Sean Michael All Spice

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Recipe of Love - 1

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All Spice: Recipe for Love

By Sean Michael

Jack was sleeping hard when the doorbell rang.
One of those deep, hard-core sleeps where the ringing

of the doorbell read just like a fire alarm in a dream that
featured a muscled-stud wearing chaps and painting the
wall of that weird little club on Fifth and Gardener.

It wasn't until the doorbell rang again, then again, that

he managed to wake himself up, get himself stumbling
across the apartment floor. "Just a sec!"

He tripped on one of the piles of clothes, bouncing

off a set of unpacked boxes, went down hard, his entire
body jostling. "Fuck."

He wasn't unpacked enough to figure out where the

fuck things were. Shit, he wasn't sure what Chris had
fucking given him when he'd gotten thrown out. He sure
as shit wasn't ready to answer the door at o-dark-thirty

He scrambled up as the doorbell rang again. "I'm

coming, for fuck's sake! What on earth is the..."

He tore the door open, blinking into eyes the same

color green as his own. "Rache?"

Those eyes filled with tears, his teenaged daughter

nodding. "I.... Hey?"

"Hey." He blinked at her again. Rache lived with his

ex-wife in Boston, eleven hundred miles away. They
spoke once a week and she came for a couple of weeks
in the summer, maybe, and it wasn't fucking summer.
Hell, it was cold and she was pale, eyes dark and

"What..." Surely she wasn't here for Christmas, right?

Surely he would have remembered that?

"I. I came on the bus. On the bus. Daddy, I messed

up. I messed up so bad."

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"Did you kill someone? If you did, was it your

mother?" He'd always thought he'd enjoy that job.

She shook her head, opened her coat. She was

wearing a Boston College sweatshirt and the little garnet
necklace he’d given her for her sweet sixteen, and… Oh.

Oh, fuck him raw.
"Is that? Tell me you just got fat."
"Jesus, Daddy!"
"Sorry. It's late. I'm... I was dreaming."
She arched an eyebrow, tilted her head.
"Right. Sorry. Come on in. I'll make coffee. You are

just eighteen, right? You didn't turn thirty and get
married without warning your old man?" Maybe jokes
would stop the tears.

"I didn't. I don't know... Daddy, I'm so scared." He

found himself with an armful of wailing, shaking girl
and suddenly it was more than a decade ago and he was
still the hero.

He blinked at the clock. Three fourteen a.m.
Possibly a beer.
Definitely Excedrin.
Then he'd try to wake himself up again.


Daniel worked on the cake for the Rosignol wedding,

carefully doing the piping work while keeping half an
eye on Billy. The kid meant well, but he had the
attention span of a gnat on crack and today he seemed
especially unfocused.

When a tray of cupcakes, fully decorated no less, was

upended, sending fancy, frosted cupcakes sailing

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through the air and crashing to the ground, Daniel gently
put down his bag of icing and began to count to ten.
Then twenty, then thirty.

He swore if Billy wasn’t his sister's kid, Dan would

have fired him ages ago.

Big brown eyes met his glowering gaze. "I'm sorry,

Uncle Danny, I swear I didn't mean to do it."

"No one ever means to trash two dozen cupcakes.

And it's Dan. Uncle Dan." Only his sister got to call him
Danny. "You're more out of it than usual today." He
narrowed his eyes. "Are you high?"

"Uncle Dan!!"
"Well? Are you?"
"No, I am not. Jeesh. Thanks a lot." Billy grabbed the

paper towel and a couple of dishcloths and start cleaning
the floor.

Dan fetched the broom. "What's up, then?"
Dan didn't say anything; he just let one eyebrow go

up to let Billy know what he thought of that answer.
Billy didn't make any other reply until they had the floor
very nearly under control and Dan didn't push, he knew
not saying anything was far more effective with Billy.

"You remember Rachel," the kid suddenly blurted


Rachel... Rachel... they'd had an intern at the bakery

called Ra-- no, she'd been Andrea. "Um..."

Billy rolled his eyes. "I was hanging out with her last


"Ah, right." Now he remembered the name. Annie

had not been happy about it. She'd thought Billy and the
girl had been getting far too serious. Of course it had
only been a summer fling, so clearly she'd been wrong.

"What about her?" He finally asked when Billy didn't

seem to be inclined to continue any time soon.

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"She's in town. She wants to see me. She's coming

here at three."

"Yeah? And that's a good reason to throw my

cupcakes on the floor?"

"No. Duh. I'm nervous."
"What's she coming to see you about?"
"I don't know!"
It was his turn to roll his eyes. Everything was drama

with teenagers.

"Well, it's only eleven a.m. Do you think you can

manage to actually help me out instead of making more
work for me for the next few hours?"

Billy sighed, the sound long and very put upon. "I

can try."

"Terrific. You can start by baking me another two

dozen cupcakes. Lemon vanilla. The recipe is in the

"Yes, Uncle Danny."
Kids. Dan bit his tongue and grabbed his pastry bag,

taking a few breaths before getting back to his piping.


"I can't do this, Daddy."
Jack looked at his daughter and counted to fifty

again. "You have to. If you didn't want the boy to know,
you should have stayed in Boston."

The waterworks started again. "You... you don't want

me here?"

Oh for fuck's sake.
"Rachel Samantha Martin, quit it right now." It

wasn't that he didn't want her here, he just... Jesus. "I
could just cut the kid's balls off."

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They pulled up in front of the address Rachel'd given

him. The Sugar Oven. Why the hell were they meeting
this boy at a bakery?

"You can not, Daddy! He's a nice boy!"
"Nice boys don't get high school girls pregnant,


Her eyes flashed and Jack almost smiled. Almost.

"It's not like I wasn't there, Daddy."

He winced. "Shut up, Rache." Last thing on Earth he

wanted to think about was his little girl doing the deed
with some pimply- faced, octopus-handed Lothario.

They went into the bakery, and he had to admit the

place smelled like heaven. The guy behind the counter
making change for an old lady in a purple sweater
looked like a slice of heaven, too. Tall, broad, with
amazing arms poking out of the short sleeves of his
chef's jacket, the guy had a killer smile.

There were no pimply-faced, octopus-handed

Lotharios in sight.

He leaned against the doorframe, arched an eyebrow

at Rachel. He wasn't going to leave her here to do this
alone. No way.

The old lady took her change and her bag and headed

out, and the stud's attention turned to him and Rachel.
"Hi there, can I help you?"

"I. Uh. Is. Uh. I need to talk to Billy, please?"
Jack didn't say a word, he just stood and watched.
The guy glanced at the clock. "You must be Rachel."
When Rache nodded, the guy called out. "Billy!

Rachel's here for you."

A kid who couldn't have been any older than Rachel

herself came out from the back, wearing an apron over a
white T-shirt and jeans, along with a little white paper
hat. "Rachel? Hi." He smiled, snatched the hat off his
head and came up to her, hugging her tight. "I couldn't

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believe it when you called and said you wanted to see

He then stepped back, looked down at her belly.
Rachel turned bright red. "H...hey, Billy."
"O. M. G! You're... are you?" He stammered, going

as red as she was.

Something suspiciously like a groan came from the

guy behind the counter.

God had a vicious sense of humor, really. When

Caroline had come to him and said she was pregnant
with Rachel, he'd at least not had an audience.

"Uh-huh. I'm sorry. I just... I am."
The kid stood there blinking at her for a minute. For

two. Then he looked over at the guy at the cash register.

"Okay." Mr. Stud in white came around, and put a

hand on Billy's shoulder. "Why don't the two of you take
a seat?" There were a cluster of four little tables with
chairs around them, though the place was, blessedly,
empty. "You want some milk or water or something,

"Uh-huh. This... this is my daddy, Jack Martin.

Daddy, this is Billy."

Billy swallowed hard. "H..hello, S..sir."
"I'm Dan, Billy's uncle. Go ahead and sit down. I'll

get you both some milk. And cookies. Christ."

Rache's shoulder were hitching before they sat and

Jack just stayed put, ignoring Caroline's phone call,
"The Bitch is Back" ringing through the bakery.

