Lord Koga Kala's Battle Cry [MF] (pdf)

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Kala’s Battle Cry

Lord Koga

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© 2012 Lord Koga in association with Exploited Publishing

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Walking up the steps to her front porch, Kala searched her purse for her keys,

thumbing through various items, only to suddenly feel his hot breath upon her neck, his

arms roping around her firm body touching her in places not meant for public viewing.

“I head you’re free again,” she heard him growl deeply, his strong hands turning

her around, pushing her back against the door as he stepped into her.

“Chris… Christian your back?” she breathed deeply, her entire body becoming

aroused as he gazed sinisterly into her brown glimmering eyes.

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“Time for me to remind you how it is to be a woman again,” he breathed deeply,

forcefully pulling her head up towards him, his soft, warm lips devouring hers, forcing

Kala to drop her purse and give in to his hunger. Roping her arms around his head, she

returned the kiss with just as much desire, just as much power, only to allow her lovers

tongue entrance into her mouth.

“Mmmm… It’s been a long time since you’ve done something like that to me

Christian,” Kala whimpered as she broke away from the kiss.

“20 years,” he gasped, licking his lips as he gazed deeply into her sparkling

brown eyes. “The last time I came up on you and took you was just after the big game,

you were in your hot, tight, cheerleader uniform.” He gasped.

“You remembered that from so long ago?” Kala asked playfully, finding it a highly

arousing, sensual that he would remember something from so long ago.

“It’s hard to forget things that blow’s one’s mind, I remember everything about

that night.” He whispered, running the tip of his tongue over her neck before nipping at

her chin, her hot, milk-chocolate body molding into his, he could feel her grinding her

hips into him as if yearning, needing to feel his hard, rough cock inside her once more

after such a long a hiatus.

“I was helping you with some boxes in the all sports closet and you bent down in

front of me,” Christian growled. “You were wearing those tight blue panties, those ones

that always seemed to ride up the crack of your ass. I couldn’t help but to feast upon

you that night.”

“Pervert,” Kala hissed as Christian broke away from her, pushing her down into

one of the metal chairs on her porch only to quickly fall down on his knees, his eyes

burning into hers.

“I came up on you and turned you around to face me,” he gasped, pulling away

his shirt, allowing her eyes to feast upon his well-

toned chest and abs. “Pushing you

against the wall, I pressed m

y hands over your firm chocolate rounds,” Christian

growled, his hands pressing up against her chest, cupping her large c-cups into his

hands once more, just as he did those years ago.

“And then I…,” he whispered, smiling at her as she broke in.

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“And then you,” Kala paused, trying to remember everything that happened

between them that night, “then you… you…,” she gasped only to watch as he pressed

his face between her thighs. Kala could feel the heat from his breath passing over her

damp panties. “And then… then you,” she gasped again, trying to keep her voice down

as images of him between her thighs, those years ago flashing through her mind

causing her to remember every flick of his tongue across her young virgin pussy, forcing

her to cry out the cheer, the cheer of their passion, the cheer of their yearning.

“And then I,” Christian moaned pressing his lips over her wet panties, he could

feel the lips of her moist, hot pussy quivering to his touch as he kissed her wet outer

lips, all the while taking in the sweet sensual fragrance of her scent into his lungs.

“Fu… fuck,” Kala gulped, tilting her head up towards the ceiling of the porch,

bursts of lights bursting across her eyes as she felt him pushing his lips over her pussy,

a feeling she had so longed missed.

“Do you… do you remember,” Christian paused, his hands draping across the

her sides as he pulled out from between her thighs, the tips of his fingers pulling her

wet, silk panties down her thighs, before tearing them violently away.

“Kala,” Christian smiled, gazing up into her eyes as he licked his lips, “Do you

remember the cheer I taught you that night?” he asked playfully almost evilly only to see

her eyes light up.

“The… the cheer,” Kala gasped, “We can’t… you can’t do that here… the


u’ll wake everyone up.” She pleaded.

“Not me,” he gasped, “I’ll be too busy enjoying your flavors,” Christian said

cocking a smile before quickly slamming his entire face back between her inner thighs,

his lips pressing against the outer lips of her pussy as he draped his tongue firmly over

her lush wet outline.

