Joyee Flynn Bedtime Stories 1 Golden

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Bedtime Stories 1


When the man Golden grew up loving as his father sells him into
slavery after his mother’s tragic death, the sheltered Golden must
leave all he knows and travel to the dark Withering Woods.

Boris, the oldest of the three bear shifter brothers who bought
Golden, makes him want to escape every time he opens his
mouth. Boone’s gentle companionship is a welcome relief from
Boris’s roughness, but Bash, the youngest, wants nothing to do
with him, which might not be such a bad thing considering Boris
and Boone want Golden every second… On his back.

Boone seems to be just right, but can Golden fall in love with a
man who owns him? If he could, would Boris stay away from
Golden’s bed… And would Golden want him to?

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation
between or among siblings.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-
Length: 23,336 words

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Bedtime Stories 1

Joyee Flynn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage and More ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-239-6

First E-book Publication: September 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Bedtime Stories 1


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

“How could you do this to me?” I exclaimed as I threw my plate

at my father’s head. I’d never in my life had a single violent tendency
but this time he’d gone too far. He ducked the plate and punched it
away with his hand. “You can’t do this!”

“Actually I can, you little shit,” he growled, wrapping his silk

handkerchief around the cut in his hand. “You’ve been an
embarrassment since the moment you were born.”

“Why? I have done everything you’ve ever asked of me. And

what’s my fate because of it? You sold me as a whore?”

“Just like your mother.” My father smirked at me as I clutched my

chest. I plopped in my seat in shock at his callous comment. My
mother had been buried less than three months and my parents had
always been deeply in love.

“What?” I didn’t understand.
“On her deathbed she admitted you’re not mine and made me

swear to make sure you were taken care of. I did. I just won’t be the
one to take care of you. So, little bastard, you are no longer my
problem. Either you can keep fighting with me or you can have a half
an hour to gather what you can before I have the carriage take you to
your owners.”

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Joyee Flynn

“You’re lying. Mother would never have cheated on you,” I

whispered, shaking my head in disbelief. I stared at him with tears in
my eyes. “Even if it is true, I have always shown you love. You’re my
father, you’ve raised me since I was a baby. How could you do this to
me? Punish me for her mistake?”

“This is just the final excuse to get rid of you,” he sneered. “If you

think this is the only reason you’re an embarrassment I was right
about how stupid you are. I can’t marry you off to align myself with
any families, nor are you of any use to me to further our family name.
Your demented ways can’t be made public without ruining me. So
you want to bed men? I sold you to three. Have fun and pack wisely.”

I wasn’t sure how but I got to my feet and stumbled from the

dining room. Then I went up the stairs and into my room, pulling out
my suitcases. Now I was in a panic. I had a half an hour to pack for
the rest of my life. I grabbed every bag I had and first stuffed in
everything I wanted to keep of my mother’s. What my father said
about her might be true, but I loved her and she had always been good
to me.

That took up one bag. I set it by the door and tried to figure what

was most important to me. My sketch pad and pencils. I couldn’t live
without those and once I was the slave whore for three brothers who
knew what they’d ever let me buy. Would they even let me have my
own belongings or clothe me?

Right, I needed to bring money I could hide. That one I could

handle during the carriage ride. I picked one smaller bag up, placed a
travel mending kit in there and every jewel, gem, or piece of gold I
had inside. Then I stuffed some shoes in there as well. I could sew
them into the lining and soles of the shoes along with a few other
pieces of choice clothes.

That filled up another two bags that I would have to make sure

were stored inside the carriage with me. Withering Woods was two
days’ travel. I needed to use every moment to make plans. Maybe I

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could find a spot in the woods and bury extra gems in case I needed to
run. And that’s when I did something horrid.

I snuck into my mother’s room and took some of her most

expensive jewels. Obviously my father wouldn’t treasure her
possessions any longer, given he was willing to sell her son. At least
maybe they could help me when she couldn’t. I quickly stuffed them
in another bag that I wasn’t going to let out of my sight. I threw a few
changes of clothes in there as well, hoping my father wouldn’t search
through it.

After that it was a flurry of packing. One of my mother’s loyal

servants carried all my belongings to the carriage, tears in his eyes the
whole time.

“It is important these not be found,” I whispered to him. He

nodded his understanding and quickly took the gem-filled bags from
my room. I knew he’d hide them under the carriage seat where my
father would never think to look. When my time was up I walked out
of my house with my head held high, ignoring the smile on my
father’s face.

I glanced back at the home where I grew up, picturing my mother

standing in the doorway, waving good-bye to me as I took a trip into
town. Instead it was the last time I’d ever see my place of birth. She
was gone and now I was going to be as well. With a heavy heart I
climbed into the carriage, closing the door on that part of my life.

As the carriage moved forward I weighed my options. Could I

run? Where would I run to? I was sold into slavery. If I ran I would
literally have been a piece of stolen property even if I was the person
to steal it. Granted if I could get far enough away no one might think
to ever look there for me. But I’d grown up a member of a wealthy
family, always staying close to home, learning from tutors. I knew
nothing of the real world.

I’d never make it.
As much as I wanted to run just so the people my father sold me

to would come looking for him, my life could be much worse on the

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Joyee Flynn

run. Logically thinking, it probably would. I decided to save it as a
last option if life in Withering Woods with three bear shifters was
worse than I could have imagined. And my father had sold me to be
their whore… I could imagine a lot.

Once we were past my village and out on the deserted road, I

pulled out one of the bags from under the carriage seat. I tore stitches
out of one of my thickly lined coats and started sewing as many gems
into it as I could without it being obvious. I worked until my eyes
burned and then sewed back the lining and repacked the coat.

I closed my eyes for a bit, having done more sewing in a few

hours than I had done in a year. I just needed a moment to rest before
moving on to the next project. It must have been more than a few
minutes because I awoke when the carriage stopped.

“I need to rest the horses some, Master Golden,” my mother’s

servant, William, informed me as he opened the door. I nodded and
stepped down, stretching.

“It will be okay, William. Staying in that house without my

mother was too hard anyway,” I assured him. I knew mostly I was
trying to be hopeful and convince myself it might not be too bad.

“But you’re being sold, Golden,” he whispered sadly. “Your

mother would be turning over in her grave at this news.”

“I promise if they’re anywhere near as horrid as my father, I will

run. I’m sewing what I can into the lining of some pieces of clothes. I
can always find a spot to bury jewels at my new home.”

“You were never very good at sewing,” he teased, sucking it up

for my sake. “Why don’t you drive after the horses are watered and
fed some and I’ll work on it a bit. Sometimes the best hiding place is
in plain sight where no one would think to look.”

“What do you mean?”
“I can make some of the gems look like costume jewelry and fake

broaches, fasteners, and whatnot.”

“Genius!” I hugged him and we hurried to our tasks. We also

picked up some bread, cheese, and drinks from the local inn and were

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on our way. I climbed up the front of the carriage to drive as William
got in the back, ignoring the stares that people gave at our switch.
Forget them. What people thought and keeping up appearances no
longer concerned me.

As I drove down the abandoned dirt path I got lost in thought.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad? I could start over and be the mate to
three men… Well, bear shifters. But they were part man after all,
right? Either way, I’d always dreamed of being with more than one
man, having them want me. It beat having a quick affair here and
there when no one was watching as if I had something to be ashamed
of always.

And now that I knew the truth about not being my father’s son, I

didn’t want to stay in that house. I had told the truth that I had always
showed him love. The reverse was not true and I hated living there.
My father was a cold, calculating man who cared about nothing but
money and my mother when she had been alive. It did surprise me
that she would ever stray from him. He had been devoted to her,
always giving her everything she could want.

Part of me was angry with her for leaving me when I needed her

most and confessing her sin as she did. But I couldn’t ask her what
happened or why so I decided I had no place to judge her for her
actions. There had to be a reason. And while things had not ended
well for me because of it, my journey was not over and maybe I could
still find happiness.

Or I really wouldn’t and I was stupid and naïve to ever think


I wondered what my real father was like. I knew I got my curly

blond hair from my mother, but maybe he had had it as well. Did he
have my blue eyes? They weren’t like my mother’s. I was fairer-
skinned than either of my parents, my mother always blaming the fact
that I was born earlier than was normal time for my tendency to burn
in the sun.

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Joyee Flynn

Now I knew that was a lie. It made me sad because she hadn’t

only lied to him but to both of us. I would have liked to have heard
the truth from her and known when she met my real father, why she’d
slept with him. Hell, I just wanted her back and to make this all go
away. Even if I could never meet a nice man and fall in love one day
as if I liked women, being alone would beat being sold.

But I wasn’t going to get what I wanted it seemed. Not everyone’s

story was a fairy tale.

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Chapter 2

We drove through the night and I was truly afraid for the first time

in my life that I was going to get eaten. There were eyes in the dark,
staring out from behind trees. Even the horses had picked up the pace
on their own because they were getting spooked. I was thoroughly
regretting my decision to not stop for the night in the last village.

“I think we need to light the lanterns, Master Golden,” William

called out from inside the carriage. “We don’t have to stop but the
horses need to slow some.”

“Easy,” I cooed to the two horses and they went back to a simple

walk. William quickly lit the lanterns and as silly as it sounded, I felt
a little bit better. But I could still feel the danger surrounding us and
we weren’t even close to the cursed Withering Woods yet. If this is
how I felt in a regular wood, I started to worry about living in an
enchanted place with a horrible reputation.

A few hours later we did switch back, William taking the reins as

I climbed into the carriage. I smiled when I saw he was done hiding
all the gems and whatnot that I had brought in several pieces of
clothing. He did hide some right in plain sight, making them appear to
be fake. This could work. I had a backup plan in case things went

I didn’t wake back up until daylight as we pulled into another

village. My body felt rested but my mind was still fried after the stress
of the way my life had changed. Who wouldn’t be after the day I had

We gave the horses a rest, making sure they were fed and watered

as we ate. William assured me he was fine to drive so he got back on

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Joyee Flynn

the front of the carriage as I slept some more. I had a feeling I needed
to rest up as much as I could while I had the chance because after we
arrived at my new masters’ home, I might not ever feel at ease enough
to sleep again.

Later that day I was even more on edge when we reached

Withering Woods. I could almost feel the dark magic in the air that
caused me to shiver. The horses made noises as we went, letting us
know that they didn’t want to continue on this path. And the way
animals could sense danger when humans couldn’t, I was wary and
glancing out the window constantly to keep watch.

The carriage suddenly halted as William yelled. I darted out of the

back and raced around to him to see what was wrong.

“Run, Master Golden,” he ordered as he jumped down and drew

his sword. “Run for your life!” I looked past him to see three men, if
they could be called that, standing next to their horses. They were half
man, half bear though they wore pants and I could see humanity in
their faces.

“Golden?” one asked gruffly as he stared at me. “This is the slave

we bought?”

“Master Golden is no slave and it will do you well to remember

that, monster,” William countered as he held his sword high in a
threatening manner.

“Watch your tongue, old man, or you will lose it,” that same man


“Stop,” I said tiredly, wiping my hands over my face in

frustration. There was no easy way out of this and there was so much
testosterone around us it almost made me dizzy. “Please, just stop.” I
turned to William and placed my hand on his arm, forcing him to
lower his sword. “We knew where this journey ended, old friend.
They did buy me though I was not my father’s to sell so to them I am
a slave. I’m sure they meant no offense.”

He nodded and put the weapon away. I then turned to the three

men there, all staring at me curiously.

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“William was my mother’s servant since she was a girl and helped

raise me. We recently lost her and now my horrid father has sold me
so I ask you forgive his rudeness. I was led to believe that you were
bear shifters not hybrids who were both at the same time. These
woods have a mysticism around them that has had the horses on edge
so it stands to reason we would jump to conclusions.”

The first growled and went to say something when one of the

others stepped forward and held up a hand that it was his turn to talk.

“Thank you for explaining and keeping this from spinning out of

hand. We know these woods are difficult to navigate since they are
enchanted. We thought it best to wait for you on the main road so you
did not get lost.” His eyes were sad and he gave me a slight smile.
“We were cursed seven years ago as young men when we became
orphans looking for a home and settled on this land. We cannot leave
it and we are trapped in between forms. Now you understand why we
had to buy companionship.”

“I wasn’t judging you for buying a slave, only that I’m a grown

man and my father had no right to sell me.”

The first one spoke then. “And yet you are here? Why not run?”
“Because he might not be an honorable man, but I am. That and I

was raised sheltered with tutors. I don’t know enough of the outside
world and wouldn’t have made it far.” I saw no reason to lie when
they were being civil. “Am I allowed to keep my belongings? We can
follow you back to your house if that is what you wish.”

“Yes, of course you can,” the second said as the first growled. I

had a feeling I’d want to stay away from that one. “You will have
your own room to do with as you want.”