They were still all just watching each other when Dan

came back with two glasses of milk and a plate of
delicious-smelling chocolate chip cookies, which he set
in front of the kids. Dan ran a hand through his hair.
"Okay. So."

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"It's due in March. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl

yet." Rache hiccupped with tears. "I'm sorry. I just... I
didn't know what to do."

"I... I..." Billy stuttered a few times, just staring at

Rache like a deer caught in the headlights.

Dan put a hand on the kid's shoulder. "Are you and

the baby both okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we're good. I went to the doctor, heard

the heartbeat."

Jack closed his eyes. Went to the doctor. Heard the

heartbeat. Finished her classes to graduate early. Told
her mother she was pregnant. Then took a bus to Texas.

"No disrespect intended, honey, but you are sure it's

Billy's, right?"

"Uncle Dan!"
Jack's eyes flashed open. Oh, no he didn't. "Pardon


"No. I'm not being an asshole here -- it's a legitimate


The waterworks started again, Rache’s chest

hitching. "I haven't. There isn't. You were. I mean. You
were my first."

Billy reached out, took her hand. “I know. Hey, I

know. You’re my girl.” Billy looked at his uncle,
frowning hugely. “She’s my girl. She wouldn’t cheat on

Cheat on him? Jack hadn’t even heard this kid’s

name (at least he didn’t remember hearing it) before last
night. He was going to hit something.

The asshole also known as Dan just nodded.

"Someone had to ask. Billy's not going to shirk his
responsibilities here, so we needed to know."

Billy was red as a beet. "Do you think... can we have

a couple minutes to talk?" Billy nodded at him and at his
uncle. "Like, alone."

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"Rache?" Jack wasn't leaving his baby girl alone if

she didn't want to.

Rachel nodded. "I'm cool, Daddy. I need to talk to

Billy, huh?"

"Come on, Jack. Let's give the kids a minute. I've got

a bottle of something a little stronger than milk in the

"I could handle that." His fucking shoulders were

climbing up around his ears and his phone was ringing
again. "Ex-wife, sorry."

"I bet she's ready to commit murder. I know my sister

will be when she finds out." Dan locked the front door
and turned the sign to 'closed', then led him into the back
of the shop, the kitchen. There were cakes and cookies
and pies and cupcakes everywhere. They went to a little
desk at the very back of the room, Dan getting a bottle
of whiskey and a glass out of one of the drawers.

He sat, rolling his head on his shoulders. "She's

fucking furious. Wants me to send Rache back home."

But, hell, Rache was an adult and here, and she said

she wanted to stay.

"Billy's Momma is going to kill him." Dan poured a

couple of shots from the bottle, and set a plate of fancy-
assed cupcakes down next to them.

Jack sat, not knowing what to say. Should he ask if

the kid got a lot of girls pregnant? Maybe if the kid had
another girlfriend? Money to help support the baby?

Dan drank his whiskey in one shot and sat back,


Jack sipped at his, looking at the booze. This was one

fucked up situation. "You gonna call his mom?"

"Oh, no. That's his job. I'm not the one who knocked

someone up; that's one area I don't have to take shit."

He nodded. "Been there, done that. Not doing it


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One of Dan's eyebrows went up. "You saying it runs

in the family?"

"Nope. Saying I been where the kids are. Saying I

hoped Rachel wasn't as stupid as me and her mother."

Dan tilted his head, opened his mouth, and then

closed it again. Jack arched an eyebrow, giving Dan a
look. He was man enough to admit when he was dumb.

"What are you hoping happens next here?"
"I'm hoping that boy is decent to her and at least

holds up to his responsibilities."

"He's a good boy." Dan growled the words at him.

"An idiot, but he'll do what he needs to do."

He looked over at the sorry son of a bitch. "It not like

you'll be raising a baby, man. Back the fuck off."

He hadn't talked to Rache about her options, but he

had to prepare for the most long-term issue.

"Don't you come in here with attitude. Those kids did

that together and Billy will take his share of the
workload, whatever that turns out to be."

"Attitude? Shit, two days ago I was trying to figure

out how to fit what little I got out of a three bedroom
house into the smallest one bedroom apartment on

One of Dan's eyebrows went up. "You only just split

from the evil ex?"

"No. Caroline and I broke up when Rache was a

baby." Thank God. Even if he’d had to raise a newborn
on his own, alone was better than with that fucking

"Then why are you moving only a little of your shit?"
"Because this ex carries a gun." No more policemen.


"Jesus, sounds like you know how to pick 'em." Dan

smiled evilly. "You'll be happy to know your daughter
has better taste in partners."

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He flipped the guy off. "Like a summer fling counts

as a partner."

"If they keep this kid, they have a lot more than a

summer fling."

God, his head hurt.
Dan grinned suddenly. "We'll be in-laws, man."
"Don't smile. That means you're in-laws with the

crazy bitch monster, too."

Dan chuckled. "Yeah, but she's not my ex."
"Nope. You're a lucky son of a bitch." How long did

he need to leave Rache out there?"

"I usually think so." Was Dan checking him out?
He took another drink, let the whiskey burn all the

way down.

"Have a cupcake. They're magical."
"No shit? I could use a magical cupcake." Or four.
"Help yourself." Dan reached for a pink one with a

silver bell on it and put it in front of him.

"Nope. Raspberry."
"Huh." He tasted it, groaned at the taste. Fucking


Dan looked smug. "I told you. Magical."
"Yeah. Thanks." He scarfed the treat down, ignoring

the nervous tapping of his foot.

Dan looked back toward the door to the shop. "You

think she's going to keep it?"

He shrugged, unwilling to talk about something so

personal to a total stranger. Personally, he thought so,
but he'd support his baby girl, no matter what she
decided. Rachel was his girl.

The was a noise from behind him and they both

looked, Rache and Billy standing there, looking at them.
Holding fucking hands.

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He arched an eyebrow, looked at their hands, then

looked at Rache.

Her chin lifted, even as her lips quivered. "Daddy,

Billy asked me to marry him. I said yes."


Dan started at Billy and the girl, not quite sure he

believed his ears.

Married. They were eighteen years old and they were

going to get married and have this baby, and shit.

Annie was going to have a fit to end all fits, and Billy

was going to be lucky to come out of it with his balls
still attached.

The poor girl's father sat there, staring. Just staring at

both the kids.

Dan finally cleared his throat. "Married, huh? So

you're keeping the baby? You're going to give this a

The girl's eyes never left her father. "Yeah. I mean,


Jack looked at her. "What, baby girl?"
Billy stood a little straighter. "We'd like your

blessing, Sir."

"I haven't even been introduced to you really, son."
Dan sighed. "Give them a break, Jack, huh?"
"Back off, asshole. I've had a long fucking day."
Jack rubbed his forehead. "Right. Sorry."
"You're not the one who's pregnant," Dan pointed out

reasonably. This was Rachel and Billy's thing. Sure,
Jack had a vested interest and, Dan suspected, would be
helping out, but still.

"No? You sure?"
"Daddy, be nice. Sorry, he was up all night."

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"S'okay, honey. He's clearly stressing out about being

a grandfather."

"We're going home, Rache. I need a nap." Actually,

the man looked like he needed a hug.

"Why don't I take us all out to dinner? That'll give

you a chance to get to know Billy a bit better." He knew
this wasn't easy for Jack, but the man was going to have
to try.

"I. I think we need to go see Mom, Uncle Danny."
"Heh. You're a smart kid, Billy. Brave, too." He gave

Billy a wink. The kid was right, but so was he -- Annie
was going to flip her lid.

"You'll come with us," he told Jack. Annie needed to

meet her future in-laws.

"No. No, that's not fair. I wouldn't want to have some

stranger standing there looking to see my reaction."
Jack's eyes met his. "Hell, I wouldn't want my brother
there, to be honest."

Dan had to admit, he wanted to skip out on this

particular Mother-Son talk in the worst way. He looked
over at Billy. "Jack's right. You two could take my car.
Are you good with that?"

