Cooper McKenzie 1 800 SEX GODS 4 Paulo

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo

Paulo Santelli had been head chef at Sex Gods Club since the club
had opened two years earlier. And for two years, Paulo had carried
a secret love for Jack Landers, the head bouncer. But though he
was known as the snarkmaster, Paulo was too shy to approach the
man. Instead, he tried to find love online.

Jack had been attracted to Paulo since the night the club had
opened. But his nightmares leftover from his time in the Marine
Corps kept him from doing anything about it. Until Paulo arrives at
work late and looking like someone had put him through a meat
grinder. Then Jack’s protective instincts for the hot little chef
surge to the forefront and he takes over.

Can two shy men who work together find happiness living
together? Will Honey and her babies accept Jack into their lives?
Can Paulo and Jack put the past to rest and learn to trust again?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 20,903 words

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: PAULO

Cooper McKenzie



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

1-800-SEX-GODS #4: PAULO
Copyright © 2014 by Cooper McKenzie
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-594-3

First E-book Publication: November 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: PAULO


Copyright © 2014

Chapter 1

“What the hell happened to you?”
Paulo Santelli ignored the question as he hurried through the front

lobby of Sex Gods. That deep, dark, oh-so-sexy voice had been
haunting his dreams since the first time he had heard it more than two
years before. That voice had the capability to drive his cock from limp
and loose to tight and hard as a rock with a single word. Sadly, though
his coworkers at the gay club thought he was a smartass wisecracker,
in truth, Paulo was too shy to do anything about the attraction he had
felt for the voice’s owner since that first night.

Not only did he not want to talk about it, but thanks to Dan’s

handiwork, he was three hours late for his shift. The club had been
open for more than an hour and Heaven only knew how screwed up
the kitchen was by now. Kenny, the latest in a long string of kitchen
help, had agreed to arrive early to do the prep work even though
Paulo preferred to do it himself. But if Kenny had screwed up too
much, Riley would be looking for a new cook’s assistant in the
morning. Or maybe he would just replace Paulo for being too picky
and temperamental and showing up late tonight.

Dropping his head forward, he pulled his shoulder-length black

hair forward to hide the bruised left side of his face. Then Paulo
hurried into the club and wound his way through the Friday night

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crowd that seemed to grow each week. Lifting a hand to acknowledge
Riley’s greeting, he ducked behind the bar. He did not take a full
breath until he reached the kitchen.

He went straight to the back office and clocked in. Then, returning

to the kitchen’s storeroom, he grabbed one of the new black aprons
Riley had bought just the week before for the kitchen crew to wear.

Raising his hands to drop the apron’s top loop over his head, he

sucked a sharp breath through gritted teeth to keep from crying out as
pain shot out from the left side of his chest. He blinked back tears as
he bent his arms behind his back to tie the apron strings. Despite his
best efforts, several tears fell as he reached up and pulled his hair
back into a ponytail. There was no way he would be able to braid it
tonight so he shoved the ponytail down the back of his T-shirt before
pulling on the baseball cap the health inspector demanded the food
preparers wear while working in the kitchen. It was hot, but better
than wearing a hairnet.

Dropping his arms once more to his sides, he took several breaths

before wiping his cheeks dry. Shifting his focus to cooking for the
next several hours, he stepped out of the office and headed to the only
place in the world he felt truly comfortable. The one place Dan could
not hurt him. The kitchen was his world, his sanctuary. Here he was

Kenny was at the stove, tending to the meats, and Toby was

washing dishes. If he was very lucky, he could get across the room to
his station in the back corner without either of them noticing his

But, as had been demonstrated on a regular basis lately, Lady

Luck had apparently deserted him. Jack Landers, the owner of the
voice, stood in the middle of his kitchen, looking like the big, sexy,
mountain of a bouncer that he was. His feet were planted wide, and
his arms were crossed over that barn door wide chest that Paulo had
fantasized about licking from one end to the other for as long as the
big man had worked at the club.

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


Several times over the past few years, Paulo had considered

making a pass at the man. His own shyness combined with the
Muldoon brothers’ policy about not dating coworkers stopped him
every time. After all, the man was a good ten inches taller and eighty
pounds heavier than Paulo’s five foot eight inch, one fifty pound
body. If he wanted to, Jack could have taken him apart in seconds. In
his current battered and bruised condition that was the last thing Paulo

One look at the ex-Marine’s face had Paulo dropping his eyes and

taking a half-step back in fear. Jack looked like he wanted to take
someone apart.

“What do you need, Jack?” he asked as he walked around the man

to get to his favorite corner, as far from the door into the bar as he
could get. He stayed well out of the big man’s reach, but could tell
without looking that Jack watched every step he made. He swore he
could feel the man’s celery-green gaze touching him.

“I want to know what the hell happened to you,” the man said, his

deep dark voice demanded.

Paulo ignored him as he looked over the orders hanging over the

stove, then did a quick check of the plates, baskets, and everything
else they would need for the rest of the evening.

They were running low on silverware packets so he grabbed a big

stack of napkins and the clean silverware racks. Without a word, he
began putting packets together. It was not his job, but it would keep
him busy, at least long enough for Jack to get bored and leave his safe

When an arm grabbed his arm and spun him around, he squealed,

partly in surprised fear, and partly in response to the pain that the
quick move shot through him. In the next moment, he found himself
sitting on the counter in the corner as Jack stepped in close, forcing
his legs to spread to make room for the big man’s hips.

Paulo held his breath as the big man leaned in until they were nose

to nose. “What. The hell. Happened. To you?”

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“Uh, chef, you might want to tell him ’cause I don’t think he’s

going away until you do,” Kenny said, sounding very nervous. “And I
really could use your help getting these orders out.”

All at once all the unspoken need and frustration that had balled

up in Paulo’s gut for years exploded. Shoving at Jack’s shoulders, he
opened his mouth and shocked himself at what spewed forth.

“What do you care, big man? You’ve never been interested in

anything that’s happened to me before. Why now? Why tonight? Just
because I made a bad choice last week, and the asshole doesn’t seem
to understand what the meaning of the word ‘no’ is? What do you
care? Or is there some other reason you’re crowding me in my
kitchen, keeping me from doing my job? ’Cause I sure as hell know
it’s not because you’re interested in me. If that was true, you would
have made a move long before now, not waited until I’ve had a fight
with another man.”

As he continued screaming, Paulo tried to figure out where all this

was coming from. Until now the fact that Jack had walls around
himself that kept him and everyone else out never seemed to bother
him. Or had it?

He sounded so bitter, so angry at the man who had never given

him a second thought, or any reason to think he ever thought of Paulo
once he had left the club. He was the lighthearted, snarky one who
never let anyone see how much he might be hurting, not this crazy
man screeching like a monkey.

Jack appeared just as shocked at his words. The big man drew

back, looking as if Paulo had slapped him. His expression went
strangely blank, as if he had thrown up that damn wall again to hide
his emotions.

Except for his eyes. Paulo stared deep into Jack’s gray-green orbs

and saw something there. Emotions he had never, ever expressed
before. An unspoken need for so much more than their casual
friendship that seemed to correspond exactly to the hunger Paulo
himself felt.

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


So, the attraction he had felt for what seemed like forever was not

one-sided. Question was, what were they going to do about it now?
Continue to deny their feelings? Or follow their bosses’ examples,
screw the rules, and see where it led?

Feeling unusually bold for one of the few times in his life, Paulo

gritted his teeth as he lifted his right arm and slid his hand around the
back of Jack’s neck. His hand barely fit around it. Then, with a quick
prayer that he was doing the right thing, he pulled Jack’s face down to
the level of his.

At the same time, he tilted his head back far enough their noses

did not collide as he pulled Jack in until their lips touched. He relaxed
minimally as their lips brushed back and forth, met, and gently clung
for what felt like the best first kiss he had ever initiated. Hell, it was
the first kiss he had ever initiated. Normally he just went along and
allowed the other man to do whatever he wanted.

He moaned softly in protest when Jack pulled back. A second

later, he gave a joyful moan as those soft, yet firm lips returned and
pressed against his with more passion. When Jack extended his
tongue and traced the seam in Paulo’s lips, he parted them on a
welcoming sigh as his own tongue went out to meet the invader and
invite him in.

He lost track of everything and everyone as their tongues tangled

and played, moving back and forth from one mouth to the other. The
hand that had pulled Jack closer now slid around his spine until his
arm was as far across the big man’s back as he could reach. Arching
his back, he moaned a sigh. His body protested the movement, but
feeling the layers of shifting muscles, which crisscrossed Jack’s move
against his, he wanted more. More and more and more.

He whined a soft sound when Jack broke the kiss, then forced his

head down until his forehead rested against the big man’s shoulder.
When he tried to raise it, a big, hard hand held it firmly in place. “No,
baby, we have to stop now. But I want you to remember where we
were stopped so we can pick up right here later on. Okay?”

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Cooper McKenzie

Paulo pouted for about two seconds until he remembered where

they were. In the kitchen with Kenny and Toby watching and a whole
club of men just a dozen steps away on the other side of the wall.
Embarrassed heat burned his cheeks. “Yeah, okay. But we may have
to wait until tomorrow if that’s okay.”

“We’ll see,” Jack said, tilting his head back until their eyes met

and held in a gaze that spoke way more than words ever could. “But
know this. You will tell me who did this to you before we leave here

Paulo nodded, though he would do anything to avoid telling that

story again. All he really wanted to do was forget everything that had
happened in the past twenty-four hours.

“Good. Now, I have to get back out front before Riley decides to

come looking for me and finds me messing around with the chef
when I’m supposed to be working.” With one last quick brush of lips
on lips, the big man turned and left, moving amazingly quick and
quiet for a man of his size.

“Oh, my God,” Kenny said softly. “That was so, so hot.”
Paulo ignored his assistant’s comment as he eased himself from

the counter and tried to reorient himself. Then he sniffed the air, his
nose twitching at the acrid smell. “Kenny, the burgers are burning!”

As his helper whirled around to tend the grill, Paulo brushed his

index finger over his still-tingling lips. Then he smiled. He had been
right about Jack. Kissing him had felt like coming into contact with a
million volt electrical line.

Question was, would the white-hot intensity that had just flared

between them burn out as quickly as it had come into existence? Or
would the heat transform him into the man Jack could love for the rest
of their lives?

* * * *

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


Jack returned to the front desk with a cock that throbbed with

every beat of his heart, even as his anger at whoever had hurt Paulo
settled into a high simmer. He said a quick prayer for a quiet evening
because he knew if someone decided to get out of line, he would have
a hard time keeping his anger at Paulo’s assailant in check.

Or maybe that’s what he needed, a good, rowdy, physically

draining fight to bleed off the negative emotions that swirled through
him at the thought that someone had hurt his Paulo. The man he had
thought of as his own even though he had never said a word of his
feelings aloud. It was not that he did not want the little cook, it was
that with the PTSD issues he had thanks to six years of military
service, half of which had been spent in one desert or another in the
Middle East, he could not be sure Paulo would want him.

But after his first look at the blustery, sexy Italian cook, Jack

knew there would be no other man for him. All he had to do now was
convince Paulo to take a chance on him.

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Chapter 2

By the time Riley rang the bell signaling last call, Paulo had

resorted to leaning heavily against the corner counter to remain on his
feet. Instead of seeing to the cleanup himself, he directed Kenny and
Toby in all the nitnoid little details he normally completed himself.
The painkillers the nurse at the hospital had given him had worn off,
and he finally gave in and took one of the pills she had given him,
though he knew he should have waited until he got home.

Closing his eyes, he focused on staying upright as his mind

drifted. It landed in a place far, far away. A place where pain did not
exist and he had the courage to invite Jack home with him. And then
he was no longer alone in his dream.

“Okay, baby, I think it’s past time we got you home and into bed,”

Jack’s deep, deep voice said softly as an arm went around his back.

“Are you coming home with me?” Paulo asked the dream, hoping

he sounded sexy enough to entice the man.

“No, you’re coming home with me tonight. Someone needs to

keep a close eye on you,” Jack replied softly.

“Okay,” Paulo sighed. In his dream, he began to float over the

pink and lavender clouds toward a rainbow waterfall where Jack sat
by a pool clad in nothing but one of the shiny G-strings that Sully
bought for the dancers to wear onstage.

