Hagen, Lynn Remembering to Breathe(1)

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Remembering to Breathe

Liam fell in love with a straight man—big mistake. Especially when

Bishop ran the first time they kissed. Feeling devastated and

rejected, Liam starts over, making a whole new life for himself.

Investigating a murder, Detective Jack Watterson meets the man

of his dreams. Liam wraps himself around Jack's heart after only

one date.

But then Bishop returns, telling Liam that he loves him and how

much he wants another chance. Liam is caught between the two

men that he loves and doesn't see a way out until Jack proposes

Liam's wildest fantasy.

But things aren't that easy, not when Liam is accused of a murder

he didn't commit. Liam also has to deal with a bully from his past,

a man bent on teaching Liam that gay men are evil. Can the three

work things out and find a happy life together, or will they fall

apart when Jack is shot by the very man setting Liam up?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Ménage a
Length: 41,349 words

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Lynn Hagen



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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-634-2

First E-book Publication: April 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Liam sat on his forklift, staring out of the dock doors as his mind

began to wander. He had finished pulling his orders and had some
downtime to himself. That was the beauty of working by oneself in a
warehouse full of paper products. One person could do the job.

The main plant was one block over, but the warehouse was where

the company stored the overage, and that was where Liam worked. He
enjoyed the peace and quiet of working alone. There was absolutely
no one to bother him.

Liam listened to his iPod while he built skids of product then

wrapped and weighed them, preparing them for the trucks that would
arrive to take them to their destinations. It was a job only a loner
would be fit for—namely him.

The forest ran along the back of the property. Liam would see

deer emerge in the early morning, grazing serenely. It was a beautiful
sight. Of course, arriving at four in the morning allowed Liam to
stand outside and stargaze almost every morning. He worked crazy
hours here. They were from four in the morning until two in the

They were perfect hours for him.

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There was a covered dock right outside the door, which made it

possible for him to be outside, but not in the direct elements. Liam
would sip from his foam cup of coffee and enjoy the early morning,

It felt like a country life.
Liam hated living in the city. The noise and crowds of people

drove him crazy. He wasn’t a people person, and living in the city
sucked. Liam liked that he worked in solitude then went home to it as
well. His sister didn’t live too far from him, but he rarely had contact
with her. Liam had always been that way. Solitude suited him

It was so quiet that Liam almost jumped when his cell phone rang,

breaking the stillness he was wrapped in.

“Yeah, boss.” He hoped it wasn’t a call about an order needed. He

hated when he had to drive to the plant to pick up a load to bring
down. The chaos of busy workers up there made him anxious. He
always felt trapped, claustrophobic.

“I need you to come up here for a moment.”
Liam had an uneasy feeling.
Usually when they had stock for him to bring down, his boss

would just say there was a load to pick up. This was different. He
could hear the tension in the voice on the other end, and it made his
damn teeth ache. Something was up, he just knew it.

“On my way.” Liam hung up his cell phone then closed the back

of his truck. He hit the button to close the dock door then locked the
warehouse up. He never left the warehouse open. Anyone could just
walk in. It may be just a job, but he felt like the place was his, and he
didn’t want anyone roaming around while he wasn’t there.

Liam got into the twenty-one-foot straight truck and drove the

mindless block to the main plant. Backing in, Liam readied his truck
for unloading and went into the shipping office.

His boss, Peter, sat behind his desk typing away at his computer.

His boss was a small, round man, balding and in his late fifties. Peter

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was enjoyable to talk to, but Liam kept the conversations on surface
subjects, never getting too deep and never revealing too much about
his personal life.

It was nobody’s business.
There were two more employees that worked in the shipping

department. Liam didn’t get along with them. As a matter of fact, he
despised them. They seemed to always drop innuendos about Liam’s
sexuality, making crude jokes and treating Liam as if he were a nitwit.
He wasn’t in the closet, but he never voluntarily told anyone he was
gay either.

Talking about it around these assholes was only asking for


“Have a seat, Liam.” Peter gestured to one of the two desks that

occupied the office in the small space. Liam sat in Richard’s chair—
one of the two assholes he despised—wondering what his boss was
looking so uneasy about. Peter usually stayed stressed, but Liam
could tell something was different.

“Management has decided to team you up with someone down at

the warehouse.” Peter looked at Liam, his drab brown eyes daring
Liam to protest anything he was saying.

When Liam sat there quietly, Peter continued, “It was brought to

management’s attention that having you work by yourself is unsafe.
An accident could happen and no one would know, or someone could
just walk right in while you’re working and harm you. We just feel it
would be in the best interest of your safety that two of you work down

This was bullshit, and Liam knew it. An employee in the gluing

department had come down there a few weeks ago and made a pass at
Liam, which he ignored. That employee seemed to be having her
revenge now.

Petty people made Liam irate.
He threw his hands up in exasperation, exhaling heavily. He knew

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what the answer would be before he even asked. “I have been
working alone for two years, Peter. I don’t see why it’s an issue now.
I’m perfectly capable of working by myself. Can’t you talk the big
bosses into rethinking their decision?”

“Liam, the decision has been made. I know you like working by

yourself, but you will just have to deal with this or I’ll find someone
who can. We clear?” Peter gave Liam his back, not waiting for an

Dickhead. He knew when he was being dismissed, and Liam

wanted to shout at Peter to go fuck himself. How Liam wished he
could say that out loud. “Can I ask who it is that will be working with

Liam tensed, praying it wasn’t someone who would make his life

hell down at the warehouse. He didn’t socialize with anyone at the
plant, so whoever they sent would irritate Liam, he just knew it.

Peter seemed to relax his rigid shoulders, taking Liam’s soft voice

as a sign of capitulation. Liam knew his boss didn’t like arguing with
his employees, but Peter didn’t debate when it came to decisions from
the bigwigs up front, especially concerning his department. Peter was
nothing but a stickler when it came to procedure and rules.

Too bad the little weasel didn’t have a damn backbone. Liam

wanted to rail, shout, and curse everyone in there for this stupid
injustice. He didn’t want a stinking partner.

He wanted to be left alone.
“Actually, we decided to hire someone instead of pulling an

employee from another department. He will start tomorrow morning
at six. I’ll bring him down to the warehouse, and I expect you to show
him the proper procedures and help him learn the job. You’re good at
your job, Liam, so I expect him to be as well.” In a softer tone Peter
added, “You know you have problems sometimes down there with
your size, and I mean no offense by that.” Peter put his hand up to halt
any protest from Liam. “I’m confident knowing I have you down
there. Maybe with additional help, I won’t have to stop what I’m

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doing to go down there to assist you when you need it. Not that I
mind. I’m just busy up here dealing with these kindergarteners.” Peter
winked and then smiled at Liam.

Liam had to stop his eyes from rolling at the way Peter was trying

to downplay this decision. His boss knew Liam lived for his solitude.
The weasel could have stuck up for him.

“I’ll do my best, Peter, but between you and me, this sucks.”
Peter laughed as Liam left the office and headed back to his truck.

It had been loaded, and he was ready to head back to his solitude.
Heaving a sigh, he knew he had to resign himself to the fact that his
peaceful respite was now gone.

* * * *

Liam sat on his sofa eating his ramen noodles. The television was

playing, but his mind kept wandering to the new guy starting
tomorrow. Liam hoped the guy wasn’t a prick. Most men had a
problem with Liam right from the start, mainly because of his height,
or lack thereof.

He couldn’t help the fact that he was only five foot two and

weighed one hundred and twenty pounds. Liam had tried weight
lifting and working out at the gym like Richard in his department.
Richard was buff and loved for anyone to notice that fact.

Liam had caught Richard on more than one occasion kissing his

own biceps and flexing while sitting on his tow motor. Liam was
disgusted and envious at the same time.

Richard loved letting Liam know that he was too soft for manly

sports and the gym. He and Chuck—the other guy in his department
that he despised—would engage in talk of protein powders and the
latest steroid users at the gym they both were members at.

Liam really hated when he was in the shipping department with

those two. They made lurid comments about his shoulder-length black
hair, saying that Liam should be working in the gluing department

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Lynn Hagen

with all the other women.

Liam’s blue eyes narrowed at the two constantly.
He rinsed his bowl and readied for bed, dread settling into his

chest, squeezing it tightly in apprehension of tomorrow. What if this
new guy was just like Richard and Chuck? What if this guy sneered at
Liam and teased him as well?

He couldn’t deal with ten hours of mockery and spitefulness at the

warehouse. That was his sanctuary when shipping pissed him off.
Would he have to find another job? There were slim pickings out
there with the economy the way it was right now.

For better or worse, Liam was stuck where he was at.
He settled into a fitful sleep and woke the next morning feeling as

tired as he did before he went to bed. Liam headed to work in a daze,
dreading meeting the new guy.

Clocking in and grabbing his paperwork, Liam headed down to

the warehouse. He could feel the tension gripping his body, coiling it
so tight he was about to vomit.

Liam shoved his earbuds in and threw himself into his work. He

would worry about this stranger when he crossed that bridge. For
now, he lost himself in his music and got his work started.

He had just finished wrapping a skid on the shrink-wrap machine

when he saw Peter walking down one of the aisles. He could only see
him from the waist down due to the inventory on the shelves blocking
Liam’s view, but he noticed another set of legs as well.

Liam held his breath, his heart racing and his palms getting

sweaty as hell as his boss and the sexiest man he had ever seen
rounded the corner.

Holy mother of peanut butter! The man was smoking-ass hot.

Liam was terrified that he would start drooling at any second and
completely embarrass himself.

It wouldn’t be the first time.
And the man was just that hot!
Liam’s chest ached when he realized that he had not yet exhaled.

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He let the air escape from his lungs as he stared at the pair. He was
caught in a damn trance as the guy walked with a smooth gait,
laughing with Peter at something Liam had not been privy to hear.

They approached him and Peter stopped for introductions.

“Bishop, this is Liam. He runs the warehouse down here. He knows
all the ins and outs of pulling orders, putting stock away, and readying
orders for shipment. Pay attention to him and you’ll do fine.”

Liam felt his throat go dry as a desert, trying his best to swallow

around the lump as he gawked at Bishop. The man was a total fucking
god in jeans. Bishop was tall as hell, maybe six-two or six-three, and
at least two hundred and forty pounds of hard muscle.

Another bodybuilder, great.
His infatuation for Bishop fizzled and died as Liam realized that

Bishop just might be another Richard or Chuck. That fucking sucked

Bishop had short, dark-blond hair and crystal blue-grey eyes that

were sparkling at Liam, but Liam wasn’t going to get sucked into
those beauties. He’d reserve his judgment until he worked with the
guy for a day.

He heard Peter clear his throat and realized that Bishop had been

standing there with his hand extended, waiting on Liam to shake it.
Liam felt his face flush as he dried his wet palms on the front of his
jeans and shook the offered hand. Bishop arched an eyebrow at Liam,
noticing the move from the way his eyes zeroed in on Liam’s hands,
but said nothing.

“Pleasure to meet you, Liam.”
Holy crow! That deep baritone voice shook Liam down to his toes

and made his cock vibrate with joy. Liam inwardly groaned when he
realized the truth. It was going to be pure torture working with this

“Uh-huh,” Liam said in a stupid-as-fuck daze.
Bishop smiled and Liam quickly averted his gaze. He felt the

crimson blush run up his neck and spread like wildfire across his face.

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This was so embarrassing. Liam shifted from foot to foot, feeling
uncomfortable and praying his erection wasn’t noticeable under his

He felt a tug at his hand and looked up to see that he hadn’t

released Bishop’s hand yet. Shit! What else was he going to do to
prove he was an absentminded idiot?

Peter gave Liam a disapproving glare before turning back to

Bishop. “I’ll let you two get started.” Peter left the warehouse, leaving
the two alone.

Liam stood at the wrap machine, wondering where to start. His

mind was a total blank as his eyes flickered around, trying his best not
to stare directly at Bishop’s gorgeous face or body.

“I’ve never really trained anyone before. Um…just…I don’t

know.” Liam ran his hand through his hair and let out a frustrated
breath. There was nothing worse than crushing on a straight man. He
prayed to god Bishop hadn’t noticed how inept he was acting.

Get it together!
“I’ll tell you what,” Bishop said with a hint of amusement in his

voice, “why don’t you work like you normally do, and I’ll observe
you for a while. If I have any questions, I’ll ask. Does that sound fair

There was that trance-inducing voice again. Liam fought not to

get sucked into the vortex of it as he nodded. He numbly walked into
his office and grabbed orders from the printer that the CSRs had sent
down to him by way of faxing. He showed Bishop how to read the
orders, explaining to him how the scanning process had made life a
hell of a lot easier on Liam since implemented.

They worked side by side, Liam letting Bishop drive the forklift to

pull skids down from the racks. They loaded the truck and headed to
the plant, taking the smaller orders up there for shipping.

Richard immediately introduced himself to Bishop, riding his

damn jock like a fucking puppy after a bone. Liam could tell that
Richard was impressed with the way Bishop’s muscles stood out

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proudly. They were built the same, only Bishop was a little broader in
the shoulders and about two inches taller than Richard. It wasn’t a
sexual attraction Richard had for Bishop, more like a pathetic
worship. Richard started to quiz Bishop on what gym his membership
was at and what sports he enjoyed.

Liam felt anger plague him and boil until he wanted to explode.

Bishop seemed to be a nice enough guy, and here Richard and Chuck
were trying to poison his mind already.

This just sucks!
He worried that having Bishop around those two baboons would

influence Bishop’s opinion of Liam and the foul comments and
treatment would begin. Liam wanted to throttle Richard and Chuck
with his bare hands.

Liam feigned disinterest at their conversation as he entered his

shipments into the computer. He heard Bishop tell the two that he
didn’t belong to a gym and he enjoyed football and boxing. They
bantered good-naturedly over the teams in football and who they
thought would make it into the play-offs this year.

“So, Bishop,” Richard started as he moved closer to the seat Liam

was sitting in. “Liam break a nail showing you how to pull stock?”
Richard laughed and Chuck slapped Richard on the back, praising
him for a “good one.”

Liam tensed at the cruel joking. He could go to HR with his

complaint, but this company was so screwed up that they would
probably take Richard’s side. He was the golden boy in shipping, and
everyone seemed to love him.

Liam on the other hand was quiet and reserved, only talking to

people when they spoke to him. He wasn’t the outgoing type like
Richard, and he could see where his complaint would go.

Down the toilet, along with his job.
Bishop turned his head, looking over his shoulder at Liam.
Here it comes.

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Bishop would join in on the harassments, and Liam would be in a

living hell.

Just like high school.
“Excuse me? What does that mean?” Bishop asked as he turned

back around to face Richard, his tone clipped. Bishop’s posture had
shifted, Liam noticed. It was more defensive now. Liam wondered if
that meant Bishop was gay and taking offense to what Richard was
spouting out.

Please let that be the case. Oh, please, please, please.
Richard looked uncomfortable for a moment, and then composed

himself, letting the disdain show. “We’ll talk later about that. You
want to go to The Lounge after work? That’s where a lot of us guys
hang out. We could shoot some pool and have a few cold ones. A lot
of hot babes show up there.”

Liam didn’t miss the word guys that Richard threw his way, as if

implying Liam was anything but. He left the office, not waiting to
hear Bishop’s response. It would only crush him if he found out
Bishop was a bigger asshole than Richard was.

Liam shut the back of his truck and replaced the safety chain that

ran the edge of the dock. He started back around toward the front of
the truck when he ran into Bishop, literally. Liam yelped and then
steadied himself, feeling his entire body flushing at the contact of
their bodies.

“Shit, sorry, man. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He

walked around Bishop to descend the stairs, heading to the driver’s
side of his truck without looking back.

Bishop didn’t say a word as he climbed into the passenger’s seat,

buckling himself in. They drove down in silence, Liam cursing
Richard under his breath for opening his big mouth to Bishop. The
man was sitting next to him too quietly. It made Liam fidget as he

Great, let the torture begin.
Now Bishop would treat Liam with indifference. Or worse, mess

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with him the way Richard and Chuck did.

They walked back into the warehouse, and Bishop stopped him

from opening the truck by grabbing his forearm. Liam tried to pull
free, but the guy held firm. His eyes lifted to Bishop’s beautiful blue-
grey ones, waiting with fear and uncertainty. He cringed back when
Bishop lifted his other arm, expecting some sort of physical blow. He
heard Bishop curse and then he released Liam.

“I wasn’t going to hurt you, Liam. I promise.” Bishop stepped

back, turned, and then climbed onto the forklift, strapping himself in.

Liam opened the truck door and lowered the dock plate,

wondering why Bishop had grabbed him and why the hell he had
cringed like that. The man hadn’t shown any hostility toward Liam.
Quite the opposite, Bishop had been very kind to him since meeting
him. Liam decided to at least try and get along with Bishop. They did
have to work together for ten hours a day.

Liam smiled up at the handsome man. “You have a wife or

girlfriend?” He could engage in small talk. There was no harm in that.
Okay, maybe a part of him was trying to find out what team Bishop
batted for.

“Nah, I just moved here. I’m trying to start over after a bad

breakup with my girlfriend of five years.”

Damn. There goes my hope crashing and burning into the ground.
Liam wanted to kick something. Why did all the good-looking

guys have to be straight?

“What about you? Got a significant other in your life?” Liam

noticed that Bishop hadn’t said girlfriend or wife. Had he guessed
Liam’s sexual orientation? Although Liam wasn’t ashamed of who he
was, he wasn’t stupid enough to say anything to this large man who
he had to work with.

“No, no girlfriend or wife. I stay too busy here to have a social

life. It doesn’t bother me though. I kinda like the solitude.” Liam
busied himself going over the inventory report, making sure it

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matched what they were actually off-loading and praying Bishop
didn’t ask any more personal questions.

Although it was Liam who had opened that can of worms.
Bishop sat there on the forklift, waiting for Liam to finish the

carton count before he put the skid away, not saying another word
about their conversation.

After putting all the skids in their appropriate places, Bishop laid

his arm on the steering wheel and smiled at Liam, making his cock
jerk behind denim. “So what do you do for fun around here?”

Liam cleared his throat, trying his best not to blush. “The

warehouse or socially?’

“Both, I guess.” Bishop put his feet up on either side of the

steering wheel, sliding down the seat and relaxing. Liam imagined
himself crawling between those spread thighs and licking his way up
to Bishop’s cock, nibbling and sucking and having a fantastic time. A
moan escaped before Liam could stop it. He jerked and shot a look at
Bishop, feeling his entire body flush.

Bishop’s lip quirked, a quick smile that disappeared before it

registered. Liam only noticed because he had looked directly at
Bishop’s kissable lips.

Liam bit his bottom lip as he glanced around. “We better get

working. There’s no telling when more orders will spit off of the

The rest of the workday went by in a blur, and Liam was thankful

when it ended.

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Chapter Two

Bishop stepped into The Lounge, glancing around at the patrons.

He didn’t think there was any harm in getting to know his coworkers.
He was new in town, and he wanted to get a read on the people he
worked with.

Although he had to admit, Liam perplexed him. Bishop had

pinned the man as gay, but Liam had told him he didn’t have a
girlfriend or wife. Maybe he had him pegged all wrong. Just because
a guy was short and slim built didn’t mean he was gay. His cousin
was proof of that.

His chest hurt when he thought of Corky. His cousin had been

jumped behind a bar one night with five guys calling him faggot and
cocksucker. Corky spent weeks in the hospital recovering from his
injuries. The part that pissed Bishop off the most was the fact that
Corky’s girlfriend had been with him at the time. It didn’t make any
sense to him, but it ignited something inside of Bishop that night. He
hated bullies with everything in him.

Bishop quickly pushed those thoughts from his mind as he made

his way through the bar. He became enraged every time those
memories surfaced.

“You made it,” Richard shouted over the loud music, smiling as

he held up a bottle of beer. Godsmack was playing loudly in the
background of the bar as Bishop glanced around.

He noticed two pool tables on one end and a bunch of blue-collar

workers lounging around. This was a place the average Joe would go
to relax after a long day of work. Bishop liked the simple atmosphere.
He walked over to the bar where Richard and Chuck stood, a pool

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stick in Richard’s right hand.

“No harm in checking the place out.” Bishop ordered a longneck

beer, leaning his hip into the bar, taking a swig when the bartender
handed the bottle to him. He had stopped at home before coming here,
ridding himself of his dirty work clothes and donning a pair of Levi’s
with a tight blue cotton T-shirt. He wore biker boots, deciding to ride
his motorcycle to the bar instead of driving his truck.

Bishop noticed that there were indeed plenty of hot babes hanging

around the men. The women hung all over the men, laughing and
joking as if coming here to pick up strangers was no big deal. Bishop
eyed one or two that caught his interest, but the memory of Claudia
and her wicked fucking ways turned his stomach.

His ex-girlfriend had been a real work of art. It had taken him

moving away from her to stop her from coming over as if they were
still dating. She was obsessive, possessive, and downright crazy. He
wasn’t in the mood to go through that again anytime soon. So as
good-looking as the women were here, he’d pass.

“Play pool?” Chuck asked over the music.
Bishop could tell that Chuck was nothing more than Richard’s

sidekick. He hated followers, especially ones who followed bullies.
Bishop wanted to get the rundown on Liam, find out if these two
jackasses had any plans on harming his new friend. He would feed
their balls to them on a silver spoon if he found out they did. From the
way the two had acted in shipping, Bishop had some suspicions

Again, Corky’s face whispered through his mind.
“Sure. Set it up.” Bishop sauntered over to one of the two tables.
They were halfway through their game when Richard asked, “So,

you like working with the little fairy?”

Once again, Chuck laughed at Richard’s offensive slander.
Bishop knew that if he said what he wanted to say, Richard would

become belligerent to save face in front of his coworkers. Bishop
would have to catch the little fucker by himself and make it very clear

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his views on the subject. Until then, he would downplay things. He
wasn’t looking forward to a night in jail…again.

“I’ve only worked with him one day. I really can’t say either way.

He seems like a nice guy, why?” He walked around the pool table,
calling his next shot as he ground his molars in anger.

“Because I can’t stand faggots. Peter should get rid of Liam, or

someone should. The world would be a better place without his kind,”
Richard bitched as he grabbed his bottle of beer from the table.

Bishop had to catch himself. He nearly slammed Richard into the

wall. This was the kind of bullshit his cousin had endured, and Bishop
hated men like Richard. The world would be a better place without
people like Richard and Chuck.

Bishop wasn’t gay, but he couldn’t stand the underdog being

picked on. He knew he was a big man and that most people were
afraid of him because of his size. His mother taught him better

She had told him that he was an alpha male and it was his job to

protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. She would kick his ass
six ways from Sunday if she ever found out he had bullied or
intimidated anyone smaller than him. It wasn’t in his character to take
advantage of people.

Bishop took a deep and calming breath, trying his best not to beat

the shit out of this man. “Better watch who hears you say that. It
could get you into a lot of trouble.” Bishop tried his best to sound
nonchalant when he felt anything but. Images of cracking his fist
repeatedly into Richard’s face flooded his mind. Bishop never went
off half-cocked, and he wasn’t going to start now.

“You a gay sympathizer?” Richard sneered the question at him.
Oh, the son of a bitch was really asking for it.
Bishop rose to his full height, glaring daggers at Richard. “Watch

it, Richard. I don’t play around.”

Richard eyed him intently for a moment, his face stoic as he

studied Bishop, and then a smile broke across his face as he nodded.

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Bishop realized that his words were misconstrued. Richard had
thought that Bishop was saying that he didn’t mess around like that,
with gays. That wasn’t how Bishop had intended his threat to come
out, but he left it alone. He knew he had to get out of there before
Richard was slumped on the floor with a broken nose…or worse.

“It’s getting late. I need to head home. I have to get up early.”

Bishop finished his beer and reracked his pool stick, fighting hard to
rein his temper in.

“Everyone is coming to my house Sunday for the game. I have a

fifty-six-inch screen to view it on. Interested?” Richard asked as he
racked the balls again.

Yeah, right. He would rather chew glass than spend any more time

around these two morons than he had to.

“I can’t. I need to finish unpacking. Maybe next time.” Not.
“Sure, next time. See you at work tomorrow.” Richard went back

to his conversation with Chuck, giving Bishop his back.

Bishop decided right there that he would do whatever it took to

protect Liam from these two clowns and anyone else who dared to
taunt or torture the small guy. There was something about Liam that
flipped all of Bishop’s protective switches on. He wanted to wrap the
small man in cotton and tuck him away somewhere safe.

Bishop questioned that thought as he swung his leg over his bike.

Since when did he get protective of someone he just met? A guy at
that? Bishop brushed it off as trying to protect men like Corky, small,
diminutive. He started his bike and headed home, giving the situation
no more thought.

* * * *

The weeks flew by, and Bishop was becoming more comfortable

with the ins and outs of his job. With the two of them working
together, Bishop and Liam finished their work faster, and it gave them
a lot more downtime to bullshit around. He was enjoying his days at

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the warehouse, more than he thought he would.