Billy nodded, the kid pale as milk. "I still got a job,


"You do." He went up to Billy, gave his nephew a big

hug. "You've got me in your corner, okay? Remember
that." Then he stuck his hand out to Rachel. "Welcome
to the family."

She was a pretty girl -- looked like a tinier, female

version of her pocket-sized father: thick dark hair, huge
bottle green eyes, and sharp cheekbones. Her hand was
shaking when she took his; God, she was bird-like. He
was scared he would hurt her, just taking her hand.

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"It's going to be okay, all right? You'll get through

this." He held her hand for a second and then let it drop.
"Here, Billy. Take a box of the cupcakes and some
brownies to your mom. Maybe it'll help." He winked at
Billy, handing over the box.

"Rache, do you have your phone? I want you to call

me, okay? I can pick you up."

"I'll take her home, Mr. Martin."
Jack's fingers curled into a fist, but the man nodded.
"Go on. Call me after." He gave Billy's shoulder an

encouraging squeeze, then let them walk out of the store.

"Okay, Jack. How about we go down to the bar down

the street? There will be booze and food and we can

"I. I don't know." The phone started ringing, and Jack

sighed. "Let me deal with the harpy."

The phone was flipped open, and Jack started pacing,

boots clacking on the floor. "What? No. No. She's going
to meet his folks. Yes, she told me. What the fuck do
you want me to do? She's an adult, she's smart. Hell,
she's a hell of a lot more human than you are."

Dan winced. Man, he was glad he batted for the other


He tried not to eavesdrop any more, but...
"...look. I'm sorry you met me too, but Rachel is my

daughter and I'm not fucking kicking her to the curb for
making the same stupid mistake I did. Hopefully she
picked someone less psychotic to make a baby with..."

Dan snorted and refused to get pissed off. Jack didn't

know Billy; he would, but he didn't yet.

He went out and started closing up the shop for the

day, counting the till and putting away the few cupcakes
and cookies still in the display case. They'd done well

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Jack came out, shoulders up around his ears. "Well,

that went well." God, the man was pretty. Imminently
fuckable. It was a shame the man was straight.

"You look like you could use that drink about now."
"Yeah. Hey, your sister's not gonna hurt the kids, is


"Christ on a crutch. Of course she's not." He grabbed

the deposit bag and his keys, made sure the front door
was locked before heading to the back.

Jack followed him, keys in hand. "What a fucking


"Hey, nobody's dead or in hospital, right?" He

certainly wasn't a Pollyanna, but the kids were in the
predicament they were in and no amount of bitching
about it was going to change it. They went out and
around to the street. "Where are you parked, man?"

"Across the street." Jack pointed to a cherry little

Mustang convertible. "She's mine."

Dan whistled. "Nice."
"Yeah. She's a good ride. Come on." Jack headed

over and he took the time to admire. Tight, round little
ass, lean compact body -- the man was fine. He shook
his head. There was no use pining over straight men.

"I just need to bank the till." He put the little bank

bag into the bank deposit slot, a couple storefronts down
from the bakery and then crossed the street to join Jack
at his pretty little muscle car. The 'stang was pristine,
electric blue, and shining.

"Where did you want to go?"
"There's a nice quiet place with good food and better

draught about a half dozen blocks down Maple Street."

"The Grey Goose?" When he nodded, Jack unlocked

the car. "I did their POS software."

"No shit? You a software developer, then?" He

climbed into the car, admiring the leather seats.

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"Yeah. I do a lot of contract work." Jack sighed

softly, rubbed the back of his neck and started the car.
"God, I hope the insurance policy I get for Rache covers
this shit."

"They're both gonna need to get jobs." Of course

Billy already had one; looked like it was going to have
to become permanent.

"Yeah." Jack sped up, clearly knowing the way.
"They'll figure it, man. It's just a lot to take in all at


"No shit. Where's his dad?"
Dan snorted. "God only knows, and we like it that

way." Wayne had been a total asshole, and Annie was
more than better off without him.

"Ah." Jack slid into a parking spot, killed the engine.
"I've been a father to Billy for most of his life." He

chuckled. "As much as Annie would let me, anyway.
She's a strong and stubborn woman."

"I'm sure I'll meet her soon."
"Yep. Who knows, maybe you two'll hit it off." Dan

winced as soon as he said it. Jack was hot, sexy, and it
would not be fun to watch his sister with the man.

They headed into the bar, Jack holding the door open

for him.

"Maybe. Right now I'm shooting for not being on

another woman's hit list."

"I don't know if I can reassure you about that -- she's

going to be furious, but there's no telling where that fury
is going to land." Annie would be a fabulous
grandmother once she got over her kid knocking up his
girlfriend at eighteen, but until then, he'd bet she was
going to lash out.

Dan was planning on staying out of her way as best

he could while still supporting Billy.

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Jack shrugged. "I've already gotten the 'you left them

unsupervised' and the 'she'd never have done this in
Boston' lecture."

Dan snorted again. "Like anyone has control of an

eighteen year old. Does she lock the girl in a tower in
Boston? Or are the boys just that ugly?"

"She's a fire breathing dragon, and Rache likes


"Well, that's because she has smarts."
"Not according to her mother. Hey, Marco. I need a

beer and a shot of Jack." Jack waved, smiled at the

"You and Chris?"
Jack shook his head. "That's over and done with. Like

I have an apartment alone now."

The bartender winced. "Damn."
"You a regular here? I'm surprised we've never run

into each other before." Not that he was here every night
or anything, but Jack had to be here for more than just
installing software.

"I'm in and out, huh, Marco?"
The big bartender nodded, offered Jack a toothy grin.

"You know it."

Dan chuckled. "I'll just have a beer, man. And

something salty -- you still have those nice potato

"Yes, sir. Have a seat. You wanted a beer, too, right


Danny sat and watched the two of them chat a little,

thanked Marco when he got his drink.

Jack sucked his beer back, sighed, shook his head.

"What a fucking day."

"I still say it could have been worse." No one had

died, and the kids were going to work things out.

"Well, she could be having twins, I guess."

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Dan blinked and looked at Jack, then shook his head.

"You're a glass is half empty kind of guy, aren't you?"

Those bright green eyes flashed over at him. "Don't

you fucking make judgment on me, man. I've lost my
lover, my house, all my stuff, in the last motherfucking
week, and my daughter's here with a baby in her belly
expecting Daddy to make things better. Back the fuck

"Look, I'm sorry about all that -- it sounds like the

worst week in the world, but don't put that baby in the
same category as the rest of it. Sure, it's not an easy
thing, but you know when that baby comes there's going
to be joy." God, he really was starting to sound like a
Pollyanna. It would help the kids, though, if at least one
person in their life wasn't bewailing the fact that Rachel
was pregnant. Dan figured it was probably the easiest
for him to be that person, not being the daddy of either
of them.

"Have you ever had a newborn? Ever? Because I

guarantee you, when Rache is on day six of no sleep, joy
isn't the word we're going to be flinging around. Her
mom and I split up when she was a week old, and the
bitch didn't come back for five years."

Dan let an eyebrow go up. "Let's hope she gets her

mothering instincts from you, then. Or maybe from
Billy. He's been known to bring home baby birds and
nurse them by hand."

Jack's eyebrow arched. "We can hope. Her mother

took her to Boston when she was six and I got her four
weeks in the summer and a week at Christmas for the
rest of her life."

"How does that happen when her mother abandoned

her with you? Was your lawyer a dickhead?"

"Her new husband was a lawyer."

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"Wow, you really did get screwed, didn't you?" He

motioned for Marco to bring them two more beers.
"You're the one Rachel came to, though, when she
needed help."

"I'm her daddy." Like that was the answer to


It made Dan smile, though, the love in the words.

"Good deal, man."

His skins came, along with their beers and he pushed

the plate toward Jack. "Have a few; I sampled too hard
at the bakery today to polish them all off myself."

