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Brac Village 11

Fighting Temptation

Detective Carmine Bianchi watched a once powerful man turn into
a shell when his mother was killed. His father was no longer who

he used to be and Carmine refuses to go through the tragedy that
was now his father's life. If only fate hadn’t intervened and thrown
one small fey Carmine's way, making the walls he erected slowly

begin to crumble.

Turi had his own set of complications. His father was trying to

make Turi mate his own uncle. He didn’t agree with Wood elf
custom of inbreeding and Turi was determined to stay on the run

for as long as he had to.

When Turi is nearly hit by a car, he soon realizes that the man

behind the wheel is the other half to his soul. Unfortunately,
Carmine makes it very clear that the only reason he is sticking
around is to help Turi with his problem.

But as Carmine spends time with Turi, he realizes that fighting to
keep Turi at arm's length is a battle that his heart was determined

to win.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 35,124 words

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Brac Village 11

Lynn Hagen



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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-185-2

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Siren Publishing
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Brac Village 11


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

“What the fuck?” Detective Carmine Bianchi slammed on his

brakes, the ass end of his car swerving as he prayed he didn’t hit the
guy who had just run out in front of him. His foot damn near went
through the floor as he prayed he stopped in time. Where in the hell
had he come from?

He sat in his car for a moment, trying to get his heart out of his

damn throat. Had someone just run right out in front of him?
Knowing the answer was yes, Carmine opened his car door and
stepped out onto the country road. He walked to the front of his car
and gazed at the man who had fallen to his knees.

He hadn’t hit the guy. Carmine was positive of that. But the man

looked a bit shaken up. “Are you all right?”

The man just knelt there, staring at Carmine with a very complex

look on his face. The guy blinked a few times as he pushed to his feet,
dusting his hands off. “I’m sorry.”

Yeah, sorry wouldn’t have cut it had Carmine actually hit the guy.

But from the frazzled way the man looked, Carmine couldn’t find it in
himself to be mad.

Carmine took a step closer to make sure the guy was really okay

when the most intoxicating aroma entered his lungs and sent his heart

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to racing. He scented the air as he gazed at big, emerald-green eyes
and felt something inside of him snap into place. His black bear
growled gently as Carmine cocked his head to the side, studying the
short man.

“Oh no!” The guy backpedaled, his long black hair swaying in the

breeze as his eyes grew round. “This can’t be happening.”

Well, this wasn’t exactly how Carmine pictured meeting his mate.

He almost ran the man over and now the guy looked like he was about
to pass out. “Why did you run out in the middle of the road?”

“To get away,” his mate answered Carmine as if it should have

been obvious. He sucked in his bottom lip, his eyes bouncing all over
the place.

“From who?” Carmine drew his sidearm, glancing around the

deserted road. He didn’t see any immediate threat. The man glanced
over his shoulder, his eyes flickering everywhere. Carmine knew that
look. He had been a detective for too many years. This guy was
definitely running from someone. “Who is after you?”

“I have to keep moving,” the guy said as he started to hurry away.
Carmine reached out and grabbed…he scented…he wasn’t sure.

“What are you?”

“Scared shitless,” the guy answered in a high squeak. “Now if you

don’t mind…” He tried to yank his arm free, but Carmine held fast.

“I do mind. Who are you running from?” he asked a little more

firmly. Carmine wasn’t the type of guy that liked to be disobeyed.

“Trouble.” The short man continued to yank at his arm. “Would

you mind letting me go so I can run?”

Carmine had had enough. The detective in him was rearing its

head and there was no way he was letting the man go. He was a very
dominant male and normally did not let someone talk circles around
him. But this man was not his submissive, so Carmine was not going
to punish the guy for his insubordination. But one thing was for sure.
The guy was in trouble and Carmine was going to help. “Why don’t
you let me give you a ride?”

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Fighting Temptation


“I don’t take rides from strangers. Also, I’m not helping you look

for a lost pet and I don’t like candy.” His mate smacked at Carmine’s
hand repeatedly, making Carmine growl. “Now let me go before I
blow my you-can’t-come-near-my-body whistle.”

Reholstering his gun, Carmine scratched at his short beard. He

wasn’t sure what to make of the squirrelly man. He had never run
across anyone like this guy before. He saw a red whistle dangling
from a coiled plastic band around the guy’s wrist. “You do know that
we are mates, right?”

The man stopped struggling and exhaled loudly. “What is with

everyone trying to mate me? I just don’t want that complication.” He
smacked Carmine’s hand again. “Go away.”

Carmine felt his insides boil at the idea of someone else trying to

mate a man who belonged to him. It was a knee-jerk reaction, one
Carmine knew he wasn’t even going to examine right now—if ever.
“Tell me who is after you…What’s your name?”

“Jeez,” the guy groaned as he slumped his shoulders. “I told you

I’m not taking candy from you.”

Carmine wanted to bang his head into his car. The guy obviously

wasn’t playing with a full deck. He was looking at Carmine like he
was some kind of damn predator. Well, he was, but not the type this
little squirrelly man was insinuating.

“Get in the back of my car.” Carmine was through playing around.

The man was going to do what he said or Carmine was going to
paddle his—no, he wasn’t going to go there. He didn’t plan on
claiming the man so there would be no paddling. There would be no
playing, no bondage, nothing of that sort. Carmine was going to help
the man and that was all.

“Why?” the guy shouted as he struggled once more to get free.
“I’m a detective and I’m arresting you.” He just had to figure out

what the charges were. But putting his mate into his car was better
than chasing his tail in circles. Carmine was nearly out of patience. It

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Lynn Hagen

was apparent that someone was after the guy and he was going to
protect his mate whether the man wanted it or not.

It was his job. He had sworn to protect those who couldn’t protect

themselves and run down the bad guys. He just didn’t see any bad
guys right now.

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
Carmine reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet,

flipping it open to flash his badge.

The man didn’t look convinced. “My cousin has one of those. He

bought it at a novelty store.”

Carmine didn’t say another word. He shoved his wallet into his

back pocket and then pulled his mate toward the back of his car. “I
guess we’ll see if I’m telling the truth when you are sitting behind

“Okay, okay,” the guy said hastily as he tried to stop the forward

momentum by dragging his feet. “I believe you. But you haven’t told
me why you are arresting me.”

For being so damn stubborn.
“To keep you from getting hurt,” he answered. “Now get in the


“Turi, my name is Turi. Now will you let me go?”
Was the guy serious? His morning had started off fucked-up. He

was already running late. His alarm hadn’t gone off. The hot water
tank went out on him—so he hadn’t even had a chance to take a hot
shower. And his car was giving him trouble. It was a miracle the
damn thing started.

Now this.
“I am five seconds away from cuffing you, Turi.”
Turi raised his arm, wiggling it at Carmine. Not only was the red

whistle there, but a slim, steel bracelet. “I’m already cuffed. They
slapped a dang bracelet on me. How much worse can things get for

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Fighting Temptation


“You can be arrested,” Carmine reminded the small man. “Now

tell me who is after you.” He hated being a prick toward the guy, but
Turi was leaving him no other option. There was no way Carmine was
letting him go when the man was in danger.

“My entire tribe.” Turi looked near tears. “I can’t let them find

me. You have to let me go so I can run back to the Lakelands.”

Carmine knew the Lakelands. He just wasn’t sure how they were

involved in all of this. Maybe he should take a drive out to their
ranch. He was pretty sure he would get some answers from them
quicker than he would get them from Turi.

“Come on.” Carmine opened the passenger door. “I’ll take you to


Turi gave him a sideways glance. “You’re not tricking me, are


“Yeah, I’m actually taking you to my secret lab where I plan on

experimenting on you.” Before his mate could protest, Carmine
closed the car door. What a fucked-up morning!

Turi knocked on the closed window. Carmine glanced down.
“If you try anything, I’ll kick you in the nuts,” he said through the

glass, waving his whistle at Carmine.

Carmine rolled his eyes as he walked around the driver’s side of

his car. The man was off his flipping rocker. They were mates, yet
Turi was threatening bodily harm if Carmine touched the guy. Not
that he planned on touching Turi. Carmine hadn’t been looking for a
mate and a relationship was the last thing he wanted.

Slipping into the driver’s side, Carmine wondered if this was all

worth the headache that was starting to throb in his head.

Turi sighed as he turned toward Carmine. “Look, I know you are

my mate. But my life is just a little too complicated right now. I don’t
need to drag you into the sordid mess.”

Carmine began to drive, mulling over the man’s words. He settled

in his seat, relaxing. He was glad they were on the same page.
Carmine didn’t need the complication either. “I can help you, Turi.”

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He reached over to pat the man on the leg—nothing more than a
friendly gesture—when he heard a small toot coming from the guy’s
whistle. He glanced over to see the red thing hanging from the man’s

“Stay on your side,” Turi warned as he pulled his leg away from

Carmine. “I told you, I don’t need the complications.”

Pulling his arm back, Carmine knew he couldn’t get to the

Lakelands fast enough. The guy was fucking nuts. He wanted to take
the damn whistle and throw it out the window. Carmine didn’t have a
stick up his ass, but he took things more seriously than this man
seemed to. He wasn’t sure if this was Turi’s true personality or if the
man was playing him for a fool.

Either way, Carmine wasn’t so sure finding his mate was such a

good thing. Of course he knew how important this was, but not all
shifters let the fireworks free when they found their other half.

Carmine was quite content with his life. Just like Turi, he didn’t

need the complication of a mate. He would help Turi, but as far as
claiming the man, that wasn’t going to happen. The only thing he
wanted to do right now was get Turi to the ranch, find out who was
after him, and settle what was going on. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Are you sure you’re taking me to the Lakelands?”
Rubbing his temple, Carmine nodded. He led a very quiet and

uneventful life. He had worked very hard to make it that way. Why
fate had given him a chatterbox nut job was beyond him. He sat there
silently cursing fate for even giving him a mate. Carmine pushed
away images he didn’t want to deal with right now. But those little
glimpses that had gotten through only reminded him of why he had a
wall around him.

He glanced up when he heard another small toot.
“Your hand moved too close,” Turi said as he nodded toward

Carmine’s right hand that was resting on the console between the

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Fighting Temptation


“Are you serious?” He really had to get this guy out of his car. He

hoped like hell that Turi actually did know the Lakelands. It would be
just his luck to pull up to the ranch only for the shifters to tell him
they had no clue who Turi was.

“Thank you for the ride,” Turi said and then added, “If you really

are taking me to the Lakelands. If you’re not, then I take my thank
you back.”

“Look, can you just be quiet for the rest of the ride?” Carmine was

already trying to forget he had met his mate. He didn’t need Turi to
keep confusing him. Carmine didn’t want to keep hearing the man’s
light tone. It would be best if the guy didn’t talk. That would make it
easier when it was time to forget.

They finally made it to the ranch, and thankfully, Turi hadn’t

made one peep or toot. Carmine was unsure which Lakeland it was
that had come out onto the porch, but the guy stood there, watching
them. He hoped he didn’t need to do much explaining, especially
since he didn’t know a damn thing about what was going on. He was
going to have to find out if he was to help Turi, but distance was what
he needed right now.

Getting out of his car, Carmine gave a friendly nod. “Morning.”
“Morning,” the man answered as he climbed down the steps.

Carmine pointed toward Turi. “Do you know him?”

Please let the man say yes.
The man eyed Turi and Carmine thought the guy was going to say

no. Carmine wasn’t sure what he was going to do if Turi had made up
the fact that he knew the Lakelands. Instead, the guy inclined his
head. “Yeah, but I didn’t think he would be back so soon.”

What did that mean? Had Turi caused trouble here? Carmine

hoped he wasn’t bringing his mate to a place where they didn’t want
him. He would take the guy to the station and work out what was
going on, but Turi was adamant about not going anywhere with

He was fine with that.

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Turi shoved his arm high into the air. “They slapped a bracelet on

me, Riley.”

“I see you still have that whistle.” Riley eyed Turi’s wrist. It

seemed Carmine wasn’t the only one who had the whistle blown on

“He says he’s running from his tribe.” Carmine crossed his arms

over his chest and leaned into his car, keeping his eyes averted from
the squirrelly man. “What can you tell me about that?”

Riley turned to Carmine. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
Carmine straightened and held out his hand. “Detective Carmine


“Riley Lakeland,” Riley said as he shook Carmine’s hand. “How

did you come across Turi?”

“I nearly hit him a few miles back.” Carmine leaned against the

car once more. “He ran right out in front of me.” He wanted to know
how the Lakelands knew Turi. Carmine might be struggling with how
he should handle the whole situation with his mate, but his black bear
was being very protective. “What’s his story?”

“Um, you could ask me,” Turi said, seeming a bit put out. “I am

standing right here.”

Carmine reluctantly glanced at the guy. “I have asked you, but

you refuse to tell me anything I can work with.”

“That’s because you’re trying to mate me.”
Riley’s eyes widened slightly as he looked between Carmine and

Turi. He hadn’t been trying to mate Turi. Where in the hell had the
guy gotten that idea? Riley scratched at his chin and then shook his
head. “Turi is your mate?”

Carmine and Turi glared at each other. “Yes,” they both said at

the same time.

“Not that I’m interested,” Turi said as he started toward the house.

“I have enough problems dealing with my deranged uncle and
conniving father.”

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Fighting Temptation


The screen door slammed behind Turi. Carmine looked at Riley as

he raised a brow. “I tried to find out what was going on. That guy is
nuttier than a fruitcake.”

“His father is trying to mate Turi to his uncle,” Riley said a little

too defensively. “I would be pissed off as well. You can’t blame the
guy for being a little off.”

Carmine shuddered at the idea of mating his uncle. Not that he

didn’t like Uncle Mike, but the guy was not his ideal mate—because
he was family. “I never heard of anyone trying to mate relatives.”

“He’s fey. It’s a common practice among the Wood elves and

Shadow elves. Just because you don’t understand their ways doesn’t
mean you have to look down on their customs.”

Whoa. Why was Riley defending Turi and his people so

obstinately? “I wasn’t judging. All I’m saying is that Turi seems
pretty set against it.”

“He’s just entered adulthood,” Riley said. “And sometimes

juveniles don’t know what’s best for them. But in my opinion, if Turi
doesn’t want to mate his uncle, then he shouldn’t have to.”

Now wasn’t Riley Lakeland one big contradiction? He defended

the elves’ custom, yet he was all for protecting Turi.

“He said they were after him.” Carmine glanced toward the house,

wondering what Turi’s full story was. His mind began to work in the
way that made him a pretty damn good detective. Had his uncle been
making advances toward Turi before he had entered adulthood? What
was his father trying to gain by having his son mate a relative? Those
were questions he needed answered if he was going to help the guy.

Riley nodded. “He came to us for help before, but the Wood elves

found him and took him back. The Ultionem was supposed to be
investigating what was going on. I guess Turi wasn’t waiting for that

And Carmine wasn’t either. Turi shouldn’t be forced to mate

someone he didn’t want to be with. But then there was the biggest
factor of all.

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Turi belonged to Carmine. Well, he did, only Carmine wasn’t

going to claim Turi. But he wasn’t going to let anyone else touch the
guy. Carmine inwardly groaned.

Now who was the walking contradiction?

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Fighting Temptation


Chapter Two

Turi stood on the side of the window, watching as Riley and

Carmine talked with each other. He wanted to bang his head into the
wall for the way he had acted. But in his defense, Turi had always
short-circuited when confronted with stressful situations.

He had been hesitant to get into Carmine’s car after what had

happened to him when he was younger. A human had kidnapped Turi
and almost raped him. His cousin had given him the whistle for
safety. His hesitance was very understandable. Turi just wasn’t going
to tell everyone why he was reluctant to go anywhere with a stranger.

That was his business.
“I’m guessing by the bracelet on your wrist that you weren’t

granted immunity.”

Turning, Turi felt his heart beating faster when he saw Malcolm

standing there with his arms crossed over his massive chest. He was
afraid to say anything. What if Malcolm found out that he had run
away from the tribe and made him return?

There was no way he was going back. “I’m just visiting?”
Turi had never wandered outside of his tribe—aside from when he

was kidnapped when he was younger. He had spent his whole life
living with the elves. The first time he had run from the tribe to find
Abe. The modern world had been a big culture shock to him. He was
still being amazed by the modern world.

“Try again,” Malcolm said as he moved further into the living

room. “I just got a call from Maverick. Your father is demanding your

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“Please don’t make me go back,” Turi whispered as he felt the

tears clogging his throat. He didn’t want to be mated to his uncle. He
never agreed with their customs of inbreeding. Even though Turi
couldn’t carry a child because he was a man, he truly believed that
any species should be able to choose who they wanted to be with.

Although he had acted like he didn’t want Carmine, that was the

furthest thing from the truth. But what was he supposed to do? His
mate had made it very evident that he didn’t want Turi. A blind man
could have seen the way Carmine had kept his distance, physically
and emotionally.

“Son, I’m not going to force you to do anything.” Malcolm took a

seat in the recliner. “As I told you before, you’re more than welcome
to stay here.”

Turi glanced back out of the window, his eyes soaking in his

mate. He wanted desperately to run back out there and beg Carmine to
keep him. But the fear of rejection had a tight grip around Turi. The
bear shifter was large, handsome, with dark looks that appealed to
Turi in every single way.

He especially loved those café-brown eyes. They called to Turi in

ways he didn’t understand. And he probably never would. Detective
Carmine Bianchi didn’t want him. Oh, he wanted to help, but that was

“You have a very helpful mate,” Malcolm said from the recliner.

“Not everyone would stick their neck out to help a stranger.”

Turi’s fingers lingered on the drapes as he watched Riley say

something to Carmine and then Carmine threw his head back and
laughed. He knew he had acted a little offbeat, but not enough for his
mate to want to wash his hands of Turi.

“I guess,” Turi finally replied. There was no way he was going

back home, but it hurt to see the black bear shifter standing out there
being friendly with Riley while Turi silently fell apart inside—
literally and figuratively.

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“How did they get the bracelet around your wrist?” Malcolm

asked, his deep voice pulling Turi from his thoughts. He glanced over
his shoulder, feeling a strange comfort settle inside of him when he
laid eyes on the eldest of the bear clan.

Even though Egon and his father were fierce and feared men,

there was a quiet strength to Malcolm. Turi could tell that this man
didn’t have to bluster and peacock. No, Malcolm wore his strength
like a familiar blanket and the man was comfortable in it.

“When they got me back to the tribe, my father forced it on my

wrist.” Turi turned away from the window and sat down on the couch,
clasping his hands between his knees. Why couldn’t Malcolm have
been his father? There was no way this man would force him to do
anything. He was a kind and gentle father, who put his foot down
when necessary, but wouldn’t dream of making any of his sons do
something against their will.

“Did he ever say why he wanted you to mate your uncle?”
Turi shrugged, embarrassed that his personal life was being forced

into the open for everyone to see. “Prestige. Wood elves used to be a
very peaceful race. But ever since the war, many turned selfish and
self-centered. Even after the war ended, most had already shown their
true colors. My father thinks that having his son mated to one of the
elders will bring honor and status to our family.”

“I’ll never understand men like that, Turi.” Malcolm rested his

strong and scarred hands over his stomach. “Family are the most
important people in the world. You aren’t supposed to fuck them
over, but watch over them.”

That’s how Turi felt as well. He didn’t agree with some of the

Wood elf customs—like inbreeding and shutting out anyone who
wasn’t of their race. To him, turning their backs on their very own
people because fate gave a person a mate who wasn’t elf was totally
selfish and ridiculous.

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“Well,” Malcolm said. “You are more than welcome to stay here

for as long as you like. Sterling could use the help with the animals
since Abe has mated and left the ranch.”

Turi nodded, thinking about how he had risked a great deal going

to Abe for help. It had paid off because he had met a great family who
were willing to help him. Although Turi hated to bring them into this,
he had no choice if he was going to save himself from mating his

When the screen door opened, Turi glanced up to see Riley and—

he swallowed hard when Carmine walked in behind Riley. Turi
wasn’t sure what to say or do. He prayed like hell he didn’t open his
mouth and let stupid stuff come out.

He’d had enough of that for one day.
“Pa, this is Detective Carmine Bianchi.” Riley waved toward

Turi’s mate.

Malcolm stood, shaking Carmine’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you.

I’m Malcolm Lakeland.”

Turi watched as the pleasantries were exchanged, feeling his heart

beating faster as he stole glimpses at his mate. The man seemed so
confident, so at ease with himself.

“He is the one who drove Turi here after he nearly hit him on the

back road.”

Malcolm turned toward Turi, a thick brow arched. “Forget to

mention that to me?”

Turi shrugged.
“He’s also agreed to take on Turi, to keep him safe.”
Turi’s head shot up, glancing between all three men. He didn’t

want to go. Carmine’s body language had already told him the man
didn’t want Turi. He knew he had made a bad first impression, but it
wasn’t so awful that his mate should have shunned him.

“He has?” Malcolm asked as he returned to his seat.

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Turi felt his palms begin to sweat. He didn’t want to leave here.

He didn’t want to be with a man who didn’t really want him—help or
no help.

