Morgan King Moving On With His Yoga Instructor

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2013 Morgan King

ISBN: 978-1-77130-641-6

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


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WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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The Moving On series is a thank you to everyone that helps me keep
moving forward with my life.

In particular this story goes to my friend James, the original master of
cheesy things and all the fantastic Yoga teachers I’ve had over the years,
especially Carole my current Hot Yoga teacher.


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Moving On, 2

Morgan King

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

“Feel your heels sinking into the floor, your arms stretching to the


Jamie focused on his feet then his fingertips, trying to follow

Blake’s instructions, trying to connect his body to his will. He was fully
determined to be in control of his body. The only problem was every
time he heard Blake’s deep, authoritative voice it connected straight to
his cock, detouring via a quick shiver down his spine.

“Feel your spine lengthening.”
Jamie tried to ensure that was the only thing lengthening. The last

thing he needed in class was a full on erection. With the loose shorts he
had on he’d be supporting a family sized tent, the sort with room to stand
up in, rather than a one man affair. Thank God he was at the front corner
of the class, where no one had a good view of the front of his body and
the upwardly mobile fabric of his trousers, except maybe Blake, but
surely he’d be too busy teaching. Concentrating hard, Jamie focused on
the sensation of growing tall, tucking his chin in so the curls on his head
reached a little bit higher.

“Bring your hands together; place them under your chin. Now,

concentrate on your breathing. As you breathe in raise your elbows, lift
your head back, then release.”

The sound of everyone’s first out breath was audible. The more

breaths everyone released the greater the noise and humidity in the room
became. Jamie found himself relaxing into the shared rhythm of the class
breathing in and out, slow and steady, deep and even . There was

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something cathartic about a group of people letting go of their tension

It was a very small part of Jamie’s mind that was still active and

noted, almost objectively but with a hint of relief, that Blake’s voice had
become soothing, not nearly so arousing. He was providing a
background commentary, something about stepping off of one’s hamster
wheel, leaving everything that had happened that day behind.

That was exactly why Jamie came to this class. He really needed

to both slow down and de-stress. It would be awful if his attraction to
Blake were to become a distraction or so obvious that it was awkward
and he felt obliged to leave. He needed this class, and not just because of
the mouthwatering, nearly close enough to taste, eye-candy that was its

Hot Yoga on a Wednesday evening was one of the few things

Jamie made time to do on a regular basis, just because he wanted to. It
was part of finding himself again and getting more in shape, a straight
lined kind of shape if possible. Doing stuff he liked and being the person
he wanted to be were both things his break-up with Dan had been the
inspiration for.

He could still hear Dan’s voice saying, “You’re attractive, Jamie,

just not to me, not anymore.” Clearly Dan was a bastard, but somehow
that didn’t lessen the pain, or stop the wound from seeping a little bit
every time he thought of him.

“Okay, everyone come to the front of your mats. We’re going to

move into doing some balance poses now.”

Jamie shook himself mentally, a quick image of the sweat spraying

out from his hair much like when a wet dog shakes itself playing in front
of his eyes.

He was tired enough this evening that he was having trouble

staying with it. Too many late nights. He worked late to distract himself
from being lonely and feeling sorry for himself.

Being self-aware didn’t always make it easier to change.
Following the rest of the class he placed his weight into his right

foot and lifted his left leg resting his foot against his calf.

“It doesn’t matter where your foot is: it can be on the floor, at your

knee, or tucked higher. Our bodies are all different. It’s remaining steady
and maintaining the pose that we’re aiming for.”

Jamie glanced at the others in the studio. Nearly all the women had


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their foot at knee level or above, and the class was ninety-five percent
female. The other man in the room, aside from Blake, was struggling a
bit as well, which made Jamie feel slightly better, until Blake drew
attention to them both.

“Tree pose is not just a balance pose. It’s also a hip-opener so the

men in the class may well find it more challenging. Increased muscle
size and tension make it hard to be as flexible.”

Jamie had never thought of himself as being particularly muscular.

Maybe it was just in comparison to the women? He would kill, or at
least keep coming to Hot Yoga, to have good muscle definition and

Just like Blake.
Jamie suspected if he could glance across to the mirror without

falling over he’d see a very dreamy “thinking about Blake” look on his
face. Blake’s muscles, which were just begging to be squeezed,
especially his pecs, clearly had no problem being contorted in all

The man was so fit there was no resisting looking at him. Or

thinking about him.

At least he wasn’t alone. Jamie wasn’t the only one checking

Blake out. Furtive glances were shot in Blake’s direction from all mats
in the room. At the end of class everyone took their time gathering their
things, finding numerous questions to ask Blake.

In response Blake was always extremely courteous, making time

for all his students. Jamie had never been able to detect him having a
particular interested in anyone in particular. And he had paid careful
attention. Was it professionalism on Blake’s part, or was he just not
interested in any of them? Was there any chance Blake was gay?

Jamie had never had a reliable gaydar, and he certainly didn’t

want to assume that the fact he fancied the man reflected anything about
Blake’s sexuality. If that was how it worked just imagine how many
disappointed Daniel Craig fans there would be!

Both feet firmly back on the ground after the balance poses they

moved into what Blake called a Vinyasa form of yoga, connecting their
breath with the flowing movement of their bodies through a Salute to the
Sun routine. Jamie took the opportunity to wipe a towel across his face
and drink some water while Blake paused to adjust the music playing
through his iPod. Something a bit faster was required at this point.

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Sometimes it was Duffy with Mercy. Tonight Jamie identified the first
sounds of the chosen song as belonging to “Somebody That I Used to
Know” by Gotye. He knew it well.

Everything about the song reflected and reminded him of his break-

up with Dan. Many times he’d played it on a loop, and yes, it was a song
he’d cried to. At least now as he folded forward before jumping back
into a plank the song became filled with energy. A positive energy that
made him think about moving past his relationship with Dan.

In downward dog the blood rushed to his head, and Jamie found

himself contemplating online dating.

Nah, maybe not.
Coming back to standing before the salute to the sun cycle began

again Jamie admitted to himself that he was going to have confidence and
trust issues if he started dating. Maybe he’d get lucky and bump into
someone in Waitrose.

If Jamie hadn’t been breathing so hard he’d have laughed at

himself. Who would approach him, shy and nothing out of the ordinary as
he was, in Waitrose? If he went late night shopping in Tesco after class
he’d probably scare the few shoppers. Red-faced and dripping sweat as
he was he must look a fright.

He’d give it a few more weeks of Hot Yoga before revisiting the

online dating idea. Swimming could be good, too.

Nearly finished, thought Blake.

He enjoyed teaching the Hot Yoga

class, but there was always that sense of relief when it was nearly over,
especially if he could be satisfied he’d done a good job. It looked like he
might have done too good a job this evening. One of his students
appeared to actually be sleeping. They always finished with a few
minutes of relaxation, but five minutes shouldn’t be long enough to fall

Turning the volume of the music right down, and the lights up, he

spoke to the class. “Okay, everyone before you open your eyes and sit up
I’d like you to try rubbing your hands together. Place them over your
eyes so you can feel the warmth, and when you’re ready slowly separate
your fingers so that when you open your eyes the light filters in.”

Blake watched as one by the class followed his instructions. All

accept his sleeping beauty, Jamie.

“When you’re ready, roll up into a sitting position. Take your time.


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Don’t rush.” He made a point of making eye contact with all the students
looking at him. “Thank you for coming. I hope to see you next week.”
Smiling he added, “Don’t forget you can always ask me any questions
you might have about the class, or other practitioners here at the center.”

Luckily no one came up to him. Many of them seemed to notice

Jamie sleeping in the corner and decide not to disturb him by talking.
This week Blake didn’t follow the class out of the studio into the waiting
area as he usually would. Toweling down he gathered his bits and pieces
together, making sure all the heaters were turned off. He left the yoga
mats that belonged to the center. The cleaner would give them a quick
mop before they got put away.

Every few seconds he slid his eyes over to Jamie in the front

corner of the room. He was loath to wake him, but didn’t want him
catching cold. He went in search of a blanket. When he returned, he
gently placed the blue fleece he’d found over the man. There was no sign
he’d even moved a muscle.

Blake was seriously tempted to stroke his face. To smooth that

errant lock of dark hair back behind his ear. To trace the full pout of his
bottom lip and feel the gentle puff of his breath.

The way Blake felt about this particular student was seriously

unprofessional. He’d already checked his body out and not the way he
did for all the others in his classes. When he looked at this man’s body
he wasn’t assessing his frame, he was thinking how neatly it would tuck
against his. He had the cutest arse on him, really well rounded, spherical
but still pert. God, what Blake wouldn’t give to be allowed free rein
with that arse. He couldn’t care less about the lack of a six pack. He
wanted someone warm and full of love not a cool drink, and this
particular man brought out all his protective urges. If Jamie were his
he’d make sure he got to bed on time. He’d only be allowed to fall
asleep on Blake if he’d just received a thorough workout.

It was a shame he always dashed straight out after class. Not

tonight though.

Jamie opened his eyes, aware before he did so that he wasn’t in

his own bed. He wasn’t cold, but his back and shoulders felt all out of
place. Blinking he tried to focus on his surroundings. At first neutral
walls greeted him. He extended his gaze. One terracotta wall came into
view. The smooth surface of a boarded floor greeted his fingertips as he

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stretched them out.

“You’re awake.”
Was he? Jamie felt dazed, and that voice was straight from his

dreams. His most naughty dreams. Blake! That was Blake’s voice. He’d
been at Hot Yoga.

Oh my God. He must have fallen asleep at the end of class.
“Don’t sit up too quickly.”
Jamie paused mid sit-up and rolled onto his right-hand side in an

effort to slow his upward movement. “I’m sorry. How long have I been

Too long he suspected. It was too hard to get his mind to focus. It

must have been more than a few minutes.

“About forty minutes, but don’t sweat it.”
Blake sounded amused rather than angry at having to stay late,

which was lucky. He was the last man Jamie would want to have angry
at him. Not because he felt threatened by Blake, but more because he had
this strange urge to please the man.

And that thought was best not analyzed any further.
Jamie decided to try his voice out. “Yeah, there’s enough sweat in

here already.” There was a small crack in his voice by the time he
reached the end of the sentence, but other than that it appeared to be
working, and his brain was obviously speeding up enough to be coming
up with witty remarks. Passably witty at any rate. Blake was smiling at
him, after all.

“Speaking of which you can’t be comfortable,” Blake said.
With damp clothes clinging to him Jamie wasn’t comfortable. “I’d

better get home,” he said, gathering up his empty water bottle.

“Driving just now might not be the best thing right now. Have you

got someone who can pick you up?” Genuine concern was etched on
Blake’s face.

Jamie felt himself flush. “No, not really.”
“No family or partner?” Blake’s question sounded innocent

enough, but Jamie noticed the way he hadn’t said girlfriend. Jamie
suspected it was pretty obvious he was gay. He didn’t flaunt it through
his clothes or anything, but he’d never felt inclined to worry about or
change his mannerisms, which might be just a tad flamboyant for a
straight guy.

“No, I broke up from my boyfriend a few weeks back.” Might as


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well get that information out there. Just in case. On the slim chance Blake
might be interested. Yeah right! He wasn’t certain Blake was even gay,
and if he was interested in men there was nothing to suggest he’d be
interested in Jamie. Anyone looking like Blake would have his choice of

“I’d offer to give you a lift, but I walked and it would take at least

twenty minutes for me to collect my car. Tell you what. Take my number
and give me a text when you get home so I know you got back safely.”

Jamie opened his mouth intending to respond. No words came out.
“Have you got a phone with you so I can give you my number? If

not, I can probably find a piece of paper and a pen to write it down for

Jamie rummaged in the small gym bag he always brought with him.

“I’ve got a phone.” He switched the phone on, looking at it intently
rather than meeting Blake’s gaze as he waited for the series of bleeps
signaling it was ready. “It’s not smart or anything, but it can remember

Aghh, why did he say such things? Blake didn’t need to know how

crap his phone was.

“Great, if it didn’t remember numbers you might want to take it

back to the toy shop that sold it to you.”

Was Blake teasing him? It sounded like it. Jamie’s heart beat a

little faster. “Either that, or check that my nephew hadn’t swapped
phones with me when I wasn’t looking!”

“Unless he’s two I’m guessing he probably has a better phone than

you anyway. At least that’s my impression of kids these days.”

“You’re right, Nathaniel’s six, and he already has my brother’s old

iPhone as a hand-me-down. I refuse to even compete.” Jamie gathered
his courage and looked up at Blake, flashing him a smile. “I’m ready.”

Blake reeled off his number. Jamie repeated it back as he typed the

numbers in. “I’m already feeling much better, more awake,” Jamie said,
“but I’ll be sure to text you when I get home.”

There was nothing more to say, so Jamie put his phone back in his

bag and walked over to the door. He was resisting turning back for one
last look when Blake called out, “See you next week.”

Granted a last look after all, Jamie drank in as much as possible of

Blake. “Yeah next week, definitely, I should be free. I’ll make sure I’m

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Chapter Two

Blake carried his phone in his hand all the way home. He didn’t

want to miss its buzz when a message from Jamie came through. Even
though it didn’t vibrate every so often he’d flip open the screen just to
check for a new message icon, or that he had a signal, or that the three
bars of battery hadn’t dwindled to one at which point service became

Thinking about it he had no idea where Jamie lived or how long it

would take him to get home. He’d just assumed because Jamie was
driving he’d get home first.

Blake had already reached his block of flats and was climbing the

two flights to his apartment.

He let himself in and decided to put his phone down on the hall

shelf along with his keys. He could check it again in a few minutes. In
fact he really ought to grab a drink and shower. He’d make himself wait
until after doing those two things before he checked again.

Grabbing a bottle of coconut water from the fridge he took long

pulls of the hydrating liquid as he collected his towel from the bedroom
and headed into the bathroom.

He loved his bathroom. He loved his whole apartment really.

Coming home always filled his body, from his core out, with warmth.
And pride that he’d been able to buy a place that made him feel good
about living there.

His job as a Yoga Instructor was not just an opportunity to use his

body after sitting at a desk much of the day, it also allowed him to get a
slightly larger mortgage and afford somewhere special in a good
location. Whilst he enjoyed his job of designing marketing and
recruitment materials for the leisure center because it allowed him a
creative outlet for his brain, the yoga gave him a much needed physical
outlet. The fact that he could use company premises to hold his classes
was a bonus. Having a home of his own where he could truly relax
helped both his physical and mental well-being.

The flat had plenty of natural elements that promoted harmony,

such as the large windows that let in plenty of light and glass doors in the

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lounge that led onto a balcony where he cultivated plants including a
small selection of fruit and vegetables.

The bathroom, however, was all about decadence and indulgence,

and the comfort of his body. As soon as Blake had bought the place he’d
stripped out the shower cubicle, tiled in a large area he separated from
the rest of the bathroom with a glass wall and had a power shower
installed. The shower area was now so large he could do jumping jacks
in it, and the hard pound of the spray was just what he needed after class.

It would make a great place to fuck. Shame he hadn’t met anyone

he wanted to bring back to his haven.

He hadn’t been completely celibate in the year since moving in.

There just hadn’t been a relationship that progressed to bringing
someone back. He had always been happy for any sex to happen at the
other guys’ places, never at his. He was man enough to admit he liked
being able to put his shoes back on after sex if he didn’t feel like hanging
around. Reflecting back that in itself was probably part of the reason
those liaisons had all ended up being short term.

He switched they shower on and stripped out of his clothes. They

would need to go straight in the washing machine after his shower.
Naked he reached out one hand to test the temperature. He liked his
showers hot, so the temperature was up high and always worth checking
first. Satisfied he stepped under the spray. Bliss.

As he lathered his body he inhaled deeply dragging steam deep

into his chest. He shifted his shoulders letting the spray play across his
muscles, working to prevent them from becoming too tight the next day.
His body relaxed a little more with every pulse of the shower.

He could no longer stop his mind drifting to thoughts of Jamie.

Would there be a message on his phone from Jamie when he got out?
Would he be able to convince Jamie to go on a date with him? There
was just something about Jamie. Something that meant Blake could
imagine having him here in his shower, having him in every sense of the

He’d stand behind Jamie, using his added height and body mass to

get close, surrounding the beautiful man. Allowed to touch he’d begin
with shampooing Jamie’s hair, building anticipation and taking the
opportunity to play with the curls that always called to him.

Frequently in class he’d look out while teaching, and his eye

would be caught by Jamie’s dark locks that seemed to say “ruffle me”. If


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he had Jamie in the shower, he could touch those curls to his heart’s

Massage was intensely erotic in Blake’s opinion. In his fantasy

Jamie liked the head massage he was receiving. So much so he begged
Blake in between ragged groans to massage not just his head but the rest
of his body. His cock. Blake imagined him pleading to have the head of
his cock stroked. With one hand he’d push Jamie forward, so that his
arms supported his weight against the wall. The other hand Blake would
guide down to grip Jamie’s cock. Of course it might just detour to
squeeze that delectable arse along the way. The thought was so arousing
Blake braced one of his own hands against the shower wall and took his
cock in hand with the other. He stroked his flesh up and down, imagining
it was Jamie whose erection he pumped.

For the purpose of his fantasy this was their first time together.

Blake wanted Jamie to be desperate for him. Desperate enough to blow
within minutes of feeling the squeeze on his cock. That’s how close
Blake was.

His libido, which had seemed a little worn out of late, was back

with a vengeance. With one last pump and a groan of satisfaction he gave
in to orgasm, spraying the tiled wall with his cum. It would be even more
satisfying if that was Jamie’s cum on the tiled wall with Blake pumping
his own into the other man’s body.

If he had anything to do with it this fantasy would become a reality.
Basking in the glow of a lonely orgasm Blake made up his mind

that he was going to do everything he could to seduce Jamie into his

By the time he got out and toweled dry it would definitely be time

to check his phone again.

Home safe and sound.

Thanks for taking care of me. Jamie.

Jamie debated whether to send the message as it was or whether to

make it flirtier. If he made it flirtier he might embarrass himself. Then
again via text as opposed to in person had to be far easier.

Home safe and sound – no big bad wolves wanting to eat me

along the way.


Before he could change his mind Jamie hit send. A thousand

doubts would creep in if he let them. Many of them born from things Dan
had said. If he could just keep the doubts at bay while sending a few

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texts maybe he’d even get the opportunity to go on a date. He’d like to try
a date. Maybe then he could contemplate another relationship.

