Marcy Jacks Luna Werewolves 1 Captured With His Pregnant Mate

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Luna Werewolves 1

Captured with His Pregnant Mate

Roarke O’Neil is an alpha Luna Werewolf who has just been
captured for wandering into a pack’s territory. This is nothing new,

and he’s not afraid, until he catches the scent of his mate being
held in a cage nearby. His mate who is pregnant by someone else.

Westley Moore has lost all hope of surviving after multiple escape

attempts, and he feels he is dying along with the pup he is
carrying, but then he catches the scent of something that is like

breathing in strength itself, and he knows he’s found his mate in
the oddest of places.

They must work together to escape the pack that wants them
dead, made all the more difficult by Westley’s pregnancy and their

constant need to mate. But there is no nearby pack for Luna
Werewolves where they can run to for protection, so Roarke
decides to make one of his own and stand his ground.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 35,558 words

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Luna Werewolves 1

Marcy Jacks



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Marcy Jacks
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-207-1

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Luna Werewolves 1


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Roarke O’Neil wiggled his wrists against the tight ropes that

bound his hands behind his back, cutting off the circulation and
making his fingers tingle. It was noticed by one of the alphas who was
escorting him, and he got shoved hard in the shoulder by the heel of
the guy’s palm for his trouble.

“Knock it off!” Roarke snapped.
The four men with him, all of whom were naked and built like

tanks, each crossed their arms and smirked at him. There was no
outright evil in their eyes, just complete and utter ignorance.

“And what are you going to do about it? You even try shifting into

your luna form and we’ll snap your neck before you can even howl at

Roarke wanted to kill them for this. He couldn’t believe he’d been

so stupid as to be caught. For God’s sakes he’d even smelled that
there were alpha werewolves in the area, and he’d tried to avoid them.

They had picked up on his scent, too, however, and they followed

him until the wind turned right in their favor, and by the time Roarke
knew they were so close, it was already too late.

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They shoved him along, taking him to their pack to do God only

knew what to him. He was in the middle of the woods, the pine and
birch trees growing high above his head, so it wasn’t like he could
hope that someone in a helicopter would ride by and see what was
happening down below.

Not that many helicopters came out to this neck of the state.
Alpha luna werewolves were hunted down by other normal

werewolves, and because of their second shifter form, were usually
killed for sport or used in training exercises by the other alphas.

Roarke couldn’t figure out which one he was going to be used for,

but no matter what, it wouldn’t last very long. He hadn’t remained
free and on his own for a good thirty years because he was bad at this.
He’d been caught before, he’d escaped before, and he would do it

They walked for what seemed like hours. The fools didn’t bother

even blindfolding him, which could be a good thing or a bad thing,
but he didn’t dwell on it. Roarke just kept his eyes peeled and tried to
memorize where each individual shrub was and how the trees looked,
anything that would be useful when it came time for him to get out of

Thank God he and Jason had split up, that other luna alpha he’d

met when he stopped in Willow Lake for a bite to eat.

He hoped that guy had more success in avoiding the pack in the

area than Roarke did. If he got out of here, he was going to have to
phone the man and warn him that these guys were here.

Finally, they arrived in the pack land. It was a nice enough place,

as most packs were starting to become. The only thing connecting the
houses was flat, stamped down dirt, and there wasn’t much green
anywhere except for the weeds that managed to sprout, but none of
the windows in the houses were broken, and none of the pups looked
sickly or starved.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


There were cages lined up in the middle of the pack land, just

across where the houses were. They weren’t even inside of a barn.
They were just sitting there.

It chilled Roarke to the core to see them.
This pack made a habit out of hunting down luna werewolves.

Roarke wasn’t just being brought in for the fun of it because he just so
happened to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, but these
guys specifically went out looking for his kind to bring back here and
put in cages.

Fuck, things just got a little more complicated.
The bars were thick on the cages. They looked like something that

had been made, rather than purchased, which was usually the case
with werewolves when funds were low.

There were steel bars, but also wooden ones, and even chicken

fence and barbed wire.

Because of how thick the bars were and the amount of hay inside

of them, as he walked by, Roarke thought they were all empty, which
was a good thing, and he couldn’t stop staring at them just to be sure.

Also, he knew that was where these goons were eventually going

to throw him.

Then he walked by the last square cage, and the wind blew behind

it, carrying the scent of the man inside.

It was like sex and strength itself was blown up his nose, and his

heart started pumping a fast and furious rhythm.

An omega luna wolf. That was an omega luna werewolf.
Roarke blinked just to make sure his nose wasn’t playing tricks on

him. There was definitely a man inside, with soft brown hair and
skinny shoulders, as though he was being starved.

Like it was fated or something, his bright amber eyes looked back

up at Roarke as he passed, and he would have frozen on the spot if he
wasn’t being led along with strong hands gripping his elbows.

Still, he turned his head as much as he was able to so he could

keep his eyes on the man for as long as possible.

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The man in the cage turned around, also keeping Roarke in his

line of sight as his hands gripped the bars.

The wind blew again, stronger this time, and more of that amazing

scent went up his nose. Roarke inhaled deeply, feeling all the small
bruises and scratches he’d received from his quick fight with the
alphas nearly fade away entirely.

Then he realized for certain what he was looking at.
Holy shit. That wasn’t just some omega in a cage. That was also

his mate.

Roarke’s eyes moved down to his exposed stomach, and he swore

his eyeballs would’ve popped right out of his head had one of his
captors not grabbed him by the hair and forced him to turn around.

His mate was also heavily pregnant.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


Chapter Two

Westley Moore watched the man being led away, wishing with

everything inside of him that he would come back.

That smell. That spicy smell that tickled the nerves in his nose and

brought life back into his aching body. It was so good, so welcome
after being hurt and hungry for so long…

It gave him hope where there had been none before.
Mate, his brain supplied. The only reason why he craved that man

so much was because they were connected on a spiritual level that no
other werewolf could have, even to another mate.

And he’d been captured, and was likely off to the pit where he

would be forced to fight the alphas of this pack until he died.

It made Westley want to start crying. To have that hope put in

front of him just to be taken away was cruel. He needed that man,
wanted him. His body, which had gone to sleep before and felt
nothing for months, was suddenly alive, his cock hard and ready to be
touched, stroked, licked, anything.

He had to make sure none of the other alphas saw it. They might

think that he wanted them when he didn’t. Or they would realize that
the alpha they were leading away was actually Westley’s mate, and
they would put him in a cage on the other side of the pack.

If they could only get near each other, maybe that would be

enough for Westley to merge their energies and get their strength back
up. He could—

A heavy stick smacked against the bars of his cage, and Westley

fell backward, staring up into the eyes of the cruel alpha who was
frowning down on him.

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Frank. Westley hated Frank.
“What are you smiling at, precious?” he asked, his voice as

condescending as ever.

“Nothing,” Westley said, keeping his eyes low and kneeling

down. It was the position he’d learned quickly, one of submission to
an alpha who wanted to feel powerful over another.

At least his bulging stomach was hiding his erection. He wasn’t

exactly wearing clothes in the cage, and he just prayed that the man
wouldn’t smell his arousal.

He did have a pretty nasty cold, after all.
Frank looked back in the direction that the alpha luna wolf had

been taken to and then sneered down at Westley.

His heart stopped. Did he figure it out? Did he know?
“That one’s going into the pit the second our alpha gets a look at

him. Heard he didn’t put up much of a fight when he was brought in,
so don’t think you’ll be getting any help out of him.”

“I don’t think that,” Westley said, even though that was exactly

what he’d been hoping for.

“Better not,” Frank said, and he walked away, letting the stick

he’d been holding scrape against the bars of Westley’s cage, as well
as all the other empty cages in that were lined up next to his.

Westley sighed. They had been full at one time, when he’d been

brought here what seemed like forever ago. Had it really been a year
already? And in all that time, his only occupation was to be inside of
this cage and take the emotional and physical abuse that the alphas
heaped on him.

He’d been mostly left alone because of his pregnancy, for which

he was grateful. The alphas here didn’t want to make a sex slave out
of a pregnant omega, it seemed, but they’d killed his boyfriend Aaron
shortly after bringing them both here.

Then a scary thought entered his head, and it made his heart and

lungs seize up, and even his dick softened as he could in no way keep
an erection while such a terrible thing entered his mind.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


His baby did not belong to his mate. Westley and Aaron hadn’t

loved each other. Not really. Their union was really just there because
it was safer for two luna werewolves to travel together instead of
alone. The sex was just a product of loneliness. Westley could have
loved him, and he knew that Aaron was already developing feelings
for him, but they had been very good friends, best friends, and now he
was gone and this baby did not belong to that man who was led away.

What if his mate denied him? That was dangerous for both parties,

but it wasn’t exactly an unknown thing to happen. The history of the
luna wolves did have its share of mates who broke away from each
other for things like this, or alphas who demanded their mated omegas
abandon the young.

Fuck. He’d been so happy to breathe in the scent of his mate. He

didn’t even feel hungry or cold anymore now that that scent was with
him, wrapping around him protectively, whispering all kinds of sexual
promises into his ear.

He wrapped his arms around his bulging stomach. He wouldn’t do

it. If his mate demanded that he be rid of this child, he couldn’t do it.

That left him with the big problem of what he was expected to do

then, if he said that much to his mate, and the man then refused to
help him escape from this place.

Things just got complicated.

* * * *

Roarke stood for a long time, fighting against the urge to fight, as

odd as that sounded, but he kept his back straight and exposed his
neck when he was told to, showing off his willingness to submit to the
man, who was about the same height as Roarke himself was, but a
little bigger in the shoulders.

He didn’t even move when the guy put his fingers between

Roarke’s lips and started checking his teeth.

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They spoke about how he would fight in their pit, as if he wasn’t

even there, and he couldn’t help but think about the man in the cage,
his mate, pregnant and malnourished.

He wanted to kill all of them.
It was a skill in of itself, keeping that anger on the forefront of his

mind to prevent his cock from becoming hard just thinking about his
mate and what the man smelled like.

But he also had to keep that anger from showing on his face as he

was being observed, poked, and prodded, before finally being stripped
of everything he wore and being thrown into the pit.

The name alone suggested a hole in the ground, but that wasn’t it

at all. In fact, it was just a fenced-in octagonal area that he was
dumped into with another naked alpha, and it seemed as if the entire
pack was surrounding the chain-link fence. There was barbed wire
circling the top to keep anyone from the outside from jumping in from
their excitement, but Roarke was willing to bet that it was also to keep
anyone from getting out as well.

The cheers and yells were so loud, an outsider who couldn’t see

what was happening in the ring might assume there was a cock fight
or something within, or maybe just a friendly wrestling match.

“To the death!” someone screamed, and then Roarke was being

charged at by the other alpha in the octagon with him.

Fuck, this was going to suck.
When the alpha in charge of the pack made the fight to the death,

apparently he didn’t mean to the death of anyone on his side. When
Roarke took the man by the throat and easily punched him in the
stomach, taking all the air out of his lungs and putting him down, the
gates to the octagon opened and alphas spilled inside to pull him away
from his victim before he could kill him.

He was most surprised when they didn’t kill him in retaliation.
No. The men of this pack were given permission to live if they

failed, but then the octagon was empty, all except for Roarke and one

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


other alpha, a new man who was not tired and dirty from the fight,
and the cheering started up again.

They were going to do this until he died, he realized. Because of

that, Roarke wasn’t getting out of here to save his mate or himself.
That was what other werewolves took the luna wolves for. Because
they were really jealous of the second transformation that luna wolves
had. It was larger and more powerful than even their best werewolves,
but it wasn’t an instant transformation like just turning into the wolf

Roarke couldn’t change into that form of himself right now even

if he wanted to, and he so wanted to.

The other wolf went down, and so did the next one, and the next

one, and with each man they sent in to fight, Roarke’s energy slowly
started to leave him, and it was more and more of a pain just to stay
on his own two feet.

He suspected that the only reason why he’d lasted so long was

because his mate was so close-by, and they’d shared energy,
recharging each other, just with that look alone.

But now Roarke’s moves were sluggish, and even his thinking

was starting to slow down as all he wanted to do was stop and rest.
His arms weighed a thousand pounds, and when he was punched in
the face again, his body didn’t have the strength to stay upright.

He went down hard, and he was staying down.
The cheers and roars of the men around the octagon were

deafening. They gripped onto the gate and yanked it back and forth in
their excitement.

Fools. Ignorant fools, the lot of them, but there was nothing to be

done about it. Roarke had fought as many as he could, and that was
that. He was going to die, and his mate was going to be left here with

God, he was so sorry that he’d failed them both.
Just as the angry and bloodied face of the man who’d finally

defeated him came into view, his sweaty hands coming down and

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grabbing him by the chin and head, as though to twist his neck, the
voice of the alpha in charge called out to the lot of them.

The man stopped before he could take Roarke’s life, and he stared

up at his alpha like a child would who’d just had a candy snatched out
of his hand.

“Sir! The kill is mine!” he yelled, then snarled at his alpha. It had

hurt Roarke’s knuckles when they smashed into those hard pearly
yellows, but seeing how angry the man was made him happy.

The rest of the pack moved out of the way for their alpha so he

could enter the ring and stare down at the both of them.

“Take your hands off of him,” he said, and there was a look in his

eyes that demanded obedience, and the alpha did remove his hands,
though he grumbled about it when he did.

The leading alpha stepped forward. Roarke hadn’t caught his

name before, and he didn’t want to know what it was, either, but he
stared down at him with thoughtful grey eyes.

“I think we can have another match tomorrow,” he said. “He took

down five of you in a row, without rest or water. That doesn’t make
me think highly of your fighting skills. We’re not going to kill him
now or tomorrow, but we will use him to help you all practice your

Oh, wasn’t he merciful? Roarke wanted to be sick with the way

everyone hung onto the guy’s word as though he was the wisest man
they had ever met.

It was sickening.
Regardless of what Roarke thought, everyone standing around all

looked at each other, muttered, shrugged, and then nodded, agreeing
with the wisdom of their alpha.

Roarke supposed he should be grateful, because at least this meant

he wouldn’t be dying tonight, and he might just have the chance to get
himself and his mate free of this hellhole.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


“Take him to the cages,” said the alpha. “It’s getting late. Bring

him water and food. He has a long day ahead of him tomorrow. We
can use him for however long he can fight.”

“What if he tries turning into his luna form?” someone, probably

the only smart person in the village, asked.

“I doubt he has the energy for that at this point, but you do bring

up a good question. Guards will patrol the village and check on the
prisoner from time to time to make sure that no change ever takes

He thought it would be that easy, did he?
Roarke wasn’t able to struggle when he was lifted again, his hands

thrown behind his back, and he was carted off to the cages.

It was hard for him to contain his smile when they shoved him in

the cage next to his mate.

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Chapter Three

Westley couldn’t believe the condition his mate was in when the

guards brought him back. He couldn’t believe they’d brought him
back at all considering what he thought they were going to do to him.

He was broken and bloody, his face was smashed in, and both his

eyes were swelling. Was that blood coming from his ear? God, it was
everywhere so he couldn’t tell, but the scent of blood was
overpowering his natural scent, and that scared Westley even more.

Frank was the one to lock him in, that bastard smirk of his still in

place. The other man with him was decent enough that he tossed in
his dirty clothes along with a water bottle, a load of bread, and a
smaller tube of something else, but that was it.

The man didn’t so much as move to take them. He was just lying

completely still, face down on the clean hay.

“Wait, what is that stuff?” Frank asked.
“His clothes and food,” said the companion. Westley didn’t know

who he was. He’d never seen the alpha before in all the time he’d
been here.

“I meant the little bottle thing,” Frank said.
“Disinfectant,” said the other guy. He was as big as Frank but

didn’t have that same smarmy look on his face. “So he can be healthy
tomorrow for the fight.”

Frank rolled his eyes. “Our alpha is too generous sometimes,” he

said and then winked at Westley.

“See you tomorrow,” Frank said right before he walked away.
The prick. The absolute bastard.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


Westley waited until they were out of sight. The nights were

warm at least, but even if they weren’t, Westley and his mate would
still be left outside. The sky was getting dark and there weren’t many
lights on in the village, so he and his mate were almost completely

He rushed to his mate’s side of the cage and gripped the bars

tightly. He could still see very well in the dark, and the man definitely
wasn’t moving.

“Are you okay?” Stupid question. “Can you hear me? Can you get


As fast as lightning, he did. The man launched himself to his

knees and was at Westley’s side of the bars, and he reached his hands
through and gripped his head, bringing his face forward for a long and
deep kiss.

Hips lips were soft. They hadn’t been split during his fight, and

they were warm and soft and alive.

Oh! His tongue! It licked inside of his mouth and pushed deep,

and life flowed through Westley’s cock as it hardened and stood at
attention, begging for someone to touch it. His balls were in a similar
situation as they were tight against his thighs.

The exchange of energy was sweet, but all he could feel was

emptiness inside that he and his mate weren’t sharing the same cage
so that they could fuck and rut against each other like they were
meant to.

The scent of his mate’s arousal came through the scent of blood,

and Westley released his tight grip on the bars to reach down and find
the man’s cock.

It was almost as thick as his wrist, and just touching it was enough

to make it jump in his hand, spurting cum onto him, and the man
moaned as their mouths were still attached.

Then he held Westley tightly by the hair and pulled away from

him. “What’s your name?” he demanded, his voice a hoarse whisper.

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“Westley,” he replied, and then blurted out his last name, his age,

and where he was from quickly before he could forget those things
entirely. He moved in for another quick kiss, more and more strength
running through his veins, but even that wasn’t enough to satisfy what
he wanted. He wanted so much more.

“What’s your name?” Westley asked.
“Roarke O’Neil,” he replied, and then smiled as he went and did

the exact same thing Westley did by telling him his age—he was
twenty-nine, Westley hadn’t been far off when he was guessing—
birthday, and that he was a wandering alpha luna.

That was a shame. It would have been nice to know that the man

had a pack somewhere that would be looking for him, but even if they
were alone in this, they still had each other.

“How long have you been here?” Roarke asked, and he looked

down at Westley’s belly, and the fear came racing back into his heart.
“Who’s the father? Were you mated before?”

Westley shook his head. “No, I wasn’t mated before.”
It was a rare thing for a mated omega wolf to survive the death of

a mate, but there were always stories of these things.

His answer seemed to infuriate Roarke as his dark eyes clouded

with absolute rage. “Who?” he demanded.

Right. Of course the man would jump to conclusions. An unmated

and pregnant omega who was currently being held hostage in the cage
of a rival pack usually meant only one thing.

“That doesn’t matter. It’s not what you think,” Westley said, and

he reached for Roarke again, putting his hand on the man’s cheeks
and taking comfort in the touch. He could feel his own heartbeat in
his cock, and he craved having the man inside of him, fucking him,
marking him as belonging only to Roarke and no one else.

“Who is the father?” Roarke demanded again, clearly not willing

to let this go. He still thought that one of the alphas of this pack had
done something, and even though it still hurt to think about Aaron,
Westley had to tell the man the truth before he completely lost it.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


Westley shook his head. “He’s dead. He was my boyfriend, and

the alphas here killed him.”

Roarke looked like he was being punched in the gut, but then his

snarl was back. “I swear to God they’ll all pay.”

“I believe you, but right now I’d just rather we got out of here,”

Westley said.

There was a time when he hated the fact that he was pregnant.

Hated it because of how difficult it would be to raise a child in a
world that would sneer at an innocent baby and want to hurt him,
even with someone else there with him. Then Aaron was gone and
Westley was alone. He had to get over his anger for Aaron’s sake,
even if Aaron was no longer there to comfort him.

But now his real mate was here, kissing and licking him, reaching

through the bars where there was no chicken wire and touching him,
taking his pleasure, strength, and energy, all that he needed through
their bonding so that he could get out of here.

He had to ask, “You won’t try to make me be rid of it, will you?”
Roarke’s eyes widened, and it was clear that he honestly hadn’t

been expecting the question to be thrown at him.