“I can take him off of your hands,” Carmine said as he continued

to stand by the door.

The guy didn’t say anything about how Turi was his mate and

how he wanted to keep Turi safe. I can take him off of your hands.
The guy said it like Turi was a freaking animal for sale. He would say
pet, but Wood elves didn’t believe in pets. They felt all animals
served a purpose, whether to feed or clothe their people, but not to
become attached to.

“That would make it harder for anyone to find you,” Malcolm said

to Turi.

Was Malcolm really going to make him go? Turi was starting to

feel the stress twist him up again. “Sorry, I was offered a job here.”
He bit back the rest of what he was going to say.

“But son, your mate has offered to take care of you,” Malcolm

said to him.

Turi stood, balling his fists at his sides, feeling the anger

mounting. “No, he offered to take me off of your hands. For all I
know, he could be planning my demise. How well do we really know
him, hmm? He could be some sort of mass murderer, waiting to get
me alone so he can hide the body.”

“Uh, Turi,” Carmine began and Turi hated that he liked hearing

his name on his mate’s lips. “We were already alone.”

Turi held his whistle up, shaking it at Carmine. “Come near me

and I’ll blow it.”

Carmine leaned against the wall and Turi could tell the guy didn’t

really want to do this. He felt obligated. It was in his posture, his
facial expression, and the way he leaned there like he really didn’t
want to be here.

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“I’m pretty sure your mate isn’t a mass murderer,” Riley said. He

could tell that Riley was confused at Turi’s reluctance. That’s because
the guy couldn’t feel what Turi felt. Carmine didn’t want him.

“Why, because he’s a detective?” Turi asked. “I’m not dimwitted.

My cousin told me that cops can be just as evil as everyone else.”

“That’s true.”
Turi was surprised Carmine had agreed with him. But would a bad

cop really say he was a bad cop? In his heart, Turi knew Carmine
wasn’t, but he still didn’t want to go with a man who didn’t want him.
“I’m staying.”

“Why are you being so damn stubborn?” Carmine asked as he

straightened from the wall. Turi could see the anger in the man’s café-
brown eyes and it pissed him off.

“Why are you being so helpful?” he countered.
Carmine threw his hands up as he turned away and Turi wanted to

go to the man, to tell him he would love for Carmine to help him. But
his mate was still acting as if Turi were an obligation.

He was waiting for the guy to say something about them being

mates, or about how he wanted to do this for Turi because he didn’t
want to see anything happen to him. But all Carmine had said was
that he would take Turi off of the Lakelands’ hands.

That wasn’t good enough for him.
He could see the frustration in Carmine’s shoulders. They were

stiff and tense. When his mate turned back around, he could see the
annoyance in the man’s eyes. “I’m not going to force you to go with

“If you did, I would only shimmer—” Turi stopped midsentence

when he remembered the bracelet on his wrist. He wouldn’t be
shimmering to a damn place. “I would only kick you in the nuts,” he
said instead.

“What is it with you and threatening my damn groin?”
Turi shrugged.

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He had no intention of kicking Carmine anywhere, but he was

feeling trapped with no way out. It was the same feeling he had when
facing his father. Turi didn’t like feeling trapped.

“They found you once here already,” Malcolm pointed out. “They

would never think of looking for you at Carmine’s.”

“I’ll take my chances.” Turi began to walk from the room toward

the kitchen but Riley blocked his way.

“Why are you being so mean to your mate?” The question wasn’t

asked in anger or snidely. Even so, Turi didn’t want to stand there and
tell the Lakelands that his mate was doing this out of some twisted
sense of duty.

If he spoke the words out loud, then they would be true. A tiny

piece of him was praying that it wasn’t. Turi was naïve to a point, but
he never once lied to himself. He might have been sheltered his entire
life within the tribe, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t able to recognize
when someone really didn’t want to be bothered with him.

Riley probably talked his mate into taking Turi when they were

standing outside. Carmine had offered on the back road, but again,

He was really starting to hate that word.
Turi just wanted to escape, to get out from under all the

scrutinizing eyes. No one here understood that Turi refused to be
anyone’s burden. His father constantly reminded him his entire life
that he should be grateful for their sacrifice. His father told Turi time
and again what he had given up just to raise him.

He wasn’t going to let Carmine give a damn thing up. It only led

to resentment and Turi couldn’t stand it if his mate resented him.

Turning his head, he glanced over at Malcolm, pleading with his

eyes for the man not to force Turi to go. He was tired of people trying
to make him do things he didn’t want to do. All Turi wanted was to be
happy and have the choice of making his own decisions.

Carmine gave a disgusted sound, making Turi turn toward him.

“You don’t have to beg Malcolm.” His tone was filled with offense.

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Turi didn’t understand why Carmine was acting this way. He would
think that Carmine would be more than happy to be rid of Turi. He
was getting confused by the mixed messages the guy was sending.
“I’m not a fucking monster and I’m not going to make you go
anywhere with me.”

Turi watched as Carmine banged his hand into the screen door and

walked outside, the frame slamming back into place. Carmine was the
one who didn’t want Turi, so why did Turi feel like a heel right now?

Carmine had him so damn confused.
“Go talk to him,” Malcolm said to Riley before he gave his

attention back to Turi. The man looked like he was at his wit’s end.
He knew how the man felt. “Care to tell me what all that was about?”

Turi’s eyes flickered toward the door and then down at the floor.

Even in his own head it sounded stupid, even if it was true. “He made
it very clear that he doesn’t want me, Malcolm.”

Malcolm’s features softened as he let out a long breath, placing

his hands on his hips as he looked from the door to Turi. “Call me

The invitation to be more familiar with Malcolm almost made

Turi cry. Why couldn’t his father be this kind and understanding?
Why had he grown up with a cold and distant parental figure? Life
seemed so unfair at times, although Turi wasn’t one to wail at his
misfortune. He was dealt the hand he had and he had lived it the best
he could. “Why would I go with him, Pa?”

A big, beefy arm was slung over Turi’s shoulder as Pa walked him

into the kitchen. Turi obediently followed, even if it felt like his heart
was breaking. Carmine should have been the one person who Turi
should have been able to rely on. Instead, his mate was treating him
like a leper. He didn’t understand it. Was being mated to him so bad?
Turi didn’t think so. He was a bit quirky, but not so much that
Carmine should be refusing him. “Sometimes a man can be a very
thickheaded person. It is a very rare thing when two people fated to be

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together refuse each other. I’d say this was a shock to Carmine and he
just needs time.”

“But what if he really is refusing me?” That thought hurt like hell.

Turi held back the true emotions that wanted to come out. He wasn’t
going to cry and he wasn’t going to shout about how unfair this was.
If Carmine truly didn’t want him, Turi would accept that. He wouldn’t
like it, but he would accept that fact and go on without the other half
of his soul.

Pa chuckled as he patted Turi on his shoulder. Turi nearly buckled

under the man’s strong hand. “If he was really refusing you, Turi, he
would have left you on that road and he sure as hell wouldn’t have
offered to help. Bears—no matter their subspecies—can sometimes be
as stubborn as the day is long. He’ll come around.”

Turi wasn’t too sure about that. Carmine had acted like Turi was a

bother since laying eyes on him. Even though the guy had offered to
help, he could still feel the reluctance coming from the man.

Turi’s life was already complicated enough. Why couldn’t being

with his mate be easy? It seemed he was doomed to a fucked-up life
with complications all around him. He should be used to that by now,
but he wasn’t. He wanted Carmine, even if his mate didn’t want him.
How screwed-up was that? The thought depressed the hell out of him.
“Do you mind if I go find Sterling?”

Maybe he could throw himself into work and forget that his heart

was broken. It was worth a shot. What did he have to lose? Oh yeah,
his mate.

Pa moved his arm off of Turi’s shoulder and nodded toward the

back door. “Just be careful out there. They found you once, Turi. I’m
pretty sure this will be the first place they look.”

Turi was pretty sure that no matter where he hid, his father and

uncle would find him. It didn’t matter if he stayed hidden in a room
upstairs or ran around the ranch. If they wanted him, he was as good
as caught.

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And since Carmine was refusing him, Turi couldn’t muster up the

feelings to care what happened to him.

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Chapter Three

“Fuck, he’s stubborn,” Carmine said as he watched Turi walk over

to the corral. He had come inside once Malcolm came out to the porch
and told him that his mate had gone out back. Carmine was currently
glancing out of the back door in the kitchen, but not to where Turi
could see him.

He was fighting the temptation to go to the man. Carmine knew he

couldn’t handle having a mate. But hell if his body would listen. No
matter where Turi was, he slowly drifted in that direction. As soon as
he learned Turi was outside, Carmine was at the back door like a lost
cub. What in the fuck was wrong with him?

He had been alone all this time. He should be used to his solitude

by now. But no matter how much he inwardly lectured himself,
Carmine was seeking out Turi.

“Coffee?” Malcolm moved over toward the counter, making a pot

of coffee.

Carmine nodded. He stood at the back door, watching his mate as

the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen. He was so damn
confused that it wasn’t even funny. He knew he couldn’t allow
himself to care about the man. That was too dangerous. Plus, Carmine
wasn’t sure Turi could handle his sexual appetite. He leaned more
toward the very dominant side and Turi seemed way too innocent for
someone like him.

There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that this could ever work

between them. Carmine was moody, quiet, and liked to be alone. Turi
seemed to thrive around people, was chatty, and a little too perky for
Carmine’s taste.

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He wondered what fate was thinking when pairing them together.
“You know, you haven’t exactly given him a reason to trust you,

Detective Bianchi.”

Carmine was not about to stand there and tell Malcolm his

backstory. It was no one’s business why he was keeping his distance
from Turi. In his mind, it was a very valid reason—valid fear to be
exact. Both reasons seemed very logical to him. “Call me Carmine.”

Malcolm handed Carmine a mug and then stood at the back door

with him. The day was bright, not a cloud in the sky. Carmine could
see the grass rustling and could feel the slight breeze blowing through
the screen door. It made him want to run in his bear form on days like
this. Too bad he not only had to work, but had a mate to help as well.
Running would have to come much later.

Malcolm finally spoke after taking a sip of his coffee. He nodded

over to where Turi was standing by the cows. “You know how hard it
is to find one’s mate, Carmine. I’m not going to get into your business
or lecture you, but you need to think long and hard before dismissing

“I’m not dismissing him,” Carmine said before taking a drink of

coffee. He held onto the mug like it was a lifeline as he watched
Turi’s long black hair sway in the wind. His fingers itched to touch
the silky-looking strands, to know what it felt like to have those
strands caress him as he—Carmine shook his head, trying to dispel
those thoughts. “I’m going to help him.”

Malcolm gave a long sigh as he slightly shook his head. Carmine

felt like he was talking with his own father as the large man stood
next to him. “That’s not the same thing.”

No, it wasn’t. But Carmine could help Turi without claiming the

man. It wasn’t an easy decision on his part to keep Turi at arm’s
length. But after what his father had gone through, Carmine knew he
wasn’t strong enough to endure…“I need to head into work. Can you
keep an eye on him?”

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As anxious as he had been to get Turi to the ranch so he could be

rid of the guy, Carmine was finding it hard to leave. His eyes were
still riveted on the man’s back, watching as his mate’s hips swayed
when he walked. He was getting hard standing at the door and knew
he had to get away so he could think clearly.

“I’ll have my sons watch over him as he works.” Malcolm walked

away from the door, pressing a hip into the counter. “Are you coming

It was a valid question. Carmine wasn’t exactly acting enthused

about finding Turi. “I’ll be back once my shift ends.” He glanced
back at Turi, watching the guy approach the cows once more with
hesitation. Carmine held back his smile. If it wasn’t for his deep-
seated fears, it would be so easy to claim the man. But his fears were
there and they were real.

He pulled his eyes away and headed over to the counter, placing

his mug in the sink. He knew Malcolm’s words rang true. Mates were
a rare find. But they also had the ability to destroy a man. Carmine
wasn’t dismissing Turi lightly. He wasn’t dismissing the man at all.
Now that he knew who Turi was, the guy would forever be on
Carmine’s mind. “Thanks for the coffee.”

Malcolm gave a solemn nod. Even though he wasn’t going to

explain himself, Carmine felt like shit. He knew everyone was
questioning his actions—or lack of. But his reasons were his own.

He turned to walk away when he heard that annoying ass whistle.

What he wouldn’t give to smash that piece of plastic. Carmine and
Malcolm locked eyes for a second before they both moved quickly
toward the back door.

At first he thought Turi was blowing the whistle because he was

running from the small teacup pig that was hot on his heels. Carmine
groaned, palming his face as he thought of his mate running from a
pint-sized attacker, but then he heard Malcolm growl.

Looking up, his heart dove into his stomach when he noticed a tall

man chasing behind Turi. “One of yours?”

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“Hell no. That’s Turi’s father,” Malcolm said with a growl before

slamming his hand into the screen door, both men going after the guy
chasing Turi. Carmine pulled his sidearm, his legs and arms pumping
as he raced across the large piece of land.

“Bacon!” a slim man shouted as he raced toward them and

scooped the pig up into his arms. Carmine ignored them as he tried
desperately to get to Turi.

“No!” he shouted when Turi and the man disappeared into the

barn. He knew that if Turi’s father got his hands on his son, the guy
could shimmer them away and he just might not see Turi ever again.

“Hurry!” Malcolm shouted.
Carmine didn’t hesitate, he moved faster, pressing his back into

the wood as he did a quick head check. The barn looked empty, aside
from the animals. He swung around the frame, moving inside the
large structure, and then moved to the nearest stall.

He didn’t see or hear anything and that worried Carmine. What if

he was too late? What if his father was already gone, taking Turi with
him? His eyes scanned the dimly lit interior, looking for any signs of
his mate.

Malcolm came in seconds behind him, joining Carmine at his

side. “I don’t see anyone.”

Carmine was holding onto any hope that Turi wasn’t gone, that he

hadn’t been taken back to his tribe. Although his own feelings were a
jumbled mess, he honestly didn’t want to see anything happen to the

As he scanned the place, Carmine could see that there wasn’t

much light, the sunshine breaking through most of the stall windows
to give the barn a soft glow. A strong smell of hay wafted toward him
as a horse whinnied while another snorted.

Carmine’s head snapped around when he heard that annoying ass

whistle Turi possessed blow loudly. He raised his gun and aimed at
the stranger when he spotted him in one of the stalls at the far end of
the barn.

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Without hesitation, Carmine fired. The bullet hit the wall just

inches from the man’s head. Carmine wasn’t trying to kill the guy,
just scare him away. He never shot to kill unless the other person was
being violent. Trying to kidnap his own son wasn’t enough for
Carmine to kill. Maybe wound, but never kill.

Malcolm shifted into his bear form as Carmine slowly walked

toward the stall, his gun still raised and cupped in his hands.

“What the hell was—” Riley came to a screeching halt as soon as

he entered the barn, his eyes flickering from Carmine to the bear at
his side.

Carmine ignored the guy as he made his way to the stall to see

Turi pushed into the corner, his hands over his head, the whistle
dangling from between his lips. The guy’s eyes were tightly closed as
he continued to push himself further into the wood.

Maybe that annoying piece of plastic had its purpose after all.
“He’s gone, Turi.” Carmine reholstered his gun and squatted,

pulling Turi away from the wall. He didn’t want to get close to Turi,
but he wasn’t going to allow his mate to cower in a corner. The man
was shaking badly as Carmine settled Turi in his arms. “You’re safe.”

“Th–that was my father.” Turi drew in a deep breath and then

pushed out of Carmine’s arms. Carmine knelt there for a moment,
knowing he was the one who had caused Turi to put some distance
between them. It had been his aloofness that had the guy moving
away so damn fast.

“Why didn’t he take you?” Riley asked as he finally joined them.
Turi shook his head as he got to his feet and walked out of the

stall. Carmine could see the man’s legs still shaking, but Turi
managed not to crumble. “I’m not sure.”

“Give us a minute,” Carmine said as he stood. Turi was lying and

he wanted to know why. “I need to talk to Turi.”

Both Riley and Malcolm glanced between Carmine and Turi

before leaving the barn. He could tell that neither had wanted to go,
but thankfully they hadn’t insisted on staying. Carmine leaned his arm

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over the divider, watching Turi closely as he spoke. “You know
exactly why he didn’t take you.”

Turi glared at him before he began to walk away. Carmine

reached out and grabbed the man, stopping him from putting that
damn whistle between his lips. “You won’t need that.”

“Then let me go,” Turi said, his voice filled with an angry heat.
“Tell me why he didn’t take you.” Carmine’s gut was telling him

that Turi knew the answer. He wasn’t sure why the guy was
protecting the very man he was running from, but Turi knew.

“I don’t have to tell you anything.” Turi twisted his arm, trying to

break the grip. It seemed both of them were at a stalemate. Carmine
wouldn’t allow himself to fall for Turi and Turi wouldn’t allow
himself to trust Carmine.

“Are you sure you’re running from him?”
“You bastard!” Turi yanked hard, but Carmine refused to let the

guy go. His fear of the man taking Turi still had a tight grip on him.

“I had to ask.” His cop training was kicking in, overriding the fact

that he and Turi were mates. Carmine wasn’t out to hurt the man, but
things weren’t adding up. He wanted facts and he was tired of his
mate dismissing him. Carmine knew that was unfair since he had been
doing the same thing, but right now, he didn’t care. He wanted

Turi glared up at him, the anger present in his emerald-green eyes.

“Delyn is not the typical father. I refuse to let him mate me to my
very own uncle. Would you want to be caught?”

“No, I wouldn’t.” Carmine loosened his grip, ready to get the hell

out of there and afraid to leave the man. He was contradictorily
messed up in the head.

Carmine wasn’t sure which feeling to go with. He seemed to stay

confused around Turi and that wasn’t a feeling he was used to.
Carmine had always been in control, always knowing what he
wanted. Since meeting Turi, he wasn’t sure about a damn thing. He
hated the struggle that was going on inside of him. It was screwing

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with his head, making him second-guess himself, something he
wasn’t used to doing.

For a few weeks he had been considering putting in for a transfer,

going to a big-city police station for a faster pace of life and a scenery
change. Maybe once he got Turi out of this mess, he would put those
papers in. He couldn’t risk caring about the man. That was something
he couldn’t allow himself to do.

Just when he thought he was getting his life together, along comes

Turi. Carmine inwardly cursed at the way fate was interfering in his
life. “You know you won’t be safe here, Turi. All I’m asking is that
you let me help you, nothing more.”

He could see the hurt in Turi’s dark-green eyes and he hated that

look, but there was nothing Carmine could do about it. This was
business, nothing more. “Just come to work with me, for the day.”

Turi pulled his arm the rest of the way out of Carmine’s hand and

began to walk toward the exit. “I’ll take my chances on the ranch.”

Carmine watched Turi’s jerky steps. Yep, the man was definitely


Just as the guy reached the entrance, Turi spun around and began

to walk backward, his emerald-green eyes filled with irritation. “By
the way, don’t ever use your weapon against my father again. He may
have his priorities all screwed up, but he is still my father.”

Now who had their priorities screwed up? Carmine didn’t know

what to make of Turi. But then again, if Carmine’s father had lost his
mind, would he really be able to shoot him? He knew in his heart the
answer was no.

Turi had to be screwed up in the head over this. There was no way

he wasn’t hurting inside over what his father—no, Carmine was not
going to go there.

Grunting in frustration, Carmine left the barn. He was surprised

no one from work had called him yet. Carmine was running way
behind. But work wasn’t really on his mind. He had to find a way to
help Turi without getting deeply involved with the guy.

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Carmine’s eyes widened when he saw Turi barreling straight for

him. What was the guy up to? He had an urge to pull his gun again
from the way Turi was looking at him.

The man stopped a foot from him, pointing a finger up at

Carmine. “I’ll go with you only because I don’t want these nice bears
hurt. But I’m warning you, my whistle works just fine and I’m not
afraid to use it.”

Knowing the man was serious, Carmine wasn’t sure if he wanted

to let the guy in his car. From the way Turi acted, if Carmine breathed
too hard the squirrelly man would be blowing that whistle. What the
hell had he gotten himself into?

He had no choice. Carmine could not stick around here all day,

but he wasn’t willing to leave Turi behind. “Go let someone know
that you are leaving with me.”

“So no one will come looking for you,” Carmine answered as he

headed toward his car. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with
Turi at work. Maybe he could give him some paperwork to file. His
boss was going to freaking love this. Carmine’s ass already hurt from
the chewing that was yet to come.

Turi took off toward the house, hurrying inside. After ten minutes,

Carmine grew frustrated and went to find the guy. This was unreal.
Not only had he been running late this morning, he had spent a good
two hours on the ranch.

Walking inside the house, Carmine heard voices in the kitchen. As

he grew closer, he could make out what was being said.

“I’ll call you every hour on the hour. If you don’t hear from me,

that means the detective has buried my body somewhere.”

Carmine’s hands curled into fists at what Turi was saying. Why

on earth did the guy think he was some kind of psychopath? He had
done nothing to warrant such suspicions. The only thing Carmine had
done was try to help the man.

