Dare Kim Pushing The Envelope 9 By Hand

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Show me what you really like. As requests went, it seemed to Joe

that Scott’s latest one was open to a great deal of interpretation. But,
when an envelope contained no further details regarding a
submissive’s preference, it obviously fell to the dominant to take up
the slack and lead the scene in whichever direction he chose.

Joe was more than happy to oblige with that. As he put the

finishing touches to his preparations, he whistled tunelessly under his
breath, very happy with the world and his place in it.

Taking a few paces back, he ran a critical eye over his bedroom.

Yes, it was all just right. He’d just started lifting his wrist to glance at
his watch when a knock sounded against his door.

Punctuality was such a nice trait in a submissive. Joe made his way

to the front door, neither rushing nor making a point of keeping his
lover waiting. There was no room for games like that in his plans for
this evening.

He pulled the door open.
Scott smiled, but his expression quickly changed as he dropped his

gaze and took in Joe’s outfit of choice. Apparently, he’d never seen a
man open his front door while stark naked, completely hard, and very
ready to screw.

Scott’s mouth formed a perfect O. His attention slid all the way

down to Joe’s feet before slowly making its way back up his body.
When Joe felt Scott had been given enough time to look his fill, he
stepped back and let him into the flat…

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Pushing The Envelope, Book I: For The Attention Of

Pushing The Envelope, Book II: RSVP

Pushing The Envelope, Book III: Written Request

Pushing The Envelope, Book IV: Orders Enclosed

Pushing The Envelope, Book V: Cordially Invited

Pushing The Envelope, Book VI: For His Eyes Only

Pushing The Envelope, Book VII: Yours Sincerely

Pushing The Envelope, Book VIII: Be There

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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC


All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2012 by Kim Dare

ISBN 978-1-61124-278-2

Cover Art © 2012 Trace Edward Zaber


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Show me what you really like.

As requests went, it seemed to Joe that Scott’s latest one was

open to a great deal of interpretation. But, when an envelope
contained no further details regarding a submissive’s preference, it
obviously fell to the dominant to take up the slack and lead the
scene in whichever direction he chose.

Joe was more than happy to oblige with that. As he put the

finishing touches to his preparations, he whistled tunelessly under
his breath, very happy with the world and his place in it.

Taking a few paces back, he ran a critical eye over his

bedroom. Yes, it was all just right. He’d just started lifting his
wrist to glance at his watch when a knock sounded against his

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Punctuality was such a nice trait in a submissive. Joe made his

way to the front door, neither rushing nor making a point of
keeping his lover waiting. There was no room for games like that
in his plans for this evening.

He pulled the door open.
Scott smiled, but his expression quickly changed as he dropped

his gaze and took in Joe’s outfit of choice. Apparently, he’d never
seen a man open his front door while stark naked, completely hard,
and very ready to screw.

Scott’s mouth formed a perfect O. His attention slid all the way

down to Joe’s feet before slowly making its way back up his body.
When Joe felt Scott had been given enough time to look his fill, he
stepped back and let him into the flat.

It would have been wrong to say that Scott pulled himself

together at that point. Joe wasn’t sure he’d ever seen the other man
achieve “together” in all the time he’d known him, but Scott
obediently stepped inside and followed Joe to his bedroom without
any complaint. It was close enough.

“That’s new, isn’t it?”
Scott turned toward Joe, just in time to see him close the

bedroom door and seal them in there together, but his attention
soon shifted back to the huge flat screen TV set up on a low
cabinet opposite the foot of Joe’s bed.

“New to my place at least. I borrowed it from a friend,” Joe

mentioned, casually, as he took up a position alongside the bed.

“Oh…” Scott frowned in confusion.
“You asked me to show you exactly what I like,” Joe reminded


“Yes.” Scott blinked. Everything seemed to click together

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inside his head. “Of course. Porn!”

Columbus couldn’t have sounded more thrilled with his

discovery when he stumbled upon America.

“Yeah,” Joe agreed. “Porn.” He even managed to keep a

straight face as he said it.

Scott stepped forward, heading toward the pile of DVDs set

next to the screen.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Joe asked, before he was

even halfway there.

Scott stopped and looked over his shoulder at him.
“I’m naked. You’re not,” Joe said.
“Oh, sorry.” Scott immediately reached for the hem of his T-

shirt and pulled it over his head.

Apparently, Joe had the other man far better trained than he’d

realised. With no hint of shyness or hesitation, Scott stripped away
every stitch of clothing he wore. He was already more than half-
hard by the time he stood naked before Joe, all thought of DVDs
apparently forgotten now, in favour of simply waiting for another

Joe sat on the wide double bed and leaned back against the

pillows he’d propped up against the headboard in readiness.
“Come here.”

Scott immediately climbed onto the bed and crawled across the

wide expanse of dark blue sheet until he knelt next to Joe. He
licked his lips in apparent anticipation, waiting only for Joe to give
him permission go down on him. Catching hold of Scott’s wrist,
Joe deftly re-arranged the other man. Scott soon sat by his side
with both of them leaning back against the headboard, their legs
stretched out toward the TV.

Joe picked up the remote from the bedside table and pressed a

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button. The screen burst into life. The speakers kicked in. A man’s
hard cock appeared, almost completely filling the screen. The hand
wrapped around the shaft, pumping it in strong determined
movements. A groan of pleasure filled the air.

