West and northwest Iceland excl west fjords 6 days

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West fjords
History, sagas and nature
– 6 days

- starts in Reykjavík, ends in Akureyri

This tour leads you to famous sites of Icelandic culture and
history and gives you an insight in the Icelandic sagas. It
also brings you to remote nature paradises, where you
have the opportunity to watch seals and birds and enjoy

It includes the Snæfellsnes peninsula, the highlights of
Breiðafjörður and Borgarfjörður in West Iceland and the
western parts of North Iceland.

These parts of the country offer a variety of landscapes:
green farmland, rough coast sides, picturesque fjords, bird
cliffs, lava formations and not to forget the high mountains
of Tröllaskagi peninsula.

Tour description

Day 1:

Reykjavík → Borgarnes/Akranes

Sights: Hvalfjörður, Reykholt, Hraunfossar,

Barnafoss, Deildartunguhver
Day 2: Borgarnes/Akranes →

Sights: Snæfellsnes peninsula

Day 3: Grundarfjörður/Stykkishólmur →

Sights: Breiðafjörður, Eiríksstaðir, Gilsfjörður

Day 4: Reykólar/Broddanes → Ósar

Sights: Hvammstangi, Hindisvík, Hvítserkur

Day 5: Ósar → Siglufjörður

Sights: Víðimýrikirkja, Glaumbær, Hólar, Hófsós

Day 6:

Siglufjörður → Akureyri

Dalvík, Hrísey, Akureyri

Possible extensions:
A. explore the Mývatn area; stay one night at Berg Hostel,
2 days
B. by flight or ferry to Grímsey, 1 or 2 days
C. via Húsavík, Ásbyrgi and Dettifoss to the Mývatn area

Possible combination:
- combine this tour with the NORTH EAST ICELAND tour,
starting from Akureyri and ending in Egilsstaðir

Day 1:

- from Reykjavík drive road no. 1 (ring road) to the north
- pass the small town Mosfellsbær; continue until you
reach the fjord Hvalfjörður
- when you reach Hvalfjörður, turn right onto road no. 47

- the name means Whale Fjord, very picturesque
landscape, very quiet area
- The fjord is about 30 km long and up to 84 km deep.
- There used to be a whaling station in Hvalfjörður, it was
closed in 1992, but now it is in use again for a few days
every year.
- experienced hikers can hike to the highest waterfall in
Iceland, Glymur 210 m. It is at least a two hours hike,
starting from the bottom of the fjord up through the valley
Botnsdalur. Seek information before starting a hike.
- several view points along the road
- There is an interesting photo exhibition at Ferstikla
service station about a submarine station situated in
Hvalfjörður during World War II as well on the former
whaling station.

- just after passing the service station Ferstikla turn right
onto road no. 520
- drive over the mountain pass Ferstikluskarð and through
the valley Svínadalur with its three lakes
- continue on road no. 520, cross the valley Skorradalur

- 28 km long narrow valley, several farms and
- widespread birch growth, extensive forestation
- lake Skorradalsvatn 16 km long, 60 m deep

- continue on road no. 520; turn right onto road no. 50
- turn right onto road no. 518 to get to Reykholt

- one of Iceland’s most important historical sites
- during the Middle Ages rich farm and a center of religion,
culture and politics
- The famous writer and political leader Snorri Sturluson
(1179-1261), author of the Snorra-Edda or prose Edda
lived there. Today you can see a well-preserved thermal

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pool from the Middle Ages, where Snorri used to bathe.
Snorri Sturluson was assassinated in a tunnel, which led
from the bath to his house; you can see the entrance to
this tunnel.
- modern church with a cultural center and a special
library for mediaeval studies, changing exhibitions on
mediaeval Icelandic literature and culture
- traditional church from 19



- statue of Snorri Sturluson by the Norwegian sculptor
Gustav Vigeland, a gift from Norway, unveiled 1947
- the big white building is a former boarding school, built
during the 1930s by Guðjón Samúelsson

- continue on road no. 518 to Hraunfossar and Barnafoss

- waterfalls emerging from the junction of porous rock
and basalt, falling into a 1 km long gorge created by the
glacial river Hvítá
- very picturesque scene in the middle of a huge lava field
- There are also walking paths on the lava field, notice
especially the traditional cairns (vörður) on the walking
paths, interesting vegetation.
- Protected area! Do not leave anything; do not take lava
stones or plants with you!
- The name of this waterfall means the “lava falls”.
- service facilities

- waterfall just upstream from Hraunfossar, just follow the
walking path.
- Legend has it that two children drowned here when they
tried to cross the river walking on a natural rock arch. The
mother of these children had the arch broken down to
protect other families to meet the same fate. You can see
the remains of that arch at the waterfall.
- The name means the “children’s waterfall”.