Jamie loved the idea of being in a permanent relationship again.

He just needed to find someone normal, a good egg as his mother would
say, or someone who was dominant in a good way. And more
importantly good for Jamie. There was no way he wanted to get into
another relationship with someone who just treated him like a

The pinging of his phone made him jump. Someone who liked him

enough to reply promptly to his texts was a good start.

Glad to hear it, although I wouldn’t mind either being the wolf

that eats you up or the dashing woodsman that comes to your rescue.
Blake x

Jamie read the message over and over, willing the words to stay

the same each time. A mantra started in his head “Stay the same, stay the
same,” before changing to “think of a clever reply, think of a clever

He typed out If you’ve got a big chopper you’d better be the

woodsman before deciding it was way too cheesy. He needed something
more sophisticated. Surely he could think of something with more class
and yet still direct.

Take me out to dinner and I’ll let you know if I want to be

dessert or if I need someone to rescue me. Jamie x

Jamie realized he might just be asking someone out for the first

time in his life. Dan had certainly put all on the moves on him. Initially.

Great when can I see you? Blake x
How could a simple question be so difficult to answer? The

problem was he’d need some time to shop for a new outfit, but not so
much time he got too nervous to go ahead with it. Today was
Wednesday, so it made sense to pick an evening at the weekend, and if
he went for Saturday he should have plenty of time to prepare.

How does Saturday sound? Jamie x
Saturday would be perfect! Do you fancy meeting for a coffee,

then we could catch a movie and dinner if you like? What kind of films
do you like? For that matter what kind of food do you like? I know a
great veggie restaurant, if not having meat doesn’t bother you? Blake

The barrage of questions made Jamie laugh.

He’d have to get up


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early if he wanted to shop and still leave time to fit in going for coffee a
film and dinner, not that that was a problem. Blake was definitely worth
getting up early for. He decided he might as well get comfortable before
replying though. If Blake was as keen to know about him as he was about
Blake they could be texting a while yet.

Jamie resisted skipping over to his couch.

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Chapter Three

Of all the coffee shops in the world! Actually, of all the coffee

shops in Suffolk. Come to think of it, of all the coffee shops in Bury St.
Edmunds why did Dan have to be here?

He was also standing in the queue waiting to be served, unlikely to

be leaving anytime soon.

Jamie had arrived a few minutes ahead of the time he and Blake

had agreed. He had planned to be sitting down with a drink, looking
casual, before Blake arrived. Instead here he was stood on the pavement,
looking inside, probably looking a bit daft.

He really didn’t want a confrontation with Dan, and while he

could happily ignore the man he was fairly sure if Dan saw him he’d
make a point of coming over. That would be just Jamie’s luck.

Maybe he could wait for Blake outside then suggest somewhere

else. Where could he suggest, and what reason could he give for them
needing to go somewhere else?

He was still racking his brains as he saw Blake in the distance. He

didn’t need to be intimately acquainted with Blake to recognize him
straight away. The man stood out in a crowd, quite literally, as he was
surprisingly tall. Jamie hadn’t noticed before quite how tall he was. In a
room full of women, as was the case during Hot Yoga, Blake was simply
taller. In a large crowd full of men and women Blake was still taller. He
must be several inches over six foot. His sandy brown hair was pulled
back in its customary ponytail. Would he let it down for Jamie?

Blake moved closer and closer into view. Jamie’s gaze traced the

features of his face from his strong forehead to dimple chin. The nose in
between was ever so slightly crooked at the bridge, possessing a small
twist to the left, the bend sharp enough that Jamie had already speculated
as to how Blake might have broken it. He didn’t seem the sort to go in
for contact sports.

Part of Blake’s appeal was his gentleness. Well, not so much

gentleness, but caring nature and willingness to embrace his spiritual
side. The fact he was ruggedly handsome was a bonus, and the broken
nose was an added attraction.

Jamie knew that when Blake got closer he’d also be able to see his


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eyes. Another visual treat with their rich chocolate brown irises flecked
with hints of caramel gold and strong dark outlines. Over coffee he’d get
legitimate opportunities to look into them. A great idea as long as he was
able to converse at the same time.

Blake must have spotted him for he waved in Jamie’s direction.

Jamie nearly looked around to see if it was someone else Blake was
waving at. When the wave was followed by a smile Jamie couldn’t help
grinning back. This is really happening to me.

“Hi, ”Blake said as soon as he was close enough to be heard.
“Hi,” said Jamie, a smile still stretched wide across his face.
Sometimes just smiling and saying “Hi” could take as long as five

minutes, without it being uncomfortable, really it could, especially if you
were smiling on the inside, too. Jamie’s heart was metaphorically
wearing a grin to match the one on his mouth.

“Do you want to go in and grab a coffee then?” Blake asked,

breaking the lingering silence. “Yeah, let’s,” Jamie began before
remembering that hadn’t been the revised plan. The revised plan had
been to think of a reason to go somewhere else and thereby avoid Dan.
Too late now, Blake was striding cheerfully through the coffee shop
doorway. It would be fine. It had to be.

Not wanting to draw attention to himself Jamie tried to avoid

looking around the shop to see where Dan had ended up sitting down,
concentrating instead on choosing a drink.

Blake, who was ahead in the queue, ordered an Americano for

himself then turned to Jamie. “What you having?”

“It’s all right I can get my own.” He didn’t want Blake to feel he

had to pay for everything.

“Let me get these. You can always get refreshments at the cinema

later or something.”

That made sense. “Okay,” Jamie said. “Do you mind if I don’t

actually have a coffee?”

“Of course not, have what you like.”
“A fruit smoothie then, any flavor is fine.”
“One fruit smoothie coming up.”

Blake turned back to address the

young girl serving him.

They grabbed their drinks when they were placed on the counter,

and Blake led the way to a table in the corner. Jamie deliberately sat
with his back facing the room. There was nothing distinctive about his

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back. Now they were sitting down there was a good chance Dan might
not spot him.

“So do you never drink coffee, or is it just today?” Blake asked,

stirring a packet of sugar into his own drink.

“I have a bit of a tempestuous relationship with coffee,” Jamie

said. Although maybe he should have gone for a coffee. There was less
chance of getting a noticeable fruit moustache that way.

“Tempestuous?” Blake raised one elegant eyebrow.
“Well, I love coffee but it tends to really wire me and I can’t

sleep, but at the same time I get the low once the high’s worn off. So I try
to avoid it, but then every so often when I really need to concentrate for
work I have one, and then I need to have another to keep balanced, but
eventually the affair comes to an end, and I know I have to give it up and
that’s always hard. I can be depressed for days, wondering whether to go
back or whether I’m better off without.” Jamie sighed melodramatically
and was rewarded with a chuckle from Blake.

“You’re definitely better off without it. I like to think drinking

coffee is my only vice though.” Blake paused to take a sip of his drink,
and Jamie watched the movement of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed
before speaking again. “I find people fascinating. We’re all so different,
especially when it comes to our little contradictions or inconsistencies.
Me for example, I take my health really seriously, but choose not to give
up that one cup of coffee a day.”

“Is it really a choice, or is it an addiction?” Jamie asked naturally

curious, but also keen to see how Blake responded to being questioned.

“I like to think it’s a choice, but maybe that’s the addiction

talking.” Blake winked. He actually winked at Jamie.

Jamie didn’t know where to look, so he made sure to make wipe

his mouth with a serviette instead. When he dared make eye contact
again he asked, “So, did you check what was on at the cinema? I meant
to but was a bit rushed for time this morning.”

“Sure I’ve got a smart phone after all.”
“Ha, ha.”

Jamie said with a hint of sarcasm intended to be

noticeable. “So what does your wondrous phone have to say on the
subject of films we might watch this afternoon? I fully expect it to be
able to recommend a film we’ll both love.”

“Ha, ha, to you, too.

That might be a little tricky though as I got the

impression we both like different things.”


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“Everyone loves romantic comedy. Just not everyone likes to

admit it.”

“Well I’m sure I’ll enjoy myself whatever we go see, but we’re

still not going to see a romantic comedy.”

Blake might be joking, but Jamie still had a feeling they wouldn’t

end up watching any kind of chick flick.

“Okay, here are the listings.” Blake leaned across the table,

holding the screen of his phone towards Jamie and peering around it
himself. The angle was awkward, but they could both see. It also brought
Blake’s face closer to Jamie, whose breath hitched. Blake could have
just passed the phone across after all.

Jamie made a conscious effort to concentrate on the screen. He

nearly jumped when Blake stretched that little bit further and spoke
softly in his ear, his words brushing against Jamie’s sensitive skin.
“Don’t look suddenly, but there’s a guy over there watching you and
when I say watching I mean staring intently. Either he knows you, or I’ve
got some competition.”

Normally Jamie would have laughed at the idea of being checked

out, or that anyone could compete with Blake. In this case a sense of
panic prevented him laughing. Probably a good thing as he’d probably
sound a bit hysterical.

“Aren’t you going to look?”
He didn’t need to look. Jamie knew it would be Dan. Looking

would only encourage Dan to come on over, the very last thing he needed
when things were going so well.

“I’m sure it’s nobody, they’d have said hello if it was.” The

excuse sounded lame even to Jamie’s ears. Distraction might be a better
idea. “How do you fancy the latest superhero movie, action, plus they
might just sneak in a bit of romance?”

“Looks like he’s coming over to say hello.”
Jamie closed his eyes. If he had a box he’d put it over his head and

pretend that meant he couldn’t be seen, just like his nephew liked to do.
Seemed plausible.

Giving in to being an adult he whispered, “It’s my ex.”
“Ah, the latest ex or a blast from the past?”
Jamie sprang his eyes open. “There’s only really one.”


Dan wasn’t enjoying being single as much as he’d thought he

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would. Sure he could come and go as he pleased. Get laid as he pleased.
Unfortunately in reality that wasn’t as often as he liked, and sometimes it
required extensive effort. Going out, scoping a crowd, shelling out
money for drinks. All of it effort for what often turned out to be very
little satisfaction. Being with Jamie might have been boring at times,
undeniably a little routine, but he was great at giving head and cooking

Seeing Jamie again Dan was hit with a wave of nostalgia. If only

he wasn’t so honest he’d get Jamie back and have his fun on the side
when things got a little dull.

He could always see how Jamie felt about giving things another

go. The number of begging messages Jamie had left on his phone for the
first couple of weeks after they’d split suggested he’d jump back into
Dan’s arms. He’d probably be so grateful Dan would be able to have
sex on demand, and—here Dan began to like the idea more and more—
he could probably convince Jamie to kink it up a bit.

Jamie either hadn’t seen him or was trying to ignore him. Dan

guessed it was the latter. Jamie would hate to be brought to tears in
public, and being confronted with Dan and all he’d lost might just do that
to Jamie. He’d never been good at being demonstrative in public.

Good job Dan was going to bring sunshine into Jamie’s world.

Just this once he would go to Jamie rather than waiting for him to come
over. And if the good things weren’t as good as he remembered and the
bad things were as bad as he remembered at least he could say that he
had tried everything to make it work with a clear conscience.

It briefly crossed Dan’s mind to wonder who it was that Jamie

was with, but it didn’t stop him walking over and interrupting the two

“Hey, Jamie.

I’ve been meaning to call. How’s it going?”

Jamie turned and looked up at him, tight-lipped. Strange, Dan had

expected Jamie to be pleased to see him. He tried again. “You’re
looking good.” Actually Jamie was looking good. He looked as if he’d
lost those few extra pounds he carried, and it showed in the smooth
surface and narrower shape of his face. Always cute, Jamie now had a
touch more sexy to him.

“Thanks,” Jamie said without any further elaboration.
Dan tried another tack. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your



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Dan gritted his teeth when Jamie turned to his friend first and said,

“Blake this is my ex-boyfriend Dan,” before looking back his way and
then saying, “Dan, this is my yoga instructor, Blake.” At least he hadn’t
said his new boyfriend.

Dan’s decision to get Jamie back cemented in his head. Even if

Jamie and this other bloke didn’t know it yet, Jamie was his. “Well, I
didn’t think he was your new boyfriend, Jamie,” he said looking first the
other man and up and down then Jamie. He smiled as Jamie flushed.
Good to know Jamie still responded to him, to his authority.

“Just because it’s our first date, doesn’t mean he couldn’t be my

boyfriend.” Jamie’s voice was shaky, but his eyes flashed at Dan. So
Jamie did have some fight in him. Dan had often wondered. All the more
fun to show him who was in charge.

“Prove it. Let me see you kiss him here and now.” Dan had always

loved teasing Jamie. There was no way Jamie would feel comfortable
kissing someone in public, especially if it was a first date.

“I don’t need to prove anything to you.”
Satisfaction surged through Dan at Jamie’s empty retaliation. If he

took his leave now Dan reckoned that the rest of Jamie’s date, if it was
in fact a date, would be ruined, leaving the way open for Dan to pop
round to Jamie’s later and offer him a shoulder to cry on. Sweet.

What Dan hadn’t counted on was the other man closing the

distance between himself and Jamie and pressing a firm kiss to Jamie’s
lips. Shit!

Blake didn’t need an excuse to kiss Jamie, but he wasn’t going to

waste the opportunity. He’d been dying to get his hands on Jamie since
the moment he’d seen him standing outside the coffee shop. Looking
extra cute in a pair of tight jeans and checked shirt. He’d only restrained
himself, because he sensed that Jamie wasn’t quite comfortable in his
presence yet. They’d built up a good rapport while texting each other,
Jamie had been blatantly flirting with him, but Blake knew it wasn’t the
same in person, especially if Jamie’s confidence levels were a little

No surprise given the idiot that his ex-boyfriend clearly was.
With infinite pleasure Blake raised his eyes to look at the idiot ex,

his own lips still pressed firmly against Jamie’s. He let the smile that
remained hidden by the meeting of mouths reach his eyes. If this Dan

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wanted a fight, Blake would happily wipe the floor with him in Jamie’s

A soft moan from Jamie brought Blake’s attention back to the man

he was kissing. Jamie may have been reluctant to take the initiative, but
not so much anymore. His lips were moving against Blake’s, and one of
his hands had come out to rest on Blake’s arm, stroking his soft underarm

Blake’s dick, which had inflated a fraction since first leaning close

to Jamie, and then risen to half-mast when the confrontation got heated,
was now fully erect, tenting the slacks he was wearing. He shifted his
hips trying to relieve the ache, then thought what the hell and twisted his
hips so that if that idiot happened to still be watching he’d get a good

In response to Jamie Blake did with his tongue what he really

wanted to be doing with his dick and thrust it into Jamie’s mouth. Warm,
wet, sweetness greeted his entry. Delicious. Jamie seemed equally keen
on the taste of coffee that must be coating Blake’s tongue, for he sucked
with the power of a brand new Dyson.

The kiss was sloppy and slightly uncomfortable with the table

between them. Blake didn’t care. He realigned his hips with the table
and began rubbing himself against the edge. Shit, that was fantastic. It
was all fantastic. He was going to get carried away if he wasn’t careful.
It wouldn’t take much for him to come right there in a room full of
people. Shit. Fuck.

Blake broke the kiss abruptly, pulling away to slump back in his

chair, his breathing harsh. Well, that had shown Jamie’s ex.

And scared him off.

A glance around the room and out through the

front window confirmed he was no longer in sight and that everyone had
gone back to their conversations, if they had in fact ever been attracted to
watching the drama Jamie and Blake had both been involved in playing

Jamie was watching Blake wide-eyed. The hand that had been

stroking Blake’s arm was now covering Jamie’s mouth. One finger
rhythmically tracing his bottom lip.

“Please stop,” Blake practically growled. He couldn’t help

himself. He was barely clinging onto his control as it was.

“Stop what?” Jamie asked having ceased the motion automatically

to talk.


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Blake said closing his eyes. “Did I do something

wrong?” Jamie asked, obviously not satisfied by Blake’s one word

God, the last thing Blake wanted was for Jamie to get the wrong

impression. “No, you were touching your lip with the finger that had
been stroking my arm. If you’d gone as far as sliding that digit inside
your mouth, like it was my tongue, I wouldn’t have been able to stop
myself from kissing you again.” Blake opened his eyes, drilling a stare at
Jamie. “We would have been kissing ‘til I’d fucked you senseless.”

Blake watched, delighted, as Jamie’s jaw dropped and his eyes

went nearly as wide as his mouth. Jamie must have realized how he
looked, for he gave himself a little shake before replying. “Would you
like to take me home and fuck me then?”

It was Blake’s turn to go slack-jawed. Now that he hadn’t

expected from his little beauty.

“I just thought we could skip the cinema and dinner and go straight

to your place, if you wanted to, that is.”

Of course Blake wanted to fuck Jamie. He was desperate for him,

his cock still fully hard. He wasn’t sure about them going back to his
place though. Only the other night he’d been fantasizing about having
Jamie there, but actually inviting him back seemed somehow harder,
more monumental. Much easier if they could go to Jamie’s place. “How
about we go to your place?”

“Mine?” Jamie asked. “My place is half an hour away, and you

live close to town, don’t you? We could pick up my car and drive to
yours if you like?”

“I’d really love to see your place.” He really would, he wanted to

see more of Jamie, take a look at his things, get more of an impression
for what made him tick.

“Mine?” Jaime asked again his tone increasingly disbelieving.
“Yeah, I’m nosey and can look at all your stuff.” Blake gave a

stilted laugh, even though what he said was true.

“But you told me all about your place, and how great it is, and the

shower you had fitted.” Every time Jamie’s face lost some of its flush
one of them would say something to make it pinken again. Had he been
having shower fantasies, too, Blake wondered. It was almost enough to
make Blake blurt out an invitation to his place, but the words wouldn’t
come. Showering together would have to wait. There was plenty of other

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stuff he wanted to do with Jamie. Learning about each other could be
very hands-on as far as Blake was concerned. What did it matter where
it took place?

“You know I’m just in a cheap one bedroom rental since moving

out of Dan’s place.” Jamie spat out Dan’s name.

Up ‘til now the ex had remained nameless. After meeting the man

Blake knew why.

“And your place is closer.” Jamie paused, his fingers starting to

drum on the table. “Is there some reason you don’t want me to come back
to yours?”

