Cooper McKenzie 1 800 SEX GODS 3 Sam

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1-800-SEX-GODS #3: Sam

The last thing Sam White expected going to Sex Gods that night
was to have a perfect stranger, who was pretty perfect himself,

announce to the emotionally abusive man he was dating that he
would no longer be seeing him. The stranger’s reason – because

Sam would be marrying him and he did not share well.

Conor Muldoon had fallen for the beautiful little blond with the

braid that trailed down his back the first time he had walked into
the club. Now all he had to do was convince the man he was

correct when he stepped between him and his loud mouth of a
boyfriend to declare their impending nuptials.

Would Conor be able to live with a man who dealt with bridezillas

and their mothers all day? Would Sam accept his proposal? And
how is Sam going to deal with the Muldoon matriarch when it

came time to plan the wedding of all three of her sons?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 20,335 words

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1-800-SEX-GODS #3: SAM

Cooper McKenzie



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

1-800-SEX-GODS #3: SAM
Copyright © 2014 by Cooper McKenzie
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-805-8

First E-book Publication: May 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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1-800-SEX-GODS #3: SAM


Copyright © 2014

Chapter 1

Sam wanted to go home, pull on his baggiest gym shorts and

softest, most worn T-shirt, and crawl into bed for a minimum of
twelve hours of sleep. Unfortunately, that was not an option. His
weekend was filled with overseeing three weddings scheduled over
the next two days. And since Mitch had just ordered another pitcher
of beer for him and his friends, it did not look like they would be
leaving Sex Gods any time soon.

But he needed a break from all this macho gay bonding his

boyfriend of three weeks was doing. With a yawn, Sam eased out of
from under Mitch’s arm and stood up.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Mitch grabbed his

wrist too tight, his words slightly slurred from the beer he had been
swilling all night.

“Men’s room,” Sam muttered as he tried to peel Mitch’s hand off

his arm.

His face flamed with embarrassment when the other men at the

table snickered. He had only been dating Mitch for a few weeks, but
from the beginning he had demanded to know Sam’s every move. The
first few weeks Sam thought he was sweet and caring, until Mitch
started texting and calling him every twenty minutes when they were

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His job as a wedding planner had him currently dealing with

seven bridezillas and their mothers, so he was not always able to
answer when the phone dinged. Problem was ignoring texts and
letting voice mail deal with the phone calls brought out Mitch’s ugly,
possessively jealous side.

With three weddings this weekend, Sam should be home in his

comfy clothes answering the many last-minute phone calls and texts
with questions, concerns, and imagined emergencies. Instead, he had
given in to Mitch’s demand they come to the club and hang out with
his buddies.

“All right but I’ll expect some extra sugar when you get back,”

Mitch said. His leering grin told Sam he could expect more
embarrassment in the future.

“Uh-huh,” Sam replied as he stood and stepped away from the


Crossing the main room of the club, he tried to come up with a

way to ask Mitch to lose his number and never contact him again.
Nothing he thought of sounded right, especially since he had never
been able to pull off being bold and brash. It just was not in his DNA.

Being nonconfrontational was one of the reasons he made such a

good wedding consultant. He was known as sweet and shy but had a
knack for keeping crazy women in the throes of wedding planning
calm. He could make them laugh even as he told them they could not
have a dozen peacocks wandering around the golf course during their
reception or whatever other outrageous demand they might bring to

In the lobby where the men’s rooms were located, his steps

slowed as the man of his dreams passed by. Sam could not help but
visually track the big, super-sexy, auburn-haired man. And, as always,
he looked better in real life than he had in any of Sam’s dreams, either
waking or sleeping. But the sexy god did not know Sam was alive.
Even if he did, Sam was stuck with Mitch.

With a sad sigh, Sam headed to the restroom and hopefully a few

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minutes of privacy. After using the facilities and washing his hands,
he moved to far corner of the room and pulled his phone from his
pocket. A dozen texts and six voice mail messages showed on the
screen. Wishing he had a pad and pen, he picked up several paper
hand towels from the stack beside the sink.

Leaving the restroom, his entire body stiffened as the loud music

assaulted his ears. Going to the security station by the front door, he
stopped to watch and listen as his dream man talked with the two
bouncers about what sounded like an upcoming wedding and how
much he was dreading all his mother was putting them through to
prepare for the event.

Fighting the urge to pull a business card from his wallet to offer

his services, Sam waited until the big black-haired bouncer finished
speaking before interrupting. “Excuse me, do you have a pen I could

“A pen?” The brown-haired bouncer behind the desk pulled a

drawer and reached inside. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, I’ll return it in a few minutes, if that’s okay.”
“Sure, no problem,” the bouncer said with a smile.
Feeling the redhead’s eyes on him, Sam was tempted to retreat to

the restroom. Problem was he would have about two minutes before
Mitch came looking for him. And if the man found him in the
restroom, Mitch would surely want his “boy,” as he called Sam, to
suck him off or some other sex act. And that was the last thing Sam
wanted tonight.

Looking at the front door, Sam decided to step outside for some

fresh air while he dealt with the drama that was surely waiting for
him. It would take a few minutes to calm the brides down, and he did
not need Mitch finding him before he finished. Since the man was not
a fan of the outdoors in any form unless it involved a sports stadium,
he would not look for Sam on the nicely appointed front porch.

The middle-of-the-night air remained sultry, the heat of early

summer hanging over well into the evening hours. Moving across the

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porch, Sam found an empty table and chair that was not too close to
anyone else. A trio of white candles provided just enough light to see
and take notes by. The romantic aspect of the natural light was lost on

After reading nearly a dozen texts from Sunday’s bride, Sam

made notes of answers and solutions to her overactive imagination
and the disasters she had dreamt up. Then he turned the paper towel
over and took notes while listening to the voice mail messages, which
were all from the bride in Saturday morning’s wedding.

He was surprised he had not heard from the Saturday evening

bride, but since this was her third wedding maybe she had figured out
that everything would be fine without her stressing about every little
detail. He slowly typed out text responses to the two manic brides
with solutions to problems that he knew had a slim to no chance of
cropping up.

When he finally finished, Sam collapsed back in his chair with a

weary sigh. He really needed to hire an assistant. Or invest in a clone.
Or work on the ability to say no every once in a while, instead of
accepting every job that crossed his path.

Closing his eyes, he crossed his arms over the front of his chest

and tried to massage the knots out of his shoulder muscles. But there
was too much tension stored in them to be dealt with in a few seconds
of self-massage. Especially with Mitch no doubt growing pissy
because Sam had not yet returned to the table.

“Looks like you could use this,” a deep, unfamiliar voice said in a

gentle tone.

Sam opened his eyes and looked at the table where what looked

like a red slushy drink sat beside his phone.

“What is it?” Sam asked as he looked over his shoulder to find the

man of his dreams looking at him with a gentle smile.

“Non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri. Cool and sweet and sassy.”
Sam had to swallow twice to keep from drooling. He shifted his

hips as his cock blew up like a helium balloon. He was not sure if it

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1-800-SEX-GODS #3: Sam


was the caring gesture, the delicious cologne that wafted around him,
or something else, but for the first time in more than two weeks, his
cock was standing at full attention begging for some relief.

“Why non-alcoholic?” Sam asked as he picked up the plastic cup

and took a long pull on the straw that had been added.

“Your wristband indicates you’re a DD.”
Sam nodded. “Oh yeah. Mitch never lets me drink when we go


He was surprised at the bitterness in his tone, so he dropped his

head to hide his cheeks that suddenly burned with embarrassed fire.
This gorgeous man did not care about his problems though it was
obviously well past time to break up with his supposed boyfriend who
acted more like an angry father.

“Mitch. Tall with black hair and a beer belly?” the man asked as

he stepped around behind Sam and slid his hands under Sam’s palms
to cover his shoulders.

“Uh-huh,” Sam moaned as big strong fingers began to squeeze the

tight muscles from neck to the top of his arms. “Oh God, that feels

“Mitch is an asshole, and you would do well to get far, far away

from him.”

Sam tilted his head left and right, moaning as the effect of the

strong fingers working his shoulder muscles traveled down his body.
In less than a few minutes everything in him relaxed except his cock.
That organ grew harder and pulsed a painful beat in its bent and
confined position in his too-tight jeans.

“I know that now. Problem is I don’t know how to tell him to

pound sand without getting turned into a grease spot in the parking

“Hmmm, that might be a problem, especially since he’s already

had more than a few. If you’d like, I could act on your behalf and
break the news to him.”

Sam’s heart skipped a beat as he dropped his head back in order to

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look up at the big, red-haired man who continued to massage his
shoulder muscles into stringy goo. Even upside down the man looked
lip-lickingly yummy.

“Why would you do something like that?”

* * * *

Conor Muldoon debated for half a second about lying to the hot

little blond with the beautiful braid that trailed down his back to end
at his ass. But he refused to start what would hopefully turn out to be
a lifetime relationship with a lie. Instead, he smiled at the man who
was staring up at him with doubt in his expression, and pure lust
filling his pale-blue eyes.

“Maybe because I want to be your knight in shining armor, Sam

White,” he said with a wink.

His grin grew when Sam’s eyes widened. “You know my name.”

The delicately built man sounded shocked.

“Of course I know your name. You’re the hottest man to come

into the club since we opened. Just watching you walk across the
room makes me so hard my teeth ache.” Conor wondered if admitting
his attraction so soon would help or hurt his chances, but it was too
late now. The truth was out there. “I want to learn everything there is
to know about you so I can spend the rest of my days making your
every dream and wish comes true.”

Instead of responding, Sam raised his head until all Conor could

see was the beginning of his braid and the back of his head.

Conor frowned when the shoulders under his fingers hunched

forward and tightened up again. Then Sam pulled his legs up and
rested his feet on the chair seat as he curled himself into a ball.

Everything he had admitted was the truth, but had been taken the

wrong way. Concerned, Conor pulled an empty chair over from a
nearby table. Sitting so he was as close to the man as he could get

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without touching him, Conor waited.

What he had not told Sam was that he had wanted him in his life

since his first visit to the club a couple of weeks before. The only
reason he had not made a move before now was that he thought Sam
had been happy with his boyfriend, though Conor did not know how
anyone could be happy with Mitch.

Sam wiped his palms over his face before slowly turning his head

to look at Conor with those pale-blue eyes. Unshed tears glistened in
the candlelight. “I’m sorry, it’s just that…”

“What the fuck are you doing out here, bitch? You were supposed

to take a piss and come right back to the table.”

At the loud, threatening voice, Conor watched as Sam began to

tremble. Conor’s protective instincts pegged out at maximum high
alert. Surging to his feet, he prepared to protect this small man who he
wanted for his own. Turning, he found Mitch using the front door of
the club to maintain his balance. Mitch did not look happy.

“Excuse me?” he said.
“I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to my bitch.” Mitch waved

one hand in Sam’s direction and nearly lost his balance in the process.

“Since he is no longer yours to use, degrade, and insult, I suggest

you change your tone when speaking to him,” Conor growled, hoping
Jack was listening as he had often been scolded about doing.

Mitch released the door and took two steps, obviously thinking

such a move would frighten him. But Conor was bigger than Sam and
not bogged down by too many drinks. When Sam shot to his feet and
tried to move between them, Conor wrapped one arm around him and
pulled him back. No need for the little hottie to get hurt if things got
physical. A warm surge of triumph rose in him when Sam’s arm
slowly wrapped around his back.

The drunken man stared at them in confusion. “Who the hell are

you? And what the fuck do you think you’re doing touching my

“My name is Conor Muldoon, and as I told you, Sam is no longer

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yours. He belongs to me now.”

“How do you figure?”
Though Conor continued smiling, his expression grew hard.

“Because Sam is going to marry me. Now I suggest you go inside and
have Jack call you a cab because your designated driver is no longer
available to get you home.”

