090 Mahalia Levey Tell Me No Lies

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Tell Me No Lies

Copyright 2012 by Mahalia Levey

ISBN: 978-1-61333-226-9

Cover art by LFD Designs

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of
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Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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Also by Mahalia Levey

Burn Me if You Can

A 1Night Stand Story

Price of Defiance

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Tell Me No Lies

A 1Night Stand Story


Mahalia Levey

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To the fans, because you make everything worth it!

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Tell Me No Lies

Chapter One

The throbbing beat of the music broke. “Autumn to main stage. Cara to


As the sounds resumed, Caileigh, known at the club as Autumn, grimaced. “I’m


“Thank you, lovely, for the dance.”

“You’re welcome. Save another for me.” She slid off the lap of her favorite

regular. He kept his hands to himself and treated her with respect. Many others
got ass grabby or groped her breasts without permission. Not Trent. He gave her

his special wink as she headed front stage for her two number set. Multiple times
he’d asked her to leave the club and offered a better life. She knew better than to

believe in empty promises. Some of her closest friends had followed that dream

with their own regulars, only to return broken hearted.

She’d worked at Uptown’s Gentlemen’s Club for two years, so far. Though the

title was flashy and the interior immaculate, she felt an air of darkness in its
black-lighted environs whenever she worked. Evil didn’t lurk far, but the “bring
your own beer” joint brought in the dollars and dancers wanting an “in” waited

their turn on a long list. The club ensured the patron’s hard-earned paper went
directly into the G-strings of the dancers, who in return paid the house fee and a

cut to the bouncers and the DJ.

The previous performer cleaned the pole and mirrors with a spray disinfectant

and fresh towel. Since they all wore slippery, glitter-laced lotions, an unwashed
pole was not only nasty, but a slip and fall hazard. Caileigh inhaled the crisp,
lemon scent, waved her friend off stage, and waited for the music to cue.

She stretched her legs and ground her seven-inch stiletto, thigh-high boots

across the floor, testing her grip patch. Picking the right music meant more


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money, so she had spent a few moments scanning the crowd before deciding

which CD to hand to the DJ at the start of the evening. Most patrons expected the
performers to dance to rap and do nothing but floor routines and ass claps—not
that she didn’t…sometimes. But Caileigh saved those for when college students
came into the club in droves.

Being on stage gave her a sense of empowerment, knowing she could bring the

men to the brink of arousal without abatement. She let their leering gazes slide
off her sparkly skin and set the pace as the first notes sounded out of the giant

Her eyes flitted over the crowd. She located him in a seat right next to the

stage. The intriguing man who’d come in every night for two weeks. She fixed a
smile on her cherry-red painted lips and gyrated in front of him, gliding around
the pole, the cool steel warming under her palms. Up she inched, higher, her gaze
never straying from his. What’s his deal?

She enacted a series of spins, anchoring her hands between her thighs to

distribute her weight and display her flexibility. Her underarm locking her in
position, she spiraled down the pole. Caileigh enjoyed this part of her job the

most, playing on stage, moving to the music, contorting from position to position.
Her toned muscles supported her body. Bent upside down, the underside of her
knee caressed the cool metal; her arm held the stem of her booted foot. She

released her hold to land gracefully on the smooth floor.

She sidled around again and again, offering a smile or a wink, before engaging

in a new series of acrobatics. She locked her legs in a side split then flipped to a
sitting position to regard the crowd. Too much silence greeted her. Tough group.

She used her upper body strength and slammed to the floor in a center split,

her boots clacking, a sonic boom echoing from her landing. Heads snapped in her
direction. Caileigh unleashed the naughty vixen in her, performing complex floor
work until she rose with grace and sashayed across the stage. Take that, people.

Her second song began, the haunting gothic voices echoing in a series of oohs

and ahhs. Swaying to the slower rhythms, she untied her top, baring areolas the

color of dark chocolate in contrast to her milk chocolate skin.

Bracing in front of the pole, she worked her floor routine then moved to the


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edge of the stage to accept bills with a seductive smile, thanking the men with an

air peck next to their cheeks. She moved back to center stage, twisting and
pirouetting, finishing her set with a single spin around the pole, relishing the cool
metal between her thighs. The nameless man’s penetrating gaze fired her blood.
No man…no customer had ever affected her as he did.

His gaze made concentration impossible. She’d perfected her series of pole

tricks—each with a name only a dancer would know—or she’d have landed on her
head. She forced herself to break the stare down…to try to forget his dark brown
orbs bordering on obsidian enough to blend in with his pupils. Not once had he

spoken to her, queried for a dance. He didn’t have a welcoming presence with his
mercenary appearance. Sweat beaded her upper back. The song ended and

applause began. Caileigh waved to the growing crowd and headed for the main
floor. A shiver wracked her body as she passed him, as if his eyes were boring into
her skin.

Suzi, a cute, petite dancer stopped her on her way into the dressing room to

freshen up. “Watch out for the guy in the sweats over by VIP. He’s offering to buy

unlimited lap dances.”

“Oh. We got one of those sweatpants no boxer types?” Lots of men went

commando. She briefly wondered if the sexy, silent man wore boxers…. Shaking

her head to clear the naughty thoughts, she grimaced. Suzi had reminded her of
one of the worst aspects of her job. Men who came in prepared made them all

feel violated. The ones who visited in sweatpants paid double the normal rate to
get past the six inch rule the thirty dollar dance included. His type made her
shudder. Nothing like riding the ridge of a horny man’s cock with her girly parts

protected only by a thin barrier of costume.


“Jamaica was dancing on him. She saw the tip of his pecker pop out. At least

he had a condom on.” Suzi shuddered.

“Still gross. I prefer the customer who pays to rub my feet all night. Some

fetishes are cool, others not so much.” Caileigh reached for a bottle of water from
the dancer’s stage side supply. She twisted the cap off and took a sip to quench

her parched throat. “Hey, you see the guy up by front stage?” Caileigh asked,


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unscrewing the top and tilting the bottle up.

“How could anyone miss the hottie? Did you catch the way his arms and chest

flex when he crosses them?”

“Yeaaah. He’s been here a couple of weeks and hasn’t spoken a word. He just

sits and watches. He’ll set money on the stage edge, but doesn’t touch anyone.”

His lack of connection outside of his appraising regard intrigued her. A few

times, she’d felt him in the abyss of her soul, searching, stripping her bare of the
façade she projected on stage. Sure of himself, he’d stand and slide a Benjamin on

the stage from time to time. He wasn’t like the ones who came to sit back and

look for free, no tipping. Caileigh wished he’d approach her or another dancer,
but he never reached out, never indicated he wanted to slip a bill in a G-string or
even a girl’s hand. What if he prefers guys? No, scratch that. If he were, he’d be
in a gay strip club, not one featuring female performers.

