Breaking the Devil

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Breaking the Devil

Bailey Bradford

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Breaking the Devil

Copyright © September 2009 by Bailey Bradford
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book
ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in
any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id
LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials
in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

ISBN 978-1-60737-433-6
Available in PDF, HTML, Microsoft Reader, and Mobi
Editor: Georgia A. Woods
Cover Artist: April Martinez
Printed in the United States of America

Published by
Loose Id LLC
870 Market St, Suite 1201
San Francisco CA 94102-2907

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual
historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and
incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business
establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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About this Title

Genre: LGBT Contemporary Western

Mack and Justin grew up together and were best friends for years, until

one day that friendship turned into something hotter and more powerful than

either man had ever experienced before. A passionate coupling that branded

each man forever, or so Mack thought, until the dreaded day after. That’s when

Justin told Mack the whole thing didn’t mean anything to him, and walked

away from Mack’s promises of forever.

Mack has never been able to get past that one traumatic event in his life.

A dozen years have passed without a word from Justin. But when that red-

haired devil reappears, Mack finds out that he can’t resist giving in to his

body’s needs—no matter what his head tells him.

Two alpha males who have been denied what they want most—each

other—for so many years, come together in an explosion of heat and passion

that overrides everything else in their lives. Now, if only Mack and Justin can

keep their hands, and other body parts, off each other long enough to talk, they

might be able to find out the truth behind what happened twelve years ago.

Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic

language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal

play/intercourse, male/male sexual practices.

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Chapter One

Mack stood at the corral, his hip cocked, one booted foot propped on the

lowest wooden rail, arms resting on the top rail. Inside the corral stood the

meanest, foulest stallion he'd ever seen—and also the most magnificent. The

stallion's gleaming red coat just about glowed with health and radiance.

Damned if the deep, dark color didn't pull Mack back in time to a man with

rich auburn hair and a temperament not dissimilar to that of the pissed-off

beast now before him. Years ago, that temper the red-haired man wielded had

flamed and burned into a passion so fierce…

Shaking his head, Mack pushed back the memories of Justin. No use

dragging back up all that pain, that longing. He'd already wasted years on

what-ifs and maybes; he should have learned his lesson many times over.

Justin was long gone, and Mack figured that he must never have meant more

to the man than a fast fuck. Hell, he didn't just figure it, he knew it. Justin had

told him so himself. Somewhere along the way, Mack had heard Justin had

joined the military—the Marines, specifically, and he was supposed to have all

sorts of medals and such. Used to be every now and then when he was in town,

he would overhear Justin's dad talking about his son's accomplishments, but

Mack's pride kept him from ever making any inquiries. The old man had been

dead for a while now, and Mack hadn't heard anything else about Justin for

some time.

Anyway, he reckoned it was a good thing he had just been an experiment.

That way Justin didn't have to worry about the whole “don't ask, don't tell”

thing. Enough already; he was certain Justin hadn't wasted years dwelling on

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what might have been. Normally, Mack didn't think on it so heavily himself,

but that angry red horse just stirred up memories.

The stallion snorted, pawing at the ground and tossing its head. “Fucking

red devil.” Mack reached slowly into his shirt pocket to pull out a few sugar

cubes. Bribing the beautiful bastard hadn't worked yet, but maybe,


“Shit!” Mack jerked away from the corral as the stallion charged at him,

rearing high in the air and bringing those deadly hooves down like hell's

condemnation just inches from the wooden slats. He stumbled back a few steps

and then almost toppled forward when he bounced off a hard surface. A strong

arm reached out and caught him, and Mack felt his breath rush out, could

have sworn his heart actually stopped beating. Just like that, he knew from the

brief touch, just from the scent that had hit him the second his back hit that

chest—he knew from the way his body flooded with lust and his cock snapped

to attention—Justin was back.

“Hello, Mack.” Justin's voice was like a dagger to the heart and the stroke

of a tongue on Mack's cock. Somehow, somehow, Mack had to turn, knew he

had to find the strength to face this man who had consumed so much of his

life. Taking a deep breath, Mack calmly, coolly—he hoped—pulled himself out

from the hold Justin had on his shoulder. Turning and affecting a casual look,

Mack faced his own red devil. Goddamn.

“Hello, Justin,” he said, trying to absorb the changes in the man without

staring. He would have thought Justin had been conjured here, since he'd just

been reminiscing about him. Except, if that were the case, Justin would have

been here years ago—twelve years ago.

God, it was like being kicked in the stomach, seeing Justin again. Mack

wanted nothing more than to let his gaze linger, to memorize every detail. There

was no way, however, that he wanted Justin to see this…this desperation

coursing through him.

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The problem was, Justin wasn't making it easy. He used his eyes like

hands, burning trails over Mack, staring, studying, devouring. Mack started to

take a step back but caught himself; he wasn't afraid of Justin, not physically.

Ah, but God his heart couldn't survive another round with him. He wasn't sure

his mind had survived the last round intact. After all, what sane person would

still be hanging on to something that had happened so long ago?

Justin's lips hitched up on one side, letting Mack know that he was aware

of his impulse to step back. That half smile should have been a warning for

Mack, but his brain was still trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

That's the only reason he could figure as to why he didn't jump back or resist,

even when Justin's hands shot out and grabbed him by the shoulders. He was

jerked forward so hard that he let out a grunt when his body slammed up

against Justin's, and then, sweet God have mercy, Justin's mouth was on his,

claiming Mack's mouth with lips, tongue, and teeth.

Mack responded before he thought about it, kissing Justin back with the

same fierce need, sucking his tongue like he wanted to suck his cock—and

wasn't that thought like being dunked in ice water? Mack jerked away, took a

few steps back, and tried to get his breathing under control. He glanced at

Justin and found some relief in knowing that the man was struggling to get his

own breathing under control as well. Once he was pretty sure he could keep it

together, Mack looked at Justin. He would be calm, cool, the epitome of


“What the fuck, man?” Mack snarled. Well, maybe he'd be all that other

stuff later, because right now all he wanted to do was hit something. More

specifically, someone.

Justin didn't snarl back. Mack didn't even see a flare of temper in his

eyes. No, he just smiled, and jayzus, wasn't that about the sexiest smile Mack

had ever seen? His cock pulsed and swelled, and he knew there wasn't a

chance that Justin hadn't noticed. When he'd let his eyes slowly lower to

Mack's prick, that smile seemed to stretch and get even hotter. Mack could feel

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Justin's eyes on his dick, feel the heat like a caress, but there was no way he'd

let Justin know. He couldn't let him know. Justin finally raised his eyes back

up to Mack's, and the heat in them almost had Mack's knees buckling.

“Not what, nuh-uh,” Justin said, moving right back into him, bringing

their bodies flush up against each other. He slid his hands around Mack's

waist, pulled his hips up hard and tight to the other man's cock. Lowering his

hands to clasp Mack's ass, he ground their hardened cocks together. Mack felt

shards of desire shoot from his dick throughout his body. Holy shit, he was in

trouble here.

“It's who, Mack. Who the fuck.” Justin punctuated the words with another

grind of his hips. “I'm the who, and when I'm fucking you, you'll know it,

because it'll be my name on your lips. My name you scream out.”

Mack's hands, which had seemingly latched on to Justin's ass of their

own accord, jerked back as if burned. Anger shot through him, and those same

hands grabbed Justin's shirt and jerked him close so that they were nose to


“You fucked me years ago, and frankly it wasn't worth the hell you put me

through. Get off my ranch.” Mack shoved Justin back when he released his

shirt, but that red-haired man had always been built like a frigging brick wall,

and the shove only had him taking a slight half step backward.

Years ago, Justin would have gone from fucking to fighting in a split

second, but now his smile bloomed full force, transforming his face from merely

attractive to out-and-out gorgeous. There were little feathery lines at the edges

of his large brown eyes that hadn't been there the last time Mack had seen

him, and the overall effect was devastating to Mack's heart, not to mention his

throbbing cock.

“Maybe it wasn't worth it to you then, but I promise…” Justin said, his

voice husky and his hands sliding down Mack's shoulders, across his nipples,

sending another flare of heat straight to his balls. Justin sucked in a shaky

breath when Mack's nipples hardened and pressed against his denim shirt.

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Slowly, so slowly, those hands continued down, across abs that jerked and

tensed, and all Mack could do was stand there staring into those brown eyes

that seemed to see straight into his soul.

“I promise,” Justin continued once more, hands gliding lower still, until he

held Mack's rock-hard cock through his jeans. “I will make it more than worth

your while this time.” Then Mack's mouth was being devoured again, his cock

stroked through his jeans, leaking precum as the hands touching him became

more demanding. Oh shit, oh shit—Mack felt his knees tremble and his balls

draw almost painfully tighter—I can't stop, don't even want to stop.

Justin popped the button on Mack's jeans and shoved his hands inside,

pushing aside the denim and the underwear to grasp Mack's cock, one hand

circling around the head. He ran his thumb over the slit in the top and pressed

firmly, then smeared the pearly liquid leaking out around the head. Justin's

other hand slid down to Mack's balls, holding them, lightly pushing up on the

tight sac. Mack held on to Justin's shoulders as the kiss deepened even more,

becoming a wild frenzy of thrusting tongues and tugging teeth. What this man

did to him! The hand on his dick began to stroke as his balls were gently

rubbed and tugged.

“Come for me, cowboy,” Justin grated out, thrusting his own hips against

Mack's dick, adding the friction of his still-clothed cock to the stroking of his

hands. It was too much. Jayzus! Mack could have sworn the top of his head

blew off as he came. Hot, thick ropes of cum shot out over Justin's hands,

forearms, and onto their clothes.

“Look what you do to me,” Justin said, pulling Mack's hand to his own

denim-encased dick, rubbing it in the precum that had dampened the material,

and thrusting hard against it. “Fuck! I want your hand on me, your mouth,

your ass riding my cock.”

Those hips pistoned harder against Mack's hand, shoving Justin's

outlined cock into Mack's cradling warmth. Justin yelled and his body

stiffened. He pulled Mack up against him, as close as he could get him as he

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came. Mack felt his knees turn to Jell-O again, wondering if he could manage

to stay upright when Justin was groaning and grinding. He could feel the

searing heat as Justin came, could feel his seed soaking through his pants,

burning into his hand. A final shudder went through Justin, tightening his

arms around Mack until he thought he might suffocate.

“Damn,” Justin murmured. “You burn me alive, love.”

Mack jerked back, because one thing he knew for certain, Justin didn't

love him. You didn't leave someone, break their heart, and shred their soul, not

if you loved them. “I don't think so, Justin, no. I surely don't.”

He reined in and pushed aside that bit of hope that tried to bloom upon

hearing Justin's words. Twelve years of nothing, not a word, not a letter, not

even a postcard. He used that thought to beat away anything but the anger

and hurt.

“You got your rocks off. Isn't it time for you to leave again?” Mack said,

keeping his voice low and cold as he righted his clothing. For a second he

thought he saw pain flash in Justin's eyes, but he dismissed it.

“Now, get off my ranch.” Not the least intimidated, Justin tipped his head

to the side a little, mouth tightening in what Mack figured was anger. Then he

gave that heart-melting half smile again.

“Oh you got your rocks off too, and it looks like,” he said, glancing down at

Mack's cock, “you're ready to go again.” Mack felt the burn of color on his

cheekbones. Watching Justin, feeling his body, his cock pressed against him—

how could he not have gotten hard again? Jayzus, he was only a man. Still, he

had hoped it would go unnoticed and spare him any further embarrassment.

He should have known he wouldn't be that lucky.

“Doesn't mean you're the one to take care of it, now does it?” Mack

pointed out. He'd take the matter into his own hands, much as he usually did,

before he let Justin know how badly he wanted to feel his mouth sucking him

dry. Ah shit, now there was a visual I don't need at this particular moment.

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Later, alone in his room, sure, but not now, with temptation himself smiling at


Justin took a step forward, and there, in his eyes, Mack saw that red

devil's temper that the man had kept banked so far. Damned if seeing it didn't

make his prick twitch with lust. Justin brought a hand up to Mack's jaw,

rubbing his thumb over his full bottom lip.

“Let me clear something up for you,” he said, his voice a growl that sent

goose bumps of desire racing over Mack's body. “You already agreed to break

the horses for the JMR Ranch, starting with that stallion there in the corral.”

Mack's eyes widened, and his stomach lurched. Ohshitohshitohshit, he

thought, surely not.

“Yeah, I see you are beginning to get the picture. The JMR is my ranch

now, and unless you decide not to honor your word…” Justin paused, arching

his eyebrow at Mack.

“I always keep my word,” Mack said, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

He knew the ranch neighboring his had been sold, but to Justin? “But you

should know that I would never have agreed to take on the JMR's horses if I'd

known…if I had even suspected that you owned that ranch.” The anger he felt

at the manipulation slapped the nerves right out of his voice. “If you hadn't

tricked me, sent over your foreman with an offer…if you'd have been an honest

man.” Mack didn't even bother trying to tone down the disgust he was feeling.

“You weren't, but I am, and I will do what I said I would do.”

The insulting words rolled off Justin. “That's what I'm counting on. You

always keep your word, don't you? No matter how long ago you gave it?” Justin

tensed, watching Mack like a hawk, waiting for his answer. Mack felt a sinking

in the pit of his belly, and that hope he thought he'd beat to death pushed up

into his heart. As he stared back into Justin's brown eyes, he felt as though his

soul was laid bare, and hoped it didn't show in his own eyes. He had to have

some way to save himself.

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“Yes or no?” Justin asked, the lines around his eyes becoming more

pronounced. Mack felt something, most likely his pride, dry up deep inside


“Yes, Justin. Always,” Mack whispered, then rushed by him, trying to get

away. Panic was riding him hard, because Justin wasn't talking about breaking

horses. No, he was talking about something else altogether, something that

Mack had hoped Justin would have forgotten. He couldn't understand how the

man hadn't forgotten, since Mack had never meant a thing to him. He sent up

a silent prayer that he would make it through the door, but God must have

been busy with other things right then.