Mitch opened his mouth, looking as if he wanted to argue, but

Jack’s appearance at his elbow stymied him. Another bouncer stepped
around to his other side, and the two sober men guided him inside.
Conor knew they would contain him in the lobby until arrangements
could be made to get his drunk ass home.

Conor would have to add his name to the list of customers who

had been banned from the club for one reason or another. Usually
they kicked men out for fighting, but in Mitch’s case he did not want
Sam to ever worry about seeing the man here again.

Though he really, really liked Sam’s body pressed into his, Conor

wondered what his future husband thought of his announcement.
Lifting his arm from Sam’s shoulders, he took a half step away and
turned to check.

The man of his fantasies stared up at him with an odd expression

on his face. It was one Conor had never seen before so he had no idea
what it meant. Was he going to hit him or hug him? “Sam?”

“Did you mean it?”
“Did I mean what?”
Sam took a breath and his expression changed to one Conor read

as nonchalant disinterest. “Did you mean it when you told Mitch I
was going to marry you?”

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1-800-SEX-GODS #3: Sam


Chapter 2

Sam held his breath as he waited for Conor’s answer. Before now,

he had only seen this Conor Muldoon from a distance, and never
alone. He had always kept company with men, but never in the same
man twice. That was another reason Sam knew he would never catch
the man’s eye. Conor was a player while Sam was looking for his
forever man. He might last a date or two before Conor gave him the
brush-off as well. If that was the case, he would just as soon walk
away now with his tissue-paper-thin pride still intact.

Conor’s head began to move in an up-and-down motion, sending

Sam into a tailspin of hope that he might have a chance with the man
he dreamt about nearly every night.

“Yes, angel, I plan to marry you just as soon as you agree to it,”

Conor said. “I don’t expect you to say yes right away since we don’t
know anything about each other. I do hope one day soon you’ll make
me a very happy man and agree to spend the rest of your life with

Sam’s already diamond-hard cock began to twitch with the need

to explode from the heat radiating from Conor’s eyes. The soft words
of assurance made his balls tingle as well. He would be making a
mess in his jeans right here in front of Conor if he did not find a way
to relieve the pressure in the next couple of minutes.

Going inside to the restroom was not a good idea as long as Mitch

was still around. “I, um, could you excuse me for a minute?”

Before Conor could respond, he turned away from the front door

and rushed across the porch. Ignoring the big man’s call for him to
stop, Sam climbed over the waist-high railing before jumping to the

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ground. Without a second’s hesitation, he dashed around the corner of
the building. Reaching a wall of azalea bushes, he spun around and
backed through a small opening in the greenery as he frantically
clawed at the fastenings of his jeans.

By the time he was clear of the bushes, Sam had the button and

zipper undone and was able to shove his pants down far enough to
ease the external pressure on his cock and balls though the internal
pressure grew with every heartbeat. Though he heard the rustling in
the bushes behind him, his focus was on relaxing the growing knot of
painfully aroused need.

Before he could wrap his fingers around his cock and stroke out

the fire in his gut, a hand grabbed his wrist. “Oh no, you don’t,”
Conor whispered in his ear as he pulled Sam’s hand away from his
cock. His other arm came around pulled Sam back to lean against his
large, powerful body.

Sam shook with his need to come. He was so close that his hips

began to pulse forward and back. Three thrusts and, with only the
humid night air touching his cock, Sam reached his pinnacle.

“Aaaarrrggghhh,” he cried as his hips bucked harder.
Long, strong jets of semen flew from the tip of his cock arcing

through the air before falling to the ground a yard and a half in front
of them. The tension that had spiraled high since Conor’s marriage
announcement flowed out with his seed. By the time the last drops fell
to Earth, he had relaxed fully against Conor’s body.

The big man’s hold gentled, growing more comforting than

restraining as Sam recovered. Once his gasping breaths normalized,
and his heartbeat slowed, he tried to straighten and step away.

Only the man behind him refused to release him.
“Damn, angel, what the fuck was that?” Conor whispered.
Sam could not answer as Conor nipped at his left earlobe before

brushing his lips up and down the side of his neck.

The hand holding Sam’s wrist released it. A moment later that

same hand reappeared in front of Sam’s naked groin. A warm, soft

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cloth swiped over Sam’s withering cock and tender balls. The gentle
touch and care the big man showed him reignited the flame of lust the
auburn-haired sexy god of a man had lit with his backhanded

Not sure he could explain, Sam simply shrugged and dropped his

head forward again as his face burned once more. Never before had
he experienced such an intense and instantaneous reaction to anyone.
Ever. He was embarrassed that he had been so aroused that he had
actually ejaculated without anyone or anything touch him.

“Did I cause that? Or was it leftover from ass for brains’ insults?

Because I gotta tell you I am not into that hurtful, humiliating shit.”

Though tempted to run away, Sam found himself standing still

and complacent while Conor pulled his jeans up and refastened them.

Finally, he took a breath. “It was all you. I’ve been watching you

for weeks now. Every time you looked in my direction I would get so
wound up I had to go to the restroom and jack off. Made for an
unhappy Mitch when I stopped getting hard for him. His way of
compensating was by turning into a bigger and bigger shithead who
thought verbal abuse would get him what he wanted.”

* * * *

“You’ve been watching me?” Conor asked as he finished

straightening Sam’s clothes.

It felt weird to be having such a conversation while redressing the

man who had just come without any outside stimulus. Especially
while standing in the bushes beside the club. Knowing Sam had been
that turned on by him filled Conor with a hot, needy feeling of his
own. This was the man he had been looking for. He only hoped that
Sam who would allow him to indulge in his caring side.

He might look like a big, bad, dominant alpha male, but looks

could be deceiving. He hoped Sam would be willing to have a fifty-
fifty relationship, sharing the giving and taking, each dominating as

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well as submitting. Just thinking of Sam fucking him had his own hips
pressing forward until his hard cock pressed between the full, round
globes of Sam’s sexy ass.

“Mmmm,” the man in his arms sighed as he shifted left and right,

putting just the right amount of pressure on Conor’s erection to drive
his need even higher. “Feels like you’ve got some tension that needs
to be worked out as well.”

Before Conor could deny the truth of his observation, Sam

stepped away, spun around, and knelt before him as he reached for
Conor’s jeans.

Before he could do more than pop the snap at his waist, Conor

stepped back. Not only was his cellphone buzzing like the world was
coming to an end but he heard several voices on the porch and did not
want to be discovered.

“Conor?” Sam asked, sounding lost.
Looking down, he saw his man looked as confused as he sounded.

“I’m sorry, sweet angel, but we need to move somewhere private
before I let you have your way with me,” Conor said with a leering
grin and wink. “Preferably somewhere I can hold you while we sleep
afterward. Then in the morning after we release a little more tension
in the most pleasurable of ways, we can talk about how we’re going
to spend the rest of the weekend.”

Sam climbed to his feet, yawning and shaking his head. Only then

did Conor notice how tired the man looked. “I can’t. I have to work
this weekend. In fact, that’s what I was doing on the porch earlier. Oh
shit,” he said, patting his pockets. “My phone. My notes. I’ve got to
get them or I’m dead.”

He began to tremble with anxiety, which made Conor all the more

curious. What career did his angel have that he had to work weekends
and be so dependent upon his phone? He would ask, later. Right now,
he needed to find said angel’s phone and calm the man enough to
drive home.

Taking Sam’s hand, he powered back through the bushes, making

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sure his body protected Sam’s from the branches. Stopping at the
corner of the building, he listened for a few seconds before continuing
forward. Whatever the commotion had been a minute ago, Jack and
the boys has dealt with. Relative silence had descended once more
over the front of the building.

Sam moved to climb back onto the porch and over the railing, but

Conor stopped him. Instead, he led the way around the front of the
porch to the closest set of steps. Only when Sam pulled on his hand
did Conor release him. Then he watched as Sam rushed across the
empty porch to the small table where he had been sitting earlier. His
phone was vibrating as he picked it up.

“Oh, thank you God,” Sam said as he picked up the phone and

kissed it before touching the screen. “This is Sam. Oh, hello, Mrs.
Thomas, I did get Patsy’s messages and I did answer them. No, we
shouldn’t have a problem with tornadoes, hurricanes, or even drizzle.
It’s supposed to be beautiful all weekend. Yes, ma’am, I will have
golf umbrellas in the van, just in case. Now you need to get some
sleep so you look as beautiful as the bride tomorrow. Yes, ma’am. I’ll
be at the church at ten. Good night, Mrs. Thomas.”

After listening to the conversation, Conor was more intrigued than

ever. He sat down and waited until Sam checked several other
screens. Finally, the blond man sighed, slipped the phone in his
pocket, and yawned once more.

“So, what do you do that you’re talking to married women at one

o’clock in the morning?” Conor finally asked.

“I’m a wedding planner. Mrs. Thomas is the mother of

tomorrow’s first bride.”

“First bride?”
He nodded, then shifted his chair closer and leaned his head

against Conor’s arm. Conor shifted and lifted the man into his lap
where Sam curled up against his chest. “Uh-huh.

“The first of three weddings this weekend,” he said with a sigh.
Conor did not know what to say in response, not that Sam would

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have heard him anyway. The man had fallen asleep just that fast. No
doubt the late hour, and the stress of dumping Mitch, combined with
the orgasm and relief at finding his phone had his body shutting

Though the chair was not comfortable for someone as big as he

was, Conor did not move. If his man needed a few minutes of rest
before heading home, then that was what he would get. Conor would
just sit here and enjoy the feel of the man snuggled in his lap. Closing
his own eyes, he dreamt of the day in the not too distant future when
he and Sam would spend some quality time together.

Conor waited until the club closed and the parking lot emptied

before he woke Sam. “Angel, it’s time to go home,” he said gently.

He knew his words got through to the sleeping man when Sam

stiffened. “Oh, shit,” the little man whispered a half second before
clambering from Conor’s lap. “I’m so sorry. I guess I was more tired
than I thought.”

Conor smiled as the man wobbled and had to grab the table to

keep from falling over as he found his balance. “Don’t be. It felt good
to hold you like that. I look forward to doing it again, but it is time to
get you home. You have to get to the church on time in the morning.”

Sam nodded and swallowed. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Come on. I’ll walk you to your car,” Conor said, pushing to his


“Uh, Conor?”
“Yes, Sam?
“It’s not my car. It’s Mitch’s. He picked me up and I was

supposed to drive him home,” Sam admitted as he led the way to one
of the last vehicles in the parking lot, a big black, over-chromed
pickup truck.

“Hmmm, okay, how about this. I follow you to Mitch’s place then

I’ll drive you home,” Conor said.

Sam nodded slowly even as he looked hesitant. “Are you sure? I

don’t want to put you out by making you drive all over town.”

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Conor closed the distance between them. Wrapping his arms

around Sam, he lifted the smaller man until they were nose to nose.
He fought down a grin of excited satisfaction when Sam immediately
wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist.

“Now you listen to me, Samuel White. I am your knight in shining

armor. I plan to marry you at some date in the future. It will be no
problem at all to follow you to Mitch’s house then drive you home. I
will then walk you to your door and kiss you good night. Do you

Sam’s eyes got wider and wider. At the same time, Conor felt a

bulge grow and press into his belly. “Yes, Conor, I understand.”

With a nod, Conor gave him a swift kiss before putting him back

on his feet again. “Good. Now get in the truck and lock the doors. I’ll
go get my SUV and be back in a couple minutes.”

Conor waited until Sam had unlocked and climbed into the truck.

Once he heard the electronic locks click into place, he turned and
jogged around the outside of the building. As he climbed into his
SUV, he tried to come up with the best way to convince Sam he
should spend the night, even if all they did was cuddle together in
their sleep.

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Chapter 3

As Sam drove across town to Mitch’s apartment, he wondered if

Conor would stop with just a kiss at the door or if he would come in if
Sam invited him. Then he questioned, what in the hell he was
thinking to get involved with a player? Sam had heard a number of
stories concerning Conor Muldoon’s many conquests and exploits. He
just had not put the stories together with the man who had already
staked a claim on his heart.

