A Child Is Born by Pennypattz

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A Child is Born by Pennypattz

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


EDITED VERSION ExB havin' babies and secks. If you don't know what the title means, you may not want to

read. M for mature themes involving childbirth. Lemontastic. All Human.

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Chapter 1.

7:23 p.m.

"Mmm, Edward, it hurts," Bella moaned from her place on our bed.

I knew from the look on her face and the way she was holding her swollen stomach that another contraction

was in full force. I quickly wrung out a hot, moist, washcloth that I had heated in the microwave and rushed to

her side.

She whimpered in relief when she saw what I held in my hands and joyfully spread her legs so I could place the

warm, wet cloth over her puffy vagina. She gave a deep groan of pleasure when the moist cloth touched her

engorged labia.

I very gently pressed the palm of my hand over her womanhood, and was surprised to feel that it was firm and
hard to my touch. The baby had finally settled into Bella's birth canal, and the hardness I felt was indeed the

head of my firstborn child.

Bella smiled wearily up at me, the hot cloth between her thighs relieving some of the discomfort she felt. She

placed her small, white hand over mine, and pushed it harder into her vagina, so that the palm of my hand

rubbed against her clitoris. She gave a squeak of satisfaction, then looked at me pleadingly. I rolled my eyes,

but nevertheless, began to rub her slowly, in a circular motion.

Due to all of the hormones flowing throughout my wife's body, and her general sensitivity to sexual stimulation

throughout the duration of her pregnancy, Bella achieved orgasm in less than two minutes. Her cries of ecstasy

echoed throughout the apartment, and I felt a small sense of satisfaction in watching her pregnant body writhe

under my touch.

Bella lay back on the mound of pillows I had placed under her head earlier in the afternoon, and she tenderly

squeezed my hand as she lay sweaty and flushed on the sheets, silently thanking me for bringing her one of

the most satisfying and carnal pleasures known to mankind.

I nodded and kissed her forehead, and then slowly removed my newly wet and sticky fingers from her body,

preparing to go and sanitize my hands. But Bella stopped me, and beckoned me to come closer with a coy

smirk on her face. She took my hand, then sucked my lubricated fingers into her mouth one by one, effectively

cleansing them.

I groaned, thinking of other parts of my body she should have been sucking on, and adjusted myself in my

jeans. Today was about Bella's pleasure, not mine, and if she didn't stop... I would have to clean my trousers.

As I removed my fingers from her warm and wet mouth, she ran her little hand over the newly sprouted bulge

in my pants, teasing me and making me groan.

"No... gah... Bella... today is about you..."

She removed her hand, and crooked two of her fingers towards me, in a 'come hither' motion. I eagerly leaned

down, placing my ear near her mouth.

"I want you, Edward," she whispered huskily, though her voice was strained- another contraction was starting.

"Are you really willing to wait six whole weeks until I'll be able to have intercourse with you again? I mean,

your hand is more than enough, but... one last time, hmm, my love?"

Earlier in the day...

The contractions had been growing steadily stronger since early morning and I had a feeling that Baby Cullen

would make his or her appearance well before midnight.

I only hoped Bella could last that long. My beautiful young wife was strong and sturdy, but as a newcomer to

labor pains and childbirth, she was ill prepared for what lay ahead of her. Bella, treasuring her privacy like

always, had refused to attend Lamaze or childbirth classes, despite my urgings. It was true that I was one of

the best obstetricians in Seattle, but seeing as how it was my baby Bella was carrying, I was a little on edge. It

was my first baby too.

I met Bella when she was twenty, and she was visiting the hospital that I worked at. She had been interested in

pediatric nursing at the time, and was shadowing a couple of my colleagues in order to get a first-hand look at

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what the potential job might be like. I remember fumbling over my words when she asked me to give a brief

description of my job there- those luminous brown eyes put quite the spell on me, and the best thing I could

come up with was, "I deliver babies". I had just celebrated my twenty seventh birthday, and I felt like such a

creepy old man when I entertained thoughts of asking beautiful Bella out on a date.

Things only got worse when she began volunteering at the hospital- in the maternity ward, my ward, no less.

We danced around each other the first few weeks, awkwardly trying to balance a professional relationship with

a possible friendship. I blew everything to hell when I first asked her to eat lunch with me in the cafeteria, and

everything just sort of took off from there.

I found out that Bella had just moved from Alaska to Seattle with her mother's sisters, Kate and Irina. Her

parents had been killed in a car crash when she was two, and Bella had been living with her fun loving, if not

flighty aunts since. Both of them worked long hours at law firms, and neither really had experience with

children, let alone their sister's only child, and so Bella was left in the hands of various day care centers until

she was deemed old enough to look after herself.

When she entered high school, her aunts didn't really care what she did, as long as she kept up her grades, and

came home sober with the car intact. During college she still stayed with them, not having the funds to move

out on her own, but she rarely saw or interacted with her aunts even then- which, to be honest, was good for

me. I didn't relish the thought of two older women poking their heads into my relationship with Bella- not that

they'd necessarily care, but still.

My platonic friendship with Bella soon blossomed into something more. Since she was new to the area, and
since my time consuming job left me with little social interaction, we both found ourselves in desperate need of

companionship. We began to spend more time together, and the awkward tension that flitted between us soon

melted into something of a more... sexual nature. Our casual cafeteria lunches soon turned into romantic

dinners at one of Seattle's best Italian restaurants, and moments spent playing card games in deserted on call

rooms led to heated make out sessions.

Which escalated into Bella and I staring confusedly at a wall of pregnancy tests in the local drugstore twelve

weeks after she started her volunteer program. We picked up three different tests, and twenty minutes later,

Bella was crying over one of the white sticks in my bathroom. The day we found out she was pregnant also

happened to be her twenty-first birthday.

Happy Birthday, indeed.

Bella moved in with me as she entered the second trimester of her pregnancy, with only six weeks of internship

at the hospital left on her plate. She graduated the program with flying colors, and a small, proud bump on her

stomach that was barely visible underneath her hideous graduation gown. Her aunts, sad to say, were only too

happy to pawn Bella off on someone else's willing hands, when I asked Bella to live with me. I was quite

incensed to find that they cared so little about their niece, but I did not dare to call them out on it, lest they

discover her pregnancy.

My own family knew nothing of my relationship with Bella, and I preferred it that way. Only my sister Alice

knew I was with someone, but she did not know that that someone was six years younger than me and

expecting my child. I had not seen my family for several years (my difficult work schedule being the main

reason), but we kept in touch from time to time.

My brother Emmett and his wife Rosalie had moved to Vancouver early in their marriage, while my sister Alice

and her boyfriend Jasper, resided in New York- Alice was an up and coming fashion designer. Our parents had

retired to Italy when I began my residency, and as far as I knew, had no plans to visit the U.S anytime soon.

They were enjoying their well deserved retirement, and I could not blame them for it. It made my relationship

with Bella easier to hide.

I was not ashamed in any way of Bella, her age, her pregnancy- none of it. But my family (sans Alice) was

hardly the understanding type, and I knew they would never approve of who I was involved with.

So Bella and I started a new life together as we prepared for the impending arrival of our baby. I was elated to

discover that I would soon be inheriting a progeny, while Bella, on the other hand, was a little skittish. I knew

she loved our baby, and we had talked early on in our whirlwind relationship of starting a family together, but

she cared more about what others thought about us than I did.

I knew she was worried about what her former classmates and peers would say if they saw her belly, swollen

with child, and my arms wrapped around her expanding waist. Close minded adults and relatives could be cruel

(apparently, her family was old-fashioned and did not approve of living in sin), and knowing the strain of

pregnancy would burden Bella enough, I gladly agreed upon whatever privacy measures she wished to take.

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I was Bella's doctor throughout the nine months she carried our baby, doing all her checkups in my private

office, completing her ultrasounds, everything. It was by default that I discovered the sex of the baby (it was

my job, for goodness sake), and Bella urged me to keep that information to myself, despite her loathing of


Bella agreed to marry me when she was just under six months along. It had taken quite a bit of coaxing, but I

had never seen such a huge smile on her face than the day when she signed our marriage certificate. We really

did not have a ceremony, but did exchange rings in the privacy of our small, but cozy, apartment. Our wedding

night was spent in our apartment as well- I had purchased silken sheets, chocolate dipped strawberries, and

sparkling apple cider (in lieu of champagne) to make it special. I worshiped Bella and her body that night,

letting my actions speak louder than words as we made love well into the early morning hours.

As we traveled the harrowing course of mood swings, cravings, and clothes no longer fitting, we came to the

decision that our baby would be born at home, not in a hospital. Bella valued her privacy far too much to

endure looks from condescending nurses as she prepared to deliver a child, and had confided to me that she

only wanted me to be there when the baby was born. I was equal parts flattered and scared when she told me


Which led us to today.

Bella's labor pains had started late in the afternoon yesterday, when I came home to her gripping her stomach

midway through her first contraction. I knew that she would make little, if any progress, during her early stages

of labor, so I encouraged her to rest, and if she felt like it, walk around. Knowing that once the baby arrived,
she would be virtually chained to the house, Bella opted for a quick walk outside. It was the middle of October,

and slightly cold, so I grabbed a sweater for her as we endeavored to walk a few times around the apartment

complex before she became fatigued.

Not much had happened last night, and despite the brief contractions and general uncomfortable-ness Bella

was feeling, the rest of the day and night had passed quickly, without any drama. I briefly checked Bella's

progress as we undressed for the night, and had been surprised to find that she had only dilated two


The reality of it all really did not kick in until I woke up to a wet bed.

Bella's water had broken before six o clock in the morning, and her contractions had become stronger and more

painful. I drew a bath for her after a late breakfast that I had prepared, which she sank into gratefully.

I had never seen something so beautiful. Bella had let her long mahogany hair curl well past her shoulders, and

the radiant glow she had acquired throughout the duration of her pregnancy made her look like a heavenly


Both of her hands rested on her swollen abdomen, one pale hand above, and one below. She had let her knees

fall to the sides of the tub, giving me a small glimpse of the hallowed cavity through which our baby would soon

pass. Her head lay back on a folded towel I had placed under her neck, and her eyes had fluttered closed.

I knew from her brief moans and pants that she was still awake, trying to take control of her pain. Bella hated

needles and was determined to give birth naturally- even orgasmically, if she could.

A small smile lit my face as I remembered coming home from work early one day to surprise my little wife, only

to find her staring intently at her laptop screen, watching a naked pregnant woman moan and wail while giving

birth. Apparently, she was in the throes of orgasm and Bella was intrigued. After I had gotten over my initial

shock at finding my innocent Bella watching such a graphic video, I explained to her that yes, it was possible to

orgasm while pushing out a baby- as an alternative form of pain relief. Bella was instantly hooked on the idea,

and spent much of her free time researching this phenomenon.

So it came as no surprise when Bella's eyes fluttered open, and she asked me, point blank, to finger her while

she was in the tub. She spread her legs even wider for me, and a gentle smile graced her features, as she

waited for me to acquiesce. I slowly rolled up my shirtsleeves, and let one of my hands cover hers, while the

other slipped in between her pink lower lips.

I had suggested to Bella that a Brazillian wax might be a good idea, so it would be easier to view the baby at

the first opportunity, and it would also be easier to clean her up after the birth, and she had taken my advice.

My pants instantly got a little tighter, and I hope that I would be able to make love to my wife one last time

before the baby came.

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I gently rubbed her clit with my index finger, a little surprised at the slickness of her heat. My baby was already

wet and ready to go, despite her labor pains. I gently slipped my middle finger inside her, gently pumping and

twisting the digit inside her, while still keeping firm pressure on her love button.

"Oh, Edward... ah! That feels... ungh... so... mhmm... good..." my wife moaned in ecstasy as I brought her

closer and closer to her release. I added a second finger inside of her, and placed my thumb on her clit, still

firmly rubbing. She squealed in pleasure, and began raising her hips to my hand, literally humping the strong

digits. The water in the bathtub sloshed around, droplets of water falling to the floor as she sought out her

orgasm. She came with a loud cry, and her juices flooded out of her vagina in a warm gush all over my hand,

mixing with the bathwater.

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Chapter 2.