A little spurt of pre-cum left the tip of the guy’s cock. He deftly

caught it across his palm and used it to slick his touch. The gasp
relayed by the speakers made it obvious that the star of the show
was already very close to coming.

Joe turned to Scott. The other man was staring at the screen

wide eyed and apparently completely mesmerised. If he’d never
seen gay porn before, he was a bloody good actor. His impression
of a man who hadn’t so much as caught a glimpse of anything
rated above a PG was Oscar worthy.

Reaching across the thin strip of blanket between them, Joe

wrapped his fingers around Scott’s cock. Scott jerked as if an
electric current had shot through him the very moment Joe made
contact. Forget static, this was more like the voltage that inspired
little yellow signs showing men and lightning bolts.

Scott looked quickly toward Joe and then back to the screen,

apparently unable to cope with both things being part of his world
at the same time.

Joe watched his lover’s reaction with great interest. He also

made a point of keeping his hand firmly in place while he waited
out Scott’s panic. There would be no backing off today, no taking
it easy on Scott because he was so obviously innocent.

With plate tectonic haste, Scott relaxed a little, at least enough

to be able to lean back against the pillows rather than sit ramrod
stiff, ready to leap out of the bed at the first sudden movement.

Scott’s gaze flicked rapidly between Joe’s face and the screen,

occasionally dropping to look at the way Joe’s hand encircled his

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shaft. A full minute passed before Joe saw a change, but
eventually, a fourth point appeared on Scott’s itinerary—Joe’s
cock. By the time another sixty seconds had slipped past, Scott had
abandoned looking at anything else.

It was difficult to be sure if he was fascinated by Joe’s erection,

or scared that it might attack him if provoked. Joe’s lips twisted
into a half-smile. Scott was safe, for now. The attacking would
come later. He had a few other things planned first.

He reached out toward Scott again, this time with his other

hand. He caught hold of Scott’s wrist. Allowing no time for first let
alone second thoughts on Scott’s part, Joe closed Scott’s fist
around his own erection.

It was a nice, neat arrangement; each of them had a cock to

stroke, each had the pleasure of another man’s hand moving over
his shaft. And they both still had a wonderful view of the screen.

Scott gasped in obvious dismay. His eyes were filled with

panic as he turned to Joe. An apology was no doubt already
rushing toward his lips.

With a nod toward the screen, Joe quickly let Scott know that it

wasn’t his dom who was giving the orders, the word wasn’t
directed toward Scott.

Whatever doubts Joe might have harboured on a particular

point in the past, they all vanished in that instant. No one was that
good an actor. Scott really had never seen proper leather porn

His expression didn’t grow in the least bit less shocked as the

camera gradually zoomed out and showed that the man jacking
himself off was trapped by several thick leather straps that
completely encircled his body.

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The guy’s only free limb was the one that ended in the hand

jacking his cock. Heavy restraints fastened by huge padlocks kept
the rest of him bound to a wooden post in the middle of a squalid
room. Paint and plaster flaked off the wall visible in the back
ground. The floor was nothing but rough concrete. But Joe doubted
that Scott was in any condition to take in the interior decor.

Scott’s attention was all on the dom standing next to the bound

porn star. Joe studied his lover’s gaze a little more closely. His
hand tightened around Scott’s cock, pulling the submissive’s mind
back to him.

Swallowing rapidly, Scott turned his face toward Joe but he

didn’t focus on him the way he had upon the actor on the screen.
Joe tensed at the realisation. He only grew less impressed when it
took Scott several seconds to lift his gaze high enough to look him
in the eye.

That was the only thing visible in his expression. Oh, there

were probably bits and pieces of other things in there. Shock and
shyness were never far away where Scott was concerned. Lust
tended to make itself known most of the time once the scene
started, too. But it was the submission that owned Scott right then.

He hadn’t looked at the guy on the screen like that. Curiously,

yes. Warily, quite possibly, maybe even with a kind of fascination.
But he hadn’t looked at him with any inclination to submit to him.

Joe nodded once in approval and looked back to the TV. Scott

followed his lead.

“You don’t come until I give permission,” the porn dom


Joe began to move his hand over Scott’s cock in slow, easy

strokes. With his eyes still fixed on the screen, Scott automatically

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began to raise and lower his hand in echo of Joe’s actions, jacking
Joe’s cock at the exact same speed.

It was almost sweet, just how fascinated Scott seemed to be

with the film.

“Keep that hand moving!” porn dom demanded.
The poor sod tied to the post whimpered as he obeyed.
The two competing orders, to prevent himself coming while

constantly pushing himself closer to the edge, must have put him in
a special sort of hell. The fact that his only bit of freedom existed
especially so he could torment himself probably messed with his
mind just as thoroughly as his hand messed with his body.

But really, Joe could only guess why the sub was playing the

game. For a moment, he looked away from sub and turned his gaze
upon the other guy in the picture. He knew what that dom was
thinking. He was glorying in being in such complete control of
another man, in being able to do whatever the hell he wanted with
another guy.

And, if they weren’t just strangers the director had thrown into

a scene, but a real dom and sub, as the DVD box had claimed, that
wouldn’t be all porn dom felt. Playing with someone he knew
would feel very different. Joe was only just starting to realise how
true that was.