“It’s a mess?” Blake asked it as a question trying to make it a joke

, not sure what else he might be able to say to take away the issue of not
wanting to go back to his place. Jamie didn’t laugh. When Jamie
compared their two places it did seem completely illogical to pick
Jamie’s over his. It shouldn’t matter where they went, except he’d made
it matter.

For no good reason.
Blake hated that he had a hang-up.
Jamie pushed back his chair and stood up.
“Wait,” Blake said desperately. “Let’s go for a drive, just see

what happens.”

“No, it’s all right I get it. You do actually want to fuck me, but you

don’t want a relationship with me, so going back to your place could be
tricky, much easier to go to mine, where you can just leave when you’ve
had enough.”

Blake stood as well and grabbed Jamie’s arm as he turned to

leave. He was immediately shaken off. Jamie took a step away and then
turned back to look at Blake.

“Before, I might actually have jumped at the chance for hot sex no

strings. Dan used to make me feel I was never good enough for him,
especially in bed, so it might have been cathartic. But I actually liked
you. Really liked you. I made the silly mistake of wanting and hoping for

“It wasn’t a mistake. I just don’t…”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t invite guys back to mine.” Fuck, Blake cursed in his head.

That sounded lame even to his own ears. How had this date gone both so
right and so wrong, so quickly?


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“And I thought I was messed up and not ready for another


Blake let Jamie have the last word. He didn’t really have a choice.

He was an idiot. His throat was all choked up. He pinched the bridge of
his nose as he stared after Jamie’s retreating back. For once he didn’t
look down to watch Jamie’s retreating arse.

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Chapter Four

Sunday morning dawned bright and early for Jamie. After looking

at the time on his phone and seeing six A.M. staring back at him he
decided to ignore the light creeping around the edges of his curtains. He
flung one arm over his eyes effectively covering up his most exposed ear
at the same time. Best to be prepared just in case any birds felt inspired
to chirp away.

An hour later and he decided to give up on trying to get back to

sleep. His mind wouldn’t take that final step off the cliff into oblivion.
Instead his memories of the previous afternoon kept circling like seagulls
high in the sky. Flirting with Blake. Seeing Dan. Wanting to strangle
Dan. Kissing Blake, or rather Blake kissing him. Propositioning Blake.
Arguing with Blake. Storming off.

Clearly the date hadn’t gone as intended. The kiss had been an

unexpected bonus. A huge bonus. The getting all worked up and leaving
in a snit, not so much fun. Jamie liked to think it was all Dan’s fault. He
made a good target for chucking blame at. The thing was it wasn’t all
Dan’s fault. It was Jamie who had overacted to Blake’s reluctance to
invite him back to his place. They hadn’t even finished their first date for
God’s sake.

Jamie was tempted to text Blake and apologize profusely. Mainly

because that’s the sort of thing he would have done in the past. The
problem was it still stung that the first time he’d felt brave enough to
suggest skipping straight to sex, actually saying the words in person to
another man, he’d been rejected. Sort of.


The day was going to be a total washout if he didn’t get up

and do something.

Jamie flung back his covers. There was only one thing to do:

cooking. That did mean going over to his mum’s, which meant as well as
anything he made he would also get fed a roast. Nothing for it. He’d just
have to go to the gym extra during the week. And if he bumped into Blake
at the leisure center, so be it. He might even have thought of what to say
to him at that point.

“Jamie, what a nice surprise.”

Maureen folded her youngest son

tight in her arms. Both her boys were taller than she was, but with Jamie
it was only a few inches, making pulling him down for a hug that much


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A flash of guilt grossed Jamie’s face, making him look so much

like the boy he’d once been. “Sorry, I should have called.”

“You know you’re welcome any time. I’m always pleased to see


“But it would help to know how many you’re cooking for?”
“Well, yes.”
“Okay, if I promise to call next time will you let me go so I can

come in and shut the door?”

Maureen released Jamie and headed into the kitchen, the heart of

her home. Jamie would follow once he’d taken his shoes off.

“I was hoping to do some baking,” Jamie said as he entered the


“Oh were you?” Maureen handed him a glass of water. She knew

Jamie was on a bit of a health kick, despite his desire to bake. He
normally left at least half of whatever he made with her, and she guessed
he took the rest to give out a work. These days it wasn’t so much about
the end result as the process for Jamie. “Have a root around in the
cupboards, and if there’s anything you need I’ll pop to shops. That way I
can pick up a chicken to roast.”

“Thanks, Mum.”
Jamie’s smile was all the gratitude Maureen needed. She’d hurt

with Jamie when that Dan had left him, but it was so nice to see him
more often now that he needed her kitchen to cook in. Not that she’d ever
liked his boyfriend. What he needed was to find a nice man, someone
caring like he was.

“Met any nice men recently?” Maureen asked, laughing as Jamie

nearly dropped the bag of flour he’d been lifting down out of the
cupboard. As it was a fine sprinkling made him look as if he was starting
to go grey. “Well?” If she didn’t ask her sons would never tell her

Jamie moved over to the fridge. “I think you’re running low on

butter. I was thinking of making my own pastry than making chili cheesy

Must be a yes.

If there was nothing to tell he would have said so.

“I’ll get some more paprika then as well, as I think that’s running low.
Anything else?”

“Nope, I think that’s it.”

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“Okay I won’t be long, and when I get back I want to hear all about

your new man.” Maureen wasn’t the sort to give up when it came to
getting information out of one of her sons. “You can talk as you make the
pastry. It’ll be good for you.”

Might as well grate the cheese, Jamie thought, and he began

hunting for the grater as his mum picked up her matching sunflower purse
and shopping bag. They’d been a present from him last Christmas. It was
good to see her using them.

He listened out for the sound of the front door shutting. Instead he

heard the soft ping of his phone telling him he had a message. Muffled by
the thick denim of his jeans he often missed the sound, so it was lucky
he’d heard it. He’d been secretly hoping all morning that Blake would
text him.

Are you in if I bring your post over, I’d like to see you. Dan
I’m not disappointed, he told himself.
Sorry, at my mum’s. Just put it through the letter box.
He slid his phone back into his pocket and began pressing the

block of cheese up and down the grater, setting a fast pace.


He must have reached the end of the cheese sooner than usual

and caught his finger. At least his mum still had cartoon plasters. His
phone beeped again just as he was sticking the last bit of plaster down.
Probably Dan again. He could be persistent when he wanted something.
Like when they’d first met and Jamie had been so flattered by the
attention Dan had shown him. It had been clear when Dan had stopped
wanting him. The daily texts had stopped, even when Jamie still
messaged him. There were no kisses in or out of bed, just sex, always in

There was no way he was going back to Dan now. Maybe he

should just be direct with Dan. He’d never said he didn’t want to talk to
him again. He hadn’t needed to before now. Dan had run as fast and as
far as he could. He picked up his phone again. He’d be blunt. The last
thing he wanted to do was spend his Sunday texting Dan.

I’m sorry. Any chance we could start again?
An apology, that was a first. Dan had never apologized for

anything. Jamie had already known Blake was different though. Jamie
couldn’t type fast enough.

Hey Blake, Thanks for the apology. I’m sorry for overreacting


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too. What are you up to later today? Jx

Nothing special, unless you’re free to meet up.

Maybe we could

try to actually get as far as the cinema? Bx

So not an invite to Blake’s home.

Jamie could cope with that. It

didn’t have to mean they didn’t have a future. He smiled as he mentally
composed his next message.

Fancy a roast? I’m at my mum’s and she always cooks too much.

You’d be very welcome. 26 Clover Crescent, Elm’s Green. Jx

What time? Bx


Blake knocked confidently on the door that corresponded to the

address Jamie had given him. If Jamie thought he could scare Blake off
by inviting him to meet his family he was very much mistaken. Blake
wasn’t quite sure at what point he’d gone from wanting Jamie to being
ready to dive into a relationship with him, but he was. There were just
some things they might have to take slowly. Meeting family wasn’t one of
them, especially as it was obvious family was important to Jamie. Going
to Blake’s place was.

The door swung open. A female version of Jamie stood on the

other side. Well, female and older. Her curls were white instead of dark
like Jamie’s, but they definitely had the same shaped eyes, and smile.

“You must be Blake. I’m Maureen. You’re going to have to bend

down so I can hug you.”

Blake could also see where Jamie got his down to earth warmth

from. He reached down and picked Jamie’s mum up in a bear hug, her
heels dangling off the floor. “I never say no to a hug. It’s been too long
since I’ve seen my own mum,” he said, setting her firmly back on the
ground before releasing her.

Jamie had come up behind his mum. Blake winked at him.
“Hi, I see you’ve met my mum.”
“And a pleasure it was as well. Do I get a hug from you, too?”

Blake thought he might be pushing his luck ‘til Jamie stepped around his
mum. He did the same thing to Jamie he’d done to Jamie’s mum and
lifted him off his feet. It felt so good to have the smaller man in his arms.
He’d best keep it playful. “Something smells good.” He inhaled
dramatically as he released Jamie. The aromas wafting in from the
kitchen did smell good. Jamie smelt even better.

“It’s nearly ready. I just need to dish up.” Jamie’s mother bustled

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off to do as she’d said. “Come take a seat at the table, and Jamie can get
you a drink.”

“Where should I sit?” Blake asked as Jamie showed him to the

table that was at one end of the large kitchen diner.

“Mum will sit at the end of the table, so it probably makes most

sense if we sit on either side. Do you mind going ‘round the other side?
That way it’s easier for me to jump up and get stuff if needed.”

“Sure, no problem.”

Blake squeezed his frame ‘round the other

side of the table. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?”

“Nope just wait to be fed, and fed and fed.” As he spoke Jamie’s

hands mimed an ever growing stomach in front of him.

“You’ll have to come to the center to work it all off again.”

Wishful thinking on Blake’s part.

“Only if I don’t have a chance to exercise before then.”

Was Jamie

suggesting he’d like to burn calories with Blake? Kissing could burn a
few, fucking a lot more.

This time Blake did watch Jaime’s arse as he headed back into the

kitchen. Oh yeah, he was so getting his hands on it later.

It may not have been Jamie’s intention, but meeting somewhere

where they weren’t alone, and didn’t have to hash out the other day and
feel all awkward with each other was working out great.

In between watching Jamie carry dishes to the table Blake studied

his surroundings. The place had a nice homey feel to it. Well lived in.
There were plants on the counter top between the kitchen and dining
area, the end of which appeared to serve as a breakfast bar. Through the
greenery Blake could see rows of jars filled with ingredients and signs
of clutter. It looked natural, as if it was the way the kitchen was meant to
be, or rather frequently was. A cuckoo clock hung on the wall. A real
cuckoo clock! Blake loved a bit of eccentricity.

“Now I hope a brie and chestnut parcel is all right for you, Blake.

Jamie mentioned you were veggie.”

That was sweet of Jamie’s mum. “You didn’t need to go to any

extra trouble. I would have been happy with everything but the chicken.
Especially since it looks like you’ve made Yorkshire puddings.”

Maureen flushed. “Yes, Jamie loves Yorkshire puddings with

everything. I always make them from scratch. And I don’t normally cook
meat when it’s just me. It was no problem to get something that I already
had out of the freezer.”


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“Thank you.” He meant it sincerely. His mum always panicked

about the fact that she had to cook without the meat part of meat, two
vegetables, and gravy.

“Now before we start let’s say grace.” Blake found one of his

hands being taken by Maureen and the other by Jamie, who obviously
hadn’t had time to also discuss Blake’s religious beliefs with his mum.

“Earth, who gave to us this food,” she began, and Blake believed a

sigh of relief. Blake was tolerant when it came to any religion and
associated ceremonies, he just didn’t want to participate. This he could
handle and even join in with. “Sun, who made it ripe and good, dear
earth, dear sun thanks and love for all you have done. Blessings on the

“Dig in,” Jamie said when he noticed Blake hesitating.
Blake heaped Yorkshire puddings, potatoes and vegetables, on his

plate, noting out of the corner of his eye how Maureen’s smile increased
with every added spoonful.

“So Blake, Jamie tells me you work at the sports center in Bury.”
He was going to have to be quick if he wanted to eat in between

all the questions he suspected Jamie’s mum wanted to ask him. He was
more than happy to answer them all though. “Yes, I do promotional
work, but then hire the facilities to teach my own class. I’m not one of
the center’s instructors, as otherwise I’d be teaching spin classes and
other stuff as well. They’re not really my style.”

“I tried aqua aerobics once, but I found that wasn’t my style. Too

much jiggling about in the water,” Maureen said.

Blake laughed before replying. “You should try yoga instead.”
Under the table his leg suffered from a sharp kick. He looked up at

Jamie who was scowling at him fiercely. Blake could just see Jamie and
his mum in the same class, Maureen saying to Jamie “you’re not relaxing
enough, darling” with a serene look on her face.

Blake decided to put Jamie at ease, for a moment, saying to

Maureen, “There’s a really good Hatha Yoga class. The Hot Yoga I
teach can be a bit extreme.” Then before Jamie could completely
withdraw the foot that had kicked him Blake slipped off the trainer on his
right foot and sent it exploring up Jamie’s leg. Good job his legs were
longer than Jamie’s. It was always useful being able to stretch out under
the table.

Jamie stiffened and sat up straighter.

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I can still reach, Blake thought.


Jamie had never felt more aroused or more embarrassed in his life.

He was sitting next to his mum, and all he could think about was his cock
and the foot rubbing against it. He didn’t trust himself to speak. Luckily
his mum and Blake were carrying the conversation.

Revenge, he would have his revenge somehow. He wasn’t sure

how, but he would. For now he was concentrating on not moaning or
coming in his pants.

“Who would like dessert? There’s cheesecake or fruit salad.” His

mum was looking at Blake, but passing the plates in his direction
expecting him to clear.

“I’d love some fruit salad,” Blake said, keeping Jamie’s mum’s


Jamie stood, grabbed the stack and turned away from his mum as

quickly as possible. “I’ll grab the dessert stuff while I’m up.” In the
kitchen he took his time scraping the plates and loading them straight into
the dishwasher, giving his body a break from the torture being inflicted
upon it in the form of Blake’s teasing.

When he’d brought dessert and bowls and spoons over Jamie sat

back down, his chair a few inches further removed from the table. Blake
didn’t say anything just smiled at him. That was enough. Jamie’s cock,
which had recuperated and softened a little, was back at full mast.

How he made it through dessert he wasn’t sure. Coffee was

definitely not going to happen. He needed to get Blake alone, a.s.a.p.

At the first opportunity he jumped into the conversation his mum

and Blake were having about Blake’s travels to India as part of his
training to be a yoga instructor. There were times interrupting family
should be allowed.

“Thanks for everything, Mum” he said being as polite as possible

where he could, “but I have some work I really ought to do before going
into the office tomorrow, so we’ll skip coffee and get going. I was
hoping Blake might give me a lift home given that I walked here.”

“Sure thing,” Blake said, clearly okay with the plan. To Jamie’s

mum, who looked a little disappointed, he said, “You’ll have to let me
tell you about the rest of my trip another time, although with eight hours a
day spent practicing yoga I think you’ve heard all the highlights already.”

“Oh, well it’s been so nice seeing you and so nice meeting you,


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Blake. Another visit would be lovely. But it’s okay. I remember what
being young was like.” Maureen smiled sweetly. “There’s so much
pressure to keep ahead at work for you young people today.”

Jamie wasn’t fooled. His mum was telling him in no uncertain

terms she knew why he wanted to leave so quickly. He was on a high, so
he didn’t care. Embarrassed? Yes. Going to let it stop him? No.

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Chapter Five

Blake didn’t dare take his hands off the wheel. Except for when

changing gears of course. He also didn’t dare take his eyes of the road.
But he desperately wanted to. He wanted to put his hand on Jamie’s
thigh. He wanted to check out Jamie’s bulge. Would it be as obvious as
his own was? Tortured by having Jamie’s hand close Blake’s cock was
straining the fabric of his jeans.

Jamie’s hand on his thigh was fine, temperature raising but fine.

The subtle shift of fingers constantly tracing his inseam was more
damaging to his control.

“What happened to the man too shy to initiate a kiss with me in

public?” Talking might be a good distraction.

“You kissed me, and ever since I’ve been so turned on I want

nothing more than to fuck you.” That kind of talk from Jamie wasn’t
distracting at all. It simply made things harder.

Eyes on the road, deep breaths.

“And there was me sure I was

going to be the one fucking you.”

Jamie’s nails dug into his leg, hard enough he could feel the edge

of nail through denim. Had he hit upon a nerve? Did Jamie like the
thought of being fucked? “So, do you normally prefer being fucked or
doing the fucking?” Blake asked.

“I can’t wait for you to fuck me.” Jamie’s hand crept higher, his

fingers still clawed dragging along the pulsing flesh of Blake’s denim-
covered cock.

“I can’t wait to fuck you,” Blake said as Jamie’s hand shifted still

higher, his fingers searching out the button at the top of Blake’s fly.

Thank God there weren’t many other cars on the road, that they

were in fact travelling through the forest where there were no pavements
or pedestrians.
Blake wasn’t planning to veer off and hit anything, but he wouldn’t want
to give anyone happening to look there way a shock either. He was
happy to experiment with his own sexuality, but had never felt inclined
to involve innocent bystanders. If anyone had been close by they would
be getting an eyeful while he slowed down, lifting his hips to make it
easier for Jamie to push the button through its hole and slide his zipper
down, is cock springing free.

He hissed as soft skin met sharp metal. Commando was a good


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idea in most but not all respects.

“Sorry, did the teeth on your zipper catch you?” Jamie’s hand was

now a soothing caress.

Blake mumbled his agreement.
“Let me kiss it better.”
Jamie was twisting in his seat, ducking his head under Blake’s

arm. No, no, no, not while he was driving, but he couldn’t actually say
no. Blake scanned the road ahead, the wet press of Jamie’s tongue
against the crown of his cock, shocking him in to speaking out loud.
“Indicate, Indicate.”

Jamie lifted his head as much as he was able in the confined space

“Sorry, what was that?”

“Nothing, just wait a sec okay.” Blake pulled the car off into a

marked lay-by that led to one of the fire-breaking tracks that criss-
crossed the forest. He took the car out of gear and yanked on the brake.
Seconds later Jamie was really going down on him. Sinking his mouth
down Blake’s cock. Covering it in saliva. Slurping away. It was a good
job that despite the material of his jeans being pulled as wide open as
possible his balls were still trapped and the base of his penis was
restricted otherwise this would already be over. The discomfort stopped
him from shooting his load too soon. This was one hell of a blow job,
and Blake had no desire for it to end prematurely. If he could just…

Blake reached for the lever that would send his chair shooting

back. He just managed to lean over Jamie far enough to get his fingers to
it and pull. That was better. Now he could stretch his legs out, sink down
and lean back.

