McKenzie Cooper Three of Hearts

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Loving, Kansas 1

Three of Hearts

Kyra Hansen is on the run. After eight years trapped as a slave,

she's finally free. The last thing she expects is to be rescued from
a tornado by two men who turn out to be human angels.

Carter Jackson and Finn Miller are a M/s couple, but long to add a
woman to their family. Finding Kyra sends their protective

instincts into overdrive. After hearing her, they take her under
command, needing to help her overcome her and grow into an
independent, free-thinking woman.

Will she be able to adjust to their Master/slave relationship and
come to love them? Or will she run into the world where her

former Master's jerk of a brother is on the loose and looking to
finish the job he had begun before her escape? Will Kyra be able

to love two men after the ordeal she has survived?

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 38,956 words

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Loving, Kansas 1

Cooper McKenzie


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour

Copyright © 2013 by Cooper McKenzie
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-358-0

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, Charlotte, who believed

and knew I could be a writer long before anyone else.

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Loving, Kansas 1


Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

A rapid knocking sounded at the locked door, causing everyone

inside the room to freeze. Carter Jackson looked around to check with
the other Doms as to whether either of them could answer the
summons. It had to be important. Otherwise Hannah would never
bother them like this.

In the far back corner, Drake Fuller was naked except for the jeans

he had shoved down so they only covered him from knees to his
cowboy boots. He was lost to the feeling of being balls-deep in the ass
of his boy, Logan Williams, who was naked and strapped to the
spanking bench.

In the other corner of the room, Brody Markham had just released

his slave, Drew Pate, from the St. Andrew’s Cross and was cuddling
him in aftercare.

When the knock sounded again in a rapid flutter of sound, he

knew it was up to him to answer. Running his fingers through the
curly light-brown hair that covered the head in his lap, he said, “Let
me up, pup.”

Finn Miller, his lover, best friend, and slave, stopped bobbing up

and down his cock like a well-oiled piston with Carter’s cock fully
embedded in his mouth for a few seconds. Then he slowly backed off,

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sucking his way up the long, thick erection before releasing it with a
pop. Sitting back, he assumed the slave kneeling position with his
hands resting on his thighs.

Naked except for the bright-orange plastic cage restricting his

cock and balls, Finn looked up at him with confusion. “Master?”

“I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” Carter said as he stood and

straightened his clothes.

The last thing he wanted to do was freak Hannah out. He sucked a

breath and gritted his teeth as he tucked his erection back into his
jeans before zipping them shut. Another few seconds and he would
have ignored the tavern’s owner as well, no matter what the crisis
might be.

Moving to the door, he pulled back the deadbolt they had installed

the day after they had taken possession of this room three years
earlier. They had also soundproofed the room and laid an easy-to-
clean carpet before moving in their somewhat unique furniture.

This was their Tuesday night BDSM Poker club night. Hannah

knew better than to disturb them except at ten o’clock when she left a
plate of sandwiches on the table just outside and knocked twice. It
was now ten forty-five, and this knock sounded almost panicked.

With a sigh that some crisis or other would call one or more of

them away, Carter opened the door just wide enough to be polite but
not so far that their landlady could not see what was going on behind

“What’s up, Hannah?” he asked, trying not to growl in frustration

at the intrusion. He could tell by her nervous expression he had not

“I’m sorry, Carter. I know I’m not supposed to interrupt your

evening, but we’ve got weather moving in fast.” The tavern owner
spoke softly as if she was sharing a secret.

“What kind of weather?” Carter asked, his emergency training

kicking in even as his erection throbbed with every beat of his heart.

“Tornado warnings for the area as well as flash flood warnings,”

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Hannah said, looking upset by more than the weather report.

“What else, sweetie?” Carter asked, using the nickname all the

club members called her by.

Hannah took a deep breath but looked no calmer. “A young

woman’s downstairs looking like somebody’s beat the shit out of her.
She’s filling out an application even though I don’t have a job for her
because I don’t want her out in the storm,” Hannah said as several
tears spilled down her cheeks. “But I think she might need some first

“Okay. Thanks for letting us know. Finn and I will be right


“Don’t hurt yourselves getting downstairs. I’ll see if I can’t get

her to eat something while we wait.”

Though he wanted to hug the woman and assure her everything

would be all right, Carter held back. “We’ll be down in a few.”

Hannah huffed a laugh and nodded before turning away.
Though he and his partner/slave were bisexual and interested in

someday adding a woman to their little family, Hannah was not the
one no matter how sweet she was. While they felt brotherly affection
for the tavern owner, there was no spark of sexual between them. He
also had a feeling Brody and Drew might have something to say about
who would be Hannah’s future husband.

Closing and securing the door, he looked around the room.

Jackson had finished and was now cuddling with his boy. Brody and
Drew were talking quietly.

“Finn, get dressed but leave the cage on.”
Carter sent the questioning slave a look, which sent him

scrambling for his clothes. There was no time to waste in
explanations. They needed to get on the road and find that woman.

“Gentlemen, tornado warnings have been posted for the area and

Hannah’s kicking us out,” Carter said, meeting Brody’s then Drake’s
eyes. The Doms nodded their understanding before returning their

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attention to their slaves.

He knew they would be on the road as soon as their men could

walk without bumping into walls or falling down the stairs that led to
the bar.

“Pack up enough sandwiches for three people,” Carter said once

Finn was dressed.

While Finn tended to the food, he packed the gear he had brought

with them. While their little playroom was well stocked with most
things, there were some toys the three Doms preferred to bring with
them. It had been hard enough to explain their interesting furniture
choices to the innocent Hannah who was the only one, besides the six
of them, who had ever entered the room.

Trying to explain some of the toys they brought to use on their

subs would have either sent her screaming into the night or had her
demanding they move out immediately. And the tavern was the only
place in the county that would rent them a room. Though they only
used it once every two weeks as a sextet, each couple had been known
to visit “their room” on occasion when they needed to use the St.
Andrew’s Cross or one of the other specialty items they had no room
for at their own places.

When they finished, Carter pushed Finn out the door ahead of

him. His pup walked a little more carefully than usual, no doubt still
in pain with the cage tightly enclosing his cock and balls under his
loose-fitting cargo pants.

Once downstairs, Carter looked around the open first floor but the

room was empty. “Hannah?”

The front door opened, and Hannah stepped in, looking

windblown and frustrated. “She’s gone, but I think she headed toward

“Okay, sweetie, don’t worry. We’ll find her and care of her,”

Carter assured her as they headed out the front door to the nearly
empty parking lot.

“Be careful out there,” Hannah called after them before closing

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the door. She had left the porch lights on, but had already turned off
the sign at the road and lights in the parking lot.

Once they were in his extended cab truck with the toy bag stowed

in the backseat, he filled Finn in on what Hannah had told him. As he
pulled out onto the two-line road that led toward town and eventually
to the Interstate, Carter flipped on his high beams. He drove slowly as
they scanned the road looking for the woman who could be in more
danger than she realized.

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Chapter 2

Kyra Hansen knew she was in trouble but had no idea how to get

out of it. She had no job, no money, and no identification. She was
wearing one of Master’s nicest collared T-shirts that was many sizes
too big and looked almost like a dress on her. Since she had owned no
shoes, she was scuffing down the road in Master’s slippers.

This was all she managed to grab and pull on before she raced out

of the house after knocking Master’s brother in the head with a lamp
in a desperate act of self-defense. The look in his eyes as he dragged
her to Master’s bed told her he had crossed over the edge of sanity.
He had already taken his grief at his brother’s sudden death and his
anger at her refusing his sexual advances out on her, leaving her
bruised and bloody.

As she walked down the dark country road toward a town whose

name she did not now, Kyra ignored the hot tears that fell. It had been
a week since she had found Master in the barn lying dead under the
tractor he had been trying to repair. Though forbidden to use the
phone, she made an anonymous emergency call and reported it.
Afterward, she hid in the attic where she watched from a tiny window
as men in uniforms came and took her dead Master away. She heard
them search the house, but they did not find her though she had barely
breathed the entire time they were there.

She walked slowly, stiffly, trying to ignore the pain of the gravel

digging through the soles of the slippers, the wind that swirled around
her in ever-increasingly cold gusts, the lightning flashing across the
sky, and the occasional raindrop that landed in hard, icy drops on her
bare arms and legs. It did not matter. Nothing mattered anymore.

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Cooper McKenzie

Master was dead.
She was alone in the world and did not have a clue how to move


From watching an occasional television show when she had been

a very, very good girl, Kyra knew that at age twenty-five, she should
be able to take care of herself. She should have training and some sort
of a career, a home, job, car, and at least one or two friends at her
beck and call. After eight years of being trained as Master’s slave
without seeing or talking to another human being, she had no idea
how to be self-sufficient.

She needed a job, but had no skills to speak of.
She stopped at every business she came to, hoping someone

would take pity on her and give her a job. Then, once she had an
income, she would be able to buy some clothes, something to eat, and
someday get an apartment with a red chair that she would sit in and
dream like she had. Before.

Before she had pissed off her father so much that he had given her

to his Army buddy, who was looking for a slave girl to help around
the house and keep him company on a farm in the Middle of
Nowhere, Kansas.

Her father’s last words to her had been, “You are no longer my

daughter. You are no longer a member of my family. You are dead to
me. Behave or you’ll find yourself hurting in ways you’ve never even
dreamed about.”

Only now could she laugh at how prophetic the man had been.

Master had indeed punished her. He caused her pain in ways like
nothing she had ever considered even though her father had punished
her at least once or twice a week from the time her mother had died
when she was ten until he gave her away on her seventeenth birthday.

Master had given her a harsh spanking first thing each morning

and last thing at night because it seemed to make him happy. During
the day, punishments for transgressions or outright defiance came in
most creative and unusual ways. Ways she did not want to think about

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Three of Hearts



It had not taken him long at all to break her spirit and convince

her that no one would help her even if she tried to escape from the
endless fields of wheat, corn, and sunflowers that surrounded his
small house.

Master was dead. She was alone. What was she supposed to do


When the road began to lighten behind her from a car’s

headlights, she did as she had done before, moving farther off the
road into the brush. Though being killed might solve all her problems,
she was not in the mood to die tonight.

This vehicle did not zoom by as few others had. Instead, it pulled

off the road, keeping her illuminated in its headlights. Then the engine
died though the headlights remained on, lighting her way.

She kept walking, not sure what else she should do. Master had

told her several times the last few months that he was looking for a
new Master for her, a younger Master who would be able to do all the
things for her that he could not. But now that she was alone, what was
she to do? Who could she trust?

“Miss? Please stop. We need to talk to you.”
The voice was deep, concerned, and strangely gentle, touching

something inside her. Kyra shivered in response to the caring she
heard. She could not remember anyone ever talking to her like that.
Master grunted orders in his Army drill-instructor tone, and the only
other person she had talked to in the last years, his brother, had a
whiney, demanding, acidy tone that cut through her like liquid fire.
The hateful voice had gone well with a hard right hook that had
caused her so much pain just hours earlier.

She did not respond. She just kept putting one foot in front of the


At that moment, the sound of the wind grew loud enough to

drown out all other sounds. She thought the man said something else,
but she could not hear him. She screamed when hard hands grabbed

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her. In the next instant, she was facedown in the roadside ditch with
something heavy on top of her, surrounding her, holding her down
when she began to fight for her freedom.

“Hold very still and pray we make it through this tornado without

being blown to Oz or beyond,” the same deep voice said. This time
his voice was stern and filled with the same kind of power Master at
his most powerful had used.

She heard him over the roaring wind because his lips were

touching her ear as he spoke. More shivers raced through her. Not
from the cold air and rain, but from a heat that seemed to spring to life
deep inside her. A heat she had never felt before.

That was when she figured out what was going on around them. A

nighttime tornado, one of the most deadly weather occurrences that
could hit the area, was nearly on top of them. This was the first time
she had ever been out in one. She had grown up in central
Pennsylvania where tornados never happened. Since living in Kansas,
whenever warnings were issued, Master sent her to the storm cellar
until the all clear was given. Sometimes he joined her, but other times
he would ride out the storm in the barn.

Kyra moved her head in a small up-and-down motion to indicate

she understood their situation. She did not move a muscle even
though a rock dug painfully into her bruised left hip where Master’s
brother had landed a kick during the beat-down he had given her. At
the same time, something long, hard, and tubular pressed into her left
ass cheek.

She began to pray, but not having been to church since her

mother’s funeral, she could not recall an appropriate prayer to keep
tornadoes away, so she ran through the prayers she did remember. As
she repeated the Lord’s Prayer, her childhood “Now I lay me down to
sleep” prayer, and the blessing she and her mother used to say every
night before eating, Kyra lost track of time.

Finally, the wind began to lessen. The sound that drowned out

everything else slowly retreated as if someone was slowly turning

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down the volume on a stereo that had been blasting. But whatever was
holding her down did not move.

Though she wanted to roll off the rock she was lying upon, Kyra

remained still, afraid of what the man might do. Direct disobedience
to Master’s orders always earned a swift, harsh punishment. After her
encounter this morning with Master’s brother, she had no desire to
incur anyone else’s wrath anytime soon.

The weight finally moved off her in two parts, first from her right

side and then her left. She remained facedown in the grass and rocks
holding as still as she could, afraid to move.

“Oh, shit, did we kill her?” a second voice asked. This one was

almost a deep as the first voice, but softer, gentler, and clearly
concerned. So, there had been two men lying over her, protecting her
from the tornado. No wonder she had not felt anything except warmth
and an unfamiliar tingle that radiated through her body from between
her legs.

“It’s okay, little one, you can get up now.” The deep voice was


Though she wanted to, she could not move. Fear of the unknown

held her trapped in its grip. She was unable to roll over and look at the
men who had just saved her life.

When hands gently rolling her over, she stiffened but did not fight

them. She did sigh with relief when the pain of the rock pressing into
her bruised hip eased.

“Open your eyes, little one. Look at me,” the deeper voice


Though tone was gentle, she recognized the same thread of power

that Master had in his voice. It was the tone that told her he would not
be defied without consequences.

Question was, did she want to find out his idea of consequences?

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Chapter 3

It took nearly a long handful of seconds after Carter ordered the

woman to open her eyes before they finally fluttered open. Finn
looked into a pair of big, fear-filled eyes and felt his heart skip several
beats. When it settled back into a regular rhythm, his cock, which had
shrunken during their close encounter with death, surged back to full
erection in three heartbeats. He gasped as it once again pressed
painfully against the punishment cage.

His gaze shifted to Carter, trying to gauge the other man’s

reaction to the woman. His lover, friend, and Master seemed to be
having a similarly strong reaction if expression of lust in his eyes and
the bulge pushing at the front of his jeans were any indication.

Carter met his gaze for a moment before turning his attention to

the woman. Finn shifted then bit his lip to fight down a moan as the
cage pulled at his cock. He remained silent, allowing Carter to take
the lead as he did a quick visual exam, taking in the woman’s battered
face. One eye was swollen nearly shut, and her bottom lip looked
puffy as well. He thought he detected a bruise around her neck, but in
the dim light it was hard to tell if it was a shadow or not. His gaze
dropped down her body, and he saw what he thought were other
bruises high on her thighs and hips where the oversized shirt had been
pushed up her body. She wore no panties, and he chastised his cock as
it throbbed at the sight of her naked pussy.

“Are you okay, little one?” Carter asked, laying his hand on the

woman’s shoulder.

Flinching at his touch, she blinked once but did not answer.
“Little one, you have to tell us what’s wrong or we can’t help

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you,” he said when it became obvious she was not going to answer.
His tone carried a thread of authority that seemed to reach beyond
whatever fear or shock held her silent.

Finn watched her closely. She took a deep breath and winced with

the effort. Obviously she was in pain, but until he had better light to
examine her, he could not tell what was wrong.

“Please, Sir, just leave me here. Let me die,” she said softly. Finn

heard respect in her words, but they also held a tone of resignation
that concerned him. What the hell had happened to her?

He glanced at Carter, who returned his look of concern with an

expression Finn had seen many times before. Master had made a
decision. He only hoped the woman would not fight them as they tried
to help her.

“No one is going to die tonight, little one.”
Carter had turned up the Dom power in his voice. Finn was not

surprised when she stopped breathing for a handful of seconds before
sighing a soft and resigned, “Yes, Sir.”

Finn moved back as Carter helped her to her feet, Master’s rule of

not touching a stranger without permission springing forward. When
she wobbled and looked like she was going to collapse, Carter
stepped closer. With each movement, she made little gasps and moans
of pain. She was seriously in pain, and Finn wondered if they should
take her to the hospital instead of home with them.

Carter wrapped one hand around her upper arm to steady her.

When she cried out in pain, he loosened his grip, but did not release
her. “You are coming home with us. When we get home, Finn is
going to look you over because it’s obvious you are in some serious

“I’m all right,” the woman said much too fast for it to be the truth.
“No, you are not, and I do not tolerate lying in my household,”

Carter said, his voice soft but stern. “I will let that one go, this time.
We will discuss the rules when we get home. I also hope you will tell
us who hurt you, where your Master is, and why he is allowing you to

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run around in the middle of a tornado all alone.”

The woman sucked in a breath but did not respond one way or


“Finn, you drive,” Carter said as he guided her toward the truck.
He watched Carter open the door for the woman who was now

visibly shaking. From shock, pain, or fear he could not tell.
Thankfully, home was only a few minutes from here. His Master had
to lift her onto the seat. Once she was inside, he followed and then
pulled her onto his lap.

Finn followed, his cock aching with each step. He reached the

driver’s door and stopped. Looking across the cab, he caught Carter’s

“Master, may I?” he asked softly, waving a hand in front of his

crotch where the cage held his cock and balls in painful confinement.

Carter blinked then after a second nodded his assent before

mouthing, “I’m sorry.”

Finn shrugged then stepped away from the open door. Checking

left then right for other vehicles, he quickly opened his pants and
fished out his caged erection. Releasing the latch, he sighed with
release as the cage’s restrictive pressure eased. Though his body
begged for the half dozen strokes that it would take to reach orgasm,
Finn gritted his teeth and tucked the thick, swollen length away
instead. At the moment, there were more important concerns to deal
with than finding much-needed relief. Besides, Master had allowed
him out of his cage but had given no permission for him to come.
Hopefully Master would allow him relief before they went to sleep, or
he was going to have a long, sleepless night.

Climbing into the driver’s seat, Finn checked his passengers. The

woman was sitting in Carter’s lap stiffly. Finn pushed away the
twinge of jealousy as Carter wrapped his arms around her and pushed
her head to his shoulder. Watching out of the corner of his eye as he
put the truck into gear, he saw she did not move. He wondered if it
was fear or shock that held her so still.

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* * * *

Exhaustion, fear, and stress caught up with her as she sat in the

big man’s lap, but she was afraid to give in to it. She did not pay
attention as the truck began to move. Did she really want to know
where she was going now? Who were these men, these angels that
had placed their bodies between her and death?

She watched the beautiful man behind the wheel. Though he was

bathed in green light from the dashboard, his features appeared gentle
and kind. He reminded her of the men she had seen on some of the
sex videos Master liked to watch once in awhile.

For the first time in her life, she daydreamed about what a man

like him would be like in bed. She was surprised when her pussy grew
wet and itchy like when Master made her watch videos with him. He
had once said that by watching, she could learn how to please her next

Would these two want sex in exchange for room and board like

Master’s brother had demanded? Or was there some other way she
could be of service to them?

From the words exchanged between the men, she deduced they

were in a Master/slave relationship and the driver was the slave. She
thought he looked no weaker than the other man he called Master did.
What Kyra was having a hard time understanding was that he was
allowed to wear clothes and go places with his Master. What kind of
slave was he?

When the engine died, she looked around. “Where are we?”
“Our house,” Carter answered as he opened his door.
“No, Sir. What town? What state?”
The men froze for a second and exchanged a glance before the

man whose lap she was sitting answered. “We are in Loving, Kansas,
little one. Where did you think you were?”

“Somewhere in the Midwest, but I never knew exactly where,”

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she answered honestly.

When she tried to move off his lap, he made a sound that stopped

her. He surprised her by shifting his hold on her before sliding out of
the truck and carrying her to the front door of what looked like a
spacious old two-story farmhouse.

“I could have walked,” she pointed out.
“Maybe,” he answered simply, “but you don’t weigh much, and

I’m liking the feel of you in my arms.”

Afraid to anger the man by demanding her freedom or asking

some of the many questions swirling through her brain, Kyra fell
silent once more.

The driver unlocked the front door of the house and pushed it

open. The Master carried her inside but still did not put her down. He
carried her across a living room and down a hall.

At the end of the short hallway, he entered another room and kept

walking in the dark. A light flipped on as he came to a stop beside the
biggest bed she had ever seen. After setting her down as if she was a
spun glass figurine, he stepped back then crossed his arms over a
broad, muscular chest that would do any man proud.

Kyra was surprised to feel heat as his gaze traveled down her

body, pausing for a long, long moment at her stubble-covered pussy
before moving down her legs to her feet. His gaze then skittered back
to the apex of her thighs.

Only then did she realize her too-big shirt had ridden up almost to

her waist, baring her sex to his view. It also revealed the black and
blue marks that covered her hips and upper thighs from where
Master’s brother had kicked her. Squirming under his scrutiny, she
tried to pull the shirt down to hide her injuries as well as her sex.

“Leave it,” the other man said. He came in the room carrying a

washcloth, towel, and what looked to her like a big red fishing tackle
box. “In fact, I’d like you to take it off so I can examine you and get
some pictures of your injuries in case we need them later.”

She felt herself go pale from her hairline to her toes as she stared

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into the eyes of the slave/stranger. Instead of protesting, she asked the
question that had been on her mind since they had protected her from
the tornado. “Why are you doing this?”

“Before we get into the whys and wherefores, introductions are in

order. My name is Carter Jackson, and this is Finn Miller,” the big
man said. “And you are?”

She turned and looked at the other man, Finn, as his gaze bounced

from Carter to her and back again. Only after Carter nodded did he
begin to gently wash the dirt and grime from her feet.

She hissed when he hit a sore spot on her calf.
She looked at Carter, who stood watching as if he would wait all

night for her answer. “My name is Kyra Hansen,” she said softly, her
eyes dropping to her lap again.