Joe turned his attention back to Scott as, with his free hand, he

paused the action on the film set.

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“That’s what you like?” Scott asked, as the image on the screen

flickered and stilled. He tried like hell not to sound breathless and
already desperate to come, and failed spectacularly.

Joe might have halted everything on the screen, but the scene in

the bedroom was far from frozen in place. Joe’s hand was still
wrapped around Scott’s cock, and it was moving just as
unstoppably as the screen sub’s had.

Scott bit down on his bottom lip and gathered together his wits

as best he could. He cleared his throat in the hope of sounding
calm when he spoke again. “You’d like us to do that?”

“I like control. I like being in control of you.”
Scott risked a glance at Joe.
It was impossible to stare at him as if he were no different to an

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actor on the screen. Scott had to drop his gaze almost the very
moment that their eyes met, but even that fraction of a second was
enough. The strength of emotion in Joe’s eyes was unmistakable.

“And you like deciding when guys get to come,” Scott added

with complete certainty.

“That, too,” Joe confirmed.
Scott bit back a needy little whimper. He already wanted to

come more than he’d ever thought possible. He looked down at his
cock and the way Joe’s hand encircled it.

Control. Being under another man’s control. That was what

made watching porn so different now than it had been on his own.
It was what made the images on the screen stop being fantasies and
become possibilities.

Scott took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Joe didn’t need a bright light to shine in anyone’s

eyes. He had an amazing way of growling questions that made
them sound like an interrogation even while they were sitting
companionably next to each other.

“I promise I won’t come without permission,” Scott whispered.
And that was it. Joe simply accepted control of a huge part of

Scott’s life being handed over to him as if it was nothing more than
his right to receive it.

Scott glanced down at his cock. Technically, he might have felt

like he should ask the other man’s permission to come for quite a
long time, but that wasn’t the same as saying it out loud, as making
it official, as promising.

Joe’s hand was still moving over Scott’s shaft in slow,

persistent strokes. It was only then that Scott realised his own hand
continued to caress Joe at exactly the same speed.

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“I like knowing that you’ll do whatever I say.” Joe seemed

about to add something else, but it looked as if he decided against
it at the last moment.

Unwilling to risk overstepping unspoken boundaries and asking

questions Joe might prefer he didn’t voice, Scott remained silent
and let the moment slip away.

The TV went momentarily blank. Another picture appeared

barely a second later. The remote was on the other side of Joe, it
wasn’t easy for Scott to see when the other man reached for it and
pressed a button. He had no warning before he found himself
staring at a man being whipped.

It…it wasn’t as sterile as any of the images of punishments

Scott had seen while furtively surfing the Internet. There was no
air brushing here, no pretending. There was no looking away at the
last moment so it was impossible for the viewer to tell if it was all
sound effects and trickery either. No imagination was required.
The dom was holding a real whip, and he wasn’t afraid to bring it
down hard and unrelenting upon the man occupying the other half
of the screen.

The crack of thin leather against unprotected skin filled the air.

Scott stared, unable to tear his gaze away. Vivid red lines appeared
upon the submissive’s skin. Pain flashed across his features.

It hurt him. There was no escaping that fact. This was nothing

like the spanking Joe had given him. That had been all pleasure,
this was…

Scott took a deep breath. “You like hurting people.” The words

came out strangely lacking in any kind of emotion.

“Yes.” Joe’s voice lacked any hint of apology. Several

moments later, he spoke again. “But only guys who like being

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Scott turned toward him.
Joe’s lips quirked into a strange mockery of a smile. “Some

guys might like to hurt a guy who hates it, and if the other man
agrees to take it, that’s fine with me. But I’ve never seen the point
in whipping a guy who isn’t already an enthusiastic masochist.”

Joe suddenly released Scott’s cock. Before Scott had a chance

to blurt out that he was sure he could learn how to take any degree
of pain that Joe wanted to inflict upon him, to beg that Joe didn’t
give up on him just yet, the other man had already transferred his
grip to Scott’s wrist.

Filled with relief, Scott was more than happy to let Joe

rearrange them on the bed. Before he knew what was happening,
he found himself sitting between Joe’s spread legs and leaning
back against the larger man’s body.

“Look again,” Joe ordered, dipping his head to whisper the

words in his ear like a secret, vital to national security. “This time,
don’t just glance at bits that demand your attention and forget the
rest. Really look, at all of it.”

Scott did as he was told. He’d already seen the marks appearing

across the actor’s back, he didn’t need to see them again. He
looked elsewhere.

The guy could easily have escaped the pain if he’d really

wanted to. As Scott concentrated on the details rather than the
fireworks exploding on the other man’s back, he realised that was
actually the biggest difference between this man and the first sub
he’d watched.

There was no bondage this time, nothing holding the guy in

place, nothing perhaps except his apparent desire to remain within
whipping range of his lover. And…yes, now that Scott looked
properly, he could see it. There wasn’t just pain in the man’s

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expression. There was pleasure there, too—maybe it wasn’t the
same kind of pleasure that Joe’s spanking had made dance within
Scott, but it was clear that the sub on the screen didn’t just like
what the dom was doing to him, he loved it.

Scott took a deep breath. His back rubbed against Joe’s chest.

The dark, wiry hairs there bristled against him. Farther down, he
could feel the tip of the other man’s erection pressing against the
small of his back, smearing his skin with pre-cum.