"You sure?" At his nod, Jack took one. "Thanks."
"No problem." Except that if Jack was going to keep

licking his fingers clean like that, Dan was going to get
the mother of all hard-ons. Jesus, look at that man's
mouth. When it wasn't pursed and tight, Dan could tell it
was lush and sensual. He could just imagine it wrapped
around his prick as he held onto the man's hair, fucking
those lips.

He covered his groan with a cough, turning toward

the bar to hide his boner.

"Go down the wrong way, man?" Jack's hand patted

his back.

He nodded. He could just see how, "No actually, I

want to fuck your mouth 'til I come," would go over.
The pure shock would be kind of funny, actually.

He found himself grinning. "Yeah, I'm good, thanks."
"No problem." Jack sipped his second beer slower.

The man's phone had to have rung eighty times -- the
poor guy checking each time and hitting ignore.

"Does she really think screaming blue murder at you

is going to make a lick of difference?"

"Yes." Suddenly Jack looked exhausted, old, and so


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"Jesus Christ." Dan shook his head. "I'm sorry, man.

Look, don't worry so hard about the kids, okay? They're
going to be all right. And for fuck's sake, just turn off
your phone."

Jack chuckled, winked. "I can't. Rachel might call."

At that, a sweet little tune sounded and Jack shook his
head. "See?"

The phone was flipped open. "Hey, baby. Hey, now.

No tears. Dry it up. Well, baby, y'all just did drop a
surprise in her lap, huh? Are you okay?"

Sounded like Annie'd had a bit of a fit. Didn't

surprise Dan at all. She'd come around, though. She was
going to make an awesome, if a little bit grudging,

Dan wanted to reach out and rub Jack's shoulders in

the worst way, give the man a little support.

"Okay. Okay. No, ma'am. You are not going to a

hotel with anyone."

He waved to get Jack's attention. "Tell them they can

stay at my place if they need a little privacy." He could
sleep in the back room of the bakery. Wouldn't be the
first time he'd done it.

Jack looked at him like he was going crazy, head


"Dude. She's already pregnant and they're going to

get married. Not to mention they're over eighteen. Let
them be." Christ, if this marriage was going to have a
chance the kids needed to be able to be alone together.

Jack's eyes closed. "Your boy's uncle says you two

can go to his house."

Dan nodded. "Billy knows where the key is."
"Okay. You call me. I meant it. I don't care. I have to

deal with your goddamned mother."

"You should make Billy deal with his future mother-

in-law." Danny grinned evilly.

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That actually made Jack chuckle, and he was smiling

as he told Rachel goodbye and hung up.

"They're going to be okay. Really." Jack needed to let

it go, at least for a little while.

"I hope so. I really do. She's a good girl."
"And Billy's a good boy. They'll figure it."
Jack nodded, finished his beer. "Yeah."
"You want another, or you want to go out for dinner

or something?" He didn't mind giving up his house, but
he wasn't ready to go back to the bakery for the night
just yet.

"I think I need to slow down on the booze. Did you

grow up here?"

"Yeah, I did. It was just me and Annie and my mom."

He waved at Marco. "Can we have some zucchini sticks
or something, man?"

"Sure. You guys want a burger?"
Jack nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I think so."
"That'd be great, man. Thanks."
They sat there, the sun setting outside, the bar starting

to fill.

"So what do you do in your downtime?" Dan asked
"I used to do wood working and shit, but I don't have

my workshop or tools so I guess I unpack boxes and surf
the 'net."

"Your ex took all your stuff? That's not right." This

guy was the bad luck kid.

"Yeah. Tell me about it."
The bartender leaned over like he was sharing a

secret. "I'll go set the house on fire."

Jack snorted. "Promise?"
"Yep. With Chris and Ben in it."
Dan winced. "Already shacked up with someone

new? That's harsh man."

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"You know it. It was more like already shacked up

before letting the current occupant know."

"Wow. That's..." Dan shook his head. "You need to

date a different class of woman."

"I... Huh?"
"Well, between the harpy who's Rachel's mother and

this last one kicking you to the curb like that?" He shook
his head. "

"Oh. Right. I. Yeah. Shit."
Marco was chuckling, shoulders shaking.
Dan frowned, feeling like he was missing the joke.


"I. Uh. Look, man, I think. Marco. Burgers."
"Don't tell me they're the same woman."
"No. No, they're not the same person."
"Okay, then." Dan shrugged off the feeling of being

left out on the joke, his eyes lighting up when one of the
waiters came out of the back with their burgers.

Jack started eating, head down, tension in the man's


He hated seeing anyone so uptight. "It will be all

right, Jack. It'll all work out in the end."

The man was going to have a grandkid he was going

to dote on, Dan was sure.

"It will. I hope."
"What can I do to help? I hate seeing you all uptight

like this." Of course he believed there were few things a
half hour with some baked goods couldn't cure. Or at
least mitigate.

"To be honest with you, man, I just need to


"Yeah? And how do you usually do that?" Dan liked

baking bread. Or fucking.

"Blowjobs, but that's over for now."

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Dan could help with that. There was just that little

detail of Jack being straight.

Marco snorted. "You'd have to go to Charlie's for

that, man."

Jack flipped the man off, and Dan's eyebrows went

up. Charlie's was a gay bar. It wasn't a rainbow flag type
of place, but still, men knew what it was, if they were
queer. So maybe Jack wasn't a hundred percent straight.
Maybe the man went off woman whenever they screwed
him over, like Rachel's mother and this last ex.

So maybe Dan could do that for Jack. Still, given

they were about to become in-laws, he maybe didn't
want to be Jack's one night stand stress relief. Which
was too bad, because the man really was everything Dan
liked in a man.

He buried his face in his beer and told his fucking

cock to behave.

Jack leaned back, stretched, belly tight. Oh, fuck.

Who was Dan kidding? His cock was not going to go
down as long as Jack was in the general area.

"Your burger okay, man?"
He had no fucking clue. "Uh-huh."
"Yeah." Dan licked his lips and tried to figure out

what the hell it was they were talking about. Jack's eyes
were on his mouth. He knew it. Knew it. He licked his
lips again, almost vibrating he was suddenly so turned
on. Damn the man. Just damn.

"I need to hit the head, man. Be back." Jack was

sporting a boner.

He could take the man back to the fucking bakery. He

fucking could. He drank down half his beer. It was a bad
fucking idea. He could take Jack into the break room,
bend the man over, and fuck him blind. He shifted and

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adjusted himself. Shit. This wasn't helping his situation
here any.

Marco leaned against the bar. "Man, Chris is a stupid

son of a bitch, huh?"

"Huh?" Marco meant stupid bitch, right?
"Well, I mean, look at him? Who'd walk away from


"I'm with you on that, man. It was the son part you

got me on."

"I mean is Chris a man or a woman?" There wasn't

any point in pussyfooting around. He thought Jack was
sexy; he wanted to know if the man would appreciate
that or not.

"Chris is a dude. A slimy, bitchy dude."
Score. Okay, not that Jack had been screwed by a

slimy bitchy dude, but that the man was into men. Dan
was definitely going to have to offer the man that blow
job now.

"And clearly an idiot."
Marco nodded. "No shit on that."
He finished his beer, wanting suddenly to get out of

there, get Jack back to the bakery. Like now. There was
something that would make them both feel a lot better.
He was settling up with Marco by the time Jack was
coming back.

Jack grabbed his wallet. "How much do I owe you?"
"A lift back to the bakery and the pleasure of your

company for a little longer."

"The pleasure? Right." Jack snorted, but grinned.

"Come on, man. I'm happy to give you a ride."

"Cool. Thanks." It would do for a start. Once they

were there, Dan was sure he could convince Jack to join
him for a nightcap or something. And then... well, they'd

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see if fate could give Jack the break he so clearly


Jack headed for the bakery to drop Dan off. Jesus, the

man was something else. A real Pollyanna. A hot,
stacked Pollyanna.

Dan pointed to the right when it came time to turn

off. "There's a little alleyway there where you can park
your car off the street. See?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I got you." He slipped the car into the

alleyway, put her in neutral.

