Marlo Peterson To Catch a Dangerous Man [MF] (pdf)

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To  Catch  a  Dangerous  Man  

By  Marlo  Peterson  


The  water  from  the  steamy  shower  splashed  against  my  soft,  tired  skin  like  a  


As  I  pulled  back  my  drenched  hair,  which  set  just  at  the  middle  of  my  back,  

my  mind  raced  at  a  thousand  miles  per  hour.    

Everything  is  different.  Nothing  will  be  the  same.    

As  those  thoughts  spun  through  my  brain,  I  closed  my  eyes  as  the  dense  

steam  stifled  my  breath,  looking  for  answers.  The  soul  searching  that  I  was  doing  

was  due  to  many  things.    

For  one,  my  job  status  is  up  in  the  air  right  now.  I’m  a  highly  trained,  highly  

accredited  top  secret  clearance  level  spy  for  the  United  States  government.  The  

branch  I  work  within  is  classified,  as  is  every  mission  I’ve  ever  embarked  upon.  Each  
is  just  as  dangerous  as  the  next,  and  I  go  into  every  job  not  knowing  if  I  will  come  
out  of  it  alive.    

But  in  this  moment,  missions  aren’t  what  scared  me,  but  the  idea  of  losing  

this  job  is  terrifying.    

I’m  the  type  of  girl  that  need  to  get  thrills  out  of  life,  but  my  need  for  

excitement  and  change  is  on  steroids,  compared  to  regular  people.  Maybe  it’s  
because  I  grew  up  in  a  little  town  in  Iowa,  and  unlike  the  people  I  grew  up  around,  I  

always  craved  more  out  of  life.  So  when  I  went  off  to  college,  it  didn’t  take  long  for  
me  to  go  the  government  route.  Government  jobs  are  always  well  paid  and  in  
demand,  so  I  saw  that  as  my  ticket  out  of  the  middle  of  nowhere.    

But  little  did  I  know  that  my  career  track  would  take  me  to  this  type  of  work.    
If  I  lost  this  job,  there  is  no  way  possible  that  I’d  be  able  to  match  those  

thrills,  well,  not  legally  anyway.    

My  job  is  up  in  the  air  right  now,  all  because  the  higher  ups  learned  about  my  

long-­‐time  fling  with  the  man  who  trained  me,  Colin.  As  I  rested  my  head  in  the  

shower,  I  still  get  chills  when  I  think  back  to  the  first  time  we  made  love.    

“Wrong.  The  P90  Specialist  Handgun  is  not  what  you  would  take  into  that  

kind  of  mission,  at  least  if  you  want  to  remain  discreet  about  it,”  Colin  said  coldly  
during  one  educational  session,  reprimanding  me  in  front  of  the  entire  class  of  

I  had  just  graduated  from  the  bootcamp  program  and  received  the  highest  

top  secret  level  clearance  that  I  need  to  go  into  the  other  part  of  life.  In  the  life  I  
joined,  it  was  hard  to  maintain  regular  relationships  and  friendships,  because  so  

much  of  what  you  did  was  anonymous  and  dangerous.  My  old  life  was  in  the  rear  
view  mirror,  and  I  had  a  conflicting  sense  of  melancholy  at  this  point,  happy  that  I  

graduated,  but  terrified  about  what  the  rest  of  my  life  held.    

Colin  wasn’t  making  things  easy  for  me.    
“See  me  after  class,  rookie,”  he  said,  before  turning  his  back  and  going  back  

into  the  lesson.    

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That  day  in  class,  I  put  my  hand  down,  wondering  what  else  could  possibly  go  

wrong.  It  was  as  though  I  joined  a  life  that  I  couldn’t  turn  back  from,  and  thus  far,  

wasn’t  very  good  at  it.  Or  so  I  thought.    

When  the  rest  of  the  class  piled  out  for  the  day,  I  stayed  behind,  dreading  the  

conversation  that  was  about  to  happen.  When  the  last  student  left,  I  stood  to  my  
feet,  my  heart  beating  out  of  my  chest.  I  felt  as  though  I  was  back  in  grade  school,  
going  to  the  principal’s  office.    

I  stood  to  my  feet  and  walked  to  the  front  of  the  classroom.  As  I  was  getting  

ready  to  take  a  seat  in  the  first  row,  Colin  motioned  for  me  to  come  sit  beside  him.  
He  was  sitting  on  top  of  his  desk,  his  arms  crossed.  I  smoothed  out  the  pants  of  my  

training  suit,  still  damp  from  the  battle  scenarios  we  went  through  bright  and  early  
at  4  in  the  morning.  It  had  been  a  long  day,  and  I  was  ready  to  go  home  to  a  hot  

bath—only,  at  the  academy,  all  they  had  was  open  showers,  shared  by  men  and  
women.  I  was  also  staying  in  a  dorm  with  hard  bunks  and  white  walls.  So  not  only  
was  work  kicking  my  ass,  I  was  missing  the  little  luxuries  I  had  appreciated  all  my  


“Why  do  you  think  I’m  so  hard  on  you?”  Colin  asked.    
His  voice  was  harsh  and  I  was  so  weary  that  I  couldn’t  help  but  put  my  head  

down.  I  felt  tears  welling  in  my  throat,  and  I  cursed  myself  for  being  near  crying.    

I’m  a  spy.  I  can’t  get  by  here  acting  like  a  girl.  

“Because  I  suck,”  I  said,  in  a  self  deprecating  tone.    
“No,”  Colin  said  almost  immediately  after  I  finished  my  sentence.    
I  looked  up,  looking  into  his  eyes.  His  face  was  deathly  serious.    

“I’m  hard  on  you  because  you’re  the  best  damn  cadet  I’ve  had  in  years.”  
I  found  it  hard  to  believe,  but  looked  in  his  face  and  it  read  sincerity.  He  

explained  to  me  that  I  just  needed  to  apply  myself  more,  and  that  if  I  put  in  the  time  
outside  of  the  classroom,  I  could  have  a  career  filled  with  high  profile  assignments,  
and  will  be  on  track  to  playing  a  vital  role  in  the  security  of  our  nation.    

I  walked  away  from  the  conversation  with  a  lot  on  my  mind,  a  lot  on  my  

heart.  When  I  got  to  the  shower  room  on  my  floor,  I  was  glad  to  get  out  of  my  wet  
jump  suit  and  get  some  hot  water  on  my  body  for  once.  

The  temperature  and  mood  of  the  shower  I’m  taking  right  now  brings  me  

back  to  that  day  in  training,  enhancing  my  memory  and  making  them  more  clear,  

more  vivid.    

I  remember  that  minutes  after  I  had  gotten  comfortable  with  the  

temperature  of  the  water,  I  heard  a  door  open  and  close.  I  didn’t  think  much  of  it,  

because  during  boot  camp  and  my  graduate  work  at  the  spy  academy,  it  was  very  
common  for  men  and  women  to  share  quarters  in  all  sorts  of  situations,  and  pretty  

much  all  of  the  cadets  and  graduates  have  seen  each  other  naked  at  one  point  or  
another.  The  shower  rooms  were  nothing  but  rows  of  nozzles  and  drains,  no  doors  
or  barriers.    

But  when  I  turned  my  head  and  saw  that  the  person  who  entered  the  shower  

room  was  Colin,  I  uncharacteristically  let  out  a  little  scream  and  immediately  
cupped  my  breasts  into  my  hands.  Colin,  without  saying  a  word,  shed  his  clothes,  

entered  my  shower  and  pressed  his  body  against  mine  from  behind.    

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I  felt  his  muscular  arms  on  my  thighs  and  his  chest  against  my  back,  and  heat  

spread  between  my  legs.    

“Hang  in  there.  You’re  wonderful  and  you  can  do  it,”  is  all  he  said,  before  I  felt  

his  lips  against  my  neck,  his  strong  hands  all  over  my  body  and  he  entered  me  from  

behind,  as  hot  water  rolled  down  my  neck  and  dripped  therapeutically  down  my  
spine  and  bottom.    

When  I  opened  my  eyes,  I  saw  my  hand  against  the  wall  of  my  shower,  and  

realized  that  as  I  reminisce,  I’m  in  the  exact  first  position  in  which  we  made  love.  I  
gulped  and  tried  to  shake  the  memory  from  my  head,  as  it  would  be  a  long  time  
before  I’d  ever  see  Colin  again,  if  ever.    

I’ve  been  a  full  fledged  spy  for  nearly  four  years,  and  Colin  had  been  seeing  

each  other  off  and  on  the  entire  time.  That’s  about  as  close  as  you  are  going  to  get  to  

a  real  relationship  in  this  line  of  work.  Though  we  have  not  once  had  the  exclusivity  
conversation,  my  heart  belonged  to  him,  and  it  ached  when  the  higher  ups  found  out  
about  us.    

The  day  that  I  was  called  into  the  office,  I  thought  that  my  career  was  over  

and  that  I  was  going  to  prison.  Not  regular  prison,  but  worse,  the  prison  where  top  
secret  clearance  rules  apply,  so  you  don’t  even  have  the  same  rights  as  a  normal  


But  instead,  I  was  given  a  week  suspension,  and  was  just  reinstated  

yesterday.  During  the  suspension,  they  looked  over  the  evidence  and  let  me  know  
that  I  could  still  have  my  job  for  now,  but  after  a  30-­‐day  review,  they  reserved  the  
right  to  terminate  and  prosecute  me  to  the  fullest  extent  if  my  performance  wasn’t  

beyond  exemplary.  Also,  I  was  forbidden  from  speaking  to  Colin  in  any  form.  He  was  
apparently  either  fired,  put  in  prison  or  reassigned,  and  I  will  probably  never  know.    

That’s  the  part  that  hurt  the  most.    
If  we  had  gotten  some  sort  of  closure,  I  would  have  been  able  to  will  myself  to  

move  on.  But  because  our  relationship  was  snatched  from  us,  my  heart  felt  like  an  

open  wound  that  would  never  heal.  I  tried  to  rationalize  it  all  to  myself  and  get  my  
mind  to  move  on,  since  there  is  absolutely  nothing  I  can  do  about  it,  but  it  was  hard.    

I  needed  some  sort  of  distraction,  some  sort  of  safe  haven,  and  that  

distraction  was  going  to  have  to  be  my  next  mission,  which  could  be  my  last,  since  
it’s  the  only  piece  of  performance  they  will  be  reviewing  over  the  next  30  days.  So  I  

didn’t  have  time  to  grieve  a  broken  heart,  because  my  career  and  perhaps  even  my  
freedom  depended  on  me  passing  this  mission  with  flying  colors.    