“He likes it,” Scott whispered.
“Yes, he does.” Joe’s voice was filled with approval of that


Scott slowly took in other details—ones which he was less

certain about the implications of. The sub on the screen was built
like a brick outhouse, all muscle and tattoos. And it wasn’t just the
man’s crotch that was shaved. There wasn’t a single hair on the
actor’s head.

Scott instinctively lifted a hand to push it through his own hair

as uncertainty swirled inside him. Joe caught hold of his wrist and
stopped him short before he had a chance to block his view of the

“I’m…not him,” Scott said, unable to avoid the obvious a

second longer.

“No, you’re not.”
Scott swallowed. It wasn’t even as if the guy could be some

sort of after picture of the man Scott was right then. A razor might
give him the same haircut, but no amount of training or shaping of
his body could make him that man. He’d never have that guy’s
build, come to that, and the man’s attitude was just as far out of
Scott’s reach.

The man might have been a masochist, he might even have

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been a submissive, but there was nothing shy or retiring about him.
He looked like he could hold his own in any situation, like the kind
of guy who swaggered when he strode into a room and—

“If I wanted to screw him, or his double, that’s what I’d be

doing. There are hundreds of men out there who look like him,
who act just like him. Been there, done that.”

Joe’s grip tightened around both Scott’s wrist and his cock.
Scott’s fingers curled into fists in response. There was no way

he could touch Joe’s cock now. In their new positions, there was
no way he could touch anything. He couldn’t even grip the
blankets without reaching past Joe’s thighs and making it obvious
that he was already scrabbling for control.

“You don’t want that, want him?” Scott asked, as calmly and

conversationally as possible.

“No. I don’t screw second bests.” The frustration in Joe’s voice

was clear, possibly because he didn’t seem to be making any
attempt to hide it. “And I sure as hell don’t come back for more
from someone unless I really enjoyed the way he offered me his
submission in the past!”

Scott leaned to one side and looked over his shoulder at Joe.

“So I should just shut up and enjoy the show without freaking out,

“Smart boy,” Joe said, with one of his strange half-smiles.
He released Scott’s wrist and pressed another button on his

remote. Apparently he’d programmed everything into it very
carefully, long before Scott had arrived on his doorstep. The next
scene sprung into existence without either of them having to sit
through boring titles or adverts for other releases.

Scott was almost ready for it this time. He did his best to

remain composed and take in all of the most pertinent details

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without letting another rush of anxiety get the better of him.

One dom, one sub.
That was good. Joe still hadn’t thrown in any sudden desire to

bring anyone else into a scene with them. Scott happily ticked that
off his list of things to hyperventilate over.

The sub was on his knees, staring up at his dom with a look of

pure devotion in his eyes. If he hadn’t known better, Scott might
have thought the man was looking up at some sort of religious
artifact rather than another mere mortal. But, as he stared into the
other sub’s eyes, Scott realised just how much better he knew.

That’s how I look at you.
Scott kept the words back from Joe, but it was a near run thing.

There was no denying the truth in them. Scott knew, deep down,
that was the way he looked at Joe, and the knowledge made his
heart race so fast it was almost impossible to believe his rib cage
could continue to contain it.

The dom on the receiving end of all that adoration, stepped

forward and fed his cock into his submissive’s eager mouth.
Whimpering his pleasure around the thick length, the sub took it all
as if he’d never even heard of a gag reflex.

A blow job; that was what Joe was showing him!
Scott had never been more relieved to realise anything in his

life. Forget adoration and silly sub-ish ideas. Joe was a practical
guy who enjoyed straightforward things. He was showing him a
film about blow jobs.

Scott immediately tried to turn around. Joe apparently wasn’t in

favour of the idea. He held Scott in place for several seconds. For
once, Scott battled against whatever it was inside him that
continually screamed out its need to obey and fall in with his
lover’s plans.

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He tugged at Joe’s grip on him, as if there was nothing that had

ever passed between them that could make anyone think that one
of them had more right to call the shots than the other.

“Do you want to say your safe word?” Joe asked.
Scott shook his head. “I want to suck your cock.”
That announcement seemed to make Joe pause for thought.

Scott hesitated, then stilled to wait for his verdict.

“If you want to move from where I put you, you should tell me

that. If I approve of your reason, I’ll give you permission.”

The words rushed toward Scott’s lips before he had a chance to

edit them for suitability, sense or to see if they contained anything
he actually wanted to say.

“Please may I turn around so I can suck your cock, sir?”
Silence met his request.
Scott twisted around as best he could and looked over his

shoulder. It looked very much as if Joe was fighting back the urge
to laugh.

The fact he wasn’t mad at Scott was obviously a good thing,

but still…

Scott frowned both his confusion and his disapproval at his

lover. “I wasn’t joking.”

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Joe gave up trying to hold back his grin. “I know, pet. It

wouldn’t be half so funny if you hadn’t been serious.”

Scott’s frown deepened. Apparently he was completely

unaware of the humour inherent in a man asking for permission to
go down on his lover, as if he was the one who would be getting
the treat, and the man receiving the wonderful blow job deserved
his gratitude for putting up with his strange inclination!

