Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 38 Taking Inventory

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Taking Inventory, a Hammer story

By Sean Michael

Jim loved helping Marcus with inventory. He sat in

the center of the little basement storeroom with a pad
and a pen, the scent of leather filling him up, being
useful and imagining how each and every implement


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would feel. Best way to spend a Monday afternoon,

Marcus was in a good mood, too. He'd pulled

everything down and called each item out as it went
back onto the shelves. There was a leather conference in
a week's time, and Marcus had been working overtime
to make sure he had enough of the bestselling items to
bring with him.

"Now what's in this box...?" Marcus opened the box

in question, frowning. "Baby whips? Oh! The key
chains." Marcus chuckled. "They'd be like a thousand
little stinging wasps, wouldn't they, baby?"

One of the little whip key chains was tossed to him

for his perusal.

"They're cute." He liked the heavier floggers, the

ones that thudded instead of stinging.

"You wouldn't think so if I was using them on your

balls." Marcus grabbed another one and snapped it
against the back of his hand.

"Master!" He pulled away, protecting his hand. "How

many are there?" No way was he going for that.

"I think this box has a hundred in it. I'll take it to the

conference. Unless we should keep them to play with."

"One hundred." He marked that down. "You paid a

lot for them and they have your name on them, Marcus.
I know your name."

His master chuckled, a knowing glint in Marcus'

eyes. "Nice one, baby."

Jim winked over. "So, are you excited not to have to

travel alone this year?"

"I'm always excited to be with you, baby." Marcus

looked up from a rainbow colored cat 'o nine tails. "I'm
even more excited I might have someone to demonstrate
my wares on."


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"At the convention?" He wasn't thinking about saying

no, but he wasn't sure he was comfortable with it.

"Yes. My very own leather model. I'll sell out and

have orders to fill for months."

"I'm really not model material." He marked down the

multi-colored flogger and started counting cuffs.

"You are the perfect model for my leather work."
Jim's cheeks heated and he lost count, starting over.

Silly man. Distracting him.

"I have a lot of floggers to sell this year. My focus

has been on them lately. For some reason." Marcus gave
him a wink.

Jim grinned. "We'll have to display them well. Yours

are the best."

"No. No, that's just the truth." He could sweet-talk

about stuff, but Marcus' leather work was stunning.

Marcus came over to where he was sitting and tilted

his head up, kissed him hard. "Thank you, baby."

Oh. The world went a little sparkly and he pushed up

onto his knees, stealing another of those kisses, still so
in love with this man that it ached.

Marcus' fingers were hard against his scalp, the next

kiss going deeper. The pen fell from his fingers and he
arched, his chest rubbing against Marcus' shirt. Marcus
moaned and ran one hand down his braid, tugging at the
bottom to tilt his head back even farther. The sting made
him moan, made his cock jerk and fill in his jeans.

He could feel the heat of his master's need rising

against his chest, another sound filling him as Marcus
continued to plunder his mouth. His ass clenched,
working the plug that filled him, the well-spanked skin
still beautifully sensitive from their morning games.

Marcus went to his knees, too, the kiss morphing as

they were suddenly on the same level.


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"Master." He pressed close, luxuriating in the heat,

the strength they shared together.

Marcus' hands dropped along his back, heading for

his ass, and then wrapping around both cheeks,
squeezing. The touch made him grunt, rock back, body
eager for more. Marcus moved into him, their denim
covered pricks rubbing. The scent of leather all around
them just made everything better, made the air smell like

"Fucking want you, baby."
"Want." He nodded, groaned, pushed closer.
"Right here. On the floor." Marcus leaned him back,

nipping at his lips.

"Your inventory." He landed back on the floor and it

didn't matter, all that mattered was Marcus.

"We're field testing it." Marcus nipped at his neck,

and then wrapped hot lips around his throat, sucking.

He tugged at Marcus' shirt, chin lifted, body rippling.

