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Lady Blue Crew 8

Simply Perfect

General Vedic Merrick is being hunted. Someone wants him dead.
Being kidnapped by the crew of the Lady Blue actually saves his

life. But once on board the outlawed spaceship, the rigid life
Merrick knew before fades into the background, especially when
he discovers his mate on board.

Shane Miller is excited to be in outer space. Saved from certain
death by his brother and then flown through a wormhole to the

future, he has every intention of living his life to the fullest. That
includes claiming the sexy general that fights so hard to keep his

distance. But Shane is determined to make the general see him as
someone special.

General Merrick has his reasons for not claiming his mate, the
least of which is the Elite Force, which is still chasing them
through space. But the general has a secret that could kill not only

him but Shane as well. Only by denying his mate does he have a
chance of keeping the man safe.

When circumstances beyond his control rip Merrick's choices away
from him, he has to enlist the aid of the Lady Blue crew to keep

his mate alive and gamble on the craziest scheme he can think of
to save not only Shane, but everyone they care for.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Science Fiction,
Length: 42,679 words

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Lady Blue Crew 8

Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-708-X

First E-book Publication: April 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Lady Blue Crew 8


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

General Vedic Merrick watched Mo walk into the mess hall with a

young man. He assumed it was the young man that everyone had been
so worried about, the one in the infirmary. He didn’t remember
meeting him earlier, and he would have. The guy was young, but
there was so much life in his hazel eyes that the general found it hard
to look away.

But look away he did. It wouldn’t do for the young man to see

how much interest the general had in him. Vedic knew he wasn’t in
any position to find a sexual encounter, and an encounter was all it
could be. He didn’t have time for anything more.

No matter how cute the guy was or how much he wanted it.
Merrick’s eyes snapped to Remy when the alarm suddenly started

blaring. He was really starting to hate the damn thing. The last time
had simply been a mishap in the mess hall. Who the hell knew what it
was this time?

When the rest of the crew jumped up and ran out of the mess hall,

Merrick jumped to his feet and ran after them. He might be on the
run, people might be out to kill him, and he might be at the mercy of a
man with a bounty on his head, but he was still a general. He needed
to know what was going on.

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Merrick tore through the mess hall doors and grunted when he ran

smack-dab into someone. He fell back, catching himself by putting
one hand on the wall. He used the other one to grab at whoever he had
run into—then instantly wished he hadn’t when he realized it was the
sexy man that had been standing beside Mo.

“I’m sorry,” Merrick said. He let go of the guy like his hand was

on fire. “I didn’t see you.”

“No problem,” the guy said. “It was entirely my fault. I shouldn’t

have been standing in the doorway.”

“Yes, well…”
“But I’m glad I was. I wanted to meet you.” The man held out his

hand. “My name’s Shane, Shane Miller. I’m from Earth.”

“General Vedic Merrick of the Federation of United Planets.”
“Vedic.” Shane smiled. “That’s a very unusual name.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is for me. I like it.”
Merrick couldn’t remember ever feeling so out of his depths

before in his life, and he had once stared down the entire armada of an
invading army. He had stood before the congressional body and given
speeches. He had fought in battles so bloody, he still didn’t like to
think of them.

And yet, some skinny little human made him nervous enough that

he didn’t quite know what to say to him.

“Are you a shape-shifter?”
“Can you turn blue?”
“Any other color?”
“No.” Although red from embarrassment was a distinct


“Do you have any type of powers?”
“I’m a general.”

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Shane rolled his eyes. “No, like, can you shoot laser beams out of

your eyes or anything? Ohhh, can you fly? Mykel can fly but only
when he’s an eagle. That would be so cool.”

“I cannot fly, nor can I shape-shift, nor do I turn any color,”

Merrick snapped as his indignation grew. “I am a general in the
Federation of United Planets.”

Shane’s head cocked to one side. “That doesn’t sound like it

comes with any powers.”

“Oh, believe me, it does.”
Shane’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. The guy reminded Merrick

of a cat. “Oh? Like what?”

Merrick steamed. “I’m needed on the bridge.”
Before Merrick could stop Shane, the man leapt, pinning the

general against the wall and smashing their lips together. The only
reason the small human got the upper hand was because Vedic was so
caught off guard.

As much as Shane’s kiss rocked his world, Merrick pushed the

man away and hurried past him. He knew in his heart that this could
never be.

Even if Shane was his mate.
Merrick ran like the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels. And

as far as he was concerned, they were. The little earthling scared the
crap out of him, which said a lot considering all of the battles Merrick
had seen during his term of service. There had been a lot, none of
which sent a cold chill of fear down his spine the way Shane did.

Merrick made it to the command deck and raced onto the bridge.

He could hear a mass of activity even before he reached the doorway.
Remy sat in his captain’s chair, shouting orders to the others on the
bridge. Lights flashed in the background, giving the bridge a gloomy
illumination. Crew members ran from console to console as they
shouted back information to their commander.

Merrick stopped just inside the door, trying to stay out of the way,

and attempting to assess the chaotic situation. He didn’t want to draw

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anyone’s attention away from what they were doing, but he wanted to
know what was going on. The alarm was still blaring.

The information flashing across the large vid-screen on the far

side of the room caught Merrick’s attention. He stepped closer,
stopping right next to Remy’s chair, and watched. The large mix of
colorful clouds and space debris swirling in a circle was a huge clue
about what was going on.

“Has this wormhole been charted?” he asked. Praying. Hoping.
Remy’s head snapped up to him. “Are you serious?”
“Perfectly.” He wouldn’t have asked if he wasn’t.
“No, General, this wormhole has not been charted. I have no

fucking idea where we will come out, or even when. Hell, I don’t
even know if we will come out.” Remy rubbed the bridge of his nose
as if his head was starting to ache. “It’s a crapshoot, but Lady Blue
seems to have luck with those, so just sit the hell down and buckle

Merrick blinked. He was shocked and surprisingly impressed with

how unimpressed Remy seemed to be when talking to him. Merrick
was a general. Remy was his subordinate. The man should have been
quivering in his boots before Merrick.

He wasn’t.
In fact, Remy seemed to not care one bit about Merrick’s ranking

in the Elite Force. Merrick couldn’t help but wonder if that was one of
the reasons the man had been drummed out of the service. He
obviously had a serious issue with authority.

Still, Merrick wasn’t in a position to argue with the man at the

moment. He was on the Lady Blue, a ship crewed by men who were
obviously loyal to Remy and not to the general. There was also that
whole pesky wormhole thing that they were shooting toward at the
speed of light. This might not be the time to assert his authority.

Merrick found a seat off to one side of the room and buckled up

just as the ship started to shudder. Nope, now was definitely not the

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time to argue with the man. If things worked out like Merrick hoped
they did, he would be returned to his station in life with the Elite
Force, without someone out to kill him.

And then he’d throw Commander Remington Vystal in the

brig…and maybe the rest of the Lady Blue crew as well. He doubted
they were guilty of the crimes they had been accused of, but they
could use a little lesson in manners.

“Everyone strap down,” Remy shouted. “We’re going in.”
Merrick felt his stomach clench and start to roll. He gripped the

arms of his chair as tight as he could and squeezed his eyes closed. He
hated wormholes. There was always a possibility that a ship shooting
through a wormhole could be ripped apart.

That was Merrick’s greatest fear.
He could face armed armadas. He had nerves of steel when in

battle. He could even face down the toughest soldier. But wormholes
and the possibility that he had no control over his life or death sent
chills down his spine. Merrick hated losing control.

Years in the service of the Elite Force had instilled in him the

need to always be in control. His ability to remain calm and collected
in stressful situations was one of the main reasons Merrick had
advanced up in rank so quickly. He was one of the youngest men to
make general in the history of the Elite Force. A fact he was damn
proud of.

And yet, here he sat, his eyes closed and his hands clenched in a

death grip around the armrests of his chair. His stomach rolled as the
Lady Blue shot through space. The more the ship was tossed around,
the tighter his grip on the armrests became until he could feel his
fingernails digging into the cushioned fabric, leaving what he was
sure would be permanent marks.

Merrick snapped his teeth together when the ship started to vibrate

furiously. He swore he could feel each seam in the outer hull
stretching, tensing as if preparing to rip apart. He might even have
heard a bolt or two grinding. He was sure of it.

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He pressed his head back against the headrest when it started to

pound and twirl. He could feel his stomach starting to churn. Saliva
built up in his mouth, and he swallowed quickly to keep from puking.
He’d never live that down.

Just when he thought he couldn’t take it anymore, when Merrick

was positive that he would hurl, the Lady Blue gave one last huge
shudder and then everything stopped. There was no movement and no
sound except his own heavy breathing.

It was almost…peaceful?
Merrick cracked one eye open, then the other when he saw that

the bridge was undamaged. The ship seemed to be in one piece. He
quickly scanned the room, his jaw dropping open when he saw
everyone else was passed out cold.

Merrick quickly unbuckled himself and jumped to his feet. He

raced to Remy first. The man was the commander, after all. He knew
more about operating the Lady Blue than Merrick did. A quick check
of the man showed he was alive, just unconscious. Merrick didn’t
know whether to be relieved or not. The man was a huge pain in his

Merrick shook the commander until he started to groan, his eyes

fluttering open. Then he ran over and began waking up the rest of the
crew members. Once he knew everyone was conscious, Merrick went
to the navigation console and started to try and figure out where in the
hell they were.

The more buttons he pressed and the more information that came

through the navigation vid-screen, the more Merrick’s heart began to
sink. He was usually pretty quick at putting information together. He
was fantastic at puzzles. And if what he was surmising was true, they
were in a world of trouble.

“Commander.” Merrick swallowed past the lump of apprehension

building in his throat and turned to look at Remy over his shoulder.
“How damn fast does this rust bucket go?”

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Remy was sitting with his head buried in his hands. He looked up,

his eyebrows drawing together as he frowned. “Why?”

Merrick looked back at the fleet of Elite Force ships closing in

quickly on their position. “Because I think that the Lady Blue’s luck
just ran out.”

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Chapter 2

Shane shook his head, praying like hell that nothing was broken.

The ship had shaken until his brain rattled in his skull, and then he
had hit the floor, hard. Sitting up, Shane leaned his head one way, and
then the other, thankful he didn’t feel anything pop or snap that
wasn’t supposed to. There was no pain, just a low throb and a massive

“Is everyone okay?” Gigi asked as he stood, wavering slightly,

and then quickly grabbed for the table. The man looked a little green
around the gills, but he didn’t seem hurt. “I think we just went
through another wormhole.”

Shane rolled to his hands and knees, taking in a deep breath before

pushing to his feet. He swayed, feeling as if the ship was still rocking.
Or maybe that was him.

“Fine,” Pax called out as he crawled out from under a table,

wiping himself off and smiling. How the hell was he smiling after a
roller coaster ride like that? The man had to be insane.

“I think I broke my thumb,” Adwaka said as he cradled his hand

against his chest. “I’m going to go see Imlay. That is if he isn’t hurt as

Shane watched Adwaka walk out of the mess hall, a small

whimper falling from his lips as he passed by. As scary as the event
had been, Shane was a little excited about it all. He didn’t like that
anyone had gotten hurt, but that was his first wormhole! How cool
was that?

“Well, I have a huge mess to clean up in the kitchen. Come on,

Pax. You seem to be the only one who didn’t get his brains rattled.”

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Pax rolled his eyes as he trailed behind Gigi. “It’s not my fault I

knew what to do. You should as well. How many times are you going
to travel through a wormhole before you get the hang of it?”

Shane hurried from the mess hall. The ride had felt as though the

ship was falling apart, bolt by bolt, and he wanted to make sure
Merrick wasn’t hurt. The man might try and push him away, but
Shane never gave up that easily. The general was hot as hell, and
Shane felt a tug in his chest every time the man was around. He
couldn’t explain it, but the need to be near the man was

Shane’s eyes widened when he stepped onto the bridge. It was

total chaos. Everyone was shouting or running to jump in their seats.
His brother, Mo, was slamming his hands on a panel and cursing
enough to make even Shane blush.

Shane’s eyes locked onto Merrick. He was sitting there calmly as

he stared at the information scrolling across the screen. His body was
rigid and unmoving, as if he were a statue, but his eyes were
flickering back and forth at a rapid pace. Could he read that fast?
Shane was impressed.

“What’s going on?” he asked as he walked over to Merrick,

stopping behind the man. “Why is everyone shouting and looking as
though Satan is chasing us?”

“Because he is,” Merrick replied, pure confidence filling his

voice. “Now you should get off of the bridge and let people with
qualifications handle this situation.”

Shane was taken aback. Merrick’s eyes never left the screen, his

body still statue-like. Only his lips had moved. The man really was
arrogant. Maybe it came from being a general, but that didn’t excuse
bad manners. Shane had an urge to flip the man off.

But he was better than that…today.
“You’re a very rude man.”
“It comes with the territory. Now if you don’t mind—” Merrick

didn’t finish his sentence, and Shane felt dismay wash over him like a

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cold shower. Shane wasn’t sure how far in the future he was, but it
seemed egotistical people still existed.

Pull or no pull, Shane was five seconds away from tearing into

Merrick. The man was sexy and had an air of authority about him that
made Shane’s cock as hard as an asteroid hurling through space, but
his attitude sucked. Too bad the man was a lot larger than him or he
would knock the man on his ass.

“No problem,” Shane said as he draped an arm over the back of

the chair. “No problem at all.”

Merrick finally turned toward him, tension narrowing his eyes as

he glared at Shane. “You’re not going to leave, are you?”

“Nope,” Shane said as he looked up at the screen, trying to parrot

Merrick’s stance from a second ago, as if he could read a damn thing
on the screen. It looked to be encoded and rolling upward at a high
rate of speed. He could pretend though.

Merrick sighed as he turned back around, ignoring Shane as Shane

pretended to ignore him.

Shane grabbed the back of the chair when the ship suddenly

lurched, Merrick’s hand automatically swinging out to steady Shane.
He heard his brother, Mo, shouting happily from his seat, but Shane
was too busy feeling the heat of Merrick’s hand on his hip to care
what Mo was shouting about, until the general quickly pulled it away.

“What was that, Mo?” Remy shouted. “You’re not supposed to be

happy when we get shot at.”

Mo turned, his eyes sparkling with merriment. “Because that was

the last blast that ship will give us. I just disabled them. They’re
pulling back.”

“But there are still two more ships hot on our trail,” Merrick

reminded Mo. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with premature

“That’s right, stab my little happy bubble to death, why don’t

you,” Mo complained before turning back around.

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“What the hell is wrong with these men?” Merrick muttered under

his breath.

Shane grinned. His brother had always been the quiet type, a little

reserved. He liked seeing him like this. Mo seemed to have blossomed
since being aboard this ship, and it looked good on him.

“Let him enjoy his little shining moment,” Shane said low enough

so only Merrick could hear him. “He doesn’t have them very often.”

“It’s bad luck,” Merrick snapped for all to hear. “If you celebrate

too soon, you become distracted. Focus on getting out of here, men.”

Shane’s hands curled on the back of the seat, stopping himself

from reaching out and strangling the man. It appeared someone else
was deprived of happy moments as well. The general was acting like
he was an old grumpy man instead of the sexy thirty-something he
was—if Shane was guessing his age correctly.

“The last time I checked, I was the commander of the Lady Blue,”

Remy replied as he sat up straighter, his eyes as cold as steel on the
general’s back. “You may be a general, but this is my ship and you’re
on the run. I outrank you right now.”

Merrick’s lip twitched as if he wanted to say something, but he

continued to read the screen, ignoring Remy. Even though Shane
wanted to throttle Merrick, he wanted to smack Remy for talking to
the general that way. Talk about confusing.

“Duly noted,” Merrick finally said and Remy sat back.
Shane could actually feel the power play in the room, general

against commander, as if the battle was inside the Lady Blue instead
of behind her, giving chase. He didn’t have all the details of what was
going on with the general, but he knew the man needed their
protection, even if he acted as though he didn’t need it.

“I swear, if they shoot at me one more time with a phaser blast,

I’m taking mine off of stun.” Mo growled as his fist hit the control
panel. “I’m trying my best not to hurt those guys, but they’re trying
their best to kill us.”

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“Then take it off of stun,” Merrick commanded, which surprised

Shane. “If they want a bloody battle, we’ll give them one.”

“No, General,” Remy said. “I can’t allow that.”
“Why the hell not?” Merrick shouted as he spun around to glare at

the commander. He waved his hand toward the large screen in front of
them. “They are clearly trying to kill us. Why won’t you fight?”

“I won’t allow the phasers to be put on kill because we are trying

to prove our innocence and that will be pretty hard to do if we are
wanted for murder.”

“It’s not murder in a firefight,” Merrick insisted.
“In this instance, it is.” Remy crossed his arms over his chest, a

clear sign that he wasn’t going to discuss it. “My orders stand. The
phaser cannons stay on stun.”

Shane watched the general’s lips press tightly together and knew

the man wanted to argue. He hoped Merrick kept his mouth shut. He
didn’t think Remy was in the mood to take any back talk. He’d
probably throw Merrick in the brig.

Shane reached over and tugged on Merrick’s pinky finger. When

the man looked down at him, he gave the slightest shake of his head.
A deep rumble rolled through Merrick’s chest, but the man spun
around and went back to contemplating the screen in front of him
without arguing with Remy.

Shane breathed a sigh of relief. He would so hate to have to visit

the sexy general behind bars. Did prisons in the future even allow
conjugal visits? If they didn’t, Shane would have to talk to Remy
about implementing them. He had no doubt that the commander and
the general would butt heads again, and as this was indeed Remy’s
ship, Merrick would end up in the brig.

“Commander,” Merrick said without looking away from his

console, “I’ve spotted an asteroid belt not too far from us. Can your
man steer us safely through it?”

“Hell, yes!” A man a few feet away snickered. “I can pilot a

cannon through the eye of a needle.”

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Merrick’s head lifted and turned to glare at the largest man Shane

had ever seen in his life. This must be the Tank his brother was
talking about. Damn. Mo was right. Tank was huge.

“You’d better hope so because there’s your needle.”
Shane gasped when he looked at the screen Merrick pointed at.

There was no fucking way that they could get through that. They’d
die within seconds of trying. Merrick wasn’t pointing at an asteroid
belt. He was pointing at an asteroid minefield. Huge pieces of space
debris littered the area, so many and so close together that Shane
could barely see through them. There were large rocks, small rocks,
and rocks that were floating in every different direction. How the hell
were they supposed to get through this? It had suicide mission written
all over it.

“You’re out of your mind,” Shane whispered, but his voice began

to rise with each word until he was nearly shouting. “We all going to
die, and I just came back from the dead. I don’t want to die again.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Merrick snapped as he stepped around

Shane and walked over to another console, giving Shane his back.
“You’re not going to die.”

“Says you!” Maybe he didn’t like the general as much as he

thought he did. Well, yes he did, but still…the man was nuts if he
thought they should fly through an asteroid belt. Shane had seen what
happened to spaceships that did that, and it never turned out well—at
least not in the movies.

Shane dropped into the general’s seat, furious as hell, and crossed

his arms over his chest. His eyes stayed glued to the screen showing
the asteroid belt. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched the
large rocks growing closer.

He glanced back over at Merrick to the see man engrossed in

whatever he was doing, which only pissed Shane off more. The guy
didn’t have to act like Shane’s fears were trivial. They weren’t.

Shane leaned closer, holding the breath in his lungs as they passed

the first large rock. His eyes shot down as his nerves wound tight. He

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couldn’t watch. He had already escaped death once. And if it was
coming back to claim him, he didn’t want to see it reaching its dark
claws out to snatch him.

His fingers curled over the console edge, knuckles turning white

as he tried to even out his breathing. He had thought living on a
spaceship would be fun, filled with adventures, but some of the
adventures were turning out to be mighty damn dangerous.

Shane glanced up to see Merrick standing behind him, his voice

so low that Shane had almost missed what the general had said. He
wasn’t looking at Shane, his eyes were riveted to the screen, but
Shane knew what he heard. Merrick had come over here to calm him

It wasn’t working. Visions of the ship being battered around like a

ball in a Ping-Pong game kept slipping into his mind. Shane had
claustrophobia, big-time, and it felt as though the rocks were closing
in on him. He’d been that way since he was a child. It wasn’t
something he could help. Sitting here watching the rocks grow closer
and closer until he felt like the air in his lungs was being strangled
didn’t help.

A hand landed on Shane’s shoulder as he tried desperately to suck

in air brought him a semblance of comfort. The fingers curled around
his shoulder, giving a light squeeze as Shane blew out slowly.
Merrick moved an inch closer, his stomach pressing gently into
Shane’s shoulder, crowding his space and giving him the anchor he

“We’re almost through it,” Tank called out.
Shane felt the sweat rolling down his back as he glanced up at

Merrick. The man still hadn’t looked down at him, but he never left
Shane’s side either. Maybe he wasn’t such a big asshole after all. He
was there when it counted most to Shane.

When the ship lurched slightly, Shane’s hand flew up, grabbing

Merrick’s. The man didn’t attempt to pull away. Shane knew it wasn’t

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an undying declaration of love, but it made Shane see Merrick in a
whole new light.

“And we are clear,” Tank whooped.
Merrick left his side that quickly, taking any warmth Shane had

felt with him. Clearing his throat, Shane prayed no one saw how he
had reacted to the asteroid belt. Glancing around, he saw Mo
watching him, scrutinizing his moves. Shane gave a nod to tell Mo he
was fine and then turned back toward the screen to see nothing but the
black velvety backdrop of outer space and stars.

They had made it.
“Very well done,” Merrick replied.
Shane wasn’t sure if the general was talking to him or Tank.
“He has mad skills,” Zackary said as he beamed up at Tank.
Tank chuckled as he leaned over and kissed the side of Zackary’s

face, right where a long scar ran from temple to jaw. Shane quickly
looked away. He could feel his face heating at witnessing such an
intimate moment.

“Okay, if you don’t belong on the bridge, clear out,” Remy said

loudly as he stood. “We need to find out where we are and plot a new

Shane stood and hurried away, feeling a tightness in his chest for

Merrick. The man was strong, commanding, and made every cell in
Shane’s body cry out to be in the man’s arms. He knew that wasn’t
going to happen, so why stick around?

Hurrying from the bridge, Shane heard Merrick’s distinguished

voice over the others as the doors slid closed. He almost groaned as
the sound washed over him.


* * * *

Livewire read the halo-pad in his hand as he walked down the

hallway. They needed to recharge the cells soon, and they also needed

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to purchase more supplies. The crew was running low on a lot of
things, and someone was going to pitch a fit if they ran out of toilet

“What are you doing?” Pax asked as he hurried to catch up with


“Reading porn.” Livewire shrugged. “What about you?”
Pax gaped at Livewire and then giggled. “No, you’re not.”
He could have been. Lord knew he and Imlay had gotten into

some wild and crazy sex since his mate loosened his chastity belt. The
doctor was very creative. Sometimes Livewire didn’t think he would
be able to keep up with the man. But damn if it wasn’t fun trying.
“Are you wanting to hang out with me or just bored?”

“Both,” Pax replied. “Gigi is off somewhere, and everyone else is

busy. I have nothing to do.” Pax sighed.

Livewire chuckled. “We could always go steal a piece of cake.”

Livewire would never forget the first conversation he had with Pax. It
was the craziest thing he’d ever talked about. But Pax had needed
cheering up at the time, and what better way than a nutty

“You’re on,” Pax said as he slapped his hands together and then

rubbed them back and forth.

“First I need to see Remy, though.” Livewire headed to the bridge,

seeking out the commander. He found the wolf shifter in his chair,
glaring at the general. Another happy day on the Lady Blue.

“We need supplies, and the cells need to be charged,” Livewire

said as he handed Remy the halo-pad. “A little planetside time
wouldn’t hurt either.”

Remy grimaced as he started going over the list Livewire had

made. “Downtime isn’t something we can do at the moment,
Livewire, but I’ll see what I can do about this list.”

“How about a party then?” Livewire shrugged. “I’d even settle for

movie night. It’s been a while.”

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Remy grinned. “That’s actually a pretty good idea. I think we

could all use a movie night. Why don’t you get Gigi and Pax in on
that? I’m sure they could whip up something appropriate.”

“I’ll do that,” Livewire said as he headed for the door. He paused

to point his finger at the halo-pad in Remy’s hands. “But I’m serious
about those supplies, Remy. If we don’t get those cells recharged, we
might not make it out of our next scrape. And I won’t have our lady
going to a party without a new dress.”

* * * *

Merrick heard Remy chuckle as Livewire darted off the bridge.

He shook his head, trying to figure out how Remington Vystal had
ever made it to the rank of commander. There was total
insubordination on this ship. The crew was way too familiar with the
commander. And the lack of respect was astounding.

The command structure sucked. Half the time, Merrick didn’t

know who was doing what. Mates seemed to come and go as they
pleased, even during battle. And as far as he could tell, besides Remy
and the doctor, not a single person had one specific job. They all did
it, whoever was closest to whatever console. It was a madhouse.

And who ever heard of a movie night on board a ship? They were

on the freaking run. They needed to keep running, not plan a party.
Merrick could feel his anger growing with each new thought that
entered his head. He knew he was merely a guest on this ship but
really? Could this place be any more crazy?

“Tank, plot a course to Nebular Nine,” Remy said. “Livewire has

a list of supplies we need to pick up.”

That was it! Merrick swung around and glared across the bridge at

Remy. “Are you out of your mind? We’re being hunted. We have no
business stopping anywhere.” Merrick wanted to growl when Remy
simply arched an eyebrow at him. The man’s lack of respect for his
rank made anger start to burn inside of Merrick. He was a general! He

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earned his rank. He earned respect. He earned the damn right to toss
Remy in the brig on his own ship!