“Can you walk? Or do I need to carry you?”
“I’ll just keep floating,” Paulo said with a happy grin.
“Okay then, baby. You keep floating and I’ll do the rest.”

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


Paulo sucked a breath when hard arms came around him. Feeling

a hard body against his uninjured side, he sighed as the last bit of pain
drifted away and carried his conscious thoughts with it.

* * * *

Jack fought down a growl as the Muldoon brothers, Riley, Sully,

and Conor, crowded around him in the middle of the kitchen as he
turned with the now unconscious Paulo in his arms.

“What the hell happened to him?” Riley demanded to know.
“Shhh, he’s sleeping. I’m not exactly sure, but I will find out and

deal with the matter,” Jack whispered as he met his boss’s angry gaze.

Riley, the club’s manager and head bartender, was the tallest and

biggest of the three brothers. Jack was bigger than him by half a head
or more. Riley stared back at him for another moment as they
exchanged silent messages. Finally the other man nodded. “Tell Paulo
I don’t want to see him in this club until Tuesday afternoon at the

“Thanks, boss,” Jack said as Paulo shifted in his arms.
“Jack, he’s got pills from the hospital in his pocket,” Toby said as

he headed for the back door. “He took a couple about a half hour

“Thanks, Toby.” Jack looked at the big clock on the wall and

made a mental note of the time. “Can someone clock us out and open
the back door?”

While Riley dealt with the time clock, Toby ran ahead of them to

the back door and pushed it open. “Take good care of him,” he said.

“Don’t worry, I will,” Jack assured the man with the softest heart

of anyone he had ever met.

“If you need any help, give us a call,” Riley added over his

husband’s head as Jack headed across the parking lot toward his big
extended cab truck.

Jack nodded in response.

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It was tricky getting the unconscious man into his truck without

help, but Jack managed. Twenty minutes later, he hit the garage door
opener and pulled into the garage attached to his house. As he parked
and turned off the engine, he sent a silent prayer to the Powers That
Be to keep Paulo cooperative until he could get him upstairs.

He was tired and knew if the feisty, independent Italian woke up

and realized exactly what was going on there would be a fight about
sleeping arrangements. But after that sizzling hot kiss there was only
one place Paulo would be sleeping and that was cuddled up next to
Jack in his bigger than king-size bed.

Getting out, he rounded the truck and opened the passenger’s

door. Unclipping Paulo’s seatbelt, Jack stroked the sleeping man’s
uninjured cheek. “Paulo, baby, you need to wake up for a few

Heavy eyelids lifted and dark chocolate eyes stared at him.

“Okay,” he said, blinking slowly. “Where am I?”

Jack smiled. He did not speak as he helped Paulo out of the truck

and into the house. The eyes might be open and the body might be
moving under its own steam, but there was no way in hell his baby
was truly awake. With one arm wrapped around Paulo’s shoulders, he
guided the man through the construction zone that was the first floor
of his house. At the stairs that led to his bedroom, Paulo faltered. Jack
could see the man had reached his limit and was drooping fast so he
picked Paulo up once more and carried him up the stairs.

In the newly remodeled master bedroom that took up half the

second floor, he set Paulo on his feet at the side of the bed. The man
stood there long enough for him to pull the covers back before turning
a half circle and sitting down on the side of the bed. His head dropped
forward and he was asleep.

Jack chuckled softly at the soft snoring sounds his baby made as

he sat there sound asleep. Then he turned his attention to making his
baby more comfortable. As he wondered how much to take off, Jack
remembered a late night conversation that had been held at the club

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


several months earlier where, after a couple of beers, his baby had
blushed as he admitted that he could only sleep nude and had stopped
wearing anything to bed when he was about eight years old. Though it
might get him punched when the man woke up in the morning, Jack
decided they would both be sleeping in the buff.

Ordering his erection to relax, he focused on stripping Paulo in the

most efficient manner. When he saw the scrapes and bruises across
his ribcage, arms and shoulders, he cursed softly. Why had he insisted
on working? How had he made it through a shift of cooking and
chopping and all the others things he did during a shift at the club?

Once he got the T-shirt off, Jack took a moment to stroke his

palms over his shoulders and upper arms to help him relax. Then he
pulled the man to his feet where he swayed like a stalk of wheat in the
wind. Opening Paulo’s jeans, he pushed them to his knees, not
surprised to find the exotic looking man went commando. He tried not
to drool on the cock that flopped onto his thigh as he helped the
unconscious man sit down again. Kneeling in front of him, Jack
quickly pulled off his sneakers and socks before lifting both feet into
the air.

That move unbalanced Paulo who fell back with a sigh and a

whimper. Jack pulled the jeans off as fast as he could before stripping
off his own clothes. By the time he finished stripping, Paulo had
curled up and slipped into a deeper sleep. Knowing his baby was safe,
but not wanting to leave Paulo along for too long, Jack rushed through
his bedtime routine.

Checking the pockets of the injured man’s jeans, he found and

pulled out the bottle of painkillers and read the instructions. After
figuring out how long it had been since his last dose, Jack set the
alarm clock app on his smartphone to the time Paulo would need his
next dose.

Once that was taken care of, he crawled onto the bed from the

other side and pulled the sleeping man to the center of the mattress
with him. Pulling the covers over them both, Jack wrapped himself

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around his baby and worked to slow his racing thoughts down enough
to fall asleep.

But his brain refused to shut down.
Rolling to his back, he tried not to disturb the man he had wanted

since the chef’s first night of working at Sex Gods. The man who
always had a grin and smartass comment ready, no matter how good
or bad the night had been. Nothing ever seemed to keep Paulo from
cracking wise with the snark. It was a trait Jack wished he had, but he
had seen too much of the dark side of the world to joke about
anything these days. His dreams reminded him of that fact nightly.

He was jolted from his thoughts when Paulo rolled over, draped

an arm across his chest, and he rested his head on Jack’s shoulder.
“You’re thinking too hard,” Paulo murmured. His words were soft
and slurred so much they were barely intelligible.

He kissed Jack’s chest, then snuggled closer and went back to


Jack smiled as he shifted to hold the sleeping man a little more

securely. Closing his own eyes, he worked to blank his mind and
follow Paulo down the rabbit hole of sleep. He only hoped he could
keep his own dark, twisted dreams at bay while he cared for the sweet
injured man in his arms.

* * * *

Paulo frowned as he waved a hand to shoo away whatever bug

was crawling down his cheek. It stopped for a moment, then the
barely there touch of the bug started crawling across his shoulder.

“Damn, bug. Go away, and leave me the fuck alone,” he grumbled

as he pulled the covers over his head.

A moment later, the covers were pulled from his hands and

dragged down his body. “Come on baby, you need to wake up,” a
deep sexy voice said.

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


Opening his eyes, Paulo frowned at the owner of the voice who

leaned over, looking too awake and scrumptious for whatever time it
was. “What the hell are you doing here? Is this a dream? One of those
dreams in a dream in a dream where my mind keeps playing
tricks…oh shit, that hurts,” he moaned, grabbing his left side as it
protested in loud, painful measures any attempt to sit up which used
the muscles on that side.

“Relax, baby. Let me help you.”
Paulo found himself wrapped in the big man’s arms and lifted into

a sitting position. Jack held him while piling several large pillows
between his body and the bed’s headboard. Once he was as settled
and comfortable, Jack handed him a glass of water and two pills.

Coming fully awake in a pain-filled manner, his body let him

know not to argue about taking the painkillers he recognized as the
ones he had gotten at the hospital. “Thanks,” he said before taking the
pills, and washing them down with the entire glass of water.

He handed Jack back the glass, but was afraid to move until the

medication took effect. He felt stiff and achy and not very hospitable.
“So I guess you lost the coin toss?” he asked after several long
minutes during which neither man said a word.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Jack asked. “The coin toss which

decided who would bring me home and put me to bed. Sorry the place
is such a mess but—” He stopped speaking as he looked around and
realized this was not his hole-in-the-wall bedroom in his almost big
enough to turn around in apartment. “Uh, Jack, where are we?”

“My house,” the big man said as he helped Paulo lay flat again,

this time on his uninjured right side. “You need anything before we
go back to sleep?”

“Can you help me get on my feet, please?”
He felt Jack take a long slow breath before saying, “What do you

need, baby?”

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His cheeks burning, Paulo said in a soft voice, “I need to take a

major leak. Can you get me on my feet and point me in the direction
of the bathroom?”

“Oh, yeah, baby, of course,” Jack said as if kicking himself that he

had not thought of it himself.

Jack tossed the covers back. Paulo looked down and saw they

were both as naked as could be, which set his mind to spinning in
directions he was not sure he should be going right then. Red-hot pain
shooting through his left side and then his face told him not to think
of Jack as anything except a coworker.

When Jack stood up, Paulo could just make out through what little

light was available the big man’s erect cock jutting straight out from
between his legs. Forcing himself to look away, he tried to crawl out
of bed on his own, but between his overfull bladder and the pain that
seemed to cover his body from head to toe, he moved like a hundred-
year-old man with arthritis in every joint.

“Stop, Paulo. Relax and don’t fight what I’m about to do, okay?”
Paulo froze as the words came out as more of a command than a

request. He gritted his teeth and hissed when Jack knelt on the bed,
wrapped one arm behind his back and the other under his knees, lifted
him from the bed, and rested him against a wide, muscle-covered

Needing to hold onto something, he wrapped his arms around

Jack’s shoulders and held on as the man carried him through the
doorway where a purple glow emanated. A moment later, Jack set
him on his feet in front of a toilet. Not sure that his legs would hold
him upright, he turned around and sat, his cheeks burning hot with
embarrassment at having Jack witness such weakness.

But Jack was not watching. He had turned his back and moved to

the other side of the room that was as big as Paulo’s living room.
Once he finished, Paulo flushed the toilet, stood with a groan he could
not suppress as his ribs protested the movement, and moved to the
sink where he washed his hands.

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


Resting clean palms on the counter, he leaned heavily on them as

he turned just his head to look at the man across the room. At some
point, Jack had turned and taken two steps toward him. He looked like
he was ready to jump in and catch him should Paulo fall.

“Why did you bring me here, Jack? What do you want from me?”
Even through the dim light the nightlight provided, Jack’s eyes

blazed with emotion. “I want the same thing from you now that I’ve
wanted since the first night you worked at Sex Gods. I want you. In
my life, in my bed, in everything I do. I want with you what the
Muldoons have each found with their men.”

His words shocked Paulo. Turning, he took a single step forward,

then another, and another to cross the open space between them.

He did not stop until they stood belly to belly with erect cocks

trapped between them. Lifting his right hand, he stroked it down the
big man’s stubble-covered cheek. “Why didn’t you something before

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Chapter 3

Jack shrugged and dropped his gaze, unable to answer the

question. All of a sudden he was no longer the take-no-shit, bad-to-
the-bone, Force Recon Marine. He was a man afraid to speak the truth
to the object of his lust and love. Uncertainty filled him as he tried to
come up with an answer that would not freak the hell out of his little

There was no way he could admit to this beautiful man that he had

loved him since the first moment they had met. Nor would he ever let
Paulo know that he had often followed him home after work, just to
see where he went and make sure he got home safe. Yes, he was an
overprotective man in love, but he did not want Paulo to think he was
a psycho stalker or anything other than what he was, a battle
damaged, ex-Marine in love.

“Jack? Talk to me. Please?”
Jack shrugged again and half-turned away, his cock throbbing as

his cheeks burned. “I didn’t think you’d be interested,” he finally
admitted softly.

He hesitated when a hand that did not belong to him gently

wrapped around his cock. Tilting his head, he looked at the man to his
side. Sliding one foot back a few inches, he eased back, hoping to free
himself so he could escape to some other room in the house and be
alone until he either died of embarrassment or figured out what in the
hell was going on.

Before he could move any further away, Paulo closed his fingers

tighter around the flesh he held. Jack’s brain cells fried as the hand
slid up his steel pole of a cock but did not release him. He sucked a

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sharp breath when the man of his dreams began to move his hand
back down Jack’s considerable length.

“I wish you had said something before now,” Paulo said as if he

were discussing the weather as his hand slowly traveled up and then
down again.

