Michelle Houston Blood Slave

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Published by Phaze Books
Also by Michelle Houston

Kinky Girls Do

"The Life Not Lived" from

413 Remembrance Lane

"Inferno" from

Coming Together Under Fire

Phaze in Verse

Diggin' Up Bones

Fated to Be

Enslaving Heaven

Parallel Attraction

A Change of Pace

This is an explicit and erotic novel

intended for the enjoyment

of adult readers. Please keep

out of the hands of children.


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Blood Slave

Two paranormal erotic romance shorts by


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Blood Slave, copyright 2008 by Michelle Houston

All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright
Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the
product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any
resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or
locales is entirely coincidental.

A Phaze Production

Phaze Books

6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

To order additional copies of this book, contact:



Cover art © 2008, Debi Lewis

Edited by Jade Falconer

eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-008-9

First Edition – August, 2008

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted
work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement
without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5
years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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Where The Blind Leads

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randon was used to interviews, and knew how to calm

his racing thoughts. This interview, however, was beyond his
experience. Being naked while his interviewer was fully dressed

was unnerving, to say the least.

Then there was the fact that all his dreams rested on the

outcome. Despite his case of nerves, he worked to control his

breathing and stay calm. He had made it this far and now after
months of tests and a string of interviews, he was at the last
stage. One more to go, just one more.

“Brandon, you’ve passed all of the physical requirements.

No diseases, that’s good. You’re physically healthy, young, and

strong. As for the mental tests, you’ve passed them all as well.
You’re stable, sane, and capable, while demonstrating an ability
to remain calm under pressure. You also show a strong

submissive streak, which fits our profile perfectly. Now, you just
have to pass one final test and then you can meet your new

Brandon nodded that he understood and shifted slightly in

his chair. The leather was slick with his sweat, and his bare skin
caused him to slide forward with every few breaths. It didn’t

help matters any that Nicholas, his interviewer, was a
distinguished, older man, going slightly gray at the temples. He
had always had a thing for middle-aged men, even as a college

student. If anything, the fact that Nicholas was his ideal wet
dream caused him to sweat more as Brandon tried to keep his
racing libido in check.

“While you’re out with your master, you’d be expected to

wear a harness similar to this one.” Nicholas held up the dark

leather contraption. It formed an X in the front where it would
cross his chest, with loops for his arms and a ‘T’ in back where a
silver ring was anchored. A simple leash could be attached, as

could any number of other devices. Brandon couldn’t stop a
slight shiver at the images that flooded his mind.

While it was perfectly crafted to function as a crude and

obvious leash, it could also be used in private. He had some

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experience with the public aspects, having seen some vampire
masters and their ‘eyes’ out in public before. Many walked, but a
few would move on all fours, their legs covered in special pads

to protect them. But no one talked about what went on behind
closed doors; the whippings, the blood drinking, the intense
sexual pleasure.

“In public, you will be clothed, but most of the time in

private, you will be naked.” Brandon trembled at the idea. He
often walked around his home without clothing, but that was by

his own choice. Few of his masters had had the money required
to allow him to be nude all the time.

“Your master will expect complete and total obedience.

Your eyes would be his, your body, his.” He swallowed heavily
as a whisper of a fantasy pushed at his consciousness. A tall,
muscular man holding him pinned down, while he shoved his

cock into his ass. He would repeat only one word as he furiously
fucked him; Mine.

“Everything you are, everything you are capable of, would

be his to control, his to command.”

Brandon opened his mouth as a question formed, but

remembering his place, he closed it again.

“You’d be well cared for, your cravings for total submission

indulged. As such, you’d be expected to submit to a daily

feeding of your blood and service your master.” Nicholas paused
as if to let the rules sink into Brandon’s mind.

For a moment, Brandon wondered if he was to respond that

he understood and complied, but he didn’t want to risk over-
stepping his boundaries.

Nicholas continued, “Even when gagged, your mental link

with your master will allow you to convey any unease you feel.
He will probably know better than you your limits. So there is no
fear he will push you past them. He stands to lose a lot more if

he does, since the organization that screens possible blood slaves
also monitors their situation.” He paused for a moment, looking
down at the papers in his hands, then continued. “You must

understand that despite this assurance, this is not a commitment
to be taken lightly. The virus that causes the vampire condition

can be caught by slaves after prolonged exposure to a vampire’s

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Leaning back in his chair, his interviewer cocked an

eyebrow. “Is there anything you want to ask, Brandon? This is
the time for questions. Once your interview with your potential

master begins, you won’t be allowed to speak unless requested.”

Brandon shifted again, crossing his legs in a feeble attempt

to hide his cock’s rising. Sitting in a room, naked, with a fully

clothed, attractive man was arousing enough, but having a vague
idea of what the rest of the day held in store for him was
intoxicating. He wanted to hurry and get to it, but he needed to

know a few things first. “Why are all the vampires blind?”

Nicholas laughed softly, his eyes without any real mirth.

“That is a very long and complicated story.”

Although he suspected that all the possible blood slaves

asked that question, Brandon persisted. He had to hear it for
himself. “I remember stories as a child of the powerful blood

drinkers, how they could mind blend and enjoyed sadistic sexual
perversions. Never once was it mentioned that they were all

blind.” Brandon looked away from Nicholas and said, “I’ve seen
them about town, with their eyes on leashes, but I never knew
why. I thought it was part of their craving for total dominance,

but I came to know later that they weren’t just dominating their
submissives, they were using them to see.”

Nicholas smiled and nodded. “Dominance does play a role,

but as you now know, it goes much deeper than that."

Brandon waited patiently while the older man seemed to

collect his words, before he started to speak. “A thousand years

ago, vampires were considered myths. Several hundred years
afterwards, they were discovered to be a reality and people ran
scared. Most viewed them as the undead, when in reality they’re

infected with a virus, which requires them to ingest human blood
to survive. Other than their heightened senses and some mental
abilities through a blood bond, they are as normal as you and I,

except for living much longer lives. They are not invulnerable.”

Nicholas looked away, but before he did, Brandon watched

his eyes cloud over with a haze of sadness. “Some felt threatened

by what they didn’t understand and took it upon themselves to
destroy every vampire. After years of trial and error, some

scientist discovered a mutated disease that could infect vampires.
That is, if a “victim” was infected and carried the disease which

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did them no harm, the vampires themselves would become
infected as well, although obviously, the virus would affect them
much differently.”

Trying to process the information flooding him, he almost

missed what Nicholas said next. “Unfortunately, with their
mental abilities, the victims couldn’t know they were

transmitting a disease, so they were told they were being given a
new flu vaccination. It was the easiest way to spread the virus to
a large group of the population in a short period of time. The

vampires had no chance.”

Brandon felt a cold shiver race down his back. He’d never

heard that story before and felt a tug of sorrow, for the victims as

well as the vampires. His pulse raced at the implications;
something like that would have taken the cooperation of many
different organizations, including some of the world health

agencies. There had been several outbreaks in recent history that
would have allowed for mass vaccinations. It astonished him that

countries at war with one another, organizations that stood for
opposite ideals, would have worked together to accomplish what
was required to blind the vampires.

“Just as planned, the new disease decimated the infected

vampire within days, but only to the extent that it took their
sight. Vampires were systematically hunted and infected. This

allowed many to be found and slaughtered. Now all vampires,
those that survived and new alike, are blind.” Looking up at
Nicholas, Brandon saw a longing in his eyes that wasn’t there

before as he stared out the window.

“The virus that turns a mortal into a vampire has been

mutated, and the damage cannot be undone.”

