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BBC Learning English
Words in the News


February 2011

Top universities likely to charge maximum fees

Words in the News

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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Two of Britain's top universities are expected to increase tuition fees to the maximum level

allowed by new laws. Both Oxford and Cambridge said that charging the maximum for all

subjects from 2012 was the only way of maintaining academic excellence. Mark Lobel reports.

The cost of a top education in England looks set to soar. The British government chose to

allow universities to increase tuition fees to $9,500 a year, to secure the future of higher

education as public finances are cut. Ministers said the costs could rise to around $14,500 in

exceptional circumstances.

Surprisingly, two of England's most prestigious universities, Oxford and Cambridge, have

already signalled they will charge this top rate. An internal Cambridge review said it'll be for

all courses, with discounts of up to $5,000 for poorer students. The deputy head of Oxford

University said it'll be charging the maximum for all subjects, to make up for budget cuts and

to be able to subsidise the less well-off.

Opposing the increases, some students said talented young people could still be turned off

applying, to avoid being overwhelmed by debt. They fear social elitism will replace academic


Mark Lobel, BBC News

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Words in the News

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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Vocabulary and definitions

set to soar

in a position or likely to increase significantly

to secure

to protect

higher education

universities and colleges

exceptional circumstances

rare or unusual situations


highly thought of, respected and valued


have indicated that


pay money for the benefit of

less well-off

poorer people, who have less money than most

turned off


social elitism

categorising people based on their social class or wealth

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