“Damn it, Commander!” Merrick snapped. “We—”
“I don’t remember asking your permission, General.” Remy stood,

his arms crossing over his chest. “And even if I had needed
someone’s permission, which I don’t, you would not be the one I
asked. I’d consult Gigi before I consulted you.”

“Gigi!” Merrick sputtered. “He’s just a cook!”
“True.” Remy nodded. “But he’s been on the run with us since

this whole shit storm started. He knows more about what’s going on
around here than you do. He knows where we can safely stop and
where we can’t. Who we should avoid and who are friends.”

Merrick felt his skin crawl when Remy looked him up and down.

It was a disparaging look, one totally lacking any respect. Merrick’s
back stiffened as he stood to his full height. No one had the right to
make him feel like he was less than he was. No one.

He’d fought too hard to get to general rank to have a commander

look down his nose at Merrick. He was the youngest man to be
appointed general, and that hadn’t come easy. His hands itched to
reach out and choke the shit out of Remy.

“You, General, don’t know shit.”
Merrick stared at Remy for another long, glare-filled moment and

then stormed off the bridge. He didn’t know where he was headed,
just as long as it was away from Commander Remington Vystal.

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Chapter 3

Shane spotted Merrick storming off the bridge, his face tight with

anger. He sighed deeply and followed after the general. Sometimes,
he didn’t get these futuristic guys. Remy seemed to derive some sort
of deep pleasure out of picking on the general. And the general
seemed to expect everyone to jump at his every word. Back on Earth
in his time, men in the armed services didn’t generally make their
displeasure with each other public knowledge. It was kind of frowned
upon, like thrown in jail and up for court-martial frowned upon.

Shane was exceedingly glad that he grew up on Old Earth, and

that was the strangest thing he thought he had ever said to himself. He
had spent most of his life wanting to be from somewhere else, some
other time. And here he was, grateful he was from his time.

Go figure.
Shane walked into the room Merrick had entered, ready to give

the man a piece of his mind, until he saw the view. His jaw dropped.
“Oh my fucking god,” Shane whispered as he looked out the huge
windows on the far side of the room. “Is that real?”

“It is,” Merrick said without turning away from the window he

was looking out of. His hands were casually clasped behind his back,
but his entire attention seemed to be on the view.

Shane couldn’t blame him. The view was fantastic. Shane hadn’t

seen anything like it, not even in his sci-fi movies. Planets floated past
them, stars and gaseous clouds, asteroids and space debris. It looked

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

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Shane tore his gaze away from the universe before him and looked

over at the general. If anything around here was beautiful, it was the
general. Shane just didn’t think now was the time to mention that.

“It is.”
“I have an observation deck on my flagship. It has windows on

every side. I like to go up there and just look out at the stars. It calms

Shane could think of a few other things that would calm the

general, like his lips wrapped around the man’s cock. But again, this
wasn’t the time to mention them. On the other hand, he wasn’t sure
how long he could keep quiet. The general was driving him crazy.

“I can see that.” Shane loved looking at the stars, but he wasn’t

sure he saw them quite like the general did. “We don’t get to see
things like this back on Earth. Oh sure, there are pictures and stuff,
but nothing like this, nothing up close.”

“Do you miss your Earth?”
“Yes and no. I would have missed my brother. And I miss dial-a-

meal. But—”

“Excuse me, dial-a-meal?”
Shane chuckled when he saw the confused look on the general’s

face. “It’s what I call the delivery places.”

“Oh.” The general pursed his lips, nodding. “What do they


Shane’s eyebrows shot up. “You’ve never had delivery? Like,

food delivered?”

“Oh sure, my meals are often delivered to my quarters.”
“Pizza is my favorite. I could eat a ton of it.”
“Pizza?” The general went right back to looking confused.
“It’s round dough.” Shane made a circle with his hand. “You put

sauce on it, cheese, meat, and sometimes vegetables if you like them.
Cook it in the oven until the dough cooks and the cheese melts.”

“I do not believe I have ever had your pizza.”

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“No shit?” Shane thought everyone had had pizza. It was like the

universal food. “I’ll make it for you sometime. You’ll love it. There’s
nothing better than pizza and beer while watching a good movie.”

Shane stepped back when Merrick’s face suddenly darkened and

the smile on his lips turned to a deep frown. “Did I say something

“No, of course not.” Merrick went back to looking out the

window. “I just do not believe that now is the time for a movie.”

“Why not?” Shane was curious, which he usually was and which

usually got him in some sort of trouble. “I’d think now would be the
perfect time for a movie. I mean, granted, I understand that someone
has to steer the ship and all but not everyone does. And after being
shot and dying, flung through a wormhole, chased, and almost dying
again, this time in an asteroid belt, I’d say a movie is the perfect thing
to get my mind off of things, even if it’s just for a couple of hours.”

“We are being hunted, Shane.”
“We need to keep our minds on the mission.”
“What mission?” Shane spread his arms out wide. “Exactly what

mission are you talking about because I know for a fact that I am not
on a mission.”

“That’s because you are a civilian.”
The coldness of Merrick’s voice rattled Shane. He suddenly

wondered how he could ever have thought that the general was warm.
It was clear that he wasn’t.

“I may be a civilian, but even I can tell when people need a break,

even if it is for a couple of hours.”

“I will not discuss protocol with a civilian.”
“Fuck you, General.” Shane was so angry he could barely see

straight. He swung around and started to storm off the observation
deck. He wanted to get as far away from the general as he possibly
could. The man was an ass.

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Shane yelped when he was suddenly grabbed and spun around,

and then slammed into a wall. His eyes rounded when he saw the rage
darkening Merrick’s face. “Merrick, wha—”

“I might have to take disrespectful talk from the commander

because this is his ship, but I refuse to take it from you.”

Shane clenched his teeth, jutting out his jaw. “What are you going

to do about it?”

A low rumble started to vibrate Merrick’s chest. The man’s lips

began to curl up then suddenly slammed down on Shane’s. Whatever
air had been in Shane’s lungs was all he had to live on as Merrick
ravaged his lips, sending flames of desire shooting through his body.

Shane wasn’t sure if he should push the man off of him or pull

him closer. He’d never been kissed this aggressively before and it
made his cock thicken and rise within seconds. Merrick’s lips were
warm and soft, his fingers holding Shane tightly into place. As
Merrick deepened the kiss, Shane swore he saw stars inside the room
as well as outside the ship.

Merrick raised his head, his eyes locked onto Shane’s as his

fingers slowly eased their tight grip. Shane swallowed hard as his
eyes flickered between Merrick’s lips and eyes. He held his breath,
waiting to see what the general was going to do next.

When the man said nothing, Shane cleared his throat. “Thanks.”

He had no damn clue why he was thanking Merrick, but his brain
cells were firing all over the place and Shane could barely string two
thoughts together.

Shane grinned as he stared up at the general’s puzzled face.

“Shutting me up.” Licking his lips, Shane was five seconds away
from begging for another kiss. But instead, his brain went left field on
him. “Would you like to go to dinner and a movie with me?”

* * * *

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Merrick stood there, trying his best to read Shane’s emotions. He

was in the one place where he didn’t have to keep his guard up every
second, his quarters. The observation deck had always been his place
of solace but the Lady Blue didn’t have one. He had to make do
looking out the windows in his room. It would work for now.

Merrick wondered if his life was ever going to be normal again.

Remy’s father was out to set him up, and the crew of the Lady Blue.
There were soldiers looking for them, ready to arrest them on sight,
and his mate was on board as well.

This was one screwed-up ass mess.
An aggravated growl rumbled in his throat at the thought of Shane

being hurt in this war between the Elite Force and the Lady Blue. The
man seemed so eager to please, so innocent that the protectiveness in
Merrick rose up to the forefront.

“I just told you that it was a bad idea, Shane.”
“But the dinner and movie is tonight.”
“I’m aware of that.”
“I was just wondering…” Shane ran his hand over the back of his

neck as his cheeks pinked. “If, maybe, you might want to sit with
me?” Shane took a step back, as if he knew Merrick’s rejection was
coming and it was a visible entity that would smack Shane if he stood
too closely.

Merrick sighed. His attraction to Shane was growing stronger, the

need to mate clawing at his gut, but if anyone found out who Merrick
truly was, he would be killed on sight. It was a chance Merrick wasn’t
willing to take, but telling Shane no was becoming increasingly

“And what does this dinner and movie consist of?”
Shane looked at Merrick confusingly. “A dinner and a movie,


Merrick hid the smile, making sure Shane didn’t see it. “I meant,

what are we eating and watching?”

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Shane shuffled his feet, looking a little lost. “I’m not sure. But

Gigi is cooking, and Remy is pulling names from a hat to see who
gets to pick the movie.”

Merrick felt himself bristling once more at the lack of rank around

here. There was no way everyone should get a say. It was the
commander’s say, and that was final. He wasn’t used to equal
treatment on board a ship. It was unheard of.

Although Merrick could see the hope in Shane’s hazel eyes, he

simply could not indulge him. It wouldn’t be safe for either of them.
“I’ll pass.”

The hope in Shane’s eyes dimmed, making the color in his irises

dull as he nodded and turned to walk away.

“Shane,” Merrick called out, wondering why in the hell he was

calling the man back to him. Mating Shane was too risky, and
Merrick’s life would be in jeopardy if his true form was revealed.
Shane’s would be, too, if anyone ever discovered the link between

But the need to comfort, and care for his mate, was like a sitting

time bomb in his chest that felt like it was going to explode the longer
he was around the human. He may have to show everyone else that he
was a tough, no-nonsense general, but could he show Shane just a
little of who he truly was?

“Yes?” Shane asked as he turned around, hurt radiating not only

in his eyes, but from every damn pore in his body. Merrick gritted his
teeth not to reach out and grab Shane and pull the human in his arms.

“I’ll go.”
A smile lit up Shane’s face, and Merrick’s cock jerked at the most

wondrous sight he’d ever seen. It was even more beautiful than the
stars he found solace in. Merrick kept his features schooled, not
showing that the thought pleased him as well. “If there is nothing else,
I would like to get back to my stargazing.”

Shane shook his head, excitement snapping and crackling all

around him. “No, that was it. Seven?”

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“Seven,” Merrick confirmed as he took turned around and gave

Shane his back. He wasn’t sure if he had lost his mind or not. Maybe
being around these renegades was eating away at his brain cells. No
one was following any form of protocol, and the place felt more like
rookie soldiers running around than professional men running a ship.

But Merrick couldn’t deny that the thought of spending just a little

more time with Shane gave him a small thrill. He just had to make
sure he didn’t show it. Merrick let a breath out, wondering if he was
going to make it through this dinner and a movie in one piece.

* * * *

Shane was bouncing and he knew it, but he just couldn’t seem to

come down from the cloud he was floating on. Merrick had agreed to
dinner and a movie. Hell, Merrick had kissed him. That right there
was enough to blow his mind.

Merrick had frigging kissed him!
Shane wanted to shout it to the rooftops. But he also wanted to

keep it to himself as a secret, one only he knew about. Well, he and
Merrick, and he was absolutely positive Merrick would blow a gasket
if Shane said anything to anyone. Which brought Shane right back to
keeping the kiss a secret.

Shane sighed deeply as he pushed through the doors leading into

the mess hall. He supposed keeping the kiss a secret wouldn’t be that
bad. At least he had gotten one. That was something.

Now, he just had to figure out how to get another one, ’cause


Merrick knew how to kiss. Shane wasn’t exactly the world’s most

eligible bachelor. His sex life was sadly lacking, but he had
experienced his share of kisses before. He just didn’t ever remember
any of them being as intense as the one he had received from the

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Shane pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind and locked

them away when he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He felt
giddy as he walked over and peeked through the door to see Gigi and
Pax inside, making…something.

It was green and slimy looking.
Shane didn’t want to ask.
“Hey,” he said as he walked in. “Do either of you know how to

make pizza?”

Gigi blinked. “Pizza?” he asked like he had never heard the word


Pax just stared.
“What’s pizza?” Gigi asked.
Shane grinned. “Let me show you. I’ll need dough, tomato sauce,

cheese, some vegetables, and meat.”

“Yeah, something like bread dough or biscuit dough would work.”

Shane frowned as he looked around the huge ultra-futuristic kitchen.
“Do you have any cookie sheets?”

“Cookie sheets?” Pax glanced over at Gigi. “Your cookies come

in sheets?”

Shane chuckled. “Well, they can, but I’m actually talking about a

flat metal sheet that you can stick in the oven to cook things on.”
Shane frowned as a sudden thought came to him. “You all have ovens
here in the future, right?”

“Oh yeah, we have two.” Gigi pointed to the silver ovens against

the far wall.

Shane rubbed his hands together and grinned. “Perfect. Now we

just need the dough to get started.”

Once Shane got the dough ready and rolled out, he decorated the

pizza with toppings he knew everyone would love. He just couldn’t
believe they didn’t have pizza here in the future. What the hell
happened to it?

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He slid the pizza into the oven and then dusted his hands off,

feeling pleased as hell with himself. Just wait. Merrick was going to
love it. Or maybe he wouldn’t. There were some people who didn’t
like pizza, but Shane wasn’t even going to go down that road.

“That’s it?” Pax asked as he stared into the tiny window of the

oven. “It’s just bread and a bunch of stuff thrown on top?”

“That’s it,” Shane said as he watched Gigi gather drinks onto a

tray. “Now we have to let it bake until the crust is done.”

“That seems simple enough,” Pax said as he continued to stare

into the oven.

Shane chuckled as he felt the butterflies in his stomach flap

around. Seven was almost here, and he would be sitting next to
Merrick through an entire movie. What if someone picked a romance?
Could he sit next to Merrick and not beg the man in front of everyone
for another set-his-blood-on-fire kiss?

“Why are you sweating?” Gigi asked as he eyed Shane.
“No reason,” Shane quickly replied as he walked over to the oven

and away from Gigi’s observant eyes. He was bursting to tell
someone about the hottest kiss he had ever received, but he didn’t
think that would go over well with Merrick. The man was too
secretive and too proud to ever admit he had feelings for Shane.

Shane just prayed the man had feelings for him.
“I’m taking the drinks into the media room. Bring the pizza in

when it’s done.”

Shane gave Gigi a thumbs-up as he leaned against the chrome

counter. He stood there envisioning what it would be like to have
Merrick taking him in a thousand different ways, Shane begging for
the man to fuck him. His cock throbbed in his pants with each fantasy
that filled his mind.

He so needed to get laid.
“Does pizza always get you this excited?” Pax asked.
Shane was ripped from his fantasies as he looked over at Pax, who

was staring down at his groin. Shane could feel his entire body flush

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with embarrassment at being caught with a hard-on for no apparent
reason. It was just him and Pax in the kitchen. This would be very
hard to explain.

“It’s that good.” Shane played it off as he turned, hiding his

erection from view. Damn, if he was this hard just thinking about the
man, he was in deep trouble when it was time to watch the movie.

Shane grabbed the pizza from the oven, carefully sliced it up, and

then carried the tray into the media room where everyone was sitting.

“And the winner is…” Remy said as he reached into a hat and

then pulled back his arm. “The general.” There was no mistaking the
grumble as Remy sat down next to Gigi.

Shane’s eyes shot over to Merrick to see the man sitting there

confused. He quickly took a seat next to Merrick and nudged the man.
Merrick turned toward him with a tiny glitter of confusion still in his

“Do you want me to pick for you?” Shane asked.
This seemed to bring Merrick out of his shocked state. “I can

manage to pick a damn movie,” he snapped as he stood. Shane was a
little hurt by the man’s tone, but said nothing. Merrick walked over to
the media center and stood there for what seemed like forever.

“Come on. It’s not that hard,” Tank complained as he grabbed a

slice of pizza.

“Just pick one,” Blade complained.
“It is hard to make a choice when there is nothing here I

recognize,” Merrick said stiffly as he reached out and grabbed a
selection. “Here.”

Shane grinned. At least the man wasn’t having a fit about

watching the movie any longer. He gave Merrick points for that. As
stodgy as Merrick was, the man was showing some sort of effort.

“Really?” Pax asked as he grabbed the small disc from Merrick

and looked at the cover.

“You cannot complain when I’m the one choosing,” Merrick

reminded him, gaining a growl from Pax’s mate, Colt.

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“Okay,” Pax said as he slid the disc into the wall.
Shane felt his palms begin to sweat profusely when Merrick sat

back down next to him. Was he supposed to cuddle next to the man
like everyone else was doing with their mates? Or was he supposed to
sit there and act as though that amazing kiss had never happened?
Shane was confused as hell.

Well, he wasn’t confused about what he wanted to do, but he

didn’t want to make Merrick any more uncomfortable than he already
was. He knew the general’s patience was stretched pretty far just
coming to movie night.

“This is pretty damn good,” Gigi said as he grabbed a slice of

pizza and took a bite.

Shane beamed with pride as the pizza disappeared quickly.

Merrick reached over and grabbed a slice, sniffing at it and then
taking the smallest of bites. Shane almost pumped his arm in the air
and shouted when Merrick’s eyes widened and he took another bite,
and then another.

“A romance?” Remy growled the question. “The fucking general

picked a romance?”

Shane wanted to reach out and smack Remy. He didn’t like

anyone to make fun of Merrick. “I like romances,” Shane defended
Merrick. He really wasn’t into watching them, but he would admit to
the lie if it meant leaving Merrick the hell alone.

Remy shot a glance toward Shane and then back over at Merrick,

a knowing look dawning in his eyes. His face soured, but he didn’t
say anything else.

“Since when do you like romances?” Mo asked as Mykel cuddled

closer to Shane’s brother. He shot a daggered look at Mo. His brother
cocked his head, his brows pulling together, and then he looked over
at Merrick.

Was every-fucking-body guessing at the attraction he had toward

the general? Geez, it was hard to keep a damn secret around here.

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Shane ignored his brother as he scooted an inch closer, trying to get
some part of his body to touch some part of Merrick’s. At this point,
he didn’t care if it was their thighs.

Someone lowered the lights in the media room, and the movie

started on the large screen. Shane glanced around and noticed all of
the mates cuddling up together and felt a ping in his heart that all he
could have was his thigh brushing against Merrick’s. It would have to
be enough for now.

As the movie progressed, Shane found himself leaning closer and

closer to Merrick until he could feel each move the man made. And
while Merrick didn’t outright laugh like others did at the funny parts
in the movie, his chest did rumble with a deep chuckle on more than
one occasion. He even started to loosen up and lean back into the
couch cushions, and maybe just a bit toward Shane.

When the movie drew to an end and the lights came back on,

Shane almost wanted to howl with protest. He could feel Merrick
stiffening, the chasm growing between them as the man pulled away
and once again became the unbending general of Elite Force. It was
almost like Merrick pulled on the mantle of general to protect himself.

Shane blinked in shock as the proverbial lightbulb went off over

his head. Merrick did use his rank as a shield against the rest of the
world. Shane was too afraid to look at Merrick, too afraid his
emotions showed all over his face at his sudden discovery. Shane had
never been the best at masking his feelings. If Merrick looked at him,
the man would know exactly what Shane just figured out. And Shane
had no doubt it would ruin any chance he had with the man.

Shane jumped to his feet and grabbed the pizza pans. He needed a

few minutes to compose himself before looking at the general again.
“I’ll take these to the kitchen and clean them up.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Shane,” Gigi said, waving a dismissive

hand at Shane. “We can get them in the morning.”

“You’ve obviously never cleaned pizza pans before.”

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And Shane wasn’t going to have his excuse to escape pulled out

from under him.

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Chapter 4

Merrick frowned as he watched Shane practically run from the

media room. The man seemed upset. His body was tense, and he was
avoiding eye contact. Even Merrick could see that. And he knew
everyone else could see it when they turned to glare at him.

Merrick refused to sit there and let himself be blamed for

something he didn’t do, especially when he didn’t understand what
exactly had happened. He pushed himself to his feet and walked out
of the media room without a word to anyone, his head held high.

The second he was out of sight of the media room, Merrick

slumped against the wall. He rubbed his hand down his face, more
wigged out than he could remember being in a very long time. He
needed to get off this damn ship before he really lost it.

Too much was at stake. He knew if he stayed, he could lose more

than just his career or his life. He could lose himself in Shane.
Merrick could easily see himself giving up everything for his mate,
and that scared him more than the thought of being court-martialed.

“Hey, are you okay?”
Merrick glanced over to see Shane standing just a few steps away

from him. Damn, he hadn’t even heard him walk up. He really was
losing it. “Yes, I’m fine.”

“Want to go watch the stars?”
Merrick almost groaned at the eagerness in Shane’s eyes. “Shane,


“Please, Merrick?”
Merrick knew being alone with his mate was a huge mistake, but

he found himself nodding anyway. The wide, joyous grin that crossed

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Shane’s face tossed all of his protests right out the window. It was just
stargazing. What could it hurt?

“What’s it like being a general?” Shane asked as they walked

down the corridor toward the general’s quarters. “Do you enjoy it?”

“I enjoy the simplicity of it, the routine.” He enjoyed not having

total chaos around him. Unlike what he had currently living on board
the Lady Blue. “The service brings structure. Everyone knows what is
expected of them, what the rules are.”

Shane chuckled. “I think you’d get along well with Mykel. He

loves rules.”

Merrick clasped his hands behind his back as he walked next to

Shane. He truly wanted Shane to understand how important this was
to him. “Rules are essential, Shane. They keep us from living in a
society ruled by chaos.”

“Rules are also made to be broken.”
“I disagree.”
“Well.” Shane shrugged. “You’re welcome to your opinion.”
“Shane, you need to understand that without order, we are lost.”
“I do understand, Merrick, and I’m not saying you’re wrong. But

when not everyone follows the same set of rules, how can you have
order? If everyone followed the rules, there would be no point in you
being on this ship. You followed the rules, and look where it got you.
Someone is trying to kill you, and you’re on the run. That doesn’t
sound very orderly to me.”

Merrick could feel his level of frustration rising, mostly because

Shane was right and he didn’t want him to be. Merrick had followed
the rules all of his life, at the detriment to any personal life he might
have had, and where had it gotten him? Shane was absolutely correct.
Someone was trying to kill him and he was on the run.

“Did you always want to be a general?”
“What?” Merrick glanced over to Shane, confused by the question

until he realized he had faded off into his own thoughts.

“Did you always want to be a general?”

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Merrick couldn’t help the small smile that came over his lips as he

and Shane entered his quarters. He walked right over to the windows
and started staring out at the stars. “No. Believe it or not, once upon a
time I wanted to be a space pirate. I was going to fly through the stars
and live by my own rules.”

“What happened?”
Fear spiked through Merrick. He couldn’t tell Shane why he had

given up his dream and joined the Elite Force. It would just lead to
questions he wasn’t ready to answer. “It doesn’t matter. It was just a
dream.” Shane’s soft laughter startled Merrick. He spun around and
stared at the man. “You find this amusing?”

“Believe me when I tell you that dreams do come true.” Shane

waved his hand toward the glowing stars. “My being on a spaceship
flying through the stars is a perfect example. The only thing I had to
look forward to back home was dying in a drive-by shooting.”

Merrick couldn’t suppress the instant growl that came from his

throat at the mention of Shane dying. No matter how he felt about
their mating, Shane was still his mate. Merrick had to believe that no
matter what happened, Shane would be out there in the world
somewhere, alive and healthy, preferably happy.

“We will not discuss that again. You are not dead!”
Shane blinked up at him, surprise written all over his face.

Merrick realized he had growled his words and opened his mouth to
apologize, but Shane spoke first.

“Yes, sir.”
The instant shot of lust that blazed through Merrick at those words

astounded him. He couldn’t remember ever feeling such pleasure at
two simple words. The blood drained from Merrick’s head to his
engorged cock so fast he was light-headed.

He had heard those two words his whole career, and they never

affected him this way. But hearing Shane say them had somehow
turned on some sort of switch inside of Merrick, and he

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almost…almost begged to hear them again. Shane stood there gazing
up at him, unaware of just how aroused Merrick truly was.

“They’re beautiful,” Shane whispered as he stared up at Merrick.
Merrick wasn’t sure what Shane was talking about. He wasn’t

looking at the stars but at Merrick, so what could he be referring to?
“I’m not following you, Shane.”

“Your eyes. They’re some sort of honey color.”
Merrick stiffened, feeling the fear slowly invade his body again.

His eyes only turned that color when his creature was close to the
surface, and it seemed Shane was drawing the creature out without
Merrick even realizing the man was doing so.

“How can they change from brown to honey? I’ve never seen eyes

do that before,” Shane stated in awed reverence instead of disdain.
Honey-colored eyes were one of the signs of his creature, a mark that
could get him killed. Only Merrick’s breed had them.

“You must never tell anyone you saw them, Shane.” Merrick

wanted to flog himself for allowing this to happen. Never before had
anyone seen them. He was damn good at hiding his true form, and in
a moment of fascinated weakness, he had just handed Shane the
ammunition to sentence Merrick to death.

“You’re awfully secretive,” Shane said as he moved a little closer,

staring up into Merrick’s eyes.

“Promise me, Shane.”
“Yes, sir,” Shane whispered as he took yet another step closer.

The man had the ability to make Merrick forget that he had to stay
rigid, with a constant vigil against letting his guard down. The spike
of thrill had shot through his blood once more with Shane’s answer,
and Merrick knew that if he didn’t get away from the human, his
mate, that he would lose so much more.

“It’s late,” Merrick said as he looked away from Shane’s hazel

eyes, eyes that had the ability to make Merrick drown in their sultry
pools of shimmering color. “You should get some sleep.”

He just couldn’t allow that to happen.

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“One?” Shane asked, catching Merrick off guard.
“One what?” he asked as he walked over to the large windows

that showed brilliant stars and gorgeous stripes of melding colors that
seemed to dance around each other like ribbons of the most beautiful
Trillian silk.

