60 for Balance, Joy and Fulfillment Tips

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for Balance, Joy





BIO l Deborah Deras

Deborah is a charismatic speaker known
for her high-energy presentations and
interactive style.

She and Adoley Odunton are founders
of Synergy Unlimited, a professional
development company that provides
busy professionals with the tools to
achieve more with less effort. Their
latest book is entitled,

Confessions of

An Adrenaline Addict: How to achieve
more with less effort


Deborah has a Masters Degree in
Counseling and teaches Cultural Diversity
and Communication Courses at the
University of Phoenix. She also has
certifications in Neuro Linguistic
Programming and Hypnosis. Deborah has
been featured in numerous magazines
and radio shows as an expert in achieving
success with ease and grace.

For a free adrenaline addict assessment
go to www.adrenalineaddictbook.com
and click on tools. For a complimentary
coaching session call 310-945-5651
or email: deb@synergyunlimited.net.

Deborah Deras

Speaker • Author • Coach


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Deborah developed the


SYSTEM ™ to assist her client to achieve
balance in their busy lives.

Most of us spend the majority of our time on
our Careers and Family and all the other areas
seem to fly out the window. A passionate life
is a balanced life. In order to create this, you
will need to take small baby steps every day.

The following tips booklet is laid out using
these six life areas giving you 10 tips in each
area. Select one or two areas that need
nurturing such as Ego and Health and commit
to taking at least one action from the booklet
each day for the next 21 days. It takes 21 days
to change a habit and by committing to using
this booklet as a guide you will be able to
experience the balance, joy and fulfillment
which is Passionate Living NOW!

C areer: identify your purpose

ealth: create energy and vitality

go: nourish your self

comics: enjoy prosperity

elationships: unconditionally love

pirituality: inner fulfillment

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What are you passionate about? Most of
us choose a career because someone told
us we would be good at it, or we fell into
it because the money was good. It is
never too late to discover your passion.
Write a list of everything you would
love to do even if you were not paid for
it. Start spending time visualizing,
writing, or meditating to get clarity. How
would it feel to be living on purpose?


Law of Belief: the only thing standing in
the way of having all you want in your
career if your perception of what you
believe you deserve. To the degree you
are believing and acting like you are a
worth a million bucks will be the level of
opportunities that will come your way.
Say your affirmations daily. See
www.passionatelivingnow.com for
affirmations to shift your beliefs.


Say affirmations about your ideal job.
Affirmations our positive, purposeful
statements made in the present tense. It
is best to same them out loud or with
passion. Many times in my workshops I
have people stand up and say them out
loud on the stage on a microphone which
is much more impactful than reading
them on a piece of paper. Another
suggestion is to record them on a audio
tape and listen to them while your

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driving, jogging or better yet before you
go to sleep to get into your subconscious
mind. I am successful in my career.
Opportunities flow to me easily and
effortlessly. Everything I touch is a
success. I love my job and it satifies me.


In working for many years as an
Employment Consultant assisting
Human Resource Managers meet their
hiring needs I learned that Soft Skills
were more important to them than Hard
Skills. Soft Skills are personality traits,
characteristics that are required to excel
in the work place. Soft skills include:
adapting to change, being a team player,
and getting along with others (to name a
few). Hard Skills are your certificates or
degrees, which are important, but if you
are not a team player you won’t even get
through the interview.


Remember when times are tough and
you feel like you are between a rock and
hard place with nowhere to turn. There is
only one real employer that is your
higher power, God, Jesus, Buddha,
Spirit, The Light, or Allah. It is the
source and supply that bring the sun and
moon up that is the infinite abundance of
the grains of sand on the beach and
drops of water in the ocean. It is in this
awareness that you can release the angst
about hating your boss or company. You
can go in with a state of gratitude to be

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of service for a higher authority. When
you do you will find a shift in the
reactions and responses you get from
people in your workplace and will find it
easier to move up or move on.


Take as many training courses,
workshops and seminars to develop your
hard and soft skills. One thing I have
found has helped me tremendously in
my career is my tenacity for knowledge
but more than that my willingness to
apply the new things I learn. You can
very inexpensively learn new skills at a
local adult school or the learning annex.
Applied knowledge is power.


There is no employee handbook to teach
you how to maneuver around office
politics, avoid gossip or learn the
unwritten rules. The best way to get
ahead in the workplace is to acquire a
Mentor. How do you get a mentor?
Simply observe people in your company
or in your field that you respect, admire
and are respected. Simply ask them if
they will be your mentor? You will be
surprised how flattered most people will
be. If one person says no don’t take it
personally simply ask someone else. Be
sure to make it a win-win so they benefit
from the time they spend with you.