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“Turi, you are being ridiculous. Carmine is your mate. There is no

way he would hurt you,” Malcolm said in a tone that was filled with
resignation and amusement. “Stop treating him like a criminal and
you two just might get along better.”

Carmine heard Turi snort. “I highly doubt that. He is treating me

like I’m covered in warts.”

Footsteps began to approach, but Carmine didn’t budge. Turi

came into view and Carmine saw how Turi was glaring at him.
Carmine had heard the conversation and he knew Turi knew that he
had heard the conversation. But the guy did not look remorseful. He
just walked past Carmine and headed outside.

“From what Abe tells me, Turi has lived in his tribe his entire life.

He has never been out in the modern world,” Malcolm said. “I’m just
giving you a fair warning.”

Fair warning.
Carmine wished he had fair warning before he left the house this

morning, taking a detour that had changed his life.

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Chapter Four

Turi sat at Carmine’s desk, bored out of his ever-loving mind.

How could anyone sit in one spot for hours on end? His damn butt
was so numb that Turi had an urge to reach under himself and
massage his cheeks. He wasn’t sure how anyone could do this, but
Carmine sat there writing on papers most of the morning, seeming
unaffected by a numb backside.

“Is this all you do?” He rested his chin in his hand, letting out a

long sigh.

“No,” Carmine answered him as he glanced up from his papers.

“In just a moment we will go down to the dungeon to torture our

“Really?” Turi perked up. Anything was better than just sitting

here watching the hands on the clock tick by slowly. He feared he
would fade into his chair and become a permanent fixture around this

When he had first arrived at the police station, everything had

been overwhelming. Turi had never been in a place like this before.
The sights and sounds had excited him to the point he had bounced all

Now he was just plain old bored. He was ready to commit a crime

just to liven the place up. If he had to sit in his chair much longer, he
just might do that.

“We don’t have a dungeon, Turi.” Carmine gathered the papers

and shoved them in a folder. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

Why did he have a feeling that Carmine was apologizing for more

than Turi having nothing to do? His mate had spoken the last four

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words as if he truly meant them, deeply. Now more than ever Turi
was curious about why his mate was so standoffish, why the guy kept
him at arm’s length.

In all honesty, Carmine didn’t seem like a bad man. He was

gorgeous as hell and was going out of his way to keep Turi from
being kidnapped again. Someone couldn’t be a bad person if they
were sticking their neck out for someone else, could they?

Even with that thought in mind, Turi could feel the walls around

Carmine going up, locking into place. His mate was pushing him
away for a reason and Turi was going to find out why.

At first he had felt that if Carmine didn’t want him, he wasn’t

going to throw himself at the man. He still wasn’t going to throw
himself at Carmine, but the more he thought about it, the more Turi
knew that finding one’s other half was a very rare occurrence. It was
something that he wasn’t going to give up on so easily.

Mating his uncle was something that damn near made Turi want

to vomit. He would run until his dying day to keep away from Egon.
But the thought of mating Carmine appealed to him on so many
different levels. He could feel the pull between them and wanted to
get closer.

Unfortunately, his mate didn’t feel the same way.
He also knew that two people refusing to make something work

was a disaster waiting to happen. If neither of them budged, then they
would get nowhere. Turi didn’t want that to happen. He was just at a
loss of how to make Carmine open up to him. What would it take for
Carmine to accept that they were mates and fated to be together?

Carmine pushed away from his desk and grabbed the file he had

been working on. “I’m going to file these papers. Don’t move.”

Once Carmine was out of sight, Turi moved from the chair beside

the desk, to the chair behind the desk. He was curious to know exactly
what a detective did. Well, there was only one way to find out. Turi
decided to get nosey so he began to open drawers.

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His eyes widened he saw two shiny bracelets attached to one

another. He picked the set up, running his fingers over the shiny
chrome. The two bracelets weren’t as fancy as the one already on
Turi’s wrist, but he would trade the one he possessed if it meant he
could shimmer again.

Glancing around, Turi checked to make sure no one was watching

him. He closed the bracelet over his wrist and clicked it closed. Who
on earth would wear something like this? It was clunky and not very
attractive. Deciding that he didn’t like it, Turi tried to take the bracelet

It wouldn’t open.
He tugged and pulled, but the bracelet wouldn’t budge. Great, that

was all he needed, another bracelet clamped tight on his wrist.

“Why are you in my chair?”
Turi quickly hid his wrist behind his back and smiled up at

Carmine who was standing there scowling at him with those pretty
café-brown eyes. “No reason,” he said quickly.

Carmine’s eyes narrowed in suspicion at him before waving

toward the other chair. “Sit over there so I can finish my work.”

Turi stood and backed away, taking the long way around the chair

so his mate wouldn’t see what he had done. He sat in the chair next to
the desk and leaned back, trapping his arm behind him. How the hell
was he going to get the bracelet off of his wrist? Carmine was sure to
notice them missing sooner or later.

Why would his mate have them in his drawer? The two bracelets

were connected by a short chain. That made no sense to him. Turi had
never seen anything like them and now he wished that he hadn’t been
so dang nosey. What in the heck was he going to do?

Turi watched another man approach Carmine’s desk. The guy

dropped a file in front of his mate. “Dead guy over on Route 303.”

Carmine stood, grabbing the file. He glanced at Turi and then

down at the folder in his hand. There was confusion in Carmine’s
café-brown eyes. He could tell the man was debating something. In

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that moment, Turi had an urge to run his fingers over the beard
Carmine had on his face. Did his mate know how handsome he was?
Turi wasn’t sure why he was thinking these thoughts. It could be the
way his mate’s muscles flexed as he stood there or the fact that he
towered over Turi. He never knew he liked such big men until he had
met Carmine.

“Maybe I should drop you back off at the Lakelands’.”
Turi quickly stood, keeping his hand behind his back. He didn’t

want to be dropped off at the Lakelands’. Turi was determined to
crack Carmine’s tough shell. He was beginning to suspect that maybe
it wasn’t him, but something else that made Carmine so standoffish.
Whatever the reason, he wouldn’t be able to get close to his mate if he
wasn’t near him. “I won’t get in the way,” he quickly promised.

Carmine shook his head and Turi feared the man wouldn’t take

him along. “I’m not supposed to take civilians to a crime scene.”

“But I’m not a civilian. I’m fey.” He lifted his hair to show

Carmine his pointy ear and realized his mistake a little too late. The
bracelet that wasn’t attached dangled midair from his wrist.

Carmine opened his drawer and then grunted. “You put my cuffs


Turi quickly hid his hand behind his back, but knew it was

useless. “What are cuffs?”

Turi swallowed hard when Carmine walked behind him, grabbed

the arm that didn’t have a bracelet on it, and pulled it behind his back.
He heard a click and then Turi found that his hands were trapped
behind him.

“That’s what cuffs are,” Carmine said in a low growl. “They

neutralize a suspect.”

Turning in circles, Turi tried his best to get them off. A large hand

landed on his shoulder and then Turi saw Carmine holding up a key.
“Hold still.”

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He held still and soon both hands were free. Carmine dangled the

cuffs in front of Turi’s face. “You shouldn’t play with these unless
you’re serious about it.”

What the heck did that mean? Serious about what? Turi’s throat

went dry when he saw the heat in Carmine’s eyes. He might not be
worldly, but Turi knew when sex was on a man’s mind. He felt his
face heat up as he glanced away.

“You can come with me, but you have to stay in the car.” Carmine

shoved the cuffs into a little pouch that was attached to his belt before
he headed toward the door. “Come on.”

With swift feet, Turi hurried behind Carmine.
After a twenty-minute drive, they pulled up behind a large van

that had the words County Coroner on the side. He turned to Carmine.
“What’s a coroner?”

“A person who picks up the dead body,” Carmine said as he

opened his car door. “Stay here.”

Turi moved to the window, glancing out as Carmine walked to the

open field. There were men all around his mate, a few squatting
down, looking at something. Turi was curious as hell. Not that he
wanted to see a dead body—but he had never seen a dead body

Making sure Carmine wasn’t watching him, Turi eased the car

door open and stepped out, closing the door quietly behind him. He
was going to take a quick look and then get back into the car. What
harm could there be in just looking?

There were a few men walking around. Turi used the distraction

to ease around the coroner’s truck. He wanted to look, but didn’t want
Carmine to know he wasn’t in the car. From the way his mate acted,
Turi was sure Carmine wouldn’t be happy about him not following

Hell, the man just might put the cuffs back on Turi if he found

him snooping around.

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“Do we have an ID on the victim yet?” Carmine asked some guy

standing next to him. Turi saw a small pad of paper in Carmine’s
hand and his mate was writing something in it.

“Nothing yet. We took his fingerprints. Forensic should be

running them through the database soon.” The stranger pointed over
toward the road. “We have tire tracks. Maybe our John Doe was

“Just as soon as we figure out who he is, I want you to find out if

a car is registered in his name. If there is one, I want a BOLO put out
on it.” Carmine turned in Turi’s direction and Turi quickly pressed his
back into the truck so his mate wouldn’t see him. He didn’t
understand what they were talking about, but it sounded very

“I’m willing to bet it was not only a carjacking, but a mugging,”

the stranger said to Turi’s mate. “He has no wallet, nothing to ID him.
Maybe someone tricked him into pulling over and then they attacked

“Well, we’re just getting started,” Carmine replied. “Let’s find out

what evidence the crime lab gathered and go from there.”

When Turi didn’t hear anyone talk for a moment, he peeked

around the truck. Carmine was standing two feet away, staring right at
him. As he suspected, the man didn’t look happy that Turi was out of
the car.

“I was just…” Turi wasn’t sure what to say. He was busted. Any

excuse that came to mind sounded pretty lame to him, so he just
stopped talking. He wasn’t about to dig himself deeper into the hole
he was already in.

“Just messing up the crime scene?” Carmine asked as one thick,

dark brow rose high on his forehead. If his mate wasn’t mad, it would
have been a very sexy look.

“Uh, yeah,” Turi replied and then shook his head, holding his

hands up. “Wait, no.”

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“The first answer was correct,” Carmine said and then crossed his

arms over his broad chest. “I knew you were there the moment you
stepped out of the car.” He pointed to his nose.

Turi craned his neck around Carmine, trying to get a glimpse at

what was going on behind his mate. He might be in trouble, but he
was still very curious. “I’ve just never seen a dead body before,” he
whispered so no one else would hear him.

“And you aren’t going to see one now.” Carmine pointed toward

the car. “I told you to stay put.” When Carmine came toward him,
Turi danced around his mate’s grabbing hand, wanting just one tiny—
Turi came up short when he spotted the body.

“Turi.” Carmine wrapped his fingers around Turi’s upper arm.

“This isn’t something you should be looking at.”

“Wait.” Turi pulled at Carmine’s hand as he stared into milky

eyes. He thought maybe the guy would look like he was sleeping. But
he didn’t. The poor man’s eyes were wide open, his head turned at an
awkward angle. “I know him.”

Carmine pulled Turi off to the side, away from the busy men.

“Turi, this is a crime scene. You shouldn’t—”

“I know him,” Turi repeated more firmly. “He’s come to my

village a few times. He was always talking with my uncle.” His eyes
locked onto the dead body once more. The man should be standing up
straight, talking, walking. Not lying there staring at…nothing.

Even though Turi had never cared for the guy—the man always

made his skin crawl—that didn’t mean the guy should have died such
a violent death. The victim was still relatively young. What kind of a
monster would do something like this?

“Do you know his name?” Carmine asked. He was no longer

trying to pull Turi away, but his mate did block his view.

“I heard my uncle call him Grainne one time.” Turi wished he

could be more help. “I was never allowed to listen to their
conversations.” His tone was apologetic as Turi glanced toward the

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grass, really wishing he hadn’t been so nosey. Now he couldn’t get
the image out of his mind.

Carmine pulled him even further away from the men working

around the dead body. “The deceased is human. You’re telling me he
was working with fey?”

Turi nodded and then shook his head. “I’m not sure if he was

working with my uncle. But I’ve seen him at least five times at the

Carmine cursed. “I’ll have to write this up as a mugging and then

do my own investigation.”

Carmine placed his hands on his hips, staring intently at Turi.
“Oh!” Turi said as realization dawned on him. “Because it’s now

a paranormal thing.”

His mate nodded.
“Go wait in the car, Turi.” Carmine turned and walked back over

to the stranger he had been talking to. Turi went back to the car. He
didn’t want to see a dead body anymore. That would teach him to be
curious. He wished he could erase the memory, but it kept coming
back to him. Those milky eyes were going to haunt him for a long
time to come.

* * * *

Carmine was pissed that Turi had disobeyed him. He wasn’t

trying to be a prick, but he knew what it was like to see a dead body
for the first time. It had to be Turi’s first time because he was a little
too intrigued.

“I’ve never seen you bring a civilian to a crime scene before,”

Officer Belgravia said as he stared at Carmine’s car. From the way
Belgravia was staring at Turi, Carmine knew the cop was a little more
than interested.

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He chose not to answer as he walked over to the coroner. “I’ll be

by later for your report.” He knew he needed to wrap this case up. As
much as Carmine hated to make this look like a mugging, he knew he
had no choice. But as soon as he was done here, Carmine was heading
out to the tribe village to get some answers.

If he investigated this case any further, Carmine knew he was

going to run into Turi’s uncle and father. Was it worth it? Did he want
to confront those two knowing his black bear was going to want some
answers about Turi?

Carmine knew that in his gut, he was a cop first and foremost. He

was going to solve this murder and figure out why Turi’s father was
so adamant about the guy mating his own uncle. He just hoped like
hell that he didn’t kill both of them in the process.

“Give me twenty-four hours and I will have your report,” the

coroner said as he closed the back of the truck.

Carmine headed back toward his car, seeing Turi sitting there as if

he hadn’t disobeyed. The guy was looking straight ahead, and it
almost looked like he was…whistling? What was with the fey and

Shaking his head, Carmine crawled into the driver’s seat and

started his car. “I don’t want you talking about this case or telling
anyone you identified the dead body.”

Turi stopped whistling and turned toward Carmine. “Why?”
“Because if anyone knows that it was you who pointed a finger,

you might have even more problems.” Pulling out onto the road,
Carmine braced himself for an argument. Turi thought logically, but
he also wore rose-colored glasses. The man thought everything was
cut and dry when it wasn’t.

To his amazement, Turi didn’t say a word. He only nodded.

Maybe there was some hope for his mate after all. Inwardly, Carmine
admitted that Turi had been a big help. But he wasn’t going to say that
to the guy. He didn’t want to encourage Turi to solve crimes.

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The fey was already in a fucked-up situation. Carmine didn’t need

him running headfirst into crime scenes and getting himself killed.

As Carmine drove toward the police station, he kept sneaking

covert glances at Turi. The man had been quite impressive back there.
Not only that, Carmine still felt his claws threatening to break free
when he thought about how Officer Belgravia had been looking at

Turi was his.
Carmine just had to decide if he wanted to keep the man or not.

There he went again with his contradictory thoughts. He wasn’t sure
if he was coming or going anymore. Carmine was fighting against
mating Turi, yet was intrigued by the man the more time he spent
around the small fey.

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Chapter Five

Carmine finished up his report and then filed away the mugging.

He couldn’t go out to the fey village right away, not when he had Turi
with him. For the rest of his shift, Carmine had been watching Turi
closely. He was becoming more than intrigued. His mate had decided
to become helpful, fetching coffee for the other cops, sweeping up the
room, and tidying the place up.

Not only that, it seemed Turi had a gift for chatting. More than

once Carmine had caught one or more detectives staring Turi’s way.
Carmine was finding that Turi was…charming. He sat back in his
chair, watching as his mate laughed and talked with one of the other

Turi had a dazzling smile. The row of straight, white teeth

appeared more than once this afternoon. He also noticed how Turi
constantly tucked his hair behind his ear as he talked. Did he know
how handsome he was?

Carmine doubted it. Turi seemed very unaware of his good looks.

Once when Turi was smiling, he had turned Carmine’s way, and that
was when Carmine had seen how his mate’s emerald-green eyes
sparkled when he smiled.

It was a good look on him. A very good look. Carmine had turned

away so he wouldn’t be pulled into those deep, dark gems. He
couldn’t offer Turi any kind of a relationship. Not when he feared
giving his heart to anyone. It wasn’t fair for Carmine to make Turi
think he had a chance—because he didn’t.

But, as much as Carmine was trying his best to keep his distance,

the attraction was there. Lord knew he was fighting the attraction. But

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somehow Turi’s sweetness was winning Carmine over. The guy’s
good looks didn’t help Carmine’s campaign in keeping the fey at
arm’s length.

Carmine pushed away from his desk, tired of the other detectives

flirting with Turi. As much as he was enjoying watching the guy
smile, he’d had enough. “Ready?”

Turi moved over to Carmine, his smile still clinging to his face as

he gazed up. Carmine had to look away. The smile couldn’t be
returned. “Where are we going now?”

That was a very good question. If he took Turi back to the

Lakelands, there was a good chance the father would come after Turi
again. Carmine didn’t want to chance that. There was only one place
he could think of, although taking Turi home wasn’t at the top of
Carmine’s things he was looking forward to list. It meant they would
be alone, no one around to interrupt them. Clearing his throat,
Carmine nodded toward the door. “My house.”

A few of the detectives looked Carmine’s way, smirks on their

faces, as if they knew what was going to happen. They would be
wrong. Nothing was going to happen. Not that Carmine didn’t want
things to happen. They just weren’t.

“Still trying to get me to take candy?” Turi asked, the smile

fading. “Why do we have to go to your house?”

It bothered him when Turi looked guarded, like Carmine was the

bad guy. “Where else are you going to go?” He didn’t know anything
about Turi. For all Carmine knew, the guy could have a dozen places
to lay low.

Turi fingered the whistle as he gave a light shrug of his shoulders.

Carmine really hoped Turi wasn’t about to toot that damn thing.

The despondent look pulled at Carmine. Although it bothered him,

he walked past the guy and headed toward the door. He would help
like he said he would, but nothing more.

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As Carmine stepped out into the balmy night, he felt Turi right

behind him. The guy wasn’t doing anything to make Carmine think he
wanted something more, so why did Carmine feel so guilty about
turning away?

He was determined to stick to his decision about keeping Turi at

bay. Carmine headed to the driver’s side of his car, Turi to the
passenger. Neither said a word as Carmine pulled from the drive and
headed toward his house deep in the woods.

The house was in a perfect location. It was set far enough back

from the road to give Carmine the privacy he craved. The land was
wide and vast, enough room for his bear to run wild and free without
worrying about running into humans.

That was one thing Carmine was thankful of. Maverick Brac

enforced the no-hunting law. The man didn’t play around when it
came to anyone with a rifle in these woods.

“How far in the country do you live?” Turi turned from the

window and faced Carmine. “We’ve been driving for hours.”

No they hadn’t. The two of them had been on the road for about

twenty-five minutes. “We’ll be there in about five minutes.”

Carmine had never brought anyone home. Turi would be the first

person in his house besides himself. He wasn’t sure what fate was
doing to him, but Carmine was surprised that Turi hadn’t refused to
go home with him.

When he first met the guy this morning, Carmine had to

practically throw Turi into his car. Now the man was willingly
climbing in. What changed? Did he really want to examine that
thought more closely?

Carmine pulled into the driveway and got out, inhaling the clean

country air. The place wasn’t what Maverick lived in, but it was big
enough for Carmine. It was the woods that had caught his attention
and helped him decide to buy this house.

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The land was breathtaking. This was the only time Carmine truly

relaxed—when he was at home. There was just something so majestic
about the place that made him feel at ease. Maybe it was the tall
pines, or the open field behind his house. Whatever it was, Carmine
always had an urge to shift and run when he got home from a hard
day’s work.

“Nice place.” Turi got out and closed the car door, glancing

around the area. “Very private.” His tone was suspicious, but he
didn’t say anything out of the way to Carmine. Maybe Carmine would
be suspicious as well if he was going home with someone he just met
this morning.

But then again, Carmine would have already taken care of the

problem if someone was after him. In a way, Turi had his hands tied.
The people after him were relatives. That had to suck.

Carmine strode through the front door. He never locked the place.

No one was ever out this far. He immediately kicked his shoes off and
hung his car keys on the hook by the door. His routine at home was
filled with nothing but habits.

Turi stood in the doorway, glancing inside. Carmine left the man

to go in the kitchen and pour some iced tea. He would let Turi move
around at his own comfortable pace and get used to the place.
Carmine didn’t plan on having the fey there for long. He was going to
figure out how to help the guy and then send him back to the

“Mind if I have a glass?”
Carmine pointed toward the refrigerator. “Help yourself.” When

Turi walked further into the kitchen, Carmine walked out. He settled
in his usual chair and grabbed the remote.

“Do you mind if I make something to eat?”
Glancing toward the kitchen, Carmine saw Turi standing there. He

shrugged. “Go for it.”

Maybe Turi would make enough for Carmine as well. They had

skipped lunch and Carmine was starving. As he channel surfed, he

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began to smell something cooking. It smelled delicious at first, and
then Carmine noticed the aroma had changed.

