London Slang Cockney

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London Slang - Cockney



absobloodylutely / absofuckinglutely

- an exclamation as to resound a definite yes.


- excellent, great. A rather out of vogue term, probably still used by kids.

Adam and Eve

- Rhyming Slang for 'believe'. eg "Would you Adam and Eve it mate !".


- short for the term 'after hours' meaning drinking in a pub after official closing time. Also

see 'lock-in'.


- short for aggravation or violence. eg "He was steaming drunk and well up for some agro".

Alan Whicker(s)

- Rhyming Slang for 'knickers'

all over the gaff/shop

- - general term to describe someone or something that has no direction or

that is in a mess.

allright / awright

- a greeting literally meaning 'is everything all fine ?'. Usually used in the form

"awright mate !".

Annabel Giles

- Modern Rhyming Slang for 'piles' (hemorrhoids).


- (handsome) - very good. eg "That's 'andsome mate" (That's great/brilliant).


- geek, nerd. A term that has been used since the 80's. An 'anorak' is always's male,

unfashionable and possibly a 'trainspotter'.

(Sir) Anthony Blunt

- Rhyming Slang for 'cunt'.

apple core

- Rhyming Slang for 'score' (L20).

apples and pears

- Rhyming Slang for 'stairs'. A rather cliched Rhyming Slang term which is

more often than not used in a sarcastic manner as if to emulate (or take the piss out of) cockney
speech. I am forced to add this saying as I get a suggestion every couple of weeks for it.

arching for it

- (like a cat on heat) a term sometimes used to describe a young lady who is

sexually fired up. Also see gagging for it.


- Rhyming Slang. This is a complex one. The meaning of the term 'Aris' is 'arse' (rear

end). This derives from 'Aristotle' = 'bottle' and 'bottle' is short for the Rhyming Slang term 'bottle
and glass' = 'arse'.


- the game darts - pron, "arras".


- has developed over the past few years and can be used in a number of ways. The first

meaning is obviously 'bottom' and is the English (and original) version of the American 'ass'. The
more recent way of using the word is as an exclamation of annoyance, i.e.. when you do
something clumsy or when things just don't go your way. Then you might simply say 'Arse !'. This
almost definitely stems from UK TV productions like 'The Fast Show' and 'Father Ted'. Another
meaning would be to simply refer to someone as an 'arse' as an insult.

arse about / arsing about

- to fool around. eg. "Stop arsing around"


- something that is in a mess. or crooked eg. "Look at the state of that shelf you

just put up, it's all arse about face !".


- very drunk. eg. "I got totally arseholed on Saturday night".

arse-over-tit /-elbow

- to fall over in a dramatic fashion. eg. "I'd had a bit to drink you see and I

just went arse-over-tit !".

Aunt Annie

- Rhyming Slang for 'fanny' (vagina).

Ayrton Senna

- Modern Rhyming Slang for 'tenner' (ten pound note). eg "I've only got an Aerton

left to last me the month !".

