Joyee Flynn Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter

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Unmated at Midnight

Whiskers, Mane and a Biter

Brad Hercules wanted James from the moment he met the huge
lion shifter… But he was invisible to the man. Over the months of

working for Ant, he heard the stories of James’s conquests and
realized if he was ever going to have a shot with the man he
needed to change into James’s type. Mainly, tight-bodied little

twinks that know how to have fun.

James wrote off Brad for the kind of fun he wants from the sexy

little mouse shifter because he’s too innocent and James won’t risk
breaking Brad’s heart. When Ramses shows up to take Brad’s old

job when he gets promoted, everything changes. He wants Brad
so bad he takes a job he’s overqualified for. When Ramses makes

his play, James refuses to be left out and moves in on Brad.

But who is the screechy bitch that shows up trying to ruin their

Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-
Length: 35,481 words

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Unmated at Midnight

Joyee Flynn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-066-7

First E-book Publication: December 2012

Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Unmated at Midnight


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1


“I’m telling you it was crazy, Gavin,” James chuckled. “The guy

was a total closet case. He was too scared to try anything on his own
but his girlfriend was more than adventurous enough to bring another
guy into their bed. But then he practically ignored her. When I wore
him out I did her until she was tired. You know our recovery time.”

“I thought you didn’t even like women?” Gavin asked in shock.
“I don’t but we were all so drunk and she was so hot that even I

got wound up. I think it was that she was so into watching me with
her boyfriend. And the way she sucked cock? Wow, that’s one lucky

I put my fist in my mouth to keep from whimpering in pain. I

couldn’t listen to one more of James’s sex-capades stories. As I
turned to flee, no longer wanting the water I’d come upstairs to grab, I
saw Ant standing there with a concerned look on his face.

“You ever going to tell him?” he asked gently.

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“He doesn’t even know I exist besides being your dorky chunky

intern,” I whispered, my chest hurting at the admission. “And he likes
firm little twinks.”

“Is that why you’ve been trying to lose weight like a madman?”

Ant’s eyes were wide and I didn’t even bother to deny it, simply

It was around nine months ago that I’d started working for Ant

and Gavin… Meeting the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on.
Work was great even when my personal life was nonexistent. I’d been
their personal assistant for the contracted six months as Ant taught me
about his company and being a game tester on the side. Then when
I’d proven I had learned enough to be his intern, I’d found them a
great young vampire to replace me, and Ant promoted me.

Ant told me he thought another six months and I’d be ready to

take new clients of my own. I’d still help him with his clients on the
side, but when I got to that point he’d start paying me commissions on
top of my salary.

Money was great, and yeah, I’d want a bank account like Ant’s

one day. But it was more that I just wanted a job I loved. I’d been
alive almost a hundred years and I felt like I simply survived life
instead of ever living it. I wanted passion, in my work and personal

Was that too much to ask?
“At least you’ve been safe about it,” Ant said with a sigh. “All

you’ve been doing is walking on the treadmill and now you’ve moved
on to the elliptical machine.”

“But I’ve only lost ten pounds. I need more help,” I mumbled,

staring at my feet. “And I don’t think I can work out here anymore. I
appreciate you letting me use your gym, but it’s just too hard. I should
feel better about myself after a workout, not depressed and like I want
to eat my weight in cheese.”

“Ant? Is that you, my love?” Gavin called out from the kitchen.

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“Brad and I were just catching up on how today’s work went,”

Ant answered quickly.

“Thank you,” I whispered under my breath as we stepped into the


“Brad was telling me he was thinking of getting a personal trainer

to help him with his workouts.”

“Being healthy is great, Brad,” Gavin agreed, shooting me a look

that told me he knew why I’d been trying to lose weight. “I mean,
you’ve always been a cutie and all. The weight you lost just enhances
your features.”

“You’ve lost weight?” James asked, turning to eye me over. “Huh.

Nice job, little mouse.”

“It hasn’t been much.” I shrugged and opened the fridge. “I’ve

basically been spinning my wheels with the cardio. Maybe I need a
dietician.” I snapped my mouth shut so fast that I bit my tongue.

“You know about that stuff, right, James?” Ant asked hopefully

and I wanted to cry.

“No, it’s cool. I’ll find someone,” I rambled, shooting my friend

and boss a look. Yeah, the last thing I wanted was for James to realize
I was some uncoordinated drip as he watched me bend over and show
just how fat my ass was. “See you tomorrow, boss. Night, guys.”

“Brad,” Ant sighed but let me rush past him. I just wanted to go

home and lick my wounds. It seemed to be my normal way to spend
my off time for months now. I knew it was never going to happen
with James… I just didn’t know how to get over him.

* * * *


“He really is an odd little guy, isn’t he?” I chuckled after Brad

squeaked and raced from the kitchen.

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“He’s one of the sweetest, most loyal men I’ve ever known,” Ant

answered, his eyes narrowing at me. He turned on his heel and
stormed from the room as if I’d offended him.

“What was that about? Is Ant pissed at me?” I glanced at Gavin in

shock. Ant rarely snapped at anyone ever and I couldn’t think of a
time when it had been directed at me.

“He’s worried about Brad,” Gavin hedged as he handed me a

fresh beer.

“I thought he was working out great? I mean you guys got a new

PA and Ant promoted him.”

“Yeah, not professionally. Ant’s worried about Brad personally.

He’s, um, he’s not, well, happy. He’s really shy. Brad works, now
he’s been working out, and goes home. He sits alone and reads like
mad. Ant wants him to make friends and maybe find a boyfriend.”

“He’s so innocent though,” I replied just as cautiously. Brad was

beautiful and as much as I liked how sweet he was… I was afraid if I
went there, I’d break him. I wasn’t known for being sweet or kind in
my trysts. They were quickies and one-night stands with no emotional
attachment. I couldn’t see Brad on board for that.

“Yeah. He’s got a huge crush on someone but won’t ever tell

them. I want the little guy happy but I’m worried about the person he
likes chewing up and spitting him out.”

I snapped my gaze to him, wondering if he meant me. Gavin

didn’t meet my eyes and started talking about the snowstorm that was
supposed to come at the end of the week, screwing up our monthly
full moon run. I nodded my head and offered suggestions, like a good
second-in-command should.

That didn’t mean I was done trying to figure out what Gavin had

meant or who Brad had this crush on. And if it wasn’t me, which I
think I secretly hoped it was, then I was going to make sure the guy
treated Brad like a prince. He deserved nothing less.

* * * *

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I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop on any of it. I swear I hadn’t. But

when I saw Brad upset by James’s bragging about his latest conquest,
I was about to let him know I was there and offer him comfort. Ant
just beat me to it.

And then I didn’t want to interrupt their obviously private

conversation. I figured it was safe when Brad and Ant went into the
kitchen so I picked up the bags of stuff I had left on the floor and just
as I was about to reach the kitchen, Brad crashed into me.

“Sorry, Ramses,” he mumbled and went to dart around me.
“No problem. I was going to look for you anyways,” I said coolly

as I stepped in front of him so he couldn’t leave. “I’ve got to give this
stuff to Ant but would you hold off leaving for a moment?”

Brad bit his bottom lip in that cute I’m thinking so hard way that

made my dick get just about as hard. “Can I wait for you by your car?
I really don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Sure. I can even give you a ride home if you want?”
“I can walk. I need the exercise,” he muttered quickly. Then he

squeaked like he always did when he admitted too much and fled. I
sighed. Brad was wonderful, breathtaking, and completely oblivious
of how special he was.

“Hey, Ant,” I said as he stepped in the hallway I was in, having

just stormed out of the kitchen.

“Hey, Ramses.” Then he smiled brightly. “Oh, you got the stuff.

Thanks so much! I have something special planned for Gavin. Sorry
to send you on such a personal errand but I really have been busy.”
He blushed as he rambled, a few squeaks in there as well.

“I got paid to go to the adult store today with a shopping list,” I

chuckled as I handed over the bags. “Yeah, my job is so horrible. I
picked up something for myself while I was there so really it worked
for me too.”

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We both had a laugh and said our good-byes. I headed for the

door, trying to figure out the plan I had started working up in my
brain since I heard Brad say he needed help with his losing weight. At
six foot and a firm two hundred pounds, I knew all about keeping fit.

And if I could get to spend time with Brad, all the better.
“Thanks for waiting for me,” I said as I approached Brad. I didn’t

want to spook him since he seemed as if he was staring out into space.

“No problem. Did you have a question about work?” he asked

nervously. I had replaced Brad as Gavin and Ant’s PA… But I hadn’t
needed the job. I didn’t really want it. I just wanted Brad and to be
around him.

Hell, I had an MBA from the University of Chicago, my own

businesses, and I was completely overqualified. But I left that all off
my resume when I applied for the job.

“Umm, no. I overheard the tail end of your conversation and I

thought maybe I could help.”

“Really? You can show me how to lose weight and make me

hot?” He was so hopeful, it nearly broke my heart. How could he not
see how adorable he truly was? He was five-three, dark spiky hair,
and light brown eyes of yummy goodness. And personally, I liked his
round, voluptuous ass.

“You know you’re hot now,” I said easily, ignoring his low self-

esteem. “You don’t need to lose weight, Brad. But I can help you get
into better shape.”

“Don’t be mean, Ramses. I know I’m fat,” he grumbled.
“You’ve got cute junk in your trunk but I would never say you

were fat.” I saw the disbelief in his eyes and decided to move on. “I
actually thought we could trade help.”

“Anything. I don’t know what I’m doing and I’ve only lost ten

pounds with all the cardio I’ve been doing.” I saw the hope was back
and I figured that was better than his distrust.

“It’s kind of a big favor to ask though,” I hedged, waiting until he

nodded to continue. “I have problems drinking out of the blood bags.

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I know it’s silly for a vampire to not really like the sight of blood, but
it creeps me out to drink from a bag.”

“You want to feed from me?” he gasped, looking scared and

maybe a little turned on at the idea.

“Yes,” I groaned. “Your blood especially smells so tantalizing to

me.” I took a chance and stepped closer so that we were almost
touching. “I’m so hungry, Brad. I know I’m younger and everyone
said I’d get over my aversion to the bags but it hasn’t happened.”

“Will it hurt?” His chest was heaving and I couldn’t help a thrill

running through me that he wasn’t immediately saying no.

“I’ve never heard anyone say that. Everyone I’ve ever talked to

that has been bitten says that they really enjoy it.”

“You won’t take too much, will you?” He licked his lips

nervously and it got me so hard.

“No, not at all. We can just try it once and if you don’t like it, I

won’t ever ask again. I’ll still help you work out since I have a home
gym. We can work out together and while I’ll use different weights, I
can still tell you what you need to do.”

“That’s so nice of you.” I felt my heart skip a beat when he smiled

at me. “Should we do this at your apartment then?”

“That would work.” I tried to tone down my excitement, instead

looking grateful. “Thank you so much, Brad. You have no idea how
much this would help me.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek, trying to
keep calm and not let him see the bulge in my pants. “Hop on in.”

“Okay,” he breathed as he stared up at me. His eyes were a little

glazed and I wanted to pump my fist in the air. He finally saw me as
more than just the guy he trained. I loved this plan!

I quickly unlocked my car and opened the door for him, smiling

when he slid in the passenger’s seat. I was so nervous he’d change his
mind that I didn’t want to waste any time. We talked about work on
the quick drive to my house.

“Um, I should warn you. I come from family money and don’t

really need my job,” I hedged, realizing I’d need to explain my huge

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house before we got there. “I wanted to get out from all the set ideas
of my coven and meet some new people. So that’s why I took the job.
Can you not tell anyone though? I hate when people look at me funny
because I’m rich.”

“Your secret’s safe with me,” he giggled. Then his eyes went wide

when he saw the drive I pulled in. “Wow. Your house could eat my
apartment and the whole building.”

“Vampires have their hands in a lot of pies normally and hand

down businesses to their heirs as their duty. So you don’t normally
find too many broke vampires unless they ran from their coven for
whatever reason,” I explained. I normally made sure to drive my SUV
instead of one of my expensive cars so no one who worked for or was
around Gavin’s house asked why I’d taken an assistant job when I had
a snazzy ride.

“That’s cool. I think mice are too timid to try more than one thing.

We’re more bakers, clothes makers, and cleaning staff. Jobs that

Nothing about you blends, my hot little mouse. I nodded as if I

understood instead and parked the car. We got out and I showed him
inside, smiling when I saw he appreciated the décor. I was young for a
vampire, but I was still fifty years old so I knew my style already, and
appreciated finer things.

“Um, so I didn’t think about something,” he said nervously after I

offered him something to drink. “I was doing the elliptical for a half
hour and I’m kind of smelly. I’d die if you bit me and gagged because
I stink.”

I leaned in slowly, putting my hand on his hip as if I was

steadying myself and not just wanting to touch him. Sniffing his neck,
I let out a strangled moan. “You smell delicious, Brad.” My fangs
popped out and I let them run against his neck so he understood I was
telling the truth.

“Oh no,” he squeaked and I smelled his desire.

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“It’s okay, sweetie. It’s an intimate act.” I kissed his neck and

pulled him closer, wishing he was naked as I finally got him in my
arms. “I’m hard too.”

“I gave you an erection?” I smiled when he squeaked again.
“Yes,” I hissed, moving him between my legs so he could feel it.

“Say yes, Brad. Please, please say yes.”

“Yes,” he moaned. I kissed his neck slowly, letting my tongue run

over his flesh as my hand moved down his back and cupped his
perfect ass. “Ramses, oh gods. Something’s happening.”

“Let me help you. Your blood will be even sweeter if I drink from

you while you’re coming.”

“I’m not a slut,” he said nervously, shivering in my arms with


“I wouldn’t have asked you for your help if I thought you’d just

give it up to anyone, Brad. There’s nothing wrong with wanting this. I
do too.”

“You’re right. It’s just feeding you and a little fun. Right?”
“Of course,” I agreed, knowing it was so much more than that to


“I don’t want to be the only one who comes though,” he moaned

as I squeezed his ass again.

“It’s the least I can do when you’re feeding me, Brad. It’s normal

to have this reaction to a vampire and the idea of being bitten.” It
killed me to say that. I wanted to come with him as well, pounding
into his sweet ass all night. But if I pushed him too far he’d run. I
couldn’t let that happen. “It’s like being friends with benefits. You let
me feed and it’s a little slap and tickle. Nothing wrong with that.”

“No, I want it.”
That’s all I needed to hear. I moved my hand down the front of his

shorts and stroked his cock while still keeping my hold on his ass.
Brad squeaked loudly and I sank my fangs into his neck. I had been
right, and his blood was nirvana. I moaned as I drank him down,
smiling when he cried out and came all over my hand.

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“Oh gods. Yes, this is what I’ve always wanted. So good,” Brad

screamed as his hips moved in time with my hand. When he was done
riding his bliss I stopped drinking. I didn’t want to take too much and
scare him.

“Thank you,” I panted as I licked the bite closed. “Thank you so

much, baby. You have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve fed like
that. And fed so well. You taste perfect.”

“I’m glad,” he mumbled. I lifted my head enough to see his mouth

parted as he gasped for air, his eyes closed.

“Does that mean you’d be willing to feed me again when I need it

in a few days?”

“Um, yeah, we can do that.” He sounded embarrassed now that it

was over and the hormones were going back to normal.

“I’d really appreciate it.” Brad bit his lip and nodded. He felt so

good in my arms that I never wanted to let him go. “Let’s get you
some water and a nap might be best. You’ll be a little tired for a bit.
You’re a shifter so you’ll recover fast but it’s like how humans feel
after a blood donation.”

“Yeah, a little tired and kind of loopy,” he giggled as he smiled up

at me. “That was my first time getting a hand job. A few guys have
fucked me when they’re drunk enough at a bar or something, but I’ve
never like made out with someone.”

“Well, we are friends with benefits so maybe we should kiss on

our deal,” I purred as I stepped into the kitchen. Brad’s cheeks that
had almost gone back to his normal color were now blushing again.

“You’d want that? I mean, you already drank from me.”
“Yeah, I want.” I kissed him before he could say anything else or

try to talk himself out of it. When our lips met I moaned and slid my
tongue into his mouth. Brad squeaked and threw his arms around my
neck. I kept kissing him until we both needed air and then regretfully

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“I like being friends with benefits,” he whispered as he blinked up

at me. I smiled and grabbed him a bottle of water before carrying him
into the living room.

“I do too, sweetie. Drink about half of this and then it’s nap time.”
“But you’re still hard.” He blushed even more and quickly took

the bottle from me, chugging it down as I put him on the couch.

“And you are again,” I purred as I ran my hand up his thigh,

staring at his groin. “Friends with benefits help each other with that.”

“Sounds good,” he slurred as his arm lowered down. I glanced up

to his face, worried, and caught his bottle of water just in time. Then
Brad let out the cutest snore ever and I realized he was out.
Chuckling, I set the bottle on a coaster on the coffee table before
sliding behind him on the couch. I wrapped my arms around him and
settled down for a nap.

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Chapter 2


I woke surrounded. It took me a minute to realize it was Ramses’s

strong arms holding me against his firm body. Then I felt my heart
race as what happened hit me. Oh gods, I’d been such a slut. He was
going to tell everyone that I’d gotten hard just from a little attention
and practically creamed my pants.

“Stop thinking so hard,” he mumbled behind me. “You’re shaking

as if you’re nervous. I enjoyed every second of what we did and I
don’t kiss and tell.”

“Oh, okay,” I sighed in relief, still feeling awkward. “I should go


“Can I get a kiss before I drive you home?” I nodded as his hand

moved so it was dipping slightly in my shorts and over my hip. In a
flash I was rolled under him on my back, his large frame between my
legs as his mouth lowered to mine.

I moaned as his tongue pushed past my lips and I threw my arms

around his neck. Instantly I was hard and wanting. Holy shit could
Ramses kiss. I’d been so wrapped up in pining for James that I never
looked at Ramses this way. And then I froze. He noticed and lifted his

“What’s wrong?” he asked gently as he rubbed my stomach. “It’s

James, isn’t it?”

“You know?” I squeaked.
“Sweetie, anyone who pays attention knows. James is oblivious

though. Do you love him?”

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I thought about that. “No, it’s just a crush but I care about him.”
“Well, we’re just friends with benefits,” he said with a tight smile.

I tilted my head and stared at him. I got the feeling he wasn’t okay
with just being that. “If James pulls his head out of his ass then we
can stop.”

“Okay.” My chest hurt though. Ramses confused me. I wasn’t

sure what I wanted anymore really.

We got up, an awkward silence surrounding us. I let Ramses give

me a ride home, thanking him before I got out and promising to see
him after work tomorrow to start my new workout routine.

As he pulled away I reached up to touch my lips, his kisses still

tingling them. Then I headed into my apartment, lost as if I was
walking on clouds the whole way. Maybe this was what finding the
right person felt like?

I cleaned up, did a few things to get ready for work tomorrow, and

fell asleep that night with a smile still on my face.

* * * *


Brad was acting funny the next day when we all took our normal

lunch break, Gavin and I from pride business. Ant and Brad had been
working on testing video games and were excitedly chatting as they
came into the kitchen.

Brad was smiling and animated, and after my conversation with

Gavin yesterday I was already seeing him in a whole new light…
Like a man who finally had the curtain lifted from his eyes and
realized something right in front of him was worth paying more
attention to.

He and Ant broke apart, Ant heading to the fridge while Brad

grabbed something from the walk-in pantry. I slipped in after him and

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blocked the door. “You’re in a good mood today, little mouse,” I said

“Oh, well, I had fun yesterday and um, well, yeah, fun,” he

squeaked as he stood there holding the mayo he’d picked up off the

“What did you do that was so fun?” I asked curiously as I moved

closer. His eyes went wide as his chest started heaving. He bit his
plump lip and I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

“I let a vampire bite me,” he blurted out. I felt my eyes go wide

before I could school it. Then I smiled. Maybe Brad wasn’t as
innocent as I had thought. Or he was but not in the way that meant he
wasn’t up for fun.

“Did you like it?” I gave him a feral smile as my voice went


“I–I, um, came so yes.”
“Are you taken now, Brad?”
“No, he said we’re friends with benefits.” I felt my smile go even

wider as I crowded his space.

“Do you want to be taken, little mouse?” His eyes went so big as

he squeaked I thought they might pop out of his head. “Gavin said
you have a crush on someone, Brad. Is it me?”