He and Liam had become pretty good friends over the past few

weeks, joking and laughing as they worked. Bishop found that they
had a lot of the same interests. They both loved to read books and
watch scary movies, although Liam confessed to turning into a total
wuss while watching horror films.

Bishop found that hilarious.
“What’s your worst fear?” Bishop asked as he went over his


“Clowns and zombies. I hate clowns so much that I freak out

anytime I see one. My sister says that I have a phobia of them,” Liam
admitted with a blush of embarrassment.

Bishop shook his head at the ridiculousness of Liam’s fears. “You

do realize that zombies aren’t real and clowns are regular guys
dressed up in costumes, right?” Bishop had asked Liam as he tucked
his paperwork on the tow motor and faced the smaller man.

Liam shook his head adamantly, a frown furrowing his brows.

“But clowns are still real scary. Zombies could be real, couldn’t
they?” Liam whispered as shame filled his eyes. He glanced away
from Bishop, looking as though he were going to bolt at any second
from his confession.

“If any zombies or clowns come this way, I’ll kick their sorry

asses, okay?” Bishop said as he held back the smile that threatened to
break free. He’d never met anyone who was this terrified of things
that weren’t real. It was comical.

“If zombies were real, you wouldn’t have a chance,” Liam said as

he jutted his chin out. “They’re mindless corpses that attack in groups.
We’d both be screwed.”

Bishop didn’t miss the blush on Liam’s face. He had his

suspicions what that blush was for. The longer he worked around
Liam, the more positive he was that the man was gay. It didn’t bother
Bishop. Liam was a nice guy. If that was what he preferred, it was his
business alone.

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“Then we better hope zombies don’t take over, huh?” he teased as

he bumped his elbow into Liam’s arm.

That made the short man smile. Bishop discovered two deep-set

dimples when Liam smiled. He liked them, so he tried to make Liam
laugh whenever he could.

Liam was so withdrawn, so introverted that Bishop felt proud to

make the man chatter and laugh. He hated to see anyone closed off
from the world. Liam was too nice of a person not to share his sense
of humor with others. The guy was funny.

“What are your fears?” Liam asked as they walked down the aisle

together. “What are you afraid of, Bishop?”

Not being able to protect the ones he loved. That was Bishop’s

biggest fear. Corky had been beaten badly, and Bishop hadn’t been
there to protect him. Corky hadn’t been able to identify those who had
attacked him, and Corky’s girlfriend had been so freaked out that she
broke up with Corky and refused to talk about that night.

It only pissed Bishop off even more because those bastards had

gotten away with what they had done to Corky. If he ever found out
who they were, Bishop would probably do a stint in prison. Maybe it
was best he never found out their names.

“I’m afraid of bees.” And it was the truth. Bishop was deathly

allergic to them.

And he wasn’t confessing his other fear.
“Bees? Really? They’re tiny little bugs that can be killed with a

flyswatter or bug spray.” Liam laughed. “You’re way too big to be
afraid of those little bugs.”

“I’m afraid because I’m allergic to them.” Bishop reached into his

back pocket and pulled out his EpiPen.

Liam’s eyes grew round as he stared at it. “No shit.”
“Yep. If a bee ever stings me, you have to grab this and inject it

into my thigh. But remember to take the safety off first.” Bishop
showed Liam how the pen worked. It couldn’t hurt. And with the
Metro Park right behind the warehouse, Bishop was at risk of bees

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coming in here.

“I can’t do that!” Liam shook his head as he stared at the pen and

then at Bishop’s thigh. “Are you nuts?”

“You will if I go into anaphylactic shock.” Bishop assured him

and then smiled when Liam looked green around the gills. “Don’t
worry though. I’ve never had to use it so far. I was stung once, and
that was enough for me to be very careful now.”

Liam nodded, but his eyes were still glued to the pen. “Let’s keep

it that way.”

Bishop laughed as he shoved the pen back into his pocket. “Let’s

grab some lunch.”

Liam lit up, his eyes sparkling as he walked into the office and

grabbed their containers from the minifridge. “Here you go.”

They took a seat out on the dock, where the sun was shining and

the breeze was blowing. It was summer, and the days were hot as hell.
They had multitudes of fans blowing around the warehouse, but they
only blew around hot air. The breeze outside felt good. As Liam
cracked open the lid on his container, Bishop frowned.

“Do you ever eat anything other than noodles?”
Liam twirled his fork around, shaking his head. “I can’t cook to

save my life. It’s the only food I’m pretty decent at making.”

Grabbing the other half of his superdeluxe sandwich, Bishop

shoved it toward Liam. “Here, try this.”

Liam grabbed the food greedily as he took a bite. His eyes rolled

to the back of his head as he chewed. “This is delicious.”

“Made it myself,” Bishop boasted proudly. “I’m a damn good

cook. I have to be at this weight.” He chuckled.

Liam ignored Bishop as he wolfed down the sandwich. Bishop

was amazed that Liam ate it all and then dug into his noodles. For a
small man, he sure could put away the food. “I’ll start bringing extras
for you.” He smiled as he ate his lunch.

* * * *

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On Wednesday morning Bishop hurried from his truck, running

late as hell as he made a run for the time clock. Once he was punched
in, he waited for Liam. Peter had given him a set of keys to the
warehouse and the truck, but it would make no sense for him to go to
the warehouse without Liam. How would the man get down there?

Bishop spotted Liam heading his way with his head tucked down

to his chest and moving at a faster pace than he was used to seeing
Liam walk. The guy was usually here before Bishop and liked to
stand around and bullshit before the other workers arrived. This
morning Liam said nothing as he unlocked the office and grabbed the
paperwork for the warehouse. Bishop watched quietly as Liam headed
over to the truck and then climbed in, not speaking one damn word.
Not even a good morning.

Something wasn’t right.
Bishop knew in his gut that something was wrong.
He climbed in beside Liam and remained quiet as Liam drove

them down to the warehouse. He wasn’t going to push the man to tell
him what was going on, but Bishop didn’t like the solemnness
surrounding them.

The truck was backed into the dock, and then Liam hurried from

the truck. When Bishop caught up with him at the door, he saw the
bruises on Liam’s arm as the man reached out to unlock the place.

Bishop grabbed Liam’s arm, staring at the angry marks. “What the

fuck happened to you?” he snarled before he could stop his response.
Images of Corky raced through his mind, and Bishop was ready to kill

Liam stiffened as he shrugged Bishop’s hand off and entered the

building. Bishop was going to get to the bottom of this. Someone had
hurt Liam, and all Bishop could think about was how the one
responsible for Liam’s injuries was going to pay.

Bishop didn’t press the matter as they grabbed their cups of coffee

and walked back out onto the dock. It had become a morning ritual

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that Liam confessed he was glad he didn’t have to give up since
Bishop started here.

Bishop agreed that standing here sipping coffee and watching the

deer come out of the woods was a very peaceful start to his day. But
this morning he had other things on his mind. There was no way he
was going to stand here and enjoy the contentment of the morning
when Liam stood next to him bruised.

He stared at the deer that had wandered from the forest as he

spoke. “You’re my friend, Liam. And I think as friends we should be
able to talk about anything. I’d really like to know who hurt you.”

Liam cleared his throat next to Bishop, but he didn’t say a word.

Did Liam fear telling would only make his situation worse? Someone
was hurting Liam. Bishop could feel it down in his bones. “I can’t
protect you if you don’t tell me who it is.”

Bishop cut a glance over at Liam when he heard the tiniest sound

of an intake of breath. He saw Liam fighting not to spill the tears
brimming in his eyes. The man was struggling to keep it together.
Bishop could see that.

“I–I can’t talk about it.”
Bishop turned his full gaze on Liam, seeing Liam’s lips trembling

as he blinked rapidly, trying his best to keep his tears at bay. Bishop
exhaled as he walked over to Liam, placing his arm over the small
man’s shoulder. “That bad?”

Liam reached up and quickly brushed away the tears as he cleared

his throat again, his jaw clenching as he stared straight ahead.

Bishop swung his arm toward his body, pulling Liam into the

crook of it and sealing Liam to his chest. “Tell me so I can protect
you, Liam.”

Liam stood there stiffly for a moment and then inhaled as he

slowly wrapped his arms around Bishop’s waist. “I can’t.”

As Bishop gave Liam the comfort he needed, he stared off into the

trees, watching the deer watch him. Bishop felt helpless as he stood
there. If Liam wasn’t going to tell him, he had a feeling the abuse

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would continue. He knew it wasn’t anyone at home. Liam had told
Bishop that he lived alone. The man didn’t have many friends. As a
matter of fact, Bishop was his only friend. So who in the hell could it

As Liam rested his face against Bishop’s chest, Bishop made a

startling discovery. His cock was getting semi-hard. He couldn’t
understand his body’s reaction to Liam. It made Bishop very
uncomfortable. Giving Liam one last pat on the back, Bishop pulled

Now it was his turn to clear his throat as he glanced around. He

didn’t want Liam to notice his state of arousal at having the small man
so close. Bishop couldn’t understand what was happening, so if Liam
saw the outline in his jeans growing, there would be no way for him
to explain the reason for it.

He didn’t want to rush away from Liam and make the man feel

worse than he already did, but Bishop knew he had to put some space
between them.

A lot of space.
Sipping his coffee, Bishop stood there staring at nothing,

wondering about his reaction. When he saw that Liam was somewhat
composed, Bishop began to walk back toward the door. “We better
get our work done before Peter busts us just standing around.” Bishop
walked back into the building.

It was a lame excuse, but the only one Bishop could think of at the


Liam followed behind Bishop, his gaze flickering over to Bishop

and then darting away. The action repeated a few times and Bishop
worried that Liam had noticed his semi-hard cock.

“I’m sorry, Bishop. I didn’t mean to make things awkward

between us. I guess I got a little too comfortable.” Liam wrung his
hands in front of him, not meeting Bishop’s eyes.

Oh hell, the man thought Bishop pulled away because they were

hugging? So Liam hadn’t noticed the change in Bishop. “It’s okay,

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Liam. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on once in a while.”

Bishop retrieved the orders from the printer. He smiled at Liam,

messing his hair and walking from the office. Liam looked more
relaxed as he followed behind Bishop, the tension draining from his
blue eyes. Bishop still wanted to know who had marked Liam, but let
it be since Liam wasn’t talking about it. Liam didn’t need Bishop
bullying him into giving up a name.

The morning had started off rough, but by lunch, they were joking

and laughing once more. Bishop was glad the awkwardness between
them didn’t last long. Bishop noticed Liam grimacing and biting his
bottom lip when he reached for boxes above his head or bent over to
wrap a skid.

He wanted to growl, but kept it from slipping out as he tried his

best to make things easier for Liam. Bishop grabbed the boxes Liam
needed, got off of the forklift, and helped Liam wrap the skids. He
could see the appreciation in Liam’s eyes.

As the day came to an end, Bishop could see the exhaustion on

Liam’s face. “I can get the rest done. Why don’t you go have a seat in
the office?”

Liam nodded, giving Bishop no argument as he walked away.

Bishop planned on finding out who had done this to Liam. But for
now, he only hoped that this was a one-time thing. If Liam came in
here bruised again, Bishop wasn’t going to back down.

* * * *

Friday had finally arrived, and Bishop was feeling the fatigue

from the week’s long hours. He knew he should go home and catch
up on sleep, but he wanted to hang out with Liam instead. The man
made him laugh constantly, and Bishop found himself smiling a lot.
No one had ever done that before.

“I’m going riding tonight. Do you want to join me?” It was the

perfect night for it. The sky was clear, and no rain was forecasted. As

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hot as it was, Bishop was looking forward to the breeze cooling him

Liam looked shocked at Bishop’s offer. The man was acting as if

no one had ever asked to hang out before. “I don’t have a bike. I don’t
even know how to ride.”

Bishop hesitated for a moment. It hadn’t even dawned on him that

Liam didn’t have a motorcycle when he made the offer. He was too
amped up about riding. “I don’t normally let dudes ride on the back of
my bike, but I’ll make an exception. Pick you up at six?”

Liam’s head was bobbing up and down excitedly, making Bishop

chuckle. “You’ll have to give me your address.”

Why was he willing to ride Liam on his hog? Bishop never

allowed a guy to ride behind him. What the fuck was happening to

Liam jotted down his address and his cell phone number, handing

it to Bishop. Once the warehouse was shut down and locked up, they
drove back up to the plant. Bishop was practically racing Liam to the
time clock. They both laughed as Liam beat Bishop.

Bishop noticed Richard’s narrow gaze following Liam. Could he

have been the one to harmed Liam? He was going to try his best to get
it out of Liam tonight on their ride.

If Bishop found out that Richard was the one responsible for

Liam’s bruises, he was going to have to find a new job…just as soon
as he was finished breaking every bone in Richard’s body.

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Chapter Three

Liam stood in front of his closet debating on what to wear. He

wasn’t quite sure what he should wear to ride on the back of a
motorcycle. Would jeans and a T-shirt be okay? He felt butterflies in
his stomach as if Bishop were picking him up for a date. He knew this
wasn’t a date, but a guy could dream.

He had already showered and painted his toenails. It was

something he secretly loved to do. Thank goodness Liam never had to
remove his shoes in public. He had hot pink on his nails at the
moment, and they looked wonderful.

After pushing the clothes in his closet aside and then back again,

Liam decided on a low-cut pair of jeans and a graphic T-shirt. The
band Placebo’s graphic adorned the front. Next Liam bent down in his
closet, searching through his shoes until he found a suitable pair of
boots for riding. Once he was fully dressed, Liam looked at himself in
the full-length mirror, making sure that he looked guyish.

If he had it his way, Liam would wear his sequined pants with a

netted shirt. He loved to dress flamboyantly, but he didn’t think
Bishop would appreciate the look.

Checking the clock, Liam saw that he had twenty minutes to

finish getting ready. Liam growled softly, praying that was enough
time. Dozing off when he got home after work hadn’t been the smart
thing to do, but his body was sore as hell from work and his rigorous
beating. Pushing the thought aside of getting himself into a situation
that had caused him harm, Liam ran downstairs and cleaned up the
kitchen from his dinner.

He sucked at cooking, so it was take-out containers that needed to

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be tossed into the trash and utensils that needed to be washed. Liam
straightened up the living room in a rush and then ran a quick vacuum
over the rug. Just as he stored the vacuum away, Liam heard a
motorcycle pull into his drive. Looking up at the clock, he saw that
Bishop was five minutes early.

He would have to remember that for future dates. Liam giggled to

himself at that thought. He could secretly pretend all he wanted to.

Bishop knocked on the door, and Liam counted to ten before

slowly crossing the living room. He didn’t want to seem too eager,
even if his heart was beating out of control. Liam placed his hand on
the doorknob and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before he
swung the door open.

Good god almighty! If Bishop didn’t look edible, Liam would eat

his shorts. The man was worship-worthy. He had on dark sunglasses
and a very tight black T-shirt that hugged mountains of muscles that
just begged Liam to lick each and every one. Liam’s eyes floated
down to a tapered waist and loose-fitting jeans.

What a pity.
But even with loose jeans on, Bishop’s muscular thighs were very

pronounced. And that made Liam wish to the gods that Bishop would
insert one between his legs and let him ride the nicely shaped muscle
until he was crying out in pleasure.

Liam wanted to strip right there at the front door and beg to be

fucked. Bishop just had no clue how truly gorgeous he was. Liam had
no idea why the man wanted to hang out with him, but Liam wasn’t
foolish enough to say no.

“Can I come in?” Bishop asked.
Liam could feel his face heat as one of Bishop’s thick, dark blond

eyebrows arched. Oh hell, he’d been doing the ogling thing again.
“Yes,” he said quickly as he stepped aside, checking out Bishop’s ass
as the man walked past him.

Such a nice body and all going to waste.
If only Bishop were gay, Liam would be all over him right now.

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Instead, Bishop walked around Liam’s home, checking the place out
as he nodded. “Nice.”

Yes you are, sweetheart.
“Thanks,” Liam said nervously. This may not be a real date, but

Liam was sweating bullets. He prayed his deodorant did its job
because the temperature in the room had risen by at least ten degrees
since Bishop walked in.

Bishop turned back to Liam and Liam quickly averted his eyes.

He had been appraising Bishop’s backside with interest. “I brought
my cousin Corky’s leather with me. You two are about the same size.
He sometimes leaves it at my place.”

Liam nodded, feeling the excitement mount at the thought of

wrapping his arms around Bishop’s waist. He was finally going to be
able to touch Bishop without getting his teeth knocked out.

Bishop crossed the room and headed toward the door. “It’s in the

saddlebag if you want to lock up and follow me.”

Liam would follow that sweet ass anywhere. He dug into his front

pocket and extracted his key, locking the door behind him before
walking over to Bishop’s bike. There was one thing that Liam
realized in horror the other night, and he had refused to think about it
since. But now that he was standing next to Bishop, there was no
denying the fact that he had fallen in love with the man.

It was a big mistake. One of epic proportions, but Liam couldn’t

help how he felt about Bishop. Spending ten hours a day with the guy,
getting to know him, and sharing so much laughter and conversation
had led Liam straight to hell.

And that was where he was as he stared at Bishop, but wasn’t

allowed to touch. He knew the man was going to be his torturer from
the beginning, but Liam had raced down that road to a broken heart
full throttle.

“Here you go,” Bishop said as he pulled the jacket from the

leather bag draped over the back of his bike. “Try it on.”

Liam reached out with a slight tremble to his hand as he accepted

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the leather jacket. It was soft as hell in his hands. As he slipped it over
his shoulders, Liam knew he would have to get one for himself. It felt

“It fits,” Bishop announced with a pleased smile. “I have a pretty

good eye for stuff like that.”

Too bad the man didn’t have an eye for Liam. He was standing

there trying his best to make his erection go down. The smell of
leather and the gorgeous man standing next to him was playing havoc
with Liam’s body. “I like it.”

“I knew you would. But that’s Corky’s, so I’ll need it back.”
Bishop turned Liam around, zipping up the jacket and adjusting

the buckles, treating Liam like his lover, gentle, careful. Oh hell, he
needed to stop thinking like that before he got himself into trouble.

Too late.
“How does that feel?” Bishop asked as he took a step back.
“Wonderful,” Liam breathed out and then curled his lips in,

embarrassed that he sounded so breathless. He was going to get his
ass kicked before this night was over. Liam could just feel it in his

A slow smile crossed Bishop’s face, making his blue-grey eyes

sparkle, and then he chuckled low. “I’m glad.”

Liam glanced toward the bike, tired of feeling his face heat up

every time Bishop looked his way. This wasn’t a date. It was two
friends going for a ride, and he needed to start acting like it. Bishop
wasn’t interested in Liam, at least not in a sexual way. Next Bishop
handed Liam a helmet. This must be Corky’s as well.

“Have you ever ridden with someone before?”
“No, what are the rules?” Liam knew there had to be rules to this.

He just didn’t want to hear them right now. His fingers were too busy
itching at the chance to grab Bishop and never let him go.

* * * *

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“Hold my waist tight, lean when I lean, and whatever you do,

don’t panic. Tug on my leather if you need me to stop, but don’t
squirm or try to dismount.” Bishop didn’t know why he was telling
Liam to hold on tight.

He had been confused for about a week now. Every time he

dreamt, it was erotic dreams that played out that involved Liam.
Bishop had jerked awake and realized that his sheets were not only
soaked, but sticky. It was like he was a damn horny teenager again.
He had to figure out why he was having these feelings.

And the one thing he couldn’t do was blame Liam. The guy had

never made a pass at Bishop or flirted with him in any way. No, this
was all on him.

He told himself that it was the fact that Liam was helpless, that he

relied on Bishop for protection, and that Bishop was just making this
out for more than what it was. He was just confusing his feelings for
Liam into something they weren’t.

“Ready?” Bishop asked as Liam climbed onto the back of his

bike. Steadying the motorcycle, Bishop waited until Liam was

“I am now,” Liam said with excitement. Bishop chuckled at the

man. He knew how Liam felt. The first time he took a ride was like a
freedom he had never felt before. Liam was in for a treat.

Bishop pulled from Liam’s driveway, feeling slender arms wrap

around his waist. Bishop exhaled slowly, concentrating on the road
instead of the slim man behind him. A part of him was railing against
the idea of what Liam was doing to him, but another part, a darker
part, was enjoying it.

Bishop growled to himself as he turned onto the highway, heading

straight for the open country roads. He could feel Liam hug him
tighter, a laugh falling from the man’s lips. As confused and
conflicted as he was, Bishop smiled at Liam’s delight.

Once they hit the country roads, Bishop took the long route

around. He cut down back roads and made sure he went along the

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routes that had the most twists and turns, knowing Liam would enjoy
it. Bishop sure as hell was. He tilted his head back, letting the breeze
blow away the heat on his skin.

After an hour, Liam pulled on the front of Bishop’s leather.

Bishop found a soft shoulder that spanned out on the side of the road
and pulled onto it, letting his feet down. He pulled his helmet off, half
twisting around to look at Liam. “What’s wrong? You were riding

“Nature calls,” Liam said as he pulled his helmet free.
Bishop smiled and held tight as Liam climbed off the bike, using

his shoulders for leverage. He could have sworn he felt something
brush against his ass, but Bishop shrugged the thought away. It was
normal to get hard when riding. He had the first time he had ridden a

Bishop didn’t put much into it as he watched Liam take off toward

a clump of trees. As he waited, Bishop tilted his head back, inhaling
the scent of the open country. It was so different out here. The smells
were even different from the city, fresher, cleaner.

The country was a place Bishop wouldn’t mind putting down

roots. It reminded him of the times he spent on his granddad’s farm as
a child. The smells had been fantastic back then as well.

Bishop’s head snapped up when Liam bolted from the trees,

screaming his damn head off. Jumping from his bike, Bishop took off
after Liam, who was hightailing it down the road. What the fuck?

As Bishop caught up to Liam, he grabbed him around the waist

and hauled him off of his feet, stopping the man from running any
further. “What’s wrong?” he asked as he looked back toward the
trees. Bishop didn’t see anything heading their way.

“I thought I saw a groundhog, beaver, or raccoon, whatever the

hell it was!” Liam squirmed in his arms, trying to look over Bishop’s

Bishop threw his head back and laughed. It figured a city boy

would be afraid of something like that. “He’s probably more afraid of

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you,” Bishop said as he walked back to his bike. It hadn’t slipped his
notice that he hadn’t set Liam down yet, and that disturbed him.

As Bishop lowered Liam to his feet, Liam’s body slid down his,

making his cock throb in his jeans. Bishop swallowed hard, his eyes
locking onto Liam’s. They both stood there frozen, staring at one
another for the longest time. Bishop wasn’t sure what was happening,
but Liam’s lips looked good enough to kiss.

Liam looked hesitant, as if he were holding his breath, waiting.

His blue eyes darkened as his hands gently touched Bishop’s chest.

Before Bishop knew what he was doing, he leaned down and

grabbed Liam, pulling the man up into his arms and slanting his head,
taking Liam’s lips with his. Liam wrapped his legs around Bishop,
crushing his soft lips to Bishop’s as he whimpered into Bishop’s
mouth. He could feel Liam’s fingers running through his hair, tugging
at it slightly.

Pressing his tongue to Liam’s, Bishop prodded until Liam opened,

letting Bishop explore the sweet taste of Liam’s mouth. Never had he
thought Liam would taste this damn good. Bishop’s fingers dug into
Liam’s hips as his head spun out of control, his body buzzing as if
coming to life.

“Fuck me,” Liam whimpered when Bishop pulled back for air.
And that was when it hit him. He had just taken advantage of his

friend. Of the man who had trusted Bishop. He knew that nothing was
ever going to come of this, and their friendship now lay shattered on
the side of the country road.

Bishop wasn’t gay and never would be. But he knew that he and

Liam could never go back to the easiness of the friendship they had
shared. Slowly lowering Liam to his feet, Bishop averted his eyes,
ashamed of what he had just done.

“Get on the bike, Liam.” His tone was clipped, icy. Bishop hadn’t

meant to sound that way, but he was struggling with the destruction

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he had just caused. Liam deserved better than this.

Liam quickly mounted Bishop’s bike, staring down at his hands as

he waited for Bishop to take them home. They drove back in silence,
Bishop cursing himself over and over again until he pulled into
Liam’s driveway.

Sliding the leather off, Liam handed it back to Bishop, along with

the helmet. He stood there, as if he wanted to say something. Bishop
quickly stored the items and then pulled away, not wanting to cause
any more destruction than he already had. He was the biggest fool
around. He had killed a great friendship because he had been curious.

Bishop would talk to Liam on Monday and apologize for using

Liam for his own curiosity. He just prayed he could salvage their

* * * *

Liam stood in his driveway, devastated. What had he done wrong?

Bishop seemed to have wanted to be with Liam just as much as Liam
had wanted to be with Bishop. Was it because he had begged Bishop
to fuck him?

