Marcy Jacks Indecision

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Of Dragons and Wolves 8


After being kidnapped and supposedly murdered, Kendrick Ainsley
has finally been reunited with the love of his life, warrior dragon

Roman of the Firethorn Clan. Though months have passed, and
they appear to be getting back on track with their relationship.

Or are they? While Roman was hunting the man who murdered his

lover, Clatcher, another dragon warrior, kept him from going
insane. Roman fell into dark times, and Clatcher prevented him

from falling apart, and Roman is having a difficult time hiding how
much he misses the warrior.

Kendrick understands. He really does. He was gone for many
months, and Clatcher is everything he is not, a dragon who can

watch Roman's back in battle, handsome, and independent.
Kendrick doesn't want his mate to choose, so he will choose for
them. He suspects that Roman mated with both Clatcher and

Kendrick, and Kendrick wants to try a relationship between the
three of them, before they break apart for good.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Ménage a
Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 35,536 words

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Of Dragons and Wolves 8

Marcy Jacks



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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting ManLove



© 2014 by Marcy Jacks

E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-228-7

First E-book Publication: August 2014

Cover design by Les Byerley

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© 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Of Dragons and Wolves 8


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Coming back from the dead was so worth it if this was his prize.
Kendrick lay back, his hands above his head and a smile on his

face as he looked down. Roman was on top of him. The man wasn’t
putting all of his weight on Kendrick as he kissed up and down his
body, pressing his warm mouth to Kendrick’s chest, then one nipple
before kissing and sucking on another.

His hands roamed up and down Kendrick’s sides, and warm

shivers of pleasure rippled through his body.

“I missed you so much,” Kendrick said.
He’d probably said that a million times since Roman had come

back to him, and his lover smiled up at him. “I missed you, too,” he
said, and then leaned up and pressed a hard kiss to Kendrick’s mouth.

He immediately moaned and opened his lips for the slick glide of

his mate’s tongue. Kendrick fisted his hands in Roman’s dark hair and
held on tight as he pushed his hips up against the warrior’s hard cock.

Roman’s hair was a lot shorter than Kendrick remembered it, and

he was still getting used to the change.

Of course, Kendrick’s hair was also short, but not as short as it

had been when Ailiwen had chopped it off. Right before he’d
murdered Kendrick by throwing him off a cliff.

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He didn’t want to think about such terrible memories when he was

in the middle of something with the man he loved. That was then, this
was now, but he couldn’t help it. It was the place his mind naturally
went to whenever he touched Roman’s short hair.

Roman had cut off his own hair and burned it after Kendrick had

died. It had been symbolic to the man in a way that Kendrick
understood, but had trouble putting into words.

When he’d seen Roman for the first time since coming back,

Kendrick had demanded that he grow it back out, which, at the
moment, gave the both of them a shaggy sort of look, which Kendrick
was really enjoying on his husband.

“Are you here with me?” Roman asked.
Kendrick blinked, and he immediately came out of his morbid

thoughts about the fear he’d felt, the way his stomach flew up into his
throat as he fell, and watching Roman fly down after him, trying to
catch him, right before the worst blinding pain smashed into the back
of his head.

“I’m here,” Kendrick said, nodding quickly.
Apparently that wasn’t enough, because Roman quickly got up

onto his hands to stare down at him a little harder. He’d always been
so careful with Kendrick, ever since the two of them got back
together. He practically treated Kendrick like glass.

“I’m fine,” Kendrick said, but even then, he still didn’t completely

believe it. Not with himself, and not with Roman either.

This was probably the worst time for him to bring this up,

especially since they were in the middle of something, but he couldn’t
hold it back anymore. “Do you miss him?”

Roman froze. His eyes widened a little, and he completely sat up,

taking the warmth of his body away from Kendrick.

“You’re talking about Clatcher,” he said. It wasn’t a question.
“It’s okay if you miss him,” Kendrick said, and he sat up, too. His

heart was pounding harder than it had when Roman was on top of him

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and pressing his tongue to Kendrick’s throat and nipples. “I get it.
You like him, it’s all right.”

“I’m with you. I’m not with him,” Roman said.
“I know,” Kendrick said, and now he felt just extra weird because

he didn’t know where he was going with this.

There had been a dark shadowy cloud hanging above their heads

ever since Roman told Kendrick about his relationship with Clatcher.

After Kendrick had been murdered—and they were still trying to

figure out how it was possible for Kendrick to come back from the
dead, much less get a second human shape to shift into that looked
exactly like how he used to—Roman had confessed to having a
relationship with Clatcher. They’d been together a couple of times,
and though Roman had said he hadn’t loved Clatcher, it was obvious
there were some tender emotions involved.

That made Kendrick really worry.
Roman looked right at him, and he must’ve somehow seen what it

was that Kendrick was so afraid of, because he reached out and put
his hand on Kendrick’s cheek. “I’m with you, all right? I’m choosing
you and I love you.”

“But you love him, too.”
Roman shook his head. “No.”
“Yes you do. Stop telling me you don’t because I can tell,”

Kendrick said, and he didn’t mean for his voice to rise, but it did.

Roman’s hand jerked away from Kendrick’s face, as if Kendrick

had punched the man or something.

So. Fucking. Embarrassing.
Kendrick looked down at his hands. His face heated, and he knew

there was an ugly blush on his cheeks.

The absolute worst part was how silent everything was after that.
Roman’s hand eventually came back, and this time it was on

Kendrick’s chin, gently pulling his face up. Roman had an expression
on his face that Kendrick couldn’t quite put into words. The only
thing he knew for sure was that it was a worried expression, mixed in

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with a couple of other things that let Kendrick know he’d officially
killed the mood.

“I do have feelings for him. We protected each other, and he kept

me from hurting myself a couple of times.”

Kendrick flinched at that. He’d seen how distraught Roman had

been, and when they were reunited, they’d had some pretty hard
conversations, and one of them was the black void Roman had fallen
into after Kendrick’s death.

Kendrick knew that Roman had harbored some pretty gruesome

thoughts, but he wouldn’t have killed himself. Roman had been
honest with his thoughts of suicide, but he wouldn’t have done it.
Kendrick believed the man when he’d said that much.

But he also believed that Roman would have tried to hurt himself

had it not been for Clatcher watching out for him. Roman hadn’t told
him that, but he’d seen what Roman had looked like when he’d come
back to Firethorn Castle.

He’d clearly been taking some chances with his well-being.
“I’m sorry that it makes you uncomfortable,” Roman said. “I

just…I never wanted you to know about that.”

“It’s okay,” Kendrick said. “I get it, I do. I don’t know how I

would’ve been able to handle it if that same thing had happened to

“You were the one who was kidnapped and killed, Kendrick, and

then you had to climb that steep path all by yourself just to get home.”

And learn how to shift back into his human shape. For a while,

Kendrick had started to think that he would never be able to shift

Thank the Gods he had.
“I was just happy when you finally came home,” Kendrick said.

“But, that isn’t the point, that’s not why I’m bringing this up.”

“Then why are you?” Roman asked. There wasn’t an ounce of

impatience in his voice. He really wanted to know the answer.

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Indecision 11

“Because…I don’t want you to think you have to be with me out

of some obligation. If you’re in love with him—”

“I’m not. I’m in love with you, all right?” Roman asked.
Fuck, Kendrick wanted to believe him, but there was something in

the man’s eyes that told him Roman had more than just affectionate
and friendly feelings.

He missed Clatcher, that much was for sure.
Why wouldn’t he? Clatcher was everything Kendrick wasn’t. He

was strong and capable, had powers that were actually useful in a
battle, and the man was still a dragon.

Kendrick wasn’t even that anymore. He’d never been a warrior.

He hadn’t really been anything around the castle except for the local
whore, according to gossip, but now he was just a fox shifter.

He couldn’t even fly anymore.
“Kendrick, look at me. Look me in the eyes and tell me you

believe me when I say that I love you. I’m choosing you.”

But was he choosing Kendrick because he felt guilty?
Kendrick’s silence must’ve been way too long, because Roman’s

eyes widened, and he actually pulled away from him.

Kendrick felt even colder than ever before.
Roman’s lips thinned, but again, there was only that calm,

understanding look on his face as he grabbed onto the back of
Kendrick’s head and brought him forward to kiss his forehead. “I
don’t think this is happening right now,” he said, looking between

Yeah, that made sense. Neither of their cocks were hard anymore.

It was kind of difficult to stay in the mood when there were such
morbid topics being discussed. Even if Kendrick’s dick hadn’t been
affected, he still didn’t think this would be happening.

Kendrick nodded. “Right.”
They’d been having so much sex lately that this one time where

they wouldn’t shouldn’t have mattered, but all Kendrick wanted to do
was be with his lover.

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It wasn’t the orgasm he wanted, though those were always great.

He just wanted the intimacy with someone who loved him.

“I’m going to report early for duty,” he said. “Do you want to do

anything when I get back?”

Kendrick shrugged, which was insanely lame, he knew, but he

didn’t know what he wanted to do. He knew there was one person he
wanted to see, but he knew Roman wouldn’t approve.

“Maybe we can decide when you get back. We could go to dinner

in the great hall with the others for a change, or we could watch a

All things that would make them put off this terrible conversation

they needed to have. The one they really needed to have. The one
where Kendrick asked him…no, that was the wrong word. It would be
the conversation where Kendrick asked Roman if he wanted to be
with Clatcher instead of him.

Just letting himself think something like that was the worst

possible thing that could’ve gone through his mind at the time. He had
to swallow the giant rock in his throat.

Roman frowned, but it was a worried sort of frown. Kendrick

didn’t want Roman to stay behind and see him cry. Not when he’d
already done so much crying in front of the man. He wished he was a
strong as a warrior sometimes.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Go on, we’ll talk later,”

Kendrick said.

Roman sighed, and he didn’t look much like he believed him, but

he still got out of bed and got dressed.

Kendrick watched his mate with half an eye, pulling on his own

clothes. How had they gotten to this point? They were so happy
together, and then Ailiwen had ruined it by separating them, by
throwing Kendrick over that cliff.

Roman had changed after that day. He was still an honorable man,

but he’d become something else after Kendrick had been killed. He’d

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been so focused on vengeance, on hunting Ailiwen down, that he
just…wasn’t the same.

And Kendrick hadn’t been there for him during that terrible time.

Clatcher had. Clatcher had kept Roman from losing his damned mind,
from going so far down that dark pit that he couldn’t come back.

But he was still honorable. So honorable that he was willing to

turn his back on one man he loved to be with another. Kendrick
needed answers for something like that. He was going to have to
speak with Clatcher.

Roman pressed another kiss to his forehead, his hand on the back

of Kendrick’s head in a touch that was so loving and tender that it
shamed him for even thinking Roman didn’t love him anymore.

“I’m leaving early, so I’ll try and come back to you early. We can

talk more then. Kendrick?”

“Yeah?” Kendrick asked, staring Roman right in the eyes.
“You’re wearing an amulet made out of one of my scales. I gave it

to you, and then I gave you another one when Ailiwen stole the last
one. I wouldn’t go through the pain of ripping out two scales for the
same person if they weren’t worth it.”

That made Kendrick smile, and he couldn’t help but touch the

jeweled amulet that was hanging around his neck. It was even more
decorated and glittered with more precious stones than his last one

“Yeah, I guess that makes a lot of sense,” he said, and he couldn’t

stop smiling.

Roman had his hand on the door handle, but instead of opening it

and leaving, he rushed back over to the bed at such a speed that
Kendrick barely saw him coming. Not until the man’s hands were on
his cheeks and he was pulling Kendrick up for a deep and passionate

And now Kendrick could once again feel the exact extent of

Roman’s love. He’d felt it many times over the last couple of weeks
since he’d been back, but that feeling of love had always been

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dimmed by the fact that Kendrick did catch Roman with a faraway
look on his face.

This was one of those few times when Kendrick could feel the full

extent of his mate’s love, no interruptions, and nothing to remind him
that Roman ever had feelings for someone else when he thought
Kendrick was dead.

When Roman was finished licking deep inside of Kendrick’s

mouth, he pulled away, and there was a glimmer in his eyes, one that
let Kendrick see exactly how much he was loved.

It filled him right up with a joy of his own that his body could

barely contain, and he didn’t want Roman to leave anymore. He
wanted him to finish what they’d started.

Of course, they didn’t. Roman nipped at Kendrick’s lower lip,

teasing him, and then pulled back. “Something for you to think about
for later tonight.”

“You’re such a tease,” Kendrick complained, and then Roman had

to rub it in by wiggling his eyebrows.

He was playful like that from time to time. “You like it when I

tease you,” he said.

He was totally right, too. Bastard.
Roman left the room with a smile, and Kendrick got up to walk

around, read, take a shower, and he made plans to spend time with
Conner, Quinn, and the rest of his friends.

Of course, even a few minutes by himself was enough to think too

much, and after an hour had passed, he was back to worrying about
what Roman was going through.

When a man was in love with two people at once, he always had

to pick someone, but the fact that he’d chosen Kendrick was almost
part of the problem. Would he be thinking about what he’d given up?

The grass was always greener on the other side of the fence.

Wasn’t that how the saying went?

So was Roman regretting what he’d chosen, when there was

someone better waiting for him just a few doors away?

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Chapter Two

Roman sighed as he made it to Clatcher’s door. He’d been here a

time or two to speak with the other man ever since they’d both
returned from Roman’s suicide mission for revenge. Lately, however,
he hadn’t been a good friend. Not by a long shot.

There was nothing quite like guilt in order to keep a man away.
He knocked, a little harder than he meant to, and then waited.
Clatcher’s voice called him to enter.
Roman had to take a deep breath before he did. He was never this

much of a coward.

Clatcher was lying in bed, a tablet in his hands, probably reading.

Roman knew the man liked to read, and he certainly hadn’t gotten a
whole lot of that when Roman had been busy dragging him around
the mountain and the land around it, almost into another state,
searching for Ailiwen.

Clatcher dropped the tablet at the sight of him, however. “Visited

twice in one day, that’s definitely something,” he said.

Roman stopped before he could get very far into the room.

“Hasn’t anyone else been coming to see you?”

Clatcher waved his hand. “Sorry, bad way to word it. I didn’t

mean that no one else was coming to see me, I meant it was strange to
first get a visit from Kendrick, and then from you on the same day.”

“Kendrick was in here?” Roman asked, wondering when his mate

had decided to show up, how long had he stayed, and what were they
talking about?

“Yeah, a couple of hours ago. I guess you took off early to report

for duty?”

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Roman nodded, and he so regretted leaving now when he

shouldn’t have. True to his word, however, he had managed to get out
of his responsibilities earlier than usual. Instead of going right to
Kendrick, however, he was coming here.

He needed to see Clatcher. Needed to know what was really going

on between them.

“How often does Kendrick come here?”
Clatcher shifted in his bed, and Gods, he looked so damned good.

Definitely better than when they’d first come back here. Clatcher had
been broken and bleeding, his wings all but destroyed.

Roman had been scared shitless that he was about to lose the other


Clatcher was clearly improving in health. He wasn’t beneath the

covers, but lying casually on top of them, wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
The color was back in his skin, and his bright red hair no longer had
that dirty, greasy look to it that both Roman and he had been sporting,
thanks to so much travel and very little time for bathing.

Even his wings were healing nicely, and it would only be a matter

of time before the man came back on active duty with the rest of the
warriors. Roman would be working side by side with him, seeing him
every day.

It was a shameful betrayal to Kendrick that Roman was excited by

the idea.

Clatcher set the tablet aside and sat up, curling his legs up in a

sitting position, which proved he was indeed almost at a hundred
percent, and definitely made him look younger than he was. “He’s
come to see me a few times since you both got back together. Not
including the first time he was in here with me.”

Roman still flinched at that memory.
Nothing had been more awkward than that. Roman had rushed to

see his lover, Kendrick, who by some miracle had come back from
the dead to be with him again.

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The thing that had nearly destroyed the moment was the fact that

while Kendrick waited for Roman to return, he’d come into Clatcher’s
hospital room, had stood beside him and thanked him for keeping
Roman safe.

And then Roman, being the insensitive prick that he was, hadn’t

been able to contain himself when he’d rushed forward, grabbed
Kendrick up in his arms, and then kissed him like he and Kendrick
were kissing for the first time in years.

Right in front of Clatcher.
“What does…ah, what…” How to put this without proving what

an even more insensitive bastard he was?

“What does he say to me?” Clatcher asked, and the man even had

the nerve to smile a little.

When Roman had a flash memory of those same pink lips

stretched around his cock, or pressing against the side of his throat, he
had to look down at his hands.

What sort of decent man had this level of attraction for two

different people?

“You’re definitely not the same as you used to be,” Clatcher said.

“Before you would’ve just come out and asked me, or any of the other
warriors, anything you wanted, regardless of whether or not it
embarrassed us or you.”

“I never fucked any of the other warriors, and I was your leader

back then. It didn’t matter what was embarrassing so long as our jobs
were done,” he said.

Clatcher shrugged. “I guess that’s true. Either way, I can’t decide

if it’s disheartening to see you so changed, or very cute.”

Roman scowled at the man, just for good measure. “Watch it,” he

said, but it was more playful than anything else.

Clatcher still smirked at him, the bastard. “Yeah, yeah. Anyway,

Kendrick…he just asks me some questions from time to time.
Nothing…well, I guess they are pretty personal.”

“What does he ask?”

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“Nothing he doesn’t already have the right to know,” Clatcher

said. “I try to be as honest as possible, but considering he still keeps
on coming back to talk to me, there’s something he’s not getting from
you. Am I right?”

The problem was when Clatcher looked right at him when he

asked that. Roman’s weak, pathetic heart stopped. He almost thought
he was having a heart attack.

No, it was just his body reacting to being in the same room with

Clatcher. His body did this whenever he was close with Kendrick as
well. He wished he could just make up his mind.

Well, he had made up his mind. At this point he wished his

worthless body would make up its own damn mind.

“Maybe it was a mistake to tell him about us so soon,” Roman

said. “He’s been second guessing my love for him ever since.”

“I know,” Clatcher said. “Some of the things he asks me make it

pretty obvious, and he rarely brings up the topic of sex.”

That had him curious. “So, what does he speak with you about?”

Roman asked.

Clatcher blew out a breath from his nose. “He always starts the

conversation off just the same. He thanks me for taking care of you.
He says he’s glad that I’m such a good friend, and hopes that I’ll get
better enough to get back on active duty soon.”

“By the way, when do you—?”
“Tomorrow. Kristoff gave me the okay. I would’ve been out there

sooner, but the damned healer wanted to make sure everything was in
better shape than even I thought it was.”

“Makes sense,” Roman replied. It had always been his rules that

forbade anyone from working when they were injured. An injured
man fighting against wolves or Templars, or even the occasional
hunter in the area, wasn’t any help. It was just one more person to
think about.

“Anyway, immediately after that he starts asking me about you.

He wants to know how you were emotionally, whether I thought you

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were getting better. He also asked about the fights we got in. He heard
a couple of times about how we protected each other, and how we
both escaped from those Templars the last time before we got shot out
of the sky by hunters.”

That hadn’t exactly been a good day. It had also been the last day

he and Clatcher had sex. Despite the completely inappropriate timing,
they couldn’t help themselves. The adrenaline rush from an escape
and near death experience always had that effect on Roman. It was a
rush, and he and Clatcher had both needed it.

Of course, that was before they were shot out of the sky, before

coming back to the castle, and before learning that Kendrick was

“What does this tell you about him?” Roman asked.
So fucking strange that he was asking another man about his own

mate’s feelings, especially someone who, at this point, was
technically an ex.

Or was he? They hadn’t been dating officially.
Clatcher scratched the tip of his nose with his thumb. “It tells me

that he’s trying to figure out who you would be better off with,” he

“How do you get something like that out of a few questions on our

battles?” Roman asked. Just hearing those words out of Clatcher’s
mouth was almost enough to knock him on his ass.

“Think about it,” Clatcher said with a shrug. “He’s comparing me

to him. He’s thinking about all the ways I kept you alive, kept you
from hurting yourself or rushing into a dangerous situation when he
couldn’t. I can tell whenever I look at him that he hates the fact that
he was kidnapped, hates that he couldn’t defend himself, and
especially hates how he couldn’t be there for you. He doesn’t say it in
so many words, but it’s there. I’m a warrior and he’s not even a
dragon anymore. You and I are still going to be out in battles together,
we’re still going to be spending a lot of time together, and all he can

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think about is how much better I am for you than he is because I can
watch your back in a dangerous situation. He feels useless to you.”

That might explain why Kendrick was always more than eager to

jump into bed with Roman, to lie on top of him and kiss him awake.

On more than one occasion, Roman had awoken to the most

spectacular blow job he’d ever experienced in his entire life.

Kendrick was trying to keep him, but according to Clatcher, the

man didn’t know if he should? That wasn’t what was supposed to be
happening. Roman wasn’t supposed to be making the man he loved
feel less than worthy.

A surge of protectiveness swelled inside of him, and he found

himself glaring, and even hissing a little at the man in front of him. “If
you told him, or put it into his head—”

“I didn’t,” Clatcher snapped, glaring and hissing right back at him.
That was another good thing about Clatcher. Roman could hiss

and snarl at the man, and he would be hissed and snarled at right

That was another way in which Roman treated Clatcher

differently than he did with Kendrick. Kendrick was a gentle soul, and
with Clatcher, Roman could be a little rougher.

