1 800 SEX GODS 2 Chaz McKenzie Cooper

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1-800-SEX-GODS #2: Chaz

Orphaned at age eight and raised by a homophobic uncle, Chaz
Joseph’s sexuality has been asleep most of his life. When he

receives an emergency call from Sex Gods, the club his uncle
fought to close down, he goes determined to help while remaining

hidden in his closet. Then he meets Sully Muldoon.

Sully knows immediately that Chaz is the answer to his middle of

the night prayers for a man of his own. When the man admits to
being a virgin in all things gay, Sully agrees to tutor him, to their

mutual joy and satisfaction. Before they get as deeply involved as
Sully would like, a major preseason hurricane turns in their
direction and Chaz’s uncle returns early, causing major problems.

Can Chaz find the courage to admit he’s gay? Can Sully be patient
when all he wants is to snatch Chaz up and love him to death? Will

Chaz be able to fix the plumbing?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 21,678 words

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1-800-SEX-GODS #2: CHAZ

Cooper McKenzie



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

1-800-SEX-GODS #2: CHAZ
Copyright © 2014 by Cooper McKenzie
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-581-1

First E-book Publication: April 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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1-800-SEX-GODS #2: CHAZ


Copyright © 2014

Chapter 1

“’Lo?” Chaz Young answered the phone from force of habit, not

because he wanted to. His uncle had drilled into him from the time he
had taken Chaz in when he was eight years old that a phone had to be
answered before the third ring finished sounding, no excuses.

“Is this the fixologist?” a male voice on the other end screeched

into his ear over thumping rock music and a number of other people
talking in the background.

Wincing, Chaz pulled the phone away from his ear. There went

his nice, quiet Friday night. “Yes, but—”

“Oh good. You’ve got to come immediately, if not sooner. There

is water everywhere and no one else listed in the book even answered
their phone. The dressing room is flooded, and the costumes are all
soaked, and the boys are threatening to stage a walkout unless I get it
fixed tonight.”

Something about the voice sent shivers through his body, and he

was shocked when his cock began to stiffen. Chaz held the phone
several inches from his ear as the man continued screaming. At the
same time, he sat up and swung his legs out of bed.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes. Where are… Hello? Damn, he

hung up on me.”

With a sigh, Chaz tossed the phone on the bed and reached for the

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khaki cargo shorts lying on the chair by the bed. Instead of pulling on
one of his many snarky saying T-shirts, he went to the dresser and
found one of the black work polo shirts his uncle insisted he wear
whenever was on the job.

The phone had not rung by the time he shoved his feet into his

sneakers then grabbed his wallet, the keys to the company rig, and the
rest of the stuff that normally filled his pockets. Instead of giving in to
the urge to fall back into bed and return to the dream he was having
about meeting his own Prince Charming, Chaz did the honorable
thing. He pulled up the call log on his uncle’s business phone and
punched the connect button.

The phone rang more than a few times before someone answered.

“Sex Gods. What can we do for you?” The voice was not the same as
the one who had called just moments before.

Sex Gods? The name of the business intrigued Chaz enough that

he would answer the call even if it were after midnight.

“Someone just called and screamed that he needed a plumber?”

Chaz asked, wondering if maybe the first call had been a prank by
some drunk who had punched random buttons until someone

“Yeah, that was Sully. He’s a bit crazed right now. The dressing

room is swamped. He’s back there trying to save what he can. He said
some guy called the fixologist is coming to take care of it.”

“Well, I would be on my way already, except he didn’t tell me

where you’re located,” Chaz said as he climbed into his uncle’s
oversized pickup. “Could you give me an address so I can come and
fix the problem?”

“Yeah, that sounds like Sully. He’d forget his ass if it wasn’t

attached to his body.”

After this unidentified man gave him the address and easy-to-

follow directions, Chaz promised to be there in a few minutes. He
took a moment to type the address into the truck’s GPS before starting
the truck.

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It took less than five minutes to reach the club. He pulled into a

nearly empty parking lot and remembered where he had heard the
name before. Sex Gods was the gay nightclub his uncle had fought
against and lost in a number of county planning meetings. Instead of
parking at the front door, Chaz drove around to the back of the
building. Most businesses preferred to have their business not
advertise they were having a problem that needed the fixologist’s

He pounded on the service door, but no one answered. After

pounding again, he waited a minute before walking around to the
front. As he did, he wished he had grabbed a bottle of juice out of the
refrigerator on the way through the kitchen. Maybe after he got the
water stopped this Sully guy would be kind enough to offer him a
drink. For now, his focus needed to be on getting the water stopped.

Chaz had been working side-by-side with his uncle since he was

twelve and knew as much about fixing just about anything as his only
living relative did. Six years in the Army as a mechanic and the
company’s fix-it expert had enhanced his skills. He had been
honorably discharged a year ago and come home to keep the business
running while his uncle had been laid up with a broken ankle. He had
moved back home, into his old room and right back into his life
before the military.

Now, a year later, it was as if his time in the Army had never

happened. His hypercritical bachelor uncle now trusted him enough to
cover emergency calls alone. By having Chaz home again, it allowed
him to spend more time with his girlfriend. Just two days earlier, they
had left on a two-week cruise.

Chaz, on the other hand, was miserable. For half his life now, he

had been denying who he was at a fundamental level. During his time
in the military, he lived the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” rule, even after the
military relaxed their restrictions. Now back under his uncle’s roof,
Chaz hid even deeper in the closet than he had during high school.

If only he could figure out a way to make a living without relying

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on his uncle so he could move out on his own and begin to live for
himself and not others. The only skills he had were fixing anything
that was broken, and singing.

While he had a decent voice and enjoyed singing karaoke and in

the church choir, he was convinced he would never be able to pay the
bills with his voice. And unless the tool fairy showed up in a puff of
smoke and presented him with the equipment he needed to start his
own fixologist business, he was stuck in the life of a secret, frustrated,
virgin homosexual working for slave wages and pretending he was
content with his life.

As he walked around the building, Chaz looked the building over,

checking for anything else that might need his attention. It was
difficult since the lighting around the building sucked. Maybe he
would suggest installing some floodlights to brighten up the parking
lot for added security if for no other reason.

Climbing three steps to a wide porch, he was impressed at how

homey the porch appeared. Not at all like any of the hetero clubs he
had visited with his buddies when he was in the Army.

Was it because the owners and clientele were gay? Or was there

some other reason the place had no graffiti on the walls and broken
chairs and such? The softly lit porch with its rocking chairs, wicker
couches, metal café tables, and hanging plants looked like it should be
on a beach house rather than a gay bar.

Taking a deep breath to steady suddenly jangling nerves, Chaz

opened the front door and stepped inside. Looking around, he was
amazed at how normal everything appeared. No pink frou-frou or
boas in sight. Instead, the entrance area walls were paneled with pine
boards and a tall check-in desk.

The lighting was subtle and cast shadows, which made the man

who stepped in front of him before he got three feet from the front
door look even bigger than he was. He was a head taller than Chaz’s
five ten and looked like he ate cows for breakfast.

“Sorry, we’re closing in a few minutes,” the man said, his voice

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almost as deep as Chaz’s.

“I’m not here to drink. Someone named Sully called me about a

plumbing problem,” Chaz replied, his stomach tightening with
growing nerves. Maybe he would come back another night before his
uncle returned to have a drink and check out how the other side lived.

“You’re the fixologist guy? Great name. Hang on and I’ll get

someone to show you the way back to the dressing room.” The talking
mountain turned away and spoke to someone who was no doubt on
the other end of the Bluetooth headset Chaz now saw in the bouncer’s

As he waited, Chaz eased his way closer to the doorway between

the front lobby and the main club, his curiosity overruling his
common sense.

The rustic cabin-in-the-woods theme continued in here, with wood

floors, wood walls, and black iron sconces. He also got a retro 1960s
go-go vibe from the stages that were flashing neon colors that
changed with the music.

He liked it and decided he would have to come back and check it

out as a paying customer some night before his uncle returned from
his trip.

There were a handful of male couples on the dance floor, and

nearly that many men around the rest of the room, drinking and
having intimate conversations.

A man who stepped from behind the bar caught Chaz’s attention.
“Fuck me blind,” Chaz murmured as the man headed straight

toward him. His cock slammed to attention in two heartbeats then
began to send pulses of hungry pain to his brain. If he had not already
known he was gay, this big hunk of gorgeous would have him
questioning everything he knew about himself.

The man was big, built, and beautiful, the living, breathing

representation of everything Chaz had ever dreamt about. He even
had deep red hair, a particular favorite in his fantasies and un-talked-
about wishes. If only he could step out from behind the brick wall of

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fear and silence he had built around his sexuality long enough to
admit he was gay and this was the man he wanted.

Then again, this walking advertisement for sex on a stick probably

had dozens of men, or women, panting after him. That thought had
Chaz sigh with realization that even if he could admit he was
attracted, he knew nothing about how to approach the “I’m gay and
want you” conversation. If only he could step out of the brick-walled
box of fear and silence he had built around his sexuality and admit out
loud that he was gay.

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Chapter 2

Sully Muldoon shivered as he crossed the main room of the club

toward the man looking as out of place in the club as a lamb would in
a pack of wolves. As he approached, he had to lick his lips and
swallow to keep from drooling.

The man was gorgeous with black hair, which just brushed the

tops of his shoulders, and a build that would do any Marine proud.
The black polo shirt hugged his torso like a second skin, and Sully
counted his six-pack abs. The deep tan skin of his arms, legs, and face
spoke of hours spent in the sun, not under a sunlamp.

As he approached, he wished he were not dripping wet from

trying to fix the shower on his own. This was not the best first
impression he could have made to the first man in a year that had his
cock stirring in interest. Ever since Shane had left him, saying he
worked too hard and took life too seriously, Sully had been hesitant to
date. But this hung of gorgeous manmeat was tempting him to dive
back into the water again.

That thought considering he was soaked through made him

chuckle as he closed the last few yards to where the fixologist stood
looking around like a wide-eyed schoolboy.

“You’re the fixologist?” Sully asked, sounding skeptical as he

wondered if this man was even old enough to be in the club.

“Yes, Chaz Young.” Chaz offered him a business card he had

grabbed out of the truck.

Sully thought it was cute how Chaz bit his lip, as if to keep from

saying anything further. His eyes once again wandered the room
before looking at Sully again.

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Cooper McKenzie

“Sully Muldoon. Thanks for getting here so fast. The dressing

room is this way.” When it looked like the man could not move on his
own, Sully took his wrist and turned and headed across the club,
pulling him along behind. “I don’t know what happened. It was fine
until Angelo took a shower after his set. He couldn’t get it to turn off
all the way, and it just got worse when I tried to fix it.”

He knew he sounded like a prissy girl, but he was not plumbing

inclined, unless it came attached to a hot piece of man such as the one
following him down the back hall toward the stage. He preferred satin
and lace to denim and leather, and liked his men manly and strong but
willing to let him be the boss. The fact that Chaz was shorter made it
perfect, especially if he would accept the love that Sully needed to
share with someone.

* * * *

Chaz could not help but smile as Sully continued prattling on

about things he did not understand and people he did not know. The
sexy, sexy man was at least a half a foot taller than Chaz but acted as
flustered and lost as one of the little old retired ladies who regularly
called his uncle in the evenings and were disappointed when he
showed up instead.

“Did you try turning off the supply line?” Chaz asked as they

passed an open door to what looked like an office then climbed three
steps and turned onto the backstage area.

Everyone they passed paused in their work long enough to look

him over before returning to their duties. Obviously, they trusted
Sully to deal with him.

Sully half turned and frowned at him over his shoulder. “Well,

duh, but like I said, it wouldn’t turn off.”

“Not the shower itself, did you turn off the water supply to the


This question garnered him a blank and puzzled look. It was a

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look he had seen many times before. It just meant that not only would
he be resolving their leaking shower issue, he would also teach the
Plumbing 101 crash course. He wondered if he should charge extra
for the lesson or take in trade for a pass to the club.

When they reached the backstage area, the two scantily clad

dancers who had just been performing onstage stepped through the
heavy curtains that obviously led to the stage.

“Oooo, aren’t you a cutie,” one of them said. “Want to help me

clean up, honey?”

“Uh, I don’t think so,” Chaz responded, edging closer to Sully.
“Back off, Kenny. He’s the fixologist,” the man still holding his

arm said, his tone a growling bark.

The two dancers exchanged a look before they turned and headed

in the other direction, leaving Chaz with the big man who pulled him
to the open doorway of what was obviously the dressing area. Warm,
humid air rolled through the opening, and Chaz could hear water
under pressure beating on what sounded like plastic. Looking down,
he found several towels piled at the front door along with what looked
like plastic wrap holding the water back. He nodded his approval.
Very creative way to hold the water in one room instead of having it
spread through the whole backstage area.

