Teacher Workbooks, LA Series Word Libs, November Theme Vol 1

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Teacher Workbooks

Language Arts Series

Word Libs

November Theme, Vol. 1

© Copyright 2005

Teachnology Publishing Company
A Division of Teachnology, Inc.

For additional information, visit us at www.teachnologypublishing.com

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© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.


Table of Contents


November 1-30


6-word Word Lib 1-7

8-word Word Lib 8-20

10-word Word Lib 21-30


National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying

Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and



to accomplish their own purposes

(e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the

exchange of information) 1-30

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Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


November, is a terrific time of _________________ for _________________ to go


(plural noun)

hiking. It’s not too cold or too _________________ . Many trees have lost their


_________________ by this time, and _________________ can see for miles and miles

(plural noun)

(plural noun)

I love to hike with my_________________.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Garage Sales

My _________________ neighborhood has a block long garage sale ________________



each November. Families _________________ many types of things such as old bikes, clothes,


and _________________ outside on _________________ in the front yard. People as far away

(plural noun)

(plural noun)

as _________________ blocks come each year!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Cocoa tastes great during the cooler months of November. My _________________


takes milk, and warms it up on the _________________ . Next, s/he takes out some chocolate


_________________ and dribbles some _________________ into a(n) _________________




mug. When the milk is hot, s/he _________________ the milk into the mug and stirs!

(verb ending in s or es)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Have you ever _________________ a real pheasant? I have! They like to

(past tense verb)

_________________ around in my _________________ backyard. Sometimes they


(possessive noun)

_________________ us to a show of their tails and feathers. Some Novembers,


we’ve ________________ a total of _________________ them in our yard!

(past tense verb)


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Deer love to _________________ our _________________ shrubs. They also



enjoy _________________ in the yard. My _________________ Henry barks like crazy

(ing verb)


each time they walk ________________ by the front door! Yesterday, Henry barked almost


all _________________!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Squirrels scurry around and _________________ nuts in preparation of the upcoming


colder _________________. They are great fun to _________________. Playful as they are,




it’s best not to get in their way! They move _________________ and often without a clear


direction! Last _________________ I counted _________________ squirrels in the yard!



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


As the holiday _________________ approaches, it becomes a more common


_________________ for families and _________________ to visit one another. During these


(plural noun)

_________________ visits, people _________________ up on the years comings and goings.



Who will you _________________ this year?


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Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Football is a favored _________________ for many _________________. November


(plural noun)

is prime time for football _________________ . People travel long ways to _________________




their favorite teams compete. Local _________________ play too. Many _________________

(plural noun)

(plural noun)

enjoy a pre-game BBQ. Hot dogs and _________________ are often________________ on

(plural noun)

(past tense verb)

a portable grill.

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Pumpkin Patch

The pumpkin patch _________________ in our neighboring village is a favorite place for

(past tense verb)

_________________ to visit. Each year, _________________ collects _________________ of



(proper noun)


pumpkins! The farmer who grew these will often _________________advice to other pumpkin


growers. She explains _________________ how talking and _________________ for the




pumpkin are necessary. I ________________ who will discover the largest pumpkin?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Pumpkin Carving

Many _________________ go pumpkin picking at _________________ farms. After

(plural noun)


a design is _________________ on the face of the _________________ pumpkin, it gets

(past tense verb)


hollowed out._________________, and under adult supervision, the _________________ can

(adverb ending in -ly)


begin to cut out the design. Once the design is _________________ out, a candle is


placed inside and the new pumpkin carving is _________________ .

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Squash is a(n) _________________ vegetable. It is healthy and _________________


(verb ending in s or es)

many vitamins and _________________ . Squash can be _________________ many different

(plural noun)

(past tense verb)

ways. It can also be _________________ and still taste _________________ ! Many families

(past tense verb)


serve this _________________ colored vegetable at _________________ dinners.



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


November is often a(n)_________________ associated with _________________ foods



and _________________ get togethers. Many large dinners are _________________ and people


(past tense verb)

of all _________________often enjoy this feast. My Aunt _________________ makes a dinner



(proper noun-name )

feast at least _________________ times each November of each year. My entire family


_________________ an average of about 12 pounds each November!

(verb ending in s or es)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Hunting is a favorite sport with my _________________. They leave about every


other _________________ and disappear _________________ into the woods. There, they’ll



_________________ for hours and _________________, until one of them ________________





a deer. Then, they’ll take aim and try and _________________ the animal. If they are able to


successfully hunt the deer, we’ll be _________________ venison stew the following week!

(ing verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Nuts _________________ many animals food during the _________________ winter



winter months. In November of each year, _________________ can _________________ tiny

(plural noun)


animals collecting and _________________ the nuts that will sustain them all winter long.

(ing verb)

It’s so interesting to _________________ these small _________________ prepare for the


(plural noun)

months ahead. Which _________________ are your favorite to watch?

(plural noun)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup _________________ so delicious on _________________ and waffles

(verb ending in s or es)

(plural noun)

during a crisp November morning. My friend_________________ has fresh maple syrup. They

(proper noun-name)

live on a maple syrup _________________ ! I’m lucky that I get to _________________ next



door. Many _________________ don’t like the taste of real maple syrup. They get too used to

(plural noun)

the _________________ of store bought brands. For me, I’ll _________________ with the real




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


The largest pumpkin I ever _________________ was this past weekend at the

(past tense verb)

harvest _________________ . It weighed_________________ pounds and measured



8 ½ feet around! The _________________ who grew this _________________ pumpkin



was there. He _________________ explained how he nurtured the pumpkin’s growth along.


Another pumpkin was still in his _________________, and _________________! This pumpkin


(ing verb)

he was saving for the pumpkin competition!