Justin grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. He didn't speak,

didn't let go of Mack's arm; he just waited until Mack turned to look him in the

eyes. Then he smiled, and Mack's heart clenched, which was bad, and his prick

hardened, which was also bad—no matter how good that particular part felt.

“That vow, Mack, the one you made to me before I left—that's what says I

am the one to 'take care of it,' as you put it. God help any son of a bitch I see

who even tries to 'take care of it' for you.” Justin's grip had tightened on Mack's

arm in a hold that bordered on painful, a sure sign that he was pissed. Mack

glanced at the hand restraining him, then back at Justin. He couldn't think;

everything was rushing around in his head, memories and loving and always,

always, the pain. The feelings swirled together like some nightmarish carousel

from hell. He shook his head, hoping to knock some coherent thoughts into

line, and tugged his arm out of Justin's grasp.

All these years, he had thought of a million things he would say to Justin

if he ever saw him again, but now every one of those things abandoned him.

Shaking his head again, he turned his back on Justin and bolted up the porch

steps and into his house. He didn't slow down as he burst into his bedroom,

pausing only once he reached the bathroom. Shaking arms braced on the sink,

Mack sucked in several deep, shuddering breaths. When he could, he finally

raised his head up and looked in the mirror, studying the face staring back at

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him. Blue eyes, dark hair and lashes, sun-browned skin, and full lips made

even fuller by the kisses with Justin.

It was a face that, it seemed to Mack, showed every bit of the devastation

he was feeling. His eyes blurred with tears, he turned away and started

stripping out of his cum-coated clothes and turned the shower on straight cold

water. He stepped under the icy blast, letting the tears fall as he soaped up his


“I can't do this, just can't,” Mack murmured to himself, to God, already

aching so much inside that he was afraid he would shatter. He scrubbed at his

face, trying to wash away the tears and the feel of Justin from his lips, cursing

when he realized that Justin's taste was inside him like some bitter seed he

had swallowed.

Mad at himself, at Justin, hell, the whole universe, Mack slapped the

water off and shoved the shower door open. He grabbed a towel and rubbed his

hair in quick, angry strokes, wrapped the towel around his waist, and put on

his deodorant. Opening the bathroom door, he proceeded to stomp halfway to

his bed before he froze. His cock jerked, leaking a bead of liquid heat when he

saw Justin leaning against his bedroom door.

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Chapter Two

Justin's gaze traveled over Mack's body, starting at his tousled dark hair,

moving down his face, to his broad, work-muscled shoulders and arms,

burning across his chest. Jayzus, Mack felt his nipples pucker and harden just

from that look, and judging by the tilt to Justin's lips, he knew the other man

noticed it too. Justin continued running his gaze down Mack's muscled belly,

following the dark trail of hair that was covered by a white towel slung low on

lean, sexy hips. Justin's lips parted, and the tip of a pink tongue darted out

across his full lower lip when he finally rested his gaze on Mack's dick. That

traitorous part grew even more, threatening to dislodge the towel completely.

Justin raised his eyes up to Mack's and in two strides was standing so close,

the heat from his body almost singed Mack. A tremble worked its way through

him at the desire in Justin's gaze. It took a couple of swallows before Mack

could get his voice to work, for all the good it did him.

“What the hell?” was all he got out before Justin pulled the towel off his

hips, and then he was in Justin's arms and being pushed back to the foot of

the bed while his lips were being plundered by his red-haired devil. The back of

his legs hit the mattress, and Mack's eyes widened in surprise as Justin

pushed him onto the bed, following down right on top of him.

Justin pulled his mouth away long enough to let Mack draw in air; then

he was right back, lips mashing together, tongue thrusting into Mack's mouth

in a way that caused more precum to leak from his dick. His arms went around

Justin, pulling him as close as he could, sliding his hands down the sleek

muscles still covered by clothes. Those would have to go. He jerked his mouth

from Justin's.

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“Damn it, man, get your fucking clothes off,” Mack growled. The anger and

pain he felt moments before were buried in the fire consuming him. Justin sat

up, straddling Mack's hips as he pulled off his shirt. Before the shirt even hit

the floor Mack was sitting up, arms going around Justin to pull him close so

Mack could scrape his teeth across the flat brown nipples finally bared to him.

Justin's back bowed like he'd been struck by lightning, and the groan from his

throat damn near made Mack come right then. He flipped Justin onto his back,

then sat up between his thighs and unsnapped the jeans that were in the way.

Justin raised his hips, making it easier for Mack to remove the rest of the other

man's clothes.

Mack's eyes locked onto that gorgeous cock, slightly longer than his own

but not quite as thick. He lowered his head slowly, giving Justin enough time

to speak up if he didn't like where this was headed. The only sound he heard

was Justin's breath hitching in his throat as his cock jerked, glistening in

anticipation. Mack slid one hand under Justin's balls and, with the other,

gently squeezed the base of Justin's prick. Only then did he again raise his

eyes to Justin's, wanting to watch his expression as Mack slid his tongue into

the slit on that swollen purple head.

Swear to God, Mack thought Justin's eyes crossed. He grinned at the

thought; then he was swallowing half that cock in a long, hot stroke, swirling

his tongue around the thick veins that pulsed with need. Relaxing his throat,

he took more than he'd thought he would be able to—all the way to the root,

swallowing as he did so, massaging with his throat, tongue, lips. Justin

shouted and Mack pulled back up slow, letting his teeth gently scrape while

the hand on Justin's balls cupped and tugged slightly.

Justin was gasping and thrusting his hips, moaning. “Oh fuck, fuck,

Mack! Don't fucking stop! Please…fuck!” Then his hips shot up hard, shoving

his cock balls-deep into Mack's mouth. Mack hummed his approval, moving

his hand down to rim the tight hole underneath Justin's balls. He rubbed

against it, not quite pushing in, which had Justin yelling. He felt the orgasm

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pulse, and Mack just had enough sense left to pull his mouth off, watching

enviously as thick, pearly ribbons of semen shot out. His mouth watered with

the urge to taste that beautiful cream, but he couldn't, not yet. He tore his eyes

away, looking instead up at Justin, who lay panting, and damn, but that was

about the prettiest sight Mack had ever seen. He pushed up the length of

Justin's body, took his mouth in a languorous kiss, swirling his tongue into

Justin's mouth so he could taste himself on Mack's tongue.

He felt Justin's cock swell a bit against his own pounding cock as Justin's

hands began sliding down Mack's sides, grabbing his ass and spreading his

firm cheeks. Mack thrust against the other man's cock, grinding hard as a

finger caressed the puckered skin of his hole; then Mack was flipped over, on

his back once more. Justin lay on Mack, rubbing their cocks together. He

nipped at Mack's lower lip, a none-too-gentle scrape of teeth, then pulled back.

“Where's the lube?” Justin asked, voice gravelly with want. Mack's voice

shook when he answered, but he figured he was just lucky it didn't squeak.

“Condoms and lube, in the nightstand drawer,” he said, and realized that,

for some reason, the location of the condoms and lube seemed to make Justin

pause, considering…what? Justin tensed up, then took a deep breath and

reached across to the nightstand.

“We'll discuss that after,” Justin said, though Mack had no idea what the

hell he meant. Jerking the drawer open, Justin grabbed the small tube and a

couple of condoms. He pushed himself up on his forearms, ripped open one of

the condoms, and had it on before Mack could do much more than blink. He

uncapped the lube, squirting it on two fingers, making Mack's ass tighten with


“Shiiiiiittt…” was about all Mack could get out when those fingers pressed

against his hole. Justin began pushing them in, slow and firm, until they were

buried to the last knuckle.

“Bring your knees up, cowboy,” Justin grunted, and Mack brought his

heels up against his ass cheeks. Justin murmured his approval, then began

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thrusting those fingers in and out, scissoring them apart to spread Mack's


“Goddamn, you're tight.” He curved his fingers so that each stroke in and

out massaged that one spot that sent sparks flying from Mack's asshole up to

his eyeballs. Mack groaned and thrust his hips, fingers digging into the sheets

as he fought off his orgasm because he didn't want this to end too soon.

Justin's other hand grasped Mack's cock and began stroking, and suddenly it

didn't matter anymore if it was too soon. Mack yelled out as he gave in to the

orgasm, thighs tightening, ass squeezing, hips thrusting like crazy as he shot

cum all over his belly and chest. Justin pumped his fingers into Mack's tight

opening as he leaned between his legs and inhaled deeply, eyes closing as the

spicy scent of cum filled the air.

“Fuck!, I bet you taste so good,” Justin said, stilling his fingers in Mack's

ass. “Need in you now.” Fingers slipped out from Mack's snug channel as

Justin coated his cock with lube. “Get on your knees; you're tight as a virgin,

and I don't want to hurt you.”

Mack didn't hesitate to comply; he needed Justin in him and felt too

exposed fucking face-to-face. He flipped over, rising up on his knees, bending

at the waist, and clasping the headboard, unwilling to put his face down on the

mattress. He moaned when he felt Justin's cock lining up and pushing against

that tight pink hole.

The moan turned to a strangled cry when Justin thrust hard and buried

himself into the hole he had prepared, not stopping until his balls slapped

against Mack's ass. A burning pain tore through Mack at the invasion, but it

seemed only fitting to his fevered brain and served to remind him that letting

Justin in, in any way, could only end in being hurt. “You okay?” Justin asked,

looking a bit sheepish.

Mack pushed back against Justin, his body already accepting the thick

length of dick inside his needy channel. He canted his hips, trying to get Justin

moving before he realized the man was worried that he might have been hurt

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with the forceful thrust. He had been, but it was exactly what he'd wanted.

Mack brought a hand back to clasp Justin's hip.

“Fucking move, will ya? Does that answer your fucking question?” Mack

demanded. Justin laughed, then pulled out almost all the way, leaving just the

swollen head of his cock in Mack's ass.

“Oh yeah, it certainly does.” Justin slammed back into Mack. He began a

rhythm of pulling back in slow, torturous strokes, pounding fast and hard back

in. His thrusts were so powerful, Mack had to let go of Justin's hip and brace

himself with both hands against the headboard. Justin grasped Mack's cock

and stroked it in time with the movements of his hips. Soon, each became

faster and faster, Justin's balls slapping against Mack's ass and his hand

wringing cries and moans from Mack's lips.

“Come for me. Come with me,” Justin murmured, the words causing heat

to spread through Mack, coiling low in his belly and clamping his ass down

hard on the cock inside. Both men's muscles tensed and tightened as they

came screaming and straining, as though each could blend his body fully into

the other's. Mack felt his legs and arms give out as Justin slid from his body.

He flopped down on the mattress, Justin falling to his back beside him. They

lay gasping for air for several seconds before Justin rolled to his side, reaching

for Mack and trying to pull him close. Mack closed his eyes, trying not to think

about what a fool he was for doing what he'd just done. He tried to stem the

tears he felt burning behind his eyelids, but a couple must have slipped out

anyway, because Justin noticed.

“Hey, love, please don't,” he said, caressing Mack's back and shoulders so

gently, Mack thought he was going to bawl like a baby if he weren't careful.

That thought scared the hell out of him, causing him to spring up and slide

himself to a sitting position on the side of the bed. He felt Justin's eyes on him

but refused to turn and face the red-haired man. Instead he rose and headed to

the bathroom. He paused at the door, still not looking back, even though he

heard Justin sit up on the bed. “My name is Mack, not love. You seem to have

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a problem remembering that, Justin. Try to keep it straight.” A cracking noise

told him that Justin was fisting his hands, a habit he'd had when he was trying

to control his temper as a young man.

“I don't suppose you'd believe that they are the same to me, your name

and love.”

Even as the proclamation tried to warm his heart, and despite the hurt he

heard in Justin's voice, Mack couldn't hold back a sarcastic laugh. “No, I don't

suppose I would, seeing as how it's about a dozen years too late in coming, but

I do believe you need to leave. Now,” Mack said, keeping his voice low and

emotionless. He heard Justin slide off the bed, heard the patter of his feet as he

headed toward him. Panic rushed up into Mack's belly, giving him the strength

to turn around and stop Justin before he got any closer. Mack flung a hand out

in front of himself, fingertips pointed at the ceiling, creating a barrier between

them. Justin opened his mouth, but Mack cut him off.

“I mean it. Leave now, or I will. Either way works for me.” Mack met

Justin's eyes in a steely glare. God please, make him leave before I break down,

Mack thought, hoping nothing showed in his expression. Justin studied him

with narrowed eyes, looking for what, Mack had no idea. With a curt nod, he

turned and headed back to his clothes.

“Just so you know,, I will leave this time because you look like you might

break if I don't,” Justin said. He hesitated before turning to face Mack once

more. “But you need to understand something—you have a short, and I mean

very short, reprieve; then I will be back, and you and me, we're gonna have a

talk. Whether it's before or after we fuck, I can't say, but we will talk.”

A determined glint in his eyes, Justin walked back over to Mack and

grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him forward for a kiss that had both of

their dicks hard again. Justin thrust his cock against Mack's, then stepped

back and gave him a gentle shove into the bathroom. The smile he flashed at

Mack nearly had him taking back his words, but he clamped his mouth shut

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firmly, refusing to let another sound out. No way would he let his mouth

overrule his brain again, in any manner.

Justin pulled the bathroom door shut, and Mack stood there for a minute

resting his forehead against the door. He could hear Justin getting dressed, the

rustle of clothes being put on. His hand slid to the doorknob, but he found his

willpower before he could open it, jerking his hand back and flicking it back

and forth nervously. There was no reason to compound his idiotic decisions;

he'd already behaved like a hormone-crazed teenager.

