy Burke
Stormy Glenn & Joyee Flynn Delta Wolf 1 Chameleon Wolf
Joyee Flynn Purrfect Mates 4 My Angel Cheetah
Joyee Flynn Unmated at Midnight Two Wiggles and Some Fur
Pride and Were (anything goes 4) Joyee Flynn
Joyee Flynn Midnight Matings Suck and Lick
Joyee Flynn Who Needs Christmas 7 Shove Your Tree
Joyee Flynn Resistant Omegas 1 Tristan(1)
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Joyee Flynn The O’Hagan Way 3 A Zane Po Boy
Joyee Flynn Hiding Hounds 1 Sheriff Found(1)
Joyee Flynn Who Needs Christmas 5 Down with the Tunes

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