Joe released Scott’s wrists in favour of moving his hands to

either side of Scott’s face and holding him still to be kissed.
Making no allowances for his lover’s tendency to need a few
minutes to catch up before he was able to respond to his mouth
being claimed by another man, Joe kissed Scott in exactly the way
he loved to kiss him—like he was laying ownership over a man he

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had no intention of giving up at the end of the scene.

Scott moaned against Joe’s lips but he’d barely even brought

his tongue out to play before Joe pulled away and broke the kiss.
Joe noticed then that Scott was still frowning, but now it seemed to
be all about disappointment at his pleasure being cut short.

As Joe watched, Scott ran his tongue over his bottom lip, as if

he was trying to find some lingering trace of the kiss to savour.

“Permission granted.”
Scott blinked. “Permission to come?” He sounded so hopeful.
“No, permission to move.”
“Oh!” With no sign of disappointment, Scott immediately

shuffled around until he knelt neatly between Joe’s spread legs.

Joe shook his head. That wouldn’t do at all. Mentally

calculating angles and viewpoints, Joe rearranged them until he lay
across the bed and Scott once more knelt between his legs. Leaning
back on his elbows, Joe nodded his satisfaction. Yes. This would
work perfectly.

Scott accepted their wriggling around without comment. As Joe

stared down his body at him, it was easy to believe that it didn’t
even occur to Scott to ask why he suddenly needed to lay that way
across the mattress.

It was Joe’s decision and apparently that automatically made it

good enough for him.

With a glance up, to check that he had permission to begin his

much longed for task, Scott dipped his head and took the tip of
Joe’s cock into his mouth. He’d come a long way since his first
somewhat cautious attempts to please.

Now, he worked with all the confidence of a submissive who

knew exactly what his master liked and was certain of his ability to
give him precisely that.

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Joe pressed a button on the remote. Right on cue, another of the

snippets he’d carefully harvested from pay-per-view websites
snapped into life.

Scott glanced to his left. If he had ever wondered about their

carefully arranged position, he probably assumed from then on that
Joe had merely wanted them both to be able to see the screen. If he
only knew…

Joe didn’t need to watch the scene play out on the TV to know

that it featured two guys in a club, completely surrounded by other
men. He also knew that the blokes on the screen only had eyes for
each other, that the noise and commotion around them didn’t make
any difference, neither did the fact they were being filmed. Their
scene was their own. No one else mattered.

Scott paused for a moment. His lips remained wrapped around

Joe’s shaft, his tongue continued to press firmly against the head of
his cock, but all his attention was on the screen now.

Joe let Scott look his fill. It was impossible for anyone to see

those actors and not know they were together in real life. It was
equally unthinkable that anyone who was the least bit kinky could
fail to realise just how much the sub loved being owned by his
master or, come to that, how proud and delighted the dom was with
his boy.

Scott seemed quite fascinated by the sight. Several seconds

passed before he jerked and apparently remembered that he was
supposed to be giving his all to something else. A blush rushed to
his cheeks as he quickly dipped his head and took as much of Joe’s
erection into his mouth as he possibly could.

A full minute of exquisite pleasure surrounded Joe’s cock

before Scott finally peeked up at him through his lashes. His eyes
silently begged forgiveness for his lapse in concentration.

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Joe smiled and pushed his hand through Scott’s hair in a mild

caress, letting him see how pleased he was with him.

If he’d been able to find a suitable clip of a sub blushing for the

strangest of reasons, he’d have been duty bound to add it to his list
of turn-ons. It was a crying shame that so few porn stars seem to
have retained the ability to blush the way Scott did.

Joe ran his fingers over Scott’s cheek, feeling the heat there

and, at the same time, the way his skin hollowed out as Scott
sucked and created a glorious little vacuum around his cock. Put
together, the effects sent a bolt of pleasure shooting through Joe’s
body. The innocence and the eroticism bounced off each other,
making each other just a little more fantastic.

Scott seemed completely unaware of how stunning he looked,

how perfect a demonstration of submission he was giving. He
glanced toward the screen now and again, but more and more of
his attention gradually focused in on the rather wonderful blow job
he was providing. Just like the sub in the film, it seemed
impossible for him to care about anyone else for very long.

Focusing on his dominant, on his master, came to Scott as

naturally as his desire to breathe. Joe slid his hand through Scott’s
hair again, making no attempt to control the other man’s
movements, only to praise each and every one of them.

Scott dipped his head again and again, taking a little more of

Joe’s shaft each time. The minutes passed by and Scott only
seemed to become more enthusiastic about his task. But Joe
noticed the change the moment Scott’s intent changed. Hell, Joe
had even made a point of setting aside a part of his mind to watch
out for it, while the rest of him merely laid back and enjoyed it all.

Apparently Scott had decided that it was time he stopped

messing around and instead gave everything he had to trying to

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make Joe come as soon as humanly possible.

Tightening his grip on Scott’s hair, Joe carefully guided the

other man’s mouth away from his cock, making damn sure there
was no way Scott could succeed in his objective. Scott looked
reproachfully up at him, but he seemed to be waiting for more
information before he went so far as to actually complain about
Joe’s conduct.

With his hand maintaining its grip on Scott’s hair, Joe tugged

the other man up his body until their mouths met. Rolling Scott
over onto his back, and pinning him down beneath his larger
frame, was the work of a single second.