Don't be fucking stupid, Mack thought, then turned on the shower with a

sharp bark of laughter. Oh no, he shouldn't laugh, because Justin had been

fucking stupid, and stupid had enjoyed every goddamned minute of it. Shaking

his head at his own foolishness, Mack stepped under the shower spray, tipping

up his chin and letting the water mingle with his tears once again.

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Chapter Three

Mack stood talking to Leo, his foreman, about the fence repairs the ranch

hands had finally finished with, when he noticed Leo stiffen up like something

had crawled up his ass, and not in a good way. Glancing over his shoulder to

where Leo was staring, Mack saw Justin walking toward them. Yup, sure as

the sun rose this morning, his cock started hardening right up as soon as he

saw that red-haired devil. There was no way Mack could hide it without making

it even more obvious.

Justin didn't bother trying to hide what he was feeling, brown eyes

burning hot as they clashed with Mack's. Mack turned his head back around

and muttered to Leo, “Behave.” His foreman was looking fit to kill, which was

odd. Sure, Leo was one of the few people he called friend, and the only person

he had ever confided in about what had happened with Justin. Still, the look of

indignation on the foreman's face seemed a little extreme. Mack nudged him

lightly and repeated his order.

“You're the boss,” Leo said, not bothering to keep his voice down as Justin

approached. Mack turned to stand beside Leo, figuring it was the best place to

be in case he needed to grab him and keep him from trying to beat the living

daylights out of Justin. That would result in Leo getting his ass kicked to hell

and back, no doubt. Thankful that his Stetson was pulled down low over his

eyes, and hoping the shadow the brim cast would give him some help in hiding

his feelings, Mack nodded in greeting.

“Justin.” Mack figured that was about the best he could manage with an

audience. Another part of his body wanted to greet the man in an entirely

different way, audience or not. Silently cursing his body's response to him,

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Mack fought the urge to smack his cock for perking up to full staff just from

saying Justin's name.

Justin walked right up to Mack, leaving only a few inches between them.

Leo bristled and started to push between the two men, not the least

intimidated by the murderous look that flashed across Justin's face. Mack,

however, didn't want to find and train a new foreman, or lose his friend. He

grabbed Leo and pulled him back. Turning to him, Mack shook his head.

“No, Leo, it's fine. Justin and I need to talk since he now owns the JMR.” If

Mack figured that might distract Leo for a minute, he was wrong.

“Why the fuck did you buy that place? You don't know shit about

ranching,” Leo accused, still glaring at Justin. Temper flashed in those brown

eyes, but Justin banked it, and Mack wasn't quite sure what to make of that.

That man used to have a temper that went off like a powder keg. Who would

have thought Justin would grow up? he mused. Probably something the

military helped him with. Mack wasn't so entertained by that thought when he

realized a lot of things about Justin had probably changed.

Justin finally grinned at Leo, leaning his head in a bit closer to him. “I

bought it because I wanted it, man. For many reasons.” Justin's eyes took on a

speculative look, checking Leo out from head to boot heel. Then his smile


“Not that it's any of your fucking business.” Ah, there was that temper,

which for whatever bizarre reason only made Mack harder. Jayzus, was he

bent or what? Leo started to move forward, and Justin stepped up to meet him.

This time, Mack shoved himself between the two of them, turned sideways, and

extended his arms out against their chests, pushing them apart.

“Enough with the chest thumping already. Leo, cut it out. Justin, rein it in

and back off. We don't need this pissing contest happening with all the hands

loitering around watching.” Mack figured most of his crew didn't know his

preference, though if they found out, he didn't care. They could quit if they

didn't like it. He would, however, prefer they not find out like this. Leo nodded

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first, then turned on his heel and stomped off, cussing and muttering with

each step. Justin stood still, tense and angry. Mack turned to him, wondering

what his problem was now.

“Is he the reason, cowboy?” Justin asked, pinning him with a hard stare.

Mack just looked at him, arching an eyebrow in question. “For the condoms in

your nightstand,” Justin grunted out. “Is he the reason for them?”

“He's my foreman and my friend, Justin. Not my fuck buddy.” Mack

walked toward the house, knowing Justin would follow, because the man was

nothing if not tenacious, and he damn sure wasn't going to let the whole

condoms-in-the-nightstand thing drop until he got an answer for why they

were there to begin with. Not that it was any of his business, which is exactly

what Mack was going to tell him as soon as they were in the house.

Justin reached around him and pulled the front door open, putting his

hand in the small of Mack's back and gently rubbing as he walked past. Once

Justin followed him in and shut the door, Mack turned around. He blinked;

then his eyes widened in surprise as Justin grabbed him, putting his hands on

Mack's waist and pulling him in tight. He started walking forward, making

Mack back-step until he thunked into the wall, knocking his Stetson to the


Justin glanced down at the hat, rotating his hips and bringing their cocks

together with a friction that drew moans from both of them. “One day, you're

gonna ride me wearing nothing but that hat and a smile,” Justin growled; then

he was diving in to kiss Mack, nipping and tugging at his bottom lip. Spearing

his tongue into Mack's mouth, Justin pumped his hips in sync with his tongue.

Mack sucked on the slick little muscle, trailing his hands down to Justin's ass,

pulling as hard up against him as he could. Justin lifted his mouth just

enough to run his tongue over Mack's lips. “Tell me who those condoms are

for,” he whispered before taking Mack's mouth once again for a brief, fierce

kiss. His hips continued thrusting, rubbing their cocks together, sending bolts

of heat from Mack's balls to his belly.

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“Jayzus”—Mack panted—“they were a gag gift from my crew on my

birthday. That and a blow-up sheep. Are you happy now?” Mack figured his

humiliation was complete.

Justin froze, then burst out laughing. “Your crew bought you a blow-up

sheep? Ah God…” Justin started laughing again, and Mack smiled, his own

embarrassment forgotten. He couldn't help it; Justin was just so damn pretty

when he laughed. He leaned forward, taking that mouth, wanting to swallow

the laughter that lit Justin up like the Fourth of July. A kiss meant to be an

innocent celebration of laughter quickly turned into a frenzy of limbs and

groans as they fought to get their clothes off, pressing their bodies together in a

rush of desire so strong, it threatened to flatten them.

“Gotta taste you now,” Justin said, dropping to his knees and cupping

Mack's balls, swallowing down half his dick and sucking so hard, Mack threw

his head back and groaned. Threading his hands through Justin's hair, Mack

began thrusting into the moist hot mouth, tilting his head back down to meet

those sensual brown eyes. Justin relaxed his throat and took the rest of Mack's

cock all the way to the root, and Mack couldn't help it, couldn't hold on. He let

out a yell as he thrust hard before pulling out to shoot his spunk in creamy

pulses onto Justin's abs and chest.

“Fuck,” he muttered, giving in to his weak knees and sliding down the wall

till his ass hit the floor. “Damn. You damn near killed me.”

“Bedroom, now. If you can't walk, I'll just have to carry you.” Justin pulled

Mack up and nudged him toward the bedroom. “Move it,” he grunted. “We need

to get to that nightstand in a hurry.”

“Might be able to move faster if you hadn't just sucked my brain out of my

prick,” Mack pointed out, drawing a snicker from Justin.

“Hurry, Mack. I need you.” Justin stroked his cock, grunting when Mack

followed the movements with his eyes. His red-haired devil looked

uncomfortably hard, his cock leaking glistening white beads from the narrow


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Mack's dick sprung to half-mast, rapidly filling again and growing ready

just from the knowledge that Justin wanted him that bad, that fast. He hurried

to his room, and no sooner had the door opened than Justin was pushing him

to the edge of the bed, where he spun him around and pressed him belly-down

on the mattress. He heard the drawer open, then felt Justin straddle his calves.

Strong hands grabbed his hips, raising him up on his knees. Mack reached

back and spread his cheeks. Justin inhaled sharply.

“Fuck…just…fuck, cowboy, you are so goddamn sexy,” he said, then ran

his tongue over the knotted ring of muscle, and Mack thought he was going to

come again right then. He moaned and pushed back against Justin's mouth,

too close to begging. Justin had mercy and thrust his tongue as far as he could

into Mack's ass, scraping the wrinkled folds gently with his teeth before

suddenly pulling away. Mack groaned in protest, but Justin didn't resume the

sensual exploration.

“I can't wait,” he said, tearing open a condom and sliding it on. Mack

heard the lube cap pop open and turned to watch Justin stroke his cock until

it was covered and slick. Justin bent forward and ran his tongue over Mack's

asshole again, swirling that devilish tongue and making sure Mack was plenty

wet. “Hold on,” he warned, and Mack braced his head against his hands; then

Justin was pounding into him with the force of a freight train.

“Damn, Justin…please…” Mack groaned, not sure what exactly he was

asking for until Justin's hand slid around from his hip and started tugging on

Mack's cock. The dual strokes in his ass and on his cock threw Mack into an

orgasm that had him screaming curses and praises loud enough that he was

sure his cowhands could hear him. Justin was slamming into him so deep,

Mack felt him in his soul, felt the tightening of Justin's thighs as Mack's body

clamped down, milking the cock inside him until both men collapsed. Justin

rolled off Mack as soon as they stopped trembling, gently disengaging their

bodies. He snuggled up against Mack's back, then clasped an arm around his

belly, drawing a smirk from Mack when he felt Justin's arm pressing right onto

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the rapidly cooling spunk smeared beneath it. Chuckling softly, Justin rubbed

his hand through the viscous fluids and nudged Mack gently.

“Hey, I think maybe we need to shower before we wind up stuck together

or stuck to the sheets.” Mack cracked open an eye and turned his head just

enough to see Justin. The look on his face, sated, happy, and something else,

something Mack was afraid to believe—it just stole the breath right out of his

lungs. Justin sat up and tapped Mack's hip lightly.

“C'mon, let's see if we can survive being naked, wet, and soapy together,”

he said, grabbing Mack's hand to pull him up, and Mack wasn't surprised in

the least when those words sent a rush of blood straight to his dick. Jayzus, he

just knew that blood rush had to be depriving some important brain cells of

their supply. The point seemed to be proven when Mack replayed Justin's last

words in his head.

Survive? It wasn't surviving that worried Mack as he followed Justin into

the bathroom, not exactly. It was keeping his heart and soul from being

shattered if and when—but most likely when—Justin walked away from him


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Chapter Four

Mack and Justin sat in the kitchen eating some cold-cut sandwiches to

replenish their dwindling reserves. The shared shower had quickly turned into

something else entirely when they began soaping each other up. Mack would

have liked to sit back and enjoy this time with Justin, but he couldn't relax.

Already he was hurting inside, or maybe it was just that he'd never stopped

hurting. Hell, he didn't know anymore. Still, he was reluctant to bring up the

past, afraid it would just give Justin an excuse to leave sooner. Despite

knowing he was likely to be hurt even more for it, he didn't want to push

Justin away, but there was no hope for it; he couldn't just pretend like the last

twelve years had never happened. He was worn-out inside, tired of hurting, no

matter how good his body felt. If talking made Justin leave, then he figured it

was best for the man to go now, before Mack found himself hopelessly

entangled in his own feelings—more than he already was.

Justin pushed his chair back from the table, stood up, and began clearing

off their plates and glasses. Mack watched him from heavy-lidded eyes, seeing

the tension in his movements, and figured if one of them didn't speak up soon,

they might come to blows—and not the kind he'd prefer to enjoy. Taking a deep

breath, he tried to exhale out some of the nervous tension that was riding him

before he spoke.

“Justin.” He watched his red-haired devil stop and straighten his spine,

bracing himself for what? Finally he turned to Mack, and the look on his face

had Mack sucking in a shaky breath. There, in front of him now, stood a man

who looked like he had been through hell and was staring at his salvation.

Mack felt a chill skittering down his spine, because he knew he wasn't anyone's

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salvation. He hadn't been able to fix himself after Justin left, had never felt

complete again. How was he supposed to be able to save anyone else? He

couldn't. That realization sparked his mouth into gear.

“Why are you here? Why did you buy the ranch next to mine, and why

send a foreman over to contract me to work your horses?” Why did you walk

away from me? How could you walk away from me? Those questions burned to

be released, but Mack refused to speak them.

Justin was silent for a moment, eyes drilling into Mack's.

“I want you to let me tell it, Mack, all the way through. Just listen to me

before you… Just listen to me, please.” Justin's voice held a plea to it Mack

had never heard before, and it scared the life out of him. Jayzus, he didn't

know if he even wanted to hear this now. What if it made everything worse?

Hurt him even more? But when he looked into those brown eyes, Mack knew

he couldn't refuse. The pain he saw there just about undid him. He nodded

slightly in agreement, then leaned back in his chair and waited.

“Okay…okay. I was going to start at the beginning, but first I have to tell

you this: I never wanted to leave you. Never.” Mack almost snorted at that, but

something in Justin's expression stopped him. It was a fierce, angry look, but

there was also a longing that resonated inside him. That look could almost

make him believe what Justin said, and he couldn't afford to do that, not now,

maybe not ever.

“You asked me not to interrupt, but you can't say something like that to

me and expect me to sit here quietly like some…some… I don't know what!

Because you did leave; you left, and never once in all this time did you bother

to contact me. Not once.” Mack stared at Justin, daring him to press the issue.

“Okay. I can see where you wouldn't believe that, but I had to tell you,

even though it's clear enough that you aren't going to listen to anything that

might make you want to forgive me.” Justin's voice quivered a little; then he

shook himself and cleared his throat before he continued.

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“So, if that set you off, then you probably won't believe that I fell in love

with you long before that day we made love out by the stream, either, but I

did.” Once again, he sought Mack's eyes. Mack rose up from his seat, ready to

toss Justin out.