Turning to face Brandon, Nicholas said, “When the

protection order was created, vampires became a protected race,
and laws were put into place to give back what had been taken

away. That’s how this organization came to be. By then their
numbers had dwindled, but they hadn’t completely died out as
had been hoped. They are even beginning to slowly increase

their population again.”

Nicholas smiled without any real humor. There was instead

a sadness there that Brandon couldn’t figure out. “Now, my
young possible, are you ready for the next step?”

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Brandon took a deep breath and considered what was being

asked of him. He would be nothing more than a seeing-eye dog,
dinner, and a sex slave. The slave part was exactly what he had

always dreamt of, but he’d never planned on being dinner. He
admitted to himself that the human masters he’d served hadn’t
been enough. They’d whipped him, humiliated him, and fucked

him senseless, but he’d always felt a deep sense of restlessness,
of not being completely fulfilled. He always returned to his
taboo fantasies, where his master whipped him until he bled,

then forced him to stand still while he licked the blood from him.

None of his masters had been willing to go that far, for fear

of hurting him, or out of disgust at the idea of what many termed

blood play. He hoped that with a vampire master, and the mental
connection to him, he would be able to read what he could
handle. Being asked to bleed for his master would certainly be a

fantasy fulfilled.

His mind made up, he nodded, then forced the words to

come out steadily. “Yes, Sir.”

“We force no one into service, but we guarantee a

comfortable life with all of your needs met. But, you need to be

absolutely certain this is what you want. Once you're a slave, you
can never go back to not being a blood slave. At best, you
change masters. There cannot be a chance of you transmitting

the trace amount of the virus that will build in your blood stream
to someone else. There is a small percentage of the population
that reacts negatively when they come into contact with a

vampire or the virus. That is one of the tests we had to run on
you, to see if you were in that percentage.”

Inside, he was anything but steady. His desires warred with

the reality of what awaited. He was facing the unknown. He had
no real knowledge of vampires from which to form a true
opinion, only what he’d glimpsed and what he’d been told. But

he did know that this was what he’d been waiting for, for a long
time. He swallowed heavily and nodded again.

“Good. Stand up, and let’s get you harnessed. It’s best for

the first time to do this together, so you can learn how to do it
right from the beginning. Just remember, if at any time today,

you should wish to walk away, you are free to do so. But only
for today; beyond that, you're a blood slave for life.”

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Brandon stood and forced his body to relax as he buckled

himself into the leather harness. He felt the leash as it swayed,
occasionally tickling the backs of his knees. The leather moved

slickly against his sweat-damp skin. It itched, and he desperately
wanted to scratch. Of its own violation, his hand started to rise.

A quick smack of a palm against his left butt cheek halted

him. “Hands at your side. Remember, he may not be able to see
as you and I, but once your master partakes of your blood, he’ll
know all that you do. He’ll see what you see and will not tolerate

you acting on your own when harnessed. Your every waking
moment will be to please and serve your master, not yourself.”

Dropping his hand back to his side, Brandon tried not to

think about the delicious tingling where Nicholas’ palm had
landed. There was a sharp pull to his harness as the leash was
grasped. A swish stirred the air a moment before a crop slashed

his ass. A ribbon of fire streaked across his butt cheek, and he bit
back a moan of enjoyment.

“Since you’ve expressed enjoyment in having your ass

beaten, this will be how you’re guided. A smack to your left
cheek means to go left, right to go right, the cleft of your ass will

be hit for you to start walking or to pick up the pace, and your
harness slightly pulled for you to stop. These commands will
also be used when you are in public, although then you will be


Before his mind had a chance to process everything, a sharp

smack landed against the cleft of his ass. Jumping slightly,

Brandon started forward at a leisurely pace. Another smack
landed, driving him a bit faster. Coming to a door, he stopped.

Another smack landed against the center of his ass,

followed by two more. “Did I tell you to stop?”

“No, Sir.”
“Then move it.”

Brandon trembled, his legs felt like Jell-O. His ass was

already on fire, and if his dick got any harder he could crack
walnuts with it.

Quickly, he opened the door and guided the way through

then stopped again. Several smacks against his cleft had his cock

weeping with need. Images of his last master filled his mind as
he pictured their last scene. It was the closest he had come to

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complete fulfillment, but even having his ass whipped while
forced to masturbate to orgasm hadn’t done it for him.

“Yet again, you stopped.” If Brandon wasn’t mistaken,

Nicholas’ voice was becoming deeper, almost husky.

“What about the door, Sir?”
“Fuck the door. You do as your master commands, and only

what he commands. Remember that. If he wants you to stop and
close the door, he’ll pull your leash and you’ll know to stop.
Now get your ass moving.”

Another smack landed on the tender skin where his ass

cheeks curved in, a bee sting on the ones before. Each was a joy
in and of itself. His anus clenched in response, which only

heightened his need. He forced his feet to move when all he
wanted to do as stop and let Nicholas beat his ass until he
climaxed. He guided Nicholas carefully through the room.

Furniture was set about with no real rhyme to it, and it struck
him that the haphazard arrangement was a test course to teach

him to guide his master though obstacles.

As he reached the other side of the room and another door,

the leather harness tugged tightly against his chest for a moment,

as the leash was given a quick flick. Brandon stopped and

“Brandon, here’s how it's going to be. You open that door

and you meet your new master. Slaves are given a chance at the
end of the interview with their possible master to walk away
with no guilt. Pay close attention to how he makes you feel.

Open your mind to him as well as your body. If you have any
doubt after your time with him, say so. Don’t set yourself up for
anything, especially if you’re not sure you can handle it.

“When you enter, I’ll guide you to him. When I command

you to stop, drop to your hands and knees, press your forehead to
the floor, and relax your ass. He will touch you, and I will be

watching. Remember that you can and will be subject to his
every whim as long as you stay with him. But you can change
masters at any time.

“Now, open the door.”
Brandon’s balls tightened a moment before the expected

slash landed, urging him on, punishing him for his hesitation.

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He opened the door and stepped into the darkened room.

The furnishing was sparse, containing only two chairs, which sat
across the room from each other. In one, he could see the

silhouette of a man. As his eyes fell for the first time on the man
who might soon own him, Brandon drew in a quick breath. He
was magnificent. Old world charm oozed from his face as well

as a hint of a cruel smile that curled his lips. Here was a man
bred to take charge, to lead, to command. He was everything
Brandon had always hoped to find in a lover.

His eyes subtly looked over the vampire, admiring him as

he walked toward his possible fate. He could feel his heart racing
at the urge to sink to his knees, unzip the vampire’s slacks and

suck his cock deep into his throat. The impulse was so strong, he
licked his lips in anticipation.

He was almost close enough to touch him when another

quick jerk of the leash stopped him. After dropping gracefully to
his hands and knees, Brandon turned and spread his legs, his ass

open and aimed toward the vampire in the chair.

“My Lord, this is Brandon. Brandon, others call your

potential master Daren. One day, he may give you leave to call

him such as well. Until then, remember your place. I’ll leave you
two to get acquainted. I’ll be across the room watching, for your
comfort this time.”

Brandon felt the air stir, and the scent of spicy aftershave

soon faded as Nicholas faded into the shadows, leaving him
alone with the dark lord.

Curiously soft hands caressed his ass, pausing to press

lightly against his puckered asshole. Brandon’s cock jumped at
the contact, pre-come leaking from the tip. Aroused to almost a

fevered pitch, he was ready to beg his master to sink a finger into
his ass.

“Stand and turn to me.” The voice was soft, the words

curled with a strange accent, but the tone was clear. This was a
man who would not tolerate insubordination.