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F - N

faced - to be very drunk. Derived from the term "off my face". e.g. "We got totally faced last
face-on-a-stick - excellent term for a skinny but attractive girl. Could also be used for a bloke.
fag - sometimes used in it's American sense i.e.. short for 'faggot' or homosexual, but more
commonly for a cigarette.
family jewels - Rhyming Slang for 'balls' (testicles). The word 'jewels' is pronounced 'jaws'.
fanny magnet - a classy or flash item that attracts women, usually used for an expensive car. e.g..
"You wanna see my new motah, it's a right fanny magnet !".
farmer Giles - Rhyming Slang for piles (hemorrhoids).
fart-arseing about - to act foolishly and waste time. e.g. "If you wouldn't have spent so long fart-
arseing about we'd be their by now".
(the) filth - the police.
(the) firm - a gang of 'dodgy geezers'.
fit - used to describe someone who is sexually attractive and has a well toned body. e.g.. "Look at
him/her over there, he's/she's well fit !". A fairly recent 90's term especially used by younger
five finger discount - a euphemism for shoplifting or thieving general. Of Australian origin, but
can be heard in the UK.
five knuckle shuffle - humorous name for male masturbation.
flange - slang name for vagina.
flid - schoolboy humor term usually directed at someone clumsy or stupid. Comes from
Thalidomide, the drug that caused deformities in baby's. Very much in the same vein as 'spastic' or
flim-flam - a load of rubbish / a tall story / trickery. e.g. "Don't give me any flim-flam".
flippin 'eck / 'ell - (flippin heck/hell) a mild form of exclamation which is a euphemism for the
word 'fucking'. O.K. to use in front of your Nan !
float an air biscuit - to fart.
flutter - an occasional bet on a horse race (see gee gee's).
footie - Abbreviated form for football.
for crying out loud ! - a expression of frustration or anger. "For crying out loud can you hurry
up !".
for fuck sake ! - a common expression of annoyance or frustration (and what Robbie Williams
says at the end of the Millennium video).
Forest Gump - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'dump' (defecate). i.e. "I'm just off for a Forrest".
Frenchy - childish slang term for a French kiss. i.e. "Eeeehh you gave her a Frenchy !".
fridge (and) freezer - Rhyming Slang for 'geezer'.
frigging - a euphemism for 'fucking'. Can be used "frigging hell/heck" etc.
fudge packer - vulgar term for a gay man.
fuck stick - slang for penis, or used as an insult. e.g.. the gross term 'Would you like to lick the
salty end of my fuck stick ?'.
fuckwit - a stupid person, popularised by the English magazine 'Viz' character called 'Terry
full monty - 'the whole lot', 'all that is desired'. There are a few meanings proposed for the phrase
'the full monty', but the most commonly accepted one is that it comes from a gambling term where
the 'monte' (spanish for mountain) is the kitty or 'pot' of money in the middle of the table. This has
been changed to the spelling 'monty'.

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full-on - powerfull, with maximum effort. A 90's term used by the same crowd that would use
'banging' and 'large'.
funny farm - mental hospital or institution.
funny money - counterfeit money.
fur burger - gross slang term for vagina.


gabbin - talking (normally too much). i.e. "Your bird don't stop gabbin !".
gaff - slang for house or place. e.g. "I'll meet you round my gaff in 10 minutes" and "He was all
over the gaff" (all over the place). Originates from the 19th century when a 'gaff' was a slang term
for a fairground or place of cheap entertainment.
gagging for it - to be very randy or asking for sex in ones mannerisms. e.g.. "Look at the bird
over there, she looks like she's gagging for it".
gander - to look at. e.g.. "give us a gander", used in a similar way to butchers.
Gary Glitter - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'shitter'. e.g.. "Does she take it up the Gary ?".
(the) gee gee's - a horse race. To 'have a go on the gee gee's' is to place a bet on a horse.
geek - one of the many American words that have found influence in the UK. A geek is a socialy
inept person. The term is often applien to someone interested in computing . Also see
'trainspotter', 'spod', 'propellerhead'.
geezer - a very common term for a man. There are many disproved origins of the word. Used
respectfully and for a person of unknown name, i.e.. "some geezer" or to say that someone is a bit
of a laddish rogue "he's a bit of a geezer". Also 'dodgy geezer' can be used to describe a man of
bad character.
gercha! - a mild threat as if to say 'what a load of rubbish !' or 'get out of here !'.
get / got off with - to have sexual success with someone. i.e. "Did you see Shirly the other night ?
She got off with that bloke from behind the bar".
ging'er or ginge (pron. jinge) - playful name for someone with ginger hair.
ginger beer - Rhyming Slang for queer (homosexual).
git - popular mildly offensive word for someone you don't like. Only really used for males.
gobshite - someone who talks rubbish all the time. This term is popular in the north of England
and has recently been used 'down south'.
(to) go down - 'to go down' is to be sent to prison. e.g.. "Av you 'erd, John's gone down for that
blag he did !". Also 'to go down on someone means to carry out oral sex as it does in other
go/gone/went down a treat - something that would be enjoyed. e.g.. "That'll go down a treat
gone for a Burton - Rhyming Slang for the town 'Burton-on-Trent' meaning 'went' or 'to leave'.
goolies - balls, testicles
gooner - an Arsenal fan. Derived from the cry "gunners !", the clubs nickname (their emblem is a
goppin' - ugly or disgusting in some way. Very similar to the popular word 'minging'. Strictly a
north of England term, but has an increasing popularity 'dahn saaaf'.
Gordon Bennet - an exclamation much like the antiquated 'good heavens' or 'great Scott'.
Supposedly this comes from the Gordon Bennet who founded the NY Herald, but some say it is a
corrupted oath.
grass - to expose someone to the police, an informer. To 'grass someone up' is to 'tell on them'.
Also a slang term for marijuana leaf that is smoked.
greaser - slang name for a 50's style bloke. Taken from the greasy brillcream look of the time.
Gregory Peck - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'neck'. e.g.. "Get that pint dahn yer Gregory" (drink
that pint of beer quickly).