“You don't do what you did to someone if you love them. You don't fuck

them, then blow them off as a little bit of teenage curiosity. And you don't

laugh when—” Mack's voice hitched as a sob propelled by anger and pain tried

to break free. His chest throbbed with the effort it took for him to suppress

such a humiliating thing from being released. His voice was low and mean as

he stepped up to Justin, shaking with the force of his restraint. “You don't

fucking laugh when someone tells you they love you, when they vow to,

always…always…” Mack couldn't finish, couldn't stand there in front of this

man who had carelessly tossed him aside. Strong arms wrapped around Mack

as he spun on his heel to walk away. Pride kept him from struggling, kept his

back rigid and his body hard.

“Listen to me, Mack! You can at least hear me out instead of being a

stubborn fool who'd rather wallow in his own misery. Must be easier than

finding out that maybe everything wasn't what it seemed.” Justin's voice

rumbled in his ear, cutting through the anger that was roaring in Mack's head.

“Tell me, is that easier than finding out that what happened tore me apart just

like it did you? Is it easier for you to think I enjoyed hurting you?”

“What am I supposed to think? When I've never been told any different?

Twelve years of nothing, then you show up and want a do-over?” Mack's chin

dropped to his chest, resting on Justin's forearm. “I don't know if I can. Last

time almost…broke me inside.”

Justin's hold gentled as he turned Mack in his arms. Callused fingers

touched his chin, tilting his head up until Mack was forced to meet Justin's

eyes. The pain he saw in that warm brown gaze reflected the pain Mack felt

churning in his soul. That look alone made him rethink his anger and realize

that Justin was telling him the truth, not playing some cruel game.

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“All right. I can sit back down and at least try. That's all I can promise.”

Mack held Justin's stare until the other man nodded and released him,

gesturing to the chair he had just vacated.

Justin paced a few times before turning to face Mack again. “Okay. I have

to tell this my way, not to torment you, but because I need for you to

understand.” Justin took a deep breath and exhaled it shakily. “I fell in love

with you slowly, gently, over a period of years.”

Oh God, Justin was killing him, trying to heal wounds that Mack needed

to keep open to protect himself.

“When we became friends at school, I knew right then I felt something for

you, something I didn't feel for anyone else. It scared me, sure, but after so

many years, it just grew stronger and it felt…right.” Justin grinned at Mack,

sending a swarm of butterflies dancing in his belly. Breathing suddenly seemed

a lot harder. “I didn't know I was gay; I didn't really think about it. I just knew

that you were everything, in every way.”

Mack closed his eyes, thinking this was something he really wished he'd

known years ago. But he hadn't, and things were what they were. He opened

his eyes, and Justin continued.

“And you and I both dated girls in high school, trying to keep covers, I

assume. Problem was, I bought yours, and maybe you bought mine. Then after

graduation, when we started spending more and more time together,

sometimes I thought I'd see something in your eyes, feel the heat from your

stare or an…accidental brush from your hands.” Justin smiled in his breath-

stealing way.

“Sure, I was doing the same things, accidentally touching you every

chance I could get. But I knew what I was doing wasn't any accident; I just

didn't know if what you were doing was on purpose or not. I was so consumed

with wanting you, cowboy.”

Jayzus, Mack remembered it all, in vivid, screaming detail. The sweet

innocence of that first love, first seduction of a man… Justin thrust his fingers

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through his red hair, then ran one hand down to cup his dick, straining

against the denim.

“Damn it, those memories have made me hard at least a thousand times.

But enough with the good memories,” he said, releasing himself, bringing his

hands back to grip the countertop he leaned against. Mack watched as Justin's

knuckles turned white with the strength of his grip. He wondered if it was fear,

anger, or some other thing pushing at Justin until the man became a menace

to the countertop. Justin's next words knocked the amused concern right out

of Mack.

“Someone was up on the ridge above the stream, Mack, and apparently

they saw everything. Everything.” Mack went rigid with emotion, anger,

embarrassment—not at what they did, never that—but at someone watching

them, intruding even if it was unknown at the time. The significance wasn't lost

on him, and he had a bad feeling that he knew where this was headed.

Mack nodded at Justin, a simple gesture that conveyed so much. He

understood the significance of having some Peeping Tom watching their

encounter years ago.

“After I left you and headed home…” Justin shook his head.

Mack could hardly breathe, couldn't think. He couldn't get past the fact

that someone had done something twelve years ago to drive them apart. That

had to be what Justin was trying to tell him. Mack wouldn't let that be what

defined the memory, though, wouldn't let it taint such a sweet experience, one

that had sustained him and taunted him for years. Justin's head was lowered,

in shame or pain, Mack didn't know which. He looked closer and was startled

to realize that there were tear tracks running down the other man's cheeks.

Goddamn, he couldn't do this. Rising up, he walked over to his lover and

wrapped him in his arms, rocking Justin gently side to side. Mack had a pretty

good idea that things went to hell in a handbasket when Justin had gotten

home, but he was almost afraid to ask how far into hell that descent went.

Instead, he murmured soothing sounds as he held his man, not worrying about

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what he was saying, just how he was saying it. Justin finally clasped him back

so hard, Mack's back popped.

“I…I need to finish this,” Justin got out, “just let me hold you while I do,


Mack didn't see how Justin had the strength to go on, but if he could tell

it, Mack could listen. “Sure, baby, it's fine,” he answered, when all he really

wanted to do was quiet the man with a kiss and ease his pain. Mack felt a

tremble rip through Justin before he spoke again.

“When I got home, my father was waiting on the porch. I walked up just

whistling and smiling, happy down to my soul. Next thing I know, he jerked me

through the door—” Justin's voice hitched, stuttered to a stop.

Mack felt the tremors start then, but honest to God, he didn't know if it

was him, Justin, or both of them. What he did know was that Justin's dad had

been the sheriff, and a mean son of a bitch by all accounts. There had been

plenty of times Justin had shown up with bruises that Mack had wondered

about, but—But what? he thought. What excuse did he really have for not

asking? Jayzus, what an asshole he'd been, not asking because it was simply

easier not to know. Another screwed-up case of “don't ask, don't tell.” He

smoothed his hands up and down Justin's back, wishing he could take away

the pain his red-haired devil was feeling.

“Justin,” he said, pulling back just enough to see the man. When Justin

still kept his head down, staring blankly at the floor, Mack brought his fingers

up to Justin's chin, pushing gently to raise his head until their eyes met. The

desolate look in his lover's eyes had Mack's heart clutching painfully.

“Hey, it's okay, I've got you now,” Mack said, leaning in to meet Justin in a

kiss so tender, so sweet, that tears sprung to his own eyes. When the kiss

ended, Mack stepped back and led Justin into the living room. Sitting on the

couch, he tugged Justin down onto his lap. Arms around each other, holding

on to give and receive comfort, Mack thought his heart was going to twist right

out of his chest. He'd be content just to hold his devil like this all night,

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nothing more than this, but Justin turned his head and whispered, “I want you

inside me,” then began tracing the shell of Mack's ear with his tongue.

“You sure? 'Cause you're upset, and I don't want you to…” Mack was

trying to be noble, but Justin turned and straddled him, rubbing his ass over

the bulging cock that had sprung up beneath him.

“I'm sure. So shut up and fuck me,” he said, and nobility suddenly

seemed a little overrated as their mouths met in a kiss that was hotter than

hell and sweeter than sin. Mack hooked one arm under Justin's thighs and

supported his back with the other, keeping him close.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered, then rose up and strode to the

bedroom, Justin nipping and sucking on his neck, grinding his dick against

Mack's. Jayzus, Mack thought, struggling for control, if Justin kept this up, he

was going to shoot before he made it to the bedroom. He started running

numbers through his head, account books, quadratic equations—and kicked

his bedroom door shut behind them as he stumbled toward the bed. Mack

stopped by the mattress, tugging on Justin's thighs to get him to unwrap and

stand. He stepped back, trying to find a bit of control that didn't include

mathematics bouncing around in his head.

“Strip,” Mack growled, because, oh God, he was finally going to be in

Justin, and he didn't think he could wait much longer. Justin threw his clothes

off in a flash, and Mack wasn't far behind him. He grabbed the lube and a

condom, tossed them on the mattress.

“On your back, Justin; I want to see your face when I slide into that tight

ass.” Justin lay down on the bed, then pulled his knees up and hooked his

arms under them, giving Mack what he knew was the sexiest view in the world.

“I'm going to taste you first,” Mack warned him, watching the tightening in

Justin's body, looking at the tight pink whorl waiting to be laved. He saw his

lover's cock jerk, leaking onto the washboard abs below it, and Mack knew his

words were driving Justin wild. Mouth hitched up on one side, he decided to

push his devil just a little more.

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“I'm gonna lick that pretty head, suck it down my throat until your eyes

cross,” he continued, “and then I'm gonna lick your balls, down your crease,

and eat your ass until you beg me to fuck you.” The response he got was better

than he'd hoped.

“Fuck, Mack, I will beg you now, please…”

That's all it took to get Mack kneeling between Justin's thighs, sucking the

swollen head, swallowing him down. Justin screamed and jerked his hips hard.

Mack pulled his mouth off, wanting to prolong the pleasure for both of them.

He slid down, flicking his tongue over Justin's balls, sucking them one at a

time into his mouth. God, Justin was making such hot sounds, almost

whimpering as he squirmed, seeking release. Mack felt like squirming himself

and had to reach down and grab the base of his cock, squeezing hard to stifle

his need to come. Once he felt it was somewhat under control, Mack slid both

of his hands under Justin's taut cheeks, holding them in a firm grip. Slowly, he

twirled his tongue around the tightening orbs, savoring the change he was

bringing to Justin's body.

Mack decided to linger a bit, rubbing first his cheeks, then his chin, and

finally his nose against the furry sac. He inhaled deeply with his nose buried in

Justin's balls, the smell becoming Mack's new favorite scent. Heady with this

discovery, he slid his tongue farther down the crease to that tight hole,

nuzzling and breathing deep of the warm, musky scent that made his dick

weep. He'd been wrong; this was his new favorite scent, the smell of musk and

spice, everything man, everything Justin. Mack rasped his tongue over the

puckered tissue presented so prettily for him, and felt Justin jerk, knew his

cock was aching to be touched. A few swirls around the rim, then he was

thrusting his tongue in, stiffening it and fucking his man with it in quick,

stabbing strokes.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Now!” Justin screamed, but Mack wanted one more

taste, one more lick. He wanted his lover consumed with lust, and it looked like

Justin was pretty much there. Mack jerked the condom open with his teeth,

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then slid it on. Grabbing the lube, he glanced at the little hole. No way was

Justin stretched enough, so Mack coated two fingers with lube and pushed

them in, watching Justin's face, the pleasure he saw there making it damned

hard for him to be patient. He worked in a third finger, rubbing against

Justin's prostate, hanging on to his own need by a thread until he thought

Justin was ready. Since the man was being quite vocal with his demands that

Mack put his cock to use, now, Mack was more than willing to comply. He'd

teased them both—or tortured, he wasn't really sure which at this point—long

enough. Lining his dick up with the well-lubed hole, Mack looked at Justin.

“Open your eyes, Justin, let me see what I do to you, what you do to me,”

he whispered, his heart swelling when those brown eyes snapped open, grew

wider as Mack slowly filled him. He didn't know who groaned the loudest when

he finally pushed all the way in; he only knew that he was in trouble. There

was no way in hell he could hold out inside Justin's hot, tight channel for long.

Mack took one of Justin's legs, bending it and pushing it flush against his

lover's chest, the position making it easier to peg the gland that would have

Justin screaming again in no time. “Grab your dick. I want to watch you make

yourself come,” Mack ordered, then pulled out and slammed home in a series

of thrusts that rubbed the gland in his lover's ass and had Justin screaming

out his orgasm. Spunk shot through his fingers, over his belly. The pungent

smell, combined with the sensation of Justin's inner muscles clamping down

around Mack's dick and the sounds his lover made as he writhed in ecstasy,

spun Mack into an orgasm that had his vision dimming and filling with black

spots. He dipped his forehead down and rested it against Justin's for a long

moment, chests heaving as they both struggled to catch their breath. Arms

trembling, he carefully pulled out of Justin, drawing another long moan from

his sexy man.

Mack stood up on wobbly legs and headed to the bathroom to clean

himself off and grab a warm washcloth for his lover. Justin didn't even open

his eyes when the warm cloth swept over his skin, wiping away the remnants of

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their lovemaking. Tossing the rag aside, Mack climbed into bed and pulled

Justin close. As he listened to the soft sounds Justin made while sleeping,

Mack worked over some of the thoughts clattering around in his head before

deciding to let go of the questions and just enjoy holding his red-haired devil

tight. For now, it was enough to know the man hadn't wanted to leave. Eyes

growing heavy, Mack drifted off to sleep with a feeling of peace he hadn't felt in

a dozen years.

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Chapter Five

Morning came all too soon for Mack, who definitely wasn't a morning

person. Head fuzzy with sleep, he felt a second of confusion when he realized

that Justin was still in bed with him. Not that he had forgotten what had

happened between them; no way in hell that was going to happen. No, it was

just that he…was…still there. And he was sporting a smile along with morning

wood that matched Mack's.

“Eh, cowboy, can you spare a hand?” he asked, keeping a straight face.

Mack snickered and rolled his eyes.

“Jayzus, that is about the corniest line I've ever heard, but I never would

want it said that I turned you down in a time of need.” Mack rolled to his side,

rubbing their dicks together until they were glistening with precum. He nudged

Justin's head aside and bit down right where his shoulder and neck met. When

he had his red-haired devil thrusting wildly, Mack placed his hands around

both of their cocks. He began stroking, rubbing the swollen heads with his

thumbs. The feel of their cocks rubbing together, combined with the pressure

from his hands, ensured that Mack didn't last long. He might have been

embarrassed about that except for the fact that Justin came just as quickly as

he did.

“God, Mack, you're gonna kill me.” Justin panted, trying to catch his


“Uh-uh, you can't blame me, you are the one who asked for the 'hand,'”

Mack pointed out as he headed toward the shower.

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“Go ahead and rest if you want, Justin. I have to shower and get outside

before my ranch hands think I'm bailing on them.” Justin grumbled something

and pulled a pillow over his head, making Mack chuckle softly.