“No! I—Of course not. I would never ask you to do something

like that.”

“You don’t mind that your mate is carrying a pup that isn’t your

blood? That I want to keep it and raise it?”

“It’s your blood. That’s enough for me,” Roarke said.
Westley grabbed his face and pulled him closer for another kiss,

relief washing through him.

He thrust his tongue deep inside of his lover’s mouth, and the

moan that pulled out of Roarke brought a shiver to Westley’s entire

The damn wooden bars were between them, keeping them apart so

that their bodies could barely touch where their mouths and hands
could not reach.

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It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t even close to being enough, and being

so close to his mate, touching him like this but unable to get more was
actually starting to cause him physical pain.

“I can’t take this,” Westley said with a groan, and he reached

down and wrapped his fist around his pulsing dick, stroking himself
and wishing with everything he had that it was Roarke who was
touching him there, stroking his cock. It felt good, but his own hand
didn’t ease the burning ache he felt like he knew Roarke would be
able to. “I need you,” he said.

“I need you,” Roarke replied. There was a rustle of feet

somewhere in the distance, and he looked up, but the unpaved street
of the pack remained dark as everyone was off doing something else,
eating and celebrating the fact that they now had an alpha luna wolf to
torture and fight with.

Roarke turned his eyes back to Westley, but Westley could hardly

get his heart to stop hammering as he let go of his cock and grabbed
onto Roarke’s shoulders.

“We need to get out of here.”
“I’m not strong enough to shift yet. I don’t think I could even shift

into my wolf, and that wouldn’t help us right now anyway,” he said.

That was true. Wolves had strong jaws and teeth, but no

opposable thumbs, and Westley couldn’t transform right now anyway
because of the pregnancy.

“Then kiss me,” Westley said. “Kiss me for as long as you need

to. You can even come up to the bars and I‘ll suck your cock into my
mouth, anything to help you get the strength you need to turn into
your luna form.”

The way Roarke’s eyes clouded over suggested that he was

contemplating that, but then he went back to looking at the bars that
separated them.

“This is an old cage they put together and repaired over the

years,” he said, fingering some of the scratch marks and dents that
had been left behind by previous occupants.

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Captured with His Pregnant Mate


“Yeah,” Westley said, never taking his hands away from Roarke’s

warm skin. If he did that, then he was sure he would be left in a
massive amount of pain just from being denied his mate’s basic touch.

“This bar here is wooden, and they screwed it into the steel.”
“One of the previous alphas ripped it out when he was trying to

escape,” Westley said, becoming sad as he thought about Aaron.
“Don’t know how he got the strength to do that without a mate
nearby. To fix it they turned the cage around so that the hole wouldn’t
allow anyone to leave the cage, even if they broke it off again.”

Which Westley hadn’t the strength to do. Maybe the alphas of this

pack forgot all about that bar, or they thought Roarke would be too
weak to break it off.

Aaron had been killed once the wolves of this pack caught him

running for help, and Westley had been left alone.

“Can’t get out of the cage, but I could get to you,” Roarke said,

and then he grabbed hold of the bar with both hands.

“Keep your hands on me. Don’t let me go,” he said, and Westley

didn’t need to be told that twice as he gripped Roarke’s shoulders as
tightly as he could, focusing as much strength and energy inside of
him that he thought his mate would need.

He’d be able to give him more, and Roarke would be able to do

the same for him, once they were together and Roarke put him on his
hands and knees before spreading his legs and driving his cock deep
inside of him.

It took a couple of tries, but Roarke managed to get the entire

wooden bar off, completely intact and with the screw inside and
everything. If one of the guards came by to check on what they were
doing, then it would be a simple matter of getting back to his side and
putting the bar back in place before the guard noticed there was
something wrong.

Roarke set it aside, and with an eager grin, he squeezed his body

through the remaining bars of the cage and was suddenly skin to skin

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on top of Westley, his arms wrapped around Westley’s shoulders, his
tongue pushing deep into his mouth.

It was so damn good. Westley moaned and just had to get some

friction onto his cock, so he crawled onto his mate’s lap and began
humping against him, both of their cocks touching and rubbing
against each other for the first time, as if they were saying hello.

Westley moaned, trying to contain it as much as he was able

within the kiss itself as he thrust hard and fast again his mate, his

Roarke’s hands went down to cup his ass and hips. His grip was

so tight that it almost hurt, but the pleasure and relief of his touch
overshadowed that as Roarke pulled him even closer, and they rutted
like they were in heat.

Westley supposed that was exactly what they were in. Two mates

meeting for the first time. They were going to want each other over
and over again for a good long time.

“I want to fuck you,” Roarke said, and he lifted Westley up just

enough to place him on his back on the clean hay beneath them.

He opened his legs for the other man, but while Roarke came

between them, he didn’t lay his body down on top of Westley’s.

“Will it be okay?” he asked, his voice hoarse as his eyes moved

down to Westley’s belly and then back up to his face.

Even in the dark, Westley could see how they shined with fear.

They both needed this so badly, but he was hesitating because he was
worried about the infant that wasn’t even his?

“It’ll be fine,” Westley said, even though he’d never been

pregnant before and had nothing to base that on other than the stories
he’d heard. “I’m still a couple months away from the end of my term.
It’s okay. Do it,” he said. Now he was begging.

Roarke groaned, and his hands were shaking as they rested on

Westley’s knees. “It’s not just that. I have no lube. Nothing to ease
the way.”

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Fuck! Westley threw his head back into the hay and wanted to cry.

Of course. That would be another reason why the werewolves of this
pack weren’t concerned about putting an alpha next to an omega.
Even if it did turn out that they were mated, the alpha would be hard
pressed to just go ahead and push his cock inside of a pregnant
omega’s hole without any lube.

He wanted to say that he would be able to handle it. That was, if

Roarke took his time and prepped him, that saliva would be enough.

But they didn’t have the time, and that was part of the problem.
Footsteps sounded. Someone was coming!
Quick as ever, Roarke pulled himself away from Westley, taking

his energy and his warm body heat with him as he slipped back into
his side of the cage, putting the wooden bar back in place just as
whoever it was who was guarding them came by.

It was full dark now, and the flashlight that shined in Westley’s

eyes nearly blinded him, and he had to raise his hand to shield

The light then flashed onto Roarke’s side of the cage, and then

their guard walked away, back to wherever the civilization and food

Westley sighed, glad that there was enough hay in the cages to

keep his cock hidden.

“What’s this?” Roarke asked.
“What’s what?” Westley replied, miserable now that the

connection to his mate had been cut away. Then he realized what it
was that Roarke was looking at.

“One of the guards put food and water in your cage, and some

disinfectant or something. It’s for your scratches and bruises.”

“This isn’t disinfectant.”
What was the exact word the man had used? Westley couldn’t


“This is lube.”
He all but flew at the bars. “What?”

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Even though he was able to see in the dark well enough, he had to

squint to see the letters on the tube as Roarke held it up to him.

“Turns out we might have a friend somewhere in this pack,”

Roarke said.

“It couldn’t have been the alpha who ordered that guy to give us

that,” Westley said. “But today was the first day I’d ever seen that
man. I don’t know his name or anything about him.”

“He must’ve recently been brought in,” Roarke said, and now that

the screw in the cage was loose, it was a simple matter for him to pull
the wooden bar off and slip back into Westley’s side of the cage.

His smile showed off his pointed teeth, and Westley shivered as

that look was transferred into a pleasurable sensation on his cock.

“By the time I’m done with you, we’re both going to have enough

strength and energy to get out of this place.”

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Chapter Four

Now that the guard had already come and gone, Roarke thought

that he and Westley would at least have some time to themselves
before someone else came to check on them.

Despite how every urge in his body demanded that he spend all

the rest of the night shoving his cock deep inside of Westley’s ass, his
mouth, everywhere as many times as possible, marking the man as his
so that everyone who smelled him would know it, they didn’t have
that kind of time.

This was going to be a recharging and exchange of energy, that

was it. Crude, but he was going to make up for this at a later time.

He wished he knew who it was who dropped the lube into his

cage. There were some hazy things in his memory when he was being
brought here, but for now, all he cared about was that he had it.

Westley’s moan as he pulled Roarke on top of him and kissed him

made his dick jump. It didn’t help that the damn thing was currently
pressed against Westley’s inner thigh, and the shivery pleasure he was
getting just from that small friction alone was almost enough to make
him come.

He pulled back and sat up on his knees, already missing Westley’s

heat, but when he looked down at the man, lying there disheveled and
ready, his nipples hard and his cock long and curved against his
swollen belly, Roarke had never seen anything more gorgeous in his
entire life.

“We have to be as quiet about this as possible,” he said, not even

sure he could follow his own instructions as he flicked open the cap
with his thumb and squirted some of the lube onto his fingers.

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His hand was shaking. God, was this what it was like to be with a

mate? So impatient, his body starved for the man like he was
desperate for a fix.

Westley was also trembling, and his pupils were huge within those

perfect amber eyes.

“I’ll hold my hands over my mouth if I have to.”
“When we get out of here we can be as loud as we want. I’ll take

you somewhere where I can lay claim to you all night without having
to worry about anyone coming for us.”

Westley moaned and reached for his dick. His fingers played with

the head. He was cut, and his thumb was constantly moving and
massaging against the underside, right where the little bit of skin was
that connected the head to the column of his cock.

Roarke shivered, and he felt that as clearly as though he was the

one Westley was touching, and not himself. “That’s nice. Keep
touching yourself like that,” he said, his breathing coming out all
labored and deep.

“Put your fingers inside me. I need you inside me.”
Probably even more so than Roarke needed to be inside of him.

Omegas were supposed to feel the need to mate on a higher level than
alphas were.

Damn. If Roarke thought he was being tortured now, he could

only wonder what it was that Westley was feeling.

He pressed one finger against the tight pucker of Westley’s

asshole, moving it around before pressing up to the first knuckle

Westley shivered, closed his eyes, and bit his lips as he gently

thrust against that finger.

Roarke pushed in the rest of the way, making sure to use his free

hand to add more lube as he needed. Then he pulled out a ways and
added a second finger.

“That’s nice,” Westley moaned.

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“Quietly,” Roarke gently admonished him, though he could hardly

blame the man. It wasn’t like he was being all that loud to begin with.
Every breath they took seemed about a thousand times louder than it
should have been in the otherwise silent night.

Still, Westley nodded and did as he was told, looking down to try

and see Roarke’s arm as it moved back and forth against his ass.

“Put one more inside me,” he said, whispering the words.
Roarke added more lube and a third finger. Thank God for

whoever it was who gave him this tube. Really.

When his fingers shoved against something deep inside of

Westley’s asshole, and the man arched violently on his back, his eyes
and mouth going wide, Roarke’s heart jumped.

But he didn’t make any noise. He clapped his hands over his

mouth and let out the tiniest groan imaginable, considering Roarke
was pushing his fingers against the man’s prostate.

Just touching that little nub deep inside of him was enough to give

Roarke the feeling of satisfaction that Westley was his. It didn’t
matter if others had been here before him. All that mattered was that
he was here now, and he was the only other person who was going to
be here.

The strength and energy he got from touching so deeply inside of

his mate made him come. His cock jumped and his balls tightened as
the surging relief came over him. He swore it was the longest orgasm
in the history of all the orgasms he’d ever had, and he nearly cracked
his teeth as he clenched them tightly to keep from making any noise.

He started breathing again, harshly when he was done, and he

realized that he’d just come all over his mate’s ass and thighs.

The sight of that nearly made him purr with pleasure. That was

him on his lover. That was his mark and his scent. It would be even
better when he was inside of the man, his cock thrusting deep until his
cum was everywhere inside of him, and the scent couldn’t be easily
washed away.

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He had to remind himself to be quick about this. They could take

their time later, after they got out of here. They could get to know
each other and learn more about each other.

Roarke could take care of his mate and the pup he carried, but for

now it was about strength. They needed their strength to get out of
here. Roarke especially.

The tube was small, so there wasn’t much lube in it to begin with,

but Roarke was glad to have it at all instead of having to do this to his
mate quick and dry.

He poured the last of what was in the tube on his fingers,

squeezing the bottle completely out so that every last bit was on his
hand. He tossed the tube away and stroked his cock, coating it from
the tip of the head to the base where his dick met his balls.

Westley spread his legs wider for him and took him by the

shoulders, pulling him even closer. “Fuck me, please. Claim me,” he
said, keening the words and biting down on a moan when the head of
Roarke’s cock touched his stretched asshole, popping inside with just
the right amount of pressure.

Roarke had to clench his teeth again, and every nerve in his body

was bowstring tight as he sank deeper and deeper inside of his mate,
his lover. There was almost no resistance from Westley’s body at all.

Huh, guess they really were made for each other.
“That’s it,” Westley said with a sigh, and his fingers carded

through Roarke’s hair, gripping him tightly as he pulled his mouth
closer for a deep kiss.

Westley licked deep into Roarke’s mouth, just the way he liked.

His mate was inside of him while he was inside of his mate. Perfect. It
was absolutely perfect.

His hips began canting back and forth, the tight channel of

Westley’s asshole gripping his cock tightly as he thrust his ass back
against him wantonly.

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Their kiss was all they had to contain their moaning. There was

laughing somewhere in the distance, and it sounded so far away.

Good. If there was some socializing, a dinner, or even a small

party going on somewhere else in the pack, then that meant there was
a greater chance that they wouldn’t get caught while they were doing

Maybe they could even go again—
No! Fuck. Roarke wanted to thrust his cock into Westley’s ass all

night. He wanted his dick to be gripped tightly by that warm channel
for hours on end, and he definitely had the stamina to do that now as
he was finally inside of him, but now was not the time.

Escape. They still had to escape, and even though with every

thrust he felt like he’d just consumed another energy drink, he had to
save that energy for when it came time to shift into his luna form and
break off the steel bars of the cage, hopefully getting the both of them
out of this hell hole before those idiots even knew they were gone.

Roarke felt Westley’s hands moving up and down and around his

body. His fingers scraped across and pinched Roarke’s nipples, and
his thighs tightened around Roarke’s hips as he thrust his ass up into
Roarke’s surging cock.

Then his balls became tight again as his hips suddenly moved into

mach two speed. He was there. He was on the top of the hill and
rushing back down, and it was a race to the finish at this point.

The kiss wasn’t enough to contain the sounds they were making.

Not by a long shot, and he tried. God he tried to stay silent, and he
knew that Westley did, too, but if anyone came anywhere near as
close to them as they were, then there would be nothing they could do
to prevent themselves from being separated by the swarm of wolves
that would rush down upon them.

No one came, and the rush of pleasure finally consumed him so

that even when he squeezed his eyes shut he still saw a bright flash of
white light.

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He kept his mouth down on Westley’s, using the man’s lips to

keep as much noise to himself as he could. Westley did the same.

There was something extra pleasurable about having a slick

tongue in his mouth while his slippery cock was still thrusting in and
out of Westley’s asshole.

That asshole tightened around him so much that it nearly hurt, but

it did draw another orgasm out of him, and he felt the man’s warm
cum shoot onto his stomach.

Because of the heavy bump that was there, and Roarke’s thrusting

body, he ended up spreading it across his own tight abs as well, and
that was just the way he wanted it to be.

Then it was like his batteries had finally finished recharging, but

the buzz from laying on top of his lover, of keeping skin-to-skin
contact was so good, that even though he felt like he could run a
hundred laps around this pack’s property and fight fifty more of their
best alphas, he had to get up.

He was as gentle as he could be when he pulled his now soft cock

out of Westley’s body, but even that brought a small shiver of
pleasure to him.

Horny fucker he was, apparently.
Westley didn’t so much as flinch. He really was being good about


He put a hand on his stomach, but not to wipe away his cum. It

seemed more like he was checking on the condition of the pup he
carried inside of him, though Roarke didn’t know if that was actually

Westley sat up, and the energy that came off of him was good,

strong, and healthy. “Are you going to change into your luna form
now?” he asked.

“Yes, have you ever seen one before?”
Westley shook his head to the negative. Aaron never did that in

front of him. He was always worried that it might scare him. Westley
even suspected that Aaron couldn’t fully control it when he let it out.

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“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you, and I have complete control,” he


“I trust you,” Westley replied, still holding onto his stomach.
“You should put my clothes on. I don’t know if my jeans will fit

you,” he said, looking at Westley’s large stomach, though his hips
still appeared fairly narrow. Maybe he could keep the waistband of
the jeans bellow the stomach. “I’m going to grab the loaf of bread and
the water bottle before I try to shift,” he said, and he quickly slipped
in and out of what was formerly his side of the cage.

“I don’t feel hungry anymore,” Westley said.
“No, but you will eventually, and I don’t know how long it will

take before I can get you some real food.”

Westley nodded at that and took the bread and water bottle in his


“I’ll distract everyone. You run to the tree line over there and do

not stop for anything. While the alphas here are busy taking me down,
I doubt they’ll bother with you, but don’t stop running just in case.”

“Wait a minute, what about you?” Westley asked, and there was a

touch of panic in his voice.

Roarke was already in the middle of his shift. It took longer, but

he could feel his body stretching, his muscles growing, his teeth
getting bigger, and his claws growing right out from the tips of his
fingers, pushing out and replacing his fingernails.

“I’ll follow your scent,” he said, his voice rough and slurred, and

there was just a touch of fear in Westley’s eyes as his gaze continued
to lift up as Roarke’s body got bigger, and the cage around him
seemed to shrink.

His bushy tail swirled around him. He was so strong now! He

could finally do it! Break free of this damn prison and get himself and
his mate out of here!

His fingers were long and dark, and the razor sharp half-moon

claws made them into hooks as he grabbed the steel bars that
attempted to contain him.

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Now that he was in his luna form, it was almost as easy as when

he pulled the wooden bar free that had kept him and Westley on
separate sides of the cage. The bars snapped off so easily it was
laughable. His claws cut through the chicken wire like it was a thin

Even though he didn’t have the vocal cords of a human anymore,

what with his wolf’s head and all, his near-human form still enabled
him to growl out small words.

Westley did, taking the meager supplies he was able to with him

as he shot through the opening that Roarke had made for him, and
then he, too, stepped out.

He watched his mate go toward the tree line, running as quickly as

he could with his swollen stomach and what little he carried in his

Of course it couldn’t be that easy. Someone had to see him.
Roarke opened his mouth and roared the second he saw two

alphas shoot out from somewhere behind one of the houses and give
chase. They instantly stopped and turned to stare at the monster that
was glaring down at them.

Of course, they let Westley go to take care of the new problem at

hand. Roarke snarled as they all yelled out for help, and even more
alphas came forward, many shifting into the wolf forms and
surrounding him.

It looked like there were no less than three dozen or so adult

alphas all around him, some in their wolf bodies and other in their
human forms, as if they thought that having their opposable thumbs
would save them.

He was in his luna form, and he was stronger than all of them! He

was going to make the entire pack wish they’d never laid a finger on

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Chapter Five

Westley wasn’t sure how long he was running for, but it had to be


Roarke had been right. He did need the bread and water. After

running for so long, his heart racing because he expected to hear the
shout of an angry alpha from the pack behind him at any moment, his
body started to weaken again.

The strength brought on by having sex with a mate and sharing

energy and life didn’t last forever, after all.

He was so afraid to stop, so he didn’t, even when it got to the

point that he was no longer running, just barely putting one bare foot
in front of the other, gasping for breath.

He drank the water as he went, anything to help his parched

throat. The tipping point, when he knew that he absolutely had to stop
for a rest, came when his knees nearly gave out beneath him, and he
nearly fell over.

Luckily he managed to catch himself by grabbing onto the branch

of a nearby tree, but it was still enough that it put his already
hammering heart inside of his throat.

Christ almighty! What if he’d landed on his stomach? He could

have killed his child doing that!