Turning ahead, he knew he would have to turn Conor away at the

door. His small apartment was overflowing with tulle and bows and
all the other frou-frous and frillies needed to run a wedding planning
business out of his home. The business, which had started with a
computer, a couple notebooks of ideas, and some swatch books, had
outgrown the second bedroom nearly a year ago and taken over most
of the apartment.

For months, he had been too busy to look for either a bigger

apartment to work from or a commercial space where he could
relocate the business. What he would love to do was find a great deal
on one of the big houses in the historic district of town where he
could live upstairs and run the business from the first floor.

“I really do need to hire an assistant. Or a business partner,” he

muttered to himself as he pulled into the parking space that Mitch,
and only Mitch, ever parked in.

Turning off the truck, he jumped. After pushing the lock button on

the door, he closed it and headed to Mitch’s apartment. The windows
were dark, which meant he had either gone home with someone else
or he was already passed out in his bed. In either case, Sam needed to

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get his keys to him.

Looking around, there was nowhere to hide them. Lifting the mail

slot on the front door, Sam pushed the keys through the rectangular
hole until they fell through the other side and clattered on the
entryway floor. Having done his duty, he pulled his hand back and
hurried back to the parking lot. Conor’s SUV was waiting just behind
Mitch’s truck, lights on, and the engine still running. Opening the
passenger door, Sam climbed in as a wave of relief washed over him.

“Mission accomplished,” he said as he closed the door and

secured his seatbelt. “If the Gods are kind, I will never ever see Mitch

Conor waited until he settled before putting the engine into gear

and pulling out. “Now where are we going?”

“Do you do this often?” Sam asked as Conor headed toward the

complex’s entrance.

“Do what?”
“Rescue men and then help them deliver their ex’s cars to their

ex’s homes?”

Conor stopped at the main road and turned his head. Sam looked

into eyes that gleamed in the dark with life and energy. “No, can’t say
I have. I have given other men rides home before. I have taken men I
met at the club home with me. I have gone home with men I met at
the club. But I can promise you I will never do that again, at least not
without you in that seat beside me.”

Sam wished he could be as confident that things would work out

between them, but it all seemed like a dream. Granted it was one he
would love to never wake up from, but, even as good as things felt at
that second, something still felt off. Maybe because things like this
never ever happened to him. He had always been the one chosen last
for a pickup game of soccer, or the one left hiding during games of
hide and seek. Even Mitch had chosen him after all the other men had
been spoken for that night.

Taking a deep breath to calm the watermelon-sized butterflies

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having a wrestling match in his belly, Sam gave Conor directions to
his apartment. It was not in the best of neighborhoods, but when he
had started his business, it had been all he could afford.

* * * *

Conor frowned as he pulled in and parked in the empty space the

little man directed him to beside a large white cargo van. This was not
a safe neighborhood for his man to be living in. It was not a safe area
for anyone to be living in.

Though he did not see anyone hanging around, the back of his

neck itched like it had during his time in the military just before bad
things began to happen. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather come
home with me tonight?” he offered.

“I’ll be fine. It may look a little rough, but the neighbors are really

nice people.” Sam released his seatbelt. “So I guess this is good

Conor shook his head, reaching to open his door at the same

moment he unlatched the seat belt. “I said I would walk you to your
door, and that’s what I intend to do.”

“You don’t have to,” he offered. “I can walk myself the twenty

feet to the door. I’ve been doing it for the two years I’ve been living

Instead of answering, which would surely lead to an argument,

Conor climbed out and rounded the front of the SUV. Sam was out
and closing his door by the time he reached his side. In his mind’s
eye, Conor saw himself taking Sam’s hand, walking him to the door,
and giving him a quick kiss good night that would have to hold him
until he could see his angel again.

He would never be able to explain what happened next, even if he

wanted to. Instead of enacting his vision, Conor lifted Sam into his
arms and sandwiched him between the passenger door and his body.
When Sam looked up at him with a surprised but aroused gaze, he

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could not help himself.

Lowering his head, he kissed his man. But it was hardly the

gentle, sweet farewell kiss he had just envisioned. No, this was a
deep, wet, nearly violent mating of lips and teeth and tongues.

After a two-second hesitation, Conor felt Sam’s arms and legs

wrap around his body before the man began to kiss him back. The
kiss went on and on as hands rubbed and clutched and explored
whatever they could touch. In just minutes, Conor found himself
humping his cock against Sam’s firm, round ass as his arousal had
taken over and blocked everything but obtaining satisfaction from his

Sam did not seem to mind but then made a small sound of

distress. That whimper cooled Conor down faster than a plunge in the
ocean in January would have. Forcing himself to break the kiss,
Conor dropped his head to Sam’s shoulder. “Oh, angel, forgive me. I
absolutely did not mean to attack you. And I certainly did not mean to
hurt you.”

Using every gram of strength in his being, Conor took a step back

and freed Sam from the man-SUV sandwich he had been trapped in.
He did not know what it meant when Sam did not release his hold and
run away as soon as he could. Lifting his head, Conor looked down at
the sweet man who he knew was his other half.

The sexy blond man met his gaze with one that almost glowed in

the dim light of the parking lot. “I wasn’t going to ask you in because
I really do have to get some sleep, but why don’t we take this inside,”
he said simply.

“But what about your work?”
“I’ll just be a little sleep deprived,” Sam said as he leaned up and

brushed his cheek against Conor’s. “I just wish I had a tuxedo that
would fit this fine body so I could take you with me.”

While Conor instantly wished the same thing, he also did not want

to interfere with Sam’s work. “I’ll come in, but all we’re going to do

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is sleep together. No hanky-panky tonight because you need your

“Uh-huh,” Sam responded. He sounded more than a little skeptical

as he climbed down from Conor’s body and took his hand. “We’ll just
have to see how long that lasts.”

Conor followed, docile but curious as to what a wedding planner’s

apartment looked like. His was a mishmash of furniture styles and
eclectic art pieces. There was no style, no theme, no rhyme or reason
to any of it, other than he liked what he bought and they were
comfortably large enough to fit his six-foot-two-inch frame.

He followed Sam through the front door but stopped and waited

until Sam flipped on the lights. Once he did, Conor wondered if they
had the right apartment. This place looked like it should be a layout in
one of those wedding and bridal magazines his mother and sister had
started reading since two of her son’s were now engaged to be
married to their boyfriends.

* * * *

As he reached for the light, Sam wondered if this was such a good

idea. Would Conor’s reaction mirror Mitch’s revulsion? Mitch had
visited his apartment once and then kept his vow never to return.

Would Conor be repulsed by the femininity of his home? Or

would he understand that the wicker furniture and shabby chic décor
was because of the business he ran and not because he liked lace
tablecloths and satin throw pillows?

Taking a deep breath to prepare himself, Sam looked at the man

who had already declared he wanted to spend the rest of his life with
him. He looked surprised by the room’s furnishings, but at least he
wasn’t making a face like Mitch had.

“Sorry, this is where I meet clients, and they expect a certain

atmosphere when talking with a gay man about planning for their
most important day,” he said.

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Conor nodded, but did not respond otherwise. As he continued to

look around, jumping when Honey rolled out from under the wicker
settee right in front of him.

“What the hell?”
Bending down, Conor picked up the clear plastic ball the size of a

soccer ball and looked into it.

“That’s Honey,” Sam said, still waiting for Conor to spin on his

heel and run from the building.

“What is it?”
“She’s a hedgehog. Do you want to hold her?”
Conor looked uncomfortable as he put the hedgehog-containing

ball down. As soon as she was on the floor again, Honey began to roll
across the floor and down the hall to the bedrooms.

“Why is she in a ball?”
“That’s her exercise ball. It’s quieter and more fun for her than an

exercise wheel in her cage. She can roam all over the apartment and I
don’t have to hear the wheel squeaking all night long.”

“Uh-huh,” Conor said. “Well, okay then, as long as she’s happy, I


Sam had to smile at how the big man was trying really hard not to

be critical of Honey and her ball. “Would you like anything to eat?

When Conor declined the only other reason he could come up

with to postpone going to bed with a shake of his head, Sam then
turned and headed after Honey down the hall.

“My room’s back here. This is the bathroom,” he said, reaching in

and flipping on the light as he passed it.

Conor did not say a word until he had flipped on the light in his

bedroom. Instead of an overhead fixture, the light switch activated a
pair of bedside lamps which threw soft light over the queen-size bed
with its white and pale denim-blue coverlet.

“Sam,” the big man said as Sam began to pace the small area in

the room not taken up by the bed, dresser, or the fifty-four plastic bins

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that lined the back wall.

“You really need to take a deep breath and relax. I’m not going

anywhere. I’m not going to make fun of your pet. Your beautiful
apartment is not going to chase me away. I think you’re amazing for
running an obviously successful business from this small apartment,”
Conor said as he slowly crossed the room to where Sam had stopped
on the far side of the bed.

Sam’s face burned with guilt at Conor’s words. The big man was

right. He was waiting for him to turn into Mitch and degrade
everything Sam had achieved. Shrugging, he felt the need to say, “I
need to find a new place. And hire an assistant. But I’m so busy I
don’t have time to do anything but work and sleep.”

Conor looked thoughtful as he reached down and pulled Sam’s

shirt up and over his head. “Maybe I can help. But for now we are
going to get undressed and go to sleep. You have a big day

“Uh-huh,” was all Sam’s suddenly addled brain could come up

with when Conor pulled off his own shirt, exposing all the rippling,
bulging muscles that had been hidden behind the Sex God’s T-shirt.

“Go brush your teeth and use the bathroom,” Conor said as he sat

on the bed and bent to untie his shoes.

“Okay,” Sam said as he turned and headed out of the bedroom.
By the time he returned, Conor had taken off everything but a pair

of blue and white pinstriped boxers.

“It’s all yours. I put a toothbrush on the counter for you,” Sam


Conor brushed a kiss on his lips then smiled. “I expect you to be

in the bed by the time I get back.”

“Okay,” Sam sighed. Any thought of doing more than what Conor

told him to melted away at the warm, gentle look in Conor’s cobalt-
blue eyes.

“I’ll be back in a minute.”

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As soon as he left the room, Sam raced to the dresser and pulled

out a pair of bright-purple boxers with pink and red lip prints all over
them. He quickly stripped off his shoes and the jeans that Mitch had
demanded he wear commando. Pulling on the boxers, he tossed the
decorative pillows in the corner and then pulled the covers back and
climbed in. He had just set the alarm for seven and settled in when
Conor reappeared at the door.

“Ready for me to turn off the light?”
“Go for it,” Sam said with a nervous smile.
A flick of the switch and the room was dark except for a dim

purple light coming from the nightlight in the hall.

Before Sam’s eyes could adjust to the dark, he felt the covers shift

and Conor climb into bed beside him. The big man laid down then
pulled Sam so his back was to Conor’s front. Sam felt Conor’s cock
press between his ass cheeks, but the big man seemed to ignore it as
he snuggled them together in the middle of the bed.

After dropping an arm around Sam’s middle, Conor brushed on

his shoulder and whispered, “Go to sleep, angel. We can talk more in
the morning.”

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Chapter 4

Sam was surprised when he woke up well before the alarm. He

had not expected to get any sleep since there was a man in bed with
him. On the very rare occasion someone slept over, he usually spent
the night working to lie super still in bed and just watch the other man
sleep. But he had been so tired and, for some reason, Conor made him
feel safe enough to let down his guard and relax.

Now he was awake, and horny. Looking at the clock on the

nightstand, he saw he had almost an hour before he had to get up and
start what he expected to be a long, crazy day.

Conor still held him securely to his chest like a small child would

cuddle with a beloved teddy bear. Except no little boy he knew
sported a hard-on like the one currently pressed between the cheeks of
his ass with only the soft cotton of their boxers separating them.
Squeezing his butt muscles, he smiled when Conor breathed a sigh
and shifted his hips to push even deeper.