As  I  shut  off  the  shower  nozzle,  I  began  to  shiver  a  bit.  It  seemed  as  though  

heat  immediately  left  the  room,  and  my  naked  body  was  exposed  to  it  all.    

I  wiped  the  fog  away  from  the  waterproof  screen  of  the  tablet  that  I  had  

installed  into  my  shower—a  long  way  from  the  poor  days  of  my  dorm  living,  during  
the  spy  academy.    

I  used  this  tablet  for  everything  from  e-­‐mails  and  morning  motivation  to  

watching  porn  during  some  of  those  lonely  night  time  baths  and  showers.  But  today  
was  all  business.  I  punched  in  security  credentials  that  would  be  impossible  for  a  
normal  person  to  remember,  pressed  my  finger  print  to  a  box  that  wanted  to  verify  

my  identity  and  logged  into  the  personal  profile  that  contained  my  mission  work  
correspondence,  training  and  research  and  mission  briefings.    

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Broken  heart  be  damned,  the  face  of  the  new  man  that  I’d  be  chasing  

appeared  on  my  screen  in  living  color.  His  name  is  Nikolai  Turov.  

Nikolai  is  a  Russian  billionaire  who  has  ties  to  friends  of  the  United  States.  

My  mission  is  to  infiltrate  his  operation  and  learn  all  that  I  can  about  him,  so  that  we  

can  open  the  lines  of  surveillance  to  track  him.    

I’ve  done  similar  missions  before,  but  this  one  meant  more  than  any  mission  I  

had  ever  done.  I’m  not  going  back  to  my  old  life  and  I  won’t  let  losing  Colin  be  in  

vain.  I’m  flying  out  to  Russia  tomorrow  with  my  mind  on  my  mission,  and  will  win  it  
at  all  costs.    


The  Festival  at  the  Palace  

Of  the  12  languages  that  I’ve  rapidly  learned  to  speak  through  the  years,  

Russian  is  probably  my  fourth  best.  I’m  definitely  fluent  at  it,  but  don’t  really  have  
an  incredibly  strong  grasp  on  the  slang  or  culture  enough  to  truly  fit  in.  I’m  going  

into  this  mission  as  an  attendee  of  a  festival  that  Nikolai  was  throwing  at  his  
sprawling  palace  of  a  mansion.  There  would  be  all  types  of  people  here  from  the  
public,  so  my  orders  are  to  go  in  under  the  guise  of  an  American  reporter.  

While  you  may  think  that  he’d  be  even  more  guarded  around  a  member  of  

the  media,  these  philanthropic  billionaire  types  typically  learn  early  to  keep  the  

press  close,  rather  than  far,  so  that  you  have  relationships  that  will  help  you  get  the  
word  out  about  any  initiatives  they  have,  while  also  gaining  their  trust,  so  that  they  
will  give  you  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  on  a  lot  of  negative  stories.    

When  my  flight  touched  down  at  the  international  airport,  I  took  a  deep  

breath,  not  fully  knowing  what  to  expect.  I  hadn’t  been  to  Russia  in  a  few  years,  and  

have  never  fully  gotten  a  real  feel  for  it.    

I  grabbed  my  suit  case  from  baggage  claim  and  quickly  turned  to  the  outdoor  

ground  transportation  terminal,  moving  past  all  of  the  routine  car  rental  businesses.  

When  I  got  to  a  sign  written  in  French,  I  approached  the  gentleman,  a  man  who  
looked  to  be  in  his  early  60’s,  with  a  wild  mane  of  gray  hair.    

“Have  you  ever  seen  such  a  beautiful  day?”  I  asked  the  man  in  a  perfect  

French  accent.    

French  is  my  second  best  language,  by  the  way.  The  language  of  pure  love  

and  romance.    

The  man  looked  to  me  warmly,  as  if  it  was  a  jolly  grandpa.  He  gripped  the  

sign  in  his  fingers,  and  without  hesitation,  spoke  up.    

“It  is,  but  not  quite  duck  hunting  weather,”  he  replied,  not  making  eye  


We  exchanged  banter  back  and  forth  for  about  ten  minutes,  speaking  in  code,  

and  using  physical  touch  and  body  language  throughout  the  conversation  that  spoke  
of  secret  instructions.  He  was  an  operative  who  was  going  to  get  me  to  my  first  

destination.  To  the  uninitiated,  this  just  looks  like  a  friendly  conversation  between  
two  travelers,  but  we  both  knew  better.    

After  some  conversation  and  confirming  that  we  were  in  on  this,  he  gestured  

for  me  to  step  into  the  front  seat  of  his  taxi  cab.    

“Right  this  way,  miss,”  he  said.    

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“Why  thank  you,  sir,”  I  responded.    
He  rolled  my  bag  around  the  back  of  the  car  and  placed  it  into  the  trunk,  as  I  

sat  in  the  front  seat.  It  took  him  a  few  minutes.  I  could  tell  that  he  was  making  sure  
that  my  bag  wasn’t  tampered  with—you  never  know  when  someone  has  the  drop  

on  you,  and  it  wouldn’t  have  taken  much  for  someone  to  bug  my  bag  the  second  it  
left  my  sight.    

When  he  got  into  the  car  and  drove  out  of  the  airport  terminal,  the  man  

relaxed  a  little,  and  his  voice  inflexions  were  less  jolly.    

“It’s  been  raining  a  bit,  but  all  in  all,  the  roads  have  been  clear,”  he  said.    
I  nodded.    

I  knew  he  wasn’t  talking  about  the  weather,  but  passing  along  word  that  my  

mission  was  safe  thus  far,  but  that  as  usual,  I  should  proceed  with  caution.  That  

went  without  saying,  so  I  wasn’t  worried  about  it.    

As  I  stared  out  of  the  window  at  the  beautiful  countryside,  I  closed  my  eyes  

for  five  seconds  and  took  a  deep  breath,  saying  goodbye  to  Colin.  I  made  peace  with  

the  fact  that  we  would  never  see  each  other  again,  but  this  gesture  was  to  get  my  
mind  right,  so  that  I’m  able  to  start  my  new  life  and  focus  on  the  mission  at  hand.  I  
had  a  lot  riding  on  this,  and  wasn’t  about  to  fuck  it  up.    

When  we  left  the  sprawling  interstate  and  took  an  exit,  the  driver  let  me  

know  that  we’d  be  to  my  hotel  in  about  five  minutes.    

“Check  the  dashboard  to  see  if  there  are  any  tourist  maps.  You  might  find  

something  interesting,”  he  said.    

I  nodded  my  head  and  then  slid  my  hand  into  the  level,  pulling  the  dashboard  

open.  I  saw  a  cleanly  folded,  small,  brown  paper  bag  that  looked  stuffed.  When  I  
glimpsed  into  the  bag,  I  saw  wads  of  multi-­‐colored  cash,  wrapped  in  rubber  bands,  

along  with  a  burner  pre-­‐paid  cell  phone.  I  slipped  the  brown  paper  bag  into  my  
carry  on  and  zipped  it  shut,  keeping  my  eyes  straight  ahead  at  the  scenery  of  the  

We  pulled  up  to  the  hotel  shortly  afterward  and  I  thanked  the  driver.  He  

tipped  his  cap  and  popped  the  trunk,  allowing  me  to  go  to  the  trunk  to  retrieve  my  
luggage.  I  grabbed  the  bag  out  of  the  trunk  and  rolled  it  to  the  front  of  the  hotel,  as  

the  driver  pulled  off.    

I  checked  in  with  no  problems,  under  my  alias,  Jessica  Hill.  As  far  as  I  was  

concerned,  and  as  far  as  anyone  I  come  in  contact  with  is  concerned,  this  is  my  
name,  this  is  my  identity.  When  you’re  going  undercover  on  international  
reconnaissance  missions,  old  identities  don’t  matter  anyway,  so  the  quicker  you  

embrace  your  new  one,  the  easier  your  time  will  be.  I  had  a  new  passport,  new  birth  
certificate  and  spent  the  past  months  memorizing  and  learning  an  entire  back  story  

about  my  alias’  life,  so  I  would  be  in  good  shape  for  this  mission.    

Once  I  got  to  my  hotel  room,  I  finally  took  a  sigh  of  relief.  Traveling  could  be  

weary,  but  I  was  used  to  it  at  this  point.  I  lugged  my  huge  suit  case  onto  the  bed  and  

began  unpacking  all  of  my  clothes,  shoes,  lingerie  and  accessories  into  closets.  I  
smiled  when  I  got  to  the  bottom  of  my  suit  case  and  noticed  my  favorite  vibrator.  
Hey,  I’m  only  human.  These  babies  come  in  handy  when  a  girl  is  traveling  the  world  

by  herself.    

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I  checked  the  drawers  throughout  the  hotel  room,  and  sure  enough,  they  had  

been  stocked  with  plenty  of  clothes  for  Jessica  Hill  to  wear.  My  hotel  refrigerator  

also  had  plenty  of  fresh  produce,  protein  shakes  and  healthy  meals  for  me  to  sustain  
myself  as  I  start  out.  After  this,  I’m  on  my  own,  living  under  my  new  life  as  a  woman  

who  wanted  to  find  out  everything  she  could  about  Nikolai  Turov.    

Damn,  this  mansion  is  plush.  
That’s  the  first  thought  that  I  had  when  I  walked  inside.  It  was  a  huge  estate  

located  in  the  city  of  Penza.  Nikolai’s  party  was  an  unofficial  kickoff  to  the  festival—
something  he  does  every  year.  I  had  on  an  evening  gown,  with  my  hair  pulled  back  
into  a  ponytail,  a  purse  over  my  shoulder,  heels  on  my  feet  and  a  reporter’s  notepad  

in  my  hand.  I  knew  that  I  was  going  to  be  competing  with  real  reporters,  dignitaries  
and  other  people  for  Nikolai’s  attention,  so  I’d  have  to  use  my  charm  and  influence  

to  find  an  in.    

The  way  I  felt  right  now,  that  shouldn’t  be  a  problem  at  all.    
Once  I  take  on  new  identities,  I  truly  get  into  it.  Since  I’m  going  through  

nothing  but  turmoil  in  my  personal  life,  it’d  be  easy  to  seek  refuge  as  another  
person,  going  through  new  challenges.  Though  these  missions  could  be  dangerous,  
in  a  way,  it  felt  fun  as  though  I  was  just  playing  make  believe.    

As  I  looked  around  at  fancy  food  spreads,  an  endless  champagne  fountain  and  

huge  LCD  screens  all  over  the  place,  I  knew  that  I  was  in  a  different  world.  I  also  

knew  that  I’d  have  an  in.    