“Gods, give me some more credit than that,” Clatcher said,

leaning back against the headboard of his bead, and crossing his arms.
“If I’d really wanted to come between you both, I would’ve told him
that you and I were fucking like rabbits out there in the wilds the first
time he came to see me. You remember, when you kissed him in front
of me?”

Roman flinched. He’d never heard Clatcher use such an angry

tone with him over that. He’d assumed he’d been forgiven when
Clatcher had continued to pretend there was nothing between them,
and even told Roman they were both all right. The man had basically
given Roman his permission to go off and be with Kendrick.

Roman had known he’d hurt the man, and while he’d apologized

for it, this was the first time he was hearing some ire about it.

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“I’m sorry, Clatcher. I didn’t mean any offense,” Roman said.
“Yeah? Well, it was still there,” he said, still glaring at Roman

like he was the worst sort of pig in the world.

Then that look quickly melted right off his face, and he sighed. “I

wouldn’t be that mean to Kendrick. He fucking died on that cliff,
right outside the house you were trying to build for him. You loved
him and not me, and you made that perfectly clear from the get-go,
even when I was throwing myself at you.”

Roman listened, and he did so with a heavy heart. He was the

cause of this pain between both men, and there was almost nothing he
could do about it.

Clatcher looked right back at him. “If you want to know whether

or not I’m telling Kendrick that I hate him and that I’ll try and steal
you away from him, the answer is no. I’m not saying that to him, and
I’m not purposely trying to feed into self doubts that he has about the
two of you. I’m insanely jealous of him, but I don’t hate him, and
while I do have the occasional fantasy about stealing you away from
him, I know something like that would never work anyway because
you love him. You don’t love me. You only told me about a hundred

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” Roman said.
“I know,” Clatcher replied, and they both just looked at each other

for a moment.

Roman was overcome with the urge to go over there and comfort

the man, but even if it was a hand on Clatcher’s shoulder, that alone
would seem like too much of a betrayal to Kendrick.

For that reason, he didn’t move. He stayed right where he was.
“You didn’t hurt me, Roman. I hurt myself,” Clatcher said. “I hurt

myself because I chased after someone I knew I wouldn’t ever get,
and then I tricked myself into thinking you would come around and
love me. I know you were starting to care about me, that much was
obvious, but…”

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Clatcher didn’t finish. He didn’t need to. Roman knew what was

going to come after.

But Roman loved Kendrick more.
And he did. At least, he thought he did. It was getting difficult to

tell who was on top of this totem pole that Roman had created,
because the more he looked at it, the more it looked as it both men
were on equal footing. And how in the hell had he let that happen?

“I’ve been thinking about leaving the castle,” Clatcher said.
What?” Roman asked, eyes widening at the other man.
Clatcher looked perfectly serious.
“By the Gods, Clatcher, you couldn’t have stunned me more if

you’d punched me in the face.”

Clatcher smiled. “I bet that would help relieve some stress.”
“This isn’t funny. You can’t go!”
“Why not?” Clatcher asked.
“Because your place is here!” Roman shot back.
“My place is here?” Clatcher asked, and he stared at Roman as if

he’d just lost his damned mind. “You want my place to be near a man
that I’m in love with, but can’t be with? And I know it’s not like you
can go back to that house you were building, not now that Kendrick
can’t fly and Ailiwen knows where it is.”

Roman flinched. The man had him there. He was pretty much

forced to live on this mountain, or go and find another clan of dragons
who would take him in if he and Kendrick ever wanted their privacy.

And taking Kendrick away from the support system of the few

friends he had here, along with the feelings of safety and security he
got just by being in a home he’d lived in for a majority of his life,
wasn’t a good idea.

“Don’t leave,” Roman said, and his voice was smaller than he’d

meant it to be, and sounded a lot more like begging than he’d meant
for it as well. He had to say something else before Clatcher caught on
to just why Roman was so alarmed at the thought of him leaving.

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“That’s not fair to you. This is as much your home as it is mine and

Clatcher never took those big, brown eyes away from Roman’s.

He was giving it some thought, and Roman’s body was practically on
fire, he fought the urge to twitch, or to go over there and shake the
man. Anything.

Clatcher couldn’t leave.
“I’ll think about it,” Clatcher said with a sigh, scratching that

bright red hair of his and turning his face away from Roman’s. “I
haven’t found another clan near the area anyway, and it’s not like I’ve
been sending out requests yet either.”

Thank the Gods. Roman sighed. “Let me know if there are any

changes,” he said. “I need to go, thank you for speaking with me.”

Clatcher nodded, and he still wasn’t looking at Roman’s face. “No

problem. I’ll keep you posted.”

Roman left the room, and only when he was back outside in the

halls did he fell like he could breathe again.

Too much, that had been too much. His heart was pounding inside

of his chest and all he could see was Clatcher’s face, his defeated face
as he spoke of leaving Roman’s side forever.

And it had almost been too much. Roman was barely able to

contain himself from jumping at the man, grabbing onto him

He wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if he’d

allowed himself to get any closer to the bed where Clatcher had been

The fact that he was too much of a coward to look that deeply at

himself spoke volumes.

He needed to think about Kendrick. Needed to remind himself that

he was still in love with the man, because something was wrong here
and Roman didn’t understand what was happening with himself.

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He thought about Kendrick, about his shaggy blond hair and his

pale blue eyes. He thought of Kendrick’s slim hips and soft thighs
wrapped around Roman’s hips.

He thought of every good memory they ever had together. The

time when they first confessed their love for each other, when they’d
decided to give the entire clan the middle finger by eloping, and then
there was Kendrick’s happiness when Roman had started to build
their home on Gray Mountain.

There were more things as well. Roman recalled the first time

he’d tasted Kendrick’s cooking, enjoying it so much he’d eaten
almost the entire stew, which had been meant to last for three days.
He’d thought of Kendrick wrapping a bandage around his forehead
when he was struck with a falling rock while carving the walls into
their soon-to-be home.

It wasn’t one-sided. Kendrick was very affectionate with him as

well, and always willing to smile.

The familiar feelings of love, joy, and pleasure all swelled within


Roman sighed when he felt them there, and he cursed himself for

ever doubting their presence.

He still loved Kendrick. Very much so. To doubt that love was the

epitome of madness.

But if there was no one in the world that Roman wanted more than

Kendrick, why was he still having these thoughts about Clatcher?

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Chapter Three

Even though Roman had said he would like to eat out with

Kendrick in the main dining hall, Kendrick felt that a few extreme
measures were needed, especially after what happened this morning.

Their first failed attempt at sex since they were reunited bothered

him. A lot. He wanted that fixed, and the only way to do something
like that was to prove to Roman that Kendrick was worth keeping.

Kendrick pulled a couple of portable burners from the kitchens,

plugged them in, and was now cooking up Roman’s favorite meats on
the large coffee table.

He had chicken on here, moose meat, all kinds of garlic, and

cheesy bread, which were Roman’s absolute favorite, and then some
steamed vegetables and salad, and Kendrick had even pilfered the
cook’s famous hummus for dipping more bread into.

It was a mishmash of items, but he needed to do it.
Kendrick was still thinking about his visit with Clatcher, even as

he set up the plates and ran around the room to light the candles.

Why did he always have to punish himself like this? Kendrick had

been shocked to learn that Clatcher and Roman had been having sex,
but he’d understood.

It wasn’t cheating because Kendrick had been dead at the time.

Hell, if the same thing had happened to Kendrick, and he’d thought
Roman had died, he would’ve done the exact same thing if someone
came along, offering that sort of comfort to him.

The whole castle didn’t whisper what a whore he was for nothing.
Kendrick sighed at that thought, and he shook out the match in his

hand before sticking it in a glass dish.

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Yeah, he definitely enjoyed punishing himself if those were the

sort of morbid thoughts that were still going through his head.

Clatcher had been polite enough, if a little stiff during the visit. Of

course, Kendrick had been the same. It was awkward, speaking with a
man who was in love with his mate. Kendrick had hid his mating
amulet beneath his shirt just to keep from rubbing it in Clatcher’s
face. He didn’t want to be mean about it, after all.

Clatcher answered all of Kendrick’s questions, and this time he’d

even managed to get out of there without asking anything that had
happened between them sexually.

Kendrick was trying to make that not his business. He was

thought of as dead at the time, so there was no reason for him to know
all the little details involved in that scenario.

Everything Clatcher told him was all stuff that Kendrick already

knew. He knew that Clatcher was the one who was keeping Roman
alive, that Clatcher was the one patching Roman up and closing his
wounds whenever he rushed into something without thinking about it.

Clatcher had been the one to do all those things, not Kendrick.
Clatcher was never being cruel in his choice of words either. He

wasn’t even using a weird tone to his voice that gave off any hint of

It would’ve been so much easier if Kendrick could find something

to hate the man with. Instead, Clatcher was just genuinely a good
person, wasn’t too high on himself, and he seemed like he really did
want what was best for Roman.

If that meant stepping aside so that Kendrick could be with him,

then so be it.

It was such an honorable thing to do that it only increased

Kendrick’s feelings of inadequacy. He doubted very much that he
would have been as honorable if it had come down to it.

Why couldn’t Clatcher just be an asshole? Why did he have to be

this awesome, attractive warrior who had Roman’s back for all that
time, was sensitive to his feelings, and just…well, awesome? They

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were going to be working together again as soon as Clatcher was on
his feet. Kendrick didn’t know when that was going to be, but it had
to be soon, considering Clatcher looked better than a hundred percent.

That was why Kendrick was upping his game. Roman was due

back soon enough, and though he hadn’t given Kendrick a specific
time it would take for him to get over here and be with him, Kendrick
got the feeling it would be soon.

He wasn’t disappointed, and he hadn’t quite finished his set up of

replacing their cotton sheets with silk ones when Roman showed up.

The man opened the door, running his hands through his choppy

red-brown hair. He looked up, noticed all the candles lit around him,
and then stopped in his tracks.

Kendrick stood a little straighter, feeling kind of foolish as he held

onto the part of the bedsheets that he still hadn’t tucked under the
mattress yet.

But it was a good kind of foolish. Kendrick almost felt like a kid

again, someone who was caught trying to impress a first love.

Roman was as important, and the feelings Kendrick had for him

were as powerful as any first love.

“I see you’ve been busy,” Roman said, lips pulling up in a smile

as he glanced around the room.

Kendrick shrugged, trying to go for casual, but he was pretty sure

he was failing. “I wanted to surprise you,” he said. “I mean,
considering I ruined this morning and everything—”

“You didn’t ruin it,” Roman said. “You have very good questions

and you also have the right to ask them.”

Roman thought Kendrick was being down on himself again,

which was sort of true, but mostly he was just pointing out a fact.

“Thanks,” Kendrick said, still appreciating the way Roman was

always defending him, even from himself. “But I still wanted to do
something. I figured we could have a romantic night in, watch a
movie here instead of going out.”

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“It really does smell nice in here,” Roman said, and of course his

eyes went right to the pans that were simmering on the single
elements on the coffee table.

Kendrick had quickly learned that if he wanted to butter up

Roman for anything, then the secret ingredient was food.

“I’ve got moose meat shepherd’s pie with salad, chicken skewers,

garlic bread with cheese, and chips with hummus to dip for later.”

Roman laughed. “You went overboard,” he said, but he was still

looking at the table with all the offerings. “I assume you stole the
hummus from the kitchen?”

“I can’t make it as good as the chef does,” Kendrick said.
Roman laughed even harder, and then he came forward, his arms

out, and he put them around Kendrick’s shoulders and brought him
forward for a long, deep kiss.

Kendrick held on tight, feeling Roman’s hard muscles beneath the

clothes he wore. His body immediately reacted to that, to the warm,
slick tongue sliding in his mouth, and to Roman’s knee as the man
stepped forward, putting it between Kendrick’s legs, and trapping him
in place.

It was the best kind of trap there could ever be. Kendrick’s half-

hard cock woke right the hell up and said hello gorgeous, as Roman
held Kendrick, practically making him hump his thigh.

Kendrick moaned helplessly. His body warmed, but that could’ve

been just the warm scents in the room, or Roman’s body heat.
Regardless, he was horny as all hell now, and he clutched Roman’s T-
shirt with one hand before sliding his other under and up the material.

He wanted Roman skin to skin.
“Will the food keep if I take you for myself?” Roman asked, and

then he completely drove Kendrick wild when he mouthed the shell of
Kendrick’s ear, his teeth scraping along the fleshy lobe.

Kendrick barely had the presence of mind to glance over at the

burners. They were all on low. Basically they were just keeping the
food warm until Roman got here.

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“You want your dessert first?” Kendrick asked.
“Fuck, yes,” Roman replied, and then his warm mouth was back

to claiming Kendrick’s lips. His tongue came forward, and the tip slid
along the crease of his mouth in a silent question.

As if Kendrick was going to say no. He’d just had the man’s

tongue in his mouth a couple of seconds ago, but he was too good, he
always asked, always made sure Kendrick was comfortable.

Roman’s hands were warm as they slid down to Kendrick’s hips

and stayed right in place. They gripped just enough to pull Kendrick
forward, and he moaned at the added friction his dick received from
Roman’s thigh.

Fuck! That felt too good. Kendrick was starting to feel a little glad

that they’d put off making love this morning if it meant they were
both extra eager right now.

Then Roman took it another step further as he grabbed onto the

button-down plaid shirt Kendrick was wearing, and instead of just
slowly opening each button, he yanked it apart, sending the buttons
flying all across the room.

“Hey!” Kendrick said, and he looked around to make sure none of

the buttons had landed near the burners where they could melt and
cause problems. The food was already lidded, so it wasn’t like he had
to worry about melting plastic in the food itself.

“Too much?” Roman asked, and his voice was that sexy tone of


Kendrick almost laughed at him, but instead he playfully swatted

the man on the side of the head. “Warn me next time. I don’t think
you’ve ever done that before.”

“No,” Roman said, and then he leaned in for another kiss. “Did it

startle you?” he asked, but the glittering look in his eyes told
Kendrick he was kind of hoping that it had.

Roman was in a good and playful mood, and it was infectious.

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“A little,” Kendrick said, and because he wanted to get back at the

man, he quickly spun the both of them around and pushed Roman
back against the bed.

He really had to put some effort into that, considering how strong

Roman was. He only got the other man to go down because he
continued to push against his chest when the backs of Roman’s knees
touched the mattress, and then they both went down.

Roman didn’t look startled, but there was a surprised and eager

smile on his face. “This is something I don’t think you’ve ever done
either,” he said as Kendrick climbed on top of him, putting one knee
on either side of Roman’s hips, straddling the man.

“I’ve done stuff,” Kendrick said, and he grabbed onto the hem of

Roman’s shirt and lifted it up high, pressing his mouth down onto the
firm abs that the man always effortlessly seemed to have.

He pressed a kiss to each ab, and then to the man’s large pecs, and

then sucked on his nipples.

Roman sighed, and Kendrick could feel the man’s shiver right

through his mouth where he was teasing each nipple, one at a time.

“Y–yeah, you’ve gotten a little eager before,” Roman said. “But I

still don’t think you’ve ever pushed me down onto the bed like this.”

Kendrick tried to think if he’d done that. He was sure that he had

once or twice, but with his mind focused on other things, he couldn’t
exactly get his brain to focus on bringing back memories of
something that may or may not have happened.

He’d jumped into Roman’s arms a time or two for sure, and it was

always a treat whenever his mate held him up and fucked him against
the wall, that much was totally for certain.

Kendrick pulled his lips away from Roman’s nipples, and then

used his fingers to gentle pinch each one, running his fingers across
them and making sure they stayed hard for him.

“You want me to do this to you more?” he asked.

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Roman’s gorgeous eyes were half-lidded and filled to the brim

with lust. Kendrick could hardly contain the ripple of pleasure that
echoed through his body just from seeing that alone.

“Definitely,” Roman said, and then he also started using his hands

again. Roman slid a large hand down and around to Kendrick’s front,
but instead of reaching up to his chest, which was easily accessible
and visible now that his shirt was torn open, he cupped his hand and
started rubbing against the bulge that was between Kendrick’s legs.

Kendrick moaned and thrust forward into that hand. “Oh fuck,” he

said, shutting his eyes and then barely managing to get them back
open again.

“That’s it, baby, you like this, don’t you?” Roman asked.
Only then did Roman allow his other hand to slide up so his

fingers could touch and tweak Kendrick’s nipples.

Kendrick was humping into that hand with almost no thought in

his brain except for how much he desperately needed to get off. His
hips pushed forward and back faster and faster. The end was within
sight and he was almost there when Roman rolled the both of them to
the side, positioning Kendrick right between Roman’s legs, and that
wonderful hand that had been doing so much for him was removed.

“No, no, what are you doing?” Kendrick asked. He tried to thrust

his hips forward, but he couldn’t seem to get any more friction.
Roman was doing too good of a job holding him down, and the man
was being careful enough to keep his hips away from where Kendrick
could get any friction out of them.

“Roman,” Kendrick begged. “Seriously, I need it.”
“I know,” Roman said, and then leaned down to suck on the side

of Kendrick’s throat. “But I want to make you wait for it anyway.
You’re going to earn this.”

Kendrick released a choked, desperate sound. It was so damned

pathetic, but he didn’t care. He only wanted to get off.

Wait a minute. This was all wrong. The entire idea of this dinner

was to take care of Roman first, not himself.

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“Wait, Roman, seriously, stop,” Kendrick said.
Roman did. In fact he not only stopped, he froze. “What’s


He asked the question, but he didn’t let go of Kendrick’s wrist.
Kendrick puffed for breath, and he could hardly get the words out

of himself at all. “I’m supposed to get you off first.”

“What?” Roman asked, a tiny laugh pulling at the corners of his


Kendrick squirmed a little, but still couldn’t get entirely free.

“You’re supposed to come in here, and we eat supper and I give you a
blow job when it’s time for you to eat your cake. I’m not supposed to
get off first.”

Roman actually laughed at him. “Well, I’m going to change that

on you,” he said, leaning in and pressing another warm kiss to
Kendrick’s mouth.

His face heated, and his body temperature was really starting to

rise up high again as the pleasure inside of his body made itself
known once more.

He could barely even remember what it was that Roman was

talking about before the man pulled back.

“Besides, I want to spoil you a little bit.”
“You spoil me lots,” Kendrick said, and as Roman threaded their

fingers together and lifted his hands above his head, he thought of all
the sweet things the man had done for him, both before and after he’d
come back to life.

Roman had bought Kendrick a brand new gaming system even

before they were together. He’d turned his back on the duties and
responsibilities he’d believed in to be with Kendrick, and then was in
the middle of carving him a house.

Kendrick hoped that Ailiwen would be caught soon. He didn’t

want to abandon that house forever. It was his and Roman’s home.

Of course, just thinking about all of those things that Roman had

done for him, and how little Kendrick had done for Roman, was just

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another reminder of how inadequate he was in comparison to

Roman was kissing and suckling on Kendrick’s neck, so he

couldn’t just look at Kendrick’s face and see that there was a problem.

Of course, all the kissing and sucking, the way Roman put both of

Kendrick’s wrists into his larger hand so that his spare could come
down and tweak his nipples, was enough to make Kendrick
temporarily forget all about any worries he had about whether or not
he was worthy of having Roman at all.

“I want to fuck you, Kendrick,” Roman said, and Kendrick could

feel his lips moving against his shoulder. Every word was a tiny kiss
to his skin. “I’ve been thinking about nothing else all day.”

A surge of pleasure shot through him, and Kendrick arched and

moaned, as if Roman had physically gripped him by his hard cock and
stroked him good and hard.

“Oh God, yeah,” Kendrick said, and he immediately started to

writhe and squirm beneath the other man. He wanted out of his
clothes. Badly. “Help me get undressed,” he said.

Roman nipped his lower lip and shimmied down Kendrick’s body,

and he gripped Kendrick’s jeans, undid the clasp, and then pulled then
down Kendrick’s hips in record time.

Kendrick was kind of stunned the man hadn’t destroyed the jeans

in his quest to get him naked.

Kendrick’s cock immediately jumped forward. Kendrick sputtered

a laugh at the stupid thought that it really did have an eye that could
see, and it got even more excited at the sight of Roman.

“What are you giggling about?” Roman asked, stroking his hands

up and down Kendrick’s thigh.

Kendrick shook his head. “Nothing. That, uh, just tickles, is all.”
“Is that all? Well, I must not be doing it right,” Roman said.
Kendrick tensed. “No, you’re doing gr—oh!”

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Kendrick moaned and immediately lost every thought in his head

when Roman’s warm lips came down and around the head of his
cock, pulling it into that warm, wet mouth.

“Oh Gods!” Kendrick said, and his hands immediately found their

way into Roman’s hair, gripping and fisting the strands so tight it was
a wonder Roman didn’t pull away from pain.

And Roman was doing his absolute best to tease the ever loving

hell out of Kendrick as well.

He could do nothing except hold on for the ride and thrust his

cock forward and into Roman’s mouth. Deeper and deeper it went,
until before he knew it he was balls deep, and the head of his cock
was just barely touching the back of Roman’s throat.

Then the most amazing part came. Roman moaned.
Kendrick had no idea how the man managed it without choking,

but he was taking Kendrick all the way to the root, and the wonderful
vibrations from his mouth immediately made his balls seize up and
his toes curl, and then he was spilling himself deep into Roman’s

“Oh fuck! Fuck, Roman!” Kendrick moaned, puffing for breath as

his lover continued to suck on him, drawing even more pleasure from
his pulsing cock.