His body trembling, Brandon stood and pivoted on his

heel, facing the vampire. Thoughts whirled in his mind. What
would this vampire expect of him? Would he whip him to

orgasm? Would he fuck him hard? Would he finally make his
fantasies a reality?

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“Lay across my lap, with your cock between my legs.”
Brandon quickly settled himself across Daren’s lap and

waited. Soft hands returned to Brandon’s ass, dancing across his

skin, touching the heated lines where the crop had landed earlier.
Relaxing under the smooth sensations, Brandon wasn’t quite
prepared for the finger that suddenly thrust into his asshole.

Jerking slightly, he earned a quick smack from the other hand,
which caused the crop marks to sting even more.

“Your ass is smooth, Brandon. Did you shave your cleft

yourself? Did you rub lotion all over your smooth ass, maybe
fucking yourself a bit?”

Forcing himself to breathe slowly and deeply, Brandon

nodded and struggled to relax. Another finger suddenly joined
the first, and then another until his ass was stretched.

“I must admit, I love tight little holes. Yours is very tight,

my little slut. Do you exercise your little ass while driving like
some women do their cunt?”

“Yes, Sir.”
Spreading the three fingers wide, Daren thrust them slowly

in and out of his asshole, until Brandon was a quivering mass of

pain and pleasure.

“I like it. Tighten for me now. Pretend my fingers are my

cock, and suck them in deep.”

His ass hurt, his balls churned with the need to orgasm, and

Brandon craved the next step, where his new master would claim
him fully. He wanted to feel his master’s cock shoving into his

ass. He even wanted the feel of his master’s fangs in his neck--
anything to increase the sweet, bitter sensations.

Until that moment though, he did as ordered. Images of the

handsome vampire’s cock shoving past his sphincter filled his
mind. He clenched tight, and relaxed. Over and over, he milked
the fingers in his ass. He could feel his orgasm building, his balls

tight and heavy with come.

The firm fingers left as quickly as they had invaded. “Stand

up, facing away.”

Startled from his fantasy, Brandon’s legs were barely able

to support him. Gritting his teeth, he stood. He resisted the urge

to look at his master over his shoulder. He knew he wouldn’t be
seen, but also knew that somehow the vampire would know.

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“Bend over and grab the backs of your knees. I understand

that you like pain, that you don’t feel fulfilled without it. I am
willing to indulge this need, because it pleases me as well.”

Spellbound by the musical quality to his master’s voice,

Brandon leaned over and gripped his knees. Slightly unsteady,
he shifted, almost lost his balance, and righted himself. Those

same soft hands settled against his hips and steadied him.

As the hands left him, Brandon quivered inside. It was such

a sweet moment, his master steadying him for his beating. A

sharp swish announced the crop before it landed. The force was
several times worse than any Nicholas had dished out, harder
even than his last master’s punishments. His ass begged for more

even as his mind debated if he could handle it. But it wasn’t up
to his mind. The next blow proved that, then the next.

Daren murmured words of encouragement, describing how

much Brandon pleased him, how he was going to enjoy fucking
his newest slave as he rained blows on Brandon’s flesh. The

words blurred together in Brandon’s mind, but he knew what
they meant. He understood the tone, understood the subtle power
his new master was giving him. He ultimately held the true

power by submitting. He merely had to give his body willingly.
His master had to constantly work to keep him happy.

Repeatedly, the crop slashed at his tender flesh, blazing a

trail of fire. Brandon felt tears welling in his eyes as it continued.
Again, and again, the blows landed, on his butt, his upper thighs,
his clenched asshole until finally warmth trickled down the back

of his leg. Several times, Brandon had nearly begged for him to
stop, but he found he couldn’t make the words come out.

The sensations racing through his body felt too good to

stop. The sticky fluid dripped to his hand and Brandon knew his
master had drawn blood. Even then, he had no desire to end
things. This was what he had always wanted. Suddenly, he

craved knowing just how far his new master would push him. He
wanted to offer the wound to the vampire, to share of his blood,
and then taste the metallic fluid on his tongue.

For a moment, the only sounds filling the room were

Brandon’s harsh breathing and the sound of the crop hitting the

floor. A finger pressed against the bleeding gash, slipping into
the wound. He heard his master lick the blood from his finger,

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then murmur in appreciation. Brandon felt pride that his taste
pleased his master. The continual stinging pain only added to the

He felt his new master drop to his knees behind him a

moment before a tongue traced along his wound. The slick
feeling of wet flesh over his bleeding gash should have stung,

but it felt arousing, just as he had fantasized that it would. The
rough scrap of sharp teeth along the wound caused him to
tremble, his cock straining for even the briefest of touches, even

as his mind demanded he beg to be whipped some more.

It was the most bittersweet of moments; his blood dripping

down the back of his leg, a dominant vampire on his knees

behind him, his tongue rasping over his skin. Everything that
came before was only a prelude to this moment, this man who
would be his master if he were willing.

He could hear his master stand and pick something up, but

he wasn’t sure what. He didn’t have long to wait to find out.

Cool plastic settled against his anus, and Brandon worked to

relax and open his sphincter. As the cool liquid lubricated his
asshole, Brandon replayed the sensation of those long, slender

fingers fucking his ass. By the time the tip of the tube pulled
from his ass, he was ready to beg to be fucked, damn the

Brandon quivered as the vampire bent and placed another

soft kiss to his wound, then moved back to his seat, the leather
creaking under his weight.

“Stand up straight, and place your hands on your ass cheeks,

holding them apart.”

Trembling inside and out, Brandon did as ordered. Digging

his nails into the flesh behind his knees, he tried to ignore the
trickle of blood down his thigh, the fiery paths across his ass, and
the desperate need for some form of contact on his weeping

cock. This was what he had always longed for and wished to

His cock had never been harder.

The leather chair groaned as his master shifted in his seat.

Metal rasped slightly as a zipper was lowered. Brandon hoped it

meant he would soon feel a cock slipping past his sphincter
muscle. Several moments passed as the squishing sound of a

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greased hand sliding over flesh, seemed louder than possible.
Brandon almost drooled, imaging those perfect fingers gripping
his master’s cock. He wanted to be doing it, preparing his

master’s cock to thrust into his ass.

He should be doing it; it was a submissive’s job to prepare

his master to fuck him. But only if his master wished--and

obviously at this time, the vampire didn’t.

“Sit down on my lap.”
Carefully, he settled himself as if into a tub of hot water,

every criss-crossed line on his butt screaming at the contact with
silken material, then the hard muscles beneath. Smooth flesh
pressed against him as a hard, oily cock settled into the cleft of

his ass.

Brandon held his sweat and blood streaked cheeks apart as

his master gripped his own cock to guide it to his aching hole.

Brandon wanted to thrust down as the cock head pressed against
his outer ring. He craved the piercing feel of his master’s cock

breaching his sphincter, the blissful mixture of pleasure and the
sharp sting of pain. His body demanded it, screaming for him to
drop down as hard as he could, slamming the hard cock all the

way in to the hilt. He dug his fingernails harder into his cheeks
as he struggled against his own needs, and the deep-rooted desire
to please.

Brandon closed his eyes as he gradually sank down on his

master's prick, the moments seeming to drag by. A brief stab of
pain gripped him, then the most intense ecstasy as his prostate

was caressed by the man's cock head. This was what he was
made for: to be whipped, to be fucked, to serve loyally and
whole-heartedly. Never had another man made him feel more

cherished, nor had another master made him enjoy his
submission as much.

As the thick cock slid deep into his ass, he couldn’t hold

back a moan of enjoyment. A quick arch of his master’s hips
drove the cock deeper still and another moan slipped past his
lips. Biting his lips until he tasted the warm metallic taste of his

own blood, Brandon forced his groans to stay within his throat.
He didn’t want to risk his master’s displeasure, not when what he

was doing felt almost too good to be true.