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As a Vocational Counselor for many
years, I learned that my clients were not
successful finding employment by
sending resumes or attending job fairs.
The key to their success was networking,
performing informational interviews and
doing paid or unpaid internships.


You can network your way to a new job
by always doing your best I was able to
obtain a job offer from the State of
California when I was doing a
presentation at a meeting on Goodwill
Industries. I simply showed up did my
best and demonstrated my soft skills in


Prepare a 30 second infomercial or
elevator speech as a means to network
with people you meet in the elevator in
the bathroom or on line while grocery
shopping. Give them your name, what
you do or what you would like to do,
how you can assist people or solve a
problem, followed by a call to action.
Give them your business card and ask
them to keep you in mind and get their
business cards so you can follow-up.
The key to success is a persistent
tenacity toward the achievement of your

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Tip #11 GYM BAG

Always have your gym bag packed in
the car or at least running shoes or roller
blades so you can get some exercise in
while on the go.


Plan your meals the night before to
ensure you have a healthy food. Bring
snacks such as nuts, carrots, soy dogs, or
protein shakes so you can eat mini-meals
every two hours without feeling hungry
or deprived.


Schedule in your workouts like you
would a business meeting. Even if you
are at a hotel. When you find yourself
ready to hit the snooze button ask
yourself what will feel better a few more
minutes of sleep or the feeling of
endorphins after a good workout.


Join a swimming or running club to meet
new friends and socialize while you
workout. Even consider joining a group
to raise money for charity or a cause.

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Tip #15 TRAIN

Train for a race/event to motivate you to
get to the gym. There is nothing like the
camaraderie of going forward to achieve
a mutual goal that will get you out of to
the track, pool, gym or dance class.

Tip #16 WATER

Always have a bottle of water available
so you can drink all day. Make it yummy
by buying crushed ice or putting some
lemon or Stevia in it to add some flavor.
Stevia is an herb in Paraguay, which is a
natural sweetener. You can buy it in
drops or packets at a vitamin store.


In order to lose weight, I needed to heal
the part of me that wanted to use food to
protect me, avoid feeling my emotions
and as an excuse for not really living. I
have found the book: Love Yourself
Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
instrumental in empowering me to shift
negative beliefs. I also recommend Your
Body Knows by Caroline Sutherland on
overcoming food allergies. I myself also
participate in Overeaters Anonymous.

Get regular check ups and exams.
Including OBGYN, Dentist,
Chiropractor (great for massages) and
Optometrist. Simply schedule it on your


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calendar every Valentines Day. Take
care of your body and you will live a
long time. My Grandma is 94, living on
her own with no medication and going
strong, She eats right, exercises, stays
active, get regular check-ups and most
importantly does not waste energy on
things she can not control.


Find an exercise you love: like Salsa
Dancing, roller blading or windsurfing.
My father is an avid Wind Surfer and
goes to Castaic Lake near Valencia, CA
whenever he can. Exercise does need to
be a punishment or a must do it can be a
fun and joyous opportunity to commune
with nature and honor your body temple.


Release stress by not taking things
personally, regretting the past or worrying
about the future. Live in the NOW! I
recommend reading The Four Agreements
and The Power of NOW. To order



























Self-care is not selfish. I mention the oxygen
mask technique in all my balance work and
family and you too (y ty tambien)
workshops. Consider your life as being on a


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plane ride. You need to put the oxygen mask
on your self first to refuel in order to be
useful and productive at your job, with your
husband, mother, children and yourself.
Trust that your family will survive during
that 40 minutes you take for yourself to
workout or be alone in peace and quiet.

Tip #22 │ ALONE TIME

Take some alone time to do something you
love. For example go for a walk on the
beach, go to a museum or splurge and get a


Say affirmations to boost your self-esteem
and self-worth. Affirmations are positive
statement in the present tense. Such as: I am
successful. I am prosperous. I am loved.
www.passionatelivingnow.com for a list of
affirmations you can use.

Tip #24 │ GUILT FREE

Often times we feel guilt or pressure from
family or friends when we want to take time
for ourselves. We must acknowledge that in
order to be there to provide for our family
and friends we must take care of ourselves
first. It is challenging at first but with
practice you can learn to take care of
yourself guilt free.

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Tip #25│ENERGY

Release negative people, situations, and
circumstances. Sometimes called energy
vampires these people drain you simply by
listening to them or even by the precense.
Avoid these people at all costs.