“As long as you’re always naked and available to us,” the first

added as he leered at me.

“You want me to walk around naked?” I squeaked. Great, nicely

done on my part. The second brother smacked the first.

“Fine, but nothing complicated like your fancy clothes,” he

grumbled. Okay then. This should be fun.

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Joyee Flynn

I nodded before climbing back into the carriage. William got into

his seat and we drove behind them as I had a massive panic attack.
They were men but not. They were bears but not. What were they?
Cursed creatures, the man had said. Could I really be intimate with
cursed shifters who had fur? Granted, their faces were mostly that of
men, but they were huge and covered in short fur.

“I can do this,” I whispered to myself, trying to hold on to my

sanity. “It’s too late to run since they’re on horses anyways.”

When the carriage came to a stop it took every bit of strength I

had to open the door and step back out. I sighed in relief when I saw a
good-size, well-kept cabin. There was even a garden and flowers. If
they were truly monsters their home would not look like this.

“I am Boone,” the second brother who had been nice to me said.

“My brother Boris you spoke with and the quiet one is Bash.
Welcome to our home, Golden. I’m sorry the circumstances of how
you got here are unfortunate, but I hope you will like it here.”

“It’s a wonderful home,” I replied politely. “I admit I grew up

with servants so I will need to be taught some things but I did spend
much time in the garden with my mother. I also know some dishes
that I can prepare.”

“As long as you can spread your legs and please us, no one cares,”

Boris mumbled as he dismounted. He took the reins from Boone to
his horse and led them to the small stable.

“Well, I never—” William started to complain but I shot him a

look and he cleared his throat. “Can you show me the way to Master
Golden’s room so that I might unload his belongings?”

“We can help,” Bash offered, not even looking at me.
“Of course.” William was trying to behave but I knew he saw

them as monsters. Myself, I felt bad for them. I couldn’t imagine what
crime young men could have committed to deserve such a
punishment. Bash and William started unloading and as much as I
tried to move my feet, I seemed frozen where I stood.

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“Would you like me to show you around?” Boone asked as he

took my hand. I flinched and turned so fast to face him that I almost
fell on my ass. He steadied me by grabbing my arm and sliding his
other one around my waist. “I scare you.”

“Not really,” I whispered as I stared into his deep brown eyes.

“It’s the whole situation that frightens me and I didn’t realize how
close you were standing to me.”

“We can make you happy if you give us a chance, Golden.”
“As long as I spread my legs for all three of you, right?” I snapped

back. He raised an eyebrow at me and pulled me closer, letting me
feel the proof of how soon I’d be naked pressed against my stomach.

“I prefer that way so I can see your gorgeous face, yes,” he

answered seductively. “My brother might bend you over every
surface, but I promise you will enjoy it and scream in pleasure. It has
been seven long years since any of us has been intimate with anyone
and we have lots of time to make up for.”

“You think I’m gorgeous?” I asked, choosing to focus on the

compliment instead of that I might walk funny while living here.

“Oh yes.” He nuzzled my neck as he inhaled deeply. “You smell

delicious as well. I look forward to our time together but as the oldest,
Boris has called you first. Hopefully having sex again will help his
attitude and demeanor.”

I shivered as he held me close, only stepping away when I heard

William returning. Boone allowed it, his eyes raking over me in a
caress I could almost feel.

We all worked together to get my belongings unloaded and when

it was time, Bash said he would lead William out of the forest. My old
friend was in tears as was I when we said our good-byes. He promised
to pray for me and swore my mother would be watching over me from
the heavens. With one last embrace, he climbed onto the carriage and

“Now that we’re alone,” Boris growled from behind me. I hadn’t

even known he was there as I stood in the doorway. I yelped as he

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Joyee Flynn

pulled me inside and kicked the door closed. He started ripping my
clothes off of me, intent at getting to my ass. “You have two options.
Either I slick up and fuck you or you can give me a blow job while
stretching yourself before I fuck you.”

“Option two,” I whispered as my ass cheeks clenched. The man

was huge and he couldn’t be small in the cock area so I definitely
would need time to prepare my hole.

“Wise decision.” He pushed on my shoulders and I got the idea.

Then he handed me a bottle of oil while undoing his trousers. His
massive cock slapped me in the face and my eyes went wide as I
stared at it. It wasn’t possible to be that big! He would tear me in half.
“Get to it. I’m done playing nice and worrying about how hard this is
on you. I want relief.”

I mumbled something crude under my breath about if that had

been him being nice then the sky was green. He took advantage of my
open mouth and pushed the head of his dick past my lips. I breathed
through my nose as I slicked up my fingers. I quickly shoved two in
my hole as I sucked on him.

“Yes, good start. You have a very nice mouth,” he praised as he

thrust forward. I gagged a bit but relaxed because getting nervous
wasn’t going to make him any smaller. Hell, it hurt to stretch my
mouth that wide. “I didn’t think I’d fit when I saw how small you
were. Your father didn’t tell us you were just over five feet tall. The
sex will hurt until you get used to us.”

I nodded my understanding and quickly stretched myself. Boris

didn’t last long and I had trouble swallowing his seed down…
Because it seemed not swallowing wasn’t an option according to him.
I wasn’t used to being handled so roughly or talked to in that manner
but he wasn’t abusive in any way. The second he was done, I sighed
in relief, thinking I had a bit of time for reprieve.

Silly me.

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He pulled out of my mouth, lifted me up, and flipped me over the

side of the couch in a flash. Then he pushed into me, bitching that I
was too tight for him to fit.

“Then stretch me more,” I gasped as pain like I’d never felt before

radiated through my ass.

“You’ll adjust.”
At least he hadn’t slammed right into me. When he got about

halfway inside of me, the pain was enough to make me want to pass
out but the experience wasn’t unenjoyable. An oxymoron if I’d ever
heard one but he filled me completely, rubbing over my pleasure
gland. I screamed when he grabbed the couch on either side of my
hips and thrust the rest of the way into me.

“Oh yeah, I knew a tight ass like you would love this,” he growled

as he pulled out of me and did it again. “Fuck, you were worth every
penny. I thought your father was lying about how pretty you were
until we saw your picture. Then I knew we had to have you.”

When had they seen a picture of me? I wondered. They couldn’t

leave the forest and how had my father found out they wanted a sex

“Admit you like this,” Boris demanded.
“I would if my dick wasn’t smashed against the wood of the

couch,” I snapped. He sighed and lifted me up so I was over the back
of the couch, the cushions comfortably supporting my weight. “Thank

“It matters not to me,” he grumbled and picked up the pace. I held

on for dear life as he tried to fuck me up and over the couch. He came
with a howl as he unloaded into my extra-used hole. The moment he
was done he slumped over my back. “Fantastic ass.”

Part of me wanted to say the most scathing words I could think of

to him. The other half of me just wanted to go soak in a hot bath.

He pulled out of me as we both groaned and he slapped my ass

hard. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready for more. That was a great

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Joyee Flynn

start and I’ll teach you what I like as the days go on.” And with that
he walked away.

I was already exhausted, barely having enough energy to flop

back on the couch. But I never landed. Instead, I ended up rolling into
Boone’s arms.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said gently as he kissed my

forehead. “I want to treat you right but mostly I’m being selfish. I
cannot take you knowing my brother’s seed would slick the way for

Yeah, I could see how that would be gross. He carried me into the

bathroom, already having prepared a tub of warm water for me.
Boone got in behind me and quickly washed me. Then he lifted me
back into his arms and carried me into his room.

“I know you must be sore, Golden,” he whispered as he moved his

large body between my legs. “But it has been seven years since I have
touched another person. Please, I beg you not to deny me.”

“Can you be gentle?” I bit my lower lip. Hell, he was being nice

and he didn’t have to or even ask if I was his slave. And truth be told,
I did want him. Maybe that made me as demented as my father had
said to want someone in his form but he was still a handsome man
and when he touched me I wanted to give myself to him in every way.

“I will try my best but it is hard to be gentle at my size.” He

gestured down to his hard cock and I understood what he meant. Any
human man would have shown off a piece of meat like that from the
length alone. He wasn’t as big as Boris, but not by much.

I nodded for him to go ahead. He smiled as he slicked himself up

and pushed my knees to his chest. I gasped at the sensations and the
burning the intrusion caused. Boone leaned over, pushing farther into
my body and wrapping my legs around him. He pushed himself up
over me, thrusting in short jabs to test out how ready my hole was.

“May I kiss you?”
I had a smart-ass reply on the tip of my tongue about how it was

okay to fuck me at will but kissing me was asked first. Instead, I

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appreciated how hard he was trying to make things nice for me and
nodded. I received another winning smile and he lowered his head to
mine. His lips were like no man’s I’d ever tasted before but they were
even more pleasant.

He did have sharper teeth than a human but as long as I kept my

tongue away from those, the kiss was wondrous. He started slow but
after a few minutes, he picked up the pace, moving faster and harder.
But nowhere as rough as his brother had been.

“Please come,” Boone begged, sweat dripping down his brow. “I

can’t hold out much longer. You feel so good and it’s been so long
but I want you to enjoy this as well.”

“You have to touch me for that,” I hedged, not sure I could make

any requests. He reached between us and stroked my dick in time with
his hips. I cried out, arching my back as my seed spilled out of my
body and all over his hand and my stomach.

Boone roared as he came, filling me to the brink with the proof of

his pleasure. But when he was spent, he didn’t stop. “I’m so sorry,
Golden. I just can’t stop. Once is not enough. I promise only once
more though I want nothing more than to take you all night.”

“I can handle once more,” I lied, my ass on fire. I wanted it too.

Boone was passionate and tender with me as no one had ever been
before. I wanted to have him inside of me all day and night as well,
locked together in bliss as we were.

Good to his word, he fucked me once more in a different position.

When he was done he brought a cloth to the bed and gently cleaned
me up. Then he applied a salve that he promised would help the
burning and keep me from feeling pain. It did work and I thanked him
as he crawled into bed with me.

“Thank you, Golden. I feared my appearance would repulse you

too much and keep you from ever being able to enjoy our relations. It
meant so much to me that you were able to look past the fur.”

“I find you attractive and kind,” I admitted with a yawn. It was the

truth after all.

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Chapter 3

“Scream your pleasure,” Boris demanded the next day as he

pounded into my ass. I was lying on the table, legs in the air as he
stood and took me. Boone and Bash were getting a morning show it
seemed. The moment Boris had seen me as I walked into the kitchen
for coffee and something to eat, having slept through dinner, he
jumped me.

At least he hadn’t ruined any more of my clothes since I had been

in nothing but my drawers for the night before. But if he kept yanking
them off me as he had there wasn’t going to be much of the ties left.

“Yes, yes, yes!” he shouted as he fucked me so hard the table

lifted with us and slammed back down. I sighed in relief as he came,
rutting against me until I was filled with his cum. It wasn’t bad sex.
Yeah, it was rougher than I liked, but still he didn’t take it too far. No,
that wasn’t why I didn’t peak and wanted it to be over. I could have
been anyone to him and he didn’t see me as a real person to care

That’s why I didn’t get into it.
His chest heaved as he lowered my legs down and he stared at my

groin. “You didn’t finish.” Boris’s eyes got dark as he met mine.
“You’re not even hard? What is wrong with you? Are you defective?”

“Boris,” Boone growled as he stood and pushed his brother away

from me. I gasped as his dick was yanked out of me, adding to the
tenderness of my hole. “He’s not defective. You need to treat him
better and maybe he’ll enjoy it. You just yanked down his drawers
and fucked him. What did you expect to happen?”

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“For him to enjoy a vigorous fucking from a well-endowed man,”

Boris shot back, stuffing himself back into his pants. “He should be
grateful we bought him instead of his father selling him to a
whorehouse. They are allowed to do things there that we would never
want to even do to him.”

“Whorehouse?” I whispered, moving off the table gingerly. “He

was going to sell me to a whorehouse?”

“Yes, that’s how we learned of you. Bash made a few friends

from the village when they got lost in the woods years ago. They get
our supplies and when we asked them to help us with our
companionship problem, he asked the local madam. She said she was
just offered a man who was into men and would contact the buyer that
we wanted you instead if she was given a finder’s fee. We agreed to
her terms and that’s how we got you.”

“Oh.” I waddled over to the sink, grabbing a towel, wetting it

before I reached behind me and tried to clean up. Even a cool cloth on
my ass hurt and I winced.

“That reminds me,” Boris said casually as if he hadn’t just

dropped a huge bomb on me. “We need supplies from town. Bash can
lead you to the edge of the woods and point you in the right direction.
You can go for us now since you are not cursed.”

“Sure, I’ll ride a horse after you’ve ridden me four times in half a

day,” I replied bitterly.