* * * * *

Mack walked out to the corral, a cup of coffee in his hand. Taking a sip,

he looked at the red stallion glaring back at him and figured he'd better come

up with a good routine to gentle this beast. He was considering options,

discarding them, reworking them in his head, so lost in his thoughts, he didn't

hear Leo approach. Mack turned, thinking to walk over to the barn, and almost

let out a surprised squeak when he found Leo standing right in front of him. I

will be damned if I squeak like a little girl, Mack thought, feeling his cheeks

burn. Leo grinned at him, until his eyes lit on the love mark Justin had left on

Mack's neck last night. Mack saw the moment it hit his foreman just what that

mark was and who had put it there.

“Goddamn it, Mack, what the hell are you doing? Didn't you learn

anything twelve years ago?” Leo glared, vibrating with anger. What was going

on with his foreman? This didn't look like friendly concern to Mack. Leo took a

step toward him, trying to look threatening.

Mack felt his temper pulse and burn, hand gripping the coffee mug so

hard, he was surprised it didn't break. He took a deep breath, thinking maybe

some of his red-haired devil's temper had rubbed off on him, because he surely

wanted to knock the shit out of Leo.

“Drop it, Leo. It's none of your business,” he snapped, moving to walk

around him. While Mack might have been willing to talk to Leo as one friend to

another about what was happening, he would not put up with this. Leo stuck

out his arm and grabbed Mack's wrist, pulling to spin him around.

“You made it my business when you told me what happened between you

and Justin years ago, so don't get all pissy on me,” Leo snapped back.

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That. Was. It. The coffee cup shattered, and Mack felt it slice into his

hand, which only pissed him off even more. He dropped the remains of the mug

and grabbed Leo's wrist hard enough that he felt the man's bones rubbing

together. Mack squeezed even harder, the pressure making the pain of his cut

worse, which in turn made his temper spike and blow.

“I have purely had it with people grabbing at me, Leo, do you hear me?” he

snarled, taking perverse pleasure in the fear he saw leap into the other man's

eyes. “What I told you twelve years ago does not give you any right to interfere

in my life, and it for damn sure doesn't give you any rights over me. I will fire

you if you ever cross that line again, you understand me?” Mack had gotten

closer and closer as he ranted, until he was bent forward and standing almost

nose to nose with his foreman.

“Is there a problem here?” Justin asked, strolling over to Mack and Leo.

“I dunno, Leo, is there a problem?” Mack almost prayed the man would

say yes.

Leo jerked his wrist out of the blood-slicked grasp Mack had on it, then

turned and stormed off without answering. Justin saw the blood on Mack's

hand, and a look of rage came over him, dousing out Mack's anger

immediately. He stepped in front of Justin to stop him from going after Leo and

killing the man, placing the hand that wasn't bleeding on his red devil's chest.

“Move. I'm going to kill that stupid fucker,” Justin grated out, and Mack

slapped his bleeding hand up beside the other. Grabbing fistfuls of Justin's

shirt, he dug his boot heels into the ground in an attempt to use his body

weight to prevent Justin from going after Leo.

“No, you aren't, because I will be pure pissed off if I have to find another

foreman,” Mack said and watched his attempt at humor fall flat. Alrighty then,

he thought.

“Justin, come on; he didn't hurt me. I broke the coffee mug and cut

myself.” That seemed to get through a bit, because Justin quit pushing against

him, but he didn't look any less furious.

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“Just what was going on when I walked out here, hmm? What did Leo do

that made you angry enough to let loose on him? Don't bullshit me, because I

have never seen you so mad. You might feel some sort of…loyalty toward that

man…” Mack couldn't miss the displeasure speaking those words caused

Justin as he continued on. “But I don't owe him anything, other than a serious

lesson in manners, because there is no way you can make me believe that twit

didn't provoke you first.” Justin glared at Mack, brown eyes narrowing as

though he thought his statement would be disputed. Mack had to bite back a

grin at that, because he wasn't stupid enough to think he could lie to his lover,

and he wouldn't ever do so anyway. Mack took a long breath, trying to think

how best to word the whole situation. There was no help for it; he'd always

been direct and wasn't fixing to change that now, but he could put some

distance between his lover and his foreman first.

“Look, let's go inside so I can clean up my hand and see how much I

screwed it up by being stupid, okay? Then I will tell you what you want to

know.” Mack watched his lover closely, slowly easing up on his grip when the

anger in Justin's expression was replaced with one of concern.

“You're right; let's get you taken care of first. Then you can tell me what

happened. I'll try to hold off on killing the man until then.” The teasing curl of

his lips and the sparkle in his soft brown eyes took the heat out of the threat.

Justin took Mack's injured hand gently, not seeming to give a good

goddamn if any of the cowhands saw. He walked Mack into the kitchen and

had him sit down at the table.

“You got a first-aid kit?” he asked.

“Bathroom cabinet.”

“All right, you stay right there. When I come back, I'll take you over to the

sink and rinse your hand. Don't move.” Mack was flustered with the attention;

he was a grown man and hadn't had anyone fuss over him in ages, and he

wasn't sure that he liked it. Grumbling, he stood up and walked over to the

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sink, because he was a man, not a squeaky little girl. He turned the water on

and stuck his hand under it.

“Owowowowow!! Shit that burns! Jayzus!” Maybe he did have a squeaky

little girl living somewhere inside of him. He glanced at his hand and saw the

gash that ran down his palm.

“Goddamn it, Mack, I told you not to move!” Justin raced across the

kitchen, first-aid kit in hand. The man moved so fast that watching him left

Mack feeling a bit queasy and weak. Justin slipped his arm around Mack's

waist and then looped Mack's other arm over his shoulders.

“You look a little green, and shaky to boot. I don't like you shaking unless

it's when you're under me or over me or beside me… Well, you get the picture.

Now let me see that hand.” He took Mack's injured hand and examined it,

looking furious all over again. Mack looked at the gash again too, and felt his

stomach lurch. Jayzus, he felt like a wuss. He could handle injuries on animals

and other people, just…not his own. Ick. A rumbling laugh drew his attention

back to Justin.

“I could be wrong, but maybe you should stop looking at the cut? I can

clean up your hand, but I'm not so good with emptied-out stomach contents.”

“Yeah, that's probably not a bad idea. Wouldn't do for both of us to be laid

out on the floor…hmm. Then again, maybe—” A pinch to his ass had Mack

yelping, jerking his mind right up out of the gutter. He turned to look at Justin.

“What'd you do that for?”

“Needed to get you off that particular track before I forgot about your hand

and spread you out like a feast on the floor.”

“Mmm, so if I told you that kind of turned me on? What then?” Mack

laughed when Justin groaned in frustration.

“Then I promise to pinch your ass the next time I'm burying my dick deep

inside you, okay?” God, that promise sucked the breath right out of Mack's

lungs, but it didn't stop him from nodding his agreement.

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“All right, then.” Justin's voice had grown deeper with need; Mack's cock

responded by pulsing uncomfortably against his zipper. “Hand, cowboy. Let's

take care of your hand.”

Justin led him back to the chair. Mack watched as he opened the first-aid

kit, pulling out various tubes and packages. Mack managed a wobbly smile

when his lover looked over at him, and figured that was the best it was going to

get, since his stomach felt like turning inside out. Justin leaned in and gave

him a soft kiss.

“I don't think you need stitches, but maybe we should have a doctor look

at it after I put some antibiotic ointment on it, just to be safe.”

Mack shook his head. “No way. I saw the… Well, I looked at it, and it isn't

that bad. It's just…” Gross, he thought and felt his stomach heave. “Nope, no

doctor. Just do what you need to do and wrap it.”

Justin stared at him for a minute, then nodded and started doing

whatever he was going to do. Mack didn't know for sure what that was,

because he was not going to watch. He sat there with his head turned away,

counting floor tiles until he felt Justin finish wrapping his hand. Only when he

was certain he wouldn't see anything that might make him hurl did he finally

face Justin. “Now”—Justin's voice was smooth as silk—“tell me what happened

with Leo.”

“All right, but you need to understand something,” Mack said, trying to

choose his words carefully.

Justin's hands clenched into hard fists before spanning open to rest on

his thighs. “I'll try, but right now I just want to beat the shit out of him.”

Mack glared at him, but he couldn't stay mad, because he would be

feeling every bit as mean if he'd been in Justin's shoes.

“You going to listen, or you going to sit there and growl?” Mack could feel

his eyebrow winging up toward his hairline. Justin arched one right back at

him. “Start talking.”

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Probably as good as it was going to get, Mack figured.

“After…after you left, I was fucked up. Angry, hurt”—broken—“whatever

you want to call it.” Mack paused, watching the guilt wash over his lover.

“Look, Justin, I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad, okay? I am trying

to explain why Leo was acting like a fool, though I'm not sure why, exactly,

myself.” He waited until Justin nodded, then continued.

“Leo had always been a friend of mine, one of the few I had. He asked me

what was wrong, and I wouldn't tell him at first, but eventually, I needed to

talk to someone.” He paused again, weighing the effect his words were having,

not wanting to cut Justin now for something that happened a dozen years ago.

When he was sure it was as close to okay as it was going to get, he went on,

reaching out to hold Justin's hand.

“I told Leo what happened, all of it, figuring if he freaked because I was

gay, oh well. I couldn't feel any worse—Shit.” Shaking his head, Mack touched

Justin's cheek with his bandaged hand. “It feels like everything I'm saying is an

accusation instead of a simple recounting. That's not my intention. I just don't

know how else to tell it.”

“It's all right, Mack. I know I hurt you. I will regret it till the day I die, and

longer than that, if possible.” Justin stared him straight in the eye, and Mack

could swear he felt the sorrow rolling off the man. “Doesn't matter that leaving

wasn't what I wanted, or that it tore me up to do it. When you get down to it,

even the why doesn't matter. It may make the pain dull and fade, but it can't

go back a dozen years and soothe the pain then, or all the years in between.

For either of us.”

Mack leaned forward and touched Justin's arm, hoping to comfort them

both. “No, nothing can take that pain away, but maybe I—we can find some

way to get past it, yeah?” Leaning back at Justin's nod, he continued his story,

trying to watch what he said and still be honest.

“So, he saw me go through that, tried to help me. He didn't condemn me

for my preference, and I figured he was just being a good friend. When I told

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him about…about the… When I told him what I…said…to you, he got really

agitated. That's when I began to suspect that Leo felt something for me that

was more than friendship, and unrequited. And that made me feel like shit, to

think that I might have hurt him, and even worse to know…” Mack's voice

tapered off into a whisper, then stopped. He couldn't look at Justin, not at this

moment. Then Justin knelt in front of him, touched his cheek softly, tipping

his head up so that their eyes met.

“Tell me,” Justin pleaded softly. Mack nodded, started to speak, stopped,

and tried again.

“I felt even worse knowing that I wouldn't change it, none of it. Not your

friendship, not what we did, not the pain when you left, not the vows I made

you, telling you”—Mack's voice hitched, but he pushed, made himself

continue—“telling you that I would always love you and always wait for you.

Because I do, I did, Justin. All these years, I've loved you and waited for you.”

God, he felt like his chest was going to explode, and he couldn't seem to stop

the tears that were rolling in warm streams down his cheeks. And Justin…his

beautiful brown eyes were awash with tears, and something else too. Justin

shifted and sat on the floor. He pulled Mack out of his seat and down onto his

lap, holding on to Mack as if he were the only good thing in the world.

“Mack, don't you know that I love you more than life, more than my next

breath? I don't even have words.” He paused, staring at Mack with a ferocity

that shook him to the core. “There are just no words that can describe it, but

you should know that I never forgot those vows. Believing them, in you, and

the dream that one day, I'd be able to come back and be with you…those were

the only things that kept me going, kept me sane. ”

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Chapter Six

Mack felt something inside him break, anger that Justin could profess to

love him so much, yet walk away rather than stand and fight for him, with him.

How could he proclaim such a love when he'd been able to turn his back on

Mack for any reason?

“Then why, Justin, why didn't you stay? Why didn't you fight to be with

me?” he demanded. “Because if you loved me like you said you did—do—you

would have stayed. We could have taken on your dad or anyone else. You don't

love someone like that and just walk off after telling them 'thanks for satisfying

my curiosity'!” Mack hadn't realized he was yelling, trying to release a dozen

years worth of hurt, until Justin shook him gently, then pulled him close

again, one hand gently stroking Mack's back.

“I told you that my father found out. I didn't finish what I was trying to tell

you, but now you are going to listen to me, got it?” Justin punctuated the

statement with a hard stare, and Mack waited until he could pull back some of

the pain he was feeling before he nodded in agreement. Jayzus, it felt like he

was being ripped open all over again. How had he thought they could get past


“All right. I told you that son of a bitch pulled me through the door, yeah?”

Mack nodded again, stomach clenching in fear of what he was going to hear.

“Yeah, it was bad. I can see in your eyes that you have some idea, but it was

worse than you think. I know at eighteen, most people would think I should

have fought back, and maybe I would have, finally, except…except after the

first punch, he told me—God, Mack, I can still hear him.” Justin paused,

looking as though he had been pulled back in time a dozen years. He looked so

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hurt, so lost, Mack would have given anything to prevent him from ever feeling

that way again. Justin blinked a few times, eyes regaining their focus on Mack.

“He told me he would kill you for making me a—” Mack pressed his fingers

to Justin's lips, not because he didn't want to hear what his lover was saying,

but because he couldn't stand the pain it was causing Justin to say it. And

because he knew, now, why Justin had said the things he'd said. Knew why

he'd left, and that anger and hurt that had broken free inside of him quieted to

a dull throb. Mack couldn't hold on to it when he knew that he would have

done the same thing; he would have done whatever it took to keep Justin safe,

even if it meant leaving him if there were no other choice.