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“No.” The sharp word startled him. “You will not hide

yourself from me. I wish to hear you; I wish to hear you gasp for
more. Now ride me until I come.”

Shifting slightly, Brandon braced his hands against his

master’s thighs and started to rock on his lap, feeling the stretch
of his ass-ring as he lifted slightly, only to drive himself back

down. Moans of appreciation floated past his master’s lips as
Brandon slowly milked his cock as he had his fingers.

His owns groans mingled with the deeper tones of the

vampire as his body settled into a pace that pleased them both. It
was excruciating, holding back the orgasm that threatened to
bubble forth.

A hand gripped his hair and pulled his head back sharply,

jarring his rhythm. He felt the heat of his master’s breath a
moment before the sting of fangs pierced his skin. Brandon

could feel his own pulse in his neck; hear it beating as the blood
flowed from his body into his master’s mouth. The cock in his

ass hardened even more as he rocked back and forth with slight
movements that wouldn’t dislodge his lord’s teeth.

The sting in his neck was in perfect harmony with the one

on his ass.

A faint pressure inside his skull startled him, but soon

drifted away as invisible fingers stroked across his

consciousness. He began to feel divided, his senses heightened,
his body completely in tune with his master. He knew without
being guided what would pleasure his new lord. His mind

opened, as did his body, and Brandon accepted the touch of
another mind to his, welcomed it.

His mind became an instrument for his master, a way to

pluck and strum his body into a symphony of sensations.

The wounds on his ass stung with each movement, but still

he wanted more, he craved more. He wasn’t certain how much

was his own need and how much was the vampire’s, but he
didn’t care. He ground forcefully against his master, his lover.
Gripping tight, he fucked the vampire in a steady pattern of

clench and release, thrust and withdrawal. Over and over, he
danced upon his master’s lap, driving them both closer to the

beckoning oblivion.

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As his master’s fangs slipped free of his neck, the soft hands

returned to his hips and held him still as the man pounded up and
into his ass. Moments later, the hot flow of come filled his

quivering orifice and he heard soft-spoken words in his ear.
“Your turn.”

His master's hands firmly gripped his cock and slid up and

down, drawing moans and gasps from Brandon's parted lips. His
head was turned, his mouth opened to accept the thrust of his
master’s tongue. His senses whirled, as he tasted his own blood

while his master’s tongue rubbed against his.

A groan flowed into his mouth, followed by soft moans.

Kissing, the two shared their pleasure vocally as their tongues


Brandon loved the feel of male hands on his flesh, a male

tongue in his mouth. He loved knowing his master approved of

his needs. Almost instantly, a familiar yet more intense sensation
flooded his body. His cock jumped and a steady spurt of sperm

flowed, coating his stomach in his sticky cream. Beneath him,
his master shifted slightly, brushing against the still tender crop

Pulling away, his master raised one hand first to his own

lips, then to Brandon’s, offering him a taste of his own come.
Sucking the long slender finger deep, he imagined it was come

from his master’s cock he was pulling into his mouth. He felt
almost dizzy with desire for his new lord as the finger was pulled
away and laid again in his lap.

He could feel his master’s approval flowing through him,

the bond already growing strongly between them.

Minutes passed as Brandon struggled with the reality that

finally he had met a man who would push him to his limits and
beyond, a man he desired. Struggling to open his mind to his
master’s soft mental touch, he tried to accept the non-vocal


The fact that his blood flowed through his master’s body,

that his master was so attractive to him, and that he served all of

his master’s baser needs was the ultimate rush. Closely on its
heels was excitement that he and his master were becoming one

on a deeper level. Already, he was starting to feel safe, and
sensed a reciprocal feeling for him.

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“So, do you want him?”
Brandon was startled at Nicholas’ calm tone. Hearing no

answer from his master, he held his breath and waited for him to

say yes. Trembling inside with sudden fear of rejection, he
sought out the soothing mental touch.

Several moments passed as he sought the unfamiliar path,

then his master’s warm breath rustled across his shoulder.
“Answer him,” he whispered, his hands sliding down to cup
Brandon’s balls. Instantly, the path became clear and Brandon

felt his master’s reassurance flowing through him.

Understanding flowed over him; Nicholas was asking him if

he accepted Daren, not the other way around. It was his decision

to make, his last for a long while. Brandon cleared his throat and
declared in a firm voice, “Yes.”

Nicholas nodded and stood, separating from the shadows

where he had observed everything. Carefully, he walked across
the room and stopped at the doorway. His hands felt the wall,

until he found the doorknob. He paused a moment and turned to
smile at the couple. “You made the right choice my friend. I
served him well for over twenty years and never regretted a day

of it, not even now that I have to face selecting my own
submissive.” With those soft words, he left the room.

Stunned at the revelation, Brandon’s mind whirled with the

implications. Nicholas was going blind. The reality of the
potential to spread to him hit him like a fist to the chest. He
could be infected by the virus, and become vampire. Worse, he

could lose his sight.

A strong voice declared in his mind, “Yes, it is possible.

Consider carefully.” Brandon trembled at the feel of the

telepathic bond tightening between them. He believed he could
close his eyes and see the thread that was winding between them,
binding them together.

“If it’s any consolation, it takes years of contact with a

vampire’s fangs, and all of the tiny transmissions, for the
mutated virus to take hold. It would only take a few exchanges if

I gave you of my blood, but we’re careful not to let that happen.
We’ve also learned just how much contact a submissive can take

before running to risk of turning. Many blood slaves change
masters every few years and never turn. Each of us seems to

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have a slightly different strain of the same virus, and exposure to
one doesn’t amplify exposure to another. Nicholas knew he was
pushing the point, yet he wanted to stay with me.” Each word his

master spoke filled him with a deep sense of longing. Whatever
the cost to himself, Brandon knew that the fulfillment he had
already experienced, and the promise of more, was worth it. His

master accepted his silent decision, judging by the waves of
emotions flooding from him.

Lost in his thoughts, and the flow of nonverbal

communication, Brandon didn’t at first hear his master’s spoken

The hard squeeze to his balls returned his attention to where

it should have been. “I said on your hands and knees. I want to
take a walk, and show off my new possession, and you need to
accustom yourself to your new position.” The cruel tone to his

voice was softened by the gentleness of his hands, by the waves
of lust flowing between their minds as he helped Brandon off his

lap and onto the floor.

Brandon allowed himself a moment to cast an adoring gaze

at his blood-sated master before looking down at the floor before


“Now go and get your crop so we can be off. We don’t have

much time before sunrise, and you still have to get dressed.”

Brandon dropped to his knees and crawled over to the crop.

Uncertain just how his master wished him to proceed, he paused
and sent out a mental query.

His master’s deep voice washed over him as he responded.

“Pick her up with your teeth, but make sure to kiss her first. She
loves the taste of your blood almost as much as I.”

As Brandon did as commanded, he could feel the mental

brush of his master’s approval flowing over him.

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Leading The Blind

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icholas sighed as his friend and former master fell

silent. He had been waiting almost a half hour to find out the true
purpose of his visit, but Daren didn’t seem to be in any hurry.

Needing to keep the conversation going so he didn’t dwell on his
own situation, he asked, “How’s Brandon working out for you?”
Watching the guilty expression on Daren's face made him wish

he could pull the deceptively simple question back.

The chair under the older vampire creaked as he leaned

back. “Very well, my friend. You chose a perfect slave for me.”