“He could be shy or hasn’t been to enough clubs to know a small amount of

touching goes on…?” Suzi offered.

“Maybe. Oh well. I have some dances to do for Trent, so I’d better get cleaned

up. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll pass the word to security so they can handle Mr.

Sweatpants-No Boxers and his peeping penis.”

“We don’t want to lose business, but he needs to mind the six inch rule if he’s

going to try to loophole around the club etiquette.”

“Oh, if you see Daphne tonight, can you tell her I tore my sheer robe and need

her to make me a new one?” Suzy waved and headed back through the crowd.

Caileigh loved the costumes Daphne made for all of them. The

designer/seamstress came in twice a week with new outfits in a huge suitcase and

sold them for sixty to a hundred bucks each. If the seamstress came in tonight,

she’d buy something to make the mysterious stranger’s eyes pop.

Rock music blared through the speakers; the dancers on stage kept the men,

and now women, transfixed on their act. Caileigh approached the bar, signaling
for Jake, one of the bouncers to come to her side.

“How’s your night going?”

“Good. But Suzi informed me one of the customers is breaking the rules. He

has on gray sweats with nothing underneath…except for a jimmy.” Jake kept


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diligent tabs on all of them, making time to listen to them without creating a

scene like some bouncers did.

“Fuckin’ perv.”

“Well we are an adult entertainment facility.” She laughed, relieved. “But really

there is a boundary, and he’s crossed the line.”

“Have a good night, doll face.” She watched Jake move away across the room—

he always disarmed her with the southern drawl that made her toes curl. Too bad
he was married. Seemed like all the good ones were taken.

She sighed and thought of the form she’d filled out. Madame Eve had yet to

find her a match. Who was she kidding? She’d attempted dating before. The guys
at her school only wanted one thing, once they found out what her job was. Or

they wanted her to quit, but didn’t offer an alternative way to pay her expenses.
What was she supposed to get out of quitting her money-making job besides

some dick? Better she keep her job and forget about having a real relationship
with sex. She didn’t have time for a pipe dream.

Get a grip girl. You got work to do.

Trent sat in the same chair, nursing his cognac. She was on her way to him

when another dancer took a seat on his lap. Attitude sparked within her. Snark

lay on the tip of her tongue. Caileigh pursed her lips. Most dancers adhered to the
regulars’ rule. If a man habitually came to spend time with a select dancer or two,

others didn’t intrude. Never the type to go around begging for dances—the men
would ask if they wanted one—she took a seat at the bar. Trent turned his head
her direction and winked. The other girl should know by his body language she

was bothering him. He didn’t even put a hand on her back.

“Would you care for a drink?”

Caileigh spun around on the stool and locked gazes with her nameless man. “I

don’t drink, thank you.” He smiled at her, shattering her defenses with his warm,
hypnotic eyes.

“Is there somewhere we can go talk in private?”
“Here is empty enough, unless you’d like to take me to VIP and are too shy to

ask.” His response was a feral grin that sent shivers down her spine. Her

imagination played havoc with her; she swore she witnessed an orange, flickering


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flame in his eyes.

“Sugar, I’m not shy. May I escort you to the VIP area?”

“Yes.” A hoarse whisper instead of her jovial lilt left her parted lips. She fought

to bank the color seeping into her cheeks and linked her fingers with his, leading
him to the front of the building with the roped off section of rooms. A bodyguard
gave them entrance to an available space. “This—what you wanted?”

“Perfect.” He popped the cork on a bottle of iced champagne. “I know you

don’t drink, but do you mind if I have one?”

“Please do. I’m here on your dime.” Seeing such a masculine specimen drink

out of a champagne flute brought a giggle from her mouth. “Care to tell me your
name? Any one, even a fake will do.” Caileigh sat down on his lap and unclasped

her top, baring her breasts.

“Orias.” He frowned. “Why would you ask for a name that’s not real?”

“Orias.” She sounded it out. “Some people don’t like to use their real one here.”

Unusual. She set his flute down on the table and straddled him. “A new song is

beginning, and you get two dances on the house when you pay for VIP service.”

“Can I touch?”

“You are limited to cupping my breasts and ass. No mouth, no teeth. No

inserting fingers or anything else in my body.” Damn, she had been mistaken in
thinking the atmosphere had no effect on him and found herself fighting off a cry
of surprise when she sat on his groin, his leather pants hiding a long, thick,

monster erection.


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Chapter Two

Orias fanned his hands over Cailegh’s hips. Keep your mind on business. He

repeated the thought, willing his cock to quit jerking with every brush of her red
lace thong over his crotch. He gritted his teeth and let out a hiss, determined to
expel the pressure. Her sweet scent washed over him, a reminder of why he was

with her. Fuck, she smelled damn good. Not the lingering scent of brown sugar
and vanilla lotion she lathered on her body; her own fragrance was what enticed

the Lust Demons to come out in droves. A mixture of pure vixen and untried

innocence sent ripples of sensuality across the veil separating Earth from Hell.

“You’re a quiet one.”

He dropped his hold and spread his hands over the globes of her ass as she

worked her body over his encased erection. His breathing shallowed. Hers
hitched. The lap dance tested the bounds of his restraint. He tossed his head back
with his jaw locked tight. Baring fangs would scare the living shit out of her. She

moaned and his traitorous dick jumped. The scent of her musky cream escaping
the thin barrier wafted in the air. He desired to taste a sample of her nectar. The

burning need to make her come for him made his dick so hard it hurt. Relief
came by zeroing in on her clit, manipulating his zipper so that it brushed against

her bundle of nerves. Her pussy lips spread over the ridge of his cock. One last
pass and the dam broke. She cried out so softly he barely heard it. “Fuck,


“Who the fuck are you, and how do you know my given name?” She darted off

his lap and covered her bare breasts with her arms, backing to the door. He felt
her mental shields slam up and cursed under his breath a second time, hoping to

find an answer before she summoned security.

“Don’t be afraid.” The thought of her in VIP with a demon who meant to steal

her soul pissed him off. He only wanted to protect her and instead compromised
his position by letting her dance on him. Hearing her climax was worth the

punishment he’d receive.

“Easy for you to say. Are you stalking me?”


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Orias searched the vaults of information at his disposal to find the meaning of

her question. “No. I’m not a criminal.”

“Bullshit. You know my name. No one here knows my real name but the


“I was sent to protect you.” Frissons of energy crackled in the room. Hovered

above her. He stared at the light show, her voice drowned out by the paranormal

effects she’d exuded during her passionate storm. No wonder the demons below
wanted to possess her, to harness the excess energy her body emitted. The
artificial scents gracing the skin of all the dancers in the establishment paled in

comparison to Caileigh’s natural fragrance.

