Don't Tell me you love me by Tell Me No Lies

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Forks, Washington

December 31, 2000



“Jesus, Edward. What the hell is wrong with you?” Jessica Stanley asked, straddling me. Pouting because I should have

had her naked and satisfied by now.

“Nothing, Jess. I‟m just feeling a little tired.”

“You got me drunk and brought me back here to fuck, and now you change your mind? Can‟t promise that you‟ll get a

second chance offer.” She bent over, landing a hard and fast kiss on my mouth, forcing her tongue down my throat. I put

my hands around her shoulders, and gently shoved her back.

“Look, I have to work tomorrow. I'm not going to be worth shit if I don't get any sleep. And, yeah, you‟ll offer it again. You

always do.” Jessica rolled off to the edge of the bed, stumbled a bit, then grabbed her jeans and shimmied her way back

into them. I sat up rubbing my hands across my face and slid off the bed while she mumbled a few swear words under her

breath. Looking at the clock on the wall, I realized it was midnight. The rumble of loud music and cheering came from the

front part of the house. I started toward the door and felt Jessica tap me on the shoulder, as soon as I turned to face her,

she slapped the shit out of me.

“Happy Fucking New Year, jerk.” She opened the door and I lazily followed after her, smiling to myself, smoothing my

hand over my cheek, trying to sooth the pain. I didn‟t care. Jessica wanted me just as much as I wanted her, but the

timing never seemed right. We weren‟t dating or anything. Nothing but pure sexual attraction driving us both. She‟d get

over it. She always did.

Pushing my way through the crowd and the cloud of smoke, I found Emmett and Mike. Em was copping a feel on a more

than willing female. Mike stood there, staring wide-eyed with envy. Poor Mike. Smart son-of-a-bitch and almost good-

looking, but couldn‟t get a piece of ass if he paid for it. Knew how to throw a party, I‟ll give him that much.

“What the hell are you doing, man? That was quick.” Emmett said, raising his voice so I could hear, then gave me a high

five. Someone had cranked up the Chili Peppers on the stereo causing the crowd to go wild.

“We didn‟t do anything.” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

“Bullshit. You‟ve been wanting that pussy for a year now. She was hot, wet, and ready. You feeling Ok?” Emmett asked,

placing his palm on my forehead. I shoved him away, both of us laughing.

“Yeah. I have to work tomorrow. Your parents have me painting the garage.”

Emmett‟s family had been kind enough to give my mother a job, tending to the house and running errands. Basically, she

was the maid. After she died, they allowed me to stay in the guest house, as long as I did my part in helping around the

house, they would pay me some here and there. Just enough for gas and whiskey. Which is all I really need anyway. I

never ask for much.

“Too bad. I guess I‟ll see you tomorrow,” he said, turning his attention back to the piece of ass he was holding in his arms.

“Yeah. Hey Newton, great party man.” I punched him in the shoulder, playful-like.

Mike nodded his head. “Glad you showed up. By the way, quit putting sacks of dog shit in my locker. I can make your life a

living hell, Cullen. That‟s a threat, not a promise.”

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“I‟m already having nightmares. See you guys.” I gave a salute. Mike gave me the finger. I wasn‟t worried about his

threat. Mike had money and his last name, but that was about it. He was about as threatening as a caterpillar.

Making my way out the door and onto the front porch, I said a few goodbyes, slapped some really nice ass cheeks on a

few girls along the way, strictly from hormonal impulse. A couple of them had given me their digits earlier, after some

heavy make out sessions on the couch in the study.

As I walked the few blocks back to Emmett‟s house, I kept wondering why I was even invited to the party. Em had

something to do with it, I was sure of that. I didn‟t exactly travel in the same social circle as he did, but he and I had

become good friends during my stay at their home. I admired his guts. His friends were nice to me when they saw me

outside of school, as long as no one of importance caught them speaking to me, hence my surprise that they even

acknowledged my presence at the party. Monday morning, I would go back to being Edward Cullen, the non-existent.

I mumbled to myself on the way back, my hard-on finally settling down. Wondering why the hell I didn‟t take Jess up on

her offer. If I had stayed at the party, I would have gotten a New Year‟s gift. No fucking idea why I had decided to go

home. I had to work, yes, but I didn‟t have to start until the afternoon.

Finally, I opened the gate to the backyard, sauntered onto the porch. Fumbling with my keys, I found the one I needed

and unlocked the door. I froze as I heard someone take a deep breath and the smell of cinnamon and strawberries hanging

in the air.


I tossed the keys on my desk as I took of my jacket. Turning to look at her, I quickly crossed my harms, hiding my hands.

The best place for them where Bella was concerned. She was sitting on her knees, topless, legs slightly parted. Her body

shadowed by the lamplight. Small, perky breast that showed promised. Black lace panties barely covering that sweet little

squeezebox. Shit. This is definitely not what I needed.

"How was the party?" She asked, crawling seductively to the edge of the bed.

"It was OK. What are you doing here?" My voice cracked as I suppressed a moan. So beautiful. So fucking perfect.

"What does it look like?" Bella put her middle finger in her mouth, drew it out slowly, making sure it was wet. She teased

the waistband of her lace panties. A few seconds later, she slid her finger in and tilted her hips slightly, allowing herself to

delve deeper. She was killing me and she knew it. I sauntered to the edge of the bed, drawn by her magnetic sensuality,

my arms still crossed. All of the sudden I felt regret for drinking half a bottle of tequila at the party. That shit makes me

horny as hell and lose all my inhibitions. The worst state that I could be in around Bella.

"I know what it looks like. Come on, Bells. If your parents catch us, I'm dead."

She stopped, brought her finger up, tracing my bottom lip. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, fighting the urge to

taste her. The smell of want and readiness floating up to my nose. Bella let out a throaty chuckle, then snaked her hands

around my neck lowering my mouth to hers. I hesitated, then finally gave in. Bella wasn't an experienced kisser. Bella

wasn't experienced at all. It was hard to tell from the way she was exploring my mouth with reckless abandon. But I knew

she wasn't. Bella told me her little secret a few months ago during a camping trip in Canada with her family.

So sweet.

So soft.

So fourteen.

With that last thought, I came back to reality. I firmly grabbed her wrists and removed her hands from my neck. She

pulled her head back and looked up at me, sadness and disappointment plaguing those big brown eyes.

"What?" I detected the acid and resentment in her tone.

"You shouldn't be here. For fuck's sake, Bella. What if Emmett comes back here and wants to have a drink or something?

He'll fucking kill me and you know it."

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Not only was Bella three years younger than me, she was Emmett's little sister. Step-sister. But, still. All the rules of the

big-brother protection code still held. A pissed off Emmett could be easily compared to a badger with serious case of 'roid

rage. At about 6'3, 285, and the width of a semi-truck, you definitely didn't want to be on his shit list.

"Jessica Stanley. That bitch! I knew it!" Bella yelled, rolling her eyes as she moved to the side of the bed.

"There isn't anything going on with me and Jess." Stupid. If I was smart, I would have told her that Jess and I were hot for

each other and couldn't get enough. Whatever would make Bella run from me, it didn't matter.

Bella deserved more.

She stood and moved closer to me. I clenched my fists as the damn smell of cinnamon and strawberries caught me again.

Bella stood behind me, pressing her hard nipples into back.

"Why won't you touch me, Eddie? I need you to touch me." That sweet, innocent voice flowed over me with a soft carress.

I fumbled through the many compartments of my seventeen year old brain, looking for ways to make her leave. Go home

to her own bedroom, with her pom-poms, nail polish, and late night phone gossip with her friends about who likes who in

English class.

"I never said I didn't want to, Bella. I can't." She made her way around to face me, the desire in her eyes was becoming

more noticeable.

"Kiss me again. Please?" She bit her bottom lip, seductive and wicked. So goddamn tempting. Fucking A. Why does doing

the right thing have to be so damn painful?

"Bella, go back to the house." I told her in an unintentional come-hither tone. Which she noticed. Dammit.

She closed the distance between us and rubbed her hand on my crotch, covering the entire length of my cock. My blood

was boiling. Every muscle in my body tense. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as she slid her hand under my t-shirt,

tugging on a hard nipple. I tried to stop the groan of agony, but it was too late. Bella may have been inexperienced, but

she sure as hell knew how to drive me fucking insane. Vertigo set in when the moisture of her hot, wet, open mouthed

kisses dotted my navel. One kiss. Then another.

"No. I want you Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. And you want me." I heard the top button of my jeans click open. I was

wearing my button-fly jeans. Four to go. Four more buttons to heaven.

Fuck it. Patience has never been one of my virtues. Why start now?

I slid my hand slowly down her back, grabbed her ass cheek. Not bad for fourteen. Not bad at all. She pushed my t-shirt

up and I moved my hand off her ass just long enough to pull it over my head. Immediately I brought her closer to me,

pressing those perfect little tits to my skin. Need now replacing the want, I turned her around and laid her on the bed.

"You have no idea how bad I want you." I said, as I kissed her with blind fury. She wrapped her legs around me, crossed

her ankles and pulled me in toward her hips.

Bella had no clue how much I wanted her. From the day I saw her lying on the living room floor, legs crossed in the air,

talking on the phone. Chewing the hell out of a piece of gum. Sounds simple and bland. You just have to know Bella. She

was eleven and I was fouteen. Mom was working that day, and school was out. Emmett and I had been out on our

skateboards and had to come in because it started raining. The hormonal rage of puberty isn't easy to ignore.

"Show me, Eddie. Tell me what you want to do me." She reached down and with one quick flip of her wrist, managed to

finish off the button-fly. Warm fingers trembled lightly around the waist band of my underwear. Teasing the head of my

cock with her finger tips. A groan escaped my mouth as she wrapped her hand around me. Slowly stroking me. "You're so

hard for me. How does that happen?"

Her innocent question made me giggle. I had always dreamt of being her first. And now I had the opportunity.

Male ego and all that shit.

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"We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to show you what I want." I teased the edge of her panties with my

fingers, pulling on the elastic. Bella shifted her hips, trying her best to get me to touch her. I began sliding my finger up

and down on the cleft of her pussy, teasing at her, feeling her flesh swell and flush with the heat of my touch. Her little

cries of impatience ringing in my ears.

"Do it Eddie. Please. Please touch me."

Gently, I parted the lips of that sweet, wet, pussy. I slid my finger in slowly, moving in and out. Bella wasn't ready yet for

the real thing, even though she thought she was. My experience with virgins taught me to wait, work them up and have

them totally relaxed.

"Shit. Bella. You feel so good." I watched her as she arched her back, her eyes fluttered as I grazed her clit with my


"Don't...fucking...stop! Eddie, my God!" She screamed, as I her legs begin to shake. When her breathing calmed down, I

pushed my jeans down, and pulled out my cock. Throbbing and about to fucking explode. I bent my head down and lightly

sucked on one of her nipples....then moved to the other.

"So damn good. And sweet." I placed small kisses on her collar bone. "Spread your legs a little more."

Just when I was about to enter, she looked up at me with those big brown eyes, her face flushed. Innocence and

chasteness staring back at me. I pushed of the bed and buttoned my jeans, found my shirt and put it back on.

"What's wrong?" She said. Desperation in her voice. "I want it to be you."

"No, Bella. This is wrong." I walked to the other side of the bed and hand her her t-shirt. She fumbled with it, a confused

look crawled across her face.

"Wrong how? What did I do? Tell me what I need to do." She was crying, now. Goddamn it.

"You didn't do anything. I'm not going to take your virginity, Bella. Besides, your too young, and Emmett will beat my

brains in. And your parents? Dammit, I need this job, Bella. And a place to stay. I won't lose it, because of your infatuation

with me."

I hated hurting her like this. But she was so damn smart. So sophisticated and well liked. She came from money and and

aristocratic blood ran through her veins, destined for greatness. All the things that I damn sure wasn't or didn't have. I

wasn't going to drag her down and watch her wilt away into nothing. Edward Cullen has no future. A fact that is never

going to change.

"I don't care what Em says. Or my parents. This is my decision." She made her way over to me. Putting my hands on my

hips, I looked at the cieling, clenched my jaw when she ran her hands over my chest.

"Bella, don't."

"Edward, look at me." Bella raised her hand, placed her palm on my cheek and turned my face to hers. A tear streamed

from the corner of her eye, landing on my shirt. "I love you."

Shit. She had finally convinced herself that she loved me. And for some reason I believed her. I grabbed her by the

shoulders, placing her as far back as my arms would reach.

"Don't say that! You can never say that! Jesus You're just a kid."

"Really? You weren't thinking that a few minutes ago. What is it? Boobs not big enough? Am I a bad kisser? Tell me what's

wrong with me?" She lunged forward, tiny fists beating like a jackhammer against my chest.

She finally stopped and collapsed against me. Gently raising her petite little body up, I walked her to the door.

"Go home. Now." I said sternly.

With tears in her eyes full of hate and anger, she turned and looked at me.

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"You'll regret this one day. That's a promise." Bella clenched her jaw then slammed the door behind her.

I stood there. My heart black and cold. It was the right thing to do. She may be angry now, but she'd be over me in no

time. She'd go to college, get a good job, get married and have a family of her own. Everything I could never give her.

With quick steps, I went to the closet and pulled out my duffle bag. I just started stuffing it with what very little clothing I

had, lifted the mattress and removed the photo I had of Emmett, Bella and me. Three amigos. That was what we were. I

put the picture in my jacket pocket and wrote a quick thank you note to the McCarty's.

I was doing the only thing I knew how to do.

Run. Run away before I could turn this family to stone. I took one last look around the guest house, closed my eyes and

took a deep breath.

Never mind where I was going. I had no idea what city or state or country I would land in.

My heart would always be here.

Nine Years Later..

Los Angeles , CA

June, 2009


I pulled into the driveway of the house, maneuvering my way through the sea of expensive imports, then finally making it

to the garage. Taking a deep breath, I firmly rubbed my temples, bracing myself for what awaited me inside. If I

remember correctly, I had specifically said no birthday party. Jasper or Rosalie, I didn‟t care who it was, someone was

getting their ass kicked. Or fired.

After my third round of counting to ten, I got out of the car, checked my reflection in the tinted window. I‟m no Brad Pitt,

but I can hang with the best of them. Besides, Brad‟s a diva. I should know. He whined so damn much about the

modifications on his custom bike, I had to let Jasper take over the project. Bad times that called for infinite kegs of

whiskey, instead of a few bottles. I still have nightmares.

I tugged on my jacket as I approached the well-lit entrance to Jasper‟s obnoxious piece of real estate. Before I reached the

doorbell, I heard the all too familiar sound of fingernails raking across a chalkboard.

Rosalie Hale. Her voice was annoying as hell, but I always kept a roll of tape next to the bed when she stayed the night. As

long as she thought it was kinky, I got to keep my hearing. It was a win-win.

“Edward Cullen! You‟re late!” She yelled, opening the door wide. As always, she was dressed to the hilt in her perfectly

tailored Prada pant-suit and shiny fuck-me Jimmy-Choo‟s. Her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. Rose may have a

voice that would make Fran Drescher jealous, but she was smart, beautiful and amazing in bed.

“Is it wrong to be fashionably late to my own party? Who‟s idea was this?” I asked, laying a kiss on each cheek.

“Jasper‟s. He said he‟s sleeping with his gun under the pillow tonight. Speaking of fashion, you look absolutely delicious.

Where‟s the shirt I bought you? And the tie?” She crossed her arms, looking very annoyed.

“The shirt was pink, for fuck‟s sake, and you know I hate ties.” I waved my hands up and down my ensemble of a white

shirt, faded jeans, and a blazer. “Give me a break, Rose. Not a stitch of leather on me, I swear. That you can see.” I gave

her a wink and she replied to my little joke with a punch in the arm.

Rose shifted her weight and moved her head slightly, trying to peek inside my jacket.“No wallet with a chain?”

I pulled gently on the lapel, then slid my hand down to the hem, and moved it just enough to flash the chain attached to

the wallet in my back pocket.

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“Damn you, Cullen.” She threw her hands up in the air. A gesture of obvious defeat. I hooked my arm around her waist

and pulled her close.

“I admire your attempt to try and seduce me into your high society club.” I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, making sure I

didn‟t smear her lipstick. “It‟s never going to happen.”

“Edward,” she said in a hushed voice, then tilted her head toward the great-room, “I think we‟re being watched.” This

made me laugh. The sound reflected off the granite floor in the foyer. Rose could always make me laugh, with her

organized and sophisticated outlook on life‟s rules according to her inner circle. She was always afraid that her social

status would be ruined if anyone found out what a vamp she was in the bedroom. We‟ve been friends for years now, with

the understanding that friends with benefits meant just that.

“I don‟t care. It‟s my birthday party.”

“Seriously, Cullen. You should really think about changing your image. You have more money than Trump. Changing your

look would be good for business.”

“Rose, babe, I spend hours in a garage with buckets of grease and two human pit-bulls nicknamed Tiny and Mo. I design

and build motorcycles and concept cars for a very rich, and very powerful list of clientele. They don‟t give two shits about

my wardrobe.”

“Your stubborn streak is getting on my last nerve. Let‟s go. You‟ve kept your guests waiting long enough,” she said, taking

my hand and dragging me down the long length of the foyer into the great room. A few heads turned and glared as we

made our way down the steps, judging me and coming to their own conclusions. Nine years ago, this would have bothered

me. Nine years ago, I would have walked up to one of them and introduced them to my fist. Punch first, ask questions

later. Now I just ignored them.

On the outside, I appeared to be just like them. Materialistic and shallow, with the fancy cars and big house. But on the

inside, I was still the white-trash kid from the wrong side of the tracks. I considered it just a run of good luck, knowing

that it could all be taken away at anytime. A lesson learned when you had to move around a lot as a kid. You can‟t always

take it with you when you go.

After a few stops along the way to greet a few well-wishers and exchange some business cards, we found Jasper and Tyler.

“Here‟s the birthday boy! It‟s about fucking time you showed up. I was getting tired of going around pretending to be you.”

Jasper said, giving me a hug, then turned and smiled at Rose.

“Liar. You know you dream about being me. By the way, you‟re fired.” I wasn‟t serious. Jasper was the best marketing

executive in the entire state of California. New offers were thrown at him on a daily basis, some of them offering up to ten

times what I paid him, but he always refused. Jasper was a very rich man, but he never acted like it. He always said “what

good is money if you can‟t share it. I have everything I need. I‟d rather give it to those that don‟t.” That‟s the main reason

I kept him around. Brilliant, humble and loyal is how I would describe him. I trusted him with my life.

Jasper took a long swig of his drink, finishing it off. “Ok, so I‟m fired. You‟ll hire me back. You always do. And for the

record, I do not want to be you. You‟re boring and ugly as hell.” He flagged down one of the waiters and held his glass in

the air.

“I‟ll see you later, Edward.” Rose kissed me on the cheek and winked at Jasper as she turned and went to mingle with the

crowd. I made a mental note to find out later what that was all about.

I turned around to Tyler, reaching my hand out to shake his. “Edward, you sneaky bastard. Who did you have to sleep with

to land the Maserati account, and manage to keep it a secret from me?” Tyler Crowley was a very important man to me.

He was both my lawyer and my accountant. It only seemed right that I kept someone around who cared about money.

But, he was a good guy with a big heart. Nothing wrong with that.

“Which part? Who I had to sleep with, or landing the Maserati account?”

Tyler grinned, “Both.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “The list is long and distinguished, and if I told you, I‟d have to kill you. As for the

account, Mr. Armstrong called me. I had nothing to do with it.”

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Jasper tapped me on my shoulder when the waiter stopped. I gave him a nod and he pulled two drinks from the tray. He

handed me one of the glasses.

“I told you that the big guys would be coming to us from now on. Speaking of coming, we have a surprise for you, E.”

Jasper said with a smile that had scheme written all over it. When it came to Jasper and his surprises, I tend to get a little

scared. Jasper could be ruthless when it came to practical jokes. I have scars to prove it.

“Really?” I asked.

“Let‟s get out of here. We‟ll take the Hummer.” Tyler said, taking my drink from my hand and setting it on one of the


“What about the party? You can‟t kidnap the guest of honor.” Well, they could. And I really wouldn‟t mind. I hate being the

center of attention anyway.

“Relax birthday boy. Everyone‟s here for the free booze. Most of them passed shit-faced about an hour ago. They will

never know you‟re gone. Besides, good „ole Jasper here stood on the stage and pretended to be you when they sang happy

birthday. You owe him one.” Tyler said, nudging me toward the back door.

We finally made it to the garage, Tyler took out his keys and unlocked the doors to the Hummer.

“Nope. Front seat, Cullen.” Jasper said, pointing to the front.

I shrugged, opened the car door and hopped into the front seat. As I was shutting the door, I felt cool metal slap around

my wrist and a clicking noise.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me. Handcuffs?” I said, as Tyler shut the door. I watched him walk around the front of

the Hummer, questioning his motives the entire time.

“Yep. Now you can‟t jump out on the ten on the way there.” Jasper chuckled as he slapped me on the back.

All I could do was close my eyes and let out a long sigh.

Whatever these two had planned could not be good.


“Blindfold? What the hell is wrong with you two?” I asked as Jasper leaned forward and wrapped a dark piece of fabric

around my eyes.

“Shut up, Cullen. Quit acting like a pussy. We‟ll be there in a few.” Tyler cranked up the radio, flooding the speakers with

the Beastie Boys.

“Beastie Boys? When are you two ever going to grow up?”

They both let out an evil laugh and simultaneously said “Never!”

I couldn‟t help but laugh. They were my best friends. Stupid and on the borderline of adult delinquency. But that‟s why I

loved them.

The Hummer shifted to the right as Tyler turned the corner. He slowed down and finally stopped, put it in park and turned

off the ignition. The pulsating sounds of deep bass and guitar were faint, and I could smell Chinese food. I heard the car

doors shut. My door swung open and Jasper took of the handcuffs. I reached up to take of the blindfold.

“Uh-uh. Not yet.” Jasper said, slapping my hand away from the blindfold.

Tyler clicked on the car alarm, then walked over to help Jasper lead me to wherever we were going.

I heard voices all around me. The music was getting louder. I was pissed off because I couldn‟t see a goddamn thing.

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Jasper rattled something off, but I couldn‟t understand what he said because the music was too loud. Finally, he reached

up and took off the blindfold. I blinked, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I was surprised when I realized where

we were.

“Welcome to Bare Assets. Wall-to-wall T and A.” Jasper said, sounding thoroughly pleased with himself, looking around and

admiring the view.

“A strip club?”

“Not just any strip club,” Tyler said, “this place encourages hands-on learning.”

“No shit?” I asked.

“Come on, E. Live a little. Go back to your roots.” Jasper said. I am going to kill him one day, I swear. “Let‟s grab a table

in the middle.”

We pushed through the crowd of men and scantily clad waitresses on our way to the table. I can‟t count how many times

we had to stop and keep Jasper from fondling every bare ass that walked passed us. With all the ass cheeks you could

wish for, the name of the club was appropriate.

The main seating area was dim enough so the dancer on stage would be the focus and not the waitresses. The music was

loud and an intermittent flash of different colored lights filtered across the room. Jasper was right; the place was a massive

mesh of tits and ass. Different shapes and sizes. Sitting down at a few tables back from the stage and close to the center

of the room, Tyler called a waitress over to the table.

“What can I do for you?” She asked, as she pulled a pen and notebook from her barely-there apron. Apparently the only

uniform that was required.

“Is that a trick question?” Jasper asked. The waitress just laughed it off. Tyler and Jasper pounded fists across the table.

“Seriously now, bring us a bottle of Johnny Red and three beers. Start a tab.” He pulled out his wallet and gave her his

credit card. Jasper slapped her ass as she walked past him, he bit his bottom as he watched her walk away, admiring his

handprint on her tan flesh.

“This place is unbelievable. How did you find it?” I asked.

“Joe told me about it.” Jasper said.

“Mailroom Joe?”

“Yeah. Apparently he‟s a regular.” Tyler said, silently fucking the red head at the next table with his eyes. “I‟ll be right

back.” He pointed to the red haired hottie and gave Jasper a thumbs up.

“Remind me to give Joe a raise and a promotion.”

“You got it.”

A few minutes later, the waitress brought our drinks. She put down three shot glasses on the table along with the scotch

and the beers.

“Will that be all?” she asked.

“For now, but I‟m sure I can think of something for later.” Jasper winked at her, making her blush.

All of the sudden, the house lights went dim, and the emcee announced the next dancer. Angel was her name. The

spotlights hit the stage and the opening riff for “Bad, Bad Girlfriend” started. Cat calls and thunderous claps filled the

room. My attention was immediately drawn to the woman on stage.

She had to have been about 5‟10, and 120 pounds. Long chestnut curls flowed past her shoulders. Her breasts were the

perfect size, nice and firm. She was slender and tone. A broken heart tattoo graced the top of her left breast. And fuck me,

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did she know how to work a pole. I watched as she slid her body up and down the pole. Her fluid like movements and

confidence was giving me a hard on. She knew what she was doing that‟s for sure.

Then something odd tapped on the door of familiarity. The way she spread her knees apart, the smooth curves of her

breasts. A faint sparkle in her brown eyes. And then it became clear when I noticed the wristband she wore on her left

wrist. My wristband. The one I had forgotten and left behind in Forks nine years ago.


For a second I forgot to breathe. I made a noise that stopped in the back of my throat that may or may not have been a

four letter word.


Jasper hit me on the arm. “What?”

I ignored him, keeping my eye on Bella, trying to prove myself wrong. But I failed. I had never forgotten her face, or the

tears in her eyes when she told me she loved me, only to be rejected. The most bittersweet memory of my life. I raked my

eyes over her breasts and her thighs, watched her move her hips.

Why is she doing this? Putting herself on display for a room full of horny bastards looking for nothing but a good time. I sat

back and and tried to rub the disbelief from my eyes. Jasper was getting an eyeful, watching every move she made. He

made a rude remark and I slapped him on the arm.

“Jesus, E. What is with you?” He obviously saw the look on my face, his expression now more serious. “You know her?”

I answered his question with a question. “Who owns the place?”

“I don‟t know. Why?”

I pulled out my wallet and tossed a couple of hundreds on the table. “Find out what her schedule is. Use that if you need

some incentive.”

“OK. I‟ll find out first thing tomorrow.” Jasper said.

“Tonight. Don‟t fuck around with this. I want her schedule on my desk first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Whatever you say.” Jasper rolled his eyes and took a swig of beer.

“I have to get out of here. I'll call a cab.”

Pushing my chair back from the table, I took one last look at Bella. I couldn‟t for the life of me understand what would

cause her to do this.

But I was hell bent on finding out.


"Address?" The cab driver asked, looking over his shoulder.

"360 Malibu Canyon Drive."

My car was still parked at Jasper's, and I needed to go and get it before Rose decided to grow a wild hair and drive the hell

out of it. I had spent too many late nights restoring the classic car, and then have Rose go ape shit and wreck it. A 1967

Shelby Mustang GT500, titanium paint, beveled black leather seats, seventeen-inch chrome rims, and a modified engine

that could reach sixty in 3.8 seconds. It was enough to make a grown man cry.

I stared out the window and counted the headlights on the cars passing by. Mental pictures of Bella flickered slowly in my

mind like a silent film. My brain was so clouded earlier with frustration, that I hadn't really paid attention to what she had

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been wearing. Now that I had calmed down, I realized she had been wearing a black leather thong with a matching garter

hooked to the rim of sheer black thigh highs, and patent leather platform heels...and not much else. The emcee had

introduced her as Angel. Ha! Bella looked like anything other than an angel. I leaned my head back against the seat,

slumped down and instinctively crossed my arms to hide my hands, trying to fight off the heat building in the bottom of

my stomach...and my cock.

Her plump, pink mouth, graced with the perfect shade of lip-gloss. Her brown eyes wide and seductive. Her rosy-red

nipples hardened by the cool breeze that was directed toward the stage from the overhead vent.

So sweet.

So soft.

Still fourteen.

Not exactly. But it was safer for me to picture her in pig-tails, running through the kitchen and completely ignoring the

blood dripping from her skinned knee. Anything to disregard the very much adult images in my head.

She was special to me. I knew it from the first time I saw her. Over the past nine years, I had oftened wondered what had

happened to her. I never imagined finding her in a strip club. Dammitt.

Bella had always been a tom-boy; she was good at any sport she ever tried out for, could freestyle on her bike better than

some of the boys in the neighbourhood; and fuck you up in a heartbeat if you said anything about her family and friends.

She was smart, always made good grades. Her creativity amazed me. Bella's art projects were always awe inspiring. By

the time she was thirteen, puberty had set in and she started to blossom. Her breasts were just barely noticeable peaks

and her hips had begun to take shape. That's when she started wearing make-up and doing girly things; taking an interest

in boys.

In me. I can still remember the first time she let me know without saying a word that she had taken a liking to me. I had

just gotten out of the shower, and apparently forgot to lock the door to the guest house. Bella was your typical nosy

thirteen year-old girl, so she traipsed in and caught me in the bedroom drying off. She just stood there, leaning against

the door-jamb, looking much too comfortable with my nakedness, and sexy as hell sucking on a lollipop. I wrapped the

towel around me and told her to go home.

The only words she ever heard from me. "Go home, Bella." Obviously, that night, nine years ago, she had heard it way too

many times over the course of a year and had enough. She was naked, in my bed, waiting for me. Waiting to take what

she wanted, only to hear the same words repeated.

"Thirty-two fifty." The cab driver's deep voice snapped me out of my daydream. I took out my wallet and paid him, then

got out and walked to my car. Rose would be pissed that I didn't stay. She had been staying at Jasper's while her kitchen

was being remodeled. Rose had wanted to stay at my house, but that was against our rules.

I got in the car, started the engine, then headed back to the ten. My forehead was aching from the involuntary furrow of

my brow, something I always did when I was frustrated and worried. I noticed a billboard advertisement for the club, then

realized that my brain was on automatic pilot, driving back to the strip club. Driving back to find Bella. The need to be

protective and nurturing taking over. Turning onto the exit, I took a left at the light, then drove a few blocks and parked

on the curb in front of the club. I stared at the dark and dingy tint on the glass doors and waited for her to come out,

hopefully to shake her by the shoulders and scold her, talk some sense into her. After a half-hour, I gave up. She had

probably gone home after her set.

She was lucky.

Glancing at my watch, I mumbled a few curse words. It was almost five-thirty in the morning. I had to be at the office in a

few hours for a business meeting. I went home, took a shower, changed clothes and shaved. Made it on time, believe it or

not. L.A. traffic in the morning was a bitch.

I took the elevator to the third floor, got off and went straight to my office. Immediately I started to look for Bella's work

schedule, unable to find it, I mumbled under my breath.

"Dammit, Jasper..."

"Looking for something?" Jasper stood in the doorway, waving the piece of paper he was holding.

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"Give me. Now."

He walked over and started to hand it to me, I went to take it, then he jerked it away.

"Nope. Not until you explain your little temper tantrum last night." Jasper said, as he plopped himself down in the leather

chair in front of my desk.

"None of your business, J. Leave it alone." I turned my chair around to look out the window, propped my feet up on the

plant stand beside it.

"Hell no. You owe me an explanation, Cullen. It cost me eighteen-hundred dollars to get Rose of your ass so I could take

you out and let loose. I'm not letting it go."

"Shoes?" I asked.

"Three pair. On sale, for fuck's sake. The woman is ruthless." Jasper sighed.

"It's just old bones." I said, taking my feet down, turned the chair back around to face him. I ran my hands through my

hair, hung my head down, and let out a long sigh. "Sorry about last night. I'll make it up to you."

"Damn straight you will. Make the check out to Visa." Jasper stood, and stepped closer to my desk. His body cast a shadow

over me, mimicking my current mood. After a short silence, he slipped the paper between my elbows, then walked out

without saying a word. God bless him. Jasper was the second biggest pain in my ass, but the man could read me.

A minute later, I heard a knock on my door.

"It's open."

Tyler walked in carrying his briefcase, dressed in his favorite Armani pinstripe and wing-tips.

"Seriously? You are not going to the meeting dressed like that. You look like shit. Did you sleep at all?"

Ignoring his question, I got up and walked over and poured myself a cup of coffee and made another mental note to

thanks Angela for being so thorough.

"You can handle this one. Take Jasper. He knows just as much about the C-240 as I do. Cooper trusts him, and so do I."

"Edward! This is your dream meeting come true! It's Ducati for crying out loud. If they buy your design, you'll never have

to work again. Nunca. Zero. Fin. Neine."

"I don't do it for the money, Tyler. I do it because I love the art." I took a sip of coffee, tilted the cup in his directions,

offering him a cup.

"I'm good, thanks. It starts in ten minutes. You're sure about this?"

"Positive. Now go before I fire you."

Tyler kept shaking his head back and forth as he walked out the door.

Bella was supposed to be at the club around four this afternoon. I needed to make sure my schedule was clear. Pushing

the button on the intercom, Angela finally responded.

"Yes, Mr. Cullen?"

"Angela, I need you to reschedule any appointments I have from three on out. Somethings come up and it can't wait."

"Not a problem. Anything else?"

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"Yeah. Thanks for the coffee."

"You're welcome." I turned off the intercom and dropped heavily into my chair.

Somethings come up, alright. I had to go find Bella and do whatever it took to make her world right again.



Late again. Second time this week. Mike is going to wring my neck. I hurried into the back door of the club, tiptoeing past

Mike's office door. I made it about half-way when I heard him call my name.

"Bella? Excuse?" Mike's booming voice vibrated through me, making me flinch.

"The toilet overflowed again. I had to wait and let the plumber in."

"Right. Come here." He turned around and patted his knee, inviting me to sit. As always, I obeyed. Past experiences had

taught me never to disappoint Mike. I sat in his lap, he immediately turned my face to his, and kissed me. "I was worried

about you. Remember what I told you about communication?" I felt his grip tighten around my cheek, fingertips digging

into my jaw. This was Mike's way of warning me. The only warning I would receive.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Mike slid his hand slowly down my neck, pausing when he reached my breast. He

cupped it with his palm, and massaged me in slow circles.

"Good girl. Now go get ready to shake your ass and make me some money. Save your energy. Peter Garbo specifically

asked for you to accompany him in the V.I.P room. That means a lot of rain, Bella. And your job. I'm counting on you."

I shimmied my way off his lap, hoping that he wouldn't sense my shiver of disgust. I knew better. I hated the bastard, but

he was all I had. Except Alice. But, Alice lived in her own little world, and only invited you in when it was necessary. Mike

was the owner of Bare Assets. Alice and I had came in one night on a stupid dare at the end of our senior year, and since

then, both of us have been working here. Mike and I started dating about a year later, and have been together for about

six years. I was his. Forever. According to him, no one leaves him. And I believed him.

Garbo. The leech. I hated him with a passion. His hands were rough and he liked to pull hair. I'd give him my best,

because if I didn't, he would take back his offer to by half-of the club. If that happened, I'd be out of a job.

I smiled at him as I walked out, lingered down the long hallway to the dressing room behind the stage. Alice was at her

station, trying on her new corset.

"Hey." I pulled out the bench under the vanity and put down my bag.

"Hey." Alice mumbled back. "Does this color make me look dead?" Her tone of voice was dry and unfeeling. I assumed it

was to get in the mood for her routine.

"Yes. Goth chick again?" I pulled the rubber band out of my hair, and ran a brush through it. Alice, groaned and shoved

the remainder of her breasts into what was left of the fabric.

"Unfortunatley." She bent over and gave her tits a good shake, then stood up and turned to me. "Better?"

"Can you breathe?" She nodded her head."Then, yeah. It's better. I have Garbo tonight."

"Sucks to be you. Isn't he the guy that has a tattoo above his cock that says Warning: Choking Hazard?"

"The very same. I don't know if it's true, so don't ask." I took off my skirt, and threw it on the sofa. Pulled my shirt over

my head and started applying the glitter dust to my cleavage. Makes the boobs look bigger under the spotlights. I had just

opened the bottle when I heard a deep male voice from behind me.


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My breath caught in my throat and the little hairs on my neck stood up. I gripped the edge of the vanity and closed my

eyes. When I opened them again, I saw his reflection in the mirror, confirming what I already knew.

Edward Cullen. In the flesh and larger than life. Those dark, bedroom eyes, his copper tresses fresh out of bed messy, that

stubborn jaw and wickedly sensual mouth. Goddammit. How the hell did he find me? Nine years of hate and resentment

formed a massive ball in the pit of my stomach. I took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"Edward." I said, reaching for my t-shirt, using it to cover my breasts. My voice was cold and unfeeling.