It wasn’t stopping. Kendrick knew he wasn’t spilling any more

cum down Roman’s throat—which the man was doing an amazing
job of swallowing down—but his cock was still throbbing, still hard
and still aching.

The slow climb of pleasure started right back up again, and then

Kendrick found himself moaning and thrusting his cock back into that
warm and wet mouth even harder than he had been before.

And Roman was putting a good deal of effort into what he was

doing. Kendrick looked down at him, and the sight of his head
bobbing up and down around the length of Kendrick’s dick would be
enough to make even the most prudish individual sport a hard-on.

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Roman did eventually pull away, leaving his hand wrapped

around the length of Kendrick’s dick, and when he smiled, it was very
easy to see how swollen and red his lips had become.

“I love your new stamina,” Roman said, and then he leaned in and

licked at the slit of Kendrick’s cock. “I can take you every which way
from Sunday and you’ll still be ready for more.”

“H–how are you even making coherent sentences right now? I…I

can barely think!” Kendrick complained. Fuck, his breathing was so
labored, and he was still panting for breath like he’d been out flying
all day long.

Roman was right, however. Ever since Kendrick had become a

fox shifter, his sexual stamina had changed. There was one main
difference between dragon shifters and other shifters who could only
turn into animals, and that was sexual stamina.

No one knew why dragons had the stamina of humans and why

animal shifters could go on all night if they wanted to, but Kendrick
had been thoroughly enjoying it ever since he and Roman had gotten
back together.

It was getting to the point where Roman was sometimes having

trouble keeping up with him, but they both always had fun, and
Kendrick got a lot of blow jobs out of the deal.

Roman was still grinning at him, even as his hand continued to

move up and down Kendrick’s dick. “I guess I just have better self-
control than you do.”

He had to, considering he hadn’t fucked Kendrick yet.
Roman stroked Kendrick’s cock soft and slow at first, before his

hands sped up, and Kendrick was moaning and fucking into Roman’s
hand in earnest until he was coming again.

His eyes had been shut tight as he came, and Roman groaned

during Kendrick’s orgasm.

Kendrick had to open his eyes and look up at the man, his lover

and best friend. Roman was stroking his own hard cock with his free
hand. He was thick and the head was dark. The bulging veins told

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Kendrick just how uncomfortable that was, and he tried to get up
when Roman gently pushed him back down.

“I want to make you feel good,” Kendrick said.
“You do. Don’t you worry. You never have to feel like you have

to go above and beyond all the time to make me happy.”

They were talking about Kendrick’s lack of self-esteem again, but

Kendrick couldn’t even make himself feel embarrassed about that as
Roman dipped his fingers into the cum that was still on Kendrick’s
chest and stomach.

He actually swirled it around a bit before bringing some of it to

his lips, as if he hadn’t tasted enough when Kendrick had orgasmed
inside of his mouth.

“I fucking love watching you do that,” Kendrick said.
“I know you do,” Roman replied, and then he pulled Kendrick’s

pants down all the way, removing them completely from his legs
before tossing them aside. They landed in a careless heap near the
door. Roman then put his fingers back in the mess on Kendrick’s
stomach and swirled some more of Kendrick’s cum onto his fingers
before bringing his hand down to Kendrick’s pucker.

Kendrick’s eyes widened and his head fell back. His mouth

opened and he panted out a hard breath. “Th–this is new,” he said.
Roman had never stretched him with his own cum before.

“Very new. I’ve been meaning to try this for a while now,”

Roman said.

Kendrick wasn’t looking at him, but he got the feeling that the

man was smiling at him, considering the tone of his voice. “Now that
you have an overabundance of the stuff, I figured it was time to see if
we could do this.”

“It’s an awesome idea,” Kendrick said, and then he moaned when

Roman’s fingers pushed inside of him, stretching him so that he felt
so utterly full inside.

After all the sex they’d had recently, Kendrick didn’t need a lot of

stretching, but Roman took his time with this. Probably because he

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was just that worried about causing Kendrick any pain now that they
weren’t using any real lube.

Kendrick really did have an overabundance of the stuff inside of

his body, because all he could feel was the absolute pleasure of
Roman’s fingers pressing inside of him, searching out and finding his
prostate before teasing the fuck out of him.

“Roman, I’m ready, I am, I want it,” Kendrick said, and he had to

reach down and grip his erection just to keep himself from coming a
third time within the same hour.

“I’m not done with you yet,” Roman said, and he pushed his

fingers higher into Kendrick’s body, finding his prostate and holding
that position for a few seconds while his mouth came down on
Kendrick’s testicles, sucking hard and making Kendrick’s spine arch.

He thought he was about to come again, and he moaned, releasing

that hard, rough noise from his throat as he felt himself on the cusp of
it, but then Roman pulled his fingers back, a little rougher than he
normally did as he climbed up Kendrick’s body.

“Oh, finally,” Kendrick said, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
Roman arched a brow at him, though he was still smiling. “You’re

awfully impatient for a man that just had a couple of orgasms in a

Kendrick smiled and shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
Roman snickered, even as he spread Kendrick’s thighs apart and

settled himself between them. “You’re such a brat.”

“But you love me,” Kendrick said.
His heart stopped for a full second in his chest when those words

left his mouth.

Roman didn’t hesitate, and there was nothing in his answer to

suggest that he was lying. “Yeah, I do,” Roman said.

Then the head of his cock pressed against Kendrick’s asshole right

before Roman speared his way inside.

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Kendrick moaned, and he wound his arms right around Roman’s

back and held on tight. For the love of the Gods, Kendrick hadn’t
even been paying attention to when Roman had removed his clothes.

Well, his T-shirt was off, but from the feel of it his pants were

only halfway down his legs. Kendrick could feel the denim material
against his ankles as he gripped Roman’s hips tightly with his legs.

He wasn’t really paying any mind to that, however. Not when

Roman was plowing into him like it was the first time they were
fucking in their entire lives.

Kendrick threw his head back and moaned. Too good, it felt so

damned good, and after having two orgasms—or was it three
orgasms? Fuck! He was so spazzy right now with lust and pleasure he
couldn’t even remember!—he was ready. His body wasn’t about to
give it up so easily, and Roman was free to fuck him hard and fast and
Kendrick could handle it and take it. The pleasure was lasting longer
and building higher because he wasn’t about to just come for no

And that was the best kind of sex. Where they were both in sync

with each other, where Roman was kissing him and claiming him
with his tongue and mouth, warm breath mingling as they panted and
moaned, and their bodies sliding against each other with the sweat
and cum that was in the both of them. The soft slide of the silk
beneath Kendrick’s body was only making his flesh that much more
sensitive. Everything was on high alert, and he was more aware of the
sensations he felt than he otherwise would have been.

Kendrick thrust his hips back against Roman’s harder and faster

just to keep up, until all he could hear was the nearly pornographic
sound of flesh smacking together.

That sound was always Kendrick’s undoing, and without meaning

to, he let a little bit of his fox out to play as well.

Fox claws appeared and scraped down Roman’s back, and orange

hairs poked free and grew out of Kendrick’s pores. He barely kept

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himself in his regular shape, held on by just a thread, and then he felt
his orgasm just right there, almost upon him.

Roman came first. Kendrick could always tell when his lover was

about to shoot as the man’s body moved in a more jerky fashion, just
as fast, even faster, but less of the grace as every muscle in Roman’s
body tensed up, and the sounds of his moaning became longer and

Then the larger man was pressing his forehead against Kendrick’s

shoulder, yelling out his orgasm as warm cum splashed inside of
Kendrick’s body.

Fuck, that was his favorite part.
Just knowing that now Roman’s scent and seed would be inside of

him, even hours after he showered and dressed, always made
Kendrick so mellow.

His orgasm came upon him immediately after. Kendrick just

couldn’t handle having the tip of Roman’s cock nudging his prostate

His orgasm was gentler than the previous ones Roman had given

him, but that wasn’t saying much at all considering it was still ripping
through him like it was forcing its way out of his body.

Kendrick moaned, digging his claws even deeper into Roman’s

back, and as his asshole tightened around Roman’s shaft, his mate
groaned again as he mouthed the side of Kendrick’s neck.

They were nothing but panting bodies, sweaty limbs that clung to

each other after the fact, and Kendrick wanted his kisses, so he took
them from the man.

Roman was always very generous when it came to his soft mouth

on top of Kendrick’s, especially after sex. Roman’s hands on
Kendrick’s face, his tongue in his mouth, and the way his eyes closed
as they stretched their lovemaking on was wonderful.

Roman loved him. Kendrick shouldn’t doubt that in the man, he

knew he shouldn’t.

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He didn’t. There was no way a man could touch and kiss another

person like this if there weren’t any romantic feelings involved.

Kendrick was going to do his best to make sure Roman was

always happy, and that he never regretted choosing him over

They were lovers, and that meant giving a hundred percent all the

time, after all.

“Still hungry for food?” Kendrick asked as Roman rested his

forehead against Kendrick’s chest.

Roman nodded. “I definitely worked up an appetite. You think we

can bring our plates onto these nice silk sheets?”

Dinner in bed? “Fuck yeah.”

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Chapter Four

The next day wasn’t so happy. It had started off normal enough,

with morning kisses and even another round of lovemaking before
Roman had to go off on his shift.

Kendrick had smiled at his mate and wished him a good day as

Roman left their bedroom. It was supposed to be just another day.
Nothing bad was supposed to happen. Now Kendrick felt like he was
going to drop down dead if he got any more bad news.

All the text had said was that they’d been attacked. All of the

dragons who had been flying around the mountain had been attacked,
and Roman had the worst of it. Kendrick didn’t know the details, but
he knew that Roman was injured, badly, and that was enough.

Kendrick ran down the halls of the castle. His heart was in his

throat and he could hardly think straight as every image that popped
into his head involved Roman dead on his hospital bed, with Kristoff
putting his hands on Kendrick’s shoulders and apologizing for not
being able to do more than he had.

Please, for the love of the Gods, don’t let me lose him.
Kendrick’s heart was racing into his throat, and there was a very

good chance that he was about to be sick, but he managed to keep it
back as he turned the corner into the infirmary part of the castle.

Just to see Clatcher, bloodied and bruised, standing just beside

one of the doors, presumably the one that led into Roman’s room.

He wasn’t looking so great either, and when he looked up and

spotted Kendrick, the absolute misery in his eyes said it all.

“No,” Kendrick said, shaking his head as he took a step back.

“No, no, please, no!”

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Clatcher rushed to him, and his hands were on Kendrick’s

shoulders. He tried to push the man away, but Clatcher held on tight.

Kendrick barely heard a word Clatcher said as he just fucking lost

it and started to cry.

Clatcher had to shake him a little. “He’s alive! He’s going to be

okay! Kendrick! Do you hear me? He’s alive and Kristoff is with

It took him a few seconds more than it should have for that to sink

in, and when it did, he felt like he’d just been doused with cold water.

Cold, relieving water.
“He’s alive?”
Clatcher nodded. “He’s badly hurt, and he needs to take some

time off, but he’ll be fine.”

That made Kendrick start crying all over again. He had to cover

his face with his hands, but the tears continued to come no matter
what he did.

And that didn’t matter. He would be embarrassed all he wanted

because everything was going to be fine. Roman was alive. “Can I see

“Kristoff wouldn’t let me in,” Clatcher said, looking behind him

to the door, but then froze a little before staring back down at
Kendrick. “You’re his mate, though. There shouldn’t be a problem for
you to go inside.”

That was all Kendrick wanted to hear, and he marched forward

with every intention of knocking on that door and getting himself by
Roman’s side.

Fat chance of that. Even though he was Roman’s mate, Kristoff

didn’t want anyone other than himself and his staff in that room. In
fact, Aiken and Lennox had also been injured, and when their mates
were informed, they were down in a heartbeat as well. Their reactions
were similar to Kendrick’s until a student healer could come and tell
them their mates were all right.

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All right, and apparently doing better than Roman was because

they actually were allowed inside.

Kendrick tried to hide his jealousy over that fact as he waited in

one of the bigger chairs for his chance.

He was so caught up in his worries for his mate, that he

completely forgot about the fact that Clatcher was in the chair beside
him, that the man was wringing his hands and clearly just as on edge
as Kendrick was, even several hours after they’d both sat down.

It was strange. They might’ve made a little team of their own as

they worried for the same man.

Aris eventually came, and so did some of the other mates and

dragon warriors, including a number of servants, all of them to wish
Kendrick well. A few even paid attention to Clatcher, though the man
tried to make himself appear as small as possible.

It seemed that a lot of the castle knew that Roman and Clatcher

were a thing at one time. How long had that been going around while
Kendrick didn’t know about it?

Still, aside from a brief twinge of jealousy, he was back to being

too worried about Roman to be able to put anymore of his attention
onto Clatcher.

Of course, after everyone left, Kendrick needed someone to speak

to. He was here all by himself with the exception of the other man.
Conner had long since needed to go back and be with his child, and
everyone else had chores and duties to attend to.

The only reason why Kendrick was getting out of his chores in the

kitchen was because he was worried about his mate. He wasn’t sure
what excuse was being given to Clatcher.

“What happened?” Kendrick asked, breaking the silence. He

needed to know what was going on. He needed to know how his mate
had come to be in that room, even if he couldn’t see the extent of the
wounds for himself.

“Hunters,” Clatcher replied. “We were flying, and they started

shooting at us.”

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Kendrick shivered. Hunters usually only went after animal

shifters, like werewolves, and even Kendrick now that he was a
werefox, but there were still some who wanted a dragon’s head
propped up over a fireplace as a trophy.

“They shot him?”
Clatcher looked at him for a second, and then must’ve decided to

just give Kendrick the truth. “They shot Lennox first, and he went
down fast. Aiken was next I think, but he avoided a lot of the bullets
because he turned himself invisible.”

Kendrick knew full well that Aiken couldn’t make himself

invisible. He’d just changed his colors enough to blend in with the sky
before landing among the trees.

“And Roman?” Kendrick asked.
He almost didn’t want to know.
“He wasn’t hit at first,” Clatcher said. “I was.”
“What?” Kendrick looked at the man, really looked at him, and

for the first time since Kendrick arrived, he realized that the blood on
Clatcher wasn’t all from superficial scratches.

“By the Gods, Clatcher!” Kendrick said, and he grabbed onto the

man’s arm, the part of it that didn’t look like it was spilling blood at
an alarming rate. “You need to get in there! You need to see

“I’m fine,” Clatcher said, pulling his arm out of Kendrick’s grasp.

“The bleeding is stopping and nothing vital was hit.”

“That you know of, come on,” Kendrick said, and he grabbed onto

the large warrior’s wrist and tried to pull him up. “Kristoff will see

“I don’t want him to see me!” Clatcher snapped, yanking his hand

out of Kendrick’s grasp again.

Kendrick froze, and so did Clatcher. They stared at each other,

and Clatcher was the first to look away, his cheeks turning red.

That had to be a good sign. If he had enough blood to give off an

embarrassed blush, then maybe he wasn’t all that hurt at all.

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“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you,” Clatcher said. His hands

were gripping his knees, and his knuckles were white.

“You…you were out with your friends, the other warriors. Aris

came here and saw you himself. Why didn’t anyone say anything to
you?” Kendrick asked.

“I’m a warrior of the Firethorn Clan. We get injured all the time.

Roman is hurt more than I am, and even though Aiken and Lennox
are all right, they still have more injuries than I do.”

Kendrick gasped at that.
Clatcher finally looked him in the eyes. “Even having three people

in there is too much for Kristoff to deal with. If I go in there now,
then that’ll be more attention taken away from Roman’s care. I can
wait, and everyone knows it.”

Gods, Kendrick didn’t want to hear any more, but the question

was on the tip of his tongue, and he had to ask it.

“Roman…he was injured protecting you, right?”
Clatcher’s eyes widened a bit, and Kendrick knew he had it right.
“You said you were shot out of the sky. That should’ve made you

an easier target, but instead, he’s got the worst of it, and you’re out
here waiting for your turn to be bandaged up.”

Clatcher looked away from him again. “I…Yes. He landed in

front of me and shielded me from the bullets. It let me take out some
of the hunters while he was busy with them. I had to drag him away
by the end. He couldn’t stand.”

And this was why Clatcher would always be the better choice for

Roman. Because even when Roman was protecting him, trying to
save his life, Clatcher was doing the same.

“That doesn’t mean he cares for me. Please don’t take it the wrong

way,” Clatcher said.

Kendrick sniffed and crossed his arms. “Don’t treat me like an

idiot just because I’m not a warrior,” he said. “I know it shouldn’t
mean anything. You’re both warriors on the same team. You’re

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supposed to protect each other, but I know he still cares about you,
even though he doesn’t want to admit it to me.”

Another silence, one that didn’t last very long before Clatcher’s

soft voice broke it. “It doesn’t matter anyway. He chose you. You’re
wearing an amulet made from his dragon scale.”

Shit. Kendrick had completely forgotten to tuck the thing beneath

his shirt. He didn’t want to do so now, just in case Clatcher took that
the wrong way or something.

Also, what the hell was he thinking? He shouldn’t have to hide his

amulet! That was something to be proud of! That Roman had chosen
him above all the other available men and women he could’ve picked
from had to mean something.

All of them were better than Kendrick. Including Clatcher, who

would pull Roman out of the line of fire, even when he was still
injured and weak.

Kendrick couldn’t do that. He didn’t even have the strength to

hold Roman down in bed whenever they were messing around.

Clatcher was better than Kendrick, and he was proving again and

again by not getting his wounds treated because he wanted all the
attention to be for Roman.

Well, Kendrick could be nice, too. He grabbed onto Clatcher’s

wrist just one more time.

Clatcher frowned. “I told you, I’m not going—”
“Inside, yeah, I know, you made that clear. I want you to come

with me. I tended some of Roman’s wounds on his hands and head
whenever he was hurt carving out our house.”

Roman cared about Clatcher, which meant that it would be

helping Roman if Clatcher was patched up and no longer at risk for
infection or something.

There, he could be selfless as well, and mature enough to realize

that Clatcher wasn’t a true rival. The man had made it clear that he
wasn’t trying to gain Roman’s affections, so Kendrick had no reason
to be hostile toward him.

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Still, the offer seemed to shock Clatcher, because he stared at

Kendrick for a few seconds, barely allowing himself to move until
Kendrick tugged at his arm a little, pulling the man from his seat.

He brought Clatcher to his and Roman’s bedroom.
“Have a seat,” he said, and then he walked into the bathroom to

find that first aid kit.

Clatcher did as he was told, and he was peeling off the T-shirt he

wore when Kendrick came back.

Kendrick had to stop dead in his tracks at the sight of the firm

muscles and abs. Even with the blood staining his skin, the man was
very attractive. His looks clearly weren’t just in his face.

Kendrick sighed. No wonder Roman was attracted to him. Hell,

Kendrick was attracted to him as well, and he was a mated man!

Because clothing didn’t shift with the dragons, the clothes that

Clatcher wore were likely ones he’d managed to put on himself after
coming back to the castle, now it seemed that some of the blood had
dried to the sweatpants and cotton T-shirt he wore, making it difficult
to remove them at all.

“Are you wearing any underwear beneath that?” Kendrick asked,

and he had to look away and scratch at his nose when Clatcher looked
up at him.

Gods. That was such an embarrassing question.
“Yes. I’m not getting naked in front of you. This is just so you can

see where I was shot.”

“Okay, great,” Kendrick said. “Do you need any help?”
Fuck, that was even worse.
Clatcher chuckled at him. “No, I can do it. I got them on myself,


Good point. “Right.”
Kendrick approached with the case in his hands, and then he

realized he was going to need a bowl of water with a cloth to help get
the blood off. Clatcher wasn’t bleeding all over the place or anything,

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but Kendrick was also going to have to change the sheets the man was
sitting on.

He returned with his bowl of warm water, and then got to work.
Kendrick and Clatcher both worked with their own separate

cloths, each of them getting the blood off of his skin. Kendrick found
himself moving up to get the dried red off of Clatcher’s thighs, but
then stopped abruptly.

It was probably better if Clatcher got that part himself.
The entire ordeal was embarrassing as all hell, especially since, as

more blood was cleaned away, Kendrick was seeing how handsome
Clatcher really was.

He’d always known the man had looks and strength, but there was

something different about seeing it like this, and up close.

At one time, a few times, Roman had been more than this close.

Had he been thinking the same things Kendrick was now?

He hadn’t blamed Roman for allowing feelings to develop before,

and he especially didn’t now.

“I think we’re done,” Kendrick said, yanking his hands away.
Clatcher put his bloody rag into the bowl, which had turned red a

while ago. “You’re right. Do you have any bandages or antibiotics in
that thing?”

Kendrick had those and more.
Clatcher had only been shot twice, he realized, and most of the

blood Kendrick had been cleaning off had been Roman’s.

Clatcher had a shot in the hip, and a bullet hole in his chest.
They weren’t deep, thanks to how far away in the sky Clatcher

had been when he was shot, and his scales had protected him enough
that the bullet wounds were barely more than flesh wounds.

Still, it had to hurt a whole lot. Kendrick would be down and

passed out from the pain if he had these sorts of wounds on him.
Clatcher was only flinching and letting out the odd hiss. He really was

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Kendrick still had to carefully pull the bullets out with a pair of

needle nose pliers. Clatcher hissed and bit down on his lips, squeezing
his eyes shut during that part.