“Kyra. That’s a beautiful name. Can you tell me who did this to


Kyra studied her intertwined fingers as her pussy filled with her

juices from just being close to these two men. “Master’s brother. I
don’t know what his name is.”

That brought Carter a step closer to the bed. “And who is your

Master, little one?”

Kyra took a breath, not sure Master would want his secrets

revealed, even if he was dead. When Carter settled on the bed beside
her then gently pulled her closer so she leaned against him, she
released the air with a whoosh.

Looking into Finn’s eyes, she found the strength to say, “Master’s

name was Seth Masterson. He died last week,” Kyra choked out
before she began to cry.

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Chapter 4

Carter looked at Finn and saw the other man felt the same shock

that he did. They had known Seth since moving into the area three
years earlier and had never guessed he had a woman living with him,
much less a much younger slave girl. In fact, they worked that call.
Someone had called in anonymously from Seth’s farm about him
being dead in the bar. Carter had walked through the house and there
had been no sign that anyone else lived in the house. Where had Kyra
been hiding?

Carter shifted the woman so she now sat across his lap as she

cried. He then met Finn’s gaze and cocked his head to the side,
motioning for him to join them on the bed.

Carter was not sure what the hell was going on, he had never felt

such instantaneous attraction to anyone except Finn before. From his
body’s reaction and the sight of Finn’s cock pressing hard against his
zipper, he knew there were some intense feelings building. And not
just those of a fireman and paramedic wanting to help someone in

From the moment he had touched Kyra, something about her

pulled at him in a way he had not felt toward a woman in years.
Though he and Finn had shared an occasional woman in the past, and
had even talked about having a woman join their family, he never
really thought they could find one. Not one who would understand
and agree to their rather unique lifestyle. With the way he and Finn
were both reacting, Kyra might be that woman, but the big question
was, would she be interested?

Looking into Finn’s eyes, he saw the same longing that churned in

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his loins. But he also saw fear. What was his pup afraid of? He made
a mental to note to talk to Finn about that later, after they heard the
woman’s story.

“Kyra, how long were you with your Master?” he asked as gently

as he could once her crying eased to just sniffing and gasping for
breath. He needed that answer before he could make any further
decisions about what to do with her.

“Since my seventeenth birthday,” she answered softly. “My father

gave me to Master because he did not want me around anymore. He
said I was too wild to handle and I looked too much like my mother.”

“Where is your mother, sweetie?” Finn asked as he began to

stroke a hand up and down her arm, pushing the sleeve of the shirt up
to expose bruises that darkened her skin from wrist to shoulder in
both circular patches and straight-line bands.

“She died when I was twelve.”
Now came the tricky questioning, but better to do it now while her

emotional barriers were down. “What did your Master have you do
for him?”

“I cleaned the house, kept the kitchen garden, and sometimes

worked the fields with him. I did whatever Master told me to,” she
admitted softly.

“Did you have sex with him?”
In response, she dropped her head forward before moving it side

to side. “We never slept together, but I did give him a blow job every

“And did he ever reciprocate?” Finn asked gently.
“No. Why would he? That’s why Master’s brother was so angry. I

refused to let him fuck me, and he beat me until I could barely move.
When he tried again, I hit him on the head with a lamp. I got away,
grabbed one of Master’s shirts and his slippers, and ran away. You
don’t think he’ll have me arrested because I stole the clothes, do

Carter felt her heartbeat picking up as she grew agitated, which

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was the last thing she needed. “Shhh, little one. No one is going to
arrest you tonight. Right now I want you to let Finn examine you and
help you get cleaned up. Then we’ll eat a snack and get some sleep.
We’ll figure out the rest tomorrow.”

Kyra nodded, though she still looked skeptical. “Thank you, Sir.”
Carter gave her a gentle squeeze before he set her on the bed and

stood up. Patting her shoulder gently, he walked out of the room and
headed to the kitchen. He heard Finn talking to her, his partner’s
gentleness no doubt working its magic in keeping her calm and
getting her to cooperate with an exam.

He found the sandwiches Finn had brought from Hannah’s Tavern

sitting on the counter. Pulling a plate from the cupboard, he piled the
sandwiches on it before setting it on the small kitchen table. Going to
the refrigerator, he pulled out a beer, opened it, and slugged half of it
down in a single pull.

By the time he finished the beer and tossed the bottle in the

recycling bin, he heard the shower going. It was another ten minutes
before Finn and Kyra joined him in the kitchen. Finn looked
positively grim, which was saying something about his easygoing
partner who was always smiling. The erection that had been so
noticeable just a few minutes before was gone. Kyra looked exhausted
and now wore one of his old uniform T-shirts and a pair of Finn’s
gym shorts.

“Tomorrow we’ll go out and buy you some clothes that fit,” Finn

said as he led her by the hand to the table.

“No, you can’t!” she exclaimed.
She pulled her hand from his and dropped to her knees, assuming

what must have been Seth’s version of the slave’s kneeling position.
Her legs were positioned properly, but instead of having her hands
resting on her knees, she had them wrapped across her back, which
pushed her bountiful breasts into even more prominence. She also
dropped her head too far forward.

Carter glanced at Finn, who looked shocked. Without a word, but

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with tears glistening in his eyes, his slave turned away and
disappeared back down the hall, leaving him to deal with the battered

“Stand up, Kyra,” he said.
She scrambled to her feet, but held the pose from the waist up.

She also began to tremble.

He did not move a muscle as he tried to work out how to handle

the next few minutes. He did not want to hurt her further, did not want
to scare her, but needed answers.

Deciding that she would respond best to his Master persona, he

gently ordered, “Come sit down, little one.”

While Carter was Master of the household and Finn was his

loving slave, in most things they shared more of an equal partnership
than a Master/slave relationship. They both worked, did household
chores, and lived like any other vanilla couple in public. Behind the
closed doors of their bedroom was another thing.

Kyra had never experienced normal. She had been a slave to a

man in every way, but sexual. Somehow they had to teach her how to
be an independent woman instead of a twisted SOB’s field hand and
nightly stress relief.

She shot him a look that clearly told him she did not understand

what he was asking of her.

“Sit in that chair, little one,” he said, pointing to the empty chair

across the table from where he sat. “I want you to eat something.
Would you like something to drink?”

Kyra moved hesitantly, as if she was expecting him to pull the

chair out from under her or slap her for daring to use furniture. Once
she settled, she chose a single half-sandwich that looked like the
smallest one on the platter. After taking a paper napkin from the
holder at the end of the table, she laid the sandwich down before
placing her hands back in her lap.

“Kyra? Would you like a glass of milk? Or juice?”
“Water, please,” she answered. She lifted her gaze to his, her eyes

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once more glistening with tears. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

Carter retrieved a glass from the cupboard and the jug of milk

from the refrigerator. Without a word, he filled the glass and set it in
front of her, earning a wide-eyed look of panic from the fragile

“From now until I say otherwise, you will drink milk with your

meals. And if you can, I’d like to see you eat two of those baby

He spoke gently, but put just a hint of Dom power in his voice,

just enough to make sure she would not try to skimp or get by on next
to nothing. Having carried her into the house, he figured she was at
least twenty pounds underweight.

“Yes, Sir,” Kyra whispered.
“I’m going to see what Finn’s up to. Then we’ll be right back to

join you.”

He waited for Kyra to nod her understanding before he headed

down the hall. He stopped in the bedroom door when he saw Finn
kneeling in the middle of the floor. His upper body was curled
forward with his forehead resting on the carpet. He was shaking, and
it was obvious he was crying.

“Finn? Pup, what’s wrong?” Carter asked as he knelt beside his

best friend and lover.

Finn did not answer. Carter began to rub his back, knowing that

his softhearted pup needed this release. He needed to go out and chop
a cord or two of wood to deal with the anger he felt toward the dead
man. Carter had no idea how much time passed before Finn finally
moved, leaning against him with his head on Carter’s chest.

“I’m a monster,” Finn said softly. “She’s all bruised and battered,

and I got hard as a rock as I examined her and took pictures. All I
could think about was how beautiful she would be once the bruises
healed and how many ways we could give her pleasure. You are my
life, my love, my reason for getting up in the morning, but something
about her makes me want to…to…”

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“…take her to bed for a week and help her forget about the last

eight years of her life?” Carter finished for him. “Teach her what it
would be like to serve a loving Master and his pup?”

“Yeah, something like that.” Finn lifted his head to look at his

love, his Master. “You, too?”

Carter nodded. “Yes, but there are some ground rules for the next

few weeks until she heals and we can talk to her about things. You
will not touch her in any way sexually without permission. You will
not fuck her unless I’m present. And nothing will happen until she is
healed and has agreed to join our household. Do you understand,

“Yes, Master,” Finn said and then smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, my beautiful slave boy,” Carter returned with a

smacking kiss to Finn’s forehead. “You going to be able to hold it
together for another hour or so? We need to eat, but after we put her
to bed, we’ll finish what we started at the club.”

As he spoke, he reached down and tested the sturdiness of the tent

pole pushing at the front of his pet’s pants. Finn sucked a breath at his
touch as his hips canted upward to push his cock against Carter’s

“I’ll try, but I don’t know that I can promise anything.”
“Would you like me to help you with that, Finn?” a soft, feminine

voice asked.

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Chapter 5

Finn stiffened in his arms, but Carter tightened his hold so the

man could not move away. Looking over his shoulder, he found Kyra
standing just in the hall outside the doorway. She looked nervous, but

“Come here, little one,” he said.
She came around and knelt in front of them. Once there, she

moved into her slave position with a wince of her shoulders and
dropped her head. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to intrude, but you
were gone so long—”

Carter continued playing with Finn’s cock through his jeans as he

watched her. Though she tried to fight it, she lifted her head just
enough that she was able to watch his hand move on Finn’s erection.

“How long were you out there, little one?” Carter asked. He

released his hold on Finn and reached out to lift her chin so he could
see her entire face.

“Not long, Sir,” she replied, dropping her gaze as soon as her eyes

met his.

“Look into my eyes, little one. When I talk to you, I want to see

your eyes,” he instructed then waited until she lifted her eyes to his
once again before continuing. “That’s one. Now answer the question
honestly. How long were you watching us?”

She shrugged and fought hard to keep her gaze locked on his. “A

few minutes, Sir.”

Finn shifted uncomfortably in his arms, so Carter released him

and watched as the man sat up and assumed the correct slave position

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before turning his attention back to the woman.

“Did you hear the rules I laid down for pup?”
It was several long seconds before her head nodded up and down.
“Tell me.”
Kyra’s cheeks pinked up as she took a deep breath. Then, in a

voice that sounded remarkably like his, she recited, “You will not
touch her in any way sexually without permission. You will not fuck
her unless I’m present. And nothing will happen until she is healed
and has agreed to join our household.”

Finn burst out laughing, causing Kyra to jump and look fearful.

“Sweetie, that was a perfect imitation,” he said.

Carter chuckled as well. “It was that, little one. But do you

understand what I’m asking of pup, and myself?”

“You won’t touch me until after I’ve healed and unless you are

together and I’ve agreed to join your household,” she said. “I thought
by coming here you had already made that decision.”

Carter hesitated for a moment. “For now, you are here as our

guest, to heal and recover. You also have to figure out if you want to
remain a slave or not. You are free and can do and be anything you
want, as long as it does not go against the law. You just have to figure
out what it is you want to do.”

Kyra’s gaze dropped from Carter’s face to Finn’s crotch. Carter

caught his breath at the fire in her eyes as she licked her lips before
saying, “What I’d really like to do right is make Finn feel better.”

* * * *

Though she was in pain, the deeply ingrained need to please rose

and swamped her. If easing the discomfort she could see in Finn’s
eyes kept these men from throwing her out in the morning, she would
gladly suck him off. She would suck both of them for that matter. She
tensed when both men groaned. Did she say something wrong?
Would Carter punish her for speaking freely? Even after all the time

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with Master, her mouth sometimes took off without checking with her
thinking through exactly what she was saying.

Though Master had encouraged her to speak her thoughts, she had

learned what would and would not upset him. These two men were a
mystery, so she waited to see whether they would smack her or Finn
would drop his pants and allow her to give him relief.

Instead, Carter pushed to his feet and held a hand down to her.

“Not tonight, little one. Did you eat?”

Instead of taking it, she scrambled to her feet, one eye watching

Finn stand and unabashedly adjust his cock to a more comfortable
position. “No, Sir. I was waiting for you.”

“That was kind of you, but unnecessary,” Carter said. He took her

hand in his and led her back to the kitchen with Finn following close
behind them.

She ate slowly, watching as each man gobbled two sandwiches for

half she consumed. By the time she finished the second, she was
stuffed. She remained silent, listening and learning as the men carried
on a conversation about yard work and household chores they needed
to accomplish before they went back to work in three days.

Her eyes grew heavy, and she began to nod off, but was afraid to

ask where she would be sleeping. In the past, Master would send her
to her cold, dark room in the attic as soon as she finished cleaning his
cock after his evening blow job. Her eyelids drifted down once more,
and she did not have the strength to fight the pull of gravity.

She woke with a start when her chair moved and Carter picked her

up once again. “Shhh, little one. It’s bedtime.”

She did not speak as he carried her to a smaller bedroom

decorated similarly to the large one they had been in earlier. She
observed in a detached way as Finn hurried around them to pull the
covers back.

“You’ll sleep in here for now, little one,” Carter said as he laid her

in the middle of the double bed. “I want you to sleep as long as you
can. Don’t worry about anything except resting and healing. You’re

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safe here.”

Turning to her side, Kyra curled up and slipped into sleep in two

breaths. She did not feel the men pull the covers over her. Nor did she
hear them walk out of the room and pull the door almost completely
closed behind them.

* * * *

“What do we do now, Master?” Finn whispered once they were in

the hall. Carter noticed he had slipped back into slave mode as he did
whenever situations overwhelmed him emotionally.

“Pup, you have one minute to get in there, strip, and get on your

knees.” Carter nodded toward their bedroom at the end of the hall. “I
won’t put you back in your cage since you’ve been such a good boy
this evening, but if you come before I do, you will wear it for a week,
on shift and off.”

That promise would be the ultimate driving factor in keeping his

pup from coming too soon. The men they worked with knew they
were a couple, but never asked how far their relationship went. One
time he had gotten some disapproving frowns when Finn had shown
up for a shift with straight-line purple bruises across his ass cheeks
from a whipping he had received the night before at one of their poker

One of the younger firefighters had gone so far as to ask Finn if

Carter was abusing him and if he needed help getting out. Since then
they saved heavy punishment sessions for the first or second days of
their four-day breaks so Finn had a chance to heal before going back
to work.

“Yes, Master,” Finn said. His eyes blazed with horny intentions

just before he turned and ran for the bedroom, pulling his T-shirt over
his head as he went.

Though he knew his pup would be ready in the allotted sixty-

second time frame, Carter walked through the house before heading to

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the bedroom, doing the security sweep of locks and lights as he did
every night. He stopped in the laundry room long enough to strip
down before heading to the bedroom.

As he walked past Kyra’s room, he paused to listen for a few

seconds. Hearing only silence, he was confident she would sleep
through the night and probably well into the next morning. His cock
throbbing with his own long-held need, he continued down the hall.

Stepping into the room, he closed the door but did not lock it

before turning to the room. Finn was kneeling in the open space
between the door and the bed. As usual, he was in perfect slave
position, back straight, thighs spread wide, and head lowered
respectfully. His cock jutted straight up from his groin. The shaft was
long, thick, and crimson red while the deeper purple head glistened
with pre-cum that oozed from the opening at the tip.

Though tempted to slide the vibrating butt plug with the remote

controller into his baby’s ass, Carter decided not to torture his man
any longer. They were both wound up from their interrupted playtime
and exhausted from the evening’s events. They both needed the
release only a good orgasm would give them.

“Look at me,” he ordered softly as he crossed the room.
Immediately Finn’s head came up, and he met Carter’s eyes. At

the same time his jaw dropped, his lips parting just enough for Carter
to slide the tip of his cock between them.

Carter knew Finn wanted to gobble down his nine-inch length, but

held back. Moving just his hips, he pressed several inches of cock into
the wet, warm orifice before moving it up and down, and then in a
circular motion. The slick manjuice that oozed from its tip spread
around the interior of Finn’s mouth, teasing the slave with his
master’s taste.

Finn remained statue-still, not swallowing, not sucking, and not

following when Carter took a step back, pulling his cock free again.
Looking down, he saw disappointment in the other man’s eyes.

“What do you want, pup?”

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Chapter 6

“I want to please you, Master,” Finn answered, using the phrase

that had become the opening ritual whenever they played their games.

“And how do you want to please me, pup?”
“Master, may I suck your cock please?”
Finn remained still as Carter walked a circle around him. “That’s

not all you want, is it, pup?”

“No, Master,” Finn admitted, his cock twitching with his


“Will you be able to get off while sucking my cock, pup?”
Finn swallowed hard before answering softly. “I think so, Master.

I need to come so bad my balls ache.”

That was one thing that always amazed Carter. His pup could find

such pleasure in giving Carter a blow job that he sometimes got off
without a single touch to his own.

“That’s about how bad I need it, too.” Carter said, moving back to

stand in front of his slave so the head of his cock brushed against his
lips. “Hands on my hips and suck me good, puppy.”

Finn’s cock jerked and throbbed with each beat of his heart as he

lifted his hands and took hold of Carter’s hips. He had a hard time
keeping his own still, keeping from flexing back and forth as he took
Master’s erection back into his mouth.

Swirling his tongue around the bulbous head, he sighed through

his nose. The slick wetness covering Master’s head tasted delicious.
He rolled his lips to cover his teeth then gently closed his jaw around
the shaft just behind the glans. Carter’s low growl and the hands that
gently clamped around the back of his head told him without words to

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stop playing and get on with the business at hand.

His own balls drew up, and he prayed he had enough control left

in him to hold off his own orgasm long enough to give his Master

Sliding farther down Carter’s cock, he swabbed his tongue back

and forth where he could until the tip reached the back of his throat.
He had never been able to take all of Master’s log of a cock in without
gagging. Sucking hard, he slid back up until only the head remained
in his mouth. Then he began a steady motion moving up and down
Carter’s length. His fingers tightened their hold on Master’s hips as
his own began to thrust up, fucking the air even as Carter began to
fuck his mouth in earnest.

“Hold it, pup. Just a little longer,” Carter whispered as his hips

began to move faster and harder.

Finn panted through his nose while fighting to hold back his own

orgasm. Sucking hard, he used every trick he knew to drive his
Master over the edge. Taking the fat cock as deep as he could and
then another inch, he gagged then swallowed on the flesh.

With that, Carter released his skull and grabbed his shoulders. He

clamped down on them as his hips began the short back-and-forth
strokes that signaled his orgasm was but a heartbeat away.

“Now, pup,” Carter moaned deep in his throat right before his

seed filled Finn’s mouth. He swallowed several times to keep from
downing or losing his Master’s precious fluid.

Once he ingested the last of Master’s seed, Finn gentled his

sucking. He continued licking and cleaning his cock as Carter gasped,
moaned, and made all the sounds of pleasure that filled Finn’s heart
with the joy of pleasure-giving.

Finally, Carter stepped back, pulling his cock from Finn’s grasp.

He panted for breath but remained on his feet, though he still leaned
heavily on Finn’s shoulders for both balance and support.

“Well, pup?” he gasped.
“Not yet, Master,” Finn was happy to report, though his cock and

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balls were screaming with the orgasm that hovered just out of reach.

“Good boy. On your back with your legs bent,” Carter ordered as

he dropped to kneel beside his lover.

Once they were both in position, Carter wrapped his fingers

around the man’s cock. “You have ten strokes to get off or you’ll
have to wait until morning.”

“Yes, Master,” Finn gasped.
His need greater than his control, Finn began to thrust upward,

forcing his tumescent length through Carter’s fist.

“Ten, nine, eight,” Carter counted each time he surged up.
With each number called, the tingling down his spine increased

exponentially and Finn’s balls began to spasm.

“Ah, ah, ah, Arrrgh,” he cried out as, on the fifth upward thrust,

the pent-up orgasm exploded and semen surged out of his balls and up
his cock.

The juices were hot as they spattered across his face, neck, and

chest in long, strong spurts. Carter continued stroking, milking him
dry. When his panting gasps changed tone and his cock grew too
sensitive for touch, his Master released him then wiped his sperm-
covered palm down the inside of Finn’s thigh.

“Thank you, Master,” he said before Carter pushed to his feet. “I

love you.”

“And I love you, my pet. A quick shower and then bed before I

decide you don’t need to sleep at all tonight.”

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Chapter 7

Kyra woke the next morning and, upon opening her eyes, frowned

in confusion. She was not in her tiny room in the attic. This was a
real, honest-to-God bedroom. The covers were soft, silky, and warm,
not the scratchy wool blanket she wrapped up in each night. The bed
was not the ancient Army cot Master had gotten somewhere a
hundred years ago, but a real mattress with a pillow for her head.

Shifting, she gasped as pain assaulted her from what felt like

every inch of her body. Gritting her teeth, she rolled to her head and
buried her head in the pillow and screamed. The pillow muffled her
sounds, but the exercise did little to ease the pain that seemed to grow
more intense with each move.

Rolling to her back, she allowed tears to fall as she slowly moved,

stretched, and flexed every muscle, hoping that would help. It did not.

Memories of the events that had brought her to this place flooded

back, including her handsome rescuers. They taken her in like
Heaven-sent angels last night, but would their kindness continue in
the light of a new day? After all, they were a gay couple, which meant
they had no need of a woman in their lives or their house.

The soreness fractionally retreating, Kyra worked her way toward

the edge of the bed. Once there, she rolled off, gasping and groaning
as she got her feet planted on the hardwood floor and stood up. Her
muscles screamed from Master’s brother’s beating then walking for
miles yesterday. Sleeping in a soft and wonderfully comfortable bed
relaxed her more than she could ever remember, which just added to
her overall pain. She was tempted to return to bed and the oblivion of

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Her bladder, though, had other ideas and demanded immediate

attention if she was not to embarrass herself.