"Come on in. There's cake. And cookies. And while

I've got a little TV, there really isn't all that much to do
in there. Take pity on me, okay?"

"I. Sure. Sure, my other option is unpacking." He

winked to take the edge off the words. He wasn't sure
he'd even bother doing that for a few weeks, see if
Rache needed him to get a bigger place first.

"Come on, then." Dan climbed out, giving him a nice

view of the man's ass.

He threw her in park, killed the ignition, locked up,

and headed out, following.

It was warm in the back of the bakery and smelled

good. "I've got a back room."

"I'd hope so. Sleeping in the ovens would be


Dan laughed, the sound deep, good, and led him to a

little room tucked in a corner.

Jack checked his phone again, made sure Rache

didn't need him.

"Hey, man. Relax, okay?" Dan took the phone from

his hand.

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"I'm trying. I just worry about her."
"She's safe at my place with her fiancé. She's going to

be just fine 'til tomorrow."

He nodded, but his heart wasn't in it. He'd just given

his daughter permission to sleep with a boy.

"Come on. Cake and bourbon." The glasses came out,

along with a bottle and Dan went into the kitchen.
"What's your favorite?"

"Favorite what?"
"Cake, cookie, or pie."
"Uh. I like crunchy stuff, I guess. Pecan pie."
"Then you're in luck, because I make the best pecan

pie in town." Dan came back in carrying a pie, as well as
a plate of other goodies. "Assorted brittles. I make them
all here."

"You're a busy guy." He stole a bite of pecan brittle,

moaning over the sweet. He noticed Dan was staring at
him as he finished the brittle, the sugar melting away in
his mouth. "It's good."

"There's a reason they're lined up the block at seven


"I bet you keep weird hours, huh?"
"Shit yeah. Depending on the day I'm in here

anywhere from three to five a.m. I close the shop at four
on weekdays, though, and three on the weekends. I'm
usually pretty much sold out by then."

Dan cut him a generous piece of pie and passed it

over on a fancy little china plate. "We use these for
tastings on wedding cakes. Which would be a special
order, and why I'm sometimes in here at all hours doing
extra baking."

Jack wasn't sure which smelled better -- Dan or his

pie. "Keeps you in business, I guess. Thanks."

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"It does." Dan cut himself a piece and sat next to

Jack. "Go on and eat it -- it's almost as good as a

One of his eyebrows arched so high his cheek ached.

"Now, that would have to be a miraculous piece of pie."
Because even a bad blow job was better than pie.

"I tell you what. We'll compare. Eat the pie and then

I'll give you a blowjob." Dan's color was high, but his
gaze didn't waver.

Jack's fork clattered onto the table. Wait? What?
Dan licked his lips. "Marco told me Chris wasn't a

girl, so I know you swing both ways." The longer he
didn't say anything, the less sure Dan looked, though.

"No. No, not anymore. Now I only swing one way."

He couldn't stop looking at those lips.

"I've only ever swung one way. So, eat my pie and

fuck my lips and tell me that Dan doesn't have the best
pie and blowjobs you've ever had."

"Am I awake?" Jack took a bite of pie.
Dan blinked at him. "I offer you two feel-good things

and you need me to pinch you to make sure you're
awake? You need some happy in your life, man."

"No shit on that." God, that was good pie -- crunchy

and rich and sweet.

Dan gave him a knowing smile. "You like my pie."
"It's not bad." He took another bite. "It's no blowjob,

but it's not bad."

"Patience, man. I need to wet my whistle before I

make you pop yours."

One of his eyebrows went up. "If you need to get

drunk to go down on me, dude, don't stress it. I'm not
into pity fucks, no matter what Marco thinks." He was
hard-up, but not that hard-up.

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"What? I'm not drunk, man, or getting that way.

You're a sexy fucker and I've been wanting a piece of
you since before I knew you were available."

"I meant..." He blushed, sighed. "Christ. Maybe this

is a stupid idea."

Dan laughed. "Relax, man. We've got all night, huh?

We can find a game on the idiot box and see what comes

He stared at Dan, then cracked up. Damn, that was


The man grinned at him. "See? We're already more in

the mood."

Jack relaxed. "So, I assume you're out of the closet?"

God knew he was. With a vengeance.

"Shit yes. I'm not fond of the dark."
"Me either." He offered Dan another smile. "If this

creepy fucker named Chris Popper comes on to you,

Dan snorted. "Yeah, I hear he has a gun and steals all

your shit."

"Yeah. He’s a cop" He sighed. "It burns a little, man.

I swear."

"Can't you bring him up on charges or something?

Sue him for your stuff? I don't know, something?"

"Right. Hey, judge. My fuckbuddy -- my queer

fudgepacking cop fuckbuddy -- has my stuff. Help me?"
He'd end up clientless and in fucking jail.

"So let's go get your shit."
He blinked over. "What?"
"If he just took it, we'll just take it back. It's yours,


"Fuck, yeah." He looked at Dan, impressed. It wasn't

everyday you met a guy who offered to blow you, give
your daughter a place to sleep, and steal your shit back
from your ex. Your penal-type ex.

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"We'll need something bigger than that sweet little

Mustang of yours."

"I can't help you there." The crazy fucker was


"I've got a van I use for deliveries. You tell me when

and where and I'll meet you there."

"You're serious?" He reached out before he thought

about it, almost touched Dan's hand.

"You want your stuff, right? Of course I'm serious."
"He's on duty tonight. How's now work for you?"
Dan blinked and then nodded, stood. "The van's in

the lot up the road -- I only need it for big weddings and

"Let's go. Hell, we pull this off, I owe you the


"You're on." Dan laughed and led him back out,

locking the door behind them before walking toward the
other end of the alley to where they'd come in.

They were going to do this.
He hadn't had this much fun in decades.


Dan pumped his fists in the air in triumph as they

stopped at a red light and laughed. "We did it!"

God, the adrenaline was just pumping through him,

the near miss at being caught having spiked it hard just
as they finished up. He turned to Jack and grinned, then
stepped on the gas and peeled through the intersection as
the light changed.

Jack looked at him, eyes alight, face animated.

"Jesus. We did it. We got my stuff back."

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"We sure did." Dan grinned. Fuck, but the man was

something when he smiled like that. Dan had lusted after
him earlier, now he wanted, big time.

"You're fucking amazing."
"I'm glad you think so." Because the minute he had

Jack alone and not in a car, he wanted to fuck the man
against the closest wall. "So where are we going?"

"My apartment, I guess? I'm still in boxes."
He grinned. "I figured your apartment. I need to

know where that is."

"Oh. Duh." Jack smiled over at him, the expression

fucking hot.

He was pointed to one of those anonymous apartment

complexes where no one knew anyone.

They pulled the van up and started unloading. Dan

laughed happily. "I'm glad we got your stuff back from
the asshole ex, man."

"God, me too." Jack grinned at him, bumped his


"I'll bet. You can thank me properly once we've got

your stuff unloaded."

The apartment was tiny, boxes stacked everywhere.

Christ. The house Jack'd been in before had been good-
sized, borderline McMansion.

"Man, this must be a hard adjustment."
"It's just the only thing I could find on short notice.

I'm looking for a house."

Dan nodded. He had a hunch that what the kids

decided they were going to do would make a difference.
He had enough room for them to stay with him, but so
did Annie. His place was a bit bigger, but she was
Billy's mom. Of course she might decide she wanted to
play Grandma from a little more afar than that. And
Rachel could decide she wanted to live with her daddy.
Or the kids could decide to go it on their own.

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God, how fucking complicated.
He shook his head. Tonight wasn't complicated,

though. Tonight they'd gotten Jack's shit back and now
they were going to celebrate that fact.

They got the last load up, then Jack locked the door

behind them.

"Ta-da! I gotta say, Jack, you sure do know how to

get a man's adrenaline pumping."