“Kiss,” Shane murmured softly, his cheeks taking on a pink hue.
Merrick moaned, realizing that Shane was indeed going to be his

downfall. He pulled one of his hands from behind his back, tucking
his index finger under Shane’s milky-white flesh as he tilted the
man’s head back. “Is it that important to you, Shane?”

Shane nodded, his eyes lowering, but not before Merrick saw the

fear in them. The man feared being rejected. The thought hit Merrick
straight in the gut. Shane feared being turned away, being denied.

Against every damn reason that Merrick shouldn’t give in, he

lowered his head, brushing his lips across Shane’s soft mouth. His
cock became so hard that there was slight pain pulsing through
Merrick’s groin. Shane waited, never once moving forward to take the
kiss from Merrick.

That thrilled Merrick further as he slid his tongue across Shane’s,

luxuriating in the feel of kissing his mate. When his tongue flickered
out, Shane gasped and Merrick plunged his tongue full force into
Shane’s mouth. His mate tasted like the sweetest of wines as Merrick
explored the cavernous depth.

Shane whimpered as his hands reached out and curled over

Merrick’s shoulders, but he never pulled Merrick forward. Merrick
remained in command of the kiss, guiding Shane along as he took
what was rightfully his.

When he felt his creature stir, demanding Merrick take more,

Merrick broke the kiss, his tongue tracing the outline of Shane’s lips
before pulling his head back. “One kiss.”

Shane stood there for a moment looking dazed, his eyes unfocused

as his tongue trailed over the moisture Merrick had left behind,

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licking at it almost greedily. Merrick needed Shane to go before his
control slipped and things went terribly wrong. “Leave me, Shane.”

Shane took a step back, hesitation in his eyes. Merrick could tell

that was the last thing the human wanted to do. “Thank you,” Shane
said quickly before almost running from the room.

Merrick groaned once Shane was out of sight. He pressed the

palm of his hand against his erection, closing his eyes as he breathed
out slowly. That had been closer than Merrick wanted it to be. He
knew he could never claim Shane, but hell if the man wasn’t tempting
something deep inside of him, a part Merrick had thought he buried so
long ago.

He turned, gazing at the stars as his control once more slid into

place. As much as his body craved the small man, Merrick knew it
would never happen.

* * * *

Shane stood under the showerhead, inching the lever closer to

cold as he tried desperately to cool his heated skin. Merrick was
making him crazy with the mixed signals Shane was getting from the
man, but he couldn’t seem to stay away. Merrick was like a drug, and
Shane was desperate to have the man every chance he could get, even
if it was only a kiss.

And damn, could the man kiss!
As Shane dried off, his body heated right back up. It was a losing

battle, and a battle Shane was slowly figuring out he didn’t want to
fight. Throwing some loose lounging pants and a T-shirt on, Shane
padded from his room, checking the hallway quickly before making a
dash down the corridor from his bedroom.

Merrick was going to be pissed when he saw Shane at his

bedroom door, but Shane was aching so badly that he couldn’t think
straight. He had to see the man one more time, had to feel those
masterful lips touching his.

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He was losing his mind. That was it in a nutshell. Shane was

zooming past reasoning and straight into his own personal hell where
Merrick was the master. As he approached Merrick’s quarters, Shane
started to lose his nerve. He knew Merrick would be mad at him, but
Shane just couldn’t stop himself.

Taking a steady breath for nerves, Shane reached up and pressed

the control panel that would alert Merrick to his presence. When the
door swooshed open, and Shane got an eyeful of bare skin, he knew
there was no going back.

“Hi,” Shane whispered as he hesitantly raised his eyes to meet


“You should be sleeping, Shane.” Merrick’s voice was deep and

full of reproach. Shane pushed away the deep ache that gave him, and
then pushed past Merrick into the room. “Shane, what are you

“I couldn’t sleep.” Oh wow, he sounded like such a goober. He

couldn’t believe that was the best excuse he could come up with.

The muscles in Merrick’s arms bulged when he crossed them over

his naked chest. And oh damn, what a chest it was. There was a
liberal amount of hair across Merrick’s pectoral muscles, but it
narrowed over his stomach to a trail leading just under the edge of the
white towel wrapped around his waist. Shane could feel drool pooling
in his mouth as he imagined following that trail with his tongue.

“Have you even tried?”
“What?” Shane’s eyes snapped up, away from the sexy bounty

before him to the honey eyes staring back at him.

“Yes, sir?”
Merrick groaned, spun around, and walked over to hit the pad that

opened the door. “You need to go, Shane.”

Shane rolled his eyes. There was some part of this fuck me into the

wall plan that Merrick just wasn’t getting. He walked over and hit the
same pad, closing the door, and then turned to look up at Merrick.

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“No?” Merrick’s eyebrows shot up, and the look of disbelief that

crossed his face told Shane that the man really was not used to being
told no.

“No, I’m not leaving.” Shane hoped his quick swallow went

unnoticeable. He was so nervous his palms were sweating. He didn’t
want to tell Merrick no, but he also didn’t want to leave. He stepped
closer to Merrick, until their chests were almost touching, and then
ran his hands lightly over the muscles on his arms. “And you really
don’t want me to either.”

Gods, Shane prayed that he was right.
“Shane, we can’t—”
“Yes, we can.” Shane licked his lips. His eyes rounded a little

when he saw Merrick’s eyes instantly drop down to his lips. Merrick
was a lot more interested than he let on. That thought gave Shane
courage. “I want to stay, Merrick.”

“Shane, you don’t know what you’re asking.”
Shane pressed closer to the general. “Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t!” Merrick’s eyes turned an even lighter shade of

honey gold as he snarled low enough to make his chest vibrate against
Shane. “You don’t, Shane. You have no idea what you’re asking. I
can promise you that.”

“Then tell me.”
“Please, Merrick?”
Shane’s eyebrows shot up in confusion. “Huh?”
“My name is Vedic, Vedic Merrick.”
Shane smiled as he reached up to stroke his fingertips along the

muscles on Merrick’s arm. “Vedic,” he whispered softly. He wasn’t
sure what the low rumble in Merrick’s chest meant, but when he was
suddenly grabbed and pulled forward into Merrick’s arms, Shane

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didn’t think it was a bad thing. Shane eagerly wrapped his arms
around Merrick’s neck and lifted his face for a kiss.

“I’m sorry, Shane, so very sorry,” Merrick murmured against

Shane’s lips. “I tried. I really tried.”

Shane had no idea what Merrick was talking about, and he didn’t

really care, not when he could feel proof of Merrick’s desire for him
pressing against his abdomen. He’d question Merrick later. Right
now, he wanted to feel every inch of Merrick’s body pressed against
his as the man claimed him.

“Vedic, please,” he whispered, brushing his body back and forth

against Merrick’s. The thin layer of his pajama bottoms was no
barrier between them. Shane could feel Merrick’s hard cock press
against his erection. It was like a shot of electricity ran through his
entire body at each little rub.

Shane yelped and flailed around when he was suddenly lifted into

the air. He quickly tightened his arms around Merrick’s neck and held
on until he felt the bed press against his back, and Merrick press
against his front.

Merrick attacked his mouth like a starving man, ravaging him

with his tongue and lips. It was a possession, clear and simple. Shane
could feel it deep in his bones. Merrick was staking his claim. Shane
was so thrilled by the idea he could barely control himself.

Merrick’s hands were not still either. Shane shivered each time he

felt them move along his sensitive skin. Merrick seemed to know
exactly where to touch him to get the biggest response—the soft skin
right under his arm, right around his belly button, and the small
concave where his abdomen met his smooth groin. Merrick caressed it
all, driving Shane insane.

When Shane heard fabric tearing and suddenly felt cool air blow

across his body as his shirt and bottoms were torn off, he wanted to
shout out his delight. This was really going to happen. Shane shivered
in anticipation.

This was really going to fucking happen!

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“Wait!” Shane cried out when Merrick started tying his torn shirt

around his eyes. He grabbed Merrick’s wrist to stop him. He wanted
to see Merrick. “What are you doing?”

“It’s the only way, Shane.”
Shane stared up at Merrick for several moments, weighing his

options. If he said no, Merrick might kick him out and end what
promised to be a mind-blowing night. If he said yes, he wouldn’t be
able to watch Merrick as they had sex. He didn’t see how he had any
other choice.

Shane dropped his hand and nodded. “Okay.”
He thought Merrick would be happy with his decision so he

totally didn’t understand the small grimace that came to the man’s
face. But when Merrick covered his eyes with the torn fabric, the
image was gone before he could question it. The darkness made
Shane nervous. He couldn’t see what was coming. When he felt
Merrick’s hand land on his chest, he jumped.

“Sshhh, casara, I will not hurt you.”
“I know, I know. I just—” Shane opened and closed his hands

against Merrick’s shoulders. “I can’t see you.”

“You do not need to see me, casara. Just feel.”
Shane found exactly what Merrick meant when the man’s lips

closed around his nipple. Shane cried out and arched into the air,
pressing his nipple further into Merrick’s mouth. Until now, he had no
idea that his nipples were a hot spot for him. He was quickly finding
out that every inch of his body was a hot spot when Merrick was
involved. Being blind made his other senses sharper, more aware of
what was happening to him. The tight, tingling sensation spread
through him like a wildfire, making Shane insane for more. Merrick’s
rough tongue lapped at his skin as if it were milk for a kitten.

“Give me your hands, casara.”
Shane was too mindless with pleasure to defy Merrick, even if he

had wanted to. He didn’t. He instantly held his hands out to Merrick,
eagerly anticipating what the imposing general would do next.

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Shane wasn’t prepared to have his hands tied together. “What are

you doing?”

“If I am going to take you, I am going to do it my way.”
Well, Shane couldn’t argue with that. And it wasn’t like he could

give Merrick directions. Besides the fact that Merrick was too
intimidating to give orders to, Shane was a little out of his depths. His
sexual history was almost nonexistent. A couple of blow jobs and rub-
offs did not make him worldly. He was really hoping to change that.

He was praying Merrick would change that.
Once his hands were tied together, Merrick pushed them over the

top of Shane’s head, pressing them down into the bed. He felt Merrick
moving for a moment, and then the man pulled back. Shane frowned
when he yanked on his hands and found that they were tied over his

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Seriously, what did

he know about the general beyond the fact that he found the man
incredibly attractive? Being a general didn’t automatically make
Merrick a good guy, although Shane was having a really hard time
picturing him as anything but.

“Don’t start being afraid now, casara.” Merrick chuckled. “You

started this. If you want me to let you go, say the word and this all
stops. You can go back to your room, safe and sound.”

“No, no, I just…I want to be able to touch you.” The air

whooshed from Shane’s chest when Merrick stretched out his entire
body on top of him. They were pressed together from toe to tip and
every inch in between. Okay, maybe he didn’t mind having his hands
tied over his head that much.

“You don’t need to touch me in order to feel me, casara.”
Merrick brought truth to his words when he licked a line from one

of Shane’s nipples to the other one. When the air caressed across the
moist trail left behind, Shane knew for a fact that he wasn’t going to
be sane by the time this was over. He mewled softly and arched,

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desperate, oh so desperate. Merrick’s soft chuckle blew hot breath
against Shane’s already-aching flesh, causing him to whimper more.

“Please, Vedic.” Shane was so not above begging, not when

Merrick was nibbling a line down his body toward his cock. When
Merrick moved closer to his erection, Shane eagerly spread his legs as
wide as they would go. He planted his feet in the mattress and pushed
up, blindly seeking…something.

Shane shivered when that something came in the form of coolness

dribbling between his ass cheeks. He sucked in a deep breath. He
hadn’t been expecting that. “C–Cold.”

“I’ll warm it up for you.”
Shane ached to see Merrick’s face. His voice had gone deep and

rough, almost growly. Every time Merrick’s body brushed up against
him, Shane could feel the general’s muscles bunching and tensing. It
was almost as erotic as having the man’s hands on his body.

Shane was suddenly grabbed and flipped over onto his stomach,

then lifted up until he knelt on his knees, his ass in the air and his
head pressed down into the bed. He swallowed several times, feeling
a little lost, and a whole lot unsure, especially when he couldn’t see
anything but darkness.

“V–Vedic?” A second later Shane was crying out as a long, hot

tongue licked up the crease of his ass. His legs trembled so much he
was sure that they would collapse beneath him. “Oh my gods, sir,

Merrick’s loud growl filled the room. Shane frowned when he felt

something sharp dig into his hips. He didn’t remember Merrick’s nails
being that long. He jerked when one of them pierced his skin and then
groaned a moment later when Merrick licked at the small wound.

“You taste so fucking good, casara,” Merrick murmured against

Shane’s skin. “I can’t get enough of you. I want to lick every inch of
your body.”

“It’s yours,” Shane panted softly. “It’s all yours.”

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Another deep growl filled the room. Shane shuddered and bucked

when Merrick licked his ass again. He’d read about things like this
back on Earth, imagined them. But nothing had ever prepared him to
have his ass licked. And good gods, Merrick’s tongue just kept
moving, licking, and pushing at Shane’s tight entrance.

After a few moments, Shane started to push back. He could feel

Merrick’s tongue starting to push into him between licks. It was like
Merrick was possessed. Shane ached. His cock ached. It leaked. It
throbbed. It pulsed with the need to come.

When Merrick’s fingers dug into his ass cheeks and pulled them

apart, and he felt the man’s thick tongue press fully into his ass, Shane
couldn’t contain himself any longer. He cried out as his body jerked.
Unimaginable pleasure flooded every part of his body as he sprayed
the bed beneath him with his release.

And the pleasure just went on and on, wave after wave crashing

through him. When his knees started to give out, Merrick grabbed him
and pulled him back up. Shane felt so melted that he was pretty sure
Merrick was the only thing holding him up.

Shane couldn’t even raise a protest when he felt Merrick’s thick

cock start to press into his ass. There was a bite of pain, a burning
sensation. Shane dug his fingers into the blankets below him and
panted through it until he felt Merrick’s hips press up against his.

And then the man stilled. Merrick’s entire body went motionless.

Except for his heavy panting, Shane couldn’t hear a sound in the
room, not even Merrick’s breathing. Shane lifted his head off the
mattress and turned it to look over his shoulder even though he
couldn’t see Merrick through the fabric covering his eyes.

If Merrick stopped now, Shane was pretty sure he would die.
Nothing except the tightening of Merrick’s hands on his hips.
“Vedic, please.”
“No talking!” Merrick snapped.

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“Yes, sir.”
A deep rumble filled the room, shaking Shane’s body with its

intensity. “Damn, casara, you just had to go and say that, didn’t

Shane had a pretty good idea what Merrick was talking about. He

hadn’t missed the heat that ignited in the general’s eyes when Shane
called him sir. He quickly turned his head away from Merrick before
the man saw the smirk moving across his lips.

“Yes, sir.”
Shane was shocked at the power those two little words seemed to

have over Merrick. One moment the man wasn’t moving. The next
moment, he was pounding into Shane like his very life depended on
it. It was rough, hot, and sweaty, and Shane loved every moment of it.
Merrick was taking him, claiming him. He was fulfilling every dream
Shane ever had with each thrust of his cock.

“Fuck me, sir,” Shane groaned. “Fuck me harder.”
“I said no talking.”
Shane was shocked when he felt Merrick’s hand cover his mouth.

He opened his mouth wide and sucked Merrick’s fingers inside,
lavishing them with his tongue. That seemed to set Merrick off. His
thrusts became erratic. His growls grew louder, thicker, more

Merrick’s free hand bunched in Shane’s hair, yanking his head

back and to the side. Shane felt something sharp slice into his skin
just below his ear and then pure ecstasy flooded his body. It was so
overwhelming, the light filling him so blinding, that Shane gave one
last whimper and then slumped into darkness.

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Chapter 5

Merrick’s heart thundered in his chest as he slowly withdrew his

teeth from Shane’s soft flesh and licked at the small puncture wounds.
Shane tasted like bliss, the sweetest thing he had ever experienced in
his life. He was loath to give it up, but he could hear Shane’s
heartbeat start to slow.

“Shane,” he whispered softly. “Casara?”
When he received no response, Merrick’s worry increased. He

winced when he pulled free of Shane’s incredible body and rolled him
onto his back, pushing the torn pajama bottoms off of Shane’s face.

Shane was out cold.
“Shane?” Merrick stroked his fingers down the side of Shane’s

pale cheeks. “Casara? Please, open your eyes.” Merrick gently
smacked Shane’s cheek, trying to wake him. When he didn’t receive
even a flinch, Merrick pressed his fingers against the soft pulse in
Shane’s neck.

His heartbeat was sluggish. Oh fuck, this was all his fault. Merrick

knew he had taken too much blood. He just hadn’t been able to help
himself. Shane tasted so good, and the man was his mate.

And now, because Merrick had lost control for one time in his

life, Shane could die. Merrick knew what would happen if they
exchanged blood. It would tie them together for the rest of their lives.
But what was the alternative? Shane would die. Merrick could rush
Shane to the sick bay but then he would have to explain what
happened, and then he could die.

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Merrick couldn’t see any other choice. He bit into his wrist with

his sharp teeth then held his wrist against Shane’s lips, watching as
each drop of blood slid into the man’s mouth. “Please, casara, drink.”

Merrick held his breath as he watched the droplets of blood slide

over Shane’s lips, but the man still wasn’t moving. After what seemed
like forever, Shane’s lips twitched. Merrick watched with bated breath
as Shane slowly began to lick at the blood droplets and then

Pressing his wrist against Shane’s pale lips, the human began to

drink greedily. Merrick gasped as pleasure shot through his body,
almost driving him to take Shane again. He suppressed the urge as his
mate took what he so desperately needed.

Merrick brushed his hand over Shane’s forehead, moving the fall

of bangs as he slowly pulled his wrist away and then licked the wound
closed. Shane groaned and then his eyelids began to flutter, until
Merrick was staring down into pretty hazel eyes once again.

“What happened?” Shane asked groggily.
“Rest, casara,” Merrick said as he rearranged Shane, pulling him

up the bed until his head was resting on a pillow. He knew he should
take Shane back to his own quarters, but Merrick also knew he needed
to keep an eye on the man.

Not only would killing Shane destroy Merrick, but he didn’t think

anyone on board would be thanking him. Sliding into the bed,
Merrick arranged the blankets and then lay down next to his mate.

Shane turned, cuddling into Merrick’s side as he let out a

contented breath. Merrick watched his mate for a while, fascinated by
the small man. They were now bound, and nothing would separate
them except death. Merrick knew he had just made the biggest
mistake of his life, of his career, but he couldn’t find it in himself to
regret what he had done.

Feeling the bond between them was like nothing Merrick had

expected. It felt as if Shane were truly inside of him, resting next to

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his heart. Merrick had never let anyone get close, and now he had
someone who was so close that he could destroy him.

“Fuck,” Merrick whispered as he ran a hand over his face. He had

been driven his entire life to be what his father wanted him to be,
what his father demanded he become, and Merrick had just thrown it
all away for one small human being.

* * * *

Mo stood in Shane’s bedroom, glancing around. His brother

hadn’t been anywhere else on the ship and now his room was empty.
Shane couldn’t have left. He didn’t know how to operate a shuttle.
Hell, he didn’t even know the code to get into the shuttle bay. Remy
had changed the codes, again.

And he knew his brother wasn’t stupid enough to get near an air

lock, so where in the hell was he? Spinning on his heel, Mo left his
brother’s room and headed down the corridor. As he passed the
general’s quarters, the door swooshed open, his brother walking out
with a sheet wrapped around him.

Mo stood there stunned. Visions of Shane and Mo growing up in

foster care, where Shane looked to Mo for guidance, for protection,
flashed through his mind. Shane was innocent, trusting. And from the
look of things, the general had taken advantage of those qualities.

“What the fuck is going on?” Mo gritted out between clenched

teeth as the anger began to build inside of him.

Shane jerked, his eyes snapping up to Mo’s face as he took a step

back. Mo hated to see the fear in Shane’s eyes, but he couldn’t stop
the rage from filling every single damn pore in his body.

“Is there a problem?” Merrick asked as he appeared in the

doorway behind Shane. His tone was so casual, so indifferent that it
sent Mo over the edge. He reached over Shane as he swung his arm,
connecting his fist to Merrick’s jaw.

“No!” Shane shouted as he pushed at Mo’s chest. “Stop this!”

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Mo ignored his little brother as he and Merrick went at it full

force. Merrick hissed as he leapt, taking Mo down to the floor, trying
his best to strangle Mo. Mo slid his hands up between Merrick’s arms,
breaking them apart and freeing the tight grip on his throat. He
bucked and then rolled, sending Merrick flying off of him. Crouching,
Mo growled.

“You just attacked a general,” Merrick stated as he circled around

Mo. “That carries prison time.”

Mo grinned, even though no humor was felt. “Then I better make

it worth the time.”

“No, Mo!” Shane shouted once more as he placed his body

between Mo’s and the general’s. “Have you lost your mind?”

Him? He wasn’t the one who had just been used, taken advantage

of. There was no way Mo was going to let the smug bastard use his
little brother and get away with it.

“What the hell is going on?” Remy barked as he came down the


* * * *

Shane was beyond mortified. Mo was acting like an ass, and the

general looked as though he were about to kill Shane’s brother. So
much for sneaking back to my bedroom without anyone seeing me.

Mo had killed that plan. Shane wanted to choke the shit out of Mo for

“What is your problem?” Shane asked as he tightened his fists on

the sheet.

“He just took advantage of you,” Mo replied furiously as he

glared at Merrick. “I’ll kill him for it.”

Shane rolled his eyes. “I’m a grown man, Mo.”
“I know this, Shane.”
“So I don’t need you to embarrass the hell out of me and

announce to everyone my personal business.” Shane stood there, his

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eyes locked onto Mo’s. Mo stood, looking from Shane, to the general,
and then back to Shane.

“But he took advantage of you.”
“No, he didn’t.” Shane could not believe he was standing in the

hallway with a sheet wrapped around his naked body, having this
conversation. It had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of
his life.

Merrick was going to cross Shane off for this. The man was very

secretive, and Mo had just made what he and Merrick did very public.
He felt a need to run to Merrick and apologize, but Shane was just too
damn pissed right now.

“Mo,” Remy said as he cleared his throat. “I think we should talk

on the bridge.”

“No,” Mo replied as he shook his head. “Shane and I need to


“Let it go, Mo,” Shane warned. “Go with Remy.”
Shane knew Mo was only looking out for him. He got that. But

damn if the man couldn’t have handled the situation with a little tact.
Going off the deep end hadn’t helped one bit. The only thing Mo’s
barbaric behavior probably accomplished was making Merrick have
second thoughts about ever touching Shane in the first place.

Well, there went any hope of Shane getting another shot at

Merrick’s bed. Mo had killed that dream.

“Mo,” Remy said a little sharper. “The bridge, now.”
Mo shot a withering glare at Merrick before following Remy

down the corridor. Shane spun around to apologize to Merrick, but the
general just shook his head and closed his bedroom door. Shane
wanted to kick something, namely his brother.

Pissed beyond words, Shane walked back to his quarters where he

quickly dressed and then headed out to go give Mo a piece of his
damn mind. He paused outside the doorway to the bridge to give
himself a moment. He couldn’t confront his brother with the way he
was feeling. Nothing would get accomplished.

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His level of anger at his brother was just growing. And yet his

heart was breaking at the very same time. Mo had killed something
precious, something special, even if he hadn’t meant to. Shane felt
tears gather in his eyes at the thought that he would never experience
being in Merrick’s arms again.

Instead of storming onto the bridge and shouting at his brother as

he had thought to a moment ago, Shane slowly slid down the corridor
wall and wrapped his arms around his legs as he pulled them up to his

The anger of a moment ago drained out of him to be replaced by a

heartache so consuming that Shane’s head spun. He dropped his head
back against the bulkhead and pressed his hand against his chest. It
actually ached. A deep hollow feeling started to take hold of him.

“I’m sorry, Shane.”
Shane turned his head to find Mo standing in the doorway.

“You—” Shane swallowed hard, trying to get some moisture back
into his dry throat. “You have no idea what you’ve done.”

“Oh, come on. It can’t be that bad. If Merrick fucked you once,

I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to do it again.”

Shane’s jaw dropped. This was Mo’s apology? “Is that what you

think of me? That I’ll just fuck anything that comes calling?”

“You barely know the man, Shane,” Mo snapped, his anger

evident in the tone of voice he used. “You’ve been here what? Two
days? Three? And already you’re falling into some guy’s bed? And it
had to be that overstuffed, overbearing general?”

Shane couldn’t explain the white-hot rage that swept through him

at Mo’s words. The man had been his brother, his protector, for most
of his life. And yet, in that moment, Shane wanted nothing more than
to rip his throat out for casting disparaging words against Merrick.

He launched himself at Mo. Before the man even knew what hit

him, Shane was screaming at the top of his lungs while landing blow
after blow at Mo’s head. A red haze seemed to develop in his head,
clouding everything else. Shane didn’t even acknowledge the other

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hands that tried to grab him and pull him away from Mo. Nothing
mattered but making Mo stop speaking about Merrick like that.

“Shane!” Mo shouted as he tried to dodge Shane’s fists. “What the

fuck, man?”

“Shane,” Remy yelled. “Knock it off!”
“Shane!” someone else shouted.
Shane heard none of it. He just heard Mo’s terrible words

resounding in his head over and over again. And then…

“Shane,” said a rough voice from behind him, “that’s enough.”
Shane paused for a moment then raised his fist into the air again.
Casara, stop.”
Shane’s forehead wrinkled as sanity slowly started to seep back

into his head. He lowered his fist as realization of what he was doing
came to him. He was horrified. He’d never once in all of his life
raised his hand to Mo. He never even considered it. Shane was his
brother. They were the only family each other had.