Bella POV
10:00 am
I lay naked in bed, my skin flushed and my breathing labored, under the newly changed
sheets, with an equally naked Edward beside me. I watched the sun stream in through
the windows of the bedroom and sighed contentedly. Today I would give birth to my
baby. I gently caressed my swollen stomach, feeling the little one kick and move inside
me. He or she was always active after Edward and I made love and today was no
different. I felt Edward reach under the covers and remove his used condom, and I
giggled from the look of disgust on his face.
"I hate condoms, Bella," he said as he tied it and threw it in the trashcan.
"I know," I said, patting my belly for effect.
Our baby was conceived after one single condom-less encounter. Just one. Edward
boasted that he had "super sperm" and I was inclined to believe him.
"Remind me why we had to use the condom?" Edward whispered childishly as he wrapped
his arms around me.
"Because," I stated matter of factly, "Ejaculate that mixes with amniotic fluid might infect
the baby. If my water hadn't broken, you would have been able to go bareback."
"I hate science," he muttered, nuzzling his nose into my neck.
"It's your birthday today, baby," I whispered to my belly, "I can't wait to meet you.
You're going to be so beautiful..."
Edward knew the gender of our baby, but for once in my life, I wanted a surprise, and
chose to not discover the sex of our baby. In a way, it was a little more fun.
Edward began to root at my breasts, his cherry red lips seeing out a lactating nipple,
making little nom nom nom sounds and I looked at the clock. He hadn't been fed since five
this morning, and I knew that my breasts were beginning to get sore and that he was
hungry. I turned on my side and lowered his head to my breast, the now familiar feeling of
his lips on my nipple created a pleasant tingle between my legs. Edward liked nursing
after sex, and since I was already naked and comfortable, it became a routine.
Edward closed his eyes and began to suckle, a contented smile appeared on his face as
he nursed. Something that was reserved for a mother and child was now being sexually
exchanged between my husband and I, and it was very sexually gratifying to both of us.
I gently stroked his head as my milk let down, and Edward began to suck harder as my
sweet nectar touched his lips. I knew my elbow would soon get sore from laying on my side
for fifteen minutes, so I placed a pillow behind my back and sat up against the
headboard. Edward whimpered when my nipple left his mouth, and he began to make
agitated sounds as I adjusted myself. A drop of milk had escaped his seeking mouth, and
was now trickling down his jaw. I fought the urge to lick it before I held out my arms to
him, encouraging him to lie between my legs.
"Come here, baby, Mommy's sorry," I cooed as my husband eagerly placed his body
between my thighs and latched on again. Edward was very... baby-like when he nursed.
He had requested for me to refer to him as my baby, and to refer to myself as Mommy.
He would not often speak while he nursed, but instead would make soft whimpers or
coo. He would touch my hair, wrapping a mahogany curl or two around his fingers, and
perhaps play with the breast he was not nursing on, or if he was feeling horny, he would
tug on his penis and masturbate himself.
Breastfeeding Edward was something that I did with him to strengthen our bond. After
having an argument, or when he had a particularly rough day at work, I would take
Edward into the bedroom or lay on the couch with him and let him nurse. It was an
effective way to calm him down- because having sex really only stimulated him further.
Edward would nurse for about thirty minutes, fifteen for each breast, and by the time he
was done, he would either be asleep or very relaxed. I did not breastfeed him during the
day- after nursing him in the early morning, my milk would come in two or three times
during the day, and I would pump it and put it in the freezer, to save for the baby when
the time came. Nursing midday was not feasible since Edward was at work and I
remained at home, working on my novel. Edward would breastfeed right before bedtime,
and often he would fall asleep with one of my nipples still in his mouth. Occasionally, I
would wake up during the night to find him suckling, most likely because he had a bad
dream and needed to be comforted. Edward would nurse once more before he went to
work, and that was it. He did not drink my milk for nourishment, he enjoyed the
closeness between us.
If I was being completely honest, I liked it too. It made me feel special and motherly, and
more confident for my future role as a mother to our baby.

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As I watched my husband eat his liquid breakfast, I thought back to the day when we
first started our breastfeeding relationship. I had actually begun to produce milk on our
wedding night. We hadn't been trying to get my milk to come in, but since I was five
months pregnant and Edward was constantly stimulating my breasts before, during, and
after sex, it was no wonder that watery milk began to seep out of my nipples after a
particularly satisfying round of lovemaking. We were both shocked when it happened, and
I put a washcloth over my breasts to stop the milk flow. I was slightly embarrassed that I
was leaking milk, but Edward was intrigued by it. He removed the washcloth and began to
suck, and my embarrassment quickly faded when he began to make contented sounds as
he tasted my milk, and his penis began to get hard.
He was turned on by breastfeeding?
Edward emptied both breasts before the night was over- and ejaculated twice, onto my
lap. He said that even though my milk was thin, it would only take a few days to become
rich and sweet. I was too flabbergasted and intrigued by his reaction to form a response.
As I wiped myself free of cum and breast milk in the privacy of the bathroom, I pondered
the new turn our relationship had taken. Was this just a passing fancy of Edward's?
Surely he wouldn't expect me to breastfeed him daily! What about when the baby came?
I needed my milk for the little one growing inside me, not the man sharing my bed.
After our honeymoon phase had worn off and my milk came in fully, I bought a breast
pump at the store and told Edward I wasn't going to feed him anymore. We had gotten up
to six feedings during the days when he didn't have to work- two of which were at night!
I needed a respite before the baby came, and really, Edward drinking my milk was a little
too weird for me. Edward pouted and all but threw a fit when I told him. We actually had
one of our worst fights ever the night I laid down the law- and there was neither nursing
or sex following the huge blowup.
In the weeks following my buying and using the pump, Edward distanced himself from
me- and anything to do with the baby. I set up the nursery, bought the teeny clothing
and accessories, everything. Edward did not request sex for over two weeks, and his
kisses and embraces were scarce.
I took it upon myself to make an appointment with one of Seattle's best sex therapists,
Carmen Volturi. I made an appointment with her and went for a visit one day while
Edward was at work. Carmen specialized in sexual fetishes, and if Edward's wanting to be
breastfed was a fetish, then I knew I could speak freely without judgment. I gave the
receptionist my married name, but changed my age, lest she get suspicious. People always
said I looked older when I put my hair up anyways.
Dr. Volturi was warm, friendly, and engaging. I felt like I could tell her anything. I told
her how Edward and I were newlyweds, and that we were expecting a baby within a
few months- which she could obviously see for herself. I then explained Edward's desire
to be breastfed, my face blushing wildly. She actually told me that it was not uncommon
for a man to want to nurse, and often times, it was because he was neither breastfed or
had been weaned too early. I knew Edward's mother had weaned him before he was a
year old. Dr. Volturi also explained that in a roundabout way, Edward was jealous of the baby.
"Think about it, Isabella," she urged, as I sat across from her on a leather couch in her
office, "You get to grow the child inside of you for nine months, you are the one
responsible for feeding the baby, and you will have to spend almost all of your time with
your precious little one. Edward does not get to have the pleasure of having a child grow
inside him, and he knows, that once your baby arrives, the majority of your time with be
devoted to your offspring, not him. Your body- including your breasts- he feels belong to
him. The baby has already taken hold of your body, and when he or she is born, your
breasts will be primarily for him or her as well. Edward is jealous of that, and he wants as
much time alone with you as he can get before the baby comes. He's not angry at the
baby, or at you, he just craves your attention.
He feels that he is your baby. Right now, breastfeeding is the best way for him to spend
time with you. You feed him in the privacy of your home, and it's something special you
can't do with anyone else. He likes that."
"But what do I do?" I asked, desperate for insight.
Carmen smiled. "My advice? Let him nurse. Unless you are greatly uncomfortable with
the concept, let him breastfeed. Let him feel close to you. Let him know that you still love
him and that he will be a priority when the baby is born. For him, sex is not the most
effective way to communicate this. He wants the breast. I would let him have it. Let him
be your baby."
"But what about when the real baby is born?"
"Then don't nurse him as much or as frequently. Limit his nursing to once or twice a day.
You've been producing enough milk to fill a grown man's needs, so nursing both him and

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the baby shouldn't be a problem. Your husband will realize that the baby takes top priority
in your life, but don't shut him out. Let him help with the baby as much as he can. Let him
be involved as little or as much as he wants. I know that you'll easily find a balance
between the three of you, and that all your needs will be met. You just have to have a
little patience and be willing to compromise."
I left Dr. Volturi's office with an extreme sense of relief. I went home, bathed, and made
sure the apartment looked presentable. I cooked a quick dinner, then put on some of my
sexiest lingerie. I laid on the couch and waited for Edward to come home. Soon enough,
his key turned in the lock, and his jaw dropped when he saw me lying practically naked in
front of him.
"Hello, baby," I said, as I got up and gave him a scorching kiss, pressing myself against
him, letting him feel my hard nipples and the swell of my baby bump.
There was no need for words as I sensually undressed my husband and we maneuvered
to the couch. I let him sink down on the cushions, and I proceeded to do a striptease for
him, feeling more confident as his erection began to form. I very gently squeezed my
nipples when I was fully naked, and Edward's eyes nearly popped out of his head once
he saw the creamy milk appear and run down my chest in rivulets.
"Is baby hungry?" I asked teasingly, rolling my nipples between my fingers.
He nodded his head and licked his lush lips. I carefully straddled him on the couch, and
offered him my left breast. He looked at me questioningly, and I nodded my head in
encouragement. He greedily latched on and began to suck, moans of pleasure escaping
him. Even though my wet core brushed up against his swollen penis, I made no move to
sink down on him or engage in sex. Edward needed my breasts at that moment, just like
Dr. Volturi had said.
After Edward had drained the first breast, he moved on to my right one, but not before
looking down between us. Neither of us had achieved release in the fifteen minutes he
had been nursing, and by now, his erection had to be painful.
He looked up at me through his thick honey eyelashes, and said softly,
"Mommy, my peepee hurts,"
The way he said Mommy and peepee (referring to his penis) almost made me cum right there.
I looked down at his erection, noticing that his swollen head was almost purple and that
droplets of precum were running freely down his stiff length.
"Oh, sweetie, let Mommy take care of that for you," I said just as softly, and sank down on him.
Both of us cried out with pleasure as my wet pussy met his weeping cock, and it only took
a few minutes of me rocking against him for us to explode together, crying out each
other's names. When we had come back down from our highs, I did not let him pull out of
me, but rather coaxed him to lie down on the couch with me tucked into his side. He
stayed inside me as he finished nursing, and we fell asleep like that- his penis resting
within my slick walls, and my nipple in his warm mouth.

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Chapter 3.

"Nguh, nguh, ah, ah, AH! Edward! Nguh... uh, uh, right... ungh... there! Ah, ah! Oh
god! Edward! Mmh! Ahh..."
Bella was screaming. Screaming my name. In an on call room. At work. She. was. screaming.
I clutched her sweaty body even tighter as I thrusted roughly into her, desperately
seeking my own release. She had cum twice while I had been inside her and I had yet to
ejaculate. It wasn't that I was having trouble squirting, but every time I got close, she
would cum, and I would miss my orgasm, just watching her face contort with pleasure.
Every time I thrusted into her, my mind would retaliate and I fought to shove the voice
of reason from my thoughts.
This is wrong.
Then why do I feel so right?
"God, Edward, right there!"
She's sixteen.
She's legal.
"Mmm, Baby!"
You're twenty seven, old man.
I'm far from old. Right?
"Ugnh, Edwardddd!"
You'd better not get her pregnant.
She just got done with her period. No egg to fertilize here.
"Edward, I'm cumming! Ah! Aah!"
I grabbed her hips and began plowing into her harder. I needed to cum. Badly. My balls
were tingling, aching with the weight of the semen they were carrying. I knew when I
came, there was going to be a big mess, and I made sure that there was a towel
underneath Bella's hips to soak up our cum- well, mostly mine.
"Mm, Edward, baby... cum, baby, cum for me, you can do it, I want your cum, love, all of
it, inside me..." Bella whispered huskily in my ear.
Surprisingly, that was all it took. My balls clenched up and my penis contracted, and I felt
my cock violently twitch as I came. I squirted six or seven times, feeling relief every time I
felt a spurt come out. My cum leaked out all over Bella's pussy and my balls, soaking the
towel underneath us. I stayed inside her for longer than was probably necessary, but
my orgasm was so powerful that I couldn't move just yet. I breathed into the crook of
Bella's neck, whispering endearing terms into her ear. We lay, bodies sweaty and naked,
on one of the beds in the small, sterile room, just drinking in each other and recuperating
from our explosive orgasms.
Eventually, I pulled out of Bella's warm and wet vagina, feeling more than just a little
proud of myself when our combined juices trickled out of her like a small flood, further
soaking the towel underneath her bottom.
Bella raised the upper part of her body up on her forearms and brought her knees up
and spread her legs wide, watching the cum come out of her pussy. She reached down,
and gently pressed a finger to her love hole, then brought it back up. The digit was wet
and sticky, and I fought the urge to bury myself in her again as I watched her lick her finger.
"Edward, should we be doing this? In here, I mean, we're at work... ungh... yes! I
mean...ooh... no... we can't do this... not here..."
I had dragged my lovely, albeit young girlfriend into a deserted on call room for a quickie
during her lunch break.
I hastily undressed her, biting one of her breasts as I ripped off her thin thong.
"Edwardd! I liked those!"
"I like 'em better on the floor, and my opinion counts the most, so..."
"Incorrigable man."
"Insatiable girl. You naughty thing, dragging me off to have sex while I'm at work..."
"Excuse me, this was your idea, and- ohh..."
Bella quickly shut up at I thrust two fingers inside her slick and hot sex. I gently spread
her legs open wider as she lay before me on the exam table, spread out like a
Thanksgiving turkey.
"Oh love, I wish I had a camera to take a picture of you. You look so sexy, just waiting
for me to..."