Another shaft of pain stung him, right in the vicinity of his heart.
He knew Daren wasn’t being cruel on purpose. He truly had no

idea how much his words hurt, since their connection between
them had faded until it was almost completely gone.

Nicholas chuckled without any real mirth. If the virus that

made vampires hadn’t transferred to him, he would still be
Daren’s slave--not looking for his own blood slave. Nicholas
could hear Brandon shifting his position, as if he could sense the

way of Nicholas’ thoughts and was uncomfortable with it. The
submissive could still see, so Nicholas schooled his features to a
bland expression, hoping to hide his emotions from the mortal.

Daren continued, his voice husky with emotion, “Although,

it helps that you know what I like. The real question now is, how
are you doing?”

His hearing had heightened since his change; Nicholas

could detect the slight rustle of his old master running his fingers
through Brandon’s hair, subtly reassuring him of his place. How

many times had Daren done the same for him? He couldn’t even
begin to count. Even now, he could almost feel the ghost of the

touch of his fingers sliding down his neck, then back up, slowly
gliding through his short hair.

“I’m fine, still trying to find myself a good slave. The

interviews have been interesting, but there hasn’t been a suitable
candidate.” That was an understatement. None of his interviews
had progressed past the basic Q & A stage. Quite simply, none

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had tempted him. None had made him feel alive the way Daren
had, the way submitting to a master had.

“That's bullshit, and you know it,” Daren said flatly.

Nicholas jerked at the harshness of his friend’s words.
“You and I both know you’re not a Dominant. Never have

been, never will be. Holding on to you so long was wrong of me.

Selfish. Now, we both have to live with the consequences.”
There were traces of self-deprecation and guilt in his tone.

Striving to hide the depth of his own pain and

condemnation, he responded, “You didn’t make me do anything
I wasn't willing to do. I knew the risks then, and I wasn’t willing
to walk away.” It was the truth, but not all of it. What he didn’t

add were his own regrets. If he had walked away, he would still
feel alive, albeit with another master. Instead, he was trying to be
a master. He didn’t feel it and probably never would.

Even though he couldn’t see, Nicholas instinctively turned

toward the window, seeking the comfort of the familiar gesture.

His last memory of sight was looking out the window at the
sunrise, shortly after pairing Daren and Brandon. It was a very
bittersweet moment in his life, like so many of late.

“Maybe there is an option you haven’t thought to explore,

my friend.”

Nicholas cocked his head to the side, trying to detect the

hidden meaning to Daren’s words. There was an inflection there
that even after years of being his submissive he didn’t recognize.

“Brandon, if you’ll go to Nicholas please.”

The faint sounds of bare feet shuffled across the hardwood

floors, then Nicholas could feel the cool leather of a leash being
pressed into his hand. Instinctively wrapping his fingers around

it, he caressed the soft suede with his thumb. If felt just like the
one he had clasped to Brandon’s harness months earlier, just
before he led him to meet Daren.

“Let him lead you, Nicholas. I have a surprise for you in the

other room.”

Intrigued despite himself, Nicholas stood and tightened his

grip on the harness, and as he had that fateful day months before,
Brandon guided him into the interview room, pausing at the

door. As the door swished open, Brandon moved forward, slowly
guiding him into the room. Trusting the submissive not to let him

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trip, Nicholas simply followed. When Brandon stopped,
Nicholas felt the subtle give to the leash and came to a stop

“You may leave us.” Nicholas flinched as a strange voice

boomed out of the darkness. Opening his mind, he tried to scan
for a familiar wave, but although he could pinpoint a general

location, he couldn’t pick up much more than that.

The door closed behind him as Brandon left, the click

sounding loudly in the utter silence of the room.

“Walk forward. About twenty steps.”
Placing one foot carefully in front of the other, even as he

wondered why he was following a stranger's orders, Nicholas

carefully crossed the room. He was hesitant, even on such
familiar ground, still trying to come to terms with his loss of

“Stop,” came the sharp, simple command.
Nicholas could hear the familiar creak of the leather chair as

his uninvited guest stood. The faint scent of blood pumping
through veins called to him, reminding him of his hunger. He
hadn’t taken the time to find a donor before his meeting with

Daren. His old master had insisted that they meet right after
sunset, without explanation. Now he knew why; he had someone
waiting for him.

The brush of fingers against his cheek startled him, but he

forced himself to remain as still as he could manage. He was in a
room, alone with someone whose intentions he could not guess.

Trembling slightly, his hands fisted at his sides. He waited,
hoping that Daren truly had something worked out.

“I remember you well, Nicholas. I watched you when Daren

would bring you to the clubs; you had such an intense nature to
you. A true submissive--utterly and perfectly trained.”

The fingertips traced down his neck, pausing at the collar of

his shirt. He felt the rush of air brush across his neck. Without
warning, he grasped both sides of Nicholas’ shirt and pulled,
tearing the buttons off and baring his chest.

His heart racing, Nicholas clenched his muscles, forcing

himself to stand still.

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“Very good. I see you haven’t forgotten your training." The

man paused, and Nicholas imagined him gazing at his naked
chest. "Now, finish undressing.”

The leather creaked again as the man regained his seat.
Nervous, Nicholas raised his hands to his waist. He

unbuckled his belt and pulled it free of his pants. While he

unzipped his jeans, he kicked off his shoes. He shimmied out of
his jeans, kicking them and his boxers aside, then stood naked
before the unseen dominant.

“On the floor beside you are some gifts. I trust you know

how to put them on for yourself.”

Bending down, Nicholas felt around until he touched the

coarse surface of a canvas bag. Opening it up, he found several
clamps and leather straps inside. Swallowing the moan that
touching the items invoked, he pulled out a nipple clamp.

Pinching his nipple, he opened the claws and attached the gator
clip, the attached weight pulling at his nipple. Hissing at the

sudden sting, he prepared his other nipple before his fingers
closed over the second clamp.

As he attached it, the urge to stroke his suddenly hard cock

rushed through him. He could feel his balls tightening, the first
signs of an orgasm sweetly building. Rather than give in to the
urge, he picked up a leather strap and eased it slowly between his

fingers, lovingly dragging his thumb over the well worn leather.
He could smell the heady mixture of come and sweat wafting
from the leather as he caressed it.

“Recognize it?”
Nicholas felt the slight bumps under his fingertips.

Carefully stroking them, he read his name in Braille.

“Yes,” he responded, his throat tight. Daren had given him

all of his bonds when the change began, except his collar and his
cock-strap, the latter of which he now held in his hand. His

movements quick with familiarity, he twisted the leather around
his cock and balls and jerked it tight. Gritting his teeth, he jerked
it tighter, assuring himself that he wouldn’t come before his

master wished.

“Nice. Turn around.”

Turning in place, Nicholas swallowed back his fears. He

wanted to ask the man who he was, and what he intended. But he

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knew that such an action would be unacceptable, and might
cause the dominant to leave.

“I’ve been told that if I do something you don’t like, if you

want me to stop, that you can reach out your mind and say so.

Nicholas nodded that he understood. The rest went unsaid;

he knew not to talk without permission.

He could hear the man standing and moving around behind

him, but couldn’t tell what he was doing. Remembering the

times a master had blindfolded him, he focused on channeling
those memories, forcing himself to remain still, waiting.

“My name is Dominic, but you may call me Master.” That

was the only warning he got, save the near undetectable whistle
before the whip landed against his ass cheeks. With a hiss, he
rocked onto his toes, then arched back into its recoil. A streak of

fire raced across his skin where the whip had kissed him.

Dominic swung again, the whip singing before it landed

with a deceptively soft crack. Nicholas took a deep breath,
waiting for the next blow.