Tip #26 │NURTURE

Nurture your self daily. Commit to spending
at least five minutes a day on self-care
activities whether that be taking a walk,
sitting still to breathe, putting on make-up.
Whatever will make you feel good about

Tip #27 │ SAY NO

How to say no guilt free? First you start by
saying thanks for the invite and than say,
“let me check my calendar and I will get
back with you”. No matter what give
yourself 24 hrs to think before you say yes
out of obligation. You can also, say I would
love too but I will pass due to a prior
commitment. If you say NO with authority
people will not try to talk you back into
something. Just say NO!


Follow your intuition. Have you ever had a
gut feeling that said don’t hire that plumber
or call this friend just to check in. This is
your intuition guiding you to the next right
action. Trust these impulses and pause
before making decisions or commitments to
allow yourself to hear the inner voice that is
always telling you what is for your highest

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Take yourself on an artist date such as
mentioned in the book the Artists Way. Go
to a movie by yourself, or to a museum or
the beach. Time alone will give you clarity
as well as peace of mind.

Tip #30 │ MINDFUL

Be mindful before saying yes to anything,
check with your personal board of directors
before making any decisions. I often turn to
my husband for guidance before making any
major decisions. He gently reminds me
when I am taking on too much.

Economics: Prosperity


Create a spending plan with your proposed
categories and actual spending. My husband
and I do a joint one along with a separate
one for my business. I discovered the
concept in a 12-step program called
Business Owners Debtors Anonymous.
What I found it that in creating a structure
actually gives you the freedom because you
are clear about what you have and how
much you can allocate to meet all your
needs. To me budget is like a die-t. Where
as a spending plan is a pathway to freedom.
If you would like me to email you a
template send me an email to:

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Tip #32│ SAVE- 10%

Save 10% of your income by getting and
automatic deposit program with your bank.
Let me tell you I am a spender by nature and
not a saver. I have to trick myself with
automatic deposits so I don’t see the money.
Out of sight out of mind and out of
Nordstrom’s petite section.

Make time to balance your checkbook
weekly. For me because I hated it so much I
used to buddy up with a friend and go to
Coffee Bean and make a social event out of
it. Some people like to use Quicken,

Tip #33 │ TITHE- 10%

Tithe 10% to an organization, which
provides you spiritual fulfillment. Tithing
literally mean 10% it is a spiritual concept
from the bible. If you bring 10% of all you
earn from your gross salary you will find
that 90% that you have left begins to
multiply and you begin receiving money
from unexpected and expected sources. It is
recommended to tithe to an organization
(Church, Synagogue, Non-Profit) or person
(mother) who gives you spiritual fulfillment.


Law of Attraction talks about we magnetize
what we put out. By doing affirmations on
money you will be magnetizing
opportunities to you. I recommend The
Wealthy Spirit by Chellie Cambpell
available on my website. It is a daily
affirmation book with practical and spiritual
concepts on becoming a money magnet.

Tip #35


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Microsoft Money, or Quick Books to make
taxes easier to figure out.


Say affirmations on prosperity on a daily
basis. I am prosperous. I am wealthy. The
degree that you believe in your worthiness
of abundance will correspond with how fast
you receive it flowing into your life.


The Law of Circulation says you need to
give to receive. Make a commitment to give
of your time, talent, or tithes.

Tip #38 │ STREAMS

The key to wealth is to create multiple
streams of income for yourself whether that
be through real estate, stocks/bonds, writing
a book, creating tapes, etc. To lean read the
One Minute Millionaire by Robert Allen and
Mark Victor Hanson.

Tip #39 │ WEALTH

Create wealth by learning about investing
and real estate. Suggested Readings: Rich
Dad Poor Dad: By Kiyosaki, Creating
Money by Sanaya Roman, Get Your Share
by Julie Stav (English/Spanish).

Tip #40 │ Investment Clubs

Julie Stav in her booth Get Your Share talks
about investing. She breaks down in simple
terms how invest in mutual funds in the
stock market. Her book is available in both
English and Spanish (Obtenga su Porcion).

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Tip #41 │ SELF-LOVE

In order to have a good relationship with
another person you need to start by loving
and respecting yourself. It starts with
acceptance and forgiveness of yourself and
others. Make a list of anyone including
yourself that you have resentments and
make a formal amends or apology ASAP.


If you want to be attractive to a soul mate.
Make a list of all the qualities you want in a
mate: dependable, secure, prosperous,
loving, attentive, sweet, and kind. Once you
are clear be sure to be all those things you
desire to yourself. By the Law of Attraction
which says like attract like you will
magnetize the man that resonates with the
vibration you are sending out.