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"Shut up and fuck me already. Aah!"
I didn't like her telling me what to do and I made my displeasure known by flicking her
engorged clit. I quickly shed my clothing and took one last look at my girlfriend before
replacing my fingers with my swollen penis, who was crying to be buried balls deep inside
of Bella.
Bella's long, creamy legs were spread wide over the exam table, giving me a clear view of
her glistening vagina that was covered in deep chestnut curls. Her puffy labia were
swollen an angry cherry red, frustrated and aroused by the withheld orgasm. Bella's deep
pink nipples were also flushed with her arousal, and so was her upper torso and chest.
Her mahogany hair was mussed and tangled from my fingers running through and pulling
it. The appropriate term was definitely 'sex hair'. Bella's pouting face had to be what
turned me on the most- her chocolate brown eyes hooded with desire, a dark blush
staining her naturally rosy cheeks, and dear god... she was biting her full red lips.
She wanted me. She craved me and my body, just like I did her.
Unable to deny myself no longer, I positioned myself at her entrance, placing both my
legs over hers to access her highly sensitive g-spot better. In essence, I was straddling
her. I gently slid myself inside her slick, warm, velvety depths, loving the way her tight
passage squeezed me.
I never wanted to put on a condom again. Bella had just gotten off her period, so there
was hardly a chance of her being impregnated, and I had run out of condoms and
obviously couldn't wait long enough to get some more.
I slowly began to push in and out of my Bella, squeezing her thighs to get deeper inside of
her. I leaned over, and pressed kisses to Bella's face, lips, and breasts, worshiping every
inch of her and feeling so damn lucky to be inside of this beautiful girl and call her mine.
"Ungh, Edward, faster..." She moaned in my ear, pressing her hips into mine.
I acquiesced, and sped up, my slick balls slapping against her pert anus. I began to
thrust harder, squeeze harder, kiss harder, wanting to be as close to my love as possible.
I watched her unravel in my arms, trembling and lustily crying, as her first orgasm swept
through her delicate frame.
I had never felt so lucky in my life.

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Chapter 4.

7:34 p.m.
"One last time, my love, hmm?" I asked, holding my bulging stomach and brushing my
bangs out of my eyes.
His newly swollen and leaking penis answered my question for me.
I adjusted the hot towel he had placed over my pussy and groaned. The baby had moved
farther down my birth canal, which was both exciting and terrifying. If I pressed on my
womb at just the right spot, I could actually feel my baby's head. It was so surreal.
"Edward, please love, we won't be able to have sex for at least six weeks. I just want to
try- if it hurts too much, you can pull out. Please baby, can we? I want to feel you inside
me one last time."
I could see the feverish lust burning in his eyes, and even though I was in moderate
amounts of pain from the contractions, having to wait six weeks to be intimate with my
beautiful man seemed like way too long to me. Besides, having orgasms seemed to
counteract the pain of contractions, and having my birth canal so stimulated would
certainly speed up the birthing process. I wanted this baby out already.
"Alright," I sighed, in a very un-sexy manner, "how do you want to do this?" I removed
the washcloth, instantly missing the warm relief, and placed it on the bedside table.
My swollen tummy had greatly inhibited our lovemaking positions, which led to lots of
creativity in the bedroom. Missionary position had become out of the question, and I got
tired easily when I was the one on top. We spooned a lot, his chest pressing into me
from behind, and having sex in the hot tub did wonders for my aching back, but I knew
Edward's personal favorite was doggy style.
He was a drill man, if you know what I mean.
So it was no surprise when he requested that position moments later. I rolled my eyes,
and carefully got on all fours on the bed, gently tucking a pillow under my belly in case I
needed the support. I had never felt so large and cumbersome in my life. Because the
baby was lying so low in my pelvis at this stage of labor, it was incredibly difficult to put my
legs together to get up. I gratefully accepted Edward's strong hand as he helped me turn
over. Our king sized bed faced a strategically placed large glass mirror- 'cause we both
liked to watch- and I looked myself over in the mirror while I waited for Edward to get into
his position behind me.
My chocolate brown hair hung down my shoulders like a veil, slightly damp from the
sweat my body had produced. My breasts swayed a little from movement, both ivory
globes heavy and full with milk- Edward was due for a feeding on the half hour, if the baby
didn't come first. I had originally been shocked to find that my breasts had swelled from
a modest, teenage B cup to a plummy D cup (double D if I hadn't nursed in a day or two)
during my pregnancy. My nipples had also taken on a brownish color, unlike the youthful
pink I had acquired during puberty. I was not enthused at first with the changes
pregnancy was making to my body, but my sensitive and chapped nipples soon became a
testament to Edward's enjoyment of my body.
That man loved his breast milk, and if he was happy, I was happy.
My round belly glowed dimly in the candlelight my husband had thoughtfully provided, and
it looked bigger than it ever had before. I gently reached down and smoothed my hand
over my precious baby, suddenly feeling the intensity of my impending motherhood.
Even though I was sweaty and in pain, I had never felt so beautiful.
I was about to bring life into the world.
Velvety steel brushing against my wetness brought me out of my ponderings. Edward
stretched himself over me, both of his muscular legs on the outside of mine. His hot tip
brushed against my slick heat, and we both gave low groans at the intense contact. We
had consistently made love throughout the day- in the living room, on the dining room
table, even the bathroom floor- but each and every time with Edward felt like the first,
which made each satisfying session all the more special. I felt one of Edward's hands
slide around to my belly, and he gently massaged for a moment, speaking softly to our
baby, before he slowly pushed into me.
He pressed wet, hot kisses to my back and shoulders as he slid inside me, but for once, I
did not feel the usual pressure and stretching my vagina normally experienced when we
made love. My passage was normally very tight and Edward was well endowed.
I realized that since my cervix was around 9 or 10 centimeters dilated, Edward's penis
was probably experiencing a warm slip n' slide, rather than the snugness he was
accustomed to. I looked up into his eyes in the mirror, which where tightly screwed shut
in pleasure. His mouth was right by my ear, and as he caressed my belly and thrust
inside me, he whispered and moaned his love only so I could hear.

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"Bella, you feel so good," he breathed, as his thrusting sped up ever so slightly.
"But I'm not- uhn, tight," I whispered back, sucking in a breath as his thumb touched my clit.
I felt his body tense behind me, and he stopped what he was doing so he could catch my
eyes in the mirror. He gently sat back on his legs and lifted me into his lap, although he
stayed erect and stiff inside me. He gently spread my legs, and tucked them around his
body, so we both got a clear view of his penis inside me through the mirror. We made
quite the picture, and I wished I could have taken a photograph of how we were
connected to each other.
Edward's chin rested on the top of my right shoulder, and his thumb resumed the circles on
my clitoris, while his other hand tenderly rubbed my breasts and highly aroused nipples. I
placed my hands over his and leaned into his embrace. With my legs spread so wide, I
could see where his penis entered me, my soft and bare pussy lightly kissing his man
hood. I was very wet, leaking both lubrication and amniotic fluid onto his bronze pubic
hair and the heavy, engorged sac below that housed his little swimmers. He lovingly
kissed my earlobe before huskily speaking.
"Bella, I don't care if you're tight or wet or a reincarnation of Jenna Jameson. All I care
about is that you let me share this pregnancy with you. That every time, you let me
inside of you, not some other man. That you chose me, you make love with me. And that
I'm the only person who's allowed to make you scream."
He chuckled wickedly, before letting both of his hands travel down to my entrance. "I like
this position," he tweaked my clit, "shall we resume?"
I could only nod, so overcome by his tender confession and his wicked smile.
He thrust up inside me, not too hard, but strong enough to make me scream… and cum.
"Goodness, Darling, you really are sensitive. But I need to cum too, little girl, so… hold on."
I watched us together in the mirror, Edward's face clenched in pleasurable agony as he
sought after his orgasm. I met him thrust for thrust, pushing down when he came up.
We worked in tandem, bodies glistening with exertion, throats echoing ragged cries as
we made love.
I began to feel the now familiar tightening in my belly, and Edward began to speed up,
now babbling incoherent things as he accompanied me to the edge of the cliff. His hands
sought purchase on my body, pinching and tweaking, hot mouth licking and sucking, until
I too was rendered incapable of coherent speech.
One of Edward's hands left my swollen love button, and gently began to rub the tender
skin between my clit and my, well… pee hole. I wasn't sure what he was intending to
accomplish, but it felt so good, and I was too close to orgasm to argue.
My screams got louder as his thrusts got harder. I moved my hands up to tangle in his
soft bronze hair, losing myself as I got close to cumming.
My reflection was literally bouncing as I sat on top of Edward, and watching his penis go
in and out of my vagina was one of the most erotic scenes I had ever seen in my life. My
breasts were flopping up and down, my chest was sure to be permanently blushed pink
after this, and I totally lost myself in what I was feeling as I writhed on top of Edward.
"Ahh, Edward, baby, I'm so close, yes, yes, oh god, right there!"
"Mmm, ungh, Bella, you're so wet…"
I felt myself slowly unwinding.
"Edward, cum with me…"
I watched in the mirror as my husband came with a loud roar and a bite on my neck.
Seeing him fall over his cliff made me fall right with him, and I screamed until I was hoarse.
As I feebly tightened with orgasm, Edward applied pressure to the spot he had been
rubbing, and I watched with unashamed wonder as liquid squirted out of me and onto the
bed sheets. Two clear ropes of fluid landed in a small, sticky puddle twelve inches away
from where Edward was inside me.
I couldn't believe what I had just done.
I had never ejaculated before, but with my pregnancy- sensitized nerves and Edward's
talented fingers, I was able to do it.
I saw Edward smirk at me as we both struggled to catch our breath, before he gently
lifted me off of his lap and placed me by his side, so my bottom would avoid the puddle I
had created. We were silent for a minute, as I tried to calm down, my heartbeat thumping
loudly in my ears.
"Bella, did you just pee on the bed?" Edward asked, chuckling.
I smacked his chest. "I most certainly did not! You made me squirt, goofball. How did you
do that?"
He laughed, dramatically rubbing the spot where my hand had hurt him. "Ouch, woman. I
Googled it. That was amazing, Bella. Watching you do that….Most people can't do it on the

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first try."
I snorted, and leaned my head on his shoulder, stroking my belly. "Lucky for you, I'm not
most people."
He kissed the top of my head. "I'm very thankful for that. Gosh, I wish I had caught that
on tape. Now, how about a post-coital snack?"
He eyed my breasts suggestively.
I rolled my eyes, and lay down, allowing him access to what he wanted. He lay down
beside me and snuggled into my body, effortlessly latching on to one of my nipples. I
threaded my fingers through his hair as he nursed, watching his face contort in
satisfaction as my milk let down. We stayed like that for a few minutes, not speaking,
not moving. Edward actually had to pull away for a second to catch his breath midway
through- apparently I was carrying more milk that usual, and he couldn't suck it down
fast enough. His left hand traced intricate patterns on my swollen belly as he nursed, and
I reveled in the tenderness of us lying in bed, him nursing, with the soft glow of the
candles around us.
I realized that after this, it wouldn't be just Edward and Bella- there would be someone
else who would share the intimacy (and the breastfeeding) in our lives.
I began to feel pressure at my entrance, and tentatively reached down to place a hand
inside my vagina.
To my utter shock and pleasure, I felt my baby's head just inside my opening. It was
warm, wet and slippery, but hard just the same. I could feel the matted curls of hair on
his or her head, and I knew that it was time. I brought my legs up, removed my hand
from my pussy, and wiped it off on the bed. Edward looked at me inquiringly, and I smiled
at him.
"Edward, I think it's time for me to push."

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Chapter 5.