With slow, shallow breaths she shuffled across the room to the

hall door. Finn had pointed out the bathroom off the hall as he had
escorted her to the kitchen after her examination and embarrassing
photo shoot. Thankfully the door stood open, proving the room was

Once she answered nature’s call, Kyra moved back into the hall

and hesitated as she debated what to do next. Should she go back to
bed? Or go looking for her hosts? It was still very early for most
people, but for Kyra it was late. By this time of the morning she
would have already served Master his breakfast and been outside
tending the garden that covered nearly an acre.

Masculine moans, groans, and heavy breathing caught her

attention. She froze for a moment, then turned and tiptoed toward the
half-closed door at the end of the hall. The sounds coming from the
room pulled at her as she recalled watching the men making out the
night before. Curiosity reeled her in as if she were a catfish caught on
the end of a fisherman’s line.

Reaching the door, she stopped and listened. The sounds

continued, more urgent than just seconds before. She slowly eased the
door open and peeked around it to see what was going on in the
Master’s bedroom.

Finn was in the middle of the bed on his hands and knees, and

Carter was behind him. The bigger man energetically drove his hips
forward at the same time Finn’s body rocked back toward him. She
gasped silently when Carter reached under Finn, took hold of his
cock, and began to stroke it in time with his own thrusts.

She watched, enchanted by the view and intrigued at her body’s

response. Her pussy clenched and grew damp, her nipples beaded
tight, and her clit demanded touching. Though she had never felt this
aroused by anything before, Kyra knew she was close to something
monumental and explosive just by watching these two have sex.

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Without thinking about her actions, one hand moved to cover her

breast, causing her to gasp. Her clit pulsed again in response. Her
other hand slid up her thigh, through the wide-open leg of the shorts
she wore to end up between her legs. Feeling wobbly, she leaned
against the doorjamb as two fingers stroked between her pussy lips,
teasing her clit. She intently watched the scene before her as she
tweaked her nipple and stroked the pad of a finger up and down her

“Oh shit, I’m coming, pup,” Carter panted a few minutes later as

his hips slammed into Finn’s ass one last time before he arched his
back and roared with an obvious orgasm.

Finn groaned long and low as his seed spurted onto the sheets.
Kyra’s eyes drifted closed as her fingers worked her clit, but

before she could capture whatever it was she was chasing, she opened
her eyes and met Carter’s now-sated dark-chocolate gaze.

“Oh, shit,” she squeaked as she stepped back and hurried as fast as

her battered body allowed back down the hall.

She heard Carter call her name, but was too embarrassed to turn

back. Not sure where else to go, she returned to the room she had
slept in the night before, her heart pounding with fear. Would they
kick her out now? Would Sir beat her? Or would they turn her over to
the police?

Closing the door, she moved around the bed to the corner farthest

from the door on the other side of the bed. With a moan of pain, she
sat down and pulled her knees to her chest. She was almost
completely hidden from the door but refused to hide in the closet or
crawl under the bed like a child. She tried that once with Master, and
it ended with her not being able to sit down for four days. It was bad
enough she was cowering in the corner, but she had nowhere else to
go except out the front door and into the street, but it would be soon
enough for that for surely Sir would kick her out for spying on them.

She would be lucky if that was all he did to her.
Dropping her head, Kyra rested her forehead on her knees and

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waited, barely breathing, just listening to the rapid beat of her heart in
her eardrums. Her mind raced wildly, bouncing from one subject to
another like water jumping on a hot skillet. She had no idea how long
she sat there, but it was long enough for her heartbeat to settle into a
slower, more regular rate.

The soft knock on the door startled her, and she tensed, moaning

as the already sore muscles protested the additional tension. She
hugged her legs tighter to herself and waited for a hand to grab her
hair or her arm or the scruff of her neck and drag her down the hall
and out into the street.

She heard the door brush against the carpet as it slowly opened.

“Kyra?” Carter’s voice was deep and soft.

Footsteps crossed the room and stopped right beside her. She

curled into an even tighter ball. Tears fell as she waited for the Sir to
punch, slap, or kick her for spying on them.

* * * *

Carter’s heart bled when he saw the woman cowered in the corner

like a human pill bug. He had no doubt she was expecting him to beat
her in some way. He crossed the room and sat down beside her,
leaving space between them as he would any wild creature whose
actions he could not be sure of.

“Kyra, are you all right?”
She rose her head from her knees just enough to look through her

eyelashes at him. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know…I didn’t mean…” her
words trailed off as she struggled to breathe. It took a few breaths, but
finally she lifted her head and looking like a battered warrior princess
said, “What will my punishment be, Sir?”

Carter felt his heart shiver at the bravery he was witnessing. This

woman, whose bruises had colored up overnight so the skin of her
arms and legs was more purple and blue than honey colored, was
waiting for him to add to her injuries?

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Taking a deep breath, he fought down the urge to dig up Seth

Masterson and beat the shit out of his corpse for the damage he had
caused this beautiful creature. He held it for several long seconds
before slowly releasing it as he scrambled to find a way to prove to
this woman that he was not like the monster she called Master.

“Why would I punish you, little one?”
Her head came up a little more, and she looked perplexed by the

question. “I was watching you and Finn when I shouldn’t have,” she
finally admitted.

“The door was unlocked and open partway,” Carter pointed out

gently then knew she needed to look at things a different way.
“Maybe we wanted you to watch us. Maybe we wanted you to join

Her eyes grew big and round, as the skin that wasn’t black, blue,

or purple turned a deep pink. “Really?”

“Kyra, if we had really wanted to keep you out, we would have

closed and locked the door. Truth was, what we were doing this
morning wasn’t planned, but I must admit that knowing you were
watching me fuck Finn and touching yourself made me hot as hell.”

“Really?” Kyra asked just as Finn stumbled through the doorway

and flopped across her unmade bed before picking his head up and
resting it on bent arms.

“Really, sweetheart,” he said with a grin and a wink. “Master has

never been so quick or vigorous in a morning romp before.”

Carter turned and raised one eyebrow at his slave boy. “Be

careful, pup, or I’ll get vigorous on your ass with a length of rope, the
picnic table, and a vibrating plug.”

Finn moaned as he turned back to find Kyra staring at him with

wide, shock-filled eyes. “Don’t worry, little one, I won’t do that.
Mainly because he loves being tied and teased too much for it to be an
effective punishment.”

Finn sighed dramatically as he rolled from the bed. “I’ll get the

coffee started. Pancakes or waffles for breakfast?” he asked, looking

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at Kyra.

She looked to Carter with panic in her eyes. Obviously it was too

soon to ask her to make too many decisions, especially after all she’d
already been through that morning. He reached out slowly and stroked
a hand down her arm. “It’s okay, Kyra. Today I’ll make the decisions,
but from here on out, you are going to have to decide for yourself,

She nodded slowly. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
“Pancakes and bacon all around, pup.”
Knowing they were going to have to push her hard the next few

days before they went back to work, Carter decided to take a chance.
Leaning in, he slid two fingers under her chin to lift her face up a little
farther. With what he hoped was a reassuring expression, he leaned in
and brushed his lips across hers.

She sighed in response, and he felt her relax just a little. Pushing

his luck, he did it a second time. On the third pass, he traced the seam
of her mouth with the tip of her tongue. At the same moment her lips
parted and she sighed against his lips, she grew tense. Instead of
pushing for a full-on meeting of lips, teeth, and tongue, Carter kissed
the tip of her nose and then her forehead before pulling away.

“No more of that until you’re feeling better and not looking like

the darker half of a crayon box,” he said. He chuckled when she
moaned then pouted in disappointment.

His heart thumped with pleasure when she murmured, “Can’t


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Chapter 8

During breakfast, Carter’s cell phone rang out. After shooting

Finn a look, he pushed to his feet and walked out of the room and
down the hall. They heard him answer then his voice grew muffled as
he closed the door of whatever room he had walked into. Kyra looked
at him.

He smiled to reassure her then nodded toward her half-eaten

breakfast. “Don’t wait on him to come back. He may be five minutes
or an hour, depending on who it is.”

With a shrug, Kyra returned to eating. After finishing most of two

small pancakes, several strips of bacon, and a glass of milk, she piled
her dishes together and made a move to stand up.

“No, no, no,” Finn said. Taking the dishes from her, he carried

them to the sink. “Master would kick my ass if he saw you working.”

“I just wanted to help,” she said petulantly.
Finn turned and looked at her, his expression serious. “I know,

sweetie, but until further notice your sole job is to rest and heal. And
learn to make decisions,” he said with a grin and a wink.

Knotting her fingers in her lap, she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
She jumped when he touched her shoulder. “No, Kyra, you’ve got

that wrong. Carter is Sir. Until he says otherwise, I’m just Finn.”

“Okay, just Finn,” she snarked.
“Now, give me a smile,” Finn said.
Lifting her head, she looked at him and tried to smile, but it felt

foreign, strange to the muscles of her face.

His heart tore, but he continued to smile at her. “Not great, but

we’ll work on it. I have a feeling I’m going to be in real trouble the

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first time I hear you laugh. How about a nice, hot bath to soak out
some of your soreness?”

Kyra shrugged. “That sounds nice, but won’t it interfere with what

you and Carter have planned for the day?”

“Don’t you worry about that,” Finn said as he helped her to her

feet. He shifted into caregiver mode when she moaned. “Let me get
you something for the pain.”

After retrieving an over-the-counter painkiller, he took her hand

and wove their fingers together, earning a small upturn of her lips.
They walked down the hall, past Carter who was still on the phone,
and into the Master bathroom.

While the tub filled, Finn retrieved a bath sheet from the closet

and added a healthy dose of Epsom salts to the water. “Want

Kyra shrugged.
Having come to an agreement that morning about how and how

hard they needed to push Kyra, he said, “That’s not an answer. Yes or
no, sweetie. Consider this your first decision.”

Kyra thought about it for a moment then nodded. It had been a

long, long time since her last bath. Usually she took a quick cold
shower or Master would hose her down out in the yard if she were too
dirty to go inside. “Yes, please. But I thought having syrup or honey
on my pancakes was my first decision.”

Finn looked thoughtful as he poured a capful of pink liquid under

the running water. Immediately bubbles began to form and cover the
water’s surface. “That was your first food decision. This was your
first life decision.”

Kyra giggled then made a small sound of pain as she dropped her

clothes on the floor. “You’re silly.”

Finn helped her into the tub. Once she was settled in the rising

bubble covered water, he turned off the tap to keep it from overfilling.
“Rest, relax and if you need anything, just holler. I’ll leave some
clothes on the bed for you.”

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After brushing a kiss on her lips, which had her gasping in

surprise, he grabbed her dirty clothes and walked out of the room. He
waited until he was out of her sight before adjusting his erection to a
more comfortable position.

Carter already laid out another T-shirt and pair of shorts but was

not in the room. Finn walked down the hall and found him in the
living room on the computer. “Who called?”

“Brody wanted to know if we had found the girl Hannah had told

him about last night. When I filled him in, he agreed with me that she
needs to file charges against the SOB while he’s still in the county
and while the abuse is still visible. I also want to see a copy of Seth’s
will to see if he made any provisions for Kyra before the brother
walks away with everything.”

Finn nodded then asked, “What will happen to her after that?

She’s got nothing and no one and wouldn’t last five minutes in a
shelter, wherever that shelter might be.”

By Carter’s expression, Finn knew he was pushing the limits of

his Master’s patience. “She can stay here as long as she wishes, but if
she wants to leave, we cannot keep her from going.”

“We need to get her some clothes and maybe a case of condoms

and a gallon of lube.”

* * * *

By the time the water began to cool, the painkiller Finn had given

her had gone to work and most of her aches and pains were a
memory. Now she had a new problem. She was horny from recalling
the scene of Carter fucking Finn and both men having such intense

Her nipples were hard and aching. Her pussy was slick not only

from the water she sat in but also her own juices. Knowing she
needed to regain some control before seeing the men again, she
decided to let instinct guide her. Cupping her hands under her breasts,

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she brushed her thumb and then her fingertips over her beaded

She gasped as fire shot from the pink nubs straight to her clit. But

she needed more. She needed to come.

While her left hand moved back and forth, toying with her

nipples, her right hand dropped under the water straight to her lap.
Spreading her legs as far as the tub would allow, she stroked two
fingers over the puffy labia, adding to the tension that was gathering
low in her belly. She worked her forefinger and pinkie into the groove
between the lips then spread them wide. Using her middle finger, she
stroked the tip up and down over the exposed knot of nerves, quickly
driving herself to the edge of her release.

Needing more, she pinched her left nipple tight then rolled it

between thumb and middle finger. At the same time, she pressed and
circled directly over her clit. Closing her eyes, she changed the
memory of Carter and Finn to include her in the jumble of body parts.
That vision along with the nip of pain she inflicted upon herself sent
her flying. She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming as she
came, her entire body convulsing with the orgasm

Once she regained the ability to think and feel her various body

parts, she climbed from the water and dried off. Then she used the
towel to wipe down the tub before going into the bedroom and
dressing in the clothes Finn had laid out for her. Looking at the
unmade bed, she wished she knew where the clean sheets were stored
so she could remake the bed.

Instead, she turned and forced herself out of the room. She felt

better, stronger, and though still a little achy, almost back to normal.
The men were probably beginning to wonder if she had drowned.
Walking down the hall, she heard a voice she did not recognize.

“Sir?” she said, stopping just outside the living room.
They had not discussed what she should do in this situation. With

Master, whenever someone came to the house, he sent her to the attic
where she would sit and stay silent until he came and got her once the

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visitor had left.

When the three men turned to look her way, Kyra took a step

back, not wanting to interrupt. The visitor looked at her for a few
seconds before turning away. She heard him curse softly.

“It’s all right, little one. Come and join us,” Carter said as he held

out a hand to her.

Kyra entered the room slowly and crossed straight to Carter’s

side. When she laid her hand across his palm, he gave her a wink, a
smile, and a nod. “Good girl.”

He then pulled her to sit on the couch in the space between him

and Finn. The brown-haired stranger sat in the recliner opposite them.
Kyra settled on the cushion with several inches on either side between
her and the two men. Once seated, she folded her hands in her lap and
dropped her head to study the long, low coffee table that filled the
space between them and the stranger. There was a pile of local
newspapers and several magazines and several mail order catalogs on
the table.

“Kyra Hansen, this is Brody Markham, a good friend and a

Loving police officer.”

Kyra’s heart stopped beating for several long seconds as she

fought back an urge to jump up and run. Why was a policeman here?
Was he going to arrest her for hurting Master’s brother? Or question
her about Master’s death?

She tensed, and she jumped when Carter’s hand moved to cover

hers, which were now knotted together. Raising her head, she looked
at him and whispered. “Is he going to arrest me?”

Carter’s stunned expression did more to reassure her than the arm

that wrapped around her shoulders. “God, no, little one. Why would
you think such a thing?”

“I hit Master’s brother and then ran away.” Kyra said, shifting

closer so her body gently pressed into his side.

“Miss Hansen, from what Carter and Finn have told me, you acted

in self-defense and in fear for your life. I am also going to see that the

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bastard who assaulted you is arrested and prosecuted for his crimes.
But I need to know everything that happened from the morning you
found Seth under his tractor until these two found you on the road.”

As Kyra put her thoughts in order, she took a moment to study

Brody Markham. He was a good-looking man with medium-brown
hair and bright sparkly green eyes. He also radiated the same air of
confidence, power, and dominance that Carter did.

Taking a deep breath, Kyra swallowed hard and snuggled a little

deeper into Carter’s side. Then she began to talk.

Brody took notes, but never interrupted her as she slowly,

methodically told the story of the past week. She had left out details
when recounting it to Carter and Finn, but this time added every detail
back in.

Tears fell as she continued through the story of Master’s brother

arriving, the confrontation, the attack, and her escape. Then she told
of the day and evening walking beside the highway heading toward
Loving in Master’s ill-fitting slippers, of the two men who tried to
pick her up, and how Hannah had been the only business owner to
give her a second look and not just run her off.

“Why didn’t you wait for Hannah to come back downstairs?” Finn

asked, his hand reaching over and covering her tightly knotted

“I got scared. I wasn’t sure what she was doing, and though she

seemed nice, I did not want to end up tied to a bed and being
prostituted or sold in a slave auction to some Middle Eastern sheikh
for his harem.”

That brought smiles to their faces before Brody asked a few

questions to clarify a few points of her story.

Once she finished, he stood and began to pace from the front door

to the doorway that led to the kitchen. She was surprised to see tears
in his eyes and fury in his expression. “What a mess,” he muttered
along with a string of creative curses that beat out even the ones
Master had used in his worst temper.

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“I’m sorry,” she said, burrowing even deeper into Carter’s side.
Carter reached across her with his other arm and hugged her tight

reviving her sexual awareness as well as providing her with warmth
she thought she would never feel again. “Why are you apologizing,
little one?”

Looking up into his dark chocolate-brown eyes, she answered

softly, “He’s upset and it’s my fault.”

“Oh, no, it’s not your fault, Miss Hansen. It’s the fault of the

asshole that beat you. But don’t you worry. I am going to find him,
and he is going to pay,” Brody said with a smile that sent a shiver of
fear through her. “I’m also going to check Seth’s will and see if he’s
not trying to keep you from your inheritance.”

He left a few minutes later, after Carter had assured him that she

would be staying there with them for the foreseeable future.

“And now, little one, you are going back to bed to rest,” Carter

said when she yawned for the third time in as many minutes.

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Chapter 9

By her third morning with them, Kyra was bored. The men would

not allow her to do anything, saying she needed to rest and heal. The
most strenuous thing she had done since they had swept into her life
with the tornado was learn to make decisions for herself.

While choosing between a ham or turkey sandwich and which T-

shirt she wanted to wear gave her a sense of power she had not felt in
since being a teenager, she needed more. With each choice she made,
the men would smile in approval and praise her. Their words, smiles,
and touches sent warm heat through her body, making her nipples and
clit tingle with need.

Doing nothing as she watched Carter and Finn work in the yard or

clean the house left her feeling lost, guilty, and horny. The weather
had turned hot and muggy since the storms had moved through.
During the day the men went shirtless, wearing only cargo shorts that
hung from their hips in a way that made her mouth go dry. She
wanted something she could not explain to herself, much less try to
put into a coherent thought she could share with them.

She needed to do more than just sit around and daydream about

what sex with these two might be like. She needed to contribute
something instead of just continue to take from her two angels in
human form.

The fact that the two men were free with quick hugs and kisses

did nothing to ease the sexual turmoil bubbling just behind her clit.
Especially when she heard them together in their bedroom after she
went to bed.

That third morning when they had begun again, she contemplated

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stripping off her borrowed clothes and joining them, but fear held her
back. What if they rejected her offer of her body? Maybe in another
few days when she no longer looked like a battered Smurf.

“What’s wrong, little one?” Carter asked as they ate another of

Finn’s delicious meals, this time an omelet filled with bacon, cheese,
tomatoes, mushrooms, and onions. “You don’t look happy.”

“I’m bored,” she said softly. “I’m not used to sitting around doing

nothing. I’m feeling better. I could help. And I feel like I need
something…I’m just not exactly sure what.”

Carter studied her, his expression unreadable for a moment before

he quietly asked, “What are you feeling?”

Dropping her eyes to her half-empty plate, she answered softly

“Lost. Guilty. Frustrated.”

Finn stopped eating and laid his fork down. After a glance at

Carter, who nodded, he reached over and took her hand. “Lost how,

“I need to be doing something. I’ve never just sat around like this

before. I need to help.”

“And that’s why you’re feeling guilty?” Carter asked, slid his

hand across the table to cover her other hand.

Kyra took a deep breath and lifted her head. They demanded

honesty in all things, but if they wanted her to make choices and say
what she wanted, then she hoped this would not piss anyone off.

“Yes, Sir. You’ve been so generous, giving me food, a roof over

my head with a wonderful bed, and even the clothes off your backs.
All I’ve done is sit around watching you do all the work.”

“But you’ve been hurt, sweetie. You need to rest and heal,” Finn

argued, earning a slight frown from Carter.

“If you feel strong enough, you can help out, but I do not want

you overdoing it,” Carter said. His thumb stroking back and forth
across the back of her hand caused the tingles to start once more in
her pussy. “This morning I have a meeting I can’t get out of, but Finn
is going to take you shopping. It’s time you had clothes of your own.

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Especially since you’ll be coming to work with us tomorrow.”

“No way,” Finn blurted out.
Carter’s expression turned ice cold as the two men glared at each

other across the table. “Get your ass to the bedroom. Now,” Carter
finally ground out, his tone barely above the whisper.

Kyra began to tremble with fear. She knew that tone. That was the

same tone Master had used before administering some of her most
severe punishments.

After squeezing Kyra’s hand, Finn left the table and stormed

down the hallway. Dropping her head, she turned the hand over that
Carter’s still covered and wrapped her fingers around his bigger one.
She met Carter’s cool gaze, and tears filled her eyes. “Please don’t
hurt him.”

Carter’s expression went blank, as if someone had Botoxed his

entire face. “Little one, I know you’re not used to the way we do
things, but the one thing I will not allow to happen without
consequences is my slave questioning my decisions. You are
welcome to come and watch, but you are not to step in or speak. This
is between pup and me. Do you understand?”

Kyra swallowed hard as she quickly made sense of what had taken

place. She knew that since her arrival Carter had relaxed the rules
they normally operated under. Finn had obviously overstepped every
boundary by trying to protect her from embarrassment. Though the
thought of going into public looking as she did scared her spitless, she
knew Carter must have a reason for what he planned to do. Finn had
just reacted before Carter could explain his reasoning.

“What if I took the punishment for him?” she asked softly. “He

was trying to protect me, keep me from being embarrassed by having
people see me like this.”

Carter looked thoughtful for a moment before he said, “Come

with me.”

Kyra stood and took his hand, not sure what was going on.

Needing to give back, she decided that taking Finn’s punishment was

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appropriate. After all, he had protecting her when he had talked back
to Carter.

Finn was pacing the bedroom. When they entered the room, he

stopped and fell to his knees. Kyra had to bite her lip to keep from
moaning at the sight of his naked body rippling with muscles and the
half-hard cock hanging between thighs.

Carter pointed to the club chair in the corner and waited until

Kyra sat down. He brushed a kiss on her forehead and stroked her
cheek before turning his attention to the naked man in the middle of
the room.