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grief - trouble, hassle. i.e.. "Hey man don't give me grief !"
greenie - spit containing mucus, also 'flob'.
growler - This term has two suggested meaning from two different people. The first is a slang
name for vagina, i.e.. "I'd love to see her growler". This probably derives from it's likeness to a
furry animal ? The other meaning is: the sort of person who is very drunk in a pub and is looking
for a fight, maybe a mad looking bloke sitting at the bar staring at people. (suggested by R Bailey
and Lee Austin)
grub - slang word for food.
grumble and grunt - Rhyming Slang for 'cunt'. "A nice bit of grumble and grunt".
guff - to pass wind. e.g. "Who's guffed ?".
gutted - choked or cut up about something. e.g.. "After my bird dumped me I was gutted for
weeks !".
guv'nor or guv - meaning 'boss', or can be used as a laddish friendly term to indicate admiration.
Used much like 'chief'.
gypsy's kiss - Rhyming Slang for 'piss' (urinate). More often shortened to 'gypsy's'. e.g.. "I'm just
nipping out for a gypsy's".


hacked off - fed up, annoyed. A lot of the time prefixed with 'totally'.
"had it away on his toes" - to run away quickly, usually after 'dodgy' act. e.g.. "I dunno where
John is, must 'ave 'ad it away on his toes".
half inch - Rhyming Slang for 'pinch' (steal).
half mast - a poor erection, not fully up, like a flag at half mast. e.g. "I had so much to drink I
could only get half mast !".
Hampton - short for the Rhyming Slang 'Hampton Wick' meaning 'prick' (penis).
hammered - a very common word meaning drunk. e.g.. "I was totally hammered last night".
hand-job - to masturbate the penis. e.g. "Those tarts down the road charge twenty quid for a
hand-job if you're desperate".
hand shandy - a slang term for masturbate.
hanging - horrible or dirty. e.g.. "That bird's hanging mate !".
Hank Marvin - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'starving'. e.g. "Shall we go for lunch ? I'm Hank
Marvin !". Also Lee Marvin.
Harry Monk - Rhyming Slang for spunk. Unknown origin.
"have a banana !" - a silly cockney interjection, usually inserted into a song.
having it large - (also see larging it) one of the new phrases that have entered into general use
from the clubbing scene. e.g.. "Were gonna have it large tonight" meaning that you intend to go
all out to have a good time.
have it off - a phrase that has been in use for a few decades meaning to 'have sex'. e.g. "I didn't
want to sit there watching TV knowing they were having it off in the back room".
have it away on his toes - to exit quickly from a place, usually a scene of a crime. e.g. "I 'avn't
seen John for a while, 'e mustuv 'ad it away on 'is toes".
have some of that ! - an exclamation used to express pleasure usually after showing off at
something. e.g. After destroying the last wave of aliens on the computer game, John exclaimed
"have some of that !".
headcase - a mad person. Sometimes applied to someone who a violent hardcase. e.g.. "You
don't wanna mess with that bloke, he's a real headcase !".
Herbert - used to describe a foolish person or as a mild form of abuse. Normally prefixed by
(a good) hiding - to get beaten up. e.g.. "If you don't shut it I'll give you a good hiding !".
homo - short for homosexual. Especially used by school kids as a mocking term.