“Then you can walk!” He slammed his mug on the table and

stormed over to me. “Be of use to us or we can sell you ourselves.”
Without waiting for my reply he left the house, slamming the back
door as he left. Boone and Bash were quiet as I cleaned up and pulled
back up my drawers.

“I’ll get the horses ready and an extra blanket for you to ride on,”

Bash said gently, giving me a sympathetic smile before heading to the
stable. Well, at least the man had finally looked at me.

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“You won’t come back, will you?” Boone asked me as he

followed me up to my room. “You’ll leave to go to town and run after
the way he’s treated you.”

“The thought had crossed my mind,” I snapped as I carefully

pulled on riding pants. This was going to hurt like a bitch. “Better
than being sold to the whorehouse because Boris thinks I’m not
enough of use.”

“I will speak with him,” Boone pleaded as he reached for me. I

pretended like I didn’t see and bent down to find my shoes. “Please,
Golden? Let me apply some slave and beat some sense into my
brother while you are gone. Promise me you won’t run.”

“Fine,” I sighed, too scared to run. What if I was found and then

sold to the whorehouse? I shivered at the idea. They weren’t abusing
me. No one had hit me or anything. Boris was just a jerk and fucked
too hard. I could live with that if they left me alone the rest of the time
to do what I wanted. “Am I allowed to pick up some things of my

“I will see what money we can spare—” he hedged, desperately

trying to appease me but I interrupted him.

“I have my own means,” I said quietly. “I came from wealth and

my father did not strip me of what I had when I left. It’s simply all I

“Thank you, sweet little Golden,” he whispered as he pulled me

into his arms. We shared a gentle kiss before he left my room to get
the salve. I quickly pulled out a few gems from hiding and stuffed
them into my pocket.

Boone applied the salve and I felt much better. I finished dressing

and he walked me outside. I was shocked to see a horse tied up to a
cart filled with leather goods. Boris walked up to me, clearly having
calmed down.

“I wrote down instructions,” he explained as he handed over a

piece of paper. “Go to the village and see the shopkeeper, his name is
Mitchell. He will unload everything and then load our goods as I have

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listed here. Then he will pay you the remainder of what is owed us. I
realize this might be your first trip to the village alone and while that
is unfortunate and may be confusing for you, it has to be done.”

“I have a little money of my own,” I said quietly, not meeting his

gaze. “I’d like to pick up a few other things if that’s alright? I didn’t
want you to think I did it with the money you should receive for your

“What items do you need?” he asked curiously and I could feel

him staring at me.

“My sketching pencils were ruined in the journey here and I

would like to buy some more and maybe another sketch pad.”

“That is acceptable. I also ask that you glance through the new

books he might have gotten in his shop and pick out a few that are
interesting. We get so few to the village and we’ve read all of what
we have several times.” He was trying so I decided to give him
something in return.

“I will do my best and when I return I will bring out the books I

brought with me. Maybe there will be some in my collection you
might find interesting as well.”

“That would be greatly appreciated,” he said slowly. I nodded and

stepped towards the horse. He surprised me by lifting me up onto it
instead of letting me climb up on my own. I stared down at him in
shock at the kind gesture. Boris didn’t meet my eyes, instead,
glancing over my body as he ran his hand up my thigh. “I anger easily
and I regret my words hurt your feelings. Your father was not worthy
to have you as a son.”

He turned and briskly walked away before I could even think of

what to say back. Boone was smiling widely and I gave him a quick
wave. Bash mounted his horse and led the way.

I thought a lot about the past few days, wondering if maybe there

was more to Boris than his crass, rude, and angry façade. I knew I
hadn’t been exactly what he wanted, mostly because he hadn’t given

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me the chance to even speak with him or get to know him as Boone
had. But if this was going to work, I had to try.

It was a few hours later when we reached the edge of the woods

and Bash stopped his horse next to mine.

“Take this road about ten miles and you will reach the village,” he

explained as he pointed in the direction. “If you can, talk to no one
but Mitchell. There are some who live there that are not friends to us.
They do not like cursed men in their woods and blame us for just
about everything they can. Be careful and don’t dawdle or Boris will
get angry because he will be worried.”

“Yeah, he paid good money for me,” I said sarcastically before I

could stop myself.

“He’s not as bad as he seems,” Bash replied with a sigh. “It’s

complicated but mostly it’s guilt because he blames himself for the
curse. It was his idea to make a home in the woods. He didn’t know
that they were controlled by a witch who cursed us for coming onto
what she considered her land.”

“That’s terrible!” I couldn’t even imagine how that kind of guilt

could eat at a man. No one deserved that and it did explain a lot. “I
will make haste.”

“Thank you for doing this, Golden.” He gave me a shy wave and I

nodded as I clicked my tongue and the horse went on his way.

True to his word, it didn’t take long to get to the village. It looked

like most other villages so it was easy to find the store Boris had been
talking about. The fact that it had a sign saying General Store might
have been a hint too.

“Hello, I’m looking for Mitchell,” I said to the man behind the

counter. “I have wares from Boris.”

“You are their slave?” he asked me, his eyebrows shooting up to

his forehead. “You’re too little to be of use in their trade.”

“My duties will be more in the house and running to town,” I

mumbled as I hung my head in shame. It shouldn’t have hurt that a

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random stranger referred to me as a slave. But it did. “I have a cart
full from them. Are you Mitchell?”

“I am and what is your name?” He stepped around the counter,

keeping a wary eye on me.

“Golden,” I answered as I handed him the list. He looked at it as if

it was going to bite him.

“I know what type of slave you are, Golden,” he hissed at me.
“Be that as it may, my money is as good as everyone else’s,” I

said, proud my voice barely cracked. “You have a standing
arrangement with Boris and this is the list of items he needs.”

I set the paper down on the counter, realizing that it wasn’t the list

that offended him but the possibility of having to touch my hand
when I tried to give it to him. Then I pulled out one of the gems I had
brought with me.

“And this is what I plan to use to buy some goods for myself. Is

that a problem?” He met my gaze then as I set it on top of the list on
the counter.

“You could buy half my store with a ruby of that size,” he

whispered, eyeing me over. “How did you get it? Are you a thief?”

“No,” I gasped, tears forming in my eyes. “Not that it’s any of

your business but it seems you lost your manners and won’t find them
again until we settle this. I am from a wealthy family, but when my
mother died a few months ago, she admitted I was not my father’s
son. He took out his anger on me since I was the only one left, sold
me, and let me take my belongings with me, including my mother’s

“I am just trying to make the best of this and put the pieces back

together of my life. So don’t you dare judge me or accuse me of
crimes I did not commit.” I angrily wiped away tears, upset with
myself for letting him get to me. It seemed the past few days had
taken more of a toll on me than I would have liked to admit. “I just
want to pick up new sketch pencils, pad, and maybe a few items from
the apothecary. Is that really too much to ask?”

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“No,” he said gently, patting my shoulder. “I will handle this list

and pay out the difference. Would you like me to do the same for your

“Yes please.”
“Then go pick out what you would like and take a few moments to

yourself without the pressures you have outside of this store,”
Mitchell suggested with a smile. “We have a nice selection of artist
materials in the back.”

“Okay, thank you.” I nodded and walked in that direction, letting

him handle the list and the gem. I might not have gotten the best price
for such a stone in a small village, but I had a feeling Mitchell was an
honest man. But then again my judgment was for crap nowadays.

I roamed the shelf, picking out a gorgeous set of pencils, a few

sketch pads in different sizes, and even decided to buy a paint set and
brushes. My father had hated that I liked to draw so I had always kept
things simple that could easily be hidden. I didn’t have to worry about
him anymore and decided to try and further my art.

Then I realized I might need to buy more items or set up an

account because if Mitchell had said the gem could buy half his store
then I seriously doubted he had much gold on him to break down the
price of it. I set my items on the counter as he kept working and
thought of what else I might want. That’s when I saw it. There was a
sign stating they had baby livestock out back.

I followed the arrow to the back door and gasped. There were

goats, chicks, calves, piglets, and puppies. I’d always wanted a pet! If
I got some chicks then maybe Boris would let me keep them because
they’d give us eggs. I wanted a piglet but had a sneaking feeling if I
bought one it would be the same as signing its death sentence because
he’d be dinner one day.

I raced back up to Mitchell and asked if he could add to my tab

half a dozen chicks, a cage for them, food, and whatever I would need
to build a chicken coop. He gave me a funny look, but nodded.

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“That’s still not even a fraction of what the gem’s cost is,”

Mitchell hedged. “The apothecary owes me along with the butcher
and the baker. Would you like to see their wares to settle the

“We could do that,” I answered as I started to blush. I hadn’t

meant to cause issue but I also couldn’t have left my father’s house
with sacks of gold pieces. “The rest we could leave as credit for when
I come next time?”

“I would appreciate that, Golden.” He gave me a genuine smile

and led me to the butcher as his son took over handling Boris’s items.
I picked out several items, knowing how to make a few lamb dishes
that would hopefully make the brothers happy. Then I went to the
bakery and bought way more than we would be able to eat before it
started to go bad. But all the purchases were in line, nothing lavish,
just maybe not what they normally bought.

I couldn’t say the same about my time at the apothecary. There I

might have gone a little overboard. I bought some scented oils, hoping
a little romantic effort might calm Boris a bit. Then there was the
salve that Boone had used on me. That I bought a large jar of because
I had the feeling I would need more of it. And I bought several
different types of tea, also in the hopes that they might help Boris’s

When I was done I’d been in the village almost two hours. Bash

was going to throw a fit and then probably Boris too. I started to get
nervous when Mitchell was settling accounts with each shop owner
and deducting it from the price of the gem. I hadn’t meant to take this
long. Would they think I had run and search my belongings? Boris
would have no compunction about ripping my room to shreds if he
was angry.

“You are all set, Golden,” Mitchell informed me with a smile

when we were back at his shop. He handed me a bag of gold pieces,
informing me that was for Boris. Then he handed me another one, a

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larger one, saying that was what was left from the gem and I didn’t
need to have credit for next time.

I thanked him and tucked them into my jacket on opposite sides of

my body so there was no confusion. Part of me wanted to laugh when
I saw how all my additional purchases were taking up almost half the
cart. It was either find humor in it or worry Boris was going to beat

I went with option one.
The horse had had a good rest and was ready to head home so we

made good time back to the woods. Bash had been pacing a line in the
ground, his repeated footprints having mashed the grass down.

“Why were you so long? Were you hurt? Did they do anything to

you?” he asked in a panicked voice as he eyed me over. “You look

“Everything took a bit longer than expected because what I used

to pay for what I wanted wasn’t exactly a few small gold coins,” I
answered as my cheeks heated up. “I ended up getting much more
than planned so I didn’t make things uncomfortable with Mitchell and
having him owe me.”

He glanced at the cart with wide eyes. “This is going to be

interesting,” he grumbled and then mounted his horse. I didn’t want to
ask what that meant because I had a sinking suspicion I knew… And
wouldn’t like it.

Was my life now just going to be walking on eggshells because a

big jerk owned me? I bought extras that we could all eat and share.
Why could I possibly get in trouble for that with a sane person?

And that thought just about answered that question. Did I know

that Boris was sane?

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Chapter 4

“You came back,” Boone greeted me as he lifted me out of the

saddle and hugged me close. “We started to worry.”

“I didn’t mean to make you worry.” I sighed, wanting this to

always be my welcome and to feel cared for as he was making me
feel right in that moment. “It seems I shouldn’t pay the shopkeeper for
a few things with a gem. Things got a little complicated.”

“Why do you have gems?” Boris growled as he pulled me out of

Boone’s arms. “You stole from your father? Did you steal from us

“No! Why does everyone assume I’d just steal?” I exclaimed,

pushing at him with all my might. It didn’t work as I had planned and
I fell to the ground on my tender ass. “They were my mother’s jewels
and presents that had been given to me over the years. I would never
steal from you and even if I did, the man sold me. That’s illegal but
everyone seems to gloss over that detail and focus on me being a sex
slave or thief.”

I pulled his bag of coins and tossed them at his feet. “I bought

extras for all of us from my own money to try and be nice, to be a part
of this family instead of just your whore. I was trying here.”

“I believe you wouldn’t steal, that’s why the idea of you walking

around with gems shocked me,” Boris replied as he picked up the bag.
Just then the chicks started peeping and he narrowed his eyes at me.
“What was that?”

“I never had a pet and I wanted a pig but then I figured he’d

become dinner when he got older. So I got chicks, they can give us
eggs and I can have a pet we don’t have to eat,” I rambled. “I got

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everything they need though I don’t really know how to build a
chicken coop.”

“No, take them back,” he growled at me, flashing his sharp teeth

at me.

“I’m not a child. I can have chickens if I want to,” I whispered. He

took a step closer and I curled into a ball, using my arms to protect
my neck and face. “I’ll take them back.”

