The Neighbor Boy by Ooohlalaaa

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The Neighbor Boy by


My entry for the "Summer of Smut" contest. Bella is determined to seduce her nerdy, inexperienced
neighbor in order to spice up her summer. Rated M for some awkward lemons and swearing. B/E.

One-shot. Rated:


- English - Humor/Romance - Bella & Edward - Reviews:


- Published: 08-10-

09 - Complete - id:5291847

This is my entry for the Summer of Smut Contest. It's totally just for fun, and kind of

awkward and lame, but that's how I roll. It's the first one shot that I've ever done and the

first contest I've entered sooo, let me know what you think :) MWA!

Summer of Smut Contest

Title: The Neighbor Boy

Pen name: ooohlalaaa

Smut Category: B/E Smut

It all started the summer before my senior year of high school.

The days had been abnormally hot, my best friend, Alice, was spending the summer break in

Europe, and tanning on my front lawn had lost it’s appeal. I was boiling, a couple UV rays away

from melanoma, and bored to tears. And boredom did some bizarre, unexplainable things to my


Luckily, Neighbor Boy was there to shake the monotony of my life up a little bit.

To be perfectly honest, he was a bit of a creeper. Not in the scary, call the po-po kind of way…

more like the, “I’m a dorky 17 year old virgin, and I’m going to be for a long, long time,” kind of


Neighbor Boy went to an all boys Catholic school, so we never had much interaction throughout

our lives besides for running into each other from time to time out in the driveway. I didn’t have

the desire to get to know him, being that he had librarian glasses, frequented the local hobby

shop, and played piano on Friday nights. Dorko Supremo.

He was a total doofus as far as I could tell, and that summer had only strengthened my beliefs

that Neighbor Boy was in desperate need for some sexual interaction, being that I’d caught him

more than once peeping on me tanning through his window. I’m pretty sure binoculars had been

involved once. It was weird.

But, as I said, boredom and monotony brought desperation, so one dull, July afternoon, I decided

to have a little fun. Being that my father was either too cheap or a sadist, we had no pool, so that

left me with the garden hose and a sprinkler as my only means of cooling off. Frolicking through

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the sprinkler seemed kind of corny, so I decided on an impromptu car wash. Kill two birds with

one stone and all that.

So, there I was, mid-soaping, dancing around and bobbing my head to the music blaring from my

boom box, when all of a sudden I look up and Neighbor Boy is grilling the shit out of me from

his second story window.

I mean, the kid had to have wanted to get caught. A mesh screen isn’t exactly a two way mirror;

either he had gone retarded or his creepiness had skyrocketed to another level- one where he

didn’t even care that the prey he was scoping out was aware that they were being stalked. I was

torn between stomping over to his house and ball tapping him or Googling “Restraining Order.”

Instead, I rolled my eyes, dipped my sponge in the soapy bucket, and threw that thing full throttle

right against Neighbor Boy’s screen. He jumped backward and I crossed my fingers, hoping

some soap splashed into his pervy eyeballs.

He didn’t go back to the window, so I lost interest and started hosing off my truck. My dad had

some advanced nozzle with different settings, so being that I had nothing better to do, I began

testing each one by spraying random flowers, my mailbox, and someone’s cat. I was in the midst

of testing out the “jet” setting and trying to shoot it into Neighbor Boy’s open sunroof of his

prissy little Volvo, when suddenly I heard someone clearing their throat and I flinched.

“Can you not do that?”

Holy Puberty Fairy. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as Neighbor Boy strolled up to me,
shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of navy blue board shorts. Then, I noticed the waistband of

his ThunderCats boxers hanging out, and I snapped back to reality. He was such a fucking

dweeb. In all due respect though, he was shaping out to be a pretty hot dweeb.

I squinted at him as he ran his fingers through the reddish-tinged mop on his head and stuck out

his other arm, attempting to hand me a glass of lemonade. “You look hot,” he mumbled

nervously. “Well, not hot like that… warm, I guess? Temperate… whatever.”

Temperate? Had he really just used the word temperate? I stared blankly at him for a few

seconds before snatching the glass out of his hand and taking a couple sips of the lemonade,

praying he hadn’t spiked it with some Flunitrazepam. I dropped the hose onto the ground and we

stood there in silence as I swallowed down what was left in the glass and inspected Neighbor

Boy’s new physique. He had gotten taller, but he was still super skinny. For some reason though,

his awkward, lanky build almost seemed semi-attractive to me.

Also, the glasses were MIA, and I don’t know if it was because of the sunlight, or because I was

dehydrated, or maybe my blood sugar was low or something, but his eyes seemed really big

and… green. Neighbor Boy’s sexy eyes were doing crazy things to my uterus. Who would’ve


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Alright, fine. Maybe I was being a little bitter and not giving him enough credit because his

nerdy tendencies were far too great for me to just overlook. Whatever. I was desperate, but not

that desperate. He drove a Volvo, for fucks sake.

I handed him back the glass once it was empty and smiled. “Thanks.” He blushed like a pansy

and turned to walk back to his house, and that was when I saw it. My world no longer made

sense. “Neighbor Boy, hold it right there!”

He stopped walking and looked over his shoulder, raising one of his thick eyebrows at me.


I took a few steps toward him and stuck my arm out, poking the little black marks that were

sticking out of the waistband of his boxers near the bottom of his back.

“Is that a… tramp stamp?”

He sneered and pulled his shorts up to hide the tattoo and laughed nervously. “What? No! I… it’s

not… just shut up, Bella.”

“Does your mommy know about that, Neighbor Boy?”

“I have a name,” he snapped, taking a step back from me.

“Right, Edwin, whatever.”

“It’s Edward.”

“Same thing,” I said, waving my hand. “So you have a tramp stamp. Don’t only girls get those?