“From what? Overactive hands? I have bouncers to deal with that.”

Her ardor waned, leaving her distress ringing in his head. He could lie and tell

her that her boss had disclosed her name; however, lying wasn’t his forte. Orias
snorted. A Fallen possessed a conscience.

“Well? You have one minute to explain yourself before I get security.”
Orias crossed his arms. “I’ve told you that I’m here to keep you safe.”
“From whom?”

“A higher power sent me.”

“For a sexy man, you are nuts. Our time is over. Please stay away from me.”

She snatched her top and struggled into it, her eyes narrowed on him.

He clamped a hand around her arm. “I can’t do that. I have to honor my

assignment.” To calm her, he softened his tone. “Failure will not bode well for

me—or you.”

“What are you, some kind of extreme con man?” Her distress lifted, replaced

by a growing rage.

He heaved a sigh. His duty weighed heavy. Another emotion slammed into

him, one he could counteract and handle better, anger. Peering into her mind
gave him further insight. She warred with attraction to him and vexation at
herself for succumbing to pleasure. Interesting that someone who worked in her
field considered having an orgasm dirty.

He attempted to appease her inner strife. “It’s okay. I wanted you to come for

me.” From her horrified expression, he’d succeeded in making matters worse.


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“I did not come.”

She lied as badly as she faked liking her job. At least the subject of her name

dropped for a moment to give him time to work around his cluster fuck mistake.
“Madame Eve sent me.”

“What?” she sputtered. “To my job?”

Orias nodded. “You’re in peril, Caileigh. I’m here to steal you away for twenty-

four hours to keep you from harm.”

“Madame Eve owns a matchmaking site. How would she know if I’m in some

sort of danger?”

“Eve knows if there’s an issue with one of her clients.”
“Who is out to get me?”


“Wait.” Caileigh raised a brow. “Did you just say demons?”

“Yes.” Her amusement confused him. Lust Demons were a viable peril.

“Madame Eve doesn’t need to resort to pranks. I’d have trusted you, once you

said she sent you here.”

“Pranks?” For a second time he consulted his bank of intelligence for her

meaning. “Ahh. I assure you, Caileigh, the situation at hand is all too real. You are

a tasty morsel they’d love to devour, leaving behind only a husk.”

“I don’t believe in the unseen. Not ghosts, not monsters, not the boogeyman,

and especially not demons, fairies, or mythical gods. I barely believe in Heaven
and Hell.”

Orias growled, feeling a dark presence, and threw up a ward. “Pharzuph be

gone.” Damned demons needed vanquishing for intruding on his time.

Orias, brother. Come on. The lovely soul doesn’t believe in my legion of


“Who are you talking to?” Caileigh turned around in a circle.

“No one special.” He focused his attention back to the demon lounging on the

other side of the door—visible only to him. “I order you to leave.” Orias opened a

portal on the wall behind him. Being a Time Fallen had its benefits. A vortex of

wind exploded inward. He checked the end of the opening he’d created, ensuring

he crossed locations and not time. His awareness of unseen legions on the main


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floor told him they had only a few seconds to leave. “Caileigh, come to me.”

She stood frozen, just out of his grasp. The ward he’d tossed up wasn’t strong

enough to withstand with so many bouncing dark energies attempting to breach
his protective barrier in such a large building. Pain spread through the fibers of
his being. Bone and feathers pierced his back. The nearly unbearable agony of

calling forth his wings lanced through him. He breathed through the change.
Walking the few steps to Caileigh he encaged her body with his, folding his silver

wings around them. Pharzuph blasted through the doorway, bringing with him
unholy legions, only Orias’s straining wings protecting her from their grasp.

“Hold on, Caileigh.” He tightened his grip on her, shot through the portal and

slammed it shut. They hurtled through the worm hole. Instead of dragging her to
Hell or Heaven—problem locations for humans—he’d take her to a private

dwelling, ready for occupation. Madame Eve had placed it at his disposal for his
“date.” Steering them into the right exit, he touched ground on the living room
floor and folded his wings. Caileigh’s death grip on him went lax. Wide-eyed, she

stepped away from him, shaking so hard he heard her teeth chatter.

“What are you?”

“A Fallen Angel, at your service.” He bowed to her.

“Holy shit.” She stumbled, scooting farther away from him. “Where are we?”
“The Rocky Mountains. Madame Eve has made available this exclusive piece of

property overlooking the mountain range. I can’t risk taking you to the more

popular resorts. I’m sorry.”

“Why not?
“My plan is to keep you safe.” And make love to you for the next twenty-four

hours. He ran a thumb over his goatee. He remained silent for a moment to allow

her time to take in her new surroundings. She hadn’t fainted, screamed, or fallen
into a fit of sobs, the way other females in her situation had during his career as a

caretaker. This was the first time he’d faced a conundrum. His one-night stand
and his target in the same package. Priceless. How could he protect her if he

fucked her? How could he ignore the call to take her after feeling her body against
his in her evocative dance?

“I don’t understand why we’re in godforsaken nowhere.” Her face blanched.


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“Um, no pun intended.”

“No offense taken. I like the solitude here. The air is crisp and fresh. Have you

seen how breathtaking the mountain range is? The beauty fails in comparison to
you, but still it serves as a reminder of what peace feels like.”

“Fallen always smooth talkers?”

“No. We normally have limited contact with those we’re assigned to.” Her

crossed arms pushed her bosom up for a tantalizing view. Orias forced himself to
quit staring at her perfectly shaped breasts. Flashes of her dry fucking his cock

made his dick jump in remembrance.

“Oh, so you’re by nature antisocial?” She took a seat on the couch and tucked

her legs underneath her.

He found her curiosity refreshing. He stalked over and sat down next to her.

The soft cushions enveloped him. In time, he’d place his hand on her thigh to
show her she was safe. First he’d answer the question. “I’m not anti-social to
other Fallen. We hang out and talk and drink, along with other things. I’m not
one for long conversations, though.”

“Are you sure you can protect me tonight?”

“Of course. Big places with multiple entrances, exits, and people moving in and

out make keeping a veil of protection activated difficult. I have to reset every time
someone leaves or enters. I requested a quiet dwelling for us.” He wanted to
eradicate the worry from Caileigh’s face. She struggled with where to put her

hands and finally folded them between her legs. The unsure act made his mouth
twitch in amusement. Innocence rolled off her body in thick waves, tantalizing

him with sweetness. The more he basked in her proximity, the closer she drew
him in like a moth to a flame.

“This is all so surreal, like being in a horror film. Why couldn’t I see who you

were talking to at the club?”