“Justin, it's okay. You don't have to do this, please, I understand,” Mack

pleaded, wanting to ease the suffering of this man he had loved for years and

would love for eternity. Justin pushed his fingers away, holding them in his


“I do. I have to tell you. Maybe telling it will ease the pain for both of us.”

Mack looked at Justin, weighing his words. “All right, but just remember,

it's done, it's the past. What's most important is right now, this moment, and

each moment we create together. I didn't realize it, was too busy being pissed

and hurt, but it's true. None of the bad things matter, as long as I have you,

and you have me.”

Justin tightened his arms around Mack and leaned into him. “God, Mack,

I love you. Let me just get this out, just finish it so it's never between us again.

He said he was going to kill you for making me a faggot, and as sheriff, he

could have done it and gotten away with it. I've never been so scared. I couldn't

let him hurt you, you understand?” Justin's eyes held a plea that Mack

couldn't, and would never, deny. He hadn't ever been able to deny the man

anything anyway. Justin had been his world, whether here or gone, for most of

Mack's life.

“I understand, I do. Go on, get it said, so we can leave it in the past where

it belongs, okay? The past has had power over us long enough.” The truth of

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those words sank into Mack fully, and he couldn't resist placing a chaste kiss

on his lover's lips. Justin's eyes were soft with the love reflected in their depths,

sending a flutter of warmth through Mack's body.

“You're right, absolutely right.” Justin's hand resumed its soothing

strokes. “Okay. Okay, I told him I wasn't gay; I would have told him I was

anything he wanted to keep him away from you. I said that I was just curious

because I had found one of his magazines that he thought he kept hidden.

Ones he said he confiscated and brought home to burn so no one in the

sheriff's office would have to see them. My father was definitely an angry,

repressed man. So I told him that was where I got the idea, and that it was…”

Justin glanced away.

“You told him it was awful?” Mack asked. Justin nodded, looking so

ashamed that Mack's heart broke for him. “You had to, Justin, and I know you

didn't mean it. Your father would have probably beaten you to death if you

hadn't, so don't feel guilty. That was one thing I was always certain of—that

you had enjoyed our lovemaking years ago every bit as much as I did. Some

things are impossible to fake, and the soft words and moans that fell from your

lips… It's why I couldn't understand how you could say what you did and leave

like what we did didn't matter. I understand now. I do.”

“Yeah, I know, but still, it just felt so wrong to twist something I cherished

so much, even to turn it into a lie for survival”—Justin glanced around the

kitchen before bringing his gaze back to Mack's—“until I realized it meant your

survival. I would have done anything, would still do whatever it takes, to

whomever, however—anything to keep you safe.” He punctuated the

declaration with a series of kisses on Mack's lips and cheeks.

“I know. I would do the same. I swear to you, I am not blaming you

anymore. Though if your father weren't already dead, I'd kill the man myself, or

at least see to it that he answered for all the suffering he caused.”

“But he is dead, thank God. I hated him for as long as I can remember.

The day I walked back and met you at the pond, my father was up on the ridge,

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waiting with a rifle just in case I didn't convince him that what we had done

meant nothing. He promised me he would keep that rifle trained on you.” Mack

couldn't take any more; he didn't need for Justin to lay his soul bare. He

turned to straddle his lover's lap, pulling his head forward for a kiss.

“I need you,” Justin whispered. “I've always needed you, cowboy. Always

will.” Mack felt something inside of him lighten and shift free, pushing out all

the pain and anger he had carried around for so long. He felt so light without

that burden, he wondered that he didn't float off Justin's lap.

“You've got me, always,” Mack said, rising up to take Justin's hand, then

leading him to the bedroom. He turned to face Justin as they stood beside the

bed, and the wonder and need he saw in those brown eyes was a balm to his

soul. They reached for each other, Mack bringing his injured hand up to cup

his lover's face. God, he hadn't thought it was possible to love this man more,

but he did, and the emotions were almost overpowering.

Justin closed his eyes at the caress and tipped his head forward, meeting

Mack for a slow, lingering kiss. He slid his hands down and began working the

buttons on Mack's shirt, pausing to touch, to pet, as he pushed the shirt off,

slowly driving Mack out of his mind. When Justin reached the button on

Mack's jeans, he softly cupped the erection waiting to be released. Mack

ground his prick against the touch, but his red-haired devil just pulled his

hand back up and unbuttoned the worn denim. Pushing the jeans and boxers

down with a slow, torturous move, Justin looked at Mack.

“Don't want this to end too soon,” he murmured, then licked Mack's lips.

Mack opened and licked back, slipping into the hot, moist mouth that awaited

him. Justin pulled back and nudged him until he sat on the bed, then knelt

down to remove the boots and socks that were preventing Mack from being

naked, before stripping off his jeans and boxers. He rose back up, breathing

heavily, and Mack finally understood what it meant for someone to be devoured

by their lover's eyes.

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“Damn, you are just fucking beautiful,” Justin said, which was something

Mack had never been called, would have scoffed at had anyone but his lover

said it. “Stroke yourself while I strip for you. I want to see you touch yourself.”

Mack nodded and cupped his balls with his injured hand, moaning softly

at the rough feel of the bandage against the sensitive skin. Using his other

hand, he palmed his cock, first rubbing his thumb through the precum that

had leaked out. He smeared it around the mushroomed head in a way that

caused his whole body to tremble. Mack began to stroke downward as Justin

ripped at his clothes, trying to get undressed. Seeing his lover so eager was

turning Mack on so much, he was afraid he was going to come. He stilled his

hand at the base of his cock, squeezing hard to keep that from happening.

Thank God Justin was blessedly naked by then, crawling onto the bed and

urging Mack to the center of the mattress. Their lips met for another scorching

kiss; then Justin pulled back slightly.

“I want you to know that I'm clean. I swear it.” His eyes drilled into

Mack's, searing with intensity. Mack nodded; he knew about the tests the

service members were required to have done.

“And you said…you said you waited for me. Did you mean you haven't,


Mack felt uncomfortable, but this was the man he loved, would always

love; he could give him this no matter how embarrassing it was.

“I meant it, Justin. I just couldn't, not with someone else.” God, he hoped

that was enough. Justin stroked his hand down until it encircled Mack's

engorged dick. With amusement apparent in his expression, Justin arched his

brow and looked back up at Mack.

“Sooooooooo…” he drawled out, and Mack felt himself blush from top to

toes. He should have known Justin wouldn't let it drop. “That must mean,

what, that there are…toys…somewhere close by, right?” The images that shot

into Mack's head had him groaning. God, the thought of using some of his

“toys” on Justin… Oh fuck! Justin slid down Mack's body, laving the erect

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nipples, nipping and tugging on them until Mack was pushing his dick so

forcefully against Justin's belly that he was grunting on impact.

“Slow down. I want you in my mouth when you come, shooting down my

throat,” Justin practically purred. He slipped his tongue into Mack's belly

button, wringing another long moan from him.

“Goddamnit! You can't say something like that and then tell me to slow

down!” Mack panted. “Put your mouth on my dick already before I die!” Justin

snickered but moved down until his cheek was rubbing against the throbbing

cock. He sucked two fingers into his mouth, eyes watching Mack, teasing and

tormenting him as he tongued the digits. Justin pulled them out and brought

them to the tight hole, rubbing and pushing, but not quite penetrating. Mack

pushed his hips deep into the mattress, trying to get Justin to finger fuck him.

“Jayzus, Justin! What do you want, man?” Mack clenched his jaw, trying

not to plead. Justin waited until Mack looked at him. “Everything.” Then he

ran his tongue up Mack's cock and sucked in the glistening head, plunging his

fingers as deep into Mack's ass as they could go.

Mack yelled, grabbing handfuls of the sheets. He scrunched his eyes shut

tight, but he knew he wasn't going to be able to hold off long. Justin made sure

his fingers were pegging Mack's gland, moving in time with each up-and-down

stroke of the mouth on his cock. Mack was jerking his hips so hard, thrashing

on the bed, he felt a twinge of concern that he might hurt Justin. Before he

could gather the breath to speak, Justin hummed on the downstroke, mouth

and throat squeezing and vibrating all around Mack's cock. He pushed another

finger into Mack's hole, and Mack exploded into orgasm, gasping and pumping,

every muscle in his body wringing tight.

Before the last spasm shook Mack's body, Justin was coating himself with

lube, then crawling up Mack's body as fast as a bullet. The tip of his cock

pushed into Mack's body just a second before their lips met. Justin paused,

hips stilling while he plundered Mack's mouth before carefully resting his

weight on Mack. Strong hands clasped Mack's wrists, and he didn't want to

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protest, willingly gave the lead over. His arms were stretched out above the

pillows, pinned down hard as Justin slowly pushed the length of his dick into

Mack. Trying to get his lover to move faster, Mack wrapped his legs around

Justin's waist, digging his heels in and trying to make the man move his hips.

He needed Justin to move, to thrust, to fuck him hard, or he feared he might

scream out in sheer frustration.

“Not this time,” Justin chastised. “This time, we are going to drive each

other fucking insane.” He rolled his hips slowly, then pushed in until he was

buried balls deep. Mack trembled, unable to do much more than take short,

gasping breaths. Justin was killing him, frying his brain cells and burning his

body with desire. Mack was ready to beg, if that's what it took.

“Justin…” If there was a little whimpering sound to his voice, Mack

figured it was okay. He needed, now.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Justin finally moved, pulling out as much as he could

without completely withdrawing from Mack's clasping anus. He slammed back

in hard enough that Mack's teeth snapped together; then Justin began

repeating the movements, flexing his buttocks and pushing in with power,

finesse no longer an option. He felt Justin's lips against the skin on his neck,

felt his lover suck hard, bringing up a mark. Mack's cock swelled and pulsed;

the friction from Justin's stomach rubbing against it was another erotic torture

that had Mack's back trying to bow as the muscles in his ass clamped down

hard. Justin started thrusting harder, faster, biting Mack's neck in a way that

sent streaks of pleasure-pain straight to his balls. Mack felt like he was being

consumed by Justin, marked and owned in an elemental way. That thought

had his balls squeezing tight, pressing up against his body, signaling the end of

his sanity.

“Just…Justin, ah God, I have to…” Mack said, trying to warn his lover

that he wasn't going to last. Justin lifted his head, looking dazed and

consumed himself.

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“I'm…right…with you.” He panted and began surging his hips with such

force, it bordered on violent, pistoning so fast, Mack thought sparks were going

to erupt all around them. He jerked one arm free and pulled Justin's head to

him, wanting his mouth on his lover's as he came. Justin's hips plowed into

Mack once more; Mack felt the hardness above him as Justin tensed up,

muscles bunching, ass squeezing, toes digging into the sheets as he tried to get

deeper into Mack. Mack caught Justin's yell of ecstasy within his mouth. A

sharp bolt of pain shot from his ass cheek to his balls, the promised pinch from

Justin spurring Mack into another mind-blowing orgasm, clamping his ass

down tight on Justin's cock, drawing a strangled moan from the man.

Mack freed his other arm and wrapped his red-haired devil in an embrace,

surprised he had the energy to do even that. They lay there, bodies shuddering

and muscles twitching, just enjoying each other until the sticky mess between

their bodies became uncomfortable. Justin scooted off Mack, grasping his hand

as he sat up.

“C'mon, cowboy, we need to get cleaned up.” Mack groaned and rolled to

his side, not at all certain he could walk, not after the fierce way Justin had

possessed him. As Justin stood up, he tugged on Mack's hand and glanced

back. With a worried look, Justin turned fully toward him, and Mack let his

eyes drift over the perfection that was his red-haired devil. God almighty, he

was flawless, all taut muscles and smooth skin.

“Hey,” Justin said, dropping to his knees at the side of the bed. “Did I hurt

you? I know I was rough, probably too rough.”

Mack cut him off with a quick shake of his head. “Nah. I may be a little

sore, but it's the good kind of sore, ya know? I was just lying here admiring the

view, thinking walking wasn't as important as it used to be.” He grinned,

watching the heat flare back up in his lover's eyes. Shaking his head, Justin

leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on Mack's lips. He rose up off his knees and

tugged once more on the hand he had captured.

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“Oh no, no more for you until we get cleaned up and I rebandage that

hand of yours. I gotta have a little time to get my strength back, and something

to eat—besides your lovely cock—would be nice. And if you're really good, I

might just pinch your sweet ass again.”

Cheeks ruddy with color, Mack managed to stumble out of the bed and

follow Justin into the bathroom. He was right; they needed a shower and food;

then Mack really needed to get to work. Besides, letting the anticipation build

up throughout the day would just make the evening that much sweeter, he

thought, feeling a grin spread from ear to ear.

Justin glanced up from where he was bent over turning on the water for

the shower, and saw that grin. Mack figured it must have made his lover

suspicious, because he narrowed his eyes and tried to look intimidating. He

guessed Justin hadn't figured out yet that he wasn't intimidating so much as

he was sexy with that narrow-eyed look and the slight uptilt to his lips. Mack

grinned even bigger.

“Whaaaaaaatttt?” he asked, feeling happier than anyone had a right to.

“Exactly. Whaaaaaaatttt does that shit-eating grin on your face mean?

'Cause I know you're up to something, and it better not be a quickie in the

shower. We have to keep your bandaged hand dry.” Justin's eyes held a sparkle

that just made it impossible for Mack to stop grinning.

“This shit-eating grin, as you call it, just means I am looking forward to

when I can have you naked tonight,” Mack answered, sauntering up to Justin,

pressing right up to him, chests to thighs. “It means that I will be working and

thinking about that all day, letting the anticipation build, grow, until my cock

throbs with every beat of my heart, until it's so hard, every breath hurts, and

it's leaking—”

Well, he reckoned he wasn't the only one who would be stoking a fire until

this evening, he thought, as Justin's lips sought his in a burning kiss. When

the kiss finally ended, Justin stepped back and smacked Mack on the ass


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“Behave. Now I'm gonna be walking around the rest of the day trying to

hide this fucking hard-on—which is, no doubt, just what you intended.”