“No… please… Christian not here… please I won’t be able to…,” Kala gasped

suddenly hearing him moaning under her skirt.

“Give me a,” he growled, before lashing the tip of his tongue across her clit.

Long strike down an across and a short one just a little lower, Kala felt the tip

writing a letter out upon her. “What was that?” Christian gasped.

“Please… please no, Christian, I’ll make too much noise,” Kala panted airlessly.

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“Wrong,” he said only to move back over her, gliding his tongue over the outline

of her pussy before attacking her clitoris one more.

Long strike down an across and a short one just a little lower, she felt him again,

on to whimper out the letter, “F… it’s an F,” she gasped.

“Good now give me a,” Christian gasped. His lips rolling over her aroused

clitoris, sucking it into his mouth only to hold it for a few moments before letting go and

continuing his salvo of indulgence upon Kala’s body.

From the top scrolling down, curve and b

ack up, “that’s… that’s a U,” Kala

gasped as she thrashed her head up towards the ceilings porch, her nails slicing across

his back as the embers inside her began to blaze.

“Correct,” Christian gasped, rushing his hands between her thighs only to glide

the tips of his fingers inside her pussy, hooking them up against her G-spot, rolling his

fingers in small figure eights as he continued to attack her clit with the tip of his tongue.

From the tip, gliding into a small half circle, Kala felt. “C… fuck it’s a C,” she

panted. “I know the cheer already damn it,” she gasped. “Just… just do it already,” she

gasped, gliding both her legs up and over his shoulders. “Just do it Christian… Just go

on and FUCK ME please.” Kala hissed, begging him to stop teasing her.

“Mmmm…,” Christian gasped, pulling away from her, Laughing almost

sarcastically as he looked up into her shimmering eyes, only to drive his head back

between her melting thighs, Thrashing his head into her like a hungered beast, a sex

crazed monster, as he continued to devour Kala from the inside.

“Not so fast… I intend to make up for all those years lost,” he groaned, moaning

into her pussy, allowing his deep, penetrating voice to echo through her, “all those years

you spent fucking other assholes inste

ad of me.” He growled angrily.

“FUCK!” Kala hissed, unable to control the passion flashing through her once

more. Holding her breath as a feeling like never before suddenly rushed through her

body. For the first time in all the years of having sex, she

could feel a man’s tongue

reaching inside her further than ever before. Christian’s entire tongue slithering like a

serpent deep inside her pussy, until suddenly he did something she had only secretly

seen in porn.

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Spinning his tongue over her clit, Christian began to slip his head back and forth

between her open thighs, fucking her clit his tongue as he slammed his long fingers

inside her once more, reaching again for her G-spot, his nails dragging across the inner

walls of her pussy. Apply a deep amount of pressure when he came to the cross

section of the eight. All the while, his other hand snaked backed up her body, grasping

her breasts under her blouse as his fingers hungrily caressed her pink hardened


Kala could feel herself building, her desires, her passions, rattle through her

body, forcing her to buckle under him as she again tightened her legs around his head,

needing more of him against her. More of his savage tongue around her as she tried to

force his entire face inside her blistering wetness, wanting to drown him inside her


Waves of pleasure built up inside her, quickly overtaking her thoughts, her

senses. The pleasures hammering through her, more intense than anything she had

ever experienced, as each wave, each thrust of his face into her brought her closer to


“Fuck… fuck yes,” she whispered, trying her best to hold herself from screaming

out, to wake the whole damn neighborhood. Each flick of his tongue feeling like a giant

explosion inside her, building up, waking parts of her she had not felt for some time.

“FUUUUCK YES!” Kala gasped, as Christian sucked her into his mouth once

more, his lavishing hot tongue probing her clit, thrashing against it several times before

releasing it. Rolling it quickly over her inner lips, darting at her clit repeatedly like an

expert pussy licker.

“Yes… fuck!” She whimpered, holding her desires to cry out as she rolled her

hands over his arms, digging her nails as hard as she could into his exposed flesh.