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hooray Henry - a term to describe an upper-class twit type character who probably went to
public school and who would own a yacht etc. Also see Sloan Ranger.
hooter - nose.
hooters - breasts.
how's your father - a euphemism for sex. The sort of phrase used in a 'carry on' movie. Pron.
"aa's yer farva". e.g.. "I think there upstairs having a bit of how's your farther !".
hubbly bubbly - large 'bong' containing water for smoking cannabis. When you inhale on the
mouthpiece of the bong the smoke is bubbled through the water which cools it (allegedly).
hump - to have sex, on the same level of rudeness as 'shag'.


iffy - dubious, doubtful.
if you see Kate - an old saying that hides a crafty acronym ( iF U C Kate). Compare with 'see
you next tuesday
I had one but the wheels fell off - a bizarre sarcastic reply that you give when you don't
understand what the other person is saying (usually technical). e.g. "You just need to remove the
overhead cam slip ring side flange", "Oh yeah, I had one of those but the wheels fell off !".
in stook - in trouble, usually in the financial sense.
inside - in prison. e.g. "I've 'eard Dave's inside again".
iron (hoof) - Rhyming Slang for 'poof' (homosexual). Sometimes also extended to "iron hoofter".


Jack and Danny - Modern Rhyming Slang for fanny (vagina).
Jack Jones - Rhyming Slang for 'own'. Used in it's short form e.g.. "I was all on me Jack" (I was
all on my own).
Jack-the-lad - a term usually applied to a young man who is flash and rebellious. Often used to
describe a careless driver, i.e.. "He's a right Jack the lad in his car".
jaffa - a term for a man who is sterile. i.e.. a Jaffa is a 'seedless' orange.
jam jar - Rhyming Slang for car. Used in it's full form.
jammy - lucky. e.g.. "you jammy sod".
japs eye - hole at end of penis.
jar - pint of beer. e.g.. "Fancy a few jars after work ?".
J.Arthur Rank - Modern Rhyming Slang for wank. Usually shorted by saying 'having a J Arthur'.
jazz mag - pornographic (usually soft) magazine found in you average newsagent.
jerk - idiot, US origin.
jerk off - masturbate.
Jimmy Riddle - Rhyming Slang for 'piddle' (to urinate). Normally used in it's short form, e.g.
"I'm just off for a Jimmy".
(old) joanna - a cockney term for piano. Pron. 'pianna'.
jobby - turd
jock -redneck, Scottish man
Jodrell Bank - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'wank' (masturbate). Jodrell Bank is where the largest
radio telescope in the UK is sited.
John - used as a general term for a man if you don't know his name. e.g. "Allright John !".
Johnny-bag - condom. Also 'Jolly bag'.
John Thomas - an old affectionate term for the penis.
jublies - breasts.
jugs - breasts. e.g.. "Phwoar, nice jugs !".
juiced / juiced up / juicer - very drunk, someone who drinks a lot.


keep your hair on - a phrase meaning "keep calm".

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keep your pecker up - meaning "stay positive", "look on the bright side" etc.
kettle (and hob) - Rhyming Slang for 'fob' (watch or wristwatch). This term can apparently be
heard in the TV series 'Minder' but is not often used today.
khazi - lavatory (From the Indian).
khyber pass - Rhyming Slang for arse.
kick it off - start a fight. e.g.. "There was a real bad atmosphere down the boozer, I was sure that
nutter was gonna kick it off".
kip - sleep. e.g.. "I could really do with a kip".
knackered - exhausted, derived from the word describing an old horse. Sometimes shortened to
knackers - testicles.
knees-up - party, normally with dancing. i.e.. Putting one's knee's up in a dancing movement.
knocking shop - brothel.
knock up - to wake someone up. e.g. "I'm gonna have a lie in, knock me up when your ready".
kraut - person of German origin.


Lady Godiva - Rhyming Slang for fiver, "five pounds".
lair - cheek - 'got some right lair', lairy.
lairy - loud, brash. e.g.. "He's a right lary sod".
large portion - "large portion yes !". An exclamation used to express excitement.
larging it - a modern term that comes from 'club culture'. To 'have it large' means to go all-out to
have a good time. Similar to the phrase "up for it".
leave it out - "stop doing that" or "stop saying that" or as if to say "you must be joking".
leggit - run away fast. e.g.. "Quick, leggit, the law are coming !".
leg-over - to have sexual intercourse "he got his leg over"
legless - very drunk.
(do me a) lemon - a popular phrase that I have had trouble finding a firm meaning for. I
understand it to mean "do me a favor !" and can only think 'lemon' must be short for the Rhyming
Slang for 'lemon flavor' - 'favor'. The term is used as if to say "you must be joking MS">jugs -
breasts. e.g.. "Phwoar, nice jugs !".