Westley’s face was drenched with sweat, so he poured a little of

the water into his palm and splashed it on his face. The water was
warm at this point, but the clean feel of it, combined with the slight
breeze against his wet face, did so much to help him cool off.

He tried to look up and see the stars through the canopy of trees,

but he could hardly see a thing.

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The sky had definitely changed, however. Hours had passed, and

he was still all by himself out here.

It made his body seize up, just wondering if Roarke was dead.
Did he finally meet his mate and escape from that place at the cost

of the one person who was supposed to be with him for life? That
would make a horrible end to this story, but real life didn’t always
have happy endings. In fact, there was no such thing as a happy
ending. Everyone died in the real world at some point or another, and
the absolute best anyone could hope for was to die a peaceful death at
the same time as their mate while sleeping in bed.

That didn’t exactly happen all that often.
Westley clutched at his stomach and sank down against the curve

of the pine tree. The branches were hanging low, so that could keep
him hidden from any pair of eyes that might be searching for him, but
he was fairly sure his scent was all over the place.

Easy to follow, for an enemy or a friend, yet no one from the pack

came for him, and neither did Roarke.

Westley had to scrub at his face when his eyes started to burn. No,

no, no! That couldn’t be! He was an alpha, and he was in his luna
form when Westley was running away from him! So what if he was
surrounded and outnumbered and they had all kinds of weapons and
wanted him dead?

Westley kept his fists to his eyes, but the stupid tears kept right on

coming. He had to come to the conclusion that his mate was most
likely dead. It made him so sad just thinking about it.

All that time trapped in that pack as their plaything, and when he

finally got a glimmer of hope, only he was the one to escape? He
supposed he should feel grateful, but all he could manage was anger
again. Anger at the world for putting him in that position in the first
place, and with nowhere to put the anger, he was forced to cry it out.

He wouldn’t be like those other omegas who died of heartbreak. It

would be so easy. God, he could feel his energy slipping away just
thinking about Roarke not being in this world anymore, but he kept

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his strength up by telling himself that he didn’t know anything for
sure yet.

Roarke could still be alive, but injured. They hadn’t known each

other for long, but they were still mated and they’d consummated that
mating and shared energy and created strength for each other.
Wouldn’t Westley have felt it if Roarke was no longer on this world?

Even if Roarke didn’t come to him, he would stay strong. There

was another person whose life was counting on Westley to stay strong
and survive.

He would live for his pup, and that pup would grow up knowing

that Roarke was its sire. Maybe not by blood, but Roarke had
accepted the pregnancy, and the child definitely wouldn’t have
survived without him, wouldn’t have had the chance it did at being
born because it wouldn’t have made it to term if Westley stayed in
that cage, and that was enough.

Of course he would know about Aaron, too, but Roarke was just

as important as far as Westley was concerned.

Westley kept himself awake for as long as he could, listening to

the trees and sniffing the air, trying to tell if anyone was coming near
him. As the hunger came upon him again, he started nibbling on the
bread. If he was going to keep his promise and survive, then he had to
feed himself and the pup he was carrying.

He wasn’t aware of closing his eyes, but when he opened them

again, it was bright out, even through the canopy of trees. The shade
couldn’t keep all of the sunlight away from him.

There was still no sign of Roarke.
Westley looked around the area he was in and lifted his nose to

the air to have a sniff. No one had been around him lately, but the
wind wasn’t helping him to determine whether or not anyone was

That was enough for him to know that he should keep moving and

try to find a town. Some place where he could start working.

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His first line of business would be that he had to find another luna

werewolf somewhere. He was going to need all the help he could get
when it came time to give birth to his child.

He wasn’t going to think about Roarke. Not yet. If he did that,

then he would become depressed and that depression would likely kill

He ate more of the bread, which had gone stale in the night, and

drank more water, and he started walking again.

* * * *

Roarke groaned when he woke up. He was in human form, and he

felt like complete and utter shit.

A session with his mate, sinking his cock deep inside of the man,

would solve that.

He opened his eyes, for some reason expecting to see Westley

lying next to him. Instead he saw the wide-open eyes of a dead wolf,
and the scent of blood was like a sledgehammer to his nostrils.

He shot up and backed away from the body, remembering what

had happened last night and what he’d told Westley to do.

He was running away, which was a good thing because

apparently, after the fight had started Roarke had lost control of
himself and he’d not only gone on the offensive against the alpha
wolves who’d been trying to bring him down, but he’d also gone a
little feral.

A little? That was such a stupid way of putting it. He’d definitely

gone feral from the look of the dozens of bodies scattered all around
him. He’d never gone feral before. He’d always had complete control,
and the fact that he was having trouble remembering everything
scared him a little.

The space beneath his fingernails actually itched from where the

blood had dried. Even when he’d shifted back into his human form

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and his fingernails had grown back, there was still blood beneath

This wasn’t the entire pack. He could tell, there weren’t enough

people here, and the alpha that had stuck his finger inside of Roarke’s
mouth last night wasn’t among the dead either.

Who knew how many had survived, but in a way he was glad that

he hadn’t killed them all. He wouldn’t have wanted to wake up and
see that he’d killed a bunch of omegas or pups, and there were
definitely none of them among the dead he was looking at now.

God, the sun was up. Where was Westley? He had to find him. If

a small group of the alphas had survived and left to see to the care of
their omegas and pups, then they could be getting ready to chase after
Westley once they were all settled and taken care of. They would
assume that Roarke was with Westley now and be searching for them
both for revenge.

He started running to the tree line away from the smell of blood so

he could pick up on his mate’s natural scent.

He stopped in his tracks at the sight of what waited for him there.
There was a towel there, folded up neatly. Folded on top were

clothes, and on top of them were a pair of shoes, two bottles of water,
and even a…sandwich?

It was wrapped in the kind of plastic container that came from a

supermarket, and someone had left this here for him?

He looked around but saw nothing. Had this come from the man

who’d also dropped the tube of lube in his cage? What the hell was
going on with this pack?

He quickly grabbed the water and towel first. If he was going to

track his mate and make it harder for any other wolves to track him,
then he needed to get the scent of blood off of him and do it now.

He used one of the water bottles to wash off as much of the blood

as he was able from his hair and face, hands and arms. He was as
clean as he could make himself with that much water, and he
scrubbed off the rest using the towel before getting dressed. The

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maroon T-shirt and faded jeans weren’t new by any stretch, but they
were clean and they fit.

He was starving, and there definitely was no time to hunt for

something to eat while he tracked his mate, so he practically
swallowed the sandwich whole as he stuffed it into his mouth, forcing
it down by drinking some of the water.

He saved the rest of the water in case Westley had none left when

he found him, and then, with that food in his stomach and his energy
renewed a little, he shot off into the woods to find his mate.

* * * *

Westley had found a stream shortly after waking up and decided

to follow it. The bread wasn’t keeping him full, and now that he no
longer had the energy of his mate to sustain him, he was getting more
and more hungry.

It was hard because he could see the little fish swimming in the


When he’d been able to shift into his wolf form, he’d had a neat

trick where he would stand in the water on all four paws and wait
patiently for the fish to come to him. He was so fast that when he shot
his muzzle down into the water, he could come back up with a fish in
his jaws to snack on whilst he’d been traveling. Aaron had always
found that amusing.

He’d been able to do that with all sorts of small creatures. Birds,


Now, until he could give birth, he was trapped in his human form,

and he had to rely on other methods. He hoped the town he found
would have a food bank or something for him to go to. That would be
harsh, but he would do it to keep himself and his child fed until he got
some money and could start taking care of himself.

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A whole year alone in that village. It seemed like an eternity. He

wondered if his bank would still have money in it, or had they
assumed he’d died and shut down his account?

Westley ignored the fish and started walking again, but then a

rustle in the trees had him spinning around, fear gluing his feet to the
rocks beneath him.

The wind wasn’t with him, so he couldn’t smell who was coming,

but his ears were working just fine and there was someone with
booted feet crunching down on the twigs and pinecones as they
rushed to get here.

Westley thought he should hide, and he internally screamed at

himself to run, even though it would make no difference if that was a
wolf who was following a scent.

Then, stupid fool, of course! The stream! It wasn’t that deep!
Westley started to cross it, and at its deepest, it only went up to his

waist, which soaked the borrowed jeans he was wearing and made
them heavy to walk in, but he made it to the other side of the stream
in quick time, ignoring the slime at the bottom that nearly made him
slip, and finally he was back in the trees, hiding behind a thick oak.

Just in time, too, as whoever it was who was running toward him

suddenly skidded to a stop. Westley could hear the rocks as they
crunched under the man’s feet.

He didn’t move. There were no more sounds, and it was clear the

man was looking around. Hopefully he would realize that Westley
had indeed gone into the water, but that he’d swam down it instead of
simply crossing to the other side to hide like this.

He didn’t know how he would survive it if he was brought back to

that pack and thrown back into that cage.

Go away. Please God, make him go away.
Roarke’s voice, calling out to him, alive and well.
He launched himself away from the tree. “Roarke!”

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Roarke’s eyes immediately landed on him, and they brightened as

he rushed into the water at the same time as Westley did, and they met
each other halfway in a crushing hug and a deep kiss.

Roarke felt warm and strong and real, and his lips were soft but

his tongue was hard and demanding as it thrust inside of Westley’s
mouth, licking and taking.

Immediately, as they touched and kissed and claimed each other

with their mouths, Westley felt strong again, his hope was back, and
his heart swelled with emotion as all the things he’d been fearing
were suddenly let loose like a wave.

The thoughts he’d been stressed with before when he was thinking

about Roarke’s death were nothing compared to what it was like now
that he was alive, and he realized just how much the thought of him
gone had been crushing him.

“I thought you were dead,” Westley said, pulling back just enough

to be able to say that. He had a firm grip on his mate’s head as he
pulled Roarke’s mouth back down onto his lips.

Roarke’s hands were all over him, searching for that skin-to-skin

contact that kept them both happy and strong.

His fingers were warm and sent sparks all across his skin as they

reconnected with each other, and immediately Westley’s cock
reacted, wanting more of that connection, more of that skin-to-skin.

Fuck, he was definitely in heat. If he wasn’t already pregnant he

probably would have become so anyway because of the sheer instinct
they had to fuck and claim each other.

Even through the soaked jeans his mate was wearing, Westley

could feel the hard outline of Roarke’s dick, and it was clear he was
thinking the exact same thing.

“We need to get out of here,” Roarke said with a groan, and he

pressed his face against the crook of Westley’s neck, kissing and
licking that spot, keeping their bodies as tightly together as he
possibly could, despite what he’d just said.

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“I don’t even know where we are,” Westley said glumly. After a

year in captivity, he wasn’t sure where anything was anymore, or
even if he was going in the right direction to town.

“Willow Lake isn’t that far away. Can you make it for another


Even as he asked the question, his hands were still roaming under

the stretched shirt that really belonged to Roarke, touching Westley’s
back, his hips, and his belly, and that touch brought all kinds of relief
to Westley’s body. He didn’t even feel the aches anymore from all the
running he’d been doing last night, or the pain in his ankles and

His dick also swelled even more than it already had, desperate to

be touched, sucked, stroked, anything.

“If we hurry, do you think we can get there sooner?” he asked.
Roarke’s laugh was lovely. “I know how you feel, believe me, I

do,” he said, and to prove it, he took Westley’s hand and pressed it
against his hard dick beneath his jeans under the water.

Not skin-to-skin touch, but that was enough to make Westley’s

own cock jump in response, and he was ready to come. He had to

“Please,” he said, and he gripped his hand around that swelling

before rubbing his palm up and down.

Roarke groaned, his eyes dilating until it was hard to tell which bit

of that dark color was the iris and which was the pupil. His breathing
became hard and heavy, and it was warm against Westley’s face.

“I need you, please, do something, anything. Touch me,” he

begged. He was so close, but if he came in the water without his
mate’s hand on him, it would be meaningless.

Roarke, thankfully, gave in. He reached his large hand up out of

the water and put it behind Westley’s head, pulling his head close to
mesh their mouths together in a deep kiss.

Roarke’s tongue slid inside, and it was so sweet. Westley reached

his free hand up and wrapped it around his mate’s neck, keeping them

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close as Roarke forced his other hand under the waist of Westley’s
borrowed jeans.

It was a tight squeeze because of what the water did to the

material, not to mention Westley’s round belly.

Still, he was persistent, and that paid off when Westley felt those

strong fingers wrap around his aching cock.

He moaned and came right away, holding Roarke close and biting

down on his shoulder just to keep from making too much noise,
humping against that hand until the spasms stopped and his pleasure
was done.

When he blinked and came out of his haze, his energy levels back

to normal, he was aware of the fact that Roarke was pressing his lips
to Westley’s hair and stroking his back. The man’s erection was also
gone. He’d come when Westley had, and he hadn’t even noticed that.

“Oh shit,” he said, backing away and looking down, even though

he couldn’t see anything through the dark water.

Roarke chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. I needed that, too.”
“But I didn’t touch you,” Westley said.
“You touched me enough to give me the boost I needed. I didn’t

realize how much I had to have you, too,” he said, and he pressed
another chaste kiss to Westley’s mouth with his soft lips.

“I’m going to get us a room in town, and you and I are going to

spend every hour we can getting to know each other,” he said.

The look in his eyes suggested they would be doing a lot more

than just getting to know each other, and that was perfectly all right
with Westley.

In fact, the thought of sleeping in a real bed again, next to his

handsome mate, was almost enough to make him come all over again.

“Come on, we need to get out of here before we’re found,”

Roarke said, and he put his arm around Westley’s shoulder and led
him out of the water.

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Chapter Six

Roarke took extra care when he and Westley snuck back into the

town. It was a small enough place. There were only a few thousand
people who actually lived in the town itself, but it was on the
highway, and there were motels there for the truckers and travelers
who were on their way to the bigger cities to go about their business.

The fact that he and Westley both looked like a couple of drowned

rats, him more so than Westley, was a real problem, but luckily
Roarke was able to find some of his things back at the small camp
he’d made outside of town before he’d been picked up by those

At first he’d thought they came and ransacked the place, since he

wasn’t even at the camp when they found him, but no. An animal,
most likely a bear, had smelled the food and come along searching for
more. His tent was shredded, cell phone smashed, and the few extra
clothes he had strewn about were also ruined, but his wallet was in
pretty good condition, and his cash and debit card were still inside.

He didn’t keep a credit card. He hoped that wouldn’t be an issue

when it came time for him to get the room.

Thankfully, it wasn’t. All he had to do was swipe the card and

sign his name and he was done. He and Westley did get an odd look
from the girl behind the counter, however. Which was strange in and
of itself, getting an odd look from anyone with dyed pink hair, two
nose rings, and several studs in her eyebrow.

“Are you both all right?” she asked, tilting her head to look at

Westley. He had his back to her, pretending to look at the magazine
rack so that she wouldn’t see his stomach, and when they had been

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walking up to the motel itself, he held the ruined bag filled with what
was left of Roarke’s possessions in front of him, hiding his stomach
from people who were walking by.

Roarke wasn’t sure how much that was working.
“Great,” Roarke said. “We just went for a swim in the lake, but

we forgot our towels, so we’re pretty soaked.”

The girl suddenly became all understanding. “Oh, well there’s

clean towels in your rooms, and there’s a pool outside if you wanted
somewhere cleaner to swim,” she said and then told him of a nice
place nearby where he could buy some more clothes if he needed

He really needed them.
Very helpful she was. She didn’t even blink when he asked for a

room with a single bed for the both of them. Then Roarke noticed the
little golden cross she was wearing, dangling around her neck. Not the
huge, black, goth type thing either, but something that looked like it
came from her grandmother on her last day of Sunday school.

The world was definitely changing.
Roarke nodded to her, thanked her, and took the key and his mate

over to the room where they would be staying.

He hadn’t even gotten the door shut behind him when Westley

beelined for the bed and flopped onto it, grabbing the pillows and
hugging them close to him.

Their clothes had dried a little on the walk here, but he was

definitely going to leave a wet patch on that comforter.

It was actually a pretty nice motel room considering the price he’d

paid for it. He didn’t want to bring his mate to the same motel he’d
shared with Jason, even though he and Westley hadn’t been together
at the time, and from the look of those nice and cushy pillows, he was
glad he’d made that decision.

Roarke remembered what Westley had said to him about sleeping

in a bed during the walk here, and it made him wish he could kill
those alphas all over again for what they did to him.

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He was already stripping out of his clothes, and he was

considering letting Westley stay there and sleep for as long as he
wanted, but he knew the man would want to have a shower, a real
shower, and not just that dip in the stream they had, or being sprayed
down with a hose by the alphas from that pack.

He put his hands on Westley’s shoulder and hip, and the man

pulled his face out of the pillow to look at him.

He wasn’t crying, but he looked to be about ten steps away from


“Come into the shower with me?” Roarke asked.
Westley’s mouth gaped a little as he tried to speak, but then he

gave up and nodded.

Roarke offered him his hand, and he was glad when his mate took

it and was easily able to get up and be led into the bathroom.

He peeled off his clothes and stepped into the bathtub behind

Roarke, and Roarke started the spray, staying under it and using his
body as a shield for Westley until the water warmed up, and they
were both able to step under the hot rush of it together.

Nice room and decent shower head. Why the hell hadn’t he stayed

at this particular motel when he’d met Jason?

Not important right now. Those were old memories, and now he

was busy making new ones.

Westley hesitated just a bit, holding out his hand to the hot water

before finally stepping under and moaning as the hard drops beat
against his neck and chest. He put his face under, and then scrubbed
his hands through his hair.

“This is almost as good as sex with you,” he said, and he reached

for the little wrapped bar of soap and started to really scrub himself

Roarke didn’t say anything about the comparison. He’d said

almost, after all, and all things considered, he couldn’t blame the man
for it either.

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Showers did feel pretty fantastic after all, and they must have felt

about a thousand times better than normal when a man went nearly a
full year since his last one.

“Let me get your back,” Roarke said, and he was already thinking

about ways he could make Westley enjoy this shower even more than
he already was. The trick was keeping his hard dick a secret from the
other man, for now. He didn’t want Westley knowing his cock was
hard until the man spent all the time he wanted under the spray and
got his fill.

It was a mistake to ask to do Westley’s back, however, because

then the man handed him the soap and turned around, putting his
hands against the tiled walls, his legs spread just a little, and he
showed off the perfect swell of his ass, just ready to be fucked,
pounded into fast and hard, as he waited for Roarke to scrub his back.

Roarke really should’ve put more thought into this.
He swallowed hard over the lump in his throat, grabbed a

washcloth, wet it, soaped it, and then began massaging his mate’s
back, scrubbing away the dirt every now and again.

Westley’s contented moans went right to Roarke’s dick, and the

stupid thing stood completely at attention, pointing right up at his
belly button and leaking pre-cum. The spray from the showerhead that
beat down onto the damned thing wasn’t exactly helping him either.

God, he was so horny, but he was going to wait another few

minutes. Westley wouldn’t deny him, but he wanted his mate to enjoy
this as much as possible.

Westley moaned again when Roarke’s hands slid lower to where

the dip in his back was right before the swell of his ass. Roarke
wondered how it would be if he were to get on his knees, spreading
those cheeks, and thrust his tongue deep inside. Would it shock him,
or would he like it and want more of it?

“That’s nice,” Westley said, moaning the word. He even pushed

back against Roarke’s massaging hands. “So fucking good,”

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Roarke groaned. Westley had to know what he was doing. He had


Roarke pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, soaping up his side

even more and watching the suds fall down his back and body as
Roarke reached around him and caught some of the water in his hand
and let it drip down Westley’s back.

He pressed himself closer, unable to stop himself as he let his

cock find the cheeks of Westley’s ass, and he began thrusting against
the man. Gently, he made sure to be as gentle as possible while he did
this. The touch alone was amazing, and his dick twitched and ached
for more than what it was getting, but Roarke wasn’t ready to give in,
not yet.

“Remember what I told you when we were in the water?” Roarke

said into Westley’s ear, and then he gently bit down on it.

