Teacher Workbooks, LA Series Word Libs, Ice Breakers Vol 2

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Teacher Workbooks

Language Arts Series

Word Libs

Ice Breakers, Vol. 2

© Copyright 2005

Teachnology Publishing Company
A Division of Teachnology, Inc.

For additional information, visit us at www.teachnologypublishing.com

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© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.


Table of Contents


Ice Breakers 1-30


6-word Word Lib 1-10

8-word Word Lib 11-20

10-word Word Lib 21-30


National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying

Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and



to accomplish their own purposes

(e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the

exchange of information) 1-30

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Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Breakfast Burrito

I had a special treat for breakfast this _________________ ! I _________________ a


(past tense verb)

breakfast burrito. It contained _________________ sausage, eggs, and many different


seasonings! A(n) _________________ burrito was _________________ around the


(past tense verb)

_________________ ingredients. What a new taste treat!!!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Air Traffic

My _________________ home is located near a(n) _________________ airport.



September seems to be a(n) _________________ month for _________________ who fly.




Sometimes, the _________________ planes fly so close overhead, my whole


_________________ shakes!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


New York Metro Railroad _________________ along the _________________ Hudson

(verb ending in s or es)


River. _________________ can take the _________________ train to and from Grand Central

(plural noun)


Station in New York City. I’d _________________ everyone take this _________________




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Bear Mountain Zoo

The Bear Mountain Zoo is _________________ in Orange County, New York. Visitors

(past tense verb)

to the park and _________________ zoo can _________________ bears, fox, and



_________________ . The zoo is not open year round so make sure and _________________




for hours of operation. It’s a wonderful zoo. I know! I’ve visited it _________________ times!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


The _________________ sign we just _________________ was timely! Because of





all the _________________ rain and fog, we were uncertain as to our location. We were


_________________ when we spotted that _________________ landmark only a few

(past tense verb)


few _________________ away.

(plural noun)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Shopping Sprees

Many _________________ begin shopping sprees early September. Families are

(plural noun)

_________________ for school supplies for the kids. Adults are purchasing

(ing verb)

new _________________ and cars. It seems to be a popular time to _________________




money. Not for me though! I’m currently _________________ my money. I’m saving up

(ing verb)

to _________________ a new, interesting book!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Do you live in a(n) _________________ where the _________________ lawn has to be



cut? Maybe you _________________ in an apartment or a (n) _________________ . In these



places you may not. I have a yard that _________________ cutting about every

(verb ending in s or es)

_________________ days!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


It is so inspiring to _________________ that _________________ band play. They



_________________ in place so skillfully. My favorite _________________ is the trumpet.



I love to_________________ the _________________ of the drums too.


(ing verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Weekends in September are wonderful! My _________________ neighbors cover their


_________________ pool each September. My family_________________ many beautiful


(verb ending in s or es)

flowers and _________________ the garden thoroughly. We also_________________

(verb ending in s or es)


out the garage and have a(n)_________________ sale.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


My _________________ family does their Spring-cleaning each September! Have you


ever _________________ of such a thing? Well, it really does work out pretty well. We all

(past tense verb)

_________________ out our own closets. The _________________ attic and



_________________ requires the entire family to pitch in and help. This _________________

(room in home)


keeps us clutter free!

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


I love surveying the _________________ countryside. When I am a(n)


_________________ passenger, I _________________ many_________________ sights. There




are so many different styles of cars and _________________ on the road! Bridges galore,

(plural noun)

_________________ signs, and _________________ trees. Often I _________________




bodies of water too.

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Sometimes, it’s difficult to _________________ reality from fantasy. Other times,


_________________ just happen that can’t be _________________. It becomes

(plural noun)

(past tense verb)

one of _________________ mysteries. I happen to be a(n) _________________ who




_________________ mysteries. Maybe someone could _________________ me to help

(verb ending in s)


solve the _________________ happenings of life.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Hollywood, at one time, used to be the _________________ capital. So many


_________________ have been _________________ in the _________________ entertainment

(plural noun)

(past tense verb)


world that has changed this. _________________ now have television, sports, and

(plural noun)

_________________. The _________________ has all these, yet not the _________________

(plural noun)



glamour of early Hollywood.

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Watching _________________ movies at _________________ is a fun activity for a(n)



_________________ afternoon. Movies can be rented or maybe _________________ at home.


(past tense verb)

If these don’t _________________ to you, there’s always the _________________ movie



theater, for a change. Remember to _________________ some _________________ popcorn



while there!

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Everything is so _________________ expensive today. _________________ salaries


(possessive noun)

aren’t _________________ fast enough to keep up. I sure _________________ things even out




out soon. Groceries at _________________ stores, _________________, and clothes are all


(plural noun)

necessities. _________________ their _________________ go down soon!