Kicking his ass for rushing things and scaring Bishop off, Liam

walked into his house, feeling as if his heart had stopped beating. He
was in love with Bishop, and now the man hated him. He knew
Bishop was straight, and Liam had rushed him to the point he had
scared the man away. Feeling his insides aching to the point of pain,
Liam called his sister.

“Hey, hon. Long time since I heard your voice,” Veronica said

playfully over the phone. Liam hadn’t called his sister in ages, and
she still acted as though it had only been a few weeks. God, he loved

“I…” Liam closed his mouth, fighting back the tears. There was

no way he could speak right now without bawling.

“Hon, what’s wrong?”

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“I need you.” Liam sniffled as the tears started. As hard as he

tried, they wouldn’t stop coming. He had wrecked something that
could have been wonderful between him and Bishop all because he
had rushed things.

“I’m on my way.”
Liam fell onto the couch, the phone still in his hands as he gazed

around his home, no longer wanting to be there. It felt cold and bleak
to him. Bishop had stood here, stood here and smiled at Liam. Now it
was just him, and Liam felt as though his world was falling apart.

Being in love fucking sucked.
Liam didn’t bother answering the door when he heard knocking.

Veronica had a key, and she knew how to use it. Liam was too numb,
too devastated to care about anything else again. He curled up on the
couch, praying the pain went away as his sister entered the living
room, took one look at him, and then walked down the hallway.

Liam knew what she was going to do, and he was grateful for it.

Ten minutes later she came back down the hallway with a suitcase in
her hand. She didn’t say a word as she walked out of the house and
then came back in, pulling Liam from the couch and guiding him
toward her car.

“I know you’re hurting right now, sweetie, and I’m here for you.”

She placed Liam in the car and then got in on her side, driving them
back to her place. Liam didn’t say a word. There was nothing to say.
He had fallen in love with a straight man, and now he was paying the

After the long drive to his sister’s and getting comfortable on the

couch, Liam laid his head in her lap and cried. Veronica ran her hands
through his hair, not saying a word, and let him mourn his loss. His
sister knew he was gay and didn’t care. She loved him regardless, and
Liam knew it.

“Do you want me to call off for you Monday?” she asked as she

ran the tips of her fingers over his cheek, wiping away his tears.

Liam nodded.

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“How about you use that vacation time and bunk here? You know

I have the room.”

Maybe that was best. He would need time to pull himself together

and come to the realization that anything he had hoped to have with
Bishop was gone. Even their friendship would never be the same.

Liam had gambled, and he had lost.
“You can stay here for as long as you need to,” Veronica said as

Liam felt his world imploding.

* * * *

Liam received a call three days later from Peter informing him

that the company was experiencing a financial crunch and that Liam’s
name had been pulled with others for a temporary layoff.

This just kept getting better and better. It was bad enough his life

felt like it was void of any kind of happiness, but now he was going to
be penniless?

He sat at the table after the phone call as Veronica cooked

breakfast, wondering what in the hell he was going to do. Well, at
least he wasn’t going to starve. “I’ll sell the house and move in with
you like you asked. I have money saved, but on my own, it won’t last
long. Are you sure this is what you want?”

It wasn’t what Liam wanted, but he was stuck between a hard

place and a rock. Veronica had made the suggestion just last night and
Liam had flat-out refused the offer. He was independent and loved
living on his own. But with minimal funds, he had no choice.

“Yes, Liam. I think that it’s best for both of us. You’ll find work.

But if not, you still have the option of collecting unemployment.
You’re only twenty-one, hon. Why don’t you take the time and go to
college? I can handle taking care of both of us while you attend.”

Liam didn’t like the idea of someone else paying his way, but

what did he have to lose? No job, no man, no life. To hell with it. He
was going to do it.

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“They have college classes that take only twelve months and

you’ll have a degree. You know, like a secretary or something. I’m
tired of manual labor anyway.” Liam didn’t want another situation
like he had with Bishop again. His heart wouldn’t withstand another
steel knife plunging into it.

“That’s the spirit. You can take a lot of online courses these days.

We’ll take a look at the different options you have after breakfast.”
With that plan set in place, Liam was starting to feel a little better.

Not much, but a little.

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Chapter Four

Bishop was running late for work. His damn alarm clock had

failed to go off again. Bishop hated being late, and he hated having to
run around like mad. It always threw his mornings off.

He decided to take a shortcut to shave a few minutes off of his

time. Bishop turned left down one of the side streets and cursed when
he saw the jam ahead of him. He would have to pick a street with cop
cars everywhere and…a coroner’s van?

Morbid curiosity made him pull his bike over. Bishop knew he

was running late, but something was niggling at the back of his mind
as he stared at the scene. It finally dawned on him that he knew that

What in the hell was going on? Without thinking, he jumped off

of his bike and ran across the street, fear racing down his spine at the
thought of something bad happening to Liam. Bishop cursed and
growled when he was stopped by one of the patrol officers.

“I know the guy that lives here. What happened?” Bishop could

feel panic starting to rise in him as he watched the coroner wheel a
stretcher into the house. Bishop was about to be sick. “Tell me what
happened!” he shouted as his eyes took in everything around him. A
man with a badge dangling around his neck headed over to Bishop, a
stern look on his face.

“Who are you, and how do you know the victim?” the detective

asked as his eyes raked over Bishop, assessing him.

“I’m Bishop Mason. We were, are, friends. What happened?”

Bishop tried to crane his neck to see past the detective. He needed to

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know what was going on. Bishop felt like his world had come
crashing down around him.

How could he have been such a damn idiot? He had run from

Liam, fleeing the feelings that had wrapped around him. He had been
such a fool, such a damn coward. And now he stood here fearing that
something bad had happened to the man.

He even went as far as to date the first available woman who

showed interest, proving to god knows who that he was an alpha
male, that he wasn’t gay. A year, one full year he had been fighting
how he felt about Liam, and now it was too late to tell Liam how he
truly felt about the guy.

Bishop could feel himself hyperventilating, getting dizzy as he

stared, horrified, at the house. He dropped down to his knees, trying
to get air into his lungs. He loved Liam. It had taken him so damn
long to figure that out, and now it was too late.

The detective knelt down beside Bishop, laying a hand on his

shoulder. “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but since you knew the
victim, and from your reaction, very well, then I don’t see the harm.
The victim was stabbed over twenty times last night. Can you tell me
anything about him?”

Bishop lost consciousness.

* * * *

Liam was getting ready for work when a knock sounded on the

front door. Grabbing the juice from the table, he took a quick swallow
and then sat the glass down, going to see who it was. Heading toward
the front of the house, Liam adjusted his tie as he opened the door.
There was an imposing man standing on the threshold, lean, tall, and a
little intimidating. Liam took a step back, closing the door slightly.

“Can I help you?”
“I’m Detective Watterson. Are you Liam Koury?” The detective

pulled his jacket back to reveal a badge attached to his waistband. “I

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need to talk to you about a case I’m working on, and it’s rather
sensitive. May I come in?”

Liam hesitated for a moment and then opened the door wide,

allowing the detective to pass through. “I don’t know how much
assistance I can be, and I’m running late for work.”

“There was a homicide at two thirty this morning. A friend of

yours, Bishop Mason, seems to think it was you who was murdered,”
Detective Watterson said as his gaze swept over Liam. “We checked
our records and found that you had sold the house. I didn’t know if
you wanted to be found by this person. Home sales are public records,
and Mr. Mason will probably be searching them since he knows the
victim wasn’t you.”

Liam was stunned at the news. Someone was murdered in his old

house? And Bishop was there? What in the blue blazes was going on?
“Why would he be there anyway? I haven’t lived there for a year
now,” Liam said as he felt that uncomfortable twinge that always
belted him in the gut when he thought of Bishop. It was easing,
getting better as time went on, but it hadn’t fully gone away. “We
were friends once. But if you are asking if I am hiding from him, the
answer is no. I just moved on.” Liam squirmed where he stood, trying
his best not to.

He didn’t like to hear Bishop’s name. It brought back too many

hurtful feelings. He had been swept into a dark current so long ago,
and Liam was just now resurfacing. The name hurt like hell to hear,
but the pain was dull, no longer tearing away at his soul like it used

Why had Bishop been at his old house anyway? Not a day passed

that Liam didn’t think of the dark-blond-haired, blue-grey-eyed god.
But he had to move on. Liam had to. He wasn’t going to try to
convince a straight man to be gay.

“So you two were lovers?” The detective tilted his head to the

side, giving Liam a curious and scrutinizing look.

Liam didn’t like it, not one bit. Who the hell did this man think he

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was to come in here and judge him? “No, he was my friend. Bishop
isn’t gay.” As painful as it was to keep talking about a man who was
no longer in his life, Liam wouldn’t besmirch his name.

“And you are?”
“What does my private life have to do with your investigation?

For that matter, what do I have to do with it?” Liam slowly made his
way back to his front door. The detective was going to get his narrow-
minded ass out of Liam’s home. He would make sure of it.

Detective Watterson gave Liam a cute, lopsided smile that made

his foot falter. Damn, with that smile, the man wasn’t that bad
looking. “I was just wondering if maybe I could take you out for a cup
of coffee or something.”

Well, that shut Liam up real quick.
Liam looked at the detective in a whole new light, more closely

than he had before. Now that he really looked at the detective, Liam
saw that the detective was a handsome man.

The guy was tall, that was for sure. The detective stood at least

six-two and had a lean build. At least from what Liam could tell
behind the business suit the guy wore. He wondered what the man
looked like naked.

Stop it, Liam. You don’t need this.
Maybe he did. It was about damn time he moved on from Bishop.

Veronica kept telling Liam that he needed to get out and date. That
focusing on another man would help to heal his heart. He sure hoped
she was right.

“How about dinner? I’m late for work. You can pick me up at

five. I assume you know where I live?” Liam gave the detective his
deep-dimpled, mischievous smile. To hell with it. He was going to
come back to the land of the living and enjoy himself.

The guy laughed, and it was a beautiful, musical laugh. Liam

could see himself dating this man. “Yeah, I think I can find your
place. Five sounds perfect. I’ll pick you up then.” He turned to leave
then turned back around. “Jack.”

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“Huh?” Liam looked at the detective in confusion.
“My first name is Jack. See you at five.”

* * * *

Liam raced home to get ready for his date with Jack.
“Where’s the fire?” Veronica laughed from the kitchen where she

was cooking dinner.

Liam skidded to a halt right outside the kitchen, his heart racing a

million beats a second. “Oh crap. I forgot to call you and tell you not
to make dinner for me.” Liam grinned from ear to ear. “I have a date,”
he added.

“Oh, Liam! I’m so happy for you. Is he someone I know? Details,

details.” Veronica wiped her hands off on the towel and ran toward
him, looking just as excited as he was.

“He’s a detective, Ron. Jack Watterson. He asked me out this

morning, and I agreed. I have no idea where we’re going. Will you
help me get ready?” Liam ran from the kitchen, heading toward his

“Detective? Is something going on that I should know about?

How did you meet a detective this morning?” Veronica was hot on his
heels, firing off questions as she followed him into his room. Liam
headed straight for his closet.

“He came to the house this morning. Some guy was murdered at

my old address, and apparently Bishop was convinced it was me. Jack
was making sure I wasn’t in hiding from Bishop. You know, making
sure Bishop wasn’t trying to locate me.” Liam grimaced when he
realized how he sounded. Like Bishop was a crazed stalker and had
killed the man in his old house to get to him.

“Liam! Who was the murdered guy? Why was Bishop at your old

house? What the hell is going on?” She tossed him a pair of black
slacks and a white dress shirt.

Liam looked at the clothes his sister tossed him and crinkled his

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nose. “I’m going to have dinner, not help the servers. Can I have
something more casual?” he asked as he tossed the slacks right back
at her. “I don’t know what’s going on. Bishop told Jack that he was
taking a shortcut to work and saw the cops at my house. He had no
idea that I had sold it. He thought I was the murder victim.” Liam
walked around in a circle, feeling nervous as hell. But at least this
time he knew the man he was interested in was gay.

What a fucking relief that was.
“Just a mistake. Help me out here, sis.” Liam tossed the shirt back

at Veronica.

She rummaged in his closet and came back with a soft blue

sweater. “It accents your eyes.”

Liam rolled his accented eyes at his sister. “I’m going to take a

quick shower. Please find me something decent while I’m in there.”
Liam headed toward the bathroom and then circled back around,
giving Veronica a big hug. “Thanks for everything you have done for

Veronica hugged Liam in a tight embrace. “You’re welcome.

Good luck tonight. You deserve to find Mr. Right and be happy.”

Liam could see the tears behind her eyes. If he didn’t get her out

of his room, he would be crying, too. He shooed her away and then
jumped in the shower, quickly washing all his vital parts. Liam dried
off and headed back into his room, grabbing the lotion and giving
himself a fast rubdown. It was a habit he had since he was a child, and
Liam loved how it made his skin feel.

Once that was complete, Liam splashed on some cologne. He

fussed over his hair that he had cut short about six months ago. Liam
had convinced himself that a new look would help. Although he loved
the spiky and disarrayed look, it hadn’t helped his mood back then.

Liam dabbed hair product in the black mess and combed it

through. It was stylishly messy. Perfect. He got dressed and headed
into the living room where Veronica waited to inspect him.

“You look like you could be a model, Liam. You smell great, too.

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Have I told you how handsome my brother is?” She chuckled as she
swiped a hand over invisible wrinkles in Liam’s attire.

He glanced out of the living room window to see that the sun was

setting. The orange glow was peeking through the curtains and
playing some sort of shadowy effect on the glass knickknacks.

Liam felt a small pang of depression trying to creep inside of him.

He was moving on, trying to find happiness. He just hoped that Jack
was the man to bring him out of the misery he had lived in for so
long. Liam had been so damn lonely for so long.

He walked over and picked up the glass piece, bringing it fuller

into the glow of the setting sun. Liam watched the kaleidoscope of
colors dance across the wall. It reminded him of when he was a child,
in a happier time.

Veronica wrapped her arms around Liam, kissing his cheek.

“You’ll be happy again, baby brother. I know it hurt when Bishop did
what he did to you, but you have a chance now to be happy again.
Take it.”

The doorbell rang, and Veronica jumped. She danced around

Liam, looking as though she were going to faint. “Wait here—no,
answer the door—wait, don’t move. I have to make sure you’re
perfect.” She was even more nervous than Liam. The hilarity of his
sister’s behavior seemed to steady his nerves.

“You answer the door, show him in here, and then disappear. Got

it?” Liam hugged her one last time before she left to answer the
ringing bell. He heard muffled voices, and then Jack appeared in the

Liam sucked in his breath at the man standing before him. Jack

was utterly handsome. He wore a simple outfit, denim jeans and a
black turtleneck sweater, but to Liam, the man was amazing.

Liam noticed for the first time that Jack had grey eyes, and they

were beautiful. He had to disagree with Veronica this time. It was
Jack who looked like he was the model. He wore a brown bomber
jacket and a stylish platinum watch. Liam felt like a booby prize next

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to his date.

Jack stood there for a moment, and Liam thought he saw

uncertainty play across the man’s face. Did he regret asking Liam
out? His nerves were on edge as he stood there with sweaty palms.

“Hi, Jack.” Liam walked over, holding his hand out. Jack took it,

and Liam reached up on his tiptoes to kiss Jack on the cheek. The
move seemed to relax Jack.

“Hi, Liam. I’m sorry that I forgot to mention where I would be

taking you. We’re going to Lombardi’s for dinner, and you’re dressed
perfectly. You look stunning. I’m babbling, aren’t I?” Jack tipped his
head down, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

Liam chuckled. “I see I’m not the only one nervous tonight. Are

you ready?” He walked to the foyer, retrieving his cashmere-blend

Jack took it from Liam and held it out for Liam to slide into.
A gentleman.
Liam was impressed.
He was also pleased that Jack chose Italian. It was his favorite

food. So far the evening was going great, but they hadn’t even left the
house yet. Liam crossed his fingers and headed for the door.

Jack opened the passenger door of his car, helping Liam into his

seat. Closing the door, Jack strolled around the hood, gazing at Liam
as he made his journey to the driver’s door. Liam could feel
butterflies slamming around his stomach.

Please let this night go well.
“I’m glad you agreed to go out with me.” Jack smiled at Liam as

he started the car and backed out of the driveway.

Liam felt like he was going to vomit he was so nervous. This was

his first real date in forever. He never counted his time with Bishop,
because they never dated, so this was his first date in two years. And
damn if Liam wasn’t horny as hell.

They arrived at the restaurant, a valet parking Jack’s car as the

detective held the door for him. The man was being as chivalrous as

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any man could be. Once they were seated and ordered their food, Jack
began to talk, breaking the tension between them and making Liam
feel more at ease.

Dinner was superb, and the conversation flowed seamlessly. Jack

was the perfect gentleman. Liam didn’t want the night to end. It was
so wonderful. He could really imagine a future with Jack.

“Jack, can I ask you something without you taking it the wrong

way?” Liam spoke for Jack’s ears only.

There was a glint of unease in Jack’s grey eyes, but he nodded his

head anyway.

Liam took a deep breath, steadying his nerves before he spoke.

“Will you sleep with me?”

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Chapter Five

Jack threw his hand up, wanting the check now! There was no

way he was passing up the opportunity to be inside this beautiful-ass
Adonis. He had hoped for something more tonight, but sweet mother
of pearl, he hadn’t expected Liam to be so blunt about it. He paid the
bill and left a handsome tip before Jack escorted his date out of the

Jack pulled up short at his car. He was rushing like he’d never had

sex before, and he needed to slow down. The thought of fucking this
sexy man had him so revved up that he hadn’t even stopped to wonder
why would Liam ask for this?

“Are you sure about this, Liam? This isn’t a one-night stand. I am

interested in seeing you again. I don’t do casual sex.” Jack’s cock
jumped as he stared into those gorgeous blue eyes. Was he nuts? Was
he really standing here giving Liam a chance to change his mind?

Jack knew he was. He wasn’t the type of man to take advantage of

anyone, and he wanted to make sure this was what Liam wanted. He
just prayed that they didn’t sleep together and then Liam would lose
interest. Jack was being honest when he said he wanted to see Liam

“I’m sure. This was the most perfect evening I have ever had, and

I don’t want it to end.” Liam tilted his head, his blue eyes staring at
Jack. “Don’t you want me?”

“Sweetheart, I want you in the worst possible way. I’m just trying

to make sure that you want this for the right reasons.” He knew he
was doing the right thing by asking, but his dick was waging a war
with his brain. Thank goodness he was mature enough to let his brain

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“I want to be with you, Jack. No other reason.”
“Good enough for me.” Jack helped Liam in the passenger seat,

buckling him in, and tried his best not to all-out run around the car
and speed home. He managed to walk casually around to the driver’s
door and not break any speeding laws as he hurried home.

Amazingly, he made it home in fifteen minutes. It normally took

Jack thirty when coming from the restaurant. Jack parked in the
garage that was attached to his home and led Liam through to the door
leading into the kitchen.

Liam attacked Jack as soon as they cleared the doorway. Liam

yanked at the bomber jacket that Jack was wearing and then pulled at
the turtleneck. Jack thought the damn thing was going to tear in half.
Liam couldn’t seem to get to Jack’s skin fast enough.

Jack grabbed Liam’s wrists, reining in his desires as he did so.

“Slow down, Liam. We have all night. Come here.” Jack pulled Liam
up, letting Liam wrap his body around Jack’s waist.

Jack leaned in for a kiss, but what he received was an electric

shock that started at his lips and sparked hot until it reached his toes.
His whole body seemed to come alive as Liam opened for him,
sucking Jack’s tongue like he was dying.

Liam pulled at Jack’s shoulders, trying to dissolve into him. The

tip of Jack’s pink tongue darted out, sliding across Liam’s lower lip.
His date opened for him, allowing Jack to invade his mouth. Jack
plunged in, sweeping through and leaving his senses a pliant pile of

Liam began to grind his cock into Jack’s abdomen. Jack pushed

into the wall behind them and allowed Liam to do as he wished. Liam
threw his head back and screamed Jack’s name, his body shuddering
as his head fell onto Jack’s shoulder.

Jack stood there stunned.
That was the hottest thing he had ever seen anyone do.
And he wanted to see it again.

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Jack walked them to his bedroom and placed Liam on his feet. He

saw the postorgasmic bliss on his soon-to-be-lover’s face and decided
that he would have to take the disrobing into his own hands.

He pulled Liam’s coat off, tossing it onto the back of the chair in

the corner. Jack pulled the sweater over Liam’s head and then
unsnapped Liam’s trousers. He picked the little guy up and laid him
on his back, removing his shoes and dress socks, and then pulled the
pants the rest of the way off. The only thing left was Liam’s black

“You must think I’m a slut for wanting this on the first date,”

Liam said as he covered his face with his arm.

Jack stopped undressing as he moved closer to Liam. “How long

has it been for you, Liam?”

Liam moved his arm, staring up at Jack with those pretty blue

eyes. “Two years. You?”

“Three, buddy. So I think we’ve waited long enough.”
Liam laughed and Jack’s heart melted. The man was simply

beautiful. His laugh sounded like a soft summer breeze, and Jack
knew standing there that he would fall hard for this man.

Blinking a few times, Jack came out of the soft trance that Liam

had him in and finished undressing.

Spanning his hand over Liam’s stomach, Jack smiled down at the

handsome man. “You’re beautiful.”

Liam blushed, which only made Jack’s dick throb as he crawled

onto the bed. Liam reached for him, pulling Jack down for a kiss. He
was caressing Jack’s lips more than kissing them. It sent a ripple of
pleasure down Jack’s spine as Liam began to move more slowly, less

Jack ghosted his hands over Liam, taking in his beauty as he

kissed his way around Liam’s neck, feeling the hard pulse in Liam’s
neck as he licked his way to the other side. Liam was like the food of
the gods, and Jack wanted to taste every inch of him.

Groaning, Liam grabbed Jack’s short hair, tugging at it, sending

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shards of pleasure over his scalp and down his back. Jack rested his
forehead on Liam’s chest, breathing deeply as the feeling of an
orgasm approached.

It had been a very long time, so very long, but Jack didn’t want

this to end so soon. Beating back the impending release, Jack rasped
his lips over one small nipple, teasing it with his tongue as Liam
writhed beneath him, whimpering as he pulled at Jack’s hair harder.

“Jack, this feels so good,” Liam whispered as his hips bucked,

driving his erection into Jack’s chest.

“And I plan on it feeling even better, Liam,” Jack replied as he

kissed his way over to the other nipple. Liam’s skin was smooth,
flawless, and soft as hell. Jack couldn’t seem to stop touching the
man. It seemed no matter what area his hands skimmed over, Liam’s
skin was as smooth as silk.

“You’re so soft, Liam,” Jack said as he kissed his way from one

side of Liam’s body to the other, listening to Liam’s quiet moans of

Jack stilled, looking up into Liam’s blue eyes. “Wouldn’t lube

work better?”

Liam began to laugh, grabbing his sides as he rolled. Jack wasn’t

sure what was so funny, but the laughter was contagious, making him
chuckle even though he hadn’t a clue why.

“No,” Liam said after somewhat composing himself. “I use a

moisturizing lotion on my skin.”

“Oh.” Jack smiled. “Now I understand.” Now he fully understood,

which only made him laugh harder. Jack slid his body next to Liam’s,
pulling the shorter man close. “You really are comical.”

Liam grinned up at him, his eyes swimming in what Jack would

swear was happiness. He hoped so, because Jack planned on keeping
Liam if the man allowed it. “Thanks.”

Jack ran his hand up and down Liam’s back, unable to remove the

big grin from his face. “I’d like to date you, Liam.”

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Liam bit his bottom lip, glancing up at Jack with those pretty eyes.

“I’d like that.”

Jack rolled and then scooted down the bed, placing himself

between Liam’s legs. “And I’d love to suck your cock.” Liam’s shaft
jerked at Jack’s words. “I see you want that as well.”

Liam chuckled. “I’m a man. Of course I want that.”
Jack dipped his head, licking a long line up the outline of Liam’s


“As good as that feels, Jack, could you remove them?”
Jack leaned back, pulling the boxer-briefs from around Liam’s

hips and down his thighs, taking in the sight of Liam’s cock for the
first time. “You really are beautiful.”

“You keep saying that, Jack,” Liam teased.
“I don’t think I can say it enough.” And that was a fact. Liam was

perfect, to Jack, in every possible way. He wasn’t sure how he had
gotten so lucky, but he was very thankful.

Pulling Liam’s underwear the rest of the way off, Jack noticed

nail polish on the man’s feet. He didn’t say a word. Jack was sure
Liam kept that little secret to himself, although the secret was staring
him in the face right now.

Tossing the underwear aside, Jack nuzzled into the heavy sac

between Liam’s legs, inhaling deeply and taking in the scent of Liam.
God, his mouth was actually watering. Using his tongue, Jack licked
from one orb to the other, hearing Liam’s approval as the man cried
out softly, spreading his legs further apart.