Westley shivered, and then he moaned a little when Roarke

reached his hand down and around his belly to find Westley’s cock,
and he started stroking the other man with his soapy, slippery hand.

“Yes,” Westley said, drawing out the word so that it was one long

hissed syllable.

Roarke thrust a little more against his mate’s ass, letting his cock

find all the friction it needed there, but he hadn’t forgotten about
getting down on his knees.

“I’m going to kiss you a little different now,” he said, letting his

tongue slide around the shell of Westley’s ear.

Westley shivered, but when he tried to turn around, Roarke

wouldn’t let him, and he tightened his grip of his mate’s cock to keep
him in place.

“Not yet. Don’t turn around yet,” he said.
“How are you going to kiss me?” Westley asked, clearly a little

confused about that.

“Like this,” Roarke replied, and then he sank down on his knees,

just like he’d been wanting to all this time.

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He heard the gasp that Westley released when he pressed his

mouth to Westley’s ass cheeks, and then the crack, before Roarke
spread those cheeks wide and put his mouth right up against
Westley’s awaiting hole.

He moaned and surged right up onto his toes. That could be a little

dangerous with the soap suds on the bottom of the tub, so Roarke
made sure to hold onto his hips tightly in case he fell over.

“R–Roarke!” Westley moaned, and he put his arms up onto the

tiled wall and began thrusting his ass back toward Roarke’s mouth
and tongue.

If he thought that felt good, then that was nothing compared to

what he was going to do to him in just a second.

Roarke hardened his tongue and pressed it against the ring of

Westley’s asshole, pushing it inside, and Westley’s answering moan
to that had several octaves that went straight to his cock and balls.

Fuck! He was getting actual physical pleasure just from listening

to the other man while he rimmed him.

Knowing that, Roarke pushed his tongue deeper, letting himself

go inside of his lover, and their energies merge.

He felt strengthened by it as he always did, but now it was even

better because there was nothing to stop them. Westley could be as
loud as he wanted, and Roarke could tongue him and fuck him and
stroke his cock for as long as it took. They didn’t have to worry about
alpha wolves from other packs coming for them while they were in
this human town, here in this motel room.

He hoped.
Just in case he was wrong, he decided to make sure that every

minute they had together in this motel room would be as pleasurable
as possible for the both of them.

He pushed his tongue deeper inside of Westley’s hole and

moaned, letting the vibration of the noise carry all the way into
Westley’s asshole.

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Westley moaned and dropped one of his hands to stroke at his

dick, thrusting forward into his hand and back against Roarke’s

“Roarke! Don’t stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop!”
Roarke reached forward with his energy while they were joined

like this, searching for…he wasn’t sure what. He could definitely tell
that Westley wanted to get off. He wanted to be fucked to within an
inch of his life, and he wanted Roarke to be the one to do that, but
there was something else inside of him that Roarke could feel that
was also sucking back on some of his mate’s energy…

Oh, right, the pup inside of him. What an idiot Roarke was. He’d

actually managed to forget about how a pregnancy worked. Dummy.

Still, he found it odd that he could feel the pup at all, even when

he was using his tongue on his mate to make him practically sing like
this. He’d accepted the child, and any child that was of his mate’s
blood was good enough for him, but the fact that Roarke wasn’t
related at all on a blood level should’ve been enough to keep him
from sensing the pup like that.

Shouldn’t it?
He was going to store that information away for later since he was

pretty busy right now.

He pulled his tongue away from Westley’s asshole just long

enough to press his thumb against the hole that was there, pushing it
in until the muscle accepted the intruding digit.

He stopped completely when Westley hissed as he did and went

up on his toes.

Roarke pulled his thumb away and stared up at his mate. “I’m

sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you—”

“You didn’t hurt me,” Westley said, looking back over his

shoulder at him. “Not really.”

That meant that Westley was just making excuses for him, and

that Roarke had hurt him a little.

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Some werewolves were better at going without lube than others

when they absolutely needed to mate. Other things were still used, but
Roarke was going to rule out Westley as being one of the omegas who
could take it even when he might feel that he needed it.

He was going to have to make sure there was always some kind of

lube available to them while they were traveling together. It would be
absolute torture if they were on the road or something, and the need to
mate came up—and it would, a lot—and they had nothing to ease the
way with.

Omegas were more sensitive to when they were being denied their

mates, and the last thing Roarke wanted was for himself or Westley to
be in any pain. Westley especially.

Roarke looked around the bathtub, and he immediately found

something that he was sure would be suitable.

There were a couple of those little free bottles of conditioner in

the bathtub with them. Roarke had used the stuff on himself a time or
two when he’d taken a lover and there was no lube available to him.
He found it worked pretty well.

“Give me a second, baby, just one second,” Roarke said, and he

reached for the little sample-sized bottle.

“Is that conditioner?” Westley asked.
“Yeah,” Roarke said, and he sniffed the inside when he had the

cap off. Smelled like strawberries. “You’re going to like this,” he

He poured some onto his hand, and while it was a bit difficult to

keep it on his fingers because of the running warm water, he did
manage to get it to Westley’s asshole and push his index finger inside.

There was no hiss of pain this time. Westley sighed and accepted

the intrusion well, even thrusting his ass back against Roarke’s finger.

“Another?” he asked.
“Yes,” Westley said, sighing the word.
Roarke gave him another, pushing his middle finger inside of

Westley’s asshole, using his free hand to make sure there was enough

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slippery conditioner there to make the intrusion as comfortable as it
could possibly be.

Westley accepted it all, and Roarke was able to push his fingers in

all the way to the bottom knuckles before he added a third.

“Fuck me, Roarke. I want you inside me,” Westley said, looking

over his shoulder and down at him.

“Almost, baby. You’re so close,” he said, and he became fixated

on finding and teasing Westley’s prostate with the tips of his fingers.

Then he did find it, and Westley moaned loudly and harshly, his

body bucking against the wall and back against Roarke’s fingers.

His pleasure was shared with Roarke because he was the one to

give it to the man, and his cock jolted with that pleasure and his balls
tightened between his legs. He had no doubt that if he were to look
down at his aching dick, he would see it was dark in color from the
trapped blood, and he probably literally had a pair of blue balls.

Right, there was only so much the shared pleasure could help him

here while he was teasing his mate.

“Roarke!” Westley begged, and Roarke used that time to get to his

feet and pretend that he was going to take some mercy on the man.

“All right,” he said, and he kissed his gorgeous mate on the side of

the neck, pressing his cock against the slickness he’d left behind on
Westley’s ass.

His hard dick pushed between Westley’s cheeks easily enough,

and it popped past the stretched hole and was held tightly in the grip
of it as he pushed inside.

Roarke let his forehead rest against Westley’s shoulder as he

pressed his chest up against Westley’s back and just started moving
his hips back and forth.

The hot spray of the water was starting to go down to lukewarm,

but that was all right. Their bodies were keeping each other plenty
warm as Westley moaned and pushed back against Roarke’s surging

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Roarke could still feel both energies. Westley’s and the child’s.

What was that?

Then he was coming, and he thrust faster and harder as the

surging started in his balls and moved through the column of his dick,
no longer thinking about the double energies, and he just wanted to
get over the edge.

“Roarke!” Westley turned his head, his pink lips parted and his

tongue visible, and Roarke knew an invitation for a kiss when he saw

He pressed his mouth to Westley’s and felt the amazing sensation

of Westley’s tongue pushing inside of him while his cock was inside
of Westley.

God, he loved that so much.
Westley was stroking himself, his arm moving fast and furiously

as Roarke thrust his cock deep inside of him, the head of his dick
touching Westley’s prostate with each stroke as his cum spurted
against it.

That seemed to be what drove Westley over the edge, and he

moaned through the kiss as his back arched against Roarke’s chest.

Roarke could smell his cum in the air. It would be washed away

from the shower, which was a shame, but also good because then
neither of them would have to do a cleanup.

Shower sex was always awesome like that.
And then there was no more. Roarke’s entire body felt like Jell-O,

and Westley was currently resting his weight against Roarke’s chest.

Suddenly it seemed loud within the shower curtain. Whereas

before it was the sounds of their moaning and the slapping of
Roarke’s flesh against Westley’s, now it was quiet, with the exception
of their harsh breathing, and the sound of the water flowing into the
porcelain tub.

Westley purred, almost kittenlike, as he rested the back of his

head on Roarke’s shoulder. “Mmm, now I feel better,” he said.

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Roarke pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Me, too, but we still didn’t get

to clean each other up.”

Westley laughed, and Roarke gently pulled his softened cock from

out of his asshole so they could both start cleaning themselves up, like
they were supposed to.

“Is there any shampoo that was supposed to go with that

conditioner?” Westley asked, the most beautiful smile on his lips.

Roarke turned to look for it. It was right where he’d picked up the

little bottle of conditioner. He handed it to his mate with a grin of his

“We’d better hurry before the water gets too cold to use,” he said,

watching as Westley started lathering his hair up, and goddamn him if
his dick didn’t start begging for attention again.

Holy damn.

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Chapter Seven

Westley felt like a king as he lay in bed, naked with his mate

spooned up behind him under the thick covers.

Cloud nine. Yeah, that was exactly what he was floating on right

now. He never wanted to leave this bed.

Roarke’s hand was sliding around his swelling belly curiously,

and Westley loved the touch, the constant exchange of energy and the
knowledge that his mate was around.

Every once in a while he’d hear a soft, unwolflike purr behind him

as Roarke kissed his neck, and his body would shiver as his cock
hardened again before Roarke would open him up and thrust his hard
dick deep inside for another go.

He never thought that he would be in heat like this before, or that

he would ever want it so much. He’d lost count of how many times
they’d fucked since coming out of the shower, and Westley was
willing to bet that they wouldn’t be leaving this motel room for a
good long while.

And they didn’t.
When it came time to eat, Roarke ordered takeout, and for the

next few days they spent most of their time in bed. There was the fact
that they were both in need of clean clothes, but Roarke had offered to
go out and find them some later. Right now they were too busy
enjoying the buzz that came after another hard and heavy orgasm.

“What do you do for a living?” Westley asked as Roarke

continued to run his hands all over his body.

If he kept that up, Westley was going to have to pounce on him.

He was already half-hard just from that touch alone.

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“Traveling artist,” Roarke said, and that shocked the hell out of


He looked over his shoulder at the man. “Really? I wouldn’t have

guessed that.”

Roarke chuckled. “I hear that sometimes. It’s not exactly an alpha

occupation, and my body makes people think I work in construction,
though I do that occasionally, too when money’s tight.”

“It’s good to have a backup, and your body really does scream

construction worker,” Westley admitted.

“When I can’t get my hands on any supplies or a computer, that’s

pretty much what I do for money. I had a drawing tablet back at camp
that I could plug into any library computer to do some quick digital
sketches on, but it was smashed. I’ll have to get a new one.”

“I’m sorry,” Westley said.
He felt the way Roarke shrugged behind him. “Don’t be. It was

due for a replacement anyway. I do help movers and the construction
guys under the table when things are drying up, though. Like you,
everyone seems to think I’m better suited for that kind of work.”

“Can I see the things you’ve drawn? Or…painted?” Westley

wasn’t sure how digital art worked, but if it was something his mate
liked then he was interested in it.

“Sure. The next time we hit a library I’ll log onto my account, and

I can show you some of the things I did. People e-mailed me when
they wanted a commission done, but like I said, I don’t exactly make
that much moving around like I do. And libraries tend to have timers
on their computers, and they don’t like it when you try to install a
program on them either.”

“So you were always on the road because you’re looking for a

luna pack?”

He felt the way Roarke nodded behind him, and his energy

suddenly dipped a little, a clear sign of sadness, before it spiked back

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“What about you? What did you do before…uh…” He trailed off,

and Westley could hear the fear in his voice at having brought up such
a touchy subject.

He wasn’t going to hold it against him. “I used to travel around a

bit, too. I was a waiter, for the most part. If there was a restaurant
anywhere that needed a kitchen boy, or someone to clean the tables,
then I would offer to do that, too. The tips more than anything were
what kept me afloat before I was caught.”

Roarke stiffened behind him. “Were you caught in this town?” he


“No, but another small highway town nearby. I think that pack

was scoping the place out for a while. They made it clear that they
knew I was a werewolf the second they surrounded me on my way
back home. My, uh, old boyfriend and I were renting a room out of
the house of an older lady. We were paid up to the end of the month,
so when we didn’t come back she must’ve assumed that we’d moved

“Without your things?” Roarke asked, and he did Westley a favor

by not pushing the fact that he still wasn’t really speaking about

Westley didn’t like thinking about why no one had bothered

looking for him, but there was no point in hiding from the truth. “I
didn’t have a lot with me, and to be fair to her, I always told her that I
wouldn’t be staying that long. She was always coherent, so it wasn’t
like she was slowly losing her mind to age, but I was telling her to
always be on the lookout for someone else to rent that room to. That,
and I never really kept many people close to me. I’m the poster boy
for every story you hear about someone who goes missing, but no one
knows about it because no one misses him.”

“You got me now,” Roarke said, and he snuggled closer. “And

we’re going to find a pack that will take us in.”

“What if we don’t?” Westley asked, unable to keep that fear to

himself. He didn’t want to be caught by some other pack that had

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some weird jealousy against luna wolves and spent their time hunting,
torturing, and killing them.

“Then we’ll make one of our own,” Roarke said.
Westley couldn’t see his own face, but he was pretty sure that his

eyes were bulging at the moment. He shifted to turn around in
Roarke’s arms so he could look his mate in the eyes.

It seemed Roarke was also a bit shocked at what he’d just said,

but there was a determination in those dark orbs that told Westley he
was serious.

“Yeah, why not?” Roarke said. “Only a couple of days ago I met

another traveling alpha. He was looking for a pack, too. I meet lone
luna wolves often enough, so why not call them to us? If we can’t find
a pack, then we’ll make our own.”

The idea thrilled and scared Westley all at the same time. It meant

they would have to be on their own for a while, taking the risk of
making themselves known to any other pack who happened to realize
they were by themselves in the area.

But at the same time, there was also the chance for the reward that

every lone luna werewolf wanted. The chance to have a real pack. A
large support system that protected everyone within it, and if Roarke
already knew of at least one other alpha luna wolf, then maybe that
alpha knew someone else, and so on and so on.

“We could get the message out on the grapevine for wandering

luna werewolves to come to us,” Westley said, more and more excited
as all the possibilities took form inside of his head.

“Exactly,” Roarke said, and then he proceeded to kiss him deeply,

thrusting his tongue into Westley’s mouth and pulling him even closer
until even the bump between them wasn’t enough to keep their cocks
from rubbing together. “I could design and build you a nice house,

Roarke rolled Westley onto his back, and Westley couldn’t keep

the big stupid grin off of his face as he looked up at his mate.
Roarke’s energy levels were spiking high with happiness, the type of

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wonderful buzzing feeling that Westley only felt coming out of him,
out of the both of them, when they were rutting wildly together, and
he got the feeling that was about to happen again.

“This is real. We’re actually going to do this?” Westley asked,

running his fingers through Roarke’s soft and dark hair. He had an
equally dark beard coming in now that he’d gone a couple of days
without shaving.

His smile showed off his white teeth, and there was never a more

gorgeous sight. “I’ll send Jason an e-mail from the library, and then
I’ll get a phone somewhere and leave a message for him on his voice
mail to make sure he hears from me. Even if he doesn’t want to come,
others will. We’re going to make our own pack,” he said, and his
warm hands were once again on Westley’s body, from his ribs,
moving all the way down the swelling of his belly to his pelvis and
then his hard cock.

Westley’s mouth opened a bit, and he shivered when Roarke

wrapped his fingers around his dick.

He gripped just tightly enough to create some friction, moving his

hand up and down slowly, torturing him, but Westley would rather his
mate held his cock tighter and stroked him hard until he came.

He got the feeling that wasn’t how this was about to go down.
Westley spread his legs wide when Roarke reached for the last

little sampler-sized bottle of conditioner they’d found in the
bathroom, and even though he was rock hard and horny as all hell, he
couldn’t help the laugh that came from his throat at the sight of it.

“Soon we’re going to have to go out and get real lube,” he said.
“I have every intention of doing that,” Roarke replied, pouring the

contents of the little bottle onto his hand. “After I’m finished fucking
you into the mattress.”

Westley briefly wondered how many body lotions and hair care

products they could use on him before he had the softest asshole in
the history of time, but that thought was completely thrown from his
head when Roarke teased around his hole with his finger before he

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pushed his index finger inside of him, a deep and hard thrust until
Roarke was in all the way to the knuckle.

By now the man had the inside of Westley’s body mapped out

inside of his mind so that he knew exactly where Westley’s prostate

He moaned and pushed back against that finger. He didn’t need

that much preparing because he was still so stretched after all the sex
they’d been having, almost nonstop since they got into the motel, but
Roarke insisted because of the pregnancy, and he was pretty much
making sure that Westley was eating enough and keeping well
hydrated for the sake of the pup he was carrying.

Westley loved it. He loved that his mate didn’t just care about

him, but also about the pup he was carrying inside of him.

Roarke’s cock was big. It was long and thick, almost as thick as

Westley’s wrist, so the man always made sure that he was as slick as
could be before pressing the head of his dick to Westley’s asshole.

Westley moaned and shivered, the anticipation always as good as

the actual entry itself, when the head of Roarke’s cock touched his
pucker before pushing inside.

“That’s it,” Westley said, arching his back and lifting his hips to

ease the entry even more.

Roarke groaned out loud as he began to cant his hips back and

forth, holding Westley’s knees up in his large hands.

It was hard for Westley to reach down and stroke his own cock at

this point from this slightly bent position, and as the pleasure built, he
couldn’t help but want more of it. He needed to come and to come
from having Roarke’s cock pounding inside of him. “Fuck me
harder,” he said, gasping the words, and as his body started to slide
across the bed, he had to lift his hands up to brace himself against the
bed frame to keep his head from smacking into it.

He did that just in the nick of time, too, since Roarke proved to be

the sort of alpha who was very good at following orders as he groaned
and pushed himself faster and deeper inside of Westley’s asshole until

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his prostate was being slammed with every stroke, and it was starting
to sing for him.

Or maybe that was just Westley’s yelling.
This wasn’t lovemaking. This was fucking and claiming, but

Westley loved it. They’d made love enough, and now he just wanted
to be roughly taken like this.

But it was okay. He knew he could still want it like this, and that

Roarke’s opinion of him wouldn’t be any different when it was all
over. Roarke would still respect him and love him no matter how he
wanted it.

And that was an even bigger turn on.
He tightened his asshole like it was a fist around Roarke’s dick,

knowing how much that drove the man crazy, and he groaned and
shut his eyes, nearly collapsing on top of Westley. He had to catch
himself with his hands on either side of Westley’s head.

Westley grinned through his barely contained lust and could do

nothing else but hold on for the ride as Roarke’s impossibly fast hips
started moving even faster, and then he was there.

Westley yelled as he was thrown over the edge, and his cum shot

out of him, covering his belly and Roarke’s abs as he continued to
move and thrust deep inside of him, creating more pleasure for
Westley even as his body began to relax.

Then Roarke moaned low in his throat, his eyes squeezing shut as

his hips and body jerked before Westley felt his warm cum shooting
inside of his body.

That connection to his mate always made him feel better, happy,

and safe, and he lowered his arms from where they had been gripping
the bed frame—God, they were sore now—to wrap around Roarke’s

They were sweaty as he breathed deeply in and out of Westley’s

ear, and as his mate relaxed against him, Westley was able to feel
some of the fear that was going through Roarke’s energy.

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But then it was gone as quickly as Westley had felt that it was

there. Roarke smiled down at him, clearly trying to hide his worries as
he pressed a soft kiss to Westley’s lips.

It was too late. Westley had already sensed what Roarke was

trying to hide from him. The man was afraid that his plan wouldn’t
work, and he was afraid of losing his mate to an idea that could very
well die off before it had the chance to grow.