He raked his eyes over me. Judging me, no doubt. A long stretch of deafening silence had gripped us, as neither of us

spoke for what seemed like an eternity. Edward sighed and turned his head to the ceiling.

"Bella, what are you doing here?"

"Really, Cullen? Spare me the give-a-damn tone. Obviously, I work here." He looked around taking in the costumes and

wigs. Alice had vanished, and we were the only two in the room.

"Does your family know you do this?" Edward furrowed his eyebrows together and clenched his jaw tight.

"It's my life, Cullen. I stop letting people tell me what to do a long time ago." I added a permanent tone, hoping he would

catch it. Running his hand through his hair, he walked over to the chair near the wall.

"This isn't right. You can do better than this." He sounded disapproving. Like a parent scolding a child.

I glared at him, then walked over to the rack of clothes in the far corner. Doing my best to put distance between us.

Fumbling with a few hangers and skirts, I turned to him, furious.

"How the hell would you know? You don't know shit about me. If my memory serves me well, you didn't stick around long

enough to find out."

"About that, I..."

"Forget it! I don't want to hear it." Walking back to my station, I saw him shift in the chair. Why the hell did he still have to

look like a god? I sat down on the bench, and trifled through my make up bag, trying to look unaffected by his presence.

"What's the matter, Cullen? Finally realize what you missed out on?"

Edward at up and placed his elbows on his knees. "Bells..."

"Don't ever call me that! As far as I'm concerned, you lost that right nine years ago." I squeeze my eyes to hold the tears


He didn't push the issue, instead he stood and walked over, stopping a few inches behind me. "I just want to know what

happened. Why you feel the need to be here?"

"I think you should leave. I have to be on stage in an hour."

"Fine. But this isn't over."

"Yes, it is."

I swore under my breath, as I turned to watch him leave. My body shook with the sobs pummeling my chests like a

jackhammer. The nausea started to take over and I put my hand to my mouth and went to the trash can.

How dare he come her nine years later and pretend to give a shit about me now? His words echoed in my head, floating in

the dizziness.

You're just a kid.

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Returning to the vanity, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The phantom pain gripping my stomach, the first time in a

long time since the operation.

I wiped my face and took a deep breath.

Edward was here for a reason. And some strange force told me he wasn't going to leave until he got what he wanted. Hate

and fury turned my tears into a smirk, and the look in my eye held a dark intent. I raised an eyebrow and said out loud...

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."


I didn't sleep worth a damn last night. She was occupying my every thought at work today, and I wasn't getting shit done.

The look in her eyes when she'd recognized me, her attitude. She made sure I knew I wasn't wanted. I thought about her

legs, her breasts, her ass. Dear God, that ass. The broken heart tattoo, praying that it in no way had any reference to me.

Bella was all grown up. And nothing like I imagined her to be. I couldn't reconcile with the woman I had met yesterday

with the girl I had known nine years ago. Bella had gone from a smart, sweet, innocent kid, to a woman with hard edges.

Running my hands through my hair, I turned the chair around and stared out the window, twisting the pen I had been

holding through my fingers.

Cullen Custom Designs had taken on a life of it's own the past three years. Through word of mouth and Jasper's marketing

expertise, we had tripled in size, turning over a million or more in profit since our second year. I had a responsibilities and

commitments, more shutting myself up in a small garage, with just a dream and a mess of auto parts, trying to

piece them together. Trying to make sense of my life. And even though I used to think it was a dirty word, considering my

past, I had ambition. More than anything I wanted Cullen Custom Designs to be the top auto and motorcycle design

company in the state, maybe the world.

I swiveled my chair back to the desk, threw the pen down and watched it bounce on to the floor. Ran my hands through

my hair a few times. This is ridiculous. I needed to stop thinking about Bella. I have a company to run, and employees to

light a fire under. I can't afford to be this distracted. The deadline for the new Maserati designs were a week away, and

Tiny and Mo had barely scratched the surface for the proto-types. I had already discussed all the options with them,

making it clear what I had wanted.

Dammit. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't stop thinking about Bella. Looking at my watch, I realized it was a

quarter to seven, so I grabbed my leather jacket and started toward the door. Swinging the door open, I found Jasper

standing there, getting ready to knock.

"Whoa! You look like hell, E. Did you sleep last night?" Jasper pushed past me and headed toward my desk, and removed a

large black portfolio from his briefcase.

"No, I didn't. What are those?" I pointed to the drawings he had spread out .

"These, Mr. CEO, are the entries for the Motor-Trend Concept Car of the Year. I brought them by because we need to

decide on the two required to enter, and soon. I know it's a pain in the ass, but it's good for PR."

"I know. Just leave them on my desk and I'll make a choice when I get back." I said, pulling my keys out of my jacket


"Where are you going?" Jasper asked, a worried look crawled across his face. I rarely left the office before nine on a

weekday, so I understood his concern.

"There's something I have to do."

"I see. The woman from the other night?" Jasper leaned against my desk and crossed his arms on his chest.

"I'll see ya later." I said. Jasper nodded, and I tossed my keys around in my hand, then shut the door.

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Stepping off the elevator, I walked across the parking lot, got in my car and started it. Bella's shift started soon, and I

wanted to try and talk to her again. Maybe she had calmed down enough to listen to what I had to say.

Pulling off onto the street the club was located on, I stopped and parked near the end of the street, still giving me a clear

view of the door. After about twenty minutes, Bella drove by, then turned at the corner. I waited, then finally saw her. She

was carrying a gym bag over her shoulder. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing biker shorts, tennis shoes, and

a tank top. I assumed she had been working out. And from what I saw the other night, the gym had been good to her.

Bella passed the strip club and went inside another club called The Cellar. What the hell was she doing there?

I sat there for a moment gathering my thoughts, thinking about the look on her face when I had asked her what had gone

wrong in her life to end up here. Bella had always been proud and stubborn, so her anger at me was no surprise. I still

wanted to let her know that if she needed help, I was here to give it.

Yeah, Edward. You're a real saint. So much in my life that I wasn't proud of. Stupid things I did. Stupid things I had said.

Who was I to judge her? I had spent most of my life bouncing from city to city with my mother, trying to escape my

abusive father. Edward Cullen the delinquent child, stealing, drinking, name it, I had done it. Probably the

reason I felt the need to save her. Drag her away from the life she had fallen into. I knew what it could do to a person.

How it could blacken your soul.

I stepped out of the car, locked it and walked toward the club. A huge guy dressed in all black was blocking the entrance.

He eyed me for a few seconds, took my twenty, and then finally moved aside. Loud music leaked through the speakers

above, strobe lights flickered on and off. I found the bar and took a seat.. On the opposite side was a stage set up with

drums, guitars and a microphone.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked, drying his hands on a towel.

"Jack Daniels, straight."

"You got it."

I scanned the club looking for Bella, but never spotted her. Taking my drink, I went and stood near the bathrooms and still

didn't see her. Where the hell was she? The club slowly started to fill, and the music was getting on my nerves. I finished

my drink, and decided to give up. I'd try and catch her tomorrow.

Pushing my way through the crowd toward the exit, the house lights went dim and the crowd started to clap and whistle.

The lights on the stage came on as the band sauntered onto the stage. First the drummer, then the bass player, then the

guitarist came and stood at the mike.

"How the hell are you tonight?" The crowd screamed in response. "We are Lotus, and we want to thank you for coming out

tonight. Are you guys ready for Angel?" More screams and clapping erupted. I started to open the door to leave when I

heard a familiar sultry female voice.

"Relax, boys and girls! Angel is here and she's ready to play!" I turned around and instictively knew that I was not going to

like what I was about to see. More screams and clapping came as a woman walked on stage wearing black four-inch

stilettos, fishnet stockings that stopped at her thighs and were held up by a red lace garter, and a tiny, very tiny pair of

black leather hot pants. I could see her navel, and her breasts spilled over the top of a black leather corset.

I stood there in shock, staring at Bella as she slowly, and very suggestively, rotated her hips.

"One, two, three, four." I heard her count off as the guitar kicked in. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Bella strutted

across the stage, then started singing. Her voice was strong and seductive. I never knew this about her. Of course, I didn't

stick around to find out, as Bella reminded me the day before. Bella slid her hand over her crotch and threw her head back

in feigned ecstasy as she sang about sex and desire, and taking what she wanted when she wanted it.

I stood frozen at the front door for the duration of the first song. Finally, I went back and sat at the bar and took a seat,

then ordered another drink. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched her.

I had never seen anything like her before. It wouldn't surprise me if every guy in the club had a hard on. Bella was a vision

of every man's darkest fantasy; pure, unbridled sex, daring every man in the place to to want her, to try and satisfy her.

"She's good, isn't she?" I heard the bartender approach, then he handed me another drink.

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"Yeah, I suppose. How often does she play here?" I asked, peering over the edge of the glass as I took a drink.

"Every Friday night. The audience loves her."

"Oh, I have no doubt." I said, finishing off my drink.

Halfway through the second song, Bella slowly untied the bow at the top of her corset, teasing and taunting the men in the

front by the stage. A few seconds later she unhooked the buttons on the bottom half, tearing off the corset to reveal a

black lace bra. I had to shift in my seat and try to adjust my cock. Goddamn she was hot. No, Edward. Get a grip. She slid

a hand across her breast, then to the other, trailing her hand down her stomach. She cupped her palm over her crotch

again, then started singing about liking it hard and fast. The irrational horny male side of me couldn't help but have a hard

on. I had the summon the rational side of me to remind myself that I wasn't here for that.

She turned around and bent over, baring her ass cheeks to the crowd. Movement and chaos ensued near the front of the

stage. Two men were trying to get onstage. I immediately started pushing my way through the crowd, seeing the

inevitable happening, some drunk asshole pawing at Bella. My need to protect her kicking in. I only made it a few steps

when I saw Bella take the heel of her stiletto and kick the shit out of him, right in the dead center of his chest. Through it

all she never missed a note. I stopped and smiled a little. When I went back to the bar, I found Jasper sitting there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said, grabbing my glass, that obviously Jasper had refilled.

"I should be asking you that. I followed you after you left." He tilted his head in Bella's direction. "You OK?Want to talk

about it?"

"No. And I'm fine."

"Nice try, Cullen. You know, you're a dead giveaway when something's bothering you." Jasper took a sip of beer and

patted me on the back.

"I know. "

"Does Rose know about her?" He asked, leaning back against the bar on his elbows.

"No she doesn't. It's not what you think, J."

"Right. And you're just shifting around on that damn stool because you have a bad case of hemorrhoids."

I threw my head back and laughed. "I'm handling it. Stop worrying."

"Whatever you say. You know where to find me if you need me." Jasper said, paying his tab. "I'm going home. See you."


I watched Jasper as he was leaving the club. I don't think there was a female that was safe from his charm as he stopped

and smooth-talked a few on the way out, exchanging phone numbers. He turned and gave me a salute. I returned the

same. Watching Bella parade herself onstage made me wonder if she had friends like Jasper. I had a feeling that love and

loyalty had been absent in Bella's life. Her words echoed in my head..."you don't know me." She was right. I had no idea

who the woman on stage was, stirring four or five hundred people into a wild, horny frenzy. If I had stayed, maybe this

would have never happened.

Surely she would listen to what I had to say. I know she was pissed, but I was going to make an offer that she couldn't


I leaned against the bar, handed the bartender my credit card and told him to start a tab.

I had a feeling it was going to be a very long night.


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Watching the audience get worked up is a high I'll never want to come down from. Working them into wild animals, their

screams for more. The sweat trickled down my face as I worked the stage. This is the first time today I felt like Bella.

Having Edward show up after so many years had knocked me off balance, dredging up some of the past. Things I wanted

to forget. Most of my irritation had gone by the time I sang the first line of "Want Me." By the fourth song, I was standing

on the amplifier, feeling invincible.

Mike was around somewhere, but I didn't care. He was probably making his rounds, looking for more business

opportunities, or more girls to come and work at Bare Assets. At least he was leaving me alone. Andy blasted out the last

few chords as I pounded my fist into the stage. The crowd went wild, and I just got a little higher. I made my way back to

the drum riser and took a swig from the water bottle. I felt good. Felt alive.

"Looking good out there, babe," Zane, my drummer said as I smiled and winked at him. Big guy and scary as shit, but he

was a teddy bear at heart.

"I'm feeling good." I glanced at the set list, prepared my mind for the next song, pulled my hair off my neck and wiped the

sweat off my brow. I spun around and grabbed the mike. Glancing at the audience I noticed the wild in their eyes, their

passion. OK, maybe Bruno had way more passion than the others, but that bruise in his chest from my heel will remind

him not to get on stage again. God, I fucking love this. This is the most fun I could have and not be required to take all my

clothes off and indulge in illegal substances. Which I rarely did, but I took a hit occasionally just to make Mike happy.

It was Andy's time to shine as he went up to do his solo. The grinding of the guitar flowed out of the speakers. I sat on the

amp, watching him, amazed at his talent. Staring into the darkness of the club, nothing but a sea of black from just behind

the center of the audience to the back near the bar. Occasionally faces would appear courtesy of the spotlights raining on

the crowd.

Then I felt the waves of nausea begin when the purple spotlight lightly roamed over the bar and I caught a glimpse of a

man in a leather jacket, sporting spiked hair and wicked dimples. Arms crossed on his chest, eyes drilling holes into me.


Watching me. Judging me.

At first I was pissed, but the I remembered the way he had looked at me when he made his surprise visit. His eyes roving

over my body like a lion pacing in front of a fresh kill. I decided to make him suffer. I laughed silently wondering what he

was thinking of me now. Not only was I a stripper, but I'm in a Goth band, only half naked, but I could tell he disapproved.

Too. Fucking. Bad. Now there would just be a little more incentive to my movements. More pepper, less salt. A little extra

meaning behind every word I sang. I waited until Andy finished, then quickly jumped back up to the mike. Edward ran his

hand through his hair when I licked my lips, then ran my hands across my breasts. Lingering on them for a moment. I

turned and arched my back, pinched a nipple through the lace in my bra. I hoped to hell he was sitting there grinding his

teeth, preparing his "this is all wrong" speech.

At this moment, I felt powerful. Like I could control him somehow. His brooding and the clenching of his jaw told me what

I needed to know. And I don't even care.

So don't fucking care.

Adrenaline took over as I continued my little dance of cruelty. After the last song, we took a bow. The lights had gone dim,

and I could barely make out Edward's silhouette at the bar. I gave my best cocky grin, knowing that he was watching me.

I made sure to bend over and smack my ass a few times on my way backstage to the dressing rooms.

Take that, asshole.

"Bella, that was kick ass. You were so into that performance. Ginger, my bass player said as we walked down the steps.

"I had some incentive."

"Fucking intense! That was the best we have done in a long time!" Andy yelled, giving Zane a high five.

"We all did great tonight." I said, walking into the break room. When I turned the corner, I felt a strong force on my upper

arm, forcing me into the wall.

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"Is there a reason you put a little more efffort in your performance tonight?" Mike growled, his grip growing a little harder.

His breath smelled like whiskey, and his eyes were glazed and bloodshot. I could tell that he was high.

"No, Mike. Just feeling the music, that's all."

"That's a little more umpff than you usually give. Thinking about me I hope." He kissed the side of my neck as I turned my

head away from him.

"Always." I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Good girl." He let go of my arm, finally. Then stepped back. "I'm going to Bare...I might come by tonight. Be ready for

me, baby. I'm in a mood." He slapped the wall with his hand and smiled sardonically.

Thank god. I had no idea he was watching me. He never watches me. Of all the nights to get possessive, why this one? I

prayed to the god of addicts that Mike would be passed out, at his own house, and forget that he even entertained the

thought of coming over.

I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a whiskey bottle from the shelf, stopped short of the door, then went back and

grabbed another. Lotus has had several offers for a record deal, but nothing has come through yet. Besides, I don't think

Mike would ever let me leave.

Wading my way through the groupies and the crew in the hallway, I made it to my dressing room. I went and laid on the

couch, opened one of the bottles and took a long draw. God, it's hot as hell in this room. Pushing myself up on my elbow, I

rolled off the couch and went to my vanity, switched on the fan. Looking in the mirror, I smiled back at myself, wondering

what Edward thought of Lotus. Of me.

Just as I was getting ready to take off my make up, I heard the scratching sound of boots and the hang of familiar cologne

in the air. I turned to see Edward standing in the doorway---tall, dark and intense.

My smile widened as I took another swig of whiskey and saluted him.

"I suppose you're here to give me another moral lesson." I put up a finger to stall him. "Wait, you thought it was soooooo

wrong and I should be ashamed." He didn't say anything, just pushed his body off the doorframe, quietly came in and shut

the door. My pulse was racing and the temperature in the room increased. The small room suddenly felt felt ten times


"Bella, we need to talk."

"The hell we do." I said, rolling my eyes, turning back toward the vanity.

"I want to help you, Bella. Will you just hear me out?"

"What? Now you think I'm a fucking charity case?" He moved closer to me. The sharp, but limited light from the vanity

accentuated his sharp jaw and lips in full pout mode.

"No, I don't. But if it's money you need, a fresh start, I don't care. I just want to help."

I slammed the whiskey bottle down after taking another swig, then stood to face him. My breath caught at the sight of

him. Damn him for looking this good.

"Nice of you to come off your throne and mingle amongst the peasants and offer your bounty. I feel so priveleged." I

cocked an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. His gaze washed over me, both confused and interested.

"You never answered me the other day. Does your family know you do this?"

"What, sing in a bad? Do what the hell I want to do?" The criticism in his voice was getting on my last nerve.

"All of it. I saw you at the strip club the other night. Performing. Do your parents or Emmett have any idea you put your

body on display, offering yourself to any hot blooded male that would kill to take you down and fuck you stupid?"

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I shrugged one shoulder, hoping that my casual approach to my life would piss him off.

"They can look, but I get to choose who touches." I stood tall in defiance, daring him to say another word. The silence

between was cold, gripping our throats, squeezing for what felt like an eternity. Edward finally broke through.

"Jesus. What happened to you Bells?" He crossed his arms on his chest, making his hands disappear under his arms.

"I told you not to call me that!" His use of my childhood nickname, the one that he gave me, sent daggers piercing through

my skin. I got caught off guard as a look of pain and concern came across his face.

"Fine. I won't call you that. Will you talk to me, please?"

"You left. I grew up. The end. Happy now?" I turned and walked away from him, not trusting myself to look at his eyes

anymore. Feeling the vibe of the whiskey calling, I grabbed the bottle and walked over to the sofa. I closed my eyes and

counted to ten, pissed off at the way he made me feel. Confused. Distraught. Horny. Tears filled the corners of my eyes for

the second time since he had walked back into my life. The emptiness inside me consumed me like a black hole.

"For fuck's sake, Bella. Can't you let go of your pride for once? Let me help you."

I needed to make him leave. Get the hell out of my life and make him stay that way----permanently. I wasn't about to let

Edward Cullen and his charity offer strip me of my armor. The wall that I had built was there for a reason. No need to tear

it down now. Not even for him.

Edward walked over and sat down in the chair closest to the vanity. I stood and turned to face him. Donning my best fuck

me look, I snapped open the button of my hot pants.

"I just want one thing from you Cullen. One thing only." His brows furrowed and he swallowed hard. I kept my figurative

fingers crossed that he would get up and bolt. But he didn't.

"Don't play mind games with me, Bella. There has got to be something you need."

"The one thing I need, is the one thing you 've got that I don't." I winked and then sucked on my bottom lip. "I'm always

ready for a good wall banging after I perform."

I unzipped my shorts, the movement brought his eyes to my crotch. After a few seconds he tore his gaze away.

"Don't do this."

The memories of what happened between us came rushing back. The way he held me. The fire in his kiss. His hands

showing no mercy as they roamed my body relentlessly. How I had to beg him.

"What's wrong? Not interested?" His jaw clenched as I slowly slid my shorts down one hip, then the other, smoothly sliding

them over my hips. I stepped out of them and tossed them onto the arm of the chair he was sitting in. Edward shifted in

his chair. Good. I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him gone.

This power was like nothing else. Watching him wallow in guilt. I had to beg him all those years ago, to love me, to be with

me. But he told me to go home. Rejected me. Then left without saying goodbye. Bastard needed to know what it felt like. I

reached around and unhooked my bra. Squeezed my breasts together as I slowly slid my bra down my arms. Now I was

standing there in front of him. Bare assed, hard nipped, red lace garter hooked to black fishnets, and a pair of four inch


"Bella. Stop."

I licked my fingertips, then moved to my nipples, circling them with my fingers, then tugging hard. Edward's heavy

breathing echoed in the small room. Weighed heavy on my skin.

"No." I said. "Like what you see, Cullen."

"I just want to do the right thing for you. Nothing else."

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"I already told you what the right thing for me is." I sat on the coffee table, in front of him. Propped one leg up and gave

him a straight view of my pussy. Shaved. That shit drives men crazy. I never took my eyes off of him. He was sweating by

this point. My plan was coming together. He had left me, panting and wanting more. Not this time.

Bella Swan was going to get what she should have got nine years ago. He wanted me, that was obvious. The clear outline

of his hard-on was a dead give away. Edward just sat there and didn't speak.

"Face it, Cullen. I'm not a little girl anymore. Emmett's not here to beat the shit out of you. My parents aren't going to

break down the door." I took my hand, gliding slowly down my body, watching his expression. The hunger and need

growing in his eyes. I thought he might lose it when I slid a finger inside my pussy, giving a little moan. "It's just the two

of us now. What excuses do you have this time?"

Edward brought his hands up to his mouth, tried to stifle a groan, but it was too late. I stopped and snaked my way over

to him, leaned over the chair, bracing my self with one hand, my tits hanging right in his face. Taunting him onstage was

one thing, but this private little session was making me ache.

I stared at him. His brow furrowed.

"Come on, Eddie. Give it a shot."


“Bella, don‟t do this.” I said, as she grabbed her breast and laid one of her knees on mine.

She ignored me while she continued her climb onto my lap. I turned away from her gaze, feeling the tiny beads of sweat

beading on my forehead. Fuck. I was so goddamn hard, concrete had nothing on me. Reciting the alphabet, for the

fifteenth time hadn‟t helped. Nor did counting to one hundred and singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Basically, I had run out of reasons to keep my hands off her.

She never took her eyes off me, her gaze devouring every inch of me. Touching herself, circling her hips against my hard-

on. I can‟t remember a time that I was ever confronted, turned-on and conflicted all at the same time. Yes I can.

Goddammit, she looks so inviting.

But, this was Bella. Her big trusting brown eyes, that beautiful long brown hair, and her silken, untouched skin. The

breathless, utterly guileless sexuality right in front of me. Hypnotic. The angel on my right shoulder, the devil on my left,

playing tug-o-war with my conscience. I can‟t fuck her in the back of this shitty club. A long time ago, the Bella that was

before me would have been my dream girl. But, she still deserves better.

“Better make it fast Cullen, show‟s about to be over.” Bella moved closer, giving me access to her breasts. I licked my lips,

trying to keep my composure at the same time. Since I arrived at the nightclub, I had been watching her, half

disapproving, and half wondering what it would be like. Remembering our failed encounter nine years ago.

You did the right thing, Cullen

Seriously, I‟m not made of stone. I‟m not a damn saint either. Bella pulled my shirt up, ever so slowly, teasing at the hair

on my abdomen. She leaned in slowly, focusing on my mouth. I knew what was about to happen. No sooner did she place

her lips on mine, I was gone.

Fucking gone.

I grabbed her ass with both hands and stood as she wrapped her legs around me. Both of us determined not to break the

kiss. When I pushed her up against the wall, I was afraid I may have hurt her, but she didn‟t complain. Damn red lace

garter. Damn stilettos. And damn that shaved pussy. I couldn‟t take it anymore.

Bella grabbed my shoulders when I slid one hand up and grabbed her hair, forcing her head back as I kissed the hell out of

her. My mouth devouring her, exploring hers as if it was the last kiss I would ever have. Breathless, she finally broke the

kiss, and gasped as my body crashed into hers.

“Shit, Eddie. Feeling a little needy?”

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“God, you feel so good.” I bent down and kissed her neck, grazing her with my teeth. She sucked in a shudder, taking in

deep breaths as my hands ran over her body. Her perfume was making me dizzy, the scent of lavender and vanilla mixed

with the smell of arousal. I was defenseless. I moved my up, nibbled on her earlobe and pinched her nipples hard, making

her moan.

She was panting, closing her eyes, digging her nails into my back and shoulders. Bella wrapped her arms around my neck,

holding herself up. I stopped massaging her breast and moved my hand down, dipped my fingers into eager, damp heat.


“That‟s what you do to me, Eddie.” She fisted my hair, brought my head up and kissed me hard and deep. My body

shivered when she said the nickname she had given me when we were kids. Even when she had said it earlier, it didn‟t

have the same affect as it did now.

Bella rocked her hips against my fingers; I could feel her climax building.

“Not, yet. I want to be inside you.” I pulled my hand away from her pussy; my fingers were dripping with evidence of her

readiness. Just as I was reaching for my belt, she must have read my mind, as she pushed my hand out of the way,

unbuckled it, and then unbuttoned my jeans. She teased me, slowly pulling my zipper down. I held a low groan in the back

of my throat when she shoved her hand down and wrapped her hand around my cock, slowly stroking a knowing hand up

and down.

I pushed my jeans down, pulled my cock out. My whole body tensed as I teased the slit of her pussy. With one hard thrust,

I was inside her. Bella let out a surprise moan as I gave her every inch of me. I stayed there for a moment, wanting to feel

her around me. Finally, the lust took over and I slammed into her, pulling out so the head of my cock was almost out of

her, then thrusting all the way in to the base. Bella‟s breathing was getting heavier and her cries were getting louder,

pushing me closer to the edge.

She wrapped her legs tighter around my waist. Her body tightened with the impact of each stroke. I leaned forward,

drawing a nipple in my mouth, savoring her with my tongue. I bit her nipple, indulging in the jerk of her hips and the tight

throbbing of her pussy around me.

It was all so surreal. A dream. It was as if I couldn‟t get enough of her. Bella leaned in to kiss me. My body driving into

her, over and over again. I tilted her hips so I could go deeper, harder. Her back arched and her nails dug into the back of

my neck. She fisted my hair with both hands as she forced my head up to look at her. Bella leaned her head back and her

mouth fell open as her body shook. A look of pleasurable pain on her face as she came. Bella leaned down and let out a

breathy whisper in my ear.

“Come inside me, Eddie.”

“Fuck.” I mumbled. A low growl followed.

I lost it. My own orgasm hit me, driving the air from my lungs as I ground my hips into her, my pace quickening. I slowed

down as I approached the end of my release. Every muscle in my body felt like steel.

Even with the urgency of need and desire gone, I stayed inside her. I felt her warm breath against my neck as her arms

wrapped around my neck. Sweat trickled down the side of my face. My heart was thundering in my chest. My lungs relaxed

as I took a deep breath, trying to regain some semblance of control. I could hear the faint, muffled sound of music coming

from the club, bringing me back to reality.

Because I had just fucked up, big-time. Everything male in me had taken control. Whatever reasonableness that I had nine

years ago had apparently taken a vacation, because the rational part of my brain seemed to be absent. Bella‟s body

trembled around me and I withdrew from her so I could face her. She was smiling a wicked smile, shaking her head from

side to side as she placed her feet on the floor.

Turning around to tuck myself back in, I walked back to the chair. This small, mundane act giving me a reason not to look

at her. There was something so desolate in her eyes, so empty and sad that it made me want to punch something.

“I guess I should thank, you,” she said. “That just might have been worth waiting nine years for.”

Bella was moving toward the bathroom, picking up her clothes on the way.

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“This wasn‟t supposed to happen. I didn‟t want this.”

Bella didn‟t say anything. She finally came out of the bathroom, and strolled toward the vanity.

“Neither did I, believe it or not. But, I‟m not going to pretend it didn‟t.” She turned and bent down to take of her shoes,

then unsnapped the garter from her stockings. I noticed that she had put on a fresh pair of thongs, covering up that

smooth, shaved pussy that I had just indulged in. So damned hot that she blew my mind.

“Can we go somewhere and talk? Get some coffee maybe?” I asked, forcing myself to stop looking at her.

“I told you I‟m not interested in being your charity project. You just gave me all I‟ll ever want or need from you.”

She sounded so convincing. Like she meant every word. And that left me at a dead end, nothing more to offer her.

“How long have you been performing with the band?” I needed to make small talk. Something neutral to give me time to

get my thoughts together.

“About three years. What about you, Cullen? What do you do for a little green?”

Bella turned to the mirror, then reached for a container of cream. I got up from the chair and walked toward the door, then

stopped to lean against the wall. Our gazes met when she looked up.

“I build and design custom cars and motorcycles.”

She pulled her hair back in a ponytail, and then smoothed the cream on her face, removing her make up. “Doesn‟t surprise

me. You were always in my parents garage screwing around with junk parts.”

I watched the grace of her movements as she wiped away the makeup. Smooth, peach skin replaced the taupe tone that

was there before. For a moment, I stood there looking at the old Bella I had known from before. Wide eyed, no make up,

hair pulled back. No mask. Just naturally beautiful. She reached for her make up kit, getting ready to put more on her


“Don‟t.” I said.


“You look better without it.”

She ignored me as she leaned over, then opened the jar of foundation.

“I think it‟s best that you leave.” She said, her eyes never leaving her own reflection.

I just stood there, staring at her. My brain trying to come up with something to say. Bella finally brought her eyes up to

meet my reflection in the mirror.

“What? You want a thank you? A standing ovation? Fine. Thanks for the fuck, Cullen. Best sex I ever had. Happy?” She

said coldly.

Hell no, I‟m not happy. I‟m pissed and confused and hurt. I was beginning to understand how thick the wall was that she

had built around her. Thoughts of what may have happened in Bella‟s life, this world that she lived in, whatever could have

possible made her so unfeeling raced through my head. She was just so different.

I knew it was going to take more than one conversation to break through her defenses. I just wish she would talk to me,

trust me. Bella would rather swallow nails than accept anything from me, that much was obvious.

Without saying another word, I pushed off the wall and went out the door. I walked down the hallway of the club, and then

pushed my way up the stairs and through the crowd, finally making it to the front door. I stepped out into the rain and an

overwhelming sense of guilt and regret.

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I turned and punched the brick wall, scuffing my knuckles, and then watched the rain wash away the blood.

“You‟re a fucking idiot, Cullen.” I mumbled to myself, then pulled my keys out of my pocket, clicking off the alarm as I

unlocked the car.

Sliding in the seat, I slammed the door, beating my fists on the steering wheel. I started the car, then pulled away from

the curb. Images of the evening flashed through my mind. Her face. Her skin. The way her body moved with mine. The

look on her face when she came. Pissed off at myself for making another bad decision, I hit the gas and headed to the ten

to go home. I needed time to regroup.

I stood there tonight watching her on stage. Watching the men sitting at the bar around me wanting her. I wanted to beat

the shit out of all of them. I knew what they were thinking. I was thinking it, too. Then I had gone to her dressing room

after her performance and fucked her, slamming into her as though she was nothing more than a hot body and a good lay.

No better than the assholes in the club.

The nausea hit me so hard, I had to pull over, not easy to do in Friday night traffic in L.A. When I made it to the

emergency lane, I opened the door and vomited. I found a bottle of water in my car, took a drink and rinsed out my

mouth. Didn‟t make a difference. The entire evening had left a bad taste in my mouth.

I pulled onto Palisades Drive and entered the code to open the gate. My anger at myself, growing more intense with every

minute. I opened the garage an drove in, closed the garage door. The answering machine beeped, letting me know there

were messages. I checked them, nothing important. A few from Jasper, some from Rose. I‟d deal with her later.

Climbing the stairs, I pulled off my shirt, and then tossed it onto the floor when I entered the bedroom. I sauntered into

the bathroom, washed my face then brushed my teeth, trying to avoid my reflection. When I was finished, I went to the

bed and flopped down and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to my chest. The events of the evening playing like a movie. From

the instant I heard her voice call from the stage, to the second I had walked out the dressing room door, it all seemed

unreal. What the hell had I just done?

I had lost control. Bella had gone out of her way to provoke me and I took the bait. But it was still no excuse for me to

give in and let my cock do the thinking for me. I wanted to help her dammit. Sure, I fucked her. Hell, I wanted her badly.

But, I was determined that it wasn‟t going to happen again.


I sat at the vanity in my dressing room for a very long time after Edward left. Looking at my reflection in the mirror.

Wondering what the hell had I just done. Watching the tears fall like rain as I threw my make-up back in the back,

Edward's words echoed in my head...'you look better without it'...not making anything easier. I simply just threw on a

spare t-shirt, walked to the door and left.

The band was still hanging out in the break room, always ready for a party no matter how tired they were. Even though I

would give anything to walk out unnoticed and not have to talk to another living soul, I forced myself to stop and give

them an excuse for not hanging out with them. Andy and Zane were sitting on the sofa, drinking whiskey and shooting


"Hey guys. I'm headed home."

"What? Come' on babe, you know we always go for pizza after a gig." Andy said, sounding very disappointed.

"Not tonight. I think I gave too much tonight. I'm drained. Next time, OK?" I threw Zane a wink and waved at everyone

else. Thankfully they just shrugged their shoulders, letting me without putting up a fight.

I stepped out of the club and cool rain fell on my face. I raised my face and closed my eyes, letting it wash over me. My

apartment was just a ten minute walk, so I decided to leave my car parked on the curb. I could use the time to think.

By the time I turned the corner of Ashton St., I was soaked and freezing. I walked upstairs and punched in the entry code,

went in and took the second flight of stairs to my apartment. As I fumbled with my keys, I prayed to god that Mike wasn't

waiting for me. I just wasn't in the mood for him. I found my key and unlocked the door, fingers crossed as I pushed it

open. Mike was on the sofa, waiting with a bottle of vodka.

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"It's about time you got here. Did you walk?"

I paused trying to think of an excuse. "Yeah. My car wouldn't start." I shut the door, threw my keys on the table in the

foyer. I went into the kitchen to try and avoid him. A few seconds letter, Mike walked in and handed me the vodka. I took

a small sip, not wanting to piss him off.

"You did good the other night, baby-girl. Peter was very pleased. I think he's going to sign." Mike pulled me close, and

kissed me on the forehead. I felt my stomach quiver and my body tense.

"That's good, right? Now maybe you won't lose Bare." I started to pull away from him, but he held me tighter.

"What's wrong with you lately? You're different."

"Just tired. You haven't given me a night off at Bare in a long time, and plus my Friday nights at The Cellar. I guess I could

just use a vacation."

"Don't fucking lie to me, Bella. You can't hide shit from me." He grabbed my face, squeezing my jaw as he turned me to

face him.

"I'm not lying, Mike. I promise."

"Prove it."

I hated it when he was like this. The only thing that would satisfy him was sex. I reached up and kissed him half-hearted,

hoping he was too drunk to notice. We made a trail of clothes leading into the bedroom, and I was dreading the thought of

even doing this, as I had for the past few years now. Even more after being with Edward tonight. Mike was a selfish

asshole in bed and could care less about me and my needs. He pushed me onto the bed and forced himself on me. I did

the usual, going through the motions, making the necessary moans and groans to satisfy him. When he was done, he

rolled over, got up and starting picking up his clothes.

"You are my girl, remember? Don't ever forget that." He mumbled some more , then I heard the door shut.

Thank god. I ran and locked the front door, bolting it. I wanted to leave Mike, but I knew what would happen if I tried.

Besides, where would I go. He paid my rent, he paid my electric bill, and I worked for him. He said he depended on me.

Guys like Mike were the best I could do. At least that's the way I felt. I ran down the hall and into the bathroom. Turned

on the shower and stepped in. I scrubbed my body twice, wanting to remove every trace of him off my skin. So, he doesn't

love me. I don't care. I'm not the kind of girl that needs love or commitment.

After I showered, I brushed my teeth, then put on a huge t-shirt and hopped in the bed. I grabbed the remote and flipped

through the channels, searching for something mind numbing. But all I could think about was Edward.

Why had he walked back into my life after all these years? I admit there were some aspects of my life that I wasn't proud

of, but for the most part everything had been on an even keel. Now I felt out of balance. Scared that Mike would figure out

the truth and...

I leaned over and grabbed the bottle of bourbon that I kept on the nightstand next to the bed. I unscrewed the top and

took a long swig, feeling the icy burn as it went down. I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth.