The whole time Blake was maneuvering himself Jamie’s mouth

didn’t let go of its prize, Swirling his tongue around and around Blake’s
cock like it was going up then down a helter-skelter. And now Blake had
room to get his hands on Jamie’s head. An excuse to thread his fingers
through the teasing curls. Jamie didn’t need guiding. He was clearly well
versed in giving head, and there wasn’t room to really fuck his mouth.
Even so Blake couldn’t resist singling out locks of hair to tug making
Jamie moan and pull up a short distance before sinking back down.

“That’s it. Love my cock.”
Jamie moaned again and began sucking, hard.
“If you keep that up you’re going to love my cum, too.”
Blake was serious. No matter how much Jamie mixed things up

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every new thing pushed him closer to the edge rather than giving him a
chance to breathe again. As much as he was able he lifted his hips,
shoving up into Jamie’s mouth.

Suddenly the heaven of Jamie’s mouth was gone. Jamie was

kneeling up in his seat, his breathing equally harsh. He licked his lips
saying “Sorry, needed a breather. Do you want me to swallow?”

What sort of question was that? “Yes, please” was far too polite,

but definitely the answer.

Blake looked down at his cock glistening with a mixture of saliva

and pre-cum. It continued to pulse waiting for Jamie’s return. Blake took
himself in hand and squeezed up then down. Slowly he repeated that
action watching more liquid well up from his slit. When there was a
creamy pool he took one finger and swiped it away, lifting it to his own
mouth. He sucked his finger in. “Yeah, I think you should swallow.” He
looked Jamie in the eye. “Every last drop.”

The last bit of color in Jamie’s eyes was swallowed by his pupils.

Blake saw the hunger on his face reflected in the pair of dark mirrors.

Dark eyes, dark curls, and the wonderful dark cavern of Jamie’s

mouth. Blake closed his eyes, ready to let bliss consume him as hot wet
heat surrounded his cock once more. Neither of them said another word,
letting groans and moans talk for them, until Blake cried “Jamie”, the
pulses of his cock sending a rush of semen down Jamie’s throat.

They sat in silence for some time, Blake practically falling asleep.

Jamie seemed equally content to lean back in his own seat and close his
eyes, the sound of their breathing slowly synching. It was peaceful Blake
decided. As satisfying as ejaculation in its own way.

“Do you want to come in for coffee?” Jamie couldn’t imagine

Blake just dropping him off, but bitter experience had taught him not to
assume you knew what other people were thinking.

“Is that a proposition, Mr.—?” Blake halted. “Wait a minute, what

is your last name?”

“Is that a proposition, Mr. Haines?”
Well of course it was. “It could be if you want it to be. I also

noticed you didn’t have a coffee at my mum’s and thought you might like
your daily fix. Or did you already have one today?”

“A coffee would be great, thanks.”


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Just coffee?

Surely not. “Okay, come on in. There’s not much to

see though.” Jamie climbed out of the car that would forever hold a soft
spot in his memories. He led Blake through the house he rented a room in
and unlocked his door. “Ta, da.”

Blake stepped inside. The room instantly felt less than half its

original size.

“I’m amazed how neat you manage to keep everything. Is this all

your stuff?”

“Well there are a couple of boxes of older childhood stuff still at

my mum’s,” Jamie said while Blake browsed the shelves of DVDs, filed
according to genre.

“I’ve got tons of junk. There’s no way I could fit all my stuff into

one room, but I guess a lot of it is furniture, as well as fixtures and

Jamie didn’t need reminding about the wonder of Blake’s place—

that he had yet to receive an invitation to. He assumed that their
progression to this second date meant he would get to see the apartment
in question some time soon.

“Would you like that coffee? He asked changing the subject.
“There’s a coffee machine in here?”
Jamie opened up his wardrobe and reached into the bottom for his

kettle. “Sorry it’s only instant, but it’s not bad.” He climbed up onto his
bed and reached up on for the jar of coffee and creamer.

“If I have the coffee out I’m tempted to have it just because,

whereas if it’s an effort I think twice about it.” Jamie explained himself,
not wanting Blake to think him to weird. Weirdness could be cute as long
as it made sense.

“I have a dumbbell alarm clock, so I have to curl thirty reps before

it turns off. There are even motion sensors so you can’t cheat.”

Jamie chuckled. Equal weirdness was good. “I’d imagined you

more as one of those sunlight replicating alarm clock people.”

“Hey, are you maligning my man of steel reputation?”
“I think the hooded top with tribal patterns all over it managed to

do that. You’re trendier than a superhero could be.”

“Trust me. I can be tough when needed.” Blake shrugged out of the

jacket in question, displaying his tight-fitting t-shirt underneath. A tight
white t-shirt was a beautiful thing, the way it highlighted well-defined
curves a man-made miracle.

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Jamie’s ogling was interrupted when Blake said, “Take your

clothes off.”

It was an order.
Jamie hesitated. It was one thing giving a blow job in a car with

someone he’d just met. It was another stripping his clothes of.

“Need my help?” Blake took a step closer.
“No, it’s just I’d rather look at your body first.” Not giving Blake a

chance to stop him Jamie reached out and grabbed the hem of Blake’s t-
shirt, giving it a sharp tug to release it from where it was still tucked in.
Creases marred it, and in some places there was barely any material
under the waistband. Technically it was still tucked in, but the bottom of
it had got more than a little mussed in the car.

Jamie was relieved that Blake let him take the initiative once

again. He just wasn’t sure how long it was going to last. Luckily Blake
was also cooperating lifting his arms and bending forward slightly so
that Jamie could stretch the top over Blake’s head, while standing on
tiptoes of course.

Throwing the top to the floor Jamie placed his palms on Blake’s

chest. It was so smooth and toned. Nothing like his own. Blake’s pecs
were distinct, his nipples displayed proudly. Jamie gave them both a
pinch with his fingers, teasing them into hardness. There was nothing he
didn’t want to do to this man. He pushed Blake’s nipples in, watching
them rebound back. It was all a question of how long Blake would let
him play. For now Blake seemed inclined to let Jamie have his wicked

Jamie propelled Blake back to the bed, stopping just before the

backs of Blake’s legs came up against the mattress. Jamie went to work
on removing Blake’s jeans. They were still undone. Blake had merely
zipped back up after the blow job in the car.

Kneeling in front of Blake Jamie took the opportunity to slide his

hands inside. It was a tight fit, the material molded to the planes of
Blake’s body. Delighting in the feel of firm, warm flesh Jamie managed
to get his hands round to cup Blake’s arse. Jesus, it was firm. He
squeezed and kneaded as much as he was able.

Above him Blake groaned. “You’re killing me here.”
“Surely not, you already came once in the car.” Jamie pressed his

face in close to Blake’s groin. There was the slightly musky smell of
sweat and recent sex, still fresh enough to be pleasing.


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“Doesn’t stop me wanting more.”
Obviously not.

Blake’s cock resting against Jamie’s face was fully

engorged. Almost roughly Jamie pushed Blake’s well-worn jeans down.
They pooled around his ankles.

Jamie wasn’t very experienced at undressing other men. Despite

being with Dan for a couple of years Dan had always remained firmly in
charge. Getting the trousers completely off was going to prove awkward.
He needed to take Blake’s shoes off first. That would help. Blake
cooperated, toeing off his shoes once Jamie had undone the laces. In fact
Blake then shuffled out of his trousers, using one foot to hold the material
around the other leg down while he stepped out.

“So now I’m all naked what are you going to do with me?” There

was a challenge in Blake’s eyes as he looked down at Jamie, as if he
was testing him.

“Fuck you?”
“You don’t sound too sure.”
Jamie was sure he wanted to fuck Blake, but he wasn’t entirely

sure how to go about it.

Blake filled the momentary silence. “I’m more than happy to do the

fucking. I’ve thought about getting inside your arse more than a time or

Saliva pooled under Jamie’s tongue. Blake’s confession made his

heart beat faster, if that was even possible. The thought of Blake pushing
into him was a huge turn-on. It would be so easy to just let Blake take
charge. That’s what he’d expected when he thought about the possibility
of them being together.

“I just assumed you’d want to top me,” he said to Blake.
“I do, but I got the impression you were enjoying topping me. That

you’d like to be allowed to fuck me.” Blake ruffled Jamie’s hair. “It’s
not every guy I allow inside me. I want to give you whatever you need.
So as much as I’m desperate to put my cock in your arse, find just the
right angle and give you a good pounding, I’m also happy to let you do
the same to me.”

Jamie no longer felt in charge of his emotions, let alone what

happened next.

He focused on his breathing, reassured by Blake standing still

before him, patiently waiting. Did Jamie want to fuck Blake? That was
the question. The answer was an unequivocal yes. If only it were that

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simple. “Dan never wanted me to,” he confessed quietly.

“You mean he gave, but he’d never take?”
Jamie nodded.
Jamie nodded again.
“So it’s been a while?”
Jamie shook his head.
“I don’t understand,” Blake said.
Jamie could see around Blake to the floor under his bed. Ninety

percent of him wanted to crawl there, letting the dark hide him. His
voice when he spoke was still quiet, but he raised his gaze and looked
Blake in the eye. “I’ve never topped.”

“Oh, okay.” Blake seemed surprised.
“Dan was my first. I was late coming out, which is odd, because

my family and friends were very accepting, and apparently assumed I
was out even though we never talked about it. But I don’t think I have a
very good gaydar, and I’ve never wanted to put myself in a dangerous
situation, so I never really approached guys and I never wanted to do the
casual sex thing. At first I wasn’t sure if you were into guys or not.”
Jamie knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t stop. He wanted to be
honest with Blake. “I’ve always been attracted to guys that seem more
confident, more dominant than me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing,
I like being fucked. As long as it’s not too rough. I mean I don’t mind it
rough as long as it’s loving as well. But towards the end Dan made me
feel used. I like the idea of give and take.”

Blake interrupted. “Would you like to fuck me now? With you I’m

happy either way. And it doesn’t have to be now or never. Let me have
you now if you’re not sure. And when you feel comfortable you can be in
charge again.”

The promise of a next time was a good thing, but if he didn’t gather

his courage now Jamie expected it would become harder to in the future.
“I want to. I just don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to get it wrong.”

“You can’t get it wrong. Well as long as you use lube and give me

a bit of prep you can’t get it wrong. Unless you’re hiding a monster in
those trousers.” Blake pulled Jamie to his feet. He didn’t dive straight
for Jamie’s belt buckle. First he started undoing the buttons on Jamie’s
shirt. Jamie put one of his hands in the way.

“I’m not much to look at. My body’s not ripped like yours.” God,


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could I sound more weak and needy if I tried?

Blake acted as if he hadn’t heard Jamie. He brushed Jamie’s hand

out of the way and continued opening his shirt. “You’re beautiful.
Although we’re going to need to work on your confidence it seems.”

“Everybody’s beautiful if you choose to see it,” Jamie said the

words, and he meant every one of them.

He wanted to feel them, too. He hoped being with Blake might

give him that.

“You’re right. I choose to see you’re beautiful, but it’s more than

that,” Blake said. “I particularly like the hairs on your chest. They’re
plentiful enough for me to play with, and they remind me of the curls on
your head.”

“You mean I have a chest rug.” Jamie laughed.
Blake gave a fistful of said curls a sharp tug, before switching

back to giving compliments. “You may not have developed as many
muscles as me yet, but your skin is beautifully soft and smooth.” Two
hands swept down Jamie’s chest and stomach, up his sides and down
and around his back.

“It’s the milk baths I have, like the French aristocrats used to.”
In response to this quip—Jamie liked to joke when nervous—

Blake moved his hands round to the front of Jamie’s trousers, he held on
and pulled Jamie towards him. “Now you’re just being impudent.” He
silenced any response Jamie might have made by kissing him.

Jamie wiggled, making a play at trying to get free. Blake held tight,

thrusting his tongue deep as if it might silence Jamie’s movements.
Instead it merely encouraged Jamie to make his action more productive.
He curled his arms around Blake.

Their two sets of hands became busy, roving over as much naked

skin as they could cover. Within seconds they had reached that moment
of not being able to get enough of each other.

Blake’s hands reached inside Jamie’s trousers. They had come

undone as if by magic. Jamie’s cock lurched forward falling into Blake’s
hands. Ecstasy and agony. Jamie hadn’t had any earlier relief to placate
his arousal.

“You were hiding a monster after all,” Blake said as he gripped

Jamie’s girth with one hand and explored with the other.

“Only average, I’ve measured,” Jamie said quickly. Eager

fingertips pressed up and down his length making it hard to think.

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“Length wise maybe, but that’s one wide boy you’ve got there.”
As long as Blake liked his cock Jamie didn’t care how long or

wide it was. It was big enough to get the job done. If he didn’t come too
soon. Blake’s fingers were now tracing the ridge and underside of the
head of Jamie’s cock where it formed a helmet shape.

If he was going to do this it would have to be soon. Jamie leant his

weight forward. It was no match for Blake’s, who clearly chose to give
in. Together they toppled backwards, becoming an inelegant heap on the
bed, with Jamie in nowhere near the position he wanted to be. Some
rearranging was going to be required. He pushed up onto his hands and
knees. Hands on Blake’s chest, knees off to one side. The angle was

“Would you like me to move up?”
“Why don’t you make yourself comfy?” Jamie moved off to one

side, giving Blake room to move up the bed. Jamie shucked off his shoes,
socks and trousers and while the bedside table was within reach he
rummaged in the top drawer for some lube and condoms. When he turned
back around Blake was reclining on the bed, with his head propped up
by the pile of pillows and his arms folded underneath his head. Further
down his cock was making an arrogant statement.

“Shall I take you like that? It wouldn’t be better if you were on

hands and knees?” Jamie asked.

“This is fine. I want to watch your face as you sink inside me.”
My every expression on show, Jamie thought. “Can you open your

legs then, please,” he said.

“So polite.”

Blake’s tone was teasing. “I like being in charge, even

when you’re on top.”

True, Blake was still calling the shots. Jamie didn’t mind not being

the one ultimately in control. He was going to get to explore another
man’s arse. He’d done plenty of cock exploration. However looking at
and fingering Blake’s hole felt darker, more arousing. He didn’t think
he’d ever been this hard before, and his cock wasn’t anywhere near that
hole yet. He climbed between Blake’s legs, which were now bent and
stretched wide.

“Are you going to touch me?”
Jamie had been studying the offering in front of him. Beautifully

upright cock, tight testicles, wrinkled skin becoming smooth, teasing
crevice, cheeks that would have to be pulled apart to reveal Blake’s


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“Can you lift up?” Jamie asked so absorbed he forgot his manners

at first. “Please.”

“Of course, don’t you remember how flexible I am?” Blake raised

and held his bottom slightly lifted with ease. “I’m your yoga instructor.”

“Even so, pass me a pillow. I want you to be relaxed.”
Keeping his knees bent and butt cheeks off the bed Blake still

managed to reach one handed for a cushion and chuck it at Jamie.

Jamie resisted the urge to chuck it right back. A cushion fight might

be fun, and he was incredibly glad that he and Blake did tease and have
fun with each other, but right now he needed to be touching Blake, getting
him ready so he could be inside him as soon as possible. With shaking
hands Jamie parted Blake’s cheeks and took his first good look.
Beautiful. Blake’s puckered rosette was beautiful. He needed to squeeze
his finger inside. It would be tricky if he let go of the grip he had on
Blake’s flesh. A rush of insecurity threatened Jamie’s composure. If he
was more practiced he’d know what to do. It would go smoothly. As if
sensing Jamie’s indecision Blake removed his hands from behind his
head and reached down, under his legs and around to hold his own
cheeks apart.

Jamie was thankful for Blake’s flexibility. Tentatively he reached

out a finger and pressed it against Blake’s hole, glad that he’d trimmed
his fingernails only a couple of days ago. They were short and the edges
smooth. He watched as the very tip disappeared. It was tight and a little
dry. This should also be about Blake’s comfort and pleasure.

He pulled his finger away again. With his left hand he pulled down

the skin of his cock exposing all the head and encouraging pre-cum to
leak out over the side. Using a clean finger he gathered as much of the
clear liquid as possible and painted it over the exposed skin of Blake’s
rosette. It gave a little flex.

He needed more if he wanted inside, not just to tease. He grabbed

the tube of lube and fumbled to undo it. The lid came off, and gloop
squeezed out in a rush. Jamie dropped the tube, uncaring where it landed
on the bed and rubbed his fingers together spreading the sticky substance.
He put his fingers back to Blake’s pucker and smeared as much as
possible there, too. This time when he presses his finger forward the ring
of muscles gave easily. So hot. Both to see and feel. Experimentally he
moved his finger in and out. Shit that felt good, almost like being sucked.

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He wondered how it felt to Blake. “Is this all right?”

“Yeah, feels good.” Blake’s voice was tight. But he still managed

to instruct Jamie. “Put another one in.”

Jamie had no problem obeying that order, if only he could find the

lube. He scrambled for it blindly with one hand while still pressing that
one finger in and out, his mind enjoying the sensation too much to truly
focus on the search for lube. Was that it? His rhythm broke, but he had
the lube. Lucky the lid was off so he could squeeze one-handed. What
was a bit of mess after all?

Telling himself to go slow Jamie squeezed two fingers together

then lined them both up and pressed inside again. They met little
resistance, the welcome they received more than warm. Blake clearly
liked it. Jamie watched as Blake pushed himself further onto the fingers
invading his arse with a rough groan.

“Yeah, fuck my fingers!” Jamie’s arousal was spiraling so high, he

might lose all his inhibitions.

The tight grip on Jamie’s fingers was released as Blake worked

his muscles and pulled his butt back before pushing forward again.

“That’s it. I can’t wait ‘til it’s my cock in there and you’re working

for it. I want you to squeeze and pull my cum right out.”

“Fuck, yeah. Do it. Fuck me.” Blake’s hips and lower back were

completely lifting off the bed as he moved up and down on Jamie’s
fingers. All while Jamie watched avidly.

Suddenly Jamie snatched his fingers back, loving Blake’s moan of

frustration. “Patience, patience.” Not that Jamie could talk. He was
rushing to get a condom on, the sensitivity all along his dick making it
torturous work. Latex in place he gritted his teeth and rolled.