“Yes and yes,” he squeaked.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I took the mayo from his hands and set

it back on the shelf.

“You always have someone in your bed and never noticed me.”
“I’m noticing you now, sweet thing.” I pulled him into my arms

and Brad squeaked loudly. “Take the rest of the afternoon off and let
me show you what it’s like to be loved on by a lion.”

“Just for the afternoon though, right?”
“Of course,” I purred as I kissed his cheek before moving to his

lips. When I got there he turned his head away. “What’s wrong?”

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“I don’t want to be one of your conquests,” he sniffled as tears

filled his eyes. “I know that’s all I’m probably worth but I want

“Oh.” I didn’t know what to make of that and it shocked me so

when he pulled away I couldn’t process what was going on fast
enough to stop him.

“Brad? Are you in there?” Ramses asked as the pantry door


“Yes,” Brad squeaked. I turned in time to see the man staring at

my mouse as Brad ran into his arms.

“It’s okay, Brad. Why don’t you go talk to Ant and get lunch. I’m

going to have a word with James.”

“Okay.” Brad’s eyes were so wide and he was so pale that I was

scared he might pass out. He darted out of the pantry and Ramses
closed the door slightly.

“You fucking bastard,” he snarled at me, baring his fangs. “You

don’t want him all this time and then I finally get him to see past you
and into my arms, and now you move in. What? You don’t want him
but you don’t want anyone else to want him?”

“Watch your tone, vampire,” I growled as my teeth elongated as

well and my hands turned into claws. “I always thought Brad was cute
but that he was too innocent for me to touch. I didn’t want to hurt
him. But if he’s willing to have a friend with benefits then I didn’t
have to worry about breaking his heart anymore.”

“I didn’t want to scare him with how much I wanted him so I said

I’d help him get into shape if he let me feed with him. Then he got
turned on so I said it was okay, we’re just friends with benefits.”

“But you want more. You lied to him!”
“No, I’m fine with whatever he needs. I never said I didn’t want

more though. You are the bastard who just wanted him for an

“I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that there would be no

expectations afterwards.” I realized that sounded just as bad when

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Ramses launched himself at me. I swiped my paw across his face as
his extended nails that were almost like claws dug into my side.

“He thinks he’s fat because you ignore him and brag about all

your firm little conquests.” I bit his shoulder and he pulled out his

“I didn’t know he was listening. I wouldn’t ever hurt him on

purpose.” I took a fist to the face and staggered back. “I think he’s
gorgeous. Gavin hinted that Brad liked me yesterday and that’s all I
could think about last night.”

“It’s true,” Gavin growled from the doorway. “And if one more

person throws a punch I’ll kick both your asses and fire you both.”

“Yes, Alpha,” I said immediately as Ramses did and we dropped

to our knees.

“Sorry, Alpha,” Ramses apologized quietly.
“I only have a minute before they get back,” Gavin hissed as he

closed the door. “Ant made some excuse to get something from the
freezer in the garage so Brad wouldn’t hear you idiots. Ramses, I
knew Brad liked James but I didn’t know you liked him. I wasn’t
trying to interfere. James, I love you, man, but Brad isn’t one of your
one-night stands. If you make a play for him it had better be real or
you’ll have me to deal with.

“So get your shit together and stop trying to piss all around him.

You’ll scare him to death. Mouse shifters aren’t like lions or
vampires, even their most dominant members are timid to us. He sees
you guys fighting and all he’ll do is avoid you both because he’ll be
afraid to be alone with you.”

“Yes, Alpha,” we both mumbled.
“Gavin, I got the steaks for tonight,” Ant said loudly. “Everything


“Yes, my love,” Gavin called back. “Grab the mayo and let’s have

lunch.” And with that he turned and left the pantry to go be with his

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“I do like Brad,” I said quietly as I got to my feet. “I thought he’d

be open to playing after what he said. But last night when I hadn’t
thought of that I had decided to ask him out today and try something
more for once. I won’t step aside because you got to first base with
him last night.”

I heard Ramses hiss as I stepped out into the kitchen. Immediately

I searched out Brad and saw him just about hiding behind Gavin.

“Sorry about that, Brad,” I said quietly as I moved closer. “I

misunderstood what I thought you were saying before. Either way I
was planning on asking you to go see a movie with me tonight.”

“Just a movie?” he asked hesitantly. “Just one?”
“Well I might not have dated much but I know that most

relationships start with one movie and see where things go from
there.” I gave him a soft smile. “But I think we know each other well
enough that I could commit to two dates.”

Brad bit his lip and glanced behind me to Ramses. I made a snap

decision that I didn’t know if the outcome would help or hurt me.

“It would just be a date and maybe seeing each other. That doesn’t

mean we’d be exclusive or anything. Maybe Ramses could come with
us another night.” Ramses was hot. I could deal with him joining us
no problem.

And part of me really was an ass though. I knew that. Last night I

had decided I wanted to ask Brad out and now Ramses had moved in
on what I saw as my turf. My lion would not let me back down. Brad
would be mine. And I had the advantage since I knew Brad had liked
me for a while now.

“Date you both?” Brad squeaked as his eyes darted between us.

“But Ramses just wants to drink from me in payment for helping me
lose weight. Right?”

“I want more,” Ramses admitted. “I took this job when I heard

you’d be the one training your replacement after I saw you at the joint
party for all the paranormals a few months back.”

“Really?” Brad breathed, going pale.

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“Date them both,” Ant hissed in Brad’s ear as he wrapped his arm

around his friend. “Dude, they’re both hot and want you. Could you
imagine them both loving on you?”

“Did you want a ménage mating, my love?” Gavin drawled, his

nostrils flaring giving away how pissed he was. Ant shot him a dirty
look and my Alpha settled down.

“I, um, well, I. Can I?” Brad stuttered out to Ant, as he stared at


“Sure. Work out with Ramses like you planned and go to the

movies with both of them. James said he’s willing as long as Ramses

“Of course I am,” Ramses agreed in a tight voice. “Maybe James

and I will hit it off as well.”

“Okay.” Brad looked ready to pass out. I darted over to him and

helped him into a chair sitting in the one next to him.

“Just pick whatever movie you want, little mouse, and I’ll get us

all tickets. Or should we go to dinner first?”

“Oh, I’m trying to lose weight.” Brad blushed as he reached for

one of the bottles of water on the table.

“Part of getting in shape is having a healthy diet,” Ramses said

smoothly as he sat down in the chair next to Brad. “That doesn’t mean
starving yourself, sweetie. We should go out to dinner after we clean
up from our workout and I can show you how to eat healthy even
when at a restaurant.”

“That would be helpful,” Brad agreed with a smile.
“Then it’s settled. We’ll all have dinner first before the movie. I

can pick you guys up at seven.”

“We’ll meet you at the restaurant,” Ramses said easily. I shot him

a look over Brad’s head. I wasn’t stupid.

“Nonsense. Why should two of us drive? I live here and have to

pass your house to get to the movie theater with all the restaurants
right there.”

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“I didn’t bring any clothes to change into after working out. I

can’t show up in only a towel,” Brad teased.

“We’d be okay with that,” I groaned as I leaned in towards Brad.

Ramses must have done the same because our hands met on his lower
back. I licked up Brad’s neck and nibbled on his ear. “Maybe if the
date goes well we can tuck you into bed tonight.”

“Okay.” I really loved how he squeaked.
We ate lunch, both of us touching Brad as much as we could, and

then got back to work. The little guy ate it up in a way that made me
so hard I wanted to drag him up to my room and have my way with

That was the plan for that night.

* * * *


I was so glad when we finally got rid of James after work. He was

a major hiccup in my plan. I hadn’t known he had the slightest feeling
for Brad and I wasn’t sure I’d win the sexy little man.

But I couldn’t help but be intrigued at his idea of sharing Brad

with him and his joining us in bed. The man was hot, after all.

“So are you ready to work out?” I asked Brad when we got to my

house. He nodded nervously as I showed him where to change. Brad
ducked into the bathroom and I waited until I heard the door open
again before pulling off my shirt. He gasped and I toed off my nice
work shoes and undid my pants.

“You’re getting naked,” he said in a lustful tone.
“I’m not shy.” I gave him a smile as I took off my pants, standing

before him in only my boxer briefs. “We should stretch out.”

“Uh-huh,” he muttered as his shorts tented. “How?”

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“In my favorite way,” I purred as I stalked towards him like he

was prey. “You said you haven’t had much foreplay experience. Have
you ever sixty-nined with someone?”

“No. No I haven’t. But how is that stretching out?” I smiled at him

and pulled him onto the mats. It wasn’t really though I’m sure it
stretched a person out a little bit. I just wanted the excuse to touch

I positioned Brad above me and pulled down his shorts, smiling

when his cock was leaking and dropped some pre-cum on my lips.
“Mmm, you taste good, baby.”

“I’m sorry if I’m bad at this,” Brad said hesitantly as he mimicked

what I did. “I’ve never given a blow job before.”

“Just go slow and explore.” I almost blew when his soft tongue

licked my dick. “Yeah, baby. That’s wonderful.” I swallowed his dick
as he sucked on the head of my cock. It didn’t take long until we were
both shooting down each other’s throats. When we were done Brad
flopped onto me and giggled.

“I did it. I gave head.”
“You gave such fabulous head that if we didn’t have a workout

planned I’d take you up to my room and ravage you, baby.”

“Isn’t that a form of working out?” he offered.
“Yes, but I don’t want to push you. Besides I did promise to help

you get into shape.” But just to tease him I moved his legs wider and
leaned up so I could lick his hole. “If you work hard and do a good
job today I’ll show you what it’s like to get your ass eaten out
afterwards when we shower.”

“I’m going to blow again,” he moaned. I smiled and rolled us so

he was lying back on the mats. He smiled up at me shyly and I gave
him a loud, smacking kiss before putting his shorts back in place.
Then I helped him up and quickly changed.

After driving Brad back home, I had spent a good chunk of the

night before outlining his workouts for the week. Today was arms and
back along with some high-resistance cardio.

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“This is called interval training. We do three sets of one type of

exercise and then five minutes on the elliptical on a high incline with
probably more resistance than you’re used to.”

“I’ll try my best,” he swore. I showed him the right position for

bench pressing and started him off light. My little mouse did so well,
listening to my teaching on how to breathe and push up the weight as
he was supposed to. He couldn’t lift much more than a human his size
would, but he was working hard.

After my turn I switched back to his level of weight and he did his

next set. When we were done with chest presses, we hopped on the
elliptical. Brad didn’t get very far on that and it was obvious to me
that he had been doing it on a flat level with little to no resistance. I
lowered his levels to half as much as I had planned when I thought he
might pass out after a few minutes so he could finish the time.

“I’m so sorry,” he gasped when we were done, holding his sides.
“It’s fine, sweetie,” I panted, the level of exertion still enough to

tire me as well. “We’re just working out and I’m gauging what level
you’re at. There’s no wrong answers here or need to be embarrassed
about anything.”

He smiled at me and it warmed my heart. His smiles were worth

more than money or just about anything else to me. Brad happy made
my day.

Forty minutes later we were stretching out on the mats, a good

workout wrapped up. I had worked him pretty hard given the level he
was at so he was pretty wiped. But I had been careful not to
completely exhaust him. I did have a date with him that night after all.

“So you still want to go out with me tonight now that you know

I’m seriously out of shape and apparently not been doing anything on
my own that has helped my endurance?” he asked quietly as he
followed me up to the kitchen. I was quiet as I handed him a bottle of
water. I was mad at how little he thought of himself but it wouldn’t
help any to yell at him. “I’ll show myself out.”

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“Stop,” I growled and grabbed his shoulder, turning him to face

me. “I didn’t answer because I was trying not to yell at you for being
so hard on yourself. Not because I want you to leave, Brad.”

“Oh, right, okay,” he mumbled, lowering his head in shame. “I’m


“You’re sorry for thinking badly of yourself or that I’m shallow

enough to hold your level of lifting weights and using the elliptical
machine against you?”

“Um, both actually?” he asked more than said. “I didn’t mean to

insult you. I just, you’re hot, and I can barely lift anything without
wanting to keel over. Normally people in shape don’t want the ones
who aren’t.”

“Your ass makes up for it,” I purred as I moved so I trapped him

against the fridge with my arms. I nuzzled his neck and sniffed
deeply. “And you smell good too. Such a deep musk of man. I love

“Uh-huh,” he groaned.
“So will you stop picking on yourself and doubting that I want


“I’ll try.” I gave him a quick kiss for being so agreeable and

practically dragged him to the shower. I ate out his ass, as promised,
making sure to please him well enough that he screamed out my name
as he came. Then we quickly got clean and while I put on date
clothes, he threw back on what he’d been wearing earlier to work.

Tonight was going to rock and end with Brad in my bed. That was

the plan.

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Chapter 3


I couldn’t get over that they both liked me. I mean, they said they

did and I didn’t think either of them were liars, but I just didn’t get it.
Why me? And not just one of the gorgeously attractive men… But
two of them? It was like a crazy dream I never wanted to wake up

And they were willing to share me together.
Yeah, I kept pinching myself as I got ready for our date. I made

sure to wash everywhere more than once just in case and trim what I
thought I should. I mean, they might really spend some time between
my legs and I wanted it to look good down there.

Ramses was waiting in the kitchen for me. I winced a few times as

I got dressed, amazed how tender my muscles were after one workout
with him. For months I’d been sweating my ass off doing straight, no-
resistance cardio, and none of it had left me feeling like this.

I was glad I had accepted his help for so many reasons. The big

one being he made my stomach flutter when he touched me and my
heart race at every kiss. I picked out my cute jeans that made it look
as if I had a ghetto booty and not like I should have had a wide load
sign on my butt. It was December in Indianapolis so I also went with
a sweater and undershirt with it, and my boots.

There was a knock at the door just as I finished putting a bit of gel

in my hair, trying to make it behave for once. It wasn’t working. I
gave up when I heard James’s voice and realized we could go now. I
didn’t want them waiting for me and decide I wasn’t worth the wait.

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“Wow,” Ramses gasped as I stepped out of my room. James

stared at me and nodded. I couldn’t help my reaction… It was
instinct. I turned and looked behind me to see what they were so
focused on. And then I blushed when I realized it was me.

“You look edible, little mouse,” James purred as he stepped over

to me. I let out a giggle when he raised my hand to his lips and kissed

“Oh, why thank you.” I ducked my head at the praise, never

having had someone react to me like that.

“You have something on you, sweetie,” Ramses informed me as

James stepped back. I glanced down at my shirt, and then my pants
but I didn’t see anything. He smiled and leaned over, brushing his
hand over my butt.

“What was there?” I asked as I stared at him in confusion.
“Nothing,” he growled, his fangs popping out. “I just wanted an

excuse to touch such a fabulous ass.”

“Wow, no one’s ever said that to me before,” I gushed. They both

stared at me as if they were going to strip me down and have their
way with me all night. As much as the head below my waist wanted
that, I decided it might not be the best idea. “Where are we going for

“Wherever you want, baby.” Ramses gave me a wink as he took

my left hand in his. With my right hand I grabbed my keys, wallet,
and phone, stuffing two of three in my pockets before we left. Then I
locked my apartment up and slid the keys in my jeans.

“I’m not picky,” I quietly mumbled, not wanting them to think I

was demanding or would be high maintenance.

James slid his hand in my free one and I felt a little odd. I think he

sensed it because he switched to his arm around my shoulder. That
was better. For a moment there I felt more like a kid being led around
by his parents instead of a man being picked up for a date. I shook off
the feeling and enjoyed their attention.

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James opened the door to his Hummer for me and even the back

one for Ramses, surprising us both. Once we were all inside and on
our way, they kept throwing out restaurant ideas for me to decide.

“You invited me. You pick,” I finally said. I felt if I picked the

restaurant and it sucked, it would be my fault.

“How about Olive Garden?” Ramses suggested. “I’ve had a

craving for Italian.”

“Yeah, that sounds great.” Now we had a plan. James was a very

careful driver which I appreciated even though we were in what was
practically a tank in my eyes. When I finally decided what car I was
going to get with the raise money I had from my promotion, I doubted
it would be such a gas guzzler.

I was shocked when we got to the restaurant that we were seated

almost right away. But then again, it was a Wednesday night and icky
outside so it wasn’t that busy. James ordered a bottle of wine and I bit
my lip. I wasn’t much of a drinker but I guessed I could try a glass.

“So Gavin tells me you’re a big reader. What do you like?” James

asked me after we ordered.

“Um, I like to read paranormal fiction mostly,” I answered,

leaving off the romance part. I wasn’t sure if I told them that I liked
happily ever after stories that they wouldn’t think I was a sap.

“I saw some on your bookshelf,” Ramses hedged. “I like romance

books too sometimes.”

“Oh, so you don’t think I’m silly for reading them?” I asked


“Not at all,” James said as Ramses nodded. “It’s nice to get lost

from reality and have everyone happy at the end. I know I read them
when I can’t sleep because I have so much on my mind. It gives me
hope that maybe one day I’ll find a love like I read about.”

“Yeah, me too,” I agreed with a shy smile. “I always dreamed

about finding someone who understood me like those couples do each

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“I thought I did once,” James admitted and then tossed back his

whole glass of wine. I stared in shock and saw Ramses was doing the
same. We shared a glance that let me know he had no clue what was
going on either. “Gavin said I should be honest about my past.”

“Honesty is always good but if it’s painful enough that you’re

going to start chugging wine, you don’t have to talk about it.” I gave
him a weak smile and patted his hand.

“I’m six four and almost three hundred pounds, little mouse. It

would take more than a bottle of wine to get me drunk.” I wasn’t sure
what to say or do so I nodded as if I understood and sipped my wine.
“I was so young when it happened. About fifteen years ago, while still
in college, I fell in lust with one of the teaching assistants. He was so
smart, so sexy without even trying that I was drawn in.”

Now I started drinking. I understood that he was unburdening his

woes on us, but for me it was like sitting there and once again
listening about one of his conquests.

“I kept asking him for help with my assignments, loving the way

he’d explain things and the very sound of his voice. I was so excited
when he offered to continue one conversation back at his apartment.
My mistake was letting my guard down. I gave him my virginity and
it was magical, exactly what I’d always hoped for. I lay there in the
afterglow and thought that I’d found my happily ever after.”

He was quiet for a few minutes in which time the waitress brought

our salad and breadsticks. Ramses ordered another bottle of wine and
then we just sat there and picked at our food. This date was going in
the dumps real fast and part of me wanted to cry. My first date and it
was a disaster.

“So what happened? It doesn’t sound like it was a happy ending,”

Ramses pushed when another five or so minutes went by and James
didn’t talk.

“What? Right, sorry. Got lost in the memories,” he mumbled as he

swirled his wine. Then he had some more and I really wanted to cry.
Just because he might not end up drunk that didn’t mean he should be

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driving when he drank like this. “No, it didn’t end well. He got up and
I asked if I was staying the night and he laughed.”

“He laughed?” I asked, my eyes going wide. “Dear gods, why?”
“He was keeping a list of all the students he banged. He had a

friend who was another teaching assistant and they had a bet who
could sleep with more of their students while they worked on their
doctorates. The loser had to sleep with whoever the winner picked. I
was just a number on the list.”

“That had to be devastating,” Ramses said gently as he rubbed his

hand over James’s arm. “I can’t even imagine what you went

“Yeah, but you’ve seen the end result,” he mumbled as he stared

at Ramses’s hand, as if he wasn’t sure how to process the kind
gesture. “I swore I’d never be anyone’s fool again. I didn’t turn
around and become one of those douches that pulls the same shit on
others or leads them on. I’ve always been very careful not to hurt
anyone else and tell them up front what my limits are.”

“But you’ve never let anyone in either,” I finished for him.
“It’s not worth the risk.” He shrugged and bit into a breadstick. I

blinked at him in shock. It wasn’t worth it? Then what the fuck were
we doing here?

“Excuse me, I have to use the washroom,” I muttered and slid out

of my chair. One of them called after me but I simply shook my head.
I knew I was being sensitive, but to me the man just basically
admitted during our first date we’d never go anywhere. Things
couldn’t get any worse at this point.

Maybe I should just call a cab and be done with this disaster?
Once in the bathroom I turned on the cold water and splashed

some on my face. I braced my hands on the sink and stared into the
mirror. I was so stupid. James was never going to love me or want
something real with me. All I was doing was ruining my chances to
have everything I’d ever hoped for with Ramses. But did he deserve
to date me when he knew I wanted James?