Does that mean you’re gay?”

“No!” His eyes bugged out of his head a little before he half-ran, half-tripped back to his house

without another word. Apparently he scared easily. Considering what a stalker he was, I figured

he’d have thicker skin.

Still, I was in shock. I mean, the geek next door had a tattoo. He was 17. That was bad ass, in my

eyes. And not to sound smug, but I’d considered myself to be as bad ass as they come. I

frequently took part in activities that were illegal/immoral just for the fun of it. I unintentionally

made my dad’s life so stressful I’m pretty sure he was going bald because of me. I wore leather

occasionally, and when the weather allowed it. But Neighbor Boy had one-upped me with his

underage tattoo-age.

My world was rocked.

It was right there, standing in my driveway in my bikini next to my freshly washed truck that I

had my revelation. Maybe there was more to Neighbor Boy- or Edward, as he liked to call

himself- than what met the eye? Or maybe not, but either way, I planned on figuring it out. It was

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my summer conquest. Operation: de-virginize the weird, stalking, uber-geek next door. Christ,

my life was pathetic.

I spent the rest of that day trying to come up with some kind of a game plan. Obviously it was

going to be easy to get Neighbor Boy to succumb to my sexual advances, but I had a reputation

to uphold. I was already lowering my standards to an embarrassing level by having a semblance

of interest in the awkward moron in the first place, and being easy would’ve just killed all of my

self-respect. I was going to make him want it so badly, he was practically drooling. I patted

myself on the back for finally finding something to take up my time.

Edward seemed like the kind of kid that went to sleep at like… ten. After his mom fed him

cookies and read him a bedtime story. I wasn‘t sure, so I waited until all the lights in his house

were off before I crept outside and picked up a handful of pebbles from my driveway.

I chucked one at his window, and it made a tiny clicking noise that was barely audible. Nothing

happened. It was lame. I chucked another one; same deal. My patience was limited, so I pulled

my arm back and tossed the handful of pebbles at his window as hard as I could, and… Lo and

Behold, Neighbor Boy woke up out of his cookie induced slumber.

He pulled the screen up and stuck his head out of the window, looking pretty irritated and still

half asleep.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

“I’m bored. Were you sleeping?” Obviously he was sleeping. His coif was even sloppier than it

had been that afternoon. I just needed an icebreaker.

“Uh, yeah. It’s one in the morning.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed loudly. “Neighbor Boy, it’s come to my attention

that you have an in ground pool which I’ve never swam in before.”

“It’s Edward,” he grumbled as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. “And yeah. Sorry.

You can go in it tomorrow if you want.”

“Tomorrow? No. How about right now?” He blinked a couple times, his face blank, and said

nothing. “Um, hello?”

“Go in the pool if you want. Goodnight.”

“No, you idiot! I don’t want to go in alone. Throw a bathing suit on over those titillating

ThunderCat boxers and meet me in the backyard, stat.”

Without letting him answer, I skipped toward the Cullens’ backyard and stood at the sliding glass

doors, waiting for Neighbor Dork to show his face. Finally, a dim light turned on inside and his

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gangly silhouette emerged in the doorway. He stepped outside, yawning, and looked me up and


“Are you being serious?” he asked with a whisper, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. He

had the glasses on, and the same shorts he’d been wearing earlier, except now he had this tight,

gray v-neck on and he kind of looked bangable. It relieved me a little bit that it wasn’t only

because he was half naked earlier that I thought he looked almost-hot. He was almost-hot, even


Just to show him quite how serious I was being, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it

onto one of the patio chairs. His cheeks turned red, and his neck got a little splotchy. It was

pitiful. Neighbor Boy was all stalk and no show.

I gave him the hairy eyeball and stepped out of my shorts before tiptoeing over to his diving

board and bouncing up and down on it a few times.

“Be quiet, please,” he whisper-shouted at me as he walked toward the edge of the pool. “My

parents are sleeping.”

He stuck his foot in the water and wiggled it around, making little ripples throughout the pool.

“So what? Are you not allowed to swim in your own pool?”

Without letting him answer I dove into the water with poise, not even making a splash. When I

came back up, Edward was sitting on the ground, his long, skinny legs dangling over the edge of

the pool. I swam up to him and grabbed one of his ankles, trying to yank him in the water.

“Stop,” he said, letting out a laugh and trying to shake his leg out of my grasp. “I don’t want to

go in.”

“It’s like 85 degrees out right now. It’s sweltering. How do you not want to come in?”

“What are you even doing here?”

Subtlety was not Edward’s strong suit. I huffed and grabbed the edge of the pool with my

fingertips as I tried to think up some kind of explanation. “I told you. I was bored.”

“Seventeen years and now you’re bored?”

“You sit in your room and stalk me-”

“I don’t stalk you,” he said with a sigh, cutting me off.

“Oh, sorry. What exactly are you doing? Bird watching?”

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Neighbor Boy laughed again and shook his head at me. I liked his laugh. So much so, that I

couldn’t even make fun of it in my mind. “If I happen to look outside and you’re there, I may

just observe the surroundings for a bit. I get bored, too.”

“That sounds a lot like stalking to me,” I said with a smirk. He shrugged. “Come in Neighbor- I

mean, Edward.”

There was some huffing, and Neighbor Boy un-sexily struggled to remove his shirt without

knocking off his glasses. He was unsuccessful. In his defense, he still seemed kind of lethargic.

Edward launched himself into the pool using his arms, without making a sound since he was still

afraid of waking up Mommy and Daddy Cullen. He splashed some water into his hair and shook

his hands around in it quickly. Suddenly, he stopped and looked down at me, his eyebrows


“What?” he asked.