His own cock hard and wanting, Sam wondered how Conor had

stood it. He had to be seriously hurting since he had never gotten off
the night before and had probably been hard all night long. An urge to
give the man something to wake up smiling about had Sam slowly
and carefully working his way out from under the arm wrapped
around his chest.

“Mmmm, angel?” Conor murmured as he reached out without

opening his eyes.

“Shhhh, I’ll be right back,” Sam murmured as he deftly avoided

Conor’s arm and slid from the bed.

After a visit to the bathroom, Sam returned to the bed. Instead of

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resuming his place in Conor’s arms, he slid under the covers and
settled with his face as close to Conor’s lap as he could get it. Taking
a deep breath of the man’s soap, sweat, and essence, he fought down a
giggle as he sent a prayer out to the universe that neither of them
farted while he was buried under the covers.

Gently reaching into the fly of the sleeping man’s boxers, Sam

carefully worked the long, hard, thick cock free of the soft fabric. As
the hard length came free of its fabric prison, Conor made another
noise, though Sam could not tell if it was a happy sound, or one that
meant “leave me the fuck alone before I wake up and break you into
small pieces.”

He counted to twenty-five before he wiggled closer and gently

took just the head of Conor’s cock into his mouth. Wrapping his hand
around the base, Sam swallowed hard. The man’s cock felt like a
baseball bat. His asshole clenching in imagined fear, Sam began to
lick at the head, savoring the drops of fluid that appeared at the slit.
Conor tasted delicious.

Taking another deep breath of the sleeping man’s scent, Sam

sighed as the nervous feeling he had had since Conor stepped through
his front door the night before drifted away. Then he began to wake
his guest up in the best way he could think of.

* * * *

Conor woke the second Sam pulled from his hold. He was

shocked to find he had actually slept, and slept well. Opening his eyes
to slits, he watched the little white-blond-haired man climb from the
bed and pad to the living room. Taking a deep breath, he closed his
eyes and relaxed back to a semi-sleeping state until he felt Sam climb
back into bed.

When the man did not immediately return to his arms, he opened

his eyes and found himself looking through the early morning dusky
light to see a pair of feet. Then he felt Sam’s breath on right hip and a

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gentle hand touching his clock. He rolled to his back and grinned as
the covers beside him moved as Sam moved closer. Then he felt wet
heat surround his cock.

He had to fight down a groan of appreciation as the man began to

lick and suck and play with his length. At the same time, he fought a
spiraling need to pull the man on top of him so he could reach his
cock as well. Instead, he settled for slowly bending his arm until he
could reach Sam’s crotch.

Having been aroused since the night before, Conor knew it would

not be long before he lost control. He just hoped his man would not be

When Sam took the top few inches of his cock into his mouth and

then swallowed on him, Conor could no longer pretend to be asleep.
“Oh, shit, angel, that feels good,” he rumbled softly.

Sam froze for a moment, then began working his cock with even

more enthusiasm

Conor worked his hand under the waistband of Sam’s boxers and

then wrapped it around the erection he found there. Applying a gentle
pressure, he began to stroke him even as his own arousal began to
spiral tighter him.

“Sam, gonna…gonna come.”
He groaned the warning as tingles raced down his spine and

swirled around his balls. He was surprised when Sam did not pull
away, but instead backed off until his lips were wrapped tight around
the head, putting just the right amount of pressure on Conor’s glans.

Conor’s groans sounded tortured to his own ears as he used his

free hand to push Sam away before he came. All of the sudden he did
not want to just come in Sam’s mouth. He wanted more. Much, much
more. Tossing back the covers, he rolled away when the little man
tried to climb back onto his body and reclaim his cock.

“Do you have a condom and lube?” he panted.
Sam’s expression was so transparent, Conor watched as confusion

replaced the disappointment as he considered his question. “Uh-huh.”

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He watched as Sam crawled to the nightstand and pulled out a

tube of lube and condom. Conor smiled when he offered them without
a word. “No, angel, I want you to gear up and fuck me.”

And just like that shock chased away the confusion. “You want

me to fuck you?”

Conor nodded. “Is that okay?”
Sam swallowed and shrugged. “Well, um, uh, I’ve never done this

before,” he admitted softly.

“Well then, I think it’s time you did, don’t you? After all, we’re

going to be fifty-fifty partners, which means you get as much time in
the saddle as I do. And I really want to feel you sliding in and out of
my ass if that’s okay with you.”

“Okay,” Sam agreed. After pushing off his own boxers and

helping Conor out of his, he fumbled with the condom wrapper,
eventually getting it open and his length sheathed.

“How do you want me?” Conor asked gently.
Sam looked at him for a minute before he said, “On your back

with your legs to your chest.”

Conor moved into position then tried to relax. Truth was, he rarely

bottomed, but for his angel, he would try anything at least a time or
two. And after Mitch and his assholery, he was sure the little man
could use the bump to his ego that being in charge would give him.

Sam lubed up his fingers then slowly, carefully stretched Conor’s

ass up to three fingers. He was so slow and careful that Conor finally
looked over his shoulder at the man kneeling behind him.

The fingers slid out and Sam’s cock eased in. Conor moaned and

smiled as he slowly pushed his way in until he was fully buried.

“You okay?” Sam asked, as he leaned over and tried to press a

little deeper.

“Oh, yeah. You feel good. Now fuck me good before we run out

of time,” Conor said, smiling up into pale-blue eyes.

As with his preparations, Sam moved slowly and gently, almost

hesitantly. Conor squeezed his ass muscles and was shocked when the

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man growled in response. Then, as if a switch had been flipped in
him, he began moving faster, thrusting harder, truly fucking Conor in
a way that told him his little man liked being in charge even though
he was new at it.

That knowledge, along with Sam’s shifting and pegging his

prostate with every forward thrust, had Conor once again on the verge
of his orgasm. “Come for me, cowboy,” he said through gritted teeth
as he fought to hold on until his man orgasmed.

Sam’s surprise was evident as he thrust deep twice more before

slamming deep and holding still and screaming as his orgasm swept
through him. Relaxing his control, Conor called out his own release as
his cock pumped seed across his belly and chest between them in
waves stronger than he had ever felt before. He was not sure if the
nearly painful strength was because of his serious attraction to Sam or
the fact that he had been hard for so long but damn did it feel good.

As Sam melted over him as if his bones had been dissolved,

Conor felt himself being pulled under the black veil of sleep. He
fought with everything he had in him to stay awake long enough to
cuddle the cutie who finally lifted his head and looked up at him.
“Good morning,” Sam said with a lilt of laughter in his voice and a
bright sparkle in his eyes.

“Good morning,” he returned softly. He had just enough time to

lean down and give the man a smacking kiss while sleep dragged him
under its spell once more.

Sometimes being a man who absolutely had to nap after an

orgasm sucked, was Conor’s last, fleeting thought.

* * * *

Sam watched as the big man’s eyes slid closed and he relaxed into

sleep once again. Closing his own eyes, he laid head on Conor’s chest
and drifted, happy he could give Conor such pleasure. He felt his cock
deflate but did not move, not wanting to break the connection

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between them.

He knew immediately when Conor woke again a few minutes

later. He opened his eyes, suddenly wary of what Conor might have to
say for his taking such liberties while he had been asleep.

“Good morning again,” Conor rumbled softly. Sam felt the words

vibrate under his cheek as he heard them in his ears. “Sorry I crashed
like that. Unfortunately it’s a family trait.”

Sam shrugged and tried to remain nonchalant as he said, “That’s


He could not help the eep of fear that escaped when Conor

suddenly logrolled them until Sam was on his back and Conor leaned
over him until they were nose to nose.

“What’s wrong?”
Though he tried to look away, he could not. Cobalt-blue eyes held

him hostage and demanded the truth. “You’re not mad?”

“Mad? Why would I be mad?”
Sam finally dropped his gaze and sighed. “Because I was sucking

you off without asking first.”

“Angel, I wish I could wake up that way every morning,” Conor

said, sounding sleep and happy and relaxed.

“Well sure. What man wouldn’t want to wake up with a beautiful

man lying beside him giving pleasure to him as well as taking
pleasure in him? I mean, you did enjoy fucking me, didn’t you?”

Before Sam could come up an appropriate answer, the bedside

clock began to chirp at him, followed a few seconds later by a more
annoying beeping from across the room.

“Shit, I forgot to turn them off,” he muttered as he pushed Conor

back and rolled out of bed. By the time he had turned the two clocks
off, Conor was sitting up and looking way too tousled and sexy for his
getting to work on time.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to get moving,” Sam said.
Suddenly he felt nervous and uncomfortable at being with this

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near stranger he had just sucked off after sleeping with him. Would
Conor want to see him again? Would he even acknowledge him the
next time Sam showed up at the club? Or had he just become another
one of the big man’s infamous one-night stands?

“I know you do, angel. Is there anything I can do to help make

your day easier?”

The question stopped Sam in his tracks. No one else had ever

offered to help him, no matter how far behind he was or how ill-
equipped he might for a task. His own belly sticky with Conor’s
spend, he knew Conor was in the same shape. Stepping into the
bathroom, he dealt with the condom that surprisingly was still on his
cock, then carried a warm, wet washcloth to Conor.

He watched as Conor washed up and dressed, acting like he was

accustomed to dressing in front of an audience. Though he was naked,
Sam was having a hard time reacting. It was as if he was still in a
dream and acting a lot more casual about things than he felt.

Finally he forced himself to turn and pull out clean underwear and

black socks from his dresser. As he did, his vision suddenly blurred
with unexpected tears. He really did not want to just be another one of
Conor’s conquests. All at once, he wanted so much more with the big
man, though the declaration of marriage was a bit too much too soon.

“Sam? You okay?” the deep, compassionate voice asked from just

behind him. Sam nodded as he wiped the clean boxers over his face to
wipe away the one or two stray tears that had escaped.

“I’m fine. It’s just—” He broke off, unable to explain how much

the past half hour had meant to him.

“You’re not used to waking up with a man in your bed?” Conor


Sam huffed a laugh. “You have no idea.
Truth was, until the night before, no one had ever spent the night

in Sam’s bed. He always went home with them, not the other way

He did not fight Conor when the big man turned him around.

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Instead he burrowed into his chest as Conor hugged him, long and
strong. “I’m going to leave now so you can get ready in peace, but I’d
like you to come by the club tonight, okay?”

“Umm, okay, but it may be late. And I may not be the best of


Conor picked him up and carried him through the house,

extending the hug another few minutes. “I’ll take you any way I can
get you, sweet man,” he said.

At the door Sam received another long, strong hug and quick kiss

before Conor opened the door and walked out. Closing the door, he
stepped to the front window and peeked through the closed mini-
blinds as Conor climbed into his truck. He sat for a few minutes and
looked at the house before starting his SUV and pulling out.

Sam sighed as he headed for the shower. Scratching the dried goo

on his chest, he smiled and was suddenly feeling happier and more
relaxed than he had felt in a long, long time. He had a date with a big,
ginger-haired teddy bear.

Now all he had to do was get through the day without killing the

bridezillas or being assassinated by their mothers.

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Chapter 5

Conor found himself pacing the bar, watching the front door

closely, hoping the next time it opened Sam would walk in. By
midnight he had just about given up hope when the door opened and a
battered and bruised überblond man walked in. It took him a moment
to realize that the man with the swollen nose, split lip, and black eye
was his man. He still wore his tuxedo, though the tie was missing and
the white shirt was stained with dried blood

“Sam, what the hell happened?” he asked as he stepped around the

front desk.

“Mike Jacobs happened,” Sam said, wincing when Conor hugged

him. “Seems he has an aversion to his sister’s new husband who he
claims would never be good enough for her. After much whiskey
flowed during the reception, the party ended up with the groom, the
bride, and all their brothers in handcuffs and three innocent
bystanders in the emergency room.”