“The shower is at the back to the right. The tools we have are on

the counter right outside the stall. I’ve got to go pay the dancers. If
you need help, give a shout. Otherwise we’ll stay out of your way,”
Sully said.

Chaz nodded, but Sully had already turned away to follow the two

dancers across the backstage area to where several men stood in
various stages of undress. Chaz looked at the water on the floor then
to his sneakers, and decided barefoot was the way to go. After toeing
them off, he stepped over the flood barrier and made his way through
the dressing room to the shower. The air grew warmer and wetter with
each step.

Pulling aside the curtain, he found water squirting hard and fast

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from the showerhead. He followed the pipes from the showerhead,
down and across the floor to where they disappeared into a wall. He
frowned at the lack of a shutoff valve in the room. Retreating, he
walked the outside wall until he found where the pipe came through
the wall. He then followed it across the back wall to where the shutoff
valve was painted neon orange right beside where the pipe turned and
disappeared into the back wall. Turning it to the off position, he heard
the water inside the dressing room grow quiet.

“You did it! That’s wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Chaz half turned and found Sully behind him, grinning broadly.

As he straightened, he was certain the man had been checking him
out. That sent a warm shiver through him and added to the pressure of
blood filling his cock. “It’s not fixed. I just turned the water supply
off. Anyone could have done that,” Chaz said, turning his back to the
man as he tried to discreetly adjust his now-throbbing erection.

“Not everyone,” Sully said. “I didn’t even know there was such a

thing. Now, what can I do to help you fix the problem?”

Chaz froze. How was he supposed to answer that question? Was

Sully coming on to him as he had hoped for since watching him walk
across the club? Or did the man honestly want to help him fix the

* * * *

Sully watched as the man’s cheeks reddened at his intentional

double entendre. He easily read the man’s nervousness but wondered.
Was it because Chaz was hiding in the closet? Or was he straight and
afraid he might catch something just being inside the building? He
was cute and big enough that Sully would not throw his back out
kissing and hugging him like Riley with his new fiancé. Now to find
out if he was really gay or not.

“Uh, nothing for now. I think you might need to buy a new

showerhead, but let me check a couple things first,” Chaz said as he

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shifted his stance as if trying to hide the erection poking at the front of
his shorts.

“Oh, okay,” Sully said, only slightly exaggerating his


His act must have worked because Chaz immediately recanted his

statement. “I wonder if I could have something to drink? I am kind of

Sully smiled. “Sure, what would you like? Beer? Wine? A


“Just a glass of orange juice or water would be fine,” Chaz said.
“One glass of orange juice coming right up,” he said before

turning and hurrying away.

It took him longer to fetch the glass of juice from the bar because

everyone he passed wanted to know who the hot, sexy man was he
had dragged behind the bar was. When he did finally return, Chaz was
standing in the bathroom with a screwdriver and the hot water handle
in his hand.

“Here’s your juice,” Sully announced as he sloshed through the


“Thanks. I found your problem, the gaskets are worn out.”
“Can you fix them?” Sully asked as Chaz took the juice and

immediately drank down half.

When he lowered the glass, Sully had to fight to keep from

stepping close and licking at the drop that sat on his lip. He silently
moaned as he watched Chaz’s tongue pop out and wipe it away.

He was so busy getting aroused by the man’s simple, innocent

actions that he almost missed his answer. “Yeah, I should have a
couple in the truck. Is there a back door I can use so I don’t have to
walk all the way around the building again?”

“Oh, yeah, sure. This way,” Sully said.
He opened the door and held it. When Chaz passed him, he took a

breath and inhaled the sexiest combination of scents he had ever come
across, healthy male sweat and laundry soap.

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Since the backstage area and dancers were his responsibility, he

stood and watched while Chaz went to the trailer, opened the side
door, and disappeared inside. He was about to give up and go inside
to wait when the man appeared with several tools in one hand and a
small plastic bag in the other.

Sully tried once again not to appear to be watching his every

move as Chaz returned, though that was exactly what he was doing,
and from the look on Chaz’s face when their gazes met, they both
knew it. But Chaz did not look offended. Instead he looked a little
nervous but interested.

“Thanks,” Chaz said as he passed him and went straight back to

the dressing room.

Feeling as useless as teats on a billy goat, Sully followed along

behind, his eyes glued to Chaz’s tight and rounded ass cheeks covered
by the loose-fitting shorts. He licked his lips as he likened them to a
pair of apples in a sack. Back in the shower, he stood and watched as
the man took the shower handles apart then put them back together all
in the space of about five minutes.

Once he finished, Chaz stepped out of the shower. “Could you

please go turn the water back on?”

“Sure. Okay,” Sully said before he turned and walked away

adjusting his erection to a more comfortable position as he crossed the
dressing room.

He went the orange handle and turned it to the open position and

then walked back around to the dressing room door. He did not hear
any water spraying, which was a good thing.

“Your shower is fixed,” Chaz said as he stepped into view.
“Yay!” Sully said. “Thank you so much. For answering your

phone, for coming out so late on a Friday night, and for fixing the
problem. What do I owe you?” he asked as he watched Chaz dry his
feet on a towel and shove his feet back into his sneakers.

He fought down a horny grin when the man froze. He finished

putting on his sneakers before straightening and looking Chaz in the

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eye. There was real need in his eyes, though his expression seemed
strangely blank for a man who had been subtly participating in the
dance of the innuendoes just moments before.

“Um,” Chaz said as he looked around and found they were the

only ones backstage.

Needing to push for answers from the sexy man, Sully moved

until only a few inches separated them. “How about a blow job to
ease this stress you’re carrying enough so you can think?” he teased,
palming Chaz’s erection.

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Chapter 3

As warmth from Sully’s hand seeped through the thin cotton of

his shorts, Chaz’s eyes went wide as his mouth went as dry as the
deserts he had spent most of his military career in.

Say yes, his little head screamed as his big head just fizzled with

white noise. His hips pressed his erection deeper into Sully’s hand as
he licked his lips and swallowed, trying to remember how to form

Another swallow and he was finally able to whisper, “Yeah. Sure.


Chaz was not sure what he expected, but it sure as hell was not for

the big man to gracefully descend until he was on his knees and he
was rubbing his face over the cotton that covered his cock.

When Sully reached for his belt, Chaz jerked and stepped

sideways out of his reach. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

At that moment, his knees gave and he slid down the wall until his

ass hit the ground. Wrapping his arms around his legs, he dropped his
face and hid. “I’m sorry.”

“Shhh, darlin’. No need to apologize,” Sully said softly.
Chaz started but did not fight or pull away when an arm came

around to rest on his shoulders. A moment later, he was pulled so he
leaned against the big body that was sitting next to him. He sighed as
he settled perfectly into Sully’s side even in this awkward moment.
They fit together like puzzle pieces.

He forced himself to take slow deep breaths as he fought down

tears of embarrassment. He had not cried in years, not since his best
friend had been killed right next to him in the Middle East. But here

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he was, ready to cry like a baby because he could not accept the one
thing he wanted more than anything in the world, the loving care of
another man.

He did not know how long they sat there before Sully finally

broke the silence. “How about we go have a beer and talk about it?”

Chaz took a deep breath, raised his head, and nodded. “Yeah, I

think that might be a good idea.”

Sully stood easily then helped Chaz to his feet. He led the way off

the stage, down the hall, through the kitchen, and back into the main
room of the club. Stepping behind the bar, he flipped a switch and the
lights over the bar came on while leaving the rest of the room with
only a few emergency lights glowing.

“What’s your pleasure?” he asked as he moved behind the bar,

grabbing a couple of mugs then reaching under a counter and bringing
up two empty bowls. A few seconds later, he poured mixed nuts in
one and small twisty pretzels in the other.

“Whatever,” Chaz said as he rounded the bar and took a seat.
Nerves eating him, he began picking through the nuts, pulling out

the cashews and eating them one at a time.

He smiled his thanks when a mug of beer appeared in front of

him. Another was set in front of the chair beside him.

“So, you want to tell your bartender your troubles? Or would you

prefer I come around and be your friend?” Sully said as he leaned
wiped at the lower counter on his side of the bar.

“My friend,” Chaz said. My lover, his little head finished.
“Friend it is,” Sully said. Tossing the bar towel over his shoulder,

he rounded the bar to take the chair next to Chaz.

* * * *

Even after Sully settled in, Chaz remained silent. He sipped at his

beer, making a face at the taste with each mouthful. How was he to
open up and expose the secrets of his life to this man who probably

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never had a day of heartache in his life?

Finally Sully broke the silence that Chaz felt was growing tenser

by the minute. “So, do you want to talk about it?”

Chaz took another big swallow from his mug. How could anyone

drink something that tasted this foul?

“Not really, but you need to understand where I’m coming from, I

guess. It would be a helluva lot easier if you weren’t so damn cute,”
Chaz said, trying not to look at the man beside him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sully looking stunned, then

burst out laughing at the backhanded compliment. A few seconds
later, he joined in. If he was laughing, that meant Chaz would not be
getting slugged for his words.

When the laughter died away again, Chaz took another swallow of

beer, once again making a face at the taste. “Twenty-four years old
and this is the first time I’ve ever had a beer. Pretty pitiful, huh?”

Sully jerked and looked like he was fighting to swallow before he

spit out the beer he had just drunk. “How’s that? I thought most boys
got drunk for the first time before they drove a car.”

Chaz shrugged and dropped his head to intently study the foam

that floated atop the amber liquid in his cup. “I’ll start at the
beginning. Stop me when you’ve heard enough and want me to

When a hand landed on his thigh, just where his shorts ended, so

he felt skin on skin, Chaz jumped. His head flew up and turned so fast
he heard his neck pop. Sully was sitting there looking serious and
delicious enough to eat whole.

“That will never happen. Something about you has entranced me,

and I don’t think I’ll ever know enough about you.”

Not knowing what to say, Chaz nodded then turned his attention

back to his beer. “My parents died when I was eight. My dad was
drunk, again, and killed Mom and then himself. My uncle took me in
and raised me. He’s as Bible-bound as any man alive. He doesn’t
drink, swear, or curse and never married as he could not find a woman

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who lived up to his high standards. He raised me to be the same way.
I’ve known since I was thirteen that I was gay, but I’ve never told
anyone until now. Even in the Army and away from my uncle I never
said anything.”

“So you’re a virgin?” Sully asked softly.
Chaz nodded as he blinked back tears. “In so many ways. Not

only have I never been with a woman, I’ve never been with a man
either. I know nothing of being gay. I had planned to continue living
in my little bubble, working for my uncle and remaining celibate and
alone for the rest of my life. Then I walked in here tonight, saw you,
and that plan flew out the window. I want you, really I do, but I don’t
know how to…to…hell, I don’t know how to do anything.”

It did not surprise him when teardrops splashed on the shiny

wooden bar. He had been fighting down and ignoring his emotions for
so long now that he had a chance to talk to someone about all that he
did not know, his jumbled-up feelings were going to leak out of his
eyes in proof of what a real wuss he was.

The hand on his leg tightened. “Honey, you’re not stupid. You’re

just innocent. And innocence is beautiful when it comes in a package
as delectable as you,” Sully said in a warm, assuring tone that made
Chaz feel better. “And the fact that you are willing to talk about this
to me has me so turned on I’m going to have a hard time walking to
my car.”

Chaz smiled though the tears that continued to leak from his eyes.

Taking a breath, he wiped one hand across his eyes then turned his
head to look at the sexy redhead beside him. “Will you teach me?
Will you show me how to please a man? To please you?”

Sully’s smile grew warm and sexy. “I’d be honored to teach you

anything you want to know about the ways of gay. But I do have a
couple of rules, the most important one being that while you are with
me, you won’t even look at another man, much less do anything else.”

Chaz nodded quickly as his heartbeat began to pick up speed.

“That won’t be a problem. I don’t know anyone else who’s gay.

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Mostly we work for single ladies or old married couples. Uncle is
very particular about who he works for.”

“Good. The second one is that we talk. A lot. Ask questions, tell

me what you like, and don’t like, anything you’d like to try. I won’t
make fun of you or put you down. We were all where you are at one
time or another.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Chaz said, turning in his chair until they

were fully face-to-face. “And you’ll be following these same rules?”

“Absolutely.” Sully gave a little nod. “Now, to seal the deal, I

want you to kiss me.”

Chaz swallowed hard as nervous elephants began to do the polka

in his belly. “Kiss you?”

Sully smiled at him, looking understanding of his nerves. “Yes,

kiss me. Kissing is one of the first signs of affection when starting a
new relationship.”

“I know that, but—”
“Shhh, love. Just relax, and do what feels right. From there things

will flow naturally. Don’t overthink it.” Sully shifted and leaned
toward him, closing half the distance between them.