8:00 pm.
I released Bella's nipple from my mouth with a soft 'pop' and looked at her in wonder.
It was time.
I very gently got up off the bed in search of the grape seed oils and towels I had placed
on our dresser earlier. Bella was awkwardly pushing the pillows and blankets off our bed,
wanting as much room as possible. We had made sure every available surface in the
house had been properly sanitized, in case Bella wanted to deliver elsewhere. Our birth
plan originally was to have her labor in the bathtub, and also in the special bean bag we
had purchased. The place we felt would be the most comfortable for her to deliver the
baby was our bed; both physically and emotionally. Bella wasn't comfortable with giving
birth in the bathtub or on the floor.
We had purchased a U-shaped birthing stool, in case gravity was an issue, and I had also
taken care to place sanitary napkins on the couch. I wanted my little wife to know she
could change her mind any time, and give birth any place she wanted to. I wanted the
birth of our first child to be the most liberating experience for her. I had a feeling she
would most likely stick with the bed, though. Bella was a traditionalist.
I got the oils and towels, as well as more sanitary napkins. Bella had scooted her body to
the edge of the bed, and had her knees tucked up into her chest. She was already
panting and blowing, not wanting to push too soon. I spread out the blue and white
sheets under her bottom and lower back, creating a wide perimeter around her. As
excited as I was to finally see the baby, I had to make sure the necessary precautions
were taken, so our baby would be born in clean, sterile environment. I didn't want to risk
my wife or my child's health.
I fetched a basin of warm water, and put in a few dissolving antibacterial tablets, so I
could wash my hands as frequently as I needed to. If I kept my hands sterile, I would not
need to use latex gloves. I kept an open box on the bedside table in case I changed my mind.
I felt my cock growing hard as I looked at my wife again, her pussy and anus on display
just for me. The fact that my semen and her juices were still running out of her vagina
and soaking the sanitary napkins underneath her bottom made me want to take her again,
right there.
I quickly washed my hands and found the antibacterial hygiene wipes that I had warmed
in the microwave. I tenderly wiped her, taking care to remove all traces of bodily fluids.
Apparently, she liked the feeling, because she began to coo with pleasure every time the
wipe touched her sensitive parts. After I had cleaned her, I reached for the grape seed
oil, pouring a liberal amount onto both of my hands. The oil was a natural lubricant that
would help the baby slide gently out; eliminating any perineum tearing that might occur.
Because Bella was so small, it was very likely that she would tear. Her still pubescent
vagina might not be up to the task of a natural birth. Cullen babies tended to run big, and
I was more than concerned about how this birthing would go. I knew the blood and pain
of a tear would scare her, and if she tore badly enough, she would have to go to the
emergency room for stitches.
A hospital visit would really ruin the intimacy of our home birth.
I gently, sensually began to massage the slippery oil into her vulva and the skin surrounding
it. I spent a good deal of time on the thin, ultrasensitive skin between her vagina and
anus. That was the perineum, and that was what I was most scared of tearing. I
repeated my massage in between contractions- I rubbed Bella's clitoris when she was
experiencing any pain.
Bella was getting restless, and she didn't feel the urge to push just yet. The baby's head
was only a few inches from crowning, so it was only a matter of minutes before our baby
was born. Bella had only taken a few Tylenol for the pain, and was wholly counting on
orgasms to ease the pain of delivery.
I gave her several. I tried to time her orgasms so that they would fall right on top of her
contractions. Eventually, I realized that her pussy was continually pulsing with orgasmic
and normal contractions, and that my wife was getting worn out from the intense
pressure. I stopped focusing on making her orgasm, and centered my attention on her
whole womanhood. I massaged and kneaded, willing her cervix to open as wide as
possible to accommodate the baby's large head.
Bella lay on the bed with her legs open wide, massaging her vagina with me, or even
reaching a few fingers inside her slick warmth to feel the baby's head just inside her.
I had never seen something so erotic.
I grabbed the camera.
I took picture after picture of my beautiful, naked, so pregnant wife, touching herself.

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"Ughh, Edward. We're close, we're so close, honey…" she panted in between breaths.
Our joined hands rested on top of her bulging cervix, right over our baby's head.
Together, we lavished attention on her very swollen and needy clitoris. Bella began to
hum, and make loud cooing sounds, trying to vocalize what she was feeling. She spread
her legs even wider, inviting me to rest between them.
But we couldn't make love now, no matter how much my stiff member begged for it. Small
pitter-patter sounds below alerted me that I was dripping pre-cum onto the wood floor,
and I quickly grabbed some napkins to clean myself off. I had had intercourse with my
wife only moments before, and yet I was once again impossibly hard and wishing for
release. The urge to masturbate was very strong.
Bella saw me wiping my swollen cock and smirked. She then did something very
surprising. One delicate hand reached down and gathered some of the slick moisture that
had formed in her pussy. She rubbed her love juices and grape seed oil all over her
lower, puckered rosebud with a sweet smile on her face.
She was going to let me… there?
Never mind that our baby was going to be born any minute.
Like a teenage boy about to cum in his pants, I eagerly poured an organic lubricant all
over my cock and positioned myself at her entrance- one that I had not explored before.
It hadn't felt right to have this kind of sex with my wife because she was young and
pregnant, but now, I was too desperate for release to care.
I slowly pushed my swollen, almost purple tip that was visibly pulsing, into her. She
gasped and I groaned as just the first bit of my length went inside her. Her legs spread
impossibly farther, tightening her around me.
I didn't even make it past the first thrust. I exploded inside her, chanting her name as I
felt myself ejaculate every frustration out. I came with a roar, clenching her thighs in my
hands and resting my forehead on her tummy. I felt so overwhelmed by the sensation of
being with her like this, the fact that she was about to give birth, that we were married
and belonged to each other, the feeling I got the day we first met… it all came flooding
back to me.
I felt hot tears run down my face as I pulled out, my emotions getting the best of me. I
was suddenly scared; not feeling like I was prepared to become a father. I had been an
obstetrician for many years, but suddenly it was my baby I was about to deliver, and
doubts and fears clouded my mind.
I wanted to nurse and have Mommy time with Bella, like we normally did when I was
frustrated or ill at ease.
But Bella's suddenly pained face alerted me that she was ready to push.

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Chapter 6.

8:54 p.m.
Bella spread her legs, tucking her knees to her breasts and her hands were firmly secured
on her ankles.
"Now, Edward," she groaned, bearing down, "the baby is coming now."
I kneeled at the foot of the bed, my whole body shaking from my intense orgasm and
what was about to happen here.
We were going to have a baby.
I watched as her face contorted with the first push.
"Auugggguaaahhhhh! Ha! Ha! Oooooo! Ah!" she screamed hoarsely, her knuckles white
where they held her ankles. I watched her labia slowly open as she pushed, a bulge
appearing, but no wet little head yet.
"Gently, Bella, love, push gently, we don't want you to tear," I said softly, as I resumed
massaging her, discreetly applying more grape seed oil to her womanhood.
"Shut up, Edward," she snapped, glaring down at me from between her legs.
I took the hint, and remained quiet. Bella groaned and pushed with each contraction, her
lower back sometimes arching off the bed with the force of her labor. I watched in
fascination as her vagina blossomed each time she bore down, revealing glimpses of the
little blonde head that was going to pop through at any moment.
"Uuuunnngahhhh," Bella wailed as she thrashed about on the bed, trying to get the
stubborn baby to move down. Her face would turn almost purple with each contraction,
and I had to remind her to relax, or else she would end up with deep purple bruising
under her eyes come morning.
Bella lifted her knees higher and pushed again. Her clitoris was now uncovered, the folds
of skin having been naturally pulled back, begging for my touch, but Bella stopped me
from massaging her with a glare.
"Not yet- oh! Oh my- I feel something!" A smile lit her face as she bore down again, her
eyes eagerly searching to see what was happening.
That something, however, was not the baby. Bella looked down her body in horror as
she saw what she was pushing out.
"No! Oh gosh, how embarrassing!" she groaned, her face going red with embarrassment.
The sound of something small and heavy plopping onto the sanitary napkin under her
rear end was proof enough that my wife was having an involuntary bowel movement- and
a big one, at that.
I chuckled, and held a napkin under her bottom until she finished pooping. The last little bit
finally came out, and I wrapped up the filled napkin and threw it away, stepping out to
sanitize my hands. I wasn't the least surprised that she had pooped on the table, knowing
full well that it would more than have happened, seeing as she had refused an enema
hours before. Not that I blamed her.
Bella didn't have time to focus on her incident, however, because a big contraction was
slowly building and distracting her attention.
"Now, baby, rub my clit! Ohhhhh, Edward, it burns, aaahh!"
I instantly compiled, and my obedience was rewarded with blonde hair just outside of
Bella's vagina.
"Mmm, mmm, ahhhh, unghhhh, Edward, harder, ohhhhh…."
"The baby's crowning, Bella! Keep pushing! Good girl! Good girl, oh sweetheart, just a
little more, you can do it…."
The baby's head was halfway out, gooey and slimy with blood and fluids. Bella breathed
and panted, waiting until the next contraction to finish, but she didn't relax all the way,
lest the baby's head slip back in. I didn't know if Bella could handle having to start all over agai
"Edward, my back hurts," she breathed, arching into my touch as I rubbed her clitoris a
little more firmly. "Will you come lie with me?" she asked shyly, peeking through her lashes.
I was a little confused by her request, but I got up on the bed with her, gently cupping
the baby's head as I did so. My wife was stretched so wide, and I knew she had to be in pain.
"Lay on your side, baby," she instructed, suddenly serious. I did as she asked, facing her.
Bella then gingerly scooted her body towards me, then (amazingly) rolled onto her side,
keeping her legs apart so she wouldn't squish the baby. She threw her leg over my torso,
and sighed into my chest.
"I read online that a side-lying position is best for not tearing, and this feels so much
better." She breathed, her breath tickling my skin.
Never mind the fact that this was one of our favorite lovemaking positions. Her belly was
gently pressed against my stomach, and the baby's head was inches away from my pelvis.
It felt so intimate, like we were giving birth together…

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Bella's hand tightened on its place on my bicep as she bore down again. I tenderly rubbed
her thigh that was resting on my leg, whispering words of comfort and encouragement in
her ear as she pushed the rest of the baby's head out.
"Oh my, oh my, ohhhhh…" Bella lifted her leg a little, and both her and I started crying
at what we saw.
The rest of our baby's head had emerged, small and pink and white, eyes still closed and
rosebud lips still shut. I guided Bella's hand to the little head, and she looked at the child
between her thighs reverently, as she touched our baby for the first time.
"This is real, Edward, that's our baby… hello little one," she cooed, tears of joy
streaming down her face as she stroked the small tufted head lovingly.
Her face suddenly stiffened with the onset of another contraction, and I resumed my
ministrations on the sensitive skin surrounding her vagina, ready for the last contractions
that would result in the birth of our baby. Bella arched her hips into my hand, feebly
grinding her pelvis into mine as she sought to relieve the intense pressure that was
building in her cervix. She took her hand away from the baby's slippery head and grabbed
her calf, pulling it to her breasts and giving herself more room to push. I kept one hand on
her, and with the other, reached down to help the baby's shoulders out.
Bella gave a small cry of pain, feeling the pressure I was putting on her birth canal. I
feverishly massaged her, wanting to give her an explosive orgasm as she brought our
baby into the world. With my mouth I kissed her hungrily, swallowing her moans and
cries, and with my hands, I brought her the release she was seeking as well as the baby
we were both so eager to meet.
As my wife seized with orgasm, loudly crying with her head thrown back into the pillows,
her pelvis humping my hand in desperation, the warm, slippery, goo-covered body of my
firstborn child slid onto the surface of my stomach, coating me with hot wetness.
I managed to grab the baby before its tiny head collided with my (once again) painfully
erect penis. Bella's wailing cry subsided into sobs as she rolled onto her back, gasping. I
placed the tiny infant on her chest, feeling salty tears of my own trickle down my face.
The baby began to cry, it's thin wail piercing the sudden stillness of the night.
The doctor in me checked the baby's vital signs- all seemed to be well and good. The baby
was plump and had a healthy color, and there was no mistaking the strong set of lungs
that he or she possessed. I reached for the medical scissors and cut the cord, deftly
securing my baby's new belly button before daring to look at my young, beautiful wife's face.
"Is is a boy or a girl, Daddy?" she asked softly, her voice now hoarse from screaming.
I gently turned the baby so Bella could see the small, but perfectly formed genitals of our baby.
"A girl…. Oh Edward, we have a baby girl! Hello, Carlie Marie Cullen," Bella cried, not at
all ashamed of her tears.
I rubbed a small cotton blanket over our little girl's body, making sure that her blood
circulation was well intact. Carlie had stopped crying, her baby blue eyes fluttering,
adjusting to her new surroundings. She began to root on Bella's chest, her instincts
already kicking in. Bella gently guided the five-minute old baby to her breast, and Carlie
tentatively began to suck.
Bella and I counted all ten tiny fingers and toes, delighting in the fact that our baby had
so much hair, Bella's lips, and my nose. Carlie was perfect in every sense of the word,
and I marveled that Bella and I had been able to create such a thing of beauty.
I quietly cleared the bed of sanitary napkins, leaving just one for the passing of the
placenta. There would be time later for Bella to bathe and for Carlie to get properly
cleaned up and weighed. But for right now, I was content to snuggle up in bed with my
girls in my arms and watch the miracle of new life.
Life couldn't have been any better, or more complete.

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Chapter 7.

Birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and my bed was slightly damp.
How very odd.
The last time I had woken up to a wet bed, I was nine months pregnant and my water
had broken. This time though, the cause for my damp sheets was my gorgeous
husband, who had neglected to get up during the night and use the bathroom. I leaped
out of bed and shook him awake before the wetness could spread to my side of the bed.
"Edward, baby, get up."
He groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes, but soon opened them in shock when he felt the
warm wet surrounding him. Edward threw back the bedcovers in disbelief, lightly touching
his soaked pajama-clad crotch.
"Bella, what happened? I…I wet the bed?" He asked, his eyes pleading me to say he really
"I'm afraid so, honey, now please get up and change the sheets so we don't ruin the
mattress. I'm sure it was just a one time thing, Edward. You were pretty tired last night
from working a double shift. I'm sure it won't happen again. You just had a little accident.
It's nothing to worry about."
But it did happen again. For the next three mornings, I woke up to a wet bed and an
embarrassed husband. We didn't know why Edward had suddenly started having accidents
in his underwear, but I figured that the new baby and the pressure from work had a
helping hand in it. Edward had even come home one day to change his pants because he
had taken a nap at work and had peed them- they were totally soaked through.
I bought a mattress pad and made Edward sleep with a towel underneath his bottom to
help absorb moisture, but my husband was developing a rash on his private parts from
sleeping in wetness the whole night long. We were used to sleeping together, arms and
legs twined around each other, but since Edward had started wetting the bed, we stayed
on our separate sides. I was not in the mood for getting sprayed while I was sleeping.
Carlie got me enough during the day.
Frustrated and in despair, I went to the grocery store and bought adult diapers. I knew
that they were for older people who had trouble holding it on long car rides, but I didn't
know what else to do. Therapy was expensive and very embarrassing to Edward. I
figured his bedwetting was just a passing phase, and would resolve itself as Edward got
used to the new stresses in his life. Unfortunately, the store was out of the underwear
like diapers, and only had the ones with the tabs in the front, like infant diapers- meaning
I would have to change my husband's diaper if he wet it. It was fine by me- he hadn't
started pooping his pants, and as long as he didn't go number two I wouldn't mind
changing some extra wet diapers. It was no different than when I changed Carlie-
Edward was just bigger.
The clerk at the checkout gave me a not so subtle look, and I muttered something about
having an elderly grandmother. If word got out Edward was using diapers, his career
would be done and over in an instant.
I nervously presented the diapers to my husband when I got home, unsure of what he
would do and say. But he was actually was glad to have them- they provided the security
a mattress pad could not. I knew he had upset that I was constantly changing the
sheets and buying salve for his rash, so his wearing a diaper was a win-win for both of us.
When bedtime came, I bathed and dressed Carlie, taking care not to jostle her in any
way. She was getting big, that was for sure, but she was still my fragile little baby, who
was the spitting image of her father. Her wispy blonde hair was now long enough to put a
teeny bow in, and I swear, she made every person's heart melt when they saw her. I
hoped her hair would darken into Edward's infamous auburn, but that it wouldn't be as
unruly. It didn't look like I was going to get my wish- already, her hair was untamable, like a
lion's mane.
Edward and I went to bed as soon as Carlie was laid in her crib- we learned to sleep
while baby was sleeping. I had put the diapers in our medicine cabinet- where no one
but Edward I and would find them. Edward and I undressed for bed, but instead of pulling
on his pajama pants, he took off his boxer briefs and held out a diaper to me, his eyes
conveying what words could not.
I motioned for him to lie down on the bed, and I gently slid the diaper underneath him,
then pulled it up and secured the tabs over his front. I had made sure to get extra
absorbent ones, to ensure there would be no leaks.
"How does it feel, baby?" I asked as Edward stood up and gingerly touched the puffy
whiteness between his thighs.
"Weird," he said, a blush suffusing his cheeks, "Are you sure my cock can breathe in this thing

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He looked almost worried.
I laughed, and told him to stop being goofy and to get in the bed.
We would need all the sleep we could get tonight.
I woke in the middle of the night to a strange sound, like muffled hissing. It seemed to be
coming from right underneath the sheets. I lifted the blankets, and saw the cause of my
awakening. Edward was peeing his diaper. I watched as it clung to his crotch, slowly
expanding with urine. Quickly, I shook him awake.
"Edward! Honey, wake up! You're having an accident! Go use the potty."
He stumbled out of bed blinking, holding his soaked diaper. I followed him to the
bathroom and helped him strip off his soiled diaper. He quickly sat down on the toilet and
pointed his penis into the bowl, too tired to stand. I could hear his whimpers of relief as he
urinated, and I tried not to stare at him as the golden stream spurted from his flaccid cock,
or his dirty diaper that lay on the floor. He peed for a good minute before his stream let
up. He sat back against the toilet and thrust his crotch out.
"Wipe me, Mommy?" he asked, gesturing shyly to the toilet paper on the metal rod next to him.
I obliged, tenderly cleaning his penis and bushy, bronze pubic hair of any unwanted
droplets. He didn't look at me once during the whole exchange. He waited for me to
wash my hands, then washed his own, and headed back into the bedroom.
He lay down on the bed and spread his legs for a new diaper. It did not escape my notice
that he put his thumb in his mouth and began to suck on it, moaning lightly as the cold night
air hit his privates. His other hand snaked down in between his thighs, and he gently
touched himself, tugging on his cock and massaging his testicles as he waited for me to
re-diaper him.
I got out the diaper, wipes, powder and rash cream, and placed it on the bed. I swatted
his hand away from his growing erection, too tired to let him masturbate before putting
his diaper back on. I gently wiped his bottom and penis, then spread the cream over his
rash, and finally powdered him before taping the diaper on, which was a little difficult,
seeing as how his arousal jutted out, begging for release. The new diaper was stiff
between his legs, and he awkwardly crawled into bed, patting the spot beside him.
He pulled his thumb out of his mouth, "Mommy, I wanna suck,"
I climbed in next to him, bringing his mouth to my breast, and let him drink through the slit
in my nursing gown. When I made the decision to breastfeed Edward and Carlie full time,
I knew my wardrobe was going to have to go through some alterations. I went to a
maternity shop downtown and purchased a full array of nursing bras, tops, and lingerie.
The nursing nightgowns I purchased allowed me to simply let my nipples peep through a
small slit, rather than me having to take my entire shirt off to breastfeed, since I was most
disoriented in the middle of the night.
Edward seemed to enjoy the new nightgowns, since it made him easier to have his middle
of the night feeding without waking me up. He was hungry and agitated tonight,
especially since he had had an accident in his new diaper. He nursed a little longer and
rougher than normal, and several times I had to break his latch in order to get him to
calm down and suckle normally.
"Mmm, mmm, mmm," he murmured around my nipple, his lips tightly suctioned to my
breast. He was determined to get every last drop. His enthusiasm for this late night
nursing caused me to really let down, and I watched as the nipple the was not being
suckled began to release milk all on its own. I hoped Edward would finish nursing the one
breast before all the milk ran out of the other. He gave my nipple one last loving suck,
before releasing it with a pop, and quickly switching over to the other nipple.
His satisfied moans did nothing for my aroused state- even though I was tired, I could
feel my panties dampen with my juices, and I might not be willing to sleep without some
form of release. I tried not to think about it as I watched my beautiful husband nurse.
I had noticed in the weeks since Carlie's birth that Edward was nursing more frequently,
and that he was eating "real food" less. He was getting so much of his nourishment from
breastfeeding that he didn't need to eat like I did. Thinking back to it, I couldn't even
remember the last time we had shared dinner together, both of us eating with forks and
knives at the table.
Now our dinners consisted of me on the couch with a plate of food, and Edward in my
lap, breastfeeding. Neither of us were complaining. It was easier to cook for just me
instead of the both of us, and there was less mess to clean up afterward. That was a
good thing, because nursing got us both so aroused that we would often make love on
the couch right after we had both finished our respective suppers.
I knew my nipples were going to be bruised purple after tonight- he was suckling so
hard. He had turned his body into mine, and had begun lightly thrusting against my

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private parts, trying to create friction in his diaper. I didn't know if he realized he was
doing it, but I wasn't going to complain. I spread my legs a little wider, feeling the rough
scrape of his diaper brush against my lacy underwear.
Edward's breathing got heavier as his nursing session went on, and I began to respond
more actively to his thrusting. I shimmed my panties down to my ankles so that my
whole, wet pussy was bare and exposed. The feeling of the diaper pushing against my
sensitive flesh was too much, and I knew I was going to come hard, and soon. Edward
also suddenly seemed near release- his chest was heaving with exertion, and his
suckling became more frantic.
I was going to have quite the hickey on that nipple in the morning.
As I neared my orgasm, I let my pleasured moans be heard- not caring if the neighbors
could hear me or not. Edward was spurred on by this, and his thrusting became harder.
The diaper scraped delightfully over my clit, and I was done for.
"Oh- oh- oh, gaaahhhhh, Edward!" I cried loudly, holding his head to my breast as the
blinding hot waves rolled over me.
Edward groaned, and thrust forcefully against my pussy, and just before he came, I
pulled the diaper down his thighs. He gave a loud cry as he came, but didn't fully let go of
my nipple. His hot, wet cum spurted out against my pussy in several long streams, and I
came again, just from feeling him come all over my pelvis.
We humped in orgasmic bliss as we rode out our highs- his penis wedged between my
pussy lips, the wet length rubbing my clit, and thus prolonging my orgasm.
We fell together with deep, agitated breaths when it was all over, and I reached towards
the bedside table to clean myself up. I did not want to sleep in a wet spot. I pulled
Edward's diaper back up, gently tucking his wet penis back inside, and together, we
sought a deep sleep, with him still suckling my breast.

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Chapter 8.

This was created from a reader request. Yes, I'm down for those. The first part of this is
part of the deleted chapter, "Tandem".
Three weeks after Carlie's birth
I sighed as I heard my baby's cry through the crackle of the baby monitor for the third
time tonight. I hauled myself out of bed, careful not to disturb my sleeping husband, who
was contentedly snoring, probably having blissful dreams, while I went to go get the
baby. Again.
The man could sleep through anything.
As I lifted my little girl out of her crib, I saw the time on the clock by her changing table.
Four in the morning!
"It's a good thing Mommy loves you so much, sweetie, because I am really missing my
beauty sleep." I said softly. I carried her over to the changing table to see if she needed
a new diaper. She didn't. I lifted her off of the changing table and cradled her to my
chest, in an attempt to rock her back to sleep. She responded by turning her little face
into me and began to try to latch on through my shirt. She was Edward's child. Of course
she wanted to be fed at four in the morning. I heard stirring in my bedroom and knew
that Edward was most likely awake now too. I grabbed a burp cloth from Carlie's dresser
and went back to my own bed, where I could nurse my baby in comfort. The rocking chair
was too stiff for this hour of the night.
Edward was indeed awake, and sitting up against the headboard. I noticed fresh tear
tracks on his face and wondered why he had been crying.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked as I joined him back under the covers, adjusting Carlie
on my lap so she could feed. I lowered one strap on my tank top so she could latch on,
which she quickly and happily did. After I made sure her placement was correct, I turned
my attention to Edward.
"I had a bad dream," he croaked out, laying his head on my stomach that was still not quite
flat, and probably wouldn't be for some time. He too, turned his head into my chest and
began to root at my nipples, and also put a hand down his pants, so he could stroke
himself; holding onto his penis also comforted him after a nightmare, whether he managed
to orgasm or not.
"Mommy, I want to suck," he said softly, tugging the other strap of my top down until my
breast was accessible. He greedily latched on to my engorged nipple, vigorously sucking
so my milk would let down faster. He suckled frantically, his chest heaving, as he tried to
forget whatever awful calamity had taken place in his dream tonight.
"Edward, baby, slow down, honey. Mommy's milk isn't going anywhere, and you're making
her sore," I said quietly, not wanting to disturb Carlie from her own feeding, but his
mouth was tugging uncomfortably on my nipple. He immediately relaxed his latch, and I
breathed a sigh of relief as I finished feeding my babies without incident. Feeding both
Edward and Carlie at the same time was a great way to get two things done at once. It
was funny to watch Carlie look over at Edward while they were nursing- her little nose
would scrunch up as if to say, "What are you doing here?" She wasn't so willing to share,
although there was no way her little tummy could fit both breasts of milk.
I burped the baby while Edward finished and unlatched, and put her back in bed, eager to
get a few more hours of sleep in before it was time to start the day. I came back to the
bed to find my husband with his knees tucked into his chest, pants pushed down under
his bottom, and one hand still manipulating his now erect manhood. His other hand was
playing with his balls, and he was whimpering under his breath.
"Oh god… Bella, yes, so tight…. Mmmm….uhngh…uh…. Bella…."
Damn him. We hadn't been able to make love for three whole weeks, and wouldn't be able
to for at least another two. I heard him masturbating in the shower every morning before
he left for work, but this was the first time he had so brazenly bared his need in front of
me. He didn't notice my presence, however, as he furiously worked himself to orgasm,
continuing his pleas for me. I watched as he grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and
messily ejaculated into it, his hips arching off the bed, his moans loud and feral. He came
down from his high panting and sweaty, his hair clinging to his forehead. He turned to
throw the tissue away, and it was then that he noticed me, my hand down my own
pants. I wasn't cleared to have sex yet, but I was allowed to orgasm, and after
observing my husband involved in self love, I couldn't help but do it too. It was so sexy
to watch him masturbate, and having him call me Mommy sent a fiery spark through me.
I lay down next to my husband, whose cheeks were red from embarrassment, but
whose eyes were sparkling with anticipation. I teased him for a moment, arching my hips
into my hand and moaning as I swirled my fingers around my slick sex. He watched me