Blake lifted his head and shoulders up as if doing a sit up. “Very

nice,” he said as Jamie added yet more lube and worked it up and down
his dick. He sank back down as Jamie fitted the blunt head of his cock to
the small ring.

There’s no way it’ll fit,

Jamie thought looking down at the size

discrepancy. Experience told him it must. His anus couldn’t be
significantly tighter than Blake’s, and Dan’s cock had been a decent size
and that had fitted. The thought of the other man was unwelcome. Jamie
concentrated on the thought that it would fit. He pushed. Wide-eyed he
watched his dick being swallowed. It felt sooo fucking good.

“See that wasn’t so hard,” Blake gasped out.


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“You’ve felt harder then?” Jamie asked as he thrust the rest of the

way in, balls-deep.

Blake whimpered.
Jamie couldn’t believe he’d made the calm and collected Blake

Roberts whimper. Who was in control now?

It wasn’t going to last forever though. Possibly not very long at all.

Jamie’s cock felt like it was on fire. Time to move. Jamie pulled all the
way out and pushed back in again. He’d never seen anything so hot.
“Your bed doesn’t have a mirror installed above it does it?” he asked

“Not yet.” Blake gave a grunt as Jamie slammed in again. He was

going to try to get a rhythm going if it killed him.

“Look at me,” Blake said as he, too, began to move, humping

Jamie’s cock.

Jamie had closed his eyes. The visual had been too potent. It was a

struggle to open them when all he wanted to do let go of the leash he had
on his control. He was barely hanging onto as it was. When he looked
into Blake’s eyes he lost it. Not just his control, but his heart as well.
This man made him feel things he’d never felt before. Good things.
Warm fluffy things.

His cock was anything but fluffy. It was thrusting hard practically

of its own accord. With his cum boiling in his balls he wasn’t going to
last. Was Blake close, too?

“I’m going to come.” He felt it only fair to give a warning.
“Wait.” Blake’s commanding stare stopped Jamie, effectively

strangling his cock. “Come closer.”

Jamie struggled to readjust his position while keeping his cock in

Blake’s arse. Eventually he maneuvered himself so he was lying over
Blake, their groins smashed together, Blake’s cock pulsing between
them. “Now thrust,” Blake said.

Jamie did as instructed. He withdrew and hammered forward

drawing a gasp from Blake. At the same time Blake’s body bucked.

“Oh yeah, that’s it. I’m going to come, too. Keep working that


Blake’s legs were now embracing Jamie’s back. Jamie could

hardly breathe. He took his weight on one arm and sought out Blake’s
cock. The finish was going to be fast and furious. And they were both
going to come together. Jamie was determined.

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“Harder.” Blake was back to being a back seat driver. Jamie

pumped as fast and as hard as he could.

“Ohhhh, shitiit!

Ah, Jamie, that’s it. Oh yes, yes, yes!” Blake let out

a long, low moan, and Jamie’s hand that had been working furiously
became moist, sticky, cum going everywhere.

Blake had just come for him. Jamie had just fucked a man ‘til he


The expression on Blake’s face was unreserved bliss. Fucking

amazing. Jamie gave a loud groan himself and felt his balls erupt, liquid
fire shooting up his cock. He gave three more short sharp pumps of his
hips before collapsing over Blake, completely drained of all physical
and mental energy. All he could do was place haphazard kisses to
Blake’s flesh.

“Well that went well, don’t you think?”
It was unfair that some people could talk coherently after great sex.
“Do that again,” was as much of a sentence as Jamie could put

together. Blake’s hand stroking up and down his back was only serving
to relax him more. Unfortunately he needed to dispose of the condom.
Jamie pulled out holding the condom in place. He sat up and grabbed a
couple of tissues to use. A second handful he passed to Blake. “The not
so much fun clear up.”

“Yeah, but then we can snuggle.”
Smuggling sounded good. He hadn’t expected Blake to snuggle.

Happiness washed over Jamie. He settled into the crook of Blake’s arm
with the most enormous grin riding his face.

“You don’t happen to have any food?” Blake asked.
Jamie opened one eye. “My mum gave me the tin of chili cheesy

things I made earlier, just as we were leaving. They might still be in your
car. I can’t remember, and I’m not getting up to look.”

“I’ll wait. I bet, like you, they’re worth it.”
Cheesy, that line was oh so cheesy. Jamie pressed a kiss to the

nearest bit of Blake he could reach, somewhere between shoulder and
chest. “Stop talking, just snuggle.”

The snuggling was good. A moment later Jamie changed his mind

about the talking. “Unless you want to tell me something interesting about
yourself, like how you dented your nose.”

Blake snorted. “You get me all relaxed after sex, deny me

sustenance, and expect me to give away secrets!”


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“Is it a secret?”
“Oh, yes,” Blake said emphasizing each word dramatically.
“How about if you tell me and if I think it’s worth it, I’ll go get the

cheesy things?”

“It’s definitely worth it. I want a firm promise of cheesy things.”
After-sex banter, teasing, getting to know Blake, yeah, it was

worth getting out of bed for. “Okay, I’ll go get the cheesy things. Now,

Jamie gave Blake an encouraging poke.
“You know how when we’re doing crow pose,” Blake began but

didn’t get very far before Jamie interrupted him.

“You mean the crazy one where your knees are tucked up to rest on

your arms and you try to support your entire body weight on them and
you say ‘don’t worry. It feels like you might land on your head, but you
won’t. You just have to keep looking forward not down’?”

“That’s the one,” Blake said, and Jamie noticed that although

Blake’s eyes were wrinkled from being shut so tight he peered at Jamie
out of one corner.

When Blake didn’t elaborate further Jamie said, “You mean to say

you fell when doing crow pose and landed on your nose?”

Blake’s face tightened further in a grimace at the same time as he

gave a reluctant nod. “Before I ever started teaching though.”

Jamie cracked up. It took him two tries to speak. “I’ll go get the

cheesy things when I can stop laughing.”

Blake gave him a playful thwack, which just made Jamie laugh


“Enjoy it now, but you better not tell anyone,” Blake said.
“I’ll never be able to do crow pose again and keep a straight


“I won’t do it in class again if you’re there then.”

Jamie stuck his tongue out in Blake’s direction.

“Go, go get my food.” Blake waved a hand as if to threaten

smacking Jamie again.

“I’m going, but I will be back.” Jamie jumped out of bed,

invigorated by their banter.

The sex had been great, afterwards was turning out even better,

and Blake wasn’t showing signs of up and leaving any time soon. Jamie

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dragged his trousers on hurriedly. The sooner he went the sooner he
could come back to Blake.


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Chapter Six

The first thing Jamie heard Monday morning was a loud knocking

at the front door. It was the sort of knocking loud enough to invade a
dream, especially after it had been going on long enough. In Jamie’s
dream a very hunky plumber was banging on some pipes under a kitchen
sink. Jamie felt sure it was a precursor to a totally different type of
banging, if only Jamie had a sink.

It must be someone at the door, and no one else was bothering to

get it. Jamie flung his body out of the bed, struggled into a pair of
trousers and stumbled to the door. Shit, what time was it?

He opened the door, his own eyes not yet fully open, and his brain

not totally with it.

“Hey, I was hoping to get you just before you left for work. You

look as if you’re running late.” It was Dan. “Can I come in? I’ve brought
your post.”

Jamie tried to formulate a response, but wasn’t quick enough, and

Dan stepped into the hallway. “I’ll make you a cup of coffee while you
get dressed. You haven’t got a visitor have you?”

Had he? Jamie couldn’t recollect a warm body pressed up against

him when he woke, and it wasn’t like his bed was large enough that
someone of Blake’s size could totally escape to the other side.

That was it. It was all coming back to him. Blake had left at some

point late last night. They’d got crumbs in the bed while they snuggled
until subtle caresses had slipped into their cuddles. Blake’s kisses were
potent, and as soon as kisses accompanied their embrace they were at it
again, this time Jamie letting Blake roll him over and take him from
behind. For Jamie it cemented their relationship, each of them having had
the other. Something even after months of living together he and Dan had
never had.

Afterwards they had both drifted asleep, Jamie only stirring when

Blake whispered something about having to get back home otherwise
he’d never make it to work in the morning. God knows what time that
was. No wonder Jamie was so groggy and he’d forgotten to set his

He turned to follow Dan who was now ahead of him to his room.

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Inside Dan had already found the kettle and coffee stuff and was busy
sorting out drinks. Jamie remembered he’d been going to make Blake a
coffee but hadn’t quite got around to it. This was all so surreal: Dan
being in his room, the room he had to rent because Dan had kicked him
out, the same room Blake had been in only hours before. Blake whom
he’d made love to, the only man other than Dan he’d slept with. It was
all so confusing. He needed to get dressed.

Continuing to ignore Dan, primarily because he couldn’t think of

what to say, Jamie headed over to his wardrobe and selected a shirt, tie,
and trousers for the day. Getting undressed in front of Dan no longer felt
right. He headed to the shared bathroom where he decided a shower was
definitely needed. Both Dan and work could wait. He was never usually

When Jamie returned to his room Dan was sat on the bed drinking

a cup of coffee, looking quite at ease. “Yours is on the shelf,” Dan said
making a vague gesture in the direction of Jamie’s bookcases. Jamie
collected the mug.

“I’ve put your post next to it as well.”
“I’ll look at it later. I haven’t got time to look at it now.” Jamie

inhaled the wonderful aroma rising from the cup now in his hand.

“No thanks for bringing it over?” Dan was watching Jamie, almost

studying him, his gaze that intense.

“What is it you want, Dan?” Jamie asked, the shower and promise

of coffee finally making him feel awake enough to assert himself.

“That depends on you.”
Jamie sighed in exasperation. “I haven’t got time to play games.”
“You haven’t got time to play games, or you haven’t got time to

play games with me?” Dan’s gaze slowly moved from Jamie to the floor.
Jamie’s eyes slid the same way to the torn condom wrappers still lying

What did it matter if Dan knew Jamie had slept with someone


“Was it that guy you were with in the coffee shop?”
Jamie hated being asked intrusive questions, and it really was none

of Dan’s business. “I’ve got to get to work. Thanks for the post and the
coffee.” He put the mug on the shelf. He’d barely had a sip, but it had
been reassuring to hold it and smell it. Picking up his case for work and
his keys he held his bedroom door wide open in a blatant sign for Dan to


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“So that’s it? You don’t want to give us another chance. After

everything we’ve had together you move on just like that?”

Was Dan serious? Jamie seriously doubted that Dan had remained

celibate since their break-up!

“Look, Dan, I really do need to get to work. If we really need to

discuss this it’ll have to wait ‘til another time. From my point of view
there’s nothing to discuss though. Yes, I’ve moved on. I’m seeing Blake
now.” Just saying the words gave Jamie a thrill, almost as big a thrill as
if he had said “I’m in love with Blake now”.

Dan did not look pleased. “This isn’t over, Jamie. I’ll be back to

talk about it. You’ll be glad of it when the beefcake dumps you flat on
your arse.”

As Dan stormed off Jamie was left wondering when his life had

turned into such a drama. Or was it a rom-com?

Back over in Bury Blake couldn’t concentrate for thinking of

Jamie. Yesterday afternoon had been one of the best afternoons of his
life, and he’d had a lot of great experiences. It wasn’t even the great sex,
though hell that had been great. He’d come three times and that didn’t
happen every day anymore. What really got to him was how he’d been
welcomed by Jamie and his mum, as if he didn’t have to be anything
other than himself to be part of a family.

For several years he’d tried to be anything his family wanted, but

it never seemed enough. It was nothing overt, but Blake’s mother clearly
wished he wasn’t gay. His parents never made any effort to visit him, yet
his sister with her children, his parents’ precious grandchildren,
received fortnightly visits despite the fact they lived farther away. Blake
always tried to be tolerant and forgiving, not to mention avoiding
negativity in his life, but there was something about family that always
reminded him of his deepest insecurities. There had been no tension at
Jamie’s house. No sense that anyone wished to be anywhere else. He felt
at home with Jamie without any desire to escape to his own space.

“Morning, Blake, can I have a word when you’ve got a minute.”

Ralph, Blake’s boss, breezed into the office, his question not a question
at all.

“Sure thing, let me just finish this press release I’m drafting.” It

never hurt to appear busy with important stuff.

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Blake finished typing a few sentences outlining the center’s new

swimming classes for adults, for not just those new to swimming but
those regular swimmers who didn’t want to be part of a competitive club
but would like to improve their style and fitness. A potential gap in the
market, he hoped. He then selected a purple pen from his collection of
all different colors, picked up his notepad and headed to Ralph’s office.
There wasn’t anything he thought he’d forgotten to do, so he wondered
what it might be about.

“Come in. Come in,” Ralph said when Blake tapped on the door

making his presence at the threshold known.

“You wanted to see me.” Blake took a seat on the leather sofa of to

the side of Ralph’s desk. Ralph would have told him to take a seat at the
table if he wanted it to be more formal.

“Yes, yes. It’s about your yoga classes at the center.”
His classes?

Blake’s stomach tightened. Keeping his voice as level

as possible he asked, “My classes? Is there a problem.”

“No, no, not at all.

It’s just come to our attention that the class

seems to be getting quite full. You had eighteen last week, didn’t you?”

Blake noted the way Ralph said “our” as if he wasn’t capable of

an opinion that wasn’t corporate. “Yes.” Blake didn’t mind admitting
how popular his classes were. “I know most instructors only accept up
to fifteen in a class, but the health and safety limit of the room is twenty-
five and I’ve canvassed everyone in the class. They would all rather it
was a little bit tight on space than someone having to miss out.”

“You misunderstand me, Blake. I was asking because we

wondered if you would be either interested in holding another class on a
Monday evening, where there’s gap in the timetable, or if you might
know someone else qualified that we could bring in.”

“Finding someone else qualified could be difficult.” The last time

he’d asked an acquaintance to stand in for him several members of the
class had complained bitterly. The level had been too hard, there hadn’t
been any music. There was a whole list of things they hadn’t liked. Blake
felt attached to his class. “But I’m not sure I have time for another class.
Let me have a think about it.”

There was also the question of whether having a second class

himself would make as much economic sense or if it would just split the
numbers. He might have a much better use for Monday evenings. Then
again his long term goal was to be more self-employed and less


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beholden to an employer. He really would have to think about it.

“Okay, don’t take too long to decide. If more Hot Yoga isn’t going

to work out we’ll need to look at what other classes we might be able to
timetable in.”

“Was there anything else?” Blake asked, edging off the sofa.
“Well while you’re here…”
Blake should have known he wouldn’t be able to make a quick

exit. It was going to be a long day. Maybe by lunch time Jamie would
have replied to his text and could help provide distraction in the

By lunchtime Blake desperately needed a breath of fresh air. Jamie

hadn’t been in contact all morning, and analyzing user statistics was
giving him a headache. If he went past reception he might just catch one
of the ladies about to head into town on their lunch break and could see
if they’d pick him up a salad. As with so many leisure centers the café on
site seemed to serve very little apart from fizzy drinks and chips. No
matter how often Blake brought it up at staff meetings only lip-service
was ever paid to introducing a new menu. There just wasn’t the evidence
to suggest customers actually wanted to buy healthy food after
exercising. Go figure.

He decided to use stealth on approaching the reception. If Alice

was there he could make her jump. Two steps away from the partition at
the back of reception he froze. He heard a voice he recognized. A
distinctly unpleasant voice.

“I’m really interested in the Hot Yoga classes you have. I’m not

sure it’s me, but I’ve had it recommended. Do you have many men

That definitely sounded like Jamie’s ex, Dan.
“Oh yes, a couple of other guys attend, and the instructor’s male.

Blake’s lovely. He’d make you feel very welcome.” Blake heard Alice

“It’s just...” and here Blake had to strain to hear as Dan whispered

“I wouldn’t want to be seen as a fairy or anything. Yoga’s not exactly a
masculine sport, and I’m quite well known in the local community. I
wouldn’t want it to cause people to talk.”

Blake’s jaw actually dropped. Who did Dan think he was kidding?

To start with he was clearly gay and had no reputation as a straight guy

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to defend. Secondly, who was going to be talking about him? If he
remembered correctly the guy worked for a technology company on the
outskirts of town.

Alice didn’t seem to know what to say when confronted with

someone crazy and possibly prejudiced. Her reply was hesitant. “Well,
sir, it’s up to you of course. We do have a range of other classes
including one’s focused on using weights. I’m sure no one would judge
you for taking one of those classes.”

“I was just wondering would it be possible to meet the yoga

instructor, if I met him it might put my mind at ease.” If Dan wanted to
see him he could have just asked to see him. Dan was still rambling
though. “Then I’d know if I had to worry about him coming on to me
during class. Although I presume you have strict rules about staff dating

What the fuck? Dan wasn’t even talking sense. He was acting like

a homophobic idiot. Was he trying to get thrown out of the centre? Blake
could only imagine the look on Alice’s or anyone else who was round
there’s face.

“I think if you’ve concerns, sir, you might be best trying a solo

sport, something like swimming, unless you’re concerned about the
lifeguards, too, because we do have male and female lifeguards of

Good job, Alice.
“I’m being silly, aren’t I? It’s all because I had a bad experience

once. A teacher took advantage. I know it’s different in adult classes, but
it’s still important that staff are professional, don’t you think?”

It was beginning to dawn on Blake just how malicious Dan might

prove to be.

“Well, of course, our staff would never single out anyone from

their classes. They must behave professionally at all times.”

“That reassures me just to hear you say that. Put me down for Hot

Yoga this week, and I’ll give it a go.”

Blake stood dumbfounded for a minute. Dan must be hoping to get

him in trouble, either for his relationship with Jamie or by making an
accusation involving himself. It wouldn’t stick, of that Blake was certain,
but that didn’t mean it couldn’t harm his fledgling relationship with
Jamie. He stepped ‘round the partition so he could be seen by the


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“Oh Blake, there you are. We just had the strangest man come in.”

Blake raised an eyebrow as Alice continued. “He’s signed up to do your
Hot Yoga class on Wednesday, but he kept going on about not wanting to
appear gay and being worried one of the other men or you might behave
inappropriately towards him. I wish I’d just said the class was full, but
he had me so muddled by that point.”