I  looked  around  and  noticed  that  of  the  few  hundred  people  here,  as  far  as  I  

could  tell,  I  was  literally  the  only  black  person  here.  With  the  data  that  we  knew  of  

Nikolai,  one  of  his  previous  wives  and  two  of  his  mistresses  were  African  women.  
They  had  similar  cheek  bones,  complexions  and  lips  as  mine,  which  likely  went  into  

the  thought  process  of  attaching  me  to  this  mission.  I  also  had  curvy  hips,  D  Cup  
breasts  and  a  juicy,  bitable  ass  that  men  seem  attracted  to,  so  I  knew  that  with  the  
dress  I  was  wearing,  Nikolai  would  probably  approach  me.  

I  was  right.    
“I  don’t  believe  that  I  have  had  the  pleasure,”  I  heard  a  strong,  thick  Russian  

accent  address  me  as  I  looked  at  some  of  the  new  art  pieces  that  decorated  one  of  

the  wings  of  his  palace.    

When  I  turned  around,  I  smiled  inside,  because  it  was,  indeed  him.  It  can  take  

weeks  or  months  to  make  any  significant  contact  with  a  subject,  so  this  was  a  huge  

But  when  I  looked  into  his  face,  I  nearly  swallowed  down  the  wrong  pipe.  

Without  gushing  too  much,  the  photos  that  we  used  when  researching  Nikolai  did  
him  no  justice  at  all.  The  man  that  I  looked  at  right  now  looked  10  years  younger  

than  those  pictures,  with  10  extra  pounds  of  solid  muscle.  The  words  lingered  in  the  
air,  as  he  flashed  a  winning,  white  smile.  His  jaw  was  chiseled  and  strong,  and  I  got  
the  feeling  instantly  that  he  didn’t  take  any  crap  from  men,  and  was  a  super  lover  

with  the  many  women  he  beds.    

“I  don’t  believe  so,  either,”  I  began,  gathering  myself.    
“Jessica  Hill.  Reporter  at  the  Greenberg  Daily  News  in  the  United  States.”    

Nikolai  looked  floored  and  gestured  as  if  his  mind  was  blown,  and  he  had  no  

clue  how  to  respond  to  that.    

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“Forgive  my  ignorance,  but  I  am  not  quite  familiar  with  that  publication.  

Where  in  the  United  States  is  that?”  he  asked.    

“It’s  a  20,000  circulation  paper  in  Tennessee.  We’re  small,  but  were  one  of  

the  first  to  perfect  the  pay  wall  model,  while  still  retaining  strong  readership.  I’m  

here  because  Penza  is  a  sister  city  to  Penza,”  I  said,  without  missing  a  beat.    

Nikolai  scratched  his  chin,  not  quite  sure  what  I  was  talking  about,  but  taking  

my  word  for  it.    

“Ah,  I  see,”  he  said.    
“Well  we  will  get  to  questions  later.  I  hope  you  are  not  offended,  but  today  is  

one  of  celebration,  and  I  would  rather  treat  you  as  a  friend  tonight,  and  we  can  begin  

to  address  any  questions  you  have  for  a  story  at  a  later  date,  if  that  is  OK.”    

I  smiled,  relaxing  a  little  bit.  That  was  actually  really  good  news.  If  he  wants  

to  be  social,  he’s  more  likely  to  build  a  rapport  with  me,  and  I  won’t  have  to  do  it  
under  the  guise  of  acting  like  a  reporter.  He  was  almost  making  it  too  easy.    

Though  I  knew  there  was  always  more  to  the  story  than  what  you  see  on  the  

surface,  I  wondered  what  type  of  activity  Nikolai  could  be  involved  in,  for  the  United  
States  government  to  be  concerned  about  him.    

He  invited  me  over  to  his  lounge  area,  where  casino  tables  were  set  up.  There  

were  dozens  of  people  drinking  and  gambling,  and  all  of  the  waitresses  were  
carrying  gold  plated  trays  with  food  and  drink,  and  they  wore  thongs,  high  boots  

and  pasties  with  tassels  covering  their  nipples.  One  thing  was  for  sure  about  Nikolai,  
he  had  a  huge  appetite  for  sex  and  fun.    

I  swallowed  half  a  glass  filled  with  champagne,  relaxing  into  the  moment,  but  

keeping  my  eyes  open.  I  watched  and  cheered  as  some  of  the  friendliest  people  in  
the  world  patted  me  on  the  back,  let  me  blow  their  dice  and  requested  my  choice  for  

where  and  how  they  should  place  their  bets.  I  was  nervous  to  do  it,  but  helped  a  few  
people  win  big.  Nikolai  came  and  went  as  I  add  delicious  lobster,  sipped  on  
champagne  and  watched  plenty  of  high  stakes  gambling.    

It’s  sometimes  hard  to  believe  that  this  is  a  job.    
Female  spies  are  often  sent  into  these  types  of  environments,  as  it’s  easy  to  

use  your  sexuality  to  win  the  attention  of  subjects.  Though  men  more  or  less  run  the  

world,  they  have  that  fatal  flaw,  that  beautiful  women  will  take  them  down  every  
single  time.    

Just  as  I  was  awaiting  the  result  of  a  dice  roll,  I  felt  a  hand  on  the  small  of  my  

back.  Nikolai  had  returned.    

“Please.  Come  chat  with  me  outside  for  a  bit.  I  have  spent  so  much  time  

smoozing  that  I  need  to  speak  with  a  normal  person  for  a  while,”  he  said.    

I  smiled,  wrapped  my  arm  around  his  and  strutted  my  stuff  as  he  escorted  

me  outside  to  his  beautiful,  sprawling  deck,  which  oversaw  mountains  and  bodies  of  
water.  I  felt  the  eyes  on  me  as  we  walked  outside,  and  a  jolt  of  excitement  radiated  
through  me  as  it  felt  as  though  we  were  the  “it”  couple.    

Sure,  we  had  just  met  a  few  hours  ago,  and  I  was  pretending  to  be  someone  

I’m  not,  but  the  raw  emotion  of  moments  doesn’t  lie.    

We  stepped  out  onto  his  deck  and  I  immediately  gravitated  toward  an  

artificial  beach  area  that  he  had  put  in,  complete  with  umbrellas  and  hammocks.  I  
sat  down  on  one  of  the  large  beach  chairs  and  kicked  my  heels  off,  digging  my  toes  

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into  the  sand.  Nikolai  pulled  a  chair  up  beside  me,  taking  a  seat  and  whipping  out  a  
cigar  to  go  with  his  glass  of  fine  olive  vodka.  He  fired  up  the  cigar,  lighting  it  with  a  

wooden  match  and  asked  if  I  needed  one.    

“No  thanks,”  I  said  politely.    

He  blew  smoke  rings  as  he  puffed  the  sweet  tobacco  intently,  looking  up  at  

the  stars,  as  if  he  was  searching  for  words  to  say.  I  learned  early  in  life  that  instead  
of  filling  in  awkward  silences,  you  should  allow  a  person  to  gather  their  thoughts  

and  offer  them.  That  way,  you  open  them  up  and  find  out  things  that  you  otherwise  
would  not  have.    

“Do  you  ever  wonder  what  it  all  really  means?”  he  asked,  allowing  those  

words  to  hang  in  the  still  of  the  night  air.    

I  paused,  startled  at  his  question.  I  had  expected  him  to  make  small  talk,  but  

as  I  looked  to  Nikolai’s  furrowed  brow  and  intense,  wondering  stare,  I  saw  the  face  
of  a  man  who,  like  me,  was  at  a  crossroads  in  his  life.  I  didn’t  know  what  type  of  
turmoil  he  was  dealing  with,  but  his  face  said  it  all.    

“What  do  you  mean  by  that?”  I  asked,  carefully,  not  wanting  to  misinterpret  

what  he  was  trying  to  convey.    

He  searched  for  more  words,  and  then  began  to  speak  again.    

“I  have  everything  that  a  man  could  possibly  want.  I  have  enough  money  for  a  

thousand  lifetimes,  the  finest  food  that  the  land  and  sea  can  produce,  the  freedom  to  

travel  anywhere  I  want,  any  time  I  want  and  access  to  the  most  beautiful  women  on  
the  planet,”  he  said.    

“Is  there  more?”  he  asked.  

I  didn’t  know  what  to  tell  him,  but  I  spoke  anyway.    
“I  think  life  is  all  about  finding  moments,”  I  said.    

“Sure,  you  can  accumulate  things,  but  the  moments  is  what  you  will  be  

thinking  about  on  your  death  bed.”  

He  nodded,  taking  another  puff  of  his  cigar  and  allowing  the  smoke  to  drift  

from  his  lips.    

“You  have  a  good  heart.  I  can  tell,”  he  said.    
I  blushed.  For  a  man  who  I’m  keeping  surveillance  on  for  the  government  

because  he’s  supposedly  dangerous,  Nikolai  sure  is  a  charmer.    

I  leaned  in  to  him  and  looked  him  in  his  yes,  placing  my  hand  onto  his  leg.    

“I  can  tell  you  do  as  well.  What  is  it  that’s  troubling  you?”  I  asked.    
The  fact  that  he  was  going  through  some  type  of  emotional  time  in  his  life  

was  going  to  make  it  easy  to  connect  with  him.  However,  I  couldn’t  help  but  feel  a  

twinge  of  guilt  about  it,  because  I  truly  wanted  to  learn  what  was  troubling  him.  I  
shook  it  off  quickly.    

After  the  countless  missions  I’ve  been  on,  I’ve  never  had  any  problems  with  

getting  too  close  to  subjects.  This  was  happening  quickly,  and  I  tried  to  reroute  my  

Snap  out  of  it  girl.  This  is  a  mission  and  you’re  a  professional,  I  thought  to  


He  rubbed  his  brow  and  flicked  a  tiny  bit  of  cigar  ash  to  the  ground,  before  

taking  a  sip  of  his  vodka.    

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“I’m  not  a  young  man  and  I’m  not  an  old  man.  But  as  I  look  back  at  my  

previous  life  and  to  my  future  life,  it  saddens  me  that  I  do  not  see  true  love  in  my  

future,”  he  said,  as  the  muscles  in  his  throat  tightened.    

The  thickness  of  his  words  lingered,  and  I  couldn’t  help  but  feel  for  him.  The  

pain  on  his  face  was  clear,  and  he  wasn’t  playing  a  role  right  now.  My  human  
instincts  kicked  in  and  I  found  myself  rubbing  his  leg  to  soothe  him.  My  heart  was  
set  aflutter  when  he  slid  his  hand  down  and  placed  it  on  top  of  mine,  gripping  it  for  


I  smiled  nervously  and  then  directed  my  attention  to  the  stars  and  the  moon,  

which  looked  vividly  beautiful  tonight.    