“Boris, stop this!” Boone shouted as he shoved his brother, finally

having snapped out of his shock at what was going on. “He can have
some damn chicks if he wants. I will build the coop and help him take
care of them. Why can’t he have something of his own? Look at what
he brought. There’s a full lamb there and enough bread for weeks. He
bought that for us with his money. When has anyone done something
like that for us and you’re being a brute over a few chicks?”

“He doesn’t listen to me,” Boris replied. “He’s a slave, not a

partner. I should be able to tell him something and not get an extra
headache because he wants a pet, extra meat coming with him or not.”

“I can’t do this,” I whispered, rocking myself back and forth,

tuning out their argument. “I can’t. I can’t be a slave and have
everyone treat me like shit the rest of my life. Mitchell was only nice
to me when I showed him the gem. Boris sees me as a possession, I
can’t live like this!”

I hadn’t even realized I was talking out loud until there was

silence around me. I peeked out from under my arms to see everyone
staring at me. It was humiliating and I wanted to die right where I sat.

“What if I bought my freedom? I could pay you back and then

some for what I cost you,” I begged.

“No,” he snarled, pulling away from Boone and forcing me to lie

back on the ground as his large frame surrounded me. “I like having
you at my disposal. You are ours to do with what we please, Golden.
Why would we give that up?”

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“Because you’re not monsters who don’t have a heart,” I

answered as tears clouded my eyes. “Do you really not care if I’m not
happy or scared of you all the time?”

“I prefer it.” He leaned in and sniffed my neck. “The scent is

enticing and we are monsters. Never forget that.”

“Then just kill me now,” I pleaded as I closed my eyes. “I just

wanted to do something nice.”

“For yourself,” Boris clarified as he ran his hands over his body.

“You thought if you acted like we were equals and a family, getting
food we all could share like one, we would treat you as such. You
were manipulating us when the one thing I asked you to do for us you

“I wasn’t manipulating anyone!” I exclaimed as I beat my fists

against his chest. “I’m not the bad guy here.” I froze as the rest of his
words sunk in. “I forgot the books.”

“You did,” he agreed as he grabbed both my wrists and pinned

them over my head. “And now you will pay for it.”

“No!” Boone snarled and tackled his brother off of me. “This

madness stops, Boris. Golden isn’t our enemy and isn’t property.
You’re going to make him hate us or run. Is that what you want?”

“Run to where?” he threw back, trying to hit Boone in the face.

“He doesn’t know his way out of the forest and he’d be a fugitive.”

I stopped listening after that, having my fill of all this drama and

anger. I stood with a heavy heart and upset stomach and walked over
to the chicks. Lifting the cage out of the cart, I set it on the ground
and did the same with their food. Then I opened the bag, took out a
handful, and opened the tiny door.

All six started peeping as they hopped out and started eating out

of my hands. “I’m sorry, guys. I just wanted to give you a nice place
to live where you could be loved and lay some eggs. It wasn’t
supposed to be like this. I was going to be happy and take over my
father’s businesses when it was time, giving lots of people jobs,

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helping out the town when I could. Sure, I’d never marry a nice girl
like my parents would have wanted, but I could have still been happy.

“Now I brought you into this misery and you’re too young to

know such realities about life.” I sniffled, wiping away a tear with my
forearm. “I think I’m too young to know them too, sometimes. I just
thought together we could deal with them and I’d have some friends
even if you were animals.”

I think I temporarily lost my mind, talking to chicks while the

brothers were duking it out around me. I glanced up. Oh, all three
were fighting now. Splendid. They were still going at it when the
chicks were done eating and I put them back in the cage. I sighed and
set it in the cart where they would be safe. Then I started unloading
what I could carry.

After that I went to my room and collected all the books I could

hold in my arms, knowing there was no way I was lifting the trunk
full of them. I walked back outside and dropped them to the ground
before putting my fingers in my mouth and letting out a whistle.
Instantly they paused the fight and turned to me.

“Sorry I forgot the books. These are some of what I have but

you’re welcome to all of them. I’m going to start making supper.” I
turned to go back inside.

“Golden?” Boone whispered as he moved away from them and

towards me.

“It doesn’t matter, Boone. It is what it is. What’s the point of

fighting it? I’ll take the chicks back tomorrow and just live here until I
die as a sex slave no one really wants but I’m all you could buy. At
least I can still do some sketching. I like doing that.”

Yeah, maybe I really had cracked. I just couldn’t take any more of

anything. No more fighting, no more issues, no more being in trouble
or not what someone wanted. I was just done. They wanted to fuck
me and for me to be obedient… Fine. Everyone in my life had finally
pushed me too far where the will to fight left me. They won. I was a

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And this slave had to make dinner so the lamb I purchased with

one of my mother’s jewels didn’t go bad. I found spices and herbs,
rubbing them on the meat as I started the stove. Then I got the lay of
the kitchen and put the bread and items away. I realized then that I
hadn’t eaten all day besides a few samples the baker had given me to

But I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t want to eat or do anything really.
“Golden, can we talk?” Boone asked hesitantly as he walked into

the kitchen through the back door.

“I was going to take a nap if that’s okay,” I answered as I slid the

pan of lamb into the oven. “It’s been a long day and the food won’t be
ready for hours.”

“May I join you?”
“I don’t have a say in anything anymore, Boone. Do as you want.”

Maybe I was being mean, taking my feelings out on the wrong
person. But I was numb and didn’t really care if I sounded harsh.

“Do you want me to? Would you like me to hold you while you

take a nap?” I glanced at him then, taking in the fact that he looked
equal parts worried and sad.

“I don’t care. None of it matters anymore.” I shrugged and walked

out the other door to the hallway and up the stairs. It didn’t register
that I was alone until I was in my room. I undressed, tossing my
clothes over the chair by the window, and crawled into bed. My life
was over as I knew it and it was never going to get any better.

The sooner I got that through my thick skull the better off I would

be and less often I’d be in trouble.

* * * *

“Dinner’s ready!” I called out the back door later that evening. It

had taken a little longer than I would have thought and I waited to get
yelled at the entire time I was cooking just for that fact. But no one

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ever came into the kitchen. I never saw any of them and all three
brothers left me alone.

Just as I pulled out the pan the door flew open and I started to

drop it. I caught it just in time except without the towel covering my
hand and I grasped the hot metal. I yelped in pain and was about to
drop it when fur-covered, large hands took the pan from me with a
different towel. It was Boris but I didn’t acknowledge his help or look
at him. I simply went to the sink and pumped some water into the
basin, letting the cool water soothe the burn.

“Everything’s on the table that you should need. If not, let me

know later and I will make sure it’s there next meal.” I turned to leave
before they could say anything but my luck wasn’t that good.

“You’re not joining us?” Boris asked, his tone getting dark. But

then again… When wasn’t it?

“Our servants didn’t eat with us and I knew slaves wouldn’t then

either,” I answered with a shrug and started to push open the door
with my good hand.

“You need to eat, Golden,” Boone said gently.
“I’m not hungry, thank you. I’ll be in my room if anyone needs


“Bash will be up there after dinner to fuck you,” Boris informed

me quietly, almost sounding concerned suddenly. Almost.

“As you wish.” I darted out the door and away from them. It

sucked that this was my life, but I wasn’t going to hope anymore that
we could make it work so we cared about each other. They wanted to
use me, fine. But that didn’t mean that I was going to try for more. I’d
do what they told me, when they told me, and hopefully they’d just
leave me alone the rest of the time.

I used the one bathroom to bathe and then one of the oils I got

earlier to stretch myself out. I didn’t bother re-dressing or kidding
myself that he cared what I looked like or did. They wanted a hole,
okay, but I was going to try and make things as painless for me as

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“Come in,” I called out a bit later when there was a knock at the

door. Bash entered and quietly closed the door behind him. “How do
you want me?”

“Um, whatever you like best,” he said nervously. He couldn’t

have been any older than my age so I doubted, if they’d been trapped
in Withering Woods for seven years, that he’d ever been with anyone.

“Doesn’t matter to me.” I shrugged and flipped back the covers.

He looked away from me as his cheeks heated up. Shit. Now I had to
deal with a blushing virgin and help him through this? “How about
you get undressed?”

“I can do that.” Bash quickly got naked and that’s when I notice

he wasn’t hard. I mean he was so not hard that I started to realize this
might not be about him being a virgin. When he was naked he
crawled into the bed with me, careful not to touch me.

“Bash, this only works if you want me,” I said gently as I turned

on my side to face him.

“It’s not you,” he rambled, his eyes wide. “You’re pretty for a guy

it’s just—” He snapped his mouth closed so fast I bet he bit his

Realization dawned on me then. “You’re straight. You like girls.”
“Yes,” he groaned as he covered his face with his hands. “There is

a girl from the village. She got lost in the woods a few years ago and
we met. I helped her and she comes and visits me. I love her, Golden.
My brothers would never approve though and I don’t know how to
tell them.”

“They wouldn’t approve of you being straight?” Yeah, I didn’t get

that one.

“No, wanting someone from the village. They all think we’re

monsters,” he admitted with a sigh. His hands slipped away and he
thumped his fists on the bed. “But Mary Ellen is different. She’s
special and I love her. I’d do anything for her.”

“Have you told her this?”

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“No, of course not,” Bash answered, his eyes wide. “She couldn’t

love a monster.”

“You’re not a monster, Bash,” I giggled as I took his hand in

mine. “You’re so not a monster that it’s almost funny you think
yourself one. She keeps coming back to visit. I mean she has to since
you can’t leave but she chooses to come visit. Something’s there,
Bash. Tell her you love her and let everything fall as it may. Trust me
on this, you don’t want to wait until it’s too late. You’ll never forgive

“Did you love someone back home you never told?” he asked as

he rolled onto his side to face me.

“Not like you. My mother and I had a fight right before she died. I

never got to fix it before she passed and it eats at you. Life is short
and bad things happen, Bash. What if she doesn’t know how you feel
and agrees to marry another? Just tell her because the worst that will
happen is she won’t feel the same. At least you will know but not
confessing could keep you from something more.”

“Thank you, Golden.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “I’m

sorry I don’t want you but you already have two idiots to put up with.
I can’t imagine you’re sad you don’t have a third.”

“Either way, living here will never be what I want,” I admitted

sadly. I tried to fake a smile for him but it didn’t work. He nodded his
understanding and got back out of bed. I turned away so it didn’t
seem like I was staring at the straight guy. He quickly dressed and
wished me a good night before he left.

Yeah, I doubted it would be a good night. The way things were

going, I didn’t think I’d ever have any good nights again.

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Chapter 5

I awoke to my door opening sometime later in the night. I knew

not to be frightened, but I wasn’t exactly excited to have a visitor
either. The bed dipped and I didn’t move or acknowledge they were

“I know you’re awake, Golden,” Boris said quietly as he pulled

back the covers and slid into bed with me. “I heard your breathing
pick up.” I didn’t say anything because he didn’t ask a question and I
was tired. Secondly, I was learning there’s nothing to say to Boris that
didn’t get me in trouble.

I shivered when I felt his hands move down my body and he

pulled me close. I might have hated the man but I did like the feeling
of him even if he was too rough at times. Then his cock rubbed
against my hole and I squirmed in his arms.

“I built your chicken coop and found straw to lay in it. The chicks

are safe and have been fed,” he whispered in my ear. He looked up
and saw the oil on the table next to my bed. “Is this what you would
like me to use? Is that what’s making you smell so good?”

“Yes please,” I answered, turning enough so I could see his face

as he reached for it. “So I can keep the chicks? Why?”

“Because there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to and I was a

monster to have treated you that way.” I didn’t know what to say as
he slicked up his cock. Boris set the oil back down on the table and
moved his fingers to my hole. Was he actually going to make sure I
was prepared this time?

“Thank you,” I whispered, not sure if I meant for letting me keep

the chicks and building the coop or that he was being gentle with me.

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“The supper you made was amazing, Golden,” he said hesitantly

as he pushed two fingers inside of me. When he saw I could take
more, he slid in another and sawed them back and forth. “I can’t think
the last time I’ve feasted that well.”

“I’m glad you liked it.” Everyone wants to hear they’re a good

cook. What I didn’t understand was why he was being so nice to me. I
started to roll onto my stomach, knowing that’s how I’d end up.

“I want it like this,” Boris growled as he held me on my side.
“As you wish.” I relaxed into the bed, my head against his chest as

I pulled one leg up to give him better room.

“I want you to want it like this as well.” Oh goodie, here came the

anger. I braced for it, cursing that he was fingering me when he was
pissed. He could do a lot of damage with those hands. Their fingers
weren’t claws but they didn’t have human fingernails either. “But it is
my fault that you don’t.”

“What?” I asked, not sure of the turn this conversation had taken.

Was he admitting he’d been wrong?

“I don’t blame you for not wanting me after how I’ve acted.” He

pulled his fingers from my hole and pushed the head of his dick in. I
moaned and held on to my knee tightly. “I wouldn’t want to be with
someone like me either.”