- if you are looking for refreshments continue on road no.
518 to go to Húsafell

- woodland and recreation area
- swimming pool, service station, restaurant, shop

- turn back, pass Reykholt, turn right onto road no. 50 (to
the north), not far from the crossroads you will find

- most powerful natural hot spring in the world, emits 200
liters of boiling water per second
- very impressive scene, seeing the hot water coming out
of the rock
- many greenhouses, some sell delicious Icelandic
tomatoes at the spot
- today the hot water is also used to heat the houses in
Akranes and Borgarnes

- drive back onto road no. 50 (now to the south); continue
on road no. 50, 52, 53 until you reach the ring road no. 1

- accommodation is recommended at Borgarnes Hostel
or Akranes Hostel
- if you are going to stay at Borgarnes, turn right onto
road no. 1, drive over the bridge to Borgarnes
- for further information on Borgarnes Hostel,
Borgarbraut 9-13, 310 Borgarnes – ph.+354-695-3366

- small town, 2.500 inhabitants, living on industry and
- restaurant, services, shopping center, bank, hospital etc.
- one of the sites of the famous Saga of Egill
- interesting botanical garden with a relief sculpture of
Egill Skallagrímsson

- if you are going to stay at Akranes Hostel, turn left onto
road no. 1, drive road no. to the south, turn right onto
road no. 51 to reach Akranes

- small town, 5600 inhabitants
- all necessary service available
- former fishing village, today living on fishing, fish
processing and industry
- beach with yellow sand, Langisandur

- interesting local folk and maritime museum, museum on
sports and minerals
- for further information on the Akranes Museum Centre
contact ph.+354-431-5566
- accommodation is recommended at Akranes Hostel
- for further information on Akranes Hostel, Suðurgata 32,
300 Akranes – ph.+354-868-3332

(Distances: Reykjavík-Hvalfjörður (Ferstikla) 77 km,
Hvalfjörður (Ferstikla) - Reykholt 45 km, Reykholt-
Húsafell-Deildartunguhver 70 km, Deildartunguhver-
Borgarnes/Akranes 34/65 km)

Day 2:

- coming from Akranes drive road no. 51 to the north, at
the crossroads turn left onto road no. 1, heading north or
towards Borgarnes

- from Borgarnes drive road no. 54 (Snæfellsnesvegur)
towards the peninsula Snæfellsnes

- possible stop at Borg á Mýrum, famous church and
parsonage with sculpture Sonatorrek (“Irretrievable Loss
of Sons”) by Ásmundur Sveinsson, based on a poem from
Egils saga

- volcanic crater, 100 m above sea level, 200 m in
diameter, 50 m deep in the middle of a lava field called
- walking path (30 min. walk) from road no. 1.
- protected area

- drive road no. 54, near Búðir go straight onto road no.
574 (Útnesvegur)

- lava field on the south shore of Snæfellsnes peninsula
- lovely church from 19th century at Búðir
- yellow sand beach, rare in Iceland, with black lava

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Arnarstapi and Hellnar
- two former fishing villages
- beautiful and striking coast line, interesting rock
formations, basalt columns, gorges, caves, sea bird
- in Arnarstapi, you will see the stone monument to the
hero Barður Snæfellsás, who protects the area from evil as
the local legend has it
- several marked hiking paths to the caves and sea bird
- restaurant at Arnarstapi, café at Hellnar
- national park office including interesting exhibition at

- continue on road no. 574

- The area is dominated by the three peaked volcano and
glacier Snæfellsjökull (1446 m high) which is believed to
be a place of supernatural power.
- One of the most famous volcanoes in Iceland featured in
novels by Jules Verne and Icelandic writer Halldór
- today national park
- several hiking trails

For centuries one of the busiest fishing-stations, once
inhabiting 600 seasonal workers.
- walking path to the shore (Djúpalónssandur), where
there are four well-known lifting stones which fishermen
would try their strength at, they had to be able to lift at
least the smaller ones

Rif and Hellissandur
- former important fisher villages
- western most settlements on Snæfellsnes peninsula
- maritime museum and fishermen’s cottages at
- large colony of the arctic tern between Rif and