“I’ve been lenient with you these last few days, maybe too much

so, if you think you can be so rude and insolent.” Carter slowly paced
a circle around the kneeling man before coming to a stop in front of
him. “Who am I?”

“You are Master.”
“And who are you?”
“I am Master’s slave.”
Carter continued walking the circle. “And have I ever done

anything that would give you the idea that I would hurt our little one?
Or do something that wasn’t entirely for her own good?”

Silence filled the room before Finn answered, “No, Master.”
Kyra shifted, uncomfortable but afraid to anger Carter further by

leaving the room.

“I understand you want to protect Kyra, but we have to work

tomorrow and we will not leave her home alone. After eight years
alone, she needs to get out, meet people, and see if she likes our little
town. Once she’s healed, she may decide to leave Loving and start her
life over somewhere else.”

That statement had Kyra gasping. She had not thought past the

next few days of healing and getting stronger. There was so much
more to do. She had to start over, or in her case, start for the first time.

But where would she go? What would she do? How would she


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Pushing away the growing panic, she focused on the tableau

before her. Carter was still pacing around and around Finn’s statue-
still figure.

“Now, you have a dilemma, pup. After pointing out your motives,

Kyra offered to take your punishment for you.”

That statement brought Finn’s head up and she saw he looked

horrified as his head swung back and forth in instant denial.

“While I understand her reasoning, until she has chosen whether

she will join our household permanently or move on, I cannot inflict
punishment on her. But you, my pup, you I have no qualms about
torturing. Therefore, since your actions were pure, you have a choice
to make. You can either take ten strokes for your behavior and be
done with it, or you can wear your cage and plug for the next twenty-
two hours without relief.”

Kyra held her breath as she waited for Finn’s answer. She wished

they could go back in time and relive the past twenty minutes.

“I’ll take the strokes, Master,” Finn said, his voice clear and


“Get the big paddle. It’s in the bag that’s still in the back of the

truck,” Carter ordered. Once Finn stood and scurried out of the room,
Carter turned his attention in her direction. “Would you like to give
Finn some pleasure while I give him pain?”

Carter’s grin sent a shiver through her. “You’ve been wanting to

give him a blow job. You could do that while I give him strokes. But
only if you want to.”

Kyra’s pussy clenched with excitement at finally being able to

give back. Then a thought struck her. “But, Sir, I thought you said he
couldn’t touch me until I finished healing?”

Carter’s grin grew and he raised his eyebrows, adding a comically

menacing touch to his expression. “I said he couldn’t touch you. I
don’t think I said you couldn’t touch him. But only if you feel up to it.
What do you think?”

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Without thinking further, Kyra nodded. “I’d like that, Sir.”
“Good girl,” Carter said then outlined how he wanted the

punishment to go. Kyra nodded in agreement. “Can you kneel on the
floor in front of that chair without too much discomfort?”

Without answering, Kyra slid off the chair and knelt on the floor

in the slave position Finn had taught her. It was much more
comfortable than the one Master had demanded she assume.

“Comfortable?” Carter asked gently.
She answered, “Yes, Sir,” just as Finn returned with what looked

like an oversized Ping-Pong paddle.

Carter winked at her before he grew serious and turned to his

slave. Finn held the paddle out on open palms. Once Carter took it, he
stood with his hands behind his back and head dropped forward. Kyra
was surprised to see that his cock was now fully erect. The length and
thickness made her wonder how it ever fit into the small plastic cage
he had been wearing that first night.

“In front of the chair, pup. Legs spread wide and palms resting on

the arms of the chair,” Carter ordered gruffly.

“Get there or I add a stroke for every second you hesitate.”
Once Finn was in position, Kyra had to fight the urge to open her

mouth and suck in the hard cock that bobbed less than an inch from
her lips.

“Not until I say, little one.” Carter leaned around Finn’s body and

winked at her.

“Yes, Sir,” she agreed though she really, really wanted to lick the

erection that smelled of oranges, cinnamon, and clean, healthy male.

Carter pulled back and began, slow, even strokes that caused Finn

to suck a breath and jump with each one. After the fifth stroke, the
Master said, “Now, little one.”

Though Finn’s hips had canted forward with each of the five

strokes, Kyra had moved her head to keep from touching any part of
Finn’s body. Now that Carter had given the signal, she parted her lips

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and leaned forward the few inches so she could take the bulbous head
of Finn’s cock into her mouth.

She heard him gasp, but ignored it as she swirled her tongue

around the head and across the slit at the tip. Closing her eyes, she
savored the salty-sweet tang of his fluid as she closed her lips around
his shaft just behind the glans and began to softly suck at the head.

“Pup, if you come before I’ve finished, you’ll get another ten and

wear the cage and plug as well.”

Finn grunted in response.
As they had discussed, Kyra concentrated on just the head for the

next three strokes. When Finn grunted, “Eight, Master,” she took a
deep breath and opened her mouth wide before pressing forward to
take his entire eight inches in.

Her pussy began to spasm with her own need as Finn gasped. He

pulled his hips back, pushing his ass out for stroke number nine
before surging forward to fuck her mouth again. She sucked hard as
he did the same thing for the final stroke. This time when he pressed
forward, pressing as much of his length into her as she could handle,
Carter’s fingers came up between his legs and cupped his balls.

“Come, pup. Come now, or you’ll have to wait until after

tomorrow’s shift,” he ordered.

Sucking hard, she began to bob up and down his length. Kyra was

shocked when Finn’s cock began to jerk in her mouth. Just seconds
later his seed began to spurt across her tongue. She swallowed his
seed down just as Master had taught her. Once he finished coming,
she held his cock in her mouth and gently cleaned it. He pulled it from
her lips when his knees buckled and he collapsed onto her lap.

Though she had not been given permission to touch him

otherwise, Kyra wrapped her arms around Finn’s back, holding him
close, savoring the warmth and scent of his. At the same time, she
licked her lips for any stray drops of his semen.

A feeling of contentment she had never felt before filled her when

she heard him whisper, “Thank you, Master.”

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“Don’t let it happen again,” Carter said softly as he eased most of

Finn’s weight off her and into his own lap though both men still
touched her. “Next time you won’t be allowed to come.”

Both Kyra and Finn groaned at that threat. She met Carter’s eyes

over Finn’s shoulder, and he winked at her. Then she gave a rusty
giggle as happiness filled her to overflowing at being able to give
back to these men she was coming to love, even if it was just a blow
job. She only wished they would help her deal with the stressed,
wound-up arousal that filled her.

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Chapter 10

“Finn, why are we going in here? You’ve already bought me too

much,” Kyra declared late that afternoon when Finn pulled her by the
hand into yet another woman’s clothing store in the mall. They had
already made two trips to the truck with him carrying her bags and he
was still going strong, as if shopping energized him. She, on the other
hand, wanted to lie down and take a nap.

But she had also reinforced her decision-making abilities, as well

as figured out what she did and did not like out of the world of

“You need a dress,” he said as he led her deeper into the store.
As with every other shop they had visited, the handsome

paramedic attracted the attention of every woman in the place. As
before, the clerks were so busy fawning over him it took them a few
minutes before they noticed Kyra. That was fine with her. She hated
the attention her visible bruises gained her. Thankfully, Finn had
woven a story about being her brother and rescuing her from the
asshole who had abused her, making him look even more the hero.
Though their being related was a lie, the rest was pretty much the
truth, and Kyra was too tired to worry about it.

“You already bought me two dresses and three skirts. Why do I

need a dress from this store? They’re all too fancy,” she hissed as the
clerks circled them like sharks in search of prey.

Finn turned her to face him, ignoring the two women who were

practically drooling. “You need a dressy dress for the ball, and since
you seem to like shopping as much as Carter, I figured we could get
one while we’re here. Then we won’t have to worry about it later.”

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“Ball? What ball?”
He smiled and winked. “Cinderella’s Ball, of course. Though it is

actually the Fireman’s Ball to raise funds for local charities. Now stop
arguing or I’m calling Carter again.”

He had called Carter just minutes after they had begun this

odyssey when Kyra balked when he started at the lingerie department
and bought everything from the skin out. She had expected they
would get a pair of jeans and a couple of shirts and be done with it.

Carter had listened to Finn tattle on her before the man handed her

the phone. As soon as she said hello, Carter gently ordered her to stop
fussing and worrying and let Finn buy her whatever he felt she

“But how will I ever pay you back?” she asked, blinking back


“Little one, stop. You don’t owe us a thing. You are our girl now,

and it is our pleasure to take care of you. Keep fussing like this and
I’ll be spanking you tonight.”

Kyra’s heart raced in fear even as her pussy gushed with

excitement. She swallowed hard before answering. “Yes, Sir, but I
still think he’s buying too much.”

Finn pulling her to his chest for a hug brought Kyra out of her

memories. “Relax, sweetie, and let me do this. You have to be
exhausted, and I’m sorry, but will you try on just two more dresses for

Kyra sighed before nodding. “All right, two more dresses as long

as you tell Carter I was a good girl.” She knew she was using bribery,
but she was tired, and if this was what it took to get Finn out of the
mall, then she would give in.

He squeezed her, causing her to gasp in pain before releasing her

and stepping back. Turning to one of the women he said, “Do you
have the short black dress in the window in a size eight?” It had taken
time to figure out what size she was, and then he had declared they
needed to buy a size larger since he planned on fattening her up over

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the next few weeks.

As she scurried off, he walked around to the various displays with

the second clerk following him like a puppy after a bone. He finally
came back with a short red dress with spaghetti straps and very little
material to it. By that time the first clerk had returned with the black
one which was more of a long-length T-shirt with a low-cut neckline
and cap sleeves.

“Here you go, sweetie,” he said, guiding her to the dressing area.
Kyra took the dresses and entered the first dressing room,

skeptical that she could do justice to either of the beautiful dresses.
Slipping out of the jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers, she had donned at the
first store they had visited, she pulled on the red dress first. Without
looking in the mirror, she stepped out and found Finn waiting on the
other side of the hall.

“What do you think?” he asked as she turned in place as he had

demanded with every outfit she had tried on.

“There’s not a lot to it,” she said, as her fingertips grazed her bare

thighs just below the short hem.

“Did you not look at yourself in it?”
Closing her eyes against the pain, she shook her head. “I can’t.”
“Have you looked in the mirror at any of the clothes you tried


Kyra’s head dropped forward before it moved side to side again.

“I saw how ugly I look in the mirror at Master’s house. I don’t need to
see it again.”

Without a word, Finn wrapped an arm around her and guided her

back into the dressing room. He moved to stand behind her with his
hands on her shoulders. “Kyra,” he said in a voice that carried the tiny
thread of power Carter’s usually did, “I want you to look at yourself
in the mirror.”

Instead of lifting her head, Kyra hunched her shoulders and

crossed her arms over her middle as she shook her head. “I can’t,” she

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Warm hands slid under the top edge of the dress and covered her

breasts. She froze and raised her head in shock. She gasped as heat
shimmered through her to her pussy, arousing her despite her
tiredness and pain. Opening her eyes, she looked into the mirror to
find Finn had his arms around her and his hands were, indeed,
cupping and gently massaging her breasts. She also felt his long, thick
erection pressing between her ass cheeks.

She raised her eyes to his in the reflection. “What are you doing?”
“Getting your attention. Look at yourself,” he said, looking smug,

hungry and as if he knew that he had aroused her.

Kyra looked at the dress that was a little big, but not so much that

it hung on her. It skimmed curves she did not even know she had. The
neon yellow bra she wore under it clashed horribly, but the dress itself
looked good, and she thought that once the bruises faded completely,
it would look even better.

“It’s a beautiful dress,” she admitted.
Finn’s hands shifted so his palms cupped under her breasts, lifting

them slightly. She gasped when his thumbs began to rub back and
forth over her erect nipples, sending even more heat to her pussy.

“The woman in the dress is beautiful, too,” he said, lowering his

head and placing a kiss at the base of her neck where it joined with
her shoulder.

Kyra bit her lip to keep from arguing. She had a hard time seeing

anything except the bruises that marred her skin and clashed with the
beautiful red dress.

When Finn removed his hands and stepped back, she sighed. “Put

on the black one,” he instructed as he stepped to the corner of the
small cubicle.

She looked over her shoulder at him, but he just nodded.

Obviously he was not going anywhere. Mentally shrugging at being
undressed in front of him, she took off the dress over her head and
carefully replaced it on the hanger. Glancing in the mirror, she saw he
was watching every move, not as a medical profession assessing her

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condition, but as a man watching a woman he wanted.

Taking the other dress from its hanger, she pulled it on and

adjusted it all without looking in the mirror. Then she turned to face
Finn. “Well?” she asked, holding her arms to her sides.

“You tell me,” he said spinning a finger in a circle.
She wanted to decline, but knew he would not take refusal as an

answer. Deciding to look at this exercise as part of a healing process,
she turned and looked at herself from the neck down. Once again, the
dress was a size too big, but showed off her curves with a style she
had never thought she could achieve. As long as she kept her focus on
the dress and not the mottled skin of her arms and legs, she was fine.
“It’s beautiful, too.”

Her attention shifted from the dress to Finn when he moved to

once again stand behind her. This time he did not touch her
intimately, instead laying his palms on her shoulders. “You are a
beautiful woman, Kyra Hansen,” he said, his voice soft and deep and
with an intensity she could not understand. “And when you walk into
the ball on our arms, you will have everyone’s attention. They’ll all
want to know who that exquisite woman is.”

Kyra blinked back tears even as she smiled. “You’re crazy.”
“No, I’m not. Remember the number one rule of the house? We

do not lie. Ever. You might be battered and bruised right now, but in a
few weeks when you’ve healed, you will be the most beautiful
woman in the state of Kansas. And if I have to enter you in every
beauty pageant in the country to prove it to you, I will,” he said
sincerely but with a smile on his face and a devilish twinkle in his
eyes. “I’m hungry. How about some ice cream before we head

As soon as Kyra had the black dress back on its hanger, Finn took

both dresses and left the dressing room. She dressed as fast as she
could, but by the time she emerged and found him near the front door,
he had already paid the bill and had a long dress bag slung over one

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A man passing the window caught her eye, and she gasped.

Ducking to hide behind Finn’s bigger body, she kept peeking out and
watching until the man disappeared into the store across the way. He
wore a baseball cap, but she saw a bandage where she would have hit
him with the lamp.

Well, that answered the question of whether she had killed him or


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Chapter 11

“Kyra? Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Finn turned so they were face to


“It’s him,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his waist

and burying her head into his chest.

“Him, who? You mean the asshole that beat you? Where?”
She began to shake as she nodded then pointed toward the

sporting goods store on the other side of the main walkway of the

“Please don’t let him take me away,” she begged in a tearful

whisper. “Please don’t let him hurt me.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. No one is taking you away from me,

and no one will ever hurt you like he did again.”

Not sure whether to stay with Kyra or track down and beat the shit

out of her abuser, Finn opted to call for reinforcements. Kyra clung to
him like moss to the north side of a tree as he pulled out his phone
and called Carter.

Once he apprised Carter of the situation, he hung up and focused

on Kyra. Carter offered to call Brody and join them as soon as he
could get there. Wrapping an arm around the woman who was coming
to mean more to him than anyone on Earth except Carter, he slowly
walked her down the center of the mall to the food court. As they
passed the store asshole had entered, he looked in.

There was only one customer in the store. While he was bigger

than Kyra by at least half, he was no match for Finn. Needing to get
Kyra away from the one person who could set back the progress she
had made away in the past few days, he hugged her close as he

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memorized what the bastard looked like so he could give Brody an
accurate description.

By the time they reached the food court, Finn’s normally loving

nonaggressive nature had taken a backseat to anger at the suffering
Kyra was enduring. All at once he needed to confront the bastard who
had hurt his woman. He only hoped it would be words he used against
the son of a bitch and not his fists, or worse yet, the heavy hiking
boots he was wearing. The last thing Kyra needed now was for him to
be arrested for assault.

“Sit right here, sweetie, and be a good girl,” he said, pulling out a

chair at the first empty table they came to. He helped her sit down and
then laid the dress back across the table to keep it from falling on the

Kyra sat without argument, but when he tried to pull away, she

would not release him. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, honey,” he said
as he pulled her arms from around his waist and placed her hands into
her lap.

Kyra did not respond.
As Finn headed back to the sporting goods store, his phone rang.

“Yeah,” he answered without looking at the caller readout.

“It’s Brody. I just pulled up to the front entrance. Where are you?”
“He’s in Johnson’s Sports and More. I’m heading there now,”

Finn said, almost running into the man as he walked out of the store
and turned the way Finn had just come from. “Hang on a sec.”

The man walked away, unaware that he was the subject of Finn’s

call. When he was far enough away that Finn didn’t think he could
hear him over the music and other noises of the mall, he began to trail
him. “He’s headed to the food court. He’s five eight, at least one
eighty, with balding gray hair, and wearing brown slacks with a
yellow oxford shirt.”

Finn scanned the sparse crowd until he saw Brody wearing the

same jeans and black polo he had worn at the house that morning. The
off-duty police officer met his gaze and nodded subtly then asked,

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“Where’s Kyra?”

“Food court,” Finn said, picking up speed as he headed back to

the table where he had left her. The chair she had been in two minutes
earlier was empty though the dress bag still lay across the table.

“Oh shit,” he yelled, turning a circle and scanning every person in

sight for the woman he had been tasked with protecting.

“What?” the phone in his ear squawked.
“She’s gone. I told her I’d be right back, but she’s not here.”
“You go find her. I’ll deal with scumbag woman beater,” Brody

said before hanging up.

Finn clicked the phone off and returned it to the case on his belt.

Then he took a deep breath to calm himself and tried to think. Where
would Kyra go? She had no money, no ID, and the only people she
knew were him, Carter, and Brody.

* * * *

Kyra heard Finn promise to return in a few minutes and walk

away. She was alone. He had left her alone with Master’s brother in
the mall. She shook off the paralyzing fear and looked around wildly.
Her heart screamed for her to run, but her head argued that she needed
to stay, to wait for Finn to come back for her.

Then, he walked into view. He was not looking her way, too busy

looking at whatever he had just bought, but fear for her life beat down
the need to follow Finn’s orders.

Looking around, she saw the restroom sign pointing down a hall.

Pushing to her feet, she hurried across the food court on shaking legs,
praying he did not recognize her even if he did see her. Thankfully,
the restroom was empty. Not sure what else to do, she walked to back
of the room, locked herself into the last stall, and waited. Fear was a
sour metallic taste in her mouth, and her stomach cramped with
delayed reaction to Finn’s offer of food.

With tears flowing down her cheeks, she vowed she would not

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leave until he was gone.

* * * *

Having broken more than a few traffic laws making the drive from

city hall to the shopping mall, Carter parked at the front door behind
Brody’s SUV. After placing his Fire Department placard on the
dashboard, he raced inside. He arrived at the food court just in time to
see Finn disappearing down the hall that led to the restrooms and mall

“Finn,” he called out. When his pup did not stop or acknowledge

him, he frowned and followed, picking up speed while trying to avoid
running anyone over.

He caught up just outside the women’s restroom. “What’s going


“She’s gone. Kyra’s disappeared. I left her in the food court for

three minutes tops, and now she’s not there. I’m hoping she’s in here
and not on the run somewhere.”

His heart leaping into his throat at the news, Carter stepped in

front of Finn and knocked on the restroom door. After counting to
five, he pushed the door open and walked inside.

“Kyra? Little one? Are you in here?”
“Sir? Is it you?” Her soft voice came from the last stall.
“Yes, little one, it’s me,” he said.
Relief filled him as he looked over his shoulder to where Finn

stood in the open doorway. When he nodded, Finn’s tense expression
relaxed. He returned Carter’s nod before pulling the door closed.

“Little one, you have to the count of three to get your ass out

here,” he said, keeping his voice soft and gentle with just a hint of
Dom in it.

Before he could even begin the count, the last of the half dozen

stalls door opened and Kyra stepped into to view. Seeing him, she
gave a cry then ran full speed toward him. She did not stop until she

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was plastered against him with her arms wrapped tight around his

“I’m sorry,” she said. She laid her cheek on his chest and burst

into tears. “I saw him and wanted to run away, but Finn told me to
stay there, but I couldn’t because then he’d see me and beat me some
more or worse, so I came in here and I was going to wait until he left,
but then you came in, and I’m so sorry.”

Carter was amazed that she had managed to say all that without

taking a single breath of air. “Shhh, little one. Yes, you should have
waited for Finn, but the fact that you only ran this far is good,” Carter
assured her, only part of his mind on the situation at hand. The rest of
it had dropped to his throbbing cock and the sweet, soft woman
pressing as hard against him as she could get.

“What about him? You’re not going to punish Finn are you? It’s

not his fault. None of this is his fault, except he bought me waaaaay
too many clothes. I’ll never be able to pay you back for all the money
he spent this afternoon. Ouch!” she cried when a hand landed hard in
the center of her ass.

“We will not speak again of you owing us a thing. We are taking

care of our girl. Do. You. Understand?” Carter asked, lifting her chin
and leaning down until they were nose to nose.

* * * *

Kyra swallowed hard before nodding. A sense of comfort and

security swept the fear away as she reveled in Carter’s arms wrapped
tight around her “Yes, Sir. Is he gone now?”

Carter slowly released her and stepped back, taking her hand in

his. “I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. You belong to us now, and
we don’t share. With anyone. Come on. It’s time to go home. I want
to see what all you and Finn bought.”

Kyra followed, and when Finn saw her, he grabbed her and

hugged her tight, easing up when she gasped as the bruises on her

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back twinged. “You okay, sweetie?”

“I’m better now. Sorry I ran away,” she said, meaning every word

as she snuggled close and took a deep breath of Finn’s scent. Her fear
and nerves completely faded when she felt his erection grow and
press into her lower belly. “Carter wants a fashion show when we get

“That sounds like a good idea,” Finn said, “but I promised you ice


“Could we get some at home instead?” she asked. “I don’t want to

be here anymore.”

“Good girl,” Carter said, pressing gently against her back to form

a Kyra sandwich.

Kyra twisted her head and looked up at the big man. “Huh?”
“You just made your first request instead of going along with

what we wanted,” he said before kissing the tip of her nose.

Instead of a feeling of being trapped being pressed between these

two men, Kyra’s sense of security and belonging grew. When Carter’s
erection pressed into her ass, she shifted her hips side to side as her
own hormones began to simmer.

