Dare Kim Home Sweet Home

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Home Sweet Home

By Kim Dare

Resplendence Publishing, LLC


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Home Sweet Home

Copyright © 2012 Kim Dare

Edited by Christine Allen-Riley
Cover art by Les Byerley,


Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-504-5

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable
by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: May 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product
of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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With thanks to Chris of



To learn more about this story, go to


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Chapter One

“Oh, dear lord, what the hell is…?”

Jay’s jaw actually dropped a little as he stared wide-eyed at the huge wooden sculpture

standing in the hallway of his master’s and his new house. He absentmindedly set down his

backpack full of university text books by the door and stepped closer to it.

The thing was so tall he had to tilt back his head in order to peer up at the topmost section

of it. If the hallway hadn’t been blessed with such a high ceiling, the thing would never have

been able to fit into the house at all. Although, the longer Jay spent staring at it, the more he

wondered if that might not have been a good thing.

“Should I take this to mean you don’t approve?”

Jay’s attention jerked toward the doorway leading from the hallway into the living room.


His master raised one perfectly shaped black eyebrow at him but said nothing. With his

arms folded across his chest, Richard damn near filled the doorway with a solid wall of black


Black, high-necked shirt. Black trousers. And, of course, the highly polished black

boots—those practically went without saying.

The only thing that broke Richard’s preferred color scheme was the little glint of silver

where a key hung from a chain around his neck—the key that operated the lock on Jay’s collar.

The moment Jay saw it, his hand went to his own neck and the thick silver chain that had rested

there for over nine months.

Eventually, Jay’s inspection of his master arrived back at Richard’s face. He mentally

cursed himself as he realized he’d been staring in silence for far too long. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t

realize you were home.”

“Do you also realize that your statement doesn’t in any way answer my question?”

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Jay swallowed. Without his permission, his gaze strayed back to the monstrosity filling

an insane amount of space in their elegant Victorian hallway. “It’s…it’s…”

A huge wooden statue of a cock was what it was—complete with big round balls carved

at its base. In a sex club, it might have been fine. Even in a gay bar, no problem. In their hallway,

it was a complete eyesore. Unwilling to blurt that out, and equally unwilling to lie to his lover,

Jay dutifully scrambled for something honest, yet complimentary, to say about the thing.

“It’s very…big,” he hazarded. Big was always a good thing, right?

Richard stepped forward. Lacking an order to move, Jay remained exactly where he was.

His master was in that kind of mood. Jay could feel the energy pouring off Richard as he came

closer. The short blond hairs on the back of Jay’s neck prickled as the other man walked around

behind him.

“You have mentioned, several times in fact, that you wished me to make some sort of

contribution toward your efforts to decorate this house.”

Jay continued to stare at the cock-shaped carving as if it might do something interesting

at any moment. Damn, but, if it did, it would create one hell of a cum stain for him to clean up!

“Answer me, Jay.”

Jay had to clear his throat before he could even try to get a single word out. “Yes, sir,” he

admitted, when he finally found his voice. “I did ask you to do that.”

“And?” Richard prompted, from just behind him.

Praise or punishment? It wasn’t immediately obvious to Jay what the hell the statue was

supposed to represent. Could Richard really want that thing in their hall? Or had he just put it

there as a punishment for his nagging? One thing was certain—it wouldn’t be Richard who

blushed every time someone came to the door and saw the thing peeking over his shoulder.

In either scenario, Jay realized the appropriate response was the same. “Thank you, sir.”

Praise or punishment, he was thankful for his master’s attention.

Richard stepped closer. Dipping his head, he brought his lips to Jay’s ear and whispered

his next words across the sensitive skin just behind the lobe. “If you really want to thank me, I

think you can do better than that.”

Technically, Jay was aware that he still hadn’t been ordered to move out of the position

Richard had found him in, but some things were worth risking anything for. He turned to face his


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Tilting back his head, Jay met the taller man’s eyes and held his gaze without blinking.