Then a flash of memory dragged at me; the first hard slide as Edward thrust inside me. I opened my eyes and took

another swig. I had meant for the sex to end things. Get it, and him, out of my system. To draw the imaginary line

between anger and hurt and wanting and curiosity. But it didn't feel like an ending. Not even close.

I just wanted to forget. Forget everything and everyone. Forget it ever happened.I took another drink of whiskey, finishing

it off. The fire and the numbness was spreading through to the rest of my body, making my world fuzzy.

Beneath the covers, I raised my t-shirt and ran my finger over the thin, neat line of my scar. The line formed the stem of

my first tattoo...the stem of a black rose. It was small, but I knew it was there. I traced the scar over and over, then laid a

flat palm against my belly.

Why couldn't you have just left me alone, Edward?"

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I laid down and pulled the covers over my head, again tracing my scar as if by doing so I could erase it, remove the


One high-school party had changed me. That is all it took to change my life.

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I cried myself to sleep for two months after Edward had left. Watching him out of

my bedroom window as he left the guest house and out our lives. Not only did I love him, he was my friend. Not a stuck

up rich thoroughbred that always hung around me because of Emmett or because of money. Edward was genuine, didn't

judge. I felt safe with him and he just left. No goodbyes or anything. No letters or postcards. It wasn't long before I turned

in on myself. My emotions taking over. I was a mess.

I blamed myself for him leaving, for pushing myself on him. One night, I climbed out of my bedroom window and went to

crash the Mallory's Fourth of July party Emmett was bragging about. That was the first time I had gotten drunk---ever. I

tried everything I could to attract any of the boys attention, but failed. Any of them would have gotten the job done. But,

they had rejected me, too. An idiotic attempt to prove that I was attractive and that what had happened with Edward was

nothing. That other guys wanted me even if he didn't.

Ben Chaney wanted me. I was walking passed him near the pool house and he grabbed me, pulling me into his lap. Before

I knew it, he was kissing me and putting his hand up my shirt. It was nothing like it was with Edward. I felt nothing. But

Ben wanted me and that is all that mattered.

I kept drinking and drinking, so much that Ben offered to take me home. On the way, he took me through the shortcut at

Caddo Park. I didn't push him off me when he threw me to the ground. Nor did I stop him from teraing down my jeans and

ripping off my panties. Nothing. I did nothing. I just lay there and stifled my cries as he forced his way inside me. It hurt,

but not that much. After he was done, he waited for me to get dressed, then walked me to the end of my street. I thought

at that time, I had cast out Edward forever as I climbed back into my window.

Two months later, I was walking home from school with Alice when I started cramping. The pain rippling through me and I

fell to the ground. There was so much blood. So much that I had fainted. The next thing I remember is waking up in the

hospital, my parents and Emmett beside my bed.

They told me I had suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Just one night with a guy and that had happened. The fetus had

ruptured my right fallopian tube and had done extensive damage to my uterus. There had been no other option except

surgery. I had been made sterile at the age of fourteen.

The event that shaped my life. There was no point in me trying to see it any other way. It had driven my parents apart as

they tried to deal with all the gossip and aftermath. I was the joke at school. Curiosity and adolescent cruelty tearing me

down. Now that I was an adult, my inability to produce children had kept me from becoming emotionally involved with any

man; a choice that I had made. I guess that's why I stay with Mike. He doesn't want kids, therefore I can't disappoint him

in that respect. No man wanted and empty shell of a woman.

I reached up, wiped the tears away from my cheeks. It doesn't matter anymore. That's what I always told myslef anyway,

to get me through the past nine years. I had my band, Bare Assets, my cat when she came around. Alice. It was enough.

The less people there are around you, the less people you can hurt.

Sleepiness washed over me as my emotions drained me. I pulled the covers back over me and closed my eyes.

Damn Edward for coming into my life again. I am my own person.

It was enough, dammit.

It would have to be. For now.


"Cullen. Edward. Are you involved in this conversation, or have I been talking to myself for the last ten minutes?" Jasper's

sarcasm rang in my ears as I stared at the designs before me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good. Just trying to make a decision for the competition." Flipping lazily through the portfolio, I pulled out

a couple of designs and set them aside.

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"Today, E. I actually have work to do. We have to present our entries soon."

"I think we can go with the CJ487 and the MZC7. Both designs are different and transcend the typical expectations of a

sports car. I don't know, J. I still feel like we should do something else, you know, be more daring."

"Whatever you say, E. You're the genius. When you figure it out, let me know. And get the lead out for fuck's sake. You

are behind on paperwork and Tyler's up my ass about you not scanning the quarterlies. Oh, yeah. Don't forget the

insurance waivers for the competition. Dammitt, Cullen, you keep this shit up and I'll have to take Tyler dress shopping.

I've never heard a man whine so damn much." Leave it to Jasper to pitch blame on Tyler. I swear those two were made for

each other.

"I know, I know. I'll get to it. By the end of the day, I should be caught up."

"You better be. I'll stop by your office later ." Jasper said.

"Alright. I'll see ya later."

I hung up the phone, gathered the designs and put them back in the portfolio. After a few minutes of wondering if I made

the right decision, I quickly scanned the quarterlies and scribbled my stamp of approval, marking my expenses and write-

offs. To some people, Tyler Crowley appeared to be a nice and low-key guy. What they didn't know, was that he could be a

real asshole when it came to work. If it wasn't for him being a bulldog, I don't think I could continue to handle my own

business. The man was a freaking genius.

I placed the report in Tyler's outbox on my desk, and ran my hands through my hair. The last few days have been a

fucking whirlwind of emotions and sleepless nights. My head hurt, and I looked like hell. I glanced at my hand, grateful

that my knuckles weren't as bad as I thought. It would be easy to pass it off as an accident in the shop if anyone asked.

Bella. What the hell was I going to do with her? My head was spinning, questioning what happened the other night. Why it

happened? Why her sudden attitude change afterward? Why she wouldn't accept my help? I should just walk away and let

her drown in the cesspool of her decisions. It's her life. She should be able to live it the way she wants. But I can't.

Something in her eyes told me that she wasn't happy. I knew I had to do something. There was no way I could leave

things they way they were.

I finished filling out the insurance forms and wrote a check for the entry fee, placing it in the out-tray for Jasper. I glanced

over some employee reports that HR wanted me to add my signature to. I tried to concentrate on work, but my thoughts

kept turning to Bella. If she wasn't going to talk to me, I knew someone that just might give me a little insight on what

was going on.

Shoving my paperwork aside, I turned to the computer and grabbed the keyboard, setting it on my lap. I logged on to the

Internet and searched for Emmett McCarty. When nothing came up, I Googled him, and finally after fifty or more entries, I

found an address and phone number. Emmett was an accountant in Riverside, about an hour away from where my office

was located. I clicked on the link to his website, browsed through it, noticing that he was giving a presentation at a small-

business conference next Saturday. It made me smile that Emmett had done so well.

Checking the time, it was almost nine. No doubt Emmett would be home on a Saturday morning. I decided to give him a

call. To my surprise, someone picked up on the third ring.

"Craig, I told you not to call me on a Saturday..."

"Emmett? It's Edward Cullen. I'm not sure if you remember me...."

"Damn. Edward? Shit, it's been forever. Of course I remember you. Forgive the sudden outburst. Work won't stop calling."

Light amusement graced his tone. I could hear faint voices of children in the background and the chatter of Saturday

morning cartoons.

I let my shoulders relax, thankful that he wasn't angry with me for leaving the way I did nine years ago.

"Man, Cullen. I've thought a lot about you and where you wound up," Emmett said.

"Same here."

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" A blast from the past. This is insane. I don't suppose you want to get together and catch up?"

I turned my office chair around and stared out the window.

"Actually, I did want to talk to you. About Bella."

"Ah. I see." It wasn't hard to detect the caution in his voice.

"Yeah. I ran into her the other day."

"Really? Where? The tattoo shop or the restaurant?" He sounded passive and sad.

Tattoo shop? I'd find out about that later. And, apparently, he didn't know about the strip club. I'd keep my mouth shut for

now. I ignored his question and decided to take a leap of faith that he would meet me and we could talk.

"What are you doing right now? Busy? Can we get together and talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let me tell the wifey to expect company."

"You're married?"

Emmett laughed. "Yep. And you'll never guess who the lucky lady is. You'll be surprised. I have three kids, two dogs, a cat,

and a turtle, too. What about you?"

"Nope. None of the above."

"You have my address right? When do you think you'll be here?"

"Yeah, I have it. About an hour or so. That OK?" I asked.

"Perfect. Call me from the gate and I'll give you the code."

We hung up and I threw on my jacket, buzzed Angela and had her forward any calls to my cell. When I walked into the hall

towards the elevator, I ran into Tyler.

"Dammitt, Cullen. Where the hell are you going now?" Tyler asked.

"I'm a business man, Crowley. I have things to do and people to meet."

"You are so full of bullshit. Whats with the M.I.A. act? No one can ever find you when they need you the past few days."

"It's my name on the on the company logo, asshole. I'm the one who signs your checks, remember?" I pounded a fist into

his chest, joking around.

"True. Hey, you OK?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just work, that's all. By the way, all the shit you've been complaining about is signed, sealed, and waiting in your


I walked around Tyler and pushed the down button on the elevator. Tyler clapped his hands and raised his eyebrows in a

mocking manner.

"Bravo! It's about damn time you did something productive."

The elevator doors opened and I stepped in, shooting the finger at Tyler when I turned around. He gave me a salute

before the doors closed.

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I drove down the ten, contemplating on what questions to ask Emmett. Wondering how much he knew about his little

sister's life and how he would feel if he knew the truth. I was nervous about seeing him after so long a time. There were

only a small handful of people that stood out in my life as good, and Emmett was one of them. So were his parents and

Bella. And being the stupid ass that I am, I repaid them by falling in love with Bella during my stay in their home, almost

taking her innocence, then leaving like a coward in the middle of the night with no warning or explanation.

Turning on to Rio Vista Drive, I located the subdivision that Emmett lived in. Nice. Rows of two-story stucco houses with

terra-cotta roofs and palm trees lined the streets. I pulled in and called Emmet for the code.

I parked on the curb in front of his house, got out of the car and sauntered up the sidewalk to the front door. I rang the

doorbell and waited. After a few seconds the door flew open. I was taken by surprise when I saw who had opened the


"Edward? Oh my gosh! It's great to see you. Emmett said we would be having company, but he never said who it was.

Come in. He's in the gameroom, down the hall to the left."

Jessica Stanley. Wow. There was nothing I could say. She still looked fabulous after all these years, and had taken care of

herself, even after three kids. He said I would be surprised, and he wasn't kidding. Emmett and Jess were the last two

people I would have expected to be together.

"Jess? Wow. You look amazing." I hugged her, and then pointed down the hall. She nodded, and I turned to go down the

hall. I found Emmett setting up the pool table.

"Jessica Stanley? Really?"

Emmett laughed loudly and clapped his hands, obviously thrilled about his surprise.

"Yep. Was I lying about the surprise? Excuse the mess. Kids, what can you do?"

We shook hands and took turns sizing each other up. Emmett hadn't changed at all. A little fat and sassy, but I hear that's

what happens with contentment. There were lines around his eyes, and his sense of fashion had improved. All signs of

being happy, healthy and prosperous.

" Shock is the term I would use. It's ok about the mess. Don't worry about it. Thanks for letting me come by."

"No problem. You up for a game?" He asked.

"Why not?" He handed me a cue-stick and racked up the table.

Emmett paused and leaned on the edge of the pool table and let out a heavy sigh. I stopped chalking my stick and turned

my head to look at him.

"I've been waiting a long time to say this, Cullen. So. I'm just going to say it. I saw you leave that night. I was walking

around the corner when I saw you pull out of the driveway. It didn't take me long to figure out why you left."


" don't have to say anything. I saw her looking out her bedroom window, then I kind of put two-and-two

together. She was crying when I went and talked to her. At first I thought something happened between you, but then I

realized Bella was pissed because nothing happened. I understand you left because of Bella. You did the right thing."

I put the cue-stick back in the holder on the wall, then pulled out a stool at the bar. Emmett came over and did the same

after grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge.

"No, I didn't Emmett. You guys were the only family I had. I should have never left the way I did. There hasn't been a day

gone by that I didn't think about you or your family."

Emmett took a long swig from his beer, and expression that held the curiosity of unanswered question fell on his face. I

leaned over and eased a business card from my wallet and handed it to him.

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"Don't give yourself a hard time, Cullen. I'm doing good. Can't complain." Emmett stared at my card. He seemed to be


"Good. Yeah, I have about forty people working for me now. Last year, we turned over eight mill in profit."

Emmett looked back and forth from me to the card, an incredulous smile on his face.

"No shit. I think my boss bought one of your bikes last year. I guess I just never put the pieces together. Jess tells me I'm

hopeless all the time. Now I know why." He said.

"You seem to be doing well yourself these days." I added.

"I don't know. Just your average every day wage slave. I'd like to own my own firm one of these days, but the timing just

hasn't been right. I get to spend time with the family, so it's not so bad."

We both nodded and an awkward silence fell between us, the unspoken issue of Bella hung heavy between us now that we

had addressed our own histories and such.

Emmett sat and toyed with his beer cap, doing his best to avoid me.

"How is she? Bella, I mean. You never said on the phone where it was you saw her."

Shit. I wasn't about to tell him where I saw her. For right now, until I found out more, there were just some things a

brother didn't need to know.

"The restaurant. I had taken a colleague out to lunch, and there she was." It was a version of truth, but a shitty one.

"Needless to say, she wasn't exactly happy to see me."

""Not surprised. She took your leaving pretty hard, man. Really hard."

I took an extremely huge drink of my beer, trying to find something to say. Failing that, I leaned over the bar and buried

my head in my hands, then running my hands through my hair, I turned to Emmett.

"Tell me what happened after I left."

Emmett scrubbed his face with his hands and sat back in his stool, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Things kind of fell apart after you left. Bella had some trouble at school. Mom and dad got divorced. Everything changed,


I stared at him, having a feeling that he was leaving something out. "I'm guessing there is more?"

Emmett nodded. "That's Bella's business, not mine. She....had some bad luck come her way. Kind of changed things for

her. She just became very angry and very withdrawn. Mom and dad stressed so much over it, they started fighting all the

time, blaming each other. When they divorced, I think Bella saw it as just one more thing she had screwed up. She ran

away when she was seventeen. She didn't come around much or call for a long time afterward."

That didn't surprise me. Bella struck me as a someone who had been out on her own fighting her own battles for a long


"You know about Angel and Lotus?" I asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately I do." Emmett replied, regret filled his tone.

"Emmett, I want to help her. I want to make things right."

"Why, Edward?"

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Fair enough question. One that only deserved the truth.

"Because Bella was special to me, and I hurt her."

Emmett shook his head and gave a huff of breath. "That was a long time ago, Cullen."

"Doesn't matter. I about her."

Emmett eyed me for a long moment. "You said you weren't married..."

Ah. I can see where this is going. I shook my head no.

He looked away from me. "I just thought...well...there was obviously something pretty intense between the two of you. I

know we were kids, but..."

My mind flashed to that out of control moment in the dressing room backstage at the club.

"Believe me when I tell you, Emmett. I can't give her what she needs."

Emmett stood and finished off his beer. I finished mine and slid off the stool.

"I don't know what to say, Edward. We have tried everything. She resents anyone that tried to interfere in her life. She

won't talk about the band or work at all. Hasn't spoken to her mother in years. The last time Jess and I saw her was about

six months ago, but that's only because of the kids. She adores them."

Emmett gestured to the paintings that were lined on the wall opposite the pool table.

"Bella is very talented. Pisses me off that she wastes it in that tattoo shop. She lives in a hell hole of an apartment, won't

let me buy her a new car. I drive myself insane if I start to think about it too much."

I stood there in awe, admiring the three paintings. I had noticed them when I walked in, curious as to who the artist was.

Now I knew. He was right. Bella was wasting her talent.

"Airbrush?" I asked.

"Yeah. But she can work with anything. God, you really should see her portfolio. Fucking amazing, I tell ya."

I nodded, an idea forming in my head. "Good. That's real good."

Emmett threw me a sideways glance and furrowed his brow. "Why is that good?"

"I have a friend that is part owner of an art gallery. She would love to see Bella's work."

"She won't accept your help, Cullen."

"She will." I said. Emmett looked confused and uncertain, but I could see that he wanted to believe that she would accept.

My smile faded as I remembered Bella's words and her hateful refusal at my offer.

I hoped that I wasn't holding out false hope. As I had learned the past few days, Bella was one tough cookie.

I'd asked Emmett where the tattoo shop was and when she worked. She was there today, as a matter of fact, until two.

We said our goodbyes and I drove in the direction of the shop.

It may be a lost cause trying to help Bella.

But I wasn't going to give up on her.

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"Shit." I mumbled, looking at the clock. Jake is going to have my ass hung for being late again. I had fallen asleep without

turning on the alarm clock, convinced that my attempt to drink myself into oblivion might have had something to do with

me forgetting to set it.

I blamed Edward. Why the hell not? I already blamed him for so many other things.

I jumped up out of bed and ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my hair, quickly brushed my teeth, then grabbed the

aspirin from the medicine cabinet. I had a killer hangover and I looked like shit. My eyes were puffy from crying and my

skin was just so damn pale.

After getting dressed and got in the car, driving like a bat out of hell to get to the tattoo shop. I braced myself for the fury

that is Jacob Black. Immortal Images was his baby, and he didn't like it at all if his clients were left hanging with a half-ass


I slammed on the brakes as I parked in front of the shop. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door. Jake ignored me and

didn't say a word, but I could tell that he was extremely unhappy with me.

Brad Minter was sitting at my workstation, hands laced behind his head. Patient, yet somewhat irritated. I smiled at him as

I went to the back and washed my hands. He smiled at me when I returned to set up the ink cups and turn on the


"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch."

Jake turned his attention away from the design portfolio he had been thumbing through, sending me a look of disbelief.

"What are you working on today, Miss Bella?" Brad asked, taking off his shirt as he turned around in the chair, giving me

access to his back. I had been working on a griffin descending from the heavens. I was only half-way done with it. So far,

Brad had been pleased with what I had finished so far.

"I think I'm going to work on the wings."

"Sounds good." Brad mumbled.

I worked quietly, the only sounds in the shop were the humming of the needle and Jake's barely audible cursing. My

thoughts turned to Edward. Damn. I had sex with him. Finally. I could barely wrap my head around it. I had finally

experienced the ultimate intimacy with him, nine years too late to really mean anything to anybody.

Not me at least.

Brad sat still as I placed the bandage on the section that I had just finished. He put his shirt back on, thanked me and left.

My next client walked in and I finished the butterfly on her shoulder. By noon I had regained my equilibrium. Jake was

finally making an attempt to talk to me, grinding his teeth as he did so, not being able to avoid talking shop and making

appointments. As a peace offering, I brought him back a slice of pizza from the restaurant around the corner.

The bell on the door jingled, and I spun the chair around. Edward had walked in, and my stomach almost bottomed out.

He was carrying several bouquets of flowers. Roses, lillies, tulips, and some others that I didn't recognize. Jake looked

down and smiled sarcastically, loving the expression that was on my face.

"Dammitt. No. Just no." I decided to speak first and not give him a chance to say anything.

"Wow. I bring flowers and this is the thanks I get?" Edward beamed a sexy grin at me.

"Forget it. We aren't having sex again. And I hate flowers. And I don't even want to talk to you. Unless you were just

planning on standing there looking like a dumb ass, I think you are all out of options."

Jake raised his eyebrows and started whistling as he grabbed his pizza and walked toward the break room in the back. I

squinted my eyes at him as he passed by.

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"I want a tattoo." Edward said.

I stood and crossed my arms over my chest. No way in hell had he come here just for some ink. I was willing to bet money

on it.

"Tattoo my ass. What do you want, Cullen?"

"Really. I want a tatt."

"Marking yourself is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly." I said, arching a wicked eyebrow at him.

Edward placed the flowers in a nearby chair and shrugged out of his jacket. He smiled, then turned around and raised his

t-shirt up, displaying his back. Fuck. I had to tear my gaze away from his well-toned shoulders and impressive lats,

noticing that he had three tattoos already. A cobra that started from his lower spine and extended all the way up between

his shoulder blades, and flared out in vibrant reds and oranges. Another tattoo graced the top of his left shoulder, but I

couldn't make out what it was, and the third was some kind of Chinese writing peeking out of the waistband of his jeans.

Sighing internally, I stepped closer to him.

"The cobra's nice. Clean lines and your color is still good. The one on your shoulder is a bit messy and your color is


God. Standing this close to him was heaven. I could smell the faint scent of his laundry detergent mixed with his cologne. I

stepped back as he turned to face me.

"So, can you fit me in?" He asked.

"No." I stormed past him and went to the counter and sat on the stool, picked up a notepad and pencil and started to


Jake came out of the back and cleared his throat. "Dock my pay, Jake. I don't care." I said, not looking up from my

attempt to look busy.

"What's wrong, Bella? Think I might just talk you into doing something you don't want to?"

I scoffed a laugh. "For fuck's sake, Edward. We aren't kids anymore. You honestly think I a dare is going to make me

change my mind?"

Edward slid the tips of his fingers into the front pockets of his jeans and raised his eyebrows as he rocked back and forth

on his heels.

"You don't know me, Edward. And trust me when I tell you that you don't want to know me." I said, glaring at him.

"I know, to the first part, and, can't you let me be the judge of the second part?"

"Jake, can you take this? I have something better to do."

"Sorry. Kids have a soccer game today. I was just on my way out the door." Damn him. This was obviously Jake's way of

getting me back for showing up late. He smiled smugly as he gathered his equipment.

"You aren't talking me into a damn thing, Cullen." I rolled my as at him, slid off the stool and walked past him, making

sure I gave him a go-to-hell look when I did.

"Fine, Bella. Whatever you say."

I looked at Jake again, silently begging him to stay. He shook his head and mouthed "No." I felt the violent urge to take

my gun and shoot needles at the both of them.

"You better not be one of those macho men that turns into a pussy the second that needle hits your skin." I mocked,

stepping into my workstation, preparing the ink cups.

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"Hallelujah." Jake said, letting out a long sigh.

Edward came over and sat down in the chair while I was setting up. "What do you want and where do you want it?" I

asked him as I slammed the autoclave shut.

I turned around to find Edward holding up his shirt and patting his lower abdomen.

"How about a dragon wrapped around a sword? Can you do that?" he asked.

"That's kindergarten bullshit. Of course I can do it." I stood still, taking in his perfect skin and his tight abs and the thin

line of hair that disappeared into his waistband. Images shifted back and forth from a dragon to images of me straddling

him in that damn chair.


"That's a pretty sensitive area. Sure you can handle it?" I said sarcastically, turning around to turn of the autoclave.

"You have a tatt on your lower belly."

I closed my eyes and ground my teeth together as I placed my hand over my stomach, cursing silently as I pulled my shirt

down over the waistband of my jeans.

"Yeah, well. I'm a hell of a lot tougher than you are."

He smiled at me. "Sure you are."

I rolled my eyes and set my jaw tight, battling with my emotions. He look so damn good with one hand behind his head,

which flexed and impressive bicep, and one hand holding up his shirt. I had considered for a moment punishing him by

branding him with a really shitty tattoo, but my pride wouldn't let me.

He laid there quiet as I leaned over him and tilted the chair back so he could lie flat, making his skin taught. I held my

breath so as not to inhale his delicious cologne. Dammitt. I was going to have to toughen up if I was going to survive this


"Take your shirt off. You can take your jeans off or just pull them down. It's up to you."

I had seen a hundred guys stripped and naked getting inked. Asses, thighs, groins. I had seen it all.

But, I hadn't seen Edward without a shirt on in a very long time. I forced myself to turn away and not stare as he pulled

his shirt over his head. Jesus. He had big defined pec muscles, the kind that came form hard work, not the gym. His abs

rippled as he laid back in the chair. I saw him reach for the button on his jeans, and quickly turned my head. I emptied the

ink into the cups and set up the needle, trying to distract myself.

When I looked back, Edward had his jeans unzipped and spread out, the waistband of his underwear rolled down, exposing

all of his lower abdomen. I stared at the dark curls at the top of his pelvic bone.

"I'll have to shave you."

He shrugged and didn't say anything. I pulled a new razor from the drawer and lathered him with baby oil. His skin was so

tight and perfect beneath my hands as I shaved him from his left hip bone down to the top of his groin.

"How's Emmett?" He asked, as I wiped the rest of the baby oil off.

I glared at him. "I'm not going to talk about family."


"For one, I don't want to. And second, it's none of your business. It's my life and you are not a part of it."

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He was silent as I spread the transfer I had traced earlier on his belly.

"That should be big enough." The design fit perfectly in the area between his hip bone and and the mid line of his stomach.

"I trust you, Bella."

I snorted and shook my head. "That's a mistake, Cullen. You should never trust anyone."

I pulled on a fresh pair of gloves, and spread Vaseline over the transfer to keep his skin lubricated while I worked.

My hands were shaking. Shit. My hands never shook while I worked. I could feel Edward watching me. I looked up and met

his gaze.

"You can back out if you want."

"I said I trust you, Bella."

Shaking my head, I turned on the needle, then placed a hand on his stomach. I could feel the heat radiating from him. He

didn't tense or flinch. He just lay there relaxed, watching me. Edward waited until I had finished the outline before he

spoke again.

"OK. So tell me what I am allowed to talk about. Give me some boundaries."

I kept my eye on my work, acutely aware of him, more so than I had ever been with any other male client. The soapy

smell of him, his muscles, the occasional brush of his pubic hair on my forearm as I shifted.

"I don't care what you talk about. Football, the weather, the current state of the economy." I said, wiping away the

emerald ink that flowed outside the black line.

"Alright. What about your work? You any good?"

"You picked a fine time to ask me that." I lifted the needle up as his stomach flexed with laughter.

"I know you're good. You never believed in halfsies," he said. "I just wanted to hear you say it."

I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes. "How did you find me here?" I went back to my work.

"I followed you."

"Great. One wild romp in the dressing room, and now you stalk me."

He sighed. "It's not like that."

I wiped away more ink, then sat back to see how the design was going. Edward shifted his head, then flexed his bicep. My

irritation flared the longer I stared at him.

"What is this, Cullen? You think I have an ego problem? That I need positive reinforcement?" My breath caught in my

throat as he blinked those perfect green eyes at me.

"Bella, I don't think your ego is the problem."

I smiled sarcastically and sat back and stretch out my lower back.

"Ah. There's Doctor Cullen. I was wondering when he was going to show up. Give it up, Edward. I don't need to be fixed."

"You aren't happy, Bella."

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My hand clenched around the tattoo gun and my stomach was turning flips.

"And I assume you are?"

Edward shrugged and licked his bottom lip. "This isn't about me."

"Really? So you can dish it out, but you can't take it."

Jake popped in from the back, his arms loaded with portfolios. "I'm out. Lock up when you leave tonight. And I'll see you

next week. On time, OK?"

I rolled my eyes at Jacob and nodded my head. He waved to Edward, then he was gone.

Leaving me alone.


With Edward.

The tension that was between us suddenly took on a whole new life.

"I need to change needles. If you need to go to the bathroom or anything, now would be a good time."

"Nope. I'm good."

I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he shifted his hips. My skin flushed as the memory of him between my thighs

up against the wall---the bone jarring strength of him as he thrust into me, over and over.

I dropped the needle pack I had just opened and swore.



"No." I said, turning back around to face him. I sat back down on my stool and started the gun. I sprayed him down with

alcohol, and put on a fresh pair of gloves again.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Whenever you are."

For the next hour, I brought Edward's tattoo to life, using various shades of green and blue, and shading the dragon with

black. He remained silent as I worked, but I was definitely aware of him watching me. Studying my hands, my face, my

body as it moved. Finally, I sat back and wiped the remaining ink from his skin.


"Let me see."

I handed him the mirror and he held it up, he inspected the tattoo.

"Wow. Looks fantastic." He nodded approvingly.

Damn. My cheeks flushed hot as I was flattered that he liked my work.

I ran through the necessary care and needs of feeding a new tattoo. It took all of about five minutes, then I handed over

the paperwork with written instructions.

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"You are very thorough. I think the last time I got inked, I just got a slap on the ass and sent home."

I shrugged. Like he said, I don't like doing things halfway.

I reached for the antibiotic cream and squeezed some out on my fingers. He flinched and grabbed my wrist when I applied


"Damn. That's cold."

"Aww. Poor baby." I said, mostly because I was reminded that the tattoo was finished and that he was still lying there, half

undressed and I was totally turned on.

Shit. I had told myself that having sex with Edward was a means to an end. Now it seemed more like a beginning.

I twisted my wrist and pulled away from him, slinking slowly back onto my stool. I smoothed the cream over his hot skin.

My movements were slower than they needed to be. Damn he felt good.

I threw him a look. He was watching my hand, his jaw doing that same tense thing that he did before when I had touched

myself. A significant bulge had developed, I squeezed my thighs together, anticipating what might happen next.

For fuck's sake. I had never wanted to see him again, nor talk to him about old times, new times, or anything to do with

my life. But damn, I wanted him inside me again. So bad that the ache between my thighs was becoming painful.

There were so many things that I would never have....or felt like I deserved---a husband, a family, a big house with the

white picket fence. In my mind I felt that I deserved whatever brief moments of satisfaction came my way.

I retrieved the bandage from the top drawer, opened it, and placed it over his tattoo, smoothing the edges with my

fingers. Only after I knew he was protected, I allowed my hand to slide down into the waistband of his briefs and onto his

erection. I had barely wrapped my hand around him before his hand was on my wrist again.

"Haven't we played this game before?" I said, smiling slightly."I can already tell you who will win."

Edward pulled my hand free when I started to stroke him.

"No," he said.

Why was he being so coy? He wanted it, that was obvious. I wanted it. I sat back on my stool, confused and wondering

what the hell was going on with him?

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. You walk in here, ask for a tatt, lie there in that chair for two hours with my face

in your crotch, and now you aren't going to follow through?"

"Look, Bella. What happened between us was a mistake. That isn't why I'm here. Can't you see that I'm trying to be your

friend?" I was having a hard time reading his expression. He looked serious, but I wasn't buying it. I stared at him and

pointed at his hard-on.


He shrugged, unaffected by my conclusion. "Yeah, being around you makes my dick rock solid. What happened the other

night was hot as hell. Believe it or not, that is not why I'm here. I want you to trust me. Talk to me."

His words were so confrontational they terrified me. I stood and started cleaning up the mess of ink on my workstation.

"I knew I should have never agreed to do your tatt. I should have walked out."

I heard him get up from the chair, then the sound of his zipper and then the rustle of his shirt. A wave of humiliation and

hurt swept over me. Just like once before, I had thrown my self at him, and he was pushing me away. I closed my eyes as

I remembered having to strip and touch myself to provoke him.

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Edward didn't want me. Not in the way that I wanted him. Stupid. I had always known that. Since the moment that I woke

up the day after he had left to find him gone...really gone...without so much as a goodbye or an explanation.

He didn't want me. And I had been so heartbroken that I had thrown myself away and ruined my life in the process.

Suddenly all the fear and regret and self-hate rose inside me. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes, trying to stop the

tears, and slammed my fist onto the counter.

"Get out! Edward, just get the hell out of here!"



I stared at Bella's tense back. Her head was bowed, fists pressed into the counter. She looked as if she was going to

explode or just fall apart.

"Bella," I said, laying a hand on her shoulder.

She shuddered as if she couldn't stand to have me touch her, so I slid my hand free.

"I want you to leave and I never want to talk to you again, OK?"

Bella still had her back to me. Her hair was hiding her face so I couldn't see it, and I was almost glad.

"Dammitt, Bella. Will you please tell me what is going on with you?"

She tilted her head up to the ceiling, and tensed her shoulders.

"Why the hell should I tell you anything? You gave up that right, to be my friend, to know anything about me, the second

you left in the damn middle of the night without saying a word. What part of that don't you understand, Cullen?

Fuck. I hated this. She was quivering with so much emotion and struggle that she was wound so damn tight. I wanted to

take her and hold her, kiss her, calm her down. Do whatever it took to steal away the raw hurt in her voice, break down

her defenses.

"For fuck's sake, Bella, you were fourteen. And I was bad news. I did it for your own damn good."

She mumbled under her breath.

"Dammitt, Cullen," she sucked in a ragged breath. "Just go."

I stared at her for a long moment, closed my eyes and pursed my lips.

"How much for the tattoo?"

Bella gave an empty chuckle that sounded very close to releasing tears. I was lost as to what else to do or say, so I walked

to the front, took out my wallet and left five hundred dollars on the counter, all the cash that I had on me. I stepped out of

the shop and went to my car, battling with myself if I should have stayed or left her alone. I stared at the door for a long

while, trying to understand the many masks that Bella had donned. Her attempt at trying to find out who she was, or to

hide it. God, what I would give to remove all of them and help her find her true self.

The ringing of my cell tore me from my trance as I sped down the ten back to the office. It had never occurred to me to

check my cell, too consumed with what was going on with Bella and the tense situation at the tattoo shop. Picking it up

from it's resting place on the console, I read the caller ID. Rose. Shit. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her at the moment.

She would know immediately something was up. I needed to talk to her, but it could wait until I was in a better frame of


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I drifted into the exit lane and down the off ramp. I turned into the parking lot and pulled into my space, got out, locked it

and walked to the deli across the street. I hadn't really eaten much in the last few days, and considering the fact that

Jasper had left ten messages on my phone, I had a feeling I was going to need the energy to deal with his temper


The deli was packed as usual. The smell of pastrami and peppers filled the air. After fifteen minutes of waiting, I made it

up to the counter and ordered, then paid. I left and walked back across the street and sat on the bench in the courtyard

that lined the center of the office plaza. I unwrapped my sandwich, but just couldn't eat. All I could think about was Bella

and how hurt she was, how broken she seemed. Most of all, the role I had played.

"Cullen! Where the hell have you been?" Jasper's voice echoed throughout the courtyard, the tone in his voice straddling

the line between concern and highly pissed off. He sat down beside me, picked up my sandwich and took a bite. "I don't

understand you. You're a fucking artistic genius, you're rich, sort-of good looking, got handed the keys to the city a month

ago, which means you can now do any fucking thing you want in L.A and get away with it, and can have any damn woman

you want. Why the girl from the strip club?"

I swiveled my head around and stared at him, trying to figure out where and when he developed his fine tune instincts.

"So when did you decide to become Dr. Phil's protege?" I asked, crunching on the pickle that was sitting on the sandwich


"Cute. Are you going to tell me or sit there and pout? I hope it's not the latter, because if you keep it up, you'll fuck up the

scenery." Jasper took another bite. "Yeah, Cullen, it's that bad."

I swallowed the huge ball of macho pride that was gathering in my throat. I wasn't in the mood for bonding, but this was

Jasper, and he was damn relentless when he wanted to know something. He had no intentions of letting this go.

"It's nothing." I shrugged and squinted my eyes as the rays of sunlight caught in my eyes.

"Humor me. Give me something, anything to make me understand the miserable bastard you've become the last few


"Fine. Remember me telling you about the family that helped my mother when I was younger, letting us stay and gave my

mother a job?"

"Yeah." Jasper said, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"The girl from the strip club is their daughter, Bella."

Jasper raised his eyebrows in surprise as he swallowed. "Oh shit. She's the one that..."


"Fuck. Now I wished I hadn't asked. Wow. Sorry man."

"Not your fault, J. I just wish I could get her out of this mess." I dropped the pickle back down to it's resting place on the


"Good luck. How do you expect to do that?"

"I don't know. I'm officially number one on her shit list at the moment. Doesn't make for an easy rescue."

"I bet. Does Rose know?"

Damn. I hadn't even considered Rose into the equation. We may not be exclusive to each other, but still, the principal of

the matter weighed on my conscience. I was going to need her help as far as Bella's art was concerned, so I had to play

this right. Years of friendship and loyalty, not to mention the sex, had to count for something.

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"No. I never told her about Bella. Rose knows very little about my life before we met, and I had hoped to keep it that way.

Fuck, Jasper. This is insane on my part. I have no right to come into Bella's life again from out of nowhere and try to be

Prince Charming."

"First love's a bitch."

"It's not like that. She just deserves better."

Jasper finished the last bite of sandwich and cleaned up the mess. "Like I said. First love's a bitch. You never forget it. Oh,

by the way, I have some good news."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Got a call from Andrew Garmon, you know, the guy that organizes the Sturgis run. Well, they are trying something new

this year. A design competition. Never been done before. Rules are, the canvas must be a Harley, old school, not the

modern design. Want to know what the Grand Prize is?