Jack had to clear his throat and swallow before he asked, “Why?”
“It would have saved us a lot of time, and maybe I wouldn’t be

banged up like I am right now. ’Cause I’ve wanted you since that
night, too.” Paulo continued moving his hand up and down Jack’s
pole as he leaned in and placed a kiss right in the center of his chest.

“Uh-huh,” Paulo returned.
His body tingling from his man’s touch, Jack wrapped his hand

around Paulo’s slimmer but equally lengthy cock, which earned him a
sighed, “Oh, yeah,” from the man who was just like he liked them,
short, slight, and oh so sexy.

Jack kept his hold gentle as he began to stroke the perfect cock in

his hand. At the same time, his hips began to cant back and forth,
fucking Paulo’s grip.

“Tighter, Jack,” Paulo moaned as his hips began to push his length

back and forth through the tunnel made by Jack’s palm and fingers.
“Faster. More.”

It took less than a minute of the mutual pumping for a fiery tingle

to race down Jack’s spine and collect in his balls before it shot out the
length of his cock. “Arrrgh,” he cried as his seed shot out in long hot
jets, covering Paulo’s chest and belly.

Through the white noise that filled his brain he heard Paulo’s

scream echo his own. “Oh, shit, Jack, I’m—” His voice trailed off as
he came, strings of hot semen covering Jack from his stomach all the
way to the base of his throat.

When Paulo wilted, Jack wrapped his free arm around the injured

man. He leaned against the counter and pulled the small man to rest
on his body. It took several minutes before his brain came back online

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again and he was able to think. Oh my God that felt good, even if we
only jacked each other off.

When their hot juices began to cool and feel sticky on his skin, he

looked down at Paulo. “How about a quick shower before we head
back to bed?”

“Mmmhmm,” the smaller man sighed.
“Don’t fall asleep yet, baby,” Jack said with a chuckle.
“Okay,” Paulo sighed, even as Jack felt him relaxing further.
Sliding his hands under Paulo’s firm, rounded ass cheeks, Jack

picked him up and carried him to the walk-in shower that was big
enough for them and a couple more besides. It only took a few
minutes to clean up. He turned off the water, determined nothing
more happen between them before Paulo healed. Grabbing a towel, he
carefully dried the drowsy man off. He tried hard not to hurt him
anymore than necessary by putting pressure on his bruises. After
swiping the damp towel over himself, he lifted Paulo and carried him
back to bed.

They settled back under the covers, with Paulo’s back cuddled

against Jack’s front. That was when he asked the question that had
been eating at him since Paulo had shown up to work hurt just hours
before. “Who hurt you, baby?”

“Can we talk about it tomorrow, Jack? I’d really rather not think

about it right now,” Paulo said, sounding as if he were already half-

Jack sighed, knowing the man already had him wrapped around

his little finger. “All right, but don’t think you can get out of it.”

“Uh-huh,” Paulo sighed in agreement.
Jack listened as his breathing evened out. Paulo was asleep.

Closing his eyes, Jack said a quick prayer that he would not dream for
the next few hours. The last thing he wanted was to have one of his
flashback dreams and scare the shit out of the man in his arms.

But he had a feeling the visions would not be bothering him

tonight. Between the orgasm, which had drained him, and the sweet

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man sleeping in his arms, he should be able to get a good night’s rest
for once.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, released it on a sigh, and

allowed the blessed blackness of sleep to carry him off as well.

* * * *

When Paulo woke next, it took him a minute to figure out why he

was smelling fresh brewed coffee, fried bacon, and some kind of
baked sweetness, since he had not been in the kitchen baking.
Opening his eyes, his memory returned with a rush as he looked

The fight with Dan, which started when Paulo told him he never

wanted to see him again. Verbal arguing escalated into punches being
thrown, and him ending up in emergency room.

Getting to work late and his confrontation with Jack.
Waking up in the middle of the night.
Jacking Jack off while the big man returned the favor and the

glorious releases they had shared, covering each other in hot, sticky

Falling asleep once again after they had shared a shower.
There was something else, but Paulo could not remember what.

What he needed was a cup of coffee to clear his thinking so he could
figure out how to get back to the club, and his car, without having the
conversation about how he had gotten into this condition.

Opening his eyes, he looked around. From where he was, curled

up at one edge of the mattress, he could not see anything except that
the walls were a soft dove gray color with white trim, the carpet was a
darker gray, and there was a big, black, comfortable looking recliner
in the corner.

He tried to take a deep breath, but only got about halfway through

the action when sharp pains in his chest had him exhaling in a rush.

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Biting his bottom lip to keep from groaning, Paulo swung his legs out
as he pushed himself up so he ended up sitting at the side of the bed.

“You awake?” Jack asked as he pushed the bedroom door open.

He wore only a pair of jeans, and the sight of the big man’s bare feet
did more to wake him up than any coffee ever could.

Feeling underdressed in his nakedness Paul pulled the sheet to

cover his half-hard cock. Then he waited to see how this morning
after the night before went. “I’m not sure. I do hope you come bearing

Jack smiled as he crossed the room carrying a large tray. The

delicious smells that filled the room had Paulo’s stomach growling. “I
thought we could share breakfast in bed this fine morning.”

Paulo tried another breath and groaned with the pain. Forcing a

smile, he slowly moved back onto the bed to lean against the big
wooden headboard. He pulled the sheet with him and bunched it up to
camouflage his now fully hard cock. “It smells delicious.”

Jack frowned but did not call him on the obvious cover up.

Placing the tray across Paulo’s lap, he sat down on the bed facing him
over the loaded tray. When Jack’s hip pressed against the side of his
knee, Paulo’s cock twitched with growing need.

Dropping his gaze, Paulo could not help but lick his lips to keep

from drooling over the man, or the food. Instead of throwing the tray
away so he could pounce on the man, he investigated the tray’s
contents. An insulated pot of coffee, two mugs, a plate piled high with
crispy cooked bacon and another of hot, citrusy smelling cinnamon

“You do drink it black, right?” Jack asked, looking nervous.
Paulo nodded with a grin as he reached for the coffeepot and a

mug. He fought back the twinge of pain as he poured. “Black and
strong as it can get,” he answered with a smile.

Handing that mug to Jack, he poured the second for himself.

Taking the first sip, he sighed with contentment. “Mmmm, perfect.”

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With that, Jack seemed to relax. Talking about nothing of

consequence, they laid waste to the food. Once they finished eating,
Jack topped off their coffee mugs before moving the tray to the
dresser across the room.

When he returned to the bed, he crawled onto the bed and settled

next to Paulo. Once he was comfortable, he pulled the smaller man
into his arms. “Now, tell me what happened yesterday that ended up
with you all black and blue.”

His voice was low, deep, and gentle, but with a thread of steel

running through it. Paulo knew he would not be getting out of telling
the story this time.

“A couple of weeks ago I went on a first date with a guy I met on

an online dating site. We had been chatting for a couple of weeks
when he asked to meet in person. I agreed, and we met for dinner. It
was just an okay date, nothing special.”

“And he thought different?”
Paulo shifted so he could rest his cheek on Jack’s chest and listen

to his heart thump just like the man, slow, steady, and full of life. “He
decided we were perfect for one another and wanted to get married.
The first couple of times he called, I tried to explain how we weren’t
right for one another, but he refused to listen. So I stopped answering
his calls. That seemed to make him a little more crazy because then he
started stalking me. I’ve seen him at the gym, the Laundromat, and
the grocery store. He never approaches, but watches me and shows
himself just enough to let me know that he’s around. I don’t think
he’s been to the club, though I don’t know why not.”

“Probably because there he would be in competition with all the

other men who go to the club, and he doesn’t want that kind of
competition. Plus, if he has a brain in his head, he knows what he’s
doing is wrong and doesn’t want you to tell anyone that he’s stalking
you,” Jack said as he began to run his hands up and down Paulo’s
back, which added iron to the erection that even talking about Dan
could not soften.

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“But how do I get him to leave me the fuck alone? It took talking

him for two hours to realize he was tap dancing on the edge of too
crazy for my comfort. Others probably don’t see it unless they spend
any real time with him.”

“Tell me his name, and I’ll deal with him for you,” Jack said. He

slid one hand down Paulo’s naked body and wrapped it around the
sheet-covered erection he found.

Feeling the need to both distract the big man and himself so he

would not have to tell him Dan’s name, Paulo maneuvered himself so
the sheet was gone and he ended up straddling the big man’s lap. “I’d
rather you take care of me,” he said as he leaned in and kissed Jack.

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Chapter 4

Jack knew Paulo was trying to distract him, but what else was he

to do with a lap full of sexy, naked man? He gave in and let Paulo
lead him where he would. After all, Paulo was injured, and the last
thing he wanted to do was add to the man’s pain.

It was long minutes later before Paulo broke the kiss and leaned

back. Jack planted his hands on the man’s hips to keep himself from
taking over and becoming a steamroller. His injured baby needed to
know he could count on Jack to give his word and then follow
through with action. Opening his eyes, he looked into Paulo’s.
Though he was in pain, there was also arousal burning in their dark
chocolate brown depths.

His cock throbbed with each beat of his heart as Paulo slowly

opened the fastenings of his jeans. When fingers reached in and fished
out his cock, Jack hissed and pressed his fingers deeper into Paulo’s
flesh. “Careful, baby. It’s got a hair trigger this morning.”

Paulo’s smile was a wicked one as he took Jack’s hands one at a

time and laid palms down on the mattress. “Don’t move them or I’ll
stop,” he said just before he began to knee-walk backward until he
was straddling Jack’s calves.

He nodded his agreement, then used his arms to lever his body off

the bed when Paulo reached up to pull his jeans down.

“Oooo, that looks yummy,” Paulo said as he leaned down until his

lips were right over Jack’s lap, “the perfect breakfast dessert.”

With that, he wrapped one hand around the base of Jack’s cock to

hold it out from where it lay against his belly. Then, parting his lips,
he took just the head into his mouth.

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“Oh, fuck, baby, that feels good,” Jack managed, barely, to keep

his hands planted on the bed.

Keeping his hips still was another story. They began to bounce up

and down, pushing a little deeper into Paulo’s hot, wet, mouth.

But the man on top of him had other ideas. He lifted his head and

looked up into Jack’s eyes. His lips were turned up in a grin that
screamed hot, dirty sex was foremost on his mind. “Uh-uh,
sweetheart. You move, and I’ll stop. And that wouldn’t be any fun for
either of us, right?”

Jack heard a whining sigh come from his lips. Then, taking

another breath to calm himself, he pointed out, “But I’m supposed to
be taking care of you.”

“Don’t worry, you will,” Paulo said as he returned to mouthing

the head of Jack’s cock.

After that all talking ceased, replaced by moans and groans as

Paulo bathed his entire cock from tip to balls. Each lick, each suck,
each swallow ratcheted his need a little higher, until he was one
panting gasp from orgasm.

When his lower spine began to tingle and his balls pulled up close

to his body, he tried to pull his cock out of Paulo’s mouth. But the
man refused to release him and just kept licking.

Not wanting to come quite yet, Jack flipped them so Paulo was

lying on his back on the mattress and he was on top. Then he eased
his body up, pulling in a sharp breath when Paulo lips tightened and
he sucked harder in an attempt to keep his cock where he was. But
Jack pulled free, then moved to kneel over Paulo’s body so they were
nose to nose.

“Now it’s my turn, baby,” he said. “So just lie back, relax, and let

me love on you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

With that, he closed the distance and kissed his baby soft and deep

as he worked out the logistics of loving the injured man without
hurting him any more than he already was.

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* * * *

Paulo wanted to cooperate because he was in pain, but his body

wanted a different kind of hurting. The kind of ache only Jack’s cock
in his ass could give him. “Fuck me, Jack,” he breathed when the big
man released his lips and slowly kissed, licked, and stroked his way
from lips to chest to belly. “Please, Jack, take me now.”

At his pleading, Jack pushed up to kneel between his wide spread

legs. Instead of matching his actions to Paulo’s demands, Jack smiled
down at him as his hand wrapped around Paulo’s cock and stroked it.
“In a minute, baby. First I need to get you ready.”

Paulo watched as Jack reached over and grabbed a condom and a

bottle of lube from the top drawer of the nightstand. After sheathing
his cock, he then lifted Paulo’s hips and shoved a pillow under his
lower back before letting Paulo’s body down again.