It’s  funny  how  I’m  countless  miles  away  from  home,  on  another  continent,  

yet  am  looking  at  the  exact  same  stars  and  moon  that  I  would  be  if  I  were  back  

home.  This  world  is  a  beautiful  creation,  and  I  felt  a  sudden  wave  of  gratitude  and  
emotion  for  life.  When  I  turned  my  head  back  to  Nikolai,  he  seemed  a  bit  happier,  
most  likely  glad  to  have  real  human  contact,  as  opposed  to  shaking  the  hands  of  

businessmen  and  directing  orders  to  employees  all  day  every  day.    

That’s  when  it  hit  me,  that  he  didn’t  just  want  to  put  the  reporter  questions  

off  because  today  was  one  of  celebration,  but  he  had  specifically  sought  me  out  

when  I  caught  his  eye  and  wanted  my  company.  I  noticed  about  ten  other  reporters  
as  I  made  my  rounds  through  the  banquet,  and  he  could  have  easily  gave  them  the  

same  spiel,  but  as  far  as  I  could  tell,  they  left  the  party  hours  ago.    

But  here  I  was,  as  the  party  indoors  died  down,  spending  time  alone  with  the  

man  of  the  hour  himself.  That  thought  was  humbling  and  made  me  feel  beautiful  and  

wanted,  something  that  helped  to  soothe  the  woes  that  I  had  been  dealing  with  as  of  
late.  I  realized  that  my  heart  wasn’t  heavy  in  this  moment,  and  I  felt  a  sense  of  

liberation  hanging  out  on  this  deck,  breathing  cool  night  air  and  living  in  the  

“So  tell  me,  my  dear,”  Nikolai  began,  interrupting  the  silence.    

“What  is  it  that  is  troubling  you?”    
The  question  caught  me  off  guard.  Was  it  that  obvious  that  I  was  going  

through  something?  If  so,  I  need  to  snap  out  of  it.  I’m  here  on  a  mission  and  needed  

to  act  like  it.  

“What  do  you  mean?”  I  asked,  playing  dumb.    

He  broke  his  melancholy  facial  expression  with  a  genuine  laugh.    
“Nice  try,  my  dear.  But  you  don’t  get  to  be  as  successful  as  I  am  without  

learning  to  read  people,”  he  said.    

“There  is  something  bothering  you.  It  is  written  on  your  face  and  in  your  

touch,”  he  continued.    

With  the  still  of  the  night  soothing  my  woes  and  the  champagne  giving  me  

courage,  I  decided  to  let  Nikolai  in.  That’s  actually  part  of  the  gig,  so  it  wasn’t  as  
though  I’m  being  unprofessional.  It’s  human  psychology  101,  to  learn  more  about  

someone  else,  you  have  to  share  of  yourself.    

“I’m  a  bit  sad  because  I  think  I  had  love,  but  it  wasn’t  mean  to  be,”  I  said,  

getting  a  bit  choked  up  before  the  words  could  even  escape.    

He  brushed  his  hand  across  my  thigh  and  I  felt  my  heart  speed  up  with  


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“Tell  me  more,”  Nikolai  said,  leaning  forward,  genuinely  interested.    
“Well.  Our  relationship  was  such  that  he  was  never  mine,  but  yet  he  was.  We  

were  fine  with  our  arrangement,  but  life  had  different  ideas,”  I  wrapped  it  up  
succinctly,  swallowing  the  last  glassful  of  champagne  and  letting  it  burn  in  my  

throat.  I  looked  toward  the  night  sky,  not  wanting  to  get  weepy  or  emotional  again.    

Nikolai  didn’t  say  another  word,  but  wrapped  his  arm  around  me.  I  got  the  

sense  that  he  understood  and  felt  a  sense  of  calm  with  him  that  I  hadn’t  felt  in  a  long  

time,  not  even  with  Colin.  Before  I  knew  it,  I  laid  my  head  against  Nikolai’s  chest  and  
we  just  sat  there,  listening  to  the  wind  blow,  the  muffled  sound  of  the  music  and  
voices  inside  of  the  palace  and  the  crash  of  the  water.    

When  I  opened  my  eyes  again,  the  sun  was  up  and  I  was  wrapped  tightly  in  

blankets.  The  morning  fog  quickly  vanished  as  I  felt  my  balance  thrown  off  as  soon  

as  I  sat  up.  I  rocked  from  side  to  side  twice,  before  realizing  that  I  was  in  a  hammock.  

I  placed  my  hands  to  my  temples  in  disbelief.  I  can’t  believe  I  fell  asleep  over  

here.  Just  as  I  felt  like  the  biggest,  dumbest,  unprofessional  idiot  in  the  world,  I  

heard  Nikolai’s  voice.    

“Ah,  you  are  awake.  You  were  sleeping  like  a  baby.  I  did  not  want  to  trouble  

you,”  he  said.    

I  eased  out  of  the  hammock,  holding  my  dress  down  at  the  sides  so  that  my  

bottom  wasn’t  exposed  and  stood  to  my  feet,  feeling  the  familiar  sands  between  my  

toes  once  again.    

“I  feel  so  stupid,”  I  told  him,  embarrassed  that  I  had  fallen  asleep.    
“Don’t  worry  about  it,  please.  You  made  me  happier  than  I  have  felt  in  30  

years,”  he  said.    

“It  has  been  some  time  that  I  have  felt  comfortable  enough  with  a  woman  for  

her  to  fall  asleep  in  my  arms.  It  was  my  pleasure.”  

I  blushed  and  brushed  my  hair  out  of  my  face,  before  locating  my  heels  and  

kicking  them  back  on.  I  found  one  of  my  earrings  on  the  ground,  which  must  have  

fallen  out  somehow  during  my  sleep.    

This  felt  like  a  walk  of  shame,  without  the  perk  of  mind  blowing,  sweaty,  

passionate  sex  the  night  before.  I  giggled  to  myself  at  that  thought,  suddenly  giddy  

by  the  high  compliment  that  Nikolai  had  paid  me.    

“Thanks.  Well,  I  suppose  I’ll  be  going  now,”  I  said.    

“Of  course.  Allow  me  to  have  one  of  my  drivers  take  you  back  to  your  hotel,”  

he  said.    

Big  no  no.    

He  seemed  like  a  nice  guy  and  all,  but  as  a  spy  in  a  strange  new  land,  I’m  a  

sitting  duck  out  here.  The  last  thing  I  need  is  for  him  to  know  where  I’m  staying.    

“No,  that’s  far  too  kind.  I  took  the  train  here  and  have  no  problem  taking  it  

back.  It  was  rather  fun,  actually,”  I  responded.    

He  smiled  and  nodded  his  head.    

“Yes,  our  transportation  system  is  quite  advanced  compared  to  what  you  are  

probably  used  to  in  your  country,”  he  said.    

Just  as  I  extended  my  hand  for  a  handshake,  he  pulled  me  in  for  a  tight,  warm,  

hug.  Nikola  was  about  6-­‐foot-­‐2  and  every  bit  of  220  pounds  of  chiseled,  clean  
muscle.  I  rested  my  head  against  his  chest  during  the  hug,  and  it  felt  just  as  calming  

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as  when  we  were  hanging  out  on  the  deck  last  night.  As  we  broke  the  hug,  I  offered  
him  a  smile,  and  felt  him  keep  a  grasp  on  my  wrists  as  I  was  getting  ready  to  walk  


“Forgive  me,”  he  said.    

‘This  might  be  too  forward  of  me,  but  I  wondered  if  you  might  accompany  me  

this  evening  before  I  leave  on  business  tomorrow  morning,”  he  said.  

“I  have  a  very  important  meeting  and  would  love  for  you  to  spend  just  one  

more  night  with  me.”  

I  was  flattered.  It  was  also  at  this  point  that  I  knew  my  career  would  be  in  

good  hands,  because  there  was  no  way  I  was  going  to  drop  the  ball  when  Nikolai  

was  giving  me  this  sort  of  access.    

Though  I  had  warm  and  fuzzy  feelings  from  last  night,  the  spy  in  me  was  

kicking  back  in,  and  I  knew  that  I  had  him  right  where  I  wanted  him.  If  information  
was  what  they  wanted,  information  was  what  they  were  going  to  get.  He  was  warm  
and  welcoming  to  me  based  on  my  personality  and  looks,  so  if  I  turn  things  up  a  

notch  tonight,  I  was  fairly  certain  that  I  could  crack  this  case  wide  open.    

“Why,  sure,”  I  responded,  making  note  of  the  happiness  in  his  face.    
“Besides,  we  still  have  a  story  to  work  on,  right?”    

Nikolai  pressed  his  hands  to  his  head.    
“I  had  forgotten  all  about  the  story!,”  he  exclaimed.  

We  shared  a  laugh  and  made  plans  for  tonight.  It  felt  like  a  date,  so  I  was  

excited,  but  it  also  felt  like  a  professional  break  through,  and  a  new  chapter  in  my  
life.  As  I  traveled  back  to  the  hotel,  my  mind  raced  at  a  thousand  miles  per  hour,  this  

time,  for  all  the  right  reasons.    


Spending  the  Night  With  the  Billionaire    
What  kind  of  work  does  he  do?  What  am  I  looking  for?  Most  importantly,  why  

is  he  considered  dangerous?  

These  are  the  questions  that  raced  through  my  head  as  I  soaked  in  the  tub  of  

the  hotel,  enjoying  the  burning  smell  of  vanilla.  I  had  lit  a  candle  and  a  stick  of  

incense,  and  it  helped  me  clear  my  mind  and  soothe  my  senses  after  a  meditation  
session  that  I  had  recently  completed.    

Meditation  always  helped  me  get  my  mind  together  before  going  back  into  

the  field  for  a  mission,  and  with  Nikolai  leaving  the  country  for  a  bit,  I  would  need  to  
close  the  deal  tonight.  I  needed  to  build  a  strong  enough  connection  for  him  to  want  

to  see  me  once  he  got  back  from  his  business  trip.    

I  had  my  game  face  on.    

I  waxed  my  legs  one  more  time,  took  care  of  my  lady  bits  and  splashed  myself  

with  the  finest  perfumes.  I  was  sexy  last  night,  but  I  had  to  be  stunning  tonight.  
Basically  the  course  of  my  life  depended  on  it.  I  couldn’t  afford  to  lose  the  job  or  face  

prison  time  for  my  indiscretions  all  because  I  failed  a  mission  during  my  
probationary  period.    

Nikolai  isn’t  going  to  know  what  hit  him  tonight.    