Something was burning. Why did it smell like cardboard?
Jumping from his chair, Carmine hurried into the kitchen to see

Turi trying to throw water on the fire that was eating its way from the
stove to the countertop. What the fuck? “Don’t use water!”

He grabbed the fire extinguisher he kept under the cabinet and

aimed the nozzle at the fire. Pulling the pin, Carmine doused the
flames in white foam. The kitchen was a damn mess now. He was
pretty sure the counter was totaled.

“I’m sorry!” Turi said as he ran back and forth, his hands pulling

at his hair. “I didn’t…it shouldn’t have…”

“The fire’s out,” Carmine said as he set the extinguisher on the

floor. “What were you doing?”

Carmine’s heart dove into his stomach when he noticed quite a

few of Turi’s hairs were singed. The left side of his hair looked a bit
clumpy. “Were you on fire?”

Turi held up his index finger and thumb, barely spreading them

apart. “Just a little.”

The man was going to give him a damn coronary. He did not need

this shit this late in the evening. Carmine assessed the damage and
knew he would be replacing his damn counter. “How did the fire

Pointing toward the stove, Turi said, “I was trying to cook the can

of biscuits.”

Carmine moved closer, seeing the burnt can on the stove. It wasn’t

in a pan and the man hadn’t even taken the biscuits out of the can.
The charred piece of doughy cardboard was just sitting there on one
of the eyes. He turned back toward Turi. “Do you even know how to

“I do,” Turi quickly defended. “I’ve just never used that thing


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The guy was pointing at the stove. Carmine groaned. “Why didn’t

you say anything? I would have made them for you. Do you know
what could have happened?” What did happen. The man’s hair had
caught fire. Carmine shuddered at the thought of Turi hurting himself.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Turi glared at him. “I would

have asked, but you aren’t the easiest person to approach. You
seemed quite content at ignoring me and making sure we weren’t in
the same room. We don’t have all these modern things in the village.”
Turi pointed to the stove and refrigerator.

Carmine grabbed a towel, unsure of what else to do, and started

cleaning up the mess. What he really wanted to do was pull Turi into
his arms and tell him that everything was okay. He wanted to pet the
man, comfort him.

“I never knew fire could go that high inside someone’s home.”

Turi grabbed a towel as well, joining Carmine as he helped clean up.
He tried to keep his distance, but every time he turned around, Turi
was right next to him, wiping something close by. Carmine didn’t
think the guy did it on purpose, but the closeness was causing havoc
with his body.

“I don’t think this black will come off of the counter.” Turi wiped

harder, but Carmine already knew it was toast.

“I’ll have to replace it.”
“I can help,” Turi said as he tossed his towel aside. “I’m great

with my hands.” The man held them up and wiggled his slim fingers.

The statement made Carmine immediately glance at the man’s

delicate hands and all kinds of wicked images came to mind of what
the guy could do with those fingers. He quickly shook his head, trying
to dispel those images.

He was not going to let Turi in.
“Why not?” Turi asked. “I really am pretty good with wood.”
Carmine swallowed.
The man had mistaken Carmine’s head shake for telling him no.

How in the hell was he supposed to keep his distance? Turi’s scent

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was invading his lungs, pulling Carmine closer, making him want
things he should be running from.

“I wasn’t saying no.”
“But you just shook your head,” Turi pointed out.
Fuck, he couldn’t do this. He couldn’t keep pushing his mate

away. Carmine pivoted on his heel, walking out the back door and
pulling in a lungful of fresh air. Images of his father came to mind,
the lost look, the pain and suffering. There were pieces of his father
that the man had lost—a part of the man that had died with his mate—
yet he had no choice but to move on, to live without the one person
fate had given him.

Carmine didn’t want to live like that. He never wanted to know

what it was like to love someone so deeply, so unselfishly, only to
lose that person and have to live without them. His father was proof
that someone could live when their heart stopped beating.

“What is it?” Turi asked from the doorway, his arms crossed over

his stomach. “Is it the counter? I’m really sorry about that.”

Carmine gazed into Turi’s twin emerald gems and knew he

couldn’t keep a shield around himself. The wall that he had built, the
promise that he had made to never love anyone the way his father had
loved his mother was crumbling, falling down around him, shattering
at his feet.

He wanted to tell Turi the reason he didn’t want to love, but the

words were caught in his throat. “I need to go for a run.”

“I’ll finish cleaning up,” Turi said as he pointed over his shoulder.

They stared at each other for a moment longer before Turi dipped his
head and walked back inside.

Carmine let out a long sigh before stripping down and shifting. He

needed to clear his head, get away, and run before he gave in and
went to his mate, claiming the man. The temptation to give in was so
powerful, but Carmine was fighting it. He had to fight it or risk his
own heart.

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He went for a long, hard run, making it back to the house around

midnight. Carmine let himself in, cradling his clothes in his arms. He
stopped in the kitchen to see that not only was the mess cleaned up,
but aside from the burnt counter, the place was cleaner than Carmine
had ever had it.

He quietly moved through the house, wondering if Turi had fallen

asleep on the couch. He hadn’t told the man where to sleep.
Everything had happened so fast earlier that he hadn’t had a chance to
let Turi know that there was a guest bedroom.

When Turi said that he didn’t have modern things, Carmine was

dying to ask how Turi had lived, fascinated that anyone could live so
modestly. But he hadn’t asked. Carmine had been trying too hard to
shut down his feelings that were growing for Turi.

Carmine wanted to reach out to Turi and keep away from the guy

at the same time. Never had he dealt with something so complicated
before, so conflicting. His head was spinning and his heart was
terrified of ending up like his father.

Glancing into the living room, he spotted Turi fast asleep on the

couch. The man was balled up inside the blanket, his face serene.
Carmine stood there for a moment, able to take in his mate’s features
without Turi knowing he was watching.

Maybe they could be friends. Carmine didn’t like being evasive

and he didn’t like being a prick. That wasn’t him. With the resolve to
be nicer toward Turi, Carmine walked down the hall and went to bed.

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Chapter Six

Maverick stared at the newspaper. He couldn’t believe what he

was reading. It seemed the CEO of Kenyon Corporation had gone
missing and a full-scale investigation had been launched.

“Do you think he left any clues lying around that might lead the

cops to Brac village?” Kota asked as he relaxed in the chair in front of
Maverick’s desk.

“The paper says that they have no leads, but I wouldn’t hold my

breath.” There was no telling what Kenyon might have at his home or
in his office. For all Maverick knew, there could be files that would
expose them all.

They needed a way to search both places without being caught.

His first and foremost priority was keeping the existence of
nonhumans secret. He wasn’t sure what was going on with Kenyon,
but an investigation was something none of them needed.

“The Demon Warriors are your best bet,” Kota said, as if reading

Maverick’s mind. He had been working with the man too many damn
years. His beta was starting to know what Maverick was thinking
before he said a word.

“They can go in through a shadow, check the place out, and be

gone before anyone is the wiser.”

Maverick set the paper down and leaned back, kicking his feet up

onto his desk. “Why does my gut tell me that Kenyon isn’t missing?
He’s up to something, Kota. We know that he sent someone after
Abe.” He glanced at Kota. “Why did he just give up his attempt at
capturing a fey?”

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Kota smiled. “Maybe he found out it was impossible to catch

those shimmering men.”

Maverick pulled at his soul patch and then shook his head. “A

head Vampire Hunter does not give up so easily, Kota. No, there’s
something going on here.”

Maverick was just afraid to find out what that something was. If

Kenyon’s agenda was to expose the nonhuman world, why would he
fall off the face of the map? Was he gathering intel someplace else?

“I need to meet with the Ultionem and let them know what’s

going on. We need to keep our eyes and ears open.”

Kenyon was a very smart man. He was the first human that

Maverick truly worried about. Kenyon was well funded,
determined—and from everything the man had done so far—very
well informed.

He would be a fool to underestimate the man. Kenyon hadn’t

disappeared in something as simple as foul play. Maverick would
stake his life on that. The man had something up his sleeve and he
was determined to find out what that something was.

* * * *

Carmine held the door open as Turi walked past him. It had been

years since Carmine had gone bowling. He had tried to think of an
innocent enough thing to do with his mate and since the bowling alley
had just opened up, it was the perfect place to spend some time.
Sitting around the house with Turi wasn’t an option. That would only
make Carmine dwell on the things they could do there—more
intimate things. He wasn’t going to claim Turi, so he had decided to
get out of the house.

“So you just throw a ball and try to knock some pins over?” Turi

asked for the thousandth time. “But that doesn’t make any sense.”

“Let’s go pay for our game.” Carmine led Turi over to the counter

where he paid for a lane and some rental shoes. As he waited for the

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attendant to get their ugly shoes, Carmine could hear the sounds of
crashing pins and blaring music overhead.

The sights, sounds, and smells brought back nostalgic memories.

Carmine’s dad always took him bowling. Not just for fun, but it
seemed his father thought a good game of bowling was needed when
he had something serious to talk to Carmine about.

Carmine smiled when he remembered the time his dad had taken

him to the lanes to talk to him about sex. That was the most awkward
game he had ever played. Carmine still winced when he thought of
how his dad had used words like penetration and mutual satisfaction.
The man had sucked at the birds and the bees, but Carmine loved the
guy for trying.

Once Carmine had their shoes, he led Turi over to their lane.
“I’m supposed to wear shoes that everyone else has worn?” Turi

didn’t look too happy.

Carmine pulled out a pair of socks from his pocket. “That’s why I

brought these.”

“Oh, I thought the lump in your pants was…never mind.” Turi

hastily grabbed the socks. He sat down and slipped his sandals off,
pulling the socks on.

What had Turi thought—Carmine couldn’t believe he was

actually blushing. It had been forever since that had happened. He
rubbed at his jaw as he watched Turi put his shoes on.

“Aren’t you going to put yours on?” Turi nodded toward

Carmine’s bowling shoes that were sitting on the floor.

Pulling his eyes away from his mate, Carmine pulled his boots off

and donned the ugly green-and-yellow bowling shoes.

“Okay,” Turi said as he stood and clapped his hands together.

“Show me how this all works.”

Carmine went to the small console and showed Turi how the score

was kept. He then found the ball Turi was most comfortable with and
the one with the weight he had always played with. “Now watch me.”

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Turi’s eyes raked up and down Carmine’s body and he couldn’t

mistake the look for anything but interest. Carmine cleared his throat
as he walked to the end of the lane. He had to take a few moments to
compose himself. His cock was threatening to grow hard at the way
those green eyes had practically caressed his body.

Carmine took his turn, knocking all of the pins down. “Strike!”
“That doesn’t seem so hard.” Turi got up and grabbed his ball.

When his mate walked to the end of the lane, Carmine had to quickly
show the man how to stand. His mate was turned sideways, like he
was about to throw the ball instead of roll it.

“You don’t heave it, Turi. A gentle roll will do just fine.”
Carmine took a few steps back, watching. When Turi’s arm

cocked back, Carmine moved out of the way, fearing that the fey
would let the ball go at the wrong time. He did not need his nuts

When Turi’s arm was high up in the air, the ball fell. Carmine had

seconds to pull his mate out of the way before the bowling ball came
down on Turi’s head. The ball hit the floor with a loud thud and rolled
a few inches away.

“It looked a lot easier when you did it,” Turi mumbled.
Carmine grabbed the ball and handed it to his mate. He stood

behind Turi, helping him with a few mock arm tosses. The closeness
was affecting him. Turi’s small ass kept tilting back into Carmine’s
groin as his mate swung his arm forward.

He was trying his best not to notice, but Carmine could only

ignore so much. There was no denying that he wanted the man,
sexually. Turi was a very gorgeous guy. But Carmine knew that once
he bedded Turi, there would be no going back.

A bear didn’t have to bite in order to claim his mate—although

biting was something he loved to do. But the process was much
simpler. All he had to do was sleep with the guy. As tempting as that
was, Carmine didn’t plan on fucking Turi.

“Okay, try now.” This time Carmine moved further away.

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After a small running start, Turi let the ball go. Thankfully it went

down the lane this time instead of up in the air. A few pins fell, but
Turi was jumping around and whooping like he had bowled a strike.

Carmine chuckled at the man’s enthusiasm.
“I think I like bowling.” Turi grabbed his ball when it came back

to him. He did better this time, leaving only two pins standing. The
smug look on Turi’s face was adorable.

“You’re getting the hang of it.” Carmine reached for his ball at the

same time Turi tried to move out of the way. His mate’s body brushed
Carmine’s and they both stilled. Big green eyes stared up at him as
Carmine felt his cock getting impossibly hard. His heart was beating
faster and his skin was breaking out into a sweat.

“Excuse me,” Turi said softly, but the guy didn’t move.
Carmine forced himself to step to the right, his thoughts becoming

scrambled as he grabbed the ball and forgot what he was supposed to
do with it. He just stood there like an idiot, his eyes riveted on Turi.

“Your turn.” Turi finally broke the spell, taking a seat at their


Right. His turn. Carmine had lost focus as he stared at the lane.

The pins were set up, waiting for him to take his turn. He just had to
remember how to bowl. Had a look like the one Turi gave him ever
affected Carmine’s brain before? Sure, he had both men and women
flirt with him over the years. Carmine had taken some of them up on
their offer.

But none of those people had ever made Carmine’s mind turn to

mush. You are not going to sleep with him. Clearing his throat,
Carmine took his turn. He didn’t even pay attention to what he had
bowled. His mind was someplace else.

Images of what Turi would look like on his knees, wearing

Carmine’s handcuffs as he sucked Carmine’s cock kept filling his
mind. His dick was hard as a rock and he didn’t want to turn around.

“You have more points than me,” Turi complained, pulling

Carmine from his sexual thoughts. “No fair.”

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Carmine headed toward the snack bar, refusing to let Turi see his

erection. “Take your turn while I get us something to eat,” he called
out over his shoulder. Maybe bowling hadn’t been such a great idea
after all.

* * * *

Turi was fascinated by the way he could make Carmine run.

Never before had he openly flirted with someone and it totally
amazed him that he had sent such a powerful and masculine guy
heading toward the snack bar with a full erection.

He had purposefully gotten in the man’s way, just to see if he had

any effect on the guy. He had begun to think that his mate wasn’t
interested in him. Boy, was he wrong. If the hard outline in the man’s
pants was anything to go by, the guy was very interested.

Turi hadn’t been out to toy with Carmine. He really wasn’t. But

the way his mate kept him at bay was getting frustrating. He was an
adult and knew what should be happening between mates, but
Carmine was acting as if Turi had the plague.

When Carmine returned, Turi purposefully bent over to grab the

bowling ball. His ass wiggled a bit before he straightened and cut his
eyes over toward his mate’s groin. Yep, it was still hard as ever.

He was being a shit and he knew it. But Turi was really tired of

being ignored. He wanted to be claimed, to be loved by this man, and
he had decided on the way here that he was going to do whatever it
took to get his mate to claim him.

He had seen flirting before and knew what to do. The mechanics

of batting his eyes and wiggling his ass were very basic. Even Turi
could handle that.

“I brought you some nachos and cheese.” Carmine set the tray

down, refusing to look Turi’s way. Making sure his hips swayed
gently from side to side, Turi walked over to the end of the lane and
took his turn.

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When he spun back around, Carmine’s eyes were riveted to his

ass. Now they were riveted to Turi’s groin. He could feel himself
getting hard, his breathing becoming labored as he remembered how
to walk and headed back to Carmine.

His mate pulled his gaze away and Turi could see his Adam’s

apple bobbing rapidly. The tension between them seemed to build as
they both took turns, playing out their game—a game of bowling and

If Turi wasn’t mistaken, Carmine was peacocking. The man

flexed his biceps, strutted over to the end of the lane, and moved in
ways that had Turi practically drooling. He wondered if Carmine
made those same moves in bed.

The friendly game had turned into a competition. But the

competiveness wasn’t about who could get the highest score. It was
about who could flirt the most, and how provocative they could make

He wasn’t sure how he had gotten Carmine to lower his guard, but

Turi was enjoying every second of the attention his mate was giving
him. Those café-brown eyes continually slipped over to Turi, making
him blush before he glanced away.

This game was much more fun. Turi liked feeling as if he were the

center of Carmine’s attention. When Carmine wasn’t closed off to
him, he excelled at seducing. The man wasn't overt. It was the small,
subtle things that he was doing that were driving Turi crazy.

“Looks like I won,” Carmine said as he sat down and grabbed his

bottle of root beer, his lips wrapping around the end so seductively
that Turi nearly whimpered.

“I guess we should head back to your house.” Turi bent over to

remove his shoes, knowing the back of his shirt was sliding up,
exposing his skin to Carmine’s perusing eyes.

When the guy didn’t say anything, Turi glanced toward Carmine.

The playfulness was gone from the man’s eyes, replaced once again
by the guarded expression.

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What was it going to take to keep that guard down? Turi was at a

loss of how to get Carmine back into his playful mood. He slid the
socks off and then jammed his feet into his sandals, frustrated as hell.

Carmine reached over and grabbed Turi’s bowling shoes, heading

toward the counter without a word. Turi wanted to punch something.
It seemed the two got along, when they were acting like friends. But
Turi wanted something more than friendship. He wanted something
more meaningful than batting eyes and flexing biceps.

Turi cleaned up the area, and then met Carmine by the door. Once

they were out in the parking lot, Turi grabbed Carmine by his arm. “Is
it me?”

He could see the war in Carmine’s eyes. His mate’s expression

was tense before Carmine let out a long breath. “It’s not you, Turi.”

“Then tell me what’s going on. Why do you keep pushing me


Carmine leaned against the car, twirling his keys around his finger

as he stared off into the bordering woods. “My father was a very
strong man. I didn’t think anything could take him down. In my eyes,
he was a rock-solid pillar. But a few years ago, my mother was killed
in a freak train wreck.”

Turi stood frozen to the spot, absorbing everything Carmine was


“They still don’t know how her train derailed, but ever since her

death, my father just exists. He’s practically withered away to
nothing. Almost every time I go over there, he’s just sitting by the
window, staring off into space.”

Turi’s heart went out to Carmine. He could see the pain in the

man’s eyes. He could also see that Carmine truly loved his father and
it was tearing him up inside to see his dad going through something
like this.

Carmine stopped twirling the keys, curling his fingers around the

set as his eyes dropped down to his feet. “I don’t ever want to go

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through something like that, Turi. I don’t ever want to know what it
feels like to lose my mate.”

Turi blinked a few times, turning his head toward the back of the

car. He wasn’t sure what to say. He could hear the fear in Carmine’s
tone. The man was truly afraid to love. “I don’t plan on dying,
Carmine,” Turi said, because he had no clue what else to say.

“Nobody plans on dying.” Carmine’s jaw clenched as he crossed

his arms over his chest. “It just happens.”

Moving closer, Turi laid his hand on Carmine’s arm. “So, you’re

just going to shut the world out? You are going to leave me unclaimed
because you’re afraid of being hurt?”

Running his hands over his hair, Carmine’s eyes flickered down

toward Turi. Turi held back the sob when he saw the truth in the
man’s café-brown eyes. That was exactly what his mate had planned
on doing.

Turi balled up his hand and punched Carmine in his chest. His

mate looked stunned, but Turi was beyond mad and didn’t care. “You
selfish bastard!” He punched Carmine again. “You refuse to claim me
because you’re afraid of being hurt. What the hell do you think your
refusal is doing to me? Don’t you think it hurts to know that my mate
doesn’t want me?”

Before Carmine could answer, Turi stormed away. He was glad

that Carmine wasn’t refusing him because he wasn’t attracted to Turi.
But the truth still stung like a bitch.

“You said you didn’t want a mate,” Carmine shouted at him as

Turi kept walking. “You said your life was complicated enough.”

Turi spun around, glaring at the man. His anger boiled over when

he heard thunder and then the rain began to fall. Just great. “At least
I’m trying to make this work. You on the other hand are too
chickenshit to take a chance.” He turned and began walking again,
unsure of where he was going as the rain began to soak through his

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All he knew was that he had to get away before Carmine said

something that would turn what Turi was starting to feel toward the
guy into something vile. He didn’t want to hate Carmine. But what
was he supposed to do when his mate was practically throwing him

It was going to be one long walk, but he decided to go back to the

ranch. It wasn’t safe there, but staying with Carmine wasn’t an option.
If only he could get the damn bracelet off of his wrist. Shimmering
would be so freaking handy right now.

“You shouldn’t be wandering these roads by yourself.” Carmine

had caught up to him, matching Turi’s quick strides.

Turi was so mad that he shoved at Carmine’s chest. “You don’t

have to worry about your obligation to me any longer, Carmine. Just
go back to your miserable life and leave mine alone.” He was starting
to wish he had never met Detective Carmine Bianchi.

“You don’t know what it’s like,” Carmine argued.
“What, to lose my mate? I’m losing him now.”
“What if you die!” Carmine shouted at him. “What if I invest

myself in you and then you are killed?”

Pushing his wet hair from his face, Turi let go of his anger. He

could see the genuine fear in Carmine’s eyes. “What if you invest in
me and I don’t die?”

