Donica Covey Cry Wolf (pdf)

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This second chance at love could get them both killed.

Fifteen years ago, denied the only woman he ever wanted as a mate, Remington Aldrich packed his

few belongings and left home without a backward glance. Now the pack leader who ripped his world apart

is on the other end of the phone, asking for his help.

Angela Martin, Remy’s first love, is missing and the trail has gone cold. She may have refused to defy

the alpha and run away with him all those years ago, but Remy can’t stop himself from coming to her


Abducted by two men—one for his ghastly scientific experiments, and the other for his driving need

for revenge against all Lycans—Angela despairs that no one will find her. Then she senses Remy nearby.

Together again and on the run from a killer bent on hunting them down, Remy vows to never again let

Angela out of his arms. But first they have to survive—and fight against history’s tendency to repeat


Warning: Hot shape shifters, mad scientists and vengeful hunters, and steamy alpha marking his mate

may induce a massive adrenaline rush.

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eBooks are not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or

have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual

events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Cry Wolf

Copyright © 2010 by Donica Covey

ISBN: 978-1-60928-049-9

Edited by Heidi Moore

Cover by Natalie Winters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: June 2010

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Cry Wolf

Donica Covey

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This book is for all my readers and fans.

Also a special thanks to my best friends the K and R Crew—I love you ladies, you’re the greatest.

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Chapter One


Remington Aldrich glared at the phone. He should’ve known better than to answer it. “Jordan

McClurgh. I never thought I’d hear your voice again.”

“It’s been a long time, Remy.”

Fifteen years to be exact. Since the day Jordan had promised the one woman Remy loved to another

man. “Not long enough.”

“I respected your decision to leave the family, Remy. I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important. I

need you to come home.”

“Not bloody likely.”

“It’s Angela.”

Just hearing her name tore fresh pain through him. He could still see the sunlight dancing in her

strawberry blond hair. The way her aqua eyes sparkled with merriment. He could still smell her in the air

around him. There wasn’t a night in all of the past fifteen years he didn’t dream about her. “What about

her.” Why did he even care? When Jordan had declared Angela and Rich Johnson were to be joined, did

she fight it? When Remy had come to her by the moonlight and pleaded with her to run away with him, did

she agree to go? No. She’d let him go without a word.

“She’s missing.”

Remy froze solid. “What do you mean missing?”

“I mean she’s disappeared. I’m afraid something’s happened to her.”

“Maybe she ran away from her husband,” he chuckled bitterly. “What’s Johnson doing?” He couldn’t

help but sneer the name of the man who spent the last fifteen years loving Angela.

“It has been a long time. Johnson’s been dead for close to ten years. There was a hunting accident and

he was killed.”

Angela had been alone for ten years? “Yeah, well, the family can deal with it.”

“It’s not that easy. There’s been some trouble.”

“What sort of trouble?” Why was he even asking? It didn’t concern him any longer. He wasn’t a

member of the family anymore. He was a loner and he liked it that way.

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“About six weeks ago a group showed up on the other side of the mountain. We thought they were

just visiting. Over the years we’ve had a lot of campers, hikers, hunters and the sort wandering around.

These people are different.”

“You’re the great leader, Jordan. You can make them go away.”

“Not this time. There are too many for an accident to tragically befall them.”

“What am I supposed to do?” Remy resumed his pacing.

“Come home and help us find Angela.”

He shouldn’t. It wasn’t home any longer. He was an outcast—by choice sure, but still an outcast. “I’ll

be there tomorrow,” came out before he could stop it.

“Great. Thanks, Remy.”

“Whatever.” He shut off the phone and dropped it back into the charger. He padded into his bedroom,

grabbed a couple of changes of clothes and tossed them into a leather duffle. If he left by six he’d be back

in Ozarks by noon tomorrow. He dropped on the king-sized mattress and lay back. Lacing his fingers, he

placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

Her heart was racing, her eyes wide with panic, fear practically squeezing the life from her body. She

huddled in the back of a cage, sweat beading her brow. The smell of terror filled the room. She began to

pace while testing the air searching for them. What was going to happen to her now? She’d been poked,

prodded and violated by examination. A cry built in her chest and she threw back her head to release it.

“Angela!” Remy sat up on the bed, his body sheened with perspiration. So much for leaving at six. He

had to leave right now. She needed him.

Angela Martin-Johnson stared out through the metal bars. She gripped the ones on the door and jerked

with all her might, but they wouldn’t budge. She began pacing the length of the ten-by-ten square that had

been her prison for the last week.

Had it already been a week since the crazy man and his disgusting friend had abducted her?

A tear of frustration broke free and she longed to give into the despair filling her. She hadn’t seen the

net that had tangled her right before the sharp pain from a dart hit her hip. The world had spun wildly

before it had gone completely dark. When she’d opened her eyes, she’d been in this hellhole of a


“I can’t wait for the good professor to finish with you.” The gravelly voice she’d come to hate broke

through her thoughts. Hate clung to him like a cloak. “He finds you fascinating. Me? I’d prefer to see you

and all your kind dead.”

“What did I ever do to you?”

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He snorted. “Made my life hell. Hours of therapy. Nights filled with horror, flashbacks haunting my


“What the hell are you talking about? I don’t know you.”

“You’re all the same breed. Blood-lusting, flesh-ripping, unnatural creatures that need to be wiped


Denial—the first form of defense. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just as human as you


A whip she hadn’t seen struck out, came through the bars and sliced her arm.

“Don’t you dare say that. There’s nothing human about you, werewolf,” he spat in disgust.

She stared at the blood pooling. A growl rumbled low in her throat. “If I were a werewolf, do you

think rattling my cage would be such a wise decision? After all, aren’t werewolves supposed to have

superhuman strength?”

He tapped the base of the whip against the metal. “Titanium bars. Nothing can break loose from this

baby. But I do think you should try,” he chuckled mirthlessly. “I’m actually rooting for you to escape so I

can shoot you now rather than later.” He glanced down at his watch. “Time for me to say good night. I have

a nice dinner waiting for me.”

To her mortification her stomach grumbled.

He laughed once again. “How about some fish? Or better yet, a nice juicy steak?”

She forced away all thoughts of the gnawing hunger. “Go to hell.”

“Lived there all my life, bitch—hey, you really are a bitch in the truest sense of the word, aren’t you?”

She rattled the cage door once more. “You think we’re all filled with blood lust? I’ve got news for

you. I’ve never felt that way until now. When I get out of here I’m going to rip your throat out.”

“Be a good girl and I’ll bring you a bowl of kibble in the morning.” He spun on his heel, flipped off

the light switch and left the room.

She moved to the pallet in the back corner of the cage and lay down. If she continued to focus on the

situation the despair would meld into rage. When a Lycan lost it, it took quite a bit to get them back under


When she was just a young one she’d witnessed an elder go berserk. Jordan and several other pack

members held him down and had to chain him in dark solitude for days.

She couldn’t allow that to happen. No matter what she had to keep it together. If she went crackers

now it wouldn’t help her. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on happier times.

How long ago had she even felt a spark of joy? Fifteen years, that’s how long. Since the day Remy

had confessed his love for her.

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They lay in the shade of a triangle of oak trees. He rolled on his hip and traced her face with his index

finger. The love shining in his eyes matched that burning in her heart. She wanted to be his mate.

He wanted her too. “I’ve loved you for so long, Angela. I don’t want to wait any longer. I’m going to

ask Jordan tonight.”

Her heart rate increased three fold. When Jordan agreed Remy and she would join at the next full

moon and spend the rest of their lives loving, maybe having a few babies. Life would be perfect.

However, Jordan had refused. Rich Johnson had spoken for her when she was only twelve. No one

had told her. She had thought it was a terrible joke. If she had been promised then why had the family

allowed her relationship with Remy to begin much less continue?

For three years she and Remy had loved, laughed, hunted and gloried in each other.

Then the bombshell had rocked her world off-kilter. By the next full moon, Remy was gone and she

was joined with Rich.

She had to give Rich credit—he had loved her. He’d treated her with gentleness, caring, patience. In a

way she had come to love him just as Jordan had assured her she would.

But the love she felt for Rich was nowhere near the depth or intensity she had loved Remy.

If only she had left when Remy asked her to. Yes, they would’ve been disowned by the pack for the

disgrace, but at least they would have been together and she would have been happy. For one thing, she

wouldn’t be sitting in this damn cage dying to tear the throat out of two men.

“I wonder where you are now, Remy?”

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Chapter Two

Remy wiped the sleep from his eyes and pushed his beat-up old Chevy truck up the mountain pass.

Trepidation filled him. It had been fifteen years since he’d seen or even spoken to any of the family.

His mother had died when he was still just a kid and his father died right before Remy had left. With

his parents and Angela gone there had been nothing to come back for.

Angela. Was she all right? What had happened to her? Where was she? The questions whirled and

tumbled over one another. When it came to Angela he still felt like a young pup.

He had no doubt she was still beautiful. Time wouldn’t have made a difference. Angela was beautiful

in either her human form or that of the golden red wolf she transformed to.

Watching her race across the open green fields beneath the gleaming sun or listening to her sing

beneath a pale full moon, one couldn’t help but fall in love with her.

He turned down the red gravel road that ended in the center of Whaja Ridge. Most of the houses were

log and river stone with small porches and attached carports.

Whaja Ridge was a nice secluded town in the middle of the Ozark National Forest. The residence had

all the modern conveniences with the pleasure of being a town apart from the rest of the world. Their

closest neighboring town, Mountain View, was over forty minutes away.

He slowed the truck as he passed the first house—the one he grew up in. The truck crawled as

memories came rushing back.

He was a small boy who had skinned his knee and broken his arm falling from the massive ash tree in

the backyard. His mother had come racing from the house, scooped him up in her arms and carried him into

the house where she’d soothed his pain and set the break.

His father had admonished her for pampering and petting him but the relief that Remy wasn’t severely

injured was clearly written on his father’s face.

Remy sniffed at the images and chased them from his mind. He was here for one reason and one

reason only—to get Angela back safe and sound. That was it. Get her back in your life, whispered a tiny

voice in his mind.

He shoved that thought away as well. They weren’t meant to be. What they shared may have been

more than puppy love but it wasn’t enough to see them mated. If she had loved him as much as she claimed

she would have left with him that night.

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The light blazing on burned Angela’s eyes. She sat up alert, waiting for the scientist coming down the


He pushed his wire-rimmed glasses up his nose and pulled up a chair.

His beady brown eyes peered at her through the thick lenses. He grabbed a pen and small notebook

from the pocket protector on his shirt.

“I have a few questions,” he began.

“I have one of my own. When are you going to let me out this damn thing? Do you have any idea how

humiliating it is to be locked up like some animal? You’re going to be spending the rest of your miserable

life in a cell.” She modulated her voice and temper. “You’re breaking all kinds of laws. Kidnapping, false

imprisonment, assault, just to name a few.”

His grin was spine chilling. “No one is going to arrest me or press charges. You are, in point of fact,

not human. So what I’m doing is perfectly legal.”

“Maybe in your twisted little mind,” she screamed. “With all the damn tests you’ve done you know I

do have human DNA.” She shivered as she recalled the other examinations she had been forced to endure.

“And I’m built just as any other human woman, as you well know.”

“Yes, I found that rather interesting but not surprising.”

“I bet you found it interesting, you perv,” she snapped and paced to the back of the cage.

“My questions are about your reproduction. Are there alpha males and females? Are they, like the rest

of the lupine world, the only ones that breed?”

“None of your damn business.”

“Please, this is purely for research. Do you…copulate in human form? Is it normal? I mean—”

She lifted her hand. “You really are some kind of freaky. It’s none of your damn business how we

copulate. I’ll be happy to share one piece of vital information with you though.”

He took on a look of eager interest and leaned forward in his seat. “Yes?”

“I’ll be happy to tell you how I’m going to kill you when I get out of here.”

His laughter rang in her ears. “My dear, you won’t be getting out. Now, shall we continue?”

She couldn’t stop the rage that built within. She lunged at the bars. She knew it was useless but she

felt helpless. It wasn’t accomplishing anything to stand here hating him, imagining his death a million

times over. She needed to act.

He continued to chuckle. “It’s ridiculous for you to struggle. Can we please continue?”

“Go screw yourself.”

His eyebrow lifted sardonically. “You know what they say if I could…”

She glowered at him. “I hate you more with each passing second.”

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He stood and moved in front of the bars, to just out of reach. “I find you more intriguing,

more…desirable with every passing second. What would happen if one of your kind mated with a human?

Would it be possible to cross breed?” There was a gleam in his eye and the odor of lust permeated the air.

Angela began to shiver again. She wasn’t completely helpless if the bastard played fair. But, he won’t.

She had horrible premonitions of being darted with a tranquilizer and waking up to find herself restrained

on a cold examining table, the horrid little troll invading her body. “I’m going to kill you. No two ways

about it.”

“I think I’ll come back when you’re feeling friendlier.”

“Towards you? Not a snowball’s chance in hell.”

“Time changes things.” He turned and left the room.

She stared after his retreating form. How far from home was she? The pack wouldn’t even know

where to begin searching for her.

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Chapter Three

“Where was the last place you saw Angela?” Remy asked as he barged into Jordan’s office.

“Welcome home, Remy,” Jordan greeted with an outstretched hand.

Remy glared down at the extended hand and then back into Jordan’s eyes. “I asked you a question.”

Jordan shrugged slightly. “She was up just beyond Crimson Creek. Picking elderberries or


“Crimson Creek? That’s deep in pack territory. How long has she been missing?”

“A week.”

Remy did a double take and stared angrily at the pack leader. “A week? A week! You just now

decided to call me? Damn it, Jordan!” Remy paced away, slowed his breathing and struggled to get control

of his anger. “You think she was abducted?”

The memory of the dream flashed through his mind. Was she really locked in a cage somewhere?

Somehow he knew in his gut she was. He spun on his heel and headed for the door.

“Remy?” Jordan called after him. “Where are you going?”

“Crimson Creek.” Remy slammed the door behind him. It would take the rest of the day to hike up the

hill to the creek, but it was the best place to begin his search. He could easily make the climb in less time

than it took a human heart to beat, but he wanted to comb every inch of ground looking for any trace that

would lead him to her.

Remy crossed the main drag of town and entered the woods. The years had seen a few changes. Trees

had grown, as had the underbrush.

His dream came floating back, and for a split second he allowed himself to dare believe that it was

because of some mystical connection he could feel her.

It was ridiculous to think about. Only certain pairs developed the bond that allowed them to be linked

psychically. One pair in a million or some fantastic odds like that. Were he and Angela one of those mythic


He didn’t believe it. If he and Angela were bonded, why had he not felt her in all this time? “Because

you’re not, you asinine fool,” he muttered.

The sun was beginning to set as he crested the rise to the creek. Over the decade and a half since he’d

last been here the course had changed slightly. Once there had been a division of rocks in the center of the

creek. Now the water was one large body gently rippling on its way.

