Mahogany Brown Deadly Beauty [MF] (pdf)

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Deadly Beauty


Mahogany Brown

© copyright by Mahogany Brown, July 2010

Cover Art by Alex DeShanks, July 2010

ISBN 978-1-60394-442-7
New Concepts Publishing

Lake Park, GA 31636

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This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s
imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or
events is merely coincidence.

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Chapter One

“How was the memorial service?”

Kor’Re turned to look at his chief of security. He shrugged a shoulder. “The

same as any other I’ve attended, only that it was my father.”

“How’s your mother doing? Were your Cyrillian relatives okay with the human


“My mother is fine. The relatives … well they were a little disappointed since

they wanted him cremated. But they didn’t want to make a scene in front of the human
relations for once. How were things here?”

“Fine. I informed the clients of the situation here. I explained that you were

away due to a family issue.”

Kor’Re nodded. He inserted the card key into the horizontal slot next to his office

door. After a small click, the door slid back to allow entry. He frowned at all the data
pads on his desk.

“You’ve got a lot to catch up on.”

“I figured that. It’s just that I’m hoping that all this,” he said pointing to the data

pads on his desk, “doesn’t have to do with that damn Xabo. I don’t know how my father
tolerated him. You have no idea how many times I wanted to reach over and throttle the
bastard when I had to sit in on those meetings with him and my father. The man was
slimy … even with that reptilian skin of his. I used to ask my father why he even agreed
to see him knowing that he was nothing more than a common criminal.”

“He still is. What did your father say?”

“That you just had to watch out for their duplicity which they have in spades

apparently. You do that and you should be fine … unless they try to kill you. Then it’s
a different set of rules.”

“Good advice. I heard that he just took over that new bio - mech lab called


Kor’Re stared at Alex. “What? When the hell did that happen? I was scheduled

for a meeting with their CEO next month to talk about the new line of nanotech that they
wanted us to test to see if it was viable for alien use. They couldn’t have been so
impatient that they made a deal with Xabo. No way.”

“Who said anything about making a deal? The CEO met with an unfortunate

accident three days ago and his successor just handed everything over to Xabo.”

“Just like that?”


Kor’Re laughed bitterly. “How much do you want to bet that Xabo arranged that


“I wouldn’t put it past him. Though I wonder whether he ate him or not. Some

Tellarans have a penchant for human flesh. Remember when they first arrived? All the
kidnappings? And the police had no idea why there was never any ransom and the bodies
never showed up?”

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“I remember. Then it was found out that the victims were being eaten. My father

told me all about it. Crazy.”

“And he’ll be after BioSys next. He’s always wanted it.”

“Over my dead body.”

“Mr. McGregor?”

Kor’Re turned around to see his secretary, an attractive brunette named Laura,

behind him. She gave him a big smile.

“Good morning, Laura.”

“Morning, boss. Condolences regarding your father.”

“Thank you. So, tell me what’s up besides all those data pads on my desk?”

“Those are just business proposals from overseas. And some from off world —

the Tellaran home world to be exact. Wasn’t sure how interested you would be in them.
I checked the closing dates and you have a month to respond if you’re interested in any of
them. The board did make some recommendations and I included those on a data pad as
well and placed it on your desk. What’s up is that Xabo from the house of whatever is
here to see you.”

“From the House of Hhan. You know they make a big fuss about which house

they belong to.”

“Whatever. I’d like to burn down his house. Why don’t they have last names like

the rest of us?”

“You mean like you humans? He isn’t human remember.”

“How could I forget? The last time he was here his bodyguard left dead scales all

over the reception area. It was gross.”

“Tellarans do tend to shed a lot during their molting season. Wait … he doesn’t

have an appointment.”

“No, he does not. And I told him that you are very busy and … ”

Kor’Re sighed heavily. “It’s all right, Laura. Give me ten minutes and then send

him to my office.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Ten minutes and then send him in.”

“Okay, boss,” she said and headed back down the hall.

Alex gave him an owlish look.

“What? If I don’t deal with him now then I’ll have to deal with him later. And I

may not have the patience later. After all, what’s he going to do if I refuse his latest
offer? Eat me? I'm only half human.”

“As your head of security I would kindly ask you not to joke about that.”

“You worry too much, Alex.”

“I have to. Tellarans aren’t that crazy about humans prospering even if it is our

planet. They thought that they would have had us all enslaved by now. And you may
only be half human, but you’re still half.”

“When did you become such a mother hen? I’ll be fine. Besides I have

influential partners who could care less about what some Tellaran gangster has to offer.”

“But you know I have to say certain things. Later, boss.”

A rapid knock on his office door a few minutes later, made Kor’Re look up

sharply. Xabo. He put away all the data pads. No need to let him see what he might be
getting involved with. Not that any of the potential clients would do business with Xabo

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anyway. Many knew his background and the fact that it hadn’t changed. Never mind
that he owned a legitimate business. That was for appearances only. Xabo had not
gotten his legitimate business legitimately. Rumor was that he had been nothing more
than a maintenance worker at the bio mech lab that he now owned. And then it just so
happened that the president didn’t show up for work one day. Ten days later, documents
surfaced naming Xabo as CEO. To this day — five years later — no one knew what had
happen to Edgar Wallace. Kor’Re figured that Xabo probably ate him to get rid of the

Another knock interrupted Kor’Re’s thoughts. He pressed a button on his desk.

The door slid aside. Xabo strode in. He looked well tailored for a reptile. His greenish
black scales gleamed under the bright office lights. The dark grey tunic flowed over his
powerful body. Xabo’s thick tail swished noiselessly behind him.

Kor’Re stood up from behind his desk and offered a hand. “Xabo, how are

things? I’d offer you a seat, but unfortunately the chairs aren’t made to accommodate
your tail.”

Xabo accepted the extended hand and smiled. “Think nothing of it. Though the

ones that your father used to have in here did. Curious that you have gotten rid of them.
But I have no aversion to standing. I am not sure if you are aware, but I just acquired

“Yes, I did hear that. Congratulations. That will make your portfolio look rather

nice. But I didn’t that know ImageTech was in the market to sell their business. They
were thriving from what I heard. They were even getting contracts from off - world.
Rare for a totally run human company these days. Something changed I guess.”

“I am sure that your father told you how unpredictable this business can be. A

business can be flourishing today and then tomorrow it needs someone to take hold of the
reins because it’s sinking.”

“And ImageTech was sinking? I really find that hard to believe.”

“Hard to believe? I thought as well. But as I said this business is unpredictable.

By the way, I was notified that you had a meeting with Thomas Gilles, but he
unfortunately had a fatal accident.”

Kor’Re almost asked whether Xabo had arranged it, but held his tongue. Thomas

had expressed fears to both Kor’Re and his father about Xabo. Kor’Re’s father had told
Thomas to hold his ground and hopefully Xabo would go away. It seems that that wasn’t

“Yes, I heard. What exactly happened?”

“I have no idea,” Xabo said and spread his large hands wide. “He went out

boating alone as he often does and when he didn’t come home when he was expected, his
mate got worried. She tried to contact him, and when he did not respond she called the
authorities. They went searching for him and found him dead on his boat. I am sure that
an investigation will shed some light. Well, whatever you had to discuss with him you
can discuss with me.”

“It was nothing special. We were just going to shoot the breeze as the humans

say. I had no plans for BioSys and ImageTech to work together on any projects.”

“Perhaps in the future?”

“BioSys has enough at the moment. My father had a lot of projects that he had

started. And there are a few that I will be pursuing in the next few years. If you will

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excuse me, Xabo, I really have to get back to work. There are a lot of things that I need
to deal with.”

“But of course. I understand. With your father’s passing it must be difficult for

you. And since you are new at this … ”

Kor’Re frowned. What the hell was he talking about? “I’ve been in the business

for … ”

“I meant that now you are at the helm instead of being in your father’s shadow.

Your father was an impressive businessman. You do have quite the standard to live up
to. If you need any advice please contact me. I would be more than happy to assist you.”
Xabo extended his hand.

Kor’Re accepted the hand Xabo offered. “I’m sure that I’ll be all right. I watched

my father for years as he grew this business and I’m sure that I can handle things and
continue to grow the business.”

Xabo gave Kor’Re a toothy smile and nodded. “Of course. My condolences as

regards your father. He will be greatly missed.”

When Xabo left his office, Kor’Re slumped in his chair. He swiveled the chair to

look out the large window. Ask Xabo for help? That was a joke. Before he turned back
to his desk, Kor’Re noticed that the sky had gotten dark. A storm was brewing.

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Chapter Two

Lightning flashed across the dark sky. Thunder rumbled shortly afterwards. As

an afterthought, the wind decided to join as well. Debris skittered across the deserted
street in a bizarre dance.

Gabrielle pulled her little sister, Emma, into an abandoned storefront when the

rain began to fall. There was no use for them to get wet and get sick. Hopefully, the rain
would stop before it got dark. She didn’t want to be walking home with Emma when it
got dark. If they got mugged, she would have a hard time keeping them both safe. Not
that they had much to steal: just a half loaf of rye bread, some cheese and Mr. Lee’s
herbal tea. Unless, of course, they were mugged by someone who was hungry. Yeah,
that was more likely in this neighborhood. Gabrielle unzipped her coat and put the small
shopping bag inside. If no one saw it, then they couldn’t try to take it from her.

A distant sound caught Gabrielle’s attention. She pushed Emma farther behind


“Don’t say anything, ok?”

Emma nodded.

Moments later, heavy footsteps echoed on the empty street. Three menacing

looking Tellarans walked past. Now there was a familiar sight. You could always count
on a group of them terrorizing someone or another — if you were human that is.

One of the Tellarans, wearing a long dark coat, grinned at her. He winked.

“Hey, sweets. Out for a little walk?”

Gabrielle pretended that she didn’t understand. She just looked at him.

“You do not understand me, is that it?”

He started over to her, but the other two stopped him.

“No time. Maybe after the job is done,” one of the other Tellarans said and

grinned. “If not, we can go looking for her. She must live around here somewhere.”

“Be back, sweets. No hiding now. Even if you do, I will find you.”

Gabrielle just stared at the Tellaran. When they were a safe distance away,

Gabrielle relaxed. She had to get back, now. She knew Tellarans. If she and Emma
were still on the street when they finished whatever vile business they had here, she and
Emma would be in trouble. And she also knew that if they said that they were coming
back to look for her, then they would.

Emma wiggled out from behind Gabrielle and looked up at her. Her brown eyes

were bright. Gabrielle smiled down at her. She was small for a five year old, but she was
still healthier than some of the other children her age and older in this neighborhood.

“Are we going home now, Gaby?” Emma asked.

Home was a martial arts studio. Luckily, Mr. Lee, the owner, had agreed to take

them in. Gabrielle used to attend his classes once a week, but when her parents got laid
off, they couldn’t afford to send her anymore.

At first Mr. Lee had been hesitant to take them in, but she explained that her

parents were dead and she and Emma had nowhere else to go. They had been thrown out

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of their apartment complex because they couldn’t pay the rent. And the Cyrillian
landlord was not in the habit of giving out charity. She had to pay or get out. And there
wasn’t anyone else that they could stay with.

Gabrielle even opted to find shelter somewhere else, but she just didn’t want

Emma living on the street. He let them both sleep in his attic room. It was small and
there were no windows, but it was warm and dry.

She repaid him by cleaning the studio and running small errands for him. And he

showed his gratitude by personally training her in martial arts. He had stopped teaching
three years ago, but had said that she should learn to protect herself and Emma if need be.

Today he had asked her to pick up a few things, but he had told her to be sure to

be back before evening as it was not safe. But Emma had seen a playground and wanted
to go on the swing. Gabrielle hadn’t wanted to stop, but Emma had never seen a
playground before and probably wouldn’t get the chance again. She couldn’t deny her
baby sister that.

Gabrielle had heard a rumor that this part of the city was scheduled for demolition

in two years. She guessed that the Cyrillians wanted this part of the city. Whenever the
mood moved them, they ousted the humans and made more Cyrillian friendly cities for
the next batch of aliens emigrating to the planet.

If that were true, Gabrielle didn’t know where she and Emma were going to live.

Even Mr. Lee had said that he had nowhere else to go if he were forced to leave. Most of
the people who lived in this neighborhood couldn’t afford to live in any of the other
exclusive human neighborhoods. And they would not be wanted in the neighborhoods
that catered to the Cyrillians or Tellarans either.



“Are we going home now?”

“Yes, we’re going home now. But I want to wait until the rain lets up a bit

otherwise we’ll get soaked. Don’t worry, we’ll be going soon. Okay?”

The little girl nodded emphatically. “Okay. But what about that lizard man?

What did he say to you?”

Gabrielle paused with a slight smile thinking how she could explain this. Well,

Tellarans were like giant lizards minus the forked tongue so she guessed Emma’s
observation was correct.

“He was just asking us if we were lost.”

Emma didn’t understand the Tellaran language, but Gabrielle knew that she had

to teach her at some point. Emma needed to learn the language.

The rain began to fall harder. Gabrielle moved in front of Emma to protect her.

The next time she had some money she would buy Emma some rain gear. She laughed to
herself. When she had money. What a joke. She hadn’t had her own money in like
forever. Any credit chip she had was from Mr. Lee. And given the fact that he had taken
her and Emma in, she wouldn’t dare steal from him.

Even when her parents were alive she had only ever had her own credit chip once.

And it was only for twenty credits. Everything she had now was either found from her
weekly garbage rummaging or what she traded with other people.

Even if she were to get some money she would have to spend it on food for both

of them. Well, more for Emma. Gabrielle could go without eating for a couple days if

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she had to. And she had. But Emma would need food and clothes — especially warm
clothes since winter was coming. They couldn’t spend another winter in their threadbare
coats. They didn’t even have boots, only ratty sneakers.

“Gaby, do you miss Mom and Dad? Do you remember them? I don’t. Is that


Bending down, Gabrielle hugged her little sister, pushing the tight little curls from

her face. If Emma only knew how much she missed them. Sometimes she would lie
awake wondering what the hell she was going to do. When they were forced to leave this
neighborhood where would they go? She wouldn’t find someone like Mr. Lee who
would take her in. Not unless she agreed to sell her body. Gabrielle had thought about
that option. It would be her last resort. She wanted to have enough money that she could
take care of herself and Emma, but she didn’t want to have to sacrifice her self - respect
to do it.

“No, it’s not bad. You were still a baby. But we have to keep going. It’ll get

better one day. I promise. Come on, the rain’s stopped.”

“Can I have some hot chocolate with my soup tonight?”

“Sure and I even have marshmallows.”

“Yeah, marshmallows! I love marshmallows. Do you love marshmallows,


“Not as much as you do.”

It had cost Gabrielle her dark grey wool sweater to get the small bag of

marshmallows. She hadn’t any money, but the store owner was willing to trade. That
grey sweater had been the only item of warm clothing that she had, but it was worth the
trade to see the smile on her littler sister’s face.

As they neared the martial arts studio, Gabrielle heard glass breaking. Her first

thought was that someone had broken in. Not the first time. She pulled Emma along.
Loud shouting was heard moments later. The voice wasn’t Mr. Lee’s. Actually, the
shouting wasn’t in English.

Now what?

Gabrielle handed the small grocery bag to Emma and led her around to the back

of the building. “Go upstairs and lock the door. Don’t come down or open the door.
Wait until I come and get you.”


The shouting got louder, followed by the sound of a weapon firing.

Emma held onto Gabrielle. “Gaby, I’m scared.”

Yeah me too.

“It’s going to be okay. Just go upstairs and lock the door. Remember, don’t

open it.”

She waited until Emma was upstairs and locked in and then ran back around to

the front. She looked through the glass pane of the front door. A Tellaran held Mr. Lee
by the neck. With his other hand he shoved a plasma gun in Mr. Lee’s face. Mr. Lee’s
feet dangled off the ground.

Gabrielle felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. She recognized the alien.

It was the one that had spoken to her earlier. So this was where they were going. This
she didn’t need to deal with. He must be part of the organized alien gangs that Mr. Lee
talked about sometimes.

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He used to tell her that if these gangs had their way they would probably enslave

this whole section of the city. Gabrielle wondered if they already did. Maybe that’s why
the police never cared much about what went on here. Most of the crimes here went
uninvestigated. Gabrielle couldn’t count how many times she had been woken up by
weapons fire and screams.

The Tellaran now held the gun to Mr. Lee’s forehead. Gabrielle frowned. Why

wasn’t Mr. Lee fighting back? She had seen him take on aliens this size with ease and
throw them out on their asses. What was going on here?

Whatever was going on, she had to do something. If Mr. Lee was killed then she

and Emma might as well be dead too. She ran inside. The Tellaran swung around to face
her, his weapon aimed at her. He grinned and threw Mr. Lee to the ground. When Mr.
Lee tried to get up, he was shot in the leg. Mr. Lee groaned and fell onto his back. The
scent of charred flesh filled the air shortly after.

“Stay put. We are not done yet,” he said in Tellaran. He turned back to

Gabrielle. “Well, what is this? A pretty little human morsel for me to enjoy after I finish
up here. Wait, I know you. You were in that storefront. Well, how about that? This is
certainly my lucky day.”

“Leave him alone. We don’t have anything that you could possibly want,” she

replied in Tellaran.

He blinked in surprise.

“Yeah that’s right I understood what you said. Now understand this: Get lost!”

“What did you just say to me? I do not take orders from anything female.”

“But you rape them. Is that it? And now you’re beating up on an old man. A

human one at that. Bet you can’t take on a Tellaran your own size.”

The smile left his face. He scowled at her, his yellow eyes blazing. “You are

going to regret that. After I am done with him, I am going to teach you a lesson. One
you will not forget.”

Gabrielle stepped away from him until her back hit the wall. She reached behind

her and took down one of the katanas from the wall. She slid the razor sharp blade from
its sheath. If this scaly asshole wanted a fight she would give him one. She bit her lip as
she watched him shoot Mr. Lee again. The blinding blast caught the old man in the chest.
His skin sizzled slightly. Mr. Lee’s body twitched. Gabrielle would get medical help for
him after she had taken care of this bastard.

“You had better put that down before you hurt yourself.”

“You had better leave before I hurt you.”

She raised the blade. If he thought that she had chosen this weapon because it

was there he was in for a surprise. She and this blade had become intimate friends in the
last four years. He ran at her. She sidestepped, swinging the blade. The Tellaran hit the
wall. He turned to face her and then stopped. He looked down. The front of his coat
was sliced open.

“You little bitch,” he hissed. He holstered his weapon. “I will use my bare hands

on you. You will beg me to kill you ... ”

He charged again, trying to pin her to the wall. Gabrielle moved out of his way.

She swung the blade again, and brought it down hard. It sliced through his forearm. He
swore and staggered back, away from her. She advanced on him. The next swipe got
him across the face. The skin on his face sliced open. Gabrielle had expected him to

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slow down, but he didn’t. Even as blood seeped out of his wounds he just stood there
grinning at her.

“Come on,” he said. “Come at me again. We Tellarans are not so easy to kill.

You humans are puny and pathetic. Now, why don’t you put that sword down? I am
sure that we can come to an agreement. I do not want to have to kill you. Not right

Gabrielle’s eyes went to his tail. It swayed innocently. But it was far from

innocent. If he hit her with it, she’d be paralyzed in minutes and vulnerable to whatever
vile treatment he would subject her to. She backed away to give herself some space. He
swiped at her with his tail. She stepped back and raised the blade again. The tip of his
tail came off.

“Arrrgh!! ” His eyes went to the twitching tip of his tail on the floor. Thick

yellow slime oozed from it.

He turned back and ran straight for her, trying to grab the blade. She let go when

he caught it and he stumbled backwards, tripping over the body of Mr. Lee. The blade
fell from his hands. Gabrielle ran to the wall and grabbed another katana.

As her hand closed around the handle of the blade, she felt herself being picked

up off the floor.

“If you do as I say, I may decide not to kill you after I am done with you,” he

hissed in her ear. His breath smelled liked rancid flesh. The ragged tip of his tail
hovered near her face.

When he ran his rough tongue over her ear, Gabrielle inverted the razor sharp

blade and sent it into his midsection. He made a sound like an ‘urk’ and dropped her.
Gabrielle turned and raised the blade, feeling the rage build inside her and went in for the
kill. She pushed the blade deep into his chest and twisted. Slippery yellow entrails burst,
sending their liquid contents on her and all over the floor. Gabrielle slipped in the slime,
but saved herself from hitting the floor. She pulled the blade out a little then pushed it in
him again. The blade hit something hard. The jarring of the blade sent a shooting pain
up to her shoulder. She pulled it out and the alien fell heavily to the ground. He grabbed
for her again. She stepped out of the way.

Gabrielle grinned and raised the blade. “Maybe this will teach you not to attack

old people.”

The alien’s head fell back, but it was not quite severed. She hadn’t the strength to

make a clean cut through his thick reptilian skin. His head lobbed to the side, while his
blood dripped onto the floor. Gabrielle watched. Her face became a mask of horror at
the macabre scene of a nearly severed head.

Gabrielle pulled his weapon from its holster and aimed at his head. Whitish jelly

erupted in a white flash.

Gabrielle dropped the gun and wiped her blade on the now dead alien’s coat and

walked over to Mr. Lee. She put down the katana and held him.

“Just hold on. I’ll see if I can get someone from the clinic.” Her eyes went to the

charred flesh of his chest. He would need some serious medical attention. The clinic
might not be enough help, but it was all she could do for now.

“It’s … okay … save yourself … ”

“I’m not leaving you. Just hold on. I’ll just run down to the clinic … ”

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He gave her a small smile and held onto her hand. Mr. Lee shook his head. “Too

… late. Just … get Emma away from here. Be … safe. Be careful.”

“I’m not leaving you. Why didn’t you fight back? Why did you let this happen?”

He squeezed her hand, gave her another small smile and then he closed his eyes.

“Ah, dammit,” she whispered.

Gabrielle laid his head gently back on the floor. She picked up the blade and

headed towards the attic stairs. She had to get Emma out of here. Even though she had
killed in self - defense it would still mean big trouble if he were a member of a Tellaran
gang. As her hand went on the door handle that led to the attic stairs the door opened.

Another alien stood there. But he wasn’t Tellaran. He was Cyrillian. He was as

large as the Tellaran that she had just killed only he didn’t look half as menacing. That
didn’t mean he was any less dangerous. The long jacket he wore was open and gave
Gabrielle a view of the two guns that he had strapped to him. Emma was held tightly in
his grip. Tears were streaming down her face.

His dark eyes looked over Gabrielle appreciatively. He looked past her. “You

killed Mak?” he asked in English. He sounded impressed. “Well, he was probably
asking for it. He did tend to piss off everyone. This yours?” he asked, nodding to Emma.

“Let her go.”

“I wish I could, but you interrupted our business here. Our boss won’t take kindly

to you knocking off his pet hit man. But you have my thanks. Couldn’t stand the
asshole. I probably would have killed him myself soon enough.”

“You came here first and caused trouble. We didn’t do anything.”

The Cyrillian grinned. “Exactly. You and the old man were supposed to be out

of here last night. He was sent the notice last month that you were supposed to vacate the
premises. You’re still here. If you had done what you were asked to we wouldn’t be
here now.”

Gabrielle stood there confused. Why hadn’t Mr. Lee told her? She might have

been able to find somewhere to go. Where she didn’t know, but she would find some
place. Damn.

“I didn’t know. I never saw the notice. Let my sister go and then we’ll leave.

We won’t say anything. I promise.”

“I don’t think I can do that. You killed someone. The authorities should be

notified. Killed the old man as well.”

“I didn’t kill him.”

“The authorities won’t believe you. They are a lot of gangs around here. Human

gangs. They’ll think you’re part of them. The way you killed Mak they won’t believe
you if you say that you aren’t. You nearly decapitated him and then shot him in the head.
The old man couldn’t have done it. It had to be you.”

“But he was trying to … ”

Gabrielle rubbed her forehead in frustration. He was right. The police would not

believe her. They’d think she was some street kid who broke in and caused trouble.

She sighed. “So what are you going to do? Take me in to the police?”

He laughed. “Do I look like the authorities are friends of mine? My boss has

some clients who don’t mind their females on the younger side or human. How are old
are you?”

She hesitated.

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“How old are you?”


“I guess in human years that will do.” His eyes flicked over her body. “Your

figure looks alright too. If my boss decides to sell you, he’ll get a good price.”

Sell her? She’d rather cut her own throat. “And what about my sister?”

“I’m sure we can find a family who wants a little girl. If not, the orphanages are

always taking children whether they are human or not. Most don’t last too long. But at
least she’ll have a roof over her head and something to eat until then.”

“No! I want to stay with Gaby,” Emma said. She struggled in the Cyrillian’s grip.

He tried to keep her from squirming. She bit his hand. He dropped her. She ran into
Gabrielle’s arms. “Gaby, don’t let him send me away. Please.”

“No one is going to send you away.” Gabrielle raised the katana when the

Cyrillian stepped closer. “As you can see, I’m not helpless. I killed your buddy and I
can kill you too if I have to.” Gabrielle bent down and hoisted Emma on her back. “Hold
on tight and don’t let go,” she whispered.

“You’re pretty brave. I suppose you had to be to take on Mak. That was quite

impressive. Most just take one look at him and surrender.”

“When you live in this part of the city you have to be able to protect yourself.”

“I guess you need to do that a lot given the way you look. I bet you have males

trying to get between those legs of yours all the time.” He titled his head to one side. “I
think my boss would really like to meet you. He might not even sell you. Keep you for
himself I’m sure.”

She risked a glance to the side. There was no one. If there were anyone else with

him, they would have made an appearance by now. She had to make a run for it while
she had the chance.

“Sorry, I don’t have time to meet anyone right now.”

“Maybe you should make time.” He advanced towards her.

Grabbing the blade tightly, Gabrielle swung out. The Cyrillian yelped as the

blade sliced through his hand. Gabrielle took off running.

Thankfully, Emma was light. Even if she weren’t, Gabrielle would run all night

with Emma on her back to get away if she had to.

“Hold on tight, Emma.”

Coming up to the end of the block the rain started to fall harder. She would have

to take the monorail. She couldn’t risk Emma getting soaked. Gabrielle held the katana
tighter and ran over to the subway entrance. She ran down the stairs, and headed down to
the trains. She pushed past an old man who was buying a pass. The android ticket taker
— no more that a head and torso with short arms — stretched out its metallic hands for
the train pass as Gabrielle went past.

“Excuse me,” the tinny automated voice said. “You did not show me your pass.

Please show me your pass. Thank you.”

Gabrielle ignored it and kept running. It wasn’t like it could come after her

anyway. And at this time of night there were no security guards. One of the reasons why
most people didn’t ride the subway at night. You were on your own if there was any
trouble. There was a faint rumbling coming from the tunnel. Good, a train was coming.
Looking back she could see her pursuer. But someone else had joined him. Shit.
Another Cyrillian. Where the hell did he come from? She was in trouble now.

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Once the train stopped, Gabrielle got on and headed down the car. She set Emma

down and opened the door that connected the two cars. Emma grabbed onto Gabrielle
and they both walked through to the other car.

“There she is!”

Gabrielle didn’t look back, but kept walking between the cars.

“Gaby, why are they chasing us?”

She didn’t have time to explain anything right now. “Just hold on Emma, okay? I

have to make sure that we get away safe.”

“But why? Did we do something bad?”

Gabrielle sighed in frustration. “Emma, listen to me. Those are bad men … we

have to get away from them.”

At the last car Gabrielle walked all the way to the end and told Emma to stay put.

Gabrielle bent down and kissed her sister on the forehead. She would fight until she
couldn’t. If she found that she would end up dying, she would kill Emma and then
herself. She’d push them both from the car. Hopefully their deaths would be quick once
they hit the electrified rail.

Sorry Mom and Dad. I know you told me to take care of Emma, but I might have

to go back on that promise.

The door at the other end of the subway car opened. The two Cyrillians walked

up to her. She raised the weapon out in front of her. The one whose hand she had cut
had wrapped a white handkerchief around his wound. The other one was bald. He gave
her a smile.

“Seems like you ran out of train,” he said.

Gabrielle didn’t respond, only raised the katana higher. She stepped in front of

Emma. If they came at her, Emma would be protected, somewhat.

“My name is Vtak. What’s yours?”

Was he kidding? Here she was ready to fight for her life and sister’s and this guy

was asking her what her name was.

Vtak sighed. Whether in exasperation or boredom, Gabrielle wasn’t sure. He

reached into his pocket. Gabrielle tensed. If he had a gun, the katana wouldn’t do her
much good.

He pulled out a personal data pad and tapped the screen. Seconds later she could

hear a voice come from the device. Gabrielle couldn’t quite hear what was being said as
Vtak had turned his back to her. A few moments later he faced her and held up the data
pad to her.

She didn’t look at it. “Am I supposed to call someone?”

“No,” a voice said from the pad. “I want to speak to you.”

Gabrielle slid her eyes over to the small screen. It took her a few seconds, but she

recognized the alien on the screen. The Tellaran crime lord, Xabo. She had watched
news broadcasts about him. It was rumored that he owned almost all of the city’s
criminal ventures.

It was said that he had come to earth to escape punishment for his crimes on his

home world. He had come to earth seeking asylum and was given it as the human
government was not about to argue with any of the alien races that had taken up residence
on the planet. Only too late had the government realized who he was. And Xabo made
sure that he covered his tracks. The police couldn’t touch him since to date they had no

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direct evidence to his criminal activities. And neither the Tellaran nor Cyrillian
authorities could find the evidence they needed to convict him. Mysteriously all police
files on him had vanished. So he was safe.

Unfortunately, Gabrielle and Emma weren’t. When he found out that she had

killed one of his thugs, she knew she was dead.

“I don’t want to talk to you. I want you to call off your thugs and leave me and

my sister alone.”

“I was told that you took out one of my thugs as you put it. My enforcer. I paid a

lot for his services.”

“Well, it wasn’t money well spent. He wasn’t very good. And he was asking for


“Well, I have no way of verifying that. I sent him there to do a job and you

prevented that.”

“I don’t see how. It looked like you sent him to take care of Mr. Lee and he did.

Mr. Lee is dead. You can do whatever the hell you plan to do now. There’s no one to
stop you. So you can just let me and my sister go. You let us go and you will never see
us again.”

Which was true. But now they really had nowhere to go. They hadn’t even had

time to pack their meager belongings.

“Tempting offer, but I cannot do that. You cost me an employee. An expensive

one at that. He was one of my best hired guns. Given the way crime is on this planet,
one cannot be too careful. It is even worse than on my home planet.” He grinned. “Well,
I suppose I could just get myself a cyborg. They are becoming increasingly popular. Or
maybe I should make you pay for it. What do you think? Fair? You did cost me an
employee and it is only fair that you replace him.” His yellow eyes were like flames as he
looked her over. Gabrielle felt her skin crawl.

“With what? Do I look like I have money?”

“No, you do not. But I have an idea how you can repay me.”

She could only guess what his idea was.

He laughed, surprising her. “From your expression I think I know what you think

I have in mind. But I was not thinking that. At least not right now.”

“So then what? You’re going to kill us?”

“Kill you? No, no. I have a proposition for you.”


“A proposition. A deal.”

“Which is?” This she had to hear. She couldn’t possibly fathom what this alien

could offer her. It would be something that she had no interest in she was sure.

“I like to discuss certain things in person. And from what Vtak has told me, you

could use a nice warm place to stay for the night. It can get cold if you are outside at
night. You would not want your little sister to get sick, would you? I am surprised that
section of the city was not condemned a long time ago. It should have been. Highest
crime rate, pollution and the gang activity there is just terrible. Not a place for someone
and her younger sister I would think.”

“I heard a rumor that it is going to be rebuilt.”

“Not a rumor. I will be responsible for that. I am going to rebuild Old Toronto. I

rather like the city. A shame that it has gotten so run down. When I first emigrated here

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from the Tellaran home world, Old Toronto was the first place I lived. It is the least I
could do.”

“Is that why you wanted Mr. Lee out?”


So it was probably Xabo’s men who had been burning down the buildings and

terrorizing everyone. The attacks did seem too organized to be just random gangs
causing grief.

“But what about the people who live there? Are you going to just throw them


“Yes,” he said without hesitation. “I cannot rebuild the community if people are

living there. Of course if they can afford to live in the new community then they are
welcome to move back in. I am not partial to who lives on my property as long as they
pay the rent. You are shivering. Cold?”

She was, but Gabrielle refused to confirm it by answering.

“What about your little sister? She looks cold.”

Gabrielle turned to Emma. Her clothes were wet and she was shivering.

Gabrielle cursed silently. If she didn’t get Emma somewhere warm, she would get sick.
Gabrielle had no money for medicine.

She turned back around. “Okay, what is your proposition?”

“I believe I said that I like to discuss things like that in person.”

“I’m not being yours or anyone else’s whore and you’re not putting my sister in

an orphanage. And neither of us is being sold to anyone either. If that’s your plan then
you’re wasting your time. I will fight your guys instead.”

“You may be killed.”

“I’ll do what I have to do. I took out your hit man. So if these guys aren’t as

good as he was then I shouldn’t have that much trouble with them.”

“My, you are brave.”

She shrugged.

He nodded. Whether in approval or in agreement, she didn’t know.

“Well, I would hate to see someone as skilled as you are with that weapon die

needlessly. And I do not want to lose any more of my employees. We should discuss
this. I promise that it will be to your advantage and your sister’s. You do want to take
care of her, do you not?”

Gabrielle didn’t like how he was using her guilt towards Emma against her. But

at the same time, she knew that there was a chance that she would end up dead. And did
she have any right to end her sister’s life? Gabrielle turned to look back at her sister.
Gabrielle took off her jacket and wrapped Emma in it.

“Gaby, I’m cold,” she whined. “And I want my soup.”

“Your reply?” Xabo asked behind her.

She blew out a frustrated breath.

“All right. But remember what I said. I’m not a whore and my sister stays with

me or you’ll see just how skilled I am with this blade.”

“Duly noted. Vtak take care of … I am sorry I do not know your name.”

“It’s Gabrielle and this is Emma.”

“Gabrielle. I like that. See you both soon, Gabrielle.” The image flickered off the

small screen.

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Emma tugged on Gabrielle’s sleeve. “Do we have to go with the bad men?”

“Yeah, we have to, for now. But don’t worry I will keep you safe,” she said and

took her little sister by the hand.

Even if she had to kill Xabo and everyone that worked for him, Gabrielle would

do it to keep her little sister safe.

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Chapter Three

Vtak nodded to Gabrielle when the train stopped at the next station to indicate for

her to exit. She and Emma exited the car. Vtak held her elbow, not too tightly and
accessed his data pad again. He spoke for a few minutes and then led her out of the
station with the other Cyrillian behind her. They stood waiting under the small awning
over the entrance until a large black shuttle came silently down the empty street. At least
it had stopped raining. Vtak stepped back to let them in first when the door slid open.
When he reached out to take the katana, Gabrielle hesitated.

“I’ll make sure that it’s taken care of.”

Gabrielle reluctantly gave it to him. Besides she couldn’t hold onto Emma and

use it. Vtak held on to it and helped her and Emma into the back seat. He got in beside
her. The other alien had gone over to the other side of the shuttle.

“Xabo’s home,” Vtak told the driver. He turned to a small compartment and

opened it. He took out a soft looking blanket and handed it to Gabrielle. “Here, to keep
you warm.”

Startled, it was a few seconds before Gabrielle registered the gesture. She took

the blanket, but wrapped it around Emma instead.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

Gabrielle pulled Emma into her lap. Soon Emma was asleep. Gabrielle was

exhausted, but she didn’t dare sleep. She didn’t trust these aliens. Gabrielle felt sick and
weak from anger and guilt. She knew that she would regret going with these men. She
knew that she would regret it for a long time if not for the rest of her life. But what could
she do?

“How long have you been using that blade?” Vtak asked.

“Four years.”

“No shit. That’s all? And you cut down Mak like that? Damn, you’re pretty

good. He was one of the better fighters Xabo had — or so I was lead to believe.”

She snorted. “Didn’t seem that way to me. If he was the best fighter there was no

way I could have killed him.”

“True. Or maybe he was just taken off guard because you are female — and


“You should never underestimate your opponent. That’s how you end up dead.”

That was the first lesson Mr. Lee had taught her. She fought back the tears when

the image of his dead body came to her mind.

“You know human martial arts too?” Vtak asked.

She nodded.

“Me too. I have always found human martial arts a very impressive fighting

form. I like jujutsu myself. What do you know?”

“I know judo and karate.” She gave him a sideways glance. “Why are you being

so nice to me?”

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The big alien gave her a smile. “The boss said to take care of you. And that’s

what I’m doing. I’m not so bad. I can be very helpful to you. You and I become friends
and things can go very well for you.”

Yeah right. What kind of friendship are you talking about I wonder?

“What if he told you to kill me and my sister?”

“Then I would have,” he said flatly. “He’s the boss. I do what he tells me.

That’s what he pays me to do. To do what he says. It would be nothing personal of
course. What happened to your parents?”

“An alien virus killed them.”

“They died? Why? Medicines were made available from the alien medical

community. Didn’t they get the medication? Both the Tellaran and Cyrillian medical
labs made them available. It was being sold at all the medical clinics. Your parents
didn’t have to die.”

“Very few of the clinics where we lived had the medication and the ones that did,

charged through the nose for it. My parents used what little money they had to give me
and sister the meds so we wouldn’t get sick. They couldn’t afford enough for all of us.
So they died. Maybe if the medication hadn’t been so expensive then more people would
have survived. The government should have offered it for free considering that it might
be an ongoing problem. But only the rich who get sick survive. Everyone else just has to
wait around until they die or watch members of their family die.”

“The medication is affordable, Gabrielle. If your human government decided to

profit from it who’s to blame? Those who provided it or those who distributed it?”

Gabrielle had to admit that what he said made sense, but didn’t tell him that.

Instead, she yawned and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to talk any more. She didn’t
like the way these two aliens were trying to get all chummy with her. She was sure it was
just all an act to get her to trust them. From this point on, she would trust no one. She
and Emma might be safer that way.

Gabrielle turned and looked out the window. She could barely make out the

scenery outside the window. And it had started raining again. She could no longer see
the tall buildings of the city. Wherever Xabo’s home was it wasn’t nearby.

Gabrielle turned away from the window and laid her head back. She was

suddenly so tired. Whether from her fight with Mak or the stress from the whole
situation she didn’t know. She just knew that her whole body ached and she wanted to
sleep, but dared not to.

But despite not wanting too, Gabrielle did fall asleep.

She bolted awake when Vtak gently shook her.

“We’re here,” he said. He helped her out of the shuttle.

Gabrielle stood there awestruck. Xabo’s home looked like a small hotel. She had

never seen a house so big in her life. Bright lights illuminated the grounds, showing off
the well - tended lawns and flowerbeds. No flowers as yet since it was still a little too
cold, but the amount of shrubbery told Gabrielle that this garden had to be gorgeous in
the summer. All the windows were large and shuttered. It was probably beautiful on a
summer afternoon when the sunlight came in through the windows.

She couldn’t see what color the brick was, but it was light colored. Maybe a light

tan or beige. The roof was flat with a railing that looked like it went around the

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circumference of it. Some kind of sun deck Gabrielle guessed. Vtak gently urged her
forward. She stumbled a little with the weight of her sister.

He reached out a hand to catch her. “I could carry her if you’d like.”

She held onto Emma tighter. “No, that’s okay. Are we in a human community?”

“No, a Cyrillian one.”

“I thought Cyrillians didn’t want anyone but their own kind in their

communities,” she muttered.

“They don’t. But our boss garners a certain amount of … respect if you will.”

Gabrielle figured as much.

“After you,” Vtak said, gesturing to Gabrielle to go up the front steps.

Gabrielle walked up to the steps and waited while Vtak rang the bell. She looked

around for her second escort, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“He had other things to attend to,” Vtak said, as if reading her mind.

The door opened. A small elderly human opened the door wider and let her and

Vtak through. He dressed like a typical butler: black suit and white shirt. A halo of
fluffy white hair surrounded his head. He gave her a warm smile. Gabrielle found
herself liking him instantly despite her resolve to trust no one.

“Mr. Xabo is waiting for you in his office,” the butler greeted.

“Follow Charles, he’ll take you to see the boss.” Vtak smiled at her and then

headed down the long hallway.

“If you would follow me, Miss Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle followed Charles down an oak paneled hallway until he stopped in front

of large door and knocked. He opened the door for her and then gestured for her to go in.
She walked in slowly.

Gabrielle took in the large spacious office. Framed pictures of alien nature scenes

and animals graced the walls. A glass and steel desk sat in the middle in front of a large
picture window. Because it was night she couldn’t see where it looked out onto.
Probably a nice view. The carpet was dark blue and very plush. The couches and arm
chairs were all black leather.

“Hello, Gabrielle.”

She looked towards the voice. It was soft, but there was an underlying harshness

that Gabrielle knew spoke volumes of someone who was used to getting what they
wanted and doing whatever it took to get it. He was quite tall for a Tellaran. His green
black scales looked metallic in the soft light. The long dark brown tunic brushed the
carpet. His yellow eyes didn’t seem as cold as they did on the data pad screen. He gave
her a toothy smile.

“Well, are you not going to say something?” he asked in English.

“What would you like me to say?”

“Hello might be nice.”

“Hello,” she obliged.

He nodded to Emma in her arms. “Is she not heavy?”

She shook her head. “So what’s your proposition? You need a maid or

something? I don’t mind cleaning your house if that’s what you need.”

He came around from behind his desk. His tail swished behind him. She eyed it


“Can you speak Tellaran?”

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She shook her head. Better to let him think that she didn’t.

“I will have to have a tutor brought in for you.”

A tutor? Why the hell would he do that, she wondered. What the hell did this

alien want?

“As for your query, no, I do not need a maid. How about we talk about this over

the morning meal? You look tired and worn out. I am sure your little sister would be
more comfortable in a soft bed. I had Charles prepare a room for the both of you. I can
have him prepare you something to eat as well. Have you had eaten yet?”

Confused, bewildered and tired, Gabrielle didn’t know what to say. She was

trapped for now that much she knew. But what the hell did this alien want with her? She
looked at him. He stood there calmly watching her waiting for her answer.

“All right. We’ll talk in the morning. But what happens if I don’t accept your


He clasped his hands in front of him. “You killed one of my employees.”

“It was self - defense. He was going to rape me.”

“I only have your word on that. Though knowing Mak, it is possible that you are

telling the truth. Raping human females seemed to be a favorite past time of his.”

“And he was attacking Mr. Lee. He had already shot him once. I couldn’t just

stand by and watch Mr. Lee be killed. I had to do something.”

“You could have gotten the hell out of there is what you could have done instead

of getting involved. The business I had with Lee did not concern you. And Lee is still
dead despite your valiant efforts. I am sure you realize that I could have had you killed.
But I am not in the habit of killing anyone needlessly. He owed me money. He
borrowed money from me to open that martial arts studio and to keep it open. I had been
very generous with him. He had ten years to pay. He said that he could not in the
timeframe that I had given him. I said fine, but then he would have to leave.”

That was another thing she hadn’t known. The more she thought about it, the

more she realized that there were a lot of things going on with Mr. Lee that she didn’t
know about. True, he wasn’t the most talkative person, but he never really spoke about
his family. She hadn’t even known if he had any. Even when she asked him about how
he was able to keep his business going when the others closed down once the
reconstruction started, he always steered the conversation into another direction. Now
she knew why. Maybe that’s why he hadn’t fought back because he knew that it would
have been useless.

“So you sent your men to evict him?”

“Exactly. I was being very generous as I said. I had even given him a year to

leave. I suppose he could not leave because he had you and your sister there. I suppose
he did not want to leave you both out on the street.”