Taking a deep breath to fight the urge to hyperventilate, Chaz

eased forward, his gaze glued on Sully’s lips until he went cross-eyed.
At the last second, with their noses a fraction of an inch apart, he
realized he would have to tilt his head. After doing so, he closed his
eyes and moved in, stopping with his lips almost, but not quite,
touching Sully’s.

Could he do this? Could he give in to what his heart felt was so

right, yet his head told him was so wrong? He recognized that in the
next seconds his life would be changing, and he could almost hear his
uncle’s screams when he found out, as far in the future as Chaz could
make it. As his hesitation turned to fear, he pulled back until he could
no longer feel the heat from Sully’s cheeks against his own.

“Stop thinking so hard,” Sully whispered, “and just kiss me.”
“Can’t you kiss me first?” Chaz returned, not sure he could throw

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himself off this cliff and make the first move.

“I can if you want.”
“Yes, please.”
Chaz had barely got the words out when Sully moved. The hand

not resting on his thigh slid up his chest and around his neck. He
sighed when the fingers speared through his hair and moved around to
cup the back of his skull. In the next instant, Sully’s lips brushed over
his in butterfly soft touches. The little baby kisses covered every
millimeter of Chaz’s lips.

But Sully did not push for more than the lip-on-lip action. Chaz

realized he was giving him the choice to take things deeper or not.
While what Sully was doing was nice, Chaz wanted, no, needed more.

All at once, the sexuality that he had been denying for half his life

burst forward, demanding immediate attention and fulfillment.
Shoving the worries about whether what he was doing was right or
wrong, Chaz dropped his jaw, parted his lips, and let instinct guide
him on what to do next.

Brushing the tip of his tongue over the seam in Sully’s lips

seemed daring, but still Chaz needed more. He delved between
Sully’s lips and tasted the beer the man had been drinking. Then he
began to explore, growing braver as each racing heartbeat passed. His
need for more grew in depth and width and intensity until it was as
big as the Atlantic Ocean.

Sully responded to each move he made, but allowed Chaz to set

the pace, which made him want even more. He moaned when Sully’s
hand slowly slid up to his inner thigh then up his leg to rest on the
bulge of his erection. He wanted to learn all that this man could teach
him, experience all that could be between them, and he wanted it all
right now.

Keeping their lips locked, he eased from his chair, needing to be

closer to the bigger man. His arms slid around Sully’s middle and
across his broad, muscle-covered back. Sully seemed to understand
his need and spread his thighs to make room for Chaz to move closer.

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The hand covering his cock stayed with him, molding itself to the
flesh with only his khaki shorts separating them.

Then the hand was gone. Chaz moaned in disappointment when

Sully broke the kiss and rested his forehead on Chaz’s shoulder for a
few seconds.

“Oh. My. God, that was amazing,” the big man panted as he sat up

and pulled from Chaz’s hold. He stood, putting the barstool between
them so Chaz could not pull him back into his arms.

“Then why did you stop?” Chaz asked, then winced at the whine

in his tone.

“Because you need to do some serious thinking before this goes

any further,” Sully said. “If you’re still interested Tuesday night,
come back and see me, and we’ll talk more.”

* * * *

Pulling back was one of the hardest things Sully had ever had to

do, but Chaz needed time to think. And he needed time to cool off
before he ripped off all their clothes, threw the man over the bar, and
fucked him until neither of them could move.

“Why do I have to wait until Tuesday to come back?” Chaz

pouted. He was so cute, but Sully held back his smile of delight.

“Because the club is closed Sunday and Monday and I want to

you to have plenty of time to think things through,” Sully said,
running the back of two fingers down the side of Chaz’s face then
leaning in and kissing his cheek. “Don’t worry, love, I’ll be here, no
matter what you decide. But you have to go home now.”

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Chapter 4

The next night, Chaz stood outside Sex Gods watching other men

go in. Feeling like a girl, he compared the cargos and the only slightly
faded black T-shirt he owned that did not have a slogan on it with
what they were wearing. He was still on the rather casual end of the
dressing scale, but at least he was wearing cowboy boots and not his
worn out sneakers.

Knowing Sully was not going to be happy to see him just eighteen

hours after he had left the night before, Chaz stepped into line and
entered the club. After paying the cover charge and getting his hand
stamped, he followed the crowd into the club.

The music was rocking, there were cute men dancing on three

stages with flashing lights, and a party atmosphere going on
everywhere he looked. He scanned the crowd and started across the
room toward a man who, from the back, looked like Sully.

He was a couple of yards away when Sully grabbed a man and

hugged him tight before kissing him. Freezing in his tracks, Chaz felt
a knife enter his heart and twist sharply. Never having been in this
situation before, he was not sure what he was supposed to do, but
skulking off without a word just did not feel right.

Crossing the last few yards, Chaz grabbed Sully’s arm and jerked

him away from the man entwined around him like a kudzu vine.

“What the fuck?” the vine-like twink yelled.
Chaz ignored him and growled at Sully who stared at him as if

they had not been kissing just the night before. Was the man really
that shallow?

The pain in Chaz’s heart increased until he had a hard time just

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breathing. He fisted his hands and slid them into his pockets to keep
from punching Sully in the nose. “So this is why you didn’t want to
see me until Tuesday? Well, screw you, asshole. I may be
inexperienced, but I refuse to be part of a harem, no matter how
gorgeous you are.”

He remained focused on the anger as he turned to leave again. So

much for the twenty bucks he had just paid to get into the club.

A hand grabbing his arm in a tight grip stopped him. Half turning,

Chaz glared over his shoulder at the man who kissed like a dream.
“Let me go.” He growled.

“Not until you calm down and tell me who the fuck you think I


Chaz frowned at the man, suddenly confused. Taking a deep

breath, he swallowed. “You’re Sully Muldoon. You kissed me last
night and then told me not to come back until Tuesday night.”

The man and his vine-twink began to laugh. “No, honey, I’m not.

I’m Conor Muldoon, Sully’s twin brother, and I’ve never seen you
before in my life.”

It took a moment for the words to sink past the white noise of

anger that filled Chaz’s brain. “Conor Muldoon? Sully’s twin? You
mean you’re not Sully?”

“Nope, and you’re not the first person to make that mistake.

Thanks for not punching my lights out like the last guy did. But this
does explain a hell of a lot about his behavior.”

“Oh, shit, I’m sorry.” Chaz’s cheeks began to burn with


“Don’t worry about it, honey. Come on, I’ll walk you backstage.

You,” he said, turning to the man his other arm still held, “go to the
bar and get us drinks. Tell Riley to put it on my tab. I’ll meet you
there as soon as I get these guys squared away.”

“Okay, sugar. Don’t make me wait too long.” The other man

brushed a kiss on Conor’s lips and then walked away.

Conor watched him until he disappeared into the crowd, then

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turned and looked at Chaz. Then he slipped his hold down Chaz’s arm
to his wrist before pulling him behind him toward the front of the
room and the stages.

They slipped up the steps to the left side of the stage then around

and behind the heavy curtains. Though he could hear the music
backstage, his eardrums no longer pulsed with each drumbeat.

“Sully!” Conor called as he pulled him toward the dressing room.
Chaz blinked and pulled back to stand behind Conor when another

redhead stepped into view. “What?”

“You really need to tell your boyfriends that you’re not the only

one who looks like you,” Conor said.

“What the hell are you talking about, Conor?”
“I’m talking about this cutie pie who was about a second away

from taking my head off for hugging and kissing another man,” the
man holding his wrist said. He stepped aside so that the man he had
come to see actually saw him.

“Chaz? What are you doing here, love?” Sully asked as he crossed

to him, shoving his brother away from him.

“I needed to see you. I haven’t thought of anything but kissing

you again since I left here last night.” With that bold announcement,
Chaz closed the distance between them, wrapped his arms around
Sully, and kissed him.

He sighed as Chaz’s arms came around him, and he returned the

kiss. It grew deeper and hotter than what they had shared the night
before, but in less than a minute, Sully once again pulled away.

“Why do you keep doing that?” Chaz asked, a thread of whine

once more in his voice.

Sully smiled at him, his eyes glowing blue gems. “Because if I

didn’t, we would be naked and I would be having my way with you
right here.”

Chaz shrugged and grinned in response. “Sounds good to me.”
That easy acceptance apparently did not please his new boyfriend.

Sully frowned at him. “It’s not all right with me. I don’t share. And to

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think of someone else seeing you naked makes me crazy.”

“So you have been thinking about me?” Chaz teased as he took

Sully by the hand and led him across the backstage area toward the
back door.

“Hell, yes, I’ve been thinking of you. So much so the others were

teasing me about it,” Sully said, sounding like a lot like a sulking

Chaz nodded and pushed the back door open. After Sully followed

him through, he took a brick and set it so the back door did not close
all the way and they could get back again.

“Good,” Chaz said as he once again took Sully’s hand and led him

across the parking lot to where several SUVs and pickups were
parked. “Which one is yours?”

Sully pointed to the big white pickup sitting in the middle of the

lot. “That one. Why?”

Chaz just threw a smile over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows

mischievously. “Unlock it, please.”

As they walked toward the far side of the truck, he watched as

Sully pulled keys out of his pocket and hit a button. When they
reached the back door of the double-cab truck, Chaz opened the back
door and gestured to the seat. “Have a seat.”

The lights were bright, so Chaz opened the front door, crawled

across the front, and played with the lights until they went out. Then
he climbed out again and returned to stand in front of Sully.

“Chaz, what are you doing?”
Chaz wrapped one hand around Sully’s neck and pulled his head

forward until they were nose-to-nose. “I’m trying like hell to seduce
my boyfriend, but I don’t think I’m doing it right.”

“What makes you think that?” Sully whispered, his tone shifting

from exasperated to horny, making Chaz smile as he maintained his
position with just an inch separating their lips.

“Because you aren’t kissing me and ripping my clothes off.”
“Oh. Well. I guess you could kiss me and rip my clothes off,

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though it might be difficult to explain why I’m going back to work
naked,” Sully said before closing the distance and kissing him.

This kiss was even hotter and wilder than the previous ones they

had shared. It seemed to grow more intense by the second, until Sully
pushed his way off the seat and out of the truck without breaking the
kiss. He danced them in a half circle then impressed Chaz with his
strength by lifting him onto the seat where he had been just seconds

As soon as he was situated, Sully stepped close, forcing Chaz’s

thighs to spread to accommodate his broad chest. Still not breaking
their lip-lock, Sully’s hands stroked down his T-shirt to his waistband.
He began to fumble at the fastenings of his pants.

Growing more aroused by the second, Chaz turned his head and

ended the kiss at the same time he pushed Sully’s hands away from
his lap. Sully made a sound of protest, but by the time it registered,
Chaz had his pants open.

“There,” he whispered just before returning his lips to Sully’s.
“Mmmm,” Sully moaned as he slid his hands beneath the fabric.

He reared back in surprise and when he found Chaz had gone
commando. Looking into his lap, the big man found Chaz’s cock had
escaped and was standing up like a flagpole waiting for a salute. “Oh
shit, honey, that’s a beautiful sight.”

Chaz did not have a chance to respond before Sully bent and took

just the head of his cock between parted lips. He held the shaft gently
behind the corona between his teeth as he breathed in and out of his
mouth. The contrasting breezes, hot exhalations, and cool inhalations
had Chaz’s need for more crawling across his skin like an army of
ants on their way to a picnic.

“Sullllllllyyyyyyyyyyy,” he cried as his hips began to buck. He

was so close to the edge with just this simple touch, he was not sure
how much more he could take before he embarrassed himself.
Gritting his teeth, he panted as he tried to hold onto his composure but
could feel the orgasm gathering at the base of his spine. It felt as if his

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balls were growing bigger and bigger with each heartbeat.

Wrapping fingers tight around the base, Sully lifted his head just

long enough to say, “Come for me, honey. I want to taste you.” Then
his head dropped again and he swallowed down over half of Chaz’s
chubby erection.

When he swallowed and began to suck in earnest, Chaz’s body

spun out of control. Grabbing at the seat to keep from flying off the
planet, he pushed his cock even further into Sully’s warm mouth and
cried out as he came.

By the time his seed stopped shooting in painfully forceful jets,

Chaz could not feel anything south of his chin except the warm
wetness of Sully’s mouth as he licked and cleaned his skin before
easing off and tucking Chaz’s cock away.

Straightening, Sully looked at him in the dim light of the distant

parking lot lights. “How you feeling?” he asked, sounding unusually

Chaz huffed a chuckle as he slowly caught his breath. “I can’t feel

my toes, or my fingers, or anything else for that matter.”

Sully’s hesitant expression turned to a grin of delight. “Oh good,

that’s how you’re supposed to feel right now.”