"No, but I have this funny feeling that you are going to tell me." Jasper was a master at hunting down ways to showcase

our designs and do whatever it took to push Cullen Customs to the top. He's brilliant in the marketing department, but

sucks at his timing skills. I wasn't in the mood to talk business, but I listened, hoping he would go away and let me sulk for

the remainder of the afternoon.

"Damn straight I'm going to tell you. A three year contract with Harley Davidson to design their new line, damn thing's

worth fifty mil."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I usually don't care about the money, but he did catch my attention.

"Deal. I don't care about the contract. I just want to get our name out there and Sturgis is the best way to go."

"Yes! Nice to know your dick hasn't completely taken over."

"Fuck you, Jasper." He laughed as he threw his head back, "I'm taking off the rest of the day. Shit to do. Cover for me?"

"I always do."

I sat there for a while, enjoying the sun. My head was hurting, trying to concentrate on so many things at once. After an

hour or so, I got into the car and went home. Drank a few beers and turned on Sportscenter, if not for the highlights, it

was great for white noise. I must have fallen asleep, for when I looked at the clock it was a quarter to seven. Bella would

be at Bare right about now, and I wanted to see her at least. How fucking sick am I? I felt horrible, going there to watch

her, but it wasn't like that. I just wanted to watch over her.

After taking a shower, I toweled off, got dressed and drove to the club. The line outside Bare was unusually long. It took a

hundred dollar bill placed in the bouncer's hand to get me in. It was packed inside. About an inch of space, if not less

between bodies. I pushed my way through make out sessions, bare assess and several men in drag, just to the bar.

I chose a stool at the end of the bar that allowed me a better view of the stage. I propped my elbow up and leaned my

head against my fist.

"What'll you have?" The bartender asked, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Glenlivet, rocks."

He placed a napkin down and tossed on some salt and set down my glass. I kept my eyes roaming, hoping that I might

see Bella. Hoping that by some miracle she had changed her mind and wanted to get the hell out of here. I was focused on

a couple making out near the stage, curious as to how the hell they could be comfortable in the chair that they were sitting

in when I noticed a man and a woman arguing in the small, open space near the stage. The light was dim, but it wasn't

hard for me to figure out who the woman was. Bella. The man was being very confrontational and it appeared that Bella

was doing her damnedest to pull away from him. He grabbed the back of her head and I saw her head fly backwards as he

pulled her sideways against the wall, then shove something in her face.

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I slammed my glass down onto the bar and started shoving people aside as I made my way toward the side stage. I had

no idea who that bastard was.

But I was sure as hell going to find out.


After shoving through the crowd and dodging a few ass grabs and crotch feels, I found myself standing in the entry way to

the side stage. Stepping over extended legs and bodies lining the walls of the hallway, I started toward the dressing room,

but stopped short when I heard a man's voice coming from the room that was closest to me. A high-pitched voice filtered

through the heavy door, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. Turning the handle on the door, I found it was

locked, so I stepped back and kicked it in. The man had his forearm against Bella's throat, forcing and holding her against

the wall, his hand was up her skirt and he was growling threats and obscenities. Bella was out of it, her body listless, her

eyes fluttered on the verge of closing, dried blood dotted the space underneath her nose. She wasn't fighting back. Pissed

as hell, I rushed over and pulled him off of her, holding her up with my other arm so she wouldn't fall. The other woman I

recognized from before came and helped Bella to the couch. Shock doesn't even begin to describe what I felt when I saw

who's ass I was about to kick.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Cullen to the rescue." He said, a shitty smirk on his face as if he had been expecting me.

"Newton? You son of a bitch! What the fuck did you give her?!" I said in a low roar as I jerked him back to the wall, holding

him still, my hand gripped around his throat.

"Haha. Nothing she can't handle. She needs to loosen up a little." Mike could barely speak, my grip tightened even more.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I own Bare, you stupid fuck. And I own Bella." I pulled him forward, only to shove him hard against the wall. "Fuck,

Cullen! I was just setting her straight, that's all. You of all people should know how women like Bella are." Newton

laughed, mocking me, my past, now the present.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that!" He drew his legs up when I laid one into his gut, knocking the breath out of him.

Taking a sideways glance, Bella had her head in the other woman's lap, still not moving. The petite face looked up at me,

her eyes filled with concern.

"You need to get her out of here. Now," she pleaded, her voice calm and even. "I'll deal with Mike."

Turning back to Mike, he was still grinning, his eyes laughing. I felt like taking him out right there, but instead, I collected

myself, took my keys from my jacket pocket and tossed them to her.

"The Mustang out front. Meet me there."

She helped Bella stand, walked carefully to the door and left. Letting go of Mike, he bent over at the waist and rubbed his

hand over his neck.

"I'm not done with you, Newton." I said, turning my back to him.

"If you want her Cullen, it's gonna cost you."

Without even thinking twice about it, I curled my hand into a fist, turned swiftly and punched the hell out of his jaw and

watched him stumble to the floor, leaned over and grabbed fistfulls of hair, planted my knee into his nose, then let him go.

I turned my back to him and went out the door and stopped when I heard his threat carry into the hallway.

"She'll be back. They always come back."

Ignoring him, I continued down the hall and through the crowd, then out the front door. I walked across the street to my

car. Bella was in the passenger seat, her eyes closed. Looking up, the other woman met my eyes, her face twisted with


"Alice." She introduced herself as she clicked the seatbelt across Bella's chest.

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"Edward. What did he give her?" I asked, opening the car door and sliding into the seat. I shut the door and put the key in

the ignition.

"I'm not sure. I haven't had the misfortune of sampling Mike's drug-of-the-week."

Alice was well spoken, seemed very intelligent. Not only that, but she also appeared to care greatly for Bella.

"Go before he sends out his pit-bulls. Meet me at Macalister Park tomorrow at noon. We need to talk." Alice closed the car

door and walked across the street back to the club. Pulling away, I drove down the street, turned left and headed toward

the exit. Traffic was shitty as usual for a Saturday night. I was trapped in gridlock for forty-five minutes. I was pissed, I

was starting to get a migraine from all the stress.

Finally set free from the mass of cars, I stepped on the gas and headed home. Bella still had her eyes closed, but moved

her head from time to time. That was a good sign. She moaned when I turned sharply into the driveway. Dammit. Parking

the car as I mumbled a few curse words, I shut off the engine, grabbed the keys and rounded the car and opened her

door, then leaned over and unbuckled the seatbelt. I slid my arms underneath her and lifted her from the seat and kicked

the door closed with my foot. Looking down at her, I studied her features. Her slender nose, the adorable round tip at the

end. The long eyelashes that feathered across her lids. Bella's lips were stained a deep red with lipstick, which brought my

attention to the blood above her lip.

I made my way up the pebbled path that lead to the front door and unlocked it, backed into it to close it. I flipped on the

light switch with my elbow, then started down the hall to the bedroom. Bella shifted in my arms as I laid her on the bed.

Not wanting to disturb her anymore, I reached for the blanket folded on the trunk at the end of the bed and draped it over

her. After making sure she was comfortable, I walked into the bathroom and took a washcloth from the basket next to the

shower and wet it with warm water. When I returned, she had rolled to her side, her back facing me. I rounded the bed,

eased my way next to her and gently wiped the blood from her face. My anger grew more fierce with each pass of the


Finished, I edged off the bed and tossed the cloth into the hamper. I didn't want to leave her alone, not knowing what the

hell Mike had given her, so I sat down in the wicker chair near the window and watched her sleep. Mike fucking Newton.

That was a face I never expected to see. And how the hell did she end up with him? I could have killed the bastard. Should

have killed the bastard. But that would have been the worst way to handle it. At least I roughed him up a little, made him

aware that I wasn't going to tolerate his shit, even if Bella did. Why? Why her? She looked so damn beautiful, curled up in

my bed, hands folded under cheek. I just wished she would use her common sense and let me help her out of this mess.

Talk to me at least.

Thinking about what Alice said made me nervous. I scrubbed my hands over my face, sighed inwardly, then massaged the

bridge of my nose. Alice wanted to meet with me. For whatever reason, I had this gut feeling that I wasn't going to like

what she had to say. Worse, Bella was going to be pissed as hell that I interfered once again. I should be furious with her,

and in a small fraction of the emotion, I was. But the rest of me wanted to crawl into the bed next to her, but thought

better of it. I ran my hands through my hair, contemplating on whether I should kidnap her and take her away from here,

away from this nightmare that she considered a life. Or, wait it out and let her figure it out on her own, anonymously guide

her some how, stay behind the scenes. Either way would be a moot effort. She had to come to terms with this on her own,

understand and realize that she deserved better. More importantly, believe that she deserved better.

Sighing with regret, I leaned back against the chair and rested my head on my hand. My eyes grew heavy with the rythmic

rise and fall of her chest. Mentally drained from the evening, I closed my eyes, knowing I needed my rest if I was going to

have to deal with Bella in the morning.



Forcing my eyes open as I stretched my aching muscles, I glanced at my alarm clock on the nightstand. Shit. Ten-thirty.

But that wasn't what concerned me. The bed was empty and the blanket that I had used to cover her with had been neatly

folded and placed on the end of the bed. Bella must have taken advantage that I was asleep and left. Clever way to avoid

confrontation. I trudged to the bathroom and took a quick shower, then toweled off, threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

Checking the fridge, there was only beer, milk, and some leftover Chinese that I definitely was not in the mood for, so I

stole the last package of Pop-tarts from the pantry. I had to hurry if I wanted the beat the traffic. It may have been

Sunday, but that didn't slow down L.A. traffic.

Macalister Park was the diminutive version of Central Park, about a third of it's size and not even half the beauty. The

weather was nice, enticing the locals and tourists to explore what the city had to offer. Coming to the picnic area, I

discovered Alice sitting at one of the corner tables wearing extremely over-sized sunglasses and sipping from a Starbuck's

cup. She waved me over as I was approaching, pushing the chair out for me when I arrived at the table.

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Alice sat down her cup then folded her arms on the table, her expression, from what I could see of it, was almost none,

apart from her twisting the corner of her mouth every few seconds.

"Thanks for coming." Her voice was low and monotone.

"Not a problem. You said we needed to talk?" I sat back in the chair and crossed my arms over my chest, as if by doing so,

whatever she was going to say would bounce off me and I could pretend somehow that I never heard it.

She reached down and pulled something from the pocket of her jeans. My heart sank down to the pit of my stomach when

she placed the leather wrist cuff on the table.

"I'm assuming this belongs to you?" She asked dryly, gently pushing it across the table in my direction. I stared at it for a

moment, wondering what the hell she was trying to prove.

"Yeah. How did you know it was mine?"

"Turn it over." Alice gestured toward me before taking another drink of from her cup.

Damn. As if my guilt needed an additional layer. On the back, carved in jagged letters were the initials EC+BS surrounded

by a crooked heart. I clutched it in my hand and closed my eyes. Alice was watching me, hoping for an affirmative

response. She just got what she wanted.

"Thought so. Last night, when you told me your name, I kind of put two-and-two together. Not just that, but she hasn't

worn it since you showed up that night at the club."

I swallowed down the lump of frustration that had settled in my throat. She had held on to this for so long, torturing

herself with the idea of the two of us together. My thoughts were trampling on a mine field in my head. I hated the way I

was feeling, the smile that I had to fight back when I saw what she had done, her one and only tangible expression of

what might have been if I stayed, what I had wanted at one time. And what scared the hell out of me right now, was the

fact that I was finding it harder to deny the fact that I may still feel that way, even though I had nothing to give her. I

cleared my throat and placed the bracelet back on the table.

"That was a long time ago." Again with the tone of dismissal. "What's going on with Mike? We knew each other back in

school, he was a dick then, but I never expected to see him running a strip club. What's he got over Bella?"

Alice wrinkled her face, trying to make sure she chose her words carefully. "There's this guy, Peter Garbo, comes in once a

week. Disgustingly rich and a personality to match. The first time he saw Bella on the stage, he became infatuated with

her, threw some money around at Mike and threatened to go to the police and rat him out about the drugs that filter in an

out of the club if he didn't, how do I put this, add to Bella's job requirements."

"So he pays Mike a retainer just to have sex with her once a week?" The volume and hatred that filled my voice surprised

me. If I hated Newton before, I fucking despised him now, even more.

Alice nodded as she laid her head down on her arms and sighed. A few seconds later, she lifted her head and sat back,

sighing again before she spoke.

"Mike told her that he was on the verge of losing the club, and her losing her job if she didn't comply, that Peter chose her

out of all the other girls. It's a fucked up mess. I've tried to talk to her, but Bella only hears what she wants to hear. And

damn if she isn't the most loyal person I know. Sad thing is, her loyalties lie in the wrong places." Alice paused, then

swiveled her head to look around the park, then returned to face me. She removed her sunglasses, the immense bruise

that covered her left eye spoke volumes and needed no explanation.

"She doesn't belong here, Edward. It's obvious that you care about her, and she's too damn smart and talented to live this

life. Don't give up on her." Alice's voice cracked as she choked back tears. "How is she?"

"I was going to ask you the same. She was gone when I woke up this morning."

Alice nodded. "Good luck. She's probably pissed and went off to sulk somewhere. I have to go run some errands. Thanks

again." She stood and left without saying another word. I don't blame her, nor did I want to hear anything else at the

moment. Damn, there had to be some way to get her out of that hell hole. First thing I had to decide was who was I going

to confront first.

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Or Mike?


I had called a cab from the phone in the kitchen while I hatefully admired his annoying, yet delightful home. With barren

walls and rooms devoid of furniture, it proved to be a bachelor's pad. Cursing to myself as I paid the fare, I stepped out of

the cab and marched to my car, silently wishing him every sort of affliction short of death. Did he have any idea what shit I

was going to have to face when I saw Mike? Coming to a standstill when I caught my reflection in the car door, my breath

hitched. The area around my nose was puffy, colored with dots of purple and blue. I lowered my head, allowing the shame

to wash over me, permitting it to shadow my dignity for a brief moment before I walked into the club. Counting to ten

before I opened the door, what microscopically remained of my rational thinking initiated a scream-fest inside my head,

demanding that I run and run like hell. The more grandiose, irrational ability to think disobeyed it's miniature counterpart

and I opened the damn door and went in.

Rubbing the upper part of my arms in effort to erase the chill that ran down my skin, I sauntered over to the entry way of

the hall leading to the dressing rooms with leisurely, unenthusiastic steps. I tried to tip-toe past Mike's office, but he

caught sight of me when I had almost succeeded passing by undetected. He turned his head sideways as he slammed the

clipboard onto the desk

"Nice try. Get your ass in here."

My blood rushed cold through my veins as I immediately came to a halt. I squeezed my eyes together before retreating

my steps and entering the door. Mike was pissed and hungover. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot, and the left

corner of his mouth was twitching, a sign that he had done a few lines the night before. Whatever happened last night, I'm

almost glad I wasn't aware the event, judging by the rainbow on spread out across his face, Edward had gotten in some

hits. Mentally I sighed, irritated that he even interfered at all. I stood quietly in the doorway with my hands at my sides,

fearing his reaction. He raised his hand and waved me closer. Hesitant, I took a few steps, ending at a comfortable


"Must be nice to have a knight-in-shining-armor. Did you fuck him?" His tone of voice was dangerous and unamused. I

opened my mouth to speak, but only air escaped. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together firmly. "One more time,

Bella. Did you fuck him?" Mike leaned forward, something he often did to intimidate me.

" Mike, I promise. He never touched me." It wasn't a lie. Edward hadn't touched me last night, that I could

remember. "I don't even know how I got there. The last thing I remember is arguing with you, then I blacked out. I had no

idea that I would wake up...." Mike cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Your pretty-boy fucked up my chances with Garbo, Bella. Just for that, I'm making you give him another hour and you

better not bitch and complain." After surveying his face and recognizing the no-fucking-kidding look in his eyes, I nodded

in response. "Good girl. I'm letting it slide this time. Go put some ice on that shiner. Customers don't want to pay when

the merchandise is flawed. Be here at six, no later. And if I see Cullen in here again, he'll have a bullet in his back. Don't

go near him again." Mike swiveled in his chair and turned his attention back to his paperwork. Carefully, I turned on my

heels and left, finally letting go of the breath that I had been holding. One more hour with Garbo was better than having

Mike hit me. Every time it was a blow to the ribs. He had this thing about hitting me in the face. Obviously he made an

exception, considering the evidence on my cheek.

Alice was in the dressing room packing some of her things into a bag. I stepped around her on the way to my locker,

noticing that she was wearing her hair differently. Her face was covered and she kept her head tilted. Not liking the eerie

silence, I decided to ask her about last night.

"Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to hi-jack your M'n'M stash?" I removed my purse and my duffel bag and

pulled out the chair under the vanity and sat down.

"What did he give you?" She asked, ignoring my teasing and still avoiding eye contact as she continued filling her bag.

"I don't know. He never said what it was, just shoved it down my throat before I was supposed to go on. I was freaking

out about Peter and Mike said it would chill me out. I refused, he got mad, you know, the usual."

"Uh-huh." Alice tilted her head up as she swung her bag over her shoulder. My mouth dropped when I saw the bruise

around her eye.

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"Alice, I'm..."

"Don't sweat it kiddo. I'm just glad you're OK. Doesn't hurt to take one for the team every once in a while. Besides, now I

can take a few days off, study hard so I can get the hell out of here." Alice was going to school part-time when she wasn't

at the club. She qualified for a small grant through the city-college financing department, saving what money she did make

at Bare to pay the rest of her tuition. She was taking business management courses, hoping to own her own restaurant,

which would be one hell of a place to dine. The girl could cook.

She reached for her sunglasses and put them on, then pointed a slim finger at me. "Speaking of getting the hell out of

here, what are you doing, Swan? You have Mr. Fuck-me-gorgeous-take-care of-you-for-the-rest-of-your-life reaching out

to save you from drowning and you treat him like shit. Be glad he was here last night. Mike was pissed and he would have

done more than dotted your eye if it wasn't for your mystery man." Alice shook her head and placed one hand on her hip.

"It's not like that, Alice. He's just someone from the past that I want to forget. If anything, he's just here to make me

miserable." Again.

"Jesus. Mike has totally fucked with your sense of reality. That's always been your problem, Bella. You always let your

guard down around those that have the opposite of good intentions toward you, but you shut out those that care about

you. Even me sometimes. Stop it, dammit, or you're going to sink all the way to the bottom, then it will be too late." Alice

threw her hands up in the air and sighed. "I don't get you. You are the most talented, most intelligent, headstrong person

I know. Why don't you channel all of that and do something good with your life instead of wasting it on that dick-with-feet

brooding in the office?"

I let out a breath. She was right, but it was too late for me. I wasn't that person anymore or did I care to be. Everything

was going just fine until Edward walked back into my life and started a hurricane of shit that I didn't want to deal with.

"It's not that simple, Alice. It's complicated."

She grunted then bent down, her eyes level with mine. "Not that simple, huh? You seriously need your eyes checked baby-

girl. Simple stands about six-foot one, has a gorgeous set of bedroom eyes, a head full of sex-hair and incites public

orgasms just by looking at him. Anyway, you aren't going to listen to what I have to say. I'm going home. See ya." She

kissed me quickly on the forehead and left. Alice was my one and only friend here, or at least that's how it felt. I confided

in her about some things, but I had never mentioned Edward to her or my hysterectomy. I shoved down the gloominess,

grabbed my purse and left out the back door to avoid Mike again. I was tired and needed a shower. Needed to think.

I came home and went straight to the kitchen. My stomach was rumbling and I knew I needed to eat. Decided, I made a

grill cheese sandwich and sat down at the bar. The light was blinking on the answering machine. I pressed play and was

surprised to hear my brother's voice. Emmett was extending another dinner invitation. It made my stomach hurt to hear

the wariness in my brother's voice. All we did now was fight. Emmett hated the way I chose to live my life, and I was

always too busy hating him back for judging me. Hearing the message just made me feel shitty, more than I already did.

Didn't matter though. Feeling shitty seemed to be the theme for the week.

After finishing my grilled cheese, I took a shower, then brushed my teeth, trying very hard to ingore the bruise on my

face. I had to be at work in a few hours, so I decided to take a nap. Some nap. My eyes wouldn't even shut. Alice's words

bounced around in my head. Fuck-me-gorgeous. That was one thing I could agree with her on. Was it possible for one

person to drive another this insane? I covered my mouth to stifle a yawn when I felt something furry tickle my foot.

Oodles, my cat, had finally decided to make her presence known. She pawed her way up and circled twice, then settled in

beside me. The one thing on this planet that I felt comfortable with was the damn cat. At least she could love me


I spent the rest of the afternoon reading, trying to take my mind off things, so far so good. Glancing at the clock, I noticed

it was almost five. Rolling my eyes and sighing a dreadful sigh, I climbed off the bed and went into the kitchen. Oodles

followed me, meowing and begging. I opened a can of tuna for her and went to the bedroom and searched for something

to wear.

For a split-second, after the condensed flashback of the past week had zipped through my mind, I wished I hadn't have

turned Edward down.

Taking a dress off it's hanger and picking out a pair of shoes to match, I went in to the bathroom to finish getting ready.



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Needing to waste some time, I cruised around the strip several times, mulling over new strategies to get Bella to come to

her senses. Never mind the challenge, I just needed her to think. No matter what she thought this was more serious than

she considered it to be. This wasn't about me or what I felt I may have to prove, she was putting her life at risk being with

that asshole. And hell, she was smarter than this. It didn't take a fucking brain surgeon to see that she was caught in a

downward spiral.

The curb-side parking spaces were full, so I pulled into the paid parking lot on the backside of the club. I knew the odds of

seeing her would be slim, but I thought I would take my chances. I had just put the kickstand down when I caught a

glimpse of something shimmering across the street. Taking a second glance, I noticed Bella standing at the corner waiting

for the pedestrian light to change. My God. She was stunning. Her hair was pulled back, revealing her perfect, heart

shaped face. The reflection of light off the silver hoops in her ears must have been what caught my eye. And that little

black dress. Damn. I was completely captivated. She looked unbelievably sophisticated. I climbed back on the bike, went

around two blocks and pulled up next to her.

Bella turned, and our eyes met. She had a sad, wild look in her eyes. Suddenly I couldn't think. Probably from all the blood

rushing south. Beautiful and delicate she was, standing in the glow of the twilight settling upon the city. Without a word, I

shrugged out of my leather jacket and draped it around her. She hiked up her dress and she straddled the seat behind me.

"Where are we going?" I turned my head a fraction, our lips almost touching as she had her chin resting on my shoulder.

She moved up closer as she settled in, wrapped her arms around my waist. I felt her breasts press against my back.

"Just drive, Cullen. Anywhere but here."

I held my breath. I'd have to be a jerk and half to take her anywhere but home if she was in this kind of a mood. "Maybe

you should---"

"Just go, please." Bella tightened her arms around me, one hand roamed over my chest, the other rested along the

waistband of my jeans. My cock jumped as she moved her hand lower. I knew I shouldn't have come here, but damn, if it

was fate or karma or what, then bless it. At least she would be with me and not Newton. I clenched my jaw and turned to


"Zip the jacket. The wind can get chilly."

Her arms left me for a moment and I heard the zip, then she put her arms back around me and squeezed tight. I checked

the traffic, then pulled onto the street and headed for the interstate. Once we had passed the city limits and the bright

lights of the city wouldn't betray us, Bella took her hand and unbuckled my belt, my button on the fly soon followed. She

slid her hand down my briefs and encircled my cock. Even though she didn't even attempt to get me off, I was the most

turned on I had ever been in my life. One wrong move could have me begging for mercy. But somehow, I had a feeling

that she already knew that.

Damn. I should have just taken her home. Why didn't I? Because I heard the relentlessness in her voice. She wanted to

escape the club and everything it stood for, even if it was just for a moment. And honestly, so did I. God I hope that I was

getting to her, maybe she was considering letting me help her. We continued to drive, all the while feeling Bella cling to

me brought out that primal and protective urge to just haul her away from this hell on earth and keep her for myself. I

blinked hard as my own thoughts slammed me.

With the eternal lights of L.A. behind us, I slowed down, pulled of on one of the dirt roads that led to the old air base.

Reaching the clearing, I killed the engine. The beam from the headlight and the overgrown shrubs seemed to fade into the

darkness, like the rest of the world didn't exist. I could hear her ragged breathing, and mine.

I twisted to look at her, my hands squeezing the handlebars as I channeled all my desire to my hands. I searched her

eyes, looking for a lie, or anything negative to not do anything. But before I could look away, she reached around and

framed my face and pulled my mouth to hers. Her kiss tasted desperate, hungry, and wild as her tongue glided recklessly

against mine. Fumbling to kick the bike stand down, I took control of the kiss, slowing down the pace, drawing deep and

slow across her lips. She pulled away.

"No strings, Cullen. Don't say anything, OK?"

The moonlight that reflected from her eyes and revealed her silent pleading. She wasn't in the mood to talk or hear me

bitch. She wanted an out, and goddamn, if this was even the beginning of her opening up to me, well hell, I'll sign the

contract in blood.

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"Yeah, sure."

She nodded and slowly unzipped the jacket. Bella climbed off the bike and draped the jacket over the end of the back

wheel cover. I gripped her around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. Bella leaned up to kiss me while she straddled me

and hooked her legs over my thighs.

Shit. After that I lost it. I ran my hands up her back, thanking my lucky stars that the dress was backless. Her skin was

silky and smooth. Moving up her back, I wrapped my hands up in her hair. Our tongues moving frantically as we devoured

each other. Needing to breathe, I broke away and tugged gently on her bottom lip.

"I can't stop thinking about you," I said, the words barely came out as she thrust her tongue back into my mouth, raking

her hands through my hair, pulling gently.

"I can't stop thinking about you, either." Her words staggered and her breath quickened. She reached down and grabbed

the edge of my T-shirt and lifted it over my head. Immediately she bent down and placed her warm mouth on my nipple,

sucking and biting it hard while tweaking the other one between her fingertips.

"Shit." I clenched my jaw and tilted my head back. Bella reached up and pulled me to her and again assaulted my mouth,

sucking my tongue slowly, and tracing my lips with her tongue. Wanting to feel more of her, I slid the dress slowly down

her shoulders, waited for her to slip her arms out. Greedy and needing to feel her, I cupped her breasts, thumbing her

nipples, feeling them tighten under my touch. I couldn't get enough of her whimpering. I pinched and teased her nipples

until I felt her thighs tighten against me. I wasn't read for her to come yet, so I stopped, and softly kissed the valley

between her breasts. Bella broke the kiss and leaned back against my hand, bracing her and keeping her steady. I

feathered my lips over the crests of her breasts, pausing to linger over the tattoo. For some reason I was drawn to it and

it's significance to the woman that I was holding in my arms.

She reached down and pulled my cock from my briefs and started to glide her hand up and and down, setting a dangerous

rhythm. Only vaguely aware that I had moaned and growled like a crazed animal, I pushed into her caress. I opened my

mouth to speak, but she caught me with a swipe of her tongue across my lips, inviting me to take it in. I kissed her for a

moment then pulled away.

"Grip the handlebars behind you and place your feet on my thighs." She did as I asked, taking off her heels. Her breast

firmed as she pressed against the handlebars. Her nipples erect, begging for attention. I sild my hands along her outer

thighs and under the edge of the stretchy fabric of her dress and gently raised it, stopping just above the top of her

panties. I could smell her arousal as I looked down, her crotch was soaked. I kissed the inside of her thigh nibbling and

pulling on her soft flesh.

"Edward, if you don't take me soon, I'm going to go insane." Her words hung on pants of breath as she thrust her hips up.

I chuckled and ignored her as I grasped the side strings of her panties and pulled them slowly over her hips, then down

her thighs. She lifted her feet just enough for me to take them off. As soon as they were off, I cupped her ass and pulled

her pussy to my mouth. Bella bucked her hips wildly as I licked her swollen clit.

"Fuck you taste good." My voice breathy and husky as I thrust my tongue back into her, fluttering the tip maddeningly

against her inner walls. I pressed hard on her clit and she pushed up, moaning and whimpering. I looked up to see her

silhouetted against the light, her chest rising and falling, her hair blowing in the breeze. Her eyes were closed, and her

expression pierced through me when she opened them. I slid two fingers inside her and pressed against that tight spot

behind her clit. She hissed as her legs started to shake and her juices flowed over my hands.

"Dammitt!" She spat out, almost pissed and somewhat satiated. I slid my hand up her back and she let go of the

handlebars and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You want me to stop?" I whispered in her ear as I sucked on her earlobe.

"May---be. Ye...Yes."

"Liar." I smiled and kissed her hard as I managed to grip her hips and lower her onto my cock. She cried out and I

swallowed every whimper and moan with the kiss as I rested my palms on her ass while she wrapped her legs around me.

"Slow....mmmmm....down....fuck.....I'm...not going to..." I was trying to speak, my words interspersed with soft kisses.

She was riding me fast and hard and I wasn't ready to come. No sooner did I say that in my head, I felt her pussy clench

around me, pulsating and throbbing. She threw her head back and cried out.

"Too....late, Cullen."

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Wanting to extend her climax, I drew in a nipple, sucking hard and grazing it with my teeth. She screamed as she tried to

catch her breath.

I dug my fingertips into her back as she ground her hips, I moaned against her nipple as I reached my orgasm. With a

mischievous smile, she pressed her lips on my neck and trailed hot open mouth kisses down to my collar bone. After

catching our breath, I lifted her off of me, put my shirt back on and buttoned up, then buckled my belt. Bella stepped into

her panties and re-adjusted her dress, then put her shoes back on. She shrugged into the jacket and zipped it up, settled

in behind me and wrapped her arms around me. I started the bike and kicked up the stand, then headed back towards the

city lights.

No words were spoken until we reached the corner where her car was parked. Bella slid off the seat and started to take off

my jacket, but I reached out and touched her arm.

"No. Keep it."

She didn't say anything as she turned and walked toward her car. I kept my body turned so I could see behind me and

waited until she was safe in her car. Revving the engine I turned onto the street and took the feeder road to the interstate.

What the hell just happened? I took a chance coming to the club tonight, that I might see her, or Mike, or both. Shit. I felt

like a veil, opaque and heavy, had been placed over my mind. Regardless of what had happened, I still needed to talk to


Coming to the conclusion that tonight may have been a break in her defenses, I made up my mind to talk to her tomorrow

before her shift.

Fingers crossed that she would take me up on my offer. Then I'd deal with Newton.


Cadmium red, Hansa yellow, Phthalo blue, and Titanium white were the only colors I had adorned the canvas with. Wasn't

exactly sure what my intentions were when I retrieved the art supplies from the rear of the closet, dusty and worn from

neglect. So far, in approximately ten minutes time, the image I had painted seemed to represent something abstract and

geometric, turbulent and inconsistent. A reflection of the artist, perhaps? It had been years since I had worked free-

handed. My brush strokes appeared smooth and even, and the colors blended well. After last night with Edward, I was

restless and couldn't sleep. Instead of reaching for the whiskey bottle, I decided to manifest whatever was going on in my

head through my hands and not dull my senses and blur my internal vision.

Mike was probably sleeping. Fortunate for me. He was going to be pissed and homicidal that I skipped out last night, even

more so if he found out I was with Edward. I'm not sure what the hell was going on between them, not even sure that I

wanted to know. Both made me feel like a child, not having a clear sense of direction, over-protected and owned. Truth

hurts, especially when the realization manipulates your complete emotional being. Before Edward stepped back into my

life, I had felt somewhat in control, and now, damn him, I was a vortex of fucked-up, and the centrifugal force was so

strong that I felt like I was being held captive. And maybe I was. No. I definitely am.

Sighing, I finished the last of the shading and cleaned up the mess I had made. I wanted to get out of here before Mike

showed up. After showering and getting dressed, I went into the kitchen and opened a can of tuna for Oodles, then left. In

my mindless cruise around the neighboorhood, I found myself parked outside the tattoo shop. Jake was inside preparing

his work station for the day. It was my day off, but I needed something to do to keep busy. My equipment was due to be

cleaned and what better time to take care of it than now. Stepping out of the car, I looked around. Paranoia had taken

over, fearing Mike or one of his minions might be following me. Failing to recognize any faces or notice any vehicles that

stood out, I crossed the street and went into the shop. Jake was removing a new set of ink cups when I walked in, his back

turned to me and mumbling under his breath.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding very annoyed with my presence.

"Killing some time. My equipment needs cleaning and I---"

"If you would show up on time when you're scheduled to work, you would have already taken care of it." He snapped at

me, slamming a cup down onto the counter.

"Jake, I'm sorry. There's just been a lot going on lately and ---"

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"So I noticed. Your ' a lot going on lately' showed up last weekend. I'm glad that you are beginning to have a social life,

but you obviously haven't learned to weave it in with your responsibilities. I'm still pissed at you. Don't start fucking up

again, Bella. I won't tolerate it this time around."

I winced at Jake's reprimand and stared at him. Resenting his subliminal reference to the bad old days when I had first

started my apprenticeship. I had been drinking heavily and often and was frequently late and unreliable.

"I'm not fucking up. I'm just trying to figure some things out. It'll be over and done with soon. Don't worry about it." I

opened the utility cabinet and took out the sanitizer and brushes, then went to my station to set up. Jake was still

slamming things around, reminding me that he wasn't going to get over this anytime soon. At least not in the next ten

minutes. I heard him say something about one of his kids, and replied just to change the subject and remove the focus

from me.

"You're kids are great, Jake. Don't be so hard on them."

Jake turned around and gave me a searching look. "What is going on with you? Seriously. You are the last person that I

would expect to make a positive comment about a kid."

I stilled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Just because you have never heard me talk about children that it makes

me defective or something?"

"No. Damn. Don't get all defensive and shit. I only meant that you are hardly the maternal type, are you? No one is ever

going to see you changing diapers or wiping snot from a kids face."

Staring blankly at him, seeing nothing but fuzzy dots floating before my eyes, as though he had just punched me, I sucked

in a hurt breath. The pain in my stomach increased with the echo of his words in my head. The torrent of rage supported

the nausea that washed over me. Without saying another word, I gathered my gun, my portfolio with all my original

sketches, my shaving kit, my photos and cd's. Hands shaking the entire time. After collecting everything from my station, I

stormed over to the cubby holes near the break room and stuffed all my random shit in my bag and headed toward the

front door. Jake grabbed me by the arm as I passed him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I jerked away from, swallowed hard, then looked him straight in the eye. "What does it look like, Jake? You're a pretty

smart guy, figure it out."

Pausing when I reached the door, I turned to glare at him. "By the way, you are the last person I ever thought would give

me any shit." I opened the door and left. Jacob's continued rant filtered through the glass.

As I reached my car, I heard footsteps behind me. Feeling guilty, Jake had followed me out the door. I pretended that I

didn't notice him as I shoved my bag into the backseat. Just as I was about to slam the door, he caught it with his hand.

"Bella, whatever it was I said, I'm sorry." His apology sounded sincere, but it was too late, the damage had already been

done. Gripping the door handle, I slammed it shut, threw it in drive and left.

Not the maternal type. Thanks, Jake. That's all I heard in my head as I was driving home. Home. The only place I could

go. I went into the kitchen, and checked the rest of the house, but Oodles was nowhere to be found. Giving up, I sprawled

out diagonally across the bed and stared at the ceiling and mulled over the shitty blows that I had been handed in my

lifetime. I deserved a break, didn't I? Just one lucky roll of the dice?

My sulking episode was interrupted by a knock at the door. Maybe it was Jake coming to apologize? I should be the one

dishing out apologies. He had no way of knowing that his words had cut me so deep. Or worse, it could be Mike. Scared to

death it was Mike, I tiptoed to the hall and tried to make out the silhouette through the frosted glass. Too small to be Mike,

and too broad to be Jake. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody, but I answered it anyway. Definitely not either of

my previous guesses.

It was Edward with his broad shoulders filling my doorway. I tried to shut the door, but he blocked it with his foot. Rolling

my eyes, I turned and went into the living room and sat on the sofa. He had closed the door and was leaning against it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him checking out my apartment. I did a mental finger cross that he wouldn't bring

up last night. Edward sighed as he came over and sat at the opposite end of the sofa.

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"I've been looking for you all morning. I'm glad you didn't go to Bare." He sat back and propped his head on his fist and

tilted his head toward me.

"Yeah. I went to Jake's. I had to take care of some things." I rubbed my hands together nervously, then shoved them

between my knees.

"Really? Would quitting have been one of those things you had to take care of?"