“I’m yours, sir.”

There was so much he wanted to add to the statement, but he found himself completely

incapable of finding the right syllables with which to frame his thoughts. He was Richard’s to do

with as he pleased. Everything he had, everything he did and was, it all belonged to his master.

He had already given all he could to Richard. There was nothing left for him to offer, not in

thanks or in anything else.

Jay dropped his gaze as doubts suddenly filled his mind.

Stupid. He’d been so bloody stupid, nagging Richard, trying to push his master into doing

something he obviously had no interest in. He’d completely failed to appreciate what he had,

because he wanted more. Was there any worse crime a supposedly well-trained submissive could


Jay closed his eyes, terrified that he already knew the answer.

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Chapter Two

Richard stared down at the blond spikes that covered the top of Jay’s head, until he was

completely sure that his submissive had no intention of looking up of his own volition. Richard

took a step back. Jay still didn’t move. From his new vantage point, Richard could see that Jay’s

eyes were closed so tightly, his entire expression was distorted.

Richard frowned, wondering what the hell was going on. He glanced toward the statue.

True, he’d expected it to be a shock, but not that much of a shock. No cock, no matter how big,

should be able to do this to a man who was otherwise happy about his lot in life.

“Tell me about your day,” Richard ordered, barely missing a beat as he set aside

everything he’d planned for their evening.

The command convinced Jay to look up. Big brown eyes stared up at Richard in

confusion. “Sir?”

Richard raised an eyebrow, not used to his lover failing to follow such a simple direction.

It had been months since Jay hesitated to answer any question Richard put to him in that

particular tone of voice.

Jay cleared his throat again, as if there was some strong emotion making it close up

around his voice box. “Yes, sir.” He fixed his gaze on some apparently random point on the wall,

and made a visible effort to push on. “I didn’t have any lectures this morning, so I just ticked off

my list of chores in the house and ordered the food we needed from the supermarket. After

lunch, I had a lecture on medieval history until three o’clock. Then, I met up with Justin. We did

two hours behind the desk at the university’s diversity center together.”

“Any problems?” Richard asked, studying Jay very carefully for non-verbal clues he

might display.

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Jay’s frown was only just visible past the messy blond strands that consistently

threatened to fall forward and block out his vision at any moment. “No, sir.”

Richard’s brow furrowed too, and he had a far better forehead for frowning. Sod

questions and answers. Orders were obviously what they needed. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I…nothing, sir,” Jay mumbled, fiddling with the end of the zip on his hoodie as he


“Jay…” The warning note Richard injected into his voice seemed to be enough to bring

Jay back to something like sense.

“It’s not easy to offer thanks to someone who already owns everything you have to give,”

Jay whispered.

Richard tensed. Momentarily lost for words, he didn’t say anything in response to the

whispered confession for several long seconds. “I see we still have a long way to go with your

training,” he finally said, not entirely sure if he spoke more to himself or to Jay.

The younger man swallowed rapidly, making his Adam’s apple bob. “Yes, sir.”

When Richard spoke next, he made sure his words were calm and level, with no trace of

the emotion that raced through his veins. “You have exactly sixty seconds to be stripped down to

your collar.”

One, one-thousand. Two, one-thousand.

Jay frantically scrambled out of his clothes as he counted off the seconds inside his head.

He tossed everything he wore straight onto the elaborate parquetry around his feet, unwilling to

waste time with folding when his master hadn’t specified a desire for neatness in his order.

When the last item of clothing hit the floor, Jay still had twenty seconds left to play with.

Scooping up each garment as quickly as he could, he dumped everything he’d been wearing on a

chair just inside the living room, where Richard wouldn’t see them or be distracted by them,

before rushing back to his master’s side.

He had just enough time left to take a deep breath and compose himself. As his sixty

seconds ended, Jay stood neatly in front of Richard, his hands folded behind his back and his

chin tilted up, just the way he’d been taught to present himself.