“Are you all right?”
Sam blinked and looked at him in surprise. “I’m battered and sore

and colorfully bruised, but otherwise I’m fine. But I’m afraid all I
want to do right now is go home and sleep for about twelve hours.”

“Of course. Let me tell Riley I’m leaving,” Conor said, waving at

one of the other bouncers on duty to take over for him.

“Uh, Conor, I’m not going to be very good company tonight.

Maybe I should just go home alone and I’ll see you next week
sometime, once I’m better.”

Conor looked at the man and saw he was not only hurt, he was

also exhausted. He needed a caretaker, not a lover, which was fine

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with him. He knew Sam had heard the stories going around the club
about his sexual exploits and conquests, and knew he would have to
do some damage control where his reputation was concerned.

“If that’s what you want, Sam, but would you do me a favor and

call me when you get home and then when you wake up tomorrow?”

Sam nodded and winced, then said, “I need your phone number.”
Grabbing a card from the desk, Conor turned it over and wrote

down his cell phone. Handing Sam the card, he pulled out his own
phone and called up the phone app. “What’s your number?”

After punching in the numbers Sam recited, he saved it with a

nod. “Good to go. Now go home, take a couple of pain pills, and take
a long, hot bath before you hit the sheets.”

Sam surprised him by wrapping his arms around his middle and

giving him a tight squeeze. “I think I love you.”

Conor had to fight an instinctual need to wrap his arms around the

injured man and tell him how much he was coming to care for him as
well. Instead, he forced his arms to stay loose and kissed the top of his
head. “Come on. I’ll walk you out.”

Once Sam had driven out of sight, Conor returned to the club just

in time to help close up for the night. As they sat around eating
sandwiches and relaxing, he looked at his brothers. “How are the
wedding plans coming?”

“Oh, shit,” “Don’t ask,” and two long groans of obvious pain were

the responses from his brothers and their soon-to-be husbands.

“Mom is making us nuts with all the decisions,” Riley said.
“Frankly I think we should just go to the courthouse, get it over

with, and have a party here couple of kegs here afterward,” Sully said.

“But your mother and sister would be so disappointed,” Chaz said.

The gentle, loving fixologist touched his brother’s arm, and Conor
watched as Sully melted.

“I know, sweetheart, and that is why we are letting them have

their big insane wedding,” Sully said before leaning close and giving
his man a long, deep kiss, making Conor wish Sam was there to hold.

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Conor smiled. “What if I could get the women off your backs and

happy, plan a beautiful wedding, and not cost you more than money
and a couple of hours of decision making?”

The four men looked at him as if he had completely lost mind.
“And how do you plan to work this miracle?” Riley asked as he

lifted Toby into his lap, sending another shaft of jealousy through
Conor’s gut.

“I know a guy who can help,” Conor said. I hope.
“This guy wouldn’t be the hottie with the blond braid to his ass

you rescued last night, would it?” Toby asked with a grin.

The little man had come a long way from the frightened little

rabbit who had offered to do just about anything for a job just a
couple of months before. Secure in Riley’s love and his job as the
hottest dancer on the Sex Gods’ stage, his self-esteem had made him
brave enough to now take part in the never-ending teasing that went
on at Sex Gods, especially after hours.

Conor forced himself to smile at the man even as his own arms

felt empty. He was a snuggler and wished Sam was here for him to
cuddle with as his brothers were doing with their men. But his angel
had gone home injured because of his job.

Speaking of which, Sam had not yet called, confirming he had

gotten home safe. Pulling out his phone, Conor frowned at it. It
should have only taken him a few minutes to get home, and he had
left the club more than an hour and a half earlier.

The uncomfortable itch that had been nagging at him since he had

allowed Sam to leave without him suddenly became unbearable.
Something had to have happened. He did not think Sam was the type
who would go back on his word.

“I’ve got to go,” Conor said.
“Tell your man if he can make Mom happy, without making us

bonkers, he’s got a job,” Riley called after him.

“Yeah,” Sully called as he crossed the bar in long, hurried strides.
Conor waved one hand in acknowledgment just before he ducked

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behind the bar and then down the hall to the back door. In the
employees’ parking lot, he climbed into his SUV and was racing
down the road toward Sam’s house in seconds. The closer he got, the
more the itchy feeling turned into a cold chill of fear.

* * * *

“Go home, Mitch,” Sam repeated for what felt like the fiftieth

time. “You’re drunk, I’m tired, and I really do not want to talk to you
tonight. I just want to go inside and sleep.”

“Not until we talk this out,” the other man said, obviously drunk

as he leaned heavily against his truck.

When he had pulled in, his entire focus was on getting a shower,

some aspirin, and going to bed. He had not noticed his ex-boyfriend’s
truck parked in the space next to the one where he always kept his
van. After pulling in and parking, Sam sat for a few minutes, trying to
gather the strength to climb out and go inside. A sharp tap on the
window by his ear startled him, and he turned to find Mitch standing
outside the window frowning at him.

That had been a while ago. Though he was tempted to call Conor

and beg him to come and rescue him, Sam held off, hoping Mitch
would get tired of waiting and just go away. Headlights swept the
parking lot, and Sam was surprised when the vehicle they were
attached to pulled in and parked on the other side of his van.

Turning, he watched through grit-filled eyes as Conor climbed

from the driver’s seat. The big man whose marriage proposal Sam had
so far avoided answering, though during both weddings and
receptions was in the forefront of his thoughts, slowly walked around
the front of the van.

“Mitch, what are you doing here?” Conor heard him say.
“What the hell business is it of yours?” Mitch snarled in response.
“It’s my business because Sam is my husband-to-be.”
Showing more faith than Sam would ever be able to muster,

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Conor turned and gestured for him to unlock the van door. Hitting the
button, Sam pulled the keys from the ignition and then his briefcase
from the driver’s seat. By the time he turned back around, Conor had
the door open and was waiting to help him climb down.

Mitch looked confused for a minute, then turned to glare at Sam

through the van’s window. “Is that true, Sam? Are you really going to
marry this guy?”

Sam hesitated only a second before nodding. “Yes, Mitch, I really

am going to marry Conor. Now you need to call someone to come and
take you home because Conor and I are going inside and going to bed,
and I suggest you do the same.”

“Bullshit,” Mitch snarled. “You’re not going to marry anybody,

and in a couple of days, you’ll come back to me, bitch.”

Conor moved so fast Sam missed the action, his tired mind not

catching up until Mitch was laid out on the ground moaning and
holding his jaw. Conor was flexing his hand as he turned and wrapped
an arm around Sam.

“Come on, angel. Let’s go inside. You need a hot shower and a

cold ice pack on that face.”

Sam did not argue. Instead, he allowed Conor to take his briefcase

and guide him into the apartment. Once inside, he engaged both the
lock in the doorknob as well as the deadbolt that could only be
worked from the inside. At the roar of an engine, he peeked through
the mini-blinds long enough to determine Mitch was indeed leaving.
Then he turned and threw himself into Conor’s arms.

“My hero,” he giggled. “Thank you for coming to my rescue yet


Conor hugged him tight, lifting him from the floor. “No problem.

After all, that’s my job as your husband-to-be, to keep you safe and

Sam giggled. “My knight in a shiny SUV.”
“Yep,” Conor agreed with a chuckle as he set his man down.

“And now that the drunken, evil dragon hast been vanquished, I shall

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takest my leave and lettest thou cleanest upeth.”

His overdone mock British accent only caused Sam to giggle


“Verily so, good sire,” he returned in his own hackneyed accent as

he followed Conor to the front door. “And what doth thou demand as
reward for the heroism needed to vanquish yon dragon?”

“A kiss, kind sir,” Conor said, turning and leaning down to place a

gentle kiss on the uninjured side of Sam’s mouth. “And how about a
date Monday afternoon at the club? I have some business you might
be interested in.”

Sam shivered under Conor’s hot blue-eyed gaze as the man

straightened. “Okay,” he breathed as the big man opened the door.

“Take care of yourself, angel. And keep things locked up tight,”

Conor ordered gently as he stepped out and pulled the door closed
behind himself.

Sam threw the deadbolt then turned and leaned against the locked

door with a long, deep, happy sigh. How had his life gone from the
pits to the peaks so quickly?

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Chapter 6

“Sam, this is my twin, Sullivan, and his husband-to-be, Chaz. And

the big guy over there is my other brother, Riley, and his husband-to-
be, Toby. And this is Maureen Muldoon, the ruler of the clan.” Conor
made the introductions the next afternoon. “This is Sam White,
wedding planner extraordinaire, and the man I’m going to marry as
soon as I talk him into it.”

He knew throwing the family at Sam all at once would be

overwhelming, but if he wanted to keep peace in the family and
everyone talking to everyone else, he had to act fast. His mother had
come in waving swatches and flowers, sending the four engaged men
scattering to the four corners of the building in an attempt to hide
from the momzilla she became when they did not cooperate with her.

It had taken him ten minutes and a few threats of bodily harm to

get everyone to report to the main room for this meeting.

“Sam, how wonderful to meet you. Welcome to the family,”

Maureen gushed as she grabbed Sam and gave him a long, motherly
hug. Once she released him and stepped back, the wide-eyed man
edged closer to Conor as if afraid of what the others might do to him.

“Um, good to meet you, too, Mrs. Muldoon. And thank you?” he

said, the last comment emerging more as a question than an actual
statement of appreciation.

“So, should I be planning three weddings and not just two?” she

said, the bright gleam in her blues eyes causing a shiver to race
through Conor as he thought of what his brothers had gone through
over the last weeks and months.

“No, Mom. That’s why Sam’s here. I thought maybe he could

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take over and deal with all the wedding stuff. After all, you’re awful
busy these days with your gardens and volunteer work and getting
ready for your trip to Scotland and all,” Conor said quickly.

“I am?” Sam asked.
“Yes, angel, you are,” Conor said, wrapping an arm around the

smaller man and pulling him closer.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” Sully said after Conor met his gaze

over their mother’s head. “Mom, you have been working too hard
lately. Having Sam take over the planning might be best.”

Maureen looked from one son to the next, then at the three smaller

men who were soon to join the family with a skeptical expression.
“Uh-huh,” she huffed. “I just think you want Sam to do it because
he’ll let you get away with wearing blue jeans and baseball caps.”

“No, ma’am,” the three brothers chimed in unison though Conor

had considered it as he knew his brothers had.

“We know you’d kill us if we tried that,” Riley said.
“Yes, I would. Well if this is what you want then I’ll step back

and allow Sam to take over. But, Sam, I expect a dignified, gracious
event, and not a keg party or pig picking or some other outrageously
redneck throwdown. I also expect pictures. Lots of pictures.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Sam said. “If you’d like, once I talk to the guys

and figure out what they want and when the big day is, you and I
could meet and discuss some of the finer details later in the week. I
can also bring my portfolio and show you some of the other weddings
I’ve coordinated.”

“Oh, that would be lovely,” Maureen said, reaching into her purse

and pulling out her phone.

In seconds, she pulled up the calendar on her phone and said,

“How about Thursday? We can meet for lunch and discuss the
weddings. You can also tell me how you met and entranced Conor.”

“Mom, nooooooo,” Conor groaned.
Maureen looked up at the man who stood more than half a foot

taller than she did. “If you don’t want me interrogating your

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boyfriend, you might want to think about joining us.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Conor said.
Sam pulled out his own phone and sent himself an e-mail about

the appointment. “I don’t have my calendar with me, but if there’s a
problem, I’ll be in touch this evening once I get home and check.”

“Wonderful. Conor can give you my number. Now I’ve got to go

run a few errands.” Starting with Sam she went around the group and
gave each man a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Once she was gone, Conor waited to see what Sam’s response

would be to his bigger-than-life, whirlwind of a mother. He found
himself holding his breath as Sam turned and looked up at him. “I like
her. But why didn’t you tell me what was going on? I could have
brought my portfolio and we could have had a proper introductory

“Because, my sweet angel, I wasn’t expecting her to be here. I

wanted you to meet my brothers and talk to them about planning the
three weddings without her around to influence you against taking the

* * * *

“Uh-huh,” Sam said, sounding skeptical. “I still wish you had told


“Sam, we’re hoping you will be able to save our collective sanity.