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The elderberries grew along the bank on the other side of the creek. He closed his eyes and inhaled

deeply. A week was a long time. Any scent trace of her would long be gone. He was wasting precious time

coming here. But where else could he have gone?

Please, please give me something, anything to go on, he begged silently.

The scent of trees, plants, birds and other wildlife filled his senses. Everything but the unique smell

that was Angela. Remy scrubbed a hand down his face. Where the hell was she?

Angela couldn’t cease her restless pacing. Her bleak outlook had become even darker. She would

probably die and rot in this stinking place.

Or, she thought bitterly, the great white hunter would shoot her as easily as netting fish in a barrel.

Angela stopped at the front of the cage.

She willed her nails to grow into claws and reached for the lock. She had tried to pick it before with

no success. She had to try again.

“Ah, ah, ah,” the hunter sanctioned as he walked into the room. “You won’t be able to get it open, but

it does my heart good to see you try. If you succeed…” He lifted his arms in the air like he was sighting

down a rifle barrel. “Shot while escaping. A dangerous animal running loose. I have to protect the


“You really are a bastard.”

“Not true. I’m just looking out for my kind, protecting them from the likes of you.”

A deep growl formed in the base of her throat and Angela longed to slip out and tear the man’s face

off. Would this nightmare never end?

The stink that was distinctly Dr. Dreadful filled her nostrils.

“Leave her alone, Radisson,” the other man ordered as he entered the room.

The hunter, Radisson—she finally had a name to put on the creep—frowned, shot her a murderous

glare then spun on his heel and left the room.

The scientist grinned and moved closer. “It’s time to really get to know you better.”

Cold dread filled the pit of her stomach. There was gleam in his eye and an odor of pheromones

emanating from the man that made her ill. She backed farther from him. It didn’t do much good. There

wasn’t anywhere to escape.

He lifted a silver tube. Too late it registered as a tranquilizer gun. The sharp stabbing pain ripped into

her thigh. Her leg went numb almost instantly. The dead sensation slowly traveled up her hip and into her


Soon Angela’s legs were gone, unable to support her weight. Her arms were growing limp and she

couldn’t keep her eyes focused. “You son of a bitch,” she slurred as the darkness gathered on the edge of

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her vision. She had to keep awake. She had to. If she could hang on, when he opened the door for God

knew what, then she could escape.

Even as the words were swirling in her mind the weight on her lids grew. Soon blackness swallowed

her whole.

The tangy odor of ammonia wafted into her nose and pierced her brain. She was alerted to the fact she

was cold…and naked. Angela pulled her arms but they wouldn’t cooperate.

She was on an examination bed. Her legs were bent at the knee and spread wide. Her feet bound in

cold metal stirrups. Her arms secured at her sides. A thin paper sheet barely covered her body. Dear Lord,

what were they going to do now?

Terror unlike she’d ever known shot through her. Her heart raced and tears pricked at her eyes. She

looked deep into the eyes of Dr. Demento and cringed.

Get hold of yourself and think, a small voice in her mind screamed. You’ll get out of this if you just

hold it together.

The skin of his palm was hot as he placed it on her knee. “I have to admit I’m very excited about this

research. I’m dying to know more about you and your kind.”

“You’ll be dying, for damn sure,” she growled.

He didn’t reply but turned to wheel over a white cart. “This might be a little uncomfortable.”

He adjusted his gloves and lubed a probe with some sort of gel.

Fear and disgust churned her stomach acids causing the desire to vomit to be nearly overpowering.

“Please don’t do this,” she choked out.

“Relax. It will be over before you know it.”

The moment he penetrated her with that thing her scream echoed off the walls of the cold exam room.

He pressed it deeper until she was sure it would emerge from her mouth at any second. Pain and pressure

built to the point she screamed again. She thrashed, trying to escape the invasion.

“If you don’t lie still I could seriously damage you,” he barked harshly. He turned to face the screen

on the machine as the tube he had inserted travelled along its course.

Tears trekked down her cheeks as she tried to force her body not to react. Something inside pinched

and the moans escaped her lips. It felt like he was in her for hours before he finally pulled the probing tube


He grinned, obviously pleased with himself. He took a warm, wet cloth and began to wash her up.

Just his light pressure was enough to make her whimper in pain. “You’ll feel better soon, I promise.”

He turned and dropped the cloth on the table. When he faced her again she spied the alcohol wipe in

his hand and the hypodermic on the tray. “Now what?” she asked wearily.

“Now you go back to rest.” He wiped her arm with the swab and then pinched a small amount of skin

before inserting the needle.

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This time Angela didn’t fight against the ensuing darkness. Maybe, if she were really lucky, this time

she wouldn’t wake up.

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Chapter Four

Remy stretched out on the bank above the creek. The elderberry bushes offered some covering from

any possible prying eyes.

He had to find Angela. But how?

He couldn’t scent trail her. But he could—

Her pain ripped into him almost taking his breath away. He closed his eyes and could see her huddled

in the darkness, doubled over in agony and crushed by fear and desolation.

As what she had endured played in his mind, he had to lean against a tree for support while the

contents of his stomach spilled onto the ground beneath him.

“Sons of bitches,” he roared as a red, killing haze blanketed his mind. He turned toward the direction

he felt her agony from and raced through the darkness.

His body tingled and his bones shortened. The size and shape of his skull began their transformation.

The skull elongated and shrank while his nose and mouth stretched into a muzzle. His hands curled as short

claws replaced the nails on his fingertips. His hands and feet became paws that pounded the ground.

Coarse, dark hair sprang from each pore of skin.

He pushed harder, his galloping pace eating up the miles that stretched between him and Angela. The

farther he traveled the more he could feel her reaching out for help. “I’m coming, baby.” He sent out the

mental message wondering if she even heard him.

His lungs burned and his legs felt like jelly, but still he pushed himself on. The scenery changed little

as he crossed deeper into the Missouri side of the Ozark Mountains.

The region known for its down-home hospitality was also sparsely populated in places. He wasn’t

familiar with the area in the least. The only thing he knew was Angela was close and he had to get to her.

When the strange compound came into sight he slammed to a stop and studied it. There were solid

stone walls looming a good seven, possibly ten feet in the air. The entire length was covered with three

rows of barbed wire. What is this place?

Angela’s fear sat over him like a blanket and weighed him down.

Remy? she whispered into his mind.

I’m here, Angela. I’m going to get you out of there.

I’m dreaming. It can’t really be you, can it? How?

I don’t have any idea. I don’t care. I’m coming. Just try to hold on a little longer. Can you do that?

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I can try. Remy, be careful. There’s a man, a nut job with a gun. If he sees you he’ll kill you.

Remy’s lips curled in a sneer revealing his long, sharp canines. He can try. With great reluctance,

Remy broke the mental contact with Angela. He remained in the tree line as he paced the grounds

surrounding the building that held her.

There was one gate at the north side of the wall. It too looked to be made of stone. There were

eyebeams that made contact from side-to-side that were most assuredly attached to some kind of alarm


He could try to jump the wall, but even for all his strength that might not be possible. The size of the

barrier meant that digging beneath would be out of the question. He couldn’t possibly dig down the twenty

feet minimum to breach the defense.

As he padded silently around the cursed place, he weighed and discarded option after option. There

was only one that kept echoing back as the best alternative: He’d have to let them take him.

He shook his black head and his fur rippled in the darkness. Time to go for it. How did he get them to

come out for him?

He sat back on his haunches, tossed back his head and released a howl filled with all the pain and

emotion he’d held in check all these years.

The plaintive wailing coming through the walls sent a chill down her spine. In his voice she heard the

longing he had for her. The pitch struck a chord deep in her heart. It took all her strength not to shift and

join the moonlit serenade.

Pain cracked in her heart as she pictured the life they should’ve had together. She could see the way

his eyes sparkled with mischief. She was often infected by his contagious laughter. It had all been so


“Remy,” she shouted, certain that he could hear her cry.

Angela closed her eyes to focus only on him. She knew in an instant what he planned. No! Get away

from here. Please, Remy. You don’t know what they’re capable of.

She didn’t have to be connected to hear the growl that vibrated his chest. Please, Remy. Please don’t

do this. If something happened to you— She couldn’t bear to continue the thought.

He closed his mind to her. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t break through again. The terror she

felt before was now compounded with the worry that Remy would be killed or captured by these insane


The smell of flowers cut through the room and Angela turned to find a stranger, a woman, walking in.

She had a stiff back and tight lips.

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She was afraid. Angela could smell it as strong as the honeysuckle and jasmine perfume the other

woman wore.

Should she posture or plead? Which would help her most? Angela released a heavy sigh and put

pleading in her eyes. “Please, please help me. You know this is crazy. You know this is wrong. Please, just

let me out of here.”

The woman studied her closely. “I can’t do that.”

“Yes, you can. I’m being held against my will. You know this is not only illegal, what they’re doing is


The woman’s face softened slightly before her eyes became distant once more. “He warned me you

were cunning. I’ve seen the DNA results. I know you’re not human…not completely.”

“But I am human. And what’s happening is—” Any other words were cut off as shouts filled the air

and echoed through the room.

They’d found Remy. Would they take him alive or would they… No, they couldn’t kill him. If

nothing else the psychotic scientist could boast having a breeding pair of Lycan, or werewolves as the

madman and his cronies called her. Visions of being caged as sideshow freaks filled her.

She was losing her mind. There was no doubt about it. Being closed indoors, refused sunlight but for a

tiny rectangle against the far wall. No fresh air. Stale food and water. Being forced to use a bucket for

personal business. Tepid water and a dingy wash cloth to bathe with. Only the toothbrush they gave her

seemed to be brand new, thank God for that.

She couldn’t even begin pacing. The little procedure performed earlier had caused spotting and slight

cramping. She was in enough discomfort to restrict movement.

She could only imagine what would happen to Remy. His humiliation would be as bad as hers. If they

let him live. She couldn’t decide whether to hope that it was the scientist or the hunter that found Remy.

The hunter would make his death quick and relatively painless. The scientist wouldn’t let him get off so


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Chapter Five

“Black wolf,” Radisson shouted as he trailed his sights to take a bead on the animal running through

the brush. The beast’s howling had made the hair on his neck stand on end.

It was another one of them. Coming to try to rescue what…his mate maybe?

He squeezed the trigger and fired a shot into the brush. The ground beside the wolf spit up dirt and

torn vegetation. “Damn.”

He took aim and once more fired the rifle.

“Stop,” Doctor Edmunds shouted and hit the barrel, sending the shot wild.

Radisson whirled and glared at the pasty-faced four eyes. “Look, you jack off. I let you keep that

damn female, but I refuse to let another one of those things breathe one minute longer.”

The clockwork of the doctor’s mind could be seen wheeling in his eyes. “If it’s a male though, just

think of what it would mean.”

“I have. It’s a nightmarish possibility.”

“We’re paying you well, Radisson. I want it alive if possible.”

Radisson’s wicked grin sliced lopsided across his face. “If possible.” He punched in the code and

opened the gate. It was foolish to attempt tracking the animal, but he could kill it and claim self-defense.

A twig snapped behind him and he whirled on his heel. The doctor stood there, a tranquilizing rifle

clutched in his hands. “You took the wrong gun,” he grumbled.

“Depends on whose side you’re on,” Radisson replied as he turned back checking the ground for wolf


Between the low-hanging branches of an elm, he spotted the quarry. He lifted his rifle but the doctor

nudged him. With a deep frown, Radisson grabbed the other weapon, aimed down the barrel of the silver

tranq gun and squeezed off the shot that sent the dart spiraling through the air.

The dart hit Remy in the hip and he loosed a pained yelp. He wouldn’t be able to shift now. Crap, was

he ever in a bind. His plan to be captured was working just a little too well, he decided miserably before he

passed out from the drug.


He blinked several times and finally opened his groggy eyes. The cage he was in had a plywood

bottom set over metal bars. He pushed into a standing position and scanned the room. Angela stood across

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the room from him, locked in the cage he’d seen in his dream. Her face was streaked with tears and lined

with worry.

I’m all right, sweetheart. I promise.

Why did you do it? Have you lost your mind?

I had to get to you.

She didn’t reply and he tensed. A squat man with wire-framed glasses, a piggish nose and matted

brown hair stepped up to the cage.

“Well, well. Hello boy. Decided to finally wake up?”

Remy felt all the hair on his body rise. He growled deep then pulled back his lips to bare his fangs.

The man merely laughed. He turned and moved toward Angela.

The fear radiating from her was a tangible thing. He could see it in a halo around her body. The

yellow-green haze clung to her tightly.

Remy growled and snapped at the cage door. Memories flashed through her mind and he watched as

she relived the horror of the man touching her, invading her body.

Rage surged fresh and Remy’s desire for blood grew equal to his hate.

The man paced between the two cages. His face was masked with thought. “The fertilization worked,”

he said with a smile spreading across his face. He moved closer to Angela. “The cells are dividing and

splitting normally, although they seem to be reproducing more quickly than normal. Of course, considering

what a magnificent creature the mother is, I shouldn’t be surprised.” He moved closer. “Which would you

prefer, male or female?”

Remy stared at the man but he was focusing on Angela.

“You seem shocked. You aren’t aware of this? See, when the embryo is only three days developed we

can do a cell retrieval that will reveal if it contains male or female chromosomes. So, would you prefer a

male or female…what, child? Pup?”

He paced away again. “Implantation—”

Remy read the moment her mood changed from fear to rage. She was swallowed in a red-tinged black

mist. Her hands clenched into tight fists and there was death in her eyes.

“It will never happen,” she snarled.

The man chuckled briefly. “When are you going to learn? Things happen the way I say they will.” He

seemed to hesitate. “Tomorrow. Yes, I think tomorrow, if things continue to develop as they are now.” He

threw back his head and boomed a laugh. “Develop. Get it?”

I’m going to kill the crazy bastard.

Angela turned and glared at him. I don’t think so. I get that pleasure.

The man was studying them closely. “Interesting.” He scraped his hand along his chin repeatedly.

“Are you communicating with him?”

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Angela refused to answer.

“I can always find out. Of course, like testing for hydrophobia, he would have to die. I don’t think you

want that, do you?”

Angela was torn. She couldn’t tell the truth, yet if she lied would Dr. Demented know? Could she take

the chance?

“I can always find out.” He turned and walked away.

“Wait,” she shouted after his retreating figure.

He came back to her. “Yes?”

She shook her head. “No. No. There is no communication.”

“Really? Then why were you staring at each other so intently?”

“If we could communicate telepathically do you think we would need to stare at each other? Please. If

I could communicate with anyone, do you think I’d still be here? Not a chance, buddy boy. You and your

friends would be strewn about the grounds for carrion to feed on—although I have serious doubts that even

the buzzards would have you.”

She forced away outward signs of her relief when he seemed to believe her.

“Tomorrow we’ll learn how many male and how many female embryos… I wonder…” His thought

trailed off as he left the room.

Angela collapsed on the pad that served as her bed and buried her face in her hands. She wouldn’t let

Frankenstein use her to create some monster. And if he was the sperm donor, monster was exactly what it

would be.