Heat burned the back of my eyes. For a spilt second, I wondered how it would feel to lean on Edward's shoulder and just

let it all go, release all the hurt and the hate. His arms would be so strong and reassuring...


"Can I ask why?" He inched over closer to me. My pulse quickened as I unintentionally inhaled his aftershave.


"OK, then. Is there anything else I can do?"

He ran his hand gently down my forearm and rested it on my hand. I let him take it, keeping my fingers stiff and

unresponsive as he curled his fingers around mine.

"I don't think so."

Edward sat quiet for a minute, running his thumb over the back of my hand. "Bella, I want you to come and work for me."

I turned to look at him. A sure mistake on my part. He was sitting so close that I could see the golden flecks in his eyes.

Damn, how I loved him once upon a time. With every foolish beat of my teenage heart.

"Before you tell me to shove it up my ass, listen to me first." He tightened his grip around my hand. "We have a huge

competition coming up. My design team has around six weeks to customize a vintage Harley. "

I shrugged one shoulder. "And what does this have to do with me?" I said, pulling me hand free from his.

"I've seen your art, Bella. I visited Emmett last week."

Furious, I stood and stomped over to the window and crossed my arms over my chest. "You are un-fucking-believable,

Cullen. What part of stay-out-of-my-life don't you get?"

He came over to me and stood behind me. "I want you to detail the bike," he said, obviously ignoring my outburst. He

walked to the front door and opened it. Just when I thought he was going to leave, he stepped back in and brought with

him a large, black portfolio. Edward opened it and spread out a series of sketches and partials across the coffee table.

"It's a big competition, Bella. Sturgis. Something that has never been offered before. Plenty of bike builders and auto

design teams are going to enter. And they will hire the whomever they feel is the best in order to win. But, I want you. I

like your style and your edge. With you on the team, I think we may have an excellent chance at winning."

Refusing to believe anything that he had just said, I hung back, glancing at the artwork out of the corner of my eye.

"What? All this is suppose to intrigue me? I'm supposed to be drawn in by the challenge you just presented that I'll say


He smiled. "Yep. Something like that." Damn him. I was expecting an argument, but nothing as of yet looked promising.

"It's a great opportunity, Bella. I'm an excellent boss and the money isn't lacking. I think you would fit in well with my


He sounded so reasonable it infuriated me.

"I have already told you. I don't want your charity."

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"Dammit, Bella. Charity is if I wanted to just give you money. If that was the case, that is exactly what I would do. Charity

and opportunity are two very different subjects."

Despite myself, I glanced further at the drawings on the table, taking in the sweep of the curves and the clean lines of the


"I paint tattoos for crying out loud. What makes you think I can do this?"

"You're an artist, no matter how much you try and convince yourself that you're not. You're talented, Bella. Don't sell

yourself short."

"No." I said as I turned to look out the window.

"No, what? No, you're not talented or no it isn't going to workout?" He asked.

"It just isn't going to work."

He blew out an impatient breath and threw his arms out. "Let me guess. You have got something better to do, right?

Dance half naked in front of a bunch of horny men that want to violate you or grind your hips seductively on stage while

singing songs of about lust and sex to a worse crowd?

I stared at him. Silently cursing him and everything he stood for.

"Yeah. That's what I thought."

"Fuck you, Cullen! Don't you dare judge me or what I do with my life!" I closed my eyes to rein in the tears as they tried to

fall. Edward made a grunting sound as he gathered up the drawings and put them back into the portfolio.

"You call this a life? This is merely an existence. And a goddamn miserable one by the looks of it. But, you don't have to

worry about me interfering with your misery again. God forbid anyone, no matter who it is, try and help you."

"Maybe I don't want to be just friends." Oh shit. The words had escaped my mouth before I could stop them. I felt the heat

from embarrassment surface on my skin. Damn. Will I ever learn my lesson with this man?

Edward crossed the short distance between and hooked his fingers under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"Bella, I am not what you need right now. Trust me on that. But at least let me help you get your art noticed so you can

be yourself, and not a puppet for that asshole Mike. Take the job. Say yes. Please."

Eternity. That's how much time seemed to pass as we stood there looking into each others eyes. Both silently seeking

answers to the unspoken questions that had yet to be asked. I thought about how it felt to be with him, to be near him,

his voice. How he had completely turned my world upside down in a matter of just a week. God, and his hands running

along my back and the eagerness in his kiss. I couldn't stop reliving every second of what had happened between us and

the words that were said. Even the ones that weren't.

Finally, I nodded. "OK. I'll do it."

He smiled that heart stopping smile and put the portfolio down on the table.

"Perfect. Take a look at these more closely and see what you can come up with. I'll see you at tomorrow morning at nine.

The address is on front of the portfolio."

"Nine?" There goes my chance to sleep in. Most of the time I never arrived home before three in the morning.

"You heard me. And bring some of your own sketches and artwork with you. I need you to present them to the round

table." He stepped around the table and walked slowly over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, then caressed the

bruise on my cheek with the back of his hand. "By the way, I'm taking you to dinner tonight. Pick you up at seven."

"But, I can't. You know that....I..."

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"No buts. I'll take care of it."

Then he was gone. Stunned, I stood there staring at the portfolio and let out a frustrated sigh. No matter how many times

I have invoked the emotions carpenter to rebuild my defensive walls, Edward always managed to blast right through. My

thoughts first went to Mike and how the hell Edward was planning to get me out of working. I was already a moving target

where Mike was concerned. Fear tapped against my insides as I considered what Mike and his goons might do to him. But

then again, judging by Mike's face, Edward could take care of himself.

I shook my head and went to the closet to find something to wear. Dammitt all. Not only had I just agreed to work for

him, he was taking me to dinner, too.

I'm such a fool.

But that is nothing new.

I have always been a fool for Edward Cullen.


I left Bella's apartment feeling as if I had just climbed K2, managing to overcome the hindrances whose only purpose is to

force you to admit defeat. Her obstinacy was something that I was going to have to get used to. Not that I minded. At

least I would have peace-of-mind knowing that she wouldn't be with Mike, for the next few weeks anyway. Now my only

problem was Mike. Being that he was in the 'business', he wasn't going to let her go with ease. Holding my breath at the

stoplight, I took a left when the arrow flashed green and drove to Bare.

Making my way to the side stage, I had to stop and gather my thoughts. What the hell was I going to say? Never mind

that, Cullen. Wing it if you have to. The most important thing was that Bella had agreed to work for me, the rest would

just have to play out. I found myself standing in the doorway of a small office. Mike had his back to me, phone pressed to

his ear. I cleared my throat to get his attention. Mike did a double take, grinning smugly as he did so.

"Yeah, um, let me call you back," he chimed to the person on the other line and hung up.

"I see your looks have improved." I squinted my eyes as I smirked at him. Newton still had healthy shades of lavender and

olive green around his eye.

"Gotta lot of nerve coming here, Cullen. What the hell do you want?"

"I think we both know the answer to that question."

Mike nodded as he scoffed a laugh. "Bella? I don't think so. She's just bought herself trash duty. She didn't show up for

her appointment last night. Any ideas as to where she might have been, Cullen?" He sat back in his chair and crossed his


"No. And I know about your trade off with this Garbo creep. What the hell is wrong with you, Newton? You used to be a

pretty decent guy."

"Shit happens. Shit changes." Mike shrugged as he tilted his head in challenge. "Bella cost me a heavy amount of money

for skipping out last night. Stupid bitch must have a death wish." Mike shook his head and laughed as he said it. In less

than two strides, I had my hand wrapped around his throat.

"You son of a bitch! I have half a mind to put a knife right through the center of that cold heart of yours." My grip

tightened and my jaw clenched.

"Fuck, Cullen!" Newton wrapped his hands around my wrists and tugged intently as he was trying to take a breath.

Collecting myself, I let him go.

"How much does he pay you?" I asked, still just inches from his face.

"It's more than enough to keep me happy."

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"That's not what I asked you, you fucking prick. How much?"

Mike hesitated for a moment, then gave a slight nod as he understood the reason behind my question. "Thirty grand a


I lowered my head and blinked rapidly. "Are you serious?"

"Bella's far too beautiful to be giving that pussy away for free." Mike quirked his brow and a smile teased at the corner of

his mouth. Trying to control my temper and not call attention to the situation, I stood and paced the small room, running

my hands through my hair. "I told you, Cullen. If you want her, it's going to cost you."

Pressing my palms flat against the wall, it was way beyond difficult for me to come to terms with what I was about to do.

But I didn't feel like I had any other choice. The only way Bella would be safe from him, and the only way I was going to

be able to convince her that she could live a better life was to do the unthinkable. Pushing away from the wall, I reached

into the pocket inside my jacket and took out my checkbook. I hated myself more and more with each press of the pen.

Leaning my head into the crook of my arm, I closed my eyes and cursed myself all kinds of fucking wrong. I tore the check

out and handed it to him.

"Well shit. That'll buy you a few weeks, month max." Mike smiled triumphantly as he glanced at the numbers.

"Bullshit. That's enough to let her go, permanently. You have other girls. Let her go, Newton."

"Ha! If only it was that simple. Let's call this a deposit. Four weeks, Cullen, that's all you get. Then I want her back here

with a second check, double the amount of this one."

My mouth dropped at the lack of his sentiment. But then again, how was I any different than Mike or that Garbo bastard. I

had just, in so many words, bought Bella, claiming a spot at the feed trough with the rest of the pigs. The only thing that

worried me now was if she found out about it. Shit. As if the situation needed to become more complicated for her. Or for

any of us. Sick at my stomach and at a loss for words, I threw my hands up in feigned surrender.

"You are a worthless piece of shit, Newton."

Mike flashed a wide grin and thumped the edge of the check. "And you just became a member of the club."

Grinding my teeth, I quickly turned and left. He was right. I wasn't a piece of shit, I was worse. After closing the car door,

I gripped the handlebars tight and hung my head. The nausea slammed at me violently, making me dizzy with guilt.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I started the bike and drove off.



An hour later I pulled the Mustang into a parking space next to Jasper's Corvette at Red Rock Athletic Park. The sun

manifested itself high above the canyons to the east, and I sat there staring at the orange and red streaks piercing

through the clouds. Damn. I should be happy that I now had the opportunity to spend what little time there was with Bella

to steer her in a different direction. But I wasn't. I could only think of myself as the scum that I was trying to save her

from. A tap on my window snapped me out of my cumbersome daydream. I pushed the button and let the window down.

"Why aren't you dressed, E? You can't wear that." Jasper said, sipping steaming coffee from a cup.

I looked down at my shirt and laughed to myself. Kind of hard to climb in a starched button down and jeans. "You're right.

Wasn't thinking." Swinging my leg off the bike, I ignored Jasper's questioning gaze, reached into the open trunk of the

Vette and pulled out harness and ropes.

"Someone's a little cranky this morning. Tell me you didn't go out with her last night."

I suppressed a grin. "OK. I didn't. Happy now." I grabbed the backpack that had all of our climbing shoes and gloves and

tossed them to Tyler, who had just stepped out of his car.

"Guess what, Crowley. Cullen's got it bad for that stripper from the club." Jasper grinned.

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"You ass. Did you tell him?" I pushed past him and started toward the arena.

"He didn't have to. I figured it out." Tyler's eyes widened as he slapped me on the back.

"Both of you are losers, you know that. I have no idea why I put up with your shit." I said, shaking my head and silently

chastising myself for the present company I kept.

"I don't blame you, Cullen. She's a nice piece of ass." Tyler said. I jerked him up by his shirt and pulled him to me.

"Don't ever say that again, Crowley."

"Damn. One night of fucking and now you're pussy whipped?"

"Just because you can't get laid doesn't---"

Tyler broke my hold and shoved me. I stumbled back into my bike and pushed off again, and attempted to return the

favor. Jasper stepped in between us and caught my fist just before it reached Tyler's nose and pushed us apart. I

smoothed my hand over my shirt and raked the other through my hair.

"You kids want to fight, save it. This isn't the place." Jasper picked up his gear and cast a reprimanding glance between

Tyler and me. "Cullen, there are some spare shorts in the bag. I'll meet you guys on the west side."

"Fine." I nodded and picked up my gear. Turning to grab the other backpack from the trunk Tyler shook his head and put

his hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, E. We were just fucking around, you know. I had no idea---"

I cut him off with a wave of my hand and slipped the pack over my shoulder. "Forget it, Tyler. I'm just edgy. Let's go."



The rest of the morning and afternoon went by at a slow crawl. I buried myself in paper work and for once, I made an

appearance at the shop and bent a few metal pieces and hammered them into their appropriate form. Tyler still seemed

aggravated with me, and I didn't blame him. I had let my temper get the best of me, what with all that had transpired with

Mike, now I had dinner on my mind. Which, glancing at the clock on my desk, was less than two hours away. I had made

reservations at La Dolce Vita, remembering that Italian was Bella's favorite.

My sullen disposition lifted as I smiled. Tonight was about celebrating. It was about Bella and what I hoped to be a new

beginning for her. Finishing the last of the end-of-day business, I grabbed my jacket and left the office. Angela had made

all the other necessary arrangements for the evening, so there was nothing left to do but to go home and get ready.

After showering, I opened the closet and stood there and stared. Imagine that. I was having a wardrobe dilemma. Ten

minutes later, I removed the black Armani that I had only worn once, a white shirt and a solid black tie. Shoes. Damn. I

feel like a teenager on a a first date. Come to think of it, it was a first date. Tossing the thought aside, I chose the

wingtips. Perfect. The doorbell rang just as I slid my foot into my shoe. Peeking out the window, the limo was waiting. I

took a deep breath and went out the door. The driver had opened the door for me, so I slid into the seat and he shut the

door. Rubbing my palms together, I noticed they were sweating. Laughing to myself, I counted to ten, inhaled a few deep

breaths to settle my nervousness.

A lot of good that did. The butterflies in my stomach defeated my attempt as the driver pulled away from the curb. Jesus.

What the hell was wrong with me? It's not like I haven't taken a woman out to dinner in a limo to an expensive restaurant,

requested a very expensive bottle of wine be chilled, and made plans to go to the private beach afterward. Sitting back, I

ran my hand across my chin as I had a feeling that tonight may change everything.

And was that change going to be good or bad? And was I willing to accept it either way?



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"Dammitt! Where is that other shoe?!" I said to myself, throwing various heels, boots and the occasional mis-mathced sock

over my shoulder. Reaching the very back of the closet, I found the black, rhinestone and mesh heel that had abandoned

it's mate. I stood, more like stumbled as I tried to balance and fasten the buckle. I won the battle of the buckle, and went

to check myself in the mirror. I wore my hair up, chose the diamond earrings that didn't hang down too low. The black

cowel neck halter with the rhinestone clip at the cleavage scared me a littlle. Too much? Not enough?

Seeing the time reflected in the mirror, I turned to look over my shoulder. Fifteen minutes. One last glide of lip gloss and I

was done. A million thoughts wound their way through the labyrinth that was my brain. The most taxing one being Mike

and how the hell Edward was going to get me out of working tonight. Next on the list, the job. I had convinced myself that

I would only stay until the project was finished, then return to my life as it were. Mike wouldn't be happy about this. Maybe

I should figure out a way to keep it a secret from him. It would only be during the day, right? Third on the list, Edward.

How the hell was I going to survive being around him every day? I had spent the last nine years trying to forget him, and

now this? I began organizing the fourth thought when I heard a knock at the door. My chest hurt as I stopped breathing. I

shivered as the rush of air came into my lungs and walked the short distance from the bedroom to the door, my steps

indolent and timid. I closed my eyes and opened the door.

Breathtaking. Beautiful. Astonishing. Heart-stopping and magnificent. Damn. And every other adjective that fit in that

category. Edward smiled, revealing his sexy twin dimples and the sparkle in his eyes. The two of us stepped back.

Admiring each other as we searched for the right words. Embarrassed, I lowered my head, turned my left foot inward,

giving away my nervousness and apprehensive state. He reached for my hand and I accepted. His touch warm and

inviting, the magnetic affect luring me towards him.

"You look amazing." Edward's tone was low. The sexy rasp in his voice made my knees weak. My skin flushed hot as he

kissed the top of my hand with a soft brush of his lips, the tenderness made my mouth water. I swallowed as I tried to

look away from him, but failed as he pinned me with a provocative stare. Breaking the hold, I glanced over his shoulder

and noticed the limo. He followed my gaze and smiled, then draped my arm over his.

"Your chariot awaits, my lady."

Stunned and breathless, he led me to the open door of the limo and held my hand as I sat in the seat. A few seconds later,

Edward was sitting next to me. Closer than I had expected him to be, but I wasn't complaining as I caught the scent of his

after shave that had drifted throughout the space as the door was closed. He turned his head to me and smiled. I smiled

back. The silence betrayed the obvious. Both of us were scared to death. Two consenting adults fearing an evening out. I

sat up straight and squared my shoulders. I wasn't accustomed to limos and gorgeous men in sleek black suits escorting

me to dinner. Not to mention that he was such a gentlemen.

It's Edward, for crying out loud.

Exactly. That's what terrified me the most.




Look at her. My God, she's absolute perfection. Bella sat forward in the seat, fingers anxiously twirling the shiny brown

ringlet that had escaped its rhinestone captor. I had to turn away several times. My heart beat faster with every glance.

The glossy-shine on her lips, the way her dress hugged every curve, tight, but still allowed my imagination to wander. Her

high-heels accentuated her calves, sexy and strong. The natural blush on her cheeks was heavenly. She went with the

subtle approach, her make-up fresh and not overdone. Everything mixed together was the cocktail of death to a man. God

knows she stole my breath the second she opened that damn door.

"Where are we going?" She asked, her words soft and jittery as she spoke.

"It's a surprise."

She rolled her eyes. "We could have just went for pizza, ya know. You didn't have to do all of this."

"Of course I did. And I wanted to. You deserve it." I flashed her a big grin and ran my fingers down the length of her arm.

I felt her skin flutter as I repeated the motion, enjoying the way she melted with my touch. Aware of her uncertainty and

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not wanting to increase her uneasiness, I pulled away. The remaining ride was quiet. I chuckled to myself as I watched her

fidget and fuss with the remotes and buttons in the limo.

Arriving at the restaurant, I waited for the chauffeur to assist us in exiting the limo, then escorted her in. Her eyes

widened as she took in the decor and ambiance.

"Mr. Cullen. We are so happy to be of service to you. Your table is this way." We followed the Maitre 'd to the table, and

sat down. I settled in close to her, noticing her discomfort. "The sommelier will be with you in a moment."

I nodded my thanks and turned my attention to Bella. "What do you think? Better than pizza?"

"Yeah. Much." She lowered her head and smile. "You remembered."

"I did." I met her eyes as I spoke. She studied my face, as if she was dreaming. She sat back and I moved closer to her,

placing my arm across the back of the booth. I sighed internally as I saw her body relax. "Bella, I meant what I said. You

look absolutely amazing tonight. Classy, elegant, sophisticated. Sexy." She turned her head towards my hand as I traced

light circles on her shoulder.

"I'm about as sophisticated as Courtney Love."

I snickered at her comment. "I'm sure she says please and thank you. So you're covered."

She laughed. Loudly. The sound melodic and exquisite. It was the first time I had heard her laugh in nine years. I hoped

by the end of the night that it wouldn't be the only time she let go. My admirable daze was broken when I heard a

woman's voice.

"Your wine choice for this evening, Mr. Cullen? The usual, I presume?" The sommelier asked. I never needed the wine list

when I came here as I always ordered the same wine, when it was available.

"Yes. The Chateau Latour Paullic."

"Always an excellent choice, sir."

Bella raised her eyebrows. "Impressive."

"Not really. I've been here a few times, that's all. Most of the time I just go for pizza and beer." The grin I threw at her

welcomed the punch in the arm that she delivered as I made the joke.

We browsed the menu as the wine was being poured. I asked for it to be left at our table. The less we would be disturbed.

The more I could concentrate on her. She made a moaning sound as she sipped her wine.

"Oh man. That's unbelievable." She said as she savored the taste.

"Yep. The grand finale that's lingers on your taste buds favors caramel, chocolate, licorice, and a dash of dark cherry. It's

one of my favorites."

"I bet it's expensive." Bella took another sip.

"You have no idea."

She sighed and shook her head. Her expression frustrated and worried.

"What's wrong?"

Bella shrugged and moved away from me slightly. "How did you manage to get me out of work?"

Shit. I so wanted to avoid this conversation. Think Cullen.

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"Don't worry about that. Not tonight. You don't have to go back their for a while. Trust me, OK?"

"If you say so. But...."

"No buts. Just enjoy yourself."

"Fine." She opened the menu and glanced over it.

"Order whatever you want. Don't be shy."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Good, because it's been years since I've had eggplant. Yep. That's what I want. Eggplant with angel hair pasta, tomato

and basil."

I laughed. Mesmerized by the innocence that she possessed. Yet hurt that she had closed herself off to the rest of the

world, possibly because of me. Knowing ahead of time what I wanted, with a tilt of my head, the waiter came to our table.

"Eggplant with angel hair for the lady, and I'll have the Veal Saltimboca."

"Very well, Mr. Cullen."

I observed her as she ran her fingers delicately along the stem of the wine glass, pleased with the smile that was on her

face. She jumped when I placed my hand between her knees and rested it there. She turned to me, face flushed and skin

hot. I leaned over to kiss her, but was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking.

"Edward Cullen. Is this the reason you've been avoiding my phone calls?"


What are the fucking odds?




The tall blonde stood with her hand on her hip and one arm against the table. Her eyes focused on the lack of space

between the two of us as he inched closer to me. Darting her eyes back and forth, she chewed on the inside of her lip.

"Introductions, Cullen. Lost your formalities in the past week?" She chimed. More like scraped, but that wasn't the point.

Edward shifted and twisted his lips. "Rose, this is Bella Swan. Bella, meet Rose." He said her name with a hint of dislike.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Likewise." Rose quirked her eyebrow at me, then turned her attention to Edward.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as she straightened and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Dinner with the ladies that I'm organizing the Mayor's charity benefit with. I don't have to ask what you are doing here."

"No you don't. And I wouldn't tell you anyway."

"Fine. We'll talk later."

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She spun on her heels and stormed over to her table. I craned my neck so I could see around the fat guy across from us.

At her table sat a red-haired woman, tall and lean, and a second, shorter woman with black hair and beady eyes. Rose

talked with her hands as she looked over at me. They talked some more, looked at me. More talking, looked at me some

more. Taking a deep breath, I felt Edward's hand on my shoulder, pulling me back toward him.

"Sorry about that. Rose is....wound kind of tight. She's not that bad, honestly."

"Right. She has the approachability of a cobra."

Edward laughed. "You can say that again."

"Are you know?"

He cleared his throat. "No. We're just friends."

"I see."

Dinner was served and we spent the rest of the time talking about old times, Emmett's kids. My art. Which I never thought

in a million years that I would feel comfortable talking about my art. He listened to me. Hung on every word. When we

were through, he excused himself and I was alone. And I hated it. Rose and her friends had left, thank goodness. At least

that didn't turn into a mess. I could have done it. I felt a llittle...jealous.



He took my hand and led me to the door, stopping as the Maitre 'd handed him a bag and a white box. The limo was

waiting for us out front, and we got in. Edward placed the items on the seat in front of us as he moved closer to me.

"Dinner was wonderful. Thanks. I had a great time."

He smiled and put his arm around me. "Night isn't over yet."

"There's more?"

He laughed and didn't answer me. I shivered when he turned to me and reached around and removed the clip in my hair.

He brought it forward, his knuckles bruhsing across my skin.

"I like it down."

My breath caught as the look in his eyes changed. The car stopped and I was torn from his gaze.

"Where are we?"

"Come on. You'll see."

Picking up the box and the bag, he helped me out of the limo. The salty ocean breeze filled my nostrils and the moonlight

danced off the waves. The beach.

God help me.

He held my hand as we took the path down to the water's edge. I stopped and he turned to me, then placed the box and

bag on the sand.


"Shhhh." He placed a finger against my mouth. Kneeling at my feet, he lifted my foot and took of my shoe. Then

proceeded with the other.

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He stepped closer and brushed his lips against mine as he cupped my face in his hands. "Let me make it go away. Just for


I gasped as his words fell over me like a vapor, warm and heavy, intoxicating.

He kissed me slowly at first. Pulling away between kisses to smile and view my expression. A few seconds later, I felt the

tickle of fabric as he untied my halter and let it fall down to my waist. Never abandoning the kiss, he shoved it down slowly

to my feet and I stepped out of it. I was in Edward's arms--breathing became something of the past, something we were

both so incapable of. His tie was crooked as he attempted to untie it. Suceeding, he pulled away long enough to remove

his tie, then his jacket, his shirt. Eyes closed and lips pressed, I heard a long zip and knew instinctively that he was

removing his pants.

"Bella, I have never stopped wanting you. I want you know and I will settle for nothing less."

I stopped hearing after that as we both slowly found our way to the sand. Edward won me long before he spoke. I let

myself go, fully succumbing to his wants. Here I was in the arms of the man that I had given my heart to nine years ago.

The tide washed over our feet as we shifted our bodies higher on the sand. He broke the kiss and removed the take out

box from the bag. I watched him as he dipped his finger into the heavenly scented contents.

"What is that?"

He swiped his finger across my abdomen, then massaged the rest onto my nipples. "This," he licked the sticky sweetness

from my belly, "is tiramisu." He raised his body over mine and sucked on my nipples, humming as he did so. "And I think it

just became my favorite dessert."

I arched my back. My body on fire. The look in his eyes was wild, passionate. He kissed me hard. His mouth tasted of wine

and chocolate, espresso and whipped cream. He raised his arm above my head, then pulled it back down. I felt something

cool and bubbly trickle down my breasts, trailing down, pooling in my navel. Edward looked at me and smiled.

"And this..." He leanded down and licked the top of my breasts. "is Dom Perignon." Lowering his head, tracing the line of

champagne that shimmered in the moon's glow with his tongue, pausing as he drank from my navel. I ran my hands

through his hair as he returned his face to mine. "And I think you just made a bottle of expensive champagne priceless."

He kissed me again, slow and soft, pulling back to look at me. His expression focused and patient as he teased at my

nipples, his hands roaming up and down my body.

"Edward....what about..."

"Nothing else matters right now, Bella," he said, one hand lifted my leg and he placed it over his hip, returned his hand,

splaying it across my ass, deepening his penetration as he entered me. The other hand knotted in my hair as he clung to

me, his movement slow and rhythmic. "Nothing but this matters," he ground out, tipping my head back as he kissed me

deeply. Edward pulled back, looked at me, then lowered his head. "Nothing but here." He dragged open-mouthed, biting

kisses across my jaw, then down across my collar bone, never straying from his rhythm. "Nothing but this moment.

Nothing..." he whispered against my lips. "but us." He moved inside me, erotic and savagely, kissing me and caressing me.

Nothing but the sound of the ocean and our breathing. He pressed his forehead to mine and cupped my face with one hand

as we both reached the peak of our climaxes. He rested inside me for a short while, allowing us to catch our breaths.

Without a word, he helped me dress, and held my hand as we walked back to the limo.

Nothing was said on the way home. I laid my head against him. Confused and elated. The battle inside me was scarring.

He helped me out of the car and walked me to the door. He took my face in his hands and presssed two lingering kisses on

my forehead.

"I'll see you in the morning."


He caressed my cheek, then I watched him walk away. I went inside and leaned against the door. The events of the

evening a whirlwind in my head. In the heat of the night, on the beach, without a single word, I felt everything change

between us. Until that moment, I only thought I loved him. But now...

I let the tears flow as I realized that I couldn't let it happen. Only to have him leave me again. Squeezing my eyes, I slid

down the door and curled up onto the floor.

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The sobs stealing my breath as I cried myself to sleep.


Silver light from the full moon filtered through the skylight above me, keeping me awake. Or was it the millions of

questions that played tag inside my head? Didn't matter. The end result was always the same. The evening was so damn

intense. When I planned everything, it wasn't supposed to end that way, but hell. Maybe I just got caught up in the

moment. Nice try. Something changed. In me. In her. Whatever it was, it took complete control over me, scaring me


Lying here in the middle of the bed, her scent still on my skin, the moment at the beach replaying over and over in my

head. It was a mistake. I knew that. And I should have kept myself in check, but the need to feel her around me, touch

her, be inside her overwhelmed me. Running my hands over my face several times, I jumped off the bed and went into the

kitchen, stole some cookies from the pantry and poured a glass of milk. A smile crawled across my face, when a memory

came back to me. Emmett, Bella and I would always raid the pantry and the fridge late at night when their parents were

asleep. Snacks were only allowed twice a day, and dinner was always served early. By eight or nine at night, we were

starving, waited until the parents were in bed, and snack bandits we became. Looking at the clock, it was two in the

morning. I shoved the last cookie in my mouth and wondered what Bella was doing right now.

Knowing I wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon, I went into the laundry room and decided to do a couple of loads. Fishing

through the pockets of my jeans before I put them in the washer, I pulled out the wrist cuff that Alice had given me. I had

forgot all about it. I gripped it tight and finsihed tossing everything in and went into the living room and sat on the couch.

The cuff needed to be cleaned. It was obvious that she had worn it alot, being that the edges were frayed and the dark

stains on the backside. The thought weighed heavy on my heart as I turned it over and twisted it through my fingers.

Damn. If I had only known then, what I know now....

My cell phone beeped letting me know I had received a text message. I grabbed it off the edge of the coffee table, flipped

it open. Fuck. It was Rose wanting to have dinner tomorrow. I ignored it. I was still pissed at her for her attitude at the

restaurant. That was another issue I didn't even want to deal with at the moment, but I knew I would have to make nice

with her before I asked her to take a look at Bella's art. I sat up when I heard the washer finish the last cycle and threw

the jeans in the dryer. Yawning, I went and sprawled out on the bed, wrist cuff still in my hand.

Tomorrow was going to be awkward. Bella's first day at Cullen Customs. The thought made me smile as I closed my eyes

and fell asleep.



"Did you get my sand dirty, Cullen?" Jasper asked as he shut the door to my office.

"Maybe. Maybe not. You're just pissed because I got there before you did." I grinned at him.

"No I'm not. OK, maybe a little. You could have at least asked me first."

"I did. Angela made the arrangements." I sat down at my desk and starting thumbing through some folders.

"No. She left a message telling me that you were going to use my private beach. Asking and telling are two different

things." He sighed as he sat in the leather chair in front of my desk.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. I looked at the clock and my heart skipped a beat. Five minutes

to nine. She was early. Jasper pointed to the door and I nodded for him to answer it. I felt like a damn teenager again

when Bella walked through the door, Alice trailing behind her, earning a quadruple take from Jasper. I smiled and shook

my head. The man hardly ever gave a woman a third glance, much less a fourth. He puckered his lips as his eyes followed

the sway of her ass, then licked his lips when she leaned her hip against the chair that Bella had sat in.

Bella was dressed accordingly. The top part of her hair was pulled away from her face, her make-up soft. A white silk-

blouse with french-cuffs tucked into a tight, black, knee-length pencil skirt and a pair of close-toed pumps that echoed the

fifties era. She had it down. Beautiful and business like. It made me smile that she was taking it seriously. She placed her

portfolio beside her and leaned it against the side of the chair.

"Morning. Bella Swan, this is Jasper, President of Marketing." I gestured toward him and he extended his hand.

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"Nice to meet you, Miss Swan."

Bella smiled nervously as she shook his hand. "Same here."

"And who might this delightful piece of southern heaven be?" Jasper asked, thick layering his natural Georgia accent as he

walked over and picked up Alice's hand, then kissed the back of it, making her blush.

"Alice, M...Miss Swan's assistant. And how did you know I was from the south?" Her wide smile mirrored Jasper's.

"It's in the way you walk, sugar. Where from, darlin'?" he asked, feathering his finger against the palm of her hand.

Bastard still wouldn't let go.

"Texas, but raised in Savannah." She replied.

"My my, don't we have a lot to discuss. Can I buy you breakfast? A car? A house? New wardrobe? Wedding ring perhaps?"

He drew out the last part as he whispered against her hand.

"Uh...breakfast first. We'll see about the rest." Alice looked at Bella for approval. Bella suppressed a smile and nodded her

head, giving Alice the OK.

Oh shit. Alice was in trouble. When Jasper brought on the southern gentlemen, he was dangerous. Part of me wanted to

warn her, or tell him about her. But I knew Alice would have no trouble taking care of herself. At least they had something

in common. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh as they left the office.

Bella avoided my eyes as she picked up her portfolio and started to open it. I stood and rounded my desk, sitting on the

edge in front of her.

"Wow. He's a charmer." She said.

"Don't let him hear you say that. His ego doesn't need to get any larger than it already is. Who's your friend?" I hated

pretending that I had never met Alice, but it would only piss Bella off more if she knew the truth. Later. I'd tell her later.

"My, uh, assistant. Like she said."

"Leave the portfolio." I leaned over and pushed the button on the intercom.

"Yes, Mr. Cullen?" Angela greeted.

"Set up the conference room and round up the boys. Except Jasper, he's busy at the moment. I'll fill him in later."

"Yes, sir."

I turned my attention back to Bella. She was fussing with her hair and her knee was bouncing up and down.

"Nervous?" I smiled at her as I brushed her hair back from her shoulder.

"A little."

"Don't be. I'll be right beside you. They're a wild bunch, but I'll leash them if they get to rough." I winked at her and she

smiled as I saw her shoulders relax. Something in her eyes told me she wanted to talk about last night, but I didn't feel it

was the right time or the place. I placed my hand on her shoulder and slid off the edge of the desk. "Come on."

The conference room was two doors down from my office. Bella walked behind me, her breathing heavy with anxiety. I

opened the door to the conference room and smiled at the hush that immediately fell upon the room. All eyes turned

toward her as she paused in the doorway. I didn't blame them. As she walked toward the end of the table, I acknowledged

that it was going to be hard to work with her and keep my hands to my damn self, watching her ass as she walked. I

immediately thought about last night and how that should have been the best time for me to keep my hands to myself.

There had been very few times in my adult life when I had wanted a woman a woman and couldn't have her, and there

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had never been a woman that compelled me as much as Bella. She still deserved better. Always has. Always will. I

mentally kicked myself in the ass for last night as I stepped, shut the door, and followed her to the head of the table.

Standing behind her, I leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Relax."

She sighed. I looked up and met Tyler's gaze, flashed him a wide grin and winked. He had his lips pursed, clicking his pen

rapidly as he gave me his 'fuck you' smirk.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Bella Swan, our art director for the Sturgis Competition."

They all smiled and nodded, greeted her with hellos. Matthew, one of my metal guys eyed her up and down like she was a

buffet and he was starving. I gave him a look as I stepped closer to Bella. Tiny and Mo whispered to each other as they

exchanged glances at her. Damn perverts. Every man sitting at that table transformed from articulate, intelligent human

beings into monosyllabic shit heads the second Bella walked into the room. I had never seen a better mass of drooling

idiots in my life.

It wasn't just the way her skirt hugged her ass, or the length of her perfectly toned legs, or the smooth, full thrust of her

breasts underneath the silk. Although all those things assisted with the drooling, Bella was just sexy. Period. She oozed

sensuality that had a man imagining her naked almost before he registered the clear gaze of her big brown eyes, or the

knowing sarcastic tilt to her mouth.

Matthew and Luke began their presentation of the competition and tossed her a few of their ideas. I stood with my arms

crossed as I watched her listen intently to every word they said. She snapped and held her own as they challenged her.

Bella was a handful and full of attitude. Not that I expected any different. And shit, she was hot as hell and fantastic in

bed. Not that any of my guys would ever find out. Not if they wanted to keep eating with their own teeth. After twenty

minutes or so, I dismissed them. Bella looked at me and smiled, then followed me out the door.

"They seem like a fun bunch." She said as I led her to my office.

I grunted in protest, knowing differently.

We both sat, and I gestured toward the portfolio. "Can I take a look?"

"Yeah." Bella sat on the edge of her chair, eyes concerned as she watched my flip through the pages. Most of it filled with

her tattoo art. Damn. Every page was spectacular, real works of art that made me doubt the lack of uniformity in my own


"Excellent stuff in here, Bella. No wonder Jake was upset that you walked out on him."

Her expression turned into a frown. "I need to apologize to him. I was having a shitty day and he didn't deserve that."

"I'm sure he would accept it."

My posture straightened when I turned to the back of the portfolio and saw the airbrush art. Bella twirled her hair, a frown

on her face as she watched me.

"I'm not formally trained as an artist, so they aren't works of art, per say." She stood and wrung her hands together as

she paced the area in front of my desk. "All amateur work, so if you are in a panic right now, go ahead and tell me you

hate them. I can take it."