Shane slowly backed away from Mo, shaking his head, trying to

deny what he had just done. When he backed into a rather solid form,
Shane jerked and spun around. A small whimper fell from his lips
when he saw Merrick standing behind him, and everything came
crashing back down on him again.

And then he knew why he had attacked his brother. Mo had taken

the one thing from him that he wanted more than anything in the
world. It meant even more to Shane than flying on a spaceship
through the stars. The tight lips and narrowed eyes staring back at him
said it would never be his again. Having Merrick command over him,
taking him to heights that only Vedic could take him, would be no

Shane pushed past Merrick with a small cry and ran down the

corridor to the staircase. He stumbled down the stairs, almost slipping
down them a couple of times before he reached the next floor. He
didn’t stop running until he sat behind a locked door, curled in the
window seat of his room, staring out at the stars beyond his window.

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Shane heard someone knock on his door a little while later. He

ignored it. He couldn’t think of a single person in this universe or any
other that he wanted to talk to. The knocking continued but eventually
went away.

Shane ignored it again when the knocking started up a few hours

later. At least, he thought it had been a few hours. He wasn’t sure.
Time didn’t seem to have any meaning in the fog of heartache that
surrounded him.

Shane was pretty sure he should have died in that drive-by

shooting back on Old Earth. Maybe he had and this was hell. Each
second since he had woken in the sick bay played over and over again
in his head, with Merrick playing center stage in his thoughts.

Shane felt so heartbroken that he couldn’t even summon up

curiosity when they started to fly into the atmosphere of a planet. He
just didn’t care. He watched with disinterest as the Lady Blue
effortlessly landed and the engines shut down. He felt the ship
shudder as the cargo bay doors opened, and a few minutes later, he
spotted four figures walking away from the ship.

It was only as Shane narrowed in on one imposing figure that his

interest was caught. The broad shoulders and self-assured saunter of
the large man instantly told Shane who it was. He almost laughed. No
one strutted like General Vedic Merrick.

It was a sight to see, and Shane couldn’t take his eyes off of the

man. Merrick had an air of power, of authority that surrounded him
and made Shane weak at the knees. In all the years he had been alive,
Shane couldn’t remember anyone, not even Mo, making him feel so
safe that he wanted to give himself over to them without hesitation.

But Merrick had accomplished that feat.
Shane didn’t trust easily. His entire life consisted of being shoved

from one foster home to the next. It was when Mo befriended him and
took Shane under his wing that Shane had finally trusted someone.

But Merrick’s very presence commanded Shane give himself

over. The idea scared the hell out of Shane. No one should make him

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feel that way. He had survived the life in foster care. He survived
living in the dangerous neighborhood he and Mo shared an apartment
in—except for the drive-by that should have ended his life—and it all
boiled down to Shane wanting to give himself over to one strong and
powerful man.

Boy, since when did he become someone whose very happiness

depended on another man?

Shane pushed away from the window, leaving his bedroom to see

what was going on. As downtrodden as his heart was, his curiosity
was starting to pique. He found Ryan, the bartender from Beta Five,
standing by the shuttle bay, his eyes locked onto the porthole.

“Why are we here?” he asked as he joined Ryan at the window.
“Supplies.” Ryan turned to look at Shane and then grimaced.

“You look a mess.”

He felt like one, too. Shane brushed Ryan’s observation away as

he glanced out of the small window. “Isn’t it too dangerous for them
to be out there?”

“Yes, but we can’t continue to fly without recharging the fuel

cells. We need supplies as well. Gigi is complaining that he’s running
out of food, and Imlay stated that he needed more medical supplies.”

Worry filled Shane as he watched the men below talking with

someone on the landing deck. He knew the crew was wanted by some
group called the Elite Force. He also knew that those men were after
Merrick as well.

“Where are we?” Shane asked.
“Nebular Nine. It’s what most refer to as a black market planet.

You can buy practically anything here.”

“Anything?” Shane asked as his mind began to work overtime.
“Almost anything,” Ryan replied.
Shane turned away from the window to go find Gigi. From what

he had heard, Remy’s mate enjoyed leaving the ship. And that was
exactly who Shane would need if he was going to make his plan

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Chapter 6

Merrick kept a constant vigil as Remy negotiated for what

supplies the Lady Blue needed. He wasn’t sure why Remy had
wanted him to come along. His face was very recognizable. He was
the general of the Elite Force. In his campaign to become general,
Merrick had solicited votes from many planets.

Not only was the general of the Elite Force chosen for his skills,

but he was also chosen by the people. Not too many positions allowed
voting as a way of electing the right candidate, but Merrick’s did.

If their visit to Nebular Nine was supposed to be low-key, in and

out, then he shouldn’t have left the ship. It was a risk Merrick had
argued, but Remy wouldn’t listen to.

“I can get your cells recharged for you in about an hour,” the man

Remy was talking to stated as he stole a glimpse toward Merrick. An
uneasy feeling settled inside of Merrick.

“Why so long?” Remy asked as Blade and Colt walked away with

a vid-pad. He knew the two were going to get the other supplies they
needed to keep them going, but Merrick liked this situation less and

His instincts had never steered him wrong before, and they were

screaming to get back on board the ship and leave Nebular Nine just
as fast as the Lady Blue could fly.

“My usual guy was arrested for selling illegal contraband on

Venus. I have to get your cells from another source, and the man isn’t
too reliable,” the man replied before walking away.

“I don’t like this, Commander,” Merrick stated as he clasped his

hands behind his back, his eyes scanning the loading dock. “Everyone

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from the Galaxias System to the Turok System knows that you men
are wanted. What makes you think that being seen with General
Vedic Merrick will help your situation?”

“Quite the opposite, General.” Remy began to walk away from the

ship into the busy spaceport of Nebular Nine. There were vendors
shouting out their wares, shuttle buses unloading and then reloading
passengers as street urchins raced through the thick crowd, trying
their best to find meager work. Merrick took it all in. He had been so
busy obtaining his station in life that he had forgotten just how simple
it sometimes was.

The smells from the food stands wafted past him as creatures of

every species shopped or worked the streets of Nebular Nine. Merrick
felt a pang of anger at the fact that his race, his very own race, was
not accepted among these creatures. His race was feared to the point
of being hunted down until they were almost extinct. There was
nothing wrong with being a vampire, and just because some of his
race had made a bad name for his people, didn’t mean they were all
vicious, deceptive, and untrustworthy. All species had good and bad.

“I want people to see us together,” Remy said as they walked over

to a stand that sold small trinkets and bobbles. “I want the Elite Force
to know I have you.”

“But why?” Merrick asked as he watched the commander pick up

a small wolf necklace, examine it, and then hand it over to the seller
for purchase. His eyes scanned the merchandise, wondering if there
was anything there Shane would like to have. He really didn’t know
too much about his mate, but for some asinine reason, Merrick wanted
to give him a small gift.

“Because, General,” Remy said as he took the gift from the man

and turned back around to face him, “I want them to see that we have
the capability to reach out to them, to cripple them. If we can get to a
general, then no one is safe. It will keep them guessing at our next
move since we have you.”

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“If they want to kill me, then your plan is a little fruitless,

Commander. They don’t care that you have kidnapped the general of
the Elite Force, not when your father is calling the shots.”

Remy grimaced. “We’re not sure he is behind this.”
Merrick bristled at the commander’s blatant refusal to see the

truth. How could a man who stayed on the run for so long, kept
himself and an entire crew from being arrested, be so blind? It was
mind-boggling to him.

Stepping over to the stand, Merrick spotted a small wrist charm

that had the Turok System beaded around a leather band. The colors
were so intricate in detail that Merrick knew Shane would love it. The
man had said that he loved being in the outer atmosphere of space.
Hoping the commander said nothing of his purchase, Merrick quickly
paid for it and took it from the vendor, shoving the small band into his
front pocket.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure who is behind wanting you

dead, General. But if we are ever going to live a life with our mates
that doesn’t include running and getting shot at, we need to find out.
We need to find out who we can trust. I have obtained records that
prove we were set up, but they are just collecting dust. So”—Remy
turned toward Merrick, a thick brow raised—“you tell me what our
next move is.”

“For now,” Merrick began as he started walking back toward the

ship, “it’s getting out of sight and off of this planet as soon as

Remy chuckled behind him, which only pissed Merrick off. He

just couldn’t see how Remy was the commander, yet he thought this
situation was funny. It wasn’t funny. It was dangerous and a risk that
none of them should have taken.

When Remy continued walking, Merrick followed behind him. He

wasn’t sure where the commander was heading, or even why he was
following blindly behind him, but he was. They stopped at a few more

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vendors along the way and Merrick slowly started to understand the
path they were taking.

It was a wide circle through the area, one big enough for everyone

to see Merrick with the commander of the Lady Blue. What a fucking
Merrick rolled his eyes as he turned and started making his way
back to the loading docks. When he got back to headquarters, he was
going to have a serious talk with whoever made promotions. They
needed to scan their applicants a little harder.

“Going somewhere, General?”
“I’m onto your little plan, Commander,” Merrick said without

turning around to look at Remy. He was afraid if he did, he’d attack
the guy. “It’s not going to work.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” There was clear amusement in

Remy’s voice. It grated on Merrick’s nerves. “It seems to be working
just fine. Everyone here now knows that General Vedic Merrick is on
board the Lady Blue. They’ll get the word back to the Elite Force.”

Merrick stopped walking. He rubbed his hand down his face in a

frustrated motion then planted his hands on his hips, taking a deep
breath before turning to glare at the commander. “This is probably
one of the dumber ideas you’ve ever had.”

“Naw.” Remy grinned. “I’ve had dumber.”
Merrick’s jaw dropped as he watched Remy chuckle. The man

was certifiable. “How did you become a commander?”

The amusement slid off Remy’s face like it had never been there.

“Because I’m very good at what I do, as is every member of my

“Commander.” It was Blade on the com-link. “We’re almost done

loading the supplies.”

“We’re on our way,” Remy replied as he started walking.
Merrick stared after the man for a moment then hurried to catch

up, shaking his head. Remy confused the shit out of him. The man led
his crew with incredible ability. They all seemed willing to give their

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lives for the commander. And yet, Remy treated them like family. It
certainly wasn’t regulation, but it seemed to work for them.

Even if the crew of the Lady Blue were able to clear their names,

Merrick had serious doubts that they would go back to the Elite Force.
They had spent too much time building their own lives to buckle
down under the restrictive collar of the military.

Merrick frowned when Blade spotted them and quickly walked

over, speaking in a low tone to Remy. He was even more confused
when Remy gestured for him to come closer. But he did it, hurrying
over to see what the problem was.

“The seller is giving us issues,” Remy said.
“Issues?” What the fuck did that mean?
“He’s stalling.”
“Are all of the supplies loaded?”
“Yes.” Remy nodded. “Blade is trying to finish the transaction

and pay the idiot. The guy keeps having problems.”

Merrick frowned as he glanced over at the guy they were buying

fuel cells from. He knew he hadn’t liked him when he met him.
“What sort of problems?”

“Just about every damn one he could have,” Blade snapped. “His

vid-pad malfunctioned. He typed the manifest in wrong. He did the
math wrong. He couldn’t remember exactly what he had sold us or
what price he quoted. I’m telling you, he’s stalling.”

“If you’ll allow me?” Merrick gestured toward the seller. After

getting a small nod and a smirk from Remy, he walked over to
confront the seller. “What seems to be the problem here?”

“Oh, no problem,” the seller said quickly.
“Then why am I still here?”
“We just have to finish the transaction.”
“Then I suggest you do so.” Merrick stood to his full height and

gave the seller his usual don’t fuck with me glare. “I’m leaving now.
You have until the cargo bay doors close to finish this transaction or
you do not get paid.”

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With that, Merrick turned on his heel and started for the ramp

leading to the cargo bay. He heard the seller sputtering and glanced
over his shoulder to see Remy and the other two crew members
walking up the ramp right behind him.

“Did he get paid?”
“He got paid,” Remy replied as he hit the button to close the ramp.

“His fingers couldn’t move fast enough over that pad once you started
up the ramp. Nice work, General.”

“Yes, well…” Merrick clasped his hands together behind his back

and headed for the air lock. “I believe it would be in our best interest
to leave this godforsaken hellhole before whoever he was stalling for

As if his words had predicted the future, Tank’s voice came over

the intercom. “Commander, three Elite Force ships are entering the
atmosphere. If you would be so kind as to join me on the bridge, we
can get the fuck out of here.”

Remy chuckled, much to Merrick’s surprise. “I’m on my way,

Tank. We’re all clear down here. Take off.”

Merrick swayed a little bit and leaned his hand against the

bulkhead as the ship lifted off Nebular Nine. He righted himself and
headed for the air lock with everyone else. It took just a couple of
minutes for the air lock to pressurize and the door to the ship to open.

Merrick blinked and stepped back when he saw Pax standing

there, bouncing from foot to foot as he wrung his hands together. The
fear on his face sent a cold chill up Merrick’s spine. He just knew he
wasn’t going to like what the little blue man had to say.

“We have to go back,” Pax said quickly. “Shane and Gigi are still

on the planet.”

Merrick roared as his fist slammed into the bulkhead. He could

feel his fangs sliding from their sheaths. It couldn’t be stopped. His
vision blurred slightly, and Merrick knew the honey color was clearly
visible. “Go back!”

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“You’re a fucking vampire!” Remy shouted as he grabbed Pax

and threw the small blue man behind him. “You son of a bitch!”

Merrick stormed from the corridor as Remy came after him. The

commander had just revealed Merrick’s pantheon, and there was no
going back. He wouldn’t be surprised if Remy went back just to kick
Merrick off of his ship.

At the moment, Merrick didn’t give a shit. His mate had been left

behind on Nebular Nine, and Tank was going to turn this ship around
if Merrick had to strong-arm the man. He felt Remy quickly
approaching him. But instead of confronting Merrick, he rushed up
the stairs to the command deck.

Merrick wasn’t too far behind. He entered to the bridge to hear

Remy shouting, “Go get my fucking mate!”

“Commander,” Blade said as he stood, “I need you to think about

what you are asking. There are three Elite Force ships entering
Nebular Nine’s atmosphere. It would be suicide to turn around.”

Remy roared as he began to shift, making Merrick see the man in

a whole new light. He had assumed Remy didn’t take a damn thing
seriously. But the threat of his mate being left behind was making him
shift into his wolf form. Merrick had the same instinct, but held back.
Even though Remy had seen his eyes, seen his fangs, Merrick was not
used to revealing who he truly was.

“I would suggest a shuttle,” Tank said as he spun around. “It’s

quicker and can be hidden more easily than our ship.”

“I’m taking the shuttle,” Remy barked as he began to walk off of

the ship. “Take the ship to the other side of the planet and hold
position there. If you’re spotted, leave.”

“But, Commander. We can’t just—”
“Is there a fucking problem with my orders?” Remy shot at Crank.
“Not at all.”
Merrick walked behind Remy, refusing to be left behind on the

search-and-rescue mission.

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“I think it best you stay here,” Remy snapped as he made his way

down to cargo bay.

“Not on your life. Shane is my mate, and I won’t stay on board

while you risk your life.”

Remy froze, glancing over his shoulder at Merrick. A hard smile

lifted his lips as he raked Merrick with his eyes. “Does Shane know
you’re a fucking vampire?”

Merrick hissed as he walked past Remy.
“That’s not a damn answer,” Remy stated as they entered the

cargo bay. “And I want to know why you didn’t inform me of this
when you boarded my ship.”

Merrick spun around, stepping directly in front of the commander,

their eyes locking. “First of all, it was you who forced me onto your
ship. Second, I don’t go around advertising that I am one of the most
hunted, most feared creatures in any universe. If you are worried
about your crew and mates, don’t be. If I was as vile as my species is
made out to be, you and your crew would already be dead.”

“Get on the shuttle or get left behind,” Remy growled. “We’ll

discuss your species when we get back.”

Well, the man at least was allowing Merrick to return to the ship.

Merrick just wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Especially the
way Remy had reacted to finding out what Merrick was.

He may be the general, but Merrick knew that he didn’t have too

many places to go if Remy decided to leave him behind. Merrick
hadn’t made a lot of friends while on Tronos, but he had a plethora of
enemies that would love to hang him out to dry.

As much as he hated to admit it, Merrick needed the Lady Blue.

* * * *

Shane spun around in a circle, taking in the sights of the futuristic,

strange planet. His eyes widened as he looked at a man with tentacles
coming out of his head. There was another being that had his skeletal

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frame on the outside of his body. Shane couldn’t even tell if the
person was male or female.

And the smells, the smells were nothing like Shane had ever

experienced before. They were rich and aromatic, teasing his senses
and making his mouth water.

“I can’t believe I’m really here,” Shane shouted with joy as he

grabbed Gigi’s arm, pulling at it with excitement. “I’m on another
freaking planet!”

Gigi chuckled as he walked along. “You’re strange.”
Shane was bubbling with excitement as they wandered from stand

to stand. He pulled out his money that he had when Mo rescued him,
but Shane doubted it would be of any use in the future.

“What is that?” Gigi asked as he snatched the bills from Shane.
“It’s my money.”
Gigi examined the notes, turning them over and over in his hands.

“You used paper on Old Earth?”

“Well, yeah. What do you use here?”
Shane scratched his head. “I don’t have any of those. How am I

supposed to buy Merrick a gift?”

Gigi chuckled as he shoved Shane’s money into his pocket. “I’ll

give them to you. Just get whatever had you snuck off of the ship to
get. We won’t be here too much longer, and I don’t want to be left

Shane wasn’t sure what to buy. He had no concept of how credits

worked or what was cheap and what was expensive. He blushed when
they passed a stand with silk scarves. Shane vividly remembered
Merrick blindfolding him and tying him up. “Can I get a scarf?”

Gigi shrugged. “Sure.”
They walked over to the stand as Shane took in all the rich and

vibrant colors. A bloodred scarf stood out among the many
assortments, almost calling to Shane. He pulled it free from the pile
and ran it over his skin.

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Goose bumps broke out as he thought of Merrick tying him up

with this. “Are these expensive?”

Gigi snorted. “No. They’re Trillian silk. Pick more if you want.”
Shane did just that. He grabbed a black one with smoky swirls of

red lacing through the fabric and then a honey-colored one because it
reminded him of Merrick’s eyes when he wanted Shane.

“I’ll take these three.”
Gigi paid for the scarves and the vendor boxed the scarves. Shane

shoved the small box under his arm as they went to the next stand. He
noticed a sign to the right of the stand. The holographic image was of
a man hissing with long fangs and pale skin. For some reason, Shane
instantly thought of Merrick.

“What is that?” he asked as he pointed to the sign.
Gigi came over to where Shane was standing and looked up. “Oh,

that’s a wanted post of the vampire species. We’re supposed to report
one if we see one.”

Gigi had said it casually enough, but an ice-cold shiver ran down

Shane’s spine. He thought about when Merrick bit him when they
were having sex and knew in his heart that Merrick was one of the
wanted vampires.

“You don’t sound too worried,” Shane said nervously as his hand

reached up and rubbed over the spot Merrick had bitten him.

Gigi shrugged. “I think it’s all a lot of hype. Vampires are no

worse than any other species out here, but because they live off of
blood, everyone fears them. And”—Gigi turned around to face Shane,
a glint of anger in his eyes—“everyone knows that most men kill
what they fear.”

Shane could feel himself slightly shaking. The man who held his

heart was a vampire. He wasn’t trembling because of what Merrick
was. Shane was trembling because the man was feared and hunted. He
didn’t want to think of losing Merrick to ignorance or blind fury.
Merrick was a good man. He wasn’t some bloodsucking savage as the
post proclaimed him to be.

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“You ready?”
Shane wasn’t. He had wanted to get something very special for

Merrick, but all of a sudden he wanted to see the man, be held by him,
and know that the man he had fallen in love with was safe.

“Yeah,” Shane answered as he looked around at the crowd in the

marketplace. He wondered how many of these creatures would turn
Merrick in. The market had gone from a place of excited wonder to a
crowd of cutthroats.

“Then let’s get back before someone notices we left the ship.”
Shane followed behind Gigi, scanning the crowd and wondering

where Merrick was. He knew the general had disembarked on this
planet. Shane just prayed the man was safe. As they cleared the crowd
and walked onto the loading dock, Shane’s jaw dropped and his chest
tightened in fear.

“Goddammit, not again,” Gigi growled.

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Chapter 7

“Any idea where we should start looking first?” Merrick asked as

Remy landed the shuttle behind a large building. It was several blocks
from the loading dock so hopefully it wouldn’t be spotted if the Elite
Force did indeed land.

“I’d like to start at the loading dock and work our way back this

direction. I suspect that Shane and Gigi went shopping.” Remy rolled
his eyes upward and shook his head, a long exasperated sigh falling
from his lips. “It’s what Gigi would do.”

Merrick’s eyebrows rose. “Gigi does this often?”
“It’s happened.”
Merrick had hoped that his mate was more intelligent than that,

but considering he was also planetside with Gigi, it wasn’t looking
like it. Maybe he would seriously think about keeping his mate tied
down to his bed. It was looking like that was the smarter thing to do.

Merrick followed Remy off the shuttle and down a narrow

alleyway. He was nervous, scared, angry, worried, losing his freaking
mind. Just about any of those words described the chaos of emotions
racing through him at the moment. His mate was out on some
backwoods planet with no law, and the threat of the Elite Force
coming in at any moment was pretty much a given.

“Control yourself.”
Merrick blinked and all of a sudden realized that his claws were

extended and his eyes were turning. He could feel his gums itch with

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the need to drop his fangs and tear into whatever threat was after his

Merrick cursed then closed his eyes and took several calming

breaths. Once he felt like he was in control again, he slowly opened
his eyes and checked. Yep, his claws were gone and his gums no
longer ached. And he could tell his eyes were going back to normal as
well. His vision was clearing.

Never in his whole career had Merrick lost control, but being

around his mate seemed to bring his deepest need to protect to the
forefront, superseding his need to hide who he truly was.

“He really is your mate, isn’t he?” Remy asked.
“He is.”
“Have you claimed him?”
Merrick clenched his jaw at the personal question, but he

supposed the commander had the right to know. “I have.”

“Then we really need to hurry,” Remy said as he started down the

alleyway again, walking even faster than he had before.

“Why?” Merrick asked as he caught up with the man.
“If you claimed Shane then I would assume there is a bite mark on

his neck.”

“If anyone sees it, his life won’t be worth shit.” Remy had a deep

grimace on his face when he turned to look at Merrick. “That
particular type of bite isn’t easy to hide.”

Merrick’s breath caught in his throat, and he almost stumbled. By

claiming Shane as his mate, he had put him in danger. Vampires were
despised throughout the stars, the mates of vampires even more so.
They were considered lower than the low. They had no rights.

Merrick should have remembered that before claiming the man.

He just hadn’t been able to stop himself once Shane was in his arms.
Suddenly, the urgency of their trip took on a whole new meaning. If
they didn’t get to Shane and Gigi in time, both men could die, and it
would be all Merrick’s fault.

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Merrick started to round the corner of the alley when Remy

suddenly slammed a hand into his chest, pushing him back against the
side of the building. Merrick opened his mouth to argue with Remy
until he spotted the unmistakable uniform of the Elite Force walking
down the street.

“Sshhh.” Remy glared at Merrick. “We’ll just wait until they pass


Merrick leaned his head back against the brick wall behind him,

wishing he could just beat his head against the bricks. He hated being
hunted, of not being able to go where he pleased, when he pleased. He
hated hiding who he was just to do his job. Merrick was a damn fine
general, but because his species was so feared, he would no longer be
looked at for his credentials, but the species he was born into.

He imagined that it was a lot like how the crew of the Lady Blue

felt on a regular basis. Merrick had only been running for a few days.
The Lady Blue had been running for weeks, maybe even months. He
had read their jacket, the official one and the not-so-official one, but
the timelines were sketchy at best.

Once Remy signaled that the coast was clear, Merrick followed

him around the corner and through the streets. The crowd was thick.
That had the advantage of hiding them from whoever might be
looking for them. It also had the disadvantage of hiding anyone
looking for them. Merrick just had to hold on to the hope that Shane
and Gigi would stay out of trouble until they could find them.

“How much further?” Merrick asked.
“Just another block or two. I can see the loading dock from here.”
Merrick looked past Remy and down the street. The commander

was right. The large gate leading into the loading dock was just now
coming into sight. Luckily, since this was a black market planet, no
one was guarding the gate.

Merrick never thought he’d be grateful to be on a planet with no

laws or military presence to enforce those laws. But with no one

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guarding the gates, they could just walk right on in. Merrick’s steps
slowed the closer to the gate that they got.

They could just walk right on in… Why did that thought suddenly

stick in Merrick’s mind? Something about that idea bothered him a
great deal, and it was more than the fact that there were no police to
check who was coming and going into the loading dock.

When the man didn’t stop, Merrick jumped forward and grabbed

him by his shirt, pulling him to a stop in a doorway. He quickly
pushed him into the shadows of the doorway and watched the loading
dock gate.

Something was wrong.
“What are you doing, Merrick?”
Merrick shook his head. “Something is not right about this.”
“Yeah, our mates are missing.”
“No, I’m talking about the loading dock. Something is not right

about it.” Merrick just couldn’t shake the feeling. “I can’t quite tell
you what it is, but I know something is wrong.”

Remy stared at him for a long and intense moment then let out a

loud sigh. “Okay, I’ve been around you long enough to know you’re
not just yanking my chain. What exactly feels off?”

Merrick glanced back at the gates. “It’s the gates. There’s no one

guarding them.”