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breathlessly before yanking down my pants and pushing my hand out of the way. His hot
mouth clamped down on my pussy, and he furiously began to suck on my clit while
massaging my inner thighs that he had spread apart.
I wasn't allowed penetration, but I could have all the orgasms I wanted, now that my
cervix was mostly healed.
"Oh, gosh, right there baby, uh huh, ohhhh, right there, sweetie." I moaned as he began
to thrust his tongue in and out of my passage while still keeping firm pressure on my clit
with his thumb. I orgasmed all too quickly into his waiting mouth, his tongue eagerly
lapping up all my juices.
Suddenly exhausted, I drew my pants back up and lay down, my breathing labored and
my heart pounding. I checked the baby monitor to ensure that all was well before
allowing myself to try to get back to sleep. Edward lay down next to me and pulled me into
his arms, and together we fell asleep, ready for whatever the next day would bring.
Carlie had been pretty fussy all day, and her wails were starting to wear thin on my
frazzled nerves. Edward had an extended shift today, and he wouldn't be home until past
five. I caught restless cat naps while the baby slept, and tried to cook and clean as best I
could, knowing that was what Edward would like to arrive home to. The fact that the
baby weight wasn't coming off as quickly as I would have liked frustrated me even
further, and I almost hated Edward for what he had turned me into- a fat, frazzled
baby mama who was struggling to keep an orderly household.
I was only seventeen, for goodness sake.
I got a text from Edward at 4:45 saying that he would be home even later than he
thought- apparently, one of his patients had gone into labor, and she was high-risk, so
he would have to stay for the entire duration of her delivery to make sure everything
went smoothly.
I threw the half made dinner into a Tupperware and shoved it in the fridge. I grabbed the
baby, my cell, and a pacifier, and lay down wearily. I was going to sleep, damnit. I often
let the baby sleep with me whenever Edward was working nights- he disapproved, but I
didn't like being in our big bed all by myself.
I fluffed pillows all around my daughter's tiny body, placed the phone on my pillow, and
promptly fell asleep.
I woke up to the sun streaming brightly through the bedroom windows. My bedside clock
said it was past noon.
I quickly leaped off the bed, thinking I had rolled on her. There had been no piercing wail
in my ear at two in the morning or at six, and my heart leapt in my throat, thinking of all
the horrid things that could have happened to my baby while I was asleep.
My phone was also gone.
As if she could talk and say, "Over here, Mama!"
To my utter shock, Edward came bursting through the bedroom.
"Shh, love, please! I just got her to fall asleep!"
I instantly relaxed, and fell into Edward's arms.
"Jeez, Edward, you can't do that to me! I thought she had been kidnapped!"
He laughed lowly. "I put her in her crib, she's out like a light. We're officially off the
hook. What do you want to do?"
As if to answer, a small bulge began to lift the front of his gym shorts, and my panties
instantly dampened.
The baby was asleep, and I wasn't hungry. For food, that is.
Edward caught the look in my eyes, and stepped forward to wrap me in his arms. He bent
his head down towards my neck, and softly nipped my ear.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Mrs. Cullen?"
"Uh huh," I breathed, my fingers tracing the elastic waist on his shorts.
He reciprocated by palming his hands over my butt, and gently kneading the flesh there.
I moaned and leaned into his embrace, pressing my breasts against his chest.
Almost as soon as I did that, though, I had to pull away. My breasts were painfully
swollen with milk for Carlie because I hadn't fed her during the night. I needed to empty
out my breasts before we engaged in any kind of sexual activity, or I would be a human
milk geyser.
Edward heard my small gasp of pain, and pulled back with concern in his eyes. I could feel
his erection stiffening, prodding the place where I wanted him most, and it killed me that

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we had to stop so I could pump.
"I need to pump before we can…you know…" I said shyly, rubbing his shirt in between my
He smirked, and looked down at my breasts longingly. He had been reluctant for asking
for feedings other than his regular times, because he knew that I was usually busy with
the baby or exhausted by the day's events.
But not today. My milk was all for him.
"C'mere," I said, taking him by the hand and leading him into the living room. I sat down on
the plush sofa, putting a pillow on my lap and beckoned Edward to lay his head in my lap.
His eyes lit up when he saw me undo the buttons on my shirt, and he hurriedly lay down
across the length of the couch.
He gingerly laid his head in my lap, and I unlatched the clasp on my nursing bra, exposing
the swollen breast and dusky, rose colored nipple. Edward turned his head towards my
chest, and I watched in fascination as his beautiful lips closed around my nipple.
I felt the familiar tingling in my breast as I let down, and Edward slowly began to suck, not
taking his eyes off of me. I let one hand brush through his untamed hair as he nursed,
loving the feel of the silky strands against my fingers. He let out a moan of pleasure when
I gently tugged on one coppery piece, and his lips locked against my nipple in a way that
sent pleasurable shocks through my body.
With my other hand, I massaged his hard stomach- I loved that he took care of his body,
and feeling the planes of his abs under his tee shirt were just a hint of things to come. I
pushed the shirt up to his neck, and he broke his latch on my breast to tug the shirt over
his head.
I kneaded his hard flesh with my palm, watching the muscles ripple under the skin. There
was one muscle, further down his body that was proudly making a tent in his shorts. I let
my hand snake down to his waistband, and tugged his hard cock free. It was then I
discovered that my man had decided to be naughty, and was going commando.
Yum. The less clothes on him, the better.
He was incredibly hard, and felt like hot velvet in my hand. I gently swirled my hand
around his red, swollen tip, and was rewarded with pearly droplets of pre-cum that rolled
off of his slit.
I heard him groan into my breast, and I sighed with pleasure. I took pleasure in the fact
that only I could elicit this sort of response from him, and all I had done was touch him
once. He grunted around my nipple again, and impatiently thrust his hips into my hand.
"Alright, honey. Gosh, baby, you're so hard. Are you hard for me? Just me?"
I saw his eyes roll back in his head at my question. It wasn't often that I broke out with
the dirty talk, but when I did, Edward loved it.
"I know how much you've missed our special times together because of the baby… You're
such a good Daddy, Edward, such a good Daddy…"
His hand strayed to where I was lightly gripping his penis, and I playfully smacked it
away. "Nuh uh, only I can touch this," I took his hand and encouraged him to fondle the
breast he was not nursing on. I gasped in pleasure when I felt his fingers toy with my
engorged nipple.
I began to work my hand up and down his shaft, encouraged by his whimpers and moans
as I touched him in all the right places. Pre-cum was freely running down his length now,
and I gathered the fluid in my palm to give lubrication to his penis, so I could massage him
better. I gently squeezed his mushroom tip, pleasantly surprised when he gave a loud
groan and a little fluid came shooting out of his cock and landed on my wrist.
Making sure that he was watching me, I licked the droplet off my skin.
Unable to stand my teasing any longer, he began to touch his swelling balls, rolling them in
his hand, and helping me help him to orgasm. He also began to suckle harder on my
breast, and I felt a gush of fluid dampen my panties. His hands roamed all over our
bodies- his sensitive sac, my erect nipples, bringing both of us spine tingling bliss.
I was pretty positive I was going to cum just from him manipulating my breasts.
I began to tug longer, stroke faster, and squeeze harder, soaring to new heights as
Edward moaned, whimpered, and grunted his pleasure.
I saw his swollen testicles and stomach muscles tense as he prepared to orgasm.
And not two seconds later, that was what he did. He literally bit down on my breast as the
hot fluid squirted out of him and onto his stomach and my hand.
I thought he was going to choke on my breast- his red face and loud cries as his orgasm
ripped through his quaking body. I made a move to detach him, but he sucked fiercely on
my nipple as he rode out the waves of his cum.
Seeing him cum like that- so hot and loud- made something akin to Disney World happen
in my panties, and before I knew it, I was arching against the back of the couch, biting

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down on my hand to muffle my cries of ecstasy. Edward furiously suckled and flicked on
the unattended nipple as I lost myself in orgasm.
It was the first time I had come without touching my pussy.
I collapsed against his hot, sweaty body as I came back to myself, whimpering and shaking
like he had been only moments ago.
"Oh my gosh, Edward, that was amazing," I said, wiping my face and struggling to regain
control of my breathing.
It wasn't until I had full control of myself that I realized- he still had one more breast to
nurse from.
But the baby was good to sleep for at least another hour, so…

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Chapter 9.

Messy diapers and pacifiers ahead. Not your thing? Go ahead and close this browser page :)
A few months later…
"Whew, that was close. Edward, I really think you should see a doctor about your
accidents," I commented, as I taped up another one of my husband's soiled diapers, and
threw it in the trashcan beside me. Edward was becoming more incontinent as the days
wore on, and we were having trouble getting him to go to the potty on time for "number
two". He didn't even realize he was peeing his diapers anymore, and just a moment ago
we had been sitting on the couch watching a movie when he suddenly felt the need to
poop. We barely made it to the toilet in time- thank goodness we did, because it was a
rather large bowel movement. The diaper wouldn't have held it.
Edward looked up at me from his place on the bed, and wriggled uncomfortably as he
waited for me to put a new diaper on him.
"Bella, no way," he said, astonished. "What if someone found out? No, this is too
embarrassing. If you don't want to change me anymore, I'll figure out how to put the
diapers on myself."
"No, no," I quickly backpedaled, "I don't care if you wear diapers for the rest of your life-
I just wanted to make sure that you were still okay with wearing them. This has to be
weird for you."
"I like weird," he shrugged, as I fastened a new diaper on him. "Wearing diapers makes
me feel… safe, I guess. The warmth… the wetness… it's almost sexual."
He still had only been peeing in the diaper, but we had had a few close calls with getting
to the potty on time with number two, and I knew that one of these days I was going to
end up changing a poopy diaper. I didn't think I would mind, as long as it wasn't too stinky.
"Yes, but Edward, you almost had a… different accident this time. I don't mind changing a
dirty diaper, but you're going to have to change your diet."
He considered this for a moment. "I suppose you're right. Just to be on the safe side."
So we switched him to an all natural diet, which consisted of breast milk, fiber rich foods,
and fruits and vegetables. This new diet would make his number twos almost odorless,
which was a good thing all around. Despite the new diet that gave him more freedom,
Edward was very conscientious of the urge to "go", and for several days, we didn't even
have a close call.
Until Thursday.
I had been making dinner, and Carlie was sleeping. It had been an unusually quiet
afternoon (it was Edward's day off), and I knew my husband had been feeling a little
under the weather. He was very lethargic, and spent most of his day off on the couch,
watching television or reading. I occasionally joined him, but I had my own projects to do
while the baby was napping, and I took advantage of it.
The lasagna I had been making was finally finished cooking, and I set it on the stove top,
before venturing into the living room to see if Edward wanted to eat.
He wasn't there. Not on the couch, the floor, nowhere. I went down the hall to the
bathroom, and stopped at the sight of him in the bathroom doorway, his back to me. He
was naked from the waist down, except for his diaper, and he was squatting on the floor.
"Ngh, ngh, nnnnnggggghhhhh…" He grunted, and I saw the diaper bulge between his
legs as he let out a sigh of relief.
He was pooping.
I quickly went to him, and put my arms on his, forcing him to turn around. He had tears in
his eyes, and was whimpering as I brought his head to my breast. I quickly undid the flap
of my nursing bra, and let him nurse on the bathroom floor, of all places. He suckled
hungrily, and I let my fingers comb through his hair as he fed.
"This must be uncomfortable," I whispered in his ear, as I made a move to take off his
diaper. But his hand shot up and grabbed mine, and he looked at me sheepishly.
"I'm…. not quite done."
I smiled. "Then finish, baby. It's okay."
He looked relieved as he went back to my breast, and I saw the muscles in his back
contract as he pushed out another load, his legs spreading as his diaper filled. His face
screwed up with his efforts, and I was struck for a moment at how baby like he was.
"Mmm, ngh, ngh, ahhh…." He moaned, pushing his face into my chest.
I tentatively put a hand on his heavy diaper, to gauge how much he had filled, and I was
shocked to see that he had mostly filled it.
His hips bucked at my touch, and I felt the warmth of his urine spread throughout the
diaper as he finished.
"I'm all done, Mommy," he whispered shyly, letting my nipple fall out of his mouth.

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"Let's get you into the tub," I prodded, helping him stand up. He stood up awkwardly,
and went to the tub, sitting down on the cold porcelain.
The combination of the dirty diaper and the cold floor of the tub against his skin made
him whimper, then cry in earnest.
"Waah, waah," he wailed, pulling on his diaper.
"Shh, baby, you need to be quiet," I pleaded, thinking of Carlie in the next room.
He cried louder in protest as I set the faucet dials to hot. Frustrated, I fished around in
my pocket for one of Carlie's pacifiers, and stuck it in his mouth. He quieted instantly, and
the only sounds I heard from him was quiet sucking and the occasional whimper.
I made him get on his knees so I could take off the diaper. Even though he had made
quite a mess, his dirty diaper was practically odorless as I taped it up and threw it away.
I turned the removable shower head on, and began to wash off his bottom with the
warm spray. He actually let out a gurgle of pleasure as the heated water touched his
sensitive skin. I lathered up my hands with baby body wash and tenderly washed his
privates, being sensitive to his penis, which was beginning to grow hard, due to the
pleasant sensations he was feeling.
"Does your peepee hurt, honey?" I asked him gently, when I had gotten him all cleaned
up. His huge erection did, in fact, look painful. It was red, and purple, and very thick. He
hadn't been so big in a long time.
He nodded slowly, and sat back on his heels so I could have access to his cock. I gently
slid my soapy hands up and down his shaft, squeezing his tip as my fingers danced up
and down. I could see pre-cum already beginning to form, and I knew that his impending
orgasm would not take long. I washed off my hands and his cock with the showerhead,
making sure all the soap had run off, before taking his penis into my mouth.
I used my hands to reach the places my tongue couldn't, and he eagerly thrust his hips
into my mouth. His moans and grunts were muffled by the pacifier in his mouth. He looked
silly and sexy at the same time, sucking on a blue baby pacifier, but Edward tended to be
loud when he came, and I did not want to wake up the real baby in the next room.
I gently squeezed his swollen sac, and that was all it took. He came with a loud moan in
my mouth, his hands reaching up to fist in my hair. I eagerly sucked down every drop he
gave me, not really tasting, just feeling. He came in several hot, wet, spurts, before
finally going limp in my mouth. I pulled him out with a loud pop, then gave him a searing
kiss on the mouth (pacifier moved hastily aside), letting him taste himself on my mouth.
I would never think of a diaper change the same way again, and I was sure he wouldn't either.