She pushed Remy away.

Angela, please look at me.

She couldn’t bear to see him. Locked in a cage, trapped in a place where he couldn’t even pace. He

was here because of her.


She finally turned to look into his eyes. Dark obsidian depths filled with tenderness and…love?

We’re getting out of here. I swear we are. Would I have allowed them to catch me if I didn’t have a


She nodded slightly and was certain he smiled back at her just before the door opened and two more

men she’d never seen before entered the room.

“Where are we taking it?”

“Edmunds says to take it into the operating room.”

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As they attached a pulley to Remy’s cage a rock formed in the pit of her stomach. Angela raced to her

cage door. “Why? What’s happening?”

The men both watched her warily. “Not our business.” They turned and dragged Remy, cage and all

from the room.

The doctor’s words haunted her. He would kill Remy and then cut him open to study him.

Pain rocketed through her. Tears formed and she gave into them. It was no use to try to be strong

anymore. Tomorrow she’d manage to break loose and let that damn hunter kill her. Anything was better

than this. I’m so sorry, Remy. I wish to God you’d never come for me.

His silence was like a knife cutting out the remaining piece of her heart.

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Chapter Six

Remy couldn’t evade the dart the men stabbed into his hip. In the damn cage he couldn’t do much but

lie down and stand up. Before the sedative kicked in, he heard Angela cry out for him, but the drug hazed

his mind and killed any reply.

This time when he awoke, he was still in the cage but a needle attached to a tube was draining blood

from his right front leg. His head stung and his body felt as if it weighed a ton.

The doctor was studying images captured from CT scans, MRIs and X-rays. The canid shape was

impossible to confuse for anyone else. Remy was certain they were all images taken from him. There

wasn’t a single trace of another wolf in the compound.

“Look who’s awake. I was beginning to worry we used too much. You’ve been out for over twenty-

four hours.”

An entire day lost? Angela was sure to think he was dead. He searched for her mind but couldn’t get

her to reply to his mental calls.

He glanced up to a glass wall pane and watched Angela’s unconscious form being wheeled into the

adjoining room.

The doctor exited through the side door and entered the room with her.

The doctor and three other people, two women and another man, gathered around Angela. The doctor

bent over Angela and Remy closed his eyes. Remy dreaded what he thought was coming, but was

completely helpless to stop it.

His body went into tremors that rocked the cage. Drool escaped the sides of his mouth and his paws

beat rhythmically against the bars.

A tech came racing in. “He’s going into convulsions!” The man glanced toward the glass but the

doctor was too busy to be distracted.

As Remy’s body slipped from control into spasms, the tech unlocked the cage and reached in for


Remy sprung into action. He lunged for the man’s face, knocking him back into a table. The man’s

head connected with the corner and he went limp.

His heart was still beating. For that Remy was only slightly grateful. He shifted form. His senses in

his human shape weren’t quite as strong, but it was easier to hide among the humans on two legs than

trying to sniff about on four.

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As soon as the transformation was complete, Remy slipped into the hall and disappeared into a closet.

He grabbed a pair of scrubs from the shelves, pulled them on and then moved back toward the room that

held Angela.

The doctor had made three incisions into her abdomen. Now he was in the process of closing up the

small holes he’d made. The chance of introducing any contaminants to the sterile room would pose more

risk to Angela. He had no choice but to wait.

The doctor gave several orders and walked out of the room. Remy followed him down the hall and

into an office. Remy watched through the closing door as the doctor’s attention was focused in the other


The low-pile carpet muffled Remy’s steps as he snuck up behind the other man. He placed his hand

over the man’s mouth and squeezed. “I really hate to refuse Angela this pleasure.” With one hand on the

doctor’s chin and the other on his shoulder, Remy jerked.

The man’s neck made a barely perceptible snap as it popped. Remy searched through his pockets and

came up with the keys to what he hoped were Angela’s cage and the front gate.

Angela would be in no shape to run. He knew that without a single doubt. But this was their only shot

and he intended to take it.

He propped the doctor up in the chair giving the appearance of being engrossed in his papers. Remy

padded softly to the door, cracked it open then glanced up and down the hallway before slipping out. He

followed the scent trail that led him to Angela’s side.

She was still out cold and bound to a hospital bed. There was a woman just across the hall. Remy

assumed she was a nurse. He glanced back at Angela. She was beginning to stir. If he didn’t get to her and

keep her quiet they may lose their chance.

Caution filled the silent steps he took to her side. He placed a hand on her mouth. Angela, please,

baby, don’t make a sound. We’re getting out of here.

Her eyes flashed open. The aqua depths were filled with pain and exhaustion. Remy, it hurts.

He nodded. I know, but we have to move now.

I’ll try.

He unbuckled the leather restraints that held her on the bed. Her wrists were pink and chaffed, as were

her ankles. If the man wasn’t already dead—

You killed him?

Remy looked down at her and once more nodded silently.

I wanted to.

He didn’t reply, but turned his attention to lifting her from the cot. Can you stand?

He put her on her feet and her legs wavered. Pain lined her suddenly pale face. Tears filled her eyes.

You have to get away. Leave me.

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Not a snowball’s chance in hell. He had been afraid she wouldn’t be strong enough. After just coming

around from anesthetic he was surprised she could string three coherent words together much less stand.

He could carry her, but he wasn’t sure if that was such a great idea. Of course, her trying to run with

stitches in her stomach wasn’t the brightest of thoughts either.

We can’t just stand here, she prodded.

He glanced at her uncertainly but felt a surge of pride when she forced herself upright and took three

tentative steps towards the door.

It would be slow going, but they could pull it off. They had to.

He moved to her side and kept his senses on full alert while they hurried to get outside. The darkness

filling the compound would work to their advantage. The moon wasn’t full. Thank God for small favors.

The scent of gunpowder and sweat overloaded his sense of smell. He grabbed Angela, pulled her

against the wall and then pressed their bodies close.

Her tears of pain burned his hand as they dripped, and he mentally chastised himself for causing her

more pain.

It’s all right, Remy.

Once they were out of this mess, he would keep her by his side forever. The scent of human dissipated

and Remy listened for the retreating footsteps.

When the coast was clear he took Angela’s hand and led her through the dark to the front gate. With

any luck he’d have it open and them out in seconds.

The seconds turned into minutes as he struggled with the keys. Adrenaline raced through his veins and

urgency made his palms sweat.

Finally, he found the right key and slid it into place. The lock tumblers jived and the massive barrier

opened. As they hurried through the beam it triggered an alarm that ripped through the night. Bright

floodlights flashed, illuminating the compound grounds like the noonday sun.

“Damn,” he bit out.

Angela’s face drained of blood. Pain etched deep furrows into the normally smooth skin. He scooped

her up into his arms and raced through the night into the woods.

Voices shouted from the compound and pushed him deeper into the wilderness. It would be slow

moving from here on out but at least they were on the outside. They stood a much better chance of getting

away out here than they had locked in the high walls of that prison.

“Which way did they go?”

He recognized the voice of the man who’d shot him that first night.

The hunter. I think that psycho called him Radisson.

Remy didn’t give a damn what the man’s name was. All he cared about was keeping Angela out of his

line of fire. He felt her shudder and tense at the pain he had no doubt was ripping through her.

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She needed to rest, but they couldn’t afford to stop. Not just yet. Not until they were deeper, farther


I can keep going.

Pride once again pricked him at the courage of his woman. He allowed a smile as they raced on

through the darkness. He hoped to have them miles from the complex by dawn.

“Over there.” A man shouted up the alert.

Remy tensed, scooped Angela into his arms again and held her close as he pushed himself faster. A

shot cracked the stillness and Remy heard the bullet bury into a tree just beside them.

If Angela’s head hadn’t been tucked against his chest… He pushed the morbid thought aside. He

couldn’t worry about what might happen.

Angela was amazed at Remy’s strength. He was able to move so fast and still hold her close. His

power overwhelmed her. They were going to survive. Thanks to Remy, she would see the light of day alive

and kicking.

Pain shot up her abdomen and she grunted against it. Alive anyway. Still, he had to be tiring. He

couldn’t continue to carry both their weight. “Remy, you have to rest. You can’t keep up this pace.”

He ignored her. His steps didn’t falter. They moved at a remarkable pace through the trees.

Angela sniffed, testing the air for their pursuers. Not a trace. “Remy. It’s okay to stop. They’re not

back there.”

That got him to slow down. He seemed to search for any scent of danger. Relief was clearly written in

his eyes when he didn’t detect any. He stopped and laid her gently on the ground. “How are you doing?”

She forced a smile. “I’m all right.”

“You were always a lousy liar, Angela.”

She sucked a breath when a fresh wave of pain hit her. “There’s nothing we can do about it now, is


He tapped the tip of her nose and it brought back memories of happier times. She had hated to have

people touch her nose. From the time she was very small, any time someone would, a tickle sparked and

she spent the next ten minutes rubbing the feeling away.

Now she lifted a hand and repeated that age-old action, causing Remy to chuckle. The absurdity of

finding humor in this nightmare was contagious.

Together in the night they managed to find the time to share a laugh. She leaned into his strong chest

and inhaled deeply of the woods and the musk and male that were uniquely Remy. “I’ve missed you. You

have no idea how much.”

“I bet I do.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss into the top of her head.

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The warmth of love cocooned her and she relaxed for the first time in over a week. All the rest fell

away like a bad dream she had finally awoken from.

A twig snapped and Remy went stiff.

The air was thick with the odor of the hunter and his posse.

She and Remy had only just found each other again. How unfair it would be if they were ripped apart.

Stay here and be quiet. I’ll be back.

Where are you going?

To lead them off. I’ll circle back and pick you up.


Damn it, Angela. Just sit still and be quiet!

He crept away into the undergrowth and was swallowed up by the night. A good distance in the other

direction he released a small yip that prodded the hunting party to follow, leaving her behind.

All but two men moved off.

She shrank back deeper into the bush and forced her breathing to slow.

“Radisson wants to kill them both.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So…Dr. Edmunds isn’t the only one who would pay for a werewolf. I bet we could sell them to

someone else.”

“Double-cross Radisson?” the second man asked skeptically.

“Not double-cross. Just not cut in.”

The men were silent for several minutes. Finally there was some movement as they apparently shook

hands in agreement. “If we capture the woman the male will come after her again.”

“Then all we have to do is find her. If Edmunds could, so can we.”

“Wait a minute, Charlie. Edmunds said there was an entire pack. If two are worth so much can you

imagine how much the whole pack would bring in?”

“Yeah, but how the hell we gonna trap a whole pack?”

The men moved off still talking.

Chills raced through her. They couldn’t be allowed to threaten the pack. She slowly followed the trail

they left behind like a blazing map.

As she progressed, she allowed the shift to take place. She dropped to hands and knees. Before

touching the ground her body had shortened to that of the canine form. Her paws made no sound as she

picked through the forest.

The heat their bodies gave off left residual reds and oranges as they pushed through, touched trees and

grabbed leaves. She kept up, quietly watching for the chance to pick off one without alerting the other.

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They paused and separated. One disappeared and the sound of urination told her he’d be distracted for

a time. She focused her attention on the one standing watch.

Stealthily, she moved to his front and threw herself at him. Her strong jaws clamped on his windpipe.

The rifle dropped uselessly to the ground. His struggle was short-lived as his breath was cut off and his

windpipe was crushed.

She grabbed his shirt collar and tugged, pulling him into the brush to hide the body. After it was well

covered she wiped the blood from her muzzle onto the nearest bush.

She had never killed before and it wasn’t a pleasant sensation that rocked into her. She had done it for

the protection of her family, but that didn’t take away the guilt gnawing at her.

Guilt wasn’t the only thing, she suddenly realized. There was blood coming from her abdomen. The

incisions were open and bleeding. Damn.

She didn’t have a chance to think about cleaning the wounds. The other man was coming back, calling

his friend in a whispered voice.

He stepped near. Could she take another life or should she give him a chance to get away? Did he

know where the village was? Could she risk it?

She made a lunge but he wasn’t as easy to surprise as his friend. A fist caught her in the lungs and

knocked her down. It was near to impossible for her to catch a breath.

The rifle butt slammed into her skull and sent the world spinning off course. She yelped with the pain

and tried to drag her weak body from him.

He swung the rifle through the air and it once again connected with her head.

Black swirled and pulled at her.

“Angela,” Remy cried through the dark dragging at her.

From the edge of her vision she could see two men struggling, but they quickly doubled then tripled

before they blurred and went completely out of sight.

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Chapter Seven

Remy gently stroked her ear. Her fur was as soft and silky as he remembered. Out of the entire pack,

Angela was far and away the most beautiful she-wolf. None of the others had her copper-blond color. No

other had her aqua eyes. She was proud to proclaim an ancient Irish Celtic pack as her ancestors.

She stirred beneath his hand. He waited for her eyes to open before pulling off his shirt and holding it.

After the transformation her long, slender fingers glided along his as she accepted the little covering

he had to offer. She slipped it on. It barely fell to just mid-thigh of her long legs.

He looked into her aqua eyes and saw pain there. Pain from the physical abuse, but there was other

pain there too.

“I killed a man.” Misery laced her words.

He understood. Killing wasn’t easy. Though the twinge of guilt he felt when he snuffed the life from

that miserable bastard back at the lab had been miniscule, it had been there.

“You did what you had to.” He reached out for her.

She slid into his arms, fitting there as if she’d been created just for him. “Ow,” she whined slightly

and pulled away.

He ran his fingers across her face, anger building at the bruises forming there. “I let him die too


She shook her head then pressed her fingers to her temples. “No. It’s…” She placed her hand against

her abdomen.

The incisions flashed through his mind. He lightly pushed her back and raised her shirt to examine the

cuts. They were pulled open and blood seeped from them.

They needed to be cleaned and redressed. He had nothing to use for dressing but he had come across a

small stream about fifteen yards to their south. “You think you can move?”

“I think so.”

He stood, helped her to her feet then led her to the creek. Once they reached the water, he tore the

bottom from his pants, dipped the material into the water and used it to wash the wounds.

Each time his touch connected with her she winced at the contact. Her pain passed through his hands

and entered his body. How had she been able to stand much less run and fight in her condition?

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There was a worry nagging deeply at her as well. As her hand touched his and they came to rest on

her stomach, he read the other concern in her eyes. What if that procedure had taken root and she now

carried the offspring of the unwanted union.

He reached up and brushed the hair from her eyes. “That’s a worry for another time.”


He pressed his finger to her lips. “We’ll face anything that might happen together. Right now we need

to get you home.”

“Home.” She sighed with such longing.

He enfolded her close. “We’ll be there soon. I swear we will.”

She relaxed into his embrace. “I believe you.”

Her faith and confidence spurred his lagging spirits. “We can’t stay here too much longer. We’ve got

to move.”

She brushed at the tears he hadn’t realized she was crying. “I’m ready.”

He pushed up then helped her to her feet. “Just lean against me.”