“There’s never anyone guarding them. This is an unlawful planet,


“That’s not it. I get it that there are never any guards, but anyone

could just walk right into the loading docks. Don’t you think that the
Elite Force would know that and expect us to rush in to save our

Merrick gulped when Remy’s face went stone-cold stiff. He

couldn’t ever remember looking into the eyes of death the way he was

“Only if they already know our mates need saving.”

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* * * *

Gigi sat there next to Shane watching one of the Elite Force

officers pacing the brig. Never in his life had he ever been this afraid
before. Not even when his master had owned him, or when he
kidnapped him from Remy when Gigi had escaped his clutches.
Drake had been a cruel bastard, but the eyes of this officer promised
Gigi untold pain.

What had him terrified was the fact that Gigi knew Remy would

sacrifice everything to save him.

Gigi glared heatedly at the officer when the man grabbed a fistful

of Gigi’s hair and yanked his head back. “You will cooperate or I will
slice your throat from ear to ear.”

The whimper was on Gigi’s lips, but he refused to allow the sound

to escape. Not because he was being brave. He knew when someone’s
threat was more than a threat. The officer would no doubt do just that.
The hard promise of death was shimmering in the man’s eyes. No, he
refused to whimper because Shane was seated next to him and the
human looked as though he was so terrified that he was going to pass
out. If Gigi gave in to whimpering, then Shane didn’t stand a chance.
The man would crack and tell everything he knew.

“Bring the recorder back over here,” the man commanded another


A recorder was brought over and set in front of Gigi and Shane.

He swallowed around the tightening muscles in his throat as the
recorder was activated. “Now, do as I instructed.”

Gigi felt the sweat drip down his back. They wanted him to tell

Remy where and when to meet them for an exchange. They wanted
Merrick. And Gigi knew it was much more effective to have Gigi
asking Remy than one of the Elite Officers.

But he couldn’t do it. Gigi couldn’t set Remy up like that. He had

heard whispers when they thought Gigi was still unconscious. Not

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only were they planning an exchange, but Remy’s execution. Their
theory was that if they killed Remy, then the Lady Blue would
crumble without their leader. He stared at the recorder, but the
rehearsed words failed him.

The officer who had threatened him roared as he stuck Gigi on the

side of the head with the butt of his phaser, making colorful splinters
dance in front of Gigi’s vision. “Do it or I will kill your friend.”

Shane did let a whimper fall from his lips as he shook, shaking his

head at Gigi. “Don’t do it.”

As badly as Gigi wanted to scream and shout into the recorder and

tell Remy it was a setup, he cleared his throat and gave the time and
coordinates for the rendezvous.

“Very good.”
The officers left Gigi and Shane in the brig as they laughed at

their victory.

“I’m sorry,” Shane said as he rested his head against the wall. “If I

hadn’t been so hyper about getting Merrick some sort of gift, we
wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Gigi shook his head as he turned to look at Shane. “No, if those

bastards hadn’t set Remy up in the first place we wouldn’t be in this
mess. It’s not your fault, Shane.”

It was Gigi’s fault for being so damn careless. He had let his

guard down while enjoying the sights and sounds of Nebular Nine and
he hadn’t even noticed the uniformed men sneaking up on them. He
just prayed Remy didn’t pay the price for his incompetence.

* * * *

Admiral Jordan Monroe stared at the encrypted file in front of

him, wondering how in the hell something like this could be
happening in his well-established administration. The lies and
betrayal had tentacles reaching out to so many that he wasn’t sure

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who he could trust. The treachery went as high as Ambassador Vystal
down to Commander Brystan Pierce and then trickled down the ranks.

Monroe was shocked. There were even foreign dignitaries and

lowly clerks in on the sedition. What exactly was going on? “Who has
seen this?” Monroe asked his assistant.

Kelvynté cleared his throat. “Only you, Admiral.”
Good god, Monroe was sitting here wondering if he could even

trust his assistant. The man had been at Monroe’s side for more years
than he could count, but with a list this large and widespread, he
wasn’t sure what to think anymore.

“Do you know who sent this?”
Kelvynté shook his head. “No, sir. It was sitting on my work

station when I arrived this morning.”

And there had been a retina scanner, a thumbprint identification,

and voice analysis for Monroe to perform before he could even open
the file. Whoever sent this was making damn sure Monroe was the
only one who could read it.

Now the question was, what the hell was he supposed to do with

this information?

* * * *

“Trashing the mess hall isn’t going to get Gigi back,” Merrick

snapped at Remy. “Think with your head, not with your beast.”

Remy grabbed the edge of the metal table, taking in deep and

measured breaths. Ever since they received the transmission from the
Elite Force with Gigi giving the coordinates of the exchange, Remy
had lost his mind. Merrick could hardly blame the man. Gigi had a
large bruise on the side of his face. But they weren’t going to get
anywhere until Remy calmed down.

“I have the most to lose in all of this. I should be the one tearing

the place apart. But I know a level head is what we need right now.”

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“They want you,” Remy growled as he stood. “I don’t see any

reason not to hand you over to get my mate back.”

Although Merrick knew it was the logical thing to do, it still stung

to hear how truly expendable he was.

“But there is just one problem with that solution,” Remy said as

he turned and then leaned against the table.

“And what would that be?” Merrick inquired. It was a clear-cut

solution to him. Exchange his life for that of Gigi and Shane. He
didn’t see a problem with the solution. Merrick accepted the
possibility of dying in the line of duty. It was assumed that when
holding a station as high as his that he would accumulate enemies
who would stop at nothing to eliminate Merrick from his position.

“The problem is, I don’t hand over any of my crew.” Remy

walked toward the mess hall doors, leaving Merrick standing there
stunned. The commander was willing to fight for him? Remy was
willing to play a dangerous game with the Elite Force even though the
enemy had both their mates?

He knew the man was nuttier than hell.
Merrick walked out of the mess hall. At least he managed to calm

the commander down. Now all they had to do was figure out their
game plan. The general went to the only place he knew would give
him solace at a time like this. He walked to his room and looked out
the window, watching the glowing white stars fly past him like white
jewels on a black, silk canvas. They were one light year away from
Nebular Nine, heading toward the coordinates given to them by
Remy’s mate.

He placed his hands on the window, wondering what his life

would be like with Shane if he didn’t have to keep up the pretense of
being human or wasn’t the general of the Elite Force. It would be so
simple to take Shane and disappear somewhere. Maybe even beyond
the Galaxias System. But Merrick knew in his heart that walking
away from his responsibilities wasn’t something he would ever do.

Even though it was tempting.

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He removed his hands from the window and turned when the

doors swooshed open, signaling him that someone was entering his
peaceful reprieve.

“General,” Colt said as he walked onto the observation deck. “The

commander wanted me to let you know that we are close to our
meeting place.”

Merrick nodded and then turned back around, dismissing Colt as

he once again gazed at his peaceful surroundings for the very last
time. Merrick knew that, no matter what Remy said, he would
exchange his life for Shane’s.

Sighing deeply, Merrick walked away to meet his destiny.

* * * *

“Remember what we discussed,” Remy said as they walked to the

shuttle bay. “Do not deviate from the plan.”

Merrick glared at the commander as the doors to the shuttle bay

opened. “I’m not an idiot, Commander. I perfectly understand your

“Our plan, General.”
That was debatable. The plan sounded good on the surface.

Merrick just didn’t see how it would work. The Elite Force wasn’t
going to give up until they were all captured or dead. And, as much as
Merrick didn’t like the idea of dying, he’d do anything to keep Shane

Shane was his one good thing. Even if Merrick died, he would go,

knowing he had experienced true happiness, if only for a brief time.
Knowing that Shane was out there somewhere, preferably safe, made
his decision much easier. Despite the grand plan Remy had in place, if
it came down to it, Merrick would walk to his death with open eyes.

“Knock it off, General.”
Merrick glanced over at Remy in surprise. Not because the

commander had said anything to him, but the softness in the man’s

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voice. He didn’t think Remington Vystal knew how to do anything
but yell.

“I know what you’re thinking, General.” Remy smirked. “But

only because me and every other man on this ship would be thinking
the very same thing if our mates were in trouble, and believe me,
we’ve all been through this. But give this plan a chance to work. If it
doesn’t, I’ll escort you to your death myself.”

Merrick wasn’t sure if that was a threat or not, but he was glad

that the commander understood his need to protect his mate. “I cannot
allow Shane to be hurt.”

“And you don’t think you dying will hurt him?”
Merrick winced when Mo shouted at him. A moment later, he was

standing there with his jaw hanging open as he rubbed the back of his
head where Mo had smacked him. When was the last time he had
allowed anyone to talk to him in that manner, let alone smack him?

“He’s in love with you, ya dipshit!”
Merrick glanced sharply around, his eyes blazing as icy fear

twisted around his heart. The implications of Mo’s words were more
widespread than Mo knew—even if Merrick ached to have them be
true. “No, he—”

“I’ve known Shane a lot longer than you have, General. We grew

up together.” Mo’s voice was quiet now, yet it held an undertone of
anger. “I know when he’s in love, and he’s in love”—Mo pointed a
finger at the general—“with you.”

Merrick clenched his jaw to kill the sudden sob in his throat. No

matter how much Merrick wanted to believe Mo’s words were true, it
didn’t change anything. In fact, it just made things more urgent for
him. If the people that had Shane were the same ones trying to kill
Merrick, then Shane’s life was in even more danger. If they found out
that Shane cared for him, they would use that knowledge against
Merrick’s mate.

“Breathe, General.”

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Merrick blinked and lifted his head, only then realizing he had

been bent over and practically hyperventilating as thoughts of losing
Shane filled his head. Remy stood next to him, rubbing his back.
Merrick swallowed hard and stood up straight, thankful when the
commander stepped back and gave him some space. He may be mated
now, and desperate as hell to get Shane back, but he was still a
general of the Elite Force. He didn’t need coddling. He needed to kill

“We’ve been doing this a long time, General,” Remy said. “And

believe me when I tell you that our mates have gotten into more
trouble than a whole platoon of cadets on a three-day furlough. We
have a plan in place. Just give it a chance to work before you throw
yourself on your sword.”

Merrick grimaced at Remy. “You know they will use him against

me if they find out he’s my mate.”

“Is that all you care about?” Mo shouted. “How Shane can be used

against you?”

Merrick’s darker side came to the forefront so fast, even he was

surprised. He hissed loudly as he grabbed Mo around the neck and
slammed him into the nearest bulkhead, curling his lip back to show
off his sharp fangs.

“Do not ever accuse me of not caring about my mate. Shane is all

that is good and right in this world, and I will not allow some sick
fuck to harm him because we are mated.”

Mo’s eyes were huge, dominating his face. “Dude! You’re a


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Chapter 8

Shane paced the cell, worried out of his mind. They had been in

there for what felt like years, and the longer Shane stayed away from
Merrick, the more his insides hurt. It felt as though someone was
yanking his organs out one by one as the hours passed. He never felt
this way before, and it baffled him.

He knew he loved Merrick, but this all-consuming detrimental

loss was killing him. He felt like his very soul was sinking into some
dark abyss.

“Sit down,” Gigi said from the small cot. “You pacing is starting

to make me nervous.”

“We should be nervous, Gigi. That’s the Elite Force out there.

They are a group of men that the Lady Blue personnel have been on
the run from for a very long time. If they were harmless, Remy and
his crew wouldn’t be trying to stay one step ahead of them.”

God, Shane was losing his mind without Merrick. His skin felt

like it was peeling right off of his body. Every time he tried to think
of something besides Merrick, his thoughts went right back to the
man. It was driving him mad.

What the hell was wrong with him?
“I’m well aware of who those men are, Shane. But pacing and

ranting isn’t going to get us out of here. We have to think. I’ve been
held captive before. Maybe not by an entire fleet of officers, but I
know that losing our minds isn’t the solution.”

Now Shane felt like shit. He exhaled deeply and then walked over

to the cot, taking a seat next to Gigi. “I’m sorry. I just feel crazy right

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now with worry. I miss Merrick so much that it feels as though my
head is splitting in two.”

Gigi sat up, looking Shane in his eyes. Shane leaned back. “Uh,

you don’t have to get that close. I doubt we’ll be here that long.”

Gigi rolled his eyes as he grabbed Shane’s face. “Your eyes,

they’re doing some weird ass shit. It’s like they don’t know if they
want to be hazel or honey colored.”

Shane snapped his head back, his hand immediately going to his

neck, making sure the collar of his shirt was hiding the bite mark
Merrick had given him.

“I know what honey-colored eyes mean, Shane. And if I were

you, I would try my hardest to keep my emotions in check. If one of
those men out there sees your eyes, we’re both screwed.”

“Why?” Shane asked as he glanced toward the plasma shield they

were secured behind. He wasn’t too sure how soundproof the damn
thing was.

“Why?” Gigi shook his head. “Because, Shane, a vampire is the

most hated species from one end of the galaxy to the other. If they
knew you were a vampire’s mate, you would be considered even
lower than a mucus trail. Now are you getting how serious this
situation is?”

Shane sat there stunned. It was the damn future for crying out

loud. Shouldn’t hate and prejudice have died when technology
advanced? He just couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “How do
you know I’m his mate?” Shane whispered.

“No one goes this crazy over someone they aren’t mated to.” Gigi

rubbed his chin for a moment then shrugged. “Well, they do, but you
don’t seem the type to lose your mind over some well-placed dick.”

Shane crinkled his nose. “That’s gross.”
Gigi shrugged, looking unrepentant. “It may be, but I’ve seen it

happen before. So now we have to figure out how to get out of here
before anyone else figures out you’re mated to a vampire.”

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That was easier said than done. They had a damn plasma shield in

front of them. Shane had a feeling that if they went anywhere near it,
their brains would instantly disintegrate—or some other body parts.

“We’ll have to wait until they lower the shield,” Gigi began.
“And then what?”
Gigi’s features became hard as stone. Shane had never seen the

man look so damn serious. He didn’t think Gigi knew how to look

“And then we fight to get the fuck off of this ship.”
“I’m not a very good fighter,” Shane admitted embarrassingly.
“Not physical.”
“Oh,” Shane said, but didn’t understand a damn thing the man was

saying. He just prayed the man knew what he was talking about or
they were both up the creek with not a paddle in sight.

Shane’s head lifted when the constant buzzing all around them

suddenly ceased.

“The shield is down,” Gigi whispered as he stood. “We have, like,

five seconds before whoever lowered it gets here. Let’s go.”

Shane quickly followed behind Gigi, holding his breath the whole

way as they raced from the room they had been held captive in. He
heard someone shout that the prisoners had escaped as soon as they
rounded a corner.

Their time was up. Now it was escape or…Shane wasn’t sure

what people did to escapees in the future, but he sure as shit didn’t
want to find out. Back on Old Earth, that person would most likely be
shot. And Shane didn’t want to be shot at…again. The first time really
sucked. He wasn’t a fan.

“In here,” Gigi whispered loudly as he pushed a screen aside and

leapt inside, Shane following behind the man. It looked like some
kind of duct system. He reached behind him and closed the grate and
then hurried to catch up.

As they crawled through the ship, Shane could only hear the

whirring sounds of machines and the low thrum of the propulsion

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system. He was actually proud of himself for knowing what those
sounds were. See, it paid to watch all those sci-fi movies after all.

Shane stopped when Gigi stopped. He looked over his shoulder,

holding a finger to his lips for Shane to be quiet. Shane nodded.

“I don’t care if they hand General Merrick over on a silver

fucking platter. I want the entire crew of the Lady Blue. I could care
less why Merrick is on the run. Do you know the medals alone that I
would receive for capturing the most wanted men in history?”

Those bastards! This was all a setup. He had to find a way to warn

Merrick. Shane could feel the rage shooting through him like a
lightning storm. Merrick and the crew had done nothing wrong, and
yet they were being hunted down like rabid dogs.

He could feel his pulse throbbing in his neck as he thought of

killing the bastards that set the crew up. Shane jerked when he noticed
his fingernails elongating. What the fuck? Oh god, what was
happening to him?

Gigi slowly crawled forward on his belly, not making a sound.

Shane took in deep and measured breaths, trying his best to get some
sort of control over his body. He would question the changes in him
later. Right now he needed to concentrate on surviving this ordeal.

They twisted around a few corners, up an incline, and slowly slid

down a slope, but thankfully Gigi finally pushed open a grate,
slipping out of the duct system.

“Come on.” Gigi pulled Shane along as they crept around one

corner after another until they were in some sort of oversized shuttle
bay. The place was ten times as big as the one on Remy’s ship.

They hid behind crates as some officers walked the perimeter,

talking. Shane yanked on Gigi’s shirt. “Do you seriously think we can
get to one of those shuttles unnoticed? It looked easy as pie in Star
, but I have a feeling we’re not going to be as lucky.”

“Star what?” Gigi asked as he pulled his shirt from Shane’s grip.
“Never mind.”
Gigi rolled his eyes. “Just do as I say when I say.”

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Shane nodded, feeling his heart beating so fast that he thought he

was going to pass out. He prayed to god he was as good as Han Solo.

* * * *

“They’re stalling us,” Remy growled as they stood at the console

of the shuttle. “Every time I try to hail communications, they ignore

“Do you think something has happened to our mates and that’s

why they’re stalling us?” Merrick asked. He wasn’t getting a good
feeling from this. His gut was telling him it had everything to do with
his and Remy’s mates. Maybe the Elite Force accidently killed Shane
and Gigi and they were scrambling at this very moment to cover it up.

“It’s a very strong possibility.” Remy chuckled, which Merrick

found totally inappropriate under the circumstances, but he wasn’t
going to question the commander, not when he needed Remy to
rescue his mate. “Gigi has a small issue with people telling him what
to do or holding him hostage. He doesn’t like to play by the rules.”

Oh, well that explained everything. Merrick rolled his eyes, trying

to ignore the urge to kick Remy. And it was a very strong urge. “What
if we just fly the shuttle in anyway? If they are so bent on exchanging
me for Shane and Gigi, they probably won’t shoot at us.”

Probably is the key word here, General. If this is a setup like we

suspect, they might not shoot at us but they will have an entire
platoon of soldiers waiting for us the moment we land.”

“I’m open to suggestions at this point, Remy.” He was open to

anything that would get his mate back to him. Merrick started to grow
nervous when Remy’s head cocked to one side and the man regarded
him intently. “What?”

“How do you feel about spacewalking?”
“I’ve done it,” Merrick replied. “We all have. It’s part of our

training for Elite Force.”

“Are you any good at it?”

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“I didn’t kill myself or anyone else.” Merrick crossed his arms

over his chest. “And that’s all I’m willing to say.”

Remy snickered. “Then maybe I’d better go.”
“Go where?” Merrick walked over to the porthole and waved his

hand to the large Elite Force battleship just off their bow. “They’re
watching everything we do. How in the hell do you expect to
spacewalk anywhere without them seeing you?”

“They are watching us, true, but there’s one point when they can’t

see anything, and that’s when a shuttle is actually landing. They can
see inside the shuttle bay, and they can see outside the shuttle bay.
They cannot see the actual entrance to the shuttle bay except by the
human eye.”

Realization suddenly dawned on Merrick. “So, if someone were

to, say, be on the outside of the shuttle and jettison away just as the
shuttle flew through the doors…”

“He could successfully land inside the shuttle bay before they

pressurized it and find a place to hide.”

“But what about the platoon of soldiers they might have waiting

for us?”

“They can’t bring that platoon into the shuttle bay until it’s

pressurized.” Remy grinned. “That’s plenty of time for someone to
get inside and hide.”

Merrick thought about it for a moment. The plan made pretty

good sense. Even Merrick could see that. “Just promise me one thing,

Remy arched an eyebrow in query.
“If the plan goes bad, get Shane the hell out of here. I can take

care of myself. I do not want my mate in danger any more than he
already is.” Merrick couldn’t begin to express how important this was
to him. “Promise me, Remy.”

Remy nodded. “I promise, but I want the same promise from you.

Whoever has the first chance to get out of here with both mates, does

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so. Whoever is left behind will fend for himself until such time as
another rescue mission can be mounted.”

“No!” Merrick shouted. “If I’m taken prisoner, I’ll deal with it. I

don’t want Shane or the crew of the Lady Blue to be put in any more
danger. Take everyone and get the hell out of here. Fly beyond End of
the Line if you have to. Just go and don’t come back.”

“That’s not an option, General.” Remy’s jaw clenched. “The crew

of the Lady Blue does not leave its members behind.”

“I am not one of your crew!”
“The hell you’re not.” Merrick’s eyes widened when Remy leapt

across the space between them and jabbed a finger in his chest. “You
are just as much a crew member of the Lady Blue as any man on that
ship. And I will not leave a man behind.”

Merrick sat down when his legs suddenly refused to hold him

upright again. “You really consider me one of your crew?” Saying he
was stunned would have been an understatement. He was totally
flabbergasted, and strangely touched.

A very odd reaction for him.
“Look, General.” Remy stepped away, brushing his hand through

his hair. “I know you don’t have any plans to make the Lady Blue
your permanent residence. You would never be happy there for the
long term. But you’ve been accepted by my men as a member of our
crew. Each one of them would give their lives for you, and for Shane.
That’s what being a crew is all about. We fight for one another.”

“I don’t want to get anyone killed.”
“Neither do I.” Remy laughed roughly. “But two of our men, two

very important men, are currently being held prisoner by someone
who wants both of our heads on a platter. I, for one, do not plan to
allow myself to be handed over to them, and I’m not going to let them
hold my mate any longer than necessary.”

Merrick felt a moment of complete panic hit him. He stared down

at his hands, nervously twisting his fingers together. “I want Shane
safe. Ultimately, I’d like to get this fucking showdown over and done

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with and spend the rest of my life making Shane happy, but I don’t
know if that’s going to happen. Shane’s safety is my first goal.”

“As Gigi’s safety is for me.” Remy stepped over and sat down in

the seat next to Merrick. “So, let’s see what we can do to get both of
our mates to safety. The first goal is their safety. The secondary goal
is our safety and escape. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Merrick shook the hand that Remy held out to him. For

once, he felt like he and the commander were on the same page. They
both wanted the same thing—the safe return of their mates.

Remy stood and went to the closet that held the space suits. He

pulled one out and grimaced as he looked down at the skintight
Illuminar material that would keep him alive in the uninhabitable
areas of space. “All bets are off if you say anything about my fat

Merrick merely arched an eyebrow at Remy and then turned back

to the console to try the communication system again. It also gave
Remy the privacy he needed to put on the suit. He was still a little iffy
about the plan, but he was pretty sure he had the basics down.

He had the easy part. All he needed to do was fly the shuttle into

the shuttle bay and land it. From there, depending on who was waiting
for him, he had to do some fancy talking to stall until Remy could do
whatever it was he had to do. Hopefully, somewhere in all of the
chaos, they would be able to locate Shane and Gigi.

“Okay, I’m ready.”
Merrick turned to see Remy suited up from head to toe. He made

sure he didn’t look at the man’s butt. “How do you want to do this?”

“Pressurize the command deck. I’ll go out through the cargo

hatch.” Remy started to walk toward the back of the shuttle, pausing
when he reached the air lock door to look over his shoulder. “Just be
careful when you enter the shuttle bay. I’ll be hanging on to the outer
hull of the ship until we get through the doors.”

Merrick’s throat felt thick, too thick to say anything, so he just

nodded. Commander Remington Vystal was doing exactly what he

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had said he would do—putting his life in danger for one of his crew.
It was a strange feeling for Merrick. Not since his mother passed
away had anyone cared enough about him to not try and get
something from him. Remy was asking for nothing but what Merrick
had asked for—help in saving his mate.

“Hang on tight, Remy. I’ll land the shuttle as easily as possible,

but we still have no idea who is waiting for us.”

“Just land the damn thing. I’ll take care of the rest.”
Merrick waited until the air lock closed behind Remy and the

small command deck pressurized, and then he made one last attempt
to contact the Elite Force ship. When he received no reply, he aimed
the shuttle toward the landing bay and started bringing the shuttle in.

If this didn’t work, maybe he would see how well the Elite Force

could fight a really pissed-off vampire whose mate was being held

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Chapter 9

“Uh-oh?” Shane swallowed hard. Uh-oh wasn’t good, was it?

“What do you mean uh-oh?”

“I think we might have a problem,” Gigi said as he started looking

wildly around the shuttle bay.

“What sort of problem?” What could be worse than being held

captive by the very men who wanted to kill their mates?

“There’s a shuttle coming in.”
“So?” Maybe in the chaos of another ship landing, they could

steal a shuttle and escape.

“A shuttle cannot land in a shuttle bay that is pressurized. They

have to let all of the air out first then put a gravity shield across the
doors and depressurize the bay before anyone can come out.
Otherwise, everything inside of the bay will get sucked out into space
the second the shield goes down.”

Even Shane knew that wasn’t a good idea. And he was really not

liking the panic on Gigi’s face. “And?”

“And there will be no air for us to breathe when they depressurize

the shuttle bay. We need to either get the hell out of the here or find
some space suits.”

Shane instantly envisioned the huge white space suit that Neil

Armstrong had worn when landing on the moon in 1969. They’d
never be able to get away in those bulky suits. “We are so screwed.”

Shane’s eyes widened when everyone suddenly left the shuttle

bay. He knew what was coming. Gigi just told him what was coming.
And he prayed all the oxygen wasn’t sucked out of his body.

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“We have to go now or suit up.”
“I think we should go. Even if we suit up, we may not get this

opportunity again. We don’t know the next time those doors will be
open,” Shane argued. “We have to risk getting out of here in order to
save our mates.”

Gigi gave a tight nod. “Then we make a run for the shuttle.”
Shane hoped he was right as the two took off toward the shuttle.

Gigi scrambled to open the shuttle, and then they both hopped inside,
closing the shuttle door behind them.