I smiled and swam toward him, until we were uncomfortably close to each other. Neighbor Boy

tensed up. Everything was silent, except for the water lapping against the walls of the pool, some

crickets chirping in the grass, and Edward’s uneasy breathing.

“So, Edward-” I ran one of my fingers down the center of his chest, until I reached his

bellybutton. He swallowed heavily and got goose bumps, even though it was hot as Hades

outside and their pool was heated. “Have you ever fucked a girl in this pool?”

He gave me a disgusted look, which made me giggle. “It’s probably not polite to ask people you

don’t know questions like that.”

“Yeah, whatever. I’ll take that as a resounding no. Let me see the tramp stamp.”

“Stop calling it that.” He started walking further into shallow end of the pool, and with each step
he took, more of his back was exposed. The weight of the water made his bathing suit heavy and

it hung so low I swear I saw ass crack. He wasn’t wearing underwear. It was hot. The nerd

suddenly didn’t seem quite so nerdy.

Since it was dark and I couldn‘t be completely sure, I waded behind him so I could get a closer

look. When I finally got close enough, my heart got caught in my throat. I couldn’t have said

something witty and offensive if I wanted to.

Edward looked over his shoulder at me and splashed some water to get my attention. “Can you

see it?”

I nodded and slid the tip of my finger along the cursive song lyrics that started at his tailbone and

ran in a single line across the right side of his back, below his hipbone, and that was where I

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lifted my finger. The words rode below the line of his bathing suit and I’d already invaded his

personal space and violated him enough as it was.

“Let me see the rest,” I said quietly, biting my bottom lip. He lowered his bathing suit, and I

caught a glimpse of his pelvis and where his happy trail met the rest of his hair, and holy shit-

the fact that Neighbor Boy’s pubes had me in a tizzy said something about me. I was hopeless.

I tried to distract myself by rereading the lyrics from the beginning again, because I don’t think

he would’ve been chill with me ripping off his shorts and trying to wreak havoc on his peen right

there on the shallow end of his parents’ swanky pool.

Yes, there are two paths you can go by

But in the long run

There’s still time to change the road you’re on.

And it makes me wonder.

Stairway to Heaven,” I observed, laughing quietly. “Well, at least you have respectable taste in

music. If it was Right Said Fred lyrics or something, I may have hopped out of this sweet pool

and ran home without looking back.”

He frowned and got a little wrinkle in between his bushy, yet still kind of sexy, eyebrows. “Glad

I have your approval,” Edward mumbled, shaking his head a little.

I sighed and started toward the stairs in the corner of the pool, feeling a little defeated. Edward

was giving off those, “I’m tired, go away,” kind of vibes. It might’ve have something to do with

the fact that I’d woken him up, insulted his choice of underwear, and forced him to let me use his

pool in the middle of the night even though we hadn’t spoken more than a few sentences to each

other our whole lives.

And anyway, I had to keep him on his toes. So, I grabbed my clothes and crumpled them into a

ball before shoving them under my arm and waving at him.

“Thanks for letting me use your fancy pool, Neighbor Boy. See you around. Stop spying on me.”


Our second encounter came about a week later. It was late, and Alice had called me from Italy. I
was standing at the end of the driveway on my phone, walking back and forth as I told her about

how whack my summer had been and how Neighbor Dweeb suddenly grew up and had a hot

bod. I told her all about my plan, and she didn’t believe me and requested a cell phone snapshot.

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Alice was going off about some yellow Porsche her parents rented for her, when all of a sudden I

heard a door slam. I looked over at the Cullens’ front yard and Edward was walking across it

toward me, holding a garbage bag in his hand.

“Alice, you’re gonna have to call me back in a little bit,” I whispered into the phone. “I’ve got

some neighbor boning to do.”

Ugh.” I could feel her judging me through the phone, but I really didn’t care. “Have fun with

the virgin.”

I hung up my phone and twirled a strand of hair around my finger as I strolled up to Edward,

who was… wearing moccasins. He was making things really hard.

“What the hell are on your feet?”

He looked down at his shoes after tossing the bag into the trash can and shrugged. “I don’t know.

They’re my dad’s. I just threw them on to take the garbage out.”

Phew. Crisis averted. I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. “Are you doing anything tonight?”

Edward tugged at his hair nervously and shook his head. “Uh… no.”


Awkward silence. There were crickets. Edward kicked some pebbles. I whistled.

“Well, do you want to… do something?” I nodded at him while thanking God he broke the

silence and tilted my head back to look at the stars. The sky was clear and for once it wasn’t so

muggy that I sweat off ten pounds standing outside for a minute.

“Yeah, sure,” I agreed. “I mean… unless you plan on going up to your room and making me read

Thor or something. If so, I pass.”

He sighed exasperatedly and pulled out his cell phone to look at the time. “No. Come on.”

I followed Edward inside his dark, quiet house. His family had to be the most reclusive, boring

group of people that ever lived. He kicked off the grandpa shoes and headed straight for the

kitchen, where he opened his freezer and spun around to look at me.

“Do you have an ice cream preference?”

“Uh… dulce de leche.” I said it mostly just to be annoying and break the tension.

“Hmm. You’re in luck.” He handed me a carton of Haagen-Dazs before rummaging through a

drawer for spoons.

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Seriously, who just randomly has dulce de leche Haagen-Dazs chillin in their freezer? It was like

the Gods were trying to send me some sort of a sign; Do the Neighbor Boy. It is your destiny.

After we left the kitchen, Edward led me upstairs, where he put his finger over his mouth and

shushed me. He grabbed two blankets out of a linen closet and shoved one into my chest.

“What the hell are we doing?” I asked.

“I asked you to be quiet.”

He didn’t answer my question, but for some reason Neighbor Boy was nervous about having me

in his house so I obliged.

