Teacher Workbooks, LA Series Word Libs, Summer Theme Vol 2

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Teacher Workbooks

Language Arts Series

Word Libs

Summer Theme, Vol. 2

© Copyright 2005

Teachnology Publishing Company
A Division of Teachnology, Inc.

For additional information, visit us at www.teachnologypublishing.com

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© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.


Table of Contents


Summer 1-30


6-word Word Lib 1-10

8-word Wod Lib 11-20

10-word Word Lib 21-30


National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying

Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and



to accomplish their own purposes

(e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the

exchange of information) 1-30

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Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Itching is a common action during _________________ summer months. Itching


is caused by _________________ mosquitoes and pesky _________________ . Other causes


(plural noun)

of _________________ itching are sunburn, poison oak, and _________________ stings.



Cool water helps _________________ summer itching!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Fourth of July

Celebrating on the 4


of July often includes _________________ fireworks, family


style _________________ and _________________ parades. Many _________________





towns hold special events all _________________ long. Fireworks are often


_________________ when it gets dark outside.

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Fishing is a(n) _________________ sport. Many _________________ love to fish,


(plural noun)

Especially in the _________________ evenings. Fish love to __________________ worms,



also called night crawlers. Using a florescent _________________ on the fishing line lets

(noun )

the fisherman know when there’s a bite!

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Rowing a boat is _________________ exercise! It helps _________________ better



breathing and _________________ upper body muscles. _________________ rowing takes



practice. Some _________________ have trouble coordinating the _________________




momentum of each oar.

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Salamanders are a favorite of many _________________ . Some _________________

(plural noun)


children like to _________________ salamanders after a _________________ rain storm. Have



you ever _________________ a(n) _________________ salamander?

(past tense verb)


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Camping is a favorite activity during _________________ summer months.


_________________love to camp outside under the stars and in _________________ tents.

(plural noun)


_________________ sleeping bags help _________________ campers warm at night. Many



stars can be _________________ in the beautiful night time sky.

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Kites come in all shapes and sizes. There are box kites and _________________ kites.


Many people like to _________________ kites on a beach due to the _________________



winds. I like to keep a kite in my _________________ . This way, on a_________________



day, I’m all ready to _________________ and fly a kite!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Weeds, weeds, weeds! They _________________ everywhere! Just as


_________________ pull them all out, they seem to _________________ back! Some

(plural noun)


weeds look like _________________ flowers. Others look like_________________ weeds!



Weeds do, in fact, _________________ just about everywhere!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Bees sometimes _________________ in swarms. There are _________________ types



of bees. Honey bees, for example make _________________ honey! Other ________________


(ing verb)

bees include _________________ wasps. Some _________________ are allergic to bee stings.


(plural noun)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


July and _________________ are summer _________________ . Summer is a


(plural noun)

favorite season for many _________________ . Swimming and _________________ are

(plural noun)

(ing verb)

_________________ activities during July and August. Some families go to the


_________________ while others go to the local park!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Boating is _________________ fun! There are many types of boating. Some

(adjecti ve)

_________________ like to _________________ in a canoe. Others enjoy the thrill of




sailing a(n) _________________ . Kayaking is yet another _________________ form of



boating. Boating is a recreational _________________ that the entire ________________can



enjoy! What is your _________________ form of boating?

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Bee Stings

Bee stings are very common in the summer time. Pesky _________________



also give a mean ________________. If you _________________ a sting, place a(n)



________________ cloth over the bite. Anticipate a little _______________. If the area


(ing verb)

If the area around the bite swells and you have trouble_________________ call your nearest

(ing verb)

_________________ . This reaction may indicate a(n) _________________ reaction.



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Turtles often _________________ in the mud, sometime under _________________ .



They like to bathe in the _________________ sun. When a(n) _________________ turtle



senses _________________ , they _________________ back into the mud. Most turtles do not



_________________ . However, the _________________ snapping turtle does!



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Have you ever _________________ these small, _________________ minnows gliding

(past tense verb)


around in the _________________ ? They are so much ________________ to watch. Boy, are



they _________________ swimmers! A good time to see these little _________________ is at




dusk. _________________ minnows swim around together in large, quick _________________.




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Zoos are wonderful to _________________ during the summer. On a(n)


_________________visit, a _________________ might see_________________ bears,




_________________ foxes, _________________ otters, and even a(n) _________________ !




Zoos may _________________ a variety of different creatures.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Gigantic swings and _________________ merry go rounds are often


_________________in local, _________________ parks. Kids of all ages_________________

(past tense verb)



parks and and the _________________ they offer. Some parks also have _________________



sand boxes, multi-leveled _________________ and _________________ slides.




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Marshmallows are a delicious _________________ ! They can be _________________


(past tense verb)

right out of the _________________ package. They can also be _________________ roasted



Over a(n) _________________ campfire. Have you ever _________________ crackers


(past tense verb)

surrounding the _________________ marshmallow with _________________ chocolate?



It’s delicious!