“Get us out of here!” Shane shouted as he ran to the back of the

shuttle and saw the Elite Force soldiers gathering at some large
viewing window. As far as Shane could tell, no one had spotted them.

“They are depressurizing the shuttle bay,” Gigi said as he took a

seat at the helm. “This is a little different than what I’m used to, but I
think I can manage to fly us out of here.”

“I hope you’re right. Once those doors are opened, we won’t have

much time.” Shane crossed his fingers and held his breath as the
shuttle bay doors opened to the velvety black-colored space.

“Here we go,” Gigi said loudly as he started the shuttle and then

took off before the bay doors had a chance to close behind them.
Shane shouted when they almost clipped another shuttle on its way
into the bay.

Looking over his shoulder, Shane gaped at the sight. “The shuttle

that was going into the ship is now chasing after us!”

“They couldn’t have sent anyone that fast,” Gigi said as he

maneuvered the shuttle away from the ship. “There’s no way.”

“Not unless some of their men were on that shuttle,” Shane

pointed out.

“Then you better hold on. I’m about to lose them.”
Shane planted his hands above his head on the ceiling as Gigi

engaged in evasive maneuvering. Shane was sure he was going to be
sick. The shuttle dipped and banked, making Shane feel like he was

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on a roller coaster ride back on Old Earth. He had hated those things
even back then.

“I’m hailing communication with the Lady Blue so they can give

me their coordinates,” Gigi said from the helm.

Shane just nodded, swallowing a few times and praying he didn’t

toss his cookies. He just categorized shuttles with roller coaster rides
and crossed them off of his list. It wasn’t something he ever wanted to
experience again.

“Okay, I have the coordinates,” Gigi whooped. “We’re heading

home, Shane.”

Shane glanced out the small porthole at the back of the shuttle.

“But the other shuttle is still hot on our trail.”

“I alerted the crew. They’ll be waiting for the other shuttle once

we reach our ship.”

Shane took a seat next to Gigi and prayed they made it back

safely. This adventure wasn’t as much fun as he thought it would be.
He didn’t really care to get kidnapped and have plasma shields
erected around him. He didn’t like getting shot at or running for his
life, either. It was heart pounding and nerve-racking.

And Shane missed Merrick terribly.
The feeling of being torn apart from not having Merrick close was

only growing stronger. Shane rubbed his sternum, wondering why it
hurt so much to be away from the general.

“There she is!” Gigi pointed as the Lady Blue came into sight.
Shane had never been so relieved in his life. He wanted to kiss the

floor of the shuttle bay once they landed.

“Let’s land this baby and get back to our mates.”
Shane was all for that. He wanted to feel Merrick’s arms wrapped

tightly around him. He worried that the man wouldn’t show him any
affection in front of the other men, but Shane didn’t give a shit at this
point. He was going to grab Merrick and kiss him until they both
passed out from lack of oxygen.

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Gigi maneuvered the shuttle into the bay expertly and then shut

the contraption down. Shane never in his life wanted to ride one of
these things again. He was still slightly dizzy from the harrowing
escape they just pulled off.

“This isn’t good,” Gigi whispered as he exited the shuttle.
Shane hurried out of the metal contraption to see the other shuttle

docking. What the hell? Since when did the Lady Blue allow the Elite
Force entrance?

“Run!” Gigi shouted as they both spun around and headed for the

pressurized chamber between the shuttle bay and the corridor.

“Get off of me!” Shane shouted when an arm grabbed him around

his waist and pulled him to a stop. There was no way he was going
back to that ship. They would have to kill him first.

“Settle, casara.”
Shane almost shouted with joy at the sound of Merrick’s voice.

He pushed until he was spun around, facing the man who had stolen
his heart. “Merrick!”

Shane threw his arms around Merrick’s neck, planting kisses all

over his face as Merrick chuckled. Never in his life was he so glad to
see anyone. And Shane noticed that the overwhelming feeling of loss
was gone now that he was back in Merrick’s arms.

They really needed to discuss that.
“Come on, rebels,” Remy said as he walked to the shuttle bay’s

doors, Gigi clinging to his side. “We need to get out of this area of
space and find some hole to climb into while we rest up. Elite Force
will be looking for us.”

Shane didn’t want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay right where

he was, in Merrick’s arms, but he did want to get as far away from the
Elite Force’s ship as possible. Space wasn’t turning out to be quite as
grand as he had envisioned.

He walked next to Merrick to the bridge, relishing in the fact of

having Merrick’s strong arm around his shoulder, although he was
surprised it was there at all considering they were in public and

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everyone could see them. Something had changed inside the man, and
whatever it was, Shane was tremendously grateful.

“I see it went well,” Blade said as they entered the bridge.
“It went to hell,” Remy replied as he took a seat, Gigi sitting right

on his lap. “Nothing went according to plan.”

“How so?” Colt asked as he turned around.
“I was suited up and hanging on the side of the hull, all ready to

take a space walk as soon as we reached the shuttle bay on the Elite
Force ship, but then this shuttle came shooting out of the bay. It went
right past us. I thought the general was going to sling me off of the
side of the damn shuttle, he spun around so fast.” Remy glared at
Merrick and then grinned. “Once I got back inside, he said he spotted
Gigi flying the other shuttle.”

“That’s because Gigi broke us out and then we escaped,” Shane

said excitedly. He sat there retelling the story of him and Gigi almost
dying as they ran from their cells. And then how mice almost ate them
alive in the ventilation ducts, to how they had to blast their way out of
the shuttle bay. And Gigi played right along, embellishing the story
even further.

“My god!” Tank said as he laid his hand on his chest, mock shock

on his face. “You were lucky to get away with your lives!”

“At least now we have another shuttle,” Remy boasted proudly.
“You can’t keep it,” Merrick said from across the bridge.
“It’s a casualty of war,” Remy argued. Shane was starting to think

he did it just to rile the general. “I can keep it.”

“No,” Merrick countered. “You will return it.”
“Okay,” Remy answered with a smirk on his face. “Just as soon as

we’re cleared of all charges, I’ll return their property.”

Shane could see Merrick fighting not to grin. He was surprised by

the changes in the man in just one day. It was like a whole new
Merrick sitting next to him. “Fair enough.”

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“Damn right it is,” Remy said as he stood and tossed Gigi over his

shoulder. “Tank, get us the hell out of here. I’m taking Gigi to our
quarters to…Later.”

Shane watched as the commander raced from the bridge.

Everyone knew exactly what Remy and Gigi were about to do. Shane
glanced up at Merrick, praying he was about to get the same, if not

“How do you feel?” Merrick asked as he leaned in close.
Shane didn’t want to talk about how he felt. He wanted to get

fucked into outer space. “Horny,” he replied as he stood. “And
whether you join me or not, I’m going to have sex…with myself if I
have to.”

Merrick’s eyes turned that pretty honey color Shane loved so

much, and a low rumble started in his chest. Shane saw the man’s
nostrils flare as he stood and advanced toward him. Shane spun
around and took off, running as fast as he could toward Merrick’s
quarters. He could barely hear the footfalls behind him, but knew
Merrick was gaining fast.

Damn it! He didn’t know the code to Merrick’s room, so the chase

ended at the door. Pity. Merrick seemed to really like hunt-and-prey.
It must be a vampire thing. Maybe they could play it again next time,
or…Shane’s mind fragmented when he was suddenly spun around
and slammed into the bulkhead right next to Merrick’s door.

A hard, hungry mouth captured his, plundering, exploring, and

demanding Shane’s complete surrender. Shane groaned and molded
his body to Merrick’s. It felt so damn good to be back in the general’s
arms. Every ache and pain was gone, replaced by overwhelming joy.

Shane pulled back to stare up into Merrick’s golden eyes. “I have


“That is to be expected, casara,” Merrick murmured as he stroked

his knuckles down the side of Shane’s jaw. His eyes roamed over

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Shane’s face, almost as if he had to look upon each feature. “The
longer we are together, the more of my traits you will take on.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a vampire?” Shane smirked

when Merrick’s jaw dropped. “What? You didn’t think I would find

“You are a smart man, Shane. I knew you’d eventually figure it


Shane could see that Merrick was backpedaling as fast as he

could. Despite what he said, Shane doubted that the general truly
expected him to discover his little secret. “And yet, you still seemed
surprised. Why is that?”

“I did not expect you to figure it out quite so fast.” Merrick leaned

back, rubbing his hand down his face. “I wanted a little more time to
try and explain it to you.”

“Maybe you could start with explaining why I felt like I was

going to die when we were apart.”

Shane didn’t expect Merrick to suddenly pale then shove him into

his quarters. He stumbled a few steps inside the room and spun
around to confront Merrick for his rough behavior only to find the
man leaning his forehead against the closed door.

“Vedic,” Shane said, using the general’s more intimate first name.

He stroked his hand down Merrick’s back, trying to give the man he
loved some measure of comfort. “What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t want this for you, casara.”
“Want what?” A shiver of foreboding shook Shane’s body. “Is it

because of the wanted posts?”

Merrick glanced over his shoulder, his eyebrows drawn together

as he frowned in confusion. “Wanted posts?”

“There were wanted posts for vampires down on Nebular Nine.

Gigi explained to me what they were.” Shane shrugged. “That’s when
I knew you were a vampire. You have the same honey-colored eyes
when you’re angry or…horny.”

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“Yes, in part it is because of the wanted posts.” Merrick sighed

and walked over to stare out at the stars as he often did. “My species
is hunted throughout this galaxy and many others. We’ve been hunted
almost to extinction. The threat of death is a constant companion.”

“Fear, I suppose. At one time, vampires ruled the galaxy. We went

where we wanted and did what we wanted. Truthfully, I believe we
were out of control, taking that which did not belong to us. When the
Federation of United Planets came into power, they outlawed
vampires and the taking of blood to sustain our lives. And then they
started hunting us.”

“How did you escape them?”
Merrick cast a small, sad smile over his shoulder. “My father saw

what was coming. He forbade me from ever showing my vampiric
side to anyone and taught me to be fully human. We integrated into
human society and hid our other halves. And it worked for many

“Until now,” Shane said.
“Until you,” Merrick countered.
“Me?” Shane squeaked. “What did I have to do with it?”
“You are my mate, casara.” Shane swallowed hard when a lump

of emotion began to form in his throat at the feral gleam in Merrick’s
honey-colored eyes as the man stalked him across the room. “I had
forgotten that such a thing could happen.”

“What? That we could be mated?”
“No, casara, what we have between us is much more than a

mating. It is a soul bond.”

“Wha–what’s that?” Merrick was staring down at him like he had

his entire world right before him. Shane didn’t know what to think of
that except that he liked it. A lot.

“There is a legend among my people that some mates will have a

connection that goes beyond merely mating. It goes all of the way
down to the soul. Very few experience it. In fact, I have never known

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of a vampire who had such a bond in my lifetime. It is sacred to us
and much sought after.”

Shane licked his dry lips and tried to form the words that he

wanted to speak. It wasn’t easy when his mind was jumping from
thought to thought to thought. “What makes you think we have a soul
bond?” he finally whispered.

“The overwhelming grief I felt when you were not at my side.”

Merrick wrapped his hands around Shane’s face and began planting
small kisses over his skin in between speaking. “I wanted to die
without you, casara. I wanted to kill those who took you from me.
And I wanted them to die slowly, painfully.”

“Only the strong presence of the commander kept me from going

completely feral. My heartache was such that I would have killed
myself if I had not gotten you back.” Merrick’s eyes stared intently
into Shane’s, the golden eyes never wavering. “I am afraid, casara, I
can no longer live without you.”

“I’m sorry.”
Merrick’s lips curved upward. “I am not.”
Shane was elated. But he was also scared to death. “Won’t I put

you in more danger?”

“There is always danger, casara. There always will be. It is the

nature of the world you now live in. But, know this, Shane Miller, I
will do everything within my power to make sure that you are safe. I
will not allow anyone to take you from my side again. I could not bear

“Wow.” Shane’s heart fluttered madly in his chest. “When you

decide something, you go all out, don’t you?”

“As you may have learned from that little stunt your brother

pulled when he rescued you from Old Earth, decisions have
consequences, good and bad. I learned early on, maybe because of
what I am or what my father wanted of me, that if I was going to
decide something, I had to do it with every fiber of my being. There

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was no going back and reversing my decision later. It seems to work
for me, for the most part.”

“So, you’ve decided that we can be together then?”
Merrick’s lips instantly curled up. “I have.”
Shane chuckled lightly. He knew that his life with Merrick was

going to be interesting as hell. The man was so stubborn he gave new
meaning to the word. “And if I have other plans?”

“Let me convince you.”
Shane let out a very unmanly sounding yelp when he was

suddenly lifted into the air and tossed onto the bed. He pushed himself
up on his arms and looked toward the bottom of the bed. Whatever air
had been in his lungs a second ago left in a large whoosh as Shane
watched Merrick start to slowly peel off his clothes.

It was erotic as hell. The man moved with a natural grace that had

drool pooling in Shane’s mouth before Merrick even got his shirt all
of the way off. “If you ever decide to stop being a general, you’d
make millions as an exotic dancer.”

Shane pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it away. He pushed

his shoes off his feet and then quickly shed his pants. Once he was
naked, he scooted up toward the head of his bed and settled back
against the pillows.

Merrick was just standing there staring at him, his shirt halfway

off. Shane wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he palmed his hard
cock. “Don’t stop now, General. I’m enjoying the show.”

Shane was totally shocked when Merrick’s face filled with color.

That was not something he had been expecting out of the self-assured
man. Merrick wore his confidence like a second shirt. It was in
everything he did or spoke. To see the man embarrassed was
something new.

It was kind of cute.
“You’re very sexy.”
“I’m a lot older than you, Shane.”

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“I like older men.” The slight growl and curling back of Merrick’s

upper lip was instantaneous. Shane’s eyes widened. “Older man,” he
quickly explained as he held up his hand. “I like one older man.”

Since Merrick didn’t seem to be in any great hurry to finish

stripping off his clothes, Shane decided he needed to help. He turned
over onto his hands and knees and crawled down to the bottom of the
bed, hoping his movements seemed sexy and not totally desperate.

“Need some help there, General?”
Shane’s eyes snapped up to Merrick when he heard another low

growl. The honey color was deepening, which was a good thing in
Shane’s estimation, but there was still a curl in Merrick’s lip. Shane
quickly went over what he had said in his head, trying to figure out
what had set the general off. He grinned when it finally hit him.

He reached for the edge of Merrick’s shirt. “May I, sir?”
Merrick’s nostrils flared. His eyes darkened, turning a deep amber

color. Shane tried not to let his satisfaction at Merrick’s reaction show
on his face as he pushed Merrick’s shirt off his shoulders. The man
seemed to have no resistance to the word sir, and Shane didn’t have
one single guilty feeling about using it to get what he wanted.

And right now, he wanted the general naked.
Shane climbed off the bed and knelt at Merrick’s feet. He helped

the man out of his knee-high boots and then his pants. Once the
general was naked, Shane lifted his head and raked his eyes down the
man’s impressive form. Merrick might have been older than him but
he kept in shape. He was all lean muscle and smooth skin.

Shane rested his hands on Merrick’s hip bones. Keeping eye

contact, he opened his mouth and slowly lowered it over Merrick’s
jutting cock. A slightly bitter tangy flavor instantly filled his mouth. It
wasn’t sweet by any means, but Shane instantly knew he would be
addicted to the taste for the rest of his life. It was the taste of
Merrick’s pleasure.

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Shane couldn’t get all of Merrick’s length down his throat without

choking—yet—but there were a lot of other things he could do. He
started with licking the head of Merrick’s cock, running his tongue
just under the mushroomed head and then up to the slit on top. Shane
groaned, a small shudder working its way through his body, when
more pre-cum splashed against his tongue.

“You’re so good at that, casara,” Merrick whispered as his hands

fisted in Shane’s hair. “Maybe too good.”

Shane didn’t think he was that particularly good at giving blow

jobs. He didn’t have that much experience with them, but if Merrick
liked it, who was he to argue? Besides, could a person actually be too
good at something?

When Merrick started slowly thrusting into his mouth, it took

Shane a moment to get used to the sensation. He quickly figured out
all he needed to do was keep his cheeks hollowed out, his lips closed
tight, and his tongue working up and down Merrick’s cock, and the
man was pretty damn happy.

“I’m going to come, casara.”
Shane tightened his hands on Merrick’s hips, silently letting the

man know it was okay. He was just about as good at swallowing as he
was at giving blow jobs, but he’d give it his best shot.

“Shane!” Merrick shouted. His hands suddenly tightened in

Shane’s hair to the point of pain. His body stiffened, and then Merrick
was coming, shooting load after load of hot, spicy cum down Shane’s

Shane swallowed as much as he could, and then licked up what

leaked out of his mouth. He felt his cheeks flush when another
unmanly yelp fell from his lips as Merrick lifted him up and tossed
him on the bed again. He had to stop doing that.

Shane had barely stopped bouncing before Merrick was up on the

bed and hovering over the top of him. The feral glint in Merrick’s
eyes only deepened the golden-honey color in them. But the intensity
in their depths was unmistakable.

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“Vedic,” Shane whispered as he cupped the side of Merrick’s

face. There was something powerful in this moment, more so than any
other time he had been with Merrick, which admittedly hadn’t been

“You are not afraid?”
Shane’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Of what?”
Merrick bared his fangs, a small low hiss coming out of his


Shane seriously wanted to roll his eyes, but he knew Merrick was

serious. Instead of telling Merrick he was crazy, Shane reached up
and stroked his finger down one of Merrick’s white fangs, grinning
when the man shuddered.

“Do you want to bite me, Vedic?”
Merrick’s eyes instantly snapped to the pulse beating in his throat.

His corded throat muscles moved as he swallowed hard. “You have
no idea.”

“I’m all yours,” Shane whispered as he tilted his head back and

bared his throat to Merrick. His long groan filled the room when he
felt Merrick’s tongue lick a line up his throat. “Gods, yes!”

“I need to get you ready, Shane.” Merrick groaned as he buried

his face in the crook of Shane’s neck. “I want to fuck you while I
drink from you.”

Shane shuddered at the image. “Oh yeah, that would be good.”

The idea of Merrick fucking him at the same time he sank his fangs
into Shane’s neck was almost enough to make Shane come right there
on the spot.

“Please, sir.” He was so not above begging.
He spread his legs and hitched his hips up, angling them so

Merrick had better access. If the general didn’t get a move on, Shane
was going to come without him. It was all he could do to hold his
orgasm off as it was. He could feel the need pulsing inside of him,
making his balls pull up tight against his body.

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“I love the way your body reacts to me, casara,” Merrick

murmured as he went to work on Shane’s body. “That is an effect of
being a vampire’s mate. We crave each other, need one another like
we need air. The closer connected that we are, the better we feel.”

Shane could see that. He never felt as complete as he did when

Merrick was balls deep inside of him. Just being beside the general
was wonderful. Making love with him was mind-boggling. Knowing
that he could have both was better than being in outer space.

“I love you, Vedic.” Shane sucked in his bottom lip and nervously

chewed on it as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He hadn’t
expected to say them until they were already said. And he had no idea
how Merrick would react to them.

His heart sank when Merrick stilled. He knew they had a

connection, but maybe Merrick didn’t feel what he felt. Maybe the
connection only went so deep on Merrick’s side. Shane turned his
head away, not wanting Merrick to see the tears starting to gather in
his eyes. Merrick was giving him the world as it was. He shouldn’t be
greedy and ask for the entire universe.

“Merrick!” Shane shouted when his legs were suddenly pushed

back to his chest and the general pushed all of the way inside his ass
in one deep thrust. His eyes snapped up to Merrick’s, his jaw
dropping in awe at the hunger he saw shining clearly in the man’s

Was it something he said?
Merrick’s fangs were totally bared, as if they had extended to their

full length. His pointed claws dug into Shane’s sides, the pain
surprisingly adding to the intensity of pleasure swamping Shane’s
body. But it was the way Merrick pounded into him, as if the man had
totally lost control of himself, that really set Shane off.

“Mine!” Merrick growled.
Shane was more than okay with that. He tilted his head back,

willingly giving the general his submission. Merrick hissed and
struck, his sharp fangs slicing easily into the flesh of Shane’s throat.

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Shane could feel each pull of Merrick’s mouth as the man drank

from him. It was erotic as hell. It felt like Merrick was sucking on his
cock. It was something Shane knew he would crave in the future, and
as often as possible. Merrick could drink from him anytime.

“Always mine,” Merrick snapped after he pulled his fangs free of

Shane’s neck and licked the bite mark closed. “Only mine.”

“Yes,” Shane groaned. “Only yours. Only ever yours.”
“My mate.” Merrick started punctuating his words with the thrust

of his hips.

“Yes,” Shane whispered.
“My soul bond.”
“My casara.”
“My love.”
“Yes!” Shane screamed this time, Merrick’s words sending him

right over the edge without a touch to his cock. His world became one
of pleasure and ecstasy, nothing else existing except the man in his
arms. They could have been invaded by Elite Force and Shane
wouldn’t have cared. Only Merrick was important.

Shane’s pleasure overwhelmed him. He could feel the bond

between them like a tangible string wrapping them together. Nothing
in his wild imagination had prepared him for what he was feeling, for
feeling what Merrick was feeling.

And Merrick was feeling so much—the uncertainty of having a

mate for the very first time in his life, the fear of losing Shane, the
need to keep him safe. But most importantly, Shane could feel
Merrick’s love. It surrounded him and sank into his bones.

“Love you, Vedic!” Shane knew he would need to say it often for

Merrick to truly believe it, even if the man could feel it coming from
him. Not everyone believed what they were feeling, especially if they
didn’t think they were worthy deep down inside. Shane would need to
fix that.

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Merrick was his mate now, his world, the very core of his

existence. Shane would do whatever it took to make sure the general
knew he was the most important thing in the universe to him. He
would just keep on loving the man until he believed it.

Casara,” Merrick whispered as he came. It wasn’t the earth-

shattering release that Shane had felt, but rather a slow melting of
their bodies together. Merrick stiffened for a moment then leaned into
Shane, his lips peppering across Shane’s chin and cheeks.

Shane felt the hot pulses of cum shoot into him, filling him. He

felt Merrick shudder and move against him as if searching for every
last drop of pleasure. Shane merely smiled and curled his fingers
around Merrick’s head, pulling the man’s face into the crook of his

“Love you, Vedic, fangs and all,” he whispered against the side of

the man’s head. “Never going to stop.”

Merrick’s only response was a deep tremble that shook his body

and the feeling of tears slowly dropping down onto Shane’s skin.

Shane brushed his lips over Merrick’s hot skin. “I’ll always be

here for you, mate.”

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Chapter 10

Merrick couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he watched Shane

shimmy into the skintight bodysuit Gigi had loaned him. He was
grateful that Gigi was offering his mate something clean to wear, but
he would have preferred something that didn’t show Shane’s body off
quite so much. There was nothing left to the imagination.

“Well?” Shane asked when he finally got the suit closed up and

then he turned in a circle. “How do I look?”

“Edible.” Merrick chuckled when Shane’s jaw dropped. He loved

being able to surprise his mate. Now that they had fully claimed each
other, Merrick was experiencing a sense of freedom he had never felt
before. And he wasn’t quite sure what to think of it.

Or how to deal with it. But he decided to go with it. Watching

Shane’s reaction every time he said something unexpected was a balm
to Merrick’s tired soul. He had spent so much of his life toeing the
line and doing everything expected of him. For once, he wanted to do
what he wanted.

And he wanted Shane.
Shane’s smile, his laughter, his innocent touches and gestures

were like a breath of fresh air to Merrick’s stodgy persona. He wanted
to rip that persona off and toss it to the ground, stomping on it as he
laughed with his mate.

“Are you hungry, sir?”
Merrick growled, his cock hardening from one breath to another.

Shane was just a little too happy with his little statement. Somehow,
the man had figured out exactly what the phrase sir did to Merrick,
and he was using it to his full advantage.

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“I’m always hungry for you, casara.”
Shane started to smile, and then stopped, his head tilting to one

side as if thinking deeply about something.

“What?” Merrick asked. Nothing Shane wanted to know was off


“How often do you need to drink blood?”
It was a fair question. “Only about once a week,” Merrick replied.

“A little more if I am tired or injured. Why?”

“How have you been getting your blood before now?”
“Before you, you mean?”
Shane nodded.
“My food replicator was modified to produce a blood substitute.

But the machine requires a code to produce the blood, one that only I

“What if you’re out in the field”—Shane waved his hand around

the room—“or on the run?”

“There are always those willing to donate a little blood for Elite

Force soldiers. They just don’t realize that they are donating it to me
specifically.” Merrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a small
silver tube, waving it in front of Shane. “And I have this. On paper,
this is a sample of my blood that I carry because I have a rare blood
disease and if I am ever injured, the doctors would need the sample to
create a synthetic substitute. In reality, it is just a vial of my blood I
keep on me for emergencies.”

“And the doctors buy that?” Shane’s voice said he was skeptical.
“Remember what I told you, casara. My father saw the changes

coming. I was diagnosed as an infant with a ‘rare blood disease’ that
requires me to have infusions of fresh blood on occasion, especially if
I am injured. It makes getting blood a little easier.”

“Would drinking from me once a week be better for you?”
Merrick nearly swallowed his tongue. “Drinking fresh blood is

always better, Shane. Being able to drink from my mate on a regular

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basis would be”—Merrick shuddered with need as his fangs dropped

Shane smirked and then leaned closer to Merrick. His hot breath

blew across Merrick’s ear. “Then consider me your personal blood
donator, sir. And since a vampire’s bite marks are so distinctive and
we need to keep up appearances, maybe we can find some more
interesting places for you to bite me.”