Dominic seemed to get into what he was doing, if his

breathing and rapidly beating pulse was any indication. Used to
Daren’s naturally slower pulse, hearing a mortal man’s heart
racing over dominating him was a new, and intriguing, change of

events. With Nicholas' faster healing abilities, there was little
Dominic could do to really damage the vampire, but that didn’t
mean it wouldn’t hurt until it did heal. Nicholas didn’t have to

worry as he had when he was a submissive, that his master
would take things too far and was able to relax into the pain,
embracing it.

As the whip landed against his bound cock, Nicholas

groaned in pain, his hips jerking toward the contact.

“You like that, don’t you, little blood slut?”

“Yes,” he hissed.
“Yes what?”
Nicholas gasped as the whip bit at the tender flesh of his

inner thighs. He raised onto his toes, then responded “Yes,
Master,” before coming back down.

“On your knees.”

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Gracefully, he dropped to his knees, the floor cold against

his heated skin. Dominic landed several blows along his back
and down to the curve of his ass before Nicolas heard the whip

skitter across the hard wood floor. He could hear his master’s
harsh breath, which showed how excited the human was getting.
He heard the thump-thump of Dominic’s heart, the sound a

steady torment to the hungry vampire.

Metal rasped against metal as his master slid down his

zipper. The heady smell of pre-come rushed over him as the slick

head of a cock brushed against his lips. “Suck me.”

Nicholas opened his mouth, offering himself to the

dominant man as Dominic thrust forward. Curling his lips over

his extended fangs, he fought to keep his teeth from breaking the
skin of his possible master while he used his mouth, even though
the sweet call of blood echoed in his brain, a torment he wasn’t

sure he was strong enough to resist.

Swallowing the mortal’s pre-come, he eagerly sucked his

cock, working his mouth to heighten the man’s pleasure.
Dominic fisted his hands in Nicholas’ hair, holding him still. “I
see several months of trying to dominate others haven't dulled

your own talents.”

Suddenly, Dominic’s cock slipped free of his lips and he

heard the sound of the zipper being pulled back up. Then he felt

the press of a fingertip against his lips. Parting them slightly, he
allowed his master to poke at his fangs. “I think that deserves a

Nicholas held his breath, remaining motionless while the

mortal pressed his fingertip hard against one of his fangs.
Several drops of blood landed on his tongue; just enough to whet

his appetite, then the finger was gone, leaving him wanting

“Stand up.”

Rolling the last drops of his master’s pre-come and blood

around on his tongue, Nicholas obeyed. His balls ached where
the strap held them tight, forcing back his orgasm no matter how

close it was to erupting up his shaft. It was such a sweet torture,
waiting for the band to be pulled free and for his orgasm to be

allowed to claim him. In the waiting, he planned to enjoy all that
Dominic could dish out.

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He could detect the slight changes in the air currents around

him, as the man circled him. Light touches trailed over his body,
as his cock and balls were examined, his ass cheeks subtly

caressed, his stomach pinched.

The brush of leather against his back caused him to jump,

until he recognized it for what it was--a harness. It didn’t feel

like his old one, which he had worn when he guided Daren
around town. “I had this made just for you. I hope you appreciate
my generosity.”

“Yes, Master, I do.”
He felt it being pulled tight in the front rather than the back,

which was peculiar. The leash attached in the back in his old

harness, so that he could lead Daren around, being his eyes for

“The old design doesn’t work for you; you’re blind, not me.

I’m going to be leading you.” Sudden understanding dawned as
the snick of a metal clasp snapping together echoed in the room.

“You’ll stop when I jerk your leash down, start forward when I
lift it up.”

Suddenly, the leash gave a jerk up, and Nicholas hesitantly

stepped forward, having to trust his new Dom to guide him
through the room. Slowly at first, they walked around the room,
until Nicholas began to feel like his old self. Thanks to the few

drops of the mortal’s blood he had flowing through him, he
could see the briefest flashes of outlines as their minds brushed
against one another.

As he was jerked to a stop, he could see the chair before

him, a bright flash of color, and then darkness filled in his mind
again. Closing his eyes, he searched for the image. He had seen

it so many times during the course of his work, as he helped to
establish submissives like himself for the vampire Doms who
needed them. He found a certain irony in that now he still used

the chair for interviews, but lately it had been for his own
submissive search.

Hot breath pulsed against his neck as Dominic leaned in, the

strong masculine scent of his aftershave and sweat rushing over
Nicholas. “Grab the arms of the chair.”

Bending over, Nicholas grasped the leather arms, his

fingernails digging into the supple fabric. The point of a boot

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pushed against his ankle as Dominic growled, “Widen your

Sliding his feet apart, Nicholas waited eagerly for what was

to come next. Fingertips trailed down his spine, creating shivers
in response. Biting his lip until he drew his own blood, Nicholas
held back a moan. Two wet fingers pressed against his asshole,

slowly pushing in, stretching the tight ring. Bending his knees,
he braced himself better and curled his hips back, opening
himself for the conquering touch.

An open-handed smack crashed into his ass. “Did I tell you

to move?”

Nicholas shook his head. Another smack landed, this one

harder than the first. “Answer me!”

“No, Master, you didn’t.”
The fingers in his ass rammed him, hard. Nicholas winced

even as his muscles involuntarily clenched around them.

“I see you don’t remember everything. But you have such


Trusting that an answer would be required, he simply

responded “Thank you, Master, I hope to learn from you.” He

was rewarded by the curling of fingers against his prostate,
massaging the gland.

Nicholas could have wept as Dominic withdrew his fingers.

“Stand up straight.”

With an inward grunt, Nicholas stood, rotating his shoulders

to work the kinks out, and then assumed his standard pose, hands

folded together in front of his cock. Motionless, he waited for
some clue as to where the other man was standing, and what he
was doing. He cocked his head to the side, awaiting his next


“Tell me how you became a vampire. Daren didn’t go into

much detail.” The voice came from across the room where

Nicholas had stood when he first entered.

Sighing softly to himself, his cock aching for release,

Nicholas started to recite almost by rote what he told all the

potential submissives. As he reached the part about the virus that
turned him into a vampire being slowly transmitted through

repeated feedings, Dominic stopped him.

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“So, if you stay with me, and I let you feed off of me, I

might cross over too? I might find myself blind?”

Nicholas nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He could

tell by his voice inflections that Dominic wasn’t too happy with
the possibility of being blind.

“Is it possible to tell it’s happening, before it’s too late to

stop it?”

Nicholas nodded, then cleared his throat, “Yes, Master,” he

croaked. Stopping to clear his throat again, he continued, “The

taste of a submissive’s blood changes as the virus begins to build
up in their system. There is a point where the decision has to be
made to walk away or to stay and risk the turn. Not all who are

infected turn into vampires or go blind. In fact, most submissives
change masters every few years to keep it from happening, since
each vampire carries a slightly mutated strain of the virus, and it

takes a build up of the same strain to turn someone.”

“Why did you do it? Why risk it?”

The answer was so simple, yet Nicholas didn’t think he

could explain it, even with an entire day. So he settled for a
vague answer than almost summed up his feelings. Almost. “For

love, for the thrill of being dominated, for the freedom it brings.”

“Any regrets?”
Nicholas swallowed, his throat suddenly dry, tight. He knew

what he wanted to say, he had admitted it to himself earlier, but
now, with a virtual stranger he didn’t know if he could admit it
aloud. “Some.”

“If feedings were spaced out, and rotated between mortals,

would they all change?”