Richard only spared him one nod of approval before turning his back on him.

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Jay watched his master’s movements very carefully—as if there might be a test upon

them at some point later in the night. On the other side of the room, Richard opened the small

door leading into the storage area under the stairs and took something out.

Black leather cuffs. Jay might not have been sure what the hell was going on that day, but

the sight of those cuffs eased some of his panic. They were old familiar friends, and his cock

twitched at the sight of them.

Richard crossed the room to stand next to the huge wooden cock. There must have been

some sort of hook attached to the very top of the statue, out of Jay’s line of sight. Richard deftly

connected the cuffs to whatever was up there, so they hung down on what would have been the

upper side of a wooden giant’s hard on.

A click of his master’s fingers and Jay stepped forward. Before he even thought about

what he was doing, Jay walked right up to the sculpture. He had to lean against the smooth,

polished wood to have any chance of reaching high enough to be able to offer his wrists to the

cuffs. Even when he pushed himself up onto tiptoes he was only just able to brush the skin on the

inside of his wrists against the leather cuffs.

Richard stepped up behind him. The warmth of his master’s body radiated out and

instantly warmed Jay’s skin through the other man’s clothes. Within seconds, Jay’s wrists were

restrained. He wasn’t going anywhere. Freeing himself would be impossible.

Richard stepped back. Jay couldn’t tell what his lover did while he was out of sight

behind him, but he still knew the moment Richard left the room. The atmosphere in the space

changed. Jay closed his eyes. If he could have closed his other senses, he’d have done that, too.

The wood was incredibly smooth, and his body rubbed against it every time he tried to

adjust his position. The slight curve the artist had given the wooden erection meant that Jay had

little choice but to lean forward and push out his arse in offering.

Jay took a deep breath. The rich aroma of the wood filled his lungs, with just a touch of

the leather from around his wrists adding to the scent to give it a little extra spice.

Without any warning, Jay’s right calf began to tense and cramp. He shifted his weight to

his other foot as he desperately tried to stretch out the screaming muscle. The statue was either

even heavier than it looked, or it was bolted to the floor. It didn’t even wobble as Jay squirmed.

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His own cock wasn’t quite so unresponsive. Each time Jay rubbed against the wood, he

became just a little bit harder, but he was completely incapable of stilling himself while pain

coursed through his leg.

And wasn’t that just bloody perfect?

If his master had tied him there for a punishment, he’d just love coming back into the

room to find Jay getting off on humping the damn thing.

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Chapter Three

Richard paused on the living room’s threshold, stopping short of entering the hallway.

Jay’s buttocks clenched and flexed as his hips moved rapidly. As Richard watched, Jay pushed

his cock against the statue over and over again.

Richard already had his mouth open with an order to stop rushing to his lips, when he

glanced down. The contortions Jay attempted to perform with his right leg were impressive by

anyone’s standards. There couldn’t be many men capable of flexing their foot, and rubbing the

back of their calf against something they were tied to, at the same time.


At least, that was one problem Richard knew how to solve both quickly and efficiently.

He stepped forward. Crouching down directly behind Jay, he only just missed being smacked in

the head by a flailing foot.

Instinct kicked in. Richard caught hold of Jay’s ankle the next time he mindlessly lashed

out at his discomfort.

Jay jerked, trying to pull his leg away from the unexpected contact.

“Sir!” It was more a gasp than a real word. Richard took no notice of it as he straightened

the submissive’s leg and rubbed his thumbs against the knotted calf muscle.

“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t hear you come back, and—”

“Unless you gave yourself cramp on purpose, there’s nothing you need to apologize to

me for.”

Jay immediately fell silent.

Richard frowned as he continued to work on the spasming limb. He might only have been

fondling Jay’s leg, but being that close to the other man while he was naked was still enough to

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make Richard desperate to jump the boy like a teenager who’d only just worked out that orgasms

were a lot more fun when they weren’t achieved by flying solo.