Chaz looked at him like he was crazy. “But how am I supposed to

return the favor if I can’t move from this seat without melting into a
puddle of goo?”

Sully moved in close and pulled Chaz to lean against him as the

man recovered. “You’re not. You’re supposed to relax and enjoy the
feeling. Maybe after we close and everyone else goes home, I’ll bend
you over the bar and take my pleasure by fucking you until neither
one of us can walk.”

“Mmmm,” Chaz said as he nuzzled his face against Sully’s neck.

“Sounds like something I’d like to try.”

* * * *

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Sully licked his lips, still savoring Chaz’s flavor. The man had

come quickly, but Sully had no idea how often, or even if, Chaz had
eased his own stress by jacking off. They could talk about that, later.
For now he was happy just standing here in the parking lot, cuddling
with his sweet man.

“Sully? You out here?” a familiar voice called from the direction

of the club’s back door.

Not wanting the moment to end, but knowing he needed to get

back to work, Sully released Chaz and stepped away. “Yes, I’m out
here. What do you want?”

“Riley says to tell you that your ass needs to get back in here and

deal with the dancing boys before he fires the lot of them. Oh, and
Conor’s disappeared again.”

“Of course he has,” Sully muttered to himself before raising his

voice and calling, “Yeah, okay. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Once the man disappeared back inside, he turned to Chaz. “I’m

sorry, honey, but I’ve got to get back inside or Riley will be tearing
the place apart.”

“Okay. I’m sorry I pulled you away from work. I don’t want you

to get in any trouble.

“Don’t worry about that, sweet man. I’m part owner of the club,

so if I want to take a few minutes to be with my boyfriend I will. But I
don’t want to have to hire a new group of dancers because my brother
is an asshole when it comes to dealing with emotionally driven

“Oh, okay.”
Chaz hopped down from the truck seat and straightened his

clothes while Sully closed the truck up again. His own cock hard
enough to drill holes in steel plating, Sully took deep breaths to try
and settle himself. It was difficult, but he finally felt that he could go
back inside and not rip someone’s head off for interrupting what
could have been a very nice interlude in the parking lot. He took
Chaz’s hand, and they walked back inside.

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He wondered if Chaz would come home with him after the club

closed. Would he want to spend his Sunday-Monday weekend with
him? Or did he have fixologist jobs lined up he would need to attend
to instead?

Chaz’s job was another thing they would have to discuss, and

whether the man would like to quit being freelance and work for the
Muldoon family exclusively. But that could wait until after he had put
out whatever fire was burning backstage.

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Chapter 5

Chaz stayed in the background, sitting at a card table out of the

way. He watched in awe as Sully soothed battered egos, fixed torn
costumes, and dealt with a thousand and one details that he would
never have thought of. When someone stopped and asked if he
wanted a drink, he agreed to an unopened bottle of beer. Several
bottles appeared in a bucket of ice a few minutes later, along with a
large basket of fries covered with cheese, chives, and bacon.

Sully stopped several times as he dashed about backstage to make

sure Chaz was all right. Though he was growing a little bored, he
assured the man that he was fine. Sully would then pop a kiss on his
lips and move on to whatever new crisis needed his attention.

By the time the club closed, Chaz felt drained just watching all the

activity and the busyness of backstage. With five dancers rotating
between the three stages, how did Sully keep track of anything?

When the dancers began to emerge from the dressing room

dressed in street clothes, Chaz stood and stretched. Surely it was
quitting time for Sully as well. He wanted to take his man somewhere
private and try all sorts of the nasty things he had been fantasizing and
dreaming about for years.

Once everyone cleared out, Sully appeared, looking contrite. “I’m

so sorry, honey. Things were crazier than normal. I hope you’re not
too upset that we didn’t get to spend any time together.”

Chaz knew the man was sincere and pulled him into a hug. After a

long, deep, soul-melting kiss, he leaned back and pressed his once-
again hard cock into Sully’s powerful thigh. “I’m fine, but I am ready
to take you away to somewhere quiet where maybe we could share a

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big hot bath and some cuddling before you fuck me until neither of us
can walk straight.”

Sully groaned and grabbed Chaz’s ass. “I can get behind that plan,

but first you need to meet some people.”

Chaz took a deep breath and sighed dramatically. Then he decided

to see how much bossing around his big man would allow him. “All
right, but in about twenty minutes I’m going to start taking your
clothes off and I don’t care where we are or who’s watching.”

He felt Sully shiver in his embrace. “Sounds like a plan, my love,”

he purred before stepping back.

Chaz released him, but made a show of pulling out his phone and

setting the timer for the allotted time. Sully laughed as Chaz slid the
phone back in his pocket.

“You are just too cute,” Sully said as he took his hand and pulled

him through the curtains onto the stage, then across and down a set of
stairs to the main floor of the club.

Chaz followed him to one of the larger tables in the center of the

room. There were plates of sandwiches in the center, and his stomach
growled embarrassingly loud. The fries had been great, but he was in
need of some real food.

“Sit. Eat.” A small man with long curly brown hair who made him

feel like a giant by comparison waved him toward one of the empty
chairs across the table.

“Thanks,” Chaz said.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I should have had Paulo make you

something to eat hours ago,” Sully said, kissing his cheek and taking
the chair next to him.

“I’m fine,” Chaz assured him once again with a pat on the thigh

and a warm smile. “I’m a big boy, Sully. If I’d wanted a sandwich
before now, I could have gone to the kitchen and asked for one.”

“You’ll have to forgive Sullivan,” his look-alike said. “He is and

always had been a mother hen. Which makes him perfect to be the
backstage manager. He can deal with those divas without breaking

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hearts or heads.”

“Chaz, that is my twin brother, Conor. The other big redheaded

giant is our other brother, Riley. And the cutie next to him is Toby,
Riley’s soon-to-be husband.”

Chaz said hello and shook hands with the three men Sully

introduced. He then exchanged greetings with the others around the
table who introduced themselves by name as well as their position at
the club.

He was just finishing a third half sandwich when his hip began to

vibrate and beep. Looking at Sully, he gave the man a wicked smile.
“Time to go, sweetheart.”

Sully looked at him and blinked with confusion until he pulled his

phone from his pocket.

“Sorry, everyone, we have somewhere to be,” Sully stated too

loudly as he stood and yanked Chaz out of his seat as well.

Riley chuckled and Toby giggled while the others just looked


“Just remember we have a board meeting Tuesday morning at

nine,” Riley called after them as Chaz took over the leading and
guided Sully toward the front door.

Chaz turned his head just in time to see Sully give his brother the

middle finger salute. He laughed as they rushed out the door and to
his truck parked in the middle of the parking lot.

“From now on, you can park in back,” Sully said as Chaz clicked

the button on his key and unlocked the truck.

They climbed in and when they reached the main road, Chaz

stopped and looked across the cab. “Where do you live?”

After Sully rattled off an address, Chaz mentally mapped it before

deciding his house was closer. As he drove, he glanced at his
passenger once again.

“If you want to be able to wear those clothes again, I suggest you

get naked.”

“Here? Now?”

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“Yes,” Chaz responded.
Sully toed off his shoes before pulling his shirt over his head.

“And here I thought I was the aggressive one,” he said as he lay
across the bench seat and put his face in Chaz’s lap. Once there, he
opened his jeans before shoving them down and off.

Chaz sucked a breath at the feel of the man breathing through the

material and rubbing his cheek and nose up and down the length of
his once-again hard cock. He had to swallow twice and clear his
throat before he could even think about speaking. Then it took another
few seconds to form a coherent thought. “You might have been, but
I’m the one who sat and watched you sashay back and forth in those
ass-hugging jeans all night. All I could think about was seeing you
naked, sucking your cock, and taking a bite out of those tight, round
ass cheeks.”

As he spoke, Chaz fought for control and he turned down the

driveway to his uncle’s farm. They were almost home, and he needed
to keep things as hidden as he could from Mrs. Hancock who lived
across the way and who was the biggest gossip in three counties.

He did not stop the truck until they were hidden behind the house.

Parking as close to the back door as he could manage without running
over the deck, he threw the truck into park and turned the engine off.
After he pulled the keys from the ignition, he dropped them to the
floorboard as he had been doing since he had learned to drive.

Though the twenty-first century was all about security and locking

everything up tight, on his uncle’s land, life was about convenience.
When on their property, the keys were left in the vehicle and the
vehicle remained unlocked.

Releasing his seat belt, he jerked his own shirt over his head and

tossed it into the truck’s backseat. “Sit up, sweetheart. I want to taste
you, touch you, make you as crazy as I am feeling right now.”

* * * *

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Sully pushed himself up, moaning as Chaz’s words sent the

erection he had walked around with all night to a new level of
hardness. “I think we need to cool off a bit and take this inside.”

The light in the yard behind him illuminated the inside of the

truck just enough, he could see Chaz’s grin. “Oh, we’re not going
inside yet. We’re going swimming first.”

Since the spring night was warm, Sully did not see a problem with

that. “Where? I don’t see a pool,” he said, looking around. He saw
two barns, several other outbuildings, and the fixologist’s truck and
trailer but no swimming pool.

Chaz laughed, a delicious sound that sent shivers from Sully’s

ears straight to his heart and to his cock. “We don’t have a pool. We
have a pond out yonder,” he said, motioning behind the biggest of the
outbuildings. “It’s dark and late and no one will hear us no matter
how loud we get.”

Everything south of Sully’s belly button tightened with need.

“Well then, let’s go. I can’t wait to get you all wet and slippery.”

Chaz moaned as the two men exited the truck. Chaz took a

moment to strip off his jeans before he came around the truck. Taking
Sully’s cock in his hand like a leash, he began walking, forcing Sully
to keep up or lose a very precious body part.

Feeling the need to give as well as he was being given, Sully

reached down and wrapped his fingers around Chaz’s bobbing
erection. That action earned him a gasp and another hearty laugh as
they slowly made their way over the gravel to the grass and through
what appeared to him to be a maze of buildings. Then they were in an
open field and a dozen or so yards away from the pond that glittered
with the light from the three-quarter moon.

At the edge of the pond, they stopped and turned to each other.

Stepping together, they mashed their bodies together in a long, hard
hug as their lips came together and aggressively explored each other’s
mouths. They moaned and groaned, making sounds of aroused,
healthy men in love. Their hips canted forward, which pushed their

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cocks together, driving the arousal swirling around them even higher.
They did not feel the night air. The heat they created together drove
away the growing chill.

Finally, Sully pulled back and met the beautiful eyes of the man

he was coming to love in such a surprisingly short time. “What do
you want to do first? Swim, feel my cock in your ass, or something

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Chapter 6

As Chaz tried to come up with an answer, he took two steps back

and his gaze traveled up and down Sully’s body. Even in the
moonlight, the only word he could come up with to describe the
naked man was beautiful.

The light dusting of hair across his chest narrowed to a point just

above his navel. His happy trail began just below, leading to the first
real-life, male erection Chaz had ever seen that was not attached to his
own body. Just looking at the cock, which pointed at him like some
sort of directional finder, set his mouth to watering.

Ignoring the nagging demands of his own throbbing erection,

Chaz knelt in the grass before knee-walking closer. He did not stop
until Sully’s cock poked him in the forehead. Reaching up, he
wrapped one hand around the base. He then parted his lips as he took
the last shuffling step forward to take just the thick knob into his
mouth. Keeping his mouth open, he swirled his tongue around the
head, tasting Sully’s pre-cum. The flavor was similar to his own, yet
very different at the same time.

The sounds Sully made, and the hands which latched onto his

shoulders, assured Chaz that he must be doing something right.
Smiling to himself, he kept it up, slowly taking more and more of
Sully’s length in. When the tip hit the back of his throat and he
gagged, he backed off until his mouth was only half-filled with cock.

“Easy, honey. No need to choke yourself,” Sully assured him as

his fingers began to press into his flesh in a massaging motion.

Chaz’s response was a gentle hum, which seemed to shred Sully’s

last bit of control.

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Sully’s hips began to cant forward and back in an involuntary

thrusting as his arousal appeared to fly higher and higher. Chaz slid
his hands up the back of his man’s thighs to his ass cheeks where he
began to massage them as he sucked and licked and swallowed on the
flesh in his mouth.

Though his own erection went untouched, when Sully stiffened

and cried out with his orgasm, Chaz’s cock pulsed and expelled his
load onto the grass.

Knowing how sensitive his own cock felt after he came, he

gentled his touch, just holding the cock until the man eased from his
lips before collapsing sideways onto the ground. Feeling weak
himself, he managed to crawl over and stretch out beside Sully. The
bigger man pulled him into his arms and held tight just moments
before he relaxed into sleep.

Chaz closed his eyes and relaxed, listening to the sounds of the

night around them mix with the soft breathing of the man who held
him like a child would a teddy bear. He felt as if having him in his
arms seemed to give Sully some kind of comfort.