Marcus moaned around his skin, fingers moving to undo
buttons and held him bare his master's form. His pierced
nipples rubbed along Marcus' skin, sliding.

Marcus' fingers blindly traced his tattoos, following

the ink on his skin by memory. The sun, the tiger, the
wildly colored peacock -- they were all touched, adored.
Licking from the mark on his neck up to his mouth,
Marcus' lips finding his for another kiss. He pushed into
the kiss, into the need.

They rolled, knocking into a shelf and a basket turned

over them, leather scraps falling over them, blanketing
them in the smell.

Jim gasped, bucked. "Master, please!"
"Love to hear you beg for me, baby."
"Anything." He rocked down, jostling the plug in his



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Marcus pinched his nipples and picked up a long,

thin scrap, contemplating it. "I have an idea, baby."

"Master?" That could be incredibly good or

incredibly bad. Possibly both.

Marcus sat to straddle his hips, looking like a stud

with his shirt off, his cock pushing at his jeans. The long
thin scrap of leather was handed to him and Marcus
began looking through the rest of the scraps.

Jim held the scrap he'd been entrusted with, brought

it to his nose and inhaled. It was soft and held a hint of
Marcus in its scent. Lovely. Pure sex.

"Oh good, I thought there was another one." Marcus

gave him a second leather piece, this one slightly thicker
than the first, but a tiny bit shorter.

"Master?" Jim twisted the two strands together.
"I need you to sit up." Marcus took the leather from

him, letting the strands untwist, and holding a hand out
to him, pulling him upright.

His ass rocked on the plug, and his eyes crossed.
Marcus smiled knowingly, but didn't comment.

"Arms up, baby."

Jim lifted his arms, trusting Marcus implicitly.
Marcus wrapped the first strap of leather around his

chest, placing it just below his nipples, the leather on the
bottom of his areoles. The band was tied off at his side.

"Are you decorating me?"
"Useful decoration, I promise."
The other leather strip was also wrapped around his

chest, this time right above his nipples. His breath sped,
his hole squeezing and releasing, over and over.

"Now lie back -- the leather should pinch your


He frowned. "It will?"


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"Yes. If I did it right, it'll tighten slightly when you

lie back and put pressure on these sweet bits of flesh."
Marcus flicked both his nipples.

The rings bobbed as his nipples tightened, and he

gasped. Marcus helped him lean back, the leather straps
sliding, catching his flesh.

Marcus moaned softly for him. "Stunning, baby."
"It feels... good. So good."
"Excellent." Marcus found another piece of leather

and opened his jeans before wrapping his prick and

His legs spread, his eyelids getting heavy. Marcus

finished binding his cock and did his jeans back up.
Reaching back, Marcus stroked his hole though his
jeans, pressing the denim against him. The plug shifted
inside him, knocking right into his gland. Marcus smiled
knowingly and found several more strips of leather.

All Jim did was watch.
"Hands please, baby."
He held his hands to his master. Marcus wrapped a

scrap of leather around them, and then looped another
piece around that, tying the second piece of leather to
the base of the shelving.

"We're in the storeroom." Like Marcus didn't know.
"Which means there are plenty of supplies, no matter

what we want to do."

"What do we want to do?"
Marcus chuckled, the sound quite wicked. "You tell

me, baby. We have whips and floggers and cat o' nine

"I like the heavy ones." He said it, even though

Marcus knew that.

"You don't want to try something new?" He knew

that teasing glint in his master's eyes. It went with the
wicked laugh.


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Jim chuckled. "You know me. I don't do new well."
"I disagree, you might fight the hell out of it, but you

do new very well." The words were like a caress, like a
hug. "We could use those little keychain whips, one
strike each, then we can claim they're all custom tested."

"Master! There's a hundred of them!"
"Too many?"
"They're key chains."
Marcus chuckled. "That doesn't mean they couldn't

be fun. I made them to be fully functional, just tiny."

