Heart English The Healing Codes

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Heart English :: The Healing Codes



Welcome to the Heart Issues Finder!

NOTE: You do NOT need to be logged in to take the

Heart Issues Finder. Simply click the link at the bottom

of this page and you will begin.

We believe this may be the most important 10 minutes

you have spent in a long time.


Because information is power!

In this case, it is the personal power of knowing the source of

the biggest problems of your life—and their solutions.

Take the Heart Issues Finder!

The Heart Issues Finder takes about 10 minutes.

You receive around 12 pages of in-depth results.

Your results include a scored assessment of every major heart
issue in your life.

For now, it’s FREE ($99 value).

You may want to take the Heart Issues Finder to determine
your baseline for issues you need to heal, then re-take it later
on to track your improvement – FOR FREE.

You can share it with your friends – FOR FREE!

The Heart Issues Finder is NOT:

A diagnostic test for physical health issues
A personality assessment
A depression, anxiety, or mental health instrument
A career or giftings survey
A relationship tool

The Heart Issues Finder IS:

A tool to diagnose the issues of your spiritual and emotional
heart – the source of your problems and their solution!

To our knowledge, it is the only test of its kind in existence.

We believe, from our testing and feedback, that it diagnoses
not only the issues you know about, but also the ones you
don’t know about.

A woman who took the test told me that it pinpointed the
source of her life-long problem – and identified something she
would never have thought was the source. In years of seeking
and counseling, no one else had ever identified the source.
She remarked that it was such a relief just to know a reason –
and she was now confident she could heal the problem.

Why do we believe this Heart Issues Finder may be the most

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Heart English :: The Healing Codes



important test you have ever taken?

Because more than 3000 years ago, King Solomon said this:
“Guard your heart above EVERYTHING else, for from it flow
[all] the issues of life.”

So according to Solomon, any issue you have has its source –
and potential source for healing – in the heart.

Recently, modern medical schools and experts have been
doing independent research and finding that almost any
problem and its solution are in the issues of the heart. They
are calling the issues of the heart:

Unconscious mind
Subconscious mind
Cellular Memories

For instance, a Stanford Medical School Ph.D. and researcher
wrote that our heart issues (he identifies them as our beliefs)
are the source of almost 100% of illness and disease, and if
you heal the heart issue even genetic issues can heal.

Similarly, a medical school in Dallas recently reported
research that healing the issues of the heart (they identify
them as cellular memories) is our best hope for healing
incurable illness and disease in the future.

And similar research is coming out faster than we can keep
track of it.

If you compare what Solomon was calling “issues of the heart”
with what these cutting edge scientists are discovering – THEY

So, modern science is catching up with and confirming
ancient truth!

These “issues of the heart” are what the Heart Issues Finder
is all about!

What do your -10 to +10 test results mean?

A “0″ score is an average result.

A person with a “0” score has an average amount of “heart
junk” that has accumulated as they lived their life.

Every number below “0” is 10% less than average.

In other words, every number below “0” represents 10%
MORE heart junk that needs to be healed.

For instance, a “-2” means that your answers were 20% lower
than average for that issue, or overall, and that you have
20% more heart junk to heal.

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Heart English :: The Healing Codes



Every number above “0” is 10% above average.

Every number above “0” represents 10% LESS heart junk
that needs to be healed.

A “+3” means that your answers were 30% higher than
average for that issue or overall, and that you have 30% less
heart junk to heal.

How does all this affect your life?

We believe every person can eventually live at +3 and above
for every category, every issue, and for the overall test – at a

+5 is more where we think you can ultimately be day in and
day out.

This will result in a GREAT life!

+7 is living in the high country – and WE ABSOLUTELY

This is a taste of heaven on earth.

You can feel Love, Joy, and Peace in abundance,

and not dependent on your circumstances.

The best news is that you can get there from wherever you
are right now … even if you have -10′s across the board.

Buckle your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life!

You will probably rise 3 levels over your first 3 months of
doing The Healing Codes.

You will rise in the individual categories and in your overall

From there, you can expect a regular increase in your scores,
your emotions, your health, and the abundance you

You can expect improvement in every area of your life!

Take the Heart Issues Finder and see for yourself!

Again … the Heart Issues Finder takes about 10 minutes.

You receive around 12 pages of in-depth results.

Your results include a scored assessment of every major heart
issue in your life.

For now, it’s FREE ($99 value).

You may want to take the Heart Issues Finder to determine
your baseline for issues you need to heal, then re-take it later
on to track your improvement – FOR FREE.

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Heart English :: The Healing Codes



You can share it with your friends – FOR FREE!

Click the button below and start the journey of the Heart!



Find YOUR Heart Issues Now


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