She supported herself against his side. Remy’s strength bolstered her as they walked along the creek

for half a mile. Finally, they found a place where the bank didn’t have an incline then they headed back for

the protection of the trees.

They pressed on, moving through the cover of night until Angela was sure she’d collapse. Her body

was reeling from the punishing pace.

Surely they had to be away from the hunting party by now. Remy had led the hunting party in the

wrong direction, hadn’t he? They could stop soon, couldn’t they? The sky was beginning to lighten. The

sun would be up soon.


He slowed but didn’t stop. “I know you’re tired, Angela. But we need to move as long as we can.”

“I have.” She hated the whining tone to her voice. He had risked everything for her, but she couldn’t

keep up the pace he was pushing them at.

He stopped and looked down at her. “I’m sorry. I should’ve realized.” He glanced around them. “We

need to find cover.”

There weren’t many options. Maybe they’d be lucky enough to come across an overturned tree or a

deep hole they could use for protection.

They wouldn’t need as much room if they shifted but she wasn’t sure she could right at this point in

time. She was so tired and hurt so badly. Despite the ease of the transformation, it took quite a lot of energy

to make the change.

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Remy took her hand and pointed toward a rise about one hundred yards away. “There’s an opening in

the ridge. They won’t be able to see it unless they’re right on top of it. We could use that to rest for the day.

Can you make it?”

She judged the distance, studied the terrain then looked back at him and nodded.

“Good. Let’s go.”

She followed the path he picked, and though it felt as if it took them a decade they finally topped the

ridge and entered the small cave nature had cut into the stone.

The odor of bear mingled with scent of pine, oak, hickory and the fragrance of berries and greens. She

glanced around, judging the bedding was more than a week old. The bear had obviously found another

place to rest his head.

“I’ll be back.”

Her heart rate kicked up a dozen additional beats per second. Her palms sweated and she shivered

against the chill creeping along her spine. “Where are you going?”

He knelt beside her. “To find something to eat. We can’t keep moving on an empty stomach.” He

kissed her gently.

“Please come back safe.”

“Of course I will.” His tone was teasing.

“I’m serious. They’re still out there.”

His head cocked slightly and he lifted a brow sardonically. “But they’re only human.” He kissed her

once more and then stood.

She watched him leave the cave. Despite her jangled nerves the exhaustion swept over and she had to

lie down. Her lids became heavy and sleep stole away her desire to remain alert.

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Chapter Eight

Remy gazed at the loaded plum tree and grinned. He tore the other leg off his pants, knotted one end

then picked several plums and stuffed them into the impromptu sack. It wasn’t much but it was better than

nothing. He could set a snare for a rabbit or two but they couldn’t risk a fire to cook over.

He paused and searched the air for the scent of humans. Pleased there wasn’t any trace, he picked his

way along the ridge back to the cave.

Angela was sound asleep when he returned. She should be alert but he understood. With the

punishment she’d endured, her strength and fortitude amazed him.

He carried the plums over, selected one for himself then put the rest down on the ground beside her.

He then moved back to the entrance and sat to keep watch.

He leaned back his head and closed his eyes. The love he had for her was as strong today as it had

ever been. So what if they had been apart for fifteen long years.

She loved him. He knew she did. Still, he couldn’t expect them to just pick up like nothing had


Angela’s whimpering jerked him to his feet.

She was gripped in some nightmare. Her body was tense. Sweat and tears sheeted her face. She

shivered uncontrollably. He hurried to her side. Her skin was flushed pink, and even before he touched her

he could read the rise in her body temperature.

Damn. She had developed an infection. The damn human she killed probably contributed to the

developing contamination. He knew human DNA wasn’t very different from Lycan DNA but it was

enough that if there were blood-to-blood contact it could be serious.

He needed to find fresh water to clean her wounds. Then if he could pack them with a bit of moss and

milkweed it would help protect her from developing any further complications. At least that would stave

off the worst until he could get her home to see their healer.

He couldn’t leave her. If she woke up and he wasn’t back she would surely panic. But if he didn’t

go… He didn’t allow the debate to continue.

The nearest water source he could sense was the creek they’d tracked across in the night. It was

dangerous to move her so far from shelter but he didn’t have a canteen or anything else to carry water in.

He glanced down at the pants he’d already ripped to shreds. They’d be useless. The only option was

to carry her to the water. Not a good idea for several reasons. Not only would they be doubling back, but

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the daylight would make them easier to spot. Not to mention the fact he’d be carrying her closer to the


He strained to detect their odors but there wasn’t a sign of them. He wasn’t fool enough to think they

would give up, especially not the one called Radisson. His reason for the hunt was hatred. The stench of

vengeance coming from him was overpoweringly nauseating.

He turned back to Angela. If her temperature rose too high it could cook her from the inside out. If he

didn’t get the infection cleaned out she could go septic and die.

Watch her die or take the risk?

He turned and went to pick her up. The heat from her had intensified. He judged her body to feel at

least four, maybe five degrees higher than normal, about one hundred and three.

He carried her back down the ridge to the creek and climbed into the cold water with her. He sat, held

her on his lap and lifted the hem of the shirt to allow the water to gently wash out the wounds.

He couldn’t believe his luck when he spied the little white flowers of the feverwort growing just

across the creek from them. He carefully propped Angela just out of the water then picked a handful of

green leaves. Native Americans had boiled the leaves and drunk the infusion to combat fevers, chest colds

and flu.

Lycans could chew or even suck on the greenery to reap the benefits offered by the plant. He scanned

the surrounding area for goldenseal. He could chew the shoots and leaves into a mash and put it on the

wounds for an antibiotic.

He gathered the plants he needed and carried them back to Angela. “Baby? Come on, baby. I need

you to open your eyes.”

She barely stirred.

“You need to wake up now. I’ve got something that will help but only if you wake up.”

Her eyelashes fluttered on her bruised cheeks and finally the lids opened. Her eyes were darker than

usual and glazed with fever and pain. “Hello.”

He grinned. “Hi. Listen, I have some feverwort. I want you to chew the leaves. It will help.”

She opened her mouth and he slipped the leaves in. As she chewed them, he worked on the poultice.

He spit the mash out into his hand, rinsed it in the fresh water and pressed it into the red-tinted cuts. He

gathered moss and placed it on top of the concoction then pulled her shirt down over it.

He scooped a handful of water and helped her get a drink before taking her into his arms again. “How

you feeling?”


“Yeah. I bet you are.”


He gazed down at her. “Yeah?”

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“Why? Why did you do it?”

“Because you needed it.”

“No. Why did you come for me?”

He just stared at her. She didn’t know? How could she not? She could read his mind, see his emotions

as easily as he could see hers, couldn’t she? “What do you mean why? Why do you think?”

She had seen the halo of magenta around him when he looked at her. She could read the tenderness in

his eyes but were they actually there? She had rejected him, turned him away, and it had ripped the heart

from his chest. She remembered the pain in his eyes the night she sent him on his way without her.

Even if he did still love her, love didn’t mean forgiveness. Would he ever forgive her for refusing


“Rest now,” he soothed as he lifted her onto his lap and held her close.

His body went tense the instant she picked up the stench of the hunter in the air. Remy jumped up,

still clutching her to his chest, and raced across the ground in search of a hiding place.

“Over there,” Radisson shouted as he broke into a run after them.

Looking over Remy’s shoulder, Angela watched as the hated man knelt, sighted along the rifle and

squeezed the trigger. Fate once again intervened on their behalf as the shot went high and wide.

They couldn’t go back to the cave. They’d be trapped. Where were they going to go? “Remy, leave

me,” she shouted.

He ignored her.

“Damn it, Remy, you can’t make it like this.”

“If you don’t shut it, woman,” Remy growled and picked up the wild pace.

His long-legged strides were eating up the ground, putting the hunters even farther behind. How soon

would they be back in pack territory?

She had no idea where she’d been kept all this time. The landscape was much the same as that of

home, and she couldn’t detect any clues.

Pain engulfed her once more and a scream built, but she had to hold it in. Remy didn’t need any

additional stress and listening to her whine about her pain would definitely cause that addition. Her body

felt as if it were on fire and bile churned in her empty stomach.

What good did it do for him to keep risking his life for her? She was sick, very sick, and if she didn’t

see Oldatha soon she wouldn’t make it.

Something was wrong. She shouldn’t have developed such a raging fever so quickly. A she-wolf in

her prime, there was no cause for infection to set in.

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Yes, she had to admit that she’d never been operated on before, but even at that her body should’ve

already gone into healing phase. Instead she was growing weaker.

The thought of the procedure brought to mind the hoped for results. Well, the results the lunatic hoped

for. In humans the type of procedure she received was successful seventy or eighty percent of the time.

Of course, a Lycan-human hybrid had never happened before—not that she’d ever heard of before

anyway. She knew that blood-to-blood was harmful because of the seventeen grams of ammonia human

blood contained as opposed to the five grams Lycans had.

She couldn’t be pregnant. She couldn’t be. Please, please, please, don’t let me be.


She turned her focus to Remy.

“Try not to worry about it right this minute, okay?”


He groaned, slowed his pace and then found a secluded spot where he could put her down. “I didn’t

mean to sound like an ass.”

“You didn’t.”

She was suddenly freezing again. She shivered uncontrollably and her teeth began to chatter.

“I’m…so…cold.” It was becoming harder to focus on the world around her and thoughts weren’t forming.

“I…really don’t feel well,” she whispered into his neck before she blacked out.

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Chapter Nine

Remy barely caught her before she hit the ground. They were still two freaking days from pack

territory. Hell, at the pace they were moving two days was pushing it. Angela was growing weaker by the

hour. Her temperature had spiked again. He’d never been this scared before.

He had no idea how to help her now. “Please, help me.”

The memory of an elder saying “the Lord helps them what help themselves” echoed in his mind.

He lifted her close and continued on the trek. She was right about one thing; he wouldn’t be able to

keep up this pace. She wouldn’t survive without a healer’s care and he wasn’t strong enough to go much


He moved down the ravine and the trees seemed to close in around them. The sunlight strained to

penetrate the leaves above his head.

He sniffed the air, praying the stink of human wouldn’t be there. He went into alert mode when he

detected an odd odor. It wasn’t human but it wasn’t Lycan. He tried to identify it but he couldn’t.

The origin of the scent stepped out from the trees ahead of him. The man stood well over six feet, his

shoulder-length silver hair was braided on each side of his head. His skin was tanned like old leather and

lined with deep wrinkles.

“You need help, my son,” the old man said kindly. “I have a shack. You come with me.”

Remy watched as the man turned and headed deeper into the trees. He was buffeted with doubts but

there was a voice inside that urged him to accept the stranger’s help.

They walked until the trees became so thick that Remy swore it was impassible. As the old man

stepped close, Remy could swear the trees lifted their branches for him.

Remy followed, afraid to allow the man out of sight. Soon the trees opened into a small clearing. In

the center stood an ancient log cabin that appeared only big enough to qualify as one room.

The man opened the door and motioned him to enter.

Remy did as he bid and carried Angela over to the bed pushed against the south wall. “I don’t know

what to do,” he whispered.

“Rest,” the old man ordered gently.

“I need to get her home, to our…doctor.”

The old man smiled. “Your healer learned all her skills from my ancestors. I think I can help this

young one. You rest.”

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Remy tried once more to ascertain what exactly he was dealing with.

“I told you to rest. They can’t follow you here.”

Remy went rigid. “They?”

“The hunters. Most have turned back. All but one. Hate burns strong in his heart.”

“How did you know?”

“The forest tells me much.”

“What are you?”

The man chuckled slightly. “A friend.”

“You’re not human.”

“Neither are you, nere-fullv.”

The odd word struck a familiar chord. If he remembered his language lessons correctly, it was archaic

Creek Indian for wolf. “You know what we are?”

“We are all brothers, shape shifter. Now rest. You’re safe here. I’ll take care of her.”

He was more tired than he cared to admit, ready to drop to be honest. After another minute of

hesitation he sat in a chair, leaned back into the wall and closed his eyes. All his senses told him to trust

this man and he intended to follow them. They’d not betrayed him in all of his thirty-three years and he

doubted they would start now.

She thrashed, moaned then cried out and Remy bolted from the chair.

“A nightmare,” the man answered his unasked question. “Go to her.”


“Walk in her dreams.”

Remy couldn’t help but look at the man like he was crazy. “Walk in her dreams?”

“You can speak to each other in your minds, why is it so hard to believe you can share her dream?”

Remy studied the old man closely. “What makes you think we can talk in our minds?”

The man smiled sagely. “Close your eyes. Concentrate on her. See yourself taking her to a safe, happy

place,” he ordered, ignoring Remy’s query.

Remy climbed into the bed, took Angela into his arms and closed his eyes. He searched, calling for

her. When he stumbled into the swirling mists of gray and black, he could sense her fear. The space cleared

and he found her huddled in the corner of a black room, the memory of the horrors she’d endured dancing

around her, taunting her.

“Angela.” He reached out his arms.

With a cry, she flung herself into his embrace and crushed into him. “Make it stop. Please, please

make it stop.”

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“Hush now, baby. It’s all over.” He led her into a sun-drenched glen. The green grass was springy

and soft beneath their bare feet. A small brook trickled in the distance. Flowers filled the air with sweet,

soothing fragrances.

He wrapped her closer until they were nearly in one body. “It’s all behind us now. All over.”


He nodded. “You think I’m ever going to let you go again?”

She collapsed into a fit of tears. “Can you ever forgive me? I should never have let you leave me.”

“We were kids, Ange.”

Ange. He hadn’t called her Ange in so long. In her dreams he forgave her. In her dreams he loved her

still and never wanted to let her go.

“I do love you, Ange.” His grip tightened. “Why? Why didn’t you come with me?”

The pain in his voice, the look in his eyes nearly ripped her apart. “Why? Remy I—”

“Never mind.” He sighed deeply. “We can talk about it later. We will talk about it later.”

He pulled away from her and she blinked several times while looking around the room. “Where?”

“Safe,” he said and grinned across the room.

Angela looked up at the strange man standing there watching them. “And who—”

“A friend,” Remy replied.

“That clears everything up.”

“About as clear as a mud slide, right?” Remy chuckled. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. Tired, sore and beat up, but better.”

“We can hold up here for a little while so you can rest and get stronger.”

“What about Radisson?”

“I’ll worry about him.”

Angela glanced at the strange man still watching them. “What about him?” She made no pretense and

sniffed the air.

“He’s a friend,” Remy repeated.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” Remy cradled her close, blanketing her body with his.

She had forgotten how perfectly they fit together, but the memory was rushing back. She snuggled

into him deeper, absorbing his body heat and his strength. She could spend forever in these arms.

You will. Remy kissed her head. You will.


Angela turned to their unnamed host, her face flaming with embarrassment. “I’m sorry…I…”

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He waved off her apology. “I was young and in love once many a moon ago. What I was going to

suggest is you rest. You still have a journey ahead of you.”

Remy’s embrace tightened and she curled her head to pillow it on his shoulder.

She lay awake in awareness of the virile male beside her. Her savior, her protector and with any luck

her lover and mate.