He looked up, running his gaze slowly over Jay’s body. There were no physical injuries.

The only change in Jay was that he appeared to be more tense than usual. Whatever had rocked

the submissive’s confidence had to be psychological.

Gradually, the muscles Richard worked on relaxed. Jay let out a little sigh of relief.

Placing Jay’s foot back on the floor at the base of the statue, Richard stood up.

“Thank you, sir.”

“There’s no need for you to thank me for anything either.”

Jay closed his eyes. From the look on his face, anyone would have thought Richard had

slapped him.

“You really have no idea, do you?” Richard whispered, more to himself than his


Jay flinched away from him again.

Unable to bear seeing him pull away a third time, Richard reached out and caught hold of

the padlock on his lover’s silver collar.

Every muscle Jay possessed achieved a new level of tension.

“I have no intention of taking away your collar,” Richard promised. Before Jay had a

chance to respond, Richard went on. “Although, I do wonder if I was somewhat hasty in giving it

to you.”

Jay’s head was turned to one side, so his cheek rested on the smooth wood. Richard

stepped to the right of the statue, bringing himself face to face with Jay. “Open your eyes.”

Jay obeyed, although it obviously wasn’t an order he found easy to follow.

“If you really believe that you’ve nothing left to give me, I completely failed in my

attempts to properly introduce you to this lifestyle.”

Jay shook his head, very quickly, as if he couldn’t stand to hear anyone disparage his

master—even Richard himself. Jay’s cuffs rattled against the hook that held them in place.

Richard smiled at the strangely timed display of loyalty, but his expression soon turned

serious again. “If you came to me and made a genuine request for me to remove your collar, I’d

release you.” The very thought of it made Richard feel sick to his stomach, but he knew he’d do

it if he had to.

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Jay stared up at him, his head tilted back from the statue so he could see clearly past his

own arm.

“You’re free to do that at any time,” Richard said, forcing his voice to remain level. “It’s

important you remember that. Your submission doesn’t mean a damn if it’s not freely given.”

Jay’s Adam’s apple bobbed rapidly, as if he suddenly found it harder to control his

emotions than ever. Richard couldn’t blame him. If he hadn’t been so sure Jay would notice he

might have indulged in the same action himself.

“It is, sir,” Jay whispered. “It is freely given…”

Richard stroked Jay’s hair back from his face. “Every day?” he asked.

Jay frowned. “Sir?”

“Do you give your submission to me freely every day?” Richard pushed.

He’d known for a long time that Jay was something special, something different than any

submissive he’d ever taken in the past, but he hadn’t realized just how important the other man’s

answer to that particular question would feel.

He was barely able to keep his breathing steady as he went on. “Do you submit because

you still want to submit to me, or because you made me a promise nine months ago?”

Jay’s frown deepened. “I…Every day, sir.”

Richard let out a breath he hadn’t been able to stop himself from holding while he’d

waited for Jay’s answer. “And you don’t think that’s a gift?” he asked.

The confusion in Jay’s eyes made Richard smile once more. “What do you think I mean

when I tell you not to thank me for things all the time?” Richard slid his hand into Jay’s spiky

hair, encouraging him to tilt his head back a little farther, making it impossible for Jay to look


“You thank me with your submission,” Richard said. “And that’s all the thanks I’ll ever

need from you. Words aren’t necessary.” Slipping his hand from Jay’s hair, he stroked his

fingers down Jay’s back until they rested on his arse.

Jay’s head fell forward again, until his cheek came to rest on the smooth wooden surface

of the statue. Richard felt the tension slowly seep out of the other man’s body, even if the

confusion hadn’t completely vanished from his eyes.