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I wanted Ramses too now though. If I was honest, I wanted them

both more than I thought possible. I glanced at the door in the mirror
when I heard it open and then looked back at the sink when I saw it
was James.

“I suck,” he whispered as he moved behind me and hugged me. “I

wanted to be honest with you so you understood. I figured telling you
everything was the best way to handle it. But this is my first real date
and I blew it. I was trying to say that risking getting hurt again was
never worth it to me until you. You are worth it to me.”

“You’re just saying that now because you understand how bad

what you said was. If it’s how you really felt then you wouldn’t have
let that other stuff slip out.”

“I’ll forgive you for that because I know I’ve hurt you and ruined

our date,” he growled as he spun me around to face him. “I’m a lot of
things, Brad, but not a liar. I would never lie to you especially to lead
you on. I want you and this to go somewhere.”

I opened my mouth to reply, to say I was sorry, but instead

moaned when his mouth mashed down to mine. James kissed me
within an inch of my life, practically making me cream in my pants.

“Give me a chance to finish the date and show you that I can

handle something real.”

“If you promise to stop chugging down wine,” I whispered

nervously, nibbling on my lip. “Drinking makes me nervous and
you’re driving.”

“Won’t pour another glass and will eat all my dinner to soak up

what’s in there. I swear it.”

“Okay, then let’s go finish dinner.” I gave him a hesitant smile,

hoping he was serious about getting this date back on track and off
disaster road.

“I need another appetizer first,” he growled and kissed me again. I

melted in his arms, my amour back in high gear.

When we got back to the table, I met Ramses’s gaze and gave him

a grin to let him know everything was okay. He sighed in relief and

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nodded that he understood. Our food came then and I dug in,
famished after the workout.

“So tell me about your normal eating habits,” Ramses said when

no one was able to start up the conversation again.

“I think I eat too much cheese,” I admitted as my cheeks heated

up. “It’s intoxicating to a mouse shifter and I can’t seem to have just a
little bit. I scarf it down.”

Ramses nodded and thought about that a moment. “Do you get a

wheel of it normally or like a pound from the deli?”

“Yes, any and all forms that are edible.” I wasn’t sure what he was

getting at but I was curious.

“Maybe try getting single servings of cheese then. Like snack size

wrapped up or cheese sticks. That way a whole wheel or pound of it
isn’t sitting there open and tempting you. Take one out from the
kitchen and walk away from the fridge when you eat it. That way you
have to make the conscious decision to get more instead of taking
another slice when it’s easy.”

“That’s really smart.” I smiled at him. It was so easy but I’d never

thought about it like that.

“We both wanted to make sure you knew that we don’t think you

need to lose any weight though,” James said gently. “If you want to
get into shape, that’s great and we support that. Personally, I like the
idea of you being healthy and living a long, long life.”

I swallowed what I’d been chewing on and drank a little bit of

wine before getting up the nerve to ask what had been on my mind.
“But you always brag about all the tight, firm bodies of the men you
sleep with. I don’t have a firm spot on me.”

“I do tend to sleep with someone of that build. Ramses is my

normal type actually,” James explained slowly, choosing each word
carefully. “But that doesn’t mean that’s all I’m attracted to. I love that
when I grab your butt it fills my hands. And I can’t even tell you how
badly I want to kiss every inch of your body and I wouldn’t feel that
way if I didn’t find you striking, little mouse.”

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“I’m your normal type?” Ramses asked, his eyes wide in shock as

I mulled over what he said.

“Yeah, you are.” James looked almost shy as he admitted that.

“I’ve always been drawn to Brad, his sexy ass bouncing as he walks
and his cute little squeaks making me want to hear more. But I think
you’re sexy too.”

“You like my squeaking?” Now I thought my eyes were going to

pop out of my head. I’d never heard anyone say that before.

“Oh yeah,” James and Ramses groaned together.
“Thank you,” I gushed, drinking some more wine. Wow. They

really knew how to lay on the compliments and make me feel special.
We ate in silence for a little bit more as I racked my brain on what to
say. “So what about you, Ramses? How are you still single?”

“I’ve dated but I haven’t met the right person.” He shrugged

before taking another bite of his ravioli. “I’m fifty and while that’s
middle aged for a human, we’ve got forever really. It’s been hard
sometimes because it’s tricky dating within my coven or other
vampires really. They are a bunch of gossips and all know that my
family has money.

“Plus, my brother is leader of the coven in Chicago so he’s got a

lot of power. I’ve had people date me to get in with my brother. Or
they want something from me, so I started dating outside my own
kind. Sure there were some who wanted me for my money, but it was
a little easier. Now you understand why I tend not to show people my
house or tell them about it.”

“I watched Gavin go through that,” James said gently. “He didn’t

date really, but he always had people all over him because he was the
son of our elder. They wanted to be closer to the power and you’ve
seen his house and land. It’s gorgeous.”

“I don’t have as much land to my estate, but my house is about the

same size,” Ramses admitted quietly. “So yeah, I know what he’s
gone through. There are so many who want nothing but a free ride in

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life and think that what others have is owed them or something. It’s
disheartening really.”

“Yeah, there are a lot of jerks in this world.”
“And they lie too,” I agreed with a wince. “I’ve only been with a

few but I trusted that they weren’t lying to me and ended up being a
one-night stand to them. I’m not that good at saying no either. People
intimidate me so when they’d drag me off to have sex, letting me
think it would go somewhere, I’d squeak and not be able to ask to
take things slower.”

“But no one’s ever hurt you or forced you, right?” James asked as

his teeth extended, rage in his eyes.

“No, nothing like that.” It touched me that he was so concerned

with my well-being. “Earlier when I came out of my room you guys
were looking as if you were going to eat me in the good kind of way.
If you had suggested it I would have gone along with it because
saying no leads to drama normally. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t have
wanted it, but maybe waited until I knew it was right.”

“Well, I promise if you ever tell me no there won’t be any drama,”

Ramses said with a wink. “I want you to be comfortable enough with
me that you’re honest and tell me what you really want.”

“Same here,” James added. “I think you did a good job in the

bathroom. It made me relax that you trusted me enough to tell me
what you wanted when you’re normally so timid.”

I smiled at him, not willing to correct him. It was more that I’d

been afraid that I was making a mistake by even being out with them
that had me telling him what I had in the bathroom.

There was one thing that I learned that made me smile as I

finished eating. I knew I liked them both but the more time I spent
with them, the deeper I started to fall. Much more of this and I was
going to give them both my heart.

We finished dinner and I took half my meal in a to-go container

for tomorrow. That’s all I’d eaten plus my salad, a breadstick, and a

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glass of wine… And that left me a little tipsy. I was giggling a lot by
the time James paid the bill.

“Is our little mouse a lightweight when it comes to alcohol?”

James purred as we walked out of Olive Garden. His hand moved to
my lower back and I shivered at the contact.

“Yes and I don’t drink very often.”
“Do you still want to go see the movie? Are you too far gone to be

able to focus on it or should we just take you home?” Ramses studied
me as if trying to figure out if I was rip-roaring drunk.

“Worst case I might fall asleep,” I answered with a squeak. “But I

have really wanted to see it. I didn’t want to be the dork sitting alone
during a date movie though. I mean, I bet every couple in the area has
gone to see Breaking Dawn. I’ve seen all the other ones though.”

“Well we’ll go see it and if you fall asleep we’ll have an excuse to

take you again.” Ramses let me see the lust in his eyes and I knew
taking me to the movies wasn’t all he had in mind. Nice.

The theater wasn’t far so we were only in the Hummer a short trip

and James was more than fine to drive. That didn’t mean I wasn’t
hanging on to the oh shit handle they had, hoping no one noticed.

Ramses paid for the tickets when we got there, both of them

assuring me since they invited me I didn’t have to worry about it. The
movie had been out for a few weeks and since it wasn’t the weekend,
we found seats right away. It was funny, but in a good way, to sit in
the middle of them. It also made me a little nervous as to what I
should do. I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or show more
affection to one over the other so I folded my hands on my lap.

About twenty minutes in, Ramses moved his hand onto my left

thigh. I guess that gave James the green light because his arm moved
around my shoulders. It was nice. But then another ten minutes and
they went a little further. Ramses’s hand moved until it was snuggled
right against my groin on my thigh and I got hard.

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James took my hand in his free one, while Ramses did the same

on my other side. It was distracting and not easy to focus on the
movie anymore.

“Are you enjoying yourself? Would you like something to drink?”

Ramses leaned in and asked quietly. His lips were pressed against my
ear and I shivered when he nibbled on my lobe.

“We’re going to have to see the movie again if you guys keep this

up,” I panted, trying not to moan. There weren’t many people in the
theater, about a dozen, but I didn’t want to disturb them.

“Isn’t this half the fun of sitting in a dark theater?” James started

doing the same thing on the other side of me after asking.

“I never thought of it that way,” I answered.
“Just relax, baby, and let us please you,” Ramses purred, letting

go of my hand. It slipped under my sweater and undershirt, rubbing
over my nipple.

“I’m not sure I can be quiet though,” I whimpered as James

expertly opened the button to my jeans. Ramses decided to fix that by
covering his mouth with mine as James pulled out my cock and
started stroking me rapidly. I gasped and tried my best to not make
any noise. My vampire swallowed my cries when I came a few
minutes later, James milking me dry.

“Perfect,” James purred as I melted against the chair.
“So beautiful,” Ramses agreed. “Let me taste.” I just about

swallowed my tongue when James extended his hand to our date,
covered with my cum. Ramses took a lick and groaned quietly. “You
taste so good, baby.”

“Okay,” I squeaked. I watched as the two of them licked James’s

hand clean.

They behaved the rest of the movie and since I’d read the book the

interruption didn’t leave me confused as we watched the rest. I was
wound up the rest of the time after their teasing me. It made me
wonder what else they had in store for me that night!

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Chapter 4


I was having more fun on the date than I had in a long time. I

couldn’t get over how something as simple as dinner left me so
enamored with Brad… And Ramses as well. The man really was
becoming someone I liked and wanted to see more of.

By the time we were watching the movie we were even working

as a team to please Brad. And what a firecracker our little mouse was.
He was so shocked that we’d have our hands all over him in a movie
that it made it that much more fun.

I drove us back to Ramses’s house when it was over, the man

suggesting some dessert. He said he had a fruit tart in the fridge but I
knew what I wanted to eat instead. And I had a feeling Ramses felt
the same but didn’t want to scare Brad.

I did a double take when I followed the directions to his house and

saw how massive it was. I mean, he’d told us it was about the size of
Gavin’s house, but it was gorgeous. After I parked my Hummer, I
helped Brad out, making sure to grope him slightly. I smiled when he
squeaked and blushed.

Ramses let us inside and gave us a brief tour, including his

collection of classic cars. The man was hot and got me going… And
his cars got me hard. We discussed them a bit until we noticed Brad
was glancing nervously between us.

“It’s good that you guys have something in common,” he said

quietly, looking worried. It hit me like a ton of bricks what was

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“We also have wanting to see you naked in common,” I purred as

I ran my hands over his arms.

“Oh, well that’s a good one too.” Brad preened and I winked at

Ramses. “How about we work up an appetite for dessert?”

“Great idea,” Ramses agreed, swooping Brad up into his arms. I

smiled as I raced after the vampire, ready to get our little mouse
naked. The moment we entered his room I whipped off my shirt but
then glanced at Ramses when he sighed.

“What’s up?”
“I guess we tuckered him out,” he answered, nodding to Brad. I

bit my lip to keep in the laugh when I realized Brad was out for the
count, making cute squeaks in his sleep.

“Is it wrong I want him even more now?”
“No, I do too, but he obviously needs some sleep.” Ramses sighed

again and pulled off his shirt. “You want to crash here tonight? I
figured I’ll tuck Brad in and join him.”

I thought about that a moment, my eyes focused on Ramses’s firm

body. I wasn’t the type to stay overnight, but I was trying to make
things real this time. And if I stayed I wouldn’t miss a chance for
some hot morning sex with them.

“I’d like that.” Ramses gave me a bright smile that made me feel

as if I’d made the right choice. We got undressed and helped Brad out
of his clothes. It wasn’t how I planned on Brad being naked at the end
of the night, but at least I finally got a chance to see him without most
of his clothes on.

We got into bed with him, each of us snuggling on either side of

Brad. I closed my eyes and while I was tired, I wasn’t sleep-time

“So how did you meet him?” Ramses asked me quietly after a few

minutes, knowing I was still awake as well.

“Gavin’s old personal assistant hurt Ant to get him out of the way.

At the same time everything was going on with Elder Ashby’s trying
to force Gavin into taking over the pride. So they interviewed for a

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new PA and hired Brad. I met him when I learned about Gavin’s dad
being thrown in jail by UPAC. Here we come with this serious news
and Gavin freaks out and all I can do is stare at Brad when he comes
running outside with Ant.

“I slapped him on the back when he got confused, swearing we

wouldn’t eat him even though he was a mouse when he seemed
nervous. Brad almost went flying and I had to touch him more to
steady him. He squeaked and I wanted to take him home and have
him make that sound some more.”

“So why didn’t you?”
“I flirted with him and asked if he was seeing anyone and he

squeaked a no and ran off to help Ant. I realized he was innocent. I
figured not a virgin but not someone who would want just to play
around. I was too damaged to risk hurting him, especially since he
worked for my friends and that would just suck if things went ass up.”

“Why did you change your mind?”
I thought about that for a moment, realizing it was Gavin. “I’ve

always been a lot like Gavin in the fact I didn’t date and just had one-
night stands. Maybe I wasn’t as selfish with my lovers as he had been,
like I appreciated them and wouldn’t just go for their hole. But I
didn’t ever keep anyone either. But watching him with Ant over the
past several months, I realized maybe all lions didn’t have to be cold.

“The proof that there could actually be a happy ever after was

right in front of me. I realized I wanted that. So it wasn’t really a
conscious decision, as much as the idea I’d never have that getting
chipped away a little at a time. Then when Gavin implied Brad had a
crush on me, I knew I couldn’t keep my hands off of him any longer.”

“I knew he liked you but I had no idea you had any feelings in

return. I bet he was clueless as well.”

“I flirted a few times, but I think he thought I was just being nice

to him. I didn’t know he liked me. I thought I made him too nervous.”
I stared at Ramses over Brad’s shoulder as I held him back against
me, meeting his eyes. “What about you?”

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“Well, I met him at the party Gavin and Ant had for all the local

paranormals a few months ago,” he answered. A wide grin crossed his
lips as he thought back. “I saw this little guy racing all around
checking on everything, reporting it all back to the hosts. Keep in
mind I didn’t know Gavin or Ant then either. I realized I spent the
first hour I was there just watching Brad. He was so damn attractive
and sweet to everyone.

“And it was so endearing that every time he ran past the table that

had cheese and appetizers on it, he’d stop and pop a cube into his
mouth. It was almost comical, like an afterthought as he backed up
and snagged a piece. I tried talking to him, but he always had
something he needed to be doing. He bumped into me at one point
and my fangs popped out because he smelled so good and he
squeaked and raced away.

“So when Gavin and Ant announced that Brad was being

promoted and they were looking for his replacement, that he’d train, I
knew I’d apply for the job. They hired me right on the spot and I
couldn’t wait to get to know him. But he was so nervous all the time I
knew if I just asked him out he’d wig. I figured once he got used to
me I could tell him I wanted him.”

I nodded and something hit me. “You’re way overqualified for the

job, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Ramses chuckled, shaking his head. “I have an MBA

from the University of Chicago and own a successful consulting firm.
Also I own a bank that my parents passed down to me. There are
several branches and all the presidents report to me weekly on them
and my firm.”

“So you took a job way below what you’re qualified for when you

have a full plate already just to be close to him?” I waited until he
nodded to confirm what I thought he’d said. “Wow, that’s really
liking someone.”

“He’s special.”

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“That he is,” I agreed. “I’ve watched him for months help Ant and

Gavin. You’ve seen him play the video games they test, right?”

“Yeah. Have you ever seen someone so animated and excited

playing them?”

“No, it’s a sight. He just draws you in with how much he enjoys it.

I could watch the little mouse play video games for hours.”

“I’m sure that has nothing to do with the way he shakes his ass as

he makes the guys in the game move around. Oh, and what about
when he does his victory dance?”

“It’s so sweet and so sexy at the same time. I get hard and want

nothing more than to tear his clothes off,” I agreed. We stared at each
other a while, realizing neither of us would walk away from Brad
unless it was what the little mouse wanted. “I won’t give him up.”

“I know but at least there’s something here so that maybe it won’t

be him and you or him and me. I’m okay with the idea of all three of
us. I enjoyed your company tonight.”

“I did too. And I was pleasantly surprised we have some things in


“Besides wanting Brad,” he chuckled. “Reading and liking to

rebuild classic cars is a start.”

“We both like working out and using the gym. I use Gavin’s every

morning and Brad said you have a sweet one here. We’re both
paranormals and younger than Brad. We’re only fifteen years apart
where as he’s sixty-five years older than me.”

“That’s true,” Ramses said after a moment. “We’re going to have

to be careful with him. I think he’s been hurt bad.”

“Yeah, I know it was something horrid but Gavin and Ant are

good people who don’t gossip. They wouldn’t tell me, saying it
wasn’t their story to tell.”

“Maybe Ant will tell me now that we’re involved with him.”
“You know he’ll worry that we’ll fall for each other and ditch

him, don’t you?” I asked quietly.

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“I know. It won’t be easy but we’ll figure it out. We’ll just have to

make a point to always show him how special he is and that we want

“I don’t think there will be any problem there,” I chuckled.

Ramses agreed. We talked a little more, our hands caressing each
other on Brad’s side. I fell asleep wrapped around Brad and Ramses’s
hand in mine. It was the best sleep I’d had in as long as I could
remember and I had a feeling the company was the reason.

* * * *


“Can we talk, Ramses?” Ant asked me the next day at work when

he took a break. I glanced over and saw Brad deep into his game with
his headset on and dictating notes. I nodded and headed to the back
terrace so we could talk alone. It was freezing out so I knew we’d
have privacy since I doubted anyone would stumble out into the cold.
Since it was the pride’s house, it was always busy. “How did you
know it was a conversation for private?”

“Because you’re smart and I’m pretty sure you figured out a few

things,” I answered with a chuckle. “I never lied, Ant. I wouldn’t
disrespect you like that.”

“Technically,” Ant drawled, raising an eyebrow at me as if daring

me to deny it. Gavin stepped out a moment later.

“You bust him yet?” his mate asked.
“Just getting to it.” Ant glanced at me then. “Want to tell us why

you left your MBA from one of the best colleges in the country off
your resume?”

“You know why, Ant.”
“We want to hear it from you though. You can see as people who

care about Brad that your hiding things to get close to us worries us,”
Gavin said in his best Alpha voice.

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I nodded, completely getting it from their point of view. I told

them the story I’d told James the night before. Ant sat at the iron table
with his hands folded and his head resting on them, staring at me
intently as if hearing a romance tale. Gavin was a little less easily
influenced. I didn’t blame him.

“So you did it to get to know Brad after he was too shy to talk to

you? That’s so romantic,” Ant gushed. “And now you guys are
dating. He was so happy today. Well, embarrassed that he fell asleep
when you guys brought him to your room, but happy.”

“We tuckered him out,” I snickered.
“What are we going to do about this, though?” Gavin sighed and

pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to just quit when you
have Brad for good? What was the game plan once Brad gave you a

“I hadn’t gotten that far to be honest.” I shrugged. “I don’t do

much with the bank or company I started. My schedule’s flexible
enough that if I needed to handle something I could. To be honest, I
was bored before I got this job. And now that I’m dating Brad and
James, I want to be close to them anyways. If you want me to give the
position up to someone who needs the money, I’d understand and all.”

“I think we were wondering if you’d want a bigger role given

your qualifications,” Ant hedged as he glanced at Gavin. “I mean,
depending on what your MBA is and all.”

“I have a few actually. They were all connected really so it took

me three years to get them.” I shrugged again and made sure not to
laugh when their jaws dropped open. “I have one for marketing,
human resources, and accounting.”

“I need all three really,” Gavin said with a sigh.
“I could use two of three,” Ant agreed. “The only employee I have

is Brad, technically, and he’s never going to be a problem.”

“I should warn you I hate accounting. I have a great CPA that

handles all my business stuff though. He’s a vampire and he does our
coven’s finances.”