Then he pushed Paulo’s legs up to rest on his body. “Hold your

legs up, baby,” he said.

Paulo did as ordered, holding his calves with his hands and

spreading them so everything he had between his legs was on display.
Closing his eyes, he pressed the back of his head into the mattress as
Jack dribbled cold slick between his ass cheeks. He pulled in a deep
breath when Jack began to rub it over, and around, and through his
puckered star.

Breathing stopped when a single finger pressed for entry. Then he

worked to stay focused on relaxing the muscles of his ass and not
tightening up when a second digit joined the first a few minutes later.
The feel of those fingers sliding in and out had his arousal spiraled
higher even as he tried to move his lower body and impale himself
even further on Jack’s fingers.

When a third finger joined in the party, he let out a low moan.

When Jack twisted his hand and stroked fingertips over his prostate,
the sound turned into a squeal of need.

“Please Jack, fuck me. Fuck me now,” he begged.

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Jack did not respond but continued to stroke his fingers over that

magic spot until Paulo was panting and babbling, his hips jerking up
and down with every thrust.

“Oh, shit, Jack, I’m gonna come if you don’t fuck meeeeee,” his

words were slurred with his hunger, the last syllable screamed as Jack
pulled his fingers free.

Less than a second later, the full length of his long, thick cock

pushed through his ass and slid deep. Everything south of his
bellybutton tightened, including the muscles of his ass, which
clamped down on the long, thick intruder. Once his pelvis pressed
tight to Paulo’s ass he froze.

Opening his eyes, Paulo looked up into the pale green eyes of the

man crouched over him, “Move, damn it,” he demanded as he tried to
shift his hips. Unfortunately, the position Jack had him in left him
unable to move more than an inch in any direction.

“Shhh, baby, I’ll fuck you, but it’s going to be at my pace, my

speed, and my time.”

With that, Jack slowly pulled back until only the even thicker

head of his cock remained within Paulo’s grasp. He paused for several
long seconds before beginning the slide back in until he was fully
embedded again. He moved in and out slowly, powerfully for long
minutes that had Paulo whining for more.

Paulo’s panting breaths grew faster and harsher and his hips

twitched and jerked, needing more, faster, harder. But the fiery
determination he saw in Jack’s pale green eyes told him the man was
determined to take things slow and easy.

At least until he couldn’t any longer, which was less than a minute

later when Paulo grabbed his own cock. Holding the shaft tight, he
began to slide his hand up and down. On the third pass, his balls gave
a painfully tight squeeze and then semen jetted out to cover his belly.

“Jack!” he cried as his back arched and his entire body locked up,

which squeezed hard on the cock in his ass.

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* * * *

Jack thought his head was going to explode in response to the

pressure that clamped down around his cock. The pain felt so good his
arousal exploded in response. His hips pulsed forward, trying to
burrow even deeper into Paulo’s ass though he was already as deep as
he could get.

Once Paulo’s ass relaxed, he eased out and dealt with the condom.

A quick trip to the bathroom to clean up, and then he was back with a
wet cloth. Paulo remained where he had been, legs bent up over his
body, ass resting on a pillow, looking like he was unable to move.

Jack quickly cleaned up the man, then eased the pillow from

under his body and tossed it to the floor. Then, reaching the end of his
strength, he crawled back into bed and curled himself around Paulo,
who had rolled to his side.

“Let’s go back to sleep, baby. When we wake up, I’ll show you

around the house, but you have to promise not to laugh or run away
screaming,” he said, brushing a kiss on Paulo’s neck just under his

“Okay,” Paulo sighed as he wiggled backward until he was

pressed tight to Jack once more.

With a sigh, Jack relaxed and drifted as he listened to Paulo’s

breathing even out. Only then did he realize that he still did not know
the name of the man who had hurt his baby.

* * * *

Several hours later, Paulo looked around and suppressed a shiver

though it was difficult. The downstairs was a disaster with tar paper
covered subflooring showing in what he guessed would be the living
room, while the kitchen had beautiful tile floor laid down from wall to
wall and out about a third of the way across the room. Looking at the
floor and ceiling, he could see where walls had been taken down to

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open up the room from several into one great room. The remaining
interior walls had been taken down, so studs and wiring was visible.

Obviously, the renovation had been going on for a while. The

destruction had been completed and now the rebuilding was in
progress. There was a stack of drywall panels along one wall, the
windows all appeared to be new, and the stone fireplace on the front
wall looked freshly cleaned and grouted.

“Tell me what I’m supposed to be seeing,” he said as he

completed a slow circular perusal of the room.

A large silver refrigerator stood in the middle of the room,

plugged into an outlet hanging from the ceiling. The ugly avocado
green stove sat near the back wall next to a set of French doors that
led out onto a porch. Near the refrigerator was a large folding table
with a microwave and coffeemaker, a tall stack of paper plates, and a
basket of canned food at one end and several cans of spackle, a
number of tools, and other building stuff he could not name at the

“This is what could be called the during phase,” Jack said, moving

to stand to Paulo’s right. “I got the master suite and second bathroom
done first. Once I get this done, I’ll move back upstairs and finish the
other rooms. They just need paint and new flooring. Down here I’ve
done a lot more tearing out of walls and flooring as you can see.”

Paulo nodded, then walked toward the refrigerator. “So tell me

where things will be and what it will look like when you’re done.”

“There will be an island divider about here,” Jack said, moving

forward to the edge of the tiled area. There will be lots of counter
space and barstools to sit and talk so the cook is included in any
gatherings and not stuck off in the kitchen. There will be a lot of
storage, both on the walls in here and behind that door in the pantry,
which is also where the washer and dryer are.”

Paulo watched in awe as Jack became more animated than he had

ever seen him before. At the club, he was the silent, ever-watchful,
and always listening mountain of a bouncer. He saw everything but

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rarely spoke. Paulo was shy but used being the wiseass as a front, but
something else kept Jack walled off from the world.

“So what can I do to help move this project along?” he asked

when Jack finished describing his vision for the remodeled great

“You want to help?”
“Well, duh, if I’m going to move in here, I should help make it

livable. Or am I jumping too far ahead too fast?”

Jack’s smile grew as he moved to stand right in front of Paulo. “I

was going to suggest you moving in, but I figured you’d think I was
moving too fast since we really don’t know all that much about one
another, even though we’ve worked together for two years.”

Paulo closed the few inches between them, then wrapped himself

around Jack. “We’ll just have to get to know one another while we’re
turning this disaster area into a kickass kitchen and great room, ’cause
honey, there ain’t no way I’m cooking in the middle of a construction

He smiled when Jack began to laugh as he closed his arms around

Paulo to return his hug. They stood together for several long minutes
until the doorbell rang and shattered the comfortable silence.

“Somebody’s at the door,” Paulo said without moving a muscle.

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Chapter 5

“It must be Chaz. He said he’d come by about noon to help me

move the water and drain lines this afternoon. If we have time, we’re
going to get started installing the new cabinets,” Jack answered.

Neither man moved until the doorbell rang out a second time. Jack

heaved a deep sigh when Paulo pulled out of his arms and headed to
the front door. He would have much rather taken his baby back
upstairs and spent the rest of the day in bed, but he had the next three
days off from the club and could make some real progress on the
house. Especially with Chaz’s help.

Not just because he wanted Paulo to move in as soon as he could

manage it, but because he was tired of looking at this insanity and
feeling guilty if he did not spend every minute he was not working
elsewhere doing something here. He wanted the house done.
Unfortunately, at the rate things were moving with him working
alone, it would be another year or more before he finished everything
and his baby could move in permanently.

He watched as Paulo opened the door, not surprised to see that

Sully had accompanied his husband. Sully, like all three Muldoon
brothers, did not like to be away from his man any more than
necessary. Which meant while he and Chaz worked on the plumbing
Sully would play decorator. He would sift through the home
decorating magazines looking for decorating ideas, or the paint
sample books searching the perfect shade of blue for the downstairs
bathroom, or some other task Jack had no time, energy, or interest in

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He could not help the laugh at their expressions as they followed

Paulo inside. What shocked him was when Paulo walked up and
wrapped his arms around his middle, returning to the cuddling
position he had been in just moments before. Only this time he rested
his chin on Jack’s chest and looked up at him.

“So what can I do to help?”
Looking around, Jack reminded himself that his baby was still

recovering from his injuries. “Nothing, baby. I don’t want you
overdoing today.”

When Paulo’s bottom lip poked out in an adorable pout, Jack

leaned down and nipped it. That led to another one of those hot, hot,
hot kisses that fried all the synapses in his brain. It took Chaz clearing
his throat combined with Sully’s rolling laughter to remind him that
he could not toss Paulo over his shoulder and carry him back to bed
for another round of bone-melting sex.

Instead, he needed to task his baby with something to do that

would not cause him pain. “Why don’t you and Sully go upstairs and
figure out what color to paint the other two bedrooms,” he suggested.
“Sully wants to paint them either a sissy purple or a baby shit green.
See if you can talk him out of it.”

“Lavender or apple green,” Sully corrected as Paulo stepped back.

He sounded offended. “At least I didn’t recommend Pepto pink for
the downstairs bathroom.”

“Oh hell no,” Jack and Paulo responded in unison.
With that challenge, Paulo took the book of paint samples in one

hand and Sully in the other and headed upstairs. As they went, Sully
began stating his argument for his color choices.

Jack looked at Chaz and began to laugh. A moment later, the

fixologist joined in.

“Do you think they’ll come to a consensus? Or will we be

breaking up a catfight before the day is out?” Chaz asked.

“As long as Sully isn’t trying to help me, I don’t really give a shit.

I’ve seen him try to help around the club and don’t want him

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anywhere near anything around here. Besides, calming my baby down
after a fight might be an interesting challenge,” Jack said. “He is a
hundred percent Italian, with all the passion that statement implies.
Come on, let’s get to work.”

* * * *

By the time Jack announced an end to the work nine hours later,

Paulo felt many times older than his years. It took an hour to pick out
several colors, all of them soft unisex tones and none of them
lavender, apple green, or pink. After getting Jack’s approval on his
color choices Paulo dragged Sully to the paint store for paint and
supplies. Then the two men went to work. Paulo cut in the edges and
painted the trim while Sully worked the roller.

Instead of taking the prescription medication, which he knew

would send him to dreamland, he settled for over-the-counter
painkillers he found in Jack’s bathroom and kept on working. By the
time Jack and Sully called it quits downstairs, they had painted two
coats of paint in one bedroom and the first coat in the second one.

By the time they had cleaned up and joined their men downstairs

two large New York style pizzas with everything had arrived. Paulo
was impressed with how much the two men had accomplished
downstairs. Not only had they rerouted the lines to bring them up
through the floor under the window looking out into the backyard,
they had begun installing the cabinetry along the back wall.

“It’s a nice night, let’s eat outside,” Jack said.
He handed Paulo the pizzas before grabbing three bottles of beers

and a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Sully followed with paper
plates and Chaz brought a roll of paper towels. The meal reminded
Paulo of when, after the club closed for the night, they would eat and
talk, recounting various moments of the night for those not involved,
or just talking shit about nothing of any consequence.

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As he sat beside Jack on one side of the picnic table with their

thighs rubbing together, Paulo could feel his muscles stiffening up.
While he was used to standing and cooking for hours, painting used a
different set of muscles. He was not surprised when Sully’s phone
rang and the caller informed him there was one crisis or another
happening with the dancers and he needed to get his ass there ten
minutes ago.

While Jack showed the two men out, Paulo remained where he

was. He knew he should be cleaning up but was afraid to try and
move. Everything north of his bellybutton had stiffened up. As long
as he remained still there was no pain.

“Baby? You all right?” Jack asked as he stepped back out onto the


“I’m okay.” Paulo ground out the lie.
But, as usual, Jack saw through the lie almost before it had left his

lips. Paulo felt each footstep as the man crossed the porch to sit down
next to him, straddling the bench.

He could not help the flinch or the sharp-toned, “Don’t touch

me!” when Jack laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Paulo, what have you done to yourself?”
Paulo could not help the tears that welled up and overflowed from

his eyes as he carefully turned his entire body to look at his lover.
“I’m an idiot,” he whimpered.