“For example, you may find thanking me for this particular gift very enjoyable…”

Richard said, dipping his head to whisper in Jay’s ear. He only had to lower his head another

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fraction to press a kiss against Jay’s shoulder. “Submitting, submitting willingly, to my desire to

tie you to it and screw could be a lot of fun, couldn’t it?”

Jay arched, pressing against Richard’s hand. The movement seemed to be completely

instinctive. He craved his master’s touch the way only a true submissive could. Richard smiled

as he stood behind Jay, and he slid both his hands over him, until his palms rested on either side

of Jay’s hips.

Lining up his body behind Jay’s, he leaned forward and pressed his fly against Jay’s arse.

Jay immediately pushed back against him, rubbing his buttocks against Richard’s cock

through the layers of cloth. This time his movements were different—they were obviously

entirely conscious.

“Do you like my statue now?” Richard teased.

Jay nodded rapidly. “It’s a fantastic addition to the house, sir. Perfect. It will be a

pleasure to dust it.”

Richard chuckled.

Jay smiled too. His eyes dropped closed.

“Good boy,” Richard whispered. He momentarily released his grip on Jay’s hips to open

his fly.

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Chapter Four

The sound of a zipper being drawn down wasn’t just music to Jay’s ears; it was the most

beautiful symphony ever written.

It only took Richard a few seconds to push his clothes aside. The tip of his erection

brushed against Jay’s right buttock, already slicked with pre-cum, as Richard freed his cock.

Jay squirmed helplessly, desperate to feel his master lodged deep inside him, to know that

everything was once more right with the world.

“Patience,” Richard whispered, but there was no chiding in his voice, only amusement.

That was tantamount to permission for Jay to wriggle and writhe against the statue as much as he


Trusting that he’d read his master’s mood correctly, Jay didn’t even try to control his

body’s frustration. He pulled down against the cuffs, lifting part of his weight off his

increasingly sore feet. His cock moved against the wood. He’d leaked so much pre-cum, his shaft

slid easily against the smooth surface. There was no friction, no chance of getting off on that


Richard had walked back into the room fully prepared. His fingers were slicked with lube

as he slid them between their bodies and sought Jay’s hole. He must have been carrying the lube

in his pocket. The liquid was warm and glorious as Richard worked two digits inside Jay’s body

and coaxed him to relax for his cock.

“That’s right.” The whispered words sent a shiver down Jay’s spine.

When Richard’s fingers left him, Jay had to bite back a protest. A lifetime seemed to pass

before his master’s cock took their place, pressing against Jay’s hole, teasing him, promising to

give him exactly what he wanted but never actually following through and delivering.

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Jay whimpered. He kicked out with his feet. If he’d been tied to the other side of the

sculpture, he might have been able to hoist himself up onto the carved balls at the base of the

statue and use them as leverage. As it was, he was helpless.

“Please, sir?”

Richard didn’t say anything, he just thrust forward, bringing their bodies together so

perfectly, it was almost impossible to believe they hadn’t been specifically designed to fit into

each other that way—that destiny and soul mates weren’t just things that occurred in books, but

possibilities which might actually seep into the lives of ordinary men like him.

Jay would have cut out his own tongue rather than admit it aloud, but he knew deep down

that he’d found the other half of himself when he’d met his master.

Richard stilled, and Jay forced himself to remain motionless to let the other man enjoy

those first few moments inside him without distraction. A full minute ticked past, but when

Richard eventually pulled back, Jay was quick to ensure his movements fell in time with the

other man’s thrusts.

Their dance was perfectly choreographed. Neither of their rhythms faltered, neither of

them doubted who was in the lead either. Jay pushed back in perfect counterpoint to Richard’s

thrusts, glorying in each moment and each touch against his prostate. He moaned, unable to resist

the desire to share his bliss with his master, to wordlessly thank him just once more, for anything

and everything he gave to him.

Richard’s groans of ecstasy were deeper. Even when they swirled through an ocean of

pleasure together, he managed to sound more serious, more somber than anyone else in the

world. Jay smiled, rubbing his face against the statue.