That was fine with Chaz. Being cradled in the big man’s arms

gave him a sense of security unlike anything he had ever felt before.

It was only a few minutes before Sully’s arms tightened around

him, giving him a taste of what he hoped was the unspoken love that
was growing between them faster than anything he had ever
experienced before. How was it possible that he should fall in love
with the first man who had touched him in a way he had yearned for
since he realized there was a difference between boys and girls? Was
this just a crush? Or could this be the real love he had been dreaming
about for so many years?

“Mmmm,” Sully murmured in his ear a few minutes later. “That

was amazing.”

“Thank you?” Chaz whispered hesitantly.
“No, honey, thank you,” Sully returned, kissing his cheek and

giving him another squeeze. “Now, how about that swim before round

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“Round two?” Chaz said as they untangled and sat up facing one


* * * *

Sully’s heart clenched at the confused look on his sweet man’s

face. “Of course, round two. I don’t plan on leaving here until I feel
your ass squeezing my cock as we both come again.”

Smiling in hopes of comforting Chaz, he leaned in and kissed him

before pushing to his feet. Reaching down, he pulled Chaz up as well,
then dragged him toward the pond. “Come on, I’ll race you to the
other side.”

Throwing himself into the water, he surged upward as soon as the

water closed around. “Damn, that’s cold!” he cried.

He heard laughter and, looking around, found Chaz still standing

on the land, laughing like a lunatic.

Then it hit him. Chaz had never wanted to go swimming. He just

wanted to bring him out here where the moon and stars and sky would
witness their loving.

Walking toward the water’s edge, Sully climbed out and began to

shiver in the cool night air. “You think it’s funny? My balls have
crawled up next to my stomach and I’m starting to shiver from
hypothermia and you’re standing there laughing at me?”

Chaz was laughing so hard he could do nothing more than shake

his head as Sully stalked closer.

Sully walked right up and wrapped himself around Chaz’s warm,

dry body. When Chaz began to yell and fight in protest, he just held
on tighter. “Not so funny, now is it, sweet Chaz?”

Not giving the man a chance to answer, Sully kissed him. It was a

long, deep mating of mouths and teeth and tongues that went a long
way toward warming Sully from the inside out.

When he finally broke the kiss, they were both panting but warm

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once more. Running one hand down his back, he slipped two fingers
between the globes of Chaz’s ass and found his back hole.

“I want you,” he murmured in Chaz’s ear as he brushed fingertips

over the puckered star. “I need you.”

Chaz freezing in his arms told more than words ever could.

“Ummm…” he responded softly.

Then he remembered Chaz’s confession. He was a virgin in all

things gay. Which meant his ass was as cherry as his cock and mouth
had been. But he had always been absolute about using condoms with
all his partners. And he refused to relax that practice just because
Chaz had never been with a man before.

Unfortunately, standing naked in the middle of a field meant he

had neither condoms nor lube within reach. And the last thing he
wanted to do was hurt his sweet, sexy, virgin god by rushing into
things without proper preparations being attended to.

“Do you have lube and condoms?” he asked even as he continued

to stroke one fingertip over his back hole before pressing gently at its

“In my room,” Chaz gasped.
“Then I think you need to show me your room, don’t you?”
“Okay,” Chaz said, brushing a kiss over his lips before stepping

out of Sully’s arms and taking his hand.

Neither man spoke as they walked hand in hand back to the house.

Sully felt Chaz’s nervousness and squeezed his hand, hoping to assure
the man. Once inside, Chaz led him through the dark kitchen and
living room to a room that seemed separated from the rest of the

At the doorway, he stopped, reached inside, and flipped on the

light. “Sorry about the mess,” he said.

Sully turned and pulled the man in for another long, deep kiss.

“Don’t worry about it,” he whispered before kissing him again and
slowly dancing them across the room.

When they reached the queen-size bed, he encouraged Chaz to

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crawl up and toward the center of the mattress. “Where’s the stuff?”
he asked as he looked down at his beautiful man.

Except for the area around his renewed arousal, Chaz’s body was

hairless. As he lay looking up at him, he looked up at Sully with an
inviting smile before pointing to a blue plastic bag on the small table
beside the head of the bed.

Sully picked up the bag, surprised at the weight. He dumped the

contents onto the table, then picked through them. “Two boxes of
condoms? Thirty-six each? And four bottles of lube?” he asked with a
chuckle. “You stocking up for the zombie apocalypse or something?”

He looked at Chaz just in time to see the man’s cheeks grow

ruddy with embarrassment. He then shrugged. “I wasn’t sure what
you might like.”

Sully laughed as he tossed one bottle of lube on the bed then open

a box and pull out the first strip of condoms he came to. “Sweet Chaz,
it doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is that you’re happy.”

Tearing one off the end of the six-pack, he quickly tore open the

plastic and smoothed the latex sheath down his cock before joining
his man on the bed.

“How do you choose?” Chaz asked, sounding confused and truly


“It’s a matter of trying different kinds and styles until you find

one you like. We’ll experiment later,” Sully said, leaning over. “But
now, if you’re okay with it, I’d like to teach you about the glorious
feeling of having a man’s cock in your ass.”

Chaz blinked before giving him a smile that glowed like the

morning sun. “Okay,” he said with a grin. “What do I have to do?”

“Pull your legs up to your chest then reach down and pull those

luscious cheeks apart. Then just relax and enjoy,” Sully said as he
moved to kneel beside Chaz’s hip.

As Chaz moved into position, Sully opened the lube and liberally

coated his fingers before setting the lube on the mattress within easy

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“Okay, honey, take deep breaths and relax,” he instructed as he

spread the lube on his fingers around and over Chaz’s back hole
before slowly pressing a single fingertip through the muscled
opening. “Tell me if anything I do scares you, you hurt, or you want
to stop. You’re in charge here, sweetness.”

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Chapter 7

Though he knew Sully’s words were meant to comfort him, Chaz

grew more nervous. He was lying in a position where he was
comfortable, yet unable to easily move away even he wanted to. And,
he admitted to himself, he didn’t want to. He needed what Sully was
about to do to him more than the big man wanted to do it.

Looking up into beautiful blue eyes, he took a deep breath and

tried to relax as he nodded. “Do it.”

His verbalizing permission seemed to have the opposite effect on

Sully than he intended. Instead of going forward with whatever it was
he was about to do to Chaz’s ass, the big man retreated and moved off
the bed and began to pace the small around the bed.

“Shhh, it’s all right. It’s just that I tend to forget that you’ve never

done any of this before,” he replied as he reached the hall doorway
and turned to smile at Chaz. “Are you sure you want to do this? I
mean, here, now, like this?”

Chaz put his legs down and slowly sat up, his heart squeezing

tight with disappointment that Sully was so far away. “I don’t
understand. What do you mean? Don’t you want me anymore?”

“Oh, shit no, handsome. That’s not it at all.” Sully hurried to the

bed, sat down on the side, and pulled Chaz into his arms. “I just want
you to be sure this is what you want. Haven’t you ever had any
dreams about how your first time would go? Don’t you want me to
romance you?”

Chaz’s frown deepened as confusion set in. “Romance me? You

mean like bring me flowers and candies and that crazy shit women

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Sully laughed and bussed a kiss on the top of Chaz’s head as he

hugged him tight. “Something like that. Take you out to dinner.
Introduce you to my family. Maybe bring you a pizza and a six-pack
of beer instead of flowers and candies, but yes, romance you.”

Chaz began to chuckle as he maneuvered one hand between them

to reach for Sully’s cock. “Since we’re both naked and horny, don’t
you think it’s a little late for romance? What I want right now is to
feel this baseball bat you call a cock take my cherry.”

Not sure how he knew, but sensing Sully needed more play in his

life, Chaz shifted and began to wrestle with the bigger man. It took a
second for Sully to catch on to his intention, but then the match was
on. It ended in less than two minutes with Sully pinned to the middle
of the bed panting and unable to move with Chaz on top of him
grinning in triumph.

“Haven’t lost my edge,” he said proudly.
“High school wrestling?” Sully asked as Chaz began to kiss his

way across the front of Sully’s shoulder to the center of his chest and
then downward.

“Among other things,” Chaz said with a smirk.
“Hmmm, I’ll have to remember that,” Sully replied before sighing

as Chaz licked at one nipple then moved over to the other.

“You do that. But right now I need you to fuck me, please,” Chaz


* * * *

Sully hesitated for a moment, seeing the need in his man’s deep-

brown eyes. Only when he nodded in agreement did Chaz roll off him
and allow him to sit up again.

“All right, sweet honey. Get on your hands and knees and show

me that delicious ass of yours.”

As Chaz scrambled to move into position, Sully found the lube

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again and reapplied it to his fingers. Then he slid one finger into
Chaz’s ass, followed a minute later by a second one. He fucked them
in and out, twisting them back and forth with each sliding motion as
the muscles stretched and eased their hold on his digits.

He moved as quickly as he dared, always intently listening at the

sounds Chaz was making as he stretched the muscles and prepared
him. At three fingers Chaz stiffened. Sully moved slowly, twisting his
fingertips in the tight channel, then sliding them in another fraction of
an inch until Chaz’s sucking breaths turned to moans of need.

“Please, Sully, now. I need you,” Chaz gasped as his body began

to shift back and forth in response to the finger fucking he was

Keeping control of his own need by a thread, Sully eased his

fingers from Chaz’s ass. “All right, baby, roll over and pull your legs
up like before,” he ordered softly.

By the time he had spread a good amount of slick to the condom,

Chaz was in position and watching him with wide, need-filled eyes.
He moved so he was kneeling over the man. Leaning down, he kissed
him as he fit the head of his cock to the Chaz’s back hole.

“Breathe deep and try to relax, honey,” he said as he pushed

forward until the head of his cock popped through the tight rings of

“Oh, shit,” Chaz gasped when he stopped with just that much

inside his tight channel.

Sully had to take a few deep breaths himself to keep his

composure and not just plow deep on the first thrust. When he felt he
could move without slamming home, he opened his eyes and looked
down at his man. “Ready for some more?”

Chaz’s smile set his heart to pounding. “Oh God, yes. I want it


“And so you shall, my love. Every inch.”
With that he began to move, slowly pushing deeper on each gentle

inward stroke. He fought to keep himself under control as he plowed

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deeper and deeper until he was fully embedded in Chaz’s tightly
clutching heat.

He was panting with the effort to hold back and everything south

of his chin was tense and trying to hold back the orgasm.

“So full,” Chaz moaned. “But I need more. Please, Sully, give it to


“All right, baby. Hold onto those legs so they don’t fly off.” Sully

smiled as he took hold of Chaz’s hips and began to slowly stroke in
and out.

He could see the pleasure welling up in Chaz as his own needs

grew more urgent. Shifting the angle of his thrusts, he grinned when
Chaz cried out. That was the spot. He thrust a few more times, his
own release barreling through his body.

“Come for me, honey,” he cried as his balls drew up tight and the

tingle raced from there up the length of his cock. “Come with me.”

Chaz cried out and came as his hips pushed as tight against Chaz’s

body as he could get them. They pushed even more, trying to go even
deeper as he roared with his own release. It felt as if every ounce of
his life’s essence left his body and filled the thin latex sheath that
separated him from the man he was coming to love, no matter how
little he knew about him.

And with that essence went his strength. Gasping for breath, he

separated from his man then collapsed beside him. He had just
enough strength to whisper “Love you” as he pulled Chaz into his
arms before the black veil dropped over him and he slept.

* * * *

Chaz lay stunned at the light, floaty, bone-melting relaxation he

felt. He felt amazing. Beyond amazing. There was no word to
describe how good he felt at that moment.

Sure, his belly was covered with his own spend, Sully was softly

snoring in his ear instead of telling him how amazing they were

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together, and he might not be able to walk in the morning, but at that
moment, he felt too good to worry about tomorrow.

Closing his eyes, he followed Sully into dreamland.

* * * *

The sound of his cellphone ringing hours later woke him, but

Chaz refused to leave the warm, comfortable place he was floating to
answer it. If it was important, they would leave a message. A moment
later the business cell rang, but he did not move to answer that one

“Shouldn’t you get that?” Sully asked, his voice soft and low and

so sexy that Chaz’s cock began to stiffen just from the sound of it.

“Whoever it is can leave a message and I’ll call them back when I


“Return? Where are you?”
Chaz reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that it was light outside.

Then he thought about Sully’s question. He licked his lips and
swallowed as he formulated his answer. “I’m floating on a cloud with
the man who has taught me the truth of myself. We are far away and
can’t be bothered by mundane things like overflowing toilets or
lightbulbs that need to be changed. Especially at”—he looked across
the room at the clock on his dresser—“ten forty-three on a Sunday

“Uh-huh,” Sully said as he pulled from where he was wrapped

around Chaz and sat up. “Damn, I wish I’d taken care of this last
night.” As he spoke, he carefully eased the condom from his cock.