I looked up at her, then closed the portfolio. "Bella, babe, these are amazing." Fuck. I called her babe. She stopped her

pacing for a second, then continued as she chose not to acknowledge my slip. "If we can adapt your style to three-

dimensional, I think we've got it in the bag."

A surprised smile flickered across her lips for a second, before she caught control of it.


"Really. God, how can you not know how good you are?"

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She strode back to the chair, sat down and crossed her legs.

"Well, they're alright, I suppose. But I couldn't expect someone like you to appreciate them."

God forbid anyone see Bella Swan vulnerable, uncertain or needy.

"You're full of shit, Swan. You know that?"

She slowly shrugged a shoulder, then allowed a smile to tease at her lips. I smiled back at her.

"I want to show this stuff to Matt and Luke."

"You're the boss."

I pressed the intercom and asked Angela to send Matt and Luke to my office. The nervousness was back in her eyes, but I

knew the guys would love her work, their reaction settling her self-doubt. They weren't the kind of guys that blew smoke

up someones ass for no reason. Even if that ass was the hottest thing on the planet.

Matt and Luke entered the office and we all sat around looking through Bella's portfolio and compared them with the

designs that they had already come up with for the competition.

"Damn. She's good. Really good." Matt said as he studied the artwork.

I gave him a hard look. "Why do you think she's here, dumb ass?"

Matt shrugged. I knew exactly what that filthy barracuda was thinking. I turned to watch Bella as she was taking it all in.

"What do you say you come down to the art room and draw some ideas for us?" Luke asked her.

"Sure. It would help me if I knew what your inspiration was, like I need to see the bike style and that sort of thing."

Matt turned to her and went into a description of the vintage Harley. They discussed lines and focal points. He discussed

how he would like to adapt the classical elements of the bike with a modern background to achieve something different.

"So vintage meets today. Old school meshes with new school." She tapped a finger against her chin, then sat down and

took a pen and paper from my desk. I shifted in my seat when she slipped the pen in between her lips, and unknowingly

moved it back and forth. Shit. I remembered her sucking in my tongue like that. And my bottom lip...I remembered the

heat of her body against mine, the low noise she made against my mouth when she came. Aware that my pants suddenly

felt two sizes too small, I shifted again.

"We still have the tank from that wrecked Harley in the shop?" I asked Luke.

"Yeah. I believe we do."

"Good. Let's let Bella have a go at it. She what she can come up with." I turned to her as she flinched. "That's why you're

here. Experiment with the equipment. Get comfortable. I have arranged for you corner office in the art department. All the

supplies you need are provided for you."

"OK. Thanks. I think." She smiled and nodded.

Matt and Luke gathered their designs and Bella followed behind Matt. Luke hung back and stood beside me. I watched

them walk down the hall, laughing and talking. Matt inching closer to her. Bella was comfortable around men, that was a


"Fucking A, she's gorgeous." Luke said, giving a low whistle.

"Don't even fucking think about it."

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"Hey. I'm not a goddamn moron. I know better than to make a move on the boss's lady."

I frowned and turned to face him, head on. "She's not my lady. She 's a friend. A family friend."

"Ha. Sure she is."

"Goddamn it, Luke. Is it too much to ask for you fucktard's to keep your minds out of the gutter for five fucking seconds?"

Luke laughed. "Oh, shit."

"What?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Nothing, man. Nothing at all." Luke was still grinning when he went to catch up to Matt and Bella. I slammed the door to

my office and paced for a few minutes before I admitted to myself that I wanted to follow Matt and Bella to the art room. I

ran my hand through my hair and looked at the clock on my desk. Barely eleven o'clock. I still had a whole damn day of

watching my pretty much all male staff interact with Bella.


I left the office and went down to the art room. Matt had just walked away from where Bella was setting up. Taking a deep

breath, I walked over and peeked over her shoulder.

"Better now?"

"Yeah. Matt's a real nice guy. Funny, too." She said.

"Yeah. He's a comedian."

I went around the worktable and helped her set up her supplies.

"Matt said he would show me around. Give me a tour later. Help me with anything I needed."

I bet he did.

"Should I worry about Alice?" She asked as she took out the sketching pencils and ruler.

"Nah. She'll have Jasper wrapped around her pinky before the day's over. I'll take us all out to lunch later."

"Sounds good."

"I'll see ya then." I remained standing in front of the table, staring at her. She flipped open the sketch pad and looked up

at me.


My gaze traveled over her face, taking in her smooth skin, full bottom lip, the small, puzzled frown between her eyebrows.

"Yeah. me at my office around one."

"OK." She smiled.

Calling myself a thousand different kinds of stupid, I went back to my office.


How the hell was I going to survive this and not make a complete ass of myself?

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"Thanks for taking me to lunch." Bella said, both of us stepping out of the elevator.

"You're welcome. Why did you bring Alice?"

"I don't know. Support maybe. Somebody to stop me if I decided to run." Bella looked up at me and smiled.

"Good decision. Glad you didn't run. I kinda like having you around."

"Alice has got it bad. Jasper put a spell on her this morning. I have never seen her so speechless."

I laughed. "I think it's a two-way street. I've never seen him pay that much attention to a woman....ever. I'd only worry if

she starts talking about peanut butter, bananas and honey."

Bella winced. "What do you mean?"

"That's Jasper's um....Elvis impersonation...only he doesn't sing."

" mean..."

"Exactly." Bella rolled her eyes and I rocked on my heels and shoved my hands in my back pocket, again the safest place

for them. I wanted to pull her to me and kiss her right there in the damn hallway.

"I guess I better get back to work. See you later?"

"Of course."

I watched her walk down the hall and turn the corner. Just as I was stepping into my office, Jasper walked out of the


"Damn. Today has been the best day of my life." Jasper's smile spoke volumes.

"Shit, J. You sound like a Lifetime movie. You like her, don't you?" I sat down in my chair and folded my hands in my lap.

"Yeah. Alice is...different. I could have spent the rest of the day with her, but she had to get ready for work."

I studied his face to see if he knew what Alice actually did for work. He didn't say anything as he sat down. Suddenly he

frowned, leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees.

"We have to get them out of there, E. That Mike dude is bad news."

Shit. "She told you, huh?"

"Yeah. I won't say anything to Bella. But fuck. There has to be a way." Jasper's tone held a high level of concern as he

spoke. I'm not sure what Alice had done to him, but I reminded myself to thank her later.

He was right. And I had been mulling over some ideas, but that would result involving more people. More risk. I ran my

hands through my hair a couple of times while I entertained the thought of pulling in Jasper and Tyler. Definitely Tyler.

What I was considering most likely was going to cost me a very heavy penny. Not that I cared. I didn't have any before I

started my business, knew how to survive without it. Decided, I pushed my chair back, stood and walked over to the


"What if I buy him out?" I said.

"What? Do you think that would work? That's a big damn risk you'd be taking."

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"Yeah, I know. I could do it under and assumed name, or keep it anonymous." I paced the small space in front of the

window as I considered the option. Mike no doubt would put up a fight, negotiating and bullshitting to get his way. All my

thoughts came to a stop when the door flew open.

"Don't you ever knock?" I asked as Rose swayed her way over to my desk. Jasper's eyes widened and he let out a

damning whistle.

"I just remembered that I have shit to do. Later." Jasper brushed passed Rose and shut the door behind him.

Rose fancied herself the occasional, unannounced entry, but today was not the day she needed to waltz in here and start

her shit. She pulled up her skirt an inch, careful not to snag her D&G on the corner as she sat on the edge of my desk.

"Who is she?"

"I don't owe you an explanation, Ro. If I remember right, you and I are not, and have never been exclusive."

She sighed heavily and crossed her arms, defiant and questioning. "You could have at least mentioned her."

Glaring at her, I went to stand in front of her, looked her directly in the eye. "Cut the act, Ro. I know for a fact you've

fucked at least half of my staff. Even my best friend."

Her mouth gaped open. "How did you...?"

"About Jasper? Come on. He doesn't spend eighteen-hundred dollars on shoes unless he's getting something in return. By

the way, you could have at least mentioned it."

She pressed her lips together tightly as I threw her own words back at her. "What's the story with her? Don't say she's just

a friend, Edward. You don't take female friends to Dolce."

"She is a friend. I took her out to celebrate. I hired her to help with a project." Rose squinted her eyes and tilted her head

towards me as I went over to pour me a cup of coffee. "There's more?"

Turning to face her, I leaned against the table and peered over my cup as I took a sip. "Yeah. She's an artist. I thought

maybe you could take a look at some of her work, maybe get her into the gallery."

"You're serious? I'd have to discuss it with Gina first. What if I like her work? What are the terms?" She asked as she came

over to me, and took a challenging stance.

"I have no doubt you'll love it, Ro. Give her an opening. Showcase it. See what happens."

Rose turned her head to the side, puckered her lips. "And if I don't?"

Setting down my coffee cup, I scoffed a laugh, then went over to my jacket and reached into the pocket. "If you don't," I

pulled out my keys and dangled them in front of her. "you can have the Mustang. "

"Bull. Shit. You cannot be that confident." Her eyes lit up as she stormed over and took the keys from my hand.

"I am. Just let me set things up, and I'll call you."

She toggled the keys back and forth between hands, then looked up at me. "Deal."

"Thought so." Rose handed me the keys and turned to open the door. "One other thing. You have to apologize to her, face

to face, for last night."

"I get it, Edward. Fine."

As soon as she left, I went straight to the art room. I didn't want to tell Bella yet, knowing how she felt. Matt had been on

my case about going over a design problem for a custom bike, so I decided now would be as good a time as any. At least I

could be in the same room with her. As I entered the door, I noticed several of the guys hanging around her table. She

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was smiling and laughing. It was driving me fucking crazy as I walked over to Matt and started discussing the project.

Bella's laughter echoed through the room, distracting me. Not being able to handle it anymore, I finished up with Matt and

stormed out of the art room and back to my office. I was on the phone with a client, when I saw Bella, Matt and Luke pass

by on their way to the elevator. Matt had his hand on the small of her back. Quickly, I ended the call and swung the door


"Bella. Can I see you for a moment?" I jerked my head in the direction of my office and waited until she stood in front of

my desk before I spoke.

"This is a place of business. I didn't hire you to pal around with my staff."

She placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"You heard me. I can't have you sashaying your ass around here distracting my guys."

Bella stared at me for a moment, then tilted her chin up at me. "Finished?"


I expected more fight, more lip, but she didn't budge. She turned on her heels and opened the door, gently shutting it

behind her. I pinched the bridge of my nose, inhaled deeply. I'm such a bastard. Catching up with her, I grabbed her by

the arm and pulled her into the corridor that led to the financial wing. She jerked her arm away from me.

"We need to talk." I said.

"No we don't. Why the hell are you on my case about your guys? Wouldn't matter what I was wearing, or what I looked

like. They'd be staring at my ass regardless. I'm the only female in the damn place besides your secretary. It's to be


I moved in closer and held her gaze. "Bullshit. No man can look at you and not want to get you naked."

Bella tilted her head and studied my face. After a long moment, a slow, cynical smile curled her lips. "I get it. You can

touch me. Whisper beautiful words in my ear and not mean a damn one of them, but no one else can touch me? Funny, I

should be used to that."

Shit. Her words sliced through me, sharp and straight to the heart. I lowered my head, closed my eyes, then looked up at

her. "This isn't about what I want or don't want. Of course I want you, and last night, damn...last night was intense

and...." I swallowed, finding it hard to put the emotions into words. "It's just a bad idea."

She stared at me hard. Despite her tough-as-nails attitude, I could see her vulnerability and uncertainty, not to mention

my own.

"Why, Eddie? Why is it a bad idea? Please tell me?"

There was a raw not in her voice, a neediness that unraveled me from the inside out. Tearing away from those beautiful,

red rimmed brown eyes, I collected myself. Fuck it. Something has to give.

"Because I love you, Bella. And...and I'm afraid once I start getting in deeper I won't be able to stop." She pulled my face

to hers and brushed her lips against mine.

"Maybe I don't want you to stop. Ever think about that, Eddie?"

My drifted back and forth from her mouth, to her eyes. She knew there was more. That I was holding back. "I think about

it every minute of every damn day."

I felt her smile against my lips, an indication that I had said what she needed to hear.

"Let's go. OK?"

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I pressed my forehead to hers as she closed her eyes and nodded. We walked back to my office, I grabbed my jacket and

keys. Bella pressed her palm against mine and I gripped it tight, curling my fingers around hers. As of that moment, I

didn't give a shit who saw us or what anybody said. There wasn't any doubt that I wanted to be with her, wanted more.

Much more.

I just hoped she would open up to me and let me in.

Exiting the elevator to the garage, I opened the bay door that housed the vintage chopper that I had originally bought and

rebuilt. It was still primed, no paint. The handlebars had just been resurfaced and polished. I threw my leg over the seat

and turned to Bella. She was looking down at her skirt. Our eyes met, both thinking the same thing. She bent down and

ripped both sides at the seams, freeing her to slide onto the seat behind me. She wrapped her arms around me tight and

we pulled out of the garage.

I had no idea where we were going.

And I so didn't care.


I leaned over the handlebars and let the wind flow over us. Bella kept her body pressed against me as I let the bike choose

our destination. It wasn't until I saw a tall, green line of cypress pines ahead that I realized were my subconscious had led

me. Turning the bike into the sedately curved driveway of Forks Memorial Gardens Cemetery, I throttled back, parked in a

designated spot. I moved up and slid off the seat, then helped Bella down. We held hands as we walked across the lawn to

the site where my mother was buried.

Silence remained as we approached the small bronze plaque that marked her resting place. The grass was neatly trimmed,

but a few leaves obscured her name. Bella released my hand as I knelt down and brushed them away so her name was

visible. Elizabeth Masen Cullen. Dead at the too-damn early age of thirty-five.

Mother led a hard life. Not a lot of money when she was growing up, then she'd fallen pregnant to Carlisle Cullen, her high-

school boyfriend, when she was sixteen. They had married, but she'd had a miscarriage. A year later, I was born. By that

time, Carlisle had developed into a full time drinker. His temper was volatile and blended with alcohol, it wasn't long until

he took out his frustrations out on mom and me. By the time I was eight, I had suffered a broken arm, a perforated

eardrum and two separate cases of broken ribs. Mother had fared far worse. A broken jaw. A dislocated shoulder. She had

lost several teeth, so many blackened eyes that I lost count. And who knows what punishment dad dished out in the


I felt Bella's warmth as she knelt down beside me, turned her head slightly toward me. She ran her fingers lightly across

the back of my hand, then curved them, blanketing mine as she comforted me.

"You loved her very much." She whispered.

"Yes. She was all I had." I managed to speak, despite the burning and stinging in the back of my throat. The cool breeze

soothed me, even as I thought about the past. The times we had ran away, only to have dad hunt us down. We had left

too many clues, trusted the wrong people. I swallowed the lump of anger down, remembering the last time we had ran,

only taking what would fit into a duffel bag, going as far as we could on the small amount of money my mother had

managed to save. For the first couple of years, we moved every few months, just to feel safe. We ended up in Forks just

shortly before my fourteenth birthday. The three years that I had spent in Forks, Washington had been the best of my life.

Then mother had gotten sick.

Bella leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. Instinctively, I nuzzled against her, absorbing her warmth. I stared

at the plaque, pressed a kiss to my fingertips and extended my arm and transferred the wordless expression onto my

mother's name. We stood and walked back down the path, and got on the bike and pulled out of the driveway.

It had been good for me to come here. The need to remind myself what was at stake if anything were to go further

between Bella and I. I had to stare the ugly truth in the eye, make it part of me again.

Because I had never allowed myself to love a woman completely, telling myself that I would never be in a situation where I

had the opportunity top become my father's son. That's why I left that night, nine years ago. I loved Bella too damn much

to ever put her through that. Looking over my shoulder at her made me realize that I had to stop running. From the past,

not let it control me any longer. I was in love with her. Then just as much as I was now. I had to get her away from Mike

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and away from Los Angeles. And I knew she would hate me for it if she ever found out how I planned on doing it, but that

was a risk I was willing to take.

Steering through steep curves and deep valleys, I reflected on what my life had been like after I left Forks. Life was hard. I

was drinking all the time, fighting a lot, fucking a lot. Then one night, I got into a bar fight for no damn good reason other

than shits and giggles and I was drunk. Staring in the mirror the next morning, I saw my father staring back at me.

Chilling me to the bone. From then on , I had never gotten drunk, and had never hit a man out of anger.

Until Mike Newton.

And I had never let myself commit to a woman. Too much of my dad in me to risk trying to have a family of my own. Now

that I had come to terms with my feelings for Bella, the thought had crossed my mind a few times. Damn. This was so

fucking hard. I had promised my mother that I would break the cycle of violence and never have a family. But would she

be happy that I had found someone that I felt this strongly for, a woman that in so many ways could help me heal? So

many damn things to be said, but it never appeared to be the right time.

I was no closer to having any answers to the questions plaguing me as I pulled back into the garage. We got off the bike

and Bella stood on her tiptoes to kiss me.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, babe. Just something I needed to do. I have some phone calls to make, and you have a bike to design." She smiled

and we held hands the entire elevator ride, then went out separate ways. Already I felt empty as I watch her round the


Immediately, I had Angela send Tyler to my office, requesting that he bring with him my financial portfolio. On the drive

back, I had made the decision to take a risk and by the club. Cautionary measures were in order, meaning I had to lay low

and, the fewer people that knew, the better off all of us were.

Sitting down at my desk, I heard a knock on the door. Tyler pranced into the room, frowning, looking like a little boy that

had been left out of playing in the sand box.

"What's this about, E? You never ask to see your statements." Tyler sat back in the chair and opened his briefcase.

"What's my net worth?" I asked, pressing my fingertips together and raising them to my mouth. Tyler's eyes widened, his

mouth gaped open as he fumbled through some papers.

"Close to fifty million."

"Damn, I need to check on that shit more often. Does that include all my investments and real estate that I own, company

and individual?"


I sat there for a moment and considered how much I was willing to let go of. I'd give my whole fortune if it meant shutting

Mike down.

"What's this about, E? Come on, don't leave me in the dark?"

"I'm thinking about buying some property." I grabbed a pen and scribbled down the address. Tyler shook his head as he

read it.

"You're serious? That's going to cost you heavy."

"Serious as a fucking heart attack. Not only that building, I want estimates on all the property within a five block radius of

the club. I'm not giving that son of a bitch a chance to get anywhere near that neighborhood again. There's several

condemned apartment buildings and some abandon parks near the elementary school on Shire St. Let's clean that bastard

out, get rid of the trash and build up the community."

"I won't ask, but this is something you need to do, isn't it?"

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"Yes, I do."

Tyler tucked the address away in the pocket of his suit jacket, and stood. "I'll call the Leah down at the county property

tax office and find out how much it's worth. After that, I'll go to the bank and set up an assumed account and have them

draw up an anonymous property bid. I'll call you." Tyler turned around as he reached the door, a puzzled look upon his

face. "Is she worth it, man?"

I gave a slight nod and leaned forward. "Every damn dime."



I walked into the art room and saw Bella at the drawing table, deep in thought. She was frowning and clicking her pencil.

Curious, I went and stood in front of her.

"What's up?"

She raised her head, her expression soften as she smiled. "Look at this." Reaching down under the desk, she pulled out

the Harley fuel tank and turned to a page in the sketch pad. "What do you think?"

Picking up the fuel tank, I studied it, the intricate image that she had created. A woman's face and upper body pushed out

from the front like a figurehead on a Viking ship, wings expanding from her shoulders and ran down the sides of the tank.

Toward the rear, flames licked like a blaze of glory behind her.

"Wow. Bella, that is amazing. Kinda like an old sailor's tatt. Old school."

"Exactly." She sat with her arms crossed, gazing at me, awaiting my verdict. "I love it."

"So you still want me to do it then?"

"Definitely. What did the guys think?"

"They liked it. Luke suggested a cherry red base coat, and flames on the front and rear wheel covers." She pointed to a

few spots on the tank.

"Perfect. Let's pick up some more of the orange and purple as well."

"Sounds good. I'll do more practice runs. I'm going to take it home and see what I can do with it."

Bella looked at the clock and collected the fuel tank and the sketch book and edged off the stool. Her tone of voice told me

that she wanted to talk about other things, and avoiding it made me look like the biggest pussy in the world.

Bella turned to leave and her expression changed. She looked hurt and confused. Disappointed.


I had said too much, or maybe not enough in my efforts to protect her. Be it from Mike or myself. Maybe I expressed my

feelings too soon. Fuck. Every time we touched it made things more confusing for the both of us. Should we? Shouldn't


I ran my hands through my hair as I saw her go out the door. Damn. I wanted to just hold her and kiss her and let tell her

everything. And my staff could go to hell for all I cared. After a few minutes, I left and took the elevator to the garage.

Finally, I caught up with her. Neither one of us spoke as we approached her car. She opened the door and set the items

down on the seat. I studied her profile, her legs, her ass. Those eyes, her beautiful mouth. My hands curled of their own

volition and I shoved them onto my back pockets to keep from touching her. She turned around and smiled indulgently.

"Thanks for offering me the job. I had a great time today." She said, her eyes traveled my face, then focused on my


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"Bella, just go already, please." I mumbled, regret hit me the moment I spoke.

"I'll be back tomorrow, Eddie."

"I know."

Her eyes met mine and she chewed on her bottom lip. "You going to let me go home early like this everyday?"

"Maybe. I don't know. Damn it."

She nodded and pulled out her keys, then turned to open the door. I placed my hand on the door to keep it from opening,

then wrapped the other around her waist and pulled her back against my chest. Leaning forwards, I brushed her hair away

from the nape of her neck and kissed her soft skin. Damn she smelled good. Perfect.

I could feel her heart pounding against her chest, its rhythm matching mine.

"Come home with me, Bella. Stay with me."

I felt her breath leave her in a rush.

She nodded.

"Let me get my jacket and keys. I'll be right back." I said, then ran across the garage. I realized some of the guys were

leaving for the day had been watching us. But I didn't care. I wanted Bella. I had felt like I had wanted her all my life. It

just felt right and god knows I would kill myself if anything happened to her.

Tonight I'd tell her everything.

A huge part of me hoped that she would unconditionally accept my explanation for leaving that night.

The other part of me hope that she would turn away from me.

Mentally I crossed my fingers that the better part of me won that battle, as I slid into my car and pulled out of the garage,

Bella following behind me.

It was now or never, or take a chance at losing her.

And that wasn't an option.


I found myself looking in the rear view mirror to see if she had decided to abandon ship, but she hadn't. Bella was a few

cars behind me, but still following. I can't explain what compelled me to invite her back to the house, hell, it wasn't just

that. I asked her to stay. And I didn't mean for a one-nighter. I wanted to curl up next to her, wrap my body around her

and never let her go...again. Flipping open my cell, I dialed Emmett's number and made arrangements for Rose to view

Bella's paintings, then called Rose to confirm. Now that that was handled, I turned my thoughts back to earlier in the day.

I told her I loved her, and dammit, I did. I took her to my mother's grave. Why? I don't know, maybe looking for approval?

Whatever it was, it had inspired me to ask her to stay with me.

Bella pulled in behind me as I parked in the driveway. She looked nervous as I watched her step out of the car in my side

view mirror. I was nervous too. Sliding from the seat, I closed the door as I took Bella's hand and walked her to the door.

Her hand was shaking and her pace was slow, almost as if she were having second thoughts. I felt her hesitate as I

unlocked the door and stepped inside. I tugged her hand gently, encouraging her to follow. No sooner did I shut the door

behind her, I slid my hand around the nape of her neck, slanted my mouth of hers, tilting it wildly in all directions, our

tongues engaged in an erotic tug-of-war, leaving us both breathless, mutually breaking the kiss to take a deep breath.

"Come on. We need to talk." I turned and led her to the bedroom. A long moment of silence passed as we stood in the

center of the room, both of us wondering what to say, where to start. To my surprise, Bella spoke first.

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"Why did you leave that night?"

I left her standing there, her expression bleak as I walked over to the window. Suddenly, the room seemed to narrow and

the air, humid. Swallowing hard, then taking a deep breath, I turned to face her.

"Because of my past before I met you. I didn't come from pedigree nor was I a blue-blood. I was the son of an alcoholic

and abusive father, mother and I always on the run. I left because I loved you too damn much to ever put you in harm's

way, of me becoming just like my father." Sympathetic and consolatory her touch was as she came and stood behind me,

her hand caressing the length of my arm. "I was used to moving around a lot, and after mother died, I knew I wouldn't be

sticking around long. I wouldn't be able to provide for you, give you the things you needed, stability, those sorts of things.

Bella, I was bad news, period, and I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I ever lost my temper with you and hurt

you. I still ,in some ways, feel you deserve better."

She came and stood in front of me, brought her hand to my face, stroked her thumb across my cheek. "You would have

never hurt me, I know you wouldn't have. God, and as far as the rest goes, the stability, money, and all the bells and

whistles. All that is of no consequence compared to what a man carries in his heart." The jerky movement of her chest and

her hesitance to look me in the eyes, told me she was on the verge of tears. I rested one hand on her waist, curled my

other hand around her chin and brought her face to mine.

"Please, don't look away. Say whatever it is you need to say. I'm not going anywhere."

A sigh escaped her lips as a single tear fell from her eye as she looked away briefly, then pinned me with a soulful stare.

"It was never about any of that. I loved you. You never judged me, never cared that I came from money...and---and you

pulled my damn ponytail every time you greeted me..." She paused as she sucked in a few deep breaths. "And it was the

way you smiled at me, laughed at my jokes, even the knock-knock ones, and---and your tender touch when you helped

me after I crashed my bike and skinned my knees. God, Edward, I could tell you things that I couldn't even tell my own

parents, or my friends. You were my best friend..." I waited as she sniffled.

"It was that you cared about me and never seemed to ask for anything in return." She blinked rapidly, forcing the

remaining tears. "I watched you leave from my bedroom window. You never even looked back, like you wanted to forget

that we ever existed...that I ever existed. Then I hated myself because I thought you found me repulsive and unworthy..."

My jaw tightened and anger poured itself into every sinew of muscle. I took her face in my hands, firmly. "Isabella Marie

Swan. Never did I feel that way. I wanted you so bad that night, but it was wrong for me to want you that way. Jesus,

Bella, we were so young and...dammit...I loved you then and I love you still."

"If you loved me, then why didn't you ever call or write, hell, even visit? You just...forgot abut us."

"Babe, I never forgot about you. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about your damn ponytail, or the

freckles on your cheeks, or that you always smacked your gum, or your stupid knock-knock jokes, or how much you pissed

me off playing that damn N'Sync Cd over and over again..." She giggled slightly and we both smiled. "I hated being away

from you and your were all I had left. And I didn't call or anything, because I went crazy for a while. I was

drinking heavily, getting fights, rode with a cycle gang. I wasn't exactly husband and family man material."

I felt her body tense as she pulled away from me. Her brow furrowed and she pursed her lips together, then she turned

her back to me.

"Bella, babe what is it?" Closing the distance between us, I placed my hands upon her shoulders. Turning back to me, her

mouth opened, but no words came out.

"It's nothing."

"Talk to me, Bella. Don't hold back, not now, please."




I tried to speak. Tried to force myself to tell him, but I didn't want to see his eyes fill with pity. Didn't want him to look at

me and see nothing but an empty vessel. Edward knew me before, before I became hollow, and for some reason that

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meant something. My reluctance caused him to frown. He was watching me, waiting for me to lay myself out in front of

him. The thought made the bile rise up into my throat.

"I can't."

His gaze remained steady.

"Yes you can. For Pete's sake, Bella, I was the first one you came to when you started your period. I think you can tell


I brushed passed him and strode towards the door, but was pulled back as he grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing, Bella?"

"I'm going home. This is just too much for me." I steeled myself as I wiped the tears from under my eyes and jerked my

arm away from him. I almost made it to the door, but he grabbed me, turning me around as he gently pushed me against

the wall.

"I know this is important, Bella. Talk to me."

I glared at him, knowing that he wasn't going to give up. I reached for the zipper on my skirt, tugged it down enough to

roll the top of my skirt down, then lowered my panties. He looked down with curiosity as I took his hand and guided his

fingertips across my scar.

"Bella, what happened? Dammit..." He lowered his head, then looked back at me. I stared up at the ceiling and took a

deep breath.

"Fine. You want to know what happened? Ectopic pregnancy. I lost my right ovary and my uterus. I can never have


Edward moved in closer to me as he continued to brush his fingers along the length of my scar.

No games. No pretenses. No more denial.




Bella's words just hung in the air, lingering. I didn't know what to do or say. I didn't even know what I had expected her to

reveal, but it definitely wasn't this.

"Oh my God, babe, I'm so sorry."

She looked over my shoulder, trying to avoid my eyes.

"It was a long time ago, Edward." She shrugged her shoulders, like it was not a big deal. Her eyes roamed around the

room and she focused on the ceiling again.

"I'm sure it hasn't been easy."

Her jaw clenched and her hands curled into fists. "No sense in getting all tore up over something that I can't change."

"It's OK to be pissed off, Bella."

"Like I said, it happened a long time ago."

That was the second time she had referred to the time frame.

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"When? How old were you?"

"It was just before my sixteenth birthday. I was a stupid drunk kid at a stupid drunken party doing stupid drunken things."

Shit. Almost sixteen. Not long after I had left. Suddenly Emmett's words flashed across my mind. She took your leaving

pretty hard. Really hard. There was no way this was coincidence. I backed away and ran my hands through my hair. The

Bella that I knew back then would have never gotten drunk at a party. I knew all to well the demons that drove kids to

drink themselves to oblivion, and she just didn't have it in her.

Not until I came into her life.


"Kids get drunk at parties all the time, Edward, and never think about the consequences. I'm just a walking caution."

Bullshit. I knew the truth.

"It would have never happened if I had stayed."

"You don't know that."

"Trust me, Bella. It wouldn't have happened."

She looked at me, finally making eye contact.

"It was just bad luck. If Ben Chaney hadn't walked me home---"

"Ben Chaney!"

Ben Chaney was a weak fuck, a bully and exactly the sleazy kind of prick who would take advantage of a drunk, underage

girl. The thought of Chaney being her first, forcing himself inside her and destroying her innocence made my blood boil. My

thoughts quickly turned to Newton. My protective instinct immediately wanted to kill.

"Tell me that Emmett beat the shit out of him. Tell me he rearranged his face." My voice was acidic and grim.

"He didn't rape me, Edward. I wasn't so drunk that I didn't know what I was doing.

"Goddammit!" I paced back and forth as I made sense of what she was telling me. She had slept with Ben to forget about

me, to get over me. Because I had walked out on her and what she so generously and innocently offered.

Talk about fucking irony. I had left to save her from me and she had thrown her life away. Bella started to walk toward the

door again, but I caught her.

"No. You aren't walking away from this."

"Look. You wanted to know. I told you. It was really none of your business anyway."

"Bullshit and you know it, Bella. It is my business." She crossed her arms over her chest defensively and set her jaw tight.

"Is that why you're doing this? The stripper gig, Lotus, the tattoo shop? Because of me?"

Her chin quivered and she pulled in her bottom lip as she started to cry. "After it happened, things got crazy. Mom and dad

fought about it, Emmett tried to referee, but was unsuccessful. School was hell, until Alice moved to Forks. Mom and dad

divorced and I ran away when I turned seventeen. I just felt...I just felt that I screwed things up, that I was a screw up.

First, I drove you away, then the divorce....Some friends dared Alice and me to sneak into Bare and strip, stupid I know,

but I didn't care. Mike took me in...and everything else has just been a blur."

Pissed and heartbroken all at the same time, I grabbed her face and tilted it up to mine. "You don't ever have to go back

there, Bella."

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"You don't understand, Edward. It's not that simple."

"Yes, Bella. It is." I looked to the side, closed my eyes, then turned back to her. "It is because I'm buying out the club."

Her mouth dropped and she tried to speak, but nothing. She reached up and pulled my hands away, then walked over to

the window.

"But why? Why would you do that? I never asked.."

My chest felt heavy at the tone of her voice. Wanting to comfort her, I went and stood in front of her, tilting her chin,

forcing her eyes to meet mine.

"Because, Bella, that's what people who are in love do. They take care of each other. They accept each other

unconditionally. They take what life gives them together, and they face it together, and they deal with it together."

She stepped back, the expression on her face, shock and confusion. I covered the few steps that stood between us and

cupped my hand over her cheek.

"Anything that affects you, affects me. Anything that worries you, scares you, or hurts you. I want to be the one that helps

take the pain away, not out of guilt, Bella, but because we aren't kids anymore, we don't have to run and hide from what

we feel. I couldn't be there for you then, but I am here for you now. I'm not even sure I can be everything you need, but

I'm sure as hell willing to try. And I can be here for you whenever you need someone to remind you that you aren't in this

alone. Because, Bella, babe, you aren't in this alone anymore. Not if you don't want to be."

I felt the fight leave her when she tilted her head into my hand and by the way her entire body seemed to bow as the

tension left her.

"But, if you buy out the club, Mike will take you for every dime you have. You could lose everything."

"I know. And I don't care. I didn't have money before, I can live without it now. Besides, as long as I have you, that's all

that matters. And this," He ran his thumb over the top of my tattoo hiding underneath my blouse, "doesn't have to be."




I was shaking inside. My equilibrium shaken. He didn't tell me to leave or react the way I had expected him to. The way I

had wanted him to, in some ways. Now, with the club thing, I was more confused than ever. Or was I? As soon as I closed

my eyes, I felt his lips press against mine, gently and unhurried. I melted into him as this felt different,

"I love you," he whispered against my lips before he raised his head to look at me. And what I saw brought tears to my

eyes as it became clearly bittersweet. He meant it. He couldn't touch me this way if he didn't. He couldn't look at me with

such intensity. When he smiled that incandescent smile, I knew I was too far gone. Knew that it was never just a crush, or

some fantasy. I gave in to what I had held down and suffocated for so long.

"I don't want to be alone."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, losing myself in his kiss as we danced slowly around in a small

circle, holding each other tightly. Finally we stopped at the edge of the bed.

"Damn, my hands are shaking," Edward mumbled as he struggled with my buttons.

"Let me." I unfastened the buttons and shrugged out of it, letting it slip slowly down my arms and onto the floor. He

reached around and undid my bra and as it fell away, I heard the sharp intake of breath, like he was seeing me for the first


"You are so beautiful."

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He leaned down and kissed me again, long, deep, and intimate, making my heart pound in anticipation. I tugged the hem

of his shirt, and he broke the kiss long enough to pull it over his head. Edward sat down on the bed, placed his hands on

my waist and pulled me between his legs.

"I only thought I loved you, but seeing you now, after being so open and honest, the look in your eyes. I love you even


"I'm so nervous." The confession clung on a ragged breath as I took his face in my hands.

"Don't be, babe. It's just me." The heat from his hands as they hovered along my spine antagonized the chills that resulted

from his touch.

"That's the problem. It's you."

He placed his hands over mine as he stared into my eyes. "Don't do that," he said softly. "Don't put me back on that

pedestal. I don't belong there."

Leaning down, I kissed him gently, although feathered, it weighed heavy with the nine years of loneliness that had been

destructive to our existence. Pulling away, I swiped my tongue along my lower lip, still wanting to taste him.

"That is why you belong there. It isn't how much money you have, or don't have. It isn't this house or your fancy cars."

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, then looked back at him. "It's the way you make me feel. Always has been, always

will be."

My skin fluttered as he brushed his lips across my stomach, so soft and slow as if he cherished me. A low moan sounded

from deep within me as he dragged open mouth kisses along my sides, biting and nipping at my skin. I threaded my hands

through his hair, pulling him closer to me. He reached around and pulled down the zipper on my skirt, tugged it slowly

over m y hips, letting it fall to the floor. I stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. He curled his fingers into the the

waistband of my panties and patiently pulled each side down, following each pull with a kiss along the tops of my thighs. I

held back tears when I felt the warmth of his mouth over my scar, a silent apology, until I felt the warmth of his breath

flow over me as he whispered.

"I'm sorry." He looked up at me, his eyes glossed over and he swallowed hard. He didn't have to say it. I already knew.

"Come here."