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“Okay, if you could e-mail me the guy’s name and number I could

check him out. We need someone for our stuff and the pride. My
company has an accountant for its operations but I want to keep
things separate and make sure they don’t have access to accounts.”

I pulled out my phone and e-mailed him the saved contact. “Done.

What else?”

“Find someone to replace you for errands and notes,” Gavin

chuckled, shaking his head.

“Actually, I need to know something first.” Ant waited until I

nodded to go on. “Do you love him?”

I thought about it a moment and realized I did. I was past lust and

liking Brad. I loved him and was falling deeply in love with him.
“That’s something he should know before I tell his friend and boss.”

“Fair enough, but there’s something you need to know about Brad

if you’re going to be with him and I know he’ll never tell you.”

“Does it explain why he doesn’t like to make decisions in his

personal life?” Ant’s eyes went wide and I knew I was on the right
track. “And he doesn’t like cars. Not only doesn’t he own one and I
know he makes enough to afford one, but every time he’s in one he
looks like he’s going to throw up.”

“I noticed that last night after dinner as well,” James said from

behind me. I wondered how long he’d been there. Given how cold it
was outside, my nose was stuffed and I couldn’t smell shit. He hadn’t
made a sound though. “He specifically asked me not to have any more
wine when we were talking in the bathroom as well. I thought about
that all morning. Someone was killed by a drunk driver in his family
would be my guess.”

“It’s way worse,” Ant replied sadly. “A drunk driver crashed into

his parents’ car, with Brad in the backseat. They went off a bridge and
into a river. His parents were knocked out but Brad was awake.
Luckily his window had been open and he was able to get out. He
wasn’t sure which one to try and save first and went with his mom

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because she was sitting on the same side as him and the door opened
right up.

“He pulled her to shore and revived her before going back for his

dad. Brad almost died trying to get to his dad in the rapids of the river
and it was still too late.”

“Oh fuck me sideways,” I whispered in horror. I felt James’s hand

on my shoulder squeezing it supportively.

“His mom died too though,” Gavin continued when Ant got

choked up. “She had internal bleeding from the accident and back
then the doctors didn’t have the technology to save her. She was so
beaten up that even being a shifter didn’t heal her up.”

“So in his mind he chose wrong and now doesn’t want to make

decisions,” James surmised.

“Would you?” Ant sniffled. I shook my head. No, I wouldn’t

either. I couldn’t imagine losing family that way.

“I’ll forgive you for all sitting out here talking about me and my

past because I know you all had the best intentions,” Brad said from
behind us. I turned around and saw hurt in his eyes. “But you should
have asked me first before you told them that. They probably won’t
want me now.”

“Of course we do!” James and I exclaimed. I scrambled out of the

chair and we darted over to him.

“I was just explaining that I wanted to get to know you so badly

that I took a job that I’m totally overqualified for,” I rambled. James
and I pulled Brad into our arms, hugging him tightly.

“And I told Ramses last night that you make me believe that

maybe I can have a real relationship. We want you so much we were
willing to share you,” James added.

“Even after you know I’m damaged?” Brad gave each of us a

hesitant look, but didn’t try to pull away anymore.

“Everyone’s damaged in one way or another, little mouse,” James

answered with a wink. “You heard all my drama and still wanted me.

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What makes you think that you weren’t worth dealing with your

I saw the look on his face and knew full well Brad thought he

wasn’t worth it. “We still want you, Brad.”

He nodded before focusing on me. “Why take the job? You didn’t

know me at all.”

“I thought you were delectable, for one,” I purred as I ran my

hands over his body. “And you were just the sweetest guy I’d ever
seen. The way you snuck cheese from the snack table was so cute I
wanted to eat you up. I knew if I had you in my life I’d be the
happiest man around. And when I smelled your sweet blood when
you bumped into me I was dying to taste you.”

“That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Brad

whispered as his eyes shined up at me. “Will you show me and drink
from me again after our workout?”

“Do I have to wait that long?” I growled as I pulled him against

me and ran my fangs over his neck. “I’m starving for another taste of

“Um, yeah, has to wait,” Gavin drawled. I glanced up just in time

to see Ant smack his mate. “We have your employment to discuss.
We pieced together that you were overqualified, Ramses. But we
needed to hear the truth from you and now we can figure out what
comes next.”

“Are you going to fire him?” Brad squeaked as he moved in front

of me in an endearing gesture as if to protect me.

“No, not at all,” Ant chuckled. He stood and wrapped his arms

around himself. “Let’s go inside now though. My nuts are about to
freeze off. Now that Brad knows, he can be involved in the

“Yeah, I was shocked to find you all out here. It’s December after

all,” Brad giggled. We all rushed back inside, the sweaters we were
wearing because it was winter not able to keep out the majority of the

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“I’ll make cocoa,” James offered. I gave him an appreciative

smile and licked my lips at the idea. “Something else we have in
common as well.”

“You guys are starting to like each other,” Brad said quietly as he

stared at his hands.

“Yes, but that’s a good thing since it will make it that much easier

for all of us to be together. That way we won’t fight over you, but
keep you in the middle.” I pulled him onto my lap and let him feel
how much the idea got me hard. He chuckled and snuggled up against
me. I buried my face in his neck and breathed in deeply. “Yummy.”

“Okay, back to work,” Ant giggled. “So the marketing MBA

would be helpful for the pride. We need to get some good press and
involved into the community. Same thing for Gavin’s company.”

“My consultant firm and bank hold a charity ball every year. We

can always use more sponsors,” I offered. “It’s in a few weeks and
just about done but we can add you to the promotion and press
releases. I know there are still a few tables that need to be filled.”

“Done and done,” Gavin said with a shocked look and smile.

“And lastly, I have someone for human resources for my company but
I need help with the pride. There’s been a lot of issues helping us get
back on track after my father was put in jail and I took over the pride.
The amount of squabbles I listen to and fighting rules, not paying
attention to new rules, is ridiculous. I was thinking of hiring an
outside mediator. I just can’t do it all anymore. I’m losing what’s left
of my mind.”

“And then there’s more drama because Gavin bites both sides,”

Ant said as he rolled his eyes as Gavin.

“I only did that once,” he growled as he hugged Ant. “And they

both deserved it. They threatened to eat you and Brad to prove their
point that prey didn’t fit in with predator shifters.”

“So you shifted and bit them?” I asked, trying not to laugh.
“Yeah, well, they were being petty to me basically. I was making

a statement so no one would bother trying to threaten it again.”

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“No, you don’t need someone to handle interpersonal conflicts,” I

drawled. “Yeah, I’ll start running errands in the morning and setting
up appointments in the afternoon to mediate. I just have to be done by
the time Brad is because I promised I’d work out with him. What else
do you guys need?”

“Um, nothing then,” Gavin said as he glanced at Ant who nodded.

“You just solved a bunch of our headaches in a matter of minutes.”

“My boyfriend’s cool like that,” Brad chuckled and then froze. He

slowly turned in my lap to look at me as if an actor in a horror movie.
“I’m sorry.”

“For calling me your boyfriend or saying I’m cool? Because both

get me hot coming from your mouth.”

“Really? I thought you’d be pissed that I called you that after one

date.” His eyebrows shot up to his hairline in shock at my response.

“I’m thrilled you want to be my boyfriend. Hell, I want to send a

notice out to every paranormal in the area that you’re taken so they
don’t try to steal you from us.”

“Can I be considered your boyfriend as well?” James asked

hesitantly as he set down a few mugs of cocoa on the table.

“If you want to be.” Brad’s cheeks turned so bright red as he

ducked his head that I worried that the sudden blood flow change
might have him passing out.

“Very much so,” James purred as he sat next to me. He leaned in

and kissed Brad’s cheek before shocking both of us and doing the
same to mine. “I had the best night’s sleep like ever last night and I
know it’s because being in bed with both of you felt right.”

“Even though I zonked out on you guys?” Brad teased with a

wink. Oh, I liked that side of him! James growled and flashed his
elongated teeth.

“We tuckered you out and it was just proof of a job well done.

Tonight we’re going to skip dinner and a movie and go right to
dessert. Then we’ll feed you.”

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“After we feed you lots of cock,” I hissed so only James and Brad

could hear. Our little mouse shivered on my lap and I knew he’d
heard me loud and clear on that one.


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Chapter 5


James and Ramses both worked out with me that night at

Ramses’s home gym. Today’s workout was legs and butt with jogging
intervals on the treadmill. They were so patient with me and giving
me stares that kept my blood pumping in a way that had nothing to do
with the exertion that I barely paid attention to what we were doing.
At least in the good way that I didn’t hate what I was doing and
wanted it over.

I officially agreed with the theory that having workout buddies

made the time go faster and was more enjoyable… Especially when
they were both as hot as could be.

When we were done we showered in the bathroom attached to

Ramses’s bedroom, their hands all over me. By the time they
stretched me out with the waterproof lube I was seconds from

“You ready, baby?” Ramses asked after we were all in his bed,

soaking the sheets.

“We couldn’t dry off?” I teased as I nodded, spreading my legs for


“We couldn’t wait,” James growled as he moved behind me so

that I was leaning against his chest.

“No, no we couldn’t,” Ramses agreed. He pushed my knees to my

chest and slicked up his cock with the lube he’d grabbed. “Say yes,

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“Yes, yes, and some more yeses,” I moaned as his cock rubbed

against my hole. He gave me a fangy grin as he pushed inside of me. I
gasped at the slight burn. No matter how much they stretched me it
had been a very long time since I’d had sex so it hurt slightly.

“Let me know when I can move,” he said in a tight voice once he

was all the way inside of me.

“Go ahead. The burning will pass when you start moving.” He

nodded and did as I said, going slowly and adding extra slick when
there was a little friction. When he thrust back into me I gasped as he
nailed my prostate.

“Is his cock as fat as it looks, little mouse?” James taunted as he

pinched my nipples. “Does it stretch you wide?”

“Yes, so wide,” I squeaked. Then I cried out as Ramses snapped

his hips faster, moving one of my legs up his back so he could go
deeper. “So good!”

“You’re perfect, baby,” he groaned as he pumped his huge dick

inside of me. “Oh I knew it would be good but I could never have
imagined it would be like this.”

“It’s never been like this for me,” I admitted. James moved one of

his hands to my cock, barely fitting it there between Ramses’s and my
bodies. The moment he touched me I blew. To call it an orgasm just
didn’t do it justice.

James tilted my neck for Ramses and he sank his fangs into me. It

sent me on a climax on top of my peak. I saw spots before my eyes as
I screamed out in bliss until my throat hurt. It didn’t stop like my
normal orgasms though… It just kept going and going until I was sure
the next wave of it would shoot something vital out of my cock
instead of cum.

Ramses lifted his head, pulling his fangs out of me, and roared out

my name as he found his orgasm. I reveled in the feeling of his seed
filling me up, the very proof of the pleasure I made him feel inside of

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“Oh fuck. So tight and wet and warm,” Ramses mumbled as his

arms and whole body shook. When he was spent he slumped against
me, gasping for air. “Jesus, baby, I think you might have killed me.”

“The feeling is mutual,” I whispered, not having enough energy to

be any louder.

“No way. That was too hot to watch for both of you to leave me

hanging,” James grumbled and kissed my shoulder. At the same time
Ramses leaned up and licked his bite closed.

“Take me, stud,” I giggled, all the happy hormones flowing

through my body. Ramses rolled us over so I was lying on top of him
and James moved behind me. I moaned when he pulled Ramses’s
cock out of me and spread my legs wider.

“Now it’s time for some lion loving,” James growled as he slowly

pushed into me.

“Oh yes, yes, it is,” I cried out as he thrust into my tender hole. It

wasn’t the bad kind of tender where it hurt really. It was more the
oversensitive kind where it was so pleasurable it was almost painful.
But ninety percent pleasure.

“I’ve wanted this from the moment I saw you, little mouse,” he

moaned as he pounded into me. Ramses kissed me as my dick filled
back up, rubbing against his firm abs. Then when James grabbed the
cheeks of my ass and spread them apart even more, I screamed. He
was going so deep that I swear I didn’t think I went that far inside.
The man was hung after all. “Yeah, scream for me.”

“He is a screamer. I wouldn’t have thought that,” Ramses cooed

as I tried to catch my breath. “I like it.”

“Me too.” James thrust harder until I was not only screaming, but

coming all over Ramses a moment later. My big, strong lion followed
me right over and added his seed to Ramses’s as we both rode the
massive orgasms we were having.

“So good it killed me,” I mumbled when we were both spent.

“Nice knowing you both.” They chuckled and I smiled against
Ramses’s chest. It was nice to have people who wanted me who

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actually liked me as well. They even thought I was funny. That was

For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace… And loved.

* * * *


The next morning I was walking around whistling, even as I went

through boring complaints filed for Gavin to take a look at. All this
stupid personal shit because ex-Elder Ashby ran the pride with an iron
fist and now people were floundering with the freedom Gavin gave
them. And how did they use it? By squabbling all the time.

I agreed with Gavin that they’d find their way and we needed to

be patient. Things would work out and settle down, but the disruption
for the time being was exhausting.

But not today. Today I was happy and didn’t care.
There was a knock at Gavin’s door as I headed from his study to

the kitchen. I swung over there and opened it up, raising an eyebrow
when I saw a very pregnant woman standing there. And by the smell
of her, she was a vampire.

“Hi, I’m looking for Ramses Davis,” she said with a shy smile as

she rubbed her stomach. “He wasn’t home and I heard he was
working for the pride.”

“Um, he is. Can I ask who you are and what your business is with


“I’m Hilary Sweeney and it’s personal,” she snapped, losing the

cutesy, shy demeanor in a flash. Wow, that set off warning bells in
my head. “I don’t have to answer to you, lion.”

“You do when you show up to the pride’s house, lady. I’m

second-in-command and I don’t care who you are, but you will state
why you’re here if you think I’m letting you in this house and any

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closer to my Alpha.” I bared my teeth at her. “Or near my boyfriend

“He’d never date someone like you.” She narrowed her eyes at

me, checking me out before giving a snort. “He’s the father of my
baby. He’s straight.”

“I know he’s not,” I replied and then froze. “Baby?”
“Yes!” she screeched. “I’m done talking to you. I want to see my


“I’ll take you to him if you get your shit together. I won’t let a risk

to my Alpha in his house,” I said calmly. I was proud of myself for
that because I felt as if my insides were dying.

“Right, okay, sorry. It’s all the hormones.” She took a deep breath

and let it out slowly, flashing me that smile again… Which I could
now see was fake.

“Follow me,” I said as I gestured her in the house. “Hormones or

not, you freak out around Gavin and I will end you. I don’t care that
you’re pregnant.”

“You can’t hurt a pregnant woman from an ally coven.”
“If I think you’re a threat to our pride, don’t count on it, sister.” I

slammed the front door and stormed into the kitchen, pissed, upset,
and all of it swirling inside of me. What the fuck was going on?

Fuck. This was going to kill Brad.
“Who was at the door, James?” Ant asked me as I walked into the

kitchen. I didn’t even get a chance to answer.

“Ramses!” Hilary screeched as she waddled over to him. “There

you are, sweetie.”

“Sweetie?” Ramses and Brad exclaimed together, Brad’s more of

a squeak.

“What’s going on and who is this chick?” Gavin asked, his face

going dark.

“Apparently Ramses is straight and Hilary here calls him her

Ramses,” I bit out as I moved closer to Brad.

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“Hilary, what have you told him?” Ramses asked as he tried to

push the woman away.

“That I was looking for you to tell you the good news,” she

answered, blinking up at him innocently. “We’re pregnant.”

“What?” pretty much everyone exclaimed as Brad’s eyes rolled up

in his head. I caught him just in time and lifted him into my arms.

“That’s not possible,” Ramses whispered in horror, telling me that

it completely was possible. I sighed and turned to leave to lay Brad
down somewhere. “James, wait, please.”

“I’ll be right back. You handle your baby daddy drama shit,” I

said in a short voice. I heard him call after me but ignored him. I went
into the closest sitting room and laid Brad on the couch, kissing his
forehead gently. This was going to crush him. I gave him another one
for good measure as I ran my fingers through his hair before turning
and leaving.

“And you’re sure it’s mine? We had drunken sex once, Hilary.

And I know I was wearing a condom.”

“Are you saying I wasn’t faithful to you?” she snapped, narrowing

her eyes at him.

“Faithful? We’re not dating! We never have,” he yelled. “And

why show up here and tell me this now? How far along are you?”

“I heard there was some mouse who was trying to steal you

away,” she snarled, letting her fangs pop out. “I won’t let that happen,
Ramses. I’ll eat the—”

“Bitch, I’ll cut your throat before you even get near him,” I roared

as I let my hands shift into claws.

“Do you know who my parents are?” Wow, did she have another

volume besides fucking annoying and psychotic? “Let’s go, Ramses.
Fuck these shifters and let’s get back to the coven so we can talk.”

“Don’t you dare talk to my boyfriend that way. And I love that

mouse so watch your mouth, Hilary. Gods, you are always such
drama. There’s no way this is my baby.”

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“Okay, let’s all take a deep breath and sit down,” Ant said calmly.

“I’ll put on some tea.”

“Are you going to let some mouse order me around?” Hilary

asked Ramses in that shrill voice.

“Yes. He’s my boss and you’re in his house!” I saw anger flare in

his eyes instead of just shock now.

“Right, sorry, hormones,” she mumbled and sat down at the table.

I shared a glance with Gavin. We were definitely on the same page.
Pregnancy hormones didn’t make someone an elitist. A little crazy at
times maybe but this was a whole new level of nuts that I didn’t think
anyone could blame on being pregnant.

“We should call Gigi,” Ant suggested. “One pregnant woman

talking to another might help.”

“I don’t need to be placated,” she sniffled.
“Gigi’s in the study,” Gavin answered his mate, ignoring the crazy

bitch. He pulled out his phone and sent a text. “Her mate was coming
to bring her something she was craving for lunch. So another vampire
here might be good too.”

“We don’t need people involved in our personal business,” Hilary

replied as Ramses plopped down on a chair at the kitchen table.

“This isn’t happening,” he whispered and I felt my heart break for

him. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him from

“We’ll figure it out, okay?”
“Get your hands off my Ramses. He’s not gay!” I was so tired of

that woman’s voice.

“I might have had a few experiences on the other side of the

fence, Hilary,” Ramses said firmly as he wrapped his arms around
mine. “So maybe that makes me bisexual, but you know I like men

“And I can tell you that he very much enjoys men,” I added,

narrowing my eyes at the woman as if daring her to call me a liar.

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“Someone rang?” Gigi asked as she walked into the kitchen. She

glanced around at all the unhappy faces and then focused on the
pissed-off pregnant woman. “I’m Gigi, lioness of the pride.”

“Hilary Sweeney, nice to meet you.”
“Did these rude boys introduce themselves or offer you something

to drink? You must be six months along! Guys, she shouldn’t be
standing around when she can rest.”

“No they didn’t,” Hilary answered with a smirk as if we were all

in trouble.

“Gavin, pull a chair for the woman!” Gigi gave us a wink the

crazy vampire couldn’t see so I knew Gavin tipped her off as to what
was going on.

“Right, sorry.” Gavin did as he was told, nodding to the woman

when she sat. “I’m Gavin Ashby and this is my mate Ant Marino.
You’ve met my second James Westbrook and the little guy who he
carried out of here earlier was Brad Hercules.”

“A pleasure. Funny how the twerp trying to steal my man has such

a big name like Hercules.”

“Stop it, Hilary. Just stop being mean,” Ramses said in a disgusted

tone. “I care for everyone here and you will respect that.”

“Whatever you want, sugarplum.” She batted her eyelashes at him

and I wanted to toss up my breakfast. Really? Sugarplum? Gag me.

“So how far along are you?” Gigi asked innocently as she handed

Hilary a bottle of water. Knowing Gigi, it was anything but innocent

“You were very close. I’m seven months along.” She smiled

brightly at Gigi but the rest of us looked at Ramses. I sat down next to
him and patted his leg when the man went so pale that I knew he
realized that put him in the running to be the baby’s father.

“How come you waited so long to tell Ramses the good news?”

she asked, ignoring the fact that none of us were sure it really was
Ramses’s baby.

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“I miscarried once a few centuries ago and I wanted to make sure

that it looked like I could carry the baby to full term before getting his
hopes up that he’d be a daddy. When I heard there was a mouse
staying overnight at his house I knew I had to tell him right away. He
can’t have a boyfriend while we’re mated of course.”