Chaz laughed as he scratched at an itchy spot on his belly and

found his own dried seed covering the skin. “Yeah, we did crash
pretty hard. How about a shower and some breakfast?”

Sully stood and headed to the bathroom. “Sounds great. Then I’m

going to have to get back to the club. I’ve got some work to do for a
meeting on Monday morning.”

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Though he had hoped Sully would spend the day, he understood.

The man had a life and obligations he knew nothing about. He fought
a sad sinking feeling that though Sully had taken his virginity the
night before, this was hardly going to be the long-term love affair
Chaz might have secretly wished for.

Rolling out of bed so his back was to the big sexy man, he

grabbed a pair of dirty shorts from the floor. “Why don’t you get your
shower and I’ll start the coffee then get our clothes out of the truck.”

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Chapter 8

After dropping Sully off at the club two hours later, Chaz returned

home, feeling alone and lonelier than ever before. He barely knew the
man but wished he could have stayed, watched him work, talked to
him about anything and everything, just to not have to come home

He heard the business cell ringing as he walked through the back

door. Still not feeling like he wanted to work, Chaz decided to ignore
it. If it was really important, they would leave a message. He slowly
walked to his room and picked both his personal cell and the business
cell up from where he had left them before going to the club the night

Both had lights blinking indicating messages. Carrying them to

the kitchen, he found a pad and paper and settled in to take notes.
Picking up the business phone, he called into voice mail and listened
to the four messages that had been recorded since the evening before.

The first three were from longtime widow lady customers asking

for someone to call about helping them prepare for the storm.

“What storm?” he asked as he made notes of names and phone

calls before looking across the living room at the big screen his uncle
had bought for himself for Christmas the year before.

As the third lady rambled on, he found the remote and turned the

television on, tuning to the channel that provided around the clock
weather coverage.

“Where the hell are you, and why aren’t you answering this

phone?” His uncle yelling into the phone nearly blasted his eardrum
out as the fourth message began. “You’d better be prepping the farm

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and our customers for this storm and not just sitting around scratching
your ass and playing video games. We’ll be home tonight, but in the
meantime you need to…”

Having been through many tropical storms and hurricanes, Chaz

knew what to do. Water, food, and emergency supplies needed to be
checked on and restocked if needed. The three ladies who called
needed to be checked on and helped as needed. Then he needed to put
the trailer and anything else that was not nailed down in the barn,
leaving enough room for the work truck. His truck would be parked
under the lean-to next to barn where the few pigs and chickens his
uncle kept would be secured.

Listening to the meteorologist, he calculated he had about ten

hours to get it all done. By himself.

Digging through his wallet, he pulled out the card he had picked

up at the club on his first visit in order to bill them for the plumbing
work. Reading the card, he chuckled as he punched the number into
his phone. “One-eight-hundred-SEX-GODS,” he muttered.

But Sully did not answer even though he said he would be at the

club all day doing paperwork. After waiting through a long
convoluted message about hours and days the club was open, he
finally got to the answering machine.

“This is for Sully. I won’t be able to see you until after the storm

is over. Then it may be awhile, depending on how much damage
occurs. Stay safe and call me if you get a chance. Oh, this is Chaz.”
After leaving his personal cell number, he hung up with a sad sigh.

Pocketing both phones, he turned his mind to business. Going to

his uncle’s office and grabbed a clipboard, spare pad of paper, and
several pens. He would need to keep track of what chores he did for
which customer and how long each call took so his uncle could
properly bill the customers for them later.

Knowing it was going to be a long day, Chaz stopped in the

kitchen long enough to make a couple of sandwiches and fill a cooler
with ice and a bunch of water and sports drinks. After hitching up the

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equipment trailer to his uncle’s truck, he went to work.

* * * *

Sully listened to the message, swearing that he had decided

finding a state tax form was more important than answering the
phone. As the message ended, he swore again as he frantically
searched for a pen to write down Chaz’s number. Though he still had
the business number in his phone, he wanted his honey’s personal
number instead.

After finding a pen, he played the message again. This time he

listened and tried not to drool over the sound of Chaz’s voice on the
recording. He wrote down the number then erased the message. After
plugging the number into his phone and saving it under Chaz’s name,
he crumpled the scrap of paper and tossed it away as well. If his
brothers knew he had found a man to love, they would razz him until
the end of time.

As it was, they knew too much about his business. Of course, with

the family being in business together, everyone knew everything
about everyone else’s business anyway, but for now he wanted to
keep his feelings for Chaz to himself.

Then something Chaz had said got past the luscious sound of the

man’s voice. Storm. A storm was coming. Turning to his computer,
he went on the Internet and found out that the storm Chaz was talking
about was more than just rain or hail. If it was a few weeks later in the
year, it would be categorized as a hurricane, but since it was only
April, it was being called a subtropical storm. And its current
projected track would carry the worst of it right up Main Street in
about twenty-four hours.

“Holy fuck,” he muttered just as Riley, Toby, and Conor walked

into the room.

“Oh, good, you’ve heard,” Riley said. “We have a shit ton of work

to do and not much time to do it in. Think you can call your fixologist

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and get us at the top of his list for cleanup afterward?”

Sully nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Also see if he does landscaping, yard work, and that kind of

stuff. Mom’s hinting about wanting to redo her yard again,” Conor

The three brothers groaned in unison at that announcement. Every

time their mother decided to do something around her house, the
brothers ended up doing the grunt work. They would never deny their
mother anything, but if they could hire someone to do the heavy
lifting, it would be well worth whatever they would have to pay.

“I’ll talk to him. In the meantime, we need a plan. On how to get

the businesses and houses ready for this storm,” Sully said, needing to
move the conversation away from Chaz. Otherwise, he would say
screw their own preparations and go help his man get his customers
ready for the storm.

It took only a few minutes to make a list and divide up the work.

As soon as that was accomplished, Sully grabbed Conor and said,
“Let’s go.”

“What’s the rush? We have plenty of time,” his twin said with a


Being twins they had often able to read each other’s minds, but

Sully knew his brother had no idea that Sully’s mind was focused on
getting everything done so he could go and help Chaz. With any luck
they would finish up just in time to be trapped together in the storm.

“I’ve got someplace to be and it’s not here schlepping furniture

with you all day,” he said.

As Conor chuckled at his impatience, Sully dragged him through

the club’s main room and toward the front doors. After unlocking and
propping the doors open, they began moving the tables and chairs
from the porch inside. Once they finished, they checked around to
make sure there was nothing lying around the parking lot that might
get picked up by the wind.

Once they finished, they climbed in their separate SUVs and

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headed to the duplex they had bought when they had moved to town a
few years earlier. By the time they finished there, Sully was in such a
worried state that even Conor, who was usually oblivious to
emotional things, knew something was really wrong.

“Go to him,” Conor said as they headed to their vehicles for the

trip to their mother’s house. They were to meet up with Riley and
Toby to secure things there before separating and returning to the club
and riding out the storm there.

“Yes. Your mind is wherever he is, so go to him. I’d say bring

him to the club, but only if you want Mom to ask him his intentions,”
Conor said before turning and heading to his own truck.

Suddenly Sully’s mood did a complete turnaround. Until that

second he had been anxious and nervous about Chaz’s safety. Now he
was elated at being able to go and find his man. But as he pulled out
his phone to call Chaz, nervousness overshadowed the joy.

Would Chaz want him?
His finger twitched over the phone’s screen, hitting the connect

button. Though he was tempted to disconnect, instead Sully lifted the
phone to his ear and listened to it ring.

“Hello?” Chaz’s deep voice sounded so good that Sully was not

surprised when his cock began to inflate just from that single word.

“Hey, honey. I was wondering if you needed some help?”
“Sully,” Chaz breathed as if relieved to hear his voice. “I would

love some help. I’m only about half done with the second customer’s
house and don’t think I’ll ever finish up.”

“Where are you?”
After Chaz gave him the address, Sully plugged it into his GPS.

“I’ll be there in about ten minutes. You need anything? Food, water,
hot sex?”

Though his offer was only half in jest, Chaz’s chuckle made his

heart zing. “While that last one sounds most tempting, I’ll have to
pass. For now.”

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“Okay,” Sully said, dropping his voice and adding what he hoped

was a sexy purr to it. “Just let me know when and I’ll be happy to
oblige you. See you in a few.”

“Oh, shit, don’t talk like that. I have too much work left to do to

be walking around with a hard-on. Besides, these ladies might take it
the wrong way.”

Before Sully could respond, Chaz had cut the connection. Starting

his SUV, Sully mapped out the directions then started driving.

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Chapter 9

By the time the light began to wane as night eased over the land,

Chaz and Sully had finished with everything on Chaz’s list, both for
his uncle’s clients as well as on their farm. The wind was beginning to
pick up when Chaz backed the work pickup and attached trailer into
the barn. He parked, climbed out, and locked it as Sully watched from
just outside the bar.

Walking as far as the barn doorway, Chaz lifted a hand and used

two fingers to make a “come here” gesture as he smiled at Sully.

“Yes?” Sully swaggered closer, looking so sexy that Chaz had a

hard time keeping his hands to himself.

“Ever make love in a hayloft?” he asked as he slipped a hand

down the front of Sully’s jeans. One finger brushed against an
obviously hard cock as he pulled the man close enough their chests

Sully’s eyes sparkled even in the dimming light of dusk. “Can’t

say that I have.”

“Me either. Want to try?”
“Shouldn’t we go somewhere safe and wait out the storm?”
“This barn is probably as safe as any building in town. It’s stood

up for more than fifty years and never even had a leak after a storm, at
least that’s the way my uncle tells it.”

“We’ll need supplies,” Sully said, obviously trying to be the voice

of reason.

“There’s a storeroom in the back with cases of water, food, toilet

paper, and other emergency supplies,” Chaz said, leaning in for a kiss.

The first kiss led to a second and then a third, each longer and

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deeper than the one before. The sound of a car engine and tires
crunching down the driveway broke through the fog of need that was
quickly filling Chaz’s brain.

Breaking the kiss, he swore softly as he pulled Sully with him

away from the doorway and deeper into the shadows.

“What’s up?” Sully asked as he tried to look back.
“My uncle’s home, and he’s the original homophobic redneck,”

Chaz whispered. “Stay here. I’ll take him into the house and keep him
occupied so you can get away.”

Panic shot through him when it looked like Sully was going to

argue with him. “Please? I’ll explain it all to you later, but right now
he can’t see you.”

Sully looked hurt and confused but nodded. “All right, honey. I’ll

be at the club with my family waiting out the storm. Come there and
join us if you can get away from here. Maybe we can sneak up into
the attic and make love while pretending we’re in the hayloft.”

“Thanks, Sully. I’ll make it up to you, somehow,” Chaz said with

a relieved sigh. After brushing a kiss on his man’s cheek, he left the
barn to face the last man in the world he wanted to see at that

It took a bit of fast talking on his part, but he was able to guide his

uncle inside the house instead of letting him go out to the barn. As his
uncle carried his suitcases to his room, Chaz watched Sully cross to
his SUV and drive out of the yard. Knowing Sully was not happy at
being treated like a back ally rent boy but loving him for going along
with Chaz made him a little careless while recounting what all they
had accomplished that afternoon.

“Who the hell is this we you keep talking about?” his uncle

demanded when he finished recounting how they had prepared not
only the farm, but also three of his uncle’s clients’ houses. “You
know you’re not supposed to have friends hanging out while you’re

His uncle spouting the rule that he had put in place when Chaz

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was a teenager brought everything into diamond-sharp focus. His
uncle still saw him as the fifteen-year-old boy who one hot summer
afternoon had asked a friend to come visit while he did his chores.

He had hurried through his duties, doing an admittedly half-assed,

teenager-in-a-hurry job, so they could spend some time swimming in
the pond before his friend had to go home. That night, when his uncle
inspected his work as he always did, he spent over an hour lecturing
him about responsibilities and attention to detail before announcing
that Chaz was forbidden from having friends over while he worked.

In that moment, Chaz realized that to his uncle he was still that

fifteen-year-old boy who had fucked up one afternoon. With that
realization, years of unrecognized anger and resentment at hiding his
real self from his only family member exploded.

“If Sully had not been with me to help this afternoon, I would still

be at Mrs. Hensley’s house and nothing around here would have
gotten done. And he is much, much more than a friend. Sully
Muldoon is the man I love with all my heart and soul.”

The shouted announcement stunned him almost as much as it did

his uncle. Chaz froze as he thought over his words. Yes, he did love
Sully, and as soon as he could get to him, he planned on telling him
so. The fact that he had come out to his uncle in such a fashion
shocked him almost as much.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, he did not notice his uncle’s

response to his statement. Not until a fist slammed into the side of his

“Noooooo,” the man screamed as his fists began to beat on Chaz.