odour colon - an pun on 'eau de cologne'. "Sorry abount the smell, it's my odour colon".
offie - very common term for an off-licence (where they sell alcohol). e.g. "D'you fancy popping
dahn the offie for some booze ?".
(do the) off /frank - to leave, "I'm gonna do the off". To 'do the Frank' is Modern Rhyming Slang
for Frank Bough (off), "I'm gonna do the Frank".
off your face - to be very drunk. e.g.. "Last night I was totally off my face !".
off your trolley / rocker - a bit mad, crazy.
oily (rag) - Rhyming Slang for 'fag' (cigarette).
old boy / old chap - the term 'old boy' can be used for an old man, i.e. "Look at that poor old boy
over there", or can be used as a euphemism for the penis.
one-eye(d) - the hole at end of penis. Also, 'one-eyed' is used as a prefix to many phrases for the
penis, i.e. one-eyed trouser snake etc.
on the game - to be prostitute.
on the job - to be involved in sexual activity. i.e. "John's got a smile on 'is face, must 'av been on
the job all night".
on your bike ! - an common exclamation for 'go away' or 'you must be joking'.
out of your tree - crazy, drunk or stoned.

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paki - a derogatory term used to describe anyone who looks vaguely Asian.
paki shop - a slightly racist (but sometimes semi-affectionate) term used to describe a corner
shop (always open, often expensive !) often run by Asians.
pan handle - an erection. From the upward angle of a cooking pan handle. e.g. "I woke up with a
real pan handle this morning".
pants ! - A 90's term that seems to be very popular recently. It can be used as an exclamation of
frustration (much in the way that 'arse !' is) or to describe something that is bad or rubbish. i.e.
"Did you watch the Arsenal match, wasn't it pants ?". Some times prefixed by 'a load of old' or
parky - chilly (weather). i.e. "It's a bit parky out there".
peanut smuggling - what a girl is said to be doing when her nipples can been seen through her
clothes. e.g. "Look at that girl over there, she's smuggling peanuts !".
pearl necklace - the common name given to the act of ejaculating on the upper chest and neck of
a woman during sex, thus giving the appearance of a pearl necklace (allegedly).
pear-shaped - when something has 'gone pear-shaped' it has gone wrong. Probably derived from
the 'sagging' shape of a pear.
pen and ink - Rhyming Slang for stink. Used in it's full form.
phat - general term of approval. From Afro American origin. Possible origins are 'Pussy Hips And
Tits' and PHysically ATtractive' when the term was used in reference to a woman. Thanks to
Chris Bay.
pillow biter - a homosexual. Comes from the supposed pain caused by anal sex, thus using ones
pillow to bite on.
piss-easy - something that is very easy. i.e. "That exam I had to do was piss-easy".
pissed - unlike the American version of the word (which means 'annoyed'), this is the most
common slang term for being drunk. Other variants are 'pissed-up', 'pissed as arseholes', 'pissed
as a fart
', 'pissed as a newt' etc.
piss-head - a habitual drinker or drunkard.
piss it up the wall - to spend money foolishly, usually on drink, drugs or gambling. Also 'spunk it
up the wall'. e.g. "I can't beleive I got payed last week and I've pissed it all up the wall !".
piss off / pissed off - telling someone to 'piss off' is a milder version of 'fuck off', to be 'pissed off'
is to be annoyed or fed up.
piss-up - a big drinking session. i.e. "Fancy coming out for a piss-up". Also 'booze-up'.
plates of meat - a well known Rhyming Slang term for 'feet'. Used in both it's short ('plates') and
long form.
plonker - an idiot, fool or a word for penis. Popularized by the UK TV comedy 'Only fools and
horses'. i.e. "Rodney you total plonker !", or "You're pulling my plonker".
ponce - a word with many meanings in the UK. It's original meaning was similar to that of the US
'pimp' but it is used more as a term of general abuse now. If you call someone a ponce you could
be indicating that they are very flashy or even a bit camp. The term 'ponce about' ("stop poncing
about !") is directed at someone who is aimless or slow especially when the person using the term
is impatiently waiting for them. i.e. "Stop poncing about, we've got to be there in 5 minutes !".
Another term is 'ponce off' meaning 'to scrounge' and comes from the original usage where a
ponce is a pimp earning money from prostitutes. An example would be "Are you gonna ponce off
me all night or are you gonna get your own fags ?".
pony - slang term for L25. An example of this can be heard in the theme tune for 'Only fools and
horses' (UK comedy) which says "I put a pony in my pocket...".
pony and trap - Rhyming Slang for 'crap'. You could say "I'm going for a pony" (going to the
toilet) or that something is 'pony' (no good).