He pressed his hands into the curve of my hips, pulling me down with him as he lay back on the bed. Straddling him, I

braced myself on my forearms as he ran his hands up my back, digging his fingertips into my skin as he kissed me,

urgently this time. My knees trembled as he pulled away, letting his mouth skim down my jaw, down the length of my

neck. His chest jerked when I moved down to his chest, exploring him with my hands, my mouth. Everything felt as if we

were discovering each other for the first time. I reached for the button on his jeans and undid them. He lifted his hips,

allowing me to take them off. He grabbed my face and pulled me back up to him. I let my fingers traced his lips, then let

them glide over his jaw line, his cheekbones. I bit my lip as I felt his thumb brush across the underside of my breast, then

made it's way to feather along my nipple. Feeling this safe in his arms, this wanted and loved, there was only one thing

left to say.

"I love you, too."

I lowered myself onto him, taking in all of him. He kissed me hard as he put his hands on my hips, steadying my rhythm.

He pushed himself up, now the two of us sitting up. Both of us lost in each other as the loneliness faded away with every

movement of our bodies, every kiss, every caress.

"Promise you'll never leave me." I pleaded in between kisses, still moving slowly. He wrapped his arms around me, gently

turning our bodies until I was on my back.

"Never, Bella. Never."

He flexed his hips, pushing his way inside me, his thrusts more desperate now. The emotion between us was a powerful

force. With every pleasurable sound we made, there was no denying what we had found, the love that we had

rediscovered. He lowered his body down, buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, running my hands

through his hair, his breath hot and heavy against my skin as we both cried out, the shudder of our climaxes flooding over

us. He raised his head and kissed me softly and let his hand glide over my thigh. Our breathing slowed, and he rolled over

to his side and pulled me onto his chest.

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No words were needed as we lay there, our fingers locked together. So much much had already been said, spoken and

unspoken. I felt his hand relax and I looked up at him. His eyes were closed and he took one last deep breath as he fell


I smiled and wondered if this was all a dream. I closed my eyes and laid my head down on his shoulder.

If it was a dream, please, God, don't ever let me wake up.


Leaning against the doorjamb to the bathroom, I took one last look at her, asleep. In my bed. One arm across her

stomach, the other above her head. Thick, russet curls splayed out across my pillow. The red splotches still on her chest

from the scruff on my chin. Damn, she was already beautiful, but even more so after making love. Two, three, four times,

maybe. I lost count. Every time we woke each other during the night, both of us not only wanting to say how we feel, but

show it, everything else went fuzzy and nothing else mattered. We still had some things to talk about. First thing this

morning, I called and made dinner reservations at the Gondola Getaway, afterwards, ice cream while we walked along the

boardwalk. Cheesecake Fantasy, her favorite if memory serves me correct.

Shit. I had no idea how she would react to hearing my revelation about Mike. Son-of-a-bitch. With a capital S-O-B. Yeah, I

wrote him the damn check, but I never planned on bringing her back, or paying him again. Buying the club was the only

way out of this. I made a mental note to call Tyler in as soon as I got to the office, then went in and took shower. Last

night had felt like a soul cleansing. I had never really talked about my past, to anyone. But, if I was going to start things

off the right way, I didn't want any secrets. Meaning, I still had to tell her about Mike and the check that I wrote that made

me feel like shit and want to throw up every time I thought about it. Pushing that aside, I thought about what she must

have gone through, or to rephrase, what I put her through.

I'd make it up to her.

I had to.

I stepped out, toweled off and went into the bedroom. The bed was empty, the sheets rumpled in the middle of the bed. I

smiled at the flashbacks. A damp breeze danced across the room. I noticed one of the double doors leading to the patio

was open, the sheer white curtain panel fluttered with each pass of the cool air. I pulled on an old pair of torn jeans, a

beater and tugged my beanie over my head. Damn. It was an unseasonably cool morning for L.A. this time of year. I

started toward the door, grabbed a blanket on the way out. Stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her leaning against the

iron fence. My eyes darted from her hair blowing in the wind, then to the creamy white of her thighs and the way the T-

shirt clung to her body as the breeze forced it to hug her curves.

The T-shirt.

My T-shirt.

My Harley Davidson T-shirt.


"Morning." I said, not surprised by the lusty rasp of my voice as I walked over to her and wrapped the blanket around the

two of us, hugging her to me.

"Morning." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. "What's for breakfast?"

"Mmmmm..." I kissed her again. "Pancakes were on the menu, but, now that I've seen you in my shirt, I think I've

changed my mind."

She smiled wickedly. "Didn't you get enough last night?"

"Nuh-uh. I could never get enough of you."

Without hesitating, I threw the blanket off and leaned forward, and teased at her mouth, pressing my lips against hers,

then pulling back. Rebelling against the chill in the air, her skin was hot, responding to my hands sliding up her thighs,

finding a nice resting place on the under-curve of her ass. A few hard squeezes elicited deep moans, which I swallowed as

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I kissed her deeper. She pushed me forward, walking me backwards across the patio. When we entered the bedroom, I

turned her around and shut the door, never breaking the kiss. She grabbed the the foot board, but I stopped her, pulling

the the shirt up and over her head.

"Nope." I said, breathless as I broke the kiss momentarily, inhaled, kissed her again, my hands massaging her breasts.


I felt her smile against my lips. "Oh yeah?"

"Definitely. Mmmm...damn.....I'm serious, babe." I sucked in a breath when she unbuttoned my jeans, yanked down the

zipper and shoved her hand inside, encircling me with her hand, lavishing me with long, smooth strokes. I released her

long enough to pull my shirt over my head. "Shit!....You....mmmmm..." Still kissing and walking in crazy strides to the

kitchen, she took both hands and pushed my jeans down. I stepped out of them without missing a beat. "In my shirt, I

meant it. You look good....mmmm...enough to eat. I'm about to make that happen."

Gripping her firmly around the waist, I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. Even though I was blinded and

incoherent by the fervor of our efforts, I reached the kitchen. Bella moaned into my mouth when I sat her on the counter,

never ceasing to bite and pull on my lower lip.

"God, I don't know what do do first." I mumbled as I frantically removed various items from the refrigerator and set them

on the counter. Bella pulled away, gave a sideways glance, then handed me a jar.

"This one." She said, her voice was almost a whisper.

I smiled. "Good choice."

With a quick twist of her wrist, she opened the jar of caramel sauce, dipped two fingers into the jar, coating them. My

fingertips dug into her thighs when she forced my mouth open. Her jaw fell slack as I closed my mouth over her fingers

and drew back slowly, taking all the sweetness with one glide. To be fair, I leaned in and kissed her hard.


"Oh yeah, it was good, but I think....mmmm...that I prefer it a little warmer."

She gave a hedonistic grin. "You mean like this?" Several appreciative moans escaped me, followed by a sharp intake of

breath as I watched her gently knead the stickiness onto her breasts. The heat emanating off her skin allowed the easy

glide of her hands over her flesh. My jaw clenched painfully tight in an effort to control myself, my breathing erratic and

my body on fire.

"Bella, do that again, and I can't promise that I'll be gentle."

She accepted my challenge, massaging her breasts again, arching her body into her own touch as she squeezed her

nipples hard. That was all the invitation I needed.

"Fucking incredible." I barely got the words out as I leaned down and covered her caramel coated tips with my mouth.

Bella fumbled her fingers through my hair and whimpered. One long glide of my tongue along the valley between her

breasts guided me to indulge another delectable nipple, increasing it's tightness with every pass of my tongue, her body

smoldering, more tenacious. Raising my head, I moved my head in closer to her, grabbed her by the hair and tilted her

head back.

"Eddie...Eddie..." She said my name as she panted, responding to my teeth grazing the sensitive skin on her collar bone.

"You make me crazy." I trailed a line of kisses along the length of her neck, stopping just below her ear whisper. "I could

keep you like this all day. Hot. Sticky. Sweet."

"Yes..." She gasped her response as I teased her between her thighs. Bella rocked her hips forward, insistent and

demanding. I felt a sharp sting of fingernails digging into my shoulders as I stroked her inner flesh, my touch greedy and

abrupt. Her movement fell in unison with mine as she pulled me up to her, her mouth devouring mine, bringing my

endeavors to a halt.

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"Chocolate. I want chocolate." She pleaded, darting her tongue in between my lips. Lifting her off the counter and

wrapping her legs around my waist, chocolate syrup and maraschino cherries in hand, I carried her to the dining table,

kicking a chair away to make room. She laid back and I positioned myself in between her legs. The chocolate melted with

the heat of her skin as I drizzled over her. Her belly quivered when I drug my fingertips across the sweetness, drawing

lazy, delicious circles. Bella drew in a deep breath as she watched the trail of chocolate follow the path of my thumb from

the top of her inner thigh to the small dip at the curve of her ankle. I retrieved a cherry from the jar and seductively

placed it in the center of the chocolate pooled around her navel.

"Now you really do look good enough to eat."

Her legs trembled, responding to the warmth, my mouth devouring the the artistic and erotic line of chocolate. I drew in

the sensitive flesh at the top of her inner thigh as I reached the end, sucking gently and tickling her with the tip of my

tongue. Bella tilted her head back when I brushed my lips over the delicate flesh between her thighs, then covered the

swollen bundle of nerves with my mouth, the delicate suction causing her to release, sporadic, muffled cries. Looking up, I

marveled at the sight of her, responding with a lack of inhibition as she fondled her breast, increasing the sensation. I

worked my tongue more feverishly inside her, pausing when I felt her shiver. I wanted to be inside her, needed to be

inside her. Moving up, I lavished her skin with open mouth kisses, licking the warm chocolate from her navel, around the

cherry. Picking up the maraschino by its stem, I slid my body along hers, pausing long enough for her to accept the

temptation as I brought it to her mouth. All coherent thought left me when our lips touched. Letting the stem fall, I kissed

her hard, claiming her as she was giving just as much as she was receiving. Anxious, I separated from the kiss.

"Turn around." My heart was pounding, my body tight. She stood from the table and without a word, turned her back to

me and bent over the table. Just looking at her that way, I almost lost it when she spread her legs apart. She was

breathing heavy and her skin plagued with goosebumps. I gripped her hips and steadied her, then slowly poured the

cherry juice along her spine, letting it flow down her sides and on to the table.

"Cold." She said as she shivered. I leaned down and lapped up the juice that had settled in the curve of her spine, then

continued licking my way up her back.

"Not anymore." I grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her head back, then stood upright. Before entering her, I opened my

hand over the curve of her hip and caressed her, skimming my hand up and down her back. The moment our bodies made

contact, everything else ceased to exist. The velocity and totality in which I lost my self in her was almost too much. There

was just heat and need and hunger and desire, all of which demanded satisfaction.

Her moans echoed throughout the room as I continued to firmly press my fingers along the length of her spine with each

forward and backward motion. The next time I thrust by body forward even more, let go of her hair, caught her breasts in

my hands, smoothed the pads of my thumbs over her stiff peaks. Bella pushed her hips into me anxiously, a response I

expected when I whispered in her ear.

"I love the sounds you make. The way you try to catch your breath," I drew back all the way, then eased my way inside,

taking my time to fill her. "when I make you take all of me, even if I split you in two."

My words excited her, because every time I drove my body forward forcefully, she cried out louder, uttering steamy words

about how good it felt. Bella lifted her leg and rested her knee on the edge of the table. Even with that subtle change in

position, I lost my grip on the reins of my control as I wrapped my body around her, pulling her tight against me. She

brought her arm around my neck and pulled my hair hard as I crashed into her. She broke down when I bit into her

shoulder as the two of us reached the pinnacle of our release, our bodies rigid, unsteady breaths. She turned her head and

kissed me until our bodies gradually calmed. For a long moment we stood there, enjoying the comfort of the skin-to-skin

contact. The phone rang, disturbing us out of our euphoria.

"Dammit. There is only one person I can think of that has this kind of impeccable timing." I murmured into her neck.

"Are you going to answer it?"

"No." I said as I turned and reached for the phone on the wall. "What?"

"Well, well. You have that I'm-in-the-middle-of-getting..."

"What is it Jasper?"

"Busted. You're a dead give-away Cullen, especially when you're trying to hard. Anyway, we got a problem with one of the

customers that needs your attention and I have arranged a meeting with some Big Chiefs at Ferrari."

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"I squeezed the bridge of my nose and saw Bella's bare ass as she walked past me, still red and sticky from the cherry

juice. She turned her front around to me, all that sweet and sinful goodness distracting me, making it easier to ignore

Jasper. But, my grunt of approval just fed the troll that lived inside him.

"Did you just...? Oh man, are you getting head? Because I swear to God..."

"I'll be there in an hour."

I hung up and chuckled to myself. Bella came and stood in front of me, wrapped her arms around me.

"If I'm going to stay, I need to get some things from my place."

I leaned down to kiss her. "So you'll stay?"

"Are you kidding? If that's what breakfast is like around here, I'm curious to find out what's for lunch and dinner?"

I smiled and added. "You forgot about mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack."

"Edward Cullen, biker and a chef. Now that I think I can live with."

"Good. Let's get cleaned up. I'll drive the Escalade and follow you over."

"OK." She stretched up on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss that sampled a promise of what was to come later.

I watched her walk away as she headed toward the bathroom. I couldn't stop smiling.

Because as of right now, all seemed right with the world.


The sun had finally decided to take the chill out of the air. The clouds had cleared and the humidity had picked up a bit. I

kept looking in my rear view mirror to make sure he was still behind me. I had no idea what to pack, or how much to pack.

And then there was the cat to think about. My brain scrambled with all the things that had occurred in the past few weeks.

A part of me still wished that he would have stayed away, never walked back into my life. But then again, if he hadn't, who

knows where I might be five, even ten years from now. I still had Mike to consider. After thinking about it for a long time, I

decided to leave Mike to Edward. He seemed to have a handle on Mike, and the idea of him buying him out seemed crazy,

but it just might work. I was ready for a change, hell I had been ready for a long time, but I relied on myself too much,

drowning in self pity, to ever see the possibilities. After last night, all the confessions, the honesty, how secure I felt in his

arms. I was finally starting to see.

I never expected him to open up the way he did last night. About his father and the fear that he had harbored so long that

he might have his father's tendencies. The look on his face conveyed the pain that he was feeling and how hard it was for

him to talk about his past. I felt the same, revealing my secret, the secret that I had been punishing myself with for almost

ten years. But all of that disappeared the second he touched me, despite my reluctance to tell him, I felt it all go away.

Shaking myself out of mental ramblings, I picked up my cell and called the guys in the band and gave a brief explanation

of why I wouldn't be singing anymore. They all said they understood and that Charity could take over, which was good

because she was fantastic and always considered herself a background singer, so this was a great opportunity for her.

Settling that, I called Jake and apologized for walking out on him, he too, accepted my apology with ease. So far so good.

Everything seemed to be falling into place, but I still couldn't help feeling a little unsure of it all.

For the last nine years I had always thought I was self sufficient, attempting to be strong, when in truth, I was just

running in place, weak, never willing to take that first step leading in the right direction. The thought of allowing myself to

be happy and deserving just seemed out of reach. Looking in my side view mirror as I parked next to the curb into the

eyes of the man that I had given my heart to made it all seem possible, no matter what obstacles lie ahead.

And for that, I was grateful.



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On the drive over, I made the necessary phone calls. One to Rose, telling her to bring Bella's paintings to my house and

set hand them in the formal dining room. The walls were white and bare, so I thought it was the place place to simulate an

art gallery, which fingers crossed that would be a reality in the near future, provided that Bella's pride and tenaciousness

had dissolved. The other calls were to parts dealers and other miscellaneous things that could be dealt with over the

phone. I made a mental note to take Bell's wrist-cuff down to Maddox Leather and have it cleaned, and have something

special engraved on the front. I smiled to myself, feeling like a teenager in love. And in some ways there was truth to that.

Last night I learned that I don't have to be afraid of what I might be, or what I might become. Talking to Bella about my

past and why I had left that night, I felt my emotions shift. It had been long overdue for me to let go and realize that I

didn't have to be my father's son. I had a choice. A choice to be miserable and let it control the rest of my life, or the

choice to control it and find happiness, settle down and committ to other avenues of life other than work. Reflecting on

that called to mind Bella's expression when she had told me what happened.

The look in her eyes. So many years of sadness and loneliness trapped inside those eyes. Sadness and loneliness that I

had been a part of. She couldn't have children. Even though I'm not a woman, I tried to put myself in her shoes,

sympathize the best way I could. I wasn't there for her when she needed me, and I can't change the past. But I'm damn

sure going to do what I can to make it up to her, not fooling myself that it will be easy. Both of us are going to still have

our backs to the wall for some time until we heal, there was no denying that. But I felt confident that together we could

mend those wounds in time. But all that depended on if she would understand and forgive me after I told her about Mike,

which I planned on doing tonight after dinner.

"Where do you want to start?" I asked, holding the car door open for her, waiting for her to step out.

"I'm just going to take some of my clothes and a few small things. I thought we could get the rest later." She changed her

expression, like she had something to add.

"What is it?"

She unlocked the door to her apartment and we went inside. "How do you feel about cats?"

"Hmm. I'm a dog man, but I think I could deal with a cat. Why?"

She walked me into the bedroom and gestured to the ball of fur in the center of the bed. "Meet Oodles."

I nodded and smiled. "Don't worry about it, babe. The cat can bum. I'll learn to live with it."

"Good. I'll start getting a few things from the living room and you can start in here." She told me what she wanted me to

get, and piling as much as I could in my arms, I made a few trips to my car. So much for a few things. On the last trip, I

noticed a large canvas, it's back facing me and covered with a sheet, in the rear of the closet. Out of curiosity, I took it out

and removed the sheet, and turned it around. The colors, vibrant, yet subdued, the lines collected, but askew at the same

time. Beauty and torment meshed out on canvas.

"I'm almost done. I have to get a few things..." Bella quieted as she walked into the bedroom. Her eyes narrowed when

she darted them back and forth from me to the painting. "What are you doing?"

"It was in the closet. I just thought..."

"Well, you thought wrong. The painting stays." She stormed past me and into the bathroom. I covered the painting back,

leaned it against the wall and followed her.

"Bella, what's with the attitude and the art? It's fantastic."

She sighed as she continued gathering her make-up and stuffing it into the vinyl case that was resting on the sink. "I'm

sorry. It's just something I did the other day, just never mind."

"I get it, Bella. One step at a time."

She looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, something like that."

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I left her to finish in the bathroom and loaded the rest of the small boxes from the living room. She came out, carrying the

vinyl case and a large briefcase. No wanting to rock-the-boat, I decided not to ask what was in the briefcase.

"That's everything I need for now."

"OK. I have some things to take care of this afternoon, I'll take all this back to house then." I checked the time, noting that

I had about twenty minutes to get back to office before Jasper went into cardiac arrest. "You go to the office. I have a stop

to make."

She waved as she pulled away. Watching her turn the corner, I was immediately bombarded with a million questions? Is

this happening? What if it doesn't work? What if she hates you? The last question was the hardest one of all. I had already

made the mistake of disappointing her once, I don't want to do it again. The guilt that haunted me was immense. I had to

do it before dinner. Just get it over with. She had a right to know. Shit. I shouldn't let this get to me, but after all that we

had said and admitted to each other, I know that I couldn't stand it if she walked away from everything.

I let it go, pulling into a parking space at Maddox Leather. Mr. Maddox handled the leather detail on my projects, his work

was unique and of the utmost quality. Acquiring his business after I had one of my leather jackets cleaned and patched,

we have become really great friends. I entered the shop and quickly explained what I wanted done, paid for it and hurried

to the office, finding it less than amusing that Jasper had taken my parking space, clearly marked "the boss". A couple of

cars down, I noticed Bella had made it in. Jasper was in my office sitting in a chair, waiting for me.

"Busy morning?" Jasper smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"None of your business."

"Oh I know it's none of my business, but seeing that you're actually smiling and not looking as pissed off as normal, my

curiosity has been piqued."

I shook my head and smiled. "What's the problem with the customer you were telling me about?"

"Change of subject. You really aren't as smart as you look. Anyway, complaints about the design and the coloring used.

She wants it to be more, how did she put it, more spicy."

"Are you serious? This is why I hate dealing with Hollywood housewives. Give me the information and I'll take care of it at


He placed several folders and portfolios on the edge of my desk and sat back in the chair. "It's all there. We have that

meeting with Ferrari in about fifteen minutes."

I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. "What's going on with that? I wasn't aware we were dealing

with them at all."

"I'm pimping your name, for fuck's sake. Gotta have a back up plan, E. Always. You never know what might fall through.

Just looking out for you, oh, and me too, of course."

"Of course." I grinned at him in a questioning manner.


"How's Alice?"

His expression brightened and he ran his hands through his hair. "Alice is good. Alice is real good. She's developed a

fondness for peanut butter and bananas." He smiled and wriggled his eyebrows.

"You didn't it?"

"Oh yes, we did. Hunk of Burning Love is now set to repeat on the Cd player." He curled his lip, Elvis style. It was so

pathetic, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "I really like her man. I've offered to finish paying her tuition. And..." He

looked away for a moment, then turned back to me. "I've asked her to move in with me."

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"Really? Jasper, you sure about this? You know that's risky. For the both of you." I silently ate my words. It was risky, but

no different than what I had done.

"Yeah, I'm sure. She's ballsy and smart and wild. And damn can the girl cook. She wants to get away from that bastard."

I chuckled. Finally, Jasper had met the woman that could tame him. Never thought it possible, but the concerned look on

his face said that his feelings were genuine. He wanted Mike's ass on a silver platter just as much as I did. My admiration

for Alice kicked up a notch. She was ballsy. She had taken a risk meeting me that afternoon and letting me in on what was

going on with Bella. Just as I was about to speak, Tyler came crashing through the door.

"Hey. I've got the papers from the bank and all the information from the city and the realtor in here." He slapped his hand

against his briefcase and sat it on my desk, opened it and handed me the documents.

"How's it going? Any trouble?"I asked.

"Not as of yet. Offer will be submitted sometime tomorrow. It's a wait-and-see deal now." Tyler closed his briefcase and

started toward the door. "I'm having lunch today with my parents. Mind if I take the rest of the day off after?"

I waved a hand at him. "Sure. Not a problem."

Tyler left and I followed Jasper to the elevator. Needing to see Bella, I told him I would meet him in the parking lot, and

went and peeked into the art room. Matt pointed a finger toward the airbrush unit in the far corner. I strode across the

room and looked in the window. She was smiling as she changed the color container on the gun. Glancing over to the left,

Luke was mixing paint, laughing and smiling at her. I bit back a twinge of anger as I watched them. After a few minutes, I

convinced myself not to be so insecure and left.

Jasper and I stepped off the elevator at the SymTax office building downtown and sat in the waiting room until we were

called. I turned off my cell as we went in. I half-heartedly listened to the presentation and conversation, letting Jasper take

over as it was a half English, half Italian discussion. The most I got out of it was a very high dollar amount and understood

something about a second meeting. After it was over, Jasper went back to the office and I went back home to meet Rose.

Rose had already arrived when I pulled into the driveway. She wasn't waiting outside, so I assumed she used the spare

key hidden under the mat at the patio door. I found her standing in the dining room positioning the paintings on the wall. I

stepped through the cloud of perfume and kissed her on the cheek. As usual, she was dressed sleekly and stylish in a black

skirt, matching jacket, her shoes high and elegant. I studied her face, noting the way her eyes narrowed briefly before her

expression became smooth and unreadable.

Her business face. Which meant she liked what she saw. Which meant I still had a car. She liked them a lot, if I was any

judge of her mannerisms. My shoulders relaxed. My gamble hadn't been for nothing then.

"What do you think?"

Rose leaned forward to study the larger of the paintings more closely. "Airbrush?"

"Yep. That's what she prefers, but she works with acrylics as well."

"Does she have more?"

I smiled. This was a good sign. "I'm pretty sure she does."

Rose brought a finger to her chin as she let her eyes roam over the paintings. Then she turned to me. "You win. I like it. I

can think of about a dozen of L.A.'s elite who would kill to have something like this hanging in their homes or offices.

Especially with the pedigree behind them."


Rose crossed her arms, her gaze scanning over me from head to toe. "Yeah. You heard me. Pedigree. She's young, sexy,

beautiful and edgy. Her work is different. I'd like to take one of these back to the gallery and get Gin's opinion. I'm

absolutely sure it's a no-brainer though."

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I smiled at the possibilty of getting Bella's work noticed. "Great." I stepped closer and gave her a hug. "Thank you , Rose.

You have no idea what this means to me."

She stepped back and grinned. "I have a pretty good idea. It's in your eyes. Whatever it is, I'm happy for you. You're a

great catch, Edward, and I'll probably be kicking myself in the ass later for being a commitment phobe, knowing I could

have snagged you."

Wrapping my hand around he back of her neck, I pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead. "Thank's for


She didn't say anything for a short moment as she glanced over the paintings one more time. "I'm taking that one." She

pointed to the one in the center.

"Take them all."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. You'll need them for the showing."

"You pompous ass. Fine, I'll take them, but there is one that I left in your bedroom that I didn't get a chance to bring in


"That's OK. I'll get it to you."

We said our goodbyes as I helped her load the paintings into the van. I went into the bedroom and moved the painting into

my closet, not having time to remove it's covering, then went back to the office. Stuck in mid-afternoon traffic, I made

some calls, took care of the customer complaints. Traffic let up, finally, and I stopped at Maddox Leather and picked up the

wrist-cuff, which practically looked brand new, and perfect with the design that I had him etch on the face. Arriving at the

office, I noticed Bella's car was gone when I closed my door and peered over the roof of the car.

I jogged across the parking lot and hurried to the art room. Bella wasn't at her desk and none of the guys knew where she

was. I guessed she had gone to lunch, but to be sure, I went down to the second floor and asked Angela if there were any

messages for me.

"Yes. You have one from Cooper and one from Tyler. Oh, and Ms. Swan said to tell you she would be back later."

"What did she mean, be back later?"

"I don't know. She said it was important that you know, so I gave her your cell number just in case I didn't get a chance to

see you."

Shit. Why hadn't I thought about that sooner? I had forgotten to turn it back on after the meeting this morning. I dug it

out of my pocket and flipped it over. Two text messages. One from Rose and the other a number I didn't recognize. I

assumed it was Bella. I hit the view key and felt the panic steal my breath as I read it.

Gone to Bare. Need to get some things.


I felt dizzy and weak as I clutched my stomach. I ran my hands through my hair and took the stairs three at a time instead

of the elevator. I ran across the parking lot, got into the car and peeled out of the parking lot. Cursing myself all kinds of

fool, I took the exit that led toward the side if town that Bare was located on.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I slammed my fists against the dash as my foot pressed heavier on the accelerator. Traffic was mass

hysteria and so was my mood. "You should have fucking told her when you had the chance!" I yelled at myself, glancing at

my watch. Bella was at least fifteen minutes ahead, but that didn't matter. I was running out of time.

I just hoped, by some miracle, I made it there before she did.


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Parking on the side street next to Bare, the shiver that traveled down my spine made my acutely aware of the risk I was

taking coming here alone. I haven't been in since the day of my appointment with Peter, no doubt that Mike wasn't too

happy about it. Stealing a quick breath, I stepped out of the car and looked for Mike's car. Not seeing it, I went ahead and

entered the club. The floors were being buffed and the stage was receiving it's usual weekly maintenance. The first-shift

bartenders were stacking cups and wiping down the bar. Every time I came here before it opened, everything calm and

serene, made it hard to believe that when the lights went out and the crowd filled the room that it became the exact

opposite, chaos and misrule.

Alice was at her locker shoving its contents into a small bag when I entered the dressing room. Her hair was different,

pulled back from her face, versus its usual attempt at hiding it. She appeared at ease and less tense than normal. After

filling the bag, she bent down and untied her boot laces.

"I hate these damn boots." She mumbled under her breath while pulling the lace through the last hole.

"Then why do you wear them?"

Alice shrugged slightly as she straightened and glanced at me. "I'm not coming back. I'm here getting my shit and I'm


I winced and was taken aback from her matter-of-fact tone. I shut my locker door and pulled the chair away from my

vanity, turning the light on above the mirror as I sat down.

"That makes two of us." My smile grew wider when she came over and hugged me tight.

"Bella, that's wonderful! I'm so glad you realized that it wasn't that hard at all." She winked as she said it, a gesture that

recalled the comment she previously made, referring to Edward as being simple.

"What made you decide to leave?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She and Jasper had hit it off the other day, which

was a good thing, since Alice had made it abundantly clear that she wouldn't enter into a relationship until she had

received her degree and left Bare for good. Alice pulled the chair over and sat down in front of me.

"Jasper. Bella, he's not like any guy I have ever met. How can I describe him?" She stared at the floor for a second, then

raided her head to look at me. "He's the kind of guy that makes love with his socks on, if that makes any sense. He's

offered to pay my tuition in full and," she paused. "I'm moving in with him."

"Wow. Sudden, but I'm happy for you. What did Mike have to say about it?"

Alice rubbed her hands together as she stood. "I don't care what Mike thinks anymore. He's been controlling my life, your

life, for too damn long. And shame on us for letting him." She buried her head in her hands and sighed. "Bella, Mike's been

using you to make extra cash on the side."

"What do you mean?" I shrank back and narrowed my eyes.

"I mean that the entire story about Peter buying into the club to save it was a lie. The club was never threatened with

foreclosure." She sighed "Bella, Peter's been signing over big checks to Mike each week just to have sex with you."

I felt my body go numb briefly while I took a minute to digest what she had said. Mike had taken advantage of me, but

even that didn't surprise me. It was the money. I felt cheap and dirty, more so now than I did when I was with Peter. I

was officially a whore. Mike's insatiable appetite for money had driven him to rent me out. But why me? Last count, there

were twelve girls working for him. The thought made me furious and I felt queasy as the wave of nausea swayed in the

bottom of my stomach.

"Why me?"

"Peter fixated himself with you the first time he saw you dance. Apparently, that wasn't enough for him. They worked out a

deal, Mike fabricated a story to tell you, using intimidation as his weapon of choice, taking advantage of the fact that he

knows you're scared of him."

I clenched my jaw and swallowed the lump forming in the back of my throat. "Why didn't you tell me?"

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Alice tilted her head and donned a sympathetic look. "Would you have listened? Think about it Bella, you have tuned out

anything and everything that could result in something positive ever since I've known you. Your pride and insecurity have

dominated your ability to see the truth. Would you have listened?"

She was right. For the last nine years, I've busied my mind with pity and self doubt, that it wouldn't have mattered that

she, or anyone for that matter tried to help me. She would have put herself at risk as well by telling me. I pursed my lips

together and shook my head.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Alice came closer and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'm scared, Alice. What if---?"

She tapped me hard on the shoulder. "No what if's. You are going to end up talking yourself out of being with Edward" My

eyebrows lifted in shock. "Don't look at me that way. Of course I know. Damn, Bella, Edward won't let anything to happen

to you. Go, and know what it's like to really be loved by a man."

She kissed my forehead and grabbed her bag on her way out the door. It had occurred to me that she left out some of the

details about Peter and Mike's deal, so I stopped her before she reached to the door.

"Alice? How much?" I saw her reflection in the mirror. She kept her back to me as her body tensed.

"Thirty grand." Her voice was barely a whisper, but I caught it. Just to make sure I heard her correctly, I asked her to

repeat her response.


Alice cleared her throat then answered, adding slight volume to her voice. "Thirty grand." She adjusted her bag and

walked out the door.

My hands started to tremble and the back of my eyes burned as the tears started pooling. Taking a deep breath and

collecting myself, I hurried to gather the rest of my things. After folding my clothes and piling my shoes together and

placing them in the small suitcase I had brought, I went over to the vanity and pulled out the small drawer on the left,

panicking as I noticed my bracelet was gone. Frantically I rummaged through it. Failing to find it, I began searching the

room, reaching my hand in pockets and searching the other girls lockers. I know it was against the rules, but I didn't care.

My search was interrupted when I heard footsteps approaching from behind. The sound of Mike's voice pierced through

me, forcing me to turn around.

"Miss me, Bella?"




Traffic had only gotten worse until I passed the Freemont exit, putting me even further behind, give or take five minutes.

A very crucial five minutes. Going as fast as the flow of traffic would allow me, I laid down a lead foot and hit a hundred to

try and shave off some time. I didn't care if I had to break any and every traffic law, I was determined to get to Bare

before Bella. Now that traffic was clear and I had made up some time, I took the exit that lead to Bare and drove the

longest three blocks of my life. Driving around the building, I passed up the paid parking lot and saw Bella's car parked on

the side street near the corner. My heart was pounding against my chest and tiny beads of sweat formed on my forehead

as the anxiety flowed through me. I parked, quickly slid out of the seat and ran across the street and walked into Bare.

Glancing around the room, I didn't see Bella, just other employees busy with their preparations for the evening.

Immediately I went to the side stage and walked down the hall toward the dressing room. I saw Mike standing in the

doorway, Bella's voice screaming at him. I wasn't able to hear everything that was said, but what I heard was enough.

"So, it's true! You pimped me out?" Bella shouted. Her voice cracked a little as she spoke.

"Oh come on. You've always been a whore, Bella." Mike replied, his tone mocking as he chuckled. I hurried down the hall

and pushed him out of the way, pressing him against the wall with my hand.

"Shut the fuck up, Newton! Bella, get your things and let's go." Her face was red and she was grinding her teeth together.

She scrambled around at the vanity searching for something.

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Mike was chuckling to himself, pressing the keypad on his cell phone. Closing his phone, he glared at me with hooded eyes

and gave me a wry grin. "What's the matter, Cullen? Come back for a refund? Sorry, not gonna happen. But, you can

exchange if you'd like."

I grabbed him by his shirt with both hands and shoved him hard against the wall. "Shut up! Bella, go! NOW!"

She shared a look between the two of us and shook her head. "No! What is he talking about?"

"Bella, please! Go!" I begged her. Mike was laughing sarcastically, not even trying to break free from my grasp.

"Go ahead, Cullen. Tell her how much you paid for her. Tell how much she's worth to you."

I rared back and pummeled him twice in the ribs, his breath expelling hard with each blow.

"Paid for me? You paid for me?" Her mouth hung open, disgusted by what she had just heard. I slung Mike down to the

floor and went over to her. She retreated a few steps and set her jaw tight and the disappointment in her eyes sliced me

to the bone. "Go ahead. Tell me how much I'm worth." Bella said, grinding her teeth.

"It's not what you think. Bella..."

"Yes it is," Mike said as he coughed. "You didn't pay two-hundred and fifty grand just for her to sit and look pretty."

"Oh my God!" She brought her hand to her mouth and doubled over. I took a few steps back and kicked Mike two more

times, my third attempt stopped abruptly when I was pulled back by two heavy guys. They spun me around so I could face

Bella. I felt a sharp jab to my left side as one of the men pounded his fist into me. I watched her fold in on herself for a

few minutes until she caught her breath. "All those things said to me...." She was crying so hard, the sobs

stealing her breath as she could barely talk.

"No. No...It wasn't---" Another hit to my ribcage cut me off. I winced from the pain and opened my eyes just in time to see

her jerk her bag from the table and run out the door.

"Let me go!" I pleaded as I struggled to get away, but I was no match for their strength.

"Make him wait." Mike said in a low voice as he came and sat down in the chair. A few minutes later, they let me go.

"You're a dead man walking, Newton. Count on it." I said, straightening and gripping my left side as I ran down the hall

after her. I pushed the door open, praying that she hadn't left yet.

But it was too late.

Falling to my knees, I felt the agony take over me when I saw her taillights disappear around the corner.


I kept replaying the whole scenario in my head over and over an over. The pain in my chest increased with each breath

that I took and my heart undeviating the ache. It was bad enough that Mike treated me like shit, now Edward too? God, I

had been such an idiot, letting myself fall for him again. If they hurt you once, it's guaranteed that they'll hurt you again.

He tried to explain, but what the hell was there to explain? He bought me. Paid for my time, fucked me, took me out,

offered for me to stay with I was a kept woman. And then the job? My God, Bella, what were you thinking? I

wasn't. Keeping my distance from Edward would have saved me from this. Shit. And Mike making me feel guilty and's all too much. I wiped the tears away from under my eyes as I walked to the front door. Some of the

emptiness left me when Oodles zig-zagged around my ankles. I was happy knowing that I wouldn't have to spend the

night alone. My intentions were to come back and get her when we...

The thought slipped away as I forced it out of my mind. I opened a can of tuna for the cat and noticed the bottle of

bourbon on the counter as I made my way to the trash can. I had entertained the idea of getting wasted, but I knew that

it would fog up my mind and I needed to keep a clear head if was going to be making decisions. Past experience had

proved that I would only be setting myself up for a fall if I kept numbing the pain with alcohol.