I  massaged  sweet  scented  lotion  into  my  breasts,  making  sure  that  I  provided  

a  little  extra  love  to  my  round,  perky  nipples.  I  had  beautiful  brown  areolas  that  men  

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loved,  and  I  wanted  to  be  sure  that  they  were  appetizing  in  case  Nikolai  happened  to  
see  them  tonight.  I  had  never  had  sex  with  a  subject  in  the  line  of  duty,  but  it  has  

never  been  off  the  table.  That’s  how  serious  I  was  about  my  work.    

I  rubbed  natural  oils  across  my  stomach  and  my  round,  brown  bottom,  which  

was  plump  and  curvy  in  all  the  right  places.  My  thighs  showed  signs  of  my  fitness  
programs  working,  as  they  were  soft,  yet  still  felt  strong  enough  to  kick  over  a  little  
car.  Men  loved  to  go  down  on  me,  because  I  would  nearly  suffocate  them  between  

my  legs  with  my  thighs,  bathing  them  in  my  sweet  juices,  as  they  bask  in  my  
feminine  aroma.    

When  I  slipped  on  tonight’s  dress,  which  was  a  little  lacier  and  a  lot  less  

formal,  I  made  sure  to  wear  my  special  fuck  me  pumps,  which  had  never  failed  to  
turn  heads.    

“Time  for  round  two,”  I  said  to  myself  as  I  gave  myself  another  once  over  in  

the  mirror.    

I  picked  up  a  fancy  purse  from  the  selection  of  about  a  dozen  that  I  had  to  

choose  between.  In  addition  to  Jessica  Hill’s  passport  and  travel  documents,  the  
prepaid  cell  phone  and  lots  of  cash,  I  slipped  in  a  .30  caliber  pistol.  If  I  was  going  to  
be  spending  time  alone  with  Nikolai  in  his  palace,  I  wanted  to  be  careful.    

I  had  no  reason  yet  to  suspect  foul  play,  but  as  a  spy,  you  can  never  be  too  


“Ah,  I’m  glad  you  were  able  to  make  it,”  Nikola  said  after  I  rang  his  bell.    
He  wrapped  his  arm  around  me  in  a  hung  and  pressed  his  cheek  against  

mine,  before  turning  and  planting  a  friendly  kiss.  I  smiled  and  clutched  my  purse  to  

my  body  tightly.    

“It’s  my  pleasure,”  I  told  him  sweetly,  as  I  walked  into  his  house  once  again.    

From  what  I  could  tell,  it  didn’t  even  look  like  a  party  was  thrown  here  the  

night  before.  The  place  looked  totally  clean,  with  most  of  the  lights  dimmed,  the  LCD  
flat  screen  televisions  displaying  soothing  images  of  nature  and  his  surround  sound  

speaker  system  playing  soothing  music.  The  guy  sure  knew  how  to  set  a  mood.    

A  maid  took  my  jacket  for  me,  exposing  my  naked  back  and  smooth,  ebony  

skin,  as  my  dress  was  backless.  I  could  almost  feel  Nikolai’s  mouth  water,  because  it  

was  clear  that  he  had  a  sweet  tooth  for  chocolate!  

My  hair  was  done  up  and  styled  tonight,  a  contrast  from  the  ponytail  that  I  

was  rocking  the  night  before.    

“Allow  me  to  give  you  a  tour,”  he  said.    
“I’d  like  that,”  I  responded.    

He  took  me  from  wing  to  wing,  room  to  room,  floor  to  floor,  and  that  is  when  

I  realized  that  his  mansion  was  even  more  immaculate  than  I  previously  thought.  He  

had  rooms  for  every  hobby  or  purpose  you  could  imagine.  At  least  five  of  the  rooms  
were  offices,  there  was  a  large  fitness  room  and  a  basketball  court,  a  boxing  ring,  
which  he  told  me  that  small  professional  fights  were  fought  at,  a  strip  club,  a  sex  

room,  countless  bedrooms  and  two  party  rooms,  with  dance  floors  of  varying  sizes.    

“You  have  more  than  I  could  ever  hope  to  have,”  I  told  him  at  the  end  of  the  

tour,  unable  to  contain  my  amazement.    

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“What  is  it  that  you  do  to  afford  all  of  this?”  I  asked,  putting  a  little  bit  of  

airheadedness  into  my  voice,  to  stroke  his  ego  and  keep  any  reservations  he  might  

have  about  sharing  with  me  at  bay.    

Nikolai  chuckled.    

“I  don’t  quite  have  everything,  though.  If  I  had  a  beautiful  woman  like  you  in  

my  life,  perhaps  it  would  be  there  icing  on  the  cake,  though,”  he  said.    

“But  in  regards  to  what  I  do  for  a  living,  that  is  quite  complicated.  The  easiest  

way  to  sum  it  up  would  be  to  tell  you  that  I  am  a  man  of  many  connections,  many  
relationships  and  many  investments.  Perhaps,  as  we  get  to  know  each  other  better,  
we  can  discuss  such  matters  in  greater  detail.”  

“I’d  like  that,”  I  said,  flashing  him  a  beautiful,  sincere  smile.    
We  walked  to  a  bar  area,  and  he  had  a  bartender  on  the  clock,  serving  

whatever  we’d  like.    

“I’d  like  a  gin  and  tonic,”  I  asked  politely.    
“Scratch  that.  The  lady  will  have  a  vodka  tonic.  Use  the  best  from  the  top  shelf  

collection  of  my  distillery,”  Nikolai  told  the  bartender.    

He  looked  to  me  with  a  smile.    
“You  just  learned  one  of  my  most  prized  investments,”  he  said.    

“Wow,  that’s  awesome,”  I  said,  genuinely  impressed.    
A  vodka  distillery?  There’s  got  to  be  more  here.  I’ve  got  to  get  closer  and  dig  

deeper,  I  thought  to  myself.    

“I  love  each  and  every  one  of  my  investments,  but  that  one  is  close  to  my  

heart,”  he  said.    

“So.  You  are  a  reporter,  you  are  working  on  a  story.  I  will  tell  you  everything  

you  need  to  know  about  me  on  the  record,  but  those  conversations  genuinely  bore  

me.  What  would  you  like  to  know  about  me  off  the  record?”  he  asked.    

This  is  it,  I  thought  to  myself.    
By  “it”,  I  don’t  mean  that  it’s  time  to  ask  him  all  of  the  inner  workings  of  his  

operation  for  the  past  ten  years.  No,  only  a  complete  rookie  spy  would  do  get  that  
over  excited.  I’m  a  little  more  seasoned  than  that,  but  realize  that  this  small  piece  of  
conversation  was  an  indicator  that  he  was  completely  comfortable  with  me.    

Rather  than  blowing  my  load  all  at  once,  I’d  communicate  with  my  

commanders  and  let  them  know  that  I  had  an  in,  and  would  need  more  resources  

and  money,  because  I  was  going  to  buckle  down  and  ride  this  mission  out  for  the  
long  haul.  Having  complete  trust  of  a  subject  was  the  hard  part,  but  when  you  have  
the  feminine  energy  that  a  warm  blooded  male  craves,  those  tough  jobs  become  just  

a  little  bit  easier.    

I  took  a  mental  note  that  I  had  his  trust,  and  instead  of  shooting  for  the  top  

with  my  questioning,  I  decided  to  start  things  off  light  and  fun.    

“I  have  one  question  about  you  that  I  am  dying  to  know  the  answer  to,”  I  said.    
I  paused  for  effect,  and  thanked  the  bartender  as  he  set  my  fresh  glass  of  

vodka  tonic  down  on  the  counter  right  in  front  of  me.    

“So…  Strip  club?  Sex  room?  What’s  the  deal  with  that?”  I  asked  Nikolai.  
He  immediately  broke  into  laughter  all  the  way  from  his  belly.    

“Ah,  I  should  have  known  that  this  question  would  come  into  play,”  he  said.    

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“Well,  when  you  work  as  hard  as  I  do,  with  virtually  no  days  off  and  an  

intense  life  schedule,  and  if  you  have  the  stress  that  comes  along  with  such  money  

and  responsibilities,  your  need  to  blow  off  steam  and  embrace  the  pleasures  in  life  
becomes  bigger  and  bigger,”  he  said.    

“I  can  understand  that,”  I  said,  taking  a  sip  of  my  drink.    
“This  vodka  is  delicious  by  the  way.  You  have  an  artistic  ethic  about  your  


“Many  thanks,  my  dear.  I  am  glad  you  enjoy  it,”  Nikolai  said,  graciously.    
“No  problem.  So,  which  of  these  pleasures  do  you  turn  to  the  most  when  you  

want  to  let  off  some  steam  and  enjoy  the  fruits  of  your  hard  labor?”  

Nikolai  smiled,  choosing  his  words,  as  if  he  knew  exactly  what  he  wanted  to  

say,  but  wanted  to  say  it  carefully.    

“Well,  put  it  this  way.  Money  is  wonderful,  food  is  delicious,  but  women  are  

God’s  finest  creation,”  he  said.    

“You  mention  an  artistic  quality  to  my  alcohol.  I  take  that  approach  in  

everything  that  I  do.  When  I  have  what  some  would  call  a  sex  party,  it  is  actually  an  
overall  sensory  experience.  The  women  are  beautiful  and  we  express  love  and  
sensuality.  There  is  a  natural  energy  that  flows  through  the  universe,  and  I  try  to  tap  

into  that  flow  in  all  that  I  do,  even  with  the  more  carnal  things  in  life.”  

“That’s  really  deep,”  I  responded,  incredibly  impressed.    

I  began  making  little  mental  notes  about  his  personality,  and  the  more  I  

learned,  the  more  I  wanted  to  know.  Sure  I  have  a  great  smile  and  a  nice  ass,  but  if  
he  truly  operates  based  on  the  principle  of  energy  like  he  says,  that  means  he  had  to  

have  seen  more  in  me  than  a  nice  piece  of  tail.    

There  were  plenty  of  gorgeous  women  at  that  party  last  night,  yet,  before  he  

leaves  this  magnificent  palace  for  a  few  weeks,  mine  was  the  last  face  that  he  wanted  
to  see.    

“So,  why  did  you  want  me  to  come  visit  you  before  you  left  on  business?”  I  


He  took  a  sip  of  his  drink,  vodka  on  the  rocks,  and  then  spoke  his  mind.    
“Well,  once  again,  I  hope  I  do  not  offend.  But  when  speaking  of  the  universe  

taking  a  natural  order,  I  believe  that  love  transpires  in  the  strangest  of  places,  the  
most  unlikely  of  coincidences.  And  while  I  don’t  believe  in  love  at  first  sight,  I  do  

believe  that  it  is  not  hard  to  notice  the  seeds  well  before  they  are  ready  for  harvest,”  
he  said.    