“You’re mating her?” Brad whispered from the doorway.
“No, baby. If it’s really mine, I’ll be a good dad to the child and in

his life, but it’s not her I want to be with,” he answered quickly.

“You made a baby with her, Ramses. You need to take

responsibility for that and I’ll only get in the way,” Brad said sadly
before turning and leaving.

“Give him some space,” I mumbled and put my hand on Ramses’s

shoulder when he went to stand. “One issue at a time.”

“Right, yeah, sure.” Ramses’s eyes filled with tears. “I can’t lose


“Let him settle, and we’ll get some answers now and go talk to

him.” He nodded again and I focused on Hilary. “We need to get a
paternity test done.”

“No we don’t,” she hissed, her fangs popping back out.
“Of course you do,” Gigi chuckled. “If you’re not mating and

Ramses wants to be a part of the baby’s life, then he needs to fill out
those nonmarriage forms and get on record as the father. You’ll want
that too so there’s no problems later about him supporting you guys.”

“No, we’ll be mating. Father says it has to happen before I deliver

otherwise the family will be disgraced. Mother’s already started
planning the wedding.”

“No,” Ramses whispered and started to shake.
“Of course it will be last minute, but she’ll make sure everything

is still perfect. Father already contacted Ramses’s brother and got
permission from our coven leader to mate.”

“No,” Ramses tried again. I sighed, knowing there was going to

be a big blowup soon.

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“And we’ll need to have a shower and get the nursery ready at

Ramses’s house. My belongings are being packed for the move.”

“No!” he shouted as he slammed his hands on the table. “No,

Hilary. We’re not mating, marrying, moving in together, or anything
of the sort. I’m dating James and Brad and I would never do that to
them! I want a paternity test. I wasn’t the only person you slept with
about seven months ago and we both know it. I was drunk and lonely,
but you were drunk and nursing a broken heart before you started
seeing someone else the next day.”

“Ramses! Are you calling the mother of your child a liar?” Hilary

gasped as her eyes filled up with tears.

“No, I’m saying I want proof. Even I know that it’s a range you

get when they confirm you’re with child. Either way, I’m not mating
you. We both said it was just that night. I will support you and be a
good father to the baby if it’s mine, but that doesn’t change things
between us.”

“Oh no, Father won’t stand for that,” she sniffled.
“I don’t care,” he growled. “This has nothing to do with your

parents and I won’t mate just to make your parents happy.”

“This isn’t over, Ramses,” she snarled as she got to her feet,

knocking the chair over when she jumped up. “You’ll get on board
with the plan or bad things will happen.”

She turned on her heel and stormed out of the kitchen as well as

anyone as pregnant as she was could. A few moments later we heard
the front door open and then slam shut. Everyone was quiet, no one
knowing what to say.

“I’m five months pregnant and I can say that no amount of

hormones makes someone that fucking psychotic,” Gigi blurted out.
Well, that was one way to go. “That’s a crazy woman who will stop at
nothing to get what she wants.”

“Yeah, she’s always been nuts,” Ramses sighed. “I was drunk and

lonely. I had the insane idea that maybe things would be better if I
could find a woman as if being gay was the reason I couldn’t find

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someone who wanted me. She was drunk and suggested we see if we
had anything together.”

“Did you?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer but

needing to.

“The mechanics worked, if that’s what you mean. We were able to

have sex, but no, I didn’t enjoy it and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t
feeling it either. We decided to pretend it never happened.”

“So you’ve not talked to her since it happened?” Gigi asked.
“No. I don’t even socialize with my coven very often. Most of

them are good people but there’s too many like Hilary that think
they’re so much better than all other paranormals and humans. It’s all
about money and power to them and given my brother is the head of
the Chicago coven, they want to be near that kind of power. It’s just
stupid to me.”

“Sweetie, you’re looking a little pale there,” she said gently. I

glanced to Ramses and saw it as well.

“I’m going to be sick,” he whimpered. Gavin was quick as a flash,

handing him the kitchen garbage can just in time for him to throw up
his guts. I rubbed his back as he cried and kept tossing his cookies.
“This can’t be happening. I don’t even like her and she’s nuts. I didn’t
really know that until after we slept together. I told a few friends and
they told me her nickname was Crazy Easy.”

“Well you said she got around and she’s definitely crazy,” Ant

mumbled. “You need to get that paternity test. Are you in tight with
the head of your coven? Maybe if you talk to him about not having
agreed to the mating and tell him you’re worried she’s trying to trap
you he can order her to have one or something. Or just lock her up
until she admits she’s a big fat liar.”

It was a valid point. We weren’t human and our leaders could do

something like that. Maybe it wasn’t all that fair in the eyes of some
but it skipped the unnecessary step of going to court only to have a
judge order it be done.

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“I have to make things right with Brad. You guys can’t dump me.

I was happy finally.”

“We’ll talk to Brad, baby,” I said gently, realizing Ramses was

having a breakdown. “I know I’m not going anywhere if you want me
around. I’m sure Brad will feel the same.”

“I do,” Brad squeaked as he rushed into the kitchen. He knelt in

front of Ramses and rubbed his knee. “I realized I was adding to your
stress and came to apologize. I caught the tail end of what you were
saying. I care for you too much already to give you up. If you still
want this then I’m your boyfriend.”

“I do. I want you both. I’ve had so much fun the past couple of

days. It’s what I always wanted. Please don’t leave me, even if it is
my baby.”

“No way,” Brad said gently. “You’ll get joint custody or

something and we’ll babysit and make sure the little guy doesn’t get
his mother’s crazy.”

“Just like that?” Ramses asked as he wiped his mouth with a

napkin and set the garbage off to the side.

“No, of course it won’t be that easy,” Brad answered with a shrug.

“But that doesn’t mean we’re bailing on you. You guys told me that
everyone has some type of drama or issues, but you don’t just walk
away or decide not to take the chance to be with someone because of
it. Besides, I’m selfish. I like you both a ton, maybe even more than I
love cheese, so I’m keeping you.”

“Good. Good,” Ramses sighed as he pulled Brad onto his lap and

wrapped an arm around me. “I’m so glad you feel that way. I have
everything I want right here and I won’t let it go.”

I just hoped this new development let him keep that promise.

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Chapter 6


My whole world was falling apart and I was in a fog. I decided to

go home early and James was kind enough to say he would work out
with Brad while I got some space. But they both made me swear if I
needed them I wouldn’t hesitate to call. I promised, knowing I’d
probably need them later.

First, I had some things I needed to take care of before Hilary and

her parents had me mated. If there was ever a time I needed my older
brother Reginald, it was now.

“Hey, Ramses!” he said excitedly when he answered the phone. “I

should be mad you weren’t the one to tell me about your mating, but
I’m just too happy for you. I just got the invitation in the mail.”

“She sent out invitations!” I bellowed as I grabbed the decanter of

whiskey off my sideboard.

“Um, that’s normal procedure for a wedding and mating,” he


“Reginald, I just found out this morning that she’s pregnant. I

didn’t agree to marry her or mate! Her family has done this all behind
my back. I’m not even sure the baby is mine.” I poured myself a full
glass of scotch with shaky hands.

“Yeah, seriously,” I sighed and took a long drink.
“No, really, seriously?”
“I’m so not fucking around here, Reginald. I’m serious.”
“Holy shit, man. You really know how to pick the crazy ones.”

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“Tell me about it,” I chuckled bitterly, tears burning in my eyes.

“We had drunken sex once after she broke up with someone.” Then I
filled him in on what had happened with Hilary showing up.

“Get the chopper ready and a security detail. We’re leaving for

my brother’s house in twenty minutes. Cancel my appointments for
the day,” Reginald told someone before returning to me again. “I’ll be
there soon, brother. We’ll fix this.”

“Thank you. There are two special people in my life I can’t wait

for you to meet.”

“Are they men? I was shocked to hear you settling down with a

woman. I mean, you normally swing towards our sex.”

“Yeah, a stud of a lion shifter and the sexiest little mouse shifter

you ever laid eyes on,” I said with a smile. “I don’t want to lose

“You won’t. If they’re good men, they’ll stand by you. Invite over

the head of your coven and her parents. I’ll handle this bullshit. No
one tries to force a Davis to do anything against their will.”

I thanked my brother before we hung up. I knew he’d help me but

I could never have guessed he’d take it so seriously and drop
everything. Then again, my brother wasn’t leader of one of the largest
covens in the country because he couldn’t handle things decisively.
His coven loved him. He was a fair leader, who had made the coven
prosper as it never had before.

Next I called the leader of my own coven.
“Ramses, good to hear from you. I was pleased to hear of your

mating to the Sweeney gal. That’s a good match that will strengthen
our coven bloodlines.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you then, Leader Ellison,” I said with a

sigh. “The mating won’t be happening.”

“Explain yourself, Ramses.”
“Actually, if you’d allow me instead to invite you over along with

the Sweeneys, my brother is on his way. We’d like to have a sit-down

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to discuss what’s been going on. I only found out this morning about
Hilary’s pregnancy.”

“That is odd,” he replied thoughtfully. “We’ll meet you at your

house in an hour. You’ve proven yourself to be honorable and a good
addition to our ranks. And given who your brother is, I’ll allow this
breach of protocol.”

“Thank you, Leader Ellison. I am sorry I’ve inadvertently caused

this drama but I swear to you that I had no idea of any of it.”

“I believe you, Ramses. You’re not a liar. Even when you were a

child you were one of the most honest tikes. I never met a youngster
who’d admit to snagging cookies before dinner.”

I chuckled at the memory. “I didn’t want to leave anyone without

cookies because I took extra. As much as I had wanted them,
depriving someone else of the cook’s sweet treats would be mean.”

“And that is what makes you one of a kind, my dear boy. See you

in an hour. And dinner would be nice. It’s been a hectic day and I
skipped lunch.”

“Of course, Leader. I’ll be inviting the Alpha of the pride and his

mate as well, as they were witnesses to the whole thing.”

“As you wish.” We hung up on good terms and now I had a whole

new reason to rush around… I couldn’t cook and there was no food in
my house. I quickly called Gavin next.

“Hey, how are you holding up?”
“My brother is on the way and Leader Ellison is coming in an

hour with the Sweeneys to discuss all of this but they want dinner.
Serving them burnt crap won’t help things. And how would I even get
the stuff to make a real dinner and have it ready in an hour?”

“Breathe, Ramses,” he said gently. “One of the lions of my pride

owns one of the best restaurants in Indianapolis. We’ll order up some
trays of his finest and be there in forty-five minutes.”

“Thank you so much, Alpha. I never meant to bring this to your

doorstep. I hate to involve you but I need you as a witness to Hilary’s

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crazy. Do you know she already mailed out the wedding invitations?
My brother thought I was calling because of that.”

“Wow, that’s, um, well, yeah. It’s just nuts. We’re happy to help.

We adore James and Brad and we’ve become fond of you as well.
Anything we can do to help.”

“I appreciate that more than you know.”
“Do you want James and Brad in attendance as well?”
“They were witnesses, yes, but even more, I’d like my brother to

meet the men in my life. Everything might be new with them, but
they’re special to me.”

“Glad to hear it. You all deserve to be happy. We’ll get this

squared away and you guys can get back on track.”

“I hope so,” I sighed. We hung up and I plopped down on the

sofa. I sipped my drink, thinking that getting tanked might feel good
but wouldn’t make me look too good given what was going on. I
stared off into space, trying to figure out how this happened.

I mean, I knew how babies were made. That wasn’t what I was

referring to. How could this amount of crazy have happened? If I had
knocked Hilary up, the un-nut-job way to handle it would have been
to just tell me right away. Then I would have questioned it, and gotten
a paternity test done and had the answers.

The next thing I knew I heard a chopper getting closer. I shook off

my thoughts, shocked I could have spaced out like that. Getting to my
feet, I headed over to the back doors that led to the outside terrace. I
unlocked them and watched as one of my brother’s helicopters
landed. When they hustled towards the house, I quickly opened the
door. We’d gotten a few inches of snow last night so the temperature
was staying steady at nippy.

“You okay?” Reginald asked when they were inside and slipping

off their boots.

“No, I think I’m in shock,” I admitted, shaking my head.

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“That’s understandable,” he said gently as he hugged me. Then he

led me into the kitchen and sat me down at one of the counter’s stools.
“Maybe we should get some coffee in you before this meeting.”

“Oh, I’ve only had this glass,” I chuckled after his meaning sunk

in. I set down my half-full glass of whiskey on the counter, not even
remembering I’d been holding it until he said something. “I poured it
to try and settle my nerves over this whole debacle. But when the plan
became to come over here for a meeting, I didn’t think drinking
would be the best idea.”

“So fill me in on what’s occurred since we spoke.” I nodded and

did as he asked while he made a fresh pot of coffee. “Are you sure it’s
wise to invite your men here for this? Maybe filling them in later
would be best.”

“I love Brad,” I whispered, imploring my brother to understand

with my eyes. “He’s fragile in some ways. I don’t know if it’s better
for him to be here, but I know he’ll worry I’m hiding something if I
exclude him. James is strong, so strong, Reginald, but I’m just starting
to get to know him. I need them.”

“Then it’s best they’re coming.”
“Thank you, brother.”

* * * *


“Little mouse, are you okay?” James asked after Ramses left to

attend to all this crap Hilary started.

“No, are you okay with all of this?”
“No, but I think you’re worried in a way I’m not,” he said gently

as he sat down next to me. I paused the game I’d been testing and
snuggled against him.

“What do you mean?”

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“Well, I’m not picking on you and it’s not a criticism, baby. But

you don’t have the best self-esteem. I bet you’ve been sitting here
deciding in your head that Ramses won’t fight to be with you because
you’re not worth it. And that Hilary is giving him a child which you
couldn’t ever do.”

“Wow, am I that transparent?”
“Only to someone who knows you.” James kissed my temple and

rubbed my back in comfort. “Plus this is a lot to take in. My head’s
swirling as well so I know the onslaught of emotions you’re going
through. But I know one thing that I’m sure you’re not factoring in.”

“What’s that?” I couldn’t figure out what it could be, but I knew

James was smart. He would make sense of all this crazy and help
Ramses get out of mating that woman.

“That Ramses is crazy about you, little mouse. The man stares at

you like a man who sees his future.”

“How do you know what that look looks like?” I asked hopefully.
“Because I’m pretty sure it’s the same one I wear when I stare at

you,” he admitted. I glanced up at him and saw the shy smile on his

“Me too. I want us all to be together. For so long I wanted you

more than I wanted air, but the three of us make more sense. It’s like
yin, yang, and yeng to complete the circle.”

“You totally just made up yeng, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, totally,” I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t

really work because my stomach was still in knots and my heart hurt
over this whole thing. While a baby was a blessing, and I
acknowledged that, the situation surrounding that miracle was awful.

“Do you want some company while you test your game?” he

asked quietly as if not sure it was the right move to make.

“If you don’t mind, that would be great. Can you bring your work

in here today?”

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“For you, little mouse? Yeah, I’d be willing to do that.” I turned

my head to smile at him and instead got a passionate kiss that
practically made my toes curl. “There’s that look I wanted.”

“Happy was what I was going for but horny works too.” He gave

me another kiss, this one loud and silly. Then he left for a few
moments and came back with his laptop.

We worked quietly for a while, taking comfort in simply having

each other around as we processed what was going on. Ant walked in
his media room about a half an hour later with Gavin. I paused the
game as James closed his laptop. It was obvious from their faces that
more had happened.

“Good or bad?” James asked as I sat next to him and he hugged


“Good in that Ramses’s brother should be here soon. And he’s

called a meeting of his coven leader, the Sweeney family, and us
since we were witnesses to earlier. Ramses asks that you guys join us
if you can. James, you talked to Hilary before all of us did and were
involved in the conversation. Brad, you were there for some of it.”

“Yeah, because I fainted like a drip,” I grumbled, my cheeks

heating up in shame. I couldn’t get over that I’d reacted like that. It
wasn’t like I’d heard that it was my baby coming. But the moment I
heard the news I saw my hope at living happily ever after with the
two men I was falling for go up in flames.

“I can’t even imagine what I would have done if someone came

here and said she was carrying Gavin’s baby,” Ant said gently. “No
one would blame you if you didn’t want to go to this meeting, Brad.”

“Would you let Gavin go through this by himself?” I asked,

raising an eyebrow. He grimaced and it just confirmed the answer I
knew before I’d even asked the question. “Exactly. I’m not
abandoning him when he needs me most.”

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“Okay, then you guys head over to his house,” Gavin said, giving

me an approving nod. “We’re going to pick up some grub because it
looks like it’s going to be a polite dinner kind of meeting.”

“Yeah, but that bitch is crazy. I doubt it will be calm,” I replied

with a sigh, getting to my feet.

“Probably not, but the more of us there to witness it or attest to her

outbursts earlier will help Ramses. I think the main goals right now
are to lay down the law that he’s not mating Hilary and get a paternity
test done.” Gavin wrapped his arm around Ant and we headed out, all
confirming that it was smart that those were the priorities.

“Just keep breathing, little mouse,” James said nervously as he

opened the door to his Hummer for me. “If you need a breather then
just excuse yourself for a bit.”

“Right, I can do that.” I gave him a tight smile to show I was

trying but that was about all I had in me.

We were quiet as we drove the short distance. James was very

considerate when he drove with me in the vehicle, keeping the driving
smooth. It actually made me feel better to be in what was practically a
tank. I didn’t think there was much that could total a vehicle that

“We’ll get this resolved and when they leave, we’ll take good care

of Ramses,” I said firmly, more for myself than James.

“I think that’s a perfect plan.” We knocked and waited for the

door to open. I raised an eyebrow at the stranger who opened it. “You
must be Leader Davis’s security.”

“Yes, and you are?” the very large, somewhat scary vampire


“I’m James Westbrook, second of the local pride, and this is Brad

Hercules. I believe Ramses is expecting us.”

“Hi,” I squeaked and gave a lame wave. Oh gods, shoot me now.
The vampire focused on me and smiled. “Ramses was right. You

are just the sexiest little thing ever.”

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“He said that about me?” I asked with wide eyes. The guy nodded

and I practically beamed at the compliment.

“Come inside. You’re the first to arrive so the games haven’t

begun yet.” The vampire stepped aside and let us enter.

“I don’t get what that means.” I glanced at James curiously,

wondering if he knew what was going on.

“Ramses’s brother is a coven leader and Hilary’s family is

probably in tight with the local leader. So there’s going to be a lot of
niceties and ego pumping, politics at its best actually. You know, like
when another mischief leader visits. They try to show their dominance
without flat-out saying it,” James explained with a shrug, the guard
nodding as well.

“Why? Aren’t they all on the same side? Why would there have to

be politics with a visiting leader? They didn’t come to discuss borders
or trading. This is a personal issue.” What he said just didn’t make
sense to me.

“Is he serious?” the guard asked with a raised brow.
“I don’t think this is the time for joking around so I promise that I

am being serious,” I answered firmly. I frowned at him and put my
hands on my hips, not liking that he was teasing me or whatever was
going on.

“You were right, brother. He is a breath of fresh air,” a man said

behind us. I turned and saw a man I’d never met standing next to my
vampire, Ramses smiling proudly. I could see the family resemblance
and guessed it was his brother.

“And gorgeous,” Ramses purred. He looked hesitant though so I

made the first move. I walked over to him and threw my arms around
him. “Thank you, baby. I’m so sorry for all of this.”

“Not your fault,” I said gently and kissed his cheek. “Could

someone explain to me what the guard meant though? I think I’m
missing something important and I’ll need to know before the
Sweeneys get here.”

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“How does the leader of your mischief act when another leader

comes into town?” Leader Davis asked me curiously.

“Excited.” I shrugged as I turned to face him, Ramses’s arms

wrapped around me. “Normally it means a party or something good is
going on. We see another mischief as extended family.”

“Well, for vampires and most predator paranormals, it’s seen as a

potential threat,” James explained. “Like lions in the wild when
another Alpha comes on our turf we get ready to fight.”

“Oh, so Leader Davis being here means that they’re going to sniff

each other’s butts basically? That’s what Ant called it when Gavin
had the leader of the Boston pride visit.”

“You could put it that way,” Ramses chuckled. “It’s going to be

more than just dealing with Hilary, so be ready for lots of bullshit.”