“I didn’t wish for you to be scared and took care to put up a shield against

those hunting you.” Caileigh had yet to see his darker side. The one that impeded

regaining his salvation, feeling urges for destruction he hadn’t felt when he was

an angel. The hidden side that made shame course through him. For her he
would suppress the need to maim and the pleasure he felt at the prospect. She


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shuddered and he slipped his arm around her, drawing her into him, though it

wasn’t the best action on his part. He wanted to do so much more with her.

“Thank you for that. You missed your mark in not scaring me though. I was

terrified on the way here. I don’t understand why anything would be after me.” A
soft sigh left her lips.

“To many you are perfection. Incorruptible, yet exotic. Only a fool wouldn’t

want to hunt you, wouldn’t want to make you his.” He zeroed in on her perfectly
painted lips and groaned. The urge to take her rose up again. He refused to be a
savage beast and take advantage of their situation, no matter how much he ached

to bury his cock in her silken folds.

“So what are we going to do?”

“What indeed?” Pour honey over her and lick every inch of her mocha skin.

Dive into her sweet body, with tongue and cock. He risked losing his wings if

they went too far. His assignment was keeping her from harm and untouched.
Not that he liked balancing on the thin line, but the possibility of being chucked
straight to hell, kept him on the straight and narrow. Free will be damned. His

maker kept his kind on a rigid, short leash. Damn, if only he could have her

without risking everything he’d worked for in the past two centuries. He stood at

the crossroads. Orias cleared his thoughts and studied her face. “Are you

“I ate before my shift, but thank you.” She toyed with her hair and unlocked

her gaze to look past him.

“Let’s talk. I’ve been watching you for a few weeks. You’re beautiful and

talented. What drove you to dancing? Rather, what led you to such a choice? You
were meant for a better life.” Caileigh laid her head on his shoulder and tucked

her arm around his middle. He kissed the top of her head, encouraging her to
open up to him. Her file told him minor details. He wanted to know everything
about her.

“I had dreams when I was little. I was going to be a doctor or maybe open a

business. But I learned not to dream, not to want a family, and to depend on


“Such a sad answer. We angels like to hear the music of humans’ dreams. What


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made you stop?” He brushed a gentle hand over her thick hair.

“I grew up in foster care. The state gives so much money per child to the

caregivers. Once you turn eighteen, they give you a couple hundred dollars and
the only support system you’ve ever known ushers you out the door with an ‘I’m
sorry but we can’t afford to give you a home anymore.’ When you leave, a new

child takes your place. Being replaceable hurts. The truth that you were always
alone and never part of something great, never belonged.”

Pain laced her voice so thick his soul cried for her loss. As she curled against

him, he gave her shelter in his arms. He expected her to burst into tears, as was

normal for humans drenched with sadness. Instead, she took a few deep breaths

and raised her head from his chest. Her tale gave him insight. She hadn’t invested
emotionally in anything in her life, or she had just enough to be devastated when

her membership in a family turned out to have been a lie.

“After that, what choice did I have? Fast food work wouldn’t earn me enough

to have an apartment, let alone eat. I auditioned in front of the owner, and he

tried me out on amateur night. The club was packed. He hired me because I
didn’t balk. I performed to the best of my ability and the crowd liked me. I didn’t

even know that there was an art to dancing or elite dancers. Other clubs are like
survival of the fittest where veteran dancers will do a newbie bodily harm for an
assumed offense.”

“Scary that.”

“You’re tellin’ me. Try being an eighteen-year-old girl with no experience.

Stripping is a whole new world. If we’re smart, we can save enough to get a better

life. When I began working a few nights a week, the other girls made sure I got in
on the suicides and other money making opportunities, took me out to breakfast

after work. They are the only family I have.” He sat silent, watching the animation

in her face as she spoke, bathing in the sincerity washing from her.

“There’s more to the job than performing. Sometimes a customer just needs a

friendly face, an ear to listen. We provide that, too. There are a lot of lonely

people in this world....”

“I can relate.” Why humans believed angels had no emotion was beyond him.

He suffered loneliness every day he breathed. In the heavens, time passed slower


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than on Earth. In Hell, time passed so quickly he barely noticed. The stars were

his to command, to find solace in and manipulate to service his needs. Finding
comfort in solitude became the solution to a thousand years of depression.

Caileigh leaned on him, and he encouraged her to speak her mind. Anything to

push back the inevitable.

“What’s a suicide?”

“Oh, it’s when a bachelor comes in for his last rite of passage and gets forced

into a chair on stage. We open his fly and cut the band from his boxers and gag

him with it. He chooses three dancers and we give him the ultra –treatment,

stacking up in different positions. Usually one girl faces away from him, her
hands on the stage floor ass on his lap. A second girl will sit on her ass so her

breasts are level with his face the last dancer will climb the pole while the other
two work him out. Their dance is nothing like the lap dances on the floor. It’s a

wild ride for a few minutes and the last dancer will drop from the top of the pole
onto his groin, not enough impact to hurt his nads but hard enough to take the
breath out of him. She rocks his body hard. The chair slams against the pole while

the others pinch his nipples and muss his hair.”

The atmosphere changed. So much for demanding his libido behave. Her

description of the suicide made him want one but just with her. A pretty picture

of Caileigh slamming down on his cock crossed his mind. I’m fucked. Orias licked
his lips.

The smile on her face wavered; her nostrils flared as if she knew and desired

what he ached for. Beautiful browns widened at him, and her breath left her
mouth in a swish his hyper sensitive hearing picked up. Policing himself failed.
With a groan, he slipped his hand behind her nape, angling her face toward his.

When their lips touched, he gave in to the yearning pulsating in a thick cloud of
want around them. He wasn’t sure how much she projected or he unleashed.

Under his gentle touch, she blossomed.

One taste of her hooked him, reminding him of the sweetest of grapes intended

for wine. He sampled her, delving his tongue in. Caileigh teased him with darts of

her own against his. She slid onto his lap and pressed her supple body to his.

Heat from her core scorched his turgid cock.


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“So tasty.” He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. His responsible side

urged him to put a stop to their connection. The fiber of his being protested.
Reason informed him that breaching her would slow the demons lusting for her.

Carnal innocence beckoned him to be the first—the last. Orias drank in the
energy streaming around them. High off of the charge, he speared his tongue into

her mouth again and again. Caileigh ground her pussy over his dick. She emitted

the softest mewling sound as he savored her heady taste.

“I don’t know what I’m doing.” She moaned the words as he broke off their kiss

for a breath of air.

“Kissing.” He ran a teasing touch down her spine. Her skin pebbled and her

eyes dilated. Orias licked the nape of her neck and followed up with soft nips of


“Oohh. Do that again!” She trembled. He repeated the action, adding a tiny

amount of pressure to his bite and felt her pussy clench over his dick. Damn, how
he needed to stuff her full of him. Outside, the sky darkened. Hovering Fallen

dared him to take pleasure from her, to abandon his job and give in to the lust
seizing him by the balls. Whispered taunts grew into loud, raucous hums. Do it.