Is that why Mr. Lee stayed there even though he knew that he would get in

trouble? Because her and Emma were there and were dependant on him? Then that
meant she and Emma had been partly responsible for his death.

“But you said that you were going to rebuild the city. How could you do that if

Mr. Lee and others like him are still there?”

“I told him that if he paid me back I would let the studio stay standing. Other

people in that section of the city have paid me to keep their homes and businesses. They

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will not be touched when the demolition and rebuilding is started. But unfortunately he
could not repay me.”

Mr. Lee couldn’t pay because he used the money to take care of her and Emma.

If she only knew, she would have told him that she would find some sort of a job to help
out. Damn it, if he had only told her. What did he think? That she was too young to

“Do not blame yourself. I am sure he knew what he was doing — or at least he

thought he did. But for now, get something to eat and get some rest. There is also a
bathing room connected to your room if you wish to take a bath. Take her to her room,

Gabrielle turned around. She hadn’t even noticed that someone else had come

into the room.

“Please, Miss Gabrielle, follow me.”

Charles led her down another hallway and up a flight of winding stairs. Gabrielle

reached out a hand and touched the polished wood of the banister.

“It’s polished every two days,” Charles said, turning back to look at her.

“By you?”

“Oh, no, no. I just open the front door and attend to guests.”

At the top of the staircase he headed down a hallway that was illuminated by light

blue scones on the wall. The carpet was bone white, making Gabrielle feel self -
conscious about walking on it in her grungy sneakers. She looked behind her. She
breathed a sigh of relief to see that her shoes hadn’t made a mess on the carpet.

“The carpet is cleaned every day.”

She smiled sheepishly at him. “Sorry, it’s just that I’m not the cleanest person

right now.”

“Don’t worry about that. You can get cleaned up. Here we are.”

Charles opened the door for her and gestured for her to proceed inside.

The bedroom was five times the size of the attic room that she and Emma had had

at the martial arts studio. There was even a fireplace going. Gabrielle laid Emma down
on the bed. Emma woke up a few moments later.

“Gaby? Where are we? Where’s Mr. Lee?”

“We’re at Mr. Xabo’s house. I think we’re going to be staying here for a while.”

“Mr. Xabo? Who’s that? Where’s Mr. Lee?”

“Mr. Lee … is … we couldn’t stay with him anymore. So we have to stay here

from now on.”

Hopefully she would find the courage to tell Emma what had happened tonight.

Gabrielle didn’t even understand it herself and it was bothering her.

“What about the bad men?”

“Don’t worry about them. They can’t hurt you.”

“What would you like to eat?” Charles asked Emma.

The little girl looked at him. Emma jumped off the bed and stood behind her

older sister. She scrunched her face into a scowl.

“Who are you? A bad man too?”

Charles gave her a big smile. “No, no. I’m not a bad man. I am Mr. Xabo’s

butler, Charles. I am going to make sure that your stay here is pleasant. So what would

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you like to eat? I am sure that you must be hungry. It’s past your dinner time I would

She thought for a moment. “Do you have hot chocolate with marshmallows?”

“I can make it for you.”

Emma grinned. “And a grilled cheese sandwich?”

“With tomato soup?” Charles offered.

“Yes, please.”

“Miss. Gabrielle, for you?”

“The same will be fine, thank you.”

“You should have everything you need for now. If there is anything else that you

need, please let me know.”

“Thanks, I will.”

Charles nodded and left them. Gabrielle felt her shoulders sag. She was tired.

Her body still hurt from fighting Mak. Her hand went to her left shoulder to rub it while
her eyes surveyed the room. She was surprised that it echoed more human architecture
and decorating. Maybe Xabo didn’t want to be reminded of home.

The walls were soft gold in color with white molding. There was a large

wardrobe in white pine and two smaller matching end tables with pale yellow globe
lamps on either side of the four poster bed. A small couch and table with two chairs were
near the lit fireplace. Gabrielle walked over to the large windows and looked out. She
was surprised to find that the windows were actually a set of double doors that opened
onto a patio. On the patio there was another small table and two chairs.

Gabrielle’s attention was interrupted when Emma walked over to the vanity. She

seemed totally unperturbed about the whole situation. Gabrielle envied her.

“Look, Gaby. What’s this?” She started picking up the jars and bottles there.

“Stuff to make you smell nice.”

“Can I put some on?”

“Yes, but you need take a bath first.”

“Okay,” Emma said and ran into the bathroom. Gabrielle went in after her.

“Gaby, the tub is so big. You can swim in it,” Emma said and leaned over the

side of the large tub.

The bathroom was amazing. The whole room was done in pure white marble.

Potted plants and small jars of exotic scented potpourri were placed around the room.
When Xabo had said that a room had been prepared for them, Gabrielle had not been
expecting it to be this prepared.

“Was this?” Emma asked, holding up a bottle.

Gabrielle examined the bottle. “I think it might be bubble bath or bath oil.”

“Can we use some?”

While the tub filled with water and scented bubbles, Gabrielle got her and Emma

out of their clothes. Gabrielle looked at the pile of threadbare clothes on the floor. They
needed to be washed. Or better yet burned. She wondered if there was anything for them
to wear in that big wardrobe in the bedroom. She would check later.

Gabrielle helped Emma into the tub and then got in herself. Sinking into the

scented water Gabrielle almost forgot where she was. She couldn’t remember the last
time she had had a hot bath. A tepid shower was more like it. She watched Emma splash
around in the tub.

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“Gaby, this is fun.” Emma splashed Gabrielle.

Gabrielle splashed her back. They went back and forth until Gabrielle said,

“Come over here, I need to wash your hair.”

“How long do we have to stay here?”

“I don’t know.”

Gabrielle wished she knew. She was afraid of what Xabo wanted from her. If he

didn’t need a maid and wasn’t going to make her sell her body then what did he want?
He hadn’t taken her and Emma in out of the goodness of his heart, she knew that much.

Once they were finished bathing, Gabrielle wrapped Emma in a fluffy white towel

and told her to make sure that she brushed her teeth. Toothbrushes and toothpaste had
been provided as well. There was even body lotion. Xabo it seemed had thought of
everything and that scared her. When they went back into the bedroom, a covered trolley
was by the small table.

“Is my hot chocolate there?” Emma asked and ran over to the tray.

But Gabrielle wasn’t listening. Her attention was focused on the two sets of pjs

on the bed. A yellow floral design for Emma and a dark blue solid design one for her.
Those hadn’t been there when they had first come into the room. Gabrielle examined
them. They were both the perfect size for each of them. Perhaps Charles had a good eye.
Or maybe Xabo did.

“Come put on your pjs, Emma.”

“You brought my pjs?” She looked at clothing. “These aren’t mine?”

“They are for now. Put them on and then you can have your dinner.”

Emma sat at the small table after she was dressed. Gabrielle uncovered the tray

and served Emma her dinner. The grilled cheese sandwiches looked delicious and the
tomato soup smelled heavenly. Gabrielle’s stomach grumbled in anticipation.

Emma took a gulp of her hot chocolate. “Yummy. I hope we get to stay for a

long time, Gaby. I like it here.”

Gabrielle had to smile. First Emma was afraid of bad men and now she was

hoping that they stayed for a long time. Unfortunately, Gabrielle had the sinking feeling
that staying here a long time would not be so much of an option but a reality.

* * * *

Xabo turned from the window when he heard a knock on his office door.

“Come in.”

Vtak walked in and sat in one of the leather armchairs. “So what do you think?”

“She’ll do quite nicely. She might even last longer than Tos did. How is Tos by

the way?”


Xabo shook his head slowly. He had been expecting as much. “When did that


“She died last week. Drug overdose. She was found behind some Tellaran skin

club. Not surprising as she always did have a little bit of a drug problem. But I think you
made a good choice with Gabrielle. You should have seen the way she went up against
Mak. If she was scared shitless she didn’t show it. Just sliced him open. Or maybe she
was and that’s why she sliced him up the way she did. Someone else might have just ran.
She’s brave for a human female.”

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“Good. That is what I need. After I speak with her I need you to set up the

training sessions. I want her ready to take on her fist mission in three years.”

“That’s a long time to train her.”

“I want her to be my ultimate weapon, Vtak. I want her to be so good at what she

does that the targets do not even know that she is coming. Tos was good but she became
lazy. She was never really focused on her assignments. I think it was because she was
only trained for a year.”

“And the drugs,” Vtak interrupted.

“Well, yes that as well. I should have never indulged her.”

“She would have just gotten the shit from someone else. At least you could

control when and how much she got.”

“Still, I should not have allowed it. But with Gabrielle I will make sure that she is

kept in check. I think with three years of training she will be very focused.”

“What about the little sister?”

“I am going to put her put in a private school. I have to make sure that she is well

taken care of. It is obvious that they are very close. As long as we keep the child happy,
Gabrielle will be. And if she is not happy, she might balk at her assignments.”

Vtak nodded and stood up. “You think that she’ll accept what your want her


“If she cares about her little sister, she will. After all, what other choice does she

have? I doubt she wants to go back to her old life. She might say that she does not care,
but I know she would rather not. Not with her little sister. Humans have this family
bonding complex. Most will risk anything and everything for family. I plan to exploit

“I will contact Bruno and Soo Lee. Unless you can think of someone else. I think

they are the best choices. She might not be too comfortable with non - human

“I agree. Contact them, please.”

“What about hardware?”

Xabo thought for a minute. He shook his head. “No prosthetics. Not yet. But

have her equipped with neurochem and nanotech. She will need to heal quickly in
between assignments if perchance she is injured. Contact Winston and schedule an
appointment. The faster we get her used to them the better it will be in the long run. And
make sure to tell him to use the tech that has been cleared for human use. I do not want
her becoming ill because he used the wrong type as he did with Tos.”

“I will tell him. Internal computer?”

Xabo tapped his chin. “I think so. It will help her on a mission.”

“And you can monitor her as well.”

“I do not want to do that. If she knows that I am monitoring her it might cause

problems. Remember how it was with Tos? Because she knew that I knew what she was
up to, she did things just to spite me. She did not complete missions and did things to
irritate me. I do not want that happening with Gabrielle. She has potential. I do not want
anything to jeopardize that.” He shook his head. “On second thought perhaps we should
not give her the internal computer unless she wants it. If she does, then fine. If not, then

“You could still monitor her without her knowing.”

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“I could, but I want her to trust me. If she finds out that I am monitoring her

without her knowledge that trust could break down. I do not want to spend all this time,
energy and money to train her and then have her turn on me.”

“Anything else I should get prepared?”

“No, that will be all.”

After Vtak left, Xabo went upstairs to check up on his new boarders. He knocked

softly. No answer. He quietly opened the door. Gabrielle and Emma were sound asleep,
their arms wrapped tightly around each other. Gabrielle was quite the beauty for a
human. Her caramel skin was soft to the touch and her dark hair, silky. Perhaps when
she was older he might change her function for him or maybe add to it. Her figure
already showed signs of being one that could render males weak. He could use that do
his advantage. Use her to get others to do what he wanted. Xabo could not wait until she
was his to command. When she was, there would be nothing that he would not be able to

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Chapter Four

“Stop touching things,” Gabrielle scolded.

Emma put back the small trinket box that sat on a small table and started to reach

for another one on a table beside it.


Emma pouted. She put her hands at her sides. “Why are you being so mean,


How could she make Emma understand that they were in a very serious situation?

She still didn’t know what Xabo wanted her for and she was afraid to find out. True, he
agreed that she wasn’t going to have to sell herself to anyone but that still didn’t alleviate
her fears. Something wasn’t right here.

“I’m not being mean. I just don’t want you to break something. I can’t afford to

replace it. So no touching. Understand?”


Gabrielle took Emma by the hand and led her down a hallway. She had no idea

where she was going, but she figured that if she followed her nose she’d reach the
kitchen. After walking into a large solarium, she found the kitchen.

It was done in stainless steel and granite with a fridge that you could hide two

bodies in. Gabrielle suddenly wondered if Xabo ever did.

Charles was at the counter spooning fluffy scrambled eggs onto a platter. Another

platter held thick sliced bacon, triangle cut pieces of toast, and a small bowl of whipped

Xabo sat at the table reading from his personal access pad. He looked up when

she and Emma walked in.

“Good morning. I hope you both slept well.” He stood and beckoned them to

come closer. “Please sit down.”

Gabrielle noticed that the chairs were fashioned to accommodate tails. “I didn’t

know Tellarans ate human cuisine. Actually, it seems that you like all things human.
The way you have decorated your home I mean.”

“Thank you. I do rather like humans, but not to eat,” he said and laughed. “I

know that some Tellarans have a taste for human flesh, but most do not. As far as
cuisine, I cannot stomach human cuisine, but I take it that Tellaran cuisine might not be
to your liking. Please … sit.”

Gabrielle nodded to Emma. Emma climbed up into a seat. Her eyes were large as

she took in the eggs, bacon and toast when Charles laid the platters on the table. Then
she shook her head.

“You do not like it?” Xabo asked.

She turned to Xabo. “Do you have any cereal? I like corn flakes.”

“Of course. Charles can you get a bowl for Emma please?”

Charles bowed. Before he left he asked, “Miss Gabrielle, is there something that

you would prefer?”

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She turned to him. He smiled kindly at her. She shook her head. “I’m fine, thank


“Please sit. Help yourself,” Xabo said.

When she sat he asked, “So how long had you been living with Lee?”

Gabrielle took a plate and helped herself to the eggs and bacon. She took a slice

of toast and smeared some of the whipped butter on it. She took a bite. It was heavenly.
Gabrielle couldn’t remember the last time that she had had butter on toast. It was usually
just toast.

“Almost five years. When my parents died Emma was just a baby. My parents

were good friends with him and so he let us live with him. I helped to keep the studio
clean and did other errands for him.”

“And he taught you how to fight in exchange?”

“Yes. Well, I used to go before, then my parents couldn’t afford to send me so I

stopped going. But then when we moved in with him, he continued my lessons.”

Charles brought Emma her cereal. Emma gave him a big smile.

“How is everything, Miss Gabrielle? Would you like anything else?”

“Everything is delicious, Charles. Thank you, I’m fine. And dinner was great last

night too.”

“Thank you, Miss Gabrielle. If there is a particular dish that is your favorite

please let me know and I will make sure that it is prepared for you.”

“That would be great. I’ll let you know,” Gabrielle said, giving Charles a big


“Ah, so you can smile,” Xabo said. “For a moment I thought that scowling was

all that you could do. Was your life that hard?”

“What do you think? If it wasn’t then I wouldn’t be here. Maybe if your species

hadn’t invaded then maybe I would have a better life.”

Expecting Xabo to get angry, Gabrielle was surprised when all he did was give

her a smile.

“We did not invade. We politely offered your government the chance for a better

life for its inhabitants as did the Cyrillians before us. They are the ones that have taken
over. Your government agreed. I am sorry if things did not work out for you as they
may have for others. But I was only asking out of curiosity as you seem very bitter.”

She shrugged. “Maybe if I didn’t have to raise my baby sister by myself after my

parents died without the resources to do it I would not be so bitter. Emma and I are the
only family each other has.” Gabrielle looked at Emma who sat contentedly eating her
cereal. Emma eyed the bacon. She looked up at Gabrielle.

“I thought you didn’t want any bacon.”

“But I do now. Can I?”

“Go ahead.”

Emma took a slice of bacon and triangle of toast.

“When was the last time you had a meal like this?”

Gabrielle shook her head. “Why don’t you just come out and tell me why you

brought us here and cut out the chitchat? Obviously you must know what kind of life we
had given where your men found us. We lived in the poorest section of the city. A lot of
times we went to bed hungry. Sometimes I couldn’t go outside to get anything because
of the rain since I didn’t have the proper clothing to protect myself. And when I did get a

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chance, the stores that I could to go to were all sold out of food. I got my clothes from
the garbage. And once I beat up a man for his coat. So, that is the kind of life my sister
and I had.”

Gabrielle noticed that Emma was looking at her. She turned away from the sad

expression she saw there. She had always told Emma that she should have a positive
attitude and now here she was bitching about all the hardships that they had had to face.

“So young and so bitter.” He shook his head. He turned to Emma. “Are you

done?” She nodded. Xabo looked past her.

Gabrielle turned around to see an elderly woman standing in the doorway. She

must be Charles’ wife. She came in and smiled down at Emma.

“Hello, Emma.”

“Hello. Who are you?”

“My name is Frieda. Would you like to play with some really pretty dolls?”

“Dolls? What are dolls?”

“You’ve never seen a doll before?”

Frieda took a doll made of cloth and yarn from behind her back. It had on an old

- fashioned dress and a bonnet. Gabrielle had only seen those dolls in history books.
She wondered where Xabo had gotten one. Frieda handed the doll to Emma.

“Can I, Gaby?”

Gabrielle nodded.

Emma took the doll. Frieda held out her hand.

“We’re just going to go into the other room so that your sister and Mr. Xabo can

talk, okay?”

Emma looked at Gabrielle.

“It’s okay.” Gabrielle watched as Frieda led her sister away.

“A shame that Emma has never seen a doll before. Did she have any playthings

at all? I can change all of that. I can help you give your sister the kind of life you want
to give her. She has not been to school, has she? Of course not. You cannot afford to
send her. Did you go?”

“I didn’t make it to high school. After that my parents died and I had to take care

of Emma. So how are you going to help me and my sister?”

“I heard about the way you fought. I could use someone like that in my employ.

I have a lot of enemies as you can imagine someone in my position would have.”

“You want an eighteen year old human bodyguard?”

“No. I will have you trained, but you will not be a bodyguard. I need you to …

take care of those who would try to stop me from conducting my business. You see
sometimes I need to persuade people to let me do things the way I want. When they do
not after I have warned them, then I need someone to … take care of them. That would
be your job.”

A sinking feeling started in her stomach. Xabo wanted to train her to be one of

his trained guns. She would terrorize people when they didn’t do what he wanted. Just
like poor Mr. Lee. He said that he would train her. Train her to hurt people. Train her to
kill. She shook her head.

“Are you sure?”

“I can’t … can’t do that kind of work.”

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“What about your sister? If you refuse my offer then you and your sister will be

taken back to where we found you. I will contact the authorities and tell them you killed
one of my employees. They will not treat you kindly as I imagine there are a lot of gangs
that frequent the area. No matter what you say they will think that you belong to one of
them. And then what will happen to Emma?”

Emma. It was all about Emma. She had promised Emma that things would get

better. She couldn’t go back on that promise now. Gabrielle bit her lip trying to keep the
tears of frustration from streaming down her cheeks. There was no way she would show
any weakness in front of Xabo. If she was going to survive and take care of Emma she
had to be strong.

“So what would you have me doing?”

“You would be my personal assassin. Occasionally I might have you performing

jobs for other associates of mine, but you would be for my use primarily. Once your
training is over, I will allow you to have a place of your own. Emma will live with you
of course. I will make sure that Emma is put into the best school. I will make sure that
she is taken care of. And I think it will be good to get you a tutor. I want you educated
in the Tellaran and Cyrillian culture as well. It may prove valuable on future missions.
A smart assassin is one that stays alive. But you will have to work for me until I tell you
that you can stop.”

Which meant never, Gabrielle figured.

“Can I think about this?”

“You can, but I cannot see what there is to think about. You can work for me and

have the life that you want or leave here and well … ” he said spreading his hands wide.
“I cannot promise that Emma will even live to see her next age cycle. How old is she by
the way?”

“She’s five.”

“She needs proper care to grow up healthy. So hard to do these days given the

way the climate is in some areas. I do not know how you humans survived this long.
You humans should be glad that someone decided to take pity on you and save you from
yourselves. Your reply?”

“Will Emma be enrolled in school now?”

He shook his head. “The school year is almost over so she won’t be starting just

yet. I can have her registered and ready for class when the new school year starts. In the
meantime, Frieda will tutor her. She will have to get new clothing as so will you. Frieda
will help you with that. She will make sure that you get everything you need.”

Gabrielle looked down at her faded hoodie and worn jeans. When she and Emma

had gotten up, their clothes had been cleaned and folded on the small couch. Even their
sneakers had been cleaned.

“So am I to assume that you accept?”

“I do.” Gabrielle felt as though she had just sold herself to the devil. But if it

meant that Emma would have a chance at a better life then she would do it. She’d worry
about the consequences of her decision later.

“Perfect. I think you will work out quite well. I am having the best instructors

brought in to train you. They are human so that should make you more comfortable with
them. They will train you in weapons and martial arts. Of course I may just want you to
manipulate shall we say someone’s life? Sometimes ruining a person’s reputation is just

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as effective as killing them. Vtak is very good at that. He can be your tutor in that
respect. Whatever I feel that I want to know I will have you trained for. When I send
you into the field I want you fully prepared to deal with whatever you may come up
against. Any questions?”

Yeah, can I kill you and take Emma far, far away from here? “No, not right now.

I guess I’ll have questions later. I need to talk to Emma.”

Xabo led her out of the kitchen and down the hall. They passed Vtak in the

hallway. He nodded to them both, but gave Gabrielle a big smile. She was seriously
finding that she didn’t like him.

Xabo opened the door to another room that led out onto a glass - enclosed

terrace. Green lush plants in large brass and glass pots filled the room. There was even a
birdcage with four small birds that could have passed for canaries except that they were
electric blue in color.

Emma was sitting with Frieda at a wooden table. She was drawing. In one arm

she clutched the doll that Frieda had given her.

Emma looked up. “Look, Gaby I made a picture. Come and see.”

Gabrielle went over. “That’s nice.”

“Yeah, it’s me you and Mommy and Daddy. Frieda said that I can make more

and she’ll hang them up. Do you want to draw a picture, Gaby?”

“Maybe later. I need to talk to you for a moment. We’re going to be living here

for a while.”


The innocence of a child. “And you’ll be going to school.”

“But I don’t want to leave you, Gaby. I want to stay with you.” Emma jumped off

her chair and hugged Gabrielle. “Don’t send me away, please.”

“I’m not sending you away. You’re just going to school. You’ll come back.

You’ll get to play with kids your own age. You’ll get to read books and draw pictures
and have all kinds of fun. I promise you’ll like it.”

“Okay, can I take Sasha with me?”


“My doll. I named her Sasha. Can I?”

“I guess.” Gabrielle turned to Xabo. “Well, I guess it’s settled then.”

“Good.” He turned to Frieda. “Get Vtak to take you and them to the shopping

district and get them whatever they need. Also, call Jonas Myers and tell him that I have
a student that I would like to have enrolled in his school and to arrange a tutor for
Gabrielle. I also want you to tutor Emma until the school year starts.”

“Yes, sir.”

He turned to Gabrielle. “When you get back I want to introduce you to your

instructors. I want your training to start Monday morning.” He smiled, and then left the

“Come on girls, we need to take you shopping.”

“Can I get more dolls?” Emma asked.

“Emma, don’t be greedy.”

“Don’t be too hard on the little one, Gabrielle. A child shouldn’t be deprived of

the simple things in life. Come on, I’m sure that there is even something that you’ve
always wanted but thought that you would never have. Come on tell me what is it?”

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“There isn’t anything.”

“Oh, come now, there must be something.”

“Nice panties,” Emma blurted out.

Red faced, Gabrielle scowled at her little sister. Leave it to smaller siblings to

totally embarrass you. She shook her head thinking of all the times she had thought what
she wouldn’t give to have something pretty to wear even if it was just underwear.

Frieda laughed. “Gabrielle, there is nothing like pretty underwear to make girl

feel good about herself. If it’s pretty underwear you want, then that is what you shall get.
I suppose that nice clothes and makeup would be on that list too. Come on then.”

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Chapter Five

After checking her watch, Gabrielle moved quickly across the lawn of a large

country style cottage where her target, Jack Holstein, lived. She stopped behind a large
flowering shrub. She tapped a series of commands into her gauntlet. Moments later a
small holographic screen appeared. She read the information on the screen quickly. The
security systems were now disabled and all exterior doors were unlocked. She grinned.
All thanks to her gauntlet. She loved this little toy.

When Bruno had first given it to her, she had fitted the soft rubber glove on her

hand and stared at it. It looked pretty unassuming to her until Bruno showed her what it
could do. It was equipped with a mini computer that could hack into low security
mainframes and open ninety percent of the locks in the city. He told her that it would
come in handy, especially when she didn’t have time to pick a lock, which would be
almost never.

Her eyes went to the body of the guard dog a few feet away. Gabrielle hadn’t

wanted to kill the animal, but the sedative she had used on it hadn’t worked.

She peered into one of the front windows. Holstein’s wife and two children were

sitting watching the large wide vid screen. Some animated broadcast from the look of it.
His wife was a dumpy looking blonde with a figure that made Gabrielle realize why
Holstein frequented the Cyrillian brothels on a regular basis. His two children were cute
though, with the same light brown hair and blue eyes like their father. Too bad they were
going to lose him.

Holstein was probably in his office as usual. She had tailed him for the past

month making sure that she had his schedule down pat. Holstein went to the brothel
every night except Thursday. Thursday was the time he spent with the children.
Incidentally, today was Thursday, but he was not with the children. She guessed quality
time wasn’t on the agenda tonight.

Gabrielle moved away from the window and kept going towards the back of the

house. She had no intention of hurting his wife and children. She was there to get
Holstein. And she had to recover the data disc that he had stolen from Xabo.

Four months before, Holstein had gotten into Xabo’s nanotech plant posing as a

maintenance worker. By the time anyone realized why he was really there, it was too
late. A lot of confidential data had been stolen and then sold to the highest bidder.
Gabrielle had argued about getting back the data disc since that info was already in the
hands of a dozen other people right now and maybe more. But Xabo had said that it was
the principle of the matter. That information was his and he wanted it back even if it was
practically useless.

There were no windows at the back of the house. Made sense since that’s where

Holstein’s office was. She figured that a man of his occupation had to stay away from

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The door opened noiselessly when she turned the knob and pushed. Even though

she knew that she had disabled the security system, she still winced and waited for the
alarm to sound. It didn’t. She closed the door behind her and walked through the house
to the office. Gabrielle had a schematic of the house so she found the office easily.

Holstein was on the video phone when she walked in. She raised her katana when

he started to get up. He sat back down. She motioned for him to cut the connection. He
told the person on the screen that he had to go.

“The data disc you stole from Xabo,” she said. “On the desk please.”

Holstein grinned. He moved his eyes over her body. It was wrapped in a tight

fitting black body suit.

“So you’re the lizard’s new executioner. Very nice. Prettier than the last one.”

He leaned back in his chair. “You look young. How old are you?”

“The data disk, please. On the desk, slowly or you’ll lose some fingers.”

“No pleasantries?”

“Just the disk, please. Remember, slowly.”

Holstein’s hand went into his desk. A gun was pointed at her a few seconds later.

Gabrielle raised her weapon and brought it down swiftly. Two fingers fell onto the desk
along with the gun. Holstein didn’t yell, only hissed and swore under his breath. He
looked up her, clutching his bloody hand.

“I thought I told you to put the data disc on the desk or you’d lose some fingers.

Weren’t you listening?”

He reached into the desk a second time and brought out the disk. He held it up for

her to see and then tossed the data disc on the floor. Gabrielle grinned. “Pick it up and
put it on the desk.”

He paused. Gabrielle raised the katana. Holstein got up from the desk and picked

up the data disk. As he rose, he swung out at her. Gabrielle stepped back and pushed the
blade into him. He gave a strangled cry and reached out for her. His hand caught her leg.
She recoiled and used her foot to push him away from her. He stared at her, but he
wasn’t seeing her.

Gabrielle bent down, picked up the disk, and put it in her pocket, but not before

she wiped his blood off of it. She sheathed her weapon when she heard faint footsteps
outside the office door. Gabrielle engaged the cloaking feature of her camouflage suit.

The door opened and Holstein’s son walked in. His blue eyes widened. He ran

back out of the room yelling for his mother. She came in moments later. She looked at
her dead husband and started screaming. Gabrielle quietly walked past them out of the
office. Before she opened the front door she checked the living room. The other child, a
girl, sat on the sofa. Suddenly the little girl turned towards Gabrielle. For a brief
moment it was as if the little girl could see her. Gabrielle checked her reflection in a
small mirror mounted on the wall near her. No, she was still cloaked. She shook her
head opened the door.

“Hold it right there!”

Two men stood there a few away from her down the walkway. Where the hell

had they come from? If they were Holstein’s security they were supposed to be still on
their smoke break. Guess they decided to cut it short. Damn.

They were wearing heat - sensing goggles. They had picked up her heat

signature. Okay, that she was not expecting. She ran towards them, pushing past them.

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She felt the searing pain of a plasma blast in her in the back. Gabrielle grunted in pain
and felt the camo suit shudder. She looked down. She was visible again.

Not wanting to risk a look behind her Gabrielle kept running until she made it to

the expressway. This had to be timed just right. Gabrielle tapped the small console on
the cuff of the suit again. Nothing. The cloaking wasn’t working. The plasma blast must
have shorted it out.

Swearing, she commanded her internal computer to send a dose of performance

enhancing neurochemicals through her body. She hated using the stuff, but right now she
had no choice. If she was caught, Xabo would have her ass.

Seconds later, she felt stronger and faster. Gabrielle took a breath and jumped

onto the road and into oncoming traffic. She barely missed getting hit by two shuttles.
At the other side of the freeway, she kept running and headed down a deserted street.
She would backtrack later to her car. For now she needed to rest.

After a few blocks she cocked her head. Someone was behind her. Without

turning she asked her internal computer to assess the situation.

Three males, all human. One point fifty meters, one point forty - two and one

point seventy meters tall respectively. No cyber implants. Weapons: archaic pistol, five
rounds, one knife, twenty - three centimeters long, aluminum baseball bat.

Just great, that’s all she needed. Then again she was in a rather seedy part of

town. It was even worse than her old neighborhood. Anyway they were no match for
her. Well, they wouldn’t be if she wasn’t in so much damn pain. The camo suit
protected her from the full force of the plasma blast and had kept her from being burned,
but her back still felt like someone had kicked it repeatedly. She would have bruises for

Gabrielle kept walking, not letting them know she knew they were there. When

they quickened their pace, she kept her pace the same, listening. They would probably
try to surround her. She looked up ahead. Her mouth curled into a wicked grin. An


She slipped in, the men followed. As the first one rounded the corner, she

smashed her fist into his chin. He wasn’t prepared for it and fell back, colliding with his
two companions. As he staggered back, she noticed that he was the one with the gun.
She moved in, grabbed the gun and threw it behind her when the second man moved out
of the way of his falling companion. He swung with the bat, catching her shoulder. The
blow barely registered. She grabbed him by the arm and twisted until she heard his arm
pop out of the socket. The man’s scream was cut short when she slammed him up against
the wall. He slid to the ground in a crumpled heap.

A searing pain across her back made her turn sharply around to face the third

man. He grinned at her. Luckily her suit had protected her from the blade. But the
contact of the blade irritated her already bruised back.

“You’re a pretty one aren’t you?” he asked looking her over.

He was the biggest of three. Muscle, but no brains. He had a mash of features set

in a broad face.

“Get on the ground and I’ll make sure that it’s over quickly.

“You want me on the ground? You have to put me there.”

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He moved surprisingly quick for his size and tried to close the gap between them,

to trap her. Gabrielle raised her foot hitting his squarely in the chest. He staggered, but
he didn’t go down. She frowned. That kick should have stopped him cold.

I though you said no cybernetic implants, she asked her computer.

None detected, it replied.

Okay then that meant he was just a lot tougher than she expected. Before

Gabrielle could register her next move, she was slammed against the wall. Her head hit
the concrete wall with a thwack. She faltered, shaking her head to clear her vision. It
cleared just in time for her to see a massive fist come flying at her face. She moved out
of the way, and sent her fingers into his solar plexus. She jabbed a second time. Her
attacker choked and stepped away from her.

Gabrielle tried to move past him, but he caught her arm, swung her around and

brought down the knife. She sent her foot down hard on his instep. He yelped. She
kicked his ankle. He let go. She grabbed two fingers of the hand holding the knife and
bent them back. Gabrielle grinned when she heard a loud crack. Her attacker dropped
the knife. Before Gabrielle could get at it, he kicked her feet out from under her and his
body crushed hers as they both hit the ground.

“This is more like it,” he hissed, and maneuvered his large body between her legs.

He used his good hand to hold her hands above her head. “You’re going to pay for
breaking my fingers.”

Gabrielle raised her head, smashing her forehead into his. She heard a crunch.

His skull apparently wasn’t that tough. Blood dribbled from his nose. She hit him again.
His eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed on top of her. She pushed him off her
and rose to her feet.

The man that she had attacked first stood unsteadily on his feet. She hit him

again. He fell backwards onto the sidewalk. Gabrielle tensed waiting for him to get up,
but he didn’t.

She reached out a hand to the nearest wall to steady herself, but missed and fell to

her knees. She doubled over as a searing pain ripped through her body. She hissed and
willed herself not to scream. Hot tears streamed down her face as her body trembled in
agony. When the pain subsided, Gabrielle rose unsteadily to her feet. She felt weak and

Every time she used the neurochem her body went into pain overload. Bruno had

told her that she would get used to it. Yeah, like when? It was already three years and
she still got sick to her stomach and felt as if a fire was raging through her body every
time she used it. She was sure that it would kill her eventually. Or she would kill herself
to stop the pain.

The sounds of sirens barely registered to Gabrielle by the time she made her way

back to her shuttle. She fumbled for her access key. It took three tries before the shuttle
door would open. She slid into the seat and put her head against the cool glass of the
steering console.

Without warning the face of Holstein as he died flashed behind her closed eyes.

The sound of Holstein’s wife’s screams when she found him echoed inside Gabrielle’s
head. Then the look on his son’s face as he found his dead father joined in.

Bruno had told her that the first kill was always the hardest. No shit. It had been

all right until she had had to kill Holstein. Bruno had told her that eventually she would

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learn to block everything out and just do the job. Emotions could not get in the way. If
they ever did then she was dead. A split second of emotional involvement could mean
death for her. Even if it didn’t, it would mean failure. Xabo did not take failure lightly.
He liked those who worked for him to do as he said and do the job well.

Gabrielle wasn’t too sure how well she’d be able to keep her emotions out of this.

What she had done here tonight would stay with her a very long time. She lifted her head
as her stomach turned over. The damn neurochem. She stumbled out of the car and
threw up.

Gabrielle wiped her mouth and sat on the ground, trembling. She closed her eyes

and leaned back against the car. She would tell Bruno that she needed this shit out of her
system. She would just train harder.

She knew she could fight without this crap floating through her system. And she

hated the internal computer. She hated how the annoying voice always popped into her
mind at the most inconvenient time. Like right now. It kept telling her that she needed
medical attention and rest. Yeah, no kidding. She could feel that. She didn’t need some
damn computer chip in her head to tell her that.

Her thoughts went to Emma. Emma was doing very well in school. The best in

her class the teacher had said.

She’s the reason that you are doing this. Always remember that.

Gabrielle pulled herself to her feet. She looked around to check if there was

anyone around. The street was quiet and empty. Gabrielle opened her trunk and took out
a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. She quickly shed her camo suit and redressed.
She made sure she took the data disk out of the pocket and stuck it in her jeans pocket.
Her data pad beeped as soon as she got back into her shuttle.

“Hello,” she said when Xabo’s image appeared on the small screen.

“I just heard, well done,” Xabo said.

He just heard? From who? Did he have someone watching her to make sure that

she did what she was sent to do?

She asked.

“I had Bruno follow you. I hope you will forgive me that. I just wanted to make

sure that everything went well. Bruno was there only if you needed help. He said that he
did not think you did, but I wanted to make sure. It seems that he was right.”

“That’s fine,” she said wondering where the hell Bruno was. He probably was

wearing a camo suit so she wouldn’t notice him. Gabrielle wondered if he had been in
the room when she was killing Holstein. She didn’t think so. She would have smelled
him. And if he had been following her then why the hell didn’t he help her when those
three bastards were after her? He probably wanted to see whether she could handle

“How do you feel?”

“Honestly? Like shit if you must know,” she muttered.

He laughed a little. “And forgive me for saying so, but you look it as well. The

first kill is always the hardest. But you will be fine. Make sure that the authorities do not
detain you on your way home. They will no doubt be stopping anyone they find to ask
questions. When you get here come and see me. I will be waiting in my office.”

“Okay, but I … ”


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“This neurochem, I don’t want to use it anymore. And I want the computer out


“It will take some getting used to, Gabrielle. I am sure Bruno told you that.”

“He did, but it’s been three years. I should be used to the neurochem by now and

I’m not. And the computer is … annoying at best.”

“As you wish. I will make another appointment with Winston. He will clean

whatever traces you have left in your system. Perhaps your body cannot metabolize the
neurochem, few humans can. I will have him remove the internal computer too. You do
know that that will be a painful process.”

“No more painful than when it was put in.”

“You will not be unable to do much for awhile. You will have a recovery time of

six weeks at least. But you know what that means?”

“That I’ll have to train harder after I recuperate. I know. I don’t mind, really.

I’ll see you later,” she said and ended the call.

Gabrielle tapped the console and the car started. A few blocks later, a cop flagged

her down. He strolled over to her, his hand on his weapon. Gabrielle hoped that he
wouldn’t be asking her any questions. Xabo had just told her not to be stopped by the
police. She rolled down her window.

“Something wrong?” she asked politely.

“You’ll have to turn back and go the other way.”

“Why, what happened?”

“This part of the road is blocked.”

She looked around. This was near where she had been attacked. The bodies had

been found. “No problem,” she said and turned the car around.

Gabrielle pulled off the highway one exit before hers. It was one of the smaller

exclusive human communities. She had passed through it last month and hoped that she
could perhaps buy a house here for her and Emma.

She drove until she came to a little eatery. It sported twentieth century inspired

furniture with the desserts displayed on the counter in glass - covered domes. When she
took a seat a young man with a shag of blonde hair walked up to her.

“You look like you need a coffee. I’ve got some strong Cyrillian stuff.”

I need more than that, buddy. “Regular human coffee will be fine.” She looked at

the displayed desserts. “Which would you recommend?”

“The coconut cream is pretty good. Then there’s the cherry cheesecake too.”

“What’s that one?” Gabrielle pointed to a three layer chocolate concoction.

“What’s that called?”

“That’s our Chocolate dream cake. Layers of chocolate and whipped cream

snuggled in a moist dense chocolate cake.”

“A large slice of that please.”

When he pushed the cake and coffee in front of her, Gabrielle took a big bite out

of the cake. She sighed.

“Good, huh? My grandmother’s recipe.”

“It’s very good.” She looked around the diner. She was the only one. “Pretty

slow night?”

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“For now. In a couple of hours the night shift crowd comes in for their coffee

break and then it gets crazy. Haven’t seen you around here before. You live in the

She shook her head. “Just passing through.”

“Are you okay? You look a little pale.”

“I’m okay. A couple of guys tried to mug me. But I think they heard the cops

coming and they ran.”

“Human or alien?”


“Did they get anything?”


He nodded. “That used to happen a lot here. I’ve been robbed twice. Then I got

those.” He pointed behind Gabrielle.

She looked up and saw two guns mounted on the wall. From the make she knew

that they were motion sensitive and highly accurate. Xabo had the same ones on his
property. When they locked onto you, you had better make peace with your Maker.

“I guess the robberies are non - existent now.”

“Yep. Even aliens don’t come in here. Not that they’re not welcome, but I guess

the guns make them nervous. So what’s your name?”

“Gabrielle. You?”

“Max. Nice to meet you. So what do you do for fun?” he asked and leaned in.

Gabrielle thought for a moment. What the hell did she do for fun? Nothing she

could think of. All her time up to this point had been taken up with training and her
schooling. And now, no doubt most of her time would be spent doing jobs for Xabo.
She shrugged. “Not much.”

“Really? You don’t have any hobbies?”

She shook her head. Not unless you count killing. “I’m pretty boring.”

Max grinned. His eyes moved over her. “I don’t think so. If you’re not doing

anything this weekend we could … ”

Her data pad started to beep interrupting Max. Gabrielle pulled it out and

checked who it was. Xabo was apparently getting impatient.

“Sorry, I need to go. Thanks.” She put a credit chip on the counter. “Keep the


“Thanks. Jealous boyfriend?”

“Jealous, yes. Boyfriend, no. It’s complicated. Have a good night, Max.”

“You too. And if you decide to get rid of the jealous complication, come by. I’m

a pretty uncomplicated guy myself.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said and headed out of the small diner.

When Gabrielle pulled up into the winding driveway of Xabo’s home, she saw

Vtak with one of the hired help smoking by the front door. Gabrielle stopped the shuttle
and got out. The valet — she didn’t know his name — winked at her when she gave him
the shuttle’s access card. Vtak grinned when Gabrielle got close.

“Congratulations on a good job. The boss is very proud of you.”

Gabrielle threw Vtak a look. They made it seem like she had won a frigging

Nobel Prize or something. She had just killed a man. She’d taken him away from his
wife and two children. That wasn’t something she or anyone else should be proud of.

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True, he was a criminal, but she wasn’t the police. Vtak grabbed her arm before she
headed into the house. She stared up at him.


“You okay?” he asked. He moved his fingers slowly over her upper arm.

She pulled out of his grip. “Yeah.” Inside she met Frieda coming down the stairs.

“How’s Emma?”

“Asleep. She’s getting better. Her fever is gone. I was thinking that I should

keep her home for one more day. If that’s okay with you?”

“That’s fine. Maybe I’ll take her out. Spend some time with her. I haven’t done

that for a while.” Gabrielle had been spending so much time training that she had
neglected Emma. Emma for her part hadn’t seemed to notice. She had grown so
attached to Frieda and Charles. They were like the grandparents she never had. “I’ll
check on her later. Thanks for all your help.”

Frieda pulled Gabrielle to her and hugged her. Gabrielle not expecting the hug,

tensed. She relaxed a moment later and hugged Frieda back.

“Good night,” Frieda said and released her. “Don’t stay up too late. You need

your rest.”

“Does it show that much?’

“Just a little. You have been training very hard these past few years and I know

that tonight was your first assignment. It was difficult from the looks of it.”

“Yeah, a little. But I’ll be okay. I better go see the boss. Have a good night.”

Xabo was sitting at his desk when Gabrielle walked in. He immediately got up

from behind the desk. He titled his head to one side watching her.

“It was that rough?”

“Rough enough. So when’s my next assignment?” she asked and gave him the

data disk. Maybe if she kept at it she would be able to deal with it. She’d find a way to
push her emotions deep inside of her and keep them there. “I mean after I go to Dr.

“Not for a while. You will need to rest. Three months. Then after that I want

you to train with Bruno and Soo Lee before I give you another assignment. For now I
want you to rest. You have had three years of training. You need a little reprieve. And I
do remember that I promised you your own place if you completed your first assignment
well. And you did.” He took two access cards from his pocket. “One is for your new
house and the other is for your new shuttle. You may choose any one from the garage.
The engineers will program the access card so that it will be for your use alone. Think of
the shuttle as a bonus for a job well done.”

A spark of hope filled Gabrielle. She would have her own place. True, she would

still be working for Xabo, but at least when she came home he wouldn’t be there.
Neither Vtak, nor Bruno or anyone else. It would just be her, Emma and — well Frieda.
Xabo had said that she would be Emma’s nanny. That was fine, she liked Frieda and
Emma adored her.

She took the cards. “Thank you. So when can I move in? Is it a human


“It is. And you may move in whenever you wish. The house has been furnished.

You’ll just have to pack your things up. Frieda can help you. But I would like you to
wait until Monday.”

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He moved in closer. He put his hands on her upper arms. He leaned forward and

brushed his lips over her cheek. Gabrielle resisted the urge to pull away when she felt the
touch of his scales against her skin. If she were going to get from under Xabo’s roof then
she’d let him do whatever he wanted to do to her now. When he moved his mouth to hers
she tilted her head to accept his kiss. A knock interrupted them. Xabo swore softly.