Remy’s body relaxed and his breathing evened out. Poor man was completely exhausted from taking

care of her. She was surprised he had been able to make it this far while carrying her.

A tin cup was suddenly pushed in her face. “Drink this. It will help make you feel better.”

She carefully extricated herself from Remy’s embrace and sat up. She took the cup from the man,

sniffed it and eyed him warily.

The scent of wild black cherry, honeysuckle and feverwort. The fragrance was soothing, comforting

and she dismissed her hesitation. If Remy felt safe and secure enough to sleep here then it was safe.

She lifted the cup and took a tentative sip. It had a delicate floral and honey taste. There was just a

microsecond of tart at the back of her tongue, but almost as soon as she identified it as the feverwort, it was


The soothing concoction began weaving its spell. The pain that had been a constant companion was

eased away. Her chills were gone and she knew without a doubt her temperature had come down. She

relaxed back into the protective cocoon of Remy’s arms. She allowed her lids to slide closed and soon she

was enjoying a restful sleep.

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Chapter Ten

The smell of roasting rabbit tantalized his senses and Remy slowly pulled awake. The old man knelt

near the fire where a pair of rabbits on a spit slowly baked. The juices spit and sizzled as they dripped into

the flames below.

Remy pulled free of Angela’s arms and stood. He stretched forward then back, relishing the feel of his

joints popping back into place.


Remy accepted the tin cup the old man offered. He drank a few sips then put the cup on a small table

in the corner of the room. Angela was sleeping peacefully. Her temperature was finally back to normal. The

bruises were mere shadows rather than the ugly mottled purple they’d been just yesterday. The swelling

had gone away completely.

He looked at their host. “Our healer could use a few lessons with you.”

The man’s lips twitched. “She knows almost all I do. The rest…” He shrugged. “When time is right

she will learn.”

Remy took another swig of the coffee and paced the room. “Are you ever going to tell me who you

are? What you are?”

The man rocked back on his haunches. “I have been known by many names over the years. Some

called me Thunder Boy. Some knew me as Grandmother Spider and others knew me as Nanaboozhoo.

There were times I was called Windigo, other times Kolowa.”

The names rang bells for Remy. They were myths he’d heard from the Creek, Cherokee and

Potawatomi Indian cultures. The characters named were both benevolent and evil. The proverbial yin and

yang. “And who are you now?”

He lifted his hands in surrender. “If you must name me, you can call me…Harvey.”

The sudden image of a seven-foot-tall white rabbit popped into Remy’s mind, making him choke on

his sip of coffee. “All right, Harvey. What are you?”

“Must you know? Can you not have faith?”

Faith? Remy hadn’t had faith in anything for a very long time. He glanced at Angela, over at Harvey

and then dropped his gaze into the black coffee half-filling the cup. He glanced once more at Angela. “All

right, Harvey. Thank you for helping us.”

“You are welcome, Remington.”

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It unnerved him how much the man—or whatever he really was—knew about them.

Harvey lifted the sizzling meat from the fire, carried it over to the small table, and slid one rabbit on

each plate. He went back to the fire and grabbed a small cast-iron skillet Remy hadn’t seen before. He

picked it up and carried yellow cornmeal bread to the table.

Harvey reached into a little cabinet in the wall and brought out a crockery jar filled with golden

honey. “Think she might be hungry?” he asked as he put the honey on the table.

Remy’s mouth watered for the feast before them. He was starving and he’d managed to inhale half a

plum before their mad dash. Angela hadn’t even had that much. “I’m sure of it.”

He moved to the bed and carefully shook her. “Baby? Wake up.”

Her eyes slowly opened. He watched them blink in rapid succession. “Do I smell…cornbread?”

“Yeah. Ole Harve fixed us a meal fit for a king. Do you think you could eat?”

“Does a bear…” She blushed slightly. “What I mean is, yes, thank you.”

Remy laughed at what she had almost said. She was bouncing back, thank all that was holy.

“She’s strong enough now,” Harvey began. “After you finish eating you can go home.”

“Home,” she repeated wistfully. First she looked relieved, even thrilled, but when her eyes met his

sadness crept in.

He moved and took her chin in his hand, lifting her face to his. “What’s the matter, Ange?”

Tears pooled but she forced them away. “Nothing.” She pulled her face from his grip and stood. She

took a plate and a hunk of the cornbread then went and sat on the bed.

Remy watched as she picked at the golden skin of the rabbit. She had to be starving, but she didn’t

seem to be able to work up interest in the food. He waited and she finally nibbled at the edge of the

cornbread chunk. He took several bites of the rabbit on his plate, then swiped at the juice dripping down his


Harvey went to Angela, reached for her hand and led her out the door.

Remy leapt to his feet and followed them.

“Go back and finish your meal, Remington. We’re just going for a little walk.” The wizened man



Harvey cut him off with the flick of a wrist. “We’ll be right back.” He turned, put his arm across

Angela’s waist and led her away. As they passed the tree line once again, Remy could swear the trees

opened their branches before the man and closed like a curtain behind him.

He could barely detect her scent on the air. He knew she was in good hands but he hated letting her

out of his sight for even a few precious moments.

There was nothing for him to do but wait.

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Angela was swallowed by a sense of comfort and well-being as she walked along with the strange old


“You’re deeply troubled.” Harvey prodded her gently.

“Really? Why would you think that? Just because I’ve spent the last week…” The memories assaulted

her and she wavered on her feet. “Then the one man I love in this entire world risks his life for me. He has

no idea what… I mean God only knows what’s going to happen to… Besides, he says he loves me but…”

“Slow down and breathe. You must sort out these thoughts and feelings. So what is troubling you the


Angela allowed her mind to continue its Ferris-wheel-out-of-control spin. What was she most worried

about? The fact she could be carrying a child that was conceived unnaturally, in vile act that had nothing to

do with love. There were things that could be done— She cut off the thought instantly. That wasn’t an


Then there was Remy. He’d told her he loved her, even that she wouldn’t have to face her uncertain

future alone. But how could he love her? There was pain in his eyes when he asked her why she’d refused

to run away with him.

He knew the answer as well as she did. It would have shamed her family if she had turned her back on

the pack. Her father had been filled with pride that Rich Johnson had asked for her. Rich had been a well-

respected man. A future elder. He was revered for his knowledge, respected for his gentle kindness, and

anyone who knew him adored him.

If she had left that night with Remy her parents’ shame would’ve been overwhelming. She could

never come home again. She wasn’t strong like he was. She couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing her



She turned her attention back to Harvey. “I’m sorry.”

He smiled patiently. “Well?”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Let things happen as they will.”

She stared at him and released a mirthless guffaw. “That’s the extent of your wisdom? Come on,

Harvey, I know you’re something more than you appear to be. Use some of that ancient wisdom you

possess and help me out here.”

“You want me to give you all the answers?”

“It would be nice, yes.”

“If you knew all what would be the use in continuing the journey of life? There would be nothing left

to discover.”

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She hissed an angry breath. “I don’t want any damn mystery. I want happiness and peace. I’ve done

so much, given up so much without anyone caring a rat’s ass what I wanted. No one asked me who I

wanted to spend the rest of my life with. No one cared what would make me happy.

“I joined with a man who pleased my family and my pack. I let the one I loved walk away without a


“If you could journey back in time to that day, would you have fought for him?”

She stopped mid-rant. She’d had the chance to fight for him and she’d passed it by. She dropped her

head in shame. “No.”

He nodded distractedly. “Would he have fought for you?”

She considered the question for a moment. “Probably.”

“Probably?” His eyebrows shot up.

“Yes, he would have.”

“What would it have accomplished?”

What indeed? Remy would have had to fight Jordan. He would have lost. Jordan was stronger. If

Remy had lost against their alpha he wouldn’t have had the option to leave and one day return.


“So you were both forced to take divergent paths that have led you back to this point.”

She glanced up at him. “A point where we can be together.”

Harvey gave her a rough hug and then turned away. “We should return. You haven’t eaten yet and

you still have a journey ahead of you.”

“How far is it? To home I mean?”

“Not far, but that is a mere stopping point along the journey you still have to take.”

An uneasy chill crept up her spine. “What are you talking about?”

“An onion reveals itself one layer at a time.”

“I hate onions,” Angela muttered as she followed Harvey back to the cabin.

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Chapter Eleven

Remy secured the pack Harvey had prepared for them. He gathered the leather laces in his hand and

tossed the bag over his shoulder. “Ready?”

Angela nodded. She stood on tiptoe and kissed the old man on the cheek. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’re very welcome, children.” He led the way out the door and around to the back of the cabin. “If

you keep to the path spread before you, before the sun sets tomorrow you will be home.”

Remy felt Angela’s sudden shiver.

“You will travel safely if you only stay on the path.”

Remy pulled her close. “We’ll be fine, baby. Don’t you worry.” He stepped away and reached out to

shake Harvey’s hand. “I don’t know how we can repay you.”

Harvey shook his head. “Have faith and patience. There are many things you are to learn. Do not react

without thought, in anger. There are reasons things came about the way they did.”

Remy couldn’t help staring at the old man. “Oracle now?”

“I am many things to many people.”

“Right. I forgot. Well, goodbye, Harvey. And thanks again for everything.”

Remy put his hand on the small of Angela’s back and prodded her forward. After they went three

paces, Angela turned to wave goodbye.

She sucked in a shocked breath and Remy spun around. There was no sign of Harvey or even the

small cabin.

Angela rubbed at the gooseflesh he saw dotting the skin on her arms.

Angela walked silently beside him. He tried to read her thoughts but her mind was shrouded against




“What’s on your mind?”

She sighed heavily. “I don’t know.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“There are just so many things.”

“It’s a long walk.”

She inhaled a deep breath. “Okay, first off, I guess I should answer your question.”

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He went tense. The question as to why she refused to leave with him. Did he want to hear the answer?

“All right.”

“I was afraid. I didn’t want to disappoint my parents. They would’ve been so ashamed and I could

never have come home again. But there’s more to it. If we had challenged Jordan…”

Remy paused and considered what she was saying. He had been able to leave alone but he would

never have been allowed to take her with him. There would have been a fight that would not have ended

well for either of them. Jordan would have ripped him apart. Fate had stepped in. Would it interfere again?

He considered the other worry he knew she carried in her heart. The fear of the results from the

procedure she’d endured. The quack had said the egg had been fertilized. Had the implant taken? Was there

even now a babe growing in her?

She walked away from him with her shoulders slumped in dejection, her head down in shame. He

watched her walk ahead of him. He was unsure what to do. He couldn’t take away her pain. He couldn’t

erase the events of the last week.

No, but I can damn well make sure she doesn’t suffer alone. He hurried to catch up to her. He grabbed

her shoulder and turned her to face him. He wiped at the tears with the pad of his thumb. “Ange, it’s going

to be all right. Whatever happens, I’m not going to leave you.”

She sniffled. “What if we’re not given that choice, again?”

“We will.” He wasn’t a kid any more. He was as big as Jordan, as strong—no, he was fighting to keep

the woman he loved and that would make him stronger. “Nothing, absolutely nothing is going to keep us

apart this time, I promise you that.”

Angela’s heart felt like it would burst. He wasn’t going to leave her. The heart that leapt with joy

suddenly weighed a ton and dropped into her stomach.

Even if they could overcome challenges from the family there was still one major obstacle she

couldn’t see either of them being able to beat.

She couldn’t walk around with her head in the sand. If she was going to have a baby she had to

prepare for it. Would she be able to give a baby what it needed?

She’d never heard of a halfling before. Would it have the same life span she had? Lycans lived two

hundred, two hundred and fifty years. The human lifespan was what…eighty years?

She shook her head to push away all thoughts of everything but where they were and how soon they

would be home. As they walked, she glanced around.

Time passed with barely a notice. Knowing they were safe, Remy led her on at a leisurely pace. If

their circumstances were different this would have made a beautiful lover’s stroll.

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Dogwood blooms lined the path that seemed to appear from nowhere before them. The sun dappled

through the leaves on the trees and danced at their feet.

She took time to really study Remy. The handsome boy had grown into a glorious man. He stood six

foot three. He now wore his golden brown hair to his shoulders. And those shoulders. They had gotten so

broad over the last fifteen years. His arms weren’t bulging muscles in the body-builder fashion, but they

were well-defined.

His chest rippled and came to a narrow waist. A fine sprinkling of golden hair dotted that magnificent

chest and trailed down toward… She jerked her attention off that path.

She’d also never been one to notice a man’s butt, but his was like a ripe cantaloupe. His long legs

were almost as well-defined in muscles as his arms.

St. Brigid, he’s perfect.

“You doing okay?”

She glanced up into his amber eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m all right.”

“If you need a break, let me know?”

“I will.”

He didn’t speak any more but walked beside her. She could feel him trying to probe her thoughts, her

mind, but she was determined to keep him out.

There were too many ifs to face before she could let him back in… Well, any deeper, she amended.

They’d been walking for several hours when Remy stopped and took her hand. “Ange…”

“I need a break, Remy.” She pulled away from him. “Sun’s going down and I think I’d like to call it a


Remy didn’t reply at first. The sigh he expelled was filled with frustration. He wanted to talk, that

much was clear, but she wasn’t sure she could hear what he had to say. It was too much for her to take.

He put his hands gently on her arms and rubbed lightly. “I’ll find a place to bed down.”


He disappeared into the trees and she dropped onto the ground.

By the time he returned her rolling emotions were at full tilt. For now, for the rest of the day and this

night, she wanted to pretend time hadn’t separated them. She wanted to forget that the past fifteen years

and in particular the past nine days had ever happened.

He dropped a small armload of sticks and twigs then gathered up some rocks and began to build a fire.

She pushed up and moved to his side. Angela took a minute and a couple of strong breaths then

placed her hand on his shoulder.

He stood.

“I don’t think we need that.” Angela smiled softly.

“Wh…what?” Remy stammered.

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She put her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She pressed her lips to his and what started

out as a small kiss grew. His tongue dipped into her mouth and danced with hers. One of his hands trailed

from her waist to her bottom.

He used it to pull her into him. His desire pressed into her thigh. His other hand tangled into her hair.

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Chapter Twelve

Remy traced her mouth with his tongue as he gloried in the silky feel of her hair in his fingers.

Holding her close was like dancing into a flame. His body would soon go up like dry tinder.

Her hands splayed across his chest and soft fingers trailed down. When they reached his waistband

Remy froze and pulled free. “Ange…”

She wore a halo of light blue. The raging emotions filling her buffeted like the waves crashing against

the shore. She was a storm-tossed ship looking for a calm port. How could he deny her?

She’s vulnerable. Taking advantage of her would be so very wrong, his internal compass warned.

“Ange.” He reached up, peeled her hands from around his neck and pushed her away. “I don’t think

this is a good idea.”

“Do you love me?”

“You know I do.”

“Then don’t push me away. Please, Remy. I need…I need to feel…”


“I don’t know. Anything but what I feel right now. No. I do know what I want, what I need. I need

you. I…need…you.” She moved back into his arms and began kissing him again.