I  was  touched.  Flattered,  amazed  and  touched.    

I  had  never  had  a  man  speak  from  the  heart  in  this  way,  unapologetically  and  

poetically,  with  realistic,  blunt  honesty  and  hopeless  romanticism  all  interwoven  

into  the  same  cocktail.  His  charisma  was  intoxicating,  and  though  the  mission  was  
the  number  one  thing  on  my  mind,  this  didn’t  feel  like  work  anymore.    

Nikolai  was  an  enigma  and  I  was  drawn  to  him.  If  it  meant  that  I  had  to  ride  

the  wave  of  his  energy  to  crack  that  enigma,  for  the  better  of  my  job,  then  that  would  
be  time  well  spent  and  very  much  enjoyed.    

We  kicked  back  and  enjoyed  each  other’s  company  at  the  bar,  before  

retreating  to  the  backyard  makeshift  beach  area  again.  It  didn’t  have  the  same  magic  
as  the  night  before,  because  in  some  strange  way,  it  felt  like  we  knew  each  other  this  

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time.  We  were  firing  conversation  back  and  forth  with  very  little  silence  and  much  
intrigue  in  each  topic  that  came  up.  In  a  way,  it  felt  that  we  had  known  each  other  

for  years.    

By  the  time  the  sun  went  down,  it  was  clear  that  I  didn’t  have  to  worry  about  

falling  asleep  outside  again.    

“I  have  early  travel  tomorrow  morning.  I’m  not  quite  ready  to  go  to  sleep,  but  

I  do  need  to  lay  down  and  rest  my  body,”  he  said.    

“I  would  be  quite  honored  if  you  would  spend  the  night  with  me,  and  perhaps  

we  can  continue  this  conversation  upstairs.”  

“I’d  enjoy  that  a  lot,”  I  said.    

He  put  out  a  torch  that  had  been  lit,  and  we  traveled  up  his  winding,  

seemingly  never  ending  spiral  staircase.  His  mansion  was  truly  breathtaking,  and  

the  master  bedroom  was  the  only  room  that  he  hadn’t  shown  me  yet.  If  the  rest  of  
the  house  looked  like  this,  I  could  only  imagine  what  was  in  store  for  me  upstairs.    

When  we  got  to  his  bedroom,  a  man  in  a  suit  with  a  head  set  was  standing  

guard.  Nikolai  nodded  to  the  man  and  the  man  nodded  back.  I  could  tell  by  the  way  
he  was  standing  that  he  was  armed,  well  trained  and  that  he  knew  how  to  handle  
himself.  I  made  sure  to  make  my  walk  and  body  language  more  dainty  so  that  he  

was  not  able  to  get  the  same  read  on  me.    

That  might  sound  like  I’m  reading  too  into  it  or  over  compensating,  but  

people  who  are  trained  in  the  way  we  are  can  always  sense  when  we’re  in  the  
presence  of  another  highly  skilled  individual.  Nikolai  opened  the  door  to  the  
bedroom,  and  it  looked  like  a  palace  in  itself.    

He  had  ridiculous  views  of  the  city,  a  huge,  sprawling  bed  with  shades,  five  

52-­‐inch  televisions  positioned  throughout  the  room,  couches  and  the  most  elegant  

gold  mirrors  imaginable.  He  took  off  his  watch  and  tossed  it  onto  a  dresser,  before  
plopping  down  onto  the  bed  and  stretching  his  arms  and  legs,  taking  a  load  off  for  
the  day.    

“Join  me,”  he  said.    
I  kicked  off  my  fuck  me  pumps  and  set  my  purse  gently  onto  the  ground  

beside  the  bed,  making  a  mental  note  of  exactly  where  I  placed  it,  so  that  I  could  

quickly  access  my  gun  if  necessary.    

Just  as  I  began  to  get  comfortable,  I  heard  the  door  open.  Two  completely  

naked  women  with  large  breasts  and  full,  pouty  lips,  entered  the  chambers  bearing  
fruit  trays  and  champagne.    

“Thank  you,  ladies,”  Nikolai  said.    

“Thank  you,”  I  also  said,  politely,  taken  aback  at  the  fact  they  were  naked.    
The  women  kissed  Nikolai  on  the  cheek  and  then  walked  out.  I  couldn’t  help  

but  stare  at  their  shapely  asses  as  they  strolled  out.  These  women  were  easily  
Playboy  centerfold  material.  I  was  impressed.    

“The  simple  pleasure  in  life,”  Nikolai  said,  before  breaking  out  into  hearty  


I  laughed  with  him  and  sipped  on  the  champagne,  allowing  the  bubbles  to  

tickle  my  nose.  I  set  the  glass  down  on  the  antique  nightstand  beside  me  and  turned  

to  Nikolai.  He  looked  back  at  me  and  brushed  his  hand  across  the  nape  of  my  neck,  
sending  a  series  of  chills  down  my  spine.    

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“You  are  so  beautiful,”  he  said  softly.    
I  felt  my  body  getting  weak  for  him.  I  don’t  care  how  many  martial  arts,  

weight  lifting  and  firearms  training  sessions  I’ve  endured,  I  was  a  sucker  for  a  man  
who  knew  how  to  touch  a  woman,  and  my  neck  was  my  sweet  spot.  Before  I  could  

recover,  Nikolai  leaned  forward  and  pressed  his  lips  against  my  own,  kissing  me  for  
the  first  time.    

His  kiss  was  sweet,  soft  and  gentle,  and  he  opened  his  mouth  gently,  allowing  

his  tongue  to  just  barely  graze  my  lips,  as  though  he  wanted  to  taste  them  a  bit  
before  going  further.  And  go  further  we  did—I  felt  his  hand  rub  across  the  skin  of  
my  back,  causing  my  spine  to  come  alive,  and  his  tongue  against  mine  made  my  

heart  flutter  a  million  paces,  while  my  mind,  very  much  in  the  moment,  was  locked  
in  on  the  energy  and  raw  sexuality  that  he  was  putting  forth.    

I  touched  my  hand  to  his  face,  feeling  his  five  o’clock  shadow  against  my  hand  

and  loving  the  masculinity  he  possessed.  He  kissed  me  very  subtly  on  the  cheek  and  
down  to  my  collarbone,  sliding  my  dress  to  the  side  ever  so  gently  so  that  he  could  

suck  on  the  top  of  my  breast.    

His  hands  reached  up  from  my  hips  to  my  breasts,  squeezing  them  firmly  into  

his  hands  in  circles,  feeling  every  square  inch  of  my  D  Cups  and  savoring  the  touch.  

My  heavy,  brown  breast  cleavage  jiggled  through  my  dress  as  my  breathing  
accelerated,  sensing  the  heat  in  the  room  rise.    

He  pulled  my  dress  down  from  the  front,  exposing  my  chocolate  breasts,  

which,  for  as  big  and  plump  as  they  were,  still  stood  at  full  attention,  with  erect  inch  
long  nipples  that  I  loved  to  have  bitten  and  sucked  hard.  Nikolai  picked  up  on  that  

signal  and  pinched  my  nipples  hard  between  his  fingers,  causing  me  to  moan  as  I  
dropped  my  head  back  in  ecstasy.    

“Oh,  Nikolai,”  I  moaned  sweetly,  as  his  tongue  explored  my  chest,  tasting  my  

sweet  nipples  as  his  mouth  moved  back  and  forth,  showing  some  love  to  the  flesh  
underneath  and  massaging  my  breasts  firmly  in  his  strong  hands.  I  loved  the  way  his  

warm  hands  felt  against  my  naked  chest,  and  I  felt  heat  spread  between  my  thighs.    

“Your  brown  skin  is  so  sweet,”  he  said  between  licks,  as  his  tongue  trailed  

from  my  breasts  all  the  way  down  to  my  navel,  as  he  pulled  the  dress  down  around  

my  rump,  exposing  my  lace  black  thong,  which  tightly  packaged  my  pussy.  He  
admired  my  body  as  he  pulled  the  dress  down  slowly,  down  my  chocolate  thighs  and  

past  my  ankles  and  pedicured  toes.    

He  tossed  my  dress  to  the  floor  and  grabbed  me  by  my  ankle,  massaging  my  

inner  thigh  in  one  hand,  while  massaging  my  foot  in  the  other.    

Nikolai  planted  his  lips  against  the  top  of  my  toes,  the  side  of  my  foot  and  

then  the  bottom  of  my  foot,  before  gliding  and  tracing  his  tongue  all  the  way  back  to  

my  ankle  and  up  to  my  toes  again.    

“Mmm  hmmm,”  I  moaned  for  him  as  my  breathing  sped  up  even  more.    
I  laid  on  my  back,  enjoying  the  way  he  was  catering  to  me  and  treating  my  

body  like  it  was  a  delicious  work  of  art.  He  opened  his  mouth  wide  and  placed  my  
toes  against  his  tongue,  swirling  his  tongue  around  and  sending  strong  sensations  
directly  to  my  clit,  causing  the  muscles  between  my  legs  to  spasm.  Wetness  ran  

between  my  legs  and  my  entire  body  was  sensitive  to  the  touch  for  him,  basking  in  
his  sweet  pleasures.    

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I  locked  eye  contact  with  Nikolai  as  he  sucked  my  toes,  kissed  my  calf  

muscles  and  reached  his  hand  up  between  my  legs,  sliding  them  gracefully  across  

my  inner  thigh,  before  smacking  my  bottom  and  my  folds  through  my  lace  thong.  It  
felt  like  light  discipline  and  made  me  feel  like  a  bad  girl,  causing  my  love  to  swell  

with  tension.  My  legs  shook  as  he  pulled  his  body  weight  up  and  laid  on  top  of  me,  
kissing  me  on  my  belly  button  and  down  to  my  hips  and  my  waist,  grasping  the  
straps  of  my  thong  in  between  his  teeth,  pulling  my  panties  down  past  me  private  

parts,  down  my  thighs  and  past  my  ankles.    

I  lay  there  in  this  plush  billionaire’s  bed,  completely  naked,  as  he  had  my  

thong  in  his  mouth,  like  a  hunter’s  souvenir  after  a  conquest.  He  confirmed  it  by  

smelling  them  deeply,  allowing  my  feminine  essence  to  tickle  his  nostrils,  before  he  
slid  my  panties  into  the  pocket  of  his  slacks  for  keeps.    

He  rubbed  my  thighs  and  looked  me  in  my  bedroom  eyes  with  dominance,  as  

I  bit  my  lip  and  fumbled  with  my  hair,  flashing  my  puppy  dog  face.    