From the expression on Carmine’s face, he could tell that the man

hadn’t thought of that option. “You can’t push life away because you
are afraid of being hurt, Carmine. You have to take a chance and
enjoy the time you do have with the person you love.”

Carmine’s eyes slightly widened. “Love?”
Turi groaned. It was like talking to a brick wall. “Yes, love.

Eventually that is going to happen if we stay together. At least I hope
it will. I’m already starting to fall in love with you. Why do you think
your rejection is like a knife in my heart?”

“But we just met.”
“Your point?”

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The rain started coming down harder, but Turi refused to run for

shelter. He wasn’t going anywhere until he knew where he stood with

His mate’s eyes bore into his, the intensity almost overwhelming.

“I’m scared shitless, Turi.”

It was more than Turi thought the man would say. Just hearing

Carmine confess his fear made the man more reachable. Turi took a
step closer, reaching up and brushing his hand over Carmine’s wet
cheek. “So am I, but we can be scared together. I don’t want to live
without the other half of my soul, Carmine.”

Turi sucked in a deep breath when Carmine grabbed him, pulling

Turi into his strong arms as he lowered his head and captured Turi’s
lips. It was their first kiss and Turi felt like his entire body had just
caught fire.

His arms snaked around Carmine’s shoulders, pulling the man

closer and praying his mate never let him go. Carmine seemed to be
pouring all his emotions into that one kiss, giving Turi his fear, his
joy, and everything else the man had been holding back.

His mate’s rough whiskers scraped across Turi’s face as he

deepened the kiss, his arms tightening around Turi’s body. His mouth
opened wider when Carmine’s tongue plunged in, sweeping and

Turi’s body became pliant as Carmine claimed his mouth, his

hands pressing into Turi’s back. Unfortunately, Turi needed to
breathe. His lungs were burning for oxygen. He reluctantly pulled
back, but Carmine didn’t release him.

“Give me a chance, Carmine. Please don’t walk away from me.”
Carmine searched Turi’s face and he could see the walls

continuing to crumble. But that didn’t mean his mate would relent in
his feelings to guard his heart. Turi stood there praying.

To his surprise, Carmine hugged Turi close, almost strangling the

air from his lungs. “Please don’t ever leave me,” his mate whispered
in Turi’s ear.

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Turi kissed the side of Carmine’s jaw. “Never.”
The promise was made. Turi just hoped fate didn’t have other

plans as he thought about his father and uncle.

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Chapter Seven

“Have you found him yet?” Delyn asked the men he had sent

looking for Turi. “He shouldn’t be that hard to find. I highly doubt he
strayed too far with that bracelet on.”

He could see his brother, Egon, watching from across the room.

His brother wanted Turi and Delyn wanted the goddamn money he
was promised for his son. He was tired of living in this godforsaken
village and was ready to live like a king in the modern world.

But he couldn’t do that until he found his son.
“We haven’t found him yet,” one of the men said. “He isn’t at the


For one split second Delyn had become weak, staring into his

son’s eyes in that barn. That had been one second too long. Someone
had shot at him and Delyn had taken off. He cursed his conscience.
Turi had been nothing but a burden since the day he was born and if
he hadn’t hesitated, Delyn would be out of this place already.

“Expand your search. He hasn’t gotten that far.” Delyn watched as

the men left the hut.

“Turi better still be a virgin when you find him or the deal is off,”

Egon said as he walked slowly around Delyn. “I haven’t kept watch
over him for nothing. It was you who allowed him to escape so I am
holding you responsible. Find him.” Egon swept from the hut and
Delyn ground his teeth.

One way or another, he was going to find Turi. And when he did,

he just might give the man a beating before handing him over to
Egon. Delyn walked out of the hut in search of his nephew. If anyone

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could trick Turi into a false sense of comfort, it was Kiki. Turi would
trust his cousin and Kiki would bring Turi back home.

* * * *

“You should get out of those wet clothes.” Carmine walked

through the door behind Turi, feeling nervous for the first time in a
very long time. His mate had made a point. Whether Carmine had
wanted to claim Turi or not, he had developed feelings for the man.
And from Turi’s confession, so had his mate.

Trying to keep the man at arm’s length was only going to hurt

them both. So why fight this any longer? If truth be told, Carmine was
tired of running, tired of fighting against what he was feeling. He
prayed to the gods above that he never went through what his dad was
going through, but Carmine couldn’t stop living because his father
was in mourning. He was about to give up the best thing to ever
happen to him and fuck if Carmine was going to be that stupid.

Turi was his and Carmine had decided that he wasn’t letting the

man go. He also knew that if he claimed Turi, there was nothing his
mate’s father or uncle could do. Paranormal law prevented anyone
from interfering in a mating.

Once he claimed Turi tonight, he had every right to defend his

mate any way he saw fit. But that’s not what Carmine was trying to
do. He knew Turi cared about his father and wasn’t out to hurt his
mate. But if that man came anywhere near his little fey, Carmine was
going to rip the man’s head from his shoulders.

He had also kept Turi at bay because he wasn’t sure if his mate

could handle what Carmine would demand of him. He liked to play,
sometimes a bit rough. Carmine wasn’t sure Turi could handle that.
He was about to find out. If Turi couldn’t handle Carmine’s kinks, he
would back off. But it was a large part of his life and he wanted Turi
to be a part of that.

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But tonight he would go slow. He would ease his mate into the

different flavors Carmine enjoyed.

“I can’t believe how wet I got.”
Oh, Carmine could take that statement in so many different ways.

He hadn’t forgotten all the flirting Turi had done at the bowling alley.
Carmine was just wondering if the man could put his money where
his mouth was.

He was about to find out. Stripping his shirt over his head,

Carmine tossed it aside. The cool air in the room caressed his heated
skin. He was flush from the need pulsing deep inside of him. He
should have been freezing from being wet and walking into an air
conditioned home. But Carmine was hot all over, ready to take Turi
any way he could get the man.

When Turi looked as if he were about to walk away, Carmine

wrapped his fingers around the man’s arm and pulled him back,
swinging Turi around to face him. “You can undress right here.”

Turi stood there, looking like a sexy, drenched man. His green

eyes grew big as he watched Carmine shove his jeans down his legs.
He dropped to the couch, kicking his boots off before relieving
himself of his pants. “What are you waiting on?”

Reaching down, Turi pulled off his sandals as slow as he could.

Carmine was left with nothing but his wet boxers on. He lifted his
hips and shoved them down his legs, dropping the material to the

Now he was totally naked, hard as hell, and waiting on his mate to

join him. “From the way you were acting at the bowling alley, I
would’ve thought you’d be rushing to get undressed.”

Carmine pushed from the couch when Turi just stood there

looking as if he didn’t know what to do. He walked with a predatory
gait toward his mate, giving the man a half smile. When he reached
Turi, Carmine didn’t say a word.

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“I can undress myself,” Turi said in a voice that was almost a

whisper. Carmine didn’t back away. He stood there naked and hard,

He could see Turi visibly swallowing as his mate’s fingers

reached under his shirt and began to pull the wet material over his
head. Carmine got his first glimpse at his mate’s slim chest and what
a sight it was to behold. His mouth was already watering to take a
bite. “Your pants, Turi.”

Carmine knew he had to take over. Turi seemed to be functioning

on one brain cell. The man was slow to move and it was driving
Carmine mad to wait. He began a slow, leisurely walk around his
mate until he was standing at Turi’s back. Pressing his chest into
Turi’s back, Carmine brushed the man’s wet hair aside and kissed the
pointy tip of his mate’s ear. “Scared?”

Turi gave a slight jump and then let out a long groan. Carmine bit

back the smile when he saw Turi’s ear wiggle. It was the strangest
and most erotic sight he had ever seen. From the reaction of his kiss,
Carmine knew it was Turi’s erogenous zone as well. He was going to
have to remember that.

Turi began to fumble with the button of his jeans, his breath

coming out in quick pants. Reaching around his mate, Carmine rested
his hands over Turi’s.

“Relax.” Carmine pressed a kiss to Turi’s bare shoulder. “I know

you are well aware of what is about to happen. If you need me to take

“N–no, I can do this.”
Carmine rested his chin on Turi’s shoulder as he watched the

clumsy way his mate tried to unfasten his jeans. When he tilted his
head to look at Turi, he saw that his mate was blinking rapidly.

“Are you a virgin, Turi?” Carmine asked in the lightest of

whispers, his voice deep with seduction and desire. “Is that why
you’re so nervous?”

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He had his answer when he skimmed his hands over Turi’s bare

sides and the man jumped again. “Mmm, maybe I should cuff you and
have my wicked way with you.”

Turi’s breath hitched but he didn’t say no. Hope welled up inside

Carmine that maybe Turi could handle what Carmine wanted to do
with the man.

Before his mate could say a word, Carmine walked over to the

table on the side of the couch and grabbed his cuffs. He ran the
smooth steel down Turi’s arm, teasing the man and waiting to see if
Turi would protest to what he had in mind.

His mate didn’t say a word.
Carmine eased one cuff around the man’s wrist, snapping it

closed. “Is it too tight?”

Turi shook his head.
When his fingers caressed the man’s other wrist, he felt the plastic

coil. “Do you need your whistle, Turi, or can I remove it?”

“I don’t—” With a casual movement, he turned his head and faced

Carmine. “Do I need it?”

The man was asking if he could trust Carmine, wanting to know if

this was a safe place for him. Carmine eased the coil from Turi’s
wrist. “You’ll never need it when I’m with you.”

As he finished talking, Carmine snapped the other cuff in place.

“You still have control, Turi. I promise.” His fingers brushed over
Turi’s lower stomach before Carmine unsnapped the man’s jeans. He
took his time, tugging at the wet denim inch by slow inch.

Turi’s supple body tensed as the material reached his knees. To

Carmine’s surprise, the man wasn’t wearing any underwear. His
mate’s cock had sprung free, the head glistening with pre-cum. “Lean
your back into me.”

His mate did, and Carmine tapped one of Turi’s ankles. His mate

lifted his foot and Carmine eased the denim free. He did the same
with the other until he could drop the wet pants on the floor. Carmine
held Turi’s sides as he stood, helping the man balance himself.

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Carmine ran his knuckles down his mate’s smooth back and over

one flared cheek before he moved to stand in front of Turi. He
inspected the man from head to toe and appreciated every square inch
of the guy’s body.

“Very nice.” Carmine stated his approval. The man was lightly

tanned, had a slim body, and his cock was very impressive. It curved
up toward his stomach, flushed with arousal and demanding attention.

Carmine was glad he hadn’t held out on his resolution to keep

Turi away. Not just because of the sex that was about to come, but
because he knew they were a perfect match in every way. “You look
very seductive wearing my cuffs.”

The side of Turi’s mouth turned up into a smile. It seemed he

wasn’t that shy after all. There was a little rebellion in him. “You
think so?”

Carmine let out a low growl as he twined his fingers in Turi’s

hair. The strands were wet, making his hair look charcoal black.
Carmine tilted Turi’s head back, letting one finger trail down the
man’s throat. “I’m positive.”

He wasn’t sure where to start. Turi’s body was like a smorgasbord

and every bit of the feast looked appetizing. Carmine had fought
against getting close, but he knew subconsciously that this was
inevitable. That’s why he couldn’t leave Turi to the Lakelands. That
was why he had taken Turi under his protection.

He had known things would lead to this, and a part of him had

wanted it. Of course, it was the part that wasn’t shouting that he didn’t
want to end up like his father.

“Tell me, Turi, have you ever sucked cock?” Carmine watched

Turi’s reaction. The man blinked a few times before his eyes dropped
to Carmine’s erection.

“No.” The smaller man’s eyes never left his groin. Carmine had a

feeling that Turi had always wanted to try oral sex, but had never
dared to experiment.

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Circling his fingers around the base of his shaft, Carmine gave a

light squeeze. “Can you manage to get to your knees, or do you need
me to help you?”

The man looked confused at first. His brows furrowed as he began

to chew on his bottom lip.

“It wasn’t a difficult question, Turi.” Carmine fought the

temptation to forgo the foreplay and help the man. He wanted Turi to
be just as turned on and willing as Carmine was. He had to control his

“I think I might need help.”
Releasing his shaft, Carmine moved behind Turi and gently

settled him into place. His fingers caressed the man’s half-dried hair,
letting the strands slip through his fingers before slowly walking back
around. Turi was at the perfect height on his knees, his face right at
Carmine’s groin.

“Take me into your mouth, Turi.” Carmine guided the head to

Turi’s lips as they parted. It was the most spectacular sight he had
ever seen. Turi knelt there, hands cuffed behind him, lips parted and

Carmine damn near came.
The man was a natural-born submissive. Carmine could see the

truth in Turi’s emerald-green eyes. He wanted Carmine to take over,
to show him what to do. No, to tell him what to do.

Carmine swiped the head of his cock over Turi’s bottom lip,

painting the skin with his pre-cum. Before he told the man, Turi was
licking his lip clean, his tongue searching out more of Carmine’s

Pressing forward, Carmine pushed the head past his mate’s lips,

shivering at the feeling of seeing his cock disappear into the man’s
mouth. “Suck it, Turi.”

Carmine could feel his legs begin a light shake, his control barely

there. His fingers glided through Turi’s hair as his mate began to lick

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Carmine’s heavily veined cock. Carmine gave a sharp growl, gritting
his teeth at the pleasure that was racing through him.

Turi might not know what he was doing, but the man was sending

Carmine quickly to the edge. His tongue twirled around the head, his
eyes darting up, staring at Carmine as he leaned forward and took
more of Carmine’s length into his mouth.

He wanted to pump his hips, to fuck Turi’s pretty lips, but he

forced himself to be still. “Suck me. Don’t tease.”

He stared down at Turi, the man’s eyes intense as Carmine held

his mate securely in place. This was a degree of torture he had never
experienced. Turi’s tongue appeared and licked over Carmine’s cock.
It was rough, rasping at his flesh. Carmine couldn’t control himself.
He arched against Turi’s wet mouth, needing more.

“I’m going to fuck your mouth, Turi.” His hips moved slowly and

evenly. His body was so hard, felt so hot that Carmine thought he was
going to go up in flames. He wanted to dominate and possess. He felt
the blood thundering through his veins. He wanted to claim Turi. He
wanted him so badly it was about to kill Carmine.

But first he needed to take off the edge. His mate was watching

him heatedly, his eyes glittering. And then Turi moaned. The pleasure
vibrated against Carmine’s cock, making him gasp for breath. His
mate’s lashes lowered, becoming heavy with sexuality, his lips
becoming fuller, his face tight with need.

Turi’s lips slid erotically over Carmine’s cock making him feel as

if he were going to melt. His hands gripped Turi’s hair tighter,
holding the man in place as he clenched his jaw.

“So good,” he whispered into the room. The pleasure was building

inside of him. His body tightened involuntarily, every bone and
muscle in him locking into place as he plunged his cock deeper into
Turi’s mouth. The hot draw of Turi’s lips, the moist wash of his
tongue, was killing Carmine, killing him with pleasure.

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Turi sucked harder and Carmine’s back arched. “Fuck!” His

fingers gripped the man’s hair tighter as Carmine came down his

He let out a sharp growl, knowing his canines were at full length.

“Now I am about to claim you.”

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Chapter Eight

Turi was still reeling from what had just happened as Carmine

picked him up from the floor and carried him down the hallway. His
mate kicked the door open and Turi saw that they were in a bedroom.

He was nervous and elated that Carmine was finally going to

make him his. His mate removed the cuffs and Turi almost protested.
He liked giving Carmine full control because he had no clue what he
was doing.

His mate pulled Turi’s hands over his head and then locked the

cuffs into place around the headboard.

He lay there watching Carmine, shivering from not only the air

conditioner, but what was to come. He had no idea what Carmine was
going to demand of him. Turi pulled at the cuffs and then sighed. He
liked having the larger man dominate him.

He never knew that about himself, that he wanted someone else to

take over. No, not someone else, Carmine. Turi had no problem
letting Carmine dominate him. He trusted the man like he had trusted
no other. Carmine was fierce, masculine, and his mate. Turi knew that
Carmine wouldn’t hurt him or force him to do anything he wasn’t
comfortable with. He could feel it in his gut.

“You can’t get free.” Carmine moved around the bed. His canines

were at full length, his café-brown eyes filled with a savage heat.
“You are about to be claimed, Turi. There is no use fighting this.”

“I–I don’t want to fight it.”
“But you want to test your boundaries.” Carmine nodded toward

the cuffs.

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That was exactly what Turi had been doing. He didn’t want his

freedom. He had been making sure that Carmine had him locked
securely in place. Turi wanted to belong to Carmine, in every sense of
the word.

He was sick of running, tired of his father trying to force him into

a mating he didn’t want. But Turi wanted this mating, desperately.
Carmine was a male he would gladly surrender to.

Carmine moved over to his dresser and Turi couldn’t see what the

man was doing. He craned his neck, but Carmine’s back was too
broad to see around.

He would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t a bit nervous

about all of this. This was Turi’s first real sexual experience—aside
from the fantastic blow job—and he wasn’t sure what was going to

“I’m a very aggressive male in the bedroom, Turi.” Carmine was

speaking, but still had his back to Turi. “But I want you to know I
would never do anything to hurt you.”

“I know,” Turi said with confidence.
When Carmine turned around to face him, Turi not only saw just

how hard and ready Carmine was, he also saw something in the man’s
hand. It looked like a cock. Turi was not worldly in the least bit when
it came to sex and he wondered exactly what Carmine was going to
do with that thing.

Wait, Carmine had more than one thing in his hand. Turi was

trying to figure things out when Carmine approached the bed. He set
the stuff down and then smoothed his hand up Turi’s inner thigh. “Are
you ready to play, mate?”

Turi’s breath caught on that word. How long had he been waiting

to hear Carmine use it? Since first meeting the man. He groaned as
Carmine’s hand slid further up his thigh, and then he wanted to cry in
frustration when his mate stopped just short of his balls.

“We are going to play light today, Turi.” Carmine’s fingers slid

down his thighs until they reached Turi’s knees. “But I want you to

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know that I plan on playing very hard with you. Can you handle

“How hard?” Turi asked as he spread his legs further apart,

hoping like hell that Carmine got the hint. He wanted to be touched in
all the intimate places on his body, but the man just kept grazing his
fingers over Turi’s damn knees.

“Can you handle being whipped?”
Turi’s heart froze in his chest, images of Carmine beating him

coming to mind. “Like a dog?”

Carmine gave him a half smirk as he shook his head. “Nothing

like that. Pleasure would be my goal, Turi. I want to bring you lots of

Whipping and pleasure were not synonymous in Turi’s mind. One

did not go with the other. But he knew he trusted Carmine. Licking
his dry lips, Turi was panting hard as he stared into his mate’s eyes.

“Say the words for me,” Carmine said as his fingers began to trail

back up Turi’s inner thigh. “Tell me this is something that you want.”

Turi’s back bowed when Carmine reached between his legs and

circled his anus with wet fingers. His limbs were shaking as he fought
for breath. His mate hadn’t breached him, but the anticipation was
nearly maddening.

Turi wanted to cry out for Carmine to take him, but he couldn’t

find his voice. Not when the powerful man was standing over him,
café-brown eyes heavy with need. Carmine looked like he was still in
control while Turi felt like his body wasn’t his own anymore. It
belonged to his mate and Carmine seemed to be just getting started.

“I want this,” Turi said when his voice finally came back to him.

“Please, I want this, Carmine.”

Turi bit down hard into his bottom lip when Carmine’s finger

slipped inside of him. His backside burned and his chest ached.
Realizing that he was holding his breath, Turi breathed out slowly.

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Carmine moved until he was kneeling down by Turi’s feet, one

hand resting on Turi’s knee. His mate’s cock was still hard as hell and
his eyes were darker than before. “You like this?”

Words eluded him. Turi could only nod as his head hit the pillow,

his body writhing in pure pleasure. His mate was twisting his finger
and making Turi’s body feel things it had never felt before. His skin
was tight, his heart was racing, and Turi was pretty damn sure he was
going to fragment at any moment.

How could anyone handle so much pleasure?
“Ready for another?” Carmine asked, but didn’t wait for Turi to

answer. He inserted another finger and Turi cried out as the most
exquisite desire cascaded through him. He tried to lift his legs, but
Carmine held them firmly in place with his other hand and his well-
muscled chest.

Turi needed something, but he wasn’t sure what that something

was. Carmine began to stroke his chest, hips, legs, and every other
part of Turi as his fingers worked to stretch him.

“Carmine.” Turi whined the man’s name, licking his lips as his

body continued to buzz, to hum to life. It was all so overwhelming.
His mate was going slow, stoking the fires instead of igniting them
like he had done in the living room.

Turi gasped loudly when Carmine pulled his hand back and then

three fingers were inserted into his ass. His knees fell apart as did his
body. Turi cried out as he came. He jerked, shuddered, and curled his
fingers in, the cuffs preventing him from reaching out to touch his

“Ride it through,” Carmine crooned. “Let it take you over.”
Turi was still jerking, still basking in his orgasm when he felt

something blunt at his ass. He knew it wasn’t Carmine’s fingers. The
object was too hard. He slammed his eyes closed and whimpered
loudly when his ass was stretched wide.