Still I didn’t reply. What was there to say? Agree he was an ass?

That would go over well. Plus, he had been nice to me before when I
was leaving for the village and then the next time he was a jerk again.
His mood swings were insufferable and I wasn’t going to play into
one of the nice ones in hopes that there wouldn’t be another mean
one. Because there would be.

Boris moved so he was surrounding me, one knee by my ass and

the other between my legs. Then he pushed my leg up even farther,
holding it there as his other hand moved along my back.

“I can be better. You just have to give me time.”
“As you wish,” I said again, acknowledging what he was saying. I

didn’t believe it for a second though. Either Boone had kicked his ass,

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he felt bad about accusing me of being a thief, or he simply had a
clear moment without any anger.

It wouldn’t last.
“Are you going to say anything else?” he asked, annoyance in his

tone as he slowly pushed more of his cock inside of me.

“Thank you for making sure I was stretched and using extra oil.”

Yeah, it was lame but it was the best I had right then! Did he want me
to lie and tell him I believed him? Then again, I guess he hoped I
wouldn’t have to lie.

“Do you just try and upset me?”
I gasped when he slammed the rest of the way into me. I turned

my head enough to look at his chest, not able to meet his gaze. “Either
deal with my truthful answers or I will start having to lie to you which
I don’t want to do. Your choice.” He lifted my chin so I had to look at
him. “Believe me, the last thing I want is your anger, okay? I’m doing
what you want and being complacent but don’t ask me to just tell you
what you want to hear.”

He nodded as he leaned closer to me. My eyes went wide and I

started squirming.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I pulled my chin from his hand.
“Kissing you,” he growled. “Boone said I should be nicer, gentle

with you and that you like to be kissed.”

“He also asked me.” I wanted to smack myself for blurting that

out. It would only set Boris off. So I did the only thing I could think
of. I quickly lifted my head and gave him the world’s fastest kiss.

Boris’s eyes filled with heat as he stared at my lips, licking his

own. “May I have a proper kiss now?”

“Watch your teeth please.” His upper lip curled up and I sighed.

“You like to be vigorous and powerful. It stands to reason that you
would kiss like that and I like my tongue where it is. You know I
don’t think you hideous or a monster, I get hard when you touch me.
I’m just reminding you to be careful if you ever want another kiss.”

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“That’s fair and logical,” he conceded with a nod. I wanted to

pump my fist in the air at the small victory. Maybe I could have a real
conversation with Boris after all. I moaned as he licked my lips,
opening for him as he started thrusting.

Hell must have frozen over because he wasn’t pounding into me

and I didn’t even slide up the bed. Granted he was still strong and
huge so it wasn’t like he was treating me like glass… But he was
acting as if I could be hurt and cared that I wasn’t.

“What else do you like?” he asked me and I had to keep from

swallowing my tongue to keep the shock at bay.

“Touch me,” I purred as I moved his hand to my cock. He rubbed

the heel of his hand against me and the friction was glorious while his
soft fur was a maddening contrast I loved. “Boris, oh heavens that’s
good, yeah, like that.”

“You are so breathtaking,” he cooed in my ear as he moved his

hips faster. “I want more than a slave, Golden, but if the choice is you
leaving or keeping you as one I will choose to keep you as a slave.”

And just like that I didn’t want him touching me. I went limp and

felt my erection leave as tears filled my eyes. “Get off me.”

“No,” he snarled as he kept stroking me. “This was working. You

wanted me, dammit! Get hard again.”

“Just fuck me then and go away,” I cried, covering my face as the

tears came back.

“I don’t understand.” He shook me in frustration. “I’m trying here,

really trying and still I can’t do anything right by you.” I was
officially scared at the way he was flipping out and on instinct I
reached up and slapped him across the face.

“You’re scaring me,” I whispered when his eyes filled with rage.

It was a stupid move, mostly because it didn’t work. Hell, his head
hadn’t even turned from the blow. “Calm down before I start
screaming for Boone or Bash because I think you’re going to kill me
you’re so pissed off at me.”

Boris’s face instantly deflated. “I would never kill you. You—”

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“Cost a lot of money. I know,” I grumbled.
“You are special,” he countered as he turned me so I was flat on

my back. I gasped as he moved my leg to the other side of his body,
his cock sinking deeper into me. “You are special, Golden, and you
drive me insane because I can’t say anything right to you and I handle
everything wrong. So please, tell me what I did wrong to make you
stop enjoying this?”

“You really don’t get it, do you?” I asked, searching his eyes.

When all I saw was confusion and frustration shining back at me I
sighed. “You’re kissing me, touching me, as you take me and bring up
that I’m your possession and your slave. Not exactly intimate-time
talk, Boris. And you have thrown that fact in my face at least a dozen
times since I’ve arrived. Do you know what that’s like? To know I’m
just a piece of ass possession to you?”

“I’m saying I don’t want you to be but I don’t want you to leave

either. What was wrong with that?”

“Then just say you like me and like the way I feel,” I suggested.

“Using the word slave and reminding me I really don’t have a choice
in all of this ruins the fun.”

“But I asked you this time,” he reminded me as he leaned over

and kissed my neck. “I asked and have been gentle. I’m sorry I don’t
do things the right way but you are a person to me.” I nodded but
didn’t say anything or get hard and he sighed. “Please tell me how to
fix this. I want to take you like two men who want to be together, not
just pound into someone who deals with it as being his lot in life.”

“Do you really mean that?” I asked hesitantly. Boris lifted his

head and nodded, letting me see the truth in his eyes. “Lift my legs
over your hips and rub your hands up my body like I’m the best thing
you’ve ever felt below you.”

“You are though,” he mumbled as he did what I asked.
“What do you like about me? What makes me desirable to you?”

He wanted to know what to do and how to fix this but he had to work
for it too.

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“You always smell so good and it’s not the oils or the soap when

you wash,” he admitted as he stared at my chest. I thrust my hips up
and he got the idea, moving slowly as he touched me. His fingers
glided over my ribs as if counting them. “Your skin is soft while your
body is still lean enough that I can surround every inch of you.”

“I like that you’re so much bigger than me too,” I whispered as I

moved my body in time with his. “And I love how strong you are
when you take me now that I know you care that I’m a person and not
just a hole to get off with.”

“No, not just a hole no matter how crass I’ve spoken.” He used his

tongue against my nipple as his hand moved down to my hard-on. “I
was worried you’d think me a monster and hurt me so I tried to put a
wall between us. It didn’t work and I ended up hurting—”

“Talk later about serious things,” I warned as he almost did it

again. Boris nodded and rubbed my cock. “What else do you like?”

“The way you see life. You thought by buying the chicks that you

would save them from being dinner when people eat chickens all the
time.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t get over how much more
handsome he was when he smiled.

“I like that you don’t just apologize with words but built the

chicken coop as well.” I realized now I was so into the moment again
that the time for talk was over. “There’s something I’ve always
wanted to try.”

“Anything, Golden,” he immediately agreed.
“Lift me onto your lap and thrust up into me as hard as you can,” I

begged as I tightened my hole around his cock. He moaned and did it,
spreading his legs wider for leverage and going further into me. “Yes!
Oh yes, this is what I’ve always wanted. Harder.”

“I knew we could fit,” he grunted as he thrust into me with all his

might. Granted he couldn’t do it as hard as normal moving up and
with me sitting on him like that but the forceful jabs hit my pleasure
gland every time.

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“Boris, yes, fuck me,” I screamed as my dick rubbed against his

ripped abs and short fur. “Tell me you want only me and not just my

“I want all of you, Golden. I need you.” I wasn’t sure about that

but I didn’t think he was lying either.

“Faster,” I whimpered, just needing a little more to get over the

edge. He did and I cried out as I came all over us, harder than I might
ever have come before. Boris followed me right over, groaning as his
body shook and his cock exploded inside of me.

“Thank you,” he gasped as he peppered my neck and face with

kisses. I wasn’t sure what he was thanking me for but I was happy to
do that again. Now if we could just keep the peace between us for
more than half a day I would maybe hope my life wouldn’t suck

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Chapter 6

The next morning I woke up to Boone’s tongue licking my hole.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“No,” I moaned and spread my legs wider. “Was never mad, just

depressed and giving up.”

“Don’t give up yet, Golden,” he begged as his oiled fingers teased

my hole. “Let me show you how good life can be here. Let me love

“Yes,” I agreed, wanting everything he offered and more. “Make

love to me, Boone.”

“With pleasure.” He pushed his fingers inside of me and quickly

stretched me out. Then he flipped me over and molded his body to
mine while I was on all fours. It was awkward to kiss but we made it
work. He took me tenderly, every inch that could possibly touch of
our bodies doing so and moving together. “Need more.”

I didn’t understand until he pulled me up onto my knees so the

angle was tighter. He wrapped his arm around me as he kissed me and
stroked my cock. I reached back and held on to his hips as I pulled
myself to meet his thrusts.

“This is what I wanted for us,” Boone whispered in my ear. “To

come together like this and to let you see it’s you I want and not just
anyone because I was lonely.”

“How can you know you want me so much already?” I asked,

confused at his strong feelings already even though I felt the same.

“Because everything about you is perfect to me and I would do

anything for you. What can I do to prove it?”

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“Just love me, Boone,” I whispered, wanting it more than

anything in the world. We weren’t there yet and I didn’t want him to
lie. Instead he nodded and kissed me some more. When he started
picking up the pace I couldn’t hold it back anymore, coming with a
cry of his name moments before he finished inside of me.

After we were spent we fell to the bed in a sweaty heap, wrapped

around each other. “That was indescribable, my darling.”

“I feel—” I started to say but the door to my room was opened

with such force it banged off the wall.

“How did you remove the curse?” Boris bellowed as he stormed

into the room. “Why Bash?”

“What?” I asked in shock, thinking he finally lost it.
“My god,” Boone gasped as he sat up, pulling out of me. I looked

at him and followed his gaze. There was a stranger standing there
with a smile on his lips so wide I was surprised it didn’t jump off his

“Holy shit!” I yelped and scrambled under the covers. “Who is

that man?”

“Bash,” Boone and Boris said together. I froze in trying to cover

up my indecency and took a better look.

“How?” I whispered as I took in his eyes, seeing the man instead

of the cursed hybrid. He was still a big man but no longer over seven
feet, closer to six, and any trace of beast gone. “How did this

“I can’t tell you,” Bash admitted quietly. “When the magic was

lifted I tried to tell Boris but it was like there’s a trick to it all and I
can’t speak the words.”

“He said you did this,” Boris growled.
“No, I said Golden gave me the key to how to break it,” Bash

corrected as he gave me a smile. I stared at him as if he was mad and
he got the hint. “The advice you gave me yesterday. I did it and it
broke the curse.”

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“The advice,” I parroted and then it hit me. “That advice? You

saw her?”

“Yes,” he answered with a nod. “She’s agreed to marry me.”
“You’re straight?” Boris and Boone exclaimed. “What girl?
“Okay, all brothers out and downstairs so the youngest can catch

you up,” I said with a chuckle and eye roll. It ended up being the
wrong thing to say because everyone focused on me then and they
weren’t happy like I was.

“How could you tell Bash how to lift the curse and not me?”

Boone whispered as he moved away from me. “I thought you cared
for me.”

“I do, Boone,” I gasped and waved at Bash. “I didn’t know my

advice would lift the curse and if I understand him right, it’s not like a
spell you can repeat. It has to be something he feels and admits.”

“I knew you would hurt me,” Boris shouted and punched the wall.

In a flash I was off the bed and cowering behind it as he turned his
anger on me. “You’re going to the whorehouse tomorrow.”

“No!” the three of us exclaimed together.
“Stop this and come talk to me while Golden gets cleaned up and

dressed,” Bash demanded. “This is not his fault. I told you that he
couldn’t have known. Telling you what he suggested won’t change
anything or lift the curse for you guys. It didn’t work like that.” When
they were both still frowning at me he decided to switch tactics.
“Don’t you want to meet my bride?”

“Yes, very much so,” Boone admitted as he got to his feet and

walked towards the door. He stopped in front of Boris and poked the
man in the chest with his finger. “He’s not going to the whorehouse,
so stop letting your temper spew shit you regret later. We’ll talk to
him and figure out why this happened after we congratulate our
brother. Understand?”

“Agreed.” They left my room, leaving me there to sit alone on the

floor in shock at what had taken place. Boris went to close the door
and held up a key. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to lock you

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in here until you tell us how to break the curse.” He slammed it closed
before I could say a word.

I knew it. We couldn’t go half a day before I was back to hating

him. And even worse? I couldn’t get cleaned up if I was locked in the
room. The bathroom was down the hall.