He shook his head. His master was truly wicked.
"You would rather have a flogger, I know. Of course

this means, I should probably find something thinner,
more stingy."

"Why?" He met Marcus' eyes, not defiant, but


"Because it's good to push your boundaries, make

you stretch."

"How is it pushing my boundaries if I already know I

don't like it?"

"You'd have to deal with the pain you don't enjoy,

find a way to make it work for you." Marcus was going
through the shelves, picking stuff up and putting it back.

"Master? Are you upset with me?"
"What?" Marcus came back to his side and frowned

down at him. "Why would I be mad at you?"

"You just seem... a little frustrated with me. I wasn't


"Not at all, I was just pondering all the different

options we have. Maybe teasing you a little -- I'll no
doubt find a nice solid flogger that calls to me."

"Oh." He relaxed, grinned. "Right. Teasing."

Sometimes he still sucked at that.

Marcus slid a hand along his belly, moving toward

his nipples, still hard from the way the leather pressed


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against them. He arched, teasing back. Playing. Marcus
licked his lips, look suddenly serious, and his master's
fingers pressed against his nipples before grabbing the

"Oh." The ache was delicious.
Marcus hummed, twisting the ring on his right

nipple. "You really are stunning, baby."

"Thank you. Thank you. Oh, Master. Love."
"And I love you, Jim. More than anything." Marcus'

fingers wandered over to his other nipple.

His eyes crossed, his breath hitching. Groaning,

Marcus bent and flicked at his nipple with that hot
tongue. Little jolts of pure electricity hit him, bashing at
his chest. Twisting the ring in his other nipple, Marcus
continued to flick at the first with his tongue, the twin
sensations more powerful than usual with the way his
nipples were restrained.

"Master." His cock bobbed, trapped inside his jeans,

inside the leather that bound it.

Marcus sat back on his haunches. "Yes, baby?"
"So good." He licked his lips.
Marcus smiled and nodded. "And it's going to get


Bending again, Marcus kissed his belly. He let his

eyes close, enjoying the sensations. The kiss turned into
a lick and a moment later a bite, Marcus' teeth scraping
over his skin. Jim chuckled, arched, and leaned into
Marcus' teeth.

"Wonderful, needy boy."
"Need you." That was simple.
"I need you, too." Marcus bit at his hip next, teeth

sharp, the sensation bright.

"I know." He believed that with all his heart.
"Good." The next bite came to the dip next to his hip,

right above the waistband of his jeans.


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"Y...yes." His legs moved restlessly.
Marcus smiled wickedly, fingers tugging his jeans

open again, brushing against his bound cock.

"You... Master." His beloved master.
Marcus' smile didn't become any less wicked as he

slowly tugged Jim's jeans off, fingernails dragging the
entire way. Jim's heart was beating faster, the
anticipation delicious. Still smiling up at him, Marcus
pulled his jeans right off, tickling his feet on the way by.
Jim cackled, pulling his knees up, baring his plugged

"Mmm. Look at this." Marcus moved between his

legs, knee pushing against his ass, against the base of the

"Uhn." His eyes rolled a little as his gland was


Marcus' knee worked that plug, rubbing against it as

his master bent and brought their mouths back together
again. His body moved in conjunction with that knee, a
fire building in his belly.

"Eager baby." Marcus twisted his right nipple ring.
He clenched his teeth, eyes rolling. Fuck. His

response had Marcus humming, and his master took his
other nipple ring, twisted it. The leather dug into his
chest, making things brighter. Marcus bit his left thigh,
fingers moving to manipulate his cock and his balls.

"Driving me crazy. So good."
He could feel Marcus' smile against his skin. Jim

wiggled, playing, making the sensation sharper.

"Such a sensual man." Marcus slapped his balls with

that hot tongue.