“Oh, baby, don’t cry. Let me get a few things, and we’ll get you

feeling better in no time.” Jack pushed to his feet, apparently no
worse for his day of manual labor.

“You’re not getting a gun are you?” Paulo asked, suddenly

nervous. “’Cause I think the only thing that might help is to shoot

“No, I’m going to my truck to get my massage chair and essential

oils so I can give you a good massage and make you feel better.”

Before Paulo could ask anything further, Jack had disappeared

back into the house. He was still trying to puzzle out why his man

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would have a massage chair in his truck. He had moved on to
wondering what essential oils were when Jack returned, wheeling a
large black case with what looked like a gym bag slung over one

As the big man opened the case and began to set up the funny-

looking chair, Paulo blurted out the questions uppermost on his mind.
“Jack? Why do you have a massage chair in your truck? And what
kind of oils are you talking about?”

Jack finished with the chair and came to sit beside him. “I’m a

bouncer at Sex Gods at night. During the day I work as a massage

“Oh,” Paulo said, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. How

was it that even after two years, he did not know this one simple little
fact about the man he had loved for so long? “How come I didn’t
know that? How does an ex-Marine and club bouncer become a
massage therapist?”

Jack shrugged. “I didn’t want to go the way of the guys I worked

with, working for security companies or moving into the private
sector military. I used my education benefits to take classes at the
community college when I got out and got my massage therapy
certification. I worked for a physical therapist until I realized I could
make more money on my own as a traveling therapist. When I
mentioned to my clients what I was doing, more than a few of them
decided that having me come to them for their sessions would be
much more convenient than coming to an office. And because I don’t
have an office, my overhead is a lot less. I also get to set my own
hours and have flexibility to take time off when I want to.”

“Uh-huh. What about the office you left. Didn’t they try to stop


Jack smiled and dropped his head, making Paulo think that he was

about to drop yet another bomb. “The head of the therapy department
was a prick. The doctors I worked with thought I had a great idea and

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work with me, sending me clients and billing insurance companies for

“So why are you still working at Sex Gods?”
Jack smiled for a moment before answering. It was as if he was

trying to come up with just the right answer. Finally, he said,
“Because the man I love works there. Now, enough talk, let’s get you
moved to the chair and loosened up enough to sleep.”

* * * *

After helping Paulo out of his paint-splattered shirt and into a

comfortable position on the massage chair, Jack opened what some of
his favorite clients called his magic bag of tricks. After choosing
several tiny brown bottles from the side pockets, he pulled out a small
paper cup and a bigger bottle of olive oil.

After measuring out five drops each of the clove, peppermint, and

wintergreen essential oils, he added fifteen drops of olive oil in the
cup. Holding the cup in his palm, he gently swirled the cup for nearly
a minute, mixing the oils while warming them with the heat of his

“Mmmm, that smells good,” Paulo said, already sounding more

relaxed than he had a few minutes ago.

“It will feel even better in a minute,” Jack said as he slowly

poured the oil across the top of Paulo’s back.

As the spicy-minty scent filled the porch, he spread the oil over

Paulo’s skin from waist up and over the top of the man’s shoulders
and down the front of his body several inches. Then he began the
massage. He could not contain his grin at the moans, groans, and
other sounds of pleasure that Paulo emitted. He shifted his mind into
neutral as he worked the muscles and tendons, loosening the knots,
soothing the pains, and smoothing the rippling muscles.

By the time he finished, Paulo’s soft snores told him the man was

relaxed from his earlobes south. After spending a moment turning the

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porch’s futon couch into a bed, Jack flipped off the lights in the
house. Turning on the three ceiling fans, he turned off the porch lights
before turning on the twinkle lights he had stapled around the porch
just at the edge of the ceiling. Then he carefully picked up the
sleeping man and moved him to the futon. Since the house still
smelled strongly of paint, they would sleep out here where the air was
warm and smelled like pizza instead.

Once on the mattress, Paulo moaned as he rolled to his side.

Pulling his legs up, he then settled back into sleep.

Jack went back inside and ran upstairs to retrieve two pillows

from the bed and an oversized fleece blanket from the linen closet in
the hall. He took a moment to check each room and see the pale blue-
gray and soft tan the guest rooms had been painted. Returning to the
porch, Jack eased down behind Paulo then covered them both with the
blanket. They had made good progress on the house, he decided, as he
cuddled his passionate chef and settled in for the night.

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Chapter 6

At first Paulo did not know what woke him in the wee hours of

the morning. Then a long, low roll of thunder that lasted nearly ten
seconds filled the silence. A moment later, the arm that held him
securely against Jack’s big chest tightened as the big man moaned
softly in his sleep as if in answer to the thunder. Looking around, it
took a moment to figure out they were sleeping on the porch, and
from the sound of it, a strong storm was about to roll into the

Normally Paulo would have been happy to lie in his lover’s arms

and watch the storm through the porch screens as he fell back to
sleep. But at that moment something about the impending storm
bothered him. More long low rumbles of thunder reminded him that
the upstairs windows were open to blow the paint smell out of the

The next blinding flutter of disco-like lightning had him wiggling

out of Jack’s embrace and out of bed, all hopefully without waking
the still-sleeping man. If this was a normal coastal North Carolina
storm, he only had a few minutes before the rains would begin. If the
light show was any indication, it was going to be a frog-choker of a

As he entered the house and carefully picked his way across the

darkened room and up the stairs, Paulo marveled at how good Jack’s
massage had left him feeling. His bruised ribs and cheek were still
sore, and he could tell he had worked his shoulder and back muscles,
but it was not nearly as bad as it had been just a few hours before.

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The rain was just starting as he finished closing the last of the

windows upstairs. After using the master bathroom, he returned
downstairs, wondering where his phone had gotten off to. He would
have to find it before he left in the morning. He also needed a ride to
the club to get his car so he could go home. He wanted to put on clean
clothes, and he needed to check on Honey.

He wondered if Jack would be interested in going home with him.

Then his thoughts turned to Jack moving into his apartment while
they finished getting this place habitable. In Paulo’s mind, a house
without a functioning kitchen was no house. As he stepped back out
onto the porch, he could feel the change in the air. It felt cooler and
lighter as the storm raged just beyond the screens. The sound of the
pouring rain was deafening. It came down so hard and fast Paulo
could not see the solar lights that defined the small pond in the
backyard just a few yards from the porch.

His attention shifted away from the storm when Jack began to toss

and turn as if fighting something. Paulo approached the bed as his
man began to moan and thrash about. Then he screamed, “No,
Carson, no. NOOOOOOOOOO.”

With that, the big man sat straight up, his arms cocked as if

holding a large weapon as he looked around. He looked lost, as if he
did not recognize where he was or how he’d gotten there.

Though he had not served in the military, Paulo knew enough

from the internet and social media to recognize that Jack suffered
from memories of his time in the military. Did he even realize he had
a problem? Or was he like most mucho macho men trying to white-
knuckle his way through life, denying he was anything less than

“Hey, sweetheart. Did you miss me?”
Jack stared out at the yard for a few more minutes before turning

to look at Paulo. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked. His voice was
soft and hesitant though his entire body appeared tense as if he were
preparing to run.

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“No, I had to go inside to close the windows so the rain wouldn’t

get in. Are you all right?” Paulo said, not sure whether or not he
should move closer.

With his answer, Jack closed his eyes, lay back down, and

released a sigh. The tension seemed to drain out of him. “As long as I
didn’t hurt you.”

With that, Paulo felt it was safe to move again. He carefully

climbed back under the blanket and settled so he was on his side
facing Jack with his head resting on one upturned arm. “Want to talk
about it?”

Jack shook his head. “How are you feeling?” he asked, obviously

hoping to redirect Paulo’s attention.

“Much better. Whatever you did to me was amazing,” Paulo said

as he slid his free hand under Jack’s T-shirt and gently pushed it up
his wide chest until it bunched under his armpits. Then he slid his
palm down the center of Jack’s body. At his waist, he stopped to work
the button of his jeans free before slowly pulling the zipper down its

“What are you doing?” Jack asked. From the tone of his voice and

the condition of the cock, Paulo felt it safe to think he was interested
in whatever he wanted to do.

“I thought I’d relax your bones like you did mine,” Paulo began to

slide his body down the mattress even as his busy hand worked Jack’s
cock and balls free from his jeans.

“Uh, that’s not exactly how I did it,” Jack said in a distracted tone

as Paulo kissed the top of his cock as one hand began to slowly jack
his erection.

Paulo smirked. “You have your way, I have mine,” he said,

leaning over and taking just the head of the erect cock between his

* * * *

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Though he was awake, Jack could feel the horror of his dream

pulling at him, dragging him back into the nightmare that had been his
time in the sandbox of the Middle East. He was not surprised to
discover he had dreamt of that time. After all, he did that nearly every
night. But thinking back, he had slept long and deep, until Paulo had
left his arms to go inside and close windows.

His thoughts returned to the present when Paulo slid down his

generous length, taking him in to the root. The feel of his tongue
swabbing along the underside of his cock all the way to the base, a
feat most men would not attempt, much less accomplish, had him
refocusing on the little man and what he was doing.

“Damn, baby,” Jack moaned as he combed his fingers through

Paulo’s long silky tresses. “So fucking good.”

The heat and need of his growing arousal chugged through his

system like a train pulling out of the station, going faster and faster
with each slide of Paulo’s mouth.

“Turn around, baby, I want to suck you, too,” he said, even as his

ass muscles began to tighten rhythmically, pulsing his hips up into
Paulo’s warm, wet mouth. He was so close to his peak, but wanted his
baby to feel the same pleasure he was.

He moaned again when Paulo wrapped his index finger and thumb

around the base of his cock before pulling off the head. “No,” he said
firmly before taking just the head back in and closing his lips around

Jack swore softly as Paulo got serious about the blowjob. He

sucked and swabbed and licked at his flesh, all the time humming a
soft little tune. The vibrations traveled down Jack’s cock, through his
balls, into his spine and all the way up to the base of his skull. He was
close, so damn close. Closing his eyes, he lifted one arm to try and
reach out to touch the release that was closing in around him.

When Paulo reached down to gently roll his balls in one hand

while sucking on the head and sliding up and down on the top half of
his cock, the orgasm exploded in him.

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“Paulo!” he cried as his hips snapped up, forcing Paulo to take

more of him as everything in him tightened. He came in long,
painfully pleasurable waves that started at the top of his skull and the
tips of his toes and came together in his balls.

He was not surprised when his baby swallowed down every drop

before licking his cock clean again. After tucking it away, Paulo then
crawled up on the bed until he was cuddling the big man instead of
the other way around.

“Feel better?”
“Mmmm hmm,” Jack was able to sigh as his entire body relaxed.
“Sweet sexy dreams this time, lover,” was the last thing he heard

Paulo say before sleep rolled him back under its spell.

* * * *

“You know, big guy, I do have an apartment with a functioning

kitchen, a full refrigerator, clean clothes, and everything,” Paulo
began over a noon breakfast of coffee with peanut butter and orange
marmalade sandwiches.

“Yeah?” Jack asked as he finished off his second sandwich.
“Yeah. And it doesn’t smell like paint, glue, and whatever other

chemicals are floating around in the air here, probably giving us both
some unspeakable diseases.”

Jack wiped his mouth and fingers on the paper towel he was using

as a napkin and looked at his baby. “Are you saying you want to go
home, baby?”

Paulo looked away for a moment before looking back. “Well, duh.

I’ve been wearing the same clothes for last two days. Plus I need to
check on Honey. I’m sure she’s pissed that I never came home after
work yesterday morning like I said I would. I just hope she hasn’t had
the babies yet.”

Jack looked confused for a few seconds before frowning. “Who

the hell is Honey? I thought you were gay. And single.”

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Paulo giggled as he stood and rounded the table to wrap his arms

around Jack from behind. “I am gay. Honey is my cat who is very,
very pregnant. As in, babies due at any minute pregnant.”

He did not confirm or deny the single part, because it was too

soon to talk about whether or not he and Jack would be together for
the next week or two until Jack got bored with him, or someone else
he liked better walked into the club, or forever.

“Oh,” Jack said. “I thought she might be a woman you were tied


“Well she is a female, and I am tied to her, but not that way. I’ve

never been with a woman and have no plan to ever change that,”
Paulo said with a giggle.