“Yes… Shit yes,” Kala cried, unable to hold herself back anymore as the heat

within her bellowed out, the passion inside wallowing over her like a hurricane as she

finally felt herself falling over the edge.

“Mmm… I can taste it… your so, so close,” Christian moaned into her, driving the

vibration of his voice into her pussy, forcing Kala to thrash her hips into his face.

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Wanting him to devour her entire body as she tensed up, feeling herself breaking over

her own edge.

“Fuck… Christian, yes… yes,” screamed, allowing anyone within range to hear

her cries, her screams of pleasure and lust as she came into him, waves of pleasure

spraying out of her pussy, forcing her hot, heavenly nectar into his mouth, as he

continued to flick his tongue over her.

Mmm, yes… fuck yes,” she gasped dryly in deep seeded pleasure, the world

around her spinning. Kala felt as though she had reached the finally state of nirvana.

“Now it’s time to fuck you hard… like I did back then,” Christian growled,

dropping his pants in front of her. “Mmm… it’s a bit chilly out here,” he sighed, feeling

the cool autumn breeze gliding across the back of his balls before gliding his fingers

over his swollen cock, before widening her thighs as she unwillingly arched her body

towards him.

“Not… not here,” Kala gasped heavily for breath, unable to put up much of a

protest, only to watch as Christian placed her legs over his shoulders. “Please… we’ll

wake the,” she gasped suddenly, biting down on the corner of her lip, feeling him

lancing into her, his cock forcing its way into her pussy, breaking her open as his balls

slapped roughly against the cheeks of her ass.

“Fuuuuuuuuccccccck… just as I remember,” he gasped, feeling the tightness that

was Kala coiling around his cock once more. “I can’t believe after all these damn years,

you’re still this fucking tight,” he hissed as she slowly pulled out of her, allowing the

ridges of his large cockhead to scrap across her insides before back into her scorching

hot tightness with all his weight.

“FUCK!” Kala cried, the pressure of his cock, she could feel her entire body

wrapped around his thick pole. The full girth of his cock stretching her inner wall to the

extreme, almost tearing her open as he continued to pick up the pace by pulling out,

and slamming back into her repeatedly.

“SHIT… SO… So tight,” Christian panted like a child with each new thrust into

her hot body, his hands grasping her swollen breasts as he continued to drive into her,

tightening his grasps on her breasts each time he lanced forward, crushing them into


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“Fuck… your ex never fucked you hard did he,” he moaned in deep pleasure as

his words and tone made Kala’s heart flutter. The heat in her guts flaring as he thrusted


nto her deeper and deeper, “All this time and your previous partners never loosened

this pussy up,” he hissed, biting down on his own lip before slamming back inside her,

the tension of her pussy sending waves of pleasure across every inch of his cock.

“I’m still so fucking tight,” Kala cried, repeating her lover’s words as he filled her

and emptied her continually. Each time driving into her harder and deeper, sending

convulsions of passion mixed with lust through her body, only to pull slowly out, allowing

her body to feel him scraping across her inner walls.

“Please… baby… harder, drive into me harder baby,” Kala whimpered as she

rolled the tips of her nails fervently down his back, slicing into his tight flesh as she they

rolled further down his body.

“Fuck it… fuck me harder,” she hissed like a bitch in heat,

the shy girl now nothing more than a distant memory as she screamed out such

profanities, “Fuck my pussy… fuck it harder,” she demanded.

“Better idea,” Christian moaned as he quickly roped his arms around her, and in

one quick movement, Kala found herself on top of him as he lay with his back against

the hard, cold cement. “Ride me bitch,” he smiled as he gazed up at her, his hands

pressing roughly against her ass as she smiled uncontrollable.

“Ride me cowgirl,”

Christian said playfully, only to feel his lover comply with his request as she began to

buck up and down on him like a bull rider, causing him to slap her ass each time she

slammed back down onto him, further sending waves of intensity through her.

“That’s right, ride me girl… ride your bronco to his climax,” Christian growled,

gazing up at her as her large chocolate white breasts bounced with her gallops upon

him. Her damp black hair swayed with each passing thrust of her body down into him,

rolling in every direction as it feathered across her taut perky breasts.