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Cranberry sauce is a favorite addition to _________________, especially a Thanksgiving

(plural noun)

feast. Cranberries are very good for _________________. They _________________ in areas

(plural noun)


called bogs. Many _________________ can be made from these _________________ little




berries. Sometimes, my teacher _________________ makes the class cranberry

(proper noun-name)

_________________. Boy, are they delicious! She always makes enough for each student to

(plural noun)

have at least _________________!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Apples are just a terrific _________________. They can be _________________


(past tense verb)

many, many different ways. The fruit itself can be eaten. They can also be _________________.

(past tense verb)

Sometimes, people cook them in _________________ . My favorite way to eat apples is fresh!

(plural noun)

Apples are very good for you. They_________________ many nutrients and


_________________. They help keep the _________________ away too! Have you had your




_________________ apple today?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Native Americans

Native Americans helped the Pilgrims _________________ to hunt and


_________________. If not for the Native Americans, it is often _________________ about


(past tense verb)

what may have happened to the _________________ Pilgrims. The feast held that


_________________ the Native Americans and the Pilgrims has served as a model to how

(past tense verb)

many _________________ celebrate what is called Thanksgiving today. Held

(plural noun)

_________________ each November, families and friends join together and


_________________thanks for everything good in their lives.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


My family is just _________________. There are _________________ of us! We get



along just fine. We love to _________________ together. When we _________________ we



make up within the _________________ . We try and always _________________ each other



when needed. My family tries to _________________ dinner together at least twice a


_________________ . Sometimes, due to everyone’s schedule, it only happens once a year.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Turkey is a favorite _________________ during the month of November. Many


_________________celebrate Thanksgiving. A food often _________________ at this

(plural noun)

(past tense verb)

family _________________ is delicious turkey. I love to eat turkey _________________




with my mashed potatoes. My cousin _________________ loves to _________________ gravy

(proper noun-name)


on bread. Stuffing and _________________ are often included in the _________________.



What is your favorite part of the _________________ turkey?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Years ago there was a(n) _________________ building that was known as the


Cider Mill. In the evenings, my _________________ and I would _________________ down



the windy, narrow _________________ to see Mrs. _________________, the owner. While



_________________, we would _________________ eat her delicious_________________ and




(plural noun)

drink homemade _________________ cider. This was our


favorite after _________________ activity during the month of November.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Did you know that more _________________ travel in late November than any

(plural noun)

other _________________? It’s true! The most traveled _________________ in



the entire _________________ long is during the _________________ month of November.



Research has _________________ that many_________________ like to travel

(past tense verb)

(plural noun)

during this time due to the _________________ holidays. I know that I travel


_________________ than usual in November. What are your travel _________________ like?


(plural noun)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Every vote counts. November in the _________________ United States is an


important _________________as it is often a time of voting. Always remember to


_________________ your vote. In the U.S. a(n) _________________ must be at least 18


(plural noun)

_________________ old in order to vote. People under this _________________ may




_________________ mock elections. What’s key to _________________ is that your



opinion _________________ . Remember to vote when you _________________ 18 years old!

(verb ending in s or es)


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Some Novembers, the first hint and sign of _________________ snow is seen!


Several _________________ ago, there was a snowfall of _________________ inch(es)! Yes,




on Thanksgiving _________________, I woke up and _________________ that the law and





_________________ were covered with a(n) _________________ of snow! This made for great



fun. That same day, _________________ were outside throwing and _________________

(plural noun)

(ing verb)

snowmen. Trucks and _________________ were out clearing the roads.

(plural noun)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


In the northeast _________________ of the United States, it begins to


_________________ very dark early during the _________________ hours. In fact,



by _________________ November, it’s dark by about _________________ P.M.



Many _________________ like this time of _________________, others don’t! It sure makes




a(n) _________________ want to _________________ inside by that time. How do you



_________________ about this early darkness?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Football season is _________________ during the _________________ month of

(past tense verb)


November. Many _________________ travel long distances to_________________ their




favorite _________________ compete. Tailgate_________________ are a favorite pre-game

(plural noun)

(plural noun)

Hot dogs and _________________ are often on the _________________ . Many local

(plural noun)


high schools and _________________ hold home games. Football is a favorite

(plural noun)

_________________ in our home.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


New _________________ bleachers were just _________________ on our athletic


(past tense verb)

_________________. They have three tiers and are approximately _________________ feet



long! My technology teacher, Ms. _________________ designed them. She took into account

(proper noun-name)

many _________________ variables. The addition of the bleachers was very necessary


as _________________ at the games has been _________________ over the past

(verb-ending in ance)

(ing verb)

_________________ years. Hope to _________________ you there next home game!



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


When the Pilgrims _________________ at Plymouth Rock, they had a lot of work to do.

(past tense verb)

They had to _________________, plant and learn to find _________________.



The Pilgrims also had to _________________ the Native Americans that were


already _________________ on the_________________ land. Imagine what life was like during

(ing verb)


this time. Would you have _________________ to have been a Pilgrim? What do you

(past tense verb)

_________________ the most difficult task the _________________ Pilgrims were face with?



Have you ever _________________ Plymouth Rock?

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language Arts

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Corn is _________________ yellow. Corn _________________ out of a large,


(verb ending in s or es)

_________________ plant and stalk. Many_________________ love to_________________


(plural noun)


corn. Some people grow corn on farms, others in their _________________. When taking

(plural noun)

a _________________ of corn, it’s delicious to _________________ it’s sweet



juice. Fresh corn is often sweeter than _________________ corn Some_________________

(past tense verb)

(plural noun)

dry corn for decoration.


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