“In addition to the shit we’re already dealing with,” James added.

He stared at Ramses cautiously but moved a little closer. Ramses
reciprocated and even went a step further by reaching out and
grabbing James behind the head. I gasped as they kissed full on the
lips for the first time. I was getting hard and wanted everyone else to
go away so we could play.

“Thanks for coming,” Ramses said quietly. “It means a lot to me.”
“We’re here for you, sweetie.” James cupped his cheek as his

other hand moved to my shoulder. I was smashed between the two of
them and I smiled. This was what I wanted, all of us together with me
always in the middle.

“I hate to interrupt but the Sweeneys and Leader Ellison should be

here soon,” Leader Davis said gently. “I’d like to get your story as to
when you opened the door for Hilary. No one else was around and I
want to make sure I know everything that happened.”

“Of course, Leader Davis.” James extended his hand and they

shook, introductions exchanged all around. I learned the guard’s name
was Dave and there was another one waiting in the kitchen whose
name was Mark.

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James quickly filled Leader Davis in, both of us answering

whatever questions he had about Hilary’s visit. Just as we were
wrapping up, Gavin and Ant showed up with food. I busied myself
with setting the table and finding serving bowls. Once I had
everything ready, Ramses went and brought up a few bottles of wine
from his wine cellar.

We all flinched when the doorbell rang. It was time.
Now I just had to focus on not fainting or puking. I gave it a fifty-

fifty chance.

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Chapter 7


Everyone was very polite as Leader Ellison and the Sweeneys

were shown in. Seriously, to the point I wanted to vomit at how fake
and formal everyone was being. Introductions were made all around
and after only a few minutes I realized Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney weren’t
going to be reasonable. They were ready to do battle.

At least I didn’t have to wonder where Hilary got her crazy from.
“It’s so nice of you to invite us over to discuss the engagement

party,” Mrs. Sweeney practically gushed. Oh, she was nuts too.

“I explained that we’re here to discuss Hilary setting up the

mating and wedding behind Ramses’s back,” Leader Ellison said with
a sigh.

“Yes, imagine my surprise when I get an invitation to his wedding

and mating and my brother who I talk to all the time didn’t mention a
thing about it. And to make matters worse, he calls me and informs
me he didn’t even know anything about it. Ms. Sweeney just dumps
all of this on him today but those invitations had to go out days ago
for me to have mine already,” Leader Davis added calmly, but I could
see the anger in his eyes.

“Nice, you got an invitation to Ramses’s fake wedding. We’re his

friends and employers and we were left off the list,” Ant said with a
snicker. “So they didn’t even invite all the people Ramses would want

“Not sure that’s really the point they’re trying to make, my love,”

Gavin said, shaking his head.

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“No, but it’s just rude,” Ant defended. “And proves he had no

knowledge of any of this. So that hits high on my crazy meter.”

“Excuse me, mouse?” Hilary hissed as her mother’s fangs popped

out as well. “No one asked you about anything. Why are you even

“Because it was our house you stormed into, bringing drama, and

upsetting our employee,” Ant shot right back, impressively standing
up for himself.

“I do have a question as to why an upstanding, well-to-do vampire

of our coven, who’s educated and owns a few businesses, was
working for the Alpha as an assistant,” Mr. Sweeney interrupted
when he saw the conversation going south.

“And who are you to ask or judge what I do?” Ramses asked with

a raised eyebrow.

“He doesn’t have that right, but given your answer will help our

side I suggest you answer, brother.” Leader Davis quickly interceded
before Mr. Sweeney blew his top.

“I was bored with my companies since I have presidents who run

them,” Ramses answered with a sigh and then glanced at Brad. “And I
wanted to get to know Brad better so maybe he’d date me once he
was comfortable with me. My plan worked. I’m seeing him and

“What!” Mrs. and Mr. Sweeney screeched. Good to know

Hilary’s annoying voice was inherited. Mr. Sweeney continued. “You
can’t be gay. You’re marrying our daughter next month.”

“Let’s get one thing straight,” Leader Davis said loudly when

people started shouting. Everyone calmed down immediately,
acknowledging his authority. “You petitioned your coven leader for a
mating without even consulting one of the parties to mate. My brother
could pull you in front of our elder and ask for damages for that alone.
There will be no mating or wedding.”

“You’re denying our daughter?” Mr. Sweeney asked Ramses


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“Yes, yes, and yes,” Ramses hissed. “I’m not going to ever be

with Hilary. If the child is indeed mine, I will provide for both of
them and help raise the child. But I will never be with her.”

“Oh, the scandal!” Mrs. Sweeney yelled.
“What do you mean, if?” Mr. Sweeney growled. “Are you calling

Hilary a liar?”

“No. I’m simply stating she can’t be sure because I know that I

wasn’t the only one she was with around that time,” Ramses replied
firmly. “I want a paternity test.”

“How dare you!” he bellowed. “I thought you were from a better

family than to deny your responsibilities and point fingers at my

“He’s from one of the best families in our world,” Leader Ellison

said quickly, glancing at Leader Davis. The man looked shocked as
could be. Guess he hadn’t known the Sweeneys were nuts.

“Thank you, Leader Ellison,” Davis replied with a nod. “And my

brother is anything but stupid. Any man in his position would be
asking the same questions.”

“Will you submit to a paternity test and clear up the issue of

whether Ramses is the father or not?” Ellison asked Hilary.

“She most certainly will not,” Mrs. Sweeney snarled.
“Afraid of the results?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No, not in the least. I trust my daughter. She’s no hussy.”
“No one said she was a hussy or that she’s done anything wrong

besides assuming Ramses’s the father and setting up a wedding before
even talking to him,” I said firmly. “She’s a grown woman. She can
sleep with whoever she wants, as often as she wants, and there’s
nothing wrong with that. We’re not judging her.”

“It sounds like you are,” she snapped.
“No, none of us care about who she beds. I’m very much judging

her as crazy for telling my family that I’m getting married. You’d be
freaking out if I’d handed out invitations that I was marrying her

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without speaking to her.” Ramses crossed his arms over his chest as if
daring them to deny it.

“That might have been a little rash,” Mrs. Sweeney sighed. “My

husband and I were under the assumption she told you when we
learned about her pregnancy. I thought you were doing the honorable
thing and we started planning out what needed to be done.”

“I can see how things maybe got a little out of hand given that

fact,” Davis agreed calmly. Obviously Mrs. Sweeney was the one to
deal with if she’d admit that.

“There’s so much involved in planning a wedding that we thought

it best to get a jump on it.” Then she glanced at Ellison. “So we’re
done here? We go forward with the wedding plans?”

“No!” Ramses, Davis, Brad, and I all shouted together.
“But he admits to bedding our daughter and comes from a good

family. He has to do the right thing,” she argued. Okay, she was back
to loony status in my book.

“It’s like talking to the wall,” I muttered as everyone started

yelling again.

“Enough!” Ellison bellowed after several minutes of arguing.

“Hilary will submit to a paternity test as will Ramses. We’re arguing
semantics without all the answers. The wedding is off and your
application to mate is denied until we know more.”

“Thank you, Leader Ellison,” Ramses said firmly. “I’ll meet

Hilary at whichever non-biased lab of your choosing. Since her
parents own one of the local hospitals I would think that would be
ruled out.”

Our vampire was very smart to have added it. It would never have

crossed my mind to add that stipulation. Then again, I wouldn’t have
ever thought that someone in the room with us would own a hospital.

“As you wish, Leader Ellison,” Mr. Sweeney bit out as Hilary

started crying. They stood and headed to the door without another
word, acting as if they were the wronged party somehow.

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“I’m sorry for all of this,” Ellison said with a sigh as he followed

after them.

“Thank you for intervening,” Davis replied as he escorted the man

out. The rest of us sat there in shock, not sure what to make of the
whole thing.

“We should get some food into you,” Brad said quietly as he

scooped out some pasta on a plate.

“I’m not really hungry, baby.” Ramses pouted as he stared off into


“Try for me? And then we’ll go take a nice hot bath,” Brad tried

as he added a couple of breadsticks.

“I do like seeing you naked.” That seemed to snap Ramses out of

it slightly. He wasn’t happy, but he seemed less depressed… That was
a start.

We ate dinner and talked a little bit with everyone. Gavin and Ant

had to get back home and Ramses’s brother said a storm was coming
in so if they wanted to get back soon they had to leave in the chopper

When we said our good-byes and were alone I swooped Ramses

up into my arms.

“I can walk, James,” he mumbled as he snuggled against me.
“Yes, but pampering means you shouldn’t have to.” I gave him a

quick kiss on the lips as I carried him up the stairs, Brad at my side.
Once we were in his room, we drew him a nice bubble bath. We got
him undressed, kissing every inch of his exposed skin as the clothes
came off.

Ramses slid into the tub and we quickly yanked off clothes to join

him. I pulled him back against my chest as he did the same with Brad,
so he was surrounded with comfort.

“Will you make love to me tonight while I take Brad?” he asked

quietly after we were all clean.

“If that’s what you want,” I hedged.

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“Don’t you want it anymore?” he sniffled and went to pull away.

Brad wrapped himself around the man like a monkey to keep him in
the tub. “I don’t blame you guys for not wanting me or any part of

“That’s not what we’re saying,” Brad said firmly and kissed along

Ramses’s neck. “I think James was just nervous if you’re sure this is
what you want after the upset you’ve suffered today.”

“I need you both. I need to know you still want me and you’re not

leaving me.” I saw the tears in his eyes and I knew he meant it. He
needed to feel something good and loved after so much angst.

“Let’s get you to bed,” I said gently as I climbed out of the tub.

“I’d love to feel your body in every way before we hold you in our
arms all night.”

“Can I ride you while James takes you?” Brad asked with a wide

grin. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

“It would be my pleasure,” Ramses purred, giving the first

genuine smile I’d seen since Hilary showed up. Maybe things would
be okay after all. We didn’t even bother drying off, getting the bed all
wet as we hopped in. “Baby, come straddle my face so I can lick your
pink little hole as I stretch you out.”

“Okay,” he squeaked and scrambled up the bed to get into

position. I rummaged through the nightstand and found the slick I
hoped would be there. I quickly poured some on my fingers and
handed it to Ramses who already had his tongue buried in Brad. “Oh,
so good. Yes, oh my gods, that’s awesome!”

“Enjoying that tongue, little mouse?” I teased as I spread

Ramses’s legs wide. He bent his knees and lifted his hips slightly to
help me. I moaned as his tight star twitched at me when I rubbed my
finger over it. The first one slid right in and Ramses gave a guttural
moan, which in turn made Brad squeak some more.

I really loved that noise.
A few minutes later I had Ramses stretched out and my cock

slicked up. But to get Ramses ready I’d need more. I had a wicked

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idea of how to get something to lube up his cock in a more fun way.
Reaching over, I stroked Brad’s dick as Ramses ate him out.

“Come for us, Brad,” I purred, his eyes going wide. Brad cried out

and came all over my hand. When he was spent he just about
collapsed onto Ramses but our vampire held him up. I made sure they
were both watching as I used Brad’s cum to slick up Ramses’s cock.

“Oh fuck, that’s hot,” Ramses groaned. I gave him a wink as Brad

panted with desire. I lifted the little mouse up and then lowered him
on Ramses’s dick. “Shit. He’s so tight!”

“You are too,” I gasped as I pushed the head of my cock into

Ramses’s ass.

“No, you’re so fucking hung, my stud lion.” Ramses shook from

trying to hold still as I pushed into him and Brad took more of
Ramses into his ass. “We’re all connected.”

“We fit,” I whispered quietly, staring at how we were all

connected. “Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this is right.”

“No, it’s what I always dreamed of,” Brad agreed as he leaned

back against my chest and stared up at me. “You guys are what I
always dreamed of.”

“Ditto, baby,” Ramses moaned. “Now someone move before I


I didn’t need to be told twice. I moved Ramses’s legs over my

arms and pushed Brad so his hands were on Ramses’s chest, bracing
his weight on them. We moved together, bringing our pleasure to new
heights. I’d been in ménages before but it never felt like this. It was
Brad and Ramses that made it so special.

I was the first to blow, so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even realize

my orgasm was approaching. I cried out as I filled Ramses with my
seed, my lion roaring that we were marking the man we wanted. As I
kept thrusting, I reached in front of Brad and stroked his cock as he
moved. He screamed our names and shot all over Ramses’s chest.

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“Oh fuck!” Ramses bellowed as his hips jerked. I moaned as his

ass clamped down on my cock. As we rode out the fun, I kissed along
Brad’s neck, teasing our little mouse.

When we were all spent, I held Brad against me and flopped down

to the bed next to Ramses, keeping Brad in between us. He
immediately wrapped around Ramses as I pulled them both into my

“Thank you,” Ramses whispered and I heard the emotion in his


“It was our pleasure,” Brad said sleepily. “Really, anytime you

need that we’re here for you.”

“You’re so generous,” I chuckled as I reached over and squeezed

Ramses’s hip, letting him know it was true though. We were here for
him always. And I wanted to share this with them every night. Not
necessarily the sex, though that was fabulous, but this closeness and

* * * *


The next morning I was getting ready for work slowly after James

and Brad left. I didn’t want to deal with work or anything really. It
was a miracle that I’d even been able to get out of bed. Ellison had
called last night to say that Hilary was stalling and he’d try to make
her get the test done sometime this week but it was a tricky situation.

I understood that, I did. He couldn’t exactly take her to a human

hospital and tie her down for the test. Personally, I thought someone
had to know a paranormal who could perform the test. They could tie
her down at the coven’s house then.

I thought it was a winning plan at least.
Stumbling into the kitchen wearing only nice work slacks, I had a

desperate need for coffee. James had been sweet enough to make a

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pot before he left and I knew I’d give the man a kiss for that. He and
Brad were the only shining happiness in my life.

They had been so sweet, so tender, and loving last night that I was

truly starting to believe they wouldn’t leave me. Plus they were both
so gorgeous that simply looking at them got my blood boiling. I knew
in my heart I wanted to spend the rest of my life with them.

“Good morning, Ramses,” Hilary said as I filled up my mug.

“Have so much fun last night that you missed I was even here?”

“How did you get in here, Hilary?” I asked instead, cursing myself

for not paying attention.

“Does it matter?”
“Well it will to the police when I call them to say you broke into

my house,” I answered with a smirk. I turned to face her and saw the
rage burning in her expression.

“Do that and they’re both dead,” she snarled. I saw the seriousness

in her eyes and my blood ran cold.

“What are you talking about?” I whispered as my heart started

racing. “What have you done, Hilary?”

“Taken steps to make sure you do what is right,” she answered,

giving me back the smirk I had worn a moment ago. “You’re going to
call them both and tell them it’s over, that you’ve realized that you
love your unborn child more than you could ever love them.”

“No, I have enough love for them and this child if it’s mine.”
“Maybe, but you will love me and this child and that means

there’s not enough room for them. If you don’t, my men will kill
them.” She held out her phone so I could see a picture of Brad
through the window of his apartment, a red laser light on his chest.
The next one was James picking some things up at the store. “If they
don’t hear from me in twenty minutes that you’ve agreed and done
what I wanted, they’re dead.”

“You win,” I whispered in horror, tears building in my eyes. “I’ll

do what you want, just don’t hurt them.” I pulled my phone out of my
pocket, deciding to send them both a voicemail message instead of

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talking to them. If I called Brad the conversation he deserved would
take longer than the time limit she’d given me.

When I was done and they were sent I glanced at her with hate.
“Let’s go, Ramses.”
“Go where?”
“I’ve set up a place to hide you until our wedding to make sure

you won’t go back on our deal.”

“Just marry?” I asked hesitantly, wondering why she wasn’t going

for the whole enchilada.

“I’m not a fool. If it comes out later what I’ve done, forcing you

to mate is a death offense. But you can’t testify against your own wife
so if people ever find out there will be so much red tape to go through
that I’ll have enough time to get away with the baby.”

“Just thought of everything, haven’t you?”
“I had a contingency plan if the meeting didn’t work. I’ve been

planning everything since I found out I was pregnant. I knew what
had to be done to keep my family from disgrace.”

“So we get married, I take claim of a child that’s not mine, and

then what?”

“Then we live happily ever after and your men move on. They’ll

never forgive you for what you just did so they are out of the picture.
And there won’t be other men because you’re not a cheater and once
we’re married you’ll take that vow seriously.”

I cursed to myself. She was right. I would never betray the

sanctity of marriage. She followed me upstairs as I finished getting
dressed and packed a bag. Hilary made me leave my phone on the
counter on the way out, thinking someone would track my phone
when I took leave from my life for the next month.

She was actually giggling with glee as I locked up my house and

got in her car. When we were driving I realized we were getting close
to the twenty-minute mark.

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“Call off your guys. I’m in the car and have done what you

wanted. I don’t want them killed because we don’t reach the
destination in time.”

“You really do love them, don’t you?” she asked in a disgusted

tone. “You love two men. I thought I knew you better than that.”

She said men like I would say animals or something. It was all-

around disturbing but I bit my tongue. I needed her to make that call.

“Answer me!”
“Yes, okay? I love them. I’ve loved Brad for a while but the more

time I spent with James and watching him overcome his demons, I
fell for him too. And you barely know me. We’ve talked a few times
at parties but just in passing. We spent one drunk evening together,
Hilary, and you didn’t even want to spend the night. So don’t act like
some scorned prom date as if we dated all through high school.

“You’re going to make us both miserable by doing this. Now

make the fucking call or I will kill you. And don’t ever threaten them
again. I agreed to this deal, let them live their lives and be happy

“As you wish, my dear,” she snickered. She pulled out her cell as

she drove and called whoever. “Call number two and tell him to meet
us back at the hiding place. I’ve got the package in the car and we’re
almost there.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said before hanging up.
“So where are we going?” I asked as we left the Indianapolis area.
“The family estate. It’s not far but it’s out of the way and most

don’t even remember we have it.”

“And you’re going to lock me in some cell in the basement it just

miraculously has?”

“Nope, I had one built. I told you I’ve been planning for this. It’s

got a bathroom, TV, and I even picked up some books for you. Stuck
a fridge in it, but the bars are paranormal enforced and then encased
in concrete. I’ll leave one of the guards outside to watch you and in

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case you need anything. I have to get back after I drop you off so no
one suspects me.”

“Wow, you’ve got nut-job down to a tee, Hilary,” I drawled,

rolling my eyes at how proud she sounded.

“Now, now, now, is that any way to talk to the mother of your


“Let’s get one thing straight. I will play this game and role to keep

the ones I love safe. I will smile and do the right thing. But when
we’re alone, don’t you dare pretend or play me.”

“One day you will love me,” she sneered.
“Hold your breath once we park and wait for it,” I grumbled. She

shot me a dirty look but I didn’t care.

We drove for a while longer and pulled off on a back road.

Shortly thereafter she turned into a driveway and parked in front of a
very large, pre-Civil War house that looked as if it might not have
been kept up since then. Fabulous.

I let her lead me into the house, then the basement, and she locked

me into her concrete-encrusted cage. She was right, she did it all up so
I wouldn’t be bored the next week.

“I even got you an Xbox so you could watch whatever you want. I

figured that way you could rent some shows and documentaries on
babies and how to raise them.”

“Very thoughtful of you,” I said quietly, realizing this was really

going to happen. I sat down on the twin bed after I set my bags down
on the floor. “You go back on this and hurt Brad or James and there
won’t be any place you can run far enough from me or hide, Hilary.
I’m a man of my word and I swear if anything happens to them I will
hunt you down and gut you.”

“Your point has been made and as long as you hold up the deal

they will not come to any harm at my hands or orders.”

“Good, then get the fuck out of my sight because you make me


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She bared her fangs at me and hissed before leaving, closing the

door behind her. I waited until I heard her engage the locks before
curling on the bed and breaking down. My life was over and I was
going to have the rest of a potentially immortal life trapped… And I
didn’t mean in the cage I was in now.

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Chapter 8


“No,” I whispered in horror as I listened to the message Ramses

left me. I sank to my knees in grief.

“Brad? What’s up, man?” Ant asked nervously as he tried to catch

me in time. I shook my head and hit speakerphone before replaying
the message.

“Brad, I’m sorry to leave you a message like this but I’ve made a

decision that you’re not going to like. As much as I’ve enjoyed our
time together and saw a future with you and James, things have
changed. I’m going to have a baby now and I have to be a real father
to him or her and that means marrying Hilary.