Scott gasped into the kiss, so sweet, so confused. But still, in

other ways, he was obviously completely up to speed. He squirmed
beneath Joe in a determined effort to spread his legs for him.

It was an invitation that couldn’t be refused. Grabbing lube off

the bedside table, Joe slicked his fingers and quickly found Scott’s
hole. The other man relaxed beautifully for him, eagerly accepting
an increasing number of digits inside him until he was ready to feel
far more than mere fingers thrusting into him.

Their wriggling had turned them around on the bed. They now

lay diagonally across the wide mattress. Scott’s arse was pointed
toward the TV screen. Neither of them were the least interested in
what might have been playing on there.

Joe grabbed a condom and rolled it down his shaft. Slicking it

with extra lube, he pulled Scott around and arranged him on his
hands and knees across the centre of the bed.

Scott followed Joe’s every nudge and hint as if they were all

orders yelled at the top of a sergeant major’s lungs. There was no
need to tie him up to make a point. Scott’s submission already
went deeper than any set of cuffs ever could. Invisible ties already

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bound him to Joe, demanding that he submit to his every whim.

Joe’s cock ached at the thought. He settled his hands on Scott’s

hips and quickly brought their bodies together, thrusting his cock
into Scott’s arse, all the way to the hilt, in one smooth motion.

Scott jerked. His hole clenched and unclenched around Joe’s

cock as his body fought to adjust for him.

Scott let out a whimper. His arms were shaking and, while Joe

held still inside him, Scott carefully lowered himself down onto his
forearms. His head dropped down toward the mattress, until first
his forehead and then his cheek rested against the bed sheet.

“Turn your head the other way.”
Scott obediently turned his face toward the screen. His eyes

remained closed. There was no chance of him seeing the show
playing there, but Joe didn’t issue any further orders.

As soon as he sensed Scott could take it, and enjoy it, he

rocked back and thrust into him again. Scott murmured. The sound
was all pleasure and every noise that followed proclaimed Scott’s
love of being screwed hard and fast into the mattress. He pushed
back into every thrust, his hole clenching tightly around Joe’s

A vague noise was Joe’s only answer.
“Scott!” he demanded.
Scott slowly opened his eyes. “Yes, sir?”
“Don’t come.”
Scott closed his eyes again.
Joe gritted his teeth as he fought for control of his own body.


“I understand,” Scott said.

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Joe rocked back and thrust into Scott once more, making no

attempt to make it easier for the other man to ride out the pounding
he was taking. It was Scott’s job not to come. It wasn’t Joe’s job to
make that simple for him.

He pushed into Scott’s arse again and again, enjoying every

wave of adrenaline and every endorphin that flooded into his veins
as he finally let go and allowed himself to simply glory in the joys
to be found in another man’s body.

No thoughts, no higher brain function at all. Nothing was

allowed into Joe’s world to cloud his ecstasy. He was all pure
animal pleasure now. Joe tightened his hold on Scott. Thrusting
harder and faster than ever, he shouted his triumph up to the
ceiling as he came.

Wave after wave of deep, dark, satisfaction rolled over him

until they enveloped him completely. There was nothing warm or
cosy about it. It robbed the air from the room and for every bit of
pleasure it gave, it quickly presented its bill.

Joe collapsed forward as all the energy that had buzzed through

his veins suddenly deserted him. He gave little thought to how
comfortable Scott might find being pinned beneath him. Every
time Scott took a breath, Joe felt it. He sensed every beat of the
other man’s heart, too.

Scott was fine and, just as importantly, Scott was his. Joe

smiled against Scott’s shoulder before slowly lifting his head and
taking his weight onto his elbows. Scott didn’t rush to follow his
lead right then. He kept his cheek pressed firmly against the

“Are you going to move?” Joe asked.
“Might come if I do.” The response was mumbled, as if Scott

was afraid that even moving his lips might trigger his orgasm.

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Chuckling, Joe immediately took matters into his own hands.

The moment their bodies were separated and the condom had been
disposed of, Joe rolled Scott onto his back.

Scott gasped. His hips bucked. His cock thrust up into the

empty air. He didn’t actually come. Very slowly, Scott opened his
eyes and peered up at Joe. His need was obvious. His expression
was filled with a silent plea to be allowed his own release.

“When I give permission,” Joe said. “Not before.” As he spoke,

he reached out and ran one fingertip up the line of Scott’s cock.

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“Ready for round two?” Joe asked, barely a moment later.
Scott looked down at the way Joe’s finger caressed his cock.

“Round two?”

As Scott watched, Joe’s hand moved away from his aching

shaft. It took hold of Scott’s wrist, tugged, and helped him to sit
up, whether he wanted to or not.

As Joe once more re-arranged them on his bed, Scott nibbled

on his bottom lip, unsure how to ask if there had been something
wrong with round one, something that had stopped Joe enjoying it
properly, something about it that had left him unsatisfied.

He’d also quite like to have asked if he’d be allowed to come

during round two. Did it make him a bad submissive to want to ask
that as well?

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He cleared his throat, not one-hundred-percent sure which

question was going to leave his lips. “Joe?”

Joe shook his head. “Unless you want to say your safe word,

we’ll talk afterward, not now.”

Scott pushed his hand through his hair as he tried to force his

brain into some sort of clear thought process, but no matter how
logically his mind worked, he quickly realised that it simply wasn’t
in him to push the issue and risk displeasing Joe further.