We just want simple ceremonies with friends and family, good food,
and not a lot of fuss, muss, or hair pulling,” Toby stepped in to

“Oh, okay, I can do that. Do you all want the same thing?” Sam

asked as he looked around the loose circle.

Five heads moved up and down at the same speed. He ignored

Conor and focused on the other two couples. “Have you considered
having a joint ceremony? Or do you prefer to have your own special
day that you don’t have to share with your brothers?”

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“Joint ceremony?” Chaz asked, frowning in confusion.
“A double wedding. Where two couples get married at the same

time,” Sam explained simply.

The four engaged men looked at their partners and shrugged at

one another. As one they turned back to Sam and nodded.

“Only it will be a triple wedding, not a double,” Conor said as he

laid a hand on Sam’s shoulder.

“We’ll see,” Sam said. “You may change your mind once you get

to know me.”

“Oh, I doubt there’s anything you can do or say that will make me

change my mind,” Conor practically cooed as he stepped closer and
wrapped his arms around him.

Though he loved when his man got all snuggly huggy like this, he

was trying to appear professional and conduct business. “I’ve got
some paperwork in my truck I’ll need you to fill out. Likes, dislikes,
color preferences, wedding location preferences, that sort of thing.”

When the four men went pale, he added, “It will only take a few

minutes. Then I’ll need is a deposit on my services and to know who
I’ll need to contact with for the rest of the decisions. I promise to
make it as painless as possible.”

The four men looked dubious.
“Or I could just meet with your mother and go with her ideas if

you want.”

That offer had four sets of eyes go wide with shock.
Riley pushed his fiancé forward. “Good ahead, baby. You deal

with it.”

“Really?” Toby asked, looking wide-eyed and fearful.
Riley, the big bad bartender, leaned down and kissed his man. “I

trust you, and you have really good taste.”

In the meantime, Sully and Chaz were having a whispered

argument. Finally they turned and looked at Toby as well. “We trust
you, too. We’ll pay half, but we leave the decision making to you,

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Toby’s cheeks went from pale to bright red. “I’ll try not to screw

it up,” he said before yelping when Riley swatted his ass.

“What have I told you about putting yourself down?”
“Don’t ever do it,” Toby said before taking a deep breath, which

he released in a rush of a sigh. “All right then, I’ll do a kick-ass job,
and if you don’t like my decisions, just remember, you made me do

“Better,” Riley said.
“Good,” Conor said. “Sam will get with you later to set up a time

for a meeting. For now, go away, boys. You’re bothering us.”

Sam turned and looked at his man, who stared back at him with

burning lust in his eyes and nasty intentions on his mind.

His brothers just laughed before leading their men away. Once the

four had disappeared through an open doorway behind the bar, the
door closed with a solid thunk. Only then did Conor turn Sam toward
him and pull him close enough to kiss deep, wet, and wild as his
hands roamed his body.

The business side of Sam’s brain shut down as Conor began to

work his shirt up his body until it was bunched under his armpits.
“What are you doing?” he managed to whisper between long, deep,
burning kisses that sent tendrils of flame licking through his
bloodstream to ignite a fire all over his body.

“I’m fixing to strip you, lay you over the bar, and tease you until

you agree to marry me,” Conor said as he reached between them and
opened the fastenings of Sam’s pants.

“But your brothers…”
“Are leaving through the back door as we speak,” Conor assured

him as he pulled Sam’s shirt off and tossed it over his shoulder onto a
nearby table.

“But the bar…”
“Does not open Monday nights. We have the whole place to

ourselves for as long as we want it. Then after you’ve agreed to be my
husband, I’ll show you the new offices of Sam White, Wedding

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Consultant,” Conor said as he pulled his own shirt off. Toeing off his
sneakers, he slowly danced Sam closer to the bar.

Seeing Conor uncover his chest then reach for the waistband of

his jeans shorted out Sam’s common sense, leaving only his need
behind. Pushing his own pants and boxers down his legs, Sam gave
over to the big man’s plan without further argument though he was
nervous about their being caught. But somehow that anxiety only
heightened the hunger simmering deep in his balls.

They really needed to talk about this obsession Conor had about

marrying him as soon as humanly possible, but Sam’s cock urged him
to put it off until later. After they relieved some of the stress both men
seemed to be feeling.

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Chapter 7

Conor knew pushing Sam was probably not the best way to go

about getting the man to agree to marry him, but he could not seem to
help himself. Something about the sexy little blond made him want to
wrap him up in cotton wool and keep him safe and hidden from the
rest of the world. He had teased both Riley and Sully when they had
gone through this with their men, and was thankful they had not
started in on him.

By the time they reached the bar, both men were naked and their

cocks were long and strong erections. Looking down Sam’s slim but
lithely muscular body only added to the need that filled Conor, both in
his cock and his heart. His man was truly beautiful.

“What now, big boy?” Sam said in a passable imitation of Mae

West as he thrust one hip out and pretended to twirl a string of
“pearls.” “You just going to tease me with your naked self or are you
going to show me you’re a real man and know how to use this thing?”

Conor sucked a breath when Sam reached out and used the tip of

his index finger to trace a line from the already wet slit to the base
along the top of his cock. He then traced halfway around his
circumference then followed the thick vein he found there back up to
the head. Then he wrapped his hand around the shaft and began to
slowly stroke it up and down. His gentle actions drove Conor right to
his breaking point.

Reaching down and gently pulling Sam’s hand away, he smiled

and licked his lips. “Oh, I’m going to use it, all right, angel. But
before I do, I’m going to have you begging.”

Sam turned away with a saucy, daring grin. “Uh-huh. I’d like to

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see that.”

His skeptical tone flipped a switch in Conor, and it was as if

someone else had instantly taken charge of his body. Closing the
distance between him and the man who now held his heart, he swept
Sam up. He carried the wiggling man the last few feet to the bar and
laid him down so he was face up.

“Don’t move,” he ordered harshly as he shoved two barstools out

of his way. Both fell over in a clatter on the hardwood floor.

“Uh, okay,” Sam whimpered, “please don’t hurt me.”
Looking up, Conor saw terror in the little man’s eyes as Sam held

himself statue still, barely even breathing. That fear blasted through
his beastly need, and he froze as well.

“Oh, sweet angel, I didn’t mean to scare you. Don’t be afraid of

me, I would never, ever hurt you. I just didn’t want to you fall off the
bar and hurt yourself.” Moving slowly, he began to stroke the body
that was laid out like a feast meant just for him.

Leaning down, he kissed Sam, who met his kisses with an ardor

that told him he was forgiven for the momentary scare. Reluctantly
leaving the full, kissable lips, Conor worked his way south. Using
hands and lips and tongue and little nips of teeth, he soon had Sam
panting and shifting on the bar as he tried to fuck air. When Sam
reached for him, he took his man by the wrists. Placing both wrists in
one hand, he held them out of the way as he continued kissing and
licking and nipping his way to Sam’s waist.

Conor moved until his lips hovered over the head of Sam’s cock.

Not as thick as his own battering ram, Sam’s was a little longer,
reaching nearly to his navel as it rested upon his lower belly. Exhaling
warm, moist air over the head, Conor smiled when Sam moaned with
need as his cock twitched.

“Ready to beg yet?”
Sam huffed a laugh. Conor took that as a no. So he moved into the

next phase of his not really thought out plan for seduction.

He dragged the flat of his tongue over the tip of Sam’s cock

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before releasing him. Looking around, he found and lunged for his
jeans. Sam was still writhing as he returned after grabbing lube and
condoms from one pocket.

Using one hand to lift Sam’s cock until it was perpendicular to his

belly, Conor swirled his tongue around the head. That earned him a
moaning gasp as well as a thrust of Sam’s hips upward.

“Please,” Sam breathed. He bent his knees and began to push his

cock back and forth through Conor’s hand.

Though his own cock was all for moving things forward at

lightning speed, Conor released Sam’s cock and pulled back. “Not
yet, angel. You’re not begging for the right things yet.”

With that, he shifted his attention. After arranging Sam so one

foot rested on the far edge of the work counter on the other side of the
bar, and the other rested on a barstool he dragged close enough for
that purpose, he sheathed his own cock before popping the top on the
bottle of lube.

He moved so he was nose to nose with this hot, sexy, intriguing

man. “Are you ready to marry me yet?”

Sam’s eyes got wide, and though he was panting and gasping for

air, he shook his head. “We don’t know each other well enough.”

“Hmmm, you may be right,” Conor said as he slowly spread lube

over the fingers of his right hand. “So give me three reasons why I
should not want to marry you.”

Before Sam could speak, Conor reached down and pressed one

finger through the puckered star of his asshole.

“Oh, shit,” Sam moaned as his cock twitched and began to drool

on his belly. “Can’t think.”

“Well, then tell me three things about you. Likes, dislikes, bad

habits, whatever,” Conor encouraged as he slowly slid the finger in
and out, twisting it with each inward thrust.

In answer, Sam moaned reached for Conor with his now-free

hands. Conor caught them again and held them to the side as he
pressed a second finger through the tightly muscled opening. “Come

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on, angel. Either tell me what I want to know or agree to marry me
and be my love forever.”

Sam’s answer was a garble of half words and sounds as Conor

added a third finger to stretch his man’s hole enough to take him
without pain.

Though he had a second’s hesitation at such coercion, when he

looked into Sam’s eyes and saw the fire there, Conor knew he was
doing the right thing. His man needed him to protect him from
assholes like Mitch, and he needed Sam’s gentle sweetness to smooth
some of his own rough edges. The fact that the attraction between
them was hotter than the sun was just an added bonus.

His own cock began to hurt as it throbbed with each heartbeat.

“Come on, Sam. Talk to me. Beg for it, angel.”

“Please, oh, God please, fuck me,” Sam said, his voice growing

higher and louder with each word.

“Will you marry me and be my husband for the rest of our lives?”

* * * *

Having reached the limits of his sanity and control, Sam

screamed, “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you if that’s what you really want.
Now fuck me!”

He tried to lift his hips to fuck himself fast and hard on Conor’s

slow-sliding fingers, but his feet were placed too far apart to give him
the leverage he needed.

“All right, love, I’ll fuck you boneless.”
Sam did not fight as he was lifted from the bar and moved to the

closest table. He sucked a breath at the cold tabletop against his back
but lifted his legs to his chest and held them there as Conor fucked
him a couple more times with three fingers. He whined when they
were pulled from his ass then moaned in soul-deep approval as the
blunt head of Conor’s cock pushed through the rings of tissue. When
the man did not move fast enough for him, he arched his back and

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wiggled his hips, trying his best to speed up the process of having
Conor’s entire cock fill him.

“Oh, God, that feels good,” he managed as his ass adjusted to the

long, thick invader.

“Yes, it does,” Conor moaned as he leaned forward until he was

leaned over Sam. “So damn good that I won’t be able to last long.”

“Me, either,” Sam admitted. “Too close. Give it to me hard and


Conor took two fast strokes, driving Sam right to the edge. Then

he stopped.

“Please, honey. Fast and hard. I can take it.” He looked up into

deep-blue eyes that were glowing with needful fire.

“Yeah,” the man behind him panted. “I’m just not sure I can.”
“Next time we’ll do it slow and easy,” Sam promised. “But right

now I need to come before my head explodes.”

That admission seemed to be the trigger to release Conor from the

steely control he had been holding onto. Sam held onto his legs as
Conor began to fuck him, pistoning in and out, each thrust stronger
and faster than the one before.

It was less than a minute when the imploding ball of Sam’s

arousal reversed course and rocketed outward, filling him with light
and love as sparkles and tingles and rainbows pulsed through his
bloodstream to every cell in his body. At the same time, his balls
tightened and his seed jetted from his cock to paint his chest from
chin to belly button in strong waves of pearlescent cream.