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In seconds, Carmine was at Turi’s side, lying next to him, kissing

his jaw and whispering to him. “Enjoy this, Turi. I want to show you
what real pleasure is all about.”

The object began to move inside of him, pulling out and then

slipping back in. Turi yanked at his cuffs, the sensations becoming too

As if he could sense Turi’s desperation, Carmine slowed, the

object slowing as well. He turned his head toward his mate and
Carmine captured his lips. His free hand curled into Turi’s hair, gently
pulling at the strands as Turi opened wide, Carmine exploring his
mouth at a leisurely pace.

“We’re just getting warmed up,” Carmine said as he pulled his

lips away. “I plan on playing with you for hours—with and without

Turi barely heard the man. He was rocking in time with the

motion of the toy in his ass. He wanted to come again so freaking bad
that he nearly begged Carmine to give him release. He was teetering
at the edge, but he couldn’t fall over.

“Look at you,” Carmine said as his hand slid down Turi’s chest.

“God, I can’t believe I was about to pass this up.”

“Carmine, I need…”
“I know, baby. And I’ll give you what you need. But all in good

time.” His mate moved until he was hovering over Turi and then
began to nibble at his shoulder. Turi wasn’t sure how much more of
this he could take. Carmine was giving him sensory overload.

“I want this to be special, Turi. I want this to be a night you will

never forget. I was a damn fool for pushing you away and I want to
make it up to you, to show you just how important a mate is to me.”

“O–okay.” Turi barely got the one word out. He was panting so

heavily that his throat was dry. All he wanted was release. He also
wanted Carmine to claim him, to make Turi his forever—to know that
he belonged to such a loving and caring man.

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He had been treated like a leper by his father his entire life. His

mother died when he was a small child. Turi never really had anyone
to call his own, anyone to love him. He wanted Carmine to love him
so badly that the thought of belonging to the man nearly brought him
to tears.

Carmine licked a path from Turi’s shoulder to his nipple, his

tongue laving at the tightened peak, making Turi shiver even more.
The man knew what he was doing. Turi’s body was responding in
ways he never thought possible.

When his mate twisted the toy in his ass, Turi cried out.
“That’s called your prostate,” Carmine said as he smiled

devilishly at Turi. “But I like to call it your sweet spot.”

Sweet spot. Yeah. Okay. Whatever the man wanted to call it, Turi

didn’t care. Just as long as he kept grazing over it, Turi was a very
happy man. He spread his legs further as he tried to pull at his hands,
but the cuffs kept them firmly in place.

“Still trying to get away from me?” Carmine asked, his tone


“No,” Turi said as he tried to moisten his mouth by licking his lips

and swallowing. “I never want to be away from you.”

Carmine’s eyes sparkled at Turi’s confession. In that moment Turi

knew that he loved Carmine deeply. Even though the guy was a prick
at first, he had done everything to keep him safe. Now the man was
doing everything to drive him crazy.

“And I never want you to leave my side,” Carmine confessed as

he pulled the toy free. “I love that you belong to me, Turi. You are
such a sweet and sexy man.”

Turi groaned when Carmine settled between his legs. He wanted

Carmine to take him, to fuck him until he forgot what planet he lived
on. He pulled at his hands harder, hearing the chain groan against the

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Carmine ran his fingers over Turi’s thighs, teasing him as the man

gave Turi a sexy smile. “You want to feel my cock in your ass,

“Yes.” Turi glanced down to see Carmine rubbing the head of his

cock over Turi’s balls. He tilted his ass up higher, but Carmine didn’t
move to slide inside of him. He ground his teeth, telling himself to be
patient, but Turi was still teetering on the edge.

“Say you belong to me, Turi. Say you want me to dominate you.”

Carmine swept the head over his sac once more.

“I belong to you, Carmine. Please, dominate me.” Turi would tell

the guy anything he wanted to hear just as long as Carmine fucked

“Why do I have a feeling that you’ll only submit in the bedroom?”

Carmine asked. “You seem a little too strong willed to submit to me
in everything.”

“Everything?” Turi asked. He wasn’t so sure about that. Carmine

was right. Turi may be passive right now, but he liked doing things on
his own, being his own person. The bedroom was different. He liked
Carmine ruling over him when it came to sex.

But everyday life?
Carmine chuckled. “That’s what I thought.”
Turi gritted his teeth when Carmine moved closer, pushing Turi’s

legs back until his knees nearly touched his chest. “You are going to
be a handful.”

Whatever. He wished the man would stop talking and start

fucking. He was so damn ready that a fork could be stuck in him.

“My mate,” Carmine whispered before the head of his cock

entered Turi’s ass. Turi hissed as his head fell to the pillow, his body
feeling stretched as Carmine inched his way in. He closed his eyes,
braced his hands against the headboard, and pushed back.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck this cock.” One hard thrust buried the thick,

steel-hard erection into Turi’s body to the hilt.

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Carmine’s eyes were liquid night when Turi looked at him, so

black Turi could see his reflection in the mirror smoothness of them.
Carmine was so damn beautiful when he was aroused. Turi couldn’t
believe he belonged to the man.

His mate clasped Turi’s slender shoulders from underneath and

began to lift and lower him as Carmine’s thrusts increased in their
intensity. Turi squirmed beneath Carmine, fighting for breath, his
body damp with perspiration. He was bucking against Carmine, his
head twisting against the sheets of the bed, arching desperately,
begging now for release. His hands pulled at the cuffs, wanting to
touch, but denied by the steel bracelets.

And then Carmine slowed, his hands trailing over Turi’s body.

“You aren’t going to come that easily, love. I told you I was going to
take my time.”

“But I want you to go faster.” Turi was damn near whining. He

didn’t want Carmine to slow down.

Leaning forward, Carmine kissed Turi’s jaw. “But who is in


Carmine gave a hard thrust after he asked his question.
“You are,” Turi groaned, forgetting what he had been complaining

about. Carmine was so thick, the man’s cock stretched Turi wide. He
lifted his legs and wrapped them around his mate’s waist, trying his
best to get Carmine to go deeper inside of him.

His mate planted a hand on either side of Turi’s head and began to

undulate his hips, his cock doing things to Turi that had him mewling
in pleasure. He never wanted this night to end. He wanted Carmine to
stay buried inside of him forever.

Turi yelped when Carmine reached under him and smacked his

ass. His mate’s eyes turned darker as he smacked Turi’s ass again.
Carmine was enjoying spanking Turi and Turi found that he was
enjoying it just as much.

“Oh, hell,” Carmine groaned. “You like that.”

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Turi hitched his ass higher, wanting to feel the sting once again.

Instead, his mate’s strong fingers began to massage his abused flesh.
Now Turi wasn’t sure if he wanted to beg Carmine to fuck him harder
or smack his ass again.

“You are going to love what I have planned for you.”
“Planned?” Turi asked, barely able to string two thoughts


“Next time,” Carmine replied as he drove deeper into Turi, his

cock moving faster. “I have very sensual plans for you, love.”

Turi wasn’t sure what the man was talking about, and right now,

he didn’t care. He just wanted his body to explode once more. Feeling
Carmine buried deep inside of him was pure nirvana.

And then his mate bit into his shoulder.
Turi cried out as tiny, colorful ribbons began to form, one pulling

from Turi, the other from Carmine. They swirled around and then two
small transparent forms in the exact same image of him and Carmine
danced around one another, melded together, and then split apart,
Turi’s image entering Carmine as Carmine’s image entered Turi.

Even though his mate had said he wanted this to last for hours, he

began to ram his cock harder and harder into Turi, rocking the bed
with the force of his thrusts as he growled into Turi’s shoulder.

Turi tightened his legs around Carmine, pressing his heels into the

alternately flexing and relaxing buttocks to impale himself deeper
onto his mate’s solid cock. That was what he needed to send him over
the edge.

Bowing his back, Turi’s eyes rolled back, his head thrashed and

he screamed Carmine’s name as he came hard. He felt Carmine
stiffen and then his mate was grunting loudly into his shoulder, his hot
seed filling Turi’s ass.

As he went boneless, Carmine’s thrusts slowed before the bigger

man finally pulled free and reached for a key on the table beside the
bed. He uncuffed Turi and then pulled him to drape over Carmine’s
broad, sweat-soaked chest.

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Turi just lay there and held onto Carmine, listening to his

heartbeat under his ear. It was beginning to slow, his mate’s breath
coming back under control. Carmine caressed his hand down Turi’s
back as he said, “I’m glad I came to my senses. I can’t imagine being
without you.”

Turi felt the same way. Carmine had claimed him and Turi

couldn’t be happier.

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Chapter Nine

Turi glanced at his mate to see Carmine fast asleep. He didn’t

want to wake the man. Their night had been exhausting, Carmine
waking after the claiming to take Turi once more, longer than the first
time, and so much sweeter, slower. He was tired as well, but someone
was knocking insistently on the front door. Slipping from the bed,
Turi found one of Carmine’s robes and pulled it on.

He hurried into the living room, not wanting his mate woken up.

Turi highly doubted it was his uncle or father. They wouldn’t be
knocking. When he swung the door open, his jaw dropped. “Kiki?”

What on earth was his cousin doing here? And how did the guy

know where to find him? Turi quickly glanced behind the man,
making sure he was alone. He had to make sure this wasn’t an
ambush. He didn’t really hang that tough with Kiki.

“Still so suspicious,” his cousin said as he threw his hands on his

hips, an exasperated look on his face. “Are you going to let me in or
do I have to talk to you out here? It’s a nice morning and all, but the
humidity is killing my hair.”

Turi wasn’t sure what to do. He liked his cousin. Kiki had never

given him any problems, but he wasn’t sure he could trust the guy.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake.” His cousin pushed past Turi and entered

Carmine’s house. “Stop acting as if I’m here to kill you or
something.” Kiki dropped down onto the sofa, his eyes taking in the
clothes that Turi and Carmine had shed the night before in the
claiming. “Oh, snap. Someone got lucky.”

Turi could feel his face heating up as he closed the front door. His

cousin had always been over the top, out there. He lived life on his

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terms and Turi envied the man that quality. “What are you doing

“Honey.” Kiki sat forward, crossing one leg over the other.

“When family visits, you are supposed to offer them something to
drink, not drill them like they are a crime suspect.”

“Only if they were invited. I don’t remember inviting you, Kiki.”

Turi crossed his arms over his chest, wishing he was dressed. His
cousin was like a hurricane. He swept in, caused all kinds of havoc,
and then swept out. Turi wasn’t going to let the man cause any havoc.
He already had enough to deal with.

“I needed to get out for a while. You know how stifling the village

can be.” Kiki glanced around the living room as his nose crinkled.
“This is very…rustic.”

Turi would have demanded that Kiki leave, but his cousin wasn’t

one to be easily dismissed. He had learned that quality about the guy
growing up when his cousin had constantly barged into Turi’s
bedroom, making himself at home.

“Why didn’t you just go to the city like you normally do?” Turi

asked, glancing down at his clothes.

Sitting back, his cousin plucked at one of the pillows, his eyes

drifting around the room. “Because I wanted to see what you were up

Turi grabbed his clothes and headed for the hallway. “Don’t touch


Kiki gave an allover body shiver. “I’m afraid to. I just might grow

hairs on my chest. This place is way too masculine for me.”

Rolling his eyes, Turi hurried into the bathroom where he quickly

dressed. He hated putting on yesterday’s clothes, but he had no
choice. At least they were dry. Leaving the bathroom, Turi walked
into the living room to find it empty.

Where was Kiki?
Panicking, Turi searched until he found his cousin in the kitchen,

bent over and snooping in the refrigerator.

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“What are you doing?” Turi asked as he prayed the man left soon.

“I told you not to touch anything.”

Kiki glanced over the shoulder. “Food doesn’t count. I’m starving.

Tell me you have something in here besides cheese and some takeout
food that should have been thrown out days ago.”

Turi marched over to Kiki and pulled him from the fridge,

slamming the door closed. “You can’t just come into someone’s home
and make yourself comfortable, Kiki. You have to leave.”

His cousin waved Turi’s concern away with a flick of his wrist. “It

looks like you are very comfortable, Turi.”

“That’s none of your business.” Turi was not about to tell his

cousin what he and Carmine had done last night. Kiki was famous for
blabbing his mouth. Not that he cared who his cousin told, but Turi
didn’t want Carmine to think—

“Whoa!” Kiki said loudly, his hands fluttering to his throat. “You

are one big ass man!”

Turi closed his eyes and exhaled, knowing Kiki was talking about

Carmine. Freaking great. He had been hoping his cousin would leave
before Carmine woke up.

“And you are?” Carmine’s deep voice rumbled through the


“Leaving,” Turi answered as he tried to shove his cousin toward

the back door. The man wasn’t going. He turned his body and
sidestepped Turi’s hands. He tried once more to grab his cousin, but
Kiki still wouldn’t be pushed.

“Will you stop it,” Kiki said as he smacked at Turi’s hands. “Why

do I have to go?”

“You shouldn’t have come here in the first place,” Turi argued.

He hated the fact that anyone from his village knew where to find
him. Turi no longer felt that Carmine’s was safe.

He wasn’t very close to Kiki. How did Turi know this wasn’t a

trap? He glanced over at Carmine, pleading with his eyes. Egon was

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Kiki’s father. For all Turi new, Egon could’ve sent his son to fetch

Carmine was at Turi’s side in seconds, glaring down menacingly

at Kiki. “Who the fuck are you?”

Kiki didn’t look the least bit intimidated. He flung his blond hair

over his shoulder as he smiled up at Carmine. “Wanting to take on

Turi was mortified.
Carmine didn’t miss a beat. He gave Kiki his most dazzling smile

as he ran his thumb over Kiki’s chin. “I just want to know the name of
the man I am about to kill,” he said as sweet as sugar, leaning his arm
on top of the fridge. Turi wanted to smack his mate for touching
someone else.

“Oh, a charmer.” Kiki chuckled. “I like you.”
“He’s my cousin,” Turi said as he waved a hand at Kiki. He just

wanted the man to go. Turi knew that if his cousin stuck around much
longer, the man would embarrass him further. “He’s my uncle’s son.”

“That uncle?” Carmine asked, one thick dark brow rising high.
Turi nodded. “Yep, that uncle.”
“Okay,” Kiki said as he planted a hand on his hip and pointed a

finger between Carmine and Turi. “You two are speaking in code.
What gives?”

“You have five seconds to get out before I kill you.” All

playfulness was gone from Carmine’s tone. He rose to his full height,
towering over the other man. “How dare you come into my home
knowing what is going on with your father.”

“Oh,” Kiki said. “That. It was actually Turi’s dad who came to

me. Delyn tried to convince me to con Turi into coming home.” He
turned toward Turi. “Go home.”

“Hell no,” Turi blurted out.
“Okay, my job is done. I couldn’t convince you. Now, can we

have some breakfast? I’m starving.”

Carmine glanced toward Turi. “Is he always like this?”

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“Nutty?” Turi asked. “I’m afraid so. Kiki doesn’t really follow

any set of rules. He lives life the way he wants.”

“You should try it, Cousin.” Kiki leaned against the wall. “It’s a

hell of a lot more fun than following those ancient laws. Trust me, I
know what my father is. I’ve come to terms with his perversions a
long time ago. He tried to mate me, but I told him if he came near me,
I would give him hell for the rest of his life.”

Turi hadn’t known that.
“I mean, if I were a female—although it’s still gross—I could

understand. I could give him lots of babies. But I’m male. That only
means he is sick in the head.” For the first time since knowing his
cousin, Kiki turned toward Turi with apologetic eyes. “I hate that he
wants you. It’s embarrassing as hell to know my father is twisted. He
can get away with it, too, because he’s an elder. If you ask me, those
laws should be changed.”

“So, you’re not here to kidnap me?” Turi ventured.
“And hand you over to that sick freak? Nope. Why do you think I

stay away so much? I refuse to play their little games. I also know that
your father isn’t just trying to tie you to my father for the prestige. I
heard them talking. My father promised yours a wealthy amount for
the mating.” Kiki crossed the room and placed his hand on Turi’s
shoulder. “Face it, your father is doing this for the money.”

Turi stood there stunned. He hated his father for trying to make

him mate his very own uncle for the prestige, but to find out it was all
about money somehow made what was going on ten times worse. His
father was basically selling him. What had he done so bad as a child
that his father had hated him from day one?

He couldn’t understand any of it. Turi walked briskly from the

room, holding his hand over his mouth. He didn’t care anymore if
Carmine killed the man. Why should he care? His father didn’t care
about him.

A whimper fell from his lips when strong arms wrapped around

him and pulled him off his feet. “I got you.” Carmine pulled Turi

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close as he walked them to the couch and sat down. Turi was so mad,
so frustrated that he wanted to lash out at somebody.

Instead, he buried his face in Carmine’s neck, wishing Kiki had

never shown up in the first place. It was twisted logic to think that his
father’s betrayal hadn’t hurt so badly when he thought it was just
because the man wanted honor brought to his house. But now that he
knew it was all about money, Turi felt like he was going to be sick.

“You never have to deal with him again,” Carmine said softly as

he ran his fingers over Turi’s hair. “You belong to me, Turi.”

“He sold me, Carmine.”
“But he didn’t deliver,” Carmine pointed out as he massaged

Turi’s arm in a circular motion. “He was paid for nothing because you
are my mate and I am not letting him have you.”

Turi knew his mate was trying to cheer him up but he wasn’t sure

anything would help right now. His entire life his father had told him
he was a burden. Turi had always tried his best to stay out of the
man’s way and do the right thing just so his father would be proud of
him. Now he wished he could go to the man and smash his fist in the
guy’s face.

“I know it hurts, baby.” Carmine dropped a kiss on his temple.

Turi was so damn grateful for his mate. He wasn’t sure if he would’ve
made it through all of this it hadn’t been for Carmine’s strength.

Wiping at his eyes, Turi sat up. “If I ever see him again, I’m going

to kick him in his nuts.”

Carmine smiled as he brushed the tears from Turi’s cheeks with

his thumbs. “I would love to see that.”

“Hello,” Kiki shouted from the kitchen. “I’m still hungry.”
“I can tell you two are related.” Carmine swept the long strands

from Turi’s face. “Is he the same cousin that bought the badge from
the novelty shop?”

Turi nodded. “He’s also the one who gave me the whistle.”

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“Do you trust your cousin?” Carmine asked as he shifted under

Turi, his café-brown eyes so beautiful that Turi could hardly believe
this man was his.

“I really don’t know him that well,” Turi confessed. “We’ve hung

out and all, but we’ve never swapped heartfelt stories or anything. My
mind tells me to trust no one, but my heart tells me that Kiki wouldn’t
do anything for his father or mine.”

“You’d be surprised what family will do,” Carmine said. “We

don’t know if Kiki has an ulterior motive. He could be blowing smoke
up your ass to get you to trust him.”

Turi didn’t want to think that his cousin was the bad guy. There

were too many of them already. Adding one more to the list made him
think that humanity was a thing of the past, that if he couldn’t trust a
person he had grown up with, who could he trust?

He had known at a young age not to trust his father. That was no

surprise. His uncle had never held a place in Turi’s heart. He never
liked the man. But Kiki had never done anything wrong to Turi. The
guy played by his own set of the rules.

What if Carmine was right? What if Kiki was here with his own

agenda? He just didn’t know what to think anymore. “My head hurts.”

“That’ll happen when dealing with deception. All I’m saying is

don’t let your guard down, Turi.” Carmine rested his cheek against
Turi’s head. The gesture went a long way in soothing him. Even if his
entire tribe turned out to be traitors against Turi, he knew he had

“Do you at least have any crackers?” Kiki asked as he stuck his

head around the door frame. “I could use those with the cheese.”

“He likes to eat,” Turi said to Carmine.
“And he’s still so skinny?” his mate teased.
“I prefer to be called tantalizingly thin,” Kiki said. “Now can we

stop talking and feed me?”

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“Be quiet before I kick you out,” Carmine bellowed. “Count your

blessings that I haven’t already removed your head from your
shoulders for showing up here in the first place.”

Kiki stuck his tongue out before ducking back into the kitchen.

Turi looked up at his mate. “You really don’t have any food?”

“I could rustle something up.”
Turi pushed at his mate’s chest. “Stay here. He’s my pain in the

ass. I’ll find something to tide him over.” He winked at Carmine. “Or
maybe I’ll just tell him you don’t and he’ll go away.”

“Smart man.” Carmine smiled at him.
Walking into the kitchen, Turi decided he was going to tell Kiki to

bug off when he noticed his cousin standing by the fridge, his body
rigid. His eyes kept darting to the side of the door Turi had just
walked through.

Turi caught the signal too late. His father was standing there,

grabbing Turi before he could open his mouth and shimmering both
of them away.

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Chapter Ten

“I’m going to kill that son of a bitch,” Carmine said into the phone

as he drove out to the Wood elf village. He couldn’t stop thinking
about how he had promised his mate that no one was going to take
him. That son of a bitch Delyn had made Carmine go back on his

“The Ultionem already made their decision and had told Delyn

that Turi was not to be forced to mate his uncle,” Detective Lewis
Keating said on the other end of the phone. “He went against their

“I was going to head out there anyway. Turi had identified the

body from that mugging case. He told me that Grainne had been
coming to the village to speak with his uncle.”