“Oh, damn, that feels good,” Finn muttered as he pressed his

lower body tighter against hers.

“Yes it does,” Carter agreed.
His hands slid between her body and Finn’s. Her nipples beaded

tight, and she found herself wiggling, trying to press her breasts
deeper into his palms while rocking her hips back and forth, arousing
herself to a point she had never felt before.

“But,” Carter continued, “the middle of the mall is not the place to

explore this, and Kyra still hasn’t healed enough to do anything about
it yet.”

Kyra sighed as the men pulled their arms from around her and

stepped back. “But I’m horny,” she whined, turning to look up at

“Excuse me?” he said, his Master mask sliding into place as she

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had seen it do with Finn when the other man trounced on the

“I’m horny, Sir,” she repeated, her tone only slightly less whiney.
Carter’s expression remained blank, but she could see approval

and pleasure in his dark-brown eyes. Before he responded, a mother
and two small children walked past them and into the ladies’ room.

“Go with Finn, little one. I’ll pick up some ice cream and meet

you at the house.” With that gruff order, Carter turned and walked

As he climbed into his truck, his phone rang. “Jackson,” he

answered automatically without bothering to check the caller readout.

“It’s Brody. I lost him, but I got his picture on my phone and will

send it to you in a few. I’m going to the courthouse now for a copy of
Seth’s will and maybe run out to Seth’s place.”

“Thanks, Brody,” Carter said as he started the truck and drove

through the parking lot. “We’re headed home now. We’re on shift
tomorrow, and she’ll come with us.”

“Drew and I will swing by and take her to the movies or

something,” Brody said. “She’s got to be getting tired of you two by

Carter chuckled, but had no snarky comeback for one of his oldest


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Chapter 12

Master’s brother had seen her at the mall and was chasing her. She

ran as fast as she could but could not seem to shake him. He was
getting closer and closer, his face almost purple and twisted with

A cry woke her. Opening her eyes, she realized she was safe and

in her bed at Carter and Finn’s house. As she tried to slow her
breathing and heartbeat, she pushed the dream away and tried to focus
on something good.

But nothing came to mind except Carter and Finn. An intense

need to be with them, touch them, have them surround her like they
had outside the restroom at the mall bubbled up in her like bread with
too much yeast.

Pushing off the covers, she crawled out and, after using the

bathroom, crept down the hall. It was still dark outside though she had
no idea what time it was. The night before after dinner, ice cream
sundaes, and her fashion show, Carter had sent her to bed telling her
that they would be waking up early since they had to report to the
station at seven in the morning for their shift.

The door at the end of the hall stood open, and she stepped in and

looked at the bedside table where the glowing numbers on their alarm
clock informed her that it was three thirty. She was not sure how her
invasion would be accepted, but there was no way she was going to
return to her bed and the possibility of reliving the nightmare where
Master’s brother, or the asshole as Finn and Carter called him, might
catch her.

She slowly crossed to Carter’s side of the bed and stood watching

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the two men sleeping. They lay in the middle of the bed with Finn
lying on his side cuddled up against Carter who lay on his back.

She lifted the covers just enough to slide under them, then curled

up close enough to feel Carter’s heat but not touch him. He sighed
and shifted but settled back into his dreams instead of waking at the

Closing her eyes, she tried to relax and go back to sleep, but the

vision of Master’s brother chasing her through the mall returned in
vivid high definition color. She gasped and opened her eyes again and
stared through the dark at Carter’s handsome features. When she
breathed in, her pussy clenched at the men’s combined scents that
filled the air around her.

Going up on one elbow, she watched the men sleep, growing more

aroused as she did. Then she wondered what they would do when they
found her in their bed. Would they kick her out? Or give her the
orgasm she needed so badly?

Laying her head on the pillow, she smiled into the dark as she

envisioned waking them in the best way she knew how and having
them return the favor. She thought back over the past few days and
realized she had come so far from Master’s slave. The fact that she
dared lay in their bed with them proved she was well into her

Looking at the clock, she watched the number tick by one after

another until forty-five minutes had passed. The more she thought
about Carter and Finn, the harder it was to lay still and not play with
herself, or wake the slumbering men up with the demand they help
her find the release she so badly needed.

Turning her head, she looked again at the men and smiled.

Wriggling under the covers, she worked her way down the bed until
her body was curled up at the bottom of the bed and her head was on
the same level as Carter’s bare hip. She kissed the side of his hip then
slowly laid a trail of kisses from the peak of his hip across his pelvis
to the half-hard cock that pointed toward his belly button.

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Shifting to a more comfortable position beside him, she gently slid

her hand around Carter’s length and lifted it enough to place a soft
kiss on the tip. Then she parted her lips and took just the head into her
mouth and swabbed it generously with her tongue. The cock instantly
responded, filling fully and throbbing against her tongue.

“Mmmm,” Carter breathed, his hips shifting beneath her. “Do we

have time before the alarm goes off, pup?”

“Mrrmmmph,” Finn responded as he shifted closer, one leg

sliding over Carter’s.

Kyra smiled as she sucked on the head of Carter’s cock then

slowly took a more of his length into her mouth. At the same time,
she released the base and reached across to take hold of Finn’s cock in
a soft grip. As she began to bob up and down the cock in her mouth,
she moved her hand at the same speed from base to tip and back

Finn moaned again as Carter’s hips began to shift under her head.

The air under the blanket was too warm and smelled of man, sweat
and sex, but Kyra focused on her task. It would not be long before one
or the other of them woke up, and she wanted them to be well into
their arousals before they did. Her thighs clenched tighter, putting just
the right pressure on her clit to ratchet her own need a little higher.

As she began to move a little faster, sucking a little harder, Carter

shifted and moaned. “Oh yeah, so good.”

It took another minute before the blankets were thrown back with

a “What the hell?”

Kyra shifted her head to look up Carter’s body to meet his

shocked expression. Pulling off his cock, she said, “Good morning,
Sir,” before returning to the task at hand.

“Mmmrrph,” Finn grumbled, “Whaz goin’ on?”
“I think Kyra is feeling better,” Carter answered, his tone tight as

his hips began to thrust up to meet her downward strokes. “Oh, shit.
Gonna. Come. Now.”

Kyra backed off until she held only the head of his cock between

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her lips. Pulling her hand from Finn’s cock, she wrapped it around
Carter’s thickness and pumped it as his seed spurted across her tongue
accompanied by a roar from the man’s lips.

Once he finished coming and his sounds of release changed to

gasping grunts, she eased her ministrations and simply held him.
When fingers tugged on her hair, she released him and crawled back
up the bed to lie next to him. “Good morning, Sir,” she repeated.

“Hello,” Finn said, leaning over Carter’s relaxed body, “when did

you get here?”

“Long enough to break the rules,” Carter said, his words softly


Carter ignored his man and met her gaze. “Feeling frisky, are


Suddenly nervous, Kyra shrugged and bit her lip. Had she

screwed up by following her heart and trying to give pleasure?

“Words, little one. It’s too dark to read expressions.”
“I had a bad dream,” she admitted softly.
“And you thought giving me a blow job would help chase it

away?” Carter wrapped his arm around her and pulled her across his
body. Finn backed up, and Kyra found herself between the two men.

Again Kyra shrugged. “I was horny.”
“And how are you feeling now?”
Carter’s hands began to smooth over her body, the oversized

nightshirt the only thing between his skin and hers. When he took the
nipple closest to him between his fingers, she gasped and her hips
bucked. He leaned in and kissed her without hesitation, taking it deep
just seconds after his lips touched hers. When he broke the kiss long
moments later, they were both breathing hard once more.

“Still horny?”
“Yes, Sir,” she gasped when Finn’s lips latched onto her other


“We’ll have to do something about that,” Carter said as his fingers

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traced random patterns down the center of her body to cup her mound.
“And we don’t have much time. Pup, keep her quiet while I have a
pre-breakfast snack. We don’t want to wake the neighborhood.”

“Yes, Master,” Finn said around her nipple. One hand came across

her body and began to play with the one he was not licking and

After pushing the covers completely off the bed, Carter moved

down the bed. He pushed her legs apart then settled between her legs.

“Little one, you just lie there and enjoy,” Carter said before

lowering his head and licking down the seam of her labia to her open
pussy entrance.

At his first touch, her body shivered as need, want, and desire

exploded. With Finn playing with her breasts and Carter between her
legs, she began to pant as she raced toward her peak at the speed of
light. Feeling out of control and needing to ground herself, she
wrapped one arm around Finn. It helped, but not enough. Reaching
down with her other hand, she found Carter’s fingers wrapped around
her hip. Turning her hand, she slid it between his palm and her body
and grabbed hold.

As soon as she had hold of both men, the out-of-control wildness

settled somewhat though her orgasm just tightened around her.
Planting her feet on either side of Carter’s chest, her hips began to
move without her consciously thinking about what was happening.
She gasped as Carter slid two fingers into her pussy and began to fuck
them in and out of her as he licked back and forth and around the knot
of her clit.

“Bite me,” she cried. Her fingers tightened around Finn’s skull as

her back arched, trying to drive her tit deeper into his mouth.

She whined when, instead of fulfilling her request, he kissed her

nipple just before pulling away completely. Opening her eyes, she
looked watched through heavy-lidded eyes as he crawled up the bed
and knelt beside her head. Once there, he brushed the tip of his long,
hard cock across her lips.

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“Here, baby, suck on this,” he said, chuckling when she parted her

lips and dove on his length.

She mewled when Carter’s fingers began to twist as they moved

in and out of her pussy. The knot in her pelvis pulled even tighter. She
tried to focus on sucking the cock in her mouth, but it was impossible
when Carter sucked on her knotted up clit.

She screamed around Finn’s cock when Carter used his tongue to

mash the bundle of nerves against the roof of his mouth. As she
convulsed her way through her very first orgasm, she reached up and
cupped her hand around Finn’s balls as she sucked harder on his cock.
She was lost to everything except the mouth on her clit, the fingers in
her pussy, and the cock in her mouth as she rode the wave from peak
to peak.

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Chapter 13

Carter kept up the intense ministrations, extending the woman’s

orgasm as she gasped and whimpered around Finn’s cock.

“Master, please!” Finn cried as he fought to hold his own orgasm


Proud of his pup for remembering his rule about not coming

without permission, Carter raised his head only long enough to say,
“Now, pup. Come now,” before returning it to the pulsing clit and
continuing to keep Kyra flying.

Finn’s hips jerked at the same time his head dropped back. He

cried out his release then made the most beautiful sounds as Kyra
swallowed every drop. Carter eased his attentions to Kyra’s clit and
pussy, eventually pulling his fingers and licking one last time from
entrance up over her clit and to the top of her slit. Pulling back, he
kissed each thigh before crawling up the bed and collapsing on the
mattress beside her. He rested his head on Finn’s chest where his pup
had crashed on the pillows across the head of the bed.

Kyra rolled onto her side and snuggled into his side with her head

resting on his shoulder. She kissed his chest just above his flat brown
nipple before tilting her head back to look at him. “Thank you.”

“Good morning, little one,” he said with a relaxed and satisfied

smile. Reaching up, he patted Finn’s belly. “Good morning, pup.”

The alarm buzzing on the nightstand drowned out Finn’s


“Perfect timing,” Carter said with a chuckle before brushing a kiss

on Kyra’s forehead. “Get a shower, get dressed, and we’ll meet you in
the kitchen for breakfast.”

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He had to harden his heart against the sad look that crossed her

expression before she turned away and sat up. If he did not get her out
of the room in the next two minutes, they would be late for work, if
they showed up at all. And no matter how she claimed she felt, he
knew she was nowhere near ready, physically or emotionally, to delve
headfirst into the kind of relationship he would demand.

Once she was out of the room, he sat up and stretched. Checking

on Finn, he was amazed that his pup had drifted back off to sleep.
Raising his hand, he brought it down hard on Finn’s ass.

Finn woke with a jolt and a cry. “Wake your ass up and get the

coffee started. Then join me in the shower.”

Finn rolled from the bed, looking less awake than normal. “I just

had the most amazing dream.”

Carter chuckled as the man picked his boxers up and pulled them

on. “Was it the one about Kyra coming into our bed and giving us
each blow jobs?”

“Uh-huh.” Finn reached the doorway before he froze and turned

back. “You mean it wasn’t a dream?”

“Nope. She was really here and horny.” Carter rolled out of bed

and padded into the bathroom where he started the shower.

By the time Finn joined him in the shower, he was clean from

head to toe and rinsing off. After giving his slave a long, deep kiss, he
smacked his ass. He chuckled when Finn arched his back, silently
asking for another. “I think you may need to take a lesson or two from
our girl on how to wake me with a smile on my face.”

One more slap on his other ass cheek and he left Finn to the

shower. While he dressed in the navy blue cargo pants and T-shirt
with Loving Fire-Rescue printed across the back and the fire
department badge over his heart, Carter realized he had made a
mistake with Kyra.

A big mistake.
Thankfully, it was one he could and would rectify before they

moved any further off course.

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Carrying his heavy work boots, he headed down the hall, stopping

just outside Kyra’s room. He heard the shower running across the hall
and continued on to the kitchen. After pulling on his boots, he poured
himself a cup of coffee. He sucked down half of it then topped the
mug off before retracing his steps to find Kyra crossing the hall with a
towel wrapped around her body.

Following her into her bedroom, he closed the door then leaned

back against it.

“Is something wrong?” Kyra asked as she took a step back,

looking nervous.

“Yes, but you and I are going to have a talk and settle things here

and now,” Carter said. He pushed away from the door and walked
across the room to the chair in the corner. Sitting down, he nodded
toward her body. “Drop the towel, little one. My slaves go bare for

She took a deep breath, and he could tell she wanted to ask him

something. Instead of speaking, she pulled the towel apart and
dropped it to the floor behind her. He pointed toward the floor beside
his left knee. As she crossed the room and knelt in place, using the
arm of the chair as she did, he evaluated her bruises. Though they
were healing, she was still several days from a point where he would
be comfortable taking their relationship to the next level.

“Assume the position,” he said, working hard to keep the Dom in

his voice and attitude when he really wanted to scoop her into his lap
and cuddle with her.

He and Finn had been together so long and their being a couple

had grown into their current relationship over time. Now he was faced
with training a new slave, and in her current mental and physical
condition, he was afraid to take too hard a line, but he could not allow
her to run things as she had when waking them.

That was his job as Master of the household.

* * * *

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Kneeling before Carter, Kyra’s heart began to race. He was

wearing that blank expression again, and his voice carried more than a
hint of the power that also radiated from him in waves.

She had royally screwed up, but how? By coming into their room

uninvited? Or touching him without permission? For instigating
morning wake-up sex?

Dropping her head further, she stared at her crotch, making a

mental note that she really, really needed to ask Finn about getting her
a razor so she could shave.

“Look at me, little one. Unless I say otherwise when you are in

slave position, you will always keep your eyes on me.”

Kyra raised her head and met his dark-eyed gaze, her entire body

clenching at the disappointment she read there. Was he going to ask
her to leave?

“The last few days I have eased the rules of the house somewhat,

but one thing that did not change is that I am Master of this family. I
make the rules, with input from Finn and now you, and when a rule is
broken, punishment must be dealt.”

Kyra’s mental confusion must have been evident on her

expression, for after pausing a moment, Carter continued. “This
morning when you joined us, and woke me in what I must admit was
a most pleasurable way, you broke one of the few rules that I had set
in place. We were not to touch you until you were healed. What you
did is known as topping from the bottom, and no Master, including
myself, would allow a submissive to get away with such disregard of
the rules.”

Kyra tried to blink back tears as she nodded her understanding.

“I’m very sorry, Sir. I was horny and couldn’t sleep, so I came in and
crawled into bed beside you. But I still couldn’t sleep and wanted to
you to wake up feeling good, but things got out of control.”

“I understand, but I must punish you for being bad and starting

things before you are fully healed.”

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“Yes, Sir,” Kyra said with a sigh of resignation.
“Over my lap, little one.”
Understanding what she had done wrong, Kyra silently agreed she

needed to be punished. Standing, she placed herself across his thighs,
the position an unfamiliar one. Her old Master always had her bend
over the end of his bed or the arm of his recliner for her spankings.

Being this close to Carter reignited the embers of her need she had

thought the long, powerful orgasm he had driven her through earlier
had completely burned out. By the feel of his erection pressing into
her right hip, she was not the only one affected by the punishment.

“Tell me what you did wrong,” he ordered as his right hand

wrapped around her waist, holding her in place. With his left hand, he
smoothed circles over her ass cheeks, his palm warm against her skin.

“I broke the no-sex-yet rule,” she said, her voice hoarse with fear.
Grabbing onto his leg, she held herself still, fighting an instinct to

run as she answered. “I topped from the bottom.”

The hand on her backside disappeared, and she managed to suck

half a breath before it came down hard three times in rapid
succession, once on each cheek and once in the center. She gasped as
heat and pain spread across her ass then sighed when Carter stroked
his palm over her skin again, easing the pain away.

“Apologize,” he said.
“I’m sorry, Sir.”
“Forgiven,” he said, patting the center of her back before he lifted

her off his lap. “Get dressed in something comfortable and come out
for breakfast.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, going to the pile of clothes she and Finn had

chosen the night before for her to wear.

Five minutes later, she walked into the kitchen and looked at the

men. Carter focused on his breakfast, acting as if he had not just been
spanking her. Finn glanced at her, gave her a sympathetic smile and
wink before returning his attention to his breakfast.

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Sitting at the chair she had claimed for meals, she found a large

bowl of oatmeal in front of her seat at the table. The look of it sparked
a childhood memory, but it disappeared before she could latch onto it.
Taking a bite, she pulled a face at the bland, library paste taste and
texture to it.

“Add some milk and brown sugar, sweetie,” Finn said, handing

her a container of brown sugar and a small pitcher.

Once she had doctored it appropriately, she tried it again. This

time it was sweet and tasty. Then she came across some foreign
chunks. “What’s in it?”

“I tossed some walnuts and raisins in for extra protein. Oh, shit,

you’re not allergic to any foods, are you?” he asked.

Kyra shook her head. “Not that I know of.”
“Good to know.” He smiled with relief before drinking deep from

his coffee mug. “Now eat up so we can go to work.”

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Chapter 14

The Loving Fire-Rescue Department was located in the west end

of what locals called “Emergency Central,” which filled an entire
block of Main Street. The east end housed the police department, jail,
and the town’s only courtroom.

Carter was unusually nervous as to what emergencies the day

would hold, or how Kyra would handle being around more than just
him and Finn for the next twenty-four hours. If she became too
anxious, he would call a couple of volunteers in to cover for him and
take her home. Captain’s Prerogative, as he had explained to Finn
when they had discussed it the night before once Kyra had gone to

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Kyra look around as they

drove through town. Her head swung back and forth as if she was
trying to take everything in at once. She looked as excited and
terrified at the same time, like a little girl on her first day of school in
a new town.

Since it was early Saturday morning, the parking lot behind the

building was empty except for a handful of vehicles parked near the
huge garage doors that led to bay where the fire trucks sat waiting to
be called out. Though they only lived a few blocks from the
department, Carter had decided to drive, just in case. He parked in his
usual spot at the far end of the parking lot then looked across the cab
at Finn. “Take the bags upstairs while I show Kyra around and
introduce her to Sasha.”

“Sasha?” Kyra asked once Finn had climbed from the truck and

grabbed the backpacks they had packed the night before. Carter had

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helped her pack one as well with extra clothes, toiletries, and
whatever else she might need while they were on shift.

“Sasha is the dispatcher supervisor. She also works weekends.

Don’t worry. You’ll love her,” Carter explained to her, smiling when
she took a deep breath and appeared to calm herself.

“What do I tell her?” Kyra said as she slid across the bench seat

and laid her hands on Carter’s shoulders as he lifted her down from
the high truck seat.

“That’s your call. Do you want us to tell everyone that you’re

Finn’s cousin visiting from out of state?”

Kyra looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking her head.

“No lying.” She reminded him of the rule. “I’ll think of something.”

“Just let me know what it is when you do, okay?” Carter took her

hand in his. He sucked an involuntary breath when fire shot through
every nerve to entire body before congealing and settling low in his
pelvis. In seconds his cock grew hard as granite.

“Yes, Sir.”
“Here I’m Carter. The guys are okay with Finn and me as a

couple, but we don’t flaunt the other as I’m not sure how they would
take it.”

“What are they going to think when they find out I’m living with

you?” Kyra stopped a few feet from the open bay door Finn had just
disappeared through.

That question stopped him for a second, until he realized he did

not care what anyone else thought of them. Shrugging, he spoke from
the heart. “Don’t know. Don’t care. Doesn’t matter. If you decide to
stay with us forever, we’ll deal with things then. But no matter what,
it’s our business and no one else’s. Okay?”

Kyra looked relieved as she nodded. “Okay.”

* * * *

Kyra’s heart pounded as she followed Carter through the open bay

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door and into the fire station. Once inside, she looked around at the
three big, shiny, red and chrome fire trucks, a red SUV, two
ambulances, and a small pontoon boat on a trailer. Feeling like a
schoolchild once again, she wanted to climb all over every truck,
examine each piece of equipment, sit in the driver’s seat, and maybe
even make the sirens wail.

Instead, she forced her attention to the rest of the area. The floors

and walls were painted light gray. The ceiling soared more than two
stories overhead with I-beams and ductwork and fans. She smiled
when a small brown bird flew through one of the open doorways then
up to disappear into the rafters. A moment later, a soft chorus of
cheeping drifted down as babies apparently welcomed her home.

When she turned and looked at Carter, he smiled indulgently. “I’ll

let you play on the trucks later, little one.” Taking her hand once
more, he guided her toward an open door she had not noticed before.

He led her down the hall, pointing out the break room filled with

black leather recliners all angled to face a large flat screen television
in the corner. Across the hall was the combination kitchen and dining
room. Farther down the hall, he pointed out his office on one side of
the hall and on the other side a room full of tables and chairs that
reminded Kyra of some of her high school classrooms. Several men in
uniform, including Finn, stood talking and laughing around one table
where a coffeepot was burbling away.

Carter leaned into the room and silence fell almost immediately.

“I’ll be right back,” he said.