Shane was trying to kill him. It was as simple as that. Shane was

going to offer to fulfill one too many of Merrick’s fantasies, and he
would simply keel over and die of a heart attack. Merrick wrapped his
arms around Shane’s waist and pulled the man’s body up tight against

“Have I told you how wonderful you are, casara? Mates are fated

to be just right for each other, even more so when there is a soul bond
between them. But you, my love, you surpass even anything I’ve ever
dreamed of.”

“Yeah?” When Shane tilted his head back and looked up, his

happiness was shining in his deep hazel eyes.

Merrick wrapped his hand around Shane’s jaw and tried to put

everything he felt into his intense gaze. “You are simply perfect.”

Shane accepted everything about Merrick. On top of that, he

looked for ways to give Merrick what he needed without putting the
general’s life in danger. In fact, he seemed to be looking for ways to
keep Merrick safe.

Merrick wanted to do the same for Shane. He wanted the man to

experience everything the future had to offer, but he wanted his mate
safe, too. Suddenly, the need to fix things so that Shane was safe
seemed more important than retaining his position as general. And if
proving the innocence of the Lady Blue’s crew happened at the same
time, all the better.

“When this thing with the Elite Force is all over, will you come

back to Tronos with me?”


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“That’s the home planet of the Elite Force and the Federation of

United Planets Council. That’s where I work. It has been my home for
more than twenty years.”

“Do you miss it?”
“I do. It is a lovely planet. Despite what you may think under the

circumstances, I am very proud of being a general in the Elite Force.
Not all of them are bad. In fact, I suspect that just a few are involved
in this mess. Most of them are just following the orders of their

“I’d love to see it.”
“But would you be willing to live there with me?”
Shane frowned and Merrick could feel his heart start to drop.

“Merrick, I’d live on an asteroid if you wanted me to. I’ll go
anywhere with you. Don’t you know that?”

Merrick clutched Shane to him, his heart beating out of control.

Shane was once again giving him everything. Merrick didn’t think he
had anything to give Shane in return that would ever measure up to
the— “Hey,” Merrick snapped as he rubbed the back of his head.
“What was that for?”

“Because you’re thinking too hard.”
Merrick was confused. One, by the fact that Shane had smacked

him on the back of the head. And two, by the fact that Shane seemed
to know exactly what he was thinking. “How—”

“You tell me.” Shane smirked. “You’re the vampire here.”
Merrick eyed Shane cautiously as he rubbed his head some more.

It didn’t hurt really, but it gave him time to think. His eyes widened
when Shane suddenly huffed a deep sigh and rolled his eyes.

“Wow, you are so dense sometimes. Hello, you’re a vampire. We

have a soul bond.” Shane waved his hand back and forth between
their bodies. “We can feel each other’s emotions. And I think on some
level, we can hear each other’s thoughts as well.”

Merrick sank down into the chair behind him. He had to. His legs

wouldn’t hold him up any longer. Shane could hear his thoughts?

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“Only when you’re putting them out there.”
Merrick felt his eyes widen. “You can hear me?” he asked


Shane moved his face forward and purposely lifted his eyebrows.

“Duh,” he answered just as silently.

How was it possible? He had never heard of something like this

happening, not even with those who had a soul bond. Maybe it was

“Does it bother you that much?”
Merrick looked up, his confusion leaving him in an instant when

he saw the uncertainty on Shane’s face. “No,” he said quickly. “It
overwhelms me that much. To know that we have such a connection
that I can feel you and hear you is beyond anything I have ever
experienced. To know that no one else has that same bond with you
fills me with more joy than I could have imagined.”

Shane’s shoulders slumped as if a huge weight had been lifted off

of them, and it was only then that Merrick realized how worried his
mate had been. He swiftly stood and drew Shane back into his arms.

“You are a wonder to me, casara, and I am thankful for

everything that has been given to us, weird or not.”

A small burst of laughter shot from Shane’s mouth. “Yeah, but

does it all have to be so weird?”

Merrick shrugged. He really didn’t have an answer for that. “It is

what it is, casara. But I cannot honestly say that I am against the idea
that we have such a bond. It just makes it that much more special.”

“And weird.”
“And weird, casara.” Merrick chuckled and pressed a kiss against

Shane’s forehead. “But weird does not always mean bad. It can mean
good as well.”

Merrick dug into his pocket and pulled out the small bracelet he

had been saving for Shane. He had been waiting for just the right time
to give it to him, and this felt right.

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“I got you something on Nebular Nine,” he said as he held the

bracelet up for Shane to see.

Merrick didn’t know what to think when Shane reached for the

bracelet but stopped just short of touching it. Didn’t he like it?

“I–I got you something, too, but those soldiers that kidnapped me

and Gigi took it. That’s why we were off the ship. We went to the

Merrick didn’t know whether to be angry that Shane had gotten

off the ship for something so trivial as a gift, or tickled pink that his
mate had been thinking of him enough to get him a gift.

“What did you get me, casara?” Merrick was even more curious

when Shane’s face flushed deeply and his eyes slid away.

“It wasn’t anything as nice as this bracelet.”
“What was it?”
Shane’s face was still flushed but he raised his head to look

Merrick straight in the face. “Silk scarves so you could tie me up.”

Merrick groaned as his knees went weak. Damn, just damn. His

mate was the most wonderful mate ever born. Forget about the gift
being trivial. It was fucking fantastic.

“I would have loved them, casara.”
“Yeah?” Shane looked uncertain. “You don’t think it was too

weird to get you something to tie me up?”

“Hell, no!” Merrick grinned when Shane flushed again. “We’ll go

shopping together next time. I’m sure between the two off us we can
find plenty of things to tie you up.”

“Yes, sir.”
Oh, Shane was really trying to get Merrick today, and he was

about to get exactly what he was asking for. Merrick grabbed a
handful of Shane’s hair and tugged down until Shane dropped to his

“You know what I want, casara.”

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“Yes, sir.” Shane grinned as he reached for the buttons on

Merrick’s pants. “I do.”

Merrick’s long groan filled the room even as his cock filled

Shane’s mouth. The man might not have a lot of experience at
sucking cock but he sure made up for it in enthusiasm. Given some
experience and he’d be a master.

Merrick kept one hand fisted in Shane’s hair, his fingers locked

around the bracelet he had bought for his mate. He used the other one
to reach down and cup the side of Shane’s face, and then brush the
hair back from his eyes. He wanted to see Shane’s eyes.

The pleasure glowing in Shane’s hazel eyes mirrored the pleasure

sweeping through Merrick as the man’s tongue licked a line up the
side of Merrick’s cock. When he reached the tip, Shane lapped at the
head, licking away every drop of pre-cum pooling there.

The attention Shane gave to each inch of Merrick’s cock sent his

world spinning out of control in a matter of moments, short moments.
Merrick’s balls ached to come before he expected it but damned if he
wasn’t going to enjoy it when he came, and he wanted the same for

“I want to see you touch yourself, casara. Play with your beautiful


Shane’s eyes widened for a second and then there was lots of

movement as he unzipped his suit and pulled his cock out. With
Shane’s body in the way, it was hard for Merrick to see exactly what
Shane was doing, and he wanted to see everything.

“On your back, Shane.”
Shane stilled as he stared up at Merrick, his lips still wrapped

around Merrick’s cock.

“I need to see, casara.”
Shane seemed reluctant to release the cock in his mouth but he

did, and then he slowly lowered himself onto his back on the floor at
Merrick’s feet. Merrick grabbed his cock and started stroking himself
furiously. He gazed down at Shane, starting at the top of his head and

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slowly moving down his body. His balls drew up closer to his body
with each bit of Shane’s body he saw.

When Merrick’s eyes finally landed on Shane’s cock, and saw the

way Shane was gripping his cock and rocking his hips, thrusting his
cock in and out of his hand, Merrick knew it was over for him.

“Come,” he growled as he tightened his hand around his own

cock, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive head. Shane cried out, his
hand tightening, as ropes of pearly-white cum shot up out of his cock.
Before the first drop fell, Merrick was roaring as his own orgasm
swept through him. He widened his stance as he watched as his cum
erupted from his cock and splattered all over Shane’s body.

Something primal awakened inside of Merrick as he watched his

seed cover his mate. He had the sudden urge to rub it into Shane’s
skin and never let the man wash it away. He wanted Shane to smell of
him. He wanted everyone to smell the unique scent and know Merrick
had staked his claim on the man.

Shane was his.
When Merrick finally regained control of his body, he held out his

hand and helped Shane to his feet. Before the man could turn away
from him and go clean up, Merrick attached the bracelet to Shane’s
wrist. Afterward, he lifted Shane’s chin up for a small kiss.

“You’re mine, casara,” he whispered. “Don’t ever forget it.”
Shane smiled and held up his wrist, jingling the bracelet. “How

can I? You’ve given me the entire universe.”

Merrick wasn’t so sure about that. He still needed to find a way to

make life safe for them. But he’d do his level best to be worthy of the
faith Shane had in him.

“Clean up, casara, we have things to do.”
Merrick smacked Shane on the ass, laughing when the man

scurried out of the way. He followed Shane into the bathroom and
cleaned up himself. Once they were done, they headed out.

Merrick kept his arm wrapped around Shane’s waist as they

walked out of his quarters and started for the mess hall. His mate

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needed food, and it was now Merrick’s duty, and privilege, to provide
for his mate.

“What is your favorite food, casara?”
Merrick suspected as much. “Have you ever tasted an Orillian

skewer? It’s a delicacy from the planet Ori.”

“It’s very good.”
“I’m willing to try anything once.” Shane winked at Merrick.

“Twice if I like it.”

“I’ll remember you said that, casara.” Merrick chuckled as he

pushed the mess hall doors open. He immediately came to a halt and
turned so that his body was in front of Shane’s. Everyone was there,
and they were all staring at him and Shane.

“General,” Remy called out, gesturing to the empty seats at the

end of the table. “So glad you two could tear yourselves away from
your quarters and join us.” The amusement in Remy’s voice was clear
to hear.

Merrick growled.
“Knock it off before I have to smack you again,” Shane said as he

stepped around Merrick and walked over to sit in one of the vacant

Merrick rolled his eyes and walked over to sit next to Shane. He

glanced over at Gigi first. “Would it be possible for Shane to try some
Orillian skewers? He’s never had any, and I thought he might like to
try something new.”

“Sure.” Gigi jumped up and hurried to the kitchen.
Merrick turned his attention to the others sitting at the table. He

could see a deep grimace on Mo’s face when the man spotted the bite
marks on Shane’s neck. If the glares he was getting from his mate’s
brother were anything to go by, the man hadn’t yet adjusted to the fact
that Merrick was now in charge of keeping Shane safe from the evils
in the world.

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“He’s my mate, Mo, just as Mykel is yours.”
Mo’s frown deepened.
“I promise to do everything within my power to keep him safe and

make him happy.”

Merrick sighed when Mo’s frown lessened just a little. He really

didn’t have to explain himself or his bond with Shane to anyone. But
since his mate loved Mo, he was willing to give the human some
small measure of assurance.

“I love Shane more than my own life.”
That did it. Mo’s frown slowly curved up until it became a smile.

“That’s all I wanted to hear.”

Merrick rolled his eyes. “You could have asked.” He snorted.
“Actually, I’m not sure I could have,” Mo said. “You’re not very

forthcoming about personal stuff, General. I’m actually surprised that
you admitted you love Shane.”

“Hey!” Shane snapped. “You don’t—”
“It’s okay, casara,” Merrick said, covering Shane’s hand with his

own. “Your brother has a right to be concerned about you. If giving
him an explanation makes him less worried, I have no problem in
doing so.”

“It’s okay, Shane.” Merrick turned to those in the room. “I only

ask that what is said in here, stays in here. It could mean both mine
and Shane’s life if any of this got out.”

Everyone nodded their agreement.
Merrick drew in a deep breath and let out his deepest secret,

words he had never spoken to another living being. “I’m a vampire.”

* * * *

Shane squeezed Merrick’s hand when silence filled the room. His

mate needed to know that he was accepted no matter what. When the
silence in the room continued, Shane raised his head and glared at

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everyone. They needed to get over themselves already. Merrick
wasn’t the bad guy here.

“Seriously?” Blade asked. “A real vampire? Like the

bloodsucking kind?”

Shane felt his face heat up when Mo’s eyes dropped to his neck.

He self-consciously reached up and tugged his collar up over the bite
marks on his neck. He jumped a little when Merrick’s hand stopped

Shane looked up at Merrick in confusion.
“If they are going to be trusted with the truth then you have no

need to hide from them. You are my mate, and you have accepted me
with everything that entails. Do not be ashamed of how we express
ourselves to one another.” Merrick’s eyes turned to the others. “I’m
sure more than one of them has some kink that they do not want
brandished around.”

Shane’s eyebrows shot up when he heard several chuckles fill the

room. He looked over to see most of the men in the room avoiding his
eyes. Well, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black.

“Oh please.” Pax snickered. “There’s more kink going on on this

ship than in the back rooms of Lost Star Three.”

Whatever that was.
“Does it hurt, the bites, I mean?” Mykel asked.
Shane felt his face flush again as he shook his head. Laughter

erupted across the table. Merrick just chuckled and pulled Shane’s
chair closer to him. “Does it hurt when your mate claims you?”

“Uh…” Mykel glanced over at Mo. “I’m kind of the one doing the

biting in our relationship.”

Shane’s eyebrows shot up when he looked over at his brother and

watched Mo’s face turn crimson red. Wow, there were so many ways
he could take that statement. But, considering the situation, and the
offer to be Merrick’s blood bag, Shane decided to drop the subject

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“I guess biting does have its place.”
Mo looked relieved that Shane didn’t try and pursue the subject.

He nodded at Shane, a silent thank-you between brothers. Shane
nodded back. But he needed to impress upon his brother one last

“He makes me happy, Mo.”
“That’s all I wanted for you, bro. You know that.” Mo’s eyes

strayed over to Merrick for a moment and then came back to Shane.
“He’s just not who I pictured you with, you know? He’s—”

“Exactly who I pictured me with,” Shane finished. “You may not

understand it, and that’s okay. I don’t understand the whole bird thing
you have going on. Or the blue thing Pax and Colt have going on, or
any of the rest of the crew. The point is, I don’t have to. Merrick is
perfect for me.”

Mo stared for a moment then chuckled as he nodded once more.

“All right, little bro, if this is what you want.”

“What I want is for this damn thing with the Elite Force to be over

with. Just that time being apart from Merrick was horrible. I never
want to go through that again.” Shane could feel tears welling up in
his eyes just thinking about it. He turned and pressed his face against
Merrick’s shoulder.

“Shane is more than my mate,” Merrick explained as he wrapped

his arm around Shane. “We are soul bonded. For us, separation could
mean death. The longer we are apart, the more painful it becomes. If
we were separated permanently, we would kill ourselves from grief.”

“Holy fucking shit!”
Shane’s head snapped up as the words were shouted across the

room. When he didn’t see anything, he swung around to see Ryan, the
bartender from the Drop in the Bucket Tavern, standing in the
doorway of the mess hall.

“You’re a vampire.”

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Chapter 11

Merrick hissed and flashed his fangs. He wasn’t worried that the

man would figure out he was a vampire from his actions. The
bartender had already figured it out. But he wasn’t about to let Ryan
put his mate in danger.

Merrick jumped up from his chair and leapt across the space

between him and the bartender. He grabbed Ryan around the throat
and slammed him into the wall, the man dangling several inches off
the floor.

“Speak a word of what you have heard here today, and I will take

my time killing you.”

Ryan’s face was pale, his eyes huge on his face. Gasping for air,

Ryan clutched at the clawed hands wrapped around his throat.

“Merrick, let him go,” Remy demanded.
“I will kill him.”
“I’m quite aware of that, and I am sure he is, too, but you need to

let him go.”

Merrick growled when someone pulled at the arm holding Ryan to

the wall. “If he breathes a word of this and it causes my mate harm, I
will kill him and anyone he cares for. I don’t care if it brings the
entire Elite Force down on my head. He will die.”

“Yes, yes,” Remy said, “you’re the big bad boogeyman. Now let

him go.”

Merrick flashed his fangs once more, smirking when he smelled

the fear coming off of the man, then simply opened his hand and
watched the bartender drop to the floor. Ryan grasped his neck,

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coughing several times as he drew much-needed air back into his

Merrick turned on his heel and walked back over to Shane. He

was reaching for his mate before he even stopped walking. Much to
his delight, Shane lifted his arms and went eagerly into Merrick’s
embrace. Merrick simply buried his face in Shane’s neck and drew in
his mate’s heady scent, breathing deeply as the sweet fragrance
slowly calmed him.

Once he felt he had control of himself again, Merrick sat down.

This time, he pulled Shane down into his lap. He needed Shane close
to him, needed to feel his warm skin pressed against his, to feel his
heartbeat and know his mate was safe—for the moment.

“If you can refrain from killing me for about ten minutes,” Ryan

said as he walked over to the table and sat down, “we need to talk.”

Merrick wasn’t much interested in what a bartender from Beta

Five had to say, but he waved his hand anyway. He was content at the
moment to just sit and hold Shane in his lap. If Ryan stepped out of
line, he could always kill the man later.

“So, talk.”
“My name is Ryan Devries.”
“I work for the Federation of United Planets Council.”
Merrick’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t been expecting that. From the

looks on everyone else’s faces, they hadn’t either. “I thought you
were a bartender on Beta Five.”

“That was just my cover. My name is actually Lieutenant Ryan


That wasn’t good.
Killing the man had just become very complicated. He prayed the

lieutenant didn’t give him a reason.

“I’ve been tracking illegal shipments of arms and supplies stolen

from Elite Force supply depots. I’ve been undercover at the Drop in

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the Bucket Tavern for the last eighteen months.” Ryan glanced over at
Gigi. “That’s how I knew about the Lady Blue. I met Gigi there when
Livewire transported him down to Beta Five looking for fuel cells.”

“Why are you telling this to us?” Remy asked. “Doesn’t it break

your cover?”

“It does, but I think your problem and my problem are one and the


“How so?” Merrick asked.
“We’ve known for quite some time that someone in the Elite

Force was illegally selling arms and supplies to the highest bidder.
We thought it was over when Remy and the rest of the Lady Blue
crew brought evidence to the council of what Brystan Pierce’s uncle
was doing. Except that it didn’t stop there.”

“No shit!” Remy snapped, his fist crashing down on the table.

“They had us dishonorably discharged.”

“That was never supposed to stick, Commander. We knew that

someone high up in the government was behind what was happening,
but it was nothing we could prove. When you and your crew were
dishonorably discharged, it only reaffirmed what we knew. But, until
we had something to clear you, we couldn’t do anything about it.”

“Wait!” Mykel said. “We do have something to clear us.

We…uh…appropriated some files from Brystan Pierce’s personal
files that prove he’s neck deep in this.”

“I know,” Ryan said as he folded his hands together and rested

them on the table. “And I have forwarded those files to the right

“You what?” Remy shouted.
“Those files are now in the hands of the one person who can do

the most with them, trust me.”

“But they could be erased or—”
Merrick held up his hand to stop Remy’s ranting. “Not everyone

in the Elite Force is bad, Commander. We need to start trusting

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Remy looked like he wanted to argue. There was even a tic in his

clenched jaw as he stared down at his hands. “Fine, but just because
you trust this guy doesn’t mean I have to. I’m responsible for the
safety and well-being of this entire crew. I don’t have the luxury of
making mistakes.”

“Which is why I have a suggestion as to how you can end all of

this and get your good name back.”

Merrick didn’t trust Ryan further than he could throw him, but he

was willing to listen to any plan that made the world safe for his mate.
“I’m listening.”

“I suggest that you take the information that I have plus the

information that you have and bring it all before the Federation of
United Planets Council.”

The silence in the room was deafening, broken only by the sounds

of breathing. Merrick slowly leaned forward, making sure he kept one
arm wrapped securely around his mate. “Are you serious?”

“I am perfectly serious. I’ve looked over the financial records you

stole from—”

“Appropriated,” Mykel mumbled.
Ryan chuckled. “The records you appropriated from Pierce. They

match the records I have of illegal arms sales. I can tie Pierce and his
uncle to these sales, and since Pierce is Gregory Tyvak’s uncle and
commander, we can tie him into this as well.”

“And my father?” Remy asked.
“While we suspect he is up to his ears in this mess, I have nothing

to tie him to it. He’s been very careful to not let any of it be associated
with his name. Until I have concrete proof, I am afraid we cannot go
after the ambassador.”

“Son of a bitch!”
Merrick felt pretty much the same way Remy did. The

ambassador was deeply involved in this mess, and he needed to pay
right along with everyone else. But, before they could bring the
ambassador to justice, they had to clear their names.

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“Do you have a plan then?” Merrick asked.
Ryan grimaced. “You’re not going to like it.”
“I’m sure I won’t, but tell me anyway.”
“Drop me off on the nearest planet with a copy of all your

information. If things go south, I can send the information out on the
universal news feeds. I suspect that the council would do just about
anything to keep this information private.”

“Which explains why we’re on the run,” Remy snapped.
“That’s why I think this plan will work. Let me contact Admiral

Monroe and see if he can set something up with the council. With
Monroe in your corner, they have to hear what you say.”

“No they don’t,” Remy countered. “If that was true, they would

have listened to us before, back when we were being dishonorably
discharged from the Elite Force.”

“You have something working in your favor this time that you

didn’t have last time.”

“What?” Remy tossed his hands up in the air. “What could we

possibly have now that we didn’t have then?”

Ryan’s cold grin sent a chill down Merrick’s spine. He was

rapidly getting an entirely different picture of the undercover
bartender. He suddenly understood why Admiral Monroe had sent the
man out on such a dangerous mission. Ryan was a cunning, enigmatic


* * * *

Admiral Monroe gazed out of the large window at the city below

him. He loved Tronos. It was a place of beauty and culture unlike any
other in the galaxy or beyond. Not only did it house the Elite Force
and the academy, but civilians lived here as well, making Tronos their
home. But it was also housing spies and traitors, something that was

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slowly infecting his beloved city, turning it into some place Monroe
wasn’t very proud of.

The council had kept all the scandals surrounding the Lady Blue

and General Merrick under wraps, only making it known that the
Lady Blue had a hefty bounty on their heads. But Monroe was tired of
cover-ups and deceptions. He wanted Tronos back to the way it once
was before all of this poison infected his planet.

He placed his hands on the window’s edge as he watched the

cadets in drill practice and the citizens below living out their daily
lives. Monroe lifted his eyes to the wide-open skies and the mountain
range beyond, taking in the serene beauty.

He heard the door swoosh open behind him as his assistant,

Kelvynté entered his office. The man sat the cup of tea on his desk
and handed Monroe another encrypted vid-pad. Monroe sighed.

“Thank you, Kelvynté.”
“It was sitting on my desk this morning,” Kelvynté said before

leaving the admiral alone.

Monroe sat behind his desk, taking a sip of his hot tea before

going through the rigorous task of identifying who he was before the
encrypted files revealed their contents.

He scanned the information, a smile forming on his lips. So, the

Lady Blue was coming to him? How interesting. Monroe sat the pad
down on his desk and took another sip of his tea before heading out of
his office to put things into place for the crew’s arrival.

* * * *

“You want us to do what?” Remy asked in disbelief as he turned

in his chair, growling at Merrick. “Are you mad?”

Merrick placed his hands behind his back as he reined in his

temper. It was the only logical solution to all of their problems and
was thoroughly thought-out before Merrick had even approached the
commander. “Not today,” he said as he gave Remy a tight smirk.

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He knew how the plan sounded to everyone. But if the men on the

bridge took their time to think it through, they would see how totally
brilliant the plan actually was.

“Let me get this straight, General,” Remy said as he sat forward,

his fingers digging into the arm of his chair. “You want us to land on
the crispy, green grass of the Federation of United Planets’ front

Merrick nodded. “If we try to use a landing dock, we’ll be

arrested on sight. But if we land on their front lawn and demand to be
heard, the citizens will be there, watching. Do you think the council
will shoot us on sight with so many witnesses?”

“Yes,” Remy answered quickly and sarcastically.
Merrick arched a brow and waited.
Remy ran a hand over the back of his neck and sighed. “No, but

there is no guarantee that they will listen either. They could have us
arrested on sight. What makes you think that those who are out to
frame and kill us won’t be there with their phasers drawn, and not set
on stun I might add?”

“We do have enemies, Commander, but we also have allies on

Tronos. Do you wish to keep running? Do you not want a better life
for your mate, for your crew?” Merrick could see that he had struck a
chord from the way Remy’s eyes shifted around the bridge. Who
wouldn’t want a better life for their mate than staying on the run and
avoiding the bounty hunters?

Merrick did not want that life for Shane.
“I can’t risk it, General. My mate and my crew mean more to me

than the entire universe. I couldn’t live with myself if they were
arrested and convicted of crimes they haven’t committed.”

“What other option do we have then, Commander?” Merrick

asked as he took a seat. “Staying on the run? Outrunning the Elite
Force and the bounty hunters? Scraping up odds jobs just to make it to
the next one, praying along the way no one turns us in?”

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Merrick could see the uncertainty in Remy’s eyes. The man

seemed torn, but Merrick knew this was the correct solution. Shane
was his mate, his soul bond. There was no way he was going to risk
living on the run with his casara. Shane deserved to see what life on
Tronos was truly about. The planet was beautiful and rich in history, a
place he loved and wanted Shane to love just as much.

“What if…” Remy trailed off as he stared off into the vid-screen,

his eyes scanning the stars ahead of them. “What if your plan

Merrick knew full well what would happen if his plan backfired.

But they did have their backup with Ryan. He knew without a doubt
that the lieutenant would keep his word and deliver the incriminating
evidence to the universal news feeds.