We went up another flight of stairs, and at the end of the hallway there was a door leading out to

a small roof deck that I’d never noticed before from my house. Edward tossed one of the

blankets down on the ground carelessly and sat on top of it, patting the ground next to him.

“What are we doing?” I asked again.

“Eating ice cream and stargazing, until you come up with something better to do.”

I dropped down onto the blanket so that my legs were strategically touching his and dug my

spoon into the open container of ice cream on his lap.

“So, tell me. What’s your deal?”

Edward smirked and slipped a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He swallowed it and licked

his bottom lip slowly. My eyes were fixated on the tip of his tongue, and I didn’t even register

the fact that he hadn’t answered me.

“The beauty of stargazing is that you don’t need to talk,” he muttered, winking at me. He winked.

It was adorable and sexy and dorky all at the same time.

I sighed and moved a little bit closer to him. “You don’t seem to be very extroverted. I never see

any people our age over here. Don’t you have friends?”

He tilted his head back and laughed loudly and all I wanted to do was bite the white, unexposed

skin underneath his jaw. “Uh, yeah, I have friends. I don’t like having people over. My parents

are strict.”

“Have you ever had a girlfriend?” He shook his head and looked down into his lap. Neighbor

Boy’s lack of poon seemed to be a touchy topic. Unfortunately for him, I was inconsiderate so I

kept prying. “Is there a specific reason for that?”

“Well, I’ve always gone to an all boys school. I don’t know that many girls, besides for my

friends sisters, and dating any of them would be weird. I don’t know, who cares?”

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“I care.” I grabbed the carton of ice cream and moved it off the blanket before saying a quick

prayer and straddling Neighbor Boy’s lap.

He froze. Not surprising. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my waist before tilting my

head into his ear and whispering. “Edward, I want you to kiss me. But only if you want to.”

I pulled back and blinked a few times, waiting for him to do something. He was a bit shell-

shocked. Finally, he craned his neck forward and pressed his lips into mine once, twice, and then

he pulled away.

“That’s it?” I asked, suddenly feeling very insecure about my sexual prowess. “What the hell,

Neighbor Boy? Slip me some tongue!”

He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. “You’re very brusque.”

“You’re very prude.”


Edward grabbed the back of my head roughly and pushed our mouths together. He pecked me

gently a couple of times before parting his lips and letting the tip of his tongue pulse against

mine. I sighed a little bit and lowered my body so that I could rub myself against his crotch and

that was where he froze again. Clearly, we were going to have to take baby steps.

“What’s the matter?” I asked, trying to push all my jokes and wit to the side. It was hard.

“I… nothing, I just don’t know what I’m doing.”

“I’ll show you,” I offered, leaning forward to kiss him again. He kissed me back, but his

nervousness was apparent and it made me feel bad. Like I was peer pressuring him or something.

“No. You’re just going to make fun of me.”

That made me feel worse.

“My jokes are all in good fun, Neighbor Boy. I don’t mean them. Come on, we’ll start out slow. I

promise I won’t say a word. Just do whatever makes you feel good.”

Surprisingly enough, Edward shifted a little and started kissing me again. He tasted good. Like

ice cream. And he smelled like fabric softener mixed with boy. It was enjoyable.

I had the overwhelming desire to ride Neighbor Boy like a wild mustang, so instead of scaring

him shitless, I wrapped my arms around his chest and spun him around so he was on top of me.

He positioned himself between my legs awkwardly and I arched my hips up to meet his.

Neighbor Boy seemed like he was concentrating hard on kissing my lips, my neck, collarbone,

instead of focusing on what I wanted him to- his cock. I almost wanted to laugh at his

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bashfulness but that definitely fell under the category of “making fun,” which I’d promised not to


In order to keep things going, I wrapped my legs around his and pulled him tighter against me.

He kept rocking back and forth steadily, until finally he gave into his urges and started thrusting

forcefully, pushing his hardness into me in all the right places. If frottage with Neighbor Boy was

this fabulous, I couldn’t wait until we got down to serious business.

Maybe that stupid t-shirt was right- maybe nerds did do it better. I was beginning to question

everything I thought I knew about life.

I’d just like to state for the record that watching Neighbor Dweeb come in his pants was

probably the hottest, most precious thing I’d ever seen. I know, two completely different things,

but that was him; such a goober, but somehow sexy in his own way.

His cheeks turned all red, and I stuck my hands up his shirt so that I could touch his skin, and he

started groaning in my ear. And just like that, he buried his face in my neck and I felt him jerking

and he kind of whimpered and collapsed on top of me, but it was fine because he weighed like

130 soaking wet.

I kissed the corner of his mouth to try and comfort him a little, and he rolled off me, still all

flushed and a little sweaty.

“That was hot. Did you like it?”

He chuckled a little bit and his eyes shot towards me. “Yeah.”

“Cool. I’m gonna head home.” I stood up and smoothed my clothes before turning toward the

door. “Thanks for the ice cream and dry humping, NB. You should probably take a cold shower.

Come walk me out first.”


For the next two days, I had nothing but Neighbor Boy on the brain. I didn’t really know what I

was supposed to do, so I stayed in the house and read and neglected my summer bronzing

sessions because I didn’t know what post-dry humping neighbor procedures were. Was I

supposed to take him on a date or something? Buy him flowers? I was kind of the dude in the
situation. So, I cleaned my room, did some laundry, cleaned the grout in the bathroom, all the

while, thinking about Neighbor Boy panting in my ear and getting off by rubbing himself on me.

Luckily, he had a little more sense than I did. So, on that second night, I was up in my room

reading some Jane Austen shit and contemplating how to get Neighbor Geek to allow me to blow

him, when I heard my dad shouting up the stairs.

“Bella- you have company!”