* * * *

Frank picked up a twig to get a hold of the scent. It was there. It

was faded after so many days of inactivity, but still there. That
damned little omega had been here by this creek, and shortly after the
alpha had come, the very same one who had killed so many of his
brothers and sisters.

He was going to make the both of them pay for it. He swore he


He threw down the twig onto the smooth rocks and sand that were

just at the bed of the stream. The problem was that they had both gone
into the water, and their scent was getting harder to track.

“Maybe we should give up,” Josh said, and Frank saw red as he

reached for the smaller Alpha’s throat and backed him up into one of
the larger trees.

“We’re not stopping until we find them!” Frank roared into his

face. The guy shut his eyes as spittle flew from Frank’s mouth, and he
wanted to punch Josh’s face in for ever suggesting that they leave.

“They escaped on your watch, you know. You’re responsible for

every alpha that died because you weren’t doing your job!”

Frank didn’t know what he was pissed off about more. That so

many had died, or that Frank had lost his prize when Westley
escaped. He’d been waiting for the man to give birth to he could have
him. Lawrence had stated that he could claim the omega as his, but
now he was gone.

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“No!” Josh said, his eyes going all wide and panicky, which was

just the way Frank liked, as he shook his head. “It was an accident!”

“You guys!”
Both Frank and Josh turned their heads as another of the alphas

stomped forward. The guy actually had the balls to push Frank away
from the little shit who’d caused this problem in the first place.

“It doesn’t matter if we lost the scent. They probably went into

town. Willow Lake is the closest place they could go for supplies.”

“And you think they’ll still be there?” Frank gruffed, still glaring

at Josh.

“We have nowhere else to check,” the alpha said with a shrug, and

then he turned around and started walking with the other alphas in the
direction of town.

Josh was still rubbing at his neck, but it was clear that he wanted

to hurry and catch up with the other men who might have his back if
Frank tried something on him again.

“You and I aren’t done,” he said, and Josh turned and looked

sharply at him, worry clear in his eyes.

Odd, for an alpha. Unless the man really had done something


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Chapter Eight

Eventually, Roarke did have to leave that motel room. Even

though he wanted to stay curled around his mate forever, logic and
reality demanded that he get his ass out of bed and take care of

Westley had wanted to go with him, but Roarke put his foot down

on that one. There could still be alphas from the pack of werewolves
nearby who were hunting for them, and if anyone knew what they
were looking for, Westley would be too easy to spot, and it would be
too hard for him to run away when he was pregnant.

He’d already done it once, and that was a miracle enough for


Still, leaving him at the motel alone and undefended wasn’t

exactly something that eased his heart either, so he was quick when he
was out buying loose-fitting clothes for Westley, whatever baby
supplies he could get for cheap at the thrift store, as well as clothes
and food for himself.

He’d have to buy two gym bags just to carry it all in. Westley said

he wasn’t due for another few months, but there was always the
possibility that he could go into labor early, and Roarke wanted to be

He was barely prepared as it was. He’d never helped a luna omega

give birth before. No matter what his insides looked like, he was still
a man, and he wouldn’t be doing it in the traditional sense. In fact, if
Roarke hadn’t found him when he did, Westley would have died
because of it.

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Omegas needed the alphas in their luna forms to cut them open.

That was how Roarke was sure it was supposed to happen. He was
going to have to cut Westley’s stomach with his claw and pull the
baby out. The wound wouldn’t kill Westley because it would be made
by an alpha in his luna form, but Roarke still couldn’t figure out why
that was significant.

Either way, he bought a lot of things from the thrift store before

going to the only electronics store in town and picking up a prepaid
cell phone. No touch screens or anything fancy like that, just
something cheap and old-fashioned with actual buttons. His savings
were really starting to take a hit, and it was getting time to be careful
with what he spent.

He had Jason’s phone number memorized, thankfully. It was hard

for him to believe that when they’d exchanged numbers, it had been
for the sole purpose of hooking up again and splitting the costs of a
motel room.

He wondered how the man would react when he told him that

he’d found his mate and wanted to create a new pack with him.

Fuck. He was probably going to have to explain that to Westley. It

wasn’t like he and Jason had been dating or in love or anything. It had
only been one night, but Westley should probably still know about
their history if they ever planned on making a pack with the guy.

He called the number, and since he didn’t expect anyone to pick

up, he left a message, hoping Jason was the kind of guy who regularly
checked his mail.

When he finished, before he could head back to the motel room,

Roarke ran his hand over his jaw. He was more than ready for a
shave. Westley seemed to like the rough stubble that was on his face,
and while Roarke didn’t mind the look, he wasn’t interested in having
a full blown beard on his face.

His next stop was to the gas station to see if they had some razors.

And lube. He still had to buy lots and lots of lube.

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Thankfully, most gas stations had little aisles that contained small

groceries and snacks. There were razors and shaving cream there,
which he grabbed, some chocolate bars, because he remembered
Westley mentioning that he hadn’t eaten chocolate since before his
capture, and he was happy that the lube wasn’t even behind the
counter, so he could just grab as much as he wanted without having to
ask the pimply faced boy for it who was working the register.

The guy had a dead look in his eyes as he rang through the

purchases, and Roarke couldn’t wait to get out of there and go back to
Westley. He stopped suddenly at the sight of a familiar face through
the glass doors of the gas station.

Frank. He was sure that was the asshole’s name. He was outside

looking in, and the wide, Mr. Grinch-like smile was enough to make
Roarke’s blood run cold.

The blond-haired man standing next to him touched Frank’s

shoulder and motioned with his thumb toward something else, but
Frank wouldn’t stop grinning at Roarke.

The motherfucker was challenging him. He had to be. He

eventually turned and started paying attention to the guy he was with,
but when he pointed his finger at Roarke through the glass, it was
clear that this wasn’t over as he walked away.

Stupid. Of course it wasn’t over. Roarke had taken out most of the

alphas in his pack. The survivors wouldn’t just let that slide and forget
about it, and now they were sniffing around town, searching for him
and Westley.

Roarke stuffed everything into the gym bags he was carrying and

all but flew out of the gas station.

There were no cars by the gas pumps, and when he looked around,

he could barely catch the scent of either wolf who had just been in
front of him thanks to the wind and the smell of the oil.

The scent was there, however. They could be watching him right

now, waiting for him to get back to his mate.

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Or they could already have Westley and there was nothing Roarke

could do about it.

He had to risk it. He had to go back to the motel room and get his

mate out of there before Frank went back.

Roarke didn’t know who that other alpha was who’d been beside

him, but he wasn’t going to risk that the man had been the same alpha
to help him out so many times before when he was busy trying to get
Westley out of that hell hole.

Roarke ran so fast that he nearly shifted into his luna form on the

way. He could feel the coarse hairs sprouting along his face, chest,
and body, and it was a struggle just to keep his nose from stretching
out and his fingers from turning into the hooked claws.

The last thing he needed was for some human to see him like this

in the middle of the day, though it was going to come in handy when
it came time for him to fight back against the alphas who were
following him.

The door to the motel room wasn’t busted down when he got

back. In fact, he couldn’t get a hold of any other scent but his and
Westley’s when he turned the key and let himself inside.

The shower was running. Westley was enjoying the hot water

again. Roarke hated to ruin it for him, but they needed to get out of
here, right now.

“Westley?” he called, already moving across the small room,

putting the bags onto the bed.

He was terrified that his mate wouldn’t answer him, but through

the mist that was coming out of the bathroom door, Westley’s voice
called back to him. “Yeah?”

Roarke couldn’t even breathe a sigh of relief, because it didn’t

mean a thing as far as their safety went.

He opened the door and saw Westley’s body through the clear but

foggy shower curtain. The man was quickly scrubbing the last of the
soap and shampoo off of himself before he pushed back the curtain to
have a look at him. “What’s—?”

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He didn’t need to finish. The look on Roarke’s face must have

said enough.

“I’ll dry off and come out,” he said, and the water immediately

turned off.

“Everything we need is already packed out here. We’ll leave right

now,” Roarke said, and he moved back into the main room of the

He felt his phone vibrate, and he pulled it out of his pocket to

check the name on the screen.

Jason. Thank God. Maybe he was still in the area and could help


He didn’t even get the chance to flip open the phone when a heavy

bang on the door nearly knocked it off of its hinges. Westley jumped
out of the bathroom at the sound, his eyes wild.

The door banged again, and this time the frame actually cracked.
“Get dressed, hurry. Take the smaller bag and go. It’s got the baby

stuff in it,” Roarke said, and he flipped open the phone and answered
the call before setting it down on the nightstand. He could vaguely
hear Jason’s voice calling out to him, asking him if he was okay, but
Roarke was too focused on making the transformation he needed to
get himself and his mate to safety.

The alphas on the other side of the door were just being dicks and

trying to scare him and Westley. They could have knocked the door
off its hinges on the first strike if they wanted to.

Westley barely had one of the clean shirts and joggers on that

Roarke had bought for him before the door burst wide open and four
alphas charge inside.

He and Westley already had this conversation about what they

would do if they were found like this. Roarke would attack, and
Westley would run, as far and as fast as he could.

Still, just so that Jason could hear him from the other end of the

line, he yelled out to his mate. “Run, Westley!”

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Westley grabbed the smaller red gym bag that Roarke had

purchased from the thrift shop, but he couldn’t run yet until Roarke
cleared the way. He wasn’t entirely transformed yet into his luna
form. He barely had his claws and teeth at their full form, but he’d
grown tall enough and had enough muscle to slow them down, and
that was all that mattered.

He saw Frank again, and the stupid prick was still smiling that

twisted smile at him.

Roarke launched himself at the man first, swiping his claws down,

but Frank and the other alphas shocked the ever loving hell out of him
by not so much as moving out of the way, or even getting ready to
look like they were about to fight back.

Frank lifted his arm, and there was a gun in his hand.
He pulled the trigger, and then he jumped out of the way before

Roarke’s claws could come down on him.

Something was itching on Roarke’s neck, and his clawed hand

barely made a scratch in the carpet, and when he looked down at
himself, he realized why.

His hand wasn’t huge and gnarled and clawed anymore. It was a

regular human hand.

Roarke was shrinking as well, back to his normal size as the shift

he’d been trying to make started to reverse.

The room spun around him, and his limbs suddenly felt incredibly

heavy. Despite the effort, he managed to swipe his hand up—his
fingers were asleep and he had no feeling at all in them—at his neck,
and he was aware of something falling away.

He stared down at the carpet at the small dart and wanted to laugh.
Those motherfuckers. Drugged. They’d drugged him because they

knew he would have killed them just like he’d killed their friends if
they tried coming anywhere near him and his mate.

He turned around just in time to see the bottom of a heavy-looking

boot rush at his face.

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It hurt only a little, thanks to the numbing sensation that was

going through his body, but he was still thrown back and able to tell
that the warm sensation flowing out of his nose was blood.

“Dirty, murdering prick!” Frank said, and he kicked his foot again

at Roarke’s face. The fact that he wasn’t crying out with pain must
have been the thing to really set off his anger, because more fists
came down on him. He was repeatedly kicked in the back and in the
stomach. They were completely ganging up on him, and he could
barely feel a thing aside from the great discomfort of it all.

The sound of Westley’s screaming voice was what snapped him

out of it.

“Stop it! Leave him alone!”
He wanted to leap up and be strong for his mate. He wanted to

take some of that strength and energy they’d been building together
and kill every man in this room who would hurt him, but he couldn’t.
Whatever that drug was, it was quick. Even though he could barely
move or feel a thing, it was a shot in the heart as he watched his mate
being taken from him.

One of the alphas grabbed hold of Westley’s shoulders to stop him

from attacking the others, and then held his hands behind his back and
covered his mouth, probably so that he wouldn’t scream and make a
riot when they left the motel with him.

He’d failed his mate. Roarke was going to die in here, and they

were going to take Westley back with them.

Why? Why not just let him go? Was it just about revenge? Or was

it the principal of it that they felt they had to get their pet back?

“Maybe we could just leave him here,” said a familiar voice, and

Roarke recognized it as the one belonging to the alpha who tossed the
lube into his cage for him.

Even though darkness was starting to cloud his vision, he couldn’t

help but feel a rush of gratitude.

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Yes! He would convince them to let Westley go. Even if Roarke

died, Jason would come along and he could help Westley give birth
when the time came.

“No, Lawrence wants all property returned to pack land,” said


“But he’s carrying—”
One of the other alphas stepped away from beating the ever loving

shit out of Roarke to grab the man by the neck and shove him against
the wall.

“These two killed over half of our brothers, Mark. This one dies,

and the omega comes with us. Got it?”

Roarke could barely make out any details since the part of his

vision that wasn’t clouded in black was just plain cloudy, but he could
still see well enough to know that the man who had been helping
Roarke and Westley all this time had nodded his head.

So much for hoping for the best. Roarke wouldn’t stay conscious

for much longer, and then he was going to die. In fact, now that
Westley was being led out of the room, struggling for all that he had,
Roarke could feel everything pulling away from him. Even the
punches and kicks felt incredibly far away until there was nothing left
anymore. He was numb all over. Just one more luna victim to the
hunts of the regular wolf packs.

So sorry, Westley. I tried.

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Chapter Nine

When Roarke woke up again, it was with such a rush of positive

energy that he immediately felt a change in his body. Most notably,
his cock hardened, and he reached out for the hands that were on his
skin, putting that good healing energy inside of him.

“Westley,” he tried to say, but his voice came out slurred.
He replied something, and more energy came into Roarke’s body,

healing his kidneys and liver after the beating they’d taken, along
with his lungs and ribs. Then the healing began in his brain, and more
and more the fogginess left him as Roarke became more aware of the
things going on around him.

Wait. Westley had been taken, hadn’t he? Unless he escaped?

This energy felt a little different, but that could just be because
Westley was still afraid.

How did he get away?
Roarke’s eyes were crusted shut because of the blood in them, but

he did manage to get them open, and the face he saw was not

There was another omega luna wolf in the motel room with him,

his bare hands on Roarke’s skin, touching his shoulder and healing
him with his life force. Not Westley for damn sure, this man was
blond, and while he looked about the same height, his face was
definitely different, and he had blue eyes instead of amber ones.

He frowned at the sight of the man. Who in the hell—?
He didn’t get the chance to open his mouth and ask when Jason

Stone’s face suddenly appeared just in front of him. The man was

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frowning something big, and he pointed his finger right at Roarke’s

“Better get those dirty thoughts of yours under control when

you’re touching my mate like that, O’Neil,” he said.

Fuck, that was right. His cock was still hard because he thought he

was being touched and healed by Westley.

“Hey, Jason,” Roarke said, smiling as he pushed the omega’s

hands away so he could sit up. He thought of anything he could other
than Westley to get his dick to cooperate and go down. “Sorry about
that. I thought he was my—” he cut himself off before he could finish,
and he looked between the two men. “This is your mate?” he asked.

“The name’s Matt Valentine,” said the omega, holding his hand

out for Roarke to shake.

He took the offered hand and shook it. The grip was strong, and

he really could smell Jason all over the omega.

He was stunned. “Wait a minute. When did this happen?” he

asked. “You and I met less than a week ago.”

“I met him right after leaving the town,” Jason admitting, a big

stupid grin on his face as he looked over at his mate. “I tried calling
you a couple of times to warn you that there’s a hostile pack of
wolves in the area, but from the phone call I got from you, you
already found that out.”

“Big time,” Roarke said, and he got to his feet, feeling some of his

bones crack from the pressure of his own weight and being down and
out for so long. From the look of the sun, still high in the sky, not too
much time had passed.

“We came back in town and immediately smelled a lot of blood

and alpha testosterone in the area. We followed that and found you,”
Jason said. “You’re lucky no one noticed the busted door and tried
calling the cops.”

Roarke wasn’t feeling very lucky at the moment.

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“I have to go after them. They took my mate,” he said, rising to

his feet. Christ, what time was it? Exactly how long had Westley been
back in their hands?

“And they left you for dead,” said Matt, and he was looking at

Roarke like he couldn’t believe he was even alive.

That was fair, considering Roarke couldn’t believe it either.
“He’s pregnant, Jason.”
Jason’s dark-brown eyes popped open so wide that Roarke could

see the whites all around the irises. “Already? Damn you’re fast.”

“The pup isn’t—that’s not important. I have to go back for him,”

he said.

“I’ll go with you,” Jason said.
Roarke wasn’t going to question it. This was exactly what he’d

been hoping for when he answered the phone and let Jason listen in
on him getting his ass kicked.

Then he looked over at Matt. “Wait a minute, what about him?”

he asked.

“I can take care of myself well enough,” Matt said. “I was a lone

wolf for a while. I can even go with you.”

“No,” Jason instantly said.
“You let me help you against other alphas before.”
“We’re not going to be scaring them away this time. We’re going

to fight them to kill them.”

“And you think you’re just going to walk into another pack’s

territory and have the element of surprise? Jason, you can use me for
this! They like hunting omega luna wolves. I’ll wander in really close
and let their alphas sniff me out, and when they chase me I can lead
them right to you both. Not every alpha will be following me, and you
can take a bunch of them out and thin their numbers even more before
you make your attack.”

Jason clenched his fists, and Roarke could tell the man was

struggling against the solid idea of the plan.

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“We really could use all the help we can get,” he said, thinking of

Westley. “Another omega to sneak in and help get Westley out of
there while you and I are making a distraction would be best.”

Jason rubbed the bridge between his eyes, like he was getting a

headache or something. “Is that your recommendation as alpha?”

Roarke blinked. “You want me to be the leading alpha?” he asked.
“It was your idea to make a pack, so it might as well be you.”
Roarke didn’t even have to think about it. “Then yes, that is my


Matt looked about as happy as could be with that verdict. Jason

blew out a hard breath.

“Don’t think we’ll be involving you in everything,” Roarke

warned the omega. “When more alphas come to us, I’ll be putting
omegas in danger less often than this.”

“That’s fine,” said Matt, his eager mood still clear in the energy

he was giving off.

“Then let’s go before their trail gets cold,” Roarke said.

* * * *

Westley couldn’t believe he was back in this horrible place. After

promising himself he would never return and never have to see these
monsters ever again, he was back here.

Well, it wasn’t the same place. He was brought to a camp where

everyone in the pack was staying until their real home could be
cleaned up of the mess of dead bodies Roarke had made when they’d
both escaped, and it had taken hours to walk here.

Westley could hardly believe it was taking them so long to get rid

of the blood and bodies from their land. He wished Roarke had killed
all of them, then Westley wouldn’t be here and Roarke would still be

Just thinking about it made him choke up, and he felt his heart

flutter in a terrible way that scared him.

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No. He was going to be stronger than this. If he was going to die,

it would be fighting for his life, the life that Roarke tried to give to
him and his pup. He wouldn’t do Roarke’s memory any disservice by
dying of heartbreak.

Still, it was hard for him to stay calm when he was brought into

the camp and had to see so many familiar faces. Someone picked up a
rock and made as if to throw it, but then Frank yelled at him.

“Don’t do that, you idiot! You want to hit us or something?”
Apparently it was hard to stand up to a yelling alpha, so the man

dropped his rock and went back to pouting by his campfire.

They’d even kept the cages. Someone must have gone back for

them and brought them to this new location for when Westley had
been caught again, and the sight of them nearly brought him out of his
shock over Roarke’s death and made him flip out.

Luckily, he was turned away from them before that could happen

and brought to the largest tent in the area. The pack alpha was there.
Lawrence, if Westley could remember his name right.

The man was frowning when Westley was brought forward. God,

his feet hurt from walking all the way back into the woods and up the
hills, but he wasn’t allowed to sit, not even on the ground.

Frank kept his heavy, dirty hands on Westley’s shoulders and

forced him to stay standing in front of the other man, like he was
royalty or something.