The men nodded then returned to their conversation.
Kyra noticed the door at the end of the hall, which bore the hand

printed words, “Cop Shop, Do Not Enter.” Just before they reached it,
Carter turned to the right to face a closed unmarked door.

Pounding on the door three times, Carter slowly turned the handle

and eased the door open several inches.

“Sasha? You here yet?” he called as pushed the door open further

before stepping through. Kyra followed in his wake, afraid to pull her

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hand from his.

When he stopped, she moved to press her front against his back,

hiding from the room. She peeked around his arm, relaxing only
slightly when she saw they stood in an alcove with an open doorway
opposite the one they had just come through.

“Hey, Hot Stuff, how’s it hanging?” A sassy female voice

returned from the next room.

While Kyra cringed that anyone should speak so disrespectfully to

her Sir, Carter laughed.

“That’s Captain Hot Stuff to you, wench,” he responded, sounding

happily indignant as if they had had this conversation before.

“Ha! You’ve been Hot Stuff since your freshman year in high

school when you started volunteering for the department. Even if you
were elected governor, you would still be just Hot Stuff to me.”

Pulling Kyra along in his wake, he stepped across the alcove and

into the next room. Kyra plastered herself even tighter to his back, not
sure she really wanted to meet anyone who talked to Sir as this
woman did.

“Sasha Loving, this is Kyra Hansen. Kyra, this is the woman who

keeps Loving County Emergency Services running on the weekends.”

Carter half turned, wrapped an arm around her back, and pulled

her around to stand in front of him so she could see Sasha and Sasha
could see her. Sasha was not at all what Kyra expected. The woman
had to be sixty if she was a day, with pure white hair she wore in what
could only be described as a military flattop and pale blue eyes that
sparkled with life. She was fit and petite and wore jeans and a T-shirt
that read “Fear Me: I’m The Boss.”

“Hello, Kyra,” Sasha said with a warm smile that seemed to

encompass her entire being.

“Hello,” Kyra replied softly, leaning back against Carter for

support as her knees began to shake and threatened to collapse.

“Are you the one Brody told me about?”
Unable to answer, Kyra looked over her shoulder at Carter just in

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time to see him nod.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry for your loss and all you’ve gone

through. But don’t worry. I’m a well in the desert with official
secrets.” When Kyra frowned in confusion, she explained, “I don’t
share anything I learn in this building with anyone.”

Kyra found herself returning the woman’s smile, feeling good

about Sasha. Would they become friends? At the least she hoped
would become another ally in Kyra’s journey to her own life.

“I thought maybe Kyra could help you today,” Carter said.

“You’ve been bitching for months about needing some getting the file
room organized.”

Sasha smiled. “That would be great. Besides, I don’t keep her

back here with me. You’ll have her spit-polishing the ladder truck,
won’t you?”

“Nah, I save that for slow-learning rookies and volunteers,” Carter

joked before turning her around to face him. Placing his hands on her
knotted shoulders, he squeezed them several times before kissing her
lips. “Will you be okay here with Sasha? Finn or I will come get you
for lunch.”

Knowing he needed to work and it was time for her to step away

from the big, brave fireman-Dom, Kyra nodded. “I’ll be fine,” she
said with a falsely bright smile.

“Don’t worry, Hot Stuff. I won’t let anything happen to her,”

Sasha said.

A strong-armed hug and another kiss then Carter walked out. This

was the first time she had been alone with a woman in nearly a
decade. With a deep breath, she turned to face Sasha.

“Oh, honey, it will be okay. I’m not nearly as bad as Carter tried

to make me out to be. And the boys will be just down the hall unless
they get call. But I really could use some help getting things

Kyra was not sure whether it was Sasha’s assuring attitude or the

fact that she really did want to do something to help someone. “I’d

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like to help if I can. But I don’t have any computer experience,” she
said as her heart slowly settled into its normal rhythm.

“Don’t worry, honey. All you have to do is scan old documents

into the computer. If I can train Carter and Finn to use the new
document scanner, I can train anyone. And you look a lot smarter than
either of them.”

Kyra smiled at the compliment though she was not as sure as the

older woman about her intelligence. “Okay. Sure. I guess. Why not?”

* * * *

Two hours later, Carter was checking his e-mail when his office

door opened and Sasha walked in.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. His heart began to pound when she

closed the door then leaned against it. “Is Kyra all right?”

“She’s fine, papa bear. She caught on fast, works hard, and is a

natural on the computer. I’m going to look into a way to put her on
the payroll if she would like a job and her protectors will agree.”

Carter shrugged. “It’s up to her. So what’s up?”
“After talking to Kyra a bit, I did some snooping. Seth’s brother’s

name is Peter Masterson. He’s been living in Bellefonte,
Pennsylvania, for the last twenty years. He has been arrested for
assault and battery against three wives numerous times, but every
time the charges were dropped. Three months ago he beat his current
wife to the point that she died in the emergency room. Somehow he
was released on bail and disappeared the day after Seth’s death. Also,
Brody dropped this off for you.” With that, she laid a legal-size
envelope on his desk before standing and heading to the hall door.
“He said it’s a copy of Seth’s will and everything he could find out
about Kyra.”

“Thanks, Sasha.”
“Anything for you, Hot Stuff,” she snarked as she opened the hall

door. “Just remember, if you boys don’t treat her right and protect her

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well, you’ll be answering to me.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Carter said with a snappy salute. Knowing Kyra

was in good hands with Sasha, who might help her heal in ways he
and Finn could not, he turned his attention to the envelope.

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Chapter 15

As Kyra followed Carter and Finn toward the front door five days

later, after their third twenty-four hour shift of the cycle, she decided
it was time to ask, beg, or demand the sex they all needed. Since
Saturday when she had woken Carter with a blow job that had turned
into so much more, they had been treating her like a child, and she
was sick of it. Her bruises had faded to a barely there yellowish-
green, and she felt healed and so horny that every muscle in her body
pulsed with the need to come.

In that time they had done a lot of talking, about Carter’s rules,

what would be expected of her, and where she fell in the pecking
order. As expected, she was low man on the totem pole, which, as
Carter had taken great pains to explain just two days before, did not
mean she had no say in what went on, just that if her demands clashed
with theirs, they would win. Finn also spent a lot of time explaining
his role as slave and what that entailed and encouraged her to ask
questions which he patiently answered. Comparing his slave role to
hers was like comparing white chocolate to baker’s chocolate.

But still neither of them had touched her. She had even made

passes at them, but each time they either ignored her attempts or gave
her a gentle hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking away. She
couldn’t figure out if she was doing things wrong or if they had
changed their minds about wanting her in their lives and their bed. Or
was she supposed to strip down, lay on the kitchen table, and beg?

Watching their tight butts as they walked into the house, Kyra

knew she could not spend their four-day break without something
happening. She was horny, and though she tried every night and early

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each morning, she could not reach the orgasmic pinnacle the men had
driven her to so effortlessly. Never having been long on patience, in
that moment she decided it was time to stand up for herself even if
they rejected her advances.

If they did, she would call Sasha and ask if she could sleep on her

couch. It would be a step in the direction of making her own way in
the world, though leaving here was the last thing she wanted to do.

“Sir?” she asked as Carter turned to the hall that led to the

Master’s bedroom. “May I talk to you?”

Carter and the firefighters he commanded had been out most of

the night fighting a blaze at an abandoned barn just at the edge of
town. He looked exhausted. Finn looked just as weary after two calls
during the night, one for a heart attack and the second to deliver a
baby. On the way home, the men had decided to take the day off and
spend the morning napping.

Carter frowned as if having trouble understanding her words.

“Can it wait until after I get a couple hours of sleep?”

With a disappointed sigh, Kyra nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
Without another word she passed him and walked to her room.

She kept her head down and blinked away the tears that pressed
against her eyelids. This was the first time Carter had not stopped,
listened, and done whatever he could to address her issue.

Stepping into her room, she stood behind the open door and

listened as the men walked down the hall straight to their bedroom. A
moment later, the door click closed and then the lock snicked into
place. This was the first time they had locked her out of their
bedroom. Normally they left the door open as if to invite her to join

Not sure what to do with herself, she curled up in the center of her

bed. Pulling one of the pillows to her chest, she hugged it tight as
sadness billowed in her like a summer storm. Though tears pressed at
her eyelids for release, when she tried to cry, she found she could not.

She was so lost in her misery that she did not hear the door down

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the hall open or the nearly silent footsteps that came down the hall
and into her room. Only when hard arms slid under her and lifted her
from the bed did she realize she was no longer alone. Stiffening, she
squealed in surprise.

“Shhh, sweetie. It’s me,” Finn whispered in her ear.
“What are you doing?” she returned softly as he adjusted her to

rest more securely against his chest before carrying her out of her
bedroom and down the hall toward the bedroom he shared with

“Carter’s asleep, and I’m horny.”
Kyra looked into his eyes and found them burning with hunger.

“But I didn’t think you were interested anymore.”

Finn stopped just outside the bedroom and stared at her in

astonishment. “What the hell makes you think that?”

Kyra shrugged. “Ever since I came to your bed that one morning,

neither one of you have laid a hand on me. I thought maybe you guys
didn’t want me around but were too kind to tell me to leave. And now
that Sasha’s offered me a job…”

“Oh, sweetheart, that’s not it at all.” Finn’s arms tightened around

her. “We’ve been trying to give you time to heal without putting any
pressure on you for something you might not want. Sadly, the rest of
this conversation has to wait until Carter wakes up, though I want to
assure you that kicking you out is the last thing on our minds.”

With that, he carried her into the Master’s bedroom and set her on

her feet. “Strip,” he ordered softly.

“Huh?” Dropping her gaze, she noticed he was naked and his cock

was hard as a rock.

“No clothes allowed in Master’s bed.”
Her emotions ricocheting from despair to joy in a millisecond,

Kyra began to undress. “You’re letting me come to bed with you?”
she whispered as she toed off her shoes and reached for the waistband
of her jeans.

Finn waited until she laid her panties on the pile of neatly folded

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clothes she set by the door. “Only if you can be very quiet and hold
very still so we don’t disturb Master.”

“You’re already disturbing Master,” Carter grumbled as he rolled

over to look at them. “And it’s going to cost you both when I wake
up. Now come to bed and go to sleep.”

Finn lifted the covers and waved Kyra into the bed before

following her. Once she lay down on her side with her back to Carter,
the big man wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled until her
back pressed tight against his front. She smiled as his half-hard cock
pushed between her ass cheeks and began to stiffen even further.
Draping his arm around her middle, he cupped one breast in his palm.

“Go to sleep,” he mumbled into her hair before taking a deep

breath and relaxing against her.

Kyra looked at Finn, who smiled and winked as he settled as close

as he could get. He pulled her right arm so it rested over his waist
before placing one of his around her hip so it was caught between her
ass and Carter’s pelvis. With a deep sigh, he then closed his eyes and
in seconds was asleep as well.

Tense at being naked in bed with the two men who she had come

to think of as hers and aroused to the point of screaming, Kyra instead
closed her eyes and tried to relax. She was not certain how long she
would be able to remain still and did not think she would not be able
to fall asleep, but just lay there and enjoyed being with them. As their
warmth surrounded her and their gentle breathing brushed her bare
skin, she soon relaxed enough to drift off.

* * * *

“Wake up, little kitten. It’s time to play.” Carter’s deep voice

filtered through her sleep just before a pair of warm, wet lips covered
her left breast. Two seconds later, another pair covered her right one.
Opening her eyes, she found herself lying on her back with her arms
extended across the mattress from her shoulders. A man lay on either

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side of her lapping at her breasts.

She had no idea how long they had slept but from the erections

that pressed against her outer thighs, the men seemed fully recovered
from their long night on shift. “Sir? Mmmm,” she moaned, her back
arching as arousal spiraled around her like a vortex drawing tighter
and centering deep in her pelvis.

Carter pulled his lips from her nipple with a pop and smiled at her,

his dark eyes burning with dark fire. “One day soon I hope you’ll feel
comfortable enough to call me Master, but for now I’ll settle for Sir.”

He replaced his lips with a hand then shifted higher on the bed.

Leaning over, he brushed his lips across hers. “I’m told our little
kitten is feeling neglected. Is that true?”

As Finn’s fingers stroke down the inside of her thigh then back up

close, but not close enough to her pussy to do her any good, she
moaned, “Yes, Sir.”

“We can’t have that, now can we, pup?”
“No, Master,” Finn mumbled around her nipple.
Kyra’s arms lifted from the bed of their own accord and wrapped

them around the two men’s shoulders. She held on tight as they
licked, sucked, and nibbled at her body, driving her to the point her
hips began to shift on the bed with her need. “Please…I need…”

“What do you need, kitten?” Carter asked as his hand traced down

her body to cup her mound.

Her body was vibrating so hard, her breath coming in gasps, and

the men had barely begun to play. What would it feel like when one
of them actually fucked her?

“I need…more.” She whimpered, her hips pulsing up to press

deeper into his palm. “Pleeeeeease.”

Carter looked up at her wearing his impassive Master expression.

“If you want more, put your arms back on the mattress. We’re going
to play, and you are going to lie here and take whatever we give you.”

Her arms tightened as her need to touch them fought with the need

for an orgasm. Taking a deep breath, she sighed as she lowered her

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arms back down to the mattress. Turning her hands palm down, she
moaned as the men returned to their sex play, driving her higher and
higher. But each time she felt the orgasm come close enough to grab
and ride out, they shifted, changed positions, or stopped altogether
long enough for it to move back just out of reach again.

Closing her eyes, she panted as her body began to lift into the

fingers and lips, teeth and tongues that were driving her closer and
closer to something monumental. Then everything stopped again.

“Arms down, kitten,” Carter ordered, his tone so cold she


Opening her eyes, she found both arms wrapped around his

shoulders. She clutched him tighter as she arched up to press closer
against him. “I can’t,” she whimpered as tears filled her eyes. “I’m

“Shhh, little kitten,” Carter said, kissing his way up her body until

they were nose-to-nose. “It’s all right. I’m pushing too hard wanting
you to know everything without teaching you the basics first.”

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Chapter 16

Kyra stared up at Carter, shocked that he admitted to a fault.

Master had always blamed her for anything that had gone wrong,
from his losing an erection during a blow job to the weather when it
turned bad and kept him from doing what he had planned.

The men exchanged a look over her still-trembling body, and then

Carter said, “Fix us a snack and get your wrist cuffs on, pup. And take
your time.”

His eyes blazing with his need, Finn nodded and left the room

without a word. Stepping into the hall, he pulled he door closed. And
she was alone with Carter.

“Are you all right?” Carter asked as he lay down beside her and

cuddled her close. He brushed her hair back from her face, then began
to gently stroke his hands over her body. His actions settled her
emotional nerves while at the same time keeping her physical arousal
swirling around the bed.

Kyra took a few seconds to assess before answering.

“Overwhelmed. Horny. Scared.”

Carter smiled at her, looking so hot and sexy, she was tempted to

push him over on his back and attack him. Not exactly sure what to do
and how he would handle her being so aggressive, she fought down
the urge.

“Well, how about we deal with the horny first,” he said, leaning in

and kissing her gently, “and see if that doesn’t take care of the rest,

Kyra was nodding in agreement before he had finished asking the

question. “Can I touch you, too, Sir?”

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“Oh hell, yes,” Carter said. “In fact, for today and today only, I

want you to feel free to tell me what you need, how you want it, and
where I should touch. Understand?”

Kyra’s confusion must have been evident for he hugged her and

pulled her in for a long, deep, wet, kiss. His tongue thoroughly
explored her mouth and then invited her without words to do the
same. As she did, her hands refused to stay still. She brushed
fingertips through the slight dusting of fur on his chest and down his
belly until she reached the tip of his cock.

“Touch me, kitten,” he moaned into her mouth, his hips arching


She stroked the pad of her thumb across his slit, feeling wetness

coat it, which she spread around the head. Then she traced down the
underside, following the thick vein from tip to base. Moving her
fingers down even further, she thoroughly explored his balls before
returning back up his body the same way she had come down. His
hips shifted under the touch, and the sounds he made sent her own
need even higher.

Breaking the kiss, she panted, “Fuck me, Sir. Please, make me


“My pleasure, kitten,” he returned.
He gave her one more smacking kiss before flipping their

positions so she lay on her back. She frowned when he moved away
but watched through heavy-lidded eyes as he sheathed his long, thick
cock in a condom before returning to lean over her.

He stroked and kissed his way down her body then pulled her legs

apart and moved to kneel between them. One finger fucked in and out
of her pussy, giving her a small taste of what was to come.

“If you need me to stop at any time, all you have to do is say the

word ‘red’ and everything stops so we can talk.”

“Yes, Sir,” she panted, writhing on the mattress to try and move

closer so she could impale herself on cock that was brushing up and
down between her legs. “Please, please, I need…”

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Carter’s eyes glowed like melted dark chocolate as he pushed her

knees to her chest and to the side. Kyra watched as he knelt and ran a
palm up and down the center of her body from slit to collarbone and
back again. He took his cock in one hand and traced the head up and
down between her labia. She gasped and panted for air as he circled
her clit several times before batting the knotted flesh left and right and
then up and down, sending fire ripping through her.

“Pleeeeease,” she cried again, reaching up to him, but not able to

reach him in this position.

In response, he stroked his cock further down until he reached her

pussy entrance. Instead of surging in, he pushed just the tip into her
channel before stilling. “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice deep and
gruff and concerned.

“Oh, yes, please, Sir.”
“Very well, but we’ll do things my way, slow and easy,” he said

with a smile that sent a tiny shiver of trepidation through Kyra.

He pushed a little deeper into her pussy before pulling out again.

But he did not leave her empty long. “Deep breaths,” he ordered

She tried to slow her breathing but continued breathing fast and

hard. He pressed forward slow and steady, not stopping until she felt
the hairs that surrounded the root of his cock tickle the skin around
her entrance. Unable to remain still, Kyra began to hunch her hips,
trying to move up and down the thick shaft that filled her.

Carter chuckled as he reached down and held her hips still. “One

of the first lessons a good submissive must learn is that it is their
Master’s pleasure to give them what they want, what they need, but
only when the Master feels they deserve it.”

He slowly pulled out and then surged in again. On his second long

stroke, a firestorm began deep in her pelvis. Carter continued moving
in and out, slow and easy. Pulling her feet up to rest on his shoulders,
he kissed and licked the arch of one foot and then the other. The
tickling sent her into a fit of the giggles even though she could barely

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breathe. The change of angle caused him to rub against a spot that
sent her soaring even closer to her peak.

Carter leaned forward, pressing her now-straight legs closer to her

chest. This stretched muscles and tendons in her hips in a painful way
that also felt so good and shot her right to the edge. Planting a hand
on the bed on either side of her waist, he began to piston in and out,
faster and harder with each stroke.

He then reached between her legs and pressed against her clit as

his thrusts grew uncoordinated and urgent. “Now, kitten. Come now,”
he ordered.

She screamed as her orgasm exploded deep in her pelvis before

shooting out to her fingers and toes. At the same time, her pussy
heated further as Carter came, filling the thin sheath of latex
separating them with his seed. When he collapsed down over her, she
welcomed his weight and wrapped her arms around his back to hold
him as they melted together.

“Damn, that was beautiful.” Finn’s voice pierced the sexual

bubble that had encompassed the bed.

Though she had just come, by the time her breathing slowed to

normal, her hips started moving again, needing something more.

“Gear up, pup,” Carter panted as he rolled off the bed and

disappeared into the bathroom. “Then on the bed, face up and hands
to the headboard.”

Kyra watched Finn retrieve a condom and slip it on. He crawled

onto the bed beside her and moved into the position Carter had
dictated. He lay on his back with his arms stretched over his head
toward the corners of the bed. Once he returned, Carter attached the
black leather wrist cuffs Finn wore to chains that were attached to the
heavy wooden headboard.

Once he was secure, Carter looked at her. “Cowgirl up, kitten.”
“Excuse me, Sir?” she asked, not sure what he was commanding.
“Climb up and ride him, little one.” Carter said with a smile. “You

still have some fire burning in you, pup is horny, and I plan to expand

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your boundaries a little further.”

With that, he helped her to sit up and then throw one leg across

Finn’s hips. His cock lay up his lower bell. As she settled over him,
Carter reached between her legs and parted her pussy lips so they
wrapped around either side of Finn’s hard length.

“Slide back and forth,” he instructed as Finn sucked a breath at the

feel of her wet warmth on his cock. “Rub your clit up the length of his

When she just looked at him, he wrapped his hands around her

hips and showed her how to move her hips to rub her clit against the
underside of Finn’s cock.

“Oooo,” she breathed as the tingles in her clit began once again.

She continued until she needed more.

Moving back, she reached down and wrapped her hand around the

iron rod that was Finn’s cock. She stroked his length several times
before holding it straight up and moving so she could fit the head into
her widespread opening where Carter had been just moments before.
Her thighs whispering pain, she slowly lowered herself until she was
sitting fully on Finn’s pelvis. The flames of need raced once more
through her, and she wondered if they were in danger of setting the
bed on fire.

“Oh, sweetie. Please ride me,” Finn begged, which had Carter

chuckling as he moved around the room.

“Don’t listen to him, kitten. You take your time and move when

you’re ready. There’s not a whole hell of a lot he can do about it.”

Feeling a need to drive Finn’s arousal somewhere in the realm she

had been living the past few days, she kept Finn’s cock fully seated
inside her pussy and began to massage his chest. Pressing fingertips
into his flesh, she marveled at the rock-hard muscles that rippled as he
shifted under her.

She scratched her short fingernails over his nipples, earning

moans and groans and hips bucking nearly hard enough to unseat her.
After another minute, she needed more. Leaning forward, she rested

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her hands on his shoulders and began to slowly slide up and down his

She gasped and froze midstroke as something cold and wet slid

down the valley of her ass. Looking over her shoulder, she found
Carter kneeling on the bed behind her. “Relax, kitten. I’m going to
play with your ass. We need to loosen up those muscles so one day
very soon I can fuck your ass while pup’s in your pussy just like he is

She moaned at the mental image his words invoked before turning

her attentions back to the cock she rode. Leaning down, she brushed
erect nipples across Finn’s chest even as she raised herself up until
only the head of his cock remained in her. As she moved back down
again, a cold, wet finger began to circle her back hole.