One thrust after another, Richard pushed more and more pleasure into Jay’s body.

Gasping for breath, Jay tossed back his head, desperately trying to keep control of his body and

continue to follow his master’s lead, even when the only thing every cell of his being wanted to

do was come, hard, fast and most importantly of all, while his master was still buried deep inside


Please don’t tell me not to come; please don’t tell me not to come. Jay used every scrap

of self control he had left to keep back those words.

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The wooden statue held Jay’s hands firmly cuffed in place above his head, but it was

Richard’s hands that stole away the last of his freedom as they tightened their grip on Jay’s hips

and forced him to fall still.

Another thrust and Jay felt his master’s rhythm falter for the first time. Richard was

coming, and they both knew that, lacking an order not to climax, his master’s orgasm was Jay’s

permission to allow himself to descend into his own spiral of bliss.

Pure ecstasy rushed through Jay’s mind in a giant wave that threatened to sweep away

everything in its path. Like a tsunami rushing through a forest, it demolished every tree and vine

it encountered, and carried away the debris with it.

When the tide of bliss gradually receded, only a barren landscape remained. There wasn’t

a single thought in Jay’s head as he gasped for breath, his chest pressing hard against the wooden

statue, a thin veneer of sweat slicking his skin’s movements against the giant cock.

He whimpered as he finally managed to focus on the world around him. Richard leaned

against his back, the warmth and comfort of his presence seeping into Jay’s skin as his master’s

shaft gradually softened inside him.

When Richard pulled away a few seconds later, Jay had to bite down on his bottom lip to

stop himself from protesting. He fully expected to be left there so his master could admire the

picture he’d created, as was the other man’s usual habit after putting him into bondage, but

Richard reached up and unbuckled the cuffs the moment he had done up his fly.

Jay barely had a moment to shake some life back into his limbs before Richard’s hand

was wrapped around his wrist and they were halfway into the living room.

Jay automatically turned toward his clothes, to either put them on or to tidy them away,

but Richard kept going, leading him straight across to the fireplace.


“Just because you thanked me, and thanked me very beautifully I might add, for the

statue; that doesn’t mean there won’t be a conversation about what the hell’s been going on with

you since we moved into this house.”

Rather than pull up a chair, Richard sat down on the rug in front of the fire, tugging Jay

down to kneel in front of him at the same time.

Any pleasure that might have been lingering in Jay’s body vanished.

“Talk.” Richard didn’t add any other words to the command.

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It wasn’t an order that invited disobedience, but suddenly, Jay couldn’t think of a single

thing to say.

He stared down at the narrow strip of rug between them. The fire burned nicely behind its

guard. He should have been beautifully warm, but a shiver ran down his spine.

“Is there some reason why you’ve suddenly decided I don’t trust you to turn this house

into something I’d approve of without my help?” Richard prompted.

Jay shook his head. “It’s not that, sir. I just…” He closed his eyes for a moment. “It’s

supposed to be a home, not a hotel, sir.” Jay opened his eyes just in time to see Richard raise an

eyebrow at him. “I just…I just wanted you to—it’s your house too, sir. If there’s nothing of you

here, if there’s nothing that will keep you here, then—”


Jay blinked. “Sir?”

“You, you’re what keeps me coming home. That would be the same if we lived in a


Jay had never seen Richard look more serious. He tried to look down, but Richard tucked

a knuckle under his chin and made that impossible.

“Are you really that oblivious to how much I love you?” Richard asked.

For a second, Jay was completely speechless, even when he finally found his tongue all

he could do was mumble, “Me too, sir.”

Richard chuckled. “Silly little fool. Once more, just so there are no misunderstandings—I

come home because you’re here, understand? Not because of the wallpaper or the furniture, and

certainly not because there’s a god-awful statue in the hall!”