“What is it?”

Vtak walked into the room. He looked from Gabrielle to Xabo and back again.

Was that jealousy she saw in his eyes?

“Yes, Vtak?”

“I thought you should know BioSys got the contract. That half breed

outmaneuvered you again.”

Xabo swore in Tellaran. “But I put so much work into my presentation. Why did

the contract go to them? He was not even at the presentation meeting. Would that have
not meant that he was not interested?”

“Maybe they had made other arrangements. And maybe their president has more

charm than you? He does usually get what he wants … whereas with you … ” Vtak

When Xabo gave Vtak a hard look, Vtak only smiled broader. Xabo swore again.

“Fine. I will have to contact my other clients and see if I can make a deal. We

will talk later,” he said to Gabrielle.

Vtak followed her out of the office and up the stairs. She looked behind her as

she stopped in front of her sister’s room. He looked back at her and continued down the
hall. Gabrielle shook it off and slowly opened the door to Emma’s room.

Emma slept curled up on her side. Her hair had become straighter as she had

gotten older. Now it was sleek and dark. It fell over her face and onto the pillow.
Gabrielle brushed it away from her face.

Emma said that she liked it better this way. Gabrielle didn’t mind her curls.

Sometimes they got out of hand, but she decided to let them be. When Gabrielle had
looked at the old pictures of her parents she realized that she was the splitting image of
her mother. Maybe that’s why she still missed her parents so much. Every time she
looked in the mirror she saw her mother.

Emma stirred. Gabrielle sat on the edge of the bed. “Hey kiddo.”

“Hey, I missed you at dinner. Where were you?”

“I had work to do for Mr. Xabo. How are you doing?”

Her sister rubbed her eyes. “Okay. I think my fever is almost gone now. These

alien viruses are nasty. Do I have to go to school tomorrow? Frieda said that I didn’t
have to if it was alright with you.”

Gabrielle laughed. When Emma had first started to go to school she loved it.

Sometimes she even cried when she had to go home. Now she was a typical kid. She
didn’t want to go.

“It’s alright with me. You’ve been doing well in school so you deserve a long

weekend. I was thinking that we could spend the day together. Do some shopping.
Maybe just hang out. Whatever you want we’ll do.”

“That would be great. I need some new clothes.”

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Gabrielle gave her little sister an owlish look. “You need more clothes? What

about that huge walk - in closet of yours that’s stuffed full of clothes? You can’t tell me
that you need more stuff.”

“But I need new stuff. I saw these really cute shoes.”

“Shoes? Emma, you have got like sixty pairs of shoes. I doubt that there is

another eight year old around with that many shoes.”

“I know, but the ones I saw were really cute. Please?”

“I probably shouldn’t be doing this, but … all right fine. But then you have to

throw something out. Anything that you haven’t worn in the last two years, get rid of.”

“Already did that. Why do you think I asked about new shoes? I am growing up

you know.”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry, sometimes I get so … distracted. So what do you want to


“Can we go to the old neighborhood?”

“Why would you want to go there?” Gabrielle knew that that whole area had been

taken over and revamped. There was nothing that resembled the place she and Emma
had grown up in. “It’s all been done over. Mr. Xabo is building a new community there
remember? It’s almost finished. Most of what we knew is gone.”

“I know. I just want to see it. I keep hearing that the place looks really nice. And

I always wondered what happened to Mr. Lee that night.”

Gabrielle looked away.

“He’s dead isn’t he? He was killed that night we had to run away.”

“Yeah … I tried to save him, but … ”

“It’s okay. Bad things used to happen all the time in that neighborhood. I think

we were just lucky you and I.”

“I guess. I better let you go back to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She kissed her

sister on the forehead. As she reached the door she turned back. “Oh, I totally forgot.
We’ll be moving from here.”

“It’s about time.”

“You don’t like it here?”

Now it was Emma’s turn to look at Gabrielle funny. “Please, I feel weird here.

Even though I can get whatever I want … I … ”

“I know what you mean.”

“So where are we going?”

“We got a new house. We’ll be moving in on Monday. Frieda will help us pack

our things. And don’t worry, she’ll be coming with us.”

“Good. What about Charles?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Too bad. He makes a mean grilled cheese. Is Mr. Xabo okay with that?”

“About Charles making a mean grilled cheese?”

Emma rolled her eyes. “No. Does Mr. Xabo mind that we’re moving out?”

“Why would you ask that?”

Emma shrugged. “It just seems that he likes having you around. I think he likes

you. A lot. I see the way he looks at you.”

Gabrielle didn’t know if like was the right word. It was more like he felt that he

owned her. And he did … for now.

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“Does it bother you?”

“Yes. I don’t trust him. Just don’t marry him, okay? I don’t think I’d want him

as part of our family.”

“You wouldn’t want an alien for a brother - in - law?”

“It’s not that … he just gives me the creeps that’s all. Even if he were human I

think I’d feel the same way.”

“Well, don’t worry I won’t marry him. But he is the one that gave me the house

so I don’t think he’ll mind if we leave. And he did promise me this when we first came

“Will you still be working for him when we move?”

“Probably, but don’t worry about that either.”

“Do you have to because we came here?”

Gabrielle debated whether to tell Emma the real reason that they were here. She

sat back down on the bed. “What do you remember from that night?”

“I remember you running with me on your back in the train and talking to

someone on the phone. They said that you killed someone. Did you?”

“Yeah, the man who killed Mr. Lee. Do you remember the first night we were


Emma nodded. “Yeah, the really big tub and the hot chocolate with

marshmallows. And Mr. Xabo saying that he had a proposition for you. Did he force us
to stay here?”

“It wasn’t so much force … maybe I’ll explain everything to you one day. Right

now, let’s just be glad that we’re going to have our own place.”


“Good night, Emma.”

Gabrielle nearly collided with Vtak outside the door. He put up his hands and

caught her by the upper arms. She mumbled an excuse me and tried to move away from
him but her held onto her. He moved his head lower. She moved her head away.

Gabrielle knew that Xabo had told his men that she was off limits. She tried to

pull away again. He held her tighter.

“Let me go.”

“Just once, Gabrielle. Just once with me, tonight. Come on we Cyrillians are

basically human. Let me show you, you’ll see.”

“I’m off limits to you. To all the men who work for Xabo. Alien or human. If I

remember correctly, Xabo said that if anyone touched me he would cut off your cock.
You getting tired of it or something?”

“How is he going to know? You going to tell him? You won’t. Come on. I

know it’s your first time. I’ll make it memorable.” He leaned in to kiss her. Gabrielle
pushed against him. He held on to her.

“Vtak, please. I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Especially here under his


“Are you saying that I should come and visit you at your new place? I’d like that,

but I have to be with you now. I’ve waited three years for you.”

“Vtak, I have always trusted you. I even ignored it when you were lusting after

Gabrielle even after I made it clear that she was off limits, thinking that you would
realize that I was serious. And now here I find you with Gabrielle in your arms.”

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Vtak stepped away from her. He shrugged. “What do you want me to do? I’m

not made of stone. The only other females around here are Frieda and those two
housekeepers who are also off limits. So I thought … ”

“You could hire a whore. I pay you enough to get the best money can buy.”

“Not the same.”

Xabo nodded and three Tellarans came down the hall. Vtak turned. He turned

back to face Xabo.

“I won’t touch her again. I promise.”

“No, no you will not. You should have listened to Gabrielle when she told you to

let her go the first time.”

Vtak tried to struggle when he was held, but then thought the better of it. When

they had gone Xabo took Gabrielle’s hand and led her down the hall. They walked past
her bedroom and came to another door. Gabrielle had never ventured this far down the
hall. Xabo opened the door and pulled her inside.

“Get undressed.”

She looked at him.

“Get undressed, Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle slowly started to take off her clothes. When she was naked she stood

awkwardly in front of him. She lowered her head not wanting to see his face. He took
her chin and raised her head until she met his eyes.

“You belong to me. Do not ever forget that.”

He pulled her towards the bed and told her to lie down. She watched as he shed

his clothes. His body was mostly human except that it was covered in scales and his cock
seemed to be hidden behind a flap of skin. Before he joined her on the bed he reached
down and pulled his cock free. The thick, long, pale yellow appendage immediately shot
out ramrod straight.

When he pulled her towards him, Gabrielle didn’t resist. It seemed like hours as

Xabo touched, kissed, and caressed her body. He whispered things to her that she wasn’t
sure whether to respond to or not. She kept silent.

When he parted her legs with his knee she gave no resistance, only let him do as

he pleased. When he finally thrust into her, Gabrielle gritted her teeth against the pain.
She felt as if she was being skewered. Every thrust sent a wave of pain through her lower
body. As he reached his climax, he took his tail and wrapped it around her, pulling her
closer. She lay quietly under him, tears streaming down her face until he collapsed on
top of her. Xabo rolled off her a few seconds later.

“Human women are not equipped for Tellaran males,” he said and wiped the tears

from her cheek. “I hurt you. I was as gentle as I could be.”

Gabrielle said nothing. She lay there staring up at the ceiling and tried to ignore

Xabo’s hands between her legs, probing her.



“Are you all right?”

“I’m alright.”

“Are in you much pain?”

She gave him a small smile. “Not that much.”

He smiled back and pulled her into his arms.

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He had sex with her again. It felt no better than it had the first time, only it didn’t

hurt as much. After he rolled off her the second time he immediately went to sleep.

Gabrielle carefully got out of the bed, detangling his tail from her body. She

gathered up her clothes and left his room. She hoped that that was the end of it. Being
that close to Xabo made her sick to her stomach. Never mind feeling like she had just
been raped by a giant lizard.

True, he said that he owned her, but only on the surface. He would never get

under that. She would make sure of that. Before she headed into her room she heard a
muffled scream. Poor Vtak. Xabo did not make idle threats. She would have to
remember that.

Inside her room she headed to the bathroom. She ran the shower as hot as she

could stand it and stepped inside. Gabrielle rubbed her skin raw. Two more days. Two
more days and she and Emma would be away from here.

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Chapter Six

Ten years later

Kor’Re tried to keep his eyes open, but it was getting pretty damn hard. The

meeting had started at seven - thirty that morning and was still going on at eleven -
thirty. He just hoped that they stopped for lunch. His stomach was going to start
protesting soon.

Kor’Re hadn’t expected to win this latest bid for the military. He had only put in

a bid because he had been expected to. While his company was known for its military
nanotechnology, he wanted to take it to the next level. He had been working with a few
scientists in breaking new ground into the cybernetic field. Prosthetic limbs and full
prosthetic bodies were becoming the norm. Many people opted to have prosthetic limbs
and even a whole new body when dealing with life threatening injuries. But to date,
these advances were only available to the alien community. Kor’Re wanted them for
humans as well.

Kor’Re figured that if his company merged the two technologies then it could

mean great things for BioSys and the human public in general.

He’d had enough of making battleships and weapons that could think on their

own. Kor’Re was more interested in improving the quality of life than helping to destroy

“Mr. McGregor?”

Kor’Re looked up. Everyone around the table was looking at him. Shit, he had

probably been asked a question and everyone was waiting for the answer. He nodded to
the presenter, a small man dressed in full military uniform by the name of Lieutenant
Stansfield. Kor’Re couldn’t fathom how such a mousy looking man was in the military.
The Tellaran military at that. Could the man even hold a weapon without bending under
its weight? Or falling backwards on his ass from the recoil?

“Sorry, you’ll have to repeat the question.”

Stansfield gave Kor’Re a smug smile. “I was just asking whether you wanted to

break for lunch. You seemed to be getting a little distracted.”

Kor’Re chewed the inside of his mouth. He returned a smile. “I was thinking that

we should break for lunch since we did have an early start. And I was wondering how
much longer this meeting was going to be as I do have other commitments today.”

“But, of course. My presentation will run for another hour and a half. Bur we can

break for lunch. I myself am famished.”

Another hour and a half? What the hell more did they want to ask for? There

were already fourteen addendums to the original contract. How many more would there
be? That settled it. No more military contracts.

“Then it’s settled. We’ll break for lunch. I am sure that everyone will agree.” He

tapped the screen of the vid phone on the table. The face of Maggie, one of his
secretaries appeared.

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“Yes, Mr. McGregor?”

“Is lunch ready?”

“The caterers have just arrived, sir.”

“Good have it sent in.” He stood up. “If you all will just sit tight, lunch will be

served shortly.”

“You won’t be joining us?” Colonel Jarlsen asked. The older man, also dressed in

full Tellaran military uniform, swiveled in his chair to look up at Kor’Re. Kor’Re knew
that Jarlsen didn’t like him. Kor’Re could have cared less about him either. The ill
feelings got worse when Kor’Re had casually mentioned that the alien invasion might not
have been an invasion if the military had stayed out of the government’s off world

Jarlsen had shot back asking what Kor’Re would have done as he was not about

to let a bunch of savage aliens take over his home.

Kor’Re had calmly replied that he would have asked what the Tellarans and

Cyrillians had wanted and seen whether it was plausible. True, it was obvious that the
two alien cultures wanted to conquer Earth, but if the government had just sat down and
listened instead of declaring all out war against an enemy they knew nothing about,
things might have turned out differently.

Instead half the Earth’s population had been wiped out in just two years. After

that, most countries decided to surrender. As if they had a choice. Then the Cyrillians
and Tellarans came by the ship load and settled anywhere they wished, ousting any
humans who were there. Kor’Re’s human grandparents had been among those who had
been forced out of their homes and forced to live in a refugee camp. Ironically, it had
been a Cyrillian general who had saved them by allowing his daughter to marry their son
despite the negative backlash from the Cyrillian population.

Kor’Re remembered how hard it had been for his family. They weren’t allowed

in the Cyrillian community and the humans didn’t trust his mother and felt that his father
was a traitor. And Kor’Re being a half breed made it worse. Every day he came home
battered and bruised from the fights in school. It was people like Jarlsen who had made
his family’s life difficult.

No, Kor’Re did not like Jarlsen. And as far as the man was concerned Kor’Re

was half savage alien.

“Sorry, but I have a few things that I need to take care of. I will be back in about

an hour. Enjoy.”

“Mr. McGregor, Mr. Xabo called,” his executive assistant, Laura said when he

walked by.

Kor’Re groaned. He just wished the lizard would leave him alone. If he wasn’t

trying to outbid him for a job he was trying to buy out his company. Last week he had
even offered a partnership. As if Kor’Re wanted to be partners with a suspected criminal.
If Kor’Re could prove it, he would have Xabo arrested. But Xabo was too smart. He had
covered his tracks well. All the investigators that Kor’Re had had employed to find
anything incriminating about Xabo had all met with dead ends. Two had even ended up

It was only a matter of time, Kor’Re knew, before Xabo would get tired of talking

and try something drastic. His staff had told him to beef up security around his plants
and offices and most importantly around himself. Kor’Re didn’t want to have to walk

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around with ten bodyguards flanking him at all times nor did he want to have to carry a
weapon. Maybe some body armor might be in order. He’d seriously think about that.

“What did he say this time?”

“He said that he wants you and him to talk. Just the two of you. He said that you

could even pick the place. He’s called four times already.”

“But I don’t want to talk to him. I have no interest in anything that he has to say.

I know I’ve made that clear.”

The vid phone on her desk started ringing. She checked who the incoming call

was from. “It’s him.” She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at him. “What shall I say
this time? I’ve already told him the last three times that you’re in a meeting. I can tell
him that you still are.”

If he didn’t deal with this now Xabo would be calling all week. Kor’Re sighed


“Put it through to the vid phone in my office.”

“Are you sure?”

“Might as well. Get it over with.”

He walked down the hallway all the way to the end and into his office. Kor’Re

sat at his desk and took a deep breath. He pressed the silver button on his desk. The
large screen of the vid phone flickered and the face of Xabo came into view.

“Afternoon, Xabo. How can I help you?”

“Afternoon to you. But how I can help you is the real question. I heard that you

had just won that contract with the Tellaran military. Congratulations. But I bet they are
making your life a misery. Those military contracts can be a pain in the ass. But I
thought that you were moving away from military contracts. I have to say I was
surprised to hear that you were interested in this one.”

Kor’Re had no idea how Xabo always knew what contracts he won and what he

didn’t. True, many of them were publicized, but most weren’t. He must have a mole.
Kor’Re would have to get his security team on it. He didn’t like the fact that Xabo knew
what the hell he was doing when he never knew what Xabo was up to.

“Actually, I wasn’t interested. They contacted me.”

“Oh, I see. But they are difficult to deal with. We Tellarans can be. When it

comes to military matters we demand perfection.”

“That’s true, but I’ll manage. So how are you going to help me?”

“You really do not want that contract, do you? I am more than willing to pay you

the face value of the contract and take over. You are going towards the cybernetic field
these days. Good move. That is where the money is to be made, especially human
cybernetics. I am actually thinking of steering my company towards that area as well.”

Kor’Re fought to keep his face neutral. Unfortunately, he didn’t do a good job

because Xabo gave him that smug smile that he hated. His change in his company’s field
was something he hadn’t even discussed with his board of directors. Only a few casual
conversations about the move had taken place between a few of his foreign contacts, but
nothing concrete. How the hell did Xabo find that out? Unless it was from his Cyrillian
contacts. But no, they were always discreet. And didn’t one of his biggest clients tell
him the other day that he would rather not do business with Xabo?

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Kor’Re put on a pleasant smile. He hoped it was anyway. He felt like he was

grimacing. “I guess we can discuss it. Only thing is I’m having a meeting with the client
right now.”

“I see. Finish the meeting. I can contact the client after you and I discuss things.

I am sure that after we talk you will want me to take over the contract. I was thinking
that you could come to my home. Have a business lunch as the humans call it.”

He blew air. Kor’Re really didn’t want to spend anytime speaking with Xabo, but

at the same time he didn’t want this contract. He had other research projects that he
wanted to get under way. It was only for ten million credits anyway. His research
projects were worth three times that.

“Tomorrow is the earliest I can meet with you. So at your home you suggested?”

“If you would rather we could meet somewhere else.”

If Xabo was going to do anything criminal, Kor’Re doubted that the man would

do it under his own roof. He’d be more vulnerable in a public place.

“Your place will be fine. What time?”

“One in the afternoon is good for me. Any preferences food wise?”

“I don’t eat Tellaran cuisine.”

“Duly noted. Then I will see you tomorrow. If you could bring the agenda from

the meeting that would be appreciated.”

Kor’Re nodded and ended the call. He leaned back in his chair. His fingers

drummed impatiently on his desk. He abruptly got up and started out of his office.

“Laura!” he yelled down the hall.

She hurried to his office. “Yes, Mr. McGregor? What’s wrong?”

“A potentially serious situation. Get Alex in here, now.”

“Right away, sir.”

Kor’Re paced his office until he heard someone walk in. Alex Dumas, his chief

of security stood there in the doorway. He was wearing sweats.

“Sorry I got you out of training.”

“No worries. I was practically done anyway.” Alex’s bright green eyes glinted

with amusement. “Let me guess, that asshole got to you again?”

“Holy shit, Alex. How the hell does he do it? He has a mole here. I know he

does. He has to. I want you to find them and deal with them. I don’t really care what
you do to them just get them away from here. Because if I get one more call from Xabo
asking me about the contracts I have on the go and whether I plan to carry them out, I
will lose it.”

“But everyone knows which contracts you win. That’s published as soon as the

bid is won.”

“Yeah, but not all. This one wasn’t. And how the hell did he know that I really

didn’t want to win the contract? Tell me, how the hell did he know that?”

Kor’Re ran his hand over his head in frustration. The man had to have someone

here. Someone that was privy to certain information.

“Do a security check on everyone who was hired in the last year. Anything that

looks even remotely suspicious let me know. I might just be overreacting, but I want to
make sure. My father didn’t build this company from the ground up so I could let
someone destroy it. No way.”

“Of course. And if I find the mole, it’s my call?”

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“You know what? Better let me talk to them first. Maybe we can come to an

agreement. Sorry again, I got you out of your workout.”

The security guard shrugged. “No worries. Look, don’t take this wrong way, but

I promised I’d ask. My sister wants to know whether you’d be interested in having
dinner with her sometime. I told her that you’re a busy man. But she made me promise
I’d ask. So I did.” Alex looked away, embarrassed.

Alex’s sister, Tabitha, a cute little blonde thing, had set her eyes on Kor’Re after

she had seen him at a children’s hospital fundraiser last summer. She was attractive, but
a little too on the needy side. And there was the fact that she had been rubbing herself up
against a lot of other financially successful men that night.

When he had tried to excuse himself to use the washroom she nearly followed

him inside. It was true that after his Cyrillian wife left him six years ago Kor’Re was
ready to have someone in his life again, but Tabitha wasn’t what he wanted. He wasn’t
even sure what he wanted. His mother had said that when he found it, he’d know.
Anyway, for now he had other things to deal with.

“Tell her that I’m flattered, but I’m way too busy.”

“Done. Not that I’d mind having you as a brother - in - law and all, but I

wouldn’t wish my sister on anyone. Yeah, she’s my sister and love her, but … I wouldn’t
wish her on anyone. I’ll get started on finding the mole. I should have something in a
couple of days.”


“I think they’re ready to resume the presentation,” Laura said, poking her head in

the doorway. “They decided to eat while they continued the meeting.”

“Great. I hope they left me a sandwich. Tell them I’m coming.”

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Chapter Seven

Winston’s office was so clean, white and sterile that it made Gabrielle’s eyes hurt.

She examined her bruises on her back and arms in the full length mirror — dark smudges
against her caramel skin — and then redressed. The nurse came in and told her that the
doctor would be back in a few minutes so she should wait.

“Is he going to be long? I’ve got an appointment.”

“He shouldn’t be,” the nurse said and left.

Gabrielle moved her left shoulder. It didn’t hurt as much as it did two days ago.

She guessed the nanotech she had decided to get was doing its job. Gabrielle had been
debating about getting them, not sure that she wanted microcomputers floating around in
her system. Not after her bad experience with the neurochem and the internal computer.
She was surprised that she actually missed the damn thing.

As far as the nanotech, Xabo had told her given her job it would be the best thing

for her. She guessed he was right. Without them she would have ended up in the
hospital many times already.

Gabrielle checked her watch. She had her spa appointment in an hour. The place

was clear across town and Gabrielle had had to wait almost three months for an
appointment. She wasn’t going to risk losing it because she was late.

It had been over a year since she had been able to do anything that even remotely

resembled pampering. She’d made it a habit to pamper herself one night a week, just to
de - stress. Lately though, Xabo had had her jumping through hoops with all the
assignments that he had given here. A few of them were for friends of his. Last week
alone she’d had six jobs to do. Two had to be done in the same day. By the time she had
finished the last job she was wiped. And that’s how she got the shoulder injury. An
exhausted assassin didn’t fight as well and tended not to make sure that her targets were
completely dead.

Her target had not been quite dead and had managed to send a bullet into her left

shoulder. She had been able to dig it out and get herself to Winston who patched her up.
Gabrielle was here as a follow up.

The doctor walked back into the examination room ten minutes later. He pushed

his glasses up on his pointy nose. It was strange to see someone with glasses these days.
Most opted for optical implants that corrected their vision instantly. Either Winston was
too cheap to spring for them or he liked things old school.

“Sorry about that. Everything looks good. Any pain?”

“Not really. I think the nanobots are really working out. The bruises don’t last

too long.”

“They shouldn’t and should be gone by this evening. Your tech is from BioSys,

isn’t it?” Winston asked.

“I think so. I just got the ones that were most recommended. So I can go?”

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“You can. If you have any problems with them just let me know. Oh, by the

way, Xabo called me and he said to tell you that if you ever decide that you want to get
prosthetic limbs to discuss it with him first.”

Gabrielle frowned. Why the hell would she discuss that with him? If she wanted

to get prosthetic limbs or a whole prosthetic body for that matter that was her business.

“Did he say why?”

“He mentioned that he would prefer if you stayed natural. Though I didn’t know

that he liked human women.”

“You know him well?”

“I know him well enough. But it’s funny he mentioned it considering all the

research and development that his company does concerning prosthetic replacements and
bodies. You’d think he would want his employees to use the products. Isn’t most of his
staff prosthetic?”

“Charles, the butler and Frieda aren’t. There are the two housekeepers who am I

told are bio androids that Xabo is testing, but everyone else is flesh and blood. At least
last time I checked. I don’t go around asking anyone whether they’re prosthetic or not.”

“Though you aren’t using his company’s nanotech.”

“He told me to get the best.” She shrugged. “So, I did.”

“Well, he wants you to discuss the issue with him. If you want I can give you

some information on the whole process of how a person is transferred to a prosthetic

“That won’t be necessary. And for the record, I’m not with Xabo. I just work for

him. And my health is my business,” Gabrielle said.

She got down from the examination table and walked out of the office ignoring

the doctor’s startled look. If he wanted to tell Xabo what she had said he was quite
welcome to. Gabrielle could not have cared less.

Outside she put on her shades. She had to remember to call her sister when she

got home to find out how life at university was going. Gabrielle had been so proud when
Emma had been named valedictorian in high school. She just wished that her parents
were around to see it.

Her data pad stared to ring. She pulled it out of her bag and checked the caller. It

was Xabo. She would call him later. Right now she had an appointment with a

* * * *

The vid phone was trilling when Gabrielle opened the front door. She checked

the number. It was Emma. She pressed the answer button.

“Hey, I was calling like forever,” Emma greeted.

“Hello to you too. I do have a life you know. Just like you do. And what about

when I call you and I can’t find you. I always have to leave messages with your

“Yeah, yeah. So how’s it going?”

Emma still didn’t know what Gabrielle did exactly for Xabo. Or at least Gabrielle

hoped not. She wasn’t sure how she would explain it since Emma had confided that she
had always found Xabo creepy.

“I’m alright. Busy, but I’m okay. And you?”

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“Pretty good. Got my schedule for next semester. Hate it. I’m going to see the

dean and see if I can change a few things around.”

“Oh, really? So you can have more free time to fool around?” Gabrielle asked,

but with a big smile.

“No. I just don’t like the schedule. I have one class bright and early and the next

one isn’t until later in the afternoon. I’ll get bored and more inclined to cut class. You
wouldn’t want that.”

“No, I wouldn’t. So how are things besides that?”

“Really good. But there is something I think you should know. Frieda already

knows about him.”

Gabrielle raised an eyebrow. “Him? And who is this him?

Her sister went off screen for a moment, and then she came back with a rather

good looking dark haired guy. Gabrielle could see that in a few years he would be quite
the hunk. He smiled shyly at Gabrielle.

He raised his hand. “Hey, I’m Daniel.”

“Hello, Daniel. So how long have you and my sister been together?”

“Uh … about a year.”

“Emma, why hadn’t you introduced me?”

“Because I wasn’t sure about him. I mean what would be the use of introducing

you to a guy that I wasn’t sure I’d be serious about.”

Gabrielle looked at Daniel who just stared at Emma. “I don’t think that was

something that you should have said in front of Daniel.”

“He doesn’t mind,” Emma said and kissed his cheek. Emma told him to go away

until she was finished.

“He’s not staying in your room is he?”

“Since when did you become such a prude? I mean I’m eighteen years old. I’m

not a child.”

“Be that as it may, I am still responsible for you and I don’t want you

complicating your life or getting in trouble. I don’t think co - op living is allowed on
campus. And if you are going to … fool around, please use protection.”

Emma burst out laughing.

“I don’t find this funny, Emma,” Gabrielle said seriously. “I’m not joking. I sent

you to university to study, not fool around with guys. I don’t need you coming home for
an extended visit because you’re pregnant.”

“I’m laughing because you sound so motherly. Not even Frieda is that bad. But

for the record he’s not living with me in the dorm and we haven’t … you know. Not yet.
And of course I’d use protection when we do. You raised me after all.”

That she had, and Gabrielle was damn proud of the job that she had done despite

the circumstances.

“So what about you? Anyone yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Are you even looking?”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Gabrielle gave her sister a look. “You

think I like being alone?”

“I didn’t say that. But hell, I’d think you’d have men falling all over you. Wait,

are you gay?”

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“Because if you are … I mean that’s your decision. Then at least when I see a

cute professor I won’t tell him about you. Unless it’s a woman.”

“No, I’m not gay. I just haven’t found the right person that’s all.”

Gabrielle didn’t think she would. What man would want her after finding out

what she had done and was doing? Would Xabo even allow her to get close to anyone?
He always told her that he owned her and she figured that he would until he got tired of
her. Unfortunately it didn’t seem that he was getting bored any time soon.

“You’re probably being too picky.”

“Anyway … so will you be coming home for the summer?”

“I was hoping to take a trip with Daniel. He has an aunt who lives on the

Cyrillian home world. Funny, huh? Thought that they didn’t like humans. Anyway she
invited us. I’d really like to go. I’ve never been off planet before. I know I haven’t seen
you in a year, but I’d really like to go. Please?”

Debating for all of ten seconds, Gabrielle said, “You can go, but you have to

spend a week with me before you go. At least give me some quality with you.”

“Done. And we can even go to that crazy spa you were telling me about that’s

like so exclusive. Did you ever get in?”

“I did. Today actually. And it was worth every credit. But you have to book like

way in advance. So I’ll book an appointment for us both so that by the time you come
we’ll go. Sounds good?”

“It does.”

A beeping told Gabrielle that someone else was trying to get a hold of her. It was

probably Xabo. He was getting impatient waiting for her to call back.

“I have to take another call. I’ll talk to you before the semester is over so we can

discuss this trip. You’ll have to get an off planet passport too. Take care, Em.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Gabrielle pressed another button, the screen flicked and Xabo’s face appeared.

“I was trying all day to get a hold of you. Did you have another job for another


“I just had some errands I needed to take care of.”

“Frieda can take care of that for you. She is at your disposal. I will just tell her

… ”

“That I can take care of my own errands. She already does everything else for


“Are you sure? I do not want to you to be unavailable because you are running

across town to get to foodstuffs.”

Gabrielle resisted the urge to swear and smiled instead. “I’ll be fine.”

“How is the shoulder?”

“It’s fine. So you have another job for me?”

He nodded. “But it is going to be a little different from your usual jobs. The

target’s name is Kor’Re McGregor. A half - breed. Half human, half Cyrillian. Looks
more Cyrillian though except for the brown eyes. He owns BioSys. I want his company.
Unfortunately, he is not willing to just give it to me nor does he want a partnership.”

“Why not? You usually get what you want, don’t you?”

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Xabo chuckled. “Yes, yes I do. But in this case, he is playing hardball as the

human expression goes.”

“Won’t it be easier if you just play nice?”

“I have been playing nice, Gabrielle.” Xabo muttered.

“Sorry. So you want him eliminated? Tell me when and where.”

“I want him ruined is what I want. You will get inside his company and tear it

down from the inside. And then when the smoke clears I will move in, pick up the
remains and build it back up. It might take you some time as I think he’s getting
suspicious of me these days. But I think that you might distract him somewhat. He’ll be
over for lunch tomorrow at one. I want you here.”

This was different. But at least she wasn’t killing anyone. Lately, she was

finding that it was getting easier and easier for her to kill. She didn’t like that. Still,
ruining someone financially wasn’t any better either. He could have a family to support.

“Should I do any research on him first?”

“No, there will be no need. When you come by tomorrow you can get all the info

that you will need. I haven’t quite figured out how I will get you into his company, but I
will know by the end of the day today. Make sure that you wear something sexy. I want
him totally enthralled with you.”

Gabrielle raised her eyebrow. Now why would he say that? “Sure, no problem.”

After Xabo hung up, Gabrielle went into her bedroom and stripped. She headed

into the bathroom, filled the large marble tub with water and poured in a generous
amount of lavender scented bath salts.

Probably this Mr. McGregor knew that Xabo would try to kill him and had

security in place to prevent that. She had gone up against a few security guards before,
but she hadn’t come out unscathed. She usually had to use one of her hallucinogen
grenades to make her escape. She had found the little beauties on the Cyrillian black
market and found them to be very effective when one was in a jam. They had saved her
butt more than once. Too bad her later assignments didn’t allow for her to use her
katana. She missed using that blade. It was clean and efficient and always did the job.
Her mind drifted to her first job. That kill hadn’t been clean. But it was her first and she
was nervous.

Maybe if Mr. McGregor ended up being marked for death she would use the

blade on him. Make his death quick and almost painless, she thought with a smile.

Then Gabrielle frowned. She shook her head in disgust. She really needed to

take a break from this. Once this assignment was over she would ask Xabo for a leave of
absence. Maybe she would go with Emma and Daniel.

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Chapter Eight

The valet who took Kor’Re’s keys grinned at him. His eyes went over the sleek

body of the dark blue jag. He nodded in appreciation.

“Nice wheels. Don’t see too many like that except in museums. Everyone’s

driving those personal shuttles. Must have cost you through the nose, huh?”

“Just make sure that you don’t scratch it.”

The valet nodded and jumped into the driver seat. When he peeled away down

the winding driveway to the garages, Kor’Re scowled. If there was any damage he
would make Xabo pay for it. Heading up the steps to the front door, Kor’Re heard
another car pull up. He turned. A dark grey Benz. Another fellow lover of all things

Kor’Re felt his eyebrows rise in appreciation when he saw the driver get out. He

suddenly forgot all about his precious jag and whether it would get scratched.

Well, well, well. Could she be Xabo’s flavor of the month? If she was he was so

jealous right now. Her dark hair framed the perfect oval of her face. Her body was
draped in a dark grey suit. The jacket was unbuttoned to reveal a pale pink blouse that
was unbuttoned just enough for Kor’Re to get a glimpse of the light pink bra that she
wore underneath. She stopped a few feet away from him. She raised her head. Big
brown eyes met his. He gave her a smile. She returned it politely.

“Hello, I’m Kor’Re McGregor. I’m having a meeting with Xabo. Will you be

joining us?” he asked walking down the steps to meet her. “Please say yes.”

She accepted the hand that he offered. Kor’Re fought the urge to pull her closer.

Instead he did another perusal of her. He took in the smoky dark eyes, the full lips and
delicious looking tawny skin. She was a treat all right. A sweet caramel sundae on two

“Nice to meet you. I’m Gabrielle Wynter and I am not sure whether I will be

joining you. I’m just here to visit him.”

“Too bad.” Still holding her hand he helped her up the steps. Gabrielle gently

pulled her hand away when the front door opened.

“Hello, Miss Gabrielle and hello Mr. McGregor. Mr. Xabo is waiting for both of

you in his office,” Charles greeted.

Kor’Re looked over to Gabrielle. “Looks like you might be joining us after all.”

“Looks like.”

Kor’Re stepped aside to let Gabrielle pass ahead in front of him. As she passed

his eyes went down the length of her. He found himself start to strain against the front of
his pants. Damn, she was sexy. What he wouldn’t give to have her naked under him so
he could run his hands over her luscious curves, nibble on her skin while he slowly slid
himself into her. Kor’Re tore his gaze away from her when the butler stopped in front of
a set of double doors. The butler knocked once.

“Ms. Wynter and Mr. McGregor to see you, sir.”

“Send them in,” Xabo’s voice said from within.

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Upon entering Xabo’s office, Kor’Re noticed the way Xabo’s eyes went over

Gabrielle. Not that he blamed him. Gabrielle Wynter was a major distraction. If she was
Xabo’s he was sure Xabo didn’t get any work done while she was around. Kor’Re knew
he wouldn’t. No way.

“Kor’Re, so glad that you could come.” He extended a hand, which Kor’Re took.

“I hope that I did not put you out too much. I know you are a busy man.”

“No, no. And I brought the agenda from the meeting along with the minutes like

you asked.” Kor’Re held up a small data disk. “I’m sure that you’ll find it interesting
reading. It was quite the meeting.”

Xabo took the disc and put in into a data reader on his desk. Kor’Re found his

gaze on Gabrielle, again. Probably noticing that his eyes were on her, she turned. She
raised an eyebrow at him, and then gave him a big smile. Kor’Re felt the throb below his
belt become more insistent when he saw her dimples. They were deep enough to swim
in. Something about a woman with dimples always made him horny.

Xabo rose from his desk. “You were right. Very interesting reading. Gabrielle, a

minute please. If you will excuse us,” Xabo said and pulled Gabrielle a little ways away.
They spoke in low tones for a moment. Gabrielle nodded and then started out of the

“You’re not joining us for lunch?” Kor’Re asked her.

Gabrielle gave him another smile. He hardened even more. Kor’Re had to find

out whether she and Xabo were involved. Even if they were, Kor’Re felt that he would
risk seducing her away from him. His body was reacting too strongly not to pursue this.

“Sorry, I have something else that I need to do. But it was nice meeting you, Mr.


“Please call me, Kor’Re. And the pleasure was mine.” He watched until she left

the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

“She is something.”

“Yeah,” Kor’Re said and faced Xabo. “She yours? If she is I just might be

tempted to give you some competition.”

Xabo grinned. “I am sure she would not mind. We were close, but not as much

any more. We do still enjoy each other’s company on occasion, but only as friends. I
guess she got tired of me. I do work long hours and females like to be given attention
once in a while. And I guess sometimes I just could not give her that attention.”

Oh, that would not be a problem. I’d give up a day’s work if it meant I could

spend it with her. “I’m sure that most men would find time for her. I am sure that your
male employees are distracted by her when she comes to see you.”

Xabo grinned. “Oh, they are. But they know better than to try and seduce their

boss’ consort. But let us get this meeting underway. You want to eat here or out on the

“Anywhere is fine with me.”

“On the patio then. I like it better out there to conduct my meetings.”

* * * *

The bag of ice was melting. Gabrielle took it from her neck and threw it on the

table. She sat in a small room with five video screens. At the moment only one was on.

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It was the one that recorded what went on, on the patio. Right now Xabo and Kor’Re
were discussing a new contract with the military. But Gabrielle wasn’t listening.

She was watching Kor’Re. Though she had seen and been with men as attractive

as he was none of them made her feel anything. Even when he looked at her she felt as if
he was looking deep inside of her. That she was naked and exposed to him. Not that she
would mind being naked with him. Oh yeah, she would love him naked too. Have him
naked so she could spend her time exploring ever inch of that scrumptious body of his.
He was probably beautiful naked.

She loved the way his eyes softened when he smiled. She loved that deep smooth

voice of his with just a hint of the Cyrillian accent. Xabo had said that he was half
human. He looked full Cyrillian to her. He had all the earmarks of Cyrillian males. The
dark gold skin tone, the muscled physique, the height. Everything, except for the brown
eyes. Since he was bald, his pointed ears seemed more pronounced. Thoughts of gently
nibbling the tips came to mind.

Her fantasizing was interrupted when she heard Kor’Re laugh. God, even his

laugh was sexy. She crossed her legs tightly.

“So, do you still want to take it over?” Kor’Re was asking.

Gabrielle watched as Xabo frowned at the information on his PDA. Apparently

whatever he had wanted from Kor’Re wasn’t exactly what he thought it would be.

“I spoke with the colonel and he said that when you’re ready he’d like to discuss

the particulars of the contract with you.”

Xabo stared at Kor’Re. “You told him that I would be taking over the contract?”

“Not exactly. I just told him that you were interested in it. After all you were one

of the bidders. The lowest bidder at that. I think they only chose me because I’ve
worked with them before. Most other companies won’t work with them because they’re
so picky. I’ll understand if you decline. My people already have everything in place to
do the job.”

“No,” Xabo said and forced a smile to his face. “I have always been one to take

on a challenge. I will contact the colonel later today. So, I take it that you have got other
things on the go since you are so willing to let this one go. Your cybernetic contracts?”

Kor’Re nodded. He looked at his watch. “Incidentally, I have another meeting

regarding that. Sorry to eat and run, but I really have to go. Thank you for the lunch.
And if you do decide to take over the job, just give me a call and I’ll have my team send
you what we already have concerning the job. It might prove useful.” Kor’Re stood up.
As he did Xabo offered his hand again.

“That would be fine. I will let you know. I am so glad that we can talk civilly.

Just because we are competitors that does not mean that we cannot work together for our
mutual benefit.”

“Of course. Oh, and if you could say goodbye to Gabrielle for me and tell her

that I’m sorry she couldn’t join us for lunch. Perhaps if we find ourselves discussing
business over lunch again we could invite her.”

“You think she’d like to sit and listen to us discuss business?”

“Actually, I’d just like her company.”

He’d just want her company. Is that right? Well, it seemed that he was enthralled

with her already. Xabo would be pleased. Gabrielle wondered what Xabo would think if
he found out that she was enthralled with Kor’Re. Maybe it was better if he didn’t know.

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“You don’t need to be discussing business with me to enjoy her company. By all

means, ask her. I will not object.”

“So you’re just friends? You called her your consort.”

“A slip of the tongue. As I said, we were close but not that close anymore. But of

course the next time you and I can discuss business I will make sure that she joins us.
Charles will show you out.”

A few minutes later, Xabo walked into the small room where Gabrielle was

seated. He glanced at the bag of ice.

“I had a headache,” Gabrielle explained.

“So what do you think?”

She raised an eyebrow at him. Now why was he asking her that question? Did

she give something away in her behavior with Kor’Re? Gabrielle had to tread carefully

Gabrielle shrugged. “He seems all right, but you obviously hate him for some


“Hate is not the word. Everything that I try to do he is already doing and does it

ten times better. And without trying. His father was a great business man, but he has
surpassed him. He gets all the best contracts on the planet. Even the few that come from
off planet, he always seems to get them. Never mind that he is half human.”

“He’s just a better businessman than you. As far as getting the off planet

contracts, maybe it’s the fact that even though he’s half human he doesn’t look it.
Cyrillians do like to deal with their kind most of the time. The devil you know and all.”

Gabrielle, used to Xabo‘s temper, wasn’t concerned when he gave her a hard

look. She had long since learned that he would probably not hurt her physically. As far
as emotionally, her emotions were pushed so far down that he couldn’t get at them.
Though now that she thought about it Kor’Re had stirred them up a little. Actually, he
had stirred them up a lot.

“So what exactly do you want me to do?”

Even if Xabo ordered her to kill him, she would have a little fun with Mr.

McGregor. A man like that you couldn’t just kill without having a little fun. She’d use
him and then kill him. Just like she had on her last assignment.

For three months she had dated a small time weapons dealer who was infringing

on Xabo’s territory. She was to become friendly with him and find out whether he would
be open to working for Xabo. If he did, then he would stay alive. If not, he was dead.
Xabo didn’t take kindly to anyone interfering in his business ventures, but he said that
Paul showed potential. And someone like that was always welcome in his employ.

So, Gabrielle had gotten friendly with him and after a few weeks the poor sap had

fallen in love with her. Not that it was hard. The man was hopeless when it came to
women. Before she had approached him, she had watched for four months as he got
turned down and insulted by almost every woman that he had tried to get a date with.
Then when she had sashayed into Paul’s life he was easy to manipulate. And he’d told
her everything she needed to know. She hadn’t even had to sleep with him. He wasn’t
interested in working for Xabo, but in taking over Xabo’s territory. So Gabrielle knew
then what she had to do.

She had called him to ask whether they could meet for drinks and he invited her

over instead. As soon as she’d walked into his condo, Paul had asked her to move in with

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him. Gabrielle smiled and then she had told him the real reason that she was with him.
The way he had looked at her when she had told him almost made her rethink what she
had to do. She had had to kill him quickly otherwise she would have aborted the
assignment. She would have told him leave town and forget all about taking over Xabo’s
empire since it was never going to happen. But if she had, she wasn’t sure what Xabo
would have done. Worse case scenario, he’d send her back to finish the job, probably
with one of the guys to make sure that she finished it.

“I want you to seduce him.”

She blinked up at him. “What did you say?”

“I want you to seduce him. Plain and simple.”

Seduce him? That meant a lot of effort and time. You just didn’t seduce

someone overnight.