“I wish things were different, but I’m not leaving you alone.

James is a good man and he will love you as I know you do him. Take
care of yourself, my sweet little mouse. Always look to Ant for advice
and the right way. He’s a good boss and always knows the answers. I
will think of you fondly and what we shared. There will always be a
special place in my heart for you and I wish you all the best.”

I sobbed wordlessly as I listened, Ant’s eyes going wide in shock.

This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t how things were supposed to

“How could he change his mind over the course of an hour?” Ant

asked. “Something’s wrong. No way he just calls and leaves you that
message on his own. We need to talk to him.”

“Brad!” James bellowed from the other room and came racing

into the media room.

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“What the hell is going on?” Gavin shouted, following close on

his heels.

“Are you okay, little mouse?” James dove on the ground next to

me and wrapped his arms around me. “You got a message too?”

“Yes. He’s gone,” I whispered, ignoring Gavin and Ant talking

quietly in the background.

“What did Ramses say to you about Ant?” Gavin asked as he

interrupted our moment. “Ant said there was something strange
Ramses said in your message and I heard the same in James’s as

“You mean why he brought up Gigi while saying good-bye to a

lover,” James said slowly. I wiped my eyes and glanced between the
three of them.

“And why bring up Ant? Play them again,” I ordered as I dove

and grabbed a piece of paper. “He’s smart, like wicked smart. There
has to be a reason if he said something off.”

“What are you thinking?” James asked as he pulled out his phone.

I shook my head and he replayed his message. I listened to Ramses’s
voice, ignoring the words and focusing on the message.

“Gigi. Gigi will help you always. Why does he keep saying

always? When did Gigi help us? She helped with Hilary,” I surmised
slowly, working it through in my head. “She told us being pregnant
wouldn’t make Hilary crazy and the woman would stop at nothing to
get what she wants. What would she have to do to get him to change
his mind?”

“Threaten you guys,” Gavin answered easily. We all stared at him

and he simply shrugged. “You threaten me and I won’t cave.
Someone threatens Ant and I’ll do whatever they want.”

“She threatened us,” I squeaked, the whole thing making sense.

Then I thought about my part of the message. “And Ant always has
the answers. What did you say we should do to Hilary?”

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“Lock the bitch up and make her take the test or admit to what

she’s done,” he whispered, his eyes wide. “She threatened you guys
so he went with her. He’s sending us a message on what to do next.”

“James, get a team and check out Ramses’s house. I want it

combed for any sign of anything off. I’m calling Leader Davis,”
Gavin said firmly. “Do we trust Leader Ellison with this yet?”

“I say we leave that up to Ramses’s brother,” I suggested. The

man knew how to play the game with vampires better than we did.
We all agreed to it and they got to it, leaving Ant and I alone. We
stared at each other for a few moments and then I realized what we
could do. “We need to track Hilary.”

“Good one, I was thinking we should figure out where she might

take Ramses,” Ant added. “Can you hack?”

“Oh yeah,” I answered with an evil smile. We darted out of the

media room and to Ant’s office, where there was an extra computer
there that I could use. The moment I got logged on, I traced who the
Sweeneys’ cell phone carrier was. When I found out, I went back
through and got the cell numbers and locked on to the phones. All of
them had their GPS enabled much to my joy and luck.

“Shit,” Ant hissed and slammed his fist on the desk. “They’ve got

a lot of properties and holdings. This might take a while.”

“I’ve got their locations and they’re all in the area. I’m going to

start backtracking their cell tower syncs. There’s got to be something
we can map out.”

Gavin walked into the room with a smile on his face. “Leader

Davis is on his way. He says if we hear from Ellison, we know
nothing, but he’s leaning towards kidnapping Hilary and forcing the

“James?” I asked, realizing the lion I loved could be walking into

danger and I didn’t even get to say good-bye.

“I’ve got backup coming in ten minutes,” James answered as he

joined us. “I wanted to get a kiss. Don’t worry, okay, little mouse? I’ll
be back in a bit and we’ll get Ramses home.”

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“Don’t you dare get hurt,” I whispered as I launched myself into

his arms. “I can’t lose you.”

“Not going anywhere,” he swore against my lips. I got lost in

James’s passion as he kissed me fiercely. I sighed and he stared down
at me in question.

“I want more of that and less drama,” I admitted as my cheeks

heated up. “We just all started being together and now after finding
our way to each other everything seems to try to keep us apart. I just
want a day to enjoy it.”

“I promise when we get Ramses back we’ll all take a day off, shut

off our phones, and play naked poker.” He gave me a wink.

“Don’t you mean strip poker?” I giggled.
“No, naked poker. I just want an excuse for all of us to be naked


“Deal.” I stole another quick kiss before he let me go and left to

check Ramses’s place. When he was gone I sighed, trying not to
worry about him while I was already worried about Ramses. One at a

Not that it really worked that way considering I loved them both.

I’d worry about them always. It just came with the territory. A person
couldn’t love someone and not be concerned about what happens to
them. That’s not how love worked.

“I’ve found twenty places already,” Ant sighed. “I formatted a

program to keep looking through county tax records in the state to
find anything with the name ‘Sweeney’ on it but I’ve confirmed these

“Okay, well I’ve got the computer plotting out where they’ve been

and when by their cell phones so I can help you while that’s running.
Give me a few of them.” Ant handed me a few sheets of paper while
the rest was printing. I looked at the first and immediately ruled it out.
“This is a busy strip mall right in the middle of downtown. Last place
to keep Ramses.”

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“But he went willingly, Brad. I don’t think the normal rules

apply,” Ant said gently.

I nodded and thought about that a moment. She might have

threatened us to get him to leave with her, but she wouldn’t have
relied on just that. She was crazy… But I don’t think she was stupid if
she’d tricked Ramses.

I quickly shared this theory with Ant who agreed. “Okay, so we

put them in the not likely pile and focus on the others to start with.
But if we can’t find him at those, then we move on to the other piles.”

“Good plan.” I flipped to the next one and saw it was a medical

building in conjunction with the hospital the Sweeneys owned. “Too
public and filled with smart people who would ask questions if there
were strangers around.”

We kept working and checking properties until we made a dent in

the pile. We had some options including a hunting cabin out in the
middle of nowhere and the family estate about twenty minutes outside
the city.

“Davis is landing,” Gavin informed us. We grabbed the laptops

and piles we made of the property printouts. Once we had everything
we made our way into the kitchen, Ant stating that would be our new
war room because there was food there.

“What does that have to do with anything?” I asked with a raised


“Even people plotting a rescue and potential kidnapping need to

stay fueled,” he answered with a shrug.

He had a point there. I was starving.
Ant pulled out two tubes of ready-bake scones. I turned on the

oven and got out the cookie sheet while Ant opened them all up.

“I don’t normally get fresh-baked breakfast when I show up to

kidnap something,” Leader Davis joked as he walked in the back door
with his people.

“Kidnap people often?” I asked hesitantly.

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“Only if they fuck with my baby brother,” he growled, his

impressive fangs popping out.

“I love him so I only want him to fuck me,” I blurted out.

Everyone went quiet as they stared at me and I wished I could melt
into the floor. “I need to duct-tape my mouth closed more often.”

“Nah, your honesty is refreshing,” Davis chuckled. I nodded,

trying to squish my embarrassment as I quickly placed the scones on
the cookie sheet and popped them in the oven. “So fill me in.”

Gavin and Ant quickly filled Davis in on what we knew. I threw

in additions here and there when I could, showing him the property
listings. We decided for now, that wasn’t the way to go because we
had to act fast. But I was going to keep working on it. I wasn’t a guy
they would take in the field, unless they needed someone small and
sneaky. Maybe when we narrowed the search where Ramses might
be, I could shift and check it out.

Until then, Davis was assembling a team to nab Hilary, stressing

she wasn’t to be hurt. As much as the bitch deserved it, she was
pregnant after all. No one in our group was so heartless they’d hurt a
pregnant woman no matter what she’d done.

It was close though. Personally I wanted to smack her around.

That wouldn’t hurt the baby, right?

“I brought the doctor along to perform the paternity test,” Davis

explained as we sat down to eat. “He’s going to get a sample from
Hilary and compare it to my DNA. I’m Ramses’s brother so the test
would show if we’re related.”

“And he’s okay with us kidnapping a pregnant woman?” Gavin

asked hesitantly.

“In the general sense?” the doc chuckled, shaking his head. “No,

not even remotely. But in this instance? Oh yeah. Ramses is a good
man and a friend. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get hurt. I’ve got a
sedative the team just needs to inject her with. It won’t harm her or
the baby. So yeah, I’m good with it.”

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“Good because we’re confident Ramses didn’t just take a trip,”

James drawled as he walked into the kitchen.

“How do you know that?” I asked, worried as could be.
“His phone was on the kitchen counter. Who leaves their phone

unless they’re instructed to?” he answered gently. “His room was in
disarray as if packing quickly, but no phone. Something was
definitely up.”

“Alright, where is Hilary now?” Davis asked me. I typed in a few

things and tracked her phone.

“At the hospital her parents own,” I answered with a wince. “You

can’t nab her from there.”

“No, but we can get her when she comes out.” James flashed a

feral grin. “This will work.”

Everyone seemed confident, but I wasn’t so sure. I just wanted

Ramses back but if this was how we had to do it, I’d help however I

* * * *


At first they didn’t want me to come to grab Hilary. Gavin’s point

was that I’d be on her target list if she realized the shit was hitting the
fan. I countered that I wouldn’t be expected to be there if she called in
her people. I thought it was a valid point and I won the argument.
They knew I wasn’t going to hurt the pregnant bitch or anything.

“We’ve been waiting two hours already,” Dave grumbled as we

sat in the van and watched the front door. We’d found Hilary’s car
thanks to Ant’s hacking skills and parked right next to it. “This
foreplay is getting tedious.”

“Tell me about it,” I agreed with a sigh. Dave was making his

rounds of the building with another guy just in case she tried to slip
out the back.

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It was another twenty minutes until we spotted her. I quickly

called the others back to the front door on the earpieces we were

“They’re not going to make it,” Dave said quietly as he moved to

the back of the van. “Let me know when.”

“You’ve got the injection ready?”
I watched the raven-haired beauty walk towards us. Talk about

false advertising. She might be good looking outside, but she was
ugly inside and a horrid person. Right as she got to the back of the
van, I gave Dave the signal.

“What the fuck?” she snarled as he jumped out the back. “Get

your hands off of me.” I saw Dave stick the needle in her neck and hit
the plunger. She glanced over at me and her eyebrows shot up to her
forehead before she went limp from passing out.

Just as Dave got her loaded in the van, our other two partners in

crime showed up and jumped in as well. I carefully pulled out of the
parking spot, not wanting to draw any extra attention to us.

“We got her,” Mark said into his phone, probably calling Davis.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. We’ll be there in ten.”

I’d never been so scared to drive in my life. I was sure the police

were going to find us and take us to jail for kidnapping. Then we’d
never get Ramses back and Brad would be all alone. By the time we
got back to Ramses’s house I was soaked with sweat.

At first we hadn’t wanted to change locations from Gavin’s house.

Then Davis brought up a good point that Ellison wouldn’t demand
entry into Ramses’s house with him there. He knew how much shit
would go down if Ellison pushed it.

“I got her,” Dave said, lifting Hilary up after I parked. They could

handle that… All I wanted was Brad.

He was standing in the front doorway, nervously hopping from

one foot to another. I didn’t even slow down, racing right up the front
stairs and lifting him into my arms.

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“Miss me?” he giggled.
“Always,” I whispered as I buried my face in his neck and took a

deep breath. I really loved him. It hit me like a ton of bricks. “I love

“I love you too, James,” he sniffled.
“We should mate as soon as we get Ramses back. That way no

one can ever break us up ever again.”

“Isn’t that a little fast?” His eyes were wide with shock but I saw

the desire in them as well.

“Gavin and Ant mated right when they met and look how happy

they are. We’ve known each much longer than that. I know how I feel
and I’m falling for Ramses as well. Why wait?”

He bit his plump lower lip, thinking about it before smiling. “I

can’t think of a single reason why we should.”

“Awesome,” I purred as I squeezed his perfect ass just for good


“Doc, you’re up,” Davis said as Dave brought Hilary in. Everyone

else rushed off but he stayed staring at us. “I bless your mating with
my whole heart. I couldn’t have prayed or dreamed up better mates
for my brother.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to us,” Brad said shyly.
“Let’s go see if the bitch was lying.” Davis held the door open for

us and then closed it against the cold winter weather once we were
inside. We headed down to the basement where the doc set up a
makeshift lab. The doc was doing his thing and the rest of us paced
out in the hallway. It was exhausting. Not like physically exhausting,
just the mental kind where I felt I could nap for a month.

The doctor came out into the hall sometime later with a smile on

his face. “Congratulations, Leader Davis, you’re not going to be an

“It’s not Ramses’s?” I gasped, feeling as if I was going to fall

over. I plopped down on the stone floor, leaning against the wall, and
pulled Brad against me.

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“Nope, I’m sure of it. There were no markers that said the fetus

was related to Reginald in any way which means it couldn’t be
Ramses’s baby.”

“What do we do now?” Brad asked hesitantly. I glanced at Davis

as well because I didn’t have a clue.

“We find my brother and have a sit-down with Ellison. The shit is

about to hit the fan and if he doesn’t play ball I’ll be taking over the
Indianapolis coven.” Davis flashed us fang. “And he knows I can.”

“Nice to have power on our side,” I chuckled as I stood, still

holding on to Brad.

“You can put me down,” he giggled.
“I don’t want to. You’re my security blanket right now.” He

wrapped around me and gave me a wink, realizing I needed his

“Okay, but it might be hard for me to find Ramses if I’m wrapped

around you like a monkey.”

“Well you can do it from my lap,” I chuckled. There was a

banging at the door as we reached the first floor.

“Brad, go find out what you can. We’re going to have some fun,”

Davis chuckled. I lowered Brad to his feet and he raced off. Then I
flanked Gavin, acting as his second and guard. Davis checked that we
were all ready and opened the door. “Leader Ellison, nice to see you. I
was just going to call you.”

“What are you doing back here, Davis?” the man asked with

narrowed eyes as he stepped into the house with the Sweeneys.

“Apparently my brother has gone missing. That is after he left

coded messages that Ms. Sweeney threatened James and Brad. Alpha
Ashby informed me immediately and I flew right over with my
security team.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ellison growled, staring at the

Sweeneys. “And here you’re accusing them of taking Hilary!”

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“Oh, we have her,” Davis said with a broad smile. “And surprise,

surprise, the paternity test shows the baby isn’t my brother’s. Won’t
you come in?”

“You kidnapped a member of my coven?” Ellison growled as he

stormed after Davis. “Are you nuts?”

“What would you do to protect your family?” Davis asked as he

raised an eyebrow at the other leader. “I thought that was a much
more reserved move than my initial reaction to come in and take over
this coven so they’d have to answer to me anyways.”

“Where is Hilary?” Mrs. Sweeney snarled, her fangs out.
“Woman, put your fangs away before I end you,” Davis

threatened. She did and huddled against her husband. “Sit the fuck
down, accept some coffee, and we’re going to talk like civilized
people. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t been so
goddamn difficult yesterday!”

“Just tell us if Hilary is okay. Please, Leader Davis?” Mr.

Sweeney begged as they did as Davis wanted.

“Yes, she is fine. She’s sleeping peacefully. We knocked her out

with an injection that my doctor assures me wouldn’t hurt her or the
baby. The paternity test was the noninvasive one too so she’s just
fine. But she is my prisoner.”

“She could never have subdued Ramses. She’s seven months

pregnant and he’s got about fifty pounds on her. This can’t be right,”
Mrs. Sweeney said thoughtfully.

“I can answer that. I hacked into Hilary’s phone,” Brad whispered

as he held it up with a shaking hand. “She threatened us.”

Davis walked over to Brad who was sitting at the kitchen table off

to the side, and took the phone from his shaking hand. Davis’s eyes
went wide and then he let out a scary snarl/hiss sound. “Your
daughter sent shooters after my brother’s mates-to-be? You’re lucky I
don’t kill her!”

“Holy shit,” Ellison hissed as Davis showed him and the

Sweeneys the proof. Then he handed me the phone. I felt my knees

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give out as I saw a picture of Brad with a laser sight targeted on him.
The picture had been taken from another building across the street and
the clarity was scary good.

“Breathe, man. Brad’s safe,” Gavin said gently as he rubbed my


“Need him,” I whispered, gasping for air. In a flash, Brad was

placed in my lap, shaking as bad as I was. We wrapped around each
other and tried to keep it together. “Yeah, he would have left with her
if he’d seen that.”

“We’re okay. We’re okay,” Brad chanted over and over again.
“Yeah, and Ramses will be too. We’ll get him home, little mouse.

I swear it.”

“Okay, I can deal,” he squeaked. I kissed his cheek and held him

tightly. “You didn’t see the one of you.” I realized the phone was still
in my hand and flipped to the next picture. It was me in the grocery
store this morning picking up deodorant and a few things. Sure
enough, I had a laser sight on my chest.

“I’m right here and just fine. We’ll stay here with guards until we

go in for Ramses, okay? There’s nothing to worry about. Hilary can’t
call in a hit on us, can she?”

“No, but I’m going to shift and bite her all over!” Brad’s eyes

filled with tears as he clutched my shirt. “I want him back, James.
She’s nuts. We have to get him back in case she does something else
to him.”

“Just like prey to fall apart,” Mr. Sweeney growled. In a flash he

was on the floor right by us, knocked off the stool.

“You have no room to criticize anyone!” Ellison bellowed. “Look

at all the chaos your child has caused with your help. We could have
been invaded over something like this. Are you fucking insane?
You’re lucky Hilary’s still alive!”

“So what do we do now?” Gavin asked when everyone settled


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Now wasn’t that just the five-dollar question? I had no idea. We

needed Hilary awake to get Ramses’s location. It sounded simple but
things rarely were. And that didn’t account for the condition we’d
find our vampire in.

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Chapter 9


Apparently being trapped, even in a nice room, was enough for

me to lose what was left of my mind… Well that and not knowing if
Hilary was going to be good to her word. Once I had my meltdown, I
decided to raid the fridge. Just as I picked out a few things, I had a

Did I really trust the crazy woman to provide food for me?
Not even remotely.
I changed what I picked, making sure to only take sealed foods.

There wasn’t much then, mostly snacks but it would be enough to tide
me over. When I was done it crossed my mind to unpack but I
shivered at the idea. That would be the same as accepting all this and I
couldn’t do that just yet.

I picked up one of the baby books she’d left but it was the same as

unpacking. And it made me want to break down again.

It was too quiet. I flipped on the TV for some background noise.

But then something hit me, an idea at the back of my mind that hadn’t
completely formulated. If I relaxed maybe it would come to the front
of my brain.

Once the Xbox loaded I chose Vampire Diaries on Netflix. As

much as it drove most vampires crazy, how wrong the show got the
facts about us, I loved the drama. It was nice to watch someone else’s
issues, even if it was fake.

Halfway through the third episode I was barely watching… It hit

me. If the Xbox could have Netflix and games, it had Internet! I

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quickly grabbed the controller and brought up the menu. I needed to
get a message to Brad. He was the computer geek in our relationship.
Scrolling through all my options, I found I could download the
Facebook app. It took forever but it was like waiting for water to boil.

And then of course it needed an update. I was sweating bullets by

the time it finally opened. I quickly logged in, glad that Ant had made
me create an account so I’d be up to date on all the pride’s postings.
Then I posted everywhere! I left a message on my page saying if
anyone got it to contact Brad or James to check their messages.

Then I sent Brad, James, Gavin, Ant, and Reginald a message

where I was and to be careful of Hilary because she had hired men to
hurt the men I cared about.

“I’ve got your lunch, Ramses,” the guard said from the other side

of the door.

“I’m not going to eat anything you guys prepare for me,” I

snapped as I darted across the room and shut off the Xbox. “I’m
trapped, not stupid.”

“We’re not going to poison you, man. Hilary wants you to marry

her, not dead,” he grumbled. He slid the food through the slot at the
bottom of the door and while it smelled great, I wasn’t going to take
the risk. I got a message out and I knew it was only a matter of time
before someone came for me. Maybe this nightmare would be over

I prayed it would be.