“Thanks, Alice, I’m sure I can deal with it.” In fact Blake knew the

first thing he had to do was speak to Ralph. He’d let him know he wasn’t
interested in taking an extra class but he’d find someone who could.
He’d also take the opportunity to let Ralph know he was dating someone
who he’d met in his class, but that he’d make sure they attended the other
session when it got started. As for Dan, Blake was quite convinced he
could remain professional while making the man’s life a misery if he did
attend his class on Wednesday.

Jamie returned home from work to find a guest outside his house

for the second time that day. Blake was a far more welcome sight than
Dan had been.

“You didn’t text, so I thought I’d surprise you,” Blake said

maintaining his spot lounging against the front wall.

“Oh shit, sorry. I left my phone at home this morning. I overslept

and was running late I might add.” He offered Blake a smile. “It’s nice to
see you.”

Blake’s posture eased, and he stood up straight. “Do I get a hug


Jamie went into Blake’s arms without hesitating. Seeing Dan that

morning had put him in a bad mood that hadn’t really eased until now. “It
really is good to see you. Do you want to come up?”

“Sure, then I thought we could go out to dinner, unless you’ve got


“No, no plans. Do you mind if I get changed first? You look as if

you’ve already had time to go home and get changed, or are you that
casual in the office?”

“I was having a bit of a crap day so decided to finish early and hit

the gym. I got showered and changed after.”

“Work doesn’t mind you finishing early?” Jamie asked as he led

them both into his room.

“No we have a flexi-time system, so it’s all good.”

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“Ah if only the life of an accountant was so glamorous.” Jamie

shrugged out of his jacket and began loosening his tie. “If I do overtime I
might get a bonus at the end of the year, but in recent years that’s been
very hit and miss, and miss again.” He sat down on the bed and began
undoing his shoe laces. When he looked up Blake was watching him.
“What? Have I got something on my face?” Jamie asked.

Blake smiled a mischievous glint in his eyes “I don’t think I’ve

seen you wearing a suit before. It suits you.”

Jamie groaned. “Was that supposed to be a pun?”
Blake laughed. “Good God no.”
“Good,” Jamie said. “Are you intending to watch me undress?”
“Yes, I think you distracted me last time.”
Yesterday Jamie had deliberately distracted Blake, wanting to

draw attention away from his body. But that was a whole day before.
Just one night, or rather one afternoon, with Blake had given him a
burgeoning sense of confidence in himself. And more importantly a
belief that he could be confident around others, even those he hadn’t
known for years.

With deliberate slowness Jamie pulled off his tie and undid the top

button of his shirt. He toyed with the next button down. He imagined the
small white disc was Blake’s nipple and played with it accordingly.
Leisurely he rubbed it back and forth between his fingertips.

From underneath his lashes Jamie looked at Blake, and for the first

time he understood the term hungry eyes. Blake’s eyes glowed with an
animal intensity, as if all of Blake was transfixed by a glimpse of
Jamie’s chest. One by one Jamie undid the rest of the buttons and parted
the two sides of his shirt. He followed his instincts and ran his hands
over his own body. It felt strange to be touching himself like this. Strange
but arousing. Everywhere he touched Blake’s eyes trailed.

“Show me how you like your nipples to be touched.”
Jamie had been beginning to think Blake was being unnaturally

quiet. He raised one hand to his mouth, his index finger upright as if
silencing Blake. Instead of whispering “shh” he moved his finger an inch
away and slid his tongue up its length. When he reached the tip he sucked
the digit enthusiastically, desperately hoping Blake’s mind was conjuring
up images of him sucking other things.

He wanted to tease Blake mercilessly. To know that he was

worthy of Blake’s arousal.


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Withdrawing his finger he spread the moisture between finger and

thumb then reached down and across for his left nipple. He painted
around the nipple and dabbed at the tip. His nipples were sensitive. He
needed only a light touch.

Blake’s groan drew his attention. Jamie had momentarily become

absorbed in his own pleasure. He’d forgotten he was putting on a show.
His audience didn’t seem to mind. Blake was still watching Jamie’s
every move as if he truly was memorizing the movements Jamie’s body
responded to. One hand was absently rubbing at the bulge in his trousers.

“Now show me how you like your cock to be touched. Last night I

didn’t get a chance to learn you. I was too desperate for you.”

Jamie obliged. He stood and undid his belt buckle. He could have

just dropped his trousers to the floor, but instead he pulled the length of
the belt through his trouser loops before caressing the leather in his

“Have you ever been restrained before?” Blake said eyeing the


“No.” Jamie answered honestly. “But, I think there are probably a

lot of things I’ve not done before that I’d like to do with you.”

“Good.” The one word was offered with such certainty it was all

Jamie needed to know he’d pleased Blake.

Blake came a step closer and held out his hand. Jamie didn’t

hesitate. He dropped the belt onto the waiting palm. Blake stepped back.
“I’m still waiting to see you stroke your cock.”

Jamie undid the button on his trousers. He slid down the zipper.
Nothing rushed.
He dipped his fingers into the waistbands of trousers and briefs.
Breathe in, breathe out.
He pushed all the material over his hips. Silence reigned. He gave

a shimmy, and his clothes fell. He stood tall, exposed.

The standing still was torture. Blood thrummed in his veins, and he

wanted to bounce on his heels. His cock was engorged, but his brain was
also working overtime processing the feelings of excitement.

“You like me looking at you.”
He liked it a lot. Standing for someone else’s viewing pleasure

was incredibly flattering to the ego, and in this instance Jamie’s ego was
connected straight to his cock.

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He fisted his very hard length and squeezed. Using his other hand

he cupped his sac and rolled his balls. “The trouble is I can’t show you
how I like my cock to be sucked, but if you come here I’ll tell you.”

“Tempting, but first I think I’d like to see how you like your arse to

be touched.”

Jamie hesitated. Just when he thought he’d made himself as

vulnerable as he possibly could Blake challenged him to go that one step
further. He pivoted and turned to face his bed. Slowly he lowered the top
half of his body in submission. Cool sheets soothed the heat of his face.
Settled, he reached behind him and pulled his bottom cheeks apart.

“Beautiful,” Blake said, and Jamie felt it.
Awkwardly Jamie stretched out his index finger to feel the ridges

of his pucker. He drew ever decreasing circles, sometimes scraping
lightly with his nail.

“I’ll come over and put my tongue on you if you tell me how you

like to be licked there.” Blake managed to increase the heat again.

But how could Jamie vocalize when he didn’t even know how he

might want his arse to be kissed?

“Shall I just stay over here then?”
“I don’t know how I like it.” Confession was good for the soul,

and, he hoped, also his body, Jamie couldn’t help thinking.

“Another first?”
“Well then you’ll just have to tell me what you think you’ll like.”
“But I’ve had a long day at work. I’m all sweaty.”
“I don’t care.”
Jamie could hear Blake approaching. He sensed him kneeling

behind him. A tremble started in his legs. If most of his weight hadn’t
been held up by the bed his legs might even have crumpled. Blake’s
hands ran soothingly up and down his legs.

“Easy now.”

Blake spoke as if taming a spooked animal. He

placed his hands on top of Jamie’s and added his strength to stretch
Jamie’s crevice that bit wider.

The anticipation was killing Jamie. He could feel fresh sweat

coating his skin. Even though Jamie was comfortable with who he was,
comfortable with his sexuality, comfortable with having another guy up
his arse, there was something extra taboo about letting someone lick him
there. Something a little but dirty in the most arousing way. A shiver


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snaked its way up his spine.

Blake chuckled, the sound dying out as he leaned in for one long

lick. Jamie gasped. He had to pant as Blake not only teased with the tip
of his tongue but dug into his hole with it. A small scream left his throat
as Blake tongue-fucked him. He thrust his arse right back into Blake’s
face. Blake moaned as if he was enjoying it. As if Jamie tasted good.

The thought sent Jamie spinning out of control. He jerked his hips

furiously. He moaned incessantly.

“I need to fuck you now.”
Not as much as Jamie needed to be fucked. His arse was

abandoned, and Jamie mewled desperately. He actually made a mewling

“I’m just getting a condom on. Hang in there.” Jamie felt a

reassuring pat from Blake.

Seconds later he felt a lubed finger pushing inside him. It was

quickly replaced with something much bigger. He frantically tried to
push back, and Blake’s thick cock sank inside him. Blake leaned over
and growled in his ear. “You ready?”


Jamie just about got out. When Blake had been rimming

him he’d felt totally loved. He was also ready to feel loved the hard

Blake had one hand pressing down on Jamie’s back, securing him.

He pushed inside Jamie hard and deep.

Jamie couldn’t breathe. Pleasure with a dash of pain slammed

through him in time with Blake’s thrusts. He was dizzy, the bed moving
against the floor from the force of Blake’s thrusts. The earth might even
be moving.

Suddenly his orgasm was approaching, the knowledge of imminent

explosion racing from the base of his spine to his brain, the thick cock
penetrating him giving him no respite.

He was shuddering, arching his back, alive with pleasure, as he

came. Nothing had ever felt so good. Nothing had ever meant as much to
him as Blake did right in that moment.

Blake who was groaning in ecstasy as his cock was milked by

Jamie’s clenching ring of muscle.

Blake barely managed to withdraw and remove the condom he had

been wearing before collapsing onto Jamie’s bed. A physical weariness

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was pulling his body down towards the earth. He was sure to succumb to
sleep soon. There was only so long he could delay the inevitable. Falling
asleep would be blissful, but it did mean letting go of the feeling of
happiness that was giving him that last bit of energy to keep his eyes
open. He didn’t want to lose the sight of Jamie from in front of his eyes.

Jamie lay equally spent on the bed. In fact he hadn’t moved, but

was still sprawled face down, his curls in wild array hiding most of his
features. This man was his. Blake felt it to his bones. He had no intention
of letting anything or anyone come between them.

If he did fall asleep Blake would only have to wake up again. At

some point they should get something to eat, and he didn’t have enough
stuff with him to stay the night and be ready to get to work in the
morning. Although that hadn’t been a bad thing the night before. It had
meant he’d got to make love with Jamie a second time. Yes, waking to
take Jamie again could be good.

When he felt the weight of his eyelashes pulling down Blake made

no concentrated effort to hold them up. His eyelids fluttered shut. His
hand petted Jamie’s hair. Sleep wasn’t so bad. He’d be waking next to

Blake had completely zonked out. His phone said seven-thirty

A.M. No time to get any satisfaction for his morning hard-on. He gave
Jamie’s shoulder a light shake. There was a mumbled response, but no
real signs of wakefulness. Maybe him moving around getting dressed
would rouse Jamie. Blake threw his clothes on and went to take a quick
leak. The kettle caught his eye. A coffee would be good, but he didn’t
think he had time even for that. Surprisingly there were two cups on
Jamie’s shelf, one with the dregs of a cup of coffee in the other nearly


Blake turned to see Jamie watching him, his eyes half open.“Good

morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Blake liked having and using his own
personal nickname for Jamie. He smiled at Jamie then deliberately
looked towards the two used coffee cups. “Am I causing you to up your
coffee intake?”

“One was Dan’s.”
“Excuse me!” It hadn’t occurred to Blake that both cups didn’t

belong to Jamie. That one might belong to Dan. “What the hell was he


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doing here?” Blake’s anger was out of proportion. He knew that, but so

“He brought my post round yesterday morning, that’s all.” Jamie

didn’t look as if he was deliberately being vague.

“And stayed for coffee?”
Jamie sat fully upright. “Yes, he made coffee while I was in the

shower. He wanted to talk. Some nonsense about us getting back
together. I kicked him out, all right?”

No, it wasn’t all right.
The look on Blake’s face must have answered for him for Jamie

offered a further gesture of appeasement. “I won’t let him in next time.”

Blake didn’t want to even think about there being a next time.

Possessive jealousy was clamoring inside his skull. Dan had been in
Jamie’s room while Jamie was naked in the shower only feet away. Dan
could have tried anything. Blake wouldn’t put it past him.

“I don’t want you seeing him again.” Blake winced at his own

words. Sometimes feelings trounced rationality though.

Jamie looked at him eyes wide. He brushed a lock of hair from in

front of his eyes. Blake waited nervously for his response, nails digging
into his palms.

Blake let out the breath he’d been holding. He had no right to tell

Jamie who he could and couldn’t see. He knew that. Jamie must know it
too but had agreed anyway.

“You don’t really mind, do you?” He wouldn’t ask if he thought

Jamie might change his mind.

“No, it’s not like we’ve stayed friends. I know it’s my choice

whether I see him again or not. I don’t want anything to come between
us.” Jamie approached Blake cautiously, not stepping into Blake’s
personal space until Blake opened his arms for him.

As Jamie wrapped his arms around him and let Blake rest his chin

on Jamie’s head Blake felt like the smaller man. He’d assumed he could
be good for Jamie, helping him to feel beautiful, wanted. He hadn’t
known he could help Jamie feel needed as well.

Blake had never really wanted to need anyone before, but now he

could clearly see the gap in his life that Jamie was stepping into. The
huge, previously empty space for someone who was there for him at the
end of the day, someone to come home to after work, someone to accept

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him for who he was, someone to share himself with body and soul.
Someone to share his life with. Someone like Jamie.

No, not someone like Jamie.

Only Jamie.

The more Blake got to know him the more he knew Jamie was one

of a kind, and that he desperately wanted to hold onto him.


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Chapter Seven

Swimming was a good alternative to hot yoga. It didn’t give Jamie

quite the same buzz afterwards, but it allowed him time for thinking
while also giving his body a workout. In a couple of weeks the new yoga
classes would be starting on a Monday night. Jamie was happy to give it
a go, although of course it wouldn’t be the same as attending Blake’s
class. He understood how that could be a conflict of interest for Blake

Tonight he had timed his swim so that he could surprise Blake

after class. Wednesday night was usually the only night of the week
Blake didn’t end up at his place, and Jamie missed him. Not tonight.

Part of Jamie was worried that Blake would still rather spend all

their time cramped in Jamie’s small room, but everything else was so
good between them he didn’t want to spoil things. He was enjoying the
moment, or rather the few weeks that had been crammed full of as many
moments as they could squeeze in. Sex was at minimum a daily
occurrence. Sunday lunch at Jamie’s mum’s weekly. Watching films
together and playing board games filled in all the in-betweens.

Jamie rinsed off quickly in the showers. He wanted to be ready

and waiting when Blake finished teaching. He got dried and dressed
equally quickly and headed through the reception area of the center and
up the stairs to where the studios were located. Class clearly hadn’t
finished yet. Sets of shoes were lined up under the benches, and coats
were still strewn around the waiting area. Jamie sat down to wait. It
wasn’t long before the door opened and hot, sweaty people started filing

“Hey Jamie, long time no see,” one of the women that attended

regularly said.

Jamie shrugged. He wasn’t sure what Blake would want him to say

about their relationship, especially to Blake’s students.

“Who you waiting for?”

Liz asked while putting on her shoes. He

remembered Liz’s name as they had talked a couple of times about
healthy recipes and stuff.

“Oh, I was just hoping to see Blake and get some details about the

Monday classes. I think they’ll suit my schedule better.”

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“I think Blake said the new guy was going to be starting in a

couple of weeks. I was thinking of doing that class as well. It’ll be good
to know another face there.” Liz looked up to smile at Jamie.

“Yeah, that would be good.” Jamie reciprocated with a smile. “I

might just go in and catch Blake while he’s packing up.”

“I’m sure he won’t mind, although I think that new guy’s still in

there with him. He started coming about the time you dropped off. I’ve
got a feeling he comes along just to gawk at Blake.” Jamie sucked in a
breath at Liz’s words. Noticing Liz flushed. “I didn’t mean that just
because he’s gay that’s what he’d do, or anything like that. I know you
would never do that.”

Outwardly Jamie laughed, wanting to put Liz at ease and at the

same time thinking if only she knew quite how much Jamie had gawked
at Blake and all the things they now got up to together.

Inwardly he couldn’t help being a little afraid. The thought of

Blake being alone in a room with another guy that anyone could see was
interested in him didn’t sit well with Jamie. “No offence taken. I’ll go
see if Blake needs rescuing.”

Jamie strode towards the door that had swung shut after the last

person exiting. As he reached for the handle he could hear voices. They
both sounded familiar.

Blake’s deep voice, the rumblings of which always sent blood

straight to Jamie’s cock, and one more high pitched, irritatingly squeaky.

Jamie opened the door and saw red. The red of Dan’s shirt sleeve

leading to the hand resting on Blake’s naked arm.

“Get your hand off him.” Anger laced Jamie’s words making them

short and sharp.

Two heads whipped round in his direction. Two pairs of eyes

clashed with his. Blake’s gaze looked troubled, Dan’s triumphant.

“It’s not…”
Jamie didn’t let Blake finish. “Take it off.” He refused to back

down from meeting Dan’s stare or let his demand go unheeded.

Dan removed his hand slowly, dragging it firmly along Blake’s

arm before lifting it off. Jamie gritted his teeth, unsatisfied, unappeased.

He took two deep breaths before moving his attention to Blake.

“Were you just about to say the most overused cliché a man can offer his
boyfriend—It’s not what it looks like?” Jamie didn’t recognize his own


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voice as he mimicked the phrase.

“I think it’s exactly what it looked like.” Jamie continued to vent

his anger not waiting for a response from either of the other two men. “I
think it looked like Dan causing trouble. What else it might also have
been I don’t know. But what am I supposed to think when you ask me to
stop coming to your classes and don’t happen to mention that Dan has
started attending? Dan, who by the way, never showed the slightest bit of
interest in yoga before.”

“I just wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Dan was the first to

get a word in. “And there’s no need to fret, baby. We were just talking
about you.”

Jamie flinched at the endearment, but it was Blake who spoke

up.“He’s not your baby.”

Good to know Blake felt the same way. He also wanted to know

what Dan had been saying about him. Surely Blake wouldn’t listen to the
sort of negative crap that Dan could spew. Except Jamie had listed it to
it, for far too long. He couldn’t really blame Blake if he did listen to
Dan. He just hoped he would know better.

Pride prevented him from actually asking outright what they had

been talking about, what they were discussing about him.

Nothing stopped Dan. “I was just saying to Blake that if he’s not

bored of you yet—it’s only been a few weeks so just give it a couple
more—we could always share. Blake struck me as the sort of open
minded new age guy that might enjoy a threesome.”