I stood up, sighing as I then flopped back to the bed. Boris had

come to me in the middle of the night and now Boone this morning.
That was maybe six hours of good times before drama and anger
again. If anyone dared pick on me for being constantly depressed, all
over the place, and a tear factory I was going to lock them in a room
with Boris for a week and laugh.

Just as copious amounts of cum were drying all over me I

remembered that I had a glass of water by the bed. It wasn’t exactly
the best bath I’d ever had, but I made it work. I didn’t even bother to
get dressed though. What was the point? Boris or Boone would come
back eventually, want more sex, and then everything would be my
fault again.

If I didn’t get sold to the whorehouse first.
I sat on the bed, not sure what to do or how I was going to explain

this one to them without just telling them. And what if I did tell them
the truth? Boris would surely think I was lying. Boone would
probably believe me and then say he loved me just to break the curse.
But when it didn’t work we’d never be able to recover from that.

How could my life have ended up like this? Instead of them being

happy I inadvertently helped Bash… I was the bad guy?

I knelt on the floor and opened up one of my bags, pulling out a

framed picture of my mother. Staring at it for several moments, I
started to get angry. “How could you do this to me? Nothing would
have changed if you hadn’t told father I wasn’t his. Or if you had told
us both years ago, he could have gotten over it. I could have found
my real father even! You should have just drowned me as a baby.”

That’s when I realized the time had come to run. I finally was at

the point where possible death and living on the run was better than

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facing Boris’s wrath again. I quickly dressed and packed as much of
my jewelry-lined clothes into a bag, forsaking all my other

Then I opened the window and checked to make sure no one was

around. I heard them at the back of the house and dropped my bag
down. Realizing I’d break a limb in the fall, I quickly pulled the
sheets off the bed and tied them together. I pushed the bed to the
window and used the weight to secure the sheets. Then I climbed
down the side of the house, careful of the windows in case someone
was looking out of them.

Once I was on the ground safely I picked up my bag and ran. I

couldn’t stay there and live like this. Yes, I was falling in love with
Boone and had feelings for Boris. But nothing was going to change. I
was still their slave and I couldn’t live a life like that, waiting for
Boris to blow up at me over something else yet again.

I ran for as long as I could, wishing I had some provisions. I was

thirsty and hungry already, not even having a chance to eat breakfast
before this all happened. Then I walked for what seemed like hours. I
swore I was heading in the same direction Bash had taken me to the
village but everything looked the same. I was lost.

Watch, I’d end up walking right back to the house I was running

from after all this effort. I collapsed to the ground, long since needing
a break. Several minutes later I heard the stomping of horses running
and ducked behind a tree.

“This is your fault,” Boone bellowed as they came closer to where

I was.

“I know it is. Stop reminding me and keep your eyes open for

him,” Boris shouted right back. “His scent went this way and he’s got
to be close. Golden!”

Right, because I was going to announce where I was. But they

were closing in on me and would find me. I got to my feet and ran,
hiding behind trees as I went in the hopes that maybe I would be
hidden from them.

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“There! Golden, stop!” Boone yelled as I heard his horse head

towards my direction. I’d never be able to outrun a horse but I wasn’t
ready to give up yet either. I kept running as fast as I could, ignoring
the horses and men barreling down on me. My foot got caught in
some underbrush and I went down hard and heard a sickening snap of
my shoulder.

“Shit,” Boris growled as he jumped down from his horse. I bit my

lip to keep in the cry of pain as I tried my best to scurry away from
him. Yeah, I knew trying was futile at this point but sometimes
instinct just kicked in. He was pissed before and now that I’d run he
was going to be livid. “Why did you run from us?”

I just stared at him like he’d grown a second and third head. Was

he really that dense?

“Don’t touch me,” I screamed as he crouched down by me. “You

said you’d never hurt me! You promised.”

“I did,” he replied with a nod. “Why do you think that has


“There’s a hole in the wall of my room that shows how little

control you have over your anger,” I answered firmly, clutching my
limp arm to my body. “And once again you’re saying I’m going to the
whorehouse. I thought last night meant something to you.”

“It did,” he sighed and lifted me into his arms, my fighting barely

affecting him. “Stop, okay. Just stop. You dislocated your shoulder
and you’re only hurting yourself.”

“Where’s my bag?” I whimpered, trying to see the ground where

I’d fallen.

“I have it,” Boone said quietly, holding it up for me to see.
“It’s mine.” I held out my good hand for it, praying he’d give it

back and not realize the fortune that was inside of it.

“What’s in there that’s so important, Golden?” Boris asked as he

turned me in his arms so I was facing him.

“My only possible salvation from you or the whorehouse if you

send me there,” I whispered as I closed my eyes. “Can I please just

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have my bag? It’s the only way I can buy myself back when you sell
me and I can be free of all of this.”

“We’re not selling you,” Boris growled as he took off my jacket.
“Why not?” I yelled, having made a quick decision. “At least that

way I could pay the madam more than what she paid for me and be

“There’s no gold in this bag besides this,” Boone said curiously,

holding up the pouch of coins Mitchell had given me.

“You opened my bag?” I whispered, hurt because I never thought

Boone would be the one to betray me. “How could you?”

“How could you run, Golden?” he threw right back.
“Yes, because being locked in a room until I told you something I

couldn’t was a much better option,” I answered sarcastically. I think
the pain in my shoulder overrode my sense of self-preservation.
“Boris was redecorating with his fist and once again he scared the shit
out of me. I can’t live constantly worried I’m going to incur his rage.
It wasn’t even half a day between outbursts. My emotions are all over
the place, I’m constantly crying, haven’t eaten for days because of the

“You do seem a little thinner,” Boris agreed. I turned to him and

narrowed my eyes at him, letting the disgust for him show on my

“What do you care? There’s enough of me to still hold on to so

you can fuck your slave, right?” He winced at my words, turning his
gaze away from mine. “There’s bones to break if you decide to use
me as a punching bag. My mouth still works for your pleasure and—”

“Stop,” he whispered, shaking his head. “Please just stop. I’m


“I’m done with your apologies. You say you’re sorry, do

something nice, but then each time your anger gets worse to the point
that I was scared enough of you to run.”

“Holy shit,” Boone exclaimed and I groaned. “He has a fortune in

this bag.”

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“Great, just fucking great,” I growled as Boris set me on my feet.

He knelt down next to Boone and pulled out one of my jackets that
William had sewed gems in to make it look as if there was costume

“These are real gems?” Boris asked in a whisper as he glanced at

me. Suddenly my feet were interesting and I looked at those instead.
“Is this all of it?”

“It’s mine,” I whimpered, holding my arm to my chest. “Most of

those were gifts or my mother’s. You said I could have my own
belongings when I got here. Servants and slaves can have their own
possessions. Just because you found them doesn’t make them yours.”

“We don’t want them,” Boone said in disgust as he threw one of

my coats on the bag. “We just want to know what’s going on, Golden.
How could you not tell us you carried a fortune sewn into your

“Right, because I’ve known you long enough to be able to trust


“Don’t you get it?” he shouted as he got to his feet and threw his

hands in the air. “I love you, Golden. I want to mate you and make
you my partner. I never wanted you to be my slave or—” He stopped
and gasped, looking a little green around the gills. “What’s happening
to me?”

“What happened to Bash I’m guessing,” I mumbled as I plopped

down on the ground. My whole body hurt and this was not how I ever
wanted someone to say they loved me. And even worse, if the curse
was being lifted… He really meant it.

And I had run from him. This could really be bad.
Boone cried out and sank to his knees as his face reshaped into

that of a human instead of partly beast. The fur fell off his body as if
he’d had a haircut, and his body shrank slightly. When the
transformation was over he was the most breathtaking man I’d ever
seen. He moved his hands over his body, laughing in shock and joy as
he checked to make sure everything was there.

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Yeah, he was in shock.
“That’s why you couldn’t tell us,” Boris whispered as he got up

slowly, staring at Boone. “Who knew something as insane as true love
could fix a curse?”

“There’s nothing insane about love,” I replied, shaking my head at

his attitude. “It’s the strongest emotion there is. But it’s also
something I couldn’t tell you to do to reverse the curse. You just have
to feel it and admit it aloud.”

I was looking at Boris when Boone dove in front of me and

cupped my face in his hands. “I do love you, Golden. Will you do me
the honor of mating me and being mine forever? No being a slave, no
running, no ever having to worry about anything ever again. I will
take care of you and we will be together always.”

“What about Boris?” I asked, my eyes wide with shock. “Will I

still be his slave? Do I have to be with him then?”

“That’s up to you,” Boris answered as he looked away. “Not a

slave, Golden. Boone and I agreed that we didn’t want you to be our
slave, but our lover. Then he told me he was in love with you and
wants to mate you. So the choice is now yours as to who and what
you want. There is one thing we need to handle right away though
because it will hurt worse the longer we wait.”

I knew what he meant and nodded. They helped me to my feet,

giving me a moment to let this news sink in. I stared into Boone’s
eyes, the eyes I had known when he was cursed, and saw the man I
loved. I’d been trying to fight it because I hated the idea of being a
slave and the threat of being sold.

But I did love him. I just didn’t know how I felt about Boris or if I

was going to live in that house if I wouldn’t want him in my bed as

Thankfully the pain from snapping my arm back into the shoulder

socket was so immense that I screamed and passed out. I say
thankfully because I didn’t have to give them an answer just then. It
was a relativity thing.

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Chapter 7

When I woke up I was back in my bedroom at their house, Boone

lying beside me. I went to turn toward him and immediately stopped
from the pain and his hand on my chest stopping me.

“You’ll feel better in a few days but for now you need to just

rest,” he said gently. I nodded and he scooted closer to me, his chest
pushing against the good arm. “When I realized you ran my heart
shattered into a million pieces, Golden. I thought you treasured what
we had?”

“I do, but you heard what Boris threatened and you were so angry

and hurt I thought you were turning on me,” I whispered. He kissed
my shoulder and ran his fingers through my hair. “We made love and
it was amazing, but we didn’t even get a few minutes to enjoy it
before the next drama erupted and I was in trouble again. I can’t live
like that.”

“Boris has agreed to simply be your brother-in-law if that’s what

you want and if you want to mate me.”

“He could just give me up like that?” I heard myself asking out

loud, wincing at how it must have sounded to Boone.

“No, it’s because he cares so much for you that he just wants you

to be happy,” he said gently. Then he sighed and ran his fingers under
the bandages that were holding my shoulder and arm in place. “You
care for him, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I whispered as tears burned in my eyes. “There is good in

him but something has hurt him so bad that he’s angry at the world
and I don’t think I can live with someone like that.”

“Do you love him?”

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“I don’t know.” I turned my head enough to look into his eyes.

“Are you mad?”

“No, not at all,” he chuckled and brushed his lips over mine.

“When I realized I wanted you to be my mate I worried I’d have to
share my mate with my two brothers. Bash ends up being straight and
marrying that pretty girl from the village. There’s enough love in you
to go around, Golden. I know I would be just as loved if you wanted
to be with Boris as well.”

“Yeah, I just don’t know what I want.”
“Do you want me?”
“Yes, of course but—”
“Then nothing else matters and we’ll figure out the rest as we go

along,” Boone said gently as he sat up. I wasn’t sure what he was
doing but he lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the room.
“You need to eat.”

“Oh, right, that,” I mumbled as I buried my face into his neck. I

was embarrassed that I had run now that I knew he loved me. I was
also not loving the fact that I was somewhat useless with my injury.
My arm was wrapped against my body and it hurt a bit even to use my
hand. It was all connected after all.

Boone sat me down on the kitchen table and proceeded to throw

together something quick for me. I still wasn’t really hungry. I heard a
grunt and glanced out the window. Boris was chopping wood and had
quite a pile already.

“Wow, it must get really cold here in the winter if he’s starting on

the wood in May and has that much already,” I said to Boone as I
politely nibbled on the bread on my plate.

“No, not really,” he chuckled as he set a mug of ale on the table

next to me. I wasn’t a big drinker but I think we both knew some
booze would help with the pain. “He does that when he’s upset. It’s
his way of getting out his anger. Sometimes if there’s enough we’d
ask one of Bash’s friends to sell it in town.”

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“Oh, I could see him being angry that the curse isn’t broken for

him.” I didn’t want to focus on that right now because Boone was so
happy that he was back to normal. But it had to be hard for Boris.

“That’s not why he’s so upset, my love.” My head snapped in his

direction at the endearment. I wasn’t used to it or his feelings yet so
they kept catching me off guard.

“Bash is getting married and leaving?” I wouldn’t think Boris

would be like that but it would be hard losing the baby of the family
when Boris couldn’t leave the woods to go visit.

“No, Boris is a good brother and wants what’s best for us and

makes us happy,” Boone confirmed. I smiled and nodded. Good,
that’s the way family should be. “You ran, Golden.” He held up a
hand when I went to apologize. “I know I didn’t help but it really
wasn’t me you were running from. You ran from him when he opened
himself up to you. He thinks he’s lost you.”