His mind pondering the implications behind Dominic’s

words, Nicholas struggled to remember what the scientists had
told him. “Prolonged exposure to the vampire’s fangs is what
transmits the virus. Each feeding sends a tiny bit into the slave’s

bloodstream, but not enough. It is the quick flood of taking a
vampire’s blood, or the steady build up of the virus through
repeated feedings that triggers the change.” He paused, trying to

lay all the facts together into coherent thoughts rather than the
jumbled mess they had become. Feeding off of more than one

mortal, rotating the feedings out if you will, is forbidden in our

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clan. One can only feed off approved donors, and since there are
so few donors, vampires are only allotted one at a time.”

As he spoke the words, Nicholas finally realized what had

been bothering him about Daren’s idea--Dominic wasn’t a
donor. He couldn’t use him as a steady food source.

Even as he thought it, he felt the brush of Dominic in his

mind, forcing the connection between them, much as he would
have with a submissive of his own. He could feel the tendrils
threading between them, already strong for such a small blood


“Technically, I am a registered slave and as far as anyone

knows, this is my interview," Dominic's mental voice echoed in

his brain. "What happens between us stays between us.”

Unable to stop himself, Nicholas asked aloud, “How are

you in my mind? I didn’t forge the connection yet.”

He held his breath, hopeful that Dominic would answer him

rather than punish him for speaking without permission. The

chair creaked under the mortal’s weight, and the wait for an
answer strained against his nerves. He listened to the steady
beats of the mortal's heart as he waited, time slowly dragging

before Dominic spoke. “No, you didn’t, Daren did. The blood he
offered you earlier, it was my blood.”

Recalling the metallic-sweet blood Daren had poured into a

cup for him, Nicholas remembered thinking at the time that it
must have been Brandon’s. It explained so much, like the instant
connection he had felt with only a few drops of Master

Dominic’s blood. The way he had seen through the other man’s
eyes as they walked. He had enough of his blood in his system to
start the link. And if Dominic was building upon that, he must

mean to continue their association.

Hope bloomed in his heart. Despite the dull, lingering pain

at losing Daren, he felt a warming within him at the idea of

finally finding someone new--someone able to meet his needs.

Nicholas was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear

Dominic move, until the dominant was standing in front of him,

his body pressed against his, whispering softly in his ear. “Don’t
think I forgot your insolence, just because I answered you.”

He shivered at the steel-laced words from his new master. A

warm hand reached down and grasped his cock, squeezing it

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painfully. Unconsciously, Nicholas rocked into the touch, sliding
his cock through the work-roughened palm. For his actions, he
earned himself a hard smack to his throbbing cock. Biting his lip

at the sting that raced through him, he fought to remain
motionless, to take his punishment without begging.

A second strike almost sent him to his knees. His cock was

swollen with repressed blood flow, the organ straining against
the leather strap encircling it.

“Take this,” Darren's warm breath brushed his ear.

Instinctively, Nicholas curled his fingers around the tube

being pressed into his hand. The feel of the lubricant tube and
the total submission it implied as he accepted it was very

familiar, and completely welcome.

“Prepare yourself for me.”
Twisting off the cap, he squirted a glob onto his fingertips,

then bent down and set it next to his left foot where he could find
it again. After rubbing his hands together to warm the lube, he

reached around, pressing his coated fingers against his asshole.

Dominic's steady pulse throbbed in his mind, and Nicholas

inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his musk. Dipping his

fingers into his anus, he thrust deep, coating the muscles, slowly
working them loose. Biting back a groan, he forced himself to
remain focused on the task of preparing himself for his master

and not his own pleasure. The air swirled around him as he felt
Dominic squat in front of him, his scent filled Nicholas’ senses.

A firm hand gripped his balls, squeezing them tightly. “I

think you’re enjoying yourself a bit too much.”

As his grip tightened, Nicholas whimpered, pressing his

fingers deeper. Quickening his movements, he worked to finish

his task and end the punishing grip on his balls. Each moment,
the grip tightened until he was sure his balls were being crushed.

Lights flashed behind his eyes, and he pulled his fingers

free. Squeezing his muscles tight, he tested his ass to make sure
it was well lubed, and then straightened his pose.

Blessedly, the grip loosened and fell away. He could hear

Dominic stand and move behind him, his long fingers trailing
over his skin. Nicholas shivered at the combination of the cool

air brushing across his heated flesh. He wanted to arch into each

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butterfly soft caress, but forced himself to hold still, submitting
to his Master’s wants above his own.

Dominic continued to tease him, trailing his fingers over

Nicholas’ shoulders and down his back, to the curve of his ass
before sliding down the back of his thighs, then back up again.
Nicholas gritted his teeth, feeling his fangs brushing against his

lower lip as he tried to wait patiently.

“You’re skin is so soft. It’s obvious you’ve taken great care

of yourself.”

“Thank you, Master.”
Questing fingers finally slid down to his ass, and parted the

globes, before thrusting past them. This time, they met with little


“Open for me.”
Nicholas smiled, his fangs digging into his lip as he

loosened his muscles, working his anus. Dominic slid a third
finger in, twisting them around in his orifice.

Nicholas wiggled, his prostate begging to be caressed. He

was punished by the loss of the sensations as Dominic withdrew
his touch.

He wanted to beg as the dominant moved around him, could

feel his Master’s eyes examining him. Schooling his features, he
fought to keep from showing his desperation.

Dominic gripped his chin, forcing his head up. “Don’t hide

from me.”

Nicholas took a deep breath and bared his soul. His lips

parted, his nose flared, and he knew his sightless eyes were wide,
silently begging. He could see his need through his Master’s
eyes, in brief flashes, as their minds continued to meld into one


Without warning, Dominic's lips slammed firmly against

his. Nicholas instinctively parted his lips, allowing the

dominant’s tongue into his mouth, where rather than thrust along
his, Dominic rubbed his tongue against Nicholas’ fangs.

Tiny droplets of blood filled his mouth, feeding his growing

hunger. Swallowing greedily, he pressed his body against the
other man, eager to taste more of the metallic offering.

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All too soon, Dominic pulled back with a chuckle. “So

greedy, Nicholas. I wonder, do you like how I taste? Not that
your actions aren't telling.”

Recalling the salty tang of his new Master’s pre-come and

still savoring the coppery taste of his blood, he nodded.

“Good,” the other man rasped.

Dominic stepped around Nicholas, his hands clasping his

shoulders. Pushing slightly, he guided the vampire forward.
Nicholas reached out as he took a step then another, feeling for

the chair. His fingertips brushed the leather, and he zeroed in.

Gripping the armrests, he bent over, offering his ass to his


“Very nice. You learn well. I admit this is one of my more

favorite positions, taking a slave’s ass while they have to bend
over, supporting us both."

Nicholas waited, unable to breathe as he heard Dominic

move about the room. He could hear the soft whisper of clothing

falling to the ground, the wet, squishing sound of lubricant being
squirted into a hand, and then the sweetest of all, skin sliding
against skin.

Closing his eyes, he focused on finding the linking path

between him and the Dom, wanting to see through the man’s
own eyes what he was doing. He was rewarded by brief flashes

as the connection tried to solidify, glimpses of a hand squeezing
a cock-head, slowly lubricating.

The soft padding of bare feet drew closer as Dominic

moved to stand behind him, his fingers sliding along the cleft of
Nicholas’ ass. “Take a deep breath.”

Inhaling sharply, Nicholas gasped as a hard thrust from the

mortal claimed his asshole, driving in fast and deep. He could
feel his muscles straining to accommodate the sudden assault.

Unconsciously, he compared his two lovers – Daren and

Dominic. While Daren had more length, the human had the girth.
His ass on fire, Nicholas took another deep breath, then slowly
let it out, the air hissing between his teeth.