Fuck, had this been Kendrick, he would’ve been crying and

writhing on the floor a long time ago.

Kendrick got them out, and then the next step was to disinfect,

followed by a few stitches for the holes, and then bandages.

The whole time they were both silent. The act of helping Clatcher

was even kind of soothing, and Kendrick found that he’d occupied his
mind long enough that he was no longer sweating over the idea of
Roman on his death bed.

Which he wasn’t. He was going to be fine, and he had Clatcher to

thank for that.

Clatcher stood up, walked a few steps, and flexed his muscles

without being overly obvious about it. He didn’t strike poses or
anything like that. He seemed to be testing how well he was and how
much he could move without putting strain on the stitches.

Kendrick could hardly believe he was walking around at all

without limping after getting shot in the hip, and then having the
bullet yanked out.

“You did a very good job,” Clatcher said. “You should probably

be on Kristoff’s staff instead of just helping out in the kitchen.”

Kendrick shrugged. “I like the kitchen, and I don’t have any

formal training anyway. I only know how to do this because Roman
hurt himself so much carving out our house. Falling rocks and what
have you.”

Clatcher pulled on his dirty, bloody clothes. They would have to

be thrown away, but Kendrick could understand the man didn’t want
to leave the room wearing only a pair of tight fitting black boxers.

“Roman must’ve hurt himself a lot then,” Clatcher said with a


Kendrick snorted a laugh. “I couldn’t believe how much.

Sometimes he came to me with a new injury daily.”

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Now Clatcher was laughing as well. They were both chuckling

over stupid memories from the past. Had anyone seen them, they
might’ve assumed that Kendrick and Clatcher were friends, instead of
two men who loved the same man.

Then the laughter stopped, and the smiles went away.
Clatcher turned his eyes down to his hands. “He’s lucky to have

you. I can see now why he chose you.”

Kendrick tensed, and his breath caught in his throat at the weird


“But I’m just…I…” He was nothing. He’d gotten lottery ticket

winning lucky, and that was all.

“You’re what?” Clatcher asked softly.
Kendrick wasn’t about to get into just how self-conscious he

always felt around Clatcher. It was bad enough his hands were still
warm from where their skin had touched. “Nothing. Never mind.”

Clatcher nodded. “I’m going to go back to the waiting room. I

assume you are, too?”

“Definitely,” Kendrick said. “Just let me throw away this bowl of

red bloody water.”

Clatcher smirked. “You might also want to bring a book or

something with you. I think it’s going to be a long night for the both
of us.”

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Chapter Five

It was a long night.
Clatcher sat next to Kendrick in the waiting room until a little past

dawn the next morning. Kendrick had brought a book, and though
he’d opened it several times, maybe even got a page or two read, he
got no reading done otherwise.

Kendrick’s focus seemed to be on the door, and the man who was

on the other side.

Clatcher watched the smaller fox shifter out of the corner of his

mind. He was still wrapping his brain around the fact that Kendrick
was no longer a dragon. He was something else entirely now, and
though it was strange, it made him special.

Kendrick could come back to life. What an amazing ability to

have. Could he even die at all? Was he immortal?

There were all kinds of theories going around through the castle

that this was the reason animal shifters existed in the first place.
Dragons with powers like Kendrick had died, and then come back as
something else. They’d reproduced, and werewolves, werefoxes, and
all sorts of other shifters were created.

And Kendrick knew how to cook apparently. Roman had talked

about the man’s talent for making food while he’d been having his
more melancholy moods as they’d hunted for Ailiwen. To top even
that off, he could also tend basic wounds.

Kendrick was a cute young shifter. More than cute, actually, he

was downright handsome in a boyish sort of way. Very handsome. He
had a rare and incredible gift that no one else in the castle had. That
no one in the state had it as far as anyone knew. Kendrick could cook

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as well, he was fun to be around, and he tended the wounds of the
man he should’ve hated, had every right to hate, with every fiber of
his being.

It was no wonder Roman loved him so damned much. Clatcher

couldn’t compete with that. He was a warrior, yes, but he had no other
talents or special interests aside from that. His gift was the power over
ice and frost, but that was hardly a rare power. It was uncommon, but
not rare.

It shocked Clatcher that Roman even still had tender feelings for

him at all when there was a better prize right here, though that had to
be a manifestation of guilt. There was no other way to think about it.

Roman felt guilty that he’d fucked Clatcher, and because they

were friends and Roman was not a terrible person, it put the other
dragon in an awful position.

That was why Clatcher was thinking about leaving the clan. He

didn’t want Roman to feel guilted or pressured to do anything he
didn’t want anymore.

And then Roman had shocked the hell out of him by practically

begging him not to go. The look in his eyes and the sound of Roman’s
voice…it had been too much, and Clatcher was putting the idea of
going somewhere on the back burner.

And now Clatcher was here, waiting outside of the clinic for any

news. He was lucky he was even allowed to stay. He was not a mate,
not a relative of any kind. Kendrick had every right to demand that
Clatcher get the hell out of here and not show his face in this area of
the castle ever again.

But he didn’t. More proof that Kendrick was a good man and

worthy of Roman’s affections, because Clatcher didn’t know for sure
if he would have been as patient with a man who loved his mate as
Kendrick was being with him.

Roman was going to pull through. They knew that much. He was

going to pull through and everything would be fine, eventually. He

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was with Kristoff, and his dragon healing was bound to take effect

So the only thing Clatcher had to worry about were side effects.

Would Roman still be able to fly? His wings had been badly
damaged. What if he walked with a limp? Everything that happened
to him was Clatcher’s fault, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to
take that back.

Beside him, Kendrick was having difficulty keeping his eyes

open. Kristoff had come out several hours earlier to let them know
that Roman was out of danger, but that was it. With the risk of death
out of the way, it was easier for the both of them to let their bodies
relax, and the long night was catching up with Kendrick. His chin
kept dipping down to his chest, and then his head popped back up as
he snapped his eyes open wide and blinked himself away, and then
the same thing would happen again two minutes later.

The man really was adorable. Roman had chosen well, and if

Clatcher was going to be beaten by anyone in a love game, then he
was it was to someone as kind and good as Kendrick.

Then the door in front of them, the one they’d been staring at all

night, clicked and opened.

Kristoff appeared, and the bags under his eyes were even darker

than they’d been several hours ago, and his gold braid had several
loose strands of hair sticking out. He’d had a long night as well.

“You can come in and see him now,” Kristoff said. “He’s awake

and asking for you.”

Kendrick immediately snapped to his feet and rushed past

Kristoff, vanishing into the room.

Kristoff moved out of the way for the man, and then turned his

attention to Clatcher. “I can see to you now if you’ll let me,” he said.

Clatcher couldn’t even summon the energy to be embarrassed

about how he’d yelled at the other man to take care of Roman first.
He hadn’t wanted Kristoff anywhere near him when Roman was the
one who needed care the most.

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In fact, now that Clatcher had the information he really needed,

that he knew that Roman was all right and awake, he really should be

“Kendrick took care of that for me. I’m fine now.”
Kristoff lifted a blond brow. “Kendrick saw to your wounds?”
“Very well, too,” Clatcher said.
“Hmm, well, all the same, I’d still like to have a look for myself.

Kendrick might’ve done a nice job and all, but he’s not trained, and
I’d rather see for myself that everything is all right.”

Clatcher really had no way to argue with logic like that, so he

allowed himself to be taken into the clinic.

It smelled of blood and chemicals.
And Roman. He could smell the other man as surely as if Roman

was standing right beside him. Aiken and Lennox weren’t even here
anymore. They’d been deemed fit to go back to their rooms with their

Kristoff tried to lead him farther down the hall, but Clatcher

stopped at the open doorway leading into Roman’s room.

He stopped and watched. He didn’t mean to, but he couldn’t pull

himself away either.

Kendrick leaned over the bed, gentle hands on Roman’s tired face.

There were several tubes plugged into the proud warrior, and one of
them was one of those blood bag things.

Made sense that Roman would need blood considering the amount

he’d lost. There was also an IV, and a heart monitor.

The two men didn’t appear to notice anything else around them.

They were totally lost in each other, eyes closed and kissing. Roman
had one pale hand on Kendrick’s back in a light touch that made
Clatcher’s heart ache.

He was never going to have something as perfect as that ever

again. He wanted to be over there. He wanted to be the one who
rushed forward and hugged and kissed Roman as well, showing the
man how relieved he was with affection.

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That wasn’t his place. He didn’t have the right to even think such

a thing.

“Clatcher,” Kristoff said softly, and it looked as if he was about to

close the door to give the two men inside some privacy, but Roman
must’ve heard Clatcher’s name, because then he pulled his mouth
away from Kendrick’s and looked up.

“Wait,” Roman said.
Gods, his voice sounded so weak.
Clatcher froze from being caught in the doorway, and Kristoff

opened the door wide again.

“Sorry, I thought you would’ve liked this to be shut,” he said.
Roman didn’t pay Kristoff any mind. He was looking right at

Clatcher, and then he held his hand out to him.

Clatcher’s breath hitched, and he held perfectly still until Roman

said the words.

“Come over here and see me.”
What could he do? Clatcher wanted it so damned much that he did

as he was told the second he was given permission.

He put his hand into Roman’s, and the touch…fuck, the skin to

skin touch that was gentle, that wasn’t a hard punch from a training
session, or dragging each other away because they were being shot at,
felt too damned good.

Clatcher barely managed to keep himself from leaning in and

pressing a kiss to Roman’s mouth. He was in love with the man, but
he didn’t want to be a complete dick, especially when Roman was as
helpless as he was, and Kendrick was in the room.

“Thanks for saving my ass,” Roman said.
A smile tugged at the corners of Clatcher’s lips. “You saved me

first, if I remember right.”

Roman shrugged, a tired looking thing. “Whatever, either way,

thanks. I’m so glad you’re all right.”

“That’s the drugs talking now,” Clatcher said, and he looked up at

the plastic bag of IV fluid that was being pumped into Roman’s body.

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“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” Roman said, and now it was

definitely the drugs speaking, otherwise Clatcher didn’t think the man
would sound the way he did, or say the things he was saying, right in
front of Kendrick.

Clatcher probably held onto Roman’s hand a little longer than was

necessary, but one glance at Kendrick out of the corner of his eyes,
and he pulled back.

Kendrick wasn’t looking at him, glaring at him, or even staring at

their hands. He was looking down at the white bedsheets covering
Roman’s body. He had an expression on his face that was
just…defeated. Why? Did he still think that Clatcher was going to try
and steal Roman away?

Maybe it was hurting him too much to hear his own mate express

such a concern for someone he used to fuck.

Clatcher needed to get out of here. “You take care of yourself, all

right?” he asked. “We need you back on your feet soon so you can get
back out there with us.”

Roman shut his eyes and nodded. He was clearly tired, and he

gave Clatcher a limp wave as he quickly said his good-byes and
bowed out of there.

This time Kristoff did shut the door, and he put his hand on

Clatcher’s shoulder as he led him down to the room where he could
be examined.

Clatcher got the feeling that Kristoff was trying to comfort him,

even just a little, which he sort of appreciated at the time.

It had been a mistake to go in there. Clatcher was only hurting

what Kendrick and Roman had by being around and wanting to see
the man as much as he did.

He was hurting himself as well. It was incredibly sick for Clatcher

to even be as happy as he was just to be able to touch Roman and see
for himself that he was going to be all right, especially when he
wasn’t even with the man anymore. They hadn’t even really been
together in the first place.

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Clatcher was in love with Roman. So, so much, but that was his

own fault. Roman had let him know right from the start that they
would never be anything, and Clatcher was the one who’d allowed
himself to hope, and now he was butting in to his and Kendrick’s
relationship again and again just for the chance to see him, touch him.

Even though Roman had said the things he’d said while drugged,

Clatcher had still been happy to hear them.

Yeah, he was twisted all right. There wasn’t any coming back

from this.

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Chapter Six

“Kendrick, I’m telling you, I’m fine to go back into work,”

Roman said, putting his hands on his mate’s shoulders.

Kendrick was shaking his head. “Just one more day, please, just

give it one more day.”

Roman wasn’t entirely convinced, and he needed to get it through

Kendrick’s head that he was going to be all right.

“If you’re worried about Clatcher being there, he has the day off,”

he said.

Kendrick’s entire body stiffened, and he looked away. “That’s

not…that’s not entirely it.”

“Then what is?”
Apparently Roman had said a couple of overly friendly things to

Clatcher when he was drugged out on Kristoff’s amazing pain
medication. Roman hadn’t even known what he’d said until about a
week ago when he asked why Kendrick still appeared so damned sad.

Fuck. Roman hadn’t meant to say anything that would give

Clatcher any hope, or give Kendrick the wrong idea. What was done
was done, however, and now Roman was just trying to get back to
normal. Whatever normal was for them now.

“It’s only been two weeks,” Kendrick said. “You can’t just pick

up where you left off after two weeks. No one’s healing works that

“I won’t be out flying around the castle, baby,” Roman said softly.
That seemed to finally get Kendrick’s attention. “You won’t?”

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“No, because you’re right. I’m not entirely at a hundred percent,

and Kristoff wants to make sure I’m all right before I do any more

That was actually the irritating part, because it meant that Roman

couldn’t fly down the mountain with his mate and watch over him as
he ran around in his new fox form.

Roman enjoyed seeing Kendrick in that form. It was cute and

different from what he normally got to see around the castle, even
with so many wolf shifters who had joined the clan.

The only way Kendrick could get down now in order to give his

fox some exercise, was to go with Aris, and the other warriors when
they were bringing down their own mates.

Roman really didn’t like that. He wanted to be the one down there

to make sure Kendrick stayed safe. There were too many Templars
and hunters running around the mountain lately.

“Kendrick, the only thing I’ll be doing is patrol, and you know

hardly anything bad ever happens up here.”

The both winced, and Roman immediately felt like a dick for

letting those words come out of his mouth.

It was true, the castle was mostly quiet with the exception of the

occasional drunken fight that needed to be broken up, but Kendrick
and Conner, Aris’s mate, had been kidnapped by Ailiwen right out
from these very walls.

“Usually nothing bad ever happens,” Roman clarified, but even

then, he still felt like a colossal idiot.

Kendrick smiled up at him, but it was weak, and even then it

seemed forced. “Well, all right, so long as you know you’re going to
be safe.”

“I will be safe,” Roman said, and instead of turning away, he

continued to stare at his mate, his very gorgeous mate who had put up
with him over the last two weeks, preparing his meals, helping him
into the shower when he needed it, and supplying him with a nearly
endless stream of blow jobs just to make sure his time in bed was fun.

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In fact, they’d only had sex once since Roman started walking

around on his own again. Kendrick had been too afraid that Roman’s
body would be too fragile, and that he wouldn’t be able to handle
anyone on top of him, riding him.

That had prevented a good deal of fun.
And he had ten minutes before he had to arrive at the locker room

and put on something a little more official than the button down shirt
and jeans he was wearing now.

Roman leaned down, scooped his arms around Kendrick’s knees,

and then lifted his mate right over his shoulder.

Kendrick let out a squawking sound of surprise, but he didn’t fight

or struggle, and that was probably only because he didn’t want to risk
that he did something to knock Roman off of his feet.

The smaller man had treated Roman as if he was cracked glass

over the last two weeks.

“Are you crazy?” Kendrick yelled.
Roman half expected some fists to rain down on his back, but no,

Kendrick wasn’t about to hit him.

Roman dumped his mate on their large bed, grabbing onto the

man’s legs before he could bounce off.

“Roman!” Kendrick said, and his face was a little bit red from

being over Roman’s shoulder.

“I think it’s time to remind you of my strength,” Roman said, and

he let his eyes change so that Kendrick could see the gold color, and
the black slits of his dragon eyes.

He watched the shiver ripple through Kendrick’s body, and the

red flush creeped to the rest of his body.

Roman leaned over him, wrapped his fingers around Kendrick’s

wrists, and then held them down on either side of his head. One of
their most favorite things. Kendrick liked behind held down, and
Roman adored holding onto him like this.

Roman was honestly shocked that neither of them had tried the

bondage route yet.

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“You can smell me, can’t you?” Roman asked, and he leaned

down and pressed his mouth to Kendrick’s throat.

Another fun thing about Kendrick being a fox shifter, aside from

the amazing sexual stamina, was that Kendrick also had an increased
sense of smell. Roman was learning all kinds of things from the scents
that Kendrick was able to tell him about in the castle.

For instance, he now knew where in the gardens was the favorite

place for sex, and that the cook started the kitchen up at four-thirty in
the morning so there would be freshly baked bread ready. And
Kendrick was also always aware of just when Roman was aroused
based on the scents he gave off.

There was no way in hell that Kendrick couldn’t smell Roman’s

lust for him now.

Kendrick nodded. “Yeah, I smell you.”
His breathing was already picking up, and when Roman placed his

hand on the smaller man’s chest, he could feel just how fast the heart
within was beating.

“What’s it smell like?” Roman asked, and then he went back to

sucking on Kendrick’s throat, right where the pulse was at its
strongest. He was going to give his mate a hickey, something to
remind him that Roman was in complete control, strong, and always
with Kendrick.

“Like sex,” Kendrick said with a moan, and Roman turned his

face to the side easily as he pressed an openmouthed kiss to
Kendrick’s lips.

He glided his tongue inside easily and licked the man deep.

Kendrick’s wrists strained against the hold that Roman had on him,
but he wasn’t really trying to get away, so Roman didn’t let him up.

Kendrick just wanted to get a little bit closer. He wanted to grab

onto Roman’s hair, the back of his head, or even grip his back,
fingernails scratching deep.

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Roman wasn’t about to let him, and he was only being cruel like

that because there was something to be said about getting off after
being teased so much.

Roman pressed his knee between Kendrick’s legs, gently teasing

his clothed cock with enough pressure to drive the man insane.

Because Kendrick’s hands were being held down, Roman had no

way to keep the man’s lower half still. Kendrick thrust his hips up and
against Roman’s thigh, moaning as he pleasured himself like that.

“You like that?” Roman asked, doing nothing to stop Kendrick’s

movements, or give him more friction. He liked watching the other
man get himself off.

Kendrick nodded frantically. “Yeah.”
Roman kissed him again. He pushed his tongue inside as he thrust

his hips forward, searching for a little friction of his own.

The second his cock moved against Kendrick’s upper thigh, he

moaned and tensed. Pleasure shot through his entire body. It was
fucking great.

He was going to be a little late for his shift. Later than he thought

he’d be at any rate.

Their bodies moved against each other, finding a rhythm, and the

friction of their clothes together always warmed their bodies, but not
enough that it was uncomfortable.

Kendrick moaned and writhed beneath him, and there wasn’t a

better sight in the world than that.

Roman stopped, and he released Kendrick’s hands and quickly

pulled away from the man, leaving Kendrick blinking blearily up at
him. “What are you doing?”

“Getting us naked, right now,” Roman said, and he reached down

to his belt and fly and quickly got himself loose.

When his jeans were no longer quite as tight, he sighed with the

relief he felt from not having his hard cock pressing against the
material anymore.

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His dick sprang free, and he had to curl his fingers around it and

thrust into his fist a couple of times before he got control of himself.

Kendrick grinned up at him as he lifted his own shirt above his

head and then started working on his pants. “You look really nice
when you’re getting off.”

“Was just thinking the same thing about you,” Roman replied,

smirking down at his mate.

Until Kendrick said something so unlike him that it wiped the

smile right off of his mouth.

“You should let me watch you jerk off. I bet it would be


Had he really just said that? Roman was shocked at first, didn’t

even know what to think about his little mate saying something like
that, but then realized how hot it was, and he shivered. “Fuck,
whatever you want, just give me a time and date and I’ll do it. But not
now,” Roman said when Kendrick opened his mouth.

“Not now?” Kendrick asked, and he was actually pouting.
Roman shook his head. “No way. I want to put this inside you,

right now, and I’m going to have to unless you want me to be late for

“Well, considering I don’t want you patrolling the halls anyway,

it’s probably a bad idea for you to be asking whether or not I care if
you’re late.”

“You little smart-ass,” Roman said, and he threw aside the last of

his clothing before ducking in and pressing his mouth to Kendrick’s
one more time.

He knew where they hid their lube. The spot was so well

ingrained into Roman’s memory that he didn’t even need his eyes
open in order to get his hands on the bottle.

He grabbed it from its place beneath the mattress. They had a

couple of bottles beneath the mattress, all on their own different sides,
just in case he and Kendrick happened to be necking on the other side
of the bed or something. At first Roman had thought it was pointless

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to have that many bottles hidden in what was essentially the same
hiding place, but then he quickly learned how useful it was to have so

Kendrick was so damned smart.
“You ready for me?” Roman asked, and he squirted some of the

clear fluid into his hand.

Kendrick wiggled on his back. “For days,” he said.
That look in his eyes was back, the glowy look that said his fox

was just beneath the surface.

“Careful, baby, you’ll grow whiskers again,” Roman warned.
Kendrick blinked, getting control back on his fox, and then it was

just him.

Kendrick had grown them out, too. Not beard whiskers either.

Actual whiskers that belonged on an animal, and for whatever reason,
he’d had trouble getting them to go away once he’d put a stop on his
last shift.

It was funny as all hell, considering Kendrick had to walk around

for most of the day with them sticking out of his face.