Keating cleared his throat, but Carmine heard the censure in the

man’s tone. “You should’ve told me that you filed the case
differently. I could’ve helped you, Bianchi.”

“I’m heading your way. Don’t do anything stupid until I get

there.” Keating paused. “I know you want to kill him, Carmine. But
remember that he is Turi’s father. Whatever you do will have a lasting
effect on your mate. It’s a decision you will have to live with.”

“I’m well aware of that,” Carmine said as he hung up the phone

and shoved it down on the console. He could arrest the man for
kidnapping, but Carmine knew that wasn’t what he was after.

He wanted Delyn’s head on a platter. But Keating was right.

Carmine was going to take Delyn to the Ultionem and let them decide
his fate. He wouldn’t kill Turi’s father, no matter how badly he
wanted to.

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“I swear,” Kiki said from beside him. “I had absolutely nothing to

do with it. I had to track Turi down. How would his father know
where he was?”

“Shut up before I tie you up and put you in the trunk.” Carmine

wasn’t even sure why he had brought the man along. He could use
Kiki as a bargaining chip to get Turi back, but from the way the man
acted, he was pretty sure Egon was glad to be rid of the guy.

He had to think of a way to get Turi out of there. The elf could

shimmer, something Carmine couldn’t do. If they spotted him
coming, they could get Turi out of there and Carmine may never see
his mate again.

His chest tightened at that thought. Turi had come to mean so

much to Carmine. He may have resisted mating the man in the
beginning, but that hadn’t meant feelings weren’t there from the get-

Carmine just wanted his mate back. He wanted Turi safe in his

arms. His fingers itched to touch the man’s soft, black hair and he was
dying to look into those pretty emerald-green eyes once more.

He wanted to kill Kiki for this, but his gut was telling him that the

guy had nothing to do with Delyn showing up. No matter what
happened, Carmine was going to eliminate the threat to his mate. He
was tired of Turi being afraid and tired of wondering when his
relatives were going to show up to kidnap him.

This had to end.
He pulled his car over about half a mile from the village. “We go

on foot from here.”

“Why can’t I just shimmer us in there?” Kiki asked.
“Because I’m not going to be at anyone’s mercy. They’ll be

waiting for you to do something like that. We do this my way, Kiki.”
Carmine reached over and collared the guy, pulling him close as he let
out a low rumbling growl. “If you betray me or Turi, I’ll slice your
balls from your body.”

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Kiki narrowed his hazel eyes. “You don’t have to threaten me. If I

was going to betray Turi, I would have taken him as soon as he
answered the damn door. Now get your paws off of me.”

Carmine released him. He still didn’t fully trust the guy, but Kiki

was right. If he had wanted Turi, he could have taken him before
Carmine got out of bed. Shoving the door open, Carmine got out.

He checked his gun and then placed it back in its holster. He was a

shifter, but sometimes claws and teeth weren’t enough. He had
learned that the hard way in his line of work. Plus he was heading into
unknown territory. Carmine had no clue what he was up against.

“We have sentinels. They’ll be looking for you,” Kiki said as he

joined Carmine at his side. “My father will have given the order to
kill if they spot you.”

“Let them try.” Carmine began to move through the woods,

keeping his eyes and ears open. Every so often, he stopped to scent
the air, making sure he didn’t have company.

“I am so not used to moving this slow,” Kiki complained. “I’m

used to shimmering in and out. How the hell do you do this all the

“Be quiet,” Carmine warned. “Do you want to let them know we

are coming?”

Carmine was mildly surprised when the guy curled his lips in. He

had been expecting the man to argue. He grabbed Kiki’s arm and
stilled when he heard a branch snap. Someone was out here with

Before Carmine could protest, Kiki had shimmered them in

behind the intruder. The man made a slicing sign across his throat and
then pointed to the guy standing in front of them. Carmine shook his
head. He was not going to kill a sentinel for doing his job. This man
was not his target.

Egon and Delyn were.
Kiki shrugged and then picked up a rock, smashing it down on the

unsuspecting sentinel’s head.

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“What are you, soft?” Kiki asked as the guy crumbled and he

dropped the rock.

Carmine slammed Kiki against a tree, letting his canines elongate.

“Never call me soft.”

“Then stop being so damn merciful. Do you think that guy would

have shown you any if he were the one to get the upper hand?”

“I didn’t come here to slaughter, Kiki. I came here to get my mate


“He’s your mate!” Kiki shouted the words. “No fucking way!”
Carmine was seconds away from rubbing his temples. Maybe he

should have left Turi’s cousin at home.

“But that changes everything,” Kiki said as he pushed at

Carmine’s hand. Carmine released the guy. “My father can’t force
Turi. He’s already claimed. That’s a death sentence if he takes Turi,
knowing the man already has a mate.”

“I’m not sure if he knows…yet.” Carmine began walking again.

“But I’m going to make sure he doesn’t come anywhere near Turi
again.” He knew he was talking with Egon’s son, but Carmine wasn’t
going to candy coat things.

Carmine knew that Keating had sent help, but he wasn’t going to

wait. There was no telling what was happening to his mate right now.
His bear was threatening to burst free at the thought of anyone
harming his mate.

“Shouldn’t you wait for backup?” Kiki asked. “The Ultionem can

handle my father and Delyn.”

Carmine snarled at Kiki. “How do you know about that?”
Kiki pointed to his ears. “I heard the conversation. Even though

my father refuses to be a part of the new council, he isn’t foolish
enough to go against them.”

“Then you didn’t hear the entire conversation, Kiki. He’s already

gone against them. They made their ruling. Delyn isn’t to force Turi
into any damn thing.”

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Kiki slapped his hands on his hips. Carmine noticed the guy did

that a lot. “I said my father. Turi’s father is greedy. He won’t care
what anyone says. He’ll try to hand Turi over to my father regardless
of what the Ultionem decided.”

And that’s what worried Carmine. It seemed Turi’s father was

hell-bent on mating his son to Egon, no matter the consequences. A
man like that was very dangerous.

Carmine picked up his steps, determined to make it to his mate

before anything happened. Kiki waved at Carmine and then pointed.
Carmine could see the outlying image of a village. He stopped,
glancing around to make sure no more sentinels were close by.

Kiki tiptoed close to him and then whispered in his ear. “I’ll go

scout the place out and find out where they are keeping Turi. You
hold tight. A surprise attack is best.”

Carmine nodded, but something kept niggling in his mind. Why

would Egon’s son be so helpful when there was a chance that the
elder just might die? It was true the elder was a perverted monster, but
a child sometimes turned a blind eye to their parent’s depravities
when it came to protecting them.

Why should Kiki be any different?
Feeling as if he were being played for a fool, Carmine moved

slowly and quietly to the other side of the village. He saw Kiki go into
a hut and then come back out a second later, glancing around.

“What are you doing?” a tall and slender man bellowed at Kiki.
“Looking for my father, Uncle Delyn,” Kiki answered. “What

business is it of yours?”

Carmine felt his back molars grind as he stared at Turi’s father.

He wanted to kill the man for selling his son. He would never
understand men like Delyn. Family was everything. There was no
way Carmine would sell any of his relatives—although he had a nutty
uncle he wouldn’t mind lending to another family.

“Go get into trouble someplace else, brat,” Delyn snapped at Kiki.

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Kiki moved in closer, lowering his voice, but Carmine was able to

hear what the man said. God love his shifter hearing. “You’re just
mad because I know the truth. Turi isn’t your biological son and
you’ll do whatever it takes to get rid of him so you won’t be reminded
that your mate was pregnant when you met her.”

Delyn raised his hand but Kiki moved out of the way before the

man could strike him. “How dare you!”

Kiki flipped Delyn off before he hurried to another hut. Carmine

squatted there, stunned at what Turi’s cousin had just revealed. Did
Turi know? He didn’t think his mate knew that Delyn was not his
biological father.

Carmine smiled when he saw Kiki duck out of another hut,

glancing around. The man had balls. He would give him that. Maybe
he could trust the man after all. His brows furrowed when Kiki tucked
his hands behind his back and began to whistle. Carmine didn’t
understand what the man was doing.

“Hey, pops.” Kiki waved at another guy who was walking toward


“I told you to never call me that,” the man snapped.
It seemed Kiki was a bane for a lot of men here. Carmine liked the

guy’s spunky personality. He could see where Turi got his quirkiness
from. Whoever Kiki’s mate was, they were going to have trouble on
their hands.

“I see you forced Turi here after all,” Kiki said as he chucked a

thumb over his shoulder. “At least you waited until he was an adult.”

The hatred in Kiki’s tone startled Carmine. The words were filled

with a venom that could only come from—Carmine wiped at his brow
as his stomach twisted into knots. He knew right then that Egon had
to die. The man was a deviant bastard.

Carmine rose to his full height, ready to attack when a hand

landed on his shoulder. He spun around, ready to fight to the death
when he saw Keating standing behind him.

“Help will be here any second,” the detective whispered.

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“And my mate is inside that hut,” Carmine snarled. He wasn’t

sure if Egon had tried anything with Turi and he wasn’t going to
continue to wait. Pushing Keating’s hand from his shoulder, Carmine
walked into the village, his gun drawn.

“What is the meaning of this?” Egon said with a haughty tone that

grated on Carmine’s nerves. Keating was right next to him, his
sidearm drawn as well.

“You had my mate kidnapped from my home,” Carmine stated.

“That crime is punishable by death.”

“Your mate?” Egon looked truly perplexed.
“Turi,” Carmine said. “Now release him before I blow a damn

hole in your head.”

Egon swung around, his eyes searching. Carmine glanced to his

right when Egon pointed at someone. He saw Delyn standing there,
his face ashen. “You lied to me!”

Delyn looked just as confused as Egon had looked. “He has no

mate,” Delyn defended. “The man is lying.”

“Give. Me. My. Mate,” Carmine bit out between clenched teeth.

“Or I swear I will shoot you.” He raised his gun higher, aiming for
Egon’s forehead. He had many hours on the shooting range and was a
damn good shot. If Egon tested him, Carmine would prove that he
could put a bullet between the man’s eyes.

“You pathetic fool!” Egon turned toward Delyn. “How dare you

give me someone else’s mate!”

“Kill each other later,” Carmine snapped at them. He could care

less if those two battled to the death. “Give me Turi.”

Delyn moved toward the hut door, backing up slowly. “You’ll

never have my son.” He pulled a long, jagged knife from his robe.
“I’ll kill him before—”

Carmine fired, hitting the man right between his eyes. Delyn

dropped to the ground, unmoving.

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“He’s not here,” Egon said in a tone that said he could have cared

less if Carmine had just killed his brother. What the hell was with this
family? Didn’t they know a damn thing about loyalty?

“He’s in the hut!” Kiki shouted. Before Carmine could stop the

man, Egon turned and slapped Kiki so hard that his head snapped
back. Carmine fired his gun once more, but Egon had shimmered
away before the bullet even came close.

Carmine didn’t hesitate. He hurried to the hut and went inside.

Turi was spread out on the bed, looking as if he were asleep. Kiki
came in behind Carmine. “Delyn must have given him a potion to
make Turi sleep.” The man cut his eyes at Carmine and then down
toward the dirt floor. “He planned on taking Turi while your mate was

Carmine knew exactly who he was. He shoved his gun in his

holster and then pulled Turi from the bed, cradling his mate in his
arms. Carmine hugged him close, pressing his lips to his mate’s
cheek. “I have you, baby.”

Turi didn’t move. That worried Carmine. Even though Kiki had

just said that Delyn had given Turi a potion to make him sleep, he
wouldn’t feel better until the pack doctor checked his mate out.

As he exited the hut, Carmine saw Maverick and Zeus standing

just outside the hut. He cursed when he realized that he hadn’t even
gotten the chance to ask why Grainne had been coming here. It no
longer mattered to him. Fuck the case. Turi was more important. He
had filed it as a mugging and that’s the way it would stay.

Maverick’s light-grey eyes were smoldering with anger as he

looked down at Turi. “Did Egon take him?”

It took a moment for Carmine to understand what the guy was

asking. “He didn’t violate my mate.” Those words kindled the hatred
in his heart for Delyn and Egon even further. Carmine wanted Egon to
pay for this. He had seen in the man’s eyes that he didn’t care that
Turi was his mate. He wanted the guy and had defied Ultionem orders
to have Turi.

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Carmine looked down at Delyn’s dead body. “He was going to

kill Turi.”

“We already know what happened,” Zeus said, standing there like

a mighty mountain. Maverick was tall, but Zeus was taller, and a hell
of a lot thicker. The man looked like the devil himself had spawned
the leader. “Egon will pay for this. There is nowhere he can hide that
we won’t find him.”

Carmine inclined his head. The only thing he wanted to do was

get his mate home. He turned toward Kiki, feeling bad for how things
had turned out.

Kiki waved a hand at Carmine. “Don’t worry about me. These

backward ass people can turn their backs on me if they want, but they
are not driving me from my home.”

Again, Carmine admired the man for his brass balls.
A stranger stepped forward, his stance bold and strong. “He will

be safe.”

“And you are?” Carmine asked.
“Iam. I’m the leader of the Wood elves. I am sorry I was not here

when Delyn took Turi but I tried to stop it once I found out. I sent my
sentinels out to look for you, to make sure you were safe.”

Carmine thought about the sentinel in the woods, knocked out

cold, and was glad as fuck that he hadn’t shot the man. “You might
want to look for the guy I rendered unconscious in the woods.”

Maverick chuckled. “We already found him. He’ll be fine.”
Carmine was glad. “I want to get my mate home.” He glanced

over at Keating, giving a dip of his head, thanking the man for being
there for him.

Keating gave him a tight smile, returning the nod.
“Iam will shimmer you there and I’ll drive your car back,” Zeus

offered. Carmine wasn’t going to argue. He wasn’t looking forward to
the long drive home. His fingers curled tight into Turi as Iam grabbed
his arm and shimmered Carmine and Turi home.

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Within seconds Iam was back, Dr. Sheehan at his side. After the

doctor examined Turi, he said what Carmine had suspected. “He just
needs to sleep it off.”

“Thanks,” Carmine said as Iam shimmered the doctor away. He

crawled into bed next to his mate and pulled Turi close, vowing he
would never again let someone take this small man from him.

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Chapter Eleven

Turi slipped the coiled piece of plastic around his wrist, vowing

never to take it off again. To hell with that. He wasn’t taking any
more chances with his safety.

“I thought you didn’t need that.” Carmine nodded toward Turi’s


“So did I until Daddy Dearest kidnapped me,” Turi said. “I’m not

going to let him do it again.”

Turi noticed the way Carmine looked away. His expression was

guilty as hell. Turi had been knocked out for the last twelve hours. He
was still tired as hell, but he made himself get out of bed. He was
trying to put all the pieces together of what had happened when he got
back to the village, but a lot of things were very fuzzy.

“We need to talk, Turi.”
He didn’t like that tone. Something was amiss and Turi had an

urge to run. Carmine wouldn’t look at him as he took a seat on the
couch. Turi’s insides were coiling tight as he knelt at Carmine’s feet,
glancing up at his mate’s handsome face. “What is it?”

His mate reached out and brushed the strands away from Turi’s

face, tucking them behind his ear. Carmine’s eyebrows dipped
slightly as he chewed on his bottom lip. It was an odd look for the
man. Carmine always seemed so self-assured, so in control. The
hesitation was unsettling.

“Since the first moment I laid eyes on you, I fought the mating. I

told you about my father and the reason why.”

Turi scooted closer, placing his hands on Carmine’s knees. He had

a feeling he would need the leverage. “You did.”

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“When your father kidnapped you,” Carmine said as his fingers

traced along Turi’s jaw. “I was scared out of my mind. I thought he
would shimmer you somewhere and I would never see you again.”

So far Turi liked what he was hearing. Carmine was confessing

his feelings and Turi was eating it up. He just had a feeling that
Carmine was leading up to something.

“On the ride to your village, my emotions were a wreck. I was

scared, angry, and ready to kill someone to get you back. But in that
cauldron of emotions, one of the feelings that I was experiencing took
me by surprise.”

Turi was completely confused. He had no idea what Carmine was

trying to say. He knew that men weren’t good at expressing
themselves, but his nerves were afraid and Turi wished that Carmine
would just tell him whatever it was he was trying to say.

Carmine reached out and placed a hand on either side of Turi’s

face, tilting his head back and staring down into his eyes. “I realized
that I love you, Turi.”

Turi swallowed past the lump in his throat. He knew that Carmine

cared. The man had shown it in every way. To know that Carmine
loved him was something that Turi could only dream of. His fingers
curled into the denim fabric of Carmine’s jeans. “I love you too,

His mate smiled, but he could see trouble in the man’s café-brown

eyes. Carmine had more to say. Turi just knew it. “Just say it.” His
nerves couldn’t take the suspense. Turi had been through enough
already. He didn’t want any more bad news, but wouldn’t stop
Carmine from saying what was on his mind.

Carmine pulled Turi from the floor, cradling him in the man’s

strong arms. Turi was getting really scared. He could tell that Carmine
was stalling. “Please, just say it, Carmine,” Turi begged in a whisper.

“I killed your father.” Carmine’s arms tightened around him,

almost cutting off Turi’s supply of oxygen. He could tell his mate was

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waiting for the fallout, for Turi to scream and shout and possibly hit

“Did you do it on purpose?” Turi asked, his mind spinning at the

news. Although Delyn had been a bastard to Turi, the guy had still
been his father. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling right now. His
emotions had shut down and he was feeling a bit numb.

Carmine pulled back, shaking his head. “He pulled a knife and

was heading inside the hut. I couldn’t let him kill you, and I couldn’t
let him take you away from me, Turi—not again. I knew that if he
took you from the hut, I would never see you again.”

Turi searched Carmine’s face and his gut was telling him that his

mate was still holding something back. He wasn’t sure if he could
handle any more bad news. His father was dead. Those words kept
echoing in his mind. “Please tell me the rest, Carmine. Stop holding
out on me.”

Carmine’s hands brushed up and down Turi’s arms. “You are way

too perceptive.”

Again, the man was stalling.
His mate sighed. “I heard Kiki telling his father that you aren’t

Delyn’s child. He said that your mother was pregnant when he met

Turi couldn’t say that he was devastated by the news because

Delyn had not been a good father. Stunned would be more
appropriate. “He wasn’t my father?”

That explained so much. It explained why Delyn had always told

Turi that he was a burden and had treated Turi with a cold distance his
entire life. The man hated the fact that Turi was a reminder that his
mate had been with another before him.

Turi wished his mother was still alive. He had so many questions

about who his real father was. But the secret of who his biological
father had been died with his mother. Turi was pretty damn sure
Delyn wouldn’t have told him.

“Are you okay?” Carmine continued to pet him, worry in his eyes.

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“I will be,” Turi answered honestly. “It’s just a lot to take in at


They both turned when a loud knock sounded on the front door.

Carmine stood and moved from the couch. His mate’s strides were
predatory, telling Turi that the man wasn’t playing around. Turi hoped
like hell that there wasn’t trouble on the other side, because he could
tell that Carmine was at the end of his rope.

Carmine glanced out of the window and then moved to the door,

opening it. Turi was a bit surprised to see Maverick standing on the
other side. “We need to talk, bear.”

His mate moved out of the way, allowing Maverick to stride

inside. Turi watched as the extremely tall man took a seat in the chair
across from the couch. He was curious to know why Maverick was

Carmine sat down next to Turi, pulling him back into the man’s

strong arms. “Did you find Egon?”

Maverick shook his head. “He’s nowhere to be found, but when

he resurfaces, we’ll be there to catch him.”

Turi knew that Maverick was talking about the Ultionem. The

alpha tossed something that Carmine caught in midair. When Carmine
opened his hand, Turi saw a small key lying in his mate’s palm.

“It seems that damn key is getting a lot of mileage these days,”

Maverick said as he settled back.

Turi’s heart began to race as Carmine unlocked the bracelet from

around his wrist. He wanted to shout for joy that he had his freedom
back, that he could now shimmer. He never wanted to see another
bracelet again in his life.

Carmine tossed the key back to Maverick. “Thank you.”
The alpha inclined his head. “I just stopped by to get the bracelet

off of Turi and give you an update on Egon.” The man stood and
headed toward the door. He glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes
piercing Turi. “I’ll also be looking into who the biological father is.”

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Turi bit his bottom lip, stopping the sob from escaping between

his lips. All he could do was nod as the alpha walked out.

Carmine dropped a kiss on Turi’s temple. “We’ll figure all this


Turi knew that he would never feel safe as long as Egon was on

the loose. But having Carmine on his side helped settle his nerves. “I

* * * *

Maverick walked to his motorcycle, deep in thought. He already

knew who Turi’s father was. He just wasn’t sure if he should tell. It
was none of his business, but it had bothered him to know all the
turmoil that Turi had already gone through.