Placing his hands on Liam’s thighs, Jack pressed his face further

into Liam’s body, licking the entire sac until he worked his way up to
Liam’s cock. It was thick and throbbing, pre-cum leaking from the
head as Jack licked a path up Liam’s shaft and then sucked the length
into his mouth.

“Jack!” Liam shouted as he bucked, driving his cock deeper into

Jack’s mouth. Jack opened wider, taking the length as he worked his
throat muscles until his nose was touching Liam’s shaved pubic bone.

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“Oh, hell,” Liam cried out once more. “You’re going to make me

come again, Jack. I swear you are.”

Jack smiled around Liam’s cock as he worked his tongue over the

shaft, enjoying the feel of the weight in his mouth.

“Please, it’s been too long, and I don’t want to waste my load in

your mouth,” Liam shouted.

Reluctantly, Jack eased back. “We do have all night.”
“Then suck my cock on round three,” Liam said. “Where’s your


Jack couldn’t help but smile as he reached into the drawer and

pulled out a bottle of lube and a strip of condoms.

“Do you plan on using all of them?” Liam asked with wide eyes.
“I’m sure as hell going to try.” Jack wiggled his brows at Liam as

he tossed the supplies on the bed.

“I knew you were trouble, buddy,” Liam teased as Jack lubed his


“But I’m fun, too.” Rimming Liam’s tight muscle, Jack sank one

finger in and nearly came. If Liam’s hole was this tight around his

Jack was going to lose his mind with this man.
Sliding another finger inside Liam, Jack scissored them, watching

Liam as the man’s head rocked back and forth, nearly chewing his
bottom lip off. Liam looked magnificent as he squirmed underneath
Jack. His short black hair reminded Jack of a sprite. And that was
exactly how he saw Liam.

“Hurry up, Jack. I need to feel your cock inside of me.”
“Patience, Liam.” Jack smiled. He loved the fact that Liam was

desperate for him. It rubbed his ego and made Jack feel ten feet tall.
After adding a third finger and making sure Liam was well stretched,
Jack removed his hand and grabbed a condom. Lord knew he was just
as excited as Liam was.

He tore the wrapper open and slid the condom down his shaft,

staring down at Liam’s cock in anticipation. “Hands and knees or on

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your back?”

“On my back,” Liam replied with a blush.
That said a lot about Liam. To Jack, looking into each other’s eyes

as they fucked was a very intimate act. It told Jack that Liam was
taking things just as seriously as he was, although it was only their
first date. But it was a first date to remember.

Jack eased forward, dropping to one arm as he grabbed his cock

with the other hand, pressing it into Liam’s snug body. Liam inhaled
sharply and then pressed his ass down onto Jack’s cock, his eyes
rolling as he groaned.

“Damn, Liam, maybe I should have stretched you a little more.”

Because fuck if the man wasn’t tight as hell. Jack thought he wasn’t
going to get inside Liam for a moment there. He worked his cock in
inch by inch, finally feeling Liam’s body relax and loosen up. He
reached his other arm up, placing it on the other side of Liam’s head.
“Much better.”

Liam grinned, his dimples showing off to perfection. “Like you

wouldn’t have fought to fuck me.”

“Yeah,” Jack admitted with a chuckle. “I would have.”
“Then shut up and fuck me,” Liam teased as he pulled Jack down

for another scorching kiss. Jack had no problem with that order. He
pulled his hips back and then thrust forward, groaning into Liam’s
mouth at the tight feel. Liam lifted his legs, wrapping them around
Jack’s hips as he pushed his ass right onto Jack’s cock.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck me.”
Liam slung his arms around Jack’s shoulders and began to fuck

him in earnest. The only thing Jack could do was pray he didn’t come
so quickly. Liam’s body was riding Jack’s cock with enthusiasm,
making Jack’s damn toes curl.

“Oh, god, Jack.” Liam threw his head back and cried out, his seed

painting Jack’s stomach and chest as his movements faltered,
becoming less of a rhythm and more jerky.

Jack took over, pressing Liam into the bed as he began to drive his

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cock into Liam’s ass. He wasn’t too far behind Liam as the electricity
built, working its way up his spine and shattering Jack into a thousand
pieces. He shouted out Liam’s name as his body convulsed, his seed
emptying into the condom.

Jack rested his forehead on Liam’s chest, breathing hard and

trying to get his heart rate to slow. Goddamn. It had been so long that
Jack had forgotten how good it felt inside a tight ass. Fuck if it was
going to be another three years. He had Liam in his bed and that was
where Jack planned on keeping the man.

“Oh my god, Jack. You just unkinked my back.” Liam laughed as

Jack pulled his softening cock free, keeping a tight hold on the
condom. He pulled the latex off of his shaft and tied the end off,
tossing it toward the trash.

“I aim to please.” He grinned as he stretched out beside Liam.
“And that you did, in spades. I hope you’re planning on taking me

out tomorrow night.”

Jack pulled Liam into his arms, draping the man across his chest

as he ran his hand over Liam’s soft hair. “I don’t plan on letting you
go anytime this weekend, love.”

“That sounds like paradise to me,” Liam said as he sighed.
It had only been one date, and already Jack felt himself falling for

the man.


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Chapter Six

Liam stretched, feeling sore in all the right places. He looked up

to see Jack staring down at him, a wide grin on his face.

“Morning, baby.” He peppered kisses all over Liam’s face as

strong arms were wrapped around him. “Hungry?”

Liam yawned as he nodded. “I’m starving.”
Jack gave him a tight hug then kissed the top of his head. “Come

on, let’s take a shower and then I’ll fix you some breakfast.”

“You can cook?” Liam asked in surprise.
Jack cocked an eyebrow at Liam. “Of course I can cook. I live

alone. If I didn’t learn now, I would starve.”

“You could always have takeout,” Liam pointed out as he scooted

from the bed, following Jack into the bathroom.

“That stuff will kill you, Liam,” Jack replied as he turned the

shower on. “And my mother would kick my ass if I ate that stuff.”

Liam found it funny and endearing that a grown man, a detective

no less, was afraid of his mother. It only showed Liam another level
to Jack, and Liam absolutely loved what he was discovering.

“Then I’d love to try your cooking.”
Liam joined Jack in the shower. And that was all it was, a shower.

They were both too hungry to fool around. As Liam dried off, he
heard Jack’s cell phone ringing. The detective cursed as he walked
out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his
waist. Liam leaned against the doorframe, admiring the view in front
of him.

Liam watched as Jack listened to the caller and then nodded. He

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had a feeling breakfast wasn’t going to happen. “I’ll be right in.” Jack
closed the phone and then tossed it onto the carpet, cursing under his

Turning toward Liam, Jack gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry,

sweetheart, I have to go in.” He crossed the room and then pulled
Liam into his arms. “Can I still see you tonight?”

“You bet your sweet ass you can,” Liam replied as he leaned up

and gave Jack a quick kiss. Anything more and the man wouldn’t
make it out of his house.

“I’m really sorry about this,” Jack said as he went to his dresser

and pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt.

“The life of a detective.” Liam pushed away from the doorframe

as he went for his rumpled clothes and began to dress. “You’ll have to
take me home, though. After all, you did drive last night.”

Jack pulled Liam into his arms once more. “Are you sure you’re

not mad?”

“Nope,” Liam replied as he pulled from Jack’s arms. “But you

owe me breakfast.”

“Tomorrow morning,” Jack promised as he grabbed his keys from

the dresser and walked out of the bedroom. Liam slipped his shoes on
as he sighed. At least he got laid.

* * * *

Liam walked through the grocery store as he filled his cart. His

deal with Veronica was that she cooked and Liam went grocery
shopping. It was a fair trade to Liam, hands down. If it kept him out
of the kitchen, he was a happy man.

He had seen Jack for the past week, dating him or just hanging

around his house. And then last night Jack had officially asked him to
be Jack’s boyfriend. Liam couldn’t have been happier. As a matter of
fact, this was the happiest Liam had been in a very long time.

Veronica was right, getting out of the house, aside from work, was

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the best solution to his moping around. Liam felt like he was walking
on a cloud anytime he thought of Jack.

But today’s shopping was for Jack and Liam’s dinner. Jack had

given him a grocery list to take to the store. He said he wanted to
cook Liam a nice dinner but didn’t have time to stop for the

Liam had volunteered to do the shopping. It wasn’t a big deal. He

did it all the time anyway. Jack left cash for Liam to use, but Liam
had refused the money. He told Jack that if he was going to do all the
cooking, the least Liam could do was buy the stuff Jack needed. It got
Liam out of cooking, so he would gladly buy anything Jack needed.

Liam was humming happily, checking the produce aisle for ripe

tomatoes when he was bumped into the stand. Whirling around, Liam
wanted to see who had shoved him and came up short. Richard was
standing there with his cart, smiling smugly at Liam.

“Long time no see, fairy boy.” Richard laughed at his own joke.
Liam rolled his eyes as he tried to walk away, but Richard’s cart

was blocking him in. Liam had a bad feeling creeping up his spine.
He knew he needed to get out of there.

“Where’s your friend Bishop now? I see he left you to fend for

yourself. It sucks for you, or should I say, you aren’t sucking him
now.” Richard cackled, actually fucking cackled.

The hairs on Liam’s neck stood on end as he glanced into

Richard’s cruel eyes. This wasn’t good at all. Feeling panic coming
on, Liam slid his hand into his back pocket, sliding his fingers over
the keypad of his phone until he found the send button. He hit it,
redialing the last number called then slid it out of his pocket, lowering
it to his side.

“Why are you harassing me, Richard? I don’t work with you

anymore. I don’t even frequent the same places as you. Just continue
shopping, and I’ll be out of the supermarket before you know it.”
Liam hoped like hell the listener could hear the clues he was dropping
without being too obvious to Richard.

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“Harassing? Buddy, you haven’t seen harassing yet. I thought you

would have learned your gay lesson last year when me and Chuck
beat the shit out of you. What guy are you trying to convert now?”
Richard leaned in closer, his lip pulled back into a snarl. “People like
you are going to burn in hell, and I’m going to be the one to send you

Filled with horror and fear, Liam abandoned his cart and headed

for the exit.

He made it through the sliding glass doors and to the parking lot

when he felt himself being shoved against his car and his arms being
pulled up behind him. Liam fought the hold as the pain shot up his
arms, making him cry out. His car was toward the back of the parking
lot, blocking their view from customers. Liam knew he had to get
away from Richard.

Chuck and Richard had damn near put him in the hospital last

year. Liam never told Bishop that his ribs felt broken at the time.
Thankfully Liam had gone to his doctor and found out that they were
just bruised. He had a hell of a time working in that warehouse. Every
breath or lift of his arms had been excruciatingly painful.

And now this sick bastard was back for more.
“You like guys crowding in behind you, don’t you, fairy?”

Richard sneered in his ear, his hot breath making the bile in the back
of Liam’s throat rise. His skin crawled as Richard pressed his weight
into Liam, making his arm hurt even worse. Liam felt the need to run
home and scrub his body with a scouring pad—which was an odd
thing to think of at the moment. Liam cried out when the pressure on
his arm intensified.

Richard was going to break his arms. Liam could feel it. The man

was out to hurt him in any way he could.

Liam heard a snarl and then the weight was gone. He spun around,

afraid Richard was going to really hurt him this time when his eyes
widened. Jack had Richard thrown over the hood of his car. “You
want to fucking bully someone? Then take me on, you piece of shit!”

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Jack threatened.

Liam cradled both arms, feeling the pain radiating through them

as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He saw pure rage in
Jack’s grey eyes, and it was scary as hell. Jack leaned close to
Richard, who was turning a deep red as his face was smashed into the
hood of Jack’s car.

“If you come near Liam again, I’ll plant a few kilos in your house

and call the NARC unit. Do we have an understanding?”

Liam stood there with his mouth hanging open at Jack’s threat. He

wasn’t sure if Jack was serious or not, but it sure made Liam not want
to piss the man off.

Jack’s partner was looking around the parking lot, probably

making sure there weren’t any witnesses around. Liam swallowed
hard, holding his arms close to his chest. Jack lifted Richard from the
hood and sat him in the back of Jack’s car.

When Jack looked Liam’s way, he could see the anger shooting

through Jack’s eyes. The man was pissed off. Big-time.

“I need you to call this in,” Jack said to his partner as he walked

over to Liam. “Are you hurt?”

Liam shook his head and then nodded. “My arms.”
Jack’s nostrils flared as he grabbed his cell and called for the

paramedics. Once he hung up, Jack turned back to Liam. “That was a
very smart thing for you to do,” Jack said. “But you scared the shit
out of me when you didn’t answer me. And then I hear that piece of
shit threatening you. If I ever hear you scream in pain like that again
I’m going to have a heart attack.”

Liam nodded numbly. “Did you mean what you said?”
“What’s that, hon?”
“About setting Richard up?”
Jack sighed as he shook his head. “No. I would never do

something like that. But people like Richard don’t scare easily. I
know it was wrong, but I had to tell him something that would make
him think twice before coming after you again.”

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Liam wanted nothing more than to fall into Jack’s arms, but he

couldn’t. Richard was watching them closely, and Jack’s partner was
standing by them. And there was also the fact that Liam’s arms hurt
like a bitch.

He chanced a look into the back of Jack’s car. Richard was glaring

daggers at him as he mouthed, “You’re dead.”

Liam quickly looked away. He was terrified more than before

because he knew Richard meant it.

A patrol car pulled up, and Richard was transferred to the back of

it. Jack’s partner explained to the cop what had transpired in the
parking lot. The ambulance pulled in, and the paramedic took Liam to
the back of the truck to examine him. Liam jerked his chin at Jack as
he watched the cops talk to Jack’s partner. Jack walked over to the
truck and leaned his head down to Liam’s ear.

“He mouthed to me when he was in the back of your car and said

you’re dead. He means it, Jack,” Liam whispered to Jack.

Jack cupped the side of Liam’s face. “You’re safe, love.” Jack

walked back over to the arresting officer and began to talk to him.
The officer nodded then shook Jack’s hand. Liam wasn’t sure what
would happen, but he never wanted to see Richard again. He watched
as the cop car headed out of the parking lot.

Liam watched Jack as he and his partner engaged in a discussion

he couldn’t hear. Jack’s partner nodded and then walked over to
where Liam sat. “I’m Grayson, Jack’s partner. I’m sorry to meet you
like this.” He gestured toward Liam’s arm. “What did the paramedics

Liam glanced over at Jack to see him on the phone and then back

up at his partner. “They think one arm is dislocated. They’re taking
me in to get X-rays. Why isn’t Jack over here?”

“He’s on the phone, trying to smooth things over from our sudden

departure. We were in the middle of a stakeout.” Grayson chuckled.

Liam felt terrible now. He had pulled them away from something

important to come save Liam from a bully.

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“I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of any other way to get Richard away

from me. My gut told me that he was going to do something to me.”
Liam glanced down at his arm. “I guess I was right. I didn’t mean to
get you two into trouble. Sorry.” Liam glanced back over at Jack. He
was still talking into his phone, his back to Liam. “Do you think Jack
is mad at me?”

Grayson cocked his head. “Mad? That man has had a goofy smile

plastered on his face all morning. If he’s mad, it’s not at you.”
Grayson looked over his shoulder, watching Jack watch him. He
waved then flipped Jack off. Jack rolled his eyes, flipping Grayson in
return. “See, happy as a lark.”

Liam hadn’t known Jack long enough to gauge his moods, so he

wasn’t sure if Grayson was telling him the truth or not. He took
Grayson at his word that his lover wasn’t angry at him for getting
them into trouble.

“Ready?” The paramedic came back around the ambulance. He

had given Liam and Jack privacy when Liam had summoned Jack
over to him, but he knew they had to head out.

“Yeah, can I talk to Detective Watterson for a moment first?”
“Sure. Just don’t take too long. We may get another call. We need

to drop you off soon.”

Liam pushed away from where he was sitting and walked over to

Jack. The detective closed his phone and glanced down at Liam.

“Did I screw things up for you, Jack?”
Jack shook his head, his eyes resting on Liam’s arm, which was

now in a sling. He reached out and ran his fingers gently over the
cloth. “No. And I’m glad you called me.”

Liam wanted all of this to be over. He hated seeing Jack in such a

solemn mood. This was an old problem from his past that Liam
needed to deal with, and he had dragged his new boyfriend right into
the middle of it.

“We need to go,” the paramedic called out to Liam.
“Go get checked out. Call me if you need anything,” Jack said as

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he took a step back.

Liam growled softly as he turned around and headed for the

ambulance. He didn’t want to go to the damn hospital, but knew it
was necessary. He prayed Richard got what he had coming. No one
that evil should walk the streets.

“I’ll call Veronica to come pick me up,” Liam said as he turned,

heading back toward the ambulance. He had already gotten Jack into
trouble once today. He wasn’t going to ask the man to come with him.
Liam didn’t look back. He knew that if he looked back, he would run
right back to Jack. This day had turned into a nightmare, and all Liam
wanted to do was go back to Jack’s place and curl up in the man’s

He still wanted to get the damn groceries for dinner tonight. How

screwed up was that? Knowing the evening was going to be a bust,
Liam let the paramedics help him climb into the back, and then he sat
down, watching as the doors closed.

What a fucking day.

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Chapter Seven

Liam’s lungs froze as he turned to see Bishop slowly walking his

way. Every old emotion that Liam had when it came to that man
resurfaced, slamming into his chest and breaking off to rush to his
senses and overwhelm him.

“I can’t believe I ran into you,” Bishop said as he stared at Liam’s

face as if it were the only thing left in the world as he stopped in front
of Liam.

This just couldn’t be happening to him. Was his day going to ever

get better? He should have listened to Veronica when she told him to
wait inside. This was exactly what he got for being stubborn and
coming out here to wait for her. She had gone to the garage to get her
car, and now Liam faced his worst heartache. Running into Bishop by
chance was the last thing Liam needed today. He was already in the
foulest of moods, and seeing the man, his first love, walking up to
him was breaking his damn heart all over again. Liam should have
just waited inside.

“What is it, Bishop?” His tone was clipped as emotions played

havoc with Liam. He strained his eyes toward the parking garage to
see if Veronica was anywhere in sight. Where the hell was she? Liam
needed to get out of there, fast. He couldn’t handle this right now, if

“I need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere?”
Liam finally gave Bishop a fleeting glance and regretted doing so

when he stared into Bishop’s blue-grey eyes. Shit, why did he have to
look? He peeked back at Bishop once more. It was as if the man was a

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magnet for Liam’s damn eyes. They were being drawn to the
gorgeous man every time he looked away. His heart quickened as he
finally locked blue with blue-grey.

“Why? So you can strip the last of my dignity and pride? It took

me a long time to get over you, Bishop. I don’t think it would be
healthy for me to spend time with you again.” Liam gave a tight shrug
as he broke the gaze and scouted once more for his wayward sister.

“I’ll be at the park tomorrow afternoon, around three. Please

come.” Bishop stepped into Liam’s line of sight, gazing down at him
before turning and walking away.

“Fuck. What am I supposed to do now?” Liam mumbled to

himself. There was no way he was going. Why should he? Liam was
happy with Jack. Why mess up a good thing? Bishop had been his
first love and always would be, but Liam needed to let Bishop go. He
sighed deeply when Veronica pulled up to the curb, reaching across
the seat to open Liam’s door.

Liam slid in, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

* * * *

Jack walked through the door, his arms weighted down with

grocery bags. He didn’t think he ever did this much shopping before.
But then again, when was the last time he had someone practically
living with him?

Grayson came in behind Jack, setting the rest of the bags down.

“Remind me not to volunteer to pick up your boyfriend’s car
anymore. I didn’t sign up for this shit,” he complained, but Jack knew
Grayson didn’t mind.

“Be nice, and I just might bring you some leftovers to work


“You better,” Grayson growled as he walked out, leaving Jack to

put away the groceries. Once that was done, Jack walked quietly to
his bedroom to see Liam resting. Jack left the room to go get dinner

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started. He would let Liam rest for as long as the man needed.

It still pissed Jack off to think about what had happened today. He

never wanted to pull up on Liam again to see him thrust into a car
with his arms pulled behind his back. Richard better be damn glad
Jack called the uniforms in to handle the situation.

He was very tempted to make the man disappear.
“How long have you been home?” Jack turned to see Liam

standing in the kitchen doorway with the blanket draped around his

“Come here, baby.” Jack held his arms out, waiting for Liam to

fill them.

Liam hesitated for a fraction of a second before heading straight

for Jack, folding into his arms. Liam laid his head on Jack’s chest,
making Jack feel content for the first time in a very long time.

“I ran into Bishop at the hospital,” Liam said softly into Jack’s


Jack felt every muscle inside his body stiffen. Liam had told him

about Bishop, about what he had gone through in the past year just to
get over the man. Jack knew he was taking a gamble getting involved
with a man that carried around a broken heart, but Jack had already
started falling for Liam. He knew there was no backing away from
Liam. Not without leaving his heart behind.

“What did he want?”
“To talk to me. He asked me to meet him tomorrow at the park,”

Liam said as he lifted his head. “I won’t hide anything from you,
Jack. I’m not the kind of man to sneak around. I wanted to let you
know that he was there.”

They stood in silence. Jack didn’t know what to say. He knew

how Liam felt about Bishop, even if their strange relationship wasn’t
sexual. Why did Jack feel as though he was going to lose Liam? He
swallowed past the lump in his throat, unsure of what to do. “Are you
going to meet him?”

“Part of me wants to. I don’t know. I’ve been confused since he

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asked. I don’t want to lose what I have with you, Jack. I know we
have only known each other for a short time, but I feel as though I’ve
known you forever.” The words fell from his lips, softly carrying to
Jack’s ears.

Jack held tighter on to Liam, the confession cementing the bond

he felt had been forming. He wouldn’t let Liam go without a fight.
Jack knew this. Liam was standing here being honest with him, and
he was thankful, but that still didn’t stop the hurt and anger rolling
inside of him.

Jack sighed, making himself calm down. He wasn’t the type to

lose control and shout, and he wasn’t going to start now. That was no
way to keep Liam. “How’s your arm?”

Liam shrugged, pulling the blanket closer around his shoulders.

“He just strained it. They gave me muscle relaxers. It doesn’t hurt that

Jack picked Liam up, carrying him into the living room and

setting the man on his lap. “You know I won’t let you go, Liam. I
can’t see myself bowing out gracefully.” Jack reached under the
comforter to feel that Liam was stark naked. He was going to show
Liam just what he had to offer. “Spread your legs, baby.”

Liam complied, his knees falling apart as he nibbled at Jack’s

throat. Jack could see goose bumps race up Liam’s body as he tossed
aside the blanket. His hands skimmed up Liam’s thighs then ran
between Liam’s legs, fondling Liam’s sac as Liam kissed his way
across Jack’s neck.

Jack’s hand pushed upward, wrapping around Liam’s cock. He

could feel the clear liquid spilling onto his hand as he stared down
into Liam’s pretty face. “I’m falling for you, Liam. Hard. Don’t let
me crash.”

Liam bit his lip as he gazed up at Jack. “I won’t. I’ll never cheat

on you, Jack. That’s not who I am. I…I love you.”

Jack’s heart skipped a beat when Liam’s words finally registered.

They were the words he had been longing to hear. Running his hands

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over Liam’s soft black hair, Jack smiled down at him. “I love you,
too, Liam.” It felt strange saying those words. Jack had never said
them to anyone before besides family. He just prayed Liam wouldn’t
rip his heart out in the end.

Jack felt a but somewhere in there, but Liam closed his lips.
“I want to taste you.” Jack lifted Liam up into his arms, laying

him gently to the carpet. He wanted to make slow, sweet love to his
baby and show Liam that he was the right choice to make, the right
choice to keep. Jack wanted no other man on Liam’s mind but him.

Jack leaned back on his knees, in awe of the beauty lying open

before him, for his feast. “You’re the most delicate and breathtaking
creature I have ever laid eyes on.”

Liam blushed and Jack’s heart clenched at the display of emotion.

Liam was gorgeous and wasn’t even aware of it. That only added to
his charm. Liam’s body was trembling as he spread his legs wider for
Jack. As Jack skimmed his hands over Liam, the shaking only

“Why are you shaking, baby?” Jack’s hands skated down Liam’s

sides, cupping his hips as he lowered himself to nestle between his
lover’s thighs. He felt gooseflesh once again under his palms. This
was exquisite torture, to have an effect on someone like this. Jack
stole a glance up to see Liam watching him.

Keeping his eyes locked onto Liam’s, Jack flicked his tongue out,

licking the moisture from the tip of the throbbing cock at his mouth.
The taste exploded onto his taste buds. Jack would never get enough
of Liam, never. He wanted to taste Liam’s seed surging down his
throat. Jack parted his lips, allowing the head to enter, and then he
sucked and twirled with his tongue, enjoying the spongy head pressed
against the roof of his mouth.