Jay glanced over his shoulder. Considered from a kneeling position, it looked bigger than


“Make sure it’s cleaned up by tomorrow.”

“Of course, sir,” Jay said, just a little bit hurt that his master would think he’d fail to do


“The removal men will be here first thing,” Richard added.


“You don’t think I’d really leave that thing there permanently, do you? It’s only rented

for the day.”

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Jay closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he saw the amusement in

Richard’s gaze and knew that he’d left out one possibility. It wasn’t praise or punishment, just a

lesson—one more step in his training.

A calm contentment rolled through Jay as that sank slowly into his mind. He leaned

forward, just a fraction of an inch. Richard slipped his hand behind Jay’s head and pulled him the

rest of the way, until their mouths finally met.

By the time Richard broke from the kiss, Jay had to gasp for breath. His lips tingled with


Richard, of course, seemed to be completely capable of surviving on less than one

molecule of oxygen per minute. “If you really want to have something of mine in the house,” he

said, with apparent calm. “I believe there’s a portrait of a really ugly great-grandfather hanging

in my parents’ house. They’ve been trying to fob it off on me for years. Apparently, it has to stay

in the family, even if no one can stand the sight of him.”

Jay glanced up at Richard. His lips twitched as he saw the laughter in his master’s eyes.

He dropped his head to rest on Richard’s shoulder. “It’s okay, sir. I think we can do without


Ugly great grandfathers weren’t important—not while his master came home because of


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About the Author

Kim Dare is a twenty-eight year old, full time writer from Wales (UK).

First published in December 2008, Kim has since released over fifty BDSM erotic romances.
That means that well over one hundred characters have chattered away inside her head during
that time—and that’s not even taking into account the fact that there are over three times that
number of people clamoring in the wings for a chance to tell their stories. It’s no wonder she
loses track of what’s happening in the “real” world at times…

While Kim’s stories range over male/male, male/female and all kinds of ménage relationships
and have included vampires, time travelers, shape-shifters and fairytale re-tellings, they all have
three things in common—kink, love and a happy ending.

|Kim loves to talk to her readers and can be found at www.kimdare.com.

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Also Available from

Resplendence Publishing

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When the FBI and local law enforcement team up for a mutually beneficial crime-stopping
partnership, Rookie Agent Chris Tarpington and Detective Vin Pilk team up to prototype the
new alliance. How better to bust a ring of drug dealing suburban house wives than to go
undercover-way undercover, as a married couple?

Though Chris reluctantly gets in touch with his feminine side, he quickly finds ways of making
his sexy partner squirm. And Vin is definitely squirming, but will he run away from his faux
wife, or right into 'her' arms?

One thing is for sure: as the investigation heats up, 'inter-agency cooperation' will take on a
whole new meaning...

Romero and Julian

by Brynn Paulin

Stay away from them! Wesley Romero and Micah Julian have heard the admonitions their entire
lives, but when lightning-fast attraction strikes them one night, they can’t deny the connection
that binds them. Their families may be engaged in a long-standing feud, but Wes and Micah
want to solve their differences in a more civilized manner—in bed and in each other’s embrace,
where arm-to-arm combat has never been so good.

In the Shadow of a Hero by Anna Mayle

A cop dies in the city, life goes on. For one little boy, though, it changed everything. Haunted by
his past, Maxwell Thomas has grown up homeless and friendless, trapped by his guilt. Prowling
the city, the small man guards the Church District like a vigilante, trying to make up for his
crime. When he rescues the wrong rent boy, he is pulled back into the madness that destroyed
him as a child. And now, another cop's life is on the line...

Nick Kenna is a beat cop with dreams of being a detective. When he stumbles across a murder
and the very unusual suspect, he finds himself caught, not only by the mystery of the vagrant he's
apprehended, but something deeper that sparks between them.

Will Nick be able to save Maxwell, from his past and himself? Or will love be lost as the broken
man fades into the shadow of his hero?

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