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Chapter 10.

Carlie was growing in leaps and bounds- she had just reached six months, and I couldn't
believe it. It seemed like yesterday I had thrown my leg over Edward's hip and pushed her
out into the world. I still remember how she felt sliding out of my vagina, all hot and wet. It
felt like when Edward pulled out of me after sex, except that Carlie was obviously much
bigger than his penis.
Birth had been such an orgasmic experience for me- before, during and after. We had
disregarded the doctor's orders, and made love as soon as I had passed the placenta, but
it was mostly so Edward could get his rocks off, not mine- I couldn't feel him after Carlie
had just stretched my pussy out. I'll never forget the feeling of my baby nursing from my
breasts for the first time, with Edward urgently thrusting into me from behind. Me having
a baby had been so erotic for him- he confessed that he wanted to get me pregnant
again soon so that he could videotape his baby sliding out of my love canal. We didn't
make love again until after it was technically safe, but I'll never forget that moment.
I was ready for another baby too. I had felt so sexy when I was pregnant, and Edward
had loved my curves. I had more maternity clothes than real clothes- why buy new ones
when I could just get pregnant again? I wanted to have children close together- having no
siblings of my own, I wanted my children to have companionship. I also knew Edward
wouldn't agree to stop having children until I birthed him a son. That thought gave me
pause. I could be forty and heavily pregnant, with lots of girl children already before I
pushed out a baby boy for my husband.
Edward and I had agreed to start trying for another baby, which meant that we needed
to cut down on the babies that we already had. Edward had agreed to start potty
training, to at least cut down on the cost of diapers. It was hard because wearing diapers
all the time had made him totally incontinent. He didn't even feel when he was peeing or
pooping anymore. He took a sabbatical from work, because potty training was not
something to be taken lightly. I bought a few inexpensive potties from Target- like the
kind used for toddlers- and placed them around the house so he had quick access. We
made the decision for him to not wear pants or underwear during our potty training week,
which made it easier and harder. He would start peeing wherever he was, and I would
have to run him to sit down on the potty so he didn't ruin the rug.
The potty would play a song when a 'deposit' was made into it, and I would encourage
Edward to keep using the potty by congratulating him when he had made it to the toilet,
and also with pieces of candy. He got one piece for pee pee, and two for poop.
Since we had taken the diapers out of our love life, we brought something new in to spice
it up. We pretended I was pregnant while having sex. Hopefully soon we wouldn't have
to pretend, but for now it would do. I would rub my flat stomach during intercourse and
coo about how happy I was that he had 'knocked me up', and how I was giving him a son,
and that I loved having a swollen belly, etc. Edward sometimes liked me to put on one of
his t-shirts,or better yet, my maternity lingere, and he would have me put a pillow up my
shirt so I would have a belly.
We would have very intense sex sessions, often taking Carlie next door so we could
make love without interruption. I had also begun to squirt more frequently, which we
would pretend was my water breaking. I could squirt over two feet and sometimes about
a whole cup of liquid, which would drench my pussy and Edward's thighs. This made sex
deliciously messy and erotic.
We had become creative in our sex positions since I was 'pregnant' and traditional
missionary put too much pressure on my fake belly. I loved it when we did it doggy style
and when I was on top. It made it really seem like I was pregnant. Edward would
sometimes make me wear a pillow under my shirt when he wasn't putting his penis into
me, so I was living out my pregnant fantasy while doing chores or cooking.
Part of being pregnant meant that I had to go to the bathroom more often, so… I lived
out that too. I drank lots of fluids and always told Edward when I felt the urge to go. He
had started watching me when I went to the bathroom. I used the portable potties toowith
my legs spread wide for Edward so he could see me pee a straight golden stream
into the bowl. I would have accidents in my panties too, which got Edward incredibly
aroused. I didn't like wearing wet or messy panties (yes, I pooped for him too), and
there was no way in hell I was wearing a diaper, so I didn't do it often. Pretending to be
pregnant was enough.
Edward had taken me out to dinner for our one year anniversary. We had left Carlie with
our neighbor, Erica, who was in her sixties and didn't seem to have a problem with mine
and Edward's age difference. It probably helped that she too had married young, to an
older man at that. She supported mine and Edward's marriage and constantly cooed over

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our daughter. She wasn't aware of the more intimate aspects of our marriage- Edward's
breastfeeding and diaper wearing. We weren't comfortable discussing that with anyone.
He had taken me to a nice restaurant with luscious food for our anniversary. Normally, I
wouldn't have liked something so extravagant, but the Fettuccine Alfredo was to die for.
The restaurant was dark and cozy, and I reveled in the atmosphere as we ate our food.
Edward and I occasionally fed each other from our plates, and it felt nice to be intimate
without having sex.
We were almost done with our food when we noticed that the couple a few booths over
had brought their baby with them. Ordinarily, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but the
baby started to fuss and was soon full out crying. The high pitched wail the baby emitted
was so close to Carlie's own, and for a second I felt guilty that I was out enjoying myself
while my baby was home. I missed her already. I pitied the couple who didn't choose to
leave the baby with a sitter, because the whole restaurant was looking at them as they
tried unsuccessfully to calm the baby.
The frustrated mother eventually took the baby outside, while the discouraged father
called for the check and take home boxes. I went back to my food after the scene was
ended, but Edward turned to look at me and promptly choked on his noodles.
After handing him a glass of water, I asked, "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
He continued to cough and simply pointed at my chest. Right where my nipples were,
wetness had soaked through my bra and into the fabric of the dress, visible for all the
restaurant to see. Great. Whenever Carlie cried, my milk let down automatically, and I
guessed that when the baby a few tables over had cried, I had let down too…
Now I was the embarrassed one, and so thankful that the restaurant was dark. I tried in
vain to stop the milk from flowing, but it had been several hours since I had nursed
Edward or Carlie, and my breasts needed the release.
"I'll meet you in the car," I hissed as I threw my jacket over my shoulders, and scurried
outside, praying that Edward would box up my unfinished dinner. It really was very good.
I sat in the car for what seemed like ages until Edward joined me. I needed to nurse him to
relieve the pressure I was feeling, and I needed to do it now. The parking lot had been
full when we had first arrived, which meant we were now in the empty, deserted section
of the lot. I was grateful that I would be able to breastfeed him without anyone seeing,
but just to be on the safe side, we sat in the backseat of the Volvo.
I hurriedly unzipped my dress and pulled down my nursing bra, and quickly guided his warm
lips to my swollen, leaking nipple. He nursed hungrily, moaning loudly as the milk hit his
taste buds. The taboo of us nursing in the car in a public setting turned me on incredibly.
I kept his head close to my breast as he nursed, and continually ran my hands through his
hair, savoring the silky feel of the copper strands. Edward was getting hard in his dress
pants, and I reached down to unzip him so his erection could grow and thicken, without
being pressed against a painful zipper.
His penis was swollen and red, and I hadn't even touched him yet. He switched nipples,
and now his hard cock was practically burning a hole into the material of my dress, trying
to bury itself in my pussy. I hadn't bothered to put on panties for this exact reason. I
hiked my dress up and let him dive in. My hips lifted off of the leather seat as he filled me,
and I cried out in ecstasy. He had straddled me, and feverishly nursed as he thrusted
into my hot, wet depths.
"Oh baby, just like that, right there," I cried as he pumped in and out.
He couldn't talk as he made love to me, only groaned into my breast as I filled his mouth.
I wouldn't last long, and I wanted him to cum with me.
"I love how you fill me, you were made for me, baby," I whispered into his ear.
"Make me pregnant, Edward."
"Fill my womb with your seed."
"Put your son inside me."
"I want to have your baby again, I want to feel another love child come out of my pussy."
"I want to push a baby out of me."
"I want you between my legs, kissing the baby as he slides out of me."
"I want to have a swollen tummy again."
"I want to feel a little head at my entrance again."
"Make me pregnant, damn it!"
We came together, loud and hot and wet, with breast milk and my pussy juice sticky on
our bodies, him thrusting and crying and sucking, and me clenching and squirting and screami
We also made our son too, I'm pretty sure.

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Chapter 11.

Edward point of view! FYI, he's got a bit of a cold.
Birds chirping and bright sunlight streaming through my bedroom window alerted me to the
fact that it was a new day. Today was a day where I needed my Mommy. I felt hot and
sticky all over, and I had a dirty diaper. I never had a dirty diaper in the morning- usually
just a wet one. Mommy was already up, probably making her coffee and taking care of
her other baby. I snuggled deeper into the covers, wanting to close my eyes for a few
more minutes before Mommy came and woke me up.
I didn't like how my messy diaper felt against my bottom, and I hoped Mommy wouldn't
wait too long to come in. Today was Saturday, which meant that I got to stay home all
day and be loved by Mommy. But judging by the way I felt, I had a feeling that I wasn't
going to be doing much. My eyes hurt from the brightness of the bedroom, and my throat
felt scratchy. My head throbbed, and it hurt to open my eyes without squinting.
My tummy rumbled, and my mouth watered at the thought of tasting Mommy's milk
again. She had been up with me quite a few times during the night- once for a diaper
change (I didn't make it in time to go pee pee in the potty, no candy for me) and twice to
nurse. Mommy said it was okay that I fed so much- I was growing! Mommy's nipples got
kinda chapped from me sucking so much, but I didn't like sucking on baba's. They were
yucky and plastic and cold. Mommy tasted nice, and she was so warm. Mommy put
special ointment on her nipples so they would feel good after I sucked- the last thing I
wanted was for my Mommy to hurt.
Mommy was taking a long time and I didn't feel so good. I took off my jammies and laid on
the bed in my diaper, wanting to cool down. I began to whimper softly- what if Mommy
forgot about me?
Sucking my thumb made me feel good, so I stuck it in my mouth and turned on my side,
curling up into a little ball. My paci's were somewhere in the house, and I liked those
better than my thumb. Mommy would dip the paci's in her milk sometimes, or even put a
paci in her wet pussy (her pussy got wet, she said, when she wanted to put my peepee
inside of her). I was glad that my peepee made Mommy's pussy wet, and nobody else's.
Mommy's pussy. Pussy is another word for vagina, but I like pussy better. Mommy's
pussy is where Carlie came out of. I watched Mommy 'give birth' to Carlie. Mommy's
tummy was really big, which made it hard for me to put my peepee in her pussy
sometimes- that was called having sex. Having sex feels good. I think about Mommy's
pussy and her boobies and my peepee gets big and stiff. I'll be sitting down and my
peepee will get hard between my legs and then I know it's time to put it in Mommy's pussy.
Sometimes my peepee doesn't want to wait for Mommy's pussy and I have an accident.
My peepee has white milky stuff in it and when I touch my peepee when it gets hard and
big the milky stuff comes out and it feels good. Mommy said that the milky stuff is
supposed to go inside her pussy and then it will make a baby. That is how Carlie came to
be. Sometimes when I have accidents my milky makes a mess on the bed or the floor and
there is no baby. So I always try to make sure my milky gets inside Mommy, so we do
have more babies.
When Mommy said she could feel Carlie coming she lay down on the bed and spread her
legs so I could see where the baby was going to come from. Mommy's pussy didn't have
any hair on it so I could get a good view, and so Mommy could too. Mommy pushed and
pushed for a very long time, and her pussy must have hurt a lot. The first time she
pushed, a baby didn't come out- poo poo did!
Next time Mommy said she's getting an en-e-ma, so she won't do that again. Mommy's
pussy finally let go of Carlie, and she slid out, all wet and slimy. Seeing Carlie come out
of my special place made my peepee hard, and I quickly stuck my peepee in Mommy's
pussy while she was feeding Carlie. Mommy's pussy was heaven- all hot and wet, just for me.
Mommy was naked when she finally came to get me.
"Oh honey, do you not feel well?" she cooed, noticing my distressed appearance.
I whimpered and wriggled, trying to communicate that I had soiled my diaper.
Mommy noticed, and immediately got out a new diaper, wipes and powder. Mommy
quickly got me all cleaned up, put the new diaper on, and started to pull out an outfit for
me to wear. I refused to let her dress me. I felt hot, and if Mommy got to be naked, then
I wanted to be naked too, as much as I could.
My tummy rumbled again, and Mommy heard it. I made a move to lie down so I could
nurse, but she pulled me out of the bedroom, and out to our balcony. The back of our
apartment faced the woods, and it was very quiet and dark in the shade of the trees. We
didn't have many neighbors, and the ones we did have rarely went out back, so no one
would be able to see Mommy breastfeeding me.