"I have to ask you, man, what's your position on


"I have to have a position? I can't just lay one on

you?" He didn't want to talk about it -- he wanted to do

"That's position enough." Jack stepped forward and

brought their lips together. Oh, fuck. He hadn’t realized
it, but he'd been waiting for this kiss since he'd first met

The man's lips were warm, soft, and when he opened

his own mouth, Jack's tongue slipped in. The kiss was
deep, slow, not pushy, but intense. He just kept opening
up, letting Jack in just as deep as he wanted. The man
tasted of brandy and beer and pecans.

Jack stepped closer, brought their bodies together.

Dan groaned, looping his arms around Jack's neck. Oh.
Oh, wow.

One hand cupped the back of his head and that

tongue fucked his lips, sweet and hot, all at once. His
cock started aching, wanting to push into those lips. He
threaded the fingers of one hand through Jack's hair,
sucked on that tongue. Fuck, he'd never gotten so hot so
fast for a man.

He pushed himself against Jack, just barely

restraining himself from humping the man's thigh.

"Yeah..." Jack's forehead rested against his. "Damn."
"What's your position on getting horizontal?"

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"I have the bed set up. It's not made."
"We would just rip the covers off it if it was made,


"Fuck yes." God, that grin went straight to his balls.
"Show me the way." Though he imagined, given how

small the place was, he'd be able to find it on his own.

Jack took his hand, led him through the maze of

boxes. The long fingers squeezed his, felt good, right,
and then they were there, in Jack's bedroom. With the
bed, and it looked good. Jack kicked off his shoes, then
reached out and pulled Dan close.

Dan went, hands sliding around to grab Jack's head

and tilt it so their kisses could go deeper. A low moan
was pulled out of him and Jack's tongue pushed in. Their
tongues slipped and slid, Jack exploring him, then
giving him a chance to play.

He licked his way into Jack's mouth in return, tasting

that lovely blend of flavors there, searching through
them to find the taste of Jack himself. They sat, him
straddling Jack's thighs as the kiss went on and on.

The man was a great kisser. It made him want to keep

doing it. It made him want to do other stuff, too, so he
grabbed Jack's shirt, tugged it up so he could have skin.

Jack was lean and pale, his little nipples a light

brown. Dan reached for them. He got a soft chuckle for
that, Jack working his belt buckle open in response. He
slid his thumbs over the little nubs, even as he sucked in,
giving Jack room to work on his jeans.

Jack fumbled some -- which made him happy, to be

honest. He didn't want to just be another fuck; at least he
didn't think he did. He ran his hands over Jack's chest,
loving the silky skin, the faint blond hairs tickling his
palms. His zipper opened, those fingers measuring the
length of his cock through his briefs, and he groaned and

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pushed forward with his hips, encouraging a stronger

Jack nodded, fingers sliding again, dragging along

the outline of his cock.

"Fuck. Yes." He bucked. Man it had been too long

since he'd been touched.

"Feel that. So fucking hard for me."
"I am. Sexy motherfucker."
Jack chuckled. "That's me. I want to see."
"Yeah? You gonna make it worth my while to get

naked?" Like he had any doubt of that. He slid off Jack's
legs and stood, working his shirt and jeans off.

Jack did the same, stripping down and exposing a

body that was every bit as good as he'd hoped it would
be. Giving a happy little moan, Dan stepped forward,
reaching to touch.

Of course, he stumbled over his pants, went crashing

down, and slammed into Jack, both of them grunting at
the impact before just cracking up. When he finally
stopped laughing, the he was, lying on top of Jack on the
mattress, the man's eyes right there.

"Hey." Jack rubbed their noses together.
"Hey." He rubbed the rest of them together, groaning

as their pricks slid along each other.

Fuck, Jack was like a little furnace under him and the

heat made him slide again. Moaning, he took Jack's
mouth, took a kiss that set him on fire. One of Jack's
hands landed on his ass, started moving him steadily,
rocking them together. Oh yeah, that felt good, like
something he could come on.

He liked how Jack kept the eye contact up, kept

proving that the man knew who he was with.

Jack's tongue pushed into his mouth and he grabbed

hold, sucked hard on it. He liked that grunt, that sigh,
that moan.

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Letting go, he pushed his tongue into Jack's mouth,

tongue-fucking it, holding Jack's gaze. He could see how
much Jack needed, see the way the man's pupils dilated,
so he rocked harder, pressing his hips down against
Jack, wanting to make the man shoot almost as badly as
he wanted to get off himself.

"Hot son of a bitch." Jack groaned the words. He was

glad Jack thought so, because the feeling was mutual.
"Blowjob. Promised you one."

"Later? This is good now." Dan wanted Jack to come,

too. He wanted to watch the man's face as his climax hit.

"Deal. It's a deal."
"Oh, good." Dan leaned down to take Jack's mouth

again, diving right in.

Jack got them moving again, rocking nice and hard.
"Oh, fuck yes." He moaned pushing Jack into the

mattress. Jack spread, and that tiny little motion made
their cocks press harder, slide better. "Oh, yeah. Yeah."
He nodded, moved faster.

Jack gasped, nodded, mouth moving like he was

trying to talk.

"Just fucking come. Nothing else matters." Right now

all that counted was how fast they could make each
other come.

He felt the heat spread over his belly, Jack jerking

underneath him. Dan watched the man's face as Jack
came, pleasure making those eyes darken.

"You. You next. Fuck, that was good."
"Uh-huh. Yeah." He nodded and moved, sliding a

few times along Jack's body before coming.

Jack kept touching him through the aftershocks,

through the whole thing. He let his forehead rest against
Jack's shoulder, trying to catch his breath, shivering with
sweet aftershocks.

"Damn." Jack chuckled. "That wasn't half bad."

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"It was a lot better than half bad!" He bit at Jack's


Jack laughed again, body shaking under his.


Laughing himself, he dug his fingers into Jack's


"Bastard!" They rolled together, both pushing and

tickling and laughing.

They wound up near the top end of Jack's bed, legs

all twisted together, the laughter slowly fading. Dan
leaned in and pressed their mouths together, their lips

"Are you real, man?" Jack's eyes were warm.
He pinched Jack's skin near his elbow. "Real enough

for you?"

Jack snorted, nodded. "Real enough. You want a


"Yeah, a beer sounds good. Watching your ass get up

to get it sounds even better." Now that he knew he could
look openly, he was doing it a lot.

"Flattery will get you blown."
"Then let me flatter you some more."
Jack snorted and rolled up, letting him look at the

fine ass as it went into the tiny kitchen. Jesus, this place
was teeny. He'd always considered his house small, but
compared to this place it was a palace.

He leaned up on one elbow. "I should have brought

some cookies or something with us."

"I've got some chips; they go with beer."
"Sounds good. As long as you don't mind crumbs in

bed." Of course he'd offer to lick any off Jack if needed.

"We'll brush them off."
"Sure." Jack looked just as good coming back as he

had going.

A cold brew was slid up his arm. "One for you."

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He jerked a bit and laughed, taking the beer. "Thanks,


Jack nodded, popped the top on his own. "What a

weird twenty-four, man."

"Yeah, I'll bet. Hell, it sounds like it's been quite the

week or two for you." He took a mouthful of his own
beer and then waggled his eyebrows. "It's looking up,
though, now, right?"

He got a surprised look. "Yeah. Yeah, it really is."
"There you go." He had some more beer and shifted

to sit closer to Jack, enjoying the warmth of the man's
body. Not to mention the view. Jack looked good naked,
easy in his skin, which Dan liked.

Jack rolled his shoulders, shook his head. "A month

ago, my whole life was different. I'm damn glad, though,
that all this happened after I moved out."

"So as bad as it was, it worked out in the end, eh?"

Dan liked to think things usually did. Even the bad stuff
cleared a path for something new.

"Well, Chris would have been nasty to Rache and I

would have had to beat him. He didn't like kids."

"No offense to you, man, but this Chris guy sounds

like he's an asshole." Why did Jack have such poor
choice in partners? At least he was choosing better now.
Well. Dan was getting ahead of himself. He wanted to,
though. He wanted to get ahead of himself with Jack.

"You are absolutely right. He's a fuckhead."
Dan chuckled. "You shouldn't date fuckheads. They'll

screw you over."