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Bites, bites, bites! These bites can be itchy or _________________ . Many


_________________ can cause a bite during the summer. Misquotes, _________________ , and

(plural noun)

(plural noun)

spiders all like to _________________ people when disturbed. Sometimes, bites


_________________ , and other times they just itch like crazy! Placing a cool


_________________ over the areas of the bite will _________________ the bite. Wearing



bug _________________ will also help prevent bug bites.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Wasps! During the summer, these _________________ creatures are everywhere.


They often _________________ around looking for a comfortable _________________ to land



upon. A wasp’s sting can be a(n) _________________ experience. A sting may become


_________________ and swell. _________________ a cool washcloth over the


(ing verb)

_________________ will help soothe the _________________ .



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Many _________________ get _________________ blisters, especially in the summer

(plural noun)


_________________ . During the summer, _________________ are much more active,


(plural noun)

walking, _________________ , and camping. As a result, blisters _________________

(ing verb)


on _________________ and feet! Never _________________ a blister as it would allow germs




to get in.

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Ice Pops

Ice pops are _________________ refreshing during the _________________ summer



months of July and _________________ . Ice pops come in many flavors such as


strawberry and_________________ . They are usually on a Popsicle _________________ .



These deserts or snacks are primarily made of _________________ water. My mom


_________________ my friends and me these _________________ treats everyday!

(verb ending in s)


Try on the next time you’re in the _________________. _________________in the frozen food




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Scratches seem to be a natural part of summer time events. Sometimes, while

_________________my bike, I brush up against a _________________ and get a scratch! Other

(ing verb)


times my _________________ jumps up and tries to_________________ my face! In doing



so, I get a scratched _________________ . Other times yet, I get a(n)_________________





scratch and I don’t even know where it came from! One summer I _________________

(past tense verb)

a total of _________________ scratches, and those were just on my _________________ !


(body part)

Be careful of _________________ .scratches this summer!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Sunburns! Ouch! Do they hurt! Not only do they hurt, but they are _________________

(ing verb)

your skin! If the body’s _________________ gets too much of the _________________ sun,




the skin reacts by getting a burn. After some time, the sunburn _________________

(verb ending in s)

to blister. Sunburn sometimes itches like crazy as the skin begins to _________________ .


Try to _________________ a sunburn by wearing sun _________________ with an SPF of



15 or more. This lotion will _________________ your_________________ skin. My advise to



you? Wear _________________ !


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Sandals are the greatest, _________________ shoe ever invented! In fact, have you ever


wondered who _________________ sandals? They are so very comfortable!!! Many times, a

(past tense verb)

_________________ foot feels as though it is _________________ on air. Sandals are easy



(ing verb)

to _________________ on and off the foot. They often have cushiony _________________ .



_________________ sandals have a strap along the back that _________________ around the


(verb ending in s)

person’s _________________ . How many pairs of sandals do you _________________ ?




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Hats, hats, hats! Many styles, many purposes. There are _________________ hats,


_________________ hats, and _________________ hats. Some _________________ wear hats



(plural noun)

for practical reasons, such as to keep the _________________ out of their _________________.


(body part)

Others _________________ hats for decoration or protection. I love to wear


_________________ hats. Some people don’t like to _________________ hats at all! What



is your _________________ on hats?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Sunglasses help to keep the sun out of peoples _________________ . They also add



a(n) _________________ to a person’s wardrobe! Many sunglasses are coated with a protective


glass covering to _________________ out harmful sunrays. I have three _________________ of


(plural noun)

sunglasses. One pair is used for _________________ . Another pair is used when I

(ing verb)

_________________ to the beach. The third pair is a back up in case either of the other


two _________________ . It’s a good idea to _________________ sunglasses when outside.



They not only protect the _________________ , but they allow _________________ to see



(plural noun)


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Lightening is a dangerous force of _________________ . If you are ever


_________________ and hear thunder, you know _________________ lightening is in

(ing verb)


the area. In fact, thunder only exists because of lightening. Never _________________ under


a(n) _________________ tree during a(n) _________________ storm. Lightening is



_________________ to tall structures. Any time you _________________ lightening, go





inside and wait until the _________________ passes by. Electrical storms usually only last


a _________________ time.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Bugs seem to be all around during the _________________ of summer. First, the

(plural noun)

_________________ ants appear. Next, the pesky _________________ . Beetles often


(plural noun)

often _________________ after them. Where do they all _________________ from?


(past tense verb)

Some bugs like to _________________ . Others like to _________________ all over



the _________________ and up and down the _________________ walls! Get ready!

(plural noun)


Here comes the _________________ summer!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Worms are popular _________________ creatures to fishermen and


_________________ fish! Many _________________ worms can be _________________



(past tense verb)

after a hard rain. Many determined _________________ like to_________________ up

(plural noun)


worms at night. In fact, worms are sometimes called night crawlers. Some _________________

(plural noun)

find worms to be extremely _________________ creatures. Birds love to _________________



worms. When was the last time you _________________ a worm?

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech: Summer

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Storms _________________ quickly during the summer. They often


_________________ as fast as they_________________ . Some storms_________________




hail, _________________ rain, and _________________ . Other storms may only deposit


(plural noun)

_________________ rain. Rainbows are sometimes seen in the _________________



sky following a late _________________ sun shower. Pay attention to your

(time of day)

_________________weather when planning outdoor activities this summer!



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