Jack turned within his embrace before pulling Paulo to sit on his

lap. “I’ve been with women and won’t ever go back. You’re stuck
with me.”

“I am, am I? Do you think I could talk you into packing a bag and

coming home with me for a while?” Paulo stroked his hand over
Jack’s hair, as he tried to make the offer sound seductive.

“Like until the house is finished a while?”
Not wanting to hurt his feelings with a “hell yeah,” Paulo just

shrugged. “Maybe,” he said before beginning to nibble on Jack’s

“I can live with that,” Jack cooed as only a six-foot-six-inch

mountain of a man could. “But only if you promise to marry me and
live here with me when it’s finished.”

“Can we have a backyard wedding?” Paulo asked.
Everything in him grew still and cautiously excited at Jack’s

backhanded proposal. But since he had loved the man for two years
he would take him any way he could get him.

“Baby, you can have any kind of wedding you want. And I

happen to know a wedding planner who would probably give us a
discount on his services.” Jack buried his face in the side of his neck.

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“Okay, then, yes, I’ll marry you. But not until the house is

completely finished.”

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Chapter 7

“Hey, Honey, I’m home, baby,” Paulo called hours later when

they finally made it to his apartment after finishing setting the bottom
kitchen cabinets in place and painting the second coat on the second
guest bedroom. Jack followed closely, careful to close and lock the
door behind himself so the cat could not escape. “She’s probably off
somewhere sulking.”

Paulo went to the kitchen and pulled out a box of her favorite

food. Shaking it, he crossed to the open closet where her food and
water bowls and litterbox were located. After filling her food bowl, he
changed her water and quickly cleaned her litterbox.

But the cat did not coming running from wherever she was hiding

as she usually did.

“You’re really mad at me, aren’t you, girlfriend?” Paul used the

high-toned baby voice he often did when talking to the cat. When
Jack began to chuckle, he threw a dark look over his shoulder. “Don’t
judge until you meet her. Then we’ll see how long it is before you’re
doing the same damn thing.”

That had Jack laughing outright. “Baby, I don’t think I’ll ever talk

like that to a cat.”

As Jack’s laughter eased off, Paul heard a soft meow come from

his bedroom.

Heading in that direction, Paulo expected to find the cat in her

cathouse, which took up one corner of the bedroom. “Are you playing
hide and…oh no, Honey, not there,” he said, stopping in the bedroom

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“What?” Jack asked, walking into Paulo’s backside, continuing

forward until they were both in the bedroom.

“Honey had her kittens,” Paulo reported, sounding heartbroken.
“That’s great, baby. Now you don’t have to worry about that

anymore,” Jack said.

Paulo shrugged as he walked to the side of the bed. “Yeah, but she

had them on the bed. On the quilt my grandmother made me when I
graduated from high school. It was the last quilt she made before she
died a few months later.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”
Paulo forgot the ruined quilt as he approached and bent over the

side of the bed. Using one finger to pet the top of the cat’s head he
took a head count of the tiny wriggling bodies attached to her
stomach. “Oh, wow, she had six babies. The doctor thought she would
only carry three or four.”

Then he remembered his manners. He knew Jack would think him

crazy, but if introductions were not made immediately, Honey would
not accept Jack into their lives. And Jack was definitely going to be in
their lives from here on out. “Miss Honey, I want you to meet Jack
Landers. He’s going to be your new daddy so you need to be nice to
him, okay?”

* * * *

Jack had to smile at the Paulo’s formal introduction. When he was

growing up he had an overprotective cocker spaniel he had to do the
same thing with, otherwise Harry would not allow new people to
come close to him. Funny how humans could treat their animals like
babies. He just hoped Paulo did not go so far as to dress the cat up in

Moving to the side of the bed next to Paulo, he extended one hand

so she could sniff the backs of his fingers. He remained on guard for

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any negative reaction, because he did not want to be eaten by a cat,
even one as small as Miss Honey.

Then he really looked at the little momma cat. “Isn’t she awful

little to be having babies?” he asked, keeping his voice soft and low.
He did not want to disturb the now sleeping babies while he and
Honey got acquainted.

The gold and cream-colored mother cat sniffed his fingers

delicately before touching her nose to them. Then she licked at them
with her sandpaper rough tongue. Jack knew he had been accepted,
and used two fingers to gently stroke the top of the little head. As he
did, she began a loud purr that made Jack smile.

“No, she’s full grown. She’s what is called a Munchkin cat, and I

bred her with a Munchkin daddy to make Munchkin babies,” Paulo
said as he picked up one baby and cradled it in his palm. “I’ve already
got buyers for three of the babies, and the rest will be sold long before
they’re weaned.”

Jack watched him pick up each tiny kitten, look it over, and love

on it, before returning it to the bed. Each kitten made small mewling
noises of protest as it was separated from Honey, but she did nothing
but watch Paulo’s actions closely. It was as if she knew he would not
hurt her babies.

The kittens were all colors of the cat fur rainbow, from white with

gold splotches to black with white streaks on its head. He knew that
as they grew from infants to curious kittens each would also develop a
personality as distinctive as its coloring. His only concern was that
they were so little. He was not certain, but thought he could probably
hold all six in one hand.

“Want to hold one?” Paulo held a black one that had a white

streak on its forehead and three white paws.

“No, I’d better not,” he said.
Paulo looked at him for a moment before shrugging and returning

the kitten to its mama. “Could you do me a favor and get the basket

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from the living room? That’s where she was supposed to have her
babies, not in my bed.”

“You should be happy she didn’t have them under the bed,” he

said as he stepped back before turning to go and retrieve the basket.

Paulo waited until he had returned before answering. “She can’t

get under there because of the drawers.”

That was when Jack noted that Paulo’s bedroom was even more

sparsely decorated than his own. Ice white walls and beige carpet laid
the backdrop to the queen-size platform bed with drawers underneath.
The headboard was a bookshelf filled to overflowing with cookbooks
of a variety of vintages. On the opposite wall sat a tall dresser with
double sets of four drawers and a flat screen television on top. Other
than what looked like a carpet-covered cat apartment in the corner,
the room was bare.

“How long have you lived here?” he asked, wondering if Paulo’s

decorating style was monk-like, or if he was just settling in.

“About eight months. I knew when I moved in that I wouldn’t be

staying longer than a year, so most of my stuff is in storage,” Paulo
explained as he gently transferred Honey and her babies to the towel-
lined basket. “I’ve been house-hunting, but haven’t found anything I
could fall in love with.”

Jack followed as Paulo took the basket to the living room and set

it in the corner beside the couch where he had found it earlier. Other
than the couch, the room had a couple of chairs and a trunk as a
coffee table. Again, the room was otherwise empty except for several
cat toys scattered across the floor.

Preparing for the worst but hoping for the best, Jack figuratively

took his balls in his hands. “Do you think you could fall in love with
my house?”

He did not realize he was holding his breath until Paulo turned to

look at him with a smile that reached deep into his heart and
squeezed. “I already have. Your house is perfect, or it will be once we
finish putting things the way they should be.”

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Overcome with relief, Jack just nodded then looked at the basket

of cats. “So what do we do about them now?”

“For the next couple of weeks all we have to do is make sure

Honey’s food and water bowls are full, change the towels in the
basket twice a day, and pick the babies up a couple times a day to get
them used to human touch. Other than that there’s not a lot we can
do,” Paulo said, taking Jack’s hand. “For now, I’d love to take a
shower and get out of these clothes.”

Jack grinned as he reached down and patted Paulo’s ass with his

free hand. “Sounds good to me, baby.”

Paulo looked over his shoulder and gave him a cautious look.

“Problem is my shower is barely big enough for one, so we can’t
shower together. But if you’ll let me go first, I’ll fix us a snack while
you shower. Then we can crawl into bed and watch television, if
you’d like.”

Jack pulled the back and turned him around so they were chest to

chest. Then he wrapped his arms around him and gave him a gentle
hug. “I think that sounds like the perfect way to spend the evening.”

* * * *

Over the next couple of weeks, Paulo was surprised at how easy it

was to adapt to sharing his cracker box-sized apartment with a six-
and-a-half-foot-tall man. But then again, it was not all that difficult, as
Jack was hardly ever there except to sleep.

He was gone so much that Paulo was beginning to worry he had

made a mistake. Sure he understood that having two jobs kept Jack
busy, but he was spending a lot more hours away than his jobs

Paulo’s wounds healed without any problems, and he had returned

to work at Sex Gods the Tuesday after the fight a little stiff, but
nothing he could not live with. He also continued working the second
job no one knew he had. Being the resident chef blogger on several

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recipe websites was not glamorous or exciting or even as time
consuming as Jack’s jobs, but the money was decent, and it allowed
him to do what he did best, cook in his own kitchen, and talk about

But he was getting real worried about Jack. Not only where he

was going when he was not at work, but also at how tired the big man
was looking. Every night he came home from the club and crashed as
soon as he lay down. A few hours later, he would get up and leave
again, often leaving a still-sleeping Paulo in the bed alone.

Jack was so caught up in whatever he was doing, he did not even

want to have sex anymore. He also refused any offer Paulo made to
help with the renovations on their Sunday-Monday weekends.
Instead, he would encourage Paulo to rest and take it easy while he
went and worked on the house alone.

Finally, Paulo had had enough. Jack was so groggy after working

his Saturday night shift at Sex Gods that Paulo took the keys to his
truck and refused to let him drive. Jack slept on the way home so
Paulo extended the drive for another half hour before pulling in and
parking in front of his apartment. The man needed every extra minute
of sleep he could get, because once they walked into the apartment,
Paulo was determined to find out what the hell was going on and
either get them back on track as a couple, or he would be packing
Jack’s things and sending him on his way.

“Jack, wake up, we’re home,” he said, shaking the bigger man’s

shoulder before climbing out of the truck.

He went around and opened Jack’s door, then had to help the man

into the house because he was still more asleep than awake. Though
Paulo knew something was very wrong and wanted to get to the
bottom of things, he decided to give the man one more night in his
bed. After helping Jack to the bedroom and putting him to bed, he hid
both their phones and Jack’s watch with its alarm in the freezer.

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Returning to the bedroom, he unplugged the clock before looking

at his sleeping lover. “You are going to sleep as late as you need to
tomorrow, and then we are going to talk.”

Jack’s response was a grunt. Then he rolled to his side and patted

the bed in front of him as if looking for Paulo. “Come to bed, baby,”
he said, his words barely intelligible.

“And I’d better like your answers to my questions or you’re going

to be out on your ass, no matter how good a kitten wrangler you might

Jack was very good with the kittens. All he had to do was sit down

and within two minutes all six kittens would abandon whatever they
were doing to climb into his lap and fight for attention. It really was
too cute to watch, and Paulo found himself a little jealous because on
the rare moments Jack had time to sit and play with the babies, Paulo
wished he was playing with him instead.

After a quick shower, Paulo crawled into bed and, as usual, found

himself pulled so he was lying spooned against Jack’s front. “Yeah,”
he whispered to the darkness, “you’d better have some damn good
answers, because I’m going to miss this most of all if you don’t.”

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Chapter 8

Late the next afternoon, a fist pounding hard on the front door

startled Paulo, causing him to drop the egg he was holding on to the

“Damn,” he muttered as he grabbed a paper towel to wipe up the


After tossing the gooped-up paper towel into the covered garbage

can, he pushed this lid closed, then shuffled his feet across the floor.
Honey and her half dozen kittens had been moved to the kitchen when
the babies began to crawl out of the basket. Here the floor was
linoleum and they were somewhat contained thanks to the wall that
Jack had fashioned out of a large piece of cardboard. The kittens
made disappointed noises as he climbed over the wall and left them.
“Don’t worry, babies, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Jack had slept soundly for nearly fourteen hours, and Paulo hoped

this disturbance did not wake him up. He needed his rest, and Paulo
hoped he slept long enough for him to finish making their breakfast
for dinner meal, as it was nearing five o’clock in the afternoon.

Opening the door, he froze, once again wishing the door had a

peephole. He was not prepared to talk to the man he found standing
just outside. After all, he had not heard from Dan since that night
three weeks ago when their argument about the future of their so-
called relationship had ended with Paulo going to the local urgent care
clinic and being late for work.