"What about you, man? Are you a fuckhead?"
"Nope. I want to screw you, not screw you over."
Jack winked. "Do you now? Are you absolutely


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He looked down at his prick, which was showing

much renewed interest in the lovely naked man next to
him. "Yeah, pretty damn sure."

Jack reached out, touched the tip of his cock, rubbed

a little bit. "I have to warn you, I have a bad record."

No shit. He groaned at the touch, nodded. "I've


"It's a thing. Don't worry. I'll try not to get too


"Shut up and kiss me."
Jack's lips quirked in a smile, and the man leaned

forward, brushed their lips in an almost-kiss. He put his
hand around the back of Jack's head and tugged him in
closer, pressed their lips harder together. He loved the
way Jack's eyes went wide, hot.

He licked his way into Jack's mouth. The beer was

there, but under it was Jack, almost spicy but not, maybe
sweet, maybe savory. A mix. Like allspice.

Jack moved to straddle his hips, hands framing his

face. He pushed up with his hips, letting their lower
bodies shift together as he opened wide for the kisses.
The kiss slowed, deepened, Jack’s tongue exploring his
mouth. Groaning, he pushed up again, loving the slide,
the weight of Jack above him.

Jack nibbled his bottom lip, licked the corner of his


"God, you're something else." He ran his hands along

Jack's arms, wrapped them around the man's head.

"You're a firecracker. How have I never met you


"I keep strange hours compared to most." He was

getting up as a lot of partiers were just going to bed.

"Uh-huh. I get that." He got another kiss, then


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Moaning, he ran his hands up and down Jack's back,

loving the feeling of skin beneath his fingers. It felt like
it had been forever. Jack was lightly muscled, strong,
lean, warm under his hands. Sexy as all get out.

"More," he demanded.
"Bossy." Jack chuckled, then the man took his mouth

like he meant it.

Dan decided getting kissed was better than replying

and just went with it, digging his heels in as he humped
up against Jack. Jack hummed and groaned, hips
meeting each fucking motion. He found Jack's ass with
his hands, squeezed it.

"Yeah." Jack spread a little wider, started rocking

down against him.

"You're a sexy one, aren't you?"
"Nice to hear that."
He was getting the feeling someone's ego needed

stroking. "It's the truth, man." He squeezed Jack's ass.

"You a pitcher or a catcher?"
"Yes, please."
"Oh, good. Me, too." Jack rocked back, rubbed along

his cock.

He half laughed, half moaned, bucking, wanting

more contact. His prick slid all along Jack's crack, the
hot skin holding him tight. "Oh, fuck, man. You gonna
let me have your ass?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I could handle that."
"You got stuff?" Because he so hadn't been expecting

to get laid when he'd left the house this morning.

"Somewhere... I have a rubber in my wallet."
"Then go get it, man."
Jack snorted and sat up, snatching his jeans and

digging around. Dan kept touching, Jack's thigh, his
cock, his belly. Shit, the man felt nice. The condoms
were handed over, then Jack found the lube.

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"Thank God." He ripped one of the condoms off the

row, set it on his belly. "You gonna prep yourself?"

"You like to watch?" The top popped off the lube.
"I do." His dick twitched, his balls aching a little.
Jack got his fingers slicked up, rubbed them over that

tiny, puckered hole.

"Damn. Oh, damn. That's hot."
Jack wasn't shy, either. The man spread, let him

touch without the slightest hesitation, so Dan slid his
fingers across the now slick little hole, then cupped
Jack's balls.

That made those lean thighs spread farther, and Jack

nodded. "Good."

"Yeah. You're something else. Come on, get those

fingers in. I want you."

Jack chuckled, starting fucking himself, and fuck,

that was hot. Dan added one of his fingers to the mix
and Jack shivered. The man's ass gripped his finger, hot
and tight.

"Yeah. Fucking want you."
"Good. It's mutual. Don't stop,"
"I won't." He gloved up, stroked his cock. "Come on

over here. I've got something for you."

Jack moved back, kneeling in front of him, offering

him that tight ass.

"Fuck, yes. Oh, yes." He rubbed his cock along that

slick crack.

"Feel you. Damn, you're hot."
"Gonna be even hotter in a second."
Jack laughed, pushed back against him, nudging his

cock. Groaning, he pushed up with his hips, wanting in
and the tip of his prick pushed in, the tight-tight hole
scraping against him.

"Oh, fuck. Jack." He moaned, pushed up harder,

trying to get deeper.

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"Yeah. Yeah..." Jack's muscles bunched as he

humped back, taking more in.

Dan wrapped his hands around Jack's waist, holding

on. He didn't try to force Jack down faster, he just
needed to touch.

"Yeah." They found a rhythm, a slow, easy rock, his

cock sinking in so slowly.

"Going to kill me." It was so fucking good.
"No way. Too good."
He laughed, the sound kind of tearing from him along

the back end of a groan. It seemed to take forever for
him to sink all the way in, feel Jack all around him. He
opened and closed his hands on Jack's waist. "Fuck.
You're tight. Hot." It was fucking awesome.

"Uh-huh. You fit. Take me."
He thrust with a little more force, groaning as his

prick went deep. He loved how Jack's thighs rested
against his, how their skin rubbed together. His thumbs
drew circles on Jack's skin, a low moan coming from
him. This man was under his fucking skin, already.

He found Jack's cock with one of his hands, wrapping

around it and tugging. Oh, fuck yeah. He felt that all
around his cock. That sweet ass went crazy, rippling and
tugging his prick.

"Yes. Oh, fuck. Jack. Jack." He humped up harder

and harder, faster, going out of his mind.

Jack's ass met every single thrust, grinding back at


He met the man's eyes in the mirror over the dresser

and grinned, feeling how wild it was, how good,
knowing that showed. Jack's smile answered him,

"Sweet ass," he managed to get out.
"Uh-huh. Don't stop." Jack winked at him.
He laughed. "Got it -- no stopping."

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That suited him down to a T. He wasn't going to be

able to last much longer, though, not with that tight ass
around him. He squeezed Jack's cock a little harder,
working the tip and the base.

"Fuck, yeah." That sweet hole gripped him like a

fucking fist.

"Fuck. Fuck." He squeezed harder. "Come on my

cock, man."

"Listen to you..." Jack jerked, humping his hand, ass

milking his prick.

"Fuck!" He jerked a few more times, and then came,

filling the condom.

Heat sprayed over his fingers, Jack following right


"Oh, fuck. Yes. Yes." He panted, his cheek on Jack's

back as he tried to catch his breath.

"Damn..." Jack eased them down, that tight ass still


He shuddered as sweet aftershocks rocked him "Oh,

fuck. Fuck."

"Mmmhmm." Jack's body kept moving around him.
"Jesus. You're gonna keep me hard." He shuddered,

the sensations so fucking good.

"Uh-huh. Feels amazing. Fine, fat cock."
Groaning, he started moving again, small circles of

his hips that worked well with the squeezes of Jack's ass

"Yeah. Yeah, babe. Just like that."
Oh. Babe. Fuck yes. That sounded good. Right. He

kept up the movements, reveled in them. He wasn't
going to shoot again, but he wasn't going soft, either. He
thought maybe he could do this for the rest of the night.
Just this, right here. With Jack.

He thought Jack might let him, too.

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"So good." He smiled at Jack through the mirror

again, this one less wild, more just... pleased and happy.

Jack nodded. "Kind of scary good."
"I'm not going to screw you over." This was

exciting, not scary.

"Shh. No talking. Just this."
He could do that. He nodded, held Jack's eyes as they

kept moving, the pleasure low and sweet and constant.
They could talk anytime. Any damned time.

He lost track of time. He lost track of fucking

everything but the sight of Jack moving on his cock, the
feeling of that body wrapped around him so tightly. He
added more lube, sweat sheening his body. Jack was
limned with sweat as well and he ran his hands over the
man's back, his ass. The man felt good. Inside and out.