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I fluffed my hair in the mirror as I passed it and flew down the stairs to find Edward standing on

my front porch, twirling his car keys around his index finger.

“Hey,” he muttered, looking down at the ground. “Were you busy?”

“Nope.” I smiled and walked outside, shutting the door behind me just in case my dad was being

nosy. “What’s up?”

“I haven’t seen you. Did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all,” I assured him. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and pointed at his keys. “Are

you going somewhere?”

“No. Well… do you want to go somewhere?”

I shrugged and felt my lady organs shift as Edward ran his fingers through his crazy ass hair

while he bit the inside of his cheek. I don’t think it was intentional on his part, but his constant

nervousness around me turned me on.

“Sure. Oooh, there’s a carnival down the street this weekend! Let’s go!”

Neighbor Boy chuckled and I grabbed his elbow and yanked him toward his car. He opened the

door for me. It was so chivalrous and cliché. Sadly enough, I don’t think a guy had ever opened a

car door for me before.

I hadn’t been to any type of carnival in years, and as gay as it was, I had a blast. Edward bought

everything- the ride tickets, the games, the fattening snack food and cotton candy that gave me

heartburn. It was magical.

When it started to get late, we still had more ride tickets left we hadn’t used, so we decided to

waste them all on the giant Ferris wheel. When we got to the top, I gasped and tugged on

Edward’s sleeve.

“Look at the view! Forks almost doesn’t look like the shittiest place on Earth from way up here.”

Edward laughed and draped his arm over my shoulder. “It’s not so bad.”

“It is,” I argued.

“Well… you’re here. So it’s not.”

Neighbor Boy was a smooth operator. He must’ve spent our two days apart looking up “How To

Get Girls” tips online.

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“Edward, I’d force you to make out with me right now like I did the other night, but I feel like

that’s too retarded. It’s so… teen dramedy from the mid 90’s. Plus, I think there’s fried dough

stuck in my teeth and that’s just disgusting.”

He looked disappointed. “Oh. Well, what about later?”

“Sure. Whatever.” I nodded in agreement and grabbed his hand, squeezing it for good measure.

We left after the giant wheel, and Neighbor Boy was suddenly really quiet. He didn’t talk the

entire way home, which was weird because he seemed to have opened up a little during our little

excursion. Maybe he didn’t like me? Maybe he thought I looked hot in a bikini from a distance

but when I opened my mouth I was crass and uncouth and vulgar? Maybe he was pissed I

wouldn’t make out with him and rub his junk on the Ferris wheel? Who the fuck knows.

We sat in his driveway awkwardly for a second before he reached for his door handle. “Okay,”

he mumbled, glancing at me quickly. “Goodnight.”

“Wait, you’re going in? What about our making out?”

“You said you didn’t want to.”

“That’s not even what I said.” I rolled my eyes. “Open your ears, Neighbor Boy. I’m going

inside to get ready for bed and then I’m coming back out so we can talk. Unless you’d rather

play X-Box or something?”

He cracked his neck and let out a frustrated groan. “No. Just come over when you’re done. I’ll

wait outside.”

I ran inside my house and freshened up in record time. I even changed into some lacy matching

underwear set, just to be safe. Not like it would’ve mattered to NB, anyway. I could’ve been

wearing Days of the Week granny panties and he probably would’ve creamed his pants. It was

just my typical routine.

I headed back outside in my tiny cotton nightgown and flip flops, and I swear when Edward saw

me approaching his jaw hit the ground. He was easily impressed.

“So,” I started, punching his stomach gently. “Why so quiet?”

“I’m not being quiet. Uh… do you want to come inside?”


Quietly, we crept upstairs to Edward’s room. He shut the door behind me and turned on the light,

revealing… a perfectly normal teenage boy’s room. It was clean, and everything matched, and I

only saw one visible action figure which was a relief.

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“You have Barbies?” I asked, pointing at his shelf.

He rolled his eyes, hard, and shook his head. “It’s a vintage, collectible GI Joe, Bella. That thing

is worth a lot of money. It’s not a fucking Barbie.”

Did Neighbor Boy really just say fuck? Stop the presses.

Maybe it was saying something about me, that I got turned on by people having a foul mouth,

but regardless, I pounced on NB and knocked him onto his huge, fluffy bed without warning. He

decided to be a little daring this time, and I felt his hands sliding higher and higher up my legs as

I kissed him, until he reached the end of my nightgown, which was when he pulled away.

“Uh… Bella? Do you care… I mean, can I touch… do you mind if I-”

“Edward.” I interrupted his stuttering and sat up straight so I could pull the stupid thing over my

head. I knew the lace was going to get some play. “You can touch me wherever you want to.”

“I can?”

“Yeah.” I giggled and tugged on the hem of his shirt. “Can I touch you?”

“Sure.” He struggled to sit up and took off his shirt, and we both just sat there, staring at each

other, waiting for the other to make a move. “Uh… you start,” he said, grabbing my hands and

placing them on his chest.

I kissed his lips gently a couple times before whispering against them. “I want to touch

somewhere else,” I implied, causing him to laugh nervously.

“You… oh. Oh… uh-”

“Stop being so nervous!”

“I can’t help it!” He rolled me over and wrapped his hands around my waist so he could shove

me to the top of the bed. “Don’t call me out on being nervous. You’re just making me more


“I think what you should really be nervous about is that fact that if I wasn’t around, you’d

probably continue to be a virgin for another couple years. And once you’re in college, I mean…

it’s social suicide.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said exasperatedly. “Let’s just keep mentioning that. Because that’s all I am,

right? The virgin kid next door.”

“Shut up.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him forward so I could kiss him.

“You’re more than that now, Neighbor Boy.”