“Seduce him? The way you say you hate him I would have thought that you

would want him dead. Or at least have his reputation ruined.”

“Oh, I do want him dead, but not right away. I was thinking of getting you inside

his company. That way it will be easier for you to ruin him. If he is under your spell as it
were he might not see it coming until it is too late. And then once you have ruined and
humiliated him, then you will kill him.” Xabo smiled. “Oh, yes, I can see it now.
Kor’Re will probably fall in love with you and be so shocked and bewildered when he
finds out what you have done. Imagine the look on his face. I wish I could be there to
see it.”

This was not going to work. Gabrielle shook her head. “I don’t do the seducing

thing well. It might be better to just let me kill him. I can even do it tonight. Clean and
quick. He won’t even see it coming.”

Xabo shook his head. “He is as prominent as I am in the corporate world. There

will be inquiries and my name will come up given the … competition between us. When
you kill him I do not want anything to come back to me.” His fingers brushed her cheek.
He bent down and kissed her mouth lightly. “And you cannot tell me that you did not
notice that he was interested. You have already got him half seduced. The rest will be

Yes, she noticed that he noticed and she noticed him. Maybe it was just lust.

Besides she hadn’t been with anyone for the past six months. She was just having sex
withdrawal. She just needed to call the escort service and hire someone for a few days
and she’d be all right. She might not even notice how sexy Kor’Re was. Yeah, that’s
what she’d do.

“Okay, so how am I supposed to go about this? Or can I just wing it?”

“Actually, I found out that he is looking for a personal assistant. I made

arrangements for you to be interviewed for the job tomorrow morning at ten o’clock.
Once he hires you then you can continuing the seducing, and ruin him. But be careful, he
has some of the best security around. If you hack into any mainframe, make sure that
you cover your ass.”

“I will. We done here?”

He pulled her up into his arms and buried his face in her neck. “Not quite.”

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Chapter Nine

Gabrielle wiped her hands on her skirt for the fourth time. She couldn’t

understand her nervousness. This was just a job, like any other one that she had done.
She was going about it a different way, but it was still a job. She would get into
Kor’Re’s company, use what she could to financially ruin him, and then eventually kill
him. What was the big deal?

The big deal was that she was attracted to him. Badly. While she and Xabo had

been having sex in the security room, her mind drifted. Sure it always did whenever she
was with him, but this time it wasn’t on what she had planned to do once Xabo got off
her. It was on Kor’Re. Her overactive imagination had gone into overdrive and had her
fantasizing what it would be like to be with him.

Xabo had thought it was her reaction to him and when he was done, he took her

again and asked her to stay the night. She conceded, but complained that her headache
was back and went to sleep in a spare bedroom instead. She had spent most of the night
doing research on Kor’Re.

She found out that his father had built the company from nothing despite the

backlash of being married to a Cyrillian when interspecies mating was frowned upon.
Then he had handed the company over to Kor’Re when Kor’Re had turned twenty -
five. From there Kor’Re had grown BioSys into the multi - billion dollar company it
was today. It ranked in the top five of all the nanotech companies in the world. Xabo
ranked a mere two hundred and fifty - seventh. No wonder he was jealous of Kor’Re.

Gabrielle looked up when Xabo walked into the kitchen. He walked up to her and

caressed the back of her neck. He bent down and kissed the top of her head.

“I was hoping to have you this morning before you left.”

“I wanted to mentally prepare myself for the job interview. Suppose I don’t get

the job?”

“Why would you not? From Kor’Re’s reaction to you yesterday I would think

that he would want nothing more than to have you near him. As his personal assistant
how nearer could you get? Well, I suppose in his bed, but you’ll deal with that later.”


Just exactly how she was going to deal with that later worried Gabrielle.

His eyes went over the pale pink silk blouse and black knee length skirt she was

wearing. “You look very nice. You will distract him quite nicely I think. He’ll give you
the job. I cannot see why he would not.” Xabo went over to the carafe on the counter and
poured himself a cup of coffee. “Make sure that once you are hired you ask a million
questions. I want to know everything that goes on.”

“Like what? From what Bruno told me, it seems like you already have a mole in


“I do, but Kor’Re is getting suspicious. He had security looking into it. I told my

mole to keep a low profile. If Kor’Re finds the mole it that could be bad for you. He
might not trust you. And that could mean a big problem. But once you’re there I doubt
he will even remember that he was looking for a mole.”

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She checked her watch. A quarter after nine. Her appointment was at ten.

Downing the last of her orange juice she picked up her bag and started for the door.
Xabo held onto her arm.

“Are you comfortable with this assignment?”

“Huh? Why would you ask that?”

“I just thought I would ask since you seemed a little hesitant about it. If you

would rather not do it I can hire someone else.”

Hire someone else?

Who would he hire if she said no? “No, it’s okay. It’s just

that it’s a little different from the other assignments that I’ve done. I’ll be fine. See you

“Oh, how is Emma?”

That question stopped her. She turned slightly towards him. “She’s fine. She’s

doing really well in school.”

“Good. The next time that you speak to her tell her hello for me.”

“I will.”

“She must be just as beautiful as you are. Probably have all the males on campus

running after her.”

“Don’t know about that. I better get going. I’ll call you after the interview.”

* * * *

Inside her car, Gabrielle punched in the coordinates to BioSys into her GPS. She

pulled out of the driveway barely missing one of the car washers who had suddenly
appeared in the driveway. He yelled at her. She gave him the finger and kept going.
Given some of the idiots that Xabo hired she wasn’t surprised that he needed a woman to
do his dirty work for him. Gabrielle had asked Bruno about the previous girl that Xabo
had, and Bruno had told her that she was dead. The police had found her a few years ago
behind some skin club downtown. Drugs and too much alcohol in her system, the
coroner’s report had shown. She just couldn’t handle the stress because she had gotten
too involved in the job, according to Bruno.


Gabrielle thought, she just couldn’t handle the stress of dealing with Xabo.

Gabrielle on the other hand didn’t know why she just let Xabo do what he wanted with
her. Yes, he said he owned her, but whenever he approached her she could say that she
was busy or that she had a headache. Or just tell him that she didn’t want to be with him.
Having sex with him made her sick to her stomach. Couldn’t she just tell him so? No,
instead she was always ready and willing to accommodate him. Maybe she would have
to change that.

And what the hell did he mean to say hello to Emma for him? The day that they

moved out of his house, Gabrielle made sure that Emma had nothing to do with Xabo.
Even when he had sent her birthday presents, Gabrielle threw them out or sold them. She
didn’t want Emma to have anything more to do with him. And if he ever tried anything

Gabrielle wasn’t even sure what she’d do. Kill him, she supposed.

As she merged onto the highway her mind went back to the mole. If Xabo

already had someone inside of Kor’Re’s company why hadn’t they been able to
maneuver things so that Xabo could step in and take over? Was it that hard? Maybe they

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weren’t doing their job or they just weren’t very good at it. Most likely it was the latter if
she had been recruited to take over the assignment.

Gabrielle grimaced. She should have said that she didn’t want the assignment. It

had all the earmarks of going very badly. The fact that she was attracted to Kor’Re was
already a bad sign. And she was expected to seduce him and then kill him. Yeah right.
How the hell was she supposed to do that feeling about him the way she did?

But if she didn’t take the assignment and Xabo gave it to someone else and they

killed Kor’Re, what about that? Though she couldn’t even say that she had any real
attachment to him or even knew the man, she knew it would hurt her if he were killed.
Gabrielle shook her head. Maybe she’d figure out something later.

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Chapter Ten

BioSys was a sprawling complex of glass and steel. Gabrielle slowed her car

when she reached the front of the building to take in the landscape. Trees and flowering
bushes surrounded the buildings making it look more like an apartment complex than a
place of business.

The company’s name was proudly displayed on a stone sign that Gabrielle had

found out was carved by a famous sculptor who was a personal friend of Kor’Re’s father,
Ronin McGregor. The grounds were watched by numerous security cameras, mounted
rifles hidden under the tall street lamps and patrolling guards. The three that she saw
looked like triplets. Androids, she suspected. Made sense. They were easier to replace
and deal with than human guards and they could patrol the grounds twenty - four seven.
Each had a rifle in hand and a gun in a holster at the hip.

Xabo wasn’t kidding when he said that Kor’Re was getting suspicious. He wasn’t

taking any chances either. If anyone tried to storm the place, the mounted guns would cut
you down to size. And if you somehow managed to avoid them, the androids would take
you out.

She was met by a security guard — human — in dull grey security issue when she

pulled up to the security booth just outside the locked gate. Another man stood behind
him. Armed, but wearing an expensive three piece suit in dark grey. He took off his
shades and put them in his pocket. His green eyes looked her over. When he seemed to
think that she wasn’t a threat he walked up to the car and motioned for her to roll down
her window.

“Gabrielle Wynter?”

“Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. McGregor at ten.”

He scanned the PDA in his right hand. He nodded to the guard. The gates


“Go on through and park in the lot to your left. I’ll be right over.”

Gabrielle followed the instructions. As she got out of her car, she noticed that the

man in the suit was watching her, again. His eyes went from the top of her head to her
feet and back up again. She arched an eyebrow at him.

“Something wrong?”

He shook his head. He stuck out a hand. “Alex Dumas, head of security. I’m

here to meet you on behalf of Mr. McGregor. I’ll take you up.”

“Nice to meet you.” She took his hand. His grip was strong. “You’ve got a lot of

security here. Mostly cybernetic and automatic.”

“Funny thing for you to notice.”

She shrugged. “I just notice things, I guess.”

“Well, we have to have tight security here. A lot of people want to know what

BioSys is up to and try and duplicate it.” Alex motioned for her to follow him.

“As with any other company I would imagine. But what are you up to that’s so

special that everyone else wants in on it?” she asked with a smile.

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“Just making life better for us humans. A lot of things have happened here on this

planet since the aliens took over.”

“Ironic for your boss to be concerned about humans that much.”

“Why would you say that?”

“While your boss is half human he can pass for a full blooded Cyrillian. If he hid

the human side of his life, no one would be able to guess he was half human.”

“Maybe, but he can’t ignore the human side of himself. So how did you hear

about this job? It wasn’t advertised in the public ads.”

Gabrielle paused before responding. Alex had said he was head of security. Had

Kor’Re sent him out to meet her so he could scope her out? She would have to be careful
how she answered any questions he posed.

“A friend of mine mentioned that your boss was looking for a personal assistant

and suggested that I apply since I’m between jobs right now.”

Alex nodded. Gabrielle waited for him to ask for the name of the friend, but he

didn’t. Either he didn’t care or he already knew who it was.

The main foyer of BioSys was outfitted with comfy couches and vid screens that

displayed in loop many of the accomplishments of BioSys. From pioneering medical and
military nanotechnology and moving towards work in cybernetics in the very near future.
Gabrielle had to admit that she was impressed. The research and testing that went into
their products was extensive. She thought of her own nanotech and how many times it
had helped her to do her job.

Her eyes went to the security cameras and automatic weapons mounted on the

wall. There were also two security guards standing on either said of the set of elevators.
Since they weren’t twins Gabrielle wasn’t sure whether they were human or not.

“Those two guards? Are they … ?”

“Both humans. There are quite a bit of androids in security here but they only

patrol the grounds. Inside we employ humans.”

Both guards looked at her and nodded to Alex who nodded back.

“So it seems that androids are becoming the norm now.”

“In the long run they are cheaper and more efficient. But that doesn’t mean that

they will take the place of humans.”

“You don’t think so?”

“Not unless they create an android that can think and if they do, then I think we

will all be in some serious trouble. This way please,” Alex said and pushed the call
button for the elevator.

While they waited Gabrielle did another scan of the foyer. Only a camo suit in

cloak mode would be able to get her past all this security and only if the guards didn’t
track her using heat sensing goggles. She was sure that they did. They had to. Kor’Re
would have been a fool not to have that security feature built into the androids and
automated weapons.

On the way up, neither Alex nor Gabrielle spoke. When they arrived, Alex let

Gabrielle precede him. He took her down a bone white hallway to a set of glass doors at
the end. She was ushered into another plush waiting area with large windows and leafy
potted plants.

“Have a seat. I’ll tell Mr. McGregor that you’re here.”

* * * *

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The head of security sat down on one of the leather chairs. He slid a small data

disk across the desk. “It’s all there. Some info is missing. About three and a half years.
From the time she was eighteen to twenty - one. Even before that it’s a bit sparse. Not
surprising, given that she grew up in Old Toronto. The downtown district.”

Kor’Re knew about that area. Old Toronto was bad enough on the whole, but the

downtown district was worse. The pollution was bad and the gang violence had gotten
out of hand before Xabo had decided to bulldoze half the city and redo it. It was the one
good thing that Xabo had done, but only because he wanted to own it

He wondered how Gabrielle had survived there, and more importantly how she

got out. “Any family?”

“Just a younger sister named Emma. In university right now. Both parents died

from some alien virus. Her background is sketchy at best. You want me to do more

Kor’Re shook his head. Anything he wanted to know about her he would find out

for himself. “What about the mole? Any progress?”

“Nothing yet. I think they knew that we were on to them. I found an attempt to

get into your personal files, but when I tried to stop the hack a virus was released.
Algernon had to shut the mainframe down or risk losing the data.”

“What? Is it safe?” Kor’Re stood up. “Did Algernon … ”

“Don’t worry, it’s safe. Still, it was a close call. Algernon suggested that we get

another backup mainframe for the backup. I said to go ahead. The last thing you need is
someone like Xabo getting a hold of the info.”

Kor’Re sat back down. “Good thinking. Thank you. Now I know why I pay you

the big bucks. I want you to follow Ms. Wynter.”

“May I ask why?”

“Since when do you ask why? You usually just do a job.”

“It’s just that I usually don’t do this kind of work for you. You usually ask one of

my team for that kind of stuff.”

“I know, but I need someone who will be able to follow her and not be noticed.

She’s a friend of Xabo. I think the only reason she’s here is him.”

“You agreed to interview her for the job even after you knew that she was cozy

with Xabo?”

“No, I didn’t know. About the interview, I mean. The interview went through

HR. I just found out this morning when I came in. And that’s why I’m doing the
interview myself. Janice will handle the other candidates. The fact that her background
is incomplete and that she and Xabo are friends …. ”

“It’s got you worried. Understood. She might be the next mole. Xabo could

have sent her here to pick up where the other mole left off. And while we’re looking at
the first one, she’s stealing your data right from under our noses. You really think that’s
it? I mean she seems … I don’t know, not the kind he usually employs. She seems a bit
too classy to be a hired gun for Xabo. I mean even with the other one … Tos … she
looked the part. But Ms. Wynter ... ”

“I know. I noticed that too, but I want to be sure. If it turns out that she’s legit, I

will still have to be on my guard but at least I will have one less thing to worry about.”

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“Right and if I could suggest something.”

“Go ahead.”

“Body armor. I found a new Cyrillian supplier. They make the best. It’s military

issue. You hardly know that you’re wearing it. It might come in handy.”

“I’ll think about it. Thanks for the good work.”

“So when shall I start the surveillance?”

“When she leaves here. You have her address. If need be, bug the place. I know

I’m being just a little paranoid, but Xabo has a tendency to do that to me. And I hate
feeling like that. I just have to make sure. Send her in will you?”

“Sure thing,” Alex said and left.

Kor’Re wasn’t about to risk his life or his company just because his cock twitched

and throbbed every time he thought of Gabrielle. He had gotten up this morning so hard
he could barely piss. He needed to know where she stood before he pursued her. If she
was here only for the job, then he could pursue her. If she wasn’t, then he had to tread
carefully. He had no idea what Xabo had in mind for him and what Gabrielle had to do
with it.

He already found himself distracted when she was around. That distraction could

mean the end for him if he wasn’t careful. A soft knock interrupted his thoughts. He
stood and came from behind the desk. He took a deep breath and pressed the door release
button on his desk. The door slid open. His breath caught.

Gabrielle Wynter looked even more beautiful and sexy than she did yesterday if

that was possible. The blouse and skirt hugged her curves in away that had his cock
standing at painful attention.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning. It’s nice to see you again. Please come in. Have a seat.” She

walked in. The heady scent of sandalwood caressed him as she went past.

Kor’Re sat behind the desk. He pulled her résumé up on his computer screen.

Kor’Re had looked through it three times already that morning. She was overqualified
for the position, but she’d still make a great personal assistant.

He slid his gaze over her. She leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs. He

slowly moved his eyes over her. Whether his perusal of her bothered her or not, she gave
no indication either way. Her data pad started ringing.

“Dammit,” she muttered. She turned it off. “I’m so sorry about that. I though I

had turned it off.”

But Kor’Re wasn’t listening. When Gabrielle had leaned over, he got a glimpse

of the tops of her breasts. The throbbing below his belt started to become slightly more
unbearable. There was no way he could have her as his personal assistant. He’d have her
on her back on his desk on the first day. Never mind if it turned out that she was only
looking for a job. She couldn’t have this one.

He smiled at her and folded his hands in front of him on the desk. “Your résumé

is quite impressive.”

“Thank you.”

“Why do you want to work here?”

She blinked in surprise, but recovered quickly. “Honestly, I need a job. And I

like what your company stands for. You are trying to make life better for everyone. I

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think if there were more companies like you, places like Old Toronto wouldn’t have
gotten so bad. The alien presence notwithstanding. No offense, I know that you’re … ”

He held up a hand. “None taken. Old Toronto was your old home turf?”

She nodded. “Unfortunately. But it’s all redeveloped now. So things should be

better for those who live there.”

“Yes, thanks to Xabo. Have you been to the new community since it opened?”

“I have. I suppose it’s nice.”

“Don’t like it?”

“He threw a lot of people out of their homes and built a community that none of

those people can afford to live in. What are they supposed to do now? Go to another run
down community because that’s all they can afford? If Xabo really wanted to improve
OT he should have rebuilt it, but let those who lived there stay there. He decided to
throw them out instead. Sorry … I probably shouldn’t be saying all this during a job

Kor’Re raised a bemused eyebrow. Maybe that’s why she and Xabo weren’t as

cozy as they once were. Never mind that he hadn’t had time for her as he had said.
“That’s all right. Have you told him how you feel?”

“I have. But all he said was that was progress.” She shrugged. “I guess I just

don’t understand big business. What do you think?”

He smiled. “As he said, it is progress. As far as the job is concerned,” he said

getting back to the interview. “As my personal assistant, you would be taking care of my
schedule. That would mean scheduling meetings with clients. Making flight
arrangements. Making sure that I go to enough PR events. And you might occasionally
have to accompany me depending on where and what the occasion is. That sort of thing.
Any problem with that?”

“No, I’m flexible. I don’t mind traveling. Setting up meetings and being nice to

clients I can handle. How often do you take business trips?”

“Usually once a month off planet. To the Cyrillian home world to be exact. But I

try to have clients brought here. It’s more to my advantage. So you would also be in
charge of picking them up from the airport or spaceport depending on where they are
coming from and making arrangements in hotels if need be.”

“I can do that.”

“And the salary will be negotiated on the second interview. Sorry to rush this,

but I have other candidates that I have to see today before I make my final decision. The
final decision will be made during the second interview. I’ll let you know in a day or two
at the latest. Thank you for coming.”

Gabrielle stood. “Thank you.”

He came from behind the desk and offered his hand. When she took it, he felt

himself start to pull her closer. When she resisted, Kor’Re let go.

“So, I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days. Will Alex see me out?”

“He will.”

Kor’Re blew air after she was gone. He pulled off his jacket and loosened his tie.

He pressed a button on his desk.

“Yes, Mr. McGregor?”

“Laura, I want you to call … what was the name of the last interviewee?”

“Pamela Browne.”

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“Yeah, call her and tell her that she’s got the job.”

“All right. But I thought that Ms. Wynter would have worked out better for you.

I mean you do want a pretty face to meet the clients, don’t you?”

Kor’Re laughed. While Ms. Pamela Brown looked more like his grandmother at

least Kor’Re knew that she wouldn’t distract him.

“I need someone who will be good at the job. Ms. Wynter would be, but Ms.

Brown has more experience. So please call her.”

“I will. And don’t forget that you have another meeting with the administrators

from the children’s hospital. They want to thank you for your generous contribution and
they are having a banquet in your honor tomorrow night. Some of the children your
contribution helped will be there.”

He had totally forgotten all about that. “Was that tomorrow? I thought it was

next week.”

“Would you like me to tell them that you can’t make it?”

“No, I can make it. I just thought it was next weekend. I’ll go. Don’t want to

disappoint the children.”

“No, you don’t. Shall I call the escort service for a date?”

He almost said no, but stopped himself. He couldn’t ask Gabrielle if she wanted

to go. He had just interviewed her for a job.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Human or android?”

“Android? They have android escorts now?”

“Oh, yes. The latest from Japan. I think you need to take another trip over there

and see what else they are up to. They are using your nanotech and cyber implants after
all. You should see the things that they are doing with cyberization. Amazing. Even the
Cyrillian government is looking into using some of the androids for work in the
government buildings. They are cheaper than flesh and blood employees in the long

“You do realize that that could mean that you could be out of a job?” Kor’Re

asked and grinned

“I know that you would never replace me with an android. After all, there are

things I know that you can’t program into an android.”

“And those things are?”

“Like the way you like your coffee. No android can make it to match your mood

unless it’s programmed to notice the nuances of human or alien behavior. I think the next
time Mr. Yakosuma comes to visit you, you should ask him about a partnership. Your
computer programs and his tech … it could be to your advantage.”

“You know, Laura, I’m thinking that maybe it was a mistake to have you as my

executive assistant. You should be on the board.”

“It’s only because I have stocks in the company why I even concern myself with

these things. I have to protect my investment. Shall I send you their online catalog so
you can pick one out?”

“Naw, I’ll leave it up to you.” He shook his head. “What will they think of next?

An android spouse?”

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“Already done,” Laura said, grinning. “I’m thinking that if I hit forty and I’m still

unmarried, I’ll order one. I’ll have your date all booked and ready by this evening, Mr.

“Thanks, Laura.” He tapped the button and her face disappeared from the screen.

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Chapter Eleven

“Ready to order?”

The voice came from her left and totally caught Gabrielle unawares. She had

been staring out the large glass pane window front of the restaurant. She had decided to
spend the day in Xabo’s new Old Toronto, which was now being called Neo City. She
guessed it was appropriate given all the improvements. Almost nothing from the former
neighborhood was left. Everything had been given a facelift or totally torn down.

Even the restaurant that she in had once been Mr. Lee’s martial arts studio. She

had only recognized it because of its location. There was nothing to suggest that it had
been a martial studio except for the wood flooring. She flexed her fingers, remembering
all the hours she had spent polishing it. Even her own apartment complex had been
turned into exclusive loft apartments. Emma had inquired why she didn’t move into one.
Gabrielle had told her that she liked where she lived now. It was quiet and peaceful.
With the kind of job that she had she needed a peaceful place to come home to.

“I think I’m ready,” Gabrielle said and tapped the small screen of the digital

menu. “I’ll have the penne pasta with meatballs and the radicchio salad, Balsamic
dressing on the side.”

“Another refill on the wine?”

“No, just bring me water.”

“Domestic or imported?”

“Domestic is fine.”

The waiter nodded and took her menu.

Gabrielle turned slightly in her seat to scan the lunch crowd. Most were couples.

A few were small groups. She realized that she was the only one eating alone. Then it
occurred to her that she had no friends — well accept Emma and Frieda. But Emma was
family and Frieda was more like a grandmother. And she had never been on a date.

Most of the men that she had been involved with were business associates of

Xabo or his friends and none of them bothered with the pleasantries of a date, they only
wanted her in their bed. And sadly she had just complied. How pathetic was that?
Gabrielle couldn’t understand her actions regarding that. Did she think so little of
herself? Or did those men think so little of her? Gabrielle suspected that it was a little of

Then there was Emma with a guy that she was crazy about and who was crazy

about her. She had friends. She went to parties. She did all the things that Gabrielle
never had a chance to do when she was Emma’s age. Then again Emma had a normal
life despite the way she had grown up while Gabrielle had only an existence. A dreary
one at that.

Emma had called late last night and said that she felt that Daniel was the one.

Gabrielle had asked her how she knew. Emma had said that she just did and then asked
Gabrielle about her love life, again. Nonexistent, Gabrielle had told her. Emma told her

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that she had a nice professor who taught economics that she might be interested in, but
Gabrielle declined.

When the food came, Gabrielle hardly tasted it. The fork just went to her mouth

automatically, her thoughts so wrapped in herself. She ordered dessert hoping that it
would improve her mood and it did.

Her waiter, Jason, gave her a big smile when he saw the size of the tip she had


“Thank you. And we hope to see you again.”

She hoped so too, but with someone.

Not wanting to go home, Gabrielle drove over to the large shopping district about

ten minutes away. Pulling into the large parking lot, Gabrielle smiled. This was where
Frieda had taken her and Emma. She passed the shops, just window shopping, until she
came to a small boutique. The salesperson inside gave her a big grin.

“Welcome to Angela’s, looking for anything in particular today?”

“Just looking.”

“Well, let me know when I can help you.”

Gabrielle went over to the displays of dresses and handbags. Most of the dresses

looked like you would only wear them to a charity high end dinner. Not for her. She
wandered over to the summer dresses.

One caught her eye. She pushed the other dresses out the way and took the

hanger off the rack. The dress was mocha brown with white accent trim at the hem with
spaghetti straps, an empire waist and two long thick bands that could be tied in a bow at
the back. Extra material under the skirt made it flare out just a little. This style had been
popular a few decades ago. It seemed like it was back.

“That’s part of our new retro line,” the salesperson said behind her. “I don’t think

calling it retro is such a good thing since it looks so classy to me. I think it would be
adorable on you. It would match so well with your skin tone. Would you like to try it

“Sure, why not.”

Gabrielle surveyed herself in the three - way full length mirror. It was like the

dress was made for her. The color of the dress complimented her tawny skin perfectly.
Now all she needed was a nice wrap or a little sweater, a new bag and some shoes and
she’d be set.

“It looks gorgeous on you.”

“I think I’ll take it.” She really had nowhere to wear it, but somehow she just

needed to have it. “I think I will need a few items to make it complete. Shoes, a bag, that
sort of thing.”

“But of course. We have the latest styles in shoes. Some just came in from the

Cyrillian home world last week. Those Cyrillians certainly know fashion. I think I have
the perfect pair – and matching tote of course. Do you think you’d want a wrap as well?
We have some really nice ones.”

A little lighter in her step, Gabrielle walked out back to her car with her new

things. She put her purchases in the passenger seat and was about to walk around to the
driver side when she noticed someone looking at her.

The girl who stood there was about sixteen or seventeen. She was dressed in dark

slacks and a button down shirt, her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail. Something about

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her seemed familiar. A cold chill went through Gabrielle and her stomach knotted. It
was Jack Holstein’s daughter. She looked at Gabrielle for a few more seconds then
turned when her name was called. An older woman that Gabrielle recognized as
Holstein’s wife stood beckoning to the girl. Gabrielle took a few deep breaths to calm

She remembered that night as she had left the house. The little girl had looked at

her as if she could have seen Gabrielle. But Gabrielle had been cloaked. Not even
Holstein’s guards had been able to see her. They had just picked up her heat signature.
There was no way that little girl could have seen her. So how did Gabrielle explain what
had just happened? She shook herself. She really needed to take a long vacation from
this job. The nightmares were bad enough. She didn’t need to meet up with the friends
and family members of the people she had killed.

He data pad started ringing. She swore when she saw who it was. Xabo. He

probably wanted to know how the job interview went.


“Did you get the job?” he greeted.

“He said that he’d be in touch. He had other people to interview.”

“What the … he had other people to interview? What happened? Did you screw

up the interview?”

Gabriella frowned. Xabo was starting to pick up more human vocabulary. He

wasn’t half as polite and proper as he used to be. “No, I did not. He said that he was
impressed with my résumé but he had other people to interview. It’s only fair that he
interviews everyone and then makes a decision. I’m sure he’ll give me the job. If he
doesn’t then I guess I’ll … ”

“Have to get very close to him. He’s interested, Gabrielle. You’ll have him

seduced within a week. Though I think he already is. But remember I want him
completely ruined. Males tend to say a lot of things they shouldn’t when they’re between
a female’s legs. Use that to your advantage.”

Gabrielle wondered whether that applied to him, though she had never tested that

theory. Whenever she was with Xabo she was only wishing that it would be over soon.

“Yeah, sure,” she muttered.

“Can you come over? I need you tonight.”

The last thing she wanted was to be anywhere near him. Actually, she was

thinking that she wanted to be with Kor’Re tonight. She had a sudden urge to call his
office and ask him out for a drink.

“I don’t think so. I really need to relax.”

“Yes, you do. You’ve been looking worn out lately. But come over and I’ll help

you relax.”

“I’d rather be alone tonight,” she said, hoping he wouldn’t push the issue.

“You sure?”

“I am. I wouldn’t be very good company tonight.”

“All right. After this assignment I was thinking that you and I could take a

vacation. I just bought a little place on the Cyrillian home world near one of the beaches
on the southern continent. I would love for you to see it. It’s very secluded. We could
spend the whole time running around naked. How about it?”

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No, I don’t want to go anywhere with you. Why can’t you just leave me alone?


was hoping to spend some vacation time with Emma. I’ll have to get back to you.”

“I suppose you do have to make time for family. Just let me know.”

“I will.”

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Chapter Twelve

The loud beep took Gabrielle’s attention away from her workout. She sheathed

the katana and put it back up in its holder on the wall. Gabrielle tapped the screen of the
vid phone. The face of a pretty brunette appeared.

“Hello, Ms. Wynter. I’m Laura, Mr. McGregor’s executive assistant. I’m calling

regarding the interview that you had two days ago. Mr. McGregor would like you come
and see him for a second interview. Today if possible. At nine - thirty.”

Gabrielle checked the clock on the wall. It was eight - thirty. She’d have to



“Thank you. I will tell him to expect you. Goodbye.”

Showered and dressed in fifteen minutes, Gabrielle flew out the door. She

checked the onboard GPS to let her know what the quickest route was. Unfortunately,
traffic was snarled on three of the major highways due to accidents. She looked at her
watch. She wouldn’t make it in on time. She debated whether to call and say that she
would be late and decided against it. If Kor’Re watched the news he would figure out
why she was later if she was.

She reached BioSys at nine - thirty on the nose. The security guard waved her

through and she parked in the visitor’s lot. She half walked, half ran to the front
entrance. The two security guards both looked at her at the same time so sharply,
Gabrielle almost reacted by attacking them. She told herself to calm down. It was just
the way she had burst into the place. This assignment was making her so jumpy.

As she headed towards the elevators, the guard closest to her smiled. There was

something familiar about that smile. Gabrielle didn’t have time to ponder it further
because she heard Alex’s voice to her left.

“Hello again, Ms. Wynter.”

Alex Dumas was sitting in one of the couches. He stood up and walked over to


“Those guys gave you a scare?”

“A little. They look human but they don’t act that human. Their reaction time

was a little quick. The company is working on that? A new cyber chip that makes
security guards super security guards?”

“I like my security team to be able to respond quickly and that’s how I train them.

I’m just concerned about security. What goes on as far as research, that’s Mr.
McGregor’s department. Follow me please.” He led her over to the elevators.

“Do you always escort the people who come to see your boss?” Gabrielle asked

once they stepped into the elevator.

“Usually. It keeps security problems to a minimum.”

“You’ve had a lot of problems?”

“No more than other companies. So what kind of work do you do? Just admin


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She nodded. “How long have you been head of security?”

She wanted to keep the conversation away from her. Alex Dumas was quite

polite and rather charming, but that only meant that he was even more dangerous than the
guards. If she let her guard down he would know.

“Six years. I’ve been here since Ronin McGregor opened the company, thirty

years ago.”

Gabrielle scrutinized Alex. He didn’t look that old.

“I know what you’re thinking. I look a little too young to have been working here

for thirty years.”

“Not unless you started when you were a little boy. A prosthetic body?”

“Yep. I was caught in a pretty nasty fire when one of the labs exploded fifteen

years ago. One of the machines overheated. Faulty circuitry. The doctors gave me the
choice: years of painful recovery or a prosthetic body. Still painful, but I would recover
faster. Though of course not at first since prosthetic bodies were just beginning to be

Gabrielle filed that piece of information away. If she had to dispatch him, she

would have to do it quickly and thoroughly. “So I guess with that new body of yours, the
android guards, and the automated weapons, you keep BioSys pretty safe and secure.”

“I do. This is your stop.”

Kor’Re was waiting in the hallway when they stepped off the elevator.

“Sorry, about being late, but there were accidents all over the place.”

“No worries. I just arrived a few minutes ago myself. Shall we?” He ushered

Gabrielle into the office and closed the door. “Please, sit.”

He sat on the edge of his desk, forcing Gabrielle to look up at him.

“As I told you in your interview, I was quite impressed with your résumé.”

“I feel a ‘but’ coming on. I’m not qualified for the job.”

“On the contrary, you’re a little too qualified for the job. But that wouldn’t have

been the deciding factor. I would have still given you the job.”

“But you’re not going to.”



Now what the hell was she supposed to do? How would she get any

inside information on the company? If she started to come on to him, he might think that
she was trying to get him to change his mind about giving her the job. She could go that
route and try to make it seem like she was just interested in him — which she was, but
how much would he really tell her?

“May I ask why?”

“Because I make it a habit of not getting involved with the women who work for

me. It tends to complicate things.”

She frowned slightly. “I don’t quite follow you.”

“If I were to hire you it would be … distracting to say the least. I couldn’t date

you if you worked for me.”

“Oh, so then don’t date me,” Gabrielle said and smiled. “Perfect solution.”

“But not one I want to follow. I want to date you, Gabrielle.”

If Xabo had been concerned about her not being able to distract Kor’Re, he didn’t

need to worry.

“I don’t think I’m your type.”

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He blinked. “You … you don’t think you’re my type. Why not?”

“Our … backgrounds are too different. What would your mother say if she found

out that you were involved with a human?”

“I'm half human. As far as my mother is concerned, she’d love you I’m sure. I

couldn’t imagine her not. She may be Cyrillian but she married a human. So she likes
humans just fine.”

“Maybe, but what about your Cyrillian relatives? What would they say about me?

And what about your social circle? I bet you’re used to going to high-end functions and
charity events with politicians. I wouldn’t know what to do at those things. Everyone
would take one look at me and know that I wasn’t one of them. I wouldn’t want any of
your friends to think badly of you because of me.”

“The only thing they would think when they saw you was that they’d wish that

they had you. And my personal life is none of my Cyrillian relatives’ business. And
most live on the Cyrillian home world anyway so they wouldn’t know what goes on in
my life unless I tell them. But, yes, there are certain people I have to be around and
events that I have to go to because of what I do for a living, and you wouldn’t have to go
with me to those events if you didn’t want to. You could just hang onto my arm and look

“And where would be the fun in that?” Gabrielle stood. “Thank you for

interviewing me anyway. I hope you find your assistant. One that isn’t too distracting. I
can find my way out if Alex isn’t around.”

She turned to go, but Kor’Re caught her arm. The touch of his hand on her bare

skin made it break out in gooseflesh.

“You are my type,” he said softly.

She gave him a small smile. Her heart was pounding in her chest. If Kor’Re only

knew why she was here he’d turn away now and never look back.

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m not. Goodbye, Mr. McGregor.” She pulled away. He let

her go.

As she stood waiting for the elevator, Gabrielle resisted the urge to turn and look

back. She knew that Kor’Re was standing there watching her. She could feel his eyes on
her. When the doors opened, she quickly went inside to avoid Kor’Re’s gaze.

She pulled out her data pad as soon as she was in her car. Xabo would not be

pleased when he found out she didn’t get the job. Better to tell him before he asked.

“I thought you said that you didn’t screw up the interview,” he snapped when she

told him. “If you didn’t then why didn’t you get the job?”

“Because he said that he has a policy of not getting involved with the women who

work for him. He wants to get involved with me. If he hires me then he can’t.”

“Oh … well then that makes things easier for you. Can I assume that he asked

you out?”

“Sort of.”

“Sort of? What the hell does that mean? Either he did or he didn’t? Did he ask

you out?”

“I guess he did.”

“Did you accept?”


“Why the hell not?”

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Gabrielle blew air and closed her eyes. How long did she have to put up with

this? She just wanted to be free from him.

“I didn’t say yes because I didn’t want to seem like I was that easy. I figured that

if I made him sweat a little then the ball would be in my court. The next time he asks, I’ll
say yes.”

“Of course. Of course. So now it begins. Remember, I want information that I

can use. Anything that has to do with new contracts or new tech. I know he’s working
on a new AI program that will change the face of android evolution in this country and
maybe around the world. He has the potential to make billions.”

“And if you were to get your hands on that AI program first, you’ll be the one to

make billions?”

“And gain the respect of every cyber company on the planet. Yes, that is what I

want. Kor’Re has stood in my way for far too long. It’s time I dethroned him. So, I
know you know what I expect from you. Failure in this is not an option. Do whatever
you have to do, Gabrielle. I mean it. I don’t care if you have to spend hours on your
knees or your back to get him to give up his secrets, do it.”

“I understand.” She ended the call before he could say anything else. She was

about to drive off, when she noticed Alex walking up to her car. She rolled down the

“You okay? You look a little flustered.”

He must have been watching her while she spoke to Xabo. She should have

waited until she had left the parking lot before she called him. She was making mistakes

“I was just talking with my sister. She’s in university and sometimes she forgets

why I sent her there in the first place.”

“I understand. My youngest son was the same way. Every week the dean was

calling home. My wife used to get so frustrated, but he turned out all right. I’m sure
your sister will too. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

* * * *

“Has she left yet?”

“She has. She was talking on the phone with Xabo. I think you were right to

suspect her. He’s the one that sent her here. He wants her to find out your corporate
secrets — specifically the AI program. What’s the plan now?”


Kor’Re had hoped that Gabrielle was clean. “Good thing I didn’t give her

the job then. Did he say how he wants her to get the info?”

“He wants her to seduce you. I’d be careful boss. She is attractive.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Kor’Re said, feeling the evidence below the belt. He

knew exactly how careful he had to be. “I’ll be careful, but I’ll play them at their own
game. If Xabo wants info, he’ll get it. But I want information as well. I want to find a
way to shut down Xabo once and for all. I’m not the only one who has to deal with that
bastard. Maybe I can use his own weapon against him.”

“What do you mean? What are you going to?”

“Seduce her, what else? When I’m finished with her, she’ll give me all the

information I need and she will be useless to Xabo. And then I can get Xabo out of the

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“He might kill her if she fails. You know how Xabo is. He kills his employees

when they fail him.”

That statement hit Kor’Re harder than he expected. But it was true. If Gabrielle

failed in this, Xabo just might kill her. Kor’Re couldn’t let that happen. Despite that she
was working for Xabo, she didn’t act like the other employees Xabo employed. Of
course that didn’t really mean much. But there was something different about her. His
mind went back to the background check that Alex had done. There was no way that she
could have gotten out of that situation by herself. Maybe Xabo was blackmailing her. Or
that background was planted to throw him off. He shook his head in frustration.

“Maybe, maybe not. From the way he was with her, I think he has a soft spot for

her. He might not kill her. At least not right away.”

“So, should I still follow her?”

“No. No, wait. Yes. Xabo might have one of his other people monitoring the

situation as well. I will need you to find that out.”

“Wouldn’t that be like he doesn’t trust her?”

“I honestly don’t think Gabrielle and Xabo were ever cozy. The way she talks

about him, I get the feeling that she’d rather not be associated with him, but she has no

“Okay, will do. And just so you know, her place is bugged too. I’ve got the

audio files if you want to listen to them. Most conversations are with her sister and
Xabo’s housekeeper Frieda.”

“Any conversations with Xabo?”

“A few. I’ll send you the files.”

“Thank you. Oh and how is Vtak working out?”

“Pretty good actually. Xabo must have really shitted on him for him to come and

work for you. I have him as one of the guards in the front lobby. Funny thing though.”


“The way he looked at her.”

“Her? You mean Gabrielle?”


“What do you mean, funny? He was checking her out, you mean?”


“Not surprised. Gabrielle Wynter is a very attractive woman. You think he

knows her?”

Alex shrugged. “He must if he used to work for Xabo. Unless she became

associated with Xabo after Vtak left. She didn’t seem to know him, though. When he
smiled at her she looked at him weird like. Like she was wondering what the hell he was
grinning at her for. Though that could be all an act as well. You never know. I have my
eye on him. He might decide to suddenly try and get good back with his employer by
betraying you. Or the two of them could be working as a team.”

“If that happens … you take care of him. Any way you want. I’ll make sure

everything else is taken care of.” Kor’Re turned off the vid phone and walked over to the

His mind went back to the way she had brushed him off. If her mission was to get

close to him then why did she tell him no? Shouldn’t she have jumped at the first
opportunity to be with him? There was more going on here.

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Chapter Thirteen


She turned sharply when she heard her name called. Kor’Re walked towards her

wearing a crisp white shirt and khakis. Damn he looked good. He smiled when he
reached her. His crisp clean scent wrapped around her.

“You’re a little far from home.”

“Not really, I live just few blocks away.”

“I meant from your office. It’s a weekday.”

“I do take time off now and again. What brings you downtown? Or do you live


“Just doing a little shopping. My sister will be coming to visit me for a little

while in a few weeks. She’s heading to the Cyrillian home world with her boyfriend and
asked me to pick up a few things for her. Apparently, there’s a new housing development
that allows humans.”

“Yes, I heard that. So, she’s in school?”

“Yeah, university. She’s majoring in bio - engineering.”

“I could always use another bio - engineer.”

He smiled down at her. Gabrielle had to get away from him. He was making her

head spin something fierce not to mention making her tingle between her legs. And his
scent …. Good god! She just wanted to bite him.

“Join me for coffee.”

“I … ”

“I’m not going to take no for an answer. You’re not even giving me a chance,

Gabrielle. Just have coffee with me and if you still feel that I’m not your type then we’ll
leave it at that. Fair enough?”

She was about to protest, then thought the better of it. Xabo wanted her to get

closer to Kor’Re and the man was making it easy. “Fair enough.”

“Good, my favorite eatery is just a couple of blocks this way,” he said pointing to

his left. “Do you mind walking?”

“No, let’s go.”

He offered her his hand. She looked at it.

“It’s not going to bite you.”

“But I might,” she said and put her hand to her mouth. Had she just said that out

loud? She looked up at Kor’Re as her face got hot. “I … don’t even know why I said

“Maybe because you want to? It’s okay. Actually, what are a few bites between

us, hmm?”

Gabrielle laughed and took his hand. A sudden warmth filled her as he held her

hand not too tightly, but with just enough pressure that if she wanted to pull away she
would really have to put forth the effort. She realized that she didn’t want to. Just the
feel of her hand in his made her feel … happy. Gabrielle frowned slightly at the feeling.

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When was the last time she had been really happy? The only other time she could
remember was when Emma had got accepted to university and maybe when they had
finally left Xabo’s place. But still those feelings were nothing like what she was feeling

“Hey, you all right? Why the frown?”

She turned to look up at him. His handsome face was creased in mild concern.

She smiled and held his hand tighter. He grinned back at her.

“Nothing. I was just scolding myself that’s all.”

“For what?”

“For brushing you off.”

“I could just kiss you.”

She winked at him. “Maybe later.”

“Hmmm, I just might take you up on that.”

She pointed to that small café at the end of the block. “Is that it?”


He opened the door when they reached it and allowed Gabrielle to go in ahead of

him. Inside, he put his hand lightly on her waist to steer her to a table in the far right
hand corner of the café. The touch of his hand sent a delicious shiver through her.
Gabrielle suddenly wanted to rip off his clothes and put her mouth over every inch of his
body. She grinned. She could and Kor’Re might not have minded. But then the both of
them might get arrested. Still it was a rather pleasant thought.

