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BBC Learning English
Words in the News


February 2011

IMF ‘downplayed risk of financial crisis’

Words in the News

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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An investigation of the International Monetary Fund concluded that the institution

downplayed the risks faced by the world economy before the 2008 financial crisis. The

enquiry was carried out by the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office. Andrew Walker reports:

The report includes some striking criticism of the IMF's performance ahead of the crisis. The

agency provided few clear warnings about the risks, the report says.

IMF surveillance of the economic situation was characterised by over-confidence in the

soundness of large financial institutions. The risks associated with housing booms and

financial innovations, subsequently called toxic assets, were downplayed.

The IMF's managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn welcomed the report, which he said

puts forward many constructive ideas and is consistent with the Fund's own analysis.

The IMF has had a central role in responding to the crisis, with emergency loans and other

assistance for some countries. The IMF has a continuing role in dealing with the financial

problems in the Euro area, where it is providing loans to both Ireland and Greece.

Andrew Walker, BBC News

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Words in the News

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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Vocabulary and definitions


very noticeable or unusual


things said or written to tell people about a possible danger


careful watching of something



housing booms

times when a lot of houses are being built and sold for high


toxic assets

investments backed by risky mortgages that are held by

large banks, and that have lost value, dragging down

banks' balance sheets

puts forward

suggests or presents


helpful or positive actions or comments


behaviour or actions which are the same over a period of


emergency loans

lending of money which is desperately needed

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