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porky pies - Rhyming Slang for 'lies'. Mostly shortened to 'porkies'. i.e. "You're tellin' porkies
posh wank - there are two meanings for this modern phrase. One is to receive a hand-job from
your wife/girlfriend/other. The other is to masturbate with a condom on. e.g. "Time to go home,
lads, I've booked a posh wank tonight". Thanks to Tristan Paramor for the first suggestion.
powder your nose - a euphemism for taking cocaine. e.g. "Where's Dave ?", "He's just nipped off
to powder his nose".
pro - short for prostitute.
propellerhead - a geek, nerd. Especially used to label someone who is into technology/computing
but socially inept.
pukka - means 'authentic' or 'first-rate'. Originates from the Hindi word 'pakka' meaning
'substantial'. This word was originally used in the Indian colonies.
pump your nads - something that gets you excited (sexually or otherwise) or that you really like.
i.e. "Yeah that really pumps my nads". From the process of ejaculation (where 'nads' is a
shortening of gonads).
punter - the paying public, a customer. e.g. "We really won't know how well the business will go
until we start getting the punters in".


queer - very common term for a gay man.
queer street - to be in trouble or in a difficult situation is to be 'in queer street'.
quickie - to quick act of sexual intercourse. Usually spontanious. Can also be used as a term for
having a quick drink.


rabbit (rabbit and pork) - Rhyming Slang for 'talk'. Used in it's short form. Popularized by the
classic(?) Chas & Dave song "Rabbit rabbit(?)". The phrase "You've got more rabbit than
Sainsbury's" also comes from the song. Normally applied to someone who talks too much
especially a nagging woman.
Radio Rental - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'mental' (crazy / angry). Coined from the well known
chain of TV hire shops in the UK. e.g. "You wait till Dave sees the state of his car, he'll go Radio
Rental !". Thanks to Alex Birkett.
ramped - drunk. i.e. "We were ramped after that bottle of wine".
(to blow a) raspberry (tart) - to blow a raspberry comes from the Rhyming Slang 'raspberry tart'
meaning 'fart'. Always used in it's short form.
raspberry ripple - Rhyming Slang for 'nipple' or 'cripple'.
rat-arsed - drunk. Normally prefixed with 'totally'.
readies - cash. i.e. "Av you got any readies John, I don't wanna put this on plastic ?".
reefer - common word for a cannabis 'joint'.
result - a successful outcome to something, usually either a sporting event or something at least
slightly dodgy. Often prefixed with "a right". i.e. "I see the gooners 'ad a right result yesterday !".
rev up ! - an exclamation much the same as 'on your bike' as if to say 'get out', 'you must be
Richard the Third - Rhyming Slang for 'turd' (excrement) or 'bird' (girlfriend).
(a) right Charlie - see Charlie Ronce and ponce.
ring-piece - relatively common term for the anus. e.g. " That curry I had last night has scorched
my ring-piece !".
ropey - dodgy, of poor quality, horrible etc. e.g. "Blimey, you should av' seen the ropey old bird
Dave was snogging last night, he must have been hammered".
Rosie Lee - Rhyming Slang for 'tea'. Used mainly in it's full form. i.e. "D'you fancy a cup of Rosie
Lee ?".

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Ruby (Murray) - Rhyming Slang for 'curry'. After the popular singer. i.e. "Are you coming out
for a Ruby tonight ?". Used in long and short form.
ruck - a fight. From the word 'ruckus'.
rug - wig, toupee.
(do a) runner - leave an area unexpectedly, or the scene of a crime promptly. e.g. "Where that
bastard gone ? I bet he's done a runner !".