Gabrielle opted for an iced coffee to cool her body temperature down when

Kor’Re asked her what she wanted. He asked whether she wanted anything to eat.

“No, I’m fine.”

“You sure? It’s almost lunch and they have the most delicious sandwiches here.

They’ve mixed Cyrillian and human cuisine. It’s quite good.”

“What would you recommend?”

“The chicken club is really good. Though I think the chicken isn’t really


Gabrielle laughed. “Is chicken ever chicken? Okay, I’ll have that.”

She watched Kor’Re at the front counter. She watched all the other women —

both human and alien — in the café watching him as well. He was stare - worthy after
all. Very stare - worthy. Gabrielle even watched one woman try to rub herself up against
him. A twinge of jealousy caught her off guard and she was pleased when Kor’Re
stepped out of the way to avoid the bodily contact. As he made his way back over to her
with their food, all female eyes were on him.

“You’re very distracting.”


She nodded behind him. “You have all the women in here hot and bothered. I bet

some of them only come in here to catch a glimpse of you.”

“The only woman I’m concerned about getting all hot and bothered is you. How

am I doing?”

Gabrielle took a bite of her sandwich to avoid his heated gaze. She crossed her

legs. Hot and bothered wasn’t the half of it.

“You were right, this is really good.”

“So what was it like growing up in OT?”

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“Hard. It got worse when my parents died.”

“How old were you?”

“Thirteen. My sister, Emma was just six months old.”

“You raised her all by yourself?”

“Had no choice. There was no other family. Then when she was a year and a half

we were kicked out of the apartment complex because I couldn’t afford to pay the rent
anymore. It was either eat or pay the rent. Some of the other neighbors used to give me
food, but I usually ended up giving most of it to Emma. I wanted to get a job, but I was
too young. Even if I could get a job, I couldn’t afford to pay someone to look after
Emma. Any money I would make wouldn’t be enough to pay the rent, feed and clothe
us, and then pay a babysitter too.”

“Where did you go after you were kicked out?”

“My martial arts instructor let us stay in his attic room. At first he didn’t want to,

but then I told him that I would help him around the place and do whatever errands he
wanted in exchange. He agreed.”

“Did he get kicked out when the demolition of OT started?”

She took a bite of her sandwich and nodded. When she swallowed she said, “It’s

a restaurant now. A nice place. I was in there a few days ago. They kept the wood
flooring.” She smiled and shook her head. “I remember all the hours I spent cleaning and
polishing that floor. It was kind of funny being there.”

“Where’s the old man now?”

Gabrielle looked away. She didn’t like talking about that night. Even Emma had

said that she hardly thought about it. Not that Gabrielle was surprised. Emma hadn’t
been the one to see Mr. Lee shot and killed. But every so often, when Gabrielle was
really tired, that nightmare came back and she could feel and remember everything that
had happened that night.


“Sorry … You don’t like talking about it?”

“It’s not that … it’s just that my days in OT weren’t very nice. Some of the

things I did to survive … I wish I hadn’t. What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”

“Just my mother and I. I’m an only child. My father died from a viral infection

that targeted his brain. He picked it up when he visited a small Cyrillian colony on one
of their moons. It was funny since he was all about prosthetics and nanotechnology being
integrated into medicine and yet when he needed it, it couldn’t help him. He had even
decided to change the focus of the company from military to science and medicine.”

“How come it couldn’t help?”

“My father didn’t have any of the symptoms to suggest that he was even sick. He

was fine, then all of a sudden he got sick and then it was all downhill from there. He
didn’t feel any symptoms until it was too late. Even a prosthetic body wouldn’t have
saved him since you need a healthy brain no matter what. We may be able to replace the
body, but not the mind. Near the end, he was practically brain dead, but he wasn’t in any
pain by that time. So, I guess it was a blessing. He went in his sleep.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks.” He reached across the table and touched her hand lightly. He ran his

fingers lightly over her knuckles.

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Gabrielle felt her breath quicken as her core tightened. If he didn’t stop doing that

she was going to embarrass herself.

“What are you doing tonight?”

She blinked. “Tonight? I don’t think I’m doing anything.”

“Then you’re having dinner with me.”

“But I’m having lunch with you now. You sure you want to see me again

tonight? You might get bored seeing me again so soon.”

“I'm sure I won’t. I’ll pick you up at seven - thirty.”

“I guess I can’t say no.”

“You can, but it’ll make no difference. I’ll still be at your place at seven - thirty.”

“Okay.” Her eyes went to her watch. It was nearly one - thirty. She had a

meeting with Xabo and some associate of his. Xabo had told her that the job was a small
one. “I have to go. I’ve got an appointment.”

“No problem, I’ll walk you to your car.”

At her car, he leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheek.

“See you tonight.” Gabrielle watched Kor’Re as he walked away from her.

When he turned the corner she got into her car. She waited a few moments before
starting the car. She was confused, but she tried to shake it off. He was just a job,
nothing else.

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Chapter Fourteen

The man standing next to Xabo on the patio barely came to his shoulder. He

turned when Gabrielle walked up to them. He grinned.

“Xabo said that you were a knockout. He wasn’t kidding. I’m Gino Simone,” he

said and offered his hand.

Gabrielle took it politely and raised an eyebrow at Xabo. He only smiled.

“She’ll do fine.”

“Fine for what?”

“Mr. Simone would like you to take the place of one of his girls tonight. Just for


“One of his girls, huh? Which brothel do you operate?”

Simone’s brow’s creased. “How did you know that I own a brothel?”

“Brothel owners have this look. You have it.”

Gabrielle knew most of the brothel owners in the city. She was sometimes

contracted to deal with clients for them. Sometimes clients didn’t want to pay, they tried
to kidnap the girls, or get more then what they paid for.

She suspected it was the same thing that Simone wanted, though she had never

been asked to take the place of one of the employees. The situation must be serious.
Then again his brothel was one of the few that still had human escorts. Most had
Tellaran escorts. Few offered Cyrillian escorts. Those were even rarer than the human

“So which one is yours?”

“Double X. I’ve got a client — a Tellaran — that while he pays more than the

usual fee for the girls, he’s not always nice to them. Not surprised, but he nearly killed
one of my girls last week. She’s still in the hospital.”

“What did he do to her?”

“Broken nose and arm. A few cracked ribs. He worked her over pretty well.”

“Why? Did she refuse some service he paid for?”

“No, he just likes to rough up the girls.”

“Why haven’t you gone to the police?”

“Because I’m operating without a license. It’s cheaper that way. You know what

the charge is for an operating license for the year? I’d have to triple the fee just to break
even. And people wonder why I can’t afford android girls. I’d never make any profit.
You’d think that the government would go easy on us since they’ve made prostitution

“Maybe you should swallow the profit and use androids instead.”

“My clients like the girls to be flesh and blood. And androids are pricey. I

couldn’t afford the servicing they’d need monthly.”

“I see. So, what do you want me to do to this client? Kill him?”

“Yeah, and I’ll need you to dispose of the body.”

“I don’t do body disposal. You’ll have to deal with that.”

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“That’s okay,” Xabo broke in. “Bruno will be going with you. He’ll clean up

after you’re done. But you do the job.”

“Okay, when?”


She shook her head. “I have plans tonight.”

“Change them,” Xabo said.

“They include Mr. McGregor. But of course, if you’d rather that this assignment

take precedent over … ”

It was a few moments before Xabo replied. He sighed. “Sorry, Gino. This other

situation is a little more important. She’ll take care of your job another night.”

“But he only comes on Wednesday.”

“So, I’ll take care of him next Wednesday. Problem solved.”

“I want him dealt with tonight. I already told the other brothel owners that I

would take care of him. He doesn’t only beat up on my girls but other girls in other
establishments as well. And he damaged one of the android girls in another
establishment three days ago. Fried her circuits something bad with some whacked out
taser he had. Hell, I’ve never seen one like that before. The guy’s a menace. They’re
counting on me to do this thing tonight. I can’t let them down.”

“Can you bump up the appointment this client has? Make it earlier?”

“Yes, yes I can. I can do that. He usually comes in at six, but I can ask him to

come at three. I’ll tell him that I have someone new that I think he’ll enjoy. Once he
hears that he’ll come.”

“I’ll give you a picture of Gabrielle and I’m sure that he’ll come even earlier.”

“Perfect.” Simone turned to Gabrielle. “I’ll get Nadia to clue you in on all the

details. This guy’s into D and S but not with the usual clamps, chains and whips. More
like with his fists. So he’ll knock you around a bit.”

“No, he won’t. Okay, let’s get going. I’ve got a busy night ahead of me.”

Gabrielle started back inside the house.

She heard Simone ask behind her, “Is she always that abrupt?”

“I told you that she’s focused when it comes to a job.”

Simone caught up with her and with a wave of his hand indicated for Gabrielle to

follow him. He led her out to the front where Bruno was already waiting by a large black
personal shuttle. He winked at her.

“So we’ll be working together. It’ll be nice.”

“If you say so. Just make sure that you do your part of the job.”

Double X looked more like a convalescent home than a brothel. The building was

a one level deal with a patio on the roof, glass enclosed. An elaborate garden decked out
with flowering shrubs and fruit trees graced the front. Even the name was displayed
demurely on the solid oak door. Anyone looking would think that XX stood for the
number twenty in Roman numerals — which incidentally was the street address — and
not for the double x - rated activities that went on inside.

Gabrielle turned to Simone. “Keeping a low profile on your brothel I see.”

“Better this way. It keeps costs down. And I did mention that I am operating

without a license. Come on, Nadia will be waiting for you.”

Inside, Gabrielle followed Simone down a dimly lit hallway, while Bruno opted to

amuse himself until Gabrielle was finished. She heard him asking the attractive Asian

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woman who sat at the front desk if she would be willing to spend some quality time with
him. She said that she couldn’t.

Bruno called out to Simone. “Hey, I want,” he turned back to the woman.

“What’s your name?”

“Wei,” she said and smiled.

“I want Wei here, but she says that I can’t have her.”

“She’s my wife,” Simone said flatly.

“Oh … hey sorry man. Anyone else you could recommend?”

Simone looked at Wei. “Well, honey? Who could we offer Mr. Panelli?”

Wei thought for a moment. “Alison will be very good. She is quite skilled. Her

mouth especially.” Wei looked down at the front of Bruno’s pants. “Oh, yes, Alison will
enjoy you very much.”

Gabrielle shook her head at Bruno. He shrugged. “Well, what the hell am I

supposed to do while you’re working? Sit here twiddling my thumbs?”

Gabrielle and Simon continued down the hallway until they got to the end.

Simone knocked on the door. The door opened immediately and a tall attractive redhead
wearing a dark blue kimono style robe stood in the doorway. She gave Gabrielle an up
and down look. She must be the head whore. She felt like telling her that she wasn’t
here to take her job.

“Come on, we have to hurry. That asshole is already here. He was harassing Wei

about why his girl wasn’t ready. I had to call Lemont to calm him down.”

“Don’t worry. After tonight we won’t have to worry about him,” Simone said and

left Gabrielle with Nadia.

“Will you kill him painfully?”

Gabrielle looked at Nadia in surprise. She wasn’t expecting anyone to know why

she was there, but she guessed that Simone had told them just in case one of the girls got
it into their head to call the cops when they found out.

“I’ll kill him quickly. I don’t have time for long drawn out executions.”


Nadia pushed a light pink baby doll nightie towards Gabrielle. Gabrielle stripped

and pulled it on. The hem only came to the top of her hips, leaving her exposed.

“Am I getting any underwear with this? It’s not my habit to go commando unless

I want to.”

“He only likes only one item on a girl. You’re lucky he chose this. Sometimes

it’s just a pair of four inch stilettos.”

“Sounds like a real charmer this one. Does he have any family?”

“None that would care about him. He has an ex - wife. But she’s his ex - wife

because he tried to kill her. Disagreed with him once. You better get going. He’s in
room twenty - four. Mr. Simone left some … items he said that you might find useful
while you are here. I mean you can’t exactly hide any weapons wearing that.”

“That’s all right. I’m very resourceful.”

Gabrielle headed out of the room and down the hallway checking the numbers on

each door. Passing door number twenty - six she heard grunts and groans. Bruno was
apparently enjoying Allison’s talented mouth.

At room twenty - four, she slowly opened the door. The Tellaran inside was no

bigger than Simone with a large head and beady eyes that roamed over her like probing

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fingers. His chest and shoulders were covered with old scars. From a bar fight, or from
women that were fighting for their lives?

He was naked. Gabrielle stood there watching

his cock steadily hardened beneath its flap of flesh as she stood there. His tail twitched.

“Very nice. So you are the new meat. I think I might visit here more than just

once a week if I get to have you every time I come. What is your name?”

“You can call me whatever you want.”

“Whatever I want? I will tell you after I taste you. Undress.”

She pulled the nightgown over her head and placed it on the room’s lone chair by

the bed. “What is your name?” she asked, walking up to him.

“Nko. Okay my rules: no talking from you from this point on. I will talk and you

will obey. Now lie on the bed and spread your legs as far apart as you can. My member
is large and you will have to accept it.”

He was looking at her with a look that was a cross between disgust and lust.

Gabrielle knew that look. A women hater. He hated women, but decided that instead of
just beating up on them he had to abuse them as well to add insult to injury. Maybe she’d
play with him a little before she killed him. She wondered how short his temper was.
Probably very short if he beat up on women as much as he did. Gabrielle smiled at him
and headed back towards the bed. She turned, sat on the bed, and crossed her legs.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

“I told you to lie back and spread your legs.”

Gabrielle leaned back on her hands. She swung her left foot idly. “I heard you

the first time. I’m not deaf.”

“So why are you not doing as I asked?”

She shrugged. “Don’t feel like it.”

“I said that you had to obey me. Now do it.”

“You’re not asking very nicely.”

“Listen you little human bitch … you will do what I say or I will make you do

what I say. Now get on the bed and open your fucking legs.”

“Such language.” She got up off the bed and walked over to a table that held

whips, clamps and a rather long cattle prod. She grinned. Now this had possibilities.

He grabbed her by the hair. Bad move. Gabrielle turned and sent a blow into his

windpipe. He coughed and gasped. As he stumbled back away from her, she sent a left
hook into his jaw. He fell back against the wall.

“No female puts her hand on me. Do you understand that? No female,” he

hissed. “You are going to pay for that.” He raised his tail.

“You and what army? You’re just a little piece of shit. If you were a real male

you wouldn’t have to use your fists on women.”

His beady eyes grew hard. “You are going to regret that. When I am done with

you, you will not even recognize yourself. You will beg for your death.”

“You know what? Another Tellaran told me that once. He’s dead now. I don’t

like being threatened.” Gabrielle switched on the cattle prod. Nko jumped back when she
pointed it at him. He tried to hit her with his tail, but she moved out of the way, holding
the cattle prod out in front of her. “Tell me something … ever had this up your ass? I bet
a lot of girls here have it up theirs courtesy of you.”

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“I paid to do what I want to them. They are only whores. And so are you. So put

that down and I might just forgive you if you keep your mouth shut and cooperate. Do
not forget I am the one in charge here. All I have to do is complain to the owner and
you’re pretty little ass is mine. Now give that to me.” He held out his hand.

“In charge? In charge of what? Being a first class asshole? Yep, you’re in

charge of that.”

He was angry. And she was baiting him. She gave him a little smile. “You want

this? Come and get it,” she said and spread her arms wide.

He tried to rush her. Instead of moving out if the way, Gabrielle stepped forward

and pushed the cattle prod deep into his ample belly. His body went into a spasm as the
electric current went through him. His tail twitched wildly and she had to hold on to it to
keep the poisoned tip from her face.

With her other hand, Gabrielle turned the voltage up on the cattle prod and let go.

Nko fell to the ground, his body doing a grotesque dance. She went back over to the
chair and pulled back on the nightgown. She waited until his body stopped twitching and
then went over to him. She bent down to check for a pulse. None.

“Hey, Gabrielle,” came Bruno’s voice from the other side of the door. “You all


“Yep. Now, you get to clean up.”

Bruno opened the door. His eyes flicked over her. “You look damn good in that.

His eyes fell to between her legs. “Real good.”

“Shut up.”

He laughed and then turned to the body. “Ah, shit. He pissed and shit himself.

Who’s going to clean that up?”

“Uh … you? That is why you came along, remember?”

“Yeah, but … man … I hate these kind of jobs.”

Gabrielle shrugged. “It wasn’t my fault. I’m going to change and grab a taxi


Bruno bent down by the body, shaking his head. “Here.” He tossed her a credit

chip. “That’s an extra six thousand for the job. Xabo said that if I saw that you made
him suffer then I was to give you extra.”

“And if it looked like I didn’t?”

“I’d still give it to you. Now the boss can take over this asshole’s shipping


“Wait a minute. I thought I was getting rid of him because Simone wanted him

out the way?”

“You were. The guy was an asshole as you saw. But the boss knew that it would

have been easier to get rid of him here than at his home or place of business. This guy’s
got some serious security at his home and business. Just a coincidence that Simone
wanted him out of the way too.”

“Does he get some of Simone’s profit from this place?”

Bruno grinned. “Smart and sexy. I love that in a woman. Yeah, the boss does.

This shithead was bad for business. Besides, with all the security this guy has at his place
of business, you wouldn’t have been able to get near him. He’s got like five bodyguards
with him at all times.”

“And where are they?”

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“Ah, this is the one place that they don’t protect him. So, the boss figured to hit

him here. Safer for you.”

“So, I guess I should thank the boss for thinking of me for once?”

“Don’t be like that. He can be a pain sometimes, but … ”

“See you later.” She started past him. He caught her by the leg. She looked down

at him.

“It’s a little selfish that Xabo keeps you all to himself.” He moved his hand

higher. Gabrielle stopped his hand.

“He actually doesn’t. Just off - limits to the men that work for him. If you have a

problem with that you’ll have to take it up with him.”

“Maybe I will. It’s getting hard seeing you every day and not being able to have a

little taste. And I mean that literally. Pun intended.”

“And maybe you’ll end up like Vtak.”

“The boss doesn’t have to know about you and me. We’d be discreet. You have

your own place and all. We’d be safe.”

“The risk wouldn’t be worth it.”

Bruno stood up and pulled her against him. She could feel the bulge of his cock

against her stomach. “It would be worth it. Trust me. Just to be able to bury my head
between those legs of yours. Oh, yeah, I’d risk it.”

“Where is he by the way?”

“Who? Xabo? Still at home, I guess. Why?”

“I meant Vtak,” Gabrielle said and gently pushed herself away from Bruno.

“What happened to him?”

Gabrielle had always wondered what had happened to Vtak that night he had tried

to corner her in the hallway. Xabo didn’t talk about it and neither did anyone else.

“He’s all right. He had to get himself a prosthetic body. I guess the doctors

couldn’t reattach his dick. Haven’t seen him in, like, seven years. He works at BioSys
last I heard.”

That was interesting. Was Vtak there because he wanted to spite Xabo or had

Xabo sent him there? If Xabo had sent him there that could mean that someone else was
on this job too. How many of people did he have working on this? Or were they just
there to make sure that she did her job?

“Does Xabo know?”

“Not sure. But I did hear that Vtak had his face changed when he got the new

body. And he got a human body. I guess he didn’t want anyone to recognize him.
Unless it was so that McGregor didn’t notice him. I’ve met McGregor. There was no
way I’d be able to get into his place unless I disguised myself. His security man …
Dumas, I think … he knows the faces of all of Xabo’s guys.”

A thought hit Gabrielle. That guard in the lobby of BioSys. The way he had

smiled at her had seemed very familiar. The other guard had barely looked in her
direction. Could that have been Vtak? He had the same sort of leer. Wasn’t that
interesting? Maybe this whole transferring of the consciousness was accurate after all.

“And Xabo doesn’t mind?”

“Wouldn’t know about that as I don’t know if the boss even knows that Vtak is

there. When he threw him out that night, I doubted that he looked back. Though seeing
how BioSys is the boss’ biggest pain in the ass, I can’t expect him to be that happy that

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Vtak is there if he does know. Or maybe he sent him there. Who knows? I mean that
makes more sense. The boss sends him there with a new face and McGregor never
notices. You afraid that Vtak will get in the way of your job?”

“No, but I need to know who’s side he’s on. If he’s there for Xabo, then maybe

we can work together. If not I may have to kill him. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me.
I already know what I have to do.”

Bruno nodded. “Well, for record, I really don’t know what Vtak’s story is.

You’ll have to ask the boss.” He looked back toward the body. The stench of the bodily
fluids was beginning to fill the room. “Shit, it smells.”

“Shit usually does. You better get that cleaned up. Simone might get angry and

say that the stink will be annoying the other clients. I’ll get Wei to get you some cleaner.
I’m sure you’ll have to scrub the place down afterward.”

“Ah shit,” Bruno muttered as Gabrielle left the room.

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Chapter Fifteen

“Something wrong?”

Gabrielle turned to Kor’Re. “What did you say?”

“Well … I’ve been talking here for the past five minutes and you haven’t been

listening. At least I don’t think you have. You keep looking past me. Someone else
more interesting, maybe? Or am I boring you?”

“No, no. Sorry. I’ve just got a lot on my mind. With my sister and all,” she

supplied before he asked. She gave him a smile. “From now on my attention will be on

Her eyes went to the menu. This one was printed on actual paper. Alistair’s,

while being very high end, paired alien and human architecture giving it a rather eclectic
look. The place had all the modern conveniences of dining, complete with android
waitress and waiters and chefs. The cuisine as well was a mixture of human, Tellaran
and Cyrillian.

Gabrielle let her eyes slid past Kor’Re who was studying the menu. She turned

her attention back to the menu. Shit. She had been hoping that she was wrong.

What the hell was Bruno doing here? This wasn’t his kind of place. He liked

home cooking. If he had to pay for food it was at the local fast food place. He wouldn’t
spend money on a fancy dinner in a high - end restaurant. And he couldn’t have cleaned
up the body of Nko that quickly unless he had gotten help.

The blonde with him didn’t look familiar. Not that she knew who Bruno dated,

but he usually went to the brothels when he wanted companionship or flirted with her.
She was probably an android escort. She looked just a little too perfect to be human.
Even her mannerisms and actions looked programmed.

“What are you going to have?” Kor’Re asked.

“Haven’t decided yet. What are you having?”

He put the menu down. “Okay, what’s wrong? You don’t want to be here with


“No … I mean I do. It’s just … ”


Not expecting that answer, Gabrielle just stared at Kor’Re. Did he know?

“If it makes you feel any better, he did tell me that you and he were close once,

but that you’re not anymore. Was he lying? Are you cheating on him being with me? If
you are, tell me now. I’m not in the habit of getting involved with women who are
already involved with someone else. I don’t do that kind of sharing.”

“I … ” Gabrielle turned away, sighing. “We’re not together. Actually, we were

never together. Not really. We just used to … have sex once in a while. It wasn’t a real
relationship in that sense.”

“Oh, so you were what … a diversion for each other?”

She shrugged. “Pretty much. If that bothers you, I’d understand if you don’t

want to see me anymore. And I don’t think of you that way if you’re worried about it.”

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“I’m not. It’s just the way he was looking at you that day I was at his place. It

made me think that your relationship went deeper than that.”

It does, but not that way. “I think it was only because you were looking.”

“You noticed?”

“How could I not?”

Kor’Re shrugged. “It would have been pretty hard not to notice you. Maybe if I

was blind and deaf. But even then I think I would have noticed you. So how did you
meet him anyway?”

“We met in OT. He saw my situation and offered me a job.”

“Just like that?”


“That was nice of him.”

Gabrielle didn’t think Kor’Re really thought it was. It would have been better if

Gabrielle had never met Xabo. True, her life might be different now, but she wouldn’t be
bound to him.

“How old were you?”


“Really? Did he give you a place to stay?”

“He … took us in.”

“You’re uncomfortable talking about it?”

“A little. It was a strange arrangement, but it worked out.”

“Okay. What kind of work did you do for him?”

“Pretty much like the stuff I would have been doing for you if you had hired me.

Nothing special.”

He nodded. “You know I’m really sorry that I couldn’t have hired you. I think

with you I would get a lot more contracts.”

“Why? Because while they were checking me out, you’d be shoving contracts

under their noses to sign?”

“Something like that. This business is pretty competitive. Xabo and I have been

competing for years. I’m sure he’d love to see me topple one day. Take over everything
I have.”

“As would other people I’m sure. Your company ranks fifth in the world for

cybernetics and nanotechnology. That’s pretty good.”

Kor’Re leaned forward in his chair. “You did research on me?”

“Why not? Xabo uses your tech for his guy’s prosthetic upgrades. The fact that

he uses your tech and not the tech his company makes made me wonder. He told me that
you refused a partnership.”

“You think I should have accepted his offer?”

She shook her head. “I wouldn’t have. I find that people are quick to want to get

close to you when you’re doing well. They want to feed off your accomplishments. And
then when they have taken all that they can from you, they discard you. You didn’t
become fifth in the world by not working hard.”

“Well, no. It took a lot of hard work and sacrifice as it does with any business.

You know you sound like you don’t think that much of him. Is that true?”

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Gabrielle looked away for a moment. She was letting her feelings show too

much. But she couldn’t help it. Being with Kor’Re did that to her. The more she was
with him, the more she came to loathe Xabo.

“Don’t tell him the next time you see him, okay?”

“Will he hurt you?”

“No … no I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that he gets … hard to deal with

sometimes. I tend to piss him off easily. A talent I guess.”

“Perhaps because you and him aren’t together anymore? If he does hurt you in

any way, tell me. I’ll deal with him. Okay?”

“I can take care of myself.”

“Still if he … ”

She nodded.

“We all ready to order?” The waitress appeared wearing a crisp white shirt and

black pants and five inch heels.

If that was the dress code, no wonder Alistair’s employed androids. No human

woman would be able to walk in those things for an entire shift night after night without
some serious problems later.

Kor’Re looked at Gabrielle.

“I’m ready.”

Dinner was delicious and the conversation was kept towards more mundane

things. Gabrielle knew that she should to be asking Kor’Re about work and the research
his company was doing, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She wasn’t really that
interested. He did tell her a little about the transfer process into a prosthetic body and he
did promise to show her that part of his company, but for now she wanted to talk about
other things. Like what he liked to do on his free time. Did he play sports? What books
did he read? What was it like growing up being half alien? She wanted to know the man
behind the company.

Kor’Re had been telling her an embarrassing childhood moment, when her eyes

caught Bruno’s. They looked at each other for a moment and then Bruno looked away.

“Dessert?” the android waitress, who was named Sandra, asked. “We have quite

the array of cakes and pastries. The pastry chef’s specialty tonight is a molten white
chocolate cake with Cyrillian fire fruit. Just perfect for two.”


“It sounds good, but no.”

“Anything for you, sir?”

“No, just the check if you please.”

Gabrielle pretended to rummage in her clutch to avoid Kor’Re’s gaze. She knew

he felt that something was wrong. She hoped that he wouldn’t ask because she wouldn’t
know what to say. What could she say? That one of Xabo’s men was sitting at the next
table spying on them — no correction — spying on her because Xabo probably didn’t
trust her? She had already told Kor’Re that she and Xabo weren’t together so there had
to be another reason that she was being watched. Kor’Re would want to know. Worse
case scenario he would confront Bruno.

“Ready to go?”

She looked up. He was offering his hand to her. Gabrielle accepted his hand and

stood up. As she and Kor’Re walked past Bruno and his date, Bruno’s fingers reached

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out and brushed against Gabrielle’s hand. She didn’t flinch or even acknowledge the

Neither she nor Kor’Re said anything on the drive back to her place. He looked

over once when they had stopped at an intersection and looked like he was going to say
something, but didn’t.

She knew that she wasn’t being fair to Kor’Re, but she couldn’t get over the fact

that Bruno had been at the restaurant. Even if he was out for the evening, that wasn’t his
kind of place and what were the odds that he’d be in the same restaurant and seated next
to them? No way was that a coincidence. It meant that he had been sent to check up on
her. Xabo didn’t trust her to do the job. She didn’t trust herself either at this point.

When Kor’Re stopped in front of her house, Gabrielle opened the door before

Kor’Re could come around and open it for her.

“Thanks for dinner. It was nice.”

“You sure? You’re acting like you can’t wait to get away from me.”

“I did have a good time with you. Sorry if I seemed a little distracted, but I …

I’ve got stuff going on.”

“Anything I can help with?”

Can you take me away from all this and keep Xabo out of my and my sister’s life

once and for all?

She shook her head. “It’s stuff that I have to deal with.”

“All right. But if you need my help just tell me.”

“I will.”

He walked her up to her door. “Despite you being distracted, I had a great time

with you. Maybe next time I’ll have your full attention. Goodnight, Gabrielle.” He
leaned down to kiss her.

The touch of his lips was light, but fireworks flashed behind her closed eyes. She

moaned as his tongue gently probed between her lips. A fire ripped through her and
ignited her nerve endings. His hands went down her body, resting on her backside to
crush her against the hard bulge between his legs, while his tongue went deeper into her

Gabrielle raised her hips against him, lifted one leg, which he caught in his hand,

and wrapped it around his hips. She tore her mouth away from his to move down his
cheek to the sensitive hollow of his neck. She smiled when he groaned. His hands went
to her shoulders and pulled down the spaghetti straps of her dress. When her breasts
were bared, he pulled at the nipples until she arched against him. A flood of arousal
gushed out of her core as his mouth went to her left breast. His mouth, hot and wet,
pulled at the nipple, making her opening tighten and achy. He rolled the nipple between
his tongue and teeth. Kor’Re laughed and pulled harder when she whimpered his name.

Gabrielle had to get her hands on him. She undid the buttons of his shirt, and

nearly cried at the sight of his beautiful hard upper body. He took his hands away from
her to help her pull his shirt out from his pants.

Her hands moved over him greedily. Over his chest, his stomach, his neck, his

back. Her hands went to the zipper. When she pulled it down, she moved her hand
inside. Kor’Re growled when her fingers brushed against him. The throbbing heat of his
cock warmed her fingers.

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Gabrielle stiffened. What the heck was she doing? And right here on her

doorstep. This was not the way things were supposed to proceed. She gently pushed
against Kor’Re until her released her.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

“Don’t apologize. I was just as guilty. I’ve wanted to do that ever since we met

on Xabo’s doorstep.”

“Same here,” she said and smiled.

“You hid it well. I was just ogling you.”

“But you were nice about it.” She fixed her clothing. She watched as Kor’Re put

himself back together. He didn’t button up his shirt, just stood there with it open, the
light evening breeze blowing it away from his body. Her eyes traveled over his hard
muscled chest. She had to force herself to keep from touching him.

He ran a finger over her lips. The ache between her legs started to become more

insistent. Gabrielle wanted to pull him inside and make some serious crazy love with
him. She could get away with it, since this was all part of the job, but if she did it
wouldn’t be because it was part of the job. It would be because she wanted to be with
him, but she couldn’t afford to get personally involved.

You’re already personally involved. You were practically about to let him take

you on your doorstep. How much more involved could you get?

“I think we better call it a night.”

“You sure?” He ran his finger across her lips again, and then slid his fingers down

her cheek to her neck. He caressed the hollow of her throat lazily. “I’d really like to be
with you tonight.”

Gabrielle caught his fingers in hers. His touch was making her crazy. Her

nipples were so hard they ached. Her core throbbed and contracted, wanting to feel him
hot and hard inside her.

Yeah, me too.

“I’ve got a few things that I have to get done really early tomorrow.”

“I’ll make sure that you get up early,” he said and moved in closer, pressing his

hard body against hers. He bent his head and moved his lips softly across her cheek.

“Maybe … next time,” she gasped.

Kor’Re moved away from her. “Okay, but I want you to spend this weekend with


“Sure. A weekend. That’s fine.”

He shook his head. “Not a weekend, this weekend. I’ll come by and pick you up.

I have a nice little getaway by the lake. I’ll come pick you up Friday at four thirty.”

The way Kor’Re was looking at her, no wouldn’t be an answer he’d accept. Well,

the more she got him to trust her, the easier it would be to get the job done. She already
sensed that he had let his guard down.

He didn’t have Alex following her anymore. She had not noticed him until a day

after the interview. When she did, she gave no indication that she knew Alex was there.
He seemed like a nice guy and to draw attention to him might have put him in danger if
Bruno or anyone else was following her as well, which, given recent developments, was
entirely possible.

So Kor’Re trusted her. Exactly what Xabo wanted.

“Okay, I’m yours for this weekend.”

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“Great. And pack light. Or better yet, don’t pack at all.”

“Then what will I wear?”

“Me. I’ll see you then.” He bent down and kissed her again. A slow searing kiss

that nearly made Gabrielle renege on her statement that she couldn’t invite him in.

When he pulled away she titled her head to one side. “That mouth of yours is

considered a lethal weapon, isn’t it?”

“Maybe. Hmmm … I seem to have gotten your full attention now. If I knew all I

had to do was kiss you, I would have as soon as I picked you up.”

“With that dangerous mouth of yours? We might not have even gotten to the


“Would that have been so bad?”

“I’ll see you Friday. And I’ll pack light.”

“I believe I said not to pack at all.”

She shook her head and laughed. “Goodnight, Kor’Re.”

He reached down to kiss her again, but Gabrielle moved out of the way. He

shrugged and headed back down the stairs to his car.

Gabrielle stood watching until he pulled out of the driveway. Inside her foyer,

she sat down at the foot of the stairs. She pulled her knees up to her chest. A weekend
with Kor’Re. This wasn’t part of her plan, but she couldn’t say no. And she wanted to
spend time with him.

Gabrielle got up and headed up the stairs. She stopped. Then she smiled. This

was what she needed. She would spend the weekend with Kor’Re to get him out of her
system. That was the real problem. He had her so confused she couldn’t think straight.
Having him to herself all weekend might get him out of her system and then she could
concentrate on the job.

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Chapter Sixteen


“Thought they were going to do it right on the porch for a minute there,” Bruno

said and laughed. “McGregor has it bad for her.”

“What about Gabrielle?” Xabo asked seriously. He leaned forward on his desk.

Bruno blinked. He scratched his head. “I don’t know. I mean she was

reciprocating, but isn’t she supposed to? I mean if she didn’t then McGregor would think
that something was wrong.”

“Did she seem genuine?”

“I … I guess to McGregor she does. I mean if she didn’t, he wouldn’t have been

all over her. And he was. You should have seen the way they were going at it on the
doorstep. Man if I … ”

“Where’d he take her?” Xabo asked, stopping Bruno. He got up from behind his

desk and started to pace the room.

“Alistair’s, near the beaches.”

“Did she see you?”

“She did. I was seated at the table next to hers.”

Xabo whirled around to face him. “You idiot! She wasn’t supposed to know that

you were there.”

“No worries,” Bruno said and backed away. Xabo’s tail was dangerously close.

“She didn’t even acknowledge that she knew me and I did the same. She might just think
that I was out for the evening. I am entitled aren’t I? I mean, you won’t let me or any of
the other guys near her so I gotta amuse myself. Which reminds me, does that rule still
apply? I would like to have her at least once. Once this business with McGregor is over.
It would be nice you know … just once.”

“She’s mine. And I’m not sharing her.”

“You’re sharing her with McGregor.”

“That’s different.”

“If you say so. I don’t understand why you have me following her anyway. Even

the guy McGregor had following her stopped a few days ago. She’s got him hooked. If
she keeps seeing me around then she might wonder whether you sent me to check up on

“She wouldn’t have known that if you didn’t let her see you. Do you think she

thinks that I don’t trust her?”

“That’s something you’ll have to ask her about. I think you’re worrying too

much. She knows her job and she’ll do it. I trained her, remember her? She’ll do it.
You’ll see.”

“Did she ask anything concerning his company?”

“I think I heard him tell her about his company’s process for transferring. And

they discussed you a little.”

“What did she say?”

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“Not much. She asked him why he rejected a partnership with you.”

“Did he say why?”

“No. But she said that if she were him she wouldn’t have accepted either. I don’t

think she thinks that highly of you anymore. If she ever did,” Bruno muttered, then
continued to stop Xabo from commenting. “And then she spent most of the time asking
him about himself. He asked her to spend this weekend with him and … ”

“Did she accept?” Xabo interrupted.

“Uh … yeah. He’s picking her up on Friday at four thirty. He’s taking her to his

place by the lake. You want me to follow them and keep an eye out?”

Xabo stopped pacing and then started again. He shook his head. “No. He’s got

security up there. The same kind as he has at his head office. If he spots you that could
put Gabrielle in danger. I put too much investment in her to be killed.”

“If he likes her as much as it looks like he does, I doubt that he’d let her get hurt.

I think I’d be the one who had to worry.”

“Just let them be. Start following her again after she gets back.”

Bruno started to leave but turned back. “You don’t think she’s going to kill him.”

Xabo looked up at Bruno. That thought had crossed his mind several times, ever

since he had watched the surveillance feed of her and Kor’Re from last week when they
had been in the coffee shop. He watched it over and over and felt jealousy start to creep
into him. He’d always allowed her to sleep with anyone she wanted as long as it wasn’t
any of his men and she didn’t get attached to anyone. And she didn’t. She was his. He
could have had her and her sister killed all those years ago, but he didn’t.

But the fact that she was getting so involved with Kor’Re had started to bother

him, even if he had told her to seduce him. Hadn’t she asked why she couldn’t just kill
him? Maybe he should have let her, but if he had, things would have gotten complicated.
No, he had made the right choice and Gabrielle would make the right choice. She knew
what she was expected to do. Gabrielle wouldn’t allow herself to get personally
involved. She knew better than that.

“She’ll kill him. It will take some time, that’s all. Remember to make sure that

neither she nor Kor’Re see you from now on. Especially not Kor’Re. And I don’t want
Gabrielle to think that I don’t trust her. I don’t want Kor’Re to get distracted from her
either. I want him so into Gabrielle that when she does kill him, he won’t even have time
to react. Understood?”

“Understood. You know maybe … never mind.”


“Maybe you should have let her just kill him.”

“That would have been too easy. No, this way is better. I will show Kor’Re that I

am not someone to take lightly.”

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Chapter Seventeen

“Wow,” Emma said. Her face beamed on the screen of the vid phone. “I just did

some research on Kor’Re McGregor. He’s hot. How the hell did you land him? He’s on
the most eligible bachelor list.”

“Really? Well, I guess your sister still knows how to attract a man.”

“I never doubted. And a Cyrillian at that. I thought they only went for their own

kind? You done good sis.”

“He’s only half.”

“Really? He looks full Cyrillian to me. So, what’s he like?”

“He’s funny, smart, and patient. He makes me feel comfortable when I’m with


Emma rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t talking about that. I meant what he’s like in the

sack. Did that fact that he’s half Cyrillian make it better? I’ve heard that Cyrillian men
have really big … well … you know.”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” Gabrielle said with mock seriousness. “Actually we

haven’t had sex yet, but he’s a hell of a kisser. That mouth of his … dangerous. I’m
spending this weekend with him, so I guess I will find out just how dangerous it is soon
enough. I already know one thing for sure. He is rather large.”

“Oooh. Wait a minute if you didn’t have sex yet then how do you how big he is?”

“Because I looked. You know my sex life is really none of your business.”

“Yeah, yeah. You know something, you actually look happy. I mean you looked

happy before, but somehow you seem a little different. You’re falling in love with
Kor’Re, aren’t you?”

“What?” Gabrielle asked. Was she? “I … I don’t know him well enough for that


“Oh please. Then why are you blushing? If you are, it’s okay. It’d be nice if you

and he hooked up. From what you’ve told me about him, he seems like a real nice guy.
And he puts a smile on your face. Maybe if you got together with him, Xabo would leave
you alone. Oh, speaking of slimes, do you still work for him?”

“I do.”

“For how long, sis? I know you don’t like working for him. I can see it in your

face whenever I ask you about it. Why can’t you just quit?”

Because then I’d lose you, that’s why. And I can’t let that happen

. “It has to do

with that night, Emma.”

“Gaby, what did Xabo threatened you with? Just tell me. I won’t get angry or

judge you. I have a feeling that a lot of it had to do with me. Is that true? Was it because
of me?”

“I … Emma. I just wish things were different, you know.” Gabrielle wiped away

the tears that threatened to fall.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

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“It’s okay. Sometimes I have to. Just to get the frustration I feel out of me. What

I do for Xabo isn’t … ” she paused. How the hell would she explain this?

“It’s not legal, right? I figured. Daniel did some digging on him and he found a

lot of very bad things. Xabo’s a career criminal. I’m kinda glad now I didn’t tell him
that we used to live with the bastard. I can’t imagine what he has you doing. Whatever it
is … just be careful okay? You’re the only big sister I’ve got. I don’t want you to get
killed or end up in jail.”

“I'm always careful, Emma. So how is Daniel?”

“Good. And he’s very good too.”

“I see. Well, you be careful too.”

“Of course. And don’t forget you have to tell me all about your weekend, okay?”

“I will, just don’t forget our week together.”

“I won’t. Bye!”

The doorbell rang a few seconds later. Gabrielle went to the door and tried to

hide her displeasure when she saw who it was.

“Oh. Hello.”

“Did someone make you angry? Or are you upset with me?” Xabo asked and

stepped inside.

“I’m not upset.”

“Really? You look like you were crying. What happened?” He raised his hand to

touch her cheek, but Gabrielle moved out of the way.

“I’m fine. There was just some dust in my eyes. Cleaning. So what brings you

here? You don’t usually come to see me.”

“I just wanted to know how things were with Kor’Re, that’s all.”

What happened? Didn’t Bruno fill you in?

She had watched as Bruno’s car had

followed her and Kor’Re back to her place after their date. Whether he followed Kor’Re
home she didn’t know.

“Fine. I’m spending the weekend with him.”

“Things are progressing nicely. Good. You think that he’s fallen for you yet?”

She shrugged. “He seems pretty interested in me, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Good. I just wanted to make sure. And do make sure that you get as much

information from him as you can. Maybe you can ask him to give you a more personal
tour of his head office and lab. I hear that the transfer process his scientists and
technicians use is a lot less painful than others. I would very much like to know how
they accomplish that.”

“Sure, I’ll ask him.”

He nodded. Xabo moved closer to her. Gabrielle backed away.

“You’re sure that you are alright?”

“I’m fine.”

“You never did get back to me about my offer of a vacation with me. I would

really like for you to come with me.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Are you planning something with your sister?”

“Not really. I just don’t want to go with you, that’s all.” The words were out of

her mouth before she could stop them.

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He smiled. The smile sent a chill down her spine. “You don’t want to. You

know I’ve found that lately you don’t like being in my company. When we have sex I
get the feeling that you aren’t enjoying it. Is that true?”

“Whenever we have sex, I’m tired or I have a lot on my mind. And isn’t it a

conflict of interest for the boss to sleep with his employees?”

“Not in this case. But you are right. My timing does usually seem to be off.

How about now? You seem tense. I can help you relax.”

“I have an appointment with the hairdresser. And then I’m off for a whole

afternoon of shopping and a nice quiet evening with some Cyrillian mysteries I picked up
last week. Not your kind of evening, I know.”

A muscle in Xabo’s jaw twitched. “Enjoy your day then. And enjoy your

weekend. Remember why you’re there.”

To enjoy myself.

“I’ll remember. Bye.”

“Asshole,” Gabrielle muttered after she closed and locked the door after him. She

had to find a way to get herself rid of him. Maybe she could kill him. But she couldn’t
just kill him. Then she would have his flunkies after her. Sure, they were her friends
now, but if she went after their boss, they would come after her.

Gabrielle walked back into the kitchen. She opened the fridge to get herself

something for lunch. She closed the fridge. She had told Xabo that she had an
appointment with the hairdresser and that she was going shopping. Why shouldn’t she do
what she lied and said she was going to do? Gabrielle grabbed her bag and her car keys
and headed for the door.