It circled and stroked over her puckered star, sending more heat

spiraling out from her sex center to the rest of her body. As if of its
own accord, her back arched, silently begging for more.

She sighed when the finger pressed through her hole, stretching

the muscles and sliding in to the second knuckle.

“Now ride pup,” he whispered the order in her ear in a dark,

commanding tone. “Ride him hard.”

With that, something in Kyra broke free. She began to slide up

and down Finn’s cock as if riding a carousel horse. When Carter
pulled his finger out of her ass and replaced it with two, she sucked
another breath and fought to relax her muscles.

Riding Finn wound her tight again, and she could tell the man

beneath her was approaching the boundary of his limits as well.
Carter adding a third finger to her back hole sent the bite of pleasure-
pain through her that shot her just to her peak. Finn pulled his legs up
behind her and took over the fucking, pushing harder and higher.

“Come, babies. Come now,” Carter ordered as his fingers pressed

deep with a twist. Kyra pressed harder into Finn’s shoulders, afraid to
let go for fear of being thrown off the bed when the man beneath her
pressed even higher as he roared his own release.

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When Finn’s hips slowly dropped back to the bed, she followed,

keeping his cock buried deep in her pussy. With this orgasm, she
found herself relaxing completely. Unable to keep herself sitting
upright on Finn’s prone body, she lowered herself to rest heavily on

She sighed and stiffened when Carter pulled his fingers from her

ass. With another deep breath, she used the last of her strength to lift
off of Finn’s cock and roll so she lay curled up on the mattress next to

“Release his wrists, kitten,” Carter ordered gently as he left the


By the time she figured out how to work the clips and released

Finn from the bed, Master Carter had returned with damp clothes.
After dropping one cloth on Finn’s belly, he used the other to clean
her up.

Once he finished, he said, “You have ten minutes to get dressed to

go out. Last one to the kitchen will be punished.”

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Chapter 17

Taking his time, Finn was last to enter the kitchen. It was a simple

thing to do to take the extra time to change the sheets on the bed after
taking a quick shower with Master and pulling on jeans and a T-shirt.

When he arrived, Carter shook his head but smiled. “Feeling

masochistic today, are we?”

Finn shrugged without responding. But he knew that Carter knew

he did not want Kyra to have to go through a punishment if he could
take it for her. “Need coffee.”

“After you drop trou and put this in place,” Carter said, handing

him a butt plug. He had worn the medium-sized plug plenty of times.
Had Master known he would be the last one to the kitchen?

Instead of answering, Carter stared at him until he sighed and

reached for his belt buckle. Pushing his pants to his knees, he
thoroughly lubed the plug. After pressing it to its base into his ass, he
set about fixing breakfast. He sucked his first cup of coffee down
while nuking bacon, scrambling eggs with some milk, cheese, and
chive, and cooking toast.

During breakfast, Carter’s cell phone rang. “It’s Brody,” he

announced as he rose and walked from the room.

Looking at Kyra, who appeared frightened, Finn tried to shrug off

the call. No need for her to be scared about anything even though he
was concerned the call would be more bad news. During their evening
run the night before, Carter had filled him on what was happening
with Asshole, the apt name Carter had given Peter Masterson.

Seth’s neighbors had been complaining about hearing gunfire at

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Seth’s place over the past few days. Each time the police arrived,
there was no one around. The first time Brody had gone out, he had
seen an old pickup truck with West Virginia plates. Calling it in, he
learned the truck was stolen, so he called for a tow truck and
impounded it, hoping that would cripple Peter.

Five minutes later, Carter returned to the table looking grim.

When Finn raised an eyebrow in his direction, he shook his head and
glanced at Kyra whose gaze ping-ponged back and forth between
them, her expression filled with both fear and interest. Instead of
addressing the call, Carter laid out the plan for the rest of the day.

“I’ve got to meet with Brody in thirty at the station. While I’m

gone, I want you two to find Kyra a pair of shoes for Saturday night
and hit the grocery store.”

“We’ll also run by the cleaners and pick up our dress uniforms,”

Finn added.

Carter nodded as he picked up his fork and finished eating. When

he finished eating, he drank another cup of coffee before grabbing his
keys. Going to Kyra first, he hugged her and gave her a long, deep
kiss. “Behave for Finn, kitten, and stay out of trouble.”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered softly.
Releasing her, he turned to Finn. Pulling him close, he repeated

the process, only after the hug he dropped one hand to his ass, shifting
the plug in a way that both pained and pleasured Finn. Unable to help
himself, he moaned into Carter’s mouth as his hips pressed forward,
and his cock stiffened.

“Kitten’s safety is in your hands, pup. I’ll see you later. Be a good


“Yes, Master.”

* * * *

Kyra watched the exchange before turning away to keep them

from seeing the jealousy that arced through her. Her pussy clenched

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and grew wet as her need to feel these men against her began to
simmer once more. After Carter left, she and Finn cleaned up the
kitchen and straightened the rest of the house. Taking the grocery list
off the refrigerator, he read it through and added several more items.
Once he made sure he had his keys and wallet, he took her hand and
led her to his truck.

After stopping at the cleaners and picking up the men’s navy-blue

uniforms, they returned to the mall. Though fear at the possibility of
seeing Masterson filled her, she took deep breaths to fight it down.
Holding Finn’s hand like a lifeline, she followed him to the shoe
department where they found her a pair of comfortable black pumps
with medium-height heels. She walked around in them carefully,
having not worn shoes in years. After a few minutes, she thought she
could wear them for an evening without her feet hurting too much.

When they reached the grocery store, Kyra’s mood was happier

than she could remember. She had an intense need to stretch her
wings. The men had not let her out of their sight except when they
had been at work or she visited the bathroom since their trip to the
mall. There had been no sight of Peter Masterson in days, and though
she was coming to love the two men who were healing her, teaching
her, and helping her to build a new life, she needed a few minutes
alone. It would be a test to see if she could make it alone even though
it would be awhile before she could move out and get her own place.

Taking the grocery list from Finn, she tore it in half and handed

him back one half of it. “Why don’t you take that half and I’ll take
this one?”

Finn looked skeptical.
“We’ll get done in half the time,” she pointed out with what she

hoped was a sultry look on her face, “and when we get home, I’ll give
you a present.”

Finn relaxed. “While I love the sound of that offer, we’ll have to

wait for Master to join us. He may already have something in mind
for this evening. Besides, I don’t think separating is a good idea.”

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Kyra stepped closer, pressing her hips into his. She smiled when

his cock grew stiff and pressed back.

“I’ll take care of him, too,” she purred. “It’s not like we’re in the

mall. I promise not to leave the building, okay?”

“Uh-huh,” Finn said, his voice dropping as his cock tried to do the

thinking. He wrapped his hands around her hips before forcing her to
step back. “I’d like to see you try to handle him. Oh, all right. But if
you feel nervous or scared or anything like that, yell out and I’ll be

“Yes, Finn,” she responded with just a touch of snark in her tone.
Taking a cart, she turned toward the frozen food section side of

the store. She listened for a moment as Finn muttered to himself as he
headed in the opposite direction. She was amazed at how organized
the grocery list was.

Checking her list, she turned her attention to the signs hanging

above each aisle. She did not see the man who walked around the
other side of the donut aisle. If she had, she would have chased Finn

She only had a few items left when she rounded the back end of

the last aisle. She was so busy staring at the dairy case trying to
remember what kind of milk the men preferred when someone ran
into her cart. She jumped and turned to find herself nose-to-nose with
Peter Masterson.

“So, the little slave bitch has recovered, has she?” he said. “From

the looks of the men you were with at the mall, you’ve probably
learned a thing or two about how to please a man.”

Kyra froze, and her mind blanked for a second. It was just long

enough for him to shove his cart out of the way and grab her. As he
began to drag her toward a hall that led to the back of the store she
remembered Finn’s instructions. Taking a deep breath, she screamed,

Masterson winced at the piercing scream. With his free hand, he

backhanded her, hard. It did not stop her, but instead she began to

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chant, “FinnFinnFinn.” With death in his eyes, he punched her in the
stomach, leaving her gasping for breath.

“Shut the fuck up,” he growled.
He punched her in the belly again before releasing her long

enough to wrap his arm around her throat. Since he was not that much
taller than she was, it was an awkward hold, forcing Kyra to bend
backward. As she struggled to breathe through the chokehold, he
dragged her through a set of wide, swinging double doors into the
warehouse part of the store. Just as the doors swung closed behind
them, Finn raced into view with his cell phone held to his ear. He
looked frantic.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to scream again, but all that

emerged was a croak. She struggled, using elbows and feet to try and
trip him. It slowed him somewhat, but like a storm, he kept moving,
pulling her along by her neck.

Looking around, she tried to find some way to leave a trail for

Finn or slow the monster strangling her down even further. All she
could see were rack after rack of canned goods. Leaning toward one
of the racks, she forced him to shuffle that way. Reaching out, she
grabbed a can and tossed it underhand at the double doors. The can
bounced off one of the windows, but did not break the glass as she
had hoped.

Reaching out again, she picked up another one. This one was

bigger and heavier. By this time her vision was growing dim and not
just because they were in the warehouse with its dark walls, ceiling,
and fewer light fixtures.

Measuring her options, she realized they were too far from the

door for this can to do much good against the glass. With a prayer that
Finn would rescue her soon, she swung the can up and back. She was
shocked when the can connected.

“You bitch,” he yelped.
The arm around her neck tightened further, cutting her air off

completely. Then he stumbled and fell backward, dragging her with

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him. She tried to hold on, tried to move away from the monster
holding her, but blackness surrounded her, making it hard to function.
Just then Finn leaned over her, looking like an avenging angel.

Needing to say the words that had been haunting her for days, she

whispered, “I love you, Finn,” just as the blackness swallowed her

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Chapter 18

Meeting Brody at the station left Carter feeling frustrated and

ready to take the law into his own hands. Every time the police had
arrived at the house, no matter what hour of the day, they never found
Masterson at home.

“What would happen if Finn and I headed out there tonight

without a police presence with us?”

“Depends. If you just corral and contain him until we get there,

the judge might see fit to drop any charges. Otherwise you could be
facing trespassing, assault, kidnapping, and a few others depending on
how bad things get,” Brody advised. “But if you need help, give us a
call. Drew and I are free tonight.”

Before Brody could respond, his cell phone rang out. With a

frown he answered. “Finn? What’s wrong? Okay, I’m on my way.”

Snapping his phone closed he looked at Brody. “Masterson just

snatched Kyra in the grocery store and is trying to drag her out
through the warehouse. You coming? Or do I have permission to kill
the man for attempting to kidnap my woman?”

* * * *

By the time the blackness receded and Kyra opened her eyes

again, a crowd had gathered in the back room of the grocery store.
She looked up to find both Finn and Carter leaning over her and
looking worried.

“Welcome back, sweetie,” Finn said with a grin though he looked


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Carter looked mad as hell. “Are you all right, kitten?” His words

were restrained, but he had used the slave name he had given her.

Needing to share with him what she had known for days but had

been keeping to herself, she smiled up with him. “I love you, Master.”

He looked shocked at her answer.
Lifting his gaze, he looked at Finn. “Are you sure she didn’t hit

her head?”

“I’m fine,” Kyra said, her voice hoarse and scratchy.
When she tried to sit up, the men each laid a hand on her shoulder

to hold her down. “Lay still, sweetie. The ambulance is on its way to
check you out.”

“What about Asshole?” she croaked as she relaxed back on the

cold floor.

“He’s been taken care of,” Carter assured her as he brushed

strands of hair away from her face.

Kyra turned her head and looked across the floor to find

Masterson lying unconscious a few feet away. Not only was there
blood in his hair from where she had crowned him with the can, but
his nose and lips were also bleeding. She watched as Brody
handcuffed him and two other police officers lifted him from the floor
to his feet and dragged him out of sight.

“He won’t get away, will he?” she asked, groaning as she rolled

her head back to look up at her men.

“No way. He probably won’t be in Loving long enough for a good

meal. There’s a court in Pennsylvania just waiting for him to return so
they can lock him up for a long, long time.”

A few minutes later, the paramedics arrived. As one opened a big

red box with a white cross on it that looked like Master’s, no Seth’s,
tackle box, the other looked at Finn. “You know you could have done
this,” the older of the two said.

“Maybe so, but since I’m involved with her, I tend to be a little

overprotective,” Finn countered as he and Carter stepped back to
allow them to work.

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Kyra’s gaze bounced from Carter to Finn. Would either of them

respond to her declaration? Or would they just put it down to the

Carter’s expression had gone Dom blank. Finn watched his

coworkers as if analyzing their work. He looked like he wanted to
shove them out of the way and do it himself.

Once they decided she was not in need of a hospital visit, they

allowed her to sit up. As soon as she was somewhat vertical, her men
knelt once more, sandwiched her between them. They listened
intently as the examining paramedic advised her to rest and not talk
unless she absolutely had to for the next few days.

She swallowed, winced, and nodded in agreement.
Finally Carter helped her to her feet and wrapped an arm around

her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked as he guided her slowly
back into the grocery store.

She nodded. When she saw her cart was right where she left it, she

pulled away from Carter and went to it, wrapping her fingers tight
around the handle to keep from collapsing as her entire body began to

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Carter asked as she

opened the door to the milk racks.

“Finishing the shopping,” she whispered. “What kind of milk?”
“I’ll finish this,” Finn said, as he reached in and grabbed the first

jug of milk he touched. “You go with Carter, sweetie.”

Before Kyra could argue, Carter wrapped an arm around her

shoulders, bent down, and with another behind her knees, lifted her to
rest against his chest. When she opened her mouth to argue, he cut her
off with a look as he carried her out of the grocery store.

“It wasn’t Finn’s fault. Please don’t be mad at him,” she

whispered as he stood her up beside his truck.

“We’ll discuss this when Finn gets home. And you’re not

supposed to be talking,” he ground out, opening the door and
motioning her in with the tilt of his head.

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When he climbed into the driver’s seat, Kyra could feel waves of

ice roll off him. With a sigh she looked out the window, feeling that
even with her declaration of love, Carter was about to kick her to the

Before pulling out of the parking lot, Carter pulled out his phone

and called someone. “Meet us at the club room ASAP.”

Before the person he called could respond, he had hit the

disconnect button and slid the phone back into his pocket.

“Kitten, I strongly recommend you sit there still and silent.

Otherwise you might find yourself over my knee with your jeans
around your ankles in the middle of town as I spank you until you
can’t sit down.”

* * * *

Carter was not surprised when his little woman gasped then sat

back and did exactly as he ordered. Hopefully the drive out to the
Tavern and the time it would take for Finn to join them would help
him calm down so he could deal with whatever the fuck had just
happened in a cool, calm, and logical manner.

Yeah, right, Jackson. When it comes to this one’s safety, you’ll

never be cool and calm.

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Chapter 19

Kyra remained silent as Carter drove them out of town. The road

looked vaguely familiar. Had this been the road she had traveled
before meeting them? Or had it been another just like it only
different? Kansas was flat, and to her all the roads looked the same,
the only way to tell whether you were going north, south, east, or west
was the position of the sun. From the orange ball dipping below the
horizon in front of them, she deduced they were heading west.

They met a couple of cars on their drive, which ended when

Carter turned into a gravel parking lot a few short minutes later. The
sign by the road was already lit. “The Tavern.” Yes, this was familiar,
though the memory of the nice woman behind the bar who offered her
food and a job application was tainted with the pain she had felt that

Carter pulled up close to the front porch and parked. Three other

pickups and a couple of SUVs already populated the area.

“Out,” he said as he opened his door.
“Master?” she asked. Fear-numbed fingers fumbled with the latch

of her seatbelt.

Carter did not repeat himself. He just stared at her with that

horrible blankness of a Dom pushed past his limits. It was as if he had
unplugged all his facial muscles from his brain stem.

Whatever happens, just remember, you brought it on yourself, she

reminded herself as she finally released the seat belt. Taking a breath
for courage, she opened the door. Before she could jump from the
high seat, Carter was there. He wrapped his arms around her waist
and plucked her from the seat. Once she was on solid ground again,

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he did not release her immediately.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, burying his

face in her hair as he hugged her tight. She felt him trembling and
held back the yelp that the pain his hard belly pressing into her sore
one caused.

She slid her arms around his waist and held him tight, knowing he

needed this support as much as she did.

“Oh, God,” he murmured rubbing his cheek over the top of her

head. “I was so scared when Finn called me. So afraid we would not
get to you in time.”

“But you did, and I’m safe now,” she assured him, rubbing one

hand up and down his back. Her touch seemed to soothe him, but
apparently not enough.

He pulled back and looked down at her, an evil grin on his lips.

“Not as safe as you may think, kitten. Bad pets get punished.”

With that he squeezed her tight for another second before

releasing her. Taking her hand in his, he threaded their fingers
together before leading the way up the steps, across the porch, and
through the front door of The Tavern.

His promise sent a shiver of trepidation through her. Looking up

at him, from the kind of man he was as well as the punishments he
had inflicted upon both Finn and herself, Kyra knew in her heart, soul,
and bones that while the punishment might hurt, it would not be cruel.

“Yes, Master,” she murmured into his shoulder as she followed

him across the open room to the bar.

“Hey, Carter. What’s up?” the pretty bartender greeted him and

without him saying a word put a bottle of beer and a bottle of water
on the bar before looking at her curiously. “What will you have,

“She’ll have a bottle of water, Hannah. Finn will be here in a few

minutes. He gets the same,” Carter answered for her. “And could you
pack sandwiches for three to go in about an hour and a half?”

“Regular three or club three?” Hannah asked as she set another

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bottle of water on the counter.

“Better make it club three,” Carter said with a grin. “I have a

feeling we’ll be working up an appetite.”

Hannah smiled and nodded without further comment. She did

look stunned when Carter picked up both bottles of water and ignored
the beer.

Then they were off again, up the open staircase that split the room

then down a hall to the door at the end.

“Hold these,” Carter said, dropping her hand and handing her the


His hands now free, he pulled out his key ring, chose a key, and

opened the door they stood before. Reaching inside, he flipped the
light switch and then made a half bow and flourish. “After

Her heart leaping into her throat and racing at double-time, Kyra

walked through the half-open door and continued several feet. She
jumped and whirled when something snicked loudly in the deadly
silent room.

Carter stood with his back just inches from the now-closed door.

He seemed to have grown a foot in every direction, nearly hiding the
entire wooden panel behind him. He stood with feet planted a
shoulder’s width apart and hands planted on hips. Just looking at him
set her submissive side to trembling with the need to crawl back into
his good graces.

When he continued to study her without a word, Kyra dropped to

her knees and assumed the slave position Finn had taught her with her
head dropped forward, hoping her appearance was as contrite as her
heart felt.

In response, Carter huffed a grunt as he stepped around her. She

heard him moving things around, pushing the furniture around,
opening and cabinets, and then what sounded like closing curtains.

Though curiosity filled her like a giant bubble, she kept her eyes

glued on the floor for the fear of what was about to happen poked

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holes in it. When silence once again filled the room, she tilted her
head and peeked out of the corner of her eye. Master was standing
across the room once again studying her for a long moment before
glancing at his watch.

“Stand up, kitten,” he ordered softly.
She scrambled to her feet and stood with feet together, arms at her

sides, and her head once again bent forward in submission. Her
muscles across the back of her neck were beginning to protest the
awkward angle she was forcing her head into.

“Strip and hang your clothes on the hooks by the door,” he finally

said, his voice cool and without emotion.

With the faith of a slave to her Master, of a woman toward her

man she loved, Kyra marched across the room and toed off her
sneakers. Without taking time to think of what undressing was
committing her to, she pulled off her clothes and hung them on one
the half dozen hooks along the wall behind the door. Her face burned
with her straitlaced, puritanical upbringing as she hid her lacy bra and
panties under her T-shirt and jeans.

Arranging the fabric so the lacy underthings were completely

hidden, she returned to kneel in front of Carter once more. Instead of
commenting, he pulled out his phone and placed a call.

“Where the hell are you? Uh-huh. You’ve got three minutes to get

our ass up here before I start adding strokes onto your punishment.”
He clicked the phone off again, but instead of returning it to his
pocket, he set it on a small table sitting on the other side of the door.
He added his wallet, keys, and the rest of the contents of his pockets
to the pile on the table. Then he took off his shirt and hung it on the
peg next to Kyra’s clothing.

“Okay, kitten, let’s get you strung up for your punishment while

we wait for pup to arrive,” he said, holding a hand down to her.

Her pussy clenching and heart racing, Kyra placed her hand

trustingly in his. Once on her feet, he led her to a corner where a pair
of heavy chains hung from the ceiling. He stood her between the two,

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and once she was in place, he held his hands out, palms up. Her heart
beating like a hummingbird’s she laid her hands in his, palms up,
fingers relaxed.

“Good girl,” he murmured.
She took a breath and felt the tight muscles in her shoulders relax

just a little bit. Just enough so her shoulders were no longer brushing
her earlobes. She did not fight when he transferred both of her hands
into his left one. Reaching to a nearby pedestal table, he wrapped
thick leather cuffs around her wrists then knelt and repeated the action
with her ankles.

Once the cuffs were in place, he knelt at her feet. Pushing them

wide apart, he attached a metal bar to the ankle cuffs. Standing once
more, he stretched her arms out and up before attaching them to the
hanging chains.

Just then a broken pattern of three knocks sounded at the door.
Carter must have recognized the signal for he called, “Come

carefully,” as he checked her fingers and toes to make sure the cuffs
were not too tight.

Holding her breath, Kyra watched as the door opened just enough

to let Finn step into the room. He closed and locked the door. Without
being told, he peeled out of his own clothes, hanging them on the
other side of hers.

“What the hell took you so long?”
“Took the groceries home and put the milk and eggs away,


“Good thinking, pup,” Carter said as he moved a straight backed

wooden chair into position about five feet in front of Kyra, “but that
will not excuse you from punishment. Cuff up and sit here.

“Yes, Master,” Finn said meekly as he went to the cabinet across

the room. He quickly donned wrist cuffs and then sat down, sucking a
breath as the plug he still wore shifted in his ass.