Liam bucked, grabbing handfuls of Jack’s hair in his hands. “Suck

it, Jack. Please,” Liam hissed between clenched teeth. Jack worked
Liam’s cock in his mouth, feeling as though he were one exposed,
raw nerve. His cock was beating out a rhythm of pure ecstasy, and

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Jack wanted more, so much more.

Jack hollowed his cheeks, creating suction with his lips as he took

Liam’s cock to the back of his throat. He hummed as he reached
down, cupping his lover’s balls, rolling them in his hand. Jack had to
throw his left arm over Liam’s hips to stop the man from withering all
over the damn place. He smiled to himself as Liam went wild under

Seconds later, Liam cried out as hot, tangy cum spurted into

Jack’s mouth. He sucked until the last of Liam’s seed emptied from
the slit in Liam’s prick. Jack released the softening cock, peppering
kisses all over Liam’s groin and thighs.

“What do you want, Liam? Just ask and it’s yours for the taking.”

Jack felt a desperate need to please Liam in any way possible. This
wasn’t like him, and Jack was beginning to think that he was truly in
love with the man. He never begged, and he never threw caution to
the wind like this.

“You. In me. Please,” Liam panted out.
Jack got up and shot to the bedroom. He was back in record time,

depositing the lube and condom at Liam’s hip. He snapped the cap
open, squirting a generous amount onto his fingers, and then tossed
the bottle aside. Jack pushed Liam’s knees to his chest and saw his
lover tense.

“Relax, Liam.” Jack could feel the tight ring of muscle clenching,

unrelenting as he circled his finger around the hole, massaging it.
When he felt some give, he pushed in. Jack watched Liam as his
finger was slowly swallowed into the tight channel. He pulled out
then pushed back in.

Jack repeated this a few times before allowing a second finger to

breach the hole. He searched and twisted his finger until Jack found
the walnut-sized pleasure gland. Stroking over it, Liam snapped his
hips as he cried out.

“Like that, do you?” Jack grinned as he grazed it again.
Liam clenched his fists into the blanket under him, his head

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thrashing from side to side. “Now, Jack. Fuck me now.” His chest
was rising and falling rapidly as a fine sheen of sweat covered him.

“When you’re ready. Not a moment sooner.” Jack plunged a third

finger in and began to scissor them. He wouldn’t rush this. His self-
control was being stretched to the limits as sweat began to form on his
own skin and began to run down his temple. The anticipation was
killing him. Jack wanted inside Liam so badly that he could taste it.
His cock was straining to get inside. Never had he wanted someone
this badly before.

Jack stood and ripped his clothes from his body, needing to feel

Liam wrapped around his cock, holding on to him as the man
screamed his name into the night. He ripped the condom packet open
and sheathed his iron-hard shaft. Jack wiped his hand on the blanket
then lined his cock up with Liam’s rosette, pushing forward until the
head of his cock popped past the ring of muscles. He groaned at the
furnace engulfing the head of his dick. Desperately needing more, he
pushed forward.

“You should see your tight hole stretching around my cock. It’s

amazing. Hold your legs back, love.” Jack settled a thumb on either
side of Liam’s cheeks and pulled, spreading him open for Jack’s view.
He watched his cock slide in and out of that pleasured paradise.

“You like my dick sliding in your ass, don’t you, baby?” His

erotic words were turning his lover on. Jack could see it in the lust-
filled gleam sparkling in Liam’s blue eyes.

He grabbed Liam’s legs, throwing them onto his shoulders as he

leaned down, pressing his chest into Liam’s. He smashed their mouths
together, sucking and exploring, dying to taste Liam in the worst way.
Liam whimpered into his mouth as he pulled at Jack to come closer,
to fucking crawl inside the man. Jack wanted closer, needed to be

Liam cupped Jack’s face, demanding a stronger kisses, pushing

his ass harder onto Jack’s cock. Their fucking became frenzied,
animalistic as Jack tried to bury his cock all the way to the hilt and

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then further. He broke the kiss, pulling much-needed air into his

Jack pounded harder, faster. He cupped the back of Liam’s head,

burying his face in his lover’s hair. His breathing was hitched as
emotions ran rampantly through him. “Scream for me, Liam. Call my
fucking name.”

Liam pushed at Jack’s shoulders, dislodging him. Jack pulled

back, bewilderment apparent on his face. Liam scrambled to all fours,
raising his ass into the air and lowering his shoulders to the floor.

Jack growled, grabbed Liam’s hips, and then slammed back into

the hot bed of his lover’s body. He snapped his hips in rapid
successions as he felt the pressure in his balls building. Jack placed a
hand at the nape of Liam’s neck, holding him in place. “Come for me,
now,” he demanded.

Liam thrust his ass into Jack, matching him stroke for pounding

stroke. He screamed Jack’s name as violent eruptions exploded from
Liam’s dick, making Liam’s ass pulse around Jack’s cock.

“Mine! This ass, this body, all of you. You’re mine, Liam. Say it,”

Jack barked out as his seed shot into the tight channel. It just kept
spurting forth. A river of pleasure was being ripped from Jack’s body.
He kept hammering into Liam as he felt his control slip away from

“Yours, Jack. All of me. Only yours.” Liam wailed as he

collapsed onto the carpet.

Jack collapsed onto Liam’s back and then rolled them both so that

they were lying on their sides. He pulled Liam close to his chest. “I
won’t lose you. I’m not giving you up for anyone.” He inhaled
deeply, taking in Liam’s scent.

Breathe, Jack. Just fucking breathe.
“I’m not going anywhere, Jack. I don’t want to lose you, either.”

Liam snuggled further back into his lover’s arms.

* * * *

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Why is life never easy? Liam knew he couldn’t help the way he

felt, about Jack or Bishop. It should be simple. Liam should be able to
just fall in love and live happily ever after. Not have his first love
come walking back in wanting…what did Bishop want?

That was the biggest deciding factor of him wanting to see Bishop


Fuck, this shit sucked.
As if his thoughts had spilled from his head and fallen to the floor

for anyone’s eyes, Jack read the words.

“You’re going to meet him tomorrow?”
Liam gave a slight shrug. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do.

He couldn’t understand how he could love two men. And there was
no doubt that Liam loved Jack. Was that even possible?

It sure as hell felt like it.
Liam closed his eyes, wishing the choice was simple.
“I won’t be mad if you go, Liam. I won’t like it, but I won’t be

mad at you. Just promise me that you’ll come back to me,” Jack
whispered into the darkness.

“Always.” Liam kissed Jack’s arm that was wrapped around his

chest. He drifted off to sleep, hoping the confusion lifted soon.

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Chapter Eight

Liam busied himself at work, filing the manila folders that were

complete. His mind kept wandering to the meeting today. He knew he
had time to change his mind. He also knew he wouldn’t.

Liam was a mess, and there seemed to be no easy answer. Bishop

had left him once, and Liam wasn’t so sure he wanted to hear
anything the man wanted to say. His insides were falling apart right
here in the filing room.

Jack had told Liam to meet with Bishop, to find out what he

wanted, but Liam wasn’t sure that was the wisest thing to do. Bishop
had torn him apart already. Was he willing to risk that again?

Checking the clock for the hundredth time, Liam saw that he had

ten minutes until quitting time. Ten minutes to make up his frazzled
mind. He straightened his desk, took a deep breath, shut his computer
down, and headed to the parking lot. Liam came up short when he
saw Jack standing by his car.

Without a word, Jack sauntered over to Liam, pulling him up into

his arms and kissing him with such passion that Liam was melting on
the spot. There was so much passion in the kiss that Liam’s damn
head began to spin. Jack lowered him to his dazed feet and then got
into his car and pulled off.

Liam stood there, stunned, pressing his fingers fluttering over his

kiss-swollen lips as he watched Jack drive away. Liam walked in a
daze to his car and opened the door, slipping inside. He sat there
staring out of the window, his mind splitting into a thousand different
thoughts. Liam felt so damn lost. He shook his head, clearing it of the
clutter as he started the engine, pulling away and heading toward the

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He had to tell Bishop that he never wanted to see him again. That

he loved Jack and wanted to spend the rest of his life with the
detective. Jack was who Liam wanted. Jack was who Liam craved.

Liam found Bishop sitting on a bench, his elbows resting on his

knees and his head hanging down. Liam cleared his throat. Bishop’s
head shot up, and a smile graced his beautiful face, only to drop as
quickly as it had appeared. Liam knew that Bishop saw the resolution
in his eyes. He knew the man could see that Liam wasn’t there for

* * * *

“You came. Please, have a seat.” Bishop scooted over, allowing

space for Liam. He was nervous as hell as he watched Liam sit down,
staring straight ahead. Bishop had practiced over and over again what
he wanted to say, but now that Liam was sitting next to him, the
words raced from his mind, leaving him blank.

“You look good, Liam.” He curled his lips in, biting his bottom

lip, wishing Liam would at least look at him.

Fuck, this was hard.
“God, Liam. I don’t know what to say. I know I asked you here,

but my mind just went totally blank.” Bishop laughed lightly, trying
to break the tension.

“How about the truth, Bishop. What happened? Why did you

leave me like that? I fell deeply in love with you. I know it wasn’t
right, but you can’t help who you love. You could have let me down
easy. Instead, you threw me away. I don’t know if I can get past that.”
Liam stared at the park in front of them, still refusing to look at

He was shocked at the words that had come out of Liam. He

thought the man wasn’t going to say anything except fuck off. Damn,
had he been wrong.

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Bishop ran his hands over his head as he glanced down at the

grass. “I admit that I became scared and ran, Liam. I own up to that.
But I was going to make things right just as soon as you came back to
work. But then Peter told me you were laid off. I went to your house
so I could talk to you, but you were gone, Liam. I tried every day for
two weeks straight, but you never came home again.” Bishop exhaled,
feeling as though he was doing nothing more than rambling. “I tried,
Liam. I honestly did. I didn’t know where else to look for you.”

Bishop reached for Liam’s hand and then let his reach fall short,

dropping his hand. He was unsure of what to do. “I fell in love with
you, Liam. But I didn’t know what it was at the time. It scared me to
death. But I swear to you, I came back.” The look of hurt and
vulnerability on Liam’s face was something Bishop had no idea what
to do with.

Liam’s breath hitched as he stood, staring straight ahead. “I…I

can’t do this, Bishop. I can’t handle all of this right now. My head
hurts from the feelings overwhelming me. I want to hate you for what
you did. It would be easy, but my heart won’t let me. But you should
know I’m in love with someone who is very special to me. Why I’m
meeting with you right now confuses me. I still love you, too. That’s
why I think I’m here, but there can never be an us. I can’t trust that
you won’t run again, leaving me to pick up the pieces. Good-bye,
Bishop.” Liam turned to leave.

“Wait.” Bishop grabbed Liam’s arm, needing more time with him.

He wasn’t ready to say good-bye. Did Liam just say he loved him?
Bishop’s head was spinning at the confession. He felt panicked that
Liam was going to walk away and never come back. “Please, don’t
make a decision now. Think on it. Please give me a chance to show
you the man I can be, the man who can give you every emotional
anchor you desire. All I’m asking is that you not shut the door. Think
on it, Liam. Please. My phone number hasn’t changed. You can call
me if you decide to see me again.”

Liam nodded, pulling his arm from Bishop’s grasp, and then

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walked away.

“If he turns around, you have a slim fucking shot at this,” Bishop

murmured to himself. He watched Liam approach his car as Bishop
held his breath. His damn lungs were burning as Liam opened the
door and then glanced back at Bishop before getting in.

Bishop let out the breath he had been holding, already planning on

how to win Liam from the man who held the other half of his heart.

* * * *

Liam was sitting at the kitchen table, absently stirring the spoon

around in his coffee. His thoughts kept returning to the conversation
that he and Bishop had earlier that day.

What the hell should he do?
A small part of him entertained the thought of being able to have

them both, in the same house, together, but Liam quickly pushed that
thought away. “Get serious. You need to figure this out. You can’t
have them both,” he chastised himself. Liam was torn inside. Bishop
had come back, had tried to find him. Liam had never known that. He
had always thought that Bishop had run and never looked back.

What in the fuck was he supposed to do now?
He raised his head, looking toward the door when he heard keys.
Jack was standing there, leaning against the doorframe as he

studied Liam. How long had he been there?

Shit, had he just heard Liam speak out loud to himself?
Yep, that look on Jack’s face told Liam he would need a surgeon

to remove his foot. It was in his mouth, lodged down his damn

“Is that what you want, Liam? Me and Bishop?”
Was this a trick question?
Was Jack setting him up for a rude and quick dismissal?
Liam sat there terrified to say anything. He could lose Jack, and

he knew it. The man’s patience was only so much. Liam had been

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testing it, pushing it, by meeting Bishop in the first place. Liam felt
his body trembling as he glanced up into Jack’s beautiful grey eyes.

“What if it was?” Liam wasn’t sure how that damn question

slipped from his lips. He quickly looked back down at his now-cold
coffee, praying Jack didn’t throw him out. He took a deep breath and
braved another question. “Would you hate me?”

Jack walked into the kitchen, taking a seat next to Liam. Jack’s

fingers entwined on the table as Liam slowly raised his eyes. The man
didn’t look too pissed. And that confused the shit out of Liam. The
guy should be shouting for Liam to get the fuck out and never show
his face around here again.

The contemplative look scared Liam.
“To be honest, Liam, I kind of saw this coming.” Jack sat back,

his eyes never leaving Liam’s. “My mind has been working this
situation out since you told me Bishop wanted to meet with you. I
knew that there were three options here. No, four. One, you told
Bishop to fuck off. Two, you told me to fuck off. Three, you walked
away from both of us.”

“And four?” Liam dared to ask.
“That one I came up with on my way home. Four would be

keeping us both. But Liam, four can never work. I won’t sit home
knowing you’re having your Bishop time. I can’t do that, Liam. I have
patience, but that’s taking it to the extreme, and I won’t allow you to
do that to me.”

Liam cleared his throat, praying Jack held on to his patience for a

moment longer while Liam ventured into the land of insanity. “I
wasn’t thinking of having a separate time with the two of you.”

Jack ran his hand over his stubbled jaw, his eyes telling Liam that

he was once again trying to work the problem out in his head. Liam
almost flinched when Jack laid his finger under Liam’s chin, lifting it
so he could see into his eyes.

Liam felt like he was going to fall apart right here at the table.

Jack was demanding with his grey eyes that Liam explain himself. “I

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don’t know, Jack. Maybe you two could get to know each other,
spend some quality time together.” Liam closed his eyes, asking
himself if he had really said that out loud. “Never mind, it was a
stupid thought.” Liam pulled his chin from Jack, rising to rinse his
cup. Jack grabbed his waist, pulling Liam into his lap.

“You want me to sleep with him?” Jack looked stunned. “I won’t

cheat on you, Liam,” Jack said with a growl, his eyes narrowing on

Oh hell, that wasn’t what he meant. Liam was struggling to say

the right thing, but it didn’t seem to be coming out right. “Is it
cheating if I’m there?”

Jack’s mouth twitched, and Liam wasn’t sure if that was a good

sign. Hell, he barely knew the man, but was asking the world from
Jack. This was turning into one big-ass fiasco that Liam didn’t know
how to fix.

“Is that really what you want?” Jack asked calmly.
Liam wasn’t sure if he should nod or run for the damn door.


Jack sighed as he sat back. Liam sat there tense, wondering what

Jack was going to do. The seconds that ticked by were grating on
Liam’s nerves. He wanted to beg Jack to say something, anything. He
couldn’t take the damn silence.

Liam couldn’t believe he had the nerve to ask for this. Liam, the

man who couldn’t even talk about sex without blushing, was asking
for a multiple-partner relationship. Holy shit, he had finally lost his
damn mind.

“You are not allowed to fuck him, Liam. Not until I get to know

him.” Jack held up his hand when Liam began to talk. “I’m not saying
this will work. It’s one hell of a long shot that both Bishop and I will
even see eye to eye.”

“But?” Liam asked as he held his breath.
It was Jack’s turn to blush, and Liam sat there stunned as hell that

the big, bad detective even knew how. “But I have to admit, the

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thought of fucking Bishop is pretty hot. He is a good-looking man.”

Liam sat there with his jaw lying on his chest. “You think Bishop

is hot?”

Jack smiled. “Only a blind man would think otherwise.”
Liam was suddenly speechless. Jack had just agreed to get to

know Bishop better so he could fuck him? Good god, that image was
about to make Liam faint.

* * * *

“Bishop Mason.”
Bishop glanced over his shoulder as he sat at the stoplight on his

bike. He spotted the detective Liam was dating right next to him in his
car. Bishop wasn’t sure what the man wanted, but if it was a
confrontation just because he spoke to his boyfriend, the man had
another thing coming.

“Is there somewhere we can go to talk?”
Bishop nodded as he pulled his motorcycle over, cutting it off and

removing his helmet. Whether it was a dick thing or not, Bishop rose
to his full height as the detective parked and walked over to him. He
realized the problem with him doing this. They were the same height.
Heaving a sigh, Bishop grabbed his helmet from the seat, turning his
back to the guy. “Look, Liam and I just talked. Don’t tell me you’re
that jealous.”

“That’s not why I want to talk to you. Meet me at the coffee shop

on West Third. You know the place?” Jack twirled his car keys in his
hand as he stood there raking his eyes up and down Bishop.

He wasn’t sure what the hell that look meant, but Bishop pulled an

alpha move by turning his back to Jack. He was telling the man that
he didn’t fear him. Okay, so Bishop was acting like a moron around
this guy. But Jack had the other half of Liam’s heart, and he felt he
had to prove something.

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“Yeah, I know the place. But if this is about you threatening me to

stay away from Liam, you’re wasting your breath.” Bishop mounted
his motorcycle, taking off before Jack even got back into his car.

Bishop grabbed a table and waited on the detective. He ordered

two coffees as he sat there and wondered what the hell the guy could
want. As the waitress brought the two mugs over, the detective
walked into the shop.

He nodded at Bishop and then slid into the booth, thanking the

waitress as he grabbed the mug.

“Okay, what’s all of this about?”
Bishop sat there and listened to the detective as his mind spun out

of control. Liam wanted what? Was this man serious? Bishop kept a
stoic face as he listened, unsure of what the hell to even say to that.
He was way out of his depth here.

“So…you’re telling me that this is Liam’s idea? Why isn’t he

here?” Bishop didn’t trust the guy. For all he knew, this could be a
setup to exploit his feelings toward Liam.

“Yeah, it’s what Liam wants,” the detective said as he leaned

back, tossing his arm over the back of the booth. “He didn’t come
because he wanted us to get to know each other. I’m just as lost in this
as you are.”

“You really do love him, don’t you?”
The detective nodded.
“Can I at least talk to Liam about this?” If he could get Liam to

confirm the man’s story, would he do it?

Shit, this had come at him from left field.
Bishop didn’t know what to think. Not that the guy wasn’t hot, he

guessed. Bishop never really looked at guys as hot or cute. It had only
been Liam. But as he stole quick glances at the man sitting across
from him, he was starting to see that the detective was what women
would call ruggedly handsome. He had the traditional cop look to him
with short hair and a set jaw. He had a damn good physique as well.
Bishop shifted in his seat, feeling his cock perking up.

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“I’m Jack, by the way.”
Bishop nodded, feeling so lost he wasn’t sure what to say. He

watched people rush around, acting as if everything was normal, as if
Jack didn’t just sit here and lay a bomb in his lap. And the attraction
he was feeling toward Jack wasn’t helping. Bishop had never really
considered himself gay, but it seemed Liam, and now Jack, was
quickly changing that.

“Excuse me for a moment.”
Bishop watched Jack walk over to the counter. He pulled his cell

phone out and had a quick conversation. He scribbled something on a
napkin then walked back to their table. “You’re invited to dinner
tonight. It will be at six. Here’s the address. I also included my cell
number. If you change your mind, at least call so Liam won’t be
crushed over your rejection.”

Bishop took the napkin, folded it, and placed it on the inside

pocket of his leather. “You sure, man? Is this what you want?” Bishop
looked up into Jack’s face, wondering to himself if this was what he
wanted as well. He had never slept with a man, and now he was
considering two? Life sure knew how to throw some damn curveballs
at him.

“I’m not sure about anything right now. Just make sure you show

up or call.” Jack turned on his heel and walked out. Bishop sat there
for a moment, thinking about what Jack had just laid on the table.
Liam wanted both of them? He knew he was in love with Liam, but
could he pull Jack in as well?

Bishop wasn’t sure what to think, but he was going to make

dinner tonight, and hopefully see where this insane-ass road was

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Chapter Nine

Jack walked through the front door, heading to the kitchen to get

dinner started. The meeting with Bishop had gone better than he had
expected. Jack had been ready for anything when he met with the guy.
One of the things he’d been most expecting was for the man to try and
take a swing at him. Thankfully Bishop had a little more sense than
that. The dark blond Adonis may have been built like a brick house,
but they all went down hard.

As Jack grabbed the onions and began to dice them, he felt

someone watching him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Liam
standing in the doorway of the kitchen, nervous tension marring the
corner of his eyes.

“You okay?” Jack asked as he turned back around and chopped

the onion to pieces.

“No,” Liam answered.
Jack continued to get things ready as he let Liam stand there,

gathering his thoughts. He had learned that about the man. If he
rushed the guy, Liam would start babbling and nothing would make

“Where does this leave us?”
Jack looked back over his shoulder, taking in how truly gorgeous

Liam was. Jack was scared that Bishop would win Liam back and he
would be standing there watching them leave. The two had a history
together, and Jack was new in the picture. He wasn’t sure how any of
this was going to work out, but Jack knew Liam wouldn’t be whole
unless he had them both.

“I’m not sure, Liam. That’s what this dinner is all about. Bishop

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and I need to feel each other out. I just want you to know that it may
not work out with me and Bishop.”

Liam nodded, slowly making his way over to the table, and then

sat down. “You know I can’t help the way I feel, right?”

Jack knew this. The heart led a person, not the other way around.

It would be like Jack walking away from Liam. That wasn’t going to
happen. His heart had decided it wanted Liam, and there wasn’t a
damn thing Jack could do about it. “I know.”

“And you know I love you, right?”
Jack set the knife down and rinsed his hands, drying them on the

hand towel as he took a second to breathe. He had a jealous streak,
but it rarely surfaced. It was staring him in the face now as he thought
of Liam in another man’s arms, even if that man was extremely
attractive. He pulled Liam into his arms and held him close to his
chest, resting his chin on Liam’s soft hair.

“I love you, too, Liam. And I’m not ashamed to say that I’m

afraid of losing you,” Jack said as he swiped his fingers through
Liam’s short hair.

Liam shook his head as he cupped Jack’s face, his soulful blue

eyes resolute. “That’s not going to happen.”

Jack wished he could feel that strong of a conviction. His insides

felt as though they were being torn apart with nerves. He wasn’t new
to the game of ménage, but he’d never considered anything long-term.
And definitely not with someone he cared about. Jack wasn’t sure if
he could do this, but for Liam, he would listen to what had to be said,
feel Bishop out, and take it from there.

“I need to get dinner ready.” Jack let Liam go as he turned back to

the counter. Jack didn’t want to let Liam go. He wanted to hold on to
him with a tight grip and tell Bishop to fuck off.

Jack’s head lifted when he heard the doorbell ring.
Bishop was here, and he was early.
Why was Jack not surprised?
He tossed the hand towel on the counter and headed for the door,

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passing Liam on his way. Jack leaned forward and gave the man a
sound kiss before going to let Bishop in. Let him think on that!

Jack swung the door open, and all the air in his lungs whooshed

out. The man really was too hot for words. He found himself standing
there staring at Bishop as his cock began to thicken. The man wasn’t
wearing anything special, just a pair of nice, form-fitting jeans and a
dark blue T-shirt that seemed one size too small and showed off very
impressive pecs and abs. Even his biceps were bitable.

“Hi,” Bishop said nervously as he stared at Jack. “Am I too


Jack nodded slowly as his brain tried to tell him to stop ogling the

man and let him in. Stepping aside, Jack waved his hand. “Come in.”

“Thanks,” Bishop said as he walked into Jack’s home. He closed

the door, his eyes riveted on one nicely muscled backside. He had
been so angry in the coffee shop that Jack hadn’t taken the time to
really appreciate the guy.

Fuck if he wasn’t seriously appreciating now.
“Bishop,” Liam said softly as he entered the room. The sight of

Liam brought Jack out of his fantasy and back to reality. He cleared
his throat, looking between the two.

“I’ll go check on dinner,” Liam said as he quickly left the room.
“Have a seat,” Jack said as he nodded toward the couch.
Bishop glanced around Jack’s living room and then took a seat on

the couch, resting his elbows on his thighs and twining his fingers
together, looking nervous as hell.

“Nice place.”
“Thanks.” Jack sat down on the chair, wondering what to say to a

man who was a possible third in his relationship with Liam. “So,
where do you work?”