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Chapter Eighteen

At exactly four thirty on Friday afternoon, Kor’Re drove up her winding

driveway. Gabrielle walked out, put her overnight bag on the porch and locked the door.
When she turned, Kor’Re was already on the porch picking up her bag.

“You’re right on time. Did you sneak out of work?”

He winked. “Don’t tell anyone.” He headed down the steps, Gabrielle behind

him. She got into the car.

“You look better today,” he said when he got in beside her.

“What’s that’s supposed to mean?”

He put his hands up. “Hey, don’t bite my head off. The last time we saw each

other you looked like you had the weight of the world on your shoulders. Today it looks
like you threw it off.”

If you only knew the half of it.

“I do feel better today. And I don’t want you to be

disappointed that you invited me for a weekend with you.”

“I won’t be.” Kor’Re leaned over and kissed her cheek before he backed his car

out of the driveway.

“How long will it take to get there?”

“Two hours. Why? You don’t like long drives?”

“I like them fine as long as I’m not driving.” Gabrielle settled more comfortably

into the seat. “I was just thinking that I’d take a little nap, if you don’t mind. I’ve had a
long day.” She closed her eyes without waiting for his response and was asleep only
moments later.

* * * *

Gabrielle opened her eyes with a start when Kor’Re kissed her nose. She blinked

and looked around.

“Are we here?”

“We are,” Kor’Re said and got out of the car. He went around to the trunk to get

their bags.

Gabrielle got out of the car and looked at her home for the next couple of days.

Kor’Re’s country house was gorgeous. It looked like something out a fairytale, complete
with the stone fence and wooden gate and large flower garden out front. All that was
missing was the fair maiden standing in the doorway.

The house was made with the same earth toned stones as the fence, with large

windows, and a chimney – which at the moment smoke was ascending from. That didn’t
look right.

“Uh, Kor’Re.”

“Yeah, babe?”

“I think your house in on fire.”

When he looked at her in question, she pointed to the smoke coming from the

chimney. “Oh, that. I got Naomi to get things ready for us before we came.”

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“My android maid. She’s quite something. I can see why people have them.

Very efficient.”

“And what does Naomi look like?”

“Don’t tell me that you’re jealous of an android?”

“I’ve seen some of those androids. Xabo has two that I could have sworn were

flesh and blood. Some his employees were hitting on them and he had to tell them that
they were androids. I even heard that some people are falling in love with the ones that
they bought to help around the house or at work.”

Kor’Re walked up to her and kissed her on the forehead. “You will not have to

worry about me falling for Naomi. She looks just like my great grandmother … when
she was in her eighties.”

Gabrielle laughed. “Good. Because if she was wearing some little skimpy maid

outfit and looked younger than me, you’d be shopping for another one.”

“That, you definitely won’t have to worry about. Although,” he said looking her

over. “I bet you’d look very good in a little skimpy maid outfit yourself. If I bought you
one would you wear it for me?”

“Buy it and maybe I’ll wear it.”

True to his word, Naomi the android housekeeper did look very grandmotherly.

She greeted both Kor’Re and Gabrielle with a big smile and told then that everything was
prepared and she hoped that they enjoyed their weekend.

“Where is she going to go?” Gabrielle asked watching Naomi walk down the


“There’s an inn, just a few miles down the road. I let them use Naomi sometimes.

She was just here to get the place ready for me. Smells like she got dinner ready for us.


“Okay, you get dinner served and I’ll get our stuff into the bedroom.”

The smell of water - mouthing food made Gabrielle’s stomach grumble. Maybe

she should think about getting an android housekeeper. Not that she needed her house
cleaned, but it might be nice to have dinner waiting for her some nights – especially when
she’d had a particularity rough day.

Gabrielle opened one of the pots on the stove. A fragrant carrot soup simmered.

Gabrielle as a rule hated carrots, but the soup smelled good. Opening the other pots, she
found scalloped potatoes, green beans tossed with almonds, and a pot roast. There was
even an apple pie on the counter, cooling.

“So what did Naomi make us?” Kor’Re asked behind her. “Ah … just like my

grandmother used to make.”

“You don’t eat Cyrillian cuisine?”

“Only when I visit my Cyrillian relatives. That isn’t too often, since they never

really forgave my mother for marrying my father. So, I never really acquired a taste for
it. Besides, they only tolerate me there.”

“Your mother didn’t cook Cyrillian cuisine for you and your Dad?”

“After my parents got married they lived with my grandparents for a while, so my

mother learned to cook from my grandmother. And incidentally when I was having
Naomi programmed, I asked my grandmother for all the recipes that her mother used to

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make. My grandmother had most written down while others she just knew. So I
programmed all that into Naomi.”

“What can’t you do with androids? I mean, aside from making them really love


“We’re working on that. Come one, let’s get this food on the table, I’m starving.”

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Chapter Nineteen

“I’m stuffed,” Gabrielle said pushing away her plate of barely eaten apple pie. “If

I eat another bite, I’ll explode.”

“You just don’t want me to see you really eat,” Kor’Re teased.

“I don’t see why I should give myself a stomachache from eating too much. And

if we eat everything tonight, we won’t have any leftovers.”

“That’s okay. Naomi’s going to be handling all our meals.”

Gabrielle stood and started to clear away the plates. “I’ll clean up.”

“No, you just sit tight. Naomi will take care of that tomorrow. I’ll be right back,

okay? I need to get something done. Be back in a few.”

Once Kor’Re was gone, Gabrielle cleared the table. She put all the dishes in the

dishwasher and was just putting away the last of their meal in the fridge when Kor’Re
walked back into the kitchen.

“I thought I told you to let Naomi do it.”

“I know, but I couldn’t just sit here with the dirty plates staring at me. So what

were you up to?”

“Come here and I’ll show you.” He extended his hand. Gabrielle took it and he

led her down the hallway and into the large bathroom.

The only light inside was from the white votive candles he had placed around the

tub, casting a soft glow over the whole room. The heady scent of lavender came from the
old fashioned clawed foot tub and tendrils of steam rose into the air. Kor’Re waved
Gabrielle ahead of him. When she reached the tub, he took her arm and turned her to
him, and started to undress her. She tried to help him, but he gently pushed her hands
away. He placed his fingertips on her neck, sliding them down to the first button of her
blouse. As he unbuttoned each button, his fingers grazed her skin, making Gabrielle’s
toes curl. It took everything she had not to reach up and tear her blouse off and press
herself against him. The slowness with which he undid every button was maddening.
Every time he exposed more of her skin, he paused to gently caress her. She was going
to cum before he really did anything to her, if he kept that up.

When he had finished unbuttoning her blouse, he paused to look at her. Gabrielle

stared back losing herself in those soft brown eyes of his. He pushed the sleeves of the
blouse over her shoulders and down her arms, his hands caressing, making her skin
prickle with heat. Gabrielle’s stomach fluttered. He tossed the blouse onto a chair, then
reached up to unclasp her bra. She was glad that she had worn one that clasped in the
front. As he pulled off her bra freeing her breasts, he dipped his head and placed a soft
kiss on each nipple. Gabrielle closed her eyes at the soft caress of his lips. He kneeled in
front of her and removed her pants, slowly pulling them down, then her panties throwing
them to join her blouse on the chair.

He stood up, then buried his face in the crook of her neck, then slowly made his

way downward. She whimpered when his tongue swirled in her belly button. His hands
moved over her back, behind and thighs. She was trembling with desire by the time he

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kissed his way back up and standing in front of her. He gave her gentle kiss on her
forehead and helped her into the tub. He took off his shirt to keep it from getting wet,
then kneeled down beside the tub. She wanted to pull him in with her.

He moved behind the tub out of her view and tied up her hair. He bathed her with

gentle strokes. Gabrielle closed her eyes as Kor’Re’s hands moved over her as he rinsed
the soap from her body. Gabrielle tingled all over. Then he told her to lean back while
he massaged her shoulders. As his hands kneaded the tense muscles she could feel
herself melt. She closed her eyes and just focused on his touch. Kor’Re had taken
something as simple and comforting as a bath and made it into something extremely

When he reached in to scoop her out of the tub, Gabrielle pressed herself against

his naked chest, making her nipples pucker. He put her on her feet when they reached the
bedroom, then took a soft towel and dried her off. As he did, he planted hot little kisses
on her neck and shoulders. And when he was done that, he wrapped his arms around her
kissing her so deeply she felt the trickle of her own juices slide down the inside of her

He pulled away, undressed, scooped her up again and laid her gently on the bed,

then joined her. He pushed her gently onto to her back when she turned into him,
running his hands over her making her skin break out in goose pimples.

“You like truffles?”

“What are those?”

“A human confection made with chocolate. Never had them?”

“No. Are they good?”

“Very good. Would you like to try one?”

She nodded.

He turned away for a moment, and then said. “Open your mouth.”

She did and he placed the truffle into her mouth. The truffle instantly melted

when it touched her tongue. Gabrielle sighed savoring the sweet treat.

Before she could swallow, Kor’Re took her mouth sharing the chocolate with her.

Their tongues licked and sucked as the chocolate melted.

“Was it good? I made it myself.”

“Oh, it wasn’t Naomi?”

“No. I’m very good at making truffles. So was it good?”

“It was very good.”

“Would you like to feed me one?” he asked, holding another in his hand.

She reached over to take it, but he shook his head and moved his hand down her

body and between her thighs. He met her eyes. Gabrielle understood and opened her
legs for him. He placed the truffle into her, pushing it in a little, and then brought his
fingers to her lips. She licked off the melted chocolate.

When he started to kiss his way down her body, Gabrielle squirmed against the

tide of pleasure that was washing over her. Her back arched and her fingers dug into the
bed sheets. His mouth and tongue played over her skin leaving a heated trail in their
wake. When he started to suck on the truffle, Gabrielle nearly climaxed. As he worked
on the chocolate, his mouth and tongue went other places, tasting, licking and lightly
biting her. After he had devoured the chocolate, he devoured her until she came in an
earth shattering orgasm that had her whole body quaking. Before she finished shaking,

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Kor’Re pulled her into his arms and drove his hot throbbing cock into her. When she
came again she held Kor’Re tightly with her legs, moaning softly.

While he waited for her to catch her breath, he held her, kissing her face softly.



“You’re a quiet one.”

At first she didn’t quite understand what he meant. Then she did. “Would you

rather that I screamed your name at the top of my lungs?”

“Not particularly. It was just an observation.”

“How about if I scream the next time? Would you like that better?” she asked,

nibbling his ear.

“Maybe not. I think I prefer those soft little moans you make. You almost sound

like a cat purring,” he said, kissing her neck. She rewarded him with a soft little moan.
“Yeah … I like that better.”

Kor’Re pulled himself out of her and rolled onto his back. He pulled her tight

against him. Gabrielle lay quietly listening until Kor’Re’s breathing become deep and
even. She pulled out his arms and looked down at him. He looked so peaceful lying
there deep in sleep. She could kill him right now and leave, but then everyone would
know that she had killed him. She was sure that he had told someone where he was
going to be this weekend.

Gabrielle sighed deeply and sat up. What the hell was she going to do? She was

quickly finding herself falling for him. As much as she tried to keep him at bay she
couldn’t. Her job had been to seduce him and she was being seduced instead. And more
disturbing was the fact that she didn’t care.

She liked being with him. He made her forget what she really was. A cold -

blooded killer for hire. Gabrielle wondered what he would think if he knew what she
really was and what Xabo wanted her to do? She could tell him, but then what? Suppose
he said that he didn’t want to see her anymore? Or worse – had her arrested? Gabrielle
didn’t think she could handle that. Aside from Emma, Kor’Re was the only other person
in her life that made her tortured existence tolerable.

And Xabo would be furious with her. He would demand to know why she had

allowed herself get personally involved. And whenever he got upset, he threatened. The
only thing he could threaten her with anymore was Emma, but that was enough. She had
taken great pains to make sure that nothing she did touched Emma in any way. She
wanted Emma to live her life without knowing the horrible things she did. Doing what
Xabo wanted was the only way she could do that.

Kor’Re has a lot of influence.

Maybe he could protect both her and Emma from

Xabo? After all, if Xabo needed her to get rid of Kor’Re, then he didn’t have as much
clout as he tried to make it seem.

“Hey, what’s the matter?”

She looked down to see Kor’Re looking up at her. His face creased with concern.

“Bad dream or something?”

“Yeah, something like that.” She let him pull her into his arms. He kissed her

forehead. She held him tighter to her and suddenly realized that it was going to kill her to
have to lose him.

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Chapter Twenty

Gabrielle opened an eye when the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted into the

bedroom. She stretched with a smile on her face. Her body felt heavenly. It still tingled
in a few places — specifically between her legs. Gabrielle had woken up during the
night to find Kor’Re kissing and caressing her breasts. She had encouraged him to go
lower and they made love again. No, she couldn’t lose him. She would have to figure
something else out.

“So, sleeping beauty is up I see. Too bad. I had a rather interesting way I

planned to wake you up.”

Gabrielle turned to see Kor’Re standing in the doorway, naked. Her eyes went

down the length of him, and she was damned if she was not getting wet right now. Her
eyes rested on his deep bronze, thick cock. She remembered the throbbing heat of it as
he drove it into her. Remembered how much she liked it.

“Would you like to take a picture?” he asked with a lopsided grin.

“Maybe later. So how were you going to wake me up? Like you did last night?”

“Maybe, maybe not. It’s almost noon so I think lunch is in order. Any requests?”

She thought for a moment. “Yes, a picnic.”

“A picnic?”

“Yeah, I’ve never been on one.”

“Then you shall have one, but I need to take a shower first.”

“Company?” she asked, getting out of the bed.

* * * *

Gabrielle looked around the small, secluded area where Kor’Re had set up the

picnic. They were shaded from the direct rays of the sun, but some were still able to filter
through. She turned to Kor’Re as he offered her some grapes. He popped one in her

Kor’Re cupped her chin and pulled her mouth to his. He deepened the kiss,

lowering her onto her back. He released her mouth. His hands ran over her. Kor’Re ran
a hand along her leg, caressing her thigh. He moved his hand higher.

Gabrielle gasped when his fingers lightly brushed her sweet spot. She wasn’t

wearing any panties. Kor’Re lowered his head to the crook of her neck. She stopped his
hand when his fingers started to stroke her.

“If you’re afraid that someone will see us, don’t be. This property is very

secluded. No one will see us let alone hear us.”

“Actually, that would not bother me at all. I just don’t want any of our …

sensitive areas to get bitten by bugs. I saw a couple of bees buzzing about.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect your sensitive areas,” he said moving between her legs.

Gabrielle wriggled out from under him and sat back on her knees. She looked

into his eyes. They were dark with lust. Her eyes fall to his mouth. His lips parted. As

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she moved in close, he brought his arms around her. He took her mouth hard, his tongue
opening her mouth.

Gabrielle pulled away. “Let’s take a walk. I want to see the rest of the property.

Is that all right?”

“It is.”

“You sure? You look a little disappointed.”

“Sorry, it’s just that you make me so damn horny it’s not even funny.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “I wasn’t complaining. Only stating a


They walked until they got to the lake. Gabrielle sat down near the water’s edge,

took off her shoes and dipped her toes in the water. The cool water felt heavenly on her

“You’ve never done that before have you?”

Gabrielle blushed and turned her face away.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“Sometimes I wish I grew up differently.”

“Was it that bad?”

“To be honest, yeah. I know it wasn’t my parent’s fault. They both had great

jobs as bio - engineers. But then the company was taken over by a Cyrillian company
that fired all the humans.”

“Did your parents get other jobs?”

“They did. At a factory that made parts for personal shuttles. The money wasn’t

the best and the hours were long, but at least they had been able to get jobs. A lot of the
other fired employees didn’t. And then things … just got really bad.”

“When they got sick?”

Gabrielle nodded. When she had been told that her parents had died, Gabrielle

cried for a week. Then the neighbors that she had been staying with got sick and died.
Then she and Emma were forced to be on their own.

“It was so bad. Especially when other people who had gone to the clinic came

back and my parents didn’t. When I finally found out, I felt like my whole world was
gone. I had my sister who was just a baby and nowhere to live because we had gotten
kicked out of the apartment complex. Luckily Mr. Lee took us in.”

“But you said that your sister is in university, so you did a good job raising her.”

“I guess. But she shouldn’t have had to live the first five years of her life how she

did. You know she hadn’t even seen a playground until she was five? Or even knew
what a doll was? I couldn’t afford to send her to school. After … after Xabo took us in, I
made sure that she was taken care of. My life was crap, but hers didn’t need to be.”

Kor’Re put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I think you need to let go of

the past and not be so hard on yourself. Maybe that’s what has your mind all crazy. You
keep thinking about what was and not enough about what is.”

“I know. But some things are hard to forget.”

He nodded. “But that doesn’t mean that you let it and other unpleasant memories

make you unhappy.”

“I guess you’re right.” She pulled him closer to her until she could feel the steady

thump of his heart.

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“You know if I didn’t know better, I’d think I was growing on you.”

Gabrielle pulled back to look into Kor’Re’s face. He was growing on her in a big

way. She reached up and kissed him. Before the kiss could progress to the next level,
Gabrielle asked, “Are there any fish in this lake?”

“Yeah,” Kor’Re said looking at her. “Why?”

“Do you have any fishing gear?”

He burst out laughing. “You’re kidding?”

“No. My father and I used to go fishing when I was little. It was nice fishing

with him. Sometimes we’d catch something and sometimes we didn’t, but it was still

“There’s gear in the shed. Stay here and I’ll run back and get it.”

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Chapter Twenty One

“You only wanted to fish to show me up!”

Gabrielle looked at Kor’Re over her mug. “Just because you, apparently, aren’t

the fisherman you claim to be isn’t my fault. Maybe the fish didn’t like you.”

“Maybe the fish didn’t like me?” he repeated.

“Yeah, with those long alien toes of yours. They probably saw them in the water

and took off.”

“Very funny. We’ll have a rematch tomorrow.”

Kor’Re put down his mug. He slid is fingers into her hair and brought her face

closer to his. He smiled as his eyes went over her features.

“You are so beautiful. You know that? When we first met, would you believe I

just wanted to kiss you?”

“Really? It looked more like you wanted to eat me.”

“Well, that too.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“It might not have been a very good first impression.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I was actually undressing you myself.”

Kor’Re smirked. “Really,” he said, and pulled her into his lap. “Then I don’t feel

so bad about the naughty thoughts I was having. And they were naughty.”

“How naughty?”

“Very naughty. They involved you naked and me doing things to you. So let’s

see: I wanted to kiss you — excuse me, eat you — and you were undressing me. At least
we were both on the same wavelength. Well, first things first, I’ll kiss you, then later I’ll
eat you.”

“What about me undressing you?”

Instead of replying, he kissed her gently, and then pulled her dress over her head.

Her skin warmed as his fingers slid up her ribcage to cup the undersides of her breasts.
Her nipples puckered in anticipation of his touch.

Kor’Re’s hands moved up over her breasts, kneading and caressing until they

were swollen mounds of pleasure. She pushed her hips against him as his hands moved
down her body, lightly caressing, and pulled at his shirt. He removed his hands to let her
take off his shirt, and then he put his hands back on her as she ran her hands over him.
Her fingers outlined the sculpted muscles of his chest. She loved to touch him. He
hissed as her fingers skimmed over his nipples. When her hands moved to his hard flat
stomach, it quivered under her touch.

“My turn,” he whispered. He shifted his position to lower his head to her left

breast first. His warm wet tongue sent ripples of pleasure through her. Her heart
pounded behind her breast as he took the soft mound into his mouth.

Gabrielle pushed herself against him, forcing him to take more of the soft flesh

into his mouth. He growled and sucked harder, pulling at the hard nipple. Gabrielle felt
her stomach tightened at the intensity of his suckling.

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“Damn, you are so good at that,” she breathed.

Kor’Re laughed in his throat, and went to the other mound. He placed on hand in

the small of her back to keep her arched and give him better access to her. He took his
other hand and reached down to touch her slick opening. She gave a small cry of
pleasure when he moved his fingers in and around her swollen folds.

He started to stroke her back and forth. His fingers tormented the hard nub while

his tongue and mouth kept up their erotic assault on her breasts.

Gabrielle could feel herself coming. She held onto his upper arms as she rode the

wave of mounting pleasure. Her fingers scraped against his skin.

“Kor’Re … ”

She ground herself into his hand, forcing him to slip his fingers inside her. He

complied with her silent request, and moved his fingers in and out while he licked her
neck. He kissed her cheeks and finally settled his mouth over hers. His tongue swept
over her lips while his thumb moved over her swollen, aching clitoris. Her body
responded with a gush of warm release.

Gabrielle whimpered as her orgasm shattered her, weakening her. Kor’Re held on

to her as she rode the tide of release. When she settled down, she looked into his face,
her eyes sleepy with pleasure.

He covered her mouth with his. Gabrielle sucked on his tongue as she felt the

throbbing pulse of his cock against her as he pulled her closer to him. He needed release.
She would release him now.

She pulled out of his arms, and ran her fingers over the front of his jeans. “Let me

take care of that for you.”

She pulled down the zipper of his pants. He lifted his hips to help her pull them

off along with his boxers. His thick cock sprung free. She smiled up at him. His eyes
were hooded with desire. She took him in her hand, caressing the soft silky skin. The
throbbing heat of him made her fingers tingle. When the first drops of liquid appeared at
the tip, she moved down his legs so she could lower her head. She flicked her tongue out
to catch the drops. The swirled her tongue around him. Kor’Re groaned and lay back
against the sofa.

As her tongue played over him, Gabrielle could see that Kor’Re was fighting to

hold on. She looked up and met his eyes. They pleaded with her. She slid her tongue
down the length of him her eyes never leaving his. He bit his lip and raised his hips. She
sat up and looked at him.

“What is it?”

Gabrielle didn’t reply, but pulled at his legs until his shoulders were flush with the

edge of the sofa. She took the sofa pillows to support his back. She spread his legs a

“Much better,” she murmured.

She moved forward, and took him all the way into her mouth. He held her head

gently, his fingers tangled in her dark hair as she brought him closer to the brink. He
pushed his hips forward to meet her strokes. She responded by sucking harder. Her
fingers played with his sac, kneading and caressing.

“Gabrielle, I’m going to come,” he said. His body started to tremble. “I want to

… be inside … you.”

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She paused to look at him, her smile mischievous. She dropped her eyes and

continued to coax his orgasm out of him. His body bucked as he drove himself into her
mouth. She didn’t let go until he had she had taken every drop from him.

Gabrielle scooted back up into his lap and kissed him. She opened her mouth to

let him taste himself on her lips. Her tongue swirled the inside of his mouth as they
shared the erotic treat. She moved to his cheek, then down his neck, nipping at his warm

Kor’Re told her to wrap her legs around him as he stood, and carried her into the

bedroom. He laid her on the bed. Then he stood at the edge looking down at her, his
eyes lingering first on her breasts then down to her sex. Gabrielle felt her skin prickle
with desire. His gaze grew heated as he watched her. When his eyes went back up to her
breasts, the nipples peaked. She looked down at his cock. The first stirrings of arousal
were already there, again.

“Part your legs,” he said, his voice a low growl.

She brought her knees up slowly and spread her legs.


He licked his lips. Gabrielle almost came when she saw that. He stepped closer

and pulled her down the bed to him. He kneeled in front of her on the floor, took hold of
her hips and spread her even wider. She gave a little cry as her hips protested in pain, but
damn it felt so good at the same time. He stayed like that, holding her legs apart, just
looking at her. He gently blew on her. Gabrielle’s body shook. Then he blew on her

Kor’Re lowered his head and ran his tongue over her wet folds. She started to

squirm and move her hips, but he held her still.

“Now, now, if you move you’ll spoil everything. You have to be a good girl and

not move, otherwise, I’ll leave you like this.”

“Then I’ll finish it myself,” she breathed.

“Not if I tie your hands,” he said, and blew on her once more.

She made a mewling sound and fought to keep still. “Damn tease.”

He chuckled. “You have no idea,” he said, and flicked his tongue against her.

Gabrielle felt a warm flood trickle down.

“And her dam bursts.” Kor’Re lapped it up.” Very nice, but you’re not quite ready

yet.” His teeth grazed the tender aroused flesh.

“Kor’Re,” she begged. Her heart pounded in her chest. She dug her heels into

the bed to keep from moving. She pressed her lips together to keep from screaming.

His mouth was on her again, drinking at her fountain. He sucked the tender nub

until Gabrielle couldn’t breathe from the pleasure and pain of it. She felt her muscles
contract as he plunged his tongue deeper into her. She gasped for breath unable to make
a sound as she felt another orgasm coming. She arched her back as her body trembled.

Kor’Re stood, and crawled up unto the bed beside her. He moved himself

between her legs, but didn’t enter her. Gabrielle moved her hips against him to try to slip
him inside. But he kept his body out of the way. He looked into her face. Her eyes
pleaded with him.

“Just be patient,” he whispered.

“Please,” she begged. Her hands pulled at him.

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He kissed her again, took both her hands in his, and raised them above her head.

He raised himself up a little to look down at her. Gabrielle arched her back again trying
to push him into her.

“Damn it, Kor’Re,” she breathed.

“Patience,” he said. He moved his other hand to her core. Gabrielle closed her

eyes and whimpered. Her head thrashed from side to side. Then he moved his hot hard
cock into her, rotating his hips, grinding against her swollen sex.

Gabrielle’s breath caught in her throat as the orgasm crashed over her.

“That’s it, baby, come for me,” Kor’Re crooned in her ear as he ground harder

into her.

Gabrielle felt as if she was going to die. All her nerve endings were on fire. Her

body imploded. Sparks flashed behind her closed eyes.

Groaning in ecstasy, Kor’Re released her hands and pulled her tighter against

him. His body shuddered from the force of his own orgasm moments later. He collapsed
on top of her. Soon the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing.

Kor’Re slowly pulled himself out of her. He moved stands of damp hair off her

forehead. Gabrielle looked up at him, her eyes half closed.

“You’re incredible,” she murmured.

“Why, thank you.”

“And apparently modest too,” she drawled. She turned on her side, to fit her body

into his. He wrapped his arms around her.



Those three little words were on the tip of her tongue. But she fought them back.

If she said them now, things would change between them. Things had already changed
between them, but as long as neither of them said those words maybe Gabrielle could just
walk away if she had to. He lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes.



“You were going to tell me something. What is it?”

“I … really love being with you.”

He kissed her sweetly. “I love being with you too. Maybe we can make this a

more permanent arrangement one day?”

“Maybe.” And while Gabrielle honestly wished and hoped that it could be, she

wasn’t to sure that it might happen.

* * * *

Kor’Re carefully pulled himself from Gabrielle’s embrace and eased himself off

the bed. He walked out of the bedroom closed the door behind him. He walked down the
hall to the small office near the back of the house. He turned on the vid phone and called

“Hey boss. How goes the weekend?”

“Not the way I thought.”

“What do you mean? You and Gabrielle not hitting it off?”

“That’s the problem. I’m afraid my plan backfired.”

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“You mean to play Gabrielle and Xabo at their own game? Don’t tell me, you’re

in love with her?”

Kor’Re blew air. “Yeah. If Xabo sent her to do what he’s been trying to do for

years, she’s not doing it.”

“Are you sure? It could be all part of the plot.”

“I don’t think so.” Kor’Re shook her head. “She hasn’t asked about anything

involving BioSys. I know that’s what Xabo wants. He wants my secrets. He was
probably hoping that I would tell Gabrielle or she would seduce them out of me. She
hasn’t. Even when I try to steer the conversation that way, she steers it away from that.”

“So then what the hell is she doing? Why is she with you then?”

Kor’Re gave Alex a look.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean it like that. What I mean is, if her whole plan was to seduce

you into telling your secrets and she’s not pumping you for any, then she’s not doing
what Xabo wants. Which means … ”

“Which means trouble for her. And then there’s her sister. I think her sister plays

a part in this too.”

“He could be blackmailing her. After all, she was basically living in poverty and

then miraculously Xabo appears and offers to take her in? She had to have made a deal
with him.”

“Right. He may have used her sister to get her to comply.”

“Shit. If what you think, then she’s dead when Xabo finds out that she ain’t doing

what she needs to be doing. So what are you going to do?”

“Keep her and her sister safe. If she loses her sister it will tear Gabrielle apart.

That’s all the family she has.”

“But you gotta look out for yourself too!”

“I am. Listen, I need you to go and see Algernon. He has something that you

need to see. He’ll explain everything. I’ve already given him orders on what to do. Just
follow whatever he tells you, okay?”

“Okay. What are you going to do boss?”

“Protect myself, as you said. But also Gabrielle and her sister. If Gabrielle fails

in her mission for Xabo, he’ll find someone else to do the job. He might even do it
himself. I don’t want her to get hurt.”

“Okay. No problem. But … are you sure about Gabrielle? I mean, it still could

be part of Xabo’s plan you know.”

Kor’Re remembered the way he and Gabrielle had made love. If she didn’t care

about him, they would not have connected as deeply as they had. No, physically she was
here because Xabo wanted her to be, but her heart belonged to Kor’Re. He was not about
to let Xabo take away everything from her because of his jealousy. And Kor’Re was not
about to lose her either.

“I’m sure. I’ll talk to you later.”

Gabrielle woke up when Kor’Re got back into bed.

“Hey, where are going?”

“Nowhere,” he leaned down and kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her and

prayed that his plan would work because if he lost Gabrielle it would tear him apart.

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Chapter Twenty Two

The small bespectacled man scurried around the lab. He went from console to

console, muttering to himself. After watching for five minutes, Kor’Re cleared his

The little man whirled around, his large blue eyes wide. “Oh, hello boss. You’ve

come to see how things are progressing, I presume?”

“I have. I see that the first project is complete.”

“It is. I was just waiting for your instructions on that.”

“Alex will be taking care of it. I’ve made all the arrangements. And the second


“That will be completed by the end of the week. So, in three days you can come

and take a look at the finished product. I have to say that I am quite impressed with

“Your best work ever, eh?”

“I think so. And once we start using this tech, all the other companies will fall at

our feet. And Mr. Osaka will be begging you for a partnership. Then again, it didn’t hurt
that you hired away his best technician.”

“Well the poor man was working for peanuts as you humans say. I on the other

hand like to pay people what their worth. And Aramaki is worth every credit I pay him.
Speaking of Osaka, he’ll be in town next week. Hopefully we’ll have some samples of
the new work for him to see?”

“But of course. I’ll get working on it as soon as I finish this. Your golden boy

put together quite the presentation for his former boss. One thing though … ”


“Are you sure that you will have to do what you plan to do?”

“I have no choice, Algernon.”

“Damn, it seems like such a waste. Oh well, I guess you’re the boss and what you

says goes. I think I better get back to work.”

“I’m leaving,” Kor’Re said and headed out of the lab.

Kor’Re was walking into his office when he heard his named called. Alex stood

behind him. “Alex, everything set up on your end?”



The security chief shook his head. “Once I explained the situation everyone

cooperated. What about you? Is Algernon finished?”

“By the end of the week.”

“Do you really think that you’ll have to go through with this plan? I mean, Xabo

is a bastard, but do you really think that he’ll go that far?”

“From what I know about him, yes. Like I said, I’m going to protect Gabrielle

and her sister. This is the only way. I’m not losing her. If we end up not having to go

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through with the plan then good. But I have a feeling that we will. Xabo won’t just let
her walk away from him.”

“Okay. Just to let you know, I’m going to have to turn off some of the security in

the warehouse and the offices for the next couple of days.”


“Upgrades. Algernon has some new program that he needs to implement and he

doesn’t want to do unit by unit. He said it will take to long. If he can do it through the
mainframe it will be faster and that way we’ll be sure that all the units are upgraded. But
certain areas have to be offline. But don’t worry, I’ll put extra guards on the place if you

“If you think that it’s needed.”

“It might not be. I’ll see. Talk to you later.”

“Sure,” Kor’Re said and walked into his office. His vid phone started to beep as

soon as he sat down. He tapped the answer button. Laura’s face flickered onto the
screen. “Yes, Laura?”

“Ms. Gabrielle Wynter is here to see you. Shall I send her in?”

“Please do.”

When Gabrielle walked in through the open door he looked up from his PDA.

She grinned at him.

“Oh, sorry. You’re busy. I can come back later.”

“Just checking which meeting I can afford to cancel, not busy. Even if I were, I’d

make time for you.” He tossed the PDA into a desk drawer and came from behind his
desk to take her in his arms. He kissed her. “So, why did my little angel come by?”

“I was in the area and thought I just stop in for a visit.”

He touched a button on the wall and the glass doors of his office and the windows

became frosted.

“That’s a nice touch. Need privacy much?”

Kor’Re responded by pulling her closer and taking her mouth. She groaned as his

tongue dove into her mouth, licking and teasing.

She pulled her mouth away from his when Kor’Re set her down on his desk. He

pushed her down on her back. “Kor’Re … ” she gasped. “ … we can’t do this here.”

He smiled down at her, pinning her to the desk with his large body. “Why not?

The walls are sound proof.” He buried his face in the crook of her neck. “And besides, I
missed you. I’ve been so horny since that weekend.”

“Kor’Re ... ”

“Yes,” he whispered. He placed a kiss on her cheek.

She smiled up at him.

He kissed her. She kissed him back. Suddenly he pulled away. He let her up and

sat down in his swivel chair.

Gabrielle looked at him curiously. “What’s the matter? Not so horny after all?”

She glanced at the front of his pants. “Looks like you are to me.”

He leaned back in the chair. “Take off your panties.”

Gabrielle blinked. “What?”

“Your panties,” he said slowly, “take … them … off.”

She looked at him, and then titled her head to one side. “What if I told you that

I’m not wearing any?”

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He raised an eyebrow. “Come here. Let me check.”

Gabrielle walked over to him and Kor’Re pulled her into his lap making sure that

her legs straddled him. He pulled her tight against him. His hand went under her dress.
She wasn’t lying.

“Are the walls really soundproof?” she asked and rubbed her nose against his.

“Oh, yeah.” Kor’Re took her mouth hard, his tongue opening her mouth,

sweeping against hers. He kissed her hungrily, cradling her head against the onslaught of
his mouth. She matched his hunger.

Kor’Re groaned as he felt her grind her hips against him. He moved his hands

down her body to cup her breasts while he moved his mouth to explore her neck. His
tongue licked her skin. He took the hem of her short summer dress and pulled it off.

Gabrielle groaned as his fingers kneaded the nipples into hard peaks. He moved

down to take a soft mound into his mouth. He pulled a nipple between his teeth. She
whimpered, placing her hands on the side of his head and pulling him closer.

His hand glided down between their bodies to rest at her opening. She was slick

with cream. “You’re wet already,” he murmured.

She cried out softly when he pushed his fingers into her.

“Kor’Re … take off your clothes … now.”

He smiled at her, his fingers delving deeper into her. “You sure? I like having

this advantage over you. You warm and naked in my arms.”

“Get naked now or I will tear those clothes off you myself.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He eased her off his lap, stood and got out off his clothes. He

watched as Gabrielle’s eyes went to his cock.

“You like?”

She nodded. “You are so … ”

“So what?”

“Mine,” she said and pushed him back into the chair. Then with a sigh, she

straddled him, impaling herself. She hissed as he moved his hips gently rocking her. She
closed her eyes.

“Oh yeah.” She rocked back matching his rhythm. She took his mouth, kissing

him, her hips grinding into him hard. As they rocked back and forth, their hands played
over each other. He pushed deeper into her as her body shuddered. She whispered his
name. Kor’Re growled, crushing her to him as his own release gripped him.

They held each other as their bodies cooled and their hearts slowed. Gabrielle

rested her forehead against his. He moved his hands idly along her back.

Moments later, she moved out of his lap and got dressed. “Where are you off to?”

“I am sure that your employees are wondering what the hell we’ve been doing in

here all this time. I don’t need them to give me any funny looks when I leave.”

“They won’t. They know all about us.” He held out his arms. “Come on, one for

the road.”

“Better not or you won’t get any work done for the rest of the day. But I was

hoping to have a tour of this place.”

“A tour?”

“Yeah. Is that alright? Because if you’re too busy … ”

“I’m not busy.” He quickly got dressed. “What would you like to see?”

“Whatever you want to show me.”

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“There must be something you want to see?” he asked. He watched her think it


“Maybe the transfer process? Or is that off limits?”

“It kind of is as most clients don’t like anyone but their family members present.

And that part of my company isn’t here. Are you thinking of a prosthetic body?”

“Only if it was to save my life. Not for a whim. Would you?”

“I kinda like my body.”

Gabrielle traced Kor’Re’s jaw with her finger. “I like it too. How about the

androids? Do you make them here?”

“Unfortunately not. This is the head office. We only store the raw materials that

eventually get shipped to the plants and we develop the software. I could show you how
we develop the software.”

If Gabrielle’s behavior was all an act then this would prove it. Kor’Re knew that

Xabo would give anything to get a hold of some of the patented software that Kor’Re’s
company used. If any of his competitors got a hold of it, BioSys would be ruined. To
make her privy to how it was developed was a bad business move.

“Naw, you know what?”

“No, what?”

“How about taking me to lunch instead?”

“I think I like that idea better. You sure that you don’t want that tour?”

She pulled away from him.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“You really want me to see your company that badly?”

“It’s one of the things that I am very proud of. I’ll make it fast and then take you

to lunch. How’s that?”

“Just make sure it’s fast.”

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Chapter Twenty Three

His fists clenched at his sides. What was she doing? Xabo had been calling her

for days, ever since she came back from her weekend with Kor’Re, and she refused to
return his calls. She was either tromping all over the city or in bed with the half breed.

He should have never given her the assignment. But he had had it all planned out.

He hit his desk with a loud thud. Shit! It looked like he had to take things into his own
hands, but first he would give Gabrielle one more chance to prove her loyalty to him. He
contacted Bruno.

“Yes, boss.”

“Where’s Gabrielle?” he demanded.

“At home.”


“Now she is. McGregor just left.”

“How long was he there for?”

“All afternoon. I think they were going at it the whole time.”

“I need you to bring her here. Even if you have to force her, do it. I want her

here. Now!”

“Something wrong, boss?”

“Something will be if you don’t stop asking stupid questions and get Gabrielle

over here.”

“Sure thing.”

* * * *

Gabrielle grinned at Bruno when she opened the door. “Don’t tell me, you need

help on an assignment.”

“No, the boss wants to see you. And I don’t know what the hell you did, but you

pissed him off royally. Know why?”

I have a few ideas

. She shrugged. “Maybe because I won’t let him have sex with

me anymore. He’s probably horny. Tellarans have overactive libidos.”

“Horny or not, he’s pissed.”

“Okay. Tell him that I’ll stop by tomorrow.”

“He wants to see you now.”

“Right now?”

Bruno nodded.

“But … ”

“Gabrielle, don’t make me have to force you, okay? Please, let’s just go.”

“Force me? What the hell is going on?”

“Just come, okay?”

She followed Bruno out to his shuttle.

“How angry is he?” she asked once Bruno was inside.

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“Very. I’ve seen him angry before, but not like this. I think it has to do with your

assignment with McGregor. Aren’t you doing what you’re supposed to be doing?”

Gabrielle turned away from Bruno’s gaze. She wondered just how much Bruno

knew about the assignment. Xabo usually didn’t tell anyone else what her assignments
were unless she needed some assistance. And even then it was up to her what she
disclosed to whoever Xabo assigned to help her.

“Which is?”

“Seducing him, right? Get him to trust you enough that he’ll tell you whatever

you want, right?”

Okay, so he did know. “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Xabo wanted me to seduce

the guy and I did. He’ll do anything for me. All I have to do is ask. Xabo is just upset
that everything is going as planned. Maybe he’s just jealous seeing me with Kor’Re.”

“Maybe. Still, he shouldn’t be this angry with you. I mean … he’s really angry at

you, Gabrielle. Even angrier than when he found Vtak with his hands on you.”

“Whatever,” Gabrielle muttered though her insides were churning. The uneasy

feeling got worse when they pulled up into the driveway of Xabo’s home. Charles let her
in and told her that she was expected in the office.

The door to Xabo’s office was open when she reached it.

“Come in and close the door,” Xabo said.

She walked in and closed the door behind her. “You wanted to see me about


“What kind of fool do you take me for?”

“What kind are you?” she asked trying to keep the situation light - hearted.

“Look, if you’re jealous because … ” she stopped when he turned away from the window
to look at her. Gabrielle flinched. His eyes were as cold as they were the first time they
had met. He crossed the room and stood in front of her. His hand flew out and struck
Gabrielle across the face.

She staggered back, shocked. She put her hand to her cheek. “What was that for?

I was only joking.”

“You’re in love with him.”

“What?” She blinked in confusion. “What are you talking about? In love with

who? Bruno?”

“Don’t play stupid with me. You’re in love with that … that half - breed. That’s

why you haven’t gotten any of his corporate secrets from him. Don’t you dare deny it.”

“Oh, please you’re just jealous.”

“How I feel has nothing to do with this,” he hissed. “I’m not the one who is

supposed to be seducing corporate secrets out of him. I believe I hired you for the job.
So tell me: are you in love with him or not?”

“I’m … I’m not in love with him. He’s in love with me.”

“So you don’t feel anything for him?” he asked moving closer to her.

She shook her head. “No. He’s just a job. Like all the others.”

“Then how do you explain that you haven’t gotten any secrets out of him?”

“I … look, it’s hard to ask him about his business plan when he’s kissing me.”

“You spend the weekends with him. You can’t tell me that you spent all your

time fucking him that you don’t have time ask one question.”

“It’s those kind of weekends,” she said and grinned. “We don’t talk much.”

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He looked at her for several moments and then put a hand on her neck. He ran his

fingers idly along her throat. He tightened his grip. Gabrielle started to struggle to
breathe. She reached up to break his hold, but she couldn’t. She felt her head get light.
She was going to pass out. Before she did, he let go.

She rubbed her neck. “What was that about?”

“That was to show you that you are dispensable. If I decide that you are of no use

to me then I will kill you without hesitation. But I am going to let you get back into my
good grace. I will give you three days starting tonight at midnight. If by the end of three
days you have not gotten any corporate secrets from Kor’Re and have killed him then I
will kill Emma.”

“Leave Emma out of this. She has … ”

“She has everything to do with this. Don’t forget why you are working for me in

the first place. It’s for Emma. Everything you did and do for me is to keep Emma safe.
You think because she’s away at university that she’s safe from me? Hardly. I know
exactly what she does every day. I could tell you if you want. You want to keep Emma
safe? Then you finish this assignment. You get those corporate secrets and kill
McGregor and I will leave Emma alone. And besides, since you said that you don’t feel
anything for him then it should be easy.”

Gabrielle turned away from him. She hadn’t expected things to move this

quickly. In three days, Kor’Re would be dead or Emma would be. How the hell was she
going to choose who would live and who would die? She loved them both. Maybe she
could ask Kor’Re for help. He did offer to help her if she needed anything and she
needed his help. Gabrielle needed to make sure that Emma was safe. And probably
Daniel as well. If Xabo was telling the truth about knowing what Emma was doing then
he’d know about Daniel as well. Gabrielle did not want Emma to lose Daniel.

“Fine.” She turned on her heel to leave.

“Where are you going?”


“Not right now. Take off your clothes.”

She stared at him.

“Are you deaf? Never forget what I told you all those years ago after your first

assignment. You belong to me. I own you. I will always own you. No one will ever
change that. When you agreed to my proposition you agreed to let me do whatever I saw
fit with you. Now take off your clothes. Because if I have to I will hurt you, badly.”

When she hesitated, he stepped closer and his hand swung out. Gabrielle ducked

to avoid the blow. Before she could straighten up he struck out again. This time the
blow connected. Gabrielle reeled back.