“Damn straight. No reason I should be the only one to suffer,” Mack

quipped, stepping into the shower, careful to keep the bandaged hand out of

the water. Justin let out a bark of laughter, then climbed in behind him,

pressing up against Mack's back. All that slippery, hard muscle sliding back

and forth across his skin had Mack groaning as his cock took notice, bobbing

against his stomach. Justin's gruff laughter in his ear only intensified the need

Mack felt spreading inside himself.

“Since walking around suffering all day was your idea,” Justin's rough

voice growled teasingly at Mack, “I think it's only fair that you bear the brunt of

it.” Mack groaned as hard hands started slicking over his skin—over every part

except one, the one place he really wanted Justin to touch. And he was stuck,

unable to turn in the shower without dousing his bandaged hand. He shot an

evil glare over his shoulder at his red-haired devil, meeting the man's laughter-

lit eyes.

“Yeah, but you're just being cruel now, Justin.” Mack tried not to pout

when he said it, but wasn't sure he managed to pull it off, when Justin

smacked him on the ass again, not even bothering to stifle his laughter.

“Not cruel, baby,” Justin's voice purred right before Mack felt a tongue run

up the side of his neck and trace his ear. “Just making sure you're thinking

about me…every single minute of this long, long day.”

Mack groaned; maybe he should be a little more careful about teasing his

man in the future… Nope. One thing was certain: it was going to be a long, long

day indeed.

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Chapter Seven

Mack walked over to the barn, figuring that was his best shot of finding

Leo. He had given the man a couple of days to cool off and get his act together,

but they had to talk. He could use the walkie-talkies to hunt Leo down but

would prefer to keep this conversation private. He wanted to try to prevent any

kind of scene that might prove humiliating to Leo, at least around witnesses,

because an audience could make a complete ass out of a normally rational

man. They needed to work this out—preferably peacefully—because Mack

wasn't running Justin off, and Leo was going to have to accept that. Surely, if

he knew the truth about what had happened, Leo would chill out, for the most

part. However, if his foreman didn't back off about Justin, forcing Mack to

choose, then all bets were off, and Leo would be lucky if all he got was fired.

Opening the barn door, Mack stepped inside and knew immediately that

he was alone. Well, he guessed he could check the bunkhouse, though it damn

sure better be empty, unless someone was sick or injured. Mack closed the

door as he stepped back outside and spotted Leo striding up the main house's

porch steps. Yup, Mack thought, that'll work too. In fact, having this

discussion in the privacy of his own home would probably be much better. He

quickened his step and reached the stairs just as Leo began pounding on the


“Been looking for you,” Mack said from behind Leo, causing the other man

to jump a bit in surprise. Leo faced him, and Mack could feel the anger pulsing

off his foreman. Better get this inside ASAP. Keeping a calm facade, he nodded

to Leo, gesturing for him to step inside. Leo headed for the living room, but

Mack stopped him.

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“We'll do this in my office, Leo. You know where it is.” Mack wanted this to

take place in the office, maybe to signify that this wasn't about friendship, it

was about his being the boss and his foreman respecting that. Or maybe, he

thought, he just didn't want to risk throwing the man through his big flat-

screen TV.

Leo turned on his heel and headed past the kitchen into the hall and went

into the room across from Mack's bedroom. He stood, sullen and pissy-looking,

glaring at the floor. Mack strolled over and sat in his comfortable, beat-up chair

behind his desk. He seriously thought about just firing Leo outright, because

the man's attitude right now was irritating the hell out of him. What was his

problem? Mack couldn't figure it out and was tired of trying. Taking a deep

breath, Mack reminded himself to stay calm.

“You want to tell me what the fuck you thought you were doing with your

little tantrum the other day, Leo?” Mack wanted to kick himself for not

controlling his temper better; the calm thing wasn't working for him, but he

would get himself under control. He glared at Leo, watching as the man's eyes

looked everywhere but at him. Mack could almost see the thoughts racing

through the foreman's head, trying to figure out the best way to handle this

situation, work it to his favor. He could have told Leo that wasn't going to

happen, but an icy calmness came over him as he watched the man struggle to

bend this to his advantage. Once Leo decided on a plan, he turned and faced


“Look, Mack, I was worried, okay? Still am.” Nope, not buying that one,

Mack thought. Too much anger, and something that sure looked like disgust in

Leo's expression. Since Leo knew he was gay, Mack could only figure the

disgust was over his choice in partner. He slowly shook his head, dismissing

what the foreman said.

“I don't think so. Something doesn't ring true here, and regardless of what

you may feel, you do not have the right to manhandle me. Ever. Period. For any

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reason. Do you understand me?” Leo blinked, looking startled before he

straightened his shoulders as though preparing for a fight.

“Fine,” he snapped. “I will tell you what the fuck I thought I was doing!”

Leo bent over the desk, bracing his palms on top of it, leaning slightly in

toward Mack. “I was trying to keep you from making the same sick mistake you

made a dozen years ago!”

Mack continued to hold himself still, appearing as though he were

tranquility itself. Inside, however, he felt his gut twist with anger, because he

was getting a bad, bad feeling. A feeling that maybe he had been wrong about

Leo having romantic designs on him. The way Leo used the word “sick,” well, it

didn't sound good at all. God, had he been friends with a closeted homophobe?

How could he not have known?

“And exactly what 'sick mistake' are you talking about, Leo?” he asked in

a low voice. Leo's eyes seemed to bug out of his head with the force of his

anger, red blood vessels prominent against the white shiny surfaces.

“What do you mean, what sick mistake? You know what I mean! I mean

letting that damned faggot touch you again!” Mack rose up out his chair before

he realized what he was doing, and grabbed the front of Leo's shirt, jerking him

halfway over the desk.

“If I were you, foreman, I would be very, very careful about what words

you use and how you use them. Do you understand me? Because I am purely

out of patience with you and your insane behavior. Do not push me any more.”

Mack punctuated that statement with a hard shake. “Get your things packed

and get off my ranch, you sick son of a bitch.” He released Leo with a force that

sent the man sprawling to the floor on his ass. Leo jumped up and came

around the desk, a feverish glint in his eyes.

“You aren't one of them, Mack. I know you aren't. Twelve years and you

never fucked another guy! I kept watch over you, making sure. Don't let one

sick mistake when you were a kid drag you back down!”

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Mack's stomach churned as he looked at Leo. “Jayzus, man, you don't

even realize that you sound like a raving lunatic.” Shaking his head, Mack

started to turn back to the desk, when Leo grabbed him by the shoulder. Mack

spun around, fist shooting out and slamming against the former foreman's jaw,

causing the man to stagger before catching himself with a hand to the wall.

Mack didn't know which of them was stunned the most by the punch. He

backed away, trying to get behind the desk before he did anything else he

would regret, before he met Leo's gaze again.

“Something you should know, Leo? You thought you were keeping me

from turning gay? That you saved me from such a horrible fate?” Mack couldn't

hold back a laugh, because that way of thinking was just crazy. “The truth

was, Leo, that you thought you were saving me, when all this time, I was just

saving myself for Justin. You had nothing to do with me not fucking around. It

was all Justin.”

Leo flushed, and for a moment, Mack thought the other man was going to

say something in his defense. Mack didn't want to hear it.

“Now, I'm telling you again, pack your gear and leave. And so help me

God, if you ever use the word 'faggot' in my hearing again… I am gay, Leo; I've

always been gay, always will be. I thought you understood that. You didn't

'save' me, or whatever screwed-up idea you have in your head, because I didn't

need saving. Seems to me you should be more worried with saving yourself.”

Leo's eyes were narrowed into angry slits. “But you're not a faggot, Mack;

you're not one of them.”

The futility of the conversation finally hit Mack just as a movement at the

door caught his eye. He saw Justin standing in the door frame, hands white-

knuckled in their grip on the wood. How long had he been standing there?

Long enough, if the expression on his face was any clue. Leo turned to see

what had captured Mack's attention, and recoiled.

“You! This is all your fault, perverting Mack again,” Leo accused, taking a

step forward. Mack came around the desk, whether to put a stop to Leo's tirade

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or to keep the man from Justin, he wasn't sure, but Justin shook his head.

Something in his eyes made Mack stop, trusting his lover's judgment, since his

own had already led to one violent outburst.

Leo was so worked up, he was practically frothing as he spoke, which

made him look insane and rabid as he stalked Justin.

“I saw you perverting Mack years ago, you son of a bitch, saw you trick

him and put your—saw you fuck him! I watched until you were done, and then

I told your father what a twisted bastard you were! He should have killed you!”

Mack was so stunned, he forgot to breathe. Justin, however, let out a roar that

had every hair on Mack's body standing up. With a ferocity that had Mack

jerking air back into his lungs, Justin sprung from the doorway and lunged at

Leo before the man could escape. Leo was spun around and pinned to the wall

by two thick, strong hands clasping his throat. Justin leaned in close to the

foreman's face, watching in an almost detached manner as the other man

began turning purple. Leo couldn't get in a good punch to free himself, since

Justin had him pressed between his hard body and the wall.

“Do you have any idea what you've done, Leo? Any idea how much pain

you caused to a man who thought you were his friend?” Justin's voice was

devoid of emotion, a perfect match for his expression. “Any idea of what you

nearly cost us? Or does it not matter because you don't approve of our sexual


Mack finally unfroze himself and ran to pull the two men apart. He was

seriously afraid his red-haired devil's temper was completely out of control.

While he had felt the urge to beat Leo himself, he didn't want him dead. Not

really, and certainly not at his lover's hands.

“Justin! Justin, stop!” Mack said, in what he hoped was a loud, firm voice.

Justin didn't even bat an eyelash. Leo was turning an ugly shade of dark

purple, and in a near panic, Mack reached under Justin's arms, trying to get

his own hands underneath the ones strangling the life out of the damned fool.

Before his hands could pry under Justin's, his devil let go and caught Mack's

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hands in his own. Leo slid down the wall and landed in a puddle on the floor.

He was conscious, he was alive, but he looked like pure shit. Justin tugged on

Mack's wrists, pulling him up flush against his back, then folded their arms

together across his belly. Mack stroked soothing circles against his man's

trembling muscles, trying to chase away the anger skittering under Justin's

skin. They both glanced down at the man who had caused them so much grief

through his intolerance and hatred.

Justin gave Mack's hands a soft pat. He leaned down and pulled Leo to his

feet, pushing him against the wall so he could brace himself up. Once it was

clear that Leo wasn't going to fall over, Justin placed his hand smack in the

middle of the other man's chest. Leo opened his mouth to say something that

Mack was sure would be vile—and stupid, he couldn't forget stupid—but his

lover didn't give the man a chance.

“Don't say a word, not one word, or I will finish what I started, you

understand?” He didn't wait for a response. “Mack has asked you to gather

your things and get off his ranch; now I'm telling you to do it. And you better

understand something, here and now.” Justin paused, waiting for Leo to

comprehend just how serious he was. “If you ever, ever, set foot on this

property, near this property, and definitely anywhere near Mack, I will tear you

apart, and no one will ever find the pieces after I'm done. Got it?”

Jayzus, he was scaring Mack—and giving him wood. That's a bit messed

up, he mused. Looking at Leo, Mack saw that Justin had pretty much gotten

the point across to the man, as all the color had leached out of his face and…

Mack sniffed. Okay, maybe Justin didn't scare the shit out Leo, exactly,

but…was that? Yup, he saw, leaning over Justin's shoulder. Leo had pissed his


“Gross.” It seemed an apt assessment to him. Justin glanced down and

saw the spreading dark spot on Leo's pants. He smiled like a cold, evil bastard

and slowly took a step back.

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“Looks like you understand me, yeah?” When the other man nodded,

Justin finally removed his hand, freeing Leo from the wall.

“Get gone, now,” Justin said, and somehow, the soft way it was spoken

made it sound more deadly than yelling it would have. Leo bolted from the

room, stumbling through the doorway in his haste. Justin turned and grabbed

Mack, hugging him tightly.

“Goddamn, cowboy, he was here all along. He could have done anything,

could have hurt you—” Justin muttered.

Mack cut Justin off, wanting to wipe away the worry and regret in his

lover's eyes. “Yeah, he was here, but he's gone now, and he didn't, Justin.

Didn't hurt me.” Mack rubbed his hands soothingly over Justin's back,

unwilling to let either of them dwell on what-ifs.

Mack was done with words; his body was demanding its turn to speak in a

primal way. He grabbed the back of Justin's neck and pulled his head forward

for a kiss that tasted of anger, aggression, and love. The kiss so fierce, it

seemed to imprint itself on Mack's soul. At this rate, they were both going to

have tender lips at the very least. Justin pulled back, licking Mack's lips one

last time. He looked at Mack, searing him with the heat in his eyes. Mack felt

his cock jerk, felt Justin's twitch through the rough denim between them.

“Get the lube,” Justin grunted, releasing Mack and tearing at his clothes.

Mack practically dashed into the bedroom. He jerked the nightstand drawer

open so hard it fell onto the floor. Stuff scattered everywhere, but he didn't

care. He spotted the little tube and quickly grabbed it, then hustled back to the

office. He stopped so suddenly in the doorway that he almost toppled forward

onto his face.

“Jayzus, holy fuck…” Mack moaned, taking in the sight of Justin. His red-

haired devil was naked and had bent and braced his forearms on the top of the

desk, legs spread wide. He grinned over his shoulder, just devastating Mack.

He stumbled forward, eyes drawn to that tight ass and the heavy sac that hung

down between thickly muscled thighs.

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“Oh God. You're so fucking hot,” he said, shoving the tube of lube into his

front pocket. Mack dropped to his knees behind Justin and nipped each butt

cheek, then laved the small marks with his tongue. He felt rather than saw the

fine tremble that went through his lover's body. Justin arched his back,

pushing his ass higher in the air.