Scott’s own need to come faded. His erection softened as more

and more of his focus closed in around the subject of Joe’s
apparent lack of complete satisfaction during round one.

They sat once again leaning against pillows propped up against

the headboard. Joe reached for the remote.

Scott instantly turned all his attention toward the screen. His

desire to learn more about what Joe really liked was a harsh,
desperate need now. He had to work out how he’d screwed up,
how he could do better next time.

The screen lit up more slowly this time. It showed… Joe’s

empty bedroom? The toys hung on the wall, the bed was directly
opposite the camera, it was unmistakably Joe’s bedroom. There
were no people visible.

Lines appeared across the picture as Joe fast-forwarded.
He was going to show Scott what he’d enjoyed doing with his

past lovers. All at once, Scott had no doubt about it. Joe was
actually going to show him a recording of himself screwing
another man, or maybe dozens of other men, one after another.
And he was going to point out all the ways they were better lovers
than Scott, all the things they did better than him.

Sheer panic scattered Scott’s thoughts. He couldn’t do this. He

couldn’t sit there and let it happen. But Scott was helpless. He

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remained frozen, unable to even object as a naked image of Joe
blurred onto the screen. Joe stopped fast forwarding just in time for
them to watch another man step into view.

Scott’s lips started moving without permission from his brain.

“That’s me!”

“You asked me to show you what I really like,” Joe said,

perfectly calmly “It’s about time you faced the fact that you’re one
of the things I like.”

The image on the screen began to remove his clothes. Scott’s

eyes opened very wide.

“Maybe from this angle, you’ll be able to see how hot you are,”

Joe continued.

Scott shook his head. No. He didn’t want to play this game

anymore. He turned away from the screen. After seeing all those
porn stars putting on expert displays, he knew how pathetic his
own attempts would look. Maybe Joe didn’t realise that now, but
he would soon enough and…

No. Scott scrambled away from the other man, heading straight

for the door.

“I’m not going to force you to stay and watch it,” Joe said, his

feelings on that fact impossible to guess. “But I’m not going to
switch it off just because you go.”

Scott paused, sitting on the edge of the bed, his feet already on

the floor alongside it. Leaving Joe before he was ordered to do so
felt wrong in every cell of his being, but the tiny bit of his mind
that was still interested in sanity and self-preservation whispered—

“I love it when you do that.”
“What?” Scott couldn’t help but glance at the screen. Joe had

paused the image. It showed Scott standing at the bottom of the
bed completely naked, his head tilted slightly back as he looked up

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at Joe.

“That moment,” Joe said, his tone relaxed and almost

conversation. “You’re always a submissive, and you’re always the
kind of guy who’ll happily fall in with someone else’s plans
whenever he can, but that moment when you look up at me at the
start of a scene, when you hand over control to me. There’s this
point where you suddenly relax and all the tension seems to leave
you. It’s beautiful.”

Scott peered at the screen. All he saw was a pale, skinny guy

standing around like an idiot, staring at the most stunning man the
world had ever seen. Scott frowned as he risked a glance at Joe,
sure there had to be a punch line coming.

“I don’t joke about things like this. You made a request. You

asked me to show you what I like. I’m honouring that request.”
Scott had never heard Joe sound so serious.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Joe said nothing. He simply sat there, one leg bent up so he

could rest his forearm on his raised knee.

Gathering up as much courage as he could, Scott waved a hand

toward where he’d sat next to Joe just a few minutes before. “May

Joe gave one nod, indicating his willingness to accept him

back. As Scott shuffled closer, Joe even raised his arm, inviting
him to curl into his side and rest his head on his shoulder.

The moment Scott was settled, the image began to roll forward.

The sound was muted, but it was so easy for Scott to fill in the
words from memory.

“I like giving hand jobs,” Joe said as the images on the screen

began to jack each other off. “It’s a control thing. Literally holding
you in the palm of my hand, it’s a huge power trip.”

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Scott nodded, as if he understood, but he didn’t. It was

impossible for him to comprehend how anyone could look at the
two men on the screen and not realise that Joe was completely out
of his league, that he was—

The remote tapped Scott firmly on the thigh. “Pay attention. No

daydreaming. And no doubting what I say is true.”

“Don’t apologise, just do as you’re told.”
Scott glanced up at the real Joe rather than the one on the

screen. Joe was smiling. He seemed to really be enjoying watching
them together on the screen. Scott dropped his gaze. Yep, Joe was
definitely enjoying the sight. They’d barely caught their breath
since round one, and Joe’s cock was already hardening again.

Scott’s own shaft had softened in his panic. His concerns might

not have evaporated, but curling up against Joe’s naked body made
sure his erection was now oblivious to any mental hysterics.

Joe seemed to notice that Scott’s cock was hard again.

Glancing away from the screen for a moment, he wrapped his hand
around Scott’s shaft, just as he had the last time they’d watched the

Scott gasped. Joe’s hand only seemed to have moved over his

shaft half a dozen times before Scott was right on the edge of

“You have the most amazing mouth,” Joe informed him.
He must have fast-forwarded when Scott was too busy trying

not to come to have noticed what his other hand was up to. On the
screen, Scott was going down on the other man with obvious
enthusiasm. He remembered the sensation of Joe filling his mouth
so perfectly. The taste of him instantly flooded his senses. Joe’s
hand never stilled on his cock.

