Multiboot on Amiko Alien EN

background image

multiboot (DuckBA) for Amiko Alien


a. Microsoft DotNet framework 4.0 is required
b. Property partitioned and formatted pendrive is required
c. Configuration of multiboot is possibile Orly from E2/Neutrino. It daesn’t work from

Spark by design.

d. Since version 0.8 mulitboot Works also with HDDs connected to USB port.

2. Configuration:

a. Start program
b. Press „Configuration” button
c. Select „Amiko Alien” In the drop down list
d. Set proper IP address
e. Set proper password
f. Save settings
g. Close program

3. Image instalation:

a. Press „Extract image on partition” button
b. Select pendrive from drop down list
c. Partitions table should be automatically filled, if not check partitioning of the

pendrive (See point 1a)

d. For partition you want to use, set:

i. Label

ii. Selekt EXT2 as their type

e. Check, if „Always format partition before extracting image” option is checked
f. Press „Extract image” button

4. Mulitboot configuration:

a. Press „Manage Multiboot” button
b. Press „Read” button
c. If program finds Spark image running, configration options will be disabled.
d. To add new position to multiboot, put its name to a name field near your partition

number and Press „Add” button.

e. To activate image extracted on specific partition, Press „Activate image” button and

restart tuner.

f. If, soft from USB doesn’t BOOT, it can be not extracted correctly.


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