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Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM

Język angielski

Poziom rozszerzony

Transkrypcja nagrań

Zadanie 1.

Tekst 1.
Hi Ben! Where were you last weekend? I tried to call you but your phone was turned

Ben: Hi Maggie! Well, I couldn’t answer because I was in a chess competition.
Maggie: Chess? I don’t like it. I’ve never tried it but I heard somewhere it’s a really boring game,

where you just sit and wait for your opponent’s move for ages. My dad wanted to teach me the

rules once but I had no time for that.
Ben: Maggie! You’re wrong! You have to try it. It may seem boring but in reality it’s a really

fascinating game. Did you know that the word „checkmate” comes from Persian and means

„the King is dead”?
Maggie: Really? I didn’t realize that! I love learning new words. That’s why I think the best

game in the world is Scrabble. You know, you have a board and letters in a bag and you create

a crossword on the board.
Ben: Wow! You like Scrabble? I didn’t know! I like it, too. I often play it with my brother. My

sister wants to learn it, too.
Maggie: I play it with my sister and mother almost every week. They’re really good at it.
Ben: So maybe we’ll meet at the weekend and play Scrabble together? Maybe on Saturday?

I have a karate practice in the morning so we could meet in the afternoon.
Maggie: I would like to, but I can’t. On Saturday afternoon I’m busy because I’m going to the

swimming pool. What about Sunday? I have some free time, but only in the afternoon. I have

to visit my cousin in the morning.
Ben: Sounds great!

Tekst 2.
Last Wednesday Joey Chestnut won his sixth hot-dog eating contest at Coney Island,

eating 68 dogs and buns. This year he was much better than his rivals. Joey ate all 68 hot dogs

in 10 minutes and took home $10,000. „I feel good, it was a great win,” Chestnut said after the

contest. „I tried my best. Next year I’ll win too.” Second place went to Tim Janus from New

York with 52 hot-dogs. He got $5,000. During the first 5 minutes of the contest everybody ate

a similar number of hot dogs. But Joey started to eat faster in the last 3 minutes, while others

became slower. Joey ate more than 20,000 calories in this ten minutes long contest.

adapted from

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Transkrypcja nagrań. Język angielski. Poziom rozszerzony

Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM i „Gazetą Wyborczą”


Zadanie 2.


Last weekend I was playing volleyball. When I was jumping to get the ball, another boy from

my team wanted to catch it as well. He hit me with his elbow and I fell down. I felt a terrible

pain in my left leg. It turned out that it was broken. Our coach called the ambulance. In the

hospital, the doctor put it in plaster cast for six weeks – from hip to ankle! Now I need help

whenever I want to go somewhere.


Three days ago I was walking to school with my friend. The day was very cold and there was ice

on the sidewalk. John, my schoolmate, slipped and fell down. He twisted his ankle and couldn’t

walk. This accident wasn’t serious but John had to go to hospital for a small surgery. He had

to stay there for two days. Today he came back to school. He doesn’t have a plaster cast but he

has to wear a bandage.


Last Monday I had an important football game at school. But on Monday morning I woke up

with a horrible headache and high temperature. All my muscles ached and my throat was so

painful that I couldn’t speak. I stayed at home all day. The next day my mother took me to the

doctor. He said that I had the flu. I had to stay at home for six more days!


My family went for dinner to a restaurant. We ordered chicken. I took a chicken wing and bit it.

And then I heard a funny ‘crack’ sound and I felt a horrible pain. I bit a chicken bone and broke

my tooth! My dad called our dentist but he said that I’d have to come the next day. I couldn’t

sleep all night. And my mother, after eating pork chops in this restaurant, got a stomachache!


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