Open up the space of your mate to come in.
If you are constantly busy when are you
going to have time to meet someone much
less have a meaningful relationship once you
meet. If you live with your parents when are
you going to have alone time to cook a
candle light dinner. See where you can open
up the space for your love to come in.


Surround yourself with positive people that
uplift and energize you. We all have energy
vampires in her life that suck all the life out

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of us. Be very cautious to who you spend
time with. As the saying goes your friends
are a reflection of you and if you want to
live a passionate life you need to choose
passionate and supportive friends.


How do you meet a nice guy? Simply
release the need or expectation to have him
show up. Rather shift into expectancy
knowing your prince is coming without
attachment to the outcome. To accelerate the
process start by writing and mailing yourself
love letters addressed by your prince. Silly
but true. Try it out and be sure to send me an
invite to the wedding.


Keep your commitments in all your
relationships. Say what you mean, do what
you say and make amends when you make a
mistake. Especially with children who never
forget a transgression. Its best to model the
desired behavior rather than saying it.

Tip #47 │ HAVE FUN

Spend quality time at least once a week with
family. Have a dress up day, go to the park
or beach day, or charades night. Engage
everyone in meaningful activity that spurs
conversation rather than going to watch a
movie or looking at television.

Tip #48 │ DATE NIGHT

Have a date night with your mate to spice
things up. Pretend like it is a first date, try
something new like roller skating, or going
to play miniature golf. You can trade

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babysitting with a friend or neighbor so you
save money on babysitters.


Have a girls night out once a month. We like
to go to Glen Ivy Spa in Corona
www.glenivy.com or go out Salsa Dancing.
It is also fun to play trivial pursuit, scrap
book, or have a slumber party with girl talk.

Tip #50 │ LET GO

Let to of expectations about other peoples
behaviors. The only person you can change
is yourself so take action to create a life that
you desire and you deserve.



Spend time in quiet reflection daily. Even if
it is only three minutes take time simply to
be in the stillness and be mindful of the
present moment.


Release stress by not taking things
personally. I was told that what people think
of me is none of my business. When people
don’t like you than move on and find people
who do.


Buy a guided meditation tape at your local
bookstore. My mother takes a shower first
than sits up in her bed with her palms turned

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up to allow the energy to flow and is
mindful of her breath for 20-30 minutes. I
like to do guided visualization tapes. You
can also do moving meditation do what
works for you. I recommend the Journey of
Awakening by Ram Dass. Coming soon my
own CD: Meditation for people who can’t
sit still.

Tip #54 │ YOGA

Sooth your mind, body and soul by taking a
yoga class. I highly recommend my friends
Dailey: Kundalini Yoga at 310-641-8375
Vicki: Hatha Yoga at 310-313-0922
Jameelah: Power Yoga 310-358-6064

Tip #55 │ PRAYER

Pray out loud daily. It is so much more
powerful that silently. I pray in the
bathroom, while driving with my headset,
and wherever I can. I even have prayer
recorded on tape that I listen to while flying
on planes or when I am on the go.

Tip #56 │ FORGIVE

Forgive yourself and others each day-don’t
hold a grudge. On a daily basis I assess how
my day went and determine if I owe an
apology to another person or even myself. I
commit to making those amends daily to
live a life without regret.


Live in a state of graceful surrender. Let go
of trying to push or pull to make things
happen. Rather, take action and than let go
of the results and allow your good to flow

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Write a grateful list daily


Make time to worship in a spiritual center
that fills you. It could be a Church or Beach.
Simply spend the time it will rejuvenate you
throughout the week.

Tip #60 │ LET GO

Let go of the worry of the past or the anxiety
of the future and be present in the NOW.

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for Balance, Joy





BIO l Deborah Deras

Deborah is a charismatic speaker known
for her high-energy presentations and
interactive style.

She and Adoley Odunton are founders
of Synergy Unlimited, a professional
development company that provides
busy professionals with the tools to
achieve more with less effort. Their
latest book is entitled,

Confessions of

An Adrenaline Addict: How to achieve
more with less effort


Deborah has a Masters Degree in
Counseling and teaches Cultural Diversity
and Communication Courses at the
University of Phoenix. She also has
certifications in Neuro Linguistic
Programming and Hypnosis. Deborah has
been featured in numerous magazines
and radio shows as an expert in achieving
success with ease and grace.

For a free adrenaline addict assessment
go to www.adrenalineaddictbook.com
and click on tools. For a complimentary
coaching session call 310-945-5651
or email: deb@synergyunlimited.net.

Deborah Deras

Speaker • Author • Coach


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