“Take off your fucking clothes now,” he growled and raised his tail.

Gabrielle took off her clothes. Xabo came at her and pushed her to the floor. He

didn’t even bother undressing, just pushed aside his tunic and pulled his cock out. He
straddled her to keep her from moving and stroked himself a few times until he was hard.
He moved between her legs and spread her legs wide.

“Please don’t do this.”

“Shut the fuck up,” he said. He wrapped his tail around her waist to keep her in

place and then he rammed into her.

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Gabrielle tried to push him off her, but her caught her arms in a vice like grip and

drove even harder into her. She bit her lip against the pain and closed her eyes when
angry tears sprung to her eyes.

When he was done, Gabrielle was sore and bruised. Xabo picked up her clothes

and threw them at her.

“I don’t want to see you again until you kill McGregor. And don’t even think

about trying to warn him or running away to save Emma. I have my men watching you.
They have orders to force you to do your job if need be. Now get out of my sight.”

Shaking with anger and humiliation, Gabrielle left the office. She dressed in the

hallway. When she walked out the front door, Bruno was sitting on front steps smoking.

“So what did … Holy shit,” he said when he saw her. He flicked away his

cigarette and stood up. “You okay?”

She pushed his hands away. “Just take me home.”

“Gabrielle, what happened?”

“Just … take … me … home.”

* * * *

The vid phone rang as Gabrielle headed up the stairs to her bedroom. She went

back down and answered it. But kept the screen off. She didn’t want Kor’Re to see the
bruise on her face.

“Hey, babe,” came Kor’Re’s voice. “How come I can’t see you? You’re not

standing there naked are you? Come on let me see.”

“The screen’s not working. And no, I’m not naked. Sorry.”

“Too bad. I forgot to ask you, I have to attend one of those charity affairs. I don’t

really want to go, but I have to make an appearance or it’ll look bad. We’d only have to
stay for a couple of hours and then we could leave.”

“Uh … yeah … sure. When?”

“Saturday night. So, in four days. Okay?”

The day after his death or Emma’s. “That’s okay.”

“You all right? You sound a little … different. You’re not thinking about the

past again are you?”

“No, I’m thinking about the future.”

“You don’t need to. It’ll be good.”

Not if I lose either you or Emma. “I don’t know. Anything can happen.”

“Gabrielle, are you sure that you’re okay? Do you want me to come over? I’ve

got a lot of work to do, but it can wait until tomorrow. I’ll come over if you need me to.”

She so badly wanted him to be here with her. She wanted to tell him what was

wrong, but she remembered Xabo’s warning. “No, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you Saturday
night. Goodnight.” She hung up before he could ask her anything else.

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Chapter Twenty Four

Gabrielle didn’t leave the house the next day nor did she answer any calls. Both

her sister and Kor’Re had called a few times asking her to call them back. She checked
the clock. It read ten after seven. She had called a few minutes ago and found out that
Kor’Re was still at work. He had a late meeting with an overseas client and would be
there for another hour.

Gabrielle decided then that she would wait until the client left and pay a visit to

Kor’Re. He wouldn’t suspect anything. He’d think that she was there to see him —
which she was.

Ask him a few questions and then kill him. Yeah, kill him. Gabrielle shook her

head in frustration. Kill the man she loved. She loved with him. Shit.

Gabrielle went to the cupboard and took down a bottle of whiskey. She only

drank it when she was really stressed and needed something to calm her down. This was
one of these times. She poured three fingers into a tumbler and knocked it backed in one

Even as she went through what questions she was going to ask and how she was

going to kill him, Gabrielle still wasn’t sure whether she would be able to go through
with it. She wasn’t sure that she could just stand there and kill him. Maybe she could
just kill Kor’Re. She could tell Xabo that she didn’t have a chance to get any information
because things had gotten out of hand and she had no choice but to kill him. That might

Getting past the security system was no problem as she knew how the security

system worked thanks to the mole that Xabo had on the inside. After Gabrielle had
gotten all the information she needed from the mole, he was dead a few hours later.
When Xabo had asked her about it, she said that she wasn’t sure as he had been alive and
well when she left him. Which was true. He was fine until his car blew up ten minutes
later in the underground parking lot of his condo where they had met. She’d suggested
that maybe Kor’Re found out that there was a mole in his company, and he had probably
decided to deal with him himself rather than call the authorities. Gabrielle was not in the
habit of planting bombs in people’s cars.

At the moment the security at BioSys was minimized for a security upgrade,

Kor’Re had told her so he’d had to employ more human guards. She could take out a few
guards. Toss a hallucinogen grenade and they’d be useless to anyone and themselves for
a couple of hours. That would give her more than enough time to kill Kor’Re.

If she wore the camo suit she would be able to climb over the fence and past any

security there. None of the security guards would be equipped with infrared goggles so
she was safe from them. She had no intention of killing any of them unless she had no
choice. And since canines weren’t used as part of security then she didn’t have to worry
about them sniffing her out. She made a note to ask her tech supplier if he could design a
camo suit for her that could fool a dog’s nose.

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And since all the android security detail was being upgraded as well she wouldn’t

have to worry about them either.

Before she lost her nerve, Gabrielle suited up and selected her weapon of choice

for Kor’Re. It was her katana. It would be a clean quick death for Kor’Re. She didn’t
want to risk using a gun and having to shoot him more than once. If she was going to kill
him, she wanted his death to be quick and almost painless.

* * * *

The grounds around BioSys were quiet. No one moved. Nothing moved,

actually. Gabrielle did a visual scan of the area once more. Nothing. Yes, there was a
security upgrade going on, but shouldn’t there be some kind security around except the
two guards at the front doors? Unless there was security in place that she couldn’t see.
Knowing Alex, Gabrielle was sure that was the best guess. She took out her scanner to
double check. The scan came up empty.

She checked her weapons — a nine millimeter, a present from Xabo after her first

assignment — and her katana, neatly tucked away it its sheath. And she made sure that
her gas mask was accessible. If she needed to use the H - grenade she didn’t want to be
affected by it because she was fumbling to get her mask on.

She took a deep breath and tapped the sleeve of her camo suit. Seconds later she

shimmered from view. Gabrielle quickly and easily pulled herself over the fence and
landed noiselessly onto the ground below. She scanned the area around her. No one.
She headed towards the front doors. Two guards stood there, talking. Both had their
weapons pointed to the ground. Not a good sign — for them. If someone came up, they
might be in trouble.

“So, what were you doing when you got the call?” the taller of the two guards


The other guard, dark haired and stocky, shook his head. “I was between the legs

of my new girlfriend. You should have seen her face when I told her that I had to come
in. I thought she was going to hit me.”

“My wife just gave me an exasperated look and went to put my dinner in the

oven. Why the hell did they have to do this tonight? And why us? What about the
androids they got all over the place? You can’t tell me that they don’t have any extra
androids that could be doing this.”

“Maybe they’re getting upgraded too. I don’t know. All I know is that I’d rather

be back with my girlfriend. I just hope she still there when I get back.”

Gabrielle looked at the front double doors and then back to the guards. She

couldn’t just walk in. Not while these two guards were there. They’d see the door open
and they’d get wise. The alarm would be sounded before she got to do anything — if she
was going to do anything. She still wasn’t sure what she was going to do.

The thought of killing Kor’Re was still eating away at her. But what choice did

she have? It was either him or Emma. She straightened her shoulders and started

The two guards looked at each other.

“Gary, stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Whistling. It’s bothering me.”

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“I’m not whistling.”

“You sure?”

“What the hell? If I was whistling, I couldn’t be talking to you could I? Sheesh.”

“Then what’s that?”


“Listen … like someone whistling.”

“It’s the wind, you asshole.”

“Naw … that don’t sound like the wind to me. Listen.”

Gabrielle continued to whistle.

“Yeah, that ain’t no wind. You see anyone?”

Gary looked around. “Can’t see anyone. Maybe we should check it out?”

“Yeah … you go and I’ll stay.”

“What? No, you go and I’ll stay.”

“What are you chicken shit or something? Okay, fine. I’ll go. You stay here.”

“Hey, wait … Kevin.”

Kevin who was almost three feet away, turned and looked back. “What?”

“The whistling seems to be coming from … here.”

“What?” Kevin hissed. He raised his rifle and took an uneasy step to his left.

“How can that … ”

He never got to finish his sentence because he fell back onto the pavement. Gary

stood there in stunned silence.

“Kevin, what the hell happened?”

Gabrielle decided to show him. She sent her fist flying into his face. He reeled

back and hit the ground. When he tried to get up she sent another blow to his chest. It
was enough to knock him out, but not enough to kill him. She turned to the other guard.
He was starting to come around.

Gabrielle rummaged in her pocket and pulled out a small vial. She pulled the gas

mask over her face and opened the vial. Carefully she dropped a few drops each under
the noses of each guard. They’d be asleep for at least twelve hours.

Gabrielle put the vial away and looked around. It was still quiet. Good. She

walked up to the door and checked it. It was locked just as she expected it to be. She
walked back over to the guards and took the card key from the one closest to her. She
swiped it through the card reader. After a second, she heard a soft click, and the door
opened. Gabrielle pocketed the card just in case she would need it again.

Inside the foyer, none of the cameras or screens was active. Alex was taking a big

risk shutting down all the security. Then again who besides the employees would know
that there was going to be a plant wide security upgrade tonight? Well, besides her. And
Kor’Re had told her. She doubted that he was expecting her to come tonight to kill him.
Maybe he did. Gabrielle chased that thought from her mind. No. She knew that Kor’Re
trusted her. And it was because she knew this why it made this so hard.

About to turn the corner, she heard footsteps. She tensed. Sure they couldn’t see

her, but Gabrielle had learned over the years not to take anything for granted.

She ducked behind one of the plush couches. Alex walked in moments later. He

had some sort of device in his hand that he pointed towards one of the cameras. The
camera beeped twice. Then it activated.

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Shit! Gabrielle had to get out of there before Alex activated all the cameras. If

she didn’t, she was in trouble. Dressed as she was, he wouldn’t recognize her. And even
if he did, Gabrielle had no idea what he would do. Whatever he would decide to do the
outcome would not be good.

She rose slowly from her hiding place and started for the hallway, but made sure

that she was facing Alex. He was too engrossed with what he was doing so that he didn’t
notice that he wasn’t alone. And the fact that she wasn’t wearing any perfume helped

Rule number one, Bruno had taught her. Yeah, the camo suit makes you

invisible, but that’s all. If you’re noisy or are wearing some crazy ass strong perfume,
you’re going to be detected.

Just as Gabrielle turned the corner, Alex turned and aimed his PDA at the last

camera. She headed down the hall as fast as she could without running. Alex was
prosthetic. He might not smell her, but he might hear her.

When she found herself at the end of the hall, she eased the door to the stairs

open. She did a quick scan of the stairwell. No one. She had a lot of stairs to climb to
get to Kor’Re’s office on the twentieth floor.

She started up the stairs. When she got to the top floor, Gabrielle had her hand on

the door handle when it opened. She nearly collided with a security guard who came
through the door. She moved up against the wall and held her breath. The guard walked
past and she quickly moved past him through the open door.


The guard paused and held onto the door. He looked down the hallway.

Gabrielle stood still, waiting. The guard shook his head and let the door close. She
slowly headed down the hallway. The lights were dimmed in the administrative area.
She headed down the familiar hallway to Kor’Re’s office. Her legs felt leaden with even
step as she got closer. She should just turn back now. He would never know that she had
been here.

As she turned, Kor’Re came down the hallway. He was intently looking at the

PDA in his hand. He walked past her unaware of her presence. One swipe with her
Kanata is all it would take. He wouldn’t hear her coming. He might not even feel any
pain. Her hand hesitated on the handle of her sword.

She watched as he entered his office, then turned and went back the way she

came. At the door that led to the stairs, she hesitated and listened. Her hand was on the
handle when it opened surprising her. It was the guard that she had passed on her way

Gabrielle moved out of the way as he came through the door, but noticed too late

that there were two other guards behind him. She tried to back away as they came
through the door, but her body made contact with the guard closest to her.

“What the hell?” he said and pointed his gun out in front of him.

She had to get out of there fast and they were blocking her exit.

Gabrielle sent a foot into his chest and sent him staggering backwards into the

guard behind him. The first guard started straight for her using the butt of his rifle to
swing out in front of him. Gabrielle grabbed the rifle and tugged. The guard still holding
on was slammed into the wall.

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“Security breech!” one of the other guards yelled and slapped the large black

button on the wall.

Because the speaker for the alarm was right above her, the sudden noise

disorientated Gabrielle for a few precious moments. She headed for the door and
collided with the guard there. The jarring motion interrupted the cloaking field. She
shimmered into view for only a few moments, but it was enough.

Gabrielle acted fast. She pulled an H - grenade from her belt and threw it towards

the guards before they could open fire on her. The guards coughed and gagged as they
inhaled the fumes. In a few seconds they’d become disoriented and start fighting each

She saw Kor’Re run out of his office and then head back in. At least he might not

be affected by the fumes if he stayed in his office.

Gabrielle ran down the stairs. More guards came running up the stairs. She gave

them a wide berth as she continued down the stairs.

If she was lucky the fumes from the grenade would overcome those guards as

well and she’d be able to escape easily. They’d be useless for awhile.

Once in the front lobby, Gabrielle starting running. Guards were in the halls

running in all directions trying to find her. At least she knew that the only guards that
had seen her wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what they had seen. Well, not for a while

She continued running and burst through the front doors not caring if anyone saw

and didn’t stop until she made it to her car. She deactivated the stealth and pulled off the
gas mask. Even a block away she could still hear the alarm. Soon the distant whine of
police sirens joined the wailing of the alarm.

About to get into her car, she sensed someone behind her. She whirled around.

She grimaced. Him she didn’t need to deal with.

“Don’t tell me that you have forgotten about me already?”

“What do you want, Vtak? I thought that you stopped working for Xabo? Or did

he plant you here?”

“No, I came here of my own volition. But I did hear about the job that he gave

you. Funny, never thought that you would ever back out of a job. I heard that you were
the best that Xabo had. What happened?”

“None of your business,” she said and started to walk away from him.

He held onto her arm. “I could tell McGregor that you’re here. I’m sure that he’ll

love to know that you came here to kill him tonight.”

“He wouldn’t believe you.”

“Why? Because he’s fucking you? Please. The guy’s a businessman. He does

what he needs to do to get ahead. You think he doesn’t know that Xabo sent you in his
direction? The man’s not stupid. He doesn’t trust you.”

Gabriella pulled away from Vtak. Whether what he had said was true or not at

this point she didn’t care. “Whatever,” she said and started to walk away again.

He laughed. “Oh, before you go, I think you should know something: I have a

wager with Xabo’s men that you aren’t going to kill McGregor. They all think you will.
But I know better. Seems like I was right. I am going to make serious cash on this.”

It was Gabrielle’s turn to laugh. “You can’t collect money if you’re dead.”

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“You can’t hurt me. I’m prosthetic. You shoot, it might just make a little dent.

Nothing major.”

“Depends where you aim.”

She pulled out her gun and shot him. He stood there for a moment, a look of

shock on his face before he fell forward. The bullet had taken out the back of his
titanium skull. She shook her head. That’s why she was Xabo’s best. She was always
prepared. She holstered her gun. Gabrielle looked around. The street was empty. Even
if she hadn’t used a silencer, the noise from all the sirens and other commotion at BioSys
would have masked the sound of the gun.

She grabbed Vtak’s feet and dragged him into the nearby bushes.

Gabrielle got into her car and laid back her head against the headrest. Xabo was

not going to be pleased when he heard about this.

“Ah, screw it,” she muttered. There had to be an easier way to deal with this. She

just needed to find a way. But for now she could have cared less.

She put her car in gear and got out of there before anyone noticed that she was


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Chapter Twenty Five

The security klaxon nearly deafened Kor’Re as he made his way down the hall.

One of the things he didn’t appreciate about the Cyrillian side of him. Exceptional
hearing. His ears would be ringing for days.

He walked past the empty cubicles of his administrative staff and to the elevators

at the end of the hall. He pressed the button. Nothing. Figures. The building had gone
into lockdown. It had been bad enough that he had to stay in his office until the
unidentified smoke was cleared from the hallway.

He was just glad that this all had happened after his client had already left. It

would have done Kor’Re no favors to have had this happen while the man was here.

As he opened the door to the stairwell, he nearly collided with Alex. “What the

hell is going on? One of your security tests? You know you really should tell me when
you’re going to do these things. Not that I mind, but if I knew that it was … ”

“This was not a test. It’s real boss.”

“What? Seriously? What happened?”

“A serious security breech.”

“Are you sure?”

Alex blew air. “Oh, yeah. Six security guards are down.”

Kor’Re frowned. “So that smoke in the hallway … ?”

“The real thing. You feeling okay? You didn’t breathe any of the smoke did


“No, what was that stuff? Tear gas?”

“An H - grenade.”

“H - grenade? What the hell is that? Never heard of that.”

“Hallucinogenic grenade. A big thing overseas with the terrorists. You send one

of those things into enemy troops and while they’re all fighting their own shadow you
can cut them down.”

“Are any of the guards dead?”

“No, but some have got serious injuries,” Alex said and shook his head. “And

they are going to need some serious detox. The drugs used in H - grenades are rather
nasty. They’ll be out for at least a week. I put the call in for an ambulance. They should
be okay once the hallucinogen is out of their system.”

“How did the persons or person get in?”

“Person. And they came in the front door.”

“Aren’t guards posted? You told me that you would post guards.”

“Of course there are guards. Whoever it was put them out of commission too and

used one of their card keys to get in. Incidentally the card was not returned. I cancelled
the access on that card just in case our intruder tries to get in again.”

“How are those guards? Was an H - grenade used on them?”

Alex shook his head. “Nope. Something else. Don’t know what yet. But they’re

still out. Fine, but unconscious. Whoever it was, they were professional.”

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“Did they get anything?”

“Don’t know yet. Have to check with Algernon and the rest of the cameras —

that were operational. Sorry boss. I should have … ”

“Don’t blame yourself. The upgrade had to be done. It’s just a matter of making

sure that this doesn’t happen again. And I trust that it won’t.”

“I’m already on it. I hope you’re thinking Xabo for this.”

Kor’Re nodded grimly. He was. But he was also thinking that perhaps Gabrielle

had something to do with this instead. As much as he didn’t think that she was involved
there was a nagging feeling that what had happened here tonight had to do with her.
Only his employees knew about the security upgrades and he knew that none of them
would even try and pull a stunt like this. The only other person that knew what had been
going on here tonight was Gabrielle.

“I am. Did you see anyone?”

“No one. But like I said whoever they were they were professional. If you don’t

mind me saying so I think you need to ask Gabrielle Wynter some questions. I know
how you feel about her and all, but we both know that Xabo sent her in your direction.”

“I know. But if she was here then why I am still alive? Xabo wants me dead. I

know that. He’s getting tired of being nice to me. I know that Xabo wanted her to get
my secrets out of me, but for some reason she didn’t. Maybe he told her to just kill me.
But she didn’t. So it might not have been her.”

Alex paused and washed his hand over his face.

“What? You saw her? You said that you didn’t see anyone.”

“I didn’t. Not exactly.”

“What does that mean? You either saw her or you didn’t.”

“She was wearing some kind of camo suit because there was nothing on the

hidden security cameras at the front doors. I made sure that those were still operational.”

“Are you sure? They didn’t look like they were on.”

“They were. On silent mode. I told Algernon that I didn’t feel good about

turning off all the security. Yeah there were the guards, but I still felt that we needed
more. I saw the front doors open. Those doors do not open unless someone is there to
open them and the screen showed no one. Then I put the cameras on infrared mode. And
that’s when I saw her. I couldn’t see her face, but I know that figure. It was her.”

“Damn it,” Kor’Re whispered.

“There’s the fact that no one was killed. She could have easily killed the guards

as they couldn’t see her, but she didn’t. And then there’s also the fact that she didn’t kill
you. She could have. The guards couldn’t see her. She would have had a clear path to
you. But she left instead.”

“Are you sure she left?”

“Positive. I had Algernon do an infrared sweep of the whole plant and grounds.

He just finished the sweep. She’s not here. Maybe she got cold feet and then decided not
to kill you for whatever reason. Or she’s not the killer that Xabo trained her to be.”

Or it’s because she loves me. “Then that means she’s in trouble with Xabo. I

doubt he’ll take kindly to me not being dead right now.”

“So what do we do? I can go after her.”

“And do what? Tell her that it’s okay? It’s not okay, Alex. Xabo will kill her.

Or do something worse. No, I’ll let her come to me.”

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“Are you sure that’s a good idea? She might not come alone. And she might kill


“Alex, I know that you’re concerned for my safety and I do appreciate that since

it’s what I pay you for. But I don’t think that Gabrielle is the killer that Xabo trained her
to be. I think he has some hold over her. It has to do with the way she got out of OT.
Xabo wouldn’t have just taken in two orphans out of the goodness of his heart. He’d
sooner kill them if it meant a profit. He’s blackmailing her. And whatever it is, she’s
taking a big risk by not carrying out this mission.”

“Granted, but that doesn’t change the fact that she might still kill you. If she’s

getting blackmailed, she might decide that it’s better to kill you.”

“I know, and that’s why I put my other plan in place. You did complete your end

of it, correct?”

“I did. I just hope for your sake that everything turns out okay. I’m not so sure it

will. I’m just letting you know what I think. I think you might still end up losing
Gabrielle. Xabo will kill her just so that you can’t have her.”

Kor’Re gave a bitter laugh. “I doubt that. It would give Xabo greater pleasure to

know that while I’m dead that he has her. And it would be a punishment for her as well.
I’d be gone and she’d be stuck with Xabo. No, he won’t kill her. I have to go. And shut
off that damn … ”

The klaxon stopped.

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Chapter Twenty Six

Gabrielle drove around the block another time. That would make six times

already. She didn’t want to go home since she knew that Bruno was there for her. Her
phone had been ringing steadily for the last hour until she turned it off.

She had nothing to say to Xabo anyway. Well, nothing that he wanted to hear.

He wanted to hear that Kor’Re was dead and that she had gotten his corporate secrets out
of him. Which she didn’t. Kor’Re was still breathing and his corporate secrets were still

As she came up to Kor’Re’s house, she stopped the car. She would have to tell

him. There was no other way. She only had two days left to either kill him or let her
sister be killed. Gabrielle got out of her car and walked up to the front door.

The door opened before Gabrielle had time to ring the bell. She stepped back a

little, startled.

“Oh … hey … you were expecting someone?” she asked.

Kor’Re smiled. “No. I saw you coming up the walkway. You coming in?”

She walked in. She stood awkwardly in the hallway. She looked up into

Kor’Re’s face. He seemed a little guarded. Probably because of what had happened
earlier. She was surprised that he was home. She was sure that he might have still been
at work trying to figure out what the hell happened. Unless he already knew.

“Everything all right?” she asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“You seem a little tense.”

“Oh, there was a little situation at the office tonight. A security breech.”


“Probably. Nothing new. I figured that he would try something again.”

She waited for Kor’Re to say more, but he just stood there watching her.

“If this is a bad time I can come back.” She turned to leave, but Kor’Re caught

her arm. Gabrielle turned back towards him.

“Stay please,” Kor’Re said, and brought his mouth down to meet hers. He

swirled his tongue into her mouth in a deliciously sensual, teasing way.

Kor’Re moved his mouth to explore the line of her jaw with his lips, placing soft

kisses up one ear. He paused to bite the lobe, and teased it with his tongue until she

As Gabrielle concentrated on that wickedly lethal mouth of his, his fingers

stroked a nipple. Even through her shirt and bra, his fingers felt as if they were against
her bare skin. She wanted to pull him tighter against her, instead she pushed away.
Kor’Re drew back to look at her. His face wore a confused look.

“What’s wrong?”

“Uh … Kor’Re … ” Gabrielle started then stopped.

“What is it?” he asked gently

“Look, I should leave. I … I shouldn’t be here.”

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“Gabrielle. You belong here with me. Whatever problems you have with Xabo,

I’ll help you with them. I already offered. I will help you. I promise.”


He gave her wicked grin. “No, not now. Now I just want to make love to you.”

She gave him a small smile. “Are you sure you want to?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I … ” she looked up at Kor’Re.

She knew that he must know what’s going on. He had to know what she was

doing for Xabo. What she was supposed to be doing and yet …


“If you can’t think of a reason then neither can I.”

He took her hand and led her up the stairs. He took her hand and led her into their

room. Kor’Re gently seated her onto the king sized bed. She watched him as he
straightened up and just looked at her, a sensual smile on his handsome face.

“Well?” she asked. “You’re going to just stand there?”

“What would you like me to do?”

“Getting naked would be nice.”

Without another word, he began to undress, slowly.

Gabrielle crossed her legs, idly swinging her foot as Kor’Re discarded one item of

clothing after another. She caught her breath when he stood naked before her. She
would never tire of looking at him. Her gaze took in the broad shoulders, angling down
to the narrow waist, the washboards abs. He continued to watch her watch him. Finally,
her gaze dropped to his cock.

“You really like him, don’t you?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

She gave him a long slow blink. “Oh yes. Yes, I do,” she said.

“Now, you need to get naked.”

“Wouldn’t you rather help me?”

“I’d rather watch you.”

Slowly, teasingly she undressed. She could see Kor’Re get harder with every

item of clothing she took off. “Am I taking too long? You could help.”

“It’s okay,” he said, his voice low and thick.

After a few moments, she lay back against the soft blankets wearing only a smile.

Kor’Re crawled onto the bed. He lowered his head and started to place soft

kissed up her calf, then her knee and then higher. When his mouth was near her core, she
parted her legs slightly. Kor’Re raised his eyes to hers. Gabrielle smiled and parted her
legs wider.

Kor’Re gave a little laugh and lowered himself over her. “We’ve got all night.”

His body felt deliciously hard, his cock rigid against her stomach as his mouth

came down on hers, wet and hungry. Gabrielle’s heart thumped against her chest as he
pushed his tongue into her mouth. His hand reached down to cup her ass while his other
sought out a breast to tease the nipple. She groaned. He released her mouth and angled
his head to kiss down her throat. Kor’Re moved his mouth to her breast and scraped his
teeth over her nipple.

“Kor’Re,” she murmured.

“You liked that?” She could only moan. “I will take that as a yes.” He slipped a

finger between her legs and fingered her clit, then eased his fingers deep into her.

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Gabrielle threw back her head as he pumped the finger in and out, slow and teasingly.
Just before she went over the edge, Kor’Re sat back up on his knees. She looked up at

His gaze was steady as he watched her. She raised an eyebrow at him.

“What are you thinking?”

Kor’Re didn’t answer but took hold of her legs and pulled her upwards towards

him until her knees bent over his shoulders. His hands closed around her hips and lifted
her butt to open her to him.

“What a lovely view,” he murmured.

Gabrielle relaxed her back against his muscular thighs as his mouth covered her

mound. Gabrielle gave a startled cry as his tongue slipped between her folds. She closed
her eyes as Kor’Re ate her like a forbidden fruit with gentle bites and nibbles. She
squirmed, arching her back when his tongue probed deeper in her, licking inside, outside
and then back deep into her. She could feel her orgasm creeping up on her. A sudden
thrust of his tongue sent her reeling and over the edge.

* * * *

Kor’Re watched her, enjoying her high - pitched cries of pleasure as she writhed

in his hold. His cock throbbed and jerked, but he ignored it for the time being. He
wasn’t finished with her yet. When she collapsed in release, he lowered her to the bed.

As she lay quietly, her body still trembling in the aftermath, he moved his eyes

over her. He couldn’t believe that her grandmother had tried to separate them. She was
his perfect fit. He loved her. He always had.

She opened her eyes, and gave him a sleepy smile. He started to move a knee

between her legs.

“Wait. Not so fast.” She sat up. “Lie down,” she whispered.

Kor’Re’s mouth quirked in a half smile. “Now, what do you have in mind?”

“Lie down and you’ll find out.”

He lay back and raised his hands over his head. Gabrielle kneeled beside him and

reached for him. She touched his mouth, and traced the angle of his cheekbones down
his jaw to his chin. Her fingers went down his body, her fingertips circling the nipples.
Kor’Re groaned, his back arching involuntary.

She gave him a little smile when his cock strained towards her. It had a mind of

its own it seemed. It wanted to be touched. She looked up. His eyes locked with hers.
Her face told him that she knew what he wanted.

“Gabrielle,” he whispered hoarsely.

Her hand moved lower, closer, but she did not touch him. Instead her fingers

circled the sensitive skin at the root. Kor’Re didn’t know how much more he could take
of this. He clenched his hands in the pillow to keep from grabbing her.

As her fingertips slid up the underside of his shaft, he had had enough. He stared

to move, but she placed a hand on his chest.

“It’s my turn now.”

He sighed, willing his body to relax.

Kor’Re turned his eyes to her as she closed her hands around the base of him and

angled him slowly upward. He closed his eyes as his hips rolled upwards, helplessly
pleading with her.

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“Are you trying to tell me something? I wonder what it could be. Could it be


She lowered her mouth. The tip of her hot tongue flicked over the head to collect

the beads of moisture that had collected there. He gasped as she gave him another long
hard lick.

“Did you like that?”

He could only whimper. Gabrielle leaned in, and nibbled him gently under where

the flesh was most sensitive. His hips bucked against her mouth.

“You better not come or I will be very disappointed,” she said and kissed around

the base of his cock. She continued up to his stomach, and back down to his balls.

Kor’Re looked at her helplessly. He was going to come if she didn’t stop.

“Gabrielle, enough,” he pleaded.

She considered his plea for a moment. “Not yet.”

She descended again on him and Kor’Re thrashed his head even as his hips

bucked wildly against the sweet torture from her hot, wet mouth. He felt his cock grow
larger, swelling near to bursting. Kor’Re couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed her by
the shoulders and eased her off him. He pushed her onto her back.

“Now you’re going to get it,” he growled.

Gabrielle gasped in surprise as he sat back, grabbed one of her legs and draped it

over his shoulder. He seized the other leg, spread her wide and dove into her.

* * * *

Kor’Re’s cock felt immense when it sank into her, sending a delicious searing

shock up her spine. He braced his hands beside her shoulders and began to thrust,
rotating his hips, plunging deep.

“Damn, you feel so good.” He lowered his head and took her mouth hard.

Gabrielle panted against his mouth, her body rising to meet his slow deep thrusts. He bit
her lips lightly. One large calloused hand found a breast, his fingers brushing against the
aching tip. His fingers squeezed the swollen bud, pulling a whimper from her.

As he gave her another hot thrust, she circled her leg tighter over his shoulder,

bearing down. He found the other nipple and tortured it deliciously. Out of her mind
with passion, Gabrielle pushed harder against him to grind her way to her climax.

“Getting a little impatient, aren’t we? This is what you get for teasing me.”

“Shut up and make me come,” she growled.

Kor’Re laughed and picked up the pace, plunging in and out with hot sweet

thrusts that tore a scream from her. Gabrielle writhed until her orgasm exploded within
her. She screamed again, digging her nails into his hard biceps. She heard Kor’Re growl
and stiffen, driving himself all the way in one final time.

“Dammit … you nearly … killed me,” he panted.

“You didn’t let me finish with you.”

“I couldn’t. You were driving me insane.” He lowered her leg from his shoulder,

and sat up, taking her with him. He wrapped his arms around her. “If you dare tease me
like that again I will … ”

“You’ll what?”

“Love you even more than I do already,” he said softly.

Gabrielle looked at him. “What did you say?”

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“That I love you.”


He frowned at her obviously not understanding her reaction. “Because it’s true. I

love you, Gabrielle.”

She shook her head and pulled away from him. She started to get dressed.

“Gabrielle, what the hell is the matter?”

She only shook her head and continued to dress. Kor’Re got up off the bed and

held her. She turned her face away.

“Tell me what the matter is? You’re not leaving until you do.”

“Please just let me go.”

“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on. You’ve been acting strange

lately and I want to know why.”

“You’ll hate me if I tell you. I should just get out of your life now before … ”

“Before what?”

She didn’t reply.

“Before you’re forced to kill me,” he said softly.

She stared up at him.

“Yes, I know.”

“How long have you known?”

He let his hands drop from her. “For a while. I had my security guys do a check

on you. At first I didn’t find it that weird that you hadn’t had much in your background
given where you grew up. But there were three and half years that were unaccounted for.
And then there was the way that you were living. From basically to starving to one of the
most expensive neighborhoods of the city. I was curious. Then knowing that you and
Xabo were … friends. Things just made sense.”

“And then I guess you know that I cause the security breech tonight.”

He nodded.

“I am so sorry,” she said. She felt the tears start to stream down her face. Kor’Re

tried to take her in his arms, but she pushed his hands away. “I have to go. I was
supposed to kill you tonight.”

“I figured as much. What will happen now?”

“I don’t know. But he’s knows that I didn’t kill you.”

“How the hell did you end up his personal assassin?”

Gabrielle sat heavily on the bed. “I played hero one night and everything


Gabrielle told him everything from the night that Mr. Lee was killed, to her

willing to kill herself and Emma to get away from his men and then having been brought
to Xabo and being forced to accept his proposal.

“I had no choice. If it were only me then I would have let him send me back. I

would have even risked going to prison for murder. After all I did kill a man.”

“But it was in self–defense.”

“Either way I’d have to do jail time. But I couldn’t. Not with Emma. I promised

my parents that I would take care of her. If we went back to our old neighborhood,
Emma wouldn’t have survived. She’s the reason that I did all this.”

“So he used her against you?”

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She nodded. “Whenever I was leery about something he would use Emma to

make me feel guilty. It’s only because she’s at university why I don’t worry too much
and she’s got a nice guy who she’s crazy about. But Xabo might still go after her.” She
stood up.

“What will you do now?”

She turned to him. “I don’t know. I love my sister … but I … I love you too. I

can’t bear to lose either of you.”

“Then let me help you. You don’t have to do this alone.”

“Yes, I do. Only I can fix this. Besides, if Xabo knows that I didn’t kill you he

would have already gone after Emma if that’s what he planned to do. He might even
already have her.” She reached up and kissed his cheek lightly. “I’m sorry, Kor’Re. I
never wanted to hurt you.”

He held onto her. “You didn’t. If you were you going to you would already have.

The fact that you didn’t even though you knew that Xabo would have hurt you. I love
you. I’m not going to let a bastard like Xabo destroy you.”

“I better go. I have to make sure that Emma is all right.”

“If she isn’t?”

“Then I will have a decision to make, won’t I?”

“Are you sure that you want to do this alone? You don’t have to.”

“I don’t deserve you.”

“Yes, you do. And you deserve better than this. So what if Xabo got you out of

the bad situation that was your life. I know you would have found a way out of there.
Maybe we might have even met without Xabo pushing us together.”

“Maybe. But that’s not what happened. I have to go. Bye.”

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Kor’Re watched her leave. He couldn’t understand why she wanted to do this

alone, but at the same time he kind of did. This was her problem no matter what he said
to her. She was the one that made the deal with Xabo. Of course she hadn’t been given
much of a choice. It was either do what he wanted or go to jail. If she had been alone
things might have been easier for her, but she had her baby sister to look after.

Kor’Re sighed. He got dressed and called Alex.

“Yeah,” Alex greeted.

“Tell me that everything is in place.”

“It is. So we have to go through with it?”

“Unfortunately … I wish we didn’t, but it’s the only way. I just hope that

Gabrielle can forgive me.”

“Well, there is another way.”

“I know, but as I told you that’s not an option.”

“But it would be easier. I'm sure that you could pull a few strings in her favor.

She might not even have to do that much jail time if any. Given the circumstances a
lawyer could argue that she was under duress. She was afraid for her sister’s safety and
her own. And Xabo is a criminal.”

Kor’Re shook his head. How could he make Alex understand what Gabrielle

meant to him? Alex was already happily married. He didn’t have to go deal with some
power hungry criminal trying to take away his business and his happiness. There was no
way that he was going to let Gabrielle rot in jail because she had been forced to do things
that she would never do. The fact that she had left his employees relatively safe and
spared his life proved that. If she was the heartless killer that Xabo had wanted her to be
there would have been a slaughter tonight and he’d be dead.

“I said no. We do things my way. And then you will follow through. We all

have to be on the same page with this or it will never work. Understood?”

“Understood. Well, the first part is in place. Everything’s good here.”

“Good. No it’s my turn. I have a feeling that once Xabo finds out that I’m still

breathing, he’s going to be very pissed.”

* * * *


“Well what?” Gabrielle asked and poured herself another finger of Scotch. She

downed it in one gulp. Her throat burned a little.

When she had gotten home, Bruno had been sitting in her living room waiting for

her. She ignored him and went into the kitchen. Bruno had followed her. He stood
watching her down her drink.

“What the hell happened at BioSys?”

She didn’t reply.


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She started to pour another finger of Scotch into her glass.

“That’s not going to help.”

“How do you know? And why are you here anyway?”

“Because I care.”

“Whatever,” she said and downed her drink. “Just leave me alone.”

“I can’t, I have to make sure … ”

“Make sure of what? Shit, Bruno … I can’t do it. I don’t care what you say.”

“But you have to. Xabo will hurt you. You know that. I know that. I know you

don’t feel anything for me, but I care about you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Then help me. Help me get away from here. Help me find a way to get Xabo to

leave Kor’Re alone. Why the hell does he need his business for? Xabo makes enough
money with his illegal activities.”

“Gabrielle … ”

“Just help me, please. This is not right.”

“You’ve killed before. So what’s the big difference? Because you like the guy?

You shouldn’t have gotten personally involved. That’s the first thing I taught you.”

“This has nothing to do with how I feel right now. I am not a killer. Except for

Nko — who deserved what he got — I regret all the kills I’ve made. None of them I can
justify. What right did I have to end their life? Because they pissed Xabo off? Because
they had something he wanted and they weren’t willing to just hand it over.”

“It’s what you agreed to.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice.”

“Be that as it may, I can’t help you. If I help you then it’s my ass.”

Gabrielle laughed bitterly. “You’re concerned about your ass, huh? But you just

said that you don’t want me to get hurt.”

“I wasn’t lying. I don’t. What’s the big deal? Kill Kor’Re and then everything’s

all right. What’s the problem? You think that you’re going to go to prison? You won’t.
The boss will fix things so you won’t. And guess what? I asked him about you still
being off limits and he said not to me. So if you’d rather not spend any more time with
Xabo then you can spend it with me. I can make you happy. After a few weeks with me,
you’re going to forget all about what you had to do concerning this assignment.”

Bruno reached for her, but she stepped back.

“You don’t understand. I love him.”

“Are you sure? Maybe you just think you do. Kill him and then take some time

off. The boss will let you. And you can spend that time with me. You’ll be okay, I

She shook her head. She could never be happy with anyone else. And there was

no way that she was going to kill Kor’Re. If Bruno wasn’t going to help her then she
would just have to do it on her own.

Maybe she should have let Kor’Re help her. She looked at the clock. It was ten

minutes after three. She wasn’t sure if he’d still be up, but she needed to deal with now.
She put the scotch away and started past Bruno out of the kitchen. He grabbed her arm.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to do what you said you’re not going to help me with.”

“Don’t be stupid. You can’t save them both. It’s either Kor’Re or Emma. And

Xabo won’t let you save Kor’Re.”

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“That’s where you’re wrong. There is one way to save them both.”

She pulled out of his grasp and left him in the kitchen.

“Gabrielle!” Bruno yelled and went after her. “Listen to me. You’re being … ”

He stopped when she pointed her gun in his face.

“Bruno … please don’t make me have to shoot you. You said that you aren’t

going to help and that’s fine. Now just stay out of my way.”

“Listen to me. Xabo will not let you win. No matter what you do, Xabo is going

to get what he wants.”

“Maybe not this time.”

Gabrielle put her gun away and walked out the door.

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Gabrielle debated whether to knock and just pushed on the door instead. It was

locked. She used her gauntlet and disabled the security system and lock. She opened the
door slowly and walked into the darkened foyer. Kor’Re must have gone to sleep. She
closed the door softly behind her and started up the stairs, but stopped when she heard
Kor’Re’s voice.

She went back down the stairs and headed towards the voice. She found Kor’Re

in his home office, speaking on the vid phone. He looked up sharply when he saw her,
but then smiled. He told whoever he was speaking to that he would call them back.

“Hey, you came back … you decided to let me help you?”

“Aren’t you going to ask how I got in?”

He nodded towards a small screen in the left hand corner of the office. A small

monitor was mounted there.

“I saw you come in.”

“And you’re not surprised that I didn’t ring the bell?”

He shook his head slowly.

“Oh. So, you know why I’m here then?”

“Not really … ”

“Not a clue?”

“Unless you’re here to kill me.” He smiled. “Are you?”

“Well … I … no … I’m not here to kill you.”

“Then why are you here?” he asked and came from behind the desk. He reached

for her, but she stepped back. “Gabrielle, it’s okay.” He pulled her into her into his arms.

“No, it’s not. I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything.” He kissed her forehead.

“Take care of Emma for me. And tell her that … that this was the only way.”

Kor’Re looked down at her. “What was the only way?”

She pulled away from him. “I can’t lose you. But I can’t lose Emma either. So

the only way to fix this is to take myself out of the equation.”

“What? What do you … ”

She gave him a sad smile.

He frowned. “Gabrielle, you can’t. Don’t sacrifice yourself because Xabo … ”

“It’s the only way. I’m sorry. Please promise me that you’ll take care of Emma.

And tell her what I said, please.” Gabrielle wiped away the tears that started to fall down
her cheeks.

“You don’t have do this. I can help you.”

“He’s right. You don’t have to do this. But he’s wrong about being able to help


They both turned to see Xabo and Bruno behind them. Bruno had his gun pointed

at them.

“Get back behind the desk,” Bruno said to Kor’Re.

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Kor’Re complied. He turned to Gabrielle, his eyebrows raised in question.

“I didn’t know,” she said.

Kor’Re turned to Xabo. “Tell me something, are you that jealous of me that you

would stoop to murder to get my empire? Maybe if you didn’t carry out your business
with known criminals or wasn’t one yourself that I might have considered a partnership.”

“Oh is that right? It’s not a matter of jealousy, actually. It’s a matter of who is

the better businessman. And I know I am. My criminal contacts will help me prove that.
Once I have taken over BioSys, then everyone will see how great this company can really

“It’s already a great company,” Kor’Re said and crossed his arms over his chest.

“With you at the helm, it will be run into the ground.”

“I doubt that. Have you any idea what the tech your company produces could be

used for?”

“You mean crime and more war? Don’t you think that there’s enough without

you adding to it? You want to make it worse? That’s why this planet was in the mess
that it was. That’s why my father changed the focus of the company. He was tired of all
the death and destruction caused by the things he made.”

“Your father was too much of a pacifist and a dreamer. A better world? Please.

That will never happen. There will always be death and destruction. No matter the

“Then why add to it?”

“Why not? I make it worse then create the means to fix it. Create a problem then

create the solution, but for a price. Nice plan don’t you think?”

“The Cyrillian government won’t allow you to do that. Once they find out what

you are doing they will shut you down. I know that they are just itching to find
something that they can arrest you on. You continue this obsession you have with me
and they will destroy you and your empire.”

“Fuck them. The Cyrillians may run this planet now, but they could care less

what I do. Unless it affects them directly, they don’t care. Have you forgotten how they
care nothing for anyone who isn’t one of them? You can’t tell me you’ve forgotten how
they treated your mother when she married your father? How you weren’t allowed in a
Cyrillian community and exiled from a human one.”

“So all this is because I'm half Cyrillian?”