Jamie shrank a little more inside himself at Dan’s words.
Blake, on the other hand, moved so fast Jamie didn’t actually see

what it was he did. Whatever it was milliseconds later Dan was flat on
his stomach on the floor, arms bent behind his back, Blake’s knee
pressing him down. “I don’t share, ever!”

Jamie had never heard Blake shout before. It was actually quite

scary, and he was relieved when the volume of Blake’s voice was
lowered from a shout to merely menacingly raised, his words still
directed at Dan. “I could never imagine myself willingly being in the
same bedroom as you. Jamie is mine, and I won’t be getting bored of

“What should I do with him?” When Blake spoke to Jamie his

voice was once again perfectly placid. Jamie was still trying to sort
through what Blake had said and what it implied, so it took him a second

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or two to realize something was expected of him.

He walked over to the pair and crouched down near Dan’s head.
“Dan, let’s get this straight.” Jamie began then paused as Blake

reached one hand forward to grip tight to Dan’s short hair and yank his
head back as far as possible.

“Is he looking at you?” Blake asked.
“I can see the whites of his eyes,” Jamie said with a degree of

pleasure before continuing with what he had been about to say to Dan.
“My relationship with Blake is none of your business. Even if I weren’t
with Blake I wouldn’t be interested in getting back with you. We’re
done, finished. I don’t ever want to see you again, and I’d be very
surprised if Blake wanted you in his class.”

“You begged me to take you back.” Spittle sprayed across the

wooden floor.

Jamie moved back a fraction. “Yes, and you weren’t interested.

You’re only interested now because someone else also wants me.”

“Took a little … time … to realize what I was missing.” It was

obviously getting harder for Dan to speak in the position he was being
held in.

“Well, it took me a little bit of time, too, to realize I deserve

better.” He really did deserve better. How he had been so blind about
Dan in the first place still baffled Jamie.

“He’s no better,” Dan said trying to jerk his head. “He’s

practically assaulting me. I should report him to the police and his

Shit! The anger that had begun to recede flared up alongside a

flash of fear. Jamie just wanted Dan to leave him and Blake alone. He
wanted him and his scheming as far away from Blake as possible.

“And how well do you think they’ll respond when both Jamie and I

tell them how it really is? How you were coming onto me so strong I had
no choice but to restrain you.” That was a bit of an exaggeration from
Blake, not that Jamie was going to object. Unless there was more Blake
wasn’t telling him.

“What do you think they’ll say when they question other students

who’ve all seen you trying to flirt with me, heard you making continuous

At these words Jamie had to remind himself it would not help if he

punched Dan.


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“Not to mention the CCTV footage of you clearly trying to cause

trouble when you signed up to join this class. You must have known the
center has CCTV in the reception for security reasons.”

Okay, clearly Blake had been keeping stuff from him.
“I’m going to let you up in a minute. When I do I want you to walk

straight out the door and not look back. Ever! If you see Jamie again,
wherever you may be, just walk on by.”

Now was probably not the moment to burst into song, or to start

cheering at the way Blake was coming to his rescue. Jamie could really
appreciate a knight in shining armor, but that didn’t mean he and Blake
didn’t still have lots to talk about.

“Are we agreed?” Blake wasn’t really giving Dan much choice.

He did release Dan’s head so he could nod though, and nod Dan did,
vigorously, like a nodding dog.

The instant Blake let him go Dan scrambled to his feet. He paused

to rub his arms and swivel his neck to release stiffness, then quickly
grabbed his bag and headed towards the door. He might just have snuck
a glance at Jamie, or it might even have been an evil glare, Jamie turned
away so he couldn’t really say.

“Do you think that’s the last we’ll see of him?”
“For a while at least.

I hope you didn’t mind me pinning him.”

The fact that Blake had taken Dan to the floor was the least of their

worries. It wasn’t even a worry at all. The sight of Blake being so alpha
on his behalf was actually quite arousing. Not in a physical way,
although the memory might change that later. No, for now they had other
stuff to talk about. Like why Blake hadn’t told Jamie that Dan had joined
his class or was causing trouble. Then there was their whole
relationship, Jamie still had no idea where it was heading. Jamie was
head over heels in love with Blake, despite being annoyed with him and
confused over their future, and if Blake’s feelings weren’t going in that
direction it might be best to put a stop to things. Time would only
increase the hurt Jamie would feel if they broke up.

“You look thoughtful.”
Blake sounded nervous.
“I liked, really liked the way you handled Dan.” A blush stole into

Jamie’s cheeks. Focus. “I didn’t like the fact that seeing him with you
was a surprise or that you’d kept from me that he was attending your
classes, especially as you also knew he was trying to make trouble. The

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last thing I need is to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t
communicate with me, and doesn’t want me in their life enough to let me
even see where they live. For fuck’s sake you have a goddamn apartment
that you love while we spend night after night on my narrow bed with no
space to do anything but fuck, and it’s your toothbrush that lives at my
place, where there’s barely room to find space to put it.”

Boy, did it feel good to get that off his chest. Nerve-racking, too.

Jamie wasn’t used to feeling able to express his feeling so openly.
Strangely, given how big Blake was in comparison to Jamie, and how
recently Blake had demonstrated his strength, Jamie didn’t feel
threatened by him. He wasn’t worried that Blake would hurt him
physically. With Dan he hadn’t felt that sure, he now realized.

“You’re right.”
Jamie folded his hands over his chest not able to relax quite yet.

He needed to hear Blake out first.

“I should have told you Dan was being an arse and in particular

that he’d been to the center and come to class, but I didn’t want it to be a
problem, so I just thought I’d handle it on my own. I’m sorry.”

Jamie wasn’t entirely convinced. Oh, he believed Blake. He just

wasn’t entirely reassured that they were going to work. He hated the

He waited a minute, just to see if Blake would say something about

the real elephant in the room, the one Jamie had gathered up his courage
to mention: Blake’s, to all intents and purpose, mystery apartment.

For all that Blake appeared possessive of Jamie, there still seemed

to be the distance of their two apartments between them, fifteen miles of
distance to be precise.

With nothing more forthcoming from Blake, Jamie said, “I think I

need some time.” Now who was the one uttering clichés?

For once Blake dropped his eyes, looking away before Jamie did.
Jamie felt sick, physically nauseous
“You’ll call me?”
Jamie couldn’t quite believe Blake had given in so easily. Where

were the protestations of love? In his dreams obviously.

“Yeah sure,” he said, with little conviction.
The rest of the building was empty as he left.


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Chapter Eight

Twenty-four hours later Blake was still waiting for Jamie to call,

or text him, or even like one of his statuses on Facebook. There were
several, listing the songs he was playing to illustrate how sad he was

He knew exactly what he would say if Jamie did call or text: come

‘round to mine. Four words that he hoped would say it all. Four words
that would encompass the fact that he really wanted a relationship with
Jamie, that he wanted to let him into his life, that Jamie would be the first
man he made space for in his home. That he thought he loved him.

If the words didn’t say it all well enough he also had a key for

Jamie. A key to his flat and his heart, which he desperately wanted the
opportunity to give to Jamie.

Once he had made the decision to let Jamie in there was no going

back. He didn’t want there to be. He wanted to ask Jamie to move in
with him. Being strong willed, and determined not to scare Jamie off,
made him decide to leave the question of actually moving in a day or
two, if he ever heard from Jamie again Blake was beginning to doubt
Jamie would ever get back in touch.

A further twenty-four hours later without any communication from

Jamie, and Blake needed to do something. He wanted to respect Jamie’s
request for space, but he didn’t want too much distance to grow between
them. There was no way he was going to lose Jamie, especially having
only just realized it had been his own fear of getting hurt that had held
him back from inviting Jamie back to his apartment. Letting someone into
the place meant letting them into his heart, and he didn’t want a break-up
to taint how he felt about his home, for it to become clouded by negative
or bittersweet memories.

Jamie was more important than that fear.
Blake picked up his phone, located the number he was after and

pressed call.

“Freya’s Flowers, how may I help?” The lady on the other end of

the phone asked politely.

“I’d like to order two dozen sunflowers to be delivered, please.”
“Of course, when would you like them delivered and what address


Should he get them sent to Jamie at work or at home? Dilemmas,

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dilemmas. If he sent them to Jamie at work he might get embarrassed, but
on the other hand if he sent them to his home address anyone living at the
house could answer the door and he wouldn’t be sure Jamie had got

Work it was. “Sorry, as soon as possible with the delivery, and

could you send them to Jamie Haines at Rowley and Sons Accounting in
Diss. I don’t have the actual address, but if you can’t find it I can look it
up online and get back to you.”

“That’s fine, we’ll find the address. Did you say Jamie or Janie?”
“Jamie.” Why wouldn’t a bloke want to be sent flowers?
Blake thought even if he wasn’t gay he’d still appreciate it. “I’d

also like a card with a message on please.”

“That’ll be fifty pence extra.”
Fifty pence extra! It didn’t make any sense not to include it in the

price, or did hundreds of people send flowers anonymously? He hadn’t
even asked the total price yet. The polite lady on the other end of the
phone was now beginning to get on Blake’s nerves. “That’s fine,” he
said a little sharply. “I’d like it to say ‘I’ve missed you. You have a
standing invitation to my place. Please call me.’”

“Do you want to say who it’s from?”
Darn, he’d forgotten. “Please put ‘Love, Blake’.”
Blake completed the payment transaction over the phone and

concluded the call. Now he just had to wait another twenty-four hours.

Jamie couldn’t wait any longer. Two days of not speaking to Blake

was too much. He didn’t really need space. He needed Blake. He sent up
a quick prayer that they could get things sorted. He didn’t feel quite
brave enough to call so he texted instead.

I’ve missed you. I’d really like to see you. Jx
It was an agonizing twenty minute wait ‘til he got a reply.
Come over to mine. Bx
Oh my God.

Jamie didn’t care what had prompted Blake to decide

to invite him over. It was a major breakthrough. He hoped it signaled the
end to what Jamie interpreted as Blake’s commitment phobia. He texted

What’s the address and I’ll be right over. Jx
He began the hunt for his shoes without even waiting for a reply.


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Twenty minutes later he was standing outside Blake’s front door.

“Hi, come in,” Blake said as soon as he opened the door.
Jamie felt like he was crossing an important threshold. He

understood why brides were carried over, or vampires had to wait to be
asked. One step could signify so much. “Would you like me to take off
my shoes?” he asked.

“Thanks. I always take mine off. I want you to make yourself feel

at home.”

A turnaround indeed.

“Are you going to give me a tour?”

“Sure, come on through.” Blake led Jamie down a short hallway.

“The bathroom’s here on the left.” He held open the door for Jamie to
look round.

“Wow, it’s amazing.” Blake’s bathroom was nothing short of

spectacular. It looked as if it belonged in a magazine. “I love the glass
brick wall around what I presume is the shower.”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to be hemmed in by a cubicle.”
“And the tiles they look like real slate.” Jamie turned back to look

at Blake.

“I’m glad you like it. Let me show you the rest of the place.”
The whole flat was beautiful. Jamie almost felt a little jealous. He

couldn’t quite imagine living anywhere so … so special. He could see
why it meant so much to Blake. There were hundreds of details, and
Blake had clearly put a lot of thought, a lot of himself, into them. Jamie
lovingly ran a finger along the marble counter in the kitchen.

“I’m told it’s the best surface for cooking on, working dough and


“Maybe I could give it a go sometime?”
“I’d like that.”
It was entirely possible they weren’t going to talk about the fact

that it was huge that Jamie was even there in the first place.

“If you’ve got some flour and other basic ingredients I could make

some bread for in the morning. If you wanted that is?” If you didn’t ask
you didn’t get. It was Jamie’s new motto. He wouldn’t pressure Blake,
but he was going to ask for what he wanted, indirectly at least.

He really wanted to stay the night.
“If you’re staying over.

I don’t tend to eat a lot of bread, so

otherwise it might get wasted.”

Jamie was happy to take that as an invite.

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“Great.” He set to work finding a mixing bowl and the other things

he would need to make bread. Blake had said to make himself at home.

“Do you have yeast?” he asked unable to find the really crucial


“Ooh, maybe not.” Blake stepped into the kitchen from the attached

open plan lounge and starting looking in cupboards. “I have baking
powder, but no yeast it seems. It’s all a bit random because I don’t cook,
but have ingredients in case they’re useful.”

Jamie laughed, releasing a last bit of tension he hadn’t known he’d

still been feeling. “How about bicarb of soda?”

“Yeah, I have that as it’s good for getting out splinters and a few

other health related things.”

“Soda bread it is then. Do you want to help?”
“I’ll just watch if you don’t mind. I like watching you, beauty.”
Jamie shot Blake a puzzled look.
“It’s how I like to think of you. You’re my beauty, my sleeping


Jamie like being Blake’s and the way Blake said beauty. He made

it sound like a very personal endearment, rather than a nickname. “I’ll try
not to fall asleep in anyone else’s yoga class.”

“You do that and they’ll be trouble, mister. You might get some

bloke giving you their number, and you wouldn’t want that.”

“I don’t know. It seems to have worked out for me quite well the

first time.”

Jamie felt a slap to his bottom before Blake’s whole body pressed

against his back and a pair of arms squeezed him tight.

“Sounds like you might quite like to be in trouble.”
“I’ll think about it.”
This time Blake’s hands joined Jamie’s in the mixing bowl. Jamie

sensed the inevitable as Blake pressed his hands to the flour coating the
inside of the bowl, then lifted them up … and placed them flat on
Jamie’s chest. Jamie looked down at the two white hand prints.

“I take it’ll you be putting a load of washing on then!” Jamie

returned the favor, with hands significantly more sticky. There wasn’t
room to spin around, so he reached back with hands to grab Blake’s
bottom. He couldn’t quite reach and ended up leaving a sticky trail on
Blake’s sides and the upper, back part of his legs.

“So that’s the way you want to play it then?” Blake’s hands were


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back in the bowl. Jamie grabbed hold of them and tried to keep them
down. When he couldn’t stop Blake from lifting his hands out of the
bowl Jamie clutched Blake’s arms instead trying to stop him from getting
his hands close enough to splat Jamie. Tacky dough clung to the fabric of
Blake’s shirts in inelegant patches. Jamie couldn’t stop the giggles that
bubbled out. Soon he was laughing so hard there was no way to stop
Blake from putting his hands where he liked, and he seemed to like
putting them everywhere on Jamie, from his thighs to his hair and his
groin in between. Jamie slumped down to the floor still laughing. Blake
joined him, the laughter infectious.

It took several attempts for Jamie to be able to ask, “Do you want

me to attempt to finish the bread?”

“Leave it. There’s fruit and stuff for breakfast. Let’s get cleaned up

in the shower.”

Jamie nodded enthusiastically. He’d been having fantasies about

showering with Blake, and that was before he’d seen the shower fit for
two kings. Or was that two queens? “You go get it started. I’ll just tidy
up the worst of this mess.”

“That’s all right. I’ll give you a hand. I think the mess was my fault

to start with.”

“Very good of you to admit it,” Jamie said.
They washed their hands at the same time, water miraculously

spraying further afield than their hands and lower arms. Jamie wiped his
face on the tea towel before throwing it at Blake, who deftly caught it
one handed. Blake scraped dough into the bin while Jamie wiped
surfaces. They worked in companionable silence ‘til Blake asked, “Are
we good now?”

“Yeah, we’re good. As long as I can trust that you’re not going to

suddenly change your mind and not want me here anymore?”

“Now you’re here, you’re here to stay—I hope.” Blake took

Jamie’s hand, caressing the palm with his thumb while looking into
Jamie’s eyes. Silent communication passed between them. A feeling of
reassurance settled onto Jamie’s shoulders like a cloak, warming his
body as he got used to the weight of acceptance.

He continued to return Blake’s stare, never missing an opportunity

to study the minute changes that the irises of Blake’s eyes underwent. He
shared his current observation. “The flecks in your eyes look really
golden tonight.”

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“They seem to get that way when I’m tired. I haven’t had much

sleep the last couple of nights.”

“Come on.” Blake encouraged Jamie to walk with him to the

bathroom while they still held hands. “You go on in. I’ll just grab an
extra towel for you out of the cupboard.”

Blake detoured quickly to his bedroom. Kneeling next to his bed

he withdrew the locked box he kept underneath and quickly unlocked it.
He took out a single item and tucked it underneath the towel he was
carrying before returning to the bathroom. Jamie’s clothes lay discarded
on the floor, his shadow visible behind the tiled wall.

“You managed to work it out then.” Blake spoke loudly so that

Jamie would hear him.

Jamie’s reply was muffled, the only clear word being “fantastic.”
Blake stripped quickly. He stepped towards the shower then

paused. Turning round he scooped up both his and Jamie’s clothes and
made a dash for the kitchen. He tumbled the clothes into the washing
machine, adding a random amount of powder and setting the dials. Once
it dried on the dough would not be easy to get out. Half-way back to the
bathroom he gave an exasperated grasp and went back to the kitchen. He
opened the washing machine door, felt for the two pairs of trousers and
extracted bits and pieces from the pockets of each, including Jamie’s

Anyone who happened to be looking at his kitchen or lounge

windows would be getting a good show.

Finally he made it back to the bathroom and into the shower. Jamie

was standing with his head back eyes closed just letting the water pour
over him.

“You’re lucky this is a good shower otherwise I’d be done by


Blake embraced Jamie, the water on Jamie’s skin helping him to

get wet all over. “I was putting the washing on like a good boy.”

“Wow, you are well domesticated. Do you want to kneel down

and I’ll wash your hair for you.”

Blake remembered his fantasy that began with washing Jamie’s

hair. He could live with a role reversal. He moved around Jamie,
coming to kneel in front of him, facing away towards the far wall. He


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tipped his head back and listened to the sound of Jamie reaching for the
shampoo. He sensed a generous amount being poured directly onto his
head. Then Jamie’s delicate fingers were in his hair, working up a lather.
Where there must be bits stuck in his hair he could feel Jamie pulling on
individual strands teasing it out. That task finished Jamie began moving
the pads of his fingers in circular patterns on Blake’s skull. Blake gave a
blissful sigh. Having Jamie in his shower was everything he could have
hoped for.

As Jamie rubbed Blake’s head his body swayed gently, and his

cock brushed back and forth lightly slapping either side of Blake’s neck.
So smooth and hard and tempting, Blake couldn’t ignore it much longer.