“What do you want, Dan?” Paulo asked, hoping he sounded as

unwelcoming as he felt.

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“Is that any way to greet your boyfriend after all this time of not

seeing me?” Dan’s voice was loud, too loud.

Looking into his eyes, Paulo could tell something was not right.

His eyes were glassy and too bright, looking even crazier than they
had the last time he had seen him. He was obviously high on
something, which was just another reason why Paulo did not want or
need him in his life.

“I know I said everything that I needed to say the last time we saw

each other when I said I never wanted to see you again,” Paulo tried
to stand firm, but Dan was several inches taller and a good deal
heavier than he was.

“I know you didn’t mean it, boy. You were just playing hard to

get,” Dan said, using his size advantage to push past Paulo into the

“Yes, Dan, I did mean it. I’d like you to leave now and forget you

ever met me.”

The sound of a flushing toilet drowned out the kittens who were

meowing and begging for attention.

In a millisecond Dan’s mood went from upbeat and reconciliatory

to dark and accusatory. “Who’s back there? Who’s here with you?”

Before Paulo could answer, his worst nightmare began to play

itself out. Jack stepped into the living room, zipping his jeans. “Baby,
have you seen my watch and phone? I had them last night at the

“Who the fucking hell are you?” Dan snarled as he grabbed

Paulo’s arm and jerked him closer. “Are you fucking around on me,

Paulo cried out at the pain of Dan’s hand wrapped around his arm,

but found he could not speak. The expression on Jack’s face worried
him more than the anger radiating from Dan in sour-smelling waves.

“Answer me, boy,” Dan growled, shook, and squeezed Paulo’s

arm tight enough he was sure there would be bruises later on. “Is this

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your brother, ’cause I sure as hell know it’s not a lover or boyfriend.
I’m the only boyfriend you’re ever going to have.”

Paulo ignored Dan’s words and focused on the man across the

room whose expression had gone strangely blank.

“Jack, this is Dan, who seems to be a little confused about his

status in my life,” Paulo said, wording the introduction carefully as
his fingers were already tingling from lack of blood flow. “He doesn’t
seem to remember that we broke up three weeks ago when we had
that fight I told you about.”

Jack’s head tilted down a fraction of an inch in a nod that told

Paulo he understood who the intruder was and what was going on.

“And who the hell is he?” Dan demanded, somehow managed to

squeeze his arm even tighter, causing Paulo to cry out.

“Owww! This is Jack, my future,” Paulo cried.
He was not sure how to end the sentence, whether to use husband

or boyfriend, so he left it unsaid. Dan was reacting bad enough, no
telling what he would do if Paulo told him he was getting married.

“Oh fucking hell no,” Dan said as he jerked Paulo around. “I’m

your future, boy. I’m the only man you’re ever going to have around.”

Up until now, Jack had remained silent. Then Paulo watched as he

took a deep breath and seemed to grow two sizes bigger, which was
saying something. “Let him go, Dan. Paulo belongs to me now. He’s
my man now. You had your chance and blew it by hurting him.

Dan’s tight hold on his arm eased somewhat as he considered

Jack’s words. Panic driving him to get as far away from this man as
possible, Paulo jerked his arm free from Dan’s hold. Not stopping to
think, he ran across the living room, past Jack and down the hall to his

He did not look back even though he heard a howling

Nooooooooo,” behind him. He heard Jack’s deep voice as well, but
could not make out his words.

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Slamming the bedroom door closed, he twisted the lock, though

he knew the hollow door would not stop a flea for more than a few
seconds. Hurrying around the bed, he went to the window and opened

After pushing out the screen, he climbed through the window,

intending to get in his car and wait in what he hoped was relative
safety until the battle of the giants was over in his living room. If he
got bored, he could always go to the grocery store and do some
window shopping. Anything to get out of here and away from the men
who both seemed to want to see him hurt in one way or another.
Patting the pockets of his sweatpants, he swore silently. He did not
have his keys or his wallet.

Looking across the room, he saw both keys and wallet were sitting

in the bowl on top of the dresser where he always kept them unless he
was going out. With a sigh, he climbed back through the window and
crossed to the dresser.

He jumped when someone tried the locked door before knocking

on the door. “Baby? You okay in there?”

“Jack?” Paulo shoved his wallet and keys into his pocket then

went to the door.

“Yes, baby, it’s me. Open the door and see for yourself.”
Paulo opened the door and found Jack there, looking his normal

solemn self. He spent the next couple of minutes examining Jack.
“You’re okay? You’re not hurt?” he asked over and over as he looked
for damage.

“I’m fine, baby. But I can’t find my phone or my watch. Do you

know where they are?”

Paulo looked past Jack. “Where’s Dan?”
Jack smiled, though it was not a real happy one. More like he was

amused by Paulo’s actions. “Focus, baby. Where’s my phone?”

“In the freezer,” Paulo said as he squeezed past Jack and hurried

to the front part of the apartment. Dan was sprawled across the couch,
unconscious, with blood dripping from his nose.

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Paulo hurried into the kitchen and retrieved both phones and

Jack’s wristwatch from the freezer. “Here,” he said, handing Jack his
smartphone and a clean kitchen towel. The man had stayed on the
outside of the cat barrier. “I don’t want any blood on the couch,

“Thanks,” Jack smirked. “Later you can tell me why my phone

and watch were in the freezer, and why the clock was unplugged in
the bedroom.”

Paulo shrugged, then wondered for a moment if maybe he’d gone

a bit too far to make sure Jack rested. Then he decided that since Jack
had the Dan situation under control, he would get back to his plan of
having a long-sit down with Jack. “I’m going to make breakfast now.”

“Okay, baby. You cook breakfast. I’ll take care of the trash in the

living room out.”

“Oh, here,” Paulo said as he poured coffee into a travel mug and

snapped on the lid.

“Thanks, baby.”
Ignoring the kittens, Jack returned to his phone call as he

disappeared into the living room. Just a few minutes later, another
powerful knock sounded at the door. Paulo peeked around the corner
into the living room and watched as Dan was slapped awake and then
handcuffed and dragged out of the apartment, demanding to see
Paulo, that this was all a mistake, and his boy would straighten
everything out.

Once Dan was out of the house, a policeman came as far as the cat

wall. “Mr. Santelli, I have a few questions I need to ask about your
relationship with Mr. Roberts.”

After sliding the casserole into the oven and setting the time,

Paulo picked up Honey and cuddled her while he answered the
policeman’s seemingly never-ending list of questions. By the time he
finished, the officer nodded and seemed convinced that Dan really
was one crazy son of a bitch.

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When he finished, the officer closed his notebook and Jack

walked him out. Paulo heard them talking before Jack closed and
locked the door. “You can come out now, baby.”

But Paulo was not so sure that was a good idea. After all, Jack had

defeated Dan with one punch. He was still probably all wound up
from the fight. While normally that would be a good thing because he
would direct all that adrenaline and energy to a good fucking, at this
moment the last thing he wanted was to confront a man who could
pick him up and break him in two without breaking a sweat.

“Uh, I don’t think so,” Paulo said as he backed up until he was on

the far side of the kitchen just as Jack stepped into view.

“Baby? What’s wrong?” Jack said with a frown. “Why are you

cowering way over there in the corner?”

Paulo blinked as his body turned fear into sadness and expelled it

out his eyes in the form of tears. “I’m afraid,” he whispered.

Jack’s frown deepened and he moved slowly so he leaned against

the archway between the kitchen and dining nook. “Afraid of what?
Of me? Baby, I would never hurt you.”

“I know that in here,” Jack said, touching his chest over his heart

before moving his hand to pat his head, “But up here, I’m still
working through a few things and trying to figure out what is going
on between us.”

“What do you mean?”
Paulo took a deep breath and pulled up the anger that had ridden

him so hard just the night before. “I mean the past couple of weeks it
doesn’t feel like you really want me in your life. Sure you sleep here,
when you sleep, and eat here once in a while, but we’re not the couple
I thought we were going to be. Those first few days we great, we were
together working together to fix your house up, talking, getting to
know each other. Then we moved in here and…and it’s like you
checked out.”

Paulo dragged in a long breath and said the words that had been

eating at him for the past few days. “If you don’t want to be here, with

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me, then maybe you should move back home again. I didn’t mean to
upset your life by asking you to move in with me and Honey.”

He turned toward the stove when the timer rang out, and wiped

away his tears before pulling out the breakfast casserole he had
wanted them to eat before having this conversation. Setting the dish
on the counter, he stared at it and realized he had no appetite. Maybe
he would take it to work this evening for the boys to eat after they
closed as a special treat.

He listened, but heard nothing from the rest of the apartment.

Taking off his oven mitts, he was shocked to see Jack had not moved
a muscle. “Jack?”

“Come here, baby. We need to take this conversation somewhere

we won’t be eaten by kittens,” Jack said, holding out a hand.

He sounded calm, too calm, and did not look angry, so Paulo

crossed the room and placed his hand in Jack’s open palm. Using the
big man for balance, he pulled two kittens off his pants and climbed
over the fence. Then he led the way into the living room where, after
checking to confirm there were no bloodstains on it from Dan’s
nosebleed, he sat down and looked at Jack.

Jack sat beside him, but did not speak immediately. Instead, he

studied their intertwined fingers for long moments before finally
lifting his gaze to meet Paulo’s.

“Baby, I have to apologize to you. I didn’t realize that was how

you were feeling. I’m sorry I haven’t been more communicative. I’ve
been spending every spare minute these last few weeks on the house,
trying to get things put back together so we could get married and
move back there as soon as possible.”

Jack looked sincere and truly apologetic, and Paulo knew he was

telling the truth and not just saying words he thought Paulo wanted to

“So why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped, you know,” he


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“Because you have no interest in home renovation, though you

and Sully did do a pretty good job painting the guest rooms,” Jack
said as he shifted a little closer on the couch. “Do you forgive me?”

Paulo frowned and pursed his lips as he considered Jack’s words.

“Maybe. Can I see what you’ve gotten done?”

Jack pulled Paulo into his arms. “I thought we could go by this

afternoon because I’ve got it to a point where I need your help.”

“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, I need you to pick out the paint colors for the kitchen and

great room because I sure as hell am not going to let Sully do it,” Jack
said with a laugh.

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Chapter 9

Paulo turned a slow circle, taking in all the changes that had taken

place in the previous three weeks. The base cabinets were all in with
the doors hanging straight, the upper cabinets with their glass front
doors were hung straight, though there was nothing inside them yet.
The refrigerator had been moved out of the middle of the room to its
place on the left sidewall next to the door to the pantry and laundry
room. The center island with its cookstove and bar height countertop
was in place, the woodwork along the kick panel finished in a golden
honey tone.

The flooring for the rest of the first floor great room had been laid,

wide pine boards that had been antiqued to make it look like the floor
had been down forever. The drywall had been hung, spackled, and a
base coat of primer painted on them. The great room looked like it
should be in a brand new house, not one more than a half-century old.

He completed one more turn before coming to face Jack. “It’s

beautiful,” he said, throwing himself into the big man’s arms.

* * * *

Jack breathed his first easy breath since waking up to find himself

alone in the bed and a stranger in the living room. Dan Roberts was
now in the custody of the police and, considering the charges against
him, would be seeing a whole team of psychiatrists over the days to
come. And his baby was looking like he really could fall in love with
his, no their, house. Which was a good thing because after all the
work Jack had put into it, he really did not relish the idea of moving.

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Jack caught his baby easily when Paulo threw himself across the

space between them. “So you think you can fall in love with our

Paulo nodded. “Absolutely,” he said as he began laying kisses all

over Jack’s face. “I love it. I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you
when you were gone all that time without telling me why.”

“Awww, baby, I love you, too,” Jack said as he turned toward the

stairs. But before he got there, he changed his mind.

They would make love on a bed every night for the rest of their

lives. Right now he wanted to christen the kitchen. Kissing Paulo’s
lips while massaging the rounded ass cheeks in his hands, he crossed
the great room, made his way around the island and across the kitchen
to the corner. He had just set Paulo on the counter and reached for the
waistband of his jeans when the man’s pocket was vibrating under his
hand and a funky ringtone began.