Do it. Do it.

“Don’t hold back, Orias. Please. Don’t. I have to have more of this thing we’re



“I want you to fuck me. I joined the site hoping for a connection. The one

between us is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. Your kisses engulf me.

Your lips on my neck and those teeth against my skin make my pussy so hot. Put
out the fire you’re stoking in me, please. I’ll perish if you don’t.”

“Sugar, we’ve only just begun.” Orias skimmed a finger down her arm. He

stood and extended his hand.


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Chapter Three

Orias stole her breath. Caileigh slipped her small hand into his mammoth one,

allowing him to help her out of the cushy seat. Intent rife in the air, she
swallowed a knot of fear. He led her through the picturesque cabin to the back

room. His hand squeezed hers in reassurance. Her stomach flipped-flopped,
nerves jittering.

“I will never hurt you.”

“Tell me no lies then; don’t utter words you can’t back up a hundred percent.

Give me this perfect memory. I won’t ask for more.”

His expression thunderous, he rounded on her in a way that made jolts of

electricity spark around them. In two seconds, he had her pinned to the wall, his
body caging hers. She breathed in his mystique and swallowed hard. His mouth
claimed hers in a savage taking. With nowhere to run, she met his possession of

her with abandon. She’d dreamed of this moment her entire adult life. The man
of her dreams with his lips on hers and his skin upon her skin. Obsession. A

wanton moan fell from her lips. She raised her leg and hooked her calf around his
hip. Burying her hands in his thick hair, she thrust her tongue into his mouth. He
drove her dizzy with need. When he broke off the all-consuming lip lock, she
could scarcely gather her wits about her.

“I never lie.” Orias executed the perfect hard expression. His eyes glinted in

anger. Point taken—the man had a thing for his word being gold. She’d have to

remember not to doubt him, aloud…. Damn, what if he read her thoughts. Did
she trust him not to?

“Okay.” She laced her fingers behind his neck and wrapped her other leg

around him. His masculine scent tickled her nose. Caileigh traced the throbbing
vein in his neck with her bottom lip, his hands caressing her ass and his cock

rubbing against her clit with delicious friction. Yeah, she’d felt bad for coming at
the club, but now that they had privacy, guilt had no place in her thoughts. She

welcomed his intentions for their evening.

She planned on receiving everything he cared to dish out. His chest flexed


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under hers, and she whipped around to see the room he’d brought them to.

Lavish didn’t begin to cover the décor. Her attention landed on the high sleigh
bed taking up most of the room. He’d have to toss her onto the bedding. Whoever

built this place must’ve been a Viking or a giant. “I need to use the bathroom.”

“All right.” Orias set her on her feet with a sinister smile. Caileigh dashed into

the bathroom to allow her bounding pulse to ease. After taking care of business,

she flipped on the shower. With reluctance, she stripped down and entered the
hot spray. Scrubbing the club smell away meant also washing his scent from her.
Even though he was waiting on the other side of the door. She’d come to crave the

spiced cologne he wore.

Madame Eve provided all the creature comforts. The creamy soap left her skin

feeling clean and moisturized, the hair care product softening her thick waves,
smoothing it down. Caileigh stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed. Drying
quickly, she opened the door leading into the hallway, moving forward, her feet

sinking in the plush carpet. Orias speed typed on his phone. She peeked over his
shoulder at the conversation.

“What’s she saying?” The texts flew across the screen so quick she couldn’t

keep up.

“Sorry. She takes matchmaking seriously. I half expected her to mist into the

room and rap me on the knuckles for misbehaving.”

Caileigh grinned. “She did have the ‘adult’ serious tone.” Sucking in a breath,

she dropped the towel.

“Very nice.” He whistled low. His appreciative gaze roamed her body. Funny

how being nude on stage didn’t frighten her. Now her vocal cords froze and her

palms dampened with sweat. Projecting a confidence shaky at best, she sauntered

to the bed and used the rungs on the footboard as a step ladder to ease onto it. On
her hands and knees, she crawled to the middle. Cold air hit her bare pussy,

causing her to shiver. The bed dipped. He moved behind her. The tip of his
tongue sliding into her made her gasp in surprise.

“Just as sweet as I thought,” he rasped. His strong hands parted her pussy lips.

His goatee grazed her skin, adding another texture. She gripped the bedding to

keep upright. Erotic books and videos held no comparison to the real deal. She


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wanted to slam her legs shut because feeling so good had to be so wrong. He

teased her wickedly by sliding his tongue in long strokes across her slit.


“I’m enjoying such a succulent treat.” He sucked her clit into his mouth, and

she thought she’d explode. Evading him her best recourse, she scrambled up the
bed. He yanked her back with his strong arms and trapped her in place. A slap
warmed her ass cheeks, making her yelp.

“What was that for?”

“Running.” He slid a thick finger into her pussy. He rotated it and added a

second, stretching her. The uncomfortable pressure built. She whimpered and he
withdrew and brushed the back of his hand over her clit. Pleasure bloomed and

she relaxed as he ran his face along the seam of her pussy. Warm breath added a
second sensation to unfurl within her. His tongue traced the path of his fingers.
Caileigh moaned again.

“I’m going to slide back inside you again, sugar.” He nipped her ass. The

pressure came again, his fingers working inside her, making wetness drip from

pure, scintillating arousal. The urge to push down seized her. She tried until he

nipped her hard.

“I want more.” Her breath deepened, heavy in her chest.

“Roll onto your back.” He slapped her ass, chuckling so low she almost missed

the rumble of his laughter.

“Like this?” She flipped over and pulled one of her legs up next to her ear. He

cocked his head to the side then crawled up to loom over her. She grinned big. “I
am really flexible.”

“I can see that.” He disrobed, taking his time. Caileigh’s eyes widened. Lord, he

looked damn good naked, nothing but muscle. Her gaze dropped to his goods.
Instant fear whiplashed through her. What if he didn’t fit or if he did but tore her
in half? Impressive and thick, his long dick jutted out, the head engorged so tight
it looked purple. Not lavender, but a ruddy purple deep as a plum.

When he ran a hand up her inner thigh, she leveled her gaze with his. Sexy

strength and pure attraction sucked the air from her lungs. She opened her

mouth to speak again. He stopped her with the pass of his tongue over her


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pebbled nipple. Fuck, she’d forgotten about her breasts. Orias paid homage to

each one. She let out a shuddering breath and sifted her hands through his hair.
Each time he suckled, her core clenched and sticky, wet juices sluiced down her

thighs. And then his fingers searched her again, teased her. She writhed under
him, widening her legs for more. Gentle turned intense. Hot skin pressed to hers,

the throbbing member resting on her clit. “Orias.”