Bishop sat forward, looking relieved to be talking about

something as simple as his job. “The steel mill. They called me back
about nine months ago.”

“Nice-paying job,” Jack replied and then wondered if he could

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sound any lamer. But he had to admit, the steel mill had done wonders
for Bishop’s body. It was ripped and toned in all the right places.

“I guess.”
Jack sighed. They were both so damn tense that one or both of

them were about to crack and shatter any second. He had to break the
tension and get down to Bishop’s intentions.

“Listen,” Jack started as he sat forward, locking his eyes onto

pretty blue-grey ones. “I’m not sure how this is going to work, but I
need to know if you’re going to stick around or run again and break
Liam’s heart.” That really wasn’t what he had planned on saying, but
that was what came out of his mouth.

“I don’t want to run from Liam, Jack,” Bishop answered as his

stance became rigid, more defensive.

“And do you plan on taking him from me?”
Bishop’s lips twisted to the side. He remained quiet for a moment

and then shook his head. “I had planned on it. But I can see that he’s
happy. I’m not really sure why I’m here, other than Liam, but I’m not
letting him go. So I guess we have to come to some kind of

Jack stood and walked over to Bishop, leaning over the man until

Bishop had to tilt his head back. “Kiss me, Bishop.”

“You heard me. Kiss me. Show me that you’re serious about

being with another man.” Jack wasn’t sure why he was doing this, but
he had to make sure Bishop wasn’t going to mess with Liam’s
feelings and then run. And there was also a small part of him that
wanted to feel the man’s lips on his desperately.

Bishop visibly swallowed and then grabbed Jack’s face, pulling it

down before he smashed his lips to Jack’s. He grabbed Bishop’s
hands and pulled them from his face, cupping the other man’s instead,
taking over the kiss and slowing it down from its desperate tone. Once
Jack had control, he eased Bishop into the kiss, swiping his tongue
over the man’s lips and then prodding until Bishop relented and

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Jack had only meant to push the guy, stretch him to his limits to

see if he would break, but it seemed Jack wasn’t expecting to be
blown away by the kiss. Somehow, the tables had turned on him.
Climbing further onto the couch, Jack straddled Bishop when the man
fell onto his back. He was going to gain the upper hand once more if
he had to fuck Bishop right here on the couch.

“Dinner’s re—”
Jack immediately pulled back at Liam’s voice, staring down at

Bishop’s kiss-swollen lips before turning to face his lover. Liam stood
there with his head slightly tilted to the side, watching them.

“Liam,” Jack started and then stopped. What was he supposed to


“No.” Liam shook his head as he walked further into the room.

Jack almost fell to the floor when Bishop pushed him aside and stood,
glaring at Jack and then looking over at Liam apologetically. “I
wasn’t too sure about this when I asked you two to get to know each

“But?” Jack asked as he held his breath, curbing the urge to reach

over and knock the shit out of Bishop as if he were cheating or

“But you two look really good together,” Liam admitted. “The

sight you two make is even hotter than I thought it would be.”

Jack stepped away from Bishop, wrapping his arm around Liam.

“Really?” It had been really hot kissing the man.

“I think we need to go eat,” Liam said as he smiled up at Jack and

then over at Bishop. “Maybe eating will break some more of the

“I could use a bite to eat,” Bishop said as he quickly followed

Liam into the kitchen. Jack scratched his jaw as he followed the two
into the kitchen, wondering where this night was going to lead them.

* * * *

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Liam cleared the table as Bishop and Jack sat on the back deck

drinking some beers. Dinner hadn’t gone that bad. It had been quiet at
first, no one hardly saying a word, but then Liam had broken the
silence and pulled conversations from both of them, unwillingly at
first, and then it just took off from there.

Jack talked about work, and Bishop had talked about how he had

quit the warehouse when he was called back to the steel mill. Liam
had even joined in and told them about the small office job he had
taken after he graduated from an online course.

Bishop seemed impressed, and Jack just sat there and smiled as

Liam talked. The tension had drained, and the two were talking like
old friends by the time dinner had ended.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge once the dishwasher was started,

Liam joined the two on the back deck. It had rained earlier, judging
from the wetness on the wood, but the chair Liam was walking to
seemed to have been dried off. He sat down between the two men and
relaxed, taking in the sounds of crickets and the occasional wisp of
cloud that floated by.

“That was a great dinner,” Bishop commented as he sat back in

his seat. “I’m a pretty good cook myself, but that was a masterpiece.”

Liam listened to them talk, considering he didn’t have a clue

about half the stuff they were saying. He sucked at cooking, but at
least these two were capable. As he listened to them, Liam started
getting the feeling that this may actually work out after all. But then
again, it was just conversation after dinner. Sex hadn’t been thrown
in, yet.

Testing the waters, Liam reached over and ran his fingers over

Bishop’s, playing with the tips as the guy talked. He knew nothing
was going to happen tonight, but Liam wanted to make Bishop
comfortable with touching him around Jack.

Bishop spanned his fingers out, letting Liam play as he talked

with Jack about something called an inside-out burger. It didn’t sound

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too tasty to him until Bishop stared to explain how it was made and
then Liam was dying to taste one.

“Well,” Bishop said as he stood and stretched, showing off

lickable skin when his shirt rode up a fraction. “It’s late and I have to
be up early. Thanks for dinner.”

Jack stood as well. “Yeah, same here.”
Bishop stood there for a moment staring at his bottle and then

walked into the house. When Jack looked over at Liam, he shooed his
hands at his lover. Jack nodded and walked into the house after

Damn it, enough with this shy shit. If Liam waited on those two,

they’d never have sex. He was going to make sure Jack and Bishop
got to know each other because he wasn’t going to pass this
opportunity up, not when both of those hot men wanted this as well.

He crept in to see Jack talking with Bishop at the table and then

Jack stepped into Bishop’s space, cupping his face as he kissed him.
Liam felt like a voyeur, but who the hell cared. Seeing those two was
setting his blood to racing.

“Do you work weekends?” Jack asked as he pulled back, his lips

swollen and his skin flushed.

“No,” Bishop replied, his hand still on Jack’s hip. “Why?”
“Come by for dinner Friday night when you have more time to

spend here.”

“Okay.” Bishop nodded and then turned his head, looking Liam

straight in his eyes. Good god, he wanted to kiss Bishop, but Liam
knew if he did, there would be no sleep tonight because he wouldn’t
stop until all three were hot and sweaty and shouting out their

“’Night, Liam.” Bishop smiled at him as he walked out of the


“I think that went pretty well,” Jack said as he grabbed the empty

beer bottles and tossed them. “He seems like a nice guy.”

Liam hid his smile as he crossed the room, setting his bottle onto

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the counter. “And?”

Jack cleared his throat, busying his hands by folding the hand

towel on the counter. “And maybe this might need a little more

Yes! “Friday night?”
Jack turned toward Liam with a self-satisfied look on his face.

“Like you weren’t listening.”

“I was doing more than listening,” Liam admitted. “And the scene

had the kitchen smoking.”

Jack chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Liam’s shoulder and

led him out of the kitchen. “Come on, love. We both have to get up

And Friday couldn’t get here fast enough.

* * * *

Bishop pulled his bike into his cousin’s driveway and cut the

engine. He sat there wondering why in the hell he had come over
here. It wasn’t like Corky could give him any advice about the
messed-up situation Bishop found himself in. It really wasn’t messed
up, just confusing as hell.

Never in his life had he thought about being with two men, and

Friday night was racing toward him. He heard the metal screen door
squeak open and saw Corky standing there smiling at him.

“What brings you here?” Corky asked.
Bishop sighed and got off of his bike. He wondered if he was even

brave enough to tell his cousin what was going on. Corky wasn’t the
type of man to turn his back on Bishop, but fuck if his confession
wasn’t going to blow the man away.

“Can’t I stop by for a visit?” Bishop asked as he grabbed Corky

and gave him a bear hug. Corky laughed and then punched Bishop’s

“Put me down, Bishop.”

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Bishop set him on his feet as he followed his cousin inside,

waving to a few of Corky’s friends who were lounging on the couch.
This wasn’t going to work out if his cousin’s friends were hanging
over here. It was bad enough Bishop was going to confess to Corky.
He didn’t need a damn audience.

“Can we talk in your room?”
“Sure,” Corky said as he eyed Bishop curiously but walked to the

back of the house, closing the bedroom door when Bishop walked in.
“Is everything all right?”

Hell no. Bishop’s stomach had stayed in knots since leaving Jack

and Liam’s. He had gone home afterwards and pulled his laptop out,
looking up gay porn sites to get a better picture of what to expect, and
had been blown away, as well as feeling like a damn pervert for even
visiting the sites. Seeing what the men on those sites were doing had
stirred something inside Bishop that he wasn’t even aware was there.

“Yes. No.” Bishop pulled his hand down his face, frustrated. He

wasn’t sure what to say. How was he supposed to start the

“Okay, that’s pretty clear,” Corky said as he sat on his bed. “Start

from the beginning, and tell me what’s going on.”

Bishop restlessly paced the small bedroom, wondering where to

begin. He never knew admitting he wanted to have sex with another
man would be this hard. And he had two men in mind.

“Okay, this is what happened…” Bishop started from the very

beginning when he first met Liam at the warehouse and explained
everything to Corky that had happened until the dinner last night. He
wanted to stop a few times when Corky’s eyebrows shot up at what he
was laying on the table for his cousin to see.

“Two?” Corky said when Bishop was done. “Damn, when you

decide to do something, you go all the way.”

Bishop dropped down on a pile of clothes in the corner and rested

his hands on his head. “So, now what?” he asked, needing help from
his cousin. He didn’t like feeling like he was going this alone. Bishop

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wanted someone he had known his whole life to be in his corner and
give him the advice he needed.

Corky bent his leg onto the bed and rested his hands on his ankle.

“What do you want, Bishop? Don’t think about Liam or Jack. Think
about Bishop, and tell me what my cousin really wants out of this.”

Bishop shrugged. “I want to be with Liam.”
“And Jack?”
Bishop ran his hands over his face, feeling frustrated as hell that

the answer wasn’t plain for him to see. “I had a good time the other
night. And I enjoyed kissing him.” He honestly could not believe he
was telling Corky this.

“Then I say you go for it,” Corky announced with a shitty-ass

smile. “Try new things. Have fun with it. If it works out, great. If not,
then you had one hell of an experience.”

Bishop grabbed the NERF ball on the floor and tossed it at his

cousin. “This is not an experiment. Haven’t you been listening?”

Corky dodged the ball and nodded. “Yeah, you’re in love with

Liam. If you think you can have sex with two men, then everything
should work itself out. I mean, you love Liam and like Jack. Who’s to
say you won’t fall in love with him, too?” Corky grabbed the pillow
from the bed and sat it on his lap. “Dude, this is one weird-ass

“Don’t I know it.” Bishop sighed. “And if you tell my mom or

yours, I’ll hunt you down.”

Corky chuckled. “Do I ever tell them anything?”
No, he hadn’t. Corky was good for keeping secrets. Bishop loved

him for that. “What do you think of all this?” he asked. Corky had to
have some kind of opinion, and it mattered to Bishop what his cousin
thought of him.

“It’s definitely strange, but if you can live with it, so can I. You’re

still the same Bishop I grew up with and got into plenty of trouble

That was true. Bishop and Corky stayed in trouble growing up.

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They got into more fights and had more fun than anyone Bishop
knew. “Thanks,” Bishop said as he laid his back against the wall and
finally let out a deep breath of relief. He felt as though the weight had
been lifted from him and started looking forward to Friday night now.

“But if you have a kid, name him after me,” Corky teased and

then shot off of the bed, racing from the room.


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Chapter Ten

Jack set dinner on the table, looking up at the clock every damn

minute as if it would move faster or slow down just from him
watching it. He wasn’t sure which one he wanted yet. It was Friday
night, and Bishop would soon be here.

They had met a few times during the week for coffee, to talk, and

Jack was finding that he really did like the guy. Bishop seemed really
sincere about not breaking Jack and Liam up, but being who he was, a
detective, Jack analyzed everything Bishop was saying. It could all be
a ruse and Bishop could be the fox sliding into the henhouse to get at
Liam, but Jack’s gut was telling him Bishop was on the up-and-up.

He even got another kiss from Bishop yesterday when they parted

ways. Jack had told Liam every time he and Bishop met, what was
said, and even about the kiss. If this was going to work, then Jack
wasn’t going to hide a damn thing.

“Tonight?” Liam asked as he helped Jack set the table. Jack knew

what his lover was asking.

“If Bishop wants this,” Jack answered. Liam was ready to move

this forward. Jack was ready to move this forward. It was up to
Bishop how far going forward consisted of.

Liam nodded and glanced up at the clock. Jack could see he

wasn’t the only nervous one. Once the table was set, Jack pulled Liam
to his chest, folding his arms around the smaller man as Liam tilted
his head back.

Jack studied Liam’s blue eyes before dipping his head, taking

Liam’s lips softly, reminding Liam that he was just as much a part of
this as Jack and Bishop. He knew his lover was feeling left out of the

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whole getting-to-know-you thing. But if Jack was going to share Liam
with Bishop, he had to make sure it was the right choice for all three
of them.

Liam jumped slightly when the doorbell rang, breaking the kiss to

look up at Jack. “He’s here.”

Jack nodded. “He’s here.”
They both walked to the door as Jack opened it. Bishop stood

there looking as good as ever, a cocky smile on his lips. “Smells

Jack stepped aside and allowed Bishop entrance, and to his

amazement, Bishop pulled on Jack’s arm until he swung around and
bumped chests with the muscled man.

Bishop cupped Jack’s face and slanted his head, swiping his

tongue along Jack’s lips. Jack moaned and pushed into Bishop’s
body, feeling the hard shaft trapped behind both their pants.

Jack reached out and grabbed the back of Liam’s neck, pulling

him into their space, and then broke the kiss with Bishop. Without
hesitation, Bishop pulled Liam toward him, giving him the same
mind-blowing kiss as Jack had just received.

Was he jealous? Did the sight of Bishop and Liam ignite Jack’s

anger? A slow realization came to Jack as Liam whimpered, pulling at
Bishop’s shoulder the same way he pulled at Jack when he wanted
more. This was turning Jack on.

“Dinner’s ready,” Liam panted as Bishop pulled his head away.
Jack could see the flush in Bishop’s skin and the beat in his neck

pulsing faster. Bishop licked his lips as he turned toward Jack, his
blue-grey eyes locking with Jack’s grey ones. “Is Liam the main

Liam laughed and the tension eased. Bishop winked down at Liam

as he grabbed Jack’s hand. Only they didn’t walk to the kitchen.
Bishop was pulling Jack over to the couch. There was no protest
coming from Jack. Dinner could wait. He dropped down next to

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Bishop as Bishop pulled Liam onto his lap.

“You seem eager,” Jack commented as he ran the tips of his

fingers over Bishop’s broad shoulder.

“Do I?” Bishop asked, but there was a sparkle in his eyes, a

sparkle that told Jack that not only was Bishop ready, but nervous.

“We don’t have to rush this.” Jack grabbed Liam’s hand, pressing

a kiss to his knuckles before turning to Bishop. “We can take our

Bishop shook his head, determination replacing the nervousness.

“I’ve waited long enough.”

Liam bit his lip, looking over at Jack, and then pushed Bishop’s

shirt up to under his armpits. Jack felt a growl vibrate in his chest
when he took in all that smooth and well-developed body.

He leaned forward, attaching his lips to one of Bishop’s nipples as

Liam nursed at the other. Bishop’s breathing stuttered as Jack ran his
hand over Bishop’s thick thigh and then up the center of his legs.
Bishop groaned as he pushed his body toward Jack’s hand. Liam
licked a path over Bishop’s chest, coming straight for Jack. They both
licked and sucked the hued disc as it became so tight that it was
straining, peaking nicely. Jack teased it with his teeth as Liam licked
at Jack’s lips.

Jack could feel his balls growing tight. Just the thought of having

both of these men in his bed was electrifying. His hand played at
Bishop’s erection in his jeans, and at the same time, his hand grazed
Liam’s balls, which he could feel in the man’s pants.

His hand quickly moved from its comfortable spot when Liam slid

down Bishop’s legs, kneeling between his thighs. He unsnapped
Bishop’s pants and peeled back the zipper at the same time. Jack
watched in anticipation as Liam pulled Bishop’s cock free and then
began to feast on it as if it were dinner.

“Liam,” Bishop crooned as his hands brushed over Liam’s head.
Jack pulled Bishop’s head his way, needing another one of those

cock-jerking kisses. Bishop knew what he was doing when it came to

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using his tongue, and Jack felt desperate for the man’s expertise.

“His lips feel so damn good,” Bishop whispered into Jack’s

mouth. “So damn good.”

“I wonder how your lips feel,” Jack said as he pulled away. “Are

you willing to let me find out?”

Bishop’s face flushed as his eyes dropped down to Jack’s groin.

The heat that ignited in Bishop’s blue-grey eyes sent threads of desire
racing through Jack. But there was uncertainty in them as well as he
looked back up at Jack.

“I’ve never—” Bishop swallowed hard. “What if I—”
“Hey.” Jack cupped the side of Bishop’s face. “You don’t have to

do anything you’re not comfortable with.” No matter how fucking
much Jack wanted it. He would never force Bishop.

“I just—” Bishop’s face flushed again. “What if I’m horrible at


Jack suddenly felt like a lightbulb had gone off over his head.

“Baby, you can’t be horrible at it. You’re a man. Just do what you
like, and I am absolutely positive it will be wonderful.”

Bishop swallowed again, so hard that the muscles in his corded

neck actually looked strained, and then he nodded his head. “I’d like
to try.”

That was good enough for Jack, more than good enough. He

didn’t care if Bishop did suck at it. Just the man’s willingness to try
went a long way in Jack’s book. He stood up and turned his body so
that he was standing over the top of Liam.

Bishop’s eyes seem to blaze as he followed Jack’s every

movement as Jack unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed
them down his legs, kicking them away. For good measure, Jack
ripped his shirt off as well, and tossed it to the floor.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Bishop whispered, almost as if he was


Jack grinned. “Glad you think so.”
Jack stepped up onto the couch, his legs on either side of Liam

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and Bishop. He grabbed the back of the couch to steady himself then
waited. The next move was up to Bishop, even if it was to push him
away and say no.

The first tentative touch of Bishop’s tongue against the head of his

cock almost made Jack’s knees buckle. The glaring reality that he was
going to be Bishop’s first real man-on-man experience suddenly sank
in like a ton of bricks dropped on his head. That Liam was there to
experience it, and add to it, just made it all that more exciting.

Jack’s legs began to shake when Bishop’s tongue circled the

entire underside of the head. As hesitant as each touch was, it was
also exquisite. Pure torture. And Bishop had worried he wouldn’t be
any good at sucking cock. Jack was more worried that he would blow
in the next few seconds. His control was slipping away with each lick.

Little bit by little bit, Jack watched his cock slide into Bishop’s

mouth, past his reddened, plump lips. It was an erotic sight, almost as
good as the one he could see right below him. Liam was going to
town on Bishop’s cock. How Bishop didn’t explode, Jack would
never know. Liam was born to suck cock. Thank god he was gay.

Jack curled his fingers in Bishop’s hair and tugged until the man’s

eyes flickered up to his. He smiled, trying to reassure the man. “I
want to see your eyes.”

If anything, Jack’s statement seemed to make Bishop’s eyes

widen, but he must have said something that Bishop liked because the
man’s movements suddenly became uncoordinated. Jack glanced
down when he heard Liam cry out and saw Bishop’s fingers tighten in
Liam’s hair. Ropes of pearly-white spunk shot up over Liam’s throat.

Jack almost lost it when Bishop’s entire body stiffened and his

eyes rolled back into his head. A low rumbling growl crawled through
Bishop’s chest, erupting into the room just as Bishop’s cock erupted
in Liam’s mouth.

Only by quickly pulling out of Bishop’s mouth did Jack keep his

own release from exploding through him. As much as he wanted to
come from Bishop sucking him off, he wanted to come in Bishop’s

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ass more.

Jack jumped off the couch and reached into the small drawer on

the side table, quickly gathering the supplies he had started keeping
there since meeting Liam. He tossed the lube and string of condoms
on the couch next to Bishop and reached for Liam.

They needed to be naked for this, all of them.
Liam was a pile of postorgasmic goo. Jack chuckled a little as he

stripped the man’s clothes from his limp body. Hopefully, Liam
would come back to life for the rest of the evening’s entertainment.

Bishop certainly seemed to be. His eyes were half-closed as he

leaned back against the couch, watching them intently. His hand was
slowly stroking his cock, which was definitely coming back to life.

Once Liam was naked, Jack pulled the smaller man into his lap.

Liam’s legs fell over the sides of his, separating naturally. Jack eyed
Bishop, smirking when Bishop began to lick his lips as Jack stroked
his hand down Liam’s naked chest.

“So, here’s the plan for tonight, if you’re interested.”
“I’m interested,” Bishop said quickly.
“Wait until you hear what I have to say before you agree, and

know that you are not required to do anything you don’t want to. You
can just sit and watch or you can participate, and even if you do
participate, what you do is up to you. Understand?”

Jack wanted to make sure that Bishop knew he could do as little or

as much as he felt comfortable with. Jack wanted more, and he hoped
for more, but again, he wouldn’t force Bishop to do anything he was
uncomfortable with. They had a lot of time to ease Bishop into things.

Bishop swallowed hard but nodded.
Jack couldn’t believe what he was about to say. And he really

couldn’t believe how much the idea excited him. “Liam needs to feel
some cock in his ass. He loves it. Your option tonight is whether you
watch me fuck him or you fuck him.”

Bishop stilled. It was almost as if he had stopped breathing as he

stared at Jack. “You’d let me do that?” he whispered. There was

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almost a pleading quality in his voice.

“I figure it’s going to happen at some point, and frankly, I’d rather

be there when it does.” When Bishop started to lean forward, Jack
held up his hand to stop him. “There’s one more thing, Bishop.”

Jack’s heart started to sink when Bishop’s eyes narrowed.


“I want to fuck you while you’re fucking Liam.”
Jack’s jaw dropped. “Okay?”
The corner of Bishop’s mouth perked up as he shrugged. “I figure

it’s going to happen at some point.”

Jack started to grin when Bishop threw his own words right back

at him. He leaned his head down close to Liam’s ear. “Did you hear
that, baby? Bishop is going to fuck you while I fuck him. How does
that sound to you?”

“It sounds like you two are talking too much instead of doing.”
Loud laughter filled the room so quickly that Jack could only sit

and stare at Bishop as the guy roared. Surprisingly, Bishop’s
amusement seemed to break the sudden tension that had filled the
room. Jack found himself laughing right along with Bishop.

Jack scooted over and dropped Liam onto the couch next to

Bishop. He grabbed the lube and handed it to Liam then handed a
condom to Bishop, grabbing one for himself. “Bishop, have you ever
stretched someone before?”

“No.” Bishop’s face flushed with color. “But I saw it on a video


Not good enough. “Liam, why don’t you lie back on the couch

and show Bishop how it’s done?” Jack pointed to a spot on the floor.
“Bishop, I want you to come sit here on your hands and knees and
watch Liam.”

Bishop looked a little unsure but did as Jack asked.
Jack smiled and swatted at Bishop’s hip. “This would go a lot

better if you were naked.”

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“Oh, right.”
Jack chuckled as Bishop got to his feet and started to undress. He

sat back to watch Bishop’s luscious body being revealed to him until
he heard a small whimper from the direction of the couch. The quick
glance he sent Liam was enough to make Jack groan.

Liam was watching Bishop as his fingers furiously worked his

tight little hole. Liam had definitely come back to life. His cock was
thick and swollen, the head an angry purple, dripping with pre-cum.
Liam looked like he was going to come again at any second.

“You’d better hurry up, Bishop, or Liam’s going to leave without


Jack blinked in surprise when Bishop instantly dropped to his

knees before him. He was even more shocked when Bishop pushed
his ass out toward him and spread his legs. Damn. Just damn.

Jack grabbed the bottle of lube off the couch and quickly lubed up

his fingers before dribbling some down the crack of Bishop’s ass.
Bishop was so intent on watching Liam that he didn’t even shiver.

Jack wanted to make sure Bishop’s entire attention was on Liam.

“Why don’t you touch him, Bishop? He likes having his nipples
played with, his cock stroked.”

The second Jack heard Liam moan, Jack pressed his fingers

between Bishop’s ass cheeks and stroked them over the man’s virgin
ass. Again, he was struck with the knowledge that he was going to be
Bishop’s first. It was a heady feeling, enough to make his head spin.

And enough to make something fierce and protective unleash

inside of him. Maybe this was what they needed to tie all of them
together. Liam and Bishop already cared for each other, as did Liam
and Jack. Bishop and Jack needed something to tie them together just
as much. Maybe this was it.