- small town (900 inhabitants), good harbor facilities, rich
offshore fishing grounds
- museum in a 19th century warehouse

- all necessary services

- continue on road no. 574 and 54 to Grundarfjörður

- fishing and trading center since the 18th century, named
after the fjord Grundarfjörður
- today lovely small town in a great environment,
dominated by the mountain Kirkjufell
- population about 850, living on fishing and fish
- French fishermen built a church and several houses in
the town
- swimming pool, tourist information

- accommodation recommended at Grundarfjörður
or Stykkishólmur Hostel
- for further information on Grundarfjörður Hostel,

Hliðarvegur 15, 350 Grundarfjörður – ph.+354-895-6533 /

- if you are going to stay at Stykkishólmur Hostel continue
on road no. 54 and 58 to get to the town Stykkishólmur

- town with 1230 inhabitants, fishing and trading center,
school, hospital
- for centuries a focal point for settlement in the
Breiðafjörður area
- modern space age looking church, concert hall, art
museum on water “Vatnasafnið”
- folk museum close to the harbor in the “Norwegian
- super market, great swimming pool
- from here the ferry Baldur goes to Brjánslækur (West
- light house near the harbor
- several boat trips with bird and whale watching, sea
angling etc.
- tourist information centre

- accommodation is recommended at Stykkishólmur

- for further information on Stykkishólmur Hostel,
Höfðagata 1, 340 Stykkishólmur – ph. +354-438-1417 /

(Distances Akranes/ Borgarnes-Búðir 137/102 km, Búðir-
Grundarfjörður 89 km, Grundarfjörður-Stykkishólmur 45
km; total: 271/166 km)

Day 3:

- coming from Grundarfjörður drive road no. 54 to the east
- coming from Stykkishólmur drive road no. 58, turn left
onto road no. 54
- drive road no. 54 into the fjord Hvammsfjörður
- at the junction turn left onto road no. 60 and then left
onto road no. 586 to get to Eiríksstaðir

- today an abandoned farm, but still one of the most
historically significant locations in Iceland
- once it was the starting point of the westward expansion
of the Vikings (first to Greenland and later to North
- archeological excavations lead to the assumption that
this was the home to Eiríkur rauði (Erik the Red), his son
was Leifur Eiriksson, the first European to set foot on
North America
- replica of the longhouse of Eiríkur at the site, 12 m long,
4 m wide, turf roof
- local guides, dressed as Vikings, can explain the house
and the story to you as well as the ruins of the former
- statue of Leifur Eiríksson
- for further information on Eiríksstaðir contact ph. +354-
434-1118/ 430-4706
- drive back, turn right onto road no. 60
- northeast of Búðardalur the famous valley Laxárdalur

- valley northeast of Búðardalur
- site of one of the most impressive Icelandic Sagas,
Laxdæla Saga

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- according to the Icelandic Sagas and the Book of
Settlement (Landnámbók) this is one of the oldest
settlements in Iceland
- Auður Djúpúðga (Auður the Deep minded) settled here in
895, she was the daughter of Ketill, earl of the Hebrides
and was married to King Ólafur Hvíti from Dublin
- Auður brought a large number of Scots and Iris people to
- she had a Christian Cross erected at Krosshólar (in the
1960s a stone cross was erected at the same site)
- timber church from late 19



- now you can choose if you want to drive through the
mountain valley Svínadalur, road no. 60,
or if you prefer to drive along the coast side, road no. 590

- narrow, very beautiful fjord
- a new bridge (17 km) crosses the fjord and shortens the

- continue on road no. 60

- accommodation is recommended at Reykhólar Hostel
or Broddanes Hostel
- if you are going to stay at Reykhólar Hostel, continue on
road no. 60 and turn left onto road no. 607 to reach
- for further information on Reykhólar Hostel,


A-Barðarstrandasýslu, 380 Reykhólar – ph. +354-434-
7878 / +354-865-9968/+354-843-9443

- small village, population 120, situated in very beautiful
- hiking trails, hot springs, nice vegetation, bird life, view
on many small islands in the fjord Breiðafjörður

- if you are going to stay at Broddanes Hostel, turn right
onto road no. 605
- drive over the highland plateau Tröllatunguheiði

- mountain road over a highland plateau between the
fjords Króksfjörður and Steingímsfjörður

- 26 km long, altitude up to 420 m

- when you reach the fjord Steingrímsfjörður, turn right
onto road no. 61 (heading south)