“C'mon, inside me now,” he demanded, but Mack just wanted a minute or

two to… He spread Justin's cheeks, admiring the pretty picture he made

opened up for him. Leaning closer, Mack ran his tongue in a hot, firm stroke

down the crease to the tight little hole begging for attention. Justin groaned

and ground backward, trying to ride Mack's tongue. He ran one hand up the

inside of Justin's leg until he was cupping the heavy sac, tugging gently while

he stiffened his tongue, pushing it inside the pink hole that tempted him so. He

brought his other hand around Justin's side and grasped his prick. Mack

pumped in rhythm with his tongue and rolled his lover's balls in his hand.

“Oh fuck, fuck, Mack… I can't hold on. I have to…have to come.” Justin's

warning had Mack pumping faster and moving his tongue in a wicked way.

Justin yelled out as his back bowed, his muscles clamped down on Mack's

tongue. Justin's balls pulled up tight, and his cock erupted with a force that

had his shaky arms collapsing. His chest hit the desk with a loud thunk just

about the time the room was filled with the rasp of Mack's zipper sliding down.

He dug in his front pocket and found the small tube. His fingers trembled as he

flipped the cap open. Mack poured the thick liquid into his palm, quickly

coating his cock with one hand while snapping the cap shut with the other. He

tossed the tube in the direction of the chair and lined his cock up with the wet

opening nestled between Justin's ass cheeks.

Grabbing his red-haired devil's hips, Mack began pushing his cock into

the warm, tight hole he had tasted. He leaned over Justin, rubbing his belly

and chest on the other man's back, then latched his lips onto the back of

Justin's neck. When he buried himself in balls deep, Mack bit down on the

back of Justin's neck, then brought his own arms up to clasp Justin's. He

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pulled his hips back, loving the feel of those muscles squeezing, trying to keep

him in. The moans and pleas that were falling from Justin's lips were the most

erotic sounds Mack had ever heard. Canting his hips, searching for that sweet

spot that would blow his lover's mind, Mack thrust hard and fast. No way was

this going to take long; already he could feel the tingling in his balls and the

base of his spine.

He saw that Justin had worked a hand underneath himself, and the idea

that the man was ready again and tugging himself off… Mack felt heat zinging

from his balls to his cock.

“Damn, Justin, you're so tight, so perfect.” Mack thrust harder and faster,

his world narrowing down to the slapping of skin, grunts and groans, the vision

of his lover's eyes widening, and there, right there… Justin clenched his

muscles and came with a moan that jerked Mack's balls close and tight. He

thrust hard once, twice; then he was shooting hot wads of spunk, filling Justin

up with it, grinding his hips so hard against his lover's ass that he knew

there'd be bruises. Strength sapped from the force of his orgasm, Mack

collapsed on top of Justin. They lay together half on the desk, neither able to

stand upright. Mack rolled his head over, leaning down to place a kiss as close

to Justin's mouth as he could.

“I love you, you red-haired devil. Always.” Justin's mouth kicked up on the

side Mack could see.

“I'd say that was your hormones talking, but I think they are all worn-

out,” Justin teased. Pushing up, he signaled to Mack he was ready to try to

stand. Mack pulled his cock out of his lover carefully before he backed up a

couple of steps. Justin was still grinning when he turned around to face Mack.

He reached out and traced Mack's lips with his finger, just a gentle caress.

There were tears in his eyes, but he was smiling so big, it almost looked


“I love you too, Mack, always and all ways,” he said and reached out for

Mack's hands.

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Chapter Eight

Justin and Mack had managed to shower and rebandage Mack's injured

hand before collapsing onto the bed. Of course, they might not have been so

boneless if they hadn't gotten distracted in the bathroom and had simply stuck

to getting clean. Just thinking about it made Mack's prick twitch, and a grin lit

up his face. He rolled to his side, bending an arm to prop himself up so he

could watch his lover sleep. Justin lay with his mouth slightly open, soft puffs

of air slipping in and out of that pretty mouth. Mack felt his cock give another

twitch, waving for attention.

He glanced down at Justin again to find his eyes cracked open just a bit,

watching Mack watch him. The satiated look on his face sent spirals of need

curling through Mack, and he wondered if they would ever be able to get

enough of each other. Somehow he doubted it. Justin reached up and stroked

Mack's cheek.

“God, I've missed you,” he said, so softly Mack had to strain to hear it. He

stroked a hand down Justin's chest, bringing it to rest on the hard planes of

his stomach.

“I know. I missed you too, more than I can ever tell you.” Tears stung his

eyes as he leaned down to brush a soft kiss across his red-haired devil's lips.

“I love you like crazy, Justin,” Mack murmured, then brought his lips

back down, sliding his tongue in for a kiss that surely must have melted his

heart. Justin nipped at his lower lip, ratcheting up the heat between them.

Wrapping his arms around Mack, Justin rolled them over, bracing himself up

on his elbows. He stared down, seeming to weigh something in his mind.

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“You know that I came back as soon as I could? As soon as my last tour

was up?” No, Mack hadn't known, hadn't wanted to ask.

“I believe you. I did wonder, though, why you didn't come back for your

old man's funeral. I mean, even knowing what that son of a bitch did…” Mack

trailed off because he was afraid he'd sound pathetic finishing that sentence

with you could have come to me then. He should have known that Justin would

pick up on it, though.

“I couldn't, Mack, not then. I knew that when I came back, when you were

back in my arms, where you should have been all these years”—Justin leaned

down, resting his forehead on Mack's—“there was no way I'd ever let you go

again, love, no way I could have walked away again. The military doesn't take

too kindly on its people going AWOL, and they'd have surely frowned on me

bringing you along.”

Mack tipped his head back slightly, considering his lover's words. “I

wouldn't have been able to let you go, so I guess it's best you waited. But did

you have to buy a ranch?”

Justin chuckled softly, shifting his weight to one arm so he could stroke

his other hand down to cup Mack's ass.

“I figured it would be best to have some leverage, if necessary. Once you

agreed to work the horses for the JMR—that is, the Justin Mack Ranch.” He

paused, eyeing Mack with a smug smile. “I knew then, you'd be mine soon. I

wouldn't let it be any other way. You didn't stand a chance against me.” Mack

was tempted to poke him in the ribs for looking so pleased with himself.

Instead, he reached around and grabbed two handfuls of gloriously muscled


“Justin Mack Ranch,” Mack murmured. “Huh. If my brain hadn't been

short of blood here lately, I might have figured that one out sooner.” Squeezing

the taut butt cheeks in his hands, he rolled and placed Justin back under him,

straddling firmly sculpted thighs. Leaning down, he rubbed his cock against

Justin's, drawing groans from both of them.

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“So tell me, what are we going to do with two ranches?”

Justin looked confused for a second or two, as though he hadn't planned

that far ahead. His next words confirmed it.

“Hell, how should I know? I didn't get any further with the plan than

buying the ranch and getting you underneath me. Well, in several positions,

actually. You're the cowboy; what do you think we should do with them?”

Mack grinned, because, damn it, it made him feel good that Justin had

gone to the extreme of buying a ranch he had no intention of running, just to

get him back.

“How 'bout we combine them, then? Add some more acreage to the JMR?”

Hell, he didn't care what the place was called. His cock was pulsing with each

heartbeat, distracting him from everything but the man beneath him. Justin

mumbled an agreement just as Mack began sliding down his body, pausing to

lick the dusky nipples that had already hardened into tight little points.

“And how 'bout we continue this conversation at another time, when I'm

not so…distracted?” Mack rubbed his ass against Justin's cock, laughing at his

lover's strangled moan. “I'll take that as a yes.”

He slid his body down, stopping only once he was head and shoulders

between Justin's thighs. Mack brought his hand down and brushed the dark

red patch of hair at the base of that mouthwatering cock. He bent down, gently

sucking the erect dick into his mouth, running his tongue under the top of the

sensitive head and flicking it lightly. Bringing his other hand to his mouth,

Mack inserted two fingers and sucked on them alongside Justin's dick, wetting

them thoroughly. His lover watched him with anticipation, stomach and ass

clenching. Mack took his time, dragging those two fingers across Justin's balls,

down below, following the crease to the tight knot nestled between firm cheeks.

Eyes meeting Justin's, Mack swallowed his lover's cock down until he had

his nose pressed in that red patch of wiry hair, pushing his fingers deep into

Justin's ass at the same time.

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Breaking the Devil


“Holy shit!” Justin raised his head up, trying to watch, but he flopped

back down on the pillow as though his strength was gone. Mack began

thrusting his fingers, pegging Justin's gland with the deep strokes as he

increased the suction from his mouth. He used his tongue to trace over the

thick veins he felt on Justin's cock, and followed up by swallowing, using his

throat muscles to drive Justin crazy. Already Justin's hips were rocking, his

hands tangled in Mack's hair.

“Ah God, don't stop; not even when I shoot down your throat.” Mack

hummed in agreement, thrusting his fingers harder, feeling his lover's whole

body quiver with the vibrations on his cock. He was pretty sure that if he

hummed like that again, this blowjob would be d-o-n-e, done. He heard panting

and realized that Justin was so close, and was torn between prolonging this

experience or letting him have his release. It was a hard choice, because Mack

was enjoying this—a lot. The feel of Justin's cock in his mouth, his ass

clamping down on Mack's fingers like the hottest vise… Jayzus. He met

Justin's eyes again, saw the warning shining in them. Better give him

something worth warning me over, he thought. Mack hummed and slid a third

finger into that tight ass. And Justin yelled and bucked his hips, yanking so

hard on Mack's hair that he worried he might have a couple of bald spots.

Remembering Justin's order, Mack continued to suck, hum, and thrust his

fingers, until he was certain he had wrung every last drop out of the man.

Watching that, feeling his lover come apart—it had almost made Mack

come too. He'd held off, barely, because he had other plans for his dick, and he

hoped Justin did too. Mack let the softening cock slide from his lips and

levered himself back beside Justin, propping up on one arm. Justin slanted

him a look.

“Huh,” Mack mused. “Gotta do better next time. You should have been too

wrung out to even open your eyes.”

Justin glared some more, which made Mack snicker at his attempt to look


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Bailey Bradford

“That look ain't gonna work, not after you just told me—very loudly, as a

matter of fact—how thoroughly you enjoyed my mouth, my fingers. I even think

you provided the perfect lyrics to the tune I was humming.” Leaning down, he

brushed his lips over Justin's, intending to keep it soft and sweet. He let out a

squeak of surprise—damn that squeaky little girl inside of him—when Justin

pinched his ass, pulling him down and rolling him over.

“Now,” Justin purred, “I do believe in the phrase 'turnabout's fair play,'

cowboy. I wouldn't want you feeling neglected or anything.” Mack's cock jerked,

leaking a warm drop of precum onto his stomach.

“What exactly did you have in mind?”

Grinning, Justin jumped from the bed and picked something up off the

floor. Mack's prick leaked like a faucet when he saw Justin holding the


“I told you, cowboy, one day you were gonna ride me wearing nothing but

this hat and a smile. Just saying it has my cock hard and aching all over

again.” Justin gestured with the hat, fanning his swollen dick with it.

“I do have some vague memory of hearing that,” Mack acknowledged with

a smile. Oh yeah, he surely loved this man, and that was his last coherent

thought for a good, long time.

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Breaking the Devil



Mack and Justin stood at the corral, watching the red stallion paw the

ground, snorting and generally letting them know that it was pissed about this

whole deal. That wild beast wasn't any keener on being tamed now than it had

been when it first arrived. Mack glanced over to Justin and nudged him.

“It's your turn to try to give him some sugar cubes,” he said, straight-

faced. Justin glared at him, shaking his head.

“Fuck no. That mean son of a bitch tried to rip off my fingers last time I

stuck them over the rail. He doesn't deserve a treat.” He set his jaw stubbornly

at the memory.

“I told you, it isn't a reward; it's a bribe. There's a difference. Come on,

don't be a baby,” Mack teased, gnawing on the inside of his cheek to keep from


Justin snorted, reminding Mack of a certain cantankerous red stallion. “I

refuse to be goaded into risking my fingers, cowboy. Not going to happen, but I

have been thinking…” He glanced back at the stallion and then turned

sideways, facing Mack, who was trying to keep an eye on man and beast.

“Maybe we should just, you know, let him be, so to speak. Use him for

stud. I kind of like the evil bastard like this.” Justin tipped his chin toward the

horse, which looked to be readying for another charge at them. Mack placed his

hand on his lover's arm, urging him to step back away from the fence, slowly,

as he was doing. He thought about what Justin said as he watched the horse

run full force toward them, and Mack went from backing up slowly to hauling

ass backward. Justin stumbled alongside Mack, shaking his head at the

horse's antics.

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Bailey Bradford

“You may have a good idea there,” Mack muttered, because it was damn

sure he didn't want to be the one who tried to ride that red devil. He liked

living, and he really liked having his balls intact.

“An excellent idea, actually.” Mack grinned, staring at Justin, who looked

back suspiciously.

“You gave in awful easily,” he groused. Mack tipped back his head and


“Jayzus, Justin, it's your idea versus losing my balls—of course I gave in!

Would you want to try to get on that animal?” He knew what that answer was

going to be, and didn't even give Justin the chance to answer, leaning in

instead for a kiss.

“Besides,” Mack whispered against his lips, “I have my very own red-

haired devil to ride.” And damned if he didn't do just that.

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Bailey Bradford

Bailey Bradford is a native Texan who always wanted to write, and so one

day she did. A wife and mother, Bailey spends what time she isn’t writing

chasing after kids and pets. With four kids, four dogs, a cat, and hedgehogs,

some critter somewhere is almost always in need of something.

Bailey has a weakness for tattoos and cowboy hats, both of which she has.

Five of the former, though she is considering getting some ink in celebration of

Breaking the Devil, and two of the latter, because one cowboy hat is never


Document Outline


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