Paulo kissed him even as he was digging into his pocket. “I’m

sorry, sweetheart, but I have to take this. This is Paulo. Uh-huh. Yeah.

Before Paulo could finish his conversation, Jack pulled the phone

from his hand and held it between them. “Sorry, Paulo is busy getting
busy and will have to call you back later. Much later. Like maybe
tomorrow or the next day even. Bubye.”

With that, he found the power button and powered the phone

down before tossing it onto the counter. Then he went back to kissing
his man while trying to get both their clothes off.

“I can’t you believe you did that,” Paulo said with a little giggle

when he finally had to stop the kissing long enough to get their shirts

“I guess you haven’t seen enough of the caveman side of me yet,”

Jack said as he toed off his sneakers and scrambled out of his jeans,
leaving him wearing only his socks.

Paulo had worked his jeans down to his knees, but was having

trouble getting them off over his shoes. Jack took over and quickly

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


divested him of his shoes and the rest of his clothes. Then he returned
to stand between Paulo’s widespread legs. “So where do you want me

Paulo blinked and looked at him as if he was speaking Greek.


Jack could not help but laugh at the confused look on his lover’s

face. “We’re christening your kitchen, baby. I thought it only fitting
that you run things since this is your space, and in this room you will
be in charge in every way.”

As he spoke, he watched Paulo’s eyes get bigger and bigger. “But,

Jack, I don’t, I’ve never, no, I can’t.”

Instead of breaking things down to the ridiculous, Jack began to

kiss him. After getting him fully involved, he began to kiss and lick
his way down the side of Paulo’s neck to his shoulder where he
stopped long enough to suck up a big hickey where the base of his
neck flared out into his shoulder.

Pulling back, he grinned at the already darkening skin. Satisfied

his mark would last for days and was sure to get his little chef
questioned by their coworkers, he moved down, working his way to
Paulo’s nipples, which he licked and sucked and nipped until the man
grabbed him as he made the most deliciously sexy noises.

“Jack,” he panted, as his fingers pressed one after another into the

muscles of Jack’s shoulders.

“Yes, baby? Do you want something?” he asked as he inched

lower, admiring the burnished skin that covered his man. Except for
the black hair at the base of his cock, his baby was surprisingly free of
body hair. “Do you wax?”

“Huh?” Paulo sounded distracted as he used the tip of his tongue

to draw a line down the center of his body from his bellybutton to the
top of the triangle of fur that surrounded his cock.

“Do you wax? You don’t have any body hair except here,” Jack

said, using two fingers to comb through the black curls.

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Paulo moaned as his body shivered. Using his hands to balance on

the counter, he lifted his lower body into Jack’s playful touch. “No, I
don’t wax. I don’t have to. I don’t have any body hair except around
my cock. All the men in my family are like that.”

“Cool,” Jack said. Bending down again, he licked a line back up at

an angle across Paulo’s lower body to his right hipbone. He sucked up
another hickey there, before traveling across his belly to the left one
where he placed a matching love bruise.

Straightening, Jack grinned at Paulo, who was having a hard time

sitting still under his ministrations. Wrapping one hand around
Paulo’s cock, he felt like a sugar-deprived kid who held the keys to
the candy store without an adult in sight. “What do you want me to do
next, chef? Keep on as I have been or suck something else?”

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Chapter 10

Paulo pried his eyes open and stared up at the man who held his

happiness, his future, his cock in the palm of his hand. He could not
believe the big man was asking him to think and speak at a moment
like this. Swallowing to keep from drooling, he parted his lips and
heard himself beg, “Suck my cock, Jack. Oh please, sweetheart, suck
my cock.”

Jack’s smile grew impossibly wider as his hand began to stroke up

and down Paulo’s cock. “Mmmm, sounds like a plan.”

Paulo watched as he bent forward and then shifted his hand so just

two fingers held his cock away from his belly. It had been too long
since they had played like this, and he was wound too tight to hold
back for long. Thankfully, he was young and horny and would be
erect again by the time it took Jack to prepare them both.

He moaned at the feel of Jack’s wet mouth all around his cock,

then again when the head of his cock hit the back of Jack’s mouth.
Though he wanted to hold back and not come so quick, by the
devilish gleam in Jack’s pale green eyes, the big man had other ideas.

He took Paulo to the root, closed his lips around the base then

swallowed, putting all kinds of sweet compression on his cock as he
slowly slid up and down, swabbing his length with his tongue while at
the same time massaging the length with every swallow.

It took less than a minute before everything between his legs was

tightening up and he could feel the charge of explosive seed pulsing
through his balls and out the length of his cock. “Jack!” he gasped,
not sure if it was a screamed pronouncement or a whispered prayer as
jet after jet shot out the tip of his cock, to be swallowed down by Jack.

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When the squeezing explosion ended, Paulo could not feel his

toes, his knees, or anything below his eyebrows. And he wasn’t sure
about them. Opening his eyes, he was shocked to see he was lying flat
on his back across the wide corner counter. Jack was leaning over
him, looking worried.

Taking a breath, he found the energy to curl the corners of his lips

upward. “Wow,” he managed.

“Wow, indeed,” Jack said with a concerned look. “Are you all


Paulo could not help the laughter that bubbled up at the question.

“I can’t feel anything below my eyebrows, but yeah, I’m just peachy.
I just wish I could stand up so I could show you how good I feel. But
you melted all my bones, and my legs won’t hold me.”

Jack joined in the laughter as he pulled Paulo out and stood him

up, then bent and lifted him over one shoulder.

“What are you doing?”
“Moving you somewhere you don’t have to stand up, ’cause it’s

been too long since you’ve melted my bones with that magic little
tongue of yours.”

“Yes, it has,” Paulo agreed softly.
By that time, Jack was setting him down in one of the new

barstools they had chosen and ordered off the internet. The black
metal and deep red leather went well with the fireplace and gave a
masculine feel to the room. Though Jack had said they were buying
all new furniture once the house was finished, he had yet to see the
furniture Paulo had in storage that would fit this room perfectly.

He grabbed the arms of the chair and got himself situated as Jack

used another stool to climb onto the bar and slid himself down so he
now straddled Paulo’s body with his legs.

Paulo could not help himself. He ran his palms up and down

Jack’s hairy legs from knees to just an inch from the base of his long,
thick erection. The shaft was growing redder by the minute, and the
head was nearly purple, and drop after drop of pre-cum oozed from

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


the slit. Instead of touching the cock, he decided to play a bit and slid
his palms back down again to his knees again.

Jack panted a disappointed moan at his retreat.
“Look at this, my very own soda fountain,” he snarked as he did it

again, this time leaning in and licking just the head of Jack’s cock.

“Baby, please. I’m about to explode,” Jack begged.
In response, Paulo took the head of his cock in and swirled his

tongue around the top, tasting the juices that covered the skin. Then
he pulled off and looked up at his man. “Promise me you will never,
ever do what you did the last three weeks. From now on we’re
connected at the hip, unless you’re on therapy calls.”

Jack’s eyes grew wide with disbelief at his demand. “Absolutely,


Paulo returned his attention and this time took half of Jack’s cock

in before pulling back and off of it again. “There will be no other men
for either of us, right?”

“Oh, shit, baby, of course not. Now suck me before I decided to

spank you instead.”

Paulo breathed down the length of Jack’s cock before lifting his

head once more. “And we’re keeping Pepper.”

Paulo had named the kittens using various spices so it was easier

to tell stories about their antics. Salt was white with black spots and
Pepper was her opposite, black with white spots. Then there was
Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Sage.

“Sure, baby, whatever you want,” Jack replied, clearly not in his

right mind.

The few times they had talked, whenever Paulo suggested keeping

one of the kittens as a playmate for Honey, Jack would either flat out
refuse, or change the subject. Until now.

With his agreement, Paulo went to work, bobbing up and down as

he gave Jack the same treatment he had just received. Three
swallowing slides down the flesh pole and Jack’s hands were

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squeezing his shoulders. Two more and the fingers tightened as Jack’s
cock began to twitch and spew its cream.

By the time Jack had finished coming and Paulo licked him clean,

his own cock was back at attention and ready for action. Knowing
Jack, it would only take him a few minutes to recover and be ready
for round two.

Climbing down from the barstool, Paulo ran upstairs and collected

a strip of condoms and unopened bottle of lube from the nightstand.
Returning to the great room, he was not surprised to see Jack already
up and walking around the island, his cock already half hard, and
leading the way.

“You didn’t have to do that, baby,” Jack said as he opened the

drawer next to the refrigerator. “I put supplies in here.”

“Oh, you did, did you? Planning on doing much fucking in the

kitchen?” Paulo asked as he crossed the room.

“Baby, I’ve hidden supplies in every room of this house, and on

the porch. I don’t ever want to be more than ten steps from you, or a
bottle of lube. And I’d like us to be tested after we’re married, so we
don’t have to keep condoms everywhere. Otherwise I’m going to have
to buy stock in the condom company.”

Paulo giggled as he snuggled deeper into Jack’s embrace. Resting

his chin on Jack’s chest, he looked up into his beautiful celery green
eyes. “Sounds like a plan to me. Now, what part of the kitchen should
we christen next?”

Jack leaned down and brushed his lips over Paulo’s. “In a minute,

baby. First, I have some business to take care of.”

“Oh? Need to run to the potty?” Paulo couldn’t help but snark.
His mouth went dry when Jack chuckled as he shook his head.

“Not quite.” Backing up two steps, he knelt down on one knee and
took Paulo’s hand between his. “Paulo Santelli, will you marry me
and be my husband? I don’t have a lot to offer, but I can guarantee
you I will always keep you safe and love you with every fiber of my

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1-800-SEX-GODS #4: Paulo


“But will you give me massages whenever I want?”
“Of course. Full body massages at least once a week,” Jack said

with a grin as the hesitant worried look left his eyes.

“In that case, yes. Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes,” Paulo said as he closed

the distance and wrapped his arms around Jack’s broad shoulders. “I
love you, Jack.”

“I love you, too, baby,” Jack said as he pulled Paulo down onto

the floor with him and positioned him on his hands and knees.

Paulo focused on relaxing his muscles as Jack ran one hand up

and down his spine, while the other quickly lubed and stretched them.
His cock went hard with the first finger, and by the time three were
pushing in and out, he was panting and making sounds similar to
those the kittens made when they wanted something.

“Now, Jack,” he begged, his voice keening as Jack twisted his

fingers and thrust deep one last time. Then the fingers were gone and
the blunt head of Jack’s cock took their place.

They sighed in unison as Jack continued pressing forward until his

balls brushed against Paulo’s. He bent forward and Paulo shivered
and his ass muscles quivered as Jack’s chest hair brushed over his

“How do you want it, baby?” Jack asked as one hand came around

his hip and cupped his balls as his cock slid out and then back in

“Fast. Hard. I want to feel it tomorrow,” Paulo said, surprising

himself with his request.

“Okay, baby, you’re the boss.”
With that, Jack began to move faster and harder. Eventually he

straightened and grabbed Paulo’s hips, using them to pull the man
back at the same time he pistoned forward. This time both men lasted
a little longer, until Jack spread his knees a little further apart and
changed the angle of his thrusts, pegging Paulo’s prostate with each

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“Oh, shit, yeah, Jack. Harder,” Paulo cried as he rocked back and

forth, adding to the speed and harshness of the coupling.

It was not long before Jack reached down and began to tug on

Paulo’s cock. “Come for me, baby,” Jack howled as his own orgasm
spiraled through him and out into the condom that separated him from
his love.

“Jaaaack!” Paulo screamed as his seed spurt out, making a puddle

on the floor.

Once their muscles relaxed, they melted to the floor together,

moving just far enough to avoid the puddle.

Paulo was completely relaxed in the only place on Earth he ever

wanted to be, when Jack gave him a kiss on the neck and whispered,
“Oh, and baby, we’re keeping both Salt and Pepper.”



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Cooper McKenzie has always thought she had been born a

hundred years too late but appreciates air-conditioning, computers,
and other conveniences of modern-day living. She enjoys the slower
pace of New Bern, North Carolina, as well as the history and small-
town community found there. In addition to dreaming up her next
story, Cooper enjoys reading everything except scary books, needle-
weaving for charity, and playing with her new mixed-breed
companion, Honey.

For all titles by Cooper McKenzie, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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