Carter went behind the man and pulled one arm and then the other

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behind him. Though she could not see what he did, she figured he
either hooked the cuffs together or attached them to the chair because
once he finished, Finn remained as his Master had positioned him.

Carter then picked up a flogger from a side table and circled them,

slapping the dozen or so strands against his thigh.

“And so, we can begin.”

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Chapter 20

Though he wanted to protest and offer to take the punishment

instead of having it inflicted on Kyra, Finn bit his lip to keep quiet.
Otherwise Master would gag him. Understanding his methods did
little to ease the pain in his heart knowing the woman was about to be
spanked, or worse, and all he could do was watch.

What surprised him was that his blood pooled in his cock, filling it

to painful proportions as he was forced to stare at Kyra. She stood
looking like a warrior princess about to be sacrificed by her enemies,
looking scared but proud and excited all at the same time. She had
come so far in such a short time. He hoped and prayed that what was
about to happen would not cause her a setback to her recovery.

“From what Finn told me, kitten, you were the one who came up

with the brilliant idea to separate in the grocery store. Is that true?”
Carter said as he picked up a flogger and circled his two slaves,
slapping the dozen or so leather strands against his thigh.

Kyra swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes, Master. I thought since

we hadn’t seen Asshole in a while that I’d be safe in the grocery,

“I wanted to go home and give Finn a blow job for a present,” she

admitted, her voice a rough whisper. Finn watched her head turn so
she could watch Carter’s every move.

“And how did pup respond to such an offer?”
“He said we would have to ask you about whether we could play

or not. He also did not want to split up, but I pushed him until he
agreed before ordering me to yell for him if I got scared.” Kyra

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swallowed, flinching at the pain such an action inflicted.

Carter saw and opened a bottle of water. After holding it up so she

could take a sip, he screwed the top back on. He stepped to the side so
Finn could see everything. He brushed the side of the icy cold bottle
over each breast, earning a tiny squeal and rattle of the chains as she
jerked and tried to pull away. He ran his other hand down the center
of her body and cupped the mound she had shaved just that morning.

“Mmmm, smooth, wet, and oh so warm. Just how I like my

kittens,” he said.

Finn was forced to watch as Carter slid two fingers into her,

fucking them in and out several times before pulling them out and
stepping away. Kyra sighed, though he was not sure if it was in relief
or disappointment.

“So, instead of obeying my command to stay with pup, you

decided to go off on your own?”

“Yes, Master,” Kyra sniffed as tears began to roll down her

cheeks. “Please don’t punish Finn. It really was all my fault.”

Finn wanted to interrupt and beg to take the punishment as he

should never have gone along with Kyra’s plan, but knew that if he
did, Master would probably gag him. Or send him out of the room
until he was finished dealing with Kyra. The last thing he wanted was
to be exiled.

“Well, kitten, by breaking the rules, you almost got kidnapped. If

he had gotten you out of the store, we might not have found you in
time and he could have killed you.” Carter’s voice grew gruff and
gravelly. “I love you, my beautiful Kyra, but I am Master and what I
say is law. So, for disobeying the rules, you will receive strokes as
your punishment. And since you seem adamant I not punish pup, you
will take his punishment as well.”

“Master, no!” Finn protested as he jerked his arms, trying to free

them from the cuffs. “Please, let me take the strokes instead.”

Carter ignored him but shot him a look that said if another word

came from his mouth, he would be receiving a hell of a lot more than

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just ten strokes.

Finn watched as Kyra nodded. “Yes, Master. I think that’s fair. It

was all my fault after all.”

Carter stroked a finger down her cheek. “Good girl. And when

your punishment is over, you will apologize to me and pup for the
heart attacks you almost gave us.”

“Yes, Master.”

* * * *

Though she was scared to death, Kyra kept her head up and her

eyes on Carter as long as she could as he walked once more around
his seated slave before moving to stand behind her. Taking several
deep breaths, she met Finn’s gaze. He looked so upset, her heart
ached that he was having to witness this without being able to do
anything about it. Needing to comfort him, she mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head and blew her a kiss in response as tears rolled

down both cheeks. “I love you,” he said.

Closing her eyes, she took a breath and tried to relax her body.

Master had not said how many strokes or with what implement, so she
prepared for the worst. Another breath and then a loud “crack”
sounded a millisecond before hot pain blossomed over the center of
her right ass cheek. She sucked a breath and jumped but did not make
a sound. From the size of the pain, he must have been using some
kind of round paddle.

Another breath and the same heat and pain shot over her left


Finn was openly crying now, which tore at her heart. She wished

she could hug the gentle man and assure him that she had received
worse every morning she had been with Seth. But they did not talk
about the past anymore. It was done and over, and though it may color
the future, these men had changed he course of her life so much that
she thought less and less of that time in Seth’s purgatory.

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Her focus had now shifted to the present and the future. At

present, she needed to get through this punishment without
embarrassing herself or her Master by fighting. She would accept the
punishment for what it was—a teaching tool, and not a sadistic way
for Master to get his jollies.

She took another breath in preparation, but there were no further

strokes. Instead, Carter knelt behind her and released her ankle cuffs.
Then he was standing, and, pressing his front against her back, he
unhooked her from the wrist cuffs but left the cuffs hanging on the

“Master?” she asked as he then turned her in his arms and hugged


“Two strokes. One for you and one for pup. Besides you being

hurt, you two were responsible for the capture of Peter Masterson. I
hope you learned from this that when I tell you to stay with pup, you
stay with him.”

She hissed when he stroked down her spine and then cupped one

hand around her right ass cheek. The warmth of his palm added to the
heat of the single stroke.

“Yes, Master,” she said, snuggling deeper into his embrace, “and I

am sorry. Please forgive me.”

His hand moved to the other side of her ass as he kissed the top of

her head. “Forgiven and forgotten,” he said. He leaned closer and
whispered. “Now go and apologize to Finn. You may suck his cock,
but do not let him come.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
Kyra went to Finn and leaned in and kissed him. “I’m sorry I got

you in trouble, Finn. Please forgive me.”

He nodded as she wiped the tears from his face. “I’m sorry I did

not stand up to you better.”

She knelt between his knees and kissed the inside of each thigh.

Then she kissed about halfway up each thigh before focusing on her
target, his long, thick, hard cock that rested against his abdomen.

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Wrapping her right hand around the base, she pulled the length away
so she could swirl her tongue around the head, earning a quick
inhalation from its owner.

“Take it, slave,” Carter ordered.
“Mmmm, yes, Master,” Finn said.
Kyra licked across the slit, tasting his juices, then swabbed the

head once more before parting her lips and taking it into her mouth.
Closing her lips around the glans, she sucked gently on the spongy tip
as her tongue circled it once more.

Lifting her left hand, she rubbed it up and down his right thigh,

first the top and then the inner portion before she stroked up to the
crease where his leg met his body. He pulled in another sharp breath
as she traced the crease up and then back down before her hand turned
and she brushed the tips over the wrinkled skin of his sac.

He began panting as his cock twitched as it went deeper and

deeper into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she tried to convey both her
love and sorrow through the simple erotic touch. She thought he got
the message when he began to make the most delicious sounds. At the
same time, his hips began to wiggle in the chair.

“Off, kitten. Now,” Carter ordered as he knotted his hand in her

hair and gently pulled her back until Finn’s cock left her lips.

She dropped her other hand and sat back, licking her lips as she

looked up into the aroused yet strained eyes of the bound man as he
whined and bucked his hips.

“Settle down, pup, or you won’t get the rest,” Carter said as he

helped Kyra to her feet.

“Yes, Master.” Finn’s response said in a soft but strained tone.
Kyra watched at Carter released the man’s restraints and then

pulled him to his feet. She was surprised to see he had shed the last of
his clothes as well while she’d been busy attending to Finn.

“Time to get more comfortable,” he said, pointing to a mattress

that had magically appeared on the floor across the room.

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“Master?” she asked, not understanding what was going on as she

stopped at the edge of the mattress.

“It was pointed out to me that without your disobedience the

police might never have caught asshole. Your punishment was
because you disobeyed my orders. This will be your reward for aiding
in his capture.” Carter wrapped an arm around both her and Finn and
kissed them both on the temple. “Pup, on your back, head to me.”

“Yes, Master,” Finn said with a grin before lying down as


“Now, kitten, I want you on all fours over him, lips to dick.”
Frowning, she looked at the long body on the mattress and tried to

figure out how she was supposed to be on all fours, over him and
sucking him. When she did not move immediately, Carter helped her
down so her lips were within kissing range of Finn’s cock and his
breath caressed her puffy labia and knotted up clit.

“Feast, my pets, but you are not allowed to come until I say.


Kyra nodded. “Yes, Master.”
Kyra took Finn’s cock into her mouth and tried to focus on giving

him pleasure. Problem was, his fingers parting her lower lips so his
tongue could lick up the valley between and then around and over her
electrified clit made it difficult to concentrate. She tried to divide her
attention, but it was difficult.

When the blunt-tipped head of a cock pressed for entrance into her

pussy, her divided attention splinted. She was unable to do anything
more than suck on the cock in her mouth as the men coordinated
efforts, driving her up the steep mountain to her orgasm in just a few

She fought back, sucking on Finn’s cock and, using one hand for

balance, playing with his balls with the other. She knew her
ministrations were working as his breaths against her pussy were
coming as hard as hers were around his cock.

Carter pistoned in and out of her pussy like a man driven, each

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stroke harder and faster than the one before.

Clinging tight to the last threads of control, Kyra cried out,

“Master, please!” around Finn’s cock.

“Hold it, kitten,” Carter responded through gritted teeth, obviously

near the end of his own limits. “Now, baby. Come now.”

With that order Finn’s lips encircled her clit and sucked hard as

Carter’s hips pressed even deeper and harder. The combination
shattered the last bits of her control. Her screams were muffled by
Finn’s cock, which with two more thrusts, began to twitch and squirt,
filling her mouth with his seed. At the same time, Carter’s cock
pressed even deeper, and she felt his cock jump in her pussy as he
came as well with a low, rumbling groan.

It took a few minutes for them to recover, but then Carter ordered

them to their feet. After they cleaned up and dressed, the men took a
few minutes to put the room back to rights. Carter turned off the lights
and carefully locked the door. Each man claimed a hand and they
headed downstairs. Kyra’s face grew warm as they descended into the
barroom and found there were twice as many people present than
there were when she and Carter had gone upstairs.

The only one who paid them any attention was the bartender, who

handed Carter a plastic bag. “Enjoy,” she said with a smile and a

Her embarrassment grew when Carter chuckled. “We already


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Chapter 21

Saturday night, Kyra stepped into the living room and sucked a

breath at the vision of her two men. “You’re beautiful,” she breathed.

“No, little one, you are the beautiful one,” Carter said as he made

a circle with his hand.

“Are you sure I should wear this?” she asked, looking down at the

red dress Carter had left on her bed while she had been in the
bathroom struggling to put on the makeup she and Finn had bought
earlier that day.

“Oh, yes, sweetie. You are definitely wearing that dress,” Finn

said with a wide smile as she turned a circle.

“It feels funny,” she said as they walked across the room toward


“What feels funny?” Carter asked with a concerned frown.
“Wearing heels. Being all dressed up. Wearing makeup. Being a

girly girl again.”

“Understandable, but you make a real pretty girly girl,” Finn

assured her as he draped a white pashmina around her shoulders
before taking one hand while Carter took the other, and they led her to
the front door. “Now come on or we’ll be late and the Chief will not
be happy.”

The night was perfect for spending the evening outdoors, warm

enough not to need a coat, but cool enough that the men would be
comfortable wearing suits. Kyra stayed close to Carter and Finn, the
sheer number of people attending overwhelming for a woman who
had spent eight years basically alone.

As the formal part of the evening began with welcoming speeches

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and thank-yous, Carter led his slaves to a half-full back table. After
introducing Kyra to the four men, one of whom was the police officer
who had done so much for them the past few days, he sent Finn to the
bar for drinks.

“Miss Hansen, is it?” An older man in an ill-fitting tuxedo

approached too fast for Kyra’s comfort. She leaned back until she felt
Carter’s bulk behind her.

“Yes,” she answered, nervous about how this stranger knew her,

but she felt no malice, just too much cologne and smarminess as he
took her hand and enthusiastically shook it. He sat in Finn’s chair and
leaned too close, his eyes spending as much time looking at her
cleavage as they did her eyes.

“My name is Michael Ryan, and I was wondering what you

planned to do with Seth’s farm. Because if you want to sell, I’ve got a
client who…”

“Michael, she hasn’t made a decision yet, but if she does decide to

sell, we’ll call you,” Carter said, using his “don’t mess with me” Dom

“Oh, yes. Sure. Of course. I’ll just leave you my card.” He pulled

one from his pocket and held it out to Kyra.

Not knowing what was going on, Kyra took the business card with

a polite, “Thank you.”

A few more minutes of blustering and the realtor finally wandered


“What was that about?” she asked as Carter plucked the card from

her fingers and tore it into tiny pieces.

“Word is out that you’re to inherit Seth’s farm.”
“What? Why?”
“Because he redid his will after you came to live with him and left

everything to you. Farm, money, everything.”

“I don’t want it,” she said as tears sprung to her eyes. “I don’t

want any of it. The only thing I want from him, he can’t give me, the
eight years he stole from me.”

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Before she knew what was happening, Carter pulled her chair

close and pulled her to lean against him. “Maybe that’s why he left
everything to you. In his own twisted way, he wanted to make things
right with you. Nothing needs to be decided tonight or even next
week. But if you don’t want it, maybe it would be good to sell it.”

“What did Ryan want?” Finn said, setting cans of soda on the


“A commission,” Carter said. “But if Kyra decides to sell, we’ll

call Sasha.”

“Of course we will.” Finn nodded.
“Sasha? The dispatcher?”
The men chuckled. “Sasha is a woman of many talents.

Dispatcher, real estate agent, mayor, and she bakes a mean chocolate
chip and raisin cookie,” Carter said before standing and pulling Kyra
up for a dance.

They did not leave the ball until well after midnight. Kyra spent

most of her evening dancing, not only with Carter and Finn, but also
Brody and the other members of the Tuesday Night BDSM Poker
Club as well as the men who worked with Carter and Finn.

The dances were slowing down when Carter claimed her again.

“Well, Cinderella, are you ready to head home yet?”

She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

“Mmmm, more than ready. But I don’t know if I’ll be able to get my
shoes back. And after two beers I’m feeling a little muzzy.”

A moment later, she squealed when Carter swung her up in his

arms and carried her off the dance floor. A wide path opened and
people smiled and clapped as they passed through the dwindling
crowd. By the time they reached the open bay doors at the front of the
building, Finn joined them with Kyra’s shoes in one hand.

“Time to go home and tame our kitten?” he asked as they walked

down the driveway out of earshot of everyone.

She glanced up at Carter and found him smiling as he nodded.
“Whoo-hoo!” Finn whooped as the two men sped up, quickly

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eating up the distance home.

Carter impressed the hell out of her by carrying her the entire

distance without stopping to catch his breath. He was not even
breathing hard by the time Finn unlocked and opened the front door.

Instead of setting her down once they were inside, Carter handed

her off to Finn who carried her to the Master’s bedroom and set her
down on the foot of the bed. Carter joined them after finishing his
nightly security walk-through. By that time Finn had turned on the
nightstand lights and turned on the CD player, which sat on the

Both men took off their shoes and then began to dance to the

bluesy music that played softly. By the time they had their jackets and
ties off, Kyra understood what they were doing. At her begging
several nights earlier, they had watched a movie about male strippers
she had seen in the movie rental store. Tonight, the men were
bringing the movie to life. Just for her.

By the time they were wearing nothing but black socks and red

boxers that tented out with their erections, she was hot, wet, and
needy. Since she was only wearing the dress and a red thong, she
stood and began to dance with them. As they pulled off their socks,
she stripped the dress off over her head and tossed it to the pile on top
of their uniforms.

Dancing closer to Carter, she leaned in and shimmied, gasping as

her erect nipples brushed across the fur covering his chest. Before he
could grab her, she stepped back before turning to Finn and doing the
same thing.

“I need you,” she moaned, pushing her thong off her hips and

down her legs. Stepping out of it, she turned her back to them and
wiggled her ass.

Both men groaned in response to the blatant invitation.
Whirling back around, she found they were both naked as well.

Their cocks, so similar and yet so different, bobbed as they moved
closer while still dancing to the music.

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“On the bed, pup, face up,” Carter said as he reached out and

pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her back, holding her
against his body that was radiating heat like a woodstove in winter.

“Yes, Master.” Finn danced around the bed to the nightstand first,

pulling out several condoms and the bottle of lube and tossing them
on the corner of the bed before crawling into the center and getting

Carter slowly danced her to the bed and kissed her deep before

saying, “Oh, sweet kitten, you’re going to enjoy this. Just think, Finn
filling your sweet pussy while I take your ass at the same time.”

She moaned as everything south of her belly button tightened with

need. He lifted her onto the bed, and without waiting for instructions,
she picked up a condom and crawled over to straddle Finn’s thighs.

Meeting Finn’s sexy smile with a nervous but excited one of her

own, she opened the plastic and slowly rolled the condom down his
length. Then, crawling farther up his body, she licked her way to his
chin then kissed him just as carnally as Carter has kissed her.

“Ride me, kitten,” he moaned, his hands wrapping around her


Taking his cock in hand, she raised it up and fit the head into the

open entrance to he pussy. Their gasps and moans harmonized as she
slowly fucked herself up and down his length, taking a little more
with each stroke until he was fully seated inside her.

So focused on her own needs, she did not keep tabs on Carter until

his hand pressed on the middle of her back, forcing her to lay down
on Finn’s chest. She sucked a breath when cool liquid raced down the
valley of her ass, followed by Carter’s finger tracing the crease and
then circling her puckered star before gently pressing his way

He had played with her ass several times over the past days,

stretching her enough to take three of his fingers. The day before he
had inserted a new butt plug he had bought and made her wear it for
most of the evening before taking her to bed and easing all the stress

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Cooper McKenzie

having her ass filled had caused.

Finn kissed her, his hands stroking her spine and kneading her ass

as Carter quickly but carefully stretched the muscles. She was so
caught up in her arousal she tried to ride up and down on Finn’s cock,
needing more.

“Hold her still, pup. She’s going to buck,” Carter ordered as he

pulled his fingers from her ass.

Kyra whined at the loss of fullness, then gasped when the blunt

head of Carter’s cock began to penetrate her. He moved slowly but
steadily, pressing deeper with each thrust before easing out only to
move forward a little more.

“Full. Too full,” she moaned as everything between her legs

stretched tight as the Carter pushed the last two inches into her.

Carter stroked her back, then cupped her breasts and pulled her up

so they were back to chest. She fought his hold, needing something.
Needing more. Needing to move.

She was gasping and fighting, and when Finn reached between her

legs and stroked over her clit, she screamed as her orgasm tore
through her, tearing all control, all thought from her.

With that, Carter took hold of her hips and began to move her, up

and back then down and forward as the men alternated sliding in and
out of her body. She tried to fight the orgasm that rolled on and on
and on, but it would not stop as the men moved in and out, first slow
and easy, then with more speed.

“Master,” she heard Finn cry, then Carter’s reply of “Come, pup.”
The man under her began thrusting up harder but with less

coordination, crying out his release as his back arched and his hips
raised her high enough off the bed that her lower legs were not
touching the bed. Seconds later, Carter reached around and pinched
her clit. She screamed as she shot to the stars one more time. Her
vision grew dim, and as she came, she heard Carter growl in her ear
as the heat of his seed filled the condom that separated them.

It took several minutes for them to descend from the heavens.

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Three of Hearts


Once they did, Carter forced them to clean up before they settled back
in the bed with Carter in the center and his pets curled up on either

Though this was hardly the time for such a discussion, the

situation with her inheritance had haunted her thoughts all evening.

Lifting her head, she looked at the two men she had come to love

with all her heart. Her heroes. The angels who had saved her from a
tornado and then brought her back from wishing she was dead to
playing a fairytale princess at the Fireman’s Ball. They had healed
her, supported her, taught her. She only hoped they would continue to
do so.

Swallowing hard, she said, “Would it be all right if I did sell the

farm? I would never be able to go back there, not with the memories it

Carter and Finn exchanged a glance before Carter said, “Whatever

you want to do with it is all right with us, little one.”

“So, you’re not going to be kicking me out now that I have

somewhere to go?” she asked, only half kidding.

“Of course we wouldn’t,” Finn blurted out. “Your home is here.

With us. Forever.”

“That is”—Carter picked up the conversation—“if you want to

stay with us. If you’re certain that you don’t mind living with men
who love each other as much as they love you.”

“You do?” she squeaked.
“Yes, little one, we do. In fact, someday in the not too distant

future, I hope we will all get married.”

Kyra frowned in confusion. “I thought polygamy was illegal in


Both men smiled, their love evident in their eyes as well as every

inch of their expressions.

“It is,” Carter explained. “You would marry me by legal statutes,

but Finn would be your husband just as I would be. But again, that is
not something you need to be worrying about right now.”

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Cooper McKenzie

Kyra’s heart had been battered and bruised, but she had to take

shallows breaths because it felt two sizes too big.

“Oh, and what am I supposed to be worrying about right now?”

she asked, with a saucy grin.

“What you’re going to do with the money the sale of the farm

brings,” Finn said with a chuckle.

“I already have,” Kyra said. “I want to donate the money to the

battered women’s shelter so they can help women like I was.”

The men nodded. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, pet. But

we’ll worry about all of that come Monday,” Carter said as he settled
them all back down in the bed. “For now I am ordering you to go to
sleep and have good dreams, sexy dreams, about all the things you
want to do to pup and me. Tomorrow we’ll start making those dreams
come true.”

Kyra smiled as she snuggled closer to her Master, her love, her

Carter. “That sounds like a plan, Master.”

“It sure does,” Finn said, already sounding half-asleep.



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Cooper McKenzie always thought she had been born a hundred

years too late but appreciates air conditioning, computers, and other
conveniences of modern-day living. She enjoys the slower pace of
New Bern, North Carolina, as well as the history and small-town
community found there. In addition to dreaming up her next story,
Cooper enjoys reading everything except scary books, needle-
weaving for charity, and playing with her new mixed-breed
companion, Honey.

For all titles by Cooper McKenzie, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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