- accommodation is recommended at Broddanes Hostel
- further information on Broddanes Hostel,


510 Hólmavík – ph. +354-618-1830

(Distances: Grundarfjörður/Stykkishólmur – Eiríksstaðir
104/84 km, Eiríksstaðir – Hvammur 38 km, Hvammur –
Gilsfjörður 27/77 km, Gilsfjörður – Reykhólar/Broddanes
44/75 km)

Day 4:

- coming from Reykhólar drive back on road no. 607, turn
right onto road no. 60 and later left onto road no. 605 to
drive over the highland plateau Tröllatunguheiði, when you
get to the fjord Steingrímsfjörður, turn right onto road no.
61 (to the south)

- from Broddanes drive road no. 61 to the south along the
fjords Bitrufjörður and Hrútafjörður

- long narrow fjord, the largest in this part of Iceland
- very good agricultural area, many farms

- when you get to the bottom of the fjord turn left onto
road no. 1
- continue on road no. 1, when you get to the fjord
Miðfjörður, turn left onto road no. 72 to get to

- village, pop. 590
- authorized trading place since the late 19



- service centre for the surrounding neighborhood
- home to the newly opened Icelandic Seal Center, where
you can learn everything about seals and their closest
- for further information on the Icelandic Seal Center
contact ph. +354-451-2345/ 898-5233

- drive road no. 711

- farm at the coast of Húnaflói
- offers an interesting seal watching location
- short hike from the parking lot at the farm
- café, information
- seals inhabit the skerries near Illugastaðir all year round,
curious seals swim quite near to the guests of Illugastaðir
- in the 19


century, this farm was the scene of a famous

crime, the murder of Natan Ketilsson

- abandoned farm on the bay Hindisvík at the end of
Vatnsnes peninsula
- very picturesque landscape

- basalt crag rising from the sea, 15 m high
- erosion formed it looking like some figure of a fairy tale
or a monster
- colonies of sea birds and seal breeding grounds

- accommodation is recommended at Ósar Hostel
- for further information on Ósar Hostel, Þverárhreppi, V-
Hún, 531 Hvammstangi – ph. +354-862-2778

(Distances: Reykhólar/Broddanes – Hrútafjörður (bottom)
161/107 km, Hrútafjörður – Hvammstangi 39 km,
Hvammstangi – Ósar 45 km; total: 245/191 km)

Day 5:

- from Ósar Hostel drive road no. 711 to the south
- near the lake Vesturhópsvatn, you can see Borgarvirki

- “citadel”, 177 m high
- group of rocks on the ridges between Vesturhóp and the
Víðidalur valley
- basalt columns 10-15 m high, depression on the top and
an open to the east
- a big stonewall has been raised in the open, ruins of hut
in the depression
- nobody knows for what purpose these walls were raised,
but Icelandic Sagas suggest them being defense walls

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- when you reach ring road no. 1, turn left and drive
through the valley Víðidalur in direction to Blönduós

- small town, pop. 1000, living on agriculture, transport,
- situated at the mouth of the river Blanda built on both
sides of the river
- very interesting modern church, built in the years 1981-
- all necessary service available, bank, shops, gas station,
- nice recreation area on an island in the glacial river
Blanda, worth to stop and go for a walk (you can see it
from the gas station)

- continue on road no. 1, driving through the valley
Langidalur and over the pass Vatnsskarð

- coming down the mountain pass Vatnsskarð you should
stop at the memorial for Stephan G. Stephansson and
enjoy the views on the fjord Skagafjörður
- Stephan G. Stephansson (1853-1927) was an Icelandic
farmer and poet who lived in this area before leaving the
country to settle in USA and Canada, he was called the
poet of the Rocky Mountains
- many farmers and poor people from the Skagafjörður
area emigrated to Canada and the USA in the late 19th
and early 20th century, forming the community of the
West-Icelanders in Canada (especially in Manitoba)

- continue on road no. 1
- before getting to Varmahlíð, you can find the church of
Víðimýri to the right of road no. 1

- traditional turf church from 1834
- one of the most beautiful turf churches still existing in
- very good example of traditional Icelandic architecture
- local guide, leaflets, postcards at the spot

- continue on road no. 1, turn left on to road no. 75,
passing the village Varmahlíð to get to Glaumbær