“Beautiful,” Christian moaned, “you’re just as hot as you were back then,” he

gazed up at her, watching her as she continued to ride him rough and hard. Her body

piercing into him like second nature as she rolled her hands up over her breasts, the

tips of her fingers stroking across her hard pink nipples as she crushed them into her


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“Mmm…Yes,” Kala moaned deeply, her voice more airless, grainier as she

screamed with ea

ch thrust, each downward motion into him, “Yes… you’re hitting my clit

just right,” she moaned, again no longer caring about waking her neighbors. “Just

right… just so fucking right,” she tapered off, as if the passion, the desire of rage and

lust was too much for her to bear too much for her small body to handle.

“So… so close… Christian I’m so fucking close… fuck yes… yes,” she panted,

feeling his hips lashing upward into her as she came down upon him, the slapping

sounds of their bodies meeting each other with a wet thump forced Christian to clench

his jaw as he grunted and groaned to the passionate feelings overtaking him.

“Harder… Deeper,” Kala cried, raising her body up over him again, as she

arched her back, causing her pussy to slam down on him from a steep angle, which

sent great pleasure through both their adult bodies. “Fuck… FUCCCK… yes... right

there, right there, “Kala gasped as she fought for each new breath.

By now Christian could feel her walls fluttering and contracting against his

thickness as he continued to drive himself up into her, each new thrust sending jolts of

pleasure through him, memories of their first time those many years ago flashing

through his mind. The pleasures he felt then and now combining, bringing him even

closer to his own hard climax.

“Don’t… don’t fucking stop, “ he hissed, draping his hands up over hers as she

held her breast in the palms of her hands, crushing them in his hands, devouring her


“That’s… that’s it baby… Kala… make me cum inside you… let me wash away

the remains of those other boys you called husbands; lovers.” Christian panted as he

felt himself slipping over the edge.

“FUUUUCK!” Kala cried as she felt him going over the edge, felt him blowing his

hot seed into her. Thrusting into her with all he had, his mouth fell open.

“Kala… I… I’m Cumming,” he cried as her walls clamped around him like a vice,

demanding him to release his creamy load into her as a deep primal growl tore from his

lips, forcing him to snap forward into her one last time.

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Unable to last any longer Christian shot his sticky white load into her raging

inferno, saturating her with his creamy goodness, as he lunged into her over and over

again, each time splashing another load of his juice, of his being into her body.

“FUCK!” she cried each time he slammed more of himself into her, “There’s so

much,” she hissed as she fell on top of him, feeling his cock still inside her as it twitched

more and more of his fluid into her tight wetness.

“Washed them fuckers away,” Christian whispered roping his arms around her,

holding her tightly in the embraces as he shot the last of his cum into her, feeling his

fluids leaking out of her body and saturating their bodies. “I love fucking your pussy so

damn much,” he hissed.

Exhausted, he held her in his arms as he looked deeply into her eyes, licking her

lips with the tip of his tongue as she felt the need to speak. “Washed them losers out,”

Kala gasped, sitting back up, feeling his still hardened beast tight inside her.

“Damn right,” Christian gasped for breath, gliding his hands up her body, the tips

of his fingers pinching her aroused nipples as he saw the light flash of red and blue

flashing across the front of the house.

“Damn… damn it,” Kala gasped, hunching down on top of him as she reached for

her purse. “I’ve gotta find those damn keys,” she hissed, “Told you we were going to

wake the neighbors… this is a fucking school night!” she sighed.

“This is your entire fault you know,” Christian whispered, hearing a voice talking

over a

radio as a flashlight beamed down on top of the two naked adults. “You did the

cheer too loud just like back then,” he hissed closing his eyes, remembering how they

were caught by campus security.

“Just like it was back then,” Christian sighed, squeezing her breasts once more.

“Something to remember while waiting to be bailed out,” he sighed playfully.

After a 20 year hiatus, Christian has come back to reawaken those long forgotten

desires Kala and he once shared alone one night in the all-purpose sports room... the

night he taught her the cheer that only comes with the pounding, thrusting echoes and

cries of adulthood.


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