“You’re not ready yet.” To prove his point, he slid his thickness into her tight

opening. She stiffened and he withdrew.

“Inch it in. I can handle you.”

“We’ll see.” He kissed her breathless. His body caged hers, surrounding her

without crushing her to smithereens. She regretted never buying a vibrator.
Having one before now would’ve helped considerably. Orias nipped her skin from

the column of her neck, down the valley of her breasts, his fingers working in and
out of her pussy. She breathed through a third added digit and wiggled against

“You’re a naughty vixen.” He nipped her thigh, moving his mouth to her pussy.

He laid siege to her clit and glistening sex, lapping in long strokes and thrusting

with his tongue. The pad of his finger rotated in circles over her bundle of nerves.
Caileigh keened out a banshee scream as she climaxed, shattering under his
mouth. He continued, wrenching another one from her before he licked his lips

and rose. The thick head of his cock speared her as another spasm rocketed
through her. In one clean thrust, he’d fully seated himself.

“Should we use protection?”

He rocked softly against her, rubbing his groin against her clit and stealing her

momentary logic.

“Not at all, unless you want some for your peace of mind. We don’t carry

disease and I can’t impregnate you.”

Caileigh bit her lip. “Then, please. I need you to move.” She burned to feel his

rod pumping in and out of her as his fingers had, sure a taste of heaven awaited if
he’d just move. She clutched his ass cheeks and wrapped her legs around him,

locking him in by crossing her ankles.

“Sugar,” he groaned and began thrusting. She lifted her hips to meet him.


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Smooth and deep, he pumped, his pelvis hitting hers. With each punch, he

brought her to another plateau of pleasure. His balls slapped her making a wet,
clapping sound. She cried out.

The smell of sex hovered in the air around them. His sweat and hers dripped

and intermingled. Her hair was plastered to her head. Puffs of air fell from her
lips as he fucked her with masculine grace. She explored the grooves of his back
and the contours of his chest, abs, ass, and hips. Orias possessed a rock hard
body, an ass she could bounce a quarter off, a cock every woman wished for in her

dreams. He pulled out and repositioned her on her hands and knees.

Being empty after feeling so full startled her. Two seconds later, he surged

back home. In this position, the angle shifted. His cock fit deeper. She expected a
slow, steady glide and received a steady, pounding fucking instead. His body
draped over hers, pummeled her over-stimulated core. She grasped for a lifeline.

The sheets tangled in her fingers and she slid down. To keep from banging into
the headboard she crossed her arms in front of her head and lay her cheek on

them. Her ass and hips lifted. Orias stopped to stuff a pillow under her stomach.
He felt so fucking good; she gasped when he palmed her mons and ground into


“Caileigh, sugar, you are so sweet and tight for me.”

“Dirty talk? I like it.” Where the wanton voice came from, she hadn’t a clue.
“Good. I’m going to fuck the shit out of you and come in your tight pussy.” He

punctuated his words with a thrust for good measure and she ‘bout passed out.

“Sweet lord.” Her pussy convulsed around him. He taught her the art of

fornication. Ever the student, she gave him back measure for measure. He grew
harder within her and jerked against her inner walls. To her ears, his breathing

altered, sounded ragged.

“I’m going to nip you now. Don’t be afraid; this is the way we do things.” The

slide of fangs piercing her skin propelled a loud scream from her lips. Pain
blossomed into pleasure the moment he bonded with her, slamming home, thick
warmth flooding her core. He bathed her pussy with his seed. The heat searing
her caused aftershocks to explode. Sex on fire. Consumed by licking flames. Every

nerve ending, every cell in her body. Still he moved, his body shuddering, jerking


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with staccato drives of cock.

“I can’t take anymore.” He’d fucked her so well, even in her comfortable

position, her body had melted into a puddle of goo, her clit numb to more touch.
He slid out of her, and she rolled over. The evidence of their fucking coating every
inch of him. “Oh my. Is it supposed to look like that?”

“Sugar that’s you and me. Look at how your cream froths around my dick. My

seeds stuffed up your sexy pussy.” He fisted his hand around his member and

then licked the cream off his fingers and palm.

“You sure you’re an angel?”

“Yep.” He winked and left the bed. Caileigh watched the way his ass bunched

and his thighs flexed as he walked to the bathroom, seriously doubting the

sinfully sexy man could be an angel. Weren’t they supposed to be asexual or not
have parts? Like the Ken doll she’d possessed as a child. She heard running water
and then he was back in her line of vision. She loved his body. L.O.V.E.D. Every

single…. Whoa. The lax muscle between his legs jerked. Hadn’t he just rocked her
world and then some? During her last orgasm, music had reverberated in her


She didn’t believe in Heaven or Hell, had heard others speak of having a

hallelujah moments and for the first time, the harmony rang loud and clear in her

mind. Yeah, his dick twitched again, as he walked to her wearing only a smug
look of satisfaction on his. Already? Hot and heavy again. She swallowed the

knowledge that a second dose of his lovin’ would kill her.

“Sugar, let me wash you.” He placed gentle hands between her legs, applying a

hot, soothing cloth to her sex. He wiped her clean with gentle sweeps of his hand

then pressed a kiss to her inner thigh.

“Thank you.” Her face heated and she looked away from him. Strong fingers

turned her cheek back to meet his gaze. He dropped a kiss on her lips. Damn.
Strong, sexy, and sweet.

“Let’s get some rest. I have plans to devour you again in the morning.” He

clapped his hands and darkness descended over the room.


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Chapter Four

Caileigh squinted and pulled a cover over her head. Sleeping in was out. Too

much brightness entered through the shutters. The sun’s rays warmed her arms.
Feeling rested, she pushed the blanket down finding herself alone.

Where are you? Did he leave her after getting what he wanted? Waking alone

wasn’t how she’d imagined her first night spent with a man to end. But what had

she expected from a one-night stand? A better ending to the date, at least. Worse
yet, Orias had left without saying good-bye. Frowning, she crossed over to the

window, raised the blinds, and took in the majestic beauty before her, reminding
her of a pastel painting. The range of snow-capped mountains appeared peaceful.
She knew from movies that their beauty belied their ruthless, unpredictable

weather. Pine trees in all shades of greens rose up to the skies, looming over
houses and cabins dotting the woodland. Yesterday, the only leaves she’d seen

traveled in funnels as the wind pushed them around from their home on the

A feminine voice rang from the doorway. “Coffee is ready, and I’ve brought

some toasted bagels and cream cheese.”

Confused, Caileigh pivoted and faced a stranger. Remembering her nudity, she

padded over to the bed and snatched the comforter to cover herself. “Who are

you, and how did you get in?”