"Master!" Oh, yes.
Marcus reached over to the shelves and grabbed a

small flogger with fairly thin leather strips. He was so


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aroused, so focused, that he simply spread, begging for

Marcus slapped the insides of his thighs, not hard or

harsh, but the dozen strands left little stings behind.
Jim's toes curled, goosebumps skittering up his legs.
Marcus dragged the flogger up over his balls and his
cock. Jim stilled -- even his breath -- waiting.

"Good boy." Marcus gently flicked the flogger over

his cock and balls,

The pleasure was like a balm. Marcus did it again,

twice more, and then let the flogger slap across his belly.
He gasped, curled up around the sting. Marcus took the
opportunity to flog his ass. That sting was much more
familiar, easier to breathe through.

"Mmm. You make me happy, baby."
"Good." His voice sounded fierce, even to his own


Marcus' hand landed on his ass next, followed by

another gentle slap of the flogger to his cock. Eyes wide,
heart pounding, Jim's body tried to figure out how to
react, how to get more. His nipples were the focus of the
next few hits with the flogger. Tight and hard, stinging,
his nips were paying attention.

"Look how red they're going. Stunning, baby."
"They ache." It was so good.
"I just bet they do." Marcus hit his nipples again.
Fuck. Fuck, yes. Stinging.
The flogger kept landing on his skin, his master not

concentrating on any one part of his body, but falling
everywhere. Jim tried to find Marcus' rhythm, but it
wasn't there. Instead, he had to pay attention, had to wait
in anticipation of each new hit. It was like work, his
body shivering and shaking.

"So good. You're doing so good."
"Thank you." He was trying.


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Marcus bent, bringing his right nipple into that hot

mouth. The tip of Marcus' tongue poked through the
ring, then Marcus tugged it as he sucked. His master
hummed, made his entire chest vibrate.

"Fuck." He bit the word out, almost laughing, it felt

so big.

Marcus hummed again, tongue working the ring,

tugging rhythmically. Jim's heartbeat found that rhythm,
pounding with it. He almost missed his master's fingers,
tugging at the plug inside him. Almost

He arched, hole clutching at the plug. Marcus rolled

the plug inside him, pushed it deeper and it nudged his

"Master." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He. That. Wow.
Marcus smiled at him, eyes knowing. Jim let himself

need, let himself show that to Marcus. It made Marcus
moan, and the plug was pulled from him in a smooth,
quick motion. His body ached, empty, needing.

He wasn't empty for long.
Marcus moved between his legs and settled, cock

pushing at his hole, demanding entrance. The pressure
of his Master filling him was familiar, right, and his
body accepted it happily. Moaning, Marcus pushed all
the way in, thick cock brushing over his prostate. Jim
rolled up and the leather around his nipples squeezed,

His arms caught him before he got too far, though,

and Marcus grinned wickedly. "You're bound, baby."

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh." His nodded, moving on Marcus'


"Love it when you forget and try to touch." Marcus

reached out and slid warm hands along his arms, from
his wrists on down to his shoulders.

Oh, those hands. Jim moaned happily, muscles

rippling with pure bliss. Marcus dragged his fingers over


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the same path again, the motion making his cock rock
inside Jim.

"So fine." He loved what Marcus' hands did to him.

Did for him.

"You are," murmured Marcus.
He wrapped his legs around Marcus' waist, dragged

them together.

"Eager, pushy baby." Marcus thrust into him.
Like he didn't know that.
One thrust followed another, each one banging on his

gland and sending him flying.

He groaned, bracing against the wall. "Please."
"Love the way you beg, baby."
"Love how you make me need to. Master, Master, I

need you."

"You have me." Marcus moved faster, began

pounding into him quickly now.

The world disappeared, and all Jim knew was his

master, his need, their pleasure. Marcus looked into his
eyes, into him, and they were connected there as well as
at cock and ass. Those dark eyes held him, loved him.