“I’m not sure he really ever had me but for a few moments when I

wasn’t scared of him,” I admitted. “I can’t believe he’s upset over

Boone stared at me for several moments while I ate, making me

uncomfortable enough to squirm under his gaze. “You really don’t see
yourself for who you are, do you, Golden?”

“What do you mean?”
“What did your father do to you to make you this blind to how

wonderful you are?” He didn’t wait for me to answer, reaching over
and cupping my cheek as he continued. “You’re gorgeous in a way
I’ve never seen another man be. You’re sweet and tender. What man
uses his own money to buy food and supplies for men who bought
him as a slave and tries as hard as you do to make things better?
You’re amazing and Boris is broken over the idea that you will never
be his again.”

“So it always boils down to sex with him because that’s the only

way he ever had me,” I bit out.

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“No, it’s not about the sex, Golden. He held you, tended to you

after being intimate. He cares for you even if he didn’t show it like I

I sighed and mulled over what he said as I kept eating. Men. I

would never figure them out.

* * * *

“Your shoulder looks healed but I’d still be careful with it for the

next week or so,” Boone told me a few days later. We’d been
behaving sexually since I was injured and it was killing me that he
hadn’t claimed me yet when it was what we both wanted.

“Then claim me,” I blurted out, my cheeks heating up with how

forward that sounded.

“My pleasure,” he growled playfully as he yanked off his shirt.

Moments later we were naked in my bed as he reached for the oil I’d
purchased. He slicked up his fingers and pushed one into my ass as I
spread my body out for him. “Will you be mine forever, Golden?”

“Yes, yes, I want you always.” I gasped in bliss as he rubbed over

my pleasure gland.

“Thank god because I’d die without you,” he whispered before

kissing me. Boone and I had become so much closer while I was
injured. Closer than I thought two people could ever become. We
discussed books and our childhood and family and everything under
the sun. We were a perfect match in every way.

Boris on the other hand I had barely seen. He worked constantly

and avoided me as if I had the plague. Things were never going to get
better if we didn’t at least talk soon because we couldn’t go on like

“Beautiful,” Boone cooed as he pushed in another finger. He

watched the way his digits parted my hole for him, enjoying the view
of my body yielding to him and us being joined. I’d also learned he
was very visual. We might not have had sex, but we still were

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intimate. Boone liked to watch my pleasure as he gave me more oral
sex than I thought possible in a few days.

And he liked to touch. There was rarely a time when he didn’t

have his hands on me even if it was as simple as having his hand on
my thigh while we ate. He was affectionate and perfect.

Yet, I still thought of Boris at times. I loved Boone, I truly did

with all my heart. Maybe I was just selfish for wanting them both.
Even if Boris and I never were together again, it pained me that he
was hurting because of me. Now that I was better and after Boone
claimed me I was going to confront him and fix that.

“You still with me?” Boone asked hesitantly as he sawed his

fingers back and forth.

“Yes, just amazed at how wonderful you are and that I’m so lucky

to have found you,” I answered, not wanting to admit everything I’d
been thinking. It was the truth but now was not the time to bring up
his brother.

“And here I was thinking the same thing about you,” he chuckled.

We shared a deep kiss as he kept stretching me. When I was ready he
pulled his fingers free and gently entered me. “I’ll be gentle and bite
your other shoulder so you don’t injure yourself during this or I’ll
never forgive myself.”

“I can lie still,” I teased. Boone had made several comments that

as soon as he touched me that my response was needy and I was
incapable of staying still. It was true. I swear my hips had a mind of
their own at times.

He’d also explained to me that bear shifters bit their mates when

claiming them and the mark became permanent. He also said that he’d
been told it became an erogenous zone but couldn’t know that for sure
because he’d been very young at the time. Either way, it would be
worth it to be Boone’s mate.

“I love you, Golden,” he whispered in my ear as he slowly moved

his hips. “You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate.”

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“I love you too. You are perfect to me, Boone.” I used my good

arm to hold him closer as I let my other one stay still. When he started
to thrust slightly harder, I wrapped my leg over his hip so he could go

“Oh god you feel good. I never remember just how wonderful

until I’m back inside of you.”

“Maybe you should never leave my body then,” I purred as his

hand ran down my body. He moved it under my ass and squeezed
tight, helping me move to him on each thrust. “Make me come all
over you, Boone. I’ve missed this and needed it.”

“Me too, my love.” He held me close as he kissed along my

shoulder where it met my neck. “Are you ready? Will you be mine

“Yes and yes,” I panted as he started moving faster. I was right

there and just needed a push over… Which it seemed his teeth gave
me. He sunk them into my flesh and stars flashed behind my eyes as I
cried out in bliss. I came so hard I swear my body was convulsing. I
screamed Boone’s name and held his head to me as I filled the space
between us with my release.

“Mine!” He snarled as he pumped faster and harder. He grunted

around my skin as he filled me with his seed. I moaned at the feeling,
loving that I could bring him such pleasure. Boone kept moving his
hips, letting my body drain his cock of every drop.

“Sweet heavens!” I gasped, trying to get enough air into my lungs.

“That was unbelievable.”

“It was,” he purred as he held me and rolled us so I was lying

across his large frame. “We’re bonded forever now, Golden. We’ve
mated and are married in the ways of my people.”

“Good,” I giggled, giddy at the idea. “I’m your husband then and I

demand a repeat performance at least once a day.”

“Just once?” I lifted my head enough to see his smiling face. We

both burst out laughing as we basked in the glory of what we’d just

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A little while later we got up and Boone gave me a luxurious bath,

stating I was precious to him and would be treated as such. I felt like
the most important thing in the world to him and never wanted it to
end. I wouldn’t let it but that didn’t mean there weren’t other things I
needed to handle.


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Chapter 8

Boris had done everything in his power to avoid me the next

week. He didn’t take meals with us, working all hours, and riding his
horse all over the forest. Hell, I fell asleep a few times trying to wait
up for him in the kitchen, much to Boone’s aggravation. He
understood but he didn’t like the way the situation was stressing me

I was pretty sure he wasn’t happy that Boris was so upset either,

but he couldn’t fix things between Boris and I. It had to be hard on
him especially because my heart was breaking for the man I shouldn’t
care for but did.

Finally I decided to wait for him in the barn. He couldn’t just walk

by me there or ignore me if I fell asleep. I drank a bunch of coffee and
waited until well after the moon had fully risen. It paid off because I
was wide awake when he came back that night.

“Let’s get you something to eat,” Boris said gently to his horse as

he dismounted. “You need a break. I’m sorry I’ve been riding you so
hard lately.”

“Are you sorry you’ve been ditching me too?” I asked as I stepped

out from the shadows. I wore nothing but a dressing gown and my
sandals… And it was see-through.

“Go to bed, Golden,” he bit out, intentionally not looking at me. I

let him tend to his horse as I made my way to the door. He’d have to
run me over to get out now and the moon was behind me so I knew he
would see I had nothing underneath the dressing gown. When he was
done he turned and gasped, thinking I had left. “Why are you doing

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“You’ve been avoiding me at all costs and I figured you couldn’t

ignore me if I was dressed like this.”

“You are my brother’s mate,” he growled as he took a few steps

towards me, his hands shaking. “You should not be behaving like this
with another man!”

“You’re not just any other man, Boris, and we both know that,” I

whispered as I undid the tie at my neck and let the gown fall open. “I
know Boone told you that he has no problem if you have me as well.
So what is your problem?”

“I thought I scared you?” he asked quietly as he stepped closer.

His eyes were full of lust, even I could see it in the moonlight. I
wanted to slap him when he reached out and then dropped his hand.

“You do at times but I saw something in you that made me want

more,” I countered as I stepped closer. His whole body shivered as I
took his hand and brought it to my lips. “If you tell me you don’t want
me, I’ll leave and never bother you again. But you can’t keep
avoiding me, Boris.”

“I don’t want you upset anymore and all I do is give you grief.”
“That’s not all you’ve done for me,” I purred as I moved his other

hand over my hip and to my ass. I had already stretched myself out
and used copious amounts of oil so I’d be ready for him. “Wouldn’t
you be willing just to control your temper a little bit to be with me?
I’m not asking you to change, Boris. But the threats and harsh words
need to stop.”

He moaned as he brought both hands to my ass and squeezed

before his fingers ran over my crack. “Why is there oil there?”

“I think you know why.” I jumped up, knowing he would catch

me, and he didn’t fail me, wrapping me around his large frame. “Be
honest with me for once, Boris. What do you want? Did you really
ever want me as your slave?”

“No. I just want you, Golden. I feel like all I’ve ever wanted was

you,” he whispered in my ear as he licked along my neck. “The

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moment I saw you I knew my life would never be the same and I’d
never want another.”

“Then why have you been avoiding me? Why fight so hard to put

distance between us?”

“Because I’m a very big idiot.” I think his brain was losing blood

too fast to talk much anymore because I felt where it was going
against my ass. “I just can’t be what you want, Golden. You can’t
tempt me like this.”

“Like I want? To not be so angry and say horrid things to me?

That’s too much to ask?” I couldn’t understand that. I leaned back in
his arms to look into his eyes. They filled with tears and I realized I
was missing something big here.

“I deserve this curse, baby,” he admitted as his shoulders slumped.

“I can’t tell you how I feel and mate you like you are with Boone. I
can’t have the curse lifted.”

“That’s bullshit!” I exclaimed, pissed beyond words that he would

willingly punish himself like this. “Put me down!” He did and I
grabbed his hand. I had come up with a plan B option that I hoped I
wouldn’t need. But now I did for other reasons. “If you didn’t love me
that’s one thing, Boris, but this is ridiculous.”

“Golden, if you only knew—”
“I know what happened, Boris,” I said, cutting him off. He

followed me, lost in his own world which helped me because he was
going to fight this next part and I wasn’t strong enough to force him.
“Sit down.” I pointed to a bale of hay I had placed there. “We’re
going to talk.”

“Okay.” He nodded sadly as if he’d been sentenced to the gallows.

He plopped down on it and I moved behind him like I was going to
rub his shoulders.

“Hands behind your back,” I whispered as I kissed by his ear. He

did as I wanted with a moan. Then as quickly as I could I shackled his
hands to the chains in the wall. I didn’t think they had been there for

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prisoners, maybe if they had to do something to the horses that they
wouldn’t like, but it was helpful for me right then.

“What are you doing?” His eyes went wide as he pulled against

them. “You know I can break out of these, right?”

“Probably but I’m asking that you don’t,” I said gently as I moved

around him. He gazed over my body, ending on my face and staring
into my eyes with questions. “I’m asking you do this one thing for
me, Boris. Don’t break those chains and be honest with me. Well, two
things then.”

“For you I will do it,” he conceded after a few moments. I nodded

and lost my dressing gown. Then I went to work on his pants and
undid his shirt so it fell down his arms. “You’re chaining me down for

“No, it’s not about the sex,” I explained as I slid my leg over his

lap, making sure his cock rubbed against my slicked-up hole.
“Because you can’t run from the intimacy and my questions.
Understand one thing, Boris. If we can’t resolve these issues it will be
the last time you have me.”

“You’re going to withhold sex from me to get what you want?”

He growled, clearly not liking the idea.

I froze and simply stared at him a moment. “If that’s what you

truly think of me then I will just let you go right now and we should
be done.” His face fell as he realized how bad what he said sounded.

“No, I know you would never manipulate me like that. It’s just

how the situation seems. I’m sorry.”

“Good because I might be manipulating you a bit but it’s not for

me,” I whispered as I lowered myself onto his cock. Then I let go,
letting my weight slowly take more of him into me. I reached up and
took his face in my hands. “I would be happy the rest of my life being
with you in this form, Boris. I’m attracted and think you’re handsome
just the way you are. This isn’t about me.”

“What’s it about then?” he asked, biting his lip to keep in a moan

and probably not thrust into me so he was fully seated in my hole.

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“You forgiving yourself.” His eyes went wide but I kissed him

before he could answer. My arms snaked around his neck as our
chests rubbed and my ass hit his thighs. “How old were you when you
all became orphans?”

“Twenty-one, but—”
“No buts,” I growled and started moving my hips. “You were

barely a man, Boris. You were the oldest so it was up to you to find a
new home. I wouldn’t have known this forest was inhabited. There
are no signs, no warnings. How were you to know?”

“The choices I made led us here and to end up cursed,” he yelled

as he thrust up. “It’s my fault!”

“No!” I shouted and smacked his shoulder hard. “It was the

witch’s fault. A normal person would have said, hey, this is my land,
please leave
. You would have apologized for the mistake and left, no
harm, no foul. The curse was never your fault but a crazy lady’s
overreacting. People like that just look for excuses to make others
miserable. You’ve suffered seven years with this, Boris. Boone and
Bash harbor no ill will against you for what happened. Let it go.”