“Put your fingers inside me,” Kendrick demanded. “I’m ready for

it, do it now.”

“Always so pushy,” Roman said, but he loved it, and he did press

two fingers to Kendrick’s hole.

Kendrick knew what to do, and after he’d taken in a deep breath

and pushed out, Roman pushed in.

He couldn’t take his sweet time on this one. Not this time when he

was expected to get ready and guard the castle halls like he always
did, but he still made sure to scissor his fingers, pushing them in deep
and then adding a third when Kendrick insisted he was all right.

He hooked his fingers and found Kendrick’s prostate, and Roman

pulled back.

Kendrick sighed when the swollen head of Roman’s dark cock

was pressing against his asshole.

“That’s it, fuck me,” Kendrick replied.

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Roman did exactly that. He pushed forward until the head of his

cock popped into the firm muscle of Kendrick’s ring. The rest of his
body swallowed Roman up like he was being eaten alive.

If there was one possible way to die, then Roman wanted to go

while he was right here, in bed with his mate.

Actually, that sounded romantic and good in his head, but when

he stopped to think about it, it no longer sounded quite so great.

Inch by inch, he pushed his cock forward. Kendrick’s entire body

was tense. He’d been a little more tender and sensitive, even the last
time they’d been together thanks to the fact that there had been so
little penetrating sex over the last two weeks.

It didn’t matter. When Roman looked down at his mate a second

time, he noted the smile that was on his face, and his eyes were
closed, but peaceful. They weren’t squinched tightly shut in any sort
of pain at least.

Kendrick’s claws made another reappearance, and the man

gripped Roman’s shoulders so damned tight he would be shocked if
there wasn’t any blood in the scratch marks he was making.

Roman kept his hip movements hard, but also long and drawn out.

When he pulled his hips back, dragging his dick along the inner walls
of Kendrick’s body, Kendrick’s back arched, and his mouth opened as
he sighed. Roman pulled back almost all the way before he shoved
forward again.

Kendrick opened his mouth and wailed at that. Roman kept the

movements of his hips exactly the same.

Kendrick sputtered and moaned. He gripped Roman’s hips tightly,

his hands finding their way down to his ass and holding on tight,
clearly trying to push Roman inside even deeper.

Roman needed more than this. He kissed Kendrick one more time,

and then he gently eased out of him.

“Turn on your side,” Roman commanded.
Kendrick smiled at him and did as he was told.

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Roman slipped behind him before pressing his cock back into that

warm, tight space, getting deeper than he’d had even the last time.

“Oh fuck, Roman!” Kendrick moaned, and when the man turned

his head to look at him, Roman couldn’t resist giving small licks to
the side of that wonderful throat, or pressing another kiss to his

Kendrick came first. Roman didn’t have the superior sense of

smell that he did, but the scent of cum was still heavy in the air as
warm seed spilled over Kendrick’s stomach and chest.

Roman pumped the man’s cock, draining every last drop out of

him as his entrance tightened around Roman’s hard prick.

He came with a groan, hugging his mate tightly to his chest and

pressing his mouth to the man’s shoulder and neck. He couldn’t get
enough skin-to-skin contact. He loved this. He wanted this all the
time, all day, every day.

Then why did he fell like there was something missing from this

otherwise perfect scenario?

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Chapter Seven

Kendrick walked through the halls, making his way on down to

Clatcher’s room. He hoped the man would be there, because it was his
day off, or so Roman had said.

Kendrick hadn’t wanted to go to Clatcher’s room. Something

about that seemed inappropriate, and he really hoped Roman wouldn’t
be around to—

As Kendrick turned the corner that led down to Clatcher’s room,

he stopped dead and rushed back to hide around the corner.

What the hell was Roman doing here?
Maybe it wasn’t him. Maybe Kendrick had seen it wrong.
He peeked his face around the corner of the hall, really hoping

that his lover wouldn’t see him.

It was Roman all right, and he was wearing the armor of the

dragon warriors, only without the red sash that had once marked him
as a leader.

He was just…leaning against the wall. Was this where he was

supposed to be patrolling? The halls that were closest to Clatcher’s

That seemed a little bit suspicious to him. He hadn’t lied about

having a shift, otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered with the armor.

Wait a minute, what was he thinking? Of course Roman wasn’t

lying to him. He wasn’t a liar and he wasn’t a cheater either. If he was
here, then there had to be a good reason for it. He was too much of an
honorable man to bother with tricking Kendrick about anything.

If he wanted out, then all he had to do was say so.

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He looked back around the corner, figuring maybe he should go

over there and say something to him, confront him about the thing
that he’d said when he was with Kendrick in bed.

Kendrick wasn’t even sure if Roman was aware that he’d said

Clatcher’s name when he’d come.

Kendrick had completely frozen up when he heard that name.

Horror chilled his blood, but there wasn’t anything he could do about
it as Roman kissed and sucked on his neck so lovingly.

He couldn’t have known he’d said Clatcher’s name. He wasn’t

mean enough to do something like that on purpose.

Well, Roman was standing there right now. Kendrick needed to

go over and at least ask him about it.

Kendrick just opened his mouth to call out to him, to say

something, when the door to Clatcher’s room burst open, and Clatcher
rushed out.

His arms came around Roman’s neck and his mouth was on

Roman’s in a passionate kiss.

Kendrick gasped. All the blood drained from his face, and

probably his entire body because he was so damned cold all over his
body. And like a giant wuss, his eyes burned with the need to cry
miserable tears.

The worst part was when Roman closed his eyes. Kendrick

thought he would die.

His first thought was that he’d known it shouldn’t last, and in the

fraction of a second it took his brain to think about these things, he
figured this was what Conner must’ve felt when he caught Kendrick
kissing his mate.

He was about to turn around and get the hell out of there, but then

Roman did something unexpected. He pushed Clatcher off of him.

“What are you doing?” Roman asked. “We can’t do this.”
Clatcher’s wide-eyed and openmouthed expression was enough to

let Kendrick know the man hadn’t been expecting that at all. “But I

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“That I would cheat on my mate? Is that what you think of me?”
“No!” Clatcher said quickly, shaking his head.
Now he understood. This wasn’t a secret meeting between lovers,

and that was such a relief that the rest of it didn’t matter. Kendrick
was too happy. It didn’t matter if they’d kissed anymore because now
Kendrick could say for a hundred percent fact that Roman didn’t
come here to meet with Clatcher for that.

He must’ve made some noise that they overheard, because then

both of their necks craned to the side, and they immediately caught
sight of Kendrick right there.

Now Roman had a pale face. It was interesting, Kendrick had

never watched the color just drain out of a man’s face like that before.

Kendrick couldn’t help himself. The tears that had been

threatening to come finally broke through. His face crumpled, and he
had to put his hand up just to hide how bad he looked.

“Kendrick, baby, please don’t,” Roman said, and the next thing

Kendrick knew was that Roman was wrapping his arms around
Kendrick’s shoulders and pulling him forward for a tight hug.

“I swear it wasn’t what you thought it was. Kendrick, please. I

swear to the Gods it wasn’t what you thought.”

Kendrick believed him. Roman sounded so damned terrified, but

that could always come from a man who just regretted being caught
rather than what he did.

But Roman didn’t regret being caught. He regretted what he’d

done. That much was obvious because Roman had pushed Clatcher
away. He hadn’t come here to kiss the man, that had been all
Clatcher’s doing.

Roman continued to pet and hold him, telling him how sorry he

was, how he didn’t intend for it to happen, and by the end it sounded
like he might’ve been crying as well.

Kendrick had to look up at him just to make sure, and yes, the

man’s cheeks were wet. He was genuinely terrified of losing

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Kendrick, but Kendrick had also seen the look on his face when
Clatcher had kissed him.

Fuck. Kendrick looked away from his mate and over to where the

other warrior was still standing.

He had such a shamed expression on his face. His cheeks were a

little on the pink side, his arms were crossed, and the scowl on his
brow appeared to be more for himself than for Roman or Kendrick.

He was brave to still be sticking around, however. Kendrick

recalled the last time he’d kissed Aris. He’d been so in love with the
high dragon, and they’d dated for years. He hadn’t been convinced
that what they had was over.

When Kendrick was caught by Conner, he’d chickened out and

run away. Clatcher was still here, as if he was waiting for someone to
dish out a punishment.

“I’m…very sorry,” he said finally.
“Why did you…What were you even doing here?” Kendrick

asked, looking up at his mate.

“It’s my fault,” Clatcher said. “He…I guess he heard I was

leaving and came over here to talk me out of it.”

Roman quickly wiped his eyes, and then it was back to business

with him. He had this way about him where he could shed some tears,
but then wipe them away when he was done and still look as stoic and
serious as he needed to. Had Kendrick not seen it for himself, he
would’ve been convinced that Roman’s hadn’t cried at all.

“How did you even know I was coming?”
“Aiken texted me,” Clatcher said. “I guess he told you that I was

leaving, and when you got upset and stormed off, he sent me a text.
He didn’t mean to give it away, but he wanted me to be prepared. I
guess I thought with you coming to try and talk me out of leaving

“Again?” Kendrick asked, and he looked up at his mate. “What’s

going on? He tried to leave once before?”

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That should’ve made Kendrick happy as all hell, considering what

he’d just walked in on, but it didn’t. It made his stomach drop and bile
churn in the empty spot, like he was collecting a buildup of vomit that
was about to erupt at any second.

He didn’t want Clatcher to go either. That was insane. He should

want the man to go. He was angry as all hell over what had nearly
happened, but his anger was simmering out of his body at a fast pace,
like he’d already blown through all of it.

The scare of thinking that he was about to lose Roman was worse

than anything, but now Kendrick finally had his proof.

Even when Roman was given the opportunity, he wouldn’t turn

his back on Kendrick. He was too loyal and honest for that.

That could very well be part of the problem, however.
Kendrick didn’t want Clatcher to leave, and he didn’t want to

discuss any more with Roman standing right beside him, so he just
said what needed to be said and let the rest of it go.

“I don’t want you to leave either, Clatcher,” Kendrick said.
Clatcher’s eyes widened, and instead of scowling down at his

hands, he finally looked up at Kendrick. His mouth was parted just
slightly. He definitely hadn’t seen that one coming.

Kendrick kept right on going. “This is your home, too. You’ve

been here as long as I have, longer even. It’s not fair to ask you to

“Even if I told you that I might not be able to keep my hands to

myself again?” Clatcher asked.

Kendrick’s heart pounded. The kicked-dog look on Clatcher’s

face didn’t sit well with him, and if he wanted to go over there and
comfort the man, then there was no telling how Roman felt, and what
he wanted to do to make it better as well.

Kendrick knew the truth now. He and Roman were never going to


“Even then,” Kendrick said.

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He felt Roman’s eyes on him, but he ignored the other man as a

plan formed inside of his mind as to how he was going to get through

“Kendrick,” Roman said. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I won’t allow

it to happen again.”

“I know you’ll try to keep it from happening again,” Kendrick

said, and then he closed his eyes for just a second to get a mental
picture of what Roman’s face had looked like when Clatcher had
kissed him.

Eyes shut, peaceful, and happy.
“But I doubt you’ll be able to keep it from happening.”
“It won’t! I swear on my honor, it won’t!” Roman yelled. The

larger man tried to turn Kendrick’s shoulders around, but Kendrick
couldn’t look at him. Not yet.

“You need to get back to your shift,” Kendrick said.
Roman immediately froze up. Kendrick hoped he wasn’t hurting

the other man.

“You want me to go?”
“Yes,” Kendrick replied, and this time he did look up into

Roman’s eyes.

The man had such a worried expression on his face, and he was

still a lot paler than what was probably healthy for him.

He looked so damned afraid. In a weird way, that gave Kendrick a

lot of hope.

“I want to speak with Clatcher alone. I don’t want you around to

hear it, and you should be patrolling the halls with the others anyway.

Roman took in a deep breath, and he bit down on his lower lip.
He knew something was up, but it didn’t look like he was about to

ask what it was. Did he fear he didn’t have the right to after what

It was a little on the sleazy side, but Kendrick was totally going to

use that to his advantage.

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Clatcher also had something of a worried expression on his face.

In fact, he kind of looked afraid.

It would’ve been funny any other time, to know that he was

making a strong and capable warrior afraid of him. Little old him, but
there it was.

“All right,” Roman said, relenting.
He looked more defeated than anything else.
“I suppose we’ll be talking after my shift is over?”
“Definitely,” Kendrick said, and he hoped that Roman was going

to like what Kendrick had to say.

Roman nodded, and it said something that the man was too afraid

to kiss him good-bye, as if he felt his touch wouldn’t be welcome.

Kendrick watched his mate go, feeling a deep longing for that

missing kiss already. The amulet that marked him as mated to a
dragon burned against his chest.

“Kendrick, I am so sorry, I didn’t realize…I mean I never meant


Clatcher didn’t finish any of the sentences he tried to start.

Kendrick couldn’t blame him, and even though he wasn’t there to
fight, he couldn’t help but lash out a bit.

“You didn’t realize you were going to throw yourself into

Roman’s arms? You didn’t mean to try and stick your tongue in his

Clatcher flinched. “I deserve that,” he said.
No he didn’t. Fuck, even Conner had never lashed out that badly

at Kendrick. More proof that he could be a dick when he wanted to

Kendrick sighed. “Can I just speak with you? Privately in your


Clatcher seemed a little taken aback by that, as if he honestly

hadn’t expected the request. Whatever, Kendrick didn’t want to talk
about this anyway, but he needed to.

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He waited until Clatcher nodded, and then he stepped aside and

opened the door to his room.

It was virtually the same layout as Roman and Kendrick’s

bedrooms, and Kendrick wondered if all of the warriors had rooms
that were the same size like this.

Even the furniture was the same, but the differences were in the

little touches. The scent of Clatcher’s aftershave and soap coming out
of the open bathroom door, the color of the curtains and the types of
books, movies and games that were on his shelf.

Kendrick hadn’t known that Clatcher even liked video games.

Strange to realize they both had something in common.

Another big difference, was that a lot of everything was packed


On the bookcase with the books and games, the bottom half was

completely empty, and Kendrick was willing to bet the other games
and whatnot were in the box on the floor right next to it.

There were also boxes lying near the dresser and the closet.

Everything had the appearance of a messy and rushed attempt at

“You weren’t kidding about leaving,” Kendrick said, and his

stupid heart wouldn’t stop thumping in his chest. Why was he losing
his breath at the thought of Clatcher leaving?

He cared, but he couldn’t care that much, right?
“Yeah, I figured the sooner the better.”
“Do you have another clan to go to?” Kendrick asked.
Clans were as important to dragons as packs were important to

werewolves. The protection of all those extra people, coupled with the
knowledge of being among friends who would watch out for and take
care of a man, was a powerful thing.

“Not yet, but I’m still looking for something suitable, I guess,”

Clatcher said. “I’ve got enough money to stay in a nice hotel for a
month if I want, so it’s not like I’ll be out on the streets or anything.”

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As if that was supposed the matter. The point was that he was

planning on leaving.

“Would you like a seat?” Clatcher asked, and he rushed around

the room, picking up stray articles of clothing that had been strewn
around during the packing process. “I can get you water if you want.”

Kendrick couldn’t let the man go on like this, pretending to be a

good host for him while Kendrick was thinking the things that he was.

He really hoped this would work, and that if it didn’t, that

Clatcher would at least do him a favor and never mention it again.

“Do you love Roman? I mean, really love him?”
The amulet around his neck felt heavy just by asking that


Clatcher looked at him, and he dropped some of the clothes in his

hands. “What?”

Kendrick didn’t have the patience for this. He was too

embarrassed. “Do you want to be his mate?”

“I…” Poor Clatcher looked so damned horrified by the question,

probably because he hadn’t seen it coming, but in the end, he went
with honesty. “Yes, I do, but why are you asking me this? You’re his
mate, not me.”

“And there’s a very likely probability that he’s only with me out

of a sense of duty, because he wants to keep his promises to me,”
Kendrick said.

Then his throat swelled up and he had to immediately stop talking.

It was breaking his damned heart just putting that thought into words.
He didn’t want it to be true, but it most likely was.

He thought of how Roman had first kissed him, how gentle and

sweet he’d been, and then how the man had held onto Kendrick’s
hand as they fled the castle with some of their belongings, ready to
start a brand-new life together.

“You think he’s only with you to be honorable?”
Kendrick shrugged one shoulder. “It’s possible. He was with me

first, and he felt guilty for being with you. He wants to do the right

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thing, and in his mind, that would be to not hurt my feelings after I
was thrown off a cliff.”

“Are you…” Clatcher’s eyes widened as he put together what

Kendrick was getting at. “Are you offering to leave him?”

Kendrick sighed. “Yes and no, it’s hard for me to describe.”
“He loves you, you know,” Clatcher said softly, and it wasn’t a


Kendrick looked up at the man, at his rival. There was something

so damned defeated in Clatcher’s eyes that now Kendrick’s heart was
breaking for him, too.

“I know. But I also know he loves you, too.”
Clatcher looked up at him sharply, and Kendrick nodded.
“Even if he doesn’t admit it, or never said it to you, he loves you.”
Clatcher shook his head. “We weren’t together for very long.”
“You were both together for about as long as he and I have been

before I was killed. Maybe even longer. I was thrown off the cliff, and
then managed to finally get back into the castle after Conner gave
birth, so that was a couple of months right there, and then it was a few
months more before I finally learned how to shift for the first time in
my new form, and before you and Roman managed to get back to the
castle. He thought I was dead for, what? Six months? Almost seven?
That’s more than a half a year that he wasn’t with me. Half a year that
I was completely out of the picture. People get over their exes a lot
sooner than that. They get married and start their families sooner than

“He was mourning your death. That’s different. You didn’t break

up with him.”

“I know,” Kendrick said. “But you were still with him for a long

time. You kept him alive and safe, you took care of his wounds, and
you listened to him whenever he got drunk and angry. Even if he’s
not exactly the same as he was when he left, he’s not a shell of what
he used to be either. That’s because of you.”

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Clatcher shook his head. “It doesn’t excuse what I did. I shouldn’t

be throwing myself at him. I like you, Kendrick. I know you probably
don’t think that right now, but I do. I’m also jealous as fuck of you
because you have him. You’re perfect for him and everything that I’m

“A warrior who can watch his back in a dangerous situation?”
Clatcher shook his head. “Any of the guys can do that. You’re

different. You’re special, and I don’t even think you realize it.”

Kendrick’s breath caught in his throat. That had to be the single

nicest thing that anyone other than Roman had ever said to him.

“You think I’m special? Like, the good kind of special, right?”
Clatcher actually smirked a little at that. “Yes, fool. I’m not

insulting you,” he said, and then he was back to being serious. “You
have a power that’s so rare and amazing that our people don’t even
fully understand it. You came back to life, and now you can shift into
a fox. You’re cute and funny when you want to be, and you can cook
and take care of Roman like I can’t. You should be with him. I don’t
even know why I keep lusting after him like some kind of idiot.”

Clatcher turned away from him and threw his clothes into the

corner of his room, like he needed something to take his anger out on,
so he’d chosen them.

Kendrick was still caught up in all the compliments that Clatcher

had just given him. Roman had told Kendrick those things many
times before, but Kendrick had always smiled and chalked it up to the
fact that he and Roman were mated, so of course the man had to toot
the horn of his mate from time to time.

But this was a man, saying all of these wonderful things about

him, who had no reason at all to say them.

Kendrick’s heart swelled with affection for the man. Clatcher

might’ve kissed Roman fifteen minutes ago, but that was more than
forgiven now that Kendrick knew what the man really thought of him.

“Truth be told,” Kendrick said. “I was always really jealous of


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Clatcher looked at him, and one of his brows was raised. “Me?”
Kendrick nodded. “You kept Roman alive and safe when I

couldn’t. Even if I hadn’t died, it’s been proven already that I’m kind
of useless. You kept him alive again when the hunters attacked. I’ll
never have the strength or skill to do something like that, and you’re
better looking than me, and you can follow him into battle and spar
with him, all things that I can’t do.”

Kendrick and Clatcher stared at each other for a few minutes after

that, and it was the strangest silence in the world.

Clatcher shook his head, and then smiled. “So we’re both jealous

of each other. That’s great.”

“The point,” Kendrick said, “is that he wants you.”
“You don’t know that,” Clatcher said.
“I saw the way his eyes closed when you kissed him. He pushed

you away after, but his eyes still closed.”

Kendrick stared hard at the other man. Just because he wasn’t

strong or brave, didn’t mean he wasn’t going to have the guts to say
this. “He sometimes sits in his chair whenever we have a day off
together, staring off into nothing with his chin in his hand, and I can
tell he’s thinking about you.”

“He feels guilty about the way we ended it,” Clatcher said. “That

doesn’t mean anything.”

Kendrick had to take a deep breath for this one. “The last time we

had sex, right before he left for his shift, actually, he said your name.”

Clatcher’s entire body tensed, and his eyes widened. “Wh—are

you sure?” he asked, sputtering the words.

Kendrick nodded, and his former misery came over him in the

worst possible way. “He loves you. I can tell.”

Clatcher shook his head, but he seemed done with the idea of just

denying the entire thing. “Even if he does, you have to know that he
loves you more, right?”

Kendrick blew out a breath. “I’m not so sure anymore, and that

really scares me.”

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Clatcher’s eyes moved down, and only then did Kendrick realize

he was clutching his amulet in his tight grip. It was amazing he didn’t
accidentally break the damned thing.