“Please  go  down…”  I  said  with  a  shiver,  as  Nikolai  rubbed  my  leg  intently.    

He  slowly  began  unbuttoning  his  dress  shirt,  pulling  it  from  his  broad  

shoulders  and  allowing  it  to  slip  down  past  his  wrists.  He  let  it  fall  to  the  bed,  while  I  
admired  his  rippled  and  chiseled  muscles.  He  had  pumping  biceps,  rock  hard  abs  

that  begged  for  me  to  lick  them  and  shoulders  that  could  crush  mountains.  When  he  
pulled  down  his  slacks  and  silk  boxers,  stepping  out  of  them,  I  saw  the  pinnacle  of  

masculinity  in  its  rawest  form.    

His  hips  looked  like  they  were  well  worked,  and  that  they’ve  brought  sweet,  

loud  lamentations  from  many  a  woman  when  he  had  her  legs  in  the  air  and  put  his  

motion  in  action,  punishing  her  with  his  cock.  His  piece  was  a  thick  8-­‐incher,  fully  
waxed,  with  balls  the  size  of  Grade  A  eggs  and  a  fat  helmet  that  I  wanted  to  wrap  my  

lips  around  and  suck.    

He  knelt  down  between  my  legs,  with  his  naked  bottom  in  the  air,  kissing  my  

inner  thigh,  nibbling  on  the  cheeks  of  my  bottom  and  the  flesh  on  both  sides  of  my  

folds,  where  my  thighs  and  hips  meet.  My  flower  begged  for  his  touch,  as  his  thumbs  
and  fingers  were  spread  strategically  just  out  of  reach,  while  his  thumbs  tickled  my  
round  booty.    

His  lips  danced  across  his  inner  thighs,  all  the  way  to  my  sweet  pussy,  and  I  

felt  the  warmth  of  his  mouth  tease  it  to  life,  and  boy,  did  he  have  me  sizzling.    

“Yes,  baby.  Just  like  that,”  I  whispered,  losing  my  breath  as  he  came  closer  

and  closer  to  kissing  me  on  my  other  lips.    

He  buried  his  face  into  my  love,  licking  my  licks  like  he  wanted  to  bathe  every  

square  inch.  I  felt  him  breathing  in  my  delicious  scent,  as  his  slipped  his  tongue  
inside,  while  massaging  my  hood  with  his  upper  lips.    

“Oh,  my  God,”  I  panted,  as  sweat  began  to  trickle  down  my  forehead.    
I  couldn’t  just  lay  here.  I  wanted  to  taste  him.    
I  sat  up  and  motioned  for  Nikolai  to  rest  his  legs  gently  on  both  sides  of  my  

face.  I  was  going  to  suck  him  while  he  tasted  my  pussy.  Sixty-­‐nine  was  my  favorite  
position  and  I  wanted  to  feel  him  in  the  back  of  my  throat  until  it  hurt.    

Nikolai  repositioned  and  straddled  my  face,  while  he  went  back  to  my  sweet  

entrance,  spreading  the  flesh  apart  with  his  fingers  and  teasing  my  sensitive  love  
button  with  his  tongue.    

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His  erect  pink  rod  hang  heavily  in  front  of  my  lips.  I  pulled  his  thighs  down  

over  my  face,  so  that  I  could  control  how  many  of  his  inches  bypassed  my  lips  and  

pressed  up  against  my  moist  tongue.    

We  pumped  each  others  faces  for  the  better  part  of  a  half  hour  until  our  

throats  hurt.  Once  I  felt  my  pussy  swell  to  volcanic  levels  of  tension,  I  rolled  Nikola  
over  onto  his  back  and  faced  him,  with  a  look  in  my  eyes  that  let  me  know  he  was  
my  target,  and  he  was  going  down.    

I  sat  on  his  cock  and  slid  it  all  the  way  inside  of  me,  spreading  my  legs  wide  

apart  and  holding  myself  up,  so  that  I  could  ride  him  like  a  surfboard.  I  squeezed  the  
palms  of  my  finger  tips  into  his  chest  and  took  the  reins,  as  I  began  shifting  my  hips  

up  and  down  so  that  he  went  in  and  out,  in  and  out,  my  bottom  spanking  his  balls  in  

“Y-­‐y-­‐you’re  perfect,”  he  whispered,  keeping  eye  contact  as  he  held  on  tight  to  

my  hips  as  I  rode  him.    

I  was  riding  one  of  the  richest  men  on  the  planet,  and  got  a  jolt  of  

extraordinary  confidence  recognizing  that,  and  put  it  on  him  like  only  a  bad  girl  
could.  My  breasts  bounced  heavily  up  and  down  as  my  breathing  quickened,  and  I  
felt  as  though  I  was  near  my  climax.    

He  looked  like  he  was  close  too,  so  I  timed  it  in  a  way  that  we  would  cum  


When  I  felt  his  fingers  squeeze  sharply  into  my  booty,  I  went  into  over  drive  

and  bucked  him  like  a  bronco,  until  my  sweet  flower  contractor  with  multiplicity,  
my  spine  fired  electricity  and  I  saw  and  tasted  colors  that  I  have  never  before  

experienced,  as  my  orgasm  sent  me  to  another  universe.    

“Oh,  fuck.  Oh  fffuuuck,”  I  moaned  sweetly  and  desperately,  as  my  body  shook.    

Nikolai  held  me  close  to  his  chest  as  I  came,  and  my  mouth  hang  open  against  

his  neck,  muffling  my  moans.    

When  we  came  back  to  earth,  the  entire  feeling  in  the  room  was  serene.  This  

sex  was  mind  blowing,  and  felt  like  a  lot  more  than  a  physical  affair.  I  wanted  to  see  
him  again,  and  I  know  he  felt  the  same.  

“I  want  you  to  stay  here  while  I’m  gone,”  Nikolai  said,  as  if  reading  my  mind.    

“Are  you  sure?”  I  asked,  shocked.    
He  nodded  his  head  and  kissed  me  on  the  lips.    

“My  staff  will  take  good  care  of  you.  I  want  you  to  make  yourself  at  home,  so  

that  we  can  pick  up  where  we  loft  off  when  I  get  back.  When  do  you  have  to  go  back  
to  work?”    

I  had  to  think  about  it  for  a  second,  remembering  that  I  was  playing  the  role  

of  Jessica  Hill,  a  reporter.  

“I  don’t  have  set  timetable,  as  long  as  I  get  my  st—“  
“Quit  your  job,”  Nikolai  said  abruptly.    
I  looked  at  him,  speechless.  Though  I  was  undercover,  I  wouldn’t  have  

imagined  that  things  would  move  this  rapidly.  It  was  what  I  needed  to  hear  though,  
and  something  I  would  enjoy  on  a  personal  and  professional  level.    

“OK,”  I  said  simply,  before  resting  my  head  onto  his  chest.    

We  lay  there  until  we  fell  asleep,  and  he  stayed  inside  of  me  until  he  got  soft.    

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I  rolled  off  of  him  in  the  middle  of  the  night,  and  as  if  on  cue,  was  jolted  by  the  

buzzing  of  Nikolai’s  smart  phone,  which  was  sitting  on  his  nightstand.  The  glow  of  

the  screen  felt  like  it  lit  up  the  entire  room,  and  it  beaconed  to  me,  as  if  this  was  an  
omen.  I  looked  at  Nikolai  once  more  to  make  sure  that  he  wouldn’t  wake  up.    

I  reached  over  and  surprisingly,  he  didn’t  have  any  sort  of  lock  on  his  phone  

to  read  his  messages.  The  message  I  read  featured  details  about  the  meet  up  
tomorrow,  and  it  appeared  to  focus  on  the  dealing  of  military  grade  weapons.    

I  closed  out  of  the  phone  quickly,  not  wanting  Nikolai  to  wake  up  due  to  the  

light  shining  in  his  face.  My  heart  sped  up  until  I  felt  it  in  my  throat  and  the  side  of  
my  face.    

That  message  didn’t  tell  me  everything  I  needed  to  know,  but  it  made  the  

picture  just  a  little  clearer.  I  made  mental  notes  of  everything  I  read,  and  tried  my  

best  to  fall  asleep.    

It  was  tough,  because  my  body  was  racing  with  adrenaline,  and  for  a  lot  of  

reasons.  For  one,  I  just  made  a  large  breakthrough  in  my  case.  Plus,  getting  the  

chance  to  live  like  a  queen  in  a  lavish  European  mansion  wasn’t  a  bad  perk.    

But  lastly,  and  to  my  biggest  surprise,  I  acknowledged  to  myself  that  I  was  

quickly  falling  for  the  target  that  I  was  supposed  to  be  chasing.  Though  I  hoped  this  

second  chance  would  straighten  things  out  in  my  life,  it  seemed  as  though  once  
again,  the  forces  of  nature  had  conspired  to  put  me  in  a  position  where  my  life  

would  be  changed  as  a  result  of  mixing  business  with  pleasure.    













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Thank  you  for  reading!  To  show  my  appreciation,  enjoy  a  sneak  preview  of  
one  of  my  naughtier  pieces  of  work,  “Sex  in  the  Champagne  Room”,  available  

in  the  Kindle  Marketplace.  

Sex  in  the  Champagne  Room  

By  Marlo  Peterson  


The  curling  iron  on  the  sink  created  a  burning  scent  that  lingered  under  

Tammy’s  nose.  As  the  hair  iron  sat  beneath  the  mirror,  virtually  unattended,  
Tammy’s  mind  wandered  to  a  place  it  hadn’t  in  a  while.    

Should  I  go  back  to  school?    


Hell,  it’s  not  like  she  needed  the  money  anymore.  Dancing  had  served  its  

purpose  as  far  as  that  goes.  She  had  enough  stashed  away  in  the  bank  to  last  a  while.  
And  truth  be  told,  money  was  only  half  of  the  equation.  She  explained  to  her  friends  
who  knew  about  her  job  that  it  was  a  way  to  pay  the  bills.  But  when  she  was  alone  

with  her  thoughts,  in  a  moment  like  right  now,  she’d  be  honest  enough  to  admit  the  
real  reason  she  started  stripping—it’s  fucking  hot.  

Tammy  was  the  shy  girl  in  high  school  who  watched  porn  like  a  dude,  but  

would  be  called  a  prude  by  anybody  who  didn’t  know  better.  She  watched  all  the  so-­‐
called  hot  girls  jump  from  guy  to  guy,  but  was  always  too  self-­‐conscious  to  go  that  

route.  Having  hoe  thoughts  is  one  thing,  but  Tammy  didn’t  want  to  become  the  girl  
around  school  who  earned  a  reputation  for  the  wrong  reasons,  so  she  kept  it  low  
key  for  the  most  part.    