* * * *


My phone kept beeping with messages as I ruled out more and

more properties. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney were sitting quietly in the
kitchen, not starting trouble, but unwilling to help either. No matter

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what Davis threatened them with. Ellison was helping Ant and I since
he’d given Davis full rein to do as he wanted.

“Why is my phone blowing up with messages?” Ant asked right

before it rang. Then mine and Gavin’s did as well.

“Hello?” I answered as I glanced at the strange number.
“It’s Gigi. I couldn’t get James on the phone. Ramses figured out

a way to get on Facebook from wherever he is. He posted on his wall
that if anyone saw the post to tell you and James to check your

“I knew he was a genius!” I exclaimed and quickly pulled up my

Facebook page. I read his message and let out a strangled sob. “He’s
at the Sweeneys’ family estate in a cell encased in concrete.”

“Let’s head out!” Davis ordered, turning to Ellison. “I’m not

holding you responsible for any of this. But they better be here when
we return and Hilary as well. I’m leaving a guard on her just in case.
After you hear Ramses’s side of the story, I’ll allow you to make a
ruling and then we can go back to our peaceful ways.”

“He’s a member of my coven, Davis. I’m not fighting you on any

of this. Hell, if I’d known what was going on I would have done the
same thing. Fuck, I’m ready to lock up the whole family.”

“We haven’t done anything wrong!” Mr. Sweeney shouted. All it

took was dirty looks from both leaders and the man shut his mouth
and sat back down.

“Let’s go get our man,” James said with a whoop as he threw me

over his shoulder and raced out the front door. I laughed at his
exuberance and even more, the hope that soon we would all be
together again.

Ten minutes later we were breaking every speed limit there was to

get to the Sweeneys’ family estate. I was belted in and clutching onto
the handle for dear life.

“I can slow down,” James offered again.
“No, I can do this,” I squeaked. “I trust you. Just don’t crash. And

I never, ever want to be in a vehicle that’s driving like this again.”

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“I’ll make sure none of us ever get kidnapped so we don’t have


“Why is he freaking out?” Davis asked James quietly.
“His parents were killed in an accident while Brad was in the

backseat,” my lion gently answered.

“Wow, you are brave, Brad. I don’t know if I would be handling it

as well as you are,” Davis praised. I wasn’t stupid, I knew he was
stroking my ego so I’d smile and ignore my freaking out. But I
appreciated the effort.

When the Hummer stopped I was the first out of the vehicle,

gasping for air as I knelt on the ground. I waved everyone off when
they came to help, trying to get my shit together.

“I’m good. Let’s go rescue our man,” I said firmly as I stood on

shaky legs. I was glad they took me at my word and let my spazzing-
out go. I didn’t need to feel any more like a freak.

“Alpha, you’re staying out here with Leader Davis, Ant, and

Brad,” James said firmly.

“Yeah, right,” Gavin growled and checked the clip in the gun he

got from one of Davis’s guards.

“Gavin,” James replied gently. “If you go in there, my job is to

protect you. That’s why Leader Davis isn’t going. And would you
really leave Ant alone in case there’s trouble?”

“Ass. Hole,” Gavin growled, knowing he was bested.
“Yeah, I’m totally trying to be a douche,” James growled right


“Fine. Go save your man and then we can celebrate by locking up

the Sweeneys.” Gavin gave James a quick hug. “You get hurt and I’ll
sick Ant on you.”

“After I spank him,” I added. James turned to me and I launched

myself into his arms. “You come back in one piece and bring our man
to us or you’re both getting spanked for a week.”

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“Promises, promises,” he chuckled. I got a quick kiss and then I

watched James and three of Davis’s guards head towards the house,
armed to the nines.

They would come back, I told myself. They had to come back and

with Ramses.

* * * *


The moment I knew everyone was safe and staying put, especially

Brad, I ran at full speed towards the house. I didn’t slow down,
lowering my shoulder and ramming the door in. It smarted a bit but I
kept going. Aiming as I ran in case we hit trouble before we thought
we would, we found the staircase.

“On three,” Mark whispered as he grabbed the doorknob. I gave

him a nod and he counted it off before throwing the door open. Dave
and Bill, the other guard, followed right behind me, Mark covering
our rear.

We moved with stealth down the hall and I headed in the direction

of a guy clearing his throat. The vampire got quite the surprise when
he turned around and four men were holding guns on him.

“Want the key?” he asked in a calm voice as he held his hands up.

“Right front pocket.”

“You’re not fighting us?” I was shocked and let it show as Dave

retrieved the key.

“Hilary isn’t only pointing her crazy at you guys. She said she’d

kill my boy if I didn’t help her or told anyone. I’ve been trying to
make arrangements to get him to another coven with my aunt while
this was going on before I told Leader Davis where his brother was.”

“That bitch needs to die,” Mark grumbled. “I swear she’s getting

too many passes because she’s pregnant. And we can’t do it after the

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baby is born because then it will be an orphan. And her parents aren’t
any better either.”

“I vote for the baby going to his or her real father and locking

them all up in a padded room for life,” the guy with his hands up

“You know whose baby it is?”
“Yeah, so does Hilary,” he answered with a shrug. “She had

protected sex with two guys that she thought were from good enough
families that her parents wouldn’t die of shame. The real guy she was
seeing she dumped when she found out she was pregnant. He’s a good

“Okay, one drama at a time. Can I get out of here please?”

Ramses bellowed from the other side of the door. I smiled. It was so

“Only because there’s a hot little mouse waiting to know you’re

okay outside,” I called back as Dave unlocked the door. He threw it
open and I holstered my gun. Ramses raced right into my arms.

“I knew you’d come for me,” he whispered in between peppering

my face with kisses. “Did you guys get my message? I can’t believe I
didn’t figure it out sooner that I had Internet. And you need to know
that I would never leave you guys. I’m so sorry for those messages. I
didn’t know what else to do. I tried to tell you what was going on but
she was right there and—”

“Breathe, sweetie,” I said gently as I rubbed my hands over his

back. “Just take a breath. We figured it out right away. Don’t worry
about us. Let’s get you to Brad.”

“Yes. I’ve missed our little mouse.” I saw the tears spilling out of

his eyes as he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me after him.
I ran with him, my eyes raking him to make sure he was okay. He
seemed unharmed but that didn’t mean he wasn’t traumatized by what

We all were.

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“Ramses!” Brad shouted as he jumped out of the Hummer and

raced towards us the moment we were outside. Ramses dropped my
hand to catch him, twirling him around, before practically jumping
me with Brad still in his arms.

“I’m so fucking sorry,” Ramses sobbed and I realized then that

this just wasn’t the happy reunion I’d envisioned.

Ramses obviously thought we blamed him, but that couldn’t be

further from the truth. He didn’t do anything wrong. We all tumbled
to the ground, Ramses on top of both of us, holding on to us tightly.

“I didn’t mean it. I swear I didn’t mean it. She was going to kill

you. She had pictures and I couldn’t risk you guys.”

“We know, Ramses,” Brad said gently as he wrapped himself

around Ramses as I held them both. “We figured it out. It wasn’t your

“But you had to hear those messages. You won’t ever forgive me

for saying that stuff to you.”

“Babe, we were never mad,” I whispered in his ear. “Seriously,

we figured it out about five minutes after we listened to them. You
were so smart to leave us hints.”

“I knew you were a genius,” Brad added. “I was upset but we

know you couldn’t help it. None of that matters now. You’re back
where you belong and we want to mate you.”

“What?” Ramses gasped as he lifted his head and stared down at

us. “You can’t be serious? After all the shit I put you through you
want to mate me?”

“More than anything. We don’t want anyone to ever tear us apart

again. I love you both so much that nothing sounds better than being
with you forever.”

“Me too,” Brad squeaked. “I need both my favorite men.”
Ramses glanced between us, his mouth hanging open in shock.

Just as I thought he was seriously going to say no a smile broke out on
his lips. “Yes! Yes, let’s mate!”

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“Let’s get you home and deal with Hilary and the Sweeneys and

then we’ll plan out what comes next.” They both turned somber.
“Personally, I think we should live with you in that swank house,” I
added lightly when I saw the mention of the Sweeneys ruin the happy
mood. “And that bed. I can’t live without your bed. It’s too nice to not
have me in it.”

“And that’s the only reason, huh?” Ramses teased as we all


“It is a really nice bed,” Brad agreed, giving me a wink. “It’s


“I know, right? And that shower! I could mate him just for his


“You know I have issues in my past with people wanting me for

my money or to be close to the power my brother has,” Ramses
grumbled. “It’s not very nice to tease me about it.”

“He’s a good trainer too. I mean, the rewards he gives when you

finish his set workout for you are amazing,” Brad said, ignoring
Ramses’s comment.

“I witnessed some of that. They were nice rewards,” I chuckled.
“They’re teasing you as payment for doubting they would forgive

you for something that wasn’t your fault,” Davis said as he pulled his
brother into a hug. “It’s good to see you, brother.”

“Thank you, Reginald. I never doubted for a second you’d know

something was up and do whatever it took to help.”

“As you would for me,” he chuckled. “These men did everything

in their power to find you, fought for you, and spilled tears at what
you must have been going through. If you don’t love them and mate
them as soon as you can, I will.”

“I do love them and want to mate them. I’m not stupid enough to

look a gift horse in the mouth. If they won’t blame me for what
happened or hold those messages against me then I won’t try and talk
them into it.”

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“I knew you were smart.” Davis gave him a last pat on the back

before releasing him.

“Fine, we’re not mating you just for your cool pad or neat stuff,”

Brad admitted as he rolled his eyes. I opened the front passenger’s
door for the little mouse. He stepped up and grabbed the handle,
glancing over his shoulder. “It’s because you’re a hot mother fucker
who’s got the most talented tongue in probably the whole world.”

And with that he plopped down on the seat and closed the door.
“I like this side of him,” I chuckled, knowing full well Brad could

hear me.

“Yeah, it’s hot. I want to bend him over and ravage him all night

long,” Ramses agreed.

“I expect it after all the laws I broke to help,” Brad yelled through

the window. Then he pressed his lips against the glass and gave us a
wink. “Let’s go. I’m hungry and I want lots of reunion sex after we
lock that bitch up.”

We weren’t stupid. We listened.
I drove much slower on the way back, making sure to follow the

speed limit so not to upset or scare Brad. We brought Ramses up to
speed on everything that happened and then he filled us in on what we
hadn’t pieced together. By the time I pulled into his house, I had a
whole new hate level for Hilary.

“I need to go for a run,” I said as I tossed Ramses the keys. Then I

whipped off my sweater and laid it on the hood of my Hummer. Just
as I started to undo my jeans and toe off my shoes, Brad moved in
front of me so I had to look at him.

“James?” he asked quietly.
“My lion wants to kill her. She threatened you, me, Ramses, our

happiness, and is a threat to this pride and all around an evil person. A
lion doesn’t care that she’s pregnant. All a lion sees is that her
offspring could be a threat to us as well. That’s the way of the wild
and what my lion knows. The human side is having problems as well.

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“I need to run this off or I will walk in that house and go straight

for her and not stop until she’s dead. And I won’t be the man you love
if I kill a pregnant woman, no matter how evil she is. So just let me go
for a run.”

“But you’re coming back, right?” Ramses checked as he stared me


“Yeah. I’ll be back.” I would. I loved them but if I didn’t blow off

some steam and handle this aggression in a nonviolent way, I’d do
something I’d regret.

“I could use a run as well,” Gavin said as he yanked off his jacket.

“Ant, I don’t want you anywhere near that woman, you feel me?”

“I read you loud and clear,” Ant answered with a nod. “We’re not

on her radar and you don’t want me there after she’s proved that she’s
not living in sane-land.”

“Pretty much.” I didn’t blame my friend. If I could get Brad off

her radar, I would. But I couldn’t. I could go for a run and that’s what
I’d do.

I stripped off the rest of my clothes and shifted, stretching my

paws in the dirt and adjusting my neck. When Gavin changed forms
and he did the same, we took off towards the back of the property. I
knew he understood. We might all be paranormals, but not all of us
were the same type.

Being a lion shifter meant basically I shared my body with a real

lion. Yes, I was sentient when I was in animal form, but the lion’s
instincts were all at the forefront of my mind. Everything was simpler
in that form, because things were more black and white. We were our
animals in more ways than I could ever explain.

That’s why Gavin got it. He saw Hilary as the same threat as I did

and his lion was probably crawling inside of him as well. If we killed
the threat it wouldn’t be there. No chance of her trying for us again, or
getting free from whatever the vampires were going to do, if she was
dead. Or hell, she was from a good family and who knew how

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vampire politics worked. She might get a slap on her wrist and live
her life for all we knew.

The idea made me see red as I picked up the pace. The pun of

course being that cats were colorblind. But the emotion was still the
same. I was full of rage and my lion wanted his pound of flesh.

The problem was I didn’t think I would get it.
We ran for about twenty minutes at full speed, burning off the

extra adrenaline and emotions. By then we’d done all we could to
ease the pressure inside and now were just tiring ourselves out when
we would need the strength. Gavin led the way back to the front of the
house and we shifted to human form again.

We shared a look that said it all. We each knew what the other

was feeling and we were on the same page. We would handle this
threat, maybe not now while she was pregnant, but if the vampires
didn’t do this right, we’d do it when she wasn’t. Just because she had
a child didn’t give her a free pass forever.

Her being a mother didn’t make her a saint. Everyone was

someone’s mother, or daughter, or sister, or brother, father, or son. It
didn’t excuse people from being horrible. And we weren’t going to
risk our family, our pride, because she had one.

“We’ll give them a chance to do what is right, but if they don’t,”

Gavin hedged.

“We take her and her whole family out. You don’t have to talk me

into it.”

We headed into the house with a purpose and a plan.

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Chapter 10


It was hard for me to let James go off with Gavin, but he needed

the time. And if I’d learned nothing else in life it was that letting
people walk away when they had something they needed to work out
was much better than what they might do if they didn’t. I didn’t want
James to risk doing something he might regret given the anger he was

“Tell me,” Ellison said as soon as he saw me. I sat down and filled

him in on everything, as the Sweeneys were both there staring at me
in horror at what was coming out of my mouth. The guy who’d been
forced into this, Darius, chipped in what he could.

“We had no idea,” Mrs. Sweeney whispered when we were done.

“We thought Ramses just had cold feet and was sowing some wild,
though gay, oats. Then he’d get his shit together and do the right
thing. Whoever the father is, we will recognize his paternal rights
after Hilary’s sentencing. I hope you will tell him we cooperated and
would very much like to have contact with our grandchild.”

“We won’t hold a grudge against anyone for punishing her,” Mr.

Sweeney grumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’re
going to need to move to a new coven. Uproot our whole lives and
sell everything here. We’ll never be able to show our faces here

Yes, that’s the important thing to focus on. Whatever, if it got

them out of this coven and away from all of us, it worked for me.

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“Leader Davis and I will discuss Hilary’s punishment but I agree

that given what has transpired, your finding another coven quickly is
best,” Ellison bit out.

“We need to wait for Alpha Ashby,” my brother said firmly.
“I’m grateful to the lions, but this is vampire business,” Ellison


“Would you say it was only their business if the situation was


“Fair enough.” We all sat down at the kitchen table to wait, not

really sure what to do with ourselves.

“So while we wait, I’d like to ask permission to mate Brad and

James,” I said when the silence dragged on.

“Granted,” Ellison said with a smile and a nod. “I’ll send an e-

mail to the elder as soon as you let me know your mating has been
consummated and I get the word from all parties involved that they
want it as well.”

“I want it,” Brad giggled as he brought me over a bottle of water

and a sandwich. “He’s mine and I can’t wait to have the mating seal
on my body.”

“Then I’ll just confirm with James and I will grant it


I sighed as I tried to relax now that I had something good to hold

on to after all the issues of the day. Brad smiled as I snarfed down the
food he made me, probably worried about me still and nervous as to
what was going to happen next.

Our answer came ten minutes later when a very determined Alpha

and James walked through the front door.

“We were waiting for you to pass sentencing, Alpha,” my brother

said formally, always good at gauging any situation. “I would like to
state the Sweeneys have agreed not to fight or stand in the way of
sentencing Hilary. They’ve also agreed to move to a new coven and
recognize the father’s rights to the baby once Hilary gives birth.”

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“I think their hassle of moving and the shame this will bring them

is enough for the Sweeneys. They did nothing illegal, just immoral
really,” Gavin said after a moment. “And what are your thoughts on
Hilary? I need to impress the importance of the threat she poses
against the lions as well. James is a member of this pride after all.”

“We recognize that and the damage she’s done to your pride. I

appreciate you not holding that against our entire coven,” Ellison
replied with a grateful nod.

The three leaders discussed Hilary’s sentencing for about twenty

minutes as Brad, the Sweeneys, and I watched as if it was a tennis
match. In the end, Hilary was sentenced to twenty years in a
paranormal prison. When she was told about it, I swear my ears hurt
from the amount of profanity and threats she spurted out.

I even learned a few new combinations.
“Oh, before we leave I need to confirm James wants to mate you

both before I submit the request to our elder,” Ellison said with a
smile as we walked everyone to the door.

“Yes, I want to mate Brad Hercules and Ramses Davis, Leader,”

James agreed with a smile. We said our good-byes and I gave my
brother one last hug before he left with his guards who had secured

When we were alone I glanced from Brad to James who were

waiting for me since I’d been the one to have the crazy day. “I’d be
honored if you both would move in and claim me.”

“Let’s do it,” Brad giggled excitedly as he grabbed my hand. Then

he did the same to James and tried to race to the stairs. Except we
were both much larger than him and didn’t budge since we hadn’t
been ready for it.

“Sorry, little mouse,” James chuckled when Brad bounced right

back into him. He picked Brad up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Let’s go mate.”

“I’m all for that.” I smiled and headed for my room, James right

on my heels. We stripped in record time and I watched as James

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shifted into his lion, stalking both of us as prey. I smiled when he
moved over me and roared before nipping my ear. Then he did the
same to Brad. We were now both his.

Next we licked Brad’s whiskers once James was back in human

form. He was ours forever as well. And last was my claiming them.
First I bit James’s wrist, and then mine, and rubbed my blood in the
wound. He blew like a geyser, his hips thrusting in the air.

“I’m all claimed,” he sighed as he slumped to the bed. I repeated

the process with Brad, smiling when I got the same results. While
they were basking in their afterglow, I stretched them both out for
consummating the mating. “You’re taking me?”

“Oh yeah. I need some hot lion ass while our sexy mouse rides

you,” I purred.

“Sounds perfect to me.” He smiled and moved his feet next to his


“I’m game.” I lifted Brad and moved him onto James’s slicked-up

and hard cock. “Impatient much?”

“Yes,” I hissed as I leaned over and ran my fangs over his neck.

“And hungry. Would you deny your mate?”

“I would deny you nothing ever,” he moaned as he wiggled on

James’s lap.

“Take me, Ramses. I want to feel you inside of me.”
“Music to my ears,” I replied, giving James a wink over Brad’s

shoulder. I pushed into his tight, warm hole, sighing in bliss that we
were officially mates now. Sure we’d get the seal later this week but
we’d all claimed each other and consummated the mating. It was

Now to enjoy it.
I slammed into James over and over again as I moved Brad with

me so we were taking James to heaven. We started slow but forceful,
but as I got closer to my orgasm, I picked up the pace until my hips
took on a mind of their own.

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“Drink!” Brad screamed as he stroked his cock. “I’m going to


I didn’t hesitate, sinking my fangs in the side of his neck. My

mate cried out in pleasure and came all over my other mate. It set
James off because his ass clamped down on me and I followed them
right over. I moaned around Brad’s flesh, drinking his sweet blood

As the last wave of my climax hit me, I pulled my teeth out of his

neck and licked his bite closed. Then I flopped on the bed next to
James, taking Brad down with me so he was in the middle.

“I’m loved, mated, happy, and sated. Life doesn’t get any better

than this,” Brad said with a yawn.

“I couldn’t agree with you more, little mouse,” James agreed

sleepily as he pulled the covers up over us.

“I’m adding that I’m full to the list. I can’t think of anything that

could make this moment better. I have perfect mates after the greatest
claiming in history.”

“Well, maybe cheese. Cheese makes everything better.” Brad

squeaked and then gave each of us a kiss. James and I stared at each
other a moment before bursting out laughing. Life would never be
boring with them and I’d look forward to every day if it meant I had
them by my side.






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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few

horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. A
lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves
to get lost in fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in
reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or
mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a
vampire from Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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