Session One, Level 1 Tape Script

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London Tests of English

Session One: May 2007

Tape Script

Level 1

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Hello everyone! Today’s test is the London Tests of English Level One. The theme
of this test is Moving House. This test lasts one hour and thirty minutes. There are
six tasks. Tasks One and Two are listening. You must listen to the tape and write
your answers in this booklet. Good luck!

Task One: Moving to a New House

Anna and Marcus are two students at college. Anna is moving to a new house. They
are talking about it. Listen to the conversation, look at the pictures and read the
words. Put a cross in the box below the correct picture, as in the example.

You will hear the conversation twice. Do as much as you can the first time and

finish your work the second time.

You have one minute to read the words and look at the pictures.


Listen carefully. The conversation
starts now.



Marcus: Hi Anna! How are things with you?


Hello Marcus. I’m OK thanks. But I’m a bit sad. Today’s my last day at


Marcus: (surprised) Oh? Why?

Anna: I’m moving house with my family.

Marcus: Moving house? Wow! That’s exciting. Where to? The seaside?

Anna: No, no. We’re moving to the town of Farley. Do you know it?

Marcus: Yes, my cousin lives there. So when are you moving?

Anna: Now, is it Tuesday or Wednesday? Just a minute. It’s in my diary. Oh yes,

here it is. We’re going on Thursday.

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Marcus: (Taken aback) Oh Anna! That’s so soon! And your new house – where is it? Is

it in the middle of town, near the shops and the college?

Anna: It’s right next to the park, in Bridge Street. It’s a really nice house, Marcus.

Marcus: That’s funny, my cousin lives in Bridge Street too – number seventeen.

Anna: Really! Well, our house is a hundred and seventy. It’s nearly at the end of

the street. It’s quite quiet there.

Marcus: What’s the house like?

Anna: Well, there are two floors. The kitchen, living room and study are on the

ground floor and then upstairs there are three bedrooms and the bathroom.

But it doesn’t have a garage, unfortunately.

Marcus: What about your room?

Anna: I think it’s great! And my mum really loves the kitchen too – it’s so big!

Marcus: And has it got a garden?

Anna: Well, not like the one we have now, you know. It has got a lovely old apple

tree. But it doesn’t have any flowers or vegetables in it.

Marcus: Well, you can plant some flowers (PAUSE) And are you busy packing all

your things?

Anna: Yes, very. Last week I packed all the books and yesterday I did my CDs. I’m

doing all my clothes tomorrow.

Marcus: Great! No problems then?

Anna: Well, yes, one. I broke my favourite lamp – but I bought a new one.

Marcus: A new one? Was it expensive?

Anna: Quite expensive. (slight pause) Fifteen pounds eighty – but it’s very nice.

Marcus: Oh, that’s not bad. So do you have a new phone number Anna?

Anna: Yes.

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Marcus: Right, what is it?

Anna: It’s three, four, double nine, oh.

Marcus: OK I’ve got that. And what time are you moving? . I’d like to come and

wave goodbye.

Anna: Well, the lorry’s coming to take our things at quarter to ten.

Marcus: Right, I’ll be there.



You will now hear the conversation again.




RUBRIC: That is the end of Task One. Now go on to Task Two.

Task Two: The Town of Farley

Anna phones the Farley Information Office to find out more about her new town.
Listen to the recorded message and complete Anna’s notes. Write one or two
words or a number in each space, as in the example.

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You will hear the message twice. Do as much as you can the first time and finish
your work the second time.

You have one minute to read Anna’s notes.


Listen carefully. The message starts now.



Hello. This is the Farley Information Office. Sorry, the office is now closed, but please

listen to the following information.

Farley museum is situated on Dean Road. That’s spelt D E A N Road. It’s small but

very interesting and entry is free. The museum is open every day from nine until five.

This month’s exhibition is about toys. (pause)

Farley’s main shopping centre is Bicton Mall. That’s Bicton spelt B I C T O N and Mall

spelt M A L L. The shopping centre has a large car park. Or you can take the bus. The

number eleven and number twenty nine buses go there.

Farley has one cinema. It’s called the Palace because it’s in Palace Square. It’s got

four screens, so you have a good choice of films. If you want more information, please

ring the cinema on oh one seven double eight two.

People who are keen on sport can go to the Farley Sports Centre. The sports centre is

situated on River Road and has excellent facilities. It’s open daily from eight am

except on Mondays, when it’s closed all day. To be a member of the sports centre

costs twenty pounds per month for adults and five pounds for children.

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If you want to visit us at our Information Office, we are situated



You will now hear the recorded message again.



That is the end of the listening tasks. The other tasks test your reading and writing
of English. Now go on to Task Three.

Document Outline


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