“I apologize. I am Laylah, an angel of childbirth.”

If all angels were as ethereal as Laylah, it was no wonder the males were of

equal beauty—was that it? Caileigh shrank back. “Where’s Orias?” She ached for
his nearness, panic rising from deep within.

“He’s been recalled. I’m here to assist you in his absence. Come share bread

with me. You’ll feel better.”

The crushing weight of hurt and disappointment assailed her. “We didn’t talk

about what would happen when the sun rose. I just thought we’d have more time.

He didn’t even say bye, or see you later.”

“Don’t be upset. He’ll be back for you in time.” Laylah glided toward her as if


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she hovered just above the floor. A gentle hand touched Caileigh’s shoulder.

“I can’t believe he’s gone.” Tears pricked at her eyes. She willed them back and

sat on the bed. “I need to get dressed, please.”

“As you wish.” Laylah turned and hurried out of the room, her transparent

robes floating about her.

Caileigh brought her emotions under control. She’d expected to spend the day

with Orias, but real life intruded and ended their time together. Real life has
become so strange though.
She hurried into her dance wear, sans thong, wishing

she had fresh clothes, and forced herself to walk out of the bedroom. Laylah sat at

the kitchen nook gazing out the big bay windows.

“Thank you for breakfast.” Caileigh sat down and helped herself to a bagel and

a generous slathering of cream cheese. Pouring a half mug of coffee and as much
cream with two cubes of sugar, she sipped the divine concoction to get her noggin

“You’re welcome. I know I’m far from the face you wished to see. If I could

bring Orias here, I would.”

“Well, no use crying over spilled milk.” She picked at her bagel, hunger


“Are you okay, dear?”

“Confused, but I’ll be okay. Where did you say he went?” She took a sip.

“I didn’t. Orias is in council. Technically he’s been removed from watching

over you. I’m his replacement, assigned until we can remove the demons hunting
you—or until his return.”

“Technically? Why? He’s been great. Fantastic, even.” Lord, she hoped the heat

in her cheeks wasn’t visible.

“Sexual intimacy is forbidden between an angel and the one they guard,

considered a conflict of interest.”

“He didn’t, I mean we did, but it was mutual. I wanted it. We were matched.”

She swiped a finger across the top of her bagel, stuck it in her mouth and sucked
the cream off.

“That hardly matters. Once they decide how to proceed, he’ll likely return.

You’ll see.”


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Caileigh didn’t bet the farm on his impending arrival. She finished her food

and coffee in silence. Standing, she poured a second cup and added cream and
sugar. “I’m going to step outside for a minute.”

“Let me accompany you, dear.” Laylah followed two steps behind.

“What am I supposed to do until he comes back?” Fresh air cleansed the

sadness creeping into her soul. Get the thought out of your head. He’s coming
back. He didn’t walk out on you like everyone else. Trust him.

“Wait for him. If he’s not back before you have to leave, he’ll find you. I’ll

accompany you to your job and shadow you. I promise you’ll be safe with me.”

“Is he in trouble?”

“No. Orias has a path to choose after the meeting. Only he and the elders know

what he’ll choose.”

“I hope he doesn’t lose his wings because of me.” Caileigh frowned and wished

she could converse with him. “Can he hear my thoughts?”

“Yes, but he can’t answer you right now. Relax and enjoy this beautiful

weather. You’ve never been to Colorado? There’s a hot spring right outside the

back door. They have magical healing properties, or so the legends say.”

“You are as different as night and day.”

“Oh, you mean Orias and I? He is rather broody. Blame that on a millennium

of solitude.”

“A thousand years?”

“Umhm. He has always possessed a spot of temper. After his mishap with

another angel, he left us all, banned from heaven.”

“What did he do? I don’t think anyone deserves to be alone for that long.” A

bench appeared from thin air and Laylah sat down. Caileigh joined her, intrigued

to hear more about Orias.

“He went back in time to right a wrong. He made a miscalculation and caused

the balance to shift. We’re allowed to look, but not touch. Fixing is messing with
fate and free will. His wings were once a brilliant white. Now they’re not. Our
station is shown by the wings we spread. The whiter, the better life we lead, the
more we’re blessed.”

“Did they call him because he had sex with me?”


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“Do you have sex?”

“I didn’t believe him when he told me he was an angel.”

“For some odd reason, all humans think we’re anatomically incorrect. We are

made in God’s image, just like you. I have yet to meet a man to make me want to

break the covenant, though. I like birthing babies and watching over them.”

“Oh. You must be very busy.”

“There are quite a few of us. Sometimes when the baby dies, we lose our light.

You’ve seen us before, Caileigh.”

“I think I’d remember seeing someone as beautiful as you are.”

“Not in physical form, but around. You have the special glow around you. It’s

why you’re coveted. Every child has an angel on her shoulder until she—or he—is

“Special glow? That mumbo jumbo Orias was speaking. I don’t feel special.

Light doesn’t dance from my fingertips. I have no clue what either of you is

talking about.”

“You will. One day that stubborn nature of yours will mature and hope will

bloom. Everything clears when there’s hope.”

Orias’s replacement chattered her ear off. Caileigh wanted to scream in

frustration. Being rude wouldn’t calm the dread rolling in her stomach that he’d
never return. Why did she care? Hearing her cell beep, she excused herself and
ran to find it. Out of breath, she flipped it open to find a text waiting for her.

Things aren’t always as they seem. Try a little hope to brighten up your day.

Good things happen as they should, right on time.

~Madame Eve~

Despite Laylah’s offer to escort her, Caileigh called the club and left a message

that she wouldn’t be in that evening. Feeling better, she decided to make the most
of her miniature holiday. She’d heard the word hope twice within a few minutes.
She didn’t believe in coincidence. “Laylah?”


“Is there a way to get fresh clothes here? I’m not going to work tonight.” If she


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went, she’d only think of him.

“Sure thing. You need a few days’ worth?”

“Let me have them picked up for you. Keys?” Caileigh looked up to see a blond

male standing before Laylah.

Caileigh handed the stranger a sheet of paper. “Here’s the alarm code. The

spare key is under the potted plant outside. Please don’t disturb anything else,
oh, and water my plant please.” She blinked and frowned. “Where did he go?”

“He’s a quick one. Don’t worry, Gadriel’s discrete and trustworthy.”

“How am I still in danger? Orias told me they craved my purity. I’m not a

virgin anymore.”

“Purity of spirit isn’t the same as that of body—though it’ll take those bumble

head demons awhile to process the difference and back off.” Laylah smiled and
the entire room illuminated from the brilliance.