“I didn’t think that was the last I’d ever see of you, considering

your condition,” Lawrence said. He was looking over some papers—
likely insurance for the people who died—in his hands and was barely
glancing at Westley. That was fine. Westley didn’t want to have to
glare at him anyway. He didn’t think he would have the ability to
resist doing something like that, and he didn’t need a beating to
endanger the life of his pup.

He put his hands around his stomach when Lawrence looked

down at his belly.

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“New clothes. You smell clean enough. Looks like that other

alpha was taking good care of you.”

Westley said nothing, and he looked away when Lawrence tried to

stare him in the eyes.

His heart picked up, panic rising inside of him when Lawrence

stepped forward, until they were less than a foot away from each

The man was tall, and he liked imposing his will on other people.
“Was he your mate?” Lawrence asked, his arms folded across his


Westley bit his tongue to keep from blurting out anything smart.
He bit down on it harder, though not by choice, when Lawrence

grabbed him by the jaw, digging his blunt fingernails into his cheeks
and forcing him to look up at the man.

“Was he your mate?” Lawrence asked again, as calm as if he

wasn’t hurting another man.

He was a strange character like that. He was an advocate in the

pack about treating pups and omegas, whether men or women, well
and with dignity. More than once Westley had heard him
admonishing his alphas about turning the other cheek when they were
being insulted by humans. He didn’t want them transforming into
their wolf forms in a fit of rage and giving away the secret of the

Yet he had no problem with capturing luna omega wolves or

alphas, and letting his pack use them for entertainment. Fighting, sex,
it didn’t matter. He saw it as he was doing the luna wolves a favor by
thinning the heard.

Hell, Westley wouldn’t be at all shocked if Lawrence came right

out and told him that he thought he was being the nicest man in the
world to Westley, stopping his alphas from abusing him after the
pregnancy became obvious, and giving him enough food to eat that he
wouldn’t starve, and clean hay to sleep on.

Was he not merciful like that.

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“Answer the question,” Lawrence demanded, shaking Westley’s

face a little and making him cry out at the spike of pain in his jaw.

He made a noise, as if he was trying to speak, and finally

Lawrence let him go. The rush of blood back into his face was almost
as painful as when he was being gripped so tightly.

He brought his hand up to rub his jaw. “What does it matter? He’s

dead now,” Westley said.

“It matters because of this,” Lawrence replied, and he pulled

something out of his pocket and brought it under Westley’s nose to

His heart stopped. For a split second it actually did skip a beat,

and Westley hadn’t known before then that he could actually feel this
sort of light-headed pain over something like that, but there it was.

He also heard a gasp behind him, and the crunch of a boot in the

gravel, as though one of the alphas was stepping backward.

It was that tiny tube of lube that had been snuck into the cage with

Roarke and Westley, so that they could properly mate and share
energy, build strength, and escape from this awful pack.

“Josh, you were the one to put this in their cage. Frank confirmed


“No! I didn’t.”
It seemed like so long ago that Westley was in that cage. Time

just blended together when he had nothing to do but watch everyone
walk around him, but that voice he remembered. It was the voice of
the wolf who Westley hadn’t seen in the pack before.

There were sudden deep growls surrounding them both, but

Westley was pretty sure they were all directed at the alpha named

He hated to admit it, but he was glad to have the attention taken

away from himself, even though it made him heartless in the moment.

“You’re new to this pack, but that’s not an excuse. You knew

perfectly well what you were doing when you gave this to an alpha
who was put in next to an omega.”

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“I didn’t know they were mated!” Josh insisted, but even though

Westley wasn’t looking at anyone behind him, it was clear that it was
too late for the guy. Everyone had already made their guilty judgment
of him.

“I only put it in there for the sake of the omega, in case someone

went to use him.”

Westley tried not to wince at that.
“No one was to touch him but me,” Frank said. “And not until

after he gave birth.”

Uh, what? Did he really just say that?
Lawrence ignored Frank entirely. “Which was why you put the

lube in the alpha’s cage, and not the omega’s? And then you lied to
Frank about it?”

“Lying about any orders I give is punishable by death. You know

this, and my judgment is clear.”

For the first time, Westley looked up at the man in charge of this

entire pack, hardly able to believe he would kill one of his own.

“No, I—”
Westley turned to look back at him. Other alphas were already

closing in on the man. He didn’t look much older than Westley was,
now that he was paying attention, and the guy was clearly scared.

As he should be. He was about to die.
Frank leaned down a little to whisper into Westley’s ear. “When

we’re done with him, you’re coming with me.”

Westley reacted without thinking. Because he’d been mostly

cooperative all the way on the walk here, Frank’s grip on his elbows
wasn’t as tight, and he launched his arm and fist up with an enraged

He caught Frank completely off guard with the fist to his nose,

and the man actually flew backward and landed on his ass.

The other alphas stopped closing in on Josh to stare in shock at the

pregnant omega who was beating on one of their bigger alphas, but

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Westley wouldn’t stop. He attacked Frank with everything he had
inside of him, punching his face, biting the hands that tried to restrain
him until they bled, and scratching until he pulled up skin.

He was not their plaything! He. Was. Not!
Westley roared and yelled as more hands came on him and pulled

him away from Frank. He knew he was losing control and setting
himself up for a lot of abuse later, but in the moment, right then and
there, it felt incredibly good to have Frank’s blood on his hands and
beneath his fingernails.

“You stupid little omega!” Frank said, wiping his face with the

side of his arm.

That turned out to be a mistake since he screamed and pulled his

arm away from his nose.

Apparently Westley had broken it. Good.
“Leave him alone!”
Westley couldn’t believe it. That alpha was still defending him?

Where did this guy come from? He wasn’t like the other werewolves.
All territorial and suspicious of other shifters.

Guess he had nothing to lose now that he was being held down

much the same way Westley was.

Another alpha punched the man in the face, and Westley winced

at the crunch he heard in the poor guy’s nose.

“Stop it!” Westley yelled at them, unable to handle hearing any

more like that.

Of course they didn’t listen to him, and the alpha in front of Josh

pulled his fist back for another go when there was a loud barking
sound just to their right.

Everyone turned their heads to look. Lawrence muttered, “Now


There was a common silver-and-grey wolf by the tree line. It was

small enough, about the size of a regular wolf, only this one had a
scent to it that no wild wolf had.

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It was a shifter. More importantly, it was a luna shifter, and its

size heavily suggested that it was also an omega.

“Run! Run away!” Westley yelled at it.
He didn’t know who that wolf was, how old he was, or where he

came from, but he didn’t want anything to happen to him that had
happened to Westley just because he’d wandered into the wrong

Lawrence snapped his fingers, pointed at the omega, and whistled

loudly through his teeth.

At least half of the alphas instantly shifted and gave chase,

yipping and laughing as the omega turned tail and ran for its life.

They were going to catch it. There were too many of those alphas,

and they were going to catch that omega and bring it back here to
torture it, to do everything they had done to Westley, just for the hell
of it.

“Christ Almighty,” Lawrence said, rubbing his aged face with his

hand. “If it’s not one thing it’s another.”

He then looked at the few alphas who were still standing around,

holding onto both Westley and Josh.

“Get them out of here. I’m too tired for this. I’ll deal with them

when the others get back.”

Frank was still clutching at his bleeding nose when Lawrence

pointed his finger specifically at him. “Don’t start any shit until I say

The man looked like someone had just taken away his favorite

toy, but he nodded.

Josh and Westley were then led away toward the cages.
They were locked in together, and there were two alphas standing

right over the cages, looking down at them, this time to make sure no
one tried to escape.

“I’m sorry,” Josh said.

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Westley looked over at the man, but he was leaning up against the

far side of the cage with his knees up, looking very young all of a

“We’re still alive at least,” he said.
Josh didn’t smile back or even look at him.
Right. Considering they were on the chopping block and another

omega was about to join them, there wasn’t much to look on the
bright side of at the moment.

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Chapter Ten

Roarke and Jason were in their luna forms when Matt rushed

through the trees and into the clearing. They were waiting on the other
side of the clearing, big, mean, and ready.

Jason growled deep in his huge chest when he saw the number of

alphas that were chasing after his mate. Roarke couldn’t blame him,
but he put his clawed hand on the muscled shoulder of the guy,
keeping him from rushing off to do something prematurely.

They needed to wait for the alphas to get just a little closer so that

it would be too late for them to turn around and run away.

Matt was leading the alphas right to them, just as he was supposed


He was a pretty fast runner. Maybe that could come in handy

should they ever need to do something like this again.

Then Matt darted through the trees again, right in between both

Roarke and Jason, and the alphas nearly followed, except for when
both he and Jason reached their claws out with a loud roar and took
hold of the two alphas closest to Matt by the throat, tearing into them
and killing them almost instantly.

The remaining five who had been following were confused at

first. Of course they didn’t know that Jason and Roarke were there
when the wind was against them, and because of the heavy branches,
large leaves, and tree trunks that were all around, it took them a few
seconds to realize what was going on.

By then, Roarke and Jason had killed two more of them, and

Roarke was just reaching for another when they both started running
back in the direction of their pack with their tails between their legs.

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Jason howled as Roarke shot out of the trees after them.
The bloodlust and fear of what they could have done to Westley in

all the time he’d been away drove him on, and he knew that in the
state he was in now, this was exactly why other shifters hunted and
tried to kill luna werewolves. It wasn’t the fact that they were an all-
male species, and it wasn’t really the fact that they were a different
breed of wolf.

It was because in this form Roarke was a tank, and he had the

power to destroy most of that rival pack if he wanted to, and every
other werewolf in the world feared that power.

He was going to leave that pack in shambles by the time he was

done with them.

Neither he nor Jason were able to catch the wolves who were

running for their lives, but that was all right. They’d managed to take
out four more alphas, and that would make the fighting a little easier,
and clear the way some for Matt to go and find Westley. Hopefully
alive and in a good condition.

He and Jason ran as quickly as they could on their two clawed

feet. Their roars shook the birds from the trees and made all the little
animals scramble for someplace to hide.

It was the funniest thing in the world when he and Jason burst

onto the scene of the large campsite, and every werewolf, man,
woman, omega, whatever, just stopped what they were doing to stare
at the huge luna wolves who were charging them.

Some werewolves went most of their lives without seeing this

form. Roarke could only wonder what they were thinking now that
they saw two charging toward them.

He didn’t care. He focused all his attention on the alphas who

charged at him to attack and defend their property.

Not many came after him and Jason. Some had better sense than

that, and as the omegas and children started to make their run to
escape, some of the alphas even joined them, probably under the guise
of escorting them to safety. Cowards.

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Roarke was vaguely aware of Matt’s wolf form running through

the chaos. It was easy for him to get by unnoticed because no one
would look or sniff twice at another common grey wolf in their midst.

Roarke only cared about killing anyone who attacked him.
He saw Lawrence—was that his name? Had to be, he heard it

mentioned in the motel—the older alpha in charge of the pack. He
saw red, and that feeling of rage inside of himself bubbled up ten
times when the bastard turned around and ran away.

He tried to follow, but then a prize just as worthy of having

presented itself.

Frank. One of the alphas who’d tortured his mate, and it looked

like the guy had a broken nose, too.

The stupid sucker didn’t know how useful it was to have a luna

omega around for those kinds of things. He hoped it was Westley
who’d given it to him.

“You’re dead!” Frank yelled, right before he shifted into his black


Roarke could’ve mentioned all kinds of things about how only

smart people actually made sure their targets were dead—like what
Roarke was going to do to him—but he couldn’t speak that well in
this form, and he didn’t want to waste the words either.

He crouched low and roared at the wolf before charging forward.

The anger on Frank’s face left him as the fur on his back lowered so
that it was no longer standing upright, and he must’ve thought better
of his plan for trying to take down a transformed luna wolf, let alone
two, by himself.

He turned and ran for his life. Roarke chased after him, thinking

about all the terrible things Westley had told him had happened at the
hands of this man, how he’d hit him, scared him, and constantly
insulted him right after murdering Westley’s former lover. He didn’t
even care if he was about to murder someone who was running away
from him. He was going to kill him and light his body on fire to make
sure he never hurt anyone else ever again!

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Roarke did catch the wolf, but it was completely unsatisfying how

easy it was and how fast the stupid wolf went down on his back and
exposed his neck to Roarke.

Coward. Stupid, worthless, coward.
Roarke wanted this to mean something, so he bit down on the

wolf’s neck, hard enough to listen to him whine in pain as his teeth
made it through that thick black mane, but he didn’t tear the throat
out. No, he wanted the stupid wolf to fight back.

He backed away just enough to give the man the idea of what he

was doing, and because Frank was a dirty fighter, he kicked his hind
legs out at Roarke’s eyes before launching himself to his feet and
jumping at Roarke’s face, claws outstretched and mouth wide open,
ready to bite down.

Roarke swiped his hand out and easily slammed the body back

down to the ground with enough force that he felt the bones of the
ribs crack beneath his massive clawed hand.

He snorted when the body beneath him suddenly became soft and

the breathing stopped.

Still not satisfied, but he supposed he would’ve had to kill him a

hundred times before he felt good about killing the man.

Jason howled over the body of his kill, and Roarke looked behind

himself to see that they were pretty much alone at this point, with the
exception of the dead bodies that were surrounding them.

Almost all the alphas were dead, and everyone else had run for

their lives.

They’d done it. They’d won.
Matt was nowhere in sight, and neither was Westley, and that

scared Roarke right to hell.

Then Matt’s voice yelled out. “Jason! Roarke!
Both his and Jason’s ears perked at the cry, and they rushed off

toward the sound.

As they both expected, Matt was in his human form. He had to be

just to speak, but he seemed well enough. He wasn’t covered in blood

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or anything like that, but he was standing in front of the very cages
that Westley and he had been locked into shortly after they’d met.

Roarke’s heart shot into his throat like it was a rocket at the sight

of those cages. He didn’t even have the chance to be angry over the
fact that the sight of them meant the alphas had gone back for it with
the sole purpose of bringing it here and locking Westley back into it
for another year when he spotted his mate inside.

Westley wasn’t dead. He was alive and clutching the bars of the

cage with shining eyes as Roarke came closer. He didn’t even pay any
attention to Jason, who was also in luna form and walking behind

Westley reached his hand through the bars for Roarke’s touch, and

Roarke went to him.

Why the hell wasn’t Matt letting him out of the damned cage?
Then he saw exactly why. There was someone else in there with

Westley, sitting off in the corner.

“I wasn’t sure what to do when I saw him,” Matt admitted. “He’s

not saying anything when I speak to him.”

“He’s not dangerous,” Westley said, looking up at Roarke. “It’s

my choice not to come out of here yet. He was the one who helped us,

He didn’t say the word out loud, but he was fairly sure that it was

showing all over his muzzle.

“His name’s Josh. We can’t leave him here. The others will come

back eventually and kill him for trying to help us.”

“You should get out of here with the rest of your pack while you

can,” Josh said, and Roarke definitely recognized that voice. It was
the voice of the man who’d tossed the lube into the cage with him,
and the same one that had asked for the alphas to leave Westley

It took Roarke a minute to get back into his human form, during

which time he was vulnerable as all hell, but Jason stayed in his luna

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form and had his ears perked and eyes peeled for anything that might
try and sneak up on them.

“Why would you stay in there to be killed when we can get you

out of there?” Roarke asked when he was able, holding onto
Westley’s hand and assuring himself that his mate was all right
through his touch and body heat.

“I have no pack, and no one would take me after this. I’m better

off dead.”

“Better off dead than a lone wolf?” Roarke asked.
“We’ve all done it,” Matt said. “It’s not that bad.”
“Except that every time you come across another pack, they either

try to force you into their ranks or kill you. I was lucky this one took
me in.”

Roarke looked at the man, suddenly suspicious. “What are you?”
Westley, Matt, and Jason all turned to stare down at the man. He

looked to be about Westley’s age, and his red-brown hair was covered
in dirt, and he had more dirt splotches on his face. There was
something a little different about his scent, however. A certain spice
that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the deodorant he was

“I’m a half luna wolf,” he admitted. “My father was just a regular

werewolf, and my bearer, I guess, was an omega luna wolf. I’ve been
on my own long enough, and I don’t want to be put in that position

A half-breed. Roarke didn’t even know something like that could


He looked down at Westley’s round stomach. Huh, well, he

guessed it really was possible. “I didn’t realize that this was so

“You can come with us!” Westley said quickly.
Josh looked up at him as though he’d lost his mind.
“Seriously,” Westley said. “We’re going to make a pack together.

There’s four of us now, you’ll make five, and we’re going to invite

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any other luna wolf we come across. They don’t even have to be luna
wolves. No one will be forced to join. You don’t have to be alone.”

The poor guy looked shell-shocked that anyone would even offer

him something like that.

Roarke nodded. “I agree with you, Westley. We could use all the

alpha muscle we can get until our numbers get stronger, and more
hands to build our pack land would be helpful, too.”

“It doesn’t bother you that I’m a half-breed who was formerly of

the pack that was hurting your mate?”

“You tried to help him when it mattered,” Roarke said, his

decision made. “Open the cage, Matt. We all need to get out of here
before any of those wolves come back.”

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Chapter Eleven

Because Lawrence’s pack was located to the south of the little

town of Willow Lake, and Roarke wasn’t feeling quite so bloodthirsty
anymore now that the actual fighting was over, he decided to move
his new pack to the north of the village, where the lake part of Willow
Lake happened to be.

There was some land there for sale. It was cheap because there

weren’t exactly many job prospects in the area that called for building
new housing, and after he, Matt, Jason, and Josh pooled their money
together and took out a loan—Westley was unable to do so because
he’d been missing for over a year and his accounts were inactive until
he could get everything set up again—it was all theirs.

After another year’s worth of monthly payments, that was, but

really, it was theirs.

Roarke promised he would pay them all back whenever he could,

and the first order of business was building housing for themselves.
As the first members of their pack, they decided it would only make
sense to start off with a house large enough to fit the lot of them.
Everyone worked on it, carrying lumber, gathering tools, and

Westley was only able to draw up plans and take care of the

financial portion of the work, but everyone had a job.

A month after they bought the land, the frame of the house was

finally done. Walls were being put in, bricks set in place, and Roarke
and Jason were nearly half done with the roof.

Josh remained quiet, but he did as he was told, offered solid input

whenever he had it, and all in all didn’t cause any trouble.

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Still, it was easy to see the way the guy walked around on

eggshells, like he thought he would be cast out at any minute.

Thankfully, Matt and Westley were both easy enough to approach

as the only two omegas in their small pack, and they were good at
assuring the man that he would always have his place here for what he
did to help.

Westley was even bigger now than when Roarke had first met

him. At first it was easy to notice because he was gaining a healthy
amount of weight now that he was no longer being half starved every
day, but then it became apparent in his middle section.

That made Roarke nervous in the night when he held Westley

close, sharing the man’s energy and providing him with his strength.

Whenever he touched Westley’s belly and realized it was rounder

than when he’d first met the man four weeks ago, it scared the hell out
of him, especially knowing he was going to have to help Westley give
birth if either he or the pup was going to survive. He half didn’t want
the baby to come out of there.

That, and the nursery wasn’t ready yet.
Currently, the sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the

half-finished house, and Roarke was relaxing after a hard day’s work
in one of the foldable chairs, looking over the project that was almost

Josh was off somewhere in the woods in wolf form hunting for

their dinner, and he could hear the splashes and laughs as Jason was
play fighting with his mate in the lake.

It was times like that when he did an about-face in his thinking

and wished Westley would hurry up and have the pup so that he could
play with his mate like that.

Of course, he would have to wait for the child to get a little older

before he thought about any sort of rough play.

He wondered whether Westley was carrying a boy or a girl.
Something cold pressed against his hand. “Here you go.”

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Westley’s voice actually startled him, and the man pulled back, a

shocked look on his face. “Did I sneak up on you?”

“I think I was sleeping with my eyes open,” Roarke said with a

tired laugh, and he rubbed at his face before looking down at what
Westley placed in his hand.