- very interesting open air and folk museum, former
parsonage and wealthy farm
- one of the few remaining Icelandic turf farms, oldest
parts of it are from the 18th century
- Beside the turf farm, there are buildings from the 19th
and early 20th century, including a church and a former
school for housekeepers.
- Take your time; there are many things to explore and to
learn about everyday life in Iceland.
- There is a very nice café in a cozy old-fashioned tearoom
where you can get traditional Icelandic cakes and other
local snacks.
- for further information on Glaumbær museum contact

- from Glaumbær drive back to get onto road no. 1, turn
left, heading east
- after a short while turn left again onto road no. 76 in
direction to Hofsós

- before getting to Hofsós turn right onto road no. 767 to
get to Hólar in the valley Hjaltadalur

- former bishopric (1106-1998), most important historical
site in northern Iceland
- religious and educational centre from the 12th until the
18th century
- it was the site of Iceland’s first printing press
- in 1584 the first complete Icelandic Bible was printed
- the last Catholic bishop, Jón Arason, who resisted the
Reformation, was beheaded at Skálholt in fall 1550
- church, built 1763 of local red sand stone, oldest stone
building in Iceland
- church tower built in the 1950s
- get a local guide to tell you about the history and all the
interesting pieces inside the church as well as the replica
of a wooden building, Auðunarstofa, from the Middle Ages
- today home to the Agricultural College and Hólar
University, teaching aquaculture and fish biology, equine
sciences and rural tourism

- during the summer season, there are exhibitions on local
history at the University
- nice hiking area

- drive back and turn right onto road no. 76, heading
north to Hofsós

- village, situated on the eastern shores of Skagafjörður,
pop. 200
- former trading centre and harbor for
- very interesting Icelandic Emigration Centre
(Vesturfarasetrið) with exhibitions on emigration to
Canada and the USA in the late 19th century, worth a visit
- for further information on Vesturfarasetrið contact

- nice harbor, the exhibition is situated here, as well as
Pakkhúsið, a wooden warehouse from the 18th century,
now preserved by the National Museum

- continue on road no. 76 and 793 to reach Siglufjörður

- fishing town, 1600 inhabitants
- protected against avalanches by two walls (18 and 14 m
- very interesting Herring Era Museum, Iceland’s largest
maritime museum
- The Boat House recreates the town’s bustling harbor of
the 1950s, with many old fishing boats at the dock. During
the years of the so called “herring adventure”, a gold rush-
like atmosphere settled over the town, leading to
Siglufjörður been dubbed the "Atlantic Klondike"
- for further information on the herring museum contact
ph.+354 467 1604

- accommodation recommended at Siglufjörður Hostel
- for further information on Siglufjörður Hostel, Aðalgata
10, 580 Siglufjörður – ph.+354-467-1506

(Distances: Ósar – Blönduós 68 km, Blönduós – Glaumbær
64 km, Glaumbær – Hólar 50 km, Hólar – Siglufjörður 87
km; total: 269 km)

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Day 4:

- from Siglufjörður drive road no. 793 and 82 to get to

- town, 1000 inhabitants
- depending on fishing and fish processing
- local hot springs are used for house heating

- continue on road no. 82

- former fishing village on the western shores of the fjord
Eyjaförður, 1400 inhabitants
- from you have nice views on Hrísey island
- magnificent mountain peaks surround the village
- departure point for the ferry to Grímsey
- whale watching, folk museum, swimming pool

- flat island at the mouth of the fjord Eyjafjörður
- reached by ferry from Ársskógarsandur (10 km south of
- picturesque village with 200 inhabitants
- interesting for bird watchers (arctic tern, eider ducks,
ptarmigans, golden plover), hiking trails

- so called capital of the North, situated in the narrow fjord
- trading place since 1602, population today 16.000
- interesting sites: botanical garden, modern church by the
architect Guðjón Samúelsson, sculpture “The Outlaw” by
Einar Jónsson, Nonnahús (museum in memory of Jón
Sveinsson, author of children books, for example “Nonni
and Manni”), harbor, folk museum, museum on natural
- restaurants, cafés, shops, art galleries etc. in the center
of the town, swimming pool, all year Christmas shop
- tourist information, guided tours by bus, boat and jeep
- airport

- for further information on museums, exhibitions etc.
contact ph.+354-460-1000

- accommodation recommended at Akureyri Hostel

- for further information on Akureyri Hostel,

Stórholt 1

603 Akureyri – ph.+354-462-3657 / +354-894-4299

(Distances: Siglufjörður-Ólafsfjörður 62 km, Ólafsfjörður-
Akureyri 61 km; total: 123 km)