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There weren’t many more words between us after that. I didn’t pressure him into anything or beg

to grope his dick because it made him all stuttery and twitchy. Slowly, I began to realize that de-

virginization was more of a process than just hopping up and down on some innocent kid’s junk

a few times.

Edward did something to me, though. He made me all tingly inside. So I didn’t really mind that

fact that he wasn’t rushing, because I was enjoying the kissing, and the blushing, and the

curious… rubbing. Whatever.

He started getting more comfortable, and slowly, his hands started moving toward the more

scandalous places on my body. The side of my ribcage. The inside of my thigh. It was all very

draining for me, having to hold myself back. But… I guess in a way, it seemed worth it to me. I

was starting to have strong feelings for the Neighbor Boy. And not just strong sexual feelings.

Strong emotional ones. I liked him. I was in like with a dork.

To help him out a little, I undid my own bra and pulled it off, because I knew that was going to

be an obstacle for him. When I laid back down, He stared at my chest, his mouth open a little bit

and the tip of his tongue almost hanging out of it. I swear he was two seconds away from

drooling on me.

“They’re beautiful,” he whispered, still completely stunned.

“They’re just tits, Edward. You can grab them if you want to. Lick them, shake them around.

Whatever. Go crazy.”

He shrugged and palmed my boobs for a couple seconds, squeezing them gently and pushing his

fingertips against them curiously. It was funny. Like he was molding something out of Play Doh.

“They’re so soft,” he murmured before lowering his mouth to my chest and replacing his hands

with his… tongue. Yeah, it wasn’t funny anymore. It was pretty rousing, and I was almost naked

so that didn’t help my situation out. I was writhing. It was pretty ironic, considering weeks

earlier, my plan was to have him going gaga over me. And there I was, lying in his bed, about to

beg him to shove himself in me. Hard. I was a dirty, dirty girl.

“Edward, take your pants off.”

He lifted his head to look at me and raised an eyebrow. “Now?”

“No, next Tuesday. Yes right now! Come on.”

Edward snorted at my sarcasm as he rolled off me and stood up so he could unbutton his fly. His

pants fell to his ankles, and oh my god, there weren’t any odd pop culture references on his

boxers, they were just plain, tight boxer briefs that hugged his manly goods in all the right

places, and it was lovely. Yeah, lovely. I said it.

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Edward climbed back onto the bed and located himself between my legs again, so I reached

down and yanked on the elastic band of his boxers and let it snap against his stomach. “Take

those off too.”


“Why?” I put my hands on either side of his face and kissed his lips gently. “It’s okay.”

“No. I’ll last two seconds and you’ll just laugh at me. Not yet.”

I sighed and kissed him again. “Edward, I told you, I’m not going to make fun of you. And

anyway, if you don’t want to do it, we don’t have to. I just want to see it.”

“I’m not ready for that yet.”

Instead of continuing to argue, he kissed me again to shut me the hell up, and he started

reenacting our last rooftop session. This time he seemed more sure of himself, and he started out
rough, grinding himself against me vigorously while he groaned and grunted into my ear. I liked

it. He was a fast learner, which was always a good thing.

“Does this even… do anything for you?” he asked breathlessly. “I feel like I’m… being selfish.”

“You’re not,” I assured him. “It feels good for me, too. Just… push a little harder.”

He did as I said, and within a minute I was digging my nails into his back and moaning Neighbor

Boy’s real name and there were fireworks. Well, the last part was a lie, but there should have

been fireworks.

“Holy. Shit,” he said, completely in shock. “You came on my dick. Oh, my God. I felt it! That

was the hottest thing ever.”

Oh, dear. He was in for some shit when we actually did it.

Shockingly, NB was still going. It spoke volumes about his stamina. I mean, I’m sure when he

was actually inside of a vagina it would be a different story, but the practice couldn’t hurt.

“I don’t want to do it in my boxers again,” Edward said sheepishly, his cheeks turning red. “It

was raunchy.”

“Do it on me.”

“What?!” He looked down at my stomach, shocked and clearly contemplating it.

“Hurry up, before I change my mind.”

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And with that little statement, Edward pumped a few more times before grabbing himself and

lowering his underwear. Then he shot his load all over my stomach and god, why the hell had I

suggested it? He was right, getting jizz all over you was raunchy.

But… I mean, it was his. And he’d never been with a girl like that before, and even if Neighbor

Dweeb and I went our separate ways and never saw each other again, he’d still probably

remember me forever. I remembered all my firsts, as much as I wanted to forget them. Ugh.

Cutely enough, Edward used his t-shirt to clean me up and he pointed to the corner of his room,

where there was a bathroom. After I was all fresh and spunk free, I climbed back into his bed,

still wearing just my underwear, and I cuddled up next to his bony bod.

“Thanks for taking me out tonight, NB. I had so much fun.”

“Me too,” he said, kissing my forehead. “Don’t leave.”

I frowned and tilted my head back so I could look at him. “What?”

“You keep just randomly leaving out of nowhere. Stay.”

“Okay,” I replied. “I’m kind of sleepy though. I think it’s all the fried food and sugar. Let’s set

an alarm, in case I fall asleep.”

Edward’s expression changed to excitement. “Just stay over. I’ll wake you up in the morning.”

So I did.


When I woke up in the morning, Edward was lying on my chest, his face right in the middle of

my boobs. I don’t remember how that’d happened, but it made me giggle. I rolled him over and

gently as I could so I didn’t wake him, and I snuck into his bathroom, where I used his

toothbrush and attempted to fix my hair. I looked like I’d been electrocuted. I had to get out of

there before he saw me and threw up.

I ran back out to his room and threw my nightgown back on, sans bra because I couldn’t find it,

and just when I was about to make my escape, I heard a groan and the sheets ruffling.