Blake squeezed his eyes shut as Jamie brought the shower head

close to rinse the shampoo. The jets of water increased in power, hitting
Blake’s head hard and fast. He slicked his hair back when Jamie was
finished. Jamie turned away to put the shower head back up.
Taking his chance Blake left the shower to retrieve the item he had
placed under the towels. Back in the shower he fell to his knees again
and distracted Jamie by taking hold of his cock.

“You have a gorgeous cock, beauty.” Long and slightly curved. “I

want to play with it, but first I want you to face away from me, lean
against the wall and stick your bottom out at me.”

Blake grinned as Jamie did what he’d asked without question and

when presented with that cute arse kneaded the firm flesh. “Pass me the
shower oil, please.”

Jamie passed it down. Blake uncapped the bottle and squirted the

liquid out onto the top of Jamie’s crack. Tiny rivulets fell over the
smooth cheeks, a larger stream filling the crevice in between. Putting the
bottle down Blake traced a finger through the oil. He repeated the motion
over and over again, each time working his finger further. With one
finger he located Jamie’s anus and pushed inside. Jamie began to pant
softly, barely audible , except that Blake strained to hear it beyond the
noise of the water. It was better than any music to his ears.

When Jamie thrust his bottom out that little bit further Blake

squeezed a second finger in. He moved his two fingers in time to Jamie’s
labored breathing. To ensure Jamie was completely ready he scissored
his fingers slowly and was rewarded with a groan.

Withdrawing his fingers Blake held them under the spray before

squirting more oil this time onto the purple vibrating butt plug he had

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brought in.

“What are you doing?” Jamie asked
“Preparing to increase your pleasure.”
Blake spread Jamie’s cheeks and placed the plug against his

puckered ring. It pulsated in welcome. “Now push back like a good

The sensitive skin around Jamie’s hole stretched slowly as Blake

pushed the plug forward. Blake watched as it sunk in millimeter by
millimeter. “That’s it, beauty. You’re doing great.”

When it was seated all the way inside Blake flicked the switch.

Jamie gave a yelp and rose on tiptoes. “Easy.” Blake stroked Jamie’s
flank, soothing him back down onto the balls of his feet then his heels.

Twitches occurred sporadically up and down Jamie’s body as

Blake continued his caress, and each one gave Blake a little thrill.

Hands firmly on Jamie’s hips Blake spun him round. With Blake

resting his own bottom on his heels the tip of Jamie’s cock was near eye
level, and it was leaking lots of beautiful pre-cum. Eagerly Blake took it
into his mouth, slurping in his haste to drink down Jamie’s taste.

Jamie squirmed in Blake’s hold making it difficult to get any

rhythm going. His hips thrashed wildly, and Blake dug his fingers in to
try to retain some control. Jamie thumped a fist on the tiled wall. Blake
looked up to check he hadn’t done it hard enough to hurt either himself or
crack the tiles. He resumed sucking when he saw Jamie and the wall
were unharmed.

“I can’t hold it. I’m going to blow any second.”
This time Blake looked up at Jamie’s face. His cheeks were highly

flushed, more so that the rest of his skin, which was also pinkened by the
heat of the shower. The pupils of his eyes were so dilated no color was

“Do you want to come in my mouth, or do you want me to fuck you

and come together?”

Jamie gasped for air. “Fuck me.”
First Blake needed to remove the plug. Taking his time he reached

his hands behind Jamie to locate the plug’s handle and pull gently. He
didn’t switch it off ‘til the last bit of rubber had pulled back through
Jamie’s ring. He tossed it into the corner of the shower, before rising to
his feet.

Jamie now had a grip on his own cock. He wasn’t moving his


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hand, just holding tightly.

“Lean back against the wall.”
Twin waterfalls cascaded either side of Jamie’s back. It was going

to be tricky to hold on to him.

Blake moved behind Jamie, bending his knees slightly to get a

good alignment. He wrapped one arm around Jamie’s hips and pulled
him back towards him. When his cock was nestled in place he used his
other hand to make sure it was fitted to Jamie’s hole.

“Have you got a condom on?”
Blake froze. No, he hadn’t.
“I take it that’s a no?” Jamie asked when he didn’t immediately


“Do you want me to stop and go get one?”
“Not really.”
Blake chuckled, although he felt more like crying at the thought of

having to pull away. “I got tested three months ago after the last time I
had sex before meeting you. I promise I’m clean.” He kept absolutely
still not wanting to influence Jamie’s decision any more than he already
had. “I’ve never not used a condom before.” It was important Jamie
knew that.

No answer was forthcoming. Blake would absolutely respect

Jamie’s hesitancy. He took a step back.

Blake froze again this time in hope.
“I trust you, and I want to feel you come inside me. I’ve always

wanted to know what it feels like. Whether it feels warm or wet, or like
something else.”

“You’ve not been taken without a condom before?” Blake moved

back into position.

“Get ready then.”
Blake pushed against the tight ring of muscle. It was looser than

when he’d first put his finger insider but had tightened up while they
talked after taking the plug out. The friction against his naked skin was
like nothing he’s ever felt before. He’d never wanted to be as fully
inside another man as he did in that moment. As Jamie’s muscle gave and
the full length of Blake’s cock sunk inside he gave a hoarse groan. Jamie
provided the echo.

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“I want this arse every fucking day,” Blake said as he slammed


“I’m ... not … going ... to ... say … no.” Jamie got out a word

every time Blake pulled back.

Good because this time Blake wasn’t going to last. He pounded as

hard and fast as he was able given the limited purchase on Jamie’s

“You’re about to feel my cum. Trust me there’s a lot of it after not

seeing you for a couple of days. You’re definitely going to feel it.”

In that moment Blake felt nothing but pleasure. His body was a

hurricane of sensation, his cock and balls at the center. He strained with
each thrust to get as far inside Jamie as possible. So deep Jamie would
know no other man could ever touch him the same way. Jamie slammed
back against him, chanting Blake’s name. Blake wanted to hear him shout

“So fucking tight, so fucking good.” Blake was at the point of

orgasm, his sperm ready to spurt. He gave one final thrust and then was
coming hard and fast. Filling Jamie. Heating him. Giving him the
physical part of himself he had to give.

Blake was right. Jamie could feel the other man coming inside him.

As Blake’s cock pulsed, spurt after spurt of his cum bathed Jamie’s
sensitive insides. It was warm. It was soothing. It wasn’t quite enough to
trigger Jamie’s own orgasm.

“”My cock, my cock, can you reach it?” Jamie was scared to

remove one of his own arms from where they braced him against the
tiled walls. Blake was shuddering behind him, his large body heaving.
The floor was slippery enough that one wrong move could send them
crashing down.

“Please.” Jamie wasn’t above begging. He needed to come. He

needed Blake to give him his orgasm. He needed Blake.

Blessed relief surged through his body, most notably his cock, as

one of Blake’s hands fumbled there. It was sloppy and uncoordinated,
but it was tight. And perfect. Jamie fucked Blake’s fist as fast as he was
able, moving the tight grip of Blake’s fingers from root to tip. One
second he was straining for release, the next seed was shooting from his
dick. Gushing over Blake’s hand, squirting onto his lower stomach,
falling to the floor.


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Unfathomed pleasure consumed Jamie. He moaned; he groaned,

and he shouted, “Blake” for the world to hear. Nothing in his previous
experience compared to this. Feeling Blake inside and out. Knowing that
he would do anything and everything he could to be with this wonderful

He stood up straight on shaky legs. Blake’s arms came around him

He was held in Blake’s arms. The only place he wanted to be. Water
streamed down over the pair of them. The shower had been well and
truly christened.

Every other surface in the flat remained.

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Chapter Nine

The next day in the office Jamie was on a high. He smiled at

everyone. He made cups of tea, or coffee, for everyone. He went out
during his morning break to buy muffins. Normally he would bring in
home cooking, but on a day like today bought stuff would suffice.

When he returned to the office his co-workers whistled as he

walked to his desk. Sitting proudly in the middle of his work surface was
the biggest bunch of flowers he’d ever seen. Sunflowers, bright yellow
sunflowers, the sort that shouted out how wonderful life was.

“Jamie’s got a boyfriend,” someone called out, and titters went

round the room.

“Yeah, and he’s a hunk,” Jamie called back, before heading

straight back out the door he’d just come through, past a half-dozen
curious faces.

Jamie dashed down the stairs and out the back door into the

privacy of the small back yard that was normally where staff smoked. He
pulled out his phone about to call Blake then had a moment’s thought.
What if they weren’t from Blake? What if it was Dan stirring trouble
again? But, no, Dan would never think to send sunflowers. He was
unlikely to spend money on flowers at all, but if he did it would be
something like roses.

Ninety percent confident Jamie hit call on Blake’s number. It rang

five times before the voice that Jamie loved answered. “Hey, you.”

Hey, thanks for the flowers, Jamie said.
Blake gave a short deep laugh. “I’d forgotten I’d arranged to have

them sent. I ordered them yesterday before you texted me.”

“Oh, well thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. Did you not read the message which said I

missed you then?”

“I dashed down to call you in privacy before checking for a card,”

Jamie said feeling a little silly at the admission. “What else did you

“I missed you, and wanted you to come ‘round.”
Jamie could tell Blake hadn’t closed his sentence by the way the

last word trailed. “And?”


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“And then I just had them put ‘Love, Blake’.”
The sound of breathing travelled down the virtual line to each


“Did you mean it?” Jamie’s hand gripped tight around his phone.

“Or was it just one of those things, like a kiss after your name when

“What would you like it to be?” Blake was clearly hedging.
“I’ve really fallen for you, Blake. I’d like it to be that you’ve

fallen for me, too.”

“I have. I love you, Jamie.” Jamie’s feet itched to do a little dance

at Blake’s words. “I don’t think I’ve ever said that to another man. Not
since I was a little boy and might have said it to my dad at any rate. I
know it’s soon. But I just know, all right?”

“Very all right,” said Jamie. “I love you, too, Blake.”
“Thank God for that!” Blake said, then added, “I’ve got a present

for you this evening.”

“Are you going to tell me what, or are you going to tease me?”
“Tease you, maybe make you earn it.”
“I’ll get my thinking hat on this afternoon then see what I can come

up with to do to you that might earn me a prize. I better get back to work

“Okay, I’ll see you later, beauty.”
Jamie waited ‘til Blake ended the call on his phone. Then he just

stood, concentrating on enjoying how good he felt. How good life felt.
He’d moved on so much since his break-up with Dan, and more
importantly he was in love with someone who loved him, too. Blake had
just confessed his love. Jamie spread his arms wide and did a little spin.

Later that day, at Blake’s place Jamie asked, “So have I earned my

present yet?” before licking the last drop of sauce from the corner of his
mouth. He’d gone all out cooking grilled halloumi with all the trimmings:
hand-made chips, onion rings, and red pepper sauce, peas, garlic
mushrooms and grilled tomatoes.

“That depends on what you’ve got for dessert,” Blake said while

his eyes tracked the movement of Jamie’s tongue.

Jamie swiped his bottom lip a second time just for good measure.

“Do I get a clue before dessert?”

Blake raised a hand to his chin, his body language indicating he

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was thinking.

Did he really have to think about it, or was it all part of teasing

Jamie? What could Blake have got for him?

Jamie couldn’t really think of anything he wanted now he had

Blake’s love. Although maybe a new phone would be good, an iPhone if
he were really lucky. That would be quite generous as gifts go. He’d
throw in dessert and even do the washing up to earn a gift like that.

“Okay, I’ve thought of a clue,” Blake said, leaving a dramatic

pause, while Jamie looked at him pointedly. “It’s something you have
more than one of already.”

“Something I have more than one of already?” Not an iPhone then.
Blake nodded a smug smile on his face. Good job he didn’t know

Jamie had just experienced a slightly illogical stab of disappointment
that it couldn’t be something he’d only now thought he might want.

“I don’t collect anything, unless you count recipes. It’s not a cook

book is it?” A cookbook could be good. There were obviously more
things Jamie wanted in life than he’d previously realized.

“Definitely not a cookbook,” Blake said, sitting back in his chair,

tilting it in a manner that suggested he was full of confidence that Jamie
was never going to guess what the present he had coming was. “You can
have two more guesses, and I’ll even give you another clue. I’m hoping
you’ll want to use the one I give you everyday instead of one of the ones
you’ve already got.”

Not socks then. They had crossed Jamie’s mind as a possibility.

What did he have more than one of that he used everyday?


He tended to use the one he had thought Blake liked,

but maybe there was another he preferred more. He would happily wear
anything that kept Blake burying his face in the crook of his neck,
anything that had Blake running the flat of his tongue over the hint of
stubble on Jamie’s jaw at the end of the day.


One more guess, and then I want something sweet.”

“I give up,” Jamie said, pushing his chair away from the table in

frustration and moving towards the freezer where he’d stashed some ice-
cream earlier.

“You’re not sulking, are you?” Blake asked, the playful tone

having left his voice.

Jamie didn’t like playing games he couldn’t win, but no, he wasn’t

sulking. “No, I’m just keen to get back to convincing you I’m deserving


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of a gift,” he said.

If Blake wanted to draw out the suspense Jamie would play along.

He was getting the impression that this gift was important to Blake.
Maybe he’d invested something of himself in choosing it. Maybe whether
or not Jamie liked it would say something about their relationship.

Quickly he scooped a trio of cold vanilla spheres into a bowl,

grabbed a spoon from the drawer and made his way round to Blake’s
side of the table. He perched on the corner and took a spoonful of the
soft ice-cream, savoring the chill as it turned to liquid in his mouth.

“Are you teasing me as punishment for keeping you guessing, or

are you intending to spoon feed me?” Blake asked.

“Neither,” Jamie said. “Slide your chair back and I’ll show you

my intentions.”

Blake did as Jamie said. How satisfying was that! Jamie loved the

shifting balance of power in their relationship. The fact that either of
them could take control, and the other would respond, created an
enduring sense of equality between them. He had no hesitation in sinking
to his knees between Blake’s legs. Being on his knees didn’t lessen his
power, and holding Blake’s cock in his hands would only increase it.

Jamie stroked Blake’s thigh as a precursor to opening his trousers.

When Blake shifted in his seat, lifting the bulge that had grown rapidly
towards Jamie’s face, Jamie obliged and pulled down Blake’s zipper,
reaching in to release Blake’s cock.

He let it rest on the palm of his hand, whilst he admired it.
Switching hands he reached a finger to the bowl of ice-cream he’d

placed on the floor not too far away. He swirled his finger around ‘til it
was nicely coated before bring it back to Blake’s length. He tapped the
end and watched it jump. With a smile he leaned forward to lick at the
sticky spot.

Next he painted a stripe and licked it up.
“I think you’re slightly food obsessed,” Blake said, looking down

at him through hooded eyes.

Jamie stopped his ministrations and grabbed the spoon, gathering

ice-cream on it before holding it up towards Blake’s mouth. “That
wouldn’t be a complaint now, would it?”

When Blake opened his mouth to answer Jamie rose a little bit

higher and pushed the spoon in. Blake swallowed his answer, whatever
it might have been.

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“Good,” Jamie said and proceeded to take a spoonful of ice

cream himself. Mouth full he parted his lips just wide enough to guide
Blake’s cock in to the now cool cavern.

Blake let out a gasp that Jamie took to mean he liked the sensation,

especially when the gasp became a moan after Jamie took a breath and
more ice-cream into his mouth.

Bit by bit Jamie consumed the ice-cream and devoured Blake’s

cock until…

“I’m gonna come.”
Jamie sped up the motion of his hand below his mouth, gripping

tight as he felt Blake’s seed pulse past his fingers. He swallowed
instinctively, Blake’s taste mellowed by the melted cream lingering in
his mouth. The two together tasted good, and he moaned his own

“Stand up,” Blake said between panting breaths.
Jamie rose to his feet, one hand on Blake’s knee to steady himself.
“Close your eyes.”
Jamie’s eyelashes came to rest on the upper curves of his cheeks.

He inhaled deeply when he felt Blake’s hands at the fastening of his
trousers, sucking in his stomach muscles to make it easier for Blake to
undo the button and zipper. He let his breath out as Blake took his cock
in hand.

Then there was a pause, Jamie’s cock left pointing upwards whilst

he heard Blake rummaging for something. A moment later Blake slipped
something over his cock. It wasn’t a cock-ring there was no tightness, no
restriction all the way round. There was a jingle though and as Blake
obviously let go a slight weight to something now hanging at the base of
Jamie’s dick. Something tickled against his balls.

A new sex toy?

Was that his gift? “Can I open my eyes now?”

Blake took one of Jamie’s hands and guided it to cup his testicles

and the item that lay against them. Jamie felt the identifiable shape in his
hand, and his eyes flew open.

A key.
“My gift?”
Blake nodded, not letting go of Jamie’s gaze.
“If you want me to use it every day I’m guessing it’s not for a pair

of handcuffs.”

Blake just kept looking at him, begging for a response without


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using words.

Jamie wasn’t sure he dared to believe what dawning

comprehension was telling him. Blake was giving him a key to his
apartment and wanted him to use it every day.

“Is this so I can let myself in when I visit if I finish work before

you or something?”

Blake got to his feet and took Jamie by the hand, leading him

towards the bedroom. Jamie allowed himself to be pulled, his body in as
much of a daze as his head.

Inside the room Blake pulled open the closet door and gestured

inside. “I hope I’ve cleared enough space for all your clothes, not just a
spare change. I thought we could go out shopping at the weekend to get
any furnishings you might like, so that the place feels like yours, too.”

“You’re asking me to move in with you?” Jamie wanted to be sure

he understood. To know that Blake was sure Jamie moving in was what
he wanted.

“Yes,” Blake said bringing a hand up to cup Jamie’s cheek. “I

want you in every part of my life, every day.”

That was what Jamie wanted, too.
Blake wasn’t just telling him he loved him; he was trusting Jamie

with his heart. Jamie understood that. He was ready to trust Blake, too.

He rotated his neck so that he could place a kiss into Blake’s hand.

“I would love to move in with you. We’ll have to hold a dinner party to

He smiled against Blake’s warm flesh. Jamie wasn’t just moving

on with his life, he was moving in with his yoga instructor. He’d reached
that place in his life he most wanted to be.

At home with love.
Loved and in love.Blake guided Jamie’s mouth to his, the press of

their lips sealing the deal.

The End

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Other Books by Morgan King:

If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

My Business, Your Pleasure by SJ Thomas

Arresting Love by Shawn Lane

Undercover Lover by Rebecca Brochu

Evernight Publishing



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