Every now and then Marcus would pinch one of his

nipples and his arching response would shift the leather
around his nipples, adding to the sensation. His breath
came fast and light, almost hyperventilating him.

"Breathe, baby." Marcus growled out the words
Marcus pinched his right nipple, hard. Jim jerked,

sucked in a huge gasp of air.

"There we go, baby."
He nodded, pulling in another breath and another.
Marcus began to fuck him again, using his breaths to

find a rhythm.

"Master." Master. Master. Master.
"I've got you, baby."


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Jim nodded. He knew. He did.
Marcus grabbed his cock, tugging on it each time

Marcus' prick pushed into him. The leather tugged and
squeezed, rolled on his cock. All around him was the
scent of leather, of his master. Jim sobbed once, body
tightening, Marcus' cock feeling huge inside him.

"I have you, baby," Marcus told him again.
He nodded, groaning. "Have me."
"Yes." Marcus moved faster, pegging his gland over

and over again.

His orgasm built, trapped inside him by leather

straps. Marcus just kept pushing into him, again and
again, making everything stronger, building it higher.

"Close." So close.
"Not until I say so, baby." Marcus always said that,

always reminded him.

"I do. Will." Jim would.
"I know you will. You've got the will."
Jim arched, tugged at the leather.
"Sexy baby." Marcus pinched his right nipple again,

then pulled on the ring.

He clenched his teeth, body following the touch.

Marcus pinched the other nipple, but didn't twist or tug
the ring. The sensation caught his attention, so different.
Marcus pinched again, and again, leaving the ring alone.

"M..." His eyes rolled.
"Mmm." His master's satisfied rumble settled in his


Marcus shifted his attention to the leather wrapped

around his cock and balls. All Jim could do -- all he did
-- was ride that fat cock and beg, wordlessly. The leather
around his prick was loosened, then removed.

Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, yes. Yes. He knew what that meant

-- heaven and hell. He was going to get to come soon,
but he still had to wait for Marcus' permission. And his


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master kept pounding into him, finding his gland and
working it.

His whole world became his aching hole, his drawn

up balls that needed release, so badly. Marcus grabbed
his right nipple ring between sharp teeth and tugged
hard. Jim gasped and shot, his body losing it and
milking Marcus' prick.

Marcus cried out his name, heat filling him as his

master came, too.

The whole inventory room seemed to sway, to swing

as Jim worked through the waves of pleasure.

Marcus' lips closed over his, stealing what was left of

his breath. All he could do was give his Master
everything he had left.

When the kiss ended, Marcus rested their foreheads

together and panted softly, breath puffing over his lips.

"Love you." He moaned the words out.
"Me, too." Marcus reached up and undid his hands,

his master's thick cock still buried deep inside him.

He wrapped his fingers around Marcus' bald head,

drew his master down for another kiss. Marcus gave it to
him, tongue pushing in and stroking against his own.
They'd have to get up, soon. Get cleaned up and find
somewhere softer to enjoy the afterglow, but for now,
Marcus' heavy weight felt good.

"You came without my say-so," murmured Marcus.

His master didn't sound in the least bit upset about this.

"You made me."
"You knew the rules. You can decide what your

punishment should be." Marcus groaned as he slid out,
and then settled next to him. "I think it should include

"You think?" He snuggled in, sighing happily.
"Uh-huh. It's a leather sort of day, after all." Marcus

kissed the side of his mouth and petted his belly lazily.


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"It is." He was comfortable, head on Marcus'

shoulder, hip pillowed by their discarded clothes.

"It's a good day."
"Most of our days are good, Marcus. Almost all of


"I disagree, baby." Marcus kissed his forehead this

time. "Even the bad ones are good if I get to spend them
with you."

Oh, that was sweet. "Thank you." He smiled, melted,

surrounded by the scents of sex and Marcus and leather.

There was no other place he would rather be.



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Taking Inventory

Copyright © 2012 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / September

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680



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