“I will not have you thinking you’re one of those panty-waisted girly
boys. I won’t have it. Take it back ’cause if you don’t I’m gonna beat
it out of you.”

The blows were coming so hard and fast, Chaz could not defend

himself. The pain and punches to his head, chest, and body took the
starch out of him, and he fell to his knees. Then his attacker began to
kick at him until he was gasping with breath from the exertion. Chaz

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ended up curled into a ball on the ground, barely hanging onto
consciousness while protecting what he could from his uncle’s wrath.

The man finally stopped with one last kick, catching Chaz in the

stomach. “You are not gay!” he shouted.

Chaz could not respond as he lay there fighting for each breath

and to stay this side of conscious. He listened as the man stomped
through the house to the kitchen door. His tirade had changed. He
now raged about having to go out in the storm to make sure the farm
really was prepared or if he would have to fix what Chaz had fucked
as he had that day nearly a decade before.

Once the back door slammed shut, Chaz took deep breaths as he

clung to consciousness. Slowly pushing to his feet and using furniture
and walls to maintain his balance, he made his way to his bedroom.
Going to his closet, he found his Army duffel bag stuffed in the back
on top of a couple of boxes of childhood memorabilia.

Though it only a few minutes to fill it with his clothes and

toiletries, it felt like it was much longer. He did not bother to separate
the clean clothes from dirty. He just wanted to get packed and get out
before his uncle returned and started on him again. The last thing he
added was his computer tablet along with the charger for it and his
phone, and the condoms and lube supplies he and Sully had not used.

Breathing heavily and wincing with every step, he dragged the

bag behind him toward the front door. Since he had not yet moved his
truck from earlier, it was parked in front of the house. He struggled
but finally loaded his belongings in the passenger’s seat. Going
around the front to the driver’s side, he painfully pulled himself up
into the driver’s seat.

Only his military training and discipline kept him moving

forward. He started the truck and pulled out of the yard without a
backward glance. Though he would have liked to have taken a few
more things with him, he knew he would never be returning to the
house of his childhood that had at one time been a sanctuary but later
had transformed into a sort of hell.

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He drove to Sex Gods slowly, taking care with each movement he

made. Through the darkness, he watched small branches and yard
debris fly across the road in front of him and deduced the weather was
deteriorating faster than the experts had predicted. Focusing on things
beyond himself, he was able to stay conscious and not focused on the

Pulling into the club’s parking lot, he parked as close to side of

the big block building as he could get. Then, fighting the need to
scream, or pass out, he climbed out and fought to stay on his feet.
Taking a deep breath, he moaned at the pain that shot through his ribs.
Noting that he probably should not do that again, Chaz marched to the
front door with his teeth gritted tight and tears flowing down his
bruised cheeks.

“Please, God, let someone hear,” he whispered.
He lifted one arm and pounded on the door. The knock sounded

weak to his own ears. How was anyone inside going to hear? With the
last of his strength he lifted a foot and kicked at it several times. Then
he slowly slid down the door and just worked on breathing and
holding back the blackness that blurred the edges of his vision.

Though barely conscious, he heard the door’s lock disengage and

then a deep, familiar voice said, “What the fuck? Hey I need help out

Opening his eyes, Chaz dropped his head back and looked up, up,

up into a pair of beautiful blue eyes. “I’m sorry,” he moaned just
before the darkness closed around him and carried him away.

* * * *

In the hour since arriving at the club, Sully had not been able to

keep still. Something was definitely wrong between Chaz and his
uncle. Something Sully could not define but it had to do with him and
his budding relationship with Chaz. Once again, as he had a hundred
times since driving away from the farm, he wondered if maybe he

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should have stayed and met the man who Chaz seemed afraid of.

“Would it help if you went out there and got him?” Toby said as

he fell into step beside him on his next pass around the room. “I’ll go
with you if you need backup.”

Sully heaved a sigh and shrugged. Then the rest of what his

brother’s fiancé said sunk in. Turning and looking at the man, he
chuckled. Toby was small and delicate and the last thing he might
need in a brawl even though his heart was as big as his body.

“I don’t think that will be necessary. I just have to be patient.

Chaz will work this thing out on his own. I just have a really bad
feeling about it.”

“All right, but if you change your mind, I’m here and willing to

kick some ass for my brother-in-law-to-be,” Toby said, striking a pose
that made him look like a childlike Hulk Hogan, which only made
Sully laugh harder.

“I’ll remember that,” Sully said as he turned and changed the

trajectory of his pacing. Passing in front of the bar, he wondered if it
was too early to start drinking. After all, the sun was down and a big
storm was brewing.

Reaching for the door to the beer cooler, he stopped when he

heard an odd thumping sound coming from the front of the building.
He looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard it, but it
appeared no one else had.

His mother and sister had corralled Toby and Riley to discuss

their upcoming nuptials. His brother looked like a trapped animal
ready to gnaw off his leg to get away. Conor was on the stage,
moving through a Tai Chi routine. He looking quite calm and relaxed
despite Sully’s anxiety that he had to be feeling. Maybe that was why
he was working out.

Sully would join him in a few minutes. First, he wanted to check

out what had caused the thumping noise. At the front door, he flipped
on the porch lights and looked around, gasping when he saw Chaz
crumpled on the floor and leaning against the door.

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“Hey, I need some help out here,” he hollered over his shoulder as

he fumbled with the lock on the door.

He stepped outside and was stunned at Chaz’s battered and

bloodied appearance.

His man crushed him when he looked up with sadness in his dark

brown eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry.” Sully heard the man’s words
over the howl of the wind before Chaz’s eyes rolled up in his head
and he went completely limp.

“What the fuck?” Conor joined him on the porch.
“Help me get him inside,” Sully said.
The twins carefully lifted the injured man between them and

carried him inside. As soon as they appeared in the doorway to the
main room of the club, the others stopped what they were doing and
hurried over.

“I’ll get the first aid kit,” Toby said, racing behind the bar to the

kitchen and office beyond where they kept one well stocked and ready
for anything.

“Kylie, get me a pan of warm water and some clean bar towels.”

Maureen Muldoon, their mother, took one look at Chaz and began
issuing orders like a general. “Riley, pull those tables together. Bring
him over here and lift him onto the table.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to just lay him on the floor?” Sully asked,

wincing sympathetically when Chaz moaned softly.

His mother sent him a half-amused, half-exasperated look. “I

refuse to crawl around on the floor tending to the boy. Now do as I
say. Then you might want to go out and check on his vehicle, see if he
has any clothes in his truck to change into once we get him cleaned

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Chapter 10

After retrieving Chaz’s keys from his pocket, Sully move his truck

to the back parking lot with the other vehicles then brought his duffel
bag into the club. Then he helped his mother tend to his lover. To
keep the others from standing around gawking, she sent them to set up
the stage area as a bedroom of sorts with camping cots, air mattresses,
sleeping bags, and blankets.

She did not make any comments other than tsk-tsk over Chaz’s

cuts and bruises until they were redressing the man. Then she voiced
the sentiment that Sully had been wrestling with since the first time he
had seen Chaz.

“He’s the one,” she said, not so much a question as an


“Yes, I think he is,” Sully admitted softly. “I just hope he feels the

same way.”

“Oh he does. And if he doesn’t yet, he will soon,” Maureen

Muldoon assured him. “After all, he came here, to you, instead of
going to the hospital as he probably should have. And that’s the way
it always has been with the Muldoons. Your father knew the moment
he saw me that I was the woman for him, and we were married two
weeks later despite the feelings of our families. Riley and Toby were
the same way even if Riley refuses to admit it. Instant, deep, and
lasting love is your heritage, son.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Sully said. “I just need to know who I’m going to

have to beat the shit out of for hurting my sweet Chaz.”

“No,” Chaz whispered just loud enough to draw Sully’s attention

from pulling socks on his long, sexy feet.

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“Chaz.” Sully put his foot down and hurried to bend over him

until they were nose-to-nose. “Who did this? Who hurt you?”

“He’s not important any longer. Leave it be,” Chaz said through

gritted teeth. He then tried to sit up, but moaned loudly and held his
side as he collapsed back onto the table.

“No, dear, you need to lay still and rest.” Maureen laid her hand

on his shoulder to keep him from trying again. “You’re battered and
bruised and going to be very sore for the next week or so, but I don’t
think there are any broken bones.”

Sully looked across the table at his mother, who was giving him a

pointed look. “Chaz, this is my mother, Maureen Muldoon. Mom, this
is Chaz Young.”

“Hello,” Chaz said softly, turning his head to look up at the older

woman who had the same red hair as her son, though streaked with
strands of white.

“Welcome to the family, Chaz,” Maureen said with a motherly

smile and gentle pat on his shoulder. “I’m going to go and fix you
some soup. You stay right there and rest while Sully fusses over you.
Later we’ll move you up to the bedroom.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Chaz said with a small smile. When she left he

turned his head, directing his attention toward Sully. “I’m sorry.”

The apology caught Sully completely off guard. “What are you

sorry for, honey?”

He leaned down and brushed a kiss over Chaz’s forehead, hoping

to take away the anxious look in his love’s eyes.

“I hurt you when I sent you away,” Chaz said. “But I didn’t want

you to end up like this, or worse.”

Sully blinked back sudden tears and smiled at his man. “I was

more worried about you than hurt. I had a feeling I should have
stayed. But I am very relieved that you came here, to me, to us,
instead of going somewhere to strangers or staying where you were.”

The single tear that spilled out of Chaz’s left eye and rolled down

the side of his head into his hair stabbed at Sully’s heart.

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“Shhh, honey. Don’t cry. We’ll work everything out.” Sully

frowned with Chaz began to move his head side to side in a negative
motion. “Why not?”

“I can’t go back there. Which means that not only am I homeless

with nothing but a duffel bag of my stuff to my name, I also don’t
have a job or tools to start my own fixologist business.

“Oh, honey, don’t worry. It will be all right. And you’re not

homeless. You can move in with me. Or you can stay with Mom until
you get on your feet. Like Mom said, you’re family now. And in our
family, we take care of one another in good times and bad.”

Chaz remained silent as he appeared to think through what Sully

had said. Then he looked troubled as he whispered. “But, Sully, I’m
not sure I want to be your brother.”

That statement punched a quarter-size hole of hurt into the

helium-filled balloon Sully’s heart had become.

“You don’t want to be my brother? Why not, honey?”
The unbruised side of Chaz’s mouth twitched and lifted in a half

smile. “Because what I feel for you is not at all brotherly.”

Sully chuckled at the sentiment and gently brushed a kiss over that

turned up side of his mouth. “That’s good because I don’t feel all that
brotherly toward you either.”

Chaz chuckled then winced. “Help me up, please. This table was

not made for lying on.”

Sully helped him to sit up then stand. Allowing Chaz to set the

pace, they walked to the booths that lined one wall. After pulling the
table out of the way, he helped the injured man lie down then dragged
a chair over for him to rest his feet and lower legs that extended out of
the booth on.

By the time Maureen returned a few minutes later with soup,

sandwiches, and juice, Chaz was covered up with a blanket and

“He moved,” she stated with a frown that said she was not pleased

that her orders had been disobeyed.

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“The table hurt him,” Sully said. “But he moved easy enough with

no major pains and I was right there beside him the whole time.”

Maureen harrumphed then set the tray of food on a nearby table.

“You let him sleep and no fooling around for you two for at least
three days,” she admonished even as she pulled Sully down to kiss his

“Yes, Mom,” Sully said, though he had a feeling it would be

longer than three days before Chaz would be up to doing anything

* * * *

The storm raged around them for four days, and Chaz slept

through most of it. When he was awake, his caregivers, Sully and
Maureen, refused to allow him to do anything more strenuous than
walk to the restroom and eat. Once the storm passed, the Muldoon
brothers were preparing to head outside and see what damage the high
winds and torrential rains had inflicted on the club and their vehicles.

When Chaz demanded to go with them, Maureen stepped in front

of him, keeping him from leaving the booth, which he and Sully had
made their own little home away from home. “No, you will not go
outside. You’re injured and need to rest.”

“Mrs. Muldoon, I’m sore, but I’m fine and I can at least go out

and help,” he argued. “You have all been so kind, taking me in and
taking care of me, but I need to go out there. I’ll be able to see things
that your sons won’t realize they’re even looking at.”

He smiled when she sighed and nodded before stepping aside.

Brushing a kiss on her cheek, he whispered, “Thank you for caring so
much about me.”

She looked like she wanted to respond, but instead waved her

hands in a shooing motion. “Oh, all right, go on with you. But be
careful. Sully, don’t let him get too tired.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Chaz and Sully said in unison before looking at

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each other and bursting into deep male laughter.