He should’ve just kept his big mouth shut.
Damn bleeding heart.
He wasn’t sure it would be in Turi’s best interest to tell the man

that Marino Malone was his biological father and that Turi was half-
demon. Delyn had known and had tried to make Turi pay for
something that wasn’t his fault.

Maybe it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. Marino wasn’t even

aware that Turi was his son. More than likely the guy would try to use
that information to his advantage.

No, it was best Turi didn’t know. With his decision made,

Maverick straddled his bike and took off. But he didn’t head straight
home. Tonight he felt like riding. He held so many secrets that some
days the burden became too much.

Once he was done riding, he would seek Cecil out. His mate

always brought him comfort. The man may be a hellion most days,
but fate knew what it was doing when it paired him with the human.

Cecil understood Maverick’s inner demons and never judged him,

always consoled him. And that was exactly what he needed.

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* * * *

“I think I have a head rush,” Turi said as he grabbed his temples.
Carmine chuckled as he kissed Turi on his neck. “You’ve had too

much sugar. That’s not good for someone who isn’t used to eating the
stuff. I told you to slow down.” Carmine hadn’t stopped smiling since
bringing Turi to the city. His mate had run from one place to the next,
eating everything he could get his hands on and drinking down every
different flavor of soda Carmine would buy him.

“I should have listened,” Turi groaned. “I feel like I’m going to be


They walked through the mall, mostly window shopping, unless

Turi spotted a food stand or another drink he hadn’t tried yet. It was
refreshing to be with someone who didn’t care what other people
thought. Turi whooped and laughed as loudly as he could.

Carmine loved it.
They had stopped at a sex store, Carmine investing in new toys.

He explained to his mate what the different things were and let Turi
pick out what he wanted to try. It figured he picked out the flavor
lubes. The man seemed to have one big sweet tooth now that he knew
what sugar was all about.

“What is that?” Turi asked, his eyes widening as he watched the

mall train circle close to the department store. His green eyes were
sparkling and Carmine knew he was about to ride the damn train.

“That’s for the toddlers, Turi.”
“But I see adults riding it,” Turi argued. “Why can’t I ride it?”
Knowing his mate had lived in the village his entire live—aside

from when he was kidnapped when he was younger—never
experiencing anything modern, Carmine relented, although he hoped
like hell none of his fellow detectives caught him riding a damn
kiddie train.

Carmine paid their fare and Turi jumped on, bouncing in his seat.

How could he deny the man such a simple pleasure? Turi looked as if

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he were going to explode with excitement. Carmine slid in next to his
mate and placed his arm behind Turi, tugging at his long strands of
black hair. “Are you having a good time?”

Turi was grinning from ear to ear as he nodded. “The best.” He

gave Carmine a quick kiss. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

That goofy ass smile made Carmine riding a damn kiddie train

well worth it. He just couldn’t believe that he had agreed. God, his
mate was turning Carmine into a softy. Any other time, Carmine
wouldn’t be caught dead riding this thing.

The train began to move and Carmine thought he was going to

have to nail Turi’s ass to the seat. He kept leaning out, wanting to
touch everything. Twice the conductor had to stop the train to tell Turi
to keep his head and hands inside.

It seemed his nausea was forgotten as Turi waved to everyone

they passed. Anytime they passed a toddler, Turi blew that annoying
ass whistle, giggling as the child waved back at him. The man was
bubbling with excitement, his face flushed. Carmine thought him the
most handsome man alive. He felt years younger just hanging out
with Turi.

He had also found out that Turi was years younger than him, even

by paranormal standards. Carmine could care less. Turi was an adult
and he was Carmine’s mate. That’s all that mattered to him.

“Look at that!” Turi said exuberantly, trying to climb from the

moving train when he spotted a clothing store with bright orange
tennis shoes in the window. Carmine had to grab the guy and stop him
from leaping from the train.

He pulled Turi back down into his seat. “The ride is almost over.

We can go back and take a look.”

Turi turned toward him and then looked down at Carmine’s feet.

His expression was reflective. “I’ve only ever worn sandals.”

“What about winter?” Carmine asked. There was no way in hell

Turi’s father was that coldhearted to make Turi wear sandals—wait,
he was talking about Delyn. Carmine had a feeling the man had made

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Turi freeze in the winter. That thought made Carmine wish he could
bring the man back to life so he could kill him again.

“I wrapped cloth around my feet.” Turi said it like that was a

normal thing to do. He caught his jaw before it hit his chest. Never
before had Carmine been this thankful that he had been born a shifter
and not a Wood elf.

The train came to a stop and Turi was up and off the damn thing

in the blink of an eye. The man was wearing Carmine out. He grabbed
his mate by his arm before Turi took off. “Let’s go look at those

Turi looked as if he had forgotten about the things. Carmine

hadn’t. He had seen the way Turi’s eyes had lit up as soon as he
spotted them.

Yep, he was going to buy the loud things for his mate. Carmine

could already see that spending money on Turi just to see the man’s
face light up was in his future.

Did he regret what was to come?
Hell no. Turi deserved that and so much more.
“Thank you,” Turi muttered, his face flushed. “I know that ride

was more for small humans, but thank you for indulging me.”

Carmine couldn’t kiss Turi the way he wanted to since they were

in a mall, but he smiled as he cupped his mate’s cheek and winked at
his gorgeous man. “Anything for you, Turi.”

God, being in love made Carmine do things he normally wouldn’t

do. But he couldn’t find it in himself to say no. Turi wasn’t
demanding anything, just enjoying what most took for granted or
were too paranoid to try. A train ride had cost him nothing as far as
his pride or manhood and Carmine knew he would do it again in a

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Chapter Twelve

Egon glanced over his shoulder, making sure that he wasn’t

followed. He had bribed someone into taking him to the demon realm.
He was certain that no one would look for him here. If Delyn wasn’t
dead, he would kill his brother himself.

He had been grooming Turi to be his mate for years. He was

pissed as hell that the little dimwit had found his mate. That would be
just Egon’s luck. But he knew who Turi’s father was—his biological
father—and Egon was going to use that information to benefit

He just wasn’t sure how yet.
He had been working for Marino for years, but had yet to meet the

man. Shanta may have funded the lab where they had been
experimenting with Liquid Wrath, but it was Egon who had run the
place. He had been careful to keep his comings and goings a secret.
Not even his idiotic brother had known he was running the lab.

It had infuriated him when the small infant, Cole, had been taken

away. Egon had needed that blood, but since the child was well
protected by those bears, he had to turn to other sources for his

Seeing The Melting Pot, Egon headed that way. He knew that

Marino Malone hung out there. Even though Delyn wasn’t Turi’s
flesh and blood, the man had kept tabs on Marino, always plotting and
trying to come up with a way to make money off of his knowledge.
Egon should have put his brother out of his misery eons ago.

He had been nothing but a pain in Egon’s side, always trying to

seem important, yet always asking for money. It was a burden that he

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tried his best to avoid. The only reason Egon hadn’t done anything to
Delyn was because he wanted Turi.

That plan was shot to hell.
“May I help you?” a man asked as soon as Egon walked through

the door.

“I’m here to see Marino Malone.” He glanced around the

restaurant, unsure of what Marino looked like.

“I’m sorry, but Mr. Malone is not dining with us today.”
Fuck. Egon was getting pissed. It seemed he was going to have to

lay low until he could find the damn man. He would go after Turi and
take the man, considering all the work he had put into the guy, but
Egon wasn’t foolish enough to go up against the Ultionem. He had
resisted joining them, because he had his own agenda, but a fool he
was not.

Walking back outside, Egon decided to find a place to stay until

he could figure out his next move.

* * * *

“I have a surprise for you,” Carmine said as he leaned his shoulder

into the doorframe, watching as Turi put his new things away. His
mate had babbled the entire ride home, thanking Carmine for the
wonderful gifts he had received.

Sad thing was, Carmine had only bought him a pair of shoes, two

shirts, and some jeans. It was nothing extravagant or big, but Turi had
acted like it was Christmas. The man sorely lacked someone spoiling
him rotten and Carmine was determined to make sure Turi never went
without again.

“But you’ve already done so much for me,” Turi said as he closed

the dresser drawer. “Are you sure you’re not still trying to get me to
take candy from you?”

Carmine couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. It was

their personal joke now and he planned on using it for years to come.

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Fate had blessed him with Turi and Carmine was going to show the
man every damn day that he was grateful for what he had.

“You’ll have to follow me to find out.” He knew that would get

Turi’s attention. The man looked curious as hell as he followed
Carmine from the room. Carmine had to admit, he was a bit nervous.
This was his mate and he wanted everything to be right between
them—especially their sex life. Although he loved his kinky side, he
knew that he wouldn’t be happy unless Turi was.

Stopping at the door at the end of the hallway, Carmine rested his

hand on the doorknob. Turi tucked his hair behind his ear, showing
off that perfect point. The man was simply adorable when he worried
his bottom lip. “Am I going to like this?”

“I hope so,” Carmine said before he opened the door. He had built

this room in hopes of having the perfect play partner, but had never
brought anyone in here, until now.

Turi crossed the threshold, his eyes flickering from one thing to

the next. “What is this?”

Carmine walked up behind his mate, pressing his chest into Turi’s

back as he wrapped his arms around the man. “Our playroom.”

Carmine had invested in a spanking table, a cross, and so many

damn toys that he could open his own shop. Everything was in order,
nothing out of place. That was because he had never used the room.
He was hoping to change that.

He would ease Turi into this as slow as the man needed Carmine

to be. They had the rest of their lives to explore each other and what
they liked and disliked. For now Carmine would be happy just to
paddle the man’s ass. His cock got hard at the image as he dropped a
kiss on Turi’s neck. “Want to try it out?”

Turi turned his head toward him and Carmine licked at his mate’s

lips, nibbled at them, and drew Turi’s tongue into his mouth. His mate
arched closer, tilting his head fully back as Carmine tasted the man.

One hand spanned over Turi’s abdomen as the other sank lower,

massaging his mate’s denim-covered cock. He ground his shaft into

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Turi’s ass as his mate opened wider for him. Carmine wanted Turi
mindless, ready to explore new avenues in their relationship. He
didn’t want to rush his mate into this.

Turi pulled back, his eyes liquid pools of lust as he gazed up at

Carmine. “You indulged me today, so I want to return the favor.”

Releasing the man’s hard erection, Carmine curled his fingers

under Turi’s shirt and lifted the fabric over his mate’s head. His long
black hair cascaded over his shoulders, making Carmine want to play
with the silky strands.

“You have to tell me what I need to do,” Turi said as he took a

step back and unsnapped his jeans. The little imp was smiling
wickedly at him! Carmine growled, taking a step forward, crowding
his mate as his cock grew thicker.

“Take your clothes off.”
Carmine started breathing harder when Turi turned, bending over

and displaying his nice backside as he slipped his sandals off. The
man was doing that on purpose. Carmine couldn’t wait to sink his
cock into that tight little ass, but he had other plans first.

He pointed over to a table. “Fold your clothes and place them over

there, along with your shoes.”

Turi bent down and picked up his shirt, folding it as he walked

over to the table. Next he grabbed his sandals and set them beside the
shirt. Carmine watched closely as his mate wiggled out of his jeans.
There was no need to wiggle. The fabric wasn’t tight, but he had a
feeling his mate was giving him a show.

A show Carmine was thoroughly enjoying.
Once he was naked, Turi turned and Carmine saw just how hard

his mate was. His cock curved toward his stomach, the head
engorged. He had to stand there for a moment and rein in his lust. The
man was temptation on two legs and Carmine was thankful he was no
longer fighting the guy. What a damn fool he had almost been.
Passing this up would have been the biggest mistake of his life.
Missing any part of being with Turi would have been pure tragedy.

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Turi stopped smirking at him, his brows growing deep. “What?”
Carmine crossed the room, running his hand over Turi’s sides.

“Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

Turi’s lips parted as he stared up at Carmine like Carmine was his

moon and stars. He swallowed a few times before he shook his head.
“Not today.”

Carmine brushed his hand over the side of his mate’s face, giving

Turi an emotional smile, letting the man see in his eyes just how
sincere he truly was. “I love you, Turi.”

Turi’s breath hitched as he leaned into Carmine’s hand. “I love

you, too.”

Placing a kiss on his mate’s lips, Carmine took a step back and

pointed toward the paddling table. “Bend over, baby,” he growled

The smile was back, Turi batting his eyes at Carmine before he

walked over to the table, his hips swaying heavily back and forth. The
man was being provocative and Carmine was ready to bite the guy on
his ass.

He noticed that Turi still had the whistle wrapped around his

wrist. Carmine gave a light chuckle as he moved until he was standing
in front of Turi. “If you want me to stop, blow that annoying ass

Turi glanced down at his wrist and then snickered. “Honestly, I

don’t think I’ll be needing it any longer. I used it for protection, but
now my protection stands around six foot three.”

That was the strangest and sweetest thing anyone had ever said to

Carmine. His bear growled in approval as Carmine touched the
plastic. “I want you to wear it whenever we are in this room.”

“You are one strange man,” Turi said as he bent over and jutted

his ass into the air. “Do you want me like this?”

Oh, Carmine was going to paddle his mate’s ass for his

cheekiness. The guy knew how much Carmine was turned on by the

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thought of playing with Turi in this room and he was milking
Carmine’s lust for every damn drop.

Walking around the table, Carmine swatted Turi on his ass before

walking over to the cabinet filled with various toys. He grabbed a
light whip, smiling to himself before turning. His cock gave a pulse
when he saw his handprint on Turi’s ass.

The man was still bent over, but he was staring around the room,

taking in everything Carmine had purchased. “I’m really hoping that
cross isn’t something you use to throw darts or knives at people.”

The burst of laughter left Carmine’s lips before he could contain

it. The man was so refreshing. “Hardly.”

Turi gazed over his shoulder at Carmine. “Just checking.”
The man was something else. Carmine could see that his life was

never going to be boring being mated to this man. He took his time
walking back over to Turi. He was appreciating the view.

“What are you going to do with that?” Turi asked as his eyes

landed on the whip in Carmine’s hand.

“You are asking way too many questions, love. Just relax and

enjoy.” He let the strands on the whip slowly glide over Turi’s
backside, up his back, and then down his side. His canines threatened
to lengthen when Turi shuddered.

He flicked his wrist, giving Turi a light tap with the whip.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Turi commented.
“Hush,” Carmine said before he flicked his wrist again, letting the

whip land a little harder on Turi’s ass. He started imagining what his
mate would look like tied up. There were so many things he had
wanted to do with the man. They were going to have many hours of
pleasure in this room.

“Is that all you got?” Turi’s challenge shocked Carmine. He was

trying to ease his mate into a harder whipping. It seemed his mate was
more into this than Carmine could have hoped for.

“Are you challenging me?” Carmine asked.

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“Does it sound like a challenge?” Turi jutted his ass higher. “Even

I could hit harder than that.”

Carmine pulled his arm back and let the whip slice through the air.

It landed with a loud thwap on Turi’s ass. His mate jerked, his head
flying back as he groaned loudly. He repeated the moves a few more
times before he stepped in front of Turi and relieved his aching cock,
palming the hard flesh in his hand. “Suck me, Turi.”

Turi wrapped his lips around the head of Carmine’s cock as

Carmine whipped Turi’s ass once more. His mate jumped, taking
Carmine further down his throat. Hell, Carmine was about to lose his
mind. Turi’s lips were so soft, so moist as he fucked the man’s mouth.

He gripped his mate’s hair, tugging on it as he slid his cock in

deeper. “That’s it, take all of me.”

Carmine shuddered when Turi automatically placed his hand

behind his back and opened his mouth wider. The man was a quick
learner. He knew that Turi had never dabbled with anything like this.
It looked like the man was born to be submissive—at least when it
came to sex.

Raising the whip, Carmine let it fly a few more times, Turi

moaning around his cock. He was so close already that he knew he
would be coming soon. His balls were drawn up tight and a tingle had
started up his spine.

He needed the edge taken off.
Carmine gave a few more hard thrusts and then came down Turi’s

throat, his body shuddering as his orgasm washed through him. He
stood there for a moment, breathing through the hedonic feeling
before pulling his cock free.

“Do I get up now?” Turi asked as he licked at his swollen lips, his

eyes glassy and breathtaking.

“Oh, love, I’m nowhere near finished with you.”
He could feel Turi watching him as he moved behind the man and

dropped down to his knees, licking every mark he had put on the
man’s body.

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The longer his tongue played over Turi’s skin, the harder Carmine

became. His tongue trailed a path to the man’s crease and then swiped
over Turi’s pulsing hole.

“Carmine!” Turi jerked, rising up to his tiptoes.
“Mmm, you like that.” Carmine swiped his tongue a few more

times, his hands holding Turi in place. He loved the way he made his
mate squirm around, his lithe body wiggling as Carmine licked the
man over and over again before plunging his tongue deep into his
mate’s ass.

Turi’s hips were rocking from side to side as he tried to push his

ass back, impaling his hole onto Carmine’s tongue. Carmine had to
wrap his fingers around his shaft in order not to come. He was losing
control fast and knew that if he didn’t fuck Turi, he was going to
come all over his hand.

This was his first time using this room and the excitement was a

little too much. Maybe the next time he would go slower, but right
now Carmine’s bear was growling to get inside his mate.

He rose to his feet and walked over to the cabinet, snagging the

bottle of lube. He wet his fingers on his way back over to his mate
and then speared two inside his mate’s hole. Turi jerked as he
groaned, his legs spreading further apart.

“Someone wants to get fucked.”
“That would be me,” Turi said, barely saying the words beyond

his panting.

Carmine twisted his wrist, scissoring his fingers at the same time.

After a moment, he slipped a third finger in, his body humming at the
anticipation of fucking this tight ass.

When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he removed his fingers,

replacing them with his cock. He gripped Turi’s slender hips as he
began to move harder, faster, and deeper.

This was going to be a very quick fuck. His mate was so tight and

hot around Carmine’s cock, that the muscles gripped Carmine like a
slick, velvety fist. Spreading Turi’s thighs wide, Carmine slammed

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his hips into his mate’s ass, feeling his scrotum tighten against the
base of his cock as he drove deep and hard inside the man.

Turi was mewling like a well-fucked kitten as Carmine slammed

his hips forward, his shaft driving deep.

“Harder, Carmine. Please, fuck me faster.”
Turi’s begging drove Carmine insane. He picked up his speed, the

sound of clapping skin ringing through the room. When Turi shouted
out his release, his hold clamped down on Carmine’s cock, making it
almost impossible to move.

He was overwhelmed by the heated tightness surrounding his hard

shaft and the sound of pure ecstasy in Turi’s voice. Carmine could
feel the white-hot fingers of fire moving down his spine now. The
pleasure wrapped over the head of Carmine’s erection like tiny
fingers of paradise.

With a flurry of hard and fast thrusts, Carmine finally froze,

buried as deep as he could be and roared his completion. Once
drained of his seed, Carmine pulled his cock from Turi’s ass,
watching as his mate tried to catch his breath.

Carmine wiped the sweat from his brow and then heard a small

toot. He glanced down to see Turi still bent over the table, that
annoying ass whistle between his lips. “I don’t think you’ll be
needing to blow that, Turi.”

His mate grinned widely at him. “It is no longer my help me

whistle. It’s my god-I-love-you whistle now.”

Carmine chuckled as he pulled Turi from the bend and wrapped

his arms around his mate, kissing the side of his neck. “Then blow the
damn thing until your lungs are on fire, love.”

* * * *

“I hear you’re looking for me.”
Egon spun around to find a very large man standing off to his

right. The guy’s stance was casual, but Egon could see that he was

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being assessed from the way the guy was looking at him. “Are you
Marino Malone?”

“That depends on who wants to know,” Marino—Egon assumed it

was the man he was looking for—said as he shifted his weight,
reminding Egon of an old-time gangster. The guy’s hands were
clasped in front of his body and his shoulders were relaxed, but his

“I already know who you are,” Marino cut him off. “And I already

know why you’re here. You want me to stash you away somewhere,
like I’m paying you back for running one of my labs.” His tone was
icy. “Do I look like I care that you were involved in the production of
Liquid Wrath?”

Egon realized he had made a grave error coming here. He had

heard how powerful this man was, and yes, he had thought he would
have some leeway since he had run the lab. Apparently Marino had a
different idea of what loyalty meant.

But then again, was there really any loyalty among the evil? “I’ll

just be on my way then.”

Marino held up a hand, his eyes daring Egon to take another step.

“I’m told you tried to mate your own nephew, went against the

Egon was not about to defend the Wood elves’ customs. “What of


Marino shrugged. “While I would be impressed that you defied

their decision, there’s one small problem.”

Swallowing hard, Egon knew his time was up. Marino wasn’t a

stupid man. He could see the intelligence in the man’s sinister eyes.
But he played ignorant nonetheless. “What problem?”

Marino moved in on him, his big hands circling around Egon’s

neck. “That was my boy you tried to force into mating with you. No
one fucks with a Malone.”

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Egon had seconds to struggle before he felt his life draining away.

He had picked the wrong man to screw over, although the realization
was a little too late.






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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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