“I’m so lost.” Caileigh wiped her mouth with a napkin and carried her coffee

cup to the sink. “Thank you again for breakfast. I’m going to go sit in the hot

springs. Should I be on the lookout for anything trying to eat me?”

“Moose or maybe the rare caribou. Leave the demons to me. I’ll give you as

much privacy as I can.”

The gorgeous angel moved out of her way. Having people watch her back

suffocated her. Thankful for the reprieve and the protection, she walked away.

Steam rose from a pool in the yard. The movie Volcano came to her mind and she
shuddered at the thought of being boiled alive. The cool weather tickled her face
as she walked down to the edge. Hot water met her big toe. She stuck her foot in

ankle deep and wiggled her toes. Okay. I won’t boil alive. Before she disrobed,

she craned her head to left and right, ensuring in fact she was alone. Satisfied, she

whipped the red top over her head and shimmied out of her short skirt.
Navigating the edge, she found rough-carved stone steps leading into the pool.

Never having been in one, she worried about the depth and sat on the second

Birds’ tweets and other sounds of nature added to the serenity around her.

Under the steam of mystical waters, her body recharged, her soul rejuvenated.


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The heat didn’t fade like bath water but bubbled around her, giving her newfound


A loud bang echoed in the distance. The birds took flight, squawking in

reaction. The hot spring bubbled more; the rock floor at her feet trembled from
the impact.

“Morning, sugar.”

Caileigh opened her eyes to find Orias pulling his shirt over his head and

shucking his pants in record time. Bruises and blood caked his face; in an instant

the wounds disappeared. Hallucinations. A trick of the light. Her foster mother

had often warned her about her imagination making her see things not there.
“Hi.” Okay, he’d returned. She watched him wade to the middle of the hot spring

with no fear. The water came up to his shoulders.

“I hoped to get back before you woke.” Orias extended his hand. “Come over

here. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“It’s too deep. An abyss to me.”
“You can’t swim?”
“I can swim. I just don’t like not seeing the bottom.” With baby steps, she

headed his way and gave in, entwining her fingers with his.

“I won’t let you fall.” Orias’s strong hands wrapped around her waist, drawing

her to his body. Caileigh lifted her arms up around his neck and locked her lips to
his. Below the water, his cock bobbed against her slit, ready for her.

“What if I want to?” She slid down, positioning her cunt over his cock.

“Tease.” His eyes shone with mirth. Orias pumped his dick into her. The steam

from the spring and the heat radiating from his body set fire to hers. His dick
surged within her and friction from his slow and methodical thrusts sent her into

a tailspin of pleasure.

“Ooooh.” She held a breath, not ready to let go and climax.

“Don’t hold back, sugar,” he said, thrusting harder, faster, causing waves of

bliss to seize every pleasure spot in her body and send a zing straight to her

nipples. The heat from the steam and the cool air licking her sensitive buds

caused her to scream out. She climaxed with the next brush of wind hitting her
and the thick cock spearing her. Orias fucked her through her orgasm. His


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intense expression brooked no leniency. The way he regarded her, touched her,

loved her, shone in his eyes.

No way. No one fell in total love at first sight. He couldn’t possibly.

“What did you do?” Her heart thudded in erratic arrhythmia.
“Besides fall for you?” He silenced her questions with a brutal kiss. Drugged

her with his erotic possession.

Caileigh forgot what she wanted to ask him, lost in the feel of him still gliding

within her, his tongue flicking against hers. A sigh broke from her lips. His cock

battered against her walls, throbbed, and exploded, jets of his essence filling her.

“Crazy angel.”

Orias met her questioning gaze with a straight face. “Man.”

“I thought you were fallen?” Caileigh considered he’d lost his ever lovin’ mind.

She buried her face in the crook of his neck.

“Didn’t you feel the thud? We fall from grace but can earn our place back. You

could say I dove, from my position between to mortal. Making a choice.”

“I thought a meteor hit. So what are you going to do now?”

“Love a woman. Make babies someday.”

“I thought you only wanted a one-night stand.”

“So did I, but in the end, the gift you gave me made me want all of you.”
“Job and all?”
“Any way I can have you. Though I’d like you to think of switching professions

if you refuse to allow me to take care of you.”

“What about Laylah and Gadriel?”

“I dismissed them. They’re working with a few other friends to destroy the

threat. Your things are inside, and we have all week to lounge here on vacation.”

He winked.

“Orias, you could’ve lived forever.” Caileigh’s heart melted that he gave up his

immortality for her.

“I’ve lived forever, alone. Dying will be worth the time spent loving you.” A

single feather floated down onto the surface of the water.

“Will you miss your wings?”

“Not at all.” Caileigh believed him. “Enough talking. I missed waking you up


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Tell Me No Lies

with kisses and worshiping your delicious body. Time to make up for lost

moments.” He proceeded to show her the joys of insatiable morning sex, and she

let him.


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Being smart and sassy with a great sense of humor comes easily for Mahalia

Levey. An avid reader of books, she found herself enchanted with

disappearing completely into the worlds authors created. One day she vowed

to herself she'd be one of them. Then family life came, and college right

after. Swayed from her childhood course of action, it took many years for her

to get back to that place she held dear as a child. Now she is running full

steam ahead to keep up with the many ideas flowing freely. She plans on

taking her work to higher levels and expanding her genres. Her main focus

is giving her readers variety. Her works in progress include paranormal,

fantasy and mainstream romance. Taking characters and watching them

grow past what she’s imagined is her true passion.

You can visit Mahalia at:


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Burn Me if You Can

A 1Night Stand Story

Working for the Wichita Tribune is the best thing that's ever happened to Rebekah

Shayne, until she takes an assignment aimed to take down a prestigious matchmaking

firm. She’s determined to ferret out the falsities, schemes, and swindling companies

manipulating lonely souls.

Ashton Foster doesn't believe in on line dating. When his mother takes charge of his

personal life, he knows it’s useless to fight her and would rather go through a few dates

with strangers than let her push the unending stream of locals down his throat vying for

his pocketbook. In this he finds the perfect opportunity to downplay who he is and

become a regular type of guy.

The Price of Defiance

America Patterson loves living on the edge. Car model by day, illegal street racer by night,

she’s known as the best. Except underneath her flawless façade lies a young woman filled

with turmoil. When her hobby lands her in hot water, she finds herself handcuffed and

bailed out by the one person who’d abandoned her….

MMA Fighter Alejandro Escovedo is summoned home after a tournament that had left

him sore and questioning his career. Expecting a nice welcome home, he instead finds

himself rescuing his best friend’s sister out of jail. This time he’s had enough.

Their explosive past gives him all the rights where America is concerned, and he is more

than ready to take her on. By ending her daredevil ways and finding the trigger to her

self-destructive behavior, will he convince her he’s back to stay or drive her further away?


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