Firm hands gripped his hips, holding him tight as the cock

drove deeper into his ass, joining them. Nicholas consciously

worked his inner muscles, squeezing and releasing the mortal’s

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cock. Although it had been several months, his body
remembered the familiar sensation of being claimed.

Leaning forward, he arched back into the thrusts, as

Dominic began moving, slowly driving deep before pulling
almost all the way out. Nicholas’ balls ached, his cock straining
against the bonds holding back his orgasm, as his Master’s cock

dragged across his prostate, massaging the gland.

“Master,” he gasped, unable to fight the urge any longer.
Dominic slammed into him, hard. Nicholas groaned, his

need mounting. Already his knees were growing weak, and he
could feel his body threaten to collapse.

“Tighten your knees!”

Nicholas instinctively responded to the steel in the mortal’s

tone. He tightened his grip on the armrests, and swayed
backwards into each of the mortal’s thrusts. Dominic moved one

hand from his hip and suddenly yanked one of the gator clips
free of his nipple. Nicholas hissed at the flash of searing pain as

the circulation returned. Unceremoniously, the other clamp was
removed before he could recover.

Closing his eyes, he blocked out the mental flashes coming

from Dominic, and focused on the sensations. His nipples
tightened, still stinging with the return of feeling. His ass was
getting deliciously worked over. Around his cock and balls, the

strap felt like it was tightening, torturing him by holding back his

“Does this feel good, Nicholas?” There was a hint of

concern there, as with his mind, Dominic was softly probing,
stroking along the edge of Nicholas’ thoughts. The mortal wasn’t
allowing him to lie. Even though he could honestly say yes, it

made it sweeter that Dominic actually cared. He wasn’t just a
welcoming orifice to the dominant.

“Yes, Master,” he responded. He could hear the breathless

quality to his own voice, the sweet tone of a mastered

Nicholas did groan as Dominic’s hands gripped the leather

strap surrounding his privates, and slowly slipped the strap free
from the buckle. Tears came to his eyes as the leather dropped to

the floor. Suddenly, his cock jerked, straining against the sudden
flood of his come.

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“Not yet.” Dominic gripped Nicholas’ cock at the base,

squeezing tightly, holding the orgasm back. His Master’s other
hand resumed its hold on Nicholas’ hip, holding him tight as he

picked up the speed of his thrusts.

“Master, I--"
Dominic’s grip tightened around his cock, then slid up and

down the length in excruciating slowness. Nicholas’ legs
weakened, his knees started to buckle.

The force of his Master’s thrusts pushed him into the chair,

until his chest was pressed against the leather of the back.
Tightening his hold on the armrests, Nicholas widened his
stance, trying to brace himself against the onslaught. His senses

whirled, his body a riot of pain and pleasure.

He could hear the harsh breathing of the mortal behind him,

as he strained to stave off his own approaching orgasm. The

room echoed with the wet smacking of skin slapping against
skin, soft groans, and whimpers coming from Nicholas’ lips.

Suddenly, the grip around his cock loosened, and Dominic

slammed hard against him, grinding his pelvis against Nicholas’
ass even as he pressed his forearm against his lips. Nicholas

quickly bit down, taking the offered blood as the rush of
sensation sprang from his balls, pushing throughout his body as
his come jetted from him. The rush of his orgasm caused him to

collapse into the chair, the mortal’s sweaty body dragging
against his back.

He could hear and feel the pounding of Dominic’s pulse as

it rushed through his veins, the sweet sound beckoning to the
vampire as the metallic taste flowed down his throat. Moaning at
the combined rush of sensations, he drank deeply, mindful of

how much he was taking.

Just as the mortal’s heart started to slow, he pulled back,

unwilling to risk taking more. He was licking the puncture

wounds, sealing them, when Dominic stirred behind him, pulling
his arm away.

“Thank you, Master,” Nicholas whispered.

He could feel the swirl of emotions between them building,

pressing against his mind as the link between them solidified.

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‘You’re welcome.” Dominic pressed a kiss against his neck,

softening the harshness of his tone. “I wonder if Daren still
awaits us in your office.”

Nicholas jerked at the idea that his old Master was outside

the door, his sensitive hearing possibly picking up the sounds
coming from them. It caused a curious pain in his heart, a sign

that he was coming to accept the change in masters.

Nicholas could hear Dominic’s deft movements as he

moved across the room, gathering their two piles of clothing. It

took them both working together, as his hands shook, struggling
with the unfamiliar buckles of his new harness to get Nicholas
redressed, then harnessed again. He could hear the whisper of the

mortal’s movements as he redressed himself, then a quick tug on
his harness started him moving forward.

Following his new master out of the room, he came to an

abrupt halt as they reached his office, to find it empty.

“I believe this was left for you?”

Nicholas held out his hand at Dominic’s words, and felt soft

leather pressed into it.

“He also left you a note. Would you like me to read it to


Nicholas nodded, uncertain if he really wanted the mortal

knowing what his old master had to say, but also knowing in his

head that Daren had brought them together. There was probably
little the mortal didn’t know about their relationship.

Dearest Nicholas.
I find myself at a strange crossroads, as I know you are as

well. You have been my slave for over a decade, a relationship

that has pleased us both. Sadly, I couldn’t bring myself to let you
go, before it was too late. I was selfishly hoping that you
wouldn’t turn. When you did, I found myself lost. Through your

love, I have found a second chance with Brandon. With that
same love, I bring you together with Dominic. Please, accept this
gift, and offer it freely to another Master--hopefully Dominic--as

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he will treat you well. Be
happy, dear friend.

Fondly, Daren.

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Curling his fingers around the leather, Nicholas traced his

name, the letters embossed in silver. Lifting his head, he sought
to connect to Dominic’s mind. Warmth rushed over him, as the

dominant watched him, his eyes tracing over Nicholas’ face.
Seeing himself through the mortal’s eyes, Nicholas sensed the
enormity of the dilemma in which Daren had found himself.

Already, he could feel the urge to bind the mortal to him
growing, and he knew letting Dominic go when the time came
would be the hardest thing he would ever have to do.

“Will you take me as a slave?” He didn’t want to give

Dominic a chance to think about it, but knew he had to.


With one word, the mortal changed his life in much the

same way it had changed when Daren asked all those months
ago if he wished to stay with him, even though he was passing

the point of the virus taking hold.

Turning to look out the window, he caught the flashes of the

moon glowing through his Master’s eyes, as Dominic mimicked
the motion. He smiled at the simple joy of seeing the moon’s
light again. When Dominic moved to stand behind him, he

relaxed back into the dominant’s embrace, his chest pressed
against Nicholas’ back, his thumb tracing over the supple leather
in his hands.

Slowly he dropped his hand to rest against Dominic’s and

pressed the collar into his master’s open hand.

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About the Author

Born to ride on the back of dragons, to journey among the stars
in a ship traveling faster than light, or to dance the night away in

the arms of a mysterious vampire, Michelle Houston willingly
shares the worlds in her mind in an effort to bring them to life.

Writing everything from short and sweet stories, to hot and spicy
tales of kink, from contemporary tales of romance to erotic

romances featuring Greek gods, vampires and were-creatures,
she has crossed sexualities and has gone wherever her mental
muse has guided her, a journey she has never regretted.

Beyond that, she has a love of the natural world around us
(except for insects, spiders, snakes, scorpions, and she reserves

the right to add more at any time) and hopes to share the
enjoyment of the earth with her students once she finally earns
her degree in secondary Biology/Earth Science Education.

In other words, she is an ordinary woman with an imagination
that is only held in bounds by how fast she can type.


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