From Akureyri you can take a flight to Reykjavík or you
can drive back to Reykjavík on road no. 1.
- for further information on flight schedules see

Extension A:
- from Akureyri drive on road no. 1 to the Mývatn area
- explore the area
- stay one night at Berg Hostel
- for further information on Berg Hostel, Sandi, Aðaldal,
641 Húsavík – ph. +354-464-3777

- beautiful shallow lake in a region of volcanic activity and
geothermal heat
- during the summer a paradise for ducks and other birds,
average number of 50000 pairs of ducks of 15 species
- very good trout fishing
- extremely beautiful surrounding area, covered with lava
and growth
- interesting geological phenomena like pseudo craters,
lava caves, hot mud and steam springs, canyons etc.
- the name means “lake of the midges”, during the
summer swarms of midges can make life unpleasant here,
but these midges do not bite
- several service stations and restaurants around the lake
- here are some suggestions:

- church and former parsonage, today a small village of
200 inhabitants
- service, restaurant, bank, supermarket, shop
- In the year 1829, the church was threatened by a
volcanic eruption but miraculously the flow of lava stopped
just a few meters from the church. A modern church was
built on the same site in 1972.

- very interesting: “Jarðböðin”
- The Mývatn Nature Baths, opened in 2004, are an
outstanding attraction, offering excellent bathing facilities
in an outdoor lagoon whose temperature is 38-40



- service and information center, cafeteria
- for further information contact ph.+354-464-4411

- mountain south of the pass Námaskarð, former sulfur
mine, the east side of the mountain is all covered by signs
of geothermal heat
- impressive bubbling mud pools, steam vents, hot boiling
springs and fumaroles, distinctive stench of sulfur
- there are roped-off paths, please do stick to those paths,
it is extremely dangerous to walk around in this area, the
surface material is fragile and the ground is extremely

Krafla and Víti
- cone-shaped volcano north of Námafjall, but also a
system of fissures
- considerable geothermal heat on the west side of Krafla
- Geothermal Power Station, build in 1984, later extended
- The crater Víti is situated nearby Krafla, its name means
“hell” in Icelandic

- famous for a number of pseudo craters, formed by gas
explosions when hot lava flew into the waters, looking like
circular craters or small islands
- protected area, please do not leave the walking paths
and close the gates behind you
- service, shop, cafe

- quite unique recreation area
- valley filled up with bizarre lava formations, caves, holes
and pillars.
- protected area, very sensible birch growth

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- several marked walking paths, don not leave the roped
off routes, you can easily get lost in this labyrinth of dark
lava rocks

- newly built service and information centre at the
entrance, cafeteria

Extension B:
- by ferry or flight to Grímsey from Akureyri or Dalvík, 1 or
2 days
- for further information on Grímsey contact ph.+354-467-


Extension C:
- day trip from Akureyri and back

- nice small town, situated in the bay of Skjálfandafljót,

population 2500
- former fisher town with excellent natural harbor

- populating now mostly living on service and tourism
- schools, hospital, centre of higher education, banks etc.
- In Húsavík the first Icelandic whale watching tours

started in the early 90’s
- really interesting professional museum and exhibition on
whales and former whaling in Iceland (all the way back to
the Middle Ages), contact ph.+354 414 2800
- Whale watching recommended! There are different

companies offering whale watching in Húsavík. A trip takes
at least 3 hours.
- church, restaurants, cafés, shops, swimming pool, all
services near by the harbor

- hiking trails along the shore, up to Húsavík mountain
(where you will find a surprising hot water bath), around
the small lake Botnsvatn
- hot springs and geothermal heat

- very impressive waterfall on the river Skjálfandafljót.
- Icelandic Sagas tell that back in the year 1000, when the
parliament had decided that Icelanders should adopt the
Christian religion, the law-speaker Þorgeir

Ljósvetningagoði threw his pagan idols into the river. After
that the waterfall was named the “waterfall of the idols” or
- walking paths, lovely moss and birch growth, please be
careful not destroying it
- cafeteria, shop and service

- museum on the east side of fjord Eyjafjörður, not far
from road no. 1
- superb example of a traditional turf farmhouse, former
- dating from the late 19


century, timber fronted with

five gable roofs, all made of turf
- church from the 19


century next door

- for further information on Laufás museum contact
ph.+345- 462-4162


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