(plural noun)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Sometimes it seems so quiet. Not a _________________ sound. No


_________________, wind, or _________________ voices. That’s not for me! I have to have



a(n)_________________ noise. Maybe a(n) _________________ radio playing



_________________ in the background. Maybe a(n) ________________ clock ticking. Some



_________________ sound, that’s for me!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


It’s so nice to _________________ a treat to someone. Most _________________ enjoy


(plural noun)

surprises so _________________ to give one for a change! Maybe take something from your


_________________ garden to a _________________. Bake a _________________ cake or




Dessert and _________________ it to your neighbor to enjoy. There is no limit as to the ways


to _________________ a treat to someone!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


I am having a(n) _________________ adventure today! It is so _________________ to


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


What a(n) _________________ weekend we had! A terrific _________________ of



rest and action. Eats were wonderful and the _________________ cooperative. Hope to


________________ more of these type days this _________________ . I love to



_________________ to the _________________ also on the weekends. How do you


(proper noun)

_________________ your weekends?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


A(n)_________________ routine is often necessary if you want to _________________



things done. Some sort of _________________ structure helps put _________________ in


(plural noun)

perspective. We all have _________________ tasks to do that we like and don’t like to


_________________. Try to _________________ a useful and _________________ routine




for yourself this September.

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Ice Skating

Ice-skating can be fun! Of course, _________________ have to be able to balance

(plural noun)

and _________________. It’s a great winter _________________. Sometimes, a(n)



_________________ can find _________________ rinks for_________________ skating.




Indoor skating may not be as much fun for _________________ but it still

(plural noun)

_________________ great exercise. When was the last time you _________________

(verb ending in s)

(past tense verb)

ice-skating at a(n)_________________ rink?.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


I _________________ a large pumpkin! The _________________ field was awash

(past tense verb)


with rows of them. Many _________________ came to help_________________

(plural noun)


the crop. Pies began to _________________ in many kitchens. Some people


_________________ pumpkin _________________. The flavor is so good! Now we

(past tense verb)


_________________ at empty, _________________ fields. The growing season will be back



again next year. Will you _________________ a pumpkin field near you?


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

Ball Games

Ball games are just fun to _________________. It’s really great to be


_________________ in one of them too! For many _________________ playing ball is a


(plural noun)

favorite sport. The choices of _________________ position are varied, so almost each


_________________ can play. Do you like to_________________ the bat or

(plural noun)


_________________ the ball? OK. Maybe you would rather _________________. Go for it!



Being out in the outfield is _________________. Being on base is fine, too. Have a wonderful

(ing verb)

time at the _________________.


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Have you ever seen a _________________ row of bleachers? Don’t you


_________________ what holds bleachers up? The _________________ must be


(plural noun)

careful to make them _________________ secure. Some _________________ are afraid of


(plural noun)

heights so they _________________ on the lower levels. The daring ones have


to _________________ up and down the _________________ edges! These



_________________ have to be reminded of the danger of tripping. Once you are

(plural noun)

_________________ in your seat, the entertainment will begin!

(past tense verb)

background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Summertime is a season for _________________ cookouts. Somehow, the


_________________ tastes better outside. Inside, the _________________ kitchen remains



cooler. There are plenty of advantages for _________________ outdoors. Maybe it’s a

(ing verb)

_________________ picnic or special fun event. It’s doesn’t matter as long as everyone


_________________ in to _________________ set the _________________ table or

(s, es verb)



_________________ food out, or _________________ cleaning up the area after.



background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


There are _________________ fields in many places. Some fields are used


for _________________ vegetables. Others are used for _________________

(ing verb)

(plural noun)

Fields can be very _________________. There are fields _________________ wild in the


(ing verb)

_________________ woods. Many different types of _________________ like to




like to _________________ graze in these _________________ fields. Flowers might even



_________________ in clusters here and there!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


An even number of ________________can quickly form a(n) _________________ team.




team can ________________ together and accomplish many things. In _________________


(plural noun)

one _________________ team competes with another. _________________ teammates



_________________ with each other, usually. Sometimes, there is a(n) _________________



or a disloyal _________________ on a team. It’s _________________ when that happens.




background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Athletes spend many _________________ training and _________________ their

(plural noun)

(ing verb)

talents. They also _________________ their eating habits and _________________ time too.


(ing verb)

We can’t _________________ they have to_________________ class and



_________________ their schoolwork. Sometimes the _________________ is difficult. Success



only happens if the _________________ is/are dedicated and _________________ to being we

(plural noun)

(past tense verb)


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.


Have you ever _________________ the beautiful moon? Sometimes it has a

(past tense verb)

_________________ cover and it’s _________________ dim. Often, it’s a brilliant



_________________ in the sky. Do you ever ________________ about _________________



(ing verb)

to the moon? Maybe one day you’ll _________________ there as a member of a


_________________ crew. You just never know! I hope if you _________________ to visit



to visit the moon one day, that your _________________ comes true!


background image

Name _________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Theme: Language

Topic: Parts of Speech

National Language Arts Learning Standard: Applying Language Skills: Students use spoken, written, and visual

language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for leaning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of


© 2005 Teachnology, Inc.



Complete the paragraph below by writing a word of the appropriate type on the spaces

provided. Be sure to spell each word correctly.

New Friends

The start of a _________________ school year is a great opportunity to meet and make


_________________ who will be your new friends. The best part is that you never


_________________ what they will be like. They might be _________________ or they may be



old _________________. What really matters it that you _________________ yourself and



say hello. No one can have too many _________________ because life is more fun when


you have _________________. So go _________________ someone’s hand and



introduce yourself. You never know; that person may turn out to be your new

_________________ friend.



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