safe - good, all is fine. General term used to indicate that everything is o.k.
salt / sort - the word salt means woman (esp. a 'loose' woman or sexual partner) and has been
used since the 19th century. Usually pron. 'sort'. It is used in a slightly derogatory way and is
nearly always prefixed by 'some old'. e.g. "Dave wasn't dahn the boozer last night, must av been
out with some old sort he met the other night".
sausage jockey - a gay man (a man who 'rides' 'sausages').
scarpa / scarper - Rhyming Slang for Scapa Flow - to run off / leave quickly.
scrounge - to beg or sponge off of others.
seeing-to - to perform sexual intercourse. e.g. "I'd give her a good seeing-to".
see you next Tuesday - an very rude acronym (C U Next Tuesday).
Sexton Blake - Rhyming Slang for 'fake'.
shafted - to be treated badly, to be in trouble. e.g. "I'm totally shafted if I don't get that job".
shafting - sexual intercourse. e.g. "I gave her a good shafting".
shag - very common mildly rude term for sexual intercourse.
shagged-out - to feel tired.
shed-load - a huge amount. e.g. "I've got a shed-load of dodgy stuff for sale".
shell-like - the ear. e.g. The old phrase "Can I have a word in your shell-like ?".
shell-out - to have to pay for, usually unexpectedly.
sherman (tank) - Rhyming Slang for 'wank' (to masturbate). Normally used in it's short form.
e.g. "John's been ages in the toilet. Probably gone for a sherman !".
Sir Anthony Blunt - Rhyming Slang for 'cunt'. Also see 'berk'.
skint - to have no money, penniless. Also see 'boracic' and 'potless'.
skunk - a particularly strong variety of marijuana. Named so because of it's strong smell.
slag - a very common word for a loose woman or generally a rough looking bird. e.g. "She is a
right old slag". Used by men and women. It can also be used amongst men as an insult and can be
heard in 70's and 80's police drama's ("Shut it you slaaag !").
slaphead - a bald per son.
slapper - a common term for a loose woman.
smeg ! - derived from the word smegma. Can be used as an exclamation or a euphemism for fuck.
e.g. "Oh smeg I forgot to post that letter !". This saying was very much popularized by the UK
TV series 'Red Dwarf'.
smeghead - an idiot, dickhead. Popularized (if not actually invented) by the UK TV series 'Red
solid - reliable, dependable (a solid geezer). e.g. "You don't have to worry about Dave, he's a
solid bloke". Also another name for cannabis resin.
sort - see salt
spanner - a fool, weak individual. Popular 90's term.
spoof - semen.
spliff - common term for a cannabis cigarette. Originates from the West Indies.
squire - a general term of address towards a man similar to 'guvnor'.
Steffi (Graff) - Modern Rhyming Slang for 'laugh'. ie "You're 'avin a Steffi mate !". (suggested by
Chris Donnelly).

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stiffy - an erection.
stork - another erection.
strike a light - an old exclamation only really heard as a tong-in-cheek Cockney phrase
stuffing - to perform sexual intercourse (male perspective). e.g. "I gave her a good stuffing".
stunner - pron. 'stunnah'. A very good looking bird.
suss - savvy/know how. eg. "He got a lot of suss"
sussed / sussed out - can mean found out / discovered, or well adjusted / together.
(badly) sussed - what someone might say if they catch you out. For example if you disagree with
someone on a point and are then proved wrong the other person might say "Badly sussed mate !".
Sweeny Todd - Rhyming Slang for The Flying Squad - after the demon barber who turned people
into pies. Used as the name for the TV show 'The Sweeny' ("Shut it you slaaag !").
sweets - a euphemism for testicles. e.g. "Awww you got me in the sweets !".
syrup of figs - Rhyming Slang for for 'wig'. e.g. "See that old bloke over there, is that a syrup he's
wearing or what ?".


tadger, tadge - the penis.
tanked (up) - to get very drunk .
taters - Rhyming Slang for 'potatoes in the mould' meaning cold. The word taters is an
abbreviation of potatoes.
tea leaf - Rhyming Slang for thief.
that old chestnut - see chestnut
thrupenny bits - Rhyming Slang for 'tits'. Often abbreviated to "froops".
tits-up - all gone wrong. Vulgar version of 'belly-up'.
(on your) Todd - short for Todd Sloane, Rhyming Slang for 'own'. After the famous jockey. e.g.
"There's you lot having a wild time and I'm left here all on me' Todd".
tom - an overly assertive, aggressive or masculine 'street walker' (prostitute). The term goes back
many years and may be related to a 'tom-cat'. Often heard in UK TV police drama's.
tooled-up - to arm oneself, usually with improvised weapons like bottles or sticks. e.g. "There
was a right ruck dahn the pub last night and then these headcases got tooled-up !".


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