As carefully as he could, Jack started adding pressure with his

fingers each time they stroked over Bishop’s tight opening. Little by
little, he pushed at the puckered ring of muscles, adding more
pressure until they slipped effortlessly inside.

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Jack froze when he heard a small grunt from Bishop, but when no

protest arose, he continued, moving his fingers in and out and slowly
stretching the tight little entrance until he could easily fit all three of
his fingers inside.

Jack squeezed his eyes closed when he felt Bishop push back

against his fingers. Not every man liked to be penetrated. Some men
only liked to be on the giving end of things. If Bishop’s movements
were any indication, he liked both. Jack prayed to god he was right.
He wanted this to be a wonderful experience for Bishop, one that he
would want to repeat often.

Jack stretched out over Bishop’s back and licked the side of the

Bishop’s neck before planting several small kisses along his stubbled
jaw. “Are you ready, baby?”

Bishop’s face was flushed, the man panting heavily when he

turned to look at Jack. “I’m nervous.”

Jack was shocked that Bishop had admitted that, shocked and

moved by Bishop’s words. He smiled and stroked his free hand
through Bishop’s hair. “I know, and it’s okay to be nervous. We’ve all
felt that way one time or another. Just do what feels good to you.”

Bishop’s eyes flickered back to Liam. “I want to make it good for


Jack’s heart melted right there on the spot. Bishop was more

worried about making this good for Liam than he was about himself.
That spoke volumes to Jack about how much Bishop cared for Liam.

“Just love him, Bishop. That will make it good for him.”
Bishop swallowed, looking unsure, and then nodded, reaching for

the condom on the couch next to Liam. Jack’s breath hitched in his
throat as he watched Bishop sheathe his cock and then claim the man
they both loved. It was a bittersweet moment for him. He could see
the care Bishop took in each touch but he could also see the way Liam
leaned into each soft caress as if he craved it, needed it.

Jack watched until Bishop was fully seated inside of Liam’s ass

then moved behind Bishop. He stroked his hands over Bishop’s ass

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and down his thick thighs. Each touch brought a small shudder from
Bishop, making Jack feel like just maybe he wasn’t on the outside
looking in.

Jack quickly donned his own condom and then reached for

Bishop. He brushed his hands over Bishop’s ass again then pulled his
cheeks apart. The little pink hole waiting for him glistened with lube,
contracting each time Bishop moved his hips, thrusting into Liam.
Jack gulped and pushed forward, watching his cock graze over
Bishop’s pulsing hole until it caught and sank in.

He made sure he went slow, not wanting to hurt Bishop in any

way or make the man hate this part of being with a man. It was almost
impossible not to slam into Bishop. Jack felt like he was slipping into
the hottest, silkiest velvet glove he had ever felt.

When Bishop slammed back against him, Jack lost it. His head

dropped back on his shoulders, his eyes sliding closed. He gripped
Bishop’s hips and started pounding into Bishop’s ass, unable to stop
himself from taking him roughly. The sensations racing through his
body were overwhelming, consuming.

Jack heard Liam cry out first. It was a high cry, as if dragged from

Liam as the man arched into the air. Jack glanced down just in time to
see Bishop’s back stiffen and then his world spun out of control as
Bishop’s inner muscles tightened down around his cock like a vise

Jack wasn’t sure who came first, him or Bishop. He wasn’t sure

he’d ever know, and he wasn’t sure he cared. One moment he was
thrusting into Bishop’s tight ass, and the next, he was sprawled out
over Bishop’s back as he tried to breathe through the most incredible
pleasure he had ever felt.

Bishop’s body seemed to continue to pulse around him for

minutes, hours. Each throbbing clench sent another pulsation of
pleasure pounding through Jack until he felt like his balls would never
give up another drop of cum. There just wasn’t any left.

With a deep amount of regret, Jack carefully pulled out of Bishop

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and disposed of the condom. He turned back to Bishop just in time to
see Bishop doing the very same thing. Liam just lay there on the
couch like a wet noodle, a very sexy wet noodle.

“Hey,” Jack said, reaching over to brush his knuckles over the

side of Bishop’s face. “Are you okay?” Bishop swallowed hard, his
eyes kind of darting around wildly as he nodded. Jack frowned. That
wasn’t exactly the response he had been hoping for. “Bishop, are you
sure you’re all right?”

His words seemed to arouse Liam enough for the man to lift his

head and look at Bishop. Jack didn’t mean to turn the attention on
Bishop, but he was worried. Had Bishop hated it? Liked it? Did he
want to run? Maybe he just needed time to process what had just
happened. Jack knew he did. His entire world had just been rocked to
its very core.

He needed Liam and a flat surface to crash on, and hopefully,

Bishop as well. But the freaked-out frown on Bishop’s face said it
would probably remain just a hope. The muscles he could see
bunching in Bishop’s arms and shoulders made Jack wonder if he had
just made the biggest mistake in his life.

“Bishop?” he whispered again, desperately.
Bishop’s eyes were slow to rise to Jack’s, and the uncertainty in

them ripped at Jack’s heart. “Was I supposed to enjoy that?”

Jack could feel his face drain of color even as he sat back, putting

space between him and Bishop. He suddenly wished that he had
something to cover himself up with, to cover Liam. He felt exposed,
wounded. He felt…

“Of course you were supposed to enjoy it,” Liam said in a duh

kind of voice. “That’s what makes sex so great.”

Bishop blew out a deep breath, a smile suddenly appearing on his

lips. “Okay, okay, good. I just didn’t know, you know?”

“Well.” Liam snickered as he rubbed his hand up and down

Bishop’s arm. “Now you do.”


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Jack blinked, more confused than he had ever been, even when he

was discovering gay sex for the very first time. “What just happened

Liam laughed as Bishop chuckled. Jack wasn’t sure what was

going on, but he loved to see both of his men smile.

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Chapter Eleven

Liam smiled when Jack pulled up, his partner, Grayson, sitting

next to him. He waited for Jack to get out of his car and then threw
himself into his arms. “You made it.”

Jack used his foot to close the door of the car before fully pulling

Liam into his arms. “I almost didn’t. The captain was trying to stick
me with a case from another detective, but I made it out of the door
before he spotted me.”

Liam grinned. How in the world did he get so lucky with Jack?

The man was sexy as hell and a great guy to boot.

“Where’s Bishop?” Jack asked as he walked into the coffee shop

with Liam, holding the door until Liam passed. He chuckled when
Jack wrapped his arms around Liam, kissing him on the side of his
head. Liam hated for Jack to let him go, but his lover released him as
Liam slid into the booth.

“He’s coming. He must be running late. Why isn’t Grayson

joining us?” Liam asked as he picked up a menu and began to skim
through the lunch selections. He really wasn’t hungry, but the chance
to have lunch with his two favorite men made him dash from the
office. Liam was surprised paper hadn’t flown behind him.

“He has to make a phone call or something,” Jack said

offhandedly as he looked over the menu. “But I’m warning you now,
I can’t stay long. Grayson has some things to do, so this has to be a
quick lunch.”

Liam wanted to pout. Jack had a crazy schedule, and most of the

time he was working. Liam ate up any time he could get with Jack as
it was, and he hated for it to be cut short. “Can’t Grayson take the car

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and come back to pick you up when he’s done?”

Jack shook his head. “If a call comes in, we have to be together.

We’re both on the clock.”

Grayson saw more of Jack than Liam did. But he wasn’t going to

pout. At the end of the day, it was Liam who got the best of Jack.
“Then I better order lunch,” Liam said as he checked his phone once
more. Bishop hadn’t called yet, and he wasn’t here either.

“He’ll be here,” Jack said as he waved a waitress down. “Stop


“I can’t help it. He ran the last time something intimate happened,

and that was only a kiss. What if he runs again?”

That thought had played havoc on Liam’s nerves since Bishop left

Jack’s Saturday morning. They all seemed to get along. And although
Bishop was a little awkward Saturday morning, Liam had eased the
tension with a quick morning blow job. Bishop looked happy as hell
by the time he left Jack’s.

“He’s not going anywhere,” Jack reassured him with a smile.

“Bishop has openly admitted that he loves you and has feelings for
me. I don’t think he would risk running, Liam.”

It made sense, but Liam couldn’t help but worry. He smiled

widely when he saw Bishop walk through the coffee shop. Liam
jumped up and pulled the large man into his arms, leaning in for a kiss
before Bishop scooted in next to Jack.

“Sorry I’m late. Traffic is a bitch this time of day,” Bishop said as

he leaned over and gave Jack a quick kiss. Damn, the man had sex
one night with two men and he showed no fear in public now about
showing affection.

They ordered their food and talked about what they wanted to do

this weekend. Liam cleared his throat as he smiled at both of them. “I
was thinking about a cookout. How does that sound?”

“On the back deck?” Jack asked as he ate.
“Why not?” Liam asked. “It’s big enough, and the weather is


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“I like it,” Bishop said as he wolfed down his food. Liam watched

the man eat, wondering if he was even tasting his food. He knew they
were crunched for time, but damn.

“Sorry, men, but I have to go. Try not to have too much fun

without me.” Jack winked as Bishop stood, allowing Jack to get up.
After Liam and Bishop gave Jack a quick kiss, his detective hurried

“Do you ever get the feeling that we need to tie him down just to

have more than a minute with him?” Bishop asked as he sat back

Liam sighed. “All the time.” He picked at his food as his eyes

darted up at Bishop. “So, how do you feel about what happened?”

A blush stole across Bishop’s face as he smiled. “It was better

than I had expected.”

“So you don’t want to run?” Liam pressed.
Bishop sighed as he reached across the table and grabbed Liam’s

hand. “I’m sorry that happened, Liam. But now that I’ve found you
again, I’m not going anywhere.”

“And Jack?”
“I don’t think he’s going anywhere either.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Liam snarled playfully as he swatted at


“I know. But stop worrying. Now that my head is on straight, I

know what I want. And that would be you and Jack in case you are

Liam grinned as he began to eat. That was all he wanted to know.

As long as he had the two loves of his life, he could handle everything

* * * *

Jack stood at the mouth of the alley, watching as the stretcher

passed him by. The rolling table squeaked and shuddered, but kept on

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going as if the uneven pavement wasn’t going to stop its progression.
He listened to the voices around him of uniformed cops herding the
curious crowd away, taping off the side of the building so no one
could get a closer look at what had been left to be found.

Grayson shook his head, his eyes locked onto the body as Jack

watched it being settled inside the black bag and then zipped up,
sealing that person’s fate, as if death hadn’t already accomplished that

“His name was Marlon Barlow. His driver’s license has him at

thirty-two years old,” Grayson said as he stood next to Jack, both
watching Marlon being wheeled away. The victim had been shot right
behind his left ear and then left here. “It wasn’t a robbery. He still has
his watch, and his cash and credit cards are still in his wallet. No shell
casings were found.”

Jack had been on the phone when they got there, so he hadn’t

heard the initial report. He watched the crime scene unit get to work
and knew there was nothing more here he could do in the alley. “Let’s
hope the address on the license is current.”

Grayson nodded as they walked back toward the car. They arrived

at Marlon’s apartment a little while later to see it nice and neat, no
break-in, nothing to say the man was being hunted down. It could just
have been a matter of the victim being in the wrong place at the
wrong time. But that was why Jack and Grayson were detectives. It
was their job to figure that out.

“Jack, you need to see this,” Grayson called from the bedroom.
Jack walked down the hallway and into the bedroom. It looked

ordinary. The same look that most apartments had—a bed, dresser,
and a small television. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. “What’s

Grayson reached his hand into the dresser drawer and pulled a few

photos out, handing them to Jack.

Jack took them, looking at Grayson curiously and then down at

the photos—and then his heart beat so fast, so furiously fast that Jack

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staggered back a bit. He flipped through them, one after another, and
then raced through them again. He glanced up at Grayson and then
back down at the pictures of Marlon and Liam in very explicit poses.
There was even one of Marlon fucking Liam and he was smiling.

His stomach rolled when he saw the date stamp. This was only a

week ago. One fucking week! Jack felt like he was going to be sick.
He tucked the pictures in his back pocket as he looked around the
room, feeling a sense of displacement, like he really wasn’t here. His
eyes landed on the bed, and Jack’s head swam again.

The man he was deeply in love with was in that bed, having sex

with someone that wasn’t Jack or Bishop.

“That’s evidence, Jack,” Grayson reminded him as Jack stared

fixedly at the bed. Images of Liam rolling around, crying out in
passion formed in front of his eyes, making Jack want to hurt
someone. Anyone would do at the moment.

Jack spun around, grabbing Grayson by his shirt, and shoved him

into the dresser. “Are you going to tell on me?” He growled as white-
hot fire began to build inside of him. None of this made any sense to
him. Liam didn’t seem the type to cheat. But he had visible proof in
his back pocket. It felt like the pictures were burning a hole in his

“We have to turn them in,” Grayson argued as he pushed Jack’s

hands off of him. “It’s evidence.”

Jack shook his head, stumbling back from Grayson. “No,” he

whispered as he began to walk back through the apartment. “No,” he
said louder as he walked out of the apartment door. “Take me home.”

“Jack,” Grayson called out as he grabbed Jack’s arm. “Wait.”
Jack pulled his arm free and headed out onto the busy city street.

He didn’t want to wait. He wanted answers. If Grayson wasn’t going
to give him a ride, he’d catch the bus. Jack began to walk down the
street as images of the pictures in his back pocket flashed in front of
his eyes, making Jack stumble.

Was that why he wanted Bishop in their relationship? Because

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one man couldn’t satisfy him? The more he thought about the
betrayal, the angrier Jack became. He had come to care about Bishop
and wondered if Bishop even knew how treacherous Liam was. He
needed to talk to Liam, to confront him about his affair and then
throw the cheating bastard out on his ass.

It would hurt, but Jack couldn’t live like that. He couldn’t live

with someone who had absolutely no regard for his feelings.

Grayson pulled up beside Jack. He reached over and pushed the

passenger door open. “Get in, Jack.”

Jack dropped into the passenger seat, his attention on the photos

burning a hole in his back pocket. Pain mixed with rage ate at Jack as
Grayson drove him home. When they pulled into the drive, Grayson
got out.

“Go home,” Jack said as he pointed at his partner. “I don’t need

this shit right now.”

“He’s a suspect, Jack. Do you expect me to just walk away from


Jack froze. It never dawned on him that Liam was now a suspect.

He had focused so much on the photos that nothing else registered.
“Give me some time with him, Grayson.”

“Jack!” Grayson shouted as he came around the car. “Just because

you’re fucking him doesn’t mean he gets carte blanche to kill
someone. A man was murdered, and Liam’s photos were found in his
drawer. How do you know he didn’t kill this man to shut him up?
How do you know the guy didn’t threaten to come to you with the
betrayal and Liam became desperate? We have to take him in for

“No,” Jack said as he walked back over to the car. “We don’t have

to take him in. We’ve questioned plenty of people in their homes. I’ll
handle this, Grayson. Go the fuck away!” Jack shouted the last part,
feeling his nerves quickly unraveling. Jack felt his life spinning out of
control, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

“I’m waiting out here, Jack,” Grayson said as he slipped back into

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the car. “Go question him, but I’m not leaving.”

Jack walked away, slamming the door behind him as he stormed

through the house. Liam was in the kitchen, reading the directions on
the back of a box with a spatula in the other hand. Jack stopped in the
doorway, his heart plummeting as he gazed at his lover. Jack loved
Liam with every breath he took. And his heart was crashing to the
floor at his feet.

“Hi,” Liam said as he looked up, a genuine smile on his face.
That only made the betrayal worse. Jack pulled the pictures from

his back pocket and tossed them on the table. Liam’s brows pulled
together as he looked from Jack to the pictures.

“Look at them,” Jack ordered through clenched teeth. His body

was vibrating with anger as he watched Liam pick the pictures up and
then glance at them. His eyes widened as he gasped, shaking his head
rapidly back and forth.

“What is this, Jack?” he asked as he thumbed through the pictures,

his expression shocked.

Oh, he was good. Liam had genuine shock on his face. Jack didn’t

believe any of it. The evidence of Liam’s betrayal was right there in
living color. “That would be Marlon Barlow fucking you, Liam.
Don’t you remember?” he asked, his voice so low it sounded gravelly.
“How many men have you slept with that you don’t even remember,

Liam shook his head, dropping the pictures on the table. “That’s

not me, Jack. Well, it’s my face, but I don’t even know a Marlon. I
swear, it is not me.”

Jack snatched the pictures from the table, shoving them in Liam’s

face. “It looks exactly like you. How can you argue with pictures,

Liam shook his head again and then froze, grabbing the photos

from Jack’s hand. “It’s not me.”

“Damn it, Liam,” Jack said as he felt his very foundation

cracking. “If you care anything about me then tell me the damn

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Liam flipped the photos around, shoving them in Jack’s face,

anger filling his expression. “What’s the date on these, Jack?”

Jack went from humming with anger to confusion. He looked at

the bottom right-hand corner and saw the date and time. “June third.”

“And where in the hell was I June third, Jack?”
Jack took a deep breath to calm himself as he mentally flipped

through his file that he kept in his brain. “At the hospital,” he said as
he shook his head. “That can’t be right.”

“Oh, it’s right, Jack. That’s the day Richard assaulted me in the

parking lot. That’s the day I was taken to the hospital by ambulance,
and that’s the day I ran into Bishop. That’s also the day you called the
rest of the day off and came here to take care of me. When on earth
did I have the time to fuck someone, Jack? The time reads one in the
afternoon. I was in the hospital getting X-rays at one in the

Liam stormed from the room as Jack studied the pictures. His

stomach turned to see Liam with Marlon, but his lover couldn’t have
been with Marlon. Liam stormed back into the room, carrying the
magnifying glass from Jack’s study. He ripped the pictures from
Jack’s hand and slammed them on the table, inspecting them. Jack
held his breath, praying Liam was right and that he hadn’t cheated on

“Come here,” Liam bit out as Jack moved around the table.

“Look,” Liam said as he held the magnifying glass over the picture as
his finger came into view, looking extremely large as he pointed to a
spot on the picture. “See anything strange?”

Jack studied the picture, looking exactly where Liam’s finger sat.

It was so small that Jack had to strain to see, but it was there. There
was a tiny interruption in the pixels, telling Jack that that was not
Liam’s head in the photo.

Grabbing the magnifying glass, Jack inspected the entire picture,

going over it with a fine-tooth comb. There was one other thing he

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spotted, and Jack’s heart almost stopped.

“Now do you believe me?” Liam asked, sounding wounded.
Jack set the glass down as he turned toward his lover. His very

faithful lover. “I’m sorry, Liam. But I had photos. Albeit fake ones,
but professionally faked.”

Liam nodded, but his blue eyes still looked hurt. Jack pulled Liam

into his arms, holding him tight as he kissed the top of his head.
“You’re in danger, Liam,” Jack whispered. “I need you to go to
Veronica’s until I come and get you.”

Liam pulled back and looked into Jack’s eyes. He gave a hesitant

nod. Jack held his fingers to his lips and then leaned forward, his
mouth close to Liam’s ear. “Leave after I do, but make sure I’m gone
first. Got it?”

Liam nodded. Jack could tell Liam wanted to ask questions, but

there wasn’t time for that. Jack cupped Liam’s face, kissing him
passionately before releasing him. He took one long last look at his
lover then turned and walked out of the house.

* * * *

“What do you mean your life is in danger?” Bishop asked as he

ran from work and jumped into his truck. “What happened, Liam?”

“I’ll explain it to you when you get here,” Liam said and then

hung up the phone.

Bishop tossed his phone in the seat of his truck. “Hey, Bishop.

Where in the fuck do you think you’re going?” his boss shouted from
the parking lot.

Bishop ground his teeth as he slammed the door and walked over

to Dirk. “Liam needs me. Something is wrong, and I have to go pick
him up.”

Dirk eyed him for a moment. His boss knew that he was seeing

Liam, a man, but he didn’t know about Jack. Bishop hadn’t
mentioned Jack yet. Dirk barely dealt with the news of Liam. Maybe

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once the guy adjusted to the idea of Bishop being with another man,
he’d come around to the idea that Bishop was in a ménage
relationship. If he didn’t, who the hell cared?

“You’re working overtime this weekend to make up for this,”

Dirk said as he waved his hand at Bishop.

Bishop nodded. He’d known Dirk since he was a kid. The man

was pretty fair. When the callbacks starting happening, Bishop was
the first person Dirk had called. He didn’t want to lose his job, but
Liam needed him, and something strange was going on with Jack.
Bishop intended to find out exactly what that was. To hell with his

He jumped into his truck and hurried from the parking lot,

heading straight for Jack’s. The traffic wasn’t too bad today. It could
have been worse. Bishop hurried through the city streets, trying his
best to stay at the speed limit. That wasn’t working out so well.

Breathing a sigh of relief as he pulled into Jack’s driveway,

Bishop jumped from his truck and hurried inside. He found Liam
pacing back and forth in the bedroom, a worried look on his face.
“Now tell me what’s going on.”

Liam threw himself at Bishop as he let out a sob. Bishop was

stunned, and concerned, but wrapped his arms around Liam. “Talk to
me, Liam.”

“It’s Jack,” Liam said as he wiped at his eyes. “Some guy was

killed in an alley, and Jack found photos of me and the dead guy

Bishop growled. He didn’t like to think of Liam with anyone other

than him or Jack. The thought of anyone else enjoying Liam’s body
set his teeth on edge. Friday night had been the best sex Bishop had
ever had, and he felt possessive toward the two men. “When did you
fuck the man, before Jack?”

Liam slapped Bishop’s chest, and his face pulled back angrily. “I

never fucked him. That’s the point. Those pictures were
photoshopped. Someone put my head on someone else’s body to

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make it look like I was the one getting fucked. But they screwed up
because the day the pictures were taken was the day Richard assaulted
me and I saw you at the hospital.”

Bishop’s head was spinning. “Wait, Richard, from the shipping


Liam nodded.
“Why did he assault you?” Bishop was confused. What did

Richard have to do with this? And where did that bastard live so
Bishop could put his fist through the man’s face? He knew Richard
was trouble from the start. The man screamed homophobia and wasn’t
afraid to admit it.

“That’s not the point!” Liam shouted. “Whoever set me up fucked

up when they took the picture on that day.” Liam swallowed and
looked back up at Bishop, tears gathering in his eyes. “But Jack
knows who it is, Bishop. He told me I was in danger and to get to
Veronica’s. He knows who it is. I think he went after them.”

Bishop cursed. He prayed the same person who set Liam up

wasn’t the same person who killed that man in the alley. Bishop hated
Jack being a detective, but it only drove home the real danger of the
job when he heard shit like this.

“I’m afraid for him, Bishop.”
Bishop grabbed Liam, leading him to the door. “If he said for you

to get out of here, then you need to get out of here.” He opened the
door, searched the streets for signs of anyone watching, and then
hurried Liam to his truck. Bishop released Liam so his lover could
climb in as Bishop got into the driver’s seat.

He started up his truck and peeled out, aiming for anywhere that

wasn’t here. As they came to the corner, blaring sirens could be heard
coming toward them. Bishop’s heart climbed into his throat. “Get
down, Liam.”

“What for?” Liam asked, his eyes wide.
“Just do it.”
Just as Liam released his seat belt and slid to the floor of the truck,

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a multitude of cop cars came flying around the corner, stopping with
screeching tires in front of Jack’s house. It was as Jack, and now
Bishop, suspected. Liam was being set up. He stayed at the stop sign
for a moment longer, watching in his rearview mirror as the cops got
out of their cars, some running toward the front door, others running
around back.

Bishop eased away from the stop sign, making sure he didn’t draw

attention to himself as he got Liam as far away from there as he could.
He wasn’t taking Liam to his sister’s. The cops would look there.
Bishop was taking him to the one place that was safest for him.

No one knew about Bishop, and he planned on keeping it that way

until Liam was safe. Now all he had to do was find out where in the
fuck Jack was.

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Chapter Twelve

“I still can’t believe you let him get away,” Grayson complained

as they drove down the boulevard. “His dick can’t be that good.”

Jack gritted his teeth but didn’t say a word. He and Grayson had a

thing a year ago, but it didn’t work out. Jack just didn’t feel the
connection to Grayson emotionally, and Grayson said he wasn’t sure
Jack was who he wanted. Going back to being just work partners
suited them both fine, but that didn’t give Grayson the right to put his
two cents in. They were close like partners should be. After all, Jack
had to trust the man to watch his back, but ever since their warm and
fleeting affair, Jack hadn’t totally confided in the man anymore.

It just wasn’t the same after that.
He noticed that they were heading toward the pier, not the station.

Jack didn’t question his partner as he sat beside him. Grayson often
took the long way back to the station. It was a way for them both to
decompress before facing paperwork.

Jack sat there trying to work things out in his head. He didn’t say

anything to Grayson about it, and he wasn’t going to. Let the man
think that Liam had gotten away.