“I can’t,” he admitted as his eyes filled with tears.
“Yes you can. I forgive you, they forgive you, everyone forgives

you for what’s transpired but you.” I took a deep breath, ready to drop
the bomb on the next part. “Breaking the curse is the first step in
that.” I made sure to move my hips faster and he made happy noises
as I stared into his eyes. “I don’t want you to do it for me, but if you
really feel for me the way you say and won’t just tell me to punish

“That’s unacceptable and this will be the last time we are together.

I won’t be with someone, love someone, who’s so bent on punishing
himself that it’s more important than his feelings for me.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he whimpered as he leaned his

forehead to mine. “Please, let me go.”

“No, I won’t give up on you,” I snarled and smacked him again.

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“I don’t want you to.” He gave me a half smile. “Let go of my

wrists so I can touch you. Please, Golden? I won’t run but I need to
feel you, baby, more than ever.”

“Oh, I can do that,” I chuckled. I slid off his lap with a moan as

his cock popped free of me. Then I scrambled behind him and undid
the shackles. I yelped as I was almost immediately lifted up in the air.
Boris pushed me up against the wall, one of the horse blankets
hanging there so I didn’t get hurt.

“If I say it will you be mine?” he asked as he pushed back into me

with such force my ass thumped against the wall. “Will you share my
bed as you do Boone’s and swear yourself to me forever?”

“I can’t give you the answers to the test before you’ve agreed to

take it,” I said gently as he started pounding into me. “But I’m here,
fighting for you, Boris. Fighting for there to be an us and a future.
Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know?”

He gave me a sharp nod and fucked me with everything he had. I

held on for dear life, hoping I’d gotten through to him. When I felt as
if I was going to pass out from pleasure, I finally peaked.

“Boris!” I screamed as I buried my face into his neck. He growled

and came right after me, filling me with the proof of his desire for me.
But was desire enough? Was wanting my body enough to make him
see that there was more to the world than he was allowing himself to

“I love you, Golden,” he whispered against my ear. “From the

moment I saw you, you were no slave to me. You were the other half
of my heart that I wanted forever. I grieve that I ever said otherwise or
hurt you. You deserve so much better than me and I thank the heavens
you don’t see that and that you give me any moment of your time.”

“You talk pretty for someone who just fucked me stupid,” I

giggled, feeling loopy from the orgasm. “I love you too, Boris.”

“Good.” He gasped and sat down on the hay with a thump hard

enough that he almost dropped me. At the last second he held on as
his body started to shake violently. I held on to his shoulders, smiling

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when the fur came off in my fingers. He started to shrink a bit, even
inside of me. When he was done, he was still huge and filled me up.

“There’s the man I love, no longer cursed,” I cooed as I ran my

hands over his handsome face. He could have been twins with Boone
except he was a little bit more rugged. Either way they tied for most
attractive man on the planet to me.

“Thank you, baby,” he whispered against my lips before kissing


“Thank you for wanting me more than wanting to hang on to your

guilt and your past.” Good thing this plan had worked because if it
had gone the other way I would royally have pushed his buttons in a
way we wouldn’t have been able to recover from.

Score one for the blond!

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Chapter 9

A few days later I got up early, humming brightly to myself, and

went outside to feed the chicks. They were getting so big already and
there had been so much going on that I barely got to play with them.
Things had been going so well with my men and they were thrilled
that today was Bash’s wedding that I couldn’t help but be happy.

“Yes, yes I have food for all of you,” I chuckled as they peeped

and jumped on me the moment I opened the door for the chicken
coop. It warmed my heart every time I even saw the coop because
Boris had built it for me and then Boone had painted it. Maybe it was
silly for a grown man to want chickens as pets but they let me do it
anyway and supported me.

I plopped on my butt and let them eat out of my hand, petting

them as they ate. I talked to them some, telling them about all the
plans for Bash’s wedding and how I was thrilled everyone could go
now that the curse was broken for all of them. Bash hadn’t wanted to
get married until both his brothers could come. He was a good guy
like that.

“We have a problem, mate,” Boris said from behind me. I turned

and saw both my men standing there, frowning with their arms
crossed over their chests. “We need to talk.”

Ouch. Words a man never wants to hear.
“Okay, about what?”
“We don’t like your bed hopping,” Boone answered as they knelt

on either side of me. I stared at one and then the other. I wasn’t sure
how to handle this one. I didn’t like switching off nights with them

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either but what was the other option? Give one of them up? No
fucking way.

“And how would you like to rectify that?” I hedged, knowing in

my heart what I’d like but it wasn’t fair to ask them for it.

“We want to knock down the wall to Bash’s old room and make

one big room, getting a new bed that can fit all of us,” Boris said with
a firm nod.

“Yes!” I exclaimed as I threw myself into his arms, careful of the

chicks. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“That was easier than I thought it would be,” he mumbled and

stared over my shoulder at Boone.

“That’s what I’ve wanted but you guys are brothers and it’s not

fair for me to ask you sleep in the same bed,” I rambled, turning to
hug Boone as well. “I hate leaving one of you to go to the other. But I
was worried you guys would say I’d have to pick one of you or
something if I brought it up.”

“Not happening,” Boris growled as Boone yanked off my shirt.

Okay, so I guess they were going to get their morning play now…
Outside. “You belong to both of us and we are just as much yours.
You will sleep in the middle of us and it’s not like we haven’t seen
the other naked. We might accidently touch but we’re both after you.”

“Yes, all yours,” I agreed as I someone pulled off my drawers so I

was on all fours naked. “Do with me as you will.”

“Gladly,” Boone purred as he buried his face in my ass. He licked

my hole and I started mewling like a cat in heat. “That’s it, my love.
Make those noises we want to hear.”

“Gimmie cock,” I demanded of Boris and opened my mouth wide.

I’d been dying for the two of them to take me at once and this was my
greatest fantasy coming to life. His lust-glazed eyes met mine as he
quickly undid his pants. I whimpered and did my best to keep my hips
still as Boone nibbled my hole and pushed two slicked-up fingers

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How had I missed that they came out with oil? Must have been in

his pocket. I was so glad I purchased that when I was in town and
wanted to go back for more so we never, ever ran out.

“I love this mint oil, Golden. We need to make sure we always

have some,” Boone said in between licks as he kept moving his

“I was just thinking the same thing.” That was all I was able to get

out before Boris pushed his cock past my lips. I moaned and sucked
as much of him as I could into my throat. Even not cursed he was a
large man with a very big dick so I had trouble most times swallowing
all of him.

But I was getting better and had no problem practicing until I got

it right.

“Breathe through your nose and relax, baby,” Boris gently

instructed. I glanced up at him and gave a slight nod. He was
wonderful at gentle reminders. I got overwhelmed by the size of him
at times and tried too hard instead of just relaxing most of the time.
“You look so damn pretty sucking me off.”

Oh, and they’d realized I liked dirty talk.
“You should taste his ass,” Boone purred and gave me another

lick. “And he loves to get finger fucked while you lick him.”

“I ate his ass through two orgasms last night,” Boris said proudly.

Okay, so they were still brothers and a little competitive at times. Fine
by me because it never crossed into hostility and I won no matter
what. I had a feeling I knew what was going to come next.

“Really?” Boone asked as he pushed in another finger. “Hmm,

then maybe I’ll have to try and get him three times after Bash’s
wedding. Did you finger him too or just straight tongue?”

See? I won no matter who was trying to top the other.
“Fingers. We got up to four while I rimmed him. He likes to be

pushed to the edge and filled as much as possible.” I cleared my
throat to remind them that he was right there and wanted attention.

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Joyee Flynn

“Sorry, baby. We simply like pleasing you so much that we compare

I rolled my eyes at that one and he chuckled. I knew exactly what

they’d been doing.

“Can I at least brag that you climaxed just from being spanked

yesterday?” Boone asked as he pulled out his fingers. I shuddered,
knowing what was coming next, and pushed my ass out for him as I
tightened my lips around Boris’s cock. “He likes to be spanked.” To
prove his point he slapped my ass several times in a row.

“Very interesting,” Boris purred as he pulled out of my mouth.
“I wasn’t finished with that,” I bitched as he pushed me up so I

was just on my knees.

“But I was going to finish if you kept that up and I want inside of

you now.” I could live with that. He lifted me up so I was wrapped
around him and shoved his cock into me. “Spank him while I fuck
him and then we can switch.”

“Oh heavens, you guys are trying to kill me,” I whimpered as I

moved my hips. They chuckled and I felt the crack of Boone’s hand
on my ass. My dick twitched against Boris’s stomach and started
leaking. “Harder. I need it harder, Boone. I’ve been a very bad boy,
leaving your bed before you woke.”

“That is true,” he agreed and spanked me again. “But now we’re

all going to share a bed so one of us will catch you if you try to sneak
out again.”

“And punish me?” I moaned, rubbing myself against Boris as he

moved my hips faster and faster.

“It’s not punishment if you enjoy it,” Boris chastised me, nipping

my shoulder.

“Fine, then humiliate me as you do it,” I suggested. It was another

fantasy of mine that they tie me up, spank me, call me dirty names,
and fuck me until I passed out. It seems them mating me released the
animal inside of me. “I never liked slave but you can call me your
whore if you want?”

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They both moaned and I knew that it was going to be added to the

list of bedroom games. Suddenly, Boris pulled out of me and Boone
thrust right back in. I cried out as the angle changed and the fact that
they caught me off guard.

“What does our mate want most right now?” Boris asked me with

a heated gaze.

“Kiss me and fondle my sac,” I screamed. They knew what I

liked, how I liked it, and when I wanted it but yet they loved hearing
me beg for it. He nodded and lowered his lips to mine. Seconds later I
felt his hand between my legs as Boone pounded into my ass.

“Tighten, my love, I’m coming,” Boone grunted. He liked a bite

of pain when I squeezed him too hard when he was about to finish. I
did as he wanted and he cried out as he filled me with his seed. I
moaned and rubbed against Boris, needing just a bit more to climax.

Except they both backed off. Boone pulled out of me and wiped

me clean as I held on to Boris like a limp monkey. He stopped
touching me and kissing at me.

“I didn’t finish,” I mumbled as they laid me on the ground. “No


“We’re not done with you,” Boris growled as he lifted my legs up

so my ass and hips were off the ground. Then he thrust into me hard
enough to move me across the lawn. Then Boone straddled my head
and I sucked his cock into my mouth.

“Yeah, baby, just like that,” he moaned. I couldn’t see anything

but that part of him and gasped when two hands found my cock, one
of each of theirs. “Come for us.”

I licked and sucked on him as if he was my favorite treat right as I

wavered on the edge of bliss. Boris pushed a finger inside of me along
with his cock and I came screaming for all to hear. They didn’t let up
their attentions, driving my peak higher and higher as they drew it
out. When one of the final waves of it hit me, Boris unloaded into my

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Joyee Flynn

Boone moved off of me when he was spent, lying down next to

me on the ground as Boris held himself up, gasping for air.

“Did you know you talk in your sleep?” Boone asked me with an

impish grin.

“No,” I gasped, needing more air and fast.
“Well, you do,” he chuckled, tracing his fingers over my nipple.

“The past few nights you’ve been having interesting dreams, my
mate. I talked to Boris yesterday and we realized they were about both
of us taking you at once.”

“If I remember them correctly, yes,” I agreed, my cheeks heating


“Why didn’t you tell us, Golden?” Boris asked gently as he

lowered my legs. “Don’t you know by now we would give you
anything you wanted?”

“I have everything I’ve ever wanted,” I said quietly as I glanced

between them. “Every fairy tale ends with a happy ending of one
couple. I got both of you so in my mind real life can be better than the
stories. I’m happy.”

“Yes, but we want to know your fantasies too, my love,” Boone

replied and gave me a kiss. “As long as it doesn’t hurt you and it’s not
Boris and I together, there’s no reason we can’t give you anything you

“Yeah, you guys don’t touch like that,” I said firmly, crossing my

arms over my chest. “I’m too jealous for that and the idea is gross.”

“Duly noted,” Boris chuckled and kissed me. “So what else is on

the fantasy list?”

“You’re going to need a pen and paper for this,” I giggled as I

waggled my eyebrows at them. They stared at each other a moment
before bursting out laughing.

“We’ll make sure to take notes,” Boone agreed with a bright

smile. Then before I could tell them any of my fantasies, they started
touching me all over. That was about the last coherent thought until
they each took me one more time.

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I was happy, they had both mated and claimed me. I was theirs

and they were mine… And part of me wanted to go visit my father
and thank him for selling me.

Nahh. Better just to live with my men and be happy… Forever.



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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few

horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. A
lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves
to get lost in fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in
reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or
mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a
vampire from Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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