He wasn’t made of stone. His rational side demanded he put a stop to this.

Rational be damned, shouted the little horned figure on his shoulder.

“Oh Remy, please.”

He carefully lowered her to the ground, pillowing her head on his arm. His lips skimmed her cheek.

“Are you sure about this, Ange?”

“I’ve never been more certain.”

He wavered for only another second before turning his attention to her delicious neck. He nibbled on

the hollow pulse point at the base of her throat.

She moaned and her hand slipped into his pants. Her fingers traced his length and his body hardened

more than he thought possible.

He trailed his hands down her sides until he reached the hem of the shirt, then he pulled it up,

revealing her flat stomach…and the incision marks. It was like a bucket of ice water dousing the burning

inferno of his desire. He pushed her away from him.

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He was horrified at what he’d almost done. He loved Angela. He wanted more than just a hastily

stolen roll on the ground. She deserved better than that and he would see she got it. He couldn’t take

advantage of her maelstrom of uncertainties.

Pain filled her eyes as she met his gaze. “Remy?”

If he didn’t get away from her and soon, he would be drawn into those eyes and do something they’d

both long regret. He shoved to his feet and paced away. “I can’t, Ange.”

She looked down at her body, released a raw cry of pain and crawled away from him. She struggled to

make it to her feet before she ran through the line of trees and disappeared from sight.

“Ange! Angela,” he called after her.

Tears blinded her as she raced through the trees in an attempt to escape her humiliating heartbreak.

She had thrown herself at him, willing to give herself completely, but he couldn’t touch her, could barely

look at her. Was he envisioning her thickening waist? Was he imagining Dr. Frankenstein touching her?

What was wrong with her? This was crap. She wasn’t some weak-willed whiny-assed pup. She could

stand on her own two feet. After Rich died she’d pulled herself up from the ground and she could do it

again now that Remy had rejected her.

By the time Remy caught up with her she was feeling stronger. She had to be. There wasn’t anyone

else there for her.


She stiffened her spine. “I’m not as tired anymore. I think we can push on.”

“We need to—”

She tossed a hand in the air. “I want to go home, Remy. I want a hot bath and my own bed.” She

pushed past him and went back to the path. She reached down, picked up the pack from the ground and

headed for home.

“Ange, we can still camp.”

“No, thanks. You can come or catch up,” or drop dead and rot, she added silently. Her pace

quickened as she listened to him following close on her heels.

“Ange. Angela, would you just wait a damn minute?”

His hand gripped her arm in a vise-like band and spun her to face him. “I want to talk about what just


“Good for you. I don’t happen to want to hear another word or even think of the subject again. Ever.”

She never wanted to feel his arms around her, never wanted to taste him on her lips, never wanted

to… She shook her head to drive away the desire building. “Leave me alone, Remy. I’m grateful for your

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help, you know I am, but as soon as we get home I don’t—” she swallowed hard, trying to force the words

she knew were a lie, “—I don’t want to ever see you again.”

His eyes widened and a look of shock and pain flashed across his face, quickly chased away by anger.

His amber-gemmed eyes glittered hard. “Then we better hurry. I’d hate to force you to suffer my presence

any longer.”

His long-legged strides soon took him from her line of vision. The already cracked pieces of her heart

shattered, the pain splintering into her chest. What had she expected? Remy had crawled to her once and

she’d refused him. He wouldn’t do it again, no matter how badly she hoped he would.

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Chapter Thirteen

Anger washed over him. She had discarded him like an old toy once, and yet he’d come crawling

back with his tail between his legs. Now she was pushing him away again.

His temper pushed his energy level higher. He didn’t care that she was struggling to keep up his pace.

So what if she ached? He glanced over his shoulder, not that he cared what was happening with her.

Right, just keep trying to convince yourself of that.

He forced his gaze to remain on the path ahead. For an hour, as the sky darkened, he pushed her at his

merciless pace. Suddenly he couldn’t sense her behind him any longer.

He stopped and spun on his heel. “Angela?” She’s gone. He closed his eyes and searched for her.

There, in the trees to his left.

She was doubled over in pain, vomiting and trembling.

“Ange.” He hurried to her side. He reached out to her.

She slapped his hand away. “Leave me alone.” She shoved from the ground and propped against a

tree, once more vomiting.

He stood stupidly staring at her. What was he supposed to do? He moved to her side, took her long

hair in his hand and held it from her face while she lost the contents of her stomach.

When she finished, he reached into the pack Harvey had provided, pulled out a canteen of cool water

and passed it to her.

He waited while she rinsed her mouth a few times. Her face was pale again. She wasn’t developing

another fever? He took a few tentative steps toward her.

“If you value your life, Remington Alderich, you’ll stay away from me.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

She growled low in her throat, and when she looked up her eyes flashed the deep green-blue of an

ocean storm. “Drop dead? Go to hell? Go away and leave me alone? Take your pick.”

Her sudden snarling was cut off by a scream of pain and she hit the ground.

He ran to her side and pulled her into him for support. “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t think I have to worry about Frank.” She shoved him away and moved behind a clump of


Frank? Who the hell was Frank?

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He paced while he waited for her to come out again. He could hear a bit of panting, and several moans

of pain. The urge to go to her was almost overpowering, but he would stay where he was if he had to nail

his feet to the ground.

The longer it took her to return the more he worried. By the shifting stars, it had already been close to

forty minutes. Maybe the fever had come back. Maybe she had gotten dizzy and passed out. Maybe…

Leaning on the trees for support, she came walking out to the path. Her eyes were downcast, but he

could read the pain in her posture.


She glared at him. “It’s Angela.” She forced herself to stand and began walking, no, dragging her

steps, along the path.

“What are you doing?”

“Going home,” she hissed.

He shook his head. “This is crazy. What the hell just happened?”

Her eyes narrowed. “To be scientific about it,” she sneered, “my body rejected the recent implantation


It took a moment for her words to sink in. Reject…implant… He glanced down at her stomach and

back into her eyes, unsure of what he expected to find there. “Are you all right?”

She sniffed. “I’ll survive. I’ve done it before, I can do it again.”

His head jerked so hard, his neck snapped. “What?”

This time her eyes were misted with pain. She briskly brushed at the tears threatening to spill down

her cheeks. “Never mind.”

She inhaled a large breath, held it for a couple of seconds then slowly released it. She did this two

more times before looking at him again. “Are you ready?”

He watched as she wearily began walking again. He caught up to her. “Actually, I’m kind of tired.

Maybe an hour break?”

She shrugged. “Whatever.” She sat a few feet away from him, brought her knees to her chin, wrapped

her arms around them then buried her face in her arms.

Remy’s mind whirled. She’d done it before. He studied her closer. Sobs shook her. He went to her,

took her in his arms. “What can I do?”


He felt miserable. Her anguish was deep. He’d have known even if he hadn’t been able to see her

emotions. She grieved for the loss. But surely— He cut off the thought. Whatever else, a child was

innocent of the sins of its father.

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Angela didn’t want to feel him close. She didn’t want to feel anything much less the nagging guilt that

ate at her. The relief that had washed over her when her body had spit out the invading seed had nearly

knocked her to her knees.

Then the memory of the baby she had lost before flooded her. While Rich, her parents and all their

friends had been thrilled that a new life would soon join the pack, she wasn’t sure joy described her


For a few precious moments, when she imagined it being Remy she would share the child with,

happiness had filled her like a sunburst.

Then the real world had come crashing in. She’d been ashamed of her fanciful notions. Mortified that

she would dare to think such things when she was bound to Rich. She tried to feel the same joy at knowing

it was Rich’s child that she felt pretending it was Remy’s.

Her mother, the healer Oldatha and other mothers all assured her that the trepidation she felt was just

first-time mommy jitters. They didn’t know it was because she wasn’t sure she wanted to be a mommy.

She’d woken in the middle of the night, pain ripping her from stem to stern. Warm moisture had burst

from between her legs. Her muscles had trembled as pain continued to tear at her. By morning she was no

longer pregnant.

Now I’ve killed another innocent child.

Angela allowed the tears to fall. The halfling probably wouldn’t have survived anyway. It just wasn’t

natural. The differences in their genes were just enough that they would have brought about a sickly,

possibly deformed infant.

Could she have withstood being pregnant only to deliver a stillborn?

How would she feel if she had given birth to a child that died within weeks or months of being born?

Could she sit back and watch the pack treat the halfling with disinterest or worse, complete hostility?

Absolutely not.

Remy’s arms tightened and she allowed herself to accept the gentle support he offered. Why did he

have to confuse everything? First he made her feel as if he loved her, even desired her, and then he ran

from her like he was repulsed?

She finally collected herself and looked over at him. She pulled away without a word, never breaking

eye contact, and moved to the soft grass at the side of the path. She curled up, tucked a hand under a cheek

and closed her eyes.

She wouldn’t be getting any sleep but she could close her eyes and force herself to pretend for a

while. The tears didn’t stop despite her best efforts. It was several hours later before she had cried herself

dry and drifted into a fitful slumber.

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Chapter Fourteen

Remy sat back on his heels. His heart had ached with each tear she cried. She had completely shut

him out of her mind. He was even having trouble reading her emotions.

Maybe the best thing for them both was for him to see her safely home then leave again. Things

happen for a reason. How many times had he heard that in his life?

Fate had always conspired against them. The earlier anger that had ebbed away was flowing back.

Anger at her, at himself, at whatever god was pulling the strings of their lives.

That was it. He felt like they were pawns in some game. I’m tired of playing this goddamned game, he

thought. We belong together and come hell or high water he was going to prove it to everyone. Anyone,

anyone, who didn’t like it could deal or stay out of his way.

Now how was he going to convince Angela? It would take time and that was a commodity they were

swiftly running out of.

She whimpered and moaned in her sleep. Fresh tears clung to her dark lashes.

He scooted to her and pulled her to him. If she woke she’d probably push him away, but for now he

was going to relish the feeling of her close.

He allowed his hand to drop to her abdomen. Carefully, so as not to disturb her, he lifted the shirt to

examine the wounds.

She was healing slower than usual, almost like a human. What was preventing the normal process?

The implant had contained human cells. Maybe that had caused a reaction and brought everything to an

agonizing snail’s pace?

He pulled the shirt back down and carefully spooned into her. “This is meant to be, Ange. You and

me. Whatever it takes, you’re going to see that we should be together.”

The rising sun poked into his eyelids. He became aware of the warm sun at the same moment as he

noticed the cold of his empty arms.

He sat up and found Angela seated across from him, leaned into the base of a tree as she watched him


“How are you feeling?”

Anger flashed like lightning in her eyes but it was gone in an instant. “Ready to head home.”

He waited for her to say something, anything else.

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She shoved up from the ground, brushed off her seat and legs then turned back to face him. “Ready

when you are.”

He leapt to his feet. “Then let’s go.” There was so much they needed to say to each other, that he

needed to say to her. He stepped up beside her and placed his hand on the small of her back. He relaxed a

little when she didn’t immediately shove his hand away.

They walked for the next couple of hours in complete silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Every

time he tried to read her mind he found a brick wall formed between them. She wasn’t going to let him

back in.

“Ange,” he began but was unsure of what he should say next.

She did pull away then. “Remy, the past is the past. I think we should just let it go and move on.”

Move on together or separately? He longed to ask but he just couldn’t. He wasn’t going to grovel,

wouldn’t beg or plead.

Do you want to live with losing her? The damn little voice spoke up.

He reached out, just missing her arm by inches. He had to have some pride for God’s sake. He

remained three steps behind her, the tiny voices in his head arguing between themselves. One shouting to

do whatever it took to get Angela back, the other swearing he was a damn whipped fool if he didn’t let it


Angela was keenly aware of Remy walking behind her. His very nearness sent her senses into

overdrive. She longed for him to take her in his arms, crush her to him and swear that no matter what had

happened they would spend the future making up for lost time. She wanted to feel his hands on her skin.

Taste his lips against hers. Melt into his embrace.

How she wanted to hear him say that her past betrayals didn’t matter. That it was indeed history and

even though it had hurt, he had mended and was ready to forgive her for losing faith in him, in them.

She tried not to care that he didn’t do any of those things. Tried and failed. She had to keep her

innermost thoughts shielded from him. She refused to let him know how badly he hurt her.

True to Harvey’s word, the sun was just beginning its descent when they entered pack territory. The

scent of Jordan and the other members of the council on this southernmost boundary of their territory was


Last night would have been the time for Remy to say the words she longed to hear. Today, during the

hours of silent walking would have been perfect.

He hadn’t said or done anything and now it was too late. His silence had hurt more than she would

have ever believed. She would soon be in her own home, and if she never saw Remy or even heard his

name again it would be too soon.

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The sounds of baying filled the air, and before she knew it they were surrounded by friends and

escorted to town. She was treated like a precious doll as they gently urged her forward. She wanted to go

home but they were pushing her towards Jordan’s office.

The last thing she could handle right now. Damn.

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Chapter Fifteen

Damn. The last thing he wanted was to face Jordan. Remy was tired and he was angry.

And you’re afraid, the small voice egged on.

He pulled out of the pack, spun on his heel and stalked away. He leaned against a tree and watched as

the crowd was waved off and a very pale, very exhausted-looking Angela was herded into Jordan’s office.

She was home now, back with the pack that loved and would protect her. The ones who would help

her heal.

Now you can leave, turn away and never look back, the little devil whispered as it poked a pitchfork

into his brain.

Right. First he was going to head for his cousin’s home.

There he’d beg a hot bath and filling meal from Nedrid’s mate, Ryka, then in the morning—if not

sooner—he’d load into his truck, take off and never look back.

He glanced in the direction of the door that separated him from Angela. He growled low in his chest,

turned and headed for the rest he desperately needed.

Nedrid was just coming out of the backyard when Remy arrived in front of the house.

“Cousin,” Nedrid shouted and embraced the younger man warmly. “I take it this means you’ve

brought our Angela home?”

Remy nodded. “Home and safe. I wonder if I could spend the night?”

“Only one? Remy, you’re welcome here for as long as you wish to be here.”

“One night it is,” he said softly. “I could sure use a shower.”

“And a good meal, I’ve no doubt. Come, come.” Nedrid led him inside.

The house was smaller than Remy remembered. The light pine paneling of the walls seemed a bit

darker. The wooden floor had been scuffed with age. The avocado, goldenrod and beige kitchen so popular

in the late seventies was now sorely out of date.

“You know where the bathroom is. If you need anything—change of clothes or what have you—you

can find fresh in the second bedroom in the chest of drawers.”

“Thanks, Cousin.”

“None needed. I’m just thrilled to have you home. I know you’ve made the family proud to see you

back where you belong.”

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Emotions he wasn’t prepared for constricted his throat. Home? Moist heat pricked his eyes. He didn’t

want to admit to missing the connection that filled him, that made him feel whole once more.

Nedrid patted him on the back then left him alone.