Xabo grinned. “As if you are that important. It’s because your father promised a

partnership with me, but he reneged on our agreement because your mother told him not
to make deals with lizards. Do you really think your father just happened to pick up a
virus? A virus so insidious that it kept itself hidden until it was too late? Only a very
unique virus could do that. One made specifically to infect your dear father.”

Kor’Re’s eyes darkened. “You fucking bastard,” he hissed. He started to come

around the desk, but stopped when Bruno stepped forward and cocked his gun.

“You killed my father thinking that I would just hand over the business to you.

And when I didn’t you tried to play nice. And when that didn’t work you tried to use
Gabrielle to do your dirty work. Dare I say that you’re insane?”

Xabo shrugged. “History’s most influential leaders were. If you allow me to take

over the company now, I will spare your life.”

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“What difference does it make? If I say no, you’ll kill me. If I say yes, you’ll still

kill me, just not right away.”

“This is true. Gabrielle?”

She frowned. “What? You want my approval for your sick plan?”

“I need no approval from you. But I am going to give you a choice.”

“I doubt that I will like it.”

He sighed. “I’m so sorry for everything that I’ve put you through. I should have

known that there was a chance you might have gotten emotionally involved with your
work. It happens, but I forgive you.”

“You forgive me? Thanks,” she said sourly. “So what now?”

“What now? Well, that’s simple. Now you get your choice: kill Kor’Re and we

all go home.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Why are you being so difficult? You told me that you didn’t love him. But I

guess you were lying. Well, you have another choice: kill him or I kill your sister.”

Gabrielle looked at Xabo sharply, and then she grinned. “Oh, please. I chose the

university I did for Emma because of the great security they have there. Not even I could
sneak in there. If you want to threaten me you will have to do better than that.”

Xabo returned the smile. “You mean that after all these years you still

underestimate me? Did you think that when I said that I know everything as far was what
Emma does at school was a lie? Gabrielle … tsk tsk. I thought you knew me better than

“I … I don’t believe you.” She shook her head. “No, I don’t. You’re trying to

play on my emotions.”

Without a word, Xabo left the room and came back in dragging Emma, with his

gun pointed at her head.

“Believe me now?”

“I’m sorry, sis. They told me that you had gotten hurt really bad. So I came. If I

knew that it would have meant … ”

“It’s okay, Emma.” Gabrielle turned to Xabo. “She has nothing to do with this.

Let her go. Now.”

“She has everything to do with this. It’s because of her, that you became my

property to use as I see fit. You would do anything to save the life of your little sister,
wouldn’t you? Even if that meant killing the man you love. You’d do it to save her life.
Admit it.”

“I would never to that. Despite everything I’ve had to go through and still go

through, that’s one thing I would never do. Let my sister go, Xabo. I am not going to ask
you again.”

“And I am not going to ask you again. Kill Kor’Re or I will kill your sister.”

Looking to Kor’Re and then back to Emma, Gabrielle felt her insides churn.

Kor’Re or Emma. Emma or Kor’Re. What choice did she have? Except to do what she
had come here to do in the first place. She took her gun out from its holster and pointed
it at her temple.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Now you have a choice. Let them both go. And don’t you dare say that you can

do without me,” she hissed. “If you could have, you would have let me go a long time

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ago or killed me. You had many opportunities. You want me, you let them go. If not,
then you lose me.”

“Please Gaby, don’t,” Emma begged.

“I’m sorry sis, but there’s no other way. You’ll be okay.”

“I could kill them both,” Xabo said.

“Before or after I kill myself. If you kill them after I kill myself, what have you

gained? Nothing. You kill them before, I’ll kill you after. Remember, Bruno trained
me. You think I can’t outgun you?”

Xabo grinned. “You probably can. But you have seemed to have forgotten the

one thing you should never do when it comes to an assignment.”

Something about the way he smiled and what he said that made Gabrielle pause.

What the hell did he mean? She found out when the glass window behind Kor’Re
shattered sending shards everywhere. Gabrielle hit the floor. Then she heard another
shot. Gabrielle scrambled up from the floor. Xabo grinned at her.

“I told you not to underestimate me,” he said. He pointed with his chin to where

Kor’Re lay slumped over his desk.

The back of his head was missing. Blood and brain matter was splattered all over

the dark wood of his desk. Gabrielle turned away. She hadn’t wanted this to happen.
She closed her eyes. There was no need for Kor’Re to pay for her decisions. He was
supposed to stay alive to take care of Emma and keep her safe from Xabo. But she
promised her parents that she would take care of Emma. And that’s what she did and
would continue to do. Even if that meant working for Xabo a little longer then she would
do it. But eventually she would make him pay for killing Kor’Re. There was no way that
she was going to let him get away with this.

She opened her eyes. “Okay, so now you have what you want. Let me go.” She

looked around. “Where’s Emma?”

Bruno put up his hands. “Sorry, Gabrielle. If I could have saved her … .”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Bruno,” Xabo snapped. “You killed her.”

Blinking in disbelief, Gabrielle stood there for a few seconds while her head

started to pound. She looked at Bruno. He was shaking his head as she raised her gun.

“I didn’t kill her. I swear. It was … ”

She pulled the trigger. Bruno fell back and slumped to the floor, a dark spot

spreading in the middle of his chest.

Gabrielle walked over and bent down to where Emma lay slumped on the floor.

A clean shot between the eyes. Gabrielle gently kissed Emma on the cheek. She
suddenly thought about Daniel. She would have to figure out something to tell him.

Suddenly she felt the anger boiling up inside. All the people she had killed. All

the guilt that she had had to carry around for the last fourteen years. All the men that she
had let use her as if she wasn’t worth anything. And for what? She had still lost her only
sister and the man she loved. She should have known that Xabo would cause her grief no
matter what she did for him.

“You bastard!” she screamed at Xabo. “You have taken everything from me. Are

you happy now? Did you take them both because I loved them and I loathed you? That I
would rather see you dead than have anything to do with you? Or was it because you
knew that when were having sex that it made me sick to my stomach. Is that why you did

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“Gabrielle calm down. This isn’t all about you. In fact it has nothing to do with

you. It’s about getting what I wanted. I would have had Kor’Re killed eventually if you
hadn’t killed him just the way I had gotten rid of his father. Did you really think I needed

“Then why did bother to offer me to be your personal assassin?”

“Because my enemies were used to seeing a certain type of hit man. I knew that

if I sent a female after them — especially an attractive one — they would have their
guard down. As most of them did. Including him,” Xabo said nodding towards Kor’Re’s

“And Emma? That was just business too?”

“Well … it had to be done.”

“It had to be done? She shouldn’t have even been here.” She smiled sadly. “Why

didn’t you just kill me and Emma that night? It would have been easier.”

Xabo sighed deeply. “Why are you humans so morbid? I had to make sure that

you did what I had asked you to do. You told me that you would have carried out the
assignment and I trusted you to do what you said. Circumstances prevented that. I have
said that I have forgiven you for not carrying out this assignment. It was a rather difficult
one. I had no choice but to put my contingency plan in action. I wanted Kor’Re dead.
And he is. Rather nastily too. You’ll get over it. Bruno asked if he could have you. I
said yes.”

“You told Bruno that he could have me? Oh, really? What am I? A dog?

Besides he looks like he’s dying,” she said and pointed to where Bruno lay on the floor.

“A prosthetic body will fix that. When he’s recovered the two of you can spend

some time together. He’s waited a long time for you.”

“No one is going to have me. Not anymore because guess what? I said so. I

belong to me now. Not to you, Bruno or anyone else.” She raised her gun to temple.


Gabrielle felt a sharp pain in her left shoulder. The gun fell from her hand. She

looked down at herself. A dark spot was spreading on the front of her camo suit. She felt
herself smile. She had forgotten this suit wasn’t the one that was bullet proof. Gabrielle
slid to the floor in slow motion. Xabo came over to her and bent down next to her. He
touched her forehead.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you now. Just relax and everything will be all


Gabrielle wanted to fight. She wanted to tell Xabo to go screw himself, but she

was just so tired. Too tired to fight. Too tired to care anymore. Everyone that she cared
about and loved was gone now. Maybe she should just let go. Gabrielle closed her eyes.

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Chapter Twenty Nine

The smell of fresh baked bread and brewing coffee woke Gabrielle. She cracked

an eye open and was faced with Xabo’s scaly visage. She closed her eyes.


“She’s not here.”

She felt Xabo crawl into the bed beside her. He tried to pull her close. Gabrielle

pulled away and gave him her back.

She had woken up several times during that first night after she had been shot.

The first time she had awoken she was in Winston’s office. He explained how he had
just dug a bullet out of her chest and that she was lucky to be alive. A few inches lower
and she might have been in an entirely different situation. Though, he had said that if
that had happened, Xabo would have arranged a prosthetic body for her.

Lucky? Is that what he thought? That she was lucky to be alive? Alive to do

what? Live with Xabo for the rest of her life? Killing people that got in his way while
she was empty and broken inside?


“I said she’s not here. Go away.”

“You might as well accept the situation. Kor’Re is dead and unfortunately so is

your sister. But I’m sorry about your sister.”

“I don’t feel any better. You wanted to punish me because I didn’t do the job.

Killing Emma was the way to do it.”

“That’s not true.” He sighed. “Believe me when I say that I am sorry that things

worked out this way. I do care for you.”

She gave a bitter laugh. “Whatever.”

“Why don’t you get out of bed? Take a shower and then get some breakfast? Or

I can have something brought for you.”

“Did you tell Frieda about Emma?”

“Unfortunately, Frieda is no longer with us.”

Gabrielle turned to him. “What happened to her? Did you kill her too?”

“No, I suppose I should rephrase that. She is still with us, but she’s not quite the


“What did you do to her?”

“Well, in my business it’s imperative that those you employ know when to keep

their mouths shut as to what they see and hear. Frieda unfortunately was quite attached
to you and Emma.”

“And she got angry that you killed Emma.”


“What did she do, threatened to get the police on your scaly ass?”

“Foolish of her to think she could threaten me. I couldn’t allow her to call the

authorities. That would have complicated things. So, I had Dr. Winston do a little …
fiddling inside her head.”

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“I don’t understand.”

“Amazing what can be done in medical science these days. Well, Cyrillian

medical science. Did you know that you can totally erase any information from
someone’s brain as well as implant information? So, that’s what I had done. I took out
what I didn’t want Frieda to remember and gave her a few new memories that would
serve my purpose. So if you were to ask her about Emma, I doubt that she will know
who you are talking about.”

“You are insane.”

He grinned.

Gabrielle wished that she could just erase things from her memory. This was

something that she would never forget. It was her fault that Kor’Re and Emma were
dead. If she hadn’t let herself fall in love with Kor’Re then she might not have even
cared what happened to him. And if she had just run away all those years ago then …
But wait, that wasn’t fair.

She couldn’t have let Mr. Lee just deal with Xabo’s men alone. Not after

everything that he had done for her and Emma. He had gotten killed because he cared for
them. He cared for them when no one else would. She had had to help him. There was
no question about that. It just didn’t work out that’s all. Was that really her fault?

And was it her fault that she and Kor’Re fell in love? No. Even if she hadn’t

been sent to seduce him, she knew that things would have progressed the way they did.
Kor’Re was exactly what she had needed. He had helped her to forget what she had
become and realize that whatever Xabo had tried to make her into wasn’t really her.
Kor’Re made her believe that there was still a decent person inside of her.

“You seemed to have thought of everything, I see. How thorough of you.”

“I always am. And I decided not to let Bruno have you. You need time to heal.

And you will.”

In spite of herself she asked, “How is he by the way?”

“He’s good. Getting adjusted to his new body. But I think we should go to my

little hideaway. I can have the shuttle ready by the end of the week.”

She turned away from him.

“What day is it today?” she asked after a few seconds.

“Thursday. You’ve been unconscious for about three days.”

Three days? “What about … what did the police say about … ”

“It’s taken care of,” Xabo said. He pulled at her until she was facing him. He put

his forehead against hers. “Let me take care of you. I promise you I’ll make the pain go
away. Just trust me.”

She pushed Xabo away from her. “Trust you? I trusted you to keep my sister

safe and you killed her. How do you expect me to trust you now? Kor’Re was right.
You Tellarans have duplicity in spades. No wonder the Cyrillians don’t trust you.”

He sighed and lay back. “We Tellarans may be known for our duplicity, but we

weren’t the ones that took over your planet. The Cyrillians are no better. I know that
there have been some … difficult times between us, but I always had your best interests
at heart. Please believe me. If I could have prevented your sister from being killed I
would have. But you gave me no choice. You told me that you would finish the job and
you didn’t. What was I to do?”

“Get someone else to do it.”

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“I suppose I could have done that. But I wanted you to prove to me your loyalty.

Maybe I should have just let you kill Kor’Re when you asked. I’m sorry. From now on
whenever you decide that you want to change the way an assignment should go I’ll listen.
I would hate for you to go through this again.”

“Too late.”

Xabo got up from the bed. He smiled down at her. “Take a bath and get dressed

and I’ll have Frieda to get you some breakfast. Then we’ll take a nice long walk. And
when we get back we can get ready to leave for my hideaway. You need to get away.
Away from all of this.” He bent down to kiss her, but she turned her face away. He
jerked his head up. He mumbled something and then left the bedroom.

“I’ll be all right,” she muttered. “What the hell does he know?”

She would never be all right. The only way she would be all right was if she got

away from here. She swung her legs over the side of the bed just as there was a knock on
the door.

“Gabrielle?” It was Frieda.

Xabo had said that she wasn’t the same person. Gabrielle wondered just how

much she had been changed given Dr. Winston’s fiddling inside her head.

“Come in, Frieda.”

Frieda walked in and gave Gabrielle a big smile. “How are you today,


“Tired.” Gabrielle paused before continuing. “Frieda. Was there a young girl

here at one time?”

“Young girl?”

“Yeah, by the name of Emma?”

Frieda’s forehead creased slightly as she thought about it. “No, I don’t believe so.

Is she a friend of yours? Maybe Mr. Xabo can help you find her.”

Gabrielle sighed. Xabo had not lied when he said that he had the memory of

Emma erased. Her thoughts went to Daniel. She wondered what he had been told, if he
had been told anything.

“No, that’s okay. Maybe I was thinking of someone else.”

“Of course. What would like for breakfast?”


“Breakfast. I can make you anything you like.”

“Ah … toast and bacon I guess. You can bring it up here. I’m not in the mood to

eat with … him today.”

“Actually, he’s gone to talk to his pilot. He said to help you pack your things as

the two of you will be leaving this evening. I can do that while you eat breakfast.”

“Sure.” Gabrielle got up and started to head to the bathroom. Then she stopped

and turned to Frieda. “Is my old room still available?”

“Old room? What old room? You have always shared this room with Mr. Xabo.”

She had to hand it Xabo he had taken care of everything. Not only did he erase

the memory of Emma from Frieda’s mind, but he totally seemed to have given her a new
set of memories. Gabrielle smiled at Frieda.

“Something wrong, Gabrielle?”

“What am I to Xabo?”

Frieda gave her a surprised look. “That’s an odd question.”

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“Just humor me, please.”

“Why his mate of course. Are you sure that you are feeling all right? Perhaps I

should tell him to call the doctor for you. He did say that you weren’t feeling well

“I’m fine. It was a dumb question … sorry. I guess I’m not myself, but I’m


“Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Did my husband tell you why we are taking this little trip?”

“He said that you two had not spent much tome together lately as he has been

very busy. He also mentioned that you had lost your child. He said that he felt that for
both of you to heal that you needed to get away from here.”

Child? What child was Xabo talking about?

“He told you that?”

“I’m sorry. But it wasn’t as if that was something that could be hidden. You

were in your eighth month when the baby was found to be dead. You were so grief
stricken. You and Mr. Xabo had been trying for years. It was always thought that
Tellaran and human DNA weren’t compatible, but then you conceived. I’m sorry to
bring up painful memories.”

Gabrielle for her part just wanted to burst out laughing. This whole situation was

so stupid. Poor Frieda. “No, no that’s okay. Tell me something.”

“Of course.”

“How long have you been working here for my … husband?”

“Just a year. Are you sure that you’re alright? You’re asking very strange


“I’m fine, Frieda. Just not feeling myself, that’s all. You know what? Make that

waffles instead of toast and bacon. With lots of butter and syrup, sausage and eggs. And
some fruit. Strawberries and melon if you have. And a pot of strong coffee. Okay?”

“Anything else?”

“No, that should do it. And I’ll pack my own things. So when are me and … my

husband supposed to be leaving?”

“He said around six in the evening. So you will have time to get other things

done if need be. And if you need any help, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“Sure. I think I better take a shower and get dressed. Thank you.”

Frieda nodded and left Gabrielle alone.

When Frieda was gone, Gabrielle quickly took a shower and got dressed. Her

mind raced. She had to get away from here. There was no way she was going to be
Xabo’s wife in name or in reality. She would cut her throat first. But Gabrielle didn’t
think that she could just pick up and leave. There was no way. Xabo would have told
any of his men to keep and eye on her. If she tried to leave they would stop her. Fine,
she would play whatever game he wanted, but in the end she would win.

* * * *

“Was there something that you wanted, Bruno?” Xabo asked without looking up.

“You’ve been standing there for the past thirty seconds even though told you that you
could leave. Something on your mind?”

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Bruno shifted on his feet. He shook his head and started out of the office. At the

door he stopped and turned to face Xabo.

Xabo turned off his computer and leaned back in the chair. “All right, what is it?

Another raise? I guess it’s only fair. How much this time?”


“That’s an odd reply.”

“I meant about our deal.”


“Yeah, you promised me. You said that when this business with McGregor was

over that I could have her.”

“Yes, yes I did, but I changed my mind. She said that she doesn’t want anyone.”

“She’d rather me than you. She hates you. She will never forgive you for what

you did. I could have killed Kor’Re for you and she would have never known. Her sister
would still be alive too. You did promise her that you would take care of Emma.”

“Only if she did what I said. She didn’t. I told her to kill Kor’Re and she ended

up falling in love with him. That wasn’t part of the assignment.”

Bruno smirked. “Well, you did tell her to seduce the man. What did you expect?

He was a gentleman compared to you. Hell, even Vtak was.”

The muscles in Xabo’s jawed jumped. The one thing he always expected from

anyone that worked for him was loyalty. He could care less what they did on their own
time, even if that was doing jobs for other people. As long as at the end of the day they
were loyal to him, that’s all that mattered. He had already had to deal with some of his
other men who had started to question his methods over the last few months. Seemed
like he was going to have to deal with Bruno as well.

“So what are you suggesting? That I caused this problem that Gabrielle seems to

have with me? As far as Emma being killed, that was unavoidable. Gabrielle knew the
penalty of not completing the assignment.”

“If Emma wasn’t there she wouldn’t have been killed. You could have left her

out of this. But you chose not to … then again … it’s okay,” Bruno said and started out
of the office again.

“Wait a minute … does that mean that you don’t want Gabrielle anymore?”

“I do. But you see, I learned a lot from you. You taught me that whatever you

want in this world you can get. All you have to do is get rid of whatever is in the way.
And in this case you are in the way. Do you really think that Gabrielle will stay with
you? She will kill you the first chance she gets.”

“Ah, Bruno. You were always my favorite. You’re human, but you are a

Tellaran at heart. I had big things planned for you as you humans say, but I guess you
didn’t want that. You just wanted a piece of ass it seems. Don’t see why. Gabrielle isn’t
worth anything. Not anymore. I know now that given the choice she would rather betray
me. She has no reason to be loyal to me anymore. I could kill her any time I want. But I
think it will be much better to keep her alive so I can remind her and everyone else what
happens when you betray me.”

“You are sick.” Bruno pulled out his gun and pointed it at Xabo.

Xabo tilted his head to one side. “So you want to kill me?”

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to. I’ve just been waiting for the right

moment and I think I found it.”

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“Glad you’ve found it. But too bad that after all these years of working for me

you haven’t really come to know me.”

“What do you mean? You’re a sadistic bastard. What more do I need to know?”

Bruno asked and cocked the gun.

“Yes, I suppose you can call me that. But I’m very smart as well. I know how to

protect myself,” Xabo said and pushed a small button on his desk. “Next time, don’t talk
so much. If you’re going to shoot someone, shoot them.”

Almost immediately, Bruno dropped the gun. He grunted as he tried to gain

control of his body. He fell heavily to the ground. Xabo watched as the big man tried in
vain to get up.

“I am sure that you are wondering what the hell is going on. As you know I

demand loyalty from all my employees and I have ways to deal with ones who feel that
they can do what they want without repercussions. You see I control your prosthetic
body as I control everyone else’s around here. Do you really think Ruz jumped off the
roof last week? No, I made him. I have to say it was quite fun to watch his face as he
fell to his death. Messy, but fun to watch.”

“You … bas … bas … urkk … ”

Xabo came from around his desk and stood over Bruno. “Quiet now, don’t try to

speak. You’ll only make your death quicker and I need you to hear this. In about five
minutes your body will shut down and you will die. Of course, all I have to do is call one
of my technicians to save you, if I choose to. I want you to know something, Bruno
Panelli: no one fucks with me and gets away with it. You think I don’t know that Emma
wasn’t killed that night? That it was a fucking android I killed?”

Bruno’s wide eyes made Xabo smile.

“You’re wondering how I knew that. I know an android when I see one. Mind

you she was a very good one, but an android nonetheless. You were going to tell
Gabrielle about her sister being alive, weren’t you? Tell me, how much did Kor’Re pay

Bruno didn’t respond.

“Must have been a nice sum. Too bad whatever he promised you, you won’t get.

He’s dead you know.”

Xabo frowned when Bruno slowly moved his head from side to side.


Bruno moved his head from side to side again.

“He’s not dead?”

Bruno stared at Xabo.

“Tell me!” Xabo yelled. “Is he dead?” He grabbed Bruno by the collar. “You son

of a bitch, tell me! Is he dead or not!”

Bruno continued to stare up at Xabo.

Xabo let go of Bruno and stood up. He went back over to his desk to call his

technicians. Gabrielle walked in. She looked at Bruno lying down on the floor. Then
she sighed and looked at Xabo.

“Let me guess … he asked about me again? What are you going to do? Punish

every man that wants me?”

Xabo smiled. “He’s malfunctioning that’s all. He’ll be fine once he gets to the

clinic. They’ll fix him up. So have you packed?”

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“I have to say that Winston really did a great job on Frieda. She doesn’t

remember Emma and she’s under the impression that you and I are married and we lost a
child due to DNA incompatibility. When did that happen?”

“I just thought that it might explain your obvious melancholy mood. I couldn’t

say it was because you were mated to me.”

“Why not, you wouldn’t be lying. And we aren’t married,” Gabrielle said and

headed out of the office.

Xabo took her arm before she could leave. She pulled away. He tried to grab her

arm again, but she slapped his hands away.

“Let’s get one thing straight … I am only here because I haven’t figured out a

way to kill you yet. But when I do, then you are dead.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do, actually. Ever since I met you all I have been thinking about is a way to

kill you. But when I do, I will kill you. Don’t forget I killed Mak and I wasn’t half as
good as I am now.”

“The shuttle leaves in two hours. Make sure that you’re ready.”

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Chapter Thirty

Gabrielle walked out to the back patio. There were only the android gardeners

about, but she kept well away from them. The last thing she needed was having Xabo
hear the conversation she was going to have. No doubt they would tell him.

He had told her that everything concerning Kor’Re and Emma’s deaths were

taken care of. She needed to know how well. She didn’t want Xabo to get away with
killing what amounted to her family. She called the offices of BioSys first. She was glad
to hear Laura’s voice.

“Hello, Laura, this is Gabrielle Wynter.”

“Oh hello, Ms. Wynter. How are you?”

“I’ve been better. With Kor’Re … I mean with … ”

“I know … it’s so quiet around here without him. I am so sorry. I know that you

and he were close. So what was it I could do for you?”

“I just wanted to know what happened … I … ” What could she say? That she

had been out of town and had come back to learn that Kor’Re was dead?

“A robbery, the police said. Of course, I find that hard to believe given the fact

that Mr. McGregor had a very sophisticated security system.”

“So, you don’t think it was a robbery?”

“We all knew that he and Xabo were bitter enemies. Xabo is responsible for Mr.

McGregor’s death. We all know that. But all the employees have been told not to speak
to anyone about this. I shouldn’t even be talking to you, but I know how close you two
were. If Alex knew that I was talking to you … maybe you should talk to him. I better

“Thank you, Laura. And I will call Alex.” She hung up and called Alex.

“Alex Dumas.”

She took a deep breath. “Hello, Alex, this is Gabrielle Wynter. I was hoping that

I could talk to you.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Yes, there is. I want to know what happened to Kor’Re.”

“What do you want to know? He’s dead. Xabo killed him. And you helped.

What more is there to say?”

Gabrielle almost got defensive but then realized that he was correct. “Yes, I know

and I’m sorry. But he meant a lot to me as I am sure he did to a lot of people. How …
how is his mother?”

“Leave her alone. She doesn’t need to meet the woman that was responsible for

her son’s death.”

“That’s not fair. I didn’t kill him. I loved him.”

“Well, it wasn’t enough. He’s dead. And I am sure that in no time your boss will

be trying taking over. Look, if you don’t mind, I have things to do to make sure that
Xabo doesn’t get his slimy hands on the company. By the way, I heard that your sister

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was killed. Sorry. I guess that’s what happened when you make friends with the Devil,”
he said and hung up.

Exactly. She had made friends with the Devil and now look at what her life had

been reduced to. But what could she do? Nothing she did now would bring back Emma
or Kor’Re. But she could at least go and see Kor’Re’s mother. It was the least she could

“There you are. What are you doing out here?” Xabo asked.

She turned to face him. “Getting some fresh air.”

“We need to get going. I already put your bags in my personal shuttle. Let’s go.”

“I don’t want to go. Can’t I just stay here?”

“No, you need to get way from all this.”

“I’d rather stay here.”

He grabbed her arm. “You have no choice.”

“What will you do if I keep saying no?”

“Gabrielle, you do not want me angry at you.”

“I’ve already seen you angry at me. I’m used to it. Don’t you understand that I

loathe you? I don’t want to be with you.”

“Gabrielle, if you don’t just stop … ”

She shrugged and then took a swipe at him. Xabo ducked. He looked at her.

“Only because I like fucking you, why I don’t beat you black and blue right now

… and … wha … ” He put his hand to his throat. It came away stained with blood.

“And the fact that your throat is sporting a lovely gash,” Gabrielle said and came

at him again with the knife. He tried to stop her, but she moved out of the way and took
another swipe at him. She stepped back pleased to see him holding his hand over his left
eye. Blood dribbled down him cheek.

“You’re getting soft, Xabo. Years ago I wouldn’t have been able to do that.

What’s the matter? You’ve had people doing your dirty work for so long that you’ve
forgotten how to fight?”

“When … I get my … hands on you.” His tail lashed out at her.

She ducked and took off running towards the garage. There were two men in the

garage. They both looked up at her when she came in. The first one smiled, and then
frowned when he noticed that bloodied knife in her hand. She threw it. It landed square
in the middle of his chest.

“Just don’t … stand … there! Shoot … ” Xabo said, and then coughed.

He pulled out his gun and aimed. Gabrielle moved in close, grabbed his arm and

pointed the gun at Xabo. Before he could stop himself he pulled the trigger. Xabo
staggered back when the bullet hit his left shoulder. The man tried to wrench away.
Gabrielle let go and he stumbled backwards. The gun clattered out of his hand. He
scampered after it. Gabrielle took a crowbar down from the wall and brought it down on
his back. The man groaned.

From the corner of her eye she could see Xabo coming at her. She swung the

crowbar at him. He staggered back against the blow, but then advanced on her after a
few seconds. When she swung again, he grabbed it from her. She was pulled forward by
the inertia and slammed into one of the parked shuttles. She moved out of the way just as
Xabo brought the crowbar down. There was a dent in his favorite silver one.

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He swung again, and the blow caught her in the shoulder. Gabrielle heard a

crack. And then felt the pain. He had broken her left shoulder. He swung the bar again,
hitting her left arm. Another crack. Her arm hung useless at her side.

“You belong to me,” Xabo said. He spat blood. “And even if I have to … cripple

you to make you understand that … then I will.” He raised the bar again.

Gabrielle lunged for the gun on the floor and pointed it at Xabo. She emptied the

gun in him. He fell back heavily on the ground. She walked over to him.

“You can run … but you will never be able to run far enough away from me … I

will always be there behind you,” he whispered.

“Maybe in my nightmares, but even those go away eventually.” She picked up the

bar and brought it down intent on caving his head in. But before it could connect, Xabo
brought his arm up and blocked the blow. He grabbed the bar from her. Despite his
injuries, he was still strong and quick. He lashed out at her with his tail.

Gabrielle felt the sting in her left side. She had only minutes before she was

completely paralyzed. She took off running. With her broken arm, there was no way that
she could fight him. She ran into the house and headed into the kitchen.

“Gabrielle?” Frieda asked. “Are you all right?”

Gabrielle didn’t answer. She looked around until she found a long knife on the

counter. She made a long slit in her arm. That would slow down the toxin. A bullet hit
the cupboard above her head.

“Mr. Xabo, what are you doing?” Frieda asked.

Xabo frowned. He shot her. She crumbled to the floor. Gabrielle ran out of the

kitchen. If she could just get to his gun room, then she could arm herself. Another shot
zinged over her head. One of the doors to her left opened. It was one of Xabo’s techs.
He quickly went back into the room and shut the door.

“Stop running or I’ll keep shooting!” Xabo shouted behind her.

Gabrielle ignored him and headed to the west wing of the house where Xabo kept

his guns. She ducked as another bullet went by her. Near the door to the gun room,
Gabrielle stumbled on the runner and fell. Her shoulder screamed in pain. She got up
and opened the door. Once inside she tried to lock the door.

Xabo pushed through before she could. Gabrielle fell to the floor. When she

tried to get up Xabo kicked her back down. He stood over her and pointed the gun at her.

“Are you going to stop this shit?”

“Just shoot me and get it over with.”

“You are too valuable to kill. I need you to help me take over BioSys. I will need

someone that the staff will trust. I guess I can assume that some of his employees knew
that he was fucking you, so they might not take too much aversion to you as their new

She blinked up at him. “What did you say?”

“You are going to be the new CEO of BioSys. There’s no way that I can take

over. At least not now. But with you at the helm … and then bringing me on board later
on … ”

Gabrielle started laughing. Maybe it was the pain and the toxin. She was

delirious. Or maybe it was the fact that Xabo’s plan was so stupid.

“What makes you think that I can just walk in and take over? I wasn’t Kor’Re’s

wife. What claim do I have on the business?”

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“That has been taken care of. In a few days, documents will surface stating that in

the event of Kor’Re’s death you would step in as CEO.”

“Good God, Xabo. Just give up. This is one thing that you can’t have. Just kill

me. I’m in pain and I’m tired. I just want this to end. You will never have BioSys and
you will never have me.”

He looked at her. She could finally see the realization in his eyes. The realization

that no matter what he did, she would never give herself willingly to him. It would
always be a constant battle. Gabrielle closed her eyes and waited.

“Sorry. I need you alive. Get up.”

Glass shattered. Gabrielle’s eyes snapped open. Three men dressed like Black

Ops stood there. Their faces were covered by masks.

What the hell?

“On the ground Xabo!” the one in front yelled. “Now!”

Xabo opened fired instead. The three men returned fire. Gabrielle kept low as to

avoid getting hit. She crawled on her stomach as gunfire exploded above her head until
she made it to the door. She did not want to get involved with the police right now. She
just wanted to get away.

“You, stay where you are.”

Gabrielle ignored the warning and ran out of the room. She expected to hear gun

fire open up behind her and was half relieved and half surprised when she didn’t. She
made her way to the back of the house. Two more Black Ops type guys were there. And
they were probably more at the front.

She figured that Kor’Re’s death caused more trouble for Xabo than he

anticipated. But she couldn’t worry about that right now. She needed to get away.
Anyone in the house would be considered guilty and involved in whatever Xabo had
going on criminally. And she doubted that any of these men or their superiors would be
interested in her sob story as to why she had been working for Xabo in the first place.
She needed a diversion.

She smiled and headed down to the basement. There in a small room near the

back, was the artillery storage. She picked up a canister of tear gas and a smoke bomb.
As she reached for a gas mask, she became painfully aware that she only had the use of
one arm. She put the canisters down and struggled to put on the mask. After an
agonizing minute she got it on. She swayed on her feet. The toxin from Xabo’s tail was
starting to affect her. She had to work fast.

Now it was a choice: smoke bomb or tear gas. Smoke bomb. She tucked one

smoke bomb under her left arm and held the other in her right hand ready to throw.

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Chapter Thirty One

Gabrielle made her way carefully back upstairs. One of the men was coming

down the hallway. She ducked back into the small alcove. When he turned the corner at
the end of the hall, she continued upstairs, listening. She could hear no one upstairs.
Gabrielle walked into her old bedroom. It was in the same condition that she had left it
all those years ago. She permitted herself a small smile. Sometimes when Emma was
afraid to sleep because she had nightmares, Gabrielle would let her sleep with her.
Gabrielle would read her bedtime storied until she went to sleep.

Emma is dead, remember? And you’re going to be if you don’t get out of here.

Gabrielle turned to head back out of the bedroom.

“There she is! Stay where you are.”

It was the three men from downstairs. Their guns were trained on her. She had

no intention of staying. Instead she threw the smoke bomb. Thick white smoke filled the
room. Gabrielle turned and went out to the terrace, making sure that she closed the
French doors behind her. Climbing down the fire escape was excruciatingly slow and
painful with only one good arm. When she as about five feet to the ground she jumped.
The impact of her landing jarred her arm. She gritted her teeth in pain and headed to the
garage. She just needed one of the shuttles and she could get help.

Nearing the garages, she came face to face with two more men in black. She

didn’t wait for them to say anything. She threw the canister and took off. Two more men
in black appeared to her right. How many were there? They seemed to be everywhere
she turned. Cradling her arm she ran towards the south end of the property where there
was a small valley. If she could just make it to the main road then she could flag down a
car. She could get someone to help her.

Gabrielle pushed through the thick bushes ignoring the small twigs as they

scraped her across the face. She ran down the small hill with the men in black right
behind her. Just a few more feet and she would be at the main road. Then fate decided to
play a hand. Her vision blurred for a moment. Her knees buckled. She stumbled. She
put out her arms to break her fall.

When her injured arm hit the ground she grunted in pain. Hot tears streamed

down her face. She tumbled the rest of the way and came to a full stop in the middle of
the road. Not a car in sight. Gabrielle looked behind her. The men were getting closer.

She willed her body to move, but it refused to listen. Get up, damn it! Do you

want to die like this? At the hands of these men?

Gathering up the last bit of her strength, Gabrielle got to her knees, but couldn’t

stand. She sensed rather than saw the men behind her. She lay back down on her side
and then rolled over onto her back. She stared up into the sky. It was a very nice shade
of blue today. Almost the same color it was the first day that she had come here all those
years ago.

When the men in black reached her, Gabrielle didn’t even try to fight. She

couldn’t at this point even if she wanted to. The toxin had taken effect and she was in too

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much pain. Physically and emotionally. Funny, she had never expected her life to turn
out this badly. She knew that accepting Xabo’s offer would cost her, her happiness, but
this was not what she had expected. Now, she was tired, broken and alone. She had
nothing to live for anymore. Xabo had taken it all away from her.

She prayed that her death would come soon. That whatever injuries she had

would just take her away from all this pain and emptiness she felt inside.

“She seems hurt pretty bad,” she heard a voice say.

“I hope that you’re not thinking of dying on me. The boss would never forgive

me,” a familiar voice said to her left.

Alex? What was he doing here?

Gabrielle tried to turn her head. She couldn’t. She strained her eyes to her left. It

was Alex. He bent down beside her and gave her a big grin. “You are one tough lady,
Gabrielle Wynter. I’ve seen men with fewer injuries than yours, just lay down and die.
No wonder my boss cares about you so much.”

His boss? Kor’Re? But he was dead? Wasn’t he?

He looked away to the three men standing to her right. “Okay, let’s get her into

the ambulance. And be careful. If she gets hurt any more the boss will have our asses.
And then I want a status report on Xabo. We’re going have to let the Cyrillian authorities
in on what we did here today to avoid problems. Round up everyone that’s still
breathing. And make sure that Xabo doesn’t get away. If we’re lucky, he’s dead or at
least close.”

“Yes, sir,” one of them men said and walked away.

“Xabo?” Gabrielle whispered. “is he … ”

“Just take it easy. We’ll get you help. And don’t worry about Xabo. He won’t

be bothering you anymore. He’s out of your life now.”

Before Gabrielle could ask another question, two men came over and gently

picked her up and put her on a stretcher. Gabrielle winched as her broken body was
covered with a thick blanket. Inside the ambulance, another man with a medical scanner
smiled down at her.

“You’re pretty banged up. Here this will help with the pain.”

“Wait,” she said. “What about … ”

“Don’t worry, it will all right,” Alex soothed. “Just rest now.”

A sight prick on her neck and Gabrielle felt herself drifting away. Her last

thought was that Kor’Re might be alive. She wasn’t sure how that was possible, but it
seemed like there was a chance that he was. If that was true then maybe she would just
hold on a little longer. She smiled and let her eyes close.

Chapter 32

Someone was humming. Someone was humming and it was slightly off key.

Gabrielle opened one eye. She was on her right side and facing a large window. She
opened both eyes and scanned the room. It seemed familiar somehow. She tried to
move. She was stiff and sore.

“Take it easy. You’ve been through a lot.”

That voice!

Gabrielle rolled onto her back. Kor’Re sat on the left side of the bed.

Kor’Re! He was alive? Or was this some cruel joke induced by whatever drugs

she was on to ease the pain?

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Kor’Re must have read the question on her face because he smiled and said, “Yes,

I’m alive.” He helped her into a sitting position. He placed one of the fully pillows
behind her back for support. “How do you feel? Any pain?”

Gabrielle didn’t respond. Instead she reached out and touched his face. He

covered her hands with his.

“See, I’m real. Not a figment of your imagination.”

She shook her head. “I … I … just can’t … ” Tears started to slip down her


Kor’Re gently wiped them away. “I know. And I’m sorry that you had to go

through all that hurt and pain. But it was the only way to save you and your sister from

Emma was alive. Gabrielle closed her eyes as more tears streamed down her face.

She thought that she had lost everything. But she hadn’t.

“Gabrielle,” Kor’Re called softly.

She opened her eyes. “Emma is alive?”

“She is. Everything’s okay now.”

“Tell me everything. How you did this. What you did.”

“Now? Wouldn’t you like something to eat? You’ve been out for a week.”

“Tell me first. I’ll eat something after. Please I want to know. I went through

hell that night when I thought you and Emma were killed. I thought that I had lost
everything. I had tried so hard to save you both, but I … ”

He moved closer and gently took her in his arms. He kissed her cheek. “I know.

But you should have just told me.”

“Xabo threatened that if I said anything that he would kill Emma. What choice

did I have?”

“Yeah, that’s Xabo for you. I knew that he would force to make a decision that

you couldn’t make … that you didn’t want to make. How could he expect you to choose
between me and Emma?”

“Well, he expected me to. You were supposed to be just a job. Nothing else. I

wasn’t supposed to get personally involved.”

“I didn’t make it that easy though not to get personally involved. Anyway, I

knew that Xabo would get tired of playing nice.” He shook his head. “If I had only
known that he had killed my father I would have dealt with him sooner. But when he
sent you my way I knew that he was using you to get to me. Especially when he saw my
reaction to you. He felt that I would tell you anything. All you had to do was ask.”

“Would you have?”

Kor’Re grinned. “Probably. I couldn’t say no to you. So I decided to play you

and Xabo at your own game. I knew that he had sent you to seduce me and I figured that
if I seduced you, then I would be able to find out what Xabo was up do this time.”

“He wanted to ruin you he said. And then he would pick up the pieces he said

and make the company into his image.”

“Really? He didn’t just want to kill me?”

“He said that it would have caused too much trouble for him he just had you

killed. When he first told me about his plan to seduce you I asked him why couldn’t I
just kill you and get it over with. It would have been easier. Good thing he didn’t let

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“Yeah, good thing. So, then I decided to beat him at his own game. I would

seduce you and find a way to get rid of Xabo once and for all. Except that my plan
backfired. I fell in love with you instead. And then things got complicated when I
realized that you felt the same way. I knew then that I had put both of us in a dangerous
situation. I had Alex watching things concerning you and Xabo and we found out about
your sister. Then we figured out that if you didn’t do what Xabo wanted he would use
Emma against you.”

“He always used Emma. When I was leery about doing something he would use

her against me. He made me feel guilty. Then later he told me that he could have cared
less about your corporate secrets. He said that he just wanted you dead. I think it was
because he realized how I really felt about you. But I couldn’t kill you.”

“So he gave you a choice: kill me or your sister dies.”

She nodded. “But then … wait a minute … but if you and Emma are alive …

then … ”

“After I figured out what Xabo had planned I set my plan in motion. I was not

going to lose you. And I knew how much your sister meant to you. So I used my
company’s tech to fool Xabo to buy us some time.”


“Yep. Pretty impressive, huh? My techs do good work.”

“Yeah. I couldn’t tell the difference. I mean when I went there that night and the

way you … well the way that android was with me I could sworn that it was … ” she

“What’s the matter?”

“Before that … when we made love was that … ?”

“That was me.” He pulled her closed and nuzzled her neck. “As if I’d let an

android have what belongs to me.”

Gabrielle sighed, enjoying the feel of Kor’Re being so close to her. She had

missed him so much. “I belong to you?” she asked coyly.

“Yes, you do. I’m sorry for putting you through hell, but I love you too much to

lose you.”

“I love you too. Not to break the mood or anything, but what happened to Xabo?”

“Dead. He was badly hurt. Several gunshot wounds. Too bad about Frieda and

Charles, they had nothing to do with whatever Xabo was into. And Bruno. Too bad, he
was a good man.”

“What do you mean?”

“He used to work for me.”

“What happened? Was he there undercover?”

“No, he used to work for me about five years ago until I caught him selling the

company secrets to the highest bidder. I had to fire him. A few months later I found out
that he was working for Xabo. I was not surprised since that’s who he was selling my
secrets to. But in the end, Xabo screwed him over and then he came back.”

“Did you take him back?”

“Sort of. He wanted me to let him have you just once and he would give me the

means to tear down Xabo’s empire once and for all. Actually, he said that he wanted it
for himself but he could do without the criminal elements of it. With me backing him he

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said that he knew that he could be a legit business. I agreed but only that he couldn’t
have you. You were mine.”

“He agreed?”

“Only as far as he wanted. I knew that he would try to take you away from me.

No matter what he agreed to, Bruno was always out for himself. It was the reason that he
felt no compulsion to try and sell me out.”

“Well, he did always try to get me into his bed whenever he got the chance. But

he was nice about it.”

“Couldn’t blame the man. You are one hell of a sexy woman.” Kor’Re released

her. “I better get you something to eat.”

“No, don’t go. It’s been a long time.” Gabrielle pulled Kor’Re back to her.

“You need to rest,” Kor’Re said, but had already eased her onto her back. He

kissed her softly. Gabrielle moaned softly savoring the feel of his lips on her own.

“We’re not going to be separated again?” she asked when they broke away.

“I will always be here for you. But I think I should get you something to eat. I’ll

call your sister so that she can come over. She’s been waiting anxiously to see you,” He
got up off the bed.


He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m just going to the kitchen. I’ll be


“I just wanted to ask you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“Can I stay here with you?”

“Yes. But you should know, I took the liberty of selling your house and brought

all your things here. So, actually you have no choice but to stay here with me. You’re
stuck here with me. Is that okay with you?”

Gabrielle grinned at Kor’Re. She had been given another chance to have the life

she had always longed for. “Yep, that’s okay with me.”

The end


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