A cold can of cola from the cooler.
There was still no electricity out here, so they were basically

keeping their food fresh from the ice they were getting from town in
that thing.

“Thanks,” Roarke said, and he flipped the tab.
Westley had one hand on his large stomach. “You looked like you

could use a drink after the hard day you had.”

Roarke looked up at his mate, instantly suspicious.
Roarke’s hard day of work lately was spent with his shirt off and

sweating in the sun, and on more than one occasion he’d caught his
mate looking up at him with lust in his eyes and even a little drool on
his lower lip.

He worked shirtless, in faded jeans, and with a tool belt around his

waist. That sounded like the fantasy everyone had at one time or

“Come here,” Roarke said, opening his arms to his mate.
Westley gladly came forward to sit down on his lap, and that was

when his smile widened as he felt Roarke’s stiff cock beneath his

The little devil even went so far as to wiggle his ass a bit, as

though making himself more comfortable in his place, and a shiver of
pleasure shot straight through Roarke’s dick and all the way into his
balls and belly.

“You’re going to pay for that later,” he warned.
“Yeah, but your idea of revenge is so awesome to me,” Westley

replied. “If you really want to warn me away from something, then
you have to stop punishing me with intense orgasms. It makes me
think you secretly like it when I tease you.”

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He had a point. “What if I punished you like this?” he asked, and

he pressed the cold can in his hand to the back of Westley’s neck.

Westley yelled and would have jumped up if Roarke hadn’t

caught him around the chest and held him down.

He pulled the can away from his skin, but Westley continued to

wiggle and attempt to get away, the fear of having the cold metal
against his neck doing more than the act itself ever could.

“All right! All right!” Westley laughed. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop!”
“I never said I wanted you to stop,” Roarke said, pretending

innocence and taking a casual gulp of his drink when Westley looked
at him.

His grin was wide. “You bastard.”
Roarke shrugged and placed the can down on the ground beside

the chair. “You want to take me somewhere and teach me a lesson?”
he asked.

His cock was still hard and rubbing against the firm swell of

Westley’s ass through their jeans, and when he looked down at his
lap, he was still able to make out the outline of Westley’s hard dick,
even with his belly blocking part of the view.

Roarke quickly glanced behind him. Jason and Matt were only

paying attention to each other and their game, and they hardly noticed
anything that Roarke was doing.

In fact, he felt no need to go off somewhere private. The idea of

fooling around right here, pulling out Westley’s dick and stroking him
until the man came with no one the wiser, was such a turn-on that
Roarke’s cock swelled even more in his pants.

He shifted his hips, rubbing against his mate’s ass for some

friction. Yeah, he definitely liked that idea.

“What are you doing?” Westley asked, a trace of panic in his

voice when Roarke began wiggling his hand into the paternity jeans
he was wearing.

“Shh, they’ll hear you,” Roarke said, sliding his hand inside of

that warm space.

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Westley’s breath was hitched and his heart hammering even

before Roarke’s hand touched his cock. “I’m more worried that
they’ll see,” he said, and his face turned the prettiest shade of pink.

“Then you just have to be very, very quiet,” Roarke whispered,

accenting each word with a stroke of his hand on Westley’s already
hard dick.

He was absolutely loving this, watching Westley’s face as he

teased him mercilessly.

Westley groaned low in his throat, and he looked over Roarke’s

shoulder to make sure that Jason and Matt weren’t looking at him.

“We’re downwind. They won’t notice,” Roarke said, and he

kissed the side of Westley’s neck.

Even if either Jason or Matt turned to look at him, they wouldn’t

lift a brow at a kiss on the neck.

If only they knew what he was really doing.
“Roarke,” Westley groaned, but then almost against his will, he

began to gently thrust into Roarke’s hand, his body barely shifting in
his effort to draw as little attention to himself as possible.

Roarke had to work without seeing what he was doing, but it

wasn’t like this was his first time either. He was easily able to find the
slit of Westley’s cock with his thumb and press into it, making
Westley bite his lower lip just to try and keep quiet.

“That’s it,” Roarke said, using his other hand to hold his mate

tightly around the waist and grinding the man’s ass down on his hard
cock. The pleasure of it felt so damn good.

Westley leaned his body against Roarke’s chest, resting his head

on Roarke’s shoulder.

“Hiding?” Roarke asked, a little smile on his face as he began

spreading Westley’s pre-cum around and using it to lube up and
stroke his dick.

“De–definitely,” Westley replied, and then he even glared up at

Roarke. “Just because they’re back in the lake doesn’t mean that Josh
wouldn’t walk in on us at any second.”

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“He’s still out hunting,” Roarke whispered back, doing his

absolute best to keep as in control of his voice as he possibly could.
He knew he was driving his mate so crazy, giving off the appearance
that he was calm and in control, when the reality was that his cock
was throbbing to the tune of his heartbeat, and he was fighting not to
tear off Westley’s clothes and sink his dick into the man right there
and damn it all if Jason and Matt happened to see him. “We have lots
of time until they come back.”

“Y–you’re such a bastard,” Westley said, but then he reached

down and put his hand over top of Roarke’s from above his jeans,
forcing Roarke to put more pressure on his cock.

Westley groaned and squeezed his eyes shut.
That was too hot to ignore. Ever since Roarke and his new small

pack had come here, there hadn’t been a whole lot of privacy for sex,
which left them to only use the cover of the night in their little tent,
with other people sleeping in their tents mere feet away.

Well, everyone pretended that everyone else was sleeping, that is.

On more than one occasion, Roarke and Westley had been snuggling
up to the sounds of Jason and Matt’s barely contained moans.
Sometimes they would use that opportunity to go at it themselves.

After all, what noise was better to hide behind when having sex,

than the sound of someone else having sex?

But it wasn’t the nighttime yet, they weren’t in their tents, and

there were no noises being made to hide behind.

“Aren’t one of the bedrooms almost finished?” Westley said,

barely containing his gasps and moans at this point.

“It’s only got three walls and no roof. And there’s no furniture in

it,” Roarke said.

“We can bring our sleeping bags inside,” Westley replied, and he

was already slipping out of Roarke’s lap, leaving him cold where
before he was warm.

He had to follow Westley at that point when his mate took him by

the hand and started leading him off to the unfinished house.

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Before he could start up the steps of the porch, he remembered,

right! The sleeping bags!

He briefly let go of Westley’s hand and rushed over to their tent to

grab them. They had been zipped together on the soft grass, making
for a pretty comfortable bed, but they were going to be sleeping
together on a hard and dirty floor, so he thought it would be best if
they folded it up a couple of times if they were going to be having sex
in the unfinished house.

Roarke was also quick to grab the lube from out of his pack before

rushing back to his lover.

Westley had a smile on his face as he held out his hand for Roarke

to take, and before they entered the house, Roarke looked back to the
lake and saw the curious looks on Matt’s and Jason’s faces.

Well, more Matt than Jason. Jason must’ve known what was

happening since he was currently pulling his mate even closer to
himself in the water.

Using each other as distractions for sex. Roarke got the feeling

this was going to be a common thing.

Their footsteps were heavy on the wooden floor. The tile was still

stacked outside and hadn’t even been started with yet, and the
hardwood flooring hadn’t yet been delivered. They were expecting
that tomorrow.

Roarke couldn’t wait until this house was finished.
Westley rushed them both into the one room of the house, which

wasn’t even a bedroom, but was going to be the sitting room, that had
three walls surrounding it for maximum privacy. It would be hard for
anyone to see them in here, and Roarke was so damned horny and
ready that he was already folding over the sleeping bags, trying to
make the spot as comfortable as possible while Westley shimmied out
of his jeans and loose fitting T-shirt.

He was naked in record time, and Roarke stopped what he was

doing to look at the man.

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His skin was no longer so pale, but had the healthy glow it was

supposed to have, and there was more muscle on him now that he was
eating properly. He was gorgeous.

Roarke must’ve stared for too long because Westley looked down

at himself, clearly a little nervous. “What is it?”

Roarke shook his head. “Nothing. Come here, baby,” he said.
Westley did, his wide grin back in place.
Westley’s hand was between Roarke’s legs, squeezing his cock

through his jeans and teasing him in pretty much the same way
Roarke had been teasing Westley just outside while on that foldable

Roarke groaned as he held onto Westley’s shoulders and kissed

the man. They still had to be quiet, but not as quiet as outside.

In fact, he was pretty sure he could hear Jason and Matt going at it

right now, Matt’s keening wails coming in through the gaping space
in the roof.

They were like rabbits instead of wolves.
Then Westley’s tongue was touching Roarke’s neck, and he forgot

all about those other two guys outside as his body jolted with the
surge of pleasure and energy.

Like the other times when they’d fucked and built up their

strength together, Roarke could still feel the second smaller bit of
energy inside of Westley’s body. He was going to have to ask the man
about that one. When they were done. That tongue was too hot and
wicked to ignore.

Roarke reached for Westley’s face, cupping his jaw in hand and

bringing his face forward for a long kiss. His lips were so damned soft
and pliant. Roarke loved kissing them. He loved the feel of his tongue
as he licked the crease between them, and how they felt when they
parted just enough for him to slip inside of that warm mouth.

Westley knew how to make Roarke’s tongue work for it as they

stroked each other like that, and the moan Westley released as he was

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being fucked with Roarke’s tongue went right down into his cock and
balls. The jeans he was still wearing were too damned hot and tight!

Roarke had to pull back. “Lube’s on the bed. Get yourself ready,”

he commanded and then grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and lifted it
over his head before tossing it into the corner. He didn’t care if that
left it dirty or not. All he wanted was to get these itchy and restrictive
clothes off of him.

Westley hurried to do as he was told, finding the tube of lube

quickly, the kind that warmed to the touch, both of their favorites, and
he lay back and spread himself wide open for Roarke to see,
slathering his fingers before pushing them inside of himself.

“I like it better when you do this to me,” Westley said, though not

in a voice that suggested he was complaining about it, but rather one
that was trying to tease the hell out of Roarke.

“I like watching you finger-fuck yourself better,” Roarke replied,

and he damn near moaned as two of Westley’s fingers pushed farther
inside of himself, disappearing at the knuckle.

Actually, that was a lie. Roarke liked being the one to stretch and

prepare Westley about the same as he liked watching Westley do it

But switching things around now and again was always a good

thing, right?

He lowered himself to his hands and knees and crawled halfway

up his lover’s body, keeping his eyes on those fingers pushing into
that tight little hole for as long as he possibly could.

“You’re gorgeous when you do that. You’re always gorgeous,”

Roarke said, and then he took hold of Westley’s dick, grabbing it by
the base and pointing it right up where it needed to go.

Roarke wet his lips and sank his mouth down onto it before the

other man could say anything in reply to his earlier comment.

He was hard and clearly aching. Roarke could feel it in his energy,

the need to come almost above everything else. Poor guy, Roarke
really had been teasing him outside.

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Well, not he was going to be mean and tease him some more. The

sounds that Jason and Matt were making roughly thirty feet away
were like having a porno playing in the background, and Roarke’s
own cock was pulsing with the need for attention.

He kept his lips tight around Westley’s dick, feeling the veins that

were bulging around the column of the man’s cock with his tongue.

Westley planted his feet down onto the sleeping bags and used

them to help himself thrust his hips into Roarke’s mouth.

“That’s good,” Westley moaned. He was still keeping his voice

low, like he was afraid that Jason or Matt would hear them.

Was he not aware of what those two were doing outside?
“Keep doing that! Don’t you dare stop!” Westley said, even his

shouts managing to sound like hoarse whispers.

Roarke decided that he would show some mercy on his lover and

not stop. He tightened his mouth and sucked back harder, having
every intention of feeling his mate coming hard into his mouth and
down his throat. He reached for Westley’s balls, which were tight and
hard, and he gently rolled them in his hand, massaging them gently
enough to make his mate lose all control he had over his body.

Westley put his hands over his mouth and jerked his body as he

came hard into Roarke’s mouth. He didn’t swallow very often, so he
was pleased with the way he managed to keep it all down without
choking, and then he kept sucking back on Westley’s dick, milking
him until there was nothing left.

Westley gasped for breath beneath Roarke, and even though

Westley’s dick had softened, because Roarke just refused to stop and
he started putting some of his own energy into his mate through this
sexual touch, he got hard again very quickly. That turned his pants for
breath back into breathy moans in no time at all.

“R–Roarke!” Westley moaned, and now he was really starting to

make some noise.

Good. Finally. Just what Roarke wanted.

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Westley tried to speak some more, but apparently it was

somewhat difficult when he was having his dick sucked on the way he
was. “Th–that–that’s—”

“Not enough,” Roarke said after pulling his mouth away from

Westley’s dick with an almost obscene pop from his mouth.

Westley stared down at him, blinking his eyes blearily, like he

didn’t understand what Roarke was stopping for.

He was so damned cute.
“Get onto your hands and knees. We’re not even close to being


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Chapter Twelve

Westley hurried to do as he was told. Now that he was no longer

pushing his fingers inside of himself, stretching his anal muscle and
feeling that incredible burn, he needed it.

Of course, it was going to take a lot more than fingers before he

was satisfied, and thanks to Roarke’s talented mouth, he’d nearly
forgotten about that ache that he’d been creating inside of himself
while trying to give his mate a show.

He was going to have to go into town one day and buy some toys.

A pair of handcuffs, a dildo, scarves, whips, feathers, anything. He
really wanted to show Roarke what he could do for him in bed so that
he could tease the man as much as Roarke loved teasing him.

“What’s wrong?” Roarke asked.
Right. They were still touching, so Roarke could sense it when

Westley’s energy started to drop.

“It’ll just be nice when you and I can go into town and buy the

lube together.”

Lube among other things.
“Soon, baby, very soon,” Roarke said, and his energy was

comforting as he slid his hand around the swell of Westley’s stomach
where the pup was sleeping.

Sometimes Westley felt as if his body was being taken hostage,

and he couldn’t wait for the child to hurry up and get here.

Still several weeks left to go, however.
Even though Westley had already stretched himself fine enough,

Roarke still took the time to pour more of that warming lube onto his
fingers and press them up and into Westley’s asshole.

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Westley groaned at the sensation of it, and the burn followed as

Roarke pushed his fingers deep inside.

He could hear Roarke’s answering sigh as he watched himself

thrust his fingers back and forth into Westley’s hole. He tightened his
asshole around those fingers, giving the man a prelude to what was
going to come the second he pushed his cock inside of Westley’s ass.

Roarke looked up and noted the way that Westley was looking

over his shoulder at him, and they smiled at each other. “You’re a
little tease,” Roarke said, a big smile on his face.

Me?” Westley asked.
“Yes, you,” Roarke said. “That’s why I like getting back at you so


Roarke shifted his position and took hold of his cock before

pointing it at Westley’s asshole. He could feel the head gently
touching and tickling his pucker, and his shivered from top to bottom.

“That is so not how this works,” he said and then gasped as

Roarke added just enough pressure to let the head of his dick pop
inside of Westley’s hole.

He clenched his ass around the head on instinct, and they both

groaned at that before Roarke began sinking his hard and swollen dick
even deeper than before.

“I’m the one who has to get back at you for teasing me!” Westley


Roarke didn’t say anything. He just groaned.
He knew exactly where to go to find Westley’s prostate. The man

had the location of it memorized by now, and Westley immediately
began pushing back against his mate’s thrusting hips.

The shock of pleasure on each strike of his dick against Westley’s

prostate made his toes curl. He completely forgot about being quiet as
he just let himself go to the pleasure of what was happening right
now. His mate’s energy poured into him, and he gave back to Roarke
as they fed from and nurtured each other. Roarke was relentless as he
moved his hips faster, pushing his cock even deeper than before.

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“Get onto your knees,” Roarke said, and Westley knew what he

meant as he lifted himself up so that he was kneeling down instead of
on his hands and knees, his ass seated comfortably on Roarke’s lap as
his mate humped into him.

Roarke turned Westley’s neck just enough so that he could reach

his mouth around and place a wet kiss on his mouth.

Westley knew what his mate loved best about this. Roarke loved

having Westley’s tongue inside of him while Roarke fucked him like
this, hard and deep, so that was exactly what Westley did.

He slid his tongue inside of Roarke’s hot mouth, both of their

tongues licking and touching while their flesh slapped together and
Roarke’s slick cock thrust forward and back, completely filling him
up in every way that Westley needed him to.

It was too good, and Westley didn’t want Roarke to stop, but then

he did. Right when Westley was so close to coming, Roarke grabbed
his dick by the base and gently pulled out.

“Turn around. I want to face you,” he said, his warm breath

ghosting over Westley’s ear.

Westley kissed him quickly again before doing as he was told.
He lay on his back and raised his ass and thighs up. It was

somewhat difficult because of the pregnancy, but he managed just
fine, knowing the reward he was about to get.

Roarke’s large hands took hold of him by the knees, and he

hooked them over his elbows. Westley couldn’t wait for the time
when he and Roarke would be able to have sex like this, with
Westley’s knees over the man’s shoulders. They’d tried it once or
twice, but with each passing day, Westley had too much trouble
getting into those sorts of positions.

“Get back inside me, hurry,” Westley said as his orgasm started

moving farther and farther away from him. He couldn’t even reach
down to touch his own cock because of the position.

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“Impatient,” Roarke said with an air of approval in his voice, and

then he was back inside where he belonged, thrusting his cock deep
and filling Westley back up like he was meant to.

“Oh!” Westley cried out, and in no time he was back to where he

was before, moaning loudly and trying to thrust back against Roarke’s
relentless jabs.

Roarke groaned, and his face was at its most handsome when it

was red with passion, and his mouth was dropped open just enough
for Westley to see that wicked tongue.

He thought of all the times Roarke had put that tongue inside of

Westley’s asshole, and even though he didn’t need the help, it was
exactly the sort of mental image that threw him completely over the
edge and made his balls seize up as he just started coming hard,
spilling himself all over both him and his mate.

“That’s it. Come for me,” Roarke said.
Westley was sure Roarke had said something along those lines


He squeezed his asshole around Roarke’s still-thrusting dick,

pulling out another moan from the man as Roarke’s hips began
moving like there was a powerful engine behind them, and each pump
of his cock against Westley’s prostate brought out more pleasure from
his body, even though his cock was already well spent and softening.

Then his dick was instantly hard again, and coming for a second

time as he felt Roarke coming inside of him, his hot cum spurting
hard against Westley’s prostate even as the head of his dick continued
to jab at it again and again.

Westley couldn’t believe it, and he thought he might actually

black out or something from the sensation of coming twice like that in
such a short amount of time.

His body became a boneless slop as Roarke finished milking

himself inside of Westley’s asshole, and then he would have fallen on
top of him. Westley could sense it in his energy, and just the way his
muscles felt, that Roarke wanted to collapse on him and snuggle.

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He didn’t even need to read the man’s energy to know that. It was

there as clear as day in his body language, the way he breathed so
hard, panting until his lungs were working at a normal capacity again.
How he held himself up on his hands, his elbows locked so he
wouldn’t put any more of his weight that he needed to on Westley’s

Roarke stayed in that position for maybe a minute, getting control

of himself before he rolled onto his side beside Westley, allowing
Westley’s legs to get back into a more comfortable downward

He rubbed his face then before turning and looking at Westley.
“Whew!” he said.
Westley laughed. In the background he couldn’t hear the sounds

of sex anymore, suggesting that Jason and Matt were done as well.

“Everything’s perfect,” he said.
“What was that?” Roarke asked.
Westley looked his mate in the eyes. “Everything’s perfect. Right

now, nothing could be any better than how it is. Even though the
house isn’t finished, and we’re bathing in the lake and sleeping
outside, this is amazing.”

Roarke took in and let out a deep breath of hair. His eyes even

shined a little. “I’m glad, and I can tell you’re telling the truth because
it’s written all over you. I was starting to worry that you were getting
sick of living like this. Especially with the baby on the way.”