Remy went to the spare room, dug through the drawers and came up with a faded pair of Wranglers

and an old t-shirt that once was black and now dark gray. He headed for the bathroom, grabbed a towel and

washcloth and then turned on the water. He stepped under the heated spray and briskly scrubbed his face.

The best thing in the world would be for him to leave just as soon as possible. Leave and never look


Run like a craven cur with your tail tucked between your legs.

Remy’s scrubbing intensified as he tried to shut the voice out. That was what he was doing, running

away like a coward. Hadn’t he just vowed that no one would come between him and Angela ever again?

Yeah, but did you include Angela?

“Shut up,” he snarled into the stream. The scalding water and vicious scrubbing turned his skin an

angry red. Still he stood under the flow, trying to decide what was the best thing to do. He wanted Angela.

He needed her. He hadn’t felt so alive in the years since they were forced apart as he felt now.

He was no longer half a man. Not as long as she was by his side, in his arms. If he lost her now, could

he be content to go back to the half-existence he had endured up till now?

No way in hell.

Angela would just have to be convinced. Both their prides be damned!

So you’re willing to crawl to her?

On hands and knees, on my belly if I have to. He was barely dry and the denim clung to his legs as he

jerked the jeans on. The faded shirt fit snugly across his damp chest.

You’re a fool.

He strolled across the compound and headed for Jordan’s office. Not bothering to knock, he kicked

the door open and pushed his way inside.

Angela was nowhere to be found. Jordan came out from his private chamber.


All of the anger built to a head at facing the man who had taken her away from him. “Where is she,


Jordan sized him up. “At the medical center.”

His anger was instantly replaced by fear for her. “What happened?”

“She needs to be treated by Oldatha before we let her go home.”

“She’s not going home. She’s leaving with me.”

Jordan studied him closely. “If I forbid it?”

Remy barked a humorless laugh. “You can try.”

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A low rumble came from deep inside Jordan’s chest. “Don’t try me, boy.”

Remy’s body went rigid. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

Jordan paced closer. “Even if you deem yourself beyond pack rule, she’s still under law.”

Remy snorted. “She’s leaving with me.”

Jordan lunged and caught Remy off-guard. They crashed through the picture window and landed on

the street. From the edge of his awareness, someone screamed.

Then three guards were standing there, holding the gathering pack back. According to law, no one

could intervene once a challenge was issued.

Without having made the decision, Remy had issued that challenge and now he was stuck. One of

them would limp away and be banished from pack territory, or dead.

Remy did his best to put everything but the fight from his mind. If he failed Angela would be lost to

him forever. Why hadn’t he kept his emotions in check for a little longer? Another one of Jordan’s blows

connected before Remy could focus and dodge.

“What’s the matter, boy? Where’s your mind? I expected more from a son of Fenrir,” Jordan spurred.

“You’ll not catch me unawares again, son of Vilkacis.” Remy straightened and threw a punch that

connected with Jordan’s strong jaw and his opponent staggered backward three steps.

Jordan’s legs wavered but didn’t buckle. He laughed and spit a mouthful of blood into the dirt by

Remy’s feet. “Very good.” He nodded before his eyes flashed gold and his transformation began.

Remy’s own change was more rapid than the older leader’s. As his adversary’s hands widened, dark,

sharp claws stretching from the tips of padded fingers, Remy’s own hands stretched. His claws glinted a

reflection of the late afternoon sun.

Remy’s jeans split at the seams as his legs enlarged, muscles multiplied and hair sprang up. The shirt

split in half. He reached across his shoulder and grabbed both halves with a single hand and flung it off.

Jordan’s shifted form had struck terror into the hearts of lesser Lycans.

Remy was too angry. All the years of resentment, loneliness, the pain of losing Angela once and

almost losing her again spurred him on.

He had to get control of the rage. It would make him careless. He swiped his claws at Jordan, cutting

his former leader in the chest. Deep gashes sprouted crimson and fresh blood flowed in heavy rivulets

down his chest and dripped from his ribs.

Jordan bellowed in rage and pain. His claws aimed straight for Remy’s chest, for his heart.

Remy pivoted on his heel and weaved to the right. The razor-tipped claws stabbed and buried into his

shoulder, hitting the bone.

Jordan pulled back, ripping out a chunk of Remy’s flesh along with his hand.

Remy dropped his head and rammed into Jordan’s gut, driving him off his feet. They hit the ground

and rolled, fists flying.

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Foam formed on Jordan’s lips and spittle sprayed with every snap of his massive jaws.

His teeth sank into the left side of Remy’s neck, barely missing the vital jugular he’d aimed for. With

as much strength as he could muster, Remy shoved Jordan off.

Suddenly Remy could smell Angela, but couldn’t afford the distraction of searching her out.

Jordan was up and on him again. He was lifted into the air and dropped to the hard, packed earth

beneath them. Jordan had him pinned. “Do you surrender?” Jordan asked in a deep, altered growl.

“Never,” Remy snarled back. He wrapped his arm around Jordan’s neck and twisted, tossing his

opponent over his head. Remy was back on top, and now that he had gained the upper hand he intended to

keep it.

“Are you ready to lead?” Jordan’s strong voice wavered only slightly.

“I’m ready to do what I must,” Remy answered.

It was Jordan’s turn to spin and once again the tables were turned. He had Remy’s head bent in a

painful angle, one of his arms pinned behind his back. “Not yet, pup. You’re strong, but not strong

enough.” Jordan wheezed and coughed. Blood and phlegm coated the tree beside Remy’s head. “Who

would make the best mate for Angela?”

A red haze dropped before Remy. Renewed strength raced through him. He bent at the waist, shoving

Jordan off balance. He spun and grabbed the grey Lycan’s throat in his hand. Jordan’s windpipe felt like an

aluminum tube in Remy’s tightening grip.

The older one struggled to swallow, desperate to get the breath Remy denied him.

Unexpectedly a burning pain split through Remy’s back and ripped out his chest, causing his grip to


Jordan yelped in agony, he gasped for air. His hands were at his throat, claws raking as he struggled

for each precious breath. His eyes glazed and the body spasmed.

Remy should have been shocked watching the leader of the pack die, but he was frozen immobile. His

chest blazed with the fires of hell, his back ached, and his own breathing was difficult.

Angela screaming his name barely registered as his legs suddenly gave out and he slammed into the

ground. She was there, cradling his head in her lap, tears streaming down her face.

He wanted to stroke her face, wipe her tears, but his arm refused to work. Everything around Angela’s

face disappeared into darkness until even she faded from sight.

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Chapter Sixteen

Angela couldn’t believe her eyes when she pushed her way through the crowd to find not two

hormone-driven pups but Remy and Jordan fighting in the street.

Remy and Jordan. If Remy lost he would be exiled at best. The alternative broke her heart in two.

Now Jordan lay unmoving, his dark blood pooling and seeping into the dry thirsty earth.

Remy was just as still.

The moment the shot rang out, five of the outpost guards had raced off in the direction it had come


They returned with a struggling form between two of them.

The hunter raised his face and met her eyes. His desire for revenge had driven away any wisdom he

might have had. He had foolishly invaded the pack’s territory. Though he wouldn’t have gotten so close if

the guards hadn’t been so easily distracted.

The two holding him dragged him to the center of town and tossed him into a cage to await


Oldatha pulled Angela back while three men including Remy’s cousin, Nedrid, came forward and

lifted Remy, taking him to the medical building.

Woodenly, Angela followed, but she was barred at the door.

“It’s best if you go and rest. We’ll let you know what happens,” Oldatha ordered gently.

“Rest? How can I rest without knowing if Remy is alive or dead?”

Warm arms wrapped across her shoulders. “It’s going to be all right,” Remy’s cousin Ryka soothed.

“Give Oldatha time to treat his wounds.”

“But the bullet…” She collapsed as she recalled the angry hole ripped through Remy’s body.

“The bullet passed through him,” Ryka assured her.

“So? It was by his heart. My God,” Angela screamed and hurled toward the man in the cage. He had

killed the one man Angela loved.

By the time she had reached the cage her hands were trembling with rage and covered with fine red

hair. Her nails were growing.

The man cowered in terror at the back corner of the metal box. “Please,” he begged.

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She ripped the door open, reached in, grabbed him by the collar and jerked him out. “You bastard,”

she roared. Her claws swiped across his face, laying the cheek wide. His cheek and jawbone showed white

between the scarlet bubbles of blood.

“Angela,” Mason, one of the pack elders, shouted.

Hands grabbed her and pulled her away, but not before she slashed Radisson once again.

She was dragged off and carried home. Her rage ebbed out and all she felt was weak, weak and


“He’s gone,” she heard someone whisper, and the pain built until her soul shattered. She released it

with a scream before retreating to the safe place she’d found solace.

She was in that lush green meadow. The sun danced above her. Remy stepped from the tree line and

held his arms wide for her.

She threw herself into them and smothered him with kisses. “I’m sorry, Remy. I love you. I should

never have let you go without a fight.”

He didn’t reply. His mouth trailed fire down her neck, his hands tangling in her hair, holding onto her

like he was never going to let her go.

He was becoming harder to see, harder to feel. He was fading before her eyes, becoming nothing

more than a shade.

“Remy? Remy!”

“It’s all right, Angela.” Ryka’s voice pulled Angela awake with a start.

“No, it isn’t. Remy’s gone.”

Ryka shook her head. “No, he isn’t gone…”

There was something wrong. Ryka’s eyes held such sadness. “What is it?”

Ryka dropped her gaze and walked away.

“Tell me,” Angela cried.

“He’s bad,” Ryka began with tears in her eyes. “Oldatha says the bullet was laced with silver and

there were traces of mountain ash and mistletoe resin. They discovered it when they dug the bullet out of


She ran out the door and raced across the compound to the medical building. She rocketed through the

doors only to find strong arms holding her back.

She glared up at Nedrid. “Let me pass,” she growled.

His posture stiffened and he met her with a belligerent look. “No.”

She shoved him hard. “I say move. Remy needs me and I damn well am going to be there for him.”

Nedrid’s defiant stare should have frightened her but it only strengthened her resolve. She summoned

up all her strength, gave him another shove and found he moved enough for her to pass around him.

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She entered the room where Remy lay unconscious. His brow was fever soaked and his skin pale. The

odor of the festering wounds filled the room. The bandages over his wounds were soaked in medicine

designed to repell the poisonous effects of the silver, ash and mistletoe.

How had the hunter known about the lethal combination?

Why was she surprised? The man had spent a great deal of time with the twisted physician. He’d

probably learned quite a few secrets.

Angela pulled a chair alongside of the bed, took one of Remy’s roasting hands in hers and held tight.

She reached up and gently brushed her hand along his forehead. She watched the rise and fall of his chest

while listening to the sound of his ragged breathing filling the room.

“I love you. Do you understand me? I don’t care what else has happened, what anyone says. I love

you and I will never let you go.”

Remy moaned and tossed on the bed. If he didn’t lie still the stitches Oldatha had used to seal the

wounds would split open.

Angela closed her eyes and focused on Remy.

Darkness swirled around her and she forced her way through the swirling gray mists.

Remy, she called into the darkness.


She could hear his voice but couldn’t find him.

Suddenly a bright light loomed before her.


She opened her eyes at the feeling of his hand on hers. His skin was deathly pale and sheened with

sweat, but he was alive.


She shook her head. “He’s gone. The bullet that passed through you hit him.”

Remy looked confused for a moment. “The hunter.”

She nodded. “He’s gone and won’t be back.” With the return of her sanity came the guilt. She now

had the blood of two men on her hands.

“Ange, don’t.” Remy’s arms trembled as he pushed himself into a seated position on the bed. She

placed an arm around him and helped steady him as he sat up.

“How is our new leader feeling?” Oldatha asked as she approached his bedside.

Remy stared at Oldatha in horror. New leader? “But I’m not…” Damn. Pack law. He’d defeated

Jordan in battle. He was now the leader. No. “I didn’t defeat him,” Remy argued as the old healer’s skeletal

fingers traced along the tape and lifted the bandage from his chest.

“You did,” Oldatha argued and prodded the wound carefully. “The village witnessed the fight.”

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Remy shook his head, regretting it instantly as dizziness assailed him. He looked over the stooped

shoulders of the healer at Angela. “He died from the bullet.”

Remy glanced through the glass window at the elders gathered in the hallway. Their faces were intent,

studying his every move. All he had wanted was Angela and the life they should’ve shared.

It’s going to be all right, Remy,” her soft voice echoed in his brain.

He glanced over at her again. “I’m not a leader, Ange.” He felt so ill-equipped, inadequate for the

position. Could he be what the pack needed? His gaze strayed to the faces of the elders. They were the ones

who had the real power. Pack leader didn’t have quite the same meaning it had back in the earliest days of

the formation. The elders made the laws and enforced them, meted out punishments earned.

He relaxed a little into his mattress. Pack leader. He would ultimately be responsible for the security

of his pack. Kind of like the president but with more power. He could sanction or reject any unions—the

thought made him cringe. For the good of the pack some members shouldn’t mate. But the heart didn’t

control who it loved. Look at him and Angela. Still, the health of the pack was uppermost.

When infractions were made, he would be the ultimate decider. The offender could petition him for

pardon and be spared their punishments.

Responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders. His glance strayed from Angela to Oldatha and out

to the council members. With their wisdom and guidance he could perform the task. He was strong. He

wasn’t stupid, and with the wisdom of the ages behind him he could serve the people well.

Resolved and relieved, he allowed his eyes to close slightly.

Angela hovered nearby. He watched her through the fringe of his lashes. He heaved a sigh. He had to

climb out of the bed. The new alpha couldn’t allow himself to be viewed as weak in any way, shape or

form. Remaining in bed from the simple gunshot wound would definitely give the wrong perception.

He struggled to sit up and slid his legs off the bed.

“Hold it, Mister. Just where do you think you’re going?” Angela fretted and gave him a gentle nudge


“I’m getting up and getting dressed.”

“You’ve just been shot, Mighty Warrior. Take time to heal.”

He reached over and thumbed her nose. As she rubbed vigorously at the tip, he chuckled deeply. “I

have to get to my office.” He grimaced as he pushed to his feet.

Oldatha scurried about the room and handed him new jeans and a clean shirt as well as socks and a

pair of boots. He struggled to get dressed, pushing Angela away when she tried to help or hinder, he wasn’t

certain which.

“Stubborn jackass,” she growled in an almost imperceptible tone.

“The alpha can show no signs of weakness,” he argued back. Angela, this is a very critical time for us.

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Donica Covey


He read the moment she realized what he meant. If he was challenged and overthrown the new leader

would have the power Jordan had over them before.

Angela shoved away from the bed and stood ramrod straight as he finished dressing.

Remy paused in front of each elder, met their eyes and stared until they dropped their gaze in respect.

He could sense Angela’s pride in him and it made him stand just a little taller as he strolled across the


He was pleased to see that new windows already replaced the broken from Jord—no his office. He

opened the door and crossed the threshold. The strong odor of musk and leather assaulted his senses. Soon

enough his scent would bury that of his predecessor, just as Jordan’s had erased the one who had come

before him.