“You can’t give me your amulet,” Clatcher said softly. “Don’t do

it, that’s yours.”

“Actually,” Kendrick said, and this time he looked up into

Clatcher’s eyes. He didn’t recall lowering them. “I have another idea
in mind. I wanted to run it by you before talking with Roman about

Clatcher sighed. “All right, tell me quick, though. I’ve already

stopped packing my shit for long enough.”

“If you agree, and he does, too, then you won’t need to pack.”

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Chapter Eight

Roman groaned as he stood outside of the door to his room, his

hand on the knob, but he didn’t enter.

Stop being such a fucking coward and just do it, he told himself.
Easier said than done when he was terrified that Kendrick

wouldn’t be inside. He could easily decide to leave. He could say that
he never wanted to see Roman ever again.

He would have the right to do so as well. It was only one kiss, but

the fact that Roman had felt so damned much when Clatcher’s lips
touched his was a betrayal in of itself.

Just because he’d hardly done anything physical with the man was

no excuse, especially when he was drawn to Clatcher on a strong
emotional level that definitely qualified as betrayal.

Roman sighed, took a breath for courage, and then opened the


He stopped when he spotted Clatcher and Kendrick, sitting across

from each other on the leather seats, a coffee table between them with
beverages on it, like they’d just been having a friendly discussion or

They both looked at him when he came in, and then stood up.
Roman shut the door behind him, note entirely sure what was

happening. “What’s going on?” he asked.

Clatcher was the last person in the world Roman expected to see

in his room, especially with Kendrick.

Both men looked at each other, and Kendrick was exuding the

most nervous energy in the room.

“We’ve been, uh, talking with each other,” Kendrick said.

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Roman noted that his mate’s hand was fiddling with his amulet.

He supposed he should be grateful that Kendrick was even still
wearing the thing, considering how poorly Roman had been behaving

Didn’t mean he was out of the dark just yet. “All right,” Roman

said. “What have you both been talking about?”

The two men looked at each other again, and now Clatcher was

the one who had an expression on his face that was nearly fearful, as
if he expected to be attacked for what he was about to say. “Kendrick
spoke to me after you left, and he talked about some of the things he’d
noticed about you.”

Roman was having trouble reading the both of them, it was

incredibly weird. This whole thing was strange. “What did you both
notice about me?” he asked.

“It was more of what Kendrick noticed about you,” Clatcher said.

The man had his hand behind his neck, like he was scratching away
some discomfort. His eyes weren’t quite meeting Roman’s, which he
didn’t blame the man for either, considering how badly Roman had
embarrassed him earlier.

He couldn’t seem to do right by either man lately.
Roman looked to Kendrick for an explanation, and Kendrick

sucked in a breath, squared his shoulders, and just spit it out.

“I know you’re in love with Clatcher.”
Roman might as well have been punched in the face because the

statement nearly knocked him off his feet. “What?”

Kendrick actually glared at him. “Don’t try and deny it. It’s

obvious, and it has been ever since you confessed to me that you two
were seeing each other.”

“We weren’t seeing each other. I mean, we weren’t dating,”

Roman said.

“Does it matter?” Kendrick asked, blue eyes so wide and

desperate, and Roman couldn’t bring himself to argue.

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He hadn’t meant for it to happen, but he’d fallen in love with

Clatcher, and after Kendrick had returned to him from the dead, he’d
been spending so much time trying to make it work between himself
and his first mate.

By doing so, he’d been hurting them both.
“I…I do love Clatcher,” Roman said. The truth was a relief and a

burden at the same time. He was finally able to put into words the
thing he knew to be true this entire time, but at the same time, it was
admitting to something and facing something he desperately wished
wasn’t the case.

Had he and Clatcher never allowed themselves to get this far, they

could have returned to being just friends. Now, everything Roman
held dear was at stake. His friendship with Clatcher, what was left of
it, and his relationship with Kendrick.

“But he and I have already decided. I’ve chosen you, Kendrick. I

want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“But you want him in the picture, too, don’t you?” Kendrick

asked, nodding to Clatcher. The warrior stood patiently right beside
Kendrick. He looked right at Roman, but his eyes were too damned

Roman shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way, I know that.

I’ve made my choice and I’m going to live with it.”

Kendrick’s face changed, his expression fell, like Roman had just

physically slapped him. “Is that what I am? Just something you have
to live with?”

Roman shut his eyes. Stupid choice of words. Stupid, stupid,

stupid. “That wasn’t what I meant. No matter what, I have to choose
and someone will get their heart broken. That’s the way it is and
that’s the way it’s going to stay,” Roman said.

“But I don’t want you to ever regret being with me,” Kendrick

said, and a hint of that desperation was back in his voice. “I don’t
want you to sit in a corner and think about someone else when your

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mind wanders. I don’t want you to say Clatcher’s name when you’re
having sex with me.”

“I never—”
“Yes you did!” Kendrick snapped, hands clenching into fists.

Roman was actually stunned as Kendrick glared at him before
pointing at the bed. “We were right over there this morning when you
said Clatcher’s name. You want him and you love him.”

Roman swallowed hard, and it was painful over the rock in his

throat. “Kendrick, I don’t want to lose you,” he said.

Despite his words, he felt very close to having that happen.
Why did he have to kiss Clatcher? Why did he have to shut his

eyes and why did he have to have feelings like this?

He looked over at the other warrior. It wasn’t his fault, it was

Roman’s for not being in control of his own emotions.

Kendrick wet his lips and looked down at his feet. His cheeks

were really turning red now, as were Clatcher’s. They had nothing to
be embarrassed about, this was entirely Roman’s fault, so what were
they doing?

“I don’t want to lose you either,” Kendrick said, and Roman was

proud of how strong he looked when Kendrick faced him again. “I
don’t want you to regret being with me, and I don’t want you to long
for someone else when you’re with me either. No matter what you
say, so long as you love him and me at the same time, then you’re
always going to be thinking about what you can’t have.”

“Stop. Let me finish and you can say whatever you want,”

Kendrick said.

Roman nodded.
Kendrick had to take in another deep breath. “I’ve been speaking

with Clatcher, and we both found out that we’re somewhat alike in
some ways,” Kendrick said, stunning the ever loving hell out of
Roman when he managed a small smile for the other man, and
Clatcher actually smiled back.

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“But we’re also different in other ways. He gives you something

that I don’t have, and I give you something that he doesn’t have. I
don’t blame you for that. I was out of your life for so long that it
would be unfair of me to demand that you don’t have these feelings
for him.”

And Roman couldn’t promise to get rid of his feelings either,

especially when that was impossible.

“So, Clatcher and I talked some more, and, he’s agreed to give

this a try. Only if you agree, too,” Kendrick added quickly.

Roman was expecting Kendrick to tell him to get the hell out of

here at any second. It clearly wasn’t about to come. This was
something else, and he didn’t know what to make of it.

“What did you both discuss?” Roman asked.
Kendrick seemed to have lost his voice at the question, because he

kept his mouth shut, and his face became even redder.

“Do you want me to tell him?” Clatcher asked.
“No,” Kendrick said, quickly shaking his head. “I can do it.”
But Clatcher was really looking at him, as if he was concerned for

Kendrick’s well-being. “You don’t have to say anything, and we
don’t have to do this.”

“I’m not backing out,” Kendrick said, half glaring at the man.

“It’s just embarrassing, is all.”

“What’s embarrassing?” Roman asked. He was about to lose his

damned mind because he had no idea what the hell was going on here.

Kendrick took in a deep breath. Then another. Then another. Then

he finally managed to answer.

“I don’t want to lose you, and I want you to be happy. I want you

to have everything you want because I think you deserve it.”

Roman frowned, not understanding where this was going.
Then the tiny hint of a thought of what was going on came to him.
No. There was no way Kendrick would be offering something like

that. No possible way.

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Kendrick stepped closer to Clatcher, and when he reached his

hand out and laced his fingers with Clatcher’s, the both of them
looking at Roman like they were a unit, he realized he was indeed
being offered this.

“I want to bring Clatcher into our relationship,” Kendrick said.
Roman was struck dumb. Really. He lost the power of speech

because his stupid mouth was opening and closing, but no words were
coming out. No audible words at any rate.

Roman wanted to do something to wake himself up. He almost

pinched himself, but then he realized that would be too stupid. He
knew he wasn’t dreaming, but fuck, he might as well be.

The two men he loved more than anything else in the world were

standing in front of him, offering him a compromise that wasn’t really
a compromise.

They were still holding hands in front of him, waiting for what he

had to say.

Roman shook his head. “No, I’m sorry but no.”
“Why not?” Kendrick asked.
Clatcher tried to pull his hand away, but Kendrick wouldn’t let

him. “He said no, Kendrick. Let me go.”

“No!” Kendrick snapped, and then he looked back at Roman.

“Tell me why not. I want to know why you don’t think this is a good

Roman ran his hands through his hair, gripping it tight. “I want to

say yes, don’t mistake that, but I won’t do this just for that reason.
You’re only offering because you’re afraid I’ll leave you, Kendrick. I
won’t do that. I chose you and I’m going to stay with you.”

Kendrick frowned at him, still refusing to let go of Clatcher’s

hand, who had now given up on the idea of escaping him.

“So you’re only saying no because you think I’ve somehow

pressured myself into getting this idea?”

He supposed that made sense. “Something like that,” Roman said.

“I won’t make a selfish decision that will make you uncomfortable.”

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“I wouldn’t be uncomfortable,” Kendrick said, and he looked back

up at Clatcher. “We’ve actually been talking about this for the last
several hours. We like the idea.”

Roman wasn’t convinced. It must’ve shown on his face, because

then Kendrick did another thing that Roman never thought he would
see out of his mate.

He smiled up at Clatcher. “Want to show him we’re serious?”
Clatcher sent one careful look to Roman, and then he smiled down

at the fox shifter who refused to release his hand.

Roman frowned, and then his eyes bulged as Clatcher leaned

down and pressed his mouth to Kendrick’s in a soft, sweet kiss.

A puff of air left his throat. Roman hadn’t even realized he’d been

holding his breath as he watched the two.

The kiss turned from mostly innocent and lips to lips only, to

Kendrick pressing back, Clatcher closing his eyes, and then their
mouths opening and—

Roman let out a choked moan before he could even finish the

thought. Clatcher’s tongue just slipped inside of Kendrick’s mouth.
Roman had seen the inward glide, and his cock was completely
swollen and harder than steel between his legs.

Fucking Gods, that was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in his life.
Clatcher opened one eye and looked over at him, right before

abruptly pulling his mouth away from Kendrick’s.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have touched him.”
“What?” Kendrick asked, and then looked at Roman. “He’s not

angry,” Kendrick said, looking back at Roman. “Right?”

Roman nodded. He wasn’t angry, but he was just so damned

focused on what he was seeing that he must’ve had a serious look on
his face.

Considering Clatcher had just kissed Roman’s mate, he didn’t

blame the man for being a little paranoid about it.

“Oh,” Clatcher said, and his already pink cheeks darkened just a

little more. “Did you like it?”

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Roman nodded again. “I don’t have words to describe how much I

liked it.”

“We can all do this together,” Kendrick said. “Conner told me that

some animal shifters, werewolves, foxes and whoever else, take
multiple mates. The humans even do it sometimes.”

“That’s illegal in some states,” Roman said, not because he was

fighting against what they were offering. That was impossible at this
point. His only concern was making sure his mate knew everything
there was to know about what he was offering.

“It’s not illegal in this state as of a couple years ago,” Kendrick

said with a winning smile on his face. “I checked.”

“I confirmed it,” Clatcher said, still something of a humiliated

expression on his face, but he wasn’t leaving, and he wasn’t trying to
get away anymore, even if he was having trouble looking Roman in
the eyes.

Clatcher was in all likelihood acting on his last chance with this. If

Roman denied him again, then the man would leave the castle and
never come back, regardless of anything Roman told him, how much
begging and pleading he did. Any of it.

Maybe Clatcher saw that thought going through Roman’s head,

because he actually scowled at him. “Don’t make your decision out of
pity for me. We’re doing this for you. Kendrick and I realized that we
like each other, and if we’re honest, we can even admit that we’re
attracted to each other.”

Roman blinked. “How long has that been going on for?”
“Not long,” Kendrick said. “And it was more like the attraction I

would feel when looking at a magazine and seeing a cute male model
inside. It was never something that either of us were going to act on.”

“But when Kendrick told me about this idea,” Clatcher said. “I

knew there was a little more to it than that. We talked a little, learned
more about ourselves and each other, and even discussed how far
we’d be willing to go with each other for you.”

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“How far?” Roman thought about the kiss again. That super

amazing, sexy kiss that still had his balls up high and tight against his

They looked at each other. It was almost like they were

communicating with their minds or something.

They looked back at him, and both had shy smiles on their faces

that were adorable as hell.

“We’ll go as far as you want us to go,” Kendrick said. “We’ll start

right now, too.”

“Start now? Right now?” Roman asked, and he was completely

struck dumb when both men removed their shirts.

It was an interesting contrast, seeing Kendrick, who was almost

delicate in size, standing without his shirt on next to Clatcher, who
had broad and tanned shoulders, defined abs and pecs, and was also
several inches taller.

Roman had been with both men separately at one time, was in

love with the both of them now, and here they were, offering him the
two of them at the same time because they cared for him that much.

“This won’t be for one night, either,” Clatcher said. His voice was

too damned quiet. It was unnatural hearing such a strong man being
so cowed, so afraid that Roman would deny him.

“I was…” Roman wet his mouth and looked at both men. “I

wasn’t hoping for a one-night stand. I don’t want that. I don’t want to
fuck you and then ask you to go back to your room in the morning.
That wouldn’t be right.”

Clatcher’s eyes brightened a little. Roman turned his eyes over to

Kendrick, just to make sure that this was all right.

Kendrick had a bright smile on his face.
That was when Roman knew for a fact that this was real. This

wasn’t a test of his loyalty to Kendrick. They both meant to do this.
Kendrick wanted to have a relationship with both him and Clatcher,
and Roman had no reason to say that this could not be done.

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He would be lying if he didn’t admit that he’d fantasized about

this. He had, several times, but he’d been with Kendrick in a
monogamous relationship, and some fantasies were best left unsaid to
a partner.

At least, he’d thought so before now.
Maybe it was better that Roman hadn’t. It was better because

Kendrick had come up with the idea. If Roman had brought up this
idea, then he would never be sure that he hadn’t inadvertently
pressured him without meaning to.

“It’s okay,” Kendrick said, still smiling. “I want to do this. I like

Clatcher. A lot. Anyone that you love and respect is someone that I
love and respect. It’s easy for me to like him for just that reason. Also,
he seems to think I’m pretty amazing, so that’s another reason to like

Roman sputtered a laugh. “He does have pretty good taste,” he


“Just so long as you’re not insulted that I’m touching your mate,”

Clatcher said, and he carefully put his hands on Kendrick’s shoulders
as if he meant to bring the smaller man forward for another long and
drawn-out kiss.

Roman couldn’t wait to see it. His dick throbbed, and his blood

warmed in anticipation.

“No, not jealous,” Roman said.
And it was true, too. He knew that about himself while having to

do hardly any soul searching about it.

He wasn’t jealous of the idea of Clatcher touching Kendrick like

that because they were both his mate. He’d claimed the both of them,
something so unbelievably rare that Roman didn’t know of a single
person in the entire castle who had managed to claim two mates.

A piece of him must’ve been searching for something when

Kendrick had died, and without even realizing it, Roman had reached
out and grabbed onto it.

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That was why he couldn’t forget about Clatcher no matter how

hard he tried, and that was why his feelings remained so strong that he
was willing to get in front of the man and take bullets that a group of
hunters had meant for him.

Clatcher was his mate, as much as Kendrick was. This could

really work.

“I think we’ve convinced him,” Kendrick said, and the younger

shifter had the most adorably shy smile on his face as he looked up at
Clatcher, as if awaiting some sort of instruction.

This was new to the lot of them. Roman’s face would be just as

red when it came time for him to kiss Clatcher in front of Kendrick, or
fondle and fuck his mate in front of Clatcher.

Or would they all be in bed at the same time? That thought

literally made a surge of pleasure spike inside of his body. Roman
groaned and had to bring his hand down to cup between his legs. The
bulge of his cock strained against the metal teeth of his zipper, and he
wanted nothing more than to get out of his clothes and touch them.
Both of them at the same time.

And Clatcher did lean down to press another soft kiss to

Kendrick’s supple mouth. Roman watched, feeling the spike in his
heart, and his body was practically pulling him toward both men. He
wanted to be involved in that, but it was too sweet to interrupt.

They kissed like young teens having the first kiss of their lives.

Roman couldn’t help but admire it.

When they pulled away from each other, both sets of cheeks were

pink, and all the flesh that Roman could see on their bodies had a
glow about it as they smiled at each other.

They were enjoying this.
Kendrick looked over at him, and his grin grew to be even wider

as he pulled away from Clatcher and went to where Roman was still
standing, completely dumbstruck.

Kendrick grabbed onto his hands and pulled him closer into the

room, that same promising, happy smile still on his face.

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“I haven’t seen you look so happy in such a long time,” Roman

said, and his heart was genuinely warm with the lovely sight.

“You’ll see me happy a lot more from now on,” Kendrick

promised, right before he pushed Roman down onto the leather love

Not that Kendrick had the strength for something like that. Roman

only went down because he wanted to know what else his little mate
and his other mate were up to.

It was going to take some getting used to, realizing that he had

two mates. Even now he could hardly wrap his brain around that

Kendrick and Clatcher went to the other couch, and they both sat

down on it. Not side by side or anything. Clatcher was the only one
who was sitting normally while Kendrick was on his knees, as if he
was getting ready to crawl into the man’s lap, which was amazingly

“No,” Kendrick said, putting his hand over Clatcher’s chest and

stroking the man. “You just sit right there and watch us. Tell us what
to do, and when you’re ready, come and join us.”

“I love it that you’re so pushy,” Roman said, and he leaned back,

undid his pants and slid his hand down to his cock, preparing to enjoy
the show.

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Chapter Nine

Clatcher could hardly believe this was happening. He kept right

on expecting Roman to jump out of his seat, rush over to where he
was, and yank Kendrick’s hand away from Clatcher’s chest.

Right before beating the shit out of Clatcher for daring to touch

the man.

That didn’t happen. Roman watched them, and the way his arm

moved back and forth, his hand inside of his pants as he watched
Kendrick’s mouth come down on Clatcher’s chest, just made his prick
ache even more than ever before.

The sensation of Kendrick’s warm, wet mouth over his abs,

moving up to his chest, right before sucking on one sensitive nipple,
made Clatcher lurch forward and moan.

Fuck, Kendrick’s mouth felt good. The man looked good as well,

eyes closed and clearly enjoying what he was doing to Clatcher’s

Roman moaned, and Clatcher looked up at him. The man’s brown

eyes were half-lidded and filled to the brim with lust. “You both look
fucking amazing together,” Roman said.

Gods, the last time Clatcher had seen an expression like that on

the man’s face, Clatcher had been sucking on his cock. And then
Roman had fucked him hard.

The memory of that was getting Clatcher even hotter, and he

looked back down at Kendrick’s face, putting his hand into the man’s

Having Kendrick’s tongue here, and watching Roman, was like

being stimulated by two separate people at the same time.

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Clatcher eventually recalled, somewhere in the foggy recesses of

his brain, that he and Kendrick were supposed to be getting hints and
commands from Roman. That should probably start soon.

Clatcher met the man’s eyes, and nothing turned him on more

than being looked at like that after so long of being avoided. “T–tell
me what you want me to do to him,” Clatcher said, letting his eyes
briefly move down to Kendrick.

As if Roman needed to know who specifically Clatcher was

talking about.

Roman’s eyes did widen a little at the command. Clatcher’s fears

started to come back to him, like maybe Roman was too caught up in
his lust to have realized exactly what Clatcher and Kendrick had
talked about when they said they’d do anything.

And Clatcher was willing and eager to do whatever he could to

Kendrick. With Roman’s permission, of course.

“I want…” Roman said, and his tongue came out so he could wet

his lips. “I want you to suck on his cock. Make him come for me.”

He wanted Kendrick to come? So soon?
Well, Clatcher thought it was something of a waste, and he knew

Kendrick wouldn’t be having as much fun after the fact if he’d
already gotten off, but the younger man hardly seemed to mind.

In fact, he moaned and then sat away from Clatcher’s chest and

spread his legs wide.

He was an eager little thing, that was for damned sure.
“Yeah, do it,” Kendrick said, and his hands moved lightning fast

as he got out of the pants he was wearing and shoved them down his
slim, pale hips.

Yeah, he was definitely eager, and Clatcher’s mouth actually

watered as he got a look at Kendrick’s cock for the first time ever.

He was gorgeous and uncut, and the hard rod of flesh was dark in

color, and there was even a bulging vein in the man’s dick.

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A drop of pre-cum formed at the slit, and Clatcher couldn’t resist.

He leaned in and pressed his tongue to the dark head, lapping up that
little white drop and moaning at the taste.

So this was what Kendrick tasted like. A little salty, but there was

more sweetness than anything, which made Clatcher wonder what
was in the man’s diet.

Kendrick shivered and sighed. His hands found their way into

Clatcher’s longer hair, and he liked that. He liked the feeling of
having Kendrick touching him like this.