“I’m living like a king right now, and so will he,” Westley said,

and he reached for Roarke’s hand and threaded their fingers together
before pressing them both on his swelling stomach. “Don’t ever forget

Roarke grinned at him. “I won’t, but there’s, ah, some things I’ve

been wanting to talk with you about.”

That sounded serious, and Westley blinked a couple of times as he

had to be pulled from his happy buzz into emergency mode.

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“It’s nothing bad. One of them isn’t. Maybe,” Roarke said, being

entire unhelpful.

“If that’s your way to keep me from getting scared, you’re doing a

bad job,” Westley said, and he didn’t want to look into the way his
heart was starting to pick up the pace.

“Well, I’ll give you the bad news first,” Roarke said, and he

cleared his throat. “Because we’re all going to be living together, you
should know that Jason and I were together once, and only once,” he
said quickly, and then he just started speaking incredibly fast.

“It was before you and I met. Before he’d even met Matt. We’d

shared a motel room to split the costs, not the same one that you and I
spent our time in, but that was how we met and exchanged numbers.”

Westley could only stare at his mate, his strong alpha who was

looking back at him with fear in his wide, dark eyes.

He sat up, and Roarke quickly did, too. He put his hands out as if

to touch Westley’s shoulders and keep him from running away, but
Westley wasn’t getting up, and Roarke continued to pull back just
before his fingers could touch Westley’s skin.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t like how it is with you and me, and I know I

should’ve said something before we all agreed to become a pack, but
the time just never seemed right, and there were always more
dangerous and important things to be thinking about,” Roarke said,
that same terror still in his voice.

Terror that Westley would leave him?
“You know, I’m not so naive as to think that you were a virgin

before I met you,” Westley said, turning to look at his mate, who was
still staring at him like he expected Westley to get up and storm off at
any second.

It kind of made him sad. “Do you really think I would leave you

just because you had sex with someone before you met me? Jeeze,
Roarke, that would probably make me the worst mate in the universe,
wouldn’t it.”

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Roarke finally smiled, and the relief that was in his energy was as

bright as the lit lightbulb that Westley happened to be staring right at.

“I did sort of panic about it.”
“You don’t have to panic,” Westley said. “You can tell me you

were with a hundred guys before me and it wouldn’t matter.”

“Well, I am a sexual tiger,” Roarke said.
Westley punched his shoulder, and he laughed before hugging

Westley tightly to his chest, and together they lay down on their warm
sleeping bags again.

“Idiot,” Westley said affectionately.
“You know, it wasn’t just the fact that Jason and I slept together,”

Roarke said. “It was that I’d introduced you to him as a friend, and
that we’re all going to be living together and you never knew about
that beforehand that I was worried about.”

“Well, I guess that does make some sense, but it’s hard for me to

be mad at you about something like that when I know you’re mine. I
mean, maybe I would be mad if he didn’t have a mate, or if I thought
he was still interested in you, but I just heard very clearly that he’s
not, and you both don’t act like ex-lovers. You act like friends. I’m
confident that you’re mine,” Westley said.

Roarke sighed loudly. “You’re the best mate in the world.”
“And I’m the only one you’ll ever get,” Westley said.
“I won’t forget it.”
“So what’s the other thing you wanted to tell me about?” Westley


“Well,” Roarke said, getting shy again, but this time Westley

didn’t sense any fear in him like he did before. “It has to do with the
pup you’re carrying.”

“The pup?” Westley asked, and his hands seemed to go to his

belly without even realizing it.

“Yeah, it’s nothing bad. I don’t feel anything wrong, and even if I

did I’m sure you’d be the first to know if there was something going
on long before I did.”

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Westley hoped that was the case at any rate. He hadn’t felt

anything wrong, and he certainly didn’t want to jinx himself or the
pup he was carrying.

“So what is it? Are you sensing something?”
“That’s just the thing. I am sensing it. Every time you and I

exchange energy, I can sense the pup inside you, growing strong and
healthy. I love you and the pup like it was my own, but even I know
that I shouldn’t be able to sense it inside you if it’s not my blood.”

Roarke still looked worried, but this news thrilled Westley to the

depths of his being, and he wrapped his arms even tighter around his
belly. “But it is your pup, in all the ways that matter.”

“But it’s not—”
“No, trust me on this, it is. I mean, yes you’re not the biological

father, but you are the father.”

“I know,” Roarke said, and he smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
The only reason why Westley pulled back was because he was

convinced that his mate still didn’t get it. “Hear me out on this. Back
when you first got me away from that pack, when I escaped and was
alone for a time, I thought you were dead. I was thinking about you a
lot, as you can imagine, and that hurt so much, thinking that we’d met
just to be torn apart so quickly like that. I could barely even think
about it.”

“Oh, baby,” Roarke said, and he looped his arms around

Westley’s shoulders. Westley leaned into the embrace because it felt
so damn good when he was talking about something that was just so
grim. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I was thinking about how it wouldn’t kill me. Even

though it would be so easy to give up, letting myself believe the other
alphas had ganged up on you, I had to live for the pup, and it was like
I had a revelation,” Westley said, thinking back to those awful hours
where he had his freedom but was facing the loss of his soul mate.

“What was that?”

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“I was thinking that you were the father of my pup, and I would

raise it and he would grow up knowing that. Knowing everything I’d
learned about you, even though it wasn’t much at the time,” Westley
admitted. “I would have raised him as your child because I wouldn’t
have gotten out of there without you. I’d still be starving in a cage
somewhere if you hadn’t come along, and the pup wouldn’t have even
been born because neither of us would have survived the birthing.
There wasn’t an alpha luna around, but at least then I had the chance
to find one.”

Roarke’s eyes shined with love. “Westley,” he said, but Westley

had to get the rest of this out before he started crying, too.

“Something clicked inside my head and my body. Without you the

pup wouldn’t have had the chance to be born, and that’s what parents
do for their young, right? Bring them into the world. I mean, I’ll still
want him to know about Aaron, but you are the father. I think you’re
sensing the pup right now because there’s something happening
between you and me, biological wise, that’s telling you it is your pup
I’m carrying.”

Roarke quickly scrubbed at his face. Westley knew an alpha’s

urge to always appear strong, so he could do nothing but smile and
wait for him to get a hold of himself so they could continue their

“You really think of it as being mine?” Roarke asked, and despite

the building redness in his eyes, he had pretty good control over his
own voice.

“Of course I do. You’re mine and I’m yours. Why wouldn’t this

pup be yours, too?”

“Oh, sweetie, come here,” Roarke said, and he pulled him close

for a long and deep kiss.

Roarke had never called him sweetie before, and Westley found

that he liked it. He liked being with someone who loved him, he loved
being held, and he loved this kiss and Roarke’s tongue.

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Unbelievable. His cock was stirring between his legs again, and

with Roarke’s tongue inside of his mouth, it was easy to sense the
man’s energy and feel the way his temperature was rising and heart

Westley reached down, sliding his hand in between Roarke’s legs,

passed the rough hairs around his groin, and then moved to his cock.

The man groaned when Westley’s fingers curled around his erect


Roarke was the one to pull away while laughing. “I guess we’re

still in heat.”

“Majorly in heat,” Westley agreed, and he moved to lie back on

their sleeping bags, pulling Roarke in between his legs.

That was when he started to hear the loud moaning and sharp cries

coming from both Jason and Matt outside.

“We’re not the only ones either,” Westley said.
“We have the rest of our lives to see if we can outdo Matt and

Jason,” Roarke said, and he wiggled his eyebrows before dipping his
head lower to capture Westley’s mouth in another long and deep kiss.
He positioned his cock against Westley’s still-ready asshole and slid it
inch by inch inside of him, stretching him, burning him, and claiming

If Westley had his way, this mating season that he and Roarke

were going through would never end. Roarke was right. What
happened couldn’t be changed. Westley had a rough several months
behind him, but the rest of his life with his mate was looking pretty
damn good.

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Chapter Thirteen

It was hard for Josh Carpenter to not feel like a major fifth wheel

when he was around the two pairs of mated luna wolves who were
still back at the campsite.

They were always having sex, and when they weren’t having sex,

Josh could smell their lust for each other and the need for them to
have sex.

He was purposely dawdling as he went about his hunt, because he

knew that the second he got back, it would be to either walk in on a
pair of them having sex, or he would smell the heavy scent of musk in
the air, suggesting that someone had sex, and a lot of it, and recently.

He wasn’t usually a prude, but he knew when he was supposed to

get out of Dodge so that people could have their privacy. It must have
been awkward enough for either couple to try and mate with their
lover because there weren’t exactly any bedroom doors that could be
closed. Hardly any privacy.

Once, Josh had woken up extra early to take a quick bath in the

lake and maybe collect some drinking water, when he’d unzipped his
small tent to see Matt in Jason’s lap. They were both in the shallow
part of the water, Matt’s legs were curled around Jason’s back, and he
was gently riding his mate, the two of them swallowing each other’s
moans with their kisses.

Josh had to pull down the zipper of his tent to look away, and he

had a serious respect for just why everyone was boiling the water
before drinking it from then on.

Also it made him incredible horny just to watch that. He had to

fight the urge to not put his hand under the elastic of his boxers and

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touch his cock, stroking it from top to bottom, pulling down the
foreskin and exposing the head so he could bring himself to orgasm.

Yeah. A stiff dick was one thing. Every guy got morning wood,

but he knew that if he jerked himself off right there, they would smell
it and know about it. What if they knew he was doing it only because
he’d seen them, or they pitied him for doing it because he was clearly

Neither were options he was willing to look at for very long.
He sighed while walking around in his wolf form, his paws hardly

making any noise at all on the mossy ground. He had to start seriously
tracking dinner. The sun was almost completely down now and it was
getting dark, but there had to be a few pheasants and squirrels in the
area he could bring back.

Westley and Matt were already working on a small vegetable

garden, but nothing would be ready yet for picking for another little
while. The only way to save money was to buy cheap produce for the
time being and hunt for their meat.

It was hard to do that, however, when Josh was continually


He was such an ingrate. He knew perfectly well that he shouldn’t

be thinking these things when survival was much more important, but
he couldn’t help himself.

He’d considered himself lucky when Lawrence’s pack took him

in. He was shocked they couldn’t smell the fact that he was a half
breed, and that never bothered him before now.

Maybe it was those two couples constantly rutting that was

making Josh feel these things he knew he wasn’t supposed to.

They were newly mated, so it was natural for them to want sex

from their mates as often as possible. Were their pheromones giving
Josh this reaction?

He’d given up on the idea of finding a mate one day. The fact that

he was a half-breed wolf could only mean that he wouldn’t mate with
any regular werewolf. Who would want him after that?

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Now, however, all he could think about was that he was lonely,

and horny, all the damned time.

He shook his scruffy head and forced himself to get back to work.

Something scurried off not ten feet away from him, and wasn’t that
just a kick in the teeth? He’d stood still for so long that the wildlife
was getting confident coming closer to him.

Josh sniffed the air. It was a rabbit. A pretty big rabbit, too.

Hopefully it would lead him to wherever it lived, and Josh would find
a whole lot more of them to take home and eat.

He began following the rabbit. The creature must’ve been injured,

because suddenly Josh was smelling blood in the air, and he noticed it
was hopping along with a sort injured limp to it. For a rabbit.

Weird. The closer he got, the more he could sense the fear in the

animal for not being able to run away faster, even though it was
clearly trying.

Something had gone after that bunny to try and get some dinner,

but for whatever reason the rabbit had escaped its fate.

Josh stopped following it as the wind changed, and then he

smelled something else that was in the air. In the air and following

No way. No fucking way.
He spun around. His eyes saw nothing, but his nose and ears had

the culprit locked on.

Whoever it was that was out there knew it, too, since they turned

tail and immediately started running through the woods.

Not going to happen. Josh wasn’t about to let whoever was out

there get away from him, not when they could be rushing off to tell
their friends about the luna wolves who were hiding out here.

And not when the wolf in question smelled so damned good. Josh

was drawn to whoever it was like they were dragging a rope and Josh
was attached to it. He had to find out who that was. And he had to
hunt them down and make them face him. Now.

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The wolf was alone, at least, and he wasn’t as fast as Josh was. It

took him a while before he caught sight of the white wolf rushing
through the woods just because of how thick the trees were and how
quickly the wolf was running.

Josh still caught up to him. He burst through the bushes and

leaped up high, coming down on the wolf hard and rolling them both
over until the white wolf was on his back and Josh had his jaws
around the neck of the creature.

He wouldn’t have hurt…whoever this was. The thick fur around

the neck prevented his teeth from getting a good bite down on him,
but there was still something off about this.

The white wolf had completely given up. Josh could tell by how

limp the body had gone beneath him, and the way the wolf turned its
neck to show Josh that he was being submissive.

Weird. He would’ve thought that whoever this was would have

fought back until the death unless they were an omega or beta.

His train of thought came to a screeching halt at that, and right

then, he was able to recognize the scent that this wolf was giving off
for what it was.

Mate. This wolf was Josh’s mate. He could smell it in the wolf’s

fur. This was it!

He inhaled deeply through his nose, taking in more of that

delicious scent and shutting his eyes as he enjoyed it.

It was like chocolate for his nostrils. It was honey for the senses.
Had he been in human form, his cock would have been rock hard

and stood on end, ready to claim the omega beneath him.

Luckily his body knew to wait until they were both in human form

before he got an erection. That would’ve been awkward otherwise.

Josh gently and with a great amount of care pulled his teeth away

from the wolf’s neck, and that was when he looked down and saw that
the wolf beneath him, still exposing that white belly, was a he.

This wasn’t just an omega wolf. It was an omega luna wolf.
Holy shit.

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The guy, whoever it was, continued to stare up at Josh with those

dark-golden eyes, clearly scared and waiting for Josh to make the first

He had no idea what to do. He’d never had sex with a man before.

How was he supposed to know how to go about this? Sure, the guy
was an omega, but Josh was pretty sure he was into women.

Then the decision was made for him as the wolf beneath him

rushed back up onto four paws and leaped away from Josh.

Josh picked himself back up as well, ready to follow if he had to.

He didn’t know the man, but he knew damned well that he didn’t
want the guy leaving so that Josh never saw him again.

He was going to work out the rest, the whole gay sex thing, later.
He shifted into his human form. Josh felt that he had to. The wolf

in front of him was his mate, but they hadn’t claimed each other yet,
so mental communication outside of body language and basic barking
noises was out of the question. He needed to say something to the guy
before he ran off and Josh never saw him again.

He stepped forward, holding his hands out in as nonthreatening a

manner as possible, though he wasn’t sure how effective that came off
as, considering he was a naked guy slowly approaching the wolf.

“Please don’t run away.”
He felt like he would die if the wolf ran from him.
“My name’s Josh. I live around here now, I guess. Well, yeah,

there’s a pack not too far away. A luna pack, with others like you.
You don’t have to be scared.”

God, he was babbling, and he was pretty sure that he sounded like

a complete idiot as well.

His heart remained in his throat for a time until the white wolf

also started to shift, his body glowing and stretching until less than a
second later there was a man in his place.

Yup. That was definitely a guy. Not a woman. Unless it was a

really flat chested, abs on the stomach, and odd growth between the
legs sort of woman.

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The guy’s cock was hard and curved up toward his belly button,

and Josh couldn’t stop staring at it.

Christ. Sure, he’d been getting horny listening to the other guys go

at it when he was nearby, but that was natural. He was sure it was
natural at any rate. Seeing the man’s dick, his mate’s erect cock, made
Josh’s blood run hot, and his cock and balls were immediately

“My face is up here,” said the man, and he had a pretty nice voice.
Right. His face.
Josh looked up. Healthy and tanned skin, good muscle tone. Dark-

blonde hair sitting shaggily on top of his head, and eyes that were
such a dark shade of blue they could be navy.

Josh had never seen those kinds of eyes before.
Then he looked at the man’s mouth. His lips were pink. Like a

bright pink that shouldn’t be natural but clearly was, and all Josh
could think about doing was putting this omega onto his knees and
shoving his cock deep inside of that mouth, those pink lips tight
against Josh’s dick until he came on the guy’s tongue.

Fuck. His dick was throbbing between his legs. He probably

looked like a psycho.

Josh cleared his throat. “What’s your name?” He sounded like an

adolescent boy that was going through that awkward stage with his

“Taylor,” the omega said, but he didn’t supply any more

information than that. Not his age, or even his last name.

“I got an email from…a friend of a friend saying to come out

here, but that there would be other werewolves in the area who were
hunting luna wolves.”

“There are other wolves out there. The pack has been…thinned

out, I guess you could say by the alpha lunas of this pack. They won’t
be bothering us, at least for a while.”

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“It’s true then?” Taylor asked, his eyes becoming wide and bright,

and didn’t that just make Josh’s cock become hard as all hell between
his legs?

He was shocked the man wasn’t pointing it out to him.
“What’s true?” Josh asked, feeling a whole lot like he was


“That there’s a luna pack here. An actual pack of luna

werewolves. I wasn’t sure I believed the rumors, but when I heard
them I had to come.”

Oh, right, of course that was what he was talking about. Josh was

such an idiot.

“They’re here. We’re a small group, but we’re waiting for others

to come.”

“Wait, you’re in the pack, too?” Taylor asked. “You smell like a

normal wolf to me.” Then he looked down and seemed to notice for
the first time that Josh’s cock was hard, and his dick was practically
pointing right at Taylor like it was trying to send him a message.

Omega werewolves weren’t exactly safe in the company of other

wolf shifters. There was something about them that made those other
shifters react violently, and sometimes act sexually aggressive against

Josh knew that wasn’t what he was feeling. This was the real

thing, he could just tell, but Taylor was smart to try and keep his

“I’m half. My bearer was a luna omega, and the man who fathered

me was not.”

“You could be just making that up.”
“I’m not. Think about how you’re feeling right now. You know

I’m not. I would’ve thought I’d get married to some girl before, but in
the last ten minutes I’ve had that belief thrown out the window.”

Taylor shook his head, but he didn’t try to run. “No.”
“We’re mated,” Josh said.

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He wasn’t expecting that reaction, and Josh stepped back for the

shock of it.

Then determination won out. “You know what will happen to you,

to us both, if you try and deny this? Why risk your life like that?”

“Why would I want to be mated at all? Just to be made into the

sex slave of some alpha who would hold sex over my head, torturing
me by denying it when I needed it just to punish me over some stupid
and insignificant thing?”

Was that how alphas treated their omegas? Josh had nothing to

base that on except for Taylor’s word, but Jason didn’t seem to torture
Matt with sex, and the same went for Roarke and Westley.

“Look, I’m new to this, but the alphas back at the pack don’t do

that, and I won’t do it to you either. I can already feel your energy and
how much you want this. I never thought I’d feel that because I’m a
half breed. Please don’t run away now that you just got here.”

He was begging now. If anyone were to see them, take note of the

way Josh was standing, along the pleading sound in his voice, they
could very well assume that he was the omega and Taylor the alpha.

He was certainly standing like one, his fists clenched, as though

ready for a fight, and his dark eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Josh stood completely still, his heart in his throat, until finally,

Taylor stepped forward.

Stomped forward was more like it.
They stood so close that their chests were nearly rubbing together.

Their cocks were definitely touching, and the shiver of pleasure that
rippled up his spine nearly brought Josh to his knees.

Oh God. He needed this.
“If we do this,” Taylor said through his teeth, pointing his finger

right in the middle of Josh’s chest, “then I’m the one who’s in

The man was only a little shorter than Josh was, but at that

moment, Josh felt like he was being stared down.

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He nodded. Yes! Yes! Anything to have him! “Whatever you

want. I’ll do it.”

“Good,” Taylor said, and he grabbed the back of Josh’s head and

pulled his mouth and body forward in a bruising kiss, thrusting his
tongue deep inside of Josh’s mouth while their dicks rubbed together.

Guess he was no longer hunting for dinner.




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Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada, where she is

fervently pursuing the writer’s life while writing about lots of
gorgeous guys. She loves hearing from readers, and you can reach her

For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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