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Chapter Seventeen

Angela watched Remy make his way across the street. His movements were stiff but his head was

held high. There was authority in his swagger, in his eyes, and all who met his gaze showed respect

befitting their new leader.

She would be with him tonight. Nothing would prevent them from finally giving themselves to each

other. Past was past, and the future stretched out full of promise before them.

She turned and headed back for her little house on the edge of town. There would have to be some

changes made before he could come here. She stepped inside the front door and glanced around the

shadowed room. On bookshelves were silver-framed pictures of her and Rich. The center of the fireplace

mantle had a large eleven-by-fourteen portrait of their joining.

She reached up and pulled it down then went to the hall closet and pulled out an older sheet. She

carefully wrapped the picture and carried it over to her cedar chest standing beneath the west-facing bay


It took her several hours to accomplish, but by the time she sensed Remy’s scent on the air she had

packed away almost every trace of her life with Rich. Everything but a small five-by-seven of her parents,

Rich and her at a harvest-moon festival.

He knocked briefly before opening the door and stepping inside. He sniffed at the air. Did he smell

Rich after all these years? His slow eagle-eyed scan surveyed the entire living room in one long searching

gaze. He spied the single picture and his back stiffened.

His eyes darted to her questioningly.

She should’ve gotten rid of this one as well, but with her parents smiling back at her she couldn’t

bring herself to hide it away.

“I can’t just toss them all away, Remy. These aren’t just memories of my life with Rich. They are

memories of my parents, my cousins and friends. I won’t pretend that I had no life for the years you were


He was silent, studying her closely.

He was truly threatened by the ghosts of her past?

Well, he could suck it up and deal, she finally decided. “I did love him.”

Her admission made him suck in a deep breath. He faced her in stony silence.

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“I loved him,” she whispered gently. “Not like I loved you. Never like I loved you. But he was good

to me. We did have a good life together. Even if I wasn’t blissfully happy, I was content. There are some

happy memories with him. With my family.”

Jealousy grew and ate at him.

Angela moved to him, reached out and tangled her fingers in his hair. “Remington, are you so

threatened by the ghosts of memories?”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest. He wrapped his hands in her hair, pulled her face

toward him and crushed his lips to hers. Her lips parted and he dipped his tongue into her mouth, tasting the

sweetness there.

She pressed against his body and he felt her heart race. Even without his strong sense of smell he

would have been able to detect the odor of pheromones she secreted. She placed a hand against his chest

and stroked the skin. Her hand trailed down, down to the waist of the jeans he wore. She fiddled with the

button and opened it.

He trailed his lips down her throat, his hands grasping at the shirt she wore, pulling it untucked from

her jeans. He slid his hand underneath and cupped her breast in his hand. The nipple pebbled hard at his


They made their way from the living room to the bedroom. He began to strip off his shirt when he

froze. The scent of Johnson still lingered in this room.

He glanced at her. Angela’s lips were bruised and swollen from the intensity of his kiss. Her eyes

were half-glazed with passion.

She was his, now and forever.

He lifted her from the floor, carried her to the bed, placed her on the mattress and stripped the shirt

from her back.

Her bra was ripped off in his impatience to see her. Her breasts were perfect globes. He dropped his

face to her chest, took a nipple into his mouth and began to suckle. His tongue licked circles around the

hardened bud. She moaned and arched her back.

He undid her pants and pulled them free. Soon she was completely bare to him. He sucked in his

breath at the beauty before him.

His lips once more captured hers as his hand trailed down. After paying homage to both perfect

breasts, it continued a path down her stomach to the juncture between her thighs.

The silky curls emitted heat that burned at his touch. He dipped a finger between the folds, delighting

in the way she jerked nearly off the bed.

As he skimmed his finger, her body spasmed and moisture slicked her skin. He moistened a second

finger and slipped it into her opening.

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Cry Wolf


She bucked and moaned beneath him. Her breath came in hard pants and she whispered his name.

Remy ripped the pants from his body, overcome by desire for her.

She spread her legs as he stroked her harder and faster. Her moaning and thrashing made him insane.

He couldn’t deny himself any longer.

He dropped between her legs, entered her sheath, the heat enveloping him. The muscles surrounding

him tightened, pulled him in deeper. He slid partially out and drove back in once more.

His body found a rhythm and hers matched it in perfect harmony. Together they rode the erotic

waves, him pummeling in deeper, she rocking as she accepted all he had to give.

He cried out her name at the same moment she called his. Together they crested passion’s mountain

and tumbled over the other side into ecstasy. He collapsed on her, desperate to get a breath.

Remy started to pull free from her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, unwilling to release

him, to lose the comfort of his body against and inside hers.

He pushed up on shaking arms to stare at her.

She brushed the sweat-soaked hair from his brow. “You’re mine, Remington Aldrich. There is no

other, never will be another.”

“I wouldn’t allow it,” he replied.

“Neither will I allow you to be with another. I’ll rip to shreds any other female who even looks at you

too long. On that you have my word.”

“And if I look at another?”

She allowed a single claw to form, slid it down his stomach and came to a stop touching both their

bodies intimately. “The part that brought me such pleasure? I’ll keep it forever, in a little jar by my bed.”

“Little?” He chuckled then kissed her deeply while he rocked between her thighs.

The item in question soon grew and convinced her that it would definitely not be a little jar.

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About the Author

To learn more about Donica Covey please visit

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Look for these titles by Donica Covey

Now Available:

Callye’s Justice

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The truth will set her free…or get her killed.

Alexandra’s Legacy

© 2009 N.J. Walters

Alexandra Riley’s day starts out like any other in her normal, predictable world. Then a tall, dark

stranger bursts into her father’s garage and shatters the illusion. In one shocking moment, she discovers

why she’s been feeling hot, restless—she’s the half-breed daughter of a legendary werewolf and is a much-

sought-after prize.

Joshua Striker, enforcer in charge of protecting the alphas of the Wolf Creek pack, has come to take

Alex home. Nothing more, nothing less. From the first moment he sees her, she becomes the one thing he

can’t afford—a distraction from his duty. A weakness he doesn’t want—but can’t resist needing.

If only keeping her safe was as simple as fending off males on the hunt for a mate. Through city

streets to the mountains of North Carolina, Alex and Joshua have to evade those who don’t want their pure

bloodlines tainted with human DNA, as well as bounty hunters who think the only good werewolf is a dead


What Joshua and Alex can’t outrun is the passion that flares between them—or the choice Alex must

eventually face. Whether to claim her inner wolf, or forfeit her chance to claim Joshua as her own.

Warning: This book contains sexy werewolves, rogue werewolves, nasty bounty hunters, a mysterious

vampire and plenty of hot sexual interludes that will raise your blood pressure.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Alexandra’s Legacy:

Joshua Striker’s heart was pounding, although outwardly none of his excitement or agitation showed.

He’d found her. It hadn’t been easy, but he’d managed to stay one step ahead of the two roving packs of

wolves searching for her. She was a treasure and they all wanted her.

He could barely see her now, blocked by the bulk of her father’s body. But the one glimpse he’d had

of her had been more than enough to fire his blood. He could almost feel her long, slender body bucking

beneath his as he thrust hard and deep. He wanted to fuck her until she was screaming with pleasure, until

they were both sweaty and spent. And then he’d do it all over again.

His cock swelled in anticipation, pressing hard against the zipper of his jeans. A fine sheen of sweat

formed on his skin, making it itch. His scalp tingled, his muscles tightened. He shook his head to clear

away the haze of lust enveloping him. Now was definitely not the time for this. His job was to protect her,

not to claim her.

The man in front of him issued another low growl. James LeVeau, or rather James Riley as he called

himself now, had disappeared from the Wolf Creek pack of werewolves in North Carolina almost fifty

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years ago. At the time he’d been the alpha of the pack, the toughest and smartest one of them all. After his

beloved wife, Leda, had died in childbirth, he’d simply vanished.

There had been plenty of rumors over the years. The most intriguing one was that he’d had a child

with a human, a daughter. Now they all knew the rumor was true and she was a prospective mate for many

of the single male wolves.

The past hundred years had not been kind to the werewolves and their numbers were dwindling at an

alarming rate. The past three decades had been even worse. Children were far and few between, as were

females of mating age.

Personally, Joshua felt that had more to do with all the infighting between packs, but the reality

remained that they needed children to expand their population. The fact that she was the daughter of one of

the most powerful, most well-respected wolves in the country was a bonus. Whoever she mated with would

immediately gain in status and standing.

“I come from Wolf Creek. Ian sent me.”

That gave the older man pause, but he didn’t back down or relax his stance. “Who are you?”

“Striker.” James blinked, but gave no other indication of what he was thinking. Joshua admired the

other man’s self-possession.

“Last I heard Miguel was Striker of the Wolf Creek pack.”

“He was my father.” It still hurt for Joshua to think of his father. The large man had seemed invincible

to his sons, but death had claimed him all the same.

“Was?” The very stillness of the other man assured Joshua that he was ready to spring and fight at any


“It took four rogue wolves and several humans to bring him down.” He wanted to tip back his head

and howl with the sorrow that was his constant companion. Instead, Joshua swallowed, refusing to show

any of the emotion beating at him. “He was searching for you.”

“You’re young Joshua.” James’ eyes narrowed as they raked over the younger man.

“I was. Now I am Striker of the Wolf Creek pack.” Striker was more than just their name, it was his

family’s duty within the pack. The head of the Striker family was in charge of pack security, of protecting

the alpha pair and the pack as a whole. That duty had fallen to him and he would not fail, no matter the


“I am sorry to hear about your father. He was the best of us.” Joshua could not mistake the sincerity

and the sorrow in James’ voice. “I missed him.”

“Why did you never contact him?” The biting question was past his lips before he could restrain it.

Joshua was angry with himself for letting his emotion show. It was a weakness he could not afford.

“It was not safe. I had too much to lose.” James shook his head. “In those days they would not have

accepted my child. She was not of pure blood.” He gave a bitter laugh. “Times have changed in the past

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few decades, have they not? Back then, they might have killed her, now they want to claim her.” His

features hardened and the alpha warrior was revealed. “I will do whatever it takes to protect her.”

“Dad?” Her low, lilting voice washed over Joshua like a physical caress, making it hard for him to

breathe. “What’s this all about? Who is this guy?” He could hear the uncertainty, the question in her voice

as she stepped out from behind her father.

James reached out his hand and wrapped it around her shoulder, pulling her beneath the shelter of his

arm. “This is part of what I needed to speak to you about.” His gaze never left Joshua’s face. “Lock the

door and come upstairs. We have to talk.”

Joshua turned away from the pair, purposely leaving his back exposed. Taking his time, he threw all

six bolts on the door. When he was done, he faced them and cocked his eyebrow in question. The older

man motioned to a doorway at the far end of the garage.

He strode past them, trying not to stare at the woman. He didn’t know her name, but he knew that he

wanted her. Something about her reached deep inside him, demanding that he claim her as his own. With

his preternatural sense of smell, he caught a faint whiff of her scent and almost moaned. She was close to

coming into heat, but not quite there yet. At the moment, it was just the faintest tantalizing perfume that

made his head spin and sent lust surging through his bloodstream. Layered over that was the clean scent of

woman, her own personal fragrance. It was fresh, like the mountain wildflowers after a summer’s rain.

And he was obviously losing his mind if he was waxing poetic when there was a pissed off alpha at

his back and danger surrounding them all. If he didn’t keep his mind on business, he’d never live long

enough to have a chance to claim his woman.

And she was his. She just didn’t know it yet.

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They shattered his world by kidnapping his fiancée—now, paybacks are a bitch.

Callye’s Justice

© 2007 Donica Covey

Justice Bernard, an agent with the Drug Enforcement Agency, has devoted years to stopping—or at

least slowing down—the flow of drugs entering and leaving St. Louis. He’s seen a lot of messed up things

in his line of work, but he never thought the woman he loved would become a target.

Since accepting Justice’s marriage proposal, Callye Ann Simone’s spent most of her time in a state of

bliss. But when she’s kidnapped and left alone, tied up and in the dark, her dreams for the future turn into

one long nightmare that never seems to end.

When Justice realizes Callye’s been kidnapped by the very men he’s shaken down for drug

trafficking, his heart shatters. He vows to save her no matter what the cost, and now he’s on the hunt for his

beloved, and hell-bent on revenge…

This is the first book in the Gateway Guardians series.

Warning: this title contains violence, strong language and heart-pounding suspense.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Callye’s Justice:

Where the hell is that ambulance?” Justice Bernard shouted again above the wailing of the sirens. In

the flashing strobe lights around him, he looked down into Cas’s pale face. “Don’t you dare leave me, you

hear me, Callye Ann Simone? I need you, damn it.”

The blood was pooling beneath his arms as it seeped from the many cuts slashing her small frame.

Bruises in colors ranging from violet to angry black and green dotted her face and arms. His stomach

clenched in fear.

“We need the medics now,” he shouted again. Was anyone even hearing him? Why the hell didn’t

someone come for her?

Uniforms raced around him, but all he could see was Cas. “Damn it, Cas, please hang on.” Her pulse

was so weak. They couldn’t be too late. This just couldn’t be happening. He’d just gotten her back. He

couldn’t lose her now.

“The ambulance just arrived, sir.”

“’Bout damn time,” he growled as the paramedics rolled the stretcher up to them.

The flashing lights of the emergency vehicles cast strange shadows on the faces of the medics so they

seemed to wear masks of death. He pressed the morbid thought from his mind.

They pushed him to the side while they assessed the damage done to Cas. Justice battled the tears that

pricked his eyes. All his fault. How the hell could he let this happen to her?

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You put up such a hell of a fight, don’t give up now. The tears slid down his cheek and he gave them a

hard brush. “Please, baby, hang on.”

“We gotta move now,” one of the medics shouted.

They rushed to secure her inside the rig, and for a moment, Justice stood frozen with the fear and guilt

battling in his gut. Finally, his brain kicked in and he vaulted for the side door. “I’m coming with.”

“Jus, we need to get—” Chase Willett, his partner, called after him.

“At the hospital.” Justice didn’t look up, just pulled the door closed, the sound of the slam resounding

in the rig.

He should’ve been more aware of their surroundings. “Damn it.” Why was he such a fool?

He took her hand in his and stroked it gently. Her nails were ragged. The light purple polish chipped.

Where was her ring? When had it come off? He tried to focus but everything was a hazy nightmare.

The medic in the jump seat was on the phone to the hospital. The second medic knelt on the floor

beside the cot, monitoring Cas’s breathing and heart rhythm. Had they been able to stop her bleeding?

He pressed a light kiss to her cool skin. “Please, Cas, don’t leave me. I couldn’t make it without you.”

It took a while for him to realize he’d been holding his breath. With a slight squeeze to her hand, he

uttered a prayer that she’d come back to him. All he wanted to do was look into her incredible blue eyes

once more. No way could she leave him now, not after accepting his proposal four days ago.

Had it only been four? It was more like an eternity.

His mind drifted back to that night.

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