Lekcja 9 nietypowe metody poszukiwania pracy

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Lekcja 9 : nietypowe metody poszukiwania pracy



Lekcja 9 : nietypowe metody poszukiwania

Niedawno poruszaliśmy temat skutecznego CV - jednak w dzisiejszych czasach zdarza się, że nawet imponujące
CV to za mało, aby zdobyć pożądaną pracę. Aby osiągnąć sukces na tym polu, czasem trzeba działać nietypowo -
oto kilka sposobów, jak się do tego zabrać.

We recently wrote about an efficient


- but nowadays sometimes even an impressive CV is not enough to get the

job you want. To succeed in this field, you may have to think and act outside of the box - here are some tips how
exactly you can get down to it.

To stand out among the crowd of candidates who seeking employment, what proves more and more useful, is
creativity that will allow you to use unconventional methods to get your dream job. But remember that moderation in all
things is the key. Unconventional ways to draw attention to yourself will be more appreciated by employers who offer
jobs requiring a large creativity and ingenuity, which is obvious in case of creative agencies, but also true for the
sectors of marketing, advertising, trade, PR or journalism.

On the other hand, these methods are not likely to meet with approval if the company needs someone reliable and
down to earth, say an accountant, a tram driver or an electrical engineer. Do not forget that even a very original idea
will not do you any good if you lack the competencies required for a given job.

Well, if you would like to give unconventional methods of finding a job a try, perhaps you will find inspiration in one of
the recently popular tricks presented below.



or website - an excellent way of self-promotion, or, in other words, of personal branding. A professional site will

emphasise that you're a curious, open, bold, creative person and a tech-savvy, thus, an ideal candidate. You can
paste links to to your site virtually anywhere, for instance on social networking sites or trade portals and forums, which
will greatly increase the chance that you will get noticed by the right people.

- ad in a paper or on the Internet - shows that you will use every available medium to your potential employers. Pretty
much everyone reads a newspaper and browses Internet every single day, so this method can really work wonders! It
is best if your ad has an effective, optimally a rhymed catchword to it, which will appeal to employers. Plus, e-
promotion will surely present you as a motivated and resourceful candidate.

- "hire me" billboard - make sure it includes a clear reference to your website or your phone number. It will
immediately get to a vast number of viewers, being undoubtedly an original, albeit a risky idea to advertise your
person. Your face on a giant billboard right in the city centre is indeed impressive, but think twice before exposing
yourself to the risk of endless calls from random pranksters.

- "hire me" poster" - not really new, but it often works and it's definitely less expensive than a billboard. Hang it in the
companies where you'd like to work.

- "hire me" leaflet - instead of the poster you can prepare its smaller version: a brief, to the point leaflet which you can
give to all employers from your wish list.

- video clip - a video CV is a cutting-edge trend, so you can show off your creativity and your ability to speak and make
a connection. Your speech should include all the important information that a typical resume would mention. You can
attach the clip to the e-mail sent or post it on YouTube which will further increase your chances of getting to the
targeted audience.

Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl -


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