He glanced up when Grayson parked next to the pier. He wasn’t

sure why they were there when Grayson had been so gung ho on
arresting Liam.

“I have to meet an informant,” Grayson said as he got out of the


Jack followed, his instincts kicking in as Grayson walked over to

the water’s edge. Summer was in full swing, boaters were out on the
water, and people were either strolling by or jogging on the pier. It

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was a beautiful day out, and Jack wished he was with Bishop and
Liam instead of on the pier with Grayson. But this situation had to get
sorted out.

“Why, Grayson?” Jack asked as he leaned his arms on the wooden

post on the corner of the dock. “Why Liam?”

Grayson shoved his hands into his front pockets, staring as the

sailboats streamed by. “You know, Jack. I had a feeling you would
work things out. I just never thought it would be this quickly,”
Grayson said as he squinted his eyes, watching the activities on the
water. “And you know why.”

Jack entwined his fingers, trying to work things out in his head. “I

know you photoshopped those pictures. I know that it was you getting
fucked, not Liam. The only part I can’t understand is why you would
do something like this. We’re partners, friends. Why, Grayson?” Jack
asked as casually as he could, although he felt anything but. It felt like
a lead weight was heavy in his gut at what Grayson had done, the
betrayal he had handed Jack.

“No,” Grayson said as he shook his head, as if trying to shake

Jack’s words from his mind. “We were more than that, and you had to
go and end it. I only said that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to soften the
humiliating blow you had dealt me. I thought that maybe we could
work things out, but then you had to go and sleep with that whore.
You had to go and fall in love with him. Tell me how you figured the
pictures out so soon.”

“The date,” Jack replied. “It’s the same day Liam was assaulted

and went to the hospital.”

Grayson chuckled, and the sound lacked any kind of humor. “A

very nasty oversight. I guess I’m losing my touch as a detective.”

Jack eased back from the post he had been leaning on. Grayson’s

pitch was winding up, his moves a little more jerky as he chewed
manically at his bottom lip. An uneasy feeling settled inside of Jack.
His hand slowly moved toward his gun, in the tiniest of increments.

With the instincts he had honed over time, Jack’s gun was pulled

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and aimed at Grayson at the same time his partner had pulled his gun
free. They were standing on the pier, facing off, guns pointed at each
other as people shouted and ran. Jack swallowed. There were too
many innocents around, but Grayson didn’t seem to care. His eyes
were wild as they grew bigger, losing any sanity that Grayson may
have had.

“You killed Marlon Barlow, didn’t you, Grayson? You used him

for the photos and then killed him to set Liam up.” The reality of what
his partner had done stunned Jack to his core. The month-long affair
with Grayson hadn’t even been that great. And Grayson had become
obsessed with him? Jack just couldn’t see why that would happen.
But he learned as a homicide detective that a lot of people in the
world committed senseless crimes. Grayson was another statistic now.
“How long after we left Liam with the ambulance did it take you to
run to Marlon’s, Grayson?”

“Shut the fuck up!” Grayson shouted, the veins in his face

pronounced. “I would have been satisfied with just working with you,
being by your side for all those godforsaken hours. But you had to go
and find someone to replace me in your goddamn bed!”

Jack had to think. There were boaters close by, watching them on

the pier, and they were too damn close. Grayson could shoot them
with ease. There were also people hiding behind cars and trash cans,
their heads popping up every few seconds to witness Jack and
Grayson’s standoff. The situation was deadly, and Grayson could kill
an innocent in a cross-fire shooting. Jack had to defuse the situation.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me how you felt, Grayson? I would

have listened.”

Grayson chuckled as he lowered the gun to Jack’s chest. “It’s

Jason, Jack. My fucking first name is Jason, and you never use it. It’s
always about work with you. You are the coldest son of a bitch I
know. You keep to yourself and don’t let anyone in, but you let that
little whore in, didn’t you?”

Thank fuck Jack never told Grayson about Bishop. Jack would

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probably have eaten a bullet by now if Grayson knew about his other
lover. “I know what your first name is, Jason. But you told me you
hated that name. Why would I call you something you hate?”

Jack cursed under his breath when sirens rent the air, making

Grayson jerk his hand. Jack felt perspiration run down his scalp and
back. Cops would only aggravate his partner, make him feel like he
had no way out of this.

“Lower your gun, Jason. Do you want the cops to see us facing

off?” Jack said calmly.

“You first,” Grayson smirked. Jack could tell the man was beyond

reasoning. His face was flushed, and he had a damn twitch in his eye.
He knew that look. He’d worked with Grayson too many years not to
know when the man was on the edge.

The police pulled up, about six cars. They got out and used the

door for a shield as they drew their weapons. “Drop your weapons!”
one of the officers shouted.

“Do you think he means it?” Grayson asked and then laughed. “A

fucking uniform ordering me to get rid of my piece. Is he serious?”

Jack had never seen this side to his partner. He had no idea that

Grayson thought so low of uniformed cops. He realized that he really
didn’t know a lot about the man in front of him. Grayson was
showing a whole new side, a side that scared the shit out of Jack.

“Lower your weapon, Jason.” Jack warned once more.
Grayson shook his head, his eyes narrowing down to slits. “It’s

the old cliché, Jack. You know, the one that says if I can’t have

Jack shouted as Grayson’s gun went off. The impact knocked him

back as Jack lost his balance and slipped from the pier. He fell over
the side, slipping down into the murky waters below.

* * * *

Liam rushed into the emergency room, feeling as if he were going

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to vomit. He raced over to the information desk, his nerves a wreck.
Bishop was at his side, but the man was faring no better. He had run
stoplights and shouted at everyone in his way as they headed toward
the hospital. It shocked Liam to know that he was listed as Jack’s
emergency contact. He hadn’t even known Jack had done that.

“Jack Watterson, please,” Bishop nearly shouted when the woman

behind the desk walked over to them.

The lady looked the information up and then pointed toward the

elevators. “He’s on the fifth floor.”

They both ran toward the bank of elevators as Liam slammed his

hand over the up arrow repeatedly, praying the damn thing would
hurry up. When the doors pinged, they had to move aside to let the
passengers out. As soon as it was clear, Liam and Bishop hurried

The doors slid closed, but neither said a word. Gut-wrenching fear

was like a living entity inside that tiny metal box as it took them to the
fifth floor. When the doors slid open, the antiseptic smell of the
hospital hit Liam hard in the face. He felt dizzy as Bishop grabbed his
arm and pulled him toward the desk.

“Jack Watterson,” Bishop said a little more calmly this time.
“And you are?” the nurse asked, her eyes still on the file in front

of her, her tone blasé. Liam wanted to reach across the desk and
smack the woman. And he didn’t believe in violence. Jack was his
life, and she was sitting there as if that didn’t matter.

“I’m his partner,” Bishop replied, looking just as frustrated as

Liam felt. He could see Bishop’s jaw clench as his fist balled out at
his sides. The man was ready to explode.

“And you?” The nurse finally looked up, studying Liam for a

moment before flickering her gaze to Bishop.

“His partner as well.”
The nurse’s brow raised as she looked from Bishop to Liam, a

skeptical look on her face. “Both of you?”

“Yes,” Bishop hissed.

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The nurse shrugged and then looked at her computer. Finally! She

typed in a few things and then shook her head. “He’s still in surgery.
There’s a waiting room down the hallway”—she pointed to her
right—“where you both can have a seat. I’ll let the surgeon know you
both are here for the detective.”

Bishop grabbed Liam’s hand, pulling him down the hallway. They

both stopped short when they noticed the waiting room filled with
men that had badges. These must be the men Jack works with.

An older-looking man with a touch of grey kissing his temples

walked over to Bishop and Liam. “This is a private waiting room,”
the man said as he walked closer. “You shouldn’t be here.”

Liam knew it wasn’t a private waiting room, but with a detective

in surgery from being shot, they were being very protective at the
moment. “I’m Liam Koury,” Liam said as he stared at the man. He
wasn’t going anywhere. The entire police force would have to remove
him from the hospital. Maybe even SWAT. Jack and Bishop were the
very air he breathed, and no one was going to make him leave.

“You’re Liam?” the man asked.
“I’m Captain Nelson. I’m Jack’s boss.” The man stuck his hand

out. Liam looked at it for a moment and then shook it. “This is Bishop
Mason.” Liam introduced Bishop. He wasn’t sure how much Jack had
discussed his relationship at work, but he didn’t want to out the man
for being in a multiple-partner relationship if no one knew.

“Yes.” Captain Nelson nodded. “I know,” he replied a little lower,

just for Liam’s ears. “Have a seat.” The captain waved toward a
plastic chair, but Liam was too damn nervous to sit. Hell, he was too
damn nervous to stand, but there were no other options for him at the
moment. The captain moved a little closer, making Liam move closer
to Bishop. “I also know there is an APB out on you, Mr. Koury. I’m
not sure what’s going on, but if you know anything, I’d like to hear

Liam sighed and then related to the captain what he knew, which

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wasn’t much. He still didn’t know why he was in those photos or why
Jack had said his life was in danger. And he didn’t know why Jack
had been shot. After he finished talking, Liam looked up at the
captain, praying the man would tell him. “Who shot Jack?”

The captain scratched his head, shaking it as he turned and sighed.

“His partner.”

“Grayson!” Liam shouted. “But why?”
“That’s what we’d like to know,” one of the other detectives said

from across the room. “Jack’s a damn good detective and a great man.
None of this makes sense.”

Liam agreed. He leaned into Bishop, seeking comfort as they

waited for any news about the man he and Bishop loved.

* * * *

Bishop sat up, trying not to wake Liam as the doctor walked into

the waiting room. He wanted Liam to sleep, just in case the news was
bad. It wasn’t like he would take it any better, but he knew he was
stronger than Liam when dealing with shit like this.

He had been in the same situation with his cousin Corky when he

was jumped and beaten to within an inch of his life. Bishop wasn’t a
pro at receiving bad news, but he knew Liam would freak out, and he
wanted to hear what the doctor had to say.

“Detective Watterson did great in surgery,” the doctor began as

Bishop heard a collective sigh of relief. He shook Liam, waking his
lover up so he could hear the rest of the news. Liam shot straight up,
rubbing his eyes and then focusing those blue beauties on the doctor.

“The bullet entered his right side,” the doctor continued, “but

missed all of his major organs. He should make a full recovery.”

“When can we see him?” Liam asked as his hand gripped

Bishop’s arm.

“Just as soon as they take him to recovery. Someone will be out to

let you know.”

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The detectives shook the doctor’s hand as Liam hugged Bishop.

“Did you hear that? Jack is going to be fine.”

Bishop wrapped his arms around Liam as he kissed the top of his

head, finally letting out the breath he had been holding for what
seemed like forever. The nurse came out, and the captain ushered
Bishop and Liam into the room. Of course the captain came along as
well. The man wanted to know what the hell happened, and Bishop
didn’t blame the man. They all wanted to know what happened.

“He’s still sedated, but you can visit with him,” the nurse said as

she led them over to a pulled curtain. The three walked behind it, and
Bishop felt a growl burst from his chest when he saw his lover lying
there with an IV and wires on him. There was a large white bandage
taped to his right side.

Bishop moved closer to the bed, his fingers brushing over Jack’s

arm. He wasn’t going to wake him if Jack was resting. The man had
been through enough already as it was. Bishop enveloped Liam in his
arms as the smaller man softly cried. It was a sobering sight to see the
strong and self-assured Jack lying there on the recovery bed.

Liam turned his head from Bishop’s chest when Jack moaned. The

captain grabbed a chair by the small supply cart and took a seat as
they waited for Jack to open his eyes. When two grey irises locked
onto Bishop and then Liam, Bishop couldn’t stop smiling.

“My sexy men,” Jack groaned, his voice rough as he blinked a

few times and rubbed his eyes. “That’s exactly what I want to see
when waking up.”

Liam grinned, wiping at his eyes as Bishop chuckled. “It’s nice to

see you, too, Jack.”

“I can’t believe that fucker shot me,” Jack said as he rested his

arm over his eyes. “My side is killing me.”

“That’s what I need to ask you about.” The captain moved closer.

“I know you’re recovering, but I need to know what happened.”

Bishop had a strong urge to tell Jack’s boss to get the fuck out.

This was their private time, and Jack could answer questions later.

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But Bishop knew that wasn’t going to happen. No matter how badly
he wanted it to.

“Grayson killed that man in the alley.”
“The one on Fifty-Second Street?” the captain asked.
“Yes,” Jack answered and then removed his arm from his eyes,

reaching out for Bishop and Liam. They both held on to Jack’s hand
as they listened. “He was in love with me, so he used Marlon to frame
Liam. He didn’t know about Bishop. I confronted him about it at the
pier, and the crazy bastard shot me.”

The captain shook his head. “Love, revenge, or money. It’s

always those three. I’ll need a full report when you’re well. And I’m
sorry, Jack, but until we can investigate into why one of our
detectives was shot and the other one killed, you’re on paid leave.”

Jack glanced over at his boss, his eyes wide. “Grayson’s dead?”
The captain nodded as he headed toward the curtain. “He shot you

and then turned on the on-scene officers. It was a clean shoot. They
had no choice.”

Bishop swallowed hard. This had been one hell of a day. A day he

didn’t ever care to repeat.

“You also have a dozen or more visitors waiting to see you. So

don’t let these two occupy too much of your time,” the captain said
with a smile and then walked around the curtain.

Bishop turned to Jack, squeezing his hand. “I love you, Jack. You

better never scare me like that again.”

Jack smiled. “I love you, too. And I don’t plan on it.”
Liam pulled Bishop close, his smile wide as he kissed Bishop and

then Jack. “I love both of you and don’t plan on losing either one of
you. If you have any more jealous men out there, let us know now,”
Liam said as he pulled from Bishop’s arms and straightened the sheets
around Jack.

Bishop glared at Jack as their lover shook his head and then

winced. “None that I know of.”

“Good, let’s keep it that way,” Liam said sternly and then cleared

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his throat, tears glistening in his eyes, “because I don’t ever want to
get a call like that again.”

Bishop agreed. He had found two men to make his life complete,

and he didn’t want to breathe without them. He wasn’t sure he could.

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“Turn the steaks,” Jack yelled from his seat on the back deck.
Liam growled as he walked through the sliding glass door and

grabbed the tongs. “I just turned them, Jack.” He tugged at the front
of his pants as he flipped the steaks, making sure they didn’t fall
down around his ankles. “How am I supposed to get the side dishes
ready if you keep calling me out here?”

“It looks like more than side dishes to me,” Jack said as his eyes

narrowed, pointing to Liam’s opened pants.

Liam blushed as he sat the tongs down. “Okay, so maybe Bishop

is giving me a blow job in the process.”

Jack growled. “You’re supposed to be unpacking your things, and

Bishop is supposed to be bringing boxes from his apartment. Or have
you two forgotten that you’re moving in here permanently with me?”

Liam narrowed his eyes. “No, neither of us has forgotten, Jack. It

was the first big decision we made concerning our relationship. And
believe me, both of us are excited about living with you.”

“So why are you in the kitchen getting a blow job? And why can’t

I get one?”

Throwing his hands up, Liam felt his pants slide down his legs.

“The doctor said no strenuous activity for you until you’re healed.”

“I don’t have to strain to get my cock sucked,” Jack argued.
“Bishop!” Liam yelled. “He’s at it again.”
Bishop walked out onto the deck, his lips swollen from sucking

Liam’s cock. God, the man looked fantastic like that. But it so wasn’t
helping Liam’s cause.

“What does he want?” Bishop asked as he sauntered out onto the

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deck and took a seat next to Jack.

“A blow job,” Liam answered as he pulled his pants back up his

legs. “You know what the doctor said.”

Bishop glanced from Liam to Jack. “But if he lays back—”
“No,” Liam said as he stomped his foot. “I won’t have him hurt.”
“Baby, I can guarantee that a blow job won’t hurt me,” Jack said

as he reached for Bishop. “Would it?”

Bishop reached out and grabbed the hem on Jack’s lounging

pants, pulling them down to his waist. Liam would never get enough
of seeing Jack’s thick and long cock. It was simply gorgeous. His
mouth watered just staring at it.

“Well…” He was teetering, and Liam knew he was going to give

in. Seeing his lover sitting there holding himself was too much even
for him.

Bishop chuckled as he sat back. “Be my guest.”
Liam moved closer, not really sure this was one of their more

brilliant ideas. Jack needed to recover, but his erection was begging
Liam to wrap his lips around the length and—“I’ll kick your ass if I
hurt you,” Liam said as he lowered himself to his knees between
Jack’s legs. “If you move, I move. Got it?”

Jack looked down at Liam through hooded eyes, giving him a

quick nod. Liam didn’t believe his lover one bit, but he could see the
longing in his eyes. Leaning forward, Liam licked at the head,
groaning as the clear liquid hit his tongue, sending small electrical
thrills throughout his body to have Jack in his mouth once more.

He had almost lost Jack. Liam knew this, and it scared the hell out

of him to think that he would have never seen those pretty grey eyes
or heard the deep timbre in the man’s voice ever again. He would
have even missed the way Jack’s cock felt entering any damn part of
his body.

The man had come to mean so much to Liam that he knew he

couldn’t live without Jack. Just like it had almost killed him when
Bishop had run so long ago. Both of them were in his heart,

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someplace he never wanted them to leave.

Liam opened wider, taking Jack’s cock further down his throat as

he felt Bishop pulling at his pants, removing them. Liam wiggled
around to allow the material to slide off of his legs and then spread
them apart as he licked his way up and down Jack’s cock. He knew
what Bishop wanted, and Liam was more than willing to give it to

“I see you have the hang of this now.” Jack chuckled from above


Liam released Jack’s cock to look behind him. There was a large

bottle of lube and strip of condoms lying next to Bishop. Liam
swallowed hard, lust forming a lump in his throat as he watched
Bishop grab the lube and wet his fingers.

Bishop wiggled his brows at Liam. “I think I can manage.”
Liam sucked Jack’s cock back into his mouth as he felt Bishop’s

fingers rim around his ass. He groaned at the feeling as one finger
slipped inside of him. The man was moving his finger so damn slow
that Liam thought he was going to lose his ever-loving mind. He
licked his way down to Jack’s heavy sac as he pushed his ass onto
Bishop’s finger, encouraging the larger man to give him more.

“I think he wants another finger.” Jack snickered above him.

“Liam doesn’t have the best of patience when it comes to getting a
cock in his ass.”

Liam’s eyes shot open when he felt Bishop insert three fingers

inside of him. Whoa, that was a lot. Liam squirmed around as Bishop
moved his fingers inside of him, pressing and twisting, scissoring and

Liam soon was fucking Bishop’s fingers. Riding them, he licked

his way back up Jack’s cock and worked it down his throat. Sucking
Jack and getting fucked by Bishop was nirvana to Liam. He’d never
tire of the two.

“He’s ready,” Jack growled as he grabbed Liam’s head, curling

his fingers around his hair as Liam watched Jack watch him. It sent

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spikes of thrill through Liam to have Jack watch him pleasure his

Liam heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper, and then a second

later, he was curling his fingers into Jack’s thighs as Bishop’s thick
cock entered him from behind. He could feel himself stretching wide
for Bishop as Jack began to thrust his hips.

As badly as Liam wanted to yell at Jack to hold still, the pleasure

racing through his body left him speechless, along with the cock
shoved down his throat. Liam whimpered and moaned as Jack fucked
his mouth and Bishop fucked his ass. There was no way he was going
to last, not when he had these two hot-ass men taking him in ways
that made his head spin.

Jack’s head fell back as he shouted, hot spurts of cum shooting to

the back of his throat as Bishop pounded into his ass. He drank every
last drop of Jack’s seed and then released the softening shaft,
grabbing his own as he stroked it quickly, matching Bishop’s pace.

Bishop jerked behind him and then stiffened, shouting out as he

powered into Liam’s body, a growl falling from the man’s lips. Liam
was falling over the edge at the same time, spiraling toward his
release as ropes of cum hit the wooden deck, making Liam feel

He slumped over Jack’s legs, trying desperately to catch his breath

as Bishop eased out of him. All Liam wanted was a nap right now.

“The steaks are burning.” Jack cursed. “Bishop, get them off of

the grill.”

Liam smiled when he heard Bishop protest having to move. But

the man got up and lifted the lid of the grill, smoke billowing all
around him. “They’re fine, Jack. Stop worrying so much about them.”

Liam twisted around and sat on his bottom, right between Jack’s

legs, too tired to move.

“Okay, Liam,” Bishop said as he sat the plate of steaks down. “I

want to know what happened with Richard.”

The question caught Liam off guard. He wasn’t expecting Bishop

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to ask him that. “He attacked me in the grocery store parking lot,
almost twisted my damn arm off before Jack showed up and had him

Bishop nodded as he sat down on the chair next to Jack and

picked up his beer. “Was he the person responsible for those bruises I
saw on you at work?”

Liam nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me when I asked you?” There was

frustration in Bishop’s tone, like he wanted to paddle Liam’s ass for
keeping the identity of his attacker to himself.

“You just started there, Bishop. I wasn’t going to risk your job.

Besides, I knew Richard was just a bully.”

“So that wasn’t the first time he had done that, was it?” Bishop

asked, his eyes narrowing.

“Relax, big guy,” Jack intervened. “He’s in jail where he’s going

to be for a very long time.”

“How so?” Liam asked as he twisted around to look up at Jack.

Sure, the man had assaulted him, but that wouldn’t carry as much
time as Jack was indicating.

“It turns out,” Jack began as he reached over and plucked the beer

from Bishop’s hand, taking a swallow before he continued, “when we
booked him, his fingerprints came back for another crime as well.”

“Oh yeah?” Bishop asked as he sat up. “What crime?”
“It was a case the police had closed because they couldn’t find the

culprits responsible for a beating. Some guy named Thomas
McRowan was beat to an inch of his life, but the attackers were never
caught. It seems Richard was one of the attackers.”

Bishop shot to his feet, his face turning an angry shade of red. “He

better be damn lucky he’s in jail right now!”

Liam had never seen Bishop this upset. It was a scary sight. The

man was too large to look that menacing. “What’s wrong, Bishop?”
Liam asked as he grabbed Bishop’s hand, trying to ease Bishop’s

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“Thomas McRowan is my cousin Corky.” Bishop growled. “He

damn near died because the men had thought he was gay and wanted
to teach him a fucking lesson.”

Jack ran his hand up Bishop’s arm, giving him a nod. “Then

Richard will be in court for him as well. I don’t think the man will see
the outside for a while, Bishop. For Liam and Corky.”

Bishop heaved a long sigh and then sat down, but his jaw muscle

was still clenched tightly. Liam got up and straddled Bishop’s lap,
leaning in to give him a comforting kiss. When he pulled back, he
rested his forehead against Bishop’s. “He’ll pay, Bishop. He’s going
to do time for what he did to me and your cousin.”

Bishop nodded as he rested his hands on Liam’s hips. Liam could

tell Bishop was trying to calm down. His eyebrows furrowed when
Bishop’s eyes widened, and then he shouted, jumping up so quickly
that Liam fell on his ass. “What the hell, Bishop?”

“Bee,” Bishop whispered as he looked down at his hand. Liam

gasped when he saw the man’s hand swelling quickly.

“Did it sting you?” Jack asked as he sat forward.
Liam lost his damn mind when Bishop collapsed onto the deck.

He had just gotten over Jack almost dying. He didn’t need to go
through the same damn thing with his other lover. “He’s allergic to
them, Jack!”

Jack jumped up from his seat as he grabbed his phone, calling for

an ambulance as Liam remembered a conversation he had with
Bishop so long ago. He tried to roll the man, but Bishop weighed a

“Help me roll him over, Jack. He has an EpiPen in his back


Jack quickly pulled Bishop over as Liam rushed through his

pockets, pulling out the small case. He unzipped it and looked at the
pen as if it were a foreign object. Thank heavens he remembered what
Bishop had told him and switched the safety off.

“His thigh, Jack. We have to inject him in his thigh!”

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Jack yanked Bishop’s pants down as Liam plunged the needle into

Bishop’s thigh muscle. He heard the sirens and then the paramedics
came around the side of the house, taking over. Liam shook as he
stood, wiping his hand down his face as Bishop started coming

“I swear, both of you are out to kill me,” Liam blew out as he took

a step back, letting the paramedics do their job. They hurried around
the side of the house, following the ambulance to the hospital.

“I should get frequent-flyer miles here,” Liam said under his

breath as they walked into the hospital a few minutes later and asked
for Bishop.

Liam was relieved to see Bishop up and talking with the nurse,

looking just as hearty and healthy as he always did. He sighed with
relief as he watched Jack race over to Bishop’s side. Liam could see
that life with Jack and Bishop was going to be anything but boring.
But being separated from the two wasn’t an option.

He’d just have to hang on for the wild ride and remember to




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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

Also by Lynn Hagen

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Shifters of Mystery 1: Sage’s Mystery

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Shifters of Mystery 2:

Santana’s Discovery

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


Document Outline


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