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I went into the bedroom and set the CD player on continuous play, climbed into the middle of the bed and hugged my

knees to chest and tried to think of something other than a drink to help get rid of the ache in my chest. Adele's soulful

voice flowed through the speakers as I listened. I knew that it was too good to be true, that Edward could ever feel

anything genuine for me. Our little fling-which is what it felt like, was over before it really started. Or so it seems. I should

have known better to think that there could ever be anything between us other than sex. Too much of the past hung

around to make it possible. All those empty words he said, made me believe that it was real. I'm a fool. It was all an

illusion. This is why I never wanted to tell him my secret. It came back to haunt me, just as I knew it would. After letting

go of it and telling him, I became weak, and let my heart navigate instead of my mind. I thought that maybe through it all

I might have found comfort between the lines.

My body was trembling and I felt sick when I went and uncovered the painting that I had started. After staring at the

semi-finished canvas, I opened a few tubes of acrylics and squeezed them onto a palette. I heard the CD player switch

over, and I turned it up a little. My first instinct was to use the darker colors first, but thought better of it and went for the

flesh hues instead. Fifteen minutes later, I had finished it and angled the easel so the air from the vent overhead would

speed up the drying process. Knowing it was going to be a while for the paitning to dry, I reached up and grabbed the old

shoe box from the top of the floor. My breath caught in my chest and stayed there when I looked through the photos and

laid them out in front of me.

The sound of the teardrop as it hit the edge of the photograph was louder than the music coming from the radio. Edward,

Em and I at the Hawthorne's Christmas party, the three of us hating every bit of it, causing mischief as we made faces at

the camera to show our discontent and utter boredom. The next one, gee. Eighth grade Valentine's dance, Em and I in our

formal attire. Looking more closely, I noticed Edward in the background, standing by the window, brooding as he always

had. A half smile teased at my lips as I continued to look through the photos. Pictures of my parents, Em and Jess, the

kids. Then my heart stopped and the tears came harder, when at the bottom of the box, were the pictures of just Edward

and me. I ran my finger across his face. That was the best summer I had ever had, the whole family, Edward and Elizabeth

too, at the vacation house on Lake Livingston. My favorite, the one after we got into a huge food fight over who got the

last hot dog. It was ridiculous, both of us mad as hell at first, ending up with everything on the picnic table in our hair, on

our face, only to wind up laughing about it ten minutes later. He taught me how to roller-blade that summer. I laughed as

it all sounded stupid. But it meant something then. I crossed my legs as I continued to look through the pictures. No

matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the tears.

"Are you having trouble keeping up?

Seeing this thing through

I want to know who you're running from

Me or you? "

I raised my head and wiped my face with the hem of my shirt, then laid in the middle of the pile, staring at the ceiling as I

listened to the lyrics of the song on the radio. Who was I running from? Me? Him? Life itself? I picked up more of the

pictures and all I could see was what I had given up, pushed aside, and for what reason? Pride. Selfishness. Blame.

"Another game of charades

Don't you know everybody plays?

I don't want to lose to you that way."

So what? He paid for me. But was it fair of me to not even give him a chance to speak, and then, just run out on him when

Mike had Bruce and Liam rough him up? Charades. I had been playing that game with myself for so many years now,

making it hard to interpret the good intentions of those around me, even more so, making it harder for me to see myself.

"Maybe we'll be different this time around

Maybe we'll be different, I don't know

Don't want to strangle this

So I'm holding back for now"

I sat up and grabbed my wrist, the wrist that I always wore the Edward's cuff on. For a moment, I considered what I was

hearing. Different. Yes, we could be different. There was nothing standing between us anymore. No more secrets, no more

lies or half-truths.

"Calm down, don't take it too far

I know only time can heal scars

So I'm ready when you are (when you are)

I'm ready when you are"

Scars. Yes, the two of us had our scars, wounds that we thought would never heal. But we had already begun to take the

necessary steps to heal...each other. Standing, I walked over to the painting and turned it around, and rubbed my eyes to

clear the tears away. I studied it, every line, every color, the shading, the depth.

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"Don't want any false starts

I can do without the time apart

So I'm ready when you are (when you are)

I'm ready when you are"

Time apart. No. That's when it hit me as I saw my own eyes staring back at me. No sadness, no more emptiness, no more

pain. Just a brightness that had been missing. Everything hit me at once and I brought my hands to my face as at the

realization of how much I needed him. All my senses kicked in, I suddenly felt his arms around me, and remembered the

way he smelled. I heard his voice. I shivered as I could feel his touch, the soft caress of his fingertips. I felt his warm

breath in my face, his lips against mine.

I loved him. But it wasn't the same feeling as before, this had become...vital. Instantly, I forgot about what he had done,

everything from leaving that night to paying Mike. He did it for me. The first, when he left, because he was afraid he would

hurt me. Then the second, because he wanted to be with me, make up for the time we had lost.

Scanning the room, I took it all in and sat down on the end of the bed, and asked myself if love was worth the pain that it

comes with.

I closed my eyes as I came to the conclusion that there could only be one answer.





Arriving home from the emergency room, I said goodbye to Tyler as he walked out the door. Nothing was broken, but the

bruising had set in and it hurt like a son of a bitch. I tossed my keys on the table and pulled off my shirt as I walked to the

bedroom. Bella's clothes were on the end of my bed along with the rest of her things. The red of her taillights flashed and I

could feel the anger gathering in my fist. Curling my fingers in, I channeled it and slammed my fist into the wall. Sheetrock

gave way and the sound echoed throughout the room. I was furious and didn't know what to do with myself, the years of

discipline all shot to hell, loosing my temper. After I calmed down, all I was left with now was heavy regret and bone-deep

sympathy for Bella. For the second time, I had caused her pain. letting out a long sigh, I shook my hand out, and carefully

crawled into bed. Reaching over, I grabbed my i-pod and sat up further and leaned my head back.

Where the hell has she gone? What was she doing? Tyler and I had driven around for a few hours, made a million phone

calls. I was afraid for her, but couldn't do a goddamn thing about it. Nah. Mike wouldn't be that stupid and Bella wouldn't

go back home. She was too smart for that. Shaking my head, I put my i-pod on shuffle and closed my eyes. Flashes of

what had happened came rushing to me with full force. I had watched her double over, the pain drawing her in, making

her fold in on herself. The wildflower, each petal falling to the floor as she wilted away. God, I was helpless, couldn't get to

her in time. And she was just...gone.

I leaned over and slid my hand between the mattress and pulled the photo of Bella, Emmett and me. That was the

summer of ther food fight. God, that was horribly funny. Pissed off one minute, laughing the next. And the roller-blade

fiasco. Beautiful, stubborn girl. As I ran my finger over the picture, it reminded me of the painting that Rose had left. I got

up slowly, went over and turned it around, then uncovered it. Stepping back and taking a look, it took my breath away.

This was different than the abstract art that was in the dining room. It was smaller than those and gave a more emotional


A storybook cover. That's what it reminded me of. And I was instantly drawn to it. She had apparently painted it when she

was younger. The blend of soft pastels gave it a dream-like quality. In the center, a little girl with brown curls twirling

around in a field of yellow flowers, the sun high and bright in the sky. In the background, an old stone wall with an

archway separated a dark forest on the other side. The distinction between the dark forest and the light meadow seemed

symbolic somehow. I thought about it for a moment and realized what she was trying to convey. Coming out of the

darkness and into the light. A fresh start, leaving the past and demons behind. I swallowed hard when the words to the

song playing in my ear hit a little too close to home.

"I saw you in the garden I wanted you so much

I really thought that you were different Oh I couldn't get enough

I tried to save you from yourself I felt every high and low

now the lows have drowned the highs away now there's no where else to go"

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No where else to go? But there is. Here, as long as there was still breath in me I know I want to be with her, save her from

her pain.

"You were always where the sun could never go

I never wanted you to have to be alone

But I couldn't find a way to help you grow"

No. She doesn't have to be alone. My eyes flicked back and forth from the meadow to the forest and back again. I want to

be the meadow. The only place she feels safe, comforted, at peace....the light to her darkness, the same as she was to

me. And I wasn't around to help her grow, but dammit, I am now.

"I tried to give you something good to take the pain away

I tried to make you understand You don't have to be this way"

I did give her something good. And it did take her pain away and I could feel it when she looked at me that she didn't want

the life she had forced herself to lead. I can do that again, we, can do it again.

"Black rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last time

Black rose I watched your petals wilt away I couldn't bring you back to life"

Yes. Cutting into me for the last time, because she had stayed with me throughout the years, buried deep inside me. And

now that I had found her again, I was sure that I couldn't let her go a second time. And sometimes, like right now, I

wondered why I ever gave her up at all. I could give her she had given me.

That's when it hit me. I loved her. More so now than it was back then. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could

smell her, I could feel her hair tickling my skin as it fell around me. The feathery wave of her voice as she whispered

against me. I could feel her body wrapped around me. I jerked the earphones out of my ear, tossed the i-pod on the bed

and went over to the dresser. I opened the top drawer and pulled out the box that held the leather bracelet. Throwing on

my shirt, I hobbled out of the bedroom and heard the spattering of rain against the window. Grabbing my keys, I went to

the front door and was surprised when I opened it.

Bella was standing in the doorway, her hair wet, shivering from the cold rain. She raised her head up as she stepped in a

little closer.

"Hi." Her voice cracked and she sniffled. I immediately pulled her in to me, grabbing her by the waist, wrapping my arms

around her tightly.

"Hi." I whispered into her hair as I toed the door shut. She was shivering still and I pulled the blanket that was folded on

the sofa and wrapped it around us. Her sobs were so powerful that they vibrated through me.

"I'm...sorry...." She paused, then looked up at me. I had a hard time discerning the tears from the raindrops, so as I

cupped her face in my hands, I kissed them, all of them. Across her cheeks....then her eyes...the tip of her nose...

"No, no, no. Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for. It was me, I should have told you..."

Trembling, she placed her hands over mine and met my eyes. "I love you...and...I know I don't want to be without you...If

I had just let you..."

I kissed her gently, absorbing the pain as I swallowed her cries. We stood there, dancing in a small circle, falling into each

other all over again. I pulled away and placed my forehead on hers. She was so close to me, I felt her lashes feather along

my cheeks. I kissed the tip of her nose and reached into my pocket, and without thinking, I did what I had to do.

"Marry me, Bella." The words came on a whispered breath, but the meaning behind them was solid."I know I don't want to

be without you." She pulled back and serached my face, I took her hand and turned her wrist over. She took in a deep,

slow, breath when I placed the cuff on her and she saw the engraving on the front. A mirror image of what she had carved

on the back, but in color. Because I didn't want there to be anymore black and white, only color.

A short stretch of silence fell between us as she stared at the bracelet before she looked at me. My heart raced as I saw

the answer in her smile.


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Bella rested her head on my shoulder as she stirred in her sleep. My eyes followed her profile, took in the curve of her

mouth, the slender tip of her nose. I let my fingers skim over her shoulder and down her arm. She still had the bracelet

on, and last night she swore she would never take it off. Everything just happened so fast, but seeing her standing in the

doorway, I knew that what I felt was right, and she too, had come to the same understanding. She said yes. And that's all

that mattered.

Pulling her closer, I combed my fingers through her hair, letting my thumb glide over her forehead with each pass. The

need to feel her overtook me. Curling my fingers under her chin, I tilted her face to mine and kissed her. She opened to

me easily. I was hard in seconds as she pressed herself against me. Her warm mouth caused my body to shudder as she

trailed kisses down my neck to my chest. I lifted the covers as she moved on top of me, dipping her head so she could lick

my collarbone. Bella pressed closer to me, her nipples grazing across my chest. With both hands, she braced her thumbs

behind my ear and pulled my face to hers, her mouth crashing into mine. I wrapped my arms around her, my fingertips

pressing hard along the curve of her spine as she parted her lips and thrust her tongue inside my mouth. My body

tightened as she circled her hips against me.

Bella moved slowly down, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses over my chest, swiping her tongue over my nipples. She

moved down and reached for me. The feel of her around me brought on an unexpected shudder as she took me deeper

into her mouth. I threaded my hands through her hair as she continued to draw me in. My body tightened and I threw my

head back, muffling a deep groan as my release took over. She came and laid beside me, draping her arm across my


"Good morning," she said, her voice still rough with sleep.

"Yes it is. What was that for?" She snuggled next to me as I pulled her closer.

"I don't know. But you better get used to it." Bella lightly ran her fingers across my chest as we chuckled. A few minutes of

silence passed before she spoke. "Do you miss her, your mother, I mean. It must have been hard to watch her die."

Chills covered me, despite the warmth of her body next to mine. Shocked by her sudden question, it took me a few

minutes to answer. 'Yes, it was hard. But it was even harder watching my father lay into her. At least with the cancer, I

knew there was nothing I could do to stop it." Bella reached for my hand and locked her fingers with mine as she moved

closer to me.

"There was no way you could have stopped him, Eddie. You were just a kid."


Bella raised her head to look at me. "Is that a 'yeah, I know,' or a 'yeah, I still should have done something.'?"

I shifted restlessly. I hated talking about this shit, but I needed too. "He was a big guy, I tried to stop him a few times but

it only pssed him off even more."

'Have ou heard from him?"

I stiffened and clenched my jaw. "No." I could fel her looking at me.

"Do you ever wonder where he is, whether he is still alive...?

I turned to meet her eyes. "No."

She nodded. "Fair enough."

Silence stretched between us for a few minutes. Bella raised her head and rested her chin on my chest, positioning herself

so she could look at me.

"I think about Ben Chaney sometimes," she said after a while. "Whether he's married, kids, that sort of thing." She

paused, then huffed out a breath. "Stupid, huh? It wasn't as though he tried to get me pregnant. But still...It didn't change

his life, what happened that night. He can still have a family." I took my hand and moved her hair from her face, then

stroked her cheek with the back of my hand.

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"He never spoke to me afterward, you know. Ben and his friends used to laugh at me when I walked past them at school.

Never once did they look me in the after my operation...Well alot of kids didn't look me in the eye after that. Like I was a


I knew how hard it was for Bella to talk about the past and her feelings. It was apparent when I had first approached her

about telling me the truth. Also, she had taken it upon herself to speak up first, trying to make it easier for me to talk

about my past. She wanted to know about my father. She wanted to share my pain the way I'd share hers. This was hard.

I didn't want to do it. Everything in me fought the idea of unpacking all the baggage and ugliness that I had stowed away.

Bella moved up, and laid her head on my chest, her hair fell to one side and she placed her hands on either side of me.

The gesture forced me to unclench my jaw.

"He was a drunk," I said quietly. "I can't remember ever seeing him sober. I'm sure he was, I mean, he had a job some of

the time. But I can't remember seeing him without a glass or a bottle in his hand."

She remained silent, the only sound our heartbeats.

"We used to gauge his moods by the way he came home. If he slammed the door, then we knew it was going to be hell." I

shook my head at the memories. "He was a scary bastard. The first time we ran away and he came after us, I thought he

had killed her, she was so quiet afterward..."

Bella moved up until her head was just under my chin, her arms cradled me as she slid them underneath me. "You don't

have to tell me anymore."

"Bella. I need to talk to you about something." She raised her head and quirked an eyebrow at me.

"What is it."

"It's about your art. I had your paintings brought here from Emmett's house. Rose and a friend of hers own an art gallery

downtown. She likes it. Alot."

She blinked rapidly. Again, I could see the uncertainty warring with hope inside her. We stared at each other in silence for

a long time.

"I should be mad at you," she turned away from me. "But I'm not."

I sighed with relief and closed my eyes. "Good. Because...she wants to show your art. Like...soon."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Wow." She furrowed her brow, like she was thinking about something, then finally spoke.

"I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass. Thank you for letting her look at my stuff."

I hated it when she called it 'stuff'. I wondered how long it would be before she referred to her work as 'art.' A while, I

suspected. But that was OK. She needed, we needed, time to adjust. Time for acceptance, of ourselves and each other.

We spent and hour talking about the competition bike, business, her art. After breakfast, we went to the office to so we

could discuss future projects, and I needed to see how things were coming along with the offer.




I stood with my eyes tightly closed. Edward stood behind me, his hands covering my eyes.

"No peeking."

"Stop worrying. I want to be surprised." I said.

The guys were whispering amongst themselves. I kept tapping my thigh with my hand out of nervousness. This was it. The

unveiling of the competition chopper. I was about to see if my ideas had worked, if art and form and function had come

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together in a cohesive whole. I wanted it to be good so much, that I felt a little sick. I wanted to make Edward proud. He

had so much faith in me. I wanted the guys to be repaid for their being so welcome.

"OK. Here we go." Edward said near my ear.

The warmth of his hands left my face and I opened my eyes. In front of me was a sleek motorcycle. Its lines long, low and

sexy. My gaze traveled from the elongated front forks to the handlebars, then along the body. Fat tires, chrome alloys and

a custom-made, hand-tooled, cherry-red leather seat. But nothing commanded as much attention as the images the

jumped out from the bike's fuel tank, fenders and oil pump. The avenging angel that I had created strained forward, power

and determination in every line of her beautiful face and body. Purple and orange and red flames licked at the tips of her

wings and her streaming hair, propelling her forward. More flames stood out along the fenders and curled around the oil

pump cover.

I had to take a step back. It was so beautiful, I had a hard time believing that I had a hand in creating it.

"What do you think?" Edward asked.

I shook my head in disbelief. "I...I don't know what to say. You guys have done an amazing job. Honestly, I'm speechless."

I reached out and ran my hand along the custom, chrome 'suicide' gearshift, the head of which was a round, stylized heart

heart in keeping with my old-school tattoo theme.

"Listen to Miss Modesty. The paint job makes the bike, little lady," Matt said. "If we don't win the Sturgis comp with this

baby, I'll become a vegetarian."

The others agreed with Matt. Edward's hands landed on my shouldersfrom behind and he leaned close.

"Get used to it, babe. I know it kills you to hear nice things about your work, but once Rose sets the date for your gallery

opening, you're going to have praise coming out the ass once she's finished."

I elbowed him in his stomach, but he dodged away laughing. Everyone followed suit, the laughter carried throughout the

garage. Luke came in with a bottle of champagne and we made a toast, celebrating. I hung back a little, surprised by the

buzz of achievement I felt. Creating tattoos had been an outlet for me, and was fulfilling, but it had never made me feel

like this. Matt called me over and we discussed how I finessed some of the design as we admired the cutouts in the

wheels. Edward came over to join us.

"I hope you're prepared. Once this thing goes public, everyone is going to want a Bella Swan bike."

I could see the sincerity and pride in him as he laughed and talked with the guys as they talked about the truck coming to

pick up the bike. For a moment, as I stood back and watched him, his body relaxed and he seemed at ease as he took

another sip of his champagne. It was then that I realized how lucky I really was that he came back into my life. He was

such a good man, despite the roadblocks life had thrown his way.

And he's mine. I get to go home with him and make love to him. I get to hold him in my arms all night. I get to wake up to

him every morning. Never in a million years would I have believed that I was going to marry Edward, to be with him for

the rest of my life. Looking down at the bracelet on my wrist, I felt tears sting the back of my eyes. I glanced up and

caught his eyes. Edward's mouth curled slowly at the corners. Then his gaze dipped below my face and he gave me a long,

slow, lazy head-to-toe. When he met my eyes again, his smile curved into a full grin.

Cocky bastard. Cocky, wonderful, beautiful, generous, sexy bastard. Because I couldn't stay without crying, I made my

way to the door.




Bella sent me a text letting me know she went to get lunch and she would be back soon. I sat in my office trying to stop

the grin on my face, but I couldn't. Bella looked so happy and I told myself that I wanted to keep her like that forever.

After going over some small details and making arrangements for the truck to pick up the bike, I had Angela call Tyler to

my office. Now, that Bella was getting away from Mike for good, I needed to make sure other details were in order.

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"How's it looking?" I asked as Tyler as he sat down in the chair.

"It's looking good. He's accepted the offer."

"Bullshit. Seriously?" Tyler handed me the offer sheet. He was right, with one exception. The original offer that had been

made had doubled, something I'm sure Mike had insisted on before agreeing to sell. It wasn't enough to leave me high and

dry, which was good, but I still couldn't believe the numbers I was looking at. Sitting back, I whistled and tossed the

papers back onto the desk.

"So, what do you want to do? Take it or leave it?"

Picking up the papers, I gave them a once over then nodded. "Yeah, go ahead. Once everything is said and done, take ten

percent of what's left of my money and reinvest, then we'll get started on rebuilding that community."

Tyler agreed and we spent the next fifteen minutes working out the details. When Tyler left, I called Bella's cell, but she

didn't answer. I tried texting her a few times, but she hadn't replied. Jasper and I went to lunch and when we came back, I

realized that Bella still hadn't made it back.

"What is it E?" Jasper asked as we sat there in the parking lot.

"Somethings not right. Bella's not back yet. I've tried to call her, but she hasn't called me back."

"Let me call Alice and see if she's with her."

I waited while he talked, but he shook his head as he hung up. "She hasn't seen her. Alice said she was heading over to

her apartment now. Maybe she went to get the rest of her stuff."

At lunch, I told him everything that had happened last night, so it made sense what he said. "Maybe. I'm going to check it

out, too. I don't have a good feeling about this."

Half an hour later, we finally made it through mid-afternoon traffic and made it to Bella's apartment. Alice pulled up behind

me as we arrived at the same time. Bella's car was parked at the end of the street, so I knew she was here. As we walked

into the entry way and up the stairs, I noticed that Bella's door was cracked open a little. Panic set as I slowly opened the


"Bella?" I called out to her and waited, but she didn't answer.

The rooms were dark as the curtains were closed, only the light from the outer hall filtered in the room. Alice and Jasper

went and checked the other rooms. I called out to her again on my way to through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

And that's when I saw her. She was on the floor, lying on her side, her back to me. I ran over to her and rolled her over.

Anger and hate gathered in the pit of my stomach. I barely recognized her. Her eyes swollen shut. The bruises had already

started to form and there was blood streaming from her lip and the cut over her eye. Who ever had taken there hand to

her hit her with so much force, that it looked like her cheekbone had caved in. Flashbacks of my mother flashed like

lightning in my head as I held Bella in my arms. She was listless, her body heavy as I held her. I moved her hair away

from her face. Tears filled my eyes and my jaw clenched tight.

"Oh my God!" Looking up, Alice had her hand over her mouth as she stood in the doorway, Jasper standing beside her.

"Shit!" He said. Alice stepped back and I heard her talking to the nine-one-one operator. Jasper came over and dropped to

his knees in front of me. I glanced up at him, the two of us nodded as we agreed in silence who had done this to her. Mike.

He must have figured out that I was the one who made the offer, accepted it anyway, but wasn't satisfied with just that.

He was the type that wanted to have the last word. I looked down at Bella, then back up to Jasper.

"I'm going to kill that son-of-a-bitch with my bare hands."

He nodded as he understood. Alice came in and sat beside us. "Ambulance is on it's way. I can't believe..." Her voice

trailed off as she started to cry.

Ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived, and got her situated in the back. One of the EMT's tried to stop me as I was

climbing into the back.

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"You can't go. It's crowded and we need what space we do have to work."

I got close to his face, my jaw clenching and ground out through my teeth. "If you don't want your balls in your throat,

you'll let me go with her." He thought about it for a second, then stepped aside.

While we were sitting in the waiting room, I made a call to Emmett and let him know what happened, told him everything.

An hour later the doctor came in, a worried look on his face.

"How bad is it?" I stood and asked as he came in.

"She's got two broken ribs on her right side and her left cheek is fractured. She has hairline fractures in her fingers, and

the bruises on her hands show that she fought back." He swallowed hard, then spoke. "Who ever did this did quite a

number on her. It's going to take a while for her to recover."

I ran my hands over my face and Alice put her hand over her mouth to stifle her crying. Jasper came up and put his arms

around her and pulled her close.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"Sure. She's out of it. I gave her something to ease the pain, so she's sleeping."

Walking into her room, I tucked both hands into the rear pocket of my jeans and leaned against the doorjamb and watched

her. Just stood there and watched her sleep, grateful for the gentle rise and fall of her chest that was vital to my existence.

I almost lost her. He had left her there. Beat her so bad, that if I hadn't gotten there in time...

Tears burned the back of my eyes and I drew in a ragged breath. I pinched the bridge of my nose to try and stop the flow.

Didn't work. Didn't do a goddamn bit of good.

All I could think about was giving Mike what he deserved, the old fashioned way.

I slid to the floor, lowered my head between my knees and cried like a baby.


I woke to the sound of muted footsteps, harsh light that burned my eyes, a strange room, the rattling of machines, and

the warmth of a body lying next me.


Anchoring me. Protecting me. Taking care of me as he promised. Even as he slept soundly beside me. I closed my eyes

again and drifted in and out, trying to stay awake. The pain in my side was intense, even more in my face as I tried to

speak. Through half closed eyes I stared at the ceiling. Tears fell in silence from the corner of my eyes, the pain reminding

me of every hit that I had taken, every physical and verbal punch that Mike had slammed me with. But I fought back this

time. Attempting to move my fingers only made the pain in my hand worse. I could still see myself scratching at his eyes,

punching him back in the face, kicking him...He was so much stronger than me, that I became exhausted. That's when I

felt the first jab to my right side and everything went black after that.

Beside me, Edward stirred, nuzzled his face deeper into the curve of my neck. His heart beat strong and steady against

me. He felt warm and amazingly soft molded against my body. His breath, where it feathered across my neck, was life

sustaining, vital. Vital to everything that mattered, to everything that I was. Nudging him a little, his eyelids fluttered

open. Fluttered shut again. Then flew open when he realized I was awake.

"Hey." He murmured, his voice rough with sleep. On a deep breath, he raised up on one elbow and searched my face. His

gaze lingered on my cheek before returning to my eyes. "I thought I'd lost you."

I tried to stop the emotion building up inside of me, but in the end, I couldn't. Looking into his eyes and feeling the

feathering of his touch along my forehead, I let go. My throat felt thick and my eyes burned.

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"Shhh. Don't try and talk." He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on my temple. "I'm going to make sure he can never

hurt you again."

More tears escaped as he kept looking into my eyes. How could I not cry when I saw the redness around his eyes and the

tears and not know that, this strong, selfless, beautiful man had without a doubt already been crying for me?

"I was so scared, Bella. I can't explain it, but..." He choked back his words. I shook my head slightly and he quieted. "I

don't want to leave you, but I have to take care of this and put it to a stop. Alice is on her way."

I nodded, then turned my head as Alice walked into the room.

"Hey. How is she?" She asked as she came to stand beside the bed.

"Doc says she's going to be fine. She'll have to stay for at least a week before they'll release her. They want to make sure

there is no nerve damage in her..." His words were halted as he swallowed hard. Edward glanced at Alice and she nodded

her head, a gesture of silent understanding between them. Edward leaned in and kissed me on the forehead, letting his

lips linger for a moment.

"I'll be back. Promise."

Alice nodded at him. She looked over at me, then back as we both watched him walk out of the room.




I turned and took one last look through the narrow window. Alice was holding her hand as they talked. I could feel the

anger collecting in my fist, I was all raw and thunderous on the inside, but somehow managed to appear calm on the

outside. All I could see in my head when I looked at Bella, lying there, battered and broken, was my mother's face

shadowed beside her. Suddenly, I felt every hit and heard every rotten thing my father had ever taken and said to the

both of us. All our energy was spent trying to endure the pain, the torture, the condescending tone of his voice packing

just as powerful a punch as his fist...we spent so much time trying to survive. Mike was just like my father. Controlling,

condescending, abusive...felt the world owed him something.

Well, that glass house he lived in was about to get shattered to pieces.

Jasper and Tyler were waiting for me outside the room as I walked out. I needed them, as well as the other guys at the

shop. There was no way I could do this alone, besides, Bella was a part of more than just me, she had become a part of an

extended family, hurt one of us, you hurt us all.

"Guys are on there way." Jasper said as the elevator doors opened and we walked down the hallway, then out to the

parking lot. I was getting ready to shut the door when he handed me the small wooden case that I had asked him for.

Opening it, the sun reflected off the brass. I lifted them from the case and slowly slipped the cool metal over my fingers.

They had been a gift from the gang that I rode with several years ago. I was told to save them for a special occasion, and

this just happened to be an occasion, but nothing special about it. A few minutes later, I placed them back in the case.

Tyler pulled the Hummer onto the interstate and drove toward Bare. I made a few phone calls on the way, one to Emmett

telling him the time and place to meet us. The next call I placed was to an old biker acquaintance, James.

"Edward "The Mallet" Cullen. What the hell, man?" James asked.

"I'm calling to cash in on that favor."

James was quiet for a second, then I heard a few voices in the background.

"Name the time and place. I'll bring the boys." James said.

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"Coleman City. The abandoned warehouses."

"On our way."

I slammed the phone shut and checked my mirrors before I exited onto the feeder road and headed toward Bare. Alice had

told me that Mike would be there, minus his guard dogs, which was beneficial to my plans. Parking on the side of the

building, Tyler and Jasper got out of the car and went inside. I though it better to surprise Mike, making it easier to round

him up if he was caught off guard. Ten minutes later, I saw Tyler and Jasper come around the corner, Mike in between.

Jasper opened the door and shoved Mike in the back seat, then climbed in next to him, Tyler on his left.

Glancing in the rear view mirror, Mike was eyeing me, a smirk teased the corner of his mouth. "What took you so long?"

I remained quiet as I drove away. Mike sat silently for a while, but spoke when we stopped at a red light.

"What are you planning to do, Cullen? You won't get away with it." His voice held a twinge of fear behind it. Good. I

wanted him to be scared shitless. I kept my mouth shut, Jasper taking care of it for me.

"Not sure the politically correct term for it, but where I come from, we call it a lynching. And from what I understand,

whether we get away with it or not should be the least of your worries."

I grinned as we pulled into the abandoned lot behind the collection of old warehouses on the shady side of Coleman City.

With about fifteen minutes to spare, I decided to give Mike a piece of my mind. Jasper jerked Mike out of the seat and

walked him out into the parking lot, stopping short a few feet away from me. I rolled up my sleeves and Tyler handed me

the brass. I slipped them over my knuckles and as soon as Tyler stepped away, I laid into Mike.

The years of anger and hurt that I had harbored were unleashed. Every scenario that my father had put me and my

mother through, I landed a blow to his face with each flash that entered my mind. Uncontrollable rage kept driving every

hit. I felt the splatter of blood stream across my face when I was pulled back.

"Enough man!" Jasper said as he and Tyler pulled me off Mike. We turned our heads as we heard a low, rumbling echo

coming from around the corner. Emmett's car was leading the mass of bikes as they rolled to a stop, the bikers fanning out

around us.

James edged of his bike and the others followed, grouping around us. Turning back, Mike's eyes, even though swollen,

widened, as he recognized his fate. Emmett walked over to Mike, silent as he held his shoulders back. Mike yelled out as

Emmett kicked him hard in the kidneys. Without flinching, Emmett turned around and came back to where we were


"That the guy?" James asked. I had my back turned to Mike, not wanting to look at him anymore. Answering, I gave

James a nod of head.

"Go. We'll take care of the rest. You have more to lose." His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed in Mike's direction in


"Go ahead, E. Be with Bella. We'll get ours in." Jasper said as he stood behind me and settled his hands on my shoulders.

Slipping the brass from my knuckles, I let them fall to the ground, then looked up at met James' gaze.

"Make him disappear."

Jasper chuckled as he knelt down beside Mike, I stood at the door for a moment, and smiled when I heard Jasper's

comment. "I hate to tell you this, Mikey. But this is gonna hurt like a bitch."

An hour later, I arrived at the hospital, went into the bathroom that was immediately to my left as I entered, cleaned

myself up and took the elevator to the third floor. Alice was sitting in the chair by the bed, Bella asleep. Alice looked at me

and I nodded my head, letting her know it was done. She smiled and left me to be with Bella alone. Placing my knee on

the edge of the bed, I sidled up next to her, whispering her name to wake her.

"Bella." I stroked her cheek lightly. Her eyes fluttered opened and she smiled when she saw me, her eyes questioning me.

"It's over."

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Her lip quivered slightly and I felt her body give way. A single tear fell from her eye. In that moment, our painful pasts

vanished as I stared into the eyes of my new beginning.

Los Angeles, CA

Two years later...



Sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a golden glow across her skin as she slept. Her lips slightly parted and

her hair cascading over her shoulders, I considered myself the luckiest man alive. So much had happened in the last two

years. Bella made it through without having so much but a tiny scar across her eyebrow, a sad reminder of how our

choices, right or wrong, always have consequences, good or bad.

His name hasn't been mentioned at all since that late afternoon in Coleman City. Even when the local media televised his

trial, we just turned off the television and didn't read the paper until it was over. During the investigation of his assault,

the police had uncovered that Mike was using Bare as an outlet for buying and selling drugs, not to mention prostitution.

The endless counts of sexual assault charges that had been linked to him, thanks to the DNA they had collected from Bella,

Mike was going to be spending a very, very, long time in jail, with the possibility of parole in the near future almost

impossible. Fortunately, for James and the rest of us who each had our turn with Mike, there were other shady activities

that kept the investigators happy, leaving us without a scratch. Can't say the same for Mike.

The building where Bare used to be and the surrounding properties had been renovated. Several lots had been turned into

parks and recreational centers for the communities nearby. Other's had been restored as businesses and educational

centers, adding employment opportunites and job training that hadn't been available before. Luke, Matt, and the rest of

the guys took turns every other weekend at a workshop teaching the kids in the area how to work with metal and paints

and the like, tapping into the creativity of the young ones and giving them something positive to look forward to. I'm glad

to know that Mike Newton never saw a dime of that money.

Bella and I were married six months after she was released from the hospital. I wanted to wait a little longer, to make sure

her wounds had healed. Her emotional state was less than steady, but she wouldn't hear of putting it off any longer. We

had lost so much time, she didn't want to waste another second. The wedding was beautiful. She looked wonderful in her

black leather skirt and white silk blouse. I wore my usual, jeans, a white tee, and my black leather jacket. Very

appropriate, considering that we were surrounded by bikers and all kinds of chaos. Emmett and Jessica, along with their

three kids in tow. Jasper and Alice, who were expecting baby number two any day now. Jasper was now co-owner of

Cullen Customs, which allowed Alice to sell her restaurant downtown and start a catering business from their home, which

was a success from the word go. Tyler and Angela seemed to be doing well. That was a pairing that I didn't think possible,

but they were happy,and that is what was important. Rose hadn't changed, still single and searching for the right one.

I hadn't lost all of my money when I purchased Bare and the other properties. Now, the money that I make from the

company, most of it is donated to charities and given back to the community. Bella's bike was the winner at Sturgis. The

money form that, and the money Bella received from her last three art shows was more than enough for us to live off of

for quite a while, if not forever.. Which was good, because now that Jasper was my partner, it allowed Bella and I to spend

more time together. I sold a few of my bikes from my personal collection and sold the Mustang to Rose, which I still smile

about sometimes. All of the material things in life were so unimportant and irrelevant to my my life, that I didn't think it

necessary to keep them. It was just stuff, as Bella would say.

Where I am today had nothing to do with my business, my money, or my material possessions, but had everything to do

with the woman lying beside me. Her generosity and kindness, her selflessness. Her free spirit and and warm smile. But

most of all, her love had given me the strength I needed to heal. And judging by the the peaceful look on her face, I had

given her the same.

I felt the tickle of smooth skin brush across my chest. Reaching down, I let the beautiful, brown-eyed baby girl lying

between us curl her tiny fingers around my thumb. Elizabeth Marie Cullen, now four months old, had become the newest

journey on the road of life, her adoption final two weeks ago today. Glancing back and forth between the baby and Bella, I

smiled at the peacefulness that had finally settled on Bella's face. Ever since the day we brought Elizabeth home, the

harshness and incompleteness had disappeared from her features, leaving her more beautiful than before.

Bella stirred, her eyes fluttering as she tried to focus. She lifted her head and pressed a soft kiss to the top of Elizabeth's

head. I leaned over and gave Bella a kiss then reached down and locked her fingers with mine.


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Bella smiled as she looked me in the eyes. "I love you. And that's enough for me."

I returned a smile, my eyes searching her face. "I love you too. And that's all I want and can ask for, Bella. That's all."

The three of us spent the rest of the morning in bed, and as we did, I realized that I was looking at my past, my present,

and my future, in the company of the three women in my life. My beautiful wife Bella, my beautiful baby girl, who we

named after my mother, keeping her alive in spirit. After watching the two of them together I realized that this is all I

could ever want.

And all that I would ever need.


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