Conor wrapped around him and held him close as his hips

slammed against his lower cheeks once more before pulsing forward,
trying to get even deeper in Sam’s ass. Sam felt the added heat as
Conor’s release filled the latex sheath that separated them.

“Oh, shit, angel, that was amazing,” Conor said.
Sliding his hands under Sam’s body, he lifted him then settled

them on the floor half under the table. He lay on the floor with Sam
sprawled across his body and his cock still buried deep in Sam’s

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“Mmmm.” Sam had to moan his agreement since his brain was

too mushy to form words at the moment.

In another few seconds Conor’s hold went lax and the big man

began to snore softly in his ear.

Sam closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift as well. Being

married to Conor would not be so bad as long as the big man fucked
him like that on a regular basis. The kinkiness of the situation made
him begin to wonder about other things they might be able to get
away with in the bar.

Then he remembered Conor had said something about a new

office for his business and wondered what he was talking about.

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Chapter 8

“So, what do you think? Is it perfect or what?” Conor asked an

hour later as he pulled into a circular driveway of one of the biggest,
oldest houses in the downtown historic district.

“Perfect for what?” Sam asked, looking from the three-story

farmhouse to the man who seemed way too happy with himself.

“Perfect for your business. You said you wanted to be downtown

in one of the big houses. This one is already set up as apartments, two
up and two down. We’ll have to do a minimum of renovation to open
up walls and doorways to convert it to office and showroom
downstairs and a single apartment upstairs.”

Sam blinked. Conor looked so pleased with himself, so happy.

Turning back, he looked out the window again. The house really was
beautiful. And just a block away from the town’s main business
district. And there was street parking as well as the circular drive for
clients to park in.

“Can we go inside?” he asked hesitantly. The outside was

beautiful, though some of the flowerbeds needed to be spruced up a
bit. The paint looked fresh and the windows looked modern.

He only hoped the inside was just as nice because he did not have

a budget for much renovation. Hell, who was he kidding? He did not
have the money to buy this place no matter how perfect it might be
and no matter how much he needed to move.

Climbing from the SUV, he followed Conor to the front door. He

frowned in confusion when Conor pulled a key from his pocket and
unlocked the door. “Uh, Conor?”

“I know the owner,” Conor said with a grin as he pocketed the key

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and waved Sam through the open front doorway.

“Ooooookay,” Sam said as he walked past the big redhead, then

jumped when Conor patted his ass.

The next hour was spent wandering the building, falling more and

more in love with it with each passing minute. He had to agree with
Conor. It really was perfect for what he needed from a business

The first floor had ten-foot ceilings, large rooms, and lots of light.

Once they removed a couple of obviously added-on room dividers,
there would be more than enough room for a showroom and an office.
There was even enough room in the back of the house to organize and
store all the extra supplies and stuff he kept in a rented storage locker
across town from his apartment.

The second floor would provide a wonderful living area for the

two of them, once they removed a wall, which divided the two
apartments, so that the living rooms would become a great room.
They would enlarge one kitchen and get rid of the other and create a
master bathroom out of the two teeny bathrooms that were side by
side. There was space on the third floor to build a couple of
guestrooms and a bathroom.

“It really is perfect,” Sam said as he descended the stairs from the

third floor to the second where Conor waited for him. “But there’s no
way I can afford all this. I’m still a very small one-man business, and
there’s no way I can keep up with the mortgage, much less do the
renovations it needs.”

Conor moved so he was forced to stop on the next to the bottom

step. “Well, aren’t you lucky that you’re going to marry the owner
and will soon have a brother-in-law who can do the renovations.”

“I am?”
“Yes, you are. This is one of the properties around town my

family owns. I’m sure Mom won’t mind if we move in and make it
our home. Especially since you’re going to make her a very happy
mother of the grooms while keeping the rest of us from going bald or

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When Conor wrapped his arms around him and picked him up,

Sam instinctively wrapped his arms and legs around the big man and
clung like a monkey in a tree. Closing his eyes, he laid his head on
Conor’s shoulder and just breathed the man in. The tension and stress
that he had lived with all of his adult life relaxed. All at once he
understood why Conor had proposed so soon and was so adamant
about their getting married. He could finally name the feeling that had
been with him since the man’s first hug.

“You know I love you, right?” he whispered against the side of

Conor’s neck.

“I love you, too, angel,” Conor returned softly, hugging him

tighter to his chest.

When he stopped walking, Sam looked around. They were still on

the second floor, but Conor had carried him to the covered, screened
porch at the back of the house. The rest of the house was empty of
furniture, but out here a picnic table and a couple of plastic lawn
chairs barely made a dent in the space.

“I need you to fuck me, Sam,” Conor moaned as he kissed him. “I

need to love you.”

“Here? Now?” Sam asked though his cock had been hard since

they had walked in the front door.

“Yes. Here and now. And again before dinner. And then tonight

before we fall asleep. And tomorrow morning before we get out of
bed. And…”

“I get it. We’re going to be a couple of hormone-driven rabbits, at

least until the wedding.” Sam leaned in and kissed him, immediately
taking it from a quick brush of lips on lips to a soul-deep duel.

Conor chuckled once they broke the kiss where neither came out

dominant. “I plan on being a pair of busy bunnies until we take our
last breaths.”

Sam smiled as he released Conor and wiggled out of his hold.

Stepping back, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on one of

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the chairs. “Well, honey, if you want me to fuck you, then you’d
better get naked before I lose interest and go down the street looking
for some cake.”

* * * *

Conor was shocked at how much Sam taking charge turned him

on. He scrambled out of his clothes, tossing them into a pile on the
floor. Once naked, he waited until Sam pulled off his last bit of
clothing before saying, “How do you want me?”

Sam laughed as he tossed his boxers with the rest of his clothes.

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.”

“But you’re in charge this time,” Conor pointed out. “Fucker

chooses, fuckee goes along with it.”

Sam thought about his words and nodded as he wrapped one hand

around his cock and began to slowly stroke it. “Sounds like a good
rule. Are we also going to trade off on who gives and who receives?”

Conor nodded slowly. “I may be big and all, but I liked the feel of

your cock sliding in and out of me the other night. I want to feel it
again and again.”

“Okay, but you’ll tell me if you ever get tired of trading off, won’t


“Of course. And I hope you’ll do the same.”
Sam nodded and pulled one bench out from beneath the table. “In

that case, I want you straddling and lying facedown on this bench.”

“Happy to oblige.” Conor grinned as he moved into position.
Looking over his shoulder, he watched as Sam rifled through his

pockets and found the lube and last condom he had brought with him.
He made a mental note that he needed to carry more than a couple
condoms with him for the next six months until their test results came
back. He had a feeling that they really would be a pair of busy, horny
bunnies for many, many years to come.

Sam turned and looked at him. “What?”

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Conor’s grin widened until his cheek muscles began to hurt. “Just

admiring the view, angel. Now come on. I need to feel your cock
buried deep inside me.”

“Be a good boy and put your hands over your head and grab hold

of the bench,” Sam said. “And don’t let go or I’ll stop.”

“Oooo, sounds kinky,” Conor said as he did as commanded. “Like


“Yes, honey, exactly like that,” Sam said.
Conor relaxed as Sam ran one hand up and down his spine as the

other tracked down the valley of his ass before circling his pucker,
spreading slick along the way. He worked to relax as Sam began to
stretch him, but the need that was building in him was like an
avalanche, picking up rocks and trees and growing bigger and bigger.

Sam soon had three fingers in him, which was more than enough.

He then twisted his hand and began to stroke over Conor’s prostate.
The move caused his back to curl and his head to come up as he
sucked a deep breath, which he then released on a long groan.

“Now, angel. Fuck me now,” he pleaded as Sam continued

stroking back and forth, putting just enough pressure to torture and
send him near his peak, but not enough to launch him over the top.

“Will you wear a tuxedo at our wedding?” Sam asked on the next


“Uh, sure, anything you want,” Conor said, willing to promise his

love anything to feel his cock inside him.

“And you’ll talk your brothers into wearing them as well?” Sam

said, easing his fingers out completely then brushing just the head of
his latex-sheathed cock across Conor’s slightly parted star.

“Oh, God, yes. Anything for you, angel.”

* * * *

“Good boy,” Sam cooed as he slowly pushed forward. He did not

stop until he was completely embedded in Conor, but once he was as

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deep as he could get, he paused. Then he began to run his hands up
and down the big man’s back in a massaging motion, meant to soothe,
though the way Conor was trembling under his palms, he was not sure
it was working.

Conor’s moans and unintelligible babbling added to the

impression that his man was too close to his limits. But Sam was
determined to keep things leisurely, and since he was the fucker and
in charge, he would.

“Shhh, honey, just relax and enjoy,” he said as he continued to

massage the big man’s muscular back.

“But, I need,” Conor whined.
“I know, but I want this to last a long, long time. So you’d better

not come until I tell you to.”

That earned him another whining moan, which only made Sam

smile as he eased out about halfway before pushing deep again.
Though he was as wound up as Conor, he was determined to keep his
word. He had promised Conor at the bar that their next time together
would be slow and easy and by the gods he was going to give him
what he promised.

Conor relaxed only minimally as he slid out and paused before

sliding back in again and holding for a count of five. His own
heartbeat thundered in his ears as his body demanded more. Sam
gritted his teeth and forced his body to continue moving at one-third

“Oh, angel, please,” Conor begged and began to buck his hips

against Sam.

“All right, lover. I’ll take care of you”
Sliding one hand under Conor’s belly, Sam wrapped his fingers

around the big man’s straining erection. Three strokes that moved in
counterpoint to his hips, and Conor cried out. Feeling the sturdy
length pulsate in his hand as his man came sent Sam flying, and he
cried out his orgasm as well.

As they both relaxed in their post-orgasmic bliss, Sam rested over

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Conor’s back as he caught his breath before easing his cock free and
standing up. As he expected, his love was asleep, so Sam left him and
went into the house to clean up and take care of the condom.

By the time he returned, Conor was awake and sitting up.
“Where did you go?”
“Bathroom to clean up,” he said as he reached his boxers. “You

might want to do the same before it dries and gets nasty.”

Still mostly asleep, Conor frowned and then looked down at

himself. “Uh, yeah, I guess so.”

Once they were both dressed again, Conor led the way back

downstairs. “So, what do you think of this house as your new office
and our home?”

Sam already knew the answer but hesitated until Conor turned to

look at him. “I think it’s perfect,” he said softly before throwing
himself at the big man who caught him and lifted him until they were
nose to nose and lip to lip. “I love you, but I’m going to talk to Toby
and Chaz about setting the wedding off for a couple of months, if
that’s okay. I want to give us a chance to get to know one another
better before we become man and husband.”

Conor nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me. But don’t set it too far

away or you’ll have Riley and Sully to answer to. They’re already
threatening to go to the Justice of the Peace just to get it over with.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure their men can convince them to wait, at

least a couple of months.”

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Chapter 9

“I now pronounce you men and husbands,” the minister declared.

“You may kiss your men.”

Sam looked up and saw the tears on his brand-new husband’s face

and knew that forcing the brothers to wait the five months it had taken
to put together the wedding was well worth it. All six men were
hungover from the bachelor party the night before, but had agreed that
the beach wedding at dawn’s first light was the most romantic time of
day, especially in late summer when the temperature often reached the
upper eighties well before noon.

The wedding was small with only family and closest friends

attending. The party would then move to Maureen’s house for a small
garden breakfast followed by a much more public reception at the
club that night.

“You okay?” Sam asked as he reached up and brushed a tear from

Conor’s cheek.

Conor did not answer. Instead, he leaned down for their first kiss

as husband and husband since those gathered were making impatient
noises to witness that first act of marital harmony.

As soon as their lips touched, Sam gave himself over and allowed

Conor to take the lead. His man had given in on some many things for
this wedding, it was only right to let him have this moment, even
though they had discovered over the past few months that Conor
really preferred Sam to top him in the bedroom.