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Mommy lay down on the lounge chair and opened her arms out to me. She also spread her
legs, and I could see that Mommy was wet. Her soft curly hair was matted with her
juices, and her pussy was red and swollen.
Obviously, Mommy had been having fun without me. That's what must have taken her so long
I eagerly nestled into her embrace, and her slick pussy pressed up against my leg. She
moaned as I took her full breast into my mouth, and pressed her pussy into me, seeking
friction. I could feel my peepee getting big and stiff in my diaper, and I wanted to 'have
sex' with Mommy, but I was so hungry, so my peepee was going to have to wait. Not too
long, though, because then my peepee turned purple and red and hurt a lot.
I suckled so fast I almost choked on Mommy's milk- it was so warm and sweet, gushing
into my greedy mouth. Mommy moaned with delight as she felt her boobie get lighter with
every suck I took. She pushed her wet pussy harder against my leg and wildly humped it,
desperate to get off.
As I switched to nurse her other breast, my thigh dug into her slick womanhood and she
burst with a loud cry, quickly muffled by her own hand. She rode my thigh until she was
breathless, and I could feel her juices trickling down my leg. Mommy's pussy got very
wet when she wanted to have sex.
"Hurry up sweetie," Mommy cooed, breathing heavily with need and relief, "Mommy
needs your big, swollen peepee inside her pussy. Mommy wants another baby to push
out of her love hole. Carlie is with the neighbor, so you can fuck me like you need to."
I finished nursing and we scrambled back into the house, pawing at each other. My
diaper came off in the hallway, and Mommy decided she couldn't wait any longer. She got
on her hands and knees on the hallway runner, and lifted up her bottom for me, like a little slut.
I knelt behind her and shoved my hard peepee into her dripping pussy. Mommy was
always so hot and tight- I couldn't get enough of her. I thrusted into her body hard and
fast, delighting in her screams and moans. I loved having sex in this position- my peepee
sunk so deep inside of her body, making me feel like we were one.
"Ohh, baby, I'm so close," Mommy yelled, clenching the carpet under her body with
shaking hands. I reached around and grabbed her hips, forcing her pussy all the way
down on my cock.
Mommy screamed when my peepee hit her cervix, and she came so hard that she soaked
the carpet with her juices.
"Ohh sweetie, yes, yes! GOD, YES! Unghhh, ungghhh, oooh, ahh, eek! Mm, mmm,
mmm, nghhhuuuhh. Right there, yes! Yes! Pound me, baby! That's it! Oh god, I'm cumming!"
Her orgasm triggered mine, and I squirted my milky deep inside of her with a loud roar. I
kept thrusting into her until I was spent- she actually lay down on the rug, her strength
gone, until I had been satisfied. I pushed into her limp body until I was totally sated and
spent. Her pussy, sopping wet, still spasmed feebly around my peepee with aftershocks.
I pulled out of her, my red and weeping peepee utterly exhausted from out lovemaking. We
fell into our bed together, my arms around her, and took a short nap, not bothering to
put clothes on.
I woke up to Mommy wriggling out of my embrace. She had a pained look on her face.
"What's wrong Mommy? Why are you going away?" I whined, wanting her close.
"I just have to go potty, honey, I'll only be a second," she said softly, cupping her pussy
and letting out a small moan. "I really have to go pee pee."
I let her go, but quickly sat up on the bed so I could watch her go potty. Mommy had
brought a potty into our room and set it right by the bed so I would have easy access in
the middle of the night. I think Mommy used it more than me, though.
Mommy sat on the small purple potty and spread her creamy legs so I could see her
pussy. As soon as she sat down, she began to pee steadily, a golden stream spattering
into the plastic bowl.
"Mm, that feels good," she whispered, brushing a hand over her belly (which would soon
hopefully be swollen with child) and resting on her pink, hairy, pussy which was bruised
from our intense hallway love making. She would be sore for days.
She peed for what seemed like forever, before sitting up and announcing she was done.
She reached down to get a baby wipe that we kept by the potty.
"Do you want to wipe Mommy, Edward?" she asked, with a sparkling glint in her eyes. I
nodded reverently, and took the wipe from her. I tenderly wiped her pussy, making sure
that I got all of the pee pee and dried milky off of her. She sucked in a breath when I

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wiped her clitoris, and I knew that she was probably getting wet all over again. I was
through in wiping Mommy, and kissed her pussy when I was done.
"I'm sorry for making your pussy hurt, Mommy," I said apologetically, noticing just how
much damage my peepee had done.
"Don't be sorry, baby. I know that's the last time you'll do it, for now, anyways," Mommy
said mysteriously.
"Why's that?" I asked suspiciously.
She brought my face to her belly with a joyous smile on her face. "You did it, sweetie pie.
Your milky made a baby inside of me. You're going to be a Daddy again."
I gazed at her in wonder, passing my hand over her belly. Another baby. Incredible.
It was no wonder that my peepee was soon hard and swollen in seconds with the
thought of watching her belly grow with my child again, and I made love to my Mommy
while she was still sitting on the potty. Like I said, my peepee didn't like to wait.
My potty training was in full force now- Mommy was just over two months pregnant, and
she wanted to make sure that Carlie was the only baby in diapers when the new baby
came. I didn't like having to wear big boy underwear, or getting up in the middle of the
night to go potty, but as Mommy's belly grew, so did my resolve to be her big boy, and
thus I had fewer accidents and more pieces of candy for making it to the potty.
I really liked my diapers, but then I discovered that there was something about them I
liked even better.
I liked it when my Mommy wore them.

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Chapter 12.

"Edward, I want to try something new," she whispered under me as I thrust into her.
"God, baby, I'm so fucking close. Do we have to talk about this now?" I grunted, hitching
her leg up so I could go deeper inside of her.
She batted her eyelashes at me and moaned. "I love it when you pound me, Daddy."
She called me Daddy and damn if my balls didn't want to blow my load right then and there.
"W-What did you call me?"
God, I was so close to cumming and her pouty voice, which was suddenly an octave
higher, was speeding me on.
"Daddy. You are Daddy, aren't you? After all, you put a baby in me, and then when I
pushed her out, you put another baby inside me." She said sweetly, caressing her slight
baby bump.
Daddy I am.
I couldn't hold it any longer and emptied inside of her with a fury, for once not really
caring if she came or not. She couldn't just say things like that.
"Edward, that was too fast." She complained, once I came down from my high.
"Oh, so now I'm Edward?" I asked as I pulled out of her.
"For now," she murmured deviously. She spread her legs underneath me, and rubbed her
clit. "Once wasn't enough. Are you game for round two?"
I grinned. "Always, baby."
She smirked, and pulled her hand reluctantly from her pussy. "Let me use the bathroom
and we'll go again, 'kay?"
I nodded, and watched as she flaunted her pert ass all the way to the bathroom.
Exquisite torture.
She took an awfully long time in the bathroom, so I tried to straighten out the sheets on
the bed, and I did my best to fluff the pillows. I could go all night if she needed me to.
Those pregnancy hormones had her super horny, all the time.
I finally heard the click of the lock on the bathroom door, and Bella came out.
My jaw would have hit the floor if it wasn't held in place.
Bella was wearing the tiniest panties I had ever seen. They were pink, lacy, covered in
bows and ruffles. The panties alone were a fucking huge turn on, but then my eyes
traveled upwards to glimpse the rest of her body. The panties reminded me of those that
would belong to a little girl, and that was hot as hell, even thought it made me feel pretty
The next item of clothing my wife was wearing was a light pink bib that said, "Daddy's Little
Girl." It barely skimmed the top of her baby bump, almost highlighting it in a way.
She was really serious with this Daddy business.
She had also thrown up her hair into two pigtails, and held a baby bottle in her hand, no
doubt one of Carlie's.
My cock was harder than a rock by this point.
"Daddy, my baba is all gone," she cried, holding the empty bottle up for me to see.
"I'm… uh, sorry? Baby?" I stammered, not knowing how she wanted me to role-play.
She walked slowly towards the bed, letting the bottle hit the floor.
"You have a baba for me, Daddy," she scolded lightly, running a hand down my chest. "It's
full of my favorite milk, too," she purred, and gently grabbed my erection.
Whoa. WHOA. Milk? Bottle? My penis?
I got it.
It took me a less than two seconds to push the sheet down past my aching cock.
"This baba, baby?" I asked, trying to sound sexy.
She clapped her hands with glee, like a little girl. "Daddy! You found it! Can I suck it
Daddy? I want some milk," she looked questioningly at me with those big brown eyes.
I thrust my hips toward her mouth. "I'd love it if you'd suck my bottle, baby. Go ahead,
drink up. I've got lots of hot, creamy milk for you."
I watched my wife kneel at the foot of the bed and take my cock into her hot, wet mouth.
She licked and sucked me until I was bursting with need. My hips arched off the bed with
every swipe of her tongue.
"Wow, baby, don't stop, I'm so close, ungh- right there,"
Her little hand reached down to play with my balls, and she took my cock out of her
mouth, but still kept her other hand stroking and teasing my length. She had a wicked
gleam in her eyes as she bent down and licked my balls, one lick for each one.
That was all it took, and I came all over her bib and swollen breasts.
Her hands left my groin and quickly traveled down to her own. She put her fingers into

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her panties and I saw she was working herself furiously, fingers slipping in and out of her
pussy. I could see wetness dripping down her thighs- she had soaked her panties, and
she hadn't even cum yet. Wow, my girl was pretty wet for me.
Then I saw the puddle between her bent knees.
I quickly collected myself, and tried to be stern.
"Bella, did you wet?"
Startled, she pulled her hands out of her playground. She looked at her panties, the
soaked carpet, then back at me.
"Maybe, Daddy." She said shyly, twirling her s hair around her fingers.
"Did you go pee pee on Daddy's rug, Bella?"
"It was an accident, Daddy!" she whined.
I shook my head at her. "I thought you were my big girl, Bella. But big girls go pee pee in
the potty. You didn't, and made a mess on my floor."
"I am a big girl, Daddy!" she said frantically.
I reached into the bedside table and pulled out a diaper. "Little girls who wet their panties
get to wear diapers. Give me your panties, Bella."
She whimpered, but obediently pulled the drenched cloth from between her legs and
handed them to me.
"Get on the bed so I can put your diaper on, Bella."
Her face crumpled, "No, Daddy! I'm a big girl! I don't wanna wear a diaper!"
"Do you want a spanking instead?" I asked seriously.
She sniffled, "No," and quickly climbed up on the bed, laying flat on her back. I nudged
her knees apart and slid the diaper underneath her creamy white bottom. She was still
highly aroused- her pussy was flushed a bright pink, and wet lubrication made her whole
groin glisten.
I quickly fastened the diaper on her, and she gasped in pleasure when she felt the soft
material graze her sensitive pussy.
Sitting up, she reached for my hand, and ground her diaper covered pussy against it.
I quickly withdrew my hand. "No no, little girls who wet their panties are not allowed to cum."
"But please, Daddy! I'm so horny!" she lisped, her brown eyes going big.
I quickly got off the bed, willing away another erection.
Pregnant Bella in a diaper, calling me Daddy…
"Bella, I'm going to go make you a bottle. You cannot touch your pussy, and you had
better leave your diaper on. Understand?"
She bent her head and pouted. "Yes, Daddy."
"Good girl."
I really wasn't going to go anywhere except outside the bedroom door. When my girl
wanted to cum, she would, and she would do it without touching herself. She was sneaky
like that. I shut the door behind me, only leaving a crack to see through. I knelt down
and prepared to watch the show.
Bella hesitated only a few moments before getting up on her knees and eyeing the
bedpost wickedly. It was made from mahogany, and very thick and round, about a foot
high. Bella quickly got her diaper covered pussy as close to the pole as possible, and
began to grind against it.
"Mmm, Daddy, I'm so naughty," she whispered, rubbing against the wood like her life
depended on it.
I watched Bella rub her breasts, rolling her nipples between her fingers. It wouldn't take
long for her to orgasm, with the way she was teasing her body.
"Ah, ah, ahhhhh, oh, Daddy, you make me so wet!" she moaned, forcefully grinding her
pussy against the bedpost. She spread her legs and really ground down, rocking back and
forth and crying out.
"Daddy! Daddy! I'm cumming! Daddy…." Her body literally shook with the force of her
orgasm, and she lay back on the bed, sobbing with relief, her chest heaving.
When she had come back down from her high, she glanced at the cracked door and smiled.
"I didn't touch my pussy, Daddy…. But I need a new diaper."


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251621088 What Child is This
05 A star is born
What child is this NUTY SŁOWA
What Child is This chór SAB a capella

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