“Bella… you’re going?” I nodded and pushed my hair out of my face, trying to make the best of

it. I don’t know why I even bothered. “Oh… well, let me get dressed. I’ll walk you out.”

Edward rolled out of bed, his hair sticking up in all sort of directions but still looking straight up

sexy. He threw his glasses on, stepped into his dirty jeans that were still on the floor, and

dragged ass across the room. I saw a little piece of his tattoo peeking out of his underwear, and I

wanted to touch it, but morning afters were awkward. I needed a shower and coffee first.

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He walked me out to the front porch, where he closed the door and leaned against it. “So… what

are you doing all day?”

I shrugged and looked down at my feet. “Don’t know. I’m still sleepy so- holy shit, it is hotter

than Satan’s armpit out here. I fucking hate summertime.”

“I like it,” Edward said, yawing and… stretching. Damn it. I wanted to hump him on his front

porch. “So, if you’re not doing anything today maybe we could go out again? We can get dinner

or something…”

“I don’t know,” I said, worried that if I went out with Neighbor Dork all alone on some sort of

serious dinner date that people I knew would see me and judge me and wonder what the hell I

was doing hanging out with Edward-Virgin-Cullen. “I’ll let you know later.”

That was when neighbor boy dropped the bomb on me.

“Are you embarrassed by me or something?”

Shit. Had I given off that impression? Probably. I kind of was.

“No,” I lied, trying to spare his feelings. “Why would you think that?”

“You didn’t want to kiss me when we were in public,” he said quietly, letting the back of his

head thump against his front door.

“I’m just not a fan of PDA.”

“Well, you keep saying little jokes about me, and… my window faces your driveway, Bella. I

heard you talking about me on the phone the other night. Making fun of me with your friends

and calling me a virgin. Saying you were going to take a picture of me to prove I’m not that


I honestly felt like the biggest piece of shit in the entire world. I didn’t know what to say. I mean,

yeah, he was completely right. I was a vain, shallow bitch, and I paid too much attention to

outside things that didn’t really matter instead of the fact that Edward was sweet, and polite, and

considerate, and completely and totally adorable. I was a fucking idiot. And speechless.

“I… I asked you to stop spying on me.”

Yeah, wrong answer. Neighbor Boy was not pleased.

“I wasn’t spying on purpose! I heard you… you were right there.”

I couldn’t even say anything because I was wrong, and he was right. And I was a bitch, and he

was nice. I was critical and evil and cold-hearted and he was… well, you get the point. I was in

the wrong.

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“So, what? You’re embarrassed, right?”

“No!" I exclaimed. "It isn’t that… we’re just really different. I need to get used to it before we


“Whatever.” He walked inside and left me standing there on his porch, completely



I cried. I actually cried over Neighbor Boy. It was like I was living in some alternate universe or

something. I just felt so fucking bad, and it had been days, and I was afraid that if I went over

there, his mom would bitch slap me for defiling and damaging her son, and I didn’t have his
phone number because why the hell would I call him when he lived right there? I was spent.

So, yeah, I cried for a day, then I moped around my house and pissed my dad off. Then, I slept,

ate some ice cream, which made me cry, and the cycle was repeated. It was fucking pathetic. I

was crying over a guy I’d hung out with 3 ½ times. He wasn’t my boyfriend. He wasn’t even my

fuck buddy. He was just my innocent, perfectly adorkable neighbor who I made feel like shit

when he didn’t deserve it because of my pride. What was wrong with me?

Alice called me the fourth day after our tiff. She spewed some crap about Europe and Gucci and

there was more Porsche talk and other shit I couldn’t care less about. Finally, she noticed my

lack of interest and she sighed loudly into the phone.

“Bella? What’s going on? Virgin neighbor let you down?”

“No,” I spat. “It was me. I’m a fuckwad.”

“What’d you do?”

“I was myself. Shallow and judgmental. He was so cute and so fun and I ruined it by being


Alice giggled a little bit as I explained everything to her. The pool, the ice cream, the stargazing,

the dry humping, the carnival, the jizz, the sleepover, the crying.

“Well… do you like him?” she asked bluntly. “Be honest.”

“Yeah. He’s actually pretty cool.”

“No. Not like that. Don’t worry about what I think. Do you like him, like him?”

I was afraid to admit it to myself, but saying the words out loud made it real. “Yes. I like him like

him. I like him a lot. I don’t just want to de-virginize the gawky, uber-geek neighbor. I want the

gawky uber-geek neighbor to be my lover.”

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She laughed and tsked into the phone. “I have an idea.”

That night, the plan went into action.

I snuck out of my room at midnight and made my way over to the driveway, where I picked up
some rocks and headed toward Neighbor Boy’s window. I started chucking the rocks, and after

about 12, Edward flung the screen open and stared down at me. It was all very Say Anything. All

I needed was a fucking boom box blaring Peter Gabriel and I could’ve called it a day.

“Hey, Neighbor Boy.”

“Hi, Bella.” His voice was all raspy and deep, and even though it was because he was half

asleep, it reminded me of when we were half doing it, and I got all nostalgic and emotional.

“I miss you. Come talk to me. I’ll be by the pool.”

I headed toward the backyard and sat down in one of his patio chairs as I waited for him to make

his appearance. I almost expected him to shut his window and go back to sleep considering what

a bitch I’d been, but instead, he showed up, and I smiled, and then it faded because he looked all

torn up.

“Let’s go swimming,” I suggested, pointing at the pool.

“I’m not wearing a bathing suit.”

“Neither am I. Underwear works just as well.”

Without giving him a chance to object, I striped down to my totally unsexy lingerie and hopped

into the shallow end of the pool. Edward dropped his sweatpants and decided to take the stairs in

before walking slowly toward me.

“Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. “I have some stuff to say.”

He placed his palms flat against the surface of the water inattentively and looked up at the sky.