Jack murmured softly, stretched underneath him.
They kept moving together, in and out, around and

around. He lost himself in it, in Jack.

He thought he just might die happy.
He wasn't going to die, though, he was going to fuck

Jack until the sun came up.

Then, if he was lucky, he'd catch a nap and do it


Life was sweet.


Jack was sore as shit when he woke up; between the

lifting and carrying, the stress, and the amazing sex, he'd
used muscles he didn't even know he had. He stumbled
to the bathroom, took an Advil, and jumped in a hot
shower, letting the mediocre massaging head have him.

The knock on the bathroom door startled him. "Hey,

Jack -- are you into sharing showers?"

"Uh-huh. Showerhead's lousy, but the water's hot."

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"And the company makes up for the showerhead."

Dan joined him in the shower, smiling widely.

God, he was fine. Good thing Jack wasn't intending

to get involved with anyone new, because that way he
could kiss Dan stupid and it didn't mean anything.

Dan must have been thinking along the same lines

because not another word was said before Dan was
kissing him like there was nothing better in the world to
do than let their lips say hello.

Fuck, that was hot.
Possibly dangerous.
Dan's fingers stroked his cheek, then slid beyond to

cup his head, tilt it slightly. The kiss went deeper,
became more intense. Fuck, yeah. Perfect.

Ending the kiss slowly, Dan gave him another smile.

"Good morning."

"Good morning..." He rubbed their noses together,

moaned softly.

At least until he heard, "Daddy? Daddy, are you ho...

Oh, damn."

"Jesus Christ."
Dan looked like he was gonna burst out laughing.

"Go on, man. I'll stay here."

"Rache, go wait in the living room."
"Daddy, you were supposed to get a ride with the

man, not seduce him."

"Rachel!" He was going to kill her. He stormed out of

the shower, grabbed his robe and wrapped it around him,
still dripping. “I said living room.”

“I can’t believe you did that, Daddy! He’s like going

to be an in-law or something!”

Jack was going to gag her.

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"Oh, now, I do believe it was me who seduced your

father." Dan came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped
around his waist.

"Uncle Dan?" Billy's voice was shocked. "Oh, my


Jack shook his head, not sure whether to laugh or cry,

but Dan just cracked up. "Oh, give me a break, Billy.
You're no angel."

"You two go down the street to Lucy's, order me and

Dan coffees. I'll buy breakfast." Rachel opened her
mouth, and Jack growled. "Now, young lady."

"Go on." Dan nodded at Billy who took Rachel's

hand. Dan's hand landed on Jack shoulder, squeezed.

He looked over at Dan, rolled his eyes. "Good Lord."
"Yeah. Not exactly how I was hoping to spend the

morning. We have nothing to be ashamed of, though."

"I'm not ashamed. Just shocked."
"As shocked as you were when she showed up here

the other day?"

"Not even close." Jack grinned. "I'm awake now."
"Well, there you go." Dan leaned in and kissed him.

"I suppose if we finish what we'd started before meeting
them they'd know."

"Yeah. So would we." He patted Dan's ass. "This

going to cause you issues with Billy?"

"Shit, no. I'm not in any closets." Dan wriggled back

against his hand. "And I'm taking a rain check on the
shower sex. Plus you still owe me a blowjob."

"Post breakfast nookie. I'm on it." Even

embarrassingly eager for it.

"It's a date." Dan leaned in for one of those amazing


Hell, yeah. One hand slid behind Dan's head, tilting

him so the kiss could deepen. Groaning, Dan rubbed up
against him, their towels gone now, fallen to the floor.

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They had company waiting.
They should go.
Dan rubbed harder, sucked on his tongue. Oh, hell.

Hell. Yes. His cock, which had flagged badly, started to

"Fuck." Dan muttered the word into his mouth,

shoved off his robe, and backed him up against the wall.

"They're waiting..." He grabbed Dan's ass.
"I know." Dan cupped his face and tilted his head,

taking another deep kiss, their lower bodies rubbing.

"Uh-huh." They rocked hard, his balls so tight they


Dan humped them together, his cock sliding along

the man's belly, hitting the tip of Dan's cock.

"Addictive." He groaned the word, hips rocking


Dan's hands slid down to grab hold of his hips,

fingers digging in. That touch was all he needed, and he
shot, hard.

"Oh, fuck." Dan shook and then shot, too, more heat

pushing up between them.

They held on together, breathing hard, then they both

started chuckling.

"We are in so much trouble here, man." Dan bit at his

bottom lip. "And somehow, I can't really bring myself to

"What are they going to do? Ground us?" He winked.

"At least we're not pregnant."

Dan cackled at that, nodded. "That's right, mister.

And I can think of worse things than being in-laws."

He swatted Dan playfully. "Come on, jackass. Let's

go mortify the kids some more."

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God, he hoped Rachel hadn't invited Billy to move in

to his little place.



Dan packaged up the last batch of Jack's Special

Cupcakes and rang the order up, nodding at the next and
last customer.

"Hi there, Mrs. Harmony. I didn't think you were

going to make it in today."

"I nearly didn't. That wasn't the last of the allspice

cupcakes, was it?"

"I'm afraid so, but I did save back a half a dozen of

my newest creation." He pulled the box of pink
cupcakes with little silver rattles on them and opened it
to show the sweet old lady across the counter.

"Oh! Has your boy's girl had her baby then?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'm a grand... something." He still

wasn't sure what Billy and Rachel's baby girl was going
to call him. Technically he was the kid's grand-uncle,
but then he was also the little girl's grandfather's
partner... it was complicated.

"And it was a baby girl?"
Either that or he was recruiting early, what with the

pink icing and all. He bit back his laugh at his own joke
and nodded to her. "They're vanilla with a hint of rose."

"Oh, I'll take them. And a random sampling of six of

whatever else is left, two of the berry chocolate if you've
got them."

He put her order together, eager to close shop and go

back to the hospital. He'd managed to have a peek at the
little darling Rachel'd birthed, but he hadn't had his turn
to ooh and aah properly.

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Dan took Mrs. Harmony's money and locked the door

behind her, then made short work of his till. He hurried
into the kitchen and about the time he made sure the
walk in was closed, his phone started ringing, Jack's ring
tone sounding.

Grinning, he grabbed it out of his pocket. "Hey,


"Hey, baby. The evil bitch whore made Rache cry,

and Billy made her leave the hospital. It was fabulous."

"Go Billy! I told you my boy was a good one."
Jack chuckled. "He's something, all right. When are

you coming down? You've missed a whole six hours!"

His Jack had given the kids the apartment, had

bought furniture, clothes. Now the man lived with him
in his house. Their house.

"I'm on my way. I just need to drop the bank

envelope off."

"Good deal. They're going to let Rache go home

tonight, late. How was your day?"

"Great. I sold out of your cupcakes and the

celebration cakes for the baby girl sold out even faster.
Have they given her a name yet?" He held the phone
against his shoulder and locked up.

"Lindsay Nicole."
"Little Lindsay, I like it." He walked across the street

and put the bank bag into the slot, making sure it closed
solidly on the money.

"I do, too. She's beautiful, just like her mom."
"Yeah, thank God she doesn't look like her father."

He grinned, getting into his car. "Okay, I'm on my way.
I'll be there in ten."

"Okay, baby. Bring us some burgers or something?

I'll take you to a steak dinner late tonight." Right. Like
he was ever a late night type.

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"Just promise you'll let me have you when we do get


Jack's chuckle was pure evil. "Every inch."
"Jack... I'll have an accident if you make me drive

with a hard-on."

"Don't you dare. You just come on. They're bringing

our grandbaby to the room."

"I'll be there in five, I swear."
"Good deal. Love you, baby."
Warmth hit him, low in his belly like it always did at

those words. "Love you, Jack."

He hung up and started the car, driving toward his

lover, his new granddaughter. His life.


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living
or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of
either the author or the publisher.

Recipe of Love
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2011 by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Alessia Brio
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-204-0
All rights reserved, which includes the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright
Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO
Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: April 2011
Printed in the USA

Recipe of Love - 49


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