Roman loved Kendrick, and in a weird way that had manifested

itself within Clatcher as a strong attraction. One that he was only just
now acknowledging and being able to explore.

“Put it in your mouth,” Roman said.
Clatcher looked over at the man. The movement of his arm had

really slowed to a crawl as he watched them.

Clatcher wanted this to be as great as possible for him, so he

motioned Kendrick to lie back so that Clatcher could take a different
position. One that would keep his body out of the way so that Roman
could really watch the show without someone being in his way.

Anticipation hummed through him with what he was about to do.

He felt so connected with Roman just by doing this, and he felt
connected to the fox shifter above him. He was glad he’d agreed to
this now. So, so fucking glad.

He put his mouth down and around the shaft of Kendrick’s rock

solid cock. Through his lips he felt the man shiver, he felt every pulse
from his heartbeat through the connection of his mouth on Kendrick’s
dick, and it was all wonderful.

Kendrick moaned and arched his back. His long, thin fingers were

back into Clatcher’s hair, gripping tight and scratching lightly at
Clatcher’s scalp, while the tip of Kendrick’s cock pressed against the
back of his throat.

Clatcher fucking loved the sound of every moan that came out of

Kendrick’s throat. He adored how each one sounded as if it was being

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ripped from him, like an invisible hand was gripping them tight and
snatching them away.

Clatcher tightened his lips, hollowed his cheeks, and then moaned

just to create some extra pleasure through the vibrations.

Kendrick fucking went wild, and Clatcher, without even realizing

it, found himself humping against the leather couch itself, trying to
get some much-needed friction to his own desperate cock.

Kendrick arched his spine one more time, and then he was coming

hard down Clatcher’s throat.

Clatcher swallowed every drop. As he did, as Kendrick’s cum

shot into his mouth and was then swallowed down his throat, a sense
of completeness overcame him.

This was right. This was exactly how everything was meant to be.

Clatcher hadn’t been jealous of Kendrick before.

Well, he had been, but not to the extent that he thought he was.

Clatcher was in love with Kendrick, almost as much as he loved
Roman. He wasn’t even sure when this had happened, and it had to be
a product of his feelings for Roman. After all, how could he not love
someone that Roman adored so damned much?

Clatcher was in love with both Roman and Kendrick, and they

were here, in this room with him, letting him partake in what they
only did alone and together.

Warm hands touched Clatcher’s shoulders, and he was

immediately yanked out of his peaceful musings.

He looked up into Roman’s eyes just as the man’s mouth came

down around his in a deep and searing kiss.

Really. Clatcher had power over ice and frost, and that fact that he

couldn’t get this hot blood inside of his veins to cool down now of all
times had to mean something.

Then Roman’s tongue, oh! His tongue! Clatcher never thought he

would be able to have it again! He’d barely had a taste of it when he’d
rudely stolen that kiss from the man as Roman came to try and, once
again, talk him out of leaving the clan.

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Now Clatcher was free to kiss back and leisurely slide his tongue

across Roman’s. They kissed like it was their first time. Clatcher
closed his eyes after Roman did, and for the first time in the weeks
since Kendrick’s return, he felt the old affection he’d always known
was there coming out of the other man.

“You both look so hot doing that,” Kendrick said.
Clatcher looked down at the smaller man, and noted how he was

stroking his cock as he watched them.

His still very hard, very dark, cock.
What the hell?
Clatcher must’ve stared for a little too long because Kendrick

laughed at him. “I’m an animal shifter now. I can have multiple
orgasms every day.”

Clatcher’s eyes widened as Roman leaned up and started to kiss

and suckle on the side of his throat.

“Are you serious?” Clatcher asked. “How does that even work?”
“We have no idea,” Roman replied.
It should’ve been some sort of rewardable challenge, the fact that

Clatcher was able to put together a proper sentence while being kissed
and suckled on the side of the throat. To make it even worse—if that
was a word that was even proper to use at the moment—the fox
shifter started to tease him with even more information.

“Not just two or three times either,” Kendrick said, one of those

goofy, winning smiles on his face. “But a lot of times. I can go all day
if I need to.”

That might explain why Roman was so eager to watch Clatcher

suck off the smaller man.

“All day?” Clatcher asked, just to be sure he’d heard that right.
It was Roman who answered him this time, kissing the side of his

throat, stroking his chest, thighs, and legs.

“All day,” Roman said.
Fuck, he would know that better than anyone else that this point.

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Except for maybe the other dragons who’d taken wolves for


Clatcher gasped when something warm and wet surrounded his

cock. “Oh fuck!”

He looked down. Kendrick was there, eyes closed and bobbing his

head up and down around the shaft of Clatcher’s dick like he
was…like he was…like he was sucking off Roman.

Roman’s mouth captured Clatcher’s in a deep and searing kiss.
The tip of his warm tongue pressed against Clatcher’s lips, and he

knew how this worked. He opened for the other man. Roman sank
inside and licked him deep. Clatcher moaned and wrapped his arms
around Roman’s neck, arching his back and gyrating his hips,
thrusting his cock deeper into Kendrick’s mouth while Roman kissed
him like he really loved him.

As if this was even happening. Clatcher was the luckiest bastard

in the history of time, because not only was he getting the man he
loved out of this deal, but Kendrick as well.

Two prizes he didn’t deserve, but he wasn’t about to question the

generosity either.

Not yet, anyway. He didn’t have the sort of willpower required to

put a stop to a blow job and ask if either of them were sure about this.

Clatcher was a member of the dragon warriors, but he found

himself slipping back into his role of submission easily enough when
it came to Roman. The man dominated his body, and it wasn’t even
his mouth on Clatcher’s prick.

The clothes came off insanely fast after that. Everyone stripped

and tossed their clothes onto the floor. Because the leather couch
wasn’t enough to hold the three of them comfortably, they moved to
the bed.

That was where Clatcher hesitated again. This wasn’t his bed.

He’d never even shared a bed when he’d been with Roman. All of
their sex had taken place outdoors. Once they’d made love in the
water while bathing.

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Clatcher considered it making love because that was the first time

that Roman had ever really held him and kissed him with any real
passion, and the first time that he’d started to hope that Roman might
start to feel something other than simple lust for him.

But this wasn’t their bed. He was about to get into the bed that

Roman shared with Kendrick, and his feet froze.

“What’s the matter?” Kendrick asked, looking at Clatcher with a

cautious smile on his face.

Roman’s hand came onto Clatcher’s shoulder, and he looked him

in the eyes. They were pretty much the same height, so it was easy to
see what Roman was thinking.

He knew what Clatcher’s problem was.
“Come on,” Roman said. “It was yours and Kendrick’s idea, and I

liked it. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

He seriously thought Clatcher was going to try and back out right

now? Not likely. “I was just thinking…I was just wondering who was
going to…the position, you know?”

Fuck, not very smooth, but it was hopefully enough to disguise the

nervous fear that was consuming him.

“Good point,” Kendrick said, looking up at Roman and then back

at Clatcher.

Clatcher was just about to suggest that Roman and Kendrick do

what they always did, and maybe Clatcher could just sit off to the side
and watch. That would still be pretty sexy, right? He didn’t want to be
the third wheel, and he didn’t think now was the right time for Roman
to be fucking him when Kendrick was right there. Would he get
jealous? Or wouldn’t it matter? If Roman put his cock inside of
Clatcher’s ass, would Roman let Kendrick fuck him? Clatcher
somewhat doubted it. Roman had such an alpha personality.

Kendrick saved him when he responded with his idea before

either of them. “Clatcher can take me, and then Roman will be inside
of you.”

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“I…” Clatcher looked over into Roman’s eyes. He needed to see

the reaction he was having to that.

“Are you sure, baby?” Roman asked, and his hands on Clatcher’s

shoulders weren’t just sitting still anymore. They were massaging and
soothing, and Clatcher was all too well reminded of the way his dick
was throbbing, and how tight his testicles were becoming between his

Kendrick nodded. Eagerly, too. “Uh-huh. It’ll be interesting. I’m

kind of curious to know what it’ll feel like when he’s in me, but the
pressure of your forward thrusts pushes him deeper, you know?”

Clatcher was stunned the words even came out of Kendrick’s

mouth. “How would you know about something like that?”

“He’s been reading romance novels in his iPad,” Roman said.

“The naughty ones, it seems.”

It was insane that something like that was enough to make

Kendrick blush, but not the fact that he was sitting on the bed, his
cock and balls exposed to two men, one of whom who wasn’t his

“I like them,” Kendrick said, muttering the words almost


It was cute. Just that look on his face was enough to make

Clatcher’s pulse race. This was going to happen. He would finally get
to be with Roman again, and he was going to fuck Kendrick.

Clatcher let his eyes roam up and down the exposed, smooth flesh

of the younger man’s body. Kendrick had a nice body. It wasn’t a
warrior’s body, and now he could see why Roman was in love and
lust with the man.

Kendrick was no twink, but he was slim. He had just the right

amount of muscle on him to keep that slender look around his hips as
well, but his figure was still trimmed from the many week’s he’d
spent as a fox, climbing up the steep path of the mountain that led
back to the castle. He even still had a tiny hint of abs coming through.

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Running with the wolves was doing Kendrick a lot of good, that

was for sure, and the messy look his hair still sported was endearing.

Maybe Clatcher could talk him into keeping it like that. If the

three of them all had braids, then that might be a little plain.

Clatcher stepped away from Roman’s touch, drawn to the younger

man like he was being pulled by the nose with a string.

Kendrick smiled and spread his legs a little wider as Clatcher

settled between them, and he kissed the man. He pressed his mouth to
Kendrick’s pink lips, which were warm and a little slick from when
Kendrick had licked his lips.

Kendrick immediately closed his eyes and opened his mouth for

Clatcher to plunder, and he did just that.

They both moaned, and Clatcher’s eyes fell shut, and a shiver

rippled through his spine from top to bottom when Kendrick reached
down and grabbed onto the swell of his ass and thrust his cock against

They both moaned.
“That’s so incredibly sexy,” Roman said.
Clatcher could barely hear him. This was too good and he

couldn’t really focus on anything or anyone else, not even Roman.

This was…surprisingly right. This felt okay, like Clatcher needed

to be here, and fuck him if it wasn’t cliché as all hell, but this was
where he belonged. Not just with Roman alone, but both men. They
were both for him and they both wanted to be with him, each of them
offering something that the other didn’t have.

Clatcher pressed his cock down harder against Kendrick’s. He

tried to think about why it was possible that he could feel so at home
doing this when he didn’t even know Kendrick that well, but the
pleasure was clouding his mind, making him forget all about any
questions he might have.

Roman’s slick fingers pressed against Clatcher’s hole, and he

moaned and jumped a little at the touch, which pushed his cock even
harder against Kendrick’s.

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They both groaned, and Clatcher pulled away from the kiss just to

look behind him and see what Roman was doing.

One of Roman’s hands was on the small of Clatcher’s back, and

he had such a focused expression on his face as he was knuckle deep
in Clatcher’s ass that it was almost funny.

Clatcher grinned down at him. Roman must’ve sensed the eyes on

him, because he looked up and smiled back.

“Been a while since you were in there.”
“Can’t wait to be back,” Roman replied.
“I think we should switch positions,” Kendrick said, wiggling

beneath Roman. “It just occurred to me that this might not be for the
best. If Clatcher gets on top of me and you get on him, then that’s too
much weight for me to handle.”

Clatcher actually sputtered a laugh. It made a lot of sense, and he

was glad that Kendrick had thought to bring it up.

“You’re right, maybe you should—nnngh!”
Clatcher couldn’t contain the moan that practically forced its way

out of him when Roman not only found his prostate, but then reached
around him and fisted his cock.

The shock of pleasure was almost too damned much for him to

deal with. He almost came right then and there, holding himself back
by just a thread.

When he was about to spill all over Kendrick’s thighs, Roman

pressed a kiss to the middle of his back and gripped his dick just a
little tighter at the base, cutting off any chance to orgasm.

Not that it mattered when Kendrick scraped his nails over

Clatcher’s nipples.

Roman moaned and bucked, and he swore that he was coming,

was releasing all the built up pleasure inside of his body, but nothing
was coming out of him.

Somehow, that just made it all the better.
“W–what happened to me getting off you?” Clatcher asked, half

glaring at the smaller man in front of him.

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Kendrick just grinned at him. “You can get off on me before you

get off of me.”

Clatcher groaned, and he lost almost all the strength in his body,

because he practically fell on top of the smaller man. He just barely
managed to keep his ass in the air so that Roman could keep on doing
what he was doing, but his upper half remained on top of Kendrick,
his forehead resting against the man’s collar bone.

Hot hands all over his body, moving, searching, and

stroking…warm breath panting and ghosting over his skin. He was
being swept away and it was wonderful. If heaven existed, then this
was fucking it. Please, for the love of the Gods, never let him wake up
from this dream.

Clatcher was about to lose his damned mind. It felt too fucking

good for words, and his orgasm was right there within sight. It had
grown and grown, and now, if he continued to ignore it, he was going
to come all over Kendrick’s chest and this was going to be over a lot
sooner than he’d intended it to be.

“No, Roman stop,” Clatcher said.
Roman yanked his hands away like he’d been burned. “Are you—


Clatcher cut off what he was about to say as he spun on the man

and kissed him. Hard and fast, just like all of their kisses had been.

The shock on Roman’s face was downright adorable before it

melted, and they wrapped their arms around each other’s backs.

Don’t let this be another dream. He wouldn’t be able to take it if

he woke up and realized it was another dream.

While Roman and Clatcher were busy with each other, Kendrick

shimmied himself off the bed and bend over the side, holding himself
up on the mattress with the flat of his hands.

They looked down at him, and Kendrick wiggled his brows.

“Think you guys can get me ready? That looks fun.”

It seemed that their group shyness was almost dead, because now

they were all more than eager to have each other. Hell, Clatcher could

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feel the way Roman’s dick jumped at the sight of Kendrick in such a

They looked back at each other, and Clatcher came in for one last

brief kiss, gently biting down on Roman’s lower lip before he pulled
away from him and stood up.

“I think I know how we’re going to do this,” he said, getting

behind Kendrick.

Maybe that shyness wasn’t dead at all, because now Clatcher was

feeling it creep back up on him as his hard cock pointed at the crease
of Kendrick’s ass, wanting to be in there so badly.

Fuck, it had been so long since he’d topped anyone. He’d never

done that with Roman, and now the fact that he was about to do it to
Kendrick, while Roman fucked him from behind, was just mind

“I think it’ll work best if I’m here, and if you’re…right behind

me,” Clatcher said.

His face was so hot it was like there was a woodstove beneath his


Too humiliating, but Roman didn’t say a word. In fact, his neck

and face had a bit of color to them as well.

Roman’s hands were on his hips right then, a tiny smile on his

lips. “That sounds like it would work,” he said.

All Clatcher could focus on was the fact that Roman was touching

him like this again. His hands were like a lover’s. For the first time in
forever, he felt something more than just heartbreak, and it was

Roman handed Clatcher the bottle of lube, and it was already

open, just waiting for him to squirt some of the substance into his

“I want to watch you put your fingers inside him,” Roman said,

his lips touching and moving against the shell of Clatcher’s ear with
every word.

He shivered and nodded.

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Kendrick looked over his shoulder, just to get a look at what both

men were doing. His entire body was flushed, and those pretty blues
of his were dark with lust.

Clatcher ignored the worry inside of himself that this would only

be temporary. That the two men would come to a realization that a
three-way relationship just wasn’t for them, and once this was over,
they would ask Clatcher to leave.

He had no time to worry about that. He would worry about it

when they were all done here, because he didn’t want to pass up an
opportunity like this.

As he pressed his fingers against Kendrick’s pink entrance,

Roman continued his torturous back and forward stroking of
Clatcher’s cock.

Fuck, he worked it so slowly. Clatcher could barely focus on the

task at hand while he stretched Kendrick’s hole.

The noises the younger man made, and the way he thrust back

against Clatcher’s fingers, wasn’t helping much of anything either.

“Just like that,” Roman said. His voice was a low and breathless

tremor in Clatcher’s ear. Roman did one even better than that as he
pressed himself up and behind Clatcher’s body, until all he could feel
behind him was body heat, hard muscle.

And the rock hard pole Roman had for a cock. He’d already lubed

himself, and now the head of his dick was pressing between
Clatcher’s ass cheeks.

He shivered, the anticipation making his cock jump.
“I’m going to come if you don’t cut it out,” Clatcher warned, and

there was absolutely no animosity in his voice.

He wanted it. He wanted to come and he wanted Roman and

Kendrick to make him come.

“Not if you know what’s good for you,” Roman warned, and then

the slick, soft warmth of his tongue licked a trail up the side of
Clatcher’s throat.

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“Fuck me already,” Clatcher said. He couldn’t fucking take it


“No,” Roman said, and Clatcher’s heart stopped right in his chest

as all kinds of paranoid scenarios ran through his head as to why
Roman would say that word.

“I’m not putting this in you,” Roman said, pressing his cock

harder against Clatcher’s hole, but not enough to impale him. “Until
you’re inside of him. I want to feel like I’m inside the both of you at
the same time,” he said.

That sounded all right, and not at all scary. Clatcher could do that.
“You still only have two fingers in there,” Kendrick said, puffing

out a breath. Despite the complaint, his cheeks were still pink from
the pleasure of having his prostate played with. “I can take more than
that, you know.”

It wasn’t a question. That was practically a dare.
Clatcher couldn’t speak. If he tried, he would only let out pathetic

sounding gasps and moans. He wanted to at least look somewhat in
control of himself as he did this.

He added another finger to Kendrick’s hole.

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Chapter Ten

Kendrick moaned as he was stretched. Stretched by another man’s

fingers, fingers that were pushing deep inside of him, probing and
searching. It was like his first time with Roman all over again, but that
wasn’t Roman on top of him.

Not really. Roman was still giving Clatcher a few pointers.
“Move your hand like this.”
Roman must’ve grabbed onto Clatcher’s wrist and done

something, because then those fingers angled in just the right way that
they pressed right against his prostate, and then stayed there for a few
seconds before those wonderful, beautiful fingers were taken away
from him.

Kendrick moaned and pressed his face into the sheets just to stifle

it. He found himself thrusting his dick down against the sheets and the
mattress, searching for any kind of friction that would make this
easier for him to handle.

He found it, but it wasn’t nearly what he needed.
“That’s it,” Roman said. “Just like that.”
It was such an interesting sensation, being with one man, who was

not his mate, but feeling as comfortable with him as if he was.

Maybe it was because Roman had agreed to the idea, or maybe it

was because Roman’s voice was still right there, speaking in that low
rumbling tone he used whenever he was horny as he guided
Clatcher’s hand to the right spots that drove Kendrick wild.

Or maybe it was that Kendrick was mated to both men.
He was in love with Roman, and he’d wanted the man to be

happy, but he hadn’t stopped to consider the idea that he would be

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mated to both Clatcher and Roman at the same time. The only thing
he could think of as to why that was possible was because of the
connection that Kendrick himself had with Roman.

If he was mated to Roman, and Roman was also in love with

Clatcher, then wouldn’t it stand to reason that Kendrick would feel
much of the same emotions for Clatcher that Roman had for him?

Kendrick was very connected with Roman on a spiritual level, so

that was a possible explanation.

He was going to have to explore this some more later, like when

he wasn’t about to have Clatcher’s cock pressing against his hole.

Fuck, it was so damned swollen and heavy as it pushed against his

entrance that it was taking some doing before it would go inside.

“Too tight. Still too tight,” Clatcher said.
“No,” Kendrick said, shaking his head as he looked behind

himself, just to make sure that Clatcher knew Kendrick was being
serious. “You just have to push in a little harder. It’ll go in.”

And it did. When Clatcher pushed harder, the head of his dick

popped forward into Kendrick’s asshole with a sharp pain, but that
lasted only a few seconds before it was replaced with the magnificent
burn of having that steel rod slowly thrusting deeper inside of him.

Kendrick almost laughed at the mental image of Clatcher literally

pushing a steel rod inside of him. He needed to find a better word to
use than that.

“What are you laughing at?” Roman asked.
Kendrick shook his head. “Nothing,” he said, and then moaned

again as Clatcher sank in deeper, as deep as Roman could go, but the
man’s cock was a little thicker, so it stretched him more, pushing
against his inner walls and touching everywhere.

Kendrick panted against the bed, and he could hardly think

straight as Clatcher was inside of him except to wonder why the hell
they hadn’t thought to do this a lot sooner.

“Roman, I’m inside. Fuck, please hurry.”
Oh yeah, Roman still had to put himself inside of Clatcher.

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Kendrick was overcome by the desire to see what that would look

like. This was his first threesome, after all, and he was curious.

Of course, he should’ve known that he wouldn’t be able to see

what the actual insertion would look like, considering that was behind
Clatcher’s body, but he could see still the way Roman slowly moved
forward, how Clatcher’s body tightened up and the way his eyes fell
shut and his mouth dropped open.

It was fucking gorgeous, even the little noise of approval that left

Clatcher’s throat.

“Oh fuck,” Kendrick said. Watching the both of them together

made his inner fox run around inside of his head scratching around,
all frustrated and eager to get out, and not because it was jealous.

It wanted to be with the both of them as much as Kendrick did.

This was the greatest idea he’d ever had in the history of his entire

Roman’s hands found their place on Clatcher’s hips, and then he

sighed. “You both ready?”