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The combination was like an exquisite form of torture. Scott

needed to come so badly that Joe’s touch offered more pain than
pleasure, but he still couldn’t bring himself to try to pull away
from the other man or reject anything that the more dominant man
was willing to give him.

Joe had seen all the men who’d filled the screen just a few

minutes ago. He’d had the chance to compare Scott to all those
other guys, and he still wanted Scott in his bed.

And alongside that, as much as his shaft ached more with each

movement of Joe’s fingers around it, Scott was starting to realised
there was something in him that actually seemed to like, no, that
seemed to love, being balanced on the very edge, afraid of falling,
yet at the same time almost equally terrified of not falling.

Like a tightrope walker who’s suddenly realised that there are

guys underneath him rolling up his safety net and walking away
with it, Scott knew falling was out of the question. But, having
looked across and realised that someone had magicked away the
platforms at either end of his rope, he also knew that trying to keep
his balance forever would just be more painful, in the long run.

Scott fell. Joe’s order slid beneath him, catching him easily,

high above the sand of the circus’s centre ring. But, rather than set
him down gently, the order scooped him up and whisked him
higher, way above the big top and any mere illusion or trick that
had ever been performed there.

Scott flew on wings of adrenaline, caught on up air currents of

endorphins. And he had permission to fly. Maybe even better than
that, he had permission to believe he was worth the effort of flight.

He reached a peak of perfection set high up in the sky and, as

suddenly as he’d taken to the air, Scott felt himself floating gently

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back down to earth. He had no idea how long had passed, only that
he was now in Joe’s bed, in Joe’s arms, and there was nowhere
else on earth he wanted to be.

The room was silent. Their time together so far had included

far too little time merely lying together and luxuriating in each
other’s presence. Scott kept his eyes closed, just in case opening
them might signal the end of it. He didn’t move, he barely even
dared to take a deep breath.

A chuckle from Joe almost made Scott falter in his resolve and

open his eyes, but he held firm and kept himself in darkness.

“I know you’re back with me,” Joe said. “Don’t worry, pet. I’m

not going to make you move just because you’ve let on that you’re

* * *

Joe tightened his hold around Scott’s shoulders feeling more

protective of the other man with every minute he spent in his

Scott blinked and opened his eyes, but he didn’t try to lift his

head from Joe’s shoulder or meet his gaze. Not sure what to say,
Joe took the easy way out and started up the recording once more.
It was impossible to think anything could make it easy for Scott to
watch it, but now that he was full of afterglow he seemed to find it
at least manageable.

He curled into Joe’s side, ignoring the way his cum was drying

on his stomach, and made no protest as the tape played on.

“You’re gorgeous when you submit to me,” Joe said. “Don’t

get me wrong, you’re hot all the time, but when you submit, that’s
when you come into your own.”

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And it was at those times that Joe felt his need to protect as

well as dominate his lover come to the fore and refuse to be
denied. It was those times he knew that he was going to find it
impossible to walk away from Scott.

No number of dates or scenes were going to be enough. As Joe

led Scott through the video, pointing out all his favourite things
that the other man did, it became more and more obvious to Joe
that the future held several things.

A collar. A contract. A commitment.
He didn’t just want to play with the man curled at his side,

bravely watching the screen in spite of all his fears. He needed to
own him.

Joe took a deep breath. On the screen, Scott was head down

and arse up, but it wasn’t that particular image that made Joe’s
cock harden quicker and his heart beat faster.

He knew he loved the hand jobs they’d shared, and the blow

jobs they’d exchanged. He knew that he loved sinking his cock
into Scott’s arse to the hilt. Joe knew lots of things that could be
added to a list of activities that they’d already tried, but suddenly it
became vital that he add other things to that list.

If he was going to own Scott, if he was going to make that kind

of commitment to another man, Joe knew that he’d have to be sure
that everything he might ever want to do with another guy could be
done with Scott. If he was even contemplating giving up other
guys then…

Joe took another deep breath and glanced at the envelope on his

bedside table. He hadn’t written the note to go inside it yet, but he
knew then what he needed to invite Scott to do.

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Kim Dare is a twenty-eight-year-old, full-time writer from Wales

First published in December 2008, Kim has since released over
fifty BDSM erotic romances. That means that well over one
hundred characters have chattered away inside her head during that
time—and that’s not even taking into account the fact that there are
over three times that number of people clamouring in the wings for
a chance to tell their stories. It’s no wonder she loses track of
what’s happening in the “real” world at times…

While Kim’s stories range over male/male, male/female and all
kinds of ménage relationships and have included vampires, time
travellers, shapeshifters and fairytale retellings, they all have three
things in common—kink, love and a happy ending.

For more information about Kim, please visit her website:


* * *

Don’t miss Pushing The Envelope, Book X: First Class

available at AmberAllure.com!

Joe’s latest note contained very little for Scott to go on. It was little
more than an order for Scott to turn up at Joe’s flat. But Joe has
plans that he hasn’t put in writing. He fully intends for he and his

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lover to do something different during this encounter—something
he and Scott have never done before.

Will Scott be up for this particular scenario when he discovers
what Joe has planned? Or will the scene change everything
between them?

Joe’s risking a lot. Will it be worth it?

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