“Go ahead.”

“I’m sorry.” I swam toward him, breaking the distance between us but not getting all up in his

business like I wanted to. “I shouldn’t have said those things about you to Alice, and I’m sorry

you heard that. I really wish you hadn’t. In all fairness, though, it was different then. I didn’t

really know you- well, I guess I don’t really know you now. Whatever. Either way, I was wrong.

So… can you forgive me?”

“Can you stop caring so much about your reputation and being embarrassed to be around me?”

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“I’m not,” I said honestly, my heart hurting for making him feel that way. “I like you. If

anything, I’m embarrassed of myself, for calling you so many names and thinking badly about

you. You didn’t deserve it. I’m insecure, and… I like you, Edward. I like you, a lot.”

I hadn’t realized how close I was to the edge of the pool, but I felt my back hit the wall. I had

unconsciously been stepping away from him, and I hated it. I wanted him closer to me. So, I

stuck my arm out and clenched and unclenched my fist so he’d move forward.

“I like you too,” he said tiredly. “And these past couple of days sucked.”

“I bet you they sucked worse for me.” He laughed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders,

pulling me into his chest so he could hug me. “Neighbor Boy, can you make out with me in your

fancy pool?”

“Sure.” He chuckled against my lips before kissing me fiercely, passionately, more intensely

than he had any other time. I climbed into his arms and wrapped my legs around his back as he

stepped forward and pushed me into the pool wall.

“So,” he said between kisses. “Does this mean we can go on our date?”

“We can go on dates all the time,” I assured him. I reached down into the water and slipped my

hand into his boxers, wrapping my fingers around his shaft and squeezing gently. He groaned

into my mouth, and then he kept talking as I worked my hand up and down.

“All the time? So… does that mean…” Neighbor Boy’s breaths were becoming shallow, so I

nodded and kissed him again.

“I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?”

“Yes.” He laughed and lifted me up, placing me on the edge of the pool so that he could pull my

underwear off. “I do.”

“Good.” I jumped back into his arms and pulled his boxers down quickly, positioning him in

exactly the right place the make things easy. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yeah. It’ll probably suck, so… sorry.”

“It’s okay, Neighbor Virgin. We can do it again and again. Practice makes perfect.”

“Okay. Is it true what they say… about water?”

“Uh, I’m not sure. I’m on the pill, so have at it.”

Edward took a deep breath and shoved me against the wall, and with one powerful thrust, he was

in and it was indescribable. All the anticipation that had been building up to that moment made it

so amazing.

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He gasped a little and I could see he was trying to fight it and I wanted to tell him that it was

okay, that I expected him to be a two pump chump and that I didn’t care because he was mine,

and I adored him. Instead, I kept my mouth shut, knowing my words usually screwed things up.

He pulled back and pushed forward a couple more times… like four. And then, I felt him

twitching and his cheeks turned all red, and he apologized, but I just kissed him and smiled and

scratched the back of his chaotic hair as he caught his breath and calmed himself.

“Sorry,” he said finally, shaking his head. “I think I can keep going.”

“You can?”

“Yeah. Let me try. Wait- did I suck? I mean, I know it was short, but other than that-”

“No.” I cut him off and bit the side of his neck playfully. He was so damn cute and ingenuous.

“You were perfect. Keep going.”

He smirked and squeezed his hands around my waist as he shoved my body hard against his

thrusts, making me tremble. The air was colder than usual, and it was quiet outside besides for
our uneasy, labored breathing and the water lapping against the edge of the pool. I was kind of

afraid Neighbor Boy’s parents were going to wake up and catch me fucking their son in their

pool, and then they were going to tell my father and it was going to be some big debacle. But

then, Edward pounded himself into me again, and my mind went blank, and all I could

concentrate on was him.

“Wait… I want you to come.” His voice was gritty and he said the words between clenched

teeth. It was ridiculous. Just hearing the word “come” fly from his pretty little mouth set me on

fire. “I did it the other night. Where should I touch you? Show me.”

I grabbed one of his wrists and directed his hand down my stomach, but once he got close

enough to me, I let go and let him figure it out himself. “Keep going down,” I instructed, closing

my eyes as I felt his fingers creep closer. “There. Right there. And be gentle.”

I guess one of the perks of being a nerd is that you’re fucking smart. He did exactly as I said,

rubbing my clit gently with his thumb as he rocked back and forth inside me, still managing to

kiss me at the same time. He got an A+ as far as multi-tasking was concerned. It only took a

couple more thrusts before Neighbor Boyfriend came, again, but that didn’t matter. He didn’t

pull out, and he kept his focus on me and continued working his fingers until I started pulsing

into his hand and around his dick and biting his shoulder and squeezing my body with his legs.

Good God. Neighbor Boy was going to be unstoppable once we got a few more sessions in.

When I opened my eyes again, he was staring at me, smirking and looking all cocky and happy

and satisfied and perfect.

“Watching you come almost makes me feel as good as coming myself.”

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I laughed and lifted myself up so he could pull himself out of me. Someone’s pool needed a

serious cleaning. “Thanks, Neighbor Boy. So how do you feel?”

“Ten pounds lighter. And kind of sweaty.” He laughed at himself and dunked his head in the

water before shaking his hand around in it and splashing me.

“Was it everything you thought it would be?”

“No way,” he said, shaking his head. “It was so much better.” He gave me the dork wink again

and ruffled my hair playfully. “We better get out of here before my parents wake up.”

“I agree,” I mumbled, kissing him one last time.

“So… do you still hate the summertime?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “Because if so,

I’ll make it fun for you. We’re only halfway through.”

“No,” I said, touching the tip of his nose with my finger. “Not anymore.”

It was the truth. How could I hate the summer? It brought me to Neighbor Boy.



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