He sighed when Conor finally broke the kiss, though neither man

moved from the tight embrace. He wondered if anyone would miss
them if they did not make it to the reception. Then he remembered a

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wedding the previous year when the bride and groom had been
unusually late arriving to the reception. The afternoon had taken a
turn to the bizarre when it was discovered the groom was discovered
drinking champagne out of the bride’s vagina in the back of the
limousine they had ridden in from the church.

“I love you, Mr. Muldoon,” he said just before his new mother-in-

law pulled him away to give him a hug.

“I love you, Mr. Muldoon,” Conor returned as he accepted

congratulations from Jack and Paulo, the club’s cook, who seemed to
be quite cozy lately, and who had arrived together in Jack’s sports car.

“Sam, I don’t know how you did it,” Maureen said once the furor

of congratulations and best wishes died away and people began to
move off the beach and toward the parking lot. “Overseeing the
renovations, moving your business while keeping up with seven
brides and these three had to have been an overwhelming task. But
you seem to have handled it quite well.”

“I had a lot of help,” Sam said, his eyes continuing to track

Conor’s every move as he talked with some of the other guests and
then his brothers.

“Well, it was a perfect ceremony. And you were right. Ties on the

beach just would not have been right, but I am glad you talked them
out of blue jeans.”

Sam had to smile. It had been hard enough talking the Muldoon

matriarch out of tuxedos, suits, and ties. It had been even more
difficult convincing Conor that off-white linen slacks with white
shirts and tan shoes would make a better showing than blue jeans and

But somehow he had managed and had just survived the wedding

he had always dreamt about. The fact that the others had gone along
with his plan and been happy someone had a vision for a day that
would make their mother happy without causing them too much stress
and turmoil made it all the sweeter.

“Ready to go, angel?” Conor stepped up and wrapped one arm

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around his back.

Sam nodded. “Whenever you are.”
“We’ll see you there in a bit, Mom.”
“I’ll expect you within the hour,” Maureen said before leaving on

the arm of an older man standing nearby. She had introduced him as
her new landscaper, but Sam could see there was more going on
between the two than yard design.

Instead of following the others to the parking lot, Conor turned

and led him in the opposite direction.

“Where are we going?” Sam asked.
“Patience, my love,” Conor said as they headed to a small,

brightly painted building just beyond the parking lot.

But there was a man in their path. Sam stopped when he

recognized him. “Mitch, what are you doing here?”

“I read about it in the paper and I couldn’t believe you were

actually going to go through with it so I came to see for myself.”

For the first time since Sam had met him, Mitch looked happy. He

was not hungover, which was surprising for a Saturday morning,
shaved, dressed appropriately, and looked almost happy.

“Yes, I married Conor. Was that all you wanted?” Sam said as he

leaned a little closer to Conor. He wanted to get away from this man
who only brought back reminders of the past when he had allowed
someone else to dictate his mood and emotions.

Mitch shrugged. “I also wanted to wish you both the best and say

I’m sorry for what I put you through. After that last night, I ended up
getting arrested for drunk and disorderly contact and assaulting a
police officer. As hard as it is to admit, that night probably saved my
life and changed my whole perspective. I’ve been taking anger
management classes and seeing a therapist and I don’t get angry like
that anymore.”

“Good to hear,” Sam said. “I wish you the best future you can

make. Now if you’ll excuse us, we only have an hour before we have
to be somewhere and I really need to spend that time alone with my

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Mitch smiled sadly but stepped aside. “Have a good life.”
Conor had remained silent through the exchange and did not

speak until they were at the porch of the small beach house. “You

Sam nodded and looked up at his best friend and love. “I’m fine. I

hope that someday he finds someone who makes him as happy as you
make me.”

Conor smiled. “Me, too, in reverse.”
“So what are we doing here?” Sam asked, looking around.
“Just a minute and you’ll see,” Conor said cryptically.
He pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door, ushering

his new husband inside with a smile that said Sam was not going to be
wearing clothes for long. He just hoped his new husband remembered
they had to be at his mother’s house within the hour.

Once inside, Sam looked around and liked the open floor plan of

the beach house, though it was odd to him that all the furniture had
been pushed up against the walls, leaving the center of the room

“Conor? Why are we here?” he asked, turning back to see his

husband looking like the cat who ate the cream and the cake that went
with it.

“Dance for me, angel. Dance for me like you did last night at the


Sam’s cheeks heated at the memory of the previous night. It had

taken Toby weeks to teach him and Chaz how to dance while
stripping down to sequined-covered thongs. But they had learned.
After several drinks to bolster their courage, the three men took to the
three small stages and danced for the packed and rowdy crowd,
though their eyes were only on their husbands-to-be.

As the song ended and the men ran behind the curtain, the

applause was deafening. They had been careful to throw their clothes
to the back of the stage so they could be retrieved and not claimed by

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members of the audience. After dressing, they returned to the large
table the six of them had occupied all night to find their men wanting
to leave well before the party’s end.

“Are you sure? We are supposed to be at your mother’s house

soon,” Sam said even as he toed off his shoes, revealing bare feet.

“Please?” Conor said.
“But I don’t have any music,” Sam pointed out.
Conor sat on the double bed in the corner and pulled out his

phone. After going through several screens, the Tim Janis music they
had danced to began to play loud enough for Sam to hear. “Now you

“I’ll dance but you’re not allowed to move from the bed or I’ll

stop,” Sam said, knowing that threat would keep his man planted
where he was.

“Okay. Now dance for me,” Conor said before he reset the music

back to the beginning.

Closing his eyes, Sam began to sway with the music, the steps he

had practiced so many times coming naturally. Though the clothes he
wore today were nearly identical to the dress shirt and jeans he had
worn the night before, he had on no thong underneath the boxers he

All he had was a butt plug he had put in that morning to keep

himself stretched. He knew he was walking a little funny, but Toby
and Chaz were as well. Being ready for their new husbands on this
special day had been the second part of their shared gifts to their men,
the first part being the dance the night before.

Opening his eyes, he checked on Conor as he stepped out of his

pants and saw his audience of one was stripping right along with him.
And, like Sam, he was aroused by the music, the dance, and the
thought of what was to come after.

“God, angel, you are amazing,” Conor said as Sam sashayed

around in only his boxers.

Then Sam turned so he was facing away from his audience.

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Keeping time with the music, he took hold of the boxer’s waistband at
either side of his body and jerked them down to expose half his ass
for two seconds before pulling them back up. Wiggling his hips side
to side, he then pulled the boxers down far enough to uncover the
entire globes. He held them there and shook his ass for a mental count
of five before pulling them back up and dancing around in a circle.

His audience had moved ahead and stripped off his shorts and was

now slowly sliding one big hand up and down his erection. The sight
of how he had affected Conor sent him into a needing frenzy of his
own, and Sam shoved his boxers to the floor and danced out of them.

He shimmied his way across the room, his cock slapping from hip

to hip in a move that made Conor’s eyes go wide. He reached the side
of the bed but stayed just out of his man’s reach as the music ended.

Then to really get things moving, Sam turned so his back was to

Conor and took his bow.

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Chapter 10

Halfway through his angel’s dance, Conor wanted to jump up and

dance with him, ending with hem on the floor in a boneless pile of
orgasmic maleness. Instead, he forced himself to remain on the bed,
though he did strip of his own clothes as Sam removed his so when
the dance came to an end he would be ready to fuck his husband.

That was what he had wanted to do the night before, except they

had been surrounded by more than two hundred friends and
customers, and there was nowhere to go for ten minutes of privacy.
But here, they were alone, and if they were late getting to Mom’s
party, then so be it. Keeping his angel happy and satisfied was how
Conor planned to spend the rest of his life, as long as his man did the
same for him.

Conor was panting by the time the music came to a stop and Sam

spun around for his final bow. That was when he discovered the
man’s secret.

“Sam, what is that?” he asked as he leaned as far forward as he

could and, on stretching his arm out, was just able to touch the purple
circle of something between his love’s cheeks.

“That’s a butt plug,” Sam explained easily as straightened, turned,

and closed the distance between them.

“And why is my angel wearing a plug?” Conor asked as Sam

climbed onto the bed so he was straddling his lap and their cocks
rubbed together.

“So when my husband gets ready to consummate our marriage in

what I expected would be a quickie on the way to the reception, I
would be ready for him,” Sam said, pulling Conor’s arms around his

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body, before wrapping his own arms around Conor’s neck and

Conor closed his eyes, moaning long and low as he brushed his

hands over his man’s skin. It was so soft and silky and warm, housing
a heart that Conor swore was three sizes too big for the little man.
Sam’s hands moved over his back and shoulders in the same manner,
sending shivers through him as his need built to a point he could no
longer contain it.

Sliding his hands down Sam’s body, he kissed his man as he

stroked the skin of his ass then the valley between. Sam returned his
kisses with equal ardor as he began to arch his back and press his
cock up and down the limited space between their bellies.

Feeling for the plug, Conor eased it out and tossed it away then

felt the extra slick Sam had used on himself. His baby was more than
ready for him. And by his fast shallow breathing, he was as close to
the edge as Conor felt.

Needing to be in his angel in the next five seconds or explode

from the want, Conor continued kissing his man as he lifted Sam until
the top of his cock brushed down over the man’s body, over and
around his balls, then to his waiting hole. Using a finger from each
hand that still cupped Sam’s bottom cheeks, he positioned his cock so
the tip pressed through Sam’s back hole. Then he began to lower the
man onto his hard, throbbing shaft.

His tongue delved deeper into Sam’s mouth as the man engulfed

his entire cock. Once he was fully settled back in Conor’s lap, he
rubbed circles around Sam’s ass cheeks, then shifted his hands to the
backs of his thighs. Conor loved using this position because Sam was
in charge, but he could also help and direct some of the action
himself. It was truly a sharing experience.

“Ride your stallion, stud,” he moaned into Sam’s mouth, needing

him to move.

“Mmmm,” Sam managed in return as he began to do just that, his

own cock sliding between their bodies with his pre-cum lubricating

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their skin.

Though he had wanted this to last much longer, Conor could feel

the familiar tingle sliding down his spine and tightening his balls in
preparation. “Getting close,” he grunted as he began to move Sam
faster and harder up and down his length.

“Me, too, honey, so close,” Sam moaned as his movements grew

less coordinated and more hurried.

Three more strokes and Sam’s muscles tightened around him as

his cock spewed hot semen on their bellies. That squeezing sent
Conor skyward as well. He roared out his own completion as his seed
exploded out of his balls, up the length of his cock and deep into
Sam’s gripping channel.

“Love you,” he panted as the orgasm continued until he was

completely stress free.

And, as always, with the last pulsation went all of his strength.

Keeping Sam close, he relaxed back onto the bed as the blackness
dropped over him like a veil.

When he opened his eyes five minutes later, Sam had his eyes

closed as he rested over him. His cock had shrank and fallen from its
favorite nesting place, but his arms remained firmly wrapped around
his angel’s back.

“God, I love you, Sam White Muldoon,” he whispered as he

brushed kisses on the top of Sam’s head.

“Love you, too,” Sam said, lifting his head and looking at Conor

with those pale-blue eyes that had entranced him from their first
meeting. “Can we go to your mom’s place now? There’s a beautiful
wedding brunch just waiting for us and I’m hungry.”

Conor laughed as he sat up and then stood while never letting go

of his man. “Anything you wish, my love. You are my sex god, and I
am yours to command as long as we both shall live.”

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Cooper McKenzie always thought she had been born a hundred

years too late but appreciates air-conditioning, computers, and other
conveniences of modern-day living. She enjoys the slower pace of
New Bern, North Carolina, as well as the history and small-town
community found there. In addition to dreaming up her next story,
Cooper enjoys reading everything except scary books, needle-
weaving for charity, and playing with her new mixed-breed
companion, Honey.

For all titles by Cooper McKenzie, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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