Because  of  her  introverted  ways,  the  boys  in  school  didn’t  pay  her  any  mind.  

Stupid  boys.  


If  only  they  knew  they  were  passing  up  a  girl  with  the  inner  freak  and  sexual  

knowledge  of  a  woman  twice  her  age.  Tammy  didn’t  have  it  all  figured  out  herself,  
back  then  either,  though.  She  actually  thought  something  was  wrong  with  her  

because  her  panties  would  get  moist  with  zero  effort.    

All  it  took  was  the  right  kind  of  daydream,  or  for  her  eyes  to  wander  

downward  when  looking  at  the  guy  across  the  classroom,  who  thankfully  had  

chosen  to  wear  sweats  that  day.  As  he  looked  toward  the  teacher  or  took  notes,  
Tammy  had  to  swallow  to  fight  back  the  saliva,  as  her  mouth  watered  eyeing  his  

bulge,  which  leaned  ever  so  delicately  to  the  left.  She  could  tell  that  her  eyes  gave  
away  her  desperation,  because  her  loud  mouthed  friend  Yolanda  would  always  
catch  her  staring.    

“Girl,  just  go  to  his  house  after  school  and  tell  him  you  want  to  sit  on  his  dick,  

if  you’re  going  to  stare  at  it  all  day!”  Yolanda  teased,  whispering  at  the  volume  of  

someone  with  little  self-­‐awareness.    

Tammy  would  quickly  snap  out  of  it  and  start  taking  notes,  not  actually  

having  a  clue  what  was  going  on  in  class.  She  went  her  entire  senior  year  thinking  

she  was  some  sort  of  nymphomaniac.  While  the  other  girls  seemed  to  sex  
themselves  up  for  the  attention  of  the  boys,  Tammy  would  roll  her  eyes,  smelling  the  
phony  on  them.  They  were  her  peers,  but  somehow,  Tammy  felt  like  she  was  10  

years  older  than  the  girls  she  went  to  school  with,  though  they  were  actually  getting  
the  dick  they  wanted,  while  she  sat  in  class  frustrated  every  day.    

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By  the  time  the  last  week  of  school  rolled  around,  she  couldn’t  take  it  

anymore—it  was  almost  cruelty  at  this  point.  She’d  have  to  catch  herself  sometimes,  

because  before  she  knew  it,  her  eyes  were  shut  and  her  hand  had  magically  
wandered  to  her  cat.  When  she  felt  the  firm  press  of  her  own  hand,  she’d  snap  out  of  


She  never  knew  if  anyone  noticed,  but  after  a  while,  she  began  getting  off  on  

the  idea  of  being  caught.  Tammy  would  even  open  her  eyes,  hoping  to  lock  eyes  with  

someone  across  the  room.  She  promised  herself  that  if  this  happened,  she’d  just  bite  
her  lip  and  massage  her  pussy  more,  burning  even  hotter  at  the  idea  of  putting  on  a  
private  show,  while  a  class  of  50  people  was  none  the  wiser.  

With  about  four  days  left  until  graduation,  Tammy  was  on  fire.  She  sat  in  

class  every  day  so  horny  that  she  couldn’t  take  it  anymore.  Still  seeing  no  takers  for  

her  coochie  rub  viewing  party,  she  had  a  scratch  that  needed  to  be  itched.  It  was  as  if  
all  three  of  her  holes  were  sorely  missing  something  hard.  Something  stiff.    

Mmm,  damn.  I  need  more  than  my  hand  or  some  toys,  she  thought  to  herself.  

She  took  a  hall  pass  and  excused  herself  to  the  restroom.  Tammy  did  have  a  

big  ass  toy  collection,  but  there’s  no  way  she  was  going  to  make  it  through  the  
school  day.    

As  she  approached  the  bathroom,  prepared  to  take  care  of  herself,  she  froze.  

Principal  Jackson’s  office  was  about  30  yards  down  the  hallway.  Tammy  had  a  thing  

for  Principal  Jackson  since  freshman  year,  when  he  was  just  a  social  studies  teacher.  
However,  seeing  him  get  that  promotion  did  something  to  her.  There’s  just  
something  about  a  well-­‐groomed  chocolate  brotha  in  a  suit.  

She  stood  by  the  bathroom  door  for  about  30  seconds,  knowing  she  wasn’t  

going  in.  Once  Principal  Jackson  crossed  her  mind,  Tammy  was  a  woman  possessed.    

There’s  only  four  days  left  in  school,  what’s  the  worst  that  can  happen?  
Her  swollen  pussy  had  already  made  its  decision.  Tammy  wandered  up  the  

hallway  toward  Principal  Jackson’s  door  without  a  plan  and  without  a  care.  The  

palm  of  her  hand  pressed  up  against  the  cold  doorknob,  and  Tammy  hesitated  for  a  
fraction  of  a  second,  before  entering.  

Jackson  glanced  up  from  a  stack  of  paperwork  on  his  desk  and  leaned  back  in  

a  large,  black,  plush  ergonomic  chair.  He  seemed  slightly  annoyed  by  the  intrusion,  
which  faded  to  a  puzzled,  somehow  knowing  look.  

Tammy  stood  in  the  doorway  frozenly  focused,  much  like  the  eerie  moments  

in  the  Paranormal  Activity  movies.  Principal  Jackson  broke  the  silence.  

“Tammy,  right?  May  I  help  you,  young  lady?”  

As  soon  as  she  heard  his  baritone  voice  say  her  name  and  noticed  the  light  

moisture  that  formed  from  his  cherry-­‐colored  lips,  Tammy  was  aching.  The  

moisture  she  felt  between  her  legs  was  the  only  thing  that  kept  her  knees  from  
going  weak,  and  the  heat  she  felt  empowered  her.    

Tammy  thought  back  to  this  moment  as  she  sat  at  her  mirror,  tickled  by  her  

boldness.  It  was  almost  as  if  it  were  yesterday.    

Teenage  Tammy,  very  much  hot  in  the  ass,  had  made  a  beeline  to  the  other  

side  of  Principal  Jackson’s  desk,  and  in  a  blur,  she  tasted  leather  and  her  knees  felt  

the  pleasing  sting  of  the  rock  hard  floor.  Before  Principal  Jackson  could  utter  
another  word,  Tammy  had  begun  unbuckling  his  belt  with  her  teeth,  growing  

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insatiably  hungry  for  what  was  in  his  pants,  as  she  felt  it  beat  against  her  chin,  
growing  and  rising  as  her  aggressiveness  enticed  his  blood  to  flow  south  toward  her  

wanting  young  lips.  

Principal  Jackson  began  half  heartedly  pushing  her  away,  still  not  entirely  

processing  what  had  happened.    

“Tammy,  you  have  to  stop.  Tammy,  Tam—“  
He  couldn’t  get  out  the  last  “Tammy,”  because  she  was  successful  in  her  

conquest.  Tammy  had  her  lips  wrapped  around  his  snake,  and  hummed  with  
pleasure  as  the  sound  of  her  obnoxiously  wet  slurps  filled  the  room.  She  bobbed  her  
head  on  his  dick  with  rhythmic  cadence,  not  wanting  to  be  anywhere  else  in  the  

world  right  now.    

Finish  saying  my  fucking  name,  Tammy  thought  to  herself,  pleased  that  she  

had,  by  dropping  to  her  knees,  reduced  the  most  powerful  man  in  the  school  to  
someone  who  had  temporarily  forgotten  how  to  speak  the  English  language.    

The  door  remained  wide  open,  and  Tammy  heard  the  shuffling  of  feet  as  

other  administrators  passed  by  the  doorway  from  time  to  time.  If  only  they  knew  
what  was  going  on  underneath  Principal  Jackson’s  desk.  

Their  arrangement  continued  every  day  until  graduation.  Tammy  would  

show  up  unannounced  at  some  point  in  the  day  and  get  her  fix  of  a  mouthful  of  
principal  cock  ramming  between  her  tender  lips  and  giving  her  tongue  something  

warm  and  smooth  to  taste.    

She’d  suck  on  his  long,  black  dick  for  entire  class  periods  sometimes,  but  

would  lose  her  composure  once  she  felt  his  firm,  strong  hand  palm  the  back  of  her  

head  or  the  nape  of  her  neck,  controlling  the  bounce  of  her  head  until  her  face  
became  his  personal  fuck  toy.  Whenever  Principal  Jackson  fed  her  his  cock  that  way,  

Tammy  would  glance  up  and  make  eye  contact,  enraptured  seeing  him  enjoying  her  
slutty  little  mouth.  She  loved  this  give  and  take  of  power,  and  would  always  cum  as  
soon  as  they  locked  eyes.    

As  waves  of  tiny  orgasms  vibrated  throughout  her,  she  was  soon  rewarded  

with  a  deposit  of  boiling  hot,  sticky  cum,  which  she  pleasingly  slurped  from  the  head  
of  his  dick,  causing  him  to  twitch  and  unleash  grunts  and  expletives  that  somebody  

had  to  have  heard.    

Without  saying  a  single  word,  Tammy  would  rise  from  her  knees  and  go  back  

to  class,  leaving  Principal  Jackson  quivering  and  naked  from  the  waist  down.  
Sometimes,  she’d  even  savor  his  juice  beneath  her  tongue  throughout  the  day  for  as  
long  as  possible,  praying  that  no  one  spoke  to  her  and  made  her  have  to  finally  

swallow  the  load  in  order  to  respond.  Tammy  stored  his  nut  in  her  mouth  an  
especially  long  time  on  the  last  day  of  school,  since  she  knew  it  was  probably  the  last  

time  she’d  ever  see  him  again.    

She  hasn’t  seen  him  since.    
“Sugar  Rayne!  Get  ready  to  hit  the  stage!  I  don’t  pay  you  to  sit  on  your  ass  all  

night,”  Robert  Hill,  the  club  promoter  shouted,  snapping  Tammy  out  of  memory  

Tammy,  whose  stage  name  is  Sugar  Rayne,  now  noticed  the  burning  stench  of  

her  curling  iron,  which  had  been  unattended  due  to  her  reminiscing.  As  she  snapped  

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out  of  it,  she  glanced  at  the  mirror  in  front  of  her,  and  noticed  Robert,  looking  fatter  
and  angrier  than  usual.    

“Yes,  Mr.  Hill,”  Tammy  said,  grabbing  the  iron  and  quickly  applying  it  to  her  


Read  “

Sex  in  the  Champagne  Room

”  by  Marlo  Peterson  


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