Once they were outside the front door, Sully stopped him. “Are

you sure you’re up for this?”

Chaz nodded. “I’m sore, but I think that is as much from not

moving as it is from the bruises. I need to get out and move. I promise
I’ll take it slow, but I’m not used to lying around doing nothing.”

“All right.” Sully gave in easy enough. “Just save some strength

for later, okay, hot stuff?”

“Oh? Do you have something planned for later?”
Chaz moved so they were face-to-face then pressed his lower

body into Sully’s. Though his cock had been anything but interested
the past few days, at the press of Sully’s half-hard cock against his
pelvis, his own perked up as if to say “hello.”

“It depends,” Sully said, grinning at him with purely sexual intent

in his deep blue eyes.

“Depends on what?”
“On whether you’re a good boy or not,” Sully said, sliding a hand

between them and cupping it over the growing bulge pushing at the
front of Chaz’s sweatpants.

Chaz could not help himself. Where Sully was concerned, he

knew he would always have a hair trigger, especially when the man
was in a teasing mood as he was now. Canting his hips forward, he
groaned softly.

“I’ll be good,” he said as his cock inflated until it was rock solid

and ready to play. “In fact, why don’t we go play now and inspect the
building later?”

Sully grinned and chuckled. “No, I don’t think so. As it is, we’re

going to have to wait until Mom goes to sleep or she’ll embarrass the
hell out of both of us.”

“Okay, but walking around like this is going to be embarrassing

enough, even without your mom out here to see it.” Chaz tried to
pout, but could see Sully wasn’t buying it.

“Oh, can you go get a pad of paper and a pen? Then we can make

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a list of what needs to be fixed and what tools I’m going to need to

By the time they looked over the building, vehicles, and parking

lot, Chaz found his mood beginning to darken. The list of cleanup and
fix-it chores was not long, but would be a challenge to complete
without several tools that he did not have and could no longer afford.

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Chapter 11

“Make a list and Conor can go shopping in the morning,” Riley

said several hours later as they sat at one of the large round tables
eating the last of the food from the refrigerator.

Chaz shook his head. “That’s not necessary.”
“Sure it is. You need those tools to do your job,” Sully pointed

out, sounding too reasonable.

“All right, but I’ll pay you back somehow,” Chaz said after

looking at each of the Muldoons and seeing that they were all in

“Boy, you pay us back and I’ll come after you with my wooden

spoon,” Maureen said, only half kidding. “Once you’re done here,
I’ve got a long list of things that need to be done at my house. And
I’m sure that once we put out the word, there will be a lot of people in
need of your skills. You might not have a proper business at this
moment, but within the next six months I’m sure you’ll be busier than
your uncle ever was.”

Chaz did not know what to say to that. Never before had anyone

offered to help him. Even his uncle, who had known Chaz wanted to
start his own business, had never offered to assist him in any way. He
preferred to keep Chaz where he was, as his lackey on the jobs they
did together, or use him as the after-hours man when he was busy
with his girlfriend.

Swallowing, he blinked back emotional tears he had never felt

before. “Thank you. I guess I have no choice but to accept.”

“You’re right there, honey.” Sully leaned over and kissed his

cheek before standing and helping Chaz to his feet as well. “Now, if

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you all will excuse us, Chaz wanted to go up and check the attic to
make sure there were no leaks up there.”

While his mother and sister busied themselves clearing the table,

his brothers grinned at him with knowing looks.

“Yeah, uh-huh, sure. Don’t forget to take a strong flashlight,”

Conor advised with a laugh then pulled a small bottle of lube from his
pocket and tossed it to Sully. “Hope you’ve got protection.”

Chaz grinned and patted his pocket where he had pulled a strip of

condoms from the open box in his duffel bag.

“Don’t be too long, or Mom will be wondering what’s going on,”

Riley said. “You don’t want her giving you her ‘there’s a proper time
and place for everything and this isn’t it’ speech.”

Toby shuddered and looked at Chaz. “No, you don’t. You really,

really don’t.”

“Caught you, did she?” Chaz asked.
Toby nodded as he blushed. “In the shower this morning. The

giant got a little loud and enthusiastic. I’ve never been so
embarrassed, and he just stood there like a grinning fool.”

“Hey, I wasn’t the one who screamed when he came,” Riley

pointed out.

Toby’s cheeks grew even redder. “Maybe not, but I wasn’t the one

who couldn’t wait another day until we went home.”

With that, Riley smiled. “No you weren’t. And I love that you

were willing to let me have my way with you, baby.”

When Riley lifted Toby off his chair and into his lap for some

kissing and cuddling, Chaz found himself being pulled across the bar
to the stage area. They climbed the stage stairs and walked to the far
left corner of the building. Behind a wall of neatly stacked and labeled
plastic boxes a circular staircase led upwards.

Chaz watched as Sully picked up a thick comforter and a battery-

operated lantern along the way. As Conor suggested, he grabbed a
strong flashlight then followed Sully up the stairs.

He was surprised at how not icky the space felt when they entered

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the darkness. There was even sunlight filtering through the air vents,
so the area was not completely dark.

Sully moved along the ceiling joists and stopped well away from

the opening in the floor where they had come up. Chaz was surprised
to see a large mattress was already in place. “Expecting company?”
he asked as Sully handed him the lantern then spread the comforter
over the mattress.

“Not my idea. It’s a clean mattress, but no one will admit

responsibility for its appearance up here about two months ago. My
guess is that this is where Conor brings his dates if they won’t take
him home.”

“He doesn’t take them home with him?”
“Nope, he says the only man who will be sleeping in his bed is the

man who will be there every night for the rest of their lives,” Sully
said, kneeling in the center of the mattress. “Now come here and let
me relieve you of some stress.”

Chaz shook his head with a grin. “Why don’t you get naked and

I’ll be back in a minute. While we’re up here, I really do want to
make sure there are no problems with the roof.”

Sully’s stunned look was priceless. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope. Let me check things over and I’ll be right back.”
Chaz put down the lantern and turned on the flashlight before

turning and walking away. He made a circuit around the building and
by the time he returned to where Sully sat, he was satisfied that the
building’s roof was sound. Approaching the small pool of light where
the man he had fallen deeply and completely in love waited, he pulled
his shirt over his head and pushed his sweats down, freeing his cock.
At the edge of the mattress, he stepped out of his sweats, leaving them
in a puddle, and dropped his shirt on top of them.

Then, moving slowly due to the lingering soreness, he got down

on hands and knees and crawled to his man.

“So what are we going to learn today?” he asked as he lay down

beside the man who had become as important to him as breathing in

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such a short time.

“Your choice,” Sully said. “What would you like to do?”
Chaz smiled as he slowly moved around until they were lying on

their sides, with their heads looking at each other’s cocks. “Can we
try it this way before you fuck me?”

Sully’s smile lit up the area even brighter than the lantern.

“Absolutely, honey. But I don’t want you to come until I’m deep in
your ass. Okay?”

Chaz nodded and whispered, “It’s not going to take long.”
“For me either, honey,” Sully said as he shifted forward and

licked across the top of Chaz’s cock. “I can’t believe we’ve only
known one another a few days. You are so damn perfect for me.”

Chaz’s heart zinged as he took the head of Sully’s cock into his

mouth and sucked gently. “I love you, too,” he said, though the words
came out a bit garbled around Sully’s flesh.

“Oh, shit, honey. Do that again,” Sully ordered as his cock jumped

in Chaz’s mouth.

Not wanting to disappoint, Chaz said, “I love you, Sully.”
“Oh, yeah, baby,” Sully said as he wrapped his fingers around the

base of Chaz’s cock as he took half his length in and began to suck in

After that they were too busy licking, slobbering, and devouring

each other’s shafts to do any talking. It was only after a few minutes
of Sully’s intense attention before he had to roll onto his back, pulling
from the man’s tortuously sweet touch. At the same time, he panted
with his need for more.

“Close?” Sully asked as he quickly sheathed and slicked his cock.
Not wanting to hurt him, Sully had Chaz positioned on all fours.

Though Sully moved as fast as he could, Chaz was still in a needy
frenzy and on the verge of orgasm when he finally replaced the
fingers stretching and lubing his hole with his long, fat cock.

“Oh, shit,” Chaz whispered. He dropped his head and panted as

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Cooper McKenzie

Sully entered him and continuing pushing forward until he was fully
seated in Chaz’s channel.

He wanted to groan loud and long, but was hyperconscious that

Sully’s family was just a few feet below them. Instead, he turned his
head and plastered his mouth against the flesh of his upper arm.

“It’s going to be fast, but I’ll try to be gentle,” Sully said as he

leaned over him.

Chaz’s head flopped back and forth. “Don’t need gentle. Just need

to come,” he panted.

His words seemed to set Sully on fire. His hips began to move in

strokes that were slow, but powerful. Chaz moaned softly with each
thrust as he began to sweat with the need to come.

He could not help the long, low sound of need that escaped when

Sully’s hand slid around his hip and wrapped around his bobbing
erection. “Shiiiiiiiiiiii,” he moaned, thrusting his hips between Sully’s
hand and the cock that filled his ass.

It was only a handful of racing heartbeats before he dropped his

upper body to the mattress and buried his face in the comforter.
“Now, Sully. Come now,” he whispered urgently as his own cock
pulsed out its seed onto the blanket below them.

Three powerful thrusts later and Chaz felt Sully’s cock pulse deep

in his channel as the other man came as well. Sully then melted down
over his back and fell asleep. Fighting down laughter at the situation,
Chaz rolled them so they both rested on their sides in such a way that
he was not lying in the pool of his seed that covered the comforter.

While Sully slept, Chaz relaxed and enjoyed both the feeling of

Sully still in his ass as well as wrapped around him. It was a feeling
he could get used to, wanted to get used to, even if Sully’s after-
orgasm naps were a bit of a bother.

Now if he could only figure out whether Sully felt the same way

about him.

* * * *

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1-800-SEX-GODS #2: Chaz


Sully woke in the most wonderful of positions, wrapped in and

around the love of his life. He could tell that Chaz was not sleeping
but also seemed much more relaxed than he had been in the short time
he had known the man.

“Hey, Chaz,” he whispered as he began to stroke his hands up and

down his chest.

“Would you be interested in a lifetime contract?” Sully said,

feeling a deep need to immediately tie the man into his life.

“As what?” Chaz sounded curious.
“Fixologist, best friend, lover, husband.”
Chaz did not say anything for so long that Sully wondered if he

should make a joke of his off-the-cuff proposal. Finally, he took a
deep breath and said, “Ummm, could you ask me again in five

“Five minutes? Why?”
Chaz chuckled then answered wryly. “Because I do not want to

tell your mother, sister, and brothers that you proposed marriage with
your dick buried deep in my ass.”

“Oh. Okay.” Immediately he kicked himself for his rather callous

and less-than-romantic proposal. Chaz might be an ex-military man, a
wizard with tools, and a know-it-all fixologist, but he still deserved a
better proposal than what Sully had just offered.

Easing back, Sully separated from his lover then reached for his

jeans and pulled several wipes out of a pocket. After disposing of the
condom and cleaning them both up, he dressed quickly. Chaz was
moving slowly, but he forced himself to wait until the other man was
completely dressed. He picked up the lantern and led the way back to
the stairs and down to the main floor again.

He could feel Chaz’s curiosity as if it were a hand scratching his

back, but he did not say a word. When he reached the bottom of the
stairs, he put down the lantern and turned, blocking Chaz’s path while

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Cooper McKenzie

the man was still two steps up the staircase.

“Chaz Young, I know we haven’t known each other very long, but

I have fallen deeply, totally, irrevocably in love with you. I cannot see
my life without you being a very big part of it. Will you do me the
honor of marrying me and take my crazy family for your own?”

Chaz’s expression had been hesitant, but then joy bloomed and he

grinned widely. “Yes, I will. I love you, Sullivan Muldoon. You are
the prince that woke me to the truth of my life, and for that I will
forever be grateful. And though I don’t have much experience with
family, I will happily become a member of yours.”

Sully climbed up one step so they were lips-to-lips and, wrapping

his arms around his honey, kissed him long and deep. Chaz returned
the kiss in full measure, even though he did gasp and squirm at the
strength of Sully’s hug.

Neither man paid a second’s attention to the laughter, cheering,

and well-wishes that came from across the stage where their family
was packing up to go home.



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Cooper McKenzie always thought she had been born a hundred

years too late but appreciates air-conditioning, computers, and other
conveniences of modern-day living. She enjoys the slower pace of
New Bern, North Carolina, as well as the history and small-town
community found there. In addition to dreaming up her next story,
Cooper enjoys reading everything, except scary books, needle-
weaving for charity, and playing with her new mixed-breed
companion, Honey.

For all titles by Cooper McKenzie, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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