Jęz angielski transkrypcja rozsz

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Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM

Język angielski

Poziom rozszerzony

Transkrypcja nagrań

Zadanie 1.


Helen: Hi mum!

Mother: Hi Josh! How was school today?

Josh: Well, not bad... except for the Maths test. I think I’ll fail it.

Mother: But you were preparing for it for three hours yesterday. It can’t be that bad.

Josh: I know, but Mr. Randall, you know, our new Maths teacher gave us too many exercises. Most of us

didn’t manage to finish everything. I didn’t finish one of ten exercises he gave us and I didn’t even start
doing the last one.
Mother: Hmm... you know Josh, you’re a bit slow in writing. Maybe that was the reason.

Josh: I don’t think so, we checked the material after class and some of the exercises were from the next

chapter. The one he’s doing with another group.
Mother: Oh. So, maybe he mixed the tests. You should’ve told him. You know, he’s new and probably

doesn’t have everything organised yet. Anyway, don’t worry. You have Maths tests every two weeks. I’m
sure the next one will be better.
Josh: Yeah, you’re right. So, what’s for dinner?


Nobody knows for sure what William Shakespeare was doing for a living in his early twenties, but by
1592 he was earning money as an actor and playwright in London. We’ve imagined his typical day in
Elizabethan London.
Breakfast in Shakespeare’s England was a large meal. A typical breakfast for William included bread,
butter, eggs, pancakes, fish, cold meet and beer or wine to drink. Nobody drank tea or coffee in those
days and river water was usually too unhealthy to drink.
The Globe Theatre, where many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed, was in Southwark, south of the
River Thames. Shakespeare had to cross London Bridge, the only bridge across the river at that time.
Plays were shown in the afternoon because the theatres had no artificial light. The light came from the
open roof and so did the rain! The audience ate and drank during the show, moved around and talked
to each other. If they didn’t like the play, they threw fruit at the actors. After the show, Shakespeare and
his friends used to go to a tavern to enjoy a good meal, listen to the latest news and have fun. They often
sang songs and played games like cards and dice.

Adapted from: A Day in the Life of William Shakespeare in “Speak Out” 54/2006.

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Transkrypcja nagrań. Język angielski. Poziom rozszerzony

Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM i „Gazetą Wyborczą”


Zadanie 2.

Speaker 1.
I love fast food – hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips – I could eat them every day, even for breakfast! But
unfortunately my mum doesn’t approve of my favourite dishes, so most of the time I eat normal dinners
in the canteen during the long break. Once a week, usually on Saturdays, we order pizza. And, of course,
I eat breakfast every day, either at home or my mum packs it in a lunch box.

Speaker 2.
I usually don’t eat meat, because I don’t like it so much. Sometimes we have chicken for dinner and it’s
very hard for me to eat it. I prefer vegetables and lots of different types of fruit, like oranges, bananas
and strawberries. I’d like to eat some cod, salmon or prawns, but I can’t do it because they give me sto-
machache and rash.

Speaker 3.
I avoid all fish and I never eat things like beef, pork, chicken or turkey. Some people say that if you don’t
eat fish and meat, you’ll have problems with bones and muscles but I don’t think it’s true. Vegetables
also have lots of healthy elements and if you design your diet wisely, you can feel and look great. And,
since I’m allergic to milk products, it’s even easier to be on such diet.

Zadanie 3.

Guide: Welcome to Green Park Zoo! My name is Ben Williams and I am here to make sure that you’ll

spend fantastic time in our zoo. Do you have any questions before you start your visit?
Visitor 1: Will you let us in with our Yorkshire terrier?

Guide: Well, we generally accept dogs, but you must keep them on a leash at all times. It is especially

important in some sections of the zoo, for example near the lions’ cages. Anything else?
Visitor 2: What about photography? Can we take photos?

Guide: We encourage visitors to take photos of the wildlife. In fact, there even is a special course for

people who want to learn how to take excellent close ups. You can visit the information point for more
details. Does anybody else have a question?
Visitor 3: Just a quick one. I see in the leaflet you gave us, that there is penguin feeding at 2 p.m. Does

this mean that I can feed the penguins with the bread I have?
Guide: Oh no! Visitors are only allowed to observe how our staff feeds the animals. You can’t give them

your own food because they eat the things which are prepared especially for them.
OK. I see that all the questions have been answered. So, grab your cameras and off you go! Remember,
the zoo closes at 6 p.m. sharp, so you have only seven hours!


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