The council would not risk having their dirty laundry flapping

around the galaxies for all to witness. It wasn’t a perfect Federation,
but the governing body had done a lot of good as well for the people
of the Andromeda, Turok, and Galaxias Systems. No government was
perfect, but the United Federations of Planets did more good than bad.
It would be a true devastation to all if Ryan had to go forth with their
backup plan.

“I know you fear for your mate, Commander. We all fear for our

mates, but living like rogue black marketers is not the way,” Merrick
stated in a gentler tone. “I have the most to lose if this plan goes sour.
At least you men will keep your lives.”

He knew Remy understood that if Merrick died, so did Shane.

Their bond would not permit Shane to live on without Merrick. It was
too strong and too deep between them, and growing stronger every

Remy looked resigned as he nodded. “I’ll agree to your plan on

one condition, General.”

“And that condition is?”
“The mates are left with Zackary’s mom on Paktil. I won’t have

them on Tronos facing a firing squad with us.”

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“I agree,” Colt said from his console.
“As do I,” Blade added.
Merrick listened as the rest of the crew gave their opinion, all in

favor of tucking the mates away safely. There was just one slight
problem with that plan. Merrick knew that if all went badly, he and
Shane would suffer to the point of suicide.

Could he risk that?
“You should stay with them, General,” Remy said as he stood,

crossing his arms over his chest, staring defiantly at Merrick. “You
know you can’t be separated from your mate.”

“The hell I’ll stay behind!” Merrick blustered. “I’m not going to

allow you men to carry this burden alone.” There was no way Merrick
was going to cower on some planet while the crew risked their necks.
It just wasn’t going to happen, but Merrick needed to find a solution
to his problem of separating from Shane.

“I’ll stay with them,” Ryan volunteered. “I’ll even give the files to

Gigi for safekeeping if it makes any of you feel better.”

“Hardly,” Remy growled as he began to pace the bridge. “For all I

know, this is a setup and separating us from our mates is your
ultimate goal.”

“Look.” Ryan sighed. “I know you have no reason to trust me, but

I also agree with the general. You can’t stay on the run forever. I
believe there is the stench of corruption within the walls of the
council, but you’ve been a part of the Elite Force and you know not
every man is jaded.”

The man had a convincing argument. Merrick would give the

lieutenant that.

“While I agree with you, Lieutenant, Livewire and Mo will be

with the mates. Only the original crew will be facing the council.”

“Says you!” Mo shouted as he stood. “Do I look like a damn

pussy to you?”

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“No,” Merrick answered for Remy. “You look like a man who

would do this crew a great service and watch the men they cherish
more than their own lives.”

Mo grumbled as he sat back down. “Sure, pull at my fucking

loyalty strings why don’t you?”

“It’s agreed then,” Remy said as he sat back down. “Mo and

Livewire will escort the mates to an undisclosed location, and
Lieutenant Ryan will take a shuttle and go into hiding until this is

Merrick watched as Remy cut a glare in Mo’s direction that held a

promise of death in his stone-cold eyes. “Whatever you do, keep them
safe, Mo. Never stop running if we are court-martialed. Understood?”

Mo nodded. “Clearly.”

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Chapter 12

Shane lay in the darkness as Merrick held him close. He was

afraid to be left on Paktil while the crew went to clear their names on
Tronos. Not only did the separation worry him, but the thought of
losing his mate downright terrified him.

Shane finally had someone to call his own, and he may lose him.

He wiped at his eyes as he turned in Merrick’s arms, nestling close.
“How long will you be gone?”

Merrick’s fingers brushed through Shane’s hair and then he leaned

in to kiss his temple. “I’m not sure. It all depends on everything that
happens once we land the ship. If we can gain an audience with
Admiral Monroe and present our evidence in full council court, we
may have a chance.”

“May,” Shane repeated the word, feeling his chest hurt at all the

possibilities of what could go wrong.

“Yes, casara. May.”
Shane wasn’t feeling reassured. As a matter of fact, he was feeling

less than reassured with the word may. “What about our separation?
What happens if all of this takes too long? Being away from you for
just a few short hours felt like I was dying inside. What if you’re gone
for days?”

Merrick shifted around before settling on his back, bringing Shane

up until he was resting his head on Merrick’s shoulder. “There is one
way to stop the separation pain for a day or two.”

Shane’s head popped up as he gazed into his mate’s eyes. “How?”
Merrick cleared his throat as the tips of his fingers played over

Shane’s arm. “You have to drink from me.”

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“Your blood?” Shane asked. He wasn’t sure he could do that.

Letting Merrick drink from him was one thing. It was an honor for
Shane to feed his mate. But drink Merrick’s blood? His eyes shot to
Merrick’s neck, seeing the pulse beating away. Could he do it?

“By drinking from me, you will have a part of me inside of you.”
“I’d rather have another part of you inside of me,” Shane teased,

not feeling the humor in what he said. Even if Merrick’s blood did the
trick for a day or two, Shane knew he would be beside himself with
worry. Merrick was his everything, his reason for living. What if his
mate never came back to him?

“I will,” Merrick said as he wrapped his strong arms around

Shane. “I’ll always come back to you, casara.”

“You can’t promise me that,” Shane snapped as tears filled his


“Have I ever told you about vivendianes?”
Shane shook his head. “What does that mean?”
Merrick ran his knuckle down the side of Shane’s jaw. “It means

even if I die, I’ll be with you.”

“I don’t understand, Vedic.” Shane was confused. He didn’t want

just memories of his mate. He wanted Merrick at his side, in his life,
holding him close as his mate was doing now.

“Some vampires believe that when soul bonded, a mate who dies

will come back in spirit to be with his mate, to live out their lives

“Like a ghost?” Shane asked.
Merrick nodded.
“But you told me that our bond will make me kill myself if we are

separated,” Shane reminded Merrick. He wasn’t sure if Merrick was
just trying to soothe his worries or if he was speaking the truth, but
Shane knew nothing would soothe him if Merrick never returned.

“Not if my vivendianes returns to you first. Enough talk about

death, Shane. I’ll come back to you, I promise.” Merrick pulled Shane

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into his arms, holding him close as Shane stared into the darkness of
the room, feeling so damn lost.

“I’ll do it,” Shane whispered. “I’ll drink from you.”
Merrick sat up, pulling Shane up with him, a look of shock and

wonder on his face. “Are you sure?”

Shane nodded. “I don’t want to feel any pain at being separated

from you.” Once had been enough to last Shane ten lifetimes. He
never wanted to feel that way again. Shane swallowed as he looked up
at Merrick. His mate’s eyes had turned to the pretty honey color once

Merrick lifted his hand, using his claw to cut a slit in his wrist.

“Drink from me, casara.”

Shane hesitated and then pulled Merrick’s wrist up to his mouth,

covering the bleeding skin with his lips. He expected to gag and
sputter from the metallic taste of blood. Shane hadn’t expected to be
overwhelmed with the taste of Merrick. It was like sucking something
sweet and tangy into his mouth.

He swallowed repeatedly, trying his best to get as much of

Merrick into his body as he could. Shane wasn’t sure how long
Merrick would be gone, and he didn’t want to take any chances either.
He whimpered when Merrick finally pulled his wrist away.

“That is all you will need, casara. That will last you at least two

days.” Merrick licked the wound closed and then blanketed his body
over Shane’s.

“Will I become a vampire now?” Shane asked as he shifted

underneath Merrick, pressing their hardened cocks together.

Casara, you are already becoming a vampire. Have you not

noticed this?” Merrick frowned at Shane as he leaned back.

No, Shane hadn’t noticed. He knew being separated from Merrick

was the last thing in the universe he wanted, but…oh, his claws! “I
have claws now.”

Merrick nodded as a smile tilted his lips up. “And soon you will

have fangs. I will teach you how to hide them.”

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“But I don’t want to hide them,” Shane complained.
“You must, Shane. When we are alone together, you can be

yourself, but when out in the public eye, you will be killed on sight if
anyone sees them.”

Shane was getting a better understanding of what Merrick had

suffered through just to stay alive. He wanted to hunt down the
hunters and teach them a lesson. “It’s not fair.” He knew he sounded
like a pouting child, but Shane liked the idea of having fangs. How
cool was that?

“I know, love, but as unfair and unjust as the circumstances are, I

would rather hide that part of our lives than be persecuted for it.”
Merrick wrapped his hand around both their erections as he leaned
forward, licking a trail across Shane’s bottom lip. “Besides, it makes
who we really are a little more private, intimate. It’s something only
you and I share together.”

Merrick made being persecuted sound so damn romantic. Shane

rolled his eyes at the thought and then moaned as Merrick began to
stroke their cocks. His legs spread wider as Merrick turned, settling
Shane on his side as his hand brought Shane untold pleasures.

His fingers curled over Merrick’s shoulders as Shane’s head fell

back. He never thought a damn hand job could feel so good. They
only relieved the tension when he gave one to himself. It wasn’t this

“Bite me,” Shane begged as he tilted his head at the same time he

thrust his cock harder into Merrick’s hand. Merrick leaned closer to
Shane, kissing his neck softly before lowering his head to Shane’s
chest. He sank his teeth into Shane’s flesh right over his heart, making
Shane cry out as the pleasure/pain of Merrick’s bite rocked him to his

He snapped his hips harder as Merrick drank from him, making

Shane feel as though their bond was rock solid now. He could feel not
only Merrick’s lust, but his fear at the coming mission. Shane
wrapped his arms around Merrick’s neck as his cum erupted into his

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mate’s hand. He felt Merrick stiffen at the same time, grunting into
Shane’s chest.

Merrick licked the twin pinpricks closed and then kissed his way

back up Shane’s chest. The man had been inventive as far as where he
had bitten Shane. Kissing Merrick was like kissing the flames of a
fire. It sent shock waves through his body as Shane held on to his
general and prayed the man would return to him.

* * * *

Everyone looked gloomy and afraid as they gathered near the

shuttle bay. Remy didn’t blame the men or their mates. This was one
dangerous ass mission that they may not come back from. Even after
the explosive night he had spent with Gigi, showing his mate just how
much he loved the human, Remy was still feeling downtrodden as he
watched Gigi enter the shuttle.

The man had protested, shouted his indignation at Remy, and

threatened to steal a shuttle to fly to Tronos. But in the end, Gigi had
promised to stay with the other mates. Remy wasn’t stupid though. He
had been with the human long enough to know him. He had given Mo
and Livewire explicit instructions to keep an eye on his mate.

“How long does Shane have?” Remy asked as the shuttle bay

doors opened and Livewire flew the shuttle away from the Lady Blue.

“Forty-eight hours.”
“Then I suggest we hit warp five and get this over with. The

sooner we get this asinine plan finished, the sooner we can get our
mates back.” Remy watched as his dour-faced crew headed back to
the bridge.

This was going to be one solemn ass ride.

* * * *

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Merrick held his breath as they entered Tronos’s atmosphere. This

was it, all or nothing. He knew the Lady Blue was being scanned. He
could see the readout scrolling across the console in front of him
indicating the Elite Force was onto them.

“They’re hailing us, Commander,” Tank said as he turned.
“Stick to the plan,” Remy advised as he sat up straighter. “No

stopping or communicating until we’ve touched down.”

“I can’t believe we are going to land on the front lawn,” Tank said

as he chuckled. “This is one for the history books.”

Merrick sat next to Tank, in Zackary’s usual seat, as he watched

the navigation controls. The readouts were all over the charts as
fighter ships surrounded them, but Tank maneuvered around the
vessels, heading straight for the council building.

“Direct hit,” Blade shouted as the Lady Blue rocked.
“Keep going,” Remy shouted. “Livewire isn’t here so we have to

keep fucking going.”

Merrick could feel the apprehension all around him. He slowed

the thruster to half power as they entered the city of Dulock. It was
Tronos’s capital where the military housed its cadets. He could see
people on the ground scrambling as the Lady Blue cleared the upper
atmosphere and became very visible to everyone below.

“Try not to crush anyone,” Remy said as he leaned over the helm,

watching as Tank drew them closer.

Merrick could see Elite officers lining up, phasers aimed in their

direction. He blew out a breath as Tank touched down directly in front
of the council building. The lion shifter had done it, landed on the
damn front lawn. Merrick inwardly smiled. He had to admit, flying
with the Lady Blue had been adventurous, but it was time to get back
to his own life here on Tronos.

“Open communications,” Remy instructed.
“This is Commander Remington Vystal. I wish to speak with

Admiral Monroe.”

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Merrick listened to the silence all around them, and then heard a

sharp voice echo through the bridge. “You will shut down all power
to your vessel and come out one by one with your hands behind your
head. Failure to follow instructions will result in loss of life.”

“That sounds ominous,” Crank said as he placed his hands behind

his head. “Like this?”

“Shut up,” Blade said and then chuckled.
Even after seeing how devoted this crew was to their mates and to

each other, Merrick still wondered about the mental stability of this
crew. They just weren’t right in the head.

“Failure to present me with the admiral will result in all evidence

we have in our possession going universal. Do you really want the
news feeds to get a hold of those records, Ambassador?”

Ambassador Kumond came back at Remy with a sharp tongue and

anger in his tone. “Do you think I would negotiate with known
criminals? Tronos will not negotiate. Surrender to us now!”

Merrick tapped Remy’s shoulder, jerking his chin. The

commander moved aside, waving his hand toward the console.
Merrick grinned and then turned, knowing he had been around this
crew far too long if he was smiling in a situation like this one.

“This is General Vedic Merrick. Federation of United Planets Fair

Conference Act of Twenty-Three Seventy-Three states that any
faction deemed rogue by the Federation of United Planets has the
right to meet with a representative of the Federation on neutral ground
to seek resolution. We’re meeting on hostile ground, but we won’t
fault you for that one.”

The crew chuckled as Merrick leaned back, waving Remy to the

console. The commander slapped Merrick on his shoulder. “It’s like
having a full-sized Mykel here.”

“Trust me, knowing the law was a requirement for this position. It

comes in handy once in a while.” No matter what happened, Merrick
knew he would miss this hodgepodge crew. They had taught Merrick

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how to live again and appreciate the small things in life. A valuable
lesson he would remember.

“This is Admiral Monroe. Your request for a meeting has been

granted. Please lower your shields and join me on the front lawn.”
Admiral Monroe gave a small chuckle that surprised them all. “In
front of your ship, that is.”

“Are you sure we can trust him?” Remy asked nervously.
Merrick had never seen Remy this damn scared. Not even when

Gigi and Shane had been kidnapped. Out there in space, they had a
fighting chance. Here on Tronos, the admiral held their lives in the
palm of his hand.

“He’s our only shot,” Merrick admitted as he began to walk

toward the doors of the bridge. “Let’s get this over with, ladies.”

As the crew stepped off of the ramp, they were immediately

surrounded by the Elite Force. Merrick held his breath until they were
escorted to the front of the ship where he saw the admiral waiting for

“General.” Monroe gave one small nod.
“Admiral Monroe.” Merrick saluted and then handed the file of

incriminating evidence over. “I’m sure you’ll find everything you
need right there in those files.”

“Follow me.”
The general, along with Remy and his crew, followed the admiral

into a gray stone building, until they reached the third floor. Merrick
was shocked to see the full council in attendance. How in the hell had
they assembled so quickly? He had a feeling the admiral was tipped
off that they were heading this way. And there could only be one
person who could have told the admiral. There was only one person
on the Lady Blue who wasn’t a part of the crew.

Lieutenant Ryan Devries.
Merrick, along with the crew, took a seat in the center of the

council circle. Merrick could not only see how nervous Remy and his
men were, he could feel the fear and apprehension rolling off of them.

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But he also felt the resolution as well. It was solid and unyielding as
the men sat there, determined to clear their names and get back to
their lives.

Admiral Monroe cleared his throat. “The matter of high treason

against Commander Remington Vystal and his crew is being
presented before the Federation of United Planets. The charges are as
follows.” The admiral picked up a vid-pad and began to list all
charges against Remy and his men. He could see the anger mounting
in Remy’s eyes as he sat there silently and listened.

“The charges of treason against General Vedic Merrick will also

be heard today in front of the full council seating. I have been
presented with incriminating evidence against not only Commander
Brystan Pierce, but—”

“This is an outrage,” Ambassador Vystal said as he stood.
So, the guilty parties were starting to sweat. Merrick could feel

not only the undeniable rage coming from the ambassador, but a
terrifying fear as well. The man had something to hide, and he wasn’t
about to let it all come out in front of the full council. Merrick
smirked as the admiral commanded the ambassador to be silent and
have a seat.

“They are outlaws, bandits who would sell out their own mother

for profit,” Commander Pierce argued. “There should be no trial.
These men should be executed immediately for their crimes!”

“And quieted permanently,” Remy growled loudly. “Tell me,

Commander”—Remy sneered the title—“why are you protesting so
loudly? What do you have to hide that you would try and argue our
guilt so quickly? Are you afraid that the council will find out about—”

Commander Pierce pulled his phaser out, aiming it right at Remy.

“Shut up! You’ve ruined everything! If your father hadn’t pushed to
have you put in the commander position, none of this would have
fallen on your lap. Everything was perfect. All of our plans were
succeeding, but you wouldn’t fucking die! This is your damn fault,
you worthless outlaw!”

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Merrick watched in stunned disbelief as Commander Pierce was

shot down before he could pull the trigger. His eyes snapped over to
Ambassador Vystal, who stood there with a phaser of his own in his

“He tried to shoot my son,” Ambassador Vystal defended as he

lowered his phaser. “Everyone witnessed this.”

Merrick had a feeling the ambassador was quieting Pierce instead

of defending his son. He glanced over at Remy to see the commander
felt the same way. He wore a look of disbelief on his face as Remy
stared at his father.

“In light of Commander Pierce’s confession and the evidence in

front of me, I will be launching a full investigation into the
accusations presented in front of this council here today.” Admiral
Monroe stood, facing the general and the Lady Blue crew. “As for
General Vedic Merrick of the Federation of United Planets,
Commander Remington Vystal of Tronos, Combat Specialist Colt
Walking Cloud, Combat Specialist Blade Ryton, Flight Engineer
Tank Montylat, and Demolition Specialist Crank Unshion, you are
hereby cleared of all charges.”

“Yes!” the men of the Lady Blue shouted as they jumped up from

their seats and began to quickly hug one another as smiles so wide
that they split their faces appeared. Merrick smiled as the men turned
to shake his hand. He was truly going to miss these men.

“Now get your damn ship off of my front lawn,” Admiral Monroe

said as he walked away with the other council members, vid-pad in
hand and a smile on his lips.

“Bring me my mate!” Remy laughed loudly. “I want Gigi at my

damn side five seconds ago.”

“On it,” Crank said as he smiled.
“You know,” Merrick said as he cleared his throat, gaining

everyone’s attention, “you can be fully reinstated into the Elite Force
if you wish.”

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Remy tossed his arm around the general’s shoulder as he smiled.

“Not in this lifetime, General. Being on the run and living my life on
my own terms has come to mean too much to me. I know that only a
handful of the officers on the Elite Force were corrupt, but it’s left a
very bad taste in my mouth.”

“Understood. Now get my mate to me.” Merrick smiled as he

clasped Remy on his back. “And good luck in your endeavors.”
Merrick leaned in a little closer, talking for the commander’s ears
only. “If you ever need any help, you know where to find me.”

“Oh, I plan to stay out of trouble, General, but I’ll keep you in

mind the next time I run into the Elite Force.” Remy winked at him.
“I’ll have Shane here within a few hours.” Remy shook Merrick’s
hand as he turned to walk away. “Thank you, General, for letting us
live our lives with our mates peacefully.”

“It was all you, Remy. You had the evidence and the backbone to

fight for you freedom. Good luck.”

Merrick smiled as he watched Remy and his crew board the Lady

Blue, smiling and whooping their joy. He had a newfound respect for
the commander. He may be rough, lax, and treat his crew more like
family than his subordinates, but he was one hell of a commander.
General Merrick was proud to call that man a friend.

Merrick walked back to his office, wondering what life was going

to be like now that he and the Lady Blue were cleared of all charges.
As he closed the office door, he spotted Ambassador Vystal waiting
for him over by the window.

“Quite a show, General. You not only managed to clear your

name, but my son’s as well.”

Merrick walked across the room, standing beside the ambassador.

“And you managed to keep your secrets quiet by killing Pierce.”

The ambassador shrugged. “It’s a dirty job, but one I’m very good

at. Tell me, General, what exactly are in those files you gave the

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Simply Perfect


Merrick looked out of the window, smiling as he saw the

mountains in the far distance. He couldn’t wait to show Shane how
truly beautiful this planet was. “Your secrets have been mysteriously
left out, Ambassador. I trust that my secrets will do the same?”

Vystal knew Merrick was a vampire. The ambassador and

Merrick’s father went way back, and the two were close. If Merrick
had to resort to leverage, he would. Giving Shane a happy life was his
only goal, and the ambassador was not going to get in the way of his
plans for his mate. “But I do have the original file, as a precautionary

Vystal nodded as he walked to Merrick’s office door. “Then I

guess both of our secrets are safe.” The ambassador walked from
Merrick’s office, closing the door behind him.

* * * *

Remy stared around the table at the men assembled with him in

the mess hall. He smiled as he hugged his arms around his mate.
Today had been a day to end all days. He was finally free to live his
life the way he wanted without fear of being torn from Gigi’s side, or
worse. He just needed to find out what the rest of the crew, his family
really, wanted to do now.

“The Lady Blue is ours,” he started, gaining everyone’s attention.

“We’ve proven our innocence and had our freedom returned to us.
Merrick has informed me that each one of you can return to your
former rank in the Elite Force if you choose to. Or, you can stay on
the Lady Blue with Gigi and me. The choice is yours.”

“I’d like to go see my parents,” Adwaka said. “I’m sure we can

pick up a few cargo runs from my uncle.”

Not in this lifetime.
“Oh, oh!” Zackary started waving his hand wildly in the air. “We

could stop off and get some more fruitcake from my mom.”

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Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn

Remy chuckled. He was pretty sure they had the biggest fruitcake

Stella could offer sitting right in front of him.

“I wouldn’t mind going back to Hyberian to see my mother

either,” Mykel added. “She really hasn’t had the chance to get to
know Mo now that we’re mated.”

Remy knew what Gigi wanted, and now he knew what three of the

mates wanted as well. That just left Anok and Imlay. “What about
you two?” Remy asked as he turned to look at the two men.

“I wouldn’t mind visiting Lost Star Three again. I’m still

interested in their medical facility, and getting some more supplies is
always a good thing.”

“I’ll go wherever Crank wants to go.” Anok shrugged. “I don’t

really have any other family except you all.”

That pretty much said it all for Remy right there. They may have

started out as a ragtag group of men on the run, but now they were a
family. Remy wouldn’t trade a single one of them if he could help it.
But he still hadn’t heard from his original crew.

“What about you guys?” Remy asked as he met the gaze of each

of them. “We’ve been in this together from the very beginning, but
now it’s over. You can go anywhere, live anywhere. What do you

Remy grew a little nervous when they all began looking at each

other. He tightened his arms around Gigi, afraid of what his friends
had to say. He wouldn’t blame them in the least if they wanted to go
back to Tronos and rejoin the Elite Force. It had been their home for
many years.

On the other hand…
“I want to keep in contact with Shane now that he’s decided to

stay on Tronos with Merrick,” Mo said, “but this is my home now,
Remy. Unless you plan on kicking my ass back to Old Earth, I ain’t

One down, so many to go.

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“Ah hell, Commander.” Livewire grinned as he stood and pulled

Imlay to his feet, and then started for the door. “You just tell me
where and when and I’ll make sure our lady has her dancing shoes

Remy burst out laughing when every damn man he considered a

brother pointed to Livewire and snickered. “What he said.”

“Okay then.” Remy stood up and tossed Gigi over his shoulder. “I

guess we have a list of places to go. Tank, set course for Hyberian.
Mykel wants to go see his mother. We’ll hit Lost Star Three after that
and on down the list.”

“Does that mean we can stay on the Lady Blue, Commander?”

Anok asked.

Remy grinned over his shoulder as he started toward the mess hall

doors. “It’s our home, isn’t it?”

* * * *

Merrick chuckled as Shane leaned up and kissed him, again. “I

can’t believe this beautiful planet is now my home.” Shane smiled as
they walked by civilians who watched them curiously. His mate was
turning out to be quite the charmer, especially with the small children.
Shane had a way of making any child smile and any parent laugh.

He loved that his mate was acclimating so well here on Tronos.

After Shane had arrived, they had spent two days in bed getting
reacquainted, with Shane proudly showing off his growing fangs.
Merrick thought they were the hottest things he had ever seen, and it
seemed Shane was turning out to be a biter. Merrick loved it.

He never thought to find his mate in the chaos he had been thrown

into, and Merrick shuddered at the memory of pushing Shane away.
Thank the gods his mate was a persistent man.

“Are you ready for your new position?” Merrick asked as they

walked by a line of cadets running in formation. Merrick felt
rejuvenated as he stood there with Shane at his side. He had proudly

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presented his mate to the admiral and the council, and it seemed that
Shane had worked his charm on them as well. They all seemed to
have taken to him.

“Your assistant, huh?” Shane asked as he spun around, smiling

brightly up at Merrick, his hazel eyes sparkling in the sunlight. “That
means I’ll always be at your side, Vedic.”

Merrick pulled Shane into his arms, placing a kiss on his casara’s

lips. “And that sounds simply perfect to me.”




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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots

is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first
sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand

and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man
for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You
can find her website at


Also by Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 1: End of the Line

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 2: Pax’s Blues

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 3: Imlay’s Cure

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 4: Adwaka’s Blade

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 5: Tank’s Tweak

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 6: Crank’s Craving

Siren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 7: What Once Was Lost

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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