“Yeah,” Kendrick said.
“Oh, fuck yes,” Clatcher replied.
Roman grinned, and his eyes turned into the lizard-like slits of a

dragon shifter as he pulled himself back just a little, and then pushed
forward with an almost violent strength, the kind that he’d never used
on Kendrick before.

And it was fucking great.
The force of that forward thrust pushing into Clatcher’s asshole

was somewhat pillowed by the man’s body, but there was still a lot of
strength being forced onto Kendrick as Roman’s movements gave
Clatcher’s hips nowhere else to go but forward, right into Kendrick.

Roman had been right. This was like being with both men at the

same time. It was like having the both of them inside of him at the
same time because he could feel the strength of both of them as they
fucked him.

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With the power of Roman’s movements, Clatcher’s cock was

pushed deeper inside of him than even Roman had ever gone. The
pleasure was out of this world amazing. It was out of this universe

Fuck it. There was no right way to describe it that would do it any

justice. It was the best sex that Kendrick had ever had in his entire

Oh, fuck,” Roman said.
Kendrick’s sentiments exactly.
They all did a fantastic job of teasing each other until the end was

within sight, because already Kendrick could feel his orgasm
building. Oh Gods, it was right there, he could practically reach out
and touch it.

“I’m close, I’m close,” he said on a helpless moan.
Clatcher’s hands gripped his hips tightly as he thrust back and

forth under the strength of Roman’s hips. He didn’t say anything.
Maybe he couldn’t because he was too busy groaning and panting.
His cock was swelling inside of Kendrick’s ass, filling him up even
more, and he could feel how tight his testicles were as they bounced
back and forth against the back of his thighs.

Clatcher was definitely close to coming if the noises he made

were anything to go by.

Then he did come. Clatcher jerked behind Kendrick, groaned

hard, and moaned loud as warm cum splashed deep inside of
Kendrick’s body. Roman’s hips started moving even faster because he
punched his hips forward harder and faster than ever before, forcing
Clatcher to milk himself inside of Kendrick, as well as ensuring that
his still-hard cock speared inside of him.

That was all it took for Kendrick to come. He moaned and bit

down on the bedsheets, his asshole tightening around Clatcher’s cock,
which yanked a groan out of the man as he fell down on Kendrick’s
back, kissing the side of his neck as Kendrick made a mess in the

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“Oh Gods. Holy Gods,” Clatcher said after what could have been

five minutes to an hour. Kendrick wasn’t sure. He was still working
on getting his heartbeat back to normal.

Actually, his heart sounded a little weird.
He listened harder, which was difficult even with his improved

sense of hearing because his damned breathing was still so ragged.

Yeah, that definitely wasn’t just his heart. He could feel both

Clatcher’s and Roman’s heart’s together.

The sound was like multiple drums beating at the same time.
Kendrick was lulled by it, and he shut his eyes and sank deeper

into the sheets.

When he opened his eyes again, they were heavy, and he

definitely knew that some time had passed based on the way that
Clatcher and Roman were quietly speaking with each other, though
his brain was so damned fuzzy he could barely understand a word
they were saying.

Not only that, they were also eating. They had food with them in

bed. Kendrick could smell the fresh bread, meat, and cheeses they

That got him to open his eyes a little wider. Just to see what was

going on. There was one of those trays with legs on the end of the
bed. That was where the rest of the food was. There was even a small
bowl of fruits and napkins. It was like a little picnic in bed.

“You’re awake,” Roman said.
Kendrick looked up at his mate, just as Roman leaned in and

pressed a soft kiss to his mouth.

The kiss was so damned sweet that Kendrick melted into it. Even

better than that was when Roman touched his face, cupping his cheek
tenderly, just as he always did whenever he wanted to be romantic
with him.

When they pulled back from the kiss, Roman stared down at him

with a lazy, satisfied smile.

“How long was I out for?” Kendrick asked.

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“About a half an hour,” Roman replied. “Wore you out, did we?”
“A little, I guess,” Kendrick said, and his face heated as he

glanced to the side to see Clatcher just beside him. Kendrick was
sandwiched between both men.

Clatcher was having some trouble meeting his eyes, but the little

smile on his face said that was more out of shyness than regret over
what they’d done.

Kendrick was glad for that.
“I’m stunned that something was finally able to get you all

tuckered out after only two orgasms,” Roman said, continuing his
earlier thought. “We should’ve done this a long time ago if it was
going do that for you.”

“Then…you don’t regret what we did?” Kendrick asked, quickly

looking over at Clatcher. “Either of you?”

Clatcher shook his head. “I don’t if you don’t,” he said.
Roman nodded, agreeing with the other man. “I don’t know what

it was, but this fits. I think it’s because, even though you’re my mate,
a part of me felt separated enough from you when you died,” Roman
said, and he winced at that. So did Kendrick.

Whenever one of them brought up that particular memory, it was

never pleasant. Kendrick still felt like he was falling sometimes, and
even though he used to be a dragon who could fly, feeling helpless in
the air made him not really enjoy heights so much anymore.

Unless he was riding safely on Roman’s back, that is.
“Go on,” Kendrick said. He wanted to hear more of what his mate

had to say.

“I think your death made me separate enough from you that I was

able to take another mate, without even realizing it. You know that
Clatcher and I were together, but you don’t know that in the
beginning, I didn’t treat him very well.”

“What?” Kendrick asked, quickly looking over at Clatcher.

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Clatcher shook his head. “No, it’s not like that. He was a giant

grouch, that was all. Don’t say shit like that to him, Roman. He’ll
think you were beating me or something. Not that you could.”

Roman scoffed at that. “I still wasn’t good to you. I’m surprised

you mated with me at all.”

They were both silent after that particular comment. Kendrick

knew why. Neither of them had realized that they had mated with
each other.

Clatcher was an amazing catch, and someone that anyone would

be proud to call a mate, but Roman must’ve been both incredibly
caught up in his grief, as well as in need of some affection, to have
mated without even realizing it.

Roman had needed Clatcher, and Clatcher had been there when

Kendrick hadn’t been. He was never going to stop feeling guilty for

Then he looked between both men. “Why am I between you

guys?” he asked.

“Don’t you think you should be?” Roman asked.
“Well, I guess so, but…”
The entire reason for doing this had been to bring Roman and

Clatcher together. He didn’t know how to bring that up without
sounding like he was complaining about it, though.

“It was your idea to do this,” Clatcher said. “You seem like you fit

between us a lot better than if I or Roman was in the middle.”

“That makes sense, I guess,” Kendrick said. At some point he was

going to have to make sure that Clatcher did get between them.
Kendrick wouldn’t mind the idea of snuggling Clatcher while
Clatcher held onto Roman, or even giving cuddles to Roman while
Clatcher was on the other side.

Maybe this was just something they were all going to have to take

turns on as they got used to the idea of being in a three-way
relationship. Ultimately, Kendrick was positive he’d made the right
choice by asking Clatcher and Roman if they wanted to do this with

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him, but he couldn’t help but notice how unsure Clatcher still seemed
about the whole thing.

The man looked like he was getting ready to be kicked out of the

bed. That just wasn’t going to happen. Kendrick never would’ve even
brought this up if he’d thought it was a bad idea, or if he assumed it
wouldn’t work. He had his doubts, but he never thought Clatcher or
Roman would outright say no.

And they hadn’t.
This was going to work. Kendrick was going to see to it that it did

because he loved Roman and wanted to keep him happy, and he liked
Clatcher, a lot. So much so that he was pretty sure his connection with
Roman made him love the other man just a bit as well.

Kendrick yawned.
“Want something to eat?” Roman asked.
He shook his head, and then he leaned up to press a kiss to

Roman’s jaw. He turned and kissed Clatcher’s cheek as well,
surprising the other warrior.

“I’m tired. Imma go back to sleep.”
He was vaguely aware of Roman snickering at him as he settled

himself back down and closed his eyes. It was like the second he did
so, he was already half-asleep again. Still, he thought it was nice to
finally hear Roman laugh casually about something again.

The two warriors continued to chat and eat as Kendrick drifted

back off. He couldn’t even hear a word they were saying to each other
because he was already gone.

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Chapter Eleven

“I’m sorry I kissed you before,” Clatcher said, and the apology

was almost enough to make Roman choke on the piece of pepperoni
he’d been eating.

“What? Why?” Roman asked, briefly glancing down at Kendrick

to make sure he was still sleeping.

Yeah. Even with his blond hair falling into his eyes, it was plain to

see that they were shut. He’d turned onto his side at some point, and
his chest moved in a slow rhythm that made it obvious he was

“Because it almost cost you your relationship with Kendrick,”

Clatcher replied, keeping his voice low out of respect for the man
sleeping between them.

“Well, it didn’t,” Roman said. “If anything, that kiss brought out

something better,” Roman replied. He was going to have to find out if
there were any official rules about something like this. Not that he
thought Aris would object to the relationship or anything, but would
Roman have to give Clatcher one of his scales? Would Clatcher have
to do the same for both Kendrick and Roman?

“I know, but at the same time, when I got the text that you were

coming, I was so fucking stupid,” Clatcher said, clenching his jaw and
shaking his head at himself. He wasn’t even looking Roman in the
eyes anymore. “From what it said, that you were angry when you
heard I was leaving and were coming to my room, I just immediately
jumped to the most illogical conclusion in the world.”

“And what was that?” Roman asked.

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Clatcher’s eyes briefly glanced up to Roman’s, but they didn’t

stay locked on for very long. “That if you were so dead set on keeping
me with the clan, that all I had to do was kiss you again, and you
would know you wanted to be with me instead.”

Roman let that sink in for a few seconds. “Oh,” he said. That was

all he could say.

“I know, it was dumb,” Clatcher replied. “I thought you really

wanted me and just didn’t see it yet. I did the same thing to you that
Kendrick once did to Aris. Fuck, I can still remember hearing about
that story. I was one of the guys who—”

Clatcher briefly glanced down at Kendrick, making sure the

smaller man was still sleeping and unaware of what was being said.

“I was one of the men who were making fun of him for it.

Everyone talking about how stupid and desperate he had to be to do
something like that, and I was one of them. Then I turn around and do
the same thing to you. Christ, you never know how intense something
is until you feel it yourself.”

Clatcher still wasn’t looking Roman in the eyes. Roman wished he

would. As angry as he was to hear that Clatcher had been one of the
men gossiping about Kendrick at one time, ultimately, he couldn’t
hold it against him.

That had been more than a year ago. It was in the past, and

Clatcher just admitted to finally knowing how Kendrick was feeling
at the time.

That and, well, almost everyone had been saying something or

other about Kendrick at the time. Some were meaner than others, and
if Roman knew the man in front of him very well, which he assumed
he did, then he knew Clatcher hadn’t been cruel with his words. He’d
just spoken with the crowd without thinking.

If Roman was going to hate every single person who’d ever

opened their big mouth about Kendrick without thinking, then about
ninety percent of the clan would be on his shit list.

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He didn’t want to carry around that sort of anger inside of him. He

was going to have enough snickering comments to deal with when the
clan learned that he’d taken both Kendrick and Clatcher for a mate.

“Don’t worry about it,” Roman said. “It’s over. Besides, I think

Kendrick knew to some extent.”

“He did?” Clatcher asked. The man’s eyes widened just a bit as he

heard that.

Roman shrugged. “He just had his way of knowing who was

talking about him behind his back. I never figured it out. Maybe he
was just more observant than I gave him credit for.”

Or people hadn’t cared whether or not Kendrick heard their


“Either way, I think he’s forgiven you for any part you had in it.

Otherwise I doubt he would’ve come to you with an idea like this.”

Clatcher actually blushed a little at that. He tried to hide it by

lifting a hand to scratch through his already messy red hair.

Roman chuckled at him. “I think I like it when you’re all shy and


“I’m not shy,” Clatcher muttered.
“Not when I was trying to get rid of you to hunt Ailiwen, no. But

you sure as hell are now,” Roman said, smiling at the man.

“Shut up,” Clatcher said, grinning back.
Then he looked down at Kendrick.
“Do you think this is going to work?” he asked.
“We’ll make it work,” Roman said, and then he shook his head. “I

can’t do it anymore with just one of you. It has to be both now.”

Now that he’d had a taste of both, and knew that his mate was all

right with this, and even welcomed it, Roman couldn’t go back to
being just a person who was missing part of himself. He didn’t even
know how he’d been doing it before.

The problem was that Roman could sense just how much this was

still not sitting well with Clatcher. Could he already sense some of the
man’s emotions? That was proof of a mating, right?

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“What about you? Do you think you’ll be all right with this?”

Roman asked.

Clatcher started at that. “Yes, definitely,” he said.
“You don’t look too sure,” Roman replied. Please don’t let there

be any regrets there. Roman was not strong enough to be able to
handle it if one of his mates left him.

Clatcher shook his head. “It’s not that. Don’t worry. I’m fine,” he


Roman stared at him for just a second longer, and then he nodded.
“I’ll let this go for now, since you’re not quite ready to talk about

it, but I want you to know that if something about this is bothering
you, then I won’t pressure you to stay.”

“Trust me, that’s the last thing I’m worried about,” Clatcher said,

a small smile on his face.

“Then what is it?” Roman asked, confused to all hell.
Clatcher clamped his lips shut, looked back down at Kendrick,

and then sighed. “I guess…I’m worried that tomorrow, or in a few
days, you’ll both realize that this was just something you needed to
get out of your system, and then ask me to leave. Or even not ask me
to leave because one or both of you will feel bad. I don’t want to be
here if either of you are secretly regretting making this decision.”

“Well, I won’t regret it,” Roman said, and he just had to reach out

and touch the other man. Clatcher was a warrior, but he was still
sensitive. He was sensitive enough that he’d left his post to follow
Roman around on his depressing suicide mission for revenge, all in
the name of love and to keep Roman from losing his damned mind
with grief.

Clatcher tensed just a little when Roman stroked his cheek. He

wished Clatcher hadn’t done that. He wished that he’d been better to
the man after Kendrick had returned to life so that Clatcher wouldn’t
feel so unsure all the time.

He leaned in, pulling Clatcher toward him, and the other man

came. The kiss was a gentle touch of their lips, and Roman could

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immediately feel the way Clatcher’s body heat started to rise. The
man shivered and opened his mouth as he closed his eyes, which
Roman immediately took advantage of.

Despite how Roman had found himself falling in love with this

man in their journey together, and how fond of him he had become,
he was pretty sure they’d never just kissed like this.

Not without fucking each other, that is. There had gotten to be

some tender moments, and the sex had softened to something a little
more loving and tender while they were traveling around the state, but
Roman was almost positive they’d never taken the time to just kiss
each other.

It was wonderful.
When he pulled back, Clatcher’s cheeks were almost the same

shade of red as his hair. His eyes were half-lidded, and that tired, lusty
look on his face was so fucking sweet that Roman’s heart swelled
with love and affection for him.

“See? I don’t regret a thing,” he said, looking down at Kendrick.

“And I can tell he doesn’t either.”

Clatcher looked down at Kendrick, as if he’d forgotten the man

was even there.

They had just kissed over Kendrick’s sleeping form. There was no

guilt, no shame, and nothing to hide because the three of them were
going to do this together.

“You know the clan will just start gossiping again,” Clatcher said.

“And a majority of it will be directed at him for this.”

Roman new that. Kendrick’s sex life did seem to be a favorite

topic of the prudish gossips around here.

“Well, it’s a good thing you and I are warriors, and we can protect

him well enough from all of that,” Roman replied.

Clatcher managed a smile. A real smile, and he nodded. “Yeah. I

can help you with that.”

Roman was glad for that, and he leaned in for another soft kiss.

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Chapter Twelve

Ailiwen watched from a distance. Roman and the other warrior

he’d been with, Clatcher, if Ailiwen remembered the name right,
hadn’t been after him in months. He figured they’d either given up, or
were finally killed by Templars, so he’d decided to come home.

The castle on Black Mountain was his home. He’d lived there

most of his life, and he fucking hated it that he’d been cast out. It was
so completely unjust that he had to go, when Roman was still
considered a member of the clan.

It was as much his fault that Kendrick was dead as it was

Ailiwen’s. Even more, he would reason. All Roman had to do was tell
Ailiwen that he was done, and he wouldn’t push the issue, and
Kendrick would still be alive. He would be with Ailiwen right now.
They could have been happy together, and Ailiwen would have so
much more than bittersweet memories of stolen kisses.

No. Kendrick was dead, and Ailiwen was left to mourn him alone

and without a home. He didn't even have Kendrick's braid. Ailiwen
had cut it off with the intention of keeping it, but he'd dropped it when
he had to flee for his life.

He was currently in the form of a hawk, close to his former home,

but not too close. He could still see the castle from his perch, his heart
aching for the comforts of home, and Kendrick's smell. Changing his
body into any shape he wanted was an interesting power that had
many uses, as well as kept him one step ahead of those idiots down
there. Roman had almost caught him a time or two, however. Only
when he’d been foolish enough to stay in his human shape for too

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Sometimes he had trouble identifying what his true shape should

even be. What was an identity when it continued to change every day.
He could be whatever he wanted, be any gender he wanted, and still
he was never good enough.

He hadn’t been good enough for Kendrick, and that haunted him,

even now.

Aris had taken his mate out to run around in his wolf form. They

weren’t entirely on the bottom of the mountain, but they were closer
down to where the ground leveled off, and there was more grass and
trees than there were rocks. The other wolves of the clan were there as
well with their mates, who were running around in their wolf shapes.
Disgusting creatures. The clan had been tainted ever since they’d
arrived, and Ailiwen had even heard that Aris’s mate had finally
given him a son.

Ailiwen was shocked the little runt hadn’t been killed by the

experience. Disappointed as well, but he was quickly learning that a
man couldn’t have everything they wanted.

At least the pack of wolves who lived in the village at the bottom

of the mountain weren’t here. Ailiwen only wanted to see the dragons.
He didn’t want to see too many wolves. The ones that were in sight
were just ruining his nostalgic trip for him.

Twin shadows passed over Ailiwen’s head, and he ducked low on

the branch he was sitting on.

Just because he was in hawk form didn’t mean he didn’t have to

be careful of natural predators. Once a large snake had tried to eat him
when he was in the shape of a squirrel.

No, not any animals, but still predators he needed to worry about.

Two more dragons were swooping in, and Ailiwen let out a relieved
sigh, until he realized who they were.

No. No, no, no, fucking no!
It was Roman and Clatcher. He recognized those shapes

anywhere. The ice dragon, and the dragon that Ailiwen despised with
every fiber of his being. With every changing cell in his body, he

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hated that dragon so much. The worthless, selfish, stubborn fool. He
was back with the clan.

Ailiwen narrowed his eyes hatefully. So Roman had given up on

his quest for vengeance. Of course he had. Ailiwen should’ve seen it
coming that he would be both lazy and a fool.

Ailiwen glared at the dragon, glared hard and wished he could do

more than change his shape. He wished he could blast acid in the
man’s face for what he’d done, but he couldn’t. He could only stay in
this form and watch as Clatcher and Roman, still in their dragon
forms, walked over to Aris to have a word.

Ailiwen couldn’t hear what was being said, and he was so focused

on the object of his rage that he didn’t even notice there was a man
riding on his back until he slipped off and began removing his clothes.

Ailiwen’s quickly beating hawk heart stopped.
It stopped because that wasn’t just another wolf that was on

Roman’s back. It was Kendrick.

Yes! It was him. Ailiwen recognized the shape of his body, and

the blond hair. Kendrick was right there, with a smile on his face as
he stripped out of his pants and underwear. Ailiwen would know that
handsome face anywhere.

Except, it couldn’t be Kendrick, because then the man fell on all

fours and shifted into…a fox?

That wasn’t even a wolf shifter, but it was a fox shifter. Ailiwen

had assumed that foxes and other canines didn’t get along, but this
one trotted on over to the rest of the wolves, tongue lolling in an
animal smile, and it was welcomed among those wolves as they all
yipped and jumped around it. Then the chase was on as Clatcher
changed into his human shape and carefully watched the animal
shifters at play, as if he was protecting the man who looked so much
like Kendrick.

Ailiwen could hardly take his eyes away from the creature. Could

it be that someone who looked so much like Kendrick could really
exist? Ailiwen had thought for sure that a fall like that would have
killed Kendrick, he had to be dead, so that could not be Kendrick.

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No. It was clearly just another shifter with the same face. A

relative perhaps? That was the only logical explanation. Ailiwen
hadn’t stuck around to make sure that Kendrick was dead, but there
was no way he could be alive.

Roman must’ve found this imposter when he’d been hunting

Ailiwen, and instead of sticking with his mission, he’d run away once
he had a suitable replacement. Even now the man looked at the fox,
who was so small next to the larger wolves, with such fondness in his
eyes that it disgusted Ailiwen to his core.

As he watched them, his anger soon left him as the absurdity of

the situation became clear. Ailiwen would’ve chuckled if he could
have. He knew it was ridiculous for him to make fun of Roman for no
longer hunting him with the intent of killing him, but he couldn’t help

If Roman had nearly lost his mind for vengeance when Ailiwen

killed Kendrick, he wondered how the man would react when he
killed the little imposter down there as well.

Ailiwen sure as hell wasn't about to stand by while that

horrendous pig pissed all over Kendrick's memory by fucking a look-







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Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada where she is

fervently pursuing the writer's